HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1003 � ` 1 . � � �_ y q, I .. � • � (improvement Ordinance Bond Form) i � � ORDINANGE NO.__..1Q03____________ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIiE IMPROVEn4ENT OF �jj,],].�8,m� S�. Nor�h, I from �irst �ve. North to Sixth ave. RTorth: Well s St. North, from �irst �ive. North to Sigth Ave. North: Main S�. I�orth, from Fo�th �ve. North to Sixth Qve. North: Pelly St., from First Ave. North to Sixth A.ve. North: Park St. , from Fourth. .�ve. North to Sixth �ve. North: Garden St. , from Bronson �Iay �North to Second Ave. l�orth: Factory 8t. , from Bronson Way North to Fourth Sve. Norths First Ave. North, from �iVillians St. � North to �2ain S�. North; �econd kne. North, from �ells St. North to Factory St.: Third .�ve. North, from park S�. to Railroad Ave. : Rourth 9ve. North, from �illiams St. North to Railroad �ve. : Fifth Ave. N�orth from �1i11iams St. North to Park�t. : Brooks .�ne., -Ei�te�+tr-e�reet�e-��--pe�io�t�r-�}ie�eoi`.-te- ��r�o�red.}-.�Z-Fs},wc+�sng-�.r.��impscYuwn ', From Factory St. to Rai.lroad Ave. by concrete curbs, by completion of s�de waZk ends at in�ersections, by necessary drainage facilities and such other work as may be necessary in connection there�ith all in accordance witi� Resolution No.,,�.��., of the City Council of the City of Renton, creating a local iznprovement district therefor, and providing that �ayment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said district payable by the mode of "Payment by Bonds." � THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITI OF RENTON DO�S ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SeCtion 1: Tlxat W111iasA8 St. North, from First Ave. North to Sixth �ve. North; We11s St. North, from �'irst Ave. North to ai.xth Ave. Nvrth; Main �t. North, from Faa.rth Ave. North to Sixth t�,ve. I�orth; Pelly St., from First gve . North to Sixth,�.ve. North; Park �t. , from �'ourth t�ve. North to Sixth f�.ve. �orth; Garden St., from Bronson �Vay North to �econd �,ve. North; Factory �t. , from Bronson �lay North to �ourtn Ave, North; First Ave. North, irom �illiams St. North to ��ain St. North; �econd Ave. North, f rom �ells St. North to �`actory St.; Third Ave. North from Park at. to Railroad Ane.; Fourth (iitaerE-atre�e�-er��ertivtrq-t�e�+ee€�-�a-i�e-i���eu,aci.�_1�a..iu�;aro�ecL_lu�-Er�aaeif3zi,ug-�at,u�e..o�i�a}�raira�s�L)- Ave. North, from �tilliams St. North to Aai�road Ave.; Fifth �.ve. North, from �Gilliams S�. North to Park St. ; Brooks Ave., fronl �actory St. t o Ra.ilroad Ave.; by conerete curbs, by eospletion of side �xalk ends at intersections,� by necesss,ry draina,ge facilities and su�h other wor k as may be necessary in. connection therewiths a.��-Ll�atisx[�i-e�kl,ie�•u�ea►l��e-do�xe-es-��3L•�e�uecascar3�i�.r.a�aveclia��thasai�vSth, according to the plans and specifications therefor prepared under the direction of the City Engineer and oii file in the offic� of the City Clerk. Section 2: That the cost and expense of said improvemenY,, including ali necessary and incidental expenses,' shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district herein- after created in accordance with law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in any manner for any por- tion of the cost and expense of ,said improvement, except as herein provided. (ii Section 3: That there is hereby established a, local improvement district to be called "Local Im- proveinent District No.._�8�____.," wl�ich said district is described as follok•s: `All the property Uetween the termini of said improvement aU,utting upou, adjacent, vacinal or � proximate to such•portion of said streets and avenues to a distance bacl� from the marginal lines thereof, as provided by law." ' Sectiou 4: Bonds bearing interest at the rate of___..►�.�.3t.__ per cent. per anuum payable on or before _._._._$@V�2�__.._.years from the date of issuance shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of this improvement, which bonds shali be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property withiu said district, payable in___��:�._equal annual installinents with interest at the rate of.__5:�..._:._.per cent. per annum under the mode of "Payment by Ronds," as defined by law and the charter a.nd ordinances of the City of Reuton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemption of �varrants on the Local Improvement District Fund issued ou estima,tes of the City Engineer, or the City of Renton may, at its election, sell said bonris and make such redemption�in cash. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and eifect iive (5) days from and after its passage, ' approval and legal publication. ! APHroved this ...2ri�- ----------. da.y of�---�llg�}B't-..-�------, 19�a..---• . •--�"�--�------/����-----•-------------------------------- I Mayor. Passed this 2nd % � ------•---•--------�-- daY of --�Lt�?�,St-•-----•-�---- --> 19�8.-----• � ------�-�--- �-- -•- ---•---�---_ -------•--- - ------------------- � City Clerk. Date of first �ublication__..___gu�.._.4.,._..1938•