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x�aoc� �,� ���r sY TxEs� �x�s��rs: I
� SARTORI arid LAURA G. S.ARTORI, for ana in cansideration of �he sum of
�' One Dol�ar (�I,OC�) to us i� hand paid, and in further conside�ation of
Jthe general public �elfarg ar�d �ia peculiar and speci�.l b enefits accruir�g
� to us �herefrom, do by th�se prasents grant and d edicate to the e�ty af
Renton, County o� King, State of �Nashingt�-r�, for the use of the public I
as public streets and �lleys thz followi�g parcel� of land situate
in the City of Renton, Co�nty o#' i�ir�;���tate o£ Washington, and being
in the S� 1/4 of the N� 1/4 of Section 17, To�rnship 23 North, ra�,ge 5
s�ast W.�[. , va.rtical�.rly descr�bed as follows, to-wit;
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� . �O�NCii� at a point on the Northerr� line of River ��
Aver��xe, distant thereon N. 88� 0�� 50" E. 4�43 feet from the Q °D�
� intersection �her�of with the So�thern line of First Avenue �
North; thence alor� said northe�n line of River gvenue,� feet;
thence N. 1� 52� 10 �. 381.59 feat to a point in ths aouthe�r�
line of said First Avenue North• thence aion� said southern line
of First Avenue North, S, 79° 2b' �est 16.19 feet; thence S.
1� 52r 10" �ast 379.11 fee� to the point of co�encement.
� 01�• ' '�
COI�ENCING at a po�nt on the Northern line of Rive�
Avenu�, distant thereon N. 88� 07' 50" E. 280 feet from the
int�rsection tri�reof �ith t.he south�:rn line of First Avenue
North; thence along said nort�ern line af Riv�r Avenue �T.88°07'
50" �. 60 fe�t; thance N. 1Q 52' 10" V�. 307.64 feet;to a point
in thE so�thern lins of First Avenue I�orth; - thence along said
southern li�a of First Avenue Alorth, S. 45° 59' 30" V�.. 80.91
feet; thence S. 1� 52� 10" E. 253.35 fzet to the poin� of com-
eOAtI�IEh1CIl� at a po��at on t�e r�orthern line vf River
Avenue, d istant thereon N. 88� 07' 50" �. 162 feet from the inter-
seetiQn th�r�of with �Y�e Southern line 4f First Avenue North•
thence alon� said narthern lina of Ri�er �venue I�. 88� 07� 5�° E.
16 f eet,; tFienc e N. 1� 52� 10" �. 161.06 f eet to a po int in the
. sou�h�rn line of F�irst Avenue North• thence alor� said southern
lin� of First Avenue North, S. 45� �9' 30" �t. 21.58 feet• thence
S. 1° 52� 10" E. 146.58 feet to the pvint of co�encemen�,
TO HAV� AND TO HO�D the sa,id described premises unto the
said City of Ftenton, its successor or successc3r� for �he use of the j
public so long as the same rnay be nEeded as pub�fic�.�treats ar�d alleys,
IN 11�ITN�SS �!.REOF, the par�ies hereto have hereunto set
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their hands this 29thh day of Octc�b�r, 1928,
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�Q.��.+t..QG�.. � ��✓�vc����t.v
� u�tate af California,
Co�ty of �arin,
'�HIS IS �'0 ��tTIFY t►hat on this 29t�h day of actober, 1928,
bef8r.e me, t,h� undersa.gn�., a notary p�.biic in anci for �e State of
CalifQrnia, duly co�mis�ianed and ;�o�n, per�Qnal�.� came JENNI� SARTORI,
knawn to be the peraons described in, and wha ez�cuted ths foregoi�g I
ir�strument N and they acknc��ledged ta me t�at they axecut�d said inst►ru� �I
ment as and for #�eir fr�e and volunt�.ry ac� and �_esd, for �he u��s and
purpos�s therein m�ntioned.
�ITNESS i�y hand and ciffici�,l �eal the day and year in �his I
' I
�e�tific�t� firs� abova �rit�en.
... ,
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a �ry Fu ic a.n aud or � c�un�� o I
�{arin, State o� Cal ifornia.
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