HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/2010 - Minutes � � Cf1Y OF REfdTON ��,�Y o� ��'erz�on MAR 0 5 2010 � �.a ��1121C1�)Q.I � �r.R{S' RECEIVED �— .� ,� , , CITY CLERK'S OFFICE �'�rT� �ornrnrssrr�rl RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetin�Minutes January 5, 2010 Renton City Hall 4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7`h Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper,Jerri Everett, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Linda Middlebrooks, Mike O'Halloran, Britt(Peterson) McKenzie, Evelyn Reingold and Denise Zullig Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: Dalia Amin and Wesley Van Doren City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes, Community& Economic Development Liz Stewart, Renton History Museum Kris Stimpson, Community Services Vivienne Lietz,Administrative Secretary, Community& Economic Development CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. Guests: Jim Seitz,Transportation Planner for the City of Renton; and Kjris Lund, Lund Consulting,for the Arts and Culture Master Plan. Jim Seitz passed around the City's six year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)for 2010-2015. These projects become part of the City's Capital Improvement Projects budget which is how the Commission's 1%for Art funding is collected. He highlighted the following projects which might be appropriate for art projects, although some of the projects are not yet funded: • Rainier Ave • NE 3`d/NE 4`h Corridor • Garden Avenue widening—gateway to the City • Lake Washington Trail (South Lake Connector) • Highiands to Landing pedestrian connection • Lake to Sound trail • South Renton Burnett Park Neighborhood Street Improvement lennifer Davis Hayes noted that the 1%for Art program does not always collect 1%from the project's full funding because some sources of funds are ineligible. Jim clarified there are possibilities to request funding for art projects within transportation grants if there is early planning. He has seen some grants where up to 3%can be allowed in certain grants. The 1%for Art funding is deposited into a fund if the money is not spent on that project. The Transportation Department is always open to ideas from citizens for projects. Evelyn Reingold mentioned she had seen tiles in the sidewalk outside Lafayette Elementary in Seattle,and felt it was very effective. Municipal Arts Commission Min,�, ,� Page 2 of 4 January 5,2010 Kjris Lund, Lund Consulting —Arts and Culture Master Plan consultant. They have spent time familiarizing themselves with the community by taking tours with City staff and on their own, interviewing opinion leaders and listening to peopie in the community to get their take on where they feel art should be in the City of Renton. Peggy Weiss did an assessment of the City art collection identifying the gaps to allow us to move forward. The first community Steering Committee meeting will occur at the end of January with about 50 people including business leaders, artists, faith-based community leaders and people who have an interest in arts and culture. The plan will include strategies for quick action and community building. The hope is that the Arts master plan will work cohesively with the Museum master plan. People interviewed were from a broad cross-section of the community. They wanted to build on what we already have and not create something new. They identified arts organizations and works of art in Renton. The sense is not to make to make Renton an arts destination, more to nurture the kinds of arts available here and help them grow. Carco Theatre and theater groups around town were mentioned. A home town feeling, sense of community, small town feel were important and it's good that people perceive it this way. Downtown is perceived as the center of the City. It was suggested that arts organization boards need more business people on them to help with business planning. Challenges: • Arts are always the first to go in tough economic times. • More resource sharing is needed but this would be difficult to make practical. Organizations could combine services such as copiers, accounts person etc. which would allow them to share expenses and keep their costs down. • Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center donors may be a good resource. Could be an opportunity for a new beginning at the theater. • Empty store fronts, property owner's disinvestment, letting things sit. • Young people missing from participation. • Diversity, noted many times about the number of different languages spoken in our schools. US Senator Patty Murray is very interested in this and there may be opportunity for federal funding. • Folks didn't know how to reach out and draw people in. The Commission was asked for their input regarding arts opportunities. Responses included: parks, Farmers Market, Library, antique stores,Tea Palace, Riparian Forest, Lorna Jordan Gardens, Car show, Renton FilmFrenzy should bring top five Seattle films from Seattle International Film Festivals to Renton theaters. Mike O'Halloran said to work on the steps to achieving the goals that were identified at the outset. He would prefer 1%for Art monies focused on where people can see in i.e. in parks,trails rather than on streets where you just drive by it. Renton has a lot of theaters; are there ways to build their vitality whether as a theater district or individually? A cultural art festival incorporating all the diverse groups we have in the city. A gateway is important and 1%could be used for that. Doug Kyes would like to bring in folk arts, knitting,woodworking, sculpture, pottery, etc. Hold workshops and bring teachers in from outside. We should try to enhance the community we already have and our art community more visible. RMAC could help support to make citizens of the arts available in Renton and encourage cooperation with the other arts groups. The consultant team will look at the opportunities and look for the best bang for the buck.There will be near term strategies and a game plan including more ways to get funding. Commissioners can help us Municipal Arts Commission Mir�, ,�; Page 3 of 4 January 5,2010 make goals a reality and reach out to new people. As you wish you could do something,think about how it can be accomplished. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COMMISSIONER LINDA MIDDLEBROOKS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 1 MINUTES AS WRITTEN SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BRITT McKENZIE. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC ART PIECE OF THE MONTH: Commissioner Reingold gave a quiz on art. Fred Lund guessed Summer Breeze. Jim Demetro was the artist, located at the Piazza. 1%for Art was used to purchase this artwork. Linda Middlebrooks passed around an ad showcasing another Summer Breeze located in Puyallup. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail highlighting local art events. People interested in attending Legislative Day on February 2 in Olympia should let Jennifer Davis Hayes know. EVELYN REINGOLD MOVED TO MOVE FEBRUARY'S MEETING TO FEBRUARY 9T"TO ALLOW COMMISSIONERSTO ATTEND THE FEBRUARY 2 LEG DAY. DENISE ZULLIG SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: Local Arts A�encv: No 4Culture meeting in December. Next meeting is in January. SoCo culture next meeting January 13, please attend if you can. ACTION ITEM LIST: Communications: No action needed by full commission at this time. Using social media tools,submit a monthly article to SoCo site and each month a commissioner submit an article on topics such as architecture, ballet, etc. The committee would like to reach out to the Sister Cities Committees. Jennifer Davis Hayes mentioned two of our sister cities had been contacted and are on the steering committee for the Master Plan. The committee will also regularly monitor the website. We need more artists to exhibit at Carco Theatre. Resource Development: The group is finalizing the RFQ for the Logan Ave N project. The 4 Cow project volunteers are putting together a package and attending the Renton Chamber's Downtown Committee meeting to garner support for the project. Executive Committee: The Commission's arts acceptance policy was presented last month for review and comments. MIKE O'HALLORAN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE POLICY AS WRITTEN. DENISE ZULLIG SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. Renton River Davs: Dalia not in attendance; review her attached report. Dalia to work with Communications committee and provide recommendations for Renton River Days at next meeting. The focus is on the Arts Commission mission and educating the public. Bring three options and commission will vote at next meeting. Renton River Days committee can work out the details. Commission Bud�et: Jennifer Davis Hayes clarified the 1%for Art balance includes deposits from transportation through 2008. Each year the transportation project actual expenses are calculated to determine that year's deposit to the fund. Municipal Arts Commission Mi�,�, � Page 4 of 4 January 5,2010 Outstandin�proiects: Pop up Gallery: There is currently art in four storefronts with three property owners. Fred Lund is extremely happy that property owners are on board with this project. John Lu's business partner is interested in doing a rotating display of art at the Go Deli. NEW BUSINESS: Thank you from Allied Arts for the$750 grant they received. Piazza Renton is looking for new people and new ideas. Soroptimists are having an auction. Ryan Runge invites people to join him at the Red House for a networking event on January 28. Evelyn Reingold met Bob Talley and he agreed to visit Seattle Art Museum. Only two schools have ever signed up to visit the museum. There are grants available for transportation. Evelyn Reingold would like to continue to pursue working on this. The complexity of taking kids out of the classroom is very challenging. We can heip identify a successful pilot program and then try to spread the word. PTSA round table would be a good place to connect. Anyone wanting to participate in the annual one night count for the homeless should contact Mike O'Halloran. Adiournment: The January S, 2009, meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 4:30 pm. �fl� �► �1� Patricia Pepper, Chai