HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1005 �N . �. � '� � *� r# i . �RDINANCE NQ. 1005 AN ORDINANCE OF TH� C ITY' 4F R�TTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET IINDER THE PROVISIONS QF SECTION 4, CHAPTER 158, TaA�IS OF 1923. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF RENT�N, WASHINGTON, DOES I ORDAIN AS FOLLOWu: Section 1: That t he budget for the year 1939, as prepared I and f iled with the City Clerk, be in all things ratiPied and adopted. Section 2: That there be and herebg is allowed t h� fol-� lowing separate totals in eaeh oP the following classes: Salaries and Wages, - - - - - �42,890. Material and Maintenance - - 3].�593.67 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - 27,02�,00 . Interest a nd redemption of b onds -11,041��8 Total Egpenditures �112,545.45 ', Less Receipts from sources other than taxation - �62,172.45 Total to be raised by tagation - 50�373.00 Section 3: That a copy of t he budget as a dopted be transmitted to the Division of Municipal Corporations at Olympia= Y�tashington. Section 4 : That this ordinance be in ftill force and effect ' five days from and aPter its paseage, approval and legal publication, as pravided by law. Approved this 4th day of Oetob er 1938� � � Mayor Passed this 4th d�y of October 1938. i ; City Clerk Approved as to Porm: � City Attorn ey. Date of lst publication� Oc t. 6th, 1938.