HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-081\ \ \ \ \ \ z -N2 ZONING P/BIPW TJlCHN1CAL SBllVICBS U/Oof/03 . UC-Nl !:J.J-Nl UC-N z Q) ::>- UCfN! F4 -17 T23N RSE W 112 - - - -Renton dity LImllll E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 5308 ZONING MAP BOOK RESIDENTIAL ~ Resource CODservation ~ Residential 1 dulac ~ Residential 5 dulac ~ Residential 8 dulac ~ Residential Manufactured Homes I R-l0 I Residential 10 dulac I R-14 I Residential 14 dulac I R~-J I Residential Multi-Family Infill I RM-Nl Residential Multi-F8.lIlily Neighborhood Center \RM-C I Residential Multi-Family Suburban Center MIXED USE CENTER o Center Neighborhood- ~ Center Suburban· IUC-Ntl Urban Center -North PC-N21 Urban Center -North 2 @] Center Downtown· [E§]. Center Office Residential COMMERCIAL o Commercial Arterial· ~ Commercial Office· o Convenience Commercial INDUSTRIAL ~ Industria] -Heavy o Industrial -Medium m Industrial -Ught (P) Publicly owned ____ Renton City Umits ___ Adjacent City Limits _ Book Pages Boundary KROLL PAGE \RM-r I Residential Multi-Family Traditional IRH-U I Residential Multi-Family Urban Center· • May include Overlay Districts. See Appendix maps. For additional regulations in Overlay Districts, please see RMC 4-3. PAGE# INDEX SECTrrO'NNIRANGE BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S. W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~ I ti -s- 1 SCALE 100 200 400 !! 1 ( FfU) I INCH = 200 FT NORTH 10TH . ... SEE DETAIL . TRACT C ~ -=.c. -----:":"'""'11 ~ TRACT E SEE DETAIL ~ ':\! <{ (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) TRACT J SEE DETAIL ~n...,.....--TRACT K TRACT F SEE DETAIL TRACTN SEE DETAIL r~ NORTH 8TH -S~REET r SEE DETAIL \', \ TRACT E TRACT M NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H M & N :z ~ "C s"1~.~'::;·£ NORTH S89'2S'OSe 1059.10' N-45'J9'02"£ J9.10' (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) TRACT B i , •.•... 1 LUA-XX-XXX-8SP LND-JS-XXXX cucn<[fl Bl: _4S~ tlFPP()V[[.' BY:_t!f~ PLOT DA ee' QZ/JlZLIH P[v'IS/CI! ~j-:;i8'51.~£ •. ~46':._-=----,_. - NORTH 8TH STREET TRACT L ((-25.00' t.-90'02'07" L-J9.29' LINE La 24.28 L9 28.00 L10 14,H L11 27,08 N_ 8TH ST_ TRACT N '''-60' NB9'2B'ZZ"W 10 • .10' EXIST. PARK AVE. RIGHT OF WAY BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN KING PRCJECT NO. J19S6 DH./J. ~¥ING nLE NAME: 316.J6-$URV-BSP01.DWG ~ \ ~ I" R-B52.5d " "C ~lrr.~~·~~:'4· ~ r~~;'9'26-; It ~ '42 TRACT I '''·SO' TRACT K ONE 500'58'48" 59.82' 500'JI '07"W 51,Jl' ONE TABLE BE, .'NG tJ.-J2'40'OO· L-S61.02' Q, BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S. W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON @J ==:;~~~,. l-246.rS' @ S69'OJ"9"E. 5.00' @ ~:J~g~6· L-21J.98' @ 589'OJ"8"[, 10.09' LOT4 796,623 SO FT. 18288 AC NOT A PART 546'12'25"£, 25.00' 5"6'2'2S"~, IDS. 59' LOT3 591,192 SO FT 13.572AC. SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ~~"Ii_~-"'ii-~-~.-l' ~!.ii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili. ( r[n) 1 INCH = 200 R-850,OO' G) C! TY OF REN TON IFISOJQ'Ol") L-274 46' l?~g ~ ~~ . r-.,~I'" CONTROL MONUMENT IB47 4· X 4" CONC. MON wi COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMEN T !N CASE. ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SEC nON 8-23-5 N 18J823 0950 . 589'28'22"[ 2550.4]' =-;---,;!c-::===,--\.,----:::gUo:.~7 • ---'-'-.-rN~~ - . (rUTURt; ~NORTH .. 8TH '(0 roUND' 4': ;', 4-C' CRETr' " . MONVAA£N r. Wi' COPPER , TACK!N BHOK£N CASE -• . l0sicr;O% ~~~~/5Pt'AL i. 'N '6JB06,4790. , £ '302031.8010" " AS SHOWN ON ,'?[F.(j). LOT.S ,'1,608,916 sq .. f~. . ,36.94 0C,fes N8B"45'JS"W 126.50' ___ ---=2;:..:72.0J' STREET 2515.96' MONUMENT IN CASE W PUNCf-I N 1838064790 !5'~~~~~·~~OR£F·0 L-J9.29' 0 4" X 4" CO",.C. MONUMENT IN CASE W/ COPPER PIN AT 5ffi£[T INT[RSECTION N 18J7982909 !Sl;~;8:;.:7~£F0 REFERENCES (I) CIT)" OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BO[lNC PARCEL J13 R[C. NO. 20011205900004 LUA-XX-XXX-8SP LND-J5-XXXX Ch[CV[O 8f': BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING SCAlf; 1"=200' PRO.)[C: NO. 31956 ORt..V/iNG riLE NAME: J16J6-SURV-8SPOJ.OWG 3360 Monte Yillil Park"IIY BothelI, Wll5'hinglon 98021 -8912 H.e$)~'-.SOO (426)~1-411O" .. hp4C!flc.com BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION' (PEl? fiRST AM[RICAN TITLe INSURANce TlTt.E CO/JUiTM[NT DATED FEB. 2, 2004) PARC£l A: LOTS I, 2, J, AND 4 OF CITY or RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. UJA-OI-056-SHPL. AS RE:CORD£D UNDER R£CORDING NO 20011205900004, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACAT[O LAKE WASHINGTON BOULE'IARD; ADJOINING WHICH UPON VACATED. A TrACHEa TO SAID PROP[RTY BY OPERA rrON or LAW: SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY or KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL B: THAT PORTION or GOV(RNIJENT LOT J IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORfl-I, RANGE 5 EAST, W M, LYING EASTERLY OF THE ABANDONED BURLiNGTON NORTHERN (lAKE WAShiNGTON BELT LlN£) RAILROAD ,q'GHT-OF -WA Y AND LYING W[ST[RL Y OF PARK AII[NUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S [ ); TOGETHER ""TH THAT PORTION OF GOV[RNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRIBED AS' B£GlNNrNG AT THE INTERSECTION OF TfiE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDON[O BURLINGTON NORTH[RN (L"'I(£ W"'$HINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE WESTERLY UARGIN or PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEI/ARD S.C.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID 500THEASTCRt Y A.lARGIN 60 FEET TO TH[ TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTHEASTERL Y A T RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 frfT, MORE OR LESS TO THE Kf"ST[RL Y MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINCTON BOULEI/ARD S.E.): THENCE SOUTHERL l' ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH liNE OF SAID GO'IERNMENT lOT: THENCE v.rSTERL Y TO SAID SOUTHEASTERL l' RAILROAD MARGIN, THENC[ NORTHEASTERL Y TO THE TRUE POINT OF BrGJNNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION Th[REOF CONDEMNW FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTy SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 655127: AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RfNTON fOR WIDENING OF PARI( AVENUE NORTH BY OEm RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422; SHUATfO IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS Of THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (~DEVnOPA.l[NT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER I, 200J, BE:TWEEN THE CITY AND BO£lNG, THE RIGHT-Or-WAY FOR 10TH STREET $HALL BE OEOICArro A T ThE TIME aO[lNG SELLS THE LAND ON ~'CH TfiE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED: HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCA TEO BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOlLOWING DEDICA TlON BuT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OMlER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. UPON CONSTRUCTION or THE N[W INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVE"NUES, PURSUANT TO THE DE\I(LOPU[NT AGREEMENT, TH[ CITY SHALL 'IACATE THE LAND ON ~ICH THE OLD INT[RSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AV[NUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER or LOT 2 AND SUCH V"'CA TEO LIoNO SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. fOlLOWING DEDICA TlON AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEM[NTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANT[E(S). ALLOWINC BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT I';! TH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLA TED BY THE DE\I£LOPMENT AGREEIi£NT. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION' SURVfYOR/ENCIN£ER ZONING TOTAL AREA; W&"/1 PACIFIC 3J50 MON r[ VILLA PARKWA Y BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE. (425) 951-4800 HEAVY INOUSTRIAL (IH) J,752,957 SO FT, OR 86.16 ACRES± WA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-XX-XXXX ~ DESlGn[D8( CRl1lV'j tn Fw~/cCM N til LAST [UP ~~ ~ 1---+---+-\ (deCK[D s·,': _C$.l._ t,PP/70'l[,') B (:_t!sL..-.~ ?lO r OA 7[: QJLQZLfJA. BINDING SIlE PLAN AREA' EAST OF PARr< AVE. N.: 960.325 SO. FT .• 22.05 AC. ~ WEST OF PARK /lV[. N: 2,9BI,583 so. n., 68.45 Ae ± TOTAL: 3,941,908 so. F'T" 90,49 /lC ± LOT AREA TABLE' LOT SO. FT. 299,538 323.976 591,192 796,623 1,508,917 mACT AREA TABLE' TRACT EXIST PARK AvE:, N. ROW SQ. _1 141,373 11,011 72,289 47,728 24,829 4,816 4,404 18,778 89 2< 1,955 7,624 2,187 J9. 112,821 ACRES 6.B8 7.44 13.57 1829 36.94 ACRES J25 0.25 1.66 1.10 0.57 0" 0.10 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.04 018 0.05 o.or 2.59 VICINITY MAP HORIZONTAL DAlUM' NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COOF?DINAT[ SYSTEM, NOF?TH ZONE, FROM OT'( OF !~[NTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUt.I£N TS SHO~ Itt"R£ \1/51 rEO IN F£8. 2004 PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EOUIPMENT -TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, "'NO lEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAil( BE[N COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALlBF?A TEO BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO . WAC JJ2-130-100 WAC 3J2-130-150 UN! TS. US FEET. CITY Of RENTON SURVEY CONTROl' TI[S TO CITY O' RENTON SURV[Y CONTROl NErWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET J OF 4 BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON 3350 Jlont~ Villoll Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RD-FON, KING SCALf; N/A PRO~IECT ,"""0. 31956 OPAWlf,]C riLE NAME: J16J6-SURV-8SP01.0WG (425J"!jI-~1100 (f25J"!jI-~oIIoe whp.dflcc<>m .. " [D BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7. T.23N .• R.5E.. W.M. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. B. T.23N .• R.5E.. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATIONS' KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY TH[SE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNO£RSIGNfO OWNERS OF INr[J?EST IN THE LAND H£RfIN DESCRI8ED DO I-IER[BY MAKE A BINDING SirE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.! 7 R.C.W AND DECLAR[ THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAAI[ AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH rRE£ CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANC[ WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OI'IN£~S IN WITNESS WHERfOF WE SfT OUR HANDS AND SEALS; THE BO£/NG COMPANY, " D£LAWARE CORP(}RATlON BY DATE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS OA Y P£RSONAll Y APPE,M?ED BEFORE ME , KNO'NN TO BE AN A HORNEY iN rlleT OF THE BOEiNG COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED iN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED mE SAID iNSTRUMENT TO BE mE FREE AND VOLUNTARy ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA TlON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON Oil TH STA TEO THA T HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF or THE CORPORATION GiVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS __ DAY OF ___ , 20_. SIGNA TUR[ OF NOTARY PUBUC IN AND rOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESiDING AT _______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBuc MY COMl.liSSION eXPIRES _______ _ OAT£O ____________ _ TH£ BO£iNG COMPANY., A WASHINGTON CORPORA nON BY 0"'; STATE or WASHINGTON) ) 55 CDUN TY OF KING ) ON ThiS DA r PE:.RSONALL Y APPEARED errORE ME , KNOVwN TO BE AN A HORNEY IN FACT OF THE BO[l.'1G COMPANY OESCRIBfD IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMEN" AND ACKNOMrDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT 70 BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEfD OF SAID CORPORATION FOR TH[ USES AND PURPOSES TH[P[IN J..IENTlQNED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUT"'IORllED TO [XECUT[ THE SAID INSTRUW[NT ON BEHAI..F OF TH[ COR?ORATION. Gl1t[N UNDER IlAY HAND AND OFnCIAL S[AL THIS DAY OF SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON, R[SIDING AT _______ _ PRINTED IVA",[ OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______ _ OAT[O, ____________ _ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PI..AN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDiNG IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY /lND SUBDI""SION OF SfcrrON B. TOWNS'"IIP 2J NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, iMLLA/JETTE MERIDIAN AND THA T THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORREcn Y THEREON, WA-XX-XXX-BSP LNO-XX-XXXX APPROYALS; ADMINISTRA TOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS [XAMINED AND APPROVm PER ,RCW 5B.17.160 (I) THI$ ___ DAY OF _________ 20_ ADMINISTRATOR, CITY or RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS [XAMIN[D AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF _________ 20_ KING CDUN TY ASS£S$OI'? DEPUTy '(ING COUNTY ,ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER ___________ _ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICA nON I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID. THAT THERE ARE NO D£LINOUENT $PECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTInED TO THIS ornCE FOR COLLECT/ON AND THAT ALL SPEOAL ASSESSMENTS C[RnFJED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECT/Oil.' ON ANY OF ThE pr~OP[RTY HERON CONTAIN[D DEDICATED AS STREETS. ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OT"l[R puBLIC USE, ARE PAID /r>I ~ULL. THIS 0,11 Y or ____ 2o_. DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY o~rrc[ OF F,:'ONC[ RECORDING CE:RTIFICAK DEPUTY DiRECTOR, KING COUNTy OFfiCE OF nNANCE RECORDING NO FiLED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST or THE CITY or RENTON, THIS __ DAY or __ _ 2o_, AT __ M.'NUT[S PAST ~ 1.1, AND RECORDED 1"1 VOLUME __ or PLATS. PACES ____ • RECORDS OF KINC COUNTY, W/lSHI/liCTON DIVISION OF RECO.90S AND ElECTIONS /,IANAGER BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS 3350 Monte V,llll PlIrkJlttly Bothell. II'lIshlnston 98021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN PENTON, KING N/A 31956 31636-SURV-85POI. 0 WG (42!lJIl~I-4000 (4Z5)~1-4~ LOT5 (rUTUR[ BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 3 i I -S- I SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ~~"iiii-~-"ii-~""'!!;;;;-""! ~! __ iiiiiill ( FEET ) , INCH::" 200 FT \ \ ~\\~ \~ \~ \ '. \\,& \\ \~ I" \ i Ii --=-=----=--=-=--=:il-! NORTH 8TH STF?[U) "I ,.-.--------... -~-.. -----.----.. NORTH 8TH STREET LOT5 -----------------NORTH 6TH STREET 113350 .vontl!' Villa Pllrnay Bothell, Washinslon 98021-897Z (U!5)g51-~fJOO (f2li)g,5J-4f10l1 .. h~cUI .. com " . # J. *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :Southport Llc site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :10843 NE 8th St #200 Bellevue Wa 98004 Use :316 vacant, Industrial Lgl :STR 052305 TAXLOT 75 LOT 1 OF CITY Bedrm: -Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 2 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :Bristol At Southport Llc Site :1083 Lake Washington Blvd N R~nton 98056 Mail :1083 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton Wa 98056 Use :016 Res,Apartment,Comm,Mixed Use Lgl :STR 052305 TAXLOT 76 LOT 2 OF CITY Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:4 BldgSF:276,290 # 3 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :The Boeing Company d Site : 800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Reh,.urne.- Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 ~~~ Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial l11AI ~ -Lgl : STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 ., PoV 0, Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:2 BldgSF:886,292 # 4 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:69,316 # 5 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:65,780 # 6 -*---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl ;STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:58,188 # 7 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 072305TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:49,520 # 8 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner ;The Boeing Company Site ;800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail ;PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245" Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:2 BldgSF:38,132 # 9 *---------------------: MetroScan I King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:32,185 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :052305 9075 04 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$2,624,400 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:4.30 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :052305 9076 03 Sale Date :11/17/2000 Sale Price Asd.V :$14,469,000 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.22 YB:2001 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N Rr05E Ac:149.27YB:1962 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # -:072305 9001 01 -Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1965 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :07~~05 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price .- Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :-$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1993 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 072305 9001 Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph:_ 01 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. JUL -8 2004 R[EC~~\w~[g # 10 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:8,326 # 11 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:8,496 # 12 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:678,144 # 13 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / /. Stories:1 BldgSF:641,297 # 14 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:468,449 # lS *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:156,855 # 16 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 .Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:2 BldgSF:114,136 # 17 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:482,924 # 18 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:80,567 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1993 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N .R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1967 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E AC:149.27YB:1942 Ph: :------~------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1967 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1967 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1986 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1967 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 072305 9001 Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph: 01 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of in/ormation contained in this report. # 19 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner-:The Boeing Company Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 POR OF E 1/2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:2 BldgSF:66,186 # 20 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 21 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 22 :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:11,000 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:4,600 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use LgI Bedrm: # 23 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 24 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:11,650 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:6,000 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 'Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:3,028 # 25 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 26 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 27 Owner Site Mail Use. LgI Bedrm: :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:2,420 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF:10,850 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:ll,098 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9001 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$115,034,900 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:149.27YB:1942 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1995 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1973 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,'000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1966 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1961 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1973 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1999 Ph: :-----------------------------~-* Parcel # :072305 9007 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1943 Ph: 05 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 28 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:10,800 # 29 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 30 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 31 :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:5,600 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: I / Stories:2 BldgSF:5,940 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail. :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:8,679 # 32 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner : B·osair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:8,928 # 33 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: B~h F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:6,415 # 34 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: BthF3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:5,490 # 35 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / . Stories:1 BldgSF:6,300 # 36 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:17,536 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23NR:05E Ac:167.38YB:1943 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1975 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1955 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1991 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1971 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1971 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1971 Ph: :-----------------------------~-* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date : 03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1960 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E AC:167.38YB:1977 Ph: 05 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 37 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm:· Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:9,472 # 38 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 39 :Bosair L L C :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:5,470 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:357 # 40 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:23,257 # 41 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:22,960 # 42 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:5,400 # 43 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd WRenton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:2,168 # 44 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl· :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:5,OOO # 45 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Bosair L L C Site :1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton 98055 Mail :289 Perimeter Rd E Renton Wa 98055 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 7 POR SECS 7 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:5 BldgSF:3,465 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1977 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1947 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1963 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E AC:167.38YB:1977 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:OSE Ac:167.38YB:1982 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1968 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1983 Ph: :---~---------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 05 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1973 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9007 Sale Date :03/28/2001 Sale Price :$350,000 Asd.V :$79,248,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:167.38YB:1961 Ph: 05 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 46 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 47 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Boeing Company The :*no Site Address* Renton :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 :·316 Vacant, Industrial :STR 072305 TAXLOT 46 BEG AT NXN OF Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Facilities & Operation Ctr Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :300 SW 7th St Renton Wa 98055 Use :156 Rec,Sport Facil'ity Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 53 POR OF SE 1/4 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 48 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Facilities & Operations Ctr Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :300 SW 7th St Renton Wa 98055 Use :159 Pub,Parking,Associated Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 85 POR OF SE 1/4 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 49 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :City Of Renton Site :8th Waterway Renton Mail :1055 S Grady Way Renton Wa 98055 Use :149 Rec,Parks,Zoos,Arboretum Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 96 PORTION CW #2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 50 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Federal Recovery Of Washington Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :PO Box 68456 Seattle Wa 98168 Use :332 Misc,Right-of-way,Utility Lgl :STR 072305 TAXLOT 98 ABANDONED RR Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 51 -*---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # S2 Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm: # S3 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # S4 :Boeing Company The :600 Logan Ave Renton :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 :316 Vacant, Industrial :STR 072305 TAXLOT 100 ABANDONED RR Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Washington State :*no Site Address* Renton :PO Box 47014 Olympia Wa 98504 :337 Misc,Lakes,Fresh Water :STR 072305 TAXLOT 105 POR HARBOR Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Boeing Company :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 :PO Box 3707 Seattle Wa 98124 :245 Ind;Heavy Industrial :STR 082305 TAXLOT 11 LOT 3 OF CITY Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:7,500 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Burlington Northrn Santa Fe Site :900 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle Mail :PO Box 96189 Fort Worth Tx 76161 Use :332 Misc,Right-of-way,Utility Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 27 B N RY CO R/W Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: 98144 BldgSF: :~------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9046 08 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,008,800 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: 2.57 YB : Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9053 08 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$6,176,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:14.04 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9085 00 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,085,500 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.72 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9096 07 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$4,212,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:10.67 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9098 05 Sale Date :02/03/1998 Sale Price Asd.V :$10,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E AC:.17 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :072305 9100 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$908,200 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.78 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V Q:NE S:07 Ac:3.09 YB: : 072305 9105 :$1,210,900 T:23N R:05E Ph: 06 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 .9011 08 Sale Date :12/12/1996 Sale Price :$254,131 Asd.V :$5,036,200 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:12.39 YB:1962 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9027 00 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:3.91 YB: Ph: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 55 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner : Anmarco Site :900 Houser Way N Renton Mail :9125 lOth Ave S Seattle Wa 98108 Use :332 Misc,Right-of-way,Utility Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 3~ R/W ACROSS E Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 56 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 57 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 58 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 59 :Southporth Llc :1101 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton 98056 :10843 NE 8th St #200 Bellevue Wa 98004 :195 Ind,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 55 LOT 3 OF CITY Bth F3H: / / Stories:2 BldgSF:2,520 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Puget Western Inc :900 Houser Way N Renton :19515 North Creek Pkwy #310 Bothell Wa 98011 :332 Misc,Right-of-way,Utility :STR 082305 TAXLOT 56 N 200 FT OF Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Puget Sound Energy & Elec :900 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle 98144 :PO Box 90868 Bellevue Wa 98009 :332 Misc,Right-of-way,Utility :STR 082305 TAXLOT 57 IN GL 2-BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9033 02 Sale Date :12/19/2001 Sale Price Asd.V O:NW S:08 T:23N R:OSE Ac:3.73 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9055 05 Sale Date :11/19/1999 Sale Price :$7,100,000 Full Asd.V :$2,070,500 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:3.77 YB:1929 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9056 04 Sale Date :10/24/2000 Sale Price Asd.V :$714,600 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:OSE Ac:1.82 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9057 03 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac: .01 YB:Ph: :-------------------------------* Owner :Boeing Company The Parcel # :082305 9079 07 Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Sale Date Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Sale Price Use :245 Ind,~eavy Industrial Asd.V :$26,403,400 Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 79 POR GL 3 LY E O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,236,136c:31.89 YB:1956 Ph: # 60 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :-------------------------------* Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 79·POR GL 3 LY E Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:15,OOO # 61 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail:100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 79 POR GL 3 LY E Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:11,828 # 62 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 79 POR GL 3 LY E Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / St6ries:1 BldgSF:10,329 # 63 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Merlino Gary M Site :815 Houser Way N Renton 98055 Mail :815 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 Use :195 Ind,Warehouse Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 165 BEG ON c/L S Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:40,200 Parcel # :082305 9079 07 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$26,403,400 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:31.89 YB:1990 Ph: :----------~--------------------* Parcel # :082305 9079 07 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$26,403,400 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:31.89 YB:1961 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9079 07 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$26,403,400 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E AC:31.89 YB:1984 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price :082305 9165 :12/31/2002 Asd.V :$6,266,100 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:5.33 YB:1965 Ph: 02 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 64 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Merlino Gary M Site :815 Houser Way N Renton Mail :815 Houser Way N Renton 980~~~ut ~n'SS' Wa98055 Un~h ,le..3fo<l Use :195 rnd,Warehouse Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 165 BEG ON e/L S Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:81,474 # 65 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Merlino Gary M Site :815 Houser Way N Renton 98055 Mail :815 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 Use :195 rnd,Warehouse LgI :STR 082305 TAXLOT 165 BEG ON e/L S Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:3,648 # 66 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Baltimore Apartment Llc Site :919 Houser Way N Renton 98055 Mail :1915 SE Maple Valley Hwy Renton Wa 98055 Use :195 rnd,Warehouse Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 167 POR GL 1 BEG Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:12,500 # 67 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site . Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 68 :Howard Enterprises rnc :925 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :PO Box 79014 Seattle Wa 98119 :195 rnd,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 168 POR GL 1 BEG Bth F3H:. / / Stories:1 BldgSF:15,125 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Merlino Gary M Site :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 Mail :915 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 Use :195 rnd,Warehouse LgI :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 POR GL 1 BEG Bedrm: Bth.F3H: / / Stories:l BldgSF:20,812 # 69 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 70 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 71 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: #72 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: :Merlino Gary M :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :915 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 rnd,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 POR GL 1 BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:7,722 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Merlino Gary M :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :915 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 Ind,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 POR GL 1 BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories:l BldgSF:l1,218 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Merlino Gary M :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :915 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 rnd,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 POR GL 1 BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories:l BldgSF:306 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Merlino Gary M :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :915 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 Ind,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 POR GL 1 BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories:l BldgSF:432 v :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9165 02 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$6,266,100 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:5.33 YB:1965 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9165 02 Sale Date :12/31/2002 sale Price Asd.V :$6,266,100 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:5.33 YB:1985 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9167 00 Sale Date :12/01/2000 Sale Price :$1,000,000 Full Asd.V :$668,700 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:.97 YB:1965 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9168 09 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$750,000 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:l.57 YB:1965 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9171 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,771,500 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:l.57 YB:1965 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9171 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,771,500 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:1.57 YB:2002 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price :082305 9171 :12/31/2002 Asd.V :$2,771,500 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:l.57 YB:2002 Ph: 04 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9171 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,771,500 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:1.57 YB:2002 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9171 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,771,500 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:l.57 YB:2002 Ph: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 73 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 74 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 75 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Merlino Gary M :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :915 Houser, Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 Ind,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 PORGL 1 BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories:2 BldgSF:3,264 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Merlino Gary M :915 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :915 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 Ind,warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 171 POR GL 1 BEG Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF:9,840 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Puget Sound Power & Light Co Site :920 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle 98144 Mail :PO Box 90868 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :266 Ind,Utility,Public Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 178 LOT A OF Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 76 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Boeing Co Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 77 :910 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle 98144 :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60906 :159 Pub,Parking,Associated :STR 082305 TAXLOT 187 POR OF GOV Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Aurora Acres Inc Site :903 Houser Way N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 15236 Seattle Wa 98115 Use :195 Ind,Warehouse Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 190 POR GL 1 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:10,800 # 78 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Aurora Acres Inc Sit,e : 903 Houser Way N Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 15236 Seattle Wa 98115 Use :195 Ind,Warehouse LgI :STR 082305 TAXLOT 190 POR GL 1 & Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:9,l14 # 79 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Puget Sound Energy & Elec Site :900 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle 98144 Mail :PO Box 90868 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :332 Misc,Right-of-way,Utility LgI :STR 082305 TAXLOT 191 LOT C OF Bedrm:' Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 80 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 81 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: :Merlino Gary M :833 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :833 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 Ind,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 193 COMM AT SW Bth F3H: r / Stories:1 BldgSF:41,250 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Merlino Gary M :851 Houser Way N Renton 98055 :851 Houser Way N Renton Wa 98055 :195 Ind,Warehouse :STR 082305 TAXLOT 194 COMM AT SW Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:28,480 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9171 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,771,500 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:1.57 YB:2002 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9171 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,771,500 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:1.57 YB:2002 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9178 07 Sale Date :12/14/1988 Sale Price :$30,000 Asd.V O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:7.67 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9187 06 Sale Date :12/14/1988 Sale Price :$30,000 Asd.V :$1,029,800 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.63 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9190 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,000,100 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:.80 YB:1971 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9190 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,000,100 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:.80 YB:1971 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9191 00 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.42 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9193 08 Sale Date : 12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$2,060,000 O:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:1.44 YB:1972 Ph: :-------------------------------* :082305 9194 :12/31/2002 Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,425,000 S:08 T:23N R:05E YB:1971 Ph: Q:NW Ac: .91 07 Information compiled from various sources, Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in thz's report. # 82 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 83 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Boeing Company The :800 Lake Washington Blvd S Seattle 98144 :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 :316 Vacant, Industrial :STR 082305 TAXLOT 204 POR BN RR . Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Merlino Gary M Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :316 Vacant, Industrial :STR 082305 TAXLOT 205 POR OF SE Use' Lgl Bedrm: # 84 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: # 85 Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Southport Llc :*no Site Address* Renton :10843 NE ~th St #200 Bellevue Wa 98004 :316 Vacant, Industrial :STR 082305 TAXLOT 216 LOT 4 OF Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Dash 80 Lp Site :800 Garden Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :440 N 1st St #200 San Jose Ca 95112 Use : 104 Com, Retail, Big Box'- Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 217 PORTION OF Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:151,840 # 86 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Gary Merlino Construction Co Inc Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :9125 lOth Ave S Seattle Wa 98108 Use :316 Vacant, Industrial Lgl :STR 082305 TAXLOT 218 PORTION OF Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 87 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner ;Merlino Gary M Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :316 Vacant, Industrial :STR 082305'TAXLOT 219 PORTION OF Use Lgl Bedrm: # 88 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 89 Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King :The Boeing Company :*no Site Address* Renton :PO Box 3703 Seattle Wa 98124 :316 Vacant, Industrial ' :STR 082305 TAXLOT 220 LOT 1 OF Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :PO Box 3703 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :316 Vacant, Industrial LgI :STR 082305 TAXLOT 221 LOT 2 OF Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 90 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :The Boeing Company Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :PO Box 3703 Seattle Wa 98124 Use :316 Vacant, Industrial LgI :STR 082305 TAXLOT 222 LOT 4 OF Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9204 05 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$2,319,700 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:7.10 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9205 04 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$339,900 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac : . 87 YB : Ph : :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V Q:NW S:08 Ac:6.81 YB: :082305 9216 :$3,561,800 T:23N R:05E Ph: 01 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9217 00 Saie Date :11/17/2000 Sale Price :$15,228,925 Full Asd.V :$17,925,900 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:21.37 YB:2002 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9218 09 Sale Date :10/19/2000 Sale Price :$63,684 Asd.V :$639,000 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:1.63 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9219 08 Sale Date :12/31/2002 Sale Price Asd.V :$541,000 Q:NW S:08 T:23NR:05E Ac:1.38 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :082305 9220 05 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,126,300 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.15 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V Q:NW S:08 Ac:4.74 YB: : 082305 9221 :$2,477,600 T:23N R:05E Ph: 04 :----------------~--------------* Parcel # :082305 9222 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$1,443,700 Q:NW S:08 T:23N R:05E Ac:2.76 YB: Ph: 03 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to' the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 91 *---------------------: Owner:Not Available From County Site:*no Site Address* Renton Mail :PO Box 47014 Olympia Wa 98504 Use :316 Vacant, Industrial LgI :LOT POR POR HARBOR OF LAKE MetroScan / King Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 92 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Washington State Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :PO Box 47014 Olympia Wa 98504 Use :316 Vacant, Industrial LgI :BLK C LAKE WASH SH LDS 3RD SUPL Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: # 93 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner : PI Flight Llc Rd-u.(nPtJi -M£irt-S$" Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #STOR Renton!r8055 UUh~ Mail :500 Perimeter Rd W #STOR Renton Wa 98055 1'I~oy Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar '~ 1 LgI :LOT UNIT STOR D LANE HANGAR Bedrm: BthF3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:153 # 94 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 95 :Buehler Ben M :500 Perimeter Rd W #C1 Renton 98055 :PO Box 1228 Issaquah Wa 98027 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :LOT UNIT 1 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,345 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Buehler Ben Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #STOR Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1228 Issaquah Wa 98027 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :LOT UNIT STOR A LANE HANGAR Bedrm: Bth F3H: /' / Stories:1 BldgSF:696 # 96 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Hitchings Scott A & Baumgartner M Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #C2 Renton 98055 Mail :3110 Douglas Ct SW Issaquah Wa 98027 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :LOT UNIT 2 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,345 # 97 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Williams Michael A & Laura De Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #C3 Renton 98055 Mail :8142 W Mercer Way Mercer Island Wa 98040 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :LOT UNIT 3 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,345 # 98 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 99 :Lane Hangar Association :500 Perimeter Rd W #C4 Renton 98055 :PO Box 937 Renton Wa 98057 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :LOT UNIT 4 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,285 *------------------~--: MetroScan / King Owner :Buehler W E/I L Trust Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #C5 Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1226 Issaquah Wa 98027 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :LOT UNIT 5 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,285 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :411710 0001 09 Sale Date' Sale Price Asd.V :$6,300,000 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:16.07 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :411710 0002 08 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$2,113,000 Q:NE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac:5.39 YB: Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0007 09 Sale Date :12/14/2000 Sale Price :$40,000 Full Asd.V :$1,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-----------~----------~-~------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :418230 0010 :06/22/1999 :$55,000 :$45,000 S:07 T:23N R:05E, 04 Q:SE Ac: YB:1987 Ph:425-641-3008 :----------------~--------------* Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :418230 0020 :06/22/1999 :$55,000 :$10,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E 02 Ac: YB:1987 Ph:425-641-3008 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0030 00 Sale Date :08/13/1999 Sale Price :$40,000 Asd.V :$45,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0040 08 Sale Date :06/18/1999 Sale Price :$40,000 Asd.V :$45,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0050 05 Sale Date :12/28/1999 Sale Price Asd.V :$45,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* :418230 0060 :08/29/2001 Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$45,000 S:07 T:23N R:05E YB:1987 Ph: Q:SE Ac: 03 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 100 Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 101 *---------------------: MetroScan / King :Goodfellow Malcolm :500 Perimeter Rd W #C6 Renton 98055 :3308 Fuhrman Ave E Seattle Wa 98102 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :LOT UNIT 6 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:1,285 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Vandermolen Robert & Marga R Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #B7 Renton 98055 Mail :11620 SE 47th PI Bellevue Wa 98006 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :LOT UNIT 7. LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bedrm: . Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 964 # 102 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm: # 103 :Lund James :500 Perimeter Rd W #B8 Renton 98055 :13913 209th Ave NE Woodinville Wa 98077 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :LOT UNIT 8 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:964 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Goodfellow Malcolm Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #B9 Renton 98055 Mail :3308 Fuhrman Ave E Seattle Wa 98102 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :LOT UNIT 9 LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:964 # 104 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Buehler Andrew Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #B10 Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 817 Issaquah Wa 98027 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar Lgl :LOT UNIT 10 LANE HANGAR Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:903 # 105 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Buehler Andrew Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #STOR Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 817 Issaquah Wa 98027 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :LOT UNIT STOR C LANE HANGAR Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:464 # 106 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner :Rose Ron Site :500 Perimeter Rd .W #B11 Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1666 Renton Wa 98057 Use :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar LgI :LOT UNIT 11 LANE HANGAR Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:903 # 107 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner : PI Flight Llc Re-\v.mtc\ UVl(\e\ive~Unilik -to Site :500 Perimeter Rd W #B12 Renton 98055 ~~ Mail :401 Parkplace Ctr #100A Kirkland Wa 98033 Use : 247 Ind,Air Terminal, Hangar 111~1d4- LgI : LOT UNIT 12 LANE HANGAR \ Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:903 # 108 *---------------------: MetroScan / King Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm: :Lane Company The :500 Perimeter Rd .W #OFFI Renton 98055 :PO Box 937 Renton Wa 98057 :247 Ind,Air Terminal,Hangar :LOT UNIT OFFICE LANE HANGAR Bth F3H: / / Stories:1 BldgSF:602 :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0070 01 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$45,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :----------------~--------------* Parcel # :418230 0080 09 Sale Date :06/22/1999 Sale Price :$35,000 Asd.V :$40,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0090 07 Sale Date :06/18/1999 Sale Price :$35,000 Asd.V :$40,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0100 05 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$40,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0110 03 Sale Date :06/18/1999 Sale Price :$50,000 Asd.V :$40,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0120 01 Sale Date :06/18/1999 Sale Price :$50,000 Asd.V :$10,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0130 09 Sale Date :06/18/1999 Sale Price :$35,000 Asd.V :$40,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N .R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* Parcel # :418230 0140 07 Sale Date :12/14/2000 Sale Price :$40,000 Full Asd.V :$40,000 Q:SE S:07 T:23N R:05E Ac: YB:1987 Ph: :-------------------------------* :418230 0150 :12/28/1999 Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price Asd.V :$14,000 S:07 T:23N R:05E YB:1987 Ph: Q:SE Ac: 04 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) Owner :Boeing Company R~e4 Site :N 6th St Renton II ..1;4, __ I ' .. I,ft_.(\,. Mail :999 3rd Ave Seattle Wa 98104 ~~l'~/~,WJ{)IDV¥' Use :180 Pub, parking, Commercial Lot Jj U Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: YB : Pool: *~---------------------------: MetroScan Owner :Woodall Wendell Gene 110 ' Si~e :618 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Ma~l :248 Union Ave NE Renton Wa 98059 / King (WA) Use :216 Ind,Service Bldg Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: 1972 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) It l Owner : Boeing Company Site :900 N 6th St Renton Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago 11 60606 Use :159 Pub,Parking,Associated Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: *---~------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) \l~ Owner :Woodall Wendell Gene Site :N 6th Park St Ave Renton Mail :248 Union Ave NE Renton Wa 98059 Use :180 Pub, Parking, Commercial Lot Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: YB: Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) ll3 Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: 1957 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) (I~ Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1966 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) liS" Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Bedrm: B'ath: TotRm: YB:1985 Pool: *------------:-----------------: MetroScan / King (WA) ;l~ Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1985 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) "i Owner : Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago 11 60606 Use :245 Ina,Heavy Industrial Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1957 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) I~ Owner :Boeing Company The Site :800 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :245 Ind,Heavy Industrial Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: 1954 Pool: l~ *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) \ -'Owner :Boeing Company Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :309 Vacant, Commercial Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: YB : Pool: Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9019 :10/18/1994 :$273,780 Full BldgSF: Ac: .44 :----------------* Parcel :082305 9030 Xfered :12/18/1996 Price Phone BldgSF:4,869 Ac:.35 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9037 :01/04/1995 :$4,050,000 Full BldgSF: Ac:3.86 :----------------* Parcel :082305 9127 Xfered :12/18/1996 Price Phone BldgSF: Ac:.22 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* : 082305 9152 BldgSF:322,237 Ac:24.96 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9152 BldgSF:144,681 Ac:24.96 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* : 082305' 9152 BldgSF:176,585 Ac:24.96 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9152 BldgSF:96,732 Ac:24.96 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* : 082305 9152 BldgSF:34,586 Ac:24.96 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9152 BldgSF:10,175 Ac:24.96 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9209 :10/18/1994 :$896,495 Full BldgSF: Ac: 1.44 Information compiled from various sources, Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) Owner :Nguyen Hoang Huy/Van B Site :544 Wells Ave N #A Renton r'w Mail: 544 Wells Ave N #A Renton Use :020 Res,Condominium 98055 Wa 98055 Bedrm:2 Bath:l.50 TotRm: YB:1999 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) Iz.-I Owner : Paccar Inc Site :1601 N 8th St Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1518 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :223 Ind,Industrial,Gen Purpose Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1959 Pool: *--------------------------~-: MetroScan / King (WA) Owner :Paccar Inc ''],.-].... Site: 1601 N 8th St Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1518 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :223 Ind,Industrial,Gen Purpose Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1972 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) Owner :Paccar Inc '~3 Site : 1601 N 8th St Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1518 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :223 Ind,Industri~I,Gen Purpose Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1993 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) ("'7' I. 0-:mer : Pac car Inc v~ S1te :1601 N 8th St Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1518 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :223 Ind,Industrial,Gen Purpose Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1993 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) "Owner :Paccar Inc ~S Site :1601 N 8th St Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1518 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :223 Ind,Industrial,Gen Purpose Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:YB:1973 Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) ~ Owner :Paccar Inc Site :1601 N 8th St Renton 98055 Mail :PO Box 1518 Bellevue Wa 98009 Use :223 Ind,Industrial,Gen Purpose Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1973 Pool: :----------------* Parcel :257021 0010 Xfered :01/26/1999 Price :$129,950 Full Phone :425-271-3709 BldgSF:l,078 AC:.ll :----------------* Parcel :722300 0010 Xfered Price Phone BldgSF:28,244 Ac:66.03 :----------------* Parcel Xfered :722300 0010 Price Phone BldgSF:7,440 Ac:66.03 :----------------* Parcel Xfered :722300 dOlO Price Phone BldgSF:312,273 Ac:66.03 :------~---------* Parcel Xfered Price :722300 0010 Phone BldgSF:5,OOO Ac:66.03 :----------------* Parcel Xfered Price Phone :.722300 0010 BldgSF: 20,373 Ac:66.03 :----------------* Parcel Xfered Price :722300 0010 Phone BldgSF:718 Ac:66.03 *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) :----------------* ~~ Owner :Jackpot Investments Inc ~n~ Parcel v Site :635 Park Ave N Renton 98055 ~Un~~~~Xfered Mail :1201 3rd Ave #3800 Seattle Wa 98101 1 nl ~~~IPrice Use : 106 Off, Office Building 1~'It>"" Phone : 722300 0105 :05/04/1992 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1988 Pool: BldgSF:181,277 Ac:9.71 *----.:-----------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) :----------------* _~ Owner :Jackpot Investments Inc Parcel :722300 0105 -~Site :635 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Xfered :05/04/1992 Mail: 1201 3rd Ave #3800 Seattle Wa 98101 Price Use :106 Off,Office Building Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB:1989 Pool: BldgSF:301,760 Ac:9.71 *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) :----------------* /A Owner :Boeing Company \1Y' Site :Garden 6 Ave Renton Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago Il 60606 Use :309 Vacant, Commercial Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: YB : Pool: Parcel Xfered Price Phone : 722300 0115 :12/15/1995 :$906,547 Full BldgSF: Ac:2.18 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *----------------------------: MetroScan I King (WA) ~D Owner :Boeing Company \~ Site :N 6th St Renton Mail :999 3rd Ave Seattle Wa 98104 Use :180 Pub, Parking, Commercial Lot Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: YB: Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan / King (WA) Owner :Woodall Wendell Gene \~\ Site :618 Park Ave N Renton 98055 Mail :248 union Ave NE Renton Wa 98059 Use :216 Ind/Service Bldg Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: *----------------------------: Owner :Boeing Company YB:1972 Pool: MetroScan I King (WA) \~lISite :900 N 6th St Renton 7 Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :159 Pub,Parking,Associated Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: *----------------------------: MetroScan I King (WA) Owner :Woodall Wendell Gene \t,~ Site :N 6th Park St Ave Renton \ Mail :248 Union Ave NE Renton Wa 98059 Use :180 Pub, Parking, Commercial Lot Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: \~v\;~~~-~~~~i~~-~~~~~~~--------: MetroScan I King (WA) Site :*no Site Address* Renton Mail :100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 Chicago II 60606 Use :309 Vacant, Commercial Bedrm: Ba th : TotRm: YB : Pool: Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9019 :10/18/1994 :$273,780 Full BldgSF.: Ac: .44 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9030 :12/18/1996 BldgSF:4,869 Ac: .35 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9037 :01/04/1995 :$4,050,000 Full BldgSF: Ac:3.86 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* :082305 9127 :12/18/1996 BldgSF: Ac: .22 Parcel Xfered Price Phone :----------------* : 082305 9209 :10/18/1994 :$896,495 Full BldgSF: Ac: 1. 44 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Jam Free Printing 'Use Avery® TEMPlATE 5160® I Southport LIe I 10843 NE 8th St #200 I Bellevue, W A 98004 I > ----- I The POBox I Seattle, I '----(LLC 1 289 Renton, ---, :- www.avery.com 1-80o-GO-AVERY I : I Bristol At Southport LIe I : 1083 Lake Washington Blvd N I Renton, W A 98056 I: I ./ '-" , I I: I ~~e II IiI / ' ' ----"Iii I ~e i 1 II I ./ ' \-" /' I i I; I I I I' I! ! -<: I /'--- I I' The I PO III J: I ~, ;- 1'1' The I PO I: j ------/ \ \, "I ,/' I ,' L L C Bosair 'II 289 Perimeter Rd E I: Renton, W A 98055 I I:> --- ILL I 289 i I I, , , RdE 98055 RdE 98055 I AH3AV-09-00S-1. wm'ltlaAlrMMM -- ~ AVERV® 5160® I I, I' The Boeing Company PO Box 3707 I Seattle, WA 98124 ,I, I' ®09I.S 31VldWU fJltJaAv asn 6uPIIIIcI BaI:I war ~ I ) -<, I I -< I I ~ Jam Free Printing -www,avery,com ~ AVERY® 5160® . Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® -1-80D-GO-AVERY '\ I I' I I I: I I I II : I I II: I' / '"""',I Ii I: I I " , I! " . , i 'I " I I' ~ I . , I -,/ 289 : I I , , I , , I! I , <- I. , , i ! . /" Boeing Company The , Operation Ctr Facilities i I 100 N Riverside M C 5003-402 II 300 SW 7th St ' I I Chicago, IL 60606 Renton, WA 98055 ; ! : I III I, I I t \ ?"---, ---------_. ,/ , '- I City Of Renton 'I : i/ Federal Recovery Of Washington I I The 1055 S PO Box 68456 I M C 5003-402 l Seattle, WA 98168 Ii! 60606 I ;! I \, ' . Washington State I' j Boeing Company PO Box 47014 999 3rd Ave Olympia, W A 98504 I' ! Seattle, W A 98104 , I , >-'" --, -----1> I Northrn Santa Fe Burlington I I Wendell Gene Woodall I'i Anmarco PO Box 96189 II 248 Union Ave NE Ii 912510thAveS Fort Worth, TX 76161 ,I Renton, W A 98059 , Seattle, WA 98108 1'1 I II I, (---------, ,- I Boemg Comp.ny Puget Western Inc lOON 19515 North Creek Pkwy #310 Bothell, WA 98011 11, , , ®09a.S ®AHBAV @ AH:lA'f/-09-o08-a. -®09a.S UYldWU ~aA'f/ asn wCD'AJeAB'MMM -6UP1llJd eaI:I wer Jam Free Printing , Use AV6't'j1J TEMPlA1E 5160® Sound Energy & Elec Puget PO Box 90868 Bellevue, W A 98009 l:enton, l Baltimore Apartment LIe 1915 SE Maple Valley Hwy Renton, WA 98055 & Donald Merlino N 98055 & Donald Merlino ayN 98055 I Aurora Acres Inc I PO Box 15236 Seattle, W A 98115 I: I i I '! i i 1 ' : I : i, I! --www.avery.com 1-8OO-GQ.AVERY I The Me 5003-402 60606 & Donald Merlino WayN I ,I i I I , I I , I The Me 5003-402 60606 The Me 5003-402 60606 Gary Merlino & Donald Merlino 815 HouserWayN I I ,I 98055 I Renton, WA 98055 /".- I I Howard Enterprises Inc I' PO Box 79014 Seattle, WA 98119 I /' & Donald Merlino ayN ; I I' : -.;' I ';- 'I i' Boeing lOON , I I J' l " ! ' 98055 AH3I\V-09-008-L WO)',(aeAe'MMM -- ! I , i , 1 I I I i I ,I " ' i I & Donald Merlino N 5 Donald Merlino N 5 5 5 ®09LS 3.L'Ifldllll3.L ~a"v asn 6UI~1Jd HI::! wer ~ I ~ I I I -<-I Jam Free Printing 'U!ie Avwyfi> TEMPLATE 5160® I, ( - Southport LIc 1 10843 NE 8th St #200 Bellevue, W A 98004 I '(- The Boeing Company I PO Box 3703 Seattle, W A 98124 Hoang Huy & Van Nguyen 544 Wells Ave N #A Renton, W A 98055 PI Flight LIc 500 Perimeter Rd W #STOR Renton, WA 98055 Scott & Baumgartner Hitchings 3110 Douglas Ct SW Issaquah, W A 98027 W E & I L Buehler PO Box 1226 Issaquah, W A 98027 '> . ------ I f James Lund 13913 209th Ave NE I Woodinville, W A 98077 (A~dr~w Bu~hler PO Box 817 I Issaquah, W A 98027 i '> . -. r Lane Company The PO Box 937 Renton, W A 98057 --www.avery.com 1-80Q.G().AVERY I , ' 80 Lp Dash 440 N 1 st St #200 San Jose, CA 95112 /' , I I Not Available From I I i I II I ' I " i I Ben Buehler I PO Box 1228 I Issaquah, W A 98027 I i I I Michael & Laura De Williams I I 8142 W Mercer Way I :! Mercer Island, W A 98040 / i I, 'II' Malcolm Goodfellow II' 3308 Fuhrman Ave E 1 I Seattle, W A 98102 I, I' I .' 1 > 'I,. Malcolm Goodfellow 'i 3308 Fuhrman Ave E I I' Seattle, WA 98102 , 'I , I I , , , , --' I >- 'I i Ron Rose I ,I PO Box 1666 ! I; Renton, W A 98057 I! ' I 'II ill Jackpot Investments Inc I I 1201 3rd Ave #3800 I, I Seattle, WA 98101 : I AH3AV-09-008-1. wcmtaaAe·MMM -- I /1 I I I I I' I Ii I Gary Merlino 9125 1 Robert & Marga Vandermolen 11620 SE 47th PI : i 1 Bellevue, W A 98006 J I PI Flight LIc i I 401 Parkplace Ctr #100A Kirkland, W A 98033 , ; ®09I.S llVldWll t1foaAv asn 6up&l1Ad eaI:i wer .J \ I I <- I I , ---< 'I Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RELEASE OF EASEMENT Pro'ect File #: RE-04-001 CITY OF RENTON R PAGE001 OF 003 07/18/2006 08:59 KING COUNTY, lolA Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0020; 088660-0030 Street Intersection: Garden Ave N btwn N 8th St & Park Ave N Reference l'Iumber(s) of Documents assigned or released: 20011205003129 . . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1. The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation 2. Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore,a Delaware Limited Liabili Co The Grantor is the owner of an easement acquired from THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware Comoration dated on November 6,2000, as recorded under King County Recording Number 20011205003129 of King County, State of Washin on, over real ro ert described below: A utility easement over a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. (Please see attached Exhibit A for complete legal description.) . ., • ,; I , .. ; :: 'i~"; ',':/:'. The CITY OF RENTON does hereb abandon and release all n hts ac Ulred under above des be·· ment. o . -./> .. , "'. ';' •• -111 •••• '. ~~...,. ,.. . IN WITN~S WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to b executed b the;i.J.~{Y .li~d~Ci~le~k this Itl day of ~ ,201L' . :: ".J. ": (; \ MAYOR K hy Keolk~~.·· ~, 0".. I . . ~a:..l. ~~/. CITY CLERK Bonnie I. Walton •... '., ....... . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolker and Bonnie Walton are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the MAYOR, and the CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON, to be the free and volunt ry act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. EXCISE T~'( NOT ReqUIRED King Co. Recorda DIVISion ~y ~~ J\\ -0\ , Deputy "A"VO ,.. Md~O~ .-' EXHIBIT A EASEMENT PARCEL3B·3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 38 RENTON, WA THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: c:.n COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF· NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" C'<I EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE ;; NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE M"ONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- .~ WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30" WEST fJ"7 ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 378.29 FEET; THENCE AT A ~ RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 30.00 FEET TO .... -THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUEaPOINT OF .:... BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 18° 00' 30" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN :::::. :e OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, 31.79 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18° 00 I 30" WEST, 26.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 10' 26" EAST 15.85 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 438 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Prepared By: Duane Hartman & Associates. Inc. Job No.: 00-146 June 27. 2001 <r N -,.,. () .0 aI\ .s - EXHIBITB PROPOSED PARCEl. 38-2 PARKING LOT 38 PARCB.. 3 OF LOT 38, EXHBTTO Ace<:MPN« EASEtSlT FOR PUBUc SANITARY SEWei 8Y8TEM' set/4. tlNt/4. SEC. e. T23N. R5E, WM. PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 PROPOSED PARCEl 38-3 N18tJO'JO·W 19.06' S71"59'Jp· . 15.00 518'OO'30·E 14.00' S71"59'3O-W S STREET MONUMENT IN CASE 30.00' • SS MANHOl.E --PROPERTY UNE ~fASSfENT N. 8TH ST. PREPARED BY: DUANE HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES 01/11/01 ·' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way' Renton, W A 98055 RELEASE OF EASEMENT Pro'ect File #: RE-04-001 Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0020 Street Intersection: Park Ave N & Garden Ave N Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 20011205003128. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1. The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation 2. Transwestem Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited Liabili Co The Grantor is the owner of an e~ement acquired from THE BOEING COMPANY. a Delaware Corooration dated on June 18.2001, as recorded under King County Recording Number 20011205003128 of King County, State of Washin ton, o.v.er real ro ert described below: A utility easement over a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. (Please see attached Exhibit A for complete legal description.) IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to be exec ted by this Id. day of 9"4 ' 2006 _--=I~~f:1-..J!::.~~~~~,...:....:--"7'·· .• :. . MAYOR a thy Keoli: . • : u;;l ... LJ _ J . 0 _ ~A/J.:,. . 'fOd1tA1..,U'J. ~ . ({) ..... :" / CITY CLERK Bonnie 'r. W~~tOi1''''''~;>,;, ", «7 J. . .,'.i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS .... • •••.. ; .... ;/;;..' COUNTY OF KING ) ... I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolker and Bonnie Walton are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the MAYOR, and the CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON, to be the free and oluntary act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. EXCISE TAX NOT REOUIRED ,King Co. Rt.lCOrds Division 'By, . M "'-I ~ tv\. J DtpUty o~" to ,;1 (VIf~ EXHIBIT A EASEMENTPARCEl3B4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING lOT 3B RENTON, WA A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M .• KING COUN1Y, WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING 7.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF ;. NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" () EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE o NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF-an WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30" WEST ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 1414.93 FEET; THENCE AT A o RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30;' WEST, 41.70 FEET TO l'I THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 80° 15' -11" WEST, 34.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF PROPOSED PARCEL 2 --o AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 800 15' 11" WEST, 15.63 Q FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE; N THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED AS REQUIRED TO TERMINATE ON THE BOUNDARIES OF PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED. (A PORTION OF BOEING'S PARKING LOT 3B) CONTAINING 235 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. PrepamdBy: Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No.: 00-146 May 24,2001 Revised: November 19, 2001 / S79'32'58"£ 12.00' EXHIBITB R=527.62 PROPOSED LOT 4 L=B7.53 120,309 sq.ft. Delta=09'JO'20· 2.762 acres , 5.00' 9'03'IB'£ Noo'29'31"E, 427.34 N. 8TH ST. LEGEND ~ srnm MONUMENT IN rASE • SS WlNHOLE PROPERlY UNE ~ fASEMENT N89' 1 0 26"W 513.88' EXHI8IT MAP EASEtwelT PARCEl.. .38-4 PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER 8Y8TBA QLt tm1/4, SEC. 8, T23N, R5E, W.u. {\" ' -, ;',' ~\, ,-'\-\ Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 III 7180001 CITY OF RENTON PREL PAGE00! OF 003 87/18/Z806 08:59 J(ING COUNTY, lolA 34.88 ,PARTIAL RELEASE OF EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0020; 088660-0030 Project File #: RE-04-00 I Street Intersection: Garden Ave N btwn N 8th 8t & Park Ave N Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned OT released: 8805190541, Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1. The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation 2. Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited Liability Company The Grantor is the owner of an easement acquired from THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware Comoration, acting through its division, BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES dated on May 2, 1988, as recorded under King County Recording Number 8805190541' of King County, State of Washington. The CITY OF RENTON does hereby abandon and release all rights acquired under a portion of the above referenced utilities easement, said portion being described as follows: An easement for ingress, egress, and waterline utilities, over, under, across or upon and lying 7 and 112 feet on each side of the following described centerline, as located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Described as follows: Commencing at the North 000 31'42" East along said west margin of Garden Avenue North, a distance of253.22 feet, to a point of curvature to the left; Thence northerly along said westerly margin and along said curve to the left having a radius of850.00 feet through a central angle of 13 °29'00", an arc length of200.03 feet to the Point of Beginning for said centerline description; Thence North 89°00'00" West, a distance of215.50 feet; Thence North 01°00'00",East, a distance of360.00 feet; Thence North 89°00'00" East, a distance of70.00 feet, to the terminus of said centerline description. But this release shall not impair the utilities easement rights acquired and recordedtmder King County Recording No. 8805190541 as to the utilities easement not hereby released. Except as explicitly released by this document, the remaining City easement rights shall remain in full force and effect. J.cC>ra -00 9;}-- PARTIAL RELEASE OF EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0020; 088660-0030 Pro'ect File #: RE-04-001 Street Intersection: Garden Ave N btwn N 8th St & Park Ave N Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 8805190541. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 3. The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation 4. Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited Liabili Co ", ..... ··.·."i .... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to be e ecuted by the Mayor~~riC-.;~ this /~ 'I" day of 7fd¥ ,200t? A . .~J:; •• ~~: •...... ~ y" MA YOR athy K~.nll!r:··"!;<{ '-: '; . ~"W~LLJ~!: CITY CLERK Bonnie r;,nof( ».: ... ..,.~ .... :' .. . . < .... "wI/.-. ·-!te •••• ~ G.' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS "~": I ,J" '1 t' '. COUNTY OF KING) ·".,.C':"" I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolker and Bonnie Walton are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the MAYOR, and the CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON, to be the free and volu ry act of such parties for he uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ) , " J , ~ EXHIBIT A I I . \ I \ } l:tj \ x III H ~ til I H I t-3 ~ )I I \ f Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RELEASE OF EASEMENT Pro'ect File #: RE-04-001 '. Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0030 Street Intersection: N Sib St btwn Park Ave N & Garden Ave N Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 8811300191. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): l. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation l. The Boeing Company 2. Transwestem Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited Liabili Co The Grantor is the owner of an easement acquired from THE BOEING COMPANY. acting through its division BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY dated on October 3, 1988, as recorded under King County Recording Number 8811300191 of Kin Count, State of Wash in ton, over real ro rt described below: A utility easement over a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W,M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, (Please see attached Exhibit A for complete legal description,) The CITY OF RENTON does hereb abandon and release all ri hts ac uired under above described easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to be e this JJ-M. dayof 0uL.t ,20t¥, r--M--A-Y--O--R.L~~~--.J~~~:;.::!+!:~~-"":'; ~:. , .. CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolker,and BonnieWaIton are. the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowled ed it as the MAYOR, and the CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON,to be the free and volu ry act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. No Public in and for eState of Washington No ry(Print) .JA $bn A. S-c...ti--t My appointment expires: t.,iz '31 zoo '9 Dated: '7/1 'Z-Zoot;;,' I ~c::t:::G-00 ~. EXCISE TA)( NOT REQUIRED King Co. Aocords Division By slW I ~ ~V\ . Deputy OfoV 0>' ~ ,x.rj.\'O)$l? EXHIBITB SITE ~ CITY iff·· OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS EXHIBIT $CAlL: N[)NE """-SKEiT: I or: I ------- EXHIBIT A THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89°27'25" EAST 291.65 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID SOUTH LINE ALSO BEING THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTH EIGHTH STREET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 'BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89°27'25" EAST' 15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0032'35"EAST 38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°27'25" WEST 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°32'35" wEST 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. " t ,',' ., , \, Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RELEASE OF EASEMENT Pro'ect File #: RE-04-001 Property Tax Parcel ~umber: 088660-0020; 088660-0030 Street Intersection: Garden Ave N btwn N 8th St & Park Ave N Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 20011205003130. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1. The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation 2. Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited Liabili Co --"==-"-==-'=-"""""'-of King County, State of A utility easement over a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North; Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. (Please see attached Exhibit A for complete legal description.) The CITY OF RENTON does hereb abandon and release all ri ts ac wred under above described easement. ,~v . ~~ .. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to e executed b the Ma~ Olt.city£lerk this 1«1t' day of ~ ,200&,' ~,;;~.; __ ~ " MAYOR Kathy Keol .'1/ t. . ,~~t~ __ --=&~~Lf1~IO:!<~Rf:I::/;...· .J:::";'--II:::M~~==:;"':~·~;......Jo"'-' .... j--:, • .:.-",,,,, CITY CLERK Bonnie I. ~~~n . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ." ••.. i;~' COUNTY OF KING) . ..' I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolk\!l' and Boimie Walton are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the MAYOR, and the. CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON, to be the free and volun act of such parties for t e use and purposes mentioned in the instrument. EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co. Rocords Division By M I~ ,,~ .Oeputy OJ,l\J fO ~ MEAOtPt EXHIBIT A EASEMENT PARCEL 3B·2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA " f ' . THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., DESCRIBED AS , FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF en· NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" G""I' -EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE Pl· c:.;, NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT~OF- , ~, WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 3~'' WEST Cl ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 378.29 FEET; THENCE AT A !.::" RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 30.00 FEET TO -: THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF ~ BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89° 10' 26" WEST, 15.85 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18° ~ ~O' 30" WEST, 379.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 10' 26" EAST 15.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18° 00' 30" EAST ALONG·SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, 379.10 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 5,686 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. prepared By: Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. ( Job No.: 00-146 . November 27, 2000 Revised June 27, 2001 .J ,'( , )" , '" .. - .", o o N EXHIBITB PROPOSED PARCEl. 38-2 PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 PROPOSED PARCEl 38-3 N89., O'26·W ~ P.O.B • $ STRfET 1of0000IlEHT IN CASE • SS MmHOl£' ---~UNE ~ fASEJ,lEHT PAACB.. 2 OF LOT 3B, EXHBrT TO A~N« EASa.4ENT FOR PUBLIC SANTARY 8EYt'Bl 8Y8TBA SE1/4, tNi1/4, SEC. 8, T23N, R5E. WJI.. ~ ~ '}.o' 6\J N. 8TH ST. 'PREPARED BY: DUANE HAR1l.fAN &: ASSOCIATES --_ ..... " .. -... , ... ---_ ..... _ .. " .. -" ...... _-_.--_ .. -..... .. ----------._----.. -." .. -. 01/11/01 \ r -.-.-.----------------- ----------------Return Address: - City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0030 Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 9607220167_ Grantor(s): Graotee(s): 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1. -The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation -2. Transwestem Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited The Grantor is the owner of an easement acquired from THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware Corooration dated on July 12, 1996 , as recorded under King County Recording Number 9607220167 of King County, State of Washington, over real described below: A utility easement over a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. (Please see attached Exhibit B for complete legal description.) The CITY OF RENTON does abandon and release all IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to be ,,~"u,,_.u this /:1.~ day of ~4t ' 201)/0 MAYOR CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolker and Bonnie Walton are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the MAYOR, and the CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON, to be the free and act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. EXCISE TAX {\IOT REQUIRED King Co. Rocords Dlvisl~n J~, \A EXHIBIT A TIIE BOEING COMPANY SUBJECT PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Those portions of Government Lots I, 2 and 3 and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park A venue N. (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2-A and Lake Washington Boulevard N.); Thence North 00° 56' 41" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 1284.03 feet, to an intersection with the southerly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway No.1 (SR 405) North Renton Interchange as condemned in King County Superior Court Cause Number 656127; Thence South 89° 03' 19" East along said southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 15.00 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the right from whence the center bears South 89° 03' 19" East, a distance of 527.62 feet; Thence northeasterly along said curve, a distance of 394.57 feet, to the point of tangency; Thence North 43° 47' 34" East, a distance of 121.67 feet; Thence North 82° 04' 59" East, a distance of 48.41 feet; Thence South 46° 12' 26" East, a distance of 42.25 feet, to the westerly margin of Garden Street North ill the City of Renton; Thence leaving the southerly right-of-way line of said Primary State Highway No. I, South 18° 00' 38" East along the westerly margin of Garden Street North, a distance of 1249.79 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 850.00 feet; Thence southerly along .said curve and said westerly margin, a distance of 275.03 feet, to a poin~ of tangency; Thence South 00° 31' 42" West along said westerly margin; a distance of253.22 feet;-1o the south ~itie of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West along said south line and along the south line of said Government Lot 3 in said Section 8, a distance of 77 1.25 feet, to the point of beginning; LESS that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly margin of said Renton North Interchange of SR-405 opposite centerline station 0+95 of A-line, as shown on sheet 2 of 5 of plans thereof as approved April 27, 1965, said point being on a 527.96 foot radius curve, the center of which bears South 79° 32' 24" East; Thence northeasterly along said easterly margin and said curve, a distance of307.15 feet; Thence North 43° 47' 34" Eastalong said easterly margin, a distance of 121.67 feet, to an angle point in said margin; Thence North 82° 04' 59" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 19.34 feet, to a line parallel with and 57.00 feet distant from, as measured at right angles, said centerline of A-line; Thence South 43° 47' 34" West along said parallel line, a distance of 136.87 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the left with a radius of 515.96 feet; J , ,- .' '; ~ Thence southwesterly along said curve, a distance of 300.17 feet, to a point which bears South 79° 32' 24" East from the point of beginning; . ThenCe North 79° 32' 24" West, a distance of 12.00 feet, to the point of beginning; and LESS that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government lot 3, a distance of 25.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of3 .63 feet; Thence South 47° 48' 53" East, a distance of 5.46 feet, to an intersection with said south line or said Government Lot 3; - Thence North 89° 28' 18" West, along said south line, a distance of 4.11 feet, to the point of beginning; and LESS that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 497.03 feet; Thence South 89° 03' 24" East, a distance of 10.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00°56'41" Bast, a distance of'66.49 feet; Thence South 03° 46' 47" East, a distance of24.28 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of28.00 feet; ThenC6-Soutil08° 54' -52" West, a distance of 14.43 feet, to the point of beginning. EXHIBITB Penn anent sanitaJy sewer easement across Boeing property (described in Exhibit A): Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2-A and Lake Washington Boulevard N.) Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 25.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of2.00 feet; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, a distance of27.00 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of 2.00 feet, to an intersection with the south line of said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West along said south line, a distance of 27.00 feet, to the point of beginning; LESS that portion lying within the following described parcel in Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington; Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 25.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of3.63 feet; Thence South 47° 48' 52" East, a distance of 5.46 feet, to an intersection with said south line of said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West, along said south line,adistance of 4.11 feet, to the point of beginning. Tempormy ingress/egress easement across Boeing property (described in Exhibit A); Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, with the easterly margin of Park A venue North; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Goverrunent Lot 3, a distance of 25;00 feet; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of I 02.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence continuing North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of28.00 feet; Thence South 89° 03' 19" East, along a line at right angles to the previous given bearing, a distance of 33.00 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of 46.00 feet; Thence North 89° 03' 19" West, a distance of28.00 feet; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of 18.00 feet; Thente North 89° OJ' 19" West, a distance of5.00 feet, to the point of beginning. Temporary ingress/egress eaSement shall expire July 31, 1997. , J , -, . ,:' . " .J _ " THE BOEING COMPANY SUBJECT PARCEL C t 1 of z Illiust. IIII[] N 4th St. o 800 1600 I J J j 1:9600 9t1. ft SANITARY SEWERS + lID + D. OII'Isrensen ~ R. MocOnle, D.Visnosld 18 Juno 1996 , ,J .., -. --.,~----------- ..-( '<:j< CD lD b o Z SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS EXHIBIT C Sheet 2 of 2 5.46' 2' r 771.25' NB9'2B'18"W 8th ~'\\SSl Temporary Ingress/Egress. Easement 17///'//1 Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement ,:J' , ,.""'\' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton IIUllllj I 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 CITY OF RENTON R PAGE001 OF 003 07/18/Z006 08:59 KING COUNTY, lolA 8000195 34.00 Property Tax Parcel Number: 088660-0020 Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 20011205003127. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1. The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation 2. Transwestem Harvest Lakeshore, a Delaware Limited The Grantor is the owner ofan easement acquired from THE BOEING COMPANY. a Delaware COIporation dated on June 18. 200 I , as recorded under King County Recording Number 20011205003127 of King County, State of The. over real described below: A utility easement over a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East;W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. (Please see attached Exhibit A for complete legal description.) OF RENTON does abandon and release all oh1·., ·",.nl11r~·t1 under above IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this instrument to this I~-(I>. day of 9'd'f ,20-", '. . . MAYOR Keol~1 " L~ '. &Llu'd. t.d~(/-...... . CITY CLERK Bonnj;'~~"';'~': • ", STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS .,,; ............ . COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kathy Keolker and Bonnie Walton are the persons who appeared before me. and said persons acknowledged that they signed this . on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the instrument and ackno\1(ledge9 it as the MAYOR. and the CITY CLERK, CITY OF RENTON. to be the free vohmtarlf/ act of such parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED Kjng Co. R~ords Division By--!.~M=-·~-!..)~~"---:;.v1--::-:::-,' Deputy ;vtbIl'06(\ EXHIBIT A EASEMENT PARCEL 3B-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING 7.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: t-.... COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF ~ NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" ~ EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE ~ NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- c:::> WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30" WEST c-." ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 1414.93 FEET; THENCE AT A ..... RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 41.70 FEET TO ;; THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF ~ BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 80° 15' 11" WEST, 34.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF PROPOSED PARCEL 1 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE; THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED AS REQUIRED TO TERMINATE ON THE BOUNDARIES OF PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED. (A PORTION OF BOEING'S PARKING LOT 3B) CONTAINING 513 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Prepared By: Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No.: 00-146 May24,2oo1 Revised: November 19, 2001 - --' o o N EXHIBITB PROPOSED LOT I 93,865 sq.ft. 2.154 oa-es N89'IO'26"W 513.88' EXHIBIT MAP EA8BAENT PARCEL. 38-1 PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER 8Y8TBA GLt tfN1/4, SEC. e. T23N, R5E, W.M. NOO'29'31"E. 427.34 N. 8TH ST. SCALE I "= I DO' LEGEND & STREET UONUUENT IN CASE • SS MANHOLE PROPERlY UNE ,f , March 13, 2006 Community Services: 2006 State Youth of the Year, Boys & Girls Club ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of 3/612006 Development Services: The Landing ROW Dedications L-lAf1-Dt-t-O&\ , EDNSP: Urban Planning Consultant Roster, 2006-2009 Public Works: Transportation Systems Director Position Reclassification, Deputy Administrator Hire at Step E CAG: 03-160,2006 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program, King County Grant Renton City Council Minutes Page 64 Councilman Persson noted that the cable franchise fees the City receives are funding the renewal process. Daniel Johnson, President/CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of King County, reported that last Tuesday at the Governors mansion, Governor Gregoire announced that 2006 King County Youth of the Year Kelly Barefield was selected as the 2006 State Youth of the Year for the Boys & Girls Clubs. He stated that Ms. Barefield competed against 20 organizations around the State, and will go on to compete at the regional level. Mr. Johnson introduced Ms. Barefield, saying that she is a senior at Renton High School, is involved in many activities, and is a volunteer and active member of the Renton/Skyway Boys & Girls Club. Ms. Barefield described the obstacles she and her family have overcome, and she credited the Boys and Girls Club for helping her realize her self-worth and potential. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2006 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Washington State Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing on March 22nd at the Renton Senior Activity Center to receive comments on a recently issued Environmental Assessment of the planned 1- 405 Renton to Bellevue project, which includes safety and congestio~, relief improvements along 1-405 from SR-169 to 1-90. {, * The Recreation Division's Special Olympic Basketball Teams, a total of 32 athletes, recently participated in the State tournament in Wenatchee. Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 3/6/2006. Council concur. \ Development Services Division recommended acceptance of right-of-way dedications for N. 6th St., N. 8th St., N. 10th St., Logan Ave. N., and Park Ave. N. for The Landing site development project, to fulfill a requirement of the Boeing Development Agreement. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department requested approval of the 2006-2009 consultant roster, listing 42 firms, for urban planning and related disciplines. Council concur. PlanninglBuildinglPubIic Works Department recommended approval to' reorganize the PlanningiBuildinglPublic Works Department by reclassifying the Transportation Systems Director position to Deputy Administrator - Transportation, grade m45. Approval was also sought to hire Peter Hahn as the Deputy Administrator -Transportation at Step E of the salary range, effective ,311612006. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment No.3 to CAG- 03-160, King County-Suburban City contract, accepting $22,993.95 for Renton's 2006 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. Council concur. (See page 65 for resolution.) CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: DeptlDi v!Board .. Staff Contact.. .... Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 For Agenda of: March 13, 2006 Agenda Status Consent. ............ . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of rights-of-way dedicated to the City of Correspondence .. Ordinance ............ . Renton as part of the Landing Development Project. Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Legal Descriptions Exhibit Maps Development Agreement, Article 4.1.6: Arterial Rights of Way, Page 10; Exhibit 2. Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/ A Old Business ....... . New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept. ...... . Finance Dept. ... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment. ..... Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X Areas to be dedicated will include portions ofN 6th St., N. 8th St., N. 10th St., Logan Ave N. and Park Ave N. as described in the attached dedication documents. These dedications are a requirement of the Boeing Development Agreement. The right-of.;.way dedications will allow the City to proceed with the construction of these roadways. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional rights-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deeds of Dedication. C:\Documents and Settings\mpetersen\Local Settings\TemplLanding 0 I m AGNBILL.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Project File #: Property Tax Parcel Number: Street Intersection: Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Boeing Airplane Co. Grantee(s): 1. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutua! benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Annroved and Accented Bv: Grantor(s): Boeing Airplane Co. Grantee(s): City of Renton Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Sea! must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: C:ColsonIForrn-DEED-Corp.Doc\ CoR Page 1 FORM 07-15-05 , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box C:ColsonIForm-DEED-Corp.Doc\ CoR INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _____ _ entand --::_~_:___:_:___:_--:-:-:--,-:--__:_------signed this instrum acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print} _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATWE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _____ _ ent, on oath _--::_:_-:--_:_--:----,-----:----:---::----signed this instrum stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ___ -:- of to be the free and voluntary act of su party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ch On this ___ day of _____ , 19 __ , before me personally a ppeared e known to _________________________ tom tion that be of the corpora executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to b and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute instrument and that the seal afflxed is the corporate seal of said corporatio e the free therein said n. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print} ______________ __ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: Page 2 FORM 07-15-05 , NORTH 6TH STREET DEDICATION ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, LYING WITIIIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST MARGIN OF LOGAN A VENUE NORTH WITH THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTH 6TH STREET, SAID INTERSECTION BEING 50.00 FEET WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF LOGAN A VENUE NORTII AND 30.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET, THENCE SOOD27'48"W ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 63.93 FEET; THENCE N89°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 4.00 FEET; THENCE NOoo27'48"E A DISTANCE OF 2753 FEET; THENCE N58D37'17"W A DISTANCE OF 42.S1 FEET; THENCE 888°11 '13"W A DISTANCE OF 163.04 FEET; THENCE N77D59'43"W A DISTANCE OF 68.60 FEET; THENCE N89D47'Og"W A DISTANCE OF 5.38 FEET; THENCE NOOD I2'52"E A DISTANCE OF6.13 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH MARGIN; THENCE S89°47'08"E ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 276.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 4,909 S.F. 2128/2006 :. .. -.. .• '.I'\~. ,. f I N 6th ST DEDICA TlON BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REG. NO. 20041223000856 "~'~'~~~~~JV~1 Il~~ , ----TR. 'F' I <: I ~ I ~ I ~ ! ~ LOT 4 LOT 3 TR. 'E' I TR. 'N' TR. 'L' I ~~~~~~~~rr=o=:.4 ~ _____ ~_;;;_~ LOT 5 I I I I l-J I I I r-----itl I I I I r------'li t-- I I I:c= I I~ I~ I~ I~ 10 I I I ~ I :3 N 6TH ST ~ " t--I I -.::::::::=::-,-r nlF-=m=-=rrr--, r,--, I --___ :..I ~ N I SCALE 1 "=400' NORTH 8TH STREET DEDICATION ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, LYING WITHIN THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRACTS 'B', 'L' AND 'Q' OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 225 OF PLATS AT PAGES 82-86, INCLUSIVE, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20041223000856. TOGETHER Wmf THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH 8TH STREET AND PARKA VENUE NORTH, BEING A MONUMENT IN CASE, THENCE S89°25'53"E ALONG THE MONUMENT LINE OF NORTH 8TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 56.67 FEET; THENCE S00034'07"W A DISTANCE OF 29.86 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTH 8TH STREET AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING S89°28 '22"E ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 362.90 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF GARDEN A VENUE NORTH; THENCE SOlo06'lO"W ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 39.71 FEET; THENCE N88°53'50"W A DISTANCE OF 3.30 FEET; THENCE NOIo06'lO''E A DISTANCE OF 14.21 FEET; THENCE N50019'51"W A DISTANCE OF 24.68 FEET; THENCE N89°25'S3"W PARALLEL TO AND 39.50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE MONUMENT LINE OF NORTH 8TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 327.85 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HA VlNG A RADIUS OF 27.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89°35'36" AN ARC LENGTH OF 43.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST MARGIN OF PARK. A VENUE NORTH; THENCE NOo058'31"E ALONG SAID EAST MARGINA DISTANCE OF 21.93 FEET; TIffiNCE N45°31'38"E A DISTANCE OF 21.21 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 3,984 S.F. TRACT 'B' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 11,011 S.F. TRACT 'L' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 7,624 S.F. TRACT 'Q' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 79,040 S.F. 2/28/2006 N 8th ST DEDICA TlON BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REC. NO. 20041223000856 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 3 , 1-----1/ ~ , I~ ,~ H===1I~ '0::: ~ ~~10 ~ r-~i <: 1-----1' o I o 1----1., t N I -"':--~nlF-=m=-=m=--lrl--,-____ :!J SCALE 1"=400' I I i I I I I ! I I i I i i , I i I I I I I NORTH 10TH STREET DEDICATION BOEING TO CITY OF RENTON ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, LYING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRACT 'C' OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 225 OF PLATS AT PAGES 82-86, INCLUSIVE, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20041223000856. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF TRACT 'D' OF SAID BINDING SITE PLAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT. THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT "D', BEING A POINT ON THE WEST MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, THENCE NI8°00'30"W ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN AND TIlE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 'D' A DISTANCE OF 95.94 FEET; THENCE S26°59'55"W A DISTANCE OF 44.78 FEET; THENCE S71059'30''W A DISTANCE OF 364.69 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 360.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18°34'37" AN ARC LENGTH OF 116.88 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE N89°25'S3"W A DISTANCE OF 22,43 FEET; THENCE N45°55'45"W A DISTANCE OF 40.08 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 'D';' THENCE SOoo56'42"W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 'D' A mST ANCE OF 134.22 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 'D'; THENCE N44°37'21"EALONGTHE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 'D' A DISTANCE OF 39.09 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS N02°04'22"W; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 439.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22°59'44", AN ARC LENGTH OF 176.39 FEET; TIlENCE TANGENT TO TIlE PRECEDING CURVE N64°55'54"E A DISTANCE OF 235.33 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 560.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7°03'36" AN ARC LENGTII OF 69.06 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE N71 °59'30"E A DISTANCE OF 46.69 FEET; THENCE S63°01 '46"E A DISTANCE OF 51.32 FEET TO TIlE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 30,839 S.F. TRACT 'C' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 72;299 S.F. 2/2812006 I I j I I I ~-----. __ .-.. _-----_._-_._- N 10th ST DEDICA TlON BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING . BINDING SITE PLAN REG. NO. 20041223000856 BOEING TO CITY OF RENTON LOT 4 ----_.------~----- '0 ~~ ,0 ~~ ,")7 ~~ sr~~ \ -z. ~ \ ~ , ~ I LOT 3 Q 1 I TR. 'N' YR. 'L' , ra~~~~~~~~~~ ~-----~-:;;-~ i i , l-• I 12: , I I _----4.1 I , I , I I I 3 N 6TH ~:!J --..;-. -lTrllF-==m=-==m=--1 rl--,I ----- SCALE 1"=400' LOT 5 • I--I I I I--I ~ N I I~ .« I~ ,0 I~ \ I I I, i ! I I \ 1 \ t LOGAN A VENUE NORTH DEDICATION ALL TIIAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, LYING WITHIN THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 8 AND THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAi\J"GE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRACTS 'A'AND 'G' OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 22S OF PLATS AT PAGES 82-86, INCLUSIVE, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 200412230008S6. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT 'C' OF SAID BINDING SITE PLAN, THENCE N52°46'IS"W A DISTANCE OF 50.50 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 'A'; THENCE N37°13 '42"E ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 5.25 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE, ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 984.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39°00' 14" AN ARC LENGTH OF 669.85 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1016.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1°58'41" AN ARC LENGTH OF 35.08 FEET; THENCE RADIAL TO THE PRECEDING CURVE N15044'45"W A DISTANCE OF 19.36 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE S70007'OS"W A DISTAi\lCE OF 105.30 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADTIJS OF 1050.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°53'23" AN ARC LENGTH OF 602.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 'P' OF SAID BINDING SITE PLAN,THENCE SOo022'56"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 'P' A DISTANCE OF 639.61 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADTIJS OF 597.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22°40'48" AN ARC LENGTH OF 236.32 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 533.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22°3S'06" AN ARC LENGTH OF 210.56 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE SOo02S'3S"W A DISTANCE OF 219.30 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH rvlARGIN OF NORTH 6TII STREET; THENCE N89°47'OS"W ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 101.14 FEET; TIiENCE N28°51 'OS"E A DISTANCE OF 77.60 FEET; THENCE NOoo22'S6"E A DISTANCE OF 145.44 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RlGHT HA VING A RADIUS OF 595.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22°59'01" AN ARC LENGTH OF 238.68 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURV A TORE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 535.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL At'\fGLE OF 22°59'01" AN ARC LENGTH OF 214.61 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE NOoo22'56"E A DISTANCE OF 506.48 FEET; THENCE NS9°37'04"W A DISTANCE OF 10.04 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS N87°12'ITW; 2/2812006 I I I J THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 47.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48°35'44", AN ARC LENGTH OF 40.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 'P'; TIlENCE NON-TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE NOo025'38"E ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 108.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE RADIUS POll\'T OF WHICH BEARS N01°04'40"W; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 27.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89°47'44", AN ARC LENGTH OF 43.10 FEET; THENCE NON-TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S86°42'1O"E A DISTANCE OF 10.57 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 'A' AND THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS S86°38'40"E; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 984.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2°16'55", AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.19 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 'A'; TIlENCE NON-TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S89°28'22"E ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, ALSO BEING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 'P', A DISTANCE OF 50.43 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. DESCRIBED PARCELS CONTAIN 3,833 S.F. AND 86,753 S.F RESPECTNELY TRACT 'A' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 142,870 S.F. TRACT 'G' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 1,979 S.F. 212812006 I I I I I ! I j I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I 'G') ~~ ,0 ~~ I"):>' '~'-"-I\~ ~ .-..~or, \ Z ~ , ~ , ~ , LOT J , Q 1 I TR. 'N' TR. 'L' I ~~~~~~~~~ ~-----~-;;-~ LOT 4 I I I I I l-1 I I I _---1.1 I I I ~ 1 ~ I I ~ I 3 N 6TH =:iJ II -';--1TnlF-T-=-W=--' f,--,I -----~ SCALE 1"=400' I I 1 I I i--I 1 r--I 1 I~ 1 I~ LOT 5 ~ N t PARK AVENUE NORTH DEDICATION ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITIJATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, LYING WITHIN THE WEST HALF OF SECTION· 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRACTS 'B' AND 'F' OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 225 OF PLATS AT PAGES 82-86, INCLUSIVE, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20041223000856. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE EAST 12.00 FEET OF PARCEL 'A' OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 093-89, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 69 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 89-89A, INCLUSIVE, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 8911149006. DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 4,272 S.F. TRACT 'E' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 24,829 S.F. TRACT 'F' OF BINDING SITE PLAN CONTAINS 9,308 S.F. EXPIRES 2128/2006 7/12/01 l PARK A V£ N VACA TlON BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SIT£ PLAN REC. NO. 20041223000856 PARK A V£ N VA CA TION ~;c----:::.~'(L LOT 4 LOT 5 N6TH LOT 3 I 1------1 I <: I 1------11 ~ I~ '------II ~ IQ ,Il:: 1----1 0 I t+---II 1----11 ~I I -----~ ~ N I SCALE 1"=400' I I I i ! I I I I f I \ I I I ! Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Project File #: Property Tax Parcel Number: Street Intersection: Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Harvest Partners Grantee(s): 1. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal C~rporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quitclaims, dedicates and donates to the Grimtee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. ADD roved and Accented Bv: Grantor(s): Harvest Partners Grantee(s): City of Renton Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: C:ColsonIForm-DEED-Corp.Doc\ CoR Page I FORM 07-15-05 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box C:ColsonIFonn-DEED-COIp.Doc\ CoR INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ --:--__:__:_~:_____:__:___:___:_:___c__:_-___:-_:__--signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ----:-__:_-~_:_7:_--__:_----:-___:___::__--signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they waslwere authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ____ ___:--- of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of _____ , 19 __ , before me personally appeared ________ ~ _______________ tomeknownto be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed Of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: Page 2 FORM 07-15-05 NORTH 10TH STREET DEDICATION HARVEST PARTNERS TO CITY OF RENTON ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, LYING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 1,3 AND 4 OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 22S OF PLATS AT PAGES 82-86, INCLUSIVE, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 200412230008S6, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, THENCE S07°53 '04"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 44.75 TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS N37°0S'45"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 410.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11 °11'46", AN ARC LENGTH OF 80.22 FEET TO TIlE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGTh'NING, CONTINUING ALONG SAID ARC THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34°49'28" AN ARC LENGTH OF 249.50 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE NSt °07'31 "E A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET; THENCE N31031'SO"E A DISTANCE OF 27.42 FEET; THENCE NS6°24'57"W A DISTANCE OF 69.80 FEET; THENCE S34°37'36"W A DISTANCE OF 17.88 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 53.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 43°45'17" AN ARC LENGTH OF 40,47 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 72.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2]°56'33" AN ARC LENGTH OF 27.57 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 43.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36°33 '24" AN ARC LENGTH OF 27.44 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE NS7°00'16"W A DISTANCE OF 42.06 FEET TO THE. BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, TIlE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS S33°1O'04"W; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID ARC, HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°16'00" AN ARC LENGTH OF 9.87 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE N85°0S'56"\V A DISTANCE OF 8.75 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 262.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ]6°54';36" AN ARC LENGTH OF 77.33 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO BEGINNl1'{G AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, BEING A POINT ON THE WEST MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, THENCE SI8°00'30"E ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 46.42 FEET; THENCE N62°58'38"W A DISTAt',{CE OF 44.82 FEET; THENCE S7I059'30"W A DISTANCE OF 364.68 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 439.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18°34'37" AN ARC LENGTH OF 142.50 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE N89°2S'53"W A DISTANCE OF 25.65 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LL"E OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE N44°37'21 "E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 0.65 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS N02°04'22"W; 2128/2006 I ~ I I ! I I I i ! L I i I i I I I I I I I I J l I , THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 439.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22°59'44", AN ARC LENGTH OF 176.39 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CUR VB N64°55'54"E A DISTANCE OF 235.33 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 560.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7°03 '36" AN ARC LENGTH OF 69.06 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE N71 °59'30"E A DISTANCE OF 46.69 FEET; THENCE S63°01'46"E A DISTANCE OF 51.32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, THENCE N44°14'36"W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4 A DISTANCE OF 39.05 FEET; THENCE N89°2S'S3"W ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF \86.22 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 410.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3°20'18" AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.92 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNli~G; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTINUING ALONG SAID ARC THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6°06'18" AN ARC LENGTH OF 43.74 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE 881 °07'31"W A DISTANCE OF 21 1.31 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 489.50 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15°02'30" AN ARC LENGTH OF 128.51 FEET; THENCE NON-TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE S29°03'S7"W A DISTANCE OF 32.46 FEET; THENCE S59°47'34"E A DISTANCE OF 69.11 FEET; THENCE N30035'06"E A DISTANCE OF 6.42 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING COURSE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 58.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49°00'55" AN ARC LENGTH OF 49.62 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 72.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29°24 '06" AN ARC LENGTH OF 36.95 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 53.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39°16'43" AND ARC LENGTH OF 36.33 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 336.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL A1"1GLE OF 5°43 '26" AN ARC LENGTH OF 33.57 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 18.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16°34'17" AN ARC LENGTH OF S.21 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HA VING A RADIUS OF 19.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17°23 'OS" AN ARC LENGTH OF S.76 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE; . THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HA VING A RADIUS OF 338.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12°1S'44" AN ARC LENGTH OF 72.34 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CUR V A TURE; THENCE TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING CURVE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HA VING A RADIUS OF 462.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14°18'05" AN ARC LENGTH OF 115.32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 2I28n006 I I ! , i I I ( I I I ! f I I I I LOT 1 PORTION CONTAINS 6,811 S.F. LOT 3 PORTION CONTAINS 16,596 S.F. LOT 4 PORTION CONTAINS 7,008 S.F. 2/2812006 ----------------------, N 10th ST DEDICA TlON BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REG. NO. 2004122.3000856 HARVEST PARTNERS TO CITY OF RENTON LOT 4 TR. 'E' 'G) ~~ ,0 ~~ \ ..". ~~ \Z .~ \ ~ \ ~ LOT J ~ 5? \ I ~ fR. 'F' I TR. 'N' TR. 'L' I ~~~~~~~~~~ ~-----~-;;;-~ I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I ~ _~I .« I I r5 • I ~ I I ~ LOT 5 I--'Ii i <: I I C3 I I 3 N 6TH ST ~ Ii "-"':--1TnV-==m=-=m=--, fl--, I __ ---:J SCALE 1 "=400' I I I I I I ! :; I " . In the event of an infrastructure delay, Renton will immediately notify Owner and (if Owner is a non-Boeing entity) Boeing of its need to delay and repres~ntatives of the parties will meet to discuss a cure, which may inClude (at Owner's or Boeing's option) the provision ofaltemative financing pursuant tp Section 5 of this Agreement. 4.1.6 Arterial Rights of Way Owner agrees to dedicate, at no cost to Renton, the land necessary. for the rights of way described in Exhibit 2, at the time that land on which the rights of ways are located is sold; provided, that (a) Renton may request earlier dedication, which Owner may approve in its sole disCretion, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and (b) easements or license agreements will be provided by Renton to Boeing, as Boeing deems necessary, to allow continued operation of facilities within the right of way that support Renton Plant Operations. That is, the parties intend that, if approved, such early dedication would not result in additional cost to or dislocation of Renton Plant Opemtions. Should there be Owner buildings located in the rights of ·way, it shall be the responsibility of Owner to, at such time as the road needs to be constructed, and upon Renton's request, (a) demolish such buildings and (b) cap and abandon any underground facilities that would interfere with Renton's use of the dedicated property for right ofway purposes. Park Avenue is conStructed asymmetrically within the current right of way . Expansion of Park Avenue anticipates use of the existing road. Some additional realignment may be necessmy to connect Park Avenue to Logan. Owner will dedicate the necessmy right of way to realign Park Avenue to provide symmetrical right of way and as anticipated for ~xpansion under Exhibit 2. Renton will vacate any excess right of way created by such Iealignment, at no expense to Owner. Should Owner have a building occupying· property that would need to be . dedicated to Renton for right of way, then Owner shall grant the right of way, except for the portion occupied by the building. In such case Owner will reserve the right of way for Renton, and provide the dedication at no cost to Renton when the building is demolished. .. Renton shall not vacate any right of way dedicated by Boeing necessary to serve Redevelopment, until redevelopment is complete or upon the approval of Boeing and Owner . . [IBOEING 11-24-03.doc) 11124",,3 Page 10 AREA B I '0-50 PARCEL SOlR'H 841',948 Sf '9.47 AC ® ~~~~_2~~~roo~j~~::::1~O' ~ -« Sb!h IN~T PlAtt! VIEW~ SCALE 1"= 40&""'1)- D LEGEND t N~ 1 AREA IS AlIAIIA9tttO~~[[Q~WIN~G ~~~I,RK PROPOS-ED ARTERIAL RIGHTS () WAY o jjj .iU Coosultil'lfl El'lflill66fs ~t(eet. Suite 800 SGaUle.Wa~ ~ Fa~J 382'0800 TO SUPPORT D1STRICT EXHIBlT a ) The Landing Potential detour routing February 23, 2006 The City of Renton will begin construction of the roadway and infrastructure improvements in support of The Landing project in June 2006. The construct~on will be substantially completed by August 2007. The estimated construction cost of the improvements is approximately $15 million to $20 million. This is a very ambitious time schedule for a project of this magnitude. It is anticipated that the contractor will be working at least 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, with multiple crews working at all times. There will probably be times when the contractor works longer hours, but they will always be in compliance with the City's ordinances governing construction activity. The contractor's operations will be much more efficient if non-construction traffic through the site is minimized· or eliminated. An efficient operation will lead to reductions in both construction cost and the time required to complete the construction. A preliminary detour routing has been developed, and is being circulated to the Renton City Council, the North Renton Neighborhood, and the Kennydale Neighborhood for review and comment The detour routings, and associated savings in contract amount and timing, are all dependant upon a closure of Park Ave N for the duration of the construction. PhaSe 1 detour route -Approximate minimum duration 8 months: The preliminary first phase detour routing would be as follows: • Close Park Ave N from N 7th Street (approx) to Garden Ave N. • Route traffic around the site using N 6th St to the east and Garden Ave to the north . . • .. Terminate the detour at the existing intersection of Garden Ave with Park Drive and Lake Washington Blvd. • Traffic would be allowed to travel north and south from Lake Washington Blvd through the intersection. The "C" curb would be removed. N 7th Street does not exist and is used only as a locator in the above description. Park Ave would be closed just north of the Boeing parking garage and office building on Park. A contractor staging area would use what is now Lot 10. "Trapped" vehicles would be allowed to use a portion of Lot 10 to get from Park Ave to Garden Ave. Phase 2 detour route (N 8th St and Logan Ave N construction is completed) - Approximate duration of 4 to 6 months: The phase 1 detour routing would remain • Traffic would be allowed to use the new N 8th St and the new Logan Ave N to flow around the site. • Through traffic from Garden to Lake Washington Blvd could be restricted if necessary. Commentary: All streets on the detour routes are classified as either Principal or Minor Arterials on the City's Arterial Street plan. Trucks traveling in a north south direction through the City would be required to follow the above detours. While N 6th St west of Park Ave is a designated truck route, N 6th St east of Park Ave is not a designated truck route. GardenAve is also not included as a designated truck route. Other Issues: Construction truck traffic will be required to use existing designated truck routes to access the site. These include Logan Ave N, Park Ave N., and N 6th St between Logan and Park. Boeing employment is currently approximately 9,000 and may increase by 10 percent or so. All employee parking will be on surface parking lots located west of Logan Ave. Access to the Boeing site will always include two entrances. Copstruction Schedule: The following schedule illustrates a possible sequence of the road and infrastructure construction. The City's construction contractor will determine the actual construction activities and sequencing. The Landing Preliminary Construction Sequencing -'ncludes construction of new Park I Logan Intersection in first 2 months. 2121f.1006 ) '" SOUTH BOUND DETOUR NORTH BOUND DETOUR BOEING TRAFFIC ONl Y ROAD CLOSED SOUTH BOUND DETOUR NORTH BOUND DETOUR BOEING TRAFFIC ONLY ROAD CLOSED :~~~. -... / Kathy Ke~lker-~eeler; Mayor Feb~ry 14, 2005 . .' ~ . . ... :Boe~g RealtY'CorpOration .. 15480 Laguna C;:;anyon Road, Suite 200 .. ' .. ' IrVme CA 92618 .,." . '. .. .ClT~'~·F:··~·N!O~' . PlanriinglBUillliilglPublicWQrks Deparl:in<;mt G~egg Zimmerman P .E.,"'dmini~thitor . ". SuBJ,ECT: , ... -..-:.:. ·.·BOEINGLAKE SHORE 'LANDING BINnING SITE PL.AN RENTON,WASBINGTON. , . --"~'~""--~-;' ",' .. TOWHOM IT MAY CONCERN: '.' <-, .. " . : :Eilclosed!pleasefind:ch~ck#017~33:~Aht:'.,~m?Unt "of$1'5~:Zlmadeout to.CO&L.1?is· ch~ck was not ne.ededas intended anq was found lIl,an enveJopeofourproj eptfile;., VI eare retUrning it for yourrecotd.s. . ... Shpuld you rte~todiscuss any #O~Of~;~~PleaseclJm~~W5j430~72~5 ... ';i .. ,), .. Sincerely, . ",i .,,;.' ".I' n"i.~ ... 'r~=;i,j;~:~~r.~~"_j!~iiW~~fw.i'.j~~a.pm.g~;w§i.iJirM¥; .. ~ ... ~I:"E'~D~·'·"·, . ,," •. ~cieitig ~alty ~b~~o~ti&n ......) 66':156153 J .... . . :',15480 t~una canyOn Road, ~uite 20Qi •. ,··' .,. '; ·:·.Irv)ne, C 926I8·~.i ., TO THE ORDER CD & L COURIER 2081 INTERNA TIO SEA C, WA 9815 I:\PJimReview\COLSON\Sha'rtpiatS 200S\Boeingl.akeshare LaIiding OIL CourierFeeRefuiJd.doc ~.~ . -. ----. -:---' -'1.:...0.:...5-5-So:....u.:...th-G.:...· r-a-dy-w.-'-""-~y-· .-R-e':"'nt-o"""n,-w.-. a-s-hi-ngt-'-on'--9S-0.:...5'-5---..,..;-----'-· REN T' 0 'N'.' . ~" AHEAD OF THE CIJRVE ." ":I This pSper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer January 24, 2005 Utilities Committee CAG: 03-168, Maplewood Water Treatment Facility Improvements, Economic and Engineering Services Planning & Development Committee Planning: Big-Box Retail Uses Design Guidelines & Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations . Planning: Medical Institution Definition, City Code Amendment Release of Easement: Lakeshore Landing Site, Boeing, RE-04-00 1 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution #3732 Vacation: Bremerton Ave NE, Liberty Ridge, V AC-04-007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 30 Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report concurring in the recommendation of the PlanninglB uilding/Public Works Department that Council approve Addendum No.2 to the consultant agreement CAG-03-168 with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. in the amount of $116,510 for additional engineering services assistance for the construction of the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements project. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the big-box retail uses design guidelines and the Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed revisions to the Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations incorporating revised standards for new development in the Urban Center and big-box retail in all locations except the Valley. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 31 for ordinance.) Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the exception to the City Code Title IV (Development Regulations) docket review process for a zoning code amendment of the "Medical Institution" definition. The Committee recommended setting a public hearing for this issue. on 217/2005. The Committee further recommended that the draft ordinance regarding this matter be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the final ordinance. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the release of easements to be granted by Boeing for the Lakeshore Landing site development project (RE-04-001). The Committee recommended concurrence in the PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Department recommendation that Council· approve a release for each of the easements with \ the following King County recording numbers: 8811300191.; 9607220167; 200011205003127; 200011205003128; 200011205003129; and \ 200011205003130. The Committee further recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Work Department that Council retain a portion of the easement recorded under King County recording number 8805190541 and approve the partial release of the remaining portion of this easement. The documents recorded under King County recording numbers 9105231158 and 9106060988 (which replaced 9105231158) are not easements but agreements and will be handled by staff in a separate action to Council. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: A resolution was read setting a public hearing date on 2128/2005 to vacate portions of Bremerton Ave. NE between NE 2nd St. and NE 3rdSt. (Petitioner: Liberty Ridge LLC; V AC-04-007). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. .... PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT January 24, 2005 APPROVED BY crrv COUNCIL . Release of Easements: Lakeshore Landing Site, Boeing,RE-04-001 (Referred January 3, 2005) . '. . The . Planning and Development·· Committee recommends. concurrence .' In the. PlanninglBuildinglPublic Work~ Department recommendatjonthat.Council approve a release· ,for each of the easements with the following KingCourity recording numbers: ' .. #8811300191 . '.' . . .. , ,:"'J;i'Y':""""; ' ... ,:'. #960722016/.,., ", . #2008i1265003~i27 .' ii#20qpI12~,§90i:l;28 .. Ii! ,#200011205003129 i'i~. ~#20b011205QO}~30 ~~. , . ..•... . . ' < . .' ,\/ ~~i~i~~iJti:':~YXy:t:'2.;~k" ' . . . .' '. · The. Planning and ,DeYelopmleiiteQfuriiift¢e.:,furtli!¢rre~ommends concurrence in the PlanninglBuildirigIPubli~'Wq'fksjDe~~~\1t{~e~~mni~1datidn t\1?t ~})Uncil r~tain, a portion of the, easement recorded under. Ki~gC;sMn~IWeGa¥4.~~g nil1n~# #88()~' 190541 ~d approve the " '" PClrti~rrelease. cifthe rem~ping,,:RQl1:ion.'of tl11s'ease'ni~nt ,Y. ·l.·. '. . , Tlle. doc'uI11ents rec()rded···~.".~4er: ,,~~kiilg 'County recb~dt~~, p:tiinbers ·#9105231158 and '. #9100060988 (whic4 replacea<9l0"52Jlf$.8):·ar~ ti6t,.~aseiheJ:lt§' but~greerilentsand will be .' . · handled.by staff in asepatate acti(rnt6·'C()lIii~il~' ":;::;"", ,.,,'/' · .. . :.~'.: ., ~ ~'" ~; . . ~~., ............ , " " ," '"", '. ," . ... ... " D~ ClaWson, Chair .••. ~J.~. DenG:LaW, Vice Chair' '. ,MarCie Paliner, Member"· '" ·cc; Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Division . Neil Watts, Development Services Division Rob Lochmiller, Transportation Systems Division Ji~uary 24, 2005 A~~eal: Sunset Bluff Preliminary Plat, SR 900 LLC & Herons Forever, PP-04-002 Vacation: Bremerton Ave NE, . Liberty Ridge, V AC-04-007 Lease: Iron Mountain Information Management, City Hall 4th Floor, LAG-OO-003 Development Services: Lakeshore Landing ROW. Dedications, BSP-04-0S1 Annexation: Mosier II, SE 136th St & 142nd Ave SE Finance: Issaquah School District Impact Fees & Capital Facilities Plan EDNSP: Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee MeqIbership EDNSP: HotellMotel Tax Revenue Allocation to Community Stakeholders, Hamilton/Saunderson Contract Human Resources: 2005/2006 Claims Processing Fee Schedule, Healthcare Management Administrators Renton City Council Minutes Page 28 City Clerk reported appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision on the Sunset Bluff Preliminary Plat (PP-04-002); two appeals filed -one by David S. Mann, 1424 4th Ave., Suite 1015, Seattle, 98101, representing Herons Forever; and the other by David L. Halinen, 10500 NE Sth St., Suite 1900, Bellevue, 98004, representing SR 900 LLC, both accompanied by the required fee. The appeal packet included four additional letters as allowed by City Code. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. City Clerk submitted petition for street vacation for portions of Bremerton Ave. NE between NE 2nd St. and NE 3rd St. and requested a public hearing be set on 2/28/2005 to consider the petition from Liberty Ridge LLC, 9125 10th Ave. S., Seattle, 98108 (VAC-04-007). Council concur. (See page 30 for resolution.) Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to the lease with Iron Mountain Information Management, Inc. for the fourth floor of City Hall, extending the lease term to 12/31/2009. Revenue generated is $1,456,685.47 over the five-year term. Refer to Finance Committee. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of right-of-way dedications for N. 10th St., N. 8th St., Park Ave. N., and Logan Ave. N. for the Lakeshore Landing site development project (BSP-04-0S1). Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submitted 60% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Mosier IT Annexation, and recommended a public hearing be set on 217/2005 to consider the petition and future zoning; 31 acres located in the vicinity of NE 2nd St. (SE 132nd St.), Jericho Ave. NE (144th Ave. SE), 142nd Ave. SE, and SE 136th St. Refer issue of boundary expansion to Planning and Development Committee; set public hearing on 21712005. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department reported Issaquah School District request that Renton adopt its 2004 Capital Facilities Plan and school impact fees for new development. Refer to Finance Committee. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended reaffirmation of the continuing membership of the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee as follows: Bill Taylor, newly-named Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce President and CEO; Rick Meinig, Silver Cloud Inn General Manager; Terry Godat, Travelers Inn General Manager; Julie Brewer, City of Renton Community Relations Manager; and Denis Law, Renton Councilmember. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended approval of a contract with Hamilton/Saunderson Marketing Partnership for a sevepth year of the Renton Community Marketing Campaign. Approval was also sought to allocate hotel/motel tax revenues in the amount of $50,000 to the key community stakeholders for a seventh year of the marketing campaign. Refer to Finance Committee. Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2005/2006 fee schedule for employee medical, dental, and prescription claims processing by Healthcare Management Administrators and Pharmaceutical Card Service/Caremark. Refer to Finance Committee. ! CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL I AI#: l.e. Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: DeptlDi v!Board .. Development Services Division January 24, 2005 Staff Contact.. .... Neil Watts, x-7218 Agenda Status Consent. ............. Subject: Public Hearing .. Lakeshore Landing Development Right-of-Way Issues. Correspondence .. Acceptance of Dedications of right-of-way Ordinance ............. Resolution ............ Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... Issue Paper Study Sessions ...... Maps Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Council Concur Legal Dept.. ...... . Finance Dept.. .. .. Other ............. .. Fiscal Impact: None Expenditure Required .. . Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: X x X The development of the Lakeshore Landing site (LUA-04-0S1, BSP) will include the construction of new streets and realignment of existing streets. This will require the dedication of new rights-of-way for N. 10th St., N. Sth St., Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. (Tracts A-G, P & Q) The related Development Agreement with the Boeing Company was executed in December 2003. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the right-of-way dedications as presented and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. the dedication documents. H:/Division.slDeveiop.ser/Admiotremporary Docs/Lakeshore ROW agenda bill DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: ISSUE: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 18,2005 Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council )/ ~ Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler .{V G Z' Ad" regg Immerman, mmlstrator Neil Watts, x-7218 Lakeshore Landing, Right-of-Way Issues As part of the proposed Lakeshore Landing site development a new street system will be constructed by the City. This street system, as approved in the Development Agreement for the Boeing site development, requires new right-of-way dedications. There are also portions of existing right-of-way that will no longer be needed for public streets and are to be vacated. There are also utility easements on the development site that are no longer necessary and can be released at this time. New utility easements are proposed for the site development and are ready for Council approval at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Street Vacation Request: (January 3, 2005 Agenda) Adopt a resolution to set a public hearing on 1124/2005, for the purpose of determining whether the vacation should be granted, the classification of the street or alley, whether easements should be retained, and the compensation to be paid, if any. Release/Partial Release oj Easements and Agreement Request: (January 10, 2005 Agenda -Refer to Committee) Grant the release or partial release of seven easements and one agreement as presented; designate the classification of the easements and the compensation to be paid, if any; require execution by the property owner of certain new water and sewer utility easements; and adopt an ordinance to finalize the releases if the conditions have been met within 90 days of Council approval. . Deed oj DedicationsJor Rights-oj-Way Request: (January 24, 2005 Agenda) Approve the right-of-way dedications as presented and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the deed of dedication documents. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In December of 2003, the Boeing Company and the City of Renton agreed to a Development Agreement for the Renton Plant Redevelopment. As part of this agreement, the City will construct a new arterial street system to support the redevelopment of the property. Boeing agreed to dedicate certain properties for right-of-way for this new arterial system, and the City agreed to vacate unused portions of the existing right-of-way for redevelopment. A conceptual development plan has also been approved for this next phase of the Boeing Plant redevelopment, and a planned action for the conceptual plan. January 18, 2005 Page 2 A binding site plan has been approved conceptually by the City administration, and will be recorded prior to the sale of the property. Development is anticipated shortly for the area north of N. 8th St., between Logan Ave. N. (extended) and Garden Ave. N. The binding site plan identifies specific tracts for future right-of-way for the construction of the Logan Ave extension, a relocated Park Ave. N., and new sections of street for N. 10th St. and N. 8th St. These new arterial street sections are to be constructed as part of the redevelopment of this parcel in accordance with the Development Agreement. The City will be constructing arterial improvements for this redevelopment, including relocating Park Ave between N 8th St and Logan Av N, N 10th St from Logan Av N to Garden Av N, and completing the Logan A v N connection from the south. These arterial improvements include extending Logan Ave N south of the current development site, and completing N 8th St between the new Logan Ave N and Park Ave N. The portion of Boeing property south of N. 8th St (extended) and west of Park Ave. N. (the location of the 10-50 Building), is not included in this initial phase of redevelopment. Additional right- of-way dedications will be needed to complete these arterial improvements for the Lakeshore Landing development. Construction of these two street sections (Logan Ave. N. and N. 8th St.) will require careful coordination with Boeing facilities to address construction issues with existing utilities, relocation of fences, and maintaining security for the Boeing facility. The actual recording of the approved deeds of dedication for these two right-of-way sections (Tracts P and Q of the binding site plan) will not occur until just prior to construction of these road sections. The other dedications are expected to be recorded as soon as the binding site plan is recorded. The new rights-of-way will have some private Boeing utilities remaining within the dedication areas. This can be allowed under the existing Master Use agreement between Boeing and the City for various Boeing utilities within existing streets in the area of the Renton plant site and the Boeing Longacres site. A small building will also remain temporarily in the newly dedicated right-of-way near the future intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. This can remain with City approval, subject to allowing the City to require the removal of the building at a future date (with 30 days written notice) prior to construction of the new arterial street system. It is also possible that NE 10th St may not be built until later in the development phasing. Therefore, the street dedication for these street sections is to include approval for private use as parking, circulation, landscaping, fencing, and other uses, but not allowing the construction of any buildings within the dedicated right-of-way areas. The approved conceptual plan and development agreement for this site includes the relocation of Park Aye. N. and vacation of the right-of-way, which will no longer be used, for municipal purposes. This vacated right-of-way is a section of property located in the southeast comer of the new intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. Per City of Renton Municipal Code a public hearing is required prior to Council approval of a street vacation, and l! resolution by Council is required a minimum of 20 days prior to the public hearing establishing the date and time of the public hearing. Portions of the proposed street vacation areas are currently WSDOT right-of-way and will require tumback approval from the State prior to completion of the requested street vacation. However, the City can proceed with the public hearing and approval of a street vacation subject to the condition of State approval for the tumback agreement. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Council approve the requested street dedications, with associated use allowances: Approval of dedication of the following right-of-ways: ,I January 18,2005 Page 3 • Tract A -Logan Ave. N. north of N. 8th St, subject to use allowance for the existing building to remain. The property owner will remove the building within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City. • Tract B -northerly portion ofN. 8th St between Logan Ave. N. and Park Ave. N. • Tract C -N. 10th St, between Logan Ave. N. and Park Ave. N., subject to use allowance for allowed uses within the UC-N zoning, excluding any bUildings. Any use, paving, landscaping, fencing or similar structures will be removed by the property owner within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City. • Tract D -N. 10th St. between Park Ave. N. and Garden Ave. N., subject to use allowance for allowed uses within the UC-N zoning, excluding any buildings. Any use, paving, landscaping, fencing or similar structures will be removed by the property owner within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City. • Tract E - A strip along the west side of Park Ave. N. • Tract F - A strip along the east side of Park Ave. N. • Tract G - A strip along Logan Ave. N.lLake Washington Blvd. • Tract P -Logan Ave. N. south of N. 8th St. Actual recording of this dedication will not occur until prior to construction of this section of Logan Ave. N. • Tract 0 -N. 8th St. between Logan Ave. N. and Park Ave. N. Actual recording of this dedication will not occur until prior to construction of this section of N. 8th St. Staff recommends that Council refer the following requested utility easement releases and adoptions to the Planning and Development Committee: Release of Easements/Agreement: • Easement 8805190541 -This 15-foot wide easement is for an 8-inch City water main installed in 1998 for fire protection for the old Boeing building # 10-474. The building was demolished in 2000 and the existing water main was cut and capped at the northeast and southeast corners of the site. The existing 3-inch meter . located at the northeast comer of the site is still in use for landscape irrigation to the new parking lot. The City will retain only a portion of the easement for the irrigation meter, unless it is no longer needed. • Easement 8811300191 -This easement, 15'x 38', is for a City traffic control and signal cabinet, installed in 1988 and located at the north side of the intersection of Garden Avenue and N. 8th . Street. The City has relocated the cabinet to the southeast comer of the intersection. • AgreementlLicense 9105231158 replaced by 9106060988 -This agreement, between the City of Renton and Boeing, is needed for a water system inter-tie, installed in 1991, to increase fire protection to the Boeing Renton Plant. Boeing owns and maintains all, piping and vaults for the inter-tie, which is located on Boeing's property on the west side of Garden Avenue N. and about 100 feet north of N. 8th Street. This agreement can be released subject to the condition that Boeing provides the City with a fire flow analysis to confirm that it is no longer needed for fire protection to the Boeing plant. • Easement 9607220167 -This easement, 2'x27', is for a City telemetry control panel and architectural wall for the Boeing sanitary sewer lift station. The City conveyed the lift station to Boeing in November 2000. • Easements 20011205003127, 20011205003128. 20011205003129. and 20011205003130 -These four easements are for a future City sanitary sewer line to serve the new lots created by the Boeing' short-plat of parking lot 3B. the IS-foot wide easement is located along the easterly side of the new lots of the short-plat. The new sewer line, if needed, will be constructed within the easement to avoid tearing up the new concrete roadway of Garden Avenue North. These January 18, 2005 Page 4 easements can be released subject to the condition that Boeing provide verification that the proposed development within these lots would not need to be connected to the new sewer line. Acceptance of new Utility Easements • Water Loop Easement for Lot 3 • Water Loop for southwest comer of Lot 10-50 Staff further recommends Council approval of a resolution setting a public hearing for the vacation of the following rights-of-way identified on the binding site plan as: • Tract H - A triangular shaped area formed by the southeast intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. • Tract I - A portion of right-of-way on the east side of Park Ave. N. • Tract K - A portion of right-of-way northeast of the intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. • Tract N - A narrow strip along the east side of Park Ave. N. near N. 8th St. cc: Alex Pietsch Jennifer Henning .~ STREET DEDICATIONS • N4S39'02"E ~2'S6"2"E 27.14' .39.'0·~ . S892S'06"f: 1059.10' rNOO2L59~ NBi"2S'22 W . 1105.1~ . I} H.3!5' ----D ----~-----------.--------. (FUTURE .NORTH 8TH STREET) s003~~"""~ TRACT B • • ST. ~ iii ~ .~ S.f.5'55·~"E ~--" 39.08 NORTH· z • STREET DEDICATIONS No:J·46'~-W 24.28 NOO'S6'42'"E 28.00' N08'S6'21-E 14.44 1n-~1i... Noo'S6'42'"E 27.08' 2 . N9 . I UltA ~ ... I eO! 4. 41. ,'0:: ".. t· • .... • ! ~ 'II(!!J I Q. .... 'II( TRACT F NORTH 8TH STREET TRACT L R-2~OO' fl-SIOTJ2'Or L-39.29' -------~ TRACT E ·' STREET DEDICATIONS NORTH 8TH "': .. :, ..... :- TRACTQ 589°4,5'00'"£ ... ~ I -~ .36. ft' ~---} (FUTURE N. 8th S89"28·~2·E -STREET) -~ SO.4S ~ .. -i " ~ -- -,-.. '" <:: ~ '« <= (3 0 --J L.J Q: :) ..... :::> L... '--l&J • ~ It) S"f 0 0 ~ TRACT P I " <0 " ~ 0 (J) 1.......---\ --10. OS ".I '-n.SS' - NS27"S.·W N897S'58·W STREET DEDICATIONS R-522.62' "'--'11-0932'20- L-86.70' H89m'1B'"tt(R) 5.00' TRACT'S G & K f·_tOO' ________ _ NOTE: TRACT K IS A VACATION TRACT -' N ~ ~ ~' ~ N E-t r- 13 ,·······COR'·<, Z Q) ~ s::: ro t:ID 0 .....:I -N2 ZONlNG \ ~ , , \ \. P/BIPW Tl!CHNICAL III!llVICES UIOfI03 I xis] UC-Nl U C-Nl UC-N z I~'·~· .Jl( g ~ -'. , .. ,., UC-r-Nt ,--_-,-'_...J - - - -lleDtoll dit,. Umit.< l:A800 E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 S308 January 10,2005 CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2005 Release of Easement: Lakeshore Landing Site, Boeing, RE-04-001 BSV-04-ciOl Annexation: Anthone', Talbot Rd S & S 55th St Annexation: Maplewood Addition, Maple Valley Hwy Plat: Cottages at Honey Creek, NE Sunset Blvd, PP-04-085 CAG: 03-168, Maplewood Water Treatment Facility Improvements, Economic and Engineering Services UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Finance: Vouchers NEW BUSINESS School District:· Informal Meeting (1113/2005) Council: Meeting (1117/2005) Renton City Council Minutes J/ Page 13 approaches to the 1-405 Bellevue Nickel Project, 1-405 Renton Nickel Project, and two SR-518 projects. WSDOT will hold an open house in Renton on 112712005, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at Renton High School. \ Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Approval of Council meeting minutes of January 3, 2005. Council concur. City Clerk submitted City-initiated request for release or partial release of seven easements and one agreement granted by The Boeing Company for the Lakeshore Landing site development project (RE-04-001; :i3SP-04-081). Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department· submitted 60% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Anthone' Annexation, and recommended a public hearing be set on 1124/2005 to consider the petition and future zoning; 4.84 acres located east of Talbot Rd. S. and south of S. 55th St. Refer issue of boundary expansion to Planning and Development Committee; set public hearing on 1124/2005. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department· submitted 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Maplewood Addition Annexation, and recommended a public meeting be set on 112412005 to consider the petition; 60.5 acres bounded by Maple Valley Hwy. and the Cedar River. Council concur. " Hearing E~aminer recommended approval, with conditions, of the Cottages at Honey Creek Preliminary Plat; 27 single-family lots on 3.7 acres located at 4821 NE Sunset Blvd. (PP-04-085). Council concur. Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum No.2 to CAG- 03-168, contract with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., for construction phase assistance in the amount of $116,510 for the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements and Golf Course Improvements Project. Refer to Utilities Committee . . MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 233148 -234008 and three wire transfers totaling $4,835,094.10; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 54878 -55313, two wire transfers, and 1137 direct deposits totaling $3,712,831.56. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Briere announced an informal meet and greet with the Renton School Board, Renton School District Administration, Issaquah School Board, Issaquah School District Administration, Renton City Council, and Renton Mayor at the Liberty High School library on January 13th, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ms. Briere also announced that Council will not meet on January 17th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I c...· OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA .... ...LL I AI#: &' h. &ubmitting Data: For Agenda of: January 10,2005 DeptlDivlBoard .. AJLS/City Clerk Staff Contact.. .... Bonnie Walton, x6502 Agenda Status (Neil Watts, Dev. Svcs., x7218) Consent. ............. Subject: Public Hearing .. Request For City-Initiated Release or Partial Release of Correspondence .. Easements and Agreement with the Boeing Company Ordinance ............. for the Lakeshore Landing site development; LUA-04-Resolution ............ 081, BSP. (File No. RE-04-001) Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... Staff Issue Paper & Maps Study Sessions ...... Copy of 7 Easements & 1 Agreement Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept.. ..... .. Refer. to Planning & Development Committee Finance Dept.. ... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... NI A Transfer! Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ....... Revenue Generated ....... .. Total Project Budge~ . City Share Total Project.. X x X . "~" -.---.-_. I""'":'"'=--=---:-=----=-----:-__________ --------------------------~r·· .. ·-· .. -.. -_. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The development of the Lakeshore Landing site (LUA-04-081, BSP) will include the construction of new streets and realignment of existing streets. As part of the right-of-way approval process, there are utility easements on the development site that will not be needed and can be released at this time. New utility easements are to be dedicated. The City of Renton, Development Services Division, has requested release or partial release of seven easements, and one agreement, granted by the Boeing Company, bearing King Co. recording numbers 8805190541,8811300191,9105231158 (9106060988) 9607220167,20011205003127, 20011205003128, and 20011205003129, for development of the Lakeshore Landing site. As a City- initiated release of easement request, the Clerk has collected no application or processing fee. (The related Development Agreement with the Boeing Company was executed in December 2003.) In conjunction with this request, Council has set a public hearing date of 112412005 to consider a related street vacation request, and on 1124/2005 a related request for dedication of right-of-way will be brought before Council in the Consent Agenda. The Technical Services section has reviewed the binding site plan and release of easement materials and has prepared the legal description and map exhibits. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Grant the release or partial release of seven easements and one agreement as presented; designate the classification of the easements and the compensation to be paid, if any; require execution by the property owner of certain new water and sewer utility easements; and adopt an ordinance to finalize the releases if the conditions have been met within 90 days of Council approval. cc: Sonja Fesser, Property Management Division Alex Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator Reference: RMC 4-1-ISOE & RMC 9-1-5 Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Dave Christensen, Utility Engineering Supervisor t, DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: ST AFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: ISSUE: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 4, 2005 Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council ~ Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler ~ Greg~ Zimmerman, Administrator Neil Watts, x-7218 Lakeshore Landing, Right-of-Way Issues As part of the proposed Lakeshore Landing site development a new street system will be constructed by the City. This street system, as approved in the Development Agreement for the Boeing site ______ . __ .. ___ .. _. ___ .• Q~'y~19P~~~~!.. r~q\l.k~~_J.1~~ .!ignJ -:Qf :-.':."AY. C!~4!~~~<?_n.§., . .T.h~r~_ '.lre al~Q p.<?rt~()~~ __ ()f _~J{ist!IJg ~ight :()f-:'f.'.l Y. !h~L .. ___ .___ ___ '," .. will no longer be needed for public streets and are to be vacated. There are also utility easements on the development site that are no longer necessary and can be released at this time. New utility easements are proposed for the site development and are ready for Council approval at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Street Vacation Request: (January 3, 2005 Agenda) Adopt a resolution to set a public hearing on 1I24j2005, for the purpose of determining whether the vacation should be granted, the classification of the street or alley, whether easements should be retained, and the compensation to be paid, if any. Release/Partial Release oj Easements and Agreement Request: (January 10, 2005 Agenda -Refer to Committee) Grant the release or partial release of seven easements and one agreement as presented; designate the classification of the easements and the compensation to be paid, if any; require execution by the property owner of certain new water and sewer utility easements; and adopt an ordinance to finalize the releases if the conditions have been met within 90 days of Council approval. Deed oj Dedications Jor Rights-oj-Way Request: (January 24, 2005 Agenda) Approve the right-of-way dedications as presented and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the deed of dedication documents. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In December of 2003, the Boeing Company and the City of Renton agreed to a Development Agreement for the Renton Plant Redevelopment. As part of this agreement, the City will construct a new arterial street system to support the redevelopment of the property. Boeing agreed to dedicate certain properties for right-of-way for this new arterial system, and the City agreed to vacate unused portions of the existing right-of-way for redevelopment. A conceptual development plan has also been approved for this next phase of the Boeing Plant redevelopment, and a planned action for the conceptual plan. January 5, 2005 Page 2 A binding site plan has been approved conceptually by the City administration, and will be recorded prior to the sale of the property. Development is anticipated shortly for the area north of N. 8th St., between Logan Ave. N. (extended) and Garden Ave. N. The binding site plan identifies specific tracts for future right-of-way for the construction of the Logan Ave extension, a relocated Park Ave. N., and new sections of street for N. lOthSt. and N. 8th St. These new arterial street sections are to be constructed as part of the redevelopment of this parcel in accordance with the Development Agreement. The City will be constructing arterial improvements for this redevelopment, including relocating Park Ave between N 8th St and Logan Av N, N 10th St from Logan Av N to Garden Av N, and completing the Logan A v N connection from the south. These arterial improvements include extending Logan Ave N south of the current development site, and completing N 8th St between the new Logan Ave N and Park Ave N. The portion of Boeing property south of N. 8th St (extended) and west of Park Ave. N. (the location of the 10-50 Building) is not included in this initial phase of redevelopment. Additional right-of- way dedications will be needed to complete these arterial improvements for the Lakeshore Landing development. Construction of these two street sections (Logan Ave. N. and N. 8th St.) will require careful coordination with Boeing facilities to address construction issues with existing utilities, relocation of fences, and maintaining security for the Boeing facility. The actual recording of the approved deeds of dedication for these two right-of-way sections (Tracts P and Q of the binding site plan) will not occur until just prior to construction of these road sections. The other dedications are expected to be recorded a~ .s~~~ .~~ .. ~~~~~.I1~i~~.~!~: .. e!31n is re.cor~ed~_ .... _.. ... . ..... , ...... .... ..... . ... '" .. , . _ ............... _._ ..... "'"'' . The 'new rights-of-way will have some private Boeing utilities remaining within the dedication areas. This can be allowed under the existing Master Use agreement between Boeing and the City for various Boeing utilities within existing streets in the area of the Renton plant site and the Boeing Longacres site. A small building will also remain temporarily in the newly dedicated right-of-way near the future intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. This can remain with City approval, subject to allowing the City to require the removal of the building at a future date (with 30 days written notice) prior to construction of the new arterial street system. It is also possible that NE 10th St may not be built until later in the development phasing. Therefore, the street dedication for these street sections is to include approval for private use as parking, circulation, landscaping, fencing, and other uses, but not allowing the construction of any buildings within the dedicated right-of-way areas. The approved conceptual plan and development agreement for this site includes the relocation of Park Ave. N. and vacation of the right-of-way, which will no longer be used, for municipal purposes. This vacated right-of-way is a section of property located in the southeast corner of the new intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. Per City of Renton Municipal Code a public hearing is required prior to Council approval of a street vacation, and a resolution by Council is required a minimum of 20 days prior to the public hearing establishing the date and time of the public hearing. Portions of the proposed street vacation areas are currently WSDOT right-of-way and will require turnback approval from the State prior to completion of the requested street vacation. However, the City can proceed with the public hearing and approval of a street vacation subject to the condition of State approval for the turn back agreement. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Council approve the requested street dedications, with associated use allowances: Approval of dedication of the following right-of-ways: fanuary 5, 2005 Page 3 • Tract A -Logan Ave. N. north of N. 8th St, subject to use allowance for the existing building to remain. The property owner will remove the building within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City. • Tract B -northerly portion of N. 8th St between Logan Ave. N. and Park Ave. N. • Tract C -N. 10th St, between Logan Ave. N. and Park Ave. N., subject to use allowance for allowed uses within the UC-N zoning, excluding any buildings. Any use, paving, landscaping, fencing or similar structures will be removed by the property owner within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City. • Tract D -N. 10th St. between Park Ave. N. and Garden Ave. N., subject to use allowance for allowed uses within the UC-N zoning, excluding any buildings. Any use, paving, landscaping, fencing or similar structures will be removed by the property owner within 30 days of receiving written notice from the City. • Tract E - A strip along the west side of Park Ave. N. • Tract F - A strip along the east side of Park Ave. N. • Tract G - A strip along Logan Ave. N.lLake Washington Blvd. • Tract P -Logan Ave. N. south of N. 8th St. Actual recording of this dedication will not occur until prior to construction of this section of Logan Ave. N. • Tract 0 -N. 8th St. between Logan Ave. N. and Park Ave. N. Actual recording of this dedication will not occur until prior to construction of this section of N. 8th St. ,,.,. '-" ' . ........ . -. -Staff-·recommends·· that. Council· refer. .. the ,following. requested utility easement .releases·and· adoptions to the Planning and Development Committee: Release of Easements! Agreement: • Easement 8805190541 -This 15-foot wide easement is for an 8-inch City water main installed in 1998 for fire protection for the old Boeing building # 10-474. The building was demolished in 2000 and the existing water main was cut and capped at the northeast and southeast comers of the site. The existing 3-inch meter located at the northeast comer of the site is still in use for landscape irrigation to the new parking lot. The City will retain only a portion of the easement for the irrigation meter, unless it is no longer needed. • Easement 8811300191 -This easement, 15'x 38', is for a City traffic control and signal cabinet, installed in 1988 and located at the north side of the intersection of Garden Avenue and N. 8th Street. The City has relocated the cabinet to the southeast comer of the intersection. • AgreementlLicense 9105231158 replaced by 9106060988 -This agreement, between the City of Renton and Boeing, is needed for a water system inter-tie, installed in 1991, to increase fire protection to the Boeing Renton Plant. Boeing owns and maintains all piping and vaults for the inter-tie, which is located on Boeing's property on the west side of Garden Avenue N. and about 100 feet north of N. 8th Street. This agreement can be released subject to the condition that Boeing provides the City with a fire flow analysis to confirm that it is no longer needed for fire protection to the Boeing plant. • Easement 9607220167 -This easement, 2'x27', is for a City telemetry control panel and architectural wall for the Boeing sanitary sewer lift station. The City conveyed the lift station to Boeing in November 2000. • Easements 20011205003127, 20011205003128, 20011205003129, and 20011205003130 -These four easements are for a future City sanitary sewer line to serve the new lots created by the Boeing' short-plat of parking lot 3B. The 15-foot wide easement is located along the easterly side of the new lots of the short-plat. The new sewer line, if needed, will be constructed within the easement to avoid tearing up the new concrete roadway of Garden Avenue North. These January 5, 2005 Page 4 easements can be released subject to the condition that Boeing provide verification that the· proposed development within these lots would not need to be connected to the new sewer line. Acceptance of new Utility Easements • Water Loop Easement for Lot 3 • Water Loop for southwest comer of Lot 10-50 Staff further recommends Council approval of a resolution setting a public hearing for the vacation of the following rights-of-way identified on the binding site plan as: • Tract H - A triangular shaped area formed by the southeast intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. • Tract I - A portion of right-of-way on the east side of Park Ave. N. • Tract K - A portion of right-of-way northeast of the intersection of Park Ave. N. and Logan Ave. N. • Tract N - A narrow strip along the east side of Park Ave. N. near N. 8th St. cc: ···'Alex Pietsch--···' ... Jennifer Henning • \\ /~------------~~ rr---~r "'CoR """, \. \ \. \ , \ z -N2 ZONING PIBIPW TJ!CHNICAL 8EIlVJCES UlOfIOl I ~18J UC-Nl .lJ. ~-Nl UC-N z ""T Q) ~(X)-- ~:~ > UC-fN! '------,--' ~:lI4 C1 ~ - - - -Renton Oity IJmIts \ I" ~o "yo .,4800 E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 5308 r STREET DEDICATIONS S45'55'~·£ .39.08 NORTH - S8928'06"F f059. fa' H.f.539'02"F .39.fO·~ ... J~.22:'. __ ... H,"'''',Je·W C .39.05' ...... _ .. ' .... l..f1LB-L-69.06' z. S443r2J."" TRACT·D • STREET DEDICATIONS Noo"56'42'"E 28.00' N08"56'24-C 14."" rn-~c_ Noo"56' 42'"E 27.08' . TRACT F· NORTH 8TH STREET TRACT L R-2S-0ct lI-IIOTJ2'Or L-39.29, TRACT E STREET DEDICtTIONS . 589"4.5'00'"£ -I • i.: 36.," I~ __ - U (FUTUR£ N. 8th 589'28'52-£ _. STREET) 50.43' ~--i-"" ~ " ~ - - ~----- - -10.08') '-77.55' N827".J.f·W N8978'SS·W ,·TRACTQ ~ :~. ~ ..... ~.'" TRACT P STREET DEDIC TIONS N79·:J2'58-W(R) 7.00' R-522.62' N89TJ.3'1S-r(R) 5.00' TRACT'S G & K f-.1M' __ .. _ .. NOTE: TRACT K.IS A VACATION TRACT N-9/9 UTiliTIES II E A S E HEN T -------- TH I S I HS T RUHENT. made t hi s __ day 0 f Apr il 19~; by and between The Boeing Company, "RIt a Delaware corporation, acting through its division, ~a Boeing Commercial Air~lanes -----------------------------------"flR-----------------------------------;-- -----------------------------------~R~--------------------------~--------~- hereinafter called IOCrlntods)", Ind the CITY OF RENTON, I Hunlcipil Corporltlon of King County, Washington, htrtln.ftv cilled IOCrlntee", \lITNESSETH: That Slid Crlntor(s), for .. Ad.-I4-~4.~OA-O!-.tb .. 4UlII~.$-------------­~ --------------------------"ltkl-...,.~ee_r-e4l4-ot-Mf' va I uab I e cons I de r.t1on, dO by ~ these presents, grlnt, bargain. sell, convey, and warrant· unto the s.ld Crantee, Its ~ successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (Including water and sewer) with ~ necessary .ppurtenances over, through, .cross Ind upon the folloWing described prop.rty ~ ·'n King County, IJashlngton, ITOre particularly described IS follows: As described in Exhibit A, which is attached. ~ ~ ~ rrJ This easement is granted for the purpose of a waterline. The easement shall terminate when Grantor's or its assign's use of the water- line ends, with Grantor or its assigns providing written notice of the termination to Grantee or its assigns and Grantee Or its assigns executing a reconveyance of the easement to Grantor or its assigns upon request by Grantor or its assig~s. Upon such termination, Grantor or its assigns shall either cap the waterline and leave it in place or remove the waterline. FIlEB FOR-R-EGORD AT RtQ~ST OF amgE Of H: U~~ ~t~dK Rnrnm . f:ltl~l~ii'a BUlJ. lee mUl m. so. RUT ON. fA 92055 ," .. ".' '." .. :': '.~ UE/!-! 88/05/1~ ~ REel', f= CRSHSL #0541 7,00 *,***7.00 11 EXCISE TAX NOT REQU1RED ~IlOivision ~L . .:::::-. Deputy I) - JOB NO. 7115 WATERLINE EASEMENT '. 'AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS. AND WATERLINE UTILITIES, OVER, UNDER. ACROSS OR UPON AND LYING 7 & 1/2 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE. AS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH-WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M •• IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTH 8TH STREET AND THE WEST MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00° 31' 42" EAST ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH. 253.22 fEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN AND ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 850.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13° 29' ~O''. AN ARC LENGTH OF 200.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNIGN FOR SAID CENTER-LINE DESCRIPTION. THENCE NORTH 89° 00' 00" WEST. 215.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°,00' 00" EAST. 360.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 00' 00" EAST. 70.00 FEET TO POINT "A" AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL EASEMENT DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT POINT "A" PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED; THENCE PROCEEDING 'SOUTH 01° 00' DO" EAST. 17.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71 ° 00' 00" EAST, 23. 00 FEET; , THENCE NORTH 78° 00' 00" EAST. 10. 00 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH. THENCE PROCEEDING ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY NORTH 17° 59' 39" WEST. 32.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° DO' 00" EAST, 22.00 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 010 ~O' 00" WEST, AND 7.00 FEET FROM SAID POINT "A"; . . "'THENCE SOUTH 01 0 00' ~O'' EAST. 7.00 FEET TO POINT "A", ALL IN KING COONTY. WASHINGTON. KJV/bss I-~ r---___ ! t ~~b':_ .. _::_.:_.oq I -T------~--~ I 1-- - ---r--~ ------ 2 e ,. --L k 7~ I I -- -- EXHIBIT A -- Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right. without prior notice or proceeding at law. at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of construct-ing maintaining. repairing, altering or reconstructing said utilities. or making any'connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligat1ons or liability therefore. provided, that such construction, maintaining. repalring, altering or reconstruction of said. utilities shall be accomplished in such a manner that the private improvements existing in the right(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. . The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy th~aforedescribed premises, includinD the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utilities. However. the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-of-way during the existence of such utilities. This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful ownc:rs of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. __ ................ ____ ........................ __ .... __ ~T~~. BOEING COMPANY CORPORATE FOR/4: STATE OF COUNTY OF Washington ~ ~K~i~n~g~ ................ _ ~ acting through its division .BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES SS By· .. ~~ • J J. els~ :::::'::=0£ Facilities tv'v-.'I ~ On this -z. Nt> day of ,,~?J;"¥", ' 19 B8 before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for the State 0 w~qt~, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared J. J. Nelson . to me. k~o,,!,n to be the Director of· Facilities .of Boeing Cor.unercial AirDlane~ a d~v~s~on of The Boe~ng Company, the corporation thilt executed the forc- going instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be tIle free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he .... ......Iauthorized to execute the said fw:trument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WI.TNESS lIlY hand and official seal her~to affixed the day and yeilr in this certificate above wrltten. \._-y 12· ~D-A No~c in and for £ReSt~~»1D Wf§~M ", residing olt . t4.) My commission expires: 'S;e:o"\ ::2. \"ic, ---;'0 ~o UTILITIES #1 !.~~E..!!E..!!.! TH I S INSTRUMENT, made th i s_3_day of_0c_t_o...;be...,;..;;.r ____________ 19~; ~t.-.a~E;NtmMP~1\N:lIroY-,-:AII":C:;"lt~~-::n-::g--.:1thr=o~ug~hr:-----......:and------'-..::e:.;:8";·R'·::i·~:-:;·~;,;;".;:··::;'~;;,.I--.,,,._: .. -.~o:=:o-.;;:tI.::;O:.!1...::.9:..:1~~·· ~ 5 div~s~on and .-.,;-:<-- BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPlANE COMPANY and---------l"\;'O!C+.:\,~-f~!L[;i-·!::-----'l;. .. ·::.>I:.;;>I:.~ ri,*,,··ij..: ..JQ~r::t-' ___________________________________ 'and ________________________ ___ hereinafter called "Grantor(s)", and the CITY or RENTON a Municipal Corporation of King County. Washington. hereinafter called "Grant·ee". ' WITNESSETH: . That .said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of $ One Dollar "77" ____ ~------.,.--.,.---1paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration, do by these presents, gr~nt. bargain. sell, convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, its successofs and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with ~ece~sary appurtenan~es over. through, across and upon the following described property In KIng County, WashIngton, more particularly described as follows: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89°27'25" EAST 291.65 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID SOUTH LINE ALSO BEING THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTH EIGHTH STREET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89°27'25" EAST 15 FEET; THENCE _ NORTH 0032'-35·~'·:EAST -38 FEET; THENCE .NORTH 89°27'.25" WEST 15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°32'35" WEST 38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCISE T ... \X NOT Ri:OUiRED King Co. Rel'Xsfds U,:·.'J~:(:it <'00) If ~o( %g~ -.I r::> zCrn ClVlO W ("")"'"-g~'S 0 Z:h~!e 4: -'nO ~ ...;:::!Z ~o :j VI"" I S 00: '" ' ., C) .. ... (i /! FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF UEfI-I 0fF1C£ OF TIlE CITY ClERK ROOON MlOOQPALBUlG. 21 MIll AVE. So. REIITON. WA _ / ·. Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, ~ithout prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of construct- ing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utilities, or making any connections therewith. without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore, provided, that such construction, maintaining, repairing. altering or reconstruction of s.aid u.tilities shall be accompl ished in such a manner that the private improvements existing in the right(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condi ti on as they were invnedi a te ly before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. . . The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy th~ aforedescribed premises, includin!) the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use dOl~ not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utilities. However, the grantor shall not erect. bui ldings or structures over, under or across the right-of-way during the existence of such utilities. J J This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding ,., on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and a.ssigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owne:rs of .the above properties and that they have a good and lawful :l right to execute this agre·ement. o '!-'HE B9E~N? COMPANY, Acting through ~ts d~v~s~on' and ------------------------------ BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY and ----------------------~~~------------------------------------------ ____ ,-~P_~,_~~~~~----------~and ________________________________ __ __ B_~~:~~.~. ~;~o:~,.~~~r~ec~t~or~o~f~---------and ________________________________________ __ ~ and Services CORPORATE FORH: STATE OF W~\o\\MG\OH 5S COUNTY OF k..,~ ~~~----------- On thi s ','""n-' day of C':::l:::::·re:i~ .. \~ ,19~ before me, the unders i gned, a Notary Public in and f9r the State of ~Ub"DIJI duly comnissioned and sworn personally appeared .J.J t-i€"~ an to me known to be the .l:)~ Eo<Io..\~'\~ and • respectively, of'~ ~ Ii!:4td c.:;i-'~""""lre the corporation that executed the fore- going lnstrument, and acknOw edged te said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ~ IS authorized to execute the said iw:trument and that the seal affixed is t e corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certiffcate abov.e written. UE#2-2 b N. 8TH ST. CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS EXHIBIT" A" OESIGNEO: AJH OATE: NOV 1988 FIl£ NAME: ORAWN: AJH CHECKED: RLB SCAlE: NONE fIELD BOOK: PACE: APPROVED: SHEET: 1 Of: 1 ~ __ MaUC __ • SPEED LETTER TO: ~/A./EC AdOTO~~ DATE: 21 NOV 1988 / PROJECT: ----------------~~--------------------------SUBJECT : _____________________ _ PL c AS£ RECoRDV!E ATTACHED EAsEMENr..s PL £" AS£" CHARGE IT /C7 4c;c r (Joolooo/!5. §3c. 2Q.49 14- . I .. ... , , ..... .. .,~ ...•.. ,. :: .,": .' . .... .. ~ .. ' : .. ::. ". ~ ,.' . '.-'.~ " CITY 0 FR!NTON NOV 22 1988 .' .... ." ': . ~ ~':' .. ': -,' ," ... . '. . . . . .:." .. '.. . ... ~ ,.' "... -"... . • " :',. '. # ~ ~'. ~ .'. :' ... ". •• , .... \ 4 . CAG-OS2-91 AiLe! IecG£J:il1~ !of:l1ln La: l!:hC !Seoing f5alilp .y 1'tEL '802 !}M1 -lED FOR RECORD AT REQUESf lH "fFICE OF THE CllY CLERK ..:sO·i;f.Jt.E,..25 , (8~ ~LE6fiLi6 Iij2211 R'sb'; 11,3 96 ~ -,.. .. -.. Z~:: ~~: ~~.:- RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG • 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 #0988 18 13.00 91/06/06 AGREEMENT AND LICENSE RECO F RF.CFEE FOR FIRE MAIN INTER-TIE AT C~~SHSl, NORTH 8TH ST. AND PARK AVENUE /.00 ***15.00 55 THIS AGREEMENT is made this ItJ~ 'day of ~ ,192J, between The City of Rentori, a municipal corporatl , ("Grantor" herein) and The Boeing Company by and through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, ("Grantee" herein). Recitals I. ,Grantor has request~d that Grantee construct and maintain a fire main int~r-tie (as hereinafter defined ) for the purposes of providing increased fire protection. II. Grantee has agreed to undertake such construction and maintenance subject to Grantor granting licenses for purposes of such construction and maintenance. III. Grantor and Grantee desire to enter into this agreement setting forth their respective obligations and rights regarding '. slich li'cen:se .. ·. '"." '-'. t .... ; ... Agreements In consideration of the performance by Grantee of the covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Grantor hereby grants to Grantee the following licenses:1 A.' A license across, along, in, upon and under Grantor's property described in Exhibit A (plan sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing job #301860), attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of installing, constructing, operating, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using a fire main inter-tie near the intersection of North 8th Street and' Park Avenue North consisting of the entire utility assembly from the point of connection into Grantor's Water Main near the intersection of North 8th Street and Park Avenue North over to the point of connection into Grantee's fire main on the west side of Park Avenue North, including all piping, valves, meters, specialty items, valve vaults, equipment vaults, electiical equipment, electrical services, concrete work and paving (herein the "Inter-tie"), together with the nonexclusive right of ingress to and egress from said property for the foregoing purposes; - 1 -150lER 401 J OD6/ i~, S3t.J.. ~O. Li-q, Jc.L B. A temporary license for purposes necessarily and reasonably related to the construction of the Inter-tie across, along, in, upon, and under Grantor's property described in Exhibit B (Plan Sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-Ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing job #301860) attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, said license to commence on the date of this instrument and to terminate when construction of the Inter-tie is completed and the portion of the Inter-tie on the property described in Exhibit B is conveyed to Grantor by Grantee by a bill of sale; and C. A license for ingress to and egress from the property described in Exhibit A and B hereto upon, along, and across Grantor's property described in Exhibit C consisting of Plan Sheet CI of the Fire Water Inter-Ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing job #301860) attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The terms "license" and "license area" in this instrument refer to the licenses granted with respect to the property described in Exhibits A and C, and, for the period of its duration, the license granted with respect to the property described in Exhibit B. This license is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. ,", "j 1. Costs of Construction and Maintenance. Grantee shall bear and promptly pay all costs and expenses of construction of the Inter-tie. Grantor shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the maintenance and repair of the Inter-tie upon Grantor's property described in Exhibit B, such Inter-tie to be conveyed to Grantor by Grantee by a Bill of Sale. Grantee shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the maintenance and repair of the Inter-tie in the license area described in Exhibit A. 2. Specifications. Grantee shall construct the Inter-tie in acqordance with the specifications for the project set forth in Technical Specifications for Fire Water Inter-ties, Harris Group proj ect no. 90-1177, Boeing job no. 301860, dated i#.k?lI il( '10 (the "Technical Specifications".) 3. Approval of Plans. Prior to any construction, alteration, replacement or removal of the Inter-tie, a notification and plans for the same shall be submitted in writing to Grantor by Grantee and no such work by Grantee shall be commenced without Grantor's prior written approval of the plans therefor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the - 2 -150LER ,. circumstances. Grantor has approved the plans and specifications set forth in Grantee's above-mentioned Technical Specifications. 4. Coordination of Activities. Grantee shall coordinate the dates of its construction and other major activities on Grantor's property wi th Public Works Field Maint.Dept, or such other employee of Grantor as Grantor may from time to time designate, and Granto~ shall make the license area readily accessible to Grantee, and free from obstructions and other uses that may interfere with construction of the Inter-tie or its use thereafter; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice'to Grantor as is reasonable under the circumstances. 5. Work Standards. Upon completion of construction of .the portion of the Inter-tie on Grantor's property, and upon completion of any subsequent work performed by Grantee on Grantor's property, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the surface of the property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any property corner monuments, survey reference or hubs which were disturbed or destroyed during construction. 6. Access by Grantee During Construction. Grantor shall make provisions for continued access by Grantee along, over, under, and across Park Avenue~-and'North 8th Street· during periods' in" ,., which Grantee is conducting construction. During construction, Grantee shall endeavor to minimize interference with the free passage of traffic along Park Avenue and North 8th Street; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Grantee may divert traffic as needed to accomplish construction. Grantee shall submit to Grantor for approval a written plan for diversion of traffic, such approval shall be granted within seven (7) days of receipt of such plan and shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. Grantee's Use and Activities. Grantee shall at all times conduct its activities on Grantor's property so as not to unreasonably interfere with, obstruct or endanger Grantor's operations or facilities. 8. Use of the License Area by Grantor. Grantee has been advised and is aware that: Grantor is using or intends to use the property subject to this Agreement for the purpose of public right of way. Grantor may continue to use the property for such purpose so long as the use does not unreasonably interfere with Grantee's exercise of its rights under the license. 9. Interference with Grantor's Future Facilities. Subject to paragraph 10 herein, in the event Grantor desires to construct facilities relating to Grantor's operations on or in the - 3 -150LER vicinity of the license area described in Exhibit A hereto, and the location or existence of the Inter-tie located in the ' license area described in Exhibit A substantially interferes with such proposed facilities or construction thereof, or makes ~ such construction or facilities substantially more expensive, Grantee shall either in its sole discretion, (a) relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A so as to eliminate such interference or expense or (b) reimburse Grantor for its added costs of design, construction, installation and/or acquisition of other property, but Grantee shall be obligated to act under (a) or (b) only upon the following conditions: (i) The location and existence of the Inter-tie is the sole cause of such interference or expense; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, this condition shall not be applicable if all other causes contributing to such interference and expense existed prior to the installation of the Inter-tie. (ii) Grantor shall have given Grantee advance written notice of its intention to undertake any such construction, together with preliminary plans and specifications for such work, identifying the potential conflict and all design information relating thereto. Such notice and plans shall be given in no event later than TWb (~) months prior to the commencement of the work . ...... (-i-i-i-)._ .. Granto-r·s·ha-ll··cooperate·wi th Grantee in develo.ping and considering various alternative designs for Grantor's facilities and shall supply all Grantor's design data necessary therefor; (iv) Grantor shall provide Grantee with such additional information as is available with respect to the construction and operation of its facilities to enable Grantee to determine the feasibility of any alteration and/or relocation of the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A or Grantor's proposed facilities to avoid or diminish the conflict between such facilities. (v) Grantor shall amend this Agreement with respect to the license area described in Exhibit A, and shall provide Grantee with such temporary rights and such additional license rights on the property as are required to accommodate any alteration and/or relocation of the Inter-tie on Grantor's property so as to enable Grantee to avoid or diminish the risk of damage or destruction to, and interference with, the operation and maintenance of the Inter-tie. Grantee shall give written notice to Grantor within two (2) months of Grantor's giving to Grantee the notice and other information specified in condition (ii) of this paragraph 9, - 4 -150LER by which notice Grantee will elect to (a) relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie located on the property described in Exhibit A, or (b) reimburse Grantor for its said added costs. If Grantee elects to reiocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie, it shall commence work promptly and diligently prosecute such work to completion prior to the scheduled date of commencement of Grantor's construction. Grantor's added costs reimbursable under this paragraph shall be only those direct and actual reasonable costs necessarily incurred by reason of the location or existence of the Inter-tie located on the property described in Exhibit A. 10. Widening of Rights of Way. If Grantor elects to widen or otherwise alter or modify Park Avenue or North 8th Street such that Grantor condemns or otherwise takes possession of property owned by Grantee that contains any part of the Inter-tie, Grantor agrees to extend the license granted with respect to the property described in Exhibit A to include such newly acquired property at no additional cost to Grantee. This Section 10 in no way constitutes an agreement or admission by Grantee that Grantor is entitled to take possession of property owned by Grantee. 11. Hold Harmless. Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, from and against all actions, causes of action, liabilities, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards and damages, of any kind and nature whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), for property damage, personal injury """'--o:r~~de-ath"and"~-expenses''i':-costs-'of''li-t-i·g·a-tion· and';counse-i.'-fees ."." ....... related thereto, or inciden~ to establishing the right to indemnification, in any way related to the Agreement, the performance thereof by Grantee or its subcontractors, including without limitation the provision of services, personnel, facilities, equipment, support supervision or review, to the extent such Claims arise out of any negligent act or omission of Grantee or its subcontractor. This indemnity will be applicable to a claim only if Grantor: (i) notifies Grantee of the claim or liability in writing within such time as to permit Grantee to protect its interests; (ii) permits Grantee to defend or settle against the claim or liability; and (iii) cooperates with Grantee in any defense of settlement against the claim or liability. 12. Commercial General Liability Insurance. Throughout the period of performance of this Agreement, Grantee shall carry and maintain, and shall ensure that its subcontractors carry and maintain, Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, damage or, - 5 -150LER 00 00 "'''.~'''''(1) -.- o c.D o c.D o ~ en alternatively, Two Million Dollars ($2,OOO,OOO) per occurrence- single limit for bodily injury and property damage combined. Such insurance shall be in a form and with insurers reasonably acceptable to Grantor, and shall contain coverage for all premises and operations, broad form property damage and contractual liability (including without limitation, that specifically assumed herein). Any policy which provides the insurance required under this Paragraph 12 shall name Grantor as additional insureds to the extent of the contractual obligation set forth in Paragraph 11 above. 13. Workers' Compensation. Throughout the period of performance of this Agreement, Grantee shall cover or maintain insurance, and shall ensure that its subcontractors cover or maintain insurance, in accordance with the applicable laws relating to workers' compensation, with respect to all of their respective employees working on or about the license area, regardless of whether such coverage or insurance is mandatory or merely elective under the law. Grantee shall also carry and maintain, and ensure that its subcontractors carry and maintain, Employers Liability coverage with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident. 14. Certificates of Insurance. Prior to the commencement of the work, Grantee shall provide for Grantor's review and approval certificates of insurance reflecting full compliance with the requirements set forth in Paragraphs 12 and 13 above. Such certificates shall be kept current and in -"'c6rripTialic"e" thr6'Llghout---the term o'f'the"'Agreement' and 's'hall--"·' provide for thirty (30) days advance written notice to Grantor in the event of cancellation. 15. Termination of License. Either party may, upon 6 months advance written notice, terminate the license; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no termination may occur by Grantor during the initial two year period commencing on the date of this Agreement. 16. Removal of Inter-tie on Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement, Grantee shall, on or before the effective date of termination, remove the Inter-tie from the license area described in Exhibit A and restore the ground of such area to the condition now existing, or, in the alternative, take such other mutually agreeable measures to minimize the impact of the Inter-tie on the property described in Exhibit A. Such work, removal and restoration shall be done at the sole cost and expense of Grantee and in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Grantor. - 6 -150LER 17. Notices. Notices required to be in writing. under this Agreement shall be given as follows: If to Grantor: If'to Grantee: The City of Renton The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207 Attention: Director of Facilities Renton Division, MIS 63-02 Notices shall be deemed effective, if mailed, upon the second business day following deposit thereof in the United States mails, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or upon delivery thereof if otherwise given. Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 18. Assignment. Neither Grantor nor Grantee shall ~ssign its rights, .pri vi leges , obligations or liabilities hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed;' PROVIDED, THAT, Grantee may assign its rights, privileges, obligations and liabilities hereunder to its divisions and 00 subsidiaries without the prior consent of Grantor. 00 1 .'. w.n .• _.--(1-)' ·. ___ .. _.M 9 .. ,"., .. Successo,r.s ...... ,.-"Sub] ect .to.ethe _pr.eced1ng .. par.ag.r.pph",. the.,< ....... ,,, .. " ... , , .. 0.':;,.;; .•.... ' ~ rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the c./) benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and o assigns. C.D o EXECUTED as of the date hereinabove set forth. 'f"'4 (J') The City of Renton Mayor The Boeing Company through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group By: P:Ji /L .... , ZPlf/ Title: 0rec;-12-v o-r fi:?c:t/J'Ile 5 - 7 -150lER STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) I tirtifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that £gr:l~rnelC :!igned this instrument, on oath stated that __ 1 , was a~thorized to execute ~he In and acknowledged 1 t as the Ll]~r of -,=O.u-"""I-'.;.:iI-'--......... .,r...""'~--.J.. .... "...-...L,...-'- to be the free and voluntary a~ of such party for he uses and purposes mentioned in the lnstrument. DATED ffill:y;:).t), 19 q r STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF K~ ) ) ss. ) N TA PUB IC in and for the State of W s 'ngton, residing at~~ My Appointment Expires: . I . I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 76-(!)4CA1aA"Ylc:tA.ct signed this instrument, on oath stated . that h-R;--,c:=::-" ,-was auJ:.bpr~z~~o execute th~~trument and acknowledged l-t as -the-.-~~ ... "·of -,fQ~/)-. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED ~ g, IC3I6UnaMJ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at f'!M.12= IJ:.jjhJ. My Appointment Expires: ~9JC~-~ 9.BB.-4~"=-ft-=-=-, ~. f __ r:.!..~ ____ \~~l~~ _~_ , {-_ ----~~~~. ~~ ~~~==~,_----~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----+-----~~----~-----1~~~~~~---+----1L~------~ ____ ~~L_ __ __ 10 ," --.~ R.O.W. --P" (h Il...... WK&ZR - -- ---- ~ u S ~ ~ -+-------~!!L--O---;a_wArrR~N'''utmL THE Nr:'~R~--~E-~--t--y-------SfA-48;09----r-----\LJ-(~ti~·;mLT,~ ,~,~ IN.) I G S.D, lOt HAS BEEN POLYPICCEO, DISINFECTED, 55'± LT 121-10" NIPPLE (J LF) ~ L __________ ~-----AND PR9URE TESTED-"-:-~'ila.n.<oo1ii--,,----~ ::~~:~.:?~EI(I.IJ) ~ : P>\tlIO/T S£.I.II \....i 1 -10" NIPPLE (LC AS REO'O) 0 s·' I. . -----------------a:,;.----------:----------------0:7;;"'-';;--1 -10" sauD SLEEVE (LP). SCALE: I~.IO: M~: __________________ ~ru==~K-------~~~~-::-~END-------___ ~;2~!! ____ 1 II L,~ ~ ~ ~-:------------.. ---~f.------------------------------.. ---... ------- COlIC. VAAT .; 16' SOliD SLEEVE \ -0"' \ : --E~: I J;,':-=l--~~:::Ec ~ --------------~------------------ -----I-.;\!-~-E'A. H I 13 1 T C ! ' .. -, ~ ~ ~ I tJruI\' POlE ~ urn I (llP.) _.>_--I I I,,) NOTE: lliE CITY OF REIlION 'MLL WJ(E . <=;' __ -\..---e I I I' CONNECTION TO D:I$l. 12" WATERIoWN P R < E z..I!Qlt; ----1---'\"-~~ Ii i~ AFTER COIllRACTOR HAS POLYPIGCED. A K AV NUE NORT 10: .CONTAACTOR SHAU.lloIloIED~mY NOnFY lliE OWNER -~ ~ IE! m DISlNFEC1ID. AND PRESSURE TESTED ." 1-; IF CONToIMlAATED SOILS OR CROUNOWATER ARE J '\ ~~ $lA 46+90.3310 ~ All NEW WORK.) ~ ENCOUNTERED DURING lliE WORK. \ -I c g:~ !:il ~ ~ \ I --i--.----'----- L ,I r:""HIrc:;t;:"T t2... ~ , , I [... ,.... L,..; 1 . I"""" . $lA 47+93.0; 20' RT , I· (ll-12xl2x12 TEE (loIJxft) \ I i ~1 -12" CATE V~VE (ft) W/ r """"''''' '-1'.' . CAST IRON BOX ------------::~-----\ I --~n: \IlL\{ -------~:~-I ~~~~ • :11"-:-~-!" .1. 411+09 -' _T CMlI CONCR£TE --I' $lA 48+19.0: 20'RT (1)-12x6 TEE (loIJxF1.) ~ IX. ., -r'" ~ II (P>I{D CMlI) I ~. I -T-:~-n---~---r----l:1-~~!~~'~~%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il~IEi~~e~ii~~~·~~~t±~~~ L_ ---'--.,r, ;r'-\W>lUI 9 I •• I.IJ CITY xlIIC I iY,1W<HOL£ I :~. i SlQW. SlGAA. I I II I )/.. I W/ lliRUST BLOCK (1)-6" CATE V~VE (ftxl.lJ) wi C.I. V~VE BOX (I)-It PLUC (IoU) W/ lliRUST BLOCK $lA 48+19.0; 27.5'RT (1)-H\1lRANT ASSEloIBLY ASP ...... I I ----~-i :>-"'~ c!--t'#,-=-f.l"--f"r:='tLr;:M • ....... ':::To;;;; C .. II ......... / ~ ... ~I I' ......... / I I I I H>-~-..!!-.!!~.!!'o ,--" I I I 'II ~ .. ~ ~ I I I II "", ....J!..--, I • cs' '~.::, 1 o o o o CI)HC. w.II.X Iii I Ii I f-,J I II I i:a I' I II I I • I I~ I ' ! I Ii SIG>IAI. BOX I I~ II I I II I I Ii ~I I I II I--II I ~I II W 'al I "I II W I II cH I : a::: S!CfL :mt til II I--I I i 81 II (f) ~= ~i""l ~t(~1 !2 I I' I I II I I Ilil I I .. I I 6" CIKR£It I le:r: I \MJO<OO I!e I--I Iii co I 110. I I~ I II. I 11-I 11:r: I II I--I II a::: ~ Ii 0 ,., II Z • COOTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONS I BlE FOR VERIFYI~ EXISTl~ UTILITIES N~I CALL BEFORE DIGGING i1: ROAD $lA 47+89.67; 82'RT t'; .c J TlUH FOR UNDERGROUND VAULT OEToIJLS AND PIPING SEE DRAWINC C5 II , <; A" t $lA. 47+93.0; 110,33' RT "9ClDII<t SlCIf llH COHC. PN) P\JI/lUI [L_ II [strPU~ I '-J ----------------------------c:r-----------------::,,5.S.11H r---------I!---------... -------... ---5.S.11H • FI ~ z: !(2)-DEAOloIAN BlOCKING . -------y~! (2)-lIt O.S.&Y. CATE V~VE I : C8 WI1If (I.IJ) IN VAULT _T I §: ~ OIL SEPARATOR 2 -10" NIPPLES (3 LF AS R(Q'[ PNlXING #RIA i~: \ . 2 -16.10 REDUCER (I.IJ) I b: ,... 2 -16" NIPPLES (2 LF) I -: \0:. 1 -16x16x16 TEE (I.IJ) I In! \~ 1 -10" NIPPLE (LENClli AS REO .---l 8: \ 1 -1(1' SOUO SlEEVE (LP) (1)-16" BUlltKfty: \ . V~VE (I.IJ) W/HANOC~K \ IN CONCRETE VAULT d:k--r\ 1 1/2" SCH 4~ ;: \ Gli.V SIt PIPE, I I I . ~ .n. rTT~nrl v 'oUIT1CII.~ (llP.) CONNECT TO rnsT. UH TURN DlSCHoIRCE PIPE DOWN. CROUT PENETRATION WATERT1C --!..;'-'----! PI)HlUI CONe. WoIIJ( NOTE: CONTRACTOR SH.IU NOT WJ«( FlN CONNEcnON TO rnsT. 10" WATERIoWH U 'Nt' liN """'DV UA<: Q~ ont wlr.r.l:n I" .. >-,:::Q 00 00 Eil~ u 1.O :S~ a.. a w.-; a::: en .~tH!! rs=eozding 19h1FR to: ~ae 898iag SSMpe 13.6. BOX 3997 SwLLle, 'flA AEb8fttlsa:: i yml Pi,t? J 11/8 7C;:::52 AGREEMENT AND LICENSE FOR CAG-052-91 &ED fOR RECORD AT REQUES f La' .. fCE OF THE CITY CLERK RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 3: ~(:; ~ FIRE MAIN INTER-TIE AT NORTH 8TH ST. AND PARK AVENUE ---..: ." .. ~ ~ .. '. ) --<.. --" .. ~. .~ , THIS AGREEMENT is made this I()ZJJ day of ~ ,~:,ii9$ between The City of Renton, a municipal corporati ,("Grantor" herein) and The Boeing Company by and through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, ("Grantee" herein). Recitals I. Grantor has requested that Grantee construct and maintain a fire ma~n inter-tie (as hereinafter defined ) for the purposes of providing increased fire protection. II. Grantee has agreed to undertake such construction and maintenance subject to Grantor granting licenses for purposes of such construction and maintenance. III. Grantor and Grantee desire to enter into this agreement setting forth their respective obligations and rights regarding '., ·····such .. I,icense· . .-··,· ..... ., ..... '.", ... , .... -..... "......... " .... , ...... _ .. "",". . ..... """"'" ., ... ,", .. " ....... -" ....... , .... , .... , ....... " .......... . Agreements In consideration of the performance by Grantee of the covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Grantor hereby grants to Grantee the following licenses: A. A license across, along, in, upon and under Grantor's property described in Exhibit A (plan sheet Cl of·the Fire Water Inter-ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing job #301860), attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of installing, constructing, operating, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using a fire main inter-tie near the intersection of North 8th Street and Park Avenue North consisting of the entire utility assembly from the point of connection into Grantor's water Main near the intersection of North 8th Street and Park Avenue North ove~ to the point of connection into Grantee's fire main on the west side ,of Park Avenue North, including all piping, valves, meters, specialty items, valve vaults, equipment vaults, electrical equipment, electrical services, concrete work and paving (herein the "Inter-tie"), together with the nonexclusive right'of ingress to and egress from said property for the foregoing purposes i 91/05/23 #1158 t· - 1 - REeD F RECFEE CRSHSL 150LER 4-0//000/ Ie. ~)_~t./ ~n. 4-q. 14· 13.00 2.00 ***15.00 B. A temporary license for purposes necessarily and reasonably related to the construction of the Inter-tie across, along, in, upon, and. under Grantor's property described in Exhibit B (Plan Sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-Ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing j9b #301860) attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, said license to commence on the date of this instrument and to terminate when construction of the Inter-tie is completed and the portion of the Inter-tie on the property described in Exhibit B is conveyed to Grantor by Grantee by a bill of sale; and C. A license for ingress to and egress from the property described in Exhibit A and B hereto upon, along, and across Grantor's property described in Exhibit C consisting of Plan Sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-Ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing job #301860) attached ·hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The terms "license" and "license area" in this instrument refer to the licenses granted with respect to the property described in Exhibits A and C, and, for the period of its duration, the license granted with respect to the property described in Exhibit B. This license is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. . .... ~ . . 1. Costs of Construction and Maintenance. Grantee shall bear and promptly pay all costs and expenses of construct.ion of the Inter-tie. Grantor shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the maintenance and repair of the Inter-tie upon Grantor's property described in Exhibit B, such Inter-tie to be conveyed to Grantor by Grantee by a Bill of Sale. Grantee shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the maintenance and repair of the Inter-tie in the license area described in Exhibit A. 2. Specifications. Grantee shall construct the Inter-tie in accordance with the specifications for the project set forth in Technical Specifications for Fire Water Inter-ties, Harris Group project no. 90-1177, Boeing job no. 301860, dated1#k\li110 (the "Technical Specifications".) 3. Approval of Plans. Prior to any construction, alteration, replacement or removal of the Inter-tie, a notification and plans for the same shall be submitted in writing to Grantor by Grantee and no such work by Grantee shall be commenced without Grantor's prior written approval of the plans therefor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the - 2 -lS0lER , . . circumstances. Grantor has approved the plans and specifications set forth in Grantee's above-mentioned Technical Specifications. 4. Coordination of Activities. Grantee shall coordinate the dates of its construction and other major activities on Grantor's property with Public Works Field Maint.Dept, or such other employee of Grantor as Grantor may from time to time designate, and Grantor shall make the license area readily accessible to Grantee, and free from obstructions and other uses that may interfere with construction of the Inter-tie or its use thereafter; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is r~asonable under. the circumstances. 5. Work Standards. Upon completion of construction of the portion of the Inter-tie On Grantor's property, and upon completion of any subsequent work performed by Grantee on Grantor's property, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the surface of the property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any property corner monuments, survey reference or hubs which were disturbed or destroyed during construction. 6. Access by Grantee During Construction. Grantor shall make provisions for continued access by Grantee along, over, -under, '--'"'"~and"acrossPatk' AvenUe' and North"8th" Str:e'etdur'ing'perio'dsin'''' . which Grantee is ponducting construction. During construction, Grantee shall endeavor to minimize interference with. the free passage of traffic along Park Avenue and North 8th Street; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Grantee may divert traffic as needed to accomplish construction. Grantee shall submit to Grantor for approval a written plan for diversion of traffic, such approval shall be granted within seven (7) days of receipt of such plan and shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. Grantee's Use and Activities. Grantee shall at all times conduct it~ activities on Grantor's property so as not to unreasonably interfere with, obstruct or endanger Grantor's operations or facilities. 8. Use of the License Area by Grantor. Grantee has been advised and is aware that: Grantor is using or intends to use the property subject to this Agreement for the purpose of public right of way. Grantor may continue to use the property for such purpose so long as the use does not unreasonably interfere with Grantee's exercise of its rights under the license. 9. Interference with Grantor's Future Facilities. Subject to paragraph 10 herein, in the event Grantor desires to construct f~cilities relating to Grantor's operations on or in the - 3 -150LER vicinity of the license area described in Exhibit A hereto, and- the location or existence of the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A substantially interferes with such proposed facilities or construction thereof, or makes such construction or facilities substantially more expensive, Grantee shall either in its sole discretion, (a) relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A so as to eliminate such interference or expense or (b) reimburse Grantor for its added costs of design, construction, installation and/or acquisition of other property, but Grantee shall be obligated to act under (a) or (b) only upon the following conditions: (i) The location and existence of the Inter-tie is the sole cause of such interference or expense; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, this condition shall not be applicable if all other causes contributing to such interference and expense existed prior to the installation of the Inter-tie. (ii) Grantor shall have given Grantee advance written notice of its intention to undertake any such construction, together with preliminary plans and specifications for such work, identifying the potential conflict and all design information relating thereto. Such notice and plans shall be given in no event later than ~ (~) months prior to the commencement of the work. (iii}-· Grant6r shall cooperate ~ith Gr'htee in devel6~irig and considering various alternative designs for Grantor!s facilities and shall supply all Grantor's design data ' necessary therefor; (iv) Grantor shall provide Grantee with such additional information as is available with respect to the construction and operation of its facilities to enable Grantee to determine the feasibility of any alteration and/or relocation of the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A or Grantor's proposed facilities to avoid or diminish the conflict between such facilities. (v) Grantor shall amend this Agreement with respect to the license area described in Exhibit A, and shall p~ovide Grantee with such temporary rights and such additional license rights on the property as are required to accommodate any alteration and/or relocation of the Inter-tie on Grantor's property so as to enable Grantee to avoid or diminish the risk of damage or destruction to, and interference with, the operation and maintenance of the Inter-tie. Grantee shall give written notice to Grantor within two (2) months of Grantor's giving to Grantee the notice and other information specified in condition (ii) of this paragraph 9, - 4 -150LER by which notice Grantee will elect to (a) relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie located on the property described in Exhibit A, or (b) reimburse Grantor for its said added costs. If Grantee elects to relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie, it shall commence work promptly and diligently prosecute such work to completion prior to the scheduled date of commencement of Grantor's construction. Grantor's added costs reimbursable under this paragraph shall be only those direct and actual reasonable costs necessarily incurred by reason of the location or existence of the Inter-tie located on the property described in Exhibit A. 10. Widening of Rights of Way. If Grantor elects to widen or otherwise alter or modify Park Avenue or North 8th street such that Grantor condemns or otherwise takes possession of property owned by Grantee that contains any part of the Inter-tie, Grantor agrees to extend the license granted with respect to the property described in Exhibit A to include such newly acquired property at no additional cost to Grantee. This Section 10 in no way constitutes an agreement or admission by Grantee that Grantor is entitled to take possession of property owned by Grantee. 11. Hold Harmless. Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold 00 harmless Grantor, from and against all actions, causes of ~ action, liabilities, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards ~ and damages, of any kind and nature whatsoever (hereinafter ~ re~e:.:ed,.~,o .. ~s ".::<;!~Jros.''.) .,J.9.~.,;B~o~e~ty "?amage,,....;per.sona'£ :rnj ury .,' ""-"~"""oreo-death and expenses, costs of 11 tl.gat10n and counsel fees ~ related thereto, or incident to establishing the rig.ht to ~ indemnification, in any way related to the Agreement, the ~ performance thereof by Grantee or its subcontractors, ~ including without limitation the provision of services, personnel, facilities, equipment, support supervision or review, to the extent such Claims arise out of any negligent act or omission of Grantee or its subcontractor. This indemnity will be applicable to a claim only if Grantor: (i) notifies Grantee of the claim or liability in writing within such time as to permit Grantee to protect its interests; (ii) permits Grantee to defend or settle against the claim or liability; and (iii) cooperates with Grantee in any defense of settlement against the claim or liability. 12. Commercial General Liability Insurance. Throughout the period of performance of this Agreement, Grantee shall carry and maintain, and shall ensure that its subcontractors carry and maintain, Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, damage or, - 5 -150lER . 1·1 .. t ~{,' .j,. 00 If.) ~ ~ M ... "., ...... N ........ ·c· If.) o ~ 0') alternatively, Two Million Dollars ($2,000;000) per occurrence single limit for bodily injury and property damage combined. Such insurance shall be in a form and with insurers reasonably acceptable to Grantor, and shall contain coverage for all premises and operations, broad form property damage and contractual liability (including without limitation, that specifically assumed herein). Any policy which provides the insurance required under this Paragraph 12 shall name Grantor as additional insureds to the extent of the contractual obligation set forth in Paragraph 11 above. 13. Workers' Compensation. Throughout the period of performance of this Agreement, Grantee shall cover or maintain insurance, and shall ensure that its subcontractors cover or maintain insurance, in accordance with the applicable laws relating to workers' compens.tion, with resp~ct to all of their respective employ~es working on or about the license area, regardless of whether such coverage or insurance is mandatory or merely elective under the law. Grantee shall also carry and maintain,and ensure that its subcontractors carry and maintain, Employers Liability coverage with limits of nqt less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident. 14. Certificates of Insurance. Prior to the commencement of the work, Grantee shall provide for Grantor's review and approval certificates of insurance reflecting full compliance with the requirements set forth in Paragraphs 12 and 13 above. Such certifi6ates shall be kept current and in . ·.compliance· th·roug·hout the .. ··term· .. of ·theAgreement andsha-ll ,_"v· ....... ., ...... -...• -~ provide for thirty (30) days advance written notice to Grantor in the event of cancellation. 15. Termination of License. Either party may, upon 6 months advance written notice, terminate the license; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no termination may occur by Grantor during the initial. two year period commencing on the date of this Agreement. 16. Removal of Inter-tie on Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement, Grantee shall, on or before the effective date of termination, remove the Inter-tie from the license area described in Exhibit A and restore the ground of such area to the condition now existing, or, in the alternative, ta~e such other mutually agreeable measures to minimize the impact of the Inter-tie on the property described in Exhibit A. Such work, removal and restoration shall be done at the sole cost and expense of Grantee and in a m~nner reasonably satisfactory to Grantor. - 6 -150LER 17. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be given as follows: If to Grantor: If to Grantee: The City of Renton The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207 Attention: Director of Facilities Renton Division, MIS 63-02 Notices shall be deemed effective, if mailed, upon the second business day following deposit thereof in the United States mails, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or upon delivery thereof if otherwise given. Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 18. Assignment. Neither Grantor nor Grantee shall assign its rights, privileges, obligations or liabilities hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, THAT, Grantee may assign its rights, privileges, obligations and liabilities hereunder to its divisions and subsidiaries without the prior consent ~f Grantor . . 1·9 .. -.·,"Successo.rs .. ,,,. Subject to· the precedingparagraph, .. the., rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective sucqessors and assigns. EXECUTED as of the date hereinabove set forth. The City of Renton Ti tIe: Mayor The Boeing Company through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group By: 11ft ??'~ "t/rt'f/ Title: Ot(e~/",v crr (iacIIJ't)e,) - 7 -lS0LER 00 ~ ~ ~ M STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED ________________________ ___ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF K~ ) ) ss. ) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My Appointment Expires: ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that o 76-(Y)<lDr'laA'Ylc:tA..a.. signed this instrument, on oath stated -.-""".,''' .. ---~ ·,.-~ .. '.~~~:~ac~w~as.,~.~: . ~utJ~?·,,··:~~e~~~~d~~~_~~:~~· ",' '-".c ·'r·~ 0") to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposei mentioned in the instrument .. DATED ~g'ICx~~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing a~~~~~. My Appointment Expires: ~~_. (]I ~ i "'"""1 \ \~ \(., \ '" ~."" __ L-_,,\ __ _ -------'" \ \ cs\ ---~!I!tn> -----!!'2' ~ I!OW._ 1!!!!I!I'!!!!!9!1I"" --2 I~ QIli1\BJlR \ ----\lAUP (rrP.) \ ----F4'I\i.E~ t;11 131 T c., w 1--\;--~I ~ 1:/ _---\f>. I 13 • J ~ \~ 7>J STA 46+90.331~ \ -I I!' 8 .:; I I I I " ---"" , ' ____________ 121-fo" 'NIPPLE (3 If) '" ~ ", ..... -------'" ----,-,&" """'" , V 1 -16.16.16 lEE ( . __ .. _. -, ---,.,. '" ' Q~l.-.-.. :-.. -----" 'I> "" .'" ""'''-. , .,. ~SLE(LG IS REO'D) ~ ~ _ .. _-_._._..,........., ... ,_._.-".,,~ '" '" (~) '" _ ~ _ .. _ .. _._._.--=:-----.. -.""" " 'I> SWE, , •• ,,' __________________ ------------------I ~~~ ~ ~ 16· SOLID SLEEVE II I ,.., E~ ~!-;~~lt-\_::. y CURB ~ CUIl[R I NOTE: THE CIlY OF' RENTON WILL MAKE I~I CONNEcnON TO EXIST. 12' WATERIIAIN AF'TER CONll!ACTOR HAS POLYPIGGED, DISINFECTED, AND PRESSURE TESTED i AlL NEW WORK, (rrP.) l PARK AVENUE NORT ! ~ -t-' e> ~ II a; ci ./lQIE; CON'l'AACTOR SHALl. IWEDIJ.TaY NOnfY THE OWNER IF CONTAMIWo.TED SOILS OR GROUNDWATER AAE J ENCOUNTERED DURING THE WORK, Sol ---------I -~ L - \ i· _____ t __ ~2! _____ ~~~-----------~---------~~-~-~t WA1'[1! 'I GATE \IIIlW; ~.~ I I ""rt ~ II (PAvmlMR) I. I -T--~-;;---rt----o----r----...,-..J.---I or RENTllN EUV. 2a.o9 • I WA1'[1! II I I •• L_ r I!!.~-~ ~WA1tR 9'tN I •• CIlY .00G I iY.1IAHHOl! I 1'-. rot -ASP",,-, sow. II I Ii I y •• I BOX -,.~.:... .. -~~ JJ.I ··MJ~----~:.~ ----_~'_'~I--.. ---1--, ·----·rs-~ ""-"r--' ~-=-,.=-......, ":.::;u.r;:·~·: • .: ••••• 1 31fT! I'JVa' ;::, I ~~ 7"i"+, 0; (rrP) .eTO£IWczauv -I. ~ I~ o $IQ<AI. I til Ur~-..!!'-.!!.!;!~ --/ : ! Pn1' , I! C? C? '~~ I I III ~-~.t" I o o o CXlHC. WJU( I~i [ .. I ~~h ~~~I I I I ~ ........ 'IN I II ...... to1--, I CSI 1" 1 Ii I r,J I I I I:s I' II I I I It!. , I ! Ii SlGNll.IIIX I,. I I II I I Ii '---ill I I 1.---I II w ~l i I I : W SIGHAL Im~ II 0:::: I , I II I--SAN. ~ i I I (j") UFT STAncH Ii I , II I I lila I I '. 1ft I t COHCREl! I IIl::r:: I IlUUCl<OO I!~ I--I Iii co I It.. I I~ I II, I 11-I j1::r:: I Ii I--I !i ~,i M, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONS I BlE FOR VERIFYING EXISTING UTILITIES N~I CALL BEFORE DIGGING \-800-424-5555 ------ ~ ROAD STA 47+89.67; 82'RT Y-UWN J FOR UNDERGROUND VAULT DETAILS AND PIPING SEE DRAWING C5 A f'!:o STA. 47+93.0; 110.33' RT ~ II .. P!NI1[)I ~ W [m~WL I ~-:-----~-------__o_-----------.D ~s.s.1/H r--------------.. -----------------s.s. \III , 1'. -0 ~: ! (2l-0E'Al)IoWI BLOCKING --------~: (2 -10' O.S,otY, ('.l.TE V1J.VE I : C8 WI1M (IoU) IN VAULT ASPKII,T I Ill: .~ OIl SD'WlOA 2 -10' NIPPLES (3 LF IS REO PARKING Nf£), I ~: \ 2 -16.10 REDUCER (IoU) I b: ,... 2 -16" NIPPLES (2 LF) 1)-16" SCUD I -: \-:. 1 -16.16.16 lEE (1tIJ) SLEM: (LP) I !iii \~ 1 -10" NIPPLE (LENGTH IS RE ,---1 f.'5: \ 1 -10" SOUO SLEf.\'! (LP) (1)-16" 8ullt,KFlY: \ V~VE (IoU) W/HANDCIWlK \ IN CONCRETE V1UL~ed:ia--r\ 1 1/2' SCH 40;.,· GALV STL PIPEl I I II{I!TIC.\I. CURB (rrP.) CONNECT TO EXIST. t.tH TUR.N DISCHARGE PIPE DOWN. CROUT P(N(TRAnON WATERTIG ..,-!.~----i PI-'Hl'.it CONe. W,IjJ( NOTE: CONT'AACTOR SHAll. NOT ,,,v:·m ~t~~o:a~ ZTB~'~~1I:;6,l NC:INN"t"'Tf'n Awn PQ~IIQr 'fP:',\.,'ll l'- =.0 ...t WHEN RFC0:<I)r::n r.ETURNTO: Office of II;. c." '. rk Renton t-.lw .... ,; j ;)uilding 2OQ.MiIl A venue South Renton, WA 98055 EASEMENT RECEIVED THIS DAY Jut 15 1'107 AM '·96 BY n;::: r, :V1JiON OF . 'RECOROS (} ::L£CTIONS IWW C()~iiHY For and in consideration of One· Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, acting by and through its division Boeing CommerCial Airplane Group, ("Grantor" herein), hereby grants and conveys to The City of Renton, a municipality of the State of Washington corporation ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth a non-exclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property, in King County, Washington, as described in Exhibit A, such easement to take up the portion' of such property as is described in Exhibit B and depicted on Exhibit C (the "Easement Area"), which such exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. ~ This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, C-.l conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fully I:'-observe and perform. ~ . . , '''''1'''~'''''''''''c.D.,.. ..... .;. ... -..... ~ .. ,. .... ,.....,."-."" . ..:. ...... ,~.· .. ~,, . .:. ... "-." ... '-· ... ~ . .,.' .. ·-:·"'·~·~i' ".~ ';~···,,"'·'"!':'~·l .• -~ ,-' .. ·.·;·, .. ·,., ......... ,;., .. · ........... ,_'.0-.'·.,,;..;..··_10.:,., ...• :.,.~.-., ; •• -•..•. , •. ~" •. ,." ~. -~,:':~ ..• , .. , ,-:n0 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain aflci."repair 8 cD - "'" .... 8 .. -C) ~ a motor control panel, architectural wall, and railing, together with all necessary appurtenances, in connection with the installation, operation, and maintenance of a lift station. 2. Compliance with Laws and Rules. Grantee shall at all times exercise its rights herein in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 3. Removal of Fill Material. In the event that Grantee encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Easement Area in furtherance of its rights set forth in paragraph 1, Grantee shall cease all operations and notify Grantor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of Grantee, Grantor shall, at its own expense, determine if the material is hazardous, as determined by applicable law. If the material should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at its own expense, remove, dispose, or otherwise handle such hazardous .substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for Grantee to use in its operation, if necessary. Should the encountered or suspected material prove not to be hazardous, Grantee shall proceed with the operations at its own cost, with no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred Page I of9 29485,225/GB/050796 due to the delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of Grantee, Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or other handling costs incurred in connection with the removal, disposal or handling of the hazardous substances will be at Grantee's expense, and Grantee shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. Any environmental mitigation requirements imposed as a result of the exercise ,of any right or obligation of Grantee hereunder shall be the sole responsibility and expense of Grantee. 4. Grantee Use and Activities. Except as provided in Paragraph 1, Grantee shall not use, or allow the use of, the Easement Area for any othe~ purpose whatsoever. Grantee shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's use of the Easement Area as set forth in Paragraph 5. Grantee shall, at all times, exercise its rights hereunder in a manner so as to prevent bodily harm to persons (whomsoever) and damage to property (whatsoever). Grantee shall maintain and repair the Easement Area (and improvements thereon) as necessary to keep the same in a neat, clean and safe condition. 5. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor During Construction. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not '"iric'onsistent with the rights herem granted; provideo;lhat Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Easement Area which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted. Grantee shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor alo~g, over and across the Easement Area during periods in which Grantee is conducting construction or other activities. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by either party for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property ,such party may take such action upon such notice to the other party as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Indemnity and Insurance. Grantee agrees to release; indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, Grantor's directors, officers, employees, agents servants and representatives from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), including claims for death or injury to employees of Grantee, costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising directly from, on account of, or in connection with Grantee's negligent operation, maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon) or willful misconduct in connection therewith. With respect to all or any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the .purview of RCW 4.24.115, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent permitted by RCW 4.24.115. As between the parties and for purposes only of the obligations herein Page 2of9 29485.225/GB/050796 assumed, Grantee waives any immunity, defense or other protection that may be- awarded by any worker's compensation, industrial insurance or similar laws (including but not limited to, the Washington Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington). 7. Abandonment The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as· Grantee ceases to use said Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years, in which event this easement shall terininate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Grantor. : ~. 8. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be personally served'or sent by U.S. mail. Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S. mail addressed as follows: To Grantor: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 75-66 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Manager of Planning' & Leased Properties Phone: 237-1945 "., .. .. ;" i •• ~.·" ,-,''l>'<' ," .' • ~"r .~ ~'.:-.. --.~ '" .. ~-~ ... , ..... - with a copy to: To Grantee: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 76-52 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Group Counsel Phone: 237-2682 Attn: -------Phone: _________ _ Either party may change the address to which notices may.be given by giving notice as above provided. Page 3 of9 29485.225/GB/050796 9. Access. Grantee shall have the right of reasonable access to the Easement Area over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder, provided that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Easement Area caused by the exercise of said right of access and the cost of any repairs resulting therefrom at the actual customary cost of such repair. 10. No Warranties. The rights granted herein are subject to permits, leases, licenses, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Easement Area. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. Any plans, specifications, or drawings (collectively, "Submittal") provided by Grantee to Grantor pursuant to this Agreement are for Grantor's informational purposes only. Any analysis, review or approval by Grantor, or Grantor's failure to analyze, review or approve such Submittal (including failure to discover any error or defect in such Submittal) shall not relieve Grantee of any of its obligations under this Agreement. Grantor hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, with respect to any such Submittal developed, reviewed or approved by Grantor as a condition of this Agreement. 11. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 12. . .. Termination: Relocation~ 12.1 Grantor may require Grantee to relocate the easement granted hereby at any time and from time to time to another area of the Grantor's property, provided that any such relocation shall be at Grantor's expense, and provided that any area to which the easement is relocated shall be deemed the "Easement Area" for all purposes of this instrument from the date of such relocation. 12.2 In the event Grantee breaches or fails to perform or observe any of the terms and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach ·or default within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving Grantee written notice thereof, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances, Grantor may terminate Grantee's rights under this Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to exercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to terminate for any future breach or default· 12.3 Upon termination of this Agreement and if requested by Grantor, Grantee, at its sole cost and expense, shall remove from the Easement Area any and all improvements thereon and restore the Easement Area to a condition as good or better than it was prior to construction of said improvements. Page4of9 29485.225/GB/050796 12.4 No termination of this Agreement shall release Grantee from any liability or 'Obligation with respect to any matter occurring prior to such termination. DATED ~ tiL Grantee: The City of Renton, Washington By: ~ __ s~ sse Tanner Its: ______ ..:..::M=ay"'-'o=r'--_ 29485.225/G8/050796 , 1996. GRANTOR: The Boeing Company, by and through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group By: __ ~~~~ ______ _ Its: . ~ ~ '. ,~ .... . ..... ,... ... .. Page 50f9 ~ c.o ~ """ '-' N N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) "(;t( (1 ... r1 , On this~ay of ~ ,1996, before me the undersigned personally appeared Jack L. Yager to me known to be the person who signed as-¥ioo-Di rector -Presideftt--Facilities Asset Management Organization of Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, a division of THE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year fust above written. ~ ~ No~the State of Washington residing at~ .' My commission expires tdLJ 97. .. " .. -..... "-"'£"Ii"~~"-"'"'' --, ".--.---."" .... -... --. . ··~··,·-f··,-~,,·· o ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) ss. ) On this __ day of , 1996, before me the undersigned personally appeared to me known to be the of THE CITY OF RENTON, the municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she was duly authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year fust above written. 294 8S. 225/GB/OS0796 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at ________________ _ My commission expires _. Page 60(9 EXfDBITA THE BOEING COMPANY SUBJECT PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Those portions of Government Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue N. (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2-A and Lake Washington Boulevard N.); Thence North 00° 56' 41" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 1284.03 feet, to an intersection with the southerly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway No. I (SR 405) North Renton Interchange as condemned in King County Superior Court Cause Number 656127; Thence South 89° 03' 19" East along said southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 15.00 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the right from whence the center bears South 89° 03' 19" East, a distance of 527.62 feet; Thence northeasterly along said curve, a distance of394.57 feet, to the point of tangency; Thence North 43° 47' 34" East, a distance of 121.67 feet; Thence North 82° 04' 59" East, a distance of 48.41 feet; Thence_S_QutbA6~ J 4 '.26" East, a distance .of: 42.25 feet, to the westerly margin of Gar~_<?n_~_f!~e~~~~ in the City of Renton; Thence leaving the southerly right-of-way line of said Primary State Highway No.1, South 18° 00' 38" East along the westerly margin of Garden Street North, a distance of 1249.79 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 850.00 feet; Thence southerly along .said curve and said westerly margin, a distance of 275.03 feet, to a point of tangency; Thence South 00° 31' 42" West along said westerly margin, a distanceof253.22 feet, to the south line of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West along said south line and along the south line of said Government Lot 3 in said Section 8, a distance of 771.25 feet, to the point of beginning; LESS that portion thereofdescribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly margin of said Renton North Interchange of SR-405 opposite centerline station 0+95 of A-line, as shown on sheet 2 of 5 of plans thereof as approved April 27, 1965, said point being on a 527.96 foot radius curve, the center of which bears South 79° 32' 24" East; Thence northeasterly along said easterly margin and said curve, a distance of 307.15 feet; Thence North 43° 47' 34" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 121.67 feet, to an angle point in said margin; Thence North 82° 04' 59" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 19.34 feet, to a line parallel with and 57.00 feet distant from, as measured at right angles, said centerline of A-line; Thence South 43° 47' 34" West along said parallel line, a distance gf 136.87 feet, to the beginning of a curve to the left whh a radius of 515.96 feet; h:techserv\legals\BECUP ARC.DOCJ Thence southwesterly along said curve, a distance of 300.17 feet, to a point which bears South 79° 32' 24" East from the point of beginning; Thence North 79° 32' 24" West, a distance of 12.00 feet, to the point of beginning; and LESS that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government lot 3, a distance of 25.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of 3 .63 feet; Thence South 47° 48' 53" East, a distance of 5.46 feet, to an intersection with said south line or said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West, along said south line, a distance of 4.11 feet, to the point of beginning; and LESS that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 497.03 feet; Thence South 89° 03' 24" East, a distance of 1 0.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00°56'41" East, a distance of 66.49 feet; Thence South 03° 46' 47" East, a distance of24.28 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of28.00 feet; Thence South 08° 54' -52" West, a distance of 14.43 feet, to the point of beginning. h:techserv\legals\BECUP ARC.DOC! EXIDBITB Penn anent sanitary sewer easement across Boeing property (described in Exhibit A): Commencing at the intersection ofthe south line of Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North, . Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2-A and Lake Washington Boulevard N.) Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 25.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of2.00 feet; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, a distance of27.00 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of 2.00 feet, to an intersection with the south line of said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West along said south line, a distance of27.00 feet, to the point of beginning; LESS that portion lying within the following described parcel in Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington; Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 25..00 feet, to the point of beginning; , . Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of3.63 feet; .. __ .. -. . .. • J , •• ".~ -~ ..... -,J. .... : .• -4-:",;.".- Thence South 47° 48' 52" East, a distance of 5.46 feet, to an intersection with said south line of said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West, along said south line, a distance of 4.11 feet, to the point of beginning. Temporary ingress/egress easement across Boeing property (described in Exhibit A): Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; . Thence South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of25;00 feet; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of 1 02.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence continuing North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of28.00 feet; Thence South 89° 03' 19" East, along a line at right angles to the previous given bearing, a distance of 33.00 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of 46.00 feet; Thence North 89° 03' 19" West, a distance of28.00 feet; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of 18.00 feet; Thence North 89° 03' 19" West, a distance ofS.OO feet, to the point of beginning. Temporary ingress/egress easement shall expire July 31, 1997. h:lechserv\legals\BECUPARC.DOCI ···,,··i. N 6th St. a> > <C :z: .::.::. L- a> 0 z: > 0.. <C a.> > c: <C 0 O'l c: 0 Q) ---l L.... 0 c.::> IlliDsl IIII[] SANITARY SEWERS D. Christensen R. MacOnie, D.Visneski 18 June 1996 N 4th St. o 800 16·00 1 :9600 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS· .;; EXHIBITC Sheet 2 of 2 ~ :.: ..-c ~ -co l!) b 0 Z -C'J 0 @ ~ CO N ..-c 33'l o 25 50 1:300 28' I --+-46' 18' I L.,----f-~~ .... • ... ". "''':'.''''"I:'-~''' ... 'r~" ~2:8,-J 5' 27' 5.46' 2' r 771. 25' N B go 2 B' 1 B" W 4·.11 ' 8th ~ Temporary Ingress/Egress Easement r7ZZZZ/1 Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement SANITARY SEWERS D. Christensen R. MacOnie, D.Visneski 18 June 1996 t"_ Retum Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. WA 98055-3232 CITY OF RENTON EAS PAGE eel OF e15 12/15/2eel 15:20 KING COUNTY, lolA Document TItJe(s) (or transactions contained therein): 1. Sanitary Sewer Easement -Parcel 38-·.1 2. 3. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: (on page __ of document(s) G-antar(s) (last name first; then first name and initials): 1. The 80eing Company 2. 3. 4. 0 Additional names on page _ of documenl Grontee(s) (L~t name tnt. then first I!~e II\d Initials): 1. City of Renton 2. 3. 4. 0 Additional names on page _ of document Legal desaiptlon (abbmiated: Le. lot, block, plat or section, township. range) 22.00 That Portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest Quarter of S.ection a. Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. IX) full legal is on page 8 of dowment Assessor's Property TalC Parcel/Acccunt Number Portion of 6082305901108 ' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-l For and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, ("Grantor" herein), hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipality ("the City" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property as depicted in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property"), in King County, Washington. Except as may be otherwise set forthhercm the City's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property depicted on Exhibit A and more particularly described in Exhibit B (the "Easement Area"). This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following tenns, conditions and covenants which the City hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perfonn. I. PUfDose. The City shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge the sewer pipeline together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances therefor. 2. Compliance with Laws and Rules. The City shaH at all times exercise its rights herein in accordance with the requirements (as from time to time amended) and all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 3. Removal of FiJI Material. In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Easement Area in furtherance of its rights set forth in paragraph 1, the City shan cease all operations and --1-103003-0 J 6OISAO J I HO.069) 6ntOI notify Grantor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor shall, at its own expense, detennine if the material is hazardous, as detennined by applicable law. If the material should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at its own expense, remove, dispose; or otherwise handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for the City to use in its operation, if necessary. Should the ;::; encountered or suspected material prove not to be hazardous, the City shall proceed ..--with the operations at its own cost, with no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of ~ schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. If the encountered or ~ suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of the City, <::::I Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or '" other handling -costs incurred in connection with the removal, disposal or handling of ..... -the hazardous substances will be at the City's expense, and the City shall have no ...... C) recourse against Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays incurred due to the delay in C> ~ operation. 4. The City's Use and Activities. The City shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's use of the Property as set forth in Paragraph 5 herein. '. , ~'" .... '.. .., 4 • ,. • "~ • " .. ~ 5. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor During Construction. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure-on the Easement Area which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted. The City shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area during periods in which the City is conducting construction or other activities. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by either party for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, such party may take such action upon such notice to the other party as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Indemnity. The City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, Grantor's directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), including claims for death or injury to employees of the City, costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising (03003"() J 6O/SAO J J HO.069J -2-6fT/OJ .-- ..... - ...-. directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with the City's operation, maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon). With respect to all or any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24.] ]5, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent pennitted by RCW 4.24.115. 7. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be personally served or sent by U.S. mail. Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received wh~n three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S. mail addressed as follows: To Grantor: With a copy to: And to: To the City: The Boeing Company c/o Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 2R-71 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Rick Ford Phone: (425) 237-2336 Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707-MlS 2R-79 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 . Attn: Mr. Jeff Adelson Phone: (206) 544-5918 Office of the General Counsel The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone: (206) 655-2405 City of Renton Department of Development Services 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Property Services Division Phone: (425) 430-7200 Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 8. Access. The City shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable the City to 103003~160ISA0l1nO.069) -3-(#7101 1'_ exercise its rights hereunder, provided that the City shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access. 9. Title. The rights granted herein are subject to permits, l~ases, licenses, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Property. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. 10. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. II. Termination. 11.1 Termination for Breach. In the event the City breaches or fails to perfonn or observe any of the tenns and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving the City written notice thereof, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances, Grantor may tenninate the City's rights under this Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to exercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to tenninate for any future breach or default . " . 11.2 Termination for Abandonment or Lack of Necessity. In the event that the property designated with hatch marks on Exhibit A ("Benefited Property") is developed with at least one building with a finished floor height of sufficient elevation for a side sewer connection as identified in Exhibit C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report), the City ceases to use said Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years, or if for any other reason the Easement is not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may tenninate the City's rights under this Agreement. DATED this IS 11: day of_-.-::Ji.~· L='--,' ~:..;:/,--__ -" 2001. THE CITY: GRANTOR: City of Renton By £::n~ Its Mayor 103003-0 I 60/SAO I U70.069) -4-6ntOl ...- .... - ....-. CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT Dale , before me, OOLV~a~a~ ~J9~~) Jane~~±~ ~Un Fit 6/10 personally appeared _M1--.....:.n-'..I-:\'-'j1 Pt--· ---=-t-\!-'---->oC~~-=+-'-b~Uf"7N::-ame-::-;~::;-s) of:-:-:S;:7:"igne-:'"r::-.(s)-------- ·~personally known to me ~ .0 = DAWN E. S~A~ER ~ ;;; • ' COMM.' 1158725 (J) a: • Notary Public . Calilomia J) (J) .. ORANGE COUNTY c!;. ~ My Comm. Expires Oct 14,2001 j e c Place Notary Seal AbOve o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ whose name~ isJet:e- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he~ executed the same in his/RefIthlm authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/Mf/lheir signature(efon the instrument the person(S'). or the entity upon behalf of which the person(st acted. executed the instrument. ESS my hand and official seal. E. Stgna1ure of Notary Pubhc OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: __________________________ _ Document Date: _________________ NumberofPages: _______ __ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _________________________ _ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ______________________________ _ o Individual o Corporate Officer -Title(s): o Partner -0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: _________________________________ _ RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top at rhumb here Signer Is Representing: ______________________ '--____ -' ."-'<X"~~~~~~'C<;'Ci.:~'C<:«~'C<:"_<:.<:'C1;~~_c<;'Cl;««~~~'C(.~~_<:.<:«'C<..~~«'C1;_c<;-cz: ... ..:j;, «:> 1997 Nal;onal NOlary Assoc;alion' 9350 De SolO Ave. P.O. eo. 2402 • Chatsworth. CA 91313·2402 -5-Prod No ~907 Reorder: Can ToIl·F.ee 1·600·876·6827 f'_ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 5S. COUNTY OF K.ING ) On this '3.J day of fJ.(lG.r~'4200 I, before me the undersigned personally appeared Jesse Tanner to me known to be the Mayor of ' THE CITY OF RENTON, the municipality that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the' said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipality, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. 103003~ 160/SAO II $10.069) .~IV~'"--D. i-cr~,...£' (Signature of Notary) S;~--Z/'l(\" I) r L~J\r--k 1.-,-1 (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ~, My Appointment Expires: ~. -6-6rl101 r_ C"oI CT'> c;:, c:;) LO c::> C"I ..... - .... - c=> c:::> '" / ILl = -.to .., ~ '8 z g ....: ~ PROPOSED LOT I 93,865 sq. ft. 2.154 acres N89°10'26"W 513.88' EXHBTUAP EASB.ENT PARCEl.. 38-1 PUBLIC SANrTARY ~ SYSTEM Cl1..1, tNI1/4, SEC. 8, T23N, R5E, W.M. SCALE 1"= 1001 LEGEND S STREET MONUMENT IN CASE • SS MANHOLE . PROPERlY LINE ~ EASEMENT 9' NOO029'31"E. 427.34' N. 8TH ST. EASEMENTPARCEL3B~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TO""NSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING 7.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: r-.... COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF ~ NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00°29' 31" 6 EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE ;;; NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30i' WEST <:::> C'.I ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 1414.93 FEET; THENCE AT A 9-- RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 41.70 FEET TO ;; THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF ... ~ BEGINNING;·· THENCE SOUTH80Q·15' 11" WEST, 34.17 FEET TO APOINT ON THE' WEST LINE OF PROPOSED PARCEL 1 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE; THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED AS REQUIRED TO TERMINATE ON THE BOUNDARIES OF PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED. (A PORTION OF BOEING'S PARKING LOT 3B) CONTAINING 513 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Prepared By: Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No.: 00-146 May 24,2001 Revised: November 19, 2001 EXHIBIT C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report] -- 10JOOJ-O 160ISAO I I HO.069) 617/01 ro_ (".J ..- C"t") C~ 0 IJ") c:;:, (".J .... - ..-- C) 0 .. \........, REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKlNG LOTS 3B AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY STUDY PROJECT NO. 00-10754 BOEING REALITY CORPORA TlON SEA TILE, WASmNGTON SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY I. SUMMARY DATE: JULY 26, 2000 REVISION 1: AUGUST 18, 2000 REVISION 2: MAY 7, 2001 Boeing Realty Corp is considering subdividing Parking Lots 3B and 6. These are the two blocks bordering Garden Avenue on the west and east sides, respectively between N. Park and N. Eighth Street. Lot 6, to the east of Garden extends east to the rail tracks. This sewer availability study was perfonned by the Harris Group Inc. to detennine the area of each new short subdivision lot that can be served by gravity sanitary sewer. Each lot must be served by the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer main systems on N Eighth Street and Garden A venue North . The design criteria used to detennine if gravity sanitary sewer was available to each new lot was as . follows: . . ....._ ..... -----. -,' --:--_.--_._-... • Any private main or side sewer outside of the possible building envelope was sloped at 0.5%. Maintaining this slope requires that those lines be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. • Sanitary sewer under the building footprint were sloped at 1.0% per the Unifonn Plumbing Code Section 708.0 Grade of Horizontal Drainage Piping. Section 708.0 allows a 1% slope when approved by the Administrative Authority. For purposes of this study, the possible building footprint area served by the sewer was conservatively calculated by assuming the transition from 0.5% slope to 1.0% occurs at the setback line. In reality, the actual building footprint will probably be further back than the setback line because of parking requirements and stonn water management issues. • Finish floor (FF) elevation was detennined for each lot based on site grades or as required to provide under building sanitary sewer coverage. • The highest allowable under building footprint sanitary sewer grade elevation was set at \'-6" (invert to top of finished floor) below the detennined finish floor elevation to allow for finished plumbing turndowns and bends. Based on the design criteria above each new short subdivision lot has over 90 percent of its allowable building footprint area available to gravity sewer service to a portion of the existing City' of Renton sanitary sewer system -JO- - 2. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The following table provides a break down orthe preliminary sewer design results for each new short subdivision lot. For each lot Ihe determined building finish Ooor elevation is gtven, Ihe expecled grade of Ihe sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line under the building foot print, the City of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole in which the lot will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect tp the City sewer system. SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SA,'IITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDtVISION NO. flNLSH GRADE AT LENGTH OF MANHOLE MADE fLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE WHICH THE LOT ELEVATION (FEET) UNDER BLDG CONNECTS TO (fEET) AT 1.0% SLOPE (FEEJl LOT6 I 28 20.35 615 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT6 2 )0 22.35 615 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 J J2 24.9 560 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 4 32 24.7 580 NEW MH E. OF 61 SIDE SEWER LOT JB I 21 11.6 190 153 PUBUC SEWER MAIN LOT JB 2 27.5 20.8 520 155 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 3B 3 )02 2268 600 155 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT )B J .~/I 29.5 232 480 168 SIDE SEWER LOT J8 4 }7 /7.85 760 15J PUBUC SEWER MAIN The following is a short description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Ronton sanitary sewer system: • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1,2 AND 3: Sanitary sewer service to these three lots is complicated by the large 48-inch and 72-inch storm drain sewer mains that shield access to the existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka with the City of Renton it was determined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for these lots through both the 48-inch and 72-inch storm sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing, and the sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that the sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch storm sewer pipe at an elevation of, approximately 20.4 feet in elevation or 3.8 feet above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. Once the public sanitary sewer main is on the east side of the 72-inch storm sewer a manhole will be placed to serve Lot I and provide extension of the public sewer system to Lots 2 and) at a slope of 0.5%. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a manhole be instaJled on the existing 20" City of Renton sanitary sewer main on North 8th Street approximately 80 feet east of city Sanitary Manhole 61. -u- f'_ C"'I cY') c::. c:'! IJ") 3. C::> C'.I • SHORT SUBDIYlSION PARKING LOT 38 -LOT I: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main system extending from the existing City of Renton .Sanitary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new sewer if a conflict is encountered. • SHORT SUBDIYlSION PARKING LOT 38 -LOTS 2 AND 3: These two lots will have a public sanitary sewer main system that will connect to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 155 on Garden Ave. N. Outside of the building footprints of these two lots a sanitary manhele will be provide to convey the flow from each respective lot. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot 3 will require the installation of a side sewer into the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole J 68 on N. Eighth Street. • SHORT SUBDIYlSION PARKING LOT 3D -LOT 4: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main extending from the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole J 53 on Garden Avenue No. This public sewer also serves Lot J. ALTERNATE SEWER PLAN The following table provides a break down of the alternate preliminary sewer plan for each new short subdivision lot that allows each lot to be provided sanitary sewer service by a side sewer. For each lot the determined building finish floor elevation is given, the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line under the building foot print, the City of R~nton sanitary sewer sys_t.i!m ?:Ianhole .tn wl1ic,~ th,e.)pt will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect to the City sewer system. . , .. SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDrvlSION NO. FINISH GRADE AT LENGTH OF MANHOLE WHICH THE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE LOT CONNECTS TO ELEVATION (FEEl) UNDER BLDG (FEEl) AT 1.0% SLOPE (FEEl) LOT 6 I 28 21 550 IS) SIDE SEWER LOT 6 2 31.7 24 615 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT 6 3 32 24.9 560 156 SIDE SEWER LOT 6 4 12 24.7 . 580 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOTlB I 21 17.6 190 153 SIDE SEWER LOT 3B 2 27.5 20.8 520 ISS SIDE SEWER LOT)B ) )0.75 23.2.5 bOO PIPE SIDE SEWER lOT1B JA/' 29.5 23.5 ~80 168 SIDE SEWERS LOT)B 4 27 17.17 8)0 PIPE SIDE SEWER The following is a shorf description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to Ihe existing Ciiy of Renton sanitary sewer system. • SHORT SUDDIYlSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 1: Sanitary sewer service to this lOllS complicated by the large 48-inch and 72-inch storm drain sewer mains that shield access to the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Dased on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka, with the City of Renton, it was determined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for this lot through both the 48-inch and 72-inch stonn sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing, and the ~ 11..- sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that tbe sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent now capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch storm sewer pipe at an elevation of approximately 20.8 feet in elevation or 4.2 feet above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKJNG LOT 6 -LOTS 2 & 3: Lot 2 will r~quire the placement of sii:le sewers over the top of the 72-inch and 48-inch storm drain lines. The side sewer will drop into the existing eight-inch City of Renton per the City of Renton typical detail side sewer.rjser detail. Lot 3 side sewer will also go over the 72-inch and 48-inch storm drain lines, and then will enter into the City Sanitary Manhole 158. • • • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection be installed on the existing 20-inch City of Renton sanitary sewer main on N. Eighth Street approximately 80 feet east of City Sanitary Manhole 61. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 1: This lot will require the placement of a side sewer into existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 153 00 Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Reoton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new side sewer if a conflict is encountered. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOTS 2 AND 3: Lot 2 will have a side sewer that will connect to the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole 155 on Garden A venue N. Lot 3 will have a standard City of Renton side sewer connection to the City of Renton's 8" sewer main and Garden Avenue. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot 3 will require the installalion of a side sewer. into. the existing City. of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 168 on N. 8th Street. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection into the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer approximately 70 feet north of Manhole 153. 4. CONCLUSIONS Gravity sanitary sewer service is available to each of the lots in the proposed Short Subdivisions Parking lots 3B and 6. Building sewer service should be available in over 90% of the allow building footprint of each lot. In our opinion, the portions of the lot without coverage are not significant because: • The areas not covered are small. It is likely that any restrooms or other uses could be located in a portion of the building that has access. • Parking and storm water management issues will reduce the maximum size of the bUilding from that calculated to form the setback requirements alone. Parking and storm W31Cf structures could be located in these areas where the sewer does not reach. If you have any question regarding methodology, routings, or conclusion of this report please feel frC"'C to contact Harris Group Inc. at (206) 494-9400. -t:;- 5. APPENDICES • Site Plan (SK-CI) Rev. A • Alternate Site Plan (SK-C2) Rev. A RSMlmeh I EXPIRES: 7118/ -t<1CJt.. -99-10745\1 0745rplOO 1_R2.doc cc: RSM, IT, ROV, File .. . ' \ ' ...... -14 - Prepared by: IIARRlSG~ . I cNiesh, P.E. Engineering Manager ." ... ~ •. ' ....... r~ ', •.. -t ~f'": ~ .•. -:' -, - ,...--, C:l ,C) , tr'>I 0" . , Retum Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton \Inlllllllllll~ 20011205003128 CITY OF RENTON EAS 22.00 PAGE 001 OF 815 12/85/2001 15:20 KING COUNTY, lolA 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055-J2Jz Document TItle(s) (or transactions contained therein): ~ 1. Sanitary Sewer Easement -Parcel 38-4 2. 3. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: (on page __ of document(s) Grantor(s) (last name first, then first name and initials): 1. The Boeing Company 2. 3. 4. 0 Additional names on page _ of document. " Q-Qntee(s} (Last name fIrSt, then 1irst name and initi<1ls}. 1. City of Renton ... ~--.. .. -'~.-'''.'' ". .' 2. 3. 4. o Additional names on page _ of document. Legal desaiption (abbreviated: Le. lot, block. plat or section. township. range) That Portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest Quarter of Section 8. Township 23 North. Range 5 East, W.M. J IXI Full legal is on page 8 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number Portion of 1082305901108 f • SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-4 For and. in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, ("Grantor" herein), hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipality ("the City" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property as depicted in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property"), in King County, Washington. . Except as may be otheIWise set forth herein the City'S rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property depicted on Exhibit A and more particularly described in Exhibit B (the "Easement Area"). This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which the City hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. 1. Purpose. The City shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, . repair, replace and enlarge the sewer pipeline together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances therefor. 2. Compliance with Laws and Rules. The City shall at all times exercise its rights herein in accordance with the requirements (as from time to time amended) and all applicable statutes, orders, rules arid regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 3. Removal of Fill Material. In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Easement Area in furtherance of its rights set forth in paragraph I, the City shall cease all operations and (OJOOJ-OI60ISAOIIHO.07IJ -1'" ..... - notify Grantor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor shaH, at its own expense, detennine if the material is hazardous, as determined by applicable law. If the material should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at its own expense,rerrrove, dispose, or otherwise handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for the City to use in its operation, if necessary. Should the encountered or suspected material prove not to be hazardous, the City shall proceed with the operations at its own cost, with no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or other handling. costs incurred in conriection with the removal, disposal or handling of the hazardous substances will be at the City'S expense, and the CitY shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays incurred due to the delay in operation. 4. . The City's Use and Activities. The City shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's use of the Property as set forth in Paragraph 5 herein . . 5. . Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor During Construction. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Easement Area which would interfere with. the exercise of the rights herein granted. The City shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area during periods in which the City is conducting construction or other activities. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by either party for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, such party may take such action upon such notice to the other party as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Indemnity. The City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, Grantor's directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), irtcluding claims for death or injury to employees of the City, costs, expenses and reason~ble attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising (03003~160ISAOIIHO.07I) -2-6nlOi directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with the City's operation, maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon). With respect to aJ] or any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24.1 ] 5, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent pennitted by RCW 4.24.115. 7. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be personally served or sent by U.S. mail. Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S. mail addressed as follows: To Grantor: With a copy to: And to: To the City: The Boeing Company c/o Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 2R-71 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Rick Ford Phone: (425) 237-2336 Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707-MlS 2R-79 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Jeff Adelson Phone: (206) 544-5918 Office of the General Counsel The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone: (206) 655-2405 City of Renton Department of Development Services 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Attn: Property Services Division Phone: (425) 430-7200 .... :. Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 8. Access. The City shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable the City to (03003'()160/SAOIJS70.071) -3-6(7101 exercise its rights hereunder, provided that the City shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access. 9. Title. The rights granted herein are subject to pennits, leases, licenses, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Property. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. . 10. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 11. Tennination. 11.1 Tennination for Breach. In the event the City breaches or fails to perfonn or observe any of the tenns and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving the City written notice thereof, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances, Grantor may tenninate the City'S rights under this Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of ~y other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to exercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to tenninate for.any future breach or default. 11.2 Tennination for Abandonment or Lack of Necessity. In the event that the property designated with hatch marks on Exhibit A ("Benefited Property") is developed with at least one building with a finished floor height of sufficient elevation for a side sewer connection as identified in Exhibit C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report), the City ceases to use said Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years, or if for any other reason the Easement is not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may term4tate the City's rights under this Agreement. DATED this . \ <6~ day of _---'Ji=...;;;.;u:..:...(l.t~· '--___ " 2001. THE CITY: GRANTOR: City of Renton The Boeing Company. a Delaware By: ~e(~ Its Mayor (OJOOJ-Ol60ISAOlI570.071J -4-617/01 ,. CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of . On -=D~v.,----,-I,--,&~-0""--1..' __ ' before me, --'-''''''''-''''''-':':-~~:''-:'"'(7::1=ve __ r-;-<-77-tJ;:.:,1I,,;:--h-=ll-::-(L-+--=R.~t ~:::-Jt.:......IU __ D.le Ph,l.n lU. C \"11 ,,,N+ameandTitleofOffICef(e.g."JaneDoe. Public') personally appeared ---''--!.-.L.:....!-'+~--'----=-~rY\..V::..=-'---':::---:-.-~-.c-:-------___ _ J Name(s) of Signe«s) rae e~AWNESHA; 1 ;n " COMM .• 1158725 (f) CI: - • Notary Public . Calilornia :n en ORANGE COUNTY (f) Jet . e 00 My :,omm. EX~ir9S Oct. 14.2001 T Place NOlary Seal Above 01 personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(-s) whose name(et is/are- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/lhe)' executed the same in his/~/\hett authorized capacity(iee-), and that by his/~/tAe1r signature(s-) on the instrument the person(e}, or the entity upon behalf of which the persontsr acted, executed the instrument. WIT~ESS my hand and official seal. l~(\Ll~ E. ~Ov-0\... Signature of Nolary Public ----------------~---opnONAL--------------------- Though the information below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reaNachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: __________________________ _ Document Date: _________________ Number of Pages: ______ _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ______________________ _ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ________________________ _ o Individual o Corporate Officer -Title(s): o Partner -0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: ________________________ _ RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top oIlhumb here I • 1_:;9no, Is ~0:'0~nl:9 ______________________ '--____ -' ... 'C<;~~_c<;~_c<:<c.<;~_c<;~~~~~~..qco(;'<i%~~~'<X~q;o'¢<>~~'G(;'G(;'¢'(;~~ .. '. .' _ .. :..._ ";>' o 1997 National Notary Assoc"lion • 9350 De SOlO Ave .• P.O. Bo. 2402 • ChatsWO<1h. CA 91313-2402 _" ~ Prod. No. 5907 Reotder: Can ToII.Free 1-800-876-6827 - ST A TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss .. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 3/J day of ~~...., 2001, before me the undersigned personally appeared Jesse Tanner to me known to be the Mayor of THE CITY OF RENTON, the municipality that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipality, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. (03003'()160ISAOll~70.071) (i ture of Notary) SlA -z..a,,/1 D. L~,v-LCA.d2 (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOT AR Y PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at .s'eJ!)!~ . My Appointment Expires: q q G.b . -6-6rl101 en c-.... ~ CJ c::I c.n c;:, r.., .... --c::::I C> C'I / ..... / S79D32'58"E 12.00' R=527.62 45' L=S7.53 Delto=09'30'20· I 5.00' S89°03'IS"E l' I ...... ~ 2 Iffi ; ~ ICD I I I PROPOSED LOT 4 120,309 sq.ft. 2.762 acres UJ ~o -I") 0> • ....... o '" oeo o z ~--------------------. SCALE 111= 100' N. 8TH ST. LEGEND S STREET MONUMENT IN ~SE • SS MANHOLE PROPERlY LINE ~ fASEMENT N89°10'26"W 513.88' EXHBTMAP EASEMENT PARCEl. 38-4 PUBLIC SANTAA'( SEWER SYSTEM GLl, NW1/4, SEC, 8, T23N, R5E, WM EASEMENT PARCEL 3B4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTO~, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING 7.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 000 29' 31" EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 180 DO' 30" WEST ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 1414.93 FEET; THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71 0 59' 30" WEST, 41.70 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 800 15' 11" WEST, 34.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF PROPOSED PARCEL 2 . ··-AND THE TRUE P01NT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 800"1-51' 11" WEST; 15.63····· FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE; THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED AS REQUIRED TO TERMINATE ON THE BOUNDARIES OF PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED. (A PORTION OF BOEING'S PARKING LOT 3B) CONTAINING 235 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Prepared By: Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No.: 00-146 May 24,2001 Revised: November 19, 2001 EXHIBIT C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report] - 103003-01 6OISAO 1 1 HO.0691 6n101 REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUDDIVlSION PARKING LOTS 3B AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY STUDY PROJECT NO. 00-10754 ~ANITARY SEWER AVAILABILlTY BOEING REALITY CORPORATION SEA TTLE, WASIDNCTON - Cl '" ---~ c::> C"V 1. SUMMARY DATE: J1JL Y 26, 2000 REVISION 1: AUGUST 18,2000 REVISION 2: MAY 7, 2001 Boeing Realty Corp is considering subdividing Parking Lots 38 and 6. These are the two blocks bordering Garden Avenue on the west and east sides, respectively between N. Park and N. Eighth Street. Lot 6, to the east of Garden extends east to the rail tracks. This sewer availability study was perfonned by the Harris Group Inc. to detennine the area of each new short subdivision lot that can be served by gravity sanitary sewer. Each lot must be served by the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer main systems on N Eighth Street and Garden A venue North. The design criteria used to detennine if gravity sanitary sewer was available to each new lot was as follows: . ."'" ~" ... ~ .. " ;. • .' • • Any private main or side sewer outside of the possible building envelope was sloped at 0.5%. Maintaining this slope requires that those lines be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. Sanitary sewer under the building footprint were sloped at 1.0% per the Unifonn Plumbing Code Section 708.0 Grade of Horizontal Drainage Piping. Section 708.0 allows a 1 % slope when approved by the Administrative Authority. For purposes of this study. the possible building footprint area served by the sewer was conservatively calculated by assuming the transition from 0.5% slope to 1.0% occurs at the setback line. In reality, the actual building footprint will probably be further back than the setback line because of parking requirements and stonn water management issues. Finish floor (FF) elevation was detennined for each lot based on site grades or as required to provide under building sanitary sewer coverage. The highest allowable under building footprint sanitary sewer grade elevation was set at )'-6" (invert to top of finished floor) below the detennined finish floor elevation to allow for finished plumbing turndowns and bends. Based on the design criteria above each new short subdivision lot has over 90 percent of its allowable building footprint area available to gravity sewer service to a portion of the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system -1a- .-- 2. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The following table provides a break down of the preliminary sewer design results for each new short subdivision 101. For each lot the determined building finish floor elevation is g;ven, the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of Ihe available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line under the building foot print, the City of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole in which the lot will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect Ii> the City sewer system. SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SAl'lIT AR Y HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO. fiNISH GRADE AT LENGTH Of MANHOLE MADE fLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE WHICH THE LOT ELEVATION (fEEl) UNDER BLDG CONNECTS TO (fEEl) AT l.o~. SLOPE (fEEl) LOT 6 1 28 20.35 615 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 2 30 22.35 615 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 J 32 24.9 560 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 4 J2 24.7 580 NEW MH E. OF 61 SIDE SEWER LOT 3B 1 27 17.6 790 153 PUBUC SEWER MAIN LOT3B 2 27.5 20.8 520 ISS PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOTJB J )0.2 2268 600 ISS PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOTJB JAil 29.5 23.2 480 168 SIDE SEWER LOTJ8 J 17 /7.8j 760 /H PUBUC SEWER MAIN .. The following is a short description of how each 101 or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system.··' ... • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1,2 AND 3: Sanitary sewer service to these three lots is complicated by the large 48-inch and 72-inch storm drain sewer mains that shield access to the existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka with the City of Renton it was determined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for these lots through both the 48-inch and 72-inch stonn sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing. and the sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that the sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch storm sewer pipe at an elevation of, approximately 20.4 feet in elevation or 3.8 feet above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. Once the public sanitary sewer main is on the east side of the 72-inch stonn sewer a manhole will be placed to serve Lot I and provide extension of the public sewer system to Lots 2 and 3 at a slope of 0.5%. • SHORT SUBDMSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a manhole be installed on the existing 20" City of Renton sanitary sewer main on North 8th Street approximately 80 feet east of city Sanitary Manhole 61. -11- ..... - ..--3. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT I: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main system extending from the existing City of Renton .Sanitary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new sewer if a conflict is encountered. • • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKlNG LOT 3B -LOTS 2 AND 3: These two lots will have a public sanitary sewer main system that will connect to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 155 on Garden Ave. N. Outside of the building footprints of these two lots a sanitary manhele wilJ be provide to convey the flow from each respective lot. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot 3 will require the installation of a side sewer into the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole J 68 on N. Eighth Street. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main extending from the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole J 53 on Garden Avenue No. This public sewer also serves Lot J . ALTERNATE SEWER PLAN The following table provides a break down of the alternate preliminary sewer plan for each new short subdivision lot that alJows each lot to be provided sanitary sewer service by a side sewer. For each lot the determiried building finish floor elevation is given, the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line under the buildfng-foot print, the City of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole in which the lot will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect to the City sewer system. . SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO. FINISH GRADE AT LENGiHOF MANHOLE WHICH THE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE LOT CONNECTS TO ELEVATION (FEEl) UNDER BLDG (FEEl) AT 1.0% SLOPE (FEEn LOT6 I 28 21 SSO IS) SIDE SEWER LOT 6 2 )1.7 24 615 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT 6 ) )2 24.9 560 156 SIDE SEWER LOT6 4 J2 24.7 580 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT3B I 27 17.6 790 IS) SIDE SEWER LOTlB 2 27.5 20.8 520 155 SIDE SEWER LOTlB 3 )0.75 23.25 600 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT 3B JAil 29.5 2J.5 ~80 168 SIDE SEWERS LonB 4 27 17.17 8)0 PIPE SIDE SEWER The following is a short description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT I: Sanitary sewer service to this 101 IS complicated by the large 48-inch and 72-inch stonn drain sewer mains that shield access 10 Ihe existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka, with the City of Renton, it was detennined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for this lot through both the 48-inch and 72-inch storm sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing, and the -= 11.- • • • sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that tbe sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch stonn sewer pipe at an elevation of approximately 20.8 feet in elevation or 4.2 feel above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 2 & 3: Lot 2 will r~quire the placement of sille sewers over the top of the 72-inch and 48-inch stonn drain lines. The side sewer will drop into the existing eight-inch City of Renton per the City of Renton lypical detail side sewer· riser detail. Lot 3 side sewer will also go over the 72-inch and 48-inch stonn drain lines, and then will enter into the City Sanitary Manhole 158. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection be installed on the existing 20-inch City of Renton sanitary sewer main on N. Eighth Street approximately 80 feet east of City Sanitary Manhole 61. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 1: This lot will require the placement of a side sewer into existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new side sewer if a conflict is encountered. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOTS 2 AND 3: Lot 2 will have a side sewer that will connect to the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole 155 on Garden A venue N. Lot 3 will have a standard City of Renton side sewer connection to the City of Renton's 8" sewer main and Garden Avenue. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot 3 will require the installation of a siife sewer into the eXisting City of Renton san itary sewer manhole 168 on N. 8th Street. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection into the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer approximately 70 feet north of Manhole J 53. 4. CONCLUSIONS Gravity sanitary sewer service is available to each of the lots in the proposed Short Subdivisions Parking lots 3B and 6. Building sewer service should be available in over 90% of the 'allow building footprint of each lot. In our opinion, the portions of the lot without coverage are not significanl because: • The areas not covered are small. It is likely that any reStrOoms or other uses could be located in a portion of the building that has access. • Parking and storm water management issues will reduce the maximum size of the bUlldsng from that calculated to form the setback requirements alone. Parking and stonn w;aICf structures could be located in these areas where the sewer does not reach. If you have :lny question regarding methodology, routings, or conclusion of this report please fed fr~ to contact Harris Group Inc. at (206) 494-9400. -1";- 5. APPENDICES • Sile Plan (SK-CI) Rev. A • Alternate Site Plan (SK-C2) Rev. A Prepared by: - RSM/meh I .EXPlAES: 7118/ "tdCJ t.- 99-10745\1 0745rprOO I_Rl.doc cc: RSM, IT, RGV, File -f4 - .-- 1110l'JJIII CITY OF RENTON EAS 22 00 PAGE 001 OF 015 . 12NQ/05/2001 15: 20 KI COUNTY, LlA Rerum Addr~ss: Cily Oetk's Office Cily of Renlon 1055 Soulh Grady Way Renlon, WA 98055 Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein):· I. Sanitary Sewer Easement-Parcel 3B-3 2. 3. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: (on page _ of documents(s» Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials): I. The Boeing Company 2. 3. 4. 0 Additional narries on page _ of document. Grailtee(sJ (Last name first, then first name and initials): I. City of Renton 2. 3. 4. 0 Additional names on page _ of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) That Portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. I!l Full legal is on page Sof document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number Portion of 11082305901108 (03003-0160ISAOI1570.0691 6/14/01 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-3 For and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, ("Grantor" herein), hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipality ("the City" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property as depicted in Exhibit A hereto (the "ProPt::rty"), in King County, Washington: .' Except as may be otherwise set forth herein the City's rights shall. h.e exercised upon that portion of the Property depicted on Exhibit A and more particularly described in Exhibit B (the "Easement Area"). This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which the City hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. I. Purpose. The City shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge the sewer pipeline together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances therefor. 2. Compliance with Laws and Rules. The City shall at all times exercise its rights herein in accordance with the requirements (as from time to time amended) and all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 3. Removal of Fill MateriaL In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Easement Area in • furtherance of its rights set forth in paragraph I, the City shall cease all operations and IOOOOO.OO(JO!SBOOJ7)55441 -f-lo-25/()() " . : .. notify Grantor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor shall, at its own expense, determine if the material is hazardous, as determined by applicable law. If the material should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at its own expense, remove, dispose,'or otherwise handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for the City to use in its operation, if necessary. Should the encountered or suspected material prove not to be hazardous, the City shall proceed with the operations af its own cost, with no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or other handling costs incurred in connection with the removal, disposal or handling of the hazardous substances will be at the City's expense, and the City shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays incurred due to the delay in operation. 4. The City's Use and Activities. The City shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's use of the Property as set forth in Paragraph 5 herein . • ~ . •. _.\. .,~ .•.••.• ~ • .0;\ , ;, • -: • ~: !.... ~ 5. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor During Construction. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Easement Area which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted. The City shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area during periods in which the City is conducting construction or other activities. In the event of an emergency requiririg immediate action by either party for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, such party may take such action upon such notice to the other party as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Indemnity. The City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, Gratltor's directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), • including claims for death or injury to employees of the City, costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof. asserted or arising [00000.0000/51100) 73 5, 5441 -2- • Con C'-' (T) = ~ ..,., = c--..I ~- ~ c:> C' .... directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with the City'S operation, maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon). With respect to all or any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24. 115, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent pennitted by RCW 4.24.115. 7. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be personally served or sent by U.S. mail. Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S. mail addressed as follows: To Grantor: With a copy to: And to: To the City: The Boeing Company clo Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 2R-71 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Rick Ford Phone: (425) 237-2336 Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707-M/S 2R-79 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Jeff Adelson Phone: (206) 544-5918' Office of the General Counsel The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Phone: (206) 655-2405 City of Renton Department of Development Services 1055 S. Grady Way , Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Property Services Division Phone: (425) 430-7200 Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 8. Access. The City shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable the City to (OOooo.oooo/Sn00J735544( -3-IO·250(J • - exercise its rights hereunder, provided that the City sha1l compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access. 9. Title. The rights granted herein are subject to pennits, leases, licenses, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Propelty. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. 10. Successors and "Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of. and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. II. Tennination. 11. I Tennination for Breach. In the event the City breaches or fails to perfonn or observe any of the tenns and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving the City written notice thereof, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances, Grantor may tenninate the City's rights under this Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to e·xercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to tenninate for any future breach or default. • • ~ •• _ ••• 'lo _ '. ',... p 1l.2 Tennination for Abandonment or Lack of Necessity. In the event that the property designated with hatch marks on Exhibit A ("Benefited Property") is developed with at least one building with a finished floor height of sufficient elevation for a side sewer connection as identified in Exhibit C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report), the City ceases to use said Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive . years, or if for any other reason the Easement is not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may tenninate the City's rights under this Agreement. DATED this (') \.:.:... day of \'\.'" \!:~ ~ ~. ,2000. ..... THE CITY: GRANTOR: City of Renton Th ~c?"~ sse Tanner By: . Its Mayor (OOOOO·OOOO:SII0031) 5. 5441 -4-10·15·00 • ," ' ... __ .....• CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ ~ ~ <" ~ P, i'i ("' P ,<; , ;.; ~ !'; /", ," ~ <,; ~; ~ ~ .. DAWN E. SHAVE A i U) , ". . COMM. # 1158725 (j) a: -• NOlary Public . Calilornia JJ (f) ORANGE COUNTY '!? ~ My <:.o:m. Expires OCI. 14.20011 Place Notary Seal ~bove to be the person(~ whose name($.} isiare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/~he/they executed the same in his/h~r/their authorized capacity(fes.), and that by his/hcrltftejr signature(s) on the instrument the person($), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(.a} acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1. d i. L "7--(c:. &Ii. a eLf. . L • ~!9natu(e. I?' ~otary Public ---------------------opnONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and coutd prevent fraudulent removal and reallachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: __________________________ _ Document Dale: _________________ Number of Pages: ______ _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _______________________ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer ~Ii Signer's Name: ----------------------- ?'I 0 Individual [J Corporate Officer -TiUe(s): o Partner -0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee [-j Guardian or Conservator RIGHTTHUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of Ihumb here ~ ~; Other: ______________ _ g ~ ~ Signer Is Representing: _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~4-C"'-C~«««-c~«««««««««««««-c.~c.:.-('.A. c",-c...;-c",-Ci.,-Ci.,<",. ,.. '. ;: <. c-'--c-'-«-c(..«««-c~««.<x;C<~«'O-~~ 0'991 Nahonal NOlary Assoc,a'ion' 9350 De So.o Ave. PO Boo 2402' ChalSWOfIh. CA 9')1)·2402 -5-P'o<! No ~901 Reorder Call roll-Free 1·800·876·6821 .. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) W'- On this 3..JJ day of jQqo:rr/x.' .... 200' before me the undersigned personally appeared Jesse Tanner to me known to be the Mayor' of THE CITY OF RENTON, the municipality that executed the foregoing instrument,. and acknowledged the said~instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipality, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNE~S my hand and official,seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. IOOOOO·OOO(J/SIlOO.17~ 5 5441 Et=N~~~J 5~ "lrCi It f"l D. 1-orv-~~-cP (Print or stamp name ·of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and· for the State of Washington, residing at ~e~,-il-{-e.,...­ My Appointment Expires: 11 (rtf 0;;'-. l I -6-10 25 O() Con C'4 ~ ,:::, c:::;J LS"'J c::J (',I ,,-- ..- c:> C) c--J PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 PARKING LOT 38 PARCB.. 3 OF LOT 3B, EXtEIT TO ACCOWPAttfEASEMENT Fa1 PlBJC SANTARY SEWER SYSTEM SE1/4, NW1/4, SEC. 8, T23N, R5E, W.M. PROPOSED PARCEL 38-2 PROPOSED PARCEL 38-3 N18"OO'30"W 19.06' S71"59'30"--15.00' S18"OO'30"E 14.00' S71'59'30"W S STREET MONUMENT IN CASE 30.00' ... ..' • SS MANHOLE ---PROPERTY UNE ~ EASEMENT N. 8TH ST. PREPARED BY: DUANE HARlMAN & ASSOCIATES 01/11/01 ~ EASEMENT PARCEL 3B-3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM . BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:. COMMENCING ATA CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF I . NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 000 29' 31" ("'o;tEAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE ;.; NORTH, 427.34 FEET TOA CONCRETE M'ONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- ~ WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 180 00' 30" WEST. &on ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 378.29 FEET; THENCE AT A ~ RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71 0 59' 30" WEST, 30.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF .-. BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 180 00' 30" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN --:. . . .~:; OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, 31.79 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, ---.. . "15:00~FEET; . THENCEINORTH c1So ~O' 30" WEST; 26.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 890 -.. 10'.26"· EAST 15;85 FEET TOTHE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 438 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. . Prepared By: D\:lane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No.: 00-146 June 27, 2001 EXHIBITC (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report) en '" (Y') CJ c:;:) LO = '" = C) ,,'""J .. (O)OO).{) 1 60/SAOJ 1.570.069) 617/01 ..- REPORT NO. 00-)0754/001 SHORT SUDDIVlSION PARKING LOTS 3B AND 6 SANITARY SEWER A VAILADlLlTY STUDY PROJECT NO. 00-10754 BOEING REALITY CORPORA nON . SEA TILE, WASIDNGTON SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY 1. SUMMARY DATE: JULY 26, 2000 REVISION 1: AUGUST 18,2000 REVISION 2: MAY 7, 2001 Boeing Realty Corp is considering subdividing Parking Lots 3B and 6. These are the two blocks bordering Garden Avenue on the west and east sides, respectively between N. Park and N. Eighth Street. Lot 6, to the east of Garden extends east to the rail tracks. This sewer availability study was performed by the Harris Group Inc. to determine the area of each new short Subdivision lot that can be served by gravity sanitary sewer. Each lot must be served by the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer main systems on N Eighth Street and Garden A venue North. The design criteria used to determine if gravity sanitary sewer was available to each new lot was as follows: • Any private main or side sewer outside of the possible building envelope was sloped at 0.5%. Maintaining this slope requires that those lines be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. • Sanitary sewer under the building footprint were sloped at 1.0% per the Uniform Plumbing Code Section 708.0 Grade of Horizontal Drainage Piping. Section 708.0 allows a I % slope when approved by the Administrative Authority. For purposes of this study, the possible . building footprint area served by the sewer was conservatively calculated by assuming the transition from 0.5% slope to 1.0% occurs at the setback line. In reality, the actual building footprint will probably be fwther back than the setback line because of parking requirements and storm water management issues. • Finish floor (FF) elevation was determined for each lot based on site grades or as required to provide under building sanitary sewer coverage. • The highest allowable under building footprint sanitary sewer grade elevation was set at 1'-6" (invert to top of finished floor) below the determined finish floor elevation to allow for finished plumbing turndowns and bends. Based on the design criteria above each new short subdivision lot has over 90 percent of its allowable building footprint area available to gravity sewer service to a portion of the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system -1~- 2. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The following table provides a break down of the preliminary sewer design results for each new short subdivision lot. For each lot the detennined building finish floor elevation is g;ven, the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line under the building foot print, the City of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole in which the lot will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect tp the City sewer system. SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO. fiNISH GRADE AT LENGTH Of MANHOLE MADE fLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE WHICH THE LOT ELEVATION (fEEl) UNDER BLDG CONNECTS TO (fEEl) AT 1.0"1. SLOPE (fEm LOT6 I 28 20.35 615 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT6 2 30 22.35 615 IS) PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT6 3 32 24.9 560 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT6 4 32 24.7 580 NEW MH E. OF 61 SIDE SEWER LOT3B I 27 176 790 IS3 PUBUC SEWER MAIN LOT3B 2 27.5 20.8 520 ISS PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 3B J 30.2 2268 600 ISS PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 3B J A/I 29.5 132 480 168 SIDE SEWER LOTJB 4 17 17.8j 760 /H PUBUC SEWER MAIN The following is a short description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1,2 AND 3: Sanitary sewer service to these three lots is complicated by the large 48-inch and 72-inch stonn drain sewer mains that shield access to the existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka with the City of Renton it was detennined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for these lots through both the 48-inch and 72-inch stonn sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing, and the sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that the sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch stonn sewer pipe at an elevation of. approximately 20.4 feet in elevation or 3.8 feet above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. Once the public sanitary sewer main is on the east side of the 72-inch stonn sewer a manhole will be placed to serve Lot I and provide extension of the public sewer system to Lots 2 and) at a slope 0[0.5%. • SHORT SUBDMSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service 10 this lot will require a manhole be installed on the existing 20" City of Renton sanitary sewer main on North 8th Street approximately 80 feet east of city Sanitary Manhole 61. -11- en . ~ -cry c.:::. C) LT') C) 3. '" .-- .... - <:::> C) '" • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKlNG LOT 38 -LOT 1: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main system extending from the existing City of Renton.Sanitary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new sewer if a conflict is encountered. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 38 -LOTS 2 AND 3: These two lots will have a public sanitary sewer main system that will connect to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 155 on Garden Ave. N. Outside of the building footprints of these two lots a sanitary manhele will be provide to convey the flow from each respective lot. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot J will require the installation of a side sewer into the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole 168 on N. Eighth Street. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main extending from the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Avenue No. This public sewer also serves Lot J. ALTERNATE SEWER PLAN The following table provides a break down of the alternate preliminary sewer plan for each new short subdivision lot that allows each lot to be provided sanitary sewer service by a side sewer. For each lot the determined building finish floor elevation is given, the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line und~r the 9~ildi!lg,foot print, the City ,of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole in which the lot will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect to the'Clty sewer'system:"" I' "', .. -.;--_ ... SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO. FINISH GRADE AT LENGTH OF MANHOLE WHICH THE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE LOT CONNECTS TO ELEVATION (FEET) UNDER BLDG (FEE"l) AT 1.0'1'. SLOPE (FEET) LOT6 I 28 21 550 IS) SIDE SEWER LOT6 2 11.7 24 615 PIPE SID~SEWER LOT6 1 J2 24.9 560 156 SIDE SEWER LOT 6 .. J2 24.7 580 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT lS I 27 17.6 790 151 SIDE SEWER LOT.lS 2 27.S 20.8 520 ISS SIDE SEWER LOT1S 1 10.7.5 11.lS 600 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT1S J At, 29.S 2J.S ~80 168 SIDE SEWERS LOT1S .. 27 17.17 830 PIPE SIDE SEWER The following is a short description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKlNG LOT 6 -LOT 1: Sanitary sewer service to this \otlS complicated by the large 48~inch and 72-inch storm drain sewer mains that shield access 10 the existing 8·inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka, with the City of Renton, it was determined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for this lot through both the 48-inch and 72-inch storm sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing, and the -11.- - sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that tbe sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch storm sewer pipe at an elevation of approximately 20.8 feet in elevation or 4.2 feet' above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 2 & 3: Lot 2 will r~quire the placement of silJe sewers over the top of the 72-inch and 48-inch storm drain lines. The side sewer will drop into the existing eight-inch City of Renton per the City of Renton typical detail side sewer.rjser detail. Lot 3 side sewer will also go over the 72-inch and 48-inch storm drain lines, and then will enter into the City Sanitary Manhole 158. • • • • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6-LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection be installed on the existing 20-inch City of Renton sanitary sewer main on N. Eighth Street approximately 80 feet east of City Sanitary Manhole 61. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 1: This lot will require the placement of a side sewer into existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new side sewer if a conflict is encountered. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOTS 2 AND 3: Lot 2 will have a side sewer that will connect to the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole ISS on Garden Aven-ue N. Lot 3 will have a standard City of Renton side sewer connection to the City of Renton's 8" sewer main and Garden Avenue. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service 10 Lot 3 will require the installation of a side sewer into the existing City .. of Renton sanitary sewer manhole J 68 on N 8th Street. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection into the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer approximately 70 feet north of Manhole J 53. 4. CONCLUSIONS Gravity sanitary sewer service is available to each of the lots in the proposed Short Subdivisions Parking lots 38 and 6. Building sewer service should be available in over 90% of the ·allow building footprint of each lot. In our opinion, the portions of the lot without coverage are not significant because: • The areas not covered are small. It is likely that any reStrOoms or other uses could be located in a portion of the building that has access. • Parking and stonn water management issues will reduce the maximum size of the bUIlding from that calculated to form the setback requirements alone. Parking and storm "'~IC1' structures could be located in these areas where the sewer does not reach. If you have any question regarding methodology, routings, or conclusion of this report please feel (r~ to contact Harris Group Inc. at (206) 494-9400. -1-;- , . '. 5. APPENDICES • Site Plan (SK-Cl) Rev. A • Alternate Site Plan (SK·C2) Rev. A Prepared by: -. RSMImeh I EXPlAfS:.11141 't<ftJ ~ .99~ I 0745\1 0745rptOO 1_ Rl .. doc cc: RSM.IT. RGV. File C'J'. -14 - Retum Address: City Ocr'k's Office City 01 Rentoo 1055 South Crady Way Renton, WA 98055 Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): I: Sanitary Sewer Easement-Parcel 3B-2 2. 3. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: (on page _ of documents(s» Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials): I. The Boeing Company 2 .. 3. c::> 4. D Additional names on page _ ofdocurnent. Grarii"ee(sf(Last nimitdirsi, then first nanleandlniii'als): I. City of Renton 2. 3. 4. D Additional names on page _ of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) That Portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. (!) Full legal is on page 80f document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number Portion of #08230590 1108 (03003·0) 60/SAO 11570.069) 61)4/0) SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-2 For and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, ("Grantor" herein), hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipality ("the City" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property as depicted in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property"), in King County, Washington .. Except as may be otherwise set forth ~erein the City's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property depicted on Exhibit A and more particularly described in Exhibit B (the "Easement Area"). This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following tenns, conditions and covenants which the City hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perfonn. 1. Purpose. The City shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge the sewer pipeline together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances therefor. 2. Compliance with Laws and Rules. The City shall at all times exercise its rights herein in accordance with the requirements (as from time to time amended) and all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 3. Removal of Fill Material. In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Easement Area in ·furtherance of its rights set forth in paragraph I, the City shall cease all operations and [OOOOO·OOOO/SBOO)7)}.}4)1 -1" IOI2}/OO ..- -- notify Grantor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor shall, at its own expense, detennine if the material is hazardous, as detennined by applicable law. If the material should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at its own expense, remove, dispose,. or otherwise handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for the City to use in its operation, if necessary. Should the encountered or suspected material prove not'to be hazardous, the City shall proceed with the operations at'its own cost, with no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of ' schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or other handling costs incurred in connection with the removal, disposal or handling of the hazardous substances will be at the City's expense, and the City shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays incurred due to the delay in operation. 4. The City's Use and Activities, The City shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's use of the Property as set forth in Paragraph 5 herein. . . ~. ~ 5. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by' Grantor During Construction. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on the Easement Area which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted. The City shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area during periods in which the City is conducting construction or other activities. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by either party for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, such party may take such action upon such notice to the other party as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Indemnity. The City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, Grantor's directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), including claims for death or injury to employees of the City, costs, expenses and • reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising (00000-OOOO/SB003735,H3J -2-10/25/00 .. ..-- directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with the City's operation, maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon). With respect to all or any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24.115, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent permitted by RCW 4.24.115. 7. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be personally served or sent by U.S. mail. Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S. mail addressed as follows: To Grantor: With a copy to: And to: To the City: The Boeing Company c/o Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 2R-71 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Rick Ford Phone: (425) 237-2336 Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707-M/S 2R-79 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Attn: Mr. Jeff Adelson Phone: (206) 544-5918 Office of the General Counsel The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone: (206) 655-2405 City of Renton Department of Development Services 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Attn: Property Services Division Phone: (425) 430-7200 Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 8. Access. The City shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable the City to (00000-OOOO/Soo03735.5431 -3-10/25100 r, - exercise its rights hereunder, provided that the City shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access. 9. Title. The rights granted herein are subject to permits, leases, license;;, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Property. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. 10. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall' inure to the benefit of.and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 11. Termination. 11.1 Termination for Breach. In the event the City breaches or fails to perform or observe any of the terms and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving the City written notice thereof, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances, Grantor may terminate the City'S rights under this Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to exercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to terminate for any future breach or default. 11.2 Termination for Abandonment or Lack of Necessity. In the event that the property designated with hatch marks on Exhibit A ("Benefited Property") is developed with at least one building with a finished floor height of sufficient elevation for a side sewer connection as identified in Exhibit C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report), the City ceases to use said Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years, or if for any other reason the Easement is not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may terminate the City's rights under this Agreement. DA TED this l ~ ~ d f \" ~ ay 0 \~ .. aJ»-o---\ II e=d ,2000. THE CITY: GRANTOR: City of Renton The Boeing Company, a Delaware BY~e~~ Its Mayor 100000·0000IS000373S.5431 -4- C-"") CV") -CT") .::;:, c::l LS"l <:::) C"'I <0-- ..-- C) C) C"'I CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P: ~ R: i<; ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On NO V l m l)(.( I.t" Jew. before me. --'--"'-=t:.....;LllX...----'---;;=E-=-=-:. SI~1:;-;Ci;::;;:I/::-:t'r-;-:-:--7:'Al:=_:()~':=_+.::__:_({=l.:_d-al:....../...;:..c.- Dale 1)1.., lip W. hi J ~ and Tille ot Otrocer (e.g .• 'Jane Doe. Nola personally appeared ""'1/ _ ('.i.J J-t J NameCs) 01 Stgner(s) oc 1 ....... en COMM. , 1158725 en a: .. NOlary Public . Calilornia ::0 ORANGE COUNTY en tee .• ~~ ~o~~. e-:I:.~ 0,01. 1;. 20~~ T DAWN E. SHAVER Place Notary Seal Above g personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person{s} whose name(st islafe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/lthetthey executed the same in his/I=terlthcif authorized capacity(tes), and that by his/hel/their signatureWon the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the pcrson(-s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. J c 8£ aLL·X-L. ~ll£,l -Signature of Notary Public . opnONAL-------------------- Though the information below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: __________________________ _ Document Date: _________________ Number of Pages: ______ _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _______________________ _ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ________________________ _ o Individual o Corporate Officer -TiUe(s): o Partner -0 Limited 0 General o Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other: _________________________ _ RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top 01 thumb here Signer Is Representing: ______________________ '--____ ~ . ' "-«_c<;-<'~~'C<..~~_c<;_c<;_<Z~'C<::_c<;~~~~~~_c<;'C.(;"~~~"""'C<:;"_<Z~~~'C<;~_<Z'C<;~~'C<;'C<::~~___c.<:;'C(;'Ci-... 4:11997 Nalional Notary Association' 9350 De SolO Ave .. P.O. eo. 2402' Chatsworth. CA 91313·2402 -5"-Prod No 5907 Reorder' Catt ToIl·Free 1·800-876·6827 , .' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I ~"'- On this ~ day of Qpg~4,.2oo}1, before me the undersigned personally appeared . Jesse Tanner to me known to be the . Mayor of THE CITY OF RENTON, the municipality that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipality, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. (OOOOO'()OOO/SDO03735.543 I (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and fo):..theS.tate· .-.. of Washington, residing at ~. My Appointment Expires: ~. -6-10'25/00 S8910'26"E 15.85' PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 PARKING LOT 38 PROPOSED PARCEL 38-2 PROPOSED PARCEl 38-3 N8910'26·W l..EGEN) P.O.B. S STREET MONUMENT IN CASE --.-SS' MANHOLE ---PROPERlY UNE ~ EASEMENT PARCEl... 2 OF LOT 3B, EXHBrT TO ACCOWPAHY EASEMENT FOR PU8UC . SANTARY SEWER STSI~ ';(.. SE1/4, NW1/4, SEC. 8, T23N, R5E, WM u>,~G s~ 'l.rS e\l~ S71'59'30·W "'---30.00' N. 8TH ST. PREPARED 8Y: DUANE HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES 01/11/01 EASEMENT PARCEL 3B-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF c-, NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" CI"1' . ..,.-EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE C1") r.:.:, NORTH, 427.34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- ~. WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION; THENCE NORTH 18° ~O' 30" WEST c' ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 378.29 FEET; THENCE AT A ~ RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 30.00 FEET TO '\'P .... THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF ~ BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89° 10' 26" WEST, 15.85 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18° ~"'" ~O' 30" WEST, 379.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 10' 26" EAST 15.85 FEET; ~".'" .. ~-..... ,~ . THENCE .. SQUTH .... 18°; 00' .. 30" .... EAST-·ALONG· SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, 379.10 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 5,686 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Prepared By: Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No.: 00-146 November 27,2000 Revised June 27, 2001 EXHIBIT C [Sanitary Sewer Availability Report) - ...... IO)OOH)) 6OISAOII nO.069) .=9-617/01 - PROJECT NO. 00-10754 REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOTS 3B AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY STUDY SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY BOEING REALITY CORPORATION SEA TILE, WASHINGTON J. SUMMARY DATE: JULY 26, 2000 REVISION I: AUGUST 18,2000 REVISION 2: MAY 7, 2001 Boeing Realty Corp is considering subdividing Parking Lots 38 and 6. These are the two blocks bordering Garden Avenue on the west and east sides. respectively between N. Park and N. Eighth Street. Lot 6. to the east of Garden extends east to the rail tracks. This sewer availability study was perfonned by the Harris Group Inc. to detennine the area of each new short subdivision lot that can be served by gravity sanitary sewer. Each lot must be served by the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer main systems on N Eighth Street and Garden A venue North. The design criteria used to detennine if gravity sanitary sewer was available to each new lot was as follows: • Any private main or side sewer outside of the possible building envelope was sloped at 0.5%. Maintaining this slope requires that those lines be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. • Sanitary sewer under the building footprint were sloped at \.0% per the Unifonn Plumbing Code Section 708.0 Grade of Horizontal Drainage Piping. Section 708.0 allows a I % slope when approved by the Administrative Authority. For purposes of this study. th~ possible building footprint area served by the sewer was conservatively calculated by assuming the transition from 0.5% slope to 1.0% occurs at the setback line. In reality. the actual building footprint will probably be further back than the setback line because of parking requirements and stonn water management issues. • Finish floor (FF) elevation was detennined for each lot based on site grades or as required to provide under building sanitary sewer coverage. • The highest allowable under building footprint sanitary sewer grade elevation was set at 1'·6" (invert to top of finished floor) below the detennined finish floor elevation to allow for finished plumbing turndowns and bends. Based on thedesign criteria above each new short subdivision lot has over 90 percent of its allowable building footprint area available to gravity sewer service to a portion of the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system ..- ..... - ... -. 2. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The following table provides a break down of the preliminary sewer design results for each new short subdivision lot. For each lot the determined building finish floor elevation is gtven, the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint, the expected maximum length of sewer line under the building foot print, the City of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole in which the lot will connect to, and a description of how the lot will connect tp the City sewer system. SHORT lOT BUilDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO. FINISH GRADE AT LENGTH OF MANHOLE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE WHICH THE LOT ELEVATION (FEET) UNDER BLDG CONNECTS TO (FEET) AT J.O~. SLOPE (FEEn LOT6 I 28 20.35 615 1S3 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN lOT 6 2 )0 22.3S 61S 153 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 3 32 24.9 560 IS) PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 6 4 )2 2~.1 580 NEW MH E.OF 61 SJDESEWER lOT)B I 21 17.6 790 IS) PUBUC SEWER MAIN lOT3B 2 27.5 20.8 520 ISS PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT 3B 3 30.2 22 68 600 155 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN lOT)B ) All 29.5 232 480 168 SIDE SEWER LOT )8 J ]7 17.8j 760 Jj) PUBUC SEWER MAIN The following is a short description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer~ystem: . • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1,2 AND 3: Sanitary sewer service to these three lots is complicated by the large 48-inch and 72-inch storm drain sewer mains that shield access to the existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka with the City of Renton it was determined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for these lots through both the 48-inch and 72-inch storm sewer systems. In each case a new manhole will need to be placed at each crossing, and the sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that the sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch storm sewer pipe at an elevation of· approximately 20.4 feet in elevation or 3.8 feet above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The attached drawing shows this concept. Once the public sanitary sewer main is on the east side of the 72-inch stonn sewer a manhole will be placed to serve Lot I and provide extension of the public sewer system to Lots 2 and 3 at a slope of 0.5%. • SHORT SUBDrVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a manhole be installed on the existing 20" City of Renton sanitary sewer main on North 8th Street approximately 80 feet east of city Sanitary Manhole 61. -u- c...-, (Y") -~ c;:. c::> • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKlNG LOT 38 -LOT I: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main system extending from the existing City of Renton -Sanitary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing 12-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new sewer if a conflict is encountered. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 38 -LOTS 2 AND 3: These two lots will have a public sanitary sewer main system that will connect to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 155 on Garden Ave. N. Outside of the building footprints of these two lots a sanitary rnanhele will be provide to convey the flow from each respective lot. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot J will require the installation of a side sewer into the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole J 68 on N. Eighth Street. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: This lot will require a public sanitary sewer main extending from Ihe existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole J 53 on Garden Avenue No. This public sewer also serves Lot J. ..n 3. ALTERNATE SEWER PLAN The following table provides a break down of the alternate preliminary sewer plan for each new short subdivision lot that allows each lot to be provided sanitary sewer service by a side sewer. For each lot the determined building finish floor elevation is given. the expected grade of the sanitary sewer system out side of the available lot building footprint. the expected maximum length of sewer line .. ,·under the building foot print •. the City of Renton. sanitary sewer $ystem m~nho\e.~'!;~hiflUh~, 1.oL.~i.!.L connect to. and a description of how the lot will connect to tne City sewer system. SHORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SAN IT ARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO. FINISH GRADE AT LENGTH OF MANHOLE WHICH THE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE LOT CONNECTS TO ELEVATION (FEEl) UNDER BLDG (FEET) AT LOY. SLOPE (FEEl) LOT6 I 28 21 550 15) SIDE SEWER LOT6 2 )1.7 24 615 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT6· 3 32 24.9 560 156 SIDE SEWER LOT 6 4 J2 24.7 580 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT3B I 27 17.6 790 IS) SIDE SEWER LOTJB 2 27.S 20.8 520 155 SIDE SEWER LOT JB ) )0.75 2).25 600 PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT )B JAil 29.S n.s ~80 168 SIDE SEWERS loT)B 4 27 17.17 8)0 PIPE SIDE SEWER The following is a short description of how each lot or a group of lots will be gravity drained to the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer system. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKJNG LOT 6 -LOT 1: Sanitary sewer service to this lot IS complicated by the large 48-inch and 72~inch storm drain sewer mains that s~ield access 10 lhe existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave. N. Based on conversations with bolh Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka. with the City of Renton, it was dctennined that it would be feasible to route the sanitary sewer for this lot through both the 48-inch and 72-inch stonn sewer systems. In cach case a new manhole will need to be placcd at each crossing, and the -11.- •• , .' ,.t •• sanitary pipe will need to be sleeved in ductile iron pipe. The other criteria initially set is that the sanitary main needs to be above the 70 percent now capacity line of each pipe. Based on this criteria the new lot public sanitary sewer main will be crossing through the 72-inch storm sewer pipe at an elevation of approximately 20.8 feet in elevation or 4.2 feel above the invert of the 72-inch pipe. The anached drawing shows this concept. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 2 & 3: Lot 2 will r~quire the placement of sitle sewers over the top of the 72-inch and 48-inch storm drain lines. The side sewer will drop into the existing eight-inch City of Renton per the City of Renton typical detail side sewer·iiser detail. Lot 3 side sewer will also go over the 72-inch and 48-inch storm drain lines, and then will enter into the City Sanitary Manhole 158. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection be installed on the existing 20-inch City of Renton sanitary sewer main on N. Eighth Street approximately 80 feet east of City Sanitary Manhole 61. • • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT t: This lot will require the placement of a side sewer into existing City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole 153 on Garden Ave. N. The existing l2-inch City of Renton high-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new side sewer if a conflict is encountered. SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOTS 2 AND 3: Lot 2 will have a side sewer that will connect to the existing City of Renton Sanitary Sewer Manhole 155 on Garden Avenue N. Lot 3 will have a standard City of Renton side sewer connection to the City of Renton's 8" sewer main and Garden Avenue. An alternate or additional sanitary sewer service to Lot 3 will require the installalion of a side sewer inlo ·the existing City,of Renlon. sanitary sewer manhole J 68 on N. 8th Street. • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer service to this lot will require a side sewer connection into the existing City of Renton sanitary sewer approximately 70 feet north of Manhole J 53. 4. CONCLUSIONS Gravity sanitary sewer service is available to each of the lots in the proposed Short Subdivisions Parking lots 3B and 6. Building sewer service should be available in over 90% of the "allow building footprint of each lot. In our opinion, the portions of the lot without coverage are not significant because: • The areas not covered are small. It is likely that any restrooms or other uses could be located in a portion of the building that has access. • Parking and storm water management issues will reduce the maximum size of the bUIlding from that calculated to form the setback requirements alone. Parking and storm wllef structures could be located in these areas where the sewer does not reach. If you have any question regarding methodology, routings, or conclusion of this report please feci frc-c: to contact Harris Group Inc. at (206) 494-9400. -1-;- 5, APPENDICES • Site Plan (SK-C I) Rev. A • Alternate Site Plan (SK-C2) Rev. A Prepared by: . c.., RSMlmeh I fXPIAfs: 1/18/ 'tdfJ t, 99-10745\1 0745rptOO I_Rl.doc cc: RSM.IT. RGV. File • --£.:... ••.. -------, -. ... ---.~~." • .,.....",.:.. ". .... _ .... . • .l,~'., .",,.. :0. •••• it.' ,.'''' , -14 - j - Kathy Keoiker-Wheel~, Mayor · OctO,ber1, 2004 ," .. CITY .•. RENT()N·· PlanningIBulldin'g1PoblicWorksDepamnent· . Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator -. . -..,' .. .. / · Waitei' Warden .·BO,eingRealty CO,rpO,ratiO,n . . .. PO 'Box 3707 MC7W,-60' . " . ~ .. ' . , '. .,' .. .'. " Seattle, WA 98124~2207 SUBJECT: · eO~ingLakE!shore Landing ,Binding Site Plan' " File NC) •. LUA-04.;081,LL.A .' .' . ,-" ,' . .'. :. . ", . Dear Mr. Warden': The"Cltyhas firiish~dJeviewing theptopO,seq binding site plan drawih~salld~fterthe . ~ttach~d correption$ cUf;!completf!4i,wiIPbe~readYJO, sign the 'final 90cumentsari'd:, . . , fO,rwardthe signed copies to,; Kil'lg;e9.urltY:fO,rrecO,rdil1g;~'l:'lease submittWO, sets of a~ .... .' '.' O,riginal' signed mylar and a 'c,heck;fof.$15. 73 made .'l.ut to,6D&Lto me at the sixth floOr, ' . . . ". cO,unter O,f CitYHail;:afte(th~'cO,rl'~,cti()i"is:havebeenc6rripleteq~," .' :r.,,_ .' .... p'leaseverify .that the rriylarsliavebeensignepby aIlO,Wners,of'r.ecO,rd·and have been" . • nO,tar!zed with an ink ~t~·mp. (nbt~mt)6~s~id):;ith~ ink ,s~a,mp mu~t be legible so that King'Courity wiUpror1l'ptlyre:cord;~~e,l~tiiije ,a.djustment . .. '.,' . ~ .' . :' ..... :. . . , .'. " · .' .. .' " .' ;,':'. ..•. ,c." ""';;':<>';:>, ;:,:,." ..... .., .. '. ,'.' • . .'. .... . , If you have further questiO,n$ re~arQilJg., this pfOJ~pt,please call'm,9 at" 425) 430~ 721.9. ,,\ . ~. . ..Jas9it E. JOrdan .,'~ . ProjectM,anager . . '. '. '.cc: .' . . . ,W &H Pacific .' Yellow file "'," , ' ." ..... ' .. ': ", . "" , . , • ~. N • : ... . '", ~ --;::f1I't1.\D'"Y11IVm.ISm<lo:l'l'"h,!!TS.\O"""e""'1lij""~""· "",.mS"""Rm"". """til""'ti""'a""'~,",,~1:I1a~I:WO'H_i~.~""Joero"",&~>t:I. «Jl ..... a-t-ls~"""f""ii~ .... % ..... FJI1<II<lgg~B""'5~r"r·1"I1oor"ltc~----~ * This paper contalns'SO% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHE!\D OF THE CURVE· DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 27, 2004 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jason E. JOr~Velopment/Planning, x7219 Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plat, File No. LUA-04-081, BSP Attached is the most recent version (#4) of the above-referenced binding site plan drawings. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: cc: Yellow File H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\04-081.Jason\4th revision to prop services.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 27, 2004 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jason E. JOr~Velopment/Planning, x7219 Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plat, File No. LUA-04-081, BSP Attached is the most recent version (#4) of the above-referenced binding site plan drawings. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: Robert T. Mac Onie, Jr. PLS Date Sonja J. Fesser Date cc: , Yellow File H:\Oivision.s\Develop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\04·081.Jason\4th revision to prop services.doc .' September 22, 2004 Jason Jordan City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Re: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan Project No. LUA-04-081, LLA Dear Jason: 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothe", Washington 98021-8972 , 425.951.4800 Fax 425.951.4808 .SEP 2\~ RECEIVeC The purpose of this letter is to possibly provide some clarification to the comment letter you sent to Gene Warden dated September 9, 2004. We would like to address items contained in that document. 1. The legal description for Parcel A shown on the BSP and in the Title Report erroneously includes a reference to "vacated Lake Washington Boulevard". No portion of Lake Washington Blvd. adjoins Lots 1-4 of the City of Renton Short Plat, recorded under King County Rec. No. 20011205900004, nor has. any portion of Lake Washington Blvd. been vacated since the recording of said Short Plat. This is the legal description of record for this parcel according to the title reportand as such is so noted on our map. Additionally, per King County Rec. No. 9703181422 (see attached), "Proposed Street Vacation and Right-of-Way Acquisition", the exhibit map shows the roadway as Lake Washington Blvd. 2. Show the distance from the W Y4 Corner of Section 8 to the SW corner of Tract A on sheet 3 of 4. Due to the amount of information shown on sheet 3 of 4, we elected to provide this dimension on sheet 4 of 4 in order to present all the various pieces of information as clearly as possible. 3. Tract P does not close. We have compared our lot computation sheet for Tract P with the dimension shown on the BSP and could not find any discrepancy. 7. Account for the discrepancies between the BINDING SITE PLAN AREA areas, and the PROPOSED AREAS EAST and PROPOSED AREAS WEST on Sheet 2 of 4. Because of the significant amount of dedications/vacations and portions of tracts and parcels being added and subtracted to one another, we are unable to provide an area table which accounts for all the variables. The areas shown on the map are correct. whpacific. com planners surveyors engineers landscape architects ·" Jason Jordan . September 22, 2004 Page 2 of2 9. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. It was determined in a meeting with Bob MacOnie that the setting of lot corners would not be required due to the significant amount of demolition and subsequent construction to occur on the project area. Therefore, per note.4 on sheet 2 of 4, no corners are to be set. IO. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. It was mutually agreed upon by the City of Renton and Boeing that easements, covenants and agreements of record would not be shown on the BSP due to the sensitive nature of the existing facilities contained within the Boeing parcels. II. Note that if there are easements, agreements or covenants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this ESP, they can be recorded concurrently with the ESP. Reference to said documents needs to be made on the ESP document, with spaces provided for the recording numbers thereof It was mutually agreed upon by the City of Renton and Boeing that because of the unknown development of the properties and the requirement of Boeing to retain access to an undetermined number of the existing utilities that no attempt should be made approximate these. If you have any questions or need additional information, please caB me at 425-951-4824, or e-mail me at croyak@whpacific.com. . Sincerely, W&H PACIFIC, INC. ce£~ Survey Project Manager Cc: Gene Warden, Boeing Realty Corporation whpacific. com planners surveyors engineers DEVELOPMENT PLANNINC~ CITY OF RENTON SEP 2 ~ 2004 RECEIVED landscape architects " ...... . . . BE·:-.A20~ I Ref:> .g'Y. :CITY ,'O~: l\ENTO"-l . . ntE.:,:OO6lt'.l<:i .. : . ~IRPLAN.E. . c.o. . '. . . lAPP.~6~.· J'. c."? .A(.~) ' . . . ~' . .. ,,:,'. r"';', . ,.. ". '''; ... t'.; . ~ I , . " •. , ;. .. :· ... i:·: "":" -.. . . ',-.;; ,,; . ' .. . . " .J . ' .. .... , '.' ~. ',:' : ...... ::: . ~. ' ' :'>: .... ')j .. ~ ... ~ ' ... ",,: .~ ' . .-........ : .... '. . ~ 7: :.:: ~ . '\ '" .' . ', .. ' .'. " :~.-t.'.. .,' .. '. ":. .... .'.' • !" ." .. . -. DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CI1Y OF REN'T()N . .. , SEP 2:4 .. ~ RECe,\{~p , . . ... . ~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 6, 2004 Jason Jordan BObMaconi~ Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan, LUA-04-081-BSP Format and Legal Description Review Sonja Fesser and I have reviewed the above referenced Binding Site Plan (BSP) submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The legal description for Parcel A shown on the BSP and in the Title Report erroneously includes a reference to "vacated Lake Washington Boulevard." No portion of Lake Washington Blvd adjoins Lots 1-4 of the City of Renton Short Plat, recorded under King County Rec. No. 20011205900004 and there has been no vacation of any right-of-way adjacent to the Lots created by the Short Plat since its recording. The title company needs to correct their legal description. Tract Q does not close. There is a scribner's error on the distance shown as "59.38"; it should read "59.83". Account for the discrepancies between the BINDING SITE PLAN AREA areas, and the PROPOSED AREAS EAST and PROPOSED AREAS WEST on Sheet 2 of 4. The totals for each area should agree to within 0.02 of an acre, to accommodate rounding errors, as the sum of the individual parcels and lots. The stirn of the areas to the east disagrees by 0.25 acres and the areas to the west by 0.05 acres. These discrepancies are beyond rounding. Add a note to the effect that easements of record are not being shown. \H:\File Sys\LND· Lund Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-35· Binding Site Plnns\OOI3\RV04I00J.doc City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-081, BSP APPLICANT: The Boein PROJECT TITLE: Boein Lakeshore Landin SITE AREA: 90.5 acres BUILDING AREA ross: NlA LOCATION: N 8th Street & Park Avenue N I WORK ORDER NO: 77284 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from S.88-acres to 3S.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at O.OOOS-acres to 3.25-acres in size... The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 1 0-S5), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Liaht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services V Energyl Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. COOhM Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Q-14-o Li Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor CITY L--,-~" RENTON . Plannin&'BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator September 9,2004 Walter Warden Boeing Realty Corporation PO Box 3707, MC 7W -60 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 SUBJECT: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan Project No. LUA-04-081, LLA Dear Mr. Warden: The City of Renton has comple,ed the second review of the technical information within . the proposed binding site plan. As you already know, the Biding Site Plan was approved on July 30, 2004 with two conditions. The following corrections will be necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal: 1. The legal description for Parcel A shown on the SSP an~ in the Title Report erroneously includes a reference to ''vacated Lake Washington Boulevard." No portion of Lake Washington Blvd adjoins Lots 1-4 of the City of· Renton Short Plat, recorded under King CountYRec. No. 20011205900004, nor has any. portion of Lake Washington Blvd been vacated since the recording of said Short Plat. 2. Show the distance from the W 14 Corner of Section 8 to the SW corner of Tract A on sheet 3 of 4. 3. Tract P does not close. 4. Remove the Hatching for Lot 5 which should now be shown as two separate lots on sheet 3 of 4. Hatch the area of Tract A on sheet 3 of 4 and show the missing dimensions where the traet adjoins Tracts C and E. Also show all the dimensions for Lot 5 and the new Lot 6 on sheet 3 of 4: 5. Tract H needs to be divided into two tracts; the portion under State ownership in one and that portion under City ownership (lying to the south of station O+OO) in the other. Track H incorrectly includes Tract K. 6. Provide a bearing to center for any bounding curve on all lots and tracts, which is . not itself, bounded by at least one tangent course. In those cases where a curve is bounded by a radial course, indicate such. . 7. Account for the discrepancies between the BINDING SITE PLAN AREA areas, . and the PROPOSED AREAS EAST and PROPOSED AREAS WEST on Sheet 2 ·.of 4. 8. Note whetherthe adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. 9. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. 1 O~ Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. 11. Note that if there are easements, agreements or covenants to others (Cityof Renton, etc.) as part of this SSP, they can be recorded concurrently with the * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ) SSP. References to said documents needs to be made on the SSP document, with spaces· provided for the recording numbers thereof. Once the above changes have been made, please submit two copies of the revised lot line adjustmentto me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mylars. If you have any questions regarqing your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. ~;Lr-- . Jason E. Jordan Senior Planner cc: (W&H Pacific) . Yellow file "", 'i', :"';'-, . H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\04-081.Jasoil\REVISREQ#2.DOC rfJ- BOEING August 25, 2004 Jason Jordan City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707, Me 1 F-58 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 RE: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan Application Project No. LUA-04-081, LLA Dear Mr. Jordan, In reference to the Binding Site Plan approval of July 30, 2004; enclosed is an updated Land Use Permit Master Application, as requested. This application was revised to comply with the conditions outlined in your letter addressed to Walter Warden dated August 9, 2004. Please note the King County assessor's account numbers, site area and square footage of roadways to be dedicated were amended to coincide with the Binding Site Plan drawings submitted to your office on August 25, 2004 by W & H PaCific, Inc. Should you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact Walter "Gene" Warden at (425) 373-7529. Sincerely, .1fy~ t~a Gathman Project Administrator (425) 373-7541 Enclosure City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MAST·ER· APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S). PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: The Boeing Company ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3707, Me 7W-60 PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Boein~ Subdistrict 1A Bl~~ing Site Plan IILakeshore Landina ll PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: -, CITY: S~attle, ,t-JA ZIP: 98124 N.Bth & Park Ave. N. Renton, l~A 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-373-7529 ~~~ C!p.U~f2 AS8g~~O~'S A~COUNT NU~BE~~): o -9 2, 0 -92 0, 08230 -9 , APPLICANT (if other th,mowner) 082305-9011, 082305-9079, 082305-9152, 082305-9~04, OS2305-9037, 082305-9057 PSE ., NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): Triangle Vacated buildings scheduled for demo. COMPANY (if applicable):-PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Uses allowed in UCN-1 ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: UCN CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): Same' . , TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: UCN-1 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): Same NAME: W'al ter E. Warden· SITE AREA (in square feet): 3,908,974 ' Sci'. Ft. ., J. ~~:.d1J"..~~& • .f-~-:'i~.&r."<l!~7,,,,,&.~~,~~,<r<;~ ·Of J.Il. . 'K " COMPANY (if,applicabie):l ,-\ . • ,~ ... ~"' •. : h·''''l'' ..... 'J~~~ • , B·o·e'111'J9~'Rea·1:ty·tCorpora £'Jon .. .,V "H~' ').' ~f~"'a I,:$.!..... h~ ; *6bri~SS!·P. "P~:O::l ~~~~~~jd1~\ \~~~ t7t4'-60 \ ;"'''";'-'-:::;~-:7~,,:;''-~';;::;:'l~j;'' :~'f~'~"~~'" .. ...t •• ~.~.:-,",,,~ ... -;r;;)'Lf.;. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): ,~:9]l,:3:3J Sq. Ft. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): CITY: Seattle, t~A ZIP: 98124-2207 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-373-7529 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\masterapp.doc08I29/03 F )JECT INFORMATION (con'~ ued) r---~----------~------------------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable) : NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO Q FLOOD HAZARD AREA Q GEOLOGIC HAZARD Q HABITAT CONSERVATION Q SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES Q WETLANDS _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. ____ sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following infonnation included) SITUATE IN THE M~ QUARTER OF SECTION JL, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE-.M; IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Binding Site PLan 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Namels) Colette M. Temmi nk , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing Wents and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge a~ef. U.. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that (!,fI~ 11. L ~'M kl f'-.. -..:: ----=----.. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for the , uses and purposes mentioned in the i menl,.. .......... ~~~~~~~ ...... Notary PublIc (Signature of OwnerlRepresentatlve) State of WoIhfnQton (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\PJanning\masterapp.doc08/29/03 ARLENE C RICE My Appointment Expires Aug 1 S. 2008 -+~~~~~~~~~+L~~~---- Notary Public in and for the State ofwashington",..., .............. ~~ ........................ ..4 Nota<y (print) AA fl1£ C-. ,p lee My.ppo;,""'"' ""'; .... O..uq IS, JOo t l; " CITY C ., RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator August9,2004 . Walter Warden Boeing Realty Corporation PO Box 3707, MC 7W-60 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 SUBJECT: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan Project No. LUA-04-081, LLA Dear Mr. Warden: The City of Renton has completed the initial review of the technical information within the proposed binding site plan. As you already know, the Biding Site Plan was approved on July 30, 2004 with two conditions. The following conditions/changes will be necessary in order for the City· to approve your proposal: Biding Site Plan Conditions: 1. The applicant shall be required to remove or demolish the existing buildings prior to or in conjunction with Binding Site Plan recordation, unless otherwise approved by the . Development Services Division, . 2. The applicant shall be required to revise the final Binding Site Plan drawings to depict future tracts fIJr right-of-way dedication for Logan Avenue North along the western boundary and North 8t Street along the northern boundary of proposed Lot 5,. unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division . . Property Service Correcti.ons: 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-081-BSP and LND-35-0013, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. 2. The legal description for Parcel A shown on the BSP and in the Title Report erroneously includes a reference to "vacated Lake Washington Boulevard." No portion of Lake W\clshington Blvd adjoins Lots 1-4 of the City of Henton Short Plat, recorded under King County Rec. No. 20011205900004, nor has any portion of Lake Washington Blvd been vacated since the recording of said Short Plat There also appears to be an error in Lot 4 of said Short Plat which is also reflected in the BSP; specifically the inclusion of 5 feet of right-of- way deeded to the City per Statute Warranty Deed recorded under King County Rec. No. 9703181422, Parcel #2 ("a strip of land 5 feet wide lying adjacent to and parallel with the easterly right-of-way margin of P.S.H. No.1 (SR-405) from a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station 0+00 through a curve to the right to a point opposite Station 5+55 more or less."). An earlier Quit Claim Deed recorded under King County Rec. No. 8811150482 confounds this omission. The later Deed (Rec. No. 9703181422) was in fulfillment of an agreement between the City of Renton and the Boeing Company; City of Renton Clerk's file CAG-76-018 dated March 22nd 1976. Thus, it is my interpretation that the 5 feet per Deed (Rec. No. 9703181422) extends only to the Southwest boundary of the land conveyed per Deed recorded under Rec. No. 8811150482. 3. The overall legal description of the properties included in the BSP, is incomplete. The legal omits any mention of the Burlington Northern 100' right-ot-way for its Belt Line, which is being shown as part of Lot 5; i.e. Parcel C of the title report. Also missing from the BSP and the Title Report are the legal descriptions tor two other parcels included in Lot 5 (see attached legal descriptions Parcels 6 & 8). * This paper contains 50% recycled materiat, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE. ·/ , , ~ .. 4. The Land Use Permit Master Application notes six King County Assessor's tax parcel ideiltifiers (PIDs) involved in the subject SSP. However, City records indicate ~hat two more (PIDs) are within the project area (#0823059037 and #0823059152); see the preceding paragraph regarding missing legal descriptions. Also the application indicates the only a "portion" of PIDs 0823059079 and 0823059204 are involved when it appears that all of said parcels are included in the SSP. 5. The westerly right-of-way margin of Park Ave N doesn't agree with the legal description per Statute Warranty Deed recorded under King County Rec. No. 9703181422, Parcel #1; specifically the "east 15 feet lying northerly of the westerly production of the southerlyright-of- way lin~ of N. 8th Street." The SSP includes the3 feet north of said westerly production. 6. The bearing of the course to the South and West of the most easterly point of Lot 5 (S43Q47'35"E on Sheet 3 of 4) is incorrect (replace E with W. 7. Show the distance from the W Y<I Corner of Section 8 to the SW corner of Tract A on sheet 3 of 4. Also show the distance from the Monument # 1847 to the SE Corner of Tract E on the same sheet. '8. Provide a bearing to center for any bounding curve on all lots and tracts, which is not itself, bounded by at least one tangent course: In those cases where a curve is bounded bya radial, course, indicate such. . .. ,':',,' 9. State the purpose of Tracts H,and N,:as s~own on Sheet'4of4. 10. The small area identified ,,?~ "NQT A PARP"(Sheet.3 of 4)r1J~~d~)0 be dimensioned and tied to the subject survey. This'areashould bean exception to'ParceH3. It is tax parcel 0823059057, see attac~ed for the King County Assessor'sabbreyiated'iegal description. 11,. Account for the discreJ)an6Yb~~e~hthe1it~tALA8..gA, aSe,noted u~'der: the "GENERAL . .PROJECT DESCRIPTION" block oh Sheet2,ot4, abo the "SINDIN~'SITE PLAN AREA" block on the same dr~wingstieeL?fleYi~~~~~,cj:Jey,i~e"jf neecJecj:i~~:-, 12. Note whether the adjoining proper1ie$~r~;platted(give plat nam~ and lot number) or , unplatted." " ','.:,::::: '. ,~. ' :; . ' 13,., Indicate what has been; ,oreisto :be, set at the corners oftha.proposed lots . . 14. Note discrepancies betWeen':bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any e~g. the flvefEiet of Lcit'~(noted above: ,,' . . . " , ~" ~ " 15. Note all easements, covenants an~, agreements of reconfon the drawing. , 16. Note'that if there are easements, agr~ern'erits"ofdove~ants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this SSP, they can be recorded concurrently with the SSP .. References to said '. documents needs to pe made on the SSP document, with spaces provided for the recording numbers thereof. .' , Once the above changes have been made, please submit two copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter, of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when,it is appropriate to submit the final mylars. If you have any questions regarding yoiJrapplication or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. ;;~IY' Jason . Jordan Senior Planner cc: (W&H Pacific) Yellow file H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\04-081 ,Jason\REVISREQ,OOC DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 6, 2004 Jason Jordan Sonja I. Fesse~ Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan, LUA-04-081-BSP Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced Binding Site Plan (BSP) submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-081-BSP and LND-35-0013, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. The legal description for Parcel A shown on the BSP and in the Title Repon: erroneously includes a reference to "vacated Lake Washington Boulevard." No portion of Lake Washington Blvd adjoins Lots 1-4 of the City of Renton Short Plat, recorded under King County Rec. No. 20011205900004, nor has any portion of Lake Washington Blvd been vacated since the recording of said Short Plat. There also appears to be an error in Lot 4 of said Short Plat which is also reflected in the BSP; specifically the inclusion of 5 feet of right-of-way deeded to the City per Statute Warranty Deed recorded under King County Rec. No. 9703181422, Parcel #2 ("a strip of land 5 feet wide lying adjacent to and parallel with the easterly right-of-way margin of P.S.H. No. 1 (SR-405) from a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station 0+00 through a curve to the right to a point opposite Station 5+55 more or less."). An earlier Quit Claim Deed recorded under King County Rec. No. 8811150482 confounds this omission. The later Deed (Rec. No . . 9703181422) was in fulfillment of an agreement between the City of Renton and the Boeing Company; City of Renton Clerk's file CAG-76-018 dated March 2200 1976. Thus, it is my interpretation that the 5 feet per Deed (Rec. No. 9703181422) extends only to the Southwest boundary of the land conveyed per Deed recorded under Rec. No. 8811150482. The overall legal description of the properties included in the BSP, is incomplete. The legit! omits any mention of the Burlington Northern 100' right-of-way for its Belt Line, which is being shown as part of Lot 5; i.e. Parcel C of the title report. Also missing from the BSP and the Title \H:\Fi1e Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-35 -Binding Site P\ans\OO13\RV040806.doc '- August 6, 2004 Page 2 Report are the legal descriptions for two other parcels included in Lot 5 (see attached legal descriptions Parcels 6 & 8). The Land Use Permit Master Application notes six King County Assessor's tax parcel identifiers (PIDs) involved in the subject BSP. However, City records indicate that two more (PIDs) are within the project area (#0823059037 and #0823059152); see the preceding paragraph regarding missing legal descriptions. Also the application indicates the only a "portion" of PIDs 0823059079 and 0823059204 are involved when it appears that all of said parcels are included in the BSP. The westerly right-of-way margin of Park Ave N doesn't agree with the legal description per Statute Warranty Deed recorded under King County Rec. No. 9703181422, Parcel #1; , specifically the "east 15 feet lying northerly of the westerly production of the southerly right-of- way line of N. 8th Street." The BSP includes the 3 feet north of said westerly production. The bearing of the course to the South and West of the most easterly point of Lot 5 (S43°47'35"E on Sheet 3 of 4) is incorrect (replace E with YD. Show the distance from the W % Comer of Section 8 to the SW comer of Tract A on sheet 3 of 4. Also show the distance from the Monument # 1847 to the SE Comer of Tract E on the same sheet. Provide a bearing to center for any bounding curve on all lots and tracts, which is not itself, bounded by at least one tangent course. In those cases where a curve is bounded by a radial course, indicate such. State the purpose of Tracts Hand N as shown on Sheet 4 of 4. The small area identified as "NOT A PART" (Sheet 3 of 4) needs to be dimensioned and tied to the subject survey. This area should be an exception to Parcel B. It is tax parcel 0823059057, see attached for the King County Assessor's abbreviated legal description. Account for the discrepancy between the TOTAL AREA, as noted under the "GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION" block on Sheet 2 of 4, and the "BlNDING SITE PLAN AREA" block on the same drawing sheet. Review and revise if needed. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the comers of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any e.g. the five feet of Lot 4 noted above. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. Note that if there are easements, agreements or covenants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this BSP, they can be recorded concurrently with the BSP. References to said documents needs to be made on the BSP document, with spaces provided for the recording numbers thereof. H:\FiJe Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-35 -Binding Site PJans\OO13\RV040806.doc\cor '-" August 6, 2004 Page 3 Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the BSP is provided for your use and information. H:\FiJe Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-35 -Binding Site PJans\0013\RV040806.doc\cor .... -.. ------_ .... ---. ---, .. .. THENCE EAST 107.5 FEET TO THE Por'-OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON fOR THE WIDENING OF 61li AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7206090448; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9406070574; SITUATED IN THE OTY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON. PARCEL 5: PARCEL B OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNiY RECORDING NO. 8911149006; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION a, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH UES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 61li STlleeT AND BETWe[N Tile NORTIICRLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERUNES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS.STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130916; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7: PARCEL A OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO, 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8911149006; Ll/60'd 3100 SNI~d . [ I I , I J I ---.----i ft . i i \. I r ~ ! ~ \ \ .. , . , , , 0--........ _ . _ • _ • __ • _ ......... ~ I , VI" Kt:I~ I UN In DEEDS RECORDED UNDER KI:L.UKlJING NOS. 5180889 AND 9406070579; , SITUATED IN THE CITY 0' NTON, COUNTI OF KING, STATE OF WASH. ..:iTON. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M:, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF [NTERSEcnON OF THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OFTHE WEST UNE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON '. FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISlON; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCflON OF THE CENTER LINE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERUNE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCe WEST ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO.2, PS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAlD NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURUNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE POINT OF BEGlNNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO TH~ CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIOENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968,8509130916 AND 6509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON Ll/0l·d 310J SNI~3d .,..' ,.,.-~~-.---.. __ .. .~ 1'-',;;;.;,J·-··-' __ -...... ... _ ... ---0-_ ~ r ! i ! , ,. ". l t I f ~ I ~ " " \ D--- ________ • _ .... ""' ... ,,&;\,.v/\Ut:U UNDER _____ ._ ........ .., ..... :JO.I_QUOO~ ANU 9406070579; " SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, UNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ' THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF seCTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M:, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST UNE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON --FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORoeD IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF TIiE SOUTH liNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCfION OF THE CENTER LINE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERUNE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUSDMSION; - THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PlAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO.2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLA1:S, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUN1Y; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAlD NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGIfT -OF-WAY TO THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNOER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511,- 8509100968,8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON Ll/0t'd 310J SNI~3d 01 1t:H~3WIo.OJ (3/l()3T138) lN1 WOCl:::l 6<:::t>1 £OOC:-~Cldtl , ... ~ .. :::------'" ...... ----... --0-_ r l t , , l ~ ~ I -_\ -.\ -\ , , \ F CJ --_~_ ·, Rentonnet Plat Index Search . :, Account, ' " , Buildings " , Legal Description -Account Number: 082305905703 08230557 IN GL 2-BEG ON SEL Y MGN OF N P RY RIW AT INTERS WITH NWL Y MGN OF MILL ST ,PROD, TH SWL Y ALG N P RY R1W60 FTTH SELY AT RIA TO SO RIW 10 FT MIL TO NWL Y RIW OF MILL ST PROD TH NEL Y ALG SO MILL ST TO BEG TGW POR VAC LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD ADJ TCO 17-145 http://rentonnet.orglweb_ sites/intranetIKCAIindex.cfm ?fuseaction=showlegal&R = 1 Page 1 of 1 AsseSSIll ents , " :.''t 08/06/2004 PROPERTY SERVIC~ l?EE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS No. ?1l1\4 ---=4e:=p....,L., __ RECEIVED FROM ___ ---:-,:----:-_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: J..J. ~TH. _~ &~AAk-'; ::-v=: ~ ':-esp )von 77<84 l\lj\TUREOFWORK:~-i~eLUOJ~c;r~_{eoe:(j,.1 LA~F&ID# 35-0015 . )( PRELIMINARY REVIEWOF SUBDIVISI N B LONG PLAT, NE D MORE INFORMATION: .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID #'s .. VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, TIDS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# cee;?Q5-g01 I)-qea:r, X NEW KING CO_ TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when -qe.e..l ) -geee.. -c,fr;na assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to puMge~lo~~~~~ ~tic~ da.&e fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addre9sed as has not previously paid SDC fees, due to c(J-iiOn to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be -su-:b-:~e-ct-to--:-future SDl.: fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. Th ti II d ti d NOT' I d . ti'd /. ti th f e 0 owmg quote ees 0 mc u e mspectlon ees, Sl e sewer permIts, r w permIt ees or e cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment District/WATER /-0- / Special Assessment District/W ASTEW ATER /-0- Joint Use Agreement (METRO) - Local Improvement District ... - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION -FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITS/ SDC FEE .. Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $l,525/unit x /7 Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park /' "",\V Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x \. . .c:_ '~T Commercialllndustrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x --.; 11"'\ "(:} .... r_ Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) ... C::::; \ I ..... ...-.\\-'0 '--'\ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - W ASTEW ATER" Estimated ~~'(;/ 1\ ~\\,...v ,~ .. Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x I\~~ ~ c;.fjV Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x 'f",p .... ,.,6 \ ..... Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x / ~ J>Y' '------.. Commercialllndustrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) A\\ ~ } SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated #,\ / .. Pd Prev. .. PartiallY Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ Lx&I~ ) ~. c..~c0FA2 ajc;/o4- Signaturu Revie@Jg AuthOrIty 1)ATE .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 H m <: ",. m :0: :l o CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 2nd day of August, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Administrative Site Plan Report & Decision documents. This information was sent to: The Boeing Company Owner Laura Whitaker Contact ~ ~/JII1'J//JA/ ....................... ""'\" (Signature of Sender):~ ~ ---:-~\..~~ .. ~4f. ••••• .: ~Y:";i.\SS,o.-{~.o~ "1 STATE OF WASHINGTON . : ,,'o~ :t-";;,,~~ : :'(j ~OT~.l\ -:ft', -n ~ ) SS :. 'TJ.-' ~ ~ ~ .: _ m. <! ~' "_ CI.l: :< COUNTY OF KING ) ~ ~ \ ,oU8uC : ; , .., , . .. I, ,,.1t,', ~ ," ~ :: I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker \~ O;;':?'!.·,9~,'··~'\O_./ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act fo'f.tt\r.~~~g.-- purposes mentioned in the instrument. \\\, ............... Dated: 0 ~ ':>O,;;;;,ao 'I Notary (Print): __ ......,.MII7M1TmlVNm.;r;KAMC~Hi:iiiEFFii::O::::::-::"':'::-:'::-__________ _ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan LUA04-081, BSP REPORT & DECISION DECISION DATE: Project Name: Applicant/Owner: File Number: Project Manager: Project Description: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: Project Location Map City of Henton - Department of Planning / Building / Public Works .iE·~ltiY "'!!~}~SA~ ~~ ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION T l "" .. ~i... ~ "7ft q I. le~ JIll /7 :11:1) July 29, 2004 Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan The Boeing Company LUA-04-081, BSP Jason E. Jordan The proposal is to subdivide a 90.5-acre site into 10 utility/access tracts and 5 lots intended for future commercial or office development. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required plat improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. If necessary, additional SEPA and Site Plan review will be required at the time of site-specific development proposals. Bounded by Logan Avenue North on the north and west, Garden Avenue North on the East, and North 6th Street on the South N/A 90.5-acres z ~ c .. .s -N2 Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: N/A Total Building Area SF: N/A bsprpt.doc REPORT & DECISION DECISION DA TE: Project Name: Applicant/Owner: File Number: Project Manager: Project Description: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: Project Location Map City of hc;:nton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ADMINISTRA TIVE LAND USE ACTION July 29, 2004 Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan The Boeing Company LUA-04-081, BSP Jason E. Jordan The proposal is to subdivide a 90.S-acre site into 10 utility/access tracts and Slots intended for future commercial or office development. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required plat improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. If necessary, additional SEPA and Site Plan review will be required at the time of site-specific development proposals. Bounded by Logan Avenue North on the north and west, Garden Avenue North on the East, and North 6th Street on the South N/A 90.S-acres I 1-- i! --- Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: N/A Total Building Area SF: N/A bsprpt.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department - BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDh • .i SITE PLAN Administrative! ';ng Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-04-081, BSP REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 29, 2004 Page2of2 T ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from 6.88-acres to 36.77 -acres, as well as 10 tracts ranging from 0.01-acres to 3.25-acres in size. The lots are intended for future commercial, office or mixed-use development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific developmentproposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate vehicular and utility access is available to each lot. In addition, as part of the approved 2003 Development Agreement between the Boeing Company and the City of Renton, the applicant will be required to dedicate certain property for future right-of-way, which is also depicted in the proposed Tracts (except for Hand N). The dedication is not required until each parcel is developed. The property is subject to a Development Agreement between the Boeing Company and the City of Renton dated December of 2003. An Environmental Impact Statement and Mitigation Document for the project site was also completed in October of 2003. II PART TWO: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION· REPORT & DECISION This decision on the administrative land use action is made concurrently with the environmental determination. A. Type of Land Use Action Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Develo ment Permit Conditional Use XX Binding Site Plan Special Permit for Grade & Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and Exhibit No.2: Exhibit No.3: Exhibit NO.4: Exhibit No.5: other documentation pertinent to this request. Sheets 1 through 4, Binding Site Plan (Received July 8 & 27,2004). Overall Site Map (Received July 8,2004). Pages E4W, City of Renton Zoning Atlas. Proposed Arterial Rights-of-Way to Support District 1 (2003 Development Agreement Ex. #10). C. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. D. Consistency with Binding Site Plan Regulations Approval of a binding site plan is based upon several factors as established by RMC section 4-7-230 of the Subdivision Regulations contained within Title IV, Development Regulations. The following binding site plan criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the subdivision: City of Renton P/B/PW Department - BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BIND" wU SITE PLAN REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 29, 2004 Administrative 'ing Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-D4-DS1, BSP Page30f3 1. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, its Elements and Policies The subject site is designated Urban Center North (UC-N) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The UC-N designation is intended to provide large amounts of former industrial land, which can be redeveloped for new office, residential and commercial uses. The proposed binding site plan would create lots that would eventually be developed in a manner consistent with the UC-N pOlicies established by the Comprehensive Plan. At the time site-specific development proposals are made, such projects would be analyzed for consistency and compatibility with the UC-N designation. 2. Conformance with Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated Urban Center-North 1 (UC-N1) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed binding site plan would create 5 lots with the potential to be held under different ownership and to be developed individually with a combination of residential, commercial and/or office uses. Future development of the individual lots within the proposed binding site plan would be reviewed under the UC-N1 zoning standards. Such development must also be consistent with the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Mitigation Document, and Addendums issued for the project, as well as with the 2003 Development Agreement entered into by the City of Renton and the Boeing Company. The proposed subdivision must comply with the applicable development standards of the UC-N1 zone as discussed below, unless otherwise approved through the Development Agreement process. In addition, further review of the pertinent development standards of the UC-N1 zone (Le., setbacks, building height, landscaping, etc.), as well as compliance with the parking regulations, would be necessary when site-specific development proposals are made. Lot Coverage -The UC-N1 zone limits lot coverage by buildings to a maximum of 90% of the lot area, or 100% if parking is provided within the building. As the site currently contains two large building (10- 50 building complex and 10-65), which would straddle proposed lot lines and potentially exceed lot coverage, staff recommends that those buildings be demolished prior to or in conjunction with Binding Site Plan recordation or as otherwise approved by the City's Development Services Division. Once those buildings are removed, all proposed lots would meet the minimum lot coverage requirements and setbacks as established by City code. Lot Size -The minimum lot size required in the UC-N1 zone is 25 acres. However, in this case, as addressed in the Neil Watts letter dated June 15, 2004 to the applicant, minimum lot size is not applicable as the 2003 Development Agreement established differing lot standards. The UC-N1 zone does not mandate specific lot dimensions. The proposed binding site plan would create 5 lots ranging in size from 6.SS-acres (lot 1) to 36.77 acres (lot 5). Ten tracts would also be established for future dedication and/or on-site utilities and would range from 0.01-acres to 3.25-acres in area. As discussed above, the proposed lots/tracts are below the minimum lot size required in the UC-N1 zone; however, it was determined that the 2003 Development Agreement supercedes those regulations. Setbacks -The UC-N1 zone does not require a minimum front yard/street setback; however, a five- foot maximum setback is required. A maximum of a 5-foot side yard along a street setback is also required .. No rear or side yard setbacks are required. As discussed above, the existing buildings are conditioned to be removed as a result of this proposal; therefore, at which time the lots would comply with the required setbacks of the UC-N 1 zone. 3. Compliance with Binding Site Plan DeSign Standards Legal Lots: Lots, parcels, or tracts created through the binding site plan procedure shall be legal lots of record. The number of lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions shall not exceed the number of lots allowed in the applicable zoning district. The proposed binding site plan would create 5 lots and 10 tracts within the 90.5-acre site. The UC-N1 zone does contain density restrictions (minimum of 20 du/a up to a maximum of 150 du/a) , which would be reviewed with any future project containing a residential component. The UC-N1 zone does not require a minimum lot width or depth dimension. As proposed, the lots/tracts created by the binding site plan would not comply with the minimum 25-acre size requirements; however, the 2003 Development Agreement has been determined to override this requirement. Regardless, the lots City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Administrative r 'ing Site Plan Approval Staff Report BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BIND, •• .i SITE PLAN LUA-04-0B1, BSP REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 29, 2004 Page 4 014 appear to contain adequate building areas for future construction when taking setbacks and lot coverage requirements into consideration. Access: All lots shall provide access to a public street or to a public street by means of an access easement or other recorded instrument approved by the City. New public roads shall be provided for lot access where determined to be appropriate and necessary. The proposed binding site plan would not create any interior lots. Instead, each lot would be served by a public roadway (Logan Avenue North, Park Avenue North, Garden Avenue North, North 6th Street and North 8th Street). However, as a result of the binding site plan, the applicant is proposing to place large amounts of property area into tracts (A through N), which would be dedicated to the City as future development occurs. This would ensure each lot has adequate access to a public street. Dedication Statement: Where lands are required or proposed for dedication, the applicant shall provide a dedication statement and acknowledgement on the binding site plan. In order to fullYt establish Logan Avenue North, Park Avenue North, Garden Avenue North, North 6th Street, North 8 h Street and North 10th Street, future right-of-way dedication for portions of the property will be necessary. However, the final alignment of these streets as well as the final street size, are still under negotiation. Therefore, the proposed binding site plan has indicated areas of reservation for the required right-of-way within the proposed tracts. . Staff has determined that the reservation areas noted within the tracts on the face of the binding site plan are generally appropriate, considering final design issues remain unresolved. As depicted on the plans submitted, the proposed right-of-way areas are acceptable with two exceptions. As part of the 2003 Development Agreement and as depicted on the Exhibit 10 of the Development Agreement (attached), the applicant is required to provide future right-of-way tracts for right-of-way dedication along the western (Logan Avenue North) and northern (North 8th Street) boundaries of proposed Lot 5. Therefore, as a condition of the Binding Site Plan approval, staf,f recommends that the applicant be required to revise the final Binding Site Plan drawings to depict future tracts for right-of-way dedication along the western and northern boundary of proposed Lot 5. Adequate Provision of Utilities: Each parcel created by the binding site plan shall have access to water supply, sanitary sewer, and utilities by means of direct access, access easement, or supporting document approved by the City. The proposal would have sufficient access and utilities to serve the proposed development. As the exact location of the necessary easements are likely to change as site-specific development is designed, the applicant has proposed to record tracts that would be utilized for additional right-ot-way and utility access to be determined by the proposed development of individual lots. Required Improvements: Required improvements shall be provided for, either by actual construction or a construction schedule approved by the City and bonded by the applicant. The Administrator may also authorize the phasing of installation of improvements provided any delay in satisfying requirements will not adversely impact public health, safety, or welfare. The required street and utility improvements would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals, as allowed by the 2003 Development Agreement. Shared Conditions: The Administrator may authorize sharing of open space, parking, access and other improvements among contiguous properties subject to the binding site plan. Conditions of use, maintenance and restrictions on redevelopment of shared open space, parking, access and other improvements shall be identified on the binding site plan and enforced by covenants, easements or other similar mechanisms. The lots created by the binding site plan would be subject to private Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be established by the property owner. At the time of individual lot development, if shared parking, access or maintenance of common improvements is necessary between separate properties, staff will require the applicant to demonstrate that the appropriate legal mechanisms have been established. City of Renton PlBipW Department - BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BIND".u SITE PLAN REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 29, 2004 4. Reasonableness ot Proposed Boundaries Administrative 'ing Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-04-0B1, BSP PageS o'S Topography. The topography of the site is relatively flat and does not contain any sensitive or critical geological areas. Additional analysis of future development of the site will be necessary in order to reduce or minimizepotential adverse impacts to surrounding areas. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject site is currently developed with two large building complexes that were formerly utilized by the Boeing Company in the manufacturing of airplanes. The surrounding area includes both developed and undeveloped property zoned UC-N1 and IH. The proposed lots are compatible with other existing lots in this area, are consistent with the intent of both the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, and would not be out of character with existing or recent development in the area of the City. 5. Availability and Impact on Public Services Transportation: Future development of the site is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. In order to mitigate transportation impacts, a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to site-specific development will be required at the time such projects are proposed. Pollee and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to Code required improvements and fees at the time of site-specific development. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $0.52 per square foot of new building area or $388.00 per new multi-family unit, would be required with the approval of future development proposals in order to mitigate potential impacts to emergency services. Recreation: If future development includes residential uses, the applicant's payment of a Parks Mitigation Fee of $354.51 would be required as it is anticipated that new residents would use existing and future City parks and recreational facilities. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. If future development proposals include residential uses, further analysis of the District's available capacity' and ability to serve residents of the development would be necessary. Utilities: Presently, there are no existing utility improvements on the subject site, with the exception of those serving the existing buildings. As previously discussed, future property owner(s) will be responsible for installing the necessary utilities as individual lot development is proposed. E. Findings Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested Administrative Binding Site Plan Approval for the Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan, Project No. LUA-04-081, BSP. 2. Environmental Review: The applicant's file containing the application, comments from various City departments, public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents was entered as Exhibit No.1. 3. Binding Site Plan Review: The applicant's binding site plan application complies with the requirements for information for binding site plan review. The applicant's binding site plan and other project drawings are entered as Exhibits No.2 through 4. 4. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Urban Center-North (UC-N) comprehensive land use designation area. City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Administrative r 'ing Site Plan Approval Staff Report BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BIND" • ..i SITE PLAN LUA-04-081, BSP REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 29, 2004 Page6of6 5. Zoning: The binding site plan as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of Urban Center North 1 (UC-N1) zoning designation or as otherwise approved in the 2003 Development Agreement. 6. Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Industrial development, zoned UCN2; East:. Commercial and industrial development, zoned IH; South: Commercial, Industrial and Residential property, zoned UCN1, IH, and R-10; and West: Commercial and industrial property, zoned UCN2. F. Conclusions 1. The subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton provided all conditions of approval and advisory notes are satisfied. 2. The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Urban Center-North (UC-N) and the Zoning designation of Urban Center-North 1 (UC-N1), provided all conditions of approval and advisory notes are satisfied. 3. The proposed binding site plan complies with the subdivision regulations as established by city code and state law, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 4. The proposed biding site plan complies with the 2003 Development Agreement between the Boeing Company and the City of Renton. G. Decision The Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan proposal, File No. LUA-04-00a1, BSP, is approved subject to the following condition(s): 1. The applicant shall be required to remove or demolish the existing buildings prior to or in conjunction with Binding Site Plan recordation, unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. The applicant shall be required to revise the final Binding Site Plan drawings to depict future tracts for right- of-way dedication for Logan Avenue North along the western boundary and North ath Street along the northern boundary of proposed Lot 5, unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. APPROVAL SIGNATURE: Gregg Zimmerman, PIBIPW Administrator Decision date City of Renton PIB/PW Department - BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BIND, •• "; SITE PLAN REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 29, 2004 Advisory Notes to Applicant: Administrative 'ing Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-04-081, BSP Page 70f7 The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. The site is located within Urban Center -North (UC-N) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Urban Center North 1 (UC-N1) zoning designation. 2. Additional Site Plan and Environmental (SEPA) Review will be necessary for site-specific proposals for the lots created by the Binding Site Plan. 3. Staff recommends future development proposals on individual lots undergo the pre-application review process in order to adequately address site-specific issues. Fire Prevention 1. A fire mitigation fee based on $0.52 per square foot of new building area or $388.00 per new multi-family unit will be required at the time of individual lot development. 2. Fire Department access roadways are required to be within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways must be a minimum width of 20 feet with an inside turning radius of 25 feet and 45 feet on the outside. 3. Dead-end roadways exceeding 150 feet in length must provide an emergency turnaround as required by code. Plan Review 1. There are no existing utilities or street improvements on the subject site. No utility or street improvements will be required at this time. 2. The applicant will be required to construct all water, sewer, storm, erosion control and street improvements to City standards prior to the issuance of building permits for individual lot development. 3. Storm drainage report and design is required to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual requirements for detention and water quality. 4. All fire flow requirements must be met with future development proposals. Property Services -Comments for Final Binding Site Plan Submittal 1. To be sent under se arate cover. TRANSMITTED this 2dh day of July, 2004 to the owner, applicant, and contact: Attn: Walter E. Warden The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MIC 1 F-58 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Laura Whitaker Perkins Coie 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Seattle, WA 98101-3099 TRANSMITTED this 2dh day of July, 2004 to the following: Jennifer Henning, Development/Planning Larry Meckling, Building Official Stan Englar, Fire Prevention Kayren Kittrick, Public Works Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney South County Journal Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process: Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.C075(3), WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 12, 2004. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7. T.2JN .• R.5E.. W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8. T.2JN .. R.5E.. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LIN, L! L2 LINE rABlE LENGTH BfARING IJ.2~ N~'JO'56" J7.87 N4r42'"rr S46'12'2'~[, 25.00' 546'2'2S"E:, IDS. 59' tJ J7.oo N.s'J7'Sl- " J7.JJ N49'22'46" NOT A PART ~ L5 " L1 SOJXg't: SOI'5S'J8"W 60.2J' SOO]~:~: SOO'J,'O,·W 51.l1' ']7.2!ii J7,I8 J7.10 N4 • 1'4r N5O'22'4(1"£ N.50'.]7'.5'''£ @> :::;~:~;,. L-246.I'" ® S60'OJ"9"C. 5.00' @ @ 589'O,]"8"£', 10.00' LOT 4 796.623 50. FT. '8.2BB AC. NORTH . 8TH '<:0 rou~~ .,; ~, .... ~. CRur' . .IIfONVAAENT.·W/ COPP[R :' ~~~ J~:R~t;w C::'HAL r . ! -StCTiOl:J r;tJRNt{l.· . 'N"6J8D6,4790, ." C,'.102DJI.8pfD.... . .'. . AS SHpWN ON RfF.(!) .' LOTS . "1.D08,9'~· s~ .. f~. 36.94-ocr,cs ___ ---=2c..:72•OJ• STREET WA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-J5-XXXX O£:'Il.":f-:[O 8"1: CHECK£O BY: ~ DR ... WN BY, FWC/CCM ... PPRl)vED B('~ ... Asr EDiT: Pl,)f OA fL Cll..i.!J:l..iM .,/ '" ...... ~ ..•. ~ . H897S'2J''', \ 236.96' @ :~gJ. I.-JOO.06' ® S19'J2'SS"C. 12.00' IV -8-, SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 5 __ -!! , ( FEET ) , 'NCH = 200 Fr o CITY or R£NTON CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 .... X ",-CONe. WON wi COPPER PIN rouwo [X1STWG UCHUMEN r IN CASC, ACCCPTED AS COl JER OF s£cnON 8-2J-5 N 18382J.0950 2550.4']' ~~~~~~~~~-==:;'O~~r o r ND 1.5· B"AS CAP BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON l-39.2"· 0 .... x ""CONe. MONVM£NT IN CAS£ W/ COPP£R PIN AT STRELT INTeRSCCTlON N 18J798.2'909 !s'~~:;·~~7~£r0 REFERENCES CD orr or RENTON SHORT PLAT BOeING PARCEL JB RCC. NO. 20017205900004 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KINC SCALE: '''=200' NO)[C r NO. 31956- DRAW'NG FILE NAME.- J,6J6-5URV-BSPOI.OWG BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON \ \. LOT 2 ~\Gl \J> ~\ \ \ LOT LOT 3 (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) LOT5 -------------NORTH 6TH STREET \ \ \ \ . ..,~. .:: . ..~ ~ t -.-I SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ~~.-~-~-~~~~!~~!----~I ( FEET) I INCH = 200 FT ~\~ \~ '.C-·m \ \. ~\'Z.o .-,:) ,"1 \ \ \ . ---l!l 113350 lIontt! VllI. Pukw., BoUJelJ, W'uhi"llon 98021-8972 (4a)HI-{1IOO (<<1)1151-,101 1I'fI,Ndn".- N ~ ~ ~. ~ N ~ I"- t3 / / \. z (J) ~ ~ ro tlD 0 ~ -N2 ZONING PIBIPW 'l1!CHNICAL SEB.V1CJ!S Ul04/03 \ UC-Nl ~_~-Nl UC-Nl z (J) > uc-rNf _JrLJ ~ c4 c:g ----Renton dlt~ IJmItII E4 8 T23N R5E W 1/2 5308 P~"'N VIEW SCALE ,-. 400'-0- D- C] "'L . ..1 ! ..... I J ; .: I:::.·:;·;·;·;·;·;·;·;·;·;j --® t-& '< \ .: '.~ '< \ ,. \ ... " \ \ \\ \. "'.'\ PROPO!tO ~O.W. R\l\D'/rAY CDNSTRVCOON TO SUPPORT sveorsmlCT tA R\l\D'/rAY cONSTRVCTlON TO SUPPORT SVBOISTRICl te RO,IUiiAY steMM ; . '1. MtA IS AVAI\.ABl! f'OI..L.O'fr"IHC RUUOmlEIiT OF' PW AVDfJ!, AREA SNOWII IS INCtVOro ~ TOTAL NItA CAlcvv.OOH FOR AREA A I LOT , NORYN. amco.n .. _ PROPOSED ARTERIAL RIGHTS OF WAY TO SUPPORT DISTRICT 1 afftwWTlftM~NttlOO , .. tlla WlII'IIVD'I H.oI CIOIII a<lIICO "'U /IOd.I ~ EXHI~IT 10 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS,.AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: July 26, 2004 TO: Jason Jordon FROM: Shawna Mulhall (ext. 6589) 2R SUBJECT: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan Inconsistencies exist between the Binding Site Plan (BSP) and the December 2003, development agreement between the City and Boeing. This development agreement requires that planning and development of Subdistrict lA extend Logan A venuelBoulevard of Champions southward to North 6th Avenue. In this BSP, Logan AvenuelBoulevard of Champions ends at North 8th Avenue; consequently, the southern portion of roadway does not connect to the existing transportation system, and the terms of the development agreement are not met. To meet the terms of the agreement and to address expected traffic flow, the right-of-way plans, design, and construction of Logan Avenue SouthIBoulevard of Champions should extend to North 6th Street. It is also not clear which areas are included in the BSP, and how they are linked to the phasing described in the development agreement. The SEPA Checklist included in the BSP package states that the BSP area is defined as 91 acres and five lots. The plan drawings show four lots, which we understand to be approximately 46 acres. A fifth lot is shaded, but the meaning of the shading is not defined. This fifth lot is immediately south of North 8th Street. If this fifth lot is included as part ofthe BSP, then Subdistrict 1B as defined in the development agreement is included in the BSP, and right-of-way of North 8th from Park Avenue North to Logan Avenue North also needs to be included in the BSP .. Additionally, the Neighborhood Detail Map indicates that Lot 5 includes the right-of-way for widening Logan Avenue NorthIBoulevard of Champions to nine lanes. It is unclear why this configuration is necessary or what it achieves. Widening Logan Avenue to nine lanes is not associated with Lot 5 but with the area west of Logan Avenue North! Boulevard of Champions. Additionally, the development of Lot 5 is likely to precede development to the west of Logan A venuelBoulevard of Champions. This further calls into question why the BSP Environmental Checklist refers to five lots and 91 acres when the fifth lot includes an area that is not consistent with the development agreement and each of these two areas of Lot 5 have separate and very different development timelines. These various inconsistencies need to be resolved. Lastly, there is concern that the BSP is being recorded before a final development project is identified. It is appropriate to establish the site plan, but recording it is premature, as the right-of way for this area should not be conclusively determined without the development plan. cc: Alex Pietsch Ben Wolters I:\A Better H Drive\North Renton\BoeingLakeShore-BindingSitePlan_7-2004.doc\cor City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: rLo(\O COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-081, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 12, 2004 ~A~P~P=LI~C~A~N~T~:_T~h~e~B~o~e~in~~~~ __________________ -;~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----r------~~~~[) PROJECT TITLE: Boein Lakeshore Landin SITE AREA: 90.5 acres BUILDING AREA LOCATION: N Sth Street & Park Avenue N WORK ORDER NO: 77284 NEI·GH80RHOOD~ENT. AND STRATEGIC PL . ING SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approvalfor the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site into'S lots, 'ranging in size from 6.8S-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in sizQ... The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airporl Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Wolks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: SlJ.y: if COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27,2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-0S1, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 12, 2004 R E eEl VON APPLICANT: The Boein PROJECT TITLE: Boein Site Plan SITE AREA: 90.5 acres LOCATION: N Sth Street & Park Avenue N SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from 6.SS-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in siz&... The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (1 0-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeN/CBS Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet . B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS ~~ C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS t.J8\M.- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional. information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~. ~ . ~ f Director or Authorized Representative City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-081, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 12, 2004 APPLICANT: The Boeing Company PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Jordan PROJECT TITLE: Boeing Lakeshore Landino BindinQ Site Plan PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian (Kayren Kittrick) SITE AREA: 90.5 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: N 8th Street & Park Avenue N WORK ORDER NO: 77284 v.. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site Mto Slots, ranging in size from 6.88-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in size... The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of . required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Environment Minor Major Impacts Impacts Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS U~ More Information Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Housing Aesthetics Light/Glare Recreation Utilities Transportation Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Da~ City of Renton Department of Planning / Bui/ding / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: JULY 1#"1\ r? n n n r;:::> APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-0S1, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY I~~,b. <l'\1? l\:D 1£ U I!J lb APPLICANT: The Boeing Company PROJECT MANAGER: Jas( ~~( an PROJECT TITLE: BoeinQ Lakeshore LandinQ BindinQ Site Plan PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian (K r~ Kittr~~L 1 2 2004 SITE AREA: 90.5 acres BUILDING AREA (Qross): N/~ LOCATION: N Sth Street & Park Avenue N WORK ORDER NO: 77284 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a90.5-acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from 6.SS-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in sizs.... The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the -Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 1-t!) --r- AJI> (2i)vl1l11e!; 4/ ~I/M~ Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Housing Aesthetics Light/Glare Recreation Utilities Transportation Public SeNices Historic/Cultural PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet We have revie ed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where 'dditional inform . is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works EN V I RON M E·N TAL & DE VEL 0 P MEN TAP P Lie A T ION REV lEW 5 H E E T REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Ira. COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-081, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 12, 2004 APPLICANT: The Boein PROJECT TITLE: Boein Lakeshore Landin SITE AREA: 90.5 acres BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: N 8th Street & Park Avenue N I WORK ORDER NO: 77284 BUILDING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from 6.88-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in siza.. The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet -'t.~f~\('" MIi\~~llOU ~ -ro ~ l)ETE'Q.M\t.J~ Wl~ ~UH ... ~rt.J(, p€ltMrrs ~ . SI,-e; D\2V6\.OfS· B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS t0~ t. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or a,eas wham additionallnloona'lon I, n,oc/ed 10 prop"'Y """" 'hI, proposa'. 1 / '3 H -'-City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works EN V I RON MEN TAL & DE VEL 0 PM EN TAP P Lie A TI 0 N REV lEW SHE E T REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-081, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 12,2004 APPLICANT: The Boeing Company PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Jordan PROJECT TITLE: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan SITE AREA: 90.5 acres PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian (Kayren Kittrick)" -C/( 7'" ~~A -O...,:1rl. ... < ::> -' BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A .~~ r r <:"OJ> "~ .v<j' LOCATION: N 8th Street & Park Avenue N WORK ORDER NO: 77284 '1r;..:;,.;_ ~ . '"' ' SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site in~i9-~h'ts, ranging in size from 6.88-acres to 36.94-a9res, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in sizQ.. The lots are ~& intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at th~ time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Li.Qht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet It; 7&;1 B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS tLJ /M ~ tcJ rCVJ&;; aF-77ukJ *~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date City of Re/"o.In Department of Planning / Building / Public 11\. ..... (5 EN V I RON MEN tAL & DE VEL 0 PM E NT A P P Lie A T ION R' E V lEW SHE E T REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: I COMMENTS DUE: JULY 27,2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04~081, BSP DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 12, 2004 APPLICANT: The Boein PROJECT TITLE: Boein Lakeshore Landin SITE AREA: 90.5 acres BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: N 8th Street & Park Avenue N I WORK ORDER NO: 77284 , ~ , SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5-acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from 6.88-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in size. The lots are ' intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. A: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C.' We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas wh a additional information is ne ad to properly assess this proposal. Date , -f ,I -"'+ -J-'-~' J ;. .;:"~ June 15,2004 Tia Brotherton Heim Perkins Coie LLP 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Seattle, WA 98101 Subject: Dear Tia, Boeing Redevelopment Subdistrict lA Binding Site Plan .j". The use of the Binding Site Plan (HBSP") process has been proposed for creation of lots in Subdistrict 1A of the Boeing Plant Site. The BSP would be used to create parcel(s) for dedication as public right(s)-of-way, and would create the development parcels agreed upon in the Development Agreement between the City of Renton and the Boeing Company, dated December 1, 2003 ("Development Agreement"). We have discussed four items of concern, potentially limiting the use of a BSP to create these lots. After examination of these potential issues, the City has determined that a BSP can be used to create the parcels shown in Exhibits 2 and 5 (Conceptual Planning Diagram) of the Development Agreement, including the parcel(s) to be dedicated as right-of-way_ The area under discussion is Subdistrict lA, which is the area generally bounded by Park Avenue N., N. 8th Street and Logan Avenue N., and which is addressed in the approved Conceptual Plan attached to the Development Agreement as Exhibit 5. Redevelopment of this subdistrict will include new right-of-way dedication for N. 10lh Street. Boeing Realty will market the resulting four parcels for future development. The BSP process will allow for creation of well-defined parcels for marketing purposes, defined parcels for dedication for right-of-way, and appropriate descriptions for future master plan/site plan requirements. The BSP process is the preferred process by both Boeing and the City for creating these new parcels and legal descriptions. We have determined that the use of a BSP to create the parcels for Subdistrict IA that were agreed upon in the Development Agreement, which are all smaller than the 25 acre minimum lot size required in the UCN zones, will be allowed by the City without triggering master planning requirements until further development is proposed. Our analysis is set forth below. 1. The code amendments adopted on November _, 2003, establishing the UCN zoning of the Boeing property did not include an amendment to specifically allow use of the BSP process in the new UCN zones. Despite this oversight, the City will allow the use of BSPs in the UCN-1 and UCN-2 zones because it is clearly consistent with the purpose and intent of the BSP ordinance. Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 4-7-230A lists the Purpose and Intent of Binding Site Plans. It states that, "The purpose of this Section is to provide an optional. method for the division of land classified for industrial, commercial, or mixed use [CN, CS, CD, CO, COR, CA, CC lL, 1M and IH zones} through a binding site plan as authorized in chapter 58.17 RCW" Although the new UeN zones were not added to this list with the recent code amendments creating these new zones, it is clear that the intent was to prohibit the use of the BSP in zones intended for residential only uses and to allow the use of '\ l.~ -t; 'i, ", " .. the BSP in industrial, commercial and mixed use zones. The UCN zones are classified as mixed use, and therefore, are eligible for using the BSP process. 2. RMC Section 4-9-200B.la lists the Applicability of Master Plan Review for the DCN zones. It states that "Master Plan review is required for all development within the UCN-I and UCN-2 Zones that is not specifically exempted in subsections CIa and b of this Section. All Master Plans within these zones must be consistent with the conceptual plan required by development agreement(s) applicable to the UCN-I and UCN-2 Zones for the specific district(s) where they are located. When existing parcels are twenty five (25) acres or smaller, a master plan incorporating all abutting lots in common ownership.as of.J?ecember I, 2003, is required." In this case, all four of the development parcels being created were previously agreed upon in the Development Agreement; which was adopted concurrently with the Master Planning ordinance; therefore, the master plan requirement will not be triggered by the proposed BSP for Subdistrict lA. Master planning of the Subdistrict lA lots wiII be triggered by further development. 3. The Development Standards for the UCN zones allow the minimum lot size of25 acres to be amended through Site Development Plan Review (RMC 4-9-200). In this case the City deems the minimum lot size applicable to Subdistrict lA lots to be amended and approved by approval of the Subdistrict lA Conceptual Plan, which was approved concurrently with adoption of the Site Development Plan Review ordinance in November 2003. 4. The master plan requirement will be triggered by further development of any of the four lots. Subject to further discussion between the City and Boeing regarding the mechanics of the new master planning requirement, the City would expect more detail for the lot where development occurs first, and less detailed information on the other lots. Both the developer and the City have an interest in keeping the amount of planning calibrated to the amount of information available at any given point. A BSP condition can be used to clarify this idea. In summary, the City supports using the Binding Site Plan process to create the development parcels and parcels for right-of-way dedication as shown in the Development Agreement. We have determined that the UCN zones are eligible to use the BSP process, as they are mixed use zones. , With respect to the current proposal, the BSP would be limited to creating the four pre- approved lots shown in the Development Agreement plus the parcel(s) to be dedicated as rights- of-way in order to avoid triggering the Master Plan requirement. The binding site plan can include a condition clarifying the requirement for Master Planning for any future development of the lots created. If you have further questions regarding these issues, please contact me at 425-430-7218. Sincerely, Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division cc: Gregg Zimmerman Alex Pietsch Jennifer Henning , NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application hal been tiled and accepted with tho Development ServlcB8 Dlvilion of the City of Renton. The following briefly de.crlbel tho application and the nace.aery Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan I LUA04-0e1 1 BSP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is requesting Binding Site Plan approval lor the subdivision of e 90.S-acre site Into 5 lots, ranging In SlZ9 from 6.Sa-acros to 36.94·80r98, 8S wall 8S 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-80r05 to 3.25-8cr08 In size. The lois are intended lor future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the lime of Individual, slte-specl1ic development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (la-50 & 10·65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation at aCC8SS and utll1ty easements, as well as the installation 01 required improvements, would occur as necessary with slte-specHlc development proposals. Tract areas have been depleted on the submlfled plans In order to demonstrate access to each lot Is avallable. PROJECT LOCATION: PUBUC APPROVALS: Bounded by Logan Avenue North on the norlh and west, Garden Avenue North on the East, and Norlh 6111 Street on the South Binding She Plan Approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Walter E. Warden Tel: (4251373-7529 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jason Jordan, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. WA 98055. by 5:00 PM on July 27,2004. II you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party at record and receive additional notlllcation by maU, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430·7219. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a pany of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPUCATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: / July 8, 2004 July 12, 2004 July 12, 2004 f If you would like to be made a party 01 record to receive further information on this proposed project. com~lete this form and retum 10: City of Renion, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name I No.: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan I LUA04·081, asp NAME: __________________________________________________________ ___ ADDRESS: ______________ ~ ________________________________________ ___ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________________ __ , ........ ,"""" ~ ... , ... ~ .. \ 1l.4J1..;'l, , "::\'''' .~,... t" ~" •••••••• \,,~ 't .••• :"t..\SSION ';:j: ••• ~ "1 . !._ .... ..,.-"fA). ~ ~ id"--\OTAb "Sl'. -, • ., 1-_____________________________ ...... _-.-.0 ,.... IT,.. \1\~ ~ i · -.-(/)~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ (/) ~. ,oVSUC i ; "., ;..A. " "0;1: .. .., . '" I" :;.~ ••• ~.29.01 ..... :.!' .: OJ '· .. 7.~I/WAS"\~;: ..... .:-' ___ I... " d -3 \\~~, ............. ... I,~ ~o~a"" , hereb:iertify that copies of me- above document were posted by me in. conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on ..:J~\r J3 ( )..,00,-/ . ATTEST, Sub"'rib<d .rul.jwomljefore me, a NOtary;:,::.~J?2~ ~ Washington residing i6Y:)~ ,on the ~ day o.~ ~_ b?~ CERTIFICATION MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 ~- NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan I LUA04-081, BSP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan approval for the subdivision of a 90.5·acre site into 5 lots, ranging in size from 6.88-acres to 36.94-acres, as well as 14 tracts starting at 0.0006-acres to 3.25-acres in size. The lots are intended for future commercial, residential and/or office development and would require additional SEPA and Site Plan review at the time of individual, site-specific development proposals. The property is currently developed with two buildings (10-50 & 10-65), which were formerly utilized by the Boeing Airplane Manufacturing process. However, they are no longer required and will be demolished or removed from the site under a separate permit process. The creation of access and utility easements, as well as the installation of required improvements, would occur as necessary with site-specific development proposals. Tract areas have been depicted on the submitted plans in order to demonstrate access to each lot is available. PROJECT LOCATION: PUBLIC APPROVALS: Bounded by Logan Avenue North on the north and west, Garden Avenue North on the East, and North 6th Street on the South Binding Site Plan Approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Walter E. Warden Tel: (425) 373-7529 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jason Jordan, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on July 27,2004. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7219. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: / July 8,2004 July 12, 2004 July 12, 2004 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, com~lete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name I No.: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan / LUA04-081, BSP NAME: __________________________________________________________________ __ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ ___ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________________ __ CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 13th day.of July, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: Boeing Realty Corporation (Walter E. Warden) Owner/Applicant \" KA4(. "III (Signature of Sende . . •••• 'O,y~", ~-to .. ,~ 'I, STATE OF WASHINGTON ~OTA~y ~\~ \ SS ... -(I): ~ COUNTY OF KING ) ~ \. ,oUBL\C ./ ~ ! "V~"'~'.?9_01 ..... ~O .? I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker • o;,:w;;'$:r..\~~ .... ~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for'\h&use~1ind purposes mentioned in the instrument. Date~ 2-fl 2btY/ Notary (Print):. _____ ~MrN-A,y;RII9FLYNIlldTf!jKAIEltM...,C~HEMI'lFF~""""'_--------MYAPPtllf~'ffI7l~fIIT rxPIRES mOl My appointment expires: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan LUA04-081, BSP ~-~ CITY )F RENTON .;. "'''UlA",·Wheeier, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator July 12, 2004 . Walter E. Warden Boeing Realty Corporation ' .. PO Box' 3707, MC 7W-60 . Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Subject: Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan LUA-04-081 ,. BSP Dear Mr. Warden: The,Deve!opment Planning Section ofthe City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is . accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your .' . application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, cc: The Boeing Company IOwner ------1-05-5-S-o-ut-h~G-ra-d-y-W-a-y --R-e-n-to-n,-W-a-sh-i-ng-to-n-9-S-0-55------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE · , " '!r\-".J' City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: The Boeing Company PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Boein{ Subdistrict 1A Binding Site Plan "Lakeshore Landing") ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3707, MC 7W-60 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: N.8th & Park Ave. N. CITY: Seattle, WA ZIP: 98124-2207 Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMB~R: 425-373-7529 APPLICANT (if other than owner) KING COUNTY ASSESSO~S ACCOUNT NU~BER(S): 0823059011, 0823059 20 0823059 1, 0823059222, 0823059079l~ortion). 0823059204(portion) ,NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacated buildings schedul ed for demo. COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Uses allowed inUCN=1 ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: UCN CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): ,Same TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: UCN-1 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applical?le): Same NAME: Walter E. Warden SITE AREA (in square feet): 3,983,193 Sq. Ft. "'''tltH'''. ~'.~ COMPAN!-:, Jt.'$P.p.li, ..., l'p.~ Boeip'g'~·.:.~~ .' , ••• rN('t~ion :i f '-;' 1ft~:ritnv \, '~ ADDR§Ssr P. O,"_~O)S 3707, ~MC' 7W-60 i~ . ~r.: 't: ';.. .'I'I~rk'\' ~~;; -t'".I'I"1o 'I"~" ~ , "'11.' ~ ""u '-:;. ., (.~' ".1; t ~~ , .. ' CITY: "', t!!.'.;;:' ~t;.,{" ........ ZIP: 98124-2207 ~,~ ' .... £~, .~'I It '( ~.~ -""'I .. ' ·~~~·e.(ft tl.e, .. :WA~ d' (~"'·it:lfg~(.M \'"'II~ .. ~""~ , SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 316,152 Sq. Ft. = PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 5 ""'/~~ ~'f.f.~~'"'' , . TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-373-7529 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): Q;\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\masterapp.doc08129/03 pr~JECT INFORMATION (cont; -, -=-e~d)L--______ '(--, PROJECT VALUE: $21,000,000 ~- NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO Q FLOOD HAZARD AREA Q GEOLOGIC HAZARD Q HABITAT CONSERVATION Q SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES Q WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following infonnation included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION L, TOWNSHIP 23N, RAN G EM,.., IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Binding Site Plan I,om& 3. r 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Namels) Colette M •. Temmi nk , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or :::x:= the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregOing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. \ (Signature of OwnerlRepresentatlve) (Signature of Owner{Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ~ tv<. TR \.t\\MW.~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument , .. Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: EXHIBIT IAI File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.2 DEVELOPME CITY OF~~~~NING JUL -8 200; R~CfE3V~D Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of City of Renton Short Plat No. LUA-01-056-SHPL, as recorded under Recording No. 20011205900004; TOGETHER with that portion of vacated Lake Washington Boulevard; adjoining which upon vacated, attached to said property by operation of law; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. Parcel B: That portion of Government Lot 3 in Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying Easterly of the abandoned Burlington Northern (Lake Washington Belt Line) Railroad Right-of-Way and lying Westerly of Park Avenue (Lake Washington Boulevard S.E.); TOGETHER with that portion of Government Lot 2 in said section, described as: Beginning at the intersection of the Southeasterly margin of the abandoned Burlington Northern (Lake Washington Belt Line) Railroad Right-of-Way and the Westerly Margin of Park Avenue (Lake Washington Boulevard S.E.); Thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly margin 60 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence Southeasterly at right angles thereto 10 feet, more or less, to the Westerly margin of Park Avenue (Lake Washington Boulevard S.E.); Thence Southerly along said margin to the South line of said Government Lot; Thence Westerly to said Southeasterly Railroad margin; Thence Northeasterly to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof condemned for SR 405 by King County Superior Court Cause No. 656127; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton for widening of Park Avenue North by deed recorded under Recording No. 9703181422; Parcel C: That portion of the Burlington Northern Inc.'s 100 foot right of way for its belt line in Government Lots 1, 2, 3 and the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and Government Lots 1 and 2 in Section 7, said Township and Range, between a West production of the North line of 6th Avenue North and a line extending southeasterly and radially to the main track center line as now constructed from Survey Station 1068.00 in said center line (distant 40.8 feet southwesterly, measured along said main track center line, from the southwesterly end of Burlington Northern Inc.'s Bridge No.3) and the southeasterly of the following described line: Arst American 77t/e Insurance Company Ii ", Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.3 Beginning at a point 25 feet southeasterly, measured radially and at right angles to the center line of track as now constructed, from Survey Station 1068+00; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point 25 feet northwesterly, measured from the southeasterly right of way line at Survey Station 1074+00; thence continuing southwesterly at an angle to the right to a point on the northwesterly line of the 100 foot right of way of Burlington Northern Inc. and southeasterly of Spur Track Headblock Station 8+85.5 the end of described line and end of description. Situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. First American Title Insurance Company \ ... . THE BOEING COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES DELEGATION OF COMMITMENT AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT P CITY OF AENT~~NtNG JUL -8 2004 ~~c~a~f~D Richard D. (Rick) Stephens. President of Boeing Shared Services Group, acting pursuant to Company Policy POL-I, "Delegation of Authority to Authorize Business TraJ1sactions and Agreements, and to Commit Company Resources," as amended, modified, supplemented, and updated to the date hereof, hereby delegates, subject to the limitations set out below, the authority to manage the real property of The Boeing Company and each subsidiary of The Boeing Company (at any level, and whether such subsidiary is a corporation, a limited liability company, or any other entity) that has adopted or may at any time hereafter adopt Company Policy POL. I to each of . Stephen J. Barker Alan E. DeFrancis and Colette M. Temmink including the authority to do any of the following: (a) To commit The Boeing ComptUly and each such entity to the purchase, sale, lease, or sublease (as lessor or lessee or sublessor or sublessee or as a participant in any such transaction) of real property and related personal property and to extend credit iri connection with any of the foregoing; and (b) To grant mortgages. deeds of trust, and other liens on The Boeing Company's and each such entity's interest in real property and related personal property; and (c) To commit The Roeing Company and each such entity to easements, licenses, access agreements, development agreements, site plans. master pl~ms, lot line adjustments and/or agreements, boundary line adjustments, mitigation agreements, property management agreements, consultant agreements, real property service agreements and similar agreements; and (d) In connection with the management of real property, including any of the foregoing, to make, enter into. execute. create and deliver any proposals. contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, subleases, bills of sale. bonds. liens, mortgages. deeds of trust. easements, licenses, pennit!':. claims, indemnities, guarantees, settlements, amendments, releases. obligations, assignments, estoppel certificates, subordination, attornment and nondisturbance agreements, option agreements, consents, development agreements, mitigation agreements, consultant agreements. service agreements and other instruments and documents as deemed by any of such individuals to be necessary or desirable. The authority granted herein is limited to exclude any transaction that would involve: (i) expenditures or the commitment to make expenditures with respect to real property that in the aggregate exceed the "Applicable Amount" (as defined below); or (ii) disposition of a real property asset for a sale price in excess of the Applicable Amount; or (iii) the granting of a lien on real property or related personal property securing an obligation in excess of the Applicable Amount, or Page 1 of2 (iv) a lease or sublease commitment (as lessee or lessor or sublessee or sublessor) if the present value of the committed rentals (discounted at the then current Prime Rate as published from time to time in the Wall Street Journal) exceeds the Applicable Amount. The "Applicable Amount" is $30,000.000 in the case of Boeing Realty Corporation; $20,000,000 in the case of each of The Boeing Company and McDonnell Douglas Corporation; and $) 0,000,000 in the case of every other entity referred to above. The authority granted herein does not include the authority to sub-delegate except as provided herein. Stepbeo J. Barker is hereby delegated the authority to sub-delegate to individuals to be named by him the authority to commit The Boeing Company and every entity referred to above to the lease or sublease (as lessor, lessee, sublessor, or sublessee) of real property nnd related personal property and to execute instruments and documents in connection therewith, including without limitation leases, subleases, estoppel certificates, subordination, attornment and nondisturhance agreements, lease and sublease assignments, consents, and amendments, but excluding any transaction that would involve: (a) expenditures or the commitment to make expenditures with respect to such matters that in the aggregate exceed $2,000,000; or (b) a lease or sublease commitment (as lessee or lessor or ~ublessee or sublessor) if the present value of the committed rentals (discounted at the then current Prime Rate as published from time to time in the Wall Street Journal) exceeds $2,000,000. The authority herein delegated shall be effective as of January 1.2004 and remain in full force and effect through December 31,2004 unless revoked in writing in whole or in part by resolution of the Board of Directors of The Boeing Company or the relevant entity referred to above or by the undersigned. Dated as of January I, 2004 Page 2 of2 Project Narrative for Lakeshore Landing (Boeing Subdistrict lA) This binding site plan covers an approximately 91 acre site located in Renton, Washington between Garden Avenue, Logan Avenue and 8th Street (the "Site") and will create five lots. The Site is currently part of the larger Boeing Renton Plant; however, the buildings located on the Site have been vacated as part of Boeing's "Move-to':'the-Lake" and are scheduled for potential demolition in the near future. As contemplated by the Development Agreement entered into by the City of Renton and Boeing on December 1, 2003 (the "Development Agreement") Boeing has declared the Site surplus and will market it as vacant land to be developed in accordance with the approved Conceptual Plan for Subdistrict IA. The Site and proposed land division were considered in the 2003 Boeing Comprehensive Plan amendment EIS ("2003 Boeing EIS.") and addresed by the Development Agreement. The Site is currently zoned UCN-I. Adjacent properties are zoned UCN-I or UCN-2. The Site is flat and nearly 100 percent impervious surface. It does not contain special features. This binding site plan application does not include specific demolition or development plans; such plans will be processed in the future under separate application(s). The 2003 Boeing EIS and Development Agreement address and condition access, proposed off-site improvements, right of way dedication, and other development issues. [/BSP Project Narrative] 7n/04 .~ '.' -." , .. DEVELOPMENT P CITY OF REN~~NING , ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST JUL -8 200~ I I fr=c Note: This environmental checklist is being provided to the City of Renton in~' ~nW'lE~ connection with The Boeing Company's application for Binding Site Plan Approval. It is our understanding that this checklist will be used for purposes of an addendum to the 2003 Boeing Comprehensive Plan amendment Environmental Impact Statement ("2003 Boeing EIS"); rather than for purposes of athreshold determination. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Binding Site Plan for Boeing Subdistrict 1 A ("Lakeshore Landing") 2. Name of applicant: The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MIC 7W-60 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Walter E. Warden, Senior Real Estate Manager 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: ,. Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707, MIC 7W-60 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Walter E. Warden, Senior Real Estate Manager Contact Person: Walter E. Warden (425)373-7529 4. Date checklist prepared: July 6,2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Binding Site Plan is scheduled to be finalized within 6-8 weeks of letter of complete application. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Potential demolition of industrial buildings known as the "10-50 Building Complex" and the "10-65 Building", which are located on the BSP property will occur under separate application. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. This land division was considered under the 2003 Boeing EIS. P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist final.DOC07106/04 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Does not apply. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The total BSP area is approximately 91 acres. This BSP would divide the area into 5 lots and create tracts to be dedicated to the City in the future for public streets. No specific development plans are part of this proposal. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The SSP area is generally south and east of Logan Avenue, west of Garden Avenue and North of 8th Street in Renton, Washington. The area is referred to as Subdistrict 1A in the Development Agreement between the City and Boeing, dated December 1, 2003 ("Boeing Development Agreement"). See the BSP map for further detail. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one);@rOlling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ Flat b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) See 2003 Boeing EIS. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. See 2003 Boeing EIS. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. See 2003 Boeing EIS. P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist final.DOC 2 e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. None proposed. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Does not apply. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asp!1alt or buildings)? No change will result from SSP approval. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: No earth disturbance proposed for SSP. 2. AIR a. What types 'of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. None. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Does not apply. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Lake Washington is located to the north but not adjacent to the SSP site. The Cedar River is located to the west but not adjacent to the SSP site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 3 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... j agriculturalj etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Does not apply. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. Does not apply. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Does not apply. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Does not apply. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 4 __ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs __ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation See 2003 Boeing EIS.] b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Does not apply. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. See 2003 Boeing EIS. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Does not apply. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other ________ _ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other _________ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _____ _ See 2003 Boeing EIS. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. See Boeing 2003 EIS. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain See Boeing 2003 EIS. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Does not apply. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Does not apply. P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 5 b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Does not apply. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. See 2003 Boeing EIS. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Does not apply. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Does not apply b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Boeing Plant operations are located across Logan Avenue, but will not affect the BSP. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Does not apply. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Does not apply 8. oLAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? See 2003 Boeing EIS. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 6 Large industrial building known as the "10-50 Building Complex", which is approximately 1,224,000 square feet and a small adjacent industrial building known as the "10-65 Building", which is approximately 7,500 square feet. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Yes -both the 10-50 Building complex and the 10-65 Building are scheduled for demolition and will be demolished and will undergo separate SEPA and permitting. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? UCN-1 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Urban Center North g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Does not apply. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. See 2003 Boeing EIS. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Does not apply. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Does not apply. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Does not apply. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: P:\Renton\SSP\SSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 7 '. Does not apply. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. No structures proposed. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Does not apply. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Does not apply. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Does not apply. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Does not apply. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Does not apply. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Does not apply. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? See 2003 Boeing EIS. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Does not apply. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 8 '. a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Do not know. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Do not know. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Does not apply. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Does not apply. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 9 a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. 16. UTILITIES. a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. See 2003 Boeing EIS and Boeing Development Agreement. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or wililul laCkollulld~ my part. -"'" • /t./,oponent: U--z~ III~ Name Printed: Colette M. Temmink . . Date: ~y Ct. ~eJeJlf ,-J P:\Renton\BSP\BSP Environmental Checklist.DOC 10 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL -82004 REC~U'W(E\o SECOND PLAT CERTIFICATE TO: BOEING REALTY CORPORATION 2283 SOUTH EAST BLACK NUGGET ROAD 5TH FLLOR, M/C 7W-60 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 ATTN: GENE WARDEN CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT DEAR SIR: ORDER NO. 72457T- IN THE MATTER OF PLAT SUBMITTED FOR YOUR APPROVAL, THIS COMPANY HAS EXAMINED THE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR AND COUNTY CLERK OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNITED STATES COURTS HOLDING TERMS IN SAID COUNTY, AND FROM SUCH EXAMINATION HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THE TITLE TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND SITUATE IN SAID KING COUNTY, TO-WIT: PARCEL A: LOTS 1,2,3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-OI-056-SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD, ADJOINING WHICH UPON VACATED, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Page 1 ORDER NO. 72457T- PARCEL B: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND LYING WESTERLY OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E;); TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRmED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT; THENCE WESTERLY TO SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RAILROAD MARGIN; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONDEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422. PARCEL C: THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INCo'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1,23 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AN RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH A VENUE NORTH AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40~8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO.3) AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: Page 2 ORDER NO. 72457T- BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGEL TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF DESCRIBED LINE AND END OF DESCRIPTION. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. VESTED IN: THE BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Page 3 ORDER NO. 72457T- SUBJECT TO: 1. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER OCTOBER 31ST. 1nEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $12,959.68 AMOUNT PAID: $6,479.84 AMOUNT DUE: $6,479.84, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9220-05 ASSESSED VALUE OF LAND: $1,126,300.00 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENT: $0.00 (AFFECTS LOT 1 OF PARCEL A) 2. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER OCTOBER 31ST. 1nEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $28,500.51 AMOUNT PAID: $14,250.26 AMOUNT DUE: $14,250.25, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9221-04 ASSESSED VALUE OF LAND: $2,477,600.00 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMJ>ROVEMENT: $0.00 (AFFECTS LOT 2 OF PARCEL A) 3. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER OCTOBER 31ST. YEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $57,928.05 AMOUNT PAID: $28,964.03 AMOUNT DUE: $28,964.02, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9011-08 ASSESSED VALUE OF LAND: $4,933,200.00 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENT: $103,000.00 (AFFECTS LOT 3 OF PARCEL A) 4. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER OCTOBER 31ST. 1nEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $16,609.99 AMOUNT PAID: $8,305.00 AMOUNT DUE: $8,304.99, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9222-03 ASSESSED VALUE OF LAND: $1,443,700.00 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENT: . $0.00 (AFFECTS LOT 4 OF PARCEL A) Page 4 ORDER NO. 72457T- 5. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER OCTOBER 3 i ST. YEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $236,567.40 AMOUNT PAID: $151,832.82 AMOUNT DUE: $84,734.58, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9079-07 ASSESSED VALUE OF LAND: $10,810,300.00 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENT: $9,269,200.00 (AFFECTS PARCEL B) 6. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT IF UNPAID AFTER OCTOBER 31ST. YEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $26,685.19 AMOUNT PAID: $13,342.60 AMOUNT DUE: $13,342.59, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9204-05 ASSESSED VALUE OF LAND: $2,319,700.00 ASSESSED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENT: $0.00 . (AFFECTS PARCEL C) 7. 'GENERAL TAXES ON OPERATING PROPERTY OF PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. 'YEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $60,445.43 AMOUNT PAID: $30,222.72 AMOUNT DUE: $30,222.71, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 082305-9057-03 (AFFECTS PARCEL D) 8. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND/OR EASEMENTS: RECORDING NO(S).: 64407, 75960 AND 76965 (AFFECTS PARCEL C) 9. RAILROAD SPUR TRACT(S) AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: NOVEMBER 18, 1941 RECORDING NO.: 3204562 10. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING NO.: 3352228 IN FAVOR OF: NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY FOR: RAILROAD TRACK SYSTEM AFFECTS: 20 FOOT STRIP, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN \. Page 5 .' . ORDER NO. 72457T- 11. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING NO.: 3352229 IN FAVOR OF: NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY FOR: RAILROAD TRACK SYSTEM AFFECTS: 20 FOOT STRIP, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 12. RESERVATION OF EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING NO.: 4662540 RESERVED BY: PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY AFFECTS: AS THEREIN DESCRIBED 13. RELINQUISHMENT OF ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE RIGHTS TO LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR, AND ALL RIGHTS OF INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO AND FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTED ON LANDS CONVEYED BY INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: OCTOBER 18,1956 RECORDING NO.: 4740681 IN FAVOR OF: THE STATE OF WASHINGTON (AFFECTS PARCEL A) 14. RELINQUISHMENT OF ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE RIGHTS TO LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR, AND ALL RIGHTS OF INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS, FROM AND BETWEEN THE LAND AND THE HIGHWAY OR HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTED ON LANDS CONDEMNED BY PROCEEDINGS UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT: CAUSE NO.: 656127 IN FAVOR OF:· THE STATE OF WASHINGTON (AFFECTS PARCELS A AND B) 15. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING NO.: 4952098 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: STREET PURPOSES, INCLUDING A GRADE CROSSING AFFECTS: . PORTION OF PARCEL C . Page 6 ORDER NO. 72457T" 16. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDING NO.: 5453012 AND 5453013 IN FAVOR OF: MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE FOR: SEWER PIPE LINES SYSTEM AFFECTS: WITHIN THE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SECTION 8 17. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: JUNE 9, 1972 RECORDING NO.: 7206090451 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: ROADWAY AFFECTS: PORTION OF PARCEL C 18. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: APRIL 19, 1982 RECORDING NO.: 8204190334 IN FAVOR OF: CHY OF RENTON FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES AFFECTS: 15 FOOT STRIP OVER PARCEL C 19. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: NOVEMBER 4, 1985 RECORDING NO.: 8511040570 .IN FAVOR OF: PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR: UTILITIES ,AFFECTS: SOUTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL C 20. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: MAY 19, 1988 RECORDING NO.: 8805190541 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FOR: UTILITIES AFFECTS: LOT 3 OF PARCEL A 21. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: NOVEMBER 30, 1988 RECORDING NO.: 8811300191 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES AFFECTS: SOUTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL A, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 22. AGREEMENT AND LICENSE FOR FIRE MAIN INTER-TIE AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: MAY 23,1991 RECORDING NO.: 9105231158 Page 7 , , ORDER NO. 72457T- 23. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: JULy 13, 1992 RECORDING NO.: 9207130661 IN FAVOR OF: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR: ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS AND ONE OR MORE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINES AFFECTS: VARIOUS PORTIONS, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 24. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: JULY 13, 1992 RECORDING NO.: 9207130662 IN FAVOR OF: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR: ELECTRIC .TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 25. RECREATIONAL TRAIL EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: REGORDED: SEPTEMBER 17, 1992 RECORDING NO.: 9209171541 MODIFICATION AND/OR AMENDMENT BY INSTRUMENT(S): RECORDED: JUNE 11, 1996 AND SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 RECORDING NO(S).: 9606110277 AND 9609040765 26. AGREEMENT AND LICENSE FOR EXTENSION OF BOEING DOMESTIC WATER AND COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY LINES AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: . FEBRUARY 3, 1994 RECORDING NO.: 9402030678 27. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: JUL Y22, 1996 RECORDING NO.: 9607220167 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON . FOR: A REMOTE CONTROL PANEL, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL WALL AND RAILING, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES . AFFECTS: PORTIONS OF PARCEL A, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 28. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 17, 2000, UNDER RECORDING NO. 20001117000535. (AFFECTS LOT 3 OF PARCEL A AND PARCEL B) Page 8 , , ORDER NO, 72457T- 29, EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: DECEMBER 5, 2001 RECORDING NO.: 20011205003127 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: SANITARY SEWER AFFECTS: A PORTION ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, PARCEL A 30. EASEMENT,INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: DECEMBER 5, 2001 RECORDING NO.: 20011205003128 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON FOR: SANITARY SEWER AFFECTS: PORTION OF LOT 4, PARCEL A 31. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: DECEMBER 5, 2001 RECORDING NO.: 20011205003129 IN FAVOR OF: . CITY OF RENTON FOR: SANITARY SEWER AFFECTS: PORTION OF LOT 2, PARCEL A 32. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: DECEMBER 5, 2001 RECORDING NO.: 20011205003130 IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF RENTON . FOR: SANITARY SEWER AFFECTS: PORTIONS OF LOTS 2 AND 3, PARCEL A 33. DEVELOPMENT OF PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: AUGUST 2, 2002 RECORDING NO.: 200208020000224 34. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR RENTON PLANT REDEVELOPMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: THE BOEING COMPANY AND: CITY OF RENTON RECORDED: DECEMBER 10, 2003 RECORDING NO.: 20031210001637 Page 9 · . ORDER NO. 72457T- INFORMATIONAL NOTES: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,1997, AND PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT OF WASHINGTON STATE STATUTES RELATING TO STANDARDIZATION OF RECORDED DOCUMENTS, THE FOLLOWING FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE RECORDER. ANY SKETCH ATTACHED HERETO IS DONE SO AS A COURTESY ONLY AND IS NOT PART OF ANY TITLE COMMITMENT OR POLICY. IT IS FURNISHED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN LOCATING THE PREMISES AND FIRST AMERICAN EXPRE;SSL Y DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY WHICH MAY RESULT FROM RELIANCE MADE UPON IT. THE DESCRIPTION CAN BE ABBREVIATED AS SUGGESTED BELOW IF NECESSARY TO MEET STANDARDIZATION REQUIREMENTS. THE FULL TEXT OF THE DESCRIPTION MUST APPEAR IN THE DOCUMENT(S) TO BE INSURED. LOTS 1-4, CITY OF RENTON SP LUA-OI-056-SHPL, REC. 20011205900004. GOVERNMENT LOTS 1-3 SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 23N RANGE 5E TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: 082305-9220-05, 082305-9221-04, 082305-9011-08, 082305-9222-03, 082305-9079-07 AND 082305-9204-05 A FEE WILL BE CHARGED UPON THE CANCELLATION OF THIS COMMITMENT PURSUANT TO THE W ASHINGTON STATE INSURANCE CODE AND THE FILED RATE SCHEDULE OF THE COMPANY. END OF SCHEDULE B RECORDS EXAMINED TO JUNE 28, 2004 AT 7:30 A.M. Page 10 ': ,~. ." . 'Boeing Lakeshore Landing Binding Site Plan Lot Closures .. , . " ': .~> " f ~ .' .... '. . I, • "'.:~.[\ ;" '\ , ; .:' :'" ,;'; ': : ....... '. "".'. " :; .. ,,;;': "',:,>,." '~''';,!~''~;:I ': ~ .. "'. , . ~ '.:~ . ' -.. "., " "':':',;':':,' ,/. :i;.~;,.:~.:,?"pa~.~,i}~~,"',;, i;, 'r ••••• I' 't :. oj,ect :;~:3'i6~'6 :':\)~;',,:,;:' >.',.' '~~"',' Parce·l··Map·'.Check . , 0 • f •••• .' • " '. " _ .... ~.,"" • ; '. 'j " ., .. .. " • '.' -. _ , .' . " ,_ r~., " _ ~ ___ .':-___ ;-,''''':' :-__ ~ _.i ~ :.. _: __ ' ~ ',.:. __ '_ ,_-__ ,~. ___ ' __ ..!.' __ ' _______ . _____________ ..:.. _' ___ ,_,. __ ," _____ ...:. _"~ __ ,.' '~.' -' ',. ':., " , .. , :.; >',; ;"'. f' ... :,.,.'~. .".( . ,,; ,; '. \ ' ; ... '. ', .. '!:',.-.. ':, : .... , .• ,. ,'. Parcel' na~e :,."BSP BOuNDARY EAST ..' ': . . , NcJ:rth·:,185541. 2142:·:;' " .,Eas't ~ ,1302407.8401 ; Line , CoJ'rse' :'S 18 -00 -3 OE . Length: 1249.86, ", . North: 184352'.5829 ' . ""'East': 1302794.2410 Curve;. Lehgth:'·,274.46,·.~, ':, ,'. Radius: ,850;00 , .. ' • 'Del ta:i 8 -3 O-',Ol~:' .; ':':::Tangent :138.43 '" ,'/ "::(::hord:'::273,27;'~,' '. Course:· S 08-45-29 E' .. Course In:~S·'71~59-30W' Cburse Out: S 89':'30-29 E 'RP . N()rth:, 1840Er9,80Q'9" 'East: 1301985;8811. ,'.,; ,.i'·"", End North:' i8408i~5028 .,.:East : 13Q2835.8498 . . Li·'rie' Course: S 00-29-31:W .Length: 228~30 North: ·183854.:2113:East : 1302833.8896 '. Curve ;Length: .39 . 29.".' .' " " Radius: 25. 00 .. Delta: "90-02-07'.,' .,Tangent: 25;02 Chord: ·35',37 ' Course: S 45':'30-34W' ." , , ' .. Course In; N ~9~30-29,W.,CourseOut:S 00~31~38 W "RP"North:,183854:4259"East : 1302808.8906, . End 'North;: 183829>4270',' East :1302808.6605. " . Line' .Course:·N. 89-.28 -22 W : Length: 717.29 North: 18383'6;'02'72 . ;' , ' 'East '" .'" , ',' ~ '. ~le':'Course:';N':47-48:':'Sl,W' Length: 5.46 ,North: ,:f83'839 :0-6938 "East 1302091.4009" 1302087.3552 Li~e Course: 'N ,00-56.'-42 E Length::,166. 37 , .... North:·.184006,:0412 ,',' ,': East: 1302090.0991·' ,,-,r" ., '.:,". .'. '",' , ',' 1 : ' :. ' . .1, ",;, Llne '.' Course:: N,01-55:~11"W'Lengt,h: 300.14 North: 184306.0127 . ·.East: 1302080.0446 Line ·Course: N 00-56-42 E·. :Length:27 .. 08 CD. <0 ", -North:· ,184333'::,'0890" .... "'East: 1302080.4912 : Line Course : .·N 08 -56 -24' E.'" Length': . 14:44 (j) 'North: 184347~3536' East : 1302082.735~ Line Course:.N 00-56-:42 E :Length: 28.00@ North: 184375.3498 East: 1302083.1970 Line' . Course:' N.'03-46"::46W· Length: 24.28 @' . North:18439~.577D .East : 1302081.5966 Line Course: NOO-56-42,E Lengt~:. 441'.37 , "North :184840 :8870 : East : 1302088.8759 Line Course: N 00-56.,.42 E Le~gth: 278.69@ North: 1~5119.5391 East: 1302093.4722 Line. Course: 8 .. ·89 ..... 03·-18 K ·L~ngth: 5~00@ , No~th~i~5119.45~6 ' East 1j02098.4716 Line: Course: S89-04-13 E Length: ~.OO . , North~ '1085119 A566 , East 1302098.4716 Curve . Length. 87.53 (1) , . Radius:' 527.62 ;' Delta:·'9-30-20 ' Tangent: 43.87 Chord:: 87. 43 Course: N 05 -41-5:2 E ,Course.ln:·S 89-03-18 E Course Out:N .79-32-58 W RPNorth: 1851l0~,7548 East· 1302626.0198 End 'No"rth: 185206.4581 ,East ~13 02107.1521 Line 'Course::8 79-32-58 E Length: 12.00 ~ , ' ·North:.l,85204 .. 2815 "East: 1302118.9530 , ~ "', . .'; ~ ',' , . !,f'·" " :, .. ' , ' ;,' . '," , .J,\ -,'.,".," ".'': 'r· " ,",.';',:, ~: " ' ~, ' ' . " ,", , ,< '."_' .!~. ._.:. "·,~ ..... ;r.:. ,I;. .':";"t'¥,,~, .~.',.;:." -' .:~,~ ... ~ .i, '-. ", .". ""~., • ' <1 • :." <:'I:'~'''' ':-;:. '.' , . . ',.'-',:C:,:", . ~:, .:' ~u~e' . Length, },60 ,0 6{fc: .' 'i. .'R~ll{ iiif1~;bi!~2i'.:':,,: ,c, " ". " Delta: 33...,20~33 . '.' ::.. >T<!Hlgent:";:'lS4~41 :,>:;.:,., "' .. :, ·'··:,;"·.:.,··:.C"·o··:.:,u.· .• ~·r'.Cshe:~.: ... ~ ... nt:l·':: .. : ... ~:s29 .. : ...•. '.75.'9·;8_·.'.34·2"~·~'::5· '8'·., ·,··"E,..... . '>······Colirse : :.:1J 2 7-'07 ~18:~'E . .~ :.( Cc:iJise(::Out:~rN:46::·12'~>i!~{,w,';:, :: "RP; North\ '185110.7548"'" .".' ' .. ···'··E~st::·1302626. 0198 ':~':';,-Erid'-Noft~h:. 185,467.59.25, . ,.' East. :", i302253. 8225 '.,·,,,:r.~ine "Course: :N' 43'-47-35·'E . Length: '13'6.87 . ',.,,':North:, 185566 '.3 9i3" -',East .'1302348; 5442 ·'~ine,Course:.N82-05.;.16 E' Length: 29.06 .'. . :: North::185:.i.70. 3916':'" ,:East.'13,02377. 3276 ' '. 'Line"Course:, S 46-17-10E'Length:42.23 .' ,North: ·185541.2082 ,,·:East1302407. 8514' .. pe'rimete/:44~'7'.79 "'Area: '960~32'5 sq. ft'. 22~05' acres ..... Mapcheck" Closure :-',(Uses listedcQurses, radii,and deltas) Error Clbsure:'0 .. 0128 " . ,Course: S 62":OO~41E' Error, North: .' -0.00599 .-East: 0 . 01127 ,~ie6isi6ri ~1:344~357.81c .\ .. ". .,. . "'.:, '", . , ,'; \ .,.,. 0,:, ~'. : ,'. '~ . ' .... : ,,\, .. ' . " -: \ ~ . . ': ) J ." .,; . .~ ~,' "" . '1,";" . , .... :': ... I' . . .c c'-' '. ~ ~ ~. " . .t~' .• t. . . ~.t ". '; ... '"," ,:,.-,:' p~~~:, i:"::: " .' .', :' " '~'.'~' ,:;" ~.,; ,:' " .. ' . , "":",' .-~ .. , -~ . ~. " .; '~; " ' .• t, ' _'.' : '.' .~' . ~ , .~.:.. ~'.:~,~:~:, ... ',.',~!',:"_.;' ,. ,'. !'i,. _.. " "~.'~-.·".f ",,,,,' .' '''''''(:'~; . "J". :"" •. ""(~"~"_" :oj~'~f{'3·i·63~~6'··:·.:;· "';' wed.Jtii·y'·{O:·7 i1:18:37 2004 ". Parcel~' Map:. Check"", '.: ,', . '.. ";, '" ,.: " .. ' ">,--" ,,: ~ ,~ .. " .. " , '.,'. ,. - , '. ' , '~ ... ',: .. ""', :.... -'-.-:... ~'-- - - - --:.... .. '-..:.. - --":..'''~ -~'-~ - - -:... _. ---'-. -: -: ...,;,.-- -----. ...: -- -....;. ---'---.-~ - -~ '':''-...; -:--,---:---'---- '-J', • '::'" "'.' Parcel name: ,BSPBPUNI)ARY WEST' .;. " . /' . ".,' " ' ';) .. :' . "' .. '.North: 185673.8873· . : Eas·t>:'1302310.2830 Line ;Course~· ~ ·43-47-35W" Length:·1~7.99 ...... : ,North: '185538.JJl.78 ".East :1302180.1834' ',curv~i 'Length: ,2'46 ;>T8Q9} .• ·· .. ,", . Radius :617: 96 , ···Delta:· 22-49~31 " . Tangent :,'124.74 .. ,Chord:i44".56 ',' . : . .course,:'S 32-22-50 W Course: In.:· S 46 -12 ~i5:·.E . " ~Cou:r·se. Out :'N '69 -0 1-56'W.'· ' ' , ~ '. . . 'RP ,North: '185110.5251 ,"';'East : 1:302626.2542.' ,End North: 185331:65)6 . East: 1302049.2144' Line ,C~urse:S 69-03~19 E. 'Length::;5 ~OO®) .'. ': ", .'.' .",., North':' 185329.8703 " '.' . ':East': '1302053.8840" Curve Length: ,213. 98@' ·.Radius: 612.96 ;.Delta: 20~OO-06 . Tahgent: 108.09 Chord: 212.,89 ' .. Course:Sl0-58-.02W· Course In: S 6g-01-55ECour~e'Out: N 89-02-01W RP. North: 185110.5242:,East1302626.2539 " ',' , ' . . , '.' ",End 'No,rth:" 185120.8623, " . ":':East 1302013 . 38io ' .• ""'. Line Course:'.N '89-01-53 'W . Length:'O. 00 '; , .,,:' North: 18512.0.8623 .. East :1302013.3810 ._-,-neCourse:S 89-03-18 E Length: 10'.09 @ 'North:: 185120.6959 '", .' ',East .1302023.4697 Course:"S 00-56 -42 w,Lei},gth: 1314.12 .Lirie North:. 183806.7546 ' .... East : 1302001 .. 7964 Course: S.OO -58-31'W .' Length: '.,58 0.35 ' . 'North: '183226.4887 "}East : 1301991.9183- Line Line Course: N'89-25-23W North: 183229.0761 Length: <'256 . 96 . . :':,East : '1301734.9713'" Line Line Line Line Line Line Line . ~.", Line T ''l.e Line Course: S aO-57-36W North: ,182556.150E· Course: N 89~~5~23 W North: 182558.8898 Co~rse: N 89~26-20 W North: 182561.7518· Course: S 00-57-03"W N6rthi182560.7S79 Course:N88-45-39 W North:182~63y52~6 Course:N 88~55-30.0 North:. 182566.6616 Course: 'S·00-25-38 W North.: 182558,.5818 Course~N 89-28-58 W North: 182559.3942 '. Course: N 82~21-34W . North: 182560.7344 Course: N-00-25~38 E North: 183847.9587 Course: N,' 60 -31-07 E North:. i83899.26·66 Length: "673 ~02 East: 1301723.6953 Length: 272.03 : East : 130i451~6791 Le'ngth:: 292.86 .:,East Length: Q.97 ',' East Length: 126.50 East Lehgth: 167 ... 26 E,ast Length: '8.08 East Length: 90.00 East Length: '10>08 East : : Length: 1287.26 .'East Lerigth: .51:31 "East,' 1301158.8331 1301158.8170 1301032.3466 . 1300865.1160 1300865.0558 '1300775.0594 13p0765.0689 1300774.6672 1300775.1316 ' . .. ; .; , ... ,,' • ~ , ....' <'. , ~: ~ • <,., , ' ,.,: . ,r,. . _ , ! " _,'~ , • ',' ,.~ , "': . ~.-', ' ':'. ' .. ,;' :.., " , ,',. ,,~c . " ,., .. ::, ", ,,::> : :.-',:: . >:,~,~i:.'\ . ,,\, ,; ":',:. ~>;' " ~ ,,' ,'. ' '." \ , '. ,:' iiAe' , coujj'se ; ":'N:':O'O ~'58'~4'8')~ .'i~~gti-{::~",,59:"82 ,:, '. " ,\ , North';:, i8 3 95 9.077'8:. ,;,;: '::~";. .;:' . East". ;130'07,76.1548', . '.' ., . :::",~+;:~~~.~:'::~~~~~~~k;~i~:~~~~'~'~';;~i'~~~:~~. ~:i1~,t~)¥g~'~~., '~;,'./:[~:~::6;~·.)~: 18.03:"·'·,::" "." .ne ,Course: 'No'3 -2 (Y-s4, E 'L~~gth:"60:: 64 ", ':;,,' < .":' :.;'Nortn:184079':tn:'oi<, .. :·<' ";,,'East :,1300781. 722i:. " 'Lin'e "'Course ':"N' 0 5 -) 4':' 35 ',E"":jjeng'fri :··.';~6 i.o 6 .. : .. : ,.North: 184140.6147.' .' ,'. East 1300787.3018 :,., ';Curye:;::Leng'i:h :'835.38"'. : "", . Radius:, ,1482 . 39 . " ,~Delta~'32~17~i8 '. Tarigent:429.11 ,Chord: 824:38 Course: ,N 22-29-29E Course,:.In: ,'S ' £33'-3 9-i 0:' E 'I coi..n::s'e Out: ,N 51-21-52 W. . RP': Nor.th:· 183976 :7314 East 1302260 . 6050 . 'EqdNor~h:184902 ;2830 '<East·· 1301102.6610, Line . Course: N!:?1-38-44 ,W ,Length: 0.00 ,~6rth: 184902.2830 East 1301102.6610 .' Line ,"Course:, N 53 ~24-44 ,Ei . Length: '842.00 . . "':'.' North: .. '185404:~'16()i.:: .... :. , .. ···Ecist,: 1301778'.7404 Line 'Course: "N'·50-42-5'1.'E ·.'Length: 363.11 North: 185634 '.0776 .L: East .1302059.7864 'Line ':'Course: ,N 50-37':'51'·E'Length':.37 :10 'North :185657.6107 :'; East _Line Course:'N50-22-49 EL~ngth: 37.18 ,:/',' North:' ·185681.3199 .~:: East . 'Line . Course: N 49-57-47 E.: Length: ','37.25 , .. ::,' North:' 185705':2822 .... " ..... ,'. East ., ,." 'Lirie,.', 'Course:' ~ N' 49-22-'-46'.E ,·.·Lehgt·h :'!3 7.33 North:~185729.5857' ':'East .. Line Course: ;N 48 -.37:-:.57', E· ,Len:gth:' 37. 00 '~r North: .185754.0385 . East neCourse: N47-42-47 E, Length:' 37.87 .": North: 1$5779.5191 East 1302088.4674 : 1302117.1070 1302145.6267 1302173.9616 1302201.7295 . 1302229.7452, . 1302239.3748. Line Course:· N ·46-36":56.E L~ngth :"'~3 . 25 North~18578~.~204E~st ,Line Course:. S 46-1:2-25 ·E·:Length:25.00 . ". North: ':185771.319,0' • . East 1302257.4209·' ,<0',' S' LineCourse:,S'46-12-~5 E Length: .~05.59 - "North:·185698.~2.449' •. East1302333 .6404, Line' 'Course.:, S'4 3 -47 -3 5WLe~gf~: 3 3 ~ 78 North: 185673.86l0East . Line "Course':' N 43'-47-35.E· Length: 0.00 North: 18567~.8616East 1302310.2627 1302310.2627 '. ' , . Perimeter:. B4~7.6~ Are~:2i981;583 sq. ft. '68.45 acres· ~apcheck Cl~sure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0332 Error North: -0.02630 Precision'.·l: 255,350.30. ',' , "'.~ , .. . '~ ,. . <. ... ',,( , .'. , . .-. courses, radii,and deltas) ,Course: S 37-33-16W ··.··East : -0.02022 ,'r •. ,. . . ", ,~':.:. ." ' ;' ~, : .. " .' ,<~. ,.f,," (.' '~;'~" ,,: " ... ", ," -'~ ,;. , , : ~ ,'" ,. ',' " ' .. , ' . ~.. .. ' ' .. s. .' t, ~;r ~r ,.i: <'~~':":I~:< "'~ .' ," ,'" '" Ie •• . ,. :J . ~":6;/~'6~ .~, ,31 6;1E(., ... ,<., . '._' ":.' '.',,<, :'-" ~arc_el, Ma~. Che~k :,: ~ ';, "., .' ,'., :,". • . .,1 ,; .,). "', r. :~: " .... , ". ' .. ' . . . : " ," , " ~',,\. , . ~ '.' :::'t, 3 'I :~: .' " . . ,~ .. ' :-------'------~-~--------~-------~-~~--~--------~-~--~-----~-~--~----.--~~--- " ~ "",,:,:' ..... ,;,,~ ..... : '". -'. \~,;." .':~,,'" '.',.. ","{ ,!',:. I .•• :-.•• !"~! .'. .' .. -"" .. , ...... : .... " ... ' ;! .' \. ,"'. : " • '. parcel nam'e:. LOTI. . ', ' ... ~ . No~th: :'185115.38'25 .' ,c. East .,C.urve L,Emgth: 276 .,1 7 . Radi us : .. i .:.Delta: ·28":'54-05:' . Tangent : ".Chord: 273.25.. ~ .Course: ~". Cou~seIn: 8~2-02-37 ~.,C6u~se,Out: . ~P-North:·184858.7148' gast : .. ,:End t..Jorth:1848'i9:.6851 -", "East: "Line. cOurse: '8, 00":'56-42-W : Length:-141.03 JJortn: 184708.6743,... .' . East :Line-'. Course: 8-45-45-24 W ':Length:39. 05 -. .,' North ::1.84'681. 4288-East :LineCourse~-N:.89-25753~W Length: ·186.92 '.'~ .. ,. North ': .184683.2838 East : Curve., Length :8 O .• 6 ~:. Radi us: . , . . ';' -. Delta ::9-26-'36 .•• 'Tangent: ' .. ,.-.Chord: 80. 59 • ;:-Course: ~'r~':' .9our·se":In·:··S "QQ-'34:-07,:W CC>1..i·rse Out': . RP . -North: '184193.8079 ' ,_,East: E'no, ·Nor'th:: :,'.,184'67:7 ~ 4~76 ''''' ~':,:East: .neCourse: 8 8l~07-31 wteng fh;211.31 1301932.6835' 547.50 141.0.9 ." .. 8 13-30.,.21;E 8 89-03-18E· 1301449.0742 1301996 .. 4998 .1301994 .. 1738 " . ',-. , .1301966~1990 1301779.2882 0489.50 ..•. 40.43 B . 8 5 -50 - 4 9,w N 08:'52-29 W' ·13 0 1 7 74 . 43 05 . 1301698.9131 .. North: 184644 . 8479 East : .1301490: 13,29 .. CuryeLength: '329'.72 ~ " . Radius: 410.50 ., " Delta: "46-01-14· . Tangent: 174.33' ". .€:hord: "320.93 . . 'Course: N 75-51-52W' Course In: N-08-52-29 W Course Out: 8 3?-08-45'W ,,', . , ~', ' ,."'. ";" .,,' ::' .. '. "\ ,',';' .... ,,:, " ,. ' .. .... : RP ;'North,: .185050.4334 "", East 1301426.8032' )' .... End' North :184723. 2234 ',East 1301178.9245 . Line.·Course: N'07-53-04 t:'J·,Length:·44.75 North: 184767. 5503 East 1301172 . 7859 .•. Line Course: N37-13-42.E L~ngth: 5.25 Nort~: 18477l.7306East 1301175.9621' Curve Length: 635.48 Radius: ·933.50 Delta:39-00~14 Tangent: 330.61 Chor~: 62i.28 Course: N 56-43-49 E Course In: 8 .52-46-18 ECourse.Out: N 13-46~04 W R~ North: 184206.9696 East : 1301919.2436 End N6rth: 185113.6486 East: 1301697.0825 Curve Length: 184.87 Radius: 1066.50 Delta:· 9~55-55 Tangent: 92.~7 Chord: l84.64 . Course: N 71-15-59 E Course"In: N"13-46-04 W Course Out: 8 23-41-59 E .RP· North: 186149.5062 ,East .1301443.2691 'End North:'l~5172.9500 Ea~t 1301871.9416 r~'1e Course: 870-54-57E' Length: 39.12 ~orth: 185160.1594 : East 1301908.9116 Llne . Course: 8 27-57-23 E . Length: 50 . 69 North:· 185115.3847' East 1301932.6750 .. Perimeter: ·2225.G5 Area~299/5~8 sq. ft. 6.88 aCres ',;", .~':" " ': .F. , .. ".,',. ..: ." . ~ ., ',,, :.' ,.' , ;.:. -. '.'. ~,.: .-. ' '<I .. " ' ,> .... : " ,"':'::- . '. :.', , ' 'I' .~ ", ') .:s;. ' .. ~' '! '0,._ I.:' ".~' . ~.~ : . ",I ' .. -' ,i')\1ap~heCk, t;losure, :~,~~,,(Us:~s'l;j/s,t~d ',:',Error 'Closure: "0 :0,P8, 8" ,: ." ,: ~-~'~I'~I~~O~i~':'>~:~2~'~'~~!:~5,'<;'" "",'"" .. ' ",' . -. ~' .. "'\ '" , , ,',' "f" ',' ';:.,' '" : ...... . ... , .. . ~ .... 'c~ur~'~s', ".rad'i i I> a~d' dei~'~s) < ',' ',Colirse' :;"N: 7 :;:~ 17'-~,6~ :-:w;;;~>,' ,East",.,-0': 00853':-':' '" ,,' 1.' ' ... '{ ~: -'l. ' " ",\ :.' .. ', ;',-, ' . ',,' '-., ... :./ : .~.:, . '. : ," t '.0_ ... '~ ". :t;.~: ., ;.l~ ~ : . :' -: ' . '-1:" > .~ " ~ '~", t :, ... .. •• J . ' :-~ ~' : ~'" . . . ' : ~ ' ... ,' ' .. :",'. , ~ ... , " ~. . . , '~.' --~.ject::. 3i636. ,': '. ". .' .... . ' .. . ... ; .. ... Parcel· Map''Check,: ,'! "~~: .. " '.;.:"'~ ..... ',.':,,::. :,.'.-:' :<'~ .. : .... .-'\.,.~.*.;1 ,,:-,. ./-~-;. . ~ .. -:: ... ' .. • ,> ' . .. ", -~ • ":' R " ~ .. .: ' '.' • • ' • <' - --:.. -'--~ ,-~.--=---~:,.--.:.~, --,.-;:'-7··~:::-, --.:~ -.:... -.---'1~:'" -~ - - ---,-'-- - - ---:--:-- - - --.-' --'-":" --'~ - - - - - - - - -_. ,I .. '. • : ~ • • •• , • • , 4~ " .' .~ , ' \. • • • " ,<'" ~ Parc'el ,~ame~: LOT.2,;~ ,) ". . ........ ~:;., ; ", .. . . . North: ·185541 ~ 2 i42 . . . : East:,·.13 024 07'.8401 ,Line. Course :,N 46-17.~.lo' 'W"Le'ngth;42. 23 . ·.North:; 185570 .. 3976' : .. East 1302377;3163. <'Line' ":,Cours'e: '8"82:"'05 -16 W. 'Lerigth :13; 73 ,', .. ··:;North:·'·185568. 5076 ,'·East1302363. 7170 ; Line: ,"Course: . S 43~47":35"'W "Lehgth·:'2··17.61 . . , North: .'185411".427'1; East : '.1302213.1188 .' Curve Leng.th': ',' 2 60; 48,',:,'. . .'. . Radius:' 1066 .50 . , I?elta :'13 "':59-;3?_·' Tangent: 130.89 . ,':Chord: :259.83> .' Course: B50-47-24' W . . ·Course In:'N46-12-25:W Course 'Out: 8' 32-12':"47 E .' RP:;' No':r;,t,h :186149.5 045.' '~'East .' 1301443.2720 . End North:"185247 .. 1690 . '. ::.East 1302011; 7902 '.Line' ·:Course:· 8 15:"OO--:lLW. Length:)9 .. 12 . . . {, . North:'.'i85209 ~3 825" '". East : .13 02 00 1.6632 Line. Course: S 27:"57-23:£ Length: .'50;69 'North:'1851·64~6d7.8· .~. East 1302025.4266 Curve ',Length:'329~14,·.·::, :Radius: 652.;;0 '; Del ta, :;'28 -54 -05 . . ' 'Tangent: 168.'15 Chord: '325. 66~' 'Course :,813-30-21 E ':. Cour~e ~n: ~S 6~-02:31w Co0rseOut~ -8 89-03~18 E RP' North: 184858·;7162 East: 1301449.0703 ;·:EndNorth :'.184847>9548·. ,. East :.1302101.4816 Lin~' C6urse: 8 Oa-56':"42 W Length: 140.28 , ,.North :'184707;6938' ,'. East '1302099.1680 Line: . Course : 8.45..;.55,..45·E : Length: ·39 ;08 . North: "184'680.5119 , ,East . 1302127.2462 . . Curve Length: 138. 99 Radius : . 360.50 Delta: 22~05~27 Tangent~·70.37 , Chord:. 138.13-Course: N 75-58-37 E Course .In: N 02-58-39 W Course Out: 8 25-04-06 E .·RP 'North: '185040 . .5252 .. East :1302108.5204 . End North: 184713.'9832 East :1302261.2639 Line Cours~:N 64~55-54 E Length: 235.33 North: 184813.6922 East: Curve, Length:' .. 78.80 . . .Radius: Delta:"7-03~36 Tangent: :Chord: 78.75 Course: Co~rse In: 8 25-04-06~E.-Course Out: .RP .North: 184234.4311 East End North: .184842.6030 East Line Course: N 71-59-30 ELength: 46.61 Northi 184857.0128 East J~ne. Course: N 26~58-14 E, Length: 51.47 "North: .184902,8849 East L..Lne Course:' N 18-00-30 W . Length: 671.21 'North: :185541:2133· ,East • L . '~ . 1302474.4265 639.50 39.45 'N 68-27-42 E N 18-00-30 W 1302745.3820' 1302547.6771 1302592.0038 1302615.3471 1302407.8390 P~rimeter: 2354 )76 Area~ 323,976 sq. ft. 7:44 acres ' .. ~:-~'. ',::: . I ,c._· . ~ .. , " ~, .' .. ". -', ',' . ',-. ,' . ::' . , ... '. . ~'" ..... " ' ,,:," " .i ." .. '.' .: ~ " ',' " ' ',' .1,,,' .' .. ;.; ...... " ,',-'. ';\ .... , ... .".:' :,~ .'., .< .... ',. t·:';' • 'y,' ., ) "".\ ",-, -." .• J:; :'·) .. '::·C ':" ", .•.••••• ..i: .'" " .' ; . .,;,.,': . 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Course:N 63-01-46;W :Length:.:.51.·32.:;· . ,'. ···','·,North::.'184781.·9116 ....... East· ·13·02616.5025" 'Li'ne 'C~urse·::S71~59:-30.W 'l.ength:·'46.69 '.' North::l84767.4771 .·East i302572.0998 '. Curv~ ': Length :', '69: 06 '.' , :'.Radius:· 560 .. 50 ". Delta:·7-03"':36·. ':'1:'angent:,34.58 ;'Chord:~·69.02'· ..... '... : Course: S 68-27-42W " Co'urse In: S18-00-30E' c:::ourse Out: N 25-04-06 W,' .. RP·'· North: 184234.4352 '. East: 1302745.3813 .. 'End ~orth:184742.1378 East: 1302507.8981 Line .Course:·S 64-55-·54.W Leng~h: ,'235.33 ···.North: 184642.4288.,' ·East : .Ctirv~; ,,'Length :,.1 7 6 . 3 9 :: .cRadi us : :. c·":D.~lta: 22-59-44 ~angent: .' ChoJ;d: 175.21' • Course: C6urse'In:~ 25-04"':06~W CoUrse ,Out: RP' ,North: ,:185040.5292 . ·.East End North: ,184601.3168 .·,Kist Line Course: ,8 44-37-21~ WLength: 39.09' : North: 184573'. 4945 . ' ... East ~ine~ourse: 8'00-56-42. W Length:.700.42 , . North: .183873.1697·East Line Course: 844-14-34'E Length: 39.07 ,North:;183845 .1804 ,.., .. ; East Line 'Co~rse:$89-25-53E Lerigth: 684.81 North £ 183~38.3843 ' East Lin~'Cours~: N45-31-51 E Length: 51.32 , Nbrth: 183874.3353 East Line Course: N 00-29-31 ELength: 208.18 North: '~84082~5076 'East : Curve Length: 274.46 Radius: Delta: 18-30-01 Tangent: Chord: 273.27 Course: Course In:N 89-30~2gW Course Out: RP 'North: ,184089.8057 East ·End North: .184352.5877.~East 1302294.7355. 439;' 50 .' 89.40 8 76 -25 -:.4 6 W S 02-04 -22E 1302108:5198' 1302124 A161 1302096.9580 1302085.4062 " 1302112.6654 .. 1302797.4416' 1302834.0650 1302835.8524 . 850.00 138.43 N 08-45-29W N 71-59-30 E 1301985.8838, .. 1302794.2436· •. Perimeter: 3003.11 Area: 591,192 sq. ft. 13.57 acre~ 'Mapcheck ClOsure _. (Uses. 1 isted courses, radii, and deltas) P-~'l':'or Closure: '0.0055.. . Course: N 28-29-52 E' rror-North: 0.00480 .East : 0.00261 ~recision ~: 546,020.00 ',' ..... ' .. :,: '.' . ,r. " . ' . ' .. ' " .,' ," . ':' . . , . . -, ~', ",' "; . :', .< ,:,.' :"" . . -' , .. ~. ,t·' . .• ' '1 ~ . ,"' 'j' .., ,-.: ',; :' . ., ~..:. ' •. ' l-, . ..-" , ,: ",'. '. ~ .' '-, ..... . t.· : , ,,~, .... • j' "' ... .' ';. ~' '~ .. , : "':". ' . ,~., . . ;", :oJe6t:~ ··316il.·:'·' " ":;.' .' . , . (.' " ,-" .. ~: " . ",\:'\" :,\, ,;.' : ,'" " .. ,,::--:'.:"". ,":~.,: ,.,' :,::, r' '., "WedJ~ly 07' 14': 05: 56 20.04': ..... ,~ ·ParcE?l Map Check' . -.',' . ~ . "", :'. .; . .. ' I. ,_; : • } •• : ,: '1, :. '~'," '. : ~ ". '. ~t·" .. - -----'--..:. ';.;.,--'-,~ ---,-- - -~ :----~'---:"" ---"-- - --'--'_.------ - - - - --.,-- -:..: '--- -----'~ -- --, - -- --: ,~' .' . . ~ ~ . , '-" .' ,.' .:: . "": ' . . North ~ 18~·574. 4614 .;': .,' East ;:',1301991.9603 Line ·,Course:·N 44-14-36W' Length:. 39:.05·. .,;;North·:',184602 .43 f)'I.. . " .. ,·East :1301964.7149 'Line' ·.Course:. N' 89-25:"53 :W, . Length :"'186.22 . North: :184604.2842 East: Curve Lehgth : 67;: 6 6 '. . Radi us: ; :b'elta: . 9 -2 6~ 3·6 ..... : Tangent: .Chord:· 67;58" Course: CourseIn:S 00-34-07· W Course Out: ····RP·.:North: 184193.8044";' .~' .. , ::East: End, North: '184599.3899 -,East: 'LineCourse:'S ,81-07-31 W Length:,·211.31· 1301778'.5040' '410.50 33.91 S 85-50'-49 W, N 08-52-29 W, 1301774.4303 1301711.1006 . ';North::'184566. 7901 ,:East:1301502.3204 . Curve Lemgth:'393 .34' ". . Radius : 489.50 Delta,: 46-02-25.':·.' . Tangent: 207:98 '. ' . Chord;·:382.'84 ,:'" ,Course: N 75-:-51-16 W ',' ·CourseIn: .. N 08-52-29,.WCourseOut: S 37-09:-:56 W· ,:. RP' ,North: 185050 .4299 . ,'East 1301426.8030 . End North:·184660.3566·gast . 1301131.0862 .ne. Course: .,S 82 -18 -lOW Length:. 104.71 North':" 184654.3622 East } .', . 1301086.779'0' Line' Course:.S, 37-13-:42·W :L'ength:,2-7.13 North:184632~7605 .East 13~1070.3~56 . 'Curve :Length: .'532 '. 23. . 1 Radius : 933 ~ 50 Delta:32~40-00 "Tangent: 273.57 Chord: 525.05 : ' ... , Course;S 20-53-42W Couise In:S,52~4~~i8.ECourseOut:N 85~26-18 W RP North: 184067.999$ East :1301813.6471 End North:. 184142.2427 _East .: 1300883.1041 LirieCoti~se: S 04-33-42W' Length: 239.39 . North :183903.61'11 :East : 'Curve Length: 14.47 Radius: Delta': ,0-53-17 'T~ngent: Chord: 14.47 Course: Course In: S 85-26-18 ECourse Out: RP North: 183829.3679 .East .. End North: 183889.1798, East . Line: Course:' S 42-56-12 ELength.: 44.58 North: 183856.5424 East Line Course: S 89~28-06 E -~ength: 1059.10 North: 183846.71~8 East Line Course:. N 45-39-02 E Length: 39.10 North: 183874.0470. East r';T1e Course: N 00-56-42 E ,Length:?00,.51 North: 184574.4617 East 1300864.0649 933.50 7.23 S 04-07-03 W N 86-19-35 W 1301794.6079 1300863.0260 1300893.3934 1301952.4478 1301980.4079 1301991.9611 ~erim~ter: 3598.78 Area:.796,62~ sq. ft. 18.29 acres .. ',' ,.' Mapcheck Closure ~U~~s li~ted;c~uises, radii, and deltas) . : ~ " .. . . , " . : <::-/: ,. ~".'," '.,r' 'oJ"' __ ; ,'" " ~ " " .<. . '" ~ ~. . . c'" -~.l-,:', '.... "~~' '.,', ,,>.;. ;: ,~::< ;Efr~ri,' Ci:~'s1i}e>; :0::"0008" , ">Error North ;0'/00:03 6',,' 'Precision-,1',: ,:4,/ 49'~:,'s6,o':.00 • ~.\:",.: ..... ,,! .. /:., '~'t/~,;.. ,?:;::,,~ .. , "~!, ....• :'. .: >', - , ; t' :,,' ,', , .~. ,', ,- ",. .' .r, 'f' > ... ;,' " ... ,I', :1 ,:"t,i~;·., '. ':<"'.\ " ":" Co.urse ;' >N ~",:': ,_Ea,'st', ,.' 0 '.' " ., ...... y '.:'" .... -. :; 6·4'.:.32:":S,) 00076' t_, ", ,;.' ',", E \ ," <.1:. ".-. . \ ''/::' " ' .. , ...... .' ," ~.; , ,.,' '". "' .. t'··' " ,.> " '." ': .. :. t· '. " , ", .~. , f., : " r . . ~ . . . ,,~. ~. , .. , . . ~, <, .', " > .:,' ',' " ' i'~ '. " ~\: ~r. • '. , • , '!: :' . . :\ ", .' .... : : ';;: ,~. : ", ' ',' . c 'J • ~ ' .... -."1 . '. -.'. ,,'. ,~:' " '. '.' . : i ',,,./ . .... " , , '.' '" "~ . ,c-oject~::-31636i'~' ", ",>';,- . ".' 'Pa-rcel_Map' Check ,~', " I:' •• , ,', .; ~ .. 'W~d . JuiY"07.' i2 : 34 ~ 41 .2004 . "~ . .. :\. : io' ~" I_'~ - - - - -...:. ~ ' __ '':'" -_"_'" _ . ...; _._ -..:.. -,_ - - - - -_._ -_' -_._ -_._ - - - - -_., -_' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ _ .. ~.~ _._ - - - - - - ,1 'co, " • ; • " " , ~ _ • .. • ~. ,', ;-. ...;, . - .. P~rcel,' .~a~e: >LOT 5 .:. " ..... -\.:-, North: • 'i85698. 2'706" East.: '1302333.6601 " ' Line, Course:'N46-12-25'W Length: 105~59 , .', .North:, 185771. 3448 East ,1302257.4405 : " L:,in'e '., Course :·.N '4,6:-12 ::-25~W .. Length: .. 25.00 . . '. ,North:~ 185788.6462 . East . j302239 .3944 L'ineCourse: S .46-36:-56 W . Length: 13 .25 L/ North: ·185779.5449 East :1302229.7649:" .-Line Course :' S . 4 7':': 42':': 4 7' W .. Length: '.3 7. :3 7 L2... North:·~8S754.0643 . East :'1302201.7492 Line Course: S 48-37-57 W Length: 37.00L.:a ...... , North: 185729.'6115 .. East ': 1302173.9812 Line . c<~urse:'8 49-22-46 W Length:. 37. 33L4- . North: 185705.3079 East: 1302145.6464 Line, Course: 8 49-57:-47 W Length: 37.25 LS , , " " .,.')Jorth:'185681. 3457 ',East: 1302117.1266 Line Course: 850-22-49 W Length: 37·.18L~ .. , , '·.North::1.85657.63.64 East: 1302088.4871' 'Lin'e . Course:.:S '50-37-51:W.Length:· 37.10 t..7 . ',.' . ,:North·;·~~.i·8563'·4~.1·033,· Ea.·st. :. 130.2059.8060' __ .J..ne Course:;'8 50-42-51 W Length: 363.11 l'Jorth;·,185404.1859·.· East :1301778.7601 ' .. Line Course:S:-S3-24-44W Length: 842 .00. North:·.184902.3087 , East 1301102.6807 Line Course:~S 51~38~44 'E Length: 0.00 North: ,184902.3087 .East C~l:'ve . '. Length: .".835 . 3 8 . Radi us : Delta: ,32-17-18 , Tangent: Chord:.824.38· Course: ·CourseIri:·.'S 51-21~52' E RP North:' 183976; 7571 End North: '184140.6405 Line Course: S'05-14~35 W 'North: i84079:8360 Line Line Line 'Line Line , T ' , ne' Llne Line Course: S 03-20-54 W North: ,184019 .2995' Course: S 01-55-38 W North: 183959.1035 Course: .~ 00-58-48 W , North: .183899.2923 Course: 8 00-31-07.W North: .183847:9844 Course: 8 00-25-38W ·No~th:.182560.7602 Course: 8 82-21-34E North: 182559.4200 ,Course: 8 89-28-58 E ~orth:182558.6075 'Course: N 00-25-38 E North: 182566.6873 • Course· Out: East East Length: 61.06 . East Length: 60.64 East Length: 60.23 East Length: 59.82 East Length: 51.31 East Length: 1287.26 East Length: 10.08 East Length.: 90.00 East Length: 8.08 East 1301102.6807 .' 1482.39 '429:11 S 22-29-29 W N 83-39-10 W 1302260.6247' 1300787.3215 1300781. 7417 1300778.2000 1300776.1745 1300775.1513 1300774.6869 1300765.0886 1300775.0791' 1300865.0755 . 1300865.1357 .... , .. ' "~/~.,,~'" H:, ,",:':~.:~".':, .':':. ,., J-" ••.•.• ' ..... ~ .• '.''1' .,:,.; ....... ~:'". ',', .~, ~.; ;.~.~ •. :··t! -.. : : '. • •• ,:.. I ...... ;:~: .• : .. ,:'.:.'. ~~"';.-.r:, '\" .:'" '"~,"', ' "'l .' ... ."~.'"' ..... :. ';;'.~ ", '::,;,'1 "?",J ,I ,. " t:·,· • ~ \" i , ': ... ~~ • " ~ ,.. • ;:-' ,," ;.,.!, '. ':"';':'Lirie . .',.cours'e;~,'S:;.88C.5'5\.'3'O:·'h<L~'rigth';,;'>J./67:'~6;::·',' 'i,"; " '., c' ':", .::' "., .' ",' " North,:·,l'.'82563 :.5493 > .. k ,~:","~" ;:Ea:st'<:"~1'30i032,:3663 ' '" ,', ' L~"e ...7°~~~~h:Sig~~ ~;~i.l~?'~~;"~t~ . 'l~!~~?:;>ii6i15 8 ,:36;:'"" . "/ .: ,,' ",', ' ~rie" Course:·N ·OO-·57,:,-03E.Length:.0,'.97 , " .. ·,~orth·~ 18256~';·7.s'35·"~"East : i30i158. 8528,' Vine ;Course:;>S,89.!.26';20E:;"Length:':292.86, ' " ",' .... , '. North::1825,58,; 9155, ,', " ',' Ea~t:,.1301451. 6987, ",' Line ' Course: S 89-2,5 '::':23E' 'Lengtp: ',272 . 03, , North:," 182556;1763' ",',' "East :1301723.7149 , . 'Line ,Course: ,'N00-57-36.,E " Length': 673'.02' ; ,North: '183229:1019 " ,., ":"East ; 1301734.9910 Line· ~ourse:,S 89-25,~23.ELength:256.96 •. North: 183226.5144 " E~st: 1301991.93~O Lirie .Course': '"N' ,00-58-31', E>'Length:,61'O.44 ,,' ,.,·North:' 183836:8660:'., ' '.East:, 1302002.3282 Line ',·Course:' N 89-28-:22,W,Lengt'h:l1·27. 69 , ,"North:,' 183847.2426:, ,'~'",': '," East :' 1300874.6860 'Line Course:" N 89-:28722.,W~: L~ngthi,63.89 . North: '183847.8305 "', ", East ,: 1300810.7987 "Curve,:Length:' 59. 9qr' :::,' . R:adius: '984.00 '" Delta:;3-29-17,' " ,Tangent: 29.96 Chord:~59.89 Course:N 02-49-04 E . Courselh:S 88-55-35 ,E, Course Out::N 85-26-18W "RPNorth:· 183829.3933. East: 1301794.6259 'End North: 183907.6528: '. :,Ea'st : ,1300813.7430 Line .-Course :'N 04 -33 ~'42 E.LeI'l:gth.: 239.39 "·'North:,.1.84146.28,45 ,East: 1300832.7821 Curve 'Length:. 561.02 ':Radius: ' 984.00 ,. Del ta :; 32 -4'0 -'00, ' '," Tangent: ' '288'.36 .. Chord: 553.45 Course: N 20-53-42 E " .cc,.;i~se In:S85-26,-,18 E ' Co'ur:se Out: 'N 52-46-18 W RP , North: 184068,0250 "'" East : 1301813.6651 End North:·,184663.j38bEast :1301030.1740 Line Cou.rse:·N"37-13-42'E;' Length: '174.54' North;lB4802.3122 ~ "East: 1301135.7694 Curve Length: ·669.85 Radius :984.00 'Delta: 39-00-14 . " : :Tangent:,348.49 Chord: 657.00-: Course:' N 56 -43 -49 E Course In:':-S 52-46-18 E . ,Course Out: N 13-46-04 W RP No~th: ,184206 ;'9991 'East :. 1301919.2606 End North:'185162.~271 Ea~t : '1301685.0811 Curve Length: 35.08 Radius: 1016.00 Delta:.1-58-41 Tangent: 17.54 Chord: '3-5.08 Course:N 75-14-36 E Course in:'~ 13-46-04 W Course Out: S 15-44-45 E ,RP North: 186149.5357 ',' East 1301443.2860 End North~ 185171.6611' East 1301718.9984 Line Course:N 15-44~45 W Length: ~2.50 North: 185251.0653 East Curve Length: 496.29 Radius: Delta: 30-27-40 Tangent: Chord: 490.47 ,Course: Course In: N 15-44-45 WCou~se Out: RP North: 186149.5357 East: End North: 185503.5017 East : 1301696.6104 933.50 254.16 N 59-01-25 E S 46-12-25 E 1301443.2860 1302117.1275 1302294.7713 L~ne Course: N 43-47-35 E i~~gth: 256.69 'North:' 185688':7919": ,,' East Line Course: S 46-12-18 E Length:' 21.50 North:1S5673.9121 ' ' East. 1302310.2904 ,c. .. " ,,' . ~, ~ ". ". " ' •• t ,,"1' '''', ",' .. ~ ,. ~. -'. ::. t '1 ' • ~.: ':~; ~ ... . ' ',. ';" _.~ ••. ' .".: I ( . , , : I,. I, •• .' '. -:~ . ':.", . .... ,.:Line Course,:.N A3-L!:'7,':'35':E Leng·t\~·:;':·3j;78;:', . :. /~::;'. · .. No,:ith :", i 8 5 q~9S;:.2 9·60(t::·:!, .>" :~;·'~;~';;::'Ea"st'.:<:'130 23 3 3':' 69 S :{. .. ' , ." '. : ......... , .... : .. ::,.~ .,;.; .. (: .•. ;,,-:> ~ ... ;' '.:,. , . ::·.Perimetey·; 1031S' .71:. , Area:,1'·,'6'O·S,917.sq'. ft.;·3'6·. '94' :ac'res .~ . . '. .Map6heck· .~19sure" ~<:::(us.es·;risted'cpur:ses ,.radii ,and. del tas)' Error Closuie:' 'b.6i6'6':.-'::" ;":·:·'::~Course: N .17:':30":27. E' Error North; 0.0·2540, .... :., ,. East O. OOSOl Precision -.1: 3·87.,92L05 ',-'. ',' :, " ':1 .... ' ... ,.- ,', . ':, " .. ~. ' ',)' . . ;. .,', :',' i-:.' I::" ", .. ~ ." .' . " ~. .''',',' ".::'" . ';;"NoJfl~~:,,'ig5~80'~8078 . ;.E~stJ'1302303. 0645 ',Line.' Course: S43-47~·35';W. ·Length:·,187.99 , ""i'C '~'-;. :;":, ... ·North :":185545.1084:,' . .' :'East,: .1302172.9650 ..... , . :'Cur'Ve·'.,',Length :.'341 ;06' Radius :627; 96 .' "":,'Delta:'::n'::()7-'06'-.... Tangent:174~85 :; j ,: \: ~.,":'C'hord:. ·.,336 .8 8~':-> , "Course: : S 28-14 -02 .W' , ,::c'ourse~Iri:S 46~'12~.25.:E >COurse'Out· 'N 77-19~31:W . .".". "'h .-. . . .'" .,.", , .. _,. ":.E~S. t .. :;'1302626:254i "._ 'RP',/,t'Jort : >18 5U. 0 ':;52;51, . . . .,. "", -~'. ,.End'North:'185248.-3094·;.,:.. East: )302013:5·967;',-'-" ': '>c~rve'---Length:"'345':47<,:' " . Radius.: ,1066.50:,":' <' ".-" .-:' ,'; ',Del ta: "18 ---33-3'6 ",. . ;i.:;>' "::Tangent :'174.26;:.' . :,,,:.;.:::, Chord': '343 .9'7 ': . ',<,',Course:S66-57:':08 w:" : C'ourse·1:n:<N32 -19 -4 a"W' C~u;se Out· .. S 13 -46 -04 E :-,>,;:~",,,; RP·::·c'No'r'th;:":186149~:5048· .', East.; .1301443 ~2729,: ::,}~"~~~~(t~~!~~~>;~g~g~:~,72' ' " ".;g~~;~ :.i ~ ~ ~ ~ i: ~:: 6: : ',', :"Co~rse IIi :':,S :13 -46'-':0'4:-E .,'Course'Out: N52 -46 -18 W ·':RP",,·North::,:·i84206:~968i , , "East : .i301919'.2475" ';, .... ',E~d'!Nort:h:' ~184771;729r: ,,' East :1301175.9660' ',' :,.~}n~,~y~H::~~~~X~.~;'~~l~}}~'~;5'6~~~9th':':-1~!~~4:: 1301070 .';705'," :.:-',:,Curve;':,:.;;Length·:;:S32.23·" ,.' ,'. , R~dius :'933 ;'50 '" '. ,:;\ >." 'i.f,,:pelta'·:-,:32~~O,-,OQ-., . Tangent: 273.57 ,,'_:." :;. ",:'Chord,: 525';05, ..... .'. Course:" S 20-53-42. W ,;'cot:i'i~-ein~'--S'52-'4'6~'i8E. "Course Out:N85-26-18W ," "~RP':::North:.:184067<9941·· " East : '1301813: 652'0 . .'., ,;:End.North::'184142:2372 ":'East : 1300883;1090~t "'<-Llne"/Course: . S· 04 -33·.:.42. vi Length:·' 239.39 ,,:: . North: --183903.,6055 ,'':-Curve:'~Lehgth:'.14 .47 , . '. '.~" ,Delta~~D-53~1~ Chord:_.14.·47 Cours'e In::S 85-26-18E ..RP'.,\North: -183829'.3624 •...• 'End 'North: '183889: 1743 Line, 'course·: '8·86-.25-25 E .: ,Nort·h:183B89.1743 Llnec'ourse: ;'S.42 -56-12 E. . ;.,'. . .. Norfh: ,~'J,83876 .4063 "',Line ,.'-Co1.ir~e,::.:~OO-:-2T-59',W "'"Nor(h: 183847.2'173 ',;:.T .tl1e , course :N8 9 -2 8-22 'W . : :', North':' 183847.8052 L~ne Course~~S 89-01~24.R· . North : "1838,47'.8052 CU1:-ve'i,ength :<59 .90, . ..... ' .~. ~ " :~~ ': ~-. ,-....... ,' " Delta :,;,3 -29-i 7,., .. '; ';~. ,:' ;/, -,' ,", East : .Radius: Tangent: Course: . Course Out: . ;East 'East Length: 0'. 00 . . -East LEmgth: 17.44 ,East Length:' 2.9 .,19 East Lt=ngth:-63.89 . 1300864.0699 933.50 .7.23 's 04-07-03 W,- N 86-19-35 W:, 1301794.6128· 1300863.0309 13008.63.0309 .. . . 1300874.9109 .' 1300874.6733 13 0 0'8 1 0 . 78 6 0 East Length: 0.00 East i3bo810.786rr: ." :' .' Radius: 984-.00 '><'i'angent: 29: 96 .. , .... .;.. . '," ~~;. ,~ .: . >'. : "." , l '. . '.: . " ' .. ". ,'> '" . ,".' " . ,. '.~' ',' . " .<. ",. .. , ,', '.- , .. " .' .' <' ,; ":,," ", .,'~ ", . :. ~ :' '..f. , 'I .' I' I~ " ~'i: . ::'::. '. _ : "" ". ..-1 ..... Ch·o~·~··.:·· :.59. "8',9>~. '.::' ",~ ,: ~;.;'.: :':':"·~·.::~;Co0r~~~:.·:"N':J·(2)~'9.~'~'± cE,' ",:'. Course 'IIi: . S "·88·':',55 ":'35 E>'::'" ">'·.C()urse.<(Jut ··'<;N .• J'SS-'2 6·": 18 ';W··'<. ',' '_" .'..\ l:' ", .. .' ':,. _-;,".J_. '~~ ".n." ... ~," _'" ... ': . ', ••. 1" ",,' ": :.,',:. ,,~. "~",~i ·RP.· North :183 829 ::] 68 O··:~::·),· .~'. ~:. : ,,, " ·:'East :'.:'::·13'0 1794"; 61:33"·',," . End North: .183907.'.6275:-:' "': "';,E'ast: ,1'300813:. '73 03'· .... , "." :.'. ,ne', Cours'e:N. 04-3j:-42E··,·:L~rigth:<239.39· .... ,. ". " " North: 184146.2592 " > ·,',·,East ::.1300832; 7694" . ::. "Curve. : Length:':, 561· . .02:>\' ::~I''':·>·:,·;.Radius: ":984: 00 .' :;. Delta: -.32,.:.40>.''OO· .. ··.·Tangent:· 288.36 Chord :., 553 .45':< ~" ... ' . ·::·Course:N:2 0":'53 ':'42 . E . Course.In: S 85-26:-18 E < ·,Course.Out :.N52-46.-18 W. '. ·,'.,'RP ~·Nori:.h:184067.9997. ·.·East :1301813.6524 . End 'North: .184663.3127' " :'East:1301030 .161:3' ·Lin~··Cours'e:·N37-13-42·.E ·.'Lerigth:·174.54 . North: 184802.2869 ' East : '·1301135: 7567 .' Curve Length: 669.85.. .... .Radius: ' .. ,984.00 1,' '. Delta :39-00":14 .' ... Tangent :348.'49 .' I: . .... Chord':' 657;'00' ., " .' ,~Course:·N 56-43-49 .E,.; C()urse In: .S52-46':'18E.:· Cours.e'Out:p 13-46-04 W ,:,.RP . North:' 184206.9738 . East: 1301919:2479 End North:: 18516~ .::7018·~East :130168,5.0684.' C~rve.; : Length: ,35.08 .•. , ,. . ..... :.... , :";'Radius: '.1016.00 '. "Delta': .'1-58~41· '. . Tangent :17.54 Chord: 35.08:~·~Course: N75-14-36 E tourseIn: :N 13-46-04 W ., Course Out: S 15":44-45·E Rp: North:. 1'86149.5104 East 1301443,2733. " End'. North :.''185171 ;'635'8 . ' ··;~:.East· '1301718.9857 .... Line 'Course:'N'15-44-45' wL~ngth.:.:82 ;50 No'rth·:185251.·:0400 . East Curve .. ':Length: . 496.29.' .. Radius: . Delta: 30-27-40 '. Tangent: Chord: .~490,. 47:.,,:": :,', ,Course: Course In: 'N 15-744-45 W Course' Out: Rp· North: 186149.5104 East : End North: ,185S.03~4764 ;East : 1301696.5977 933.50 254.16 N 59-01-25 E· B 46"':12-25'E 1301443:2733 1302117.1148 . tine Course:N.43~47~35E Length~ 2~~~69 ·:North:·185688.7665 . ·,.?East 1302294.7586 Line'Course:' S 46-12-25 E .Lemgth·: .. lL50 North: 185680:8079 . East 1302303;0598 . . Pe~i~eter: ,5167.9i Area~. 141,3~~ sq. ft; 3.25 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses 'listed' courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0047 CQurse:N 89-07-01 W . Error North: 0:00007 East : -0.00471 Precision 1:; 1, 099,555 ~ 32 .' . . ", \" .... -, .. , . ',> ~ ':.' ,'," ,'. , ". :. ' ,,','. t, •. : ,' .. ',", ,,',' t,", .1, 'i', , .... . '. .', " ': ,"~ . ',' ': -~ -,' . ,('-'. ." ,·t '.:' ,-; .'.;":', " ,J' " • , ~. : ~ , t' _' .. :r,> . , 'r~:' " , , : 1 .; ~, ,,' ·Wed'Jv1y,.,0?."i4 : q4,:33 . 2 0'04 , .' . ". _. :.. • ,", .~~ .' • ; I :" ' ", " . .. ' .', :~ , ~ ~.-'--:-:.... ,-- - -~.--'-- - --,---' - --':';'" -'-- - -:.. -~ - - - --.-- --,-- - - - - - . ....: - - --'-,-- -'_. - - - - - - - - - -~ -'7' --.-- , ::, ,~. , 1,. ' .... ' ., '" " ~ , " ' ,. 'North: "183847 .2205 Y', East' .:.1300874.6754 Line' Course: S 89-28-22 E ',Length: 1105.17 ,~ 'North: 183837.05'11 :: .',' East :1301979.7986" Line' Course:, N 00-56-42.E·. Length:, 37.'00 ;No~th: 183B74~0461' . East 1301980.4088 Line Course':,~" 45-39-02'.W, '~ength: 39 :.10 North:r183846.713.9 E~st1301952,4488 t, "', 'Line Course: N 89-28-06. WIiength:1059~10 i. . North: 183856.5415, .. ,East 1300893'.3944 Line Course:,N.42-56-12 W.,'Leng'th: 27,14 '. ,North: ''18'3876.41'09 '''' " "East 1300874.9070 ;'\Llne . Course: S 00 -:-2 7 ~ 5 9'W' Length: 2 9.19 North:'183847 .2219, ,.East 1300874.669'3 '," '"perimet~r:·:.2296:·.69':, .:Area:·':li,911'sq~ ft. 0.25 acr~s ' .. ',': . . . Mapcheck,Cio~~re' -'(Uies' listed courses, radi~,'~hd deltas)~ Erro~ Closu~e~~ 0~0062 ;.~; . Course: N77-12-05 W . ~rror. N6rth:0.·00138,',East. :-0.00606:.··: .ecision.·c1:· 370"435.'48,;,, " '. :' r '., ' " .. ,'. '. ," , ~':' '. " . ~ '., ,It <0 '.' ~ .J • " ' :,' ., . "'.1'; t'. ',' i, "'. , , 'i n. '. ,"--"I,,': " .. '." ,; .' '" ,·f· " . j ,-, .. ", ,;. "" . • ·.··1, "" o ;,-;'. , •••• , " .-; '. " ',. :: . ",.1 ' .:' '. " "" ',' . . :' ~ " , : , ..... ~ , :~;:'''i;:, ,':, ", <Ja:~~:,,~l:.!~,~;, ..',' ..: ".' . ","' ", ; .,"', . I •• ,-' ........ '. , .. , .... " .. " ''>,,".', .~~. ;J,." .' '" .:. :''''~;l~f'\~:": ......... " . " . ',' -r. . . . ~:.~,.. I:' . .' '.. 't'o • ..' \ • ~bj'Ek:C't'('3i;~~;~':, ':'" ":,~;",:,, --':;:,":':~'::'> ,""':~ru'~ J0"i;::~'O'6':11':'2'6"': O~::;O;6:4' , " ' , , 'parceF.MapCheck " ,', " . '., =.'. . . .'. " •. . ,,: , ' , ~. I . " ," . " ' ,.j' , , ,,~..' ," : "'" ~ " .': , \ .~ -.: -'-.. ~ .-"-: ~'::-:-~.~ -'-~ -.--:-~ ~.~,'-.;--:-.::--:-- - --:~,-'-. - - - --:-- - - - - - - - --.7'"" ~ _.-~'~~.~" -'-. --.:--::..-.-.;....-:-~ ,~'-"7 -:-- - - -," .,";;, i ".:: ." pa:iCel name: TRACT C~' " , " . ~. ~ ,: :North:,:-184723~'220'8 , " East 13011 78.9280::: " ,; < ,,:,,>, ' , .. .' " .~ • I .-;' , 'Curve .' 'Lerigth( 329.72 ' , 'Del ta':.A.6 -01-14 "'~Chord :'320.93 ,'" ': Radius: 410.50 .Tangent: 174.33 ,Course:S75-51-52, E'" Course In:' ,N 37-08-45' E ,CourE?e Out: '808-52-29E ,RP North: 185050 .4308 East : 1301426.8067 " Erid North: 184'644.8453 .',East,: 1301490 ~ 1364 rj,ne "Course :'N 81':' 0 7-31 E'.' Length:'21L 31 ';N,orth::,:,184677: 4451, ,East : ,1301698.9166, Curve '. Length:, 80. 68 ' ' Rach us': '489. 50,' ' c' , Delta :'9-26--:36,' / Tangent: '40.43 " , 'Chord':"80 .59 ' Course: N 85-50-49 '£ " ~Courseln:,S 08-52-29:E Cou~se Out: N 00-34~07 E :'RP ::North: '1.84193.8053' ;"East :,1301774.4340' ,',End::North:::'184683~28J:2 ,,'East : 1301779~2918, ,,' : '", ':, .... ," ' . .' " .<' .. , Line 'Course: 8 89-25 -,53' E 'Length: 186.92 ' :North:'i84681.426~ "East 'Line' ,Course: "N"45-45-24E' Length: 39.05 " 'North-:'<1,8.47.0S:6717 East _De Course: 8 00-56-42 W Length: 134.23 , North :'184574. 46'00 -East ,Line: ,Course:N 44-14,-36 ,W Length:39:~05 ,No'r"th:-184602'.4347" East Line Course:'N89~25-53 W Length:, 186.22, 'North: '184604.2828 East : curve, Length:<,67.66.: 'Radius: , Delfa~9-26~36 Tangent:' , , 'Chord: ;'6..7; 58 ,.~ ",' ,,' , ,Course: Course In: '8,00-34-07 :WCourse'Out: RP "North:'184193.8030 East: End North:, 184599.3885 East: 1301966.2026: '13 0 1994 . 1 77 3' 13 0 19 91 . 963,5 , 1301964.7181: " 1301778.5072', 410;50 33.91 8 85-50-49 W ' N 08-52:--29 W 130:1.774.4335 1301711.1038 Line Course: ~,81~07-31 'W Length: 211.31 North:l84566.7887' East: 1301502.3236 'Curve, Length: 393.34 'Radius: 489.50 Delta:' 46-02-25 , Tangent: 207.98 ,Chord~ 382;84 Course:N 75-51-16 W· Course In:N 08-52-29 W Course Out: ',8 37-09-56 W: RP 'North: 185050.4285 East 1301426.8062 -End North: 184660.3492 East 1301131.0894 Line' 'Course:.'S 82-18:"10 W Length: 44:71 , North: "184654.3608 East 1301086.7822 Line Course: 'N 37-13-42 E ,Lerigth:142 .,15 North: 184767.5451 East 1301172.7820" T ~Tie Course: S 07 -53 -04E ',Length: 44.75 North: 184723.218l East 1301178.9206 ,,' Per'imeter:211L09 Area:, 72,299 sq. ft. 1.66 acres ',: . MapcheckClosure, -: 'CUses listed courses, radii, and deltas)' , . ~7' . '~' .. . . -: :<~~,' " . "" c, , " " .. -'." , ~., " :~~, . ',-:,', . _ ~r.;: 'Error c.i,o·sure\ "O'~~007'9',' ',,'Error :-North:,;,,:O. 00271 ;\?-'?P'i::eci'sion 1 2~7; ~2?· . .'B5;:: <', , '. ~, . ' ',:, '-' .. ' '\ ,', ,: j.,cou~~~·::::S::~'0:::::02.'~'4 \.;"W ",' ,,,', ' ;:"E<?-$t",7" O.~O 0 7,4 5"': , . ',_ • 1.:. 1".,:1 "-,~-l' <,I '~. :.:1 , \~ :! ,/ ',I -"i, '-:, :'," ," ..... "'. ',~ - '"".- .\- ..... ;, ," ~,' . c' "'.:':" ,"-' '''':;, ,-,' .,' ,.' .• :..1,\ '. '" ~~ :' , ..... , . •• t ~-.;.,. ',.'r ,-:' ."',, .. ,', :' '-j'l ': \ -'-:-,--.--- - --.-:. -, ~ -'--- - -- -~ .-' ----~. --:--. .:.. -..:. - --'--- --- --...: - -'-'--":'-:.-'-- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -. .'" ~ t , '. '.' : .'~ "'1 ,:;:c , .. '1 , • ~ " " ' •• :: • I" , '< I " • ':'~ , .' ,::: .. . . Parcel name: TRACT D ., .:. .,'.', ,:'., :,',::, .... ·.1· ·.North~ 184902.8897' East ":.13'02615.34'70 ,Line. ,·Course:. 8 18-:-;00-:30,' E,LeI1g,th~ .. :151. 68" "". , . North :18475 8 ~'64 03: ., East 1302662.2396 • LineCo1J.rse:N:·63-01-46:·W 'Length: 51.32" " North::184781.9156 ,,' East 1302616.5012 ' .Line, . Cburse:S'71::'59:-30'W.·Length:'46.69 ", . North·:'.:1'84767. 4811· '." ".\" East"': 1302572 . 0985 ." Curve Length: '69. 0 6 Radius: 560 . 50 .' ,.Delta:7-03-36" . ,Tangent :34.58 :.Chord:··69:02 " " ,.,.Course:8.68-27-42W 'Course, In:. S 18'-00-30 ECourseOut:N 25-04-06 W RP .North:.184234.4391,East : '1302745:3800 . End North: ,.184742.1418 ..•. ": East: 1302507.8968 Line", Course: 864":55-54 W' Length:, 235.33 .. North: :184642.4327 ,East: Curve'''':Length: :',17E5':39 .:~, '" ·:,"Radius: 1302294.7342 439.50 Delta: 22':'59-44',Tangent: "'Chord: .175.21 ,. ':,: .Course: Course.In: 'N'25-04:"06'W 'CQurse"Out: ·RP. Nor~h:' 185040.5332 East End 'North: 184601.3208E~st 89.40 S 7 6 - 2 5 -4 6 '. W 802-04-22,E 1302108.5185 1302124.4148 ' , Line· Course.: .:8' 4:4-37-21 W 'L~ngth: -39:09 " .North:184573.4984 ,.., East 1302096.9567 Line' Course: NOO-56":42 E Le,ngth:: 134.22 North:18L.l707.7002 .. ',' ": East '1302099.1703 Line Course: 8''45-55-45 E' Length:' 39.08 North:. 184680 .5182 .' East 1302127.2485 Cur~e' Length:' 138.99 '. . ~Radius~ 360.50 Delta:'22~05-27 Xangent: 70.37 Cho~d:··138.13 ~ourse: N 75-58-37 E Course ~ni N 02:-58-39W . Course Out: 8 25-04-06E . RP.· North: 185040.5315.! East: 1302108:5228 . End North: 184713.9895 East ,: 1302261.2662 .Line. Course: N 64-55-54 'ELength: 235.33 North: 184813.6986 East: ,Curye. Length: 78.80. Radius: Delta: 7-03-36 'Tangent: 'Chord: 78.75 ' .. ' Course: Course In: 8 25-04-06,E Course Out: RP North: 184234.4375 . East End North: '184842.6094 East Line Course: N 71-59-30 E Length: 46.61 ,: North: 184857~0191 East T '''le Course: N 26-58-14 E Length: 51.47 Nort~: 18490~.8912 East 1302474.4289 639.50 39.45 N 68-27-42 E N 18-00-30 W 1302745.3843 1302547.6795 1302592.0061 1302615.3494 Perimeter: 1494'.07' .. ·Area:47,728 sq. ft.l.l0 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses lis~ed courses, radii, and deltas) >.> ' .. ':, ... '. .. '(, ; ..... "', . -~.: ", ;.' , , " ' ", " ".',," :'" . : ... :, I:' '. E:tr-or,.:ciosu-re: :·.6<,o'c)2 9 'Error~NOr.th: : :0:::'0,0149 .'." , , •. ' ',:\ ' ", • ' " "'>" ' ,," , Pr~cision 1: '515:'::1,93.10 " • ,~"1'1 : : ~ " ";;-: ... ;' :" '.,', . , ,~ . .:, "'1.' '.~ .: . ",-t" :' ~; ,;~' .. , .,t . ".~ , " ,', "CoJ;~~e ,: N".5 9~od~'o l; ':'Ei:~t:: ',>,0 O:02'4?',', .'!, . ' ...... , . ," . :: .l .. .~' , ·t·,' ., .... ""., . ~ '. ; .~"., .; . : : ~~: " , . ,'-:" '!', ,'r ,1", ", '.' . ~: " :,' ":.' 1 '.: ~ '." ";',: ',." .... ;;~.' ,: . ... ; 'J, '. ',.' ",S ; '. ",".' ,'~ , , , ". ," '; ~ < ~.~, -' , . .~. < ,.~~, •• ~,':~ ,.' . " ,'" ~ .' ,-. ,-,~ , ,'o'ject:31636 ',.' . '\~, ':.; , :'<:,'. parce'l. "Map .~h·eck :,.'," , ; : •.•.• S I, ';-"; • ', ••• ' , "I, .' ... ,', :~,:,,, ::.': .'.-~ ., \".' ," '.: ,':~:;'-, ,' ..... -----------.~---~--~--~--~----~~---~-----~------~--------------~--~---------. .' . ,', ~-~, ." ..... , .' ' ,"~ . . . Parcel ~ame': '. TRACT E'. Noi2h: 18~20~.86~~ '. , .Lirie '~ours~: N 27-57~2jw . North; 18520~:3799 Lirie . to~rs~: N 15-00-11 E 'r 'North;.185247.1664 . Curve' Length: .158.47··: Delta:, 8-.30.,.48 . " Chord:' 158 .. 32 Course In: N 32-12-47 W '. RP. North:'186149 .'5018: . 'End North :.185172.9456 . , -" ~ . 'East ' .. :".1302005.1228 . Length: 7:37 .. .···East-1302001. 6678.· .. . Length'::39 .12 East· 1302011.7948 Radius': . 1066.50 Tangent: :.79.38 . ...·Course::S 62-02-37 W 'Cciurse Out: S 23-41-59 E ,East. '1301443.2766 .' ';'>East' : ,1301871.9492 , Line' Course:N70-53:-13 W Length: ,0.00 North:: 1,85172.9456 .. East 1301871.9492 Line Course :. S. 70-54:-.57 .E' Length: 39.12 North:'185160:1551 :East· 1301~0~.919l Line Course:.S 27-57-23 'EL~ngt~:~ 50~6g '. '".'North: 185115.3804 ,',' :East: '1301932.6825 Curve Length: . 276 .. ·17 Radius: 547.50 , Delta':, 28-54-05 Tangent: '141.09 , Chord: 173.25 ~Course~ S 13-30-21 E', . C~QrseJ:n: S 62':'02-37 W . Course: Out:. S 89-03-18 E RP .North: 184858.7127' . East ':.1301449.0732 , .,·EndNcirth: 184849~ 68.30 ' . . :::East : 1301996.4988. ···.·Line 'Line Line Course:S 00-56-42 W . ,'North: 184574 .~4604 Course': S 00-56-L.J:2 W '.' North: 183837.0507 Line .. . Couise:. S~9-28-22 E .• North:.183836.9817 Course: N 00-56-42 E North: 185120.9471 Course;:N .89-03-18 W . North: 185121.1135 Line Line Course: S 89-01~39 E North: 185121.1135 Curve Lerigth: 82~09 ' Delta: 7-29-25 Chord: 82.04 Co~rse In: S 89:-0~-03 E RP North:,~85110.5285 End North~ 185202.8711 Leng'i:h: ··275.26 .'., East: 1301991.9590' Length :', .737.51" East '1301979.7955 Length: 7.50 . East Length: 1284.14 East Length: 10.09 '. East Length: 0.00 1301987.2952 1302008.4741 1301998.3854 .. East '1301998.3854' Radius: 627.96 Tangent: 41.11 ,Course:N 04-42-40 E Course' Out: N 81-32-38 W East 1302626.2562 'East :l302005.1229 Perimeter: 2967.54 Are~: 24,829 sq. ft. 0.57 acres )check Closure~ tuses ,brror Closure: 0.0012 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 03-52-08 E. '. _,:Error . North: 0.00119 , Precision 1: 2,472,941.67 East :.0 .. 00008 .'. \" S, . " ',' ' .... ',' j • ~':,' ,J' ' , " .. : '. , ," I '.' . , . -,' 1', , ,-. ._', . ". "' ~ < •• ~ ~ • :." ~ ,'" I \ ~ •• : I , ,'. '. "., : ~. . '."'. . :. . .. , _, .,' f,..,. ~ . :~ ':. .. ' .., " '. page-: .1;:' " '.' . ,":. ·s, .• -'.' ,.,: 1 " • ,-' ;1.' "', ~": .. -. _, t " .' .' ': :-' ':;; .~ ,. .' >.: .'. .;' ~ .. .... " ~. =, .' " ". '.,' :.' . .' ; ;", ,:" ,.'~ ..... ' . :oJect:. {636;, ':'_.;;.i~\;::'::,::.:·.:. . :." -, 'ParceL Map 'Check • :'. " • • '. r " . t ~. ~. • ~': > I -• " '. :' J~, ",' " , ~ ••• ' •• : ••• '" • , ,;,-;, '" wed "JUly\:'of 13 :34: 18 2004' " " '. • Y,' • ' • .' . ,~ '-.' : ; -, ~ '.: ~,"":' . '.", . " ; .. ' ~ ... ' .. -", ,' . . ' ": ; .. " ~'.~ .~~.~~ v~ ~'.: "~'~ '. -----~--~~~-~--------~7---~----~~~-~~~~~~----~~----------~----~------------,. , '"" . " .:: ,," . ·~i-'·~, ,j .. , '. Parcel name':' TRACTF ,- ; .,' .. ',' . ~: '. 'J • f' ,-.•. , ,", -North:·~1845?3,. 4~~p', _ East': ,1302096.9587 ,-Line ,Course:-.s 00-'56-'42,'W, Length:-~S17.69: ;' ;' , :: ",-,',Noith :,'184 {)55 .8740 ' --: '-East: 13 02 0 88 '.42 06 ' -'_.Line· Course: N Oi--55:-:1) 'WLength:-·250,. 29 North:-1843 06 ~ 0235 -'-: .. ': ,._East13 02 080 ~ 0361 Line '.Cou'rse:-NOO'-56,:,42·E Length: -,27.08 'Nor:th:184333: 0998 '-East 1302080.4827- "Line Course:: 'N 08-56-:24 E ~ength:'14:44 . ,N9rth; ,,184347 .. 364~4. _.__ -, Ea$t 1302082.7267. ' ,1302083.1885 " Line Course::N 00 - 5 6 -:42,'· ELength: 28. 00 ,_," ,":',No:r:th: 184375;3606 ';,', ,,''':,East ,Line' .. Course: N03":46':'46_W-L~rigth;':24'~28 -North:-' 184399 . '5878 East '. 1302081.5880: Line c'ourse: N OO-S6-42--·E ,Length: ,174.14 North: 18457~;7041 , . East ~302084:4601 Line Course : . S 89-03 -18-E -Length: 1,2~ 50 ··North:, '184573 :::4 980 East 1302096:9584 , PerimeEe~ :-1048: 42' Area':, 4 ,816 .,sq~; ft . .o .11 acres ",' .". '. ~.' .' Mapcheck~16suie-(uses Error Closure:: '0.0044, '. Error North: -0'.00437 Precision :1: 238;277.27: , .~. • 'J '. • 'J;' iisied:c6~r~~i, radii, ,and deltas) 'Cburse: N 03-56-56W East -0.00030 .. ; . ',,'. .', . -'."J .. ,' .r.' . "', : " ~-, , '. '.~'", . . ,"'/: .', ,~,~" .':.,-'",.,' , ,r; ':~', ~', .• ,' ~;" ' i .. ' .', ,'. , .. "; , ..... ~. . " -, "'.:' . .: ..,~ , ~ ',~' ", \~. 'l' .' ,"r; , , -~ , ' I '.-, ,~~ .. _ ,-I-' i ,\;',.::~ §"; ~:" .. ,' ".' '.: '; ':' '. ,'.',.. ;,.,.; ~ '" ,: '1-' / ':,: \~ ; P,: . _, > , .... -: ',." . ~.~ •. ' .: '. ',~-t' . ' ( " .,'.' ',W~dJuly;:':O~ ":13':'20;'15 r 2 0'04'~ oj e c t, : '3 163 6 '. '. ,v:"' '. ',,:', .. ~::, . '.' . ',: -'p'arcel ,'Map::.'Check, , ,,'. :, . , '.. ,:' " " ~ . '.' ;-' ·'.t"· '': ' '. "'. . ~ '-. . ' ,;, " .'" .. -<--:..: -::.--.--,-:-:--'-'-~---'-:..,---:':--'-,-- - -_._' --:----!-."-.-.';:;-- - - - - - ----- --. ...:--"-- - - -~ -~.~:--- --.----- ~ :.' ~ . North :. 184943:,8914 .. . Curve Length: .•.. 96 ~ 18· .'. Delta: 8-26-45' ,;. "." ~hord ::,96.09 ' Course, In: 8 .82=-29"'57 W. 'RP ,North: 184858 .. :7137 '.East·· Radius: .. Tangent: '.Course: Course' Out: East: .... End North:' 1848,47: 9522'".' "East : ,'Line. Cou~s~~8~00~~6~42W Lengthi 274.50 ",'. . North:' 184573:;'4896 'East . Line Course,:, N,89-03'~~8 'W . Length: :'12.50 1302095.9908 652.50 48.18 S 03-16-40.E 889-03-18 E 1301449.0743 1302101.4855 '1302096.9583 North:.'184573;6957 . East ':1302084 . .4600 . Line Course:' N; 00-56-42'E' . Length: 370 .32 .,North: i84943,9654 . 'East .: "Line Course: '8 8~-10~26, ELength::5; 42 North: 184943.8872,' East 1302090.5676 1302095~9870 P~rimeter:'~ 758.92,:·,< Area:. 4,404,sg .ft.O: 10 acres ?check~lo~~~e-(Ugesli~tedc6u~ses, radii; ,and del~as) __ rorClosure: 0.0057.' Course: 8 42-18-24 W Error 'North::'· "':0.00420' East: -0.00382 ~reci$ion ':.1.: .,·133/~4.~,86 , .. , . :;) " ,~ '" " " . " ':. ,-.-:",'"' t ".' '.:', . ~ , ':,0, ", .-. ','" --. Ij'/:, • '-'J," • ~' ~ ,,~. : , , ' :'; , ~ '. :' .. . :; V'. " : " ,,' ' , , ,'-. ,\ ~ . , " :" ( , .' .' ._:1,.' " , t., ~ ._.', .1 •• .' : ,., • "~ ~;)' ';. • .' .~" ,.', ' ";', .• " '1,'.", " ,~ :',' 0, ", ,,' ;" ',;:: :":,:\",; ,<'",;,::!::r,' , < ,;!:':':', ,::;,'i,~~e.',l~";\ ;' , ... ."oj'ect :' :31'636' ",;,' , " ;,', .', ,':Parcel':Map :Che'ck ' " ", TUeJU).Y' 06,19: 54: 31,2004 .', " ;:. "',", . . . ..... ~ .... :-.. _'-~ -'-~' -~ ~ -.-'---:-.--~,...: -,--,'~'-;....-- -'..:. --.: -:-- -'-'-'-.-"-- - - --.-- --._:" --"---··..:.·7 -..:. -'~':':' -~.~'-'--. - - - --:':'-' ';", .' Parcel name':· TRACT H·'; ,'North: :,185361.2218 .. East1302161.6262· ·.Curve : Length: '252:27 "Ra'dius:' 527.62 Delta :'27 -23 -41 . :-Tangent: 128.59. .' Chord:,'249.87'··· " 'Course: 814-38-32W '. 'Course,'In: "8 ,61-39-37,E .. Course Out: 'N 89-03-18 W 'RP. No'rth :",185110 .76i3· .•. East 13ci2626 .0101 'End North:·185119.4632 .... ., .. East 1302098.4619 LinecbGrsei ~B~-03-11 W Lerigth:: 0,00 " North: .. 185119.4632 ..:. East.: :1302098.4619, Line Course:N 89-03-18W. 'Length: ~5.00 North:18511~.5456:East ,Line cburse: 8 00-·56-.42W . Length: :144.31 1302093.4626 North: 184975.2553 '. East. 1302091.0825 . :,L:irie 'Course: .N 79'-43-3'lE Length:,:,O. 00 North: 184975; 2553 .. East 1302091. 0825, Curve'Length: 201.21' ··.Radius:. 652 .. 50, ~ Delta;'17-40-06 Tangent~ 101.41 Chord:·200:41. ". ., ,Course:N 19-07-20 W ':Course In:: 8' 79':'42:-43, W Couy'seOut: 'N 62 -02 -37 E . RP., North: 184858 ~,720'7, East '. 1301449.0732. ;En6-North:1851~4:6122 East 1302025.4295 Line Course:· N 2,7-57 -.23 W Length:. '43.32 ,'North :185202.8770 " East .1302005.1211 Line Course: N 81-31:-28 W Length::O.OO North: 185202:8770 .'East ,1302005.1211 Curve Length: 46.24. " 'Radius: 627.96 '..Delta:,'4-13-07· ", Tangent: 23.13 Chord:,46~23 ,Course: N 10-33-56 E Course In: S 81~32-38E Course .Out: N 77-1~-31' W. RP North: 185110.5344 East: 1302626.2545. End North: 18~248.3187 '. East :1302013.5969 Curve Length: 186.41 Radius: 1066.50 .Delta: .10-00-53: Tangent: 93.'44 Chord: 186.17 Course: N 52-39-54 E Course~In:N 32-19-40W Course Out: 8 42-20-33 E 'RPNorth: 186149:5141 . East 1301443.2732, End North: 185361.2301 : East: 1302161.6259 Perimeter: 878.76 Area: 18,778 sq. ft. 0.43 acres ',,' . Mapcheck Closure,-(Uses Error Closure: .. 0.'0084, Error North: 0.00836 "ecision 1: ·104,614.29 listed courses, radii, . and deltas) Course: N 01-42-42 W East: -0.00025 '., .' , , , .'., , . ",", . ;' ~ .'. :. " ~. I ' .>', ' '.' . "i'· ,'~ " .:' . ',~ ': " 'If' ~ ~ \', ',j't'.' r" ,:'~ , ", " ,{,-,' ~! ' " ~ ~ '.:, ': '~', " .,' ,-.- '. t ',' :,L ' 1,~. ". ,;', ... ,page;1. . :,1 1 " < •• :, ':: •• :. _, '/ • ·r· , ;:, •• ,!' ~.';''';_ '" ~.' ',' ~'." : '" , ': " '.', '. "'. ~ ;f"', •.••• ". " ".. '. " ,', '''' ..... , ... ' . .' :';." "',"'7.' ':', ." .,',', , ." ~ ",", ' <", :ojec:;'t: '3163'6:. ;.' .' , . "'. Parcel '.'Map,CheSk"·:; ... " . ,~,; .': " ;. ' :',:':TU~:'JUl;':':b'611 :20 ';3'8"'20'04' , .', " :,' :', ' ,'" f':." \. \. :' ~ ; . , ~ , 't ' ":. ,;:.' ... , -..;.. -- ---,---------.--- - ---.:... --'~ -- - - - --,---"-'----~ -:---- ---,-~ ---.----'-~ ---.--'-------- ... .•.• j., :-.;, "", .,:' ,I ' ., .,'" ':"" Parcel name :';TRACT' I: ., '. . North·::184943. 8914\ .. :'East· 1302095.9908 Curve .L'ength: 31'.74. ...... Radius:, 652; 50 " Delta: :2-47-14.,"",' . ':Tangent :15.88 . ;, Chord: ,31:.74. ...·Course: N 08-53":'40 W Co~rse In:' 8"82-2'9-57 W . COllrSeOut: 'N79-42-4,3 E. "RP ,Nor'th =.,::184 858.7137' ··'·East ':1301449.0743 End North: ·184975.,2483 ' ,. '.:Ea'st 1302091.0836 Line. Course: S 00-56-42'WLength: 31'.29 ",.North: i84~43~9.625 .. '''.' , East'1302090.5675 . Line Course.:·S 89-10-26 E. ~engtht~.42 North:.184943: 88'44·' .' East 1302095.9870 Perimeter: ·6.8.45 Area: 89 sq. ft. O. 00. acres " Map~he~k Closure-(Uses .Iist.ed"'.courses , radii,' ~nd': deltas) .;Erro~ Closure: 0.0680 Course:S28-44-26~W ". E:i:TorNo~th:' '-0 .00703:.East·· -.0.00386 P~ecision' '1: 8,556.25 ,. . ':~ ... , .. ,'" " , ". " ,', ,~" ' ~ :. ' "1 .' \-,,, .': ; ',~ ': .' , , ' '< .• '.'; 't" ,','>',1 ' .' :', ;:' 'I', , . .'. ". '., :, "-;:~:t.l~''''\ , ::", :' ",', ' ~' " > ,'I.,' " ,..J. ,. " .,'", '/. ,. . . ;.: " ~.' ' ." .~ .. :: . " ,~: L ;,~,,' :'./ ' .. ":' .. ' ",' , ',;. ,;.- . ,~ k"'-' :., ".': '.' , 1" t~ i ~:6j~·ct.: ':3'i~'3:6 :::>:.:," .. .~. Tue . July:, '06' 11: 20: 42 2004' "'.",' '. . , ;.. :,',';::E'aicei ' Map" ,Check " .', .... , ., .' "j. :'.. ' ,<,', 1 ~ ~<: ·i.· . . -" -_.:.... - - - ---:--"~'..: ~-:'~ .:::. -.'~:;--'--. -:-:~ - - --;.-- - --.-:, -_.~'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - -,-::-- -,-- - - ---,,,,:" --<_. -:' ' • '. \ • • ,J :.~ Parcel' 'name:'TRAC'T"·J: .: , . ~. ''l'~, • : .". I,! ':' 't .. ~,:, ~ North: '185560'.9063," .• Line Couise:N 00~~9~j4E East. ~1302356:4298 : L~ngth':.6 . 60 :' . '." >No.rth: .185567.5056'·· " ·.Line·.Course: N 82:-05-:16 E . East 1302356.5250 Leng'th:' .' ., . " North~185568:5050 Lin~: C6urs~:~~~3-47-:35,W North: ·l8556Q.9039 ,.c· '.' ." ''\ ,,' .' .. ,Length: 7.26 -East : 10.53 ,East p'e,rimeter: 24.4'0." Area :24 sq .ft, ... 0.00 , '.'. .'1302363.7159 1302356.4285 acres Mapch~ckClosui~ (U$es,listedcourses, radii,' and deltas) Error Closure : 0.0027' ':., . . Course: . S .29-17-03' W ,'Error,Nor.th::"0.00232 '"East .' -0.00130 Pieci~ion'i:9,033.33 !. .- , , ;: ..... . ' ",' •.• ·.",·1, r. _ ~ .:. ' " " \'. ';,. ,~, " , , ,'./. "'> "': .,,: ,', ," ",,; ' , " \ . , ,'," ~ ,-).. ." "', . ~ :, 1.' . J-,11: :J" .. ~ .... ". ',j '.{,~ ~':' ,>-'.,,: " " :.f ;. '. ,\',' ' t '," , . " ".,. ' .'~. .. : _.: ~.~':.; I .;. . >, ~.,.: ,'.: .' " 'j ~ " '. \.', ':;:' ", " ~. . . ~ .' .' , '",' • !' •• "'. ". ' :.~ _tl::... i.:", :.;":, ,:oject: ~1p36:_' '~" ',' :'> , '.' : ,,' , .' Parcel Map ,Che~k" .. " ,', : ""f', :', " " ":' ',\ ''-'~'" ','," ", 'c," ,:, :,,', '" .. ---------~-----------------------------------------------------------------:~: . '.:.' , , . . ' .' . . . \ . . , ',,:Parcel, ncime·:TRACT,.K .'.'; ,., . " ... -• ~ ,', ,;" 1 ' .. ,,: .... . .: . ' " -'North:, i85566.3989 "'.' "East '::,'1302348.5351 .. \ Line,; Course:,8 43 - 4 7 - 3 5, W.Length : ',: '13 P . 87 , " North: 185467 ::60C)l 'East:<1302253: 8134" ' ': Curve" ,;' Length: .,97.20' , , -Radius: 515.62 , , Dt=lta :' ,10-48-03", ", 'Tangent :48.74 'Chord:,',97.06' "Cour'se: 8 38-23-33 W, ,,' ',::Course"In: S,46.,-12::':25:'E Course.out:N 57-00-28 W ,RP North:,J.'85110.,7623 East: 1302626.0107, End' North:' 18539.1 . .5304 East : 1302193.5372: 'Curve' Length:' 27 A2Radius: ,1066.50 ."',, " Delta ~ 1":'30-00 Tangent : 13.96 Chord: ,27.92 Course:N 44-32-35 E; :~ofirse'In: N'44-42-25 W Cours~ Out: ,846-12-25 E RP.-North: 186149.5071 East: 1301443.2749 End~North:,185411.4297 East: 1302213.1216,' :Line~ ~Co~rs~:~'43~47:35E Length: ,~07.08 : North :~' 185560,. 9092 " , East .: Line' Course:: N 00-49-34"E ,Length: 6:60 " North :,' ,185567 .,5085 _~ne C6uiie~ S 82~05-16~W : North: '185566 .4307 Line ,:~,our'se :,.882,-:-05"'-16 W North:, '185566'.3990 Length: Length:, , ' East 7.83 East 0.23 East, . . . . .? :'r ,-,.; 1302356.4325 : :1302356.5277 1302348.7722 : : 1302348.5444' '." . , .- : Area: l,955sq:~ft. 0.04,acres' M'~p'checkClosure--', (Uses Error Closure::O.0094 Error North:: 0.00012 Precision 1: 51,460.64 listed Courses, radii, and de'l tas) Course: N 89-15-34 E, East :0.00936 .' : . ~ ." .. :. , '. ,'~' , '.' . . ,', : .. ., ." ~~. \ '.' 'I! ~;: .". { ~'. ' , . ,;' , '': "'. , "" ~ : t . , .... ~ .. , .-.... :- , -,.... '. ....~: , : ... " ' .. :.! , <. -. ,-1 • " .. , , '" '''.'--i,. :.,". , , ,- .1 .••• , : ' "~·:~page.: '1. ',: coject:: 31636':TueJuly .. 06 1i:20:55 2004 .. ' . ,par.cel··.Map: 'Check". . ~ .. ,.' , .. ' " '.,:; I-.-~, ,,'. ".'.'" , • ,. '."'.: .~".~ ~';' ~€. '.; " _.. ,. _ ,.' .. ,' "- . , (: ',' 1 '): ~'~.: ~. : . ., ' ,.' --- ---.-- - --.----'::",~ - ----::-.-----:-- - -- - --,-- - - - --'-- - - -_.-:--'--- --- - - - - - - - -~ -- ---- - ---. , I" .. ,"'; " 1.' ,\ <.,.' , ~. . . North: 183874 ~ 330'0 'East,. 1302834'.0624 " ',. . ·.Line·'Course:· 8A5~31-51 W :Length:.,s1.32,··· ,',. '. :<:. North: 18~83~ :'3790~East· :1302797.4390 .' ~Liri~ Course~N-89-25-53 W ~eng~h: '684.81 .,::: N9rth: :183845.1750';;.', :.: Bast. 1302112.6627 ·i:iri·e Course:. N 44 -14 -:34'.1'1 . Length : .:35.56 . North: 183870:6499 , " .. ' •.. East . ,Line· Course:': SOO'-56~42' w: Length;"30~,96 . :.North: 183839.'6941'. '_':', . : East,. .. 1302087.8525 . 13 02 0 8 7 .: 3 4 19 Line Course : 84 7~'48 "':51 'E . Length: 5.46 ·::North:'.18383'6.0275 " ' "East'; '1302091.3876 r:.ln~ . Course: 8,'.89-28-22 E:Length: 717.29 . North: 183829,4272 East : '1302808.6473 'Cu'rve.; Leng.th:39.29 . Radius : .~25. 00 ,. ': Delta: '90-02-07 Tangent: '25:02 '\ ~hord: 35~37 . .Course:.N 45~30-34E. COurse. In: N 00-31-38 E, Cciur~e,Out:S 89-30-29 E ·RP. Nort.h:: .183854 Ai62 .'.' ,I . :.East ,1302808; 8773 . End ,.North: 183854 .. ,2115' . East .. 1302833.8764 _ne. Course: N 00-29-31 E . ,Length: 20.12 ' .. ';·North:183874.3308 ; East ' , 1302834.0491 .. • : 'l_ . Peri,meter: 1'584.81·Area: 7,624 sq~ft.0.1·8 acres Mapcheck<Cl~sure ,.~ .... (Uses Error Closure:· ·O~ 0133 .' .Error'North~0.00083 ..... Precision 1: 119,158.65 ". ".: . lis~~d.c~ur~es, radii, .and del~as} . Course: N 86-25-33 W ", I East :-0.01327 , ( , ~ ... ' .. "', .. ,:,' , < • .'. '-.. .'.,., . ~, '. ~'. "4.~ }l:' •. ",' ,-, ; .' . " ,'c,' .. ,.' ">." . { , ',. , , .~. "~ , .\;.' ~, " '. '",::, ~ ;" ..' "" .. \:"".:"., , : , 'f ".. i ~; .•• :oje.ct :'~3X636-:~" c',.'; .. <,,' 'Tue July'O?, 11: 21: 052004', .'.' ',;. ""'.,, " " .' ' . " .'., ".; " J?arcep'.fv'!ap·".Check .. .'" ~,' . . .', "'~ :':' , ~ . .' " :.' .; .... :; l' : ' .. :~ . ....... --------~-~--'~~----1~--~----~-------------------------------~--------------, , • • :. " , '. • ~ '. " • • ~ I ': , .~.) ",' "~' ' '. ' "-""" " .~ '1.', ; . .> ;' ~'.l·" :-,' " i".' • ','" ':. ~':, '.,. " _ ',. ;, ; •.. " .. 'Parc·el name :TRACT':M.·· 'u ",,' '. " . ..~ ... ~ " " "., ' '. .t.-.. ,,, . ,.,>, ,',,' " ;.,' ··North:'185204.2891 '·:Eas't.:··1302118.9439 Line.Course:N· 79-32-5S'W' Length:, 12.00 . ;;~:>·North: ·185296.~ 465.7 ........ . .,East 1302107.1429' ~ine-~Course;.N,79-40-08W .~ength: ~~:OO . North:'185206 .'4657" 'East 1302107.1429 Curve, "'Length:'164 .761 .. ',' '''Radius :527.62 . . D'el t"a': 17 -53 - 2 i ': 'Tangent: .83.04 Chord:l~4.D7" .Course: N19-23-42E "', Cou:rse,.In:'.S79-3'2':-"58~E, ... ,CourseOut::N 61-39-37 'w ." .... -"" Rp: No~th:185110:7623 E~st ; 1302626.0107 EndN6rth:"185361~2228 ,East :1302161.6267 ·)'Curve'Length:. :44 .,01 ." '. "Radius :1066.50 Delta: 2-21-52 ·.Tangent:22.01 -.Chord:.·44.0L' "Course: N 46-28-31.E· .' '.Cou.rseln:N 42-20-33' W Course;Out: . S 44-'-42-25 E·' RP 'North~ 186149.5067 :,E~st :1301443.2740 . End North: 185391·.530g East :. 1302193.5363 'Curve:' ·Length: '202.86 ' , Radius: ,515 ~ 62 Delta:·22-32-30··. Tangent: .102:76 . Chord:,;201.55'",'Course: S 21-.43-17,W, Course;In~,~S 57~00-28E Cciurse Out: N 79~32-58'W RP North: <185110.7619 . East 1302626.0097. ,End'North:. 185204 ~ 2887 .:'.',', .'. East· 1302118.9429' LineC~urse :.N 79 - 3 3 ~ 4 5 'w ,North:~85204.2887 L~ngth: 0.00 East .1302118.9429 ., .... :. " . ~ , . .-' '. ' .' ~, . ::':., . Perimeter: 423.61 ··Area;· ,2 I 187 . sq ... ft. 0.05 . acres Mapcheck Closure' :..,·'(Uses .. listed courses', radii , and deltas) Error.Closu~e,; 0.0010 . Cburse: S 65"':40-56 W Error North: -0;00042 East: -0.00094 Precision 1: 423,610:00 . :; < • .. ""C.:_1,·:' ::., -'. \ :,.,'. , ~-~ . ::-::., .:' . "", ' . "~. . ' .. ' ... ,.~, . , " , " ,".','" .. , " , " • 1' " ,I ", 'f" • . .'; :":' ." ~ '", ,': . ..... """ . . ',' '.;~ ! , ; : •• ~ • 0'.' '-. ~ :': 0' <> ... ; •• '~'.J" '\'." :'",',p~ge, ,:1:'; -.,' , .,. ,'I', i',', , .1. . ~oj~ct: 3 i'6 36" '.", ::. ",', , "":t:arcelMap,Check?,': "',,, " r '. ,:.~; _ ~ .,. "' , Tue 'JuYy;'b~ '.' 11 ~',21 ,:'12 2004 , ". .-' . ":. " ,o' ' -.' .. .... ", ,; '.' .: ~ . -----------~---~--------7~-----~---------------~------------------~--------' Parcel name:TRACTN, :", :' . . . . ~North:, i83873 .1699 "", ,East :1302085.4081 'Line Course:S44-14-34 E Length: 3.51 . ' 'North: '183870.6553 East: ,1302087.8570 .; i ~Line Course:' N 00-56-42, E,'LEmgth:~·.135.41 '-'North: .184006.0469,",;., East .' 1302 090 ~ 0903 '-" "" Line 1"Course: NOI-55-11.W,Length: ,49,85 .' ".,·North:' 184055.8689,::' '"I East ,1302088.4203 ..... " . j<.',Llne,''-,course :,' SOO-56'-42'W, .iength':'182 ~ 72 , ' ., .,North: ,183873.'1738' ',---East: '1302085,:4068 ,'"'' , .;. 'Area:~396sq. ft.O~OI acres '. Mapcheck Closure -(Use's Error Closure : '·0.0041 , Error' North : ' 0.00393 ' Frecision 1: 90,,607:32 • "'?'. ' "., " ,: " listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 17-57-46 W East: -0.00127 ". ,o": ' i," ", '-. . :~ .. ' .,~ '. " , .'., ." .... ", . < ,".,' , .. ),,' .' """ ... ". '. ~', "',.J" ',-,' '. , I '" t"'. ' .• J ~ i' ~~ .. , .1' ., ".' 7'."""'" .... 'v, , • ) • .~ , ~, ' , '.'.' .• ' f ';. "; :', " ... '.:: ".' , ~. " 'f .~ ......... ,.' l ., .~' " .',' .' ... ,' ',',': .. ,0" .• : ' .. ',' ',"" : '.:, ,-' . ., " .".' . ', ... " " l,,~: ~ .iI." ,.." ·,'-Tt.le 'JUrY·;,O~"12:37:14. 2004.' " --...... ,-- -..;,.. - -~ -....: - - - - - - --.-- - - - - - - - - - - - --.------,-:... - - -'--'---.--'-, - --, - -""'"7 -: - - - - -..;,.. -.-,-"":"':--"-- --'-.::.. , . '. : ... : .. ' .. , . . , . " .. Parcel name: EX. PARK AVE . .'ROW. ~orth: 184399.~837East1302081.5886 LineCourse:S03-46-46'E . Length: 24.28 North: 184375.3565, 'East :1302083:1891" Liriecour'se :., S 00~,:56-42"W . Lerlgth: 28.00 North: 18~347.3663 ',East Line Course: ~ 08-56-24' W· Length:' 14.44' North: 184333~0957.East Line,', <:;,ourse:, S 00-56.,.42 W. Length:.' 27.08 North: '184306.019~ East ';Liri~Course: SOl~55-11 E, L~rigth: 250.29 1302082.7273 1302080.4833' " ) 1302080 .. 0367' . . 'North: 184055.8699 'East :., 1302088.4212' 'Line. Course:. S 00-5~~42;W' Length: 182.72 North: 183873.1747' .. East. 1302085 A077 Line Co~rse; S 44-14-34 E Length: 3.51 North: 183870~6602, East Line Course: S 00-56-42, W L'ength,:',~30 .96' 1302087.8566 , 'No;rth: ; 183839.7044. East 1302087.3460· ,'Lin~~Course~S 47-48-51E Length: 5.46 . North: 183836.0378 . E~sti3020~1.j~17 "1e, Course: N89-28-22 WLength: 104 ~ 10 " North: 183836.9957 East : 1301987.2961 ·;Line Course:·;.N,OO-56:42 ELength:'1284.14 , .', . i, " Nort.h: '185'120'.9610' Ea'st 1302008.04 749' Line Course : 'N 89-03 -18' W . Length: ,10,09 '.: North:185;L21· .. 1274 ' ,East 1301'998.3863·. ' Curve Length: 82.09;. • · .. ·.::,···Radius: 627.96 • ··c.' " Del ta :7 -2 9 - 2 5. .,", Tangent: .41.11 . Chord: 82.04" ·.Course: N 04-4i-4b~. tourse Ih:S 89-02~03'E 'Couise Out: N B1~32-38_W RP ,North: 185110.5424 '·;:East1302626.2571 End North:' '185202.8851 East 1302005.1237 'Lirie Course: N.27~55-44WLength: 0.00 'North: 185202.8851 . East. 1302005.1237 Line' Course: S 27-57-23 E Length: 43.32 ~orth:. 185164.6203 Curve L~ngth:201.21 De 1 t a: 1 7 - 4 0 -06 Chord: 200. 41 " Course In: S 62~02-37 W RP North: 184858.7287 End North: 184975.2633 .Line Course: S 79-41-55 W North: 18497~.2633 I·~ "1e Course: S 00-56-42 W ,North: 184585.2264 L~ne . Course:SOO~56-42 W North: 184399.5916 East Radius: . Tangent: Course: Course Out: East ·East Length: 0.00 East Length: 390.09 East : Length:. '185.66 East 1302025.4321 652.50 101.41 S 19-07-20 E N 79-42-43 E 1301449.0758 13 02 0 91 . 08 51 1302091.0851 1302084.6515 1302081.5895 Perimeter: ,2867.45 Area: 112,821 sq. ft. 2.59 acres '" .. " . , " " .: :-.. -' '. '" ,,-, .. < .. ' ". ' , . ,l '.: ~' '. 'l" ". - ~, ' , . -.. ";~ .. _: ' ... ' r b," l"';'·.~ ,;,..-", y' '; ,:,t ,~, ';. , ••• ,:',.' "', 'j, ",' "~.:, "J' '.' ;\~., ..• ,-.:: •• ,~'\·~;~."I""'. ~ ,.:,;.'<..': ... ~',"" f"'·,,' ~', -_"'. . ". ';" ":i\1apcJ::ie,ck,Cl¢,sure, .. , -.,.(US~$ ',li$ted courses /' ;radii/':~ and "deltg:s) :\Error:,C16s'ure: 0.0680::, .. " '.'" ;., .. , ; ~'Ojurs'e:N "d;6'~ 15'::59 :~E;' .... "':Eiror North\.:d.o'079'8~;·<.;:,:::;; ,,"':',.,.;, ·East,·,. :0'.6008,8 ",: ,", ."e-ci:slon·:-.:.1.::~:'i~3'58''''4·~bJ~~o'o, ',.,:; i' -' .. " ': ). "\ . f' " ,:'. :.' -,/. '.:.," , .... ~ 1 , .. , . ,'~ , ;. . ,.',. '.,-, :.," '1, . .... , '.' .:, " :,' , .' r .:,:. ,'. ~ \ '.' .,.' ",l 07/07/2004 10:31 FAX 4253737558 BOEING REALTY ~003 _.j:; i~~ AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN . L' .... _':":.:~: .. City of Renton Development Services Division 1 055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 DEVELOPMENT CITY OF RE~~%NING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) duly sworn on oath. deposes and says: JUL -8 20D~ 8='?UeC~8qf~D being first 1. On the 7' ~ day 01 ,/~ • ~~ I installed '2-public information sign(s) and plastic fI er box on the property located at ~II ) ? A-flk, for the following project: BlJ€;l'I~ Sf} bT) I Sf~/q .1 A Project name B()£J Nt!, 11 ~Lfy Owner Name / -i .2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign{s) locations in conformance with the requirement Code. ~" ' ?Ao1..f SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ~ day of ~"'"---7----'~-' j for the State of at Washington, 5'~n~ ~ _ ____ -..L. __ ~-...:."'--____ .•. __ ~~~'M~' \ M.,.~jslOl)~ires on __ ...:.r_-_l_'f-_Oo_ .. ~,,~ •• ·~\ON et.o·"~ ~~.'~ ~ ! ~ !i ~O,,{"'RY (Ii ~ :0"'-:. ~ \ (,) pUS\,}V j I,,,, !O ... .'-Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Pll1nnjn8\Pub8igJl.docI)rl#tj~.. 1-1 g .. ~... ;. "". .. . ,. .. ,~....... ., '. \\\ "t:-OF\N _..:' '. \"""'--- ./ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Thisrequirementmay~e.waiv~d'bY: ·.·i .... :' .'. ,I; J1n'l,,1.· '<:;;::'n PI. 1. Property servi6es 'Section , ~":\ . ,'" \ \ ·.>.k~ '\ PROJECT NAME: #~l:!1VI,/a<~{OI -er/~ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section, , {f . 3. Building Section \ ~. ". I'; . ,DATE: __ V_"';"...JI1_~_Z_1_,_Z_ld_LL--__ 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\DEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls " . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ; WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement Statement 3 ' Inventory of Existing ~ites 2 AND '3 ~ lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section' 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section ~ ~ , 4. Development Planning Section \ .1' " . ~ , PROJECT NAME: ~a0:t ljtnit~ 87 W~ DATE: __ Vt_tt.11_f:.,_z._f/:.....1 _1-_dt1..L1 ___ _ Q:\WEB\Pw\DEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls ... ': .. \. Printed: 07-13-2004 Payment Made: _TY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-081 07/13/200409:52 AM Receipt Number: WA04....,GoJ (jUf/W DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL 1 3 2004 ~!ECE~"~!Q) R0403749 Total Payment: 33.67 Payee: BOEING REAL TV CORPORA liON Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5955 000.0~.519.90.42.1 Postage 33.67 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #016850 33.67 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 o 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Horne Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgrnt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Printed: 07-08-2004 lTV OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-081 Payment Made: 07108/2004 11:34 AM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: BOEING Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #016768 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5023 0 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Horne Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgrnt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0403678 ,'-" . SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS "";.':-~""IVI§NT CITY OF RE~ rt,~NING BINDING SITE PLAN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 JUL -8 ~ fJ~ ~~C~n/!If [0) PURPOSE: The purpose of the Binding Site Plan application review is to provide an alternative method for division of industrial, commercial, or mixed use lands [CN, CS, CD, CO, COR, CA, CC, IL, 1M, and IH zones]. This method may be employed as an alternative to the subdivision and short subdivision procedures of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-7. RMC Section 4-7-230 provides further details on the binding site plan process. FREE CONSULTATION/MEETING: Prior to submitting an application, the applicant should informally discuss the proposed development with the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division will provide assistance and detailed information on the City's land use requirements and standards. Applicants may also take this opportunity to request the waiver of submittal requirements they do not think are applicable to their proposal. For further information on this meeting, see the instruction sheet entitled "Submittal Requirements for Preliminary Project Review." This meeting is available at no charge to the applicant. APPLICATION SCREENING: Applicants are encouraged to bring in one copy of the application package for informal review by staff prior to formal application and fee payment in order to ensure the application is complete. This should be done prior to making the requested number of copies. Applications should be submitted to the Development Services Staff at the 6th floor counter of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 AM. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. An appointment to submit your applicatIon is not necessary. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED: The City will not accept an application that does not have all of the required items listed below. In order to accept your application, each of the following must be submitted at the same time. However, if you have received a prior, written waiver of a submittal item(s) during a pre-application meeting, please provide this form in lieu of any submittal item not provided. In addition, all plans and attachments must be folded to 8 Yz by 11 inches. APPLICATION TIMES: Applicants are encouraged to bring in one copy of the application package for informal review by staff prior to formal application and fee payment in order to ensure the application is complete. This should be done prior to making the requested number of copies. Applications should be submitted to Development Services Staff at the 6th floor counter of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 AM. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. An appointment to submit your application is not necessary. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. APPLICATION MATERIALS: N/~ 1. ~ 2. ~ Pre-application Meeting Summary (if applicable): If the application was reviewed at a "Preapplication Meeting", please provide 5 copies of the summary provided to you. Plat Certificate: Please provide 3 copies of a current Plat Certificate obtained from a title company documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances for the entire parcel depicted on the binding site plan map. The certificate may not include any properties not included as part of the binding site plan. If the Plat Certificate references any recorded documents (Le. easements, 1 l. \ • {~ a:BindingSitePlan.doc 1012003 fJ/A ~ tll~;;;:\ 8. dedications, covenants) 5 copies of the referenced recorded document(s) must also be provided. All easements referenced in the Plat Certificate must be located, identified by type and recording number, and dimensioned on the Site Plan. Land Use Permit Master Application: Please provide the original plus 11 copies of the COMPLETED City of Renton Development Services Division's Master Application form. Application must have notarized signatures of ALL current property owners listed on the Title Report. The legal description of the property must be attached to the application form. Environmental Checklist: If the property has been previously platted or is located in an environmentally sensitive area, please provide 12 copies of an Environmental Checklist. Please ensure you have signed the checklist and that all questions on the checklist have been filled in before making copies. If a particular question on the checklist does not apply, fill in the space with "Not Applicable.· Project Narrative: Please provide 11 copies of a clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including the following: • Project name, size and location of site; • Reason(s) for the proposed division; • Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties; • Current use of the site and any existing improvements; • Special site features (Le. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes); • Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions; • Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development; • Access; • Proposed off-site improvements (Le. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, • sewer main, etc.); • Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project; • Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed; • Number, type and size of trees to be removed; • Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City; • Proposed number, size or range of sizes, and density of the new lots; and, • Any proposed job "shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes. Rezone, Variance or Conditional Use Justification: Please contact the Development Services Division to determine whither your project proposal triggers any additional land use permits. If so, additional information may be required. Construction Mitigation Description: Please provide 5 copies of a written narrative addressing each of the following: • Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates); • Hours of operation; • Proposed hauling/transportation routes; • Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics; • Any specialty hours proposed for construction or hauling (Le. weekends, late nights); and, • Preliminary traffic control plan. Legal Documents: Please provide 4 copies of any proposed restrictive covenants and draft Homeowners Association documents. 9. Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign(s) and Flyer Box: Please complete and provide the attached notarized original plus 1 copy of the affidavit attesting the required public information sign(s) has been installed in accordance with City Code requirements. See attachment titled "Public Information Signs· for information about the size and location requirements for public information signs. Please request plastic flyer boxes from the Development Services Division prior to sign installation. 2 a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 ~ List of Surrounding Property Owners: Please submit 2 copies of a signed and notarized City r/ '~~' of Renton Development Services Division "List of Surrounding Property Owners" form listing all ~,t{t)'(/ current property owners and their mailing addresses and King County Assessor's account I A~ numbers within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject site as obtained from a Title Company or () ~~ l7 the King County Assessor's Office. The list shall include a notarized statement attesting that the ,,~\~ ~nershiP information provided was obtained within the past 30 days (unless otherwise approved U ~ ~ by the Development Services Division). . ~lkY ".~~ Mailing Labels: Please submit 2 sets of self-adhesive mailing labels including the name, mailing -'t:Y~ 1'JW>.I'~1 address, and King County Assessor's account numbers for all property owners within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject site. DO NOT provide envelopes, metered postage or stamps. The Development Services Division will provide these items, although postage is paid by the applicant. N/.A6 Density Worksheet For Proposals Containing or Proposing Residential Uses: Please .p--~, ' submit 12 copies of a completed density worksheet. f I tl&t) ~ Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule) ~ tj)/ ~ and first class postage rate per mailing label. Please DO NOT provide metered postage or [() 6' I 'stamps; Please call (425) 430-7294 to verify the exact amount required. We cannot accept , checks for over the total fee amount. Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide 12 copies of a map drawn at a scale of one inch equals 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division) to be used to identify the site location on public notices. The map shall identify the subject site with a much darker perimeter line than surrounding properties and include at least two cross streets in all directions showing the location of the subject site relative to property boundaries of surrounding parcels. The map shall also show: the property's lot lines, existing land uses, boundaries of the City of Renton (if applicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet, graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. ,. Overall Plat Plan: If the scale of the project requires multiple plan sheets, please enclose at least one copy of the entire plat plan on a single sheet. Binding Site Plat Plan: Please provide 12 copies of a plan prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.020, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of one inch equals forty feet (1" = 40') on an eighteen inch by twenty four inch (18" x 24") plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) and including the information required by the City of Renton Subdivision Regulations: • Name of the proposed Binding Site Plan (and space for the future City file number); • Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and all property owners; • Legal description of the property to be subdivided; • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet; • Vicinity map (a reduced version of the neighborhood detail map and defined above); • Drawing of the subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned; indicating the required yards (setbacks) with dashed lines; • Location of subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections (including driveways and/or intersections opposite the subject property), alleys & other rights of way; • Names, locations, types, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets and alleys; • Location, dimensions, and types of all existing easements identified by recording number and type of easement; • Proposed easement sizes, locations, and types; • Location, distances from existing and new lot lines, and dimensions of any existing and proposed structures, and free-standing signs; • Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development; • Surveyor's certificate, date survey preformed, etc.; 3 /i ,'. 1'1 . I a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 16. Binding Site Plat Plan (continued) • Signature lines for property owners; • Signature lines for City of Renton approval; and • Dedication statement (if applicable) for any right-of-way dedication (requires City Council approval). A legend listing the following included on the first sheet of the Binding Site Plat Plan: • Total area in acres of proposed Binding Site Plan; • Proposed square footage in each lot; • Square footage of land in critical areas; • Square footage of land to be dedicated as public streets; • Total area of impervious surface, existing and new; • Total area of existing undeveloped area; • Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use; • Building footprint area; • Percentage of lot covered by buildings and structures; • Total square footage of landscaping if site is located within the Employment Area Valley Planning Area; • Total square footage and percentage of landscaping within each parking lot greater than 10,000 square feet (analyze per each individual parcel); • Total pavement square footage for both existing pavement to remain plus new pavement proposed; • Building setbacks (required and proposed) between all structures and property lines; and • Parking analysis per lot including the number and type (compact, standard, accessible) of parking spaces required per use and the number provided (analyze per each individual parcel). Landscaping Plan, Conceptual: Please provide 5 copies of a fully dimensioned plan drawn at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division), clearly indicating the following: • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, • Location of proposed buildings, parking areas, access and existing buildings to remain, • Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, including easements, • Existing and proposed contours at five foot (5') intervals or less, • Location and size of planting areas, • Location and height for proposed berming, • Location and elevations for any proposed landscape-related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing, etc., and • Location, size, spacing and names of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers, and decorative rockery or like landscape improvements in relationship to proposed and existing utilities. Grading Elevations: Please provide 4 copies of a topography map showing existing contours and proposed changes in elevations. Plans shall be required if the grades on-site exceed 20% or if the amount of earth to be disturbed exceeds 500 cubic yards. The plan shall detail the type of AA materials comprising the proposed fill or extraction (in tons and cubic yards). For extractions, G\ -tidentify the disposal site. ~ \~. ~ Tree Cutting/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan: Please provide 4 copies of a plan, based on finished grade, drawn to scale with the northern property line at the top of the paper if ANY trees or vegetation are to be removed or altered (if no trees or vegetation will be altered, please state so in your project narrative). The plan shall clearly show the following: • All property boundaries and adjacent streets; • Location of all areas proposed to be cleared; 4 a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 • Types and sizes of vegetation to be removed, altered, or retained. This requirement applies only to trees, 6inch caliper, "at chest level", and larger; • Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/overlap a construction line; • Location and dimensions of rights-of-way, utility lines, and easements; and, • Any trees on neighboring properties which are within 25 feet of the subject property and ':. ',' which may be impacted by excavation, grading or other improvements. Wetlands Report! Delineation: Please provide 12 copies of the map and 5 copies of the report if ANY wetlands are located in the subject property or within 100 feet of the subject property. The wetland report! delineation must include the following: • A description of the project and maps at a scale no smaller than 1" = 200' showing the entire parcel of land owned by the applicant and the wetland boundary surveyed by a qualified wetlands ecologist pursuant to RMC 4-3-050M3 • A description of the vegetative cover of the wetland and adjacent area including identification of the dominant plant and animal species • A site plan for the proposed activity at a scale no smaller than 1" = 200' showing the location, width, depth and length of all existing and proposed structures, roads, stormwater management facilities, sewage treatment and installations within the wetland and its buffer • The exact locations and specifications for all activities associated with site development including the type, extent and method of operations • Elevations of the site and adjacent lands within the wetland and its buffer at contour intervals of no greater than five feet or at a contour interval appropriate to the site topography and acceptable to the City • Top view of typical cross-section views of the wetland and its buffer to scale • The purposes of the project and, if a variance is being requested, an explanation of why the proposed activity cannot be located at another site • If wetland mitigation is proposed, a mitigation plan, which includes baseline information, environmental goals and objectives, performance standards, construction plans, a monitoring program and a contingency plan. For more information regarding the mitigation plan consult RMC 4-8-120023 • Such other information as may be needed by the city, including but not limited to, an assessment of wetland functional characteristics, including a discussion of the methodology used; a study of hazards if present on site, the effect of any protective measures that might be taken to reduce such hazards; and any other information deemed necessary to verify code compliance Wetland Mitigation Plan, Preliminary: If your proposal will modify a regulated wetland, please submit 3 copies of a wetland mitigation plan shall include the following: • A conceptual site plan demonstrating sufficient area for replacement ratios; • Proposed planting scheme for created, restored, and enhanced wetlands; • Written report consistent with final wetland mitigation plan requirements regarding baseline information, environmental goals and objectives, and performance standards. Flood Hazard Data: If your proposal is identified on a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) map as containing or abutting a f100dway or floodplain, please submit 12 copies of a scaled plan showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, and drainage facilities. Flood hazard data must include the following: • Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; • Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been floodproofed; • Certification by a regi~tered professional engineer or architect that the flood proofing methods criteria in RMC 4-3-05013c; and for any nonresidential structure meet the flood proofing; and 5 a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 • Description of the extent to which a watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. Habitat Data Report: If the project site contains or abuts a critical habitat per RMC 4-3-050B5b, please provide 12 copies including the following: Site Plan indicating: • The vegetative cover types reflecting the general boundaries of the different plan communities on the site • The exact locations and specifications for all activities associated with site development including the type, extent and method or operations • Top view and typical cross-section views of critical habitaUwildlife habitat to scale • The results of searches of the State Department of Fish and Wildlife's Natural Heritage and Non-Game Data System databases • The results of searches of the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitat and Species database Narrative Report indicating: • The layers, diversity and variety of habitat found on the site • The location of any migration or movement corridors • The species typically associated with the cover types, including an identification of any critical wildlife species that might be expected to be found • Identification of any areas that might have been previously disturbed or degraded by human activity or natural processes • A summary of existing habitat functions and values, utilizing a habitat evaluation procedure or methodology approved by the City • A summary of proposed habitat alterations and impacts and proposed habitat management program. Potential impacts may include but are not limited to clearing of vegetation, fragmentation of wildlife habitat, expected decrease in species diversity or quantity, changes in water quality, increases in human intrusion, and impacts on wetlands or water resources Utilities Plan, Generalized (sewer, water, stonnwater, transportation improvements): Please provide 5 copies of a plan drawn on 22" x 34" plan sheets using a graphic scale of 1" = 40' (or other size or scale approved by the Development Services Division) clearly showing all existing (to remain) and proposed public or private improvements to be dedicated or sold to the public including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc., along the full property frontage. The finished floor elevations for each floor of proposed and existing (to remain) structures shall also be shown. Drainage Control Plan: Please provide 5 copies of a plan drawn to scale and stamped by a Washington Sate licensed professional engineer and complying with the requirements of Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-6-030 and the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual, 1990 edition, as adopted by the City of Renton. Drainage Report: Please provide 4 copies of a report complying with the requirements of the City of Renton Drafting Standards, Section 4-6-030 of the City of Renton Municipal Code and the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1990 edition, as adopted by the City of Renton. The report must contain the following: • The stamp and signature of a Washington State licensed professional engineer • Complete Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet • A description of the existing and proposed on-site drainage features and construction required • Core and Special Requirements: Show that Core Requirements 1 - 5 Section 1.2 of KCSWDM are addressed • Show that all Special Requirements in Section 1.3 of KCSWDM that are applicable to this project are addressed 6 ..... a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 • Biofiltration swale preliminary and conceptual design calculations (per Section 4.6), if for project site sub-basins with more than 5000 square feet of new impervious surface area subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals • Wet pond sizing preliminary and conceptual design calculations • A level 1 Off-Site Analysis, as described in Core Requirement #2. (Level 2 or 3 analysis may be requested later if a downstream problem is found or anticipated from review of the initial submittal of the Drainage Report) Geotechnical Report: Please provide 5 copies of a study prepared and stamped by a licensed professional engineer including soils and slope stability analysis, boring and test pit logs, and recommendations on slope setbacks, foundation design, retaining wall design, material selection, and all other pertinent elements. Letter of Understanding of Geologic Risk: If requested by the City due to site constraints, please provide 5 copies of a letter from the property owner to the City, stating that he or she understands and accepts the risk of developing in an unstable area and that he or she will advise, in writing, any prospective purchasers of the site, or any prospective purchasers of structures or portions of structures on the site, of the unstable potential of the area. Street Profiles: Please provide 11 copies. The plan should show the profiles and grades of each street, together with typical qross sections indicating width of pavement, located and width of sidewalks, and location and size of utility mains. Traffic Study: A report prepared by a State of Washington licensed engineer containing the elements and information identified in the City of Renton "Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis of New Developmenr in sufficient detail to define potential problems related to the proposed development and identify the improvements necessary to accommodate the development in a safe and efficient manner. Calculations: Please provide 3 copies of complete field calculations and computations noted for the plat and details (if any) of all distances, angles, and calculations together with information on / . 32. Plan Reductions: Please provide one 8 %" x 11" PMT reduction of all required full size plan Q. the error of closure. The error of closure on any traverse shall not exceed l' in 10,000'. WlA d sheets, but not limited to landscape plans, conceptual utility plans, site plan, neighborhood detail ~ fVilf r ioA(rJC, map, grading elevations, tree cuttinglland clearing plan, grading plan, and preliminary binding site .~ ~fY\c.oV'1 plat plan (or similar). These re.ductions are used to prepare public notice posters and to provide ru the public with information about the project. A PMT reduction is an original while! opaque (Not . transparent) photographic reduction. Xerox reductions or plotted reductions cannot be accepted. Please ensure the reduced Neighborhood Detail Map is legible and will display enough cross streets to easily identify the project location when cropped to fit in a 4" by 6" public notice space. Once the PMT reductions have been made, please also provide one 8 Yz" xii" photocopy of each PMT sheet. Royal Reprographics (425) 251-8230 and Reprographics NW/Ford Graphics Colored Display Maps: For Binding Site Plan proposals requiring Hearing Examiner or City Council approval, please submit one full-size plan sheet of each of the following maps colored with a wide tip marker in order to clearly define the site's outer property boundary, the area of new construction and/or proposed new lot lines (dashed), existing buildings, landscaping areas, and adjacent street names for use in presenting the project at public hearing and/or to the Environmental Review Committee. . a. Neighborhood detail map, b. Site plan, c. Landscaping plan, and d. Elevations. 7 a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 Colored Display Maps (continued): The following colors are required: Red-North Arrow, outer property boundary. Proposed new lot lines (dashed). Do not color existing lot lines which are to be eliminated or relocated. Blue-Street names identified with lettering of at least 1" in height. Street names must be legible at a distance of 1S-ft. Brown-Existing buildings (Please do not color buildings which will be demolished or removed) Yellow-Proposed buildings Light Green-Landscaped areas Dark Green-Areas of undisturbed vegetation All Plans and Attachments must be folded to 8 % " by 11" BINDING SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCESS: Pursuant to Chapter 4-8 RMC, the responsible Reviewing Official for a binding site plan application shall be the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, unless the applicant elects to have the binding site plan application merged with Type 6 permit site plan application or a development agreement under Chapter 36.70B RCW. If a binding site plan application is to be processed with a Level" site plan, then the responsible Reviewing Official shall be the Hearing Examiner. If a binding site plan application is to be processed with a development agreement, the responsible Reviewing Official shall be the City Council. The final decision on a development agreement with an application for a binding site plan shall be made by City Council. Time Frame: The average time frame for processing of a Binding Site Plan varies from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on whether the decision may be made administratively (6 to 8 weeks), made by the City Hearing Examiner (8 to 12 weeks), or made by the City Council decision (12 weeks). This time frame assumes no appeals are filed. Once a Binding Site Plan application package has been accepted for initial review, the Development Services Division will post information regarding the pending application in the project area and on the required 4' x 8' public notice sign and mail notices to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. Additionally, the Development Services Division will route the proposed Binding Site Plan for review to other City departments, jurisdictions or agencies that may have an interest in the application and schedule the project for Environmental Review Committee (ERC) review, if necessary. When a proposed Binding Site Plan is located adjacent to the right-of-way or a State highway or the boundary of an adjoining municipal or County jurisdiction, notice of such submission will be given to the appropriate governmental agency (Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-7-030). After the comment period is over for administratively processed Binding Site Plan proposals, the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator will issue a determination regarding the application. The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposal will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. If the binding site plan requires Hearing Examiner review, the Development Services Division staff will forward a report and recommendation and the Environmental Review Committee decision to the Hearing Examiner prior to the hearing. This report will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. Notice of the public hearing will be published in the South County Journal at least 10 days prior to the hearing, this site will be posted again, and parties of record will receive notices of the hearing via mail. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the public hearing for their proposal. City 8 i>. , " ~" 't.. " , a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 staff will first make a presentation to the Hearing Examiner about the proposal. Then the applicant and any citizens in support of the proposal will give testimony. When giving testimony, names and addresses must be stated for the record. Following this, individuals with neutral or opposing comments will give their testimony to the Hearing Examiner. City staff or the applicant will address additional questions raised throughout the hearing. The Hearing Examiner will review the application and issue a decision within 14 days of the hearing unless, at the time of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner indicates additional time will be required for issuance of the decision. The decision will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. If City Council review is necessary, the item will be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for review. After the Committee has reported back to the full Council, a public hearing will be held and the City Council will issue a decision. The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposal will be mailed to all persons listed on the Master Application and all parties of record. APPEAL AND RECONSIDERATION PROCESS FOR DECISIONS: Any person, including the applicant, aggrieved by the granting or denial of an application, may make a written application for reconsideration to the Reviewing Official within 14 calendar days of the date of the decision. After review of the reconsideration request, the Reviewing Official may take whatever action is deemed proper. The Reviewing Official's written decision on the reconsideration request will be mailed to all parties of record within 10 days from the date the request was filed. If any party is still not satisfied after a reconsideration decision has been issued, an appeal may be submitted within 14 days to: • The Hearing Examiner for Administrative decisions • The City Council for Hearing Examiner decisions. Appeals must be filed, along with the required appeal fee, with the City Clerks Office on the 6th floor of Renton City Hall. An appeal may be filed without requesting reconsideration by the Reviewing Official first, however, it must be filed within 14 days of the date when the original decision was issued. Appeals of actions of the City Council, must be filed with the Superior Court of Washington for King County. See Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-8-110 for further information on the appeal process and time frames. INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS: Unless phasing of improvements is authorized by the Administrator, all improvements shall be installed or deferred prior to recording of the Binding Site Plan. If no appeals or reconsideration requests are filed within 14 days of the effective date of the decision to approve the application, the project is eligible to receive permits for the installation of required street and utility improvements, provided these plans are acceptable to the Public Works Plan Review Section. In the City of Renton, a Construction Permit must first be obtained to install utility lines, transportation improvements and undertake work in City right-of-ways. The developer shall obtain all necessary construction permits and pay all fees and inspection costs. Applicants may apply for construction permits concurrentlywith their request for land use application. However, the applicant should be aware any conditions of land use permit approval may create a need for revisions to other permit applications whereby additional fees may be charged. Refunds of construction permit charges are notavailable. DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS: If a developer wishes to defer certain on-site or off-site improvements (Le. landscaping, curbs and sidewalks), written application with full and complete engineering drawings must be submitted to the Development Services Division. The application should explain the reasons why such delay is necessary. If approval is granted, security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, set-aside fund, aSSignment of funds, certified check or other type of security acceptable to the City shall be fumished to the City in an amount equal to a minimum of 150% of the estimated cost of the required improvements. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: It is the responsibility of the subdivider to monitor the expiration date. Standard Expiration Period: For binding site plans not merged with a site plan or development agreement, the approval shall lapse unless submitted for recording within five (5) years of the binding site plan approval. 9 a:BindingSitePlan.doc 10/2003 Expiration Period for Merged Approvals: For binding site plans approved as part of merged application with a site plan or development agreement, the binding site plan shall lapse when the site plan or development agreement expires unless submitted for recording prior to the date of expiration for the merged application. Extension of Expiration Period: Additional time extensions beyond the five (5) year time period may be granted by the Administrator if the applicant can show need caused by unusual circumstances or situations which make it unduly burdensome to file the binding site plan within the five (5) year time period. The applicant must file a written request with the Administrator for this additional time extension; this request must be filed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date. The request must include documentation as to the need for the additional time period. Additional time extensions may be granted in not greater than one year increments, up to a maximum of two (2) years. Extension of Expiration Period for Phased Projects: In the case of a phased binding site plan, submittal for recording of any phase of the binding site plan will constitute an automatic one year extension for the submittal of the next phase of the binding site plan. 10 ,.' "~, " .. . l Form WA-5 (6/76) Commitment Face Page COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by File No.: NCS-72457-WAl FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY First American Title Insurance Company, herein called the Company, for valuable conSideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagor of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or poliCies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of the Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment if preliminary to the issuance of such policy or poliCies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the effective date hereof. or when the policy or poliCies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ttie Company has caused this commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." First American Title Insurance Company By: AU~· President Attest: 1?1 ~ tI-~ Secretary By: ~f. ~ Countersigned First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services 2101 Fourth Avenue, Suite 800, Seattle, WA 98121 (206) 728-0400 FAX (206) 448-6348 Mike Cooper (206) 615-3107 mcooper@firstam.com To: Boeing Realty Corporation P.O. Box 3707, MIC 1F-S8 . Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Gene Warden SCHEDULE A THIRD REPORT 1. Commitment Date: July 1, 2004 at 7:30 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.1 File No.: NCS-724S7-WA1 Your Ref No.: AMOUNT PREMIUM TAX Extended Owners Coverage $ To follow $ $ Proposed Insured: Boeing Realty Corporation 3. The estate or interest in the land described on Page 2 herein is Fee Simple, and title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in: . The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation, as to Parcels A, Band C; Puget Sound Energy, Inc., who acquired title as Puget Sound Power and Light Company, a Washington Corporation, as to Parcel D 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: The land referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: EXHIBIT 'A' File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.2 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of City of Renton Short Plat No. LUA-Ol-056-SHPL, as recorded under Recording No. 20011205900004; TOGETHER with that portion of vacated Lake Washington Boulevard; adjoining which upon vacated, attached to said property by operation of law; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. Parcel B: That portion of Government Lot 3 in Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying Easterly of the abandoned Burlington Northern (Lake Washington Belt Une) Railroad Right-of-Way and lying Westerly of Park Avenue (Lake Washington Boulevard S.E.); TOGETHER with that portion of Government Lot 2 in said section, described as: Beginning at the intersection of the Southeasterly margin of the abandoned Burlington Northern (Lake Washington Belt Une) Railroad Right-of-Way and the Westerly Margin of Park Avenue (Lake Washington Boulevard S.E.); Thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly margin 60 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence Southeasterly at right angles thereto 10 feet, more or less, to the Westerly margin of Park Avenue (Lake Washington Boulevard S.E.); . Thence Southerly along said margin to the South line of said Government Lot; Thence Westerly to said Southeasterly Railroad margin; Thence Northeasterly to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof condemned for SR 405 by King County Superior Court Cause No. 656127; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton for widening of Park Avenue North by deed recorded under Recording No. 9703181422; Parcel C: That portion of the Burlington Northern Inc.'s 100 foot right of way for its belt line in Government Lots 1, 2, 3 and the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and Government Lots 1 and 2 in Section 7, said Township and Range, between a West production of the North line of 6th Avenue North and a line extending southeasterly and radially to the main track center line as now constructed from Survey Station 1068.00 in said centerline (distant 40.8 feet southwesterly, measured along said main track center line, from the southwesterly end of Burlington Northern Inc.'s Bridge No.3) and the southeasterly of the following described line: First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.3 Beginning at a point 25 feet southeasterly, measured radially and at right angles to the center line of track as now constructed, from Survey Station 1068+00; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point 25 feet northwesterly, measured from the southeasterly right of way line at Survey Station 1074+00; thence continuing southwesterly at an angle to the right to a point on the northwesterly line of the 100 foot right of way of Burlington Northem Inc. and southeasterly of Spur Track Headblock Station 8+85.5 the end of described line and end of description. Situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. Arst American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment SCHEDULE B -SECTION 1 REOUIREMENTS The following are the Requirements to be complied with: File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.4 Item (A) Payment to or for the' account of the Grantors or Mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (B) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record. SCHEDULE B -SECTION 2 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS The Policy or PoliCies to be issued will contain Exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. A. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. B. Any facts, rights, interest, or Claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of person in possession thereof. C. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. D. Discrepancies, conflip:s in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by public records. E. (1) Unpatented mining claims; (2) reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (3) Water rights, claims or title to water; whether or not the matters excepted under (1), (2) or (3) are shown by the public records; (4) Indian Tribal Codes or Regulations, Indian Treaty or Aboriginal Rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. F. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, materials or medical assistance theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, construction, tap or reimbursement charges/costs for sewer, water, garbage or electriCity. H. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgages thereon covered by this Commitment. First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-5 (6/76) Commitment SCHEDULE B -SECTION 2 ( continued) SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS File No.: NCS-72457-WAl Page No.5 1. Lien of the Real Estate Excise Sales Tax and Surcharge upon any sale of said premises, if. unpaid. As of the date herein, the excise tax rate for the City of Renton is at 1.78%. Levy/Area Code: 2100 2. General Taxes for the year 2004. Tax Account No.: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: . Amount Due: Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: (Affects Lot 1 of Parcel A) 3. General Taxes for the year 2004. Tax Account No.: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: (Affects Lot 2 of Parcel A) 4. General Taxes for the year 2004. Tax Account No.: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: (Affects Lot 3 of Parcel A) 5. General Taxes for the year 2004. Tax Account No.: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: (Affects Lot 4 of Parcel A) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 082305922005 12,959.68 6,479.84 6,479.84 1,126,300.00 0.00 082305922104 28,500.51 14,250.26 14,250.25 2,477,600.00 0.00 082305901108 $ 57,928.05 $ 28,964.03 $ 28,964.02 $ ·4,933,200.00 $ 103,000.00 082305922203 $ 16,609.99 $ 8,305.00 $ 8,304.99 $ 1,443,700.00 $ 0.00 First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) CO(l1mitment. 6. General Taxes for the year 2004. Tax Account No.: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: . Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: (Affects Parcel B) 082305907907 $ 236,567.40 $ 151,832.82 $ 84,734.58 $ 10,810,300.00 $ 9,269,200.00 . 7. Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: . Recorded: November 18, 1941 Recording No.: 3204562 Regarding: Railroad Spur Tract(s) 8. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: _ Recording Information: 3352228 In Favor of: Northern Pacific Railway Company For: Railroad Track System Affects: 20 foot strip, as described therein 9. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 3352229 In Favor of: Northern Pacific Railway Company For: Railroad Track System Affects: 20 foot strip, as described therein . 10. Reservation of easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Reserved by: Pacific Coast Railroad Company File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.6 Purpose: Railroad Track to service businesses and industries Area Affected: As therein described Recording No.: 4662540 11. RELINQUISHMENT OF ALL EASEMENTS existing, future or potential, for access, light, view and air, and all rights of ingress, egress and regress to, from and between the land and the highway or highways to be constructed on land conveyed by deed. To: State of Washington Dated: September 14, 1956 Recorded: October 18, 1956 ' Recording No.: 4740681 (Affects Parcel A) First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-5 (6/76) Commitment File No.: NCS-72457-WAl Page NO.7 12. REliNQUISHMENT OF ALL EXISTING, FUTURE OR POTENTIAL EASEMENTS for access, light, view and air, and all rights of ingress, egress and regress to, from and between the land and the highway or highways constructed on lands condemned by proceedings under King County Superior Court. By: State of Washington Cause NO.: 656127 (Affects Parcels A and B) 13. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 5453012 and 54530113 In Favor of: Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle For: Sewer pipe lines system Affects: Within the Railroad Right-of-Way in Section 8 14. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: May 19, 1988 under Recording No. 8805190541 In Favor of: City of Renton, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington For: Utilities easement Affects: Lot 3 of Parcel A 15. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: November 30, 1988 under Recording No. 8811300191 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Public utilities Affects: Southerly portion of Parcel A, as described therein 16. Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recorded: May 23, 1991 Recording No.: 9105231158 Regarding: Agreement and license for fire main inter-tie 17. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: July 13; 1992 under Recording No. 9207130661 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power & Light Company For: Electric transmission/distribution substations and one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines Affects: Various portions, as described therein 18. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: July 13, 1992 under Recording No. 9207130662 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power & Light Company For: Electric transmission and/or distribution systems Affects: As described therein First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment 19. Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recorded: September 17, 1992 Recording No.: 9209171541 Regarding: Recreational Trail Easement and Agreement File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No.8 Said Agreement was amended under Recording Nos. 9606110277 and 9609040765. 20. . Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recorded: February 3, 1994 Recording No.: 9402030678 Regarding: Agreement and license for extension of Boeing domestic water and compressed air supply lines 21. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: July 22, 1996 under Recording No. 9607220167 In Favor of: City of Renton For: A remote control panel, architectural control wall, and railing, together with all necessary appurtenances Affects: Portions of Parcel A, as described therein 22. Covenants, conditions and restrictions imposed by instrument recorded on November 17, 2000, under Recording No. 20001117000535. (Affects Lot 3 of Parcel A and Parcel B) 23. . Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: December 5, 2001 under Recording No. 20011205003127 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sanitary Sewer Affects: A portion along the East line of Lot 1, Parcel A 24. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: December 5, 2001 under Recording No. 20011205003128 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sanitary Sewer Affects: Portion of Lot 4, Parcel A 25. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: December 5, 2001 under Recording No. 20011205003129 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sanitary Sewer Affects: Portion of Lot 2, Parcel A A'rst American Title Insurance Company Form WA~5 (6/76) Cor:nmitment 26. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: File No.: NCS-72457-WAl Page No.9 Recording Information: December 5, 2001 under Recording No. 20011205003130 .In Favor of: City of Renton For: Sanitary Sewer Affects: Portions of Lots 2 and 3, Parcel A 27. Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Recorded: August 2, 2002 Recording No.: 20020802000224 Regarding: Development of portions of said premises 28. A document entitled "Development Agreement for Renton Plant Redevelopment", executed by and between The Boeing Company and City of Renton recorded December 10, 2003, as instrument no. 20031210001637 of Official Records. 29. General Taxes for the year 2004. Tax Account No.: Am"ount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: " (Affects Parcel C) 082305-9204-05 $ 26,685.19 $ 13,342.60 $ 13,342.59 $ 2,319,700.0 $ 0.00 30. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements: Recorded: Recording No.: 64407, 75960 and 76965 (Affe~ Parcel C) 31. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 4952098 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Street purposes, including a grade crossing Affects: Portion of Parcel C 32. "Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 7206090451 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Roadway Affects: Portion of Parcel C First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) CO!!lmitment, 33. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8204190334 In Favor of: City of Renton For: Public utilities Affects: 15 foot strip over Parcel C 34. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8511040570 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power and Light Company FQr: Utilities Affects: Southerly portion of Parcel C File No.: NCS-724S7-WA1 Page No. 10 35. General Taxes on Operating Property of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. for the year 2004 . Operating Property Tax Account 972500-0762-03 No.: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: Real Property Tax Account No. (Includes other property) (Affects Parcel D) APN: 082305922005 APN: 082305922104 APN: 082305901108 APN: 082305922203 APN: 082305907907 . APN: 082305920405 APN: 082305905703 $ 60,445.43 $ 30,222.72 $ 30,222.71 082305-9057- 03 INFORMATIONAL NOTES A. Effective January 1, 1997, and pursuant to amendment of Washington State Statutes relating to standardization of recorded documents, the following format and content requirements must be met. Failure to comply may result in rejection of the document by the recorder .. B. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it. C. The description can be abbreviated as suggested below if necessary to meet standardization requirements. The full text of the description must appear in the document(s) to be insured. First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Commitment, ~'\ ' File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No. 11 Lots 1-4 of City of Renton Short Plat No LUA-01-0S6-SHPL and Ptn. Govt. Lot 3, Section 8, Township 23N, Range SE. D. A fee will be charged upon the cancellation of this Commitment pursuant to the Washington State Insurance Code and the filed Rate Schedule of the Company. END OF SCHEDULE B First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-5 (6/76) COIJl"'1itment, First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services COMMITMENT Conditions and Stipulations File No.: NCS-72457-WA1 Page No. 12 1. The term "mortgage" when used herein shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment, other than those shown in Schedule 6 hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act or reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclosure such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option, may amend Schedule 6 of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of Policy or Policies committed for, and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule 6, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the Policy or Policies committed for and such liability is subject to the Insuring provisions, exclusion from coverage, and the Conditions and Stipulations of the form of Policy or Policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by references, and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the Insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall .be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. First American Title Insurance Company Form WA-S (6/76) Cor!lI11itment. The First American Corporation First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services PRIVACY POLICY We Are Committed to Safeguarding Customer Information File No.: NCS-724S7-WAl Page No. 13 In order to better serve your needs now and in the future, we may ask you to provide us with certain information. We understand that you may be concerned about what we will do with such information particularly any personal or financial information. We agree that you have a right to know how we will utilize the personal information you provide to us. Therefore, together with our parent company, The First American Corporation, we have adopted this Privacy Policy to govern the use and handling of your personal information. Applicability This Privacy Policy governs our use of the information which you provide to us. It does not govern the manner in which we may use information we have obtained from any other source, such as information obtained from a public record or from another person or entity. First American has also adcipted broader guidelines that govern our use of personal information regardless of its source. First American calls these guidelines its Fair Information Values, a copy of which can be found on our website at www.firstam.com. Types of Information Depending upon which of our services you are utilizing, the types of nonpublic personal information that we may collect include: • Information we receive from you on applications, forms and in other communications to us, whether in writing, in person, by telephone or any other means; • Information about your transactions with us, our affiliated companies, or others; and' • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. Use of Information We request information from you for ou~ own legitimate business purposes and not for the benefit of any nonaffiliated party, Therefore, we will not release your information to nonaffiliated parties except: (1) as necessary for us to provide the product or service you have requested of us; 'or (2) as permitted by law, We may, however, store such information indefinitely, including the period after which any customer relationship has ceased, Such information may be used for any internal purpose, such as quality control efforts or customer analysis. We may also provide all of the types of nonpublic personal information listed above to one or more of our affiliated companies, Such affiliated companies include financial service providers, such as title insurers, property and casualty insurers, and trust and investment advisory companies, or companies involved in real estate services, such as appraisal companies, home warranty companies, and escrow companies. Furthermore, we may also provide all the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf, on behalf of our affiliated companies, or to other financial institutions with whom we or our affiliated companies have joint marketing agreements, Former Customers Even if you are no longer our customer, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to you. Confidentiality and Security We will use our best efforts to ensure that no unauthorized parties have access to any of your information. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those individuals and entities who need to know that information to provide products or services to you, We will use our best efforts to train and oversee our employees and agents to ensure that your information will be handled responsibly and in accordance with this Privacy POlicy and First American's Fair Information Values. We currently maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your non public personal information. © 2001 The First American Corporation -All Rights Reserved First American Title Insurance Company ,. ~.: ~ . .... ~ .. ' .. . . ~ ,. r"'~' . ( . ",:: r.'· .i . .' ~, ~ .' "':.: ., . ·;~;t .;.' ':.:;::: ,-:t··· ".+ .. f. ..... :,. ~:-. . ',' . ; , ,':' .> .. , ...... ~ ."1 .. r. A TICOII COIoIIWW l-'ll~d for Record .t Request of 1918 JAN AM 8 50 01 f: f·~,;: RECORDS '6, hEC: ~.~_~ (Y') --..;.-----.-----~K~ING~ c .. :t,:....... r AFTER RECORDING "!AIL TOI r-.~~~p~:,:~:-~:~,-.---~-----~ ,~ ·~7=t.;iiM_ •• ~'_~_-.,_--.:....-.....;·;..· .,;...'.~.~ ........ ' .'0:" .'r~"'I'tTQr. (.J ----------. "":'.,;..' -"":-' ~il~1 IlVlNUl l'lAAI'I o~ n , . 7~) l;-t:1 &/'l~g.1/)--i -:> '.0 I'\::l.fr't$ ~ ::It .' . .1. ."'~ ,;rm",.{')~( >S,: rr, ·i-:TUJ ~ FORM L5aFO'~" .......... ',;:, .l.' •. UA. ' .. . ·l';"!: ,;.:l'~~" ~,:,:~":~~::" . S,.tory WarraatY DMcI ". . . THE GIl.UI1OR BAD! B. TOlIDS.aoclARW. V; tOIlIJ!HS~ bu.bGfi aad wife '. ~.. . . far IIDd .cO.Icier.,liJa.of:rB,lf.1IOLLAJlS aDd DO/1o0.($.i().OO)UId,o~r ve1Uable con.ldei-atloDa·.· '-'ID .... Put.CIIDityI udnnlllllta ,~ ~IDlCtoMPAlfi .. ·a De1avan COl'JlOl'at1on . . -.<IING, ..... . " . '.'~ " '-.:., "til ..... t:l00.,f •• tq~t" .~nh",t quarter,·of,ibeSollt •• t:quartu of. SecUOD:~i ,. .... b1p'%3.:~rth, lap. S' lut'.·'Jf.Jf., lOU1I8~ ~t':.: VUIlfa8tOD, :ZXCIPT that '. -: pO~t.ID l.J~. S~~of, tbeWeated.y-·ptoductioll-of;'tbili Iorth lfu of tot l,B1oC1t4. :': ·!leDt~: Faa:~~ •. aecor4iq t(,~:.thl.p4t 'ncordedift,·Vj)lu.e 1-% of Plata,-p"e' 37. fa DIa, CouDey. Vllhiasaa; Delft .the Borth 300 feet thanof; aad :BICEl'T the Veat ' .. , ... 10, f .. t ,_t~~.COll""N to the. C4ey·.of IleatOD n:Deed:nc:orde4' ~r A11i11tor'.,fUe 110 .• '325214l,.ubjec~.-,~o ... _~'·fol"· .... r 11114~,t~.Hort:b 10· fe.t of 'the Saudi. 30 ""-", f .. t of Hid pnm." l'ICOdN uDiJer AIIIl1tor'.:,fUe.·.,.·5819195... . .' . .: ." '::-.,:'. \ .. :. '.' .,j •...• . Tlrle :cte,. ,.ii.,. Ift···fuum •• a'oH"" elnala ';'.I~'''&e~.tr.et 1»i&1J~" the parU.I 111,.&0, ··da&od : Itovabar 23· ..... . .. , •. :18 77,., aD.d .eolldIUo •• dfor thl cOIlu,aDee of. tbeabon. 1I •• crtl».d:PIoPHll; •• d :the cov ...... '.of .• arta.ty lIeNII' cOa&at.ld .lIall lOt appl, '0 urU'I., Ilte,ea, or -eDcDlDbrallc. artellil b" tlIrol.1I or .ader UI. Plrcl .... , Ie •• Id eoatract. and ,beU DOt appl, &0 •• '·1 .......... 1111.0'. or oUl.r ollar ... I.wl.d •• 11I .... d or b.co.I.1 dae .ubaeqa.11 . &0 the d.te of •• Id eODlraet. '. : .... '.' .' . . ",1" Itato c< '';';lu Tn ••• ·:",,14.0;,· tht. aal:e or "tamped e,u"''I't··on· NOVellbel' 29, 1977. Reo. No. 8-443894 Dated .... S\j.£SlAX PAID ON CONTRACT ~FF. HoEtblJffy . KIHtl CO. RECORDS DIVISIOII '., .,.-. . 111 IIV,....._--"~ ..... i'-.--~ .. ~---_. DEM! STAn OF WASHINGTOlII. t ... Cotillt,of IIJI. . ( ....... :. On ddt day pe-u,.,.,.. .... bef_ me' IWUtt B. TOUEIfS IIDCl·ANITA V. TOJUl!NS .t:" /~'lo''mi',~ 'io be tile 'IndIvIcIaaII cIeKrihed. IaIllCl who -.ud tilt ..... IIId ' .... I~. and ~. . f .";' ~ tJat tbeJ . lipid tile __ II their hee IIICI ftluntarJ 8Ct IIICI deed, ler tile ; ., .. ud JlIIIPC*I IhmIa 1IIIIIIIGaId' ' •• l'MI Vesting Documents , .'.'~ . ', .... , QUITCLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC., a Delaware corporation, for and in consideration of Ten and no/100 Dollars (SlO.OO) and other good and valuable consideration, conveys and qUitclaims to THE BOEING COl>1PANY, a Delaware corporation, GRANTEE, together with any after acquired title, the following described ~property, situated in the county of King, State of Washington, < to-wit: -SO '/ :1..., That portion of the Burlington Northern Inc.'s 100-foot right of way for its Belt Line in Government Lots 1, 2, 3 and Northwest Quarter Southwest Quarter (NW~ sw~) of section 8, TOWn- ship 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., and Govern- ment Lots land 2 in Section 7, said Township and Range, between a west production of the north line of Sixth Avenue North and a line ex- tending sou~'eastp.rly and radially to the main track center line as now constructed from Survey Station 1068+00 in said center line (distant 40.8 feet southwesterly, measured along said main track center line, from the southwesterly and of Burlington Northern Inc.'s Bridge No.3) and southeasterly of the following described line: \ ,)J a point 25 feet southeasterly, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this in-. strucent to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal _,I to be hereunto affixed this ,.?) ~ A " - _.:.;'-"'",-=_"-' __ day of ,<:"~fJl<.(,~ , 1975. BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. :;;. ·,·,,-,-iit .. ~~J; ;1 . .J •. ~~.? , ""',..., ' J J, :.. .j l,~, i,or t1;:HtI.·'$ ~ .. • .. _ IOEIIENUE ,,10-,&' ____ _ Vesting Documents , t ~ ~ ,> -i2 ("") ~ ....... 1 > •• 6· .•. _ ...... . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 88. COUNTY OF RMSEY ) On this ~~ .. /)~ti_ d6l ~~ ~ f 1975, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pu i. and for the state of Minnesota, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared __ "-::~;;"'...;C;';"...;i;.;.~:.;..· ·...;! . ...;~;.;.nv..;.. __ and ____ F_. _A . ...;D;.;L...;r.i...;ING;.;;... __ , to me known to be the Vice President and ______ ~AS~~~l~~._~·~rr __ Secretary, respectively, of Burlington Northern Inc. the corporation that executed the fore- gOing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrUment to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is t~e corporate seal of said corporation. witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above Written. Notary Public in and for the state of Minnesota, residing at St. Paul, MH. -2- C'i ':) .1£) t- RiCOROED ;1 , -.-.. _ .. -...... '" -" •• -..... R£01l£51 or r.JREC ELEeLe '. # '."!; I,:G. NtJ --_ .... ':': ~'!I~ v FIlED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST u" PIONEER NAT'L TIru INS. CO. 719 SECOND AVE. SEAffiE. WASHINGTON 98101 ::r ,,' .:.) ,., ,.) ... ~ • ',1 l' "'Wi.- .:: j)G '" rl .'\. o o "'" . 4-;- !:;> ; .'J -.: ~ ~ i " ,". ...... -: •• .."., .~. :.::r,-:,-:".;;o.-:"I"~ .. " ..... _ .... 'I. , •• if'~~h'::'~~'~';~~~"': , .... '.' QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR. BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC •• a Delaware corporation for and in consideraUon of Ten and No/lOO Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration. conveys and quit claims to THE BOEING COMPANY. II Delawllre corporation. GRANTEE. any or all interest of Burlington Norlhern Inc. In the following described real estate. situated In the County of King. State of Washington. including any interest therein which grantor may herealter acquire: THAT PORTION OF THE BURUNGTON-NORTHERN INC • (FOP..MERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.) 100 FOOT RAILWAY RIGHT-Or.-WAY IN SECTIONS 7 AND 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST •• W.M •• LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTH 4TH STREET AND THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTH 6TH STREET IN THE CiTY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON. IN WITNE~S WHEREOF. said col'pOration has caused this instrument to be executed by its prOpel' officers and its corporate seal to be .' hereunto artixed this 6th dayoC August 19..19 • BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. BY~~< .., .•. /. By ....... c~ 1. , .• AIliLeiIi Secretary STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Onthis 6th day oC August • 1972,. before me ~ the wldersigned. a Notary Public in and for the State . of Minnesota. duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared . J. C. Kenady and F. A. Oeming to me known to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary. respectively. of Burlington Northern Inc .• the corporation that executed the toregoing instrument. and ackpowledged the said instrument to be the free ana VOluntary act and !ieed ot said corporation. tor the uses and purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they were authorized to execl1te the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal bereto affixed the day and . year first above written. Nota St. Paul i lLED for Recc~'d Jt R8QtJCSt oi ;;amf:QA~~.Y.~ -.';-;;.,;?? ___ ..... "Jjre's .. fl.C.0. ....... ~~~.~.r.Q;\n·)~ ?A-DcD .!st A m.. ...... _~~.: .............. _~L~1 ~? ., Vesting Documents . ~ ... j'. "'"" f I f I I i I i ! ,." r'~ . ' .. ' oq' r-.n .:::> ·.n c) .,.,... ":). '.:J ~ . ,'! .... ~.: .' . I I \ • ,: ',:'1" O. UJ .. /1, / C;~)~ <,~. '/ 1'/, /' ('; STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED .. " ::" .... 'J .,. ... ' GrantDrs, Richard S. Dobson, individually and AS attorney- . in-fact. fDr Martha E. Brower and Eleanor M. Dobson, for and in consideration of Ten and No/IOO Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable 'cDnsideration in hand paid, convey and warrant to The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation, the following-described real' estate, situated' in the County of King, State of Washingto;, ~ PARCEL 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Block 3, Renton Farm Acreage, ac- cording to the Plat recorded in Voll,lJlle 12 Df Pl.atiB page . ~37, . in King County, Waahingtom EXcEPT therefrom ~he . nor.th 30. 00 feet .:Sf said Lot 1 conveyed to' the CH:y of . Renton for' street purposes, und.er AuditDr's File nO'. 518088'. . . . PARCEL 2: ,Tti!aNorth 300.00 feet of the East·lOO.OO fel:!tofthe " northwest· quar;t:er of ·t'bes~u~h~stquarter .. ofSecJtion 8, . ToWnship 23 North, Range 5 East, W~M., in KirigColunty, '.' Washington; EXCEPT the,refrom-the north 60.00. fe.et., . '. thereof, conveyed' to ·t~e City of Renton, f01:streiet .purposes under Auditor"s Pile; ~O'. :.518088,9. ¥oSO lEXCEPT -therefrom that:' portion.' thereof, lying within .the ilie'st :,' . :10.00 fee:t of that portion of said:-north 30Q~bo fieet, '" ..lying SQutherlyof, theti ty. -o'f 'aeattleTi;ansmissibn ': . .' Line. Righ!;-of-Way ,1iihi¢hwlls-deEKied;to·the:city of .. - "-. Rentori. by d(!edrecoi;'dec1und~r' Aud! tor." s'-File; No.-332$2jS; .,. . , .. This. Deed is.given in fulf.il~nt-of.-that certain Real .... Estate', Contract .dated· .. Wov!fler 21, 1977 . > .··• ... ·al.ld·riecorded ", .~"'IdE!r'Ki,rig county AUcU tor' s.Yie No~.<7nU20S84·;';!!C1i. paid 11/21/77; -'. -, . . .'. lecelpt Ro. £442763 -" DATED-this 2!,t.· day of November, 1~17 .•. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KIN G ~~ .. ~ '. . . =s . I ~~rs.D~·· S8. On. this ,2bt. day of November, 1977,. before me, the under-signed, ai~otary Public in and for the State Df ~Jaf'hington, duly .. .f. I 1 f Vesting Documents -.j"'" • ~i . '~ .. "",,:' ;. . ~ t. .;: ' .... I· commis sioned and sworn, personally appeared Richard' S. Dobson, to ·me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument for himself and as attorney-in-fact of Eleanor M~ Dobson and Martha E. Brower alaotherein .desoribed, and .ac·knowledged to me that he signed and sealtld the same as' his voluntary.' act and deed and as the free and voluntary aot . and deed of the. said Eleanor M. Dobson and Martha E. Brower for the . uses and purposes there. in mentioned, and on oath stated that' the ; power of. attorney authorizing the exeoution of this instrumei,\t has. not been reVOked and that thsaid Eleanor M. Dobson and' . MarthaE. Brower are now 11 ving and are not insane.:" ,~' .. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto . affixed the day and year in this certificate above written.·· NOT:r:~~IcCTh'~r' the State of Washingt,n,residing at . SUttle ' ..... , ....... . e' ",.. • ..... • .~.' .... ..;~.~.~. :.,': . : . "·r " ' .. , • " . I', ~. :. ,.: '.;. : -.. . \', ',. ':;." .' :~.,' .. -2- , j i .... ",.j , I \ ',".;: ~. " ~ .. ' . " ,". . ! ,-. t. . ..... : .. ,. (0. ,\ ,·.~d. "/1.. ~O'" .. .:, ma . .:t..'1 S .. 8 30 .. ~::--,..-~~ Ff(~~ .:::.~ ~ t.t.fC, Ttl"·· • I',: ••. f . .., . .!.. 'and .t.h~ ~'()Ond:'clU9 .horlillands in front' t,!HireOr. 'lying ~,' euted/O'i\wIlli&tris Stre~t. (COlUltY-cRo!l.d NO.,J~6) 1n:·tlie C1ty'c;~ ":~r 'or'R~~~oni ~i~gcoWt~y •. "aehlngt.ori, upon '1f!li'cn bnd P.ow~r .: ..... . .. ,:. COlll~;·~' .;~·~s t·~;t.ed· a~~' ··no. ~per8te'~ ~.' el.<e~-~~l~~=g~n~·r' ti~~:' '.:-........... "---,-,-,,,- . ".~~~~·~l' ~ ,Il_ '. I. '. '. ,-.• ~ .• ' -.P~ '", .. ~ ,.f:> !._ . ...:....:..:..... ..... ".,', J' plant KnoWfi ,a., ·i ta. n0ttu.rn~~on Steam El18n't." J . antt . ::.q .... ..1 , •• ; .~'~.I '" : .. ·.t. -r-.. ~ ••. :'·~".~~·/~'i!rE1f~7:o~~e:il~-e·:p-i;~t'¢O~il~t~·t16i;~_~~.Bg'e~;~y .~·~.~;t~: ... V _c~l1nH.e.~a.t.s.t.e.L.Goy.e.rnment:~~ae.qll1red. Wt8 in ti rid '~y ing An .'~ .. ,. ..'" .:'(, .. ; . :.; ... ' ." . a>' .... .... . the.'Hlsterlyside·of S&ld'Y:1l'~1~:i'!i'\t;rAitt,_':on9 Le· pioht . .ru'r"t't;e.·. fl"" . ! . .1 ... .'. ;., -'-" ::1~~ ~.r(gllts:'h.tirit1~ gJ"I\nt~d 1.Irt:. ' .. terms "wd : co~,a'tl0ns ~:' "h1~h Pacific 'Cousi:' exPN!!'Sl:":~;~"~~~.~,.:.:·)···-.. · ": "'., .. ':.:"~"",,>, .:.-'.-' .-. ~nd,,'8 ~:.B~~t:: po?rf.9r!l\,::~',1 t'hOU t~:..!g,l.:.h,~r'~9fD~n t: lY)' ?H~:~K~-~:::' .. ', --"-~~'-'-'_.'...:.~",,-,- . ' .. ·:_c~ast;sucr; r1.ih~~.w()~.ld· no~. be. ~~ant·fl~ .. ···:··,." "~' .. ':\ '. '_.':.' .. -. . .' .,-.. ':..:.~.~ " .. _;.. .. _.:-.:.:..-. .:.---_._--.... ' . . ,*:+-,-_.":. ·:·~·i~:.Pb:ctr1~·:c·o~:~:illt:t~e9:. to' 'i~~qt~ii and ~a.ln l; 1~ II' .C-Oh-··· .. · ... . ", -" .. -~ ' ... ':--.. 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', .' . strutneton .~t8&;u· ~lant· •. , . ,._..,~~._ •.•. :_.:.._"'!!",;"",_.: .. 0 •• ': .". ~' ••• -:--•• :.--.. ___ :--.;... •• _. __ ._._~_ ... __ ._ • ___ '-...' "_._"~.':-':. . . .. :. ,.' :, .... :.. ..---... c-S-·- :"~'''9~lt: is' UrI~rlltt}~~:th1-.. t tmr; ~';)\1r .tr!lC! . . ' '. : s~'rvtif~ ·1·t~-~~Wrrl~1.~~' ~.~~:n ~r8'n~ . c~~n~~~iI ~~ ti'\ 'tI\1J ~All-"-"-"-"-'-"",;,,~- ,. . ~. ;, . -~. ' •. -I }. -_ ... :!. ,-" ." ';.', '",."', ,: .. ~.', J'O~~: ot" p~t)ir~·o'coi.t· i.oV'er-p1'o.perii. ~r:~I\.~~rie·· C.6a~t-· h1ht, .• t\'~:: . • '. : .•• '; .... ~. to ,w .,,' •. ;.. ", . l .... ~rt. . .• 7, ~ •. ;',' .... ~ •. ':.,. ·......,.-~ ... 4·"'~·:tothi ·s~?rieio~'rte~m':piJ!Il~j~oith,;~t\'d: .. Po.ii'·.::"-c:~:· . . ", "\.' '. spw :trac!c:' 'l"fe.f ;Pa~U10;'::":':~ -. ~ . " 'j .... " ",' .1, .• ~ , .. j!.,~~ !.-~ ~ : ,'" , , . :. ~~.,:,J .. .... , , . 7-:-,.;,i .... ·'"""·-~.;. . . ~ '.:..0..,.16e,.\1011 Dt-U ...... or Pi ... IIWl'td ",..,.-•• .,Ci· .. ",,~o/lOu, , tel"la baJIIII paU, 'hi .... "" ....... ., h ... ,.., aek_led~, "he , hal ,rallted .... by the .. r,.. .. nu do .. OWl to th .... 111 R.' lrOllcJ eII'IMto" llId ".1£-, jotutq or '"Iral~ '"~ t.htlr,lII\er .. ~ ,c,;_, .,. .... tM ......... rl'Oll tl8f tel U".,. • ~ .... hI' \ t.. [".rpo .. (Of oorwtNo\.l"1,' hit", alld operatlill tNreoD hrhb' uHroad traw, tt. roU_1", ellurlwt til la.D4 lIwohr •• tb,uMiU. w't!ltD l~ pr.,.n,or .. til ""rc: ...... , ' .::;§~~!JI.~.'~~~: " . 0 . ..., .,.'1111&1 •• ~L' ot w.aI,llll;\oD. ta"UI ".~"'::¥~'~ ....•• • t.r ~o.t .. lAM .... In., ( ~)h.t. tll Wlift K: 1IttAj"h'U{ ""'\'"1iI'!<':p"~I~~e ;....;;.;...~~,....,.::':::.JJ~',:~~~I~~~ ~, t.1w outer 1l1_of ttl, aaln lpur-tru!t IWN' 10 . '_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;.~~'~:l&,"l.I .... JtII'P ..u..,··fL' ~~~UJNIs..JIII!'~'1~~~,~"':"':'~~ ,-rt. her';o"', prepued LA the oHlol elf the l)htrlot lilt' IW d"toel hpt.l,. 21, leu, ,..,.1 .. 4 Juq !Tt.h •. ~J~l ~'L1fltMl1t.bb==~- z:~~=t'':::Jii..J:IhlLbi,.!.l~.-&n4 ti.iri.her ... .,lIM Ootobt,. ,~. 1<:t1~." .• :'~'-'ru" ",ubj •• t t'o e~DOellet1on on • hty (f.u) doyo wrltttn no~ lce tror:. '.he Gr.Antor lwrol .. th&t cerh1D atrlp.or L.Dd' hlUt;,-(2';) tut in "\dth'~eiD£ ~.n (lO)i.~, __ , .. .. U. oa ... ob Il4. or the eer-te,. 111>8 nt the ~u.bapur-:"rk~ "iftPc,.uytr.oll::" ..... -..-... -~~IIF ... 'n-iiilliii4··ti}\rbl\ ~",io; •• L" hn dMO"ibu .~lp ol laM-het",' _lo~ ".'Sit<1·'fR1U\1rOD .. I..t l1h1blt "A". IIt,nrlfSis ~!!&(J". tn. '1'ooter C_pIlJly )lA.t elteeute<l t!-o!u fond year rl.'nt .bOY, .1"1t~An. :...,' '.' PUfji:; S CUlli, u' ·~. ~ ~-.'. ~.-:--.=-~ ~ _ ... 1 ----:-r ~ .-" • • +----. I -:_ ,-_ !:. : !r'iv'I"'.':;;'mt.·Loi't:;ectl0ri !;It . u...rn:J"~1I 'r;" is t. , W~·~.;i.'Jn· Un I~. Coun ty Ii .~()U'u:a'J:iQkln1l1nl~at the :lh'! ;.r,qovernment LOt ). tt. tLp. wes t.l1ne'Qf . u.ke . 1., r, t:;o iulO'oIIIU:: :':4!Condary :;t.a .evp.:; t'<:!O~t!ei. &loilg lJaldlJOU t.h . piirril.lel't.o und .!O feotdlstant Clw~lo:;, .~r .... :;~ld loIP.:;t line of uJ ... . '~ EST COpy AVA1LABLE· I .I . .. ' ... /' t',." , .. -,., . '. _~t&_.i. . ~ _ ... -.~,., ' --. .. _, ..... ~. . _ _ '. _. _"__ ,,~ ... ~~ _ .~~ ... __ --:-:. ... t.:,::; lriS I.: ..;~C:, '.',"" h.r"'·j:;~"1 .,.;, ... t ;., . .,.', r\r5~ :,~ ,V"· \.:",! :., ...• ". ." ~ , "' 'ot..ry \'I',ll ~., f:, ,.'" !' -T ~.',. or w.shin.~t..;·,. :-o:";! I ~. ·.'I~· SEST copy AVAILABLE .. ,1 :!H I '., ,h." . \\, T~. ''1'" .~ .... ~ t.~ """""..-.. "111, \ " .' P:"i: ' .. ~" . . . ""::~;. :<.,' , .. ...... , . :.' " .... <:./ ... :: ..... :~ .. " ,:" ................. ::", ........... ,. a Wallhlng to~ ~orpora- ':'. tile' sum of Forty-three1housand .... ,,". , ,.... . '.' "no/lOO OQ~s (i~3. 760~OO), receipt 0: '.'.,'.-"",",'-,-~s.~lltrllb~';;iA~krlplitJ..tdgod~ CONV.EYS and WARRANTS unto the STATE . ':'. thetol1&"l~deser!.bed real estate situate .. ' 'State of Wa.Shtngton, ti>-;"1t: . ,". . .......... '. :::~",:A tract .. ", ···~ec tlon 89To'lffish1~ 2'; North, Range 5 East, W •. M~.··cotitElln1ng a total of 21 .• 7 acres,lIlore or .'. less, bolD&tha,t portion or Government ~t 1, less the North . 200 teet thereot;. the NWt HBt,less the North 200 feet thereof'; the swt NEtt aDd the N".ttSEi,l,ylng westerly of the Puget . , Soun.t,.?,~.,apd~ht Company. 2~foot ~lght of way; and of ,::··.··;«~t1e~'.r;~h~for=a;~s~i~~n- . wJ ' eas.terl¥.or the rollowing deseribed westerly rIght or way .... -.J line or SeeondaryState 111gbva,' No.2-A. Renton to Kenny-- ". Q):'. dale, .aceording to the =a.ps· thereof now of record and on .<C fUe in the' ofi"ice ui' ~.~ Dlrect.or v!" Highways at Olympia, ,:i::! . WaSlllngton, and bearing date of approval April U, 1955; :~. C0lllll8nce at the Nort.'least corner 0:' t.'le said ~W Sil or "C(... . Sect;1on 8Jther.ee South 03° 37' F..s~t~ bO.b3 rttttt \;I) iiigh .... :; Englneer's Station P. I. 310+0;;:.9 on t. .. e centQr line survey >-ot said highway; thence South 3;)0 22' West, 722.0 feet, tv . a.. .Highway Engineer's Station PoCo 302+tiOoOj thence at right -(:) angles to .said highway center line. North 59° 3~t ~est, 200 o feet to a point on said 'Westerly right of vay line and the beginning or this right or way line descrIpt1on; thence from I-. a tangent wl'i1ch bears North 300 22' East? along the arc of a CJ) curve to the left having a radius of 12,32.5 reet, 791.55 tee t; UJ thence North 83° 3'+' East, 75 teet; thence trom a tangent which bears North 060 26' West, along the are of a curve to en the lett having a radius.of 1.)07., feet, 381.07 teet; thence North 2)0 OBI West, 69+01 feet; thencd along an arc ot .a curve to the right having a radius ot 11,585 teet, 10ltd.3 teet; t.'tence South.12° 031 20" West, 2S teet; thence frOID a tangent which bears North 17~ 56' ltO,· West, along the arc ot.a curve to the rIght h.1v1ng a radius or 11,610 teet, 202.6 teet; thence North 7)° 0)1 2u" Eas,t1 25 teet; thence trom a tang.nt which bears North 160 56' '+0" West, along the arc of a curVe to the rIght having a l'ad.1us ot ll,585 teet, 555.0 1'eet} _ thence North 1"° 12' West, 601.2 teet; thence South . 750 46' West, 15 teet; thenc'! trOll a tangent which bears North 11+0 12'West, along the arc ot a curve to the right havIng a radius.ot ll,66o teet, 101.5 teet; thence south 76° 17' 56" West, 2!i 1'ee\; thebCe traa a tangent which bears Horth. 130 '+2' olt" Vest alollg the arc or a curve to the right having a .racUua of 1l,6a5 teet, 152.9 teet; thence North 11° 021 56- . ,.Bast 2~ teet. thence tro. a tangent whicb bears Horth ,12° S1' WVeat,along the arc ot a curve to the right having a racJ1us. ot u,~ teet". 110 teet, f'.ore cr less, to a point iDa 11M pu'aUel with and 200 teet. aiatan.t soutberl¥ ot the Borth line or said Section 8 and the eM ot this righ1; ot vaJ l1ne.d •• crlption •. 1 o .. "'. ': . the Pre s1 dent and Secretary, respectively, of PACIFIC' COAST R.R. CO •. ,' executed the w1 t.hln.alld roregOl~ ills trument, ·~~knO~lt!dg~d the saId lnstrUlllent····.~· ·bia··~e tre~/~~:·..,~~untary o:::orporai,lOfll fOl'the usesacd'purcoses ~ere-. . 'lnlllentl0nGd, a~d o~ oatri stat;eQ. t.hat. they were authorbed to ax.e- cute said instrument, ar.d that the seal arrlxe~ 1s the corporate sea~ of the said corpor .. tlon. IN WITNESS WHrJiEOF, I have nereunt-.:> set C1j' har.d Elnd ;affix.ed my orrlci& 1 seal the day and year first above .... ri tten. ---- DOCUMENT NOT AVAILABLE .) , . ..... _ C&JWn, !!'''A. cwr.u, .,m,... __ .... .....,'... '. .. W, 11 ......... 1M .. . BID8' . lid He -, .. ... '* on lire,,: ' ..... IIs ... PaoHIo .... ., ..... ,. ~ caIItoI .. u.., Com""",. hereby IImfaafter called ~ to _.tract. oJllftte .1111' aaIIt1ala iJie foIIowIq IacfIHIa .. 1t11II1I' of wa, ail ~ 1\11 u-. . Sa DIll' a..d,. 8kM of Walb1A&"Ollt ill the Gitr of ....... UllderaroUlld -s.wer 14,. ~.,s. 0.. ..... 'IQte L It , .. " of ~iI S; and 0.." .... MII\ Lots 1, 2 and , ud tile vt~ o~ SeoUoJa I, T~ t3 Bofth. ilIIIIe S lin, 1MI., UId 1a • .r..Jce Waab~n.Bl!.oft .... 1D t.be lDoaUolul 1Ih«*a era VIe BaU'IIIiJ ~'II .., dated lebruaz'116, 19612, 1d~ .. lfIdI1])1\ •• , l1\tillOhel! :a.:.eo _ ... a p.n heN- of, r1gbte 01 ~ 1O&' tbe t.o.U1\S.. ~ lDdioded bJ BID 00101" 11ft HlhibU ••• .u.o, tllllPOl'&r:; l'ighta. of 1'&7 ~ oonltl'\loUoJl of the t.o111Ues lIPOll thoM portioM or \he 'OO' ... eDUcn*' n'bdldaiou 1.Dd1o&W Q lItI.CM oo1er OA Bxbibf.\ ••• This !>fl'JIIluioa Ia paaW IIPOD tile foUowl,,~ " ...... : ri,ul!:J'l.lm UlIma ill ViiA .. B1ue·prtnr un IIle /11 ~ 1. ",., I'er.aIUUe wIJI pa, ' . ...maJ of t_~Iive t..ou.1Uld aDd -'lfXJ dolJan (;.25,000.00) in .odftDee fw tile fQJl ................ all tun arid aneaomenta th.t may be ~ 01" _II epmlt til. fa.mue.. 2.. Th~ mt!n -' eUlI lie bone br die Permittee. IDcfudiDl bat .ot Jlmllecl ~ \lie cost of _lnIHlon, _raUoa. '..mte- ....... ·ud .--....l of .. 101 IacIlIu..; tile iltrllo~" IAlpeft"leiIcIeII& of the RaUway CoaIpaDy will <ledde what portloa if ~ of the workwill be"-Q ",~.Coapu)'.uwI 'w.ouch portloa ... h ... lttee wiR pay tile RaUwa, Co1II""7 tI?e ntl1Datad ruot before W wm.1a 11_; if the aetual_ ftceed. the nlimate. the hrNittee wW pay the acldiUoaal amount .,,""" ealled ...... 11; If t ... utual _Is '"" thea UIe Kdmate. th6 Rallwa, CompaD7 wiD .... · :' Ih~ .urpl .... All work loereUDcler by IIw p .... ltte. ,lIall be de .... In a tInt-clu. worIaaaaIlke _ to tlla aatllfaction of ... dfvlaloa ... perilltenole"i, of ... ·Rail •• , Com,...y. and In __ rlllAte wltII pIaaa .... .,.Jaeatlcru which he ... , ~ w ." ........ The diylolOll .lIper ... t ....... 1 of Ih. RaIlwa)' COllI- J>&I1l' .h.lI ha ...... "'alit» ~ time ..... 111 hfa ~ k ~ __ ., Or advIaab .... to ftqllire IUIY material ... <'<1 in ,1»-work to be ftJIlaceoI whit lib material w with maurlal of. JaOJ'e perm&llent r\oaradtor: all. 10 ...,,,1 ........... "'~, -~~!: ur e~aa.aes of i.a, .. _ ... .:-.:::.:.:;.; '" ..... i:oH v: ~. vi ;.t .. ~ . .,.!'ant.t' or C'JIII "~,.)\Jnt rtf additional track. htoin .. taxi .. • hllnge of sracIe Ih.oreoI. condnIetIoa of A bull4l .... or tor ."1' other ;.,,,,,,, whe, '".or .r not conllectocl .Itb the operation. maint."&II .. CW Imp __ nt rl tbe 1II11road of Ihe hllway Comp •• ,. all of "IIith .hall I .. don •• t tho np._ 0' the Per- mittee ... tile ..... lIueilnlJ'Ovhlool. 3. la) TIle Permittee ...... that the faenltl ... hall Dot at anr 11_ d. ...... Il. ,he ... ;1"",,, or .1"..,1" ... , of tlMo Lil .... y Companr. or be • __ ~. tile Wei;)" of It I oparatlon; aM \0 IlIdelllllft)' &ncI .. ,.. harmlou the RaOwa, COIDJW17 from all 10 .. and ..... to Ita tncb,. roacIW, etrV.eturet, nll"'lI dock .1141 oUter property of the Rau..., COID,.h!' .nd propel'll' .t Ihlrd JIIftOftI, and INIII IIIJvrieI to 01' death of per""",. iMllldlnJr .mplO7~. of the parllH Mre1o ...... a.;."'.d b)" tM n~rei, .. ,·f tM pemiilaafon Mreb)' araJIteoI. (h) 1\a PeraIttee i..r.b)' furth.r .1 .... to' hold berml ••• and l...semnil,. the Rail .... a)· COlD pan)· from aQd apinat. lin)" andllh 1_ or da:.\a;p·to til.. taell"">. the I",tallatiun '" ... hieb I. hereby permittocl on (lor p~mi ••• "f llor Rail".,. Cftmpan,. ~. h i.. .. ~ tbet the pro'l'lll_ of S<letion 3 .I? for tIM .equal pr .. teotion of aDJ other .~;Ir""" .. 'mpany or <om~a.,ie. ; •• · ... Iofn .. 'or heftioIt.r arantecl tho joIDt 11M of the Rai; ... ,. COIIIpany·. pru""rt, .. r wltkh Ibe p ..... i ... upo ... which said I .. iII. ,i •• a .. lueatH .... a ~ 5. The ..... !Uee oha1l .ot t ..... lIf.r or ... Im thl. permit wIthout ,110 wrilten ""n.·~n. 10' the R.il.ay C_pany •. d. II tile ·l'aDl&tee .1IaIl et ~ ti1De ..... '0 IIIalntaln and o ...... I~ lhe' .aid t.enitl .... r _b.lI '.il I .. po·rlorm .... ry AKrw. --",p.I .• >I .lbio.permlt,.tllo.laI1wa, .ComJWl7· !Da1 forth.dth.termfnptethla . .,.nolt.and.may. IOl'I .... lth ~a ... l-lhe· ......... itlH ' ... 111 :1. plrmi,~.'; and at the nd of the permit ... hrmlttee will roaton the. p ..... lse. of the Rail .... ' Company 10 tb.ir InMller .tat •• 7_ This per·jt. Lit subject to GlU8t ... nt; :b~J'lDilt 0"; t.. .... rd a-artlOU 1.11 IiIU.Q r'f'ht. 01 Val. In the .,.ent that. the aP'01" or toll!a ~\·Jllit. ...q>lirs 1Ill)'.>t"<J.·.rl.h _n.311ldlnll 1'I1t nc~ l1a1tect W bu1l.d1nys, pipe U:tea, 1I1re 1111ea and 1'0808, OJ. tt..i1'Cl pal1..Ln t.bo .• ""i~t .. 1t aball 'bear \hot cost ::.1 re!'t.orin:t .lI'Ilob prol-m:. to • coDd1\1on at. 1. ... t aa LOoO 811 ·i.e ooDdiUOa ·at thp t.u. or SUd ilIItoa1rment. and ah&ll so perron: all. von. ll .. r"11Joder ." to !"dni ... " .art¥ interrupt.ion 0:: . .1,. otlJ;]oh ~::'C?8rt.;y. . . -:''';~ :··,....~J··(Collt.iJllled :In o\l1el· . .'~ IN WITNESS WHElI:EO'; the ~11'~ _ted .be .. , ....... to thill <. .' .... .. /' "'l' ... ". .: day 01 J ... ,.t It I: • ~ .. ~ ... Jiw~:L .... 11 ... Paolflo Rail •• , 0 ...... " ~i.faDt ~cret.". r,;.. .'. 'r~ --.. < I-~ ... . -. I t" I.,~ ~y"'~~. flnt rn '.< VOl429R 1llif276 . -.... • 0# - II, ' ~ I "Ie "'l ."'i I" (0ri1 ... IINIl ..... ~) . a. Ia.£J. Jo~ .... fIII1liU. ""lIIId5J~ ~ r.rat\t.e IbaU o~ aut. ~'. ~ ,.. ..... ~ ..... a.ur.., Tiuk. d&\II4 50"....,. ·11',. \nil ...... of ~ ~ .. JIIId.b$t, ... , sa ...... J.:nto ...... p-' '-l •.• tIM .... of oo~ of ..sa.UoM1 tonalea OftI' the teoU1t.Sa .. Fwaltt.. 1Mll, tlLt1Wl • N.1OD1Ible tia. aftOI" IIOUo. that .uGh .scu,Uoul, o~d1oa 1d11 P. ..... ~ ~ til •• dd 0pe01110at.i.01llt u t.!I 1IIIe t~u.. eroellq .... ~ )dPO" .sd1Uoaalionea. 9. !lie !UB1t._ Ihal1 b .... i.he .It. of. .... All con. 8Dd ~ •. :l.II=fted bJ ~ !ld.lIni;r CompaD7 111 pre1!a:f.aa.r7 111- TeDt.igaUon, ~ aun"l _* pertD~ ..... oroa.....uoJ) aud ~t drl!llr1l!p, pl.IIU cd en1Mlea, ~ ", the Rallwq CoiIIpaII;r sa oOllDeO\1oD 1i1th coutl"lloUoD, o)lfJft- tion, aai.'ltenIu!Oe 01' .-.onl of UIe tao1lS.tt.e. . 11. All) clian,u, 1DDlw51D& but. not. l1a1W to arq t..apol'aJ'7 ohclge. ud JM"'''IP'\ reat.orat.1on, ~u tile R&U~ lM'paIll" OOFPetidoaUoll OJ' IJi.&Da1 JJDo lIIde -&17 bJ . the aerriae of w.. p ... U. io. itlch eng1.nevin6 i:lap:ctol' as tbtl P'-;'brq Compaq 11181 det.aLl tQ oblerve .oon- atruo'Uon 0 r t.» tMill'1M •. D. All fia, proteotion elnMd neoessBI'Y bl tile Ru11111 .::o.~1II!l dW:'11II: OGIIrinaUoa of the laoiUt1u. ·10. '11:8 .;aUvq ~~ NMne" \he r~t. 'kI \1110 IIbd to pGftl1t. other partie. to ue t,h" lancl. In ~ aboYeeclesOrl.bed loo.u-tt# ~ and all pIIl'JlO80iJ8 Mt lnco"lI1"-, v:'f.b t.h8 axero1_ of' WI perld.t. U. '111e l'erm1ttee agreee tllat lIllY oontract 1t. ..... 6h it .lIlaU let ter the cc,nat.nac:t.lon ot the !acil1ties <In ei14 r1~t 01 VIQ tJbaU ~~~ u L>llc;e. A. nUt ~nt.raot.or aha» ~U) and an, ~loa" Nol"thcrn pa=ino 1Ia11wq (;o;;PIlI\iI iro·. an;,' and all. o1a1ma, 1III11tll, lollS", tSsiasllll or aX.llnaea 0/: aooount ot . :n,1ul'!" to or deQh ot III!l and an ;'81't1o:>,. ltio:caoevvr. :";)~l.udillCJ t.h6 ·~untrac~r. pl)- ccntracto!'s, ~p1olll" ot \he Con\l'actol", a ... l:ioo:rt.notora ICld or 0&14 .. .a1l.vQ ~e7 and 8JIl and all Pl'O!,~ ~Ii" viai'li or i>~ ou~ a-t ·0Z' 1n ~ 1II&ImIIZ' CO!Ul8oted with tho work l-.. rlOJ'Md "Ader \hi. oo:Jt.no\, or ollllHd 01' ooca8ionod l.l _16 or'Jl pan by Huon 01' \he pa..nN .~ the reJ'8Oft or or the pt'Opert) of the Contr_tor, !IIIb- cont.l"aotol'lJ, their· ... ,107Ma or ",omt,o, :1\lOli or :n pl'C!X1!d'y to thP. pl'O~·en;, .or ,aiel RaUva) Ccmp~. B. The ~<'ntl'Htor 1'Urt.'lar agrees tA;,\. ~" will duena, .1. •. b O\il. 8Xi-ena, l.D the Mr.' and en behUl 01' 8&:.4 ;UliJIIU) c&lpaJlJ all cl&l.ma or ISUlt& for ~1IJ\lrie. to pc'1I01U1 or dlllllge to JIl'OJ.ert.) ar1~1l& or '""~ eli.t. 01 th. wom CIl1'l'.l.eil.OIl under thl. contraot, tor "deb .aid Rai~ Co:"paJl,) ia l1ablL. or ia allo..;ed w be a_la. c. tbe-..:cilit.iiOiOr .twi 'OUT1-~ul.U ~nt.ractcr'lI ""bUo L. ab~i1t~ In8Ura~a : ro-r:d1:'l.; 1'(,1' R liM1\ .01: aut lna th&!l .:,!tIO,OOO .(01" all. ~ .. 111";' ai~ CIt. of the bocli~ ~nJUl'1fl1 to 01' death 01 one pareon., and IlUb.1~ to that. lim1t, ~'..,r uaGb pbraou, • total llIIIit of 1,.1,000,000 tor aU Ja;..aglll ~.i.a1'li out. tIt bod.!.l:.· ::.nJ.U':u to "'* .:IeatJ: or t., or mre T-el'el:lna .in tm1 eila aoc';'dent, ahd '::0'-a llaI1t 0": 11"1. 10)1><1 ~1&11 .~.OOC . tor all dll!'\a<'e~ ar a1nc out. ol.~ da.n~a t.c. or d8<itl'l.l.Ct..i.O.l of ~4V,x:l1.~ .in an,;' "nla lOo:l.d8ll\. &ad aubjeot t') til.·; UI!I1\, a total (or ...: .. re.;at..) 1..l&1t .J: ~l,OOC,OC::l '::01' all d61.~ .. arising out of oll'l8{':e to or dast.l':-ot,1on ot 1'1'OpU\y cJ.uo~;~ t..11 ~q t'ilr.i.od. 1:1 IIIlOh J.cllo1ea Il."l\i II' d'jrser:'en1.s tnel'~. suall i;. 1IXe..: ... \.OO b~ &. ~ .. rrorc.t:o'l q.l: 1.'.11ud t..: . write t. .. t.' :ia:-.~ ~1 the ... t,ate oC \!lIIIii:n~. :lhall ce &. ~ruve<l OJ lI&.d ;,a.ilva;,' ~·:Uol .. to U.e .lur .• l'I1!lOe 0"111;'''111 w:-1t1n(; 8age, t.:.u .... 0 at tOIft 301" 1i.:'..':lt.lO.,ee t;.ereo!o. ~ \)ontrlOCto!" a:.all Vroo.re .. :Ill f. rn.::ab to llaid .:ALllrlol,Y ';;;.CrBll~. pr .. or too t.:h: untl')' 11. (,11 or 1)le ot 5a.i (\ ~:!1brq (;OIIIp&;p'. "l'O .. ~y b) \hI) Jontr..ct.llr, t.o. .. .i.lUS_rallOlt polloy, or !n u.u 1IbN'1kl! & oenin.d OOP) at 8UGh !'CUo;" tof.e~ ... Id toll .ar. e d"r"ellent. Uoe~tot under tho tel" :! ot vl...ch Ule ~nauran". :)0 •. plltly :l.1UI'.t.nB the liabllit;. aali\llll~ iJ)' tbe Con- t.ractor n ..... "nder. eUOIItlt.llt.!alJ;jo in ton,) 10l'1li oi u.,eo:.al '-lidorolo:.IIsnt eV::'"c::1)d :.erf>l.o and ",ad. a ;.&1"t. lIereot. · . .. . ==:,.f4;' __ ." ....... "~<_. 'Co ... ____ " _ _ _. _ .. ::l~*~~~~IT'- 11II.Wa II1II ~ ~t ... '-1III'~ ... ~ to lie .. bM _ 'IOl!mle'J' en _ d=t 01 ;;U ~ PecUi8 ~ -., tor tile ...... ,..,... ...... ~t _OIl oaIa ataW tIIa\ tM.r aft ........ to --. ......... " •. , .. tIId·_.-1.1fft8d i.e * 001"-poNte eeet·of edd .J't1Mn PIiSfti JtaSl.WIIr ~. D 1fDIII8S~, I ..... ~ en IV' had ... aft:lad IW oa;.ow Mal the daFa J'UI' lan .... wl\teDe . 81UCl"Print Prt life In V.ult. . .. \:...0 m (fl -of C') o -0 -< ~ > -~ to r-m .,' 1. ae .. l', lrripUon 01' clralD liAea pa .. iq II!lcler l"iIllway traon ahall be p1aoM wSth top or .p!pe a~ le •• ~ ft.." .. be_ bu~ of raUl ancl top ot pipe lIot :.. .. tb&l t!IH& teet ba101r bottom or roa4R7 411cJa. :2 2. Pipe, wlWu 21 teet plua the clepth ot ;1110, shall conto."'m with OGo ot the tollow1q: ::.. put II'CII PI,. --latra •• "7, A8N ~1"-38. ,'-: Conorete Pipe --AS'DI C-78-r>'1T Cless lY, .• 11 B. circular reilltoro_t ill '"' circular pipe. tor pipea installed .i th le8B thaD lr> teet be-d; tween top ot pipe ud top of tie. AS'IV C-7&-~1T Class ·V. lall C, circular ralntoro_lIt in oiNular pipe, for pipes installed with. greater than 15 feet between top of pipe end top ot tie. Cornlga\ed Metal Fip. --Gauge and coating subject to reviow b)' RaUwa)' Company. Othor pipe' -.terlal IDa)' be used on special approval of t~e Rallwa! Compa~. 3. POI' a dilltaace of aot leBB thal 21 het plus the dspth or ptpe each side of the center 11l1e of track CI'OIIatIlP, the JOints ill the pipe 11na aha11 be prodded wl\lI suitable JObltinS I*ter!.1 to _ke a water-ttsbt cOlUlecUoa end of such material that these joilltll .Ul reiilAin Upt Wl4er rodbe4 lOMe and 'Blpact • •• IrrlpUon pipe lille cro8B1qs and sypbon. alIall be provided throughout their lelllih .ith .ate~Ulbt Jolata capable of relliating the hylSrosuUc pressure underwbleb.the)' al'II to operate. Bnher lock Jo1at. copper atrlp. 01' rubber band type or lItaadard make wnl be .. uaraeno.., tor ooocret .. pipe Sr.-boll. P1IUIs tor sypholls .blcb are to operate at greater than. prellllure at ten l"IWldll pel' square iuct.·shall be subject to spactal revi6w b~ Rallwsy 1aI111eeriD8 Departaeut. 5. Ullder cerUm cODcllUons the RaUw.)' COIDpaD), 1114)' require the uee of.&II Bllcaa_nt pipe. 8I'01lDd the. ca",tol' pipe. J f. Where warraDted b;; llpeclal 100111 cOllditlOll8 the Ranwsy Compa~ IDS, reqUire an eaersellcy bt-paBs Jr WSII\o-W.Y wlthlD eftectlYe distance ot the croaBlng. 7. ~here laws. code •• ~ 01'GCre or oOlllpetent public authority prescribe a ht'sher degree ot protecUCli tbaa epecUled barela. theD t.he ~lsher desree of proteotion so prescribed ahall'be deetlled • part ot the specifications set forth ill t41S Exhlt-it. TYP!CAL SKETCH OF PI PE Lt N E CROSS I NG FOR SEWERt ORAl Nt OR I RRI GATrON LI NES urrlc~ ~r Chief 1~ln~er St. Paul. WinneaO\8 Hcv~her 1. 19~9. .. .,.,:ru. D!XIIi9RIf'l ~~"U1rq~) Ib Coaideftt.1011 at tile pnat_ at vIdob ib1a polleT 1a Written, it 1. apoeed btl , . 1.. I.lI7 uel.u101l 01" JII'OrialOil appeuinl 1Jl tb1a pollCT 01' in &n.7 en-~,attacheci tbel'llto, eUJdJatUg CO'NI'aP tor *IV' cbl1t1,attan 01" Uab111~.esa.4 b7 tbe 1111n1N11 u~ ~ cOIllnet. 01' agree .. t or tor ..... or ~ to 01" clea1lruDt.1.oD or property occup1ed 01' llnd V, qJ' D tbe cen, euatactr ell" oolltftl at the 1nnNcI 1. deleted, but 0Il~ .. ftIIpI')Ota that ",,-:tzoeot iDt.RM :lDto =--iiUiiiA1rl .... _........ &lid . • dated , &lid tile inhIrml apoeeMnt.e aft henbT extended to cOnr the obllgat1oae uaUMCl by tAe contractoJ" tiDISar. tID taw of the to1lovJ.Dc pJ'OY13iona ~ Rid contnct. "!be Oontnotol' ahal11Dde1m1tJ' aDd .. .,. banIlaaa tbt Iortbtm Pao1t1o "1lVQ' ~ floc. &IV ad aU cla:lllls, suit., losae., ctuaIN 01" upens_ 011 &OOOUilt ~ 1J1;jviea to or death of aJI7 and aU peraOM vhoIIaoner, illOludUg the Contzoactcl', subcontrac-tozos. eepJ.oree. ot Ute Contrac~, aubcontl'actora and ot sa1<1r..... Ra1lVa1' COIIIp8II,1. aid IUlT and all ]lII'OII6J'f.y damage, ar1s1rw or giibv- ing out ot, or 1Jl UJT 1Ill1ll'ifrio"aoiIMctecl with the lIOrk pel'tcmaed under tbla contract, ell' cautKi 01' oclmaiOlleci:ln whole or 1n part by l'eUon ot the prennce of t.he penon fir of the :voperty of t.}te Contractcl', aubconmctora, their' employM. or a.,>ents, upon or in pl"Odll1tq to the propertT of aaid Jlailwa,. ColllPlln.7.- -The Col1tract.or further a,,-eas t:la t 1 t vi 11 defend. a t i t3 D"'fI ~DllII, in the MIIIII anet on behalt of aa1d RA!l\ll1Y Company, all c1&1:'11S, or su1ta tor Snjm-1e. to persona or da!lllge to propert.,' arising or IJI'OII1ng "ut ot the waft c&JTied on UMer tMs contract, tOl' which said Rnllway COIIIpany is liable, or is alleged to be liable." 2. 1helfortbtm Padnc Railway ~ and anY other ra.Olroad companY 01" cCDpan1es heretofore' or hereafter lICI'anted the jolnt use or the Northern Pac1t1G ltallVltT ConIpany's ;roperty are named as add itt onal insureda I:I1der this,·policy. but only a.1 rpspeeta the coveraye !'Pqu1red b~· the above con- tract. 3. '!he cancellaU,on p8r'od provided tor under this policy shall be extended to JO da7s. but 0111;( as respeeta the coverage required by the above .cOI'lt.raet. I1ll.1e·Prinr un Ibe In V.1l1t. fJed lor ~ ~ ( 1P ,"..J 1:1-14. Qoq ..... _, IMI,. 100Uf A ""OUIS. C",,1IIy ......,401 14 UiILITlE$ II lAls.!:!.!/tl PJ/. 9/9 THIS IHSTIIUHEHT, made thls_dlV of April 19_IUU by .nd between The Boeing Company [ "flit a Oelaware corporation • . actinq through its division, ~A~ Boeing Commercial Airolanes ----------------------~------------~AIl-----------------------------------;- ---.,.----------~------------------;1ft R --":'--------------------.------------;-- herelndter called "Gr.ntorCs)", Ind the CITY OF RENTOII, a l1unlclp.1 CorporatIon of KIng County, Washington, hlr.lnafter called "Cuntee". \II TNESSETH t Thlt uld Gr,ntods), ror,aAd.-l4-~d.~oA..Q.(-~II .. ~...o.[.:$ _____________ _ ----------u------------'.J.4.~~nr_d-o(.,..f' v.lu.Jble coni I deration , dO by . lIiese presents. grant, bargain, sell, cony,v. and !llrNnt unto the uld Cr.ntee, I u succeSSors an.d uslgns. an e ... ment ror public utlliliu ·(Incillding wUer lind slIofer) with nlce".ty appurtenance, over, through, .crOlf .nd upon the followIng d.,crlb.d prop.rty In ltlnoCounty.\luhlngton. IIOrl plrtlc"l.rl), described II rol1Ooo1st As describe4 in Exhibi~ A, which is attached. This .easement·is qranted for the purpose of II waterline. The easemont shall terminate when Grantor's or its assign's use of the water- line ends,. with Grantor or its assigns providinq written notice of the ·termination· to Grantee or its assiqns and Grantee or its assigns executing a reconveyance of ·the easement to Grantor ·or its assigns upon request by Grantor or its assi9~s. Upon such termination, Grantor or its assigns shall either cap the waterline and leave it 1n place or remove the waterline. eJ3;01Yl~ 110541 D ~ ~ECC' r 7.0(1 CRSHSL "'~'''''''7. 00 11 fILm Fcn-G£CORD AT RtQ~EST OF r.:f1r1. fif r: ;-.. !.:!.i~ blii:!! I::~:~:":{":. t;~. WJ t!i1L m. ~9. Btl/iDR, \U Ims r~·-·· ...... . ... ::' ~ UEll-I .p. ~'--.. -.-_ ...... . " " JOB NO. 7115 .. P.TERlINE EASEHfNT AN EAsEMEItT fOlUNGRESS, EGRESS,. AlIDIfATERLlNE UTILITrES, OVER, UNDER, ACROSS OR upon AND LYInG 7 &.1/2 FEET ON EACII SIDE OF THE FOUOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE, AS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH-WEST QUARTER OF SEerrQ/{ 8, TowrlSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.H., IN KING ~OUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMM£HCIN& AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH MARGIN Of NORTH 8TH STREET AHD THE WEST HARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE HORTHI TUENCE NORTH 000 31' 42" EAST ALONG SAID IIEST KARGIN OF GAIIDEN AVENUE NORTH. 253.22 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHERLV ALONG SAID WE:STERlY HARGIN Atw ALONG SAID CURVE TO TUE LEFT.HAVIIiG A RADIUS OF 850.00 FEET TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 130 29' 00", AN ARC LENGTH OF 200.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGHiNIGN FOR SAID CEHTER- LIKE DESCRIPTION. THENCE NORTlf 89° DO' ~O'' WEST. 215.50 FEET; THENCF. NORTlf 01° 00' 00" EAST, 360.00 FEET: THEtlCE NOI\TIf fl9· 00' 00" EAST. 70.00 FEET TO POINT "A" ArlO THE TERMINUS OF SAID CEHTERLINE DESCRIPTION. TOGETIIER WITH TIlE FOLLBUNG ADDJTl OOI\L EASEHErn DESCRIBED AS fOLLOWS: 6£61N"ING AT POUlT -AM PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED: THENCE PROCEEDING SOUTH 01 0 00' 00" EAST. 17 .00 FECT: THENCE SDUTH·71° 00' OOM EAST, 23.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 78° DO' 00· EAST, 10.00 fEET MORE OR LESS TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY Of GARDEN AVENUE NORTH. THENCE PROCEEDING ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY NORTH 17" 59' 39" WEST. 32 .• 00 !'EET; . TIIENCE tlORTH 89° 00' 00· EAST, 22.00 rEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT WlIIC" "aEARS tiORTIt 01" aD' 00" WEST. AND 7.00 FEET FROM SAID POINT "A": THENCE SOUTH 01" 00' Don EAST, 7.00 FEET TO POINT "A". ALL IN KING CruNTY. WASHINGTON. KJV/bss EXHIBIT A -- ...•.. _-------......... ---~-----! ~-..... -. Said heretofore mentfoned grantee, tts successors or assigns, shall have the rfght, without prior noUce or proceeding at la'll, at such ttalltS IS may be necessary ·to enter upon said above described proper~ for the purpose of construct-ing. maintaining, repairing, .1t&ring or reconstructing satd utilities. 01' making any connect.fons therClo'fth. without incurr1ng any legal ob1fgat.1ons or liability . therefore,· provtded,.thot .such construction. maintaininy. repairtng. altering or reconHructian of satd utfl.ttes shall be accomplished n such a manner that the private fmprovements.existing in the rtght(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged, ·tbey will berepllced In as goo~ a condition as they were immediately before the propertY was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy thL aforedescrlbed premises. including the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use does not Interfere with installation and maintenance of the utilities. However. the grantor sh.ll not erect bllndillgs or structures over. under or across the right-or-way during the edstence of sllch utl1i ttes. This easement. shaJJ be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor. his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they Ire the lawful OItn("rs of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful rl gh t to uec:ute tMs agreemen t. 'l'RE BOEING COMPANY actinq throu~b its division BOSING COMMERCIAL AI~LANES . J. elS~ .Y'~~ ~f Facilities CORPORATE FORM: STAn: OF ..!!!Lshinqton ~ COUNTY OF ..._K_.in;.;o9 _____ ~ 5S . fYV..-I ~ On this -z. NI:) day of ~ • 1988 before me. the undersigned, a Hotary Public 1n. and for the-nifior NUb~gtn;. duly cOlI¥IIlssfonad and sworn persona 11y appeared J. J. Nelson .-1A to medi kin9Wl1 to be the pjrecto:t of Faqilities of Boeing Commercial AirDlanes, a v sion of The 80e1.n9 COIIIpany, the c:orporation tholt executed the fore- going Instrument. and acknowledged the said Instrument to be the free and voluntary att and deed ofuid corporatfon. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that . he ... .....tauthorfzed to execute the said in::trum!nt and that the seal affixed 1s the corporate seal of said corporation • . _ .... ·WI,TNESSII\Y·hand-and -officfal-sea-l-her~to-affi xed-the day and ye&r -in this - certificate above wr1tten. My commission expires I ~-,e:PT 2 ..I"i<j I. ··15 CJ" - lo. o C") - UTILItIES 'I· EASEI1£Ni -----.--- THIS ItlSTRUl1ElIT, made· lhls_J_day or_0c~to;;.;bc=[' ___________ 19.mL; ·¥liand be tween,ittt...,.....,...,...,""· ",...",.._ ..... ____ --!and .'. ,. : d., :.' , it'!" BOE[Ne COHPAN'I, Acting through ------..,.:.,"'".: ..... ,-....... ..-.-------s dh"lSlOn . and. ------------~~~-------~ .. ~ .. -.~.~ .. ~; BOEING CC»:-I~:RCrAL AlRPlJtJiE mlPANY lind ---------------------------, __________________________________ ~~nd _________________________________ _ .hereinafter called "Crantor(s)", and the CITY OF RENTON. a Hunlclpal Corporation of King County ..... ashin!!ton. hereinafter' called "Crantee". WITNESSETH: That ~ald Cr~nlorh) ,for and in con~ideriHion of the sum of S One Dollnr ~~~~~~ _____ ~~--~--JPald by Crantec, and other valuable con~ideration do by these presents, g,ant, bargain, scll. convey, and warrant unto the saId Crantee its &ucccS50fs and assigns, an easement for pUblic utIlities (Including water Bnd s: ... e.) with ~e:cessary appurtenances ~ve,. thruugh, across and upon the followlrlg described property In King County, WashIngton, more particularly described as follows: mAT PORTION OF 'fHKSOUTHEAST QOARTHlt or TII~: NORTlIWEST QUAKTF.R Of SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 F.AS'f, W.M •• KING CIIUNTY. W,\SHINGTON, OESCR£OEO AS FOLLOWS: COHHf.NC1NG AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Of SAlIJ snUTIIHAST q~ARTER; THENCE SOOTH 89"27'25" EAST 291.&5 FEET ALIlNG TIU: SOUTH LINE OF SAIIl SOUTIIf.AS1' QUARTER, SA10 SOUTH LIIlF. ALSO BF.tNC THE NORTII MARCrN I)~' NORTH KICHTH STREET TO TlIF. TRUF. P01HT OF BEGlNNING; 'nIENCE CONTII/UENG SOUTI! 89"27'25" eAST 15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0"32'35" EAST 38 FEET; THENC~: NORTIt 89"21'25" W~:ST 15 FEF.T; THF:NC~: S00111 0"32'35" WEST 38 FilET TO TIIF. nUE POtNT uF nEGrNNfNG. ~."'" .. :. : .. ,' ~ .'.r..· __ 1:: . .:.:-'. ) .. "'~ . -- ~I%> = ~~ ... -<. ~~.~--~~ .... ~ ............ _ .. _ ... _ ........... -... -..... -.......... ~ UE/'-, FILED fOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF _ arM &ItT tim RIJImI JIUIII1IAL 8UIQ. 2II1dUYr.st mH,WA. n m ;: ~ I I , .. ' ...... _ .. _ ... ------.... -.-.-~ .....• ~------- r , " Said· heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, without prior notice or proceeding at law, H such times as maybe necessary .to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of construct- ing. maintaining. repairing. altering or recons.tructing said utilities, or making any connections therewith •. without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore. provided, that such constrUction. maintaining. repairing, altering or reconstruction of said utilities shall be 4ccom~1lshed in such a manner that the private tmprovemP.nts·exf~tingfn the rfght(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged. they wfll be replaced in as good a condition as the) were iitllllediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor.shall fully use and enjoy th~ aforedescrlbed premises, includln!) the right to reta In the right to use the surface of said right-of-way If such use dol.s not interfere with installation and maintenance of the util Ities. However. the grantor shall not erect bufldings or structures over, under or across the !:?: rf gllt-of-wclY during the exi stence of such ut nit! es. 8 ThlS eclsement. shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding ,')' on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns, Grantors covenant that thet dre the lawful ownt:rs of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful CO rlght to execute this agreemen t, CO 111E flOEING CffilPANY, Acting through its division and ----------------------------llO£If\'() CD.'NERCIAL AIRPlANE CONPANY and ---------------------------- ____ ~_c~~~~==~~~--------~and B~:,~ and _______________________ _ ~ and Servicc~ CORPORA TE FORl~: S5 COUNTY OF \c...~. . On this .'''n,", day of ~:f0.~\'1: • 19f;e before me, the undersigned. a /lotary Public in clnd f9r the State of Lwtt· .;4,,",,'~'1,I, duly corrmissioned and sworn persona l1y appeared .J J f-...\cr~'>l:~-' clnd to me knOwn to be the l)~.]:..lU£ Eo-I.. ..... "p., and • respectively. of ~ ~t' , ... .:.. C .... .;:"'.~---:x the corporation that executed the (orC!-goln9fr\itrument. and dcknowiedged tHe said Instrument to be the free and volunhry act and deed of said corpl>ration. for the uses and purposes tltereln mentioned, and on oath stated that Hp 1$ authorized to execute the said it. :trument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corpQra~lon . . WIT/lESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this .. - . __ :......._. _____ . ________ .~~_tl .. ~lca.~~_~boye.~.':! tten ____ . ___ .. ___ .,_. ___ . ._ ... ___ ...... __ . ____ , __ ..... _. __ .... __ ..... _, .. UEI2-2 b , . 16 Alilel 1&bOLding ,Lstd'ER I;;Q: 'FheBe8ioRg QSlllpaay , lkfe. BOX !l997 ' 0 " • • CAG-OS2-91 fiLED FOR RECORD AT R£QUESIl;j' OFfICE Of THE CllY CLERK 'SWbHEij \fA-' , KCU:a iii LVi2" %'9 we 7"iFS2 RENTON MUNICIPAl. BlDG. 200 Mill AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 9805~. = ::.::~ =< AGREEMENT AND LICENSE FOR FIRE MAIN INTER-TIE AT NORTH 8TH ST. AND PARK AVENUE THIS AGREEMENT is made this ~ Clay of ~ ,-' ~9$#,. between The City of Renton, a municipal corpo~ ("Grantor" herein) and The Boeing Company by and through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, ("Grantee" herein). Reci!;als 'I •. Grantor has requested that Grantee construct and maintain a fire main inter-tie (8S hereinafter, defined) for the purposes of providing increased fi reprotection. II. Grantee has agreed to under,take 'such construction and maintenance subject to Grantor granting licenses for purposes of, such construction and maintenance. 'II!.', Grantor and Grantee, desire to enter into this agreement setting forth their respective obligations and rights regarding such license. Agreements In consideration of, the per'formance by Grantee of the covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Grantor .hereby grants to Grantee the following licenses: A. A license across, along, in, upon and under Granto,r's property described in Exhibit A (plan sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract '90-1177. BOeing job 1130166'0), attacl'led hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of installing, construc,Hng, operating. maintaining, remOving; repairing, replaCing and using a fire main inter-tie near the intersection of North 8th Street and Park Avenue North' consisting of the entire utility assembly from the point of connection into Grantor's Water Main near the intersection of North 8th Street and Park Avenue North ove'r to the point of connection into Grantee's fire main on the west side'of Park Avenue North, including all piping, valves, meters, specialty items, valve vaults, equipment vaults, electrical equipment, electrical services, concrete work and paving (herein the "Inter-tie~), together with the nonexclusive right of ingress to and egress from said property for the ,foregoing purposes; '~I '05,"23 -1 - REeD F RECFEE CASHSL lS0L.~ tlDI /000 /16. 53</. 020. 4'1. It./- ,i _ j~' -.-..... (~ ~ ,'. 13.0(0 2.00 "'~''''15.00 , • o .. B. A temporary license for purposes necessarily and reasonably rel.ated to the construction of the Inter-tie across, along, in, upon, and under Grantor's property described in Exhibit B (Plan Sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-Ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract '90-1177, Boeing job '301860) attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, said license to conunence on the date of this instrument and to terminate when construction of the Inter-tie is completed and the. portion of the Inter-tie on the property described in . Exhibit B is conveyed to Grantor by Grantee by a bill of sale; and C. A license for ingress to and egress from the property described in Exhibit A and B hereto upon, along, and across Grantor'sproperty described in Exhibit C consisting of Plan Sheet Cl of the Fire Water Inter-Ties project, Harris Group Inc. contract #90-1177, Boeing job #301860) attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The terms -license-and -license area-in this instrument refer to the licenses granted with respect to the property described in Exhibits A and C, and, for the period of its duration, the license· granted with .respec.t to the property descdbed in Exhibit B. This license is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and ·fully observe and perform. 1. Costs of Construction and Maintenance. Grantee shall bear and promptly pay all costs and expenses of construction of the Inter-tie. Grantor shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the maintenance end repair of the Inter-tie upon Grantor's property described in E%hibit B, such Inter-tie to be conveyed to Grantor by Grantee by a Sill of Sale. Grantee shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the maintenance and repair .of .. the Inter~tie in ... thB. licens.e .. a.J:ea .descrtj:)ed :i.n ~~ltibJt A .• 2. Specifications. Grantee shall construct the Inter-tie in accordance with the specifications for the project set forth in Technical Specifications for Fire Hater tnter-ties, Harris Group project no. 90-1177, Boeing job no. 301860, dated7WII 1'1'10 (the -Technical Specifications-.) 3. Approval of Plan~. Prior to· any construction, alteration, replacement or removal of the Inter-tie, a notification and plans for the same shall be submitted in writing to Grantor by Grantee and no such work by Grantee shall be commenced without Grantor's prior written approval of the plans therefor, which approval shall not. be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, -that: in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the - 2 -15DlEP. '\ .. :·'W I· !' ~. , ._-;',. ,. .' I . l ?~XBn • • c1 rcumst.snces. Grantor has approved the plans and specifications set forth in Grantee's above-mentioned Technical Specifications, 4. ~Orain8tion of Actiyitie3, Grantee shall coordinate the dates of its construction and other major activities on Grantor's property with Public !!orb Field Naint .Dept, or such other employee of Grantor as Grantor may from time to time desiqnate, and Grantor shall make the license. area readily accessible to Gr.antee, and free from obstructions and other uses that may . interfere with construction of the Inter-tie or its use thereafter; PROVIOEO, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the circumstances, 5. NQrk Standards. Upon compl.etion of construction of the portion of the Inter-tie on Grantor's property, and upon completion of any ·subsequent work performed by Grantee on Grantor's property, Grantee shaU remove all debris and restore the surface of the property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any ·property corner monuments, survey reference or hubs which were disturbed or destroyed during construction. 6. Access by Grantee PUring Construction. Grantor shall make provisions for continued access by Grantee· along, over, under, and across Park Avenue and North 8th Street during periods in which. Grantee is conducting construction. During construction, Grantee ·shall endeavor to minimize interference with the free passage of traffic along Park Avenue and North 8th Street; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Grantee may divert traffic as needed to accomplish construction. Grantee shall submit to Grantor for approval a written plan for diversion of traffic, sucb approval shall be granted within seven (7) days of receipt of stl_c.h plan and shall not be unrfl~sonably .. witbheld. .--... _.' '.' --._- 7. Grantee's Use and Actiyities. Grantee shall at all times conduct its activities on Grantorts property so as not to unreasonably interfere with,. obstruct or endanger Grantor's operations or facilities. . S.Use of the Licenae Area by Grantor. Grantee bas been advised and is aware that: Grantor is using or intends to use the property subject to this Agreement for the purpose of public right of way. Grantor may continue to use the property for such purpose so long as the use does not unreasonably interfere with Grantee's exercise of its rights un~er the license. 9. Interference With Grantor's Futyre Facilities. Subject to paragraph 10 herein, .1n the event Grantor desires to construct facilities relating to· Grantor's operations on or in the • 1: '.' I-I ; i - 3 -----------J X 10 I SOUR . I ~. .' 5 .. I I c • vicinity of the license area described in Exhibit A hereto, and the location or existence of the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A substantially interferes with such proposed facilities or construction thereof, or makes such construction or facilities substantially more expensive, Grantee shall either in its sole discretion, (a) relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Ezhibit A so as to eliminate such interference or expense or (b) reimburse Grantor for .its added costs of design, construction, installation and/or acqUisition of other . property, but Grantee shall be obligated to act under (a) or . (b) only upon th!!. following conditions: (i) The location and existence of the Inter-tie is the sale cause of such interference or expense: PROVIDED, HOWEVER. this condition shall not be applicable if all . other causes contributing to such interference and expense ezisted prior to the inatallation of the Inter-tie. (ii) Grantor ahall have given Grantee advance written notice of its intention to .undertake any such construction, together with preliminary plans and specifications for such work. identifying the potential conflict and all design information relating thereto. Such notice and plans shall be given in no event· later than ~.(~) months prior to the commencement of the work. (iii) Grantor shall cooperate with Grantee in developing and conSidering various alternative designs for Grantor's facilities and shall supply all Grantor's design data necessary .tberefor; (iv) Grantor shall provide Grantee with such additional information as is available with respect to the construction and operation of its facilities to enable . _Gr.antee .. to.determine .the feasibility-ofeny· alteration and/or relocation of the Inter-tie located in the license area described in Exhibit A or Grantor's proposed facilities to avoid or diminish the conflict between such facilities. (v) Grantor shall amend this Agreement with respect to the license area described in Exhibit A, and shall provide Grantee with such temporary rights and such additional license rights on the property as are required to accommodate any alteration and/or relocation of the Inter-tie on Grantor's property so as to enable Grantee to av()id or ·diminish the risk of damage or destruction to, and interference with, the operation and maintenance 6f the Inter-tie. Grantee shall give written notice to Grantor within two (2)· months of Grantor"s giving to Grantee the notice and other information specified in condition (ii) of this paragraph 9, -.; -1 OllLEIl • tj}) • I ., " " i. ! ~'. " ',. t ,. , ( ,. ,. it ,; I ~ I '; o • .. ~y which notice Grantee will elect to (a) relocate, protect or modify the Inter-tie located on the property described in Exhibit A, or (b) reimburse Grantor for its said added cos~s. If Grantee elects,to relocate, protect .or modify the .Inter-tie, it shall commence work promptly and diligently prosecute such work to completion prior to the scheduled date of commencement of Grantor's construction. Grantor's added costs reimbursable under this paragraph shall be only those direct and actual reasonable costs necessarily incurred by reason,of the location or existence of the Inter-tie located on the. property liescribed in ,Exhibit, A. ' 10. , WideQing of .Rights~.. If Gr,antor elects to widen or otherwise alter or modify Park Avenue or North 8th Street such that Grantor oondemn's or otherwise takes possession of property owned by Grantee ,.that contains any part of the Inter-tie, Grantor agrees to extend the license granted with ,respect to the property described in,Exhi~it A to include such newly acquired property at no additional cost to Grantee. This 'Section 10 in noway constitutes an agreement or ,admission by Grantee that: Grantor is' entitled to take 'possession of property owned by Grantee. 11. Hold .Harmless. Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Grantor,' from and against all actions, causes of action, liabilit'ies,claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards and damages, of any kind and nature whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as ·Claims·), for pro'perty damage, personal injury Clr death and expenses, costs of 11tigation and counsel fees related thereto, or incident to establishing the right to indemnification, in any way related to the Agreement, the performance thereof by Grantee or its subcontractors, . including without ,limitation the provision of services, personnel" facilities, equipment, support supervision or revi'ew, to the extent such Claims arise out of any negligent act, or omission of Grantee or its subcontractor. This Indemnity will be applicable to a claim only if Grantor: (1) (il) (iii) notifies Grantee. of the claim or liability in writing within such time as to permit Grantee to protect its interests; permits Grantee to defend or settle against the claim or Uabi lity; and cooperates with Grantee in any defense of settlement against the claim or liability. 12. Commercial General Liability Insurance. Throughout the period of performance of this Agreement, Grantee shall carry and maintain, and shall ensure that its subcontractors carry and'maintain,'-Commercial General Liability insurance with limits ,of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, damage or, - 5 -r---:-:-:_~_~","""",IIftIIII!II'""",,~!"I-"I'4""~'",,,,)f4Ii!l'!'!"._, ~~; .. ~, ~ ........ ) ~".r"i~'II\ " , h g~ ) ,:,,",4# :: 9,::;." ~I.*"',f:. ;;;. I I. l ",'~ '<I In c • alternatively, Two Million Dollars' ($2.000,000) per occurrence single limit for bodily injury and property damage combined. Such insurance shall be in Ii form and with insurers reasonably acceptable to 'Grantor, and 'shall contain coverage for all premises and operations, broad form property damage and contractual liability (including without limitation. that specifically assumed herein). Any policy which provides the insurance required under this paragraph 12 shall name Grantor as· additional insureds to 'the eztent of the contractual obligation set forth in Paragraph 11 above. 13. warkers' Compensation. Throughout the poriod of performance of this Agreement, Grantee shall cover or maintain insurance, and shall ensure that its subcontractors cover or maintain' insurance, in accordance with the applicable laws relating to workers' compensation, with respect to all of their respective employees working on or about the license area, regardless of whether such coverage or insurance is mandatory or merely elective under the law. Grantee shall also carry and maintain. and ensure that its subcontractors carry and·maintain, Employers Liapility coverage with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident. 14. Ce;tificates of Insurance. Prior to the commencement of the work, Grantee shall provide for Grantor's review and approval certificates of insurance reflecting full compliance with the requirements set forth in Paragraphs 12 and 13 above. Such certificates shall be kept current and in compliance throughout the term of the Agreement and shall provide for thirty (30) days advance written notice to Grantor 1n the event of cancellation. 15. Termination of License. Either party may, upon 6 months advance written notice. terminate the license; PROVIDED, HOWEVER. that no termination may occur by Grantor during the initial two year period conunencing on the date of this .. _ ... -'-'-" ... -.-.. Agreement-.--·-· 16. RemOyal of Inter-tie on Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement, Grantee shall, on or before the 'effective date of termination. remove the Inter-tie from the license area described in Ezhibit A and restore the ground of such area to the condition now ezisting" or, in the alternative. take such other mutu II lly agreeable measures to minimize the impact of the Inter-tie ¢n the property described in Ezhibit A. Such work, removal and restoration shall be done ,at the sole cost .and ezpense of Grantee and in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Grantor. - 6 -'~-,., __ "';"""'_4 ____ "'t~.::",.;"'I',,"'.L~'M.< !!Ii!!"'. -, -,,~;!'?~, ,~. -.,..-----.~ ..... «'?!!II!Ii}"I1 .. 150ur. o • .. 17. Notices. ~otices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be given as follows: If to Grantor: If to' Grantee: The City of Renton The Boeing Company P.O. Box .3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207 Attention: Director of Facilities . Renton Division. MIS 63-02 Notices shall be deemed effective, if mailed, upon the second business day following deposit thereof in the United States mails, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or upon delivery thereof if otherwise given. Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 18. ASsignment. Neither Grantor nor Grantee shall assign its rights, privileges, obligations or liabilities hereunder without the prior written consent of the. other party which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, THA~, Grantee may assign its rights, privileges, obligations and liabilities hereunder to its divisions and subsidiaries without the prior consent of Grantor. 19. Successors.. Subject to the preceding paragraph, the rights and obligations of the partiss shall inure to the .beneflt of and be binding upon their respective successors and aslligns. EXECUTED as of the date hereinabove set forth • . Thee City of-·Renton The Boeing Company through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group • ;:~?~~~4L By: 16t! ?Z,(r~?/t"bl Title: OlfedJ,,., et-F (actf,i'~:~ d22~ rk~ City 'tt!fYVC~ - 7 -~~=.=o~~~~~.:~ .. :~~~:.f?~':'~(~~}~:A~'~~.'~.:j~;~~~.~ •. ~~;~;e~.-~<~' .•• ::~~4~:a~ .. ~:.~~~----~.~~ .• ~;.~ .. ~~,.~.~, 150~£~ .... -.-.... : in ?,,:i o • • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that was authorized to execute the instrument anI! acknowledged it as the . of ______ _ to be the free und voluntary act ·of such party for the uses and purposes. mentioned in the instrument. DATED ____________ _ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ___ ' My Appointment. Expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF K~ ~ ss. I. certlfytbat I know or have satisfactory evidence that. 1r6. f9dK%n~a signed this instrument, on oath stated that' ItL ~ was auftor~z:CS to execute.J:h~ .. ~!strument and acknowledged it as the' ~I!Q.<~.1 of If?c&.td!eo to.be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses an4 purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED ~~g! t'1~iJ .......,..,..;:L>T==---:.::tu~~~~::::...JJ~~~~ NOTARY .. P.UBLIC. inund far_. the.State_ .. . . "of wal(lbington, residing at-'~Y.a1l ..... My Appointment Expires: ~~ . ---. ~:. ..- - () \I i L' • (. " 11 )( .- :J i ro.ll1UCJlRSHIII. __ U fiJI OUI,.,. ... IX1ST' ... Ullllllts CAU BEFORE OIGGING 1-800-424-5555 ! .... __ .... _i.Jf..;.:x~ .. ;_c-· ......... --i~· I ~ "~" -se:a;.1Q.1t'O:C.~. ~ '----:------r .. --""!'1iIG ~ ttsrD-__. ___ 'itll.v.a-~ ,~ ~ i . __ ~h !iI:.II.(, 1'010' ' r pY;Z 1 ___ .--.......... --.. ~E~1\3~~·3·==-] . . v , .\. .. I .... 1""1 11£ CtlIlI l!l!t: 1MIII.1IIIC*I11.:or JIlt +-~~= -11_ . l IC1C D€ orr '" _ wu. IIIXt ~~~:'" PARK __ ~1t5TID ",,0-' AVENUE· .... 48.1111;_ -, .1 '(Il-tW~ I .' (.,.:'_ Wl>( ~ •• w/uYJl\t' .0 (I)-It ~aax ;~~~~~~~!::~~~~~~I~B .0 .... ~·"~f:T f r.~4 •• (1)--__ ---~ ~'~""l( (l1li,,-, ~:::I::M~AS~' tftVN5(t1ll , fbl"I'~ Id~ ASIIIll"l , Id SOlD M ... ...... . ·----------------------------.. _~~;;r:_D:r$ ?t I e o ~ ~'J .= ~ ~ ;) l 1 :; -., oJ j ! ~ oJ ~ ., .. -- ',17' ._----.:, EASEMENT For and in, consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable cons ide ration , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY,'a Delaware corporation, (dGrantorW horoin), hereby grants and cOhveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, ,a Washington corporation (·,puget~ herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth a noneKclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the following descdbed real property (the "Property"): See Exhibits t-1 through C-9 Inclusive 1. Purpose. Puget shall have the dght to construct, operate, maintain, , repair, replace and enlarge an electric: transmission/distribution substations and one or more electric transmissic;m and/or distribution lines, over" under, and upon Property tQgether wi,th all necessary or convenient. apurtenances ..0 thereto, whicli may include but are not limited to the following: ~ Transformers, power circuit breakers, and other electrical equipment. . Concrete foundation pads." Overhead transmission' and/or distdbution lines including poles and/or towers with switches, crossarms, braces, guys ,and anchors 0 Underg,round· tr,anamission or distribution lines including conduits, cables, vaults, switches, and manholes. OVerhead, and/o~ underground communication and signal lines. Access ,roads. Securi~y fencing, retaining. walla and rockeries. ~ ... '" . ,', r.' ,', ~ ., t..'~ ,. '.' Landscaping and irrigation systems. 1 % !:XCISE fA Drainage and water retention facilities. ,X NOT REQUIRED Control house. l~ KIOt.Co1feconts DivisiOJl Fiber optics. By __ IIJ1Ii.1:.-({) n-, """yl, 2. Clearing, Grading and'Maintenance. Puget shall h the righ.t to cut and remove or otherwIse dispose of any and all brush · and trees presently existing upon the Property. Puget shall also have the'right to control, on a continuing basia and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establiShment and growth of trees, brush and other vegetation upon the Property which could, · in .tho opinion of Pugot, interf,ere with the exercise of Puget's rights herein or create a hazard to Puget's facilities. Puget shall also have the right to excavate the p'roperty and modify the contour of the land to the limited extent necessary to construct an electrical substation. ' , 3. Compliancewitll Laws and Rules. puget shall at all times', .exerclse_lts.dgfits ... her&ln.ln accordance.with,.the. r.equirements .. (as · from time to ,time amended) and all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 4. Exclusive Occupation. Puget shall have the eKcludve right of occupation of the -HIgh SideR portion of the fenced substation and no other party, including Grantor, shall have the right to enter upon. or occupy that portion.of the substation without prior written notice to and permission from puget. Grantor shall not grant or convey rights of any kind to any third party for use of "the RHigh Side" without prior written approval and consent from puget. ' Grantor shall have the exclusive right of occupation of the "Low Side" portion of the fenced substation and no other party, including Pugot, shall have the. right to enter upon or occupy that -portion of the substation without prior written notice to and permission from Grantor. However, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Puget and/or Grantor for the protection of its fac ilities ,or other persons or property, Puget and/or Grantor may take such action upon such notice to puget and/or Grantor as is wl- ft.1~sl 'l co '1015' II (.D'I-IG 9 DC 3552 r " i~~ k ~ j' t .~ .-.; ... . ':: I ~ , , ~I _I :Ie • re~sonable ,under the ci~cumstances. 5. Puget's Use and Activities. Puget shall exercise its rights under tllis Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor,'s use of the P~operty as set forth,in Paragraph 6, herein. 6. Grantor's Use of the propert~ and Access by Granto~ During Cons trucHon. Grantor t'eserves t e right to use that portion of the PtoPerty outside of the fenced substation (the "Unfenced Area") for any' purpose nOt inconsistent with the rights herein granted, including, but not limited to, parking and roadway. provided, however, that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure within the Unfenced Area and that no blasting shall be done within fifteen (15) feet of the Fenced Area. ,At no time shall Puget's access to and along the Unfenced Area be blocked off or unduly restricted. ,Puget shall make provisions sat1sfa'ctory tQ Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across,~he Property during periods in which Puget is conduoting construction or other activities. ' -.D In the evont of I;In emergency requiring immediate acUon by Puget cg and/or Grantor for the protection of its facilities or other ('I persons or pt:operty, Puget and/or Grantor,may take such act.ion 'upon such notice to Pugel and/or Gr,antor as is reasonable under ~ the circumstances. ~ 7. Indemnity. By accepting the recording of this easement, Puget agrees to indemnify'and hold harmless Grantor from any and all claims for damages, expenses, actions and claims, including costs and reasonable ~ttorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising directly or indirectly on account of or dut of~acts or omissions of Puget and PUget's servants, agents, employees and contractors in the exercise of the rights granted he,rein: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Pu e,t shall not be responsible to rantor r an damages u ng rom n ur es'to to any person caused y~ctB or om ss ons of Grantor. &; \' _\) ..,-l......"" , 1\<3'35 ,8. ,Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such tIme' as Puget ceases to use said property for a period of five (5) successive years, in which event this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to Grantor, provided, that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason of Puget's failure to initially ,install its facilities on the Property wI th in any pedod of time from' the date hereof. 9. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be given as follows: To Grantor: Boe1ng Commercial Airplane Group division of -----, --"' ----'TffE-BOEING-COMPANY, To Puget: Attention: Facilities Director Phone: 237-8381 Puget Sound Power & Light Company Renton Service Center Phone: 255-2464 Notices shall be deemed effective, 1f mailed, upon the second day following deposit thereof in the United States Mails, postage or' ,upon delivery thereof if otherwise given. Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as'above provided. 10. Access. Puget shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable Pugst to exerclse its rights hereunder, provided that Puget shall compensate Grantor for any damage to'the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access. 11. Successors and ASSifins. The rights and parties shall inure to t e benefit of and be respective successors and assigns. -2- obligations of the binding upon their 9 DC 3552 , ~' " • • .r ,. DATED ___ day of ______ -.,_.,--_ 19_. PUGET, GRANTOR: %a Puget.Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation ,;: -.. ~ ~ ;; BY: ITS :-;:;DTlr=e:::c::;t:-::o:':r:-;:;R;O::e":'a';':l~E"'g::;t:-::a:-::t":'e---BYI STATE OF WASHINGTON) . ) SS, cOUNT'! OF KING) . On thIs 2.7711 day of Io/'~ , 191P,'before me the underS.igned personally' appea~ed ~: • to me known to be the tp~~_ 17. P. -_~' ~, resp lvely, of BBBlttEl eellllgRelFt~ =aR'gijp, . liM () raBsOBING COMPANY, the ....0 corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and cg ack~owledggd the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act Mand deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein r:: mentioned, and on oath stated that he authorized to execute the C) said instrument. ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss •. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 19 , before me the undersigned personally appeared -tome known to be the Director Real Estate of ·PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, the corporation that exebuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tho said instrumont .1:0 be the freo and voluntary act and do.edof said corporation, for the uses and purposes .--;' therein-Clentioned-,-anc1'on--oath-stated--that-------isauthorlzed--to . execute the said .instrumerit. - WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Not.ary pUblic In and for the State of \.,aahington residing at ___ ~_ My commission expires ___________ _ -3- 9 DC 3552 " • • ' . . ' .' ESMlnc. A OVIL ENCINffRINo, lAND SURVEY. AND PROJ£CT MANACiEMENTCONSUlTING fiRM Boeing/Renton Easements I JOb No. 424-1Cl-910 Maya, 1991 011-161 T c.. 1 LEGM. DBSORIPUON FOR THE PUGE~ POWER PORTION OF S~DS~TXONNO, 1 .That port~on of the Northwest quarter of section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W .M., City of Renton, King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: COMHENCIllG at an existlngmonument on Park Avenue North shown'as P.C. A 0+00 on the 'A' Lina on Sheet 2 of 5 of the Washington state Department of Highway Plans for "PSH 1 (SR. 405) North Rtlnton Interchangalt as approved April 27, 19~5; . THENCE. N 22'22'08" E, 418.34 feet to an eXistinq I1IOnument . shown as P.T. A 4+28.33 on said plans; . THENCE 5 70'·58'29" W, 198.52 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 10'52'51" E, 38.84 feetl THENCE N39'24'56" W, 66.28 feetl THENCE S 87'01'57''-W, 13.47 feetl THENCE S 50'44'54." W, 40.52 'feet; THENCE S 39'19'.30" E, 82.50 feet; THENCE S 32'09'47" W, 19.91 feetl THENCE S 39'19'30" E, 10.50 feet: THENCE N 50"28'30" . BEGINNING.;, . E, 40.51 feet to the TRUE POINT OF containing 0.113 acres (4,94~ square feet), See attached Exhibit Written by: C.A.G. .. _Checked~by; R.S~.l'I~. 18:129 9~1.Powcll A"enull S.W. Suite 100 "A~. ... _., . _______ ' [1\ ,. . ~, . . ' ", : .' , ! , ••••••• '_ ._ ...... _ ...... _ .. M ...... _ ... • ,._ ....... _._ ............. I ............ , ......... "M •••••• " ••• ,t .• ~~-------------------------------------------. EXHIBIT ., A· TO ACCOMPANY i.EGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THAT PORTION OF . SUBSTAnON NO. 1 TO BE CONVEYED TO PUOET POWER A PORTION OF 1H£ IIW 1/4 OF SECTION IJ, lWP. 23 N •• ·RGE. 5 [., W.M.. cnv OF RENTON. KlNo COUNlY. WASHlNCTOtl EXIS11NG 7' HiGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH OVERHE:AD BARB WIRE IS lOCATED all 04-26-91 HORIZONTAL DATUM: OWNERSHP r.lAPS BY HORTON· DENNIS AND ASSOCIATES •. IIIC.FOR THE BOEING· RENTON . PWlTFAC!U1IES. BOEING JOB NO. 386293. DRAWING NO. 5-0071 DAlEO MAY 12. 1980 (HOt\ INC. ,/OB NO. 440390) EXlStlNG MONUMENT, SHOWN AS P.C. A 0+00 ON DIE of( UNEON SHEET 2 OF IS OF W.S.O.H. PlANS FOR 'PSI! 1 (SR <lOS) NORTH RENTON INTERCIWIGE." 1S APPROVED APRIL 27. 1965 ... : .'/09 NO •. 424-01-910 .... DATE : 05";'02-91 . DRAWN : CAG. . CHECKED ; ASM DRAWING NAUE : EJCH-A-D ,sHEET 1 OF' , ., F.XIS11NO MONUMEHT. SHOWN AS P.T. A 4+28.33 ON 'niE °A" UNE OH SHEET " OF II OF w.s.o.H. PlANS F'OR °PSH 1 f:o:cF NORJH R£NTOH :HANGt" AS APPROVED APRIL 27, 1065 SOALE: ... • 60' , . .' • '. . , ':' : .' . . ,":' ': ,.: ;.'. , 1'""'=== ...... __ --------.. ------.. a ... ---.~.~.7'l~~~::::;11.t--.:..:~Ml:.~~·Ti3f;~;,;:.::£~'.J;;~ ?~":}. ' ..... ~ . " ~ . ..,. -0 ::::; " " " EXHIBri' c:J, PAGE 1 ESMinc. I 1\ CIVIL ENClNEERfNC, lAND SURVey, ... ND PROIECT MhNAOfMENT CONSULTING fiRM Boeing/Renton EaSelllents ; Job No. 424-10-910 Revised May 24, 1991 E~H-JBIT (,-2 LEG~ DBSCRXPTIOH FOR THBJPUGET POWER PORTrON OF SOBSTATION NO. 2 That portion of the Southeast quarter. of section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 Eastr"li.M., City pf Renton, King County, Washington, more partiodiarly described as follows: COMMENCING at an existintj monument ~n Park Avenue North shown as p.e • .A 0+00 on.kthe 'A' Line on. Sheet 2 of S·ot the Washington state Departlnent of Highway Plans fo%; "PSH 1 (sa 405) North Renton In1:erchange" as approved April 27 , 1965; ..0 cg THENCE N 22'22'08" E, 418.34 feet to an existing monument ~ shown as P~T. A 4+2B,33 Dn said plans: ,..... THENCE S 31'30'23" W, 29rl2.93 teet to the TRUE POINT OF f3 BEGINNINGr 0' THENCE N 89'11'59" W, 44\.00 feet: THENCE N 00'27'38" E, 15:.53 feet: THENCE S 89'32'~~" E, 3 .. :60 feet: THENCE N 00'27'38" E, 1:12 .• 00 feetr THENCE S 89°42'52" E, 40U.50 feet: THENCE S 00'27'38" W, 1!m.91 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. containing 0,143 acres (·6.,240 square feet), more or less, See attached Exhibit "G"fi!" Written by: C.A.G. Checked by: R.S.M. Ui:140 941 Powell A\'Cnue S.W. Suil" 100 Renlon, WaminSlon, 9BOSS . .. ., L .. l,.= __ == ___________________ '"!* .. ___ .: .. -.:-... ": ..... -.-.':"':~.:~·":.·~·'~~t7fio~~~J't· •.•. .w • 1 . ~ 5 , . , , t i. : . ! • EXHIBIT C2, PAGE 2 ..... EXHIBIT "G" TO ACCOMPANY L.mAL DESCRIPTION FOR THAT P0RT10N OF SUBSTAnON NO. 2 TO BE CONVEY'ED TO PUGET POWER A POmlON OF 1H£ SE I'. or SEC'JlOH 7. lWP. 23 M .. RIlE. 5 Eo. w.I.I ••. ClIY OF RENl'OM. KING COUKtY. WIISHlNGTON ..a ....a 0 (T) ,.... 0 N 0' ElCIS'T1NC 7' HIGH CHAIN EXISTING MONUMENT. SHOWN IS P.T. A 4+28.33 ON· THE • A' um: ON SHEET 2 OF' 5 OF W.S.D.H. PlANS fOR ·PSH. 1 (SR 405) NOtmi RENTON· !NTERCHANGE:" PS AFPROVEO APRIL 27. 1.965 UNI< F£HCE WITH OVERHEAD BARB WIRE ON A 0 WIDE CONCREtE REI'MI/INC WAlL As LOCATED ON OS~2l-9t S 89'42'52" E 40.50' . II,." t .. " 8 .fl.l" ",v, ,.: ::! U/ rfJ la ~4.") !" ~'i'c:;,' '" ... -!"Jl b Q:§i <> :z: ~NG ~ONU~ENT. SHOWN AS P.e. A 0+00 ON THE . • A" uNE ON SHEET 2 OF SOF W.S.D.H. PlANS FOR 'PSH I (SR 405) NORlH RENTON fMTEIICHANG£' IS APPROVED APRil. 27. 1965 iii N !!! :r: ~ ... ... 8 !II ~ .~.; ·~Q~·7 .;-ry ..,'" mUE POINT OF BEGINNING SCALE: -r • 50' / I / / HORIZONTAL DATUM: OWNERSHIP /.lAPS BY HORTON DEKNIS AM). ASSQCIAl£S. me. I'OR mE BOEING RENTQN PL.Am' rAClunt'.S. BOEING JOB NO. J5629;s. DRAWING NO. 5-0071 DATED MAY 12, 19BO (HDA,INC. JOB NO. .4otJ9D) .. JOB NO •. 42tl 0".91 0 ... -DATE; 05-24-91 DRAWN·: C.A.G. CHECKEO : R5I.I DRAWINC NAME : EXH-G SHEET I 0F'1 . l--. . .. ··-·-i··ESMmc~-· .. ------.-~.--. ,', .-...... -~------­ ... , IIIrOfWC1&. oIW'CNUC loW .. sunc UXI ---_ [20DJ :a_no ..• .' ~. --------------------------.. '., , 1 ".:.', ,_~ ___ -----------.:-..-------. __ .. _"'l~~,-:ir;o:~-"--... -. -.. .. ,', .. ' .~ :; , • ) f ..... . ' • .... : ... ~ ....... . " .. ' .... '.~ ESMinc. IICIYlL ENC;INE~ING. LAND SURVEY, liND PROJECT MllNAGfMENrCONSUlTING FIRM Boeing/Renton Easements Job No. 424-10-910 PAGE 1 May 2, 1991 E..'lJtI&lT C ... J LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR POWER LIm:: BASBMBNT That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., City of Renton, King County, Washington, being a 30 foot wide strip of land, lying 15 feet· on each side of the following described centerli~e: COMMENCING at an existing monument on Park Avenue North shown asp.c. A 0+00 on the'A' Line on Sheet 20f 5 of the Washinqtonstate Department of Highway Plans for "PSH 1 (SR 405) North Renton Int'.erchanqe" as approved April 27, ·1965: . ...0 , cg THENCE N 22'22'OSn E, 418.34 feet to an existing monument ~ shown as· P.T. A 4+28.33 on said plans: THENCE· N S6'SO'43n 14, 248.80 feet to a line which bears It 50'44'54" E, and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE. N 39'15'0f5"W, 29.82 feet, more or less, to the Northwesterly boundary of Parcel I~SO of· the Boeing Commercial Airplane CompanY-Renton Plan Facility, being a line Which bears N 49'53'02" E and the end of this centerline description. See attached Exhibit "0". ·Written by~ C.A.G. Checked by: R.S.M • . 18:132 941 Powell Avcnue S.W. Sullo 100 Renton, Wuhlnsron, 9IlOSS 12D6) 228·5628 . ' ... .,- o· ,", • ., I . l;,' .. .. _._ .• _o •• __ • __ .·_+· _______ •· ~ ." : ".' .. tS: ,. • ..... EXHIBIT el, PAGE 2 "'~---------------------------------------------, EXHIBIT "D" TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRlPllON FOR POWER FASMENT AT SUBSTAnON NO. 1 A PORllON of THE m, 1/4 OF' SECTION Ii, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.tJ:, CIlY OF' RENTON, KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON 30' POWER EASEJ.IOO (15'. ~CH SlOE OF CENTERUNE) CL '!" N 39'tS'06"w 1I.9.B2' EXISTINC NONUMEHT, SHOWN 1 AS P.T, A .... 28.33 ON THE "J( UN£ ON SHm 2 OF: S OF W.s.D.H. PlANS FOR "PSH I CSR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE' AS APPROVED APRIL 27, 1965 --.!! B6'SO'4J" W 248,80' ----- HORIZONTAL DA1\JM: OWNEIlSlIIP t.!APS Iff{ HORTON OENMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE BO£iNG RENTON PlANT' FAClUTlES, BOEING JOB NO. 356293, DRAWING NO. S-0071 DATEOW,V 12, 1980 (HDA, INC; . .IOBNO. «390) , EXISTING MONUMENT ~ SHOWN AS . p,e. A 0+00 ON THE "A," UNE ON SHEET 2 OF 5' or WS.O.H. PLANS· FOR 'PSII 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON fNlERCIWlGe:' AS APPROVED APRIL 27, 1965 .. -JOO-NO;--424:';Oj::'910 DATE : 05-02-91· DRAWN : CAG. CHECKED : RSN DAAI'I1NG NAME ; ElQ-!-A-O SH~ 1 OF I SCALE: -r • eo' Ii) ESY inc. . . ... --. ...... -----...... ... , POWt:u. AvrHI/& ...... sum: 100 ROITON. ~ oeass -" (;osJ aa-SGS . ;:=:0-;:;.e , . I ,. ._, -.. ' ; -. ~, -4 • ,. E.Y.#18IT C,-4 Guy stub Anchor Easement '4 , An easement for guy stub anchorinq purposes over, under, and aerOSD a portion of Lot 4, Block 3, Renton Farm 'Acreage as'recorded in Volume 12, of Plats on page 37, Records of Kinq county, Washington, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of said lot 4; thence North 1'05'34u East along the east line thereof 103.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thencaNorth 88'54'26" west a distance of 18.00 feet: thence North 1'05'34" East a distance of 10.00 feet, thence South 88'S4'26"East a distance of 18.00 feet to the east line of said lotl thence South 1'05'34" Wast a distance of 10.00 feet to the POI~ OF BEGINN:ING. containing an arEia of 180 square feet. 91570/4 W.o. No. 9009044 I [" , l _ .. _-•. -t"' .••• ~ ::rJt"""':'":V4.~f"'~' ._"' '.~ ,. ! ; ; =i . ::; ~ , ::0 " .t 5: '~' ~--~------------------------------~ ,'--"-' -----....;.------~----------------~ N 8TH ST ------------------~.---- -, oc'f.. :; ~ C'3 ~~ M 2 b N 0"- I I 3 " S 88:p4'26" E, IB.OIf \ N 01-oS'3 .. • (,:i";" "dS 10.00' ' •• ; _ N' 88'54'20" W I 18.00' 4--, - 5 RECORD OWNER TOTAl,. PARCEL AREA EASEMENT AREA 180:1: S.F. DATE I , I Z ~ < t&J !.t Z ~ w p 0 I 6 a:: z < I C,!) 1-------- 5 I I , ~cttt,~G~ rJ\~~ Rt\·r'\O~ \?.r?>1 \10\"· Cv...?. 0\..0 SCALE, 1"=50' PUQET POIIYER wo NO: 9009044 PROPER TY MAP -EASEMENT AREA ~9.;.;157-.;.:0/~4 __ HAMMOND, COWER &; WADE -UViNGSTONE ASSOCtATES,INC. ------' ,. . -, , , '., \ , r .' 'J '" .. ----.. -...... -- , '. E.Xff/B/T (! .. 5 Guy .stub and Anchor Easement '5 An eaaement for guy stub and anchors over, under, and across a . pertion of lot 1, Bleck '3., Renton Parm Acreage as recorded in Volume 12 of Plats on page 37, Records of King County, Washington, more particularly described as follo~s: COMMENCING at the northeast corner of said lot 1; thencesciuth 1" 05 '3411 west alonq the east line thereof 48.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South B6' 59' 06" west a distance of 34 .16 feetl thence South 3"00'54" East a distance of 10.00 feet, thence North 86"59'06" East a distance of 33.44 feet to the east line of said lot 1; . thence North 1"05'34" East along the east line thereof 10.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an area of 338 square feet. 91570/5 W.O. No. 9009044 .. ... -._._. --" .. . • L, b.-... -_____________________ ..... ___ ... " ",":"-:".:~-!.'.~:_:IF.t..~ "~":"~.~.~.~~:-.. -.. *-= " .. I -I :. :; ." ~ ~ i :'I J i ! , .-~-:~; .: _.- ~. -! ~ ~ ~ :I .~ . ., ., .. ..; .. > .. --------------------~- __ ~--------______ ~--~!JS89~25~·~E----~N--8-TH~-S-T--_Ti------ VACATED -..a g . ~ "!:> -e\..OC b N 0'" 2 .} RECORD OWNER TOTAL PARCEL AREA EASEMENT AREA 338:1: S,F. DAlE z .~ I 1« Z I La..J Cl ct: c( (!) I I I r I-- VACATED I '/"'.l -----1- ~c~'i."..G'€- r "..~"" ~\O~ :1 ~tl . '\ 7,1 "5 5 \1O\..-"'~ 2. e\..O..,1 4 I I SCALE 1" .. 50' PUGET POWER WO NO: 9009044 * '. , ;: , . ..... b C\I 17' v eXHIBIT c .. ~ Guy stub and Ancbor Easement '6 An easement for guy stub' anel anchors over, under, and acroSG a portion olthe southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section B, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., more particularly described as follows. COMMENCING at a point on the south line of said subdivision at the intersection of the northerly. extension of the centerline oi Garden Avenue North as shown on the Plat of Renton Farm Acreage as recorded . in V01UlDB 12 of Plats, em paCJe 37~ Records of King County, Washinqton; thence south 89'27'25" East along the south line of said subdivision 42.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; tbenceNorth 1"05'3411 East a distance of 41~59 feet; thence South 80"54'26" Bast·a distance of 10.00 feet; thence South 1"05'348 West a distance of 41.49 feet to the south line of said subcUvisionl . thence North.89·27'3S" west along' said south line 10.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. containing an area of 415 square feet • 91570/6 W.O. No •. 90090<14 ,. . __ .. .;- .' • ... ~ ____________________ ---.... -~ ... -:--::---::"7 .. : •.• -~.-.::--;..~,."7'7.to;n--~~;:". _ .• . > : I ~ . • --........ ,. :. ,.,:,.-... ' . . . S 88'54'20" E 10.00' N 01'05'34" t ..... ·.·.r / S 01'05',34" W 41.59' "" :". V 41.411" . 4",' ':'.~. PORilON OF SEt NW, SEC. 8, T23N. R5E, WM 42.00' -:.: .. ----~-----------J~~~~i~~oo~ -------------------------- I ~ N 8TH ST --~--~----~--~--~--~S~891r25~"~E--------__ ~.------------- -..0 ..0 0 C") b N I 0" 2 I 3 RECORD OWNER . TOTAL PARCEL AREA r--L VACATED J . 30' 30' ~ - - -.-- -I-- - - - ;e .~ ~ 6 III z I~ <C z. w c a:: <C (!) ~CR'f...~G€. f~R~ R€.~~O~ \ ~J j1 \JO\"· '" ~ I 5 e\..OP 4 f I I~ EASEMENT AREA 415:1: S.F. . PUllET POWER DATE we NO; 9009044 . PROPERTY MAP -EASEMENT AREA 91570/6· -....,.;~~~-HAMMOND. COLLIER & WADE -LIVINGSTONE ASSOCIATES. INC. -----"" ;- '\ , .\ ! ' ' I .. '.·t: ... ' ._ . ____ ._ ......... I"r-.I:.~.., ......... "'!\w~· ""'l" ... :,' .' .. .. ·1 -, . ·~-··I · . • · .. f" l:.XHI8IT C-7 Power Pole and Transmission Line Easement #7 An easoiDent for power pole and transmission line over, under, and . across a . portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, RangeS East, W.K., more particularly described as follows: . . BEGINNING at a pl;lint on the south line of said subdivision at the . east margin of Garden Avenue North, formerly known as Garden street; thence North 0.36107" East along said east margin 253.26 feet to a point at ourve to the left Df said east lIIarqin, . thence. North 82'07'34° East a distance. of 18.18 feet' thence South 7'52"26" East s' cUstance of 258.68 feet to the south line of said subdivision, thenceN.orth 89'27'25" West along said south line 56.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containinq an area of 9,445 square feet. 91570/7 W.O. No. 9009044 \ : ! ~, ___ ~ ___________ ~ ______ ",, ___ .-·-:-:",··,,·."·~""~'.'k.~~·,~,.tN' .~~,,"~~:, ..• :/ .. ,. tt .. IIIlI ... , ... --..0 -.0 0 M -~ ..... ' •• _.1.· ... 1 •••••. PORllON Of" SE. NW. SEC. 8, T2JN. RISE. Yr'M 1 r N 82'0"34" E A UU8' . ::~ '::. UI '::. S .... tit w. ~ IS .l!I ::::: (II I ~I a ...... \j o :~ z ::::::'. GI. 30' 30' .. . :;\ ------------N-8iH~s-T--~----~ ~~8m.1I~------------- l VACATED ,.f.. rf.a s 89'2r15~ ----..j.,...---I. -' t-t--_-_-.......:~_-_-t.-_-_-__ ..;;....r-_-._-_-_-.-_-t--_-_-= :.-_-t--_-_-_-_-_--t-_-_ . 1 --Z ~ 5 4- 2 <C IZ1 I IltJ I 3 Gt.. 2 I I ~ ~c~t..~' I r~~ 1"!)1 1 1-0 0:.: « " l 6 - RECORD OWNER TOTAL PARCEL AREA EASEMENT AREA 9,455:1: S,F. DATE \\€.~ ,0'" \JP\'" \ '2 2 7 8 9 . PROPERTY MAP -EASEMENT AREA 1 I I I I 10 I I ~ I SCALE 1"=100' PUGET POWER WO NO: 9009044 _9_'5 ... '1;...:0/_7 ..... _ HAMMOND COWER & WADE -UVlNGsTONE ASSOCIATES INC. -----, ". ! ,. .. ~~ .--. '--- ... -, ... .. .. .. ~ ... ... . '. .1 . \ ..... r . 1 :) , , l ! -. -~: --.- HAMMOND. COI.UER 8c WADE -LIVINGSTONE ASSOCIATES. INC. Boeing/Renton Easements H.0.9009014 April 24, 1992 CONSULTING ENGINEERS e~l.J.IBIT C.-8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUGET POWER LINE, SHUFFLE'rON STEAM PLANT PROPERTY TO BOEING '2 SUBSTATION VIA LOGAN AVENUE ·THAT PORTION OF mE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION· 8 AND· THE BAST HALF ::8 OF SEc:;TION 7 ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NOR'l'l{, RANGE 5.EAST, H.M., CITY OF ~ RENTON, KING· COtlN'tY, WASHINGTON, HaRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS . " FOLLOWS. '" . s;?, A 50 FOOT STRI}i) OF LAND BEING :as FEE'!' Otl EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOlf.WG ,~ DESCRIBED CENTERLINE, 0". BEGINNING AT A. POINT. ON THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND PUGE'!' SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANYf (AS ESTABLISHED BY REN'l'ON LQT LINE ADcrUSTMENT 004-88 ArNO. 8808309006 VOLUME ·62, PAGE 143); DISTANT· .30. 91FBE'l' NORTH 14 '36' 26" WEST FROM THE NORTHWESTERLY HARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY· RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOU'l'H 51'06'Sl" WEST 405.46 FEET; THENCE SOU'l'H 40'39 '41" WEST 745.15 FEET; . THENCE SOUTH 0 • 22 '4.8" WEST 699. 24 FEET TO AN lNTERSECrION WI'l'H THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF LOGAN. AVENUE; THENCE CONTINuING SOUTH o· 22 I 48 It WEST 12.44 FEET TO THE EAST WEST CENTERLINE OF·SAID SECTION 7 DISTANT 71.15 FEET SOUTH 89'S2'15" WEST FROM THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 7 AND DISTANT 0.32 FEET SOUTH 89' 52 '15" WEST FROM THE EAST MARGIN OF LOGAN AVENUE WHICH IS THE SAME AS THE WEST MARGIN OF SAID ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAf; . THENCB cONTINUING SOUTH 0·22'48" WEST 525.59 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT DISTANT 1.99 FEET WEST OF THE EAST MARGltI OF IDGAN AVENUE; ·THENCE SOUTH 4'06'44" WEST 200.40 FEET; THENcE NORTH 89'OO'26u WEST 81.40 FEEl' TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF BOEING U SUBSTATION DISTANT 124.50 FEET NORTH OF THE SOU'l'HEAsT . CORNER OPSAID SUBSTATION SI'l'E AND TEBM!NUs OF THIS CENTERLINE · DESCRIPTION. ' · EXCEPT ANY PORTION OF SAID 50 FOOT STRIP LYING WITHIN THE LOGAN · ·AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY. EXPmI!S nJl7/ ~1. \~ltIC\(IIOAHL\aoelllG.OCC a ., . . ,. ----4-. • I 9 .C: .::) , ::> . ..l 1 ... 5 .., -::: ' . . , I ABANDONED B.N.R.R. CO. 100 .R.O.W. -=-::~----. 8 2649.61 ~ S89'30'32"E POWER UNE AUONMENT UNE I DIRECTION I 1 2 .3 4 5 N51'06'S'"E N40'39'41 "E S00'22'48"W N04'06''''-E 589'OO'26"E. DISTANCE 405.46 745.15 1237.27 200 • .w 81.40 .'. ----0 __ -__ -----~ Co' .- TWP. 23N., R.5E,.W.M. RECORD .OWNER BOEING COMPANY TOTAL PARes. AREA N/A EASEMENT AREA N/A DATE. 4-24-92 PROPERTY MAP -EASEMENT' AREA PUQET POWER wo NO: 9009014 ........ ----HAMMOND, COllIER' & WADE -UVlNGSTONE ASSOCIATES, INC. -----' \ ! .' • .. · , · · .' .. . ................ ' .... , -, .. ~ . " . _. -.. EASEMENT OF OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION AND VNDERGROONDFACILITES EXHIBIT e-9 Except· AS may be otherwise sot forth herein Grantee's right shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property desoribed as follow: That portion of the Southeast 1/4 of.section 7, Township 23N., Range j. 5 EWM., city of Renton, King county, Washington, being a portion of Government Lot 2 of Court commissioners Plat as lying between the Burlington Northern Rail Road on the west, Park Ave N.on the east: and Lake Washington Blvd. on the north. Grantor grants A right of way Ten (10) feat in width having Five (5) feet of width on each side of·a centerline described as follows: . ~ Beginning at the most Northerly property coner of the.abovedescribed ~ property,· thence Southwesterly along the Westerly property line ~ thereof 400 feet, thence Easterly at a rig~t angle to said Westerly ,-, line to.the.Northerlymargin of Park Ave. N., thence Northerly along ~. said margin to the Inte~section of Garden Ave. N.; thence Northerly C) along the North property line thereot to the point of beginning_ N (1'. I··· I .,. I. , • ..• . -: , I . . . . j _ ...... J.: .. :~_:~:~.:,.:.,\;;;.t.;:; _------~----------..... -------.• :-=--;·:r:.:~ ..... -~·J ..... ·· .. "-. - .=.!II ., :.: = . , = -. . ~;~." .. -. '" ..... ' ............ EXH'BITC· '1 / / .~ '!r"':'~"';'7-.~~-______ _ ~ -~--------------------------------~------------.:::l .... ... . . '. --" I • DErAIl 8 \ ~ NO SeA\" •• ..... .' . .... _ .. PUf> HOIJSt C8J coo la_felt • ..a .. ... . :'J 3 _ .. ::J .-. . , .; '0 "" ..... I·"· 18 .. • • . FI~ ~~ Fon nECORD AT REQUeST 0'" fI, ,I "OWER . r. ORIGINAL Fi<~, -:;';'iA~(i DIVISION T. J.n!O'r';F'.JO . 1':,'.':0:' i'J\.':ell CLOG. tE~,L!:VUE, WASHITIGTON 88009' , ' . '. ' .. ' 0 '0: 1 % eXCISE TAX NOT REQUtRED UTILITY eASEMe~T }/ King Co. RecorrIs Dhlsfoo . By ~~(!f1Lf.) .. OePIIIy PACCAR Inc, a Delaware corporation \nqRANTOR"', in consideration of ·the sum of One Dollar ($1) and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys and quitclaims unto puget Sound Power & Light Company, a· Washington corporation ("GRA~TEE·), a nonexclusive perpetual easement for the purposes hereinafter set forth, upon GRANTOR's land, situated in the City of Renton, King County,State of Washington, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, and referred to as the "Easement Area." TO· HAVE ·AND TO HOLD said easement unto GRANTEE and its successors and a~sign9 forever, subject to the covonants and conditions ,hereof, Which GRANTBE by its acceptance of th is easement agrees to perform fully. ~ . ·1. The purposes for which this easement is granted are as a-follows: . . Grantee shall hqve the right: to construct, 0pEn'ate, maintain, ·repa ir, replace,' improve, remove, enlarge' and use one or more of tho following descriJ;ed electric transmission and/or distribution s·ystems over :and/or under the Easement Area, together with all . nec;essary or convenient appurtenances the·reto. a. Overhead Facilities . Poles and/or towers with crossarms, braces, guys and -. -'anchors-, olectric-'transmiSsion--and-distribution-lines ,--fiber-opt-ic-· cable, COI1Imun.lcati.on and signal lines: transformers. The particular such GRANTEE facilities which may be installed at any given location of the Eas.ement Area are as shown on, the Exhibits attached to and incorporated in this easement. IHth GRA.NTOR's c.onsont (which consent GRANTOR agrees not to withhold· unreasonably), GRANTEE may, from time to time, construct such additional facilities in the Easement Area as it may require Eorits systems. GRANTEE shall also have the right of access to the Easement Area Oyer and across GRAtITOR's property adjoining the Easement Area as reasonably, necessary to enable Grantee to ·e·xercise its rights hereunder. GRANTEE .shall repair or reasonably ,,compensate GRANTOR for any damagll to GRANTOR's property, including damage to roads, landscap'ing, driveways and fences, caused by th.e exercise of such right of access. . .2., Subject only to thn rights expressly granted in thi.s easement, GRANTOR raserves all rights with· respect to the Easement Area including, without limitation, the right to grant: additional oasoments, licenses and permits therein to others1 the right to .install utilities and other fixtures or improvements over, upon, . .. 8 DC 3552 R 11D' clI~· .. ·tl /l(t«.~ = . .. ". . ,' . r.o ," ... '" .. r' ., 'o' '" '" . '" '.' .. , , of I I I ! 1 J 1 • i ~ ,j j 1 ~ it ~ ,l l ~ if .. , ,. ~ ---.----.; ----~ -----_.----~---- ~i ":: '., " • _ .... _---_._----- ' . .. I .. " . ~ 5 ~ . , ::> ., ., .:. '-' ~ -•• _0 __ -.. oJ ~ ~ 1 :» ., oJ ::. ::. .. ~ :: .j , '. • • across and under the Easement. Area, .t.he right to install, operate and maintain any containment, treatmElnt or monltori·ng system required respecting contamination in, or 1n the vicinity of, the Easement Area, and t.he right to locate structures .wit.h permanent foundal:ions .within the Easement Area, PROVIDED HOWEVER, I:hat no surface or subsurface. structures'shall be located within 10 feet hodzontally of GRANTEE'S utilities and 10 feet vertically from · ove'rllead utilities installed under this easement· without GRANTEB's prior written consent (which consent GRANTEE agrees· not to withhold unreasonably). GRANTOR, in connection with any future Cbdneje in use or redevolopment of its property, further reserves the right to relocate the Easement Area and 'utilities installed t.herein to other locations selected by GRANTOR and approved by GRANTEE (which approval GRANTEE agrees not. to withhold unreasonably) 1 provided that the expense of any such relocation shall be borne by GRANTOR, and that such relocation shall not · impair the operating capabUHy of such relocated utilit.ies • ~ 3. GRANTEE shall at all times maintain the Easement Area and its cg utilit.ies installed t.herein in good and safe condition and repair, ("") provided that GRANTEEiliay, with GRANTOR's consent (which consent GRANTOR agrees not to withhold unreasonably) (or, no long as C .. GRANToR is PAceM;· Inc., or any affiliate of PACCAR, Inc., without. ~ GRANTOR's consen!:), . from time to time delegate to GRANTOR any. of .... said GRANTBE's duties, which involve disturbance of contaminated · soil within the Easement Area. 4.' If any portion of the Easement Area ceases to be used by GRANTEE to provide electrical power service for a period of three ell ~uccesslve years, then t.he easement herein granted shall terminate as to such unused portIon of the Easement Area, and all rights', interests and privileges grant.ed hereunder. shall revert to -....... -., .... -the-GRANTOR,·-its."successors .. andasslgns.as .to8uch .. unused .. portion .... . of.the·Easement Area •. Upon any termination of this easement., GRANTEE shall promptly remove from the terminat.ed Easement Area any. faoilities ins'talled by or .for GRANTEE, and shall restore the termiriated Easement Area to its condition prior to such removal. 5. Notices given under this easement. shall be given as follows: If to GRANTOR: PACCAR Inc Cocporate Real Property Manager 177 l06th Avenue NE Bellevue, I~A 98004 If to.GRANTEE: puget Sound Power & Light company One Bellevue Center 411 10Bth Avenue Nt Bellevue, WA 98004 Attn; Real Estate Department Either party may change the address to which not.ices may be given by giving notice as above provided. B DC 3552 .- • = .. :l 3 ., ~ -l' .1 ..: ~1 .: •• f :::I => ., ~ ... ,. ,. " . , f • 6. GRANTOR, at its expense, is initially doing all subsurface excavation work in the Eaaement Area for installation of GRAN'L'EE's poles and other facilities wherever any contaminated soil may be encountered or disturbed in the' course of such excavation. GRANTOR ae its expense may also initially install certain underground vaults and other facilities to be used by GRANTEE in the Easement Area. Effective upon completion of such installation and ac'ceptance by GRANTEE (as evU3enced by its commencing use of such installations in the Easement Area), GRANTOR sells and delivers' unto GRANTElE all appurtenances, vau1!:sand other electrical facilities so installed by GRANTOR for GRruITEE'S use in the Easement Area, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the GRANTEE and its' successors and assigns forever. The foregoing sale and delivery are intended to transfer to GRANTEE all of GRANTOR's interest in the foregoing described property when installed in the Easement Area, whether such property is correctly characterhed as real tyor personalty. 7. In partial consideration of this easemont, GRANTEE irrevocably agrees to terminate relinquish and release the exist- ing easements now held by GRANTEE and next described effective upon the date shown for each such easement: a. Easement da~ed November 23, 1964, recorded December 8, 1964, under King County Piling No. 5820491 (affects Lot 3, Block 2, Renton Farm Acreage). ·This easement to be terminated effective ,luly 13, 1992. ·b. Underground easement dated May 2,1986, recorded May 9, 1986, under King County Filing No. 8605090948 (affects PACCAR site East of vacated Houser.Way North). . -.,------.. ", .. -... --.--, -.,----... -.---... ---._._-_ .. " .. -----.-....... ,. ,- This easement, to terminate when replacement power service from the ne~ PSP&L substation (to be constructed at N. 8th Street and vace.ted Houser Way North) ·to PACCAR Parts and .IIS facilities East of vacated Houser Way North becomes operational. . c. Easoment recorded August IS, 1986, under King County Filing No. 8608151337 (affects BlockS, Renton Farm Acres) • This easement to be terminated effective July 13, 1992 • This easement has been executed as of this 19th day of Jllne . , 1992. GRANTOR: PACCAR Inc (SE:A::'} B~:S= 'Director, Rea1 Property Resources 3 I I .~. • - = : '. . -~ :; , :-!I J s: .--.! ~ . .. . -! ? ~ :t .. ·oJ ! .~ i ') . l' .. .... • . ' • '. \ 'r f Exhibits: A -Legal Description of Easement Area D -Plot-Plan of Easement Area STATE OF WASHINGTON Iss. COUNTl!. OF KING I . On this ~. day of ~t.L. , 19~, before me personally appeared !fit.l!ttt>f S~ufo"..a:: and k'rv,n -:r. Fq . to me known to be the k!A',,,'A',,*,,,,,~ R"!1000'''''~ and Assistant Secretary, .respectively,of PACCA; Inc, I: e corporation thaI: executed the within and foregoIng instrument, and acknowledged the same to be the frea and voluntary act and deed of said corpora-·t10n, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,' and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written. . ~>n!.Du.~ No~ubllc In and for the State of washington, redding at ~ 8 DC 3552 ... ___ ----~....,----------------.""""---...... ·-.~...:;wri .•••.. M3 ,<.J .... ·1 .... ··0 .•• ~ ...... ~ ... .' .. .1 , I ' .. :,: .:.'.' .".' .... '-! :; -... .' 9009044 .. '. Kj/ACOOl 235/30 .. • EXHIBIT A Parcel 1-: Lot 6, Block 5 of Renton Fat"m Acreage as recorded 1n . Volume· 12 of Plats on page 37, records of King County, Washington; and the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 8., Township 23 North, Ranqe 5 East. W. M. Easement No. h Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 6 at a point on the East line of the 60-foot right-of-way fgr Garden Avenue North, Thence North 1 OS '34" East along the West line of said Lot 6 and the East line of Garden. Avenue North 238.88 fe~, Thence Sou·th 16· 17'04" East a distance of 249.65 feet, Thence South 89°26'58" East a distance of 40.39 ;'::;~e South 0°33' 020 ,-lest a distance of 10.00 feet; Thence North 89°26'58" West a distance of 37.37 feet; . Thence South 16°17 ':04 n East a distance of 20.10 feet;, Thence North 89°26'58" West a distance of 29.90 feet; . Thence South 16017'04n East a distance of 67.16 feet, Thence South 730 42'56-West a distance of 10.00 feetr Thence North 160 17'04" West a distance of 70.19 feet, 0 . Thence North 89 26'SS" West: a distance of 52.34 ______ .'__ ___ _ ______ ~~~.t __ .t;cL:!LP.Q~j\J;. 911_tbe_ J;:as.t_ line_of said Garden Parcel 2: Easement: No. 2 Avenue North r . Thence North 1°05'3.4" East along said East Hne 29.32 feElt to t:~e P9INT OF BEGINNING • . Thence South 0 33'02" West a distance of 10.00 feetr Lot: 4, Bloc.k 4 of Rent:on Farm Acreage as recorded 1n Volume 12 of Plats on page 37 of records of King County, Washinqton. Commencing at tge Southeast corner of said Lot 41 Thence North 1 OS' 34" East along the East line thereof 72.60 fest to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence North 88 54'26" West a distance of lS.00 feet., ; ° Thence North 1 05'34" East a distance of 10.00 feet, . 0 Thence South 88 54'26" East a distance of 18.00 feet t:o the Eas~ line ·of said Lot 4; Thence South 1 05'34" tiest along the East line thereof 10.00 feet to the POINT OF. BEGINNING. - ,~ --. ,- • • . ~ i , ) 3 ~ .; ., ~ . ) , I , I. ,-• ' t, • ... \ • Parcel 31 Lots 2 through 6, inclusive, Block 2, Renton Farm Acreage as recot'ded in Volume 12 of Plats on page 37·, records· of· King County, Washington. Easement No •. 3 Commencing at She Southwest: corner of said tot 6; Thence.North 1 05'34" East along the West line thereof 90.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNItIG; Thence continuing North 1°05'34" East along the West line thereof and the West line of said Lot 5 . a distance of 469.98 feet to a point 40.00 feet southerly of thg Northwest COrner of said Lot 5: Thence South 89 27'25" East parallel to the North line of said Lots 5, 4, 3 and 2 a distance of 433.92 feet; Thenco South 7°52'26" East a distance of 52.07 feet; ·Thence South 82°07'34-West a distance of 10.00 feet; Thence North 7°52'26" West a distance of 45.33 feet; Thence South 86°59'06" West a distance of 386.10 feet, Thence South 60 18'09'; Ifest a distance of 440.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING • • .~ . , .9 .' j ~. ,. ) , ! ;: -. -... J 4 5 ~ <: :z:, 1LJ o ~ (!) "jo'--' . \ • • 6 S 73'42'56" W 10.00' et.1I10JT IJ S 00?3'01" W 10.00 I 7 ~ W ~ . Z I"') ~ ro tS w V)--. " ~ .... ;: (I) N "-,... W Z 0 1= 0::: 0 Q. ~-.--.-....... ----.-.. _ ... -•.... - •• . "-io -. . • I \ .. :;;;c # -.- I . · . • · -· \ f ... -......... " .............. -...... ,'.~ ... ,'." ... -..,.-.. , I': • oW , --~ I J I , -e\..OC'f.. ~ I -- C\J .. n.~ -..0 18.00--..0 N 01 '05'34" E .. ~ ~ -4 10.00' ........ - -r-I , 0 S 88'54'26" E I I I N 18.00' I I tr' b ... ::!-I • , , --~ b ~ CD ~ ~ 6 In 5 I .. -.... ---------------------------.,- ~t' , -- b ,., S 89'26'58" ~ N 6TH 5T 'b : n --'"' I -- • • I , Z ~-« Z W I a 0:: I « (!) --.-'-_." I I 30' - I , ~~«I'He.*tt-'#-~ el.1J.181 T B I ~C~'€. ... G'€. ~ f~~~ /'?J1 ~€.~\O -.,sO\'" '\ ~ t; - e\..OCv.. 6 7 .. .. --.. -. .. ---.. I -- - I --. .. ",.;, ... -- , _ l .' • '. T .. .c " '. ~ -.. --------.. .J ~ 1 :; . I .' ,. 3 ---lIZ I ~ 5 « 21 1Lf ----fa a::: .« _--IC,!) 6 S d II> 5 • .. \ • 2 7 B 9 N 7TH ST (VACATED) 4 .3 2 E' co s-« N(.'" 1 • '3 ~Y.IIJ8IT 6 10 .. ---..... -----. ," • ' .. 19 .. ' .. .-.-.;t I.{) 'r- ~.' C\I l7' OPal RECORDlNG Return To: Lynn E. RistJq . 1lcleJn; carmercial Airplane Group P.O. BOX 37ffl, MIs 76"52 Seattle, washinJton 98124-2~07 • • RECRBATIOHM. HAIL BASBHBN'l' AND AGRBEHl'llI'l CAG-92-0B9 ("Agreement") is' dated as of this . ,.. clay of ~V:,. . THIS RECREATIONAL TRAIL ~ ~AGR)iEMENT 1992, and is made by and betwee OEING COMMAIRPLANE GROUP, a division.' of The Boeing Company, "Delaware corporation ("Boeinq"), and THE CIT!! OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the state of Washington (the "City"), with reference to the following facts. . A. Boeing bas an intet"est in certain real property (the uEasement Arean) more particularly described on Exhibit A and depicted on EXhibit Bt which such exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated hereln by this reference. B,. A boathouse with attached pier (collectively, the "Boathouse") is situated upon a portion of the Easement Area. By separate instrument, Boeing has severed from the underlying realty and transferred to the city any and all right, title or interest it has in and to the Boathouse. . c. The City'desires to cause certain improvements to be made to the Easement 'Area and to use such improvements, together with the Boathouse, as an integrated portion of its recreational trail system. D. Boeing desires to make certain improvements to its adjl.\c;ent aircraft manufacturing facility (the "Renton Plant. . Faoility"). In order to undertake such improvements, . 80ein9 ~ applied for and the City issued Substantial Development Permit :::I '. No. 'SM~071-89 dated November 15, 1989 (the j'Permit") in __ -----.~~~ ---accoraaiice---Witll-tne~CitY's~-Shorellne-Master-program~ -"The- Permit requires Boeing to transfer the Boathouse to the city and to enter intu this Agreement •. E. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Aqreement, Boeing now desires to make the Boathouse and the Easement Area available to the city for public use in .accordance with the Permit and the legislative purposes expressed in RCW 4.24.200 and RCW 4.24.210. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and' sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Boeing conveys and quitclaims to the city, for' the use, benefit and enjoyment of the general public, a. perpetual, nonexclusive easement upon, over, al,onq, across and through the Easement Area for such purposes and subject to such terms and conditio!,!s as are hereinafter set for~CISE TAX NO; R::QUJREO King Co. R~~ldsDi';llfon . (;j I/~' Dy,···,& rc-..;.Loaputy EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT Page 1 IOOQOO<lOCO!UDI"'O.O~" I I i I 'j I ... ." ! : ..... --1·--. -' . ---. • q .; ...,. I III 1 .1 l"-I I' ;5 N .1 (J'i' ! , o • 1~ purpose. The city shall have the right to use the Basement· Area for the pUrposes. of: (i) developing, constructing, maintaining, repi":liring and operating a public . recreational trail; and CUr maintaining, repairing, replacing and operating the Boathouse as a public recreational amenity. Such use of the Easement Are.a by the City shall hereinafter be referred· to as the."permitted trse." a. KaDJ1er of IXeroiaiDq tb. Demitted Use • . Z.l Except as' provided in paragraph 1, the City shall not use, or .allow the.use of, the Easement Area for any purpose. whatsoever. 2.2 . The' city. shali, . at Permitted Use to·. be undertaken' in a bodily harm to persons' (whomsoever) (whatsoever) • all times, cause the manner so as to prevent and damage to property 2.3 The definitions of recreational use in ROW 4.24. 210 notwithstanding, the Permitted Use is restricted to use of' the 'Easement Area. during daylight hours, except for regularly scheduled and supervised City sponsored events occurring after daylight hours.' Vehicular use of the Easement Area is. prohibited (except for emergency vehicles and such vehicles . owned or operated by or on behalf of the City or Boeing in connection with ",uthorized activities). The City shall. be solely responsible for ensuring that the public complies with. all restrictions on use of the Easement Area, whether the same are required by· this Agreement or applicable law. 2.4 The city shall maintain and repair the Easement _ ~_Area __ .cand1mpr~v:enient~J~.b~r.e.QI'\.L j!1!1I1~e~.~~~n'_1:.1:1 JCI!.ep _t:b_~_ .. liIll!D~ in a neat, clean and safe condition and otherwise suitable for the Permitted.Use~ 2.5 The city lIIay temporarily close all, or portions of, the Easement·· Area to the general public for purposes of performinq its responsibilities hereunder or otherwise. to facilitate the PermItted trse •. However, notwithstanding such closures, Boeinq (and its employees, aqents, contractors and desiqnatedrepresentatives) shall at all times have the right to enter upon the Easement Area. at a reasonable time, in a reasonable manner, upon reasonable prior notice (if such prior notice.' is possible).. The city shall give Boeing ten (.10) days:' advance w;oitten notice of any such closure (except closures required for emergencies). . During such olosures Boeing shall cooperate with the city so as to reasonably a~commodate the city's activities within the Easement Area. 2.6 The city shall not cause or permit the EASEMENT' AND A.GREEMENT ~AIII1410.0311 ... .. ... In - '.1 .~ . ' o • development, construction, modification, alteration, !iemolition, remo.val or other cbanqe of any new or existing improvements (cdllectively. "Alteration of Xmprovementsn) upon or with!n tbe Easement Area without first obtaining Boeing's prior written consent (which such consent shall. not be unreasonably withheld). Such consent may be conditioned upon Boeing's review of and satisfaction with detailed plans and specifications, scheduling or such other matters relating to' the proP?sed Alteration of Improvements. Any refUsal by Boeing. to cons~t to any Alteration of ImprovementlJ on the grounds that the same may . hinder, impair or otherwise interfere with the operation and. use of the Renton. Plant Facility shall not be deemed unreasonable, as such determinations are reserved ·to Boeing1s sole. judgment and discretion. If Boeing shall consent to anyone or more Alteration of Improvements, the City' shall cause the same to be done in strict accorelance with any plans, specifications, scheeluling, d iractions or other coneli tions of Boeing IS consent. Boeing's consent to anyone or more Alteration of Improvements shall not be deemed to be consent to any other Alteration of Improvements. . 2.7 The City sl1all at all times ensure that the Permitted Use and all activities undertaken in accordance with this Agreement are in compliance with all applicable laws • . The City shall not charge, collect or receive from the public a fee of any kind for -the use of the Easement Area (except charges, such as boat rentals. or other charges for concessions . . lIIade available to the public which are incidental to the Permitted Use). . 2.8 The city shall not cause or permit any equipment, supplies, vehicles or other. items to be kept or eto.red upon the Easement Area without first obtaining Boein9's '--piiOr'wrfttenconseilt-thiireto;-'wtiiclj"'sucn'corfsent 'shall' 'llat-l5e unreasonably withheld. Upon completion of ac'tivities which may disturb the surface or subsurface of the Easement Area (or any improvements thereon), the city shall restore the Easement Area (and any. improvements thereon) to a condition as good or . better than the condition the Easement Area (or such improvements) was in prior to such disturbance •. If and to the extent the city may cause any excavations within the Easement Area, such excavations shall be done .and completed with .the highest degree of care. 2.9 The city shall promptly pay (and secure the discharge of any 1i'ens against the Easement Area asserted by) all persons and entities fUrnishinq any labor, equipment, , services, . supplies,. materials or other items in connectign with the Permitted Use. 3. Boeing's aasarve4Riqhta. EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT ~AllIIOIo.om Page 3 omat ". .' .. .. In ,-'I l o • 3.1 Boeing reserves the right to use the Easement Area; at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the City's rights hereunder.. Without limiting the foregoing, Boeing has historically and continues to periodically move aircraft to, from, in and around the Renton Plant Facility. In connection with such historical and periodic movement of such airoraft, portions. thereof overhang, or otherwise encroach upon, the Easement Area' and adjoining portions of the city'S recreation trail system (inoluding portions thereot sl1bject to· that certain "Bridge· Permit" by ·and between the parties dated september 29, 1969 (the uTow Path") and portions thereof to be acquired by the City and developed along certain real property adjacent to the Renton Plant Faoility and north of the Lake washington inner harbor line (the "State-owned Area"» •.. The Tow Path and the state-OWned Area are depicted in Exhibit ·B. As to the Easement Area, Boeing reserves the right to use the same· for such overhang or encroachment of aircraft. As to the Tow Path and the State-Owned Area, the City shall accommodate such movement,. overhang and encroachment of airoraft, arid the city shall not otherwise undertake any use, deve~opmentB or ·operations . therein or thereof whic;h . preclude or materially interfE,lre with such historic and periodic movement, overhang. or encroachment of airoraft. 3.2 Subject to the City's prior written consent ~ (whioh shall not be unreasonably withheld) r the City shall, In . within ten (10) days of receiving a written request from Boeing to do so, close to the pub~ic the portion of the r-Easement Area identified in such request and keep it ciosed 0' dl1ring the period Or periods of time requested by Boeing. The C) period or periods of time the Easement Area sha11 be so closed ~ shall be the shortest period of time necessary to· accoJlllllodate --------"-~-iijk~q £~--~}~:e~tfi%1.~:ei~t~~~~~-"~~fru~~i~~;--~ie~lo~~e~;--." -- maintenance or Use for a reasonable period 1n the event of an emergenoy or other similar reason. 3.3 In the event the city fails to perfonl any of its obligations arising under this Agreement, Boeing may (without ·obligatian to do so) perform the same at the city's sole risk and expense. . t. Ia48111Dity. The City agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold Boeing, Boeing's dirsctors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives (and the respective 6uccessorsand assiqns of each and all of the foregoing) harmle.ss from and ·aqainst any and all olaims, liens, demands, actions, costs, losses, expenses, barm, damages a-ndliability (including, but not limited to, attorneys'· fees) of any kind or character asserted or arising direotly or indirectly from, on account of, or in COMBation EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT ~1I.1a.a1rl page 4 .,,/N .. ,",e .• In "':;::. " I I , ,I , , . " ~ l/') r--' o .. with the City's operation, tnaintenance Bnd control of the Easelllent Area (and improvements thereon). With reepect to all or' any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24.115, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent permitted by RCW 4. 24 .• 115 ~ As between the parties and for purposes only of the obligations. herein asSWaecJ, the City waives any immunity, defense or other protection that may be afforded by any. workers.'. cOlDpensatlon, industrial insurance or similar laws .( includinq, but not limited to, the Washinqton Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washinqton). 5. Ho Warralltia •• 5 ~ 1 . Boeing does not warrant t1 tIe to the Easement Area or ttieBoathouse and shall not be liable for defects · thereto or failure thersof, and the City accepts the same "as ia,n with all faults or defects, whether or not such faults or defects are known to the city. 5.2 Any plans, specifications, schedulinq, dOCUlDents or other information (collectively, "Submittal") provided by the City to Boeing pursuant to this Agreement are for Boeing's informational purposes only. Boeing's receipt of · any such Submittal, or any review, analysis, approval, or other consideration or disposition thereof by Boeing, or Bo.eing's .. failure to review, analyze, approve or otherWise consider or dispose of any such SUbmittal (includlnq, without limitation,' failure to discover any error, defect or inadequacy of such Submittal)' sball not relieve the city of any of its obligations under this Agreement. Boeing hereby · expressly disclaims .any· and. all warranties, express or implied, with respect to anyone or lIIore Submittals, or any other~ --plans r--~.speci fications ~. __ .... dOCUJllents ........ or._.informatton.~ ~ __ .. developed, reviewed or provided by Boeinq to the city as Ii conditiono! this. Agreement~ 6. Notices. Any notice, request, designation, direction, statement or other cOllllllUnicaticin under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered 1'1) person or mailed, .properly ~ddresse.d ana stamped. with tile required postage, to the intended recipient as folloWS: If to Boeing: If to the city: EASEMEII'l' AND AGREEMEN'l' ~~',,,o:Om Boeing commercial Airplane Group Renton Division P.o. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attnl Director of Facilities The city of Renton ParkS and Recreation 200 Mill Avenue South .;;';: ... :. page 5 "' .. 1 .... ... " :' .. I In • I 'i .i t. I , ·1 . ~ ,~ , .. o • . Renton, If A 98055 Attn: Parks ·and Recreation _ Director Either· party may change its address specified in this paragraph by giving tbe other party notice of such change in accordance with this paragraph. 1. . Successors. The city's rights and obligations uncleI' this Agreement shall not be assigned without Boeing's ·prior written consent. subject to the foregoing restriction on assignment, this Agreement and the terms ancl conditions contained herein shall be hinding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective Guccessors and assigns. o. Termination. $.1 In the event of any material breach by the city of any of the terms or provisions herein, in addition to all other rights or remedies it may have, Boeing may terminate this Agreement by sixty (60) days' advance written notice, which notice shall specifically state the reason for suell termination. No such termination, however, shall be effective if,. within sixty (60) days after such notice, the City bas cured the breach and has. taken or commenced action in good faith to prevent such breach from recurring. 8.2 This Aqreement and all of the City'S riCJhJ:s hereunder .shall terminate· and revert to BOeing upon abandonment of the Permitted· Use by the City. The City shall be presumed to have abandoned the· Permitted Use if the city ceases to maintain and use the Easement Area therefor for a "---_. ·--.·-period-af--two-(2)--sUccessive_yearsL 8.3 Upo", termination af this Agreement, the City~ at its sole cost and expense, shall remove from the Easement Area any.and all improvements thereon and restore the Easement Area· to a condition as good as or hetter than it was prior to construction of saidimprovements~ provided, bowever, the City shall. have no obligation to remove improvements and restore the Easement Area if Boeing shall elect, in writing, to accept the City's abandonment of such improvements in their then current condition and location. a.~ No termination of this Agreement shall release the City from any liability or obligation with respect to any matteroccurri~q Prior to s\Wh termination, nor shall sucb termination release the City from its obligation to .close the Easement Area to public use. Dated as of the date first written above. EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT Paqe 6 '111111 I I i l-.. .------.------------ • " I ~ In :"':':':iJ I..:. .. I .,... COUNTY. OF -'-~..:..lI:~~ • • DOBING COJODIRCIU. AIRPLUB GROUP, a division. of The Boainq Company BY~ I _~ : JJ. Nelson . Di rector, fatilitles and ServfcaS " Boeing Commerclil Airplane Group Iv ss. ,I a I ~. on this , 1992, before me, , the undersign , c n and for the state of ". ___ .. ______ ... __ W __ S.h,.i.n • __ 01},,. _4.U y . d sworn, personally appeared ----~c:.:.~:.;;;;;~'Vr:.:~~=~~fT~_......,,_~.~.~~L . e_ knQ~ to be the. person who s gne as ~ .• ofSOBING-COlOmJteIAL-_· AIRPLAN& . GROUP, a d v s on 0 The Boe1ng Company I the corporation that executed the within and forec;loing instrument, and acknowledged said .instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said· corporation for the use~n purposes therein . mentioned, and on oath staU!d· that was duly 8uthoriz.sd by the· Board of· Directors of the rporation to execute ·said.instrument.and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate·above written.· . EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT page 7 Will • .. - • • My appointment expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss • . COUNTlC OF ~. ) On this ~day of W ' 1992, before me, the undersigned, a _ Notary PC in and for the state of Wash! gton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared -to mo known to be the parson gne as of 'mE CITY OF REHTON, th~ municipal co 0 t on at executed the within and , foregoing-instrument', and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said munioipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, arid on oath stated that slhe was duly elected, qual1fied and acting aasaid officer of the municipal corporation, that sibe was authorized to execute said· instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. EASEMENT -AND AGREEMENT Page 8 .nIU .> • ... ',~ , ... ' :x' ... " EXHIBIT A EXlqBIT B • • Legal Description of Easement Area Easement Area Depiction Tow 'Path Depiction s~te-owned Area DepiotioQ EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT _Atll4lo,onl ." .: ----~.------------.--, " " .. t Page 9 _ ....... ~~~~ '" I:,. ,'" '. '. :-.. ::~:-.. , ;-,,))::' v, n • 1. A. o • Recroation Trail Easement And Agreement Exhibit A (1' of 2) "The EaSClflentArea" The.30 Foot Easement: AN EASEMENT, THE MAJORITY OF IfflICH IS THIRTY ~EET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN BLOCK C, THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORSLANDS (KING COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 5927582) BEING IN THE NOR'l'HEAST QUARTER OFSECTIotl .1, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.H., KING COUNT'l, WASHINGTON SAID EASEMENT BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND ACQUIRED BY BOEING FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 6025859, SAID COrolER BEING ON THE ItINER HARBOR LINE. OF LAKE WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 12°47 '42" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 30.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH .B4°25'26" EAST 407.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05·12'40" EAST 11.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84023'16" EAST 27.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05°57'52" WEST 11.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84°25'26" EAST 572.74 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39006';13" J:;AST 12.56 FEET; THEt-iCE NORTH 28006'53" EAST 25.33 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID INNER HARBOR LINE; THEIICE SOUTH 84025 '26" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 1033.35 FEET TO 'IHE POINT OF BEGIIINING. CONTAINING 30,948 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. B. Th@ lO"foot Easement: AN EASEMENT, TEN FEET IN WIDTH, LYING IN THE NORTHWEST QUl\RTER OF .. ___ . __ ._ .... __ .SEGT.!ON 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W .M., IN KING COUNTY tlASHINGTON;--SElifG-IN· T}{E .. ·LAKE·WASIiINGTON····SHORELANDS··AS-SHOWW·ON .... _- MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 156371, SAID EASEMENT BEttlG DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND BOEING ACQUIRED FEBRUARY 11, 1966 FROM PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COKPAtlY, DESCRIBED AS SHUFFLETON B IN DOCUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILEI/O; 5988091, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE INNER HARBOR LInE; THENCE SOUTH 43006 t 56" EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT 21.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BECINNING OF HEREIN DESCRIBED EASEMENT; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 43·06156~ EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARV.190.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46026'13" WEST 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43006'56" WEST 183.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71°03 'is'' WEST 69.37 FEET TO SAID INNER HARBOR LINE; THENCE NORTH . 46052'27" EAST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 24.41 FEET; THEUCE tlORTH 71°03' 18" ElIST 53.57 FEET TO TilE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAItlIUG 2,485 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. I I i I I I I I I I ! • .. .: In • I' 'I :'''0 , " c. • Recreation Trail Easement And Aqreement Exhibit A (2 of 2) "The Basement Araa" The 'soathous, Easement: -. AN EASEMENT B~COMPASSING A PORTION OF BOEING'S RENTON FACILITV BUILDING 4-670 AND A'l"l'ACHED RAMP SITUATED IN BLOCK C, THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF lAKE WASHINGTON SHORELANDS (KING COUNTY AUDI'l'OR'S'FILE NO. 5927582) BEING IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 7 t TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH; 'RANGE 5 EAST, W. M., RING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID EASEMENT BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CO~BR OF THAT TRACT OF LAND ACQUIRED BY BOEING ,FROIo{ THE STATE OF WASHING'l'ON AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT R&coRDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 6025859, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE INNER HARBOR 'LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON: THENCE SOUTH 12047'42" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 30.24 FEET; THENCE ¢ NORTH 84025'26" EAST 55;86 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; ,LO THENCE, SOUTH 04037' 03" EAST 23.20 FEET; r-THENCE SOUTH 51°26'14" \otEST 57.88 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRAcT; THENCE SOUTH 12047'42" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 16.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51°21'25M 'EAST 72.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 040 32'09" WEST 3.75 ,FEB'l'i THENCE NORTH 85028'00" EAST 31.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45033'29" EAST 10.08 FEBT; THENCE SOUTH 04°43'09" EAST 46.13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 850 16'51" EAST 14.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04°43'09" WEST 37.95 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8502B'OO" EAST 22.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04D32'OO" WEST 15.75 FEETi .------------.----THENCE'-NORTH-:85°2 B-' OO"-EAST-17·.·B6·FEE'l'i----". THENCE NORTH 04032' 00" WEST 21.00 FEETi THENCE-NORTH 8502B'00" 'EAST 125.00 FEETI THENCE NORTH 04°32'00" WEST 10.47 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE WHICH ElEARS NORTH 84°25'26" EAST FROM 'mE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOU1'H84°25'26" WEST 231.52 FEET TO THE TRUE pOINT OF BEGINNING. ' CONTAINING 6,258 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 1111111I1I1I21';;.'..:'IM~.~o~ot:~:~CL. i • I I .' • \,) J't .0(. - \;I !.> /II!II N.W. \/4 , NW. 114, SEC. 8 AND N. 112. N.E. 1/4, SEC. 7, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 100 so 0 100 I'CIl 5C&U"" rut . .-,,110' HOIIIZll'iTAL tIl'I\.IM _GTaI C:OORDIHATE StSTIM, HORT" ZONE INAlIn, NOTt,11.WSl.1 REfERS TO OECIIETRI' _ ~ CI' LAMf. _ SHOAt N 166.5Q0 + c ~ :c ~ LAKE WASH\NGTON .:.~: .. :B.:'F~ ~R~A I"~U'''-E ~PI.· ."~G" •...... s,,·z(lt-. J'J 111" SQ"~ 1ft' ; • n:M$Ll ,.....,....... __ / _ ............... ' , _. 1,2119824 _ .... "" ... .. ®................. "83·,.,.~ .. ~ ~'i!I' -. r .:".!~.. @) NO .... '·~ •.. .a' N 84.2S·2&"' E .... '"iiMI» 'S !"!jl£MP'mI.:\.... -~.~·,S". · .. i ......... 0............. ...... -:t£i""'"MAIIIICfI LINE __ ..r.. ....... -Tn,.· !ZII '"7). " .-. ".., ---.... -pll .:"" ...... 1 .-.:: -~~~..F:"'~ .. st'& 1-80 "!I \ \ -,;';.::.NC€L "X"J:) ~~~E6AC11U1fm1 AFNO.6_ 1_ IIOlIT>KIUSE EASlCNT) STATE OF WASKlNGTO" I BLOC.~ C 'f!-IJRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LA},£ WASHINGTON iSHOR£ LANDS (AF.#59Z7.5BZ] , I-~O + :;::.. ""1 2'" N W,'oo ~·j-t_j.;.t~ ... .r. 8O£IN1l ACQUIR£I) 8'31'1\2 i A.£ NO. !>474429 IC:O\IENAN1$I U.s.A. . -(" rvOV'?- _l.~~\ C,O~· ~..p .... ''-' <:.\0 ~ ... + g ~ ~<. ,?V + -" 5207, (154/ I .. + N 186,fJC7.J9 [ ~5&O,79149 /"/ .rP~~ ~,>., • .o- +0'" ~v. .;I' '" . . r1''' ~ .. ~ II tll!,978!D +. , "J~) E; t,MO.078 Ot • y.. ~":) '\ \)~ ..:9 '9 .'.'?~\\..;.. <?<I\. Y' ,\\ \; ~r;;!J <.,~. ~. \ 1-80 (SHJFF~.ET ON Ai 8CIEWG ACOUtAm 2·",66 AF. NO. 59B809t puG£T SOONO POWER a LIGHT +Y EXHI91T B (I OF 3) RECREATION TRAIL EASEMENT a AGREEMENT !:!: .,) Jl 0( "-::J y NW~,NE~ ,SEC. 7,T~ 23N.,R~:: W. M. . ~~'i,. ~(,-<..O~ .... Sy..\ -t\~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON· il 92[19171541 ~ ~ c:I __ ----L---"'" ""W" ,p."H' .go •• -,~ . ~ .. ,_, ,n" ..... ...u"'~" , """. i w.n ••• a 40200 40 i i ~~(}e\ll ~ \ 1:; .. .,~ .... ~ NI8~.500+ 0 0 .. to ; .. e:. !:c-,~ 1"'''' t):!. ! ~l 0;::>1 -'" . C;OH~ 1:"> . ....... ~ BRIDGE \ ~ :;; ;13 c::> \ $ ~ -...::: ...... ~ ~::~: 'Mi ~ e c::> :::> 'i3 -" ~ ~ ~ ~ :000 e: c:-:. -~ ~ ....:: ..- Bl.O e ~ B " ~~t>- ~-*-- 'y Bl.OCI; C .d~~/..I' . /'!i't' ; ""_'R ',rct 1 H I a D au P P LE mEn 'nH m a? COiQIIT ('''''' Ul1H UJAUllDG10n snn~E lAnDS (}j f #~H) 11 ~ 81 1 i-SO \ PARCEL~-:r ~ 811£1111 ACCPJIRED .'21-'" A.F.KO ~1I!!9 !\lATE OF ,.r,SIUlIG'lON liC&LE '!:~N"""F£ET=;---' .-. CCf ~TlIL 04T1A1 _,""ON COCiIItIIIOltE ='I!"OATlt ZONE NellE ILWSLIIIEfERS TD _ETA'; _ ON .. lIP 011 ...... E WASHINGTON SHORE UlHDS. odS "'ILW$l.1 ..L 1 = ' -Saa.52¥z~7 ----18Jt 7\' Boa 72 CLWSU .. --~~-. ."c •• c S 88' :>l U E CIf,~ .. u.: . \ , 1-80 ·~'L,:.!'rr· ~·O) BOiING ACQUIRED 8'11'62 UGAL DESOUmos TOWPATH BLOCK '8", TIIIRD SUPPLEAI£:'"TAL MAP OF LAKE WASHINGTO!' SHOlP;£U,. .. OS IKl"'G CDUh'TY AlJDmlR'S FILE NO. m75U)AS SII\l .. ·s DNTHE !'LilT TIIEIlEOF ON fILE IN TIlE OFfIC£ 01' 'nIE CONIo\IS$lOt."EII OF ptJeuc LANDS AT OL VMPIA. WAStmiGTON • \ A F 101.0. $474428 (COVENANTS) \/S.A, EXHIBIT B (2 OF 3) TOW PATH " ;p :.c. "-::1. II' " " N 'ITa'll O'IIIH£I) AREA ~~~"[~!lQ~ N.1/2,N.E.1/4,SEC. 7, T.23 N., R.5 E., W.M. .. :"IUG'! c= ~·.:~S;T\lA.T&r.. .... t~ ~ l..U • .vcCD""~!i 'O.POA1~. or 8.OC."C· l'tdlDSlJPIll.tU'l."'&:" WPOE c:Ad liIIIas-"4U;W~$MOOI[""'--.:J$I"~ co..i"~ A~~ItOl'S Ft.1 UO 5£111!al. R-.G .,. '"£ ~IofIAST OIJAATiA 01 s£c-.;r,:" TQ\\~,S .. .II :)~tH. AN~ ~ EAsT 'flU II.IHG COUttrr «"'tONTo-. ~.:·fRA;:" III -.G ~£~CRI8£C A.S "Cu~ I" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 100 so 0 Bf.~"""'''.l Or .. ftoI~1N'4R HARBOR IRtE AT r~AT ctWtrR a:&.ar.tOPI TO 6I.00tS 11" .vO"C" p£As",.: UAltOl tAII.£ II'rA,Slor.tG,.~SIlt(1R2LANCS .. Tfff:MC[ NORf"W2'! 2&' EAS!' I.OIl'<G SA1:I "'""'......". ~",£j"'07 FEET TO Ttt£ tAuS ~ 0< BE:.1.~ '"£Net COMJtr.IUlt.G f.IDI:I, ...... 2S ;I: EAST Al.OI4SA1O IN"'OER HARBOR .. LIId: Jr)HIIE£t .fO,.,.A'GLe PGfwl .... U«:.Lwe:. DlOC£ NQRTk.rU %r~ a.a.c..:; S6: e-.."d.f' ~ urd: 12'''fiET It:ftf.t«:£: \.£a\w..G SAC 1M6I~ LlPae tt:)A'Jot&3':7lrWlS1 t2'OOIFE5f ltwP!r>tI;ESCUT'H .... 52 UWiSTQtaFHl tteltC£SO\It~ ~"2\ '''-M$T :l41'Qf£E't :1'~SOU1H~'2~WiS1 'o.~ FEEl TO ftoE T~ PQ:IlT OF.6!~ I I COf.Jlo\ .• ~-.G Jl :o,;SC-JARE FEET.IMJRE. 0:& l£6S . ! 100 200 SCALE III F"ttT I"' IIXf !CNTAL OATUU 'ftASHINCnm COORDINATE \ WASHlNGTON SySTt".OJOIITH ZOOJ[ \..AKE i (.NAD ;rr. 1 £ ' C L_l II1"F[AS TO G£OIIHA. SHCIW~ cit< MAP II' I.U[ _lNGTal'! _ !'..J ::~. -i-~~~)~~ ~\~n:.L\ , LArtOS ~:./ y' .g. ' 1-80 "- ( PARCEL JZI) . STATE O' .... NED . AREA ~:~66ACQUIR£D ~.730:!; SQ.FT. AF NO 602S859 ... Ire i ~ , STATE OF WASHINGTON D_D n. C THJRD SUPPL.EMENTAL jyJAP OF LAKE WASH JNGTON SHORE LANDS (A. F. #.5927.582) .. a, a\ [ 1-80; (PLANT 2Q) .t,I 18s.soo BDEING ACQUIRED 8"31-62 ' AI': NO. 5474429IC011EHANTSI USA. : cO'0'i\'~ '" + ~S ~,,",f ... \O~ \S:.::1 ~\-~ (.O~ + ., 8 t ... p.~ t(\.-+ \ \ce. \\ \So \"" \~ \% '" \',: \\ \1 \~ \~ ,'!). \. \~ ,-. \ !II) <J2O'1171541 1-80 ( SHUFFLETON B) 12" STATE OW"'" NlEA + <'!9 C; ?j>.'i\!:-o ,\ \ 1,5)'(\'" \~.;l1 1-80 (SHUFFLETON A) BOEING ACQUIRED 2-" -66 AJ; NO. 11988091 PIlGET ~D POWfR a UGHT COMPAN't + EXHIBIT B (3 OF 3) STATE OWNED AREA ~ ... s~) 'r\ t.-::J : 'l±iSfl:::a ' .. _, .. . ... a ill ., :19 .. "" .. . II .i. ~. AMENDMENT NO. I TO . RECREATIONAL TRAIL EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT CAG-9Z-oS9 Addendum #1-95 THIS AMENDMENT to the RECREA~~ iJWL EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT C' Agreement") is dated as o~lJlC ,l994~ and is made by and between THE BOEING COMPANY, actmg by and through its divis~on the BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP, a Delaware corporation ("Boeing"), and THE CITY OF RENfON, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (the "City"). Recitals A. Boeing and City entered into that certain Recreational Trail Easement and Agreement dated as of August 14, 1992, Wid recorded with the King Co. Records {)ivision on September 17, 1992 under recording number 920917- 1541 (the "Easement Agreement"). B. Boeing and City desire to amend and restate the Easement Agreement as provided herein. Ageements Now. therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1.. Paragraph A of Exhibit A to the Easement Agreement is deleted in its . entirety and Attachment 1 to this Agreement is substituted therefor. 2. The ~ent Agreement is incorporated herein by reference, and the parties expressly restate the granting of the easement. 3. Paragraph B of Exhibit A to the Easement Agreement and all other provisions of the Easement Agreemellt shall remain unchanged and in full force .-.... __ ................. -···-···"md effect:-·· -................ -.......... c _ .. __ .... _ .....•.....•.... -.. . ........... -.---.•. -............... -........... . . . 4. This Amendment constitutes the complete and exclusive Agreement .. between the parties with respect: to the Amendment set forth herein. It cancels and supersedes all previous agreements between the parties relating thereto, whether written or oral. • • ..:!'-.... :.--.......... ~ \ ~ ~~~ ~. :.:. ,::-:: ~l ~ ~; ~. MAY 2 81995 P, .'._ -___ ., 119521.!.R. !"'{::"~.~ -:~:- • .Mtr,'-:, ••. !~: . ! t ~ 1 I . . " e· CAG-92-089 Addendum 11-95 Dated as of the date flISt written above. CITY: City .of Renton ~:--~~~~~~~ .. Its: ""'="';"';';"~-+-_+--"-..L- Hadl", STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) 5S. BOEING: The Boeing Company, by and through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group ~ l~ Director, Fadl!ties and ServtceI Boeing CtI:,.· . :>:Jine GrOUlf COUNTY OPKINO >- . On thiS~O~ 1994, before me 1he undersigned personally appeared 1. J. NELSON to me known to be the person who signed as DIRECTOR OF F AClLmES of Boeing Commercial AiIplane Group, a division of THE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that-he was duly authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official se l'llp.r7tt'I ajljrjdLJA=Al~IfiD'~~trS'f above written. -.... -. -._ .... -........ ~~~.-.--.~.---. atA~~ifiJ!!~~~~~ My commission expires 11951LF.R I I I i .... :-"'-~.-~' , c. _.Po ........ , ... 1.::1 ... . ~ ... .. . STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) Ora this J1:l! day of J= 19~ before me the undersigned personally appeared EARL cLYMEto me known to be the MA VOR of THE CITY OF RENTON, the nIunicipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrwnent., and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntm:y act and. deed of sSid corporatio~ for the uses and pmposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to exec1.lte 1he said instrument. WITNESS nly hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first abovewritren. ~ ~ Notary Publi~the ~;ue t=:ngton resi~g .1 My commission expires L,",,-'17 I i ! i _._--_ ... -_ ....... -.. --~ .. -.. --.. -.. -.---.. ----... ---.,----_.-'-'.--,,-< .----~ ... -.-.--.... _--_.-'--'--,,_-< .~ ........ _-.. . .. ---~ .. _., .. _ ... -..... '-"" .. _-_ .. '---.... ----''''-I" 119llLER I I I ~ .. I i I I . -. ATTACHMENT 1 lAKE WASHINGTON !RAIL EASEMENT AN EASEMENT, VARYING IN wtDTHS BElWEEN lWEN1Y SEVEN ANDTHIRlY FEET. SITUATED IN BLOCK C,THIRO SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LAKE WASHiNGTON . SHORELANDS (KtNG COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 5927582) BEING IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTlO~ 7. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST. W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SAID EASEMENT BEING DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS; .. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNEA OF THAT TRACT OF LAND ACQUIRED av BOEING FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AS DESCRlBEO ~N DOCUMENT . . , AECORDEDUNDER AUDITOR'S RLE NO. 6025859,SAlD CORNER BEING ON THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 1~ 47' 42" EAST ALONG'THE WESTERLY liNE OF SAID TRACT 30.24 FEET; lliENCE NORTH 84° 25' 26" EAST ON A LINE PARALLEL Willi SAfDJNNEA HARBOR UNE A DISTANCI; OF 407.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05° 34' 34a EAST 172.15 FEET; THENCE SOlJTH 6ff 36' , " 29" EAST 46,09 FEET; THENCE NORTH 7SO 24' 31" EAST 416.76 FEET; THENCE NORTH3i1 40' 24" EAST 225.07 FEET TO A POINT ON SAtD ~NNEA HARBOR LINE; THENCE SOUTH 64° 25' 26~ WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 37.07 FEET; THENCESQUTH 37° 40' 24" WEST 190.45 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75° 24' 311. WEST 396.35 FEET; THENCE NORTH 5£f 35r 29" WEST 20.43 FEET; THENCE NORTH OSO 34' 34" WEST 188.B2 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID INNER HARBOR LINE; THENCE SOUTH 84°25' 26" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR UNE 438.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAiNING 35,146 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. " ' , " Prepared By: . Duane Hartman & Associates, Inc. Job No. 534.00 November 16, 1994 ~ ~---... ---. ----.. --~----------"--... I NOTE: The above easement has been prepared as a replecerrleot tor the easement identified as !lA. The 30 Foot Ensement:a as publisheclfn uExhiblt A (1 of 2}" of documen1 titled "Recreational Trail Easement and Agreement", and recorded under King County Recording No. 9209171541. ! t J 1 ! i I i ! I . , j I I i I I ! . --·.@; .. ,.-e ..... KORIZqNTAL DA~~ : WASHlHGTOHCOORDINATE SYS~Iof.NORTH NORTH ZONE NAn 83(91) , , N V£RTlCAI.. 1>ATt».4 : NATIQNAL GEOO~TIC VERllCAI. DATU... 1929 . l NOTE : (LWSL) REFERS TO CEOMETRY SHOWN ON MAP OF 9606110277 I LAKE WASHINGTON SHORElANOS.· -. 100' _SO' 0 lQO'· 200' r SCAlE IN Fm I w "-+ Ii -* I ~ ... ... + + LAKE WASHINGroN HARIlOIi .~fll!A -----______________ - -..... -.----SUW!E,~ATI)N 1-80 (PARm. Ill) + BOafIG. i.CQuJRtC .... 22.-&6 A.F·llI02S8!It STATE C# WASl-lNGTON " 8 .~ ---'*' ,.~/ Q" ., + I~O _t=a.~~1_ A.F.I6"M3 (CCIIl>W/IS) . u.s.... + + ~._~o BA1IBlJRN. WA.;SCO:Z E'JER(TT. WA. 9BZ01 DKENf. WA. D8031 F'AC!lIl1ES OfPARl\!ENT Clf'ORTtAMD. OR 97220 • RENTON. WA. 911O~ ____ • _ •. ________ .OStloTTLE. WA. gBI2~.~_ ... ,.i. ___ _ ~ ...:::;-=.. i -t I!lcP,RES 71lBl''- IUJlPINC . D HA DUAHE 1WlJM.IN '" 16SOCKT£S, INC. ......... .....,.raa.11IIIIaU BOEING-REN TON ,. r r CAG-92-089 Adden. #2-96 AMENDMENT NO.2 TO RECREATIONAL TRAIL EASEMENT. AND AGREEMENT TIllS AMENDMENT to the RECREATIONAL TRAIL EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT ("Agreementj is dated as of AA6gM" ill. 1996, and is made by and between THE BOEING COMPANY, acting by and through its division the BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP, a Delaware corpomtion ("l3oeingj. and TIm CITY OF RENTON. a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (the "City''). Recitals A. Boeing and City entered into that Certam Recreational Trail Easemerit and Agreement date4 as of August 14,;1992, and recorded with the King Co. Records Division on September 17, 1992 ~er recording number 9209171541 (the '~ement Agreement"), and with Amendment No.1 to the Recreational Tmil Easement and Agreement recorded June 11, 1996 under ,recording numper 9606110277 ("Amendment No.1 ''). . B. Boeing and the City desire to amend the Easement Agreement and Amendment No.1 as· provided herein. J\ireements Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows: 'r t ~\.' L-. :. 1. Additional easement area is· granted by Boeing to the City by this Amendmem <. . No.2 and Atta.ebment 1 as an addition to the Easement Agreement and Amendment c. No. 1. ----~----I: ---. ---'i --TIrlsA;e~~drtNo.-i ooDstriUies only tIle-aadifionat -easement areaUfbe---------0----.----0'_.' . r;. included as described in Attachment 1 of this agreement. All preVoious provisions in the I Easement Agreement and Amendment No. 1 remain in effect and carry over to the \ ~ , i -j ~. )j ! . additional easement area. E I. 3 ,. , l. ~ .. . :~. EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED J;;Zl--. , . . ~ . Dated as of the date first written above. CITY: city of Renton By:~~ __ ~v=~~~~ __ Iu: ~~~~ __ ~~~ __ __ STATE OF W ASHINOTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KlNO ) BOEINO: The Boeing CompanY. by and through its division, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group ~ On this / r.:tl day of ~ 1996, before me the undersigned' pemonaIly appearedJ. I. NELSON to me known to be the person who signed as Vfce President Fac111ties Asset Mgmt. of Boeing Commereia1 Airplane Group. a division oflHE BOEING COl\(PANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged the said instrument to be free and voluniary act and deed of said . oorporation, for the uses and purposes therein. mentioned, and . on. oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute the said instruIDent. _._: ....... __ . ___ . __ ~ __ . __ . ___ : .. -.-____ . WI1NESS my hand and official seal h~ affixed the day and year first abol/e ~~~-~-~-____ ~~n~~_~ •• Notary Public in and for the . :a~ding. . My commision expires ·7 ...... / Z --17 ,.: .. STArn OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF KING. ) On this id-day of =t .. , 1996, before me the undersigned personally appeared JESSE T to me known to be the MAYOR of TIlE CITY OF RENTON; the municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be free and voluntary act and deed of said corPoration, fol," the uses and purposes therein melluoned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute the said insttument. WIT'NESS my hand and officw seal hereto aftbc.ed the day and year first above written. . ~Publi~ ~tlite ~gton residing . My commission expires 10-12-27 RECREATIONAL TRAIL-BASEMENT LEGAL DBSC1UPTION: Attachment 1 _ (JUnendD1ent~o.2) An easement. _situated in Block C. Third Supplemental Map of Lake Washington-Shorelands (King County Auditors File No. -S921S82h being in the Northeast quarter of Section 1. Township 23 North. Range S East. W.M., King County, Washington. said easement being described as follows: Beginning at the northwest comer of that tract of land a<:quired by Boeing from the State of Washington. as described in document recorded under Auditor's File No. 6025859. said northwest corner also being the most northwesterly comer oftbe easement identifaed as "Lake Washington Trail.Easement"" lIS descn'bed in "Attachment 11'1 of document titled" AmeodtDent No. 1 to Recreational Trail Easement and AQreeJllent".and ~ under King County Recording No. 96()6110211, and said northwest comer also being on the Inner Harbor Line otlake Washington; - Thence. South 12° 47· 42" F.ast. along the westerly line of said tract of land and said easement, a distance of 30.24 feet; ~cc North 84° 25'26" &st.-on a line parallel whh and SO feet south of said inner Harbor Line, a -distmce of 287.38 feet. to the most northeasterly corner of.the easement identified as "C. The Boatbmlse r*mmf'. as publisbed in Exhibit A (2 of 2)" of documcltt titled "Re«'68tional Trail Easement and Agreement'" recorded under King County R.eoording No. 9209171541, and the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 040 32' 00" Bast, along the easterly line of said Boathouse Basement. a distance of 10.41 feet~ Thence South 8So 28' 00" West, along the southerly line of said Boathouse Basement,. a distance of 125.00 feet; - Thence South 04° .12' 00" East, along the easterly line of said Boathouse Easement, a distance of21.00 feet Thence Nortb 84°25' 26" East. on a line parallel with said Inner Harbor Line. a distance of 245.20 feet, to an intersection with the westerly lino of said Trail Easement; Thence North OS" 34" 34" West. along said westerly line of said Trail Easement, a distance of 29.19 feet, to an Intersection with a line 30 feet southerly of and parallel with said Inner Harbor Line; Thence Soutb84° 25' 26" West, along the sol1therly line of said Trail Easement, 8 distance of lt9.65 feet, to the most northeasterly corner of said Boathouse Easement and the True Point of BeginniDg. ----~--~'--_. -.-~-.. -.~ ---.-.~----------------------.-- -------.-- - , .i I' , I .. IJ> ...... - N 186000 + _w • ".I,~~ L .. ,i.)t:·:'V·.t.~: .~.~~ #-.. ~L!.>· F~O'~~' i :~~ .. ~ l'~ ~ 1 I 1':-4 ~ ~)t~ I:pl r I-(:; G; ;(. "H;:: f-j;)11 :h':PJN:' [,,'.1.,/:},.E\'r Technical Serviees PIannInglBul1dinglPublic Worb ··s. Feste, 17 June 1996 ... -'UJ" ~ - - N - + AOOI1lONAL TRAlL EASEMENT + --i \ " I ----------------------I -- 1-80 (,=,~_~~.t.:. AMENDMENT 'NO: 2 TO RECREATIONAL TRA\L ESMT . ' , o • ... _------._-_. • IYllI:!I/ RECORDIiD RETURN '10: 0I0NO! 11* til)' d .. ~ blOll MU1icip.1I BuIlding 200Mdl A ........ South blall, \~ ,\ 9BUSS .. ftCI'~dbISrel\ll .. te. TIre Beeing Somph)'> P.II.["'" 3M 9eddc; '],'"' ... 9Bli4' IillLiiliWi. "JiUi 1Ust;1 M/5 '16052 AGREEMENT AND LICENSE FOR EXTENSION OF BOEING RECEIV:Ll iHIS DM PAG-93-005 .e"B " 849 II 3~ r:!~ '9~ "',0'-; ", : DOMESTIC WATER AND COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY LINES · TIns AGREEMENT is made this i day od" ...... I9lJbetween The City of Renton. a municipal corporation. ("Grantor-herein) and The Boeing Company by and through its division. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, ("Grantee" herein). I. Gr~tee desires to construct and maintain a four inch diameter domestic water supply . line· and a six inch diameter compressed air line extenSion for the purpose of providing domestic water and compi'essed air services to Apron D at the Renton Municipal Airport. II. Grantee haS agreed to underiake such construction and m!lintenance subject to Grantor granting licenses for purposes ·ofsuch construction and maintenance. . lit Grantor and Grantee desire to enter into this agreement setting forth their respective obligations and rights regarding such license. . Agreements In consideration of the performance by Grimtee ofthe covenants. terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; Grantor hereby· gtants to Grantee the following licenses: A. A license across, along. in. upon. and under that portion ofthe Grantor's property ten (10) feel wide running north south across North 6th Street's sixty (60) foot right-of-way between logan Avenue and North Riverside Drive. The centerline of the above mention .. portion of property Is located approXimately eight hundred and eight (808) feet west orlhe ... intersection centerline of North 6th Street and logan Avenue. Such license shall be for the • Purpose ofinstalling. constructil1g. operating, maintaining. removing, repairing. replacing. and uSing the water supply line and compressed lIir line extensions (the "E:«ensionse). together · with the right of ingress to and egress from said property. The terms "license" and "license . areaa in this instrument refer to the licenses granted with respect to tbe portion of property depicted above and as shown on Exhibit A. -1 • .. -g: . ....... ----_ .. _----------- ~' ,'. ". o • , This license ,is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fuUy observe and penonn. I. COsts DfConstruction Rnd Mglntenance, Grantee shall bear and promptly pay a/l cosis and expenses of construction, maintenance and repair ofthe Extensions located in the Itcense area depicted on Exhibit A. 2. Specifications, Grantee shaH constJUct the Extensions In accordance with the specifications for the Project set fonh in the PlanSpecifieations. 3. Approyal of Plans. Prior to any construction, alteration, replacement or removal of the Extensions. a notiHeation and plans for the same shall be submitted in writing to Grantor by , Grantee and no such work by Grantee shall be commenced without Grantor's prior written approval of the plans therefor; which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER. that in the event oran emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facUities or other personS or property, Grantee may take such ,aclion upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the. circumstances. Grantor has , approved the plans and specifications set forth in Grantee's above-mentioned technieal Specifications. 4. Cooidination of Activities. Grantee shall coordinate the dates of its construction and other major activitieS on Gruntor's property with Public Works Field Maintenance Department, ,ot such other employee of Grantor as GrantOr may from time to time designate. and Grantor shall make the license area readily accessible to Oran~ee, and free from obstructions Bod other uses that may interfere with conStruction of the Extcmsions orits use thereafter; PilOVIDED, HOWEVER. that In the event ofan emergency requiring immediate action by Orantee for the protection ,orits faCilities or other Persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon ,such notlce to Grantor as is reasonable under the, circumstances. -,--------------5,--"': -ws,rk-Sland!Wl&;-Upon-compietionofconstructionofthe-portion oftheEKIensions - on GraritOr's property. and upon cOmpletion of any subsequent work performed by Grantee, on Grantor's property, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the surtbce'ofthe property as nearly as possible. to Ihe condilion in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any property comer monuments, survey rererence or hubs which were disturbed or deStroyed during eonstNction. • 6, Acc!!lis by Grantee !luring Construct!on. Granlor shall make provisions for continued aecess by Grantee a10ni over, under, and across North 6th Street during penods in which Grantee is condUcting construction. During construction, Oritntee shall endeavor to minimize !nterfei'ence Withlhe ,free passage ortraffic along North 6th Street; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Grantee may divert traffic as needed to accomplish construction. Grantee shaH submit to Grantor fClr approval a writien plan fot diversion cif traffic. such approVllI shall be granted within seven (7) days of receipt of such plan and shaD not be unreasonably withheld. -2- A 1 1 I " :.", -----------. ---~ . .I -, , o • · 7. Grantee's Use and Activities. Grantee shall at all times Cl)nduct its activities on Orantor'sproperty so as not to unreasonably interfere with, obstruct or endanger Grantor's opcrutions or facilities. . 8. Use or the License Area by Grantor. Grantee has been advised and is aware that Grantor is using ilr intends to use thl: property subject to this Agreement for the purpose of public right-of-way. • 9. IriterferericB Witb Grantor's Future FaCilities. In the event GiBI1tor desires to construct facilities relating to Grantor's operations on or in the vicinity of the license area · depicted on Exhibit A hereto. and the Extensions Substantially interferes witll such proposed facilities or Cl)nstruction thereof. Grantor shall provide Grantee with sixty (60) days' advance · written· notice. oflts Intention to undertake such COnstRIction. Grantor shall provide Grantee .. With .such tcm'lporruy construction rights and additional license rigbts to the license are:l and Grantor's surrounding property as are required to accommodate relocation and alteration of the Extensions. . .10. Hold Harmless. Grantee shall defend. indenmilY and hold harmless Grantor. from and , against aU actions. causes of action. liabilities, claims.· suits. judgments. liens. awards and · damilges, of any kind and nature whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as ·Claims·). for property ~. damage. personal injul}' or death.and expenses, costs of litigation and counsel fees related CoD .. thereto. Or incident to estabHshing the right toindemnilication, in any way related to .the . 0 • Agniement, theperi'onnanc:e ihereofby Grantee or Its subcontractors. including without M .. limiiation the provision of services, personne~ fI1cilities. equipment. support supervision or ~.review; to the extent such Claims arise outofany negligent act or omission of Grantee or its ~ . subcontractor. a) This indemnity will be applicable to a claim only if Grantor: .... ---. _.----------(i) ----notifles·Grantee·oftbe-claim or liability in writing within such time as to permit Grantee to protect its interests; G (ii) permits Grantee to defend or settle against the claim or liabUity: and (ill) cooperates with Grantee in any defense of settlement against the claim or liability. . II. Cpmmercial General Liability Insuranq. Throughout the period of performance of this Agreement. Grantee shall carry and maintain. and shall ensure that its subcontractors CIIn)' and maintain, Commercial ~cral LiabiHty insurince with limits of not less than One MUlion Dollars ($ 1.000.000) per occurrence for bodily injul}'. Including death., damage or, alternatively, orie Million Dollars (S I.OOO,OOO) per occurrence single limit for bodily injul}' and property damage combined. Such insurance shaD be in a form and with insurers reasonably acceptable to Grantor, and shan contain coverage for all premises and operations. broad timn propertydamag8 and contractual liability (Including without limitation. that specifically ·3- I I 1 l ...... _._--_. ------;---------------------- " ... .' .. • . . assumed herein). AnY policy which provides the~insurance required under this Paragrapb II shall name Grantor as additfonallnstireds to the extent of the contractual obUgation set fortb in Paragrapb 10 above. 12. Workera' COmpensation. Throughout the period ofperfunnance oftbis Agreement, Grantee shall cover o·r.maintain insurance, and sball ensure that its subcontractors cover or niaintain instIrance,in aocordancewitb the applicable I.aws relating to workers' compensation. with respect to all of their reSpective employees wo~g on or about the license area. regaidless ofw~ether sucb coverage or insurance is mandatory or merely elective under tbe law. Grantee shall. also carry and ni:alntain, and ensure that its subcontractors carry and maintain. Employers Liabifitycoverage with limits of not 1e!15 than One Million Dollars ($1.000,000) per accident. 13. . CeJ1ificates of In!!UrnDCe. Prior to the commencement oftbe work, Grantee sball provide for Grantor's review and approval ~ficates of insurance reflecting full comptiance .wlth the requirements set forth·in Paragraphs 1 1. and 12 above. Such certificates shall be kept ~ current and in compliance t~ugbout the ~ of the Agreement an~ shall provide for thirty . '" (30) clays advance written notice to Grantor In the event of cancellallon. g 14.· IenninatiOn ofLicensc-Either party may, upon 6 montilS advance written notice, . e lerminate tbe license: .PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no termination may occur by Grantor N during the initial two year period commencing on the date of this AgreemenL o ..' .. ~ is. BemoyalofRxtepsjons go TenninaJipn;Upon any termination oflhis Agreement, . . Grantee shall. on or before the effective d~.oftenninatlon. remove the Extensions from the . license area and restore the ground of such area.to tbe condition now exlstins. or, in the .. alternative, take sucb other mutually agreeable measures to minimize the impact of the Extl!nsions on the license area depicted on Exhibit A. Such work. removal lind restoration shall be done at the sole cost and expense of Grantee and in a manner reasonably satlsfictory ~---------"---lo -arantor;'---.----~. ------.. _-..,--_ .. ,_. ------_._---. -.-----~.-,-.--.-, -"---_.,-" .. " -... -._---.. ---_. _.-.. _-... --._- • 16. ~. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be given as rollows: . If to Grantor: If to Grantee: ·7II.ILER The City of Renton PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton. Washington 980S5 Attn: Administrator . The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707. MIS 63-1>1 Sentde. Washington 98124-2207 Attn: Director of Facilities Renton Division / . ! :' !. . r--' • Notices shall be deemed effective, ifmai/ed, upon the second business day foUowing deposit thereofin the United States malls, postage prepaid.certi6ed or registered mail, return receipt requested. or upon delivery lhereorifotherwlse given. Either party may change the address to which notices may be.given by giving notice as above provided. 17. . AssiGoment. Neither Grantor nor Grantee.shall assign its rights, privileges, ob6gations or liabilliies hereunder without the prior written Consent or the other party which consent shall Dot be unreasonably withheld or delayed~ PROVIDED. THAT. Grantee may assign its rights, privileges. obligations and liabilities hereunder to. its divisions and subsidiaries without the prior consent orGrantor. 18. SUccessors. Subject to the preceding paragraph, the rights and obDgations ortbe parties shall inure to dlc bene6t or and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 19. . City Requjremeots. This Agreement does not relieve the Grantee qfany requirement of any City Ordinance, rule or regulation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any reqUirement to street work. street excavation petmits and fees therefore. or the use, removal or relocation of property and streets. No privilcae nor exemption is granted or . co.nterredunto Orantee by this Agreement except those specificaUy prescn'bed herein. and any such privilege claimed under this Aareement by the Grantee in the described franchise area under Exhibit A shall be subordinale to any prior lawfbl occupancy of the street or any subsequent improvement or installation therein. . ExeCUTED as of the dale hereinabove set forth. .The City of Renlon . The Boeing Company . ---_ .. _._-"-_._-.--_.-------. -"---------.-througl1.its-d~Dn..--_ ...... __ ......... -. ------.. . 7S!I.ER . Boeing Commercial Airplane Group .~~~ .~- -s- JJ. Nelson Director, F«IDUes Ind SarvIcei Boeing Com_al Airplane Group .... . ~ ./ II) ~. o • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) $S. COUNTYOF ~ ) I certifY thilll know Or ~ve satisfactory evidencc.that EArl C~ ... ~csigned this instrument. on oath stated that \"s-was authorized to execute the Insttwnent and acknowledged it as the ~!!I of f?~to be the free and voluntary act of sucb party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. . DATED05r,-rlb ~~. NOJiUBiiCiII and~eState of Washington, residing at My Appointment Expires:" . ~ .8TATEOFWASHINGTON ) ~ COUNTY OF· ? 55. .• J $ I,,,.,,,.,,,, 1~_""""'.';~tbIs_'" a') on Oa~;~hat· was authorized to execu. te the inst~ment and acknowledged it ... as the ~~ of be the free and voluntary act ofsuc:h party for the uses and _._.u_.~;:;:}~·~l .. ~... . ............. . orwas~n. residin~.tate tVN , I • My Appointment Expires: • '/ .1 I ,.1 • / .t1 .'~ • '." ". " , . . I ~ ~ ~ ~. q') o • .. " EXJilBITA Drawing showing Ucense Areas ... .I t. 1 .. . . fOItf1()l OF SE. 1/4· OF . . S£tl1C1~ 7, 1W1J. 23 N'J ~6t 5 f., W~1't. ':rAKEN FROH: ilJ ~N4 (/lJN'f( W I . Plan sheat. C6, Water Systems lmprov8JllentsProject, . Ha~i.a . Group Inc •. cOntra,ct :'91-1333 ,Boeing job #350813, :. :. dated June 4, 1992. ".;. . . o • i N.~. ~""-Ve,-1U-;g,. 'IJ.'I'8 • , 14-~' I· . -~.~_.1 SEE SHT CIS Fe PIPE PRClF'ILE LOCK INC W£ST I APRON A ,\ H. I I ,6 • ... L' Q G> ·.awe'iiljilH 'C!O,.iUJ 21 WHEN R!C0~r.t;i' RSn..J'RN 1'0: RECEIYED THfS DAY ,Offlc~ ul t\:. 'i k , Renton !-.I\lI" •.•• ".i :;uildini zoe Mill I\v~nue South ~WA 980S$ Jut. 15 ''J1 :07 AM "9& EASEMENT For and incorisideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. THE BOEING COMPANY~a Delaware corporation, acting by and through its division Boeing Comme.rcial Airplane Group. ("Grantor" herein). hereby grants and conveys to The City of Renton, a municipality of the State of Washington corporation ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter Set forth a non-exclusive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property. in King County. WastuDgtOn, as described in Exhibit A, such easement to take up the portion of such property as is described in Exhibit B and depicted on Exhibit C (the "Easement Area"), which such exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the followfug tenns, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. f 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain and repair a motor control panel. architectural wall, and railing, together with all necessary appurtenances. in connection with the installation. operation. and maintenance of a lift , station. 2. Compliance with Laws and Rules. Grantee shall at all times exercise its rights herein in compliance with all applicable l3.ws and regulations. 3. Remoyal ofFill Material. In the event that Grdlltee encounters, or suspects that ~ it bas encountered any hazatdous substances in the Easement Area in furtherance of its i' ... rights set forth in paragraph 1. Grantee shall cease all operations and notify Grantor. If . ' '-'-, I".· .----the.eiIcoon~~...9L~us~l!~ou.~substances are not the result of the acts or f' =::,o~ '!e~,~yto~ppS~~~:,:ir:;~t~~=~~e=~~'ifpr~:ei:~ruuiS' , ii, ' hazardous, then the Grantor shall. at its own expense, remove, dispose, or otherwise i.' II handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law. or f. C reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed. Grantor f: ,!i also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for Itt, ! Grantee to use in its operation, if necessary. Snould the encountered or suspected ":I: materiai prove not to be hazardous, Gnmtee shall proceed with ~~ operations at its . m own cost, with no recourse !lIoainst the Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred . <I ~ Pase. 1 of9 2948$.2.2SfOBlOS0796 I I I .. f I i t J j I ! . ... dire to tOO delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of Grantee, Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or other handling costs incmred in connection with the :removal, disposal or handling of the hazardous substmces Will be at Grantee's expense, and Grantee shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. Any environmental mitigation rtquirements imposed as a result of the exercise of any right or obligation of Grantee hereunder shall be the sole responsibility and expense of Grantee. 4. Grantee Use and Actiyities. Except as provided in Pitragraph 1, Grantee shall not use, or allow the use of, the Easement Area for any other purpose whatsoever. Grantee shall exetcise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid if . reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's use of the .EaSement Area as set forth in Paragraph 5. Grantee shall, if all times, exercise its rights hereunder in a manner so as to prevent bodily harm to persons (whomsoever) and damage to property (whatsoever). Grantee shalt maintain and repair the Easement Area (and improvements thereon) as necessary to keep the same in a neat, clean and safe condiiion. S. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and i6.ccess by GnmtoT During Construction. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not .inconsistent~with the rights herein granted; provided, that Grantor shall not construct or . maintain any building or other structure on the Ea~nt Area which would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted. Grdfltee shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued a.ccess by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area during periods in which Grantee is conducting construction or other activities. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by either party for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property. such party may take such action upon such notiee to 1he other party as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Indemnity and Insurance. Grantee agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless Orantor. Grantor's directors, ofItcers. employees, agents servants and representatives from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, clair,ns, soits,judgments, .. --Uens;-u.wants:a:nifaarnagesof any kiiicf 6fchai3Ctef-Whatsoever-(hereinafterreferredto·· as "Claims"). including claims for death or injury to employees of Grantee, costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising directly from. on account of. or in connection with Granteeis .. negligent operatiollt maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements . thereon) or willful misconduct in connection therewith. With respect to aU OT any . portion of the foregoing obligation which may t>e. held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24.115, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent peimitted by RCW 4.~4.1l5. As between the parties and for purposes only o{the obligations herein Pase2of9 29485..225JGB/OS0796 , i ! I I i l ~_!lP'£Ll"£'maam_. ___ .......... = ... ; -____________ . .. _ l! 5: ~ ~ i ~ assumed, Grantee waives any immunity, defense or other protection that may be awarded by any worker's compensation. indus~ insurance or similar laws (including but not limited to, the Washington Industrial Insurance Act. Tide 51 of the Revised COde of Washington). :. t 7. AbandQnment~ The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use said Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years, in which event this easement sh~l terminate and all rights hereunder' shall revert to Grantor. 8. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be personally selVed or sent by U.S. maiL Any notice given by mail sbaUbedeemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S~ mail addressed as follows: To Grantor: . Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 75-66 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Manager of Planning & Leased Properties Phone: ,237-1945 with a copy to: To Grantee: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 -MIS 76-52 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn: Group Counsel Phone: 237-2682 -Attn:-·-. ---.---. -.- Phone: _____ _ . Either party may c~ge the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. I i IL·~ _____ ~ __ ~ ___ ~_'_~ ________________________ ..................... ~.e.3.0r.9 ........ 11 1 ; . arMi5-44· *,'# lf4fP!Qi. i zi 9. Access. Grantee shall have the right of reasonable access to the Easement Area over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable Grantee to exereise its rights hereunder, provided that Grantee shall compensate G~tor for any damage to the Easement Area caused by the exercise of said right of access and the cost of any . repairs resulting therefrom at the actual customary cost of such repair. 10. No Warranti.es~ The rights granted herein are subject to pennits, leases. licenses, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Easement Area. Grantor does not wanant title to its property and sball not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. Any plans, specifications, or drawings (collectively. "Submittal") provided by Grantee to Grantor pursuant to this Agreement are for Grantor's infonnational purposes only. Any analysis. review or approval by Grantor, or Grantor's failure to analyze, review or approve such Snbmittal (including failure to discover any error or 'defect in sUCh Submi ttal) shall nOt relieve Grantee of any of its obligations under thls Agreement. Grantor hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or impliel.i, withre5Peci to any such Submittal. developed, reviewed or approved by Grantor as a condition of this Agreement. ~ ~ 11. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to E the benefit of and be binding upon their respectlve successors and assigns. N N 12.· Termination: Relocation. t- O (D 12.1 Grantor may require Grantee to relocate the easement granted hereby at a') any time and from time to time to another area of the Grantor's propeny. prov~ that any such relocation shall be at Grantor's expense, and provided that any area to wi!ich , the easement is relocated shall be deemed the "Easement Area" for all purposes of this instrument from the date of such relocation. 12.2 In the event Grantee breaches or fails to perform or observe any of the tenns and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) . days of Grantor's giving Grantee written notice thereof, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other perio~ of time as may be . ---rwofuilile i.irtlie-citcumstances~GrantormaytenninateGrantee·srightsundeLthis-. , Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to exercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to terminate for any future breach or default. . . 12.3 Upon termination of this Agreement and if requested by Grantor. Grantee, at its sole cost and expense, shall remove from the Easement Area any and. all improvements thereon and restore the Easement Area to a condition as goOd or better than it was prior to construction of said improvemenLfi. ' Pqo4of9 2948S.225JGil/OSO?96 '1 I ~ i ·/.:;; ..... ~ .. . I I I I I I , 12.4 No termination of this Agreement shall reICase Grantee from any liability or obligation with :respect to any matter occurring prior to such tennination . . DATBD ~1Q' Grantee: The City of Renton, Washington Mayor ,1996. GRANTOR: The Boeing Company. by and thr~h its division. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group BY:~~~~~~ ____ __ Its: ~~'jn •• s Resource, l'agc 5 ,,19 j .. ~ I i .:oiiiIW • ES,\·.,:C::W STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) . On thiS~Y of ~-J&LI..< • 1996, before me the undersigned personally appeared Jack l.Y IIger to me known to be the person who signed as¥~ Director -PresideDt .. -Facilities A~set Management Organization of Boeing Commercial Airplane Group. a division of THE BOEING COMPANY. the corporation that execute4 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voltintaryact and deed of saidcorpOratio~ for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute the said instnnnenl WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. .~ . ~ Fe N~Ci1llII1dfOrtb. .... State of Washington residing 10 at~· • £.i My commissionexpires/dd9'1 . . ~ r Q ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) sS. ) On this __ day of , 1996. before me the undersigned personally appeared . . to me known to be the of TIffi. CITY OF RENTON, the municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrnment. and . acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated _.~.~ ~~_o!_s!!e_~~~ul:r ~uth?~ to. __ ~x~.u~ the s~i~sfrl:1~~~~' . , WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and yearfust above written. 2948S.22S/GB~7% Notary Public in and for the State qf Washington residing at ___ --___ , My commission expires _. Pqe6o£9 J s t i ! ~ I ; i I i I I ! ! I i i ! < I I j i I i , 1 l , l ~ .. EXHIBlTA TIlE BOEING COMPANY SUBJECT PARCEL LEGAL DESCRJPTION: Those portions of Government Lots t, 2 and 3 and tbe Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East.'W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington d~ribed as follows: Beginning at the intersettion of the south line of said Government Lot 3 with the easterly m8r~ of Park Avenue N. (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2-A and Lake Washington Boulevard N.); . '. . . . Thence North 00" 56' 41" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 1284.03 feet, to an intersection with the southerly right-of-way !,ine I)fPrlmary State Highway NI). I (SR 405) North Renton Inten<hange as eondemned in King County Superior Court CauSe Number 656127; . Thence South 89° OJ' 19" East along s8id southerly right~of-way lin~ a distim:e of 15.00 feet, to the boginning of a curve to the right from wbeRce the center bears South 890 OJ' 19" East. a distance of 527.62 feet; , Thence northeasterly along said curve. a distance of394.57 feet, to the point of tangency; Thence North 43° 47' 34" East, a distance of 121.67 feet; , 'I Thence North 82° 04' 59" East, a distance of 48.41 feet; Thence South 46<> 12' 26" East. a distance of 42.25 feet, to the westerly margin of Garden Street North in the City of Renton; Thence leaving the· southerly right-of-way line of said Primary State Highway No. I, South 18° 00' 38" East along the westerly margin of Garden StreetNoI"th; 11 distance of 1249.79 feet. to the beginning ora curve to the right with a radius of 850.00 feet; Thence southerty along said CUlVe and said westerly margin. a distance of 275.03 feet, to a point of tangency; Thence South 00" 31' 42" West along said westerly margin. a distance of 153.22 feet, to the south line of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 8; . Them:e North 89° 28' IS» West along said south line and along the south line of said Government Lot 3 in said Section 8, a distance of771.2S feet, to the point of beginning; LESS that portionthereof' described as follows: -----"-·---~~i~;~~-~~ciint~~-th;_-~Ofsaid Renton North Ioiercii8nge~orSR.405 opposite centerline station O+9S of A-line, as shown on sheet 2 of S of plans thereof as approved April 27, 1965, said point being on a 527.96 foot radius curve, the center of which bears South 19° 32' 24" East; Thence northeasterly along said easterly margin and said c;urve, a distance of307.1S feet; Thence North 43° 47' 34" East along said easterly margin, a distance of 121.67 feet. to an angle point in said margin~ Thence North 82" 04' 59" East along saw easterly margin, a distance of. t9.34 feet, to a line parallel with and 57.00 feet distant ITom, as measured at right angles, said centerline of A-line; Thence South 43" 47' 34" West along said parallel tine, a distance Qf 136.87 feet, to the begimiingof a curve to the left wi:th a radius of S 15.96 feet; b:\edJ!ICIV\lcgals\BliCUPARC.DOCI J~. __ .. _ ._' _____ -:--_________________________________ -, I I 1 I I i ~ I I N· Thence southwesterly along said curve. Ii distance of 300.11 feet, to a point wbich bears South 7c)o 32' 24" East from the pomt ofbeginningj Thence North 7fJO 32' 24" West, a distance of 12.00 feet. to the point of beginning; and LESS that pOrtion thereof descn"bed as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of said Govermnent Lot 3 with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; Thence South 89" 28' IS" East. along said south line of Government lot J, a distance of 25.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence North ()()O 56' 41" East, a distance of 3.63 feet; Thence South 4~ 48' 53" East, a distance of 5.46 feeL, to an intersectionwitb said south line or said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89" 28' 18" West, along said south linc, a distan¢e of 4.11 feet, to the point of beginning; and LESS that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line ~lf said Government Lot 3 with the easterly margiD of Park: AVenue North; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East along said easterly margin. a distance of 497.03 feet; .f Thence South 89° 03' 24" East, a distance of 10.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00°56'4 t'" East, a distance of 66.49 feet; Thence South 0)046' 47" East, a distance of24_28 feet; Thence South 000 56' 41" West,. a distance of2S.00 feet; Thence Sou1h 08° S4' 52" West, a distance of 14.43 feet, to the point of beginning. I f J : , I EXHIBITB PermlUKmt sanitDQ' sewer easement across Hoeing property (described in Exhibit A): COmmtmcing at the intersection of the south line of Government Lot 3 of Section So Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., King County, Washington, with the easterly margin ofParll Avenue North (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2-A and Lake Wasbington Boulevard N.) Thence South 81)0 28' 18" East.. along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 25.00 feet, to the point of beginning; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of2.00 feet; 'fhcnce South 89° 2S' I , .. East, a distance of27.00 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of 2.00 feet. to an intersection with the south line of said Government Lot 3'; . Thence North 89° 28' IS" West along said south line, a distance of27.oo feet, to the point of beginning; . LESS that· portion lying wnbin the following described parcel in Government Lot 3 of Section 8, Township 23 North. Range 5 East. W:M., King County, Washington;· . Commencing at 1he intersection of the south line of said GovemmentLot 3 with the easterlY margin of Park Avenue North; Thence South 89Q 28' IS" East, along said south line of Government Lot 3, a distance of 2S~OO feet. to the point of beginning; I ThetK:e North 00" 56' 41" East, a distance ofJ.63 feet; Thence South4J<> 48' 52" East, a distance of 5.46 feet, to an intersection with said south line of said Government Lot 3; Thence North 89° 28' 18" West, along said south line. a distance of 4.11 feet, to the point of beginning. Temporal")' ingresstqu:ess easement across Boeing prnp.Wty (described jn Exhibit A): Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Government Lot 3 of Section 8. Township 23 Nonh, Range S Bast. W.M.. King County, Washington, with the easterly margin of Park Avenue North; 'Ihamce South 89° 28' 18" East, along said south line ofGovemment Lot 3, a distance of25.00 feet; Thence North OOQ 56' 41" East, a distance of 102.00 feet, to the point ofb~g; -Thence contlniiliiiNortJiotl°S6' 4i"ESSt: s: diStance -Of28~OOfeet; Thence South 89" 03' 19" East, along a line at right angles to the previous given bearing. a distance of 33.00 feet; Thence South 00° 56' 41" West, a distance of46.00 feet; Thence North. 89" 03' 19" West, a distance of28.00 feet; Thence North 00° 56' 41" East, a distance of I tU)O feet; Th.ence North 89° 03' 19" West, a distance of 5.00 feet, to the point ofbegif\nmg. Temporary ingress/egress easement shaUexpire Iuly 31. 1991. h:tedtserv\legals\BEClJPARC.DOC/ i .: THE~ING coMPANY SU8JECT PARCEL C 1 of :z. Illius\. IIII[J . N 4th St. . 0 BOO 1600 F~::~t_~J~~~" 1__ ____ . 18 AM 1996 1 :9600 • " .~ ""C: ~ .-'.FrUR " ['- CoD . 1 ... I§ .. Q ItO CO) SANtT ARY SEWER EASEMENTS EXHBtT C Sheet 2 of 2 ~ ~ 0 GIl "II:tt Z CO N 0 25 50 .... I l J I 1:300 8 .~ i i • > J < j ~ i i ~ f .~ • i 1 < i I ~102' 1 I ! I. : 27' I ----. . ---.-----5~46'---._. ---~-. --.. _-I. [3.6.3' 2' - r N e 8th .S.t. ~ ·Temporary Ingress/Egress Easement r;vzz;t Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement e SAMTARY SEWBlS + .. D.~ It R. MocOrIIe, D.Vhftelld 18 .be 1996 22 -----, -' -- WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO Thomas A Barkewltz Alston, CQurtnage & Bassetti LLP 1000 Seeond Avenue . SUIte 3900 . Seattle, Washmgton 98104·1045 III . Document Title: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Grant or~asements for Southport Grantor: Southport, LLC Grantee: Southport, LLC Legal Description: . Abbreviated Legal Description: Lots 1-4 of Renton Sbort Plat No LUA- 99;.1 34-SHPL Full Legal Description: See Exhibit A attached Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos.: 052305-9016-03 Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: Not apphcable DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND. GRANT OF EASEMENTS FOR SOUTHPORT THIS DECLARATION IS made thiS 14tb day of November, 2000, by SOUTHPORT, LLC, a Waslungton hmlted hablhty company, whose address, IS 10843 NE 8th Street, SUIte 200, Bellevue, WashIngton 98004 RECITALS .-.---------------A -----Declarant--IS-the-owner -of-thatcertam -real property-locatedm --the __ Clty -- Renton, Kmg County~ Washmgton lega1ly descnbed In. ExhIbit A attached to tlus DeclaratIon (the "Property") The Property IS currentiy knoWn as Southport A site plan for the Property 1S attached as ExhIbIt B B Declarant desues to create certam easements over and across the Property to assure the proper and effiClent development, operatIOn and functlOmng of the Property, to create provlslons for the constructJon, mamtenance and operatlon of common areas and 3129\005 1lI13/00 TBARKE\sEC.O~OUniPOR J -1- · ...... other bUlldmgs and Improvements now or hereafter located on the Property, and to make certatn other covenants and agreements relatmg to the Property as more speclfically set forth 10 thiS Declaration DECLARATION NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant declares that all of the Property IS and shaH be held. conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, transferred, sold, occupled, bUllt upon or otherwise used or tmproved 10 whole or In part, subject to the covenants, conditIOns, restrictions, and easements ("Covenants") heremafter set forth and all of the Covenants herem contained are declared and agreed to be m furtheram..e of a genera) plan for the SUbdiViSion, Improvement and lease or sale of the Property and are establIshed for the purpose of enhancmg and perfectmg the value, desuablhty and attractIveness of the Property and every part thereof 1 ] SECfION 1 PURPOSE Purpose It IS the purpose oftlus Declaration to (I) Ensure that the Property Wlll be mamtamed as an attrachve settmg for office, hotel, reSidential, retail and other consIstent uses Wlth ample landscaped areas, attractive high-qualIty structures, proper and deSirable use~ and appropnate development of all of the Property, (11) Protect the Owners and Occupants of the Property agamst Improper and undeSIrable uses of the Property, (111) Encourage the constructlon of attractive Improvements m appropnate locatlons, (IV) Prevent haphazard and Inharmonious development of the Property, (v) Secure and mamtwn proper setbacks from streets and adequate spaces between structures, and prOVide hIgh quahty development on the Property . 1 2 InterpretatIon SectI9D 1 shall be used by the Declarant and the ASSOCIatIOn .. ,--------------asag-eneiarstanda!dlIllnteiPr~ilrig ilie provlsions-ofthis-Oedaraiionandjudging ... -' .. performance hereunder. m the preparatIOn and reVISions of the GUldehnes, 1n approvmg or dlsapprovmgthe development of Lots, and In carrymg out the overall development of the Property 3129\005 11113/00 TBARKE\<;ECO\SOUT~IPORl -2- ... -- t-- SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS 2 I BenefiCiary means the benefiCIary under tenns of a Deed of Trust or a mortgagee under terms of a mortgage 22 Board of Directors means the govemmg body of the Assoclatlon as deSCrIbed 10 Sectton 5 2 3 aUl1dmg means and Include the pnnclpal structure or structures on any Lot, mcludmg all projectJons or extensIons .thereof, and all garages, outSide platforms, out butldmgs, decks and other ancillary structures and faClhtles, except where anCIllary . structures and facilItIes are otherwIse speCifically referred to herem 2 4 City means the City of Renton, Washmgton, a Washmgton mumclpal corporatIOn, located III the County . 2 5 . Common Areas means those portIOns of the Property now or hereafter desJgnatedas common areas by Declarant or. after Its formatIon, by the ASSOcIatIon, uicludmg pnvate roadways to serve all or part of the Lots and all curbs, gutters, SIgns, . sidewalks, dnveways and landscape areas adjacent to the pnvate roadways servmg the Lots, mcludmg, WlthouthnutatJOn, the Mam Access Road, the Pedestnan Promenade (whIch wlll mclude a landscape feature) and the Monument SIgn and all hghtmg, uuhty, spnnkler and other sysiems, eqUIpment and faclhtIes located on or servmg the Common Areas, as such may be altered, reconstructed, expanded or wlthdrawn by Declarant or the ASSOCIation from Hme to tIme For the purposes ofthts Declaratlon (mcJudmg, WIthout hmltahon, the easements set forth m SectIOn 6 4), the Mmn Access Road and the Pedestnan Promenade WIll be generally located ill the area shown m Figure 1 and Figure, 2, respectIvely, attached to thls DeclaratIon The partIes ackflowledge that the actual locatIon and dlmensJOns of such Common Areas may not be detemuned unt11 the Improvements to be constructed on the Common Areas are completed The parties to tlus Declaration agree that, upon completIon of the Common Area Improvements, the ASSoclatlOn shall obtam a survey of such Common Area Improvements shOWing the exact location and dImensions of each such Common Area and a Legal DescnptlOn therefor . The partIes to thIS DeclaratIon further agree that, upon receIpt of such survey. the AsSOCiation shall record m the real property records ofKtng County, Washmgton, an amendment to thIS Declaranon showmg the actuallocatton and -----~-" --·---~llfmen!ilo~-ofeach-CotrtmonJ\reif----.----- Notwithstandmg the foregomg, and except for mmor adjustments to reflect the as- buIlt location of the Mmn Access Road and Pedestrian Promenade, neIther Declarant nor the Assocmtlon may deSignate addItional common areas on· any Lot Without the prlOr written approval of the owner of such Lot 26 County means the County ofKmg, State of Washington 3129\005 11/13/00 -3- I DARKI \\( CO\~O\JTHPOR r 27 Covenants means the covenants, condItIons and restrictIOns <ret forth III thIS Declaratton and as It may be amended or supplemented from tIme to tIme hereafter 2 8 Declarant means Southport, LLC, a Washmgton hmlted habliity company and Its successors and assIgns Declarant's asSIgnS shall be deemed to Include any pany whom Declarant designates, by means of a notice Recorded m the OfficIal Records, as the party who, from and after the date such notIce IS Recorded, Will perform Declarant's . functtons under thIs Declaratton Any such desIgnation may be made wIth respect to aU or any pompn of the Property, provIded that in the event that any Person or entIty IS so deSignated as Declarant. for only a portion of the Property. then the right and power to make, give or take any consent, approval or other action required of the Declarant under thts DeclaratlOn With respecUo such portIon of the Property, and any nghts of the Declarant under tius Declaration With respect to such portion of the Property, shall be deemed lodged solely and exclUSIvely In the Person or entity so deSIgnated as Declarant WIth respect to such portIon of the Property 2 9 Deed of Trust means a deed of trust or mortgage on arty portion of the property or ieasehold mterest therem . . 2 10 GUldehnes means the Southport Level II SIte Plan dated December 15,1999, approved by the CIty of Renton for the development of the Property, together WIth any standards, restnclIons~ regulatIons and cnten8 appbcable thereto, as the same may be modIfied ot sUpplemented from· tIme to tIme, wluch GUldehnes shaH be referred to by Dechirant and the AsSOCIatIon In interpreting the mtent of thIS DeclaratIOn and provIded that the GUldehne approxlInate bUilding areas (excludmg parktng uses) shall be Lot 4 Lots 2 and 3 Lot t Office ReSIdentIal Hotel RetaI lIRestaurant 750,000 square feet 394 uruts 220 rooms 40,000 square feet Notwtthstandmg the foregOing, If the development of a hotel on Lot I IS not economically feastble or, Jf despIte reaSonable best efforts, a SUItable hotel operator cannot be found, Lot 1 may be developed for office andlor retatl use, subject to the heIght, bulk and Similar reqUirements and restnctlOns set forth m ilie GUIdelines, or If such development IS not m compliance Wlth the GUldelmes, such other critena as may be approved by the Owner .... -:-. -.... --·--·--OfLOf~-··-·-·······-·-··--. __ ...... _ ...... - -.... -.....-.. .. . .. -. . . .. -.... -._. __ .. . A copy of the GUidelInes shall be mamtamed In the offices of Declarant and the AsSOCIation 2 11 Improvements means and Include BUlldmgs, structures. SIgns, fixtures. dnveways, parkmg, loadmg Wldlor storage areas, fences, SIdewalks, other walk and/or 3129\005 IIIIJIOO TBAR"'EI'SECOI'iOUTHPOR r -4- ..- bicycle ways. paved areas, curbs, gutters. antennae, satelhte dIshes. tanks, towers, hoppers, storage bms; fixed machmery, transformers, walls, screens and bamers. retammg walls. bodges. drainage structureS, struts, decks, landscapmg. water hydrants. poles. gradmg changes, loadmg areas and all other structures or Improvements of every type and kmd, name and nature and all adcbtlons, alterat10ns and cbanges thereto, except where such speCific Improvements are mdlVldually referred to herem . 2 12 Lot means any parcel of real estate contaIned WithIn the Property as diVided . or subdlVldedon a SUbdlVJslon pJat or map or bmdmg Site plan recorded In the OffiCIal Records .. IndiVidual Lots are referred to 10 thIS Agreement by the number of such Lots In the ShortPJat (1 e, Lots 1; 2. 3 and 4) At such tIme as any addlttonal parcels are created by thesubdlvlslori of any eXlstmg Lots, each such newly separated parcel Will be treated as a Lot foral] purposes under thIs Declaration 2 13 Mam Access Road means that Common Area on which the mrun access road to the Property ]S located, which Common Area IS shown on the map attached to thiS DeclaratlCm as'Flgurel "Monument SIgn" means .the monument-type SIgn for Southport to be developed and m~tntatned by the Ass,oclatlOn as provlded In SectIOn 4 8 below ·2.14 . Occupant means any ,Person, other than an Owner, and the succesSors and assigns of any thereOf that IS 10 possession of or otherwIse occupymg one or nlOre Lots at any partlcularhme or bmes, whether as a lessee, sublessee, hcensee or pursuant to any lease, sublease. hc~ or other nght of occupancy WIth or through the Owner of such Lot or Lots 2 15 OffiCIal Records means the real property records of Kmg County, Washmgton 2 16 Operator means Declarant or a person or entity deSIgnated by the AssoclatlOn as havmg responslblhtY for mamtalmng the Common Areas 2 17 Owner means, at any particular ttme or times, any Person, and the successors . and asSIgnS of any thereof that owns.fee Slmple tttle to one or more Lots. as shown by the OfficJal Records, prOVided. however, that a BenefiCiary shall not be deemed to be an Owner so long as Its mterest m the particular Lot or Lots IS for purposes of secunty only 2 18 Owner's ASSOClatlon (sometImes referred to as the "ASSOCIation") means the assoclatton of Owners created and descnbed m Sectlon 5 ·2 19 Pedestnan Promenade means that Common Area on WhICh a pedestnan waJkwaY·Wlll be located. whIch Common Area IS shown on the map attached to thIs DeclaratIon as FIgure 2 The landscape feature wlthm the Pedestrian Promenade will be located 10 the area desIgnated on Figure 2 for such feature 3129\OOS 11111/00 TBARKL\sECO\<;oUTHPORl -5- i.n c-') L.('i c:;:;. .. c..-; e-::. . C'--. - 2 20 PermIttee means a person or entity. tn addItion to an Owner or Occupant of a Lot, who IS entitled to use the Common Areas as an employee, agent, hcensee. customer or lDVJtee of' an Owner or Occupant 221 Person means an tndlVldual, group ofmdlvlduals, corporation, hmlted l1ablhty company. partnerSrup, trust, umncorporated busmess aSSoclatlOn or such other legal entIty as the context In whIch such term IS used may Imply . 222 Property means aU oftbe real property descnbed m ExhIbIt A and such additIonal real Property as may be added from tune to hme 2 23 Record or Recorded means, WIth respect to any document, the recordation of the document 10 the OffiCial Records 2 24 . Short Plat means the Seco Development, Inc Southport Short Plat approved as Renton Short Plat Number LUA·99-134-SHPL, recorded January 31, 2000 under recordmg number '20000131900006 In the OffiCIal Records. 225 SIgn means any structure, deVice or contrIvance and all parts thereof which are erected Of used for advertlsmg, dIrectIonal or IdentIficatIon purposes or any poster, bIll • bulletm, pnntmg~ lettenng, pambng, devtce or other advertIsmg of any kmd whatsoever, wluch IS placed, posted or otheJ'Wlse fastened or affixed to the groWld andlor structures Wlthm the boundanes of the Property 226 SubdlVlSIon means any bllldtng SIte plan or SUbdlvLslon plat or map Recorded With respect to the Property or any portIon thereof 10 the OffiCIal Records SECI10N3 REGULATION OF USES 3 1 Approved Uses Lots Wlthm the Property shall be used for purposes allowed by the zomng for the Property and consistent WIth the GUldehnes The foregOIng shall not, however, prevent Declarant from constructmg, ownmg, operatmg, leasmg or conveymg real property Wlthm the Property for servtce facIlltleS consIstent WIth the purposes of thiS DeclaratIOn 3 2 Comphance With Governmental Regulations All uses and acbvltles on each .-:-----, --------------liot-shallcomply,-at-the-sole-expenseof-eachOwner,W1thall-apphcable-govemmental- . regulauons and the development approva1s ISSUed for the Property mcludmg, WIthout hmttatlou, theGUldehnes. the City of Renton SubstantIal Develollment Permlt #LU A 99- 189, SA-A, the WaShmgton State Department of Ecology Permlt#2000-NW-40003 and the Southport Planned·Actlon MItigatIon Document prepared by the CIty of Renton, dated September 17,.1999 All uses and operatIons shall be earned out so as not to cause a . nUIsance to adjacent Lots Each Owner reserves the nght to seek to amend or cause to be 3129\005 11113/00 -6- I BARKJN.E(.O\SOUTIIPOR r ....--..... amended any of the governmental regulatIOns, mcludmg all governmental zonmg laws and regulattons~ and development approval conditIOns as they relate to the Property or any portlon thereof, proVlded that such amendment does not further hmlt the uses allowed on Lots owned by any other Owner, nor mcreasethe costs to develop, operate or mamtam the Common Areas Without hmltmg the foregomg, the Owner of Lot 4 may seek clarificatIon of the Gwdehnes and related approvals to pennlt the development of up to 750.000 square feet of office on Lot 4 and, subject to the proVISIOns of SectIon 2 10 above. the Owner of Lot 1 may seek c1anficabon of the GuidelInes and related approvals to pennlt office and retall uses on Lot 1 33 Comphance wltb Non-OPPoSltIon Agreement All uses and actlvlbes on each Lot shall comply. at the sole expense of each Owner, Wlth all apphcable prOViSlOns of that certam Non~OpposltlOn Agreement dated September 27, 1999 by and between Michael Chnst,On~, LLC, the Boemg Company and the City of Renton (the "Non-OppoSItIon Agreement"). as such Non-OppoSition Agreementmay be revised by the parties to It The Non-Opposluon Agreement IS attached as ExhIbit C . 3 4 . Use Restncbons <I) No use shall be pennltted on the Property whIch IS inconsIstent WIth the GUJdelInes and the operation of a first~class mixed use center Wlthout hmillng the generahty of the foregomg, the folloWlng uses shall not be permItted (a) Any use which enuts an obnOXIOUs and offensIVe odor, nOIse, or sound whIch can be heard or smelled outside of any buddmg on the Property, (b) Any operatIon pnmanly used as a warehouse operatIOn and any asseiribhng, manufacturmg, dlstlllmg, refIrung, smeltmg, agncultural, or mmmg operation. (c) Any dlsposmg~ mcmeratJon or reductIon of giubage (exclUSive of garbage compactors located near the rear of any butldmg), other than for garbage generated by the respectIve Lot Dumpmg of garbage IS. notWlthstandmg the source thereof, prohIbited All garbage compactors and garbage and recyclIng contatners must be screened With landscapmg or attracuve arclntectural features so that such compactors and contalOers are not VISIble from the Mam Access Road or the Pedestrian Promenade ..... _ .... _ ._ .. _ ......... (d) ... -Any.dumpmg •. dlsposmg. mcmeratlon..oueductlOn of garbage .. . (exclusJve of garbage compactors located near the rear of any bUlldmg). (e) Any fIre sale, bankruptcy sale (unless pursuant to a court order) or auctIOn house operatIon, . (f) Any commercial bowhng alley, and 3129\005 11113100 -7 ~ fBARJ(.r\srCo\sOUTHPQRl .... ..... (g) ~ny estabhshment selhng or exhIbItIng pornographIc matenals, (11) No PermIttee shall be charged for the rtght to use the Common Area . . (m) Each Owner shall cause the employecl> of the Occupants of Its Lot to park theli' vehIcles only on such Lot unless other arrangements are approved by the ASSoclatlon or as agreed to under easements among the Owners See SectIon 7 below . . . (lV) ThIs Declaration IS not mtended to, and does not, create or Impose any obhgatlOn on an OWner to operate, or cause to be operated, a busmess or any partIcular busmes~ on the Property or on any Lot (v) 'No Owner shall use, or permit the use of Hazardous Materials on, about, under or In Its Lot, or the Property. except m the ordmary course of Its usual busmess "operatl(~nsconducted thereon (IncludIng the manne faclhty Intended on Lot I), and any such use sha1I'~t all urnes be In strlct compliance Wlth all EnVIrOnmental Laws Each Owner shall Jl'ldemmfy, protect. defend and hold hamuess the other Owners from and agamst all claIms, SUlts, actIOns, demands, costs, damages and losses of any klOd, includmg but not luruted to costs or lnvestigatIon,' htlgatlon and remedial response, ansmg out of such OWner's breach of the obllgatIon'set forth In themunedlately precedmg·sentence For the purpose of thIS SectIOn, the term (1) "Hazardous Matenals" means petroleum products, asbestos, polychlonnated biph~nyls,radl(~aCtlve matenalsand.all other dangerous, tOX1C of hazardous pollutants, contaminants, chemicals, matenals or substances hsted or Identlfied m, or regulated:·by, anY Environmental Law, and (11) "EnVironmental Laws" means aU federal, 'state, county. mumclpal, local and other statutes. laws, ordmances and regulations whlch relate to or deal With human health or the envIronment, all as may be amended from tIme to tIme ' .. . ~ 5 'NotificatIon and Cure Period If a vlolatton ofthls DeclaratlOn IS claImed by Declarant, an Owner, or the AssoCtation, then written notIce of the Violation shall be , delIvered to. the Owner 10 Violation The Owner recelVmg the notIce Will have sIxty (60) days to cure the ~10hltlOli.or show good fruth that such Violation IS III the process .of hemg cured ' If the Owner III VIOlatIon fatls, to cure the VIolation WIthin such 60-day penod or a further reasonable time, then the ASSOCiation may, at lts optIon, proceed WIth any legal means. fo cure the satd VlolatIOn If the ASSOCIation fads to cure In a timely manner, then any Owner shall have the nght, but not the obhgatlon. to cure and be reImbursed by the .. '-'·Owner IDvlOlatJ on,mcludmg·all-expenses, legal-fees,-and, mterestthereon SECTION 4 DEVELOPMENT A 1 Development Standards .' Development of the Property shall be m accordance with the Gl.lldelmes and thiS DeclaratIon AU Improvements constructed withm the Property WIll be constructed offirst qUallty constructIon, usmg lugh quahty matertals, fimshes and ~ . . 3129\005 11113/00 -8- I BAR.KL~Ltp\'~OUTHPORT -.- detatls, and wIll be architecturally deSigned so that they are esthetically compatible and hannomous With the other Improvements on the Property No Bulldmg or other Improvement on the Property Wlll be built If\ such a manner as to adversely affect the structural integrIty of any other Buddmg or Improvement on the Property All Improvements shall be mamtamedand operated m a manner conststent WIth a first class commercial and reSidential development . 42 Underground Utlhtles Except for easements or utihties eXlstmg as of the date ofililS Declaration, and hoses and the hke which are reasonably necessary In connectIon WIth nonnallawn and landscapmg mamtenance, and except as otheTWlse reqUired by anyutthtyprovider, no water pipe, sewer pipe, gas pIpe, drainage pipe, telephone. power or teleVISIon cable, or SlIlular transmISSion lme on the Property shall be Installed or m81ntamed above the fmlshedgrade of the ground All utlhtJesservmg the Common Areas WIll be separately metered 4 3 Utthty Lmes and Rooftop EqUipment No sewer, drrunage or utthty hnes or wtres or other deVICeS for the commumcation or transmlSSlon of electriC current-power, or Signals, mcludmg telephone, teleVISIon. mIcrowave or radiO Signals. shall be constructed, placed or mamtamedany· where m or upon any portIon of a Lot other than wlthm buIldmgs or structures, urness the same shan be contruned In condUits or cables constnlcted, placed or mamtamedunderground or concealed In or under bwldmgs or other structures . AlJ rooftop eqUIpment (lIiclud1Og~ WIthout hmltatton, antennas and satelhte rushes for the transmlSSton or receptIOn of telephone, teleVISIOn, mIcrowave Of radIO Signals) placed on any Lot shall be appropnately screened from VIew, proVIded, however, that the ASSOCIation, by maJonty vote ofthe Board of Directors, may permit variances to thiS screenmg requIrement, If such reqUlrementwould have an adverse effect on the warranty of any such rooftop equIpment, or would result 10 a safety hazard, but only Ifthere IS no reasonably economic alternative to the vanance of Ute screemng requrremertt, and notwlthstandmg such vanance, the rooftop eqUIpment cannot be seen ftom the street level or Windows on the first occupied floor of any Improvements on the property WIth respect to the restdenttal developments on Lot 2 and . . Lot 3, rooftop design, use and screerung slmllar to the Belle Arts project at 1 11 -IOSIh Avenue NE In Bellevue, Washmgton wtll be penmtted 4 4 MechanlcalEgulpment All mechanical eqUlpment. storage tanks, generators, aIr condluomng eqwpment and Similar Items shall be screened With landscapmg or attractIve archItectural featUres 4 5 TIme for Completton of Construction After commencement of constructIOn of any Improvements or phase of any Improvements, the Owner thereof shalt d\bgently prosecute the work thereon to the end so that the Improvements shall not remam 10 an unfimshed condition any longer than reasonably necessary for completlOn thereof Dunng . constructIon, the Owner shall mruntain the Lot In a reasonably neat and orderly condItIOn, preventmg the accumulation of trash and prevent more than normal runoff of surface water 3129\005 11113100 TBARII.EISECO\ wu rHPOR.T -9- ..- and sOli from the Lot onto adjacent property or streets The Owner shaH also be responsIble for the costs of traffic control and SecurIty WIth respect to the Improvements and for any clean-up and repaIr of Common Areas, Streets or other public areas attnbutable to the Improvements The requirement to complete construCtion of any phase of any Improvement on any Lot In a dJhgent and contmuous manner shall be subJect to acts of God and CIrcumstances beyond the control of an Owner Completion of constructIOn shall Include completton of a1llandscaplng as reqmred by the CIty of Renton If a certificate of occupancy or sImtlar letter of completIon for a shell bUlldmg IS not Issued wlthm thIrty (30) months years of the date of commencement of construchon of any phase of the . . Improvements~ the Declarant, the ASSociatIon or any Owner shall have the option to proceed With such constructLon or remove such Incomplete Improvements m accordance wIth the cure proVIsIons herem Costs mcurred by the Declarant, the ASSOCIation or any other 'Owner ]n connection WIth such removal or constructton shan be paid by the Owner of the affected Lot IUJ.d aU such costs and expenses mcurred by the Declarant, the Assoc]atIon or any other Ownershall bear mterest from the due date at the rate of eIghteen percent (18%) per annum 4 6· Excavation No excavatIon shall be made on any Lot except In connectIon WIth construction ofImprovements, as reqwred by any regulatory agency, to mamtam the developablhty of the Lot (1 e. stormwater dramage retentIon areas) or as may be dIrected by . a master utlhty, gradmg or dramage plan Upon completJon of constructton of Improvements on the Lot exposed operungs spall be backfilled and dIsturbed ground shall be smoothly graded and hydro seeded or, at the AssoclatlOn'., electIOn. landscaped 4 7 Further SubdIVISIOn It IS Declarant's mtent to separate that portion of Lot 1 lymg WlthmLake Washington from Lot 1 at some time In the future, makmg that portIon of Lot 1 a new and separate Lot governed by thIS Declaration Other Owners may further SubdIvIde theIr Lots, WIth each such Lot bemg governed by thIS DeclaratIon, proVided, however, that such subdIVISIon complIes WIth the GuIdelines and all other apphcable governmental regulatIons and the requIrements of thiS DeclaratIOn ·48 Slgnage A slgnage plan for the Property WIll be developed and approved by the partles to thts DeclaratlOn Such slgnage plan shaJl mclude the Monument SIgn. to be located adjacent to ihe entrance to Southport along Lake Washmgton Boulevard, or at the first pomt along the Main Access Road wluch IS Within Southport The Monument SIgn shall mclude the opportumty for reasonable IdentlficatIon of major office tenants In the office developed on Lot 4, the hotel to be developed on Lot 1 (whIch shan have promment .. --_._--------, '~slgnage5, iiie-resi(JCnfiat-pro:iects -on-LOts-2'-andl,-~ma-any' restaurantsiind:major-retailers'- SECTIONS OWNER'S ASSOCIATION 5 1 Formation of ASSocIatIOn· So long as Declarant owns all of the Property, all references In thIS DeclaratIOn to the AsSOCIatIon shall be understood to mean Declarant, and 3129\005 11/13/00 18Aru.mECO\~UTHPOR I -10- --- Declarant shall have the nght to exerCIse all powers and duttes and shall·have all authonty and benefits othelWlse provIded 10 thIs DeclaratIon for the ASSoClatIOn At such hme as Declarant no longer owns all of the Property or otherwIse elects m wntmg to estabhsh the ASSoclatlOn, the Declarantshall cause the ASSOciatlOn to be created by mcorporatmg a not- . for-profit corporatton Under the laws of the State of Wash mgt on to be called HSouthport Owners AssOC18tlon~' or a sImilar nrune selected by Declarant Upon the formation of the ASSocIatIon. every Owner ofa Lot shall automatically be and become a member thereof durmg, and onJy dunng, all perIOds of such Owner's ownership of such Lot The ASSOcIatlOn shall be governed maccordance WIth artIcles and bylaws to be prescnbed at the . tIme offormatlOn of the ASSOCIation Pursuant to such artJcles and bylaws, the purposes of thiS Associabon shall be to enforce the Covenants, to own and/or mamtam certam Common Areas as deSignated by thts Declaranon and accepted by the Assoclatton from time to tIme, to assume such other obltgatlons WIth respect to the Property as the Assoclabon deems appropnate, andto fulfill such other purposes as the ASSOCiation may deem necessary or appropnate to enable the AssocIatton to carry out the purpose and mtent of thIS DeclaratIOn No Occupant or other thIrd party may exercIse any nght orpnvIlege of a member of the Assoclatton except pursuant to a wntten proxy Issued by the Owner ofthe Lot and on file Wlth the ASSOCiation 5 2 Board of Dtrectors The articles of mcorporatton and bylaws of the ASsoClatton shall provtde that the ASSOCiation shall be governed by a Board of Directors consIstmg of seven (7) drrectors At such time as the Declarant no longer owns all of the Property the. directors WIll be selected by the Owners as follows (I) two (2) directors Will be selected by the Owner or.Owners of Lot 1 (n) two (2) dIrectors Will be selected by the Owner or Owners of Lots 2 and 3, and (ul) three (3) drrectors WIll be selected by the Owner or Owners of Lot 4 The dIrectors selected by the Owner of each Lot shall serve at the dtscretlOn of such Owner, and may be removed or replaced at any time and from tIme to tIme by such Owner In the event any eXlstmg Lot IS subdlVlded, the. Owner of such Lot niay allocate the dIrectorships for such Lot as such Owner may determme 5 3 Assessments (1) The ASSOCIatIon and Its obhgatIons hereunder shall be financed by . annual assessments and speclal assessments whIch shall.be allocated among the respective· Owners of Lots pursuant to the further proVISIOns hereof The ASSOCIation WIll be responSible for mamtrunmg the Common Areas In good condItIOn and repau In accordance --------.-------. --Wlth-SeCtIon-61~below-The-Boardor-Dlrectors-WIn~mlts sole-dlscretlon;selecta-Manager·----.---. - or Operator responSible for maIntammg the Common Areas Mamtenance expenses for the Common Areas WIll be borne by Owners as set forth mSectu)n 63 of thiS DeclaratIon (11) Each year the Board of Directors of the ASSOCiatIOn shall prepare and . approve an annual assessment budget (the "Budget") which shall mclude a reasonable estImate of annual normal expenses and a reasonable contmgency reserve for future years 31291005 11113/00 ffiARII.F\<'ECO\SOU rHPORT -11- Except for the specific mamtenance costs to he borne by Owners as set forth m sectIOn 6 3 of this Declarahon, the costs of operatmg the ASSOCiatIOn. as set forth m the Budget, shall be spread and leVIed on each Lot, as follows UntIl such time as development occurs or commences lD the portIon of Lot 1 beyond the shore of Lake Washmgton, the allocation of costs of the Association other than mamtenance of the Common Areas shaH be as follows Lots 1,2 and 3 Lot 4 50% 50% The costs as among Lots 1, 2 and 3 shaH be shared equally Begmnmg at such tlme as development occurs or commences In the portIon of Lot 1 beyond the shore of Lake Washmgton, the allocatIOn of costs of the AssoclatJon other than mruntenance of the Common Areas shaH be adjusted by the ASSOCiatIon to reflect the use aSsoClatedWIth such development, based upon trIp generation or slmI1arcntena (lll)· From time to bme dunng any year, the.Board of Dtrectors may spread and levy additIonal specIal assessments agrunst the Lots for extraordmary or unforeseen expenses to be leVied In the same manner as the annual Budget (tV) All assessments leVIed shall be payable at such time or tImes as de~ennmed by the Board ofDuectors The payments shall be due wlthm thirty (30) days after the due date of notIce of such levy Assessments not prud on the due date thereof shall accrue mterest at the lesser of eighteen percent (18%) per annum or the maxImum mterest tate legally allowed for such obhgatlons In the State of Wash mgt on (v) The amount of any assessment not pmd on the due date thereof together With allmterest from tlme to time accrued thereon shall constttute a hen upon the Lot, whIch hen may be enforced and·foreclosed m accordance WIth the proVISions of Section 9 5 4 ReView of ASSOClanon Books and Records Upon the request of any Owner, the ASsOCiatIon shall prOVIde such Owner reasonable access to the books and accountmg records of the AsSOCiation' Any Owner, at such Owner's ~ole cost and expense, may conduct an audIt of the AssocIaUon's books and accountmg records If such audIt dlscJoses a dIscrepancy m excess of five percent(5%) ofthe ASSOCiation's annual operatmg budget, ............... ------.. --, .. ··the ASSOclatlon-sh311-reVlse-lts-budget and/of Its'assoclated'assessments-to the()wners-m---. --.......... . keepmg With the findmgs of the audIt 5 5 Other PrOVISIOns The articles and by-laws of the AsSOCiation shall contaIn such other provIsIons as the Owners may deem necessary or appropnate for the ASSoclatlOn to carry out the purposes and mtent of thIS DeclaratIOn 3129\OOS 11113/00 -12- , TBARKElSECO\')OUl HPOR r ..-, "- 5 6. Commencement Assessments relatmg to the opemtmg costs of the ASSOCIatIon, msurance malntamed by the AssocIatlOn, and sImIlar non·mamtenance expenses shall begm when the ASSOCIatIon IS formed and such costs are Incurred., and shall be allocated to all Lots regardless of whether or not such Lots have been developed Ass~ssments relatmg to the mamtenance and repaIr of Common Areas shall commence as to each Lot upon the Issuance of the first penmt authorlzmg occupancy of any Improvements on such Lot, and Lots that are not developed do not have to pay any such mamtenance expenses Dunng constructIon actIvIties, any mamtenance or repaIr costs to the Common Areas ansmg due to construct]()n use shall be allocated to the Lot or Lots whose constructIon activIties gIve nse to such ma.lOtenance and repalfS, as reasonably detennmed by the ASSOCIatIon SECTION 6 COMMON AREAS; EASEMENTS 6 1 Common Areas The Matn Access Road, the utdltles not otherwtse to be , mamtaIned by the prOVider of such UtIhtl~s, the Pedestnan Promenade and the Monument SIgn are all Common Areas of the Property 62 Mamtenance of Common Areas Followmg theIr Initial installatIon, the ASSOCiation shall be responsIble for the mamtenance, upkeep, repalf, resurfacmg and Improvement of the Common Areas to mamtamthem In a good, sanltary. attractJve and fLrSt..class condItion and on a consIstent baSIS throughout Southport Such mamtenance and , reprur shallmclude, WIthout hmJtatlon, mruntenance and replacement of trees, shrubs, ' vegetatton, lmgatlon systems and other landscapmg wlthm the Common Areas, Jepau and mamtenance of an centrally mete~d ulIhUes, mechamcal and electncal eqUIpment to the Common Areas. repaIr and mruntenance of all roadways, walkways and Sidewalks wIthm the Commori Areas, and mamtenanceand rep81r of the Monument SIgn 6. 3 MaIntenance Costs The cost of maIntenance and repair of the Common , Areas ofImprovements WIthIn the Common Areas shall be paId as follows, unless otherwise agreed to 10 wnting by the Owners -.. -------------'-----------Until-suth -tlme-as-development--occurs-or-commences-m the-portion or - Lot 1 beyond the shore of Lake Washmgton, the costs of mamtenance and repair of the Mam Access Road and related landscapmg. walkways, utIlitIes and hghtlng shall be allocated as follows 3129\00511113100 Lots 1,2 and 3 Lot 4 TBARKL \I,EeO\ <;OUT~II'OR I -13- 50% 50% The costs as among Lots 1,2 and 3 shall be shared equally BegmnIng at such tIme as development occUrs or commences m the portion of Lot 1 beyond the shore of Lake Washmgton, the allocation of costs of mruntenance and repair of the Mam Access road and related landscapmg, walkways, uttllt1es and hghtmg shaH· be adjusted by the ASSOCIatIon to reflect the use assocIated WIth such development, based upon trIP generatlOn or slmtlar cnteria The cost of mamtenance and reprur of the PedestrIan Promenade and related landscapmg. walkways. uhhUes and hghtmg shall be shared by the Owners of Lots 1, 2 and 4 as follows Lot 1 and Lot 2 Lot 4 50% 50% The allocatton as among Lots 1 and 2 shall be determmed based on the percentage (as between Lots I and 2) of hnear foot frontage of each of Lots I and 2 on the PedestrIan Promenade Each Owner shaH mmntrun Its Lot or Lots and the Improvements thereon (mcludmg Landscapmg and any access roads not part of Common Areas) m a safe, first-class COndItIOn consistent Wlth the other Lots and Improvements If any Owner fatls to mamtam Its Lot and the Improvements reqUIred to be matritamed by such Owner m such manner (the "Non- Complyrng Owner''), the Assoclatton may gIve such Owner wfltten nottce of such faIlure to mamtam the Non-Complymg Owner's Lot 10 accordance With thiS Declaration The Non- Complymg Owner WIll have SIXty (60) days to cure the failure, or proVIde the ASSOCiatIon eVIdence that the Non-Complymg Ownens dlhgently proceedmg to cure Its fallure If the Non-Complymg Owner does not cure Its faIlure wlthm the 60 day penod, or any reasonable longer penod supported by the eVIdence presented to the Assoctatlon,then thc ASSOCiation or any other Owner may, at Its optIon, proceed to take any actIons It deems appropnate to malIitam such Lot, and the Non-Complymg Owner shall. on demand. reImburse· the ASSOCIation or any other Owner for all of the costs and expenses mcurred to mamtam the Lot . 64 Pnvate Easements (I) Subject to the ltmltattons set forth m thIS Declaration, each Owner, as . a grantor, grants and conveys to each other Owner as a grantee, the followmg easements 3129\005 11113100 TBARKE\SECO\C,OU rHPOR I -14- (a) Anon-exclusIve, perpetual easement for mgress and egress from . pubbc streets and penmtted prlvat'e roadways adjacent to the Property for vehICular and pedestnan traffic over and across the Mam Access Road (b) A non-exclUSIve, perpetual easement for Ingress and egress from the Lots, for pedestnan traffic only, over and across the Pedestnan Promenade (proVlded, however, that emergency vehIcles WI1! be pemutted access over the Pedestnan Promenade to respond to emergency sItuations) (c) A non-exclusIve, perpetual easement for parkmg along the Mam A~cess Road m such parkmg spaces and under such rules and regulatIons as the ASSOCiatIOn may determme, and consIstent WIth any Parkmg Management Plan adopted by the Owners and approved by the CIty of Renton The ASSOCIation WI)) have the nght, but not the oblIgation, to lure a thud party parknig management company to manage such parkmg (d) A non-exclUSIve, perpetual easement over, under and across the Mam Access Road for the mstallatlon, operatIon, use, mamtenance, connectton, repwr, relocatIOn and removal of utthty hnes servmg the grantee's Lot, mcludlng, but not hmited to, water, sewer, gas, electncal, telephone and commUnIcatIon hnes (e) A non-exclusive, perpetual easement over, under and across the fire access roadway to be constructed over a portIon of Lot 4 (the "FIre Access Road"), as shown In the attached Figure 3, for mgress and egress for emergency vehIcular and pedestrIan traffic and for the Installation, operatIon, use, mamtenance, connectIOn, repaIr, . relocatIon and removal of utIlIty hnes servIng the grantee's Lot, Includmg, but not hmlted to, water, sewer, gas, electrical, teiephone and commUnIcatIon hnes The Owner of Lot 4 WIll use Its best efforts to provide five (5) parkmg stalls wlthm the Fue Access Road for the use of the Owner of Lot 1 (or the Owner of any new Lot lymg wlthm Lake Washmgton) (11) Subject to the lImItatIons set forth In thIS DeclaratIOn, each of the Owners of Lot 2 and Lot 4. as a grantor, grants and conveys to the Owner of Lot I, as a grantee, a non-excluslve. perpetual easement over that pornon of Lot 2 and Lot 4. respectIvely, WIthin the FIre Access Road and/or Pedestnan Promenade as necessary for 10gressand egress to and from a portIOn of Lot I whIch mcludes the land lymg wlthm Lake Washington, subject to such reasonable rules and regulatIons as the Owner of Lots 2 and 4 may estabhsh for the use of the marme facIhty located on Lot I At such tIme as that ._~_ ... _ ...... _pornon.ofLOtJJymgWIthm Lake Washmgton.maybe separated mto.anew.Lot,.thls-. _. -_ .. _-.. -.. . . easement wJll run 10 favor of the Owner of the new Lot (m) Subject to the lImitatIOns set forth tn thiS DeclaratIOn, each oftbe Owners of Lot 1 and Lot 2, as a grantor, grants and conveys to each other, as a grantee, a non-exclUSIve, perpetual easement over the roadway to be constructed between Lots I and Lots 2 as shown m the attached Figure 4 (the "Waterfront Access Roadlt ) for mgress and 3129\005 11113/00 TBARKF\'lFCO\'lOU IIJPORT -15- egress and for the InstallatIon, operatIOn, use, mamtenance, connection, repaIr, relocatJOn . and removal ofuhhty hnes servmg the grantee's Lot, mcludmg. but not lImited to, water, sewer, gas,elecmcal, telephone and commumcal1on lmes (tv) Subject to the reasonable rules and regulatIOns adopted for the use of each Lot by the Owner thereof, the use of all easements created by thIS Declaration Win, m each mstance, be non-exclUSlve and for the use and benefit of the Owners and theIr respective successors and asSIgns, and such agents, customers, mVltees, hcensees~ employees, contractors, Beneficlanes, tenants and tenant's customers, InVitees, employees, lIcensees, contractors and agents as may be deSignated by each Owner from tIme to tlme (all of whIch persons WIll be Pemuttees) Each Owner speclficaJJy reserves the rIght, at any tlme and from hme to tIme, to promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations apphcable to the Owner's Lot as may be Imposed to promote the health, safety, welfare and security of such Lot. thetrnprovements lo.cated thereon and the Occupants and Penmttees of such Owner Each Owner may, at any tlDle and from tlme to tIme, remove, exclude and restram any person from the use. occupancy or enjoyment of any easement created by thIS Declaratton or the area covered thereby for faIlure to observe the reasonable rules and regulatIOns estabhshed as prOVIded herem Ifunauthonzed use IS bemg made of any easement area by any of the Owners or theIr respective Penmttees, such unauthonzed use may be restramed or tennmated by appropnate proceedmgs after wrItten notice to the defaultmg Owner and fallure to abate such unauthonzed use WIthIn a reasonable tIme (v) No walls, fences or barrIers of any kmd may be constructed or malntaIned III the Common Areas or any portIons thereof by any Owner WhIch wIll prevent Or nnparr the use or exerCIse of any of the easements granted pursuant to thIS SectJOn 6 4 or . the free access and movement ofpedestnans and vehIcular traffic, as applicable, among the Lots and adjacent pubhc streets andpenmtted pnvate roadways, prOVIded, however, the ASSOCiatIon may Instltute such reasonable traffic controls as may be necessary to gulde and control the orderly flow of traffic so long as access dnveways to the parkmg areas 10 each Owner's Lot are not closed and blocked NotWJthstandmg the foregomg, the Owner of Lot 1 may install fenclllg, bamers and gates consIstent WIth the quality of the Improvements on the Property to segregate that portlOn (whtchmay be pubhc or pnvate m Its Owner's . dIscretIon) of Lot 1 lymg Wlthm Lake Wash1Ogton from the remamder of the Property No Owner may grant any easement for the purpose set forth In thIS SectIOn 6 4 for the benefit of any real property not Wlthm the Property except as set forth herem, prOVIded, however, that the foregomg WIll not prohtblt the grantmg or dedlcatmg of easements by an Owner on Its .. ---.. ---. --------·-----U5fto-govenunentarbfqililsl:govemmentalatitl)onfies-or to-pubhc-utiliiJe-s----.... ------. 6 5 PublIc Easement Subject to the hmltatlOns set forth m thIS Declaration, each Owner, as a grantor. shall grant and convey to the CIty of Renton, as a grantee, a non- exclUSIve perpetual easement for pedestrian traffic only over a portIOn of Lots I, 2 and 4 . located wlthmthe Pedestnan Promenade to be more speCIfically descrIbed in an easement agreement to be executed by the parties to thIS DeclaratJOn (prOVIded, however, that J 129\005 11113/00 -16- I BARKI \">fCO\SOUTHPORT . ..,.-- emergency vehIcles WIll be permItted access over the easement area descnbed 10 ExhIbit C to respOnd to emergency sltuatJons) SECTION 7 PARKING 7 1 OperatIOn and MaIntenance ofParkmg Each Owner wIll construct and pay the costs of constructIon, operation and maIntenance of aU parkmg facilitIes on such Owners Lot. Each Owner shall manage Its own parkmg facI1ltes or enter mto a Separate agreement WIth a thud party manager to manage such Owner's parkmg faclhtJes 7 2 Lot 4 Parking Easements The Owner of Lot 4 grants and conveys to the Owner of Lot 1, a non-excluslve, perpetual easement for mgress and egress to and from, and for parking of up to 120 veluc1es m, the parkmg faclhbes constructed or to be constructed by the Owner of Lot 4 on Lot 4, provlded, however, that such easement and parkmg nghts may be.used,only between the hours of6 00 p m and 8 00 a m weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and hobdays, aridsball be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Owner of Lot 4 may adopt Such parkmg nghts shall be at not to exceed market rates as may be Imposed by the Owner of Lot 4 m connectJon With operatmg the parkmg faclht1es on Lot 4 generally 7 3 Lots 2 and 3 Easements The Owner of Lots 2 and 3, grants and conveys to the Owner of Lot 4, a non-exclusive. perpetual easement for Ingress and egress to and from, and for parkmg 10, the par~mg faclhtles constructed or to be constructed by the Owner of Lots 2 and 3 on Lots 2 and 3, provIded, however, that such easements (1) wlll be restricted to . those parktng spaces not deSignated as reserved for the Penrutees of the Owner of Lots 2 and 3 (prOVided that at least 200 spaces will not be restncted), and (11) may be ~sed only between the hours of 8 00 a m and.6 00 p m weekdays, excluding holldays Such parkmg rights shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Owners of Lots 2 and 3 ~ may adopt Such park10g nghts shall be at not to exceed market rates as may be Imposed by ~ the Owners of Lot 2 and 3 10 connecton WIth operatmg the parkmg faclitttes on Lots 2 and 3 generally SECTION 8 INDEMNITY; INSURANCE _~ ______ -_______ --__ --8-1----Indemruty-hEach-Owner-(the .IIIndemmfY1OgParty"j shall-mdemm fYi-defend . --------- and hold harmless each other Owner and theIr Occupants (each an "Iooemnlfied Party") from and against all clrums and all costs, expenses and habllltIes (mcludmg reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) 10curred m connect on WIth all clmms, mcludmg any achons or proceedmgs brought thereon, ansmg from or as it result of the death of or any actton, inJury, loss or damage to any person or to the property of any person (1) as a result of the use by the Indemmfymg Party of any of the easements granted by thIS DeclaratIOn or (11) whIch occurs, 3129\005 11113/00 rBARK~FCO\SOtmiPOR 1 -17- ..n , " C>-, t.n c::;:) t:;.;I c::» . "" - Co;) c::::a C) (l..., not as. a result of the use of any of the easements granted herem, but wuhm the Lot owned by the Indemmfymg Party. except for claims caused by the neghgence or Willful misconduct of an Indemmfied Party, Its hcensees, agents, employees and contractors Whenever a prOVlSIOll formdemmty IS set forth In this Agreement, In the event of the concurrent . 'neghgence of any party bound by tlus Agreement, which concurrent neghgence results In IIlJUry or damage to person or property and relates to the construction, alteratIon, repaIr, addrlJonto, subtraction from, Improvement to or maintenance of the Property, the obligatIon to Indemmfy (mcludmg payment of the costs, expenses and attorneys' fees mcurred by the party being mdemmfied In connection WIth the claim, actIon or proceedmg brought With respect to such mJury or damage) shall be hmlted to the extent of the neghgence of the party reqwredto mdemrufy The obhgatlons of the Indemmfymg Party under any mdemruty prOVIded for m thls DeclaratIon shall not be hmlted by, and all persons now or hereafter ,bound by thIS Declaration hereby waive, any worker's compensation proVISion (mcludmg but not bmtted to RCW TItle 51) to the contrary or so hmltlng EACH PARTYNOW OR HEREAFTER BOUND BY THIS DECLARATION ACKNOWLEIDGES AND AGREES THE INDEMNIFICATION AND WAiVER PROVrSIONS SET FORTH HEREIN WERE SPECIFICALLY NEGOTIATED AND AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES 8 2 Property Insurance Each Owner shall carry or cause to be earned fire and extended coverage Insurance In an amoUnt equal to at least nmety percent (90%) of the replacement cost (exclusive of the cost of excavatton, foundatiOns and footmgs) of the Improvements (exc]udmg Improvements In the Common Areas) located on Its Lot, lDsurmg against loss by fire and such other nsks generally covered by extended coverage msurance Such msurance shall be camed Wlth finanCially responsIble comparues hcensed to do busmess In the State of Washmgton Each Owner shall use reasonable efforts to cause any ,BenefiCiary of I,ts Lot to agree to allow Insurance proceeds to be used to pay for the cost of repainng and restonng Common Areas located on the Lot as provlded for 10 thiS DeclaratIon Dunng constructIOn of Improvements on Its Lot, the msurancerequlred pursuant to thlS Declaranon shaH be In "budder's all-nsk" fonn The AsSOCiatIon shall purchase and maintaIn, for the benefit of all Owners, extended coverage msurance m the amount equal to at least 90% of the replacement costs of any Improvements located Wlthm the Common Areas, msurmg agamst loss by fire and such other flSks generally covered by extended coverage msurance The cost of any such msurance obtamed by the ASSOCIation shall be treated as a COmmon Area expense under the Budget and any Insilrance pohcy so obtamed by the ASSOCiatIon shall name all Owners (and their BenefiCiaries) as additIonal , msureds, 83 LiabilIty Insurance Each Owner shall at all times durmgthe term of thiS DeclaratIon, mamtam or cause to be mamtatned In full force and effect, c,ommerclal general hablhty Insurance covenng'Its Lot or Lots Such Insurance shall (1) mclude covemge for any actIon resultIng m personal mJury to or death of any person andconsequenttal damages ansmg therefrom,(u) be In an amount of not less $2,000,000 per occurrence, (Ill) be Issued by a finanCially responsible Insurance company or companies lIcensed to do busmess In the 3 129\005 III 13/00 TBARKE\sI:.CO\~OUTHPOR I -18- State of Washmgton, and (IV) at the request of any other Owner expressly name such other Owners as an addItional msured Unless otherwise agreed 10 wntmg by the Owners, the AssOCiatIon shall purchase and mamtalO for the benefit of all Owners, commercial general hablhty msurance covenng the Common Areas The cost of any such msurance obtamed by the ASSOCIation shall be treated as a Common Area expense under the Budget, and any· . msurance polleY!lo obtatned by the Assoc]atlOn shall name all Owners (and then BenefiCIaries) as addltlOnal msureds Each Owner shali furmsh to any other Owner requestmg the same eVidence that the msurance reqUired of Jt purSuant to thiS DeclaratlOn IS In place 8 4 WaIver of SubrogatIon No Owner shall be hable to any o.ther Owner or to any InSuranCe company (by way of subrogatIon or otherwIse) msunng another Owner for any loss or damage to any bwldmg, structure or tangible personal property of the other oecurrmg 10 or about the Property, even though such loss or damage mIght have been . occasIoned by the neghgence ofsuch party, Its agents or employees, If such loss or damage IS covered by InSurance benefitIng the party suffenng such loss or damage or was reqUIred to be coveredbymsuranceundel' terms oftlns Declaratton. Each Owner shall use Its best efforts to cause each lOsUrance polIcy obtamed by It to contam the waiver of subrogation clause NotWlthstandmg the foregomg, no such re]ease shaH be effectIve unless a party's Insurance poltcy or pohcles expressly permit such a release or con tam a waIver of the V1'. carner's nght to be subrogated SECTION 9 ENFORCEMENT 9 1 Abatement and SUIt The Declarant and the ASSOCIatIon are each granted the :::. right to enter upon any of the Property at any reasonable time or times to Inspect the same --for purposes of deternunmg comphance Wlth the Covenants and the GUldelmes In the event c:.::) of any VIolation or breach of any of the aforesaId, and m the further event that all such ~ vlO]litJ.oos and breaches are oot cured Wlthm thIrty (30) days after written demand made upon the Owner or occupant by the Declarant or AssOCIation, as the case may be. the Declarant and the ASSOCIation Jomtly and separately have the right to enter upon the portion of the Property upon WhICh, or as towluch, such VIolatIon or breach eXIsts, and summanly to· abate and remove, or to correct, repaU' or mamtam, at the expense of the Owner and Occupant thereof, any Improvement. thmg or condition that may be or eXIst thereon contrary to the mtent and meamng ofthe provlSlons hereof as Interpreted by the Declarant or the ..... -··----.·.-.-'------·..:.----~ssoc._atfon;~anatlfeDeclarannih(hneA:sSjjCiatlonshall-not~··byre~ason:tnereof.-lre-·deemea----·----- gUIlty 10 any manner of trespass fOf. such entry. abatement. removal. correctIon, reprur. or mamtenance or mcur any hablllty on account thereof The Declarant, the Assoclatlonand every Owner (or Occupant, but only With the respectIve Owner's consent) of any ofthe Property are further separately empowered to seek by legal proceedmgs, either in law or 10 eqUIty; or to submit any such v1Olatton or dispute to arbitration In accordance With the rules of the American ArbitratIOn ASSOCiatIOn (reservmg however, the rtght to InjunctIve reliefm ) 129\005 11113/00 -19- I I1ARKE\'lE"O\~OUTHPOR r ..---...... rud of the relief sought) to detennme the appropnate remedies to abate or otherwise prevent a continUIng breach of any proVIsIOn of this Declaration The amounts of all expenses lncurred by Declarant and the AssocIation pursuant to the provIsIons of this Section 91 wluch are not paid by OWner Imme(hately on demand shall constitute a hen agamst the subject Lot, shall bearJDterest untt! patd at the rate set forth m SectIon 5 3, shall attach and take effect upon recordatlon of a claIm of hen 10 the OfficIal Records and may be enforced mthe manner allowed by law for the foreclosure of hens The enforcement nghts of the Declarant and the ASSOCiatIon set forth above shall also be for the benefit of each Owner, and In the eyent neIther the Declarant nor the ASSOCiatIOn take actIon to enforce the provlSlons of the Declaration, any such Owner shall have the nghtto eilforcethls DeclaratIon, and to be entItled to retmbursement of costs (With mterest) and hen nghts as set forth above 92 Attorneys' Fees and Liens !flO connectIon With any enforcement of thiS Declaration WIth respect to any Lot, It shall be necessary to secure the servtces of attorneys, then the reasonable fees of such attorneys, and all other costs of any contemplated or actUal iegal, eqUItable or arbltrabon proceedmg m connection With any such enforcement shaH be payable by the Owner of such Lot If such fees and other costs or any part thereof are not paId WlthlO ten (10) days after written demand therefor, the amount unpaid shall bear mterest from the date thereofuntll paId at the rate of mterest set forth 10 SectIon 5 3 If My such fees or costs are not prod on the due date thereof. the amount thereof together WIth Interest thereon as aforesaid shall be and become a hen agatnst such Lot and may be executed upon or foreclosed by approprIate legal proceedmgs (subject to the lImitatIOns contamed mSectJon 11) In any legal. eqUItable or arb1tratIon proceedmgs for the mterpretatlon or enforcernent of or to restratn the VIOlatIon of thIS DeclaratIon or any prOVISIon hereof, the losmg party or partIes shall pay the reasonable attorneys fees of the prevalhng party or parties m such amount as may be fixed by the court m such proceedmgs 9 3 Deemed to Constltute a NUisance Any breach of thIS DeclaratIon by an Owner or OcCupant IS declared to be and shall constitute a nwsance, and every remedy aliowed bylaw or eqUity agamst an Owner or Occupant shall be appbcable against every such nUIsance and. may be exercIsed·by the Declarant, the ASSOCiation, the County, any Owner (or Occupant who has been gIven such nght by the Owner of such Lot) of a Lot, or any of them ---------------------------.. . .. -9 -4----Remedles-Cumulatlve--Allremedlesprovlded herem-or-avaIiable-at-iawonn ... eqUIty shall be cumulattve and not exclUSive 95 F~ulure to Enforce Not a W8Iver of RIghts The fallure of the Declarant, or any other Person entItled to enforce thIS DeclaratIOn, to enforce any Covenant herem contaIned shall In no eventbe deemed to be a waiver of the nght to do so nor of the nght to enforce any other Covenant Declarant shall not be lIable to any owner, occupant or any 31291005 11113100 -20- 1 BARKI:\~EC.O\SOUTHPORT other person or entity for any damages, losses, hablhtles or expenses suffered by reason of a mistake m Judgment, neglIgence or nonfeasance aTlStng In connectlon Wlth any approval, disapproval or other actions taken In connection WJth thiS DeclaratlOn or the non- enforcement of any provlslOn of thIs DeclaratIon 9 6 Damages Inadequate Damages for any breach ofthe Covenants are declared not to be adequate compensation and such breach andlor the contmuance thereof may be enJoIned or abated by appropnate proceedIngs by any Person entItled to enforce this Declaratlon as prOVIded In thiS Section 9 9 7 Compbance of Ten ants Each Owner who rents or leases Its Lot or a portion of Its Lotshallmsurethat any such lease or rental agreement IS subject to the terms of thIS Declaratlon Any such agreement WIll further prOVIde that faIlure of any tenant to comply WIth the prOVISIOns of tlus Declarabori will be a default under such tenant's lease or rental agreement . SECTION 10 ACCEPTANCE OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS; PRIVITY; STANDING 10 1 Acceptance Each Owner and Occupant, by the acceptance of a deed of conveyance, lease, sublease, hcense or other nght to enter on or occupy any of the Property, and every other Person at any time haVIng or acqumng any nght, btle, interest, hen, or estate ~ m, on Or to any of the Property , accepts the same subject to all of the proVlslons of thiS V'lDeclarauon and the JunsciIctlons, rIghts, and powers of the Declarant, the ASSOCiation and ~Owners 'created, granted or reserved herem. and all easements, nghts, benefits and prIvileges :::Or every character hereby granted or created and thereby covenants and agrees for themselves, thelr successors, heltS, personal representatives and assIgned to be bound by the -.... Covenants -c 10 2 Nature of Obhgatlons All obhgatJons hereby Imposed and the easements ~ereby granted are covenants runrnng Wlththe land and shall bmd every Owner and c-r>ccupant of every part and parcel of the Property and any mterest thereIn, and every such . other Person and mure to the benefit of every Owner and occupant and such other Persons and as though the proV1SIOtis of tlus DeclaratIon were recIted and stIpulated at length 10 each and every deed of conveyance~ lease, sublease, hcense or other agreement grantmg any nght of entry or occupancy, or In any other mstrument or document by whIch any such nght, tltle, ----.-------mterest; hen~ or estate-Is created oracqutred~ --AllCovenants;-and-agreements contamed---- herem are made for the dIrect, mutual and reciprocal benefit of each and every part and parcel of the Property and shall create mutual, eqUItable sefVltudes upon each portton of the Property m favor of every other portion of the Property 10 3 Pnvlty. Standlng . No Occupant or other Person other than an Owner or Its representatIve (and then only In the manner set forth m Section 9 1 above) or the 3129\005 11113/00 . -21- 1 BARKE\Sl:COISOUTHPORT AssoclatJon shall have the nght to enforce the provIsIOns of this DeclaratIon or seek damages for any v1Olatlon or non-enforcement thereof agamst any Person other than the Owner of the Lot used or occupled by such Occupant or other Person Occupants and other Persons (other than Owners) are designated benefic18ne~ of as well as subject to the covenants set forth m thIS Declaration, which covenants may be amended by Declarant or the Owners, as the case may be, In accordance With thIs Declaration, but 10 any event WJthout the consent of or notice to such Occupants or other Persons SECfIONll DEEDS OF TRUST 11 t . Pnonty Over Liens The hen on any Lot result10g from, created by or provided for In thiS Declaration shall be subject and subordmate to the hen of any Deed of Trust made for value and m good faith and creatmg a hen on such Lot on the date of commencement of proceedmgto execute or foreclose the hen on such Lot executed by thts· Declaratton . 11 2 Effect Of Breach Anythmg contamed In thiS Declaration to the contrary notWithstandmg, no breach of any of the Covenants or re-entry by reason of such breach. shall defeat or render mvahd or Impatr the hen of any Deed of Trust made and delivered for .. vaJue and m good fatth~ whether now eXlstmg or hereafter executed. encurilbermg any of the Property t I 3 Benefimary Notice The BenefiCIary under any Deed of Trust affectmg a Lot shall be entItled to receive notice of any default under thiS Declaration by the Owner whose Lot IS encumbered by such Deed of Trust, proVlded that such BenefiCIary dehvers a copy of a nollce m the form heremafter contaIned to each Owner The form of such notice shall be . substantIally as follows The undersigned, whose address IS , does hereby certify that It IS a Beneficiary. as defined Ill. that certrun Covenants, Conmbons and ReStnctJons for Southport ("CC&Rs") of Lot _ of Southport, a legal descnptlon of winch IS attached hereto as ExhibIt A and made a part hereof If any notIce of default IS gIven to the Owner of such Lot, a copy shall be dehvered to the undersIgned who shall have all nghts of such Owner to cure such default Fwlure to dehver a copy of such notIce to -the undersIgnedshalhn-noway-affect the-vahdIty· of the notice-of default-as - It respects such Owner, but shall make the same mvabd as It respects the mterest of the understgned and Its Deed of Trust as defined tn the CC&Rs upon such Lot Any notIce given to a BenefiCiary shall be gIven 10 the same manner as proVided m SeetJon 142 below 3129\005 11/13/00 TBARKDSLtO~uTHPORT -22- i : . 114 . BeneficIary's Title A BeneficIary acqUlnng title to a Lot through foreclosure, swt or by transfer m heu of foreclosure or eqlllvalent method shall acqwre title to the encumbered Lot free and clear of any hen authonzed by or ansIng out ofthe provIsions of thIS Declaration, msofar as such Iten secures the payment OraDY assessment or charge due buttinpald pnor to the fina] conclusion of any such proceedmg, mc]udmg the expiration date of any penod of redemption After the foreclosure of a secunty mterest 10 a Lot, any unpaid assessment shall continue to eXist and remam a personal obhgatlOn of the Owner against whose Lot the same was leVIed Any hens proVided for m tlus Declaration shall be subordmate to the hen of any Deed of Trust upon a Lot (provIded the BeneficIary IS a thm! party and the Deed of Trust IS gIven to secure a good faIth obhgatlon of the Owner whose Lot IS encumbered)' The sale or transfer of any Lot'or any mterest tb.erem shaH not affect the hens provIded for m thts Agreement except as otherWIse specrfical]y prOVIded for herem, and to the case of a transfer of a Lot for the purpose of realIzmg upon a secunty mterest, hens may anse agamst such Lot for any asqessment payments conung due . after the date of the foreclosure . SECTION 12 AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION .12 1 Power to Amend ThIs Declaration may be amended by Declarant, actmg alone so long as It IS stJ.1l Owner of all of the Property, by an mstnn:nent 10 wntmg properly executed and acknowledged and recorded In the OffiCial Records After Declarant ceases to own all of the Property, thiS DeClaratton may be amended, tennmated or extended as to the whole of the Property or any part thereof upon the wntten consent of Owners who collectively own at least seventy five percent (75%) of the square footage of land contaIned Wlthm all of the Lots, provlded, however; that dunng the InItial twenty (20) year term hereof any such amendment or termmatlon must be agreed upon by all of the Owners Any amendment of thIS Declaratton shall not depnve any Owner or Occupant of Its nght to use Its Lot forthe purpose consistent WIth the Declaration as such DeclaratIOn stood pnor to that . amtmdment Any such temunatlOn, extensIon or amendment shall be effectIve upon recordtng of any Instrument to wfltmg~ properly executed and acknowledged. With the OffiCIal Records 122 Lurutattons NotWIthstandmg the foregomg proVISions ofSectlon12 1 (1) No ternunatton, extenSion, modlficatton or amendment to or oftlus ·--···-··---Declaratton·shall-affect·8ny~approvals-or-consents ·theretoforeglventoanyOwner-or ..... ---..... --.-.. -.. ' - Occupant pursuant to the prOVIsIOns of thiS Declaratlon, and (11) No tennmatIon. extension, mcxhficatlon or amendment to or of any proVISion of thIS Declaration shall prejudice any then eXlstmg hen orany Deed of Trust made and dehvered for val ue, In good faith or the nghts of any BenefiCIary thereunder 3129\005 11113100 -23- 1 IlARKE\<;ECO\<;OlITHPOR 1 ... - SECTION 13 TERMINATION . The easements Set forth m SectIons 6 3 and 6 4 shall be perpetual The remamder or the terms of .thIs DeclaratIon shall be and remam m full force and effect untIl forty (40) years from the. date hereof. after whIch date thts Declaratton shall be automatIcally extended for . successIve periOds of ten (10) years unless a written document termmatmg this Declaration (except for the easement provIsIons referred to above) IS Recorded.ln the OfficIal Records Any such termmatlon document must have been duly executed and acknowledged by the Owners m accordance Wlth the terms ofSectlon 12 No tenmnatlOn of the DeclaratlOn shall tenmnate any utIlity easement granted or reserved pnor to such ternimatlon SECTION 14 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 14 1 SeverabIlity Invahdauon of any one of the condloons, covenants, restnctlOns, easements or provisIons of thiS Declarauon Yllth re~pect to any apphcatiOn, by Judgment or a court order wIll III no way affect any other applicatIOn thereof. nor any other condItions, covenant, restnctlon, easement or provIsion hereof, all of which shall remam In full force and effect 14 2 Nol1ces Any wrttten notice or other document as requIred by this DeclaratIOn may be dehvered personally, by recogruzed overnIght COUrIer or by mall If by mall, such notIce \\i'dl be deemed to have beendellveredand received three (3) busmess days after a copy thereof has been deposIted In the Umted States first class mati, postage preprud, properly addressed to the apphcable Owner at the registered address of such Owner as filed In wntmg WIth the Assoc18tlon If by overnIght couner; such notIce WIll be deemed to have . been dehvered on the day after such noUce has been depoSIted WIth the ovenught couner company Nottces to the ASSOCIation WIll be addressed eIther to an address to be posted by the ASSOCiatIOn. or to the registered office of the AssOCIatIon 14 3 Jomt and Several Liability If a Lot IS owned by more than one Person, the lIability of each of the Owners of such Lot In connection With the hablhtles and oblIgattons of Owners set forth m or llllpOSed by thiS DeclaratIOn WIll be Jomt and several 14 4 No PublIc. DedicatIOn Nothmg contaIned ill thIS Declaration WIll be deemed .. - --to·consntute-a-gift,·grant or:dewcatlon-ofany·portlon of the-Property-to the· general-pubhc-or--·· -. -- for any pubhc purpose whatsoever, It bemg the mtentlon of the Owners that thIS Declaratlon Will be stnctIy Imllted to thepnvate use of the Owners and thetr respective Occupants and Penmttees ThIS Declaration IS Intended to benefit the Owners and their respective successors, assIgns and Beneficianes and IS not mtended to constitute any Person whtch IS not an Owner a thtrd party benefiCIary hereunder or to gIve any such Person any nghts under thIS DeclaratIOn 3129\005 11/ 13100 rBARkF\~E(o\"OU fHPORl -24- 145 EffectIve Date ThIs Declaration wdl take effect upon recordmg 14 6 Rules and RegulatIOns The ASSOcIatIon wIll have the right to adopt rules and regulatIons wIth respect to the Assoclauon's rights, actIvIties and dutIes. provIded such rules and regulatIons are not lOconslstent WIth the provIsionS of thIs DecJaratlon 147 CaptIons and Titles All captIons, tItle or headmgs of the sectIOns m thiS DeclaratIon are for the purpose of reference and convemence only and are not to be deemed to bmIt, modIfy or otherwise affect any of the proVIsIons of thiS DeclaratJonor to be used m determmmg the mtent or context thereof 148 ApplIcable Law This DeclaratIon WIll be construed In all respects In accordance WIth the laws of the State of Washmgton 149 TIme TIme IS of the essence of thIS Declaration 141 0 WaIver, Course of DealIng No wruver or course of deahng ID contravention of any of the proVISIOns of thiS DeclaratIOn shall constItute a WaIver or basIS for estoppel agaInst the enforceablhty of any other prOVISIon, whether or not SimIlar, nor shall any . WaIver be a contmumg Watver 141] ExhIbIts and FIgures The followmg exhibIts and figures are attached to thlS DeclaratIOn and by thiS reference are Incorporated herem ExhIbIt A ExhibIt B ExhibIt C Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 . Legal Description Site Plan NonopposItlon Agreement Matn Access Road PedestrJanPromenade FIre Access Road Waterfront Access Road TN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed thiS Declaration on the day and year first above written DECLARANT 3129\00511113/00 TBARKE~ECO\sOUI HPOR I SOUTHPORT LLC, a Washmgto . ...... ... ..:mi~fi.6ifiiY~-·-· ...... . -25- STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNlYOFklN6 }. ) ss. ) On this J J../-*' day of Nove h1he 1':2000, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pubhc U1 and or the State. pf Was~gton, duly commlsMoned and swom persolJsUy appeared (l e/ hrJ£3., knowntomcto bcdle Member:: of SOUTHPORT LLC, the Inmted Ilabihty company thai executed the foregOIng mstrument, and acknowledged the said mslrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of sllId lumted Iiabihty company, for the. purposes therein menbon~ and on oath stated that he/she war; authonzed to execute sold instrumenl I certtJY that I know or have satrsfactoryevldence that the person appearmg before me and makmg thIS acknowledgment ."the person whose true signature appears on thls.document .... "'~ . . WITNES~~_~n;::~~ffiCJaI seat hereto affixed the day and year 10 the certtficnle .move wntten . $~';;'M~.~ •• ~\ ~X t t~/ ... 11:. 0 T. A It to • "'S-'. ;...::<.-.-L-=-"'-" _____ ~ ___ _ .. eO ~ . -I~ure ~ : IU _'-.:. LJ{,.tt L, {"'I"ns ~~\ POB\.\G ~i PnntName -'.--' . -.--. . ~~~ •• 11:~~, . NOTARY PUBLIC In all<! fur Ihp State of "",ci/w~,'"'' . Washington, rcsidmg at_ VV_.t'£fr , n 1/ II J e-.. """it'~ Mycomml<;510n expires .1L~ () 2- JI29\OO'i 10130100 TUARKI:\SLCO~O(mIPORr -26- .. . a.n EXHIBIT A Descnpbon of the Property PARCEL A LOTS 1,2,3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO LUA-99-J34-SHPL, ACCORDING TO SHORT PLAT RECORDED JANUARY 31, 2000 UNDER RECORDING NO 20000131900006. IN KINO COUNTY, WASHINOTON PARCELB ~ .. NONEXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND RAILROAD CROSSINGS ~ AS ESTABLISHED IN RECORDING NOS 6201855,6317510.9902019014 AND .c:;:, .20000131900006 o ...--- ." -G') U"I C en :::c \or) c::.:> fT1 <-:> " c::> ...... 0 ..--• ~ 0 ~ <=> = = ~ (J) --I M ""'0' s;: Z \ ~ z ,.. I EXlJIBlTB SITE PLAN FIRE ACCESS ROAD ;go " I 1'1"1 -, .... ~ -' EXBIBITC CAC-99-141 .... ~ NOHOIE'OSI'fION AGl\UMEN'r made and enterea into as ot the am,.' day ot ~' 1999 by and between Michael Clu:ist, Ou., LLC ~on l'1.:1litec1 l1ability company ("emuS'.!!") I the Soeing CQm.pany, a Delaware CO:p<)ration ("BOEING") and the City ot :lenton, a Wa.llhinqton m.un1c1pal ' corporation (·City·). (CHlUS'!', BOIDlG and the City are collectively referred to as the ·PARTIES-): UCUAU 'A. CQ.IST has entered ineo a purchase and sale agreement with Pugat Western to purChase that property commonly known as the ShUttl.ton Steam.-l?lant 'site (the ·Property·) in lenton, Washington leqally described in Exhibit A.The Property lies adjacent to Boeing" S Renton, ' manufacturing and. tinal usably facility (the "'Boeing Facility'" legally described in Ixhibit B. '1'he property and the t=mediately adjacent portion at the Boeing Facility are illustrated in Exhibit C. bhibits A, B, and C are attached hereto and incoxporated hereby by this reference. S. CHaIST has proposed to the City the phased redevelopment or the Property trom its existing industrial land' USe to a mixed~use development c:oMiatinq ot oftice,. residential and commercial uses (the "~develapment·) as shown 1~Exh1b1t D, attached hereto and by this retarence 'inco;poratedhere1n. The gove1'Dm8Dt pexmita and approvals Wh1cb. either have been or ue liJcaly to be sought by ChriSt which may be necessary tor the Red'evelopa&ent include but are not l~ted to aPl&DAed Action ~s~qnat1on, Comprehans1va ,Plill\ Amendment a:ncl l\azone, a Zoning Code 'l'ut Amendment, a HasterSite Plan Approval and, phued indiVidual site plan approvals, a Shoreline Substantial Development Pemit, , clear1llq, cp:ad.inq, ~litian, c:onsauc:tion building aDd • lIlechaa.lcal pe.aaita, Ihort plat or boundary line adjustment "--~----------~ -~--.pprovaJ;s,-:r:oadway-ac:cess~-.pprova1s,~puk1ng ~~and~'loa:c11nq~ ,--~ , regulations mocl1f1c:at:ions, va:r:1.anc:e8, and hydrauUc project approval (the "Iamitl anc1 Appl'ovals-) • C:. The C1 ty has begun drafting a Suppleuntal !nv1ronmental Impact stat~ent (SEIS) to address the , en.v~ronmental .i.mpacts ot a planned actfon proposal and the proposed aedeveloPment (the Southport DlveLopmant Planned 'Action DEIS, June 1999)'., 'l!he Dratt SEIS, has been issued and ..... .... -- , . , \ , . the comment period exPired 7/29/99. fhe Final lIS was issued September 9, 1999. . . 0.. Christ has presented. Boeing ancl the C1ty with proposed site plans far the Redevelopment plannedaetion on file with the City. Bcainq has expresaac1 concerns to Christ and to the City by comauUlt lett en dated July 14, 1999 and JUly 28, 1999 ("Comment tetters·) on tile with the City. E. Christ is willing to modify its plana and commit to a development plan which prohibits residential development trom be1n; located closer than 380 feet to the Boeing Plant ~d 1mpofi$es other. use resb:ictions and notice requirements 1n consideration at Baeing's Withdrawal at its comment .letters and· its aqreem.ent not to oppose the P.adevelopmtmt and. any at Christ's 'e=tts and Approvals tor the project as described herein an4as depicted in Exhibits D ~ G. r. Boelng is willing not to oppose the Redevelopment and C1u:1ist t s PeDLlts mel Approvals inconsideration ot the aedevelopment being developed, COQStructed and operated as prOVided by this Aqre~t, and provided that the terms and cond.1tions at this. Agreement are imposed, iliplemented and enforceQ~ NOW, 'rHEP.Ei'oU, IN CONStDtmATION of the mutual promises, covenants and aqreemants contained herein, Christ, Boeing, and the City, each w1tb. the intent that each be legally bound, agree: 1. ~C"f n&SC1UPfiQR So long as any porticm olthe :BoeinQ Facility within 1, 000 feet of the property is owned, in whale or in party, by Boeing or a l'elatedent1ty, and is used, in whale or in part, as an aircraft manufacturing and flnal assembly plant or for _.-----~ -. -: -_.-~-~---~.--:--·-~-~a.nY--·Qther·-heavY-indus·tr-1al--u.e -·+-(~~-CODcU t1an ~ .. )-: --_. .... -." ----_._.-..... (a)· 'rhaProparty shall nat be developed with more than ~total residential units, axcept that a hotel or other comaarcial use shall be allowed in the non-residential area as shown in Ixhibit D,. and as provided by existing and proposed City codes, a copy ot which is &ttache,\ as Exhibit ! and by this reterence incorporated herein. . , (b) Building heights shall nat exceed 125 feet above existing grade, excluding rooftop mechanical equ1pment~ . .. . , (c) Landscaping shall be a.s required herein and by the current City Code, •. blavant portions Q.f the Code are attached as Exhibit· r and by this reterence incorporated herein. 1: . (d) Building locationa shall be qanarally aa shown in Exhibit D. tel Buildin; use. and, occupancies sbaU be as shown in bhibit D. Cfl No chuge, expansion or intensi:tication ot use or of any ~lc:U.ng that coulc1 inc:aase environmental impacts or the s~n81tivities to. occupants and users ot the Property shall be commenced or tmplemantac1wlthout the prior written consent of BOeing' and issuance of such Pamits or Approvals as may be required by the City. . :2 • BS'lQLISBHBN'l' 01' USIDInIAL 1U:S'l'lUCTION ABA Ca) Christ shall submit to the city a modification to its proposed RedeveloPment, as described in this Agreement, including Exhibit 0, and including the prohibitian af any residential uses on that portion of the Property located within 380 feet of the Boeing Plant (the "Residential Restriction l\:r:ea") • (b) Christ shAll subliJ.t to. the City a moditicaticm to. any currently pending applications for Permits ~ Approvals, necessary to cause the Redevelopment to confa~to the ter.ma and conditions of this Aqreement. . (e) So long' as the ConcUtion exists, all fUture applications for Perm1ts and Approvals shall be COilS istent . with the tenus ancl conditions ot th.\s Agreement. 3. RlSIDIH'rUL UBI So long as the COndition eXists: ·c ___ ··c ____ . __ --"C---------~--·--·--(a·)----a81 1clenUal--uae--(·tbe·hotel--shall-not--becons1derad-a·· ... -. ......-. raai~ent1al use) shall be allowed only 1nthe areas designated -residential-in bh1b1t 0, and shall not be pem11:ted to occur w1thinthe aes1d.antial aastriction Area.· (e) Subject. to (c), below, all resldent.ial use shall be month-to-lIlOnth or ciay-to-day tenancies.\ No permanent, loner term residential uses shall be alloWed except with prior written consent of Boeing, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayael. lIII'7tW , . (c)· No inc:U.v1dual ownership OJ: long-tem lease ot individual residant!al units shall be allowed without the prior 'written consent: ot Boeing, which COMent shall nat be un:easonably withheld ~ delayed in the face of a reasonable shoWing by Christ ot the econca1c or market teasibUi ty or necesalty tor such ownership or long .. tem 1aa88. . 4 • SlTBACKSAND UHDSCulNG So long as the conci1t1on exists: (a) .. Christ shall provide abutter of nat less than 25 feet between the c02illDcn boundary line of the Property and the Boei.nq facility. !he buffer shall be intensively landacaped and will provid.e IIcreen.i.nq and. visual t:'el1et between the residential tenants and the Boeing facility. The bUffer shall include a vehicular aQ¢ess :road as anew on Exhibit: 0, and may re~r. further utilIties, transformer" airhandltnq . equ1pment, etc. ft.. area iDlmediately north a.ncl west of builcU.Ug 1 will also. be intensiVely 1 ancla cap ed wIth mixed deciduous and everqreen plantinqaot a dendty and of . sufficient size to obscure the Boeing racilitytrom the Property. A conceptual landscaping plan is attached as Exhibit G that 1s representative of ~ist·s intentions, but which also .uyrequire modifications the City may dictate to meet tratfic and other municipa~ requirements, or a~ a restaurant intended for this area may reasonably require. Portrayal oftbe offica portion ot the site in Exhibit 0 is conceptual· onlYI the design will ultimately be cl:r:ivan by market axui/or specific tenant requirements, and must remain flexible to'tlieir need~. NevertheleSS, Christ and Boeing confirm that they are at a common· goal to effectively scX'een residential. ~a:cilJ.tJ.as at the Property from the Baainq facility •. . (h) The butter and landScaping shall be regularly maintained. Plant· losses shall be replaced promptly wi. th the aaDle or similar matedal. . ~ .. --_ .... _ .. "--"----.. --.... ~--.--.~.--.--... ··-!r;···_····_NQ,%Cls· --'fC'-~USI1Qr~";--"-' _. --. . pPon closinq and·acquillitlon of title to the PropeX'ty by Christ or any ralatedentity, Christ shall recoX'd a Notice on Title to·. the Prope:ty, and shall provide all prospective . purc:hasers,users and tenants (as to users and tenants, with changes only in tense) of all or any p6X't1on of the Property with written notice as follows: . t I t , -- 'lb. p&'opety 1JIIaed1at:ely south at ~ S~uthport ~ety i8 zcnad. to&' heavy 1n4ustrial us., and 1. cuuently used u an aJ.:z:oantt manutactu:inq and t1nal .. sUlbl.y plant. A va::t..ty of indUst.dal activ:i. t:!... oc:aw: 011 the pJ:opety ~t may be inconveniut: or cause clilcscmtOJ:'t to people us1ng,worting or ns1c:U.ng at Southpcn-t. 'rlU.. _y uise tJ:'OIII. aJ..rc:n.tt manufaotuJ:la.Q actJ.v1tJ.e.i inc1ucU.ng a1~t tinal assembly and pa1n~, and. a wutawa~ ~tment plant, · W'h1cb. III&Y genente unpleasant arid azmaying cdoz's, vUantions, w no1s., due t, and atr 81IIisaicnao~ huudcu8 and tox1c air pollutants and wlaWeazoganj,c ccmpound.Ii. 'lb. C1 ty' at Renton baa .stab1bluld taal'lldactuzoing and. ether huvy industrial u •• s as pried ty us.. an . clesiqut.a4 heavy industrial lands. N4iIa&'by prope%'.ty owes, r.sidents and uS.I'S sheuld ba pnpaHd to ac:::cept such inaonvanienC88 or d1scomtc&'t f'~ nezmal, nacallllaz:y heavy industrial Opu:at1cmll vh8n pcto:mec:l 1n c::IOUIPi:1anca with loc:al, state and ~ec:Iaral law. Ifhe OWM&' of' the property [daaoJ:'lbecl on 1xhib1 t Al tar itselt, it. successors and. &salgna, har8try waives to the extant peJ:m1ttad by law lta &'iGht tc ~ta.t or chall~. aay l.B.ldul heavy man~actu:rift9 opention OJ:' aat1v1 ty OJ: · the anviz'onmantal illpaota lawt'u11y caused by · tlI.. aw:nnt a1z:c=a!'t plant or oth.z: .vy .ladue.trial us. to the pl:CIp6J:'ty --=1.becl c;IA · ~1 t.A OJ:' to it. ownes, uscs OJ:' oacupmta. (b) 'this wdtt&n notice shall be in bold typeface and . not 1... than la-point type. '. ee) Except as may be required by law, or to ava.1d ._.--------.. -------Vialations-of -law-;'-' so-lonq:--aatlie-CCndlflofi'-ex:f:sU,--thls-:-' -. . written not:1cemay nat be changed, modif.1ed, 8lIlencled, er 8usPenclect w.1thoutth8 up:'." prier written consent. of Boeing, which eouent may be. td.thheld in Boeing's sola cliscz:etien. 6. DUn RlBDlC'J:lONS . , . tal Upcn closing and acquisition 9t title to the Property by Christ or any related entity, Christ will also :r:8CO~ a restriction on title to the Prope:z:oty as tollows: -5- .-- ) So long as adjacent property is owned by The Boaing Company, a Delaware coxporation, or a related entity, and is used as an aircraft manutaetuzing~and ~inal assembly plant or other heavy industrial use, no residential use or . resldantlal stZlic:tU%'11 of any type, whether permanent, tamporary, long-te%m, short-ter.m, rental, or otherwise, with the exception of hotel or other COl\IlIarci&l uses, shall be constrUcted, plaoed or used within 380 feet of the c~n boundary line of this property and .the. adjacent Boeing Aircraft Manufacturing and Final Assembly Plant as depicted in 1xh1b1ts C ancl D. No more than 540 residential units shan be allowed on that portion of the property designated for resident1al use, as shown· on Ixbib! t D. . Ccl ':rhis restl:iction allCl the notice described in section S shall z:oemain 111 aUect so lonq as Boeing uses any portion of its property within 1,000 feet of the southport property for heavyairctaft manufacturing and final assembly or for other heairy industrial puzposes. . Cd) The notice and restriction on Utle shall be recorded against title to the entire Property described in Exhibit A at the time Christ acquires title to the Property. If the Property. is subdivided, the notice and restriction on title shall apply to all future lota, parcels and tracts. . (e) So long as Boeing uaes any portion of its property w1th1A 1,000 teet ot the Southpo:t property for heavy 1nc1ust2:'ial purposes, neithe: therecorde4 notice nor the reat:dction on title may be removed, extinguished, wei ved, suspended, amende4 or moditied W1tbOut the prior express written consent of Boeing. which consent may be withheld in Boeing's sole diacretion. 1. m:SlGH AND CQ1SftI1C'nOH (a) Heatinq, ventilation and air conditioning tor the Property ottice buildings wlll be accamplished by a variable alr volume syatem, OJ: equivalent designed. and placed to minimtze the effects of odor and a!r emissions frOlll the Boeing Property on building occupants of office buildings at the . Pl:Operty •. This type of equipment lenclai itself to a variety of filtering techniques, includinqsynthet1c fiber and activated carbon tilters. An apptop:iate f11terinq technology will be selected during the design phase at the Redevelopment. The I I I I I I '\ I " I I ._'-\ I • I • I . Ln C"., IJ") c::;) <= C":) .-- .... -.. -..... <.:l c;":) c." (" • t main alrhandltng equipment for those buildings will be mounted on the root of the structures. Supply air for occupied,spaces (excluding parking) in commercial,buildings at the PrQpe~tywl1l ent~the buildings trom the east face thereof, and exhaust air will be released from the west face. Construction shall be, designed and carried aut to minim1 t. the lmpacts of noise and &1rborne vibration that may eJDanate rrOJilthe Boeing Facility by adherence to Uniform Building Code section 1208.2, paragraphs 1 and 3, relating to airborne sound insulation. a. Clft or KINTON . (al The City shall have the full right and power, but no~ the obligation, to enforce the te~ apd conditions of this Agreement with respect to either or both of the other parties. . (1:1)' Compliance with the texma and conditions, of this agreement shall be a te~ and conditionol any and all Permits and Approvals issued by the City tor the Property. g. HOTtCl 01' SAL! (a) Christ shall provide Boeing with first notice of Christ's intent to 8e~1 or otter to sell the Property • (b) ,Boeing shall provide Christ with early notice of its decision ,to sell all or any portion of its property within 1000 teet afthe Southport Property. 10. nNAL DIS ALft~lVJil 'rhe PartiesunclaJ:stand that. the Draft SillS bas been , pubU.shed without reflecting the Resident!al Itestriction Area. However, the modified Redevelopment plan as described herein and as shown in Exhibit D, 1s presented and analyzed in the rtnal SEtS as a new altexnat1ve -Plan c." 11. COOPBMTIOH The Parties agree to cooperate and execute 8~ch further instruments, documents ~ conti:matoryagreements, and take such fur,ther actllot actiOns as may benec:essary or appropriate to carry out the .lntents up purpOS8.IJ of this Aqreement. ·7· i· , . • I LM m Ion c::;I c:;:. CI c- -- Q ,Q c;) ("-, 12. CCNi'LtC!S . In the event at a i:onfU,ct between the tins ancl cOnditions ot this Agreement and any standards or conditions impased or required by the dty for: any Penuts ancl Approvals for the Redevelopment, tee mere restrictive standard or condition will apply. 13. DlSPQ!Z aSOImlOll (a, Within thirty (30) days ot the execution of this Aqreement, Christ· and Boeia,q,. shall each identUy a coordinator (-Designated Coordinator" or "DC") respons1b.le for ac1dressJ.nq . hsues anc1 disputes that may arise from time to time uncler the Aqreement. 'fhe puties ehall provi4e written notice at the selection at the Designated Coordinato%' and any subseqaently appointed DCs. Cll) If a dispute arises with regard to any matter addressed by this Agreement, ~e party raising the disputed .tssue shall contact the DC. reqarding-the nature of the dispute. . (el The Parties agree that the DCs will use their best efforts to resolve the dispute presented in an expeditious ,manner,' consistent with the terms of this Aqreement. Each party aqrees to m.ee,t and cliscusa potential sal uUans to the dispute within five business days of the date notice of a d1apute was received by the other Party. (d)' It the DCa are unabla to resolve a dispute in a mutually agreeable manner within four weeks tram the date that notice of the ~iaput:e vaa received by the other Party, the matter shall be referred. to the respective supervisors of each DC. It they are ~le to resolve t:'h.is -dispute within four weaks, it shall be referred to the p~esldent of Christ and to Jiia. Nelson, Director FacUities , Services, Facilities Asset Management Ol:gan1zaUoQ, Boeing Commel';'cial Airplane Company or . ___ .. __ ______ _____ ______ ~_i_S~~ll~~~~JI~~I __ ~~~ ~,!~~u~10n_.__ _ _____ _ _____ .. ______ _ -14. HQN01t1IOSI'fIOH . By axecut10n oe th1l Aqraement, Boeing withdraws its C()IIJl&nt Lette.rs me! aqrees not: to oppose my eltistinq or future Pemitsud Approvals which Christ has sought or in the futw:a may se"k, _ or whJ.ch the City or a),yother qovernmantal agency has granted or 10. the future may grant, on the con.trtiction of the Redevelopment as described in this Aqreement andaa shawn in Exhibit:/I D and G, and. so lonq as -8-til7M I I . ---- I I Chr1st haa compliedwlth the te:ms and conditions of this Aqreament. 'Boeing also agrees not to take any other actiaas whichDUqht have the ettect ot stopping', delayinqor 1n"creaainq the. cost: of constnction of the lI.ed.evelopmentas described in this Agreement ~ as shewn in txhibits D and G . and not to in any way aid, a.sist, or CQoperate with other persons or. entities who oppose the R.actevelopment. Boeing does not waive its right to leqa11y require that the aedevelopment be constnCted in conformance with the terms and conditions of tlU.s Agreement. lS. SUCCB.ssoas AND ASSIGNS .. The rights and obligations ot the parties shall inure to the benefit of and beb1ndinq upon their respective successors and assigns. 16. ~ ftOVlBIONB (a) IIntiz-• .Aqr8tllllan1: This instrument, bcluclinq the attached Exhibits A, B, C, II, E, 1', and G contain the entire agreement betWeen the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof ancl shall not be DlCcUftad or amended in any way except in a wr1 ting signed by dUly authQrized representatives at the respective Puties or their successors in intel:est or assigns. (b) I:~QrQ8IIQt It is agreed that·.the raedy at law for any breach of the agreements contained herein would be inadequate allcl in the event of a breach of this Agz:eement. the aqljJdeved '£Iaz:ty shall be entitled to injunctive reli.r as ~ell asdamaqes for any SUch. breach. 'fhet pr:evaiUn.g party in. such an action ilball be ent1tledto recover its reason.abLe costs and attor:ueya' tees, inoluding tho 18 incurred in any appeal from the judgment ot a lower court. . Co) Hot:.1ce Any notice or other communicat1on ot any sort ra~ed. or permitted to be qlvea. hereunder ahall be inwrlt1nq and shall be 4eemed sufficiently given if personally d.elivered, transmitted by facsimile, eLectronic ~l or: three days atter being mailed by u.s. certified mail a8 !ollows: .9-9111M ......... --.... ------------ '{ .,...... ..- . To Christ: And tQ~ And to: 'l'o Boeing: And tal Cd) GoveJ::n1ng. Law Michael Christ, President ·SSCO Cevelqpment, Inc. 10843 HE 8~ Street~ SUite '200 Bellevue, D. ·98004 Facsimile: 425/637-1922 lIete: L.. Buck B:entCuson su'l::k , Gorclcm. LLP 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 902 Seattle, ~ 98104 ra~simile: 206/626-0675 1f1l11am N. Appel Appel , Glueck, P.c. 1218 ~hird Avenue, Suite 2500. Seattle, washington 98101 Facsimile (206) 625-1807 Gerald Bresslour, Esq • The Boeing Company HS 13-0e . P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA . 98124-2207 Charles E. Haduell Jilerkina Coie 1201 fh1rd Avenue, 48~ rloor Seattle, VIA 98101-3099 Facsimile: 206/583-8500 !h1s Aq:reement shall be gove:mecl by and construed in accordance with the laws ot the state ot Washington. Venue for any action arising out of this Aclreement ehalt be in King CauntySuperlor Ccurt. f1me 1s at theess~ceot this Aqreement. tlI1M . , . 'or-- ell Watulallt:y Allot the terms 5a4 conditions contained herein are matertal and substantia·l to Boeing's agreement not to oppose the Redevelopment. (fIJ) llaad1ngs ~e haadinqs and subheadinqs contained in this instrument are lolely tor the convenience ot. the parties and are not to be used in conatruinq this Agreement. (h) Autho!:ity The pel'sons executinq this Agreement on behalt at the respective parties hereby represent and warrant that they are ,al:lthodzed to enter into this Aqre8lllent on the te.tms and conditions herein stated. (1) COUft~a~ta , ThlsAgreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which shall be deemed an original as it signed by all Parties. (j) Binding Jlt~aot ':his Aqreemelitshall be binding upon the respective SUCCessors and assigns of the Pazties nereto and shall inure to theben.etit ot and ~e enforceable by the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. (k) ~1.den.t1aUt:y Chi:-ist and Soein; shall hold 1n the strictest confidence all dOcuments andintcr.mation concerning the other, aDd the husiness and properties of the othe;r. Each understands that cU.salosures made by Chr1st to Boeing under Section 3 (c) I and either to the other uncler section 9; shall be maintained in confidence. The foregOing notwithstancling, neither party --shaJ:l-tiiiprclUJ)ited -noa-diilfcloslilg" -tcr-its-1nvestors,------.--.. - cOMultanta, brokers or clealerll such information as ill customarily disclosed in connection with similar matters, nor , shall this section be Coruluued to prohibit either party from diaalosinq information that 14 re~ired by law. IN WI~SS WHEREOF, the Parties h~ caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. ' •• . , - MICBAIIL .CB!US'! I on I L1.C, aWashin;ton Limited Liability Company aYI~~·· T1 tie : tfUe11;;t .... Cln 01' Dl1'!OS . . - TD SOlING COMPANY, a Delawue ~ ..... Philip' lI. CYburt Attorney-in-Pact .~~ 8:. Mayg'C'.: . Prea14ant, Soeillg Realty corporation '- -12- , . - Ixsmn A to NCmOPPOStTIOltf AGUI.NIN'r . Legal description ot Sou1::hp=t P:cperty Parcel B o~ City of lenton Lot :tine Adjustment 'Number LUA 98-176, recorded in IU.nq County, Mashinqtonunder Raco~dinq No. 9902019014, located in King county, Washinqton. \ .13 .. I I Ulml'J: a to NCNOJilSI08lUON ~ 'ago_ 1 at 2 _. ---... _.... - -.. - 'lheproputy awned by The Boei,nq Company ancl the benetitted property in this Agreement 1s located in Renton, K1Dq County, Washington and is 1dentUied. by King County tax assessor· numbers listed belaw &nd·as depicted in the attac:hed clraw1nqr .. 072305-9001 082305-9152 082305-9079 722300-0105 082305-9011 '756460";'0055 '7224QO-0880 082305-9019 722300-0115 '722400-0865 072305-9046 082305-9187 082305-9204 082305";9209 OB2305-9037 072305-9100 -1+ $. . 1II11l1!1 .. . -----------------_. ----"HII"IIN--;:" 1XIIlBl'1' a to HC!HOPPaSI'UcIf ~bEH't ~2al'2 . ..- ..-..... ... . I IXB%Bn c to ( I , I . . c,::;. o . . c. ~ . I ~ . ,. . ----..... -........ -.... __ .--... -... -.: .. --J===~a; __ ~ ( ( -----.-~::-:. -.. - 0 -r'1 -G') c ;~g AJ fT1 I~~ ~ • ..... ~ Q9 ...., ~ o.n <::> <::> C":> ..... !'"t ~ Z r- Y"-.. - <::) .= . C"";) ,.." ---- o ---- / / / .---..... FIRE ACCESS---' ROAD I , -----------------.. . .. _. -~--I--_ .. --FIGURE , ----------------~~b~ss---------------------~ ------ ROAD / / / / / / / -----~ I I . I I ----------- "--, '" "~, . .. /.-',,-- I.n <:) = = -"...,. = = = -C'I ---_.-. __ .. -.. -.--,----~-.----- -.- , "- '" "-, '" , , , L.t"I (\) l.O = = = ...... EMERGENCY VEHICLE . TURN-AROUND FIGURE 3.1 IV\ 51_.· iiiiiiiiijI' 'CI 0 20' 40-80' FIGURE 3.2 filii i~' -....." 10\ cr-!O' 40" 80· \C;;J 0 ." J -G') .~ C ::::0 rr1 ~ (,H 1\ CD • ~ 0 (,H .. ® ~. ~ ~ ..,., . ~~ M 1,1") c:::> = ~ C"!> "'-~~~ .. -~ -.. -~ aP1 Co' c-' ~ = ." ----- ) ~­•.. r- . c .. ) .; , ~ ':.l co., . "'T1 -C') C :::tJ 1"''1 \ ---- ----- - -· ~. 0. .. FIGURE 4.1 5 "t::: ; o 20' 4''' 80' . -----~-'--. .------------ MAIN ACCESS ROAD ." on -~C') ~c: =::0 .... . . rr1 or---~ (.;) tH = .• . :::::= r~-­ I -1,[([--~ =1----I -II L> -. ---l ::11 .. I - --.::.,-----= ill . IFIRE ACCEss-~::::-=' § 1,---1 m I I I, I; .. ... :: ~:" .. .. -- <=> = .t:'> . ..... .,;---..... - ,. "'"' cr.; ..n <:) = 0::> . .-""" ...... -...... G') ..-c = AJ ~ fT\ t') • o \ '7'. ~ -0 ~ z-.- \ \ Q = = ~ .... ,... I ! o 20' 40' SO' FIGURE 2.1 PEDESTRIAN r-------PROMENADE PLAZA ;'" --ll~:L ... ···c· ..................... . --23. - ..... - Retum AdtJrBSS. City ClerIc's OffIce City of Rentan 1055 South Crody Way Renton, WA 98055-3232 Dccumcnl 11tJa(a) (III' transtu:iTGna canbllnetl -1henIIn) 1 SanItary Sewer Eoaement -Parcel 39-I 2 l - RafarenceNlunbw(a) -of DoQImliftts Qi8IgI'I8d cr nUGsad:: (on page __ 01 do~ment(a) - Gnmtor(a) (t.aat name fht, ttl... ftnrt liame and fnttra/a) 1 The Boemg Company 2 3 4-0 Additional names on page _ of doall~ent GrantM(s) (lat. naml! 1Rt. th«I hi. nQRII and l1li"): 1 CIty of Renton 2 3 4 0 AddrbonCII RGm8l1 on 11* _ af doQJmant. That ~ortm of Govt!rrimentLollmthe NOI'ttIwIIst Quarter of Section 8, Township 2J North, Range 5 East. W M - -----------------------: -------IXI-fuU-'egallnn-~-8-of-dotument.­ AsIeIsar's Property TalC Parcei/Aa:ount Number Partkm of 1082305901108 III SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-l Forand m conslderabon ofTen DolJars ($10 00) and other valuable consideration the receipt ofwblch IS bereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corpora:tlon, eGrantor" herem), hereby grants and conveys to the ClTY OF RENTON, a muruclpahty ("the City" herem), for the purposes heremafter set forth, a nonexclUSive perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property as depIcted In ExhJblt A hereto (the "Property"), In Kmg County, Washmgton . Except as may be otherwIse set forth herem the CIty'S nghts shaH be exercJsed upon that portion of the Property depicted on Exhibit A and more partIcularly descnbed m Exhibit B (the "Easement Area") TIuseasement IS granted subject to and condlhoned upon the followmg terms, conditions and covenants which the Clty hereby promises to faithfully and fully obserVe .and perfonn . 1 Putpose The Clty shall have the nght to construct, operate, maIntam, repasr, repJaceand enlarge the sewer plpelme together WIth all necessary or converuent appurtenances therefor 2. . Comphanee wJth Laws and Rules. The CIty shall at all hmes exerCIse Its nghtsherem m accordance Wtth the requirements (as from time to tune amended) and all applicable statutes. orders. rules and regulations of any pubbc authority haVIng Juri sdictton j Removal of Fill Matenal In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances In the Easement Area In furtherance. of its nghts set forth m paragraph 1 ,the CIty shall cease all operatIOns and .... 1-IOJOOJ'() I 6MlAO I I "0 069J 617101 notify Grantor If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor shall, at lis own expense,detennane If the matenalls hazardous, as detenmned by applicable Jaw If the matenal should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at Its own expense, remove, dispose; or otherwIse handle such hazardous substances, as necessary. In accordance With apphcabJe law, or reroute the Easement Area, .fposslble If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall proVIde substitute nonhazardous matemll to replace the removed matenal for the CIty to use m tls operation, If necessary Should the :::; encountered or suspected matenal prove not to be hazardous, the City shall proceed -With the operabons at Its own cos~ With no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of (Y') . . Co) schedule delays Incurred due to the delay In operation If the encountered or .:;::, . ~ suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omiSSions of the CJty, c::;, Grantor's charactenzation of the substances Involved arid any removal, disposal or ~ other handhng-costs mcurred 10 connectIon With the removal, dIsposal or bandhng of the hazardous substances will be at the City'S expense, and the City shall have no ~ recourse agamst Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays Incurred due to the delay an Q ~ operation 4 The City'S Use and ActlVJbes The CIty shall exercise Its nghts under dus Agreement so as to mlDlmlze,and aVOId If reasonably pOSSible, mterference With Grantor's use of the Property as set forth m Paragraph 5 herem 5 Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor Dunng . ConstructIOn Grantor reserves the nght to use the Easement Area for any purpose not mconslstent With the nghts herem granted, proVIded, that Grantor shall not construct or mauitam any bUIlding or other structure on the Easement Area which would mterfere With the exerCJse of the nghts herem granted The City shall make prOVISions satJsfactory to Grantor for contmued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area dunng penods In which the City IS conducttng constructIon or other actIVItIes In the event of an emergency requmng unmeruate actIon by either party for the ._ ... ___ ._._~ _protectlOD.oflts.facdltJes .. or_other_personsor.property •.. such.parly_may.take.such .. _-....... -........ --.... . action upon suchnotlce to the. other party as IS reasonable under the clfcumstances 6 Indemmty The City agrees to mdenurify and hold harmless Grantor, Grari.tor's duectors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatlves from any and aUachons, habIllhes, demands, claims, SUIts, Judgments, hens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (herem after referred to as "ClaIms"), includmg claims for death or mjury to employees of the City, costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys· fees Incurred by Grantor m defense thereof, asserted or anslng (0300).(lI60/SAO 11570 069J ·2· 611101 dIrectly or indirectly from, on account of, or lfl connection With the CIty's operation. mamlenance and control of the Easement Area (and Improvements thereon) With respect to all or any pomon of tlle foregomg obligatIOn whIch may be held to be wltJun the pumew ofRCW 424 115, such obhgatlOn shall apply only to the maximum extent pemutted by RCW 424 115 7 NotIces Notices required to be 1ll wntmg under thiS Agreement shall be personally served or sent by U S mad Any nollce gIVen by mall shall be deemed to have been receIved whl1nthree days have elapsed from the hme such notice was deposIted in the U S mad addressed as follows To Grantor WIth a copy to And to To the Clty The Boemg Company clo Boemg CommercIal AupJane Group POBox 3707 -MIS 2R-71 Seattle,W A 98124-2207 Attn Mr RIck Ford Phone (425) 237-2336 Boeing Realty Corporation POBox 3707-M/S 2R-79 Seattle. WA 98124-2207 Attn Mr Jeff Adelson phone (206) 544-5918 Office of the General Counsel -The Boemg Company POBox 3707 -MlS 13-08 Seanle, W A 98124-2207 Phone (206) 655-2405 CIty of Renton -Department of Development SelVlces lOSS S Grady Way ---------------------------------Renton;--WA--980SS--. ---------- Attn Property Sernces DIVlsion Phone (425) 430·7200 Either party may change the address to whIch notlces may be given by glving nonce as above provided 8 Access The CIty shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enab1e the CIty to (OJOO)-016OlSAOIlS70 069J -3-6/7/01 ,...- exercise Us nghts hereunder, proVIded that the CIty shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said nght of access 9 TltI.e . The nghts granted herem are subject to penUlts, lcases, licenses, and easements, If any) heretofore granted by Grantor affectmg the Property Grantor does not wairarit htle. to Us property and shalf not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof 10 Successors and Assigns The nghts and obligations of the parties shall mUfe to the benefit of and be bmdmg upon theIr respective successors and assigns 11 Tennmanon 11 I . Tenmnahon for Breach In the event the CIty breaches or fads to perfonn or observe any of the tenns and condItIons herem, and fads to cure such breach or default wlthm nmety (90) days of Grantor's giVIng the City wntten nohce thereof, or; If not reasonably capable of bemg cured Mtlun ')uch runety (90) days, wIthIn such other penod of tIme as may be reasonable m the circumstances, Grantor may ternunate the CIty'S nghts under thiS Agreement In additIOn to and not In hnutatJon of any other remedy of Grantor at law or In eqUIty, and the fadure of Grantor to exerCIse such nght at any time shall not waive Grantor's nght to termmate for any future breach or default 11 2 Tennmatlon for Abandonment or Lack ofNecessdY In the event that the property deSIgnated WIth hatch marks on ExhIbit A ("Benefited Property") JS developed With at least one bUlldmg WJth a fimshed floor height of suffiCient elevation for a SIde sewer connectIOn as Identified an Exhibit C (Sanitary Sewer A vallablhty Report)~ the City ceases to use said Easement Area for a penod of five (5) successive years, or If for any other reason the Easement 1S not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may tennanate the City'S nghls under thIs Agreement. H. ___ U. ____ ._ ... __ ._._._._ . _Q~I~P_~_~ /6.1\ . TIIECJTY: GRANTOR: City of Renton BY~·~ ~~ Tanner . Its Mayor . 10300:\.0 I 6OISAO I 1570 069J -4-617101 CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT • before me. DaWV\ £. 5J1Q\.'U t-JU-(-llQd iubll(... NaMe _TIlle 01 0Ihcet Ce 9 j Jane Doe Notarr c ) rh, , Ie l\i c~ bu.r+ . N8IM{tl 01 SogtItl\l) bcipersonally known to me Ie. 1 ., OAWN I< SHAVER U;. COMM • 11 56725 a: • NotalY P"bIIC Cahlom.a ~ (/) OR"NGE CO.UNTV . _ l . MyComm ExplresOct '.4 200~ 1 PlaCe Notary Soal AtH>ve [J proved 10 me on the basIs of satisfactory eVIdence to be the person{&} whose name{&} IsJ8fe- subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he~ executed the same In hls/AefIlhen' authorized capaclly(feS). and thaI by hls/llefltheTr signature(eton Ihe Instrumenlthe person(st. or the entity upon behalf of which the persontsJ acted. executed the Instrument WITq;:S;y hand and offlela: seal LLJ"'0--_ f ~E (} ~"e ,\. S"l""'ut. 01 Notary l'ub~ --------------------OPTIONAL-------------------- ThOugh Ihe Ullormallon belOw IS nol requlfed by law 1/ may prove valuable 10 persons reJymg on She document ·and coUld prevent fraudulent remova/and reattachment of this form 10 anolher document . -------------- Document Dale ________________ Number of Pages ___ - Slgner(s) Other Than Named Above __________ _ _ ___ Capaclty{les)Clslmedby_Slgner ____ _ S~nersName ____________________________ ~_ o Individual o Corporate Officer -Tltle(s) o Partner -0 limited 0 General o Attorney 10 Fact . o Trustee U Guardian or Conservator CJ Other _____ ~ _____________ :--_____ _ Srgner Is Represenllng ... ~"C<.'C<,'C<,'C<,~~'Cl.;Oc<.;C,.;c.(;C~~~'C<,~_cv~~-cv'(:.~;cc~'C<,-cv'C<} '.J' O'991NaI~NoI.,.,Ass"""'bOn 9l50OtSotoA~ PO 90.2402 ChalSWCl1h eA 9IJI32402-:»-Prod No 5907 R..,,"'" eaIToIIFreel8008766877 .~ .... - p •. STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KINe;. ) On thiS '-3'~ day of k~.c.'J ,.,J4200 I, before me the undersIgned personally appeared Jease Tanner to me known to be the Mayor of THE CITY OF RENTON.' the mUnicipality that executed the foregomg Instrument, and acknowledged thes31d mstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of s8Jdmuniclpality, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authonzed to execute the saId 1J1strument WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above wntten _~f'C:== [)' -h~4..;t· (Slg ature of Nolary) . S:l-tc~I\O Q. L~tv-k5-.,J' (Pnnt or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC m and for the State of Wash mgt on, reSiding at (,.) ... t1/~ My Appomtment ExpIres 'i/" ~- 103003.01 60lSAO 1U70 "'9) -6;. 6f7tOI ,,- c..., .- C'I") ~ Cl LI"1 C3 _C'.I ... - ..... C) Cl -~ / .t>. {t, / f-I ~ ~ '8 ~ z: PROPOSED LOT I 93,865 sq ft 2154 acres 9 • ~ • •••• _ •• _-_ •. _._ •• -•.• --,,--------_ .. '-."' _. -"-"'--'-. __ .• , ••• ~---._--..• -* •.•• _ .•• ---------.,.- NB9"IO'26 W 51388' EXHIEITMAP EASet.ENT PARcEL. 38-1 PUBl./C-SANrTARY SEWER-8Y8TBrt Q.L.1, NW1I4. SEC. 8, T23N, FE. W.M. Duane Hortman & AssoCiates Inc N. 8TH ST. ® SCALE 1"= -100· LEGEND STREET MONUMENT IN CASE SS MANHOLE PROPERlY LINE EASEME~ EASEMENT PARCEL 3B·1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W M, KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING 7 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE 1' ... COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF ~ NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" ~EAST ALONG THE CENTERLJNE AND TANGENT OF SA1D GARDEN AVENUE :;; ... NORTH, 42734 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- WAy CENTERLINE POINT OF lNTERSECTlON, THENCE NORTH 18° 00'30" WEST C";:) . .. "" ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THERE,OF, 141493 FEET. THENCE AT A ~-RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 4170 FEET TO .,.;- C) THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF Q N, BEGINNING. THENCE SOUTH 80° 15' 11" WEST, 3417 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF PROPOSED PARCEL 1 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED'AS REQUIRED TO TERMINATE ON THE BOUNDARIES OF PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED (A PORTION OF BOEING'S PARKING LOT 39) CONTAINING 513 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS Prepared BV Duane Hartman & ASsoclStes, Inc Job No 00-146 May24,2001 ReVised November 19, 2001 EXHIBIT C (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report) (0)003-016OI$AOI 1S7() 069) -9-617/01 REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING I.OTS 3D AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY STUDY PROJECT NO. 00·10754 BOEING REALITY CORPORATION SEATTLE, WASIfINGTON SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY DATE' JULy 26. 2000 REVISION J AUGUST 18. 1000 REVISION 2 MAY 7, 1001 SUMMARY Boeing Realty Corp IS consu:lenng subdiViding Parlong Lots 3B and 6 These are the two bloc:ks bordenng Garden A. venue on the west and east Sides. respectively between N Park and N EIghth Street Lot 6, 10 the east of Garden extends easl to the rail tracks TIus sewer avallablhty study was performed by the HarTIS Group Inc to detennme the area of each new shon SUbdiVISIon lot thai can be served by gravity samtary sewer Each lot must be served by the eXisting CII}' of Renton saOitary .sewer:matn syslems on N Eighth Street and Garden Avenue Nonh The deSign cntena used to delennllle I f gravIty samtary sewer was available to each new 101 was as follows • Ally pnvate main or Side sewer oUlslde of the possIble bUIlding envelope was sloped at 05% MallUamtng thiS slope reqUires thai lhose lines be a minimum of tagh! Inches In diameter • SaOltary sewer imder the bUilding footpnnt were sloped al 1 0% per the Unrfonn Plumbing Code Section 708 0 Grade of Honzontal Dramage PIPing SectIOn 7080 allows a I % slope when approved by the Administrative Authonty For purposes of dus study, ihe poSSible bUlldmg footpnnt area served by the sewer was conservahvely calculated by assunung the .transillon from 0 S% slope 10 10% oc:curs at the setback hne In reahty, the actual bUIlding foolpnnt Will probably be funher back than the setback Ime because of parlong requirements and storm.water manage men I Issues FinIsh floor (FF) elevation was detennmed for each lot based on site grades or as requtred 10 prOVide under bUIJdtng sanitary sewer coverage • The highest allowable under bUlldmg footpnnt sanitary sewer grade elevatton was set at 1'·6' (mvert to top of fimshed floor) below the detemllned fimsh floor elevatIon to allow for fintshed plumbing turndowns and bends Based on the deSIgn cntena above each new short subdiVISion 101 has over 90 percenl of Its allowable building footpnnt area available to gravity sewer service to a portion of Ihe eXisting City of Renlon sanitary sewer system ...... - ~- 2 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The following lable provides a break down of lhe preliminary sewe~ deSign resulls for each new short SUbdiVIsion lot For each 101 Ihe determined buildIng finish floor etevatlon IS gIVen, the expected grllde of the sanitary sewer system out side of Ihe available lot bUlldtng roolpnnt, Ihe expected maximum length of sewer hne under tht bUilding fOOl pnn!. the City of Renlon sanrtary sewer system manhole In which Ihe lot will connect 10, and a descnpllon of how the lot will COMect tp lhe CIIy sewer system SHORT lOT BUILDINC SAI'IIT ARY ~1A.,(IMUi\l CITY SANITARV HOW IS COI'I'ECTION SUBDIVISION 1'10 FINLSII GRADE AT ·L£I'GTII OF MANIIOl£ /'tIA!)£ .FlooR StTBAel( SANtlPE Willen TlI£ LOT ELEVATION (FEET) UHDERBLDG COI'fNECTSTO (FEET) ATIO%SLOPE (rEET) LOT6 I 28 20 JS 61S ISJ PUBLIC SEWER MAIl4 LOT6 I .lO lllS 61l ISl PUBLIC SEWER MAIl4 LOT 6 J 32" 249 560 IS) PUBLIC SEWEll MAIl4 LOT6 4 II 141 ~80 HEWMHE OF 61 SIDESEWCR LOTlS I 21 176 790 III PUBUC SEWER MAIN LOT)9 1 17l lOS HO 155 PUBLIC SIiWEIl MAIl4 LOTlO ) )02 116& 600 ISS PUBLIC SEWEll ;"AIl4 LOTlB J 41. 295 III 480 168 S[OESEWER LOTJ8 I 11 i18J 160 IJJ fUBue SEW6R MAIN The follOWing IS a short descnptlon of how each lot or a group of lois will be graVIty drained 10 the eXlsllng City of Rep Ion sanllary sewer system • . SHORTSUBDlYlSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1. 2 AND 3 Samtary sewcrservlce 10 these three lots IS comphcaled by the large 4&-anch and 72-mch storm dram sewer mains that shield access 10 the ex 151 109 elghHnch saOltary sewer main on Garden Ave N Based on conversallons With both Dave Chnstenson and Ronald Straka With Ihe CIty of Renton It was delermlned lhatlt would be feasible to route the sanItary sewer for Ihese lots through both the 48-rnch and 72-meh slorm sewer systems In each case a new manhole Will need to be placed at each crossmg, and ihe sanitary pipe Will need 10 be sleeved In ductIle ITon pipe The other cnlena Initially sel IS Ihat the sanitary malO needs to be above the 70 percent flow capaCity Ime of each pIpe Based on thIS cntena the new tot public sanItary sewer malO wtl! be crossmg lltrough the 72-mch storm sewer pipe al an elevation of. approxllnalely 204 feet In elevation or 3 8 feet abOve Ihe Invert of the ·n-mch pipe The attached drawing shows thiS concept Once the pubhc samtary sewer malO IS on Ihe east Side of the 72-mch storm sewer a manhole Will be placed to serve LOI I and prOVIde extension oflhe public sewer system 10 Lots 2 and) at a slope of 0 S% • SnORT SunDlYlSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: SanItary sewersel'Vlcc to thIS 101 WIll requIre a manhole be Installed on the eXisting 20" CIty of Rentonsamtary sewer main on North 8th Street approxImately 80 feel east of City S3nllary Manhole 61 -ii- r_ c-... 0, ..... :. c::. &.r) J. c::;., c-... _M .... C) c::) c;...., • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKlNG LOT 3D -LOT I . nllS 10( wIll reqUIre a public sanitary sewe, marn system extending from the eXlstmg CItY of Renlon.Samlary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave N The eXisting 12-lnch City of Renton hIgh-pressure water maIO may need 10 be routed under the new scwer If a conflict IS encountered • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3D .,. LOTS 2 AND 3: These two lots WIll have a pubhc sanitary sewer mam system thai WIll connecl to the exIsting City of Renton samtary sewer manhole ISS on Garden Ave N Outside of the bUIldmg footpnnts of these two lots a sarulal'y manhelewllI be provtde 10 convey the now from each respechve lot An alternale or addlilonal sanrtary sewer servIce to Lot J WIll require the mstallahon oj Q SIde sewer 11110 the exISting CUy of Renton Samtary Sewer Manhole /68 on N EIghth Street • SHORT SUBDMSION PARKING LOT 3D .,. LOT 4; Th.s JOI WIll requIre a publIC samtary sewer marn extend,ilg from 'he eJtrshng Clly 0/ Renton Samtary Sewer Manhole / jJ on Garden Avenue No 1111s pub/resewe, also. serves LOl I ALTERNATE SEWER PLAN The follOWing table proVldes a breaJc down of Ihe alternate prellmmary sewer plan for each new short SUbdiVISion lot that allows each lot to be provtded sanitary sewer scl'Vlce by a Side sewer For each tot the determmed bUlldmg fimsh floor elevation IS given, the expecicd grade of the samtary sewer system out Silk of the available 101 bUlldmg footpnnt, the expecled maximum length of sewer hne under the buddmg fool pnril, the City of Renton samtary sewer syslem manhole In whIch the lot Will connect 10, and a descnptlon of how the lot Will connect to the City sewer system SIIORT LOT BUILDING SANITARY . MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY 1I0W IS CONNECTrON SUBDIVISION NO FINISH GltADE .... T LtNGTHOF MANHOLE WHiCH THE MADE FLOOR SETB .... CK SAl( PIpE LOTCONN£CTSTO ELEV .... TlON (FEtT) UNDERBLDC (FEET) .... T 10'.4 SLOPE . (FErn LOT 6 1 28 21 'SO I5l 'SIDE SEWER \.OT6 2 311 24 ·~I' PlPE SIDE SEwER LOT 6 3 32 249 '60 1$6 SIDE SEWER LOT6 4 J2 241 SBO PIPE SIDE SEWER LOTlS I 21 116 790 113 StDESEWER LOTls 2 27S lOB S20 13S sloe SEWER lOl'JB J JOn lJ1S 1>00 PIPE SIDE SEWER --------.~-"----_. -_. -----.------jTf-. ., ._--.,' -.-. ----. ---_ . ,,---.-----.. --.------_. ----- LOTlB JAil 295 480 16S SIDE SEWERS lOT)O 4 17 1117 BJO PIPE SlDESEWER. The follOWIng 1$ a short descnpllon of how ellch lot or a group of lOiS wtll be gravtty dramed 10 the existing City of Renton sambJy sewer system • SnORT SUBDIviSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT t: Sanlt:uy sewer scmce to thiS 101 IS c6mphcaled by the hllge 48-lJ1ch and 72-1nch storm dram sewer mlllnS that shield access to Ihe eXIsting 8-mc:h Sllnltllry sewer main on Gorden Ave N. Based on conversations with bolh Dave Christenson and Ronald Stroka. wuh the City of Renlon, It was detennmcd Iho! It would . be feaSIble to route the samtary sewer for thiS lot through both the 48-mch and 72-lnchstorm sewer systems In e;)ch case a new mnnhole WIll need 10 be placed al each crosslOg, and the ~ \1.- ---.. , • saiutary ~IPC: will need to be sleeved In ductile Iron pipe The other cnlena mlhall), set IS Ihal tbe sanitary maIO needs to be above:: the 70 percent now' capacity hne of each pIpe Based on IhlS cntena the new lot pubhc samlary sewer main will be crossmg lllrough the 12-mch stonn , sewer Pipe at an elevallon of apprmurnalely 20 8 feel In elevation or 4 2 feet" above the mvert of the 72-mch pIpe 11le attached draWing shows this concept SHORT SUBDIVISIQN PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 2 ,& 3: Lot 2 WIll r~qulrc the placement of sllie sewers over the top of the 12-mch and 48-lnchslorm dratn hnes The Side sewer WIll drop mlo the cxlstmg elghHnch CItY of Renton per the City of Renlon !}'PIca I de,tad Side sewer nser detail Lot 3 SIde sewer wlll also go over the 12-mch and 48-mch slonn dram Imes, and then willenler mto the City Sanllal)' Manhole 158 • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer semcc 10 thiS lor WIll requIre a SIde sevier cOMCchon be Installed on the eXIsting lO-loch CIty of Renton ,sanitary sewer mam on N Eighth SlrCet approxut\ately 80 feet east of City Samtary Manhole 61 • SHORT SYBDMSION PARKING LOT 3D -LOT I: This Jot wdl requIre the placement ora S1dc SCWeT mto cxlstlng City of Renton samtary sewer manhole lS) on Garden Ave N The elushng 12-tnch CIty of Renlon tugh-pressure water milln may need, to be routed under the new Side sewet If a conflIct IS encountered • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3D -LOTS 2 AND 3: [.01 2 will have a SIde sewer that WIll connect to the eXIsting City of Renton Sanllary Sewer Manhole 155 on Garden Avenue N Lot 3 win have a standard City of Renton Side sewer C:,onnecl1on '10 the City of Renton's ,8" sewer 'main and Garden Avenue An alternate of addtllonal samtary sewer , service to LOll Will require the installatIOn of a SIde sewer mto the exISting ClIY of Renton samtary sewer manhole J 68 on N 81h Street • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3D -LOT 4 Samtary sewer service 10 thIS /0/ Will reqUIre a SIde seWer COnnectIon mlo the e::clSlrng Cay of Renton samtary sewer approxlmolely 70 feet norlh of Manhole 153 4 CONCLUSIONS GraVlty sanitary sewer service IS available to each of the lots In the proposed Short SUbdiVISions Parlong lOIS 3D and 6 BUlldtng sewer semce should be available In over 90010 of the, allow bUilding' foorpoOI of each lot In our Oplruon, the porttons of the lot WIthout coverage are not Slgl1ltiCatll because • The ueas not covered ue small It IS hkely that any reSlrooms or other USeS could be localed In a portion of the budding that has access • Paclong and siorm water management Issues Will reduce the maximum size of the buJlJ1n1 from that caleulated to form lhe setback requirements alone. Pulong and stann 'oUIer structures co~ld be located In thesearcas where the sewer does not reacb , If you have any questJon regardmgmethodology, routings, or conclUSion orlhls report please fcc1lrC't' \0 conlact H:uns Group Inc at (206) 494-9400 -'1- 5 APPEND(CES • Site Plan (SK·CI) Rev A • Allemale Sue Plan (SK·C2) Rev A Prepared by RSMImeh - cc RSM, IT. ROV, File " --.~-. ----"-.---.....-----.----.------.--,--~-----.---.-.. _----_._-...... ----_. -----------_ ... __ .-.- -14 ... 24 - - Return Addniss CIty Clerk's Office CIty of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055-J2J.t Occument 11tte(s) (ar tnmaactlcna contained therein) 1 Sanitary Sewer Easement -Parcel 39-4 2 3 Reference Number(a) of Documents O88Igned or r8eQsad (on page _ of document(s) Crarltor(a) (lAst name fht, then 1fnIt name and 1II1fJaIa) 1 The Boemg Company 2 3 4 0 Addltlonal names on page _ of document Q-Q1\tn{s) (lcat MIM flrst, then flm nlirM QIId InltlClls). 1 Crty of Renton 2· 3 4 0 Addlbonal names on page _ of document - LegoidescnPtlim (abbrewJted I a. lot, bloc:fI. plat or setbon. tawnslup. range) That PortIOn of Government Lot t In the Norlhwetd Quarter of Section B, Township 23 North, R~ 5 East, WAf .. ___ ... ____________ . ____ ._. __ ._.J!t.£:u.!' __ r~~III_.'!~~~~ .~!_~CIJ,!,_~~. ___ .. ..... -... . ... :.-..... . AssBlllOl"s Pruparty Till! Parcel/AcccuPlt Number Portion of 1082305901108 -- 'r'· ~ C) C"# SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B..;4 For and an conSlderatlon ofTen DoJlars ($10 00) and other valuable conslderahon the receipt ofwluch IS hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporatIon, ("Grantor" herem), hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF RENTON, a muruclpahty ("the Clty" herem), for the purposes beremafter sel forth; a nonexclusIVe perpetual easement, over, across and under the real property as depicted 10 ExJublt A hereto (the "Property"). In Kmg County, Washmgton . Except as may be otherwIse set forth herem the CIty'S nghls shall be exercIsed upon that portton oflhe Property depIcted on Exhibit A and more partIcularly descnbed 10 Exlublt B (the "Easement Areall ) ThIs easement IS granted subject to and condlhoned upon the followmg teons, conrubons and covenants which the City hereby prorruses to fwthfully and fully observe and perfonn . I Pqrnose The CIty shall have the ngllt to construct, operate, mamtam, repatr. replace and enlarge the sewer ptpeline together With all neCessary or converuent appurtenances therefor ----------------2------COrnpJianceWiifiTawsand-Rules--11ie -CitYshill· if all lwei exerclse- its ngbts herem in accordance with the requirements (as from tune to time amended) and all applIcable statutes. orders. rules and regulations of any public authority having junsdlction 3 Removal of FiJI Material. In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that It has encountered any hazardous substances m the Easement Area m furtherance of Itsnghts set forth U1 paragraph 1, the CIty shall cease all operations and 101OOJ"()160ISAIlJ 1570071) 6f7101 " .... notify Grantor lfthe,encountered'or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of the City, Grantor shall, at Jts own expense, 'detennme If the rnalenallS hazardous, as detennmed byapphcable law If the matenal should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at Its own expense. rem"t>ve, dISPOS6. or otherwise handle such hazardous substances. as necessary, 10 accordance With apphcable.law, or reroute the Easement Area, If pOSSIble lfhazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall prOVIde substttute nonhazardous matenal to replace the removed matenaJ for the City to use In its operation, if necessary Should the encountered or suspected matena) prove not to be hazardous, the CIty shall proceed WIth the operatlons at Its own cost, With no recourse agamst the Grantor for the cOst of scJtedule'delays mcurreddue to the delay m operahon If the encountered or suspected h~dous substances are the result of the acts or omiSSIons of the City, Grantor's charactenzabon of the substances mvolved and any removal, dlsposal or . other handJmg costsmcurredm connectlOnWlth the removal, disposal or handlmg of the hazardous c;ubstances wlll be at the City'S expense, and the Clty shall have no recourse against Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays mcurred due to the delay m operation 4 The City'S Use and ActlV1tles The City shall exerCLse Its ngilts under thIS Agreement so as to nilmmlze. and aVOId If reasonably pOSSible, mterference wIth , Grantor's use ofihe Property as set forth m Paragraph 5 herem 5 Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor Duong . Construchon Grtultor reServes the nght to use the Easement Area for any purpose not Inconsistent With the nghts herem granted, prOVided. that Grantor shall not construct or niatritam any building or other structure on the Easement Area which would mteifere WIth the exercise of the nghts herem granted The City shall make prOVISIons s~usfactory to Grantor for contmued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area dunng pen ods m whIch the CIty IS conductmg construction or other actIVItIes In the event oran emergency requmng unmedlate achon by eIther party for the '. ___ .. _ ..... __ . _________ protecnQP_Q(Jts_fa~dltteS.:.()_LQili~LPJ~rsj)ns_Qr_~[QP~!1Y •. ~\l~hgru:ty-m!!Ylake-su~b---...... __ .. _ ... _. actIon upon, such nouce to the other party as IS reasonable under the cU"cwnstances 6. Indemmty.The CIty agrees to indemnify and boldhannless Grantor, Grantor's drrectors,.officers. employees, agents, servants and representatives from any arid all aCbons, habllitles, demands, clauns. SUIts, Judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kInd or character whatsoever (heremsfter referred to as "Clauns"). ,mclu~g claut1s for death or injury to employees of the City. costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees mcurred by' Grantor In defense thereof. asserted or arismg . 10300]-0 16OISAO 1 U70 071 J -2-617101 directly or mduectly from. on account of, or m cOJmectlon with the CJty's operation, maintenance and control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon)· With respect to all or any portion of the foregomg obhgatlon which may be held to be wJtJun the pumew ofRCW 4 24 115, such obhgahon shall apply only to the maximum extent penmtted by RCW 4 24 115 7 Not1ces Notices reqUired to be In wntmg under tlus Agreement shall be personally served or sentby U S mall Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposlted.1O the US· mad addressed as follows To Grantor With a copy to And to To the City The Boemg Company clo BoemgCommerclaJ Arrplane Group POBox 3707 ~ MlS2R-71 . Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn Mr Rtck Ford Phone (425) 237-2336 BoelligRealty Corporation J> 0 Box 3707-MlS 2R-79 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn Mr Jeff Adelson Phone (206) 544-59 J 8 Office of the General Counsel The Boeing Company POBox 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone (206) 6S5~2405 City of Renton Department of Development Sel'Vlces lOSS S Grady Way ----. ------.------------------------.--~--------. .--. -------------Renton;-WA--98055- Attn Property Semces DivlSlon Phone. (425) 430-7200 . EIther party may change the address to which notices may be glven by giving nObce as above provided 8 Access The City shall have the nght of reasonable access tQ the Property over and across adjacent Jands owned by Grantor to enable the CIty to (OlOOl-01601SAOIH10 0111 -3-6nJOI e"erelse Jts nghts hereunder, proVided that the elly shall compensate Grantor for· any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of said nght of access 9 Tule The nghts granted herem are subject to penmts,. teases. licenses, and easements, .fany, heretofore granted by Grantor affectmg the Property Grantor . does not warrant tttle tQ Its property and shall not be habIe for defects thereto or faaJure thereof 10 . Successors and Assigns The nghts and obligations of the parties shall mure to the benefit of and be bindmg upon their respective successors and assIgns 11 Tennmatlon 11 1 Termmahgn for Breach In the event the CUy breaches or fads to perfonn or observe any of the tenns and condlnons herem, and fads·to cure such breach or default withIn Dlnety (90) days of Grantor's glvmg the City wntten nohee thereof, or; If not reasonably capable of bemg cured wlthm such nmety (90) days, Wltlun such other penod of tune as may be reasonable 10 the CIrcumstances, Grantor may ternunate the City'S nghts under thiS Agreement In addition to and not 10 lumtabon of any other remedy of Grantor at law or 10 equity, and the faIlure of Grantor to exerCise such nght at any bme shall not waive Grantor's nght to tenmnate for any future breach or default ] I 2 Tenmnatlon for Abandonment or Lack ofNeceSSlly In the event that the property d~slgnated With hatch marks on ExhIbit A C'Benefited Property") IS· developed WIth at least one bUlldmg With a fimshed floor height of sufficIent elevatIon fOTa side sewer connectJon as Identified m Exlublt C (Samtary Sewer Avadablhty Report), the City ceases to use said Easement Area for a penod of five (5) succesSIve years, or If for any other reason the ~asement IS not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may termmate the City'S nghts under tJus Agreement DATED tlus \b~ day of_.....:J=U:.!...:(Lt.=-__ -', 2001 THE CITY: GRANTOR: CIty of Renton The Boeing Company, a Delaware . ~;/~ By-_~~ _______ _ ·~er . Its Mayor (03~t6OlSAOI 1'70 07J) 6nJOI CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Calr_fO:;;rn ... l~a __ ....... ....Ll:1~'-==-______ .} 5S COunty of Lv:> ~(I ~ On DL> ~ 1& -0 I. , I>efore me, Down b. $"(.lVfr tJyhIIlLR\~?l1(.., C Nanoe .,., TIIUt d 0IIIter t. D .. Ilc>o ~ 1'uI:tc) personally appeared -':"P..,LJh<.:....I!.!.j' pl--~lU~. --=~.!{r:'b.u==--+-i===;:;--------_ J Namejo) of Soanert., . J .. 0, . " DAWN E SHAV~R' , ~.. COM ... '11587~5 (J) _ a: • NOI;wy PublIC Cahlorllla :0 .CJ) . ORANGE .COUNTY (J) i' ~! 0 My ceomm erP\fIlS 0cI ,4 2001 T Place NoIary Seal Above ~ personally known to me o proved to me on the baSIS of satISfactory evidence to be the person~ whose name(9t IslaFe' subscnbed to the within Instrument and acknOWledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same In hlsn:.et/tbetf authorized capacltY(II~~, and that by hlslRer/lhetr srgnature(&) on the Instrument the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the persontst acted. executed the Instrument WITNESS my hand and offiCial seal bLl)L E. ~(l v-(j\. S9"'1Itre 01 NoIIIty PublIC --------------------opnONAL-------------------- Though the Informallon below IS not reqlllred by Jaw It may prove vsfuabJe to persOfl$ relym9 on the document aniJ could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment oflms form to another documenl Descrcptlon of Attached Document T,Ue or Type of Document _______________ ---________ _ Document Dale _~....:..... _______ _'__ ____ Number of Pages ______ _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above __ -------------------- CapaClty(les) ClaImed by SIgner ---S'gner's-Name --------.--_._----_ .. _--.------.----.. -. o Individual . o Corporate Officer -TIUe(s) o Partner -0 LimIted 0 General o Attorney 10 Fact ·0 Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o OlhM ________________________________ ~ ____________ _ SlgOerls Representing _____ ---_____________ '--____ --' o '991 Na1tcnaINolaryAaaocoatoon 9:l5000_,,,,,, po 1Iao2402 C_ CA 913132402 _ • P,od No 5001 Rec<<IOf Call 1011 F ..... 1-800-8766821 ... - STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTYOF K'NG ) On tlus3A.-V day of ~a1~~ 2001, before me the undersIgned personally appeared Jesse Tanner to me known to be the Mayor of THE CITY OF RENTqN, the mUnicipality that executed the foregomg Instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the·free and vo)untaryact and deed of s81d mWllcipahty, for the uses and purposestherem menhoned, and on oath slated that he wasauthonzed to execute the srud Instrument WITNESS my hand and offiCial seal hereto affixed the day and year above wntten r0300J~16OISAOIU700711 (Pnnt or stamp name of Notary) NOTAR Y PUBLIC In and for the State ofWashlngton, resldmg at ~ My Appomtment ExpIres ~ -6-617101 - / I S79"32'58"E 1200' PROPOSED LOT 4 120,309 sq ft 2.782 acres N. 8TH ST. LEGEND S STREET MONUMENT IN CASE • SS MANHOLE -. , " • J o.n ..... EASEMENT PARCEL 3B4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 3B RENTON, WA A 15 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W M, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING 7 5 FEETON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE COMMENCING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE: NORTH, THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN, AVENUE NORTH, 42734 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT~OF-' WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION, THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30" WEST ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 141493 FEET,THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 41 70 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, THENCE SOUTH 80° 15' ,11" WEST, 3417 FEET TO A POINT ON THE eAST LINE OF PROPOSED PARCEL 2 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 80° 1,5'11" WEST, 1563 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND' SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED AS REQUIRED TO TERMINATE ON THE 'BOUNDARIES' OF PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED, (A PORTION OF BOEING'S PARKING LOT 38) CONTAINING 235 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS -----------PreparedBy -.-, Duane Hartman & AsSOCiates, Inc Job No (}().;146 May 24, 2001 , Revised November 19, 2001 ExnIBIT C ,~ , (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report] .... I .. [01OO1-tlJ6OISAOI "70069/ 611101 REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUDDIVISION PARKING LOTS 3D AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY STUDY PROJECT NO. 00·10754 ~ANIT ARY S[WERA VAILABILITY . c..., nOEING REALITY CORfORA TlON SEATTLE, WASmNG'rON - c:;:) C"I I ..---I:::;:) .;:::, ~. 'SUMMARY DATE' JULy 26, 2000 REVISION 1: AUGUST 18.1000 REVISION 2: MAY 7.2001 Boeing Realty Corp IS c0n51denng subdlvldmg ParJong Lots 38 and 6 These are the two blocks bo~denng Garden Avenue on the west and east SIdes, respecuvely between N Parle and N. EIghth Street. Lo16; to the cast of Garden extends casllO the rail tracks ThIs sewer avallab,hty study was perfonned by the Hams Group Inc to delennlne the area of eaeh new short SUbdIVISion lot that can be Served by graVIty samlarysewer Each lot must be served by the eXlshng CIty of Renton samtary . G sewer rnatn systems on N Eighth Street and Garden A venue North The deSign cntenausCd 10 detennme Ir gravity san nary sewer was available to each new lot was as follows • Any pnvate maIO or SIde sewer oillslde of the poSSible bUIlding envelope was sloped at 0 5% Mamtammg thIS slope requITes thaI Ihose lmes be a mlmmum of clghl Inches In dIameter • Sanitary sewer under the bUlldmg footpnnl were sloped at \ 0% per the Umfonn Plumbmg Code Seellon 708 o ,Grade of Honumtal Dramage PIPing Secllon 708 0 allows a I % slope when approved by the Administrative Authonty For purposes of tlus slUdy, the poSSible bUlidmg footpnnt area served by Ihe sewer was conservabvely calculated by assunung the trallS1lton from 0 S% slope to I 0% occurs at the selback Ime In reabty. the actual buddmg fOOlpont WIll probably be fW1her back than the setback hnebecause of parlang requlremenls and slonn willer management Is.sues • Flnlsb floor (FF) elevatton was delennlned Cor each 101 based on slle grades or as requITed 10 prOVIde under bUIlding sanitary sewer coverage • The blghest allowable under bulldmg foolpnnt samtary sewer grade elevahon was set at 1'·6' (Invert to top of finished ODor) below the detcnnaned fintsh floor elevatlon to allow for . finlsbed plumbIng turndowns and bends Based.on the deSign entena above each new short subdIVISIon lot has over 90 percent or Its allowable budding roolpnnt area available to gravIty sewer service to a portIon of the eXisting City of Renton santtary sewer system - 2 DESCRIPTION OF FACILlTY The followIll8 table provuies a break down Dfthe prehmmary sewer design results for each new short subdivIsion lot For each lot Ihe delenmned bUlldmg finish noor elevatIon IS gtven, the expected grade of the sanJlary sewer system out SIde of the avaIlable Jot bUIlding footpnnl. the expected maxImum length of sewer hne under the building fOOl pnni. the CIty of Renton sarlltary sewer system manhole m which the lot WII! COMect 10, and a dcscnptlon of how the 101 wll! connecl Ip Ihe City sewer system SHORT lOT BUIlDING ~rrARY MAXIMUM CITV S ...... IIT ARV HOW IS CQNN£c:'rION SUBDIVISION NO FINISH CruDE AT L£l'>CTlI OF MANHOLE MADE rt.OOR. , SETBACK SAN PIPE WHICH TIlE LOT ELEVATION (FEET) UNDERBLDC CONNECfSTO (FEEl) AT I O%SLOP£ _(fErn , LOT6 . ' I 28 20 )5 615 IS) PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT6 2 lO' 2lJ5 615 ISl PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOU J JZ 249 560 IS) PUBLIC SEWER MAIN tOT 6 4 n 20 sao NEWMHE OFfII SIDE SEW1:,. LOTlB I 21 17 cI 790 15) PUBUC SE/fU MtfDf lOTJ8 2 115 208 S20 W PUBLIC SEWER MAIN lOTJB ) )02 2268 600 ISS PUBlIC SEWER. MAIN LOTlB JAIl 29 S 111 480 168 SIDE SEWER LOTJB J 21 /1 as 161) IjJ PUBUC SEW£II MAIN The followmg IS a shortdescrtpllon of how each 101 or a group of lots Will be graVIty draaned 10 the eXIsting City of Renton samtarysewer system . .• SHORT StrnDIVlSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1,1 AND 3 Samtary sewer sel'V1ce to these three loIs Iscompltcated by the large 48-lnch and 72-mch stann dram sewer mams lhal shield access to the eXIsting elghHnch samtarysewermalO on Garden Ave N Based on conversatlons wlth both .Dave Chnstenson and Ronald Straka WIth the CIty of RenlQn It was detern\lned that It would be feaSible to route the santtary sewer for these lots through both Ihe 48-lnch and 72-mch storm sewer syslems In each case a new manhole Witl need to be placed al each crOSSing, and the sanllary pipe WIll need to be sleeved In ducUle Iron Pipe The other cntena Imhally sel 1$ that. the samtary lOam needs to be abOve the 70 percent flow capacity hne of each pIpe Based on thiS cntena the new lot pubhc samtary sewer mam will be crossIng It\fough the 72-mch Sl()nn sewer pipe at an elevabon o(.approxllnalely 204 feet In eleva bon or J g feet 'above the mvert of the 72-tnch pipe The attached draWlng shows thiS concept '---~-'-."-'~---".-'-'---"---~'-'-'-----.-~.,-.----,---_._-_._---_ .. _ .... -. -. _ .... ,._---.... _ ..... -.. '-----_. -.. -... _.*."----_ ..... -_ .. --------.. . Once the public samtary scwer maIO 1$ on the east Side of the 72-mch storm sewer a manhole WIll be placed to serve Lot I and proVide extension of the pubhc sewer system to Lots 2 and 3 at a slope 0(0 S% • SHORT SYBDMSION lARK1NG LOT 6 -LOT 4. Samtary sewer semec to Ous lot Will require a ItUInholc be Installed on the eXlsltng 20" City oC Renton samtary sewer main on North 8th Street approximately 80 feet east of City Santtary Manhole 61_ -11- - .. -J • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3B ~ LOT 1 nus lot will require a publIc samlQry sewer mom system extendmg from the eXlstmg City of Renton .Samtary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave N ·The eXisting 12·mch City of Renlon high-pressure waler maIO may need 10 be routed under the new sewer If a conflict IS encountered • • SHORT SllBDMSION PARKING LOT 3D -LOTS 2 AND 3j These two lots Will have a public sanitary sewer main system that Will COMect 10 the eXlSllng City o( Renton sanitary sewer manhole I SS on Garden Ave· N Outside oC the bUilding footpnnts of these two .lols a sanitary manhele villi be proVIde to convey the flow hom each respective lot An a/female or addlllonalsanllary sewer sUV/ce to Lot J w,nrequ,re the wlallahon 0/ Q·slde sewer 1n10 Ihe exlStmg Clly 01 Renton Sa1lltary Sewer· Manhole 168 on N E,ghth Street SHORT SUBDIVISION fARJQNG LOT 3D-LOT 4. Thu 101 WIll require a publIC samtary sewer mom eJClendmg lrom 'he exISting Cuy 0/ Renton Samtary Sewer Manhole 1 j J on Garden Avenue No Thu publIC slfwer a/so serves Lol J ALTERNA IE SEWER PLAN The followmg lable prOVIdes a break down of the alternate prellmmary sewer plan for each new short subdivIsion lot that allows each 101 to be provIded sanitary sewer serVIce by a SIde sewer· For each lot the detemuned building fimsh floor elevation IS gtven, the expected gr.lde of the samtary sewer system out side of Ihe available lot bUilding footpnnt.the expected maximum length of sewer hne under the bUlldmg foot pnnt, Ihe City of Rentonsamtary sewer system manhole In which the lot Will cOMect to. and a descnptlon orhow the lot Will connect (0 the City sewer system SHORT LOT BUILDING SANrtAAY MAXIMUM CITY SANITAAY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISIOI'\' NO FINISH. GRADE AT I,..ENCTHOF \lANHOL£ WHICH THE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE LOT CONNECTS TO ELEVATION (FEEl) UNDER BLDG . (FEET) ATI '"ASLOPE . (FErn LOU I 28 21 . ,SO IS) SIDE SEWER L016 . 2 )11 24 61$ PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT 6 ) 32 249 560 1$6 SIDE SEWER L016 4 12 241 S80 PIPE SWESEWER LOT)B I 27 116 190 U) SIDE SEWER LOT)S 2 l1S 201 no ISS SIDEsBweit L01l9 ) 3075 2J 3S 600 PIPE SIDE SEWER ----a.:ona--·----nlr ---.. -29S .-------·13T . --. -_. --~80 .. . -."-~ . --··168 .. . .. ----SIDE SEWERS ---.. LOT)B 4 Z1 1711 830 PIPE SIDESIWER The rollowlng IS a short dcscnptlon oC how each lot or a group of lots will be graVIty dramed 10 the eXisting City of Renton $801181)' sewer system • SnORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT I: Samtary sewer serVIce to thiS 101 IS comphcated by the large 48-mch and 72-mch storm dr-un sewer mainS that shield access to the eXlstmg 8-Inch samlary sewer malR on Gorden Ave N Dosed on conversohons wah bolh Dave Chnstenscn and Ronnld Stnka, wuh Ihe City of Renton. It was detenmned Ihat 1\ would be feasible to roule ihe s~nJtaiy sewer ror thiS lot through both the 48-mch and 72-ancll storm sewer systems In each case a new manhole wlll need to be placed lit each crossmg, 3nd the -= 11.- ..... • • • saMary pIpe WIn rn:ed to be sl~r:ved In ductIle Iron pIpe The other cntena Inltlally set IS that tbe samlary maIO needs 10 be above the 70 percent flow capaCity fine of ~ach pipe Based on Ihls entena the new lot public santtary sewer mam will be crossing through the 72·mch slorm sewer Pipe al an elevation of approximately 20 8 feet In elevatIon or 4 2 feet above the ,"yen . of the 72-mch pIpe The attached drawI"g .shows tlus concept SHORI. SUBDIVlSION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 2 & J: Lot 2 will r~uJre the placement of SI'tIe sewers over the lOp of the 72-mch and 48·mch stonn dram hnes The side sewer will drop Into thecxlStmg cIghl-lnch CIty of Renton per the CIty of Renton typical detail SIde sewer·aser detail Lot 3 sIde sewer will also go over the 72-mch and 48·mch stonn dram hnes, and then WIll enter mtothe City Samtary Manhole 158 . SHORT SllBDMSION PAllKING LOT 6 -LOXA: Samtary sewer semee to thiS lot WIll reqwre a Side sewer COMechon be mstalled on the eXlstmg 2().mch CIl)' of Renton sanitary sewer maIO on N Eighth Street appro~lmately 80 feet east of City Samtary Manhole 61 • SHORT SUBDMSION PARKING LOT 3D -LOT 1: 11us lot Will requlI'e the placement of a Side sewer Into cxlSbng City of Renton samtary sewer manhole 1 S3 on Garden Ave N The cXlshng 12·mch City of Renton hlgb-pressure water maIO may need to be routed under the new SIde sewer If a conflIct IS encountered • . SHORT SUBDIVISION PARIgt{G LOT 3B -LOTS 1 AND 3' lotl WlU have a SIde sewer that WIn connect to the eXlstmg CIty of Renton Samtary Sewer Manhole 155 on Garden AvenueN Lot 3 Will have a standard City of Renton Side sewer cOMcction to the Cll}' of Renton's 8" sewer main and Garden Avenue An alternate or addlilonal samtary sewer se""ce to LOI J writ require the Ins/aI/allan of a SIde sewer mto the exlSllng CIty of Renton samlary sewer manhole 168 on N 81h Streel • SnORT SUBDIVISION PMUONG LOT 3D -LOT 4: Samlary sewer SeTlllce 10 Ih,s 101 wrll reqUire a Side sewer connectIon /lf10 ,lre exlStmg City of Renlon sanitary· sewer approximately 70 feel north of Manhole J J1 4 . CONCLUSIONS GraVIty sanitary sewer SCMCC IS available 10 each of the lots In the proposed Short SubdIVISions ParJong lots 3D lind 6 DutldUlg sewer service should be avadable In ovet 90% of the allow budding footpnnt of each lot In our OPinion, the portions of the lot WIthout coverage are not slgJl1/icani because . • The areas not covered arc smalt It IS likely that any restrooms or other URS could be loc:ltet.l I!l a portl(m of the budding that has accC$S • Partong and storm water management Issues will reduce the m:uumum SIZC oC the bulldlnl from that calculated to Conn the setback requirements alone Pulang and storm '431" structurcs couldbc located In these areas where the sewer does not reach ICyou hav~ llny question regardang methodology, roullngs, or conclUSion of Ihls report please ((c:l Irn: . 10 contact Hams Group Inc at (206) 494-9400. . ""1"Y s. ArPENDlCE§ • Site Plan (SK-C I) Rev A • Alternate Site Plan (SK-C2) Rev A RSMlmeh 99-I074s\I074SrpIOOI_Rl doc c:c: RSM, IT; ROV, File Prepared by : 25 11111 Z2 ". Ne/llm Add'tS$.. Cdy Ocrk's OffICe Clly of Renlon 10!>S Soulh Crody Wey Renton, WA 98055 Document TiClc(s) (or transactions contamed therem) u6fP' I Sarulaly Sewer Easement -Paroel 38·3 ,- 2 3 Refereace Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: (on page _ of documents(s» Grantor(l) (Last name first, then first name and Intuals) 1 The Boemg Company 2 3 4 o Addluonal names on page _-of document Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and lDluals) I City of Renton 2 3 4 o AddItional names on page_ of document Legal d~cnptlon (abbrevJated I e lot, block. plat or section, townsluP. range) Thil PortJon of the SoutheaSl Quaner of the Northwest Quarter of Secuon 8, TownshIp 23 North, Range 5 East, W M l!I FuJilega) IS on page 80C document _~~~~!r's Pr~p~rt~!_~~ ParceIlAc_~~!,nl N~l'!lbel' _ __ h __ • __ - -. __ .. --.. __ .----" .-_. --_ ... --. __ . --- PortIon 0(#082305901108 IOlOOJ.<1160ISAOI1570 0.691 6114101 -SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-3 For and In consideration ofTen Dollars ($10 00) and other valuable consideration the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, ("Grantor" herem), hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF RENTON, a mUnIclpahty ("the Cny" herem). fOI the purposes herem after set forth, a nonexclUSive perpetual easement, over~ across and un del the . real property as depicted In Exhlblt-A hereto (the "Property"), m KlIlg County, Washmgton Except as may be otherwise set fOJ1h herem the Cay's lights shall be exelclsed upon that.portlOn of the Property depicted on ExhibIt A. and more particularly descnbed m ExhlbltB (the "Easement Area") . This easement IS granted subject to and conditIoned upon the fonowmg terms, conditions and covenants which the City hereby promises to faithfully and fully . observe and ,perform Purpose The City shall have the nght to construct, operate, mamtam,. repau, replace and enlarge the sewer pIpeline together With all necessary or convement. appurtenances therefor ,-.-.---.P-··---.·-------1---···--€omphance wnh-i:.aws-andRules··-The-Clty-shall-at--all··tlmes·exerc1se-__ ........... . atsnghts herem tn accordanc~ With the requlfements (as from time to time amended) I. and all apphcable s~atutes, orders, rules and regulatlons of any pubhc authonty haVlng Junsdlctlon J Removal of fill Matenal In the event that the City encounters, or suspects that 1t has encountered any hazardous substancesm the Easement Area In • furtherance of Its nghts set forth In paragraph I, the City shall cease all operations and 100000 0000 '>llOOl715 5441 ~1-III 2H)() notify Grantor If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omiSSIons of the CIty, Grantor shall, at Its own expense, delennlUe If the matenalls hazardous, as detennmed by applicable law I f the matenal should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at Its own expense, remove, dispose, '01 . otherwise handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, 10 accordance With applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, If possible If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall proVide substitute nonhazardous matenal to replace the removed matenal for the City to use m Its operanon, If riecessary Should the encountered or suspected matenal prove not to be ·hazardous, .the City shall proceed With the operatlonsar Its own cost, With no recourse agamst the Grantor for the cost of schedule delays mClUTed due to the delay In operation· If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omlSSlOns of the Ctty, eN . Grantors charactenzatlon of the substances mvolved and any removal, dlsposaJ or -other handhng costs .Jncurred m connection WIth the .removal. disposal or handling of . the hazardous substances Will be at the City'S expense, and the City shaH have no recourse agamstGrantor for the cost of scheduled delays mcurted due to the delay tn operauon 4 The City's Use and ActiVIties The City shall exercise Its nghts under thls Agreement so as to minimize.' and avoid If reasonably possIble. mterference With Grantor's use of the Property as s~t forth 10 Paragraph 5 herem 5 Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor Dunng ConstruCtion Grantor reserves the nght to use the Easement Area for any purpose not mc·onslstent WIth the nghts herem granted, provided, tbat Grantor shall not construct or mamtam any buIlding or other structure on the Easement Area which would mterfere With the exercise ,of the nghts herem granted The City shall make proVIsions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Areadurmg penods In whIch the CIty IS conductlllg conc;hucttOn or other actIVities [n the event of an emergency reqUlnnglmmedlate actIOn by either party for the protection of Its faclhtles or other persons or property. such party may take such -,--,-----. ·····--'··--actfonTipon-sllch-ootrce·to-the-otherpartyansreasonable under-the··clrcumstances -... --.. 6 Indemmty The CIty agrees to mdemmfy and hold harmless Grantor, Grantor's dlrectors. officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives from any and all actions, hablhtles. demands. claims, SUIts, Judgments, hens, awards. and damages orany kmd or character whatsoever (hereInafter referred to as "ClaIms"), • mcludmg claims for death or injury to employees of the City, costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees mcurred by Grantor m defense thereof, asserted or an sing 100000 0II00'<,UOOl115 5441 -2-loH()(J c:n. c-.t ...- (Ii") c:o c: ..,., c:;:I. r-.I ..... - 'r" c:::J c:::J ~. - directly or mdlrectly from, on account of, or m connection with the City'S operation, mamtenance and control of the Easement Area (and Improvcmerlls thereon) With respect to all or any portion of the foregomg obligation wluch may be held to be wlthm the purview ofRCW 4 24 115, such obligation shall apply only to the maxutlum extent penmtted by RCW 4 24 115 7 NotIce§ Notices required to be m wrltmg under thiS Agreement shall be personally served or sent by US marl Any notice gIVen by mall shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the lime such nonce was deposlled In the U S mall addressed as follows To Grantor With a copy to And to To the City The Boemg Company c/o Boemg Commercial Airplane Group POBox 3707 -MIS 2R-71 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Attn Mr Rick Ford Phone (425)237-2336 , Boemg Realty Corporation POBox 3707-M/S 2R-79 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Attn Mr Jeff Adelson Phone (206) 544-591 8 Office of the General Counsel The Boemg Company POBox 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone (206) 655-2405 City of Renton Department of Development ServIces 1055 S Grady Way .. _ .... ___ .. __ .. _ . _______ ... ___ .. __ . _____ ._._____ ........ __ .. ___ J~~!!!Q!!,_Y!_~_~.!tQ~.~ __________ . __ ..... _ .... ________ _ Attn Property Services DlVlslOn Phone (425) 430-7200 EIther party may change the address to which notices may be glVen by giVIng notice as above provided 8 Access The City shall have the right of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enab\e the Clty to (O(JOOO 0000/\1\00\7\5 ~441 -3-111 H Oil .... exerCIse Its nghts hereunder, proVIded that the CIty shall compensate Gtantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of saId nght of access 9 Title The nghts granted herem are subject to permits, leases, licenses, and easements, If any, heretofore granted by Grantor affectmg the Property Grantor does not warrant title to Its property and shall not be hable for defects thereto or fallure thereof 10 . Successors and Assigns The nghts and obhgatlons of the parties shall mure to the benefit o~ and be bmdmg upon theIr respective successors and assigns II TennmatJon 11 I Tennmatton for· Breach In the event the City breaches or fads to perform or observe any of the terms and condltJOns herem, and falls to cure such breach or default wlthm mnety (90) days of Grantor's glVang the Ow written notice thereof, or, If not reasonably capable ofbemg cured wlthm such mnety (90) days, wltlun such other penod of time as may be reasonable m the Circumstances, Grantor may ierrntnate the City'S nghts under thiS Agreement m additIon to and nOt m hnutatlon of any other remedy of Grantor at law or m equity, and the fallure of Grantor to exercise such nght at any time shall not walve Grantor's lIght to tenmnate for any future breach or default 11 2 TermmatlOn for Abandonment or Lack of NeceSSity In the event that the property deSignated With hatch marks on Exhibit A ("Benefited Property") IS developed WIth at least one butldmg With afimshed floor height of suffiCIent elevatton for aSide sewer connectIOn as Identtfied In Exhibit C (Sanitary Sewer·Avallablhty Report), the City ceases to use saId Easement Area for a penod of five (5) successive years, or If for any other reason the Easement IS not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may termmate the CIty's nghts under tins Agreement DATED thIS _ ...... (,<--,_::._ day of \ I n '" \r. ~ ~ '*'==" ,2000 ... THE CITY: GRANTOR: City of Renton Th By £~::ne?~ lts Mayor [OOO()() 0000 'U()()171~ 144\ -4-10 '2500 - On A1()v'e."",~" t". :!(,JLV. before me ........ ' ~=L.=:>r7~E,-:=::' ~S;::-/.:::lti:::::l.;:;:.'t.:.,./"~~~:J-:Pt::-7(:-:-l ,.::.6..:....11...::c.~ perSOnallyap:are: Ph,{'f to . ~tlbL';'(fWldTtlJeolOlfcerl.9 J Narne(S) 01 s~., Place Notary Seall\bove g( personally known 10 me o proved to me on Ihe basIs of satisfactory eVidence 10 be the person{oGt whose name{~ IsJafe subscribed 10 the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/gl:lelttley executed the same In hls/~Jlhelr authonzed capaclly(tett). and that by hrsfhefAhe1r slgnature{sJ on Ihelnslrumentlhe person~. or the entity upon behalf or whIch the person(.a} acted. executed the .nstrument WITNESS my hand and offrc,al seal J~Jj d._?:-. (r::~ __ si.o. c. L{ L S~"a'(Jr., 01 NOiary Pubhc --------------------OPTIONAL-------------------- Though Ihe InformatlOil below IS not reqUIred by taw ,I may prove valuable 10 persons relYIng on the documenl . and cOuld prevent fraudulent removal and reatlachmenl of tills form 10 another document DeSCription of AHached Document T,lIe or Type of Document _____ _ Document Date __________ _ Number of Pages ____ • _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above ___ _ -CapacltY(les) Claimed by Signer &gnersName· ________________________ --__________________ _ ._------------------:-~)---tndlVldual-·--------------.---.---.-----.. -- ~- I J Corporate Officer -:-Tllle(s) 0_ Partner ~ 0 L,mlted 0 General [J Attomey ,n Fact I I Trustee r; Guardian or Conservator Other _______________ _ ~ Signer Is Represenbng g -~-<'.."o(' .... oI'l,;(4,,~~o("..,,~<:.~,;c ... ~-r,;(; .. ('.<.,'('.<.,o('.<.,'<:<..~'<:<..-<'-,; ... .<,¢.,-<'~ ('.,,;<'<:".<.,-<'-<;(" r (' ... (' .. (' ('<'<v<'.(,oC' .. '('.<;<."-~(' .... (' .... ~"' .. o(".<..;(' .... ~ II? '997 N __ 'l'IIs __ ~3SOo. So/O""" PO 8o.l4Ol Cltat_ CA O>tJ" ~oz -5-p,,,,,.., ~901 R<'<>'C1 ... C~t ron"," I MllB166811 ST ATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) ~'"" On this lJ1 day of £kqa&u 2001. before me the undersigned personally appeared Jesse Tanner to me known to be the Mayor of THE CITY OF RENTON, the mUnlclpahty that executed the foregomg Instrument, .and acknowledged the said mstrument to be the free and voluntary ~ct and deed of said municipality, for the uses and purposes therem mentioned, and on oath stated that he was·authonzed to execute·the saId lDstrument WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above wntten 100000 (jono \1I()()1715 S441 ..hr·tD ~...t' (Slg ture of Notary) 5lt L Y Ill'l )) ~"V-(P'L-IP (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTAR Y PUBLIC 10 and for the State of Washmgton, reSIdIng at 5:~( e...- My Appointment Expires .,// 0 .~ -6-10 2~ no en r.t ~ . .:::. r.:·1 or. c::J C'I ...... .. - .C;;) c::::) .~ PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 PARKING LOT 38 PARCEL. 3 OF lOT. 3B, E»ErT TO AccotIPAIIf EABaENT FOR P\a.JC SANn"ARY SEWBl8Y8TB.4 setJ4. NWl/4. SEC. e. m3N, R6E. WM PROPOSED PMW. 3B-2 PROPOSED PARCEL 3B-J N18'OO'3O"W 1906' S71OS9'30"-· --' 15.00' S18'OO'30"E 1400' S71'59'30.W S • STREET. MONUMENT IN rASE SS MANHOLE ---PROPERlY UNE ~fAS£MENT ..... '--Ul·· .................... _ ... -.. . PREPARIDSY. DUANE HARTMAN & ASSOCIAlES 3000' N;8TH···Sf·· 01/11/01 . EASEMENT PARCEL 38-3 LEGAL DESCRJPTION PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 38 RENTON, WA THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W M, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT A CO~CRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF U\ NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, THENCE NORTH 00° 29' 31" ~ EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE ;;NORTH, 42734 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF- ';.! WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION, THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30~ WEST &.n ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 37829 FEET, THENCE AT A . ~ RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 71° 59' 3~'' WEST. 3000 FEET TO --THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF -. BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 18° 00' 30" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN ~ OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH, 31 79 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 71° 59' 30" WEST, 15 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 18° 00' 30" WEST, 2668 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89° 10' 26" EAST 1585 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 438 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS Prepared By . Duane Hartman & AsSOCiates, Inc Job No ()()"146 June 27, 2001 EXHIDJTC (Sanitary Sewer Availability Report} t03003~160ISAOI mo 06~) . 617101 en c.... -(Y) Q 0 .,., c:;:, c.... c:::l c;:) ......, REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUBOlv}SJON PARKJNG LOTS 3D AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILADlLlTY STUDY PROJECT NO 00-10754 BOEING REALITY CORPORATION SEATTLE. WA§WNGTON . SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY 1 SUMMARY DATE: }UL Y 26. 2000 REVISION I' AUGUST 18. 2000 REVISION 2. MAY 7. ZOOI Bocltlg Realty Corp IS cOr1sldenng subdividing Parking Lots 38 and 6 These are the two blocks bordenng Garden Avenue on the west and east Sides, respectively between N Park and N Eighth Street LOl6, 10 the easl of Garden extends east to the rail tracks 11us sewer availability sNdy was performed by Ihe Hams Group Inc 10 dctermme the area of each new short SUbd,VIsIon Jor thal.can be served by gravity sanitary sewer Each lot must be served by the eXlstmg CIty of Renton samtary sewer mam systems on N Eighth Street and Garden Avenlie NOl1h The deSign cntena used to determine If graVIty sanitary sewer was avatlable to each new lot was as follows • Any pnvale maIO or SIde sewer outSIde of the possIble bUlldmg envelope was sloped at 05% Mamtamlng thiS slope requires that those hnes be a minimum of eIght Inches tn diameter • Samtary sewer under the bUlldmg roolpnnt were sloped at 1 0% per the Uniform Plumbmg Code SectIOn 708 0 Oradeof Honzonta! Dramage PIPing SectIOn 708 0 allows a I % slope when approved by the AdminIstrative Authonty For purposes of IhlS study, the pOSSible bUIlding foolpnnt area served by the sewer Was conservatIVely calculated by assullUng the tranSitIon from 0 S%slope to I 0% occurs at the setback Ime In reabty. the aClUall>UlJdmg footpnnl WIn probably be fwther back than the setback lme because of parlong requirements and storm water management Issues . • FinIsh floor (FF) elevation was determmed for each lot based on slle grades or as reqUired to proVIde· under bulldmg samtary sewer coverage • The hIghest allowable under bUIlding foolpnnt samtary sewer grade e/evallon was set at 1'·6" (Invert to top of finIshed floor) below the determmed fintsh floor elevatIon to allow for linlshed plumbing tUrndowns and bends Based on the destgn cnlena above each new short SUbdiVISion lot has over 90 percent of Its allowable bUlldmg footpnnt area aVrillab/eto gravIty Sewer semce to a portIon of the eXIsting CIty or Renlon santtary sewer system -t~- .... - 2 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The.followmg lable provIdes a break down oflhe preliminary sewer desIgn results for each new short subdiVISion 101 For each lot .the detennmed bUildang, ,finish floor elevallon IS given, the expecled grade of the sanJiary sewer system oul Side of the available 101 bulldmg (ootpnnl, the expected maximum length of sewer hne under the buIlding fool pnnt, Ihe CII)' of Renton saOlta'ry sewer systeRl manhole In which the lot Will connect to, and a descnpllon of how the 101 WIll connect Ip the City seWer syslem SHORT LOT BUILDINC SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SANITARY HOW IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO FINISH CRADEAT LENGTH OF IItANHOU: MADE, FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE wltle" THE LOT ELEVATION (FEET) Ul'IDER BLOC 'CONN£(."J'S TO (FEEl) ATIO'lloSLOJ>£ (TEET) LOU I 28 20H 615 ISJ PUBUC SEWER MAIN LOT6 2 )0 22H 615 IS) PUBLIC SEWER MAIN toT6 ) U 249 560 IS] PUBLIC SEWER MAIN !,OT6 4 )2 247 580 NeWMHE OF61 SIDE SEWER lOTJD I 27 176 790 153 PUBUCSE'WEIIMAIN LOT JD 2 275 208 520 155 PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOTlD 1 )02 21 68 600 ISS pUBLIC SEWEll MAIN lOTJS JAil 19.5 212 480 168 SIDE SEWEll LOTis 4 11 178J 160 m PUBUC SEWER MAIN The rollowmg IS a shon descnptlon of how each 101 or a group of lots Will be graVIty dralnec$ to the eXlsllng ell)' of Renton samlary sewer system • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS 1,2 AND 3 Samlary sewer service to these three lots IS comphcated by lhe large 48-mch and n-mch Slonn drain sewer mams thai shIeld access to the, eXlstmg elght-meh sanitary sewer main on Garden Ave N Based on conversatIons with both Dave Chnstenson and Ronald Straka wIth Ihe City of Renton It was detenmned that It would be feaSible to route the samtary sewer for these lots through bolh the 48-tnch and 72-mch stonn sewer systems In each case a new manhole Will need to be placed at each crossmg, and the samlary pipe Will need to be sleeved In ducllie Iron pipe The other cnlena liuually set IS Ihat the sanllary malO needs 10 be above the 70 percent flow capacIty hne of each pIpe Based on Ih,s cntena the new lot pubhc samtary sewer mam Wlll be crossmg through the 72-mch stonri sewer pIpe at an elevatIon or· approximately 204 feet m elevatton or ) 8 feet above Ihe Invert of Ihe 72-meh pIpe The attac!)ed drawmg shows Ihls concept ._ .. -----.. -~-----~-----_. ---_." ._--once the. publiC sartitary-s"ewer-malnls-on dleeasf 'side 'oftne -'2"=incn-Si-orm" sewer a--manhole - wlll be placed 10 serve lOI I and prOVide elliension ofthepubhc sewer system to lots 2 and) at a slope of 0 5% • SUORTSUBDMS(ON PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 4' Sanitary sewer sel'Vlce to thiS lot WIll require a manhole be Installed on the eXlstlOg 20" City of Renton samtary sewer maIO on Nonh 8tlt Street approximately 80 (eet easl of City S301tary Manhole 61_ -11- _C'I"J • SHORT SUBDIV1SION PAgKlNG LQT JB -LOT 1. ThIS lot will require a publrc sanitary _sewer main system extenamg from Ille eXlstmg City of Renton_Samtary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Ave N The elushng 12-mth City of Renton hIgh-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new sewer If a connlct IS encountered -• SHORT SUBDMSIQN PARKlNG LOT 38 -LOTS 1" AND 3j _ These two lOIS_ will bavea jnJbbcsamtal}' sewer maID system that wIll connect to the eJustmg City of Renton sam !My seWer manhole ISS on Garden Ave N Outll1de of the budding foolpnntS of these twO lots a sanitary manheJe wJlI be proVide to convey the flow from each respechve lot An allernate or addU/ollal sallltarysewer sennee 10 Lot J WIll requIre tire IlIStallallOll of a Slae sewer ""0 the enSllng CIty 0/ Renton Sallllary Sewer MaMole 166 011 N Eighth Street • --SHORT SUBDM§ION PARKlNG LOT 3B -LOT 4; This lot wIll requ4rt apuhl/c sallliary s~, main IX/eMIIIg from Ihe e;llSllllg CIty of Remoll Sallllary Sewer ManhOle J $3 011 Gardell Avenue No 11J1S publIc sewer also serves Lot I ALTERN;\TE SEWER PLAN The tollowmg table proVIdes a break down of the alternate prellmmary sewer plan for each new short subdIVISIon lot that alloWS each lot to be provIded samtary sewer stfVJce bya Side sewer For each -lot the determmed buddmg finIsh floor elevallon IS given, the expected grade of the samtary sewer system out Side of the avaalable lot bulldmg footpnnt, the expected maxunum length of sewer hne under Ihe bUlldmg foot pnnt,the CIty of Renton sanitary sewer system manhole In which the lot WIll connect to, and-adesenptton of bow the lot will connect to the City sewer system -SHORl l.,()T 8Ull.DINC SANITARY MAXIMUM CITY SAIIITUY HOW IS CONNECTION StJbDIYJSION NO _ FINISH GRADE AT LENGTH OF MANHOLE WHICK tHE MADE -FLOOR SETIIACl<. SAN PIFE 'LOT CONNECTS TO E(.EVATIOM' (lrCET) UN'DERBLOG (FEET) At I O%$LOPE (FEEl) LOT 6 I 28 11 ~.50 U) SJOI!SfWEJI -LOU 2 317 24 61~ PIPE SIOESEWUt LOU J }2 249 '60 156 SIDESSWER lOU 4 12 241 sao PIPE SIDE SEWER LOTlB 1 21 176 790 .,1 SIDESI!WER LOTla 1 27 S 208 $20 ISS SlOE SEWER LOTlS 3 3075 IUS 600 PIJ'E StOES'EWER ---LOT-lS----J'AIt-·----·29-,1------2H---------·~80 -------\61· -,_.-.... ---SIOI!SEWEIIS ---- LOTlS -4 27 1111 810 PIPE SID6SSWIR The folloWlng-lS a short dcscnptlOn of bow each lot or a group of lOIs WIll be graVlty dramed 10 the eXIstmg City of Renton sanItary sewer system • SnORT SUlJDlVIsrON PARKING LOT 6 -LOT 1: Sambry sewer semcc to thIS lot IS comphcated by the large 48-inch and 72-mch storm dram sewer mams that shield access to the eXIsting 8~lnch samtary sewer maIO on G:Jrden Ave N Based on conversatlons WIth both Dave Chnstcnsonand Ronald Straka, With the City of Renlon, It.was delenruned thalli would be feaSIble !Orou!elhe santtary sewer for Ihls lot through bQth the 48-mch and 72·mch SIOon sewer systems in each case a new manhole WIll need to be placed at each crossmg, and the -11.- 5. APPENDlCES • SIte Plan (SK·Cl) Rev A • Alternate Site Plan (SK-C2) Rev A Prepared by ~G~ ~"'h.PE Engmeenng Manager -RSMlmeh cc RSM,IT, ROV, File .-- ; . , 26 III Retum Address.. aty Oa1r's OffICII Cly 01 Renton . 1055 Scoth Crady Woy Rentoo, WI< 9.8055 DO(ument nUe(s) (or transactions contamed therem) ~ I Sarutary Sewer Easemenl-Parcel 3B-2 , 2 J Reference Number{s) of DocumeDfs assigned or released: (on Page _" of documents(s» Grantor(s) (Last name firm, then first name and InUlals) I The Boemg Company 2 3 4 o Additional names on page _ of document Grantee(s} (Last name first, then first name and Inll1afs) I City of Renton 2 3 4 o Addillonal names on page _ of document Legal desc:nptlon (abbreviated Ie· lot, block, plat or seebon, cowRslup, range) That Portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of SeebOR 8, Townslup 23 North, Range 5 East, W M iii Full legal J.S on page Sof document Assessor', Propeny Tas Pan:eUAeeount Number -_0· •.• _ ..•• _~_. ___ ._ ... __ ~ _._~ ......•.. ___ ._. __ ._ •.. _ •• ". • _ +'"_0. . " .. . -._-.. Portion of #08230590 I 108 IO)OD1.OI60ISAOI1510 0691 6114101 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT Parcel3B-2 For and In conslderatton ofTen Dollars ($10 00) and other valuable conslderatlon the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporatIon, (uGrantor" herem), hereby grants and conveys to the ClTY OF RENTON, a mumclpahty ("the City" herem), for the purposes herem after set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement, over, across and. under the real property as depIcted m ExhibIt A herelo (the "Property"), In Kmg County, Washmgton Except as may .be otherwIse set forth herem the City's nghts shall be exercIsed upon that portlOn of the Property depicted on'Exlublt A and more particularly . descnbed In Exhibit B (the "Easement Area") ThIS easement IS granted subject to and conditioned upon the followmg terms, condItions and covenants whIch the CIty hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform Purpose The City shall have the nght to construct, operate, mamtalil, repair, replace and enlarge the sewer plpehne together With all necessary or convement appurtenances therefor " -------, -----------------2--. -Comphance wlthLaws and Rules The City shalLat alL hmes_exerClse __._ Its nghts herem an accordance wIth the requrrements (as from time to time amended) and aU apphcable statutes, orders, rules and regulatIons of any public authonty haVing Junsdlctlon . 3 Removal of Ftll Matenal Inthe event that the City encounters, or suspects that 11 has enc.ountered any hazardous substances In the Easement Area In 'furtherance of Its nghts set forth tn paragraph I, the City shall cease all op'erauons and 100000 OOOOJSUOOJ1J554JI -- notIfy Gr8ntor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omiSSIons of the City, Grantor shall, at Its own expense, detenmne If the materzalls hazardous, as detenmned by applicable law If the matenal should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall. at Its own expense, remove, dlspose"or otherwtse handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, m accordance WIth apphcable law, or reroute the Easement Area, If possible If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall proVIde substItute nonhazardous matenal to replace the removed matena1 for the City to use m Its operatIon, If necessary Should the encountered or suspected matenal prove not to be hazar(jous, the City shall proceed WIth the operations at'ltsown cost, with no recourse agamst the Grantor for the cost of ~chedule delays mcurred due to the delay In operatIon If the encountered or ~ _ suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omtSSlons of the CIty, _ ~ -Grantor's charactenzatlon of the substances mvolved and any removal, disposal or -other handlmg costs mcurred In connection With the removal, disposal or handhng of the hazardous substances wtll be at the City'S expense, and the City shall have no recourse agamst Grantor for the cost of scheduled delays Incurred due to the delay m operation 4 The City'S Use and ActlVltles The City shall exercise Its nghts under this Agreement so as to mmImlze, and aVOid If reasonably pOSSible, mterference With Grantor's use of the Property as set forth In Paragraph 5 herem 5 Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor Dunng Construction Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not InconSistent WIth the nghts herem granted, proVJded, that Grantor shall not construct or mamtam any bUlldmg or other structure on the Easement Area which would mterfere With the exercise of the nghts herem granted The City shall make proVIsions satIsfactory to. Grantor for contlflued access by Grantor along, over and across the Easement Area dunng periods m which the City IS conducting construction or Othef actIVlttes _In the event of an emergency requmng unmedlate action by either party for the protectIon of Its faelittles or other persons or property, such party may take such -------c ______ --------actton uponsuch-nobce to-the other party-asu reasonable under--theclrcumstances _ 6 Indemmty The City agrees to mdemmfy and hold hannless Grantor. Grantor's dIrectors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives from any and all actIons, liabIlIties, demands, claIms, .sUIts, J~dgments; hens, awards. and damages of any kmd or character whatsoever (heremafter referred to as "Claims"), mcludlng claims for death Of lDJury to employees of the City. costs, expenses and - • reasonable attorneys' fees Incurred by Grantor In defense thereof, asserted or ansmg -2- " CY'l ...... directly or mdlrectly from, on account of, or lfl connection wtth the Clty'S operation, mamtena~ce and control of the Easement Area (and unprovements rbereon) With respect to all or anyportlon of the foregomg obhgauon winch may be held to be wlthmthe purnewofRCW 4 24 115, such obhgatlOn shall apply only to the maximum extent penmtted by RCW 4 24 115 7 Notice~ Notices reqwred to be 10 wntmg under tillS Agreement shall be personally served or sent by U S mall Any notice given by mall shaU be deemed to have been receIved when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited In the U S mati addressed as follows To Grantor With a copy to And to To the CIty The" Boemg Company cia Boemg Commercial Auplane Group POBox 3701· MIS 2R-71 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn Mr Rlck Ford Phone (425) 237-2336 Boemg Realty Corporation POBox 3707-M/S 2R-79 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Attn Mr Jeff Adelson Phone (206) 544-5918 Office of the General Counsel The Boemg Company POBox 3707 -MIS 13-08 Seattle, W A 98124-2207 Phone (206) 655-2405 City of Renton Department of Development ServIces 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 " Attn -PropertY-Semce-s""DIVtslon Phone (425) 430~ 7200 EIther party may change the address to which notIces may be gIVen by glVlng nOUce as above proVIded 8 Access The City shall have the nght of reasonable access to the Property over and across adjacent lands owned by Grantor to enable the City to looooo.()()()()/,>nOO17lS 5431 ~3-IO/WOO - ..... -... exercise Its nghts hereunder, proVIded that the City shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of sald nght of access 9 Title The nghts granted herem are subject to pennlts, leases, hcense~, and easements, .f any. heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Property Grantor does not warrant title to Its property and shall not be hable for defects thereto or faIlure thereof 10 Successors and AssIgns The nghts and obhgatlons of the parties shall . mure to the benefit of-and be bmdlOg upon their respective successors and assIgns 11 TermmatIOn 11 1 Tennmatlon for Breach In the event the City breaches or falls to perfonn or observe any of the terms and conditions herem, and fads to c.ure such breach or default WithIn nmety (90) days of Grantor's glVlng the City wntten nottce thereof, or. If not reasonably capable of bemg cured wlthm such nmety (90) days, wlthm such other penod of time as may be reasonable 10 the circumstances, Grantor may. termmate the Ctty's nghts under this Agreement In additIOn to and not 10 hIDltatlon of any other remedy of Grantor at law or 10 eqUity, and the failure of Grantor to exerCIse such nght at any time shall not waive Grantor's nght totenmnate for any future breach or default I) 2 Temunahon for Abandonment Of Lack of Necessity [n the event that the property deSignated WIth hatch marks on ExhibIt A ("Benefited Property") IS developed WIth at least one bUlJdmg with a fimshed floor height of suffiCient elevatton for a SIde sewer connectton as .dentltled In ExhIbIt C(Sanltary Sewer Avallablhty . Report), the City ceases to use saId Easement Area for a penodof five (5) successive years, or lffor any other reason the Easement IS not necessary to support development of the Benefited Property, then Grantor may .termmste the CIty'S nghts under thlS Agreement DATED thiS 4-¥:;,-day of \\., b»o . (,)=n! ,2000 THE CITY: GRANTOR: City of Renton The Boemg Company, a Delaware By ~;;t~ esse Tanner lts Mayor 100000 OOOOf<,OOO17)S S431 -4- c.,-, cY"1 ..- ""> CJ -=:t LO ~ N .... ~ .. -. Q C) C'.I CALIFORNIA ALL·PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT f~..<;<''&c~.¢/'.¢c''¢¢«¢~«.ct«~¢.¢/'~~««~««''.Q/':<:;'<''*,«'..;<'¢¢«¢d&'!'-Qf..;<'.Q.'Y. ~ State of Callfomla } 55 i I ~ ~ i ~ i ? County of LoCj A?Jlli5 OnAlOVemW G"Jcw. before me, D<.tu)'1... E Shaver ~ N()i(l'-"( Pab/,e , Dill . 1\ ....., -Title 01 0Ifiter '0 II "-Doe ~ 1'ublc1 personally appeared ,Jh,f,p W. CjhtV~.lfllSV.etl.} . lao e OAWNE SHA~EA , C/J COMM 11158725 en a: Nola!)' Pubic CPlomaa lJ tp OAANoe COUNTY en L".4 •• ~t~o:'m I!~.~C:' ':~..!J g personally known to me o proved to me on the basIs of satIsfactory evrdence to be the person~ whose name(s} rslafe subsetlbed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ .. ~ executed the same In hls/herithelf authorized capaclty(~, and that by hlslhelfthen s'gnature(.et on the Instrument the person(&Ji or the entrty upon behalf of whIch the person(-&) acted, executed the Instrument --------------------opnONAL----------------~-- Though 1M lllfonnaboo tHt10w IS not reqUIred by law " may prove vsluab19 10 persons relytng on the documenl and could ptf1Vf1fJ1 fraudUlent removal and reattachment of tlHs 101m 10 another documenl DescrIption of Attached Document TIlle or Type of Document _________________________ _ Document Date _____________ _ Number of Pages ______ _ 5I9OOr(s) Other Than Named Above _____________________ _ Capaclly(res) Clalfned by Signer S~~Name ___________ ~---------------: o' "lnctiviii'Wif ---_.. ~"-_. -. --.-.. _. --.- o Corporate Officer -11118(s) o Partner -0 limIted 0 General o Attomey In Fact o Trustee [J GuardIan ot Conservator o O~r _______________________ ---------- SIgner Is Represenirng _~ __________________ '--____ -' , .. 'C<:~~"O(.;c.:;~~'CC~~.;c.(;~~~~~~.c.<;~~«'O<..'O<..'O<..'O<..~~'«~~'O<..~'¢(; V> C'997N_NOIaryAs_taloon 9350CleSOloA ... PO 80.2402 c~._ CA 9131l2402-,'' PtOd No S901 ll00(der CaHrolf, .. , 800 87e6821 - .... STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) S5 COUNTY OF KING ) ') " . I '*~. On this ~ day of QkD'4.~o01. before me the undersigned personally appeared . Jesse Tanner to me known to be the Mayor of THE CITY OF RENTON, the mumclpahty that executed the foregomg mstrument. ~ and acknowledged the saId mstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said munlclpaltty, for the uses and purposes therem mennoned, and on oath stated that he was authonzed to execute the Said mstrurnent WITNESS my hand and officlai seal hereto affixed the day and year above wntten [00000 OOOO/!.B0031lS 5431 "~fNotary) ~ \..l ~\I\ I\, }) h r.-b~\.1 .( (Pnnt or stamp name of Notary) NOT AR Y PUBLIC In and foythe State of WashIngton. reSidIng at ;,p~ My Appomtment ExpIres "t LIl:- PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 ~ PARKING LOT 38 5), ® il N-I!. SCAlE -D -. -1"=100' ~i - ~ to! PROPOSED PARCEl 38-2 PROPOSED PARCEl JB-3N89'10'2S"W L..EGEift) P 0 B _& -STREET MONUMENT IN rASE • SS UANHOL£ ---PROPERlY UNE ~. fASEt.lENT PARCEL 2 OF LOT .. EXtEI1' TO AccalPANY EASBENT Fat PUSL.IC -BANTAm BEWSl smBA set/4. NWl/4. SEC. a T28N.R5E. w~ __ r\\llG ~ to ~\\.>'.-::.;.. • N. 8TH ST. & ASSOCIATES -01/11/01 EASEMENTPARCEL3B~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SANITARY. SEWER SYSTEM BOEING PARKING LOT 38 RENTON, WA THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTI-iEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' COMMENCiNG AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF c...... NORTH 8TH STREET AND GARDEN AVENUE NORTH. THENCE NORTH 000 29' 31" (v' -EAST ALONG THE CENTERUNE AND TANGENT OF SAID GARDEN AVENUE C'I"> --NORTH. 427 34 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THE RIGHT-OF· ~ WAY CENTERLINE POINT OF INTERSECTION, TI-iENCE NORTH 18° 00'30n WEST ("'.' ALONG THE TANGENT AND CENTERLINE THEREOF, 378.29 FEET. THENCE AT A -;:v RIGHT ANGLE TO SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 710 59' 30" WEST, 3000 FEET TO '" THE WESTERL Y MARGIN OF GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND. THE TRUE POINT OF 9 BEGINNING. THENCE NORTH 890 _10' 26" WEST, 15.85 FEET, THENCE NORTH 18° .... 00'30" WEST, 37910 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 890 10' 26" EAST 1585 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 18° 00'30" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN OF GARDEN -AVENUE NORTH, 379 10FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 5,686 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS Pmpar:ed By - Ouane Hartman & AssOCiates, Inc Job No 00-146 ----. -. _ ---_~9.V~~!.~I,.?_QQCL ___ _ ReVised June 27, 2001 c.."') .C>") ._. I ) , I I , IOlOO3~16OlSA011l7G 06.9) --.";. EXIIJnITC {Sanitary Sewer Availability Report} , ~l ! l f , ~' j • I ····C. .. 6f1lCll J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J j J J REPORT NO. 00-10754/001 SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOTS 3D AND 6 SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY STUDY PROJECT NO. 0(t..10754 BOEING REALITY CORPOMTION StATILE. WASffiNGTON SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY SUMMARY . . DATE: JULy 26. 2000 REVISION 1: AUGUST 18.2000 REVISION li MAY 7. 2001 Boemg Realty Corp IS cons.denng subdiVIdIng ParJOng LoIS 3B and 6 These are .he two blocks bordenngGardcn Avenue on the west and east sides, respectively betWeen N Park and N Eighth Street Lot 6, to .he east of Garden extends easlto the rail tracks TIus sewer avallablhty study was performed by tbe Hams Group Inc: to dctennmethe area or each new short SubdlVlslon 101 that can be served by gravity sanitary sewer Each lot must be served by thceXlslmg City of Renton samtary . sewermam systems on N Eighth Street and Garden Avenue North The deSign cntena used to determme Ir gravity samtary sewer was available to each new lot was as follows • Any pnvate mam or SIde seWer outside of the possIble buddmg envelope was sloped at 0 5% Mamtammg IhlS slope requIres that those hnes be a mlOlmum of eIght mches In diameter • Sanitary sewer under the bulldmg footpnntwere sloped at 10% per the Umform Plumbmg Code SectIon 7080 Grade of Honzontal Dramage Plpmg Sectlon 1080 allows a 1% slope when approved by the AdminIstratIve Authonty For purposes of this study, the possible bUlldmg (ootpnnt area served by the sewer was cOnServattvely calculated by assuming Ihe traml\lon from·O So/. slope to 1.0% occurs at the setback Ime In reality, the actual bulldmg footpnnt will probably be. further back than the setback hne because of parlong requirements and storm waler managcmenllssues • FinIsh floor (FF) elevatIon was determined for each lot based on slle grades or as requlJ"ed to -pro\i1(JclUiderbui!ClingSiiljllilji sewer coverage· -.-._-_. ---.. -.-.__. --...... . • The highest allowable under bulldmS roolpnnl samtary sewer grade elevatton was set at \'·6" (Invert to top of finIshed floor) below the detenntned fimsh floor eleval10n to allow for fintshed ·plumbmg turndowns and bends Based on the deSIgn c:olcna above each new short SUbdIVISion 101 has over 90 percent of Its allowable bUIldmg rootpnnt area avaIlable to gravity sewer sefVIce to a portion oC the eXisting City of Renton sanitary sewer system c...., ~. - 2 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The following lable provIdes a break down oflhe preliminary sewer desIgn results for each new short subdlVlSlon 101 For each 101 Ihe delenmned bUilding li.01$h floor elevallon IS gTVen, the expecled grade of the sanitary sewer syslem out SIde of the avaIlable 101 bUlldmg footpnnt, the expected maximum lenglh of sewer hne under the buddmg fool print, the City of Renton sanitary sewer systelll manhole In whIch the 101 will connect 10, and a descnptlon or how the 101 WIll connecl Ip the City sewer system . SHORT LOT BUILDING S .. VIITARV MAXIMUM CITY SA,,'1IT .... RV HOW IS CON"£CTION SUBDIViSioN NO FINISH CRADEAT LEl\GTHOF MANUOLE MADE FLOOR SETBACK SAN PIPE Willen THE LOT ELEVAnON (FEET) UND£RBLDG CONNEcTs TO (F£ET) ATIG%SLOP£ JfEID lOH I 28 20 )$ 61S IS) PUBLiC SEWER. M .... IN LOT6 2 JO l1JS 61S Ul PUBLIC SEWER MAIN lOT 6 ) 12 249 S60 IS] PUBLIC SEWER MAIN LOT6 4 12 247 SSO NEWMHE OF61 SIDE SEWER lOllS I ·l7 176 7'lO III PUBUC SEWEJI M..uN lOT1B 2 2H 208 520 ISS PUBLIC Sf;W'ER MAIN LOTla· j 102 2Z 68 600 ISS PUBUC SEWEll MAIN LOTla ) All 29$ U2 480 168 SIDE SEWER LOr)B I J1 " 8' 160 IS} PUBUC SEIt'l1l MAIN The followmg IS a short descnptlon of how each lot or a group of lots Will be graVity drained 10 the eXisting City of Renton sarutary sewer system • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOTS (,2 AND J Sanitary sewer selVlce 10 these three lotS IS complicated by the large 48·mch and 72~mch storm dram sewer malOs that shIeld access to the eXlsttng elghHnch Salutary sewer mam on Garden AveN Based on conversatIons WIth both Dave ChnstensOn and Ronald Straka With the CIty of Renton It was delerTTlIned that It would be reaslble to route the sanitary sewer for these lots through both the 48~tnch and 72·tnch stom. sewer systems In each case a new manhole wtll need to be placed . at each crossing, and the sanitary' pIpe Will need to be sleeved In ductile Ifon pIpe The ether cntenaanlttally set. IS that the saOltary mam needs to be above the 70 percent flow capacIty lme of each pipe Based on thIS cntena the new lot public samtary sewer mam WIll be crosstng through the 72-mch storm sewer pIpe at an elevation of. approximately 20 4 feet In elevatIon or 3 8 fcet above the Invert of the J2-anch pIpe The attached drawmg shows thIS Once the pubhc sanitary sewer maIO IS on the east SIde of the 72-anch storm sewer a manhole WIll be placed to serve lot t and prOVIde extensIon of the Public sewer system to LOis 2 and) al a slope of 0 S% • SnORT SUBDMSION PARJONG LOT 6 -LOT 4: Sanitary sewer SCI"VICC 10 tbls lot WIll require a manhole be Installed on the eXIsting 20" City of Renton sanltary sewer maIn on North 8th Street approxlmlltely 80 (eel easl of CIty Sanatary Manhole 61 -11- • SHOnT SUBDIVISION PARK1NG LOT 38 -LOT I' Tlus lot wIll require a public sanllary sewer mom. system extending from the eXisting City of Renton -Samtary Sewer Manhole IS3 on Garden Ave N The exlstsng 12-mch City of Renton high-pressure water mam may need to be routed under the new sewer If a conflict IS encounlered • • SHORT SUBDiViSION PARKING LOT 3B ~ LOTS 2 AN]} ~: These two lots WIll have a . pubhc samtary sewer mBln system that wdl cOMect to the eXlshng City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole ISS on Garden Ave N Outside of the budding foolpnnts oflhese two lots a samtary manbere w.1J be proVide to convey the flow &oin eacb respective lot An alternate or add",onaisanrlary sewer SeMce 10 Lof J will requIre the InsltJllall(Jn 0/ a sule sewer Into the e%lStmg City of Rellton San/tary Sewer Manl/ole 168 on N Eighth Street SHORT SUBDMSION PARKING LOT 3B -LOT 4. Thu lot WIll reqUIre. a publIC Sonllary seWer mammend,ng/rom the exISting CIty 0/ Renton Sanllary Sewer Manhole 153 on Garden Avenue No ThIS publrc sewer also s.erves 1..0, I ALTERNATE SEWER PLAN The followmg table ptovtdes a break down of the altc:male prehmmary sewer plan for each new short SUbdlVlSlonlot that allows each lot to be proVided samtary sewer SCMCC by a Side sewer For each lot thedetcnmned bUlldmg fimsh floor elevation IS gIVen, the expected grade of the samtary sewer system out Slde of the avaIlable lot bulldmg fOOlpnnt, the expected maxImum length of sewer hne under the budding foot pnnt, Ihe City of Renton sanitarY sewer system manhole m which the lot wlll connect to, and a descnptlon of how the lot Will connect to the City sewer system SHORT LOT BVJLDJI'IG SA.NJTARY ."'AXlMVM CITY SA.NIT AllY HOw IS CONNECTION SUBDIVISION NO F1NISH GRADE AT I.£NGTIIOF \tAN HOlE WHICH THE MADt FLOOR SETBACK SA.N riPE LOT CONNECTS TO EUVAnoN (FEET) UNDtRBLDG. (FErn ATIO%SLOPE (FErn LOT 6 I 28 21 ,SO IS) SIDE SEWER LOT6 2 311 24 61.S PIPE SIDE SEWER LOT6 J II 149 560 1$6 SIDE SEWER LOT 6 4 12 247 '80 PIPE SIDESEWIiR LOT 19 I. 27 116 190 IS) SIDE SEWER LOTl9 2 115 108 5JO US SIDESliWER --L0139 . ). J01' . 211,s . -600 PiPE .--SIDESEWER . '--"'-' - LOTlS JAil 295 2H ~80 161 SIDE SEWERS LOT)9 .. 11 1.717 B)Q PD'E SIDESEWU The follOWIng IS a short descnpuon of how elt(;h lot ora group of lots will be graVIty dramed to the: eJtlsl1ng CIty of Renton samtary sewer system • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 6 -LOT I: Sanitary seWer SCrYlCC to thIS (OIlS comphcated by the large 48-tnch and 72-mch storm dram sewer m3ms that shield access 10 Ihe: eXIsting a-mch sanitary sewer mllln on Garden Ave N Dased on conversatIOns WIth both Dave Christenson and Ronald Straka. WIth the City of Renton, II was determmed thot It woulJ be feaSIble to route the samtar)' sewer for thIS lot through both the 48-mch and n-Inch storm sewer systems In each case a new manhole WIll need to be placed at each croSSing, and the , -11.- , samtary pipe wIll need to be sleeved In ductIle Iron pIpe The. other cntena Initially SCI IS thai tbe sanitary mam needs to be above the 70 percent now capaCIty hne of each pipe Based on this cotena the new lot pubhc sanitary sewer malO WIll be crossmg through the 72-lnch slonn sewer p'pe alan elevation of approximately 20 8 feec In elevatIon or 4 2 feeT above the Invert of the 72-lnch PIpe The attached draWing shows Ihls concept • . SHORT SUBDIVlSIONPAR.IQNG LOT 6 -LOIS 1 & 3: Lot 2 will f~qulre the placemenlor sllle sewers over the top or the 72·mch and 48·mch stonn dram lines Theslde sewer wIll· drop Into the eXlStmg elghl-lnch CIty of Renlon per the CIty of Renton typIcal . delat! Side sewer Fiser delll1l Lot 3 SIde sewer WIll also go over the 72-lnch and 48~lncb stcinn dram hnes. and then Will enter mto the CIty Sanitary Manhole 1 S8 • SHORT SUBDMSION PAlUQNG LOT 6 -LOT 4: Samtary sewer semce to thiS lot WIll requIre a Slde sewer eomtectlon be Installed on the exISting 20-mch CIty of Renton sanitary sewer maiD em N . EIghth Street approxunately 80 feet east of CIty Sanitary Manhole 61. • • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING L013» -LOT 1: ThIs lot Will requIre the placement of a Side scwer.mlO eXlsttng City of Renton sanitary sewer manhole \53 on Garden Ave N The elustmg 12-lncb City of Renton hIgh-pressure water main may need to be routed under the new Side sewer If a conaler IS encountered SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3D -LOTS 1 Mm 3: Lot 2 WIll have a sJde sewer that will connect to the elUshng CIty of Renton SanItary Sewer Manhole ISS on Garden Avenue N Lot 3 WIll have a standard CIty of Renton SIde sewer. cOMccllOn to the Cuy of Renton'S 8" sewer mam and Garden Avenue An alternate or addlllonal sanllary sewer servIce to Lot J will requIre Ihe Insta/killon 0/ a SIde sewer Into the exISting CIty of Renton . sOllllory sewer manllole /68 on N 8tll Street • SHORT SUBDIVISION PARKING LOT 3D -LOT i: Sam/ary sewer service 10 litIS /01 Will reqUIre a Side sewer connection mto the exlStmg City of Renton samlary sewer approxImately 70/eel noriJJ a/Manhole 153 " CONCLUSIONS Gravity salutary sewer semce IS available to each at Ihe 10fS In the proposed Short SUbd,VIsIons Patlang lots 38 and 6 BUlldmg sewer service should be available In over 90% of the allow budding footpnnt of each lot . In our oplmon, the portIons or the lot WIthout ccllverage are not slgrnlic:mt because • The areas not covered are small It IS likely that any restreoms or other uses could be localed In a ponton oC the bulldmg that has access • Parlung and storm water management Issues wJlI reduce the maxImum sIze oC the bUlldlR1 tiom !hat calculated 10 form lheselback reqmrements alone. Pulang and slorm ,,:a11:1 struetures couId be located ID these areas where the sewer does not reach • . It you have any quesllDn regardmg methodology, rouMgs, or conclUSIOn ofthls report please fec:lltr-c' to conUict Hams Group Inc at (206) 494-9400 . . -t-; ... f:'l . ... ., 5. APPENDICES • Site Plan (SK-Cl) Rev A • Alternate Site Plan (SK-C2) Rev A RSM/mch 99· 10745\1 o 74SrpIOOI_R2 doc cc RSM, IT. ROV. File Prepared by lWUUS G'U~NC •.. A ~~~ . R1~"~esh'PE Engmeenng Manager .. ------------~--------~~--------------------~=----------.--~.~. ~ . ~ Retum Address Office of the City Clerk Renton CIty Hall III 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Document Title(s) (or transactIons contaIned thereIn) 1 Developmerit Agreement Reference Nnmber(s) of Documents aSSigned or released: (on page _ of documents(s» Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and mrtJ.als) 1 The Boesng Company Grantee(s) (LaSt name first, then first name and Imuals) 1 CltyofRenton . Legal description (abbreVUlted 1 elot, block, plat or sectIon, townslup, range) Pomons of Renton Farm Plat, Renton Farm Plat No·2, Plat of Sartonsvtlle. Renton Botler Works Short . Plat, Renton Farm Acreage Plat, City of Renton Short Plat, C H Adslt's Lake Washtngton Plat, and Government Lots I, 2, and 3-STR 082305 T AXLOTS5 PCL 1 BOEING, STR 082305 T AXLOT 115 PCL 2 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 880 PCL 3 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 19 PCL 4 BOEING, sm 082305 TAXLOT 9 PC!. 5 BOEING, SIR 082305 TAXLOT 37 PCL 6 BOEING, STR 082305 . T AXLOT lOS PCL 7 BOEING, 8TR. 082305 TAXLOT 152 peL 8 BOEING, STR 072305 T AXLOT 1 . pet, 9 BOEING, STR 072305 TAXLOT 46 PCL 10 BOEING. SrR082305 T AXLOT 11 PCL 11 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 187 PCL 12 BOBING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 79 PCL 13 BOBING, .STR07230S TAXLOT 100 PCL 14 BOEING, 8TR 082305 TAXLOT 204 PCL IS BOEING 00 . Full legalIS on pages 8 through 17 of doCument Assessor's Property Tax ParceJlAc:eount Number " "POrtlons-ofthefollO:wmg-'"ff7S6460:005S~04; #722300'-011 So08;#72240o.;.Q880"()O, #082305·90 19-00, " -"- ·#OS230S-9~O,#082305.9037"()8,#722300.o105-00,#082305.9152-07,#072305·900I-01,#072305~ 9046:.w, #082305~901I-08; #082305-9187-06, #082305.9079-07, iI07230S-9ioo-Ol, #082305-9204·05 [03003-OlOSI8B020080 051] 6120102 .--..... .. • .C"'oI; • G::l< .• c:::r • ¢"It DEVELOPMrnNT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY I. PREAMBLE Thts DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement"}between THE BOEING COMPANY ("Boeing"), a Delaware corporation, and the CITY OF RENTON ("C1ty"). a muniClpal corporation of the State of Washmgton, IS entered mto pursuant to the au1bonty of RCW 36 701l. 170 through 210, under which a local government . may enter mto a development agreement WIth an eIitltyhavmg ownerslnp or contr01 of real J.)rQperty Within 1ts Jurisdicnon II. RECITALS A Boemg 1S the.owner of certaIn real property, known as the Boemg Renton AIrcraft Manufactunng Facility ("Renton Plant" or IIPlantll), located m the C1ty of Renton, Kmg County, Washmgton, as more particularly desCflbed m Attachment 1; wlnch IS attached hereto and by tlus reference mcorporated herem B The. Renton Plant consists of apprOXImately 279 acres located at the south end ofLakeWashmgtonm the City of Renton. The majonty of the Plant site IS· . located withm the IndustnalMHeavy ("IHII) zorung dtstnct and IS designated· Employment Area-lJidustrial by the City'S Comprehensive Plan. An approXlUUltely 21-acre portion along the Site'S eastern. boundary is zoned IH and is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Employment Area-Transition Qntenm) C. the Renton Plant was onginally developed for constructlon of military . aircraft dunng World War n, With the first Plant buIldings completed in 1942 Major . ·-----"-.--"-"----___ ~~bU1ldmg.wnstrJ!~Qp._~pcurred m the decades of the 1950s and 1960s By 1989, the ; . Renton Plantcontamed 69-majorbuildIDgs willi "a fotiireiiClosed -fl6or-arefCof---" ; approxunately 6 9 tnJ.1hon square feet . . D . In the late 1980s,. Boemg planned an expanSlOn of the Plant to accommodate projected production needs for the 19908 and beyond. For that proposal, the City of Renton Issued an envrronmental impact statement ("EIS ") pursuant to the State Envrronmental Policy Act ("SEPAl!) that disclosed aild analyzed the enVIronmental nnpacts of the addition to the Plant of new buildmgs and mcreased employees DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03003-0105l8B02008O 051] PAGEl 6120102 .. E The EIS describes, among other alternatives, a "Proposed ActIon" to add four structures (the 4-80 bmldmg,expanslon of the 4-82 bmlding, a 16,000 square foot addltlon to the eXIStmg 4~86 butldmg, and constructJon of a stx-level parkIng garage) and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted productlon mcrease Based on ImPacts oftbe Proposed Actio~a "Mlt1gatlon Document," dated February 20, 1990 andreVlsed March 7, 1990, was lSsued by the City's Envrronmental Review COIDID1ttee ("ERC") . F The BIS estabhshes that, Wlthout the expansIOn described by the Proposed ActJon, the Renton Plant generated 28,140 average d31ly velucle tnps and 4,060 p m .. peak hour vehicle trips The EIS eStimates that mplementa1J.on of the Proposed Ac1J.on will result m theaddlnon of as many as 3,015 velucle tnps per day and 435 p~m peak hour vehicle tnps per day. GBoeing and the CIty agree that addluonal development of the Renton · Plant should be regulated and mitIgated m order to proVlde certainty and efficIency WIth respect to the City's appbcable reVlew and approval processes Accordmgly, . Boeing and the CIty Wish to enter mto a Development Agreement addressmg certam aspects of Phase I and Phase II (as defined below) development and therefore agree as follows . m. AGREEMENT 1. DefinitIons For pmposes of tIns Agreement, "Phase In, descnbed by · the BIS as the "No Act1.on Alternative," shall include Renton Plant development · existmg·as of the date that the MitIgatIon Document was iSsued "Phase IT" shall . consist of the Proposed Acnon as analyzed and rmtlgated by the EIS and the Mlogauon Document, respectively, and/or such other plans for development or redevelopment of 'the Renton Plant srte that may from time to time be approved by the City 2. Vesting and Term of Agreement The Clty'S land use regulations m .. ------~. --------eifectand·-applicableto-proJect-applications-as ofthe-recordmg-date-of-tlus-Agreement- Shall govern (a) the continued use and operatlon of Phase I for arrplane manufactunng purposes and any other Boemg opera1J.on (b) Phase II development apphcatJ.ons submitted to the City withm 45· years from the tecordmg date of this Agreement, so long as such applications are for airplane manufactunng uses Notwithstandmg the foregOIng, the CIty reserves the authonty under RCW 36 70B 170(4) to impose new or different regulatloDS to the extent reqUIred by a senous threat to publIc health and safety, as det~ed by the Renton CIty CounCIl after notice and an oppOrtunlty to be heard lias been provided to Boemg DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (03003"() lG"SB020080 as 1) PAGE 2 6120/01. 3. Land Use Regulattons For purposes oftfus Agreement, "land use regulanons" means Comprehensive Plan polIcies and zoning standards m effect as of the date ofthts Agreemen~ provided, however, that Boemg may elect at Its dtscretlon that Comprehensive PIIUi pohCles and zonmg standards· adopted after the recordmg . date of tbts Agreement sballapply to all or part of Phase IT development For purposes of thts Agreement, the current Comprehensive Plan deslgnanon of the Renton Plant SIte is Eniployment Area -Industrial and the zoning deSlgnatIon applIcable to the Renton Plant Site is IH pursuant to the March 15, 2002 Zorung Map as adopted by the City COUnctl 4 Basehne Vehicle Tnps 4 1 Calgulation of Futme Traffic Impacts and Mitlgatlon EX1S1:mg vemcletnps assoClated WIth Phase I, described by the EIS as the "No Action Alternatlve," (i.e, 28, 140 average daily trips and 4,060 p mpeak hour tnps) shall be considered to be vested and to form the "basebne trips" for purposes of the analysis of transportation impacts associated WIth Phase IT development or redevelopment of all ora component of the Renton Plant site For example, and without limtting the foregomg, tf Boemg elects to dispose of or redevelop all or a component of the Renton Plant SIte, all or a portion of the baselme tnps may be asSIgned to that component of the sIte when calculatmg and detemunmg the appropnate mitlganon of future transportation unpacts apphcable to that component's redevelopment. Therefore. only those traffic tmpacts that exceed thelll1pacts associated WIth the IIbasehne tops" shall be subject to transportatlon nntlgatlon 4.2 Traffic Modelmg "Baselme tnps" as descnbed in Paragraph 4 1 above (ie, 28,140 average datly tnps and 4,060 p.m peak hour tnps) shall be lncluded m the City'S traffic model for purposes of estimating future transportatton tmpacts 5. Other MItigation Fees With respect to impacts to public servIces other than transportation, future buildmgdemolinons at the Renton Plant SIte shall be --------.... -,. --··eligtble-{or "redevelopment credits;-'! -which shall offset any apphcable_ ~Ug~1:J,Qn 9r __ unpactfees (inClllcbD.g, but not lmuted to, nntigation fees for fire and water ServIces) that would otherwise be assessed by the City on the basls of square footage of new floor area for each square foot of floor area demohshed. 6 MitIgation Document To the extent that tlns Agreement confhcts WIth the Mttiganon Document, this Agreement controls. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03003'()lOSISB0200SO OSt) PAGE 3 6120102 .. 7 Recordmg. TIlls Agreement, upon executton by the parnes and approval of the Agreement by resolutlon of the City CouncIl. shall be recorded With the Real . Property Records DiVISion of the Kmg County Records and Elecbons Department 8 Successors and AsSigns TIns Agreement shall bmd andmure to the benefit of Boeing and the City of Renton and their successors m mterest, and may be assigned to succeSsors m mterest to all or a portion of the Renton Plant property Upon assignment and assumption by the asslgnee(s) of all obhgattons under tlus Agreement, Boeing shall be released from all obhganons under this Agreement. 9 CowteJparts This Agreement may be executed m counterpartst each of winch shall be deemed an ongmal 10. Expua1lQn. Tins Agreement, unless rescmded by Boemg or Its successors ill mterest, Shan become null and VOId 45 (45) years from the date of recording of this Agreement . . -/It AGREED this ~ day Of __ --"l~..",...,...'JM""""""· ,,,,,,,V __ -,,, 2002 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03003.o105lSOO20080 051] PAOE4 6120/02 ATTEST: By: Bonnie I. Walton Iu --~~~~~~----~ c, ty Clerk ~ed as to form' o<~~~ City Attorney ~ . COUNTY OF ---=.;:K=IN=G __ On tIns ~ day of June .• 2002, before me. the undersigned, a Notary Pubhc m and for the State of Wasbmgton, duly commissIOned and sworn, personally appeared Jesse Tanner • to me laiown to be the person who signed as Mayor of the CITY OF RENTON, the corporation that executed the wrtlun and foregomg . instrument, and acknowledged sald mstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therem mentioned, and on oath . stated that he was duly elected, quahfied and actmg as Sald officer of the corporation, that . be was authonzed to execute sald instrument and that the seal affixed, If any, 15 the corporate seal of SRld corporatlon IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and offiCial seal the day and year firSt above wntten DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03003-0105188020080 OSl} (Prmt or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC m and for the ~ ofWashmgton, res .. ling at S~--'!; My appomtment exptres' . PAGES 61201O:z THE BOEING COMPANY DBVBl.OPMBNT AGREEMENT [ISB0200800SI DOC)· By Philip W Cyburt Its Vice President PAQB6 617/02 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California COunty of ~ At-.lC:d::.L.E.!> . . . On Vw.\c 0" ~ before me, DAW~ G SHA\lt;;R., NoTA~ Pueu(.l '. OllIe Nama andTfIle ofOlllctr (~9, JIln9 Doe, No!aty Putlhc} personally appeared ~P ...... I-\ ..... I""Lu..tr--"W~.:=e~V ... &~u:.;:~:.!..r---::-:--::-.-=,........,.,--________ _ Name(a) oIS1,p1eI(o) - 'DAWNS SHAVER COMM #1325798 . NDTMYPUIIUC. CWJFOfINIA LosANG$.1iS coumv . ,Comm ~ OCT i. 2005 lin personally known to me o proved to me on the basIS of sallsfactory eVidence to be the person~ whose name(~ Is/ere subscnbed to the Within Instrument· and acknowledged to me that hel&Aellhey executed the same In hls/AerltheJr . authorized capacrty(leS), and that by hlsfbedtl:lelr signature{&). on the Instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the per8~ acted, executed the Instrument ~ my hand and official seal t tsha.v-v-. --------------------OPTIONAL-------------------- Tttough the mformatlOn below II not requtf6d by taw, It may pIO'Ie valuable 10 persons relYing on tile document and could prevent fraudUlent removal and reallaollmenl of hs form 10 another document Description of Attached Document Tide or Type of Document _____________ _,_--------- DocumentDate __ _,_-------------NUmberof Pages ___ _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above ___________________ _ Capac5ty(les} Claimed by Signer SIgner's Name _________________________ _ o IndMdual o Corporate OHlcer-Tltle(s) ____ ~ ___ -------- o Partner -0 LimIted 0 General o Attomey-m-t=act o Trustee o GuardIan or Conservator Ornher _____________________________ _ Signer Is Representlng _______________________ _ _ No 5907 _ Call1b11 "'" 1 800 876 6827 Q !Q i iil'I we _ ..... 11 ..... ., i\1'TACHMENT 1 Legal Description of Boeing Renton Plant Property PARCEL 1 LOTS. 1 THROUGH lJ.IN BlOCK 11 OF RENTON FAAM PlAT, AS PER PlATRECOROeO IN VOlUME 10 OF PlATS,. PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING CQUNTY, excEPT THAT PORnON THEREOF CONVEYED TO THe CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS R!COROEO UNDER RECORDING NOS 7203140338 AND 9406070578, TOGETHfRWITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 8 IN BLOCK 1 OF SARTORISVlllE. AS PER PlAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 7, RECORDS OF KING COUNtY. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 1 CONVEYED TO THE ClTV OF RENTON BY DeED RECORDED UNOeR RECORO[NG NO . 7203140l38~DESCR18ED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT Tt-!e NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID t.OT, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY UNE THEREOF A O[STANCE OF 1350 FEET, THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AlONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RAOIUS 13 SO FEET, THROUGH A· CENTRAL ANGLE OF 900 , .. AN ARC LENGTH OF 21 20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT, 13 so FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF, . THENCE NORTHERLY ALoNG THE EASTERLY UNE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13 so FeET TO THE NoRTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT, THfftCE WESTERlV AlONG THe NORTHERlY UNE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13 so FeEl'. THENCESOUTHEAST'ERLY ALONG THE ARC Of A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RADIUS 13 so FEET. THRoUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 900. AN ARC lENGTH OF 21 20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTeRLY UNE OF SAlD LOT. 13 50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERlY CORNER THEREOF, THENCE NORTHERLY AlONG THE EASTERLY UNE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13 SO FeET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID lOT 1 ANO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, __ . AND_looerH~ .wtrH.l'I:IE. WEsr,.8lH:Ert .0FlOTS llANO 12 .INBLO~.l. 9r:~",rQ IIlA'LOr: .. . SAATORlSVILLE, eXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET OF SAlD LOTS 11 AND 12. AND ToomiER WITH LOTS 1 AN02 OF RENTON BOllER WORKS SHORT PLAT NO 282-79. ACCORDING TO THf SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO 7901109002; SITUATED IN THE cm OF RENTON. COUNTY OF K[NG, STATE OF WASHINGTON, PAGEl ~ __ "~"~ ____________________________________________ t'~JW~~ PAACEL 2 LOTS J, 4 AND S IN BLOCK 4 Of RENTON FARM ACREAGE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12, PAGE J1,RfCOROS OF KING COUNTY, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARes. 3 THe WEST 17 5 FEeT OF THE NORTH lOFEEr OF LOT 10, THE WEST 17 S fEET OF LOTS 11, 12, AND 13, All OF LOTS 14, IS, AND 16, AND THE NORTH 30 FfET Of l.OT 17, ALL IN BlOCK 100; RENTON FARM PlAT, AS PER PlAT RECORDeD IN 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, TOGETHERWlTH THAT PORTION Of THE VACATeD AllEY ADJOINING, eXCEPT THAT PORTION DEEDED TO THE CITY Of RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 7307090450, . SITUATED 1N THE CTY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEl 4 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP Z3 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M ,DESCIU8ED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT A POINT 60. FEET NORTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 13 IN 8LOCK 10 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 Of pLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, THENce NORTH, ALONG THE WEST UNE OF PARK AVENUE PRODUCED, 185 FEer, THENCE WEST 1075 FEET, ~ENCE SOUTH 185 FEET. THENCE EAST .107 5 FEET TO THe POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF ,"" AVENUE NORTH BY DeED R.ECOR.DEDUNDER. RECORDING NO 7206090448; AND exCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOf CONVEYED TO TKE CITY OF RENTON FOR. R.IGHT -OF-WAY BY -D'EED ReCOR.OEO-UNOER RECORDtNG NO._9406070Sl4, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCel 5 . PARCEl. 6 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PlAT NO 093-89, ACCOROtNG TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KlNG COUNTY RECORDING NO 8911149006, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PAGeS _________ .... _______________ ........ 0 ... _ ...... _111.""' .... ,,_ .... ""!'Io ... _ ... ~,_-.... T..... ,.. ............ ___ _ PARCE\. 6 . THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET. OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF THE SOUTHwesT 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M , WHICH UES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6'" STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERlY EXTeNSION OF THE CENTERLINeS OF PElLY AveNue NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELtS STREET NOR.TH, exCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE em OF ReNTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 7108190352 AND 8509130916, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KlNG, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 7 PARCEL A OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNOER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO 8911149006, . TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 IN BLOCK 3.AND lOTS 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK 4 OF RENTON FARM ACREAGE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN· VOlUME 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 37, RECORDS OF KING COUNtY: AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED STREET AND AllEY ADlOINING, AS VACATED UNDER dTY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NOS 3319, 3327 AND 4048 WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHES TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION Of LAW, AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION Of THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHweST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, lOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M , WHICH UES BETWEEN THE WEST UNE OF SAID VACATED ALleY ON THE EAST AND.THt: EAST UEN OF SecONDARY STATe HIGHWAY NO 2-A (PARK AVENUE EXTENSION) ON THE WEST; eXCEPT THAT PORTION THEReOF CONVEYEO TO THE cm OF RENTON BY DEeos RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 5180889 AND 9406070579; SITUATED IN THE em OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCELS THAT PORTlON OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF seCTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH L.INE OF SAID SUSDMSION WITH THE . -NORTHERlYPRODucnONOFTHE-WEST-UNE-OFPARK-AVENUEi-ASSHOwN-IN-THePlAT-OF-RENroH-- FARM PLAT; AS PER PLAT RECOROED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, THENCe SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEel NORTH OF THE SOUTH UHf OF SAID SUBOMSION, THENce WEST PARAllEL W[TH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF PElLY STREET, THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLINE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEeT Of SAID SUBDIVISION, • . PAGe 10 ______ ......... :ou,...,..,., ... _ s"" ............ -..... ___ -... -.... ________ _. .......... , •• - c::J. IZIO ... .CCI THENCE WEST AlONG SAID NORTH UNETO tHe NOATH~LY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UN! Of MAIN STREET. NOW weLl.S AVENue NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PlAT OF RENTON FARM PlAT NO. l, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PlATS, PAGe 32. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET, THE;NCE WESTERLY AlONG SAID NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6"' STREET TO THE EASTeRLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURUNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT ·OF-WAY, THENCE NORTHeRlY ALONG SAID RIGHT·Of-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBOMSION. THENCe EASTERLY ALONG SAID NoRTH UNE TO THE POINT OF 8eGINNING, excEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE 01Y OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6'IM STReeT BY DEEOS RECOROEDUNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508,7106110510. 71061-10511. 8509100968,8509130916 AND 8509130917: SlTUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, SlATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-A THAT PoRTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF ·THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION '. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M, LYING SOUTHERLY OF NORTH 6TH STREET, WESTERlY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH EXTENSION (LOGAN AVENUE NORTH) AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNOER RECORDING NO 3261297, EASTERLY OF CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY (COMMERCIAL WATERWAY NO 2), ANO NORTHERLY Of' THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BY DEED ReCORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 5701684. EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE BOEING COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNOER RECORDING NO 5907048 (ALSO aEING THAT TRACT DeSCRlaED IN PARCEL 10 FOLLOWING). SITUATE IN THE em OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-8 THAT PORTION OF GOVfRNMENl LOTS 1 AND 3 IN THE EAST 'h OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHlP Z3 NORTH, RANGE 5 eAST W M , AND OF CH AD51T.S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT, AS PER PlAT. RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 79, RECORDS OF KING COuN1Y, AND CEJ\TAIN VACATED STReers, AVENUES AND ALLeYS IN SAID PLAT, AND CERTAIN SHORE LANDS AND .VACATED LCIGAN STREET NORTH (FORMERlY WIllIAMS STREET NORTH), [N SAID SHORE lANDS. AU. DESCRIBED AS · FOLLOWS . BEGINNING AT tHE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH UNf OF SIXTH AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST UNf OF LOGAN STREET NORTH, · THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST UNf Of SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO THE EAST -WEST · CENTSRUNE IN SAID SEqION 7, THENCE· EASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERUNE Of SAID SECTION TO THE WeSTERLY UNE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH, AS THE SAME IS CONVEYED NORTH OF SAID seCTION UNE, THENCE NORTHERlY ALONG SAID weST UNE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID WEST UNE, PAGE " __________________________________________________________ .m _______ ~_,_~.~, ~ THENce NORTHWeSTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERI.Y UNf OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO M INTERSECTION WITH A UNE PARALLEl WITH AND 30 FEET NORTHWESTERLY OF THE GOVERNMENT . MEANDER UNE IN SAID.GOVERNMENT LOT 1, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALlEL UNf TO A POINT ON THe NORTHeASTERLY LINe OF SAID VACATED LOGAN STREfT NORTH. THENCE ALONG SAlD NORTHEASTERLY UNE, NORTHWESTERLY TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID NORTHEASTERLY UNE; THENCE NQRTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY UNE OF SAID VACATED STREET TO THE INNERHAR80R UNE OF LAKE WASHINGTON.· . THENCE SOUTHWesTERLY ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR UNE TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF THE RIGHT· OF-WAY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY NO 2, . THENCE SOUTHeRLY, ALONG THE EASTeRLY UNe OF SAID WATERWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY, TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH UNe OfSAED SIXTH AVENue NORTH, THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, . TOGETHER WITH BLOCK C OF THE 3RD SUPPlEMENT OF lAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, SITUATE IN THE CllY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-C . AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF scenON 5, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTIoN 7 AND IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8. AU. IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W M , INa.UDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS SHOWN ON SHEETS NOS 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPAReD 8Y UDO HesSE AND FIlED IN CAUSE NO 156311 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF. KING COUNTY ENmlED SEATTLE FACl'"ORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS ANNIE J ADAMS, ET AL • AND MORE PARTICULARLY DeSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. . BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT I, seerloN 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., THENCE NORTH 88"51'05-WEST ALONG THe NORTH UNE OF SAID LOT I, AND ALONG SUCH UNE PROOUCED WESTERLY 96001 FEET. MORi OR LeSs, TO AN INTERSECTION WfJ'H THE WeSTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 1J8051'05-WEST ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAn> LOT 1 PRODUCED . ___ . ____ . ____ ._ _ __ WESTERLY,]61~9_fEEI,_M~~J!B._~~,_:r.Q~_~_S!!ptC?_CONCRETE MONUMENT. SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY UNE OF THeSHUFFlETON-STENHLANTPROPERTY; THENC1: NORTH 43°06'S6-WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERlY LINE OF SAtD SHUFFI..ETON PROPERTY, 680 06 FEET, MORE OR lESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR UN! OF lAKf WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS lAIC OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, • THENCE SOUTH 46°52'2r WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR UNE 858 51 fEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGtNNING, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 46°52'27-WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 726 94 FEET TO AN rNTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE VACATED COUNTY ROAD NO 316, ALSO KNOWN AS RAILROAD AVENUE, WILLIAMS STREET AND LOGAN STREET IN THEClTY OF RENTON, sAID ROAD BEtNG EXTENDED NORTHERLY, PAGE 12 .~- ----------------------------------~ --~ ~ cc. c: ... c::> C'ooP c::tlf CD CC) CI"OII , II::) , c=-ct'<I THENCE SOUTH 14"36'26" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID EXTENDED COUNTY ROAD 81101 FeET TO AN ANGlE POINT IN THE EASTERLY MARGlN OF SAID ROAD, THENCE SOUTH 41"22'31" eAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MAAGIN514 19 FEET TO A POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE BOEING COMPANY PROPERTY KNOWN AS PARCEL V, THENCE SOUTH 66°24'16" EAST ALONG SAlD NORTHERlY BOUNDARY.OF PARCEL V 21751 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RlGHT.QF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC IWLWAY COMPANY, SAIOINTERSECTION BEING POlNT ON A OJRVE OF RADIUS 1482 11 FEET FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BeARS SOUTH 62°38'53. EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-Of-WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 3.16 19 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHENce THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 50"24'23· EAST, . . THENCE NORTH 14°34'18" WEST 1,546 44 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SITUATE IN THE CllY OF RENTON, COUNlY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL goO AN IAAfGUlAR TRACf OF lAND LYING IN THe SOUTHWesT 1/4 OF secnON 5, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7 AND IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, AU. IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M., INCLUDING WlTHtN THIS TRACT CERTAIN POR.TIONS OF LAKE W~HINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS SHOWN ON SHEET NOS 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BYUOO HESSE ANDflLEO IN CAUSE NO 1563711N THE SUPeRIOR COURT OF KING COUNTY ENTITLED SEAlTLE fACTORY SITES COMPANY, er AL VS ANNIE] ADAMS, ET Al AND MORE PARTICUI.Ml.Y DESCRIBED AS FOUOWS' BEGINNING ~T THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1., SECTION 8, TOWNSHip 2J NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W M , THENCE NORTH 88°S1'OS-WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, AND ALONG Suot UHE PRODUCED WESTERLY, %0 01 FEET, MORE OR U;SS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WesTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT -OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PAClFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°S1'OS-WEST ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY 761.39 FEeT, MORE OR LESS, TO AN EXlSTINGCONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY UNE OF THE SHUFFlETON STeAM PLANT PROPERlY; THENCE NORTH 0°06'56" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERlY UNf OF SAID SHUFflETON PROPERTY, 680 06 FEET, MORE OR lESS, TO AN INTERSEcrtON WITH THE INNER HAR.80R UNE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS LAID OUT BY THE STATE Of WASHtNGTON, .-'THENCESOUTW46°52'27·WEST ALONG'SAlO INNER-HARBOR UNE60789. FEET TalHE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,· . ..... ....--.. " .. " . THENCE cONTINUING SOUTH 46°52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR UNE 250 62 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 14°34'18" EAST 1,54644 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NOR.THWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY .OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, SAID INTERSEcnON BaNG P01NT ON A CURVE OF RADIUS 1,482 11 FEET FROM WHICH THE CENTER. OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 50°24'2]" EAST. THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF-WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 13281 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE OF RAOlUS 2,052 27 FEET FROM WHENCE THE CENTeR OF THE CIRCLES BEAR SOUTH 45a 16'2B" EAST, PAGe 13 ______ ~ ________________________ ~~~~ __ ~" ________ s~*_ ______________ ~~_, • THENCE CONTlNUI~G AlONG SAtO RIGHT-Of-WAY MARGrN ON A CURve TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 214 91 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY, . THENCE NORTH s0043'32" EAST ALONG SAlD RiGhT-OF-WAY MARGIN 15990 FEeT, THENCE NORTH 20·38'24" WEST 700 81 FEa, THENCE NORTH 46·53'04" EAST 21S.00 FEET, THeNCE NORTH 43*06'56" WEST 713 87. FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BeGINNING, SJTUATEIN THE OTY.OFRENTON, COUI'fTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON . PARCEL 10 THAT PORTION Of THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W M, I.YING EASTERl.YOF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO.2 (CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY), AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STRt:ET NORTH eXTENSIO.N (LOGAN AVENUE NORTH) AS.oeeoeD TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 3261297, DESCRIBED As .SEGINNlliIG AT THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 61N AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST MARGIN OF LOGAN STREET NORTH, . . THENCE NORTH 89°34'11" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN; 674 91 FeeT, TO THE MOST NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY CORNER OFA TRACT CONVEYED TO THE SOEING COMPANY, BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RfCOROING NO 5701683, AND THE TRue POINT OF BEGtNNING, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°34'11" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH MARG1N, 441 54 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNf OFCOMMeRClAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO 2, AS CONDEMNeD IN KiNG COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO 211409. THENCE SOUTH 12°41'42" EAST, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE. 328 72 feET TO THE INTERSECTION WlTH A UNE PARALLEl. WITH AND 320 FeeT SOUTH OF. AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6TH AVENUE NORTH, THENCE SOUTH 89°34'11-EAST ALONGSAlO PARAlLEl UNE, 366 34 FEET. THENCE NORTH 00°2$'49" EAST 320 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BeGINNING, SmJATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY Of KlNG, STATE OF WASHINGTON PAACElll THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 Of SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M .. ·.OESC1U&EO AS FOllOWS. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH UNf Of' SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 WITH THE EASTERlY MARGIN OF PARK STREET, ALSO KNOWN AS SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO 2A, THENCf SOUTH 89°28'19" EAST ~LONG SAID SOUTH UNE 771 i1 FEET, THENCE NORTH 00°31'51" EAST 25323 FEET TO THE TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE lEfT OF RADIUS 8SO FEET. PAGe 14 '- ________________ ~.a ______________ m. _______________ •• ' THENCe NORTHERlY ALONG SAID CURve 274 82 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY, THENCE NORTH 17°59'39-WEST 1484 81 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERlY lo1ARGIN OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOUl.EVARO, • THENCE.5OUTHWESTERlY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LUr FROM .WHENc:e THE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 49018'19" EAST 288 67 FEET. THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 250 S7fEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY, SAID POINT 01' TANGENCY BEING ON THE EASTERlY MARGIN OF SAtD PARK STREET, THENCE SOUTH 00057'41-weST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1581 30 FeET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, . EXCEPT THAT PORTION FOR PRIMM., STAte HIGHWAY NO; 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE AS CONDEMNED IN KING COuNTy SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO 656127. AND excePT THAT PORnON(S) THEREOF CONVEYeD TO THE CI1Y OF. RENTON fOR PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 9703181422, BEING ARE-RECORDING OF 9612120855 AND RECORDlNG NO. 8811150482. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD, ADJOINING, WHICH. UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAnON OF LAW, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHLNGTON PARCEL 12 AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LVING IN THe NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTIONS, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, INa.uDING WITHIN THlSTRAcr ceRTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKe WASHINGTON SHORE lANDS AS SHOWN ON SHEETS NOS J AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED 8Y UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAuse NO 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY stTES COMPANY, ET AL VS ANNIE J ADAMS, ET AL, AND MORE PARTICUlARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT lOT 1, seCTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NOATH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M" IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THENCE NORTH 88"'51'05" WesT AlONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAlO LOT I, AND AlONG SUCH UNf PRODUCED WESTERlY 960 01 FEET, MORE OR LESS. TO AN INTERSEcnON WtTH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-Of·WAY OF THE NORTHERN PAOFle RAILWAY COMPANY. THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°51'05. wesr ALONG THE NORTH UNf OF SAID lOT 1 PRODUCED . __ . ___ .. ____ . _.. WESTERLY 76139FEET. MORE OiUESS, TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT,.SAJD MONUMENT ... _ .. _._ ..... . . --ae1NcfAtfANGIEPOOOUPOi'fTHE·-Jl/OR'lliERLVUNEOF-THlrstiuI'FlEtON·STEAM·PLANT PROPER"'; . THENCE NORTH 43°06'56-WEST, AJ.ONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERTY UNE OF SAID SHUFfI.ETON PROPERTY, 680 06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WtTH THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS ASLAlD OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, . THEtfCE SOUTH 46°52'278 WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR UNE 607.89 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 43°06'56-eAST 713 87 fEET TO THE TRUE POtNT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 43°06'56-EAST 220 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 46Q53'04" WEST 220 00 PEET, PAGE 1& THENCE SOUTH 31°3;"23" EAST 44822 FEET TO AN INTeRSECTION WITH THe NORTHWESTER!.v MARGIN OF THE RIGHT.-OF-WAY OF THe NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, ThENCE ALONG SAIO MARGIN SOUTH 50043'32-WEST 17400 FEET, THENCE NORTH 20°38'24-WEST 700 61 FEET, THENce NORTH 46°53'04-EAST 215 00 feET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING, EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND POWER. • UGHT COMPANY BY . DEED RECORDeD UNDER RECORDING NO 8812140277 AND FURTHER DEUNEATEO AS PARCElS C AND D ON CITY OF Rl!NTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMeNT NO 004·88, RECORDED UNDER. RECORDING NO. 8808309006, TOGImiER WITH THAT PORTION KNOWN AS PARta E OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 004-88 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 8808309006, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE REFERENCED TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENce SOUTH 43°06'56-EAST 3 86 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 14Q36'26" EAST 244 87 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENce CONTINUING SOUTH 14°36'26" EA$T 345 29 feET, THENCE NORTH 31°3732-WEST 309 63 FeET, THENCE NORTH 46°53'04-EAST 103 03 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SITUATE IN THE em OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 13 THAT· PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 eAST, W.N., LYING EASTERLYOFTHEABANOONED BURUNGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BaT UNE) RAILROAD R~GHT-oF·WAY AND LYING WESTERLY OF PARK AVENUE (t.AKe WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S E ); . TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION Of GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAW SECTION, DESCRIBeD AS BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURlINGTON NORTHERN (LAJ<E WASHINGTON BELT UNE) RAIlROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE WESTeRlY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S E ), ------------.----------THENCE-sOtmtWESTERLY-ALONGSAm-SOUTHEASTERLY-MARG[N60FEET-TO-THETRUETO-THE POINT OF &£GINNING, THENCE SOUTHEASTERlY AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PMK AVENUE (t..AKe WASHINGTON BOUlEVARD S E " . THENCe SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THe SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, THENCE WESTEIU. V TO SAID SOUTHEASTERlY RAILROAD MARGIN, . THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE TRUE POINT OF eEGINNING, PAGE 16 ---------_ ...... _ ......... -, ..... EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONDEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAuse NO 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVE {EO TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED ReCORDED UNDER ReCORDING NO 9103181422, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARca 14 THAT PORTION OF THE BURUHGTON-NORTHERN INC_ (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFiC RAD.WAY CO.) 100 fOOT RAILWAY RIGHT -OF-WAY IN SECTlOHS 1 AND!t TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W M., LYING BETWEeN THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTli 4 STREET AND THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTH 6'"' STRW, SITUATED IN THe CITY OF RENToN, COUNTY OF KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON PARCELlS THAT PORTION OF THE aURUNGTON NORTHERN INC.'S 100 FOOT RIGHT -OF-WAY FOR ITS BELT UN! IN GOVeRNMENT LOTS 1. 2, 3 AND NORTHWEST .,. OF THE SOUTHWEST It. OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 ~ORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M., AND GOVEMMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN seCTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH UNE OF 6'" AVENUf NORTH AND A UNE EXTENDING SOUTHeAS1'ERLYAND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER UNE AS NOW CONSTRiJCTED fROM SURVCY STATION 1068+00 IN SAID CENTER UNE (DISTANT 408 FEET SOUTHWESTEIU.Y •. MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER UNE. FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURlINGTON NORTHERN INC 'S BRIDGE NO 3) ANO SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOUOWING . DESCRI8ED UNE BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERlY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER UNE OF TRACK. AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, fI«)M SURVEY STATION 1068+00; THENCE soutHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT UNE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY. MEASURED FROM 1IiE SOUTHEAS'TeRLY RIGHY-DF-WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1014+00, THENCE CONTINULNG SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY UNE OF THE 100 fOOT RIGHT-Of-WAY OF BURUNGTON NORTHER.NINe AND SOUTHEASTeRLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADSLOCK STATION 8+85 S THE END OF OeSCRlBED UNf AND END OF DESCRlPTlON, SITUATED IN THE 01Y OFRENTON~ COUNTY OF I<lNG, STATE OF WASHINGTON PAGe 17 S" ATTACBMENTl Development Regulations Applicable to Phase H Development • 1 Development regulations, including. but not booted to the folloWIng chapters of TItle IV of the Renton Mumclpal Code .• Chapter 1 • Chapter2 • Chapter3 • Chapter4 • Cbapter6 2 Pohcles set forthm the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan (adopted February 20~ 1995, amended AUgUst 13, 2001). PAOH 18 20031210001637.001 Retum Address Offi~ of1he C!1.y Clerk Renton CIty Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton; WA 98055 ........ ~~~_ ..... IIIIII"11 11.81 . Doeument Title(s) (or traosacbons contamed tberem) 1 ~elopment Agreement for Renton Plant RedeVelopment Reference Number(s) of Documents assIgned or :released: (on page_ of documtmts(s» Grantor(s) (Last name first. then first name and mrtlals) 1 . The Boemg Company Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1 City of Renton Legal deserlption (abbreviated 1 e lot, block. plat or section, townshIP, raitge) Portl<>ns of Renton Farm Plat, Renton Farm Plat No 2,Plat of SartorlSVIDe, Renton Boiler Works Short Plat, Renton Farm Acreage Plat. CIty of Renton Short Plat, C H Adsit's Lake Wasbmgton Plat, and Government Lots 1, 2, and 3 -STR. 082305 TAXLOT $5 PeL 1 BOEIt-lO, STR 082305 TAXLOT 115 PCL 2 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 880 PCL 3 BOEING. sm 08~05 T AXLOT 19 PCL 4 BOEING. STR 082305 . TAXLOT 9 PCL 5 BOEING, 8TR 082305 T AXLOT 37 PeL 6 BOEING. STR 082305 TAXLOT lOS PeL 7 BOEING. SrR 08230S TAXLOT 152 PCL 8 BOEING, 8TR07230S TAXLOT 1 PCL 9 BOEING,STR 072305 TAXLOT 46 PCL 10 BOEING. STR 082305 TAXLOT 11 PCL 11 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 187 PCL 12 BoEING, sm 082305 TAXLoT 79 PCL 13 BOEING, 8m 072305 TAXLOT 100 PCL 14 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 204 PeL 15 BOEING 00 FuIllegallS m pages _. _ tbrou8h __ of document Assessor's Property Tax PareellAccoJIDt Number POrtIons C)fthe fulloWtng' 1#756460-0055-04, tn22300·011S-08, #722400-0880-00, #o8230Sw9019-00. #082305;.9209-00, #08230S-9037-08, #7223()()"()10S-00.#()82305-9152...()7.#072305-9001~Ol, #072305- -·9046-:.o8;#08236S:90n:.o8~#OID-05:9187~-1#()8130~907~;##07230S~91()();'ol;W082305~92()¢;05--- --, .-- [/BOEING Dev ~ent 11 2403 doc] 11/24103 20031210001637.002 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN . THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON . FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF A PORTION OF THE BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY L PREAMBLE . This DEVELOPMENT. AGREEMENT ("Agreem~nt") between THE BOEING COMPANY (4'Owner" or "Boeing',), a Delaware corporation, and the CITY OF RENTON ("Renton"), a municipal corporation oCthe State of Washington, is entered into pursuant to the authority ofRCW 36.70B.170 through .210, under which a local govemmel}t inay enter into a development agreement with an entity having ownership or control of real property within its jurisdiction. n. RECITALS A. Owner owns approximately 280 acres of real property, known as the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility (,'Renton Planf' or ''Planf'), located in Renton, King County, WashingtOn, as more particularly described in Exhibit 1, attached. Since the early 19408, the Plant has been used tomanumcture military and commercial airplanes. B. The majority of the Renton Plant site has historically been zoned for . heavyindustrlal use and has, for several years, been designated Employment Area- Industrial by the Renton Comprehensive Plan. Since 2000, a parcel along the Plant's eastern boundary has been zoned 1lI ·and designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Empioyment Area-Transition (Interim) and a nearby parcel has been zoned CO and designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Etuployment Area-Office. C. In 2002, Owner informed Renton of its plan to consolidate its Renton Plant operations to the site area west of Logan Avenue, an effort commonly known as . _ .. _ __ ___ ._ ... -__ the'_'Mov~to-the-Lake.!'--Move-to-the-Lake-is,-amongother--tbings,intended-to- release underiltilized land as surplus for eventual sale and redevelopment. D. To provide certainty and efficiency to Owner with respect to further developmt21t of the Renton Plant for airplane manufacturing purposes, to encourage continued airplane manufacturmg by Owner at the Renton Plant, and in anticipation of potential future redevelopm~nt efforts, Owner and Renton entered into a Development Agreement (''2002 Agreemenf,) on June 28, 2002, by Resolution [/BOEING Dev Agreement 11-24~3 doc] 11124103 Page 1 20031210001837.003 . No. 3568 whi~among other things. established baseline trip counts, redevelopment credit and vesting of land use regulations under certain circumstances for ongoing Renton. Plant operations imd potential redevelopment. E. .Based on further discussions between Owner and Renton regarding . pptential opportunities for redevelopment of the Renton Plant site, in phases, over time, Renton resolved. by Resolution 3589~ on October 14, 2002, tO'conduct ettvironmcmtal revi~ in the form of an environmental impact statement ("BIS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPAt ,) ofCa) potential alteniatives for redevelopment of all or a portion of the Renton Plant site and (b) related public infrastructure. Resolution 3589 also established a conceptual public/private :framework for the eventual mitigation of the impacts of Renton Plant redevelopment on transportation infrastnicture and public services. . F; On December 4, 2002, Owner and Renton entered into an agreement concerning the funding and construction of the extension of Strander Blvd. across Owner's Longacres property ("Strander Agreement") .. Among other things, the Strander Agreement establishes a S1.7 million transportation mitigation credit to Boeing that may be uSed to pay for transportation improvements needed to support development of Owrier's properties located in Renton. G. On December 16,2002, Owner submitted an application to Renton for amendment of the Comprehensive Plan designation applicable·to the Renton Plant site ("Comprehensive Plan Application") from ill to Employment Area -Transition . ("EAT"). Renton elected to designate the area under a new Comprehensive Plan designation and combine the Compreh~sive Plan Application With amendments proposed by Renton to the zoning text, zoning map and development standard for the Renton Plant site H On December 20, 2002, Renton imposed, by Resolution 3609, a Moratorium on development in areas of Renton, including the Renton Plant, zoned IH. One s4\ied reason for the Moratorium was Renton's desire to "provide adequate time for ReIiton staff to prepare and present proposed changes to the Comprehensive .. -..... -Plan-and zOiUiig'i ofthose·areasiimed 1ieavY1iiclUSirlar(fiij~----· -----.-----.. ---.-----.. L On January 13, 2003, the City Council held a public hearing on the Moratorilim. At the request of the Boeing Company, Renton amended the MoratOrium to allow Boeing to consolidate its facilities within the Renton Plant. . After the January 13, 2002 pubbc hearing, the Renton City Council adopted Resolution 3613 which continued the Moratorium in those areas of Renton zoned [/DOffiNG Dev Agreement 11-24-03 doc} lln4/03 PlIge2 heavy industrial (IH), but also agreed to support Boeing's "Move-to-the-Lake" including any required building modification or construction . . J. On June 9, 2003, the City Council amended the Moratorium for a 20031210001637.004 second time by the adoption of Resolution 3639. Resolution 3639 lifted the Moratorium over I-H zoned areas located within the Employment Area-Valley Comprehensive Plan designation. The. Renton Plant is the only I-H zoned property of any significant size that continues to be bound by the Moratorium, which is scheduled to expire on December 2, 2003. . . K. On March 4,2003, Renton's Environmental Review Committee ("ERC") adopted a determination of significance for the Proposal. Renton issued a Scoping Notice and ScopingDocwrient for the ElS on March 10,2003. On March 25, 2003, a public scoping meeting was held to receive written and oral comments on . the proposed scope of Study. A Draft Environmental1mpact Statement (DElS) was issued by the ERe on July 9, 2003. A public hearing was held on July 30, 2003. A tItirty day commentperlod on the DElS was closed on August 8, 2003. The Final EIS was.issued on October 21,2003. .. L. Portions of the Proposal were the subject of a Renton Planning Commission hearing held November 12, 2003; the Proposal and related modifications to Renton's existing parking code, site development plan review ordinance, and. binding site plan ordinance were the subject of the Ci1y Council Hearing held on November 17.2003. The City Council adopted all by ordinance on November 24, 2003. M. OwDer has determined that the portions of the Renton Plant Site known as Lot 3 and the 10-50 site will become under-utilized at the completion of Move-to- the .. Lak~. Consequently, those portions of the Plant may be surplUsed and made available for sale, in the near future. IN LIGHT OFTIIE FOREGOING, and because successful redevelopment of all· or portions of the Renton Plant site will be oflongwterm benefit to both Renton and ........ _. ____ ._. __ ._._. __ ~~~,~~1!~~4_~_~_4~_~~~~Y_~gr~_~_.~Jo!I~~~ _. ____________ . m. AGREEMENT 1. Definitions 1.1 Arterial Roads means the primary public roads supporting District 1 and 2 Redevelopment, as diagrammed in plan and section and described oil Exhibit 2. [/BOEING Dev Agreement 11·24-03 doc] Ilfl4lO3 Pap 3 20031210001637.005 attached, with typical sections of the individual Arterial Roads shown in Exhibits 2A -through 2E (herinafter collectively referred to as Exhibit 2). 1.2 Boeing means The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation, and related or subsidiary entities. 1.3 Design Guidelines means the Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations established by Renton to supplement the Development Regulations with respect to the design of certain: uses perlnitted within the UC-N zone. t,4 Development Regulations means those portions of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) zoning provisions that govern certain aspects of site planning, building design, landscape Iequirements and other elements of development within a given zone. 1.5 District 1 means that area of the Renton Plant Site located east of Logan Avenue, as designated on Exhibit 3 attached. 1.6 District 2 means that area of the Renton Plant Site located west of Logan Avenue, as designated on Exhibit 3. 1.7 Economic Benefit Analysis means the calculation of estimated one time and recurring revenues and jobs generated by a proposed Redevelopment project. 1.8 _ Franchise Utilities means electricity, natural gas, telecommuniCations, and -other utilities not prOVIded by Renton. 1.9 futerchanges mean access points from Renton roadways to and from Interstate-405. 1.10 Intersections mean the general areas where two or more roadways join or cross,includingthe roadways and roadside facilities for traffic movement within them . . . __ _ ____.J .U __ ~41I~~f.Q..lj~.l~_~4J!~~!,#~.~.R~~Q~p~!!~~!y~J)!~ ___ .... _ . policies,De~elopment Regulations and Design Guidelines. 1.12 Local Roads means all on-site roads that are not Arterial Roads and that are necessitated by Redeveiopment. 1.13 Off-Site Intersections means intersections not included within District 1 ot District 2. [IBOElNG Dev Agreement 11-24-03 400] 11124103 Pago4 20031210001637.006 1.14 On..site Intersections means the intersections shown on Exhibit 4. l.15 Owner means Boeing and any 'transferee or successor-iti-interest of all or any portion of the Renton Plant . I! 16· Proposal means, collectively, Owner's Comprehensive Plan Application and related zoning and Development Regulation amendments proposed by Renton. 1.17 RMC means the Renton Municipal Code. 1.18 Redevelopment means construction of improvements to the Renton Plant for uses other than airplane manufacturing or uses supporting or associated with airplane manufacturing. . 1.19 Renton Plant Operations means airplane manufacturing and supporting or 8SS.ociated uses conducted on the Renton Plant Site. 1.20 Renton Plant Site means District·} and District 2, collectively, as shown on Exhibit 3. 1 ~21 Site Plan Process means the master planning and site plan requirements oftheRMC applicable to Redevelopment within the UC-N zone. 1.22 Subdistrict IA means that portion of District 1 commonly known as Parking Lot 3 and the 10-50 Building as shown on the Subdistrict lA Conceptual Plan. ·1.23 Subdistrict IB means that portion of District 1 commonly known as the 10-80 site, Lo.t 10, and other Boeing-owned parcels east of Logan Avenue and south . ofSth Street 1.24 Subdistricts means Subdistrict 1 ~ Subdistrict 18, and District 2, . collectively. 1.25 . Utilities means water, sewer and stonnwater system improvements that .. --. ---. ····-··-servetlie RentOii PlimTSiie:-----... -... '-. -------..... -.. ---... -.--.---.--.. -...... -... -. - 2. Basis of Agreement 2.1 Intent This Agreement establishes certain roles and responsibilities for the potential phased Redevelopment of all or a portion of the Renton Plant Site, including but not [!BOEING Dev Agreement I 1·24-03 doc] 11124103 Page 6 20031210001637.007 limited to Renton commitments for corresponding potential funding and constmction of certain public infrastructure improvements benefiting the Renton Plant Site and the coiDrilunity at large and Owner commitments to participate in the funding of certain public improvements, to fund all private aspects of Redevelopment, and to redevelop the Renton Plant Site consistent with applicable Land Use Policies and Regulations. 2.2 SEPA Deeision Doeument This Agreement is entered into in lieu of a SEP A "Decision Document" and, as such, establishes all· SEPA-based conditions neceSsary to mitigate potential adverse impacts of the Proposal, and Renton's approval of the Subdistrict lA Conceptual Retail Plan. 3. Redevelopment Planning Redevelopment of the Renton Plant Site may occur incrementally startingwi1h properties within Subdistrict lA Conceptual planning for the possible surplus and sale of property will occUr in three areas of the Renton Plant Site, Subdistrict lA, Subdistrict IB,and District 2, as illustrated in Exhibit 3. Conceptual plannin& pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement, will be supplemented by master planning and site planning pursuant to the requirements ofRMC 4-9-200. 3.1 Conceptual Plan At the time at which Owner wishes to subdivide~ develop, sell, or otherwise alter any property within the Subdistricts for uses not related to airplane manufacturing or supporting uses, it will submit to Renton a Conceptual Plan including: . 3.1.1 A narrative describing the conceptual Redevelopment proposal and its relationship to the Renton's Comprehensive Plan Vision and Policies for the Urban Center-North; 3.1.2 The estimated timing and sequencing of property surplus and sale --. -(if-applicable);··-· -....-... -. ... .. .. -. . ---_. -_.. .- 3.1.3 A description of the proposed uses including the general mix of types~ estimated square footage of each building and parking for each structure, heights and residential densities;· 3.1.4 The general location of use concentrations (i.e., residential neighborhoods, office or retail cores, etc.); [/BOEING Dov Agreement 11·24·{)3 doc} 11124103 Page 6 20031210001637.008 3.1.5 Vehicular and pedestrian circulation that includes a hierarchy and general location of type, including arterials, pedestrian-oriented streets, other local roads and pedestrian pathways; 3.1.6 Genera11oeation and size of public open space; and . 3.1.7 An economic benefit analysis demonstrating the conceptual development's anticipated economic impact to loCal, regional and state governments. 3.2\ ConeeptuaJ Plan Approval Owner will submit the Conceptual Plan to the City Council for approval. The Council will base its approval on the proposed Conceptual Plan's fulfillment of the adopted Comprehensive Plan Vision and Policies for the Urban Center-North. 3.3 Subsequent Land Use Approvals Renton will evaluate all subsequent development permit applications within the Subdistricts based on consistency with the approved Conceptual Plan. The process for subsequent master plan and site plan approval is outlined in RMe 4-9-200. 3.4 Modifieations to Approved Coneeptual Plans . 3.4.1 MOdifications to an approved Conceptual Plan may be made after an administrative determination of the significance of the proposed modification. 3.4.2 Min9l' modifications to an approved ConceptUal Plan may be approved administratively as long as the proposed modifications remain consistent with the spirit and intent of the adopted Plan. 3.4~3 If it is determined that a proposed modification is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of the adopted Conceptual Plan, or if an entirely new Conceptual Plan :is proposed, City Council approval is required . . _. ___________________ ._____ _~!S. __ .S]l1td~JrJ~ 1A~~1!~_~p~~aJ _ll,e.t!iL~-'~II. Owner has produced a Subdistrict lA Conceptual Retail Plan, attached as Exhibit St that meet$ the requirements of Section 3, outlining proposed Redevelopment of Subdistrict lAo By adoption of this Agreement, the City Council approves this plan as the Conceptual Plan for Subdistrict IA. 3.5.1 The Subdistrict IA Retail Conceptual Plan includes development of approximately 450,000 sq. ft. oflarge-and medium-format retail stores and [!BOEING Dov Agreemll/lt 11·24-03 doo) l1f24103 Page 7 20031210001637.009 approximately 110,000 sq. ft. of small retail shops, as well as potential locations for structured parking and upper story multi-family residential units or office uses. 3.5.2 An Economic Benefit Analysisfor Subdistrict lAofthe Redevelopment, attached as part of Exhibit 5, demonstrates that the Subdistrict IA _ Retail Conceptual Plan, which is forecast to produce estimated revenues to Renton of approximately $1.2 million in one-tiiIie, construction related revenues and an escalation to approximately $1.5 million in recurring annual revenues to support Subdistrict lA Retail Redevelopment beginning in 2009, demonstrates revenues sufficient to fuild Renton's obligation to construct public infrastructure supporting Sllbdistrict lA Retail Redevelopment subject to Section 4, below. 3.6 Additional Planning Applicable Owner aclmowledges that additional site planning based on the requirements of the RMC will be required for potential Redevelopment within the Subdistricts~ For example;, should Subdistrict lA be further divided by short plat, lot boundary adjUstment or otherwise, master planning and site planning for each parcel and ,building site pursuant to RMC 4-9-200 would be required. 4. Infrastructure Required to Support Redevelopment Transportation and trunk utilities anticipated to be necessary to support RedeveloPment and the inanner in which each will be fimded and developed are discussed below. Exhibit 2 generally illustrates,each segment of Arterial Roads. ExhibitS 6A, 6B. 7,,7 A. 7B and 8 illustrate supporting trunk utilities. Exhibit 9 de~bes infrastructure components and corresponding anticipated cost. 4.1 Transportation Improvements '~1.1 Arterial Roads Required at Full Build Out The parties agree that the Arterial Roads diagrammed on Exhibit 2 and listed on Exhibit 9, will be necesSary to support full redevelopment of the Renton Plant Site, '---:-----~ ------:--;----:-including-District 2,-assinning-an-intensity of tot a) site-Redevelopment no-greater than ' --'" Alternative 4 studied in the BIS. 4.1.2 Subdistrict lA Arterial Roads , The parties agree that the Arterial Roads or portions thereof diagrammed on Exhibit 10 as District 1, Subdistrict IA roads and listed by segment on Exhibit 9' are anticipated to be necessary for full Subdistrict lA Redevelopment. [/BOEING Dov Agreement 11·24-03 doc] 11124103 Pago8 20031210001637.010 4.1.3Subdistriet IB Arterial Roads The parties agree that the Arterial Roads or portions thereof diagrammed on Exhibit 10, With typical sections of the individual Arterial Roads shown in Exhibits lOA through 10E (hereinafter collectively referred to as Exhibit 10) as District 1, Subdistrict IB and listed by segment on Exhibit 9 are anticipated to be necessary for full Subdistrict IB Redevelopment. 4.1.4 Other Arterials The cost of required improvements to arterial roads not addressed by this Agreement will be paid by property owners or developers benefited by the improvement based on a fair share allocation of total cost 4.1.5 Arterial Road and Other Public Infrastructure Funding Renton agrees to design and construct the Arterial Roads and certain other elements of public infrastructure specified below at Renton's sole cost and expense; provided, that Renton will rely on revenues from sales tax on construction, increased sales tax from Redevelopment improvements and the property tax and other revenues generated by Redevelopment to fund its share of the public infrastructure anticipated under this Agreement. Renton will retain one-third (I/3) of the collected tax and other revenues generated by Redevelopment, and will set aside the remaining two- thirds (213) for inftastTucture improvements anticipated in this Agreement as necessary to timely support Redevelopment within the Subdistricts. Renton intends to utilize limited tax general obligation debt to fund Arterial Roads· and other public infrastructure und~ this Agreement, to . be paid for by·revenues generated by Redevelopment pursuant to the terms of Section For example, $12,000,000 in bonds would require approximately $l,OOO,OOOperyem-in debt service for a 20-year bond at 5% interest. Similarly, -------. --.------$7 ,5014000-1nbondS wowifrequueipproXiiiiatel:f$625,O-oO-per yeaYiD-debfsernce-- and $4,000,000 in bonds would require approximately $333,000 in debt service. Should tax revenues fall short of those necessary to timely install all infrastructure improvements required for a particular Redevelopment project, Renton may delay infrastructure construction until the tax revenue shortfall is remedied. [!BOEING Dev Agreement 11·24·03 doc] 11124/03 P4809 20031210001637.011 In the event of an infrastructure delay, Renton will "inlmediatelynotify Owner and (if Owner is a non-Boeing entity) Boeing of its need to delay and representatives of the parties will meet to discuss a cure, which may include (at Owner's or Boeing's option) the provision of alternative fuiancing pursuant to " Section 5 of this Agreement " 4.1.6 Arterial Rights of Way Owner agrees to dedicate, at no cost to Renton, the land necessary forthe rights of way described in Exhibit 2, at the time that land on which the rights afways are located is sold; provided; that (a) Renton may request earlier dedication, which Owner may approve in its sole discretion, which approval shall not be unreasQDably withheld, and (b) easementS or license agreements will be provided by Renton to Boeing, as BOeing deems necessary, to allow contlnuedoperation of facilities WithiIi the right ofway that support Renton Plant Operations." That is, the parties intend that, if approved, such e~ly dedication would not result in additional " cost to or dislocation of Renton Plant Operations. 4~ 1.6.2 ShC;>uld there be Owner buildings located in the rights of way, it shall be the responsibility of Owner to, at such time as the road needs to be constmcted, and upon Renton's request, (a) demolish such buildings and (b) cap and abandon any underground facilities that would interfere with Renton '.s use of the dedicated property for right of way purposes. Park Avenue is constructed asymmetrically within the current right of way. Exp~ion of Park Avenue anticipates use of the existing road. Some additional realignment may be necessary to connect Park Avenue to Logan. Owner will dedicate the necessary right ofway to realign Park Avenue to provide symmetrical right ofway and as antIcipa~d for expansion under Exhibit 2. Renton will vacate any excess right of way created by such realignment, at no expense :to Owner. ShoUld Owner haVe a building occupying property that would need to be dedicated to Renton for right of way, then Owner shall grant the right of way, except for the portion occupied by the building. " In such case Owner will reserve the right of -"--------:-"------:-way-for-Renton,-andprovide-the"dedicationat-no-costto Rentonwhen-the-building is demolished." Renton shall not vacate any right of way dedicated by I40eing necessaty to serv~ Redevelopment, until redevelopment is complete or upon the approval of Boeing and Owner. ("!BOEINO Dev Agreemant 11-24..()3 doc] 11124103 Page 10 20031210001637.012 4.1.7 Design Fnnd and Timing Renton agrees, within 30 days of the date of this Agreement. to earmark $1.5 million for funding of Arterial Road design and engineering ("Arterial Road Design Fund" or 'Cfund1. The Fund will be utilized, as needed, to ensure that design and engineering of the Arterial Roads· occur in collabomtion with Owner and sufficiently in advance of Redevelopment project construction to produ.ceneeded Arterial Roads in time to serve such Redevelopment The parties agree that Renton shall begin the consultant selection process for design of Arterial Roads within 30 days of the date of this Agreement. 4.1.7;2 With respect to Subdistrict lA Arterial Roads. Renton will begin design, through its consultant, of the intersection of Park and Logan as the first task of the consultant selected pt:i,rsualtt to Section 4.1.7 J. This early design shall be completed as soon as reasonably possible for the purpose of defining the location and ~ofthe needed right of way of the interSection of Park Avenue and Logan Avenue. Owner and Renton will consult on a right of way definition sufficient to permit Owner to establish its property lines for purposes of sale. 4.1.8 GeneralConstrnctioD Timing Construction of all or portions of Arterial Roads required for each increment of Redevelopment will occur based upon (a) need for that portion of the Arterial Road as demonstrated by a SEP A environmental checklist prepared for that increment of . Redevelopment, a traffic study, or other documentation agreed to by the parties, and . (b) a construction schedule established by Renton and approved by Owner to ensure final completion of such Arterial Roads, for each increment of Redevelopment. prior to issuance of the ·first ocCUpancy permit for that increment; provided, that if such Arterial Road construction is not timely cOmpleted, Renton shall identifY and C<>llstruct, at its cost, mutUally acceptable interim access . . 4.2 Intersections . .4!~ .. l __ QI!§it,JI!~~'-~f)~ The cost of On-Site Intersections will be paid by Renton according to the . principles set forth in Section 4.1.5, except that Owner will pay (a) the cost ofleft turn lanes necessary to provide access to Redevelopment and (b) that portion of the cost of the traffic signal necessary to support left tum movements. [IBOOJNO Dev Agreement 11-24~3 doc] 11124103 Page 11 20031210001637.013 4.1.1 Ott-Site Intersections The cost of Off -Site Intersections will be paid jointly by the parties in shares proportionate to the amount of predicted traffic using the development and the amOlmt of predicted traffic that is peral pass-through traffic. These traffic predictions will be made by use of a mutually· acceptable traffic forecasting model. Owner's cOntribution will be propOrtionate to the percentage of the traffic trips using the development, and Renton's CQntribution will be proportionate to the percentage of the tqd'fic trips that are general purpoSe pass through trips. 4.2.3 Boeing Trip Allocation Boeing agrees that it will allocate up to 1,500 Gfthe ''baselme trips" established by the 2002 Agreement for Redevelopment of District 1. It is lUlderstood that this Agreement is based upon reallocation ofup to 1,500 trips in order to mitigate or minimize the need for additional transportation improvements. The method, timing and distribution of each trip shall be at Boeing's sole discretion. ~ however~ Boeing's reservation of all or a portion of the 1,500 trips results in the need fot transportation improvements that would have been otherwise unnecessary, Boeing will bear the cost of those ·improvements. 4.3 Interchanges . The parties agree to collaborate on lobbying and othereff'orts to receive state and federal funding ofI~40S interchangeirilprovements that benefit Redevelopment. 4.4 Local Roads Owner agrees to pay for all Local Roads required for Redevelopment. 4.5 TransportatioD Mitigation Fees Renton agrees that Renton 1ransportation mitigation fees assessed as mitigation . for Redevelopment will be used to fund off-site improvements, required to support .-~.-----.-:----.-----Redevelopmenkinproportionaie-share-of the-cost of such improvements; ... ---- . NotWithstanding the foregoing, transportation impact fees shall not be devoted to On- Site Improvements or for site access improvements required by Redevelopment, such . as left turn laneS on periphery streets. 4.6 Sti'ander Agreement Transportation Mitigation Fee Credits The parties acknowledge that, at Boeing's sole discretion, all or a portion of the reserve account established by the Strander Agreement may be utilized to pay for [/BOEING Dov Agreement 11-24-03 <1001 11124103 Page 12 200312.10001637.014 all or a portion of Boeing's transportation obligations associated with Redevelopment, except that such credit may not be applied to reduce Boeing's share of the On-Site Intersection improvements addressed by Section 4.2.1. 4.7 Water 4.7.1 Renton shall, according to the principles set forth in Section 4.i ,Sf install water lines to support redevelopinent in coordination with the construction of Arterial Roads. 4.7.2 Water lines installed shall be consistent with the ''Option 1" plan · provided by Renton's Department of Planning, Building and Public Works, described · on Exhibits6A and 6B, attached. 4.7.3 Owner and Renton will work together to create a water plan to ensure provision of adequate routine (non-emergency) water and emergency water, including fire flow protection, to the Renton Plant Site, for continued Renton Plant Operations and for Redevelopment, including but not linuted to an agreement that water for Renton Plant Operations will be of adequate pressure, quantity, quality and haverequmxt system redundancy. 4.8 Stormwater Conveyance . Renton shall, according to the principles set forth in Section 4.1.5. install a stormwater drainage and collection system. to support Redevelopment, in coordination With the construction of Arterial Roads. The system to be installed is referred to as Option ·lB in EXhibit 7, which anticipates reuse of a portion of the Boeing stormwater drainage and collection sys1em.. The segment lengths, type of improvement, needed rlghfofway, length of laterals and estimated costs of these segments is set forth in · Exhibit 7 A If all or a portion of Boeing' s· stonnwater drainage and collection system is used, Boeing agrees to grant Renton an easement for maintenance. repair and replacement oftbat system and title to the storm water drainage and collection system being used by RentOn • .. -.. ---.-----------.----··----4~9--·-Samtifj·-Sewei···---..... --.... 4.9.1 Renton shall, according to the principles set forth in Section 4.1.5, install sewer main lines to support redevelopment. in coordination with the constrUction of Arterial Roads. £/BOEING nov Agreement 11-24-03 doc} 11124103 1'118013 20031210001637.015 .4.9.2 Sewer mairllines shall be installed consistent with the proposed plan provided by Renton's Department of Public Works, described on Exhibit. 8, attached. 4.10 Franchise Utllitles . Provision for Franchise Utilities must be made, in conjunction with installation of the Arterial Roa<1s. Franchise Utilities and Owner shall bear the cost of any out-of- pocket design costs, extra trenching, conduit, sleeves or other installations to provide for Franchise Utilities. Owner and Renton agree to reuse existing assets, ifboth parties agree that such reuse is feasible. 5. Alternative Financing S.l TrIggering Events ShoUld Renton be unable to timely fund public infrastructure improvements or should Owner or Boeing{ifOwner is a non-Boeing entity) determine that it requires construction of all or Ii portion of public infrastructure for Redevelopment on a . schedule more expedited than this Agreement provides, then, subject to the provisions . of Section 5.1 hereof, the parties hereto agree that, Owner or Boeing may choose, at . its sole discretion, to providealtemative fmancing for all or a portion of public infrastructure by one of the following means: 5.2 Potential Alternative Financing Methods .. 5.2.1 Owner or Boeing or some other party may build all or a portion of the· Arterial Roads and other infrastructure improvements described in Section 4 of this Agreement andseUaU or any portion of the public infrastructure to Renton or other applicable governmental authority pursuant to a conditional sales contract, lease purchase or installment purchase arrangement or similar method, the effect of which s~ be to· cauSe the lease or purchase payment obligation to qualifY as a prorirlse to pay within the meaning of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended .. • __ , _____ ...0..-_________ _ --_. ~-~. -.--~ -~---.----_. ---- 5.2.2 Renton, or some other governmental authority, may issue revenue bonds if and to the extent that the property to be financed is to be included in a utility, system or similar enterprise with respect to which revenues are eXpected to be available for the ultimate repayment of the capital cost of such property. [/BOEING Dov Agreement Il·24.(l3 doc] 1I124J{)3 Page 14 20031210001637.016 5.2.3 Renton may issue such other or further debt or other obligations, including any tax increment obligations, which Renton is now or hereafter legally authorized to issue. 5.2.4 To the eXtent that any alternative financing maybe structured in a manner which will pennit nationally recognized bond counsel to opine that the interest on any obligation is excludable from gross income of the holder of any obligation for federal income tax putposes, then Renton and Owner or Boeing covenant and agree to cooperate in gOod faith to structure the alternative financing in such manner. . 5.3 Repayment ·5.3.1 In the event that Owner or Boeing exercises its right of . · alternative financing pursuant to Section 5.1, the parties shall cooperate in good faith to enter into an agreement, pursuant to which the parties shall identifY any and all fees, user chqest revenues, taxes and other benefits which are expected to resuh directly or indirectly, either from the public infrastructure so constrUcted or acqW.red or from the transactions contemplated hereby ~ in order to determine the aggregate benefits to Renton and any other funds that Renton may obtain from other governmental authorities. 5.3.2 .The parties agree that they shall, to the maximum extent not prohibited by law, directly or indirectly allocate two-thIrds (213) of such taxes, revenues and other benefits identified in 5.3.1, over time, to pay amounts due with .. respect to alternative financin& or to reimburse Renton or related governmental · authority therefor. To the eXtent that such benefits are not permitted by lawto be directly allocated to pay debt service or similar obligations, the parties hereto agree that such benefitS shall nonetheless be taken into account directly or indirectly in determining the total amounts of public resources which shall be allocated to repay · such coSts, so that the net benefits resulting from the transactions and public •. infrastnictu.re are alloCated or deemed allocated for such purposes, in a fair and · equitable manner. It is further agreed that any costs of issuance of such public ... ~---. ·------.. -·-.:.---~financingsfany-capita1ized-interestthereon orany-similar-feesandexpenses-shaU,to--.. . the extent permitted by law, be included in the amount so financed and shall be · similarly repaid. [/BOEING Oev Agreemellt J 1-24~ dOll) 11124103 Page 15 6. Vesting 6.1 Site-Wide Vesting to Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Use Tables, and Site PlanProeess for Term of Agreement 20031210001637.017 Upon signing of this Agreement, the Renton Plant Site is vested through the term of this Agreement to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Use tabl~ and Site Plan Process in place as of the date oftliisAgreement. . ·6.2 Additional Vesting to Development ReguJations and Design Guidelines at Time of Conceptual Plan Approval 6.2.1 Generally . Vestitig to Development Regulations and Design Guidelines shall occur at the time of Conceptual Plan appro:vaI pursuant to Section 3.2 of this Agreement Such vesting shall extend for three years from the date of Conceptual Plan approval for Subdistricts IA ond IB, and extend for five years from the date of Conceptual PIan . Approval for District 2 ("Conceptual· Plan Vesting Periodtt)~ Development Regulations and Design Guidelines may be extended beyOnd the Conceptual Plan Vesting Period if a materially complete application for master plan approval, pursuant . to RMC, for all or a portion of the Conceptual Plan area is.submitted to Renton prior to the end of the Conceptual Plan Vesting Period, in which case such vesting shall be . extended as to duration and area only for the master plan area according to the termS of the master plan approval. 6.2.2 Vesting to Development Regulations and Design Guidelines for Snbdistrict lA Conceptual Plan The Subdistrict lA Conceptual Retail Plan approved pursuant to Section 3.2 of this Agreement is hereby vested for three years as provided by Section .6.2.1. 6.2.3 Additional Time Necessary to Finalize NOD-Retan . Development Regulations and Design Guidelines . The parties acknowledge that non-retail Development Regulations and Design GUidelines will not be in final fonn as of the date of this Agreement Renton sba11 consult with Boeing as it finalizes such standards and guidelines and make best efforts ... to submit such non-retail Development Regulations and Design Guidelines to City Council for adoption, no latet than Aprill, 2004. [IBOBINO Dev ~ent 11-24'()3 doc1 111l4103 Pagel6 .... -.-:'-.. _-_ .. - 6.2.4 Changes to Appllcable Land Use Polieies and Regulations 20031210001637.018 During any vested period, should Renton amend its Land Use Policies and Regulations, Boeing may elect to have such amended Policies and Regulations apply to Redevelopment; provided, that the Development Services Director must agree to such election, which agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld Notwithstanding the foregoing, Renton reserves the authority under RCW . 36.70B. 170(4) to impose·new or different regulations, to the extent required by the federal or state governments, or by a serious threat to public health and safety, such as changes or additions to the family ofbuiIding and fue codes, as determined by the Renton City Council, after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to OWner. 7. Additional Development Agreements May Be Necessary The parties agree that other development agreements, in addition to and following this Agreement, may be necessary to guide Redevelopment over time. That is,should an or a portion of District 2 be surpluse<t the parties anticipate that this Agreement would be supplemented by·one or more additional development . . agreements, addressing issues such as open space, and new internal public and private . road network and public facilities. For examplt; the parties anticipate that construction of additional water, sanitary and stormwaterutility infrastructure, necessary for the Redevelopment of District 2~ beyond that associated with the Arterial Roads discusSed in SeCtion 4. and which have been conceptually reviewed by Renton, as shown in Exlnoits 6, 7 and 8, . will be covered by future development agreements, and that the cost of such will generally be the responsibility of Owner. In addition, the parties anticipate that District 2 Redevelopment will include public and private open space amenities. Such amenities may include one or more . __ ... _ .~I!~gt1~!l!Pl!C~~J~~!P~Q:!1d.~};_~~w.Qm!l_~~iti~_~d_Pll.bli(tacc.ess-toLake .. ___ .... --.- Washington, create view corridors to Lake Washington and Mount Rainier, and serve as. focal points for Redevelopment. 8. Marketing Information Boeing will generally share with Renton marketing information for Renton Plant Redevelopment efforts. so that Renton will be informed about the marketing . [!BOEING Dev Agreement 11-24-03 doc] 11124103 Page 17 process, and additionally, ·so that Renton can adequately respond to inquiries by prospective purchasers.· 9. Potential Renegotiation Based upon changed or unforeseen circumstances, Renton or Boeing may request renegotiation of one or more of the provisions of this Agreement, which requ~ shall not be unreasonably denied. 10. Termination of Moratorium 20031210001637.019 Renton agrees that the Moratorium shall tenninate or expire on December 2, 2003 or on the date that the Proposal takes effect, whichever ocCurs first ·11. 2002 Agreement This Agreement shall not be deemed to amend or supercede the 2002 Agreement, which remains in full force and effect. 12. Recording This Agreement, upon execution by the parties and approval of the Agreement by resolution of the City Council, shall be recorded with the Real Property Records Division of the King County Records and Elections Department. 13. Successors and Assigns ThIs Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of Owner and Renton and . their successors in interest, and may be assigned to successors in interest to all or a Portion of the Renton Plant Site. 14. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shallbe deemed an original. 15. Termination This Agreement shall terminate on December 31,2020. AGREEDthis jSt" day of {)U£~ .2003. [!BOElNG [lev Agreement 11·24"()3 doc] llIM103 Page 18 CITY OF RENTON By: Jesse Tanner Its Ma or ATTEST: By: Bonnie. I. Wal ton Its C~ ty Clerk By: Colette temmlnk By: Its: . AuthorIZed. SignatOry Its: Vice President STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SSe 20031210001637.020 COUNTY OF k \ "0-= ) On this li day of D~ c e ~ e.r • 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and swo~ personally appeared ~ e ~ ~ e. . (LA. (\ (\ e (-. to me known to be the person who signed as . f) r of the . CITY OF RENTON, the corporation that exec ed the within and foregoing . instrument, and acknowledged said instrument tobe.the free and voluntary act and deed of said· cprporation for the uses and p~08es the~in menti.0ned, and on oath stated that . "e.. was duly elected, quabfied and acting as satd officer of the corporation. that h~ was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal ___ . ______ ._ ----affixed,jfany,-is-the corporate seal of said· corporation. --.---.---------.-.. [/BOEING Dev Agreement Il~24'()3 doc) 11124103 Pago19 . ------------ 20031210001637.021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. ._----. ----.-. ---_._---_.--. _.----.. [!BOEING Dev Agreement J 1·24'()3 doc} (~~&.&ao,c ~ Wf)!\ b~ ~~wQ (Print or stamp name of Notary) . NOTARY PUBliC in and for the S)ate of Washington, residing at ~-tH .. My appointment expires: = or-- M _ ••• _ •• , __ ._._ o ••• ---•• __ OM _"_ -- -.-. --.---._--. --- 11124103 Pago20 20031210001637.022 STATE OF .WASHINGTON} LI: ) SS. COUNTY OF 'C)l~ ) On this ~ day of Naamh.l.k . 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public hi and or the State" of ashin~on, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared \'1 \ •. to me known to betbePerson who signed as I of THE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the wi . . and oregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free andvol\mtary act and deed of said corpOration for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated. that one. ... was duly elected, qualified and acting as said officer of the .. corporation, that f'i\t, was authorized to execUte said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is th~ corporate seal of said corporation. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. . [/BOEING Oev Agreement 11·24-03 doc] ~:kW.J (Signature ofNo~ rNo\?Lts d. s P'tC(~ (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and i\>r the State ofWashlngton~ residing at ~~ u.).,. My appointment expires: 'E-'\ .. O\' , .. 11124103 Page 21 EXHIBIT! LEGAL DESCRIPTION . Tracts A. B, C, D, B, F. G and H located In SectJons 5, 6, 7 and 8. all in Township 23 North, Range 5 Bast, W.M , described as follows: TRACf A (Tax Paroel Nos. 082305-9019, 08230S~9209 & 722300-0105 -portion) 20031210001637.023 Parcels A and B of City of Renton of Renton Short Plat No 093-89. accordlng to the short plat recorded under KIng County~dtng No 8911149006, recOrds of King County. Wasbtngton, TOGETHER WITH that pomon of the nOrthwest quarter of the southwest quarter of S81d Section 8, lY1Dg southerly and easterly of Parcel B of said short plat and westerly and northerlyofPark Ave N, and N. 6th St., respectively . TRAer B (Tax Parcel No. 756460-0055) Lots 1 through 13, inclusive. Block 11 of Renton Farm Plat. according to the plat thereof recorded m Volume 10 of Plats, page 97, records of King County. Washington. . TOGETHER wrm Lots 1 through 12. inclusive. of SartorisviIle, aCcording to the plat thereofrecorded m Volume 8 of Plats, page 7, records of King County, Washfugton; EXCEPT that portion known as Lot 3 of CIty of Renton Short Plat No. 282-79. according to the short plat recorded under King County Recording No 7907109002. records of King County, Washington; and EXCEPT roads TRACT C(Tax Parcel Nos 722300-0115 & 722300-0105 -portion) Blocks 3 and 4 of Renton Fann Acreage, accordlDg to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats. page 37.:records of King County. Washington; TOOBTHBR WTI'H those portions of the aJJey vacated under City of Renton VacatJ.on Ordinance Nos •. 3319 and 4048 and the street vacated under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. 3319 and 3327 as would attach by operation of law; and TOGETHER WITH that portion of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 8 lying southerly of the southerly right of . way margin of N. 8th St, easterly of the easterly right of way margin of Park Ave N. and -----.-.-----.---.----------north-ofthesouth-315feet-thereof; -.------------ TRACf D (Tax Pareel Nos. 082305-9220, 082305-9221.082305-9222 & 082305-:9011) Lots 1.2. 3 and 4 of City of Renton Short Plat No. LUA-Ol ~056~HPL, according to the short plat recorded under King County Recording No. 20011205900004, records of King County, Washington 20031210001637.024 TRACT B (Tax Parcel Nos 082305-9037,082305-9152,082305-9079,082305-92(4) Those portIons of satd Government Lots 1 and 2 of SectJon 7, lymg wlthtn the abandoned Burlmgton Northern Railroad nght of way (fonnerly Northern PacIfic. Lake Washington Belt LIne) and northerly of the northerly nght of way margm ofN.~ St; TOGETHER WITH said northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of SectIon 8, lying northerly of the northerly nght of way margtn of N. fib St and westerly of the westerly right of way margin of Park Ave N.; EXCEPT CIty of Renton Short Plat No. 89-093, as recorded under KIng County RecordIng No 8911149006. and EXCEPT that portIon of Satd northwest quarter of the southwest quarter lymg southerly and easterly ofsaJ.d short plat; and TOGETHER WITH those portIons of SaId Government Lots 1,2 and 3 and the southeast quarter of the northwest qUarter of SectIon 8, lying westerly and northwesterly, respectively, of the westerly right of way margin of ParlI: Ave N. and the northwesterly right of way margin of the North Renton Interchange (SR 405). westerly of a hne that intersects WIth said n~rthwesterlynght of way margm of the North Renton Interohange, said lIne being descnDed as beginrung at StatIon 6+50 on the A-Lme of the North Renton Interchange, SR 405. as shown on Sheet 2 of 5 of PSH 1 (S:R 405) North Renton Interohange. Washington State Department of TransportatIon RIght of Way Plan, and endlDg northwesterly, perpendicular to SaId StatIon, at a point on the southeasterly margin of the 100 foot maID track of Burlington Northern Railroad. easterly and southeasterly of the northwesterly nght of way hrie of the abandoned Burlington Northern Railroad nght of way (fonnerly Northern PaCIfic, Lake Washtngton Belt Line). EXCEPT from said abandoned rallroad nght of way that portIon Iymg northwesterly of a lme descnbed as follows BegInning at a point 50 feet southeasterly, measured radially and at right angles to the centerline of the Burlington Northern mam track as now constructed, from Survey StatJon 1068+00, said POIDt being on the southeasterly nght of way margin of the 100 foot wide nght of way, Thencenortbwesterly along saId radtalline a dIstance of 25 feet; Thence southwesterly in a StraIght bneto a poiDt 25 feet northwesterly, measured from the southeasterly nght of way hne at Statlon 1074+00, Thence continuing southwesterly at aD angle to the right, to a point on the northwesterly margm of the 100 foot Burlington Northern Railroad nght of way, saldpoint also bemg on the southeasterly line of the Spur Tract at -------------------------HeadblockStation-8T855andtheendofsaid-descnbedbneand--- EXCEPT that portIon of sald GQvernment Lot 2 described as follows: Begmning at an intersection of the southeasterly right of way margin of said BurlIngton Northern Rrulroad and the northwesterly margm of vacated MIll St (park Ave N) per Vacation Ord 2513, Thence southwesterly along smd southeasterly margm of the railroad right of way, a rustance of 60 feet; Thence southeasterly, at nght angles to SaId railroad nght of.way, Ii distance of 10 feet, more or less, to a pomt on the northwesterly fight of way margin of sald vacated Mill St (park Ave N), Thence northeasterly along Sald Mill St to the point of beginnIng-TOGETHER WITH portlon of Vacated Lake Washmgton Boulevard adJOining. 20031210001637.025 TRACf F (Tax Parcel Nos. 072305-9046 & 072305-9001 -poruon) That Pol1lon of the, SE IA of the SE 1,4 of srud Section 7. lytng southerly of N. 61h St , westerly of Logan Ave N., easterly ofthe Cedar RlverWaterway (CommercIal Waterway No.2), and northerly of that certain tract of land conveyed to the Renton School District by Deed recorded under Kmg County Recordmg No. 5701684 TRACT G (Tax Parcel No. 072305-9001' & 082305-9187) That portlOn of sald NE JA and SB ~ of Section 7. NW IA of Section 8, SW ~ of Section 5, and the SB 1A of Section 6. lying north ofN 6th Street, easterly of the Cedar River Waterway (Co~aI Waterway No 2). westerly and northwesterly of the westerly nght of way line of the abandoned BurlIngton Northern RaUroad (formerly Northern Pacific, Lake Washmgton Belt Lme) and northwesterly of the northwesterly'line of the . rrukoad spur track begInnIng at Headblock Stauon8+85.S, westerly of Lots "A" and "B" , of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-98-176-LLA as recorded under KlOg County Recordmg No 9902019014. and southerly of the Lake Washington Inner Harbor Line; EXCEPT Logan Ave N TRACT H (Tax Parcel No. 072305-9100) That portIon of the Burlington Northern Inc. (formerly Northern Pacific Railway Co.) 100 foot rrulway nght of way in said SE lA of Section 1 and SW ~ of Sect10n 8, lYIng north of the northerly right of way margin ofN. 4th Street and southerly of the southerly nght of way margin of N. fJh Street. All situate in the City of Renton. KIng County. Washington. ---- - -~------ ! I . I " I I · I · ... I L · , :z', . "Gil ~: .'£ 0 '~ b ::s (1) N 6th St ifF" ::z g « c: 0 .3 "E" o I 20031210001637.026 "0" ::z N 8th St Q) > <C -c 0 z a.. "C~ <C 600 1200 ; j 1 : 7200 . \ '. \~ I \, ... ~ . . 4' .~ ... , .. Ij-----G-) ';""';""'..lI'I[] ~_J;-' or") [ J LIIlIIINIl -_ .... c;::;:::::J == :="' .. '" _.===" .. 10 r22l7DZd =="''" ® -- [] t -&_-,._ l='ROPOSED ARTERIAL RIGHTS OF WAY . TO SUPPORT DISTRICT 2 20031210001637.027 \, . " ! (FULL BUILDOUT) EXHIBIT 2 I. , TYPICAL SECTION 1: PARK AVENUE NORTH FROM PROPOSED L~ AVENUE TO NORTH .8TH STREET 4 LANES OF TRAFFlQ WITH A MEDIANITURNfNG LANE 1-----'11111 __ ... -------1 o rt 16' 32' ! ,! I FUll BUllDOUT SCALE 1P ... 16' i /:IQm " SECTIONS ARE DRAWN IN ACCOR£W«::e Wf7H TI-E KN3 0CJ(.Nf'( ROAD STA1CJARD6 ND 11-E 0fTY OF RENTCN STREET SfNDAROS ALI. ROADWAY SEOTf0N8 ARE II.LLISTRATtVE EXHIBIT 2A .... Consvltlto Engmeers 101 SI8wart street SUite 800 8eatiie. ~ S810I ./l?O6).382-0800 Fax (208) ~ to NOVEMBER 2D03 II.) o o CI) -II.) -8 .0 -~ § TYPICAL SECTION 2: PARK AVENUE SOUTH. FROM NORTH 8TH sTREeT TO NORTH 8TH STREET " LANES OF TRAfFlO WITH A MED1ANITURNtNG LANE I' EXHIBIT2B ~--------~------------~~~~~¥~--~--~--------------~ r-----------------~~~~~----~----------~ ! I '. -"---. . L ~ . L -"-)--+-~-!!!!O_-I_,--I."'T"_I < < ~ ......,.-.-na:.~ -.-~ ~ ... -....;:;== ________ .-.., RIOIR fII WA.Y lIt01Il VI"~ o s' 16' 32' SCALE 1-.. 16' I I I NOm i FULL BUILDOUT SEC11ON8 ARE DRAWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE K1NG COt.MY ROAD flTAIO'.RDS AN) TfE 0f1Y. OF RENTON 81RCET: BT»DARDS. . ! N.1. ROADWAY SECTIONS ARE ILWSTRATIVE a-," CCnsu/itng ~ 101 Stewart Street. SUIte 800 S8altlct. ~ 98101 . f2(6) 382{)8()() Fax (2)81 S82-05OO 10 NOVEMBER 2003 ~ 3 ...a. ..., ...a. g o ..... ~ ~ TYPICAL.SECTION 4: lOGAN .AVENUE ·NORTH . 8 LANES OF TRAFFIC WItH A MEDIANITURNING LANE 6' BIOYCLE LANES ON! EACH SIDE OF ROADWAY· 8<HIBIT2C I ~ .Z' ...J..--~..,..,...I.-r-i ~ ....... 7 w L.--~~~------~--------------------------------i~~."'Y~ FULL BUILDOUT o ~ w f I ; ; SCAL£ 1-.16' , wm : 8SC'/'r01tB ARE DRAWN IN ACCORDANCE WI7H.THC· KING 00l.MY ROAD. STNDAROS ANJ THE CITY OF RENTON 81RECT~8TANJ.ARDS. I AU. ROADWAY sT:cnoNs ARE 1l.U.6i"RA7'1\I£ .... 00nsultfniJ~ I 101 8tewar.t 8tnIet SUIte 800 . SeattIa Wash/I¢ri.98t01 QOaJ S82-OS!J() Fax /2C8,I.S82-0500 rJ~a:103 . ~ ~ .... ..., . .... o g .... ~ ~ TYPICAL SECTION! 6: N·ORTH 8TH STREET 4 LANES· OF TRAFFIC WITH A MEDIANITURNING LANE t-...... ~(~-~~~~ EXHIBIT2D' L---~~~-------------------nn eQn~~y.~~al~----------------------~ FULL BUllDOUT. o tf 16' 32' I ;, I SCAlE 1".16' /:JQIE! I SECTIONS AAE DRAWN IN ACCI:JFI).4NCE WI1H 77-E KING COUNTY ROAD STAI\OAfIOS NO TfE CITY OF RENTON STREET STAMJARDS I ALL ROADWAY SECTIoNs ARE lLJ.JJ8TRA 17VE , , iii-'ll CalsuItJtrI ~ 101 St8wstt ~ SUIlI1 BOO Seattte. ~ 98tJ1 (206J S82-08OO Fax f2(6) 8B2<J5OO 10 NOVEM3ER 2008 ~ g .... .., .... g o .... ~ S .... TYPICAL SECTI0N. 8: NORTH· 10TH STREET 4 LANES OF TRAFFIC Wlnt A MEDIANnuRNING lANE I-T"".a...~< .... ,-... • __ .............. ....,.-'1 1--!~=--------_1t' RIGHT 01 WA'("'\lIOM~ ... I-------..;;,;;=~-I FULL BUILD OUT o· f 16'i 32' I ; , I SCALE ' .... t6· l:iI2m : SEOTIONS ARE DRA~ IN NX;OPJ'JANCE WITH 7H: KING CO/..NTY ROAD STAl'CAROS .MO 11£ CITY CF RENTCW 8'11ET SrMOAROS I AU. ROADWAY ~ ARE IlJ.U87RATlV£ EXHIBIT 2E a,,'f' Consutttrv EJ19!nen t)t Stewart 8tIWt SJire 800 Seattle. W&9IIInQtDn 9BOl (206) 382-0600 FaK (206) S82-05OO o· NOVEMBCR 200S ~ ~ .... N .... § i ;' 20031210001637.033 - -----_.-- ------- --, , ------~---------~ Urban'Center North District S:ub-areas , ',Districts Subject to Conceptual Plan Approval Nolo' DilIIrIct boun4Sdes Ino1ude dedocaIed R:o.W ' e ~tm~~~-ms Exhibit 3 20031210001637.034 ---® _iaoor <D -- a ® PLAN VIm CM.I L_ G)-t '15-'=1:·; r ,,-- ON~SITE INTERSEOTIONS EXHIBIT '"1 EXHIBIT" 5 " - BOEING'S CONCEPTUAL URBAN RETAIL PLAN . Renton, Washington Submitted to the City of Renton November 17, 2003 20031210001637.035 BackDrounci CONCEPTUAL URBAN RETAIL PLAN Lot 3 and 10-50 Sites . Renton, Washington The BoeIng Company has been worklngwcth the City of Renton for more than a year In evaluatmg potential redevelopment strategles associated With Its 737 facility In Renton, WashIngton. this Conceptual Plan Illustrates the Boeing Company's vlston fOr the r.edevelopment of the first Piece of the Renton Plant to be made available for non-mdustnal useS. The Plan Includes that portion of the property cOmmonly referred to as the Lot 3 and i0-50 sites, which have been determined to be non .. essenbal to the OngOing airplane manufac:turmg activities as BoeIng completes It's "Move-to-the-Lake" consolidation plan • . Thia Plan covers. approximately 53 to S5 acres of gross land, of which approximately 8 acres are l'e$elVed for the development of four new artenal streets that are essential to the ulbmate redevelopment of the entire 2BO-acre campus. The remamlng45 to 47 8cresofland will be marketed to entitles Interested In devel()pmg an Integrated reta" center on tile sate, consIStent With this Conceptual Plan. . Included within thIS submIttal are a narrative descnpaon of Boeing's proposal, a Conceptual Planrung Diagram with supporting pedestnan street sections, and an economic benefit analysIS demonstrating a range of potential onlHime and recumng . revenues generated by the proposed development. Boeing seeks the City's approval of thIS Conceptual Plan So that BoeIng can complete the necessary lot hne adjustments and begin actively marketing the property to local, regIonal and natronal developers and users. The aenal on the fOllOWing page highlights the location of the proposed retail SIte In relation to 80elng;s remaInIng land holdings and the surroundrng North Renton nesghborhoOd. 20031210001637.036 20031210001637.037 Conceptual Urban Retail Plan Boemg believes that hlgh-quallty retail development IS essential to the successful · transItion of the area from Its mdustrlal roots to the aty's VISion for the Urban Center-North . A well-designed retail center will provide employment, diversify the ·economlc base, offer a new source Of municipal revenue, an<! will attract other 1 alternative and potentially higher and better uses to the surrOundmg area. . The Conceptual Pliln for the lot 3 and 10-SO SItes, located on the follOWing page, Illustrates the cohesrve redevelopment of the parcelsmto an urban retail center. The · Plan contaIns a mIX of large fonnat "destinatIon" retailers, mJd-sized retail anchors, as well as small shop space concentrated along Park Avenue, enVISIoned as the slgmflcant pedestnan-onented street In the area. The Plan responds to the presence of the eXtsbng Fry's builchng on the property to the east of Garden Avenue, and anbClpates that ultimata redeVelopment of the northern portion of that Site Will relate dIrectly to the development ocCumng on BoeJng's property The Site IS bouild by a combtnatlon of exJSting and new publJc roadways, which segregate the property Into four quadrants ranging between 6 and 19 acres In Size., Boemg IS seelang buyei'sfor the 45-to 47-acre property to undertake a cohesive redevelopment. Generally, the I~rge format retail development (users WIth footpnnts of 50,000 square feet and larger and budding feature heights up to 45 feet tafl) IS planned t() occur along 8"', Logan and Garden Avenues, faang Inward and supported by well~orgaOlzed parlang areas mtemal to the sIte. These desbnatlon retail uses will naturally locate themselves along the WIdest porbons of the property, WIth good freeway VfSlbJllty, much hke the recently completed. Fry's development on the eastern SIde of Garden Avenue. MedIum fonnat retaIlers (ranging between 10,000 and 50,000 square feet In area, With buildIng feature heights up to 40 feet tall) are assumed tnfill between the large format tenants, WIth pnmary pedestnali entrances faCIng Inward or directed toward Park Avenue. Again, parking IS assumed to be concentrated WIthIn each segment of the site, to allow for potential "'second-generatlon" redevelopment at hIgher densities, If achievable. The northwest quadrant of the property IS Identified as one potentlallocatton for a mid-to h.gh-nse devel~pment, wi-llch could take the form of a multi-level podIum • parking structure, With multifamily reSJdeilbal or office uses above. ThIS ultImate development could ,"Ibate the tnJly urban VISion for the area and, together With . pedestnan scale treatments at the comer of Park and Logan, would Identify thiS as .the "gatewaY" to the Urban-Center North. , •••. _, .~ ... _____ .. _. __ ." ___ "," __ .. ~""_A ___ ~_~ __ .•••. _.~. __ . __ " ...... ~ __ ._. ____ • __ ... _. __ ... _. _ •. _ .•. _ ._. ___ ., __ . ___ •• _._ .. __ Small, spectalty retail shops and amenitIeS would be concentrated pnmanly along Park Avenue; The scale of development rs more Inttmate here, with an eclectic mix of usesi architectural styles and gathenng places In some Instances, single story · retaIl uses may be topped wlth one to three levels of apartments or professional . offk:e uses, an overtooklng Park Avenue a~ the actiVIty along the street edge. Together, the large-and medium-format users total approxlfnately 450,000 square feet. of spacei the smaller shop space totals approXJll'lately 110,000 square feet, or 20% of the center. 20031210001637.038 CONCEPTUAL URBAN RETAIL PLAN CONCEPTUAL PlANNING DIAGRAM FULlER~ SEARS ARCHITECTS ~DEIND 20031210001637.039 Hierarchy of Streets Key to the successful d(M!lopment of the property IS the reconfiguratlon and Improvement of Park Avenue to serve as a cntlcal pedestnan-onented street In the project. To accommodate full redevelopment of the Renton Plant propertfes, the ultamate bUIld out of Park Avenue win need to aHow for four travel lanes and a center tum lane, desIgned for vehlallar travel up to 35 mIles per hour. To support the vIsion for the development of an urban retail center to thIs loCation, a generous . SIdewalk WIth street: trees and on-street parking for Park Avenue IS being proposed to enhance the elWlronment In the public realm and encourage people to make Park Avenue a pedestnan street •. An Illustrative street section for Park Avenue can be found on the followmg page. The other major nort/l<osouth connection IS Logan Avenue, whIch extends from 6th Avenue to t/1e s.outh and JOins Park Avenue In the north. The construcbon of logan, providing dIrect access to 1-405, wIn be an Important altemabve through connectIon to ensure Park Avenue functions as a pedestnan-onentedshopprng street. At: the outset of redevelopment In the area, logan IS envISIoned CIS a three-lane street, WIth one traver lane in each dlrectron and a cente,....tum lane. Ultimately, Logan wtll exparid and function even more so as a higher-speed altenal. The east-westarteMiroadwaYs, 10'" and 8th Avenues, are less critical to the successful development of the urban retail center, other than serving as accesS pomts to the center orr of Park Avenue. Connections from 10th and Sill to Logan Avenue, If consbucted, would be favorable, but the center would function as well With access only off of Park, the existing leg of 8th and Garden Avenues. Urban Center-North Vision and Policies ThIs proposed Conceptual Urban Retail Plan meets many of the City's VISIon and . policy ~tements for the Urban Cente,....North, which call for "retail Integrated Into pedestnan~onented Shopprng·dfstncts" and recognizes that: . . "'At the begannlng of this translbon, uses such as retaiL .may be viable WIthout the . office and restdentlal components that ultlmately Will contribute to the urban character of the dastrfct.... The Crty's VISIon plans for the transItion of the area over a 3D-year hanzon and antldpates that red~velopmentwdl need to address the potetltlal for future anfill to allow areas to further grow to urban denSIties. This site IS located WIthIn DIstrict 1, where the CIty Identifies Its first objective as follows' "create a major commerclaVretal1 dlStnct developed with uses that add slgnlf'kantfy .. -.----.--.--.------.. _____ to.Renton's retan. tax.base,pr:ovlde_ad!:JI~l1al.tlmpNf!l1eDt9P~~!,J!:!J!!~. VI!I:~-''1.tl!~_. _ .. . Oty, attract businesses that serve a broad market area and act as a gathering place WIthin the commurnty." Boeing's Conceptual Urban Retail Plan seeks to both allow for the near-term redevelopment of BoeIng'S underubllzed assets whdeadvocatrng for a mix of uses that. Improves the aty's tax and employment base. As IS Illustrated wlthm the attached eoonomlc benefit analysiS, more than 1,300 lObs would be created m the Oty ·of Renton by a redevelopment of thIS scale The Qty would collect more than $1.2 1TililI0n 10 on~tJme revenues during development and the City would receIve over $1.5 million 10 annually recumng tax revenues at full bUild out. 20031210001637.040 20031210001637,041 -:. ~ ", \ .-~ ~" , -~. -'? ... , .. _". -. \ ", -. " ~ .. ~~ ", ~t1 ~ " .. " ~f "~;~ . .-~ ~ ~ .. .. .. ~ ~ I ". ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~~ Q ~~ ,", " \ .. ~ .' Summary Boeing beheves that Its Conceptual Urban Retail Plan Illustrates the optimal development plan for thIS 45 to 47 acres or land In North Renton. The Plan offers the opportumty m contnb~ to the transitIOn of the area from a pnmanly fndustnal neighborhood to a hIgher intensity and range of viable uses, providing both jobs and a sIgnificant source of new revenue to support the City'S objectives for the area. 20031210001637.042 20031210001637.043 Summary City of Renton Economic Benefits 20031210001637.044 SUMMARY . CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC BENEFITS RetaU Redevelopment on Part of Boeing s Renton Plant Site 20031210001637.045 Economic benefits to the City of Renton of re-developing 46 acres of the Boeing Renton, Washington plant SIte follow DerivatIon of these benefit esbmates 18 based . on a set of reabstIc assumptJons that correspond to development of 451,000 square feef of retail biglmedzum box apace and 110,000 square feet of retatl shop space. )-At full absorptIon of the above 561,000 square feet of retad space on a redeveloped portlon of the Boemg Renton plant site, It 18 estunatedthat 2,197 permanent Jobs would be created throughout the region. » Oftbis total, a projected 1,132 dtreet jobs would be created at the targeted 46- acre. Boeing Renton site pJus 266 addittonal indirect jobs WIthm the City of Renton, assuming a 2S percent capture rate. . » It IS estimated that these 1,398 dIrect and !Dwrect Jobs m the City of Renton would generate an addJlional $4$.4 million in 'recurring annual income earned inside. the City once full occupancy of this new retatl space occurs at the Boeing Renton plant Slte . » The correspondhig mcrease in· property values by redeveloping this 46-acre portIon of the Renton Boeing Site mto retail uses is forecast to total nearly $66 million upon completIon in 2009 » The increoseinannual/y recurring tax revenues to the City of Renton at full build-out 18 estimated at over $1.5 JDlllion starlmg in 2009. » This is ~ addrtion to over $1.2 JDlllion in one-ume City revenues collected . _______ ... _ .. -.. -.. --·-·--·---during-landredtwelopment·andthe·construction-of561~OOO-square-feerofrew1 space on a part of the Boemg Renton plant Slte during the 2004-2008 period 11113103 RBALBSTATB BCQNOMIC'S Tha datil 8IId oaleuIa1lOllS prescnlCd herem ",bIle not suazalIltcd, .... obtained nom soum=sdcemcd lehable -------------_._-_ ........ . .. ' . . PERMANENT JOBS CREATED IN 2009 1600r---------------~~~~UU~aL------------------_ 1200 -1------- ~ I 800 400+----- o 0+-----'-- Witb project Without Project NEW JOB ANNUAL INCOMECREA TED IN 2009 ; $40.0 +-~---- 15 . o $30.0 -1---'--- lS R $20.0 +----- ~ $10.0 -I---~ $0;(1 +----o With Project WIthout Project . $1,800 r-------':"::'O"':c.:...::-~...:.-:;:._;:.=;..;;..::..;=.:...;.;;...:;;:.:..:...::=..:..=.;==--------. I! $1,808 .I! $1,400 .j---------------8 $1.zo0. +------------------ --------... --_. -_.--.... ...'S·$1;OOO--f.-------- i $800 +--""""'----------c I $GOO +------- ~$400 &200 -1---- $0 +--....... 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 zoot 2010 ZOtf 2012 2013 ,. III Land Dev. • BuDdang Dev. • Penn&nent Taxes CURRENT ZONING SCENARIO _ 20031210001637.046 Jobs I/1come.lIlIlIIons Prope~ MIlIks( Value8 -lIIllhons Selected Slate R_· mllilOII8 • $ Charts eel 7,.197 00 Vi74 $ .f1 $ NEW PERMANENT JOBS CREATED BY 2009 $7{ I sao !I' f : 111 WIth Project Without Project NEW JOB ANNUAL INCOME IN 2009 $80 .. +-----'- 3115 o 14 20031210001637.047 Char18 PROPERTY VALUE INCREASES f1f 2OD9 Wltbout Project W17 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m * ~ Dollars In rnliliona NEWJOBCREATJON ~r---------------------------------~-------- ~-r---------------------~ ., IlIO t-----~ -~ __ 11104~ __ ~. __ J!!! ___ ~ ____ ~ __ .~._. __ ttI!! 2012 201. I.LandDell .BlIIldInsDeY tJl'enllaMntJobsI 20031210001637.048 Cham NEW STATE TAX REVENUES ~~r----------------------------------------------- ~O~'r-------------~--------~ sa.ao l------------I I ~DQ t-----'-------I t4.DO i-------...=.-l .. ~ +-------1 --------~ ~ -I_ Land Duv Ta_ ~aulldlng Dev T_ cPermanenl 'nixes I NEW RECURRING STATE REVENUES Without Pr$ct WIth PIOject $1047't $4 .. $I $10 -Dolla,. tn mllllollS . 20031210001637.049 $U Total buddable redevelopmenllandarea-~ acres Total bUildable redevelopmenlland ama-"net" sq ft Land Development .I.and DeVelopment ConsINobOn Costs Land mprovement oonstrudlon duratIOn -years Percent desIgn.& menagement Percent ConsIJucbon labor Percent matenals lJulldlng Development Parameters Change In IJ3Sessad valUe Percent dEISIgn and management -commeraaJ Percent c:onstruoboo labor -cornrr\efcml . Percent ecMIrUCllOII matenals & seMCe& -COIJII'TIelaIII Bdltn9 mulbpIJerfor de&Ign and management Bdbng mU/tJpller for consltucbon . property development duration .;. yeara RetU-BaglMed Box Gross square feet of retail space Load faclor-retad spec» BulIdll19 consIruclJon cost Isq ft -retail Spa<ie Sq ft per employee -big box ratad Retad sales per sq ft -big box retail Re1a11-8hop Space Gross square feet of retail space Loadfacfor-retall space Bulklmg c:ons\NctIOI'I cost Isq ft -re1atl space DSrl!llJlDlovea ~ Spac& Assumptions Ind.uect JObs for ISnd development oonstructIOn jobs . IndncI jObs mulllpber for regular consIrucbon jObs Share of indIreCt jObs captured by Renton Share of md1rGct Inoome captured by RenIDn KIngCo est average FTE wage for direct recumng ra181l jObs on-srte KIng Co avemge annual wage for al mclJmctjob& KIng Co average anmial wage for proJSCt destgn/management Average annual wage for one-1Hne constn.ICtlon JObs Real estate tumoverrale· ToTal asse&sed value of "exIsIIng" reuse property land <IS esiHearfllillld 1,989,821 II-IcM.rfI ... ..t Renton Urban VIiJatle-P-FlN xl. 11nam The data and calcul.bons prese1l1ed herom willie notguara_. have been obtained flam _ beI\IM!d to be IeIIabIe 20031210001837.060 20031210001637.061 Summary 009-time Land One-tIme BUilding Recurring Develooment Develooment 2005-2008 In 2009 JOBS DlreotJobs 61 73 1;132 Imllrect Jobs 91 122 1065 Total Jobs 153 196 2,197 INCOME DIrect Inwme = 3,149,119 1= 15,052,400 1= 33.962.500 . Indirect Income 3922789 21034:a16 45807488 Totallncoma . $ 7.071,908 $ 38.086,716 $ 79,769,988 PROPERTVVALUE INCREASES Not applICable Not appbcable $ 65,996,257 TAX BASE INCREASES Assessed Valua1Jon Not apphcable Not applIcable $ 65,996,257 RetmJSales $ 12,882.759 $ 61,578,000 $ 143,948,750 Real Estate Sales Not apphcabla $ 97,742,851 $ .6.599,626 Gross BusIness R8Celpts $ 14,314,1n $ 68,420,000 $ 143,948,750 SELECTED TAX REVENUE INCREASES (Property. SClIes. B&O and real estate) state Taxes $ 1.189,652 $ 5,143.454 $ 10.356,729 Local Taxes CJtY of Renton-proparty 100% In CIty. $ 245;167 $ 959,786 : 1.554.562 Kina County...:proPertY 0% in county $ 17,392 $ 63130 95,695 Land Use Retatl-BJg/Med Box Refall-ShOp Space TOTAL Net Sgft 428,450 104,500 532,950 BUSlf)ess Receipts RetanSales Annual persgft RafaUSaies $ 275 $ 117,823.750 $ 250 $ 26.125,000 $143,948,750 20031210001637.052 Annual Employment Gross recel!Jl! 714 $ 117,823,750 418 $ 26,12;000 1,132 $143,948,750 RenIDn Urban 1Jil1age-P-FlN.lCI, 11113103 Page 1 The dais lind calcuJabons prveanted h$reJI'I willie not ~ranteecI. have been obtained from sources belIeVed 10 b& reliable REAl. ESTATE! ECONOMICS 20031210001637.053 Ta)(bases One-bme through One-tJme BUIlding land Dever ment Devero ent 2005 thru 2008 On 01 at 2009 Assessed ValuatiOn $ 65,996.257 RGaiEstate Sales . $29.322,857 $ 97,742,857 $ 6,599.626 RetaIl Sales $ 12,882,759 $ 61,578,000 $ 143.948.760 Gross BusIness ReceIpts $ 14.314,1n $ 68,420.000 $ 143.948.750 Renton Urban VJlIag&-P-FIN xl. 11/13/03 . The ctata Mel caJcuIabotIS pnIS8I'IIed herein wilde 1101 guaran!eed, have been obIamed from sources bell8V8d 10 be reliaJlIe Page 1 REAL ESTA'n! ECONOMICS Bli' Start Year 2005 AS1SEDVALUAlioN By Land Use . Retatl-8i9lM8d Box RelillI-Shop Space SUBTOTAl l.ssa·9)(I$IIng lend valUallon Assessed Valuallon 451.000 $ 1200020,000 110.000 $. 13000 -;r_~$<i:14~,300ffi''i0005-$ . 68.420,000 l.ssa &XISbng rmprovement valuallon TOTAL INCREASES 581.000 %tand of Total Renton UrbIIn VUlage-p...fINJd. 11113103 . . The data and caIcuIabaIls present9d here!A wlul& not guaranIeed have been Qbtamed from SCUR:eS belIaved III bel rehabIe Land $23.194,288 &,128.571 ,322,857 $ ·20031210001637.064 rOta/New AV Bid start Year 2005 Land Use TOTALS Commercial New JobslEm 0 20031210001637.055 Renton Ulban VlIlag&-P-FlN xl. 11113103 PII{Ie 1 The data and CIIIalIa\JoIIS preeented hemin lVIIIIe IlOl QU3I1RIt8eCI. have been ob1amed from SOIIn:es ~ \0 be reliable REAl. ESTA TE ECONOMICS 20031210001637.056 OnetTmeJobs From DtNeJopment From DeVe/opm9nt Item . OfLaml . Of BU/ldlnas PROFESSIONAL JOBS DeSign and management costs $ 1,431,418 $ 6,842,000 Average salary $ 65,000 $ 65,000 . BIDing mulbpber 25 25 Professional Job years 9 42 Total profeSSIOnal wages $ 512,5fIT $ 2,736,800 Annual professlonal wages $ 5721!m $ 684,200 Project duratton In years 1 4 Professional Jobs created 9 11 CONSTRUCTION JOBS COnsbuGbon labor cosfs only $ 5.153,104 $ 24,631.200 Average salaJy $49,000 $49,000 Billtng.ml.i/bpller 20 20 Construebori JOb years 53 251 Total construcbon.wages $ 2,576.552 $ 12,315,600 Annual construcbon wages $ 2.576.552 $ 3,078.900 Project durallonm years 1 4 Construcbon jObs created 53 63 Total Equivalent New Jobs 61 73 Annual Wage Income for·New Jobs 3,149,119 3.163,100 Total waae Income for New Jobs $ 3.149.119 $ 15052,400 -.------~--. --.-.-------"----. .:....------_ ..• -.-.-- ....... _-_._-------------------------------- 20031210001637.067 Onebme Revenue WI\8tate LandDev BlD'dmgDev 2002 Tax \.lind DaY BUJldt119 D8'I' One 1Ime revenues . . Panod Tax 8_ Tax Base Rate 1MIcaae Reverluas Revenues Sate8TaX $ 12,882.769 $ 81,578,000 850% 1000% $7(13,641 $ ~13 B&OT8lt" S 14,314.177 $ 68.420,IlOO . 0471% 1000% $60,878 $ 2SO,032 Rea! Emte Transfer Is 29322.867 Is . '¥T 7 .. 2.857 128'l1. 000% h7!I.333 $ 1:!61109 TOTAL $1,189,652 $ 5,143,454 Ii<mu County LandDav Building Dw _Tax LandDav BwldulgOw. Onetnne revenues Paned Tax BasG TaxaaSe RIde .l.eakaue Rwemies Reventmn SaieaTax $ 12,8B2.759 $ 61,578,000 015% 1000% $17,392 $ 83.130 B&OTu $ 14,814,177 $ 68A20.ooo 000% 1000% $0 S - Real E$tat8 TI8I1Sfer $ 29822.857 S 97742.867 000% o 00'lI0 $0 $ - IToTAL $17,392 i 83130 CIIy of Renton lJIndDav EkiJldlng Dew 2002Tax LaIIdDev. ~gOw One tnne_1IM PeJIcMS Tax Baae "lmc aas. Rate lr.IIaaft6. _811_ Rav_ Sa1eeT8It S 1a.~759 $ 61,678,000 0_ 1000% $98.553 $ 471.072 BAOTaX $ 14.314.177 $ 68,420,000 000% 1000'lI0 $0 $ . - . Real EaIaI& TnmsIer S 29.822.867 . ,$ 9'7742.857 050% o DO'lI. $148.614 is 488.714 TOTAL $245.167 $ 959,786 . -_ .. _-------------'-_._-------~--_.-._-----------" -.. -". _. --"---_._- ReAL SSTATE ECON~ 20031210001637.058 Recumng Revenue WAStata 2009 2001 M8XII1lum 2009 Recurnna reveaues Tax Base Tax Rate Revenues Property Tax $65,896,257 $3t1OOO $237~ Sales Tax $143,948;750 . 8 so')!, $i3sS.669 B&OTax-. $148,&48,750 0471% $677,999 Real Estate Transfer S6.599.626 128')1, S84A75 TOTAL $10,356.729 KmgCounty ZOO9 lOU 2009 ReCurrina revenues Tax Base T8JCRate Revenues PnlpeJtyTax . $86,998,257 $14500 $95,695 8alesTmc $0 100% $0 B&OTmc $0 000% $0 Real Esta18 Transfer $0 060% $0 TOTAL $95.695 City ofRenlon 200t 2002 2009 IR ...... mna revenues Tax Base TilXRate RaIIenUe$ ~Tax $65,996,207 I38GOO $221.087 Sales Tax $143.948.760 0115% $1~564 BaOTax $143,948,750 0.00% $0 Real EsIate 'fransfer' $9,699,626 060% $32.998 iEmDlovee Head Tax/Yr 1398 $5500 S7tt912 TOTAL $1;554.662 'Wa Sb;I1e 8&0 Tax J8Ie for retaq RenI!ln Urban VllJage-P-F1N xl. 11113103 Page 1 1be data and oaIotJI3t,ons preeenlllc:l b_ wilda not guaranteed, hav8 been obIa&nod from _ beIItMld 10 be reliable REAl. ESTATE ECONOMICS i§ i ..-g ..-N ..-2 BoeIng CPA .. EstImated Cost for Water Infrastructure Improvements 10'16103 Phase 1 Cost without Length Cost with ~et street restoration location From To in It. restoratfon' ... i 1 ParkAveN. . Garden Ave N N. 8th St 2000 $ 500,000 $ 459,500 2 N. 8th St. extensIon ParkAveN LoganAveN. 1300 $ 325,000 $ 298,675 3 LoganAveN •. N. 8th St. N6thSt. 1300 $ 325,000 $ 298,675 1-Pressure reduCIng I I 4 station at West Hili Pump $ 200,000 $ 200,000 5 N.1OthSt PsrkAveN. Garden Ave N 650 $ 16Z500 $ 149,338 .. . , Subtotal 1 to 4 $ 1.512,500 $ I 1,406,188 I Phase 2 6 LoganAveN. Garden Ave N. N. 8th 8t 2700 $ 675,000 $ 620.325 7 N.1Oth St Houser Way Genlen Ave N. 900 $ 225,600 $ 200,775 , a N. 10th St ParkAveN LoganAveN. 950 $ 237,~ $ 218,263 2 4'ressure reduang 9 stations at Highlands 3-200 ft water stubs to $ 200,000,.00 $ 200,000.00 10 properbes west of Logan 600$ 150,Qoo $ 137,850 SubtotalS to 10 $ 1.487,900 $ 1.383,213 ITotal1 to 10 $ 3,OOO,QOO . $ 2,789,400 I Future ReS6lVOtr In KennyclS/e 32O-zone $ 5,000,000 $ ** Note: Cost excluding street patchIng for 6 ft wiele x aa thick asphalt patoh over water line trench WIthin sn:eets where new water lilies will be Installed .. Asphalt cost estimated at $90lton lIAbdoul/bo61nglboetng-mfrastructure-cost-est 01.xIs~1 0!6t03 5,000,000 Exhibit 6A .... ..,.....!!..-""'~., •• - -ExhIbit as MAXIMUM AVAll.ABl.E· FIRE' FLOW· . NEW WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS _5.600 GAtJ,ONS PER "MINUT£, . 20031210001637.060 . -2 NEW 12" W!IUIUHIII AND._ -. -tu IWJQN (:I: l0AG0 .,. I2SOIm PROPOSED WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR _ ....... _ .... mo~~~~ ... BOEING CPA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT l PII'I8 III ttI/IIIIIoIIDs Nor !IIllIItft ON _, -... -....... -_---. .. --...-....... .... -..- {T] X .:I: . ..... to ..... -f '-l 20031210001631.061 .' . J I f"'1 X J: ...... ttl ...... -i -...) 20031210001637.062 Item . ! Boeing comp. Plan Amendme~ Total BUll40ut (OptIon B) stormRaIar System Ia\proIIeInentI I Skmn- I11III8 John's Creek to /ll:10!h at} ROW' lanaIIIlft'I RC1IN Area em _ Total Total length of water ~ Watar _ Coat wi Coat wlaut laterab; tft} ~~, Ql1IIIlty m Re$tonIIIan ($) _ 24" &'12" IaIenIIS 1 00 181.700 ' $148 e S599A78' $541 2"~~ 11OO2e4~'r---:-'613-:--2-----r-'S240m-~$B30-;&f4-$4$OJ IoIeW 24" & 12"1aIamIa , 00 178AOO 1 6 1 $160 $603.858 $6lJO.!Il )If I 4 IParlcAveN lakeWAlOSO"'S) -:----Nau 12."" 12"1atarIIIs 1 100 123,600 7 _$112,35 ~t58 $403' 5 Pa!Ic Ave N BOO Co N 101h stl i 12."-118 S70 69 010 ' 7 2 162.733 $134.: 93 $12.: ~ ParltAve N 'N 10th SttoN~ lilll -12" lI4D i.62Il -497 ~ $78.661 $168111$16a. __ _ PeIkAveH N8thSttoNBlhSl) I 2" 1.&20 5.960" 761 2 123,594 J284-,174.J244.1149 I. to IPaik AveN N 8th 5t to_N 6th SIl I 12" _ 66f) 980 _~_ 2 itn....m.x!32 11' f""'" .- I. 9 IN10IhSl(BOCtoPalkAveNl r Naw18"&12"l8terals 930 DfO, ti!i1 " ~561 A7ZM1 l 10 N1OthSl~AveNtoGanlenAveN ,New 18"& 12"1JIunI1s 685 SU96 408 3 54175 $274,530 : •• • .-S1IQardenAve Nto lo405~i New 18" &-12" lalllrals t!"· 81' &ft~ ~-• ·SO.273 .• ,-_ft . .. uu. '" BOCiOfiiilfAVil 1'""" u 13, N8th AwNtoG8tIIenAva 805 80 14 NllthSt en N 1250 1 8 '* 15 N 6th St Cedar Rlvar Co 1 1 000 :L .. ~,~ -'BOe III Park Ave IIaka to BQC) I -I • SOC • BoUlevard of ChampIons (t.ogan Ave) • Asswne ffDW 90% ImpeMoua, 10% IaIIlIacaPklg • Amuned collis inclUde pennllllnli. engIneenng. cIeaIgn, malarial&. conlltMllon, and blspecIIon of jIIpa. ella, bacIdIII, eIII "AssUme full ~ on all ~eta Total 1i Cost wi Colt wJout oremeter' (In) ;esto9l!lan l!J!f'!eatpratiOll ($I!!) 12 '180 155 18 215 180 24 260 220 30 400 $85 36 • 650 510 48 700 665 Exhibit 7C ~ S --...., .... o o o .... ~ I I . Boelllg eomP P\alI ~ ·1· Phase II Stormwater SyatBm ~. OpUgn B Total Total i stonn RtM ROW Langlllcf watat QIIali4' Watar Cost WI Cost wIout Item. :-1 ! lenalhlfl} Araatl 1_~(ft) FacI1IY. Q~($) ~onlS\ 1 . BOG JoIU\'& ~ to N oth Stl Z"liilar8/$ 1 BOO 264. B22 2 $0 $1 I.96Ol $142,91~ 2 BOO N10f11Stll N8111 In·f 2"-" .00-181 564. 1 51 iil20t $87A21 3 leoc(N~stto ,6th. I 12"1atBnd$ 1 0 '1'1.400-84 1511i.iiiOt ·~1'1li 4 IParlcAveNIUIkIIl'VA.!I: ot I Nuw12"&12"1aIara18 1 00 1 800 0 ··1 $112. 64 1111i S408AOI ·5 PartAveN{N811 stto 8111 !It} 12". -f. ~ 13 BO 781-2 _',Z!. s: m S244.IIM 6 ParkAvaNfNstllStto IIi1I in 1~ 660 10 391 2 ~1" ." 1n $122400 7 N1011!St BCCtoPaI1< V8 I leW r. 12"-931) O· -S5f 1 $73 1 :5;j II 8 1otbSOBI _,&"&12"_ 1 5 III 801 4 $4Q8·m 9 'N8OI$I OC toPaJ1cAll& I 1W18"412"1aIandI -'{ rI' 1 000 6881 $ 5438. 61; 10 N 8th 51 n Ave PI 1 /ateI8III 10 438 U 1 J1OZ; 1 1 11 N8thSt IlmfenAveNto~ W4a"& 1: 112. 680 ·6 $1 1.tI.$'.111 $t.o37 12 N6IhSt reifarRhMtIOBOC I Slmto3IT 1 . 758 • • 5120 $48l' 13 IN8thstIBOC to_AveNI I U _10311" 1 87 622 • • ~ 5lRI3. 14 0UIfa1l#10ilakeWAtoBOCI : Ut:SlMto38" 1 • • • • $990 $11'18,1 Total 1e,.490 1,640;116 a.22O . ~ ~,1 . ~144.7G!i Exhibit 78 ~ S .... .., .... g ~ !! 0, ~ Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 t I· Qoalns camp PIa4 AmaAdmeJ\t I .i . I'tIU& I Stormwal8rSyatem r~.OPtloR s l5IOtII\ Seament IJII~ ISOI; JaIuI'e CA!I8It to" 1 QlhBll ' 12"_· BOC(N tOll at toN lIIh i New 24" Ii 12" Ia\Bnlfa . lIIOCfN8Ih IoHIIIh , _ 24" & 12" fII/II8lB P$dcAveN ~tof'l1< I\~ ·1 12"1IItet:als PalttAveN 10th SIlo 8th au ; 1<1"_ N 101l1SUP A.ve N 10 Garden Ave II1l New 18"&12"_ • BOC .. 1kIIII8w/d ofCllllmplon8 (i.ogao,A\ie) • AaaumeRC1N~InQIeiNI_'09r. ~ • AaauII1ed coats InclUde Jl8III'IIlIfnII ~ dealgn.1IIIIIIm8II, ~ and IJl8l)8dIon of pipe, cbs. badIliII. eIc. • AaumeI1aWowdh~OnBOC 'Water Quab\y Facdillaa i -I'actIdV#I At Logan and PIIIk Ave N ROW· Lana!II ffl:'I 1.800 1100 1.2CO. Ii10 e40 685 Tota 6,295 -T.-memArN LOQan~(N 81h stili PadlAve N) & ParkAveN (N BIh 51 to I..oQarl) -ssr.. 44Cr x 20' XU' I -F~aAt N 10lh Stand Garc!en AveN fNotGaalan Ave N) -TI1IBIme/It Area K 10th at (Garden Ave N to PaItc Ave N) . I'II8seIandIlstcrm xfa ROW \.eIlIJIIIOI coat AreaIS!'} Lalsiats IlIl lSI 264,,600 §11 .,07:141 161700 ~ 8307482 176AQtt 4$'1 ·~18" 69.010 SlIT $81,478 88.520 . 4fI1 '" 078 _~5 408 $1~B94 8'7,a:26 2,874 $S,081.698 ~._ _ _CoattJl!n 12 165 18 1$0 24 22lI 30 385 38 G10 48 SliS water QI/ably FacdJ1y# 1 1 1 1 1 2 waw TOI8J I.lO*t QuaIIIv IS) wIout RssIOruIIc 1240.534 1lU1~ 5148993 .$45441 51SOase _571 tlI2m . $124~ $78,651 $1657:1 $64.175 5Z41.1E $743,<441 ",825,03 Exhibit 74 ~ o ~ ...., .... o o ~ ~ m / /. //FtH ,. 3.100 LFOF 1T . fie-. @ $250 PCR FOOT : :. TOTAL = $250,000 I / . . 1'-EXISTING KING OJ. 10 RIM EASTSIDE INTERCEPTOR IS ! 4 •. 1200 LF OF 12" II I .@ $250 PER FOOT TOTAL;: $300,000 f~ I " I ~ 20' 20' 2 170 Iil 176 27& 0 02711 0271 274 TOTAL COST 1. WEST sruBS = 100,000 2.LOGAN/PAAKCONNECTUR .. -125;000 3. N. 10'1li ·.LOGAN TO PARK.. 250,000 4. N. 8TH -LOGAN TO PARK .. 300,000 5. GARDeN REPlACEMENT .. 390.000 . $1,165,000 OR $1.2 MIWON PROPOSED BOEING CPA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SEWER EXTENSIONS· EXHIBIT 8 20031210001637.066 ilO' 20031210001637.067 , . ., . , " ., " ,~ ® P!.All!'!"i -, ........ 20031210001637.068 . " I Ilp~. j \,', ," , \' ,- \ " \ \, LIitiIfI1 -__ aD" c::::=J ===-~" -==='11" ® --[: t.~ . ......,_"""!~_ : { I PROPOSED ARTERIAL RIGHTS .OF WAY TO SUPPORT DISTRICT 1 EXHIB'T 10 ; I { i TYPICAL SECTlbN 1: PARK AVENUE NORTH .... _. . I . ..' '. . .. . FROM' PROPOSED LOGAN AVENue· TO NORTH 8TH STREET 4 LANES OF TRAFFIC WITH AMEDJANITURNING LANE . 1 . r-------------------""I~~~v~--------------~---1 (-----4I1.r_o_v-------f 14'_ IIE_ ·'I .. ~12' ~ IIIIi ~ If EXHIBIT 10A Dtort OF ~y WlD1H WIUlU o ·8' lS' I 32' I ! ; '. , I SCALE' 1~=IS! A'Q.IE: PARTIAL BUILDOUT <SAME AS FULL BUILDOUT) 8EC11ONS ARE DRAWN IN ACCClI'/DAt.CE WI7H THE KING COt.HrY ROAD 8TA/1CJARD8 AN) TIE CITY OF RENTON BTREEr STANDARDS. I ALL ROADWAY scc'Ti'cws ARE H.L1..B'mA11~ ... -", Consulting Sllfnsers tJf'StsWart street SuIte 800 8sattre. VIaS/!lngtan 98101 (2(}B). S82-C8OO Fax C206} 882-0500 to I'.OVSI.SE1? 200S ~ S ... ..., ... o g ... !i b I . . I . TYPICAL SECTION 2: PARK AVENUE SOUTH FROM NORTH· 8TH STREET TO NORTH 8TH STREET 4 LANES OF TRAFFIC WITH A . MEDIAN/TURNING LANE . . i . I f I ---Io-~ 11' -J.-" .• < ~ ---.w:"~ ~ "!1!?!0 .1· EXHIBIT 108 I..-";';=:;:"'---~---_II· RIUII'Cf' W,.,1IIIIlI ... t-------..,;..~~~--l o S' 1S' ,y I ! ! PARTIAL BUtLDOUT (SAME AS FULL BUILDOUT) blQIEl 1 BEOTIOfoS ARE DRAWN IN ACOORDANCE WITH TIE K/N(3 00UN1Y ROAd, STAM:>ARDS AID TI-E CITY OF RENTON STREET ST'NCJARDS. i AU. ROADWAY SEC1JONS ARE ILLUSTRATJ\£ ... Con9uI~ EngIneers 101 SteWart SITeet. &lite 8DO Seattle. WashIngton 98101 la)6) S82-OOOO Fax (206) 382-0500 to NOVCMI3ER 200S § .... N .... o C) g ~ ~ o TYPIOAL SECTION. 3: LOGAN AVENUE NORTH EXHIBIT 10C . .' . I' . . . ' 2 LANES OF TRAFFIO WlJ'H A TURNING' LANE, ,,\,j'\~' • ~1 ~< ." :-', '( ~ . ~ : . I ( ,I i, .!~ , 1 ' f-F = -= == =-= ...... -........ -_.-=---r=-~ ~I ___ ;------------. c-::-_ itER t;==;?i II I I I "I H ~=.I .. 'mo IUK ,'us L------------------~--------~~~~~W-ri.r--------------------~-1 ~~~~----------~ ~--------------~---------------------------\~mon~~v,---------------------------------------------~ PARTIAL BUILDOUT TO SUPPORT SUBDISTRICT 1A I [1.6' ;Sf SCALE '"=16' : J::1fJ1'.e , SECTIONS ARE: DRAMoJ IN ACCORDANCE WITH TH: KIM3 C01.NTY ROAD srAMlAROS AM) THE CITY OF RENTON 87REET ST~ ALL ROADWAY SECTI016 ARE ILU.JSTRATlV£ ..,.. Consulting ~ tJi Stewart Str6Gt SuIt8 800 Seattle. ~ 98XJ1 f2(6) S82-06OO Fax f2D8) 382-OSOO K) NOYSf1ER 2J)().g g (,oJ -II.) -8 -= .... ~ - TYPICAL SECTION 5: NOeTH 8TH STREET, 2 LANES OF TRAFFIC WI~ A MEDlANITURNING LANE o l' 16' 32' ' I ! I ' SCALE '-"16' WIE: i • II J. 1: e-..::-== == = ==i '" fEB fE57 V '¥=1 , t+ 12 I t2' I " umm/~ __ _ WIE LNIE !NIt '.-~~ ."ita="~' _____ -l ~------~---------------'.~~.~r ________________________ ~ PARTIAL BUILDOUT TO SUPPORT SUBDISTRICT 18 SECTIONS ARc DRAWN IN AOOORDANCE WITH TH: K1NG COUNTY ROAD STNDAROS AfoD THE CITY OF RENTON STREET STAI'DAROS. ! AU. ROADWAY $IONS ARE iW..S7RA71VE EXHIBIT 100 IJj~U' 00nsuItfryJ En(JkIefn 101 stewart 8t1eeL SuIte 800 Seatti& ~ 9SK» (J!{)S) 8B2-06OO Fext208J S82-OSOO 10 NOVEM3EFI 2003 § -N' -g c -m ~ ~ .. "( ( TYPICALSECTIONi 7: NOATH 10TH STREET . . I . 2 LANES OF TRAFFIC Willi A MEDtANITURNtNG LANE EXHIBIT 10E 1\' I \ ' p=p V51 V'crL=i 'J -f • ~ LJ-:;"_ 1 ---=-_ -=-=--i '12~ ~ lANE lAH£ --~~ ~~-----I !------------7i_ ....... ,------------! PARTIAL BUILDOUT TO SUPPORT SUBDISTRICT 1A· r i' 1,6' :Y f:IO.IE! ' SECTIONS ARE DRAv.fIlN ACOORDAta WITH 17-£ " KfN(3 COOOY ROAD STNDARDS IWJ TI-E CITY OF RENTON STREET 8TANDARDS . I ' ALI. ROADWAY 8fCT1ONS ARE Il.I.I.JSTRATlVE a-'" COrtsuItIng Crtg/11e8t8 t» Stewart Street.. SuEte 800 Seattle. WSsIIIrtgtcn 88101 ~ 882-0600 Fax C2061 382-0500 10 />OVEMS9? 2003 ~ ~ ... ~ § CD ~ ~ 30 I " . .1 . • ~i ,. ~ ... :; " : ; ,', , I .' I •• , ... , • I fl' ,I t I . " t'. / I ,~ . . <;;.:-ttJ.(",-~J'v. '(.11\.,' k"'iI. ... ., . __ ~ .... ~l ",.. ·'·~11.11~'1tJQt. rtulC .... ---.. .'....... '" _. .... .. ·~r·:.1.:V.·1:(>H.d1~. ..A" it; ,,1'-tl;It.~. m~4'i!6.R", / e,d~nll",;& //u./ePt"f?{lVV. .... ' .·?ji'~7<11M,l'~I.t.,~"v.,:;;~U'/~~t,H1'IA~.a ••. tt JfI/~rku·d.M",,/, , ............. >'--!~!i'i'tc· .. lr-\"._.~.:..:.VI .. :.~~ .....• ' . .('//~tI14(j(:#'l.4i/~.-t -1-" 'U-i 'kf~tN.(r _,r/t, vr,~Irc.tI" a<,." .• z ...... ~r ... :,ifr.t~..(~g~.~~.;.fltt. :h ... ~L.~~fP(-t .. :J ~"-~~ .. r..It ___ ~.~_'_~' H(I, .. ''''p.o.~~.;''.'II<!'.~, . .;4., IA:" •• tl.rt·<'t /a-~~·11J; .. r:I.w.~~If~ 7J~~ri.'7.I_'p-." . ~·j~,.<4ITo(UU·t~~c.:~:~;r;~:2!~;~~- ~~~jf'~l~(~~~;:P(l,.~tlil.A~il .. ~~"~·,_··_ ~. ..;..t-.Jt . lot' . '" " ~fI. "';".' IQ4..lK.-,J trlllni'.1-Ijr ~'i-" .. C.u.loU--N a,~,(""u1~-t.4 ~ ··1-71'd.~d.u.'./~.ut.('''~.7:,'W ;';";:~'i.J',",i'iJCtlv·h dt .MH4'~(C.Cr,· • ...,. ~.t.t"t,:,... III« _&11 .. :.4";;"1"'''«-10 '1'~/ '. ... /."./ .. ,.... .. - .. ' .. ' " '.t.~1.,e..·:1"..~..t .... / n,·vv "'~('A"U (JIru..l.tI,uu74.·lh ru.w"7 d"H- ,.IU":..r,'R:;~i/~iI ~1~tcb~;';"v£>t-I(t~H'" #fIk'fN_~'~, ".;-::102' •. '4, .••... r~II~"'-I.II_d~ o .• 1 lie. u (~~I c('" .. ..,"'?'; (I) v'~""'" .1"''''1 "'<H.~,~ 'I,,,,.e/:,,,,rtl .~" .. t"~i.(.t <lA'.! 1>-1"(01 ,,/Ut., ;.", .. I/O"-f.lAAfH l..,r .... ~.r·,,t I-n7 ... ".iU"/ a-,1.,~1 . "IuU,Jt"'Nt4~" J"!u,-,,,lJul""'''' .;It.-I ?tit'! ...",. ... A7t"le.,; lfIa ... 'rt~ ... d.~ ".t'l.t:lr'a~:"l f ,~no":i.l;".1 ,.,,/'/,:.!, oI""',"U,olUJ a ... L ~" __ '1'"'' a.. tt:.H,( ?-:4u~~I'I;I'd('j ,,",, '/'("".//'·//.7 utf.llu!'t .... v ·','tel,;{ .. _t-H'''(''(.(.·.J'~ .~/~, ,.".(/. .. !t~~~._;;(.(>.~l'~I':"~",:"·''''·'' ,: I·/~ ,0. . ,'/ f~: • • "/~ e,1 rI :< .. It tHt.f,· .... 1t ,.e 117' .1 .. '1 ..• /,u r",..,.·l't>t'ftl"t ~~,/ tIiI~Iti-/ .•• d~t/Jt, .. i/ ::''fIt' i!'t>1. J t:." ~ t ('.I.#/i(/t ••. I ... .! oA~'/.,.,'" ,:."1..,,:.,,.1 "P ..... ' .~ " .... ~" #t~". "'It ,/ I/'~u,. / t{ . I I (l,,~,· .. /~!"r<' .l~'/ ""j,..,t ~ /,'rrwa.4I1 ~ '~;(j', 'm'('r'.dt~:tyr-flWknq''LI/,,'~'l' .. It" . .!t.,·",,/ 1>",/ ,.1.. ,·u"t't' .• .1",..' .","/ ~~'~"ll-l'" .v." 1"'1" (--/-01 //t, .}( ........ t-l.1--.tl/rf'./t' ", ro I / • I . . . , ,. ~P".'t'(1,'("""'< .,JJII".''''H'''' /I',r. ... ,J "".,. h",,/v "..,'/41·«:./'" .Id.,,, fi"/v .I~:,:, ,1"·~'.:" , .. ~ ~'ri.. ,tr-# .. ~AJ 4-(1 r.{",/,{. /.;,,// .: .. ·Ie;~"IC~41'''1 .h.,/,I,I, · ... r.~'" ... \,.' jt ... "U«~" \ ( ,4';. l~""C<' (1;4., ... ;"/.. ~ ,,,1', i . / '" ~ .' t{ . (..(1 J c ' t.,. t1 '( ~ • , ~ • . I.' • • :,. '1 ,1,./(,: , .... /It (.I, It ,., rI , {rp,." ·Ii ,", " . .1P,..",u. l (I .1/", /,.,. lIt ,.,." .1'· /.~c,·<I.tJ .o/".ut I .. "", it',. .Ie, .~«(. I /. .' ( , Iolf I ,J , "; .. r, "f'('t' ./ . <il!v ~/. , DOCUMENT #75960 . NOT AVAILABLE , , ' ..... ~-c1/i£?::-_~~--r ',' ,'.' ". ,.~ .. "'r2.LiI~.~~ , ·~.j~~'-AtJ.~4?t_Ad;.~'~._7' 7-" '. lflL4<h:"rT-"".,...h .. ;t~ {r?U/ :d-#~~,...J; ~', .n.l -'"--' '~.IVl""'''''' ~LU./_',.;f~~,,~'~#t4'l.UL.'~"'" _~~'I.< ~I/n 31 -._~ 0_.-__ .. _~. 4952098 vot.8R3G PAbL14~ R.W. 007l !he pu\o:r. D!II'lIIR. PJOIJ'IC ltUDflX CCIIPJ1iI. a V:t..ecDD81D COI'POZ'atiQll btnla 'o.lled -. ~ ~, __ ill coaddantiOll td the .. of ClMdoll#,to 1\ Sa bIDeS patd, til. ~ ,1IIIInot !AI h«reb7 acJalolrl.edied, nb3ec\ tothe,ZW..aUcu ml CGIIIt1\1aDa hentA II. tarth,' does hereD1 srd (to tile dteIl\ td it. lIp1 ~ 80 to do) to the CITY or RIIfOIf, a , ~. cGrpcn.t1OIl of the &tate of Wu!I1JIctcm. here1D called the C1t7, aD NSeIDeIlt tal' eVMt; pupoe .. ~, 1DaludiDs • snde CI'OSII1III GnI' the BdlJrq ~'. vllOk; '1!pCIIl ,cd acroee the tollc:nl1Da-cleacribed prSl1aea, IIlt11atecl in the Cit., of 1eDtoD, I1Da Cout7. State of Wuh1ngton. 'l'bat portloa ot the ~ of Section 7 aDd ot GoverIJlleD't, lot 1 of 8eot1ora 18, fCNlllth1p 23 Wartb. JIang. S But, W .. 'I.., ~ vith1D SO teet, IIeUID'ed at r1&" anglaa, !rca the center l.1De of the II&in track of the Rdl.vQ' CCIIIJialI1's Belt 'UN> ... IItN ccmatruoted, &Dc! v1tb1n bD teet, JI8asved at r1ibt ql.ea, or rad1&1lJ, !rca the fCllJ.gv1ng deaor1bed street oeDtel' liDal Co!!!I!IeD~1l8 at the po1nt cit intersection oE the center liDa of Bumett Street lforth vith the center llDe of Fourth '&'TeDUe Jlcrt.hJ theace ".t aloug a vest Product1Q1l oE the center l1ne ot rourtJ1 Avem1e Horth a distance ot JO teet to a point of curve} thence SOI1thvesterly along a C\Il"\'e to the lett baTing a rad1ua ol lSlO.b8 feet. through an angla at n~6'OOIl, a. ;i1r..anca of 244.68 taat to " po1nt or tallg&r..:sy~ thence southvester~ in a straight line tangent to said curve a diataDoe of 244.0 feet. to a po1Jlt of c:urve; thence south- westerly along a curve to the right having a radius ot l.4l.S teet, tbrough an &nile ot 1IPPrax1ma~ L,SO to a po1llt 1ll Logan Street. 'lh1i eaaement is lUde subject to and upon tha !01lowi,l'l8 9lq:ress coad1tionsl I The Ra1lltIq COlllp~, its Suoc988on anti assigns. reserve the right to use the property h~etore described tor any BIld all pul"J'OS'i'g not. 1llcOnsistent with the eas_t hereby granted, incllld1ng. but not limlted to, the right to COD/Jtfnct, 1IIIrlntain, rePair, renew, recon.struct, replace, and ,operate present tracks and tuture tracQ, cClllDlllUnication, and signal lines and other facil1tiea on saie! lands 'IIheIl deemed necell88l'7 or exped1ent to the Railway COlllp~. Rights ~erTed shall be so exercised &3 not to d!lJ!la6'! ~ 1Irterferre with the street or ~ part. thereat, except as !!laY otherwise be provided he~1Iy II Th1s easement 18 aulJject to existing intereste in said praadses or whatsoever nature 8nd any and all extensions am renevala thereat. III The City lIil'eea at ite sole cost and expense to provide on 1tll right ot loIay adequate dra1nai;;e ot the RailVlQ' Canpany's property in con1lSction vI.th const.ruction and lll&intenance of said street and also agrees t.o reilllburse the Railway Ccillpany for 311)' anti all expen.se 1llcurred or loss ilr damaee 9ustainod by it by reason at any faiJ:are or the City to provide such drainage. IV -EIIC"Pt tor such portion as the Railway COIIIpany III8J' berequirad by law ...to maintain the City shaJ.l bear the cost or IIIa1ntaining the struet on said premises. v Tlte City shall not Wle tile properiy granted by this agreemerlt tor other than street purposes. The C:1ty shall not grant to any other person. persOllo. - 1 - ., , ::.'<~: . L " .... or ·~0118· Ot aro-eOrt:~~i6i" 1IIcJ.d.Jic .. pubito ad print. uW1t1ea ·_.~t1OD cCllp8D1ea of" i;t,.pertd.adoa to MiDta1Jl IIl7 tacillt1es . ··oa.·tIiIo"P.t.:lc!II:ottbe ~. de80dbed 'ill ~ ...... t, tbe right to grant >ftoh peIIIlta bdzIs "e.,..~ the lla:I.l.wq ~ PJ"OY1decllNOh penlite shall . DO~ be puted. ~ to do 10 would ~ with tile uae ot tile pl'em1sell· ~tbt O1V .. hIIJ'CIin Jl1"OY1decl. VI . It 18 uaderstoOcl tbat the det.Ula ~ coutncti.on 01 the street 01'088ing 011 s41d pl'fild.S83 and of COIlStnct101l and mainteDaDce ot protective devices . are covered b7 al1 agreeIIIct dateci Jal7 18, 19S7 betweel1 the Railway C:lmp~ aD4 the C1 tT. VII FiEf) -for Retordat Request 01 . Otl-.It;t: Ufo mE cnY ci._ RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG; . 200 MIU. AVE.SOU'ni ·~rt~ The Gran~or, BURLINGTON OOaTHBlUl INC.. a Delaware corporat1on tn ~ here1nafter called Ra1lway company, for and in considerat1on of :.:> § TWENTY ONE HUNDRB)) :a.m> NO/100 DOLLARS ($2.100.00) to it paid and ~ the agreements herein·conta1ned. does hereby grant to the CITY OP ~ RENTON, a mun1cipal corporat1on of the State of Washington, here- inafter called City, an easement for roadway purposes only upon and ar.~oss the surface of the Railway'S right of way. and for no other ?urpose. upon the following-described premises situated in King County, State of Washington. Those portions of the SE\SE", and NEJ.iSElt 0= Section 7. Township 23 Worth. Range 5 East,· W .M., and the SW~w~ and NW~W~ of Section 8, Township 23 North. Range 5 East. W.M •• at the location shown in red outline on map marked Exhibi t ., A". dated November 30. 1971. revised December 17. 1971. attached hereto and ma~o a ?Brt hereof. This easement is made subject to and upon the follvwlng express conditions I I The Railway Company. for itself and its succeSSors and asSigns. reserves all rights to use the property hereinbefore described for <lny and all purposes "/hatsoever not inconsistent with the easement hereby granted. includinq. but not limited te. the right to construct. maintain. repatr. renew, reconstruct:. replace and operate ~reoent trac~~ and future tracks. communication. aiqnal and.slectr1c power ·lines. utilities and other types of facilities on said property when deemed· necessary or expedient to the Railway company. Rights reserved shall be so exercised as not to .damage or interfere with the highway as above defined. This easement is subject to all existing interests oz thirc ~arties in said property of any kind or nature Whatsoever and any a.i"ld .. 11 e:ttensi.,nA or renewals thereof. fi'·' -- The City agrees. at its Bole cost and expense, to provide adequate Jrainage of Railway company's property in connection with construction and maintenance of said roadway and to reimburse Railway Company for any and all expense incurred by it ;:,y reason of any failure of Grantee VI provide Such drainage. III This casement is grar.ted '.lucsuaro:. to the terms of the construction aqreement entered int,o between the ;)arties dated _-'~~;~.~J_'LLC':~_ ..• -1- BASEMENI' (continued) IV In the eyent that said. property shall at any time cease to be used by the public as a street. or shall by operation of law or otherwise become vacated or abandoned. the easement herein granted shall immediately cease and terminate without notice or other pro- ceedings on the part of the Railway C~pany. and the City, its successorll oralSsigns, shall reconvey immediately saJ.d property to the Ra11way company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Railway Company has caused this instru- ment to be exec\lted by its pr0P!ilr pff1cers..., and its corporate seal to be here:~~. 8;ffixed, th1s ~'-aay of //1"1._,1972. BURLINGTCY NORTijBRN !N~. ss county of Ramsey ., On this .L~:~~1ay of ~~~L-__ , 1972, bef0re me a Notary I Public in and inr the State of Minnesota, personally ap~ared G. f. DEFIEL and to me known to be a Vice PreSident and --=~ ___ ._ .. Secretary, respectively of BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC., the corporation t:.hat executed the. within and foregoing instrument, ana aCKnowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed ot 5aid corpOration for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on. oath stated that they were aut.horized to execute said instrWIICnt, ",,"Or th~t· the ··seal -ifff1:xea· rs-·the . corporate-seal··· of said· corporation. IN ''lTNESS \'lHEREOF, I halle hereunto set my. hand and affixed my ',iricial seill ':tlE: ,Jay and )'ear ':1rst ab .... ·:~ written. ~!otar-Y~~·;~€STate 'Jf '''Iinnescta. residing ilt St. Paul. 11}· C0mmission eXPi%e<,,~";;'~j·7}t. -2- I L OGflN .:) I j:(,,- .. .~' I NE45E4 56e.7 r.23N. R.SE. w.M. "j', ':1. . . _, ... 51 N. l) I!) To WoodinYi.[ie.-..... ---_ .... - .,' ;,-' "·1 , ......... . ..... / .::, . " UTlLI'rIES II !.~!.!.!U.!! RECD F CRSHSL i i , , , ., THIS INSTRUMENT. made thl' 15tltiay of __ S..:ep~te_mbe~.,.r ________ 1,9~ by and be.tWeenBoe1ng conmerc1al Airplane eo .. nd._C_,,_t.;..y_o_f_, Re .... _n_to_n ___________ , .:: . . . and, _______ ...,-_-:--_____ -..t; •. l\. ________ ' _ . .,..;.. ______ ~--.:and 1. \ _......, _________ ~--_----.:and l I.' ·iterei;~~'t~·r cai led uGrantorWt". anci the CITY OF REMTOH. a l1unlclpal CorporatIon of lUng I {: . County" V.sh I niton'. heretnafte, cal led "Granc.e". ., WI TNl';rtl!'i'iI: t't . . .' That.ald Grantor()j.'t, for and In consideratIon of the sum of $ , .00 ~I . (One Dollar and 00/100 Dollars} paid by Grantee. and. other .,.Iuable conlld~e'!:'ra~t:'Ti'!:'on~.-:rdO:.-rbY':'!'"" ,. \ thise prelen~I, grant. 6argain. sell, con.,ey. and Wlrrant unto the SIIld·Grante •• Its succellorl alld.,alllgn., an easement 'or public utIlities (IncludIng water and i_r) with .... \ .•. necessary appurtenances over. through, acrotS and upon the 'oJJowlng described Propt".~tf . In King County. WashIngton, more p.rtlcularly descrIbed .s follows: in EXHIBIT gAn - Legal Descrfption. and EXHIBIT "BU -Easement Exhfb1t. attached hereto and a.part of the. Easement. Agreement. pages UEII-1 and·UEI1-2b. -f.ll[D FOR RECORD -AT-·REQUEST-OF OFflt( Df THE an CURl . REiTOI MUIIClPAl IlDa. 28. IIIU lit sa. / Hli." IA i •• ~5 .,;. 11£11-1 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REQU~~~D King Co. Records DIVISIon By ~:rH~ . Deputy RF.~.I1RnE~ 1 HI': 1t.' .~rR ! 9 11211 afP~? ·\.'·:.'.,t" ~ '; ./; '. 'f"" 1· .\\ ,: ... ::5t:. .. : .. ~ :r;~ . :':~; de? -.-.--.... Said heretofore ~ntioned grantee. fts successors or assigns. shall have the right, without prfor notice or proceeding at law. at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above descrfbed proper1;y for the purpose . of constructi.lg. maintainfng. repairIng. alterfng or reconstructing said uttlf1;y. or making any connections thel"!wfth. without incurring any legal obligations or l1abfl11;y therefore. provfded. that such· construction. main- taining. repairing. altering or reconstruction of such utf11ty shall be accoilQl1shed in such a IIIafIner that the IVtvate fll'Jlrovements existing in the right rlght(s)-of-wayshall not be disturbed or damaged. or in the event they are disturbed 01' dlllt6ged. they will be replaced in as good I. condition as they were illllBd1atelybltfore the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescrf bed premises. Including tile right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way ff such use does not Interfere with installation and maintenance of the utility fine ,However •. the grantor shall not erect bun :lings or structures over. under or across the rlght-of-wq during the existence of such utf1lty. This easement. shan be a covenant running with the land and shall be bInd-ing on the Grantor. his successors. flairs and as~igns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above p; >.;lertfes and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. CORPORATE FORM: STATE OF WASHINGTON . COOOT10F ~K~IN~G~ ________ _ and and 55 UElI-2b ~~ commission expires r-ebruary 15. 1983. , .. , . • 0;... .J .-- .'r------------...:.-~--..... ....... ..-..-.---... ----.... Horton D~nnil1 & Ass",,';aills, Inc. [[~l Consulting Engineers February 23, 1981 EXHIBIT "A" HDA4214.2 Legal Description for a perpetual easement to the Cfty of Renton (GRAHTEE) over. across and under the Boeing Company (GRANTOR) real proPerty known as Parcel' V-80. Boeing Commercial Afrplane Company, Rento~ Plant Facility, Cfty of Renton, King County, Washingt~~, Exhibf,t Map attached: ' ~ DESCRIPTION ~T PORTION OF THE ABANDONED BURlINGTON NORTHERN. INC. (fORMERLY NORllIERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY) 100 FOOT RAILWAY RIGHT-Of-WAY IN SECTIONS 7 AND 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.H., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTH 4TH STREET AND THE sounr HARGlN OF NORTH 6TH STREET IN THE CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON OESCRBIED AS FOLLOWS: A RIGHT-Of-WAY 15 FEET IN WIDTH HAVING 10 FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON THE' NORTHERLY, SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE Of AN EXISTING 12 INCH CITY WATER PIPE LINE AND 5 fEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON THE SOUTHERlY SIDE OF SAID CENTERLINE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EXISTING MONUMENT AT THE IKTERSECTION Of NORTH 5TH STREET AND BURNffi AVENUE NORTH FR()l WHICH THE EXISTING MONUMENT AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH 5TH ,STREET AND wiLLIAMS AVENUE NORTH BEARS SOUTH 89°00'12" EAST; THENCE SOUTH 71°34'44" WEST. 27.34 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN Of SAID ABANDONED RIGHT-Of-WAY AND THE TRUE POINT Of 8EGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 87°12'15" WEST. 100.39 fEET TO THE WESTERLY MAnGIN OF SAID RIGHT-Of-WAY AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID ,CENTERlINE. ' CERTIFICATION: 'I herebycertffy that the foregoing legal desc!,ip~fo.n Js ~he direct _ . result of -a .field'survey-of sidd-easemerit centerline accomplhhed under~' supervision and approval. ,Q '~~ ~ Registered Land Surveyor Certificate No. 9158-WA 6133 Sixth Ave. Soutl.·, Seattle, Washington 98108 . P/10na 767-3456 I r ! i I l-I -... , ......... ~ •. -.~ ~'--•. , ..... --. .!".~-.... ... ".1.. •. ..... •..... ~ .. . ..... . '::' . I EXHIBIT NB" EA6EMENT eXHIBIT City. OF Renton "" ~ (:) 1.\ O~ ~<: ~(() (Q ~ .~ :-.. ...J ~ !lJ ~ 'll~~ ~ ~. ~'-=. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f:: ® 5urve!l Monumenr CD ~ IlJ ~ ~ ::J ~ Q.) ~ NORTIt 51"h BT. JX)--a=-.8!r=-oo· 12-ef------@ 57'" !J4'44"W 27.94' .,r----;I ., '!Jcale ," -eo' -*T---4_,.-__ ;--___ , .. _. ( I I ....... '. ""., " ·~>:?t(f$~ • ~ • < • ": '. ~.: '. !:',"' .. :' ";.\ ...... ~ .. . ·{::>:·fs! 1· ·/·~" .. r t ... :;~:Ir.'~:'': I I 34 It,il f-·r ': . .i ...... . .. ' .... :', , .... .\ . . '.~ .:ASEMENT ORISI AL THE BOEING COMPANY' a pel aware corporation. \ \ ,"Onnt.or" berelR),' hereby ,rams. COftYe)'Io lad warranta 1.0 PUCiET SOUND Pq\\'EM &: LIC' .... T COMl'ANY. a aGhb\&UJft ' .. 1 corporelUlcl ('.'Grantee" ""joel"I, lor the l1li""'""" her.'tialler ... lorth. a pefllt'lua/ ...... ment 0...", 1<',0.' and under III. ··• .• ·.1 ,. . , IoIlD1irll1ldeserlbed real proponr ,the "PropeJ'lll" ""rellllia K1Dg Coun.y. Washlnalon. o .,.. -:A..~ ...... ~ c· , .. I 8 See attached EXHIBIT "An. .~.' .--., .... :.l> ~ . 85.-11/04 REeD F CASHSL I _0570 7.')01 r;"7'·OO i tg ~ : e~3~ I ;;;"cepl aililinal\l~ OIhei'wlse sec lordl· herein G~anll"'_ rfgllt& 1IIaI1.I>4> e .. riilsfCI upon lIIal' ponlon of IIw pr\,pen~' IlIIe ! ; "RIah'·III·W~" horel"; described lIS roliows; . 'i, ..A..JI~Ii' .... __ .. ____ = _________ ,,_.u... .. kIIII~ .. _________________ ItiI...ot .. IIclo~ ....... "-_ ~01""'do&oi~_: . j ·1 '. That portion :O:f the above described Pr.operty lying Southerly cit tl)r ".:'.' .• '. followi'~desoribed line I COfo)MENCING a.t. a point 293 feet Bas~t ~e '.' . .' .Easterly lIIar.g'ih::of .the Burlington Northern Inc., RaHway .Righ a'1. jif1d 10 '.,. ,f.ee·t.rlQrth::of.:.the l\()rtn margin'of Nort~ 6th Street as establi!! ed'f'y'deed '.' rec.orried .'.un~;'. A~i.t9~1 s:·.F11e .~o. 8509100968: thence westerly. to .. apQ~ii.t'cn the: ··.:;Easterly mlirg~n·"ofLogan·. Street . 'North; said point. lying 1-7. Bl feet ~drth ' . . of:th~South..l1n.e.of . the above described Property and tcjthe·1;.Ei).;~ipus . · Of sai.~. !-~Il~,;lIesOription.. 1;" EXCISE TAX NOT REduiRED · ~~:R:ci:.~:~=~;REQUEST PF~ , . _ .', Ki'll Co .. ~ecor~ Division .. ".~EAtEST,I'.TE.OIV.IS'ON· . :ME~mr~BmlUi 81 4 ii'v,,{/Jlu/r.' Dellut PUGET POWER· BLDG .. ' '. "'. .r. '. .... y · BELLevUE, WAsHiNGTON!Il!mQ " .. ':";'" .,. '.. . • .., . '.' : I. ..... ri'jlH:.-Clrin~. Sliill TlIVinho. rl&hl. Itl''06nslnJCI, oper .... malntat .. , repair. replace and enl.t8~ !"'I' ~r. "!.r. · e1et'"lc.lr'an!imlsstona"'" Dr dllilrlbullOIIllnes OYer .nd·,r uncleI' the RI&hI·or·Way IOReIII.er with 'a11 ....... sary til' te<iIi\''"'t~ill . . appuneriances 1lie...u;: IIotIleh iniy tnCl~di! bul .re not limited 10 the rDllowlng', .. , .' . , a. ovrio.ci' 'ilK'Ulliei. POI'es and-'or lO'A'ers .'ldl croSSarms. braees. guya and anchors. e1~tTic' transrrhsSlon' and distrll>UlI";' lines. cOmmUnlcatiDn'and 819R1IU"..: Ir.";'ormers. .' .' . b. Umler_ .. hfadIUes. ·llndersround·con<l>lis. ool>les •• ""hs. manholes. O,.,llches .nd Iranslormero. seml:bufled Dr ,round lII""n'ed '""Ullles su.cli so p8ds. IranS/orlll." and ... llche • .. : 'PollcN;lna. the .. tn"la.I·constructlon 01 lis laclliltea, Grantee ma)· lrpm Umf' 1.0 ·tlme t:'on9truc.~.su('h actq:llknkl Jjnes and . .'other facilities as h. mar ,..;qUire. , . •. '2, Accus.GrllntH shall have Ute rlaht or access to the R1&ht·oI-Way o~er and BCross the Property to enable (,Tancce 10 exBR'iat" lUi rl&h.l$. hereunder. provldl!d. that Grantee-shall .compensate Orantor fOT any darntlie 10 the Propfir1y CAUsed b)' 01. ""ere ise of said rlahl or BCCHB_ 3. RI&hI·.1II "'.r Clea,.., ami M.k......... Oranlee shall hove th. rlflhl l~ ~UI.nd remove or OIherwls<! di~. or any' P~: all brush ind ·.trees pretranUy exl.~lna· upon. ~ Rl&ht·or·WA)', Gurnee shall also hne. thtr" ,righ·1 ro ~OlttrQl~ pn B :C!DllII ... 11\Ii basts 1IIIIi .bj..;.ny .. p ...... ill aild reasonab'e means. the establlshmenl ann IIfl1w1h 01 I ....... ·brush··"ius OIlier' veieia. .' Uon::upan:llle. RlII,hliof,waji·lIotIlch:<'OUld. 'lnlbe :opinlooor Granl ... ; Interfere ~'Ilhlh. 'eii .. 'iiliie OIGrai1ree'jrrahtS :herei.', or Cr.t41e D hazard to ~ranlt1l"'8 raclJiuita: ., '. . ... . .... OaAlVl' T,~ OUUtLW shdoll htl'"v U, ... rijdll \u Cut And niTItl\"l or otn.;:rwlsl-.:Uo.po::c :::l Gn)' lrt·c~ !ot"1t~ 0:: t. ... C' "toporl)'. "1\1151"" III~ "!&ht of Wa) IdIIclI ,In '/alllns could. In Gra" ... ·• reasonabl~ JUdamenl .•. bfo a h~ard '0 Granl ... ·• ,,.,11111 .. : I'rDVklcd.·hoW~.er. lllal Oranl ... prior toe •• ,..,loln. ouch rfglll. ohall IdentUy such d.nger .rees .IId 'I've'prlor ... ,luen notliteauon to (;rantor and shall make payment to Or.ntor let the market valut' 01 any merchamablc "m~r contall .. ed Ihe.eln which Is CIIt and removed or dlspased of by Orante. . . Ora_'s raUure to col11'ly wIth u... ...... 1110110 01 ·this peragraph prlDr 10' •• ",,,Istng 115 rl&h15 under ~"tR""Y conditions IIIaII not boo cWemed a' vlol811on '" thl. 1Il •• ,,,,,.nl. but Grontor shall 01111 bt· enllIlfCI 10 compensallon ror SU<'h I,"" lba' ana cut and "tm\O\~ or oU1f'rv.-t~l~ dlttpoM-d of by. uranu,'t!' !I. Ora"OI'~li UN of RIahI·of~WI)·; Orentor relOl'JVMI &he r~lthl '" UlK' \he Ih&hl~of·WDY tor IR,)' purpose not 'ncOlUil~tt·nt "'Ith Ihl' ·rtght .. ·~ra,n Aranted. provtd~, thai Grantor "hall nol comnruC'1 or maln.laln 811)' buildina 01' OIhH 81ructurP 01\ thll' RJ!Cht·at·Way Ind OranLOr Khall do no'hll!oOIII\I! "Ithln :mu f ..... t PI" Cirame"·,, fBC'lJltI~ v .. Unout (l!antL'l'" pr6nr "-r1ltt'n ......... 1 . b lI!Idemolt)·, By at'rt!Jllh'ft and rM'urdH~ Un!, (';1··' , .. , .. any and all t1elmfi lor damagt!s surr(~rtod 0). un.\ 1'1 I' gronat.<I. prOVidLtd. ·dlal Oranu,," shall oot bt, n'hl ... I. ,:. t'UUM<e1 by aN .. or OmlShHJn5ibf (iran,or R-2163 I r:IIUt'.' al=n·.·~ 10 1I1dt'mnll) unci hold harm It·,.,. Hr.mor trtlOl " ",U'Il> t"'· ("aui'Ot.1i b)· (iranl~'t··!01 t!')U~rrIM' 01 ttl" r'Ah'" hl'r"m :,.: f." OU) d8",aBp.~ rpsulling rrom illJurJl>fJ, 10 all) J,t·hun KJ-21 235/26,31 1 i i l: ~ ... .,;. .. j .... :. ;.~ .\. :.", 7. Aba ..... , ••. Ttw riat"" ht·rt·1ft cramrd.HhILU ~Uaui' UI\,U sutb lUnA! at. (it,nll,,· ('t"tI~~ '0 \1.110,· "'" Mllthl·~·W.) for I "",Inti 0/ 'I"" 1&1 lII..,ftiOI\·~ , ... ,.. In wIIitiI .... m IIlio ..... menl shill IOnI""'" Ind .11 '1&/110 IM'nouN"'r ."all r"".,1 10 Grlntor. p,o.kI.." 1111' no IbIndu/UlIt'Ill lIIall "" dt't'IIlt<d ID hi". """",rod bj' r ...... n 01 (lr.nl~I'·. I.llun' 10 Inlllilly IDS\I\I " .... llIIkni on ""'II\ab"".·W.~ .. 1II>1n 01\)' "".Iad 0\ U",,' Ir .... \Iw daW ~r"" " ...... lI\IOI'II Inti Aalpo. Th. riAI''' aNI t'bliJUlllII ... 01 "'" 1>'""''' 111811 tnur<' '" ..... b.nl~" 01 B'" I .. · "".I"IM Uloon !helt relif*\lve SUl!I'i!UOn; .nd .... , .... D~TD>\IIIs1-dayol V ,198.!L GRANTON -~ :0 ! .----~----------~------~-----------! ------~------~- S'l'A':'E' OF 'WASHINGTON ). ' COUNTY6FRING I.BB• :.',' '.- ::;' . 'L .. ' , ..; .. , , ~./ . ..' .• f' ..... :.: .. ",' f.: .. ..... thiBme,{fut~derd~e~~Yl~otk~ f£n~jn .. :~nd:~!~8~he' , :. 'l\Tashinqton; duly commissioned and swo~ pei;ponal~y . . -, , !DEl' kn,ol(l1to be i3uch . and voluntari ,·:tor the. uses and. pilrposes , , lind ,on oath· stated .. that· the' ·power of attorney a\llttlOI~UtUla ·the, .execution of'this instrument·hil.s not been ' . th!lt the"said .DALE .J!..GBAHAM' and not ,~der i5rs!lblhty. ~_}ss. seal hereto affixed the day first :above Written. ~ ____ ~~ ____ . 19..BS,. ""'or. m •. IIIe und., .. gnlld. peri.nBII)· appear"" _______ _ _ -" __ -:-+.,.,..:-_____ -:-__ aNI ____ ---::----:-:-_____________ ' to :Ill' _____________ resp""tlwl)·. of THE BOEING CQMPIINY, , . inslrumenl. and BcknMloledsed the 9akl ;ns,rumt'l11 10 tw th.t. frl:i.' .nd 'VOlunU4r) 8("1 corporullpn, 'Dr Iht' Uli~!> Bnd p'U'Poti~ ttwrt'in mvnuoned. and on oath MDIOO that th. tAI~d Instrum .. ~>nt and ttlul the seat arflxt'd h •. thl' rorpor8\ .. Brat of hold rorpOtBIIP-n--------- .-------------------NOTA~" PlIlU.lC' m IInti rur \h,· ~'hlt· tlf ____ •• _____ _ rMildmg at ___ . ___ _ . ~. '.' ,I'..,' . :.' ./ '.' '! . ,~ ... j I ~ .. ~ ,~ ~' " * " :~ .. . ~ 'f I y. '. l·,·j·· .", ), " .;. I ORiGINA4 I THE BOEING COMPANY R-2163 '0828123 KJ-21; 235-28,31 ! EXHIBIT "AU Th~~portion of'1;he Northwest quarter of th~ so~~west quarter of Section 8" Township '23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., and the Noj:-th- east: quartet: of. the Southeast quarter of Section, 7, said Township "and' 'Range,' in King !=ounty', Washinqton,~ describe~, a,s follows I,' " i i Beginning at the intersection of the North 11ne of the Northwest ! l··, .. : .... ~ .;'; quarter of the Sou.thwest quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, 1 ~ge 5 Eallt, W.M., with the West line of Park AVEmue N/ thence I South "to a point 115 'feet North of the South line of said sUb"" ' , ' di,iri.sioil:th~noe"west' to, 1;he Noitherly' projectiOn. o'f the centex:l1ne i : __ Of,~~lly Avenue Nr thence South along-saS-d proj~c:t1on to, a ~oint 'i ,660 C feet North, :of 'the South Hne of said subdivision 1 thencs_ ' , b west toa point 293 feet East of the Northern Pacific Rallrdad -'~" '" 'A.icjht-Qf-waYl thence South 00"57'29" West 620;27 :,feet: to the ,N'o~th ::',,; ,.::,. __ ,'~:' 'Hn, of' Sixth A,venile Noi#h as conveyed to the cftypf Renton' ul\d'er ".0 __ .J\U'ditcn:'e,l!'ile, Ni:smb.er .7106110510, thence North·e.B"10'2t~welit:'" ,:"i'_"':~ UongsalCl NO,rath'llnhe 12i6.S1ffeReet to,tfhe Ns01rthheA~I!I~' ~orner' 0hf 1:~a,t , , 'tra~l; ·conveYE! _to' t -e C ty 0 ntonQr xt v4i!l1:ue Nort _:, un .. er: _' ';:,!f6i", Aud'itox''s--',File.NuIIIPElI',7106110509r, thence North 89°00'19" West :aloilg ! ' . : 'tne NQrth l1ne ·Of~' said' t_ract 169 ~ 34 fEl:et to ,the .l!l,alilt.erly margino!. ,.:," -;" ';:~ ",the,' Burlingt.on,Northe,rn "Inc. I Railway Riqht-of-Way-i thence"$9\\th " ~. ." ~ . , , ,:OO·26'18~' ~estalon~f-said Basterly llIargj,n 7.81 f~etto the NOt:'th, '11ne'-of-l:\n easement to'the City of Renton fO,r'street purposes,' , '-; under' Auditbr',s-File" Number 7206090451: thence North 99"261'16" West, ',--alQngth~:North Uneof 'said easement .90.00feetl thellce North' - :','82 °18' 53a :West_ aio~g' saf~' Nor~ ,line' 10. 08 feet~jI;othe ,West' marqin-_ '''',I ''of 's<!id-aurlingtonNorthern Inc., ,RaHway Right"of-Way 1 ' thetr~e N9:rth , , ': C" ' ' 'along satd West margin to the North lllleof said.'subdivis.l.on; :the-nc.t. :; ,0' ,':'East ,a1on9'saiclNorth line to the TRUE' P<ilNT-OF'EI!,GINiqNd~ " i I I \ ,j ' ...... " .: .. ,-. ... : ' "" .. i_ , ;, .' I' I I Ii ',:. 1 1 1 1 '« 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / / / ,/ NOTICE l Sketch II IwIicbed IS & ",un"y only by FiBt Amelic:an ,Itle 'lnsul'lllCe CorDpIDy accI it is Im:I • pan oC aDy title , eolZllDilDlClll or policy of title m.urulle. This sketch is funzisbed .olely for the PUI'JI088 of assistill, ill locatiD,lhe premiJesaad doea Dot paupon to Ibow aU b.iilhWlYI, roads, or e&seIIICCIs afTeetiDI lIIe property. No rcliaDce &bould be pllccd upoa thilll:etch for tbe loc:atioa or diDlcaWOAS of tbe ProperI)' UId DO liability is UIUIDCd for the comctDeathereof. ". , , , · · • · (JAfCGl-B .~ ORDER NO. ··~I./S7 SUBDIVISION _______ _ RCOG NO./VOL & PG. -=_.,......-__ QTR . SEC lWNSHP ~ LDTJl./ I ... : I . f P = II -i I , I . ·A ~. I , I I ftt~e6~ IllS"" ,! Is I~ II ... I Lb-r3 r _ .. j ,. .... ..~ ... -_._-... ........ ...... .. ...... 0-_ RNG BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. & NW 1/4 & S. W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON N I -. SCALE o 100 400 I !~~ ___ ~! ( FEET) 1 INCH = 200 /' 10TH NORTH C -SEE DETAIL TRACT / / TRACT H SEE DETAIL, ,/ / "t'-r.~,... -.I -~ 'lLJ a lli Ci) , I , :5: 10 !oi , TRACT I SEE DETA/! 11--------------~ a----T.RACT F SEE DETAIL TRACT E __ --tI SEE DETAIL TRACTN SEE DETAIL N. . ::z: ~ .q;; ~ a:: .q;; ! a.. '~ '. !(',j ! .. ..q.. ,<0 ,10 '0 \ -z. '0 'v) I \ 0 --'~ \ \ 7.50 @ ~N8~9L8'22~~~~------ TRACT E -.. -~ NOO'56 '42 hE 28.00' NOB'56'24"E 14.44' NOO'56'42"E 27.08' ~<: 0:. ~~ .q;; :<: ~2 0l(J\ ~Ol N' to,. ::! , ~ R=652.50' . -----t;= 11 i J'59 L=127.9J' TRACT F ( I .-----. ------__ .; .~ 00 (',j <"I ..... NORTH 8TH STREET NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICA T/ON TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H, I, K & N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS II I 1/~S42'56"2·E N45'J9'02"£ 27.14' J9.10'-........ S89 '28'06 "£ 1059.10' ~ ----NOOL7'59"E NB9'2822"W _ 1105.17 . "-) 29.35' -- ,----(FVTURE NORTH 73JH STREET) soo,~F"~j TRACT B : ~ ~~ __________________ ~~~~~~~ ________________ -w~ R=410.S0' ~ tF09L6'J6" N4S'45'2:fE ~ Q.. ST" NORTH 8TH STREET TRACT L I ~ -jOo. .... 100\ '0\ ~-' -- R-25.00' tF90"02'0l" L ... J9.29' N.101~H N89'28'22"W 104.10' ~.~ /8 .' III · <" \. "U,.t~_-' '. ~ • · . (',j · /..... ~ ,/ co . /10 tt') / <;) ~ '/ ~ I La .~ / L11 L10 L9 L10 S08'56'2~-W L11 S00"56'~ -w EXIST. PARK AVE. RIW . r>{ ::z: - ::z: ~ 'C( S45'55'45"E 39.08' NORTH \ §Hk---~'-3~--J.EJ2L~-\ TRACT D \ LUA-J5-001J-BSP LND-J5-0013 DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY,' C!~ DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM APPROVED BY as----e I AST EDIT: ,"Lor DA FE: 1OL22i94 0/\ FE BY REV# REVISION ICK'D APPR. I t-----·-------._+------, I \ ~ \ \ ~ . ~ ~ ~ I("j ~ .q;; ~ ~ ~ • <"4 a:: (',j . ., :t" .~ .q;; <0 Q.. ~ ~ I 0 0 :<: -1--"" , ""> ! .J-"". '.j' .J-. ? 'Sl"~ ~-...-/ i T j N. 8TH ST. TRACT I~ , N79'32'58"W(R) 7.00' N89"OJ'18"W(R) 5.00' TRACT'S G & K 1-=10Q' BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESI-IORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCA,--E.· PROJECT NO. ORA Wf/\fG riLE NAME: 1"=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG R-l066.50' ~, @ 6-10'00'5.3" q, "'<-( L=186.41' TRACT H R-527.62' @ ts=27"2J'41" L=252.27' R=652.50' @ ll-04i9'15" L=49.21' R=627.96' @ ll-04iJ'07" L~46.24' 3350 Monte Vi1J4. Pn-!nr1!L Bothell, WaslliI:itid!\jliWtJ:¥t:-V~ CITY OF RENTON (421;)961-4800 (421;)951-4808 whpacilic. com Pltl.D.Ilers • Engineers • DEC 0 9 2004 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., WM. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., WM. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICA VONS: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE: UNDERSIGNW OWNERS OF INTERE:ST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBW DO HERE:8Y MAKE: A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C. W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTA TlON OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE: CONSE:NT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE O'NNE:RS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: TH51B0f'~~ lOMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION ULLtr 1JL. ~C BY DATE 'Colette M. Temmink Authorized SlgnatQfy STA TE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DA Y PERSONALL Y APPEARED BEFORE MEL..Ic.']J; M~"" ~~NOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORA TlON DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE: FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA TlON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THERE:IN MENTlONE:D, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA Tlf-/E WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TlON. ,SEAL THIS LA DAY OF ~ ,20~~ SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON, RE:SIDING AT r< e f'l1t?t\ . ~v\eY\-e (' ,l5. 1't:..~ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY ~ ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRESt '\ \:5 ~ DA TED: 1'/"/'., BOEING COMPANY, A DELA WARE CORPORA TlON BY DATE STA TE OF WASHINGTO COUNTY OF KING E.D BEFORE Mf . KNOWN TO 8E AN ATTORNEY ESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, MENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA TlON FOR TH Sf'S AND P OSES THERf.JN MENTIONED, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA T HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO 'XECUTE THE SA INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TlON. GJV£N UNDER M __ DAY OF _____ , 2o_. D NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION E:XPIRES _________________ __ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERDFICATE: I HERE:BY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOE:ING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SE:CTlONS 7 &: 8, TO'NNSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETTE ME:RIDIAN AND THA T THE COURSE:S AND DISTANCE:S ARE SHO'NN CORRECTL Y THE:RE:ON. ~ ~L, PROFESAL ~D URVfYOR, CERTIFICA nON NO. 36809 LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-JS-0013 DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: CS..( DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY: c:!S.J! APPROVALS; ADMINISTRA TOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVW PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS ____ . DAYOF ____________________ _ 20_. ADMINISTRA TOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _______ DA Y OF ________________ 20_ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBE:R ________________ _ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICA nON I HEREBY CE:RTlFY THA T ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DE:LlNQUE:NT SPE:CIAL ASSESSMENTS CE:RTlFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THA TALL SPE:CIAL ASSESSME:NTS CERTlFIW TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICA TED AS smEETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANy OTHE:R PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DA Y OF 2o_. DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERDFlCA IE: DEPUTY DIRECTOi~, KING COUNTY OFFICE: OF FINANCE RECORDING NO: FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS ___ DA Y OF ____ ~ 20~ A T MINUTES PAST M. AND RE:CORDED IN VOLUME OF PLA TS, PAGE:S ______ ~. RE:CORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUP[RINTE:NDENT OF RECORDS BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 :RECEIVED LAST EDIT: PlOT DA TE: 10/13i.04 LAKESh'ORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN 3350 Monte Villa Parlore." Bothell, WII3h1ngton 9B021-B972 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. RENTON, KING SCALE: N/A WASHINGTON PROJECT NO. DRAWING F"fLE NAME: 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.D WG (4.atJ)9t51-4800 ( 4.atJ)9t51-48OB W'hpac1t1e.com GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWA Y BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (iH) HORIZON TAL DA TUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STA TE COORD INA TE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT -TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRA TED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET. CI TY OF REN TON SUR \lEY CON TROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET J OF 4 NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DA TED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICA TED A T THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVrR, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN A VENUES MA Y BE REALIGNED FOLLO'MNG DEDICA'1I0N BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RiGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACA TE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD IN TERSEC TlON OF PARK AND LOGAN A VENUES WAS LOCA TED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACA TEO LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. J. FOLLO'MNG DEDICA T/ON AND UPON REOUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLO'MNG BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT 'MTH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLA TED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGRE[MENT. 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS 'MLL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERA TlONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACA TlON PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DA TED MARCH 19TH, 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH "THE DEDICA TlON OF ADDmONAL LANDS ALONG PARK A VENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN A VENUE VACA TlON," PER MEMO IN CORPORA TED IN SAID ORDINANCE. A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTl Y DEDICA TED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482. THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1976 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERL Y MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MUL TlPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARL Y NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INrrNT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LA ITER DEDICA TlON OF 5 FEET IN 1997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 12 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITlE INSURANCE nTLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 72457T-T2) PARCEL A: LOTS I, 2, 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-Ol-056-SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004; SITUA TE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS I, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TO'M-ISHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., L YlNG WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERL Y. RESPECTIVELy' OF THE WESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF PARK AVE. N. AND THE NORTHWESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERL Y OF A LINE THA T INTERSECTS 'MTH SAID NORTHWESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STA T/ON 6+50 ON THE A-LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INrrRCHANGE, WASHINGTON STA TE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN, AND ENDING NOR TH WESTERL Y. PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STA TlON, A T A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERL Y MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-35-0013 OESIGNEO BY: CHECKED BY: £::!S£. DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY:C~ I AST EDIT: PLOT DATE: 10/22/04 DA iE i BY REV# REVISION CK'O APPR. I i ! BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERL Y AND SOUTHEASTERL Y OF THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y (FORMERL Y NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BEL T LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NOR TH WESTERL Y MARGIN OF VACA TED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACA TlON ORO. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERL Y ALONG SAID SOU THEA STERL Y MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y. A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOU THEAS TERL Y, AT RIGH r ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY. A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERL Y RIGI-IT OF WA Y MARGIN OF SAID VACA TED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERL Y ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: THA T PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 's 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WA Y FOR ITS BEL T LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS " 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCT/ON OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOU THEA S TERL Y AND RADIALL Y TO THE MAIN TRACK CEN rER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STA nON 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTH 'r'rrs TERL y. MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM TIlE SOU TH WESTERL Y END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO.3) AND SOU THEA S TERL Y OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING A T A POINT 25 FEET SOU THEA S TERL Y. MEASURED RADIALL Y AND A T RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STA TlON 1068+00: THENCE SOUTHWESTERL Y IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERL Y, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y LINE A T SURVEY STA T/ON 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERL Y A T AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WA Y OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERL Y OF SPUR TRACK HEAD8LOCK STA TlON 8+85.5 THE END OF mE [[SCRIBED UNE:NID : "D OF DCSCrtlPTI'JN. PARCEL D: THA T PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., 'MilCH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERL Y EXTENSION OF THE CEN rERLINES OF PELL Y A VENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THA T PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDEr? RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E: THA T PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION 'MTH THE NORTHERL Y PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL 'MTH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO NORTHERL Y PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF PELL Y STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLINE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHO'M-I IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO.2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERL Y ALONG SAID NOi?TH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERL Y MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERL Y ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE 'MOENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDE:D UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 71061/0511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN AREAS· _& EXISTING AREAS: SQ. FT. EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 WEST or PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 I TOTAL 3,907,620 '" LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: L07S SQ. FT. LOT 2* 323,976 LOTY 591,192 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 "'INCLUDES VACA TlON TRACTS H &: N VACA nON TRACTS: I I TRACT 11 15,860 I TRACT I 2,917 I TRAcr g 2,622 TRACT N 396 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 D£DICA nON TRACTS: TRACT D 47,728 TRACT F 9,308 TRACT G 1,979 TRACT L 7,624 OED. TRACT TOTAL: 66,639 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: L07S SQ. FT. LOT 1 299,538 LOT 4 796,623 LOT 5 1,195,951 LOT 6 (LESS TRAST "X" AREA 213,226 LOT TOTAL: 2,505,399 DEDlCA7JON ~ TRACT A 142,870 TRACT B 11,011 TRACT C 7~299 TRACT E 24,829 TRACT P 112.160 TRACT Q 79040 OED. TRACT TOTAL: 442,209 EXIST. PARK AVE. N. RIGHT OF WAY /12,821 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 246 DETAIL Ha" 121 VICINITY MAP ACRES± 22.04 67.67 89.71 ACRES± 7.44 13.57 21. 01 0.36 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.50 1.10 0.21 0.05 0.18 1.53 ACRES± 6.88 .. - 18.29 27.46 4.89 57.51 3.28 0.25 1.66 0.57 2.57 1.81 10.15 2.59 0.005 0.002 EW CITY OF RENTON [lEC 0 9 200~ BECEIVED 3350 Monte Villll ParhllY Bothell, Washington 90021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING SCALE: PF?OJECT (\fO. N/A 31956 WASHINGTON DRAWING nLE NAME: 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG ( 4.2ti)961-4800 (426)961-4808 It'"hpacilic.com PltJ..Wlel'1l • Ensiae"l'1I • Surreyol'1l • Landscape Architects N I -e- BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING SCALE BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., WM. 200 a 100 200 400 & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., WM. ~~_-~-SII-~...j~_! 1~1iIIiiiIiii~! CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNE L1 L2 L4 L6 L7 ( FEET) 1 INCH = 200 FT UNE TABU" LENG7H BEARING 1 J.215 N46<J6'fS8"E J7.87 N47'012'47"E .37.00 N.f.IrJ7'15 7"E .37 • .3J No1972'46"E 37.215 No19'S7'47"E J7,18 N5072'49"E 37.10 NSO"J7'51"E DETAIL A AREA: 121 SQ. FT. DETAIL B @ N46'12'25"W, 5.00' R=627.96' ® lF42'49'38" L=469.39' Q @ S89'O,J'18'"E, 10.09'"\ ~ "\ LOT4 TRACT X NOT A PART L-~OB' LOT1 N82'OS'16"E 29.06' ~'7'70"E \ \ o12.2J' R=515.62' \ ® lFJ,J'20',J,J- ~ L=300.06' \, @S79'32'S8'"E(R), 7.00' \ R=522.62' \ CD lF09'30'20-~ \ L=86.70' R-f064~' \ \ ® S89'O,J'18-E(R), 10.00' l--u.~!=:: ~ ~'~NOO'S6'42,"E' 278.69' H7I5TJO'f1T 5EE NOTE 5. \ c.. ~-J9,72' 5H T 214 A .tJiM;~ LOT 2 "Q v--o L.,.58.47'323, f 76 SQ. FT. \ '~ (' 2~~i~"W 71 44 A C. ~ ~\O R-652.50' r ":" ~ 1m 7 \ 4.-28'154'015-~. ~ \2 .-A : ® L-.329,101' R-8J9.50' ~ , .-A 4.-07OJ',36-0, <!0 f<\ \ \ N261S8'101 "E \ 51.47' () N71'S9'JOT 46.61' 63"01'46"W 51,J2' .L..J ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~ \() \0 o o , ~ , 14 I @ NO,J'46'46-W, 24.28' ~ Q) NOO'55'42-W, 28.00' :2 ® N08'S5'24-E, 14.44' ~. i _ ,~ CD NOO'56 '42-£, 27.08' 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. W-' ,-52.5' S2 S~~. I NOI '55'11 '"w LOT 3 . }:. ,J0014' 591,192 SQ. FT R-8!50.oct 4.-18"30'01- L-27.f.~· I ~ ~ .,.' 13.57 AC. ~, is « ~ @ SOO'58',JI'"W, 59.8J'~ 8 PJ R-8lH.W @ SB9'2B'47'"£. 3.02' ~ U) ~ § ~ 4.-0Y2tt,r ~ a::: NOO'56'42-E, 156.,JI to -~ ~~~~~~~~t:1 U4 L-SBO' I I ; ~ t-R-833.Mf ~ ~"(J2"[ I ~ ~ S'l81~ 589'45'00"[ -r I..! 36.11' ~---LJ (r-UTURE N. 8th 589'2B'52"E -STREET. 50.4,J' . \0 ~ C'\j r....: ~ co C'\j -.., :i LLJ ::, "" :<: " (J Q --J LLJ 9"; ::::: ::J .CL. -L..J • co !'l I!) f'I ~I , i ~ ! • : \0 i !O I C'\j I f'I 0 0 U) I ! I~_--\ I 10.0a' '-77.SS' -- N82'21 '34 ·w N89'28'58'"W TRACT P Lt'ffitt~iiT~~~~ LfJ Otr5J',r oi Ja,'O' \ $44'4'34"E '--: H4a~llf"E IA .-L f ~ ~.,. Ja,Or Ol f, v, L.:.:~"""::'=~=:":::'='...::...I L.~'2;tf~~~~4.:;=_~-=""="'F_~_::..=J:1 ~!jJJ9~_~'2~8~'06!"El_~_:.===,::_.:_~10M.~']!!f~_::..=:::;:~l.:_:.=;;erj-,.-r.n~4~A~j~=:,:-=,;-9~sa~~~:.~~~=.::_~L::.,;;~5&f,~.~8,!r·:d:! =.::-:.:-=-==22~=-L .. ________ ~B~"~!!:J2.'I._ .. _ .. __ .. ____ . ____ _ nl-~H+-+-: T I ; i I I i ~~........;......;... : ...,... : ~-+--..,,-± _ N89'28 22 W7 _'_7._29_,--, ! I i I I ! S89'2S'5,J-E 831.65' r---~:--~~-_---\.:--R·-25.00' 2650.4J' G) roUND 4-X 4'" CONCRETE MONUMENT wi COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHAL T -i'>. 114 SECTION CORNER N 183806. 4790 E 1J020,Jl.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.CD " . , ~ " GO -- (FUTURE~ NORTH LOT5 1,196,012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres ~I 10' ~' r 1!7.26' I __ -e-N89"26'20"W N89'215'2J"W ~~~~~~'JO"W 7 --29iB8;-----272:'03'---........... --~ ! ----, J I N47'fflrW NORTH 8T H Ii) STRE tp'90'02'Or , '0; ET L==39.29' I<) (2) FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP G) 4'" X 4-CONC. G) CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE W PUNCH N 183806.4790 [ 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.0) MONUMENT IN CASE W / COPPER PIN AT STREET INTERSECTION N 183798.2909 E 130286J.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.(j) ~o "\ ~"\ REFERENCES () 'v 0 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLA T 't" '-:.J BOEING PARCEL JB V ~ REC. NO. 20011205900004 CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4'" X 4-CONC. MON WI COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-2J-S N 18J82J.0950 E 1,JOJ495.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.0) S89'28'22'"£ 1126.1,J' ----------------------------------, 1 ! ! ' : ' I '-:+:~+-,-: -+-, i I I I :. _~--'-4-I; ....;.... i I , ; i i 1,-'! I N44'15'19-W (FUTURE S45'27'25-W 44.70' i\/ORTH 8TH 5 TR I--F T) 29.3S' '--I SOO'58'31'"W JO.58' , I TRACT Q :,,--.J L-I ___ ~ PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON N89'28'SB-W 90.00' NBIr.ffJ'Ji"WJ NORTH 6TH STREET ------DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 1211.50' LUA-04-081-BSP LND-J5-001J DESIGNED BY.' CHECKED BY.' ~sg, DNAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY: ~R 10122104 BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE.' PROJECT NO. DRAWING tiLE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-8SP01.0WG 3350 Monte Villa Pru-k",ay Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (42tl)961-48oo (42tl)9tl1-4808 ."bPdCitiC. com Planners • Engineers , Surveyors ' lAnd8cape Architects CJ 25 ~ ~ 0 ~ QJ C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., WM. & NW 114 & S.W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., WM. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON D£DICA DONS: APPROVALS; ADMINISTRA TOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THA T WE", THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C. W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTA TlON OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE 'MTH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. EXAMINED AND APPROVE:D PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS 2. 0 DAY OF _--"12...l1'Ca..:c..",,c=M1~b ..... -(.::.;V",,--____ 20.QH. Nd {)j;lt'! ftlJ Gi~t.r" 2ntfMf~vH¥fvf IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: TH;,BOf~ fOMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION lA(1(;r 1lL. ~ C. BY DATEID4U~i. •• STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) /' ON THIS DAY PERSONALL Y APPEARED BEFORE ME{'I~""JJC ~."'--'M.~NOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEJNG COMPANY, THE CORPORA TlON DESCIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATTON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT~E WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TlON. THIS / A DA Y OF C?c7: ,20..l:L'I SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT Q e nJ"Pt'\ . 1?«\.e:Y\-e C ,~ ,'t.~ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY flLlC ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ',u '\ \ S ~O DATED: "/ ,_, ... BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY DATE STA TE OF WASHINGTO COUNTY OF KING o NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ED BEFORE ME , KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY ESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, MENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID OSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA T HE INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TION. __ DAY OF ____ , 20_. COMMISSION EXPIRES _________ _ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIflCATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 &-8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTL Y THEREON. LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-~OO1J DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: CS,( DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY: t::!,s.1! ADMINISTRA TOR, CITY OF RENTON T r KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVE:D THIS 2 W DA Y OF ~11,ky 2000 ;w++-Nobl~ ~!II ~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER 0(32305-90{ ~q2.2P/1"t Cf2.l2j .Cf')'Cf; Q037/iW4 £$ c,/52.. KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICA TlON I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THA T THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND TriAT ALL SPECfAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED' TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY 1I~fl( CONTAINED DEDJ.C~ TED AS\~!REE~ I-LLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS ~~4: DAY OF V€CLro~r 2~. ,,,.,.-r~,_"..._._ \\eY\ G-\A~ Ct<..u.-L ~- DIRECTOR, KING COU TY DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY ~crOF~~ ~cr~~~ RECQRDlt'" "' .... n'T"ln"" 71:'". CONFORMED COPY FILED FOR R 20---, AT _ PAGES DIVISION ~T~~~N~ofp~~0~~§56 PRGE001 OF 004 . 12/23/2004 11:41 KING COUNTY, WA DAY OF __ -, __ OF PLATS, MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON 3360 MOllte Villa PIl1'1oray Bothell, Wa.shiD6tOll 98021. -8972 LAST EDIT: PlOT DATE: 1OL.13i.04 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN W\l-I RENTON, KING WASHINGTON DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'O APPR. ... ". ;,. P\CI f" f(' :.. ,". • I' , " .~I.; ..... " SCALE: PROJECT NO. ORA WING FILE NAME: ;;;;;IF.. ..., '.,.. ., . . ,. N/A 31956 .31950-SURV-BSP01.D ~ ., GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER ZONING HORIZONTAL OA TUM: W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 HEA VY INDUSTRIAL (iH) NAD8J(91) WASHINGTON STA TE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMtNTS SHOWN WERE VISITtD IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT -TRIMBLE 5700 CPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRA TED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC J.32-1JO-100 WAC 3J2-130-150 UNI TS: US FEU. CIa Of RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: StE SHEET 3 OF 4 NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE OEDICA TED A T THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN A VENUES MA Y BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICA nON BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE O'NNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RiGH T -OF -WA Y SEGMEN T. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERStCTlON OF PARK AND LOGAN A VENUES WAS LOCA TED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE O'NNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACA TED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICA TlON AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE G.i?ANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 4. NU PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE' PLACED AS ;JART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERA TlONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE J017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACA TlON PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH, 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH -THE DEDICA TION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK A VENUE IN CONNECTION 'MTH THE LOGAN A VENUE VACA TlON, " PER MEMO IN CORPORA TED IN SAID ORDINANCE. A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK A VENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTl Y DEDICA TED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482. THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1976 AGREEM£NT HAVING BEEN FULF7LLED BY THE 'MOENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICA TING LAND ABUTTING PARK A VENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERL Y MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MUL TIPlE REFERENCES TO SIMILARl Y NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THA T THE LATTER DEDICA TION OF 5 FEET IN 1997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 12 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGAl DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITlE INSURANCE TITlE COMMI7MENT ORDER NO. 72457T-T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1. 2, J AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-Ol-056-SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004; SITUA TE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS I, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TO'NNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WESTERL Y AND NORTHWESTERL 1, RESPECTIVELY. OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE. N. AND mE NORTHWESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERL Y OF A LINE THA T INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STA TlON 6+50 ON THE A-LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA TlON RIGHT OF WA Y PLAN, AND ENDING NORTHWESTERL 1, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-J5-0013 DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: C!S£. DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY:C~ LAST EDIT: PlOT DATE: 1OL22/04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. I ! I BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SE:C. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERL Y AND SOUTHEASTERL Y OF THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y (FORMERL Y NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BEL T LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A T AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOU THEAS TERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NOR TH WESTERL Y MARGIN OF VACA TED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACA TlON ORO. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERL Y ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOU THEAS TERL y, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y, A DISTANCE OF to FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NOR TH WESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF SAID VACA TED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NOR THEAS TERL Y ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: THA T PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 's 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WA Y FOR ITS BEL T LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS I, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NOR Til, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6 TH A VENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOU THEA S TERL Y AND RADIALL Y TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STA TlON 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERL 1, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM HIE SOUTHWESTERL Y END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 's BRIDGE NO.3) AND SOUTHEASTERL Y OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING A T A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERL Y, MEASURED RADIALL Y AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STA TlON 1068+00: THENCE SOU TH WESTERL Y IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERL Y, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y LINE AT SURVEY STA nON 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WA Y OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERL Y OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STA TlON 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE AND END OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL 0: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST (.lUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 2J NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERL Y EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELL Y A VENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 2J NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .• DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A T THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERL Y PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK A VENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS. PAGE 97. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID PRODUCTION. TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO NORTI-1£RL Y PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF PELL Y STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PROOUC[O CENTERLINE. TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NOR TI-l LINE TO THE NORTHERL Y PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREfT. NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN mE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO.2. AS PER PLA T RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLA TS, PAGE J2, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NOR THERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF -WA Y; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERL Y ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THA T PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH smEET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING. STATE OF WASHINGTON. BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN AREAS: DClS71NG AR£J\S: SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF" PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N." 2,947,7J1 67.67 TOTAL 3,907,620 89.71 .. LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2" 323,976 7.44 LOT J. 591,192 lJ.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACA nON TRACTS H & N VACA nCl~ TRACTS: TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT I 2,917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAG. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 D£DICA nON TRACTS: TRACT 0 47,728 1.10 TRACT r 9,J08 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L. 7.624 0.18 OED. TRACT TOTAL: 66,639 1.5.3 PROPOSED AREAS WE'ST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796,62J 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 (LESS TRACT 213,226 LOT 6 "X· AREA] 4.89 LOT TOTAL: 2.505,399 57.51 DEDfCA DON JRACTS: TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT BI 11.011 0.25 TRACT C 72 299 1.66 TRACT £ 24.829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT C) 79040 1.81 OED. TRACT TOTAL: 442.209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE. N. RIGHT OF WAY 112821 2.59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 248 0.005 DETAIL "19" 121 0.002 VICINITY MAP 3350 Monte VlUa Parkway Bothell, Washington 96021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON. KING SCALE: PROJECT NO. N/A 31956 WASHINGTON DRAWING tiLE NAME: 31956-SURV-8SP01.0WG (426)961-4800 (426)961-4808 ... bpaciflc.com PllUlller!l • Engineerlf • Surveyon • LandJJcape Arcb.itect.t I CJ BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN SCALE NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M 200 0 700 200 400 & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M ~~'IiiiI-~-5iiiC~~~C! ! __ ~! CITY OF RENTON, KINB COUNTY, WASHINGTON ( F[[T ) S89'45'00·E -, ~ N 1 INCH = 200 FT ! UNE TABI..£ -e-UH£ LENGTH 8£ARlHG L1 L2 LJ L4 L5 L6 L7 UH£ TABL£ UN[ LENGTH BEARlHG LfO L1t L12 L1J G) FOUND 4" X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WI COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT {:>. 1 14 SECTION CORNER N 183806.4790 E: 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.0) N89'28'58·W 90.00' 1J.2~ H48"JtS'tsaY J7.87 H47"42'4n J7.00 H.f.lrJr~n J7.JJ H4922'-USY J7.2~ N49~7'4n J7.18 NfS022' 49Y J7.10 NfSO'3r~IY DETAIL A LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-.35-001J D[SIGNED BY: CHECKED DETAIL B @ N4612'25"W, 5.00' ® R=627.96' 11 LF42'49'38" L=469.39' LOT4 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AG. LOTS 1,196,012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres TRACT X NORTH 6TH STREET /o/wo4 BY: COS£. DF<A WN 8Y: FWC/CCM APPROV[D BY: 4>2 S4612'25"E, 125.59' " N82'05'16"E 29.06' ·.S.f6.,r,0Y \ 42.23' R=515.62' \ \ ® LF3Y20'33" \ @S79'32'58"E(R), 7.00' ~\ L=300.06' \ R=522.62' '% \ (j) LF09'JO'20" L=86.70' ® S89U3'IB"E(R), 10.00' \~NOO.56.~C. 27B.69· 6 I .::~~: ~OT 2 '(;) -t.--A',) \ ..... '-r-~~I L-1!58...47323,P76 SQ. FT. \ -; <' 2Wsi~ W 7.44 AC. ~ ~o , -<fI ~ -y R-652.50' I ' .... \ \ \ 'I. ~.OlO' -? ~ '\ .6-28~'~-~ 's' L-J29,14' R-6J9.fSO' 0. ...A "=!.) IJ-07TJ.3'J6-~. <0 ,~-78. 1"\ N26~'14"E: ./\ ~ 51.47' 'oJ '0'. N71~'JO"E: 591,192 SQ. FT 13.57 AC. 46,61' 6J'01'-US-W . 51.J2' R-860.W a-llr:xJ'01" L-274.48' s.u'4'J,fY "--: N4lJ31'~1.Y 36.11' ~---LJ (FUTURE N. 8th S89'2B'52"E -5 TREET) 50.43' . 10 it) I C"I r--: cQ ~ ~ C"I - I ~, <: '5! <t <: <t (..) 0 --J UJ r, 2 :::, ,~==--~ ~ !'l 10 f'j a a :2: ~ • 10 ~ C"I f'j , C) IX I ---\ 10.08'.1 '-77.55' -- N82'21 , 34·W N89"2B'58·W TRACT P 38.07' 0\ ~1.J2' .~=::'-=-=-..:::::7.~=_~_~'arr~;=-::_:rL~:;;a::;;&f,;;;~;.:8!,::...·:::::!:i =':':-:':-:'==~-k=-L SB9"2B'2rE I NB9"2822 W 71 .29 -----------------.----- I I S89'25'53"E t -2650.43' , .. r, --~--____ ~_ R-25.00' N4rf3J,1 W NORTH 8TH i[) S T LP90U2'Or o:i TREE L ... 39.29' I'<) (2) 4" X 4" CONC. CD CITY OF RENTON CD FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP MONUMENT IN CASE W PUNCH N 1 B3806.4 790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.CD MONUMENT IN CASE Wi COPPER PIN AT STREET INTERSECTION N 18379B.2909 E 1302863.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.(l) ~o ~ ~~ REFERENCES c1 'v 0 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT '( \..!...) BOEING PARCEL 3B \) ~ REC. NO. 20011205900004 ,--+~++I I \ ! '\ ::: I ---; ! T, i " I!: -• ...;.-j.-;-----+-+ ~ ; ! 1 : ~ I ! (FUTURE S45"27'25"W 44.70' NORTH 8TH TRACT Q CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4" X 4" CONC. MON WI COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-23-5 N 1 BJB2J. 0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.(j) ~l ------ BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON 3350 Monte V'illa Parlnray BotheR, Washington 98021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN ~ VJ LAST [OIT: PLOT DA T[: 10/22/04 :J:: R[NTON, KING rr, DATE BY REV# REVISION rr, ~ -j SCALf: 1"=200' WASHINGTON PROJfCT NO. DRAWING FlLf NAM£: 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG (425)961-4800 (425)961-4808 ,.hpac1tlc.com Plannen • Enginee1'll • Surveyo1'll ' Landacapa Arcbitecu (1) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDINB SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KINB COUNTY, WASHINGTON N I -e- SCALE o 100 200 400 1 ' ' .. ___ 1 ( FEET) 1 INCH = 200 FT 10TH NORTH C -SEE DETAIL TRACT lLJ / ~ / "< #\\ ~0~~ , /7;.V~ tt/~ \ "" \ '\\<v Q'%. , .\\ sV) /# \ \ \. \ -; ,0 TRACT K, SEE DETAIL \ \\ Q TRACT H ' \ m ~.,.,.....,. SEE DETAIL \ .. Z. " I TRACT f \' )::-SEE DETAil.· . \. ----__ -.1\ \ \ m E-'{ \ 5'{~E-~ ~ip..\\.. €.~ 0 O,S 1----TRACT F SEE DETAIL \ R=547. lF28"54'05" L=276.17' N. TRACT F \ TRAC:T E *5. W. COR. TRACT A W. 1/4 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT P SEE SHEET 3/4 TRACT B SEE DETAIL TRACT Q SEE SHEET 3/4 TRACT E---II SEE DETAIL TRACTN SEE DETAIL TRACT L I SEE DETAIL 5.[. COR. TRACT [ I I TO C[NTER OF [ '\. SEC. 8-2.3-5 .J I __ "" __ .-=-__ ~~89·28'22"[ 1517.17'O __ } __ .. _ _ __ ~ --tJj (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) r NORTH 8TH S'TREET NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICA T/ON TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H, I, K & N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS : ~S42'56'12"[ N.f.f,..,'J:,rw N..,S'J1'S'''£ V J5.S6 51.J2~ ./ 5B975'5J"£ ';R.., R1' ", '" ~OO"29'J'''W /' 20.12' V 27.1"" I NB9'2B'2rw 717.29~ '-' _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _. 589"28'06"[ 1059.10' '-N00"2L59"£ N89"2822 W 1105.1"7' I 29.35' -'-- ---(FUTURE NORTH 73TH STREE7) sOO,~;'~""1D 4Jl W • 01 ~~ 8 4! TRACT B : ~ ~~----------------~~~~~--~----------------~~ rv..,r48'51~w. 5.46' - NORTH 8TH STREET R-2S"OO'~ TRACT L (J) .9 !OlA coO\ 01-4 - ts-90"02'07- L:aJ9.29' ~/ O~ V / N.10TH N8978'22"W 10"'.10' TRACT I LINE TABLE S00"56' 42"W S08"56'24 "W S00"56'4 "W • • ~ 1"'1 EJX/ST. PARK AVE. RIW ~ ~ ~ 545"55'4)5"[ 39.08 NORTH 5"'''' "J7'2'''W , LUA-J5-0013-BSP LND-J5-001J DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: ~ DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPRO VED BY: as-,.e I AST EDIT: PlOT OA TE: 1Of.22/04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'O APPR. , I I , l-i ~ ~ C\j .... .". ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ • t"'C a: C"j :t ;'t-(Q ~ to \0 a.. :0 0 0 0 Q VJ 2: , ~'" "'> ., U" ",. I 'oS v-l ,? .. ?'!'to .1.1'-:...../ N. 8TH ST. N79"32'58"W(R) 7.00' R=522.62' lF09 "J2 '20" L=BS.70' N89"OJ'18"W(R) 5.00' TRACT N TRACT'S G & K (,;:t\ R-1066.SO' " €I ~1O'OO'5J" ~~( L.-1B6.4" TRACT H R-527.62' @> lFr27'2J' 41" L-252.27' R=652.50' @ l:r-04"19'15" l::4!1.21' R=627.96' @) tJ-04"1J'Ol" L-46.24' ~~~~~::::::~":-~,1~' ____________________ ~1·~100~' ________________________________________________ ___ BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALt: PROJECT NO. OF?AWING FILE NAME: 1"=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG 3350 Monte Villa Parlc1ray Bothell, Washington 9B021-8972 (426)961-4800 (42rJ)961-4808 "'lIpa ciJ'lc. com PlllIllle1'lJ • Ensmee1'lJ " Surveyors • Land8capa Architects BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDINB SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. & NW 1/4 & S.w. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINBTON DEDICA DONS: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R. C. W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SI TE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESEN TA T/ON OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: TH;, B0f'~~ lOMPANY, A DELA WARE CORPORA TlON lAU(:;r 1JL. ~ C. BY DATE Authorized Signatory STA TE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) /' ON THIS DA Y PERSONALL Y APPEARED BEFORE MEf.II.:u;, M:.fClltw,H,Jct;'NOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BO£lNG COMPANY. THE CORPORA nON DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWlEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA nON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA TSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TION. GiveN U~ MY HAND AND OF:~. SEAL mls LA DAY OF Dcx: . 20~"; u~Jk A\.' C teL CP SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN ANDFOIt THE STA TE OF ---. .---. -. ...... -.. -. WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT Q e f'\JPI1. Notary Put*: t ~'C\g;\1~ C .]S ,·CY,.. ~~ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY ~LlC ;::;.; MrA(:Jpolr .... IOIInt~8SAug 15. 2008 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES LlA.t'\ \ S ~O':f::, DA TED: ID/'."" 8OC/NG COMPANY, A DELA WARE CORPORA nON 8Y DATE STA TE OF WASH/NGTO COUNTY OF KING ED BEFORE M£ , KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY £SCRI8£D IN TH£ FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, MENT TO 8£ THe FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID OS£S THEREJN MENTIONED, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA T HE INSTRUM£NT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TlON. __ DA Y OF ____ , 20_. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR TH PR D NAM£ OF NOTARY PU8L1C COMMISSION EXPIRES _________ _ LAND SURVEYQR'S CERDflCA IE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THA T THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVfY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 & 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THA T THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. CER TlFICA TlON NO. 36809 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-J5-0013 DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: CS~ DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY: c:?s,l! APPROVALS: ADMINISTRA TOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS ____ DAY OF ___________ 20_. ADMINISTRA TOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ____ DA Y OF ___________ 20_. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER ______________ _ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTlFlCA TlON I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL A:;SESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICA TED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DA Y OF 20_. DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERDFICA IE: RECORDING NO: _________ _ FILED FOR RECORD A T THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, Tl-IIS ___ DA Y OF ___ ..... 20---, A T MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLA TS, PAGES ___ ~ RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3350 Monte ViUa Parkway Bothell, 1f1lBhlngton 98021-8972 LAST F'DIT: PLOT DA TE: 10/1J i,o 4 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. RENTON, KING SCALE: I-, N/A WASHINGTON . PRo.JECT NO. DRAWING FILE ,!\fAME: 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG (42t5 )1161-4800 (426)1161-480#1 ..,bp«c1l1c. com PJa.an1UlJ • E1JsjD.elUll • Surveyom • Land6cape Arcb1t .. c/8 (Jl GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER ZONING HORIZON TAL DA TUM: W&H PACiFiC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWA Y BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE:. (425) 951-4800 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (iH) NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STA TE COORD INA TE SYSTEM. NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT -TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CAliBRA TED BASEliNE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET. CITY Of RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET J OF 4 NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMEN T AGREEMEN T") DA TEO DECEMBER " 2003, BETWEEN THE ClrY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 70TH STREET SHALL BE OEOICA TED A T THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF -WA Y, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCA TED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN A VENUES MA Y BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICA nON BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH I<IGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACA TE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACA TED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICA TlON AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT. A T NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLA TED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERA TlONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXE:CUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREE:ME:NT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH. 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH -THE: DEDICA TlON OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK A VENUE: IN CONNECTION WITH THE: LOGAN A VENUE VACA TlON.· PER ME:MO INCORPORA TED IN SAID ORDINANCE. A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK A VENUE WAS SUBSE:QUENTL Y D£DICA TED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBfR 798811/50482. THE TERMS OF THE: ORIGINAL 1976 AGREEMENT HA VlNG BEEN FULFILL£D BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE: RE-RE:CORDING OF THE 1946 AGRE:EMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE: PURPOSES OF DEDICA TlNG LAND ABUTTING PARK A VENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERL Y MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHER¥tfSE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARL Y NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 7997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES T/:/E EARLlE:R 72 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 72457T-T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1. 2, 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. WA-Ol-056-SHPL. AS RE:CORDED UNDE:R RECORDING NO. 20011205900004; SITUA TE IN THE CITY OF RE:NTON, COUNTY OF KING, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THOSE: PORTIONS OF GOVERNME:NT LOTS 1. 2 AND J AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERL Y. RESPECTIVELY, OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF PARK AVE. N. AND THE NORTHWESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405). WESTERL Y OF A LINE THA T INTERSECTS WITH SAID NOR TH WESTERL Y RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A-LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STA TE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA TlON RIGHT OF WA Y PLAN, AND ENDING NORTHWESTERL Y. PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STA TlON. A T A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERL Y MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-35-0013 OESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: C!sl<.. DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM APPROVED BY:C~ LAST EDIT: PLOT DATE: 10i,22i,04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. ----L---_. I BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDINC3 SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., WM. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., WM. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINC3TON OF BURliNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERL Y AND SOU THEAS TERL Y OF THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y liNE OF THE ABANDONED BURliNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y (FORMERL Y NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BEL T liNE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A T AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF SAID BURliNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NOR THWES TERL Y MARGIN OF VACA TED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACA TlON ORO. 2513; THENCE SOU TH WESTERL Y ALONG SAID SOU THEA S TERL Y MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y. A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOU THEAS TERL Y. AT RIGH T ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WA Y, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERL Y RIGHT OF WA Y MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERL Y ALONG SAID MILL ST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: THA T PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 's 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WA Y FOR ITS BEL T liNE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS I, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOU THEA S TERL Y AND RADIALL Y TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER liNE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STA TION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOU TH WESTERL Y, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM rilE SOU TH WESTERL Y END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO.3) AND SOU THEAS TERL Y OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINt: BEGINNING A T A POINT 25 FEET SQUTHEASTERL Y, MEASURED RADIALL Y AND A T RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STA TlON 1068+00: THENCE SOUTHWESTERL Y IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERL Y, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERL Y A T AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERL Y LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WA Y OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOU THEA STERL Y OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STA TlON 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCR'BED LJNE ANC ("10 OF ProSCRIPTION. PARCEL 0: THA T PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERL Y EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELL Y A VENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET. NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CUNVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDfR RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E: THA T PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE: 5 EAST, W.M .• DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A T THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NOI<n-fERL Y PRODUCTION OF THE WEST liNE OF PARK A VENUE. AS Sr/OWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLA T, AS PER PLA T RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLA TS. PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID PRODUCTION. TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE or SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO NORTHERL Y PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF PELL Y STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLINE. TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET. NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO.2. AS PER PLA T RECORDED IN VOLUME 71 OF PLA TS. PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERL Y MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THA T PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508. 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ~~FREVIEV~:' RENTO,', DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN AREAS: DOS'nNG AREAS: SQ. FT ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N. '" 2,947,731 67.67 TOTAL 3,907,620 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: LOTS SQ. FT ACRES± LOT 2· 323,976 7.44 LOT 3· 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 "'INCLUDES VACA TlON TRACTS H & N VACf. nON TRACTS: TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT I 2,917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 I DEDlCf.l'l0H TRACTS: TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9,308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 OED. TF/ACT TOTAL: 66,639 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS ~ST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 ._- LOT 4 796,623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 LOT 6 (LESS TRACT nx· AREA) 213,226 4.89 LOT TOTAL: 2,505,399 57.51 DO)fCA 1l1ON 7RAC~ TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT 8 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72,299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT 0 79040 1.81 OED. TRACT TOTAL: 442.209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE. N. RIGH L.QF WA Y 112,821 2.59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 246 0.005 DETAIL -B-121 0.002 VICINITY MAP 3350 Monte Villll PllrkwllY Botbell, Washington 98021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING SCALE: PROJECT NO. N/A 31956 WASHINGTON DRAWING riLE NAME: 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG (426)961-4800 (426)961-4808 lrbpaci/ic.com Pl/lnll8l"!J • Engineers • Surveyol'3 • I.a.ndscape Arcltit""tor SCALE 200 0 100 200 I ...j : ! --I~ -( FETT ) 1 INCH = 200 FT N ! -.-UN£ LENGTH BEARING UN£ TABLE L1 13.25 N4a3tS'5B"E 37.87 N.r.2'47"E L2 L3 37.00 NW37'57"E L. 37.33 N.9'22'4a"E 37.25 N49~7'47"E L6 37.18 N!50'22'.f9"[ L7 37.10 N50"37'51"E ocres ~rJ ________________ ~ UHf: TABLE BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., WM. 400 & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., WM. ! CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DETAIL B @) N46'12'25n W, 5.00' R=627.96' ® .1=42'49'38" L=469.J9' @ S89'03'18"E, 10.09' ~ TRACT X NOT A PART SEE DETAIL / / S46'12'25"E, 125.59' N82'05'16"E 29.06' S4tS, 7'10"[ 42.23' \ R=515.62' \ \ ® .1=J3'20'J3" ~\\\. L=300.06' @S79'32'58"E(R), 7.00' R=522.62' o .1=09'30'20" "5 L=86.70' \ \ ® S89·0.3'18"E(R), 10.00' \ ®NOO'56'420E' 278.69' \ C, .(0 ~ \y. .-<) <' -y ..A LOT4 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. }LI ,~ <0 \0 a a I ~, I 4 I @ NOJ"~'46"W, 24.28' t~ (J) NOO'56 '42 "W, 28.00' :2 ® N08'56 '24"[, 14.44' 1 (CD NOO'56 '42 "[, 27.08' ; i'IOO-:-52.5' 52.5'--<4 ~l NO"55',,:W LOT 3 I. ll,j 300.14 591,192 SQ. FT I~ ~ ~ 13.57 AG. J" ~ or;:( ~ @ SOO'58'.31"W, 59.8.3'~: 8 ~ N26~'1."E 51.47' N71*S9'30"E 48.61' 63'01'4a'"W 51.32' R-860.oo' 4-1 tr:JO'01- L-27of..fe' ..A <f:' 5a9'45'OO"E -I L ___ 36.11' LJ I (FU TUR[ N. 8th S89'28'52"E -. STREET) 50.43' ~ if; ( C\l " <ti co ~ C\l - ! I : i ~ 2 ! l--L.i i I ::0-, 'C <: 'C '0 0 -" lel 0::: ':J '-- (2 , '-~ : co !"> Il) N ~f , I ~ • <0 !'J ! C\l \"I I 0 a V) , I !~~-----, \ I 10.08'./ '---77.55' -- N82'21 '34 ·w N89'28'58"W TRACT P ~~t---;~:ri-=~8~ L14 J-tiT.iT"7i~-r.;~;;;;~;1 L13 (fl> S89 '28 '47"[, .3.02' ~ V) ~ § ~ L-5t.W ~I I ct: ! ;;; ~ Vr"lE:::,..--?.J.. ~~_ ~ __ Jaar __ L ~j! ~ r=s.u:.:~::.:'~::.;~J4=;:7' S89~"[~"2~J;T.~~"[?=_~rL~r:;tuJrn:N_;;"'81.::.~==r=1,:.:~:.:1~=-===~~,,"~~lk~J.-________ S_89'_'28_'2]"~_ .. _ .. __ . _____ _ a...:.:.:....1......:.;=~=:..::.:::.=.~ L12 ~~ G) FOUNO 4" X 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT Wi COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT ~ 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183806.4 790 o E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.CD ~ ~« \.-~ ~«:, ~ ~ Q - '" ", ~ "-" "-, 10 --" LOTS 1,196,012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres LUA-04-0B1-BSP LND-J5-001J DESIGNED BY. ___ _ DRAWN BY: FWC/GGM CHECKED BY' C'sK, APPROVED BY: c:!s,f" 10122/04 N89'2822 W 717.29 S 8 9 '25'5.3"[ ---'-'--'8.3c::.:,'-. 6"""""'5 ,:--. 2650.43' R-25.00' . N4rf3JrW NORTH 8r-T-H--l[)~-S-T-R-E-E-T--t....-tr=90'02'or o-i I , L: .. .39.29' l, I /') G) 4-X 4" CONC. G) CITY OF RENTON G) FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP MONUMENT IN CASE W PUNCH N 18.3806.4790 E 1302031.8010 r7\ AS SHOWN ON REF.0J MONUMENT IN CASE WI COPPER PIN AT STREET INTERSECTION N 183798.2909 [ 1302863.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.0) «:,Q ~ ~~ REFERENCES <' \.-0 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT '{ \.!..J BOEING PARCEL JB o ~ REC. NO. 20011205900004 CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4" X 4" CONC. MON WI COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-23-5 N 18382.3.0950 [ 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.(j) S89'28 '22"E 1126.1J' ------------------ (FUTURf S45'27'25"W 44.70' BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON ~ ! i 'I: ---~ : -,-, --..-,--+-l-+-+-. -l-: -l-.~""""'_ N89'26'0t3~W I : : '0 9!f.' \JORTH 8 TI-f TRACT Q PLAN REVIEW' CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECE~VED 3350 Monte Villa ParJoray Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING SCALE: PROJECT NO. 1"=200' 31956 WASHINGTON DRAWING FILE NAME: 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG (425)96J-48oo (425)961-4808 If''b.paciJic.com PIlJllDe", • Engjn""'" • Surveyo", • L4.ndJJc"pe Archltecu. (J1 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. & NW 114 & S.w. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. OITY OF RENTON, KING OOUNTY, WASHINGTON N I -8- SCALE o 100 200 400 ~I_! ! __ ~I ( FEET) 1 INCH = 200 "5. W. COR. TRACT A W. 1/4 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 FT TRACT P SEE SHEET 3/4 10TH NORTH C _ SEE DETAIL TRACT TRACT 8 SEE DETAIL TRACT Q SEE SHEET 3/4 (tUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) TRACT I SEE DETA/! 1----TRACT F SEE DETAIL TRACTN SEE DETAIL c) \ -z.. --\ \ \ TRACT L S.E. COR. TRACT E I N70'54'57"W 39.12' N27'57'23~'W 50.69' .1JEl9."QJ.'I~ R=547.50' (R) tF28'54'05N J.,.. L=276.17' I'-. N. 10TH <"i o J---,-,.=-=-7. 50 N89 '2B'22 ""W-.-7'--t+fH----- TRAC~T E SEE DE __ TAIL" TO CENTER OF '--SEC. 8-23-5 I ~89'28'22"£ _ 1517.11'O._~ .. _i ._ r~-N-O-R-T-H--8-TH--~STRE~E-T---- R=652.50' ~ tF1113'59 L=127.9J' NOO '56 '42 "E ~ 28.00' N08'56 '24"£ . ~ 14.44' Ir--__.iil. :g NOO'56'42"£ (8 27.08' V) TRACT F TRACT I NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICA TION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H, I, K & N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS N.10~rH ST. "- L S42'56'12N£ N45'J9'02"E 27.14' J9'10'~ 589"28'06"£ 1059.10' N00"2L59 £ N89'2B22 W 1105,17 -29.J5' - ---(fUTURE NORTH -8TH -STREET) 5~~(;:rW! TRACT B : R=410.50' ~ tr-09"26'~6· N45'45'2f"£ a:: L=67.66 ... 39.05 ~ SB9"25'5~ ! } J ST. :z: ~ 'OCC 545'55' 4iiN£ 39.08 NORTH LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-J5-001J DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY. C!~ D/fAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY: as-,.e LAST EDIT: PLOT DATE' 1OL22L04 DATE BY REV/I REVISION ICK'D APPR. , I I \ \ ~ N4414'J~rW N45'Jl'51 "E V J5.56 51.J2~ J SB9"25'5J~E 6B4.Bl' \ I'IO!:fLCLLZ"W 717.29_ ~) rv47"4B'SI lOW. 5.46' - I ."t-fO NORTH 8TH STREET R-25.00' fOOl !"Ie fla90U2'0l" 0"" TRACT L L=.39.29' 0 <: i I ! , ! ! I r Vl i 0 ..... !flC,A 010\ , CJ'o~ ~O O"29'JI"W !"'V 20.12' .-. "---"-"-' NB9"2B'~~2"W 104.10' LB L10 LINE TABLE L9 S00'56' 42"W L10 14.44 S08"56'24"W L 11 27.08 S00'56' 42"W ~'/ .' DETAIL . rrf ; ~ ~ EXJ'ST. PARK AVE. RIW I ~ ~ "t- Lri t<) ~ ~ :;:. ~ ~ • C\! a: ('\j .~ ,"t-(0 ~ fO 'I) 0.. \0 8 a a VJ :z: I ;f,-'11' '11'> oj-'11'- '0?!'". .. ~ ............. I N. 8TH ST. ! TRACT N , N79'J2'5BN W(R) ---7.00' R=S22.62' tF=09·.32'20- L=B6.70' NB9U3'1 B"W(R) 5.00' TRACT'S G & K -, BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SeA ~_E: PRO,JEer NO. ORA WING riLE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956--SURV--8SP01.DWG R .. l066.5()' ~_ @ .1-10'OO'5J" ('~~( L=I86.41' TRACT H R-527.62' @ t.=27'2J'41- L=252.27' R=652.50' @ .1-0419'15" L=49.21' R=627.96' @) .1-04iJ'Or L-46.24' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Botbell, waSbing~tm'REVlf=w (425)961-4800 CITY OF RENTON (425)951-4808 lI'hpaoifje.com 0 E C 0 9 2004 EI I_A :'~ LA I NEIGHBotlHOOD DETAIL MAP CITY OF RENTON, KIN(;, COUNTY, WASH/NBrON I I i r f J I J ! I ! I I LOT1 LOT Lt I Lfr:":::::=:=-.=--::~=="--~ -_.""----:::. -" -... --=:::::::: L .. , )1 . ..;;;;;;;;;;==-~ --l \ : I ~ I LOT2 LOT3 G .<:0 'Y' \~ \ .'-J \'\\\ \Z \ \ NORTH 8TH STREET LOT5 NORTH 6TH STREET .... J? <-\m \7-\ . C. \m SCALE 3350 Monte VWa l'arkwll Y !:loth eli, Washington 9[l0:?1 fllJ7g 08{~)9!H ~1f10(J ( 42D)951--4fJOn 1'0 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SiTE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W. 1/4 ~EC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., w.M. CITY OF RENTON, KINa COUNTY, WASHINaTON D£DICA TlONS: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HERON DESCmBED 00 HERfBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58,17 R, C. W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING 51 TE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESEN TA TiON OF SAME AND THA T SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WI TH THE DESIR!:" OF THE OWNERS, IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY DAlE STA TE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DA Y PERSONALL Y APPEARED BEFORE ME , KNOWN TO BE AN A HORNEY IN FAcr OF TIlE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORA nON DESCRIBED INTHE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPOf<A TlON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA T HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS __ DA Y or ____ , 2o_, SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT _________ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _________ _ DArED' THE BO£ING COMPANY" A WASHINGTON CORPORA nON BY DA'--:;r:;c-E------------- STAlE or WASHINGTON) ) 5S COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS OA Y PERSONALL Y APPEARED BEFORE ME , ,/{NOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY DESCRIBED IN THE FOHEGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGEO THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA TlON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OA TH STA TED THA T HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS __ OA Y OF ____ , 2o_. SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO,R THE STA TE or WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT _________ _ PRINIED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _________ _ OA TED: __________ _ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THA T THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETT[ MERIDIAN AND TI-IA T TII[ COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTL Y THEREON. PROF~~~ CERTIFICA nON NO. 36809 LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-XX-XXXX DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY.' as/{, !.lRAWN I:3Y: FI!!C/CC/~ APPFWV[O f:)'( Clt-<- APPROVALS: ADMINISTRA TOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58,17.160 (7) THIS __ ~ DAY OF ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS [xAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _~~ __ DA Y OF _____________ 2o_. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER __________________________ _ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CfRTlFlCA TlON I HEREBY CERTIFY THA T ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THA T THERE liRE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL AsseSSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THA T ALL SPECIAL ASS[S5MENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLfcnON ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HERfiN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREffS, ALLEYS OR FOI~ ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DA Y OF 2o __ DIR[CTOR, KING COUN TY OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERTIFICA T£: DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING NO.' FILED FOR RECORD A T THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS __ ~ DA Y OF ___ _ 20 .. ______ , liT ___ MINUTES PAST M, AND RECORDED IN VOLUME __ ~ OF PLATS, PAGES _____ , F~ECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON_ OIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS .').']50 Monte VWa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 I_AST [OfT: PLOT DATE: Cll/QZj.Q4 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN DA TF BY HEV# REVISION RENTON, KING SCALE: N/A PROJECT ,NO. 31956 WASHINGTON OR:; WI!\/G riLE NAME: 31636-SURV-BSP01. owe (4115)951-4800 (4115)951-4/1011 Whp8cifle.com ---_c_--Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Land::;cdpe Architects --------------------------~----------------- co BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 546'12'25"£, 25.00' 546'12'25"£, 105.59' LlN£ TA8L£ 546'12'25"£, 21.50' LlN£ LENGTH L1 13.25 L2 37.87 LJ 37.00 L4 37.3J L5 37.25 L6 37.18 L7 37.10 R=1482.39!.... d= 32'/7'18" L=8J5.J8' S05'14'35"W_ 61.06' 503'20'54 "w 60,64' SOI'SS'J8"W 60.23' BEARING N46 '36 'S6"E N4T42 '47"£ N48'37'57"£ N49'22'46"£ N49'S7'47"£ N50'22'49"E NSO'37'SI"E R=984.00' .1==32'40'00" L=561.02' R=933.S0' .1==00'53'17" @ R=617.96' 1l=22'49'.J1 " L=246.18' 569'03'19''[, 5,00' R=612.96' @ .1==20'00'06" L=213.98' @ 589'03'18"£, 10.09' LOT4 NOT A PART 527'S 7'23 "[ 50.69' 299,538 50. FT 6.876AC. R=489.S0' S45'45'24"W d=09 '26 '36" N2T57'23"W LO 2 SO.69' 323,976 50. FT. R=652.50' 7.437 AC. Ll=28'54'05" L=J29.14' ,L..!I-*-8:<"£"!'~ ,~ \0 10 Q ~ , 39.09' , '01. @ N03'46'46"W, 24.28' , ~ Q) NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' ~'l 2 :g 0 N08'S6'24"E, 14.44' ~II !J) /" !J) NOO'56'42"E, 27.08' N82'OS'16U£ 29.06' R=515.62' ® L'I=J3'20'JJ" L=JOO.06' ® 579 '32 'S8 "£, 12.00' R=527.62' (j) .1==09'30'20" L=87.5J' NOO'S6'42"E, 278.69' N26'58'14"[ 51.47' N 71'59'30"£ 46.61' 6J'0I'46"W 57.32' 796,623 So. FT, 18.288 AC. I' ~-' ,--~)2J' LOT 3 52. 5 '--i ,J __ -r--N01'55'11;'W I t LJ.i I~ 300.14 591.192 50. FT R=850.00' .1==18'30'01" L=274.46' '~" 13.572AC L..!'''('.j ~l ~ « ~ ;'<1', C) \f) liS I ~ g g Vl <:: I ~ N I -®- SCALE o 200 t FT (0 CITY OF R£NTON 400 ! CONTROL MONUM[NT 184477 4" X 4" CONC. MaN wi COPP[R PIN roUND EXISTiNG MONUM[N T IN CAS[, ACC[P1ED AS eEN fER or SECTION 8-23-5 IV 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 500'58'48"W 59.82' SOO'31'07"W __ 51.31' L=14.47' ~ N4S;;'?;'"E\j' ~ N45 5 '3 1 7. 3 '5 2 7:£ ~,._../~-542'56'12"£ __ 44.58~ _ ~fi82.·28'06"f _____ 1059.12~ __ L _ __ _ _ 589'25'53"£ j 684.81' I AS SHOWN ON REF(i) 589'28'22"£ 63.89' N89'2S'S8"W 90.00' '"17t~~..,;;..;;;..;;;;;;.;;;;;-...;.;.;.~/ ;;;.;;/ ~S8~9;;:'~a~, '~7;;i·;';;£"';;";;;;"';;:=;;";;; . .,.;;.. .. ~H~2;;:7.~6~9~=.;;.;,.;;..;;;;;;~~;...;;;=~ I" - --;;;;;'2fi22-::W --717:29---' - - - "'-.. ~/-, -, ---:r-:-r.1\I~9;28'06"W '-: .' --/-' . '-·12J7.J4,·~'j-, -'-" ~SO-cO;56:4Z:'W, . ':~ If-N475.:e.4~6~.;~,~53N''EORTH I 8~~Hl.65' ,1. -S'-R-E-E-T'-'-\ ~ __ =9205:002~O' 7" 2650.4J' 589'28'22"[ / (FVTUR~/~, N(J,R Tlle:! HST,~)r;ei)',~6.0;> .~ '\ I, ~ I, ~J9.29' d 1\ .) G)FOUND>X4;' CONCRETE,:?l I \Q).f.QUND 1,5" BRASS CAP 0) 4" X 4" CONC. , ......... :IAONVME;:NT w/ COPP[R MONUM[NT IN CAS[ wi ·-f,-IO-'-N-U-M-[N-=T..::.....:.IN"-'-C-AS-[------- TACK .IN BROK[N. CAS[,' PUNCH . N 1838064790 W/ COPPER PIN A r / / / .' lS[CTJON COR"rR' . / / DOWN ':0' SHOW A$PI-jALT [13020.31.8010 G) STR[ET INTERS[CTION iI-.' " , , J', ./ AS SHOWN ON RET. 1 N 183798.2909 .NlfjJ8jJ6,47YO. [ 1302863.4078 '£.51302031.81)10 (1\:':, AS SHOWN ON R£F(j) A . SHQWN OfIJ R[r'~J,; . .' / . / N8B'45'39"W 126.50' , ,LOT5 .' . '1, 60fJ, 916 sq., ft.. 36.94 acr;es. N89'26'20"W 292.86' -j-----_.-- . ./ , / ,/ 272.0J' NORTH 6TH STREET ,. ,~ '\I) /8 .Vl N89'25'ZJ~'W . \. 256.96' 0) REFERENCES CITY UF R[NTON SHORT PLA T BO[ING PARca 38 REC. NO. 20011205900004 LUA-XX-XXX-8SP LND-J5-XXXX OESIGNED BY: OflAWN BY: rWC/CCM LAST EDiT. DATE BY REV# CHECKED BY: e.5ll. APPROV[O BY: CSlt PLOT OA FE: 07 /07 /04 REVISION BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING SCALE: 1"=200' PR())[(~T ! .""' i "/ '-1', 31956 WASHINGTON ORA WING FiLE NAlvIE. 31636-SURV-BSPOI.0WG 3350 Montc Villa Parkway Bothell. Washington 98021 -8972 (426)951-4800 (425)951 -4808 whpaclflc.cQm Plallners • Engineers • Surveyors • Landso!4pe Al'ohiteoLg C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., WM. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., WM. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINBTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT DA TED FEB. 2, 2004) PARCEL A: LOIS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLA T NO. WA-01-056-SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 200/1205900004; TOGETHER WITH THA T PORTION OF VACA TEO LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; ADJOINING WHiCH UPON VACA TED, A TTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERA nON OF LA W: SITUATE IN THE CITY or RENTON, COUNTY or KING, STATE or WASHINGTON PARCEL B: THA T fJORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT J IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM, LYING EASTERL Y OF THf ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BEL T LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND LYING WESTERLY OF PARK A VENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S E.); TOGETHER WITH THA T PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING A T THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOU THEASTERL Y MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASI-IINGTON BfU LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WA Y AND THE WfSTERL Y MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERL Y ALONG SAID SOU THEA S TERL Y MARGIN 60 FETT TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHEASTERL Y A T RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE WESTERL Y MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD SE); THENCE SOUTHERL Y ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LO T; THENCE WESTERL Y TO SAID SOU THEA S TERL Y RAILROAD MARGIN; THENCE NORTHEASTERL Y TO THE mUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THA T PORTION THEREOF CONDEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THA T PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY or RENTON FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE NORTH B'I" OEm RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. NOTES: PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DA TEO DECEMBER 1, 2003. BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOnNG, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICA TED A T THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCA TEO BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MA Y BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICA TiON BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE GITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INT[F?SECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DE VEL OPMEN r AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACA{E THE LAND ON WHICH TiiE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCA TED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACA TED LAND SHALL BECOMf A PART OF LOT 2. FOLLOWING DEDICA nON AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, A T NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOflNG AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF -WA Y AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WI (H PUBLIC STREET USC PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLA TED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER ZONING W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWA Y BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (rH) TOTAL AREA: 3,752,957 SQ FT, OR 86.16 ACRfS± LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-XX-XXXX oESIGN[o BY: ___ _ rJF?AWN BY. FWC/CCM CH[CK[O BY: es.l. APPROV[O BY: c..s!L LAST [oiT PLO T 0,10. T[: 07/07/04 0/\ F[ BY REVII .R[VISION CK'o APPk'. ~~~:;n -------------------·+---1 EXPIRES 7 12 05 BINDING SITE PLAN AREA.:. EAST OF PARK AVE. N.: 960,325 SQ. FT., 22.05 AC. ± WEST OF PARK AVE. N.: 2,981,583 SQ. FT, 68.45 AC ± TOTAL: 3,941,908 SQ. FT., 90.49 AC± LOT AREA TABLE: LOT so. FT. ACRES I 1 299,538 6.88 1------ 2 323,976 744 3 59/,192 13.57 4 796,623 ~ .- 5 1,608,917 36.94 TRACT AREA TABLE' TRACT so. rT. ~j A 141,373 3.25 B 11,011 0.25 C 72,299 1.66 -- D 47,728 1.10 E 24,829 0.57 F 4,816 0.11 G 4,404 0.10 i--------------- H 18,778 0.43 I 89 0.00 i---------.----"-----~----.. ------.-~-. J 24 0.00 K 1,955 0.04 ---~-,----_. __ ._-- L 7,624 0.18 M 2,187 0.05 N 396 0.01 -----,-- EXIST. PARK AVE. N. ROW 112,821 2.59 VICINITY ~v1AP HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD8J(91) WASHINGTON STA TE COOROINA TE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT -TRIMBLE 5700 GT-JS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CAL/BRA TED BASEUNE WI THIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UN! TS: US FEET. CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE S!-IEET 3 OF 4 BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN :W&H RENTON, KING SCALE: PRC'\.)ECT NO. N/A 31956 WASHINGTON DRAWING FILE Nil/viE: 31636-SURV-8SP01.DWG iPACJFIC --- (425)951-4600 (425)951-4606 whpacific.com Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Landsc[IIJe Architects N BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., w.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON N ! -.- R=984.00' lJ;=J2'40'OO" L=561.02' SCALE o 100 200 400 ~! _!~.~I __ ~! ( FEn) INCH = 200 FT SJ7'1J'42"W 174.54" R=9JJ,50' lJ;=OO'53'17" NORTH -.--~. --~ C~ SEE D E_~r"-"A_I L_:_. -'--'-"----........... -TRACT E---1 SEE DETAIL ~ ~ ({ (rUTURE NORTH 8TH STREt T) i ;-J .-i~ 1l.U iCl I i LU I lJ..J , (J) I , ... ~ )0 ct· .~ <:( .~ '0:: ~ Q) <:: .~ (J) -GS TRACT J ~SEEDETAIL ...--1;',-4;---TRACT K SEE DETAIL TRACT M SEE DETAIL \', .0 \~ \\",\. TRACT H '-Z SEE DETAIL: \ \, -rRACT I \\. ~ S.EE DETAIL.\.~.z. THIS '. C. '~ :1---TRACT F SEE DETAIL TRACTN SEE DETAIL I . NORTH 8TH STREET \ \ " NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H, M & N ~u 542'56'12"£ 1 27.14' 589 '28 '06"£ 1059,70' I N45'J9'02~£ : J9.1O'~; J "-tNOO'2759.1-,"[~ __ N89'2822 _W __ I 29-:19' 1105,17 _ I} }~--------~------------------------I (FVTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) SOO'S6'42"W-' j 37.00' N4414'J1"W J5.56 589'25'53"[ 9' t-t-:-}w.-tt,'= .. :::;::::::-::::;:;4l:4.?' 51 '.'f:, .~ ,.4~.:_ '". =- N45'31'51"E 51.32' 684.81' 717.29 ~--- ~~: NORTH 8TH STREET" \0Q i R=2S.00' lJ;= 90 'OZ '0 7" L=39.29' ~>') i TRACT L ji TRACT B ~ ~~----------------------------~------------------------~~ R=547.50!--' ---\ . &=28~54J05U ' l L=276.17' N. ~ :co :~ . :z: u.i > « . ~ ~ Ifl i " IX: ~ ~ Q.. :1...1 " 1"1 ,:0- '(Q r!0 :0 ~ I~ • C\j ."" <0 \0 I 0 0 V) TRACT E \ 1'170']2'58" '12.00' W 1 )R=515.62' • lF22'J2'JO" \ L=202.86' 2 R=527.62' o lFI7'5J'21" L=164.74' J)R=I066.50;· lF02'21 '52" L=44.0I' TRACT M LINE TABLE 1J1 ~ « 545 '55 '4{5 "E 39.08 NORTH fp 09'26 '36" .··N89·25'5J~W 186.22' N44"4'36"W 39.05' R=4J9.50' R=560.46' ,t.=2Z'59'44" .tl",:07W'J§" L=176.39' .. L=69.06' S44'J7'21"W 39.09' TRACT D LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LNO-35-XXXX 1 i r ; i ! i I I I i ! : I i : . :c: LJ.i ~ "( ~ 0:: 'II( 0- g: -1>--lOui ooU'l U'l"': .~ ~ r-'---t-----.--.... -."--------! N. 8TH ST. TRAcr N LINE LENGTH L8 24,28 L9 28,00 L10 14.44 L11 27,08 BEARING 503'46'46"E SOO'06' 42"W S08'06'24"W SOO'06'42"W N.10TH . <: N89 '28'22" W 104.10' EXIST. PARK AVE. RIGHT OF \rV A Y / "'-~ N. 10TH 51. / If' s8~ifE "-.1...1 .~~12.fjO .. C\j. , ."t-"t-. <o-~ NOJ'46'4§"W lO~'i 0'" 24.28 ....... c-<: ~ NOO'56'42"E I'-... • 28.00'_ '---.: ''''0-, ."t-<0 N08'56'24"E -. <0" \0_ 14.44' NOO'56' 42"[· V i glfl . V) n08' . z ~:c: f\.)~ ct. U'lui 9U'l ~~ f\.)...: <0_ 0 OC( ~ TRACT F R=652.50· lJ;= 08'26'45 " L=96.18' , SOO'56'42"W ltJ : -274.50' . . C\j' .... :. <0: '---- ~~ 0: o z· TRACT G '-SOO'56'42"W 144.J/' TRACT H • \ <: uj }w \ :::. C\j R=652.50' ~ .'1-Ctl r-lJ;=02'4 7'14 n to", ::.::: \0. L=J1. 74' 0.::) .,~ a: 0 fi, <: ~ \ .... _ .... _ ... _, ..... '---' Q.. 1'-!!~9'1 O'26"W 5.42' TRACT I ,"=50' TRAiCT J 1"""50' TRACT K 1"=60' ,"=100' Ir===~~====================~~~~~~~======~~==========================~'-----------~~----~ [JESIGfI/ED BY: _____ CHECKED BY: OSL DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROI/W BY: L1 rtf- L II S T .~E~O~I T;.: -:-r;:.::.=;====-_r~' L::.:O~T~D....:.A .,:TE'::.:.,' :-.-:Q~Z:.:/l.=0-~7::_~=0~41 ~r4~Jl'!l DA TE BY REV# F<[VISION CK'O APP!( r---~--r~~----- I EXPIRES 7 12 05 1>&>))%""""""% BOEING REAL TY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: =c !!-CT W! DRAWING FlL E Nil IV! E: ,r'-, _)'''/C i J\}'J. 1"=200' 31956 31636-SURV-8SP01,DWG 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 9UOZl-8972 (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpaclfic.com .. ---" .~----------~---- Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Land1r.:8pe Architects BOEING LAKEt"')HORE LANDING NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NORTH 6TH STREET 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 08021'--8972 (e��)ssL-�soo (4E°i)85L-4!308 whpeeL!fe.nam .................. .............._..,.....M......_.....,...... _ ._ ..._.._.._........, Ptennera + Fn sneers • Survnynrs • Landscape Architects BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATIONS: APPROVALS.- KNOW PPROVALS. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY IN DATE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME , KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF , 20 SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: THE BOEING COMPANY., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION BY DA TE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME , KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF 20 SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. Cn PROfTEtS1OA9L LAND SUPOYOR, CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 LUA—XX—XXX—BSP LND—XX—XXXX m 'I DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY. APPROVED BY.•_afk- PLOT DATE: 07 07 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17,160 (1) THIS DAY OF ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION C 20 20L—. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 2Q—. DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERTIFICATE: RECORDING NO: FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS DAY OF 2Q—, AT MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS 0 of wask ,p BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN 36809 oQ RENTON, KING WASHINGTON R�,sT � �°SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 10 NAL LAND a N/A 31956 31636-SURV-BSP0I.DWG 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (425)951-4800 (426)951-4808 whpaciflc.com Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Landscape Architects kv L LCI n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON S46'12'25"E, 25.00' S46'12'25"E, 105.59' S46'1225 "E, 21.50' S43 47'35"E tK 33.78' N82 05'16"E NOT A PART �yb, 29.06' R-617.96' i' , '�tF r yg` 46'17'10"E 10 A---22-49.31- o(V �/' j�`01��h� 42.23' L=246.18 11 S69'03'19'E, 5.00' '�`�' �� o T,5 �� R=612.96' ' 12 A-20 00'06" ' , ' 9 1K " 6 L=213.98'TSd 4° ;' <ss '� �0� 1 13 S8903'18"E, 10.09' 06 R=1066.50' o Ny82 50' 12 ' g L=260.48' x 7 N15'00'11 "E 39,12' 66.50 " R,� ,�y,5y 13 6 N2757'23 "w LOT2 \ OR N- N 4,87 50,69 vim+ /-1a �1 323,976 SQ. FT. y0 570'54'57"E p i �A R=652.50' 7.437 AC. j a R=1016.00' 39.12' Noo ` d=28'54'05" c , R=639.50' a=01'5841 L=329.14 " L=35.08' S27 57'23"E �! " �=L-78,80' 03 36 Q�/J�, R=984.00' LOT 1 5o.ss �yyy'85 �060, 5=39 00'14" 299, 538 SQ. FT 3 `� 39 0 R Z •05 99' `�• r L=669.85 6.8 76 A C. o � 100 5 "E r�� !4 JK N37'13 42 E 5.250 R-489.50' $45 45 24 W �.�� iv , �cfl �,, q•5y 3� 6-09 2636" 39.05' N07'53'04"W, 44.75' L= 80.68 N89 25 53'W cn R�¢1psp, S81•07'3�;W 186.92 4615;'14 " 211-R 10TH I C��?� N� T " N89'25'S3"W R-439 5, 4" R -560.50'- S81 =560.50 y 48g S81'p7_31 W - - , �W - 2 -.5944 6-0703'36" 211.31, 186.22 L-176 L=69.06 R=1482.39' %/=`3g3 J4 `n N44'1436" A=32'17'18" r �/ S82'18'10"W n R=410.50 39,05, 0 S44,3721 " W t o 1 39.09' L=835.38' i IV 44.71' A=09'26'36" 2 S37'1342"W L=67,66' I I® I, ® NO3'46'46W, 24.28' 27.13' 1 3 N00 56'42"W, 28.00' R= 984.00' 2 I o 2 N08'5624 -E, 14.44' LOT 5 �' �� A=32'40'00"g ^ 1 N00'5642"E, 27.08' L=561.02' LOT 4 I X2.5` 1 , 796,623 SQ, FT. 1,. LOT 3 1 18.288 A C. 52.5 --� 3 � NO 1'55'11 W 300,14' 591 192 SQ FT LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 13,25 N4636'56"E L2 37.87 N47'42'47"E L3 37.00 N48'3757"E L4 37.33 N49 22'46"E L5 37,25 N495747"E L6 37.18 N50 2249"E L7 37.10 N50'3 75 1 "E LCI n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON S46'12'25"E, 25.00' S46'12'25"E, 105.59' S46'1225 "E, 21.50' S43 47'35"E tK 33.78' N82 05'16"E NOT A PART �yb, 29.06' R-617.96' i' , '�tF r yg` 46'17'10"E 10 A---22-49.31- o(V �/' j�`01��h� 42.23' L=246.18 11 S69'03'19'E, 5.00' '�`�' �� o T,5 �� R=612.96' ' 12 A-20 00'06" ' , ' 9 1K " 6 L=213.98'TSd 4° ;' <ss '� �0� 1 13 S8903'18"E, 10.09' 06 R=1066.50' o Ny82 50' 12 ' g L=260.48' x 7 N15'00'11 "E 39,12' 66.50 " R,� ,�y,5y 13 6 N2757'23 "w LOT2 \ OR N- N 4,87 50,69 vim+ /-1a �1 323,976 SQ. FT. y0 570'54'57"E p i �A R=652.50' 7.437 AC. j a R=1016.00' 39.12' Noo ` d=28'54'05" c , R=639.50' a=01'5841 L=329.14 " L=35.08' S27 57'23"E �! " �=L-78,80' 03 36 Q�/J�, R=984.00' LOT 1 5o.ss �yyy'85 �060, 5=39 00'14" 299, 538 SQ. FT 3 `� 39 0 R Z •05 99' `�• r L=669.85 6.8 76 A C. o � 100 5 "E r�� !4 JK N37'13 42 E 5.250 R-489.50' $45 45 24 W �.�� iv , �cfl �,, q•5y 3� 6-09 2636" 39.05' N07'53'04"W, 44.75' L= 80.68 N89 25 53'W cn R�¢1psp, S81•07'3�;W 186.92 4615;'14 " 211-R 10TH I C��?� N� T " N89'25'S3"W R-439 5, 4" R -560.50'- S81 =560.50 y 48g S81'p7_31 W - - , �W - 2 -.5944 6-0703'36" 211.31, 186.22 L-176 L=69.06 R=1482.39' %/=`3g3 J4 `n N44'1436" A=32'17'18" r �/ S82'18'10"W n R=410.50 39,05, 0 S44,3721 " W t o 1 39.09' L=835.38' i IV 44.71' A=09'26'36" 2 S37'1342"W L=67,66' I I® I, ® NO3'46'46W, 24.28' 27.13' 1 3 N00 56'42"W, 28.00' R= 984.00' 2 I o 2 N08'5624 -E, 14.44' LOT 5 �' �� A=32'40'00"g ^ 1 N00'5642"E, 27.08' L=561.02' LOT 4 I X2.5` 1 , 796,623 SQ, FT. 1,. LOT 3 1 18.288 A C. 52.5 --� 3 � NO 1'55'11 W 300,14' 591 192 SQ FT LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX 10 aER DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: C,S►2 of WA Ngo DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM APPROVED BY.• g:?�/Z W z LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 07107104 DA TE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. "FiiOQ I A� 36809 � SI LISTER ��' 0AAL LANA 13.5 72A C. R=515.62' A=3320'33" � � N L=300.06' S05'1 435" S7932'580E, 12.00' w 1 Q a © 61.06' 3 ;t1 00�oi 58903'18"E, 5.00' S5033-20'54" ' W /'rte 91 �1 I'+•"�Nl � I SO1'55'38"W ' R=933.50' Z N (� 60.23' 6-00'53'17" i Q • " S00 58 48 " L=14, 47' N45 39 02 E (L 59.82' , S42 56'12"E 39.10 I S005,.31,070W-,.- 44.58' S8928'06"E 1059.10' 51.31' 5, - -_ _ _ _ I 9, $ i L12 .6 77 7-77 " N 28 Q 1 �7rS�4 $00,56,4i"W ' I R=984.00'=-�=-,' 6-03 29'17" I L=59.90' ' Tl I) 6,09 E, , ISI OR TH' Tl R, E'T), '� N4 ,. S8928 22 E 7, Y , FOUNO 4" X .4" C• CREPE iv10N(ltiIENT W% COPPER i; TACX .IN .8ROKEWCASE,' % 04WNt b, OEL,OW. 'ASPHI ALT 'SECTION' CORNER' / E.,1302031.8P,10 i 'AS' 5I49WN. `OjV REF` F b CC i3OT 5 f ,, t N89'25'23,'.'VV 1;60$, 9.1.6sq fit. 256.96' LAJ 00 50075'3 �W , N8271'34" yy U 10.08' 167 26'. g9 25'23 "1N ' , N88'55'30"W 292.86' 272.03' N89 2858"W N88 45'39 "w NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00'126.50' LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX 10 aER DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: C,S►2 of WA Ngo DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM APPROVED BY.• g:?�/Z W z LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 07107104 DA TE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. "FiiOQ I A� 36809 � SI LISTER ��' 0AAL LANA 13.5 72A C. 0 SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 Z ( FEET ) N26'58'14"E 1 INCH = 200 FT 51.47' N71 59'30"E 46.61' 63 01'46"W 51,32' 159'3(]"W w 46.69 'C to N 30'30, 0 R=850,00' AZIa30'01" L=274.46' �N00'56'420E, 166.37' co o - S44'14'34"E N45'31'51 "E N i 39.07 51.32' S89 2_553 "E _+- 684,81'j - _ N8928 22 W717291,- _ S89'25'53 "E 831.65' } 's 46' "W NORTH 8TH STREET OFt71INn 1 5" RRACS CAP PUNCH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O 1 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4" X 4" CONC. MON W/ COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.O S89'28'22 "E 2650.43' R=25.00' 6-90'02'07" L=39.29' O4" X 4" CONC. MONUMENT IN CASE W/ COPPER PIN A T STREET INTERSECTION N 183798.2909 E 1302863.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.O REFERENCES OCITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 38 REC. NO. 20011205900004 BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJEC'F NG. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 1 31956 31636 -• SUR V-BSP01.0WG 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 ' (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpacilic.com Planners - Engineers - Surveyors - Landscape Architects R=515.62' A=3320'33" L=300.06' ® S7932'580E, 12.00' R=527.62' © 6-0930'20" L=87.53' © 58903'18"E, 5.00' 5Q N00'5642"E, 278.69' 0 SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 Z ( FEET ) N26'58'14"E 1 INCH = 200 FT 51.47' N71 59'30"E 46.61' 63 01'46"W 51,32' 159'3(]"W w 46.69 'C to N 30'30, 0 R=850,00' AZIa30'01" L=274.46' �N00'56'420E, 166.37' co o - S44'14'34"E N45'31'51 "E N i 39.07 51.32' S89 2_553 "E _+- 684,81'j - _ N8928 22 W717291,- _ S89'25'53 "E 831.65' } 's 46' "W NORTH 8TH STREET OFt71INn 1 5" RRACS CAP PUNCH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O 1 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4" X 4" CONC. MON W/ COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.O S89'28'22 "E 2650.43' R=25.00' 6-90'02'07" L=39.29' O4" X 4" CONC. MONUMENT IN CASE W/ COPPER PIN A T STREET INTERSECTION N 183798.2909 E 1302863.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.O REFERENCES OCITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 38 REC. NO. 20011205900004 BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJEC'F NG. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 1 31956 31636 -• SUR V-BSP01.0WG 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 ' (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpacilic.com Planners - Engineers - Surveyors - Landscape Architects 0 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT DATED FEB. 2, 2004) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-056—SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; ADJOINING WHICH UPON VACATED, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. - SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY AND LYING WESTERLY OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY AND THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, THENCE WESTERLY TO SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RAILROAD MARGIN; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONDEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED - RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. J. 0 TES: PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT—OF—WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT—OF—WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT—OF—WAY SEGMENT. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT—OF—WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 ZONING TOTAL AREA: LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-XX-XXXX HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) 3,752,957 SQ FT, OR 86.16 ACRES± DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY., APPROVED PLOT DATE: 07107104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR 299,538 6.88 2 323,976 7.44 3 o¢ 36809 ��'AL LAND BINDING SITE PLAN AREA: EAST OF PARK AVE. N.: 960,325 SQ. FT., 22.05 AC. t WEST OF PARK AVE. N.: 2,981,583 SQ. FT., 68.45 AC. t TOTAL: 3,941,908 SQ, FT., 90.49 AC. t LOT AREA JABLE, LOT SQ. FT ACRES 1 299,538 6.88 2 323,976 7.44 3 591,192 13.57 4 796,623 18.29 5 1 1,608,917 36.94 TRACT SQ. FT. ACRES A 141,373 3.25 B 11,011 0.25 C 72,299 1.66 D 47,728 1,10 E 24,829 0.57 F 4,816 0.11 G 4,404 0.10 H 18,778 0.43 I 89 0.00 J 24 0.00 K 1,955 0.04 L 7,624 0.18 M 2,187 0.05 N 396 0.01 EXIST. PARK AVE. N. ROW 112,821 2.59 w t 4�r � 'fir4ytktaay�,� wl y Arl id R P? ;1 P4 alk � P 4V t; ,y k VICINITY MAP HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT — TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO: WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET. CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 BOEING REALTY COMPANY C17Y OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31636-SURV-BSP01. DWG z QDm X 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpacitl c, com Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Landscape Architects N w D BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON f: SCALE ��, a-9�• N 0 100 200 400 R=1016.00' !' f , R=984.00' x=32 40'00 = L-561,02' / R=984.00' A-0329'17 L=59.90' ( FEE T) L=35.08 1 INCH = 200 FT R=984.00' A-3900'14" ,' P L=669.85' "12'25"E 11.50' NORTH 8TH STREET NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DED."' ' "� ' ��� TRACTS h R=410.50' • S07 53 04 E Y 44.75' d=0926'36" iN • 41 ,�•� 0� R=489.50 L-67.66' N45 45 24 E � ^ ' Z ' /:'� NORTH 4-o926'36" 39.05 Q �4R,3A1�4�1QSL=80.68 N 53„ETS8925O' 4073�PE E•01 N81 186 92 = ,�4 Q ST 21131 N� g1 JV89'25 "`4µi ` 1 • y11.31, 186.22 cry I 0 J x'391 N44'14'36"W 't v 4 TRACT C 39.05 !� Z 3 , S> >�. T� R=639.50' N'1.546g 61 S. 10 A=07 03'36" ��6 % iZ S45'55'4 "E L=78.80' o , 39.08 .50 " .55'54 R NORTH -36p5'2� D�22g9 i a138 46.P9'" S7159 30 W R=439.50' R=560,46' S 4=1703'36" i a S,"'371W6 39' TRA " CT D o' LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX �I DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY.• FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: S42'S6'12'E N45 39'02"E #' DATE BY REV# 27.14' 39.10' y , S89 28'06 "E 1059.10' ------------- N00'56'4T "E -N001-7T5-9 EN8928 22 W 1105.17 28.00 605 29.19' - -" L=96.18' (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) soo156'42"W %00R=52762' N00 56'42"E 37.00 2708' TRACT B z R=410.50' • S07 53 04 E Y 44.75' d=0926'36" iN • 41 ,�•� 0� R=489.50 L-67.66' N45 45 24 E � ^ ' Z ' /:'� NORTH 4-o926'36" 39.05 Q �4R,3A1�4�1QSL=80.68 N 53„ETS8925O' 4073�PE E•01 N81 186 92 = ,�4 Q ST 21131 N� g1 JV89'25 "`4µi ` 1 • y11.31, 186.22 cry I 0 J x'391 N44'14'36"W 't v 4 TRACT C 39.05 !� Z 3 , S> >�. T� R=639.50' N'1.546g 61 S. 10 A=07 03'36" ��6 % iZ S45'55'4 "E L=78.80' o , 39.08 .50 " .55'54 R NORTH -36p5'2� D�22g9 i a138 46.P9'" S7159 30 W R=439.50' R=560,46' S 4=1703'36" i a S,"'371W6 39' TRA " CT D o' LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX �I DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY.• FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: dS4 APPROVED BY:_4rA,_ PLOT DATE: 07 07 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. , 2 N00'56'4T "E A-08 2645" 28.00 605 W 36809 R 1 STE91 4FAL LAND n TRACT J SEE DETAIL TRACT K SEE DETAIL 'R=1066.50' x=0830'48=. L=158.47' S70 5457"E S27'57'23"E 50.69' N89103'14 10.09' R=547.50=- 4=2854'05" L=276.17' 3 (00 N j gN5 � k Uj Q � i cc j a iL N 15 011 "E 39.12 -""-Z'-37' N27 5723"W �R,�627.96' x=0729'25 ST. I TRACT E 3 1 P� 2 0�' N70 3?, " 12 00, 58 W 1 R=515.62' _ A-22 32'30" L=202.86' O R=527.62' A-175321" L=164,74' 3 R� 1066.50' 4-02 21'52" L=44.01' TRACT M 1 *=60' ._�■v ► . rnnr� n vc. RIGHT OF WA Y BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT N0. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31636-SURV-BSP0I.DWG N. 10TH NO 228§"W .50' c�^ , 2 N00'56'4T "E A-08 2645" 28.00 605 N08 5624"E L=96.18' 14.44' %00R=52762' N00 56'42"E 4 2708' • z cc ..off,n L=252.27' +w W V Q d=04'13 0 h ST" TRACT F S89'10 2 5.42`'' .50' YR=652.50'�TM , L-186.41' N A-08 2645" R-652.50' 605 bC L=96.18' jNi %00R=52762' L=31.74' 4 A-272341 S00'56'42"W Ns'o ' 2s" w a:91 L=252.27' +w �'`--274.50' d=04'13 0 L-46.24' N8 5'0OP8"w N275723"W 10TH g ST. R=652.50' z 4=17'40'06" L=201.20' c S005642"W N89'10'26 "W Q 12.50' Q.11 TRACT G R=10 .50' roo'S3" , L-186.41' 0 N R-652.50' 605 bC /-4=02 47'14" %00R=52762' L=31.74' cc A-272341 Ns'o ' 2s" w a:91 L=252.27' R=627.9 v d=04'13 0 L-46.24' N8 5'0OP8"w N275723"W 43.32' R=652.50' 4=17'40'06" L=201.20' S005642"W 144.31 TRACT H i 5' 16"W S8 8,06 W �w 0 N R-652.50' 605 bC /-4=02 47'14" L=31.74' cc 4Q Ns'o ' 2s" w a:91 . v TRACT 1 1".500 V N82-05016 6E �4i N00 49'34 6.60' I TRACT J 10450, TRACT K 1"=100' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (426)951-4800 (426)951-4808 whpacific,00m Planners Engineers • Surveyors • Lan dsoape Architects 5' 16"W S8 8,06 0 jK 605 bC o o v TRACT K 1"=100' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (426)951-4800 (426)951-4808 whpacific,00m Planners Engineers • Surveyors • Lan dsoape Architects n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R. 5E., W M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEINGANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION c4w 61t. c BY /13 11 Q f o c/. DATE M, ofTRI1i1* ALOWdnd Sighs M STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME"l )AACM[l astigNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THATSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN U RHAND AND OFFIC Y ). SEAL THIS DAY OF 20Qv SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT G /1bl� Y Irolary pqbac Arhh �. �_ l�aa a wlorrrplon l yl 1 CG IID C PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY BLIC 0* App0lfla pIM E pbft Aup 15&, 120MM MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: lot �stiy BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY STATE OF WA49"701�1�' COUNTY OF KM )� ON THIS DAY PERSONALLYJAWWED BEFORE ME . KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF TW BOEING AN 8m NV THE FOREGOM INSTRUMENT. A AND ACKNOMLEDGED SAD m T TO BF Tw FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA 7X F011 7HAND T E)Mv MEN7100 EQ, AND ON OATH STA TED THAT HE WAS AU7}1OR12ED TO CURE 7HwE SA #=67RUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATXX I(n GIVEN UNOER A#JWAND AND OFFKXXM. SEAIk7HIS DAY OF 20_, SIGNA TU NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR TH11V OF WASHfN RESIDING AT PYTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC OF COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED. LAND SURVEY0R'S CER71F7CA7E I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 & 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. jwg s PROFES AL LAND URVEYOR, CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 LUA-04-081-BSP LN0-3S-0013 m y DESIGNED BY. DRAWNBY.- FWC CCM LAST EDIT.' CHECKED BY.- Y.DRAWN APPROVED BY.• aSSA PLOT DATE: 1OZlJI04 DATE BY IREV# REVISION CK'D APPR. LOT! 0 ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS DAY OF Y0 ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION 20 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 20 DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CER71F1CA7E: RECORDING NO: FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS DAY OF 20� AT MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956—SURV—BSP0l.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 8960 Monts Vffb Park"y Both@A Wash*gtan 98021-899'2 (4=)=-4M Pb--- • ski-- • Smmgo„ • LAM&MIM AmWtft-b 0 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE.. (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT - TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET. C1 TY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: U TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 IW 14b, 1 Cn NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNERS) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH, 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH 'THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK AVENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN AVENUE VACATION,' PER MEMO INCORPORATED IN SAID ORDINANCE A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DEDICATED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482. THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1975 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARLY NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 1997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 12 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 724577- T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2. 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-056-SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B.- THOSE : THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.. LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY, RESPECTIVELY, OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE N. AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERLY OF A LINE THAT INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A -LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN, AND ENDING NORTHWESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-081-BSP LND-33-0013 DESIGNED BY. DRAWNBY: FWC/CCM LAST EDIT. CHECKED BY. CSR- SRDRAWN APPROVED BY: C, PLOT DATE: 1QI22104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 I I Ej C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACATION ORD. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET, THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C. THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE. BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00. THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE ANC END OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130915. PARCEL E. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION A TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE. AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF PELLY STREET, THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLINE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHORN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PLAN REWEV, DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 0 E)OSW AREAS SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 67.67 TOTAL 3,907,620t 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2* 323,976 7.44 LOT 3* 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACATION TRACTS H do N VACA7M 7RAC7S TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT 1 2,917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 DEDICA71ON TRAC75. TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9,308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 DED. TRACT TOTAL: 66,639 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: L073 SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796,623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 (LESS TRACT LOT 6 'X' AREA) 213,226 4.89 LOT TOTAL 2,505,399 57.51 DEDM7M 7R4C1S TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT B 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72.299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT Q 79,0401.81 DED. TRACT TOTAL 442,209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE N. RIGHT OF WAY 112.821 Z59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 246 0.003 [DETAIL 'B' 121 0.002 VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956—SURV—BSP01. DWG 3960 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, 1laahinXton 98021-8972 ® ON051-4600 (�)Waal- Plana=r= • Rg&sam • Surnyorr • l+ad�pe Arch too" 405 NE 12TH NE ST ,o SITE Z Z NE 8118 ST �u- 2 W � N NE 5TH N ST Yp� = a W NE 3RD si ST 3R0 N WAY VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956—SURV—BSP01. DWG 3960 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, 1laahinXton 98021-8972 ® ON051-4600 (�)Waal- Plana=r= • Rg&sam • Surnyorr • l+ad�pe Arch too" N) SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 FEET ) 1 INCH = 200 FT x,�o. �1 J ti 10.00' v DETAIL A 10 i n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON r--S46*12'25"E, 125.59' Af7p)y' L 0T12 1 AREA: TRACT X 121 SNOT A PART SEE DETAIL A� DETAIL 8 10 N46 '1225"W, 5. 00'\14 DETAIL '�N4,o o 11���! 8 t � 11 A-42'49 38" 1� L-469.39' !' Q 12 S8.9 -03,18-E, 10.09' 1� , "�� �• 0 • 40 0 to LOT 6 i t•' R-1016.00' S70•5� A-0138'413Al2' �$► L-35.08'550.69 1 R-984,00' LOT 1 ^�- A-39004' 299 538 SQ FT L-66&85' 6.88 AC. 42'E; 5.25' R-489. 50' S43.45'24'W AWOM 20 r04'Nc 44.75' L-Sa� ,,.,�.•.� Off- �+► 44 R•1482 � c.,% - T 0i A-32'17'18'' S3701 N3793'42'E 'n L-835.38' 27.13't42.tS' °; S82'18'1 LOT 6 "71' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 R-984.00' 4.89 acres / A -3•401W LMS' TA&Z LM LlW LENGTH 9EARMVG L9 L1 1325 N4Q'3Q L2 37.87 N4742470E S89 L3 37.00 50045 L4 37.33 46 LS 37.25 N49a 4 Le 37.18 N01 L7 37.10 mm jr5l 54 x,�o. �1 J ti 10.00' v DETAIL A 10 i n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON r--S46*12'25"E, 125.59' Af7p)y' L 0T12 1 AREA: TRACT X 121 SNOT A PART SEE DETAIL A� DETAIL 8 10 N46 '1225"W, 5. 00'\14 DETAIL '�N4,o o 11���! 8 t � 11 A-42'49 38" 1� L-469.39' !' Q 12 S8.9 -03,18-E, 10.09' 1� , "�� �• 0 • 40 0 to LOT 6 i t•' R-1016.00' S70•5� A-0138'413Al2' �$► L-35.08'550.69 1 R-984,00' LOT 1 ^�- A-39004' 299 538 SQ FT L-66&85' 6.88 AC. 42'E; 5.25' R-489. 50' S43.45'24'W AWOM 20 r04'Nc 44.75' L-Sa� ,,.,�.•.� Off- �+► 44 R•1482 � c.,% - T 0i A-32'17'18'' S3701 N3793'42'E 'n L-835.38' 27.13't42.tS' °; S82'18'1 LOT 6 "71' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 R-984.00' 4.89 acres / A -3•401W L -581.Q2' / v 50.5' 118 �S•O'�jr� L14 L13 L12 L1 O FOUND 4" X 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF'.(D H O w �P W N 2 DESIGNED B Y: CHECKED B Y cs,Z DRAWN BY: FWCICCM .APPROVED BY. -Csr LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 10122104 rrl N8 8'34 (FUTURE V4a77 d'0978'38' L-07.08' LOT 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NORTH 8TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 2 7.46 acres 52.5 13 S0058'31 "W, 59.8,: 14 S8978 -47-E, 3.02' .)r N45 -39W v; 39.10' S TREE T) 1 1 �) 5Q I 1 20e93"M -«- MM2mow -A 29288' 27203' N8978'58" N88'45' NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00' 128 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-om LM TABLE LM LENGTH OEARMrG L9 17.44 S4rW UO Mar S89 L11 38`11 50045 L12 1 51.31 N00W L1J I saer R-522.62' (2) A-093020" L14 I 6Q3F N01 Lia 80184 54 Lis 81. N016'14 L17 21.1 L18 631 R• *Lsl L -581.Q2' / v 50.5' 118 �S•O'�jr� L14 L13 L12 L1 O FOUND 4" X 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF'.(D H O w �P W N 2 DESIGNED B Y: CHECKED B Y cs,Z DRAWN BY: FWCICCM .APPROVED BY. -Csr LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 10122104 rrl N8 8'34 (FUTURE V4a77 d'0978'38' L-07.08' LOT 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NORTH 8TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 2 7.46 acres 52.5 13 S0058'31 "W, 59.8,: 14 S8978 -47-E, 3.02' .)r N45 -39W v; 39.10' S TREE T) 1 1 �) 5Q I 1 20e93"M -«- MM2mow -A 29288' 27203' N8978'58" N88'45' NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00' 128 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-om OYt1ER $ V"• 0 •ddo 38809 a ?� rsr� !p� LwT19 EXPIRES 7/12/05 N82'05'16 "E DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. InOT 04, \ 4223' R=515.62' k� S897852E OYt1ER $ V"• 0 •ddo 38809 a ?� rsr� !p� LwT19 EXPIRES 7/12/05 00 a` ���•. '� •� 5UP r 13`i' 36a CIAR- .N A-0703'38' _ \ Z 16-6!108 S442 'W + m g 1 3ROr Z 1 0 30, 30' 4 40 NO3'4646'W, 24.28' Z 1 3 N005642"W, 28.00' I 1 2 NOS -56-24-E. 14.44' 1 1 N0056'420E, 27.08' A Z 52.5' LOT 3 i N0 ,300.14, W 591,192 SQ. FT A=18.30'Oi' I t 13.5 7 A C. L-274.40' I Q t Y h NOo56'42'& 166.37' IQ a S444 -E vsN47 XE 101 W NORTH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O V Q Z O k n S89 45'00 "E N82'05'16 "E •w'`e' so, 29.06' InOT 04, \ 4223' R=515.62' k� S897852E 9Q A-3370'33' STREET 50.43' -�o L=300.06' N 00 00 ®S7932'S8"E(R), 7.00' N R-522.62' (2) A-093020" 8 L-86.70' R�108850' z 10.00' AP13W'38' -200148' \©S8903'18'E(R), Q NO056'427E, 278.69' N150 0,1 i'E SEE 1 SHEET NOTE 5. \ G 2/4 2 R• *Lsl 4 323, 273T2rW 76 SQ. FT. 0 44 AC. `R-�Q5�2�50' f Z PSV 540050 R-630150' L-=14'1 A-0703'36' o, � W A&L. M20 *E 51.46 .��- $�A SOS '2,t N7i'39'� 40.61 00 a` ���•. '� •� 5UP r 13`i' 36a CIAR- .N A-0703'38' _ \ Z 16-6!108 S442 'W + m g 1 3ROr Z 1 0 30, 30' 4 40 NO3'4646'W, 24.28' Z 1 3 N005642"W, 28.00' I 1 2 NOS -56-24-E. 14.44' 1 1 N0056'420E, 27.08' A Z 52.5' LOT 3 i N0 ,300.14, W 591,192 SQ. FT A=18.30'Oi' I t 13.5 7 A C. L-274.40' I Q t Y h NOo56'42'& 166.37' IQ a S444 -E vsN47 XE 101 W NORTH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O V Q Z O k n S89 45'00 "E SOO58 JI W S8978 22'E 1126.13' 59.83 36.11' -(FUTURE N. 8th S897852E STREET 50.43' -�o N 00 00 19 8 N N 8 5444.70,1 "W S00 30.58 W; z Q z 0 J W � W to Q 2 i � I 10. 7Z55' N8271' 34 "W N897858"W TRACT P 831.65, - 2 R-25:00' 650.43' 8TH '0 STREET A-9002'07' L-39.29' O4' X 4' CONG O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4' X 4" CONG MON STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CASE, AS SHOWN ON 4F.0 ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P REFERENCES Q O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 38 REG. NO. 20011205900004 SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REFO TRACT Q 1 -- -d---� BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOi.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Ywhineon 98021-8972 (40I)9W-4600 (4=)=-4twe whpacift.com Raimom &Wnews • Surveyom Ladmape Archdteob f SOO58 JI W S8978 22'E 1126.13' 59.83 78'4TE N44'I6'1 W (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) N 8 8 5444.70,1 "W S00 30.58 W; TRACT Q 1 -- -d---� BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOi.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Ywhineon 98021-8972 (40I)9W-4600 (4=)=-4twe whpacift.com Raimom &Wnews • Surveyom Ladmape Archdteob f w BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN TRACT x-- NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. NOT A PART & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. i CITY OF RENTON, KIN© COUNTY, WASHINGTON N) N .>�z• t / R=1066.50'' A-08 30'48" L=158.47' N70'54'57"W 39.12' N2757'23" 50.69 \ R=547.50' R) A-28'54'05* SCALE TRACT K L=276.17' 0 100 200 400 SEE DETAIL,\1 \ s N. 10TH ( FEET) p, f 1 INCH = 200 FT N - _ r TRACT H� \ 2 / PSE f SEE DETAIL I \ \ TRACT 1 TAIL. cn N� S89728'22" 35.80' cn 0�' v 10TH TRAOR�N SE�� TRACT E - SEE DETAIL O z IQ Lu Lu Z LLu Q � ct r y �Y X �' ��• SEE DE Z m � -TRACT F SEE DETAIL \ \ \ `1 I I TRACT N SEE DETAIL TRACT B *S. W. COR. TRACT A SEE DETAIL W. 1 /4 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT Q TRACT L S.E. COR. TRACT E TRACT P SEE SHEET 3/4 SEE DETAIL To CENTER of SEC. 8-23-5 SEE SHEET 3/4 - s892e'2rE 1517.17' NORTH 8TH STREET (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) 12'" j NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS HTI, ADJOINING LO I, K S N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO N0856'24E R)3 1 N44-74�4"W N45'31,51 ME 51.32' t N0056'42'E 0. 27.08' N45'39 '02'E K3 S4256'1?"E 27.14w o 39.10' _ - S8928'06"E 1059.10' 5.T 4 T48'S1'1h4a �U 72759E Na97122 W _ 1105.1 _ - NORTH 8TH STREET R=21oo' _ 29.33' --------------------------"-- 402.'w A-9002"Or L=39.29' (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) Soo TRACT L TRACT B 1 i LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: dV DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY:___� Ln LAST EDIT: PLOT DATE: WZZ2,IQ4 m DA TE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPI i 4 ' •uin4G�^ m °� LeN9 Z14 9.12' �-S2 7.37' se13 ,�e•E �R R=627.96' d�0729'2; L=82.09' -S '03'18"E 0.09' L� N89 -03 -18 -WLR ST. N. 10TH .W i 18T22 TRACT E dr0729'25 N. 10TH .1 -w d TRACT K R=515.62' A-22 32'30" L=202.86' 79 -32 -58 -KR) 7.00' R=522.62' - A-09 32'20" L=86.70' NOW -18 -KR) TRACT N TRACT'S G & K BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT N0. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG 0 z 0 x R=652.50' X1113'59 L=127.93' ST. NO3.46-4f "W LI N E TAB LE Z 12'" j a N0056'42"E 14.44 4'W 3 28.00' cr N0856'24E R)3 1 14.44' t N0056'42'E 0. .1 -w d TRACT K R=515.62' A-22 32'30" L=202.86' 79 -32 -58 -KR) 7.00' R=522.62' - A-09 32'20" L=86.70' NOW -18 -KR) TRACT N TRACT'S G & K BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT N0. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG 0 z 0 x R=652.50' X1113'59 L=127.93' ST. NO3.46-4f "W LI N E TAB LE 13. 2' 24.28 j a N0056'42"E 14.44 4'W 3 28.00' cr N0856'24E R)3 1 14.44' N0056'42'E 27.08' K3 . o cc �U a� TRACT F 527 T23"E LI N E TAB LE 13. 2' / :8 10 "� a L=152.0 14.44 4'W Nva 9 4 46.63' TRACT 1 LI N E TAB LE IINL L8 R=65250' A-13-20,51, L9 a L=152.0 14.44 4'W L11 9 4 y -tVqp �4i R)3 1 TRACT 1 104.10' Aj"DEA#L EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W TRACT H R=1066.50' D &-1000'53' L=188.41' R=527.62' P &-2723'41' L=25227' R=652.50' C� &-04'19'15' L=49.21' R=627.96' ©4 &-0413'07' L=46.24' 3950 ]Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washing P MWN&W (40)961-4W CITY OF RENTON (.0'961-4" whpacme.com DEC 0 9 2004 Plamem Eojlneww ' 8urmgom Y a+ LI N E TAB LE IINL L8 LENGTH -REARING 24.28 ' L9 28.00 S '4 'w L10 14.44 4'W L11 27.08 S '4 'W 104.10' Aj"DEA#L EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W TRACT H R=1066.50' D &-1000'53' L=188.41' R=527.62' P &-2723'41' L=25227' R=652.50' C� &-04'19'15' L=49.21' R=627.96' ©4 &-0413'07' L=46.24' 3950 ]Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washing P MWN&W (40)961-4W CITY OF RENTON (.0'961-4" whpacme.com DEC 0 9 2004 Plamem Eojlneww ' 8urmgom Y a+ in 3 :�M oo g� r � � y -tVqp �4i 104.10' Aj"DEA#L EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W TRACT H R=1066.50' D &-1000'53' L=188.41' R=527.62' P &-2723'41' L=25227' R=652.50' C� &-04'19'15' L=49.21' R=627.96' ©4 &-0413'07' L=46.24' 3950 ]Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washing P MWN&W (40)961-4W CITY OF RENTON (.0'961-4" whpacme.com DEC 0 9 2004 Plamem Eojlneww ' 8urmgom Y a+ D E Lo7 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING mwms sin mm NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COMM WASHINGTON 0 l�E�dIl� APPROVALS: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 5&17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 54.17.160 (1) THIS ZD DAY OF Dc C-4 at %!✓ 20Q� AND THAT _ DESIRE OF THE OWNERS W=1 An (s V,{R z lw w*wm IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON l 714E BOOM QOlWPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION c4w BY KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ENTS 2 OF CpeJMEA% 20JC9 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS u�w' DAY �� s=++- t�n Nd"&kL DATE M. lbmv** KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER Q 8 230 5 - 90 14 2 944- C12.2Z, qO - 9 cj D 37920 4 115'2 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) BEFORE MErjjm faNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED IN TME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGED _ CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THATSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR. COLLECTION _AND THAT ALL SPECtAL ASSESSMEN'TS' CER'77nLrD- TO_ THIS- OFFICE FOR GIVEN U R MY HAND AND OFFlC SEAL. THIS � DAY OF 20�� COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY EIN CONTAINED DEDlG�1TED AS STREETS, 14LLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER IN FULL. 1N►S DAY OF 20V-1. PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID ___MAS L°4LL SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND F THE STATE OFAAA DIRECTOR, KING COU DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY z WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT �!'1�i1-- 11DIOWP�IbrC OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICE OF FINANCE • ka. d WaNdl a Fwkwo ARM C OM PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY ELIC Vft IM E pMM Aug I & 2000 - -' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES W DATED: lie/ to/### BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY DA TE STATE OF WASHING COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY P\THESAME FORE ME KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING PIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TH SAID NT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR TH SES ASES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO XECUIF INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER M*AAND AND OFFICIAL SEAXTHIS DAY OF 20—. SIGNATUR F NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THNTATE WASHIN ON, OF, AT rPR D NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED. LANDSURVEYOR'S CER7MCAV-- CONFORMED COPY 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY FILED FOR R _DAY OF AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 & 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE 20_,AT _ OF PLATS, COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. PAGES 20041223000856 DIVISION CITY OF RENTON PLAT 85.00 12/23/2004 11441 PROFES AL LAND RVEYOR, KING COUNTY, WA CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS LUA-04-081-BSP L040-33-0013 Ln m DESIGNED BY: _ DRAWN BY. FWC CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: g,&X PLOT DATE: 1011=1 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME. N/A 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DV#V SJ60 Moate YlUa Park"y Botham 1lawmaeoa "=-son R] GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIP77ON: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER WcH PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE. (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT - TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO: WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: \` TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 NOTES.- 1. OTE .- 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH. 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH "THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK AVENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN AVENUE VACATION." PER MEMO INCORPORATED IN SAID ORDINANCE A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DEDICATED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482 THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1976 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARLY NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 1997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 12 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGA 1 DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 72457T -T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT Na LUA-01-058-SHPL. AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING Na 20011205900004, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B. THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1. 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION A TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY, RESPECTIVELY. OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE. N. AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERLY OF A LINE THAT INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID to LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A -LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN. AND ENDING NORTHWESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-081-BSP LW -35-0013 Loo n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY. GSR APPROVED BY* G'�_ PLOT DATE: 0122/ DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACATION ORD. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C.- THAT : THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00. THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE AND END OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL D: - - THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH UES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS, 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS„ PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION. TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLIN& TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH. AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2. AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ��IL LA119 007M AREAS SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL 3,907,620 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2* 323,976 7.44 LOT 3* 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACATION TRACTS H & N VACA7M TRACTS TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT 1 _2-917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 DEDOCA710N TRACTS: TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9.308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 DED. TRACT TOTAL: 66,639 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: L013 SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796,623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 (LESS TRACT LOT 6 "X" AREA) -213,226 SITE 4.89 LOT TOTAL• 2,505,399 57.51 DEDR.A7m 7RACM TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT B 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72.299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT Q 79,0401 1 DED. TRACT TOTAL- 442,209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE N.RIGHT OF WAY 112 821 2.59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 246 0.005 DETAIL "B' 121 1 0.002 VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOl.DWG 3950 Monts VUla ParYwajr BotbaU, Waabinston 98021-8972 ® (a9a)9W-4800 4&W (r9a)99u-9eos whp.ctAaeom plan r. • jh&la«rs • surveyors • LAndnap. IrcWtoets 405 NE 12TH ST A SITE '� Z _ NE 8TH ST <Z I NE 5THAlk o ST Y = C CL 5T NE 3RD ST N WAY VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOl.DWG 3950 Monts VUla ParYwajr BotbaU, Waabinston 98021-8972 ® (a9a)9W-4800 4&W (r9a)99u-9eos whp.ctAaeom plan r. • jh&la«rs • surveyors • LAndnap. IrcWtoets SCALE 00 0 100 200 400 FEET •I FT 01`x/ N ' N�a090W DETAIL A r. C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON � S46'12'25"E. 125.59' �w 1 Z' LO7,12 AREA: TRACT X 121 Q. FT. I NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B 10 O N46'1225"W, 5.00' SEE V4 DETAIL y; R-627.96' B ` 11 6-42'49'38" L-469.39' 1© S89w.18"E, 10.09'10 8-1010.00' ' S70S4`5 A -013a'41 ,39!.12' ��P R-�a4►oo' L- S2 LOT 1 -4a69 b-39ro0'14" 299 538 SQ FT r V� R-148Z� A-32417"fa' S37'13'4J L-a.T3►3a' 2'7.13' Sa2Ya'10 LOT 6 447'' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 xWe"00• 4.89 acres / ` LMS TABLE LINE I LEWIN REARM L1 1 13.23 N40W%6wE- L2 37.87 M4742470E L3 37.00 N487r5 L4 .37.33 Nox, L5 37.23 N49%r4 4 L0 37.18 ffimrUa L7 1 37.10 51 N ' N�a090W DETAIL A r. C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON � S46'12'25"E. 125.59' �w 1 Z' LO7,12 AREA: TRACT X 121 Q. FT. I NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B 10 O N46'1225"W, 5.00' SEE V4 DETAIL y; R-627.96' B ` 11 6-42'49'38" L-469.39' 1© S89w.18"E, 10.09'10 8-1010.00' ' S70S4`5 A -013a'41 ,39!.12' ��P R-�a4►oo' L- S2 LOT 1 -4a69 b-39ro0'14" 299 538 SQ FT r V� R-148Z� A-32417"fa' S37'13'4J L-a.T3►3a' 2'7.13' Sa2Ya'10 LOT 6 447'' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 xWe"00• 4.89 acres / ` L-emar 6.88 AC. 7-42% 125' R -4811-W S43.45'24aW bye• 3ao5' r04a11L 44 V L -aria' ��� • R ,w solv7! - 4 X1.31 J4 1 'n 14 . � � pan; HER N 183806.4790 Kum 1T1_j ® LiLLia 1 1 LL� ® � 11 -jr7l�m ®� �r�l-A "m -IAM -4 R-1088.50' �� n67 ®1� \ \ONOO'56'42-E, 278.69' SEE NMI 1 SHEET V L-emar 6.88 AC. 7-42% 125' R -4811-W S43.45'24aW bye• 3ao5' r04a11L 44 V L -aria' ��� • R ,w solv7! - 4 X1.31 J4 1 'n 14 . � � pan; R -41Q50'- A -MM -35" N 183806.4790 L -07.W L-30.1.82' I 505' .5 LIS (FUTURE O FOUND 4" X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER CHECKED BY. e5 -,Z APPROVED BY: CS,� PLOT DATE: 10122104 TACK IN BROKEN CASE REVISION CK'D APPR. DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT 1/4 SECTION CORNER 17` N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.ON O H ®S7932'58'E(R), 7.00' 10 Q .. L-86.70' R-1088.50' VP d•13".fo'3aa I L-20Q4d' \ \ONOO'56'42-E, 278.69' SEE NMI 1 SHEET V .W 2 2 L-1 4 323, 2 aro 76 SQ. FT. AC. �44 g °$ \Z. cn' Nee a� LOT 4 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NORTH 8TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres N8978'S8" NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00' 12 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT. CHECKED BY. e5 -,Z APPROVED BY: CS,� PLOT DATE: 10122104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. W,f+++ InOIE 17` 4223' R-515.62' L=300.06' LOT 6 x 52. 1© SOO".58'31"W. 50.83" 14 S8978'47"E; 102- N45 -JM o; 31).10' S TREE T) 1 1 �I �Q I 1 I006 109 I 1 1 1/ V40 ti3d'• .E st.3�2''w aC44 b-o7A3'3Q' 'Z r L.1 L�09106 C 8 1 544X�2 'W 440 NO3 46'46 "W. 24.28' .Z 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 1 2 N08 -56'24"E. 14.44' 1 NOO".56'42"E. 27.08' I= 1-- 52.5' TLOT 3 N0�+`• 4'W 591,192 SQ. FT 1 13.57 AC. �Z7• Q L I I Y fai QN0030.42 -E; 160.37- I a 1% 544374 E o; NORTH O FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP MPONENT IN CASE W/ NCH N 183606.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O V Q s+ Z k S89 45'00"E N82105'16"E fib' �Sp, 29.06' W,f+++ InOIE 17` 4223' R-515.62' L=300.06' STREET 50.43' ®S7932'58'E(R), 7.00' R-522.62' \ Q7 d-09'30'20" �} L-86.70' R-1088.50' \ © S89'03'180E(R), 10.00' d•13".fo'3aa I L-20Q4d' \ \ONOO'56'42-E, 278.69' SEE NMI 1 SHEET NOTE NOTE 5. G 2/4 •'�OT 2 2 L-1 4 323, 2 aro 76 SQ. FT. AC. �44 A -2a34'05' °$ \Z. z A-07�i'3s� N26S1.4r4 O 1/ V40 ti3d'• .E st.3�2''w aC44 b-o7A3'3Q' 'Z r L.1 L�09106 C 8 1 544X�2 'W 440 NO3 46'46 "W. 24.28' .Z 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 1 2 N08 -56'24"E. 14.44' 1 NOO".56'42"E. 27.08' I= 1-- 52.5' TLOT 3 N0�+`• 4'W 591,192 SQ. FT 1 13.57 AC. �Z7• Q L I I Y fai QN0030.42 -E; 160.37- I a 1% 544374 E o; NORTH O FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP MPONENT IN CASE W/ NCH N 183606.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O V Q s+ Z k S89 45'00"E 58978'22"E if?0.13' S05831 w 36.11' W,f+++ --- 17` (FUTURE N. 87 S8978'52"E STREET 50.43' N FU_T 29. ( UR NORTH 8TH STREET) . " N z g S45 70� w s�30 58 wl Q z 0 W Lj- W Z i a �I N8221 '34"W N8978'58"W TRACT P 831.65•2650.43' R-25.00' 8TH �0 STREETA-9010r070 L-30.29' O 4" x 4" CONC O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4" X 4" CONC. MON STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CAS& AS SHOWN ON REF.O ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P� REFERENCES Q O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 3B REC. NO. 20011205900004 SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG 9360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Waabfn on 98=-89M whpaafflo.00m Planner. • Amsffiaws • 3urn rum • Landmape Irchf evU ,�, wa, _ I 1 � I i� Y�+rr. i4�C�d�,��� �h •.� �� {�. i?'S+•��. � �°I � .Y�«rv+Me � 4!s",�,�.I� .4. _ "�'. . 58978'22"E if?0.13' S05831 w 78'4rE W,f+++ 1 17` FU_T 29. ( UR NORTH 8TH STREET) . " g S45 70� w s�30 58 wl TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG 9360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Waabfn on 98=-89M whpaafflo.00m Planner. • Amsffiaws • 3urn rum • Landmape Irchf evU ,�, wa, _ I 1 � I i� Y�+rr. i4�C�d�,��� �h •.� �� {�. i?'S+•��. � �°I � .Y�«rv+Me � 4!s",�,�.I� .4. _ "�'. . LANDING BOEING LAKESHORE BINDING SITE PLAN rRAcrx- NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. NOT A PART & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SCALE N 0 100 200 400 i ( FEET) 1 INCH = 200 FT N �N G' S8978': 35.80' . EM 1 cn 0 NORTH 10TH TRAGT .�Q TRACT E - SEE DETAIL TRACT S •S. W COR. TRACT A SEE DETAIL W. 114 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT Q TRACT P SEE SHEET 314 SEE SHEET 3/4 oe (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H. 1, K & N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS W Ztkuu Q c Q , 4. i TRACT L S.E. COR. TRACT E SEE DETAIL TO CENTER OF SEC. 8-23-5 S897822'E 1517.1 T NORTH 81H STREET n R=1066.50' A-08 30'48" L-158.47' GP\V \ N7054'57"W 39.12' QV N27 57'23" 50.69' \ R-547.50' R) TRACT K \ A-2854'05' L=276.17' SEE DETAIL TRACT H �� z SEE DETAIL \ \ TRACT 1 SEE DETAIL m m p , \ O - TRACT F SEE DETAIL TRACT N II /�" SEE DETAIL i S425,� 6'1'E N4539'00 'E 27.14 S8978'060E 105910' NO07 59 E N897 22 W _ 11051 29.35' ----------------------- (FUTURE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) Soo3zc,'w TRACT B 1 �• ,"E R -41Q.50' W b■0976'3i•N43'4.9 Z Cc R=48� 50' CC NORTH A-0976'36• L=67.66 39. a R� L=86.68' i 58975'S3ME 3 �� so, ��N%07'31"E i"; >Ur p�J aw 9 ti?� Z Ui N qc S4555 -40-E 39.08 NORTH w 0. 186.22' 611.31' N44'1436' RA C T C 39.05• �N R-639.50' r N714 . •,p A-0703'36=`� L-78.80' ,E ,54 j/; R.0.00, '27. 6455 li�/ �s L S 7 Z9'' -W�- �3� R-439.50' R-560.46' d�2239'44' A-0703'36' L-176.39' L-69.00' g•'w TRA C T D LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 Z A 2 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY: FWC CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: dge APPROVED BY. SSR PLOT DATE: X22/04 DATE BY REV#j REVISION CK'D APPR. N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' N. 10TH N 42 Z N434"W N4531'E4� 132� 'x!f =Zug ------ 4"410 if NW25722-W 71Z29' !� NORTH 8TH STREET R-25.00=-- 1 b•90102'07' L=39.29' TRACT L TRACT N 1 �aRA' 1086.50" ?71'12' X4.01 N 0 N. 10TH 1 G AQP •CP TRACT K R-515.62' A-22 32'30' L-202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) 7.00' R=522.62' -A-09 32'20' L-86.70' N8903'18'W(R) 5.00' Z Uj cc CL 9.12' �-S2 723' 7.37' S813 R_=627.96' A -0779'Z L-82.09' -S '03'18"E 0.09' in g ST. I N89?0318 R _ ' �(R) I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' N. 10TH N 42 Z rq W w Q v2 NO3'46'4f'w F 24.28 �W 3 28.00 N. 10TH a Z8 14.44' N00 . tiw % L8 wj CC t ,y N. 8TH ST. TRACT N 1 �aRA' 1086.50" ?71'12' X4.01 N 0 N. 10TH 1 G AQP •CP TRACT K R-515.62' A-22 32'30' L-202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) 7.00' R=522.62' -A-09 32'20' L-86.70' N8903'18'W(R) 5.00' Z Uj cc CL 9.12' �-S2 723' 7.37' S813 R_=627.96' A -0779'Z L-82.09' -S '03'18"E 0.09' in g ST. I N89?0318 R _ TRACT E 729�r?2i' S2 7'237E .0 TRACT'S G & K -wine' ' �(R) I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' N. 10TH N 42 27.08 '4 �W Q v2 NO3'46'4f'w 24.28 N0056'41� "E 28.00 N. 10TH N0856'24lr ST. 14.44' N00 . 27.056'42'E 8' % L8 TRACT E 729�r?2i' S2 7'237E .0 TRACT'S G & K -wine' R= 652.50' A-11'13'59 L=127.93' sl- TRACT l- TRACT F L -15Z. � (R) 1 1 i TRACT 1 ' �(R) I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' L10 N 42 27.08 '4 S79 i% N. 10TH ST. ol 2�� . / % L8 L10 CC t ,y R= 652.50' A-11'13'59 L=127.93' sl- TRACT l- TRACT F L -15Z. � (R) 1 1 i TRACT 1 h lily iiir % 100, -4 N8978'22•W /ol. ' nETA1L 104.10' olDETAIL EXIST. PARK AVE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP0I.DWG TRACT H ^R-1066.50' V A••1000'53' L-186.41' R-527.62' ® A-2773'41' L -2522r R-85250' ® A-04'19'15' L-49.21' R-627.98' ® dr•04'13'07' L-46.24' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothall. WaahtaWton 98021-899'2 (4a)M-4M (4W)M-4M whpoeftLoam plan _ saShm '. Sur -jam L.ndreap. AroLit.ol� LINE TABLE I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' L9 28.00 '4 '1N L10 14.44 4'W L11 27.08 '4 h lily iiir % 100, -4 N8978'22•W /ol. ' nETA1L 104.10' olDETAIL EXIST. PARK AVE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP0I.DWG TRACT H ^R-1066.50' V A••1000'53' L-186.41' R-527.62' ® A-2773'41' L -2522r R-85250' ® A-04'19'15' L-49.21' R-627.98' ® dr•04'13'07' L-46.24' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothall. WaahtaWton 98021-899'2 (4a)M-4M (4W)M-4M whpoeftLoam plan _ saShm '. Sur -jam L.ndreap. AroLit.ol� s� BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN TRACT x - NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. NOT A PART & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON j i SCALE N 0 100 200 400 ( .1 Xx FEET) n R-1066.50'' \ A-08 30'48' L=158.47' �V N70 5457"W - �j�!''�Q` \ 39.12' Q�� N275723 " w _ '� \ 50.69' R=547.50' TRA(T K 6-2854'05' \ L-276.17 -SEE ETAI L+ \ 1 INCH = 200 FT N rTRACT H P SEE DETAIL TRACT 1 \� OR SEE DETAIL m 0 NORTH 10TH TRACT C_SEE - TRACT B TRACT E - SEE DETAIL 0 z Z \ � C m CJ `\ N O � N. 10TH ZLu INC (/ �-S2 7'23" 7.37' SB1;3 38"E. R-627.96' A=0779'25 L=82.09' -S 03'18"E 0.09' IQ- - N -A : W p -- Z LL! TRACT F \\ z W Lu SEE DETAIL \� Q f� 7 50 N8928'22 ST. I N89 *3_18=W(R _ W) N. 10TH S4256'120E N45 39'02'E 39.10' DATE BY REV#j •W 27.14' N i=1 S8978'060E 1059.10' CL 0 NO3246'4§"W z 4.28 - - - 29.35' N00 56'42 E 28.00' W N N0856' 4''E 14.424 � N0056'42'E r. 27.08' TRACT E = S27j57'23"E I 4=0779'25" � Ic L=82.09' TRACT N Y 4 SEE DETAIL QN89 030'18'W S. w. COR. TRACT a SEE DETAIL W. 1 /4 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT Q TRACT L 379 42 43 Efo) EE SHEET 3/4 S. E. COR. TRACT E I TRACT P S DETAIL To CENTER OF S89 28.22' SEE 35.80' SEE SHEET 3/4 tit SEC. 8-23-5 S89 28 22E 1517.17 _ (FUTURE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) NORTH 8TH STREET " NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H, 1, K N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS m CA 14 , . R=410.50' � • •,0. �• S0753 0} E 44.75 R- _0926,360� W • 489,50 - N45 45 24 E ) Z ti w L 67.s6 � CL ` NORTH °-M 66- 1 wE 1 s8973'S3� N ,y 30 Y3 ' \ 186.22' ^ c7S `` 4w211.31 OOV Ia 933 s• N4494, 'W TRACT C Lo S45 55'4p'E 39.08 NORTH R=639.50 t J� 1� 1H ' A-0703'36' L=78.80 5,54• R-,3605` Z�' N6A5,�, y► X22 gg. �j?`• ',A� s1 .. IA Z46.s•� .,f i4 53' . x/,0'R=439.5 .m R=560.46' 22 .. 3'3sw L=176.39' L-69.06' S4437S7W TRACT D LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: S4256'120E N45 39'02'E 39.10' DATE BY REV#j REVISION CK'D APPR. 27.14' i=1 S8978'060E 1059.10' CL Z NO077 59 E N8978 22 W 1105.1 ❖ - - - 29.35' NN ----------------------- (FUTURE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) S003zoo.'w W N -9 � TRACT B 1 r. m CA 14 , . R=410.50' � • •,0. �• S0753 0} E 44.75 R- _0926,360� W • 489,50 - N45 45 24 E ) Z ti w L 67.s6 � CL ` NORTH °-M 66- 1 wE 1 s8973'S3� N ,y 30 Y3 ' \ 186.22' ^ c7S `` 4w211.31 OOV Ia 933 s• N4494, 'W TRACT C Lo S45 55'4p'E 39.08 NORTH R=639.50 t J� 1� 1H ' A-0703'36' L=78.80 5,54• R-,3605` Z�' N6A5,�, y► X22 gg. �j?`• ',A� s1 .. IA Z46.s•� .,f i4 53' . x/,0'R=439.5 .m R=560.46' 22 .. 3'3sw L=176.39' L-69.06' S4437S7W TRACT D LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: CV APPROVED BY: �jL PLOT DATE.- 1OZ22104 DATE BY REV#j REVISION CK'D APPR. i=1 �#ocil CL Z 2 I ��rAL LAT�� N45'31'51'E 5 79'31' N44�4 W 51.32' 20.12 50 . w 47'48510W 5. T - - NORTH 8TH S REET R-25.00' NR A-90102'Or TRACT L L=39.29' TRACT N TRACT K R=515.6?' A-22 32'30' L=202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) ,... 7.00' R=522.62' "A-09'32'20' L=86.70' N8903'18-W(R) 5.00' TRA C T'S G & K 1'-10[x' N.10TH z ; . 3T. i=1 �#ocil CL Z ' 3 ❖ NN W N -9 � r. N 3 ccz L9 :4 00 411 cc y Irr, � .).., N. 8TH ST. TRACT N TRACT K R=515.6?' A-22 32'30' L=202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) ,... 7.00' R=522.62' "A-09'32'20' L=86.70' N8903'18-W(R) 5.00' TRA C T'S G & K 1'-10[x' N.10TH z ; . 3T. i=1 CL ' 3 ❖ L8 L9 00 411 cc r R=652.50' ds 11 59 L=127.93' ST • TRACT F R-63250' 4=1370=31' 8 i79�4� 1 1 - TRACT 1 z m Ml 11572A 1. 721:4 cc CL ®o ❖ R=652.50' ds 11 59 L=127.93' ST • TRACT F R-63250' 4=1370=31' 8 i79�4� 1 1 - TRACT 1 404.10' , uc,n•� DETAIL EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG c1 89-03-1 N27 572' 51.63 43.32 1 1 4 TRACT H R=1066.50' Q o -1000'S3' L=186.41' R=527.62' © A-2773'41' L-252.27' R=652.50' ® A-04'19'15' L=49.21' R-6?7.96' 0 A=04'13'07' L=46.24' Both lllonte� Vile-vmv Bothell, 1I h� 90$C CITY OF RENTON (W)95l-4eoo (40)01-*" DEC 0 9 2004 whpecitic.com - - - Planners Shiners 3urm m Ml 11572A 1. 721:4 EMEMM0717-77-01 ®o ❖ 404.10' , uc,n•� DETAIL EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG c1 89-03-1 N27 572' 51.63 43.32 1 1 4 TRACT H R=1066.50' Q o -1000'S3' L=186.41' R=527.62' © A-2773'41' L-252.27' R=652.50' ® A-04'19'15' L=49.21' R-6?7.96' 0 A=04'13'07' L=46.24' Both lllonte� Vile-vmv Bothell, 1I h� 90$C CITY OF RENTON (W)95l-4eoo (40)01-*" DEC 0 9 2004 whpecitic.com - - - Planners Shiners 3urm ■ - C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R. SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICA nONS. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEING 90UPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY N /no / Q f O c/ DATE M, ommli* Auftrl>e1$1 WM STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME / AN IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESC IBED IN THE �OREGOI GEINSTRUMENT,EAND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THATSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UI ; YY HAND AND OFFIC SEAL THIS L_ DAY OF 20Qd SIGNATURE 0r NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT -- r, Fi7vt, PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _ DATED: l Dl I oII BY • NOOK" rumc �� dd Nlt>rfMnpla� LIC C/ AMWW* ,K E4*ft Aug 1S 2= BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION TE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PE RSONALLY IN FACT OF THE AND ACKNOKf SAS CORPORATION FD P wAS AUTHORIZEE S/ GIVEN UNDER MICIAL IN AND RESOM AT PR NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: BEFOREIME KNONN TO BE AN ATTORNEY D MV THE FOiFtEGONMG INSTRUMENT. SIT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID fl#REW AMENT"VM AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE MVSTIRI/NIEIMT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TION, SE THIS DAY OF 20_, LMD SURVE)UR'S eFRMACA • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 6: 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. s PROFES AL LAND URVEYOR, CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 LUA-04-081-BSP LVD -35-0013 m DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. FWC CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED B Y. _ APPROVED BY._,g jgg PLOT DATE: W13 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS DAY OF ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION 20 20 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO7HIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 20 DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERnF[" 7]E- RECORDING NO.' FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS DAY OF 20_,, AT MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES _ RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS PLAN MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS �A TO v DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME.- NIA AME:N/A 31956 131956-SURV-BSPOl.DWG 8960 Monte VEIL Parltwa2 Botbeli, WashhWton la9081-a>>'I'8 (4ta)SM-48" 0i. SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT — TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS. US FEET. CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT—OF—WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT—OF—WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT—OF—WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNERS) TO USE RIGHT—OF—WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUC77ON ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250788 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH, 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH 'THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK AVENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN AVENUE VACATION,' PER MEMO INCORPORATED IN SAID ORDINANCE. A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DEDICATED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482. THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1978 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARLY NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 1,997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 72 FEET FROM 198& 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. i�;112 / N, (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 72457T—T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-056—SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004 SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B.- THOSE : THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY, RESPECTIVELY, OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE N. AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERLY OF A LINE THAT INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID U' LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A—LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN, AND ENDING NORTHWESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-081-BSP Uv0-35-0013 DESIGNED BY.• DRAWNBY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: CSR- SRDRAWN APPROVED BY:_4�_ PLOT DATE: 1QZ22104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL ., C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 36809 0lH OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACATION ORD. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C. THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE. BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00.- THENCE 068+00:THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE AND r'ID OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS- BEGINNING OLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLIN& To THE NORTH OF SOUTH 650 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT—OF—WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR 774E WIDENING OF NORTH 67H STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. EMM AW -49 SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL 3,907,6201 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X' AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: L013 SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2* 323,976 7.44 LOT 3* 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACATION TRACTS H do N VACA7M TRACT'' TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT I Z917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 DEDICATM TRACT TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9,308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 DED. TRACT TOTAL: 66-63 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796.623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 ESS TRACT LOT 6 (LX' AREA) 213,226 4.89 LOT TOTAL 2,505,399 57.51 DEDIf�AIM TRACT= TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT B 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72.299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT 0 79,040 1 1 DED. TRACT TOTAL 442,209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE N. RIGHT OF WAY 112 821 2.59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 240 0.003 DETAIL 'B' 121 0.002 405 NE 12TH ST NE ,o 7 _ SITE NE STH ST z Si.Z � 4( N NE 5TH cn C ST Y CL 49� NE JR0 ST ST NtD WAY Rl AN EVIEW VICINITY MAP CITY f RENTON o BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 131956—SURV—BSPOl.DWG DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 9350 Monte Villa PParkwayBothell, Washington 98021-8972 ®(.fa)- (425)NI-48M �eos Planaen Am&— • ft—l"m • Undacapa Ambkecta 2 co rrlx \W SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ( FEET ) 1 INCH = 200 FT N "a°Do'' ,DETAIL A 6, 44' , 40 n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON �-S46'12'25"E, 125.59' AREA: --/ TRACT X 121 SQ. FT. i NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B SEE 10 N46'1225"W, 5.00' 14 DETAIL 1ti3O R=627.96' �� B k 11 G=42 49'38" L=469.39' O ,� 12 S89ti3'18"E, 10.09' / 1 x R,;o�y, �e �. ►� � 0 0 14 /0001 �� R R-.1010.00' S7034$ Xl /�P L-331oa' S30.Q R -9841o0' LOT 1 -0'14' 299,538 SQ. FT L-983' 6.88 AC. �N3T13'42% 3123' R-489.30' S43.43'24'W d�09�8' 39.01E_- 733'04OR 44,73' L-8Q8a' Na9?3'3: i R�.4 ,07'31'w .� ` 40-4 14 om' '°' 'w 4 R 7 2i1.31 4oiki3s.- � to "'**\ b"32 74:4 x"13" N3T13'4YE ' "' R -41Q30' - L -831'!13!1' 27.13' 14213' �0929'Je' se"8'1 LOT 6 44.71' 213,226 sq. ft. i it -mow 4.89 acres / 8.32840'00' LME TABLE UNE LEMM REARM L1 1.125 N40 -M 30 L2 37V N4T 4 L3 37.00 N4V3r57T L4 37.33 N402VO L3 37.23 N493r4 Le 37.18 N 4a L7 37.10 N30'3r31 N "a°Do'' ,DETAIL A 6, 44' , 40 n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON �-S46'12'25"E, 125.59' AREA: --/ TRACT X 121 SQ. FT. i NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B SEE 10 N46'1225"W, 5.00' 14 DETAIL 1ti3O R=627.96' �� B k 11 G=42 49'38" L=469.39' O ,� 12 S89ti3'18"E, 10.09' / 1 x R,;o�y, �e �. ►� � 0 0 14 /0001 �� R R-.1010.00' S7034$ Xl /�P L-331oa' S30.Q R -9841o0' LOT 1 -0'14' 299,538 SQ. FT L-983' 6.88 AC. �N3T13'42% 3123' R-489.30' S43.43'24'W d�09�8' 39.01E_- 733'04OR 44,73' L-8Q8a' Na9?3'3: i R�.4 ,07'31'w .� ` 40-4 14 om' '°' 'w 4 R 7 2i1.31 4oiki3s.- � to "'**\ b"32 74:4 x"13" N3T13'4YE ' "' R -41Q30' - L -831'!13!1' 27.13' 14213' �0929'Je' se"8'1 LOT 6 44.71' 213,226 sq. ft. i it -mow 4.89 acres / 8.32840'00' i v 50.5' Ll L1 L13 OFOUND 4' LME TAKE LME LEN07H BEARMKi L9 17.44 S4238 UO 3Q Lll 38.11 Sag' L12 31.31 03 3A. L14 0a2r Not L15 eae4 34 Lia ol.or4 L17 I 2ILlIr Lie I UBWr i v 50.5' Ll L1 L13 OFOUND 4' CHECKED BY.• APPROVED BY.CsZ PLOT DATE: 1012 04 X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER REVISION CK'D APPR. TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT f4", �11 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183800.4790 11 t OkA E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O N 80 S79 32'58"E(R), 7.00' a' 1 } v Q 2 S"o'!; j"W 5 30 58' W 1 L=86.70' P a W� Q � � .W L-2SQ48' N00156427E, 278.69' N13'GO41j'E SEE 1 SHEET NOTE 5. 2/4 G LOT 2 (FU TURF 4 L-07.08' LOT 4 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NOR TH 8 TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres LOT 6 52. 1@ S007M8'31 "W, 5983' 14 S8978'47"& 3.02' S TREE T) �I p6 N82?134'll► �la -MR'2 33' - - N89 0.00 w 30'N► 29288' 2Q3� 90.00f NORTH 6TH STREET ' LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-0013 �o/moo¢ W= rri DESIGNED BY.• DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY.• APPROVED BY.CsZ PLOT DATE: 1012 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. f4", �11 �hk L=300.06' 11 t OkA I~� 011A 36eoY a �4L L/1I19 EXPIRES 7 H 7 /ns 29.06' •1 cr. N71Q ��3b' 'E • • 1. row 6�0Ta3'38• � , Z 1.114' L-QA06 G 81 S4%21 *W m 30. 4 L 04 NO3 46'46"W, 24.28' 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 2 N0836'247E, 14.44' 1 NOO*W'42'E, 27.06' -A i 1-- 52.5' LOT 3 N0135'11 "W R-a3Q�' LLI 300.14' 591,192 SQ. FT aiia�Dbt• 13.5 7 A C. L-274.48' I Q ' Y 10: 30'42'E, 100.37' I4" / S44-14 .4 E O ow NORTH L S89 45'00"E 36.11' S8928'52"E 50.43' N to 00N N, FUTURE N. 8th I STREET. 77.55, N827�34"W N89'28'58'W TRACT P 831.65' 2650.43' r---- R-23.00' 8TH n STREET Awg='or 0) L-39.29 O 4' X 4' CONC. O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 N 183806.4790 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4" X 4" CONC. MON E 1302031.8010 STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CASE, O AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P� REFERENCES w O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT �( BOEING PARCEL 39 Cl REC. NO. 20011205900004 J SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O R=515.62' 9Q 6-3370'33' k� f4", �11 �hk L=300.06' 11 t OkA 80 S79 32'58"E(R), 7.00' a' 1 } R-522.62' 07 A-09 30 20" 2 S"o'!; j"W 5 30 58' W 1 L=86.70' R�108Q30' \ ©S89'03'18"E(R), 10.00' b■1330'3r L-2SQ48' N00156427E, 278.69' N13'GO41j'E SEE 1 SHEET NOTE 5. 2/4 G LOT 2 2 \G� -O 27512 323, 76 SQ. FT. 3ae97 44 AC. a' 03• R-e3Q50' Z $ >` L-329.14' b�07n3'38' c � • - .� I �" N2838'14� 51.41 O •1 cr. N71Q ��3b' 'E • • 1. row 6�0Ta3'38• � , Z 1.114' L-QA06 G 81 S4%21 *W m 30. 4 L 04 NO3 46'46"W, 24.28' 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 2 N0836'247E, 14.44' 1 NOO*W'42'E, 27.06' -A i 1-- 52.5' LOT 3 N0135'11 "W R-a3Q�' LLI 300.14' 591,192 SQ. FT aiia�Dbt• 13.5 7 A C. L-274.48' I Q ' Y 10: 30'42'E, 100.37' I4" / S44-14 .4 E O ow NORTH L S89 45'00"E 36.11' S8928'52"E 50.43' N to 00N N, FUTURE N. 8th I STREET. 77.55, N827�34"W N89'28'58'W TRACT P 831.65' 2650.43' r---- R-23.00' 8TH n STREET Awg='or 0) L-39.29 O 4' X 4' CONC. O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 N 183806.4790 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4" X 4" CONC. MON E 1302031.8010 STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CASE, O AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P� REFERENCES w O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT �( BOEING PARCEL 39 Cl REC. NO. 20011205900004 J SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' .31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3850 Monte Ville Parkway Bothen, Waahington 98021-8972 (4a)M-�eoo W#racm-c= Plaaa.r, aA&@*= • sarvoyam • Laad capo erc eeb S8978'2C 1126.13' S05"�8831 w f4", �11 p 11 t OkA N S g N44'16 1 � W (FU TORE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) 29.35. . 2 S"o'!; j"W 5 30 58' W 1 44.70 1 TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' .31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3850 Monte Ville Parkway Bothen, Waahington 98021-8972 (4a)M-�eoo W#racm-c= Plaaa.r, aA&@*= • sarvoyam • Laad capo erc eeb BOEING LAKEt"')HORE LANDING NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NORTH 6TH STREET 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 08021'--8972 (e��)ssL-�soo (4E°i)85L-4!308 whpeeL!fe.nam .................. .............._..,.....M......_.....,...... _ ._ ..._.._.._........, Ptennera + Fn sneers • Survnynrs • Landscape Architects BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATIONS: APPROVALS.- KNOW PPROVALS. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY IN DATE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME , KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF , 20 SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: THE BOEING COMPANY., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION BY DA TE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME , KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF 20 SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. Cn PROfTEtS1OA9L LAND SUPOYOR, CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 LUA—XX—XXX—BSP LND—XX—XXXX m 'I DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY. APPROVED BY.•_afk- PLOT DATE: 07 07 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17,160 (1) THIS DAY OF ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION C 20 20L—. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 2Q—. DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERTIFICATE: RECORDING NO: FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS DAY OF 2Q—, AT MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS 0 of wask ,p BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN 36809 oQ RENTON, KING WASHINGTON R�,sT � �°SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 10 NAL LAND a N/A 31956 31636-SURV-BSP0I.DWG 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (425)951-4800 (426)951-4808 whpaciflc.com Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Landscape Architects kv L LCI n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON S46'12'25"E, 25.00' S46'12'25"E, 105.59' S46'1225 "E, 21.50' S43 47'35"E tK 33.78' N82 05'16"E NOT A PART �yb, 29.06' R-617.96' i' , '�tF r yg` 46'17'10"E 10 A---22-49.31- o(V �/' j�`01��h� 42.23' L=246.18 11 S69'03'19'E, 5.00' '�`�' �� o T,5 �� R=612.96' ' 12 A-20 00'06" ' , ' 9 1K " 6 L=213.98'TSd 4° ;' <ss '� �0� 1 13 S8903'18"E, 10.09' 06 R=1066.50' o Ny82 50' 12 ' g L=260.48' x 7 N15'00'11 "E 39,12' 66.50 " R,� ,�y,5y 13 6 N2757'23 "w LOT2 \ OR N- N 4,87 50,69 vim+ /-1a �1 323,976 SQ. FT. y0 570'54'57"E p i �A R=652.50' 7.437 AC. j a R=1016.00' 39.12' Noo ` d=28'54'05" c , R=639.50' a=01'5841 L=329.14 " L=35.08' S27 57'23"E �! " �=L-78,80' 03 36 Q�/J�, R=984.00' LOT 1 5o.ss �yyy'85 �060, 5=39 00'14" 299, 538 SQ. FT 3 `� 39 0 R Z •05 99' `�• r L=669.85 6.8 76 A C. o � 100 5 "E r�� !4 JK N37'13 42 E 5.250 R-489.50' $45 45 24 W �.�� iv , �cfl �,, q•5y 3� 6-09 2636" 39.05' N07'53'04"W, 44.75' L= 80.68 N89 25 53'W cn R�¢1psp, S81•07'3�;W 186.92 4615;'14 " 211-R 10TH I C��?� N� T " N89'25'S3"W R-439 5, 4" R -560.50'- S81 =560.50 y 48g S81'p7_31 W - - , �W - 2 -.5944 6-0703'36" 211.31, 186.22 L-176 L=69.06 R=1482.39' %/=`3g3 J4 `n N44'1436" A=32'17'18" r �/ S82'18'10"W n R=410.50 39,05, 0 S44,3721 " W t o 1 39.09' L=835.38' i IV 44.71' A=09'26'36" 2 S37'1342"W L=67,66' I I® I, ® NO3'46'46W, 24.28' 27.13' 1 3 N00 56'42"W, 28.00' R= 984.00' 2 I o 2 N08'5624 -E, 14.44' LOT 5 �' �� A=32'40'00"g ^ 1 N00'5642"E, 27.08' L=561.02' LOT 4 I X2.5` 1 , 796,623 SQ, FT. 1,. LOT 3 1 18.288 A C. 52.5 --� 3 � NO 1'55'11 W 300,14' 591 192 SQ FT LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 13,25 N4636'56"E L2 37.87 N47'42'47"E L3 37.00 N48'3757"E L4 37.33 N49 22'46"E L5 37,25 N495747"E L6 37.18 N50 2249"E L7 37.10 N50'3 75 1 "E LCI n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON S46'12'25"E, 25.00' S46'12'25"E, 105.59' S46'1225 "E, 21.50' S43 47'35"E tK 33.78' N82 05'16"E NOT A PART �yb, 29.06' R-617.96' i' , '�tF r yg` 46'17'10"E 10 A---22-49.31- o(V �/' j�`01��h� 42.23' L=246.18 11 S69'03'19'E, 5.00' '�`�' �� o T,5 �� R=612.96' ' 12 A-20 00'06" ' , ' 9 1K " 6 L=213.98'TSd 4° ;' <ss '� �0� 1 13 S8903'18"E, 10.09' 06 R=1066.50' o Ny82 50' 12 ' g L=260.48' x 7 N15'00'11 "E 39,12' 66.50 " R,� ,�y,5y 13 6 N2757'23 "w LOT2 \ OR N- N 4,87 50,69 vim+ /-1a �1 323,976 SQ. FT. y0 570'54'57"E p i �A R=652.50' 7.437 AC. j a R=1016.00' 39.12' Noo ` d=28'54'05" c , R=639.50' a=01'5841 L=329.14 " L=35.08' S27 57'23"E �! " �=L-78,80' 03 36 Q�/J�, R=984.00' LOT 1 5o.ss �yyy'85 �060, 5=39 00'14" 299, 538 SQ. FT 3 `� 39 0 R Z •05 99' `�• r L=669.85 6.8 76 A C. o � 100 5 "E r�� !4 JK N37'13 42 E 5.250 R-489.50' $45 45 24 W �.�� iv , �cfl �,, q•5y 3� 6-09 2636" 39.05' N07'53'04"W, 44.75' L= 80.68 N89 25 53'W cn R�¢1psp, S81•07'3�;W 186.92 4615;'14 " 211-R 10TH I C��?� N� T " N89'25'S3"W R-439 5, 4" R -560.50'- S81 =560.50 y 48g S81'p7_31 W - - , �W - 2 -.5944 6-0703'36" 211.31, 186.22 L-176 L=69.06 R=1482.39' %/=`3g3 J4 `n N44'1436" A=32'17'18" r �/ S82'18'10"W n R=410.50 39,05, 0 S44,3721 " W t o 1 39.09' L=835.38' i IV 44.71' A=09'26'36" 2 S37'1342"W L=67,66' I I® I, ® NO3'46'46W, 24.28' 27.13' 1 3 N00 56'42"W, 28.00' R= 984.00' 2 I o 2 N08'5624 -E, 14.44' LOT 5 �' �� A=32'40'00"g ^ 1 N00'5642"E, 27.08' L=561.02' LOT 4 I X2.5` 1 , 796,623 SQ, FT. 1,. LOT 3 1 18.288 A C. 52.5 --� 3 � NO 1'55'11 W 300,14' 591 192 SQ FT LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX 10 aER DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: C,S►2 of WA Ngo DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM APPROVED BY.• g:?�/Z W z LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 07107104 DA TE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. "FiiOQ I A� 36809 � SI LISTER ��' 0AAL LANA 13.5 72A C. R=515.62' A=3320'33" � � N L=300.06' S05'1 435" S7932'580E, 12.00' w 1 Q a © 61.06' 3 ;t1 00�oi 58903'18"E, 5.00' S5033-20'54" ' W /'rte 91 �1 I'+•"�Nl � I SO1'55'38"W ' R=933.50' Z N (� 60.23' 6-00'53'17" i Q • " S00 58 48 " L=14, 47' N45 39 02 E (L 59.82' , S42 56'12"E 39.10 I S005,.31,070W-,.- 44.58' S8928'06"E 1059.10' 51.31' 5, - -_ _ _ _ I 9, $ i L12 .6 77 7-77 " N 28 Q 1 �7rS�4 $00,56,4i"W ' I R=984.00'=-�=-,' 6-03 29'17" I L=59.90' ' Tl I) 6,09 E, , ISI OR TH' Tl R, E'T), '� N4 ,. S8928 22 E 7, Y , FOUNO 4" X .4" C• CREPE iv10N(ltiIENT W% COPPER i; TACX .IN .8ROKEWCASE,' % 04WNt b, OEL,OW. 'ASPHI ALT 'SECTION' CORNER' / E.,1302031.8P,10 i 'AS' 5I49WN. `OjV REF` F b CC i3OT 5 f ,, t N89'25'23,'.'VV 1;60$, 9.1.6sq fit. 256.96' LAJ 00 50075'3 �W , N8271'34" yy U 10.08' 167 26'. g9 25'23 "1N ' , N88'55'30"W 292.86' 272.03' N89 2858"W N88 45'39 "w NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00'126.50' LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX 10 aER DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: C,S►2 of WA Ngo DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM APPROVED BY.• g:?�/Z W z LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 07107104 DA TE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. "FiiOQ I A� 36809 � SI LISTER ��' 0AAL LANA 13.5 72A C. 0 SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 Z ( FEET ) N26'58'14"E 1 INCH = 200 FT 51.47' N71 59'30"E 46.61' 63 01'46"W 51,32' 159'3(]"W w 46.69 'C to N 30'30, 0 R=850,00' AZIa30'01" L=274.46' �N00'56'420E, 166.37' co o - S44'14'34"E N45'31'51 "E N i 39.07 51.32' S89 2_553 "E _+- 684,81'j - _ N8928 22 W717291,- _ S89'25'53 "E 831.65' } 's 46' "W NORTH 8TH STREET OFt71INn 1 5" RRACS CAP PUNCH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O 1 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4" X 4" CONC. MON W/ COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.O S89'28'22 "E 2650.43' R=25.00' 6-90'02'07" L=39.29' O4" X 4" CONC. MONUMENT IN CASE W/ COPPER PIN A T STREET INTERSECTION N 183798.2909 E 1302863.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.O REFERENCES OCITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 38 REC. NO. 20011205900004 BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJEC'F NG. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 1 31956 31636 -• SUR V-BSP01.0WG 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 ' (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpacilic.com Planners - Engineers - Surveyors - Landscape Architects R=515.62' A=3320'33" L=300.06' ® S7932'580E, 12.00' R=527.62' © 6-0930'20" L=87.53' © 58903'18"E, 5.00' 5Q N00'5642"E, 278.69' 0 SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 Z ( FEET ) N26'58'14"E 1 INCH = 200 FT 51.47' N71 59'30"E 46.61' 63 01'46"W 51,32' 159'3(]"W w 46.69 'C to N 30'30, 0 R=850,00' AZIa30'01" L=274.46' �N00'56'420E, 166.37' co o - S44'14'34"E N45'31'51 "E N i 39.07 51.32' S89 2_553 "E _+- 684,81'j - _ N8928 22 W717291,- _ S89'25'53 "E 831.65' } 's 46' "W NORTH 8TH STREET OFt71INn 1 5" RRACS CAP PUNCH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O 1 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 4" X 4" CONC. MON W/ COPPER PIN FOUND EXISTING MONUMENT IN CASE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF.O S89'28'22 "E 2650.43' R=25.00' 6-90'02'07" L=39.29' O4" X 4" CONC. MONUMENT IN CASE W/ COPPER PIN A T STREET INTERSECTION N 183798.2909 E 1302863.4078 AS SHOWN ON REF.O REFERENCES OCITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 38 REC. NO. 20011205900004 BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJEC'F NG. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 1 31956 31636 -• SUR V-BSP01.0WG 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 ' (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpacilic.com Planners - Engineers - Surveyors - Landscape Architects 0 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT DATED FEB. 2, 2004) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-056—SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; ADJOINING WHICH UPON VACATED, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. - SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY AND LYING WESTERLY OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY AND THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, THENCE WESTERLY TO SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RAILROAD MARGIN; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONDEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED - RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. J. 0 TES: PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT—OF—WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT—OF—WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT—OF—WAY SEGMENT. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT—OF—WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 ZONING TOTAL AREA: LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-XX-XXXX HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) 3,752,957 SQ FT, OR 86.16 ACRES± DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY., APPROVED PLOT DATE: 07107104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR 299,538 6.88 2 323,976 7.44 3 o¢ 36809 ��'AL LAND BINDING SITE PLAN AREA: EAST OF PARK AVE. N.: 960,325 SQ. FT., 22.05 AC. t WEST OF PARK AVE. N.: 2,981,583 SQ. FT., 68.45 AC. t TOTAL: 3,941,908 SQ, FT., 90.49 AC. t LOT AREA JABLE, LOT SQ. FT ACRES 1 299,538 6.88 2 323,976 7.44 3 591,192 13.57 4 796,623 18.29 5 1 1,608,917 36.94 TRACT SQ. FT. ACRES A 141,373 3.25 B 11,011 0.25 C 72,299 1.66 D 47,728 1,10 E 24,829 0.57 F 4,816 0.11 G 4,404 0.10 H 18,778 0.43 I 89 0.00 J 24 0.00 K 1,955 0.04 L 7,624 0.18 M 2,187 0.05 N 396 0.01 EXIST. PARK AVE. N. ROW 112,821 2.59 w t 4�r � 'fir4ytktaay�,� wl y Arl id R P? ;1 P4 alk � P 4V t; ,y k VICINITY MAP HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT — TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO: WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET. CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 BOEING REALTY COMPANY C17Y OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31636-SURV-BSP01. DWG z QDm X 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (425)951-4800 (425)951-4808 whpacitl c, com Planners • Engineers • Surveyors • Landscape Architects N w D BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. & NW 1/4 & S.W. 1/4 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON f: SCALE ��, a-9�• N 0 100 200 400 R=1016.00' !' f , R=984.00' x=32 40'00 = L-561,02' / R=984.00' A-0329'17 L=59.90' ( FEE T) L=35.08 1 INCH = 200 FT R=984.00' A-3900'14" ,' P L=669.85' "12'25"E 11.50' NORTH 8TH STREET NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DED."' ' "� ' ��� TRACTS h R=410.50' • S07 53 04 E Y 44.75' d=0926'36" iN • 41 ,�•� 0� R=489.50 L-67.66' N45 45 24 E � ^ ' Z ' /:'� NORTH 4-o926'36" 39.05 Q �4R,3A1�4�1QSL=80.68 N 53„ETS8925O' 4073�PE E•01 N81 186 92 = ,�4 Q ST 21131 N� g1 JV89'25 "`4µi ` 1 • y11.31, 186.22 cry I 0 J x'391 N44'14'36"W 't v 4 TRACT C 39.05 !� Z 3 , S> >�. T� R=639.50' N'1.546g 61 S. 10 A=07 03'36" ��6 % iZ S45'55'4 "E L=78.80' o , 39.08 .50 " .55'54 R NORTH -36p5'2� D�22g9 i a138 46.P9'" S7159 30 W R=439.50' R=560,46' S 4=1703'36" i a S,"'371W6 39' TRA " CT D o' LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX �I DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY.• FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: S42'S6'12'E N45 39'02"E #' DATE BY REV# 27.14' 39.10' y , S89 28'06 "E 1059.10' ------------- N00'56'4T "E -N001-7T5-9 EN8928 22 W 1105.17 28.00 605 29.19' - -" L=96.18' (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) soo156'42"W %00R=52762' N00 56'42"E 37.00 2708' TRACT B z R=410.50' • S07 53 04 E Y 44.75' d=0926'36" iN • 41 ,�•� 0� R=489.50 L-67.66' N45 45 24 E � ^ ' Z ' /:'� NORTH 4-o926'36" 39.05 Q �4R,3A1�4�1QSL=80.68 N 53„ETS8925O' 4073�PE E•01 N81 186 92 = ,�4 Q ST 21131 N� g1 JV89'25 "`4µi ` 1 • y11.31, 186.22 cry I 0 J x'391 N44'14'36"W 't v 4 TRACT C 39.05 !� Z 3 , S> >�. T� R=639.50' N'1.546g 61 S. 10 A=07 03'36" ��6 % iZ S45'55'4 "E L=78.80' o , 39.08 .50 " .55'54 R NORTH -36p5'2� D�22g9 i a138 46.P9'" S7159 30 W R=439.50' R=560,46' S 4=1703'36" i a S,"'371W6 39' TRA " CT D o' LUA-XX-XXX-BSP LND-35-XXXX �I DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY.• FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: dS4 APPROVED BY:_4rA,_ PLOT DATE: 07 07 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. , 2 N00'56'4T "E A-08 2645" 28.00 605 W 36809 R 1 STE91 4FAL LAND n TRACT J SEE DETAIL TRACT K SEE DETAIL 'R=1066.50' x=0830'48=. L=158.47' S70 5457"E S27'57'23"E 50.69' N89103'14 10.09' R=547.50=- 4=2854'05" L=276.17' 3 (00 N j gN5 � k Uj Q � i cc j a iL N 15 011 "E 39.12 -""-Z'-37' N27 5723"W �R,�627.96' x=0729'25 ST. I TRACT E 3 1 P� 2 0�' N70 3?, " 12 00, 58 W 1 R=515.62' _ A-22 32'30" L=202.86' O R=527.62' A-175321" L=164,74' 3 R� 1066.50' 4-02 21'52" L=44.01' TRACT M 1 *=60' ._�■v ► . rnnr� n vc. RIGHT OF WA Y BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT N0. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31636-SURV-BSP0I.DWG N. 10TH NO 228§"W .50' c�^ , 2 N00'56'4T "E A-08 2645" 28.00 605 N08 5624"E L=96.18' 14.44' %00R=52762' N00 56'42"E 4 2708' • z cc ..off,n L=252.27' +w W V Q d=04'13 0 h ST" TRACT F S89'10 2 5.42`'' .50' YR=652.50'�TM , L-186.41' N A-08 2645" R-652.50' 605 bC L=96.18' jNi %00R=52762' L=31.74' 4 A-272341 S00'56'42"W Ns'o ' 2s" w a:91 L=252.27' +w �'`--274.50' d=04'13 0 L-46.24' N8 5'0OP8"w N275723"W 10TH g ST. R=652.50' z 4=17'40'06" L=201.20' c S005642"W N89'10'26 "W Q 12.50' Q.11 TRACT G R=10 .50' roo'S3" , L-186.41' 0 N R-652.50' 605 bC /-4=02 47'14" %00R=52762' L=31.74' cc A-272341 Ns'o ' 2s" w a:91 L=252.27' R=627.9 v d=04'13 0 L-46.24' N8 5'0OP8"w N275723"W 43.32' R=652.50' 4=17'40'06" L=201.20' S005642"W 144.31 TRACT H i 5' 16"W S8 8,06 W �w 0 N R-652.50' 605 bC /-4=02 47'14" L=31.74' cc 4Q Ns'o ' 2s" w a:91 . v TRACT 1 1".500 V N82-05016 6E �4i N00 49'34 6.60' I TRACT J 10450, TRACT K 1"=100' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (426)951-4800 (426)951-4808 whpacific,00m Planners Engineers • Surveyors • Lan dsoape Architects 5' 16"W S8 8,06 0 jK 605 bC o o v TRACT K 1"=100' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 (426)951-4800 (426)951-4808 whpacific,00m Planners Engineers • Surveyors • Lan dsoape Architects n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R. 5E., W M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEINGANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION c4w 61t. c BY /13 11 Q f o c/. DATE M, ofTRI1i1* ALOWdnd Sighs M STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME"l )AACM[l astigNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THATSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN U RHAND AND OFFIC Y ). SEAL THIS DAY OF 20Qv SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT G /1bl� Y Irolary pqbac Arhh �. �_ l�aa a wlorrrplon l yl 1 CG IID C PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY BLIC 0* App0lfla pIM E pbft Aup 15&, 120MM MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: lot �stiy BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY STATE OF WA49"701�1�' COUNTY OF KM )� ON THIS DAY PERSONALLYJAWWED BEFORE ME . KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF TW BOEING AN 8m NV THE FOREGOM INSTRUMENT. A AND ACKNOMLEDGED SAD m T TO BF Tw FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORA 7X F011 7HAND T E)Mv MEN7100 EQ, AND ON OATH STA TED THAT HE WAS AU7}1OR12ED TO CURE 7HwE SA #=67RUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATXX I(n GIVEN UNOER A#JWAND AND OFFKXXM. SEAIk7HIS DAY OF 20_, SIGNA TU NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR TH11V OF WASHfN RESIDING AT PYTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC OF COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED. LAND SURVEY0R'S CER71F7CA7E I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 & 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. jwg s PROFES AL LAND URVEYOR, CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 LUA-04-081-BSP LN0-3S-0013 m y DESIGNED BY. DRAWNBY.- FWC CCM LAST EDIT.' CHECKED BY.- Y.DRAWN APPROVED BY.• aSSA PLOT DATE: 1OZlJI04 DATE BY IREV# REVISION CK'D APPR. LOT! 0 ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS DAY OF Y0 ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION 20 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 20 DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CER71F1CA7E: RECORDING NO: FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS DAY OF 20� AT MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956—SURV—BSP0l.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 8960 Monts Vffb Park"y Both@A Wash*gtan 98021-899'2 (4=)=-4M Pb--- • ski-- • Smmgo„ • LAM&MIM AmWtft-b 0 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE.. (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT - TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET. C1 TY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: U TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 IW 14b, 1 Cn NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNERS) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH, 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH 'THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK AVENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN AVENUE VACATION,' PER MEMO INCORPORATED IN SAID ORDINANCE A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DEDICATED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482. THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1975 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARLY NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 1997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 12 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 724577- T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2. 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-056-SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B.- THOSE : THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.. LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY, RESPECTIVELY, OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE N. AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERLY OF A LINE THAT INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A -LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN, AND ENDING NORTHWESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-081-BSP LND-33-0013 DESIGNED BY. DRAWNBY: FWC/CCM LAST EDIT. CHECKED BY. CSR- SRDRAWN APPROVED BY: C, PLOT DATE: 1QI22104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 I I Ej C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACATION ORD. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET, THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C. THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE. BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00. THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE ANC END OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130915. PARCEL E. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION A TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE. AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF PELLY STREET, THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLINE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHORN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PLAN REWEV, DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 0 E)OSW AREAS SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 67.67 TOTAL 3,907,620t 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2* 323,976 7.44 LOT 3* 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACATION TRACTS H do N VACA7M 7RAC7S TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT 1 2,917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 DEDICA71ON TRAC75. TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9,308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 DED. TRACT TOTAL: 66,639 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: L073 SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796,623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 (LESS TRACT LOT 6 'X' AREA) 213,226 4.89 LOT TOTAL 2,505,399 57.51 DEDM7M 7R4C1S TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT B 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72.299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT Q 79,0401.81 DED. TRACT TOTAL 442,209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE N. RIGHT OF WAY 112.821 Z59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 246 0.003 [DETAIL 'B' 121 0.002 VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956—SURV—BSP01. DWG 3960 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, 1laahinXton 98021-8972 ® ON051-4600 (�)Waal- Plana=r= • Rg&sam • Surnyorr • l+ad�pe Arch too" 405 NE 12TH NE ST ,o SITE Z Z NE 8118 ST �u- 2 W � N NE 5TH N ST Yp� = a W NE 3RD si ST 3R0 N WAY VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956—SURV—BSP01. DWG 3960 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, 1laahinXton 98021-8972 ® ON051-4600 (�)Waal- Plana=r= • Rg&sam • Surnyorr • l+ad�pe Arch too" N) SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 FEET ) 1 INCH = 200 FT x,�o. �1 J ti 10.00' v DETAIL A 10 i n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON r--S46*12'25"E, 125.59' Af7p)y' L 0T12 1 AREA: TRACT X 121 SNOT A PART SEE DETAIL A� DETAIL 8 10 N46 '1225"W, 5. 00'\14 DETAIL '�N4,o o 11���! 8 t � 11 A-42'49 38" 1� L-469.39' !' Q 12 S8.9 -03,18-E, 10.09' 1� , "�� �• 0 • 40 0 to LOT 6 i t•' R-1016.00' S70•5� A-0138'413Al2' �$► L-35.08'550.69 1 R-984,00' LOT 1 ^�- A-39004' 299 538 SQ FT L-66&85' 6.88 AC. 42'E; 5.25' R-489. 50' S43.45'24'W AWOM 20 r04'Nc 44.75' L-Sa� ,,.,�.•.� Off- �+► 44 R•1482 � c.,% - T 0i A-32'17'18'' S3701 N3793'42'E 'n L-835.38' 27.13't42.tS' °; S82'18'1 LOT 6 "71' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 R-984.00' 4.89 acres / A -3•401W LMS' TA&Z LM LlW LENGTH 9EARMVG L9 L1 1325 N4Q'3Q L2 37.87 N4742470E S89 L3 37.00 50045 L4 37.33 46 LS 37.25 N49a 4 Le 37.18 N01 L7 37.10 mm jr5l 54 x,�o. �1 J ti 10.00' v DETAIL A 10 i n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON r--S46*12'25"E, 125.59' Af7p)y' L 0T12 1 AREA: TRACT X 121 SNOT A PART SEE DETAIL A� DETAIL 8 10 N46 '1225"W, 5. 00'\14 DETAIL '�N4,o o 11���! 8 t � 11 A-42'49 38" 1� L-469.39' !' Q 12 S8.9 -03,18-E, 10.09' 1� , "�� �• 0 • 40 0 to LOT 6 i t•' R-1016.00' S70•5� A-0138'413Al2' �$► L-35.08'550.69 1 R-984,00' LOT 1 ^�- A-39004' 299 538 SQ FT L-66&85' 6.88 AC. 42'E; 5.25' R-489. 50' S43.45'24'W AWOM 20 r04'Nc 44.75' L-Sa� ,,.,�.•.� Off- �+► 44 R•1482 � c.,% - T 0i A-32'17'18'' S3701 N3793'42'E 'n L-835.38' 27.13't42.tS' °; S82'18'1 LOT 6 "71' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 R-984.00' 4.89 acres / A -3•401W L -581.Q2' / v 50.5' 118 �S•O'�jr� L14 L13 L12 L1 O FOUND 4" X 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF'.(D H O w �P W N 2 DESIGNED B Y: CHECKED B Y cs,Z DRAWN BY: FWCICCM .APPROVED BY. -Csr LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 10122104 rrl N8 8'34 (FUTURE V4a77 d'0978'38' L-07.08' LOT 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NORTH 8TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 2 7.46 acres 52.5 13 S0058'31 "W, 59.8,: 14 S8978 -47-E, 3.02' .)r N45 -39W v; 39.10' S TREE T) 1 1 �) 5Q I 1 20e93"M -«- MM2mow -A 29288' 27203' N8978'58" N88'45' NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00' 128 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-om LM TABLE LM LENGTH OEARMrG L9 17.44 S4rW UO Mar S89 L11 38`11 50045 L12 1 51.31 N00W L1J I saer R-522.62' (2) A-093020" L14 I 6Q3F N01 Lia 80184 54 Lis 81. N016'14 L17 21.1 L18 631 R• *Lsl L -581.Q2' / v 50.5' 118 �S•O'�jr� L14 L13 L12 L1 O FOUND 4" X 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF'.(D H O w �P W N 2 DESIGNED B Y: CHECKED B Y cs,Z DRAWN BY: FWCICCM .APPROVED BY. -Csr LAST EDIT PLOT DATE: 10122104 rrl N8 8'34 (FUTURE V4a77 d'0978'38' L-07.08' LOT 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NORTH 8TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 2 7.46 acres 52.5 13 S0058'31 "W, 59.8,: 14 S8978 -47-E, 3.02' .)r N45 -39W v; 39.10' S TREE T) 1 1 �) 5Q I 1 20e93"M -«- MM2mow -A 29288' 27203' N8978'58" N88'45' NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00' 128 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-om OYt1ER $ V"• 0 •ddo 38809 a ?� rsr� !p� LwT19 EXPIRES 7/12/05 N82'05'16 "E DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. InOT 04, \ 4223' R=515.62' k� S897852E OYt1ER $ V"• 0 •ddo 38809 a ?� rsr� !p� LwT19 EXPIRES 7/12/05 00 a` ���•. '� •� 5UP r 13`i' 36a CIAR- .N A-0703'38' _ \ Z 16-6!108 S442 'W + m g 1 3ROr Z 1 0 30, 30' 4 40 NO3'4646'W, 24.28' Z 1 3 N005642"W, 28.00' I 1 2 NOS -56-24-E. 14.44' 1 1 N0056'420E, 27.08' A Z 52.5' LOT 3 i N0 ,300.14, W 591,192 SQ. FT A=18.30'Oi' I t 13.5 7 A C. L-274.40' I Q t Y h NOo56'42'& 166.37' IQ a S444 -E vsN47 XE 101 W NORTH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O V Q Z O k n S89 45'00 "E N82'05'16 "E •w'`e' so, 29.06' InOT 04, \ 4223' R=515.62' k� S897852E 9Q A-3370'33' STREET 50.43' -�o L=300.06' N 00 00 ®S7932'S8"E(R), 7.00' N R-522.62' (2) A-093020" 8 L-86.70' R�108850' z 10.00' AP13W'38' -200148' \©S8903'18'E(R), Q NO056'427E, 278.69' N150 0,1 i'E SEE 1 SHEET NOTE 5. \ G 2/4 2 R• *Lsl 4 323, 273T2rW 76 SQ. FT. 0 44 AC. `R-�Q5�2�50' f Z PSV 540050 R-630150' L-=14'1 A-0703'36' o, � W A&L. M20 *E 51.46 .��- $�A SOS '2,t N7i'39'� 40.61 00 a` ���•. '� •� 5UP r 13`i' 36a CIAR- .N A-0703'38' _ \ Z 16-6!108 S442 'W + m g 1 3ROr Z 1 0 30, 30' 4 40 NO3'4646'W, 24.28' Z 1 3 N005642"W, 28.00' I 1 2 NOS -56-24-E. 14.44' 1 1 N0056'420E, 27.08' A Z 52.5' LOT 3 i N0 ,300.14, W 591,192 SQ. FT A=18.30'Oi' I t 13.5 7 A C. L-274.40' I Q t Y h NOo56'42'& 166.37' IQ a S444 -E vsN47 XE 101 W NORTH N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O V Q Z O k n S89 45'00 "E SOO58 JI W S8978 22'E 1126.13' 59.83 36.11' -(FUTURE N. 8th S897852E STREET 50.43' -�o N 00 00 19 8 N N 8 5444.70,1 "W S00 30.58 W; z Q z 0 J W � W to Q 2 i � I 10. 7Z55' N8271' 34 "W N897858"W TRACT P 831.65, - 2 R-25:00' 650.43' 8TH '0 STREET A-9002'07' L-39.29' O4' X 4' CONG O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4' X 4" CONG MON STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CASE, AS SHOWN ON 4F.0 ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P REFERENCES Q O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 38 REG. NO. 20011205900004 SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REFO TRACT Q 1 -- -d---� BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOi.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Ywhineon 98021-8972 (40I)9W-4600 (4=)=-4twe whpacift.com Raimom &Wnews • Surveyom Ladmape Archdteob f SOO58 JI W S8978 22'E 1126.13' 59.83 78'4TE N44'I6'1 W (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) N 8 8 5444.70,1 "W S00 30.58 W; TRACT Q 1 -- -d---� BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOi.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Ywhineon 98021-8972 (40I)9W-4600 (4=)=-4twe whpacift.com Raimom &Wnews • Surveyom Ladmape Archdteob f w BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN TRACT x-- NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. NOT A PART & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. i CITY OF RENTON, KIN© COUNTY, WASHINGTON N) N .>�z• t / R=1066.50'' A-08 30'48" L=158.47' N70'54'57"W 39.12' N2757'23" 50.69 \ R=547.50' R) A-28'54'05* SCALE TRACT K L=276.17' 0 100 200 400 SEE DETAIL,\1 \ s N. 10TH ( FEET) p, f 1 INCH = 200 FT N - _ r TRACT H� \ 2 / PSE f SEE DETAIL I \ \ TRACT 1 TAIL. cn N� S89728'22" 35.80' cn 0�' v 10TH TRAOR�N SE�� TRACT E - SEE DETAIL O z IQ Lu Lu Z LLu Q � ct r y �Y X �' ��• SEE DE Z m � -TRACT F SEE DETAIL \ \ \ `1 I I TRACT N SEE DETAIL TRACT B *S. W. COR. TRACT A SEE DETAIL W. 1 /4 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT Q TRACT L S.E. COR. TRACT E TRACT P SEE SHEET 3/4 SEE DETAIL To CENTER of SEC. 8-23-5 SEE SHEET 3/4 - s892e'2rE 1517.17' NORTH 8TH STREET (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) 12'" j NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS HTI, ADJOINING LO I, K S N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO N0856'24E R)3 1 N44-74�4"W N45'31,51 ME 51.32' t N0056'42'E 0. 27.08' N45'39 '02'E K3 S4256'1?"E 27.14w o 39.10' _ - S8928'06"E 1059.10' 5.T 4 T48'S1'1h4a �U 72759E Na97122 W _ 1105.1 _ - NORTH 8TH STREET R=21oo' _ 29.33' --------------------------"-- 402.'w A-9002"Or L=39.29' (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) Soo TRACT L TRACT B 1 i LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: dV DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM APPROVED BY:___� Ln LAST EDIT: PLOT DATE: WZZ2,IQ4 m DA TE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPI i 4 ' •uin4G�^ m °� LeN9 Z14 9.12' �-S2 7.37' se13 ,�e•E �R R=627.96' d�0729'2; L=82.09' -S '03'18"E 0.09' L� N89 -03 -18 -WLR ST. N. 10TH .W i 18T22 TRACT E dr0729'25 N. 10TH .1 -w d TRACT K R=515.62' A-22 32'30" L=202.86' 79 -32 -58 -KR) 7.00' R=522.62' - A-09 32'20" L=86.70' NOW -18 -KR) TRACT N TRACT'S G & K BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT N0. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG 0 z 0 x R=652.50' X1113'59 L=127.93' ST. NO3.46-4f "W LI N E TAB LE Z 12'" j a N0056'42"E 14.44 4'W 3 28.00' cr N0856'24E R)3 1 14.44' t N0056'42'E 0. .1 -w d TRACT K R=515.62' A-22 32'30" L=202.86' 79 -32 -58 -KR) 7.00' R=522.62' - A-09 32'20" L=86.70' NOW -18 -KR) TRACT N TRACT'S G & K BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT N0. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DWG 0 z 0 x R=652.50' X1113'59 L=127.93' ST. NO3.46-4f "W LI N E TAB LE 13. 2' 24.28 j a N0056'42"E 14.44 4'W 3 28.00' cr N0856'24E R)3 1 14.44' N0056'42'E 27.08' K3 . o cc �U a� TRACT F 527 T23"E LI N E TAB LE 13. 2' / :8 10 "� a L=152.0 14.44 4'W Nva 9 4 46.63' TRACT 1 LI N E TAB LE IINL L8 R=65250' A-13-20,51, L9 a L=152.0 14.44 4'W L11 9 4 y -tVqp �4i R)3 1 TRACT 1 104.10' Aj"DEA#L EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W TRACT H R=1066.50' D &-1000'53' L=188.41' R=527.62' P &-2723'41' L=25227' R=652.50' C� &-04'19'15' L=49.21' R=627.96' ©4 &-0413'07' L=46.24' 3950 ]Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washing P MWN&W (40)961-4W CITY OF RENTON (.0'961-4" whpacme.com DEC 0 9 2004 Plamem Eojlneww ' 8urmgom Y a+ LI N E TAB LE IINL L8 LENGTH -REARING 24.28 ' L9 28.00 S '4 'w L10 14.44 4'W L11 27.08 S '4 'W 104.10' Aj"DEA#L EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W TRACT H R=1066.50' D &-1000'53' L=188.41' R=527.62' P &-2723'41' L=25227' R=652.50' C� &-04'19'15' L=49.21' R=627.96' ©4 &-0413'07' L=46.24' 3950 ]Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washing P MWN&W (40)961-4W CITY OF RENTON (.0'961-4" whpacme.com DEC 0 9 2004 Plamem Eojlneww ' 8urmgom Y a+ in 3 :�M oo g� r � � y -tVqp �4i 104.10' Aj"DEA#L EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W TRACT H R=1066.50' D &-1000'53' L=188.41' R=527.62' P &-2723'41' L=25227' R=652.50' C� &-04'19'15' L=49.21' R=627.96' ©4 &-0413'07' L=46.24' 3950 ]Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Washing P MWN&W (40)961-4W CITY OF RENTON (.0'961-4" whpacme.com DEC 0 9 2004 Plamem Eojlneww ' 8urmgom Y a+ D E Lo7 BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING mwms sin mm NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COMM WASHINGTON 0 l�E�dIl� APPROVALS: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 5&17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 54.17.160 (1) THIS ZD DAY OF Dc C-4 at %!✓ 20Q� AND THAT _ DESIRE OF THE OWNERS W=1 An (s V,{R z lw w*wm IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON l 714E BOOM QOlWPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION c4w BY KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ENTS 2 OF CpeJMEA% 20JC9 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS u�w' DAY �� s=++- t�n Nd"&kL DATE M. lbmv** KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER Q 8 230 5 - 90 14 2 944- C12.2Z, qO - 9 cj D 37920 4 115'2 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) BEFORE MErjjm faNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESCRIBED IN TME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGED _ CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THATSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR. COLLECTION _AND THAT ALL SPECtAL ASSESSMEN'TS' CER'77nLrD- TO_ THIS- OFFICE FOR GIVEN U R MY HAND AND OFFlC SEAL. THIS � DAY OF 20�� COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY EIN CONTAINED DEDlG�1TED AS STREETS, 14LLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER IN FULL. 1N►S DAY OF 20V-1. PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID ___MAS L°4LL SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND F THE STATE OFAAA DIRECTOR, KING COU DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY z WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT �!'1�i1-- 11DIOWP�IbrC OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICE OF FINANCE • ka. d WaNdl a Fwkwo ARM C OM PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY ELIC Vft IM E pMM Aug I & 2000 - -' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES W DATED: lie/ to/### BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY DA TE STATE OF WASHING COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY P\THESAME FORE ME KNOWN TO BE AN ATTORNEY IN FACT OF THE BOEING PIBED IN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TH SAID NT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR TH SES ASES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO XECUIF INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UNDER M*AAND AND OFFICIAL SEAXTHIS DAY OF 20—. SIGNATUR F NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THNTATE WASHIN ON, OF, AT rPR D NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED. LANDSURVEYOR'S CER7MCAV-- CONFORMED COPY 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY FILED FOR R _DAY OF AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 & 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE 20_,AT _ OF PLATS, COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. PAGES 20041223000856 DIVISION CITY OF RENTON PLAT 85.00 12/23/2004 11441 PROFES AL LAND RVEYOR, KING COUNTY, WA CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS LUA-04-081-BSP L040-33-0013 Ln m DESIGNED BY: _ DRAWN BY. FWC CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: g,&X PLOT DATE: 1011=1 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME. N/A 31956 31956-SURV-BSP01.DV#V SJ60 Moate YlUa Park"y Botham 1lawmaeoa "=-son R] GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIP77ON: SURVEYOR/ENGINEER WcH PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE. (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT - TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO: WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS: US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: \` TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 NOTES.- 1. OTE .- 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT-OF-WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNER(S) TO USE RIGHT-OF-WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250786 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH. 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH "THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK AVENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN AVENUE VACATION." PER MEMO INCORPORATED IN SAID ORDINANCE A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DEDICATED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482 THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1976 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARLY NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 1997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 12 FEET FROM 1988. 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. LEGA 1 DESCRIPTION: (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 72457T -T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT Na LUA-01-058-SHPL. AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING Na 20011205900004, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B. THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1. 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION A TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY, RESPECTIVELY. OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE. N. AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERLY OF A LINE THAT INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID to LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A -LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN. AND ENDING NORTHWESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-081-BSP LW -35-0013 Loo n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY. GSR APPROVED BY* G'�_ PLOT DATE: 0122/ DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACATION ORD. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C.- THAT : THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00. THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE AND END OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL D: - - THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH UES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS, 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS„ PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION. TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH UNE TO NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLIN& TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH. AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2. AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ��IL LA119 007M AREAS SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL 3,907,620 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X" AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2* 323,976 7.44 LOT 3* 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACATION TRACTS H & N VACA7M TRACTS TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT 1 _2-917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 DEDOCA710N TRACTS: TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9.308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 DED. TRACT TOTAL: 66,639 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: L013 SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796,623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 (LESS TRACT LOT 6 "X" AREA) -213,226 SITE 4.89 LOT TOTAL• 2,505,399 57.51 DEDR.A7m 7RACM TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT B 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72.299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT Q 79,0401 1 DED. TRACT TOTAL- 442,209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE N.RIGHT OF WAY 112 821 2.59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 246 0.005 DETAIL "B' 121 1 0.002 VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOl.DWG 3950 Monts VUla ParYwajr BotbaU, Waabinston 98021-8972 ® (a9a)9W-4800 4&W (r9a)99u-9eos whp.ctAaeom plan r. • jh&la«rs • surveyors • LAndnap. IrcWtoets 405 NE 12TH ST A SITE '� Z _ NE 8TH ST <Z I NE 5THAlk o ST Y = C CL 5T NE 3RD ST N WAY VICINITY MAP BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOl.DWG 3950 Monts VUla ParYwajr BotbaU, Waabinston 98021-8972 ® (a9a)9W-4800 4&W (r9a)99u-9eos whp.ctAaeom plan r. • jh&la«rs • surveyors • LAndnap. IrcWtoets SCALE 00 0 100 200 400 FEET •I FT 01`x/ N ' N�a090W DETAIL A r. C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON � S46'12'25"E. 125.59' �w 1 Z' LO7,12 AREA: TRACT X 121 Q. FT. I NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B 10 O N46'1225"W, 5.00' SEE V4 DETAIL y; R-627.96' B ` 11 6-42'49'38" L-469.39' 1© S89w.18"E, 10.09'10 8-1010.00' ' S70S4`5 A -013a'41 ,39!.12' ��P R-�a4►oo' L- S2 LOT 1 -4a69 b-39ro0'14" 299 538 SQ FT r V� R-148Z� A-32417"fa' S37'13'4J L-a.T3►3a' 2'7.13' Sa2Ya'10 LOT 6 447'' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 xWe"00• 4.89 acres / ` LMS TABLE LINE I LEWIN REARM L1 1 13.23 N40W%6wE- L2 37.87 M4742470E L3 37.00 N487r5 L4 .37.33 Nox, L5 37.23 N49%r4 4 L0 37.18 ffimrUa L7 1 37.10 51 N ' N�a090W DETAIL A r. C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON � S46'12'25"E. 125.59' �w 1 Z' LO7,12 AREA: TRACT X 121 Q. FT. I NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B 10 O N46'1225"W, 5.00' SEE V4 DETAIL y; R-627.96' B ` 11 6-42'49'38" L-469.39' 1© S89w.18"E, 10.09'10 8-1010.00' ' S70S4`5 A -013a'41 ,39!.12' ��P R-�a4►oo' L- S2 LOT 1 -4a69 b-39ro0'14" 299 538 SQ FT r V� R-148Z� A-32417"fa' S37'13'4J L-a.T3►3a' 2'7.13' Sa2Ya'10 LOT 6 447'' 213,226 sq. ft. 1 xWe"00• 4.89 acres / ` L-emar 6.88 AC. 7-42% 125' R -4811-W S43.45'24aW bye• 3ao5' r04a11L 44 V L -aria' ��� • R ,w solv7! - 4 X1.31 J4 1 'n 14 . � � pan; HER N 183806.4790 Kum 1T1_j ® LiLLia 1 1 LL� ® � 11 -jr7l�m ®� �r�l-A "m -IAM -4 R-1088.50' �� n67 ®1� \ \ONOO'56'42-E, 278.69' SEE NMI 1 SHEET V L-emar 6.88 AC. 7-42% 125' R -4811-W S43.45'24aW bye• 3ao5' r04a11L 44 V L -aria' ��� • R ,w solv7! - 4 X1.31 J4 1 'n 14 . � � pan; R -41Q50'- A -MM -35" N 183806.4790 L -07.W L-30.1.82' I 505' .5 LIS (FUTURE O FOUND 4" X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER CHECKED BY. e5 -,Z APPROVED BY: CS,� PLOT DATE: 10122104 TACK IN BROKEN CASE REVISION CK'D APPR. DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT 1/4 SECTION CORNER 17` N 183806.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.ON O H ®S7932'58'E(R), 7.00' 10 Q .. L-86.70' R-1088.50' VP d•13".fo'3aa I L-20Q4d' \ \ONOO'56'42-E, 278.69' SEE NMI 1 SHEET V .W 2 2 L-1 4 323, 2 aro 76 SQ. FT. AC. �44 g °$ \Z. cn' Nee a� LOT 4 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NORTH 8TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres N8978'S8" NORTH 6TH STREET 90.00' 12 LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT. CHECKED BY. e5 -,Z APPROVED BY: CS,� PLOT DATE: 10122104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. W,f+++ InOIE 17` 4223' R-515.62' L=300.06' LOT 6 x 52. 1© SOO".58'31"W. 50.83" 14 S8978'47"E; 102- N45 -JM o; 31).10' S TREE T) 1 1 �I �Q I 1 I006 109 I 1 1 1/ V40 ti3d'• .E st.3�2''w aC44 b-o7A3'3Q' 'Z r L.1 L�09106 C 8 1 544X�2 'W 440 NO3 46'46 "W. 24.28' .Z 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 1 2 N08 -56'24"E. 14.44' 1 NOO".56'42"E. 27.08' I= 1-- 52.5' TLOT 3 N0�+`• 4'W 591,192 SQ. FT 1 13.57 AC. �Z7• Q L I I Y fai QN0030.42 -E; 160.37- I a 1% 544374 E o; NORTH O FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP MPONENT IN CASE W/ NCH N 183606.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O V Q s+ Z k S89 45'00"E N82105'16"E fib' �Sp, 29.06' W,f+++ InOIE 17` 4223' R-515.62' L=300.06' STREET 50.43' ®S7932'58'E(R), 7.00' R-522.62' \ Q7 d-09'30'20" �} L-86.70' R-1088.50' \ © S89'03'180E(R), 10.00' d•13".fo'3aa I L-20Q4d' \ \ONOO'56'42-E, 278.69' SEE NMI 1 SHEET NOTE NOTE 5. G 2/4 •'�OT 2 2 L-1 4 323, 2 aro 76 SQ. FT. AC. �44 A -2a34'05' °$ \Z. z A-07�i'3s� N26S1.4r4 O 1/ V40 ti3d'• .E st.3�2''w aC44 b-o7A3'3Q' 'Z r L.1 L�09106 C 8 1 544X�2 'W 440 NO3 46'46 "W. 24.28' .Z 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 1 2 N08 -56'24"E. 14.44' 1 NOO".56'42"E. 27.08' I= 1-- 52.5' TLOT 3 N0�+`• 4'W 591,192 SQ. FT 1 13.57 AC. �Z7• Q L I I Y fai QN0030.42 -E; 160.37- I a 1% 544374 E o; NORTH O FOUND 1.5" BRASS CAP MPONENT IN CASE W/ NCH N 183606.4790 E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF.O V Q s+ Z k S89 45'00"E 58978'22"E if?0.13' S05831 w 36.11' W,f+++ --- 17` (FUTURE N. 87 S8978'52"E STREET 50.43' N FU_T 29. ( UR NORTH 8TH STREET) . " N z g S45 70� w s�30 58 wl Q z 0 W Lj- W Z i a �I N8221 '34"W N8978'58"W TRACT P 831.65•2650.43' R-25.00' 8TH �0 STREETA-9010r070 L-30.29' O 4" x 4" CONC O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4" X 4" CONC. MON STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CAS& AS SHOWN ON REF.O ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P� REFERENCES Q O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT BOEING PARCEL 3B REC. NO. 20011205900004 SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG 9360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Waabfn on 98=-89M whpaafflo.00m Planner. • Amsffiaws • 3urn rum • Landmape Irchf evU ,�, wa, _ I 1 � I i� Y�+rr. i4�C�d�,��� �h •.� �� {�. i?'S+•��. � �°I � .Y�«rv+Me � 4!s",�,�.I� .4. _ "�'. . 58978'22"E if?0.13' S05831 w 78'4rE W,f+++ 1 17` FU_T 29. ( UR NORTH 8TH STREET) . " g S45 70� w s�30 58 wl TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG 9360 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, Waabfn on 98=-89M whpaafflo.00m Planner. • Amsffiaws • 3urn rum • Landmape Irchf evU ,�, wa, _ I 1 � I i� Y�+rr. i4�C�d�,��� �h •.� �� {�. i?'S+•��. � �°I � .Y�«rv+Me � 4!s",�,�.I� .4. _ "�'. . LANDING BOEING LAKESHORE BINDING SITE PLAN rRAcrx- NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. NOT A PART & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SCALE N 0 100 200 400 i ( FEET) 1 INCH = 200 FT N �N G' S8978': 35.80' . EM 1 cn 0 NORTH 10TH TRAGT .�Q TRACT E - SEE DETAIL TRACT S •S. W COR. TRACT A SEE DETAIL W. 114 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT Q TRACT P SEE SHEET 314 SEE SHEET 3/4 oe (FUTURE NORTH 8TH STREET) NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H. 1, K & N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS W Ztkuu Q c Q , 4. i TRACT L S.E. COR. TRACT E SEE DETAIL TO CENTER OF SEC. 8-23-5 S897822'E 1517.1 T NORTH 81H STREET n R=1066.50' A-08 30'48" L-158.47' GP\V \ N7054'57"W 39.12' QV N27 57'23" 50.69' \ R-547.50' R) TRACT K \ A-2854'05' L=276.17' SEE DETAIL TRACT H �� z SEE DETAIL \ \ TRACT 1 SEE DETAIL m m p , \ O - TRACT F SEE DETAIL TRACT N II /�" SEE DETAIL i S425,� 6'1'E N4539'00 'E 27.14 S8978'060E 105910' NO07 59 E N897 22 W _ 11051 29.35' ----------------------- (FUTURE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) Soo3zc,'w TRACT B 1 �• ,"E R -41Q.50' W b■0976'3i•N43'4.9 Z Cc R=48� 50' CC NORTH A-0976'36• L=67.66 39. a R� L=86.68' i 58975'S3ME 3 �� so, ��N%07'31"E i"; >Ur p�J aw 9 ti?� Z Ui N qc S4555 -40-E 39.08 NORTH w 0. 186.22' 611.31' N44'1436' RA C T C 39.05• �N R-639.50' r N714 . •,p A-0703'36=`� L-78.80' ,E ,54 j/; R.0.00, '27. 6455 li�/ �s L S 7 Z9'' -W�- �3� R-439.50' R-560.46' d�2239'44' A-0703'36' L-176.39' L-69.00' g•'w TRA C T D LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 Z A 2 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY: FWC CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: dge APPROVED BY. SSR PLOT DATE: X22/04 DATE BY REV#j REVISION CK'D APPR. N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' N. 10TH N 42 Z N434"W N4531'E4� 132� 'x!f =Zug ------ 4"410 if NW25722-W 71Z29' !� NORTH 8TH STREET R-25.00=-- 1 b•90102'07' L=39.29' TRACT L TRACT N 1 �aRA' 1086.50" ?71'12' X4.01 N 0 N. 10TH 1 G AQP •CP TRACT K R-515.62' A-22 32'30' L-202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) 7.00' R=522.62' -A-09 32'20' L-86.70' N8903'18'W(R) 5.00' Z Uj cc CL 9.12' �-S2 723' 7.37' S813 R_=627.96' A -0779'Z L-82.09' -S '03'18"E 0.09' in g ST. I N89?0318 R _ ' �(R) I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' N. 10TH N 42 Z rq W w Q v2 NO3'46'4f'w F 24.28 �W 3 28.00 N. 10TH a Z8 14.44' N00 . tiw % L8 wj CC t ,y N. 8TH ST. TRACT N 1 �aRA' 1086.50" ?71'12' X4.01 N 0 N. 10TH 1 G AQP •CP TRACT K R-515.62' A-22 32'30' L-202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) 7.00' R=522.62' -A-09 32'20' L-86.70' N8903'18'W(R) 5.00' Z Uj cc CL 9.12' �-S2 723' 7.37' S813 R_=627.96' A -0779'Z L-82.09' -S '03'18"E 0.09' in g ST. I N89?0318 R _ TRACT E 729�r?2i' S2 7'237E .0 TRACT'S G & K -wine' ' �(R) I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' N. 10TH N 42 27.08 '4 �W Q v2 NO3'46'4f'w 24.28 N0056'41� "E 28.00 N. 10TH N0856'24lr ST. 14.44' N00 . 27.056'42'E 8' % L8 TRACT E 729�r?2i' S2 7'237E .0 TRACT'S G & K -wine' R= 652.50' A-11'13'59 L=127.93' sl- TRACT l- TRACT F L -15Z. � (R) 1 1 i TRACT 1 ' �(R) I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' N �. N89 03'18'W 10.09' L10 N 42 27.08 '4 S79 i% N. 10TH ST. ol 2�� . / % L8 L10 CC t ,y R= 652.50' A-11'13'59 L=127.93' sl- TRACT l- TRACT F L -15Z. � (R) 1 1 i TRACT 1 h lily iiir % 100, -4 N8978'22•W /ol. ' nETA1L 104.10' olDETAIL EXIST. PARK AVE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP0I.DWG TRACT H ^R-1066.50' V A••1000'53' L-186.41' R-527.62' ® A-2773'41' L -2522r R-85250' ® A-04'19'15' L-49.21' R-627.98' ® dr•04'13'07' L-46.24' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothall. WaahtaWton 98021-899'2 (4a)M-4M (4W)M-4M whpoeftLoam plan _ saShm '. Sur -jam L.ndreap. AroLit.ol� LINE TABLE I&L LS LENGTH REARING 24.213 ' L9 28.00 '4 '1N L10 14.44 4'W L11 27.08 '4 h lily iiir % 100, -4 N8978'22•W /ol. ' nETA1L 104.10' olDETAIL EXIST. PARK AVE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSP0I.DWG TRACT H ^R-1066.50' V A••1000'53' L-186.41' R-527.62' ® A-2773'41' L -2522r R-85250' ® A-04'19'15' L-49.21' R-627.98' ® dr•04'13'07' L-46.24' 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Bothall. WaahtaWton 98021-899'2 (4a)M-4M (4W)M-4M whpoeftLoam plan _ saShm '. Sur -jam L.ndreap. AroLit.ol� s� BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN TRACT x - NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. NOT A PART & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON j i SCALE N 0 100 200 400 ( .1 Xx FEET) n R-1066.50'' \ A-08 30'48' L=158.47' �V N70 5457"W - �j�!''�Q` \ 39.12' Q�� N275723 " w _ '� \ 50.69' R=547.50' TRA(T K 6-2854'05' \ L-276.17 -SEE ETAI L+ \ 1 INCH = 200 FT N rTRACT H P SEE DETAIL TRACT 1 \� OR SEE DETAIL m 0 NORTH 10TH TRACT C_SEE - TRACT B TRACT E - SEE DETAIL 0 z Z \ � C m CJ `\ N O � N. 10TH ZLu INC (/ �-S2 7'23" 7.37' SB1;3 38"E. R-627.96' A=0779'25 L=82.09' -S 03'18"E 0.09' IQ- - N -A : W p -- Z LL! TRACT F \\ z W Lu SEE DETAIL \� Q f� 7 50 N8928'22 ST. I N89 *3_18=W(R _ W) N. 10TH S4256'120E N45 39'02'E 39.10' DATE BY REV#j •W 27.14' N i=1 S8978'060E 1059.10' CL 0 NO3246'4§"W z 4.28 - - - 29.35' N00 56'42 E 28.00' W N N0856' 4''E 14.424 � N0056'42'E r. 27.08' TRACT E = S27j57'23"E I 4=0779'25" � Ic L=82.09' TRACT N Y 4 SEE DETAIL QN89 030'18'W S. w. COR. TRACT a SEE DETAIL W. 1 /4 COR. OF SEC. 8-23-5 TRACT Q TRACT L 379 42 43 Efo) EE SHEET 3/4 S. E. COR. TRACT E I TRACT P S DETAIL To CENTER OF S89 28.22' SEE 35.80' SEE SHEET 3/4 tit SEC. 8-23-5 S89 28 22E 1517.17 _ (FUTURE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) NORTH 8TH STREET " NOTE: ALL TRACTS ARE DEDICATION TRACTS EXCEPT TRACTS H, 1, K N WHICH ARE TO BE VACATED AND ATTACHED TO ADJOINING LOTS m CA 14 , . R=410.50' � • •,0. �• S0753 0} E 44.75 R- _0926,360� W • 489,50 - N45 45 24 E ) Z ti w L 67.s6 � CL ` NORTH °-M 66- 1 wE 1 s8973'S3� N ,y 30 Y3 ' \ 186.22' ^ c7S `` 4w211.31 OOV Ia 933 s• N4494, 'W TRACT C Lo S45 55'4p'E 39.08 NORTH R=639.50 t J� 1� 1H ' A-0703'36' L=78.80 5,54• R-,3605` Z�' N6A5,�, y► X22 gg. �j?`• ',A� s1 .. IA Z46.s•� .,f i4 53' . x/,0'R=439.5 .m R=560.46' 22 .. 3'3sw L=176.39' L-69.06' S4437S7W TRACT D LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: S4256'120E N45 39'02'E 39.10' DATE BY REV#j REVISION CK'D APPR. 27.14' i=1 S8978'060E 1059.10' CL Z NO077 59 E N8978 22 W 1105.1 ❖ - - - 29.35' NN ----------------------- (FUTURE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) S003zoo.'w W N -9 � TRACT B 1 r. m CA 14 , . R=410.50' � • •,0. �• S0753 0} E 44.75 R- _0926,360� W • 489,50 - N45 45 24 E ) Z ti w L 67.s6 � CL ` NORTH °-M 66- 1 wE 1 s8973'S3� N ,y 30 Y3 ' \ 186.22' ^ c7S `` 4w211.31 OOV Ia 933 s• N4494, 'W TRACT C Lo S45 55'4p'E 39.08 NORTH R=639.50 t J� 1� 1H ' A-0703'36' L=78.80 5,54• R-,3605` Z�' N6A5,�, y► X22 gg. �j?`• ',A� s1 .. IA Z46.s•� .,f i4 53' . x/,0'R=439.5 .m R=560.46' 22 .. 3'3sw L=176.39' L-69.06' S4437S7W TRACT D LUA-35-0013-BSP LND-35-0013 DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: CV APPROVED BY: �jL PLOT DATE.- 1OZ22104 DATE BY REV#j REVISION CK'D APPR. i=1 �#ocil CL Z 2 I ��rAL LAT�� N45'31'51'E 5 79'31' N44�4 W 51.32' 20.12 50 . w 47'48510W 5. T - - NORTH 8TH S REET R-25.00' NR A-90102'Or TRACT L L=39.29' TRACT N TRACT K R=515.6?' A-22 32'30' L=202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) ,... 7.00' R=522.62' "A-09'32'20' L=86.70' N8903'18-W(R) 5.00' TRA C T'S G & K 1'-10[x' N.10TH z ; . 3T. i=1 �#ocil CL Z ' 3 ❖ NN W N -9 � r. N 3 ccz L9 :4 00 411 cc y Irr, � .).., N. 8TH ST. TRACT N TRACT K R=515.6?' A-22 32'30' L=202.86' N79 32'58'WCR) ,... 7.00' R=522.62' "A-09'32'20' L=86.70' N8903'18-W(R) 5.00' TRA C T'S G & K 1'-10[x' N.10TH z ; . 3T. i=1 CL ' 3 ❖ L8 L9 00 411 cc r R=652.50' ds 11 59 L=127.93' ST • TRACT F R-63250' 4=1370=31' 8 i79�4� 1 1 - TRACT 1 z m Ml 11572A 1. 721:4 cc CL ®o ❖ R=652.50' ds 11 59 L=127.93' ST • TRACT F R-63250' 4=1370=31' 8 i79�4� 1 1 - TRACT 1 404.10' , uc,n•� DETAIL EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG c1 89-03-1 N27 572' 51.63 43.32 1 1 4 TRACT H R=1066.50' Q o -1000'S3' L=186.41' R=527.62' © A-2773'41' L-252.27' R=652.50' ® A-04'19'15' L=49.21' R-6?7.96' 0 A=04'13'07' L=46.24' Both lllonte� Vile-vmv Bothell, 1I h� 90$C CITY OF RENTON (W)95l-4eoo (40)01-*" DEC 0 9 2004 whpecitic.com - - - Planners Shiners 3urm m Ml 11572A 1. 721:4 EMEMM0717-77-01 ®o ❖ 404.10' , uc,n•� DETAIL EXIST. PARK A VE. R/W BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN RENTON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' 31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG c1 89-03-1 N27 572' 51.63 43.32 1 1 4 TRACT H R=1066.50' Q o -1000'S3' L=186.41' R=527.62' © A-2773'41' L-252.27' R=652.50' ® A-04'19'15' L=49.21' R-6?7.96' 0 A=04'13'07' L=46.24' Both lllonte� Vile-vmv Bothell, 1I h� 90$C CITY OF RENTON (W)95l-4eoo (40)01-*" DEC 0 9 2004 whpecitic.com - - - Planners Shiners 3urm ■ - C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R. SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICA nONS. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A BINDING SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 58.17 R.C.W. AND DECLARE THE BINDING SITE PLAN TO BE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME AND THAT SAID BINDING SITE PLAN IS MADE WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: THE BOEING 90UPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION BY N /no / Q f O c/ DATE M, ommli* Auftrl>e1$1 WM STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME / AN IN FACT OF THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CORPORATION DESC IBED IN THE �OREGOI GEINSTRUMENT,EAND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THATSHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION. GIVEN UI ; YY HAND AND OFFIC SEAL THIS L_ DAY OF 20Qd SIGNATURE 0r NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT -- r, Fi7vt, PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _ DATED: l Dl I oII BY • NOOK" rumc �� dd Nlt>rfMnpla� LIC C/ AMWW* ,K E4*ft Aug 1S 2= BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION TE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY PE RSONALLY IN FACT OF THE AND ACKNOKf SAS CORPORATION FD P wAS AUTHORIZEE S/ GIVEN UNDER MICIAL IN AND RESOM AT PR NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION EXPIRES DATED: BEFOREIME KNONN TO BE AN ATTORNEY D MV THE FOiFtEGONMG INSTRUMENT. SIT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID fl#REW AMENT"VM AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE MVSTIRI/NIEIMT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORA TION, SE THIS DAY OF 20_, LMD SURVE)UR'S eFRMACA • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BINDING SITE PLAN OF BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 7 6: 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON. s PROFES AL LAND URVEYOR, CERTIFICATION NO. 36809 LUA-04-081-BSP LVD -35-0013 m DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY. FWC CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED B Y. _ APPROVED BY._,g jgg PLOT DATE: W13 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED PER RCW 58.17.160 (1) THIS DAY OF ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATION 20 20 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO7HIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 20 DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICE OF FINANCE RECORDING CERnF[" 7]E- RECORDING NO.' FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON, THIS DAY OF 20_,, AT MINUTES PAST M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES _ RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS PLAN MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS �A TO v DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME.- NIA AME:N/A 31956 131956-SURV-BSPOl.DWG 8960 Monte VEIL Parltwa2 Botbeli, WashhWton la9081-a>>'I'8 (4ta)SM-48" 0i. SURVEYOR/ENGINEER W&H PACIFIC 3350 MONTE VILLA PARKWAY BOTHELL, WA 98021 PHONE: (425) 951-4800 ZONING HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (IH) NAD83(91) WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, FROM CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN FEB. 2004. PRIMARY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT — TRIMBLE 5700 GPS, AND LEICA TOTAL STATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPARED TO AND ADJUSTED AGAINST A SURVEY CALIBRATED BASELINE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. CONFORMS TO : WAC 332-130-100 WAC 332-130-150 UNITS. US FEET. CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL: TIES TO CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS: SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 NOTES: 1. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT") DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING, THE RIGHT—OF—WAY FOR 10TH STREET SHALL BE DEDICATED AT THE TIME BOEING SELLS THE LAND ON WHICH THE RIGHT—OF—WAY, OR SEGMENT THEREOF, IS LOCATED; HOWEVER, ANY SEGMENT OF 10TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN LOGAN AND GARDEN AVENUES MAY BE REALIGNED FOLLOWING DEDICATION BUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE CITY AND THE OWNER(S) OF LOTS ABUTTING SUCH RIGHT—OF—WAY SEGMENT. 2. UPON CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES, PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL VACATE THE LAND ON WHICH THE OLD INTERSECTION OF PARK AND LOGAN AVENUES WAS LOCATED, AT NO COST TO BOEING OR THE OWNER OF LOT 2 AND SUCH VACATED LAND SHALL BECOME A PART OF LOT 2. 3. FOLLOWING DEDICATION AND UPON REQUEST, THE CITY SHALL GRANT EASEMENTS OR LICENSE AGREEMENT, AT NO COST TO THE GRANTEE(S), ALLOWING BOEING AND THE ABUTTING LAND OWNERS) TO USE RIGHT—OF—WAY AREAS FOR PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH PUBLIC STREET USE PENDING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUC77ON ON ROADS CONTEMPLATED BY THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 4. NO PROPERTY CORNERS WILL BE PLACED AS PART OF THIS BINDING SITE PLAN DUE TO FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS. 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 3017, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 197805250788 IS THE EXECUTION OF THE VACATION PORTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BOEING COMPANY DATED MARCH 19TH, 1976. THIS AGREEMENT DEALS WITH 'THE DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS ALONG PARK AVENUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LOGAN AVENUE VACATION,' PER MEMO INCORPORATED IN SAID ORDINANCE. A 12 FOOT STRIP OF LAND ALONG PARK AVENUE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DEDICATED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 198811150482. THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL 1978 AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN FULFILLED BY THE WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE LED TO THE RE-RECORDING OF THE 1946 AGREEMENT, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 199703181422 FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEDICATING LAND ABUTTING PARK AVENUE INCLUDING A 5 FOOT STRIP ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN FROM 0+00 TO 5+55. ALL OF THESE RECORDED DOCUMENTS ARE EITHER INCOMPLETE OR OTHERWISE CONFUSED MAKING MULTIPLE REFERENCES TO SIMILARLY NAMED EXHIBITS BUT THE INTENT IS STILL CLEAR THAT THE LATTER DEDICATION OF 5 FEET IN 1,997 DOESN'T ABUT BUT IN FACT UNDERLIES THE EARLIER 72 FEET FROM 198& 6. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN. i�;112 / N, (PER FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 72457T—T2) PARCEL A: LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-056—SHPL, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20011205900004 SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL B.- THOSE : THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY, RESPECTIVELY, OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF PARK AVE N. AND THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE (SR 405), WESTERLY OF A LINE THAT INTERSECTS WITH SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SAID U' LINE BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT STATION 6+50 ON THE A—LINE OF THE NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, SR 405, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 5 OF PSH 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN, AND ENDING NORTHWESTERLY, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID STATION, AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN TRACK LUA-04-081-BSP Uv0-35-0013 DESIGNED BY.• DRAWNBY. FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY: CSR- SRDRAWN APPROVED BY:_4�_ PLOT DATE: 1QZ22104 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL ., C) BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 114 & SE 114 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. & NW 114 & S. W 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 36809 0lH OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD, EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC, LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD AND THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.) PER VACATION ORD. 2513; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID VACATED MILL ST. (PARK AVE. N.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID MILL ST. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C. THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. 'S 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068.00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE. BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00.- THENCE 068+00:THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00, THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF THE DESCRIBED LINE AND r'ID OF DESCRIPTION. PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 7108190352 AND 8509130916. PARCEL E. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS- BEGINNING OLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLIN& To THE NORTH OF SOUTH 650 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT—OF—WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TOTHE CITY OF RENTON FOR 774E WIDENING OF NORTH 67H STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. EMM AW -49 SQ. FT. ACRES± EAST OF PARK AVE N. 959,889 22.04 WEST OF PARK AVE N.* 2,947,731 6 7.6 7 TOTAL 3,907,6201 89.71 * LESS TRACT "X' AREA PROPOSED AREAS EAST: L013 SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 2* 323,976 7.44 LOT 3* 591,192 13.57 LOT TOTAL: 915,168 21.01 *INCLUDES VACATION TRACTS H do N VACA7M TRACT'' TRACT H 15,860 0.36 TRACT I Z917 0.07 TRACT K 2,622 0.06 TRACT N 396 0.01 VAC. TRACT TOTAL: 21,795 0.50 DEDICATM TRACT TRACT D 47,728 1.10 TRACT F 9,308 0.21 TRACT G 1,979 0.05 TRACT L 7,624 0.18 DED. TRACT TOTAL: 66-63 1.53 PROPOSED AREAS WEST: LOTS SQ. FT. ACRES± LOT 1 299,538 6.88 LOT 4 796.623 18.29 LOT 5 1,195,951 27.46 ESS TRACT LOT 6 (LX' AREA) 213,226 4.89 LOT TOTAL 2,505,399 57.51 DEDIf�AIM TRACT= TRACT A 142,870 3.28 TRACT B 11,011 0.25 TRACT C 72.299 1.66 TRACT E 24,829 0.57 TRACT P 112,160 2.57 TRACT 0 79,040 1 1 DED. TRACT TOTAL 442,209 10.15 EXIST. PARK AVE N. RIGHT OF WAY 112 821 2.59 TRACT X (NOT A PART) 240 0.003 DETAIL 'B' 121 0.002 405 NE 12TH ST NE ,o 7 _ SITE NE STH ST z Si.Z � 4( N NE 5TH cn C ST Y CL 49� NE JR0 ST ST NtD WAY Rl AN EVIEW VICINITY MAP CITY f RENTON o BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: N/A 31956 131956—SURV—BSPOl.DWG DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 9350 Monte Villa PParkwayBothell, Washington 98021-8972 ®(.fa)- (425)NI-48M �eos Planaen Am&— • ft—l"m • Undacapa Ambkecta 2 co rrlx \W SCALE 200 0 100 200 400 ( FEET ) 1 INCH = 200 FT N "a°Do'' ,DETAIL A 6, 44' , 40 n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON �-S46'12'25"E, 125.59' AREA: --/ TRACT X 121 SQ. FT. i NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B SEE 10 N46'1225"W, 5.00' 14 DETAIL 1ti3O R=627.96' �� B k 11 G=42 49'38" L=469.39' O ,� 12 S89ti3'18"E, 10.09' / 1 x R,;o�y, �e �. ►� � 0 0 14 /0001 �� R R-.1010.00' S7034$ Xl /�P L-331oa' S30.Q R -9841o0' LOT 1 -0'14' 299,538 SQ. FT L-983' 6.88 AC. �N3T13'42% 3123' R-489.30' S43.43'24'W d�09�8' 39.01E_- 733'04OR 44,73' L-8Q8a' Na9?3'3: i R�.4 ,07'31'w .� ` 40-4 14 om' '°' 'w 4 R 7 2i1.31 4oiki3s.- � to "'**\ b"32 74:4 x"13" N3T13'4YE ' "' R -41Q30' - L -831'!13!1' 27.13' 14213' �0929'Je' se"8'1 LOT 6 44.71' 213,226 sq. ft. i it -mow 4.89 acres / 8.32840'00' LME TABLE UNE LEMM REARM L1 1.125 N40 -M 30 L2 37V N4T 4 L3 37.00 N4V3r57T L4 37.33 N402VO L3 37.23 N493r4 Le 37.18 N 4a L7 37.10 N30'3r31 N "a°Do'' ,DETAIL A 6, 44' , 40 n BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 SEC. 7, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. & NW 114 & S.W. 114 SEC. 8, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON �-S46'12'25"E, 125.59' AREA: --/ TRACT X 121 SQ. FT. i NOT A PART SEE DETAIL A DETAIL B SEE 10 N46'1225"W, 5.00' 14 DETAIL 1ti3O R=627.96' �� B k 11 G=42 49'38" L=469.39' O ,� 12 S89ti3'18"E, 10.09' / 1 x R,;o�y, �e �. ►� � 0 0 14 /0001 �� R R-.1010.00' S7034$ Xl /�P L-331oa' S30.Q R -9841o0' LOT 1 -0'14' 299,538 SQ. FT L-983' 6.88 AC. �N3T13'42% 3123' R-489.30' S43.43'24'W d�09�8' 39.01E_- 733'04OR 44,73' L-8Q8a' Na9?3'3: i R�.4 ,07'31'w .� ` 40-4 14 om' '°' 'w 4 R 7 2i1.31 4oiki3s.- � to "'**\ b"32 74:4 x"13" N3T13'4YE ' "' R -41Q30' - L -831'!13!1' 27.13' 14213' �0929'Je' se"8'1 LOT 6 44.71' 213,226 sq. ft. i it -mow 4.89 acres / 8.32840'00' i v 50.5' Ll L1 L13 OFOUND 4' LME TAKE LME LEN07H BEARMKi L9 17.44 S4238 UO 3Q Lll 38.11 Sag' L12 31.31 03 3A. L14 0a2r Not L15 eae4 34 Lia ol.or4 L17 I 2ILlIr Lie I UBWr i v 50.5' Ll L1 L13 OFOUND 4' CHECKED BY.• APPROVED BY.CsZ PLOT DATE: 1012 04 X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ COPPER REVISION CK'D APPR. TACK IN BROKEN CASE DOWN 1.0' BELOW ASPHALT f4", �11 1/4 SECTION CORNER N 183800.4790 11 t OkA E 1302031.8010 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O N 80 S79 32'58"E(R), 7.00' a' 1 } v Q 2 S"o'!; j"W 5 30 58' W 1 L=86.70' P a W� Q � � .W L-2SQ48' N00156427E, 278.69' N13'GO41j'E SEE 1 SHEET NOTE 5. 2/4 G LOT 2 (FU TURF 4 L-07.08' LOT 4 796,623 SQ. FT. 18.28 AC. NOR TH 8 TH LOT 5 1,196, 012 sq. ft. 27.46 acres LOT 6 52. 1@ S007M8'31 "W, 5983' 14 S8978'47"& 3.02' S TREE T) �I p6 N82?134'll► �la -MR'2 33' - - N89 0.00 w 30'N► 29288' 2Q3� 90.00f NORTH 6TH STREET ' LUA-04-081-BSP LND-35-0013 �o/moo¢ W= rri DESIGNED BY.• DRAWN BY: FWC/CCM LAST EDIT: CHECKED BY.• APPROVED BY.CsZ PLOT DATE: 1012 04 DATE BY REV# REVISION CK'D APPR. f4", �11 �hk L=300.06' 11 t OkA I~� 011A 36eoY a �4L L/1I19 EXPIRES 7 H 7 /ns 29.06' •1 cr. N71Q ��3b' 'E • • 1. row 6�0Ta3'38• � , Z 1.114' L-QA06 G 81 S4%21 *W m 30. 4 L 04 NO3 46'46"W, 24.28' 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 2 N0836'247E, 14.44' 1 NOO*W'42'E, 27.06' -A i 1-- 52.5' LOT 3 N0135'11 "W R-a3Q�' LLI 300.14' 591,192 SQ. FT aiia�Dbt• 13.5 7 A C. L-274.48' I Q ' Y 10: 30'42'E, 100.37' I4" / S44-14 .4 E O ow NORTH L S89 45'00"E 36.11' S8928'52"E 50.43' N to 00N N, FUTURE N. 8th I STREET. 77.55, N827�34"W N89'28'58'W TRACT P 831.65' 2650.43' r---- R-23.00' 8TH n STREET Awg='or 0) L-39.29 O 4' X 4' CONC. O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 N 183806.4790 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4" X 4" CONC. MON E 1302031.8010 STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CASE, O AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P� REFERENCES w O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT �( BOEING PARCEL 39 Cl REC. NO. 20011205900004 J SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O R=515.62' 9Q 6-3370'33' k� f4", �11 �hk L=300.06' 11 t OkA 80 S79 32'58"E(R), 7.00' a' 1 } R-522.62' 07 A-09 30 20" 2 S"o'!; j"W 5 30 58' W 1 L=86.70' R�108Q30' \ ©S89'03'18"E(R), 10.00' b■1330'3r L-2SQ48' N00156427E, 278.69' N13'GO41j'E SEE 1 SHEET NOTE 5. 2/4 G LOT 2 2 \G� -O 27512 323, 76 SQ. FT. 3ae97 44 AC. a' 03• R-e3Q50' Z $ >` L-329.14' b�07n3'38' c � • - .� I �" N2838'14� 51.41 O •1 cr. N71Q ��3b' 'E • • 1. row 6�0Ta3'38• � , Z 1.114' L-QA06 G 81 S4%21 *W m 30. 4 L 04 NO3 46'46"W, 24.28' 1 NOO'56'42"W, 28.00' O 2 N0836'247E, 14.44' 1 NOO*W'42'E, 27.06' -A i 1-- 52.5' LOT 3 N0135'11 "W R-a3Q�' LLI 300.14' 591,192 SQ. FT aiia�Dbt• 13.5 7 A C. L-274.48' I Q ' Y 10: 30'42'E, 100.37' I4" / S44-14 .4 E O ow NORTH L S89 45'00"E 36.11' S8928'52"E 50.43' N to 00N N, FUTURE N. 8th I STREET. 77.55, N827�34"W N89'28'58'W TRACT P 831.65' 2650.43' r---- R-23.00' 8TH n STREET Awg='or 0) L-39.29 O 4' X 4' CONC. O CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT IN CASE CONTROL MONUMENT 1847 N 183806.4790 W/ COPPER PIN AT 4" X 4" CONC. MON E 1302031.8010 STREET INTERSECTION W/ COPPER PIN AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O N 183798.2909 FOUND EXISTING E 1302863.4078 MONUMENT IN CASE, O AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF P� REFERENCES w O CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT �( BOEING PARCEL 39 Cl REC. NO. 20011205900004 J SECTION 8-23-5 N 183823.0950 E 1303496.9070 AS SHOWN ON REF. 1O TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' .31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3850 Monte Ville Parkway Bothen, Waahington 98021-8972 (4a)M-�eoo W#racm-c= Plaaa.r, aA&@*= • sarvoyam • Laad capo erc eeb S8978'2C 1126.13' S05"�8831 w f4", �11 p 11 t OkA N S g N44'16 1 � W (FU TORE NORTH 8TH S TREE T) 29.35. . 2 S"o'!; j"W 5 30 58' W 1 44.70 1 TRACT Q BOEING REALTY COMPANY CITY OF RENTON LAKESHORE LANDING BINDING SITE PLAN REN TON, KING WASHINGTON SCALE: PROJECT NO. DRAWING FILE NAME: 1 "=200' .31956 31956-SURV-BSPOI.DWG PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 9 2004 RECEIVED 3850 Monte Ville Parkway Bothen, Waahington 98021-8972 (4a)M-�eoo W#racm-c= Plaaa.r, aA&@*= • sarvoyam • Laad capo erc eeb