HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/2009 - Minutes � �.r L►n oF�Nroa� JAN 2 7 2010 .��� �J �t'!,�$!e/? CITI�C ERK'S Q F'10E �;; / �" A J tldJ1'C'l�ftU,� ,��y��,r,,,, ' ��1"'�.'i `�`i�,'•1`�� �'+'.�11?ll't.l.l't+l/? RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetins Minutes December 1, 2009 Renton City Hall 4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7`h Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Dalia Amin,Jerri Everett, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Linda Middlebrooks, Mike 0'Halloran, Britt(Peterson) McKenzie, Evelyn Reingold,Wesley Van Doren and Denise Zullig Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes,Community&Economic Development Vivienne Lietz,Administrative Secretary,Community&Economic Development CAII TO ORDER: Commission Chair Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. Guest: Liz Stewart,Renton History Museum, Master Plan Process update.The History Museum selected consultants,Gyroscope, Inc. in part because of their focus of using museums for life-long learning. The master plan will provide a blueprint for the museum to move forward when the economy picks up.They are using a useful online tool called Wiggio which helps facilitate group work. Liz briefly reviewed points of note in a handout which included an identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the museum and of Renton. The plan will be completed in February 2010 and the strategic direction is to implement the Experimental History Project idea. The Museum is also planning to focus on the artistic history and interpretation and this is an area where they could partner with RMAC to do an exhibit. Commissioner Zullig asked about artistic interaction and Liz explained their new focus was to bring more interactive exhibits. Commissioner O'Halloran asked how much they are working with other historical societies to combine or rotate collections around South King County. The Museum is associated with the Association of King County Heritage Organizations and SoCoCulture. Commissioner Linda Middlebrooks asked about the schools visiting the museum and they have not been successful at increasing school visits. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Middlebrooks requested on the Logan Ave Report that the trail name, Lake Washington Trail South Connector be included so that it was clear which part of the trail. COMMISSIONER O'HALLORAN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 3 MINUTES AS AMENDED. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KYES. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC ART PIECE OF THE MONTH: Commissioner Kyes passed out clues on the art piece which was for the Chief Sealth piece outside Renton History Museum. This piece is cataloged with the Smithsonian Institution for public art inventory. '�rrrrrr � Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 December 1,2009 CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail highlighting local art events. Jennifer Davis Hayes read the request from Renton PTSA Council for Reflections judging; anyone who is interested in being a judge should please let her know. OLD BUSINESS: Local Arts A�encv:Jennifer Davis Hayes attended the last 4Culture LAA meeting which was a review of site specific art proposals. She will connect with existing organizations to look for opportunities for site specific art. ACTION ITEM LIST: Communications: Proposal to discontinue Carco artist receptions due to budget cuts and low attendance. Option to let artist know that a space was available but we would not be responsible for a reception. COMMISSIONER MIDDLEBROOKS MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY OF RENTON PROVIDE ONLINE ADVERTISING AND SPACE AND THE ARTIST MAY CHOOSE TO HOST THEIR OWN NONALCOHOLIC RECEPTION FOR TWO HOURS AT A MUTUALLY AGREED UPON TIME. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER O'HALLORAN. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR,MOTION CARRIED. Resource Development: Grant: Commissioner Van Doren reported that the 4Culture Sustained Support grant application is complete and it is a good template to use later. The grant will be submitted before the December 7 deadline. Commissioner Van Doren will attend a grant workshop on December 8 and encouraged other Commissioners to attend. Commissioner Reingold has researched grants for another group and will forward to the Resource Development Committee to review. 4 Cows: Commissioners Zullig and Kyes are creating the packet of information to submit to the City and BNSF to gain permission to install the 4 Cows on BNSF property. They shared pictures of the bridge and possible locations of cows. Lo�an Ave: The goal tonight is to select a location that can be supported by all members and to identify any red flags that could doom the project for failure. Discussion ensued on the pros and cons of the top 3 sites. The final vote selected Site 5(inlay into the sidewalk). COMMISSIONER LUND MOTIONED TO SELECT SITE 5 (SIDEWALK INLAY ART)AS THE TOP CHOICE FOR THE CURRENT$25,000. COMMISSIONER MCKENZIE SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR, MOTION CARRIED. DURING DISCUSSION, COMMISSIONER O'HALLORAN SUGGESTED TO PURSUE TWO PHASES OF THE PROJECT AND APPROACH BOEING WITH A COMPLETE PROPOSAL FOR SITE 6. ELEVEN COMMISSIONERS CONCUR,COMMISSION MIDDLEBROOKS OPPOSED. Commissioner O'Halloran suggested using an aerospace theme and perhaps piggy backing on the call for artists for site 5. Commissioner Zullig suggested asking the second phase to blend with the first phase project to avoid confusion in the call. Executive Committee:Commissioner Mackenzie handed members a draft of the art acceptance policy for commissioners to review and send any input to her. The Commission will be asked to vote on the policy at the next meeting. Master Plan: Lund Consulting Inc. is currently interviewing approximately 15 stakeholders in the community and will submit a summary on December 18. The first steering committee meeting will be in January. yr.+r °`"'r� Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 December 1,2009 Renton River Davs:Commissioner Amin discussed the components the group needed to decide about the booth including the budget,decorations,giveaways,canopy and sandwich board. She researched costs and a canopy with RMAC's name on it would cost$200-$300. Commissioners agreed that a banner would be an inexpensive alternative. The booth should be children and adult focused. The activity could be a make and take it concept rather than a contest for a prize. Commissioner Middlebrooks mentioned that buttons were done in the past. The planning will continue for the 2010 RMAC booth. Outstandin�proiects and proiects status: Carco Theatre Lobby Display: The call for artists for the 2010 season has been released. All Commissioners are asked to help recruit artists. Art in downtown storefronts: Commissioner Lund is working with Jennifer Davis Hayes, property owners and Karen Fuller from Black River High School to install the first art in the storefront show on S 3`d St in Downtown Renton. Commissioner Lund shared the pictures of the silhouettes including four cows. Thanks to the Commissioners who volunteered their time on Saturday to cut out the figures. Commissioner Lund also connected with Randy Matheson at the Renton School District to potentially showcase future student art. Commission Budset: . The 2009 budget will have$911 remaining after all expenses have been paid. • The 2010 budget for RMAC will be$2,551. Commission Chair Pepper and Jennifer Davis Hayes met and presented the proposed 2010 budget. COMMISSIONER MIDDLEBROOKS MOTIONTED TO ACCEPT THE BUDGET AS PRESENTED. COMMISSIONER REINGOLD SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Commission Chair and Jennifer Davis Hayes also presented the idea to dissolve the Partnership/Community Development Committee at this time and assign members to the other two committees. All agreed. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner lund requested an Arts Commission volunteer to take over the role of representative for Renton FilmFrenzy. Commissioner Zullig will consider it after reviewing information. Adiournment: The December 1,2009,meeting was adjourned at 6:32 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday,January 5, 2010 at 4:30 pm. `Gf�t�2�v� �� ,l'� Patricia Pepper,Chai