HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2009 - Minutes �r+" r.rwr ♦ , City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners ti`SY O G � ♦ i ♦ ��'NT�� Meeting Minutes February 10, 2009 4:30 p.m.—City Hall — Fire District #40 (FS#13) I. CALL TO ORDER Mike O'Donin called the February 10, 2009, meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. In Attendance The following persons were present: Members: Tim Searing, Cynthia Burns, Michael O'Donin, Ron Regis, Larry Reymann, AI Dieckman Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Jerry Rerecich, Kelly Beymer, Deborah Needham, Terry Flatley Absent Troy Wigestrand, Member II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Larry Reymann to approve the agenda as presented. All were in favor, motion carried, the February 10, 2009, agenda was approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ron Regis made a motion to approve the January 2009 minutes as written. AI Dieckman seconded the motion, all were in favor, minutes approved. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC COMMENTS NONE V. BOARD COMMUNICATION Terry Higashiyama requested we return to this item when Tim Searing arrives, he was caught up in traffic, and would be reporting on the Boards and Commission training held the previous Saturday. , '+r' � � City of Renton , Park Board Minutes February 10, 2009 Page 2 of 4 VI. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION NONE VII. CONSENT NONE VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Emergency Management Program Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator, introduced Deborah Needham, Director of Emergency Management for the City. Deborah explained she came from Clark County and had been with the City since May of 2007. She explained her role in citizen outreach and training citizens to do emergency preparedness. Renton is a CERT Community (Community Emergency Response Team). This program prepares citizens to be their own first responders in case of an emergency. By mapping your neighborhood and identifying which neighbors have special needs, certain tools, such as a chainsaw, who requires medication that needs refrigeration; allows each neighborhood to work together to respond to disasters. Renton Technical College is partnering with the City offering classes to help people prepare for disasters. The instructors volunteer their time and most of the classes are free. Currently the emergency team is looking at amateur ham radio operators that would be willing to communicate and post notices about conditions (road closures, etc.) at a central location (a park, community bulletin board) to notify neighborhoods about conditions outside of their immediate area when other means are not available. Deborah also briefly discussed the Howard Hansen Dam and that it has a depression in the right abutment that needs attention to avoid flooding. The area that would be in danger if this happened would be our business community (IKEA area). We are coordinating efforts to ensure this is corrected before it becomes a problem. Terry thanked Deborah for her presentation and time. Golf Course Update—Water Rights Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager, reviewed the water rights validation process with Department of Ecology. A water rights attorney has been secured to finalize this agreement. . , '�"�1�'" �rr+ • City of Renton , Park Board Minutes February 10, 2009 Page 3 of 4 ADMINISTRATORS REPORT Budget Update Terry gave an update on the budget and provided a spread sheet outlining possible additional cuts of 4% the Department may experience. She indicated any further cuts would probably require closure of some facilities. She will continue to update the Board each month. Library Update Terry reported that two years ago the City recruited a firm to do a Master Plan to determine if our current library should remain independent or become part of King County Library System. It was determined if we were to remain independent we would require a larger facility for expansion. This would not be feasible in our current building so would require an entire new building. The City has now committed to jointly purchase a jail facility and currently it isn't feasible to commit to that large of an expenditure for a new library building. The Council voted six to one to incorporate the library into the KCLS system. This would be a two to three year process and go to the voters for approval. Legislative Update Leslie reported she and Todd Black, CIP Coordinator, on January 22, 2009, traveled to Olympia to lobby for the WRPA and met with Representatives Maxwell, Prentice, and Kline. Leslie indicated it is extremely difficult to lobby for dollars for parks when other agencies are looking for basic life services such as providing basic services for children. This Thursday they will attend when the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition requests $100M for 115 Parks, Trails and Working Farms. The Coalition is asking the legislature to renew the WWRP grant program at $100 million in the state's capital construction budget. This would fund 115 parks, wildlife areas and working farms. A record total of$272 million in requests and 370 applications were submitted for WWRP funding this biennium. She indicated it would be an easier task to lobby for funding from the capital side of the budget. Other areas of discussion would include gender equality and trapping. IX. OLD BUSIN�ti WRPA Board and Commission Training (Board Communication) Tim Searing, Chair, reported on attending the Board and Commission Training held on Saturday, February 7, 2009. Cynthia Burns, Larry Reymann, and Terry also attended. There were 60 participants from across the state. Tim noted he was impressed with the statistics verifying what a big role parks is and means to citizens. Tim indicated they would bring some slides to a future meeting to share with the other members and staff. Cynthia and Larry commented on how , , "tirr' n..+ • City of Renton � Park Board Minutes February 10, 2009 Page 4 of 4 they enjoyed breaking out into work sessions and the opportunity to network. Flood Damage Update Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, updated those in attendance on the flood and damage and answered questions regarding future dredging and betterment projects. X. NEW BUSINESS Upcoming meetings will be held at rotating locations. The tentative schedule is: March at City Hall, April at RCC, and May at City Hall. XI. ADJOURNMENT Mike O'Donin made a motion seconded by AI Dieckman to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor, motion carried, the February meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. , �, � Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING March 10, 2009--Tuesday @ 4:30 P.M. Renton City Hall 7t" Floor Conferencing Center � � Maplewood Water Rights Update for Park Board— 2/2/09 Following are historical, current and stewardship information for Maplewood Golf Course water rights: Historical: ► Maplewood Golf Course & Country Club filed a water right claim in 1974 with DOE for use of 750 gpm of surface water for irrigation(Maplewood Creek). ► The City of Renton purchased the golf course in 1985 and in 1986 filed a Water Right Permit to drill test wells. ► Application for Change of Water Right Permit filed in 1999. Ecology representative contacted golf course manager in April of 2003 to notify that the process to change claim of water right from surface to ground water is moving forward. ► DOE representative notified golf course manager that in order for change to move forward the city needed to provide proof to validate the water right claim. This included use of the water prior to 1917 and continuous use of water from 1917 to current. 1 July 2003 city began historical data research. October 2003 city published letter of Application to Change Existing Water Right. ► September 2006 from recommendation of city attorney, a water rights attorney was hired. Current: ► December 2008, draft document from water rights attorney reviewed prior to submittal to DOE. Reviewed information collected to date to show continuous use of water(no abandonment) for irrigation from 1917 to current in order to validate water right. ► Water Rights attorney will request preliminary meeting with DOE to address any outstanding technical issues/data needs prior to submitting golf course documents for review. (mid February to April 30, 2009) / Request Ecology decision on City Change Application by May 15, 2009. ► Attorney feels confident that information collected is sufficient to validate the"claim" Once validated then the"use"transfer from surface to groundwater can move forward. Stewardshiv: ► The golf course has taken great strides towards continuing their environmental stewardship. Maplewood joined the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program in 2004, � � � � and is near program certification. Two of the completed components are Water Conservation and Water Quality Management. Along with the sound environmental practices in place, these display proactive efforts as good stewards of the natural environment. Water Oualitv Mana�ement-Testing continues on Maplewood Creek with NO detected chemical presence for seven years and strictly follows the Critical Areas Ordinance. In addition triploid grass carp have been released in ponds to reduce algae and allow vegetation buffers to grow around ponds. Water Conservation—Naturalized areas were identified, which are on a significantly reduced or no water schedule. Automated irrigation was updated to better control amounts of water applied in specific areas. Irrigation system is constantly inspected/ repaired to prevent leaks. Heads have been adjusted to eliminate watering non-use areas such as cart paths ► Water Rights attorney will provide City with copies of all submitted documentation Status on existing ��WATER RIGNTS" �or the Maplewood Golf Course Irriga�ion • BACKGROUND ON EXISTING WATER RIGHT • STATUS C�F APPLICATI{JN F{�R CHANGE IN WATER RIGHT FROM SURFACE TO GR4UNDWATER � .�.. � '��i� Page 15 CURRENT BEST MANAGEMENT AND PRACTICES ON WATER USES • AUDUBON COOPERATIVE SANCTUARY PROGRAM • WATER CONSERVATION �` • WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT _�-�;�� ,��� �:.. .�-. .�. � .:���,':�,�. .�;:�:,�-n��,:Y.,�p�: �'� i... 9 ': �-x......'.'sk.3aAtag.�t.::.'"`„,-.:.. � . � , s F..�y ����`� _ , ,. :�,�, .. < <��'�:::,�;'�"�.�'_' . . � ,;*AP,r.;,..�*� ���x3�d����+'"'' a.� .. _ �n.''s��i�x:*�:�';i"�o:��.s,• .. • u •"•�p .�. .�, <„ A..:< ` =� ,'�. .}< ... • :... . � � �.', ar...�* �^�����` �, r��'`"�"'��'< ' .,+e?y?:��;a�t�a"•�:;: S'< �'� :;a� . � �-�:�:�Y.'"„.:�'>':`•,� " y�a'.:;^�b .:.,Y �e.».:, k` ` . 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F4iLSa.J'.r '�;; ���.���v .'3.�i .��'4.C`;,A._..� .. .:�:�.' �.rb .� � Page 16 " . . � � Community Services 2009 Draft 4% Budget Reductions Account Base Reduction Adjusted I 2009 I 4% I 2009 I Community Services � $21,268,396 � $850,375 � $20,417,661 � Salaries � � � � Minus full time salaries � $7,111,288 � � � � Minus temp/intermittent salaries � $2,085,687 � � � � Minus total benefits � $2,976,786 � � � Sub-total � $12,173,761 � � � � � � � � Utilities � $1,242,029 � � � � � � I Internal Services $1,531,655 (include Telecommunications, computer replacement, equipment rental (M&O), Equipment replacement, IS operations print/mail) � � � � � � One time payment for Lindbergh pool � $178,500 � � � � � � � � Golf Course � $2,478,369 � � ' I Sub total � $17,604,314 I I I � Remain@n� discretionary funds t $3,664,082 ( � I Discretionary Funds, $3,664,082 17% Salaries and benefits/full Golf Course,$2,478,369 time/intermittenUtemporary 12% $12,173,761 57% Lindbergh Pool,$178,500 1% ■Salaries and benefits/full Int2ff181 S2NiC2S, time/intermittenUtemporary $1,531,655 7% ■Utilities �"` Olnternal Services Utilities,$1,242,029 OLindbergh Pool 6% ■Golf Course ■Discretionary Funds f M � � Park Board Status Report February 2009 PARKS AND TRAILS Cedar River Shoreline at Jones Park Bank Slope Protection Design work for bank slope protection has commenced. Staff and the consultant are meeting with the Tribe and the Department of Fish & Wildlife in order to address potential environmental concerns. A Biological Assessment is being prepared in order to meet the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) requirements. Several federal and state permits will be required in order to complete this project. The estimated construction timeframe is Summer 2009 provided funding is available. The recent flooding further undercut the bank. Gene Coulon Park Walkwav Repairs Seventeen bids were received for the handrail repair along the outer water walk beyond Ivar's. The low bid was 1/3 of the cost estimate, so staff is reviewing past work performance and references before awarding a contract. The expected construction timeframe is late-February to March. Trails and Bikewavs Studv and Map The final draft of the Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan document has been reviewed by staff and returned to the consultant. Briefings to the Park Board, Renton Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee, Mayor, and Council will be scheduled when the revisions to the final draft have been completed. The estimated time for completion of this project is April 2009. Loaan Avenue Bike Lane Construction is complete for the southbound bike lane on Logan Avenue between North 6�" and the intersection of Park and Logan. The Transportation Systems Division is advertising a RFP to hire a consultant to determine a connecting route extending south of North 6"' and develop design and construction drawings for a connection to be constructed in approximately 2010. Jones Park Walkwav Improvements The existing walk will be removed and relocated to better coincide with the new restroom building and access to existing park amenities. (See Facilities Section.) Ron Reais Park Design is on hold for park improvements. It is unlikely that City funding will be budgeted in 2009 for the proposed $4.5 million project. Parks will evaluate the feasibility of constructing a greatly scaled down project in 2009 with partial funding from the Parks Mitigation Fund. A King County grant ($65,000) is valid through 2010. < � �� R City of Renton Park Board Status Report February 2009 Page 2 of 6 PARKS AN D TRAI LS (con't.) WWRP Lobbvinq Staff recently traveled to Olympia and lobbied for maintaining the $100 million Washington Wildlife Recreation Program (WWRP)funding, as the Governor proposed budget reduces the program to $50 million. The City applied for a $500,000 WWRP Local Parks grant and has the potential to receive funds (if projects drop off the list) and the program is funded at the $100 million level. Libertv Park Ballfield Liqhtinq Thirteen bids were received, with the low bid of$234,570, which was under the engineer's estimate of$240,000. The installation work should start by late February, and be complete in early April 2009. Urban Forestrv Proaram The Urban and Community Forestry Development Plan Task Force, consisting of representatives from most City departments and the consultant, has met eight times. The Task Force has developed the major components of an Urban Forestry Program including goals, objectives, actions, and strategies, in addition to adopting Vision and Mission statements for the program. At the next meeting, scheduled for February 2009, task force members will make specific recommendations regarding right-of-way landscape maintenance, planting strip standards, staffing strategies, and private versus public tree planting, and maintenance within the right-of-way. Coulon Park Fishinq Pier Design work and permitting is underway to repair the recent fire damage at the pier and re-construction should commence by February 2009. Benson Hill Tree Inventorv and Assessment Eleven requests for proposals were received on December 31, 2008. The review team will be meeting to evaluate and score the proposals. Consultants providing the best value to the City will be interviewed and the successful company chosen late in the month. The fieldwork is anticipated to begin in March. Once complete, the assessment will become part of the City Inventory and Assessment that was completed prior to the Benson Annexation. Depending upon the final cost of the above project, residual funds will be used to conduct a tree canopy cover analysis (TCCA) over the City. The TCCA measures the percentage of tree canopy covering the surFace of the City and compares that with national standards. An analysis report will provide valuable inforrnation on where trees and other vegetation are needed most and assess the benefits of the existing tree canopy for pollution control, storm water recapture, water quality, and carbon storage. A dollar value will be attributed to the ecosystem services that trees and other vegetation provide. 4 i � � City of Renton Park Board Status Report February 2009 Page 3 of 6 PARKS AN D TRA1 LS (con't.) Sidewalks. Pathwavs, and Patio Improvements Sidewalk work was completed at the Creekside Shelter at Coulon Park. The work provides ready access to the shelter by way of a new sidewalk, relocating the BBQ grills and incorporating an exterior picnic table pad. Contracts are being processed to remove and replace sidewalks at Cedar River Park and the Coulon Park Bathhouse. Work on these projects is expected to begin in late February. In addition, proposals for removing and replacing the brick patio at the Renton Senior Activity Center are being evaluated. Sprinqbrook Trail Construction of the City's first boardwalk through a wetland is well underway. This project is part of the much larger Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank which is a joint project between WSDOT and the City of Renton. Remaining items to complete the trail include the approaches on each end, striping the crosswalk, maintenance access improvements, and site amenity installations. An estimated completion timeframe is Spring 2009. RECREATION StoryBook Theatre is presenting Goldilocks at Carco Theatre beginning February 28 through March 10. Tickets can be purchased by calling 1-877-827-1100. The annual Summer Part-Time Job Fair will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. at the Renton Community Center. Potential employees are encouraged to meet and talk with staff about summer job opportunities. Applications are available, including assistance in completing the forms. The Recreation Division's Outdoor Recreation program is having a great season! Cross Country skiing and snowshoe trips are offered every weekend and led by Dave Perkins, Outdoor Recreation Coordinator, for the City. Go to the City's website at www.rentonwa.aov to check out trip destinations or call the Renton Community Center at 425-430-6700. Henry Moses Aquatic Center season passes, group tickets, party tent, and day camp reservations are now available for purchase. There is a 10% discount if your pass is purchased before June 1, 2009. The aquatic center will open June 20, 2009. � . � � City of Renton Park Board Status Report February 2009 Page 4 of 6 VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Community Services received 2,532.25 hours of volunteer service from 317 individuals. Using the independent section indicator for a value of service for 2007 of$19.51 an hour, this amounts to $49,404.19. Projects and programs receiving volunteer hours included the Library, Specialized Recreation, Renton Senior Activity Center, Renton History Museum, Youth Athletics, Parks, and the Housing Repair Assistance Program. In addition to the ongoing programs receiving volunteer service during the two months, the City benefited from the following projects: O The Human Services Department working with the South King County Coalition to End Homelessness coordinated the work efforts of 60 volunteers for 180 hours of service. O Members of the LDS Washington Mission, Renton Zone, assisted with filling sand bags, and then cleaning up debris from the receding waters along the Cedar River Trail. Upcominq Events: Mark your 2009 calendars: • Kiwanis Club of Renton will be doing a Graffiti walk in the downtown area, April 4. • Arbor Day Earth Day at Liberty Park, April 25. • East Renton Community Church Compassion Weekend, has identified seven projects throughout our system. They will volunteer on April 25 & 26. • Volunteer BBQ, (Boards & Commissions), April 29. • Spring Green and Clean, Saturday, May 16 at the Highlands Library Partner Proaram • Renton Rotary awarded $5,000 dollars to the scholarship fund. • The Renton Foundation, Circle of Giving, awarded $600 to the Recreation Scholarship Fund. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE Repair Drivina Ranpe Svnthetic TurF Due to design/engineering delays and higher cost estimates, this project is being reviewed and prioritized to follow a phased approach. CIP money will be camed forward to initially assess the drainage issues. , �w" `�r� City of Renton Park Board Status Report February 2009 Page 5 of 6 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE (con't.) Temporarv Golf Course Maintenance Office Facilitv Final building inspection has been approved and maintenance staff will begin moving in on February 1, 2009. Removal of old office will be addressed soon after. Drivinp Ranae Ball Dispenser Ball dispenser is estimated for"full" operation at the end of February 2009. Buildinq Maintenance Items Driving range women's restroom will be renovated and Pro Shop laminate counter tops will be replaced in February. Audubon Cooaerative Sanctuarv Proaram The program addresses five key environmental quality areas that must have a variety of projects implemented in order to apply for certification. Remaining sections have been submitted for review and approval. Once approved, the Maplewood Golf Course will be ACSP Certified. Awaiting response from ACSP. Winter Tournament Series The golf course hosted the popular six event series with great success, considering Mother Nature. The WTS increased revenue through the winter months for both the golf course and the restaurant. One event was reduced to 14 holes due to the flood; overall participation was up compared to prior years. Flood Damaae The golf course sustained flood damage to Hole #5 —from 170 yards out to the green, approx. 18+ inches of silt covered the fairway. Golf Course crews have removed as much as possible. It is posted as "ground under repair" and will monitored for further repair if grow out does not occur. In addition, approximately 100 feet of property line fencing and supporting bank were damaged behind Hole #4 tee box. Repair work will be performed as part of the WSDOT project to repair Highway 169 bridge approach and 100 yards of the Cedar River Trail. 2009 Proiects: ➢ #1 and #3 tee boxes to be renovated. Work will be completed by golf course maintenance staff ➢ Topdressing and drainage program addressed on back nine holes ➢ Continued building maintenance items addressed ➢ Pump House overhaul — in line with Water Rights validation . � � City of Renton Park Board Status Report February 2009 Page 6 of 6 Facilities Police Substation Expansion at Complete, but with some warranty Municipal Parking Garage issues. � FS11 Seismic Retrofit � Project submitted for permits. � � Library Furniture Replacement � In progress. I � New Maintenance Facility � Property purchase on hold. � I City Hall Annexation Remodel I Major work on Third Floor in progress. Completion date February 2009. City Hall Study � On hold. Jones Park Restroom ADA � In desiqn phase. Relocation expected. � FS12 HVAC re-commissioning alterations first I quarter of 2009. I 200 Mill Building First Floor lobby and ADA bathroom u rade b March 1 2009.