HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/2010 - Minutes „� C:ITI(OF RENT0�1 r�rr► MAR 0 5 2010 1�Y O ��en���z RECEIVED � �► � .��l121C'1�'1C1� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE � � ♦ .� ,� �1'.�S �'NT� �ommrssrorz RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetin�Minutes February 9, 2010 Renton City Hall 4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7th Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Dalia Amin,Jerri Everett, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Mike O'Halioran, Britt (Peterson) McKenzie, Evelyn Reingold, Wesley Van Doren and Denise Zullig Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: Linda Middlebrooks City Staff Present:lennifer Davis Hayes, Community& Economic Development Vincent Orduna, Community Services Vivienne Lietz,Administrative Secretary, Community& Economic Development CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COMMISSIONER BRITT McKENZIE MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 5 MINUTES AS WRITTEN SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MIKE 0'HALLORAN. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. Guests• Kjris Lund, Lund Consulting and Peggy Weiss,Art Consultant— Arts and Culture Master Plan consultants. Peggy Weiss introduced herself and explained she had been working on an assessment the Public Art in Renton collection. She has been looking at the condition, historical interest, economic development value and the importance to the community of the art. She also looked to see if there is good information, signage and labeling of the art. Her presentation showcased various pieces of interest and noted items of interest. Kjris Lund interjected that there needs to be a plan in place for the stewardship of the art and how that might work. Possibly have volunteers adopting a piece and taking care of it. There is an organization called "Save Outdoor Sculpture”that may have grants available. There is a Renton resident, Michael Christ,who has a huge collection of Harold Balazs works plus other collections and they would be good to showcase and build upon. Look at a partnership with him, the museum and the City, possibly an art exhibition tour. Peggy noted that lighted bridges around the world draw attention and we could highlight the river with lighted bridges. How do you create a visual impact to passing traffic? Renton has a lot of figurative sculpture. The Logan Avenue project is an opportunity to integrate artist's work into the infrastructure. Pat Pepper asked their thoughts on art at Renton River Days. It may be possible to bring something from the International Children's Festival to Renton. "Dancing outside," use a raised dance floor which builds the energy in the crowd and brings multiple ages together. Hire a Renton composer to create a piece for marching bands and becomes a part of Renton. Have a Renton River Days theme,The HeART of Renton. Municipai Arts Commission Min� Page 2 of 3 °''r''' � February 9,2010 PUBLIC ART PIECE OF THE MONTH: Mike 0'Hailoran chose a mystery format and offered clues to the piece. Wesley Van Doren recognized the piece as being the Fireman in Action at Fire Station 11. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail highlighting local art events. OLD BUSINESS: Local Arts A�encv: No meeting this month. ACTION ITEM LIST: Communications: Britt McKenzie:The committee was not able to gather a consortium this month. She passed out a draft copy of the Public Art brochure. Please give feedback by February 19 on form, style and content. Resource Development: RFP for Logan Ave N was sent out and eight responses were received. A short list of three applicants was created. COMMISSIONER EVELYN REINGOLD MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SELECTION OF THE THREE FINALISTS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER WESLEY VAN DOREN. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. Doug Kyes, Wesley Van Doren, Pat Pepper and Denise Zullig,with Fred Lund as an alternate,formed a subcommittee to select which artist to move forward with for the project. Doug Kyes and Denise Zullig attended the Downtown business meeting and presented the 4 Cow project and received very positive feedback and the project is moving forward. Master Plan Committee will be completed April 2010. Renton River Davs: Dalia Amin gave an overview of the plans. Pat Pepper liked Plan 3 — Origami. One idea was to have a sticker, possibly of"We Are All in This Boat Together." COMMISSIONER WESLEY VAN DOREN MOTIONED TO NOMINOATE PLAN THREE WITH THE STICKERS, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BRITf McKENZIE. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. Commission Bud�et: The budget was presented with no expenses to date from the operating budget. Outstandin�proiects: Storefront Art in Downtown is now in three places showcasing Diamond Tattoo artists. VJ Orduna volunteered to be the FilmFrenzy representative and Wesley Van Doren will attend when he can. Arts Day: The group met with six representatives. More people attended this year, standing room only. Pat Pepper invited State Representative Zach Hudgins to the April Renton Municipal Arts Commission meeting. Open Mic: Maple Valley Arts Council does it twice a month. Dalia Amin spoke about a similar event they did at the University of Washington and it was the most successful weekly event they held. It could be an event that would help draw people. Partnership with Renton School �istrict: Thirty seven teachers from Maplewood Heights took a trip to the Teachers Resource Center at Seattle Art Museum. They were introduced to the materials and resources available. The joint Arts Commission/School District group will meet March 8 at Maplewood Heights. They are looking at how they can best use the resources available. Possible use Maplewood Municipal Arts Commission Min�, ,,,� Page 3 of 3 February 9,2010 Heights as a pilot program,work with PTA's for possible funding. Parent docents can also be part of the Teachers Resource Center. Artist Reception will be held next Friday, February 19 at Carco Theatre from 6—8 pm. NEW BUSINESS: Through the development of the Master plan we may find ways to fund a professional development program that municipalities can host through Arts Trust.There are three categories: writers,visual artists, and film makers. Britt McKenzie passed around informational literature about the program and will request a proposal if there is no cost involved. V1 Orduna mentioned that a local theater company, Renton Civic Theater, has come forth and requested a partnership for holding the Summer Teen Musical. There may be other opportunities for funding. Mike 0'Halloran suggested we bring together the South Union Neighborhood Association,the Neighborhood program and other groups to create banners for the neighborhood. He was asked to bring a proposal to the next meeting. Fred Lund mentioned an idea to work with PFLAG and was also asked to bring a proposal to the next me Adiournment: The February 9, 2010, meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 4:30 pm. � � �� �� 3�z-la Patricia Pepper, Chair