HomeMy WebLinkAbout03101 - Technical Information Report - Geotechnical � 3� �I -:;:�: . . -� ,:. � -- � : Geotechnical Revie�i� Letter Sunnybrook De�-elopment Renton, �'Vashington ` �'� For Taylor De��elopment Cornerstone Geotechnical , Inc. 3 �0 � - - ---- - ''�- - � -- Sunnybrook Development Renton, Washington For Taylor Det�elopment ; � �I _. i ;- , ij Cornerstone 17625-130'hAve. NE, C102,Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone: 425-844-1977 � G eotech n ical� I nC. Fax: 425-844-1987 November 27, 2002 ��lr. Itc�in U�E3ricn "Iaylor Development 7947— 159`�Place NI�. �uit� 1 i�� Redmond, WA 980�? Geoi«l�tlt�al IZ��t<<�� L�'.Icr Sunnybrook De��elopm�nt Renton, Washington C'G File No. 1096.� Uear �9r. O�Brien: This letter is prepared to provide our review of the grading plan provided to us and our recommendations and comments for site grading. We have attended several meetings with you and your design professionals over the past few months. Discussions from these meetings are incorporated into our understanding of the proposed development and arc rrticcted in thi� lettci-. 1 VTRODL CTIOn We have previously prepared a ��eotechnical engineering report for the sitc dated �pnl 11, 2001, and a supplemental letter dated September 17, 2001. The project has been revised and a ne�� grading plan established. You have requested that ���e evaluate the proposed grading and complete this letter to document our opinions and recommendations for site de�elopment. A total of 20 test pit e�:plorations «ere completed Yor our April 11, 2001 report. ��'e completed an additional eight test pits with a large trackhoe excavator on June 26, 2002, to evaluate conditions in proposed deep-cut areas of the site and to evaluate depth to native soils in areas of deep existing fill. Locations of all 28 explorations completed by Cornerstone Geotechnical are shown on the Site Plan and Topographic Plan in Figures 1 and 2. The grading plan, as shown rm a dra��in�� ���e received on November 4, 200?. indicates that finished �.rrades �vill be sli<�ht1v, htit � Geotechnical Re��iew Letter Sunnybrook Development ' November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 2 not significantly different than those sho�;-n on the dra�;-ing used in Figure 1. Logs of all 28 explorations by Cornerstone Geotechnical are included with this letter as Figures 3 through 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' Some changes have been made to the site plan since our original report «as prepared, and some designs have been completed where they were more conceptual at the time of our report. �� The project includes a total of 117 lots. Project access will be at the eastern side of the site from 175`h Avenue/Mill A�enue and on the south��-est corner of the site from 38`�' Street South. An , emergency access from 175`h Avenue NE will also be located on the east side of the site. An access road for lots near the center of the site along the north property line �vill stop at the property line, but may be extended in the future to serve a development on the adjacent property to the north. Storm ��ater detention is planned in Tract H in the south���est corner of the site and Tract E in the northwest corner of the site. The Tract H detention system will use a detention vault structure. Tract E will consist of an open pond. Currently, storm water is being dumped onto the northeast corner of the site from various sources upslope, including roadside ditches. The fina] plans �vill include routing those �;�aters into a pipe system that disperses the water upslope of the on-site wetlands. There are temporary erosion and sedimentation control ponds planned at four locations. One will be located in the southeast corner of the site, just upslope of the wetlands. Another will be located in planned Lots 81 through 83. Prior to constructing the storm water vault, Tract H will be used as a temporary sedimentation pond. A temporary pond will also be located in Lot 1 along the west property line. Large cuts (about 20 feet deep) are planned in the northeast portion of the site ��-here the existing fill and coal waste was encountered. Large cuts (up to about 25 feet deep) are also planned in the south���est portion of the site. The significant fill areas will be the emergency access road and the central portion of the site, approximately from Lots 65 to 81. A significant factor in site gradin�� Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Revie�� Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27. 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 3 will be ho�v much usable fill is on site. There are unkno�vns ���ith regards to the suitability of using some of the coal mine tailings as structural fill and also the ability to keep the moisture content low enough on other site soils to achieve compaction. Currently, the site has a net export of soil to complete the site grading. If conditions are found to be favorable during construction, site ele�-ations may be raised in the central portion of the site in the area of Lots 65 to 81. � Small rockeries are planned along lot lines throughout the site. The large majority of these are expected to be 4 to 6 feet high with about half of those less than 4 feet in height. A few rockeries will be in excess of 6 feet in height and range up to 9 feet in height. Most of these taller rockeries are expected to retain fill, either existing fill or fill to be placed during site grading. We ! understand 5-foot side-yard building setbacks are planned. Since these rockeries are to be placed along lot lines, loads from the structures may have influence on the higher rockeries. The two ' most significant taller rockeries are located along the east side of Lots 110 through 113, and bet«-een Lots 78 and 79. Our original recommendations were to use 2 Horizontal to 1 Vertical slopes in areas ���here structural fill or dense native soils are present. Where fill slopes are constructed with mine ���astes ���ith high coal and-'or moisture content, ��-e recommended to use 3H:1 V slopes. DISCUSSION General Subsurface Conditions In general terms, the site can be divided into three sections. The eastern section contains areas ���ith large deposits of coal mine tailings. The upper portion of these tailings appears to be derived from parent rock from the coal mines. These soils form a cap over tailings that contain significant amounts of coal. We estimated coal content of these lower tailings on the order of 50 percent to 90 percent in our explorations. Our discussions with your coal mine consultant, Icicle Creek Engineers, were that coal content should be kept below 20 percent in structural fills to avoid potential problems. These problems were associated with long term degradation of the coal as it oxidizes and the potential for methane generation. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. � Geotechnical Revie« Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 4 The central portion of the site has surticial deposits of loose to medium dense silry fine sand and soft to medium stiff silt. This deposit extends up into the north�vest corner of the site. These ' soils tend to become medium dense and stiff��-ith depth. The mid-���estern and south western portion of the site is underlain by glacial till. This mat�rial is consists of a silty sand with gravel. Typically, till is very dense and can be moved during the winter if it is not disturbed and exposed to wret weather or water. However, the dense till «-as typically found at depths of 5 to 8 feet below the ground surface. Therefore, the upper soils in this area may be above optimum for compaction because they are less dense. We have not tested the moisture content of the lower dense till to evaluate its suitability for compaction in its current state. Dense glacial till typically is near or slightly above optimum moisture for compaction in its natural condition. Once water is added from rainfall, it is very difficult to drv till back to optimum moisture outside of the summer season. Site Grading Site grading is expected to begin in late winter or early spring. Since the on-site soils are moisture sensitive and some areas deemed more sensitive than others, select grading is expected to be used dunng the wet season. The glacial till on the west end of the site is anticipated to be less moisture sensitive than the silt soils and mine tailings found on the central and east side of the site. Some grading could possibly be started in that area first. We have discussed some of these options in a preliminary sense, with the understanding that if conditions are too wet, alternative methods such as adding conditioners (cement on Kiln dust) to the soil, or postponing the grading until drier conditions occur. At the very least, you expect to complete surface and shallow subsurface drainage improvements to aid in accessing portions of the site as early in the � construction season as possible. b'4'e have discussed alternati�-es for dealing �vith the strippings and coal waste. Preliminary tests by Talasea Consultants on this material indicate that it does not present an environmental hazard. We understand additional testing is to be completed by Talasea. The material with high percentage of coal is planned to be placed in non-structural fill areas which may in some cases mav cunsist of the back portion of buildin<� l��t� outside of�the area that ���ill support structures. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Review Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 5 This is rimaril in the lon er Lots 65 throu h 80 and ossibl 96 97 and 98. You lan to � P Y ,. g P Y , P remove existing coal waste from the areas that��rill support roads and buildings. This w�ill include an overexcavtion in the vicinity around Taylor Drive. We have discussed mixing some of the high percentage coal tailings within the structural fills keeping below the 20 percent value for the volume of coal material. The abiliry to do this will be highly dependent on the moisture contents of the structural fill and the tailings. For estimating purposes, we recommend that mixing not be considered feasible. We have recommended that slopes constructed with the tailings be designed at a maximum inclination of 3H:1 V. Depending on conditions found during construction, this may be steepened; however, this would require optimum conditions. It is possible that flatter slopes may be wananted. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General A key to construction on this site ��-i11 be moisture content of the soils, control of the moisture content and the ability to compact the fills. Our review of the plans and the discussions held during our meetings indicate that these conditions are considered in the plans and have been addressed in the construction budget. Included in our discussions has been the potential use of soil amendments to facilitate construction ��ith site soils above optimum for compaction. You anticipate an early construction starting �vell before the dry summer season. This start will be mostly to improve site drainage such that when weather conditions improve, the site will be more easily worked. The near surface and subsurface water paths on site are too complex to adeyuately predict performance of the planned pre-construction drainage improvements. However, we consider any drainage improvements to be a good idea. Depending on the impact of these improvements and site moisture contents, some�;�ork may begin on various phases of the site work. The actual work during these preliminary stages will be dependent on site and weather conditions. We plan on working closely with your contractor during those times to evaluate areas to be worked and methods to be used. Depending on the success of the drainage , improvements, the use of soil additives such as cement or kiln dust may be required. We '� recommend that the use of additives be included in your budget. '' Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. �! Geotechnical Review Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 6 It �;�ill be critical to complete placement and compaction of soil in one day. Loose soil left uncompacted will become impossible to compact if it is rained on. During filling, the site should I be graded smooth and sloped to drain to not allow ponding to occur on areas to receive fill. Some �I pumping and weaving of the fill surface could occur, even at the 95 percent level if high moisture I contents exist. This is not necessarily a negative indication, but where fill depths are over 5 to 6 feet, it may be difficult to continue placement and meet compaction. It may be necessary to halt placement to allow pore pressures to dissipate before placing more fill. This can be improved by periodic compaction, on the order of twice a day. Alternatives are to place dry soil or use soil amendments for a fe« lifts to help bridge the ���eaving soils. In roadway areas, the upper 2 feet of fill should be compacted to 95 percent to provide a firm and non-yielding subgrade for pavement. In deeper fil] areas, if the fill placed in road«�ay areas is observed to be weaving excessively, we recommend that alternative methods or materials be used within 5 feet of the fill subgrade. It will be critical to have non-yielding conditions at subgrade or at least nominal movement in order to provide pavement support. The assumption being that slight movement can be improved during the drier summer months or using a cement-treated base. L'tilities installation«ill impact that type of performance also. Structural fill material to support roadwa}-s, structures, or graded to 2H:1V tinished slopes or in pond berms should contain no more than 10 to 20 percent coal material by volume. This may need to be adjusted based on conditions observed during construction, but would not be more than the 20 percent. Some of the 2H:1 V cut slopes; shown on the plans, may consist of excavation in mixed fill and coal mine waste. Overexcavation and replacement of these exposed soils, or other means of slope stability improvement, may be needed depending on the height of the slope. We can provide recommendations during site grading. In areas compacted to a 3H:1 V finished slope that will not support structures we are not aware of a reason to limit the amount of coal mixed into the fill provided it can be moderately compacted. Pile Foundations Yiles foundations may be an option in areas where fill compaction cannot be achieved. At this time, we do not anticipate specific lots where piles are to be used. We expect that during Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Review Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 7 construction, it may become apparent that some areas will not be suitable for building support and that the pile option is required. We recommend that these be handled on a lot by lot or area basis. I The type of piles used would depend on the number of lots impacted, the number of the lots to be piled available during the same mobilization and the subsurface conditions encountered. We would provide specific pile recommendations at the time the need for pile foundations is determined. TESC Ponds at the `'�'est Properh� Line Temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) ponds are planned in two locations along the west property line. These ponds will be located up-gradient to the neighboring yards to the ���est. It w�ill be critical that these ponds do not create seepage in these yards. The till found in the area should have a lo��� enough permeability to limit noticeable seepage into the yards. We recommend that the soils exposed in these ponds be evaluated for higher permeability lenses during excavation. If higher permeability soils are observed, we recorrunend using a low permeability soil liner in the pond. Soils that would suffice as a liner are easily found on site. The liner should have a minimum thickness of 2 feet. Specific details on liner materials and placement can be provided based on conditions obsen�ed during construction. We do not foresee any concerns regarding the t��o other TESC ponds. Rockeries We have provided the rockery designs shown on Sheet 11 of the project dra«-ings. These plans present designs for different rockery types and soil conditions. The locations of the rockeries should be reviewed during construction to evaluate which of the designs are appropriate. This review «rill include whether it is a cut or fill area, the materials found in cut areas and whether structure foundations"-i11 be located �vithin the influence of the rockery. USE OF THIS LETTER We have prepared this letter for Taylor Development and their agents, for use in planning and design of this project. The data and letter should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding and estimating purposes, but our letter, conclusions, and interpretations should not be Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Review�Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 8 construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. The site has been commercially used and filled. Variable conditions in areas altered by past site activity should be expected. We should be retained to provide monitoring and consultation services during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explarations, and to provide recommendations for design changes, should the conditions revealed during the site work differ from those anticipated. As part of our services, we «-ould also evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget for our work, we have sh-ived to take care that our work has been completed in accordance with generally accepted practices followed in this area at the time this report was prepared. No other conditions, expressed or implied, should be understood. 000 Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Revie��- Letter Sunnybrook Development November 27, 2002 CG File No. 1096.2 Page 9 We appreciate the opportunin� to be of service to you. If there are any questions concerning this report or if we can provide additional services,please call. Sincerely, Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. I 1 � �`� Doug Bath, PE Project Engineer S P. Cp� �-' ��'�o� wA, f • �, c � 7. � �;;' �i/�/z � o .��., �oz� o ww ��5, �'1S'1`�RF'�ti� '�S��NAL�C� FXPIniS G /7Q Charles P. Couvrette, PE Principal Engineer DJB:CPC:nt Two Copies Submitted Ele�en Figures cc: �4r. Rick Koko,City of Renton 1�ir. 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I FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 4 I LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION ' TEST PIT SEVEN 'I 0.0-0.5 SM DARK BROWN TO BLACK SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 0.5-1.5 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SANG(LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) 1.5-4.0 SM RUST MOTTLED LIGHT GRAY SILTY SAND(MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST) 4.0-6.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND(MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 6.0-7.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL(MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 7.0-9.5 SM BROWN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, MOIST TO WET)(WEATHERED TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0 AND 9.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 5.0 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FRQM 4.0 TO 7.0 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 9.5 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT EIGHT 0.0-0.3 TOPSOIL 0.3-1.8 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS(LOOSE, MOIST TO WET) 1.8-3.6 SM RUST-BROWN MOTTLED GRAY SILTY SAND(MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) 3.6-5.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, MOIST) 5.0-7.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (DENSE GRADES TO VERY DENSE, MOIST)(TILL) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 2.5 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED I TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED I TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 7.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT NINE � 0.0-0.3 TOPSOIL 0.3-1.0 SM BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST} 1.0-3.5 SM RUST MOTTLED LIGHT GRAY SILTY SAND(LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 3.5-5.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL(DENSE,MOIST)(TILL) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 5.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 5 LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT TEN �.0-1.7 SM BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL(LOOSE,WET) 17-3.7 SM RUST-BROWN MOTTLED SILTY SAND {LOOSE GRADES TO MEDIUM DENSE AT 3.0 !, FEET) � 3.7-5.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM , DENSE,MOIST) 5.0-8.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL(DENSE, MOIST) (TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 1.0, 2.5,AND 7.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 2.5 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 8.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT ELEVEN 0.0-1.0 SM DARK BROWN TO BLACK SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 1.0-1.8 SM DARK GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE, MOIST TO WET) 1.8-4.5 SM RUST MOTTLED SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (LOOSE GRADES TO MEDIUM DENSE AT 3.5 FEET, MOIST)) 4.5-6.5 ML GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM DENSE GRADES TO DENSE BELOW 5.5 FEET,MOIST)(TILL) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 6.5 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT TWELVE 0.0-1.0 SM DARK BROWN TO BLACK SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 1.0-2.3 SM BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 2.3-4.5 SM SLIGHTLY MOTTLED GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 4.5-7.5 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM DENSE GRADES TO DENSE BELOW 6.5 FEET, MOIST)(TILL) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 7.5 FEET ON 3/15/01 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 6 LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT THIRTEEN 0.0-0.4 TOPSOIL 0.4-1.8 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SAND W�TH ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 1.8-6.0 SM RUST BROWN MOTTLED SILTY SAND WITH PIECES OF SANDSTONE (MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST TO WET) 6.0-9.0 SM/ML GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL-COAL SEAM AT 8 FEET(MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 9.0-12.0 ML TAN SILT WITH FINE SAND(HARD, MOIST) 12.0-13.0 ML BLUE SILT WITH GRAY SILT CHUNKS AND RUST STAINING (VERY STIFF, MOIST TO WET) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0, 8.0, 10.5,AND 12.5 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 13.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT FOURTEEN 0.0-0.4 TOPSOIL 0.4-2.5 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY SAND WITH ROOTS AND PIECES OF COAL(LOOSE, MOIST) 2.5-4.5 SM RUST MOTTLED GRAY SILTY SAND{LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) 4.5-11.0 SM BLUE-GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 1.0, 3.0,5.0,AND 10.5 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 11.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT FIFTEEN 0.0-0.4 TOPSOIL 0.4-2.5 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 2.5-6.0 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) � SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 6.0 FEET I GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED I TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 6.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 7 LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT SIXTEEN 0.0-1.0 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE COAL(LOOSE, MOIST) F( ILL) 1.0-1.3 BURIED TOPSOIL 1.3-2.5 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST) 2.5-9.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH PIECES OF SANDSTONE AND COAL (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 9.0 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT SEVENTEEN 0.0-6.0 SM DARK GRAY TO BLACK SILTY SAND WITH COAL(LOOSE, MOIST)(FILL) 6.0-7.5 SM/ML BLACK SILTY SAND TO SANDY SILT WITH COAL (VERY LOOSE, MOIST TO WET) (FILL) 7.5-14.0 ML BLACK SANDY SILT WITH COAL(VERY SOFT,WET)(FILL) 14.0-15.5 SM TAN SILTY SAND WITH PIECES OF SANDSTONE(LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 6.5 AND 8.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 13.0 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS ENCOUNTERED FROM 5 TO 14 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 15.5 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT EIGHTEEN 0.0-0.2 TOPSOIL 0.2-1.8 SM BROWN SILTY SAND WITH ROOTS(LOOSE, MOIST) 1.8-3.5 SW-SM BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND WITH SILT, GRAVEL, AND SCATTERED COBBLES (MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 3.5-6.5 SM RUST MOTTLED GRAY SILTY SAND(MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST) 6.5-8.0 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL(MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST) 8.0-9.5 SM GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL(DENSE, MOIST) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 5.5 AND 9.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 9.5 FEET ON 3/15/01 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 8 LOG OF EXPLORATION '� DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT NINETEEN 0.0-7.0 SM GR/�Y TO BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE COAL(LOOSE, MOIST)(FILL) 7.0-7.5 BURIED TOPSOIL 7.5-8.5 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SAND WITH ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST) 8.5-9.5 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE., MOIST) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 9.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED SLIGHT TEST PIT CAVING WAS ENCOUNTERED FROM 2 TO 7 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 9.5 FEET ON 3/15/01 TEST PIT TWENTY 0.0-6.0 SM ORANGE-BROWN AND DARK BROWN SILTY SAND - OVER 4-FOO7 DIAMETER BOULDER OR OTHER OBJECT IN SIDE OF PIT ENCOUNTERED BELOW DEPTH OF 4.5 FEET(LOOSE,MOIST)(FILL) 6.0-8.5 SM BROWN TO BLACK SILTY SAND WITH COAL(LOOSE,MOIST)(FILL) 8.5-11.0 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY SAND{LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 11.0-12.5 SM RUST MOTTLEU GRAY-BROWN SILTY SAND(MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 7.0 AND 12.0 FEET SLIGHT GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 6.0 FEET SLIGHT TEST PIT CAVING WAS ENCOUNTERED FROM 2 TO 8 FEE-� TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 12.5 FEET ON 3l15/01 TEST PIT TWENTY-ONE 0.0-7A SM BROWN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS AND PLASTIC (LOUSE MOIST)(FILL) 7.0-11.0 ---- BLACK COAL WASTE WITH TRACE WOOD AND BROWN SILTY SAND (LOGSE, MOIS7) (FILL-AT LEAST 50%COAL BY VOLUME) 11.0-13.0 SM BROWN SILTY SAND WITH A FEW ROOTS AND LOGS (LOOSE, MOIST) (BURIED TOPSOIL) 13.0-18.0 SW-SM TAN-BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND WITH SILT(MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE,MOIST GRADES TO WET) 18.0-22.0 GW-GM BROWN GRAVEL WITH FINE TO COARSE SAND, SILT, COBBLES AND SCATTERED BOULOERS(DENSE,WET) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 9.0; 17.0,AND 22.0 FEET MODERATE GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED BELOW 18 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FROM 0 TO 13 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 22.0 FEET ON 6/26/02 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 9 LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT TWENTY-7W0 0.0-4.5 SM BROWN SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS(LOOSE, MOIST)(FILL) 4.5-20.0 --- BLACK COAL WASTE WITH TRACE WOOD AND BROWN SILTY SAND AND 3 LOGS AT 18 FEET(LOOSE,MOIST}(FILL-ABOUT 50°/a COAL BY VOLUME) 20.0-23.0 SM RUST MOTTLED,BLUE-GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL(MEDIUM DENSE,WET) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 18.0 AND 22.0 FEET SLIGHT GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 20 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FROM 0 TO 8 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 23.0 FEET ON 6/26/C2 TEST PIT TWENTY-THREE 0.0-1.5 ML DARK BROWN FINE SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS(SOFT, MOIST TO WET)(TOPSOIL) 1.5-6.0 ML ORANGE-BROWN FINE SANDY SILT WITH A FEW PIECES OF SANDSTONE (MEDIUM STIFF,MOIST TO WET) 6.0-20.0 ML BLUE-GRAY FINE SANDY SILT WITH LAYERS OF LIGHT GRAY MATERIAL (WITH ASH?)AND LAYERS OF TILL-LIKE SILTY SAND AND PIECES OF SILTSTONE (STIFF, MOIST; 17.0-20.0 ---- BLUE-GRAY SILTSTONE WITH FINE SANDY SILT (EXCAVATES WITHOUT DIFFICULTY,MOIST) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 5.0, 10.0,15.0,AND 20.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT OBSERVED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 20.0 FEET ON 6/27/02 TEST PIT TWENTY-FOUR 0.0-1.5 ML DARK BROWN FINE SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS(SOFT,WET) 1.5-6.5 ML BROWN FINE SANDY SILT(MEDIUM STIFF, MOIST TO WET) 6.5-22.0 ML BLUE-GRAY FINE SANDY SILT(VERY STIFF GRADES TO HARO, MOIST)(EXCAVATES WITH ONLY MINOR DIFFICULTY) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 6.0, 10.0,AND 22.0 FEET �! GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED ' TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT OBSERVED I, TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 22.0 FEET ON 6127/02 I , TEST PIT TWENTY-FIVE II 0.0-1.0 ML DARK BROWN SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS(SOFT,MOIST)(TOPSOIL) 1.0-8.5 ML BROWN FINE SANDY SILT(SOFT TO MEDIUM STIFF,MOIST) 8.5-10.0 ---- TAN-BROWN HIGHLY WEATHERED SANDTONE/SILTSTONE (VERY STIFF TO HARD, I � MOIST) 10.0-20.0 ---- BLUE-GRAY SANDSTONE/SILTSTONE (10-15 EXCAVATION WITH ONLY MINOR DIFFICULTY, 15-20 EXCAVATION WITH h40DERATE DIF�ICULTY, AT 20 FEET BECOMES VERY DIFFICULT TO EXCAVATE) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 12.0 AND 20.0 rEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERE� TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT OBSERVED TES?PIT 4'VAS COh1PLETED AT 2Q.0 FEET ON 6 27iL�2 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 1Q LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT TWENTY-SIX 0.0-1.0 ML DARK BROWN FINE SANDY SILT(SOFT,MOIST)(TOPSOIL) 1.0-2.5 ML TAN FINE SANDY SILT(SOFT TO MEDIUM STIFF,MOIST) 2.5-6.0 ML BROWN FINE SANDY SILT(MEDIUM STIFF. MOIST TO WET) 6.0-9.0 ML ORANGE-BROWN FINE SANDY SILT AND HIGHLY WEATHERED SILTSTONE (STIFF, MOIST TO WET) 9.0-26.0 --- BLUE-GRAY SANDSTONE/SILTST�NE (EXCAVATES WITH SLIGHT TO �v10DERATE DIFFICULTY) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 5.0,7.0,AND 26.0 FEET SLIGHT GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 23 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT OBSERVED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 26.0 FEET ON 6/27/02 TEST PIT TWENTY-SEVEN 0.0-1.0 ML DARK BROWN FINE SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS(SOFT,MOIST)(TOPSOIL) 1.0-2.5 SM BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL�LOOSE, MOIST) 2.5-8.0 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH AN OCCASIONAL BOULDER(LQOSE GRADES TO MEDIUM DENSE AT 5 FEET, MOIST) 8.0-25.0 SM BLUE-GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND OCCASIONAL COBBLES(VERY DENSE, MOIST) (GLACIAL TILL) (EXCAVATES WITH MODERATE DIFFICULTY BELOW 10 FEET) SAMPLE WAS COL�ECTED AT 12.0 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT OBSERVED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 25.0 FEET ON 6/27/02 TEST PIT TWENTY-EIGHT o.o-�.o SM DARK BROWN SILTY SAND(LOOSE,MOIST)(TOPSOIL) 1.0-3.0 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST} 3.0-10.0 SM BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH BITS OF WEATHERED ROCK (MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) 10.0-26.0 SM BLUE-GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND OCCASIONAL COBBLES(VERY DENSE, MOIST) (GLACIAL TILL) (EXCAVATES WITH MUDERATE DIFFICULTY BELOW 12 FEET) 26.0-29.0 SP BLUE-GRAY MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE SILT(DENSE,MOIST TO WET) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 8.0 AND 29.0 FEET POCKET OF SLIGHT GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 8 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT OBSERVED - �,..; ; _ . . CORNERS70NE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1096.2 FIGURE 11