HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/2007 - Minutes �e�lon � � /�v�icipaT �ITY O�R�NTOf�d ,— , �1'��� �orrzmrssron 'i I ' In Attendance: Jerri Everett, Kristi Hand,Mike O'Halloran, Pat Pepper, B���-�������FfCE Patricia Riggs, Evelyn Reingold. Absent: Linda Middlebrooks, Dawn Murin, Ellie Simpson, Vincent Orduna. Staff: Peter Renner, Diane Wagner May 9,2007-8:00 am-7th Floor, Council Conference Room,Renton City Hall The meeting was called to order at 8:10 am by Chair Pat Pepper. SPECIAL GUEST Peter Hartley,Library Board Member, addressed the Commission regarding the Library Master Plan and its progress. A public information meeting will be held May 23, 2007, from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm, North Highlands Community Center, and May 24, 2007, from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm, Renton City Hall Council Chambers. He also discussed the availability to comment on their blog at http://rp(�nasterplan.blogspot.com. Peter Hartley advised that at their last meeting the Library Board discussed the possibility of additional art in the libraries and also spoke with Arts Unlimited. Currently there is not much room but with the new Master Plan that could change. The Library can be a desirable gathering place with bright art. They are looking for bold/practical ideas. The Commission thanked Peter Hartley for sharing this information. Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator, followed up on the comments about the Library Master Plan. A Consultant has been chosen and they are talking to all Boards and Commissions about putting ideas on the table that are guided by the community and facilitated by staff. She also mentioned the Museum is in the beginning stage of their Master Plan and they will soon address the RMAC about direction and guidance. Terry Higashiyama passed around a draft invitation for the Heritage Park dedication, scheduled for Saturday, June 16, 2007, from 11:00 am- 1:00 pm. She asked if a final photo of the art is available to be used on the invitation. Each member will be receiving an invitation. She talked about the naming process for the park, the history of the area, and celebrating the heritage of the past and future. A new panel kiosk will be stationed at the park. The invitation includes historical pictures, and will also be available at the kiosk with narratives. The kiosk can/will be changed twice a year and they are always looking for photos. Liz from the Museum started an archive at the Museum and has begun some oral interviews. Terry also mentioned that 172 volunteers put in over 200 plants two weeks ago at the new park. Art is scheduled for installation just before the dedication. The celebration will also include a BBQ. Peter Renner will work on the protocol of who will speak about art at the dedication. The Barfield bench will be dedicated on May 19, 2007, with a religious celebration following. AGENDA APPROVAL Mike O'Halloran requested the Funding Approval Item be moved to be discussed right after budget review, motion was second. All voted in favor, motion passed. Created on 10/11/2007 10:47:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007�May 2007�IvIay 2007 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc : � ��Cealon/' � � ./1(,tLl11Cl�JQ1 �1'l3' G�m�rz�:s.rinii MINUTE APPROVAL Mike O'Halloran moved to approve minutes, second by Britt Peterson. All voted in favor, motion passed. BUDGET REVIEW Peter Renner advised that since the last meeting the balance of funds available from last year has been transferred to current year. Current balance is approximately$67,350 (balance for placed public art). General Fund balance is $7,500. Maintenance issues, RRD,photo placement, reception funding, etc., are expenses that are deducted from the General Fund balance. FUNDING REQUEST REVIEW 2006 fund distribution list reviewed (11 groups for a total distribution of$7,500). 2007 requests reviewed. Funding requests was received from ten groups totaling$11,500. Peter Renner mentioned in 2006 there were only a few minor expenses paid from General Funds account for miscellaneous items so the entire$7,500 was donated. Pat Pepper recommends a distribution of 90% of operational funds for donation requests ($6,350) with a balance available of$1,150 for operating funds. Evelyn Reingold inquired how the funds would be used by each organization and Mike O'Halloran gave a brief oral history for each requester. Amount distribution discussed and agreed upon. Britt Peterson motioned to approve funding numbers as discussed, second by Mike O'Halloran. All voted in favor, motion passed. CORRESPONDENCE Miscellaneous flyers were passed around for review as well as the Evergreen Ballet flyer advertising their performance at Carco Theater. OLD BUSINESS Peter Renner briefed the group about 2nd and Main project. The group would like to invite Terry Higashiyama to a future meeting to discuss a possible Master Plan for MAC. Peter Renner briefly discussed the procedure, funding and budget cycles with Council. Add to action list: Possible places for public art. Kristi Hand briefly discussed the progress of the Renton River Days booth. Mike O'Halloran will provide a volunteer list for staffing the booth and Kristi Hand will call to remind each of their times. Mike O'Halloran recommends banner be replaced. Discussion about the MAC sign followed. RRD KIDS DAY is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 2007. Kristi Hand will do a draft proposal for a new banner/sign for review at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS Mike invited all members to the SKC Cultural Coalition meeting at the Evergreen Ballet located at the old McClendon's building. Arts Unlimited will have artists there and there will be social time. Evelyn Reingold moved, Britt Peterson second that MAC contribute $100 for food donation. All voted in favor, motion passed. Created on 10/11/2007 10:47:00 AM Q:�EDNSP�RMAC�2007uvlay 2007�IvIay 2007 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc , . � \r� wr� ,enlon, �in�ciPa� ,—. , /�rls ��mm_r's,rion NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED Britt Peterson offered labor to frame the picture for Council Conference Room art project. Pat Pepper reminded everyone to write down their volunteer hours. Pat Pepper passed out the City's Sign Regulations and requests each member review and be ready to discuss at the next meeting. Pat Pepper discussed today's meeting and the public open meeting rules. MISCELLANEOUS l. Commission Appointment: Diane Wagner is working on logistics for this as it relates to advertising. 2. Pool Art Dedication is scheduled for June 2, 2007. � 3. Guest Artists at Carco: status quo. 4. Heritage Park Art Dedication is scheduled June 16, 2007. Art installation started today, May 9, 2007. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 am. �.. , . ���t2i f�-l�/ ��� ��'�?- Created on 10/11/2007 10:47:00 AM Q:�EDNSPU2MAC�2007�May 2007uvlay 2007 RMAC Meeting Minutes final.doc