HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/05/2007 t i � � ��enfon City of Renton J��t��rP�� �slTv cJF R�l�JTO�� �rls •� Commrssron Community Services ?��;V � � L��� Meeting Minutes �lYY�{�E�iNtS d�F(CE September 5, 2007 � 8:00 am Renton City Hall, 7th Floor Council Conference Room In Attendance: Pat Pepper, Chair, Eleanor Simpson, Secretary, Linda Middlebrooks, Patricia Riggs,Jerri Everett, Mike O'Halloran. 5taff: Peter Renner, Jennifer Davis Hayes, Elizabeth Stewart, Diane Wagner. Absent: Evelynn Reingold, excused. Dawn Murin, excused. Kristi Hand, excused. Britt Peterson, excused. Vincent Orduna, excused. Call to Order Chair Pat Pepper called the meeting to order at 8:15 am. Guest/Visitors: Jennifer Davis Hayes, City of Renton Economic Development Director, was in attendance to discuss the Wayfinding Project. The City's 2007 budget provided funds for the Wayfinding Project(City signage for downtown identity enhancement.) There are over 900 free parking spaces in downtown Renton but not many people know of these and the City is in need of a way to communicate this information to visitors. We will be identifying many of the City amenities such as free parking,parks, and the Farmers Market, by utilizing year-round signs to provide that information. The City has an internal committee with members that include City employees Peter Renner and Elizabeth Stewart, along with others and the sign company, Sea-Reach Limited out of Oregon. Sea-Reach will do the design and manufacturing of the signs. The project is moving along and is in the preliminary design stage with plans to present to the Council sometime in mid-September. Jennifer passed around a copy of the Power Point presentation showing examples of signs and gave a project status report. She said the community has been involved with addressing and developing goals. The intent is to reduce clutter and add proper signage that is more recognizable for public parking,parks, activities, etc. There has already been a color and lettering size study that meets ADA requirements. The signs will be very bright, easy to read &identify, and eye catching. Jennifer explained how the signage choices were made. She described where they are in process now and a dateline of the future goals. The directional signs are hoped to be up by this fall with the balance of signs/kiosks up by March of 2008. It was suggested that five gateway signs be placed in the entry to downtown Renton but the current project budget only supports one at this time. This is the first phase of this project and is scheduled to be completed by early next year. Questions about Park-n-Ride locations, signage, and vandalism were discussed. One concern was if the project included an address of the misleading sign for Renton Chamber of Commerce at 2°d and Lake. 1 . , � � �enlon City of Renton ��'�rP�1 •� Commrssron Community Services Meeting Minutes September 5,2007-8:00 am Renton City Hall,7th Floor Council Conference Room Guest/Visitors Continued: Another concern had to do with unauthorized posting of signs; these would be removed immediately when the City is notified, which is the current practice. Any signage suggestions or questions can be emailed to Jennifer at JdavisHayesCn?ci.renton.wa.us. It was mentioned that many people are interested in what the Art Commission does and there are people interested in opportunities to show their work. Mike O'Halloran said 4Culture is a great venue and the South King County Coalition can put out a Call for Artist as they have over 50 different art coalition contacts. Mike will contact the South King County Coalition, after details are provided by Jennifer, to do a call for artist to possibly assist with signage design and/or art. e commission thanked Jennifer for attending the meeting and her great presentation. Agenda Approval: Change last name order of Jennifer to Davis-Hayes (was Hayes-Davis on original agenda.) Agenda approved with changes. Minutes Approval: There was one change under Carco Artists for the correct spelling of Katzer's name. Motion made to approve minutes with correction by Mike O'Halloran, second by Linda Middlebrooks. All voted in favor, motion passed. Budget Review: Peter Renner gave the 1°Io for Arts update. He also talked about the carry forward balance from HMAC of approximately$5,000 and the$60,000 in this year's budget available. Peter also put in the annual budget request of$60,000 for 2008. The budget request review with Council is coming soon. Peter will request carry forward of 2007 funds for the 2°d&Main Project as this is a major gateway to the City and an ideal public art location. The developer is somewhat behind their original development timetable. Council may also permit some of the 1% funds to be used for an Art and Culture Master Plan, but that has not been discussed or approved yet. The concept is included in a proposed ordinance change that will be scheduled for Community Services Committee this fall. The potential for grant funding was also discussed. Correspondenee: Miscellaneous materials from other art organizations (program guides, fall conferences, speaker information, etc.) was passed around for review and briefly discussed. An auction event for Evergreen Ballet was discussed and an Allied Artist concert was brought up. Linda Middlebrooks will bring brochures for the auction to the next meeting. 2 , ' .�,.. '+�r✓ Czty of Renton J�u a�'crp 1 �rfs •� �ommr'ssron Community Services Meeting Minutes September 5,2007—8:00 am Renton City Hall,7th Floor Council Conference Room Old Business: The Heritage Park dedication had a great turn out. The park is beautiful and the neighbors are really great about keeping up and watching over the park and assisting with cleaning. Kristi did a superb job with the Renton River Days booth. The decorations were fabulous and there was great kid's participation. The booth was very well run and Kristi did an outstanding job. The results from the River Days art contest were passed around for viewing. Mike inquired about the possibility of replacing the long low table that was used at River Days. Linda suggested tables similar to the ones used for Farmer's Market. Linda said the Farmer's Market only uses them on Tuesdays and chairs and tables would be available to borrow if interested. All agreed this was a great idea. The Western Wear Project had been approved this summer and work began this week. The relocation of the Migrating Geese sculpture was discussed. Most agreed the piece is not very visible in its current location in the lawn at the East side of Carco and feel a more visible location is desirable. Alternate sites were discussed and Peter will check with Parks and Fire regarding a closer location to the RCC. Mike reminded everyone about the Time Capsule located at RCGCarco and suggested a monument be placed near its location so it doesn't get lost or forgotten. Currently there is a plaque that is not very visible. Park Maintenance likes to keep plaques flush so it is easier to mow so they may be resistant to that suggestion. A library patron ran into The Homework Comes First statue,breaking it loose from the deck and causing internal damage to the mounting points, along with scratches and dents. It currently is being stored inside the Library. An art restoration company has been slow to respond with an estimate. There are not too many companies who do this work so alternative options are limited. Some members of the Library Board indicated their preference to keep it in the Library, a written request may follow. The Tiffany Park Building dedication is scheduled for Saturday, September 29, 2007, at 11:00 am. Mike O'Halloran will assume responsibilities for refurbishment of the steel art from old Welcome to Renton sign for the building with Facilities Division support. 3 . � � � �rt�enfon City of Renton ���1��'rP�I � �rls �• �ommrssion Community Services Meeting Minutes September 5,2007-8:00 am Renton City Hall,7th Floor Council Conference Room Old Business Continued: Pictures for Council Conference Room are currently with Britt for framing. Britt will bring them to the September meeting. Pat will let her know to deliver them to Peter to have the Facilities Team install per Britt's direction. The 2°d &Main Development Project is progressing slowly. Peter passed around the latest drawings of the space and detailed ideas of the scale reference and art ideas. RMAC should provide samples of acceptable art for the site to provide a common ground for consideration of an artist at a later date. The developers have indicated a preference for a water feature and an example was included in Peter's handout. New Business: Linda inquired about the operation of the fountain located near Old City Hall. It's turned off or not working due to leaves or vandalism and an inquiry was made to the possibility of having it run all year around. There is a project in the works now to remove overgrown trees, tree trimming, bush thinning, and the possibility of planting other trees in the area. It is hoped the fountain will be up and running soon. Peter will follow up. Commissioners were notified of a follow-up Boards and Commission Training to be held on Monday, October 29, 2007. A mailing will be sent out soon. Mike noted there was quite a bit of press and many sales for this months' Carco Theatre young artists showcase featuring Iain Mangum and Hannah Timmen. The art showing was amazing and impressive. This year's Harvest Festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 6, 2007. Mike discussed the idea of"drive-by art in downtown Renton" (such as art on the sewing machine building). He would approach a building owner with the project funded half by RMAC - 1%for Art funds and half of the expenses paid by the building owner. The art would be located on two or three buildings total for the City. Locations may include the following: Glass Works (wall next to main parking lot), Stiffy's, Bank of America, and possibly Family Community Players empty storefront. Peter expressed concerns regarding the perception of exclusion from other businesses not approached or selected to have art on their building and proposed working through the Chamber of Commerce. Mike will explore suggestions and report back at next meeting. Mike made a motion to explore idea of using 1% for Art's in a joint venture with different building owners in downtown Renton to place art on exterior of buildings similar to Armando's old building art depicting painters. Patricia Riggs seconds. All voted in favor, 4 . . , � tiwri` ��enton City of Renton �u�rP�� •� �iommrs.srorl Community Services Meeting Minutes September 5,2007—8:00 am Renton City Hall,7th Floor Council Conference Room New Business Continued: motion passed. Mike will confer with Jennifer Davis-Hayes and the Downtown Committee and report back at the next meeting. Mike mentioned that while at Renton River Days he met the new owner of old FS 12, Eric Haywood. This is privately-owned property now, not City property. Apparently Mr. Haywood is willing to pay for publicly-displayed art placed on the side of his building and would like to work with the RMAC to make it happen. A suggestion was that Mike give Mr. Haywood names of appropriate local artists to contact. A number of interviews have been conducted for RMAC vacancies and recommendations are expected soon. Jerri inquired about moving the meetings to a different time and this topic was discussed briefly. Pat Pepper suggested members think about it and this idea will be discussed at the next meeting. She mentioned to keep in mind the City Staff schedule, other boards and commission members schedules, and other activities. Adjournment at I0:05 am `��GC�"/Yl�CC� � � , Approved by Pat Pe per, Chair 5