HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0997 �2. - � � ,;` --'� ' t r.. �.� l�� , � 1 � ° 3 ORDIAANCE I�O. 997 � AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING AIS, P:IEATS SOI�, OFFr�RED 1=0R SAI,E, OH EXPOSEI3 FOR SALE, FOR HUMAN CONSUT�PTION, VVT�'$IN THE CORPORATE LI�mS OF THE CITY OF RENTON �'0 HAV� B£EN PEi�VI�USI,Y OFFICIALI,Y IDTSPECTF�3�, �ECLARING AlVY YIOyATI�N 'I'FiE�3E0F TO BE A A�ISDEME9NOR 9ND PRESCBIBI�TG PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. THL CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY �F RETdTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLL�V�S: SLC�'ION 1. That this �rdinanee is deemed egpeflient and neaessary to maintain the peace, good goeernment ana welf�re of the Cityof �ienton, and - .._,�'�', -�a., • its trade, coinmerce and manufactures, and the health of the inhabitants of said city. : • SECTION 2. '.t"�hat it shall be unlawful for ar{y person to sell, offer or expose for sale for human consumption within the corpor�,te lYmits of the City of .�enton, �7ashington, an,y meat, raw, pickled, or smoked; or any prod- uct� thereof, unless sueh meat or the product thereof has been inspected, � s���nped and certified as to its f'itness for human food by an authori�sed - ~ ✓ inspector of the �ure�u of Animal Indnstry, United S�ates Department of AgricultTare, or by an approved �eterinary Inspector of the State of washington as provided by the Rules and �egulations of the State Board of Health. 9ECTION 3. That any person who shall violate the �ovisions of Section two of �his Ordinance shall be deemed guil�y of � misdemeanor and upon con- aiction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred and no�100 (�p100.001 - - Dollars or by imprisonment for a term of not more �han thirty (30} days ox botA such fine and imprisonment. � SEGTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be i�. f�rce �`z.oe ( 5.�) days fr�m arad after its passa�;e, appreval and �i.iblicati�n as re�uire�l by law. � � APPR�VED this 26 th day of April, 1938. __� , � qg PA5SED this 26th day of April, 1938. � CITY - CLERR APPRiV�D AS TQ I+'�1RM� � ' ) � � ,�1J-��,,�+ v:�;�� , cim� am���r�� Published: April 28, 1938.