HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/2010 - Minutes '�rr �w.✓ '�'C)�Ft��f i t7� 4l+l,P i l/ f���P _'t��a d'.j� ��E�f.�,pP`tl? 4 ���:�1���.7 '.�� ` /'�$!l?IL°tj>fIl � 9T}` �C�� OF�t(.F� ♦ -_ �� �, .�'.� �" � ,��f"�i �"f i �� �..'�,�11?�1'1.�"Sfr�l? .�.f� RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS Cf3MMtSSIdN Meetin�Minutes December 7, 2010 Rentan City Nal) 434 pm Canferencing Center{7`h Fioor} Municipal Arts Cornmissioners Present.Patricia Pepper, Dalia Amin,Sarah Eidridge,Jerri Everett, Peter Hartiey, Fred Lund, Britt McKenzie, Evelyn Reingald anc! Denise Zullig. Municipa!Arts Commissioners Absent: Doug Kyes, Linda Middlebrooks and Wesfey Van Doren City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes,Community&Ecanamic Development Vincent Orduna,Cultural Arts Caordinator Vivienne Lietz,Administrative Secretary,Community& Econamic Development CALL TO ORDER: Commissian Chair Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:32 prn. Lisa Kin,a local artist,joined the meeting and gave a brief introduction. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COMMISSIONER BRI1T MCKENZIE NGITED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES. SECONDED BY PETER HARTLEY. COMMISSIONERS CONCt1RED, MOTiC►N CARRIED. PUBLIC ART PIECE f3F THE MONTH: Sarah Eldridge gave clues on the(ocal art piece. Freti Lurrd guessed the artist to be Bill Levine and the art piece is, "Interface." CCIRRESPONDEIVCE A1VD ANNOUNCEMEIVT5: Commissioner Lund distributed mai!for review. o�a�us�M�ss: Local Arts A�encv: Rentan is hosting the next lAA meeting an Thursday,January 27,and Evergreen City Ballet is a passible location. Commissioners are encouraged to attend if possible. ACTION ITEM LIST: Communications: Volunteers are needed to help Britt set up art work in State Representative Zack Hudgins office in Olympia. Alsa, a volunteer is needed to host the next artist reception. Commissianers are encouraged to attend the reception. Resource Developmen#:-no meetin� Balazs Davz: Waiting to hear back fram Peggy Weiss wha is currently on vacatian. ,�rr+ `�"' Renton Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 December 7,2010 Partnership with Renton School District: Britt and Sarah judged and found it to be very challenging.The artists had to follow a theme and some of the work was amazing and exciting and some was not. Some of the music pieces were very good. Commission Proiects: Parks, Recreation &Open Space—online survey, please fill out and forward the survey to friends. Peter Hartley will take the lead on the Combat Paper project. Commission Bud�et: Not all reports have been received from grant recipients. Commission reviewed Fred's proposal for the Identity Branding posters project and also the cost of new lighting at Carco Theatre. Dalia suggested purchasing a banner for the Renton River Days booth. . PETER HARTLEY MOTIONED TO SPEND UP TO$315 TO UPGRADE THE LIGHTS AT CARCO THEATRE, FRED LUND SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. • EVELYN REINGOLD MOTIONED TO SPEND UP TO$1,400 TO PURCHASE THE IDENTITY BRANDING POSTERS FOR DOWNTOWN RENTON DISPLAY CASES. SECONDED BY SARAH ELDRIDGE. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. . Discussion ensued on the banner. EVELYN REINGOLD MOVED TO SPEND NO MORE THAN $400 ON A RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION BANNER. BRITT MCKENZIE SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Pat Pepper presented a certificate to Dalia Amin. Dalia spoke for a few minutes on her experiences with the commission and how much she's enjoyed working with RMAC for the last three years. Her next project will be working on a campaign and she'll graduate in 2012 and will go to Kurdistan and work,an opportunity to allow her to give back. Youth Position: A possible candidate, Bryan Castillo, had planned to come to the meeting but was unable to make it. SIFF in Renton:Jennifer Davis Hayes gave an update on SIFF coming to Renton in May 2011. A contribution from the City's lodging revenues will help pay for the costs for the event. In addition,the Renton Community Marketing Campaign will help market the event. Brad Brotherton has agreed to purchase a$15,000 screen needed for the event that will be permanently installed at the Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center. Volunteers from the Commission will be needed for the events. Master Plan: lennifer Davis Hayes asked for feedback on the retreat. Britt McKenzie stated it helped to streamline and focus the commission. Performing Arts: Peter Hartley gave an overview of their ideas. He attended the Parks, Recreation,Open Space and Natural Resources Master Plan meeting and learned it's a longer term strategy and is not so much a leading role but coaxing along the other groups. He is creating a list of stakeholders and plans to hold a meeting in mid-February. The group will review the priorities and reach out to others to help move the priorities forward. Jennifer Davis Hayes presented the Arts&Culture Master Plan to the Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center Advisory Group and they were very interested in being involved. If Commissioners have ideas on other people who might be interested in being a stakeholder please submit their names to Jennifer Davis Hayes. Arts Center: Next steps are to create a list of possible facilities and possible programs and identify members of a leadership committee for advancing the master plan and research local arts centers to get some ground work information. The next steering committee will help figure out RMAC's role. Denise �r.r+ ,"�' Renton Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 December 7,2010 Zullig mentioned looking toward a business model that would help the Commission to stand alone and be sustainable. The Commission worked together to review the Arts Commission ordinance to see where each of them would connect within the master plan. They went through each item on the action item list and categorized them on the master plan. Peter Hartley stated we should identify groups for matching funds. When we're recruiting new people, we should look at the projects we have such as the Arts Center and find people who have the skills or connections to help make them happen. He suggests that we take time to review the work we've done this evening and identify which projects we want to move ahead. Jennifer Davis Hayes suggested that she send an e-mail out to all volunteers identified through the Master Plan process. The current leads of the master plan groups should send suggestions for specific language regarding"asks"for this group. A group of Commissioners will also need to convene to review the applications received for new Commissioners. Adiournment: The December 7, 2010, meeting was adjourned at 6:34 p.m. The next meeting will be held on January 4,2010 at 4:30 pm. � b(�l!/v � Patricia Pepper,C a r