HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1006 � �---�..,._._,�-= , . s. •, ._• . � y, r . _ �, QRDINANCE N0. 1006 An ordinance of the City of Renton, V�ashington, fixing the amount of tax levi.es necessary to raise the amount of estimated expenss less the total estimated reaenues from sources ather than taxation, including available surplus* The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington., does ordain as Pollows: Section l: That the total expense required for the current year 1939, is t he sum of �1123 545.45 �nd t hat t he amount necessary to be raised bp taxation is �50,373.00 as shown. by Section 2 hereof, Section 2 : Th�t there is hereby levied and assessed against all the taxable property, real and persona�., within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, Washington, fbr the pur�- pose of raisir� the necessary revenue Por the year 1939, the following amounts, viz: For Current Egpense Fund, - 4106857 � - - �39,090.�,p ' Library - - - - - - - - �- - 0011474 - - - 4,197.�9 ' Park - - - - - - - - - - 000918 - - -- 3,358.20 City Hall bonds - - - - - -- 0007��36 - - �- 2,720.2� Guaranty Fund - - - - - -= 0002753 - - - 1 L00'7.�0 01377 - - - 50,373.00 section r: That a certiPied copy of this Ordinanee be transmitted t o the County Commissioners as provided by law. � �ection 4: That the Ordinance be in f'ull Poree and effect five days from and after its passage, appraval and legal pub lication. Approved this �th day of Octob er 1938s , �J' � . � � t MB�OT • - Passed this 4th day of Oc tob er 1938. � � C it y C lerk Appr oved as to form: •'' / �\ / C ity Attorne y � . �ate of�lst pub lication: Oct. 6th, 1938,�