HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/2007 - Minutes � t RENTON NON-MO�RIZED TRANSPORTATION AD�RY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes July 12, 2007 ��f �,.�. �. �.�, � t 6 Next Committee Meeting: ��_ _, }� fJlp August meeting cancelled. Next regularly scheduled meeting is September 6, 2007, 4:30—5:30 p.m., Conference Room 511, St" Floor CfTYOFRENTON Renton City Hall �EP 2 � 20Q? Committee Members Present: RECEIVED Bob Elliot, Margaret Feaster, Dorothy Flower, Craig Paynter, Robert Peterson, France��TM CLERK'S OFFICE Pieper, and Paul Wantzelius Committee Members Excused Absence: Jean Hobart, Pete Maas, and Janene Sestak Committee Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Leslie Betlach, Parks Director Margie Beitner, Recording Secretary, Community Services Admin. Jim Seitz, Planning& Programming Supervisor, PBPW/Transportation Guests: Ron(Earl) Pieper The meeting was called to order by Bob Elliot at 4:35 p.m. Approval of Agenda Paul Wantzelius made a motion seconded by Margaret Feaster to approve the agenda as written. All were in favor, agenda approved. Minutes Paul Wantzelius made a motion seconded by Dorothy Flower to approve the June 7, 2007, minutes as written. All were in favor,minutes approved. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION 1. Three bridges in Renton are scheduled for closure in August. The BNSF Railways will be replacing three railroad bridges including Hardie, Rainier, and Shattuck Avenues, causing road detours. Jim Seitz indicated these are short term improvements to Rainier and Shattuck. Jim Seitz also mentioned that in the future 1:�2007 Files�2007-142mb(NonMotorized-July 07 Minutes).doc I � Renton Non-Motorizec'�ansportation Advisory Committee � July 12,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 they will be widening Rainier and Shattuck Avenue and making pedestrian improvements at that time. There will be opportunity for public comments during this time. 2. Craig Paynter asked about the bicycle route past the train depot behind McLendon. Will the BNSF Railway project affect bicycle access? Jim Seitz indicated this area will not be affected by this project. Shattuck will be bigger and higher. CONSENT ITEMS None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Park Board: Leslie Betlach reported the Park Board toured the Henry Moses Aquatic Center, Coulon Park,and other areas. The dedication for Heritage Park was held June 16, 2007. There were approximately 31 S people in attendance. Jean Hobart,NMTAC Member also attended. OLD BUSINESS 1. Subcommittee update on potential trails and connectors in the PAA's (Potential Annexation Areas): Bob Elliot to look at Benson Hill area and report back to committee. Craig Paynter brought in some pictures showing a couple areas to consider. a. Cement curbs on Jerico Avenue are creating trouble for bicyclists. It forces a person to ride into roadway. This creates a safety hazard for children walking when school lets out. b. Craig Paynter also brought in three pictures taken at the top of the hill along 156th Avenue. There is a dangerous corner at top of hill for bikes coming up hill. The shoulder narrows and if you are turning into the neighborhood on left it is very dangerous (turning left into Briarwood). Robert Peterson agreed that better signage is needed. Widening shoulder on top of hill should definitely be considered and to improve visibility on that corner. Possibly pave gravel trail going through to new development. 2. The Maplewood area did not pass annexation, but this does not stop the smaller properties from becoming annexed into Renton. Jim Seitz noted that the city has reviewed these areas as part of the Growth Management Plan. 1:12007 Files�2007-142mb(NonMotorized-July 07 Minutes).doc � � Renton Non-Motorized Ti'4�portation Advisory Committee `'�r.++� July 12,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 3. Margaret Feaster submitted some suggestions and comments for the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan: (Information will also be forwarded to MacLeod Reckord, Consultant) ❖ Kiosk/signage—Place a bulletin board/kiosk across from Museum for directions to Maple Valley/Auburn (i.e., Connecting routes, you are here, showing restrooms, mileage notes, parks). ❖ Be sure Perimeter Road (around airport) is signed for bicycles. ❖ Lake Washington Loop Trail from Coulon Park to follow as close to the water(Lake Washington) as possible to Rainier Avenue and to Seward Park. Also make markings for restaurants and new shopping, etc. ❖ Bike rack at Kennydale Beach. ❖ Pocket Park at Lake Washington Blvd. and Burnett(Kennydale). ❖ Bike rack needed at Renton History Museum. Jim Seitz noted there is a grant program now available to help with obtaining bike racks for downtown businesses. ❖ Bike Parking—Allow cars for family biking to park at old City Hall near Library. (Families with children who transport their bicycles so they can start and ride on trail without going on roadways). ❖ Restrooms and bike rack at end of Perimeter Road on west side of Renton Airport runway(Customs Agent area). ❖ Free bike and trail information at Chamber of Commerce (City owns the building). ❖ A foot and bike ferry (for passengers w/dogs or passengers using bikes), from mouth of Lake Washington or nearby to Seattle, University of Washington and stops along the route. Could be for tourists or commuters, etc. 4. Citywide Walkway Study: Jim Seitz introduced Vic Bishop, Principal and Jennie Pearson, one of the Project Engineers from Mirai Associates, Inc. A brief review of the process for the City's Comprehensive Walkway Study was given. It was also noted that the Consultant started with the Highlands area because the State reported this area as being one of the high accident areas. 1:�2007 Files�2007-142mb(NonMotorized-July 07 Minutes).doc �� � Renton Non-Motorizel�r"ansportation Advisory Committee � July 12,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Jim Seitz further explained that the City has 200 miles of roadway and based on these numbers should have 400 miles of walkway. The City has limited resources for funding with $250,000 allocated per year. The City has brought in a consultant to help prepare a six-year plan. Vic Bishop of MIRAI (Consultant) reviewed the work performed for the City. He explained their consultant firm had given a presentation to the NMTAC in 2003 regarding this program and will be back in to meet with the committee twice before they will have a public open house. The Comprehensive Walkway Study is a review of why the City might build sidewalks and how this relates to codes or plans. This is not a maintenance program; it is for new sidewalks along public right-of-way. Jim Seitz explained that a school walkway map is being developed for safest routes to school (not necessarily shortest). This information is currently being distributed and used at the schools. They are getting feedback from the School principals and this information can also be used for future development to determine where crosswalks, etc. are needed. Input from NMTAC Members: Craig Paynter would like to see the consultant review Duvall Avenue. There is no crosswalk between NE 10�'and NE 4th. Margaret Feaster reiterated that part of reason for this study is to ensure kids' routes to school are safe. In doing this,it helps to create a healthy environment and encourage children to walk to school for exercise. Jim Seitz agreed that the Transportation Committee is working on safer routes to schools. The idea is to get the kids started (at earliest age)to engage in exercise. The consultant discussed the Project Priority Evaluation System and proposed changes. He also explained the point system used for evaluating these factors. Paul Wantzelius asked if all factors have been applied to this map. Consultant said no this is the next step. Craig Paynter asked about Puget Drive (SR 515)up to Benson Road—he indicated there is no sidewalk,just a dirt path up and down hill. Jim Seitz suggested they wait until development happens and see what they will pay for. Dorothy Flower asked where do ADA requirements fit into this process. As part of new sidewalks/construction they are required to be ADA compliant. The consultant talked about current curb cuts at crosswalks. By law, a crosswalk does not have to be marked—it is assumed; and by law pedestrians have the right-of-way. Jim Seitz concluded by saying the goal is to produce a six-year comprehensive plan which will list prioritized projects and show which year they will be constructed. 1:12007 Files�2007-142mb(NonMotorized-July 07 Minutes).doc Renton Non-Motorized Tt�ortation Advisory Committee � July 12,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Margaret Feaster suggested when they have the open house that the consultant or someone from PBPW duplicate these "safe route"maps and explain to parents to make sure people are aware of this map and understand how to use it. 5 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan—Revised Schedule: Leslie Betlach updated the committee on the new schedule. The Plan will be discussed at the September 6 NMTAC meeting. They will also be holding another Open House on September 12, 2007. This will allow an opportunity to give more information to the Consultant and then there will be another meeting in November to talk about the draft plan. NEW BUSINESS 1. Robert Peterson made a motion seconded by Craig Paynter and Dorothy Flower to cancel the NMTAC August meeting. All were in favor, motion carried. The next regular scheduled meeting will be on September 6, 2007. 2. A discussion was held about changing the NMTAC meetings to every other month, instead of once a month. The committee feels having a meeting once a month would still be more beneficial and would like to continue to meet on this schedule. 3. Craig Paynter advised there is a pothole on NE 4�`,west bound on 4th at the right hand turn lane onto Duvall. Leslie Betlach will have the maintenance staff check on this location. 4. Robert Peterson asked about sandwich boards being placed on sidewalks for new developments. He noted they are unsafe for bicyclists and do not allow for proper right-of-way. Leslie Betlach indicated this is a"code compliance"issue and that the City's code compliance officer should be contacted. CORRESPONDENCE None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Bob Elliot at 5:52 p.m. -� ; �I�� Signature `�a. �,�,i.� .. . ,z �,, � ��y; , ,.. � ;�.,. ;�f�«%<�;. �f� �v�: ,,;,a�e',��;,; ,'��3>�.' � �` 5�K�,, sr<3�*` � > {. ,�.d�•,�.�,'�`..;�" ,� E3aa.��"� .,,�K ,{ka,�6 l % �� � �&7�7U 5�/`� S�.' ��P ..., �� ,rs ' P ���. ���\ ��i: � �P . ���' .��_ .�,°�;r;�i.;.;�� . �,.�.� �•.� :v,-^�„,�:�W, :<a, : ,� � ,� �, �:_„y.�, �gN'Vw�;`��.= �;� . . ��t. :s:. y�,::. �"�c�'d.:�,,F,�,�.,,��,:. .. •aY .,�o'(''�° :d��5:,,. �;..s,°;P ,:.'�,*, �''�p�,?�'�«��' a:,.��, �`,'�„'�,: .�Y '�° :�" �'. ^,_�s.�.�"�i i� n:�,b"' �''?':u`;,'.:��;; ��F'<":..;^- :;' ..� ,` �����-"�,. � «..,, �r �t:��: ,- �/e �, y„� ��r ' ;� s;�'"., ..:i�i•o�..�' :< <_ .a; <r..��•� .t �* .s �IR; ;. .and .ui;,..,�.x-kM..✓;5ra _,:, �';.,.§ t s" `XyF �{ S /�t�y� .riy '°��,,,? .r� ""ek�n' ��'`"..`-�' . � „ � a ',� y�., a.3. 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