HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/2007 - Minutes - � � �t'enfon_ �rnreiP� ^�lTY OF R�NTON , `�rl.s G`omm�s.rron '' + In Attendance: � Jerri Everett, Kristi Hand, Linda Middlebrooks, Dawn Muri�-����E=iv�a O'Halloran, Pat Pepper, Britt Peterson, Patricia Riggs, Ellie Simpsori K�a�F`CE Absent: Evelyn Reingold excused Staff: Peter Renner, Vincent Orduna, Diane Wagner March 7, 2007 � 8:00 am � 7t'' Floor, Council Conference Room, Renton City Hall The meeting was called to order at 8:12 am by Chair Pat Pepper. MINUTE APPROVAL The following corrections/revisions to the February meeting were noted: 1. Pat Riggs was at the last meeting. 2. Jerri Everett was not at the last meeting, excused absence. 3. Page 1, item 3: list Doug "Kyes", full name. 4. Page l, item 1, second line: the Renton resident is a"she"vs. "he". 5. Page 2, item 11: spell out"Michael O'Halloran". For 6. Page 1, item 6: weather"vane" also, was one or two approved? Two, one for Heritage and other for Edlund park to be. Ellie Simpson moved to approve minutes with above corrections. Kristi Hand seconded. Minutes approved with noted changes. BUDGET REVIEW Peter Renner advised of ongoing discuss with Finance for funds from Transportation for PBPW reserve and move to active 125 account. Most likely, this will take another couple months before complete. The 1°Io for arts from PBPW projects confusion is spelled out in three ordinances that govern the 1°Io for art and Municipal Arts Commission. There will be an assembly of a 1% for an internal city arts task force with Finance, Transportation, and Community Services. Discussions with Chair of Transportation and Community Services Committee about some of these issues and good idea to make recommendations about how ordinances may be updated and reworded due to limits, etc. There is confusion about sort of transportation grants that are and art not eligible for 1% . There is a serious time lag for projected project funding for the year. To clarify: last report from Transportation for qualifying projects was for 2005 and received in October 2006. These reports are supposed to be received in January when budget is approved by Council and when the Arts Commission is to be setting project reviews. Department turnover aided in the reporting delay and also assignment transfers. Need to be real clear on what qualifies. Mike O'Halloran asked if there were restrictions of 1% for where arts money must be spent. Peter Renner replied there seems to be confusion if funds generated from bridge project then funds do not necessary go to an art project associated with the bridge but in example of the pool , fund had to be designated to pool. Ellie Simpson asked if any danger of not receiving funding? Peter Renner advised no,this will help the Arts Commission quite a bit. Mike O'Halloran asked that if any meetings get scheduled where they want to take funds away,please let the Committee know so all can attend. Created on 3/12/2007 7:37:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007uvlazch 2007\030707 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc � � � ,�enlon, .l�rnicipal , �rls Gommission. CORRESPONDENCE The following funding requests were received: 1. Rainier Chorale is requesting$750. $500 was given in 2006 for their instrumentalists for their June concert held at Carco Theater. 2. Renton Youth Symphony is requesting$1,500 to pay for their coaches. Same amount as what was contributed in 2006. 3. Allied Arts of Renton is requesting$750 for their annual Fall Family Concert with the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra. RMAC has supported this organization since they began. Ikea is location for performance. 4. Renton River Days is requesting$1,500. Same amount as what was contributed in 2006. A letter from the King County Metropolitan Council was received regarding the Council coming to Renton for a town hall meeting re: "Roads and Transit Plan". This letter serves as an invitation to attend the meeting, which is scheduled as follows: Roads &Transit Plan Monday March 12, 2007 6:00 pm Reception � 6:30 pm Program Spirit of Washington Event Center 233 Burnett Avenue South Renton,Wa This plan is a comprehensive set of investments in freeways, light-rail and commuter-rail, HOV lanes,park- and-ride lots, and express and local bus service that together constitute the single largest investment ever made to improve our regional transportation system. This town hall meeting is part of the Roads and Transit Plan's public review process. The Council must decide later this year whether to place the final plan on the November ballot. Please make an effort to attend this meeting if your schedule allows. Britt Peterson and Linda Middlebrooks may be able to attend. A letter was received from 4Culture denying our request for funds for the name plate grant project. 64 requests were received and$1,052,000 was awarded among 50 organizations. The deadline for the next grant submittal is June 25. May resubmit for plates but first need to find out the evaluation process. The second grant will be an "arts equipment proposal grant". Need to look if we dotted our"I's" and crossed our"T's"? Dawn Murin commented that maybe it was turned down for `name plates' vs. actual `art work'? Mike O'Halloran suggested we keep our eye on 4Culture website for grant money we can pass along to other arts organizations in the City. Dawn Murin suggested we propose a grant for our arts maintenance and cleaning project. Pat Pepper commented that we can always ask. Correspondence was received from Artist Trust. This press release is looking for nominations for lifetime artistic achievement with a deadline of submittals of April 16, 2007. This is an annual award of$10,000 given to a Washington State female visual artists, age 60 or over, who has dedicated 25 years of her life to creating art. Miscellaneous flyers were passed around announcing different activities, i.e. Emerald Down's Horse Art Show, King County Library Program on arts, Kent's spotlight Series for March, and Rainier Chorale Symphony No. 3 "Organ". Created on 3/12/2007 7:37:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007�Ivlarch 2007\030707 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc � � �ealon J��n�crPal , �i Is �orrzmission GUESTS 1. Liz Stewart from the Renton Historical Museum passed around the new newsletter and advised of two women's history events this month. She also mentioned the Council approved Western Neon refurbish the Roxy sign for gallery display. They plan to start this project in early April and finish sometime in August. 2. Rick Moreno. Rick is an Engineer with Water Department and Project Management but today he is here as an artist. He distributed reference material regarding his interests today. He recently was commissioned to do a mural inside the new employee lunchroom/lounge here at City Hall. He is now approaching the idea of the lobby floors. In his opinion, they are very bland. His idea of each public entry could be a canvas to express artistically what Renton has to offer. Each floor could have a theme of interest and be a visual display of a unique theme to welcome the public...i.e. main lobby,relationship with Sister Cities. Fire Department could possibly have a tribute to 9/11 and/or fire men-women. Police Department could have a welcoming panoramic view with Coulon, the City, and Mount Rainier. On another floors: Puget Sound with whales, native Indians, sockeye salmon returning under water, open freedom, outer space, etc. The ideas are endless. In his opinion, to enhance the public facility, and with"Staying Ahead of the Curve", he would like to mention two things: 1) Renton City Hall could be a great canvas for artwork and offered to bring to future meetings specific art renderings of what he perceives as commission work for City Hall; and 2) In his opinion, the City has a historical mural worth preserving. The City has approached the idea of restoration of the mural adjacent to Vet's Park(circa 1920-1930's). He would like to be involved and marry-up at any capacity for the restoration of the mural. . Mike O'Halloran asked if the Arts Commission approved the mural, would he lead the project to get money and Rick said he would volunteer his time to do this as he feels it would be an asset to the City. Mike O'Halloran asked about Rick's idea of restoring the mural and if he would restore it exactly as it was to appear or give it a brand new appearance? Rick replied his approach would depend on a study and report on perimeters. His preconception would be to restore to original conception with touch ups by doing research on how it originally appeared. Ellie Simpson asked if Rick has spoken with the building owner because in the past he has been opposed to doing anything and is happy to let the mural fade away. Rick has approached the owner and met to discuss the project and showed him some of his work. Rick invited the Committee to visit the some of the local restaurants such as Common Ground Coffee & Cupcakes as some of his artwork is there. He also did the Welcome Wall in the same building which is a common ground of 15 different languages. Kristi Hand asked if he did the cupcake art work facing outside and Rick replied that he did. Mike O'Halloran asked if he does paintings and if he would be interested in doing a show at Carco? Rick replied that at this moment he has too many things on his interests in murals, etc but would possibly consider this in the future. Mike O'Halloran thought it would be a great idea to light up the water tower in the Highlands during the holidays. In closing Rick commented that the first he notices with City Hall is that all the floors look very similar and have really no personality. He always envisioned the idea of establishing this as a canvas for art, no necessary for him only but possibly several different artists. He would be very interested in being commissioned for this project and hopes this is taken into consideration. (Agenda item next meeting). Created on 3/12/2007 737:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007U�Sazch 2007\030707 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc �enlon. � � ��nrcrpal r- , �i•ls G�mm_lssion OLD BUSINESS 1. Maintain website information: Dawn Murin mentioned she feels the area where Carco Art Information is buried and hard to find on the City Website and asked if it can it be moved to Visiting, Arts and Entertainment vs. government? (Note: Diane checked the web and RMAC is listed under the Arts & Entertainment Section-please see attached examples of how to get to the RMAC via the Renton website). 2. 1% art ideas for future park projects: It was mentioned the Chastain Trail may be no more- - Peter Renner advised this has been tabled for the time being. The plan for the trail extension may not be a good site for future art as there are issues with security/Boeing, there is also an issue ongoing with Muckleshoot tribe as they retain fishing rights and possibly object to trail. It was also mentioned the Mayor was not excited with the idea of having art at end of Cedar River Trail. For future references, it may be good to find out where to place art and discuss with Council and the Mayor. Our commission is to recommend locations per ordinance. The administration always has a level of input but is not always available. VJ Orduna asked if there should be a master plan of art in the City and asked for any suggestions on how to implement long term? Kristi Hand commented that Mike O'Halloran put lot of work on this trail art project and to avoid something like this in the future maybe the Committee could pick top ten locations and then present to Administration/CounciUMayor and then narrow down choices instead of just deny one location then moving on to next. This will give them options and a little control. Britt Peterson asked if the master plan is just an idea or if this is in the development phase? Peter Renner advised it is a `need' to have. Britt Peterson commented the Committee should be big part of the process and not cut out. VJ Orduna asked what is best way to proceed with all the growth going on....they want a long range art plan...how do we proceed? Peter Renner commented there will be a palette of choices for Council and let them know where we feel we are heading/what direction.....five-year/ten-year plan is followed and then wait for comments,then work a few times and proceed. Pat Pepper said to look at larger pix with the growth and think of ways we can present larger pictures but also allow the City to choose the range they feel is appropriate to Renton. Peter Renner said the Arts Commission will be represented on this task force and this will give RMAC the tools to work with. Mike O'Halloran said he would be willing to work with Pat Pepper to come up with locations, arts, ideas, Commission opinions on 1% for Transportation projects (i.e. update lights, nicer stripes on roads, etc)....Mike O'Halloran commented that the art fund is growing so scrutiny is inevitable. Pat Pepper commented successful communication is important for wise choices for direction of art in Renton. Peter mentioned the intent of task force is to get better definition from Administration and Council for expectations for the Arts Commission. There is not a problem and they are not seeking more control but more of a common language. This is still probably about three months out. 3. Commission appointmenUmembership: Doug Kyes was interviewed after the last meeting. VJ Orduna asked if there will there be a nomination and vote. Terry Higashiyama suggested appropriate way to be done would be to advertise the opening and open it up for the public and others to apply, interview other possible candidates then vote on a new member. Diane will forward appropriate information to Pat Pepper and assist with advertising the opening. 4. Henry Moses mural placement: Mayor's office gave three dates available on a Saturday and forwarded to Duwamish Tribe to see if works with their schedule. Would like to have big dedication and picnic on a Saturday around noon. Some possibilities are the last two Saturday's of May or first Saturday of June. No reply received yet. Created on 3/12/2007 7:37:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007uvtarch 2007\030707 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc " � �.rr `,�r+' 'T[�enlon .1�rnrciP¢f , �rls �ommission 5. YMS—Teen Talent Show: The All-Teen talent show is the 17`h of March. Nobody has contacted about judging but it may be a last minute invitation. Ellie Simpson asked if we would offer prize money and Pat Pepper said they have not asked. 6. 1% for Art: Weather Vanes: one for Heritage Park and one for Edlund's future park. The vanes have yet to be purchased. Okay to precede Mike O'Halloran will order. Design of vane chosen and they are approximately$150each. The panels are done and Western is waiting for funds before proceeding. Dawn Murin asked if the panels will be delivered. Peter replied they will but are waiting on better weather. Peter Renner suggested having them contact Greg Stroh to coordinate. Mike O'Halloran requested to be advise when installed so Committee has opportunity to watch. 7. Carco Theater guest artists: Are there flyer with information on what the Commission does/are we out of flyers? Diane to check to see if any RMAC flyers around anywhere. Kristi Hand asked about floral art? There is a local Highlands, the Painted Tulip, store that offers great displays but this may be too much of a liability at Carco due to the non-secure locations of displays and the children that run around. Could be possibility for art display at City Hall or Parking Garage. Mike O'Halloran visited Buckley Imports and asked for lists of African artists for and in turn they asked us for list of different artists as they are interested in possibly showing art other than African American. Mike O'Halloran will forward list of those who have shown at Carco. Dawn Murin asked why there are no prices listed when art is displayed at Carco. The City could be considered as acting as an agent. Arts Unlimited sent out an invite thru utility billing for a spring art exhibit and mentioned art was for sale. A Renton resident called the mayor and complained the City was peddling art. Peter will double check with City attorney. 8. Grants proposal: 4Culture grant: deadline is March 26. Pat Pepper, Mike O'Halloran, Evelyn Reingold, and VJ Orduna will work on this together. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 14,4:30 pm at Carco. Everyone is invited to attend. Mike O'Halloran recommended a visit to the 4Culture website for specific specs for grants. They hold special meetings to help what to look for. Pat Pepper will be attending a meeting at the Senior Center about grants and will have more information after the meeting. Dawn Murin recommended requesting lights for Carco as lighting seems to be a concern for past artists. 9. Maintenance/repair of artwork: Mike O'Halloran suggested we start with one picture and possibly have a city crew gently wash or even form a committee to have the art cleaned. Mike O'Halloran will be in charge of call to clean artwork near the river by the Senior Center. Peter Renner clarified that according to ordinances, task of cleaning/art preservation is responsibility of Administration and what is needed is a priority list of items that needs to be cleaned. Pat Pepper has a list with estimates from two different companies and will forward to Peter Renner to act upon. 10. Sculpture garden: Patricia Riggs discussed in length her ideas and visions for a potential park and different activities and items of consideration. She also would like to contact some people to see if they are willing to donate funds. The committee requested a formal written proposal for review prior to proceeding. Mike O'Halloran will work with Patricia Riggs on her proposal. Created on 3/12/2007 7:37:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007Vvlarch 2007�030707 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc ;�enlon � � .����,�.pal , �rls Gomm!'ssion 11. Welcome to Renton Sign: Location: Tiffany Park So far, this is still a go with installation to happen sometime in June or July . Peter Renner thought it would be a good idea to have the piece brought over and collectively decide if it is a good fit. 12. Summer Children's Passport for Art: Kristy Hand commented about redeveloping and working with Renton River Days and it's down to details. Focusing on art for kids, and possibly a walk with parents. Planning a drawing for door prizes. Decor and design and working out kinks are what is currently being worked on with ideas such as a map of art, or coloring of a particular piece of art, or a theme such as "we are al on a boat together". Kristi Hand agreed to be in charge of the booth for RRD. Advised her to contact Doug Kyes to see if he is interested in assisting with a master. 13. Funding requests: this will be an agenda item for the next meeting as the deadline is March 26. Ellie Simpson advised the requests for money has already exceeded funds available. To date received$9,250 in requests. NEW BUSINESS 1. Peter Renner advised he was requested to collect volunteer hours for 2006. Please send your hours to Diane as soon as available. Agenda item for next meeting. For future reference, a monthly roster will be passed around at the next meetings with the sign in sheet so volunteer hours will be easier to track. Mike O'Halloran noted the wall in the Council Chambers is empty since the room has been redone. Agenda item for next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am �JCift�Zl��`���, ��� �-- �� Created on 3/12/2007 7:37:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007�March 2007\030707 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc