HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2009 - Minutes � ' � � E�T1'OF REIyTON � MAY 1 9 2009 �s� �� �ter?lon *�::�� �+ ��t1111C'tJ)UI C�NCLERKSOFFICE �'• ` } � �t'�S ��'N�T'�� ����mrnrssir�rl RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetinq Minutes April 7, 2009 Renton City Hall 4:30 p.m. Conference Center Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Jerri Everett, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Linda Middlebrooks, Evelyn Reingold, Wesley Van Doren and Denise Zullig. Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: Dalia Amin, Valerie Gower, Mike O'Halloran and Britt Peterson City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes, Community & Economic Development Elizabeth Stewart, Renton History Museum Supervisor Vivienne Lietz, Administrative Secretary, Community& Economic Development Vincent Orduna, Cultural Arts Coordinator CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Pat Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Guests: Liz Stewart, Renton History Museum "Finger of God": Sam Graydon, Ashley Russell, Bob Anderson, Donkey Park Productions The writer, producer and main actors in the "Finger of God"video which won the 2008 FilmFrenzy were present at the meeting. They played "Finger of God, Part 3"video that is on YouTube. They grew up in Renton and the City helped shape who they are. They wanted to give back to the City and their focus is on making the City of Renton be the star in their movies. All shots and dialogue are related to the City of Renton. Ashley shared a marketing package for ponkey Park Productions. They continue to make films and are reaching out to businesses and communities in and around Renton. Pat Pepper suggested contacting 4Culture. They are also producing the 2009 FilmFrenzy"ad"and have talked to the City about the possibility of a series of web commercials—with a through line—Ahead of the Curve. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Commission motioned to approve the March 3, 2009 minutes. PAT PEPPER MOTIONED TO MOVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED, 2"d BY DOUG KYES. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail to RMAC. Items of Note: • Evergreen City Ballet presenting, "Under the Tuscan Sun" • Nelson Middle School teacher won Costco International Photography Award OLD BUSINESS: Local Arts Agencv—4Culture: • Linda Middlebrooks asked for volunteers for the Renton Annual Arts Show, July 19-26. • Wesley Van Doren was involved in the 4Culture Construction grant review team and helped to decide funding for$800,000 in grants. • KING FM presented at the last SoCo Culture meeting. KING FM is looking for content to stream live on the Arts Channel on the web. SoCo Culture is also updating their strategic plan. . °� � w� Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 April 7,2009 • Next 4Culture Local Arts Agency meeting will be hosted by RMAC at Carco Theatre lobby on May 28, 9:30 a.m.— 12:30 p.m. Commissioners are encouraged to attend. ACTION ITEM LIST: Committee Reports Communitv Development: Committee Chair Fred Lund 1. The group tried to develop an activity that appealed to a wider age group and involved public art. Fred passed around a concept about a drawing contest of public art. Commissioners discussed the pros and cons and how it is difficuit to create one activity to meet every age group. Liz Stewart mentioned that the Renton History Museum decided for their activity that there was one thing they wanted people to learn—that the Duwamish made vests out of bark. The committee will revisit the idea and bring more information to the next meeting. 2. Another addition to the Renton River Days booth will be to have a"master artisY'on site at a scheduled time to teach the kids and encourage them to pursue art. One of the goals is to have people realize that you can make a living pursuing art. The committee asked Doug to be that artist for the first year and he's agreed. Performinq Arts: Committee Chair Mike O'Halloran 1. The group discussed the Young Musicians Showcase and are working on a plan to support another group to do the program. A budget and plan will be presented in the May meeting. 2. There is still interest in setting up on Facebook and possibly Twitter but VJ needs more direction on this. Visual Arts: Committee Chair Britt Peterson 1. The artist reception is scheduled for this Saturday at 3:00 p.m. The time was changed to fit into Carco schedule because artist couldn't make original dates. Suggested we used fixed times for every showcase. 2. VJ asked which committee is responsible for the labeling of the art in the City. It is the Visual Arts Committee. 1%for Arts: Committee Chair Pat Pepper 1. The committee worked on mission statement to make it simple and powerful. They tried to tie in words that match our community. One idea includes "Igniting a shared culture"which could be the Commission's vision statement. We need to find a way to clearly articulate what the Commission is about to the broadest audience. Please e-mail ideas to Wesley. Commission Budget It was noted that we had to pay a public notice fee to inform the community about the change in meeting location. Set 2009 Goals The goals are currently very specific and somewhat of a to-do list. Can we align goals to each committee? Do these goals match what we talked about during the retreat? During the retreat we talked about realigning the committees and maybe that ties into the goal setting. Jennifer Davis Hayes will look at the list and categorize and work on assigning them to committees. If committees change, the bylaws would change accordingly. NEW BUSINESS: Grant Recommendations: The Grant Review Committee struggled with lesser amount available and how to make those decisions. They assessed the proposals based on meeting RMAC goals. Each member reviewed and rated the proposals separately and then built a consensus on funding. The committee recommendation is as follows: • Allied Arts of Renton, $750, Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra underwriting � ' ' `�rr"` °'.rr Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page3of3 April 7, 2009 • Arts Unlimited, $600, Return to Renton Car Show and Art & Antique Walk sponsorship • Carco Theatre, $1,000, Production of Summer Teen Musical "Footloose" • Evergreen City Ballet, $1,000, Dance Alive - arts education program for students in the school • Renton Annual Art Show, $250 for general fund expenses, $500 prize money • Renton Youth Symphony, $600, Coaching for students for May & December shows • Vailey Community Players, $500, Performance costs of plays • Eduardo Mendonca- Show Brazil, $300, Brazilian Drumming & Dance at Gene Coulon Beach Park Linda Middlebrooks asked what Evergreen City Ballet was doing to get full funding and Jennifer explained that they met the criteria set in the RMAC goals. All grant recipients will be asked to use RMAC and 4Culture logos on promotional materials. We may have additional funding available and the group agreed to allow the committee to make recommendations at the next meeting for additional funding. WESLEY VAN DOREN MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE GRANT RECOMMENDATIONS AS WRITTEN AND AGREE TO APPROPRIATE THESE FUNDS. IT WAS 2ND BY LINDA MIDDLEBROOKS. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. VJ noted the 4Culture Sustained Support grant is due in October. Shauna wrote it the last time;Wesley Van Doren requested a copy of last application be emailed to him to get the ball rolling. A committee will write the grant this year including Wesley, Pat,Jennifer and VJ. Mark your calendars for the School District Meeting on May 7.t It's an opportunity to meet with teachers and learn about the community. y 3��o— 5�oo PM Jennifer Davis Hayes passed around information on the art project for RTC's Diversity Festival, 1S`week in June. They are looking for places to display the art after the festival. The next SoCo Culture meeting is May 13 in the evening in Federal Way. The focus is City Commissions and all Commissioners are encouraged to attend. Next month's guest will be from a spoken word program at WSU-Extension. The program works with youth around poetry, song writing, oral history and storytelling. They are looking for volunteers to train to run the program in Renton. VJ mentioned that Shirley Anderson asked about the mural at the Renton Community Center. Jennifer Davis Hayes will follow up with her. Adiournment: The April 7, 2009, meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. The next meeting will on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. Patricia Pepper, Chair