HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/02/2008 - Minutes � � � �.��-�r c�F�L+��or� CITY OF RENTON r� r ti�Y �� � ` , ;�;�)�f 1 i 20��i �;� , -- ., .� �. '�:� .O � �c��_:���� �p��o� ,� �,�l�'Y(��F P�t�:a OFrVCE RENTON NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes October 2, 2008 l�iext Committee Meeting: An additional meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 6, 2008, 4:30 -5:30 p.m. Next regularly scheduled meeting is December 4, 2008, 4:30—�:30 p.m., Conference Room Liberty Park Community Building, 1101 Bronson Way l�orth, Renton, WA Committee Members Present: Bob Elliot, Margaret Feaster, Dorothy Flower, Jean Hobart, �'ete 1Vlaas, Craig Paynter, and Paul Wantzelius Committee�Vlembers Excused Absence: Frances Pieper Committee Members Absent: Robert Pete�son and Janene Sestak City Staff Present: Leslie Betlach, Parks Director Margie Beitner, Recording Secretary, Community Services Administration Jim Seitz, Design/Planning and Programming Supervisor, PBPW/Transportation Dan I-�asty, Civil Engineer, PBPW/Transportation The meeting was called to order by Pete Maas at 4:34 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF AGEI�TDA Craig Paynter made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jean Hobart second�d the motion; all were in favor, agenda approved. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bob Elliot made a motion to approve the August 7, 2008, meetir�g mi�utes as written. Craig Paynter seconded the motion; all were in�avor, minutes approved. III. PUBLIC COM�VIEi�TTS None 1:1�008 Fites12008-198mb(NonMotorized-Oct08 Minutes).doc ► , Renton�1on-Motorized Tr�ansportation Advisory Committee � Octo6er�,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 IV. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION Jean Hobart suggested that the committee members reimburse Dorothy Flower for her cards. Pete indicated that he already had,but if others wanted to contribute that was acceptable. Pete Maas commented that he and Janene Sestak went on the Park Board tour of the King County Park facilities iocated in the newly annexed Benson Hill Area. The tour was very interesting and a lot of fun. V. CONSENT ITEMS None VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Leslie Betlach noted the 2009 7%budget reduction exercise the City is developing. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan: The next Open House will be November 1�, 2008 at the Renton Senior Activity Center from 6:00—8:00 p.m. VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Update: Jim Seitz gave a brief overview of the plan and explained why this document is important to the City. The Transportation Deparhnent has never had a document to include bike routes. He also noted that this plan is two-fold; it will help mai{e connections throughout the City and at the same time allow more recreation. 'The third Open House is scheduled for November 12, 2008 at the Renton Senior Activity Center. Discussion followed on areas currently being used as routes that are not developed, such as the route from 4th to the Trail. Pete Maas mentioned people are going through the parking lots behind businesses. This could be developed as part of a bike route. He noted the I�ing County map currently shows this route through the parking lot. Jim Seitz said they are looking for opportunities with new development to implement and develop some of the bike trails because costs are too high. 1:�2008 Files�2008-198mb(NonMotorized-Oct08 Minutes).doc � � Renton Non-Motorized Tran portation Advisory Committee October 2,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Leslie Betlach also noted that this Trails Master Plan document prioritized lists for Parks and Transportation; so there will be multiple ways to request grant monies. Leslie also indicated that there have been a series of South King County trails meetings lead by King County Councilmember Julia Patterson. Several South King County Agencies are meeting to identify significant missing regional trail links. Included as part of this discussion, is making a connection from the Green River Trail to the Cedar River Trail (Two Rivers Trail). King County has funding for feasibility studies to study three missing links, one of which is located in Renton(Two Rivers Trail). The long term goal is to connect the Sound to Lake Washington. Jim Seitz said that the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan extends into the annexation areas and goes beyond City of Renton boundaries. Leslie also commented that this document may show something that could be possible in the next 20 years and not necessarily what will be available within the near future. Jim Seitz brought a copy of a large map showing bicycle routes throughout the City to the meeting and indicated there is still a lot of"white space" on the reverse side to be developed. This could include safety tips, etc. This map will be a fold down version to be distributed to the pubiic and will also be placed on the City's web site. Leslie Betlach requested copies of a draft map from Jim Seitz in order to mail to NMTAC Committee Members for review. Craig Paynter mentioned he has a map from Madison, Wisconsin that has a nice section on Vehicle/Bike tips on safety, etc. Maybe something like this could be incorporated into the"white space"on the map being developed by the consultant. Jim Seitz and Leslie Betlach both encouraged all committee members to review the"Draft"document and submit their comments before the next Open House. Comments can be emailed or given directly to Leslie Betlach. VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1. May Creek Acquisition: Leslie Betlach distributed two maps showing the area to be purchased by the City. The City has been working to purchase properties along May Creek since 1990, with 60 acres currently in Renton's public ownership. T'he long term goal is to provide a connection from�,ake Washington to Cougar Mountain Park. 1:12008 Files�2008-198mb(NonMotorized-Oct08 Minutes).doc r Renton Non-Motorized Tr�ansportation Advisory Committee � October 2,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 2. Panther Creek Acquisition: This is a 3-acre parcel adjacent to the Edlund Property. A map was distributed at the meeting. The long term goal is to provide a connection from the Edlund farm to the Panther Creek Wetlands and west to the Springbrook Trail. 3. Nominating Committee: A special meeting was requested in November for the election of Officers per the By-Laws. Paul Wantzelius made a motion to hold a meeting on Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. Dorothy Flower seconded the motion, all were in favor motion approved. Additional comments on the"Draft" Trails plan will also be reviewed during this meeting. IX. CORRESPONDENCE None. X. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Pete Maas to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. . ��� � � ����'�� v�I� �� ��� Signature . � •'�. " �'���€'"�i,� .• : .. _ . ;f. �" '' �r�zF���� ��,`� �r��,�:;�����.. ,;,;. 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