HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 7203230374 i .�� #Oi' ���}t'� a� ��`�!� �� • t - .- • ', ` Q��'.�L , � ti . � 3C�I� '�'�T V�� ld�� �` �/���� ,� N � LERk _. __. �'-���� � RENfiON MUNICIP E A S E M E N T 200 PJIiLL AVE. SOUThfi THIS INSTRUMENT, made this�day of _ 19 �� � by and between���i,� �. ��� and . I, � � i "� an d � � c-� O and > c� � and ; O N hereinafter called "Grantor(s)" , and the CITY OF RcNTON, a Municipal Corporation t`- of King County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee" . WITNESSETH: � That said Grantor(s) , for and in consideration of the sum of $ E � paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration, do by these presents, grant, bargain , sell , convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns , an easement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with necessary appurtenanczs over, through, across and upon the following described property in King County, Washington , more particularly described as follows : A Uti 1 i ty Easement for the i nstal l ati on, repai r, repl acement, mai ntenance and operation of a sanitary sewe r main line and appurtenances within Sanitary Sewer� Local Improvement District No. 270 over and across the following described property: Parce 1 A : Lots 59, 60 and 61, Block A, C .D. Hillman' s Lake Washington rarden of Eden Division No, l, according to the plat recorded in �tolume 11 of plats , page 63, records of King County, Washington : Tbgether with 2nd Class 5horelands adjoining as shov�m on Sheet No, l of Commissioners Peport in King County Superior Court Civil Cause No. 156371, Except that portion thereof lying easterly and northerly of the following described line : Beginning at the intersection of the Meander line with the North line of Lot 59 of said Block "A" ; thence South 72° 09 ' 2q" West along said North line 44.37 feet to �he true point of beginning of said described line ; thence South 0 35 ' 3�" west 59.67 feet; thence North 89° 50 ' 57" East to an intersection with the Westerly margin of the Northern Pacific Belt Line Aailroad right-of-way and terminus of said described line , Except that portion used for road over the Easterly I portion of the above described tract. Parcel B : � All lands lying to the South of ar� immediately adjacent to the Northerly boundary of that portion of Lot s8, Block A , C .D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. l, according to the plat . recorded in Volume .11 of plats, �page 63, records of King County, Washington : . Together with 2z�d Class Shorelands adjoining as shown on Sheet No. 1 of Commissioners Aeport in King County Superior Court Civil � - Cause Noe 1.,�6371, described as follows : Beginning at the intersect�on of the Meander line with the South line of Lot 58 ; thence South 80 I� ' 02" West 42.78 feet to the true point of beginning; tnence South 0 35 ' 3�" West 6.33 feet to the South line of said Lot 58 ; thence South 72° 09 ' 3g" West 368 .21 feet to the Inner Ha.rbor Line ; thence North 23° �0 ' 00" West along sa.id Inner Harbor Line to a point which bears South 80� 13 ' 02" West of� the true point of beginning; thence North 80° 13 ' 02" East to the true paint of beginning. � � �, } M n 1 �y � M ..'� • s' �'� 7 s : �, s _ � - el.� s ` aM: . < { . ' � r�." I �w Said heretofore rn�ntioned grantee, its successors or assigns , shall have I r�-3 the ri ght, wi thout pri or noti ce or proceedi ng at 1 aw, at s uch ti mes as may be ;� necessary to enter upon said above desr.ribed property f�r the purpose of con- ;-°'� .�. structing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility, or t�- making any connections therewi�h, and such canstructian, maintaining, repairing, c-� � altering or reeonstruction of such utiTity sha11 be accomplished in such a manner f-� a that the private improvements existing in the right right(s}-af-way shaTl not be { > �N disturbed or da�raged, or in the event they are disturbed or damaged, they wi11 � ' be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property " � was er�tered upon by �he Grantee. r ..,, r.., ` ' ��he Grantor shaii fully use and enjoy the afaredescribed premises, � � � i ncl uding the ri ght to retain the ri ght to use, the ,surface of sai d ri ght-of-way L a if such use does not interfere with inst�l����at-i�on;"and 'ma'iritenar�ce of the ut�lity � • } line. Fiowever, the grantor shali not e�e�c't�-br�iiT°dirig"s� o� structures over, under � ` ' or acr�ass the right-of-way during the axistence'o€'such �tility. � This easement, shall be a covenant runninr��with ��e l�nd and shall be bind- i � ing on the Grantar, his successors , he�:r.s and4assi'gris:"� Grantors covenant �ha� ' � they are the lawful awners of the abave properties and that they have a good and � lawfu? right to execute this agreement. � a _ ���t� .�� _(l� an d - , tt�`#4*...... . . �l�„t,,•. ��� Y • and t � �' and � � STATE OF f�lA5HINGT4N ) ) SS COUNTY 4F KI1VG ) I , the undersigned, a natary ublic in and for t;he State of t�ashington, hereby certi fy that on this� / day of �-�_�-u,-�.,n• ]97� personally appeared before me � � and � .��� -�1��.h-' ; and ; , and ; and ; ta me nown to be individual described in and w o executed the faregoing. instrument, and acknot�riedged that �,�����._... signed and sealed the same as r��_..free and valuntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Z�61117��,�: �4 �M ' ,�'�.�'�., _,_.`�'%1,�. '"��a s ,I � 4c�� •�.'�5�,ta"�'s`"�''� } �@otary Pub]i c i n and for e St e c�f ,�����' �`,OT�It}-�=":y Washington, residing at , �e:���1.1�,��.°z j ���'t�'`��1�7, �'���Ci� I ' ,&;�A�� � ._"' �'�y�fY�.'.DI�I�IIl11����,1 ' �..r,x..^� � � I - �'� � � �a�.::�. .. .�� :� T,- . , Q�; ,`� ;��p � _ . o :� . > : � > ;c-- �`` � ,� '� �.�t . `,,'• a� ' 1'` ' . v..°r "r' ,. .. . ,�'�Ja8q.3.' ' y . /. �.��, ,� .> - -�' ,- \ . Jr � d . � ��..++ � � ty►...,._.. . ' " REGO�D�� ..___.��_ _._e._���'tl��#R�r � � _. � i97'� �#�:{� 23 A� I o I� � �, o���c�o� �..,. REC4RC�S & E�,�C i tG�iS t� KiNG Ct}�3fi�TY, �"JASN. C� C�*"1 � { � I C:� L�I C"� r �} `� .ti � A ' O � ,�:..._� � . t'�'1 � � � � I �, fr` � ti ,,.n,,. • � \,,�J" , , . . . , , � . • . " . < . . • -� — ,..A . � 4 ' . ____—__ `k �'1� • ! � �. �l