HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0992 , � _ , �. . .� :� I ' � � w .� ORDINANCE N0. 992 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING TF�AT THERE EgISTS A PUBLIC FMERGENCY OTHER THAN ONE QF THOSE ENUMERATED IN REMINGTONtS REVISE� STATtTTES, SECTI4N 9000-6 WAIC�i CQIILD NOT REASONABLY HAVE BEEN FORSEEN AT THE TIME OF MAKING THE BtTDGET, AN'D APPROFRIATING THE SUM C1F TV�IENTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS �f,S THE C ITY'S SHARE AS SPONSOR FOR 1� W P A PROJECT FOR TfiE IMFROVE- MENT OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH� CITY' OF RE:�4TON DO ORDAIN AS FOI�LOWS: i Section 1: Whereas A W P A pro�ect has been requested by the C ity of Rent on f or t he improvement oP c ertain streets and al leys within the City oP Renton and it is necessary t hat th e City, as sponsor of said pro�eet, bear certain of the egpenses incidental thereto, and Whereas it has been estimated that the cityts share oP said egpense will be Twenty-five Hundred and no/100 f�2�00.00) Dollars, Section 2 : That there be and there hereby is appropriated, in addition to the amount of the budget for the year 1938� the sum of 'I�venty-five Hundred (�2500.00) Dollars, out oP the general fund for the purpose of paying the city' s sharc as sponsor of the W P A pro- ject for the improvement, by grading and graveling, oP certain streets and alleys in the City oP Renton, Washington. , Section 3: The City Council of the City of Renton does here- by declare that they have found an emergency to exist.. Section 4: This ordinance shall not be passed until one week aPter its introduction and it shall require the unanimous vote o� the councilmen present and the approval of the Mayor� Section 5: This ordinance shall become efPectiBe f ive days � from and after its passage, aproval and le�al publication. ' Introdueed this 25th day of January 1938. , Approved this lst day of February 1938. , � Mayor �� Passed this lst day of February 1938: Publ • Feb . 3 1938. Ci Clerk �