HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0995 � -T i . , � � • .. .+r� (Improvement Ordinance Bond Form) �--+ ' ORDINANGE NO...._995 � AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIiE IMPROVEMENT OF Wells Street, Fourth Ave. to Grady Way; Fifth .Ave. , Main �t. to �Jiorris St. ; �illiams St., Fifth 9ve. to south line Town of Renton p1at; Burnett �t., Third gve. to Sixth Ave. ; Smithers St., Fourth Ave. to Seventh �ive. ; �farris St., Fourth Ave., to Seventh Ave. ; �Nalla Walla Ave. , $urnett S�. to I�orris St.; �'ourth Ave., Burnett St., to S}�ttuck St. , I+ogan �t. , Tobin Ave. to Third Ave� ; Second Ave., Logan St. to Williams 5�.; Burnett St. , First Ave. to Second Ave. ; Williams St. , south line of Commercial Watervay No. 2 to Second Avenue ` (i�s�rt�.tr�t4t�4�i�o��6-t�19�9e�-be-a�e-�pz'� bY f�ec�f3'�i�g-.uwt�xi�-o€-i�'aue��t�t�- I� concrete curbs and riecessary drainage facilities and doing such other work as may be necessary in �onnection therewith, a.11 iu accordance with Resolution No......511-., of the City Council oY the City of Reuton, creating a local improvement district therefor, and providing that payment for said improvement be made by special � assessment� upon property in said district payable by the mode of "P�yment by Bonds." THE CITY COUNCIL OF �HE CITY OF R,ENTON DOES ORAAIN AS FOLLOWS: sectian x: �1�at it is the intention of the city council to order the improvement of �fells St. , Fourth Ave. to Gredy �Vay; Fifth 9ve. , Main St. to Morris St.; Wil— liams St., Fifth Ave. to south line Town of 8enton plat; Burr�tt St. , Third Ave. to Sixth Ave. ; Smithers St. , Fourth Ave. to Seventh Ave. ; Morris St., Fourth Ave., to Seve�hth Ave. ; I7alla Walla Ave. , Burn.ett St. to Morris ut.; Fourth Ave., Burnett St. to Shattuck St., I�og�n St. , Tobin Ave. to 2'hird Ave.; Second Ave., I,ogan St., to Williams St. ; Burnett St. First Ave. to •Second. kve. • Williams St. , sou�h line (istiser.tstr.eet�e��ar.ki�eus.�]�r�af.t�a.�eiu�sa�l.�-.i�uupr-0�e4i�.-1�3z-E�eL�eeq�yi�g�-���e�.��osie��e3rt}- of Commerci�l yVatervay No. 2 to Second Avenue be impro�ed by concrete curbs and necessary drainage facilities and that such other work be done as may be necessar.y in connection therewith, according to the plans at�d � specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the City Engineer and ou file in the office of the City Clerk. Section 2: That the cost and espense of said improvement, including all uecessary and incidenta,l eipenses, shail be borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district herein- a.fter created iu accordance with law. The City of Renton shall not be liable ii1 any manner for any por- tion of the cost and expense of said improvement, except as herein provided. (insert appropriate proviso for coutriUution from the General Funcl if anv) Section 3: That there is hereby established a local improven:ent district to be called "Locai Iin- proveinent District No..._187_..._.," which said district is described as follo��s: `Al2 the property between the termini of said improvemeut abutting upon, adjacent, va.cinal or Prosima.te to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance bacli from the marginal lines thereof, as * provided by law." ' Section 4: Bonds bearing interest at the rate of_._..��_.__.. per cent. per annum payable on or before _..._._._7.................years froin the date of issuance shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of this iinprovement, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within said distriet, payaUle in____...rJ..__.._..equal annual installments with interest at the rate of_.___��_.._._..per cent. per annum under the mode of. "Payment .Uy Bonds," as defined by law and the charter and ordinauces of the City of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption of warrants oi7 the Local Improvement District Fund issued on estimates of the City Engineer, or the City of Renton may, at its election, sell said Uonds aud make such redeuiption in cash. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days from and after its passage, �,pproval and legal �.�ublica�ion. Approved this ---Q-�------._. day of------•---.Mi&�Ce�'1....----, 19'it�-.-_----• , . . ----1.�.....--- ---- ----- - --_....--- ------------ -------------------�-- P'Layor. � � Mar bh 1'assed this ----�.----...------ d�y °f ---�---•------ ------•--•-•-------., 19�i�.....,_. , ----.- ---- - -- -./'`-T�1'��i��-,.Y- ' „� / �D • �� �/ City Clerk. --- Date of first publication.___.____.___. _(��% ...___� O