HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2009 - Minutes �� . � „�,, ''r✓ �,`tY p len�oz2 ` C!T'�AF RENTON U E► �' .l��r�r�Uf `� ,�VN 10 2009 . � , r-- � , �fs �� o� . . 1vT C��olnl22rssrr�rl Gt-fY C�ERK S oFFiCE RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetinq Minutes May 5, 2009 Renton City Hall 4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7th Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Jerri Everett, Valerie Gower, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Linda Middlebrooks, Mike O'Halloran, Britt Peterson and Denise Zullig. Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: Dalia Amin, Evelyn Reingold and Wesley Van Doren City Staff Present: Jennifer Davis Hayes, Community& Economic Development Vivienne Lietz, Administrative Secretary, Community& Economic Development Vincent Orduna, Cultural Arts Coordinator, Community Services CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Britt Peterson called the meeting to order at 4:32 pm. Guest: Shanyanika McElroy from Washington State University—Extension program, King County Youth Development Program. WSU-Extension programs include Master Gardeners, 4H and many others. Their new program, Verbal Graffiti, was developed last year. It was born from the latest youth development research and by working with teaching artists. The curriculum is in packet. It is volunteer based. Shan will email Jennifer more description about the volunteer duties. Jennifer Davis Hayes said he may be able to help connect her with the school district and Vincent Orduna has connections with drama clubs. APr�r�� APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Middlebrooks requested the times be included for the school district meeting. BRITT PETERSON MOTIONED TO MOVE THE��MINUTES AS CORRECTED, 2"d BY LINDA MIDDLEBROOKS COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail to RMAC. OLD BUSINESS: Local Arts Aqencv • 4Culture: The next meeting is May 28 at Carco Theatre from 9:30— 12:30 pm. Mark your calendars please. Linda Middlebrooks &Jerri Everett volunteered to arrange light refreshments. MIKE O'HALLORAN MADE A MOTION FOR RMAC TO SPEND $50.00 ON FOOD FOR 4CULTURE RECEPTION. DENISE ZULLIG 2ND, COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. Jennifer Davis Hayes asked was there any information commissioners would like to be presented to the group and requested they submit it to her. • SoCo Culture meeting next Wednesday, May 13, from 6:30-9 pm. Britt Peterson, Doug Kyes, Denise Zullig, Mike O'Halloran,Wesley Van Doren, and Jennifer Davis Hayes will attend. • The School District meeting with teachers using arts and culture in their classrooms is being held May 7, 3:30—5:00 pm in the KEC Boardroom. The purpose is to look for ways to partner and develop relationships with them. `<� . � . Municipal Arts Commission Mirr�s `�' Page 2 of 3 May 5, 2009 ACTION ITEM LIST: Committee Reports • Communitv Development: Committee Chair Fred Lund 1. Fred Lund presented a new idea for the coloring contest during Renton River Days—Design Art Contest with a focus on transportation. Participants would draw designs or color outlines which we would provide. There is an opportunity to work with business people in the city: skateboard, bicycle, motorbike, boat, airplane, auto, etc. Businesses can show how designs work with their products. Designs could be used for projects. Maybe use a larger format, 12"x 12" paper or cardstock. Discussion ensued on whether the existing coloring contest should remain in place or try this new idea. The Kids Coloring Contest limits the ages of participants. The Design Art Contest would attract all ages and would incorporate art in the City of Renton. LINDA MIDDLEBROOKS MADE A MOTION TO HAVE THE KIDS COLORING CONTEST ON WEDNESDAY AND THE DESIGN ART CONTEST FOR THE REST OF THE FESTIVAL. DENISE ZULLIG 2ND. ALL IN FAVOR OF HAVING TWO SEPARATE EVENTS FOR COLORING CONTEST. SEVEN FOR, TWO OPPOSED. MOTION CARRI ED. • Performinq Arts: Committee Chair Mike O'Halloran 1. Denise Zullig presented the committee's report on the Young Musicians Showcase(see attached report.) It will require time and total commitment from RMAC. RYSO would partner with RMAC; they cannot commit monetary support but they will commit to manpower. Pat Pepper noted that lack of audience and youth participation was the reason it wasn't previously successful. Vincent Orduna explained that the event was not well advertised and therefore it was not successful. Many questions about RYSO and RMAC's history with this event and each of their roles were discussed. Basically, RMAC can make the YMS whatever it wants it to be. Maybe RYSO should apply for a grant to run the YMS? What is the goal for how many Renton youth it might incorporate? If music is all inclusive what are the ways it might be successfu►? How will things be done differently to make it a success? MIKE O'HALLORAN MOTIONED TO THAT WE CONSIDER THE PROPOSAL FOR JOINTLY PRODUCING THE 2010 RYSO/RMAC YOUNG MUSICIANS SHOWCASE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED. 2 VOTED IN FAVOR, 7 OPPOSED. MOTION WAS NOT CARRIED. 2. Linda Middlebrooks noted that Randy Rockhilll? grants are available to help purchase musical instruments for kids through Allied Arts. • Visual Arts: Committee Chair Britt Peterson 1. 19 people at reception. We need to be clear that the artist is responsible for the audience. No reception for current artist as no dates worked. Looking at a set schedule for artist showcase for the rest of the year. Keep Doug Kyes informed of schedule and he will take pictures of art. 2. Committee is still working on art acceptance policy. • 1%for Arts: Committee Chair Pat Pepper 1. Mural project at Community Center, working on call for artists. Denise Zullig has an outline prepared and will send it out to the committee. . 2. Rainier Ave project manager will come to RMAC in next few months. Preliminary drawings now. Work together to incorporate 1%for Art. Opportunity for RMAC to explore another public art project on Shattuck regarding the four cow bridge. 3. Art in neighborhoods. Find a pilot neighborhood, to work with RMAC. Make sure it comes from the neighborhood community up and not the other way round. Projects can potentially leverage resources with the Neighborhood Grant Program. 4. Britt Peterson asked what happened to Main &2"d building. The project is delayed and the property is for sale. Commission Budget Jennifer Davis Hayes noted changes in budget. �� , � � Municipal Arts Commission Mirx�,c's � Page 3 of 3 May 5,2009 RMAC Goals Jennifer Davis Hayes explained she took the information discussed last time and categorized it. She gave an overview of the suggested new committees. Commissioners asked to review the goals and think about what we want to do next year. Send feedback to Jennifer Davis Hayes by May 19 so she can present updated version at next meeting. Arts Commission brochure Jennifer Davis Hayes passed around a draft of a new Arts Commission brochure and requested feedback. Pat Pepper and Vivienne Lietz created the•new version of the brochure. Master Plan financing We are on schedule to publish the RFP next month. Jennifer Davis Hayes will send the final draft within the week and would like feedback from committees to make sure it includes everything that has been discussed. NEW BUSINESS: July&August meetings: DOUG KYES MADE A MOTION FOR RMAC TO MEET ONCE PER MONTH, 12 MONTHS PER YEAR. MIKE O'HALLORAN 2ND. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. Grant recommendation. A revised proposal was submitted with more detail. Committee is recommending $850.00 to bring four artists to Renton River Days. MIKE O'HALLORAN MADE A MOTION THAT WE GRANT RENTON RIVER DAYS $850.00, 2ND BY PAT PEPPER. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. Mike O'Halloran mentioned the newsietter from Ailied Arts and suggested that all RMAC commissioners should become members of Allied Arts. Adiournment: The May 5, 2009, meeting was adjourned at 6:37 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 4:30 pm. � P � . � � � Patricia Pepper, Chair