HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/2007 - Minutes , 4r +r� i�l7Y C.�F�?ENTUI� , ��e�2�o12 .�i�N � �' 200�# .l�t1111C1��� _ _ /���1,fS In Attendance: Patricia Pepper,Ellie Simpson, Mike 0���1�'�a�'���e�y�n Reingold, Roosevelt Lewis, Dawn Murin. Patricia Riggs, VOI22I222SS1012 Linda Middlebrooks, Kristi Hand, Jerri Everett Absent: N/A Staff: Peter Renner, Kimberly Dodds, Liz Stewart Guest: Britt Peterson, Michael Nolan, Rick Moreno January 3, 2007•8:OOam•7�'Floor, Council Conference Room,Renton City Hall Chairperson Patricia Pepper called the meeting to order at 8:08am. Chairperson Patricia Pepper introduced Liz Stewart of the History Museum. Liz passed around information on totem pole history she found during research. MINUTE APPROVAL Discussion took place as to the fact that there were possible recommended changes to the minutes; but that the minutes were mailed so long ago members could not locate them. As such, as drafted, the minutes were determined to be acceptable. Motion to approve minutes approved. BUDGET REVIEW Peter reviewed the budget and discussed the carry forward process for moving the $500 maintenance balance forward to give $1000 for maintenance next year. The bronze plaque for River will be coming out of 2007 expenses due to the fact that the invoice was not received early enough to come out of 2006 expenses. The plaque is approximately$178.00. CORRESPONDENCE Items were passed around the table for review. • Artist/Trust Grants for Artist Projects Applications notification. • 4Culture brochure • Postcards (2) from artists Andrea Myklebust&Stanton G. Sears ACTION ITEMS 1. Maintain website information: No updates at this time. Kim will add a link to post upcoming artists. 2. 1% art ideas for future park projects: Kristi Hand appreciated Linda's comments last month about art in Hawaii. Kristi thinks it would be great if we included "fun" and"whimsy" into our next piece. Pat mentioned the pieces at Seattle Art. Consideration was given to including something with Cascade Canoe and Kayak. With the trail extending to the pier, having a piece out close to the water or a piece relating to water would be good. Pat would like to see something with movement. Britt mentioned the possibility of a pendulum piece that dunks over into the water. Michael found the artist that does the kinetic sculptures. He will bring it to the next meeting or meeting after. Ellie had a thought before that the water is an extension of the runway for the floatplanes so that we place art in a way of not distracting planes. 3. Commission Appointments: Britt Peterson is pending. - , � ,�,. 4. Henry Moses Mural Placement: Mural is done and has been delivered—but we are waiting to install it for better weather. The main point is to have the artwork in place before the pool opens again next season. The opening will be a special occasion. 5. YMS —Teen Talent Show: VJ is working with Shawna Pennington and the high schools. Discussion took place as to what RMAC's role is in this event. It was discussed that our support is financial and through judging. 6. 1% for Art—Unnamed Park: Dawn presented the completed mockup of the artwork. She had all the languages available to view. There are approximately 401anguages represented. Question about whether or not the park is named. A name recommendation will be at Council soon. Dawn is speaking with Western Metal Arts in the next week or so. Cost of steel has risen. Peter suggested getting a new estimate. The park will have a dedication ceremony. 7. Carco Theatre Guest artists: Jennifer Bowman is there right now. Gretchen Hancock goes in on the 27`h. Discussion took place as to whether or not Dawn needs assistance. She feels that she does not—but that she will ask in the future if she does. Question of lights came up. VJ is looking into replacing lights. 8. Cultural Web page: Question was asked if there was a point person we would go to at the City to advertise events. Events to be placed on City of Renton website. Liz is on the Community Services web team and she will find out who the point of contact is for advertising on the website. Eleanor spoke that the Piazza Group has no real connection to the City, so could they advertise on our website? Links to cultural events should be on this website. Linda addressed the cultural events calendar that was published a year in advance. Question arose as to former RAPT members. Ellie has a folder at home. Michael recommended that the information of inembers be forwarded to Britt Peterson. 9. Maintenance/Repair of artwork: Budget issue for next year. Carry forward$500 for next year, and with additiona12007 funds ($500) we will have$1000 to spend toward repair maintenance. Discussion will need to take place regarding which items should be worked on. We should hear about the SoCo Grant in the next month or so. 10. Sculpture Garden: Patricia Riggs and Michael will work on this. They will meet with Leslie Betlach to determine potential areas. If someone wants to put a dedication to a loved one—they would be able to do this. Discussed further. 11. Welcome to Renton Sign: Peter said we did get approval from Council to move ahead with the Tiffany Park project. Peter feels that the sign might be well suited for this facility. Dawn commented that the Renton sign is amateur and does not speak to Renton and where you want Renton to go. 80% of the sign was scrapped,however, and the balance is the best of the piece. 12. Summer Children's Passport for Art: Kristi feels this has to be reconfigured. She was supposed to meet with McKnight Middle School, but with the storms there were no meetings. It appears that the school is not too interested. Their main concern is regarding how the kids will have transportation to get to these places to make it fair for all. She commented that perhaps this could be an event that ties into River Days. This could be focused into a scavenger hunt just in the River Days area. Discussion took place about ways to tie this into RRD. Further discussion took place regarding decorating the booth. K�1vt w�LL SEND A COPY OF THE"GUIDE TO CITY OWNED ART"WITH THE MINUTES NEXT MONTH. SPECIAL GUESTS: Michael Nolan introduced himself and Rick Moreno. Michael spoke regarding the update and remodel on 3rd floor in the courtroom waiting area and new employee lunchroom and lounge. Michael commented that all remaining city artwork has been hung on the walls of city hall. There were three broken pieces that were repaired, and three pieces reframed. The lunchroom is 750 square feet. There are two paintings in the lunchroom,but there is an interest in more artwork. Michael has been asked to come to RMAC. First proposal is that they would like art. Second is a suggestion of a mural. � ' .�.� �w. 1. Economic solution is for three prints that would be ordered. Pictures are 24x36 and would be matted with gray mat. 2. Mural—Rick Moreno highlighted his design. The mural would cover one entire wall of the employee lunchroom. The whole approach to the lunchroom was to give employees a complete break from City Hall. It is very bright and contemporary...and they wanted a lighthearted and whimsical approach to this. Mural is 1Ox30 feet in mass. Discussion took place. Questions were asked regarding financial arrangements and where the proposed money would come from considering the overall budget of RMAC? Pat thanked the guests and said they would take the request under advisement. Discussion took place. Michael made a motion that we do not authorize a mural for the lunchroom using 1% for art funds. Kristi seconded the motion. Discussion that it was a good idea. Consensus that this was outside of our scope. Motion passed that mural would not be approved by RMAC through their efforts or funds. Motion on whether to pay for the prints. Michael moved that RMAC pay for three prints out of general funds for the employee lunchroom—however they wanted the employees to vote on the prints. Peter suggested not taking from general but from 1°Io. If they are stating that they do not support public art— then funds should come from general. Ellie commented that the City—through Mr. Nolan—paid for the repair of city artwork. They have a fund for the repair of city artwork and that RMAC could assist with this by reimbursing through the purchasing of these prints. Ellie motioned RMAC reimburse (exchange) Michael Nolan the costs for fixing and repairing artwork by purchasing prints for lunchroom. Pat seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Membership is full at this time. 2. Question: Does everyone get minutes from the downtown committee group? Asked about newsletter from Jennifer Davis-Hayes. One of the things the City of Renton is interested in is what downtown looks like. Jim Kelly from 4Culture came to discuss their involvement with working with cities to plan types of art and cultural impacts a city is striving to attain. Pat asked if there was some way that RMAC could gain consensus on getting Jim Kelly to come to the city to discuss what 4Culture might be interested in doing for the city? Questioning about whether or not RMAC might want to approach city council regarding involving 4Culture. Dawn and Kristi felt that an outside perspective might be good. Questions regarding his fees occurred. Peter commented that the idea was good—but that Economic Development(through Jennifer Davis-Hayes) would need to be involved...that there are a lot of players involved in the economic re-development and cultural advancement of the City. Initial contact should be made with Jennifer Davis-Hayes. Evelyn would like Jennifer to come to the meeting to report on new progress. 3. Britt will go to 4Culture (January 18 from 9-11 am). Dawn Murin,Jerri Everett, and Michael will try to go as well. Last time RMAC was the host to this event. Kristi will contact VJ to get information from him. Jerri will help with this, as she has done this in the past. 4. Pat wants to know what meetings we can go to around the City to gain exposure for the group. 5. Britt discussed Arts Unlimited project called Spring Art Exhibit, and is considering a juried event (arts exhibit)March 24, 2007. They are looking for jurors. They are still seeking sponsors—and perhaps RMAC could sponsor this event. 6. Kristi discussed Renton Western Wear painting the outside of their facility. She commented that it is getting going this month. There is vendor-sponsored art, and in the spring the building will be painted and the windows redone. Meeting adjourned 10:10 am �}- � /�' �� ., , ._�'��'� ��,(;�G�,�l.�, �l� V`�--.. ,�-i. ,��