HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 08171936 ' - • �
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The grantor, PUGET 80UND POGGER � LIGHT COMPANY, a �Iassachu-
setts corporation, hereby conveys a.nd quit-claims unto CITY OF RENTON,
a municipal carporation of the State of S�ashington, an easement for
publie highway and atreet purposes over and across the fol2o�ving reai
property situated int3ae County of King and S�ate of Washington,to-wit:
� All those lots, tracts or parcels of land owned by the
~ P uget Sound Power � Light Compa,ny or in which it has any
r interest, which are included within a strip of land 80
� feet wide, over and acros� Block 1? Plat of Renton, and
� the unplatted SW 1/4 of the S� 1/4 of Section 17, Township
� 23 N. Range 5 E. �t.M. and blocks 1 and 2 Walsv�orth� s �'irst
Addition to Renton and the NE 1/4 of the NE lj4 of Section
19, Township 23 N. Ra.nge 5 E. �.M. being a strip 40 feet
on ea;ch side of the following described center line:
Beginning at a monurn�nt, which is at the point of inter-
section sf the center lines of Main Stree� and Fourth Ave-
nue, City of Renton, thence S. 0 deg.-13� E. along the cen-
ter line of �ain Street a distance of 591. ? feet, thence
curving to the right along the arc of a curve 1�hose radius
is 716. 3 feet , a distance of 561. 5 feet, thence 8.44 deg.
55� �t. , a distance of 518. 7 feet, thence curving to the right
along the are of a curve whose radius is 3,820 feet a dis-
tance of i391. 7 feet, ta the sou�h city limits of Renton in
Section 19, Township 23 N. Range 5 E. '�.�. , said center line
having crossed the south line of Section 17, Township 23 N.
Range 5 E. VY.M. at a distance of 26.28 feet, measured along
said south line of Section I7, to tne east of the southwest
corner of said Section 17.
This conveyance is made subject to the following exceptions and
reservations, >ta-�rit:
� The Company reserves to itself, its successors �.rid asa"igns for-
ever, the right and privilege to install, maintain and operate electric
tranemission an�. �istribution lines over and acto�s the parcel$ of land
above described and hereby conveyed as fully and to the same extent as
if this conneyance had not been made and given; PROVIDED, HORtEVER, that
polea erected upon such public streets and highways under these reserved
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rights � shall not unreasonably interfere with the use of such highways
and atreets for hi�ghway and street purpose�. �
IN WTTNESS 1NHEREOF, the gxantor has c�uused this instrument
to b� :sign�d'. in ite corporate name by ita proper officers thereunto
dulp authorized this 17th day of Au�ust, 1936.
BY �P. H. �._cGrath
Vice President
Attest: Edgar L. Crider
Asstt Secretary
) ss. � -
On this 1?th day of August, 1936, before me personally
appeared W. H. McGrath and Edgar L. Cxider �_ to me
known to be the Vice President and Ass't Secretary respeetively of
PUGET SOUND PO�R 8� LIGHT COMPANY, the corporation that ezecuted the
within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said inatrument to
be �he free and voluntary act and deed of said eorporation for the
uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were
authorized to exe.cute said instrument and that the seal affiaed is the
corporate seal of eaid corporation. `
IN 19ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affiaed
my official seal the day a.nd year �irst above written.
Frank �eibert
' Notary Publie in and for the State
� of �Fashington, residing at 8eattle.
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The granLo�, PtIGET �Oi3ATD Ffl�.�� & LI�F� C(��PA�Y, a "�aesachu-
setts carnaration, hereby c�nveys a�d q�3�-e1a�.m� untQ CITY 0�' F?El�tt�'Oid,
a muni�ipal corpora�ion of �the Stat� of �as�iington, an ea8ement for
public high�ay and str�et purposes ov�r anc� �.crvs� the fvlla�ing real
property $ituated in tt�� �ounty nf �ing and S�a�� of �[ashingtr�n,to-wit;
AlI tho�e Iots, tracts o� parcel.s of land o�rzed by the
��et Sound Pr�wer � Li;gbt GQmpany or �.� �h�eh it has any
intsx�s�t �hich are includ�r� �i�hin a strip of land 8f)
fee� wide, t�ver and acro�� B�.ac� 1? Plat of Renton, and
the unplatted St� lf 4 t�f the �V� I/4 of Secta.�n Y7, 2o�nsbip
23 N. Range 5 �. �t.�.. ��d blr�c�s 1 and 2 1��ls�orth� s Fir�t
Addition �a� Re��an axid tY�� N� I/4 of the �IE 1/4 of �e�tion
7.9, To�ns�ip �3 �d. �ange 5 �. �.�. being a etxip 40 feet
on each a�de af the folla�iza� c�escriaed cent�r 2ine:
Beg3.nn3ng at a �onu�en�, �hi��i is at the point of inter-
section ef t�e center lines �f �ia�.n 5treet and Fourt�i Ave-
nue, Ci t y of �entan, ��aen�e ,. C� d�g.-13' �. a.long the cen-
ter line of �ain Stre�� a cii��anc� �f �91. 7 feet, thence
curving ta the right al.c�ng ths ar� c�f a c�rve i�hose radius
is 71.6.3 f�et , a dis'tance r�f 5fi1-.5 feet, thence 5,44 deg.
55' �►. , a distance af 518. 7 ��et, thence curving �o �be right
alc�ng the arc o� a curve ��ose xadiu� i$ 3,8�4 f�et a d�.s-
tanee vf 1391. '7 feet, tv �he sQ�zt� cfty �,imits of Rentan in
Section 19, Ta��hip 23 �fi. �an�e 5 E. �.�d. , said center line
having crassed the �auth li.�e Qf �ectiflx� i?, Township 23 R.
Range 5 E. �,��. at a dis��nce af ��.28 feet, :negsuxed along
said south line of �ecti�n I7, t�a the eas� of the south�est
coxne�� of sa3.d �ection 37:
This conveyance is �nade s�bject �a t�€� fc�llawing exceptions and
reserB�.tions, to-�it;
T�e Company reserves tt� i�self, its succ��eors �,�►d assigns ior-
ever, the r�.ght and �xinileg� ta ins�all, �r�aintai� and operate electric
transmiasion and di�tribution line� over and across the parcels o� Iand
abov� descri��d and hereby cQnveyed �s fu�ly and to the same extent as
if �his COYiV�}/BIIC� had not be�n made anci given; PR��II�E�, HOV�'EVER� tuat
poles ereeted upon �ueh public s�r�ets and highways under these reserved
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righta shall no'� �nrea�onab2y in��rfere �ith t3�e use r�f �uch highrrays
and streets fflr ��i�h�ray �.nd sta��et purpc�sea.
I� ��IT9��� �i��R�nF, ths granxc�r has c�u�ed this ins�rument
tv be ,signed in its co�porate n�,.�z� b3� i�s prope� t�fficers there�.trito
duly authorized t�iis I7t� dap af Au�ust� 193fa. �
ptIG�:T �(3UI�n pt��l�� c� LIGHT �C3�::�ANY
B3C �. I�. �c�rath
-- _ _
Vice Px.�sid.�nt
Atte�t: Edgar L. �rider
�ss'� y�cretary
) ss.
cc�u��rY o� ��u� �
�n this 7.?th �ay of A�tgust, 19�6, before m� persanallq
appeared t�. H. F�cGrat� _ and �.d��r L. �r�.d.er tc� me
kno�rn to be the ��.ce �reaident and �Ass'� �ecret�r� res�ective�y o�'
PUGET S�I7�D PC3�.:� & LIGHT COLi��?�Y, the car�orati�r� that execuLed the
� Aithin and foregoing instrumen�t, �nd acknt��rledged said i�.�trumen� ta
b� �he free and eoluntary act and deed of said eQrporativn for the
uses and purposes �herein mentioned, and c�� aat#� s�ated ��a� they c�ere
a��tl�c�rizet3 to e�ecute �aid instrumsr�� and that t�i� seal affia�ed is th�
�orporate seal c�f said car�arat�.c�n. - .
IN �IT�IE�;� �7"�i��t�4F, I h�.�e here�uato set r�y hand and affi�ed
my offici�l ss31 th� da� and y+�a� first a�ove rrritten.
Frank Seibert -
, Notary Publie in and fvr the 3�ate
of �ashingtan, residing at �eattle. I
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Tho �rantor, �UGLT S4UN� Pl3i":F� �c LI�HT C4LIi'��TdI', u
Lia��achusett�__.��c�nti�n. her€�b� conv�y� rxsd quit-cs3.ni��
unto CiTY �3T P�TON, � MUAi�i��,�. �artiflrr�tion o�" thv Stato of �
,',�;�hin�;�on, an t�u�c�aant �'or �aublic hi�hriay ar�d €�tree� purnot��:s
over �nd �zeror�� thQ �oll�::in� r��l. ��operty situa.�ed in tha
County of I�in� �rtfl �trzte o� �;n�hin;toa�, to-��i�:
,Al�. tho�� lots, troct� �r pr�rcfl3s af l�nd �sr.rned by
�h� Pu�e� Sr�und Po�`:or 8� Li�ht Co���ny or in tihich
it h�� any intar�sty trhic� �r� f.noluciod rr9.thin a
�trip of l�nt� 84 f�ot ;ridc�, over �nc� �ero�� Bloc�. 1.7
Plat of Rento�, anr? �hc> unpl�zttc�d �� 1/1� of the a�6� 1/l�
of �eation ].7, ^t��r��hip 23 i�, R�n.�e g �t�w.P:I� , rznd
block� 3 anfl 2 5.�.2=�rorth'� Fir�t Lidditi�n to RQnton
�nd the I�� 3/4 oP tha � 1/� oP Sec�ior� l�, Ta:�n�h3n
Q3 N, T��n�e 5, ;,�'.Li. b�in� u stri� 1�0 �'eet on Qael�
�idQ af ths fa3.lo��in� dQ$c�ibcd c�ntsr �ina:
Ba��,nni,n� at a �onument= r�hich �.s� �t the �oint of
fater��ction oP �he aanter liner� o�' ;��in S�recst and
Taurth �.venue�, Gity_ of �?entom. . t�.�nc€� �. .p d�w. -13 c
�.�a�aag �n� �an�er �.fnc� oi' �:r�in �trflct �. d�.�ti�:�co
of �9�.* 7 �'��et, �h@nce curvin� ta the ri��t clor�� �.��o
ar� of a ou�rs trhosa rcdius i� 716.� fQ.�t, €� cii:�tf�.ca
o� gbl. � �us��, th�ncw S. �,4 de;. g�' tx. , a dist��.afl
�fl 5�.�• 7 �'aa�, thOnQo curvitt� to ths r��h� aior�
t�c� arc� of c cur�ro srhoa� r�cdius is 3,t�2f� ft�ot a
r1i��Gt�na� of 13g1• 7 �O'Ltiy tv the �►outh city linita of
Rentc�n in S�a�ian 19 y lo�msh3:� 23 N, ��n�o � E, ��:.':. ,
��3d c�nter l�.aa having cro��red th� �out� 15.na of '
. �'$a�ion �.�, Ta�m�hi� �3 Td, I��n�e � � �t.L:, at n
di�tane� o�' 26.28 #'eot, �o��urod ulon� tho said ��uth
lin4 0�' �eatton 37, to tha €�ast o� �ha southt���t
cvrnor oP s�zid ��etion 27.
This con�rey�nce i� m�8� sub��at to thc� �'o11s���;in�
e�ce�tionu �nd re�erv��1crn�, to-trit:
The Coz���ny rez�tirves �o itso�.f, it� �u�c���r�a�� �na
as�i,�na rarovvr, �he ri�ht ��d`pr�.�ile�o to in�t�3.1, n€ain�ein
an�. oporut� c�leetric� t��ansmi�sion and c�i�tributioa lin�� ov�r
rxnfi r�cro�� t�a ��r�ela o�' land �.bova d��cribt�d r3nd h�roby
canvey�� �.s fully c�nd ta thc� sa,�e p�ton� �� �.f ��is c.€�nv�y�nce
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h�c�. not baon n�zd� and �i�'en; PR(?VZT���, xQt��VLR, that� palas
areo��c� upon �uQh �ublic �atr��t� nnd hi��n��eys un.d�� theso re-
€�ervp@ ri�ht� �tha13 nc�'t unrea.�ons,bl3� inter��r� rrith th+� uso of
,�uch hi�ht�ray� and street� �'a� h3.�h�rey €�nd ��rac�t pur�o�e�. II
IN �,"IT�a�S� L}'���, th� �r�tor ha� eaused �h3a
�nstrumant to ba si��ed in it� esar�ar�te n^.r�.e by 3'Crs proper
of Pia�ars tk�c�reunto d�ly suthoriz�cl this __� d�y oP
, �.93�.
�7�j''tm �1n � n /� +'�A�,�^�
V 1�? 4�.6 �1�3Q V ° �tX 40r.�G.titY 1
y � rosldc�nt
�4ss' . �ear�ta�g
STh'y'� OT� d:'�.SHIi�CTOI�
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C4UTJ.�iY aF � I N C
On thi� �;,�,�,y a� ��, 3.936, bo:Poro rae
poruonail� �ra?iear€�d � nnd
�' to ne �no�m ts� b�: tha
I/.,t.c% l���c2c-o�� �nd 1��_�,�� re��Qc�ivQly o� PIIG:�T
SQUiSI� Pat.`�R �c LIGHT Cb�:'�€'ANY� the aor�orntion �h�t e�ecu�ed the
rrithin ar�d Para#��in� 3.n�trum�nt, �nc� AC`.iA�':l�dged sa3.d inatru-
nent tc� b4 the free �nd voluntary �ot �nd �.aed af �sid c�ar�or-
�tian far trca use�s �Ad purpa�a�s tY�c�rvin nentic�ned, s�nd on oath
��ated that they i�era suthori�c�d tc� eaecute se.id instrumc�nt
end th�t �h� sea�. a�'Pixc�d i� thc� car�orr�ta $ea1 Qf s�id eor�or-
II�' ;iT'"i'I��,S� E.:f.i�REt}�', I h�va� her�uatv s�� my b�nd und
m��.��Q. inp official a�al thr� t�ay r�nd �rer�r �'i�st �bovo �rritten.
- � .�— - �- __
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. ,� vt�ary Publ�c �n �nd for tlae �t�zte
�af ila,shi.n�3�c�n, rc�Bidin� Qt �e�ttlo. ,,
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