HomeMy WebLinkAbout02790 - Technical Information Report - Wetland Analysis Report „,�Z�-�10 B-twelve Associates Inc. �� -�,�=r. 1 103 W. Meeker St. (v)253-859-0515 • '� Suite C (�253-852-4732 Kent,WA 98032-5751 (e)bl2assoc@compuserve.com WINDWOOD HING COUNTY WETLAND ANALYSIS REPORT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General � Tfiis report describes jurisdictional wetlands and streams on a rectangular 28.09 acre parcel - located on the north side of SE 128th Street in the City of Renton, Washington (the "site” _ see - Ezhibit A). The site is located in Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of W.M. The site is currently undeveloped except for a single residential home and several outbuildings located in the southeast corner of the site. Four (4) Class 2 wetlands and two (2) Class 3 wetlands are located on the site. 1.2 _Proposed Use � The site is praposed to be subdivided into 112 single family residential lots, (see Exhibit F�. - In addition to residential lots, stormwater and open space tracts are also proposed. 2.0 METHODOLOGY The wefland boundaries on-site were delineated by B-twelve on Apri16 & 10, 1995. Wetland and data points were subsequently surveyed by Hugh G. Goldsmith & Associates (see Exhibit B). The wetlands on site were identified using methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 198�. This is the methodology that was reoognized by King County for wetland determinations and delineations at the time of I our fieldwork. King County now requires the use of the Washington State Wetland.s � Identification Manual (WADOE, March 199'n. Essentially, the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual is identical to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Weilands Delineation Manual and has incorporated all subsequent interpretations to date. There would be no difference in these delineations if the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual were used. All wetlands within 100 feet of the site were identified visually (where possible) from the site. Access to off-site areas was not granted to B-twelve, therefore, all observations were viewed from the site. Off-site suspected wetlands have been identified primarily on vegetation and ,� ? 90 Windwood/Renton/1{95-122 B-twelv�t Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page 2 topography as viewed from the site. Off-site areas suspected of being wedan�i n;a y c�r rr:a� r�_>t contain wetland hydrology or hydric soil indicators. i The 1987 Federal Manual (as well as the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manua� �, requires the use of the three parameter approach in identifying and delineadng wetlands. A ' wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils and d.isplay wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (FAG�, facultative wetland (FACV�, or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed; 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic- conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions-are indicated in the field by soils with low � chromas (2 or less),:as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is defined by � inundation or saturation to the surface for a consecuti�e period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators or wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5 9b of the growing sea.son may or may not be wetlands depending upon ofher indicators. Field indicators include visual observation vf soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres,.wa.ter marks . on trees or other fixed objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland aneas. Prior to visiting the site, a review of several natural resource inventory maps was conducted. - � Resources reviewed included the King County Soil Survey (Snyder et al. 1973-see Exhibit C), the National Wetlands Inventory Map (see Exhibit D) and the�ing County Sensitive Areas � Folio (see Exhibit E): � , 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Existing Site Documentation. 3.1.1 Soil Survey , According to the Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington (Snyder et al. 19'73), the entire site is mapped as containing Alderwood soils (AgC-see Exhibit C). �Alderwood soils are a moderately well drained soil and are not considered hydric soils according to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States (USDA NTCHS Pub No.1491, 1991). However, areas mapped as AgC may contain inclusions of hydric soils. Windwood/Renton/#�95-122 B-twelvr Arsociates, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page 3 3.1.2 National Wetlands Inventory Map (NVVI) According to the NWI map for the site, there is an isolated forested wetland that extends onto the northeastern portion of the site. In addition, a smaller isolated forested wetland is depicted off-site to the northwest (see Exhibit D). 3.1.3 King County Sensitive�s Folio The King County Sensitive Areas Folio map for the site depicts the same two wetlands as � depicted on the NWI map (see Exhibit E). These wetlands are designated as May Creek#22b ' and #23b. Wetlands with a "b" suffix have not been specifically rated and described in the , King County Wetland Inventory. '� 3.2 Field Observations - Uplands � The site is bordered on the south by SE 128th Street, on the east by a cleared and grazed pasture and on the north and west by deciduous forest and scattered residenrial homes. The site is covered by a third growth deciduous forest with a small area of coniferous forest in the , northeast portion of the site. The surface water hydrology of the southern end of the site has I been manipulated by the excavation of several ditches and pits. Upland portions of the site are dominated by an overstory of big-leaf maple (Acer - � macmphyllum) and red alder (Alnus rubra). Also present in the overstory, but not dominant are westem hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), westem red cedar (Thuja plicata) and several black cottonwoods (Populus balsvmifera). The understory in the uplands is comprised of vine maple (Acer circinatum), hazelnut (Corylus cornuta), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa), sword fern (Polysticum munitum), false-lily-of-the-valley (Maianthemeum dilatatum) and various blackberries (Rubus ursinus, R. discolor&R. lacineatus). Soil pits excavated throughout the upland portions of the site revealed a dry, gravelly sandy loam with matrix chromas ranging from 3 to 4. In the southern portion of the site, between the existing residential home and SE 128th Street, the soil has been highly disturbed. This area has been cleared and the soil has been churned up and rutted from car tires. Scattered wetland vegetation was present in this area, however, no wetland hydrology was observed and this area was determined to be upland. 3.3 Field Observations - Wedands As previously stated, s'vc wetlands were observed and delineated on-site. 3.3.1 Wetland "A" �ndwood/Renton/�95-122 B-twel►ae Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 I, Page 4 I N /1 Wedand A was delineated with sequentially numbered pink flagging labeled A1-A19. Wetland "A" extends onto the eastern edge of the site and comprises 0.14 acres (6,017ft21 c-�n- site. The majority of the wetland appears to be located off-site to the east. Tfiis wedand i<. depicted on both the NWI map and in the King County Sensitive Area Folio (May Creek �'���_�; approximately 4 acres in size. The off-site area has been cleared and is cunenfly vegetated with a mix of soft rush (Juncus e,,�"usus) and alder seedlings., Standing water up to 8 inches de�p was observed in this wetland on and off-site along the eastern property line. The off-site portion of this feature suspected as wetland has been identified primarily on vegetation and topography as viewed from the site. The off-site area suspected of being part o�Wetland "A" may or may not contain wetland hydrology or hydric soil indicators. The on-site portion of Wetland "A" is vegetated with an overstory of western hemlock and cedar as well as scattered red alder. Understory components include salmonberry, false-lily- of-the-valley and lady fern (Athyriurn filix femina). Soil pits ezcavated within the center of this wedand revealed a sapric muck with a soil color of lOYR 2/1 throughout the 16 inch profile. These organic soils emitted a hydrogen sulfide odor indicating reducing conditions are present. Along the edges of the wetland a 2 inch layer of . muck overlies a gravelly sandy loam with a soil color of lOYR 2/1 to a depth of 16 inches. All soil pits were saturated to the surface and the central portions of the wedand contained up to 2 inches of standing water. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), the portion of this wedand on-site would be classified as PFOIE (palustrine, forested, deciduous, seasonally flooded/ saturated). The off-site portion of the site would be classified as PEM1 (palustrine, emergent, persistent). According to the criteria described in King County Zoning Code Chapter 21A, Wetland "A" is a Class 2 wetland due to the large size and forested wedand class. Class 2 wetlands typically have a 50 foot buffer measured from the wedand edge as well as a 15 foot Building Setback Line (BSBL) measured from the buffer edge to any structure. 3.3.2 Wetland "B" Wetland "B" was delineated with sequentially numbered pink flagging labeled B 1-B34 and is 0.62 acres (26,724ft2) in size. This isolated forested wedand is dominated by red alder on the � north and cedar and hemlock on the south. Understory species within the alder dominated portion of the wetland include salmonberry, evergreen blackberry, false-lily-of-the-valley, vine I maple and a trace of skunk cabbage (Lysichitum amaericanum). Understory species within the i cedar/hemlock dominated portion of the weUand include salmonberry, false-lily-of-the-valley and skunk cabbage. In some areas the vegetation found within the delineated wetland extends , outside of the wetland boundaries. However, hydric soils and wetland hydrology were not ' evident in these areas and they were excluded from the wetland. �ndwood/Renton/�Y95-122 B-twelNe Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page S Soil pits ezcavated throughout the wetland generally revealed a gravelly sandy loam with a chroma of 2. Some of the wedand soil pits displayed slight mottling, but nearly all pits emitted a hydrogen sulfide odor indicating reducing conditions were present. Soils within the delineated wetland were saturated at the surface in the wettest portion of the wetland and at , approzimately 12.inches along the wetland edge. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979) Wetland "B" contains areas that would be classified as PFO1C (palustrine, forested, deciduous, seasonally flooded) and PF04C (palustrine, forested, naedle leaved evergreen, sea.sonally flooded). � According to the criteria described in King County Zoning Code Chapter 21A, Wetland "B" is a Class 2 wetland due to the large size and forested wetland class. Class 2 wedands typically tiave a 50 foot buffer measured from the wetland edge as well as a 15 foot Building Setback � Line (BSBL) measured from the buffer edge to any structure. ' 3.3.3 Wetland "C" . Weiland "C" was delineated with sequentially numbered pink flagging labeled Cl-C29 and is . 0.23 acres (9,529ftz) in size. .This isolated wetland is dominated by a monotypic hardhack (Spirea douglasir� stand. Although this scrub-shrub wetland class comprises most of the wetland, two small areas of forested wetland are present on both the northeast and south sides - � of the wetland. These areas are dominated by an overstory of cottonwood with hardhack and � sitka-willow (Salix sitchensis) in the understory. Salmonberry is also found scattered throughout the wetland. The south and west sides of the wetland appear to have been ditched and bermed, perhaps during historic logging operations on the site. Soil pits eacavated within this wetland revealed a 3-6 inch A-horizon of gravelly sandy loam with a soil'color of lOYR 2/2. The underlying B-horizon is comprised of a loamy sand with soil colors ranging from 2.SY 4/2 to 2.SY 3/4 with mottles. All soil pits ezcavated within the wetland emitted a hydrogen sulfide odor and were saturated to the surface. Standing water was present in several locations within the wetland to a depth of 1 inch. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), Wetland "C" contains areas that would be classified as PSS1C (palustrine, scrub- shrub, broad leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded) and PFO1C (palustrine, forested, deciduous, seasonally flooded). According to the criteria described in King County Zoning Code Chapter 21A, Wetland "C" is a Class 2 wetland due to the forested wetland class. Class 2 wetlands typically have a 50 foot buffer measured from the wetland edge as well as a 15 foot Building Setback Line (BSBL) measured from the buffer edge to any structure. Wrndwood/Renton/�Y95-' B-twelve Arsociates, Febn�a .i.✓.'f ii C.ucliiii.i i% Wetland "D" was delineated with sequentially numbered pink flagging labeled D1-D8 and is 0.01 acres (630ft2) in size. This wetland appears to have formed in an old log staging area . a shallow ditch exits the south end of the wetland and flows to Wetland "E". Surface wa� within Wetland "E" flows in a dug ditch into Wetland "F" where its stops. Water does n: exit Wetland F, resulting in an isolated series of small, disturbed wetlands. This wefland dominated by salmonberry, with lady fern and a single crabapple�(Pyrus fusca) also prese, Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed a 14 inch sandy loam A-horizon with a soil color of lOYR 2/1. The B-horizon is a mottled sand with a soil color of 2.SY 4/3. Hvdroc sulfide was detected in the soil pits and the pits were saturated to the surface. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification met�,uu ��c,w�uli: al. 1979), this wetland would be classified as PSS 1C (palustrine,_scrub-shrub, deciduous, seasonally flooded). According to the criteria described in King County Zoning Code Chapter 21A, Wetland "D" is a Class 3 wetland due to small size and scrub-shrub wefland class. Class 3 wetlands <2,500 , sf are not regulated by King County. lii 3.3.5 Wetlands "E" � Wetland "E" was delineated with sequentially numbered pink flagging labeled El-E14 and is 0.07 acres (1,955ft2) in size. This wetland appears to have formed in an old log staging area and a shallow ditch enters its north end from Wetland "D" and exits the south end of the I wetland in a dug ditch into Wetland "F" where its stops. Water does not exit Wetland F, resulting in an isolated series of small, disturbed wedands. This wefland is dominated by a mix of vine maple,.salmonberry, lady fern and sword ferns on hummocks. Soil pits excavate� within this wetland revealed a 16 inch sandy loam A-horizon with a soil color of lOYR 2/1. Hydrogen sulfide was detected in the soil pits and the pits were �, saturated to the surface. � According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (LTSFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), this wetland would be classified as PSS1C (palustrine, scrub-shrub, deciduous, sea.sonally flooded). According to the criteria described in King County Zoning Code Chapter 21A, Wetland "E" is a Class 3 wetland due to small size and scrub-shrub wetland class. Class 3 weflands <2,500 sf � are not regulated by King County. Windwood/Renton/A�9S-122 �� B-twelv�e Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page 7 3.3.6 Wetlands "F" I Wetland "F" was delineated with sequentially numbered pink flagging labeled F1-F14 and is 0.09 acres (3,828ft2) in size. This wefland appears to have formed in an old log staging area and a shallow ditch enters its north end from Wetland "E". Water accumulates within Wetland "F" in a rectangular depression that is obviously man-made. The southern and eastern edge of the wetland is defined by ditches and berms from the historic excavation. Water does not exit Wetland F, resulting in an isolated disturbed wetland. � _ This wetland contains four (4) small cedars and several red alders dominating the overstory. The understory consists of scattered salmonberry and false-lily-off-the-valley. Much of the substrate is baze soil covered by 1-4 inches of standing water within the excavations. Soil pits ezcavated within this wefland revealed a 16 inch sandy loam A-horizon with a soil color of lOYR 2/1. Hydrogen sulfide was detected in the soil pits and the pits were saturated to the , surface. ' Accordin to the United States Fish and Wildlife SFWS classification method Cowardin et I g � ) � al. 1979), this wetland would be classified as PFO1C/PF04C (palustrine, Forested, . deciduous/needle leaved evergreen, seasonally flooded). According to the criteria described in King County Zoning Code Chapter 21A, Wetland "F" is ' a Class 2 wedand due to the forested wefland class. Class 2 wetlands typically have a 50 foot - buffer measured from the wetland edge as well as a 15 foot Building Setback Line (BSBL) measured from the buffer edge to any structure. 4.0 FUNCTIONS AND VALUFS 4.1 Wildlife The habitat value of the wedands on-site varies from low-moderate. Wetlands B and C have moderate habitat value due to the forested wetland class. Wetland A has been impacted by off- site clearing and use as pasture reducing the overall habitat value of this wetland. Wetlands D, E and F are generally low in value due to their small size and disturbed character. � 4.2 Water Quality Vegetation within wetlands often functions to trap sediment and remove contaminants from surface water. Aquatic plants are effective in the treatment of a number of pollution problems, including nutrient removal, uptake of inetals and organics, reductions of pathogenic bacteria, and neutralizing extremes of pH (Kulzer, 1990). The emergent vegetation observed throughout all of these wetlands are typically adept at performing heavy metal and nutrient contaminant removal. The small size and isolated nature of the wetlands on site minimizes this functional characteristic. � �ndwood/Renton/�95-122 B-twelv,e Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 " Page 8 4.3 Flood Storage and Storm Flow Modification This function appears to be low for all of the wetlands on site (with the exception of the off- site portion of Wetland C) due to their isolated nature and location at the top of a drainage basin. 4.4 Groundwater RechargelDischarge All of the wetlands located on-site appear to be "perched" basins. These wetlands would be considered "surface water depression" wedands according to Novitzki's (1981) hydrologic classification method. Hydrologic inputs to the wetland are precipitation and overland flow. The primary hydrologic output from these wetlands is evapotranspiration, although limited recharge to ground water may occur. 4.5 Aesthetic Value All of the wetlands on-site are of moderate aesthetic value generally due to past disturbance. , and the very common vegetation communities that these areas contain. 5.0 REGULATIONS - - In addition to King County wetland reguladons previously described for wedands and streams, � certain activities (filling and dredging) within "waters of the United States" may fall under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The ACOE regulates all discharges into "waters of the United States" (wetlands) under Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. Discharges (fills) into isolated and headwater wetlands up to 3.0 acres are permitted under the Nationwide 26 Pemut (NWP 26). However, discharges that result in over 1/3 acre of fill require "Notification" and mitigation at a ratio of 1:1. Washington State Department of Ecology has placed Regional Conditions on the Nationwide 26 permit that are more restrictive than the Federal regulations. The Washington St�te Regional Conditions on NWP 26 include a maximum fill of 2 acres, no authorization of fill into any water containing documented habitat _ for a State-listed endangered, threatened or sensitive animal species, and no fill in any � wetlands ad'acent to an stream with a channel width >2 feet at the ordin hi h water mark. J Y azY g _ Additionally, State 401 certification is required for any of the following; 1. Discharges affecting more than 1/3 acre of wetlands; � 2. Discharges affecting greater than 1/3 acre to 1 acre of wedands that do not include a wetland midgation plan approved by the certifying agency; or; 3. Discharges in wetlands in the 100-year floodplain unless the proposed project: a. Is consistent with the local floodplain management comprehensive plans and ordinances; and; �ndwood/Renton/#95-122 B-twelNe Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page 9 b. Through design and/or mitigation, results in no increase in water levels and no loss in live storage during flood events up to and including the 100 year flood. Wetlands adjacent to streams with mean annual flows >Scfs and other waters of the United States or with channel widths at the ordinary high water mark greater than 2 feet may be considered "adjacent" and would require going through the Individual Permit process. �Iowever, the Corps has requested that all consultants refrain from making recommendations as to whether a wedand is isolated, headwaters or adjacent. These determinations can only be made by the Corps. 6.0 PROPOSED IMPACTS The proposed project will result in the filling of Wetland D (630 s fl, a non-regulated Class 3 wetland as well as Wetland E, a 1,955 sf non-regulated Class 3 wetland. Additionally, Wetland F, a 3,828 sf Class 2 wetland will also be filled. This results in a total area of fill of 6,413 sf of wetland of which 3,828 sf is regulated and requires mitigation , In addition, the buffer of Wetland B-is proposed to be averaged by reducing in several points along the south side and increasing the buffer on the north side. A small area of the buffer on the south side of Wetland C is also proposed to be averaged by reducing on the south and increasing in several points along the north and east sides of the buffer. � 7.0 CONCEPTLTAL MITIGATION As described in Chapter 21A.24.330.K.2 of the King County Zoning Code, on sites 20 acres or greater in size, up to three isolated wetlands may be akered by combining their functions into one or more replacement wetlands on-site pursuant to an approved mitigation plan. An "isolated wetland" is described as a wetland which has a total size less than 2,500 sf excluding bu„�`'ers or if within the urban area, 5,000 sf e.xcluding bu,,�`'ers, which is hydrologically isolated from other wetlands or streams, does not have permanent open water, and is determined of low function. This property is greater than 20 aces in size and as required by Code, impacts to Class 3 wetlands must be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio (mitigation:impact) and impacts to Class 2 wetlands must be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio. Both Class 3 wetlands that are proposed to be filled (Wetlands D & E) are below the regulated size and do not require mitigation. As a result of filling Wetland "F", a 3,828 sf Class 2 wetland, 7,656 sf of wedand must be created. �ndwood/Renton/Ar95-122 B-twelve Associates, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page 10 To compensate for this wetland fill, approximately 8,000 sf of new wetland will be created in areas of upland surrounding Wedand "C", a Class 2 wetland (see Fxhibit F). This mitigation will take place by removing the large central lobe of upland on the north side of Wetland "C". This area will be excavated down to existing wetland grades and planted with a mix of native tree and shrub species. Access to the wetland could be made at the northeast corner of the wetland where the existing buffer is degracled by a heavy patch of Himalayan blackberry. The blackberr3► could be grubbed out during creation of the temporary access road to the wedand. Following creation of the new mitigation areas this buffer could be restored with a mix of native trees and shrubs resulting in a restoration of this degraded buffer area. This proposed mitigation meets the criteria outlined in the King County Code and results in enlarging and enhancing an ezisting Class 2 wetland. An averaged 50 foot buffer would be measured from the new wetland edge to the proposed recreationaUopen space tract surrounding this wetland. The buffer averaging proposed results in reducing the buffers no less than 37.5' in areas that � have dense native plant communities and will result in no impacts too the wetland as a result of the smaller buffer width. All reduced areas are compensated for by enlarging the buffer an . equal area in other portions of the buffer resulting in no loss of area to the standard 50' buffer. If you have any questions or require further information please feel free to contact me at (253) 859-0515. � � � Sincerely, B-twelve Associates, Inc. :—�-����`>> Jo�� �t WetlB�a,s/'� �� �y` �o�� i � �� %"O "�� Ed $eWall I o. � �i Senior Wetland Ecologist m`���0002�2 c��% �:���,� w�=��� �ndwood/Renton/�95-122 B-twelve Associales, Inc. February 20, 1998 Page 11 R�F+'FRF.NCES Cowardin, L., V. Carter, F. Golet, and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79-31, Washington; D. C. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wedands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1: U. S. Army Corps of Faigineers Waterways Experiment Station, . Vicksburg, Mississippi. , Hitchcock, C. and A. Cronquist. 1976. F�1ora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. King County Sensitive Areas Folio Maps. - Kulzer, L., 1990. Water Pollution Control Aspects of Aquatic Plants. Seattle Metro, 38p. Munsell Color. 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., Baltimore, � Maryland. National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. 1991. Hydric Soils of the United States. � " USDA Misc. Publ. No. 149 L Reed, P., Jr. 1988. National List ofPlant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). 1988. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section, St. Petersburg, Florida. Reed, P.B. Jr. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). USFWS supplement to Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9) May 1988. Renton City of, Ordinance#4346, Chapter 32, Wetland Management. Snyder, D., P.. Gale, and R. Pringle. 1973. Soil Survey King County Area Washington. U.S.D.A., Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. � EXHIBIT B: '� -------- '`'�� ---- � ' - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- � • -- - - -- .- ._ ..— i-- -_�- .�. - - - -T-- ' - - - -- - - - - - - - - --_- - - -- - - - - ovy .o ig •pP�q �. I ' I . .DP� � I '� WETLAND A � • DP�I DP5 ' ! . , � ,i I pP9 ,.: �. � a ' .pPb ` I �� . I ,� II� � - . �, . � �i _, �_6 �oP�� ,` i �, , 'i DPio � ' I ' I �pPt"1. 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It is ualiwful Ecological Systems Design 8t Management �, to copy or reproduce all or any part theroof,whahc for � pasonal use or resle,without permistion. 1103 W.Meeka SL.Suite.C Ken�WA 98032 (206)8S9-0S 15 Fax(206)852-4732 Job# : 95-i2z Date: �%�S•�S WINDWOOD Drawn by: �k5 Scale: NorC KING COUNTY, WA Revised: � Checked by: N�y � � � o� rn� � 3° c^ p�.....�..:�-.�., ,.. � a���( � . ,. �� ,: � � . . , y ,*�".Y r � � .t', � r � � � W ,.��y �!� �~ i!"i � ;,'�� k i � ,; � r r ;'� �, c3 � u .R1 µ ,�.�• � �' 'r ��Y 1} Y�''' r'F., 1`� � r 'YII il � i �C 1� ,,, ";t� � � �"� ����t�� � �.��,r, ir . �i �� 'yrr�;�, � Q � 4. ,.� � r � t t1,� t� xr ; r ��;- �. s w�� �r �;.,. i �'�T'� e� � N d x,,� � .j � � r,. � ,�.�.'Y . �w- �. 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Mapping Date: /4$� �ological Systems Design!�Management �, 1103 W.Meeker S�,Suite_C Ken�WA 98032 � (206)859-05 I S Fax(206)852-4732 1ob# : 9j-izZ- Date: /�•iS•9S WINDWOOD Drawn by:�_Scale: �M=�ed•" KING COUN7Y, WA Revised: Checked by: - - - � EXHIBIT E Wetlands Base map per "King County Sensitive Areas Folio" (King Co. 1990) - � ������ � � ��� , � �z 4. � _ U�v -- , - - "���.�r- � ��� _ r r �/ •.��---ti� = Cu� `` 'I r` � 1' / �`` �_ ` •.< ' � lni � � � . ` ` ,r"_,7• � " .- �-1` ' � � � R , \l: \�\�- � /..�� ♦�_� T.��• _ 1 i . �� �. �Q � � ( -`:- .'i` �` �.�� ' i .�->1. 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''` � w�n�a� NORTH _ 0�w� B-twdve Associates,Inc � — ���� Ecological Syscems Design 8t Managemcnt �, I 103 W.Meelca SL.Suite.C • Kent WA 98032 Su�s�i�goundariss (2p6}859-0515 Faz(?A6)852�732 Job# : 95-�z Z Daie: i/•/S-9 S WINDWOOD Drawn by: ��lS Scale: N�� KING COUN7'Y, WA Revised• Checked by: `�-� EXHIBIT F: s . Increased buffer width (buffer averaging) Proposed 8,OOOsf Wetland Creation Area Reduced buffer:�vidth (buffer averaging) ' / I YOP.R6AY LYG: i / �'YUkPJSDM iA'C. BOX�07 QOX J07 �NYORE:G AB02d .L..Tti.VO:� ►A 980:9 .r 4' ' . ` � r� �- i JON � :\i � • , � cwsnMc c.woscwc m�cr�c' unosc.we m.�cr� <<' i , _, . l Qw'if'E ' ` � I926.99• 70 8E RfLO � sP� /—anw s� �sw a�� � � II .._ 1 µ. 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'_ r°4� i 3' —i- '-.��-.- ��:-q,4� 80� � e� .o aa a�� �a �� � M- , w� ca �. ,�. ;,: ' � � • � : . = - _ � , -r 'w s°� . :—_i . O., )i. � '� ,or __�' i o. : � :� . . g��8�g,�-B• B4 i•' 85'Y•� 86 R� 91 Y- 8a Y�� 8910 �90 T 91���92$• 93 y� 94�-, 95 p-., 96� �J�,� 98 g. g. 1�y./101 � IOZ�-��,�� �; CBIRIES uC1EY ��#�J � I P.£N77M; 7t 9ER'6 �� ��'/ w� sc ro•��� � 'se � �� -ar-- . s � .. . � r' - -\` 8"��J..�� I •�.��� ' �L��� .,o �� �-.I,�:,�1�.�� 1 � =� I� ���r="' �' � -- — — — — — — � � _ N0076'07'E . � - —`� — —— 'YvV F r:��.*� � 1970.dT � . _ . � -.,.�� � i / < � , s �- . > i_�$ ` . � � .. 1 1 ' - ' � ' : . '^ � . . • � DI70 R t JH�Nlt�.YORY!!E CfCIL YlNL15 � �r • l22I0 HB/IJRD PL i 19G7!L�JfE SE �.:a - . .�� { t'� , t�� : �t»� - '�'�g _ - n7RXUND.IA 9LOJi dGY7U�Y, 7,f A70Sd ' ��' ��;- �� —� - - �� — {� �i . I I � . ��x ; a ^ ' _ _ — — _ _ — _ _ —_ .._- _ — _ _ _ x�i � ; lFRRY 0.LRYlS lEEIPY D.lIRYlS - } —y��- 3`� - �d� ' ,�g : �A� ��j�r 120f71��T�. —"" �� !1'.41 lIBfE S8 - I J �.��,�,yy�s . Rl17U.Y,IA 9l055 _ : � , . - L 8 � . �e seose � oeav�ruuarar.xc� _ czcz rcruus , B-twel�•e Associates,Inc. I � �'s�i+am�rcSE ��'1�'E Ecoloeical S scems Desi n&Mana emen� : P.E�70�Y. IIA SA159 GFNTYIN s�aaxa ,. y $ g I 103 W.Vteeker St..Suite.C • Kent.WA 98032 . - (Z33)859-0515 Fax(2S3)S.i2-d732 - Increased buff width (buffer averaging) � - � WINDWOOD �� � %ING COUNTY, WA - Job# : 9S-r zz. Daxe: z- zo-9 a Drawn by: tkS Scale: i"= z�o'� Revised: Checked dy: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERA�IINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delinealion Manual, ,Ianuary I98� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Junsdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point f#: DP# / Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: .v� Problem azeas analysis: No VEGETATION Dominant plant species S�tum InF�V Coverage % 1. TS vwn 1,.�F�e.�„/�a.. 2. a%,,�vJ C. �.�. S- F�� 3. K�6�s s tt.6�l s �•9-L, 4. P�C � �.— ,�..,,.,/�.-, /� Fi9C u S• /_.K.cM,,,,.. /'.� � N- iS4C. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �d Hydrophytic vegetatiou criteria met: Yes To Mar�inal Comments: SOILS - Mapped Soil Series; Alderwood(AgCI On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depkh(0 in) Matrix color Mottle color Texture z. �, ���� . %G in, �•SY� 3/3 �--- s , o�^'� —� in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes Basis: �'o �� ��•�1 Comments• HYDROLOG Inundated: Y�, Depth of Standing water: Saturated: Y�' Depth to saturated soil: Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes Basis: �vo .�- .�..�� Comments: SUMMARY OF CRTTER��1 ' Hydrophytic vegetation: Y,lI1D Hydric soils: Y� We�land hydrology: Y� Data point meets the critena of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes o COD�I�IEEIVTS: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERr�IINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. � Project: Windwood Job/�: 95-122 Investigator. Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point 1t: DP# Z Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: ro Problem areas analysis: .�o VEGETATION Domindant plant species Stra/t�u�m Inrdi�ca/t'or Coverage � 1. /TINV� �.b�/�R / rT� 2. �,... �.c.ftito c. T FiKJ 3. ca-;�.s �..�� � ��u 4. R�h�.s s r1�� �1 S' �A-C $. �i:h ,/��r-. ••..i� /f 6.��r.r�s...,�.� ,/�Iif,� H 1'"A-t. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' 9b of spe�ies OBL, FACW and/or FAC: `� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met� No Marpinal Commeuts: SOILS - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(A�CI On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drainecl Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Texture / in, d.•�'� /GiII. /p122/1 — �� sa- /01 — -� in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes No Basis: /o w � .�-.,��,,L.,,,�„� s�� .C{ Comments: /�„�s�%� A�'�s��' • v HYDROLOGY Inundated: Y/ Depth of Standing water. Saturated: 'I�1 Depth to saturated soil: s•�F�--� Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: No Basis: s�t..�� �.�-- n' Comments• SUMMARY OF CRIT� Hydrophytic vegetation N Hydric soils:�t Wetland hydrology:� Data point meets the cri na of a jurisdictional wetland?: No COMI��NTS: � ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Arnty Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January I98� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job/#: 95-122 Investigator. Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Junsdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DP!/ 3 Wetland: /k ' Atypical azeas analysis: �� ' Problem areas analysis:__iv� �; VEGETATION Dominant plantspecies Stratum dicator Coverage � i.—�`T�►—��d s p l C.,�, � �A--� 2, Lv� � Co'.-✓'�' J �IF� 3. �2 b s +t �_ 4. ���.�. S �;�� �,�s /J �{ 5.���.,,-.�. %�;c�,,'.-� H L 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . 96 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me ._Yes No Marginal Comments• SOII.S - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(A¢C) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture �in. /DYI� 2�l 39Pr1� •�,_..�� in. in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Y No Basis:_ �„���so Comments• HYDROL� �� Inundated: Depth of Standing water:_�Saturated: �i Depth to saturated soil: S�r��-.t� Other Indi rs: Wetland hydrology criteria met e No Basis: �..�v <�-� Comments• SUMMARY OF C - Hydrophytic vegetation. Y Hydric soils:l�' � Wetland hydrology: Y N Data point meets the cnteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: es No COMII�NTS• ROUTINE WETLAND DETERA�IINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delinealion Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Junsdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DP#t Wetland: f� Atypical areas analysis: N Problem areas analysis: �vo VEGETATION Dominant plant spe�ies Stratum Imd�or Coverage & 1. � �,�'.. l�t..�a T'�` � Z. nAO�iN�M✓w.� I�lA. � ...�.� �l 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. • % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: ��� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria m : Ye No MarQinal Comments• SOII,S - Mapped Soil Series:�Alderwood(A�C) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture ZIII. /0 'L/� ` � s " �,G o. .'c ��. i o rrz z � --- � s i_-v, �. —�. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: �.. � sv Comments: ' HYDROLO Inundated: Y� Depth of Standing water: Saturated /N Depth to saturated soil: s r'� Other Indicators: ' Wetland hydrology criteria met• No Basis: Comments• SUMI�IARY OF CP:ITE�IA Hydrophytic vegetation: /N Hydric soils•� etland hydrolog �.�T , Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional bcfetland? Yes No , � �� COr�1ENTS: I � _ � �i� IZUL1Lti�. t'4�LILA:�ll llF,ILR'�iL\AIIU:� UA'IA I�OR 1 (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation �lianur�l, Junuan• 19b'�) I B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DPtt s Wetland: A� ; Atypical areas analysis: ,�o Problem areas analysis: No VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum In�tor Coverage 9 1. �W G���i:.w�rn � /� 2. M�, .•w.• rl��. ..., u Fi4-C.- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. g. - 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . 96 of spe�ies OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �D� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met•o o Mar�inal Comments: SOII.S - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(A�C) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matria color Mottle color Tezture z�, �p y�2 z i :r- s., �. �c .r•�c � �;n. /or,G i -�— �ra �� l., s_ , %.,�. in. •—� in. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: �- „- . / ,' o ��- Comments• HYDROLO Inundated: Y epth of Standing water: Saturated� Depth to saturated soil: S"��--� Other Indicators• Wetland hydrology criteria met: e No Basis: �_�,,�..�<.A tv s�l r� Comments• SUMMARY OF C Hydrophytic vegetation• Hydric soils�N Wetland hydrology.�N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: No COMII�NTS: . � ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Joblt: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DPl� lv Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: �,. Problem areas analysis: VEGETATION Dominant plantS�ecies Stratum Indicator Coverage �'o 1. �/.✓vs �-v,(7� i �� 2. 5�,.,b� v .. S S /KV 3. Co.-.,/�s co,,,.,�}_, s' itC 4.�1� v •....s - f�' F/K 5. l�al�S�ckw�.. Mw�i-+..^ t'T 6. -' ' 7. 8. 9. - 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. - �O of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Z� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes�Marginal Comments• SOILS - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood (AQC) On Hydric Soils Lisi?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Mat F�lor Mottle color Tezture ,�, d� %� in. �•�Y2 S/4 ^ qn,�� � s'" !�� in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes No Basis: .+�e ... .�t:hr Comments• HYDROLOG Inundated: Y/ Depth of Staading water: Saturated: Y/ Depth to saturated soil: Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology critena met: Yes Basis: ,v. �� ���c� s Comments• SUMMARY OF CRITE� - Hydrophytic vegetation: Y Hydric soils: Y�1 We�d hydrology: Y '� Data point meets the critena of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes io1� COA�I�IEENT'S• u rm. « ROUTINE WETLAND DETERA�IINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Jobfi: 95-122 Investigator: Ed SewaU Date: 4fi-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DP# � Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: No Problem areas analysis: �� VEGETATION Dominant plaat species S� ��tor Coverage 90 i. T�„� 1,�.,t., 2. .�.�.r ��b..�. T 3. �b,. s ��fo,LS �/gC 4. R�:.fi��.h�.,. /:�fs .,.� . 5. ' {�,�'�n, w.�t,a ca....�..,, . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' 90 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me es o Marginal Comments• SOILS - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AgCI On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture 4 tn. /D /r- Z// `� s� �,c ��e G( l�in. /47R- 3 Z �Y!L 3 u�•-wc�h. s � JP.--. in. ' in. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: r i�.z..� .�.�' 2�../ n�.�tr�i.... /� ,. s..l.� Comments• �•,w �� ofc s.•-T HYDROLO� Inundated: Y Depth of Standing water: Saturated:�1 Depth to saturated soil: S����C Other Indicat rs: Wetland hydrology criteria met: es No Basis: s.�-, � sL, e, Commeats• SUMMARY OF CRITE - Hydrophytic vegetation:� Hydric soils• Y N etland hydrology ' IV Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Y No COMNIENTS: , : �i ROUTINE WETLAND DETERA�IINATION DATA FORM (US Arncy Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job1f: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4fi-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DPlt�S Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: ro Problem areas analysis: -,� VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage 30 1. /`3'N�. r /- /� 2. �` ci' S 3. /►�e. ,., '.h,t.,.. /�- � �h-C 4. l��bv �rr•�..•. � H �iKV 5. o��f-rzl�.,.� �...r �. h i'f?C� 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' ' 90 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me � No Marginal �I Comments• SOILS ` Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AgC) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture /o in. /0;'�c- Z/J -- a��..al.., s.�., 1.....� �in. /d1'�-' /3 — s. . . � , in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes/N Basis: Comments- HYDROLOG� Inundated: Y�j Depth of Standing water: Saturated: Y� Depth to saturated soil: Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes Basis: Comments• SUMMARY OF CR:IT'F�.IA Hydrophytic vegetation�Y�N Hydric soils: Y T�) �d hydrology: Y� Data point meets the critena of a jurisdictional wed'dn'd?: Ye No COA�NTS: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, ,IaRuary 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. . Proje�t: Windwood Job1t: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4�-95 Jurisdiction: Rento� State: WA Sample Point/1: DPIt Weiland: Atypical areas analysis: Problem areas analysis: VEGETATION Domi,Inant plant sp�cies Stratum Indic�a/tor Coverage 46 1. /Ycvl C/�Ki%�t tL�'1 S �/Y�- 2. 2�b s �b� S 3. M�, �.K �Mf.�.f.... tf i4-C ' 4. L.�,s�,t-,r-, a n,."•c.,.,,��. N L;L S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' 96 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAG: �� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria m : Yes_ o Marginal Comments: SOILS ' Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AgC) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well ' Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture 9 in. /oY� 2// -- �+I r.,vvil� s� �..-... �in. iOY,t 3 / -- ' •� i � � , in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis:_ C �•.�.•. a-F 1 Comments• HYDROLOG Inundated: Y Depth of Stan ' wa�er: Saturated� Depth to saturated soil: -5"�� Other Indicators: M, �,t •r'��,..�h ....,,�... Wetland hydrology criteria met• Y No Basis:_ S��►. � 5�. F�—� Comments: SU11�II1ZARY OF C'��l[T�A - Hydrophytic vegetarion Hydric soil : !N etland hydrolog : T1 Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: e No COMI��NTS: � : ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNNIINATION DATA FORM (US Arnzy Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Jobfi: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point�t: DPit /� Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: nro Problem areas analysis: N VEGETATION Dominant plant spec es Stratum Indicator Coverage 96 1. �i.���a�,-, S T�4C a. �� 5 �r .%- s .+t 3. /�k.:..fl�.�..,,., �/.;4:�.�.., f�- .4-�' 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. � 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. - % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �� Hydmphytic vegetation criteria met 1' s� No MarQinal Comments• SOILS - Mapped Soil Seriess Alderwood fA2C) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Texture l �in. /DY/z z// — �r.,,�..�,� 5...� o.,.., �in. /D Z/Z `--- < < � •' r in. in. Hydric soil criteria met• es No Basis: ��s.�-� �f Ef s�I Comments: HYDROLOG Inundated: Y�Depth of Sta�n�ding water: SaturatedCY�N Depth to saturated soil: S��`'�( Other Indicators: r.-�f� � �e Wetland hydrology criteria met: es No Basis: �1�. te s.. r�� Comments• SUMMARY OF - Hydrophytic vegetation /N Hydric soils� etland hydrology:�'N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: es No CONIlI�IENTS: i . ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job!#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point t/: DP# // Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: No Problem areas analysis: �o VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage �Y 1. /.�-�s ����a. T Fi4L 2, us Co.�....t-� S F.�C 3. R �G.�,� r•.�..•J+-� r� /Fi 4. � S. 6. ?. 8. 9. 10. ', 11. � 12. 13. 14. 15. ' `Yo of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: 3`3 Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes 1�Marginal ii Comments• i SOILS I ` Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(A¢C) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Textur �in. �o Y2 z/� -- c,rs,� �—�i, /cr., in, � in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes Basis: �►'o i� ���/4a�-f Comments: ' HYDROLOG Inundated: Y Depth of Standing water: Saturated: YI Depth to saturated soil: Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: Ye B3S1S: Np 1= <<<y�-f Comments: SUNIlVIARY OF CR:IT'E;�� Hydrophytic vegetation: Y Hydric soils:� W�nd hydrology: � Data point meets the critena of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes _ / COA�IIVIENTS: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERII�IINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-6-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point il: DPtI i Z Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: r� Problem areas analysis: r+�o VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage �C i. �ff1NKr ��b� T- �,ti-L 2. bv f�4t 3. Sa�re.. �o�,t I•.s�� �' ' F w 4. " 5. 6. 7. 8. � 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. • 9� of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: lbb Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met:� No Marginal Comments: SOII.S ` Mapped Soil Series: Aldenvood (APC) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Textu �D In. /DY�-Z I Z c,.y,✓ 3... �i�.--. �lII. �.� .3i�� �/YS+�✓r S av lII. lII. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: rr svi Comments• I�YDROLf�Y ,i Inundated� ',�IN Depth of Standing water: � Saturated:� Depth to saturated soil: S�^�-u Other Indicators- Wetland hydrology criteria met: e No Basis: . y� �.ri� Comments• SUMMARY OF CRTT� _ Hydrophytic vegetation• Hydric soils: ' N etland hydrology. I�1 Data point meets the cri na of a jurisdictional wedand?: No CONIII�NTS: IY: Il tID OC ROUTINE WETLAND DETERIVIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job/t: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-10-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point ff: DP1i/3 Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: No Problem areas analysis: /+�o VEGETATION Dominant plantspe�ies Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. �?o �l� ,(a�ls..,.,�'&.+.. T �'A� 2. S ,k1 ay.,l�.s,'r �,y{�,/ 3. /,•i�. s,kit..�s s �'�r4C c-J 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' 9b of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: /•c� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me Ye No MarQinal Comments• SOII,S - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood (A¢C� On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matrix color Mottle color Te tu,�e 3 in. /o /Z z!Z �-�- /G in. ?,5 Z «t- c ,s._ in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: ns�.c� cF N ,ks �I i cw�h. � .� �-�flc Comments• ' HYDROLOG Inundated: Y/ Depch of Standing water: Saturated� Depth to saturated soil: 5 v r Fr-.4 Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: es No Basis: s��- . t-o s� f �a- Comments• SUMMARY OF C - Hydrophytic vegetation: Hydric soils I�1 etland hydrology. 'N I� Data point meets the cnteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes No COMIVIENTS: . �� �_ � 1 ROUTINE WETLAND DETERIVIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wellands Delinealion Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Jobfl: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewail Date: 4-10-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point�: DP#!� Wetlan • D Atypical azeas analysis: cc a .r•� fs bc •J�,.,6�- /ar, s ►L o�,?tG,. Problem areas analysis: ivv ' � � VEGETATION Dominant plant spacies , Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. J^ey��b�s S..tc�.�•�S S ��4-C 2. �+�'7Ii✓'K /iL ' r�-1 /�' 3.-' i 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. � 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ' , % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �v Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met� Ye�No Mareinal Comments• SOII,S - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AgC) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriu color Mottle color Tezture J4 in. /oY/L Z// — s...,G, /o e--, %G in. z,s y -�l3 �d,�5 •�.-- in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: �es.�.�t_ s�l F Commeats: HYDROLOG� Inundated: Yr f Depth of Standing water: Saturated: I�I Depth to saturated soil: ��rF'�-�-� Other Indicators: �"��-�'�� �l aG Wetland hydrology criteria met: o Basis: s�. . , r�r�-�-c.( Comments• SUMMARY OF CR:IT�� - Hydrop6ytic vegetation Y Hydric soils Y N etland hydrology�I Data point meets the cn eria of a jurisdictional wetland?: No COMNIENTS• . u ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood JobJ�: 95-122 investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-10-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point!#: DP# / Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: a Problem areas analysis: �a VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage 30 1. .4-/.,.�s .�6�� � F� 2. .�u.� c,,.1.:..'�., F 3. �aL,���+.-, .».�•�w. {� A[.J 4. .�/.�.� c.,.•�slr�Ms S F 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. la. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. - % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �U Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No argin , Comments: SOII,S - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood (AgC) On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well draineci ' Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Teztur ��. ioyrL z — s �a.-.,, ' (�in. �0 K z �-- i in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes o Basis: Comments• HYDROLOG Inundated: Y/ Depth of Standing water: Saturated: Y/j� Depth to saturated soiL• ', Other Indicators: ' Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes Basis: N• � •�� r— Comments• I SUMMARY OF CRITERIA - I Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N ? Hydric soils: Y/ W d hydrology: Y� I Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes o COMII�NTS: : i�+i. s; i.� ��_1_i ii i:L i ii��:ii.�_i i 1V.� (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation �1 B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-10-95 Junsdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point#: DP#�G Wetland: � Atypical areas analysis: �s, . /.J ,��t,.,+�..�� .lt: Problem areas analysis: � ' VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage �O 1. /4GH G''��i..�,l,,�..� s F� 2. .2..{o,.,s �%t r„' 'l�r s Fi9-C 3. ��:,,, F lii�—Fr,,.,.:.., r� F . 4. �a �,.srlcGw-�, iu..,y.,%-L.,� T/ ��/ S. ' 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. - % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me. Yes o MarQinal Commeats• SOILS ' Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood (AgCI On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 m) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture IG in. /Oy�Z 2/� s•�-.� /c-�., in. —� in. Hydric soil criteria met: No Basis: !'�•-�.. a� / Comments• FIYDROLOG Inundated: Y/ Depth of Standing water: Saturated: �1 Depth to saturated soil: s�l� Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: es No Basis: s, , �f- s�.� � Comments: SUNIl�IARY OF - Hydrophytic vegetation Hydric soils rN Wetland hydrology� Data point meets the cntena of a jurisdictional wetland?: Y No COA�IIENTS: . � � ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 410-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point ll: DP#/6- Wetland: � Atypical areas analysis: � ��cc..�.. ---�� Probiem areas analysis: �w VEGETATION Domindant plant species Str�atum Ind�ic�a`tor Coverage 4� 1. //�NbS /`V�Pf. I �rT` 2. T�.� 1��!c T ,4-C 3. � ti-. 5 G ' 4. Mw�'i 4,...-- •/�F�f� �7 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ' 13. 14. 15. � , 96 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: 1� Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met•��s o Marginal Comments• SOILS � Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AQC� On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained /�De th(0 in) Matrix color Mottle color Teztu in. /o Y2 z�j — ���� 5�.�, �c+� in. in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: IVo Basis: ���s.--� a� �.,�,,�.,.y, S „1. .;+k� c t-ra•�.� �� t Comments• HYDROLQ�Y � .i � Inundated:l /� Depth of Standing water: g Saturated � Depth to saturated soil: Sv��1—t Other Indicators: Wetland hydrology criteria met: e No Basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF C;�t1TF� �� Hydrophytic vegetation� '�!N Hydric soiI . /N etland hydrolog�:�,1V Data point meets the critena of a jurisdictional wetland?: No CONIlI�NTS: Li I � ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers WetlaRds Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood JobN: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-10-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point!/: DPtI 1�— Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: r• Problem areas analysis: d VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage Y 1. �tti1 M�.trev��l�M � ��U 2, n.L r,. c L 3. b�.S c .��6.'/� S A- 4. G,-., vs o�,.,•�� . .S .FC v . 5. � -,s ,.-,- r��...,�n,1 ' k' J= 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 50 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC:�_Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes/No)MarEinal Comments• SOII.S - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood fAEC� On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matri�cQlor Mottle color Tezture , 3�• �f�F �lII� �r'S y Z r Jt Z G1rw Y f�� SI� �O<� lII. � lII. Hydric soil criteria met: Y Basis: ro .� � Comments• HYDROLOGx Inundated:�J Depth of Standing water. Saturated: Y/ Depth to saturated soil: Other Indicators: Wetland hydrologv criteria met: Ye�Basis: ivo ,�.�- ,c _ � Comments: SITMNIARY OF CRITER� � Hydrophytic vegetation: Y� Hydric soils: Y N W�nd hydrology: Data point meets the critena of a jurisdictionai wetl�5d?: Yes N�o� COMII�NTS: . � ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION DATA FORM (US Arnty Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. �•«f�� --�°~��� P"F''"'� Project: Windwood Job#: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall ate: 4-10-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Sample Point Jt: DP# I�� Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: < l.t•r� �� 1-r Problem areas analysis: a �, VEGETATION I Domiia�t plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage �O 1. /t'��.r�3s S f-t F�4� 2. J��..s ¢�Fv S N- -�°K�../ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. � 13. 14. 15. - 96 of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: �vv Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me . Y No Mar inal Comments• SOII.S Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AeCI On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 in) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture `�in.- - ��Yl� z/� — �p�-�, 3».G, /�.� Lin. / Y � � . . � - - �. in. in. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes � Basis: � ,z..-/-z, ��c- Comments• ' HYDROLOGY Inundated:�Y �Depth of Stauding water: Saturated: Y/ Depth to saturated soil: Other Indicatd'i�: Wetland hydrology cnteria met: Yes Basis: Nv . _J.�-. � t' Comments• SUMMARY OF CRITE Hydrophytic vegetation:� Hydric soils:� W and hydrology: Y� Data po�nt meets the critena of a jurisdictional wetland?: Y o COMMENTS: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERII�IINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 198� B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Windwood Job{1: 95-122 Investigator: Ed Sewall Date: 4-10-95 Jurisdiction: Renton State: W Sample Point tl: DP# Ig Wetland: Atypical areas analysis: �f c �t4c Problem areas analysis: " VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage 40 1. �'����� t.�r:s h� ��-c.� 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. • 15. " % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: /a0 Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: �No Mareinai Comments• SOIL.S Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood(AgCI On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: mod. well drained Depth(0 �n) Matriz color Mottle color Tezture `�' in. /a Y�t. / .x.. s Io-�-, c in. o Y� 4 4 � � � �, JG in. 2.5 4/4 o�<w� s..d., c., ,,,� ia. Hydric soil criteria meE: Yes o Basis: n.ia ,•«J-.c��.�— Comments• IiYDROLOGyi' Inundated: Y/N Depth of Standing water: Saturated: Y�' Depth to saturated soil: Other Iadicators• Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes o Basis:_�L, .;`�/,��ra�S Comments: SUMIVIARY OF Hydrophytic vegetation: Hydric soils: Y N hydrology: Y�1 Data point meets the cn a of a jurisdictional wet and?: Yes No� C ONIII�IENTS: � :�. � a