HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-079CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING I PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: July 23, 2004 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: McCullough Special Fence Permit LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-079, FP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Jason Jordan Acceptance Date: July 9, 2004 Applicant: Tami McCullough Owner: Tami McCullough Contact: PID Number: 7227501540 ERC Decision Date: ERe Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: July 9, 2004 Appeal Period Ends: July 23, 2004 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Fence greater than 4-ft in front yard setback. The applicant is requesting a Special Fence Permit to keep an existing five to six foot high fence within the 20-foot front yard setback area, adjacent to the property's eastern boundary. The fence was constructed without the Special Fence permit, which triggered a notice of violation from Code Enforcement staff. Location: 679 Edmonds Avenue NE Comments: CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 12th day of July, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Special Administrative Fence Permit documents. This information was sent to: Tami McCullough Owner (Signature of ""cnlncrJ:..,2~~c.£....~~~~!:::::t:L.&:z:" __________ _ , .... """'\\\\\ STATE OF WASHINGTONb __ ... --:~\\..~N k.tl":""', SS :-~\..·;i.\ssioiV··;.C \ O 0, KG"'~ ~'-~', C UNTY F IN ! /8 ~or.A ~ .. ';n ~ :: "11;.. 1)~ "1'\ ~ ,: .... rn: '-I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker 1 ~ ~ ,ove ~ rn,: : signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary\!~t~rJ.he 6~s ~~ 1 purposes mentioned in the instrument. l,:.f' o···;?!:~.1 .. ···-;"'o .. .i' I ' ·,.t WAS,·\\t\~ ........ ... Dated: 1(;).3/0'1 ",~",,,, ......... ... Notary (Print): ______ ---:.:.M::..::AR~IL~YN:.:.,:KA~MC~H~EFF~~_==_------- My appointment expires: 'wAPpnIMTMENTEXPIRES6-29-07 McCullough Special Fence LUA04-079, SF City of Renton PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE FENCE PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION City of Renton File Number: LUA-04-079, SFP Project Description:The applicant is requesting approval to allow a five to six-:foot highwooden fence to remain within the front yard (adjacent to Edmonds Avenue NE) setback of the subject site. The fence was constructed adjacent to the eastern property boundary and is approximately 4.5 feet from the existing sidewalk in Edmonds Avenue NE. The applicant has included a site plan~,cmdel,~V~ti6n; whicm includes vertical fencing modulation and varied fencing material. As a res~lt\6Hhe.Jence material.and modulation and the unique placement of the fence (adjacenrto an interior Side yard Withinihe front yard setback area), the Special Administrative Fence P~rrriitis approved. " Location: 679 Edmonds Avenue NE King County Assessor's·PropertY Id~i1tifi~~tjonNUtnber:: 7227-5Q1540 Owner Name: Tami McCullouJJh. '. .' Applicant Name and Phone Nuniber:"TamLMcCuliough (425) 271~5589 Fence Location: X Front Yard Side YardAlong·a Street Rear Yard Along.~ Street Clear Vision Area Fence Design -The following measures have been employed or required: t X X Permanent Landscaping Quality Fence Materials Modulation Of FenCing Similar To Design and Material of Surrounding Fences Increased Setback From Right of Way Ornamental Materials Or Construction I ",' Evaluation Criteria (Do the measures checked above satisfy the following objectives): Evaluation Criteria Achieved Achieved with Not Conditions Achieved Improves Privacy X In Stale With Neighborhood X Limits Blank Walls Along Walkways X Aesthetically Pleasing X Does Not Create a Traffic Hazard X Decision: , The subject fence has been designed with quality fencing mate'rial and vertical modulation, which provides relieffrom being a vast blank wall along the public walkway. In addition, the fence is located outside of the clear vision area of the intersection of NE ih Street and Edmonds Avenue NE, which alleviates site distance concerns. As such, the fence is approved. Conditions of Approval: 1. None. x Approved, Approved with conditions • > ,'" Approved by the City of Renton. Development Services Divisioif Director':· ' ',.;" . . Denied Appeals: Appeals must be·filed in writing tdgether viiiththe required $75.00 application feewith: Hearing Examiner, CityofRentoh, 1055 South Grady Way",Renton"WA 98055 no later than 14 days for the date, of this deci~ion (July 23, 2004). Appealstothe gxaminer are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code. Sectiqn 4";8-1 ta.,8; Additional infQrmi3tion regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office; (425) 430~6510. . . .".. . CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: July 8, 2004 Jason E. Jordan Patrick Roduin SUBJECT: New L~md Use File Set-Up Please complete the following information to facilitate routing of file and application acceptance. If you have special form requirements or instructions, please write them in the "Comments" section. Project Name: McCullough Special Fence <. Project Manager: Jason E. Jordan Reviewer: VIA LUA (File) Number: LUA-04-079, SF Applicant: Tami McCullough Submittal Date: July 6, 200"-Acceptance Date: I/~ JoL( / / Date Circulation Requested: ;JIlt Date Comments Due: A/JA Work Order Number: 77282 Function Number: 4150 Project Description: VA R()- Site Location: Y,74 E Site Area: AliA Building Area (gross): /IJ/,{J... Estimated ERC Date: A Jill /' HEXC / BOAC Date: ~//; Categories: Sing/~-Familr.Y School/Utilities/Public Project C Church/Daycare C Commercial C Industrial P Multi-Family C Wireless C DOT Notification Required:YESC NOP// Boeing Notification: YESC NO~ School District Letter: YESC NQ.e{ Airport Notification: YESC NO,r.T' Renton School C I Issaquah School C Comments: l<:,~~+-ntJ ! I I -LUAo'f-O~A OEVEL DPMENT PLANNING CITY: RENTON' . I S P' EC IAL FEN C E CI FV <?~.~ENTON Development Services Division ': J ~L 0" 6 2004 055 South Grady Way, Re'nton WA 98055 PERM IT . '. Phone: (425) 430-7200 R~CElv~n APPLICATION ~'AL! REQUESTED ITEMS MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION 1. Property Address: . (PJ 4 W/h.4oc15 A:-vL-() ,L·. 2. Tax Assessor Number: "1LC 1: 50 (.S-c({) Property Owner: ~ m i In <-C CA 1/ () <.IV 1 Street Address: to 15· ~ut"YIDNJ\s PrvL n [City/State: 3. Phone: y).$'" ;;;1,,, SSD9 6lcxho o WA-Zip: 18'o5'"'(P 4. Contact Person: 1cuYI; m G(/(A. r(D0tl~ Daytime Phone: .2 0(0-..23 4, 2&-8"5 5. Maximum Height of Proposed Fence: __ ---l,,51--1 ___________ _ 6. Type of Material to be Use for Fence: __ ..:=C~u1~b.;.....;..r _________ _ -ill/_I, 7. Distance from Proposed Fence to Property Line: ___ ..!...-7-"1P::..-___ ....;;,.. __ _ 8. Project Value: __ ...,I;,$l..-I..oi3'-1~~o-=O......;,,~D~D=--_ 9. Describe Landscaping to be Installed (if any) :_....;n....:..::o;..:.'l~l.~--:;..I-~t-_· ---I,1h.JL.:.;..:..L.!_ ..... v;..:.·:..:;,.-""l.b:t-'--__ _ I certify that the information on this application furnished by me is true and correct and that the applicable requirements of the City of Renton will be met I understand that this application is valid for six months from the application date. If a permit is not issued during this time period, the application will become void. This application does not constitute a permit to work. Work is not to commence until the building permit is posted on premises where work is to be performed. Certification is hereby rendered that no work is to be done exc t as described, and that all work shall conform to the applicable codes. Work in public rights-of-way and/or utility ements is no auth rized under this application. Applicant Signature: _~~~_--.;~~~ _______ Date: 7 (Vb jot.{ , , Q:web\pw\devserv\forms\building\BuildApp.doc Rev 3/03 Kathy Keolker-WheeJer, Mayor Date:' 01-16-2004 Location of Violation: Owner(tax-payer) :, Issued To: Address: CIT~ JF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Ziinmerman P.E.,Administrator NOTICE OF VIOLATION Violation Index No. 679 EDMONDS AVE NE TAMARA A. MCCULLOUGH TAMARA A. MCCULLOUGH 679 EDMONDS AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 C04-0023 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF REtrrON , .. :' . JUL06 2OOIt. REceIveD. An inspection of the above premises revealed violation(s) of the CityofRenton codes and ordinances listed below. The' City would appreciate voluntary compliance or corrective action completed by: 07/16/2004 . Be advised, however; if voluntary compliance is not achieved, a Civil Infraction Citation WILL be issued, and civil penaIties assessed in the amounts noted, for each and every day or portion of a day in which the violation continues following the date and time set for correction. First three days of Violation: $100.00, per day, Second Three Days of Violation: $200.00, per day. Third Three Days of Violation: $300.00, per day. Each Additional Day of Violation: $500.00, per day. CODE SECTION CITED: RENTON MUN. CODE SEC. 4-4-040Dla DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: OVERHEIGHTFENCE IN FRONT YARD SETBACK CORRECTIVE ACTION: 'DATEOF INVESTIGATION JANUARY 15, 2004. . . RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 4;..4~040Dla STATES, "FRONT Y,.\RD SETBACKS: FENCES, WALLS OR HEDGES. A MAXIMUM. OF FORTY'EIGJlT INCHES (48") IN HEIGHT MAY BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SUBJECT TO THESE PROVISIONS." A MEASUREMENT WAS TAKEN OF THE FENCE AT THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF YOUR PREMiSES. THE FENCE .MEASURED SIXTY INCH]\:S (60") IN·HEIGHT. . . BY CODE, WITmN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THIS NOTICE OF VIOLATION, YOUWILL BE . REQUIRED TO LOWER TIlE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE TO THE HEIGHT LIMIT ALLOWED BY . CODE. . .' . , BE ADVISED,HOWEVER, THAT THERE IS, BY CODE, A SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO UTILIZE IF YOU WISH TO RETAIN THE HEIGHT OF YOUR FENCE. INFORMATION AND THE PERMIT APPLICATioN ARE ATTACHED FOR YOUR USE. Issued By: ROBERT L. ARTHUR Code Compliance Inspector PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Development Services Division Phone No: 425-430-7269 ~-----------IO-5-5-S-o-ut-h-G-r-ad-y-W-a-y-~-R-e-nt-o-n,-W-a-s-h-in-g-to-n-9-8-05-5-------------~ ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ;L hClJuf.., fake/! duw£) C{ 10 ' Aedle 1At::fif 5 I "dtvUct! k a/Jd W(V1r 70 ~ pt,tf , ~I III 4. t-e-ncR-uf"d Se.,f-/:.r b~vl<.. '/' b II 17-o'""Y\ fAe S l"tAl-vvA I K , ~ /;t5ed c"ed4r board~ /Dr ey-lI.a -f() A4Vt!-.:d *~ bc&?rJ 1hrL ~c-e.. '*'(/ 141/-,S7 1J.,~ . 15 20 1 ~. bA.VK ~ ~.e d.lS1jf1U t<~ )oje4ru O( f1 Pi-o-,e/).-fv., I JOD ~ , wrth ht1 Je.. ~ cA ",rl~J .f!,L /o.rji-Jo;{> d.(J · .:;J: () ".1'. ~ t fe"c.L-It:<1-e-10 fh 0 d"" /"" fed, DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RErjTON .-;', ,JUL O.~ Z004 RECEIVED ~ . "; ... :. I[(f R·····'.······· . '.' , . ~ l '.,. . . -', )l" '"'' ;,"~ ", , ", ~ -'.-', . ,' ... I : ....... 'I! ,. :~'. j' ',~,,'1: . I 1 .-I ;:. I [ ci~i~.'!.'~~~. j "'8'1"" ! . ~::. '~;; ", I \ . ';"j ;0., Ii: "~!I !!i c:::::.;;,o~ --.' . "m :s ~ ~~ iS~¥ ~~ ~ ~ My House 679 Edmonds NE House 3S' @) @) (i) o Rose Shrub o MapleTree @ 13111" ./.:·-;:::.,1 <:: 7'" f" '" '", ',~ ... ~,' '- .," Neighbors House .,:.", .... ""~ ':c--1 __ I (. _.' '.' -~~'-. ,: ~ m+z m fl'·· ~l.. . :! . . "t-:-~ ", ; .. : .... . - '" ,t',! _ t. ~ u "". .'. N' W .. I ~ E s House My House Fence House m· ···r ... ' ..... . . --. . : !+" , . . ", I c ,_, . . i.' I · . :, 1 ;.; ,'. '1 · . ~"""l • Q) .-o· ;; CD . c: :-I'! . CO ,~.:;:: I ,L.;. i v# 'Ii ... CO ,'; ~ 11 I,.. .'e'.e, 73 Feet d-stance 'Illi !I·.···~ '.::_:" ~:"'. I ,!, 1,1 .'. '''I . 'j d!J!li~' '.., ~ j W to &ence ;lii!lI; Q); ~', Z' '1 II ,II, ,." Q) I from center of streetiilli!i' ~.~: ',: I '''.''·''I'l''t",,,dl!lill·~ .• 73' ; ! Iciea~ "islbnarea ""\I' -..' . . ,j II t t ,~ ! ' ! !! 11'1 ! I ! ~! I ! J 151'! I ". ; I ", · .-' .. ' ~ I~ I J ,. ',,,, .~, .' , I ~-: , ' t. ~ .; ,J i L._, .. ~ Front of house -- Northside fence N W .. ' I -E Height of fence Sloped 4'10" toS'3" s Center road to' fence 27' .~ ~ po- Sidewalk to fence 4'6" I ~ ~ / ---/' :'. ~ /' /,' ~~ . . ... ,',. , /."h l / /.,' '~.',. . ) , ./, " r~' ... (' '~ .. /', '/i>6il'''' /" ~"%T (:;, ~'lb/ // .~,' ,,;<p::~,~.:V /' ".J'iI '. ;'" . 'O~ /. ,//~.",. ,;:)~~ .. '~ / ." .''Vi -,~ , .' ,.? -~ ~ --,,-. ' .,~~;~,~~:--, -.: '. :,~. Front of House Front Gate 6'3" High Gate width .13'11" :E cn+z m Front side fence + 5'3" Printed: 07-06-2004 Payment Made: ~ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-079 07/06/2004 02:20 PM DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RE~ON . JUL· irs 2004 RECEIVED Receipt Number: R0403623 Total Payment: 100.00 Payee: ,TAMI MCCULLOUGH Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description AuLlount 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 100.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 8713 100.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 ~00.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5023 0 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Printed: 07-06-2004 Payment Made: ~ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-079 07/06/2004 02:20 PM oe'JeCLrrvOPMENT PLANNING OF_fiENTON ,JUL 0'6 ~4. RECEIVED Receipt Number: R0403623 Total Payment: 100.00 Payee: TAMI MCCULLOUGH Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 100.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description P~ount Payment Check 8713 100.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 502l 5022 5023 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 o 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/ErS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00