HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 12281914 , , ' • ' �� • -� '� .. �. . - 'F , ' . � ;. � � ` � � � 4 � �\ . � �.''�,.�� �I�^."i�1� ':aa� �hin ��h c1�;� of �c.c�n'b�, 1'�1� v �� s�,nr� '��t�r���>�. �ac �(n'.tT�3X�4 �s �U��"�i ��U�"Ti : �AIL►�Q� CU�i�a1�►�"�"s � � corpa�a�ion �r��.nf��d �.nc; e�����in,� unc�cr r�.nc� U� vir *�au uf �h� �r,.� u�` �.�� "er��.�Go�y�ncs� 5�s��c: � ��' C:'��hin�;�.nz�� ps�•�� of #.�aQ £� r�� nr��, and �I`�.' �`' �:�.'�''.�'4'Ty � rsur�i�ipz�1 car�atsri��iaz� o� �hc �,.hird �2ar�c� o�' th� �'�:�Cc� a�' 3'��h�n��c�n, ,��r�� c��' the r���o�� p€�y, r'''Is'�.::�:����I: �b�L �'wr �nc� �.n con���ra�i�n �� ¢.,�� i �tzn c��' �z�� r�o3.1� C;'1.aC�� �hi x+��c�i�t r�f rrh�.ch it� Y��r�:�� r�a�n- �" nc�r�.c�e��ac�., �z�� s��' �h.� ��rer:��:n'�� a� t�� �i�,y �a� R�ntc�x� her��an ;,� � ��� �'o�'�ha t�e fir�'� ��rx,r�y cicz�� h�»��bv �ran� unta ��.a :rc;cond 7 � p�,r�y ��Z� �a�r�c>tu�1 �i rz,�,v �r� t�as f c�r ��+�.bi i� o��+�a t unr� �1�.�ar�,g � �urposa� ��� �hr�t ce��r.�in ���Sp, sar�rac�]. nr tr�.ct o�" lr���c� �� I SCin�; Cr��znty, l3t+�t� n�' �'.^.��,inq ton, �.a�c�-�b€�3 �.�s fol2c�rr�, � aa� r�or� Pu2,2� �s�Zor�n e�z� *hea �1'.afi �h�rac�� �.rkud �'�hib�.� ,1�� 2�+�r��c� � t���C�,c:��� #.�:�u rr;�d�; � p�,rt ��rca�"�'Ga-�rit: . A pi�c� �sr ��:rc��. a�' l�.an� �.n 3'�at� 3. ��r�d � ��c��.csr� a, �'s�ti,r�+�h�. 23 "ar�h, �?ran�e :� ='�z�s�;, '�. '�. in ��.n� �s�un��, �tu�€� o� ��.�h���;��a37t� be.�t�� r� �s'tri� sai:�'�� f"��� �r� :r�t3'Ch, �t�'�,� '�x�F�y �c:u� s; 4n aaah t��ric� �f �h< �a?1.a�•r3n=; ri��er�bec� c�:�'��r l.�r��: �'3tr�;inn�n�; azt '.".he� �au�� I�n�: or lc�� �: :�� �ror���icl, �� z� �o�rt� tfhc��c� �h�.: ��s��c�r �in� o�' �'���. uYr:�c:t �dr:� "�, I�r�riuc�d L7c�r4k���3.�, rraul,d � iz��.:n4at �hc: ��t�:, �:�.r� :'�,1.1 ��r.�:t L�:in�; mu r�hot�n r�n �h� ���'in�c.�]. p2c�: u�' :h�: C�.�C�r c��' �I�nton� cs;��c� �a1n� r�P br�,��nbita;� bc��; Q�c: � ��.t��c�r c�d �'�►r'�y tl�u�z t�,��:i� �c�c���. �arc: or ',l a a�y �c��w r�.y �'.�c�n ��hc.� ac�uth �cr�t cornu� af r.:��c: lo'w 2; ��h�:nc� npx�h l}°l�?° 1��;�;�, ,�.1.o�W s�r�ic� ��rc�d�t��ci tz�n�tcx lin� c�f ':i11 ��r�:�t'g t,���t hlznr�;��S Lh�r� ��� {;�:�G} fc�L 4, �csr� ar 3.��0; ��.iis:�ncc: nc�r-�kiL�,���r�l�' c�n r� cuxv� tc� r�.�t, �f�� x�r..�3�.u�a o�� hunr�r�t� �i���y (l;a��I �'�e:�, a ei����r��: �s�' c�n� �u�ac�rc;d vhir���n �1�.:�� �'�zc:�, �� � ��3a�t� 1:�ic'r� 3u �.h���y ��:u� E �ic�wan� �c�u�he�.s�:c��3.�, �c�r�, �nc:s^:�i;r�d r�.t ri��a� g�z��.�a �a, thc: � � �'rz�t€:�ly �n��z-�3n or th�: r�.rh* c�'' -�.W�� n� �M,c: �Ts�rtlx�:rri ?':�o�.�'ic ���llcr�.y . i�����s»�,� ��.�.� �s�cuior► ti; w2i�;-�cu "or:h ��'3�' ��.r�'�, . �+;°.r�sZ7.4�. .ri�.� k Lt'21l'3 ��'I�� 1�',.�' ��{�� "�"t?€.'� 4�1 f�`r�LYI�i i3�111 .+'+,�1�..1:�. r.:�'�:�!"" r'!'Ur�s .''."::^!I�,�_. .'i� r '..C: r��y�,� �n�;I�a �v, a�ir.� ��r�:-.:rZ;; �::ru�n a�' r�.�ht, n:' .r��s �n�� �L����r:�t� tb�%'rty four (I34�,�:.w�, r�or� ar Z�.>�r:�; :u}�c:nc�� nax�3ac��s�;�:� y cor���n.r��n� � ��ru�.l�l ���.�'�i t��ici ��r,�It o�' �r�.y F:.�.��3n an��, �t��'t� Cc �h�: l�z`�fi radiu. 1�.�.? F�c��� � d3.At�,nc� a�' �:3�►�2: Mundre:d �'�.�'�y nin� �nc� a�.� ��M:2�s� f�."��.�a �t��e� r�orc a� l�:�n �n �h� ��a�,.�x�t rs�r���� .��"�thc� rl..`.,i�� a�' xrx�,y of` �h� Cc3�l.u*�b�.�. � Fu,c;c�t ��aund �3�.�ra�.d, ��ir1: ��ss��rly ��r;��n , f�cr� �ic� �oint hc:s�r�n� I�or� ���c3�i' �:�:s�� antl ��u�h ��°4�' �.:��'�; �1��ncc� cQn'�i*�uin� �n �.ic: �urvx� r��s �.�:u� ahov� c��:�cx�ibvd� n�n��;T r I and f�,'�c; t+�nt�c� ���U.�a� �`�+�t, *�orr� or �.�:e�d, �� �.� c:��'��'rly *�-�r�3n ' � , . , ; - , '. -.}: - ' , ' , . � � , • _A� , � �r - a� said Columbia �C Pu�et �ound. Rail,road ' s ri�ht cf way, said � easter].y m�rgin being p�,rallel �vith �,nd sixtv !(8� � feet ditt'�ant �"Tortheasterly f�om, rnea.sured at right a*�gle�a to, the ��Jc�terly m�rgin af the $ame a�$ above descrabed; thence a�ain cantinuing or, s�,id curve aslast above de�cribed, sixt�en �16� feet mor�: or �.ess, to a point on the Nor�th linE c�� said 8ection a, s�xid paint bein� No��h II9°5$' V�est, .ei�ht hun�red twenty-�i�;ht (82£s � feet, mare or I�ss, �'rom the �./4 corner �herean,� th8 'strip above deacribed conta,inin� 2.1:5 �cr�s, mor� ar less. e�cept that portion of aaid �trip �rthicr croaaes the ri�ht of �ray of the Columbia � Pu�et Sound Railroad Conpany. As to that partian nf said �trip tivhich crosses th� ri�*,ht of �uav of the Calu._�bia � Puget Soand Railroad Ca��any the �ir�t psrty hzreby �;rants to second party the p�rp�tual ri�ht to use the same as a . � publxc ��reet and highway to be u�ed �ointly �rith its use by the first party for rai�.way purposea - it bein� understood that firet party� � rights shai? a1.��vays be eq�aa�l----- --�----to thase of the second party at said crossin;�. The first party herelay re�erveg and �capts �"rom th� grant herein�..bove mention�d tY±e ri�;ht at �,ny �,nc� at all ti��s hereaf�Cer t� cons�zuct �nc� ma.intain such other railru�d tr�,cks as in ifs jud,.j;men� �r� expedient ar nec��aary s�t, c�ver and aeross its ri���t o�' evay wher� the above de�crih c� s trip of land cro�se� the a�a..�.e. ; , This �rani is :nr�ci.e u�an the expresa c�ndi�ion and the eaid �second �a�rt; a�rees that it wil]. at all timee save anci keep first party� e re�,7. . eeta�e aituate in �he City of Rentan harml�ss a��.inst the Pa,lment of any spuci�.7. asseasment� for the �equisi�a:c�n o:� territory for the �xterision of �ill Stre�t 3n �aid Gity of R�nton frca� its �areaent nor�hern texminus to �he north�rn b oundar� o f th e a i ty 1 imi t s. i It is further stipul�ted and a�reed that if at any ti�.e in the i�uture in the �udgment of Lhe fi rst party it is n�c�as-�ry or eapediQnt to consstruct for raiZwa;� purposes a Qa�o�sing �croas the etrip hex�in granted, t�ien �.nd �n tha�t event �he first party eh�ll have the r�{.;ht to s�ake, con etruct �.nd use such crossin� �t �u�h point on eaid str�.p as may be Qonvenient, anci tta �ointly use eaic� Atrip �t �a.id cro�sin� 60 feet in width under the s�,me ter�s and conditinns a� the crossin� her�ina'bove re�'�rred to �h�,ll be used as provided for in this contraet - it b�in� undera�oad � that as �o auch nE�r cro�sin¢ the firsst party �hm1.l etand in the • � . ,same �osi'tiSan as it st�nc�� wi th reapeet to th� crossinL� her�inabove f ;... . . . . . , '" �" �- provided :�or.• . _ y The gran�a herein €�re ma,de upan the eatpreg� condition tY�.at . I . _ . • th� �atri� co�cered by the r�,�,�zt of way herein �rovided .far �hall be I improved and opened fc�r the full ien�th thereof fox t,raff�c a� a public street and hi�,hway �w3.thin �hree years �'rom t�ie ci€�te:_hereo�' r�nd.,,�, I in c�se �he �r�ns �h.a1.1 nat oe �o o�ened and -i�pra�ed then and �.n �_' that event th� said �rant and premises ahal.l revert to �nd re��at ' in the fi r�t:< �rarty and i t ehall have the right to �n�Cer into tha ' pQsees�ion of f�.� same. -�,. ' .. __ . �,,; _ _ - -- ---- � , • , ; ' � ' . •r o • � � • �tt: ��'i'i11C� �it�iX°'�r,it" '`�.t�''�i�2"�.' �.y�'?�`��Fi �}2�'�r �.: ;3��. �1r::�2` I,Y�: P�t' ��c� co�t c��' �on�t�.°azctian �ns� ra�.ita��r�nc�� ��` ��..i. a�uz��H�^wys �.n� hi;h�rr�,y i��.�•r���r;��r�ts uv�r t�a.�t pc:�� l�an o�' ���.�,c� e��r�n �h��2�. crv��r�� ��� �3��a� v�` �,v�� u� :hc� �'3;r�� ��za�:� �::c��s� ����.�t ��c��.•t�.Qz� �h�r�;e�f bE.����.�t '��� ��'�.s� a�' �b.f� �r�c�:� c�� w;r� �'�rc�� ����rty ��ad �`�� j;�ra �'�;�t Qn ��.�;�Z�r �ir��i ��Z+���:t�f �°1�x3.�Y� �� �n i�� �:un .Ur�,�,�.�:t� �nc� �-�in��:.��tl '�� ��,�.r �'ixt�' r,���y. �� '�y.'"i'?�:i:'s �t�p'� ��+c �r�.iri �'�rts* �+����r �xa�r� c�,tzt��,}d �h��� �s�fwe�n t� �c '��: ��x�s��.s t�;d in r�u�3.Y ra.�� '�� 3,�� -�rti��r ca±'�'3cc��� ��.�;� �9:h c'.��r +��' ����t�z:i�z4r, 19�.=��, �r�c� 't�� �a��r;ri ����y ,�ur�v�.ri: �� �tc:�ol'���:��tt ��z.�.� uc�t��t��3 b;� '�h�. �i:;� �'�ur���l, r��' ���d �i`�y h��� �;e=��e� �,�Q�� �����Ns �c� �acs u*�rt�z;t�w+�d 1� ��t�pJ.�c�s��; th34� � �}�;�' r�f . Z� . �t�tT ���� ,�� 1?L��*��` ��t"'.'�' �t.�.��e�t�"', t;a.��A��'�C� � C � � � � _ .I�.t. � ; '""'_'.» � "'�,.�a` . ,���:t��ri t:,.,.. C�3 ��'L'.�'�:���`�s .�.,., �., .�..� t'i`� i.:, b U:o� � i �� � �.�.. �����?: Z�� ��z�ypr ���e�4 _ ts �1��' c:s . M�� . ' � ' " � � ' '' ,. � ,� �'..� �tat� caf C:'a�hin��nrt : �:�� Cr�ux�ty af � i n �; � �� ' / t}t� thi� =���G�-w-d�y �f�_ -1�l�Q�'or� m�, th� under�sign�t�, � I.�'o�G��ry P�'�lic in �.nd for th� S�at� v� '�tt�hh�:n�t,on, �.u3.y �ar�mi�sior�d �n� �crorn� p�rscsn�3.�.y ca�.� �'. G. ��'id tv me �nr�»n �� b� t1� �'r+�a�.c�n'�, ��d �". �f„ .�3T�I�, �La z�e �t� to be the� ��cre�za�r� o� t�.� CE�'€��A � �'�'t�T �t�t�� � R�#I�,ROAT� C�;��d1�t, � T�ohin�;�on �osp��:€�tion � t�is cor�.�crr��ic�r� ���� e�ersu�d �he �i t�i.�.�t �,nd fr�re�€�ix� instrur�en�, �n�l .�' � I �pev�ral3.y' aek�.a'�.�d�q��d �,�.d in�L�,�nt �o '�� �ie ��� �ana val� unt;ary �,e�t �n� dQ�d a�' t�id evrpar��ian fo� �ha uz�at� and �urpauao ther�in mcn't lon�d, �nd c►n oath ��er�.iy �tate�d t�.ot he cr�� �uthori�+ad to s�c��u t� ��id irt�trum�nt an�d t�t the �:z�t �f�'i�d 1� �he cor�c�rate �cza�l c��' ��c�. Q+�r�ora��ic�z�. Z�€ �T�T�� �R�;(?�' � l�:ava h�r�untQ a�t my hancl an�l a�"��.xe� rq� c��'�'i�i�. r�ea� tha d��' a,nd y��.r 3�r� thi� e�rtiff t�.t� �.rat ��a� �ri�t+��'�.- - % , ---��. __ �'o�ary �tibl ic S.n and for t�� 8�ata c�� ��r�hin��on r�a idin� �t S��ttle. 1 r � I i .r�r J . . . , k . , . , , , `� 4 i • � , s � 8��t� of �`��hir�,��on : {�� �cbun�y c�f �' i n � : �', �he und���i�n�d, � I�otary Pub31Q in �►n�. �'c�r th,e �tate af' �'1'a�hinytrrn, du3.y c�a:�i.a�ioned anc� s�rarn dc� ��r+�by �ex�i.f� �h.�t dn thi.+� `3.,,�,.G,�,,.,�,di�.y c���`�- 192�'�,,, ��rsana�,ly �,pz��.red b�fr�re zr�� ����r.�.� �-��.. �nc� '"h-�..-.�- /�Q ..��, ger�nn�3.ly l�no�rn �o r�� �� �� th� �:�yor �nc3. �i�� �.er� re�pec�3v�:�y' c�f �he C3 t� of R+�M�tc�n, �nd th�y ���r�rzal.ly aakn+�wle���ci to �.� �hut ' th�y �x�cutc�d the �.�ac�vg i��truz.�nt pt�r�u�n'� �6 � r��o3.ut3�ori � �uu�.�' ��pt�d by th� ��.�y Cc�un+�il a�" �a�d City c��' �entc�n f���2y � �nd �olun��.ra3.y for� �^i� tts�� �,nr1 purpos�e�► �hr�r�in s��nt�.r�n�d. I 1�' z�c�.,��s ���:�U� � ha�� h�r�unta �c�� z�,y' ��.�nci ar�d �ffa.�ted :�" c��"fie:is�3. s�m]. t�� c�a�r �,nc3 y�ar in th�� ��.r��.�'icat� l'ir�� �bc�v� cr�ci,tt�r�. � �'o t�.ry Pub�.i c i n anc� f'�x .�a�:� �3 t r��G� of '���la.in��c�n,r��i.ain� �t �-e.eP—�� I � � �a— � — — — ----�