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,r (i��Tl�L-I� -t� V�o�J7.et�. �3�'
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r �_ . _.._ _��Rz�,dir�g Inil�ial.s �..v.__.��'' � '
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And. __..__�..._ D�,t� ._.__� t.
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� �r�srr���t�vr�. �r€s��ur���x�v��
(V��ume 637 deeds , page 229 ) �
2'he Tov�n. of Renton
�o i�Jarr�nty Deed
Ci�y of Seattle �
'1'Y�.is Indenture made this 8th day of T�ovember 1906 b�r and bet- �
ween the �'ov�n af Ren-�an a I•�tunicipal Corporation of the State of ,
� ���hington party of the first p�,rt and the City of Sea�tle a
T�Tunicipal Corporation of the State of Z'�ashington party of the
seeond part,
�litnesseth that, �Ihereas by the terms of ordinanae Tdo 65 of
the �own of Renton, the City of Seattle was to purchase from the
-�ov�n of �?enton.
� Zots 8, 9 , and l0, and fraction�.l �ots 11, 12, and 13, in Bloak
2, of the plat of the To�n o£ Ren�on as recorded on page 135 of
Volume I of the plats of I�ing County, mogeth�r vrith all that aer-
tain unplatted -�ract of land lying east of the said block 2,
bounded on -�he northoast by Cedar river and on -the Southeas� by
-�he northerly margin of the right of �a� of the Columbi� Sc Puget
Sound Railroad for the total sum of �1656.55 and
�Thereas by the terms of Ordinance No 78 of -Ehe '�own of F.enton,
the y�;�ayor �na �lerk of the �own of Renton were authorized and
direc'�ed to execute and delzver�to the �ity of Seattle a deed of
the above described property.
Tdo� �herefore the party of the first par� for and in consider-
at�on of �'he sum of �ixteen hundred and fift� six and 55�100
�art�r�t�sr cc����ntv
• � ,
�;�1����ri:d �y� �,a�,ai.ed �y _. > •
� ` , � � _ .
____.�._._,_._.�.�ead_i�?g 7ni�i a1 s ,o
An.r? ..___..__..._.._._ �,}��:.:;
�a��relt,ci�a�o. �rt4A�trh�rt���rya.
(�165�. 55) do?lars in hand �aid b� the party o? the sec�nd par�
the reeeiPt �rhPreo� is hereb;� acl:noti�rledged, does hereby grant
bargain 5e17. and con�ey unt� the party o� tile sec�nd part its
� suecessors and as�ign�, the ��ll�wing described real estate sit-
uated in the T�wn o� �ent�n �ing County State o� �#�ashing;ton
Zots 8 , 9 and 10, o�° bl�ek 2, o�' the plat o� the Town o�
Renton as reeorded �n page 135 0� �'olu�e 1 0� plats �f King
Gounty, and fracti3nal L�ts 11 , 12, �.nd 13, o�f said bl�ck 2,
I more particu2arly deseribed a:� fo31�w�;
e wes c rr�er of l��t 11 bl�cl; 2 pl�t
B e�i n n i n g a t t h s v u t h t o , ,
�f the Town of Renton, thence n�rth 23.07 feet al�ng the west
„ b�undar� li�e �f saia l�t 11 , thence Northea�t 36.21 �eet acr�ss
said l�t 11 , t� a point �n the d�.viding line betvueen l�ts 11,
and 12, �� said bl�cl� 2, �r.ich point is distant i-€�---d�s�-ts��� �
24.20 �e�t east �rom the n�rth��est corner o� said l�t 1J., Thenee
Northeasterly across lot 12, 67.22 �Pet to a point �n the div-
iding line betv�een L��t� 12, and 13� of said block 2, which said
point is c�is�ent 69.16 Yeet east o� the north�rest eorner �� said
Zot 12, Thenee northeast 67.22 �eet acro�s- l�t 13, o� said blocg
2, to a point on the north, bounc��ry line �� said lot 13, �rhich
�oint is distant 114.�3 �eet ea.st �r�r� the north�sst eorner o�
ssid l�t 13, Thenee east 5.�7 feet a2ong said north boundary
line �� �aid l�t 13, to the northea�t corner of said l�t 13�
thence S�uth 15G feet to the s�utheast c�rner �� said l�t lZ ,
thenc� tivest alang the bounda.ry l.ine between lots 11, and 10 , o�
said Bl�ek 2, 12Q feet t� the place �� neginning being all that
part o� l�ts 11, 12, and 13 , �f said biock 2, lying South and � �
east �� the dividing line �� th� Ren�oal Com�ans as said line '
is r+arked out on the plat o� the �o��n �� Fent�n. I
blso all that cPrtain unplatted traet �� I�.nc� lying eaat af
the said b1ocY 2, baunded on the n�rthea8t by Cedar river and
on the s�uth�ast by the n��:�therly margin 3� the ri�ht o� �a� o�`
the Calumbis & Ptiget S�und Rails�oad.
Together wlith all and singular the tenenen�s heredit��ents
and a�purtenaneea thereunto bel�n�ing �r in any �aise aprertaining
and the reversion and reversions re�:ainder and re�ainders rents
issmes and �r��its there��.
To have and t o hold the sar�e with the arpurten�.nces unt o the
party �� the seaond part itu successors and assigr�s �orever
3Ct31E�'3�C6•"a7 CC"ii;lXak`C�Y
I Cn��pared by Copiec� by ,
• � .
� � , . .
- , _ __�eadin� Tnita.als __�_._.___ '
. ,
A.nc� _... _._._. I?at P �_.�,...,.._
��S'�'1r'u�,�l't`:O, ki�l,x"�k34,�'£t�lT NtA,
Sub�ecL to the res�rv8tions e�ceptions and conditions set out
in ihe inden�ure made a�d entered into on the 25th day of PSovem-
ber 1904 by and bet�een the �ea�tle �lectric Company party o� the
first p�.r� and the To�n of �en�;on party of �ha second p�.rt
ihe party of the first par-� does by trese pr�sents coven�.n.t I
�,nd agree to and v�tith the party of the seeond part its success-
and assign�
or�/all and singular �he ahove described premises unto the party I
af the second part i�s successors and assigns , �hall and will
warran� and forever defend against the lawful cl�.ims and demands
of all persons.
In �itness �here�� the party �f the �irs� par� has caz�sed .
these ;�resents to be sea7�ed with its c�rp�rate seal and signed `
�g::i�ts I��ayor and Clerk the day and year �ir�t ab�ve written
The T o�vn of �ent�n I
{:t2unicipal �eal) By J. r. J ones , l2eyor
- A. Tickner C�.erk.
Sta�e �-� �Fashingt�n ) .
� �S. ,
County �f King )
On this 8th day o�' �dovember 1906, before me
the undersigned a, iQota.ry Public in and f�r the State of �ashin-
g��n dulg co�-�:issioned and ��orn �ersonally appeare�. �� , Edw$rd
Jon�s to me kno�an to be the r+�aS�or o� the T��rn of Renton the
corporation that exeQuted the br�ithin and foreg�ing in�tru�ent
anc3 also pers�nally a�peared �. TicY�ier to ne l�io�n to be the
Clerk �f the said carp�ration, and �aid �. Edward .��nes r'Ia.yor
and said A Tiekner Clerk ackno�vledged t o m� that,��aid inst rument
was the �res and volunt�.ry aet and deed �f the �aid corpvration
� '�d'tC.�'tRt+�t GOR4�'A,i`,iY •
_� ' Lomparc;�. by t�o�ied �� - '
� � � • - . , . ;, • .
t ��_Rea.�irs� i��itia-�.s _._.______
And __�.�.._ T)��e _._._.._.___
A6'S�'F�6:1 Y3U� �Xt��'FiflFA9ECil'T kit9�.
�or tne uses and purp3ses therein �enti�,ned end each on oath
stated that he �vas auth�rized ta execute the said instri�ent ,
and tliat tne seal a��ixed ia the corp�rate �eal o�/��ayd corpor-
atio�. �
In ?��itness w�hereo�' I have hereunt� set z�y hand and af�ixed
rr�r of�ieial seal the day ant� year �irst abo�e written I
�idney � T�illiar�s
f S. �T. �`.. N�ta rial)
(Sea1 Com ex Feb ) �Totary Publie in anc� f�r the �tate o�
( 14 19Z1 )
' �dashington residing at Renton in said
State. i
Fi1ed for record at request o�' R. H. Thom�son 4pr Z3-1908 II
at 21 min past 2 p P� .
' J. P. Agne��e
X C ounty �udit�r
The TITLE TRUS�' COIdPANY, a cornoration ox,anizsd and ex-
, i�ti:n� under the laws of the 5tate of Wasnin�ton, hexeby cer-
tifies that the foregoing FOUR (4) sheets, constitute a full,
true and correct co�;g of a deed recaraed in 637 of Deeds, �aage
229; et seq Records of King County, -Washir�gton. I
�� � �. �
Mgr. Title Dep' t .