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Meetinq Minutes
July 7, 2009 Renton City Hall
4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7`h Floor)
Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Dalia Amin,Jerri Everett, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund,
Mike O'Halloran, Evelyn Reingold,Wesley Van Doren and Denise Zullig.
Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: Britt Peterson, Linda Middlebrooks and Valerie Gower
City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes, Community& Economic Development
Vivienne Lietz, Administrative Secretary, Community& Economic Development
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Patricia Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.
She introduced today's guest, Kaie Wise. She is producing a video for Renton on public art. The
contract was signed June 8 and since then she has met with Jennifer Davis Hayes and Nancy Hoben.
Commissioners have recently submitted selection choices for the art they would like included in the video.
Twelve pieces were selected, however,the video is limited to 30 minutes and all pieces may not be
included. Pat Pepper will host the video and Wesley Van Doren will be the narrator. This is an
opportunity for RMAC to include information to get their message out there for public art and it could also
be a helpful tool for raising funds. The draft of the video will be available for viewing at the next meeting
on August 4. Jennifer Davis Hayes thanked Pat Pepper and Wesley Van Doren for stepping up and
taking on the project.
PUBLIC ART PIECE OF THE MONTH: Wesley Van Doren passed around a mini quiz on this month's
public art piece. Clues included that it is at a gateway entrance to the City although not very prominent.
The Icosahedron was designed by Gregory Parsons, a graduate of Renton High School and University of
Washington. He became a member of Renton Municipal Arts Commission while sti�l a student. It is a
steei structure and was created to mark the Bicentennial Commemoration. Wesley Van Doren mentioned
there was also a time capsule and wanted to learn more about it. It is a Geodesic Dome similar to one at
the Epcot Center but Parsons designed his a lot earlier. The sculpture is a diamond with a star and
Wesley Van Doren stated he thought it was a very cool design with 5 sides and 20 sides. All designed
with triangles, it is dedicated to the people of Renton. It was funded by the City and citizens of the city
and was originally planned to be twice the size but there wasn't enough funding. You can watch a video
of it on YouTube-enter 3dsys-Renton stainless steel.
CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fred Lund distributed mail highlighting local art
events. He passed around Renton River Days brochures. Tickets are available for Renton Annuai Art
Show preview party. River Days banquet, July 21,forms to complete if you would like to attend. 6th Day
Dance submitted the final report for their project. An artist registry application was included to share an
example of the types of artists in the community that we are discovering through this outreach.
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Municipa!Arts Commission Minutes
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July 7,2009
�acal Arts A enc
• 4Cuiture: No meeting this month
Committee Restructurinq
• Pat Pepper talked about the new committae structures and ihe Ad hoc committees. Jennifer Davis
Hayes mentianed the email that was sent outlining the work plan document for committees and
mentioned the Red, Yellow, Green system. Denise Zullig explained ihis process;it was a way to get a
quick,visual averview af the status af prajects. Reparts shauld be campleted and oniy the notes far
action need to be addressed, it wili heip to strearniine and fiocus the meetings. The lead for each
cornmittee is responsible far setting up a meeting soon for their new cammittee.
Outstandinq proiects and proiects status
Rentan River Days Baath
* Dalia Amin'ss working on the Renkon River Days baoth and spoke with Kristi Hand and �inda
Middlsbrooks. S#�e will need 12 extra chairs for parents and children. She asked if commission
wanted tablecloths ar a design/barder on tables.
• Coloring contest—Doug Kyes passed around the drawing poster he created for the cammission to
see. Prizes in age graups with one grand prize winner. Those staffing the baath Sunday marning will
decide ihe winners. If participants chaose#o take art home ta complete then i#shauld be back by
Sunday at noon.
• Design contest- Fred Lund stated the Design Contest has been tabled due to time constraints.
Alternate suggestions were made;Hands on Fienton, Doug Kyes coloring baok will be there. Save
banners with hands far future.
• Display item - Doug Kyes showed a design af a baard he would like ta make and requested money to
purchase. Wauld cost approx$75.OQ. Photos of public art would be pasted on board. Could
purchase an 8'folding board for$207. Could project Public Art PowerPoint but would need power and
a tab(e. We're doing two tents 10'x 20'. Three tables, one for children, ane for literature and one for
Davis Hayes will find out if electricity is available for PowerPoint. Doug Kyes will work with Vivienne
Lietz ta order plastic literature holders far display.
• Fred Lund felt that so far the booth isn't going to be any different than last year and he feels the boath
should stand out and make a statement about the Arts Cammission. We need to work year round 'rn
2010 ta plan the Renton River Days baoth. Need ta debrief immediately a#ter this year's svent to work
an how to improve for next year.
• The Arts Commissian banner will be on the booth. Dalia Amin will bring her own laptop and plans to
display PawerPoint all 3 days. Need to check coloring supplies and purchase rnore if necessary.
around signup sheet for the booth. If you cannot make it please find a substitute to replace you.
Art Acceptance Rolicy
Executive committee ta bring it to the next mee#ing.
Carco Theatre Artist
Sierra Heights is currently being displayed and Britt is warking on the next artist. �red is willing#o take
aver from Britt during her busy next cauple of manths and will search far anather artist,schedu#ed to
begin display an August 1.
Mural Project for Communi#y Center is deferred.
1°lQ for Art `
• Denise Zullig sees potentia!for 1°lo for Art along Logan. She would like to set up time for a field trip ta
the location to determine potential art locations. The sooner the better for the trip so we can
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Municipal Arts Commission Minutes
Page 3 of 4
July 7,2009
coordinate with the construction contractors. A field trip visit with Wesiey Van Doren, Mike O'Halloran,
Pat Pepper, Fed Lund and Denise Zullig was scheduled for this Saturday, July 10, at 9:00 am.
Jennifer Davis Hayes will send a draft of the multi-use path design to give them an idea.
• Everyone still loves the four cow idea for artwork on the Shattuck Bridge. Need some community
interface for that project because of some issues. Jennifer Davis Hayes will check with Derek
Akesson to get an update about the Rainier Ave project.
Site Specific Art
Jennifer Davis Hayes went over the list of opportunities and suggested artists. She connected with
Eduardo Mendonca and with a combination of money from RMAC, 4Culture and Farmers Market he will
perform on August 18. Pat Pepper will introduce him. Wesley Van Doren asked if there were any
statistics on the number of visitors attending each event so the Commission could maximize the exposure
to as many people as possible. Dalia Amin mentioned at UW they bring someone to do a mold of
people's hands which is very popular. Jennifer Davis Hayes explained that the artist selected has to be
approved by 4Culture for this grant. The artist could apply to be on the list. The process for Site Specific
Art is the Commission selects an approved artist and negotiates a fee and works with event coordinators
to schedule. Wesley Van Doren and Pat Pepper are willing to work with Jennifer Davis Hayes on this
project. ,
Instrument drives for schools-Committee did not meet.
Mike O'Halloran asked when was the next meeting with Renton school teachers. It has not been set yet
due to lack of response,Jennifer Davis Hayes will select a date. He plans to meet with teachers in the
next couple of months. Money is available from the Randy Rockhill fund, Renton Community Circle, the
Foundation of Giving and Renton Rotary. Dalia Amin mentioned grants via Sam's Club, Bob Bridge or
other large businesses. Commissioners should send any suggestions for grants to Mike O'Halloran. He
wants to talk to the leader of the Renton Concert Band, Mike Simpson and also talk to the teachers one
on one for feedback.
Two Wheels North
A summary of the Two Wheels North proposed project was included in the packet. Liz Stewart explained
that 4Culture is working with Book-It Repertory to do 10 performances as part of the commemoration of
the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expedition. IYs the story of two boys riding their bikes from California to Seattle.
This is a good opportunity to do a free production;costs would be limited to promotion and potential
venue costs. It makes sense to hold this event in conjunction with another event such as the Fall Harvest
Festival. The venue has to hold at least 50 people, preferably with a raised stage—little or no scenery
needed. It would last 45 minutes to one hour. The actors and writers are willing to do a question and
answer session at the end. It could help to promote RMAC;the History Museum could sell the book.
Two possible venues are Renton Civic Theatre or Evergreen City Ballet's old space. Liz spoke to Eric
Taylor at 4Culture and discovered that Humanities WA is offering$500 quick grants available to help with
cost for the development of print materials. Does Commission want to move ahead with this?
Conclusion: Commissioners liked the idea and are willing to support it but nobody is willing to step
forward and take on the project at this time. Pat Pepper commended commissioners for being thoughtful
and not taking on too much.
Commission Budget
Jennifer Davis Hayes noted changes in budget.
Arts Commission Brochure
Wesley suggested we ciarify whether Renton is the oldest Arts Commission in King County and we
shouid add that to brochure. Also it would be good to mention the city art collection.
Master plan
Jennifer Davis Hayes is looking to publish master plan tomorrow,July 8. She noted that in the budget
section on page 2, it requests a proposal for the entire cost if the budget is insufficient for the scope.
Please review and respond in a timely manner tomorrow so that Jennifer Davis Hayes can submit by 3
pm tomorrow. We want to create a steering committee that represents ail parts of the City and
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Municipal Arts Commission Minutes
July 7,2009
community. Jennifer Davis Hayes presented her ideas to include a representative from transportation
and parks divisions, possibly the History Museum, a community person (possibly Char Baker) and a
creative industries business person (possibly Uptown Glassworks). Other suggestions included getting
referrals from King Parker and Bill Taylor. The RFP selection panel may lead to the steering committee.
Evelyn Reingold suggested the language be changed slightly because the steering committee was not
yet in pace. ,
Adiournment: The July 7, 2009, meeting was adjourned at 6:32 pm. The next meeting will be held on
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 4:30 pm.
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Patricia Pepper, C ai