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ORD 0060A
f�� . -r r ' ( � _. _ .�._s v.� ,, �.�.. . . . � _. �;Y �__ � �_c.. , �' _:�,' t� ._. .L�r'• - - - - _.,.. _ _ .. - _�u�t��U both �i' ...�� '��..__ of `iolt,CountSr of �:in�;,`�t�_�� _ � �,-_ i '':�shin�t�n t�z�ir �ucc�s�or � _.�� �.� , �.�:� , .� f_ ��.�icill �., �- � - � - - • .. _.�. _ ... _ ;: ' ruct and rnain'�.a; _ � . _ '1okyn of l��nt�.; < _ . ;� ,anc_i herc;i�y is,�ra��t�d u�,_�_ � i'� ,T= , Lorc� and _ illi�m �'ntu<<�hi.�tl� �'rust��� til�i1 _..�._ � ..L . _ � ' L 2_I7 � " ���'Y'.:�� �C'. �_ti; rii cL�::.. ;C�,:SCY'S c) .,� .:i�;i1S �':1�Y'�lYi<;.it 'T' T'�i= � . ' � - ' � ,m s-� riGht,authorlt;-,�,r�v�l.,�., ar�:_ _ _ 'crty ;;:�ar� fro�n t . , Ordinancc ,and :ubj�ct tc a�i_ tii; -�vi�ion.; an;:i r�s;;rv��tiolL.� h�r�in s�t f'ori,�1 tc l: n,a��c� r1�ai��z��.in trac��� ic:r � standard �au�� str�et ray_, carr�.T pa_.~s�n��rs ,mail and irei�izt t'_�:,�r:;or.,te cn��_r�� an�w toll aniz �'�'�r� t_.�r�for,ar_u tc �r�ct ;�c�l�s �r�u atr_ , : � cai�1��:: , for t'rl� transmi� ; _ _ ',-��ic c���r���>,�,lt �.�'cr r�otiv� ��o����r ar�.� _ � � �� � � � - 'I , � c, _, � ,, _, _ . „ .- _ .i ,. , - Y -� _ ,_ .-._� ._. .-- - � - .�. : .. ' .� .._ ... ..� v�, �_ _ -�-. . . : . _. _.. . . . . '_' " _ � f 1 a _ -, �i, �-G11.� _'C'... �'_��..., ....���i..�r ._ f�GU�_ii1i:�1'� -. .. i:i�., �::.� y ,�i'._ �., __ ._ ,. . ._._ �..�. J . __ �L' r_�rzt�n �n and ��lon� �'liird �tr:.��t to it,� inters�ct'- �, .� �, - .� �1, _ .:c`Z..�1`c1 u�lo. t'_V��'nue c`a..11«. _I'G:i. t,'tl� lY1_��c;Y':�E;C�,1C.17 f�`T� ::c �� , . _ _ _ „,_ � _ .,,� , �� r.,.,, _c�. 1�_Vf:7�lUG cZ11(�. � -. _.I. � _. _ ,.- _ <<_. � . _ � �'��� �'-i v.,- , , . � ,. ,.:; ircr�� t��.: � : _ ___ __ _ .., � 1_�;�.�r.,��, _�.,�_ .. _ � _ Jtre�t �v��r �:_;, u-p�l-, - �.;�� �i,r��t in a ncrti��r-' � ticn to an:� ucz c� �" `�:'�ird :�tr���t tc ti1� trac'�� oi t�� S^�.� -_ ' _ .,nt�n _.. `',out"rl�rn . � � _ ���,-, .1�'o i� . . .,.�., ;�t�rs _ "�.i1� _ V� � - � � _ _ of �� alla -:���a_11�; �� venu,, <,���_�; . -.i�� _ � ;�� oti=�r ar��. u�;�, � ;tr��t in a �r�utn�rly a; . _: _ : _ :1 oi _ _� , - , �_��xec.�. � C OY�r. .,1"U�. L:_� —':. � � � � ? � ,_ __ .. ...._ .'r' _ - �, ' :�c`?. 111 T'�).1l �c;�" t,G �J� �`1 S121�,�'`.-', t,Y'�.;, ; �'� � _nca �,n�� loortion t':��r�oi �%a�- b� cnan�;���. fori�� si��;l� to 1 I�ti'F� ;�.� , ; � .- � ,rcv�.� oi t__��o�.:��7 ;��,ur�cil c� �._._, ��o�,;l? �;.. _�:- tc�_�; � -- ti ..�- - �� � � _ „_ ,�_ �' :_ - .,.�`� : , .�_ _ ._: _ _, ,"_ = i�lz� fu11 arcl ��ro,��r� � ,__ , _-� .__. _ , _. . „ --- � _ - _ �,_-°��ion o? �a_icz r.,.il�..��;; �na� �� l��i.a uo�;:n,coi.��ruct�:a ��nc1 mair_t�.i1:c,,_ ?�,J, ��'_'1� c��ns�nt -� �.y'l�rc;v��1 ai tl�:, �o�,:n �cui�cil ol t:,� 'o..:� oi ;�:..�te-n, � _ i;��1o';'d�v�T'� t0 ttil' ='011O�viT?�; CCi2C:ltlori;' 9 ' , -, , _ , _ - ; . '_'=1� tZ':";.C_�S C"t :�al:� ra.�l:ia�' �'t1u�_1 ': , , � , �� ��r:,:,t �._s �i�a11 l:;�st in�.-�ri�r� ti�:�ii.r �nd obs-�r- ,,�,,_ _ - , , -, ; , - ' . _ . ,l_c ior hi�h- � - � � r �y� _ ,. - . _ _ ,. ; . , r ';. . '.�__� �t � ��, , -;Y �L1���C � :-n ;�, .;� , , . _. .:_ � _ _.. - -- in��1� tr�_cks :: ' 1 _" .�tr�:;t, �c t _ , _ a_i�v tr�ck snall b� ccnstruc�ect cn a tr�stl�, sa-id t,rac'.<:N :.. � J � � 1 � �"'� },f� � L1C�1 '�J�_Y'i., p �,p� u��'�C;t � `,'� ^ ! r �,� . - - --�;�i�;sc,�i' ":i I :� '_c;.i C�': �1-'GU_1C1 . _ " ..C;" iCv�l� ��Ylu t,:i: CCi1:,tY"'L1C�i..._C�12 Ol :3UCi1 tT':, �_ � _ y ,. . � -:���� CJ0�.:3 n �_ ;t t, _� l,� _., y;� 1ic tr�:_i'f'_., � _ �.r� __�='-�i �-- _� _ �, �r�:;��. , . �,? _l. - .. __ ._, �.;:la.t _.�l :. _ _� � _,... �: = such �tr��t I i.l :��:.;-cros:�s �t��Jr t•r�stl� cr brid� -- . _. ___ - � _ � �.._ :-�' I L , r.:��it�r be �uilt b�� :,_�_i;1 �c�:�,�n cf' .,__ .. ._ : ._ ..- .. _ ... _. .. y::� � ' � °:�. �:,r��ct�,`a.nd �uc'n bria�� or tr���•1� i::� used i�l co;nmr,1 bJ� r�_i�A ' �c,� __ �,�r�;1 ��.•_�� ':��__���� rv.i1��.-�,z,� ru�z��in�; its tracks an�1 c��.rs ��cross L:_;;:-,;� .:, �_.,, i.. � :_�aint�._iz�in�,r�r�e,�;i:n�; a:�d k�<�l�in` �uc11 �:��;d_<J•� in f��l�a.ir s�iall b�: borr_� ecuall;; 1��r sai;, .�a,.; _ ci ���tcn .,v ; v��i,� v� v r 7 7 C C` C'i _ _. . _� �ai:�i �7�:�n� , th ir :�ucc :�:�cr: �.r_u �_,�,�i�;na . _. rails �;hal� rc :a lai�:l t':1�t t'�:;ir uy ��;�r .�urf�.c<: cc�i- , ,. _. . . 'tl:n�Y'1� ., , � �'`c1C�1Cc�rJl`� ��;1 l,'Il t,�i� � _ � _1��:.1'�l� �1`�cl(��: G i' � �� �tr:.��, �:,;i��r:: if,' i_, �l�cu�l�t tc �rad� , �_ _ �r., tn:; L I � � �r��'_ . .. rict 'ti�.,_. �_�rcu _t �;, r. c�._ i,:» �i_ _ r :ur1'ac-� c�f t`�z� r:�i -_ ' � . _ - - _ __ �_' ��� __ c� ,-- �., �u,�:. __ :,_ �:_� _._ ._�i��li.,�zc;d �ra��i� or ._�_�_�_� � . _ �..� l,racticanl� tc t:.,, actual ^�ria.c� of t:�� a .n "cuncii �t �;_� ti���� ;i�;�� of conai;ructio� , _:_;;- ciir�ct ; �'h�= rail;� siZ�uld ci'i�r no rrio-r� cb:�trizctir_,n tc �.'�� Cr'O`�;.�.1T1� Of' V`.,'111C1,c� �G'_,i�;�'�2 Cc`l.�� �� Y"��i�C1�����Zj7 �VCICA�C�. d.=,_CY �:uct� r�:il� :�:1�311 b�; cl� ircn cr �t;, :l. '_��r� �.'.1� tx�ec��:: iz�r�- .�_ , roviu.�ci i'cr� crc:�� t�c�,.: o�i' �: railr<��. �_ cr ct�l�r• st��a�t �::.=1ti��:��� thR r^il�� of ���cn �.hull b� 1 ic� cut t � „ ,.. v „�� �. , ana �_lt;;r�d th« I ti1:, C�_T'v C� , C�-� �_._ .li,_1�=1]_ _ � i'_ ,Y _ , , � . � _ � � � --- � .r� - - --- ...__ : _. __ , _, � _ _. . -- � ... ��_� � � � - � �� J �� �� _�_1 t1IIi.�3:� �Tl;�t `oilr]c".11c^,\%;`�.Y' lt, in`cl�' C�;`.a.ii1 lt 1`l.�",C.`'.'S�r`:T j? t,G C:1?�.I1� � v 5; �,� ��.' � � y - � ,-,- __ `r�.c� c, �.n� tr ,., � cv� r �:.�hic'ri :���id rui ,�;ay zr�ay U,. cc_l.;t- ct::rA ,�ithout i�zcurrin� atiJ liabil;�ty fo-r :a�:iia�;;;� cn �'_. _ �'o:�,n tn� �runt ,� ��, til�ir ,�ucc�r;�.cr., alz�� a,�:�l�,.l��� , s;1U aiat�l;j c�lan�;� t'r�� structur•� ci saiu rai1::� �- ov=�r �._ r��t �;<h=�r;� t'�� �;r�:.d� i1a,� b��n c:iar��;�c� to co?Z�orm �c t: �i� _ t,'tl;; � � : .. � t,:i,',' t,Y'�uV°�l t''1�'T'�OYl 'J_Y7�" l�UY't,:i ;r" t::12Y? l: U:1�^,VCli;i3rJ1 �� _. all 'r_av� suci� rail��;��� at �11 tin��s in �;cc�i r�l�air an,a _ :ipl��tior_ o� any �crtirn of' t'.��ir tr��c�c �llull 1��av� tiz� ' _ ,.0 �ooci ccn�:iii,ioiz io-r tr�_v�l a�� th� �a.��� �:aas b�for� su. __ �:•�_;� dot�� ; ��iZ;:t *,c� ��,v��at�v��r• ::��t�_zt th� 'To:�n ci r�nt,cr .,.... - ���av�d, r�-m�.cadan:iz�d,�r r::-i,1�:.n�_ed , ��id ��r:.{nt���> ti�c;i: .. ;c�sscrs ��,la ��,.�i�n� , �hall a� ti�� �a�n� tiiri�,��_i, ti:�ir :��Ans�^,��av� ,r�:acadamiz�m��la_nl�, cr r�-tilanl� tn� sar:l� ��+,ith:. �a.itx �,r�;_nt� -�=, tiz�ir �.;��,-�`���A �ucc�:scrs a��d a:��i�na ,rna;T y�r°ev�ci :�itiz j.av�tr��^nt ef �ucn kin:i ^.� abov� �t��cii'i�d,a_� �ri��;;� m���t ���cth ��,��Y'oV„_1 Gi th" 1Gt�,'n "Ot;�:'iC11 Cf U�i�; � _ _ _ t�,3���n tlz�.: r�_il� of �aid trac� and f'or r�r:,� i'�,�t cn �ach si . , �'.; . --J_1 1�01�:; .��ac::�d,cr c;ir�� ��i,rui=>,,�r �;�_�.._ _ �_ , �<< � _:r t�i�� c_ �r�tioi� of sai:� ��..il•��a;� ._��al! .. - _ �, . _.._ .;�ali�;;l an�� .hail b� :�� in�t�_ll:;u a...tc i����ri':;r� �-.sli�i - 1 � ��.:.c�ica_bl� �.��itn t�ie ct�ri�r L�ul::1 ic us� oi th� �;tre�ts ; �__ . - - - , � , _ ., , . , -. . -, , , , . :. -, ,, , - _ - _ , � ., _ :. : � � l�'F� � -�_ � � -� ; � -'i`- -- � ����_ �:� _.z� .. _ > l . • . 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" 'j . „ _ _ ,'� ., �_ y . :a 1)_t, .._11 :;i C c.r f .,i' - r ��i lirnit� ,,;��11 �ct ��c���d �i:-�:t ( �}inil ._ . . _.._ �= , , ,,�:11 - .,uuj�ct tc r��;ulaticrl �:nr� cont-ro1 b;� t��e ��t��tir�: � _ v__� _., , �� �.��nc� a:> it �na�, d�Qtn ncc�s:�- ry i'rcm tim� tc ti; _ . � �,i") . �'_z� ri�:its ,i�ri�;alAd��s a�icl i'rv.nc��i�� h�r�.i�. _ �xcluUivc ,ar�d t'�°� ri�ht � � ���ten i.t; �rant tc� �n� �� - �sciZ or ���rson�, ccmpany cr ccrn�;ar�i _ }�i��;i1t a_:d t�i,iv il��;�.�;� to construct, 1�.; � .�r� t�� �. lin� of r�..il���>_;; t�lre��;��,��.lon�; and ��f��r �.1� _�r�in m:,��ztici��:i,an.� t'.i� suid .i'o:�;n cl �=:�ntc�n h�r�.by f,_ � ���rv�:: � �:� r•i�izt ai:cz �;riti-�l�d�� tc con� �Lr•uct and cNyr��_ � �_._ � _ .. ., �� , � y .._.� r�.�__� � =�, throu�;lz , �_lc:n�: and aver tiz� _ . _ ..,, .. � - - �— _ - ',. �7,::��ft�r• b�icrt t_:. ...:oi� -:,10.. Oi' tfllS frG.21Ct.:= .,_��isti���. lati1�� cf tti� � .._�t��rtnin:,° to oi��rat�., th� �a:���:. o ,�.;cti�.n 3 ; `�'ii� Uaid `-r _ , _ ._.,.� �:tiiL�).��1.1:�7 uT�C� t,�li'"° ;.1 i:`c1�5�11v�T' t,0'll CY' f'c1T'.R.'�5!ih1C'tl Nii: ._. _ , i_V� C�rit,S j��Y' ��c`1�� .'Yl`'�Y' IQT' Ori� COri�.l?'lU011� _ , 1:7 t,i1:; v1i,J% Zlrtilt,S CV�Y' u.i�(� c:1C21� Su7.C.t T'�-_i1.. � > ��, �i:: r' �Y'i;i��.'::�..; � �,.�_.- .. . . - .. it5r, c��rr�pre,s�u. air, cU.bl� _ . :hc��-�t .�>t�a�:l lccci::c��i��:;� , i�Y'CVICL�C:I t,'nui, i�O ;iiG�1.V� ,�Oti`�'�r'� C1' �IiE'2215 G�' t,Y'::'.Ci,lOY?� Si1�_11 �� . � tioiz, s.���11 t� aizy :�ub:t�;.ntial. cz��;r�� int�rz�r� vrit'rl or irr����r- ii ` �.�._� _c � ..��, . � �� �_ny c� t'ri� .��_id i;ublic hithv��.s�s, cr ^tr� .� . cR��C v _crcac:� t,:.. ��_ :;�bstantial d���:r�e uL:;cn t�L;; ri�;rit� tc t11��; _l�lic th::T'GG17. ='iz� `io;�,n cf �'��ntci� r���rv�s ti�� riVil� tc ::�,`',CY'l�"J� r'0�li:iC�llr.`1}JI';, Y'�StY'iG L1.QY1;� G�11C�. CG17L111,1C�'t1� CG21CCi^'�l'" � handli.��, lcaczin� �tin�� u:�lo��cliri� anc� t.r�ansl�cr��r��; e � _ ':t ;� c.i .�_ � . . ' y � -_ 1 , -. ��i � �n �Y°t, c�� �?,:, ,�rio1� o� � . . _ , ;;1t�z1n t,:�� �c> ; �_� 11 �.itw; �:_= -=�� said ._e I � - . . , _ . . ..� .. y • . ��� a .ran��_. t Y it� ::ucc.,�scl - � - , � ' � � :.es , � e �.�, � , �__ ._� �. .,L: �-. . . _ _ .. 'l�rl l. c t c`1..1��% c"..ili.i c�.ull. t.l.i_�:� �C 'iiI`c3.�i�' �'U.L'1_"1 7'��:.._ .. ,1� rules and r��ulaticr�.�� l'cr til� rliana�;unien� an�� c�:�rati-_-_ th=� r._il�J��.�„� li_Zc.., 11�r�in r �� _ .11t11 t,:lC,' 1�t�S OI til� ,��,�t� _ __ - _ . r�vl ��_;,�_ _ I _ _ �_ , , '__. c�nstru.; � : _ riv� t'z� :�aid �i'o;°�n cf an�� l�c�.�;�r�< , ri�'rlts unc�t �;r�. _ � ` _:�ii it nc�,; na; , or �,lhich rr� ;, '.,:�r��az�-�r �� ccrz�_'��_ �� ii,, t�. �,�ulte t��u - ., __ _ II ,.� r„ �,- ��3 i - ^r- I. �. ` r �'i.- ' ' — - til v G_l.. ..�� � � . .. . ... .` .. , :... 1�r.r�T-C� _��� ;.�ic; .�i�;n: �.,;.� c�' ;�aiu t�::n. . �.i:�c�l C . ,-„ , in� s��iu �;r�. , ; � , ,. , . , , ,., ,, . . . _,,..� ._ __� , _ � -� - - _: �; _ .:.; r�� fcr t:��c,.��lv,- „ ,, , _ � , - ; � - , . -. ,.; ., � � ., � .� : . . , , _ _: , .._ .,� . �...���.� .�av� � z m_�. . _ '-=i, cl�: irn;� ,��ctirns ��.ncl aa�t:a;;�s _ , _ _ � � :. ;. : �. l_ : ;%,;hich .riaJ cccur,cr �� ,�ui_ ' :an� p�r.�cn,cr ccrt�oration,�;� r�asc�� of �.�� c�;;i'�cti�. _�tructicn or In��int:;nunc;; ,or i_ : , ' - _i7 t U 2� �d.i c�,��/ 'p� S c�1�i t;Y'c:r''G;:„�. � t,:1 . _ _ I ,, . r, ., ., � _ • , E I �'-� � - ' �- -CY� Gt t,'1:: ��:� 1^C" :I'�1t.1';f? ._ ._� l.i:. �� .r�l�. ._,. � _ � c. - . ,_:ucc�> _ .�crs an� a . _;_':'-. , cl' t,._�i�� .,._rs cv�r t_1-� 1 �.�i, c1 ' , . ., - _ _ , T , _ , .„ . - � �.., � �:��.. � � . ��i �� __ � _;�� . ._�. � r_ . ,;_i,an i_�� ca"�� �. _ � . „ _.,, , -, _ . _ ,.. �.1, _� �.: ��,.� , � � .. iu �o,.n c� �nt _ . _�,A ,.: A E�._ ... � ._. _ on i;: �v,in�; cut cf,or b� r°��scn of suc'_i d�f_>ctiv� cc�n,�tructi �nian��na_nc::,�r ii,:i�rc��r occuy;atic�i� r,I'� cr r���liv�r?t c� . -- ,. cf �. id r��il�v�y, said grant�eti. , th-�ir �Lzcc���crs ��nd assi�?�':= _ __ ::�ct�c� t�, t.7�,n cf' t�z� corn�i��nc�m�nt oi' JC_l:�L �,�#;�;� _ ,n�i t��m surr�� at tii�ir �cl� cc:,t and �x���n:�� anci . _ , ., ,, , - _ ,,. - ,, . r� _; �.,. ._. . : ' � �. � , . � �.� �.` .il�€i, t'1� r: ._ � ', _ . � ' —'- :.�;._'i _�'1 L... , � t._�. - 't.� �_ ��� ,_ i , c _. .,� _ . �_l J' ��i'-��.� ��1 .._�,11 �ti.� _ . - ,� ._.,1 :� ' __ �,_.� , '' , - "t: �r said suit cr acticn �hall �1�.� � � ��i � �IV Fc ��.} I, � :ction '7 ; "�'h� said Grarzt��� , th�ir succ�s.:�crs ari:.i _ _ _ �:;� i,_� _ , � i.�.�.�._ c:1' t',�� _. . _ �:_rld ccnditicns irril�o�,:;cA in c�- _� thi; �;� �_.ar_c� , �.;r�._ �,�;; <�_,_,r . . .;r t�l�r�l,elve:�, ��nci i,h-�ir �ucc..,.��- a - , ��.�Zd �t.:=;��ns . Uc 1��z �_�it _.�...A , �-- _ .. �:nJ �i,_��r� ��:: _ � r•�z - ��_t��Y'i=`; ti1�� �C .,�, C;l' .._ ��:� � . _�u7 � :,,� + _ _,1 �;.�-:, 1� "..P:_ �r anc? ulor_:n t.h��ir tracks arid lii�=�s o�� t_z� tr��t.s p.�r�i�_-: A_ �>crib�;�, in �uici �'c��:�_i,uN�n t'�i� i���ayrn�nt ta t':l.,ri� �i a r��;, �.: i�� r�nt�_1 icr suci= us� cl t'.i�ir t,rac� cr tr�,.c�,s on anJ ci .���_id_ �tr���t or str��ts i;rcvid�d, :uc�l cth�r str��t rail,��ra;; � � i ir;�t �.; :.ii �;raizt�d � z'r�nchis� b�; s�.�: ��;<n oi ��ntcn tc �_�t°r t;l.:; '�. .._ l�.n�t:._ tc ru� �.- A .�,y ..�.._�� �.� �_ r_.i1 '��-,: _.� ��._:i .L , .r�� .'. . (�1� _. t,Y',:� ., _ • .:C�1Gr7. �5 j _-i',', i�l'�'.I1C'I11S� �I"'1�=-i1t.S ���t'1V.;l:£;;. _, �i:Ci v.Ll�, ��'— :�` " - i�: T __;r�i�zb�fr�r� s�t ��ort�� i � �,�ar,t��d uj.�on ccnditi�n t:1� , : i� �rant��:�,t:z�ir ;ucc�sscrs a_�_d c:�„�ign� , ���a11 rl��intai�_ ._ - f fr�i�;nt and z�a,s�n:��r rat�s an�i f�� , ic�n �::%ithcut discritiiin�ti�-.n,an�. if' sai , . I � �� �:��ir .>ucc.� ,,_-_r: ar�d �,_.. �, �. , ,�.�all �v�r �<;t�r_a �i ,_nt��,_ , _ __ ,: v� ��- ;- = � ,:�� __:�1 ._ „ „ c_�_::� uctic.iZ,y�urci�a , �.��.,_ , ccn ,cli:.��_ - } ,:n r� .:r, �;r oth�r�.��i�� �cc�uir� oth��r lin�s and_ conn�;ctin�;lin�s cf ,�tr�et rail���a.y, �c� cr in t�i� v�ci_^�i1:�� oi' n�i�,�ibori.��_� tc�lni�: � . i�'_'�J� ui1c�11 Ci7�+?"�;"� a IY'�1�;:,t, �;'1:1 v�1:iUc^.'�'1�';Y' T'a�'� j.)T'rJiJOY'i;1.CLi2.�;; t� t'_-_,: dist^.nc� hGul�d,an�. s�.id 'i��n ci' r�ntcn r�s�rv�� t��� ;'J.`11 i� � ..5 •r �- en y� s� j- s. <a 7 i . te r�vc�� , ��.ul �.nc3 t„rmi�lat„ at an�tim;, in tn.. ma,_�,. ,_� _�._�ri�� �- . � :�a:•, all �f th�:: ri�,ht� h�r�in �ru��t I ` - .�t:_ � , _._ ,i_r �ucc�s�cra anci a;�::i�;na , if it ,�hc _ ,.__c� ct�t,crrr:i rl�r u1,�1� inv^�ti�a_ti�r� ' � :,�s .:..re not ir� ��,:cod i�itl7 �il��int<<.'_ � ::_inst sai�� To;�in oi' n�n��e.n i.� rnacl� ir� a..n; c�_�:;r �na�i��r ;�J iC.'� �'L'c1.1�:��:�� �:1c;lY' aU.CC'":SSQY'„ ctr'CX uf�S1�;YiS��J OT' t'l1Y'GU�;Yl B.Yt��y' �;_��n�cti��� liri� cr l�n��� c,f str�At, r�il��,a�, �. ;,;, ,.+ c ;�_ t '� ����1 . , . . . . �.-_�_ c.. .:.; _:� �_i �:�:lth tlie lln� n��r�ln s���c� i� _ . _. . ., , . „ , - - _, - - ^ � „ �: • 11i:, l ranci�i -c i r �� � _ . _ , __ _ . . , _ _ _ ... .,� _ � � ='- _� �_1�. ' �',,._ ,._..�� _ .',:i..- 3 ( 1j � .-�.� _. � ., �,:. _ � . .. . ._ �. _�,�_. i. i - -� ' ,�'. , � „ - 1:� - --� , �_. y �-. . .iCi �. �':rf;���.1 C'i 1,��.1:� �v'��l i`.'tl�L.. �.'� �i`�_. l. ,.,:, ��1Z _ ._ �_ �4 : , ., , _� ��`l-�r��i und oi a1i th� t��rms and ccncaiticns tr��r�ir ;�;�;� � ,rth dulJ i�;� �u b�.� .,aid �raz�t���, ; failir� : _ ��_nte�s ,t'_��ir �ucc^�ssora �nd ?,s-i�;n.� , �v:z�!1=. : _. . _. : . � _.':;�l;�r-� V::i. . . . � . _.�,.. L;_r��..L i i7;_ _ - �° and ��'i',�ct. ;=Jhat�y: , e . i� `:iv=�n upcn th� �':.. _ �1C?P t,i�c�t, t�l^ Ur`l, l�u LT'�1Y1t,`:3'�U�til'�11 :�UCC�::�uCl,� �l_iu ` :' _all jJ�c,ll'' �i7� C��i'1St,Y'i;�;. _ J_ L'YllY? t�1m ���T'iG;� Oi �`;`:� _" ' . t,anc� ,��_:['c;r�s��id,�av� b�Tilt, cen.truc' � �� � ��_ .si,andard �tr���� raiitr��2_;� �rack �:_: '1'�111r��iGr'� wl��'Clf'1^i�.�a't7C:1 t.�1d,'Y':-".c`lY�.�Y' Stl�l� :�,��� .`�.,ulii _ Cp�T'2�.�lOYl�f,°IC�l�t �S �T'LV�i'?'- ::ia;�l�� ca:�ualti�� �r ;l�l<_ e .. - � _ , �_i . ` �,.. , � ._„__ . , ; , . _ ,.i'__.: _ , . , _ -i , .� � � � _ . _ .. � _= . . - �. �---- - - . . . �... _.._ , G_. . _._ . t'_�_� ic;;n �cuz�cil of sa� �o�;�n oi '��ntc��, suc � �. _,- ,�t�a�; c>ccu�_ , � , �=; �aid �� , � at _..<:.�i��t�:in�a.11 �tr��t crc��in�s or int.�rs�cti�n�: � :_ :: _ _.� !. 'V� �Y1 �:�U21. �i:iCU17t GI Z.l�Yli:� j < JJ. _ .'�_:", :�?._'G1Si'c,Ct,1G?7 G� Vi18 '1'O'�h'1� � __' th� ie.;n ri' _ .:ntr;n ana s��i« ��:uncil shall ,�� t�z� .. : as tc -�.-i . :,�i�r ��_ia li�hts ar� �,atiU�'actcr;� ��:� _ , .>) Th� p::rio�� cftim� durin� }T�nic� ut:_id �;ra_r_t��s , - �c;,�^�.sorr atzci a�si�;ns,:na;; b� pr��%�n�,�c� ;�1�:,� i���rri �ro- �din� �r,:ith anca. compl�tiiz�; tiz� ��rc-r'<; ::i' con::truction cf .,�_. �, ,, • , • , _ , , � ��,..^.• C� , '.�` ,:1 i11T1 rl�,' ` C.::?7 Oi r;�:14f�Y1� S!l�11.1 Y1G V ��� CG'":. _ 1 �N F� __ _ tc � �ii: �nd ce�rnl�l�t� ti�� c�nstructir,n cl ,��:_a'L_ ruily�.ay ._ . __ _ � , cticn 1C ; _''_1i� Orca.�nanc� s:nall I��=��,- �'crc�' �aric:i,;� I _ ,;C�: u21U tJi� l_Il i'G:Y'C� -T'Q:`1 �_i1C, �1't.�:Y' 1 �_`3 ?c,� . :_'�: JIll:1 C.'+.;:;., ..':;��1G!:_ , __ .__. _ - , _ ;, � - �bru� r- -. . . . . . .. . ..J _ .. . � ._ n , � . I . , �,f �:,:hin�,ton; I ,�r�.nt � ; , , _ � _ � _- - - �_ _ _ _� _ _.. � __ __ �� -, - . � '�.-unt�,� of �"in� ; s;� �it�% �i' ?�entcn,`::a;hi��2�,:tcn,dc h,:;r�b-; ;ity �i n�.zton ; c�rtiz'y -�Y��a� t��� ��r��v� a:���:i fcr��ci�� i . a tru� �lc=i ccrr;:ct c,, i:y c:f' Ordin�._nc� ;-GC-_ �. _ i� a ��,�r _ =� `�: �:� �u.� i'i�: 171 :I'�` l�l�i iC� . � - - � mc� thi�� `�4t,'�,�7a� r,_� _._..y,i 4;���, . _��/�>-^-`-' . �j `�� , -; a__ ��� _ - . J � : � i .� �" , _ _ _ .; _. l. ..._ �31 ail:�,.ne .: �;ranting tc tn�� :��:attl J1°�c�r�ic . _ _ I ,., • ; , . J �r . _ � � � �_ _ t, � _. . ;.;11 � � 1 _ � � '�1n �-:� ` ' -, ` ;., , �,Y�r^ _. ' ,� : ^ r i - �.__.:. ,_ - �.:�_. . ... ,�r1 n T-.— . . . . . . . I� ;.J��C�1.� ^_ __ . ._._ .. � .._..,... ,. .._. ..-__�� li..l'_ .J�� 1.., �1 ...__1�v1� :.1_ .. ._... �.. ..�.:1:�� _�.1.�'CtY'7.0 vGilii0u11Jr�u :', �UN�1111�1.(;�I`t C�T'�'!�r'F'.�f,1�..17.y ��1a9 ri�;iit, 'ivil��;� ar..; a_utr�rit;y tc i'ill all t��at ��rt __ '�ur- 1�' 1� i ._:;tt ���. -� i " i�..t�u��n t'... :z� , ,,!.,� � il��. <. _ .�i�,.Ztiz :�tr��°t _ _ ,� � �:-_�� ;_ ;r�r;j�:, �i�.�� c?' tiz� linR�, ._��.� �.,�� lc�; -;i� (G) an�.� .��v�n � 'i ; .__ .:i _ . ,.; � � �, � y . _ : � -� � _ . ,�1CI�. � __._. _.�_ �___ — ., ___ .�._� . �__L ....'1`„ s i:i. -- ._. � _� . -_lcctric �crn�.ar��j ,ha11 �b�� ���nrci�„ ��n;; y�ur ircr:. t?1� 1�ublic:,iti�.�n c.� t��i:. C-_. t:,_�r�ci' a� %.a;- b� �:�r��lt;,�r �;r�A�t�c� bj� t:l� ��u��cil. lE;Yl �j ''�`7� �Ldt.�;�..: �Z�Ctr'1C "�yT?ty�an�� �;11F�..�1 IGY'1.�'-.lt. , _ -, _,_ :>; : ;t�c:i and abcndcn�d a�.�_ , .:_, , . , _ ; _ � - - - - -- _.< ,. ,_.. _ _ , - ti�i� Cruinanc� „nl, ; �°ritlzi}� ti�lirt,y �aay-::3 afti�r t;��� i�ubl�caticn �i' �:ii:. �r�li: r�c� it ��il i'il� in t't�� vif'ic� ei tt�� i'c�S,�,n '�l:° � bc,i: _ _rk �. , th� :�.um ci �,,�yc 'lheu;�and ( �;200C .CC)d�llars ,�.��1�_ �;-;.. k�;y .. _:, �'-J�e1-, c �_._; i�.__., A '.: � .. ,�id _ _� � � .. �__: . i.,. _�;c � ; � =.,