HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 2863947 ' � r� �g �r V0+_���t�. PAGF�� .. . 1�r��i��'l��i • • Waahington Title Insurance Company �"�w�'� Form L 1 - � Statutory Quit Clairn I)eed I__�r��..�,..,..�.1u.,....ti,,.__.�.. � , ,,,. - , _ ; THE GRANTOR S J�NNIE S9RTORI, ERSILI�1 �. SBARBORO, ' ` '. s � \ �,M,f? ' , � -_ , , v� KziTH�IN� �. �ARTORI and I�AURA G. SARTORI } _ '� � ' � � _ _ ��`� 4 _ -,:_.� � for and in consideration of Si.xty-five hundred and no�100 - - - - - - - - � �F �� � , ` ', � ; ---..-- ,�''��s�� � . , � ,�.. 4'?" � � i � . �:�'' QUIT CLAIM DEEI�► ; I - � � ' .._. _ : . , J'EN�'IE SARTORI, et al � . , � � ................_............................_.............................. , ................, � � � � , •---•...........................................TO.... � . CS�`Y 4F RENTQN + ................... . .........................._....-----...-----•........_......... f � ; JCfLY 8th 1935. . ..............�---�--�-�-- , , ' � " =r�� �� �., , . n � r,-; M e �� � ; � y ; i � �y � ��� �i � = Ct"' � ,�: ,t �= t� ( ; �--- ; .4"'' r-a " �� . . � � `; i ` ' -�G� Z7 �+� C� a ��� , � � �, �t1 ' � F ��C C� `-�� "� �C� �i,a E71"Tl t � , .� ;'� � � , -< A p p • . , - � 'r!w , . ► �+' . ru . � , � - R ��,,--�. . ; - ' �`il��f�r���o��a�t �.�q����t E " k 4 +; /^� " � :! ji/�%�LL�4 ��iL� O��l..l��r..��� �� � . } v R $(�3 Sec�:Yd �.�ei�t±� __�%� y � � '"' ' `1�,rra:Y R "S'�' r k �, WP►:�ul�t�'Cc).v� !ti•i•L[J�I�=;L;t2�1C:L� f , " (:(.>�1PANY � ' � ���ATTI.N�HIiVGTOPi � „ - ' ���. C �� , . � �'�„�;;;�T ' _ - � �� � - � � �� , __ ____ -__ _ .,, . .� � ;;.Z..,...,;,.,�:,.z.,s�rar!iia�o-r,.�,. ———;.-——�._—_.-...�.____---_._._----� __ .. _ �„- � � ' , 'A� � - ° /p� ' � � ���V +��" � � . � i� �r� � -�� m—m ?..^7 !' 'r� ( I �� � �G:�1 SC��.u �i1 �L��.�r„a�:�AI�iGE CVI��,r �IvY � �� � � i � � � � LS���`IY P�ttK � L�� . r � +� r� L�:ITLD �IA�iI�,TTY x�a�I'CRI' V' � ! � City of Renton � Renton, 4�tashin£;ton Ord�r Itio. I31�27� r Attention: I„'ra �3. I�`. itici�ur,h � � � �ear Sir : I i ' `� In the mat€.�r af T,��e �itl� to. i � PAi�CEL :��tr� � � Tha� portion of Gc�� ernment Lot �. in �ection 1'7, ToY�nship 23 North, Ranr;e > �ast, irJ.T�i, , it-in�T �autr�e .rly on:� Sout��easterl f of First Avenue Narth � (Now known as Bror s�n 'v��y i�'a�th) in �he City of Ren�on, lyir.g vVesterly of the Calumbia :� Pu;et ilr�und i�.. R.. Go:�ipany ri�;ht-of-way (now known as tr�e �'acifzc Coast� R. R. Go 's i�:ewcastle �:ranch ri�,ht-of-T.�3��y) , ana lving i�ior.�therly i h af ��e NarUherly line anc� and s�3id IVort};er1.y ]�ine exrer�ded �asterly o� that � cert�in tr�ict of lan« cc�nve}=ed L.o t11� City of itenton by deed rec�rded in �' Valurrie 97`7 of L�eeds .on v��;e ��2 ar.d 'oc�rin� Iauaitorfs F'ile Na. i�5�931+, � rc�co��ds c�f Kin� Caunt;y, wr�i.ch tiort,?�ierl�r line is described as fallow�: �e�,in- '� nin� at a ��oint� on t}�e .��e:�t bour.daz�y line of �ai� ..tove�nmen� Lat �., s�id i point 1�ein�; '�bl.�� feet �out'r: of ti�u ;�:c�rt7�w�st Co�ner ti�ere�f a��d 60 feet � � South af the poin� �ai�ere said G�;est baun+�ary line inters�cts the Southerly j i7iarr,in of t,;rie Couni��� Roaa, and runr�i.rir� �i��rice East , a� ri�rrt �n1:;les to said �i��--� ��dest bound�r r l�pe a c:istar,ce of b3G.�I feet • �:���:P`i t.�at� portion of the � ` a'oove c�escribec'� tract of larid desc-ri.bec't as folloz�s: rse�;inriiri�; at the inter- ��:� - s�ction of the tr;est line of Garc�en averl��e iz� the Gity of I�enton, extended Soutt�, with ti:e �outr�e�stei�jr lizie �f F.�r;� I�.ven�.ze Nm t'n (zl��T �na��n as Bronson G�J::�.y �3�r�t� ) irr said Ci.t.,y; t;���nce �outr� 17G �ee� ; �henc� tjuest a� ri�;ht ;� an6�es 102 fet�� ; �nence I�r�r�tl. �aar�lael j.,-i�Y� ��r,e ��es�. l.ine af saic� Garden �'� �venue prac:uce:c� :louth, to an i.rztersecti��ri with t;p� �autheaaterly line o�' y�r � said Garden Avenue pro��uced S�uth, �o �<rl intersecr,i�n with the Sautl��easterly `�� Iine o�` s;:id �'irs� �'1ver�t.e l�Jart�� ; �l:�nce IVortr�east.erly, alor�� said South- ;�� easterly line , �o t;tie po�.nt c�t' r�r:�;i.inin�,; ALSQ ,�Y�C�f''I' fi�r�at po.rtiorz of said r'�� above described trac� of lan�� her�taf'o�e concier��ned in �Ciri�; County Superio� i `'�; Caurt Cause T�o, "b7�I� i`or vricic:nin�_ of First ��venue North, as provzded by i ,,} G�dinance I'�o. �35 af tr,e C:iu;r �f i?er�uor. , k;i�iic.� cor�dernned partion is described ,� � ��i as f ollaws: �3e,:�inr�in�; �t �,�e intF�rsection of ':,h� ;'ast; �ine ef Garden l�venue � ��;.ten�ic>c� Sout�: �it.Y: tl.e Sc�ut���;��terly line vj �'irst l�v�nue l�lQrth in t�he i � ��� Cit;y of Renton, ti�ence Saut��, �t1;�nr said �x�.enc:ed Avenue l�ne, to a point ; �., . . , � � � h�c'r, ls �arallel jr1�t1� anc� 15 f'eet �c�ut,���a,�erly , rneasured a� �s,`� an � I�n . w �' ri�;��t an;les, f'r��n s�id Sout���as��;rly line af' ��ix st �venue Nor���; t,he�ce ,�:;'�� �dorth ��°54` ;�ast �;;.7�,- f���: �o a uoi.nt af curve, whieh �oint is 31 feet ``: Sout}leasterly, r�ic�asurera G.lori�; the radia3. line froxn :�n�ineer S�a�ion 3+76•33 �,�;" �'T a�--the salrie is ciesir;na�e�3 u�crr �he ;�lat of tk�� I3i�,hw��T loeat,ion of the �' ��at�e F?itr,l�iway D,�,�art;�,,�nt ; t'r�e�ee c�n a curve to t}�c ri;:rht, havin� a radius � ...� of 1�e�. :,? feUt; , a cii:��...��ce c�f 1;.?.Q2 �"e:et , :��are c�r lEss, t;o irii;ersecti a �.�.�� line w}lich is parall�as �r{2 th Gr�d 103 f`c.e� }��s� , i��casz�r�.d ai; r i fl},t an,rl_es, '�. frorn s�za ��st�.erly line �f uard�n :lvenve e�t�end�,�'a �out7� ; t��er�ce rlorth, alc�n�; °�;i s:�ic� ��ar�llel. 1 _irAu to s�id ��utt;uastF>Eyl}r 11_r.e of Fir�t� ���venue 1`�orth; t�i�:nce �'�::� s � , -. , �• =,t;crlv l�r��: to r,��e ,�c��.�lt r��' jtc:;�:innin�;; �,L50 ��4ti,� �t�uttiw��::.t;t31"7..�' , 4:a � c�rA,-; ;,;ai�i ��e�t�t�.�;:, , � I ;_} .� ����;� , I -- --- + ------------- i � , Y City of l�en.ton Order ldo. 134272 Pa�e two P�xCEL "B": That portion of Governrr�ent Lot 4. in Section 17, Township ?_3 I�orth I�ange 5 East ti�1.NI. , described as f�llows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the ��est line of Garden �venue in the City of Renton, ex�ended South with the Soutneasterl.y line of First �ivenue Aorth (now lrno��n as Bronson �iay i�7orth) in said City; �hence SoutY�. 17C feet ; tnence ��est at ri�ht an�=,�es, 102 feet ; t'ri�nce i�ort.ri, ��ar�� Iel. �;i�?-: s.�id '.:��..t line o_i �ar,�en 1�vr�rlu�; ->��-�;:uced �otat�i, to an intersection with snid Southeast:.rly lir�e �f �;rtr ;�-�.nUe i:ort;i; t,7zence Northeasterly, alcsn� saicx :;outrieast�rly= line , to the point of beginnin�; ` EXCEPT the P�orthwesterly l; feet ir. �aidth thereof heretofore condemned in Kzng County Su�erior �ourt Cause Ivo. 26'7917 i'or widening of First I�venue Ivortn, as providea by Ordinance ivo, 935 of the City of Renton; xLL situata in the City of Renton, County of Kin�, �tate of ���ashin�;ton. The record title thereto i� ve�ted in '!'HL CI1'Y OF �=ir;N`1�UI� , a municipal corporatian as to �arcel "A", anG in NIvTC�N T�Ii�+�: and ,.r�i'H�''r'E DIN� , husband and wi£e, �resumpti.vely as corrununity property as t�o the balance h�rein descrihed, subject to the fol)_owing: ' � �. �-944-45-46-1�7-4$-1�9-50 tax�s on Tax Lot 56 amountin�: to ;�41.$5 and � �. interest, �,40.!�1 and interest , .,�1�1.$1 and interest, �45.b0 and interest, �56.10 and interest , ;�5U.70 anci interest , and �;60. 50, respectively. 1950 taxes on Tax Lot 55 amauntino to �2$5.56. Co�rimercial :°iaterway jt?_ Taxes on Tax Lot 3$ for 1939-194�-1941 amountin� to �5�.03 and interest, �52 .19 and interest, and :�5?_ .19 and interest, respectively. . Commercial Waterway r�2 Taxes on Tax Lot 56 for 193�-191�0-194�.-�-942- �9�3-19�+4��.9k5��-94�-19�+7-194$-19�+9-1q5o amountin� to `��2.�4. and intereat, , ��2,.�6 anci interest , �2.$6 ancl interest , �`�2.$6 and inter�st, �2.$6 and interest, �5.72 and inte�est, ;�3 .5? and a.nterest, �4.28 and interest ' ��3 .5$ and inter�st , �3 .61 anci i.nterest, �3 .61 and intere�t, and �,�3 .6�1, '� resp�ctiv�ly. Cornmercial 4t�aterway f�2 Taxes on Tax Lot 55 for 1946 and 19�0 ' amounting to �5 .3$ and interest and �p4.54, respectively. Commercial �,���terway �2 Taxes levied in lump sum on Tax Lot 12, � I assessed as an operating pro�erty and . on other similar operating prop- erties, the amount of which has not been ascertained. � Renton ir,unicipal asses�sments, if any, no search having been made therefor. - 2 . Reservation of coal, etc .�, as disclosed by deed from Jennie Sartori, Ersilia P�2. Sbarboro, Katherine r�. Sartori and Laura G. Sartori, to t�1e C. D. Edwards, dated July 2$, 192$, f'iled ��ugust I b, 192$ as F'ile l�o. 21,.$032b and recorded in Volume 1406 of Deeds, • page 190, affectin� Parcel ''B" and a portion of Parcel "x1t as follows: "First parties hereby except from the operation of this . �: -, • , � - , � � ; f . _ City of Renton �rder No. 131�?7? Page three � deed and re�erve unto themselves, their r:eirs and assigns, all coal, mineral and oil in and under �he surface of ' said lands, vrith the ri,�ht to mine and rernove the same, but without the ri�;'r�t to enter upon ti�e surface of said lands for s:�ch pur�ose , and provided that the first parties si��ail �rotect the surface of said lands from all damages by reason of such mining.r' Reservation of coal, etc. , substantially the same as the foreF�oing dated July $, 1o35 , filed August 11�, 1935 as File P�o. 2$n39�.7, and recorded in 'Jolume 101�6 of Deeds, pa�e 21+3 , affectin� a �ortion of Parcel r't�", reference to tivhich r�cord i� maer� for furth�r particulars. �., �-, Reservation contained in Deed dated L'ecember� ?l, 191?, filed January 15, 1911,. as ��'ile I�o. y10'?U�s, and recorded in Volume �>65, of ;�eeds, �a�;e U15, affecCiri" a portion of' f'arcel A d�scrib�d as fc�llows: �3e�;innin�-, at; the intersection of Tdorth line of Cedar :�iver �,�ater�vay and �,'e�t rnar.-in line of Lot 4, .�ection 1'�, Townshi�r ' ' 23 , Ran�e 5 ; thenr.e P�orth 1�52 f 1Q" ;ti`est along said G<;est r�ar�*,in 293 .1 feet to Southeasterly margin of i�enton-Issaquah road; t}ience North 45o�9t30rt East alon� said aoutheasterly mar,7in line f�t;,yl i'eet to the true point � of be�;inning; thence continuing i�;ort�A �.5�59t30f� ��ast alon� said Southeaaterly siar�in lir.e 137.;6 feet ; thence South 1°52_ �10't i:,ast 11�6.5$ fe��t ; tnence South g$�07t50" `�Vest 1G?.0 feet ; thence I�Tori;h 0°52 '1Q't t�rest 51�.2$ feet to point of beginning (being i.o�s 4, 5 and 6 in Elock 3 of Sartori 's lst xddition to City of Renton, unrecorded ) , reservation �s f:ollows: "This conveyance is made solely for the pur,r�ose of providing the City of Renton, '.��srz�n�ton with a suita�le site for a publfc ' library building. �T1Cl it . is understood and a�,reed that in case of i City of Reriton, y�ashingtori shall not build d public library on said de�cribed pro�erty or cGuse said library to be built within a ��eriod af two years from da�e hereof that then and in th�t event the title to said above described real estate shall revert to and vest in grantors hereiri, free from any claim or de�riand of the City of Renton, VJashington or its assi�ns. " � 5. Rights acqui�ed by tre Snoo,ualrnie Fall Po��er Company in that I certain' action in the Su;�erior ��ourt of ��in� County known as Cause No. 25953 , wrerein the Snoqualr�iie Fall Yoitiier Company was plaintiff , and Charles D. i�oss, et al, �•rere defenaants, and wherein plaintiff acquired the ri�;ht with respect to land covered by their transrr.ission line to enter, not only said land, but �lso upon �11 lands within 20Q f'eet of ita �enter line, for the Purpose of entry and cuttin�; down trees . Reference to the rlecree in said cause is rn��de for further particulars. � n. An easement for the constructiori and maintenance of trar�smission line as created oy that certain instrument wherein 'Ignazio Sartori is first pGrty and i�ostal Tele_�;raph Cable Co. is secon� party, dated �.u�ust 3 , 1�10, filed i��overnber ?.3 , 1�10 anu recordec� in Volmme 739 of i)eecis, ��.ve 51�., rei'erence to v,�iiich record is :n��cle I for further ;�a_rticLil:�rs. .. . . � -� ' � . : N � � ! , . City of i�entan Order fJo. 131�='.]? �'a�e four 7. An easement for ;� l.�ole line over t'dreel i1;�" from �'�cific Coast I R. R. Co, to t�ug�et Soun� Pot�er and �i�;ht Conpany dated T�:arch 31, ' 19'$ as disclosed �y deed dateci riu�ust 9, 1939, filed riu,Mu.st 16, 1939 as i�i1e i�;o. 30;y2�C and recorded in Volu;;;e 1��5 of il�eds, pa�e 439, reference to tirt+ici�: record is ��:.�de for further particulars. $. Reserva�ion c�f ease�nent ior �.ccess to "racii'ic �oa:�t �3. :=t. Co. North Renton Tearti rr'aCk as disclosed in de=�d from PGci�'ic �o�.st R. R. Co. to t'r�e City o�' rcenton, dated tiu�•ust 9� 1y39, f'iled August lci, 1939 as File !;o. 305;�?�U, and record�c3 in Volume 1��5b of lleeds, pa�e 1�3Q, ai'fectin� a ,�ortion oi' tl�e j>rcperty t�ercirt described as fo11o��Ys: �e�inz�in� at tiie inter:;eation oi' the ��;esterly marginal ri�ht of way iine of F'acific Coast Ra i�. Co 's . Idewcastle �3ranch and the �outlierl� ���arf,inal lirie of Bror�son ���ay i�ortri in the City of Rentor� ; tr,ence '�;esterly alon� said �outi��;rly mar�.;ina1 line � of Bronson �'�ay ivarth �.� feet ; thence Southerly 1�0 feet distant f'rom and parallel with the af'oresaid ;:esterly n,ar�;inal ri��'rit of way line of railroad 140 feet ; thence :;astc;rly and at rivht anMles t�0 fect to the afaresaid l��`esterly mar�inal ri�ht of way line of railrodd ; thenc� Northerly alono aforesaid aresterly mar�;inal ri��ht of way line af railroad 161�.7? feet , more or less to ��oirit o� beginriinrT; reference to wliich record is �naae ror furt,izer �articular�. � 9e Ri�hts of the �ublic in and �o roads alon�; the liasterly and the SoutherlyT lines of �arcel "A" as disclosed by the records of tlze King Caunty Assessor. 10. A lease dated July 1---, fil�;d June 13 , 19t+5� �s Nile No. 3�77�10, and recorded in Volume lU?. oi Leases, �>a��e 3�, made by Stewart & L�wis, to kntone Di�ne, 7.edsin� Lots l, 2 and 3 , Block 3 Sa�oris First C�d�ition to Renton, for t���e term cc�nrnencina Ju1y 1., 1y�.5 and ending July l, 1946 with o�tion of a four year lease on sarr�e tercns �t ex1�>iration of ti�e tot:_:1 five years, � reference to �ti�hich record is maae i'or furtr�er particulars. Records searched tzp to A�1ri1 7 , 1�+5U at �S o 'clock A.t��i. k:Ii��,� GCUI�TY TI'1'L� COT4�PAI'iY, A�;ent � By j sifl,ned� Y.er�neth C . hlepser !� bd Title Off icer