HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1001 ..�. + . . i I • � . ORDINANCE NG�f� r� �� • � . I Qn ordinanee granting to Puget Sound Porrer & Light Company, its successors and�assigns the right, privilege, authority and frsnchise to set, ereGt., construct and mainta�.n poles and �rires upon, oeer, along and across the streets, anenues, al.leys and public places of the City af R.enton for the purpose of the transmission, distriiaution and sale of electric vo�rer, heat and light and for any ather purpose or purz�oses for �hieh electricity may be used. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Renton as �07.].ocrs: SEC2ION l. That there be and is hereby g�anted to Puget Saund Power & I�ight Company, a corporation, hereinafter called the Grantee, and to its successors and assigns for a �seriod of t}.�i.rty (3�} years from and a£ter the passage of this ordinance the right� privilege� anthority and franchise to erect, place, construct, maintain end use poles (�rit� or t�.thout crossarms} and a]1 convenient or necessary appnrtenances, equipment and facilzties for the support of the poles and £or the support of �ires over� along and upon the streets, avenues� alleys and public places of the City of Rentan, and to a�tach erires to such poles and crossarms and stretch such �ires from pole to pole over� upon and al.ong such streets, avenues� al7.eys and public pla.ces and ta maintain and use� such poles and wires for the purpose of the transmi.ssion and distribution of electric cutxent for electric povrer� heat and light and for any other gurpose for �rhich alectricity may he used and to furnish and sell electrie current for poc�er, Iight, and heat e�3.thin the City of Renton for municipal� domestic and manu�acturing uses and for ang other purpose or purposes, use or uses to �rhich electricity may be put, and �o charge and coll.ect tolls, rates and compensa�tion for such current, go�rer, heat, light and other uses. The grant hereby made is intended ta, and does, include any, all and every of the streets� avenues, a3leys, highc:ays and public grounds an� places of �h.e City of ftenton as no� ].aid out, p3.atted and dedicated, and alI avenues, strests, alleys� high�rays and public grounds and places that may be hereafter laid out and dedicated withi.n the present limits of the said City, and within the limits thereof as the same may hereafter be extended. • . . . ,y . �— . ' . ' I w ' 5ECTION 2. Al1 poles sha.J1 be exected and mai.ntained at such places and position upon said. streets, avenues� a7.7.eys and public places as sha1.1 least interfere with the free �.ssage of traf�ic and in accordance with the la�rs of the State of �lashington regu].ating such construction. �henever it shall be necessary in the erection, repair or substitutzon of any such poles or ather spparatus to make ar� excavation in an�r street, avenue, a11.Ey or pulalic place, ssa.d grantee, ats successors and assigns shall without delay restore the surface of said street� avenue, alley or public place as near�.y as practicable to the same cond3.tion it �as i.n before the doing of' such work. SECTI�N 3. The said grantee, its successors and assigns sha11 i,ndemnify and ho2d harmless the City of Renton aga.inst. sil damages, ff any, that ma.y result by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of said poles and Wires a.nd the said grantee, its successors and assigns shall pay .all dama.ges for �hich it, they or the City of Renton shall be hel.d 1�able resul.ting ta any person or persons� association or Corporation by reason of the construction, o�eration and. ma�ntenance of said pole Iines and wires; provicled, however, tl�at in ease any cl.aim is fil.ed with the City of Renton or any suit or action is insti-tuted a.gainst said City by reason of any such damage or injury, the CounCil s2�a11 cause �rr3tten notice thereof to be given said �rantee and the said grantee shall have the right to defend any such suit or action. ' SECTIOPt 4. II' That ehenever ar�y person shall have �b tained permi.ssion of the City of Renton ta use any street of said City for the purpose of moving any building, the grantee, its successors and assi.gns unon seven t7) days written notice � from the City Clerk of said Ci.ty sha11 raise or remove at the e�pense af the person des�.ring to move sas��..d building any of its or �heir wzres which ma.y obstruct the removal of such building; nravided that the moving of such bui.l.d— ing sha�.t be done in accorr�:ance wi�h the regulations and general ordinances of t�e City at such retisonable hours and in such reasonable maruier as sha.11 cause leas-t interference �rith the business of said grantee� its successors and assigna, and where more than one street is availa.ble for the moving of .r ,� . '• '• � , • r �` . r such buiZding the building sha17. be moved on such street as shal.l cause lease i.nterference �aith the lines of said grantee� its successors and assigna. I Tt is further provided that the person or persons moving such building wi�.3. ' i.ndemnify and save said grantee harmless of and from any and a11 damages or clai.ms of wha.tsoever kind or nature causec3 directly or �ndi.rectly from such temporazy arrangement of the lines and pales of the grax�.tee. SECTION 5. Tn consideration of the within grant, sai.d grantee shall duri.ng the pexa.od of this franchise furnish to said City of ftenton for the purpose of lighting the city ha7.�., and ths comfort station at the city paxk the electric energy requ�xed for thia purpose not to sxceed 15(X} k.3.3.owatt hours �er month. Any electrical. e�e�rgy used in encess of 150Q ki.lowatt hours per manth shall be paid for by the City of Rentan at the regul.ar established rates for that particular kind of' servi.ce. ' SEGTION fi. Yf the Ci.ty o#' Renton shaZ]. acquire by purchase or condemnation during the term. of this fran.chise any of the grantee�s property erected hereunder� the addition to the sum of all other eZements of value by reason of the element �hich is the right to occupy the public '�ays evideneed by I this franchise� shall be no greater than the actual cost of obtaining such I franchise. sEc�zo�e �. , This franchise is granted upon the express concution that it shall not be deemed or held to he a.n �.xclusive franchise and sha3.l not in ar�y manner prohibit the City of Renton fram granting other and further franchises over� upon and along any of said �ub2ic strest�, avenues, alleys or public places. SECTION 8. That � order to cl.a3.m any right or benefit under this prd.inanca said grantee sha�.l w7.thin thirty (30} d.ays after the a�aproval hereof file , • � • • ' • � ` . �ith the Cit� Clsrk its acceptance in writing this ordinance. Introduced the �day of , 1938. �, Pa. d th f / � ' sse e Council o the Cit of Renton o the da of Y n �/�____,_ Y , 1938. t� A roved b me thi.s � da of 1938. PP Y [ Y Mayor f the City of Renton. Approved as to form: �'�-c.� , City Attox�riey �ttest: � City Glerk l � f� ���� � � � � � � � � ��� 2 �� '� � ;� _ _ , �� �.,- • . HONORABLE IidA.YOR ,AIvD CITY COUNCIL �M CITY OF RENTQIS, �7ASHI�dGTON �� In the matter of the Application of , Puget Sound Po�ver & Light Company, a corporation, for a f'ranchise to ; Franchise Ordinance No. I001 construet, operate and maintain electria transmission and distribu- . tion lines over the streets, alleys ACCEPTAI3CE. and public places in the City of . � Renton, King County, ��iashington. ��fHERE�S, the City Council o£ the City of Renton, King Gounty, I Washington has heretofore granted the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, Franchise Ordinance No. 1001, bearing date of July 19, 1938, to construc�, op�rate and maintain electrie transmission and distribution lines on the streets, alleys and publie places in the City of Renton, King County, tiliashington, and, ti�r�EREAS, a copy of sveh Franchise Ordinanee granting said fran- I chise was reeeived by tne Puget Sound Power & Light Company on August 1, 1938 from said City of Renton; P1Q�'�, THEREFORE, the said grantee, Puget Sound Power & Light Company, I a corporation, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby accepts sueh �'ranchise Ordinance and all the terr�s and conditions thereof, and files this, its written acceptance, with the said City of Renton at Renton, King County, �7ashington. IN WITNESS V`r'�iEREOF, said grantee has caused its name to be hereunto subscribed, its corporate seal to be hereto attached, and these presentsto be accepted and delivered for and in its behalf by its proper officers and agents, thereunto duly authorized, this 2nd day of .August, 1938. PUGET SOUND POadFR & LI COF�ANY By Vice president .Atte st; � O�/` � Assistant Secretary � �- • . ; . , . . ' • . . • '- • � . I S1ATE OF rtiASHI�IGTON ) ' ��� ) SS COITi�TTY OF KING ) I , the undersigned, Agnes Edwards, City Glerk of the City of' Renton, King County, �'�Tashington, do hereby certify that the within and foregoi�ag is a true, fu.11 and correct copy of the acceptance by the Fuget Sound Power & Light Company, a corporation, of Franchise Ordinance No. 1001 bearing date of the 19th day of July, 1938, granting it the right to con- struct, operate and maintain electric transmission and distribution lines on the streets, alleys and public places in the City of Renton, King County, I �1Tashington, as the same was filed in my office on the 2nd day of August, 1938 and as the same now appears of record therein. And i fur-ther certify tha� said acceptance was filed in my office , within thirt,y days f'rom receipt by said Puget Sound Power & Li�ht Company i of a copy of said Franchise Ordinance granting said franchise. I IN l�liTidESS '+'��dEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand this 2nd day of �ugust, 1938 and have attached the seal of' the City of Renton, ffir� County, VTashington. ' � - City C rk, Renton, Kin� County, i-�ashin ton g ,� �- _ ;� f .�,; , _ ��.�,��� ,-�- -=� .. _.w_..__.. . � � c�,/� �.-,-F<---�G-�. - - I I � . ����� _ �_�:... � , � . ,� � KI �IJt� ��i"' SUlJ �1D PC�`JVEF? �c LIC �-1T C �MPANY � � 620 Grady Way ( � Ren�.on, Washingtan . I � /� June 6 , 1967 I � � h� l a :, ,� �,,-'"" �, �` ; .�'�` � � I � He�narabl.e D. G1I. Custer Ma ar : Y �-znd M�mb�rs af the RentQn �� Ca.ty t�au�zcil. i R�n�or� �i_�y Fi�l1 , I Ren�.nn, Washing�on Gentl�men: I Puget Sound Power & Light Company hereby applies far � a new 30-year non-exclusive �ranchise for the trans- I missian, distribution, and sale of e�.ectrical energy � within the city of Renton. I . j The new f�anchise, wh�n accepted, will replace the I ' �xis�.inc� City of Renton Ordinance No. 1001, A � � proposed draft is enclosed, A new franchi�e at this time wiil be a great help in aur � . long ra�.g� financing ta supply funds for our future construction requirements. I � Very truly yours, � �C��� � i J n F. t�allin Vic� President � � � Enclosure i -- — �