HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/2010 - Minutes +rri.r' w.r� t:f7Y t�F�E►WTpM �EP 15 2010 .!ti`�� t",� 1 f�t�t�fF�;,;, CITY CLERK'S QFFIC� '" i� " !�€l�71'C'fflt%,� ,r�,;.�. k �II'a�.�i �`�;1,3'1��� � +t�ll?IP'C.S'.Sltzf? RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetin�Minutes August 3,2010 Renton City Hall 4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7th Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Dalia Amin, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Britt McKenzie, Evelyn Reingold,and Denise Zullig. Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent:Jerri Everett, Linda Middlebrooks,and Wesley Van Doren. City Staff Present: Jennifer Davis Hayes,Community&Economic Development Vincent Orduna,Cultural Arts Coordinator Judith Subia,Administrative Secretary,Community&Economic Development CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:34 pm. GUEST: Bill Huls is the Artistic Director for the Renton Civic Theater. He is a candidate for one of the Commission's vacant seats. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Britt McKenzie gave the correct name of July's art piece of the month. It is, "Renton Changes," by Kay Slusarenko. COMMISSIONER DOUG KYES MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE JULY MINUTES AS AMENDED,SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER EVELYN REINGOLD. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Britt McKenzie reopened the minutes to strike"pump house RAYS building"from buildings that could hold an Arts Center. COMMISSIONER BRITT MCKENZIE MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE JULY MINUTES AS ADDITIONALLY AMENDED SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER PAT PEPPER. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail highlighting local art events. He also shared the names of the winners for the Renton Annual Art Show and information regarding the West Seattle Totem Pole. OLD BUSINESS: 4 Culture Local Arts Aeencv Meetin�: lennifer Davis Hayes attended the 4Culture meeting(ast month. She shared a brochure regarding Bellevue's Art Walk. The Underground Railroad Film Festival was presented as an opportunity for the Renton FilmFrenzy. �` � Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 August 3,2010 ACTION ITEM LIST: Communications: The committee has no updates because there was no meeting. Commissioner Britt McKenzie shared the names of artists that will be on display at Carco Theatre this fall: Dan Haggerty, Darlene Dhel,and Shirley Rudolph. Jennifer Davis Hayes added that the 2011 Carco Theatre Display application is now online. VJ also mentioned that information regarding artist displays, including the dates of display and reception,will now be printed in the City's "What's Happening" brochure. Resource Development: Commissioner Denise Zullig gave an update on the 4 Cows Bridge. Jennifer Davis Hayes met with Bob Hanson from Transportation and he is okay with the placement of the art in the landscape areas. If the neighborhood wants to install a gateway sign on the first beam,the design would need to be approved. The next steps are to have further discussions and reconnect with the neighborhood. Renton River Davs: Commissioner Dalia Amin shared the pros and cons of River Days. She asked if the Commission should pursue a booth for next year and where it was on the Commission's priorities. She recommended doing Friday and Saturday only because there is low attendance on Sunday. This year's project was origami. There were over 300 pieces and the material ran out. Commissioners agreed that it was geared towards everyone of all ages. She was able to recruit students from Lindbergh High School to help. The DECA students enjoyed the opportunity to volunteer. There was discussion of ways to make the River Days booth better. Master Plan Update: see below under New Business. Renton FilmFrenzv: The committee has no updates because there was no meeting. Artist Trust EDGE Prosram: Commissioner Britt McKenzie said that this item will be addressed at the next ' ' meeting. �+nt�i�i''s �G�w7n,• Fred Mever Honorin�Pole: Commissioner Fred Lund reported that there has been a change in Fred Meyer's management. There are still contractual differences between Fred Meyer and the woodcarver which are being refined before work begins. Commission Bud�et: The 4Culture grant for 2011 is still unknown. There was discussion about the Commission's grant recipients and whether or not the budget reflected the approved amount; it is the amount voted by the full Commission as"option B" if the Commission received the 2010 4Culture grant. NEW BUSINE55: Arts Commission Role with Master Plan Implementation: Jennifer Davis Hayes informed the Commission that the Community Service Committee will review the Plan on August 9. If the Plan is approved,the recommendation will be forwarded to full Council that night for final approval. She shared a short presentation reviewing the Commission's current function and activities according to the action item list. Jennifer gave an overview of the Master Plan. The goal is to develop broad community ownership of the plan to work towards implementation-from artists to arts organizations,businesses to non profits, residents to employees,city staff to service clubs,etc. The Plan is a 5+year plan. All of the work plan items identified do not need to be started right away. There are five strategies of the Plan: 1) Build awareness among all people about all aspects of the arts and increase connections among existing groups and supporters, 2)Capture the community's imagination with a galvanizing project,3)Advocate �w" ,,�,�' Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 , August 3,2010 for policies that support the arts and creative businesses,4) Ensure the continuation of live performing arts in Renton,and 5) Investigate the feasibility of creating an arts center. There was discussion about what role the Commission should have. A Commissioner should be involved in different phases of the project. It was also suggested that the Legal Department review the Plan to see who has authority over what and to create guidelines and boundaries. A Leadership Team and Steering Committee will need to be formed. The Commission is the keeper of and will oversee the Plan. The Steering Committee will be the facilitators of the Plan. There was also discussion of moving into the 215C century in regards to technology. The Commission and the Plan should be more visible on the web. The community is more willing to donate when information is posted on the web and this will be an opportunity to involve the youth. Commissioners voiced that "It's okay to start with shaky feet";there cannot be 100%certainty of what the future will hold. Commissioners should volunteer for the strategy that each individual has a passion. Commissioners Pat Pepper and Denise Zullig showed an interest in putting together the Leadership Team and Steering Committee. Public Art Centers: Commissioner poug Kyes researched art centers and gave examples of the art center in Mendocino,CA and in Coupeville on Whidbey Island. An art center would not only cover fine arts such as painting,sculpture,theater,or music, but quilting,spinning, knitting,weaving, pottery, woodworking,and other crafts as well. The art center in Coupeville is supported as a 501c3 organization. Another example of a fine arts center is in the City of Torrance (sp?), CA. It was suggested that an art center does not need to start with a building. There are many local artists who have shops in pottery,glassware,etc. Classes can start there. Adiournment: The August 3, 2010, meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on September 7, 2010 at 4:30 pm. i ��1Ct'�! , ��` " //�4 ;rf Patricia Pepper,Chair ! '�i' 1U