HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-114.) ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Tom Meagher, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on May 6, 2005. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $66.00. ~~ Tom Meagher Legal Advertising Representative, King County Journal Subscribed and sworn to me this 6th day of May, 2005. ~ Jodyd'l Barton \"""""" ",\ L. B-1 "" ,'-<""''''1. •••••••••• ..tr.r. ~ , .v.· 01',<\ '. 0' .:-0 .. ' ~ l?y ••• ~ ~")l ... ~-:. ~ . . ~ .:! EXP. : = ~ ~ 04/28/2009 i ~ : -.,...,. ·0'" ~7'" ... ~ ~ ~ ~··' •• ~L\C •••• ' (; $' 4', 0 ···· ... ·:.1~ " "" 'P WASP "" "",,,,,,,\, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Kirkland, Washington P.O. Number: Cost of publishing this notice includ~s an affidavit surcharge. CITY OF RENTON NOTICEOFPUBUCH~G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 16th day of May, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to con- sider the following: Petition to Annex and zoning requirement for approximately 26.14 acres, located generally between 152nd and 156th Avenues SE., and between approximately SE 134th St., if extended, and SE I36th St. (Maplewood East Annexation; File A- 04-001; Petitioner: Bumstead Construction Co.) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present writ- ten or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in com- pliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502 . Bonnie L Walton City Clerk Published in the King County Journal May 6, 2005. #859045 lL-o~"I\a.( CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING I PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: December ~ 7, 2004 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tu cker Subject: Land Use Fi Ie Closeout Please complete the followi IIg information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Maplewood East Annexation & Prezone LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-114, A, RZ, ECF Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Don Erickson Acceptance Date: September 21, 2004 Applicant: City of Renton -EDNSP Owner: City of Renton Contact: Don Erickson PID Number: N/A ERC Decision Date: October 12, 2004 ERC Appeal Date: November 1, 2004 Ad min istrative Ap prova I : Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Counc:iI: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Th e applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has req uested that the City rezone the subject 22.S1-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 3SA.14.330, so that zonillg will be in place at the time the subject site comes in-t:o the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Ma p. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non-proiect action under SEPA. Location: East Renton Plateau Comments: James & Linda St. John 6009 NE First Circle Renton, WA 98059-8562 (party of record) PARTIES OF RECORD Prezoning Maplewood East Annex LUA04-114, ECF Don Erickson City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 (owner / applicant / contact) (Page 1 of 1) STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representati ve of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Publie Notiee was published on Monday, 10/18/04 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $91.25 at the rate of $15.50 per inch for the first publication and N/A per inch for eae1Ysubsequent insertion. Lily Nguye Legal Adlertising Representative, King County Journal Subscrib~d and sworn to me this 18th day of October, 2004. \\\\ \ \ \ II JlIt/I/;1 ",,\\ p.. ME' 1/// 'l. .;:;.' ()~ •••••••• -11':'1 'l '-~ ..... . '. ~..(. /' "" ." .,' (l'i55101) ;" •. ~ 'l .::::-... (.' .... .,. ... v: -::::. ..::::-:c? ..0 ........ -))-:::. Tom A Meagher 3 f NOTARy'i'~ ~ Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Redmw",,, Washington.. : = Ad Number: 847263 P.O. Number: %. -.;. \. ,.QUeL\e, / ~ f Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. ~ ~ "'~"/ J-2 001 .... ~O .$ 'l '.. 2 .' r:'" ~ 'l Of:' .......... ~V' ~ ////11 WAst\\ \\"" 1///1/1111111\\\\\ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW cOMMIT1'~R RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Maplewood East Annexation Rezone LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF Location: East Renton Plateau. The City is requesting that the subject 22.51-acre non-street portion of the subject annexation site be zoned R-4, four units per net acre upon annexation into the City. R-4 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land UQ~ designation of He~iaential Low Density (RLD) shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for this site. Annexations are exempt under SEPA and the proposed rezone from the County's R-4 zone is considered to be a non-project action. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on November 1, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Published in the King County Journal October 18, 2004. #847263 \ ~ ,J' • ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (ONS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: OESCRIPTION: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone LUA04-1 14. A, RZ, ECF east Renton Plateau The Cfty I. requesting that the subject 22.51-acre non-street portion of tt-a., subject annexation alte be zoned R-4, four untt_ per net acre upon annexatlon Into th." City. R-4 zoning I. consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Low Density (RLe) shown on the ComprehensIve Plan Land Use Map for thl. site. Annexatlona are exempt under SEPA and the proposed rezone from the CO' ..... nty'. R-4 zone la con.ldered to be a non-proJect action. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERG) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeal. of the environmental determination must be filed 'n writing on or before 5:00 PM on Novem~r 1, 2004. ~ Appeals muat be filed In writing together with the required 575.00 application fee with: Hearing Examlraer, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeala to the Examiner are governed by City Gf Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Addltlona' Information regarding the appeal procesa may be obtaln&d from the Ren10n City Clerk's Office. (425) 431}.651 O. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED. A PUBLIC HEARING DATE WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOnCE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATIO 1\1 Please Include.lheproJect NUMBER wlien caJllng,for proj>erflle Idehtlflcatlon_ ""'''''''\\\'' ", ..IN KA '11 .:~<»\,'\ ....... 11101,.", if" ~~ .. ~sSIO"/~.;: .. ~ "" -_____ .. 'o::':~ ..o'.~, : :0 ~OTA-9 ~'."'(\~ ::() y \'TI~ ~ ~ : ........ (/). ~ '-. ,e , ~ (/l ". Valle .: ! "., ~. . ~ .. , .., '. .' = .. I, /-..l'o.· •• 6'-<?9_01 •• ' ~o .: CERTIFICATION 4~1 ,"' 0 ......... ····~0 .:- --f:;--) /) r ~~. I. ---:::;;;;::?. "f"t~ WAS'"'',.. ..... -.. -I J/cJ')'1P1/ /'-. p;'1~ , hereby certify that _'---'~ __ copIes 0 flU\\ " ............ , .... ;bove document were posted by me in .:3 consp,icuo laces on r the described property on -'..&.~>:!!:L-L"-.:.:f)7~~~----+~-7ihr----"<w MARILYN KAMCHEFF tM APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Signed: ~::::"....-==:::alU.!..-f..:::.:::J...~~ otary Public, in and for the State of e ~q day of-=4)._-£4...r;flJ.[JLr)...:.,' _.::2~'Il~O_4~. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF East Renton Plateau The City Is requesting that the subject 22.51-acre non-street portion of the subject annexation site be zoned R-4, four units per net acre upon annexation into the City. R-4 zoning Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for this site. Annexations are exempt under SEPA and the proposed rezone from the County's R-4 zone is considered to be a non-project action. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on November 1, 2004. ~ Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING DATE WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. . Proposed Maplewood East Annexation FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: October 13, 2004 To: File From: Environmental Review COl'T1mittee Subject: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF This is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is t () inform you that they have completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above-referenced project. The Committee, on October 12, 2004, decided that your project will be issued a [)etermination of Non- Significance. The City of Renton ERC has determined 1:hat it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made by the ERC under the authority of Section 4-6-6, Renton Municipal Code, after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information, on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 1, 2004. Appeals must be fil·ed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obta.ined from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all parties notified. ERC Determination internal 04·' , 4.doc .~fi! , Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor CITY • RENTON PlannirigIBuildinglPublic Works Department, Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator October 14, 2004 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Bdx 47703 , Olympia, WA 98504-7703 " Subject Environmental Determinations , , Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERG) on October 12, 2004: ," , DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE , PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: . ,..,', Maplewood Eas~ Anl1exation Rezone LUA04-114, A,RZ; ECF East Reriton.Plateau DESCRIPTION: The City ,is requesting thatth~subjecf 22.51-acre non-street portion of ttle'subjectannexation'si~ebe zonedR4, four units per ~netacreupon annexation into the,C,itY. R·0,4: ZOning. is consistent with the Compretlensive Plan,lan~'us¢ designatiof.lofResidential, Lbw'Del1!;ity (~I,;;DLsho\ftfn onth~ Co~prehensive Plan Limd Use', Map for this, ~i~e.Armexatioris, iue ex¢mptunder ,SEPAalid the' " prop()sedr~;z:91j:~ frori'tthe;COlinty'sB-4!zoneisconsid~red to be' a non-projettaC:tion.': ' . ": .. ',, " . . ". . . Appeals of the t!nvironmentaldeterri1i~ation must be filed il1,writing o~ or before 5:00 PM November 1 ~2004. Appeals mustbefilediriwriting together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing, Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA98055. Appeals'to the Examinerare governed l:>yCity of Renton M\.JnicipaICode' $ection 4:-8~ 11 O.B. AdditionaLinformation regarding the appeal process may be obtained, from the Henton: City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-651 O. ", ,~ .' " ~'. It you have questions, please call me at (4~5) 430-6581 'Environmental Review Committee, cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division WDFW, Stewart Reinbo,ld' ' David F; Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources WSDOT, Northwest Region Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Mlickleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Melissa Calvert, MuckleshootGuli~ral Resources Program US Army Corp. of Engineers Stephanie Kramer; Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Enclosure ~' ---'~----O:-:l O':'::5=5=S~ou-'th""-=G-ra-;-dy:-' =w,-:O-ay---'R=-e-n-to'-n-', W,;;-;-as-:-b:""in-gt-o-n~9=80=5=-=5:--'------R E N T ON * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE '"', To: i Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Dennis Culp, ~Community Servi ces Administrator Lee Wheeler! Fire Chief . From: Jennifer Hen~ing, Development Planning if0~etirigi;9ate:' t'mim'e:"""'" Agenda listed below. Maplewood East Annexation (Erickson) LUA04-114, ECF The City is requesting that the subject 22.51-acre non-st:reet portion of the subject annexation site be zoned R-4, four units per net acre upon annexation into the City. R-4 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for this site. Annexations are exempt under SEPA and the proposed rezone from the County's R-4 zone is considered to be a non-project a.ction. Abandoned Shopping Carts Ordinance (I-Ienning) LUA04-118, ECF The ¢ity of Renton proposes to adopt an ordinance reg ulating and abating abandoned shopping carts within the City corporate limits. The ordinance setsi forth regulations to ensure that reasonable measures are taken by the ovvners and operators of businesses which provide shopping cart$ for the convenience of customers. The regulation $ seek to prevent the removal of shopping carts from business premises and parking lots, or provide for the prompt retrieval of lost, stolen or abandoned shopping ,carts. The ordinance declares that abandoned shopping carts constitute a public nuisance, and are a potential haza~d to the health an<i safety of the public. The ordinance further states that the proliferation of lost, stolen or aband'oned shopping carts creates conditions of blight in the community, obstruct free access to pL\blic and private sidew~lks, streets, parkin 9 lots, and other rights-of-way, interferes with pedestrian and vehicular traffic on public and privatel streets, and impedes emergency services. I cc: K. KooIker-Wheeler, Mayor J: Covington, Chief Administrative Officer A!. Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator ® B. Wolters, EDNSP Director ® , J. Gray, Fire Prevention . N. Watts, P/B/PW Development Service~ Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner ; S. Engler, Fire Prevention ® J. Medzegian, Council " S. Meyer, P/B/PW Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, Economic Development II L. Warren, City Attomey ® STAFF REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE: October 12, 2004 Project Name: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone Project Number: LUA-04-114, A, RZ, ECF Project Manager: Don Erickson Project Description: The City is requesting that the subject 22.51-acre non-street portion of the subject annexation site be zoned R-4, four units per net acre upon annexation into the City. R-4 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for this site. Annexations are exempt under SEPA and the proposed rezone from the County's R-4 zone is considered to be a non-project action. Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area gsf: B. RECOMMENDATION The proposed 26.14-acre Maplewood East Annexation site that is the subject of the proposed R-4 rezoning abuts the City along its western boundary, which includes the 152nd Avenue SE right-of-way. Its southern boundary is the south side of SE 136th Street, and its eastern boundary is the eastern side of the 156th Avenue SE right-of-way. It abuts and is bordered on the north by the Willowbrook Land Subdivision. Site Area: 26. 14-acres Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: x x DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGA TED. Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. 1. Non-project action. Mitigation will be applied at the time of subsequent development on the site. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations 1. Not applicable to this non-project action. City of Renton EDNSP Department PROJECT: MAPLEWOOD EAST ANNEXA. IN REZONE REPORT AND DECISION OF OCTOBER 12, 2004 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS En vii "'<ental Review Commzttee Staff Report LUA-04-114, R, ECF Page2of2 In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addre,sses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations . . Has the applicant adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development? 1. Earth Impacts: Not applicable to this non-project action. Mitigation Measures: Nexus: 2. Air Impacts: Not applicable to this non-project action. Mitigation Measures: Nexus: 3. Water Impacts: Not applicable to this non-project action. Mitigation Measures: Nexus: E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their reviellV. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. ~ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. __ Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 1, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. '/ ~ CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT NAME: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The City is requesting that the subject 22.51-acre non-street portion of the subject annexation site be zoned R-4, four units pelr net acre upon annexation into the City. R-4 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use tvlap for this site. Annexations are exempt under SEPA and the proposed rezone from the County's R-4 zone is considered to be a non-project action. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: East Renton Plateau City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of juri sdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determil'1llation must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 1, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examinelr, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional informatiol'l regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: October 18, 2004 October 12, 2004 DIRkM /0--15 rOd DATE City of ReL" . .Jn Department of Planning / Building / Public tll.-.'(S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PC1r1L-S COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 21,2004 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Erickson PROJECT TITLE: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone PLAN REVIEW: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has req~ested that the City rezone the subject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The propc>sed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment MInor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghflGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transpgrtation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriclCulturai Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet " -=> B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS .. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise an have identified areas of probable impact or additional informaf s needed to properly assess this proposal. City c.. _ .enton Department of Planning / Building / Pu,-.. _ Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 APPLICANT: Ci of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Erickson PROJECT TITLE: Ma lewood East Annexation Rezone SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City rezone the subject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non-. project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtiGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional infonnation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City t. ..• enton Oepartment of Planning / Building / PUI. ... ~ Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVE LOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: eC-el)On'1IG 1:e.v' COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 APPLICANT: Ci of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Erickson PROJECT TITLE: Ma lewood East Annexation Rezone SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: ECQt:-!.QM~C DEVELOPMENT. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the ty rez~cm ·Q{lti. 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pu TSuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in lace mesme~1 ~**..I site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the curren esidential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable llAore Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major , nformation Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Ught/G/are Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ HistoriciCultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional infonnation is needed to property assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City L. .enton Department of Planning / Building / Pu ... _ Worl<s ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET J'"\ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1 ,-.. -COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: S'y" , ~ APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAG~ Erickson A Maplewood East Annexation Rezone PLAN REVIEW: Ka'yr"," "';LU;"" -~ ~ PROJECT TITLE: .-. SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): 00 LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City rezone the subject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment MInor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housing. Air Aesthetics Water UghflGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi~onnation is ed to properly assess this proposal. 10:5 -{)l{ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of Refl •• ,m Department of Planning / Building / Public II\.~,KS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: tnYLStrucRon COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Erickson PROJECT TITLE: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone PLAN REVIEW: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): UCr 0 , "".-v LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: 8UIL f), SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City rezone ~~ ~OB';Ml\V 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where dditional information is needed t properly assess this proposal. City of RehLon Department of Planning / Building / Public h vi ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fire.. COMMENTS DUE: OCT081=2;.1:,-·2l\nA APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEM I~ ®o~~UWfE~ APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Eri ~, 1 PROJECT TITLE: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone PLAN REVIEW: Kayren Kittrick 11 l OCT - 1 'OOA I~ SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): I LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: CITY OF RENTON Flr~r !lr[l4 (""'IT, "-"T • ·,···· •• 1 .~---SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL The apphcant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City rezone the subject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlG/are Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl HistoriclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have ide tified areas of probable impact or areas where add· ·onal infonnation i eded to properly assess this proposal. Date City of Rei ••• m Department of Planning / Building / Public h _. J{S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: pl(;tJn ~ COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: SEP APPLICANT: Ci of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Ma lewood East Annexation Rezone SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requeste r: ~£8A~~~~ bject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place a .~ subj site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Dens land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Infonnation Impacts Impacts Necessary Earih Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED OCT 052004 BUILDING DIVISION B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS VAAl We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional info ation is needed to property assess this proposal. ~ 'k~~ D1f7~ City of R.n Deparlment of Planning / Building / Public h _. ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHE ET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:' T (,OJ ~_ xJr1-rA.--tiffi COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 , APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 21, 2004TYOc r" .. ~~ .. APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Erickson H E C E ~ V ~ tJ PROJECT TITLE: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone PLAN REVIEW: Kayren Kittrick OCT [0) 1 ?nfDL. SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: ~<JILUI/I/l::i urviS/ON SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City rezone the subject: 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuantto RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low D-ensity land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a no'n- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable M0rE3 Environment Minor Major Infonnatlon Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Nece3ssary Earth " Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! HistoricICulturai Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS 1\)Q1M....- C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ""'., where _""aJ ~;' needed to properly ."",ss thl, proposal. ID t f~ of Director or Authorized Representative ::D-a.J..te""'I-I-~-l~/~~IL..::"=--+------ City of Re, .. on Deparlment of Planning / Building / Public ~~~. ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: S~j h/a.~ic~OMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 6, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF ' DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 21J20cQ4~ci;;;:'t'i/~.IJ n APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Don Erickson 111.... ... . PROJECT TITLE: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone PLAN REVIEW: Kayren Kittrick V\" I UB 6 lUU'f SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): BUILDING DIVISION LOCATION: East Renton Plateau WORK ORDER NO: SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City rezone the subject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non- project action under SEPA. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Uti/roes Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriciCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS rv~ C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS ~~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or a""" wh ... ad<1itiooal InTpm>a1ion Is needed to properly aw>", tms -. I D (I{ 0 Date I 7 , " Agencies Surrounding Property Owners (Signature of Sender):>~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS See Attached See Attached ........ """"'" ......... ~\..'lN ~ "e • .: :..~ ....... 41"',, : ~\..·~\SS/O,v'· •• ",,~_,,' .. . ~ ~'-~', : .... 8 ~07:A ~ •• '~ ~ :: "~J.. .,,~ ." ~ ~: ..... m: ~ ) . ,CJ)~ ,0 -CIJ: ~ . ~, "" ~ U8llC :: , -p • • .- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker \~""~~9'07 ....... ~~ j COUNTY OF KING signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act 1~9fi~S~~~--- purposes mentioned in the instrument. .",'\\'", ............... .... Dated: J. ~()()'I , Notary (Print):-----IlJ.';ffIlP\K.Rft::lly.p\'l\dHKAIA~MlJle6tlfEIEFFFF-___________ _ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 1i-29-07 Maplewood East Annexation Rezone LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF template' affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology· Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region· Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers· Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Jamey Taylor· Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold· Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. c/o Department of Ecology . 3190 160th Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer Bellevue, WA 98008 39015 -172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program 4717W Marginal Way SW . Seattle, WA 98106-1514 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Office of Archaeology & Historic Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation· Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, W A 981 04-3855 Olympia, W A 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 SE 72nd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Title Examiner 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application .• Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. template -affidavit of service by mailing Smooth Feed Sheets™ 943275001007 ANDERSON JEFF G 15519 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 512630015000 BALL KORY 5903 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630008005 BENGSON KENNETH MICHAEL 5807 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 366450022509 BROUGH JAMES R+KIMBERL Y A 13220 156TH AV SE RENTON W A 98059 512630028003 BULLER JUSTIN W+ JULIA K 212 QUINCY PL SE RENTON W A 98059 512630079006 BURN STEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6015 NE 1ST CIR RENTON W A 98059 512630082000 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6014 NE 1ST CIR RENTON W A 98059 512630089005 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 165 QUINCY AVNE RENTON W A 98059 512630027005 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 218 QUINCY PL SE RENTON W A 98059 512630011009 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5825 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 8 AVERY® Address Labels 512630098006 ANTOLIN ROMEO D+GALE VALDEZ ANTOLIN 5928 NE 1 ST PL RENTON W A 98059 512630077000 BANKS TRAVIS 6000 NE 1 ST ST RENTON W A 98059 943275005008 BISHOP DAVID C+NANCY N BRAM 15413 SE 133RD ST RENTON WA 98059 943275018001 BROWNE EDGAR S JR 15518 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 512630001000 BURNSTEAD CONST CO 1215 120TH AV NE BELLEVUE WA 98005 512630080004 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6009 NE 1 ST CIR RENTON W A 98059 512630083008 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6002 NE 1 ST CIR RENTON WA 98059 512630032005 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 207 QUINCY PL SE RENTON WA 98059 512630009003 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5813 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630012007 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5831 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 Use template for 5160® 142305911000 BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 3015 RENTON W A 98056 366450027805 BECKMAN FRANCIS J JR+BECKMAN ROBIN J 13511158THAVSE RENTON W A 98059 512630051005 BODENSTAB TIMOTHY A+JANET E 5907 SE 2ND ST RENTON WA 98059 142305900607 BRYANT FRANKLYN A & RONDA A 15406 SE 136TH RENTON W A 98059 512630047003 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 202 ORCAS PL SE RENTON WA 98059 512630081002 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6008 NE 1 ST CIR RENTON WA 98059 512630090003 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 159 QUINCY AVNE RENTON WA 98059 512630033003 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 213 QUINCY PL SE RENTON W A 98059 512630010001 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5819 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630016008 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5909 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 Laser 5160~ Smooth Feed Sheets™ 512630017006 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5915 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630036006 BURN STEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5932 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630021008 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6005 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 512630085003 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6011 NE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 142305901902 CARLSON MARILYNN E 13616 156TH AV SE RENTON W A 98059 142305908204 CLAIRMONT KIMBERLIE J 13407 156TH A V SE RENTON W A 98059 512630062002 -~~c4\i'fMlb1c.. DEA GLEN QUEN as a.d~ 6005 NE 1ST PL q/~l,cf RENTON WA 98059 142305903304 EHLERT DONALD E+EILEEN F 15502 SE 136TH ST RENTON W A 98056 512630048001 FRANGELLO WILLIAM J 5859 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630026007 GILMAN TODD N+CRISTIN R MANDAVILLE 6035 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 8 AVERV® Address Labels 512630054009 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5925 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630020000 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5933 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630075004 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6006 NE 1 ST ST RENTON WA 98059 512630022006 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6011 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 512630065005 CHARLTON CURTIS W 6012 NE 1ST PL RENTON W A 98059 142305904708 COLONY HOMES INC 1215120THAVNE#201 BELLEVUE W A 98005 512630030009 DIAZRAFAELJR 200 QUINCY PL SE RENTON WA 98059 943275019009 FICHTENHOLTZ MICHAEL O+NATA 15323 SE 133RD CT RENTON WA 98059 512630044000 FROMHERZELLEN+FROMHERZJO 5818 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 512630024002 GOSSARD STACEY LANE 6023 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 Use template for 5160® 512630019002 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 5927 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630084006 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6005 NE 2ND ST RENTON WA 98059 512630074007 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6007 NE 1 ST ST RENTON WA 98059 512630023004 BURNSTEAD CONST CO OR CURRENT OWNER 6017 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 512630025009 CHINSCOTTD 6029 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 366450024000 CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 13232 156TH SE RENTON W A 98056 512630067001 DOLAN JAMES P+ BENKE DEIRDRE A 6003 NE 1 ST CT RENTON WA 98059 943275014000 FRANCIS STEVEN D 15412 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 943275012004 GIANG PAUL 15336 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 512630099004 GRAVES JOSHUA T 5922 NE 1ST PL RENTON WA 98059 Laser Smo~th Feed Sheets™ 512630013005 GUAYPATRICK V+LIPING 5837 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 146340004507 HALLUN VALERIE L 15415 SE 136TH ST RENTON W A 98056 512630037004 HENDRICK MICHAEL T+CHRISTINA 5926 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 142305911703 HOLDER ROBERT W+COLLEEN G 15320 SE 136TH ST RENTON WA 98059 512630060006 HUYNH TIEN BA+HUYNH KATIE DAO 6008 SE 2ND ST RENTON WA 98059 512630046005 KAPITANICH EDWARD J+ERVIN TOMJ 208 ORCAS PL SE RENTON W A 98059 142305900706 KING COUNTY 500 KC ADMIN BLDG 5004THAV SEATTLE WA 98104 512630050007 KWONGSUNNY 5901 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630018004 LEE BEN K Y+LE QUYNH NGUYEN 5921 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630038002 LOCKE DEBRA ALMEDA 5290 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 8 AVERY® Address Labels 366450025007 HAIR JARED L+LAURA S TAUTZ 13422 156TH AV SE RENTON W A 98059 512630043002 HAVER KIRK R+REBECCA M 5826 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 94327501i006 HERMAN ROBERT M & MICHELLE 15324 SE 133RD CT RENTON W A 98059 512630092009 HURTADO ILANA JOY+MCDANIELS CHARLES CLARK 5932 NE 1ST CT RENTON W A 98059 512630053001 IRVINE JON A 5919 SE 2ND ST RENTON WA 98059 512630069007 KELLY BRYANT KOTA S 6009 NE 1ST CT RENTON WA 98059 512630029001 KONOANNEM 206 QUINCY PL SE RENTON WA 98059 512630040008 LAWSTEVENW 5908 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 943275003003 LEE SEUNG JOE & HYUN JOO 15503 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 146340004408 LONG KAREN MARIE+KIERIG JER 15403 SE 136TH ST RENTON WA 98059 Use template for 5160® 146340004903 HALLUM JOHN MARTIN+VALERIE 15415 SE 136TH ST RENTON W A 98056 943275008002 HEERENSPERGER JOSEPH ALAN 15307 SE 133RD CT RENTON W A 98059 142305905903 HILL EDWARD J JR 13527 156TH SE RENTON WA 98055 512630095002 HURTADO RODOLFO F 5931 NE 1ST CT RENTON W A 98059 512630091001 JOHNSONBP 5938 NE 1ST CT RENTON WA 98059 512630039000 KEM MATTHEW F+NANCY LYNN 5914 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 512630100000 KRAUTKRAMER TAMARA 5921 NE 1ST PL RENTON \VA 98059 943275020007 LEACH GARRY K+KATHERINE E 15308 SE 133RD CT RENTON WA 98059 512630049009 LIVENGOOD GREGORY L+ALEXANDRIA P 5865 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630055006 LUNHANKIM 6003 SE 2ND STREET RENTON W A 98059 Laser SmoC?th Feed Sheets™ 142305902207 MAIRROBERT 13606 156TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 512630052003 MASUNAGA MARlA E+VERNON -y 5913 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 146340004606 MCADAMS CLAYTON A JR 15454 SE 137TH PL RENTON W A 98055 142305911208 MILBRATH DON D 15624 SE 137TH PL RENTON W A 98056 142305903502 NEEDHAM THOMAS A 13325 156TH ST SE RENTON W A 98059 .366450028001 OSGOODBY ELEANOR & VlCfC>R + OSGOODBY BRUCE 13436 156TH SE RENTON W A 98056 366450026005 PERRY LUCILLE M 13426 156TH A V SE RENTON W A 98056 943275010008 POLITTE CAROL ANN 15316 SE 133RD PL RENTON W A 98059 512630035008 REYES EDWARD P+TERESA M 6004 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 142305911802 SAITO MICHAEL & ARLENE 7630 S 115TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 e AVERV® Address Labels 512630007007 MARTIN JEANNE M+GAVIGAN JANETL 5801 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 512630059008 MAUTHE MARK A+JANET I 6014 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 146340004804 MCADAMS MARY MARTIN 15454 SE 137TH PL RENTON W A 98056 366450028506 MILL CHARLES V+CATHERINE M 13434 156TH AV SE RENTON W A 98059 512630097008 NG GENE LIANG 5934 NE 1ST PL RENTON W A 98059 366450027904 OSGOODBY JR BRUCE S 13523 158THAV SE RENTON W A 98059 512630068009 PETERSON DEAN & PAMELA 6015 NE 1ST CT RENTON WA 98059 512630057002 POST CRAIG 6015 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630014003 REYNOLDS JOHN J+KAREN T 5841 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 142305904005 SANTACRUZ MARNA M+KAIRIGO CHRISTINEM 13425 156TH AV SE RENTON W A 98059 Use template for 5160® 512630076002 MARTUCCI DA VID+SUSAN L 6012 NE 1ST ST RENTON W A 98059 512630101008 MAXAM RONALD C 5927 NE 1ST PL RENTON W A 98059 943275009000 MIER MARTIN A 15300 SE 133RD CT RENTON WA 98059 512630058000 MOORE DEBRA 6026 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630045007 OCHOA TERESA+TORRES ARMANDO 214 ORCAS PL SE RENTON W A 98059 512630073009 PACE JOHN P+JEAN E MORRlSON- . 6013 NE 1ST ST RENTON WA 98059 512630066003 PRAM PETER+NAOKO 6004 NE 1ST PL RENTON W A 98059 512630093007 PRUITT CARY Y 5926 NE 1ST CT RENTON W A 98059 512630070005 RYAN ROBERT A 6008 NE 1ST CT RENTON W A 98059 943275006006 SHERMAN GORDON L & DARLA J 15401 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 Laser Smooth Feed Sheets™ . .. • I '" 512630042004 SHINHYUK. 5834 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 943275016005 SNODGRASS JOHN W+MARY L B 15502 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 512630056004 TANNAN NEIL+MANIXA YVONG 6009 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 512630064008 TONGIP 6011 NE 1ST PL RENTON W A 98059 512630063000 VISSER PHILIP J 6017 NE 1ST PL RENTON W A 98059 512630041006 W AI KON & JENNY LEUNG 5902 SE 2ND CT RENTON W A 98059 146340004705 WEBBSCOTTK 13615 156TH A V SE RENTON W A 98059 8 AVERV® Address Labels 512630072001 SL YE MELISSA 6001 NE 1ST ST RENTON WA 98059 512630102006 STANDLEY CRAIG+HEIDI 5933 NE 1ST PL RENTONWA 98059 943275002005 TENNELL EDDIE Z+NANCY L 15511 SE 133RD ST RENTON WA 98059 943275007004 TRAN QUANG + NINH NGA 15315 SE 133RD CT RENTON WA 98059 51263003400 1 VUONG ANTHONY+DIANA 6010 SE 2ND CT RENTON WA 98059 512630096000 WAKEFIELD "INGRID M+BRAIN K 5937 NE 1ST CT RENTONWA 98059 943275017003 WHITSON ROBERT S+JACKIE L 15510 SE 133RD ST RENTON W A 98059 Use template for 5160<D 512630031007 SMITH DESMOND L 201 QUINCY PL SE RENTON W A 98059 512630094005 STEW ART DIANE M 5925 NE 1 ST CT RENTON WA 98059 943275013002 THOMASKIMH 15404 SE 133RD ST RENTON WA 98059 512630061004 TRITTIS CONST ANTINOS+MAlliXA TRITTIS 6002 SE 2ND ST RENTON W A 98059 943275004001 WAGNER JASON L+WAGNER RACHELL 949 ABERDEEN A V NE #A202 RENTON W A 98056 943275015007 WANLESS ROBERTG+CATHERINE 15420 SE 133RD ST RENTON WA 98059 512630071003 WILMOT KEVIN 6014 NE 1ST CT RENTON WA 98059 Laser • Proposed MItigation Measu...,s: ~==~~~ :=s~on·ProvlroJectl action does not reve~1 any adverse environmental Impacts requiring mitigation ...... ~ .... , 9 ep sons. However,mltlgationmaybenecessaryandmaybel ed specific development proposal Is made under R-4 zoning, at some time In the future after the site :~~ex:~ ~~~I~: ~I~~~e Comments on the above application must be submitted in wrttI to 0 Erl k ~IVI.lon, EDNSP Department. 1055 South Grady Way, Renlon~~A 9:~55 ~y ·5~~O ~~J:": ~:~~:~r6~~:IC t;lannin g ':evtifl;~jectofesu~~sn:~ :'~~:I,s~~~~ !I~:nrr:,~~:n~ ~r =~a~I~Ir;:~~~t~~rty811~:r~:=n bd y ~alllbr~ntacl NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) DATE: September 20, 2004 LAND USE NI UMBER: LUA-Il4-114, A, RZ, ECF APPUCATION NAME: MAPLEWOOD EAST ANNEXATION REZ;ONE PROJECT DIESCRIPTlON: The applicant for the Maplewood East A.,nnexatlon has requested that the City rezone the stUbJect 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to R.CW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be In place at t!he time the subject site comes into the City. The City 18 proposl ..... g R-4 zoning for the site since this Is consistent wiith the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown ~n the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone Is considered to be a non-proJect action under SEPA. PROJECT LOCAnON: The proposed 26.14-acre Maplewood Eaa:st Annexation site that is the subject of this proposed R-4 rezoning abuts the City along its western boundary. which includes the 1S:r Avenue SE right-of-w=ay. Its southern boundary is the south side of SE 13611\ Street. and its eastern boundary is the·eastem side of the 156\t1 Avenue SE right-of.way. It abuts and ls bordered on the north by the Willowbrook Lane SubdMslon. DFTlONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS): As the Lead Agoency, the City 01 Renton has delennined that slgntfiCC!nt environmental Impacts ere unlikely to result from the proposed non-project action. Therefore, as pennitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional ONSprocesS. to give notice that a DNS Is likely to be issUed. Co:-nment periods for the projeCt end the proposed DNS ere Integrated Into a single comment perted. There will be no comr:nent period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of NI.on·Slgnlficance (DNS). A 14-day appeal perbd wtll 'Fellow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT AlPPUCATION DATE: NonCE I>'F COMPLETE APPLICATION: PermitsIRetvlew Requested: Other Perr.nits which may be required: Requested Studies: location ......mere application may be revlewEKI: September 20, 2004 September 21, 2004 Environmental (SEPA) Review c:::Ml proposed R-4 Rezone NfA NfA no ad any decJslon on this project. an WI e CONTACT PERSON: DON ERICKSON (425) 430-6581 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PIROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALUNG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION 5t PUBUC HEARING: Plannlng/BundlnglPubUc Works Oepartr.nent. Development 5etvIces OMslon, 1055 South Grady Way, Renlon, WA ~055 Council accepted the proposed 60% Di:rect Petition to annex at its public hearing on May 3"', 2004. Proposed Figure 1: Vicinity Map --SHe Boundary ---CilyUmils 16001 I r CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land USEt: EnvIronmental Documents that EvaluatEa the Proposed project: Development Regulations Used Fe»r Project Mitigation: NOTICE ·OF APPUCA1l0N.doc The subject site is located within the Ci:ty's Resk:lential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan land Use Map dfaSignation. The proposed R-4 prezone is consistent wtth this land use designatlCX1, as well as relevant land use policies adopted in February, 1995 andamendEKIln November, 2003. Environmental Checklist dated SeptelT"'1ber 17, 2004. This non-project action will be subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance and Development Regulations and other a::;pplleable codes and regulations as appropriate. ------------------ e Economic ~t.Nc::ii:~"Stmecic l'lannillJ • MuAcada. ............. O.Dda-tD IOMaKtllOlM -.-.-UrbanG"""" Boundary II you woutd like to be m~de a party 01 record 10 caiv I rIh . 1 . this fonn and retum 10: C.ity 01 Renton, Developm~nl PI:n~ing~r1'~5~~~:: ~~~~s.t~~~f:e~6n~~~' 9,:~~lele File NoJName: LUA~" 14, A. RZ. ECF Maplewood East Annex::atlon Rezone NAME: ____________________________________________ __ ADDRESS: _________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: __________ _ NOT1CE OF APPl.JCATlON.doc CERTIFICATION ~""",,\\\ -I ..-_-~)~~~ .. ~~""" I, Q)gret. 'Yan:>t::.", , ~ereby certify that . -:s copies of the f '~~":;;'"t-\ ..... s,o", ~.~~ ',?bove document were posted by me III ~ conspIcuoUS places on or nearby : :--(JU ~OT..qr-. ~ ... ~ (Ie described property on ~fd ~,« .;lao't ~: 'Tj.. ,;>"~ "'t\ ~ ( '-: Ch,.. rr.: , -); \~ ;"" .o(ja,;~ 'OJ 1 Signed: ~~ ?k~J'~ I" ~ "'~'<9-_" ... ·:.:~2~ j\TTEST: SUbSCribed~WOm before me, a Notary Public, in and for&:lthestOi ~ -~ 6 6 '. O. 01 " .,1 -W h' ....... r~ " /1.1)_"" h A 1... ->~ ',. 'I:' ........ : •• « ... ~: as IOgton reSlLamg ~Y¥1fY7' ' on t e y'J'" day of ~. """ WASt·\\~ :.. ....... -_ "\"""",,,, MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRF~ ~_?OJ17 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON· SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) DATE: September 20. 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-04-114. A, RZ. ECF APPLICATION NAME: MAPLEWOOD EAST ANNEXATION REZONE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested tha'i the City rezone the subject 22.51-acre (non-street portion) of the subject site, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed prezone is considered to be a non-project action under SEPA. PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed 26.14-acre Maplewood East Annexation site that is the subject of this proposed R-4 rezoning abuts the City along its western· boundary, which includes the 152'ld Avenue SE right-of-way. Its southern boundary is the south side of SE 136th Street, and its eastern boundary is the·eastem side of the 156th Avenue SE right-of-way. It abuts and is bordered on the north by the Willowbrook Lane Subdivision. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-5IGNIFICANCE (DNS): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed non-project action. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.11 0, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). A 14-c1ay appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. . PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: September 20, 2004 September 21,2004 Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: NOTICE OF APPLICATION.doc Environmental (SEPA) Review on proposed R-4 Rezone N/A N/A PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Council accepted the proposed 60% Direct Petition to annex at its public hearing oo_~~ . The subject site is located within the City's Residential Low Density (RLD) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation. The proposed R-4 prezone is consistent with this land use designation, as well as relevant land use policies adopted in February, 1995 and amended in November, 2003. Environmental Checklist dated September 17, 2004. This non-project action will be subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance and Development Regulations and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Me es: The analysis of the proposed non-project action does not reveal any adverse environmental impacts requiring mitigation above and beyond existing code provisions. However, mitigation may be necessary and may be imposed at the time a site specific development proposal is made under R-4 zoning, at some time in the future after the site is annexed into the City. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Don Erickson, Project Manager, Strategic Planning Division, EDNSP Department, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on October 6th, 2004. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of ~ny decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: DON ERICKSON (425) 430-6581 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I SI Proposed Maplewood East Annexation Figure 1: Vicinity Map e Economic Development. Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning + 'Alb • Aiel. Pietsch. Administrator ~ G. Del Rosario 10 Man:b 2004 --Site Boundary - - -City Umits - . - . -Urban Growth Boundary 1600 ! I f If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of,Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File No./Name: LUA-G4-114. A, RZ. ECF Maplewood East Annexation Rezone NAME: ______________________________________________________ ___ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ ___ TELEPHONE NO.: ________________ _ NOTICE OF APPLICATION.doc Date: To: From: • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM September 21 I 2()04 File Development Services Subject: Maplewood East Annexation Rezone LUA04-114, A, RZ, ECF • The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on October 12, 2004. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } . AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Notice of Public Meeting was published on Friday, 4/23/04 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $68.00 at the rate of $15.50 per inch for the first publication and N/A per inch for e~subsequent i.HSert\on. LilyNguyen ~ --\.\"illl!' \ \ \ • \. \ I • J /1 Legal ~dverti . g Representati.ve, King County J?urnal .;:>\\\'··;~"EA\~~~II/ ~ Ce th" 23,d day of Apnl. 2004. :" '" ~.>:;;'" ';~:':~'" '% :.:~ ,C:.:o ~ 1.,,:,-':) · .... '·'SJ .'. ~ ::.:. ,\. ..... ~ (~. (\ \ f.\ M Y IJ..... ~ ::: ;0\\.... ::: == : .-_@--:2= Tom A. Meagher ::::: ~ \\.>: 0 ::: Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Redmond, W~llf9~t.on p U '0 \.. ","/ (; t "". • t "c. ~ "" Ad Number: 841251 P.O. Number: ~ -1>-:"';~~Y 2;';":)..~~-$" . 'l. ,. .... -' ..... 'O~.~' Cost of publishing this notice includes an affid~vtt ~urcharge. (11)/ 0 F W ~ \\\\\ III/ Ii 1/ 1111 \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OFPUBUC MEETING RENTON CITY COUNCn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rddily of May, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public meeting to be held in the seventh floor CoUncil Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S.Grady Way,. Renton, 98055, to consider the following: 10% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for approximately' 26.14 acres, located' east of the Maplewood Estates subdivision in the City, south of SE 134th St., if extended, west of 156th Ave. SE, and north of SE 136th St. (fetitioneri »\1mstead Construction Co.; Maplewood East-Annexation) All interested parties are invited to attend the public meeting and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. City Hall is fully accessible, . and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430·6510 for additional information. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published in the King County Journal April 23. 2004. #841251 ~i i NAME: CITY OF RENTON ADDRESS: 1055 South Grady Way City: Renton ZIP: 98()55 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-430-6581 NAME: Don Erickson ADDRESS: 1055 South Grady Way City: Renton ZIP: 98()55 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-430-6581 PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: This non-project action includes prezoning approximately 22.51-acres within Renton's East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area that are currently being considered for annexation sing the 60% Direct Petition method of annexation. Under REC 43.21C.222 annexations are specifically exempted from SEP A. RCW 35.A.14.330- 340 provides for prezoning potential annexation areas in advance of their actual annexation.-. PROPERTYIPROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION and Z£P CODE: Please see attached map KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER: 142305-0935; 9110,9083,9047,9082,9040,9059,9033, 9006,9117, and 9118. LUA04-(l EXISTING LAND USE(S): Low density single-f"amily detached housing and vacant parcels. PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached housing at densities of up to 4 units per net acre. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (estimated): N/A EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Urban Residential, Medium 4-12duJac PROPOSED COMPR.-"EHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: RLD -Residential Low Density EXISTING ZONING: R-4 4-6 units ss acre PROPOSED ZONI~G: Renton net acre SITE AREA in SQ. FT: 26.14-acres (rez<>ne portion is 22.5 I-acre non-street PROJECT VALUE: N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? No IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? Non-designated, however site may contain some emeregent wetland areas. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\Master Application for R-8 Prezone.doc\CoR --.X ANNEXATION $ N/A SUBDIVISION --.X REZONE $ "N/A SPECIAL PERMIT $ LOT LINE ADJUs, TMENT $ TEMPORARY PERMIT $ SHORT PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ TENTATIVE PLA l' $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ FINAL PLAT $ (No. Cu. Y ds: ) VARIANCE $ (from Section: ) $ PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT $ WAIVER $ PRELIMINARY ROUTINE VEGETATION FINAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ BINDING SITE PLAN MOBILE HOME P A.:RKS $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ CONDITIONAL USE $ VARIANCE $ EXEMPTION $ N<>CHARGE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION I, (Print Name) _Don Erickson, on behalf of City of Ret:3ton , declare that I am (please check one) __ ._ the owner of the property inv<>lved in this application, __ the authorized representative to act for the property owner (please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Name of OwnerlRepresentative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the use::> and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), _____________ _ My appointment expires:. __________ _ H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\Master Application for R-8 Prezone.doc\CoR Proposed Maplewood Figure 1: Vicinity Map i)~ 'Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning +!R +. Alex Pietsch, Administrator " .,.' G. Del Rosario N1:0 IO MaICb 2004 1600 --Site Boundary - - -City Umits 1 : 9600 -, -' -Urban Growth Boundary MAPLEWOOD EAST ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPrION That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying southerly of the south line of the plat of Willowbrook Lane, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 170, Pages 1 through 4, inclusive, records of King County, Washington, and southerly of said south line extended easterly and westerly to the east and west lines, respectively, of said subdivision; TOGETHER WITH the west 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 14, lying southerly of the south line of said plat of Willowbrook Lane extended easterly to the east line of said west 30 feet; and TOGETHER WITH the east 30 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 14, lying southerly ofthe south line of said plat of Willowbrook Lane extended westerly to the west line of said east 30 feet; and TOGETHER WITH the north 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14; and TOGETHER WITH the north 30 feet of the west 30 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14. '. All situate in King County, Washington. MAPLEWOOD EAST ANNEXATION R-4 REZONE .:. PROJECT NARRATIVE The applicant for the Maplewood East Annexation has requested that the City prezone the subject 26.14-acre site in advance of annexation, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. The City is proposing R-4 zoning for the site since this is consistent with the current Residential Low Density land use designation shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed rezone is considered to be a nOri~project action under SEP A. The annexation itself is considered to be an exempt action under SEP A. The proposed 26. 14-acre rectangular shaped Maplewood East Annexation site that is the subject of this proposed R-4 rezone is located between 152nd Avenue SE on the west, 156th Avenue SE on the east, Willowbrook Lane Subdivision on the north, and SE 136th Street on the south. The site is currently zoned R-4,4 units per gross acre in King County. This zoning allows up to 6 units per acre utilizing bonuses for energy efficiency, affordable housing, or purchased development rights from properties outside the Urban Growth Area boundary. Because the proposed R-4 zoning is based upon net acreage there is approximately a 45% difference in terms of the number of units that can be built between the two zones. The City estimates approximately 74 units could be accommodated on the 22.51 non-street portion of the annexation area under its new R-4 zoning. If one assumes an average of six units per gross acre under King County's R-4 zoning, the number of units allowed would be approximately 135, or nearly double what would be allowed under the City's proposed R-4 zoning. As a consequence impacts are expected to be less with this proposed rezone. Daily vehicular trips should be reduced by nearly half and the demand for services should be similarly reduced. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc09/17/04 SEP A Checklist for Maplewood East An"_Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09117/04 A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: 2 Maplewood East Annexation rezone. The proposed non-project action is to rezone the subject 26.14-acre site R-4, (Residential Single Family), 4-du/net acre zoning upon annexation. The site is currently zoned R-4, 4 du/gross acre in King County. 2. Name of applicant: City of Renton 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Economic Development, Neighborhoods, & Strategic Planning Renton City Hall - 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Contact Person: Don Erickson, Senior Planner Phone: (425) 430-6581 4. Date checklist prepared: September 17, 2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): NI A Non-project Action 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. NI A Non-project Action 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. N/A Non-project Action 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Annexation applicant has not yet submitted a pre-application with the City of Renton for a future single-family subdivision using the proposed R-4 zoning. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. City Council approval H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 2 SEP A Checklist for Maplewood East Aru.",.<ation and R-4 Prezoning 09/17/04 3 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. This non-project action includes prezoning approximately 22.51-acres within Renton's East Plateau Potential Annexation Area that are currently being considered for annexation using the 60% Direct Petition method of annexation. Under RCW 43.21.C.222 annexations are specifically exempted from SEPA. RCW 35.A.14.330-340 provides for prezoning potential an nexation areas. The proposed prezoning would allow approximately 74 units whereas the cu rrent King County R-4 zone would allow up to 135 units using bonuses and/or TDRs. 12 _ Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The annexation site that is the subject of the proposed non-project prezone abuts the City along its western boundary, which includes the 152"d Avenue SE right-of-way. Its southern bounda~ is the south side of SE 136th Street, and its eastern boundary is the eastern side of the 156 A..venue SE right-of-way. It abuts and is bordered on the north by the Willowbrook Lane Subdivision. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1.. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling,@teep slopes, mountainous, other ______ _ Non-project action. The site however is relatively flat. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?)? Approximately 7%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Non-project action; N/A d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Non-project action; N/A e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Non-project action; N/A f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 3 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East An"~Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09/17/04 Non-project action; N/A 4 g. About what percent of the site will be coveted with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Non-project action; N/A h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Non-project action; N/A 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Non-project action, N/A b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Non-project N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Non-project NI A 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, and wetlands) ? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Non-project action; no known wetlands on the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Non-project action; N/A 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Non-project action; N/A H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 4 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East Am.".<ation and R-4 Prezoning 09/17/04 5 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Non-project action; N/A 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. Non-project action; N/A 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Non-project action; N/A b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Non-project action; N/A 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Non-project action; N/A c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, if so, describe. Non-project action; N/A 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Non-project action; N/A d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 4. PLANTS a. c~ or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other ---'-:""7 evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other _.v, _ shrubs H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 5 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East An"_Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09/17/04 __ grass __ pasture crop or grain • wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Non-project action; N/A c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Non-project action; N/A 6 d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Non-project action; N/A 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals, whichhave been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle son bird, other ~...".,.--:------:--=:r,----..".. Mammals:~bear, elk, eaver, other ~I? I ~ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other ___ '_, ___ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Non-project action; N/A c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain Non-project action; N/A d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Non-project action; N/A 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, woocl stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Non-project action; N/A b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Non-project action; N/A H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 6 SEP A Checklist for Maplewood East An"_Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09117/04 7 c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or f1azardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. Non-project action; N/A 1) Describe special emergency services that mignt be required. Non-project action; NI A 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Non-project action; N/A b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which mC3Y affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Non-project action; N/A 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise \lVould come from the site. Non-project action; N/A 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is a combination of houses, primarily frol"1ting on SE 136th Street and 156th Avenue SE with the area to the north and west being primarily treed. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. There currently are nine single-family detached stru ctures on the site. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? \ H :\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 7 SEP A Checklist for Maplewood East An •. _rtation and R-4 Prezoning 09/17/04 8 Non-project action. Presumably most if not all of these structures will be removed. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-4, 4 units per gross acre (King County) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Urban Residential 4-12 dulac in King County and Residential Low Density (4 du/net acre) in Renton. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Non-project action; N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Non-project action. Current King County zoning would allow approximately 337 persons assuming 2.5 persons per household whereas Renton's proposed R-4 zoning would allow up to 117 persons using the same average household size. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Non-project action; N/A k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Proposed pre-zoning/rezoning will help ensure that future development is compatible with existing development patterns in the area. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Non-project action. At full development proposed R-4 zoning would allow up to 74 single-family detached units on the developable portion of the site. This compares with up to 135 detached or attached units under King County's current bonusable R-4 zoning on the site. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 8 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East An"~Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09117/04 9 Non-project action. As indicated above, all nine existing units could potentially be removed in the future. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure (s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material( s) proposed. Non-project action; N/A b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Non-project action; N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Non-project action; N/A b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Non-project legislative action. N/A c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Non-project action; N/A d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Non-project action; Maplewood Park in King County is located less than1/4 mile to the west of the subject site and a % mile to the north nearly 14 acres of land has been acquired by the County for future parks. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 9 SEP A Checklist for Maplewood East Al .. __ Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09/1. 7/04 10 Non-project action; Future development may increase pressure on existing recreational facilities in the area. The City of Renton does, however, collect a $530 per unit parks and recreation mitigation fee that would apply all future units developed in the prezone area. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Non-project action; N/A 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Non-project action; N/A b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Non-project action; N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Non-project action; N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Major ingress and egress to the site will be off 142nd Avenue SE. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Public transit is available for future inhabitants less than a half mile to the north on NE 4th/SE 128th Street. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Non-project action; N/A d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? Non-project action. Future development will include new streets and roadway improvements developed to City standards. However, because this is a non-project action the scope of these future improvements is not known. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 10 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East An .. _Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09/17/04 Non-project action; N/A 11 f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Assuming a maximum of 74 units at full development in the future, it is estimated that there would be approximately 740 AWDTE. This compares with an estimated 1,350 AWDTE at full development (6 dulac with bonuses) under King County's current R-4 zoning. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Non-project action; NIA 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Non-project action; Future development, whether developed under County regulations or City regulations will result in the increased need for public services. Many of these are covered by impact fees, which are collected at the time of development. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Non-project action; N/A 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. Non-project action; N/A b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. Non-project action; The subject site is located within Renton's sewer service area and Water District #90's water service area. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Ilduud6Vh/ , Citv of Renton Name Printed: _....:R"-!e~b:::.;e:::.;c~ca~L=:i.:..!n:::::.d...:.;fo::::.:r~C=ity~of.:.....:...::R~e.:..!nt~o~n~ ________ _ Date: September 17 , 2004 H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 11 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East At ... _Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09117/04 D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEETS FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS 12 Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would aff"ect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? With possible exception of surface water runoff the proposal would not likely have any affect on the above environmental issues. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: New development resulting as a consequence of these proposed amendments will be required to comply with the City's development regulations includi ng those pertaining to surface water management. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? , No affect on plants, animals, fish, or marine life is anticipated directly as a consequence of this non-project prezoning proposal. Future development ""hether under King County's current zoning or the City's proposed R-4 zoning likely will dis place some existing vegetation and animals such as possum, raccoon and deer. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: None at this non-project action level. Existing critical area regulations, however, protec1: all critical areas within the City limits. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The proposed non-project action will not deplete energY" or natural resources. Future project level development may impact energy or natural resource s slightly but will not deplete them._ Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: None are proposed at this time for this non-project action_ 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, flood plains, or prime farmlands? Proposal would likely not use or affect environmentally sensitive areas. This is a non-project land use action prezoning the street portion of a 26. 14-acre annexation site. H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 12 SEPA Checklist for Maplewood East At~ __ Aation and R-4 Prezoning 09117/04 13 Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: None are proposed at this time for this non-project action. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with eXisting plans? The proposed prezoning of the 22.51-acre non-street portion of the annexation site will increase compatibility with surrounding uses since it will limit future development to single-family detached housing on larger lots similar to those currently prevalent in the area. King County zoning allo'oVs both detached and attached units in its R-4 zone whereas Renton does not. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: None. 6. HoIIV' would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? The proposed prezoning would allow a fewer number of units than the current King County R-4 zoning. As a consequence there is the potential for a reduction of up to 610 AWDVTE under the proposed R-4 zoning. This is unlikely to have noticeable impact on transportation in the area. Similarly, the probable 61-unit reduction under Renton's R-4 zoning is not likely to significantly decrease demands on public services and utilities. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: None. Not applicable. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or reCf uirements for the protection of the environment. The proposal will not conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for protection of the environment. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true an<l complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: /li!tfeAtd ! City of Renton Name Printed: _-,R!...=e~be~c~ca=-L~i~n.:::.dL..! ...:..:fo~r.....:t:!.!h.:::.e~C::.!ity.:.r....:o::.!f....:.R~e~n..:..:t.:::.o!.!.n ___ _ Date: ENVCHLST.DOC REVISED 6/9~ September 17! 2004 H:\EDNSP\PAA\Annexations\Maplewood East\SEPA Checklist(rev).doc 13