HomeMy WebLinkAbout03024 - Technical Information Report - Drainage �� Core Desegn,Inc. CORE 1 d711 N E 29th Place Suite #101 Bellevue,Washing►on 98007 \ i DESIGN `I 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 STORM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR HILLCREST SQUARE REVTO\, ��ASHIIGTON n �� �\���� A. �o ��, �o� ^sN,� �'r � ��� � � Q� 31782 r..� � '�,i��::. .G`` -SIO�,pL.��, �-- � i Prepared bv: James A. �Iorin, P.E. Project �Ianager: Da��id E. Ca��ton, P.E. Core Project No.: 03127 Date: August 2004, Revised 10/7/2004 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING 3 0 2�! HILLCREST SQUARE TABLE OF CONTEI�TS I. Project Overview IL Off-Site Anal,ysis III. Flow Control/VVater Quality Facility Anal�sis and Design A. Hydraulic Analysis B. Existing Conditions C. Developed Conditions D. Detention Routing Calculations E. Water Quality Volume IV. Conveyance System Analysis and Design �'. Erosion Control Calculations L PROJECT OVERVIE�'�' The Hillcrest Square property is located in Section 15, Township 23 North, Rang 5 East W.M. near the intersection of 138th AVE, SE and SE 128`h ST in Renton, Washington(See Figure 1-Vicinity Map). The site is approximately 4.5 acres. The project proposes a mixed-use development to construct 35 tov�m home units and 4 commercial buildings with the supporting roads, curb, gutter, sidewalk and utilities. See Figure 2- Site Plan, for the overall site plan. The existing site is forested. See Figure 3- Land cover for a scaled aerial map of the property. The City of Renton requires Level 2 flow control and the Basic Water Quality menu for the site as specified in the 1998 Kin�Countv Surface Water Desi�n Manual. The on-site generated runoff will be conveyed to ri�vo combined detention/water quality vaults. The tvvo vaults will have their own flo«�control riser within each vault but the vault outfalls will combine at one common point before leaving the site. Each vault will also have an identical control structure and design water depths so they can be model as one vault. All drainage discharge from the site �tiill be conveyed via pipe to Maple«-ood Creek as shown in the plan. 405 4 3 5 ��t 0��. 2 _ � P�y'�1A�`� 500 �ro .,� C/7Y OF RENTON =',�� CONTROL PO/NT N0. 1848 8 9 10 ll ,1 � �' � N T O i�l C/TY OF RENT�N CANTROL PGYNT �+� N0. >50,3 trE �TM.st. � 5�' M � ��3 � g � ��woo� SITE � a � N �� 169 �ro 15 � 14 � � � o �V ^ `�°� �� N ti o MAPLEWOOp � CsOLF COl1R3E w � N .-i M I/lCINITY MAP ������� � � 1� ,» = 3000�t � III. FLOW CONTROL/V�'ATER QUALITY FACILITY Al\'ALYSIS /DESIGN A. AYDRAULIC ANALYSIS The drainage analysis was modeled using the King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) software version 4.40g. The site soils are Alderwood (AgC), KCRTS group, Till. The site is located in Sea-Tac rainfall region with a sale factor of 1.0. See the Appendix for the soils map and scale factor exhibit. B. EXISTING CONDITIO\S The Bales property is 4.5 acres. The exiting site is all forested for computational purposes. This information was used to produce the Predeveloped Runoff Timeseries (PREDEV) in the KCRTS program. PREDEVELOPED COI�TDITIONS Total area=4.5 ac Ground Cover Area (ac) Till-forest (Onsite, not including 4t ) 4.2 Impervious Area(measured) 0.0 Till-Grass (Duvall Ave) 0.3 See the KCRTS calculations in the Appendix for the detail Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:prede��.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period O.289 2 2/09/0118:00 0.386 1 100.00 0.990 �� ns�� ? 1 'n;�n� 1 F;�nn � ��� � �� �n n ��� 0.227 3 2128I03 3:00 0.227 3 10.00 0.900 0.011 8 3/24/0419:00 0.224 4 5.00 0.800 U.131 6 1/O5;'OS 8:00 0.195 5 3.00 0.667 O.224 4 1/18/06 20:00 0.131 6 2.00 0.500 0.195 5 11%24/06 4:00 0.082 7 1.30 0.231 U.386 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.011 8 1.10 0.091 C'omputed Peaks 0.354 50.00 0.980 -- - — _----- — -----__ ----- - _ - �, �oRF 3- 1 � C. DEVELOPED CONDITIOVS The developed site will consist of 73°% impervious area; the remaining area will be till-lawn. The site was measured to determine all impervious area. A tabulation of the areas is included at the end of this section. The modeled detention vault will be split into two vaults with one common control structure/water depths and one common release point just north of the northern most driveway along138th AVE SE. Since it is not possible to convey all the storm water run off from Duval Ave NE to the detention water quality vaults, the vaults will be sized to over detain to makeup for the volume. Duval Ave NE w-ill have its own water quality vault. This information was used to produce the Developed Runoff Timeseries (DEV) in the KGRTS program. DEVELOPED COI�DITIONS Total area—4.2 ac (Onsite) Ground Cover Area (ac) Till-la«-n 1.1 Impervious Area (measured) 3.1 See the KCRTS calculations in the Appendix for the detail Flow Frequency Aiialysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac I ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period U.5�5 � :,U�;U 1 �:UU 1.;; : 1���r)_i_i�_� Q �)�;,'. 0.755 8 1/05/0216:00 1.23 2 25.00 0.960 1.07 3 2%27I03 7:00 1.07 3 10.00 0.900 0.843 7 8/26/04 2:00 1.01 4 5.00 0.800 1.01 4 10/28/0416:00 0.956 5 3.00 0.667 , 0.956 5 1/18/0616:00 0.898 6 2.00 0.500 1.23 2 10,�26�'06 0:00 0.843 7 1.30 0.231 1.79 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.755 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.60 50.00 0.980 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Total area= 0.3 ac Duvall Ave Ground Co��er Area (ac) Till-lawn 0.1 Impervious Area(measured) 0.2 See the KCRTS calculations in the Appendix for the detail Flo«� Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devduval.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- - ----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.055 6 2/09/O1 2:00 0.109 1 100.00 0.990 0.046 8 1/05/0216:00 0.074 2 25.00 0.960 0.065 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.065 3 10.00 0.900 0.051 7 8i26/04 2:00 0.061 4 5.00 0.800 0.061 4 10/28/0416:00 0.058 5 3.00 0.667 0.058 5 1/18/0616:00 0.055 6 2.00 0.500 0.074 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.051 7 1.30 0.231 0.109 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.046 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.097 50.00 0.980 D. DETE\TION ROUTING CALCLZATI0�1S The City of Renton requires that the Leve12 Flow Control standard apply to this project. This standard requires that the project match frequency and duration for storm events from %2 2-year event to the 50-year e�-ent«�hile matching the predeveloped release rates for the 2 and 10-year frequency storms. Using the appropriate release rates the developed timeseries was modeled in a vault with 7.0-feet of water depth (6.19' was the actual resultant«-ater level) and a pond bottom of 10,626 sf(300' x 33'). A tvvo-orifice control structure was design to meet the release rates and frequency duration standards. See the Appendix of this report for the detailed KCRTS calculations. The resultant vault volume required was: 65,774 cf(322' x 33' x 6.19') The volume provided on the plan is 66,233 cf[(20'x 185' + 35' x 200') * 6.19]. Therefore the vaults, as sho�i-n on the plans are adequate to provide the required volume and maintain the frequency and duration of storm runoff from the project. Live Storage 65,774 cf required 66,233 cf provided Site constraints do not allo�v for all the storm water detention and water quality to � be contained within one vault Therefore t«ro vaults are proposed. Both vaults will have the same release characteristics (head, ��vater depth and orifice sizes), ��vhich will be like the detention vault modeled in the KCRTS program. The outfall pipe for the two vaults will connect together at one common manhole before conveying offsite. Volume Summary: South Vault =20'x 185' x 6.19' =22,903 cf North Vault = 35' x 200' x 6.19' =43,330 cf Total volume provided= 22,903 + 43,330 = 66,233 cf , Tnt�il ��,luTi�� rc��u�rcd � ��.??4 Du��all A�-e Runoff The timeseries produced from the developed condition of Duvall Ave�"E was detailed in the previous section. Since this area cannot physically be detained in the proposed vaults, the vaults must be oversized to account for the increased storm runoff produced from Duvall Ave. Therefore this timeseries (DEVDUVAL.ts�was added to the vault outfall (RDOUT.tsfl to create a total site release timeseries (DEVSITE.ts fl. This total site release timeseries (DEVSITE) was used to compare resultant release rates and frequency/duration a�ainst the predeveloped tiineserics (PREDEV) to confirm the proposed design complies ���ith the Level 2 standard. ti�'hich it does. � -��'�; �•*�� '": CorE Gesi�n,l►x. )bB N�..>.�3�27 �dwv�� e 14?!I 1'd=.s9th Wcre 3ui�.e�iO1 0 �. ,,���.,,,-�-r ��T� � h l�- 'r� BeUevue,Woshrngion 980G� E I`J��".+J f J�F.1 1 hY G � r"L A 1�1 PJ!f'+1 i�" • :(1 k�°E Y I hl:� 423.885.7�77 Fnr..4"L�.8R�.7963 �'r .,�A� . . . -. _ . . , . : - - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - - - . , , r • , ; - - . . . . . . , , - -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , r ._...._,...� . . . . . . � . ...�."'"'"i"..""_'t_"i'"'"_."'i'"'`__"_'4""1.""'"".' ' '_ . � . � . � � � � . . � . �-^- _ '" ' ' ' _ _ ' _' __ _ _ ' ' " ' . . . . , . . � � . � . . � � . . . � : : ' � ' ' � ' �"�"':""; ' _ . "i �"' � � . : `--i- � . . . . � . . : � . � . � . , . . . . . . 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The storm water runoff that leaves this site, and does not infiltrate, moves to the east side of the property along 138th Ave SE where the flow enters a conveyance system by way of a catch basin where it is conveyed through the Van Gard property to the east in an 18-inch pipe. The storm water then flows to a release point in the wetland area near the outfall from the Van Gard detention pond where it flows to an unnamed stream that continues south and through the Puget Colony Homes plat. Copies of drainage complaints for this location are included in the appendix of this report. The stream channel continues south for another mile until it combi�les �;-ith���ater from Maple��ood creek From this location the stream��alley opens even more. Isolated pools of sediment deposition and steeper areas of erosion exist along the channel here. This continues unti10.8 miles from the discharge point where the stream enters a pond at the I�Torth-East edge of:�faple«�ood Golf course. --- ----- - -- ------ ---- -- ,�..� coR� 2- 1 � Hillcrest Square Impervious Area Measurements Location Bldgs Sidewalk Pavement Mixed Use 30,200 sf 5,340 sf 28,200 sf Commercial 26,900 sf 1 ,730 sf 41,230 sf Duvall Ave 0 sf 2,740 sf 6,745 sf NE 4th ST 0 sf 1,150 sf 300 sf 57,100 sf 10,960 sf 76,475 sf Total Impervious: 144,535 sf Total Area Mixed Use & Commercial 184,290 sf Duvall Ave 11,723 sf NE 4th ST 1,450 sf Total: 197,463 sf Percent Imperviou: 144,535/197,463 = 73% Impervious 1:\2003\03127\Engr� 03127FIYD-aerial.dwg,8/27/2004 8:37:47�=M ' I 9� m �p ^ ww� si� �...� y, e � , �Yy' y� P-'� d �i�'^��i HW°� '���,�`�' �; �,il k� 4�.' I�IVSA4"y.,,�����,P�III ., *�� '�I �� 1 � ����F ��� L,y�. 7'�Y.0 � .�.:b �AF L#...'� `�. t .. h i�i F�''� � � . ' ;p ... 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DESIGNED JAM 1 1 o � 1 DRAWN JAM �'ROJECT NUMBER N � ---- 03127 SEC. 15, TWP. 23N, RGE 5E., W.M. N . ., . . . � _ ' ' ' __- . . _ , - . � F , ` .�i�E: �• i �� ' , - 0 200 �oo eoo _.`_. _ .. .._ ._.. . . ..� ��� �� __ _ .� -,-._�.�,:_:�.., . . _ POND - , � � .._ -. ., - -.,. ,,,,,� t � I. � �', � OUTFALL � � FI GURE 6 Q � N W O O � N n N � �471 1 NE 29r.h Ploce,�)Ol � 5ellewe,Wneh�ngton 98007 n75.8B57B77 Fax 425.865.7963 3 �DESIGN a � ENGINEERIf�'G � PiANNlNG • SURVEYING u` A 0 r � DOWNSTREAM HYDROLOGY M � HILLCREST SQUARE � � L � D A TE AUG 2004 S H E E T O F � N DESIGNED JAM 1 1 � - -- DRAWN JAM PROJECT NUMBER h ---___- - 03127 E. VVATER QL"ALITY VOLL�IE The water quality volume for Hillcrest Square was calculated using the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1998 Edition, pages 6-68 to 6-71. Vb = f*(0.9A; -- 0.25Atg+ O.lOA�+ O.lOAo)*(R/12) `�'here, Vb =wetpool volume (c� f=volume factar A; = area of impervious surface (s fl Atg= area of till soil covered with grass (s fl A�= area of till soil c�overed with forest (s� A„= area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest R=rainfall from mean annual storm (inches) (refer to the attached precipitation graph) Onsite Vr= 0.90*Ai + 0.25*Ag X R/12 Vr= [0.90*(3.3*43560) + 0.25*(1.1*43560)] x RIl2 Vr= (129,373 + 11,979) x 0.47 / 12 Vr= 5,537 Vb = 3xVr V"b = 3 * 5,537 Vb = 16,610 cf Dead Storage 16,610 cf required Onsit�e Du��all A��e 1E Vr= 0.90*Ai � 0.25*Ag X R%12 Vr= [0.90*(6745) ] x R,'12 �'r= (6745) � 0.47 ! 12 Vr= ?64 Vb= 3xVr Vb = 3 * 264 Vb = 79? cf Dead Storage 792 cf required Du��all Ave I�E IV. Conveyance System Analysis and Design The Conveyance System design follows the City of Renton standard,«rhich is based upon the 1998 King County Surface Water Design manual. This standard requires the conveyance pipe to be sized to convey the 25-year design event. The developed site timeseries modeled for this project produces a 25-year design flow of 2.61 cfs. A 12-inch pipe has a maximum capacity of 3.5 cfs with inlet control and independent of pipe slope. Therefore the 12-inch pipe sho«�n on the plans is adequate. Complete pipe sizing calculations���ill be pro��ided at final submittal. V. Erosion Control Calculations The Erosion control design follows the City of Renton standard, which is based upon the 1998 King County Surface Water Design manual. This standard requires a site that is over 3 acres in size to utilize a sedimentation pond(instead of a sedimentation trap). Sedimentation Pond Surface area: SA=Fs(Q2/Vs) Q, = 1.01 CFS (see drainage calcs, developed timeseries, dev) Vs=0.00096 (given KCSWDM) Fs = 2 (Factor of safety, KCS�'4'DM) SA = 2*(1.01 i 0.00096) SA = 2105 SF—required SA= 2500 SF provided (25 x 100) De��:atering Orifice Design: Ao=As(2h)°` / 0.6*3600*Tg o.s As=2105 (see calculation above) h= 3.5' (Riser height used) T = 24 hours (given) g= 32.2 ft/sec� (given) Ao = 2105(2)(3.5) 0�5% 0.6*3600*{24)(32.2) °�� Ao =0.0189 D = 13.54*(Ao) °` =13.54*(0.0189) o.s D = 1.86", say 1-7�8" � A z w a a � TerraSer��er Image Courtesy of the USGS Page 1 of 1 �<� � lu}'i���,r-.., r. �.-r I lUi�:S ., , -�dru{�r Ic, I!r.l `r ,�. � <,:<.r� . ' -�� . . - . �: ��.. . t stlSGS Rentc�eti, Washin ton, Ui�itc�d States � :. � 1��9=1 ' � �� �..L^,� � � �' �i� ! t `�� ti 4 ' � F f�• � � •. • ' . , i�_> . 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[ "° •� �:� �Y� !�������. r- �,% � I , - _ _ _ -� i r 3.2.2 KCRTS/RUNOFF FILES METHOD—GENERATIA'G TIME SERIES TABLE 3.2.2.B EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN SCS SOIL TYPES AND KCRTS SOIL TYPES SCS Soil Type SCS KCRTS Soil Notes Hydrologic Group Soil Grou� � Alderwood (AgB,AgC, AgD) C � Tiil Arents, Aldervvood Material (AmB, AmC) C Tilf Arents, Everett Material (An) B Outwash 1 Beausite (BeC, BeD, BeF) C Till 2 Bellingham (Bh) D Till 3 Bnscot (Br) D Till 3 Buckley (Bu) D Till 4 Earlmont (Ea) D Till 3 Edgewick (Ed) C Till 3 Everett (EvB, EvC, EvD, EwC) A/B Outwash 1 Indianola (InC, InA, InD) A Outwash 1 Kitsap (KpB, KpC, KpD) C Till Klaus(KsC) C Outwash 1 Neilton (NeC) A Outwash 1 Newberg (Ng� B Till 3 Nooksack (Nk) C Tifl 3 Norma{No) D Till 3 Orcas (Or) D Wetland Oridia (Os) D Till 3 Ovall (OvC, OvD, OvF) C Till 2 Pilchuck (Pc) C Till 3 Puget(Pu) D Till 3 Puyallup (Py) B Till 3 Ragnar(RaC, RaD, RaC, RaE) B Outwash 1 Rentan (Re) D Till 3 Salal (Sa) C Till 3 Sammamish (Sh) D Till 3 Seattle (Sk) D Wetland Shalcar (Sm) D Till 3 Si (Sn) C Till 3 Snohomish (So, Sr) D Till 3 Sultan {Su) C Till 3 --__ _... . ._ - - — ----- - - --------- -- --__ ,__ ___._ . . i uKwiia (Tu� D Till 3 Woodinville (Wo) D Till 3 Notes: 1. Where outwash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depth (<5 feet) by glacial till,they should � be treated as till soils. 2. These are bedrock soils, but calibration of HSPF by King County DNR shows bedrock soils to have similar hydrologic response to till soils. 3. These are alluvial soils,some of which are underlain by glacial till or have a seasonally high water table. In the absence of detailed study,these soils should be treated as till soils. . 4. Buckley soils are formed on the low-permeability Osceola mudflow. Hydrologic response is assumed to be similar to that of till soils. 1998 Surface Water Desian Manual 9/1/98 3-25 SECI'ION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATION AND ANALYSIS MEIHODS FIGURE 3.2.2.A RAINFALL REGIONS AND REGIONAL SCALE FACTORS ST i.0/ � ST 1.1 ST 1 0 LA 0.8 LA 0.9 �-p► �-� LA 1.2 SNONOMISN COYNT♦ � � '`O�MELl � `,.'1.`'IAQt i a(:.-\ ',r�Op0lMIll6 � Ii11iG COYNi1 "� _ '`._. �•�. ;,� �:�;' � r�' � l i � - - � ; � .� � J ', l.a..�; i � i t ��t` �a � .- �s�T�r r �` _ '�, �o�io F.� ` � �l ' � "`r i � � $V � � `,-, s. ,}^''.R �llOND �� � . ' - /�' � �3 -� i .i' �^ � � � _Yt'--, �`l. n - i �' �"� E� i r � . � 1 �`� .=.�r '� � s' � _ I� � '' = a� - ,�� i_� ���� � � '�a \ .�' �wLL i__- �„ � �` �w. _ . � 3 �,_ •� t ' T : �.. ; � f� � _� ELLEVUE � � \� � , r— i ..c � , ' ��' a � .-�uQ� � \ �- �� t �, � . � .f— _ „a,.,,�_-�ti � YE�F- ..�1� t� _ 14 / f . .� �'r . \ � ��' 3' ' �. � •'•^ --\Y ' t� , 1p(Yf. . ,+�1�T j� `.�r �•�� " .'�� .��T"r� -_ f�, ,f" �-+ � '. _ �� � i�� ' i `,s�'/,rn�:� � ' ,r,. �_ � �,,,,�� a�;��_��'� :. -r=-� ,� ` � 1. . !=-' /I � ' r-� � � `.� �...n/ i 0 r._t�,� �! - � 1 1l / _�7 M��ar ' , ' �- . r `..� _ V ' o. �' ` .:%, f � _'•.- �, / r: ' �.. . J� ' . .., MMEM� �� i 1Y J . �• . p � ' ' Q �. �—� ..,� - l A��1 > — 1 �. � �..,,� � �:..R "S �� .� �' �-�^'�`�_, Q %' . , � LANDSBURG «... ; ;.'� _ �-�•i, --r-' _ �'i 9 i '�'� .�'°'� d N ' � �S � RiMT ��� I O �....�\ � ' r i � �� _.-Y-�-�--r-�, _ � . � � � .� , . � I� , ,�-, _ � 5.�.� Q i�. 4- , � �rrT' :. �` i�"�., ` p �� ,�'ir9„f` L'�_ ..\ �y..y f i � !' 'f . 3 � . . �\\ l�i .�� • Y ' )_".. � . ` . wi.�.' ���~�—%\ D.�`` �uc. our�e ' � _ �.f er - ST 1.1 a..:w �-- `.. � -- - 'r ,�,�'I �'''" r�~� . .� _ r, '�'�� .�KI�G C011NTY �\ �� �� ►IC11CL COYNTY � � \ � ST 1.0 ; ,\ •. .� . — --.;- �_._.._ _ ,� �ainfall Regions and iA o$ ` � ,-. Regional Scale Factors �A o.s —� Incorporated Area LA 1.0 ��� 1.2 �-c� River/Lake Major Road K.C.R.T.S., REGIONAL SCALE �'ACTOR 9/1/98 1998 Surface P:�ater Design Nianual 3-22 Retention/Detention Facility T-ype of Facili�y: �etention vauit Facility Length: 322 . 00 ft Facility Width: 33.00 ft Facility Area: 10626. sq. ft Effective Storage Depth: 7.00 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 395.65 ft Storage Volume: 74382. cu. ft Riser Head: 6.10 ft Riser Diameter: 18.00 inches Number of orifices: 2 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 1.05 0.074 2 4.25 2 .25 0.187 6.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 395 .65 9563. 0 .220 0.000 0 .00 0.01 395 .66 9670. 0.222 0.003 0 .00 0.02 395 .67 9776. 0.224 0.004 0 .00 0.03 395.68 9882 . 0.227 0.005 0 .00 0.04 395.69 9988. 0.229 0 .006 0 .00 0.05 395.70 10095. 0.232 0 .007 0. 00 0.07 395 .72 10307. 0.237 0 .008 0. 00 0.08 395 .73 10413. 0.239 0 .008 0. 00 0.09 395.74 10520. 0.242 0 .009 0.00 0.10 395.75 10626. 0.244 0 . 009 0.00 0.20 395.85 11689. 0.268 0.013 0 .00 0.31 395.96 12857. 0.295 0.017 0. 00 0.41 396.06 13920. 0.320 0 .019 0. 00 0.51 396.16 14983. 0.344 0 .021 0. 00 0.62 396.27 16152. 0.371 0.023 0 .00 0.72 396.37 17214. 0.395 0.025 0.00 n , 8? �9F .4� l8?'7� . � .4?� 0 .027 0 .00 0.93 396.58 19446 . U.446 u. u1y u . uc 1.03 396.68 20508. 0.471 0 .030 0 .00 1.13 396.78 21571. 0.495 0.032 0 .00 1.24 396.89 22740. 0.522 0.033 0 . 00 1.34 396.99 23802. 0 .546 0.035 0 . 00 1.44 397 .09 24865. 0.571 0 .036 0.00 1.55 397.20 26034. 0.598 0 .037 0 .00 1.65 397.30 27096. 0.622 0.036 O . 00 1.75 397.40 28159. 0.646 0.040 0.00 1.86 397.51 29328. 0.673 0.041 0. 00 1.96 397.61 30390. 0.698 0.042 0. 00 2.06 397 .71 31453 . 0.722 0 .043 0. 00 2.17 397 .82 32622 . 0.749 0 .044 O. CO 2 .27 397 .92 33684 . 0 .773 0 . 045 0 . 00 2 .3? 398 .02 3474� . 0 .�98 C . 046 O . 00 �- 2 .48 398 .13 35916. 0.825 0 .047 0. 00 2 .58 398.23 36978. 0.849 0 .048 0.00 2 .68 398.33 38041. 0.873 0.049 0.00 2 .79 398.44 39210. 0.900 0.050 0.00 2 .89 398.54 40273. 0.925 0.051 0.00 2 .99 398.64 41335 . 0.949 0 .052 0.00 3 . 10 398.75 42504 . 0.976 0 .053 0.00 3 .20 398.85 43567. 1.000 0.053 0.00 3 .30 398.95 44629. 1.025 0.054 0 .00 3 .41 399.06 45798. 1.051 0.055 0.00 3 .51 399.16 46861. 1.076 0.056 0.00 3 .61 399.26 47923 . 1.100 0 .057 0. 00 3 .72 399.37 49092 . 1.127 0. 058 0.00 3 .82 399.47 50155. 1.151 0.058 0.00 3 .92 399.57 51217. 1. 176 0.059 0.00 4 .03 399.68 52386. 1.203 0.060 0.00 4 .13 399.78 53449. 1.227 0.061 0. 00 4 .23 399.88 54511. 1.251 0 .062 0. 00 4 .25 399.90 54724 . 1.256 0 .062 0.00 4 .27 399.92 54936. 1.261 0.063 0.00 4 .30 399.95 55255. 1.268 0.067 0.00 4 .32 399.97 55466. 1.273 0.074 0.00 4 .34 399.99 55680. 1.278 0.083 0.00 4 .37 400.02 55999. 1.286 0 .094 0.00 4 .39 400.04 56212 . 1.290 0 .108 0.00 4 .41 400.06 56424. 1.295 0.118 0.00 4 .44 400.09 56743. 1.303 0.122 0.00 �i .54 400.19 57805. 1.327 0.138 0.00 4 .64 400.29 58868. 1.351 0.151 0.00 4 .75 400.40 60037. 1.378 0 .162 0. 00 4 . 85 400.50 61100. 1.403 0 .172 0.00 4.95 400.60 62162. 1.427 0 .182 0.00 5.06 400.71 63331. 1.454 0.191 0.00 5 .16 400.81 64394. 1.478 0.199 0.00 5 .26 400.91 65456. 1.503 0.207 0 .00 5.37 401.02 66625. 1.530 0 .214 0.00 5.47 401.12 67688. 1.554 0 .222 0.00 5.57 401.22 68750. 1.578 0 .229 0.00 5.68 401.33 69919. 1.605 0.235 0.00 5 .78 401.43 70982. 1.630 0.242 0.00 5 . 88 401.53 72044. 1.654 0.248 0 .00 � �4 :n� F� ?��, � � �g� p , �s� c . 00 6. 09 401.74 74276. 1. /U5 U .zbU u .uu 6. 10 401.75 74382. 1.708 0 .261 0.00 6.20 401.85 75445. 1.732 0.728 0.00 6.30 401.95 76507. 1.756 1.580 0.00 6 .40 402 .05 77570. 1.781 2 . 680 0.00 6 .50 402 . 15 78632. 1.805 3 .980 0 .00 6.60 402 .25 79695. 1.830 5 .450 0 .00 6.70 402 .35 80758. 1.854 6 .880 0. 00 6. 80 402 .45 81820. 1.878 7.420 0. 00 , 6.90 402 .55 82883 . 1.903 7. 910 0.00 ' 7 .00 402 .65 83945. 1.927 8 .380 0.00 ', 7 .10 402 .75 85008. 1.952 8.820 0 .00 7 .20 402 .85 86071. 1.976 9 .240 0.00 ? . 30 402 .95 87133 . 2 . 000 9 .640 0. 00 7 .4� 4C3 . 05 c81°� . � . 02� 1C . 03� 7 . 00 7 . 50 403 . 15 89258. 2 . 049 1C .400 0 . 00 7.60 403 .25 90321. 2 . 073 10. 760 0.00 7.70 403 .35 91384. 2. 098 11.100 0. 00 7.80 403 .45 92446. 2. 122 11.440 0.00 7.90 403 .55 93509. 2. 147 11.760 O.00 8.00 403 .65 94571. 2 . 171 12 .080 O. 00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ftl 1 1.81 0.36 0.57 6.17 401.82 75090. 1.724 2 0.91 0.33 0.26 6.10 401.75 74346. 1.707 3 1. 09 0.21 0.22 5.49 401.14 67649. 1.558 4 1.23 ******* 0.20 5.18 400.83 64562 . 1.482 5 0. 97 ******* 0.07 4.29 399.94 55188. 1.267 6 0.76 0 .06 0.06 3.75 399.40 49362 . 1.133 7 1.01 ******* 0.06 3.71 399.36 48977 . 1.124 S 0.84 ******* 0.05 2 .48 398 .13 35926. 0.825 VAULT OUTFALL III Time Series File:rdout.tsf I Project Location:Sea-Tac , - -Annual Peak Flow Rates-- Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob ' iCFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0 .261 2 2/09/Ol 20:00 0.663 6.19 1 100.00 0.990 0 . 058 6 1/07/02 4 :00 0.261 6.10 2 25.00 0.960 0 .223 3 3/06/03 22 :00 0.223 5.49 3 10.00 0.900 ' 0 .047 8 8/26/04 8:00 0.201 5.18 4 5.00 0.800 0 .058 7 1/08/05 5:00 0. 066 4.29 5 3 .00 0.667 0 .066 5 1/19/06 4 :00 0. 058 3 .75 6 2 .00 0.500 0 .201 4 11/24/06 8:00 0.058 3 .71 7 1.30 0.231 0 .663 1 1/09/08 10:00 0.047 2 .48 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0 .529 6 .16 50.00 0 .980 DSVELOPED SITE Time Series File:devsite.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.269 2 2/09/O1 18:00 1.09 1 100.00 0.990 0.099 7 1/05/02 16:00 0 .269 2 25.00 0 . 960 0 .227 3 3/06/03 19:00 0.227 3 10 .00 0.900 0 .100 6 8/26/04 2 :00 0.223 4 5 .00 0.800 ' 0 .092 8 1/05/05 8:00 0.145 5 3 .00 0.667 0 .145 5 1/18/06 22 :00 0.100 6 2 .00 0.500 0 .223 4 11/24/06 6:00 0.099 7 1.30 0.231 1.09 1 1/09/08 10:00 0.092 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0 . 819 50.00 0 . 980 PREDEVELOPSD Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac -Annual Peak Flow F.ates- - - -- ---Flow Frequencv P.ralvsis------ r'io�.�� kate kanx iime ot Yeax - - reaxs - - xai�,: xe�uii� �-��b (CFS) (CFS) Period 0 .289 2 2/09/O1 18 :00 0 .386 1 100.00 0. 990 0 .082 7 1/05/02 16:00 0 .289 2 25.00 0. 960 0 .227 3 2/28/03 3 :00 0.227 3 10 .00 0. 900 0 .011 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.224 4 5 .00 0. 800 0 .131 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.195 5 3 .00 0.667 0 .224 4 1/18/06 20:00 0.131 6 2 .00 0.500 0 . 195 5 11/24/06 4 :00 0.082 7 1.30 0.231 C .386 1 1/09/08 9:00 0 . 011 8 1. 10 0. 091 ' Compu�ed PeaKs C .354 5C . 00 0. 9fi0 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: predev.tsf New File: devsite.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New �Change Probability Base New �Change 0.067 � 0.87E-02 0.81E-02 -7.5 � 0. 87E-02 0.067 0.066 -1.5 0. 074 I 0.73E-02 0.53E-02 -27.8 � 0.73E-02 0.074 0. 068 -7.2 0. 081 � 0.64E-02 0.45E-02 -30.4 I 0.64E-02 0.081 0. 070 -13 .0 0.088 � 0.57E-02 0.38E-02 -32 .9 � 0 .57E-02 0 .088 0.072 -17 . 9 0 .095 � 0.52E-02 0.34E-02 -35.2 � 0.52E-02 0.095 0 .075 -21.5 0 .103 I 0.47E-02 0.31E-02 -34.1 � 0.47E-02 0. 103 0.079 -23 .4 0 .110 � 0.41E-02 0.30E-02 -27.6 � 0.41E-02 0.110 0.085 -22 .2 0. 117 � 0.37E-02 0.28E-02 -23 .9 � 0.37E-02 0.117 0. 090 -22 .8 0.124 ; 0.32E-02 0.26E-02 -20.1 � 0.32E-02 0.124 0.098 -21.0 0.131 � 0.29E-02 0.23E-02 -20.2 � 0.29E-02 0.131 0.110 -16.2 0.139 � 0.26E-02 0.21E-02 -19.9 � 0.26E-02 0.139 0.124 -10.7 0.146 � 0.24E-02 0.19E-02 -19.2 � 0.24E-02 0.146 0.131 -10.5 0.153 I 0.21E-02 0.18E-02 -15.5 � 0.21E-02 0.153 0.139 -9.4 0.160 � 0.17E-02 0.17E-02 -3 .7 � 0.17E-02 0.160 0.156 -2 . 8 0. 167 � 0.15E-02 0.16E-02 6.5 � 0.15E-02 0.167 0.174 3 .6 0. 175 � 0.13E-02 0.15E-02 15.2 I 0. 13E-02 0.175 0.187 7. 0 0.182 I 0 .11E-02 0.14E-02 20.3 � 0. 11E-02 0.182 0.195 7.2 0.189 I 0.90E-03 0.13E-02 40.0 � 0.90E-03 0.189 0.207 9.5 0.196 I 0.73E-03 0.11E-02 46.7 I 0.73E-03 0.196 0.215 9.5 0.203 � 0.62E-03 0.95E-03 52 .6 � 0.62E-03 0.203 0.221 6.4 0.211 I 0.47E-03 0.83E-03 75.9 � 0.47E-03 0.211 0.231 9.6 ' 0.218 � 0.38E-03 0.67E-03 78.3 I 0.38E-03 0.218 0.235 8. 1 0.225 I 0 .31E-03 0.52E-03 68.4 I 0.31E-03 0.225 0.240 6. 8 0.232 I 0.26E-03 0.44E-03 68.8 � 0.26E-03 0.232 0.243 4 .7 ' 0.239 I 0.20E-03 0.31E-03 58.3 � 0.20E-03 0.239 0.254 6.2 0.247 I 0.16E-03 0.24E-03 50.0 I 0 . 16E-03 0.247 0.262 6.0 0.254 � 0.15E-03 0.20E-03 33 .3 � 0. 15E-03 0.254 0 .263 3 .5 0.261 � 0.15E-03 0.16E-03 11.1 � 0.15E-03 0.261 0.263 0.7 0 .268 � 0 .13E-03 0.11E-03 -12.5 � 0.13E-03 0.268 0.266 -1. 0 ' 0.275 � 0.65E-04 0.49E-04 -25. 0 � 0.65E-04 0.275 0.274 -0.5 I, 0.283 I 0.33E-04 0.33E-04 0.0 I 0.33E-04 0 .283 0.283 0.0 ' Maximum positive excursion = 0.021 cfs ( 9.9�) I occuring at 0.210 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf -,a �7'1 .•f c� t-h �o�.+; =�r � ,-_ � ._ nr ? 1 PaY� �de�:��;te . YSf Maximum negative excursion = 0.025 cfs (-23 .6�) ' occuring at 0. 104 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0. 079 cfs on the New Data:devsite.tsf �� Core Design,Inc. CORE 1471 1 N E 29th Place Suife #101 Bellewe,Washington 98007 �DESIGN 425.885.7877 fax 425.885.7963 October 15, 2004 Core Design, Inc. Project No. 03127 Arneta Henninger � Engineering Specialist � Development Services Division Renton Citv Hall—6`}'Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W� 98055 Subject: Hillcrest Square—Final Submittal Letter Dear Ms. Henninger: Thank you for your comments for our Hillcrest Square project. We have revised the Site Improvement Plans per your review comment letter dated September 28, 2004 and we ha��e provided mylars as you requested. All review comments were addressed on these mylars. We have also responded to your comments from your October �`h, 2004 letter regarding the proposed channelization. The limited width of the exiting curbline on Duvall Ave N'E at the 4th Street intersection makes the channelization of Duvall Ave NE not possible with this project. We are anly pmposing to restnre the fog strip on both frontages. We have added the eYisting striping and sianage that you requested but have not designed the full three-lane stripinj you ask for on Duvall Ave NE. VVe have taken the liberty to produce a mylar for the sheet hoping you would a�ee and approve it. `Ve have also included, with this letter, detailed response to each of your comments in both of these letters. �� ;I .I�i'� � .�i� tIC_�11; �1" ..� � .il�(�liiill��!l� �'�.���I',.,lti,l•, ,1,. :?C� l�" r(`t _�S1',�lr'� '.r' �;l>> '.1; at (425) 885-78;7. Sincerely, CORE DESi�G�1, INC. /�.� � David E. Cayton, P.E. Principal;'Senior Prej�ct Engineer ENGINEERING PLAiV,'v'ING SURVEYING Bales Mixed Use NE 4th St and Duvall Ave NE Page 5 • Duvall Ave NE shaJl be drafted with fhe new righf-of-way line as the dominant linework. This revision has been made. • Duvall Ave NE needs to show a design providing a 14-foof through lane in each direction of travel and a 92-foot two-way turn lane. The existing curb in Duvall Ave NE at the intersection of Duvall Ave NE and NE 4`n ST is only 28-feet apart. The is not enough room to fit the required 36-feet of lane striping you specify. There is also not enough room to taper to and from the proposed 3-lane configuration on either end of the project frontage. The pavement width has been provided but the striping will need to occur when the total roadway is improved. Therefore only the fogline is proposed to be striped with this contract. • You will want to review and revise the location of fhe fog line on Duval!Ave NE. 'I The proposed fog line striping is designed to match the existing lane width striping across both frontages. • Please include al!appropriafe defails in your plan set. There are no details required with this design. Bales Mixed Use NE 4th St and Duvall Ave NE Page 4 SUBJECT: BALES MIXED USE (AKA HILLCREST SQUARE) NE 4TH ST AND DUVALL AVE NE PLAN REVIEW CHANNELIZATION U040258 6040361 Channelizafion: , • The Channelization plan needs to show the existing channelization on NE 4"' ST and Duva!! Ave NE and the design channelizafion and fhe fransition between. �, This all needs to be shown on the plan so the contractor does not have to guess ; where to install fhe buttons. ' The existing channelization is shown for both these streets as you requested. We are only proposing to restripe the fog stripe on both roads. The proposed driveways are located at the property corners • The plan neesds to show the location of the proposed driveways on 4�`' St. It needs to indicate via. The plans thaf fhis is to be a righf turn only. Hence if might need a sign, paint stripe or both A sign has been added to the 4th Ave driveway which designates the right turn only situation. • The driveways need to show a sfop sign. A stop sign is shown on the 4�h Ave driveway. • The plan needs to show fhe middle access is for emergency access onlyon Duvall Ave NE. This is shown on the plan. � • The channelizafion plan needs to show the channelization markers on the plan and include fhe appropriate detail. The are no channel markers need since all that is proposed is fog striping. No detail is needed. • The channelization design on Duvall Ave NE needs the two way left furn arrows, fhe stationing on where to sfop fhem and of course the appropriate defail. Only fog striping is proposed for Duvall Ave NE. No detailing is required. • The plan needs to show the raised pavemenf markers in fhe plan. There are no raised pavement markers required with fog stripes. Bales Mixed Use NE 4th St and Duvall Ave NE Page 2 The label has been revised and the reference to the detail sheet added. . Per the City of Renton Fire Marshal!all of fhe residentia!buildings are required fo be sprinklered. Show the location and size of the DDCVA's and the FDC (fire department connections). The DDCVA are located in the garages and the sizes listed in a table on the sheet. , The FDC are shown on the plans. . Edit the cal!out af Sfat. 3 + 93 as previously requested. Also delefe the reducer and ' make the Tapping Tee a 12"X 8" The callout has been revised, the reducer deleted and the tapping tee changed as required. ' • 1 understand that you are working on a lega! description and skefch of the 15' I, watermain easemenf certified by a PE or PLS which will be submitted, reviewed, I, approved and executed prior to the issuance of a construction permit. li The sketch and legal description will be provided after approval of the plans. I�!i . Delete the cross hatching in the watermain easemenf. Drawings are scanned so that sfaff can view the image in our indexing system. Experience has shown that heavy shading and cross-hatching on a scanned drawing is not legible, the image is ,black. The hatching has been deleted. • This following comment rs meant as an inquiry. ! would like to know why some of fhe residential unifs are designed wifh a 3/4" water meter and some are designed with a 9"water meter The meters are different sizes because some of the buildings are have different numbers of living units. The meters serve units that go from 1 to 4 living units. . Resubmif fhe redlines wifh the revisrons. The redlines have been resubmitted with individual responces shown in green pencil. Sanitarv Sewer--Approved with conditions . The plans need to call out the size and fype of sanitary sewer manhole. Review the plans and revise accordingly. The plan set needs to include the appropriate detail. The plans are currently calling out depths less than then standard 7 feet. The sewer pipe has been lowered (2.9') so that no manhole is less then 7-feet. • The plans need fo call out the sidesewer information invert elevation and length of pipe. The plans need fo show the c/eanouf drafted on the plans at a distance next fo Ba1es Mixed Use NE 4th St and Duvall Ave NE Page 3 exceed 5 feet form fhe building and the !E and Rim elevation shall be shown on the plans. The Sanitary Sewer system has been deepened to 7-feet minimum. The inverts, rims and slopes have been added by way of a table on sheet C5.01 • I understand fhat you are working on a legal descripfion and sketch of the 15'sewer easemenf certified by a PE or PLS which wiU be submitted, reviewed, approved and executed prior fo the issuance of a construction permit. The sketch and legal description will be provided after approval of the plans. • Reference fhe grease trap--use dashed line work to show if, and then edif the callout so it says Grease Interceptor. This revision has been made. Street Liqhtinq--Not Approved This projecf is required to install street lighting along the ful!frontage of the parcel being developed. All sfreet lighting shal! be designed and installed per City of Renton standard and specifications. The average maintained illuminafion on NE 4th St shal! be 2.0 horizonta!foot-candles at the pavement surface when the light source is af its lowesf level. The uniformity ratio for fhe street lighfing on NE 4fh St sha!!meef or exceed four fo one (4:1). The average mainfained illuminafion on Duvall Ave NE shall be 1.4 horizontal foot-candles at the pavement surface when the light source is at its lowest level. The uniformity ratio for the street lighting on Duva!!Ave NE shaN meef or exceed four fo one (4:1). If you are not the sfreet lighfing engineer please pass fhis information along to the streef lighting engineer. Please submit the street lighting plans as soon as possible to avord unnecessary delays. The street lighting plans are to be submitted to the City. General: Reference sheef 1, title block needs to be edited to incJude horizontal control. The Dafum is currenfly only labeled for the vertical control. Add fhe horizontal datum. The "Basis of Bearings" is the horizontal datum for the project. The bench mark and the basis of bearings have been grouped together and labeled "Vertical / Horizontal Datum" on sheet 1. SUBJECT: BALES MIXED USE (AKA HILLCREST SQUARE) NE 4TH ST AND DUVALL AVE NE PLAN REVIEW 2 U040258 6040361 Storm and Sform Drainape Report--Approved with conditions I Below are the storm comments on fhe Bales Drainage Report: . 9. It /ooks as if the engineer incorrectly added fhe area from Duvall Ave. under developed conditions. /nstead of adding fhe additional 0.1 acres of roadway as new impervious area, it was added as new pervious. The KCRTS model will need fo be revised to accounf for 3.4 acres of impervious nof 3.3 acres under developed conditions. Since the vault was oversized to begin with, the storage volume may stay the same but the orifice sizes may need to change. The calculations have been revised to over detain in the onsite vault for the undetained improvements on Duvall Ave. The developed timeseries from Duvall Ave was added to the outfall timeseries from the vaults to produce a developed site timerseries which was compared to the total project predeveloped site timeseries for compliance to the Level II standard. . 2. The report needs some discussion on how the Duvall Ave. area will be detained. The description should include the fact that Duval!Ave. wil! bypass onsite defention I and will discharge directly to the downsfream system undetained. To compensafe, the onsite detention facility wil! be sized to overmifigate the onsite runotf such that the combined developed onsite and Duvall Ave. flows meet the predeveloped Level Two flow control standard. See previous comment . The lasf comment has been revised from the emai! I forwarded to you from AIlen. The City will be maintaining this vault; fherefore it shouJd be located in the public right of way. Provide an easemenf to fhe City of Renton. The vault is totally within the public right-of-way (after the 10-foot dedication along Duvall Ave) so no easement will be necessaryy Water--Approved with condifions: • See redlines ' All redline comments have been responded to and comments have been added to the Cities redline comments planset in green pencil. • Edit the connection to the exrsting water main in NE 4th St to cal! ouf fhe fitting on fhe second gate valve fitting MJ X MJ. The callout has been changed. � . Label and show fhe size of the DDCVA for the fire sprinkler vaulfs on Building 3. lnclude a callouf on what sheef fhe detail is on.