HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-116ORDER TO CORRECT Date: March 9, 2007 Service Request No. SR07-0345 Violation Index No. C07-0097 Location of Violation: 1307 N 27TH CT CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY 1307 N 27TH CT Owner(tax-payer) : Issued To: Address: RENTON W A 98056 An inspection of the above premises revealed violation(s) of the City of Renton codes and ordinances listed below. The City would appreciate voluntary compliance or corrective action completed by: 05/07/2007. Be advised, however, if voluntary compliance is not achieved, a Civil Infraction Citation may be issued, and civil penalties may be assessed in the amounts noted, for each and every day or portion of a day in which the violation continues following the date and time set for correction. First three days of Violation: $100.00, per day. Second Three Days of Violation: $200.00, per day. Third Three Days of Violation: $300.00, per day. Each Additional Day of Violation: $500.00, per day. DATE OF INVESTIGATION: 03/02/2007 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Illegal Grade and Fill CORRECTIVE ACTION: On March 2,2007, our office received a complaint that an illegal grade and fill operation was being conducted at the back of your residence at 1307 N 27th Ct., and was in fact trespassing on the property at 1405 N. 28th St. An on site inspection confirmed that there has been considerable damage to the property adjacent to your home during this illegal operation. This grade and fill is in violation of Renton Municipal Code RMC 4-9-080 which reads in part: " Except as exempted in subsection C of this Section, no person shall do any work without first obtaining the required special permit and license." Therefore, you are required to restore to original condition the property at 1405 N 28th St where the grade and fill occurred and to fill in the illegal driveway on your property created by this activity. Be advised that a driveway to the back of your property is not feasible off the recorded easement and no attempt on your part to encroach on your neighbor's property will be allowed through the City's permitting process. The City will allow fourteen (14) days from the date of this letter for you to be in compliance with City Ordinances. Issued By: Marilyn Kamcheff Code Compliance Inspector Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Development Services Division Phone No: 425-430-7269 '" STOKES Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Re: Sally Scott LAWREN CE March 19, 2007 Thomas A. Lerner (206) 892-2147 OEVELOPMl=N I SERVICES Ct1Y OF RENTON MAR 20 7nWl RECEIVED Our Clients: Christian and Krista Anthony Dear Mr. Watts: We represent the Anthony's, who are greatly disappointed that they have inadvertently caused Mrs. Scott any distress. They had been under the impress ion that they had thoroughly discussed their intentions with Mrs. Scott, and had her concurrence with their plans. On March 10th, the Anthony's were in the process of clearing the dirt from "the perimeter of Mrs. Scott's driveway when that effort was interfered with by someone who ~Tesented himself as acting on Mrs. Scott's behalf. Had that not occurred, at least one of the sources of aggravation would have already been resolved in the manner and timing that the Anthony'" s had promised. Because their desire to be good neighbors outweighs their preference for a parking pad behind their house, the Anthony's have decided to undertake a re storation of the disturbed area. They are working on that restoration plan, and we will be in toue 11 with you when it is completed so that we can proceed with the assurance that there are no technical permitting requirements that have been overlooked. In that regard, it is unlikely that all of the work can be completed by the March 22, 2007 deadline that your notice of correction required, and we ask your agreement to an extension of time. It is surprising to us that the City has construed its munici pal code to require permits for residential landscaping by the owners, but the Anthony's choose not to litigate the issue unless the City insists. I will note, however, that it appears that the wock undertaken by the Anthony's falls within Section 4-9-080(C)(4), and should not be a violation_ 41790-001 \ 258864.doc . '; ..... Stokes Lawrence, P.S. 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4000 -Seattle, Washingto Il 98104-a179 206.626.6000 reception -206.464.1496 facsimile www.stokeslaw.com Neil Watts, Director March 19, 2007 Page 2 When we have the restorati·on plan prepared, we will need Mrs. Scott's permission to have workers on her land to remov,e the soil that was temporarily placed along her dri veway. We will want to be sure that this can be scheduled at everyone's collective convenience s<) that the work can proceed without another :interruption and additional expense. If you have any concerns about proceeding in this manner, please let me kno~. cc: Mrs. Sally Scott Christian and Krista Anthony 41790-00 I \ 258864.doc Sincerely, Thomas A. Lerner Tom.Lerner@stokeslaw.com March 21 ~ 2007 Christian and Krista Anthony 1307 N 27th Ct Renton, W A 98056 Dear Mr. And Mrs. Anthony: CITY OF RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., AdminiStrator SUBJECT: Order to Correct, Violation Index No. C7-0097 The compl'iance deadline on the above subject Order To Correct was March 22,2007. Your representative, Thomas A. Lerner, contacted this office requesting an extension of time. You had previously requested-the Orderto Correct be rescinded. As one of t:he City 'snewer residents, we would like to work with you over the unfortunate events that occurred on March 2,2007. Weare wiIlingtp rescind the letter based on the assurances by Mr. Lerner that you are in the process;· of establishing a plan of restoration for the Scott propertY. Once you have formulated the timeframe for restoration and secured permission in writing from Ms. Sally Scott to complete the work on her property; the Order to Correct will be cancelled. In the meantime, we are granting a 45 day extension, or until May 7, 2007. Should the restoration project be completed on or before May 7, 2007, please contact our office and we will purge the Order To Correct issued in your name on March 9, 2007. Thank you Ior yourcooperation in this mattel;". Sincerely, AieilU;tt; Neil Watts _ Development Services Director Cc: Sally Scott ~--~---~-------'--~-~RE N-T-ON'- 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ( ........ CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 19,2005 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Arneta Henninger, Development Services .tt t-6 CLOVER CREEK II FINAL PLAT LUA 04-116FP PARK AVE N AND N 27TH CT I am submitting the attached original final plat mylars for your signature. The project has submitted the AsBuilt drawings, construction is complete and all fees are paid. I recommend approving this final plat for recording. The yellow file is attached for your use. If you have any questions please call me at X7298. Thank you. cc: Kayren K NeilW. \ ,. Return Address: City Clerk's Office City ~f Renton 1055 South Grady Way RentoD, W A 98055 BILL cOF SALE J)Yt.t.vd3(lou Ll(A -d'l-II fo 111111111"1111" 2Cll041025002~~98 CITV OF RENTON BS PAGE001 OF 002 10/~5/2004 14:12 KIN~ COUNTY, UA I Property Tn Panel Number: /64/4-;0 f)~l) Project :File #lI7A· O+-//b#P;!~~.H. i AI z. 7 c.I I Address: RefereJace Number(s) ofDocwnents assigned or released: Additional reference nwnbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. LC4prAAlJr I/eq/tJl"l'J / L..L C 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Gr:antor, as named above, for. and in consideration ofmutuaI benefits, hereby grants. bargains. sells and delivers to the Gnultee, as named above. the following desaibed personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Length Size ~ U/ L.F. of S .. 7).L.. Water Main LLIb L.F. of ~ .. D./ . WaterMain L.F. of .. Water Main 2. ea~h of ..A " Gate Valves each of " Gate Valves / • each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANrr ARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size ~ L,69 L.F. of e .. ?J/C Sewer Main ~ L.F. of A .. Pv..c. Sewer Main L.F. of .. Sewer Main L each of ~I!J " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes each of " DillJJlcler Manholes STORl'f DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length :::;ize ~ 192-L.F. of LZ .. I...CPE Storm Line L.F. of .. Storm Line L.F. of .. Storm Line each of .. Storm Inlet/Outlet . ~ each of .. -t-Storm Catch Basin each of .. Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb. ~er. SidewaDc, Asphalt Pavement) Cmb. Gutter. Sidewalk ~CO L.F. Asphalt Pavement: L~73 SY or L.F.of Width STREET LIGHTING: # of Poles Z By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persODS. whomsoever, lawfully c1aiming or to claim the same. This CODVC)'3J?ce shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. .1£;04--0 (4-:1 ::t h ~,.,J e H:\FILE.S'YS\FRM\84HNDOUI\BILLSALE.DOC\MAB Page 1 .' Form 84 OOOllbh IN ave hereunto set my hand an-d seal the day and year as written below. INDlYIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT NotmySeal must be within box STATEOJ1WASIiINGTO~ )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______ _ ___________ ------signed this instnnnent and acknowledged it to be hisll1er/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrwne~-t Notary Public in and IQf the State ofWasbington Notary (Print),_' ____________ _ My appointment expires:. ___________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIYE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT NobrySealmustbewithinbox STATEOFWASHINGTON )ss Noauy Seal must be within box COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I kno.w or have satisfactOI)' evidence that _______ _ _ --=--:----:--:-::---:-:" __ ~ __ --:--:---:---signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they waslwere authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ______ _ of to be the free and voluntaIy act of such party/parties for the uses and pmposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and fDr the State ofWasbington Notary (Print), _________ ~ __ _ My appointment expires:. ___________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGfO~ )SS COUNTY OF KING ) ~.Y On this ," day of {}t::::...TpgafL. '" • before me personally appeared ~L?Y iC-. t-tU,61-fl;:'5 to me known to be -nfe GeA.JeZ."ILd?4tV~ of the corporation that 1-........... ._---IIoooooood .... ..., executed the within instrwne;nt, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free CHARLES F. KOKKO and voluntaIy act and deed o~ said corporation. for the uses and pwposes therein mTARY PUBLIC mentioned. and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said STATE OF WASHINGTON instrwnent and that the seal a.:ffixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. COMMISSION EXPIRES I.. __ "...--~~~~~!...-+~~=~:__:_-------I MARCH 1"9, 2006 r- Page 2 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITYOF~ON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 17,2004 Bob Mac Onie Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Arneta Henninger, X7298 A:,l~ CLOVER CREEK II FINAL PLAT LUA 04-116FP PARKAVEN" FINAL REVIEW & A1PPROVAL FORM If all concerTlS have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this mel'"Tlo below and return to me. Thank you. Approval: Name Title Date Approval: '\bf7t J 8r .sJU.QOtN . II,flS,b4- Name . Ie Date cc: Yellow File CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING JPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 15, 2004 TO: JanC. FROM: Ameta Henninger X7298 SUBJECT: CLOVER CREEK 2 FINAL PLAT Attached are the blueprint revisions for the ab ave project. Please review and comment. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you,. , cc: Kayren K. I:\memo.doc\cC>r '. , : , .' , , .... ,: .' 0 .,' ,,' ;",1. '.,:. ~ .. ,' . ~ '. i .: . ' ~:: .... , . . ',' 'J .'- """;,,.' " ... ::. .. ~ .. " .,' ".: .;.,', . . ~': .~ .... -'~ .. ' . ',:. " "'", . . ',- " ,~ .':;.... :: . ;.! " , , ' . ~ .. '.:; . .... ", )' '.'. -: . . 'I . -" "~.' ..... ~. .:0 .. : • ~ _.': . -~.: 0.-". ' '-;., ~ ',' '" '" -' .. ;. • ,~: -! " . " ,: : ~.; ..... ~-. ~." r.~. ,;,. ",'.~:.:' .. -'.' . '.:.' ~ " , ... .,. "'" . ; ,'- , " .f. ' . ~ .. " . :~.' .' " . ',:. ....j. ,,:: '. ~ .. ', . • • • _.r " \' : .. :". ,,' " "~ I ,,' .- ", .''''- ',-'. .~ . , , , " " :," 1" _. ;,' , ::.. '~"., ", /: " .,' . '~ -" ~ " .'~. , ,_.t· ", 'r. •• J. , ~ :' '. . '.' . ,;, '. .~ .. . _,,:.1, .... -" :.,:,' ',' ... ,;. .' ". ...,,' " ; . "'~ . 1-...... . ".\ ':. 'j , -.... ,'. .:" -' ,'t •. " .... _ .. >- -.... .~" .:. '" " '. ,-.. -: .... _. '." ',' ~ '" . ;-. ~ " t . ..... " ':.' ", ...... :.,it , ....• ,', -. :;: ~-' ~:, . ... -:1, .J) " . . .. -,\' , .' ',--:'. , :.~ .. ...... ;'- .:"', • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 2, 2004 Sonja Jason Arneta Henninger X7298 ~ FA CLOVER CREEK II FINAL PLAT The engineer resubmitted the prints for the above plat. Please review and comment. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you. cc: Kayren K. I:\memo.doc\cor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor CIT~ ,OF RENTON City Clerk Bonnie I. Walton October 19, 2004 Mr. Bradley K. Hughes . Labrador Vendures; LLC P.O.B<>x 1461. Rancho _ Mirage, CA 92270 Re: Clover Creek II Final Plat; File N(). LUA-04~116 . Dear:rv£r. Hughes, At the regular Council meeting of Oct,obe:r 18, 2004, the Renton City C<)uncil 'approved the referenced final plat by adopting Resoluti.onNo. 3722. Acopy of the resolution-is enclosed for youer files. . '. If I can provide additional information or assistance, pleasefeelfree to contact me. ' Sincerely, . 'Bonnie I. Walton .' City CIerk - Enclos-ure cc:Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, , Co-uncil President Don Persson Arneta Henninger, Development Services Division To:pl Touma, Touma Engineers, 6632 S 191st pl, Ste EI02, Kent,WA 98032 --------~------~~------~RENTON 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 -(425)430-651O /FAX(425)430-6S16 * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3722 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (CLOVER CREEK NO.2; FILE NO. LUA-04- 116FP). Wl£EREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly aI>proved by the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department; and WlIEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and , WlIEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or -. roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; N~W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIDNGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SE-CTIONI. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONll. The final plat approved by the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth 1 I RESOLUTION NO. 3722 (The property, consistinl of approxima-a:e1y 4.39 acres, is located in the vicinity of Park Ave. N. and N. 27 Ct.) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recoIDIllendation of the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department dated October 7, 2004. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of October ,2004. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1 B th day of_~o~c::....!:t~o~b~e-=-r _____ , 2004. ~~-tJ~ Kathy lker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: RES. 1076: 1 0/8/04:ma 'f' . " " 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3722 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 48 through 51 of Clover Creek, as per plat recorded in Volume 197 of plats, pages 55 though 61, records ofKi:ng County. Situate in Section 5 rownship 23 North Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. . .~ .. ~." RESOLUTION NO. 3722 C) .::0 ~ S N C) --<: ----., -< ~ ~ 0 October 18. 2004 RESOLU'IIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution #3722 Plat: Clover Creek No.2, Park Ave N & N 27th Ct, FP-04- 116 - Annexation: Johnson, 142nd AveSE Annexation: Johnson, R-8 Zoning Planning: 2004 Comp Plan Update Planning= 2004 Comp Plan Update lnlplementation, Development Regulations AmendrrLents Planning: 2004 Update of Zoning Map Renton City Council Minutes • Page 361 related t-o this property will be checked agains-t: the Conceptual Plan document for consistency prior to approval. MOVED B -y PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THECO"MMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: A resolution was read approving the Clover CTeek No.2 Final Plat; approxiInately 4.39 acres located in the vicinity of Park Ave. N. and N. 27th C1. (FP-04-116). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECO~ED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The foll.owing ordinances were presented for "fITst reading and referred to the Council meeting of 10/25/2004 for second and final reading: An ordinance was read annexing approximately 18.24 acres located south of the centerliDe of SE 118th St., if extended, and east of the western edge of the 142nd Ave. SE right-of-way (Johnson Annexation). MOVED BY BRIERE, . SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10125/2004. CARRIED. An ord __ nance was read establishing the zonin.g classification of property located east of 142nd Ave. SE and west of 144th Ave. SE, if extended, and south 01" the midpoint of SE 118th St., if extended, to the southern edge of the Bigelovv property, approximately 135 feet south of SE 121st S1. from R-4 (Urban Residential-four dwelling units per acre; KingCounty zoning) to R-8 (Residential-eight dwelling units per acre); Johnson Annexation. MOVED BY BR.IERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL :READING ON 10/25/2004. CARRIED. An ordinance was read amending the Comprehensive Plan to comply with the manda~ed 2004 State Growth Management A..ct review and update, and adopting Comprehensive Plan text, maps, and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LA.. W, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/25/2004. CARRED. An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Land Use Districts, Chapter 4-3, Envirc.-nmental Regulations and Special Districts, Chapter 4-4, Property Development Standards, Chapter 4-6, Street & Utility Standards, Chapter 4-7, Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 4-8, Pe~ ts -General and Appeals, Chapter 4-9, Permits -Specific, and Chapter 4-11, Definitions; of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to 'implement the 2004 State Growth Management Act update to the Comprehensa ve Plan. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECO:NDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECO:ND AND FINAL READING ON 10/25/2004. CARRiED. An ordinance was read adopting the Citywide zoning map amendments to the zoning classifications of properties located vvithin the City of Renton, and identified as part of the 2004 State Growth Management Act mandated update ofthe Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY RRIERE, SECONDED BYLAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/25/2004. CARRIED. October 18, 2004 Council Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2004 Appointment: Board of Adjustment CAG: 04-087, Main Library Carpet Replacement, Decor Carpet One Plat: Clover Creek No.2, Park Ave N & N 27th Ct, FP-01:.. 116 --- UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planni:ng & Development ComlD.ittee Planning: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update, Map Amends & Development Regulations Amends Renton City Council Minutes Page 359 Approval of Council meeting minutes of October 11,2004. Council concur. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler reappointed Steve Maxwell, 2827 Mountain View Ave. N., Rel1ton, 98056, to the Board of Adjus-:tment, Position #7, for a four- year term expiring on 9/6/2008. Council concur. Community Services Department submitted CAG-04-087, Carpet Replacement at Renton Main Library; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $66,489.88, commencement of 60-day . lien period, and release of retained amount of $3,202.79 to Decor Carpet One, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Developmeat Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Clover Creek No.2 Final Plat; 15 single-family lots on 4.39 acres located at Park Ave. N _ and N. 27th Ct. (FP-04-116). C<>uncil concur. (See page 361 for resolution.) MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRlED. Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the 2004 State Growth Management Act (GMA) mandated update of the Comprehensive Plan, implementing Title rv (Development Regulations) amendments, and 2004 annual map amendments. The Committee met in numerous sessions during 2004 to review text amendments to the policies of the . Comprehensive Plan, Citywide Comprehensive Plan map amendments, 2004 annual private map amendments, and the Title IV development standards and . uses (zoning) text amendments required to im:;plement the State GMA mandated update of tl1e plan. The Committee also received the Planning-Commission recommendations on the Comprehensive Plan text, Citywide concurrent map amendments, annual map amendments, zoning, and the zoning text proposals. The Commi.ttee recommended adoption of run.eildments to the Comprehensive Plan Vision~ Housing, Land Use, Transportat~on, Utilities, Capital Facilities, and EconOIIllc Development Elements; and adoption of three new elements: Community Design, Human Services, and Parks, Recreation, Trails, and Open Spaces. The Committee recommended that the existing Environment Element be retained in Committee pending further revi.ew of the critical areas ordinance and best available science documentation. The followi.ng proposed amendments are held. in Committee pending resolution of an appeal of the critical areas ordinance SEPA determination: 1) Environment Element and policies in the Land Use Element subsection titled "Shorelines of the State: Land Use, Recreation, and Circulation Management"; 2) Land Use Element policies, including LU-340, LU-360, and LU-368; 3) Transportat.ion Element revisions to Policy T -70 and T -71; and 4) Utilities Element text under the heading "Surface Water Quality and Quantity Best ManagemeIlt Practices" and new Surface Wa 1:er Policy U-85. The Corrunittee also recommended adoption <If the ordinances approving the 2004 Comprehensive Plan update and the annual Citywide zoning map amendmen 1:s as shown on the matrix entitled "2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments," summarized as follows: • 2004-T'-01-City of Renton applicant; 2004 State GMA mandated Comprehensive Plan update. CI'lY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL I AI,: g,d. Submitting Data: Planning/BuildinglPLLblic Worlcs For Agenda of: October 18, 2004 Dept/Div.lBoard .. Development Service:s Division Staff Comtact ...... Arneta Henninger X7298 Agenda Status Consent ............. .x Subject: Public Hearing .. CLOVER CREEK NO.2 FINAL PLAT Correspondence .. FileNO.: LUA 04-116FP (Preliminary Flat LUA 01-Ordinance ............. 034) Resolution ............ X Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... 1. Resolution and legal description Study Sessions ...... 2. Staff report and Recommendation Oct:ober 7, 2004 Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Counc:i1 concur Legal Dept ........ .x Finance Dept ..... . Other .............. . FiscallmI>act: N/A Expenditure Required ... Transferl Amendment ...... _ Amount :Eudgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project .. SUMMA..RY OF ACTION: The recommendation for approval of the referenced fInal plat is submitted for Council action. This Cmal plat subdivides 4.39 acres into 15 single family residential lots with \Vater, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street lighting, c-:urb and gutter, sidewalks and street improvements. Design and construction of utilities, lighting and pavement will be approved, accepted or deferred (and a security device posted) as required through the Board of Public -Worl,s prior to recorc:.iing the plat. All conditions placec:.l on the preliminary plat by the City of :Renton will be met prior to recording the plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Appr<>ve the Clover Creek No.2 Final Plat, LUA 04-116FP, with the following conditions and adopt: the resolution. 1. All plat fees shall be paid prior to recording the plat. 2. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to recording the plat. I:\AGNBCLOVERCREEK2.doc/ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. __ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASmNGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (CLOVER CREEK NO.2; FILE NO. LUA-04- 116FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the s~bdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the PlanningIBuildingfPublic Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, . the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildingfPublic Worlcs Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The final plat approved by the PlanninglBuildingfPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth 1 RESOLUTION NO. --- (The property, consistinl of approximately 4.39 acres, is located in the vicinity of ParkAve.N.andN.27 Ct.) . is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of t1le City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department dated October 7,2004. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ___ day of _______ " 2004. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ___ day of _________ " 2004. Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES. 1076: 1 0/8/04:ma 2 ) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 48 through 51 of Clover Creek, aspeJ plat recorded in Volume 197 of plats, pages 55 though ~1, records of King County. Situate in Section 5 Township 23 North Range 5 East, W.M_, in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. . .~ .. ~." , __________ In <D 1 ______ --1--- -----'---•. +.- ORDINANCE NO. 5022 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION BUILDINGIPLANNINGIPUBLIC WORKS CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: Labrador Ventures, LLC Clover Creek No.2 Final Plat (Preliminary PIat LUA 013-034PP) File: LUA 04-116FP Park Ave N aa<l N 27th Ct Section 5, Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. Final Plat for 1 5 single family residential lots: with water, se,,",er, storm, streets and lighting. Approve Wit. Conditions FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record documents in this matter, staff noVY makes and enters the followin~: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Labrador Ventures, LLC filed a request for approval of a 15 lot Final Plat:. 2. The yellow file containcing all staff reports, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other }Pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No. ... 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, :issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated on Augus:t 14,2001, for the subject prop<>sal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments vovith an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is locatec::l at Park Ave Nand N 27th CL The new plat is located in Sect:ion 5, Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. 6. The subject site is a 4.3~ acre parcel. 7. The Preliminary Plat received City of Renton Council approval on December 22, 2003_ 8. The property is located within the R-5 zoning designation (single family - 5 dwelling units per acre). 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The Preliminary Plat was subject to a number of conditions as a result of both environmental review and plat revievov. The applicant has complied with the conditions imposed by the ERe: 1. Z: a. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained within the Gec>technical Report prepared by Terra Associates dated September 8, 1998 with regard to site preparation and construction, as well as building setbacks frOnl the sloped portions of the site. The applicant complied with the recommendations contained within the GeBtechnica1 Report preparCd by Terra Associates. b. The applicant shall retain the 6 trees proposed for removal wi~in Lots 2, 3, and 4. The applicant shall revise the tree inventory plan and all clearing limits to reflect the required tree retention to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of construction or grading permits. The applicant retained the six trees situated along the north boundary of Lvts 2, 3 and 4. c. Temporary erosion control measures shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the DevelGpment Services Division for the duration of the project's construction. TemForary erosion facilities constructed and maintaimed to the satisfaction of the City Inspector. d. The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe instalIation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on tb.e status and condition' of the erosion control plan with any recolB:1llendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or instalLation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. A qualified geologist observed installation and main.enance all throughout the construction phase in accordance with the Ci~ Inspector observation. e. The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior t<> the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiatiIlg site work. The applicant complied with clearing limits outlined on the approved const .... ction plan of the project. C10VERCREEK2FP • DOC! 3 f. The applicant shall limit site disturbance including clearing, gradi~.g, utility, and roadwork activities for proposed Lots 5 through 12 (as depicted on the Preliminary Plat draV\7ing, Sheet 3 of 8 , prepared by Touma Engineers and Land Surveyors dated December, 1998) to occur during the relatively dry months (April through October). If possible, site clearing and gradiIlg should be performed in stages, with successive stages not being cleared until erosion control measures of the previous stage are in place. , The applicant complied with limits of clearing, grading, utility and roadwork activities proposed for Lots 5 through 12 as depicted on the preliminary plat and approved construction plans. g. The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiation of project construction. Excavated soils shall not be placed on or adjacent to site slopes. Staging areas were designated during the grading phase of tbe project for temporary stockpiles of excavated soils. h. The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of ina.ctivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is sec'Urely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section of the Kiag County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) - Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section oftb.e SWDM, Appendix D. Temporary covers utilized during the grading operatioa to keep stockpile of excava-.ed soils in accordance with the approved C~Dstruction plans. i. The applicant shalt establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a. period of 30 days or more by seeding in conjlUlction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King COlUlty Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. The applicant established permanent cover over exposed areas in accordance with approved construction plans and KCSWMD. Section D. j. The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of ~e King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. The applicant provided construction entrance in accordance with approved constraction plans. CLOVE RCREEK2FP • DOC! k. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. The applicant provided construction entrance in accordance with approved construction plaIts. 1. The applicant shall constnL<:t shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water flow and route the flo,,", away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. VegetatioIl growth should be established in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary to line the ditch with rock to protec-. the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swales should conform to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. The applicant provided i1oterceptor ditches and drainage swales to intercept runoff from tbe site during construction of the plat improvements in accordanee with approved construction plans. In. The applicant shall provide c:>n-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributory area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (i.e. silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settling pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design and construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The applicant provided on-site sediment retention in accordance with approved construction plans_ 11_ The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation confiol measures at the site. The contractor performed d:aily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control Dleasures in accordance with the approved plans and City Inspectors approval. 0_ Certification of the proper reJIloval of the erosion control facilities shall be required prior to the recording c:>f the final plat. 4 CLOVERCREEK2FP.Docr Certification of proper removal of erosion control facilities is forthcoming from the City ~nspector final report approving the plat improvements. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing residences prior to the recording of the final plat. The applicant is arranging for payment vf Parks Mitigation Fee. 3. The applicant shall pay the applicable Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate or $75.00 per each new additional trip generated by the project with credit given for the existing residences prior to the recording of the final plat. The applicant is arranging for payment of Traffic Mitigation Fee. 4. The applicant shall be required to limit construction vehicle traffic to North 27tlJ. Place and Burnett Avenue throughout the durati<>n of site preparation and construction of the project. The applicant complied to limit vehicle traffic to N 27th Place and Burnett A "'Venue. 5. The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing residences prior to the recording o£ the fmal plat. The applicant is arranging for payment C)fFire Mitigation Fee. 11. In addition, the applicant has complied with the conditions imposed as a result of Preliminary Plat: 1. The applicant shall establish the access easement necessary for emergency ac.cess to proposed Lot 5 prior to the recording ~f the fmal plat. The satisfaction of this requiremen"1: shall be subject to the revievv and approval of the Development S,ervices Division. Access easement for emergency access tv proposed Lot 5 is ineluded on the r;ace of the plat 2. The applicaIlt shall establish the access to Lot 5 as a shared driveway for both Lots 5 and 6. The satisfaction of this requiremen-t: shall be subject to the review and approval of the DeveIopment Services Division pri<>r to the issuance of construction pennits for the plat. Access easemlent for Lot 5 across lot 6 is .neluded on the plat. 3. The development of the project, specifically the homes within Lots 6 and 7, shall not preclude use of the easement located along; the eastern most property line of the :site by the property owner's who have been granted the rights to the use of the easement. A note was added to plat map related tv the home locations within Lots 6 and 7, protecting t"lte existing easements along tbe easterly most boundary. 5 ClOVERCREEK2FP.DOCI 4. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement s.hall be created concurrently ~ with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for shared private roadway and utility improvements. The sa"1:isfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. The Homeowner's Association for Division I included tl:J.e lots within Division ll. A note to this effect was added on the face of the plat. 5. The Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) shall be amended to include all portions of the 50-foot wetland. "The NGPA, which shall contain the :protected slope areas, 25-foot stream setback, and 50-foot wetland buffer, shall be established as a protective easement to be recorded concurrently with the final plat pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050.G. In addition, the NGP A.. shall be marked during projec~ construction, permanently established through -wood split-rail fencing, and maintained as established by a Homeowner's Association or similar mechanism to be recorded with the final plat. The Native Growth: Frotection Area (NGPA) amended to reflect existing and physical conditions 4>f the location and limits of the 40 percent slope. The plat improvements plans reOected these conditions, thus tb.e plat is prepared to reflect the new boundary ~f NGPA. The plat map revised to show the 50-foot wetland setback, which affect Lots 1, 2 and 3. Also the 25-foo. stream setback is included within the NGPA. 6. The applicant shall revise the plat to provide the appropriate setbacks and lot dimensions for all lots. The plat is revised t~ provide appropriate setbacks for all lots. 7. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERC. The applicant comp.ied with the ERC conditions imposed the plat. The Final Plat generally appears te> satisfy the conditions imposed by he preliminary plat process and therefore should be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve tIle Final Plat with the following conditions: 1 ) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2) All fees shall be paid prior to Ute recording of the plat. SUJBMITTED THIS 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2004 ![~~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 6 ClOVERCREEK2FP .DOC/ -----="'-'-~---------------- ICUII' -.., r--.. I-I- I I CLOVER CREEK NO. 2 ..... _-- II 1 ~~m.I~ •• I~ 1112 II" .. .,) II I I ,- 11311''-lr--71' -..,,,. ~s:.J L-J l" I: 4 115 /L_-~---- \11 )L......." ___ - 13 1 L __ ~ ~~( ~z '\ 7 'L '8 • ,. ------ ••• 1- ....... -....... or- /\ ~ ttJ 5 \ . -I _ c,: (_ \ -;: ~cc: RW 31.313 'Q.ft. 0.72 ocrea EAST SITE 191.:536 3q.ft. 4.39 acres RO 3,543 sq.ft. 0.08 ocrea I- CLOVIER CREEK NO.2 .. CSSJ ~lION ~ QOt,OfNAlDIT Lor, or secTION A roMN~ 23 NtJlfTH. ifAHCC 4 CAST. 1tW. :s~ 1------ - --11"11/1#-,,:------____ ...,.-__ o.z aTY or itO/TON. WA __ ORUIilC SCAU T __ L-l' .. ~ >-C!j ~ fj , ~~ [js Q:<.l 0. . ~III .; I 11!l; ~ llU f j ! '~ f .l'afl , ......... --. . l c.o, HI~'~Kt':::H~_ .:10~ ~ ~ J 'ltd=~"gf:,..uS b.. -J.. L:ld:-~~~U -J. --I~ ;.~~ ~; gt1~1T -I---r -II r II ::: . ~¥# .,.. -~ =:I"':=~q. L --I I ® rrt," "' .4NO\ft c:::::] -~ . ..,. "',. / ~ il,/RAi!r- '. IIIL '" I I IL $7 II I n.'5 II '--~; , .:~.u.~Li'JY" .. Cl~4'""'.~:lJV~ __ -.#- 5 ",,,3"'£"(. ') s ,-rE' (....------------ '. -. d ' .. SCALE 1"=40' GRAPmc SCALE CLOVER CREEK MO. 2 /)OHlION OF GOVEFWMEN7' Lor 1 ~~t~I~~~;~~6 ..... FP!Ki;1'Gm L-.m ______ .-l 7./02P/.T7.D1IIt: SHEET _) OF 4 - <:::JEif? TOUloAA £:I'IGIN££RS l.S4e LAND SVRV£YORS .. ..,., ",.,IUCE ... ~ GIIft. a..R ~(......... ,.(4IU~ " . < eN":' ~ 'l; -----L ~xJO"us~l~ ~T ~ 10 ""J 1---l, f I.-;:-j .• "!"~ 11 6) l;.j ltj Vi 72 CLOVER CREEK NO.2 POF:T!ON OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 LJA-04-116-FP LNO-lO-0375 ELDON ACRES TL 59 I -1 TL 73 ~ SCALE 1 "-40' GRAPlnC SCALE AQU!FFF2 Pl?OTFCifOtv AlOTlCE 7HC LOTS CII£A 1m HEREJN fALL wr:7HIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFlR PROTCC7ION ARE4 lIND NI£ 5lJB.ECT 711 7H£ REQlJlR£lJENTS OF THC orr OF RENTON 0I/D1NANCt: #4J67 IJID AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS orr'S StJt£ SOURCE OF DRINKINC ... A 1l1i' IS SUPPUEO FROII A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNlIfR 7H£ orr'S SlJRFAC:E. rHER£ IS NO NATIJRAL BNIRJER B£1rIEEN THC WA7Dl TABt£ MID ~ SURFACE. £XTREJIE CAR£ SHOIJIJ) BE EJIEROSED tIIH£N HANIJUIG i4Iir UQU1D SVSSTANCE OTHCR THAN 1114/IR Jl) PROTCCT fROM CONTACT rmt 77'IE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE: HOIEOMNERS I/£SPONSI8IIJTY 11:) PROTCCT 7H£ aTY'S DRINKING 11141l1i'_ 74102PL TJ,D'MJ ~ TOUMA £NGIN££RS ~& LAND SUR~YORS .. ..,., ...".,... ....... "111ft _ MU:l "".(CIIO~ IMl_""'- CITY OF RENTON kt. ·'l PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MElVI0 RANDUM Date: October 8, 2004 To: City Clerk's Office From: Patrick Roduin Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information ~o facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: Clover Creek II LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-1 16, FP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Arneta Henninger Acceptance Date: September 21, 2004 Applicant: Labrador Ventures, LLC Owner: Labrador Ventures, LLC Contact: Tom TourTla, Touma Engineers PID Number: 1644500~90, 1644500480, 1644500500, 164450()510 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Final plat to subdivi<Je 4.39 acres into 15 single family residential lots. The plat includes the installation of water main 5, sanitar sewer mains, storm drainage, Sidewalks, paving and street lighting. Location: 2630 PARK AVE N Comments: [! , LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: • November 20,2003 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Brad Hughes Labrador Ventures, LLC File No.: LUAOI-034,PP,R,ECF The site is located at Par~ Avenue North and NE 27th Place Proposes to subdivide th·e 4.43-acresite into 15 single-family . lots, R-5 zone. Development Services Recommendation: Approve Preliminary Plat, subject to 5 conditions. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REP<)RT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on October 28,2003. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information OIl file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following ""';nutes are a summary of the Nove1r2ber 4, 2003 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tqe. The hearing opened on Tuesday, ~ ovember 4,2003, at 9:01 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties w:ishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original application, proof of posting, proo--i" of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. The hearing opened with a presen.ation of the staff report by Jason Jordan, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant is requesting approval of a proposed subdivisio-n of a 4.43-acre site currently located within a residential 5 dwelling units per acre zone (R-5). The lots range from 7,200 square feet to 24,252 square feet and are intended for the development of 15 detached single-family homes. There are 2 existing residences, which will remain on lots 5 and 11. The proposal of 15 lots o-n this parcel would yield a net density of 4.6 dwelling units per acre after the deduction of critical areas and roadways. The Environmental Review ComDlittee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Clover Creek II Preliminary Plan. The DNS-M included 20 mitiga.tion measures. No appeals were filed. Clover Creek II Pre]iminaI)r PIat File No.: LUA-OI-034,PP,R,ECF November 20, 2003 Page 2 The purpose ofR-S zone is to establish and promote urban single-family residentia:l neighborhoods of intennediate density, serviced by urban utilities and containing amenity open spaces. The project would be required to comply with the applicable development standards of the R-S zone designation. The proposal is within the allowed density range of the requested zoning designation. Minimum lot size pennitted in t:he R-S zone is 7,200 square feet. A minimum lot "\Vidth of 60 feet for interior lots and 70 feet for comer lots is required. Proposed Lot ]2 would need to be revised in order to meet the minimum lot width and the rem 2ining lots appear to be appropriately sized. The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requrrements of the applicable zoning classification and are appropriate for the type of development and use conter:nplated. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 will have a minimum building setback of] S feet from the top of the northerly slope in the form of a Native Protection Easement. Access to the proposed lots will De provided from N 27th Street, Park Avenue North rights-of-way which were constructed as part of the Labrador Preliminary Plat improvements. The cul-de-sac is proposed for the area east of Park Avenue. Full street improvements including 28-foot pavement section, gutter, and a 6-foot sidewalk are required along the site's 26th Street frontage . . Construction traffic will be restri.cted to the hours of 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless approved in writing in advance by the Development Services Division. There is concern by residents of the use of Park Avenue and North 26th Street by construction vehicles, the Environment Review Committee has required that the applicant limit c:onstruction vehicles to the use of North 27th Place and Burnett Avenue throughout the site preparation and construction. Approximately 20,037 square fee .. along the northern boundary of the site, leading into the ravine containing Kennydale Creek and the Category 2 wetland, contains sloped areas in excess of 400/0 that qualitY as protected slopes. The plans were amended -':0 reflect the required SO-foot buffer from the category 2 wetland as well as the necessary adjustments to the prop<>sed building setbacks for the affected lots. A Native Growth Protection Area of approximately 20,046 square feet will be created and will contain the required 2S-foot setback from the creek. The NGPA will also contain the protected slope areas, the 2S-foot stream setback, and the SO-foot wetland buffer, which must be established as a protective easement to be recorded concurrently with the final plat. A tree clearing plan has been sublDitted, 10 trees are proposed for removal. The ERe ::required the applicant to retain 6 trees within Lots 2,3, and 4. App]icant will pay Parks, Traffic a.:nd Fire Mitigation Fees. Temporary Erosion and Sedimenta-1:ion Control Plan and a Construction Mitigation P]an are required prior to issuance of construction penn its. 'I1le applicant's SEP A checklist indicates the use of erosion control measures, including silt fences, drainage ditches, and sedimentation control ponds during site construction. The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. The District has indicated that they would be able to support the additional students generated by the proposal. There is an existing 8-inch water line in North 26th Street and Park Avenue North. A w ~lter main extension will not be required for this project. There is a I5-inch sanitary sewer line within North 27th. Place, as well as existing mains in North 26th Street and Park Avenue North that will sufficiently serve this site. Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OI-034,FP,R,ECF November 20, 2003 Page 3 Staff recommends approval of the Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat with five conditions. James Handmacher, lVtorton McGoldrick, PO Box 1 533, Tacoma, WA 98401 stated his c::::>pposition for conducting a public hearing this day, they felt that the public hearing was conducted several years ago and the record was closed, the mJ.atter should be considered upon that record. However, they are prepared to go forward this morning. To all SEF A and Mitigation rulings by <the City, the applicant agrees with th-<>se measures and wiJ] comply with each one. As to the conditions stated by Staff, the applicant is at no opposition to those conditions and will go forward and comply with each of those conditions as well. There are a couple of minor revisions to the dimensions of certain lots within the plat, there is adequate area within the property to ~ccommodate those modifications without changing the overall layout and we believe those can be accommodated as part of the final plat design. Brad Hughes, Labrador Ventures, LLC, 2631 Park Avenue North, Renton, WA 98056 asked that the Examiner approve this project, and also consider the prospect 01 introducing rolled curbs into the project section. The Examiner stated that he did not believe the Council would approve rolled curbs, they have Dot been in favor of them in the past and was sure they would not change their attitude. Mr. Hughes further stated that they were going to grant an easeme:nt to the Scotts, and that that "'Was not their only access to theirproprty. There is an existing easement on this property, there is an existing sewer line along that strip. If Staff i s asking us to record an easement in favor oftl:Jis property, I would like to kDow how we are going to be address~ng the joint maintenance of that easer:nent if they are going to use t:bis as their access forthe house. I do not want to propose a joint maintenance agreement and then have the parties that own this property now and in the future, protest the maintenance of that road if they are the ones using it. Sally Scott, 1405 N 28th Street, Renton, 98056 stated that Mr. Hughes was correct, the easement has been in this area for three families, from the beginning of the property ownership (about 30 years ago). There is access on North 26th, it is a very steep hill and is impassable during snow and icy weather. The concern is that traffic is by vehicles serving the deveIopment and is in a rundown condition. The easement should remain and before we join any agreement as to ~aintenance, the road should 1:>e restored to a stable condition. Marleen Mandt, 1408 N 26th Street, Renton, W A 98056 stated that there is a problem on 26th Street and the visibility there. A traffic safety study was done, it was determined that the stopping distance to stop an automobile at 25 mph, the: street had poor visibility. It "",",as determined that no construction -uaffic would travel on that street, is that still tJbe case? The Examiner stated that Mr. Jordan addressed that concern, and that traffic would be addressed through 27th• Ms. Mandt further stated that 95% of the big haul trucks come down 26th• How can this be enforced? City Hall is called on a daily basis to talk about the trucks using -this street, trucks driving over private property because they cannot get the clearance or visibility. The trucks ~e most likely over the weight limit on this particular street, they are full or big rocks. During the construction of Clover Creek I, the construction trucks used 26th to deliver materials to £he site, and approximately 8-9 residents had flat tires. Mr. Handmacher pointed out that the issues regarding the easement along Lots 5, 6, and 7 is not a platting issue but a private issue between adjacent property owners as to the extent of use of that easement, maintenance of the easement, etc. The plat condition recommended by staff stating that there will be no buildings on that easement adequately addresses it from a platting perspective. As to the scope of who paves it and what vehicles use it, is outside of the platting issues. As to the issues raised by :Ms. Mandt, the review commit::tee has imposed conditions that require 27th and Park be used as a haul route. Some access on 26th is necessary to develop the lots located on that stre;et, but the trucks would then follow Park and 27th out to Burnett. Clover Creek II prelimin'Plat File No.: LUA. -0l-034,PP,R,ECF November 20. 2003 Page 4 Kayren KittrIck, Development Services. City of Renton stated that there is a long file on this matter. There are benefits to a rolled curb within an enclosed cul-de-sac, however, Council has defInitively spoken that there is not to be any rolled curb. Routes can be e~orced for a plat. Citations can be issued, citation have been issued, work can be shut down completely costing everyone money, however, a public street cannot be closed down. Many complaints that have come in have n<:>t been able to be verified as to whetIler or not it was this contractor. It has been traced to being other developments, to private garbage. The question is always, who is using the street. The police have responded, the City has responded. There has been almost daily contact with the developer and contractors, it has been a struggle the entire time. There are, hoW"ever, public roads that we have to allow access to. The Examine r called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further COIIlments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:50 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECO~NDATION Having revievved the record in this matter. the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, Brad Hughes, for Labrador Venture L.L.c., filed a request for approval IS-lot subdivision for detached single-family homes. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # 1_ 3. The Environmental Review ComII:littee (ERC), the City's responsible o:fficial, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DN"S-M) for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located in the vicinity of Park Avenue North and North 27th Place. The site is northeast of Lake Washington Bo-ulevard and north of North 26th Street_ The site is located adjacent to the GriffinIFriends of Youth home. 6. The subject site is a very irregular parcel of approximately 4.43 acres. The subject site is comprised of four underlying lots that contain ~o existing, occupied single-family homes. 7. The parcel has very complex topography. A ravine with a stream runs generally along the north boundary of the site. The ravine i.s characterized by slopes that range 'lP to and over 40 percent. There is also a Category 2 Wetland loca...-tedjust north of the site. A Native Growth Protection Easement will encompass the slopes, creek and ~etland buffer. Staff has recommended that the easement be expanded to contain all sensitive areas that are contained on Proposed Lots 1 and 2. 8. The subject site was annexed to tIle City with the adoption of Ordinance 1821 enacted in March 1960. 9. The city-wide zoning that the City approved in June 1993 reclassified the site to R-I. The City Council recently approved a reclassificati<)n of the subject site to R-5 (LUA-O 3 -034, Ordinance 5022). '. Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-O :l-034,PP,R,ECF November 20, 2(>03 PageS 10. The Comprehensive Plan for this area of the City was adopted in February 1995. rhe map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area iB which the subject site is located as s-uitable for the developII:1ent of single-family use but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. The plan suggests tllat the eastern acreage is suitable for Residential Rural or R-5 zoning. 11. Two exis1:ing single-family homes are located <m the subject site. One home is located on Proposed Lot 5. The second home is located on Proposed Lot 11. 12. Access to the site is via N 27th Place and N 26th Street as well as a cul-de-sac. In addition, there is an easement that runs along the eastern edge ofth·e subject site that provides access to 'the northeasterly most lot as well as a third party property located immediately southeast of the project. 13. The applicant proposes dividing the site into IS lots. Proposed Lot 1 would be loca1:ed in the northwest corner of 1:he site. The lot num bers would then run eastward, around the proposed c'Ul-de-sac and then west ending with Proposed Lot 15 in the southvvest corner of the site. The lots woul <l range in size from 7,200 square feet to 24,252 square feet. 14. The cul-de-sac would provide access to Proposed Lots 4 through 9. These lots meet the minimum 35- foot frontage requirements of the code. Proposed Lot 14 would be a pipestem lot that staff reports meet the code requirements of 20-foot width and a depth of not more than 150 feet. Lot 1 4 does not meet the front yard .setback demanded by code but staff reports that sufficient area exists in the plat to provide the needed set oack. Proposed Lot 5 would have access via the easement located along its eastern margins but that access is considered substandard for Fire Department access. The applicant will be required to provide access to the cul-de-sac. Staff has recommended that the easement across Lot 6 be developed as a shared driveway to reduce the number of driveways on the cul-de-sac. Proposed Lot 12 does not meet the width provisions of the code and would need to be widened. 15. Staffhas also recommended that the developme.;nt of the plat, its improvell}.ents and landscaping not be permitted too block or impede the easement that serves the third party property southeast of the site. 16. The geotechnical report relied on by the ERC re<}uires a 15 foot setback from the steep slopes. This setback has been provided in the plat plans . . 17. The net density for the R-5 density would be 4.& which meets that zone's maximum of 5 units per acre. 18. The proposed lots appear to meet the code standards for the R-5 Zone with the excep1:ions noted. Staff has recomn:::lended the applicant provide the necessary modifications as a condition of approval. The R- 5 zone reqniTC:!s lot sizes of 7,200 square feet. 19. Developme:nt of the 15 homes would generate approximately 150 trips per day with reductions for the two existing homes. The development will add some additional trips to the neighborhood system but there should be no untoward impacts on existing Levels of Service which now range generally from A to B. There are concerns about the heavy construction traffic. Staff noted that haul routes limit the routes for such traffic but there could be some irn.pacts and deviations from the required routes. 20. The development of the subject site will generate approximately 5-6 students who will be assigned to schools on a space available basis. 21. The subject site will be served by City water and sewer services. Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OI-034,PP,R,ECF November 2~, 2003 Page 6 22. StOTal water wil1 be contained by vaults 3.Ild systems constructed in the companion plat located west of the site. CONCLUSIONS: . 1. The proposed subdivision appears to serve the public use as long as the conditions imposed by the ERC and suggested by staff are complied with -.0 protect the site and slope and sensitive areas. 2. The density and proposed single-family development meet the goals and objectives <lfthe Com:prehensive Plan as well the as development regulations and standards of both the Zoning and Platting Codes. 3. The c:levelopment of the site will increase the tax base of the City while the payment of the various mitigation fees will help offset the impacts that the development will create on parks, roads and fire services. The development of in-town h<>-using will also decrease the effects of urban sprawl on more rural areas east of the City. 4. The :applicant should be required to fully respect the existing easement located along the eastern edge of the site and not interfere with its permitted use. This office cannot make any detennination about its current state of maintenance. That will be a private matter between the parties. 5. The development of this portion of what ~as a larger development proposal will continue the alteration of rural land to more intense developmeat and there will be more people and traffic_ Those impacts were forecasted by the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The applicant will be required to observe the intended haul routes and other development guidelines and regt:a:lations. 7. The preservation and demarcation of the sensitive areas should be done in the manner suggested by staff". 8. The applicant shall revise the plat to provide the appropriate setbacks and lot dimensions for al1lots. 9. In c<mclusion, the plat as proposed should be approved by the City Council subject to the conditions outlined below. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the proposed plat subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall establish the access easement necessary for emergency access "to proposed Lot 5 prior to the recording ofthe fmal plat. 'Ille satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 2. The applicant shall establish the access to Lot 5 as a shared driveway for both Lots 5 and 6. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of constraction permits for the plat. ."" J , Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-01-034,PP,R;ECF November 20, 2003 Page 7 • 3. The development of t11e project, specifically the homes within Lots 6 and 7, shall not preclude use of the easement located along the eastern most property line of the site by the property owner's who have been granted the rights to t.l1e use of the easement. 4. A homeowner's association of maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in oreler to establish maintenance responsibilities for shared private roadway and utility improvements. The s2tisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the re~iew and approval of the development Services Division prior 0 the recording of the final plat. 5. The Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) shall be amended to include all portions of the 50-foot wetland. The NGPA, which shall contain the protected slope areas, 25-foot stream setback, and 50-foot wetland buffer, shall be established as a protective easement to be recorded concurrently with the final plat pursuant to RMC Section 4-3-050.G. In addition, the NGPA shall be marked during project construction, permanently established through wood split-rail fencing, and maintained as established by a Homeowner's Association or similar mechanism to be recorded with the fin.al plat. 6. The applicant shall revise the plat to provide the appropriate setbacks and lot dimensions for all lots. 7. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERC. ORDERED TIllS 20th day of ]November 2003. FREDJ.KA N HEARING E MINER . TRANSMITTED TIllS 20th day of November, 2003 to the parties of record: Jason Jordan , 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Tom Touma Touma Engineers 6632 South 191 st Place, Suite E-l 02 Kent, W A 98032 Marleen Mandt 1408 N 26th Street Renton, W A 98056 Brad Hughes 2631 Park Avenue N Renton, W A 98056 Amy Buhrig 1301 N 26th Street Renton, W A 98056 Sally Scott 1405 N 28th Street Reo:ton, W A 98056 Matt Pool 900 N 27th Street Ren~on, WA 98056 Labrador Ventures, LLC PO Eox 3344 Kirkland, W A 98083 Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OI-034,PP,R,ECF November 20, 2003 Page 8 TRANSMITTED TIIIS 20th day of November, 2003 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Members, Renton Planning Commissi-on Larry Rude, Fire Marshal Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Transportation Systems Division Utilities System Division King County Journal Gregg Zimmerman, PlanlBldg/PW Admin_ Neil Watts, Development Services Director Alex Peitsch, Econ. Dev. Administrator Larry Meckling, Building Official Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Council person Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section lOOGofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must: be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., December 4, 2003. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision ofthe Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which cou:ld not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner "'-Vithin fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shan set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Exam iner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is gove:rned by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available forinspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., December 4, 2003. ) .. .:. If the Examiner's Recommendatiom or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be requirecl prior to approval by City Council or final processing oft:he file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisioIlls. This means that parties to a land use decision may not cOIn..rnunicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication pennits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebu-t the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the :initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. --' .J---, '.-~ yo .... 1_ ___ .tIl. .---.~ \ --'-0 :-'~ C3 31. TUN R5E E 112 t· f.:: .:-= ir ~:':. :¥:~ ~. 111 .•. ~ t;.. i'!,-; ~~ ~ ~ (_''I .. -~ dill "I ~Iil I-'fl, I, 11-~ I • f a '. OI.OI/.ER OREEK NO.2 fJ' 1mI00lrrdl/l'f/'I/itllll JJ:/c , CAll; IIIAI. tITY fJ' lItH"'" WAlHlN#1ON '11'" ---_________ _ ... ISSl GRAPHIC ICW:C k;-;w1;;;;Y T T ,...----.....--..... (_ ... , ....... CoD. HI~~' '::-'_:""TOH .:To:.:: ~ N::' J n;;:~~~~6¥~~~~;~_ h~~a~~~~01-,---r -li r ®_ .. _1111 ["'-]_._- I I II I 11." , 1L4D 11." 71.11 II. .0/ / // /. ~' 11. .. ~ ~~e' ~~rt'~1 ..!.. I ~L .. "'~' ~.. I ' ~~+ ! I I . , ,II •• ,. .. ~ ~ .f..-------____ _ I ~ -, .. '\ .. " Compliance with Mitigati~n Measures Outlined in the Determination ofNon-Sigmificance 1.a. The applicant complied with the recommendations contained within the Geotechnical Report prepared by Terra Associates. 1. b. The applicant retained the six trees situated along the north boundary of Lots 2, 3 and 4. 1.c. Temporary erosion :facilities constructed and maintained to the satisfactioa of the City Inspector. 1.d. A qualified geologist observed installation and maintenance all throughout the construction phase in accordance with the City Inspector observation. I.e. The applicant complied with clearing limits outlined on the approved construction plan of the project. 1.f. The applicant complied with limits of clearing, grading, utility and roadwork activities proposed for Lots 5 through 12 as depicted on the preliminary plat and approved construction plans. 1.g. A staging areas were designated during the grading phase of the project for temporary stockpiles of excava:ted soils. 1.h. Temporary covers u.ilized during the grading operation to keep stockpile 01' excavated soils in accordance vvith the approved construction plans. 1.i. The applicant establ:ished permanent cover over exposed areas in accordance with approved construction plans and KCSWMD, Section D. 1.j. The applicant provided construction entrance in accordance with approved c:;onstruction plans. 1.k. The applicant provided silt fences prior to clearing in accordance with appr~ved temporary erosion control plans approved by the City Inspector., 1.1. The applicant provided interceptor ditches and drainage swales to intercept runoff from the site during construction of the plat improvements in accordance with ap~roved construction plans. 1.m. The applicant provided on-site sediment retention in accordance with appro"""Ved construction plans. 1.n. The contractor performed daily review and maintenance of all erosion and s,edimentation control measures in accordance with the approved plans and City Inspectors approval. • 1.0. Certification of proper remo-val of erosion control facilities is forthcoming from the City Inspector final report approving the plat improvements . 2. The applicant is arranging for payment of Parks Mitigation Fee. 3, The applicant is arranging f(>r payment of Traffic Mitigation Fee_ 4. The applicant complied to liIllit vehicle traffic to N 27th Place and Burnett Avenue. 5. The applicant is arranging fc»r payment of Fire Mitigation Fee. City of Renton InterOffice M:emo To: Larry Warren, City Attorney From: Date: Subject: Ameta Henninger t\j ~ October 6, 2004 HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION CLOVERCREEKNc..2FINALPLAT LUA 04-116FP Please review the attached as t<> legal form. Per the Hearing Examiner's report under Recommendation item 4, the applicant shall create a Homeowner's Association or Maintenance Agreement in order to establish n:laintenance responsibilities for shared private roadway and utility improvements. The applicant's response to the Hearing Examiner's Recommendation is as follows: "The Homeowner's Association for Division I included the lots within Division ll. A note to this affect was added on the face of the plat. See attached letter from 'Morton McGoldfrick' addressing the matter of the Clover 'Creek 2 CC&R's. A copy of the final plat is attached and the plat ,note number 4 on sheet 2 regarding the Homeowner's Association is high II ighted. A copy of the letter from Morton McGoldrick is attached. A copy ol'the Hearing Examiner's report dated November 20, 2003,. -is attached for reference and your use_ This plat will be ready r<)r City Council Agenda on Oct<> ber 18, 2004. If I may be of assistance in expediting this request please call me at 430-7298. cc: Kayren Kittrick Yellcw File LUA 04-116FP City 0.-1 Rem..... Department of Planning / Building / Public we ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: l1ann,rtCi COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 7, 2004 -APPLICATION NO: LUA04-116, FP DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMIBER 27, 2004 APPLICANT: Labrador Ventures, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Arneta Henninger PROJECT TITLE: Clover Creek II PLAN REVIEW: Jason Jordan SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA (gross): LOCATION: Park Avenue N & NE 27'h Court VVORK ORDER NO: 77319 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Final plat to subdivide 4.39 acres into 15 single family residential lots. 'he plat includes the installation of water mains, sanitar sewer mains, storm drainage, sidewalks, pavi ng and street lighting. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. l\Ion-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Prob_ble Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impac::ts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor MajIDr Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with partic:LJlar attention to those areas in which we have expertise and ha~e identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed 1:'0 properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date " '. . . Kathy Keolker~Wheeler. Mayor . .".. " October 5,2004" . Tom Touma,PE T9umaEngineers '. 6632Soutli 191st Place, Suite E-I02 l(ent,WA98032 . . J)earMr. Touma:·. . ! CITY C ~'RENTON PIanDingIBuilcl.lnglPublicWo~ Department . . Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Admiliist.,.tor \ . 'SUBJECT: cLOVER CREEK 2 . FINAL PLAT LUAO~116FP . ··:~t~i~ri~'J·~~g~~;;~~~~:~~~::~O~Qunu:MENTS .' Staff hasconipleted their review of the: abOve subject 1510tplatand 'has madei:Ii~ioliowing~ofiuilents .. . _ '. Although every' attemptis:made to do a tllorough review~ there made be additio:nal,coinmentsaS '.' . .' . . . supplemental' mfoImationbecouiesav~ilable. OnceYQu have coriiplet~dthe reYiSio~splease resub~it tWo 'bllielmes to my office. '. . . . ." . :. . . . . ..;." ... ,.,., ",.'.-,:,", FinalPI~t RecordingCo~cems: '. . ..' .;" , :', .• '. ·.NQte~the City I.)fRe~ton-landuse~()n,nurijb~raJld'I~d iecord'nUDlberj;LUA-O~116-FP andL~JO .. ' ... :03 75,r¢spectively, oIi'the drawingsjllt;hespacespt:ovided.th~nufu~~utTebtIy ~oted in<said spaceS are incorrect'········.·. ',. ...:> .•..• .. ~--=-.. " . ".' ~~"'f·'~~:··;,... ',., .. ' '"','-:"~.~> ::,'.' . ", ," .. ~. Thetietothe.CityofRent~nSUrvey CPlltrolNe~9~k:d*s·riotwork.,and thC;jgeopletry o(thes~tiori . b~akdowndoesnotwprl( speeifiCl\lly : the Jep~~Qt:th~:~b.rtJl,"south ~terlitlt\:~ .• AIso,the'.geomett-y of the " subj~ct piat 'bOundary does:not·agreewf~,th~. '!I)~~~lYili!fplat (Clover Creek):; .' '.' " " . .' ,'-.. ::." ~' .... ~ ,",' ,". ,", .' '" '.. .." -" .: ..... : ... :: ~:~ ..... {j... ." .'. : .. ::.':." ", .' '" " ~ .'.. . ": .. ' , ::, Use a heavierlin~ fortheiridiviqUaIIQi:-]mes(She~~'3 aild:4~df4kAs'currefitly shoWn~saidlot lin~~aTe -' baielydarker than th~ lines depICtiDgth,-cej>fopertiessWT9unc:lm.g1:lte 'sllbjectplat:;:.; '. .... " ",; • ", .' • • , • " ";"''.," ,.' -, '-.' • • "":". '. • •••• '. •••• " '.: ;' ~." .' • .' ~ •• > .··~RemovethC?,words ~~CITY pOUNCIL·\tr~J;Ilth~·'~CrrY'QFiENToNAPPR,qv ALS:' :gloc.kfor. the city's' ·._.:May()r; . ,-;~' ." .. ' .: . . .. . ", ~ .'.-: -. '::;:., .~: ':.',,, .:. .:":' . '"':. . .-, ., ... ' .. ' . .' 'lnciU~e~e,<;ityof Renton in the "EAS$MENy' blO<?k(Sheet1 0(4). . '. " . . , . '"'", _: :" . '_: : .... :-... .::. ':".' ," i "" ". "",_ ... _.' .. "..' ' . ' .. ",., .,.",., . : .. , . 'CompleteCit}i of Renton MOilumeilt Car~s~with referertce points of all :new rigb.t-of-waY monuinents Set •. ~ , as part of the plat; ifany~ ..... '. "'. ..' . -.' ~. . The address for Lot6is not included in fie address block noted on Sheet 30t 4~ Said address is 1312N.' 27th C~urt~" . ". . i- Item No. jand:lte~No. 6 under "PLAT· NOTES" (Sheet 2 of4) are essentiailythe same n~te. Remove '. oneoftheseitem~~ . , .' .' . . -' See the attachment for cirCled words that: are misspelled. Revie~ all four, drawirt'g sheets forad~itibhal . ". spelling errors, ifany. . . .' . -" . . . . - 'The recording number of the covenants, '~onditionsand restrictions document (as noted in the fourth item . under the "RESnuCnONS' block on Slteet 2 of 4 and in the second paragraph under the "DEDICA TION/CERTIFICA nON" block on Sheet 1 of 4) is in error. ~ ----~--1-0S-S-S-0-uth-G-ra-d-y-W:-ay---=--R-e-nt.....:..on-. ,-W-:a-sh-i""':"ng-to-n-9S--'O'-S-S ----'----R E N T ON .' ® ThiSpapoer Contains soDlo rei:yded ~rial, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE' . ' . . , Clover Creek 2 · Page 2 Note. that the properties directly to the east and southeast of the 'subjectplat are '''UNPLA ITED"and' platted (give plat name) on S,heet 4 of 4. . . . . . .. There.arereferencest~ '~FEDERM-WAY" iorthefirsttwomonuin~ntS'notedunderthe "~EGEND"l>Iock . , on Sheet 3 of4. Review and revise as needed .. .. Item No.4 uilder '~PLAT NOTES" (Sheet 2 of 4) does not-appe3t to be ne~4ed~A HomeoWner's .' ,Asso(:jation hasbeencreat~~" .' . '. ..siii.... ' .' The plat drawing dQes notsp~Cificallystate who is t06WnTra~t A (de Na~ive Gro~ Protection " .'Easemen9·· . " , '. ..' . · If the HOA (Homeowners'. -Association) is to oWn, aswelfas'maintiin Tract A,ih~ Native GroWth .' . . . . Protection' Area, the f<;>llowiilglariguage coIiceming'ownersh~p of said Tract AshoQldbenoted ml ih:¢pla~, ' .. ; ,.' ' ..... 'drinvllig:' '" . . . . . ." . ,.' .' '., ,lJpon~~ reco~~~g~f-~is pla~:r~~J0A~~S'~!~~~¥~~~~~~ ~o~veyedto tij~blo~er.:c:,.eek .... , ..... .' Homeowners': Assoc.atIon.hI t!l~ey:~tthattlle HOi\. lsdIS~2~ed or otherwise fads to meet. , . ·.itS property.tax ()bJig~~ioits,:3§;eyjde'hc~~~yn(.n:payni~n~~Or~~()Rerty .taxes fOI",:8 periOd .of ":. . ei~teen .(~~}Ill()n~~"then J,f~~Jt5t,~ .!!iis'p:I8tSRaIIJ1ss~~,:~i!d~\~· ~equahUld .Undivided .. .Qwnershlp mt~rest1l1 theJ..,ctpr~y!ously Qwnedby th~ Hq,\~;:i~\ '~'<" . "'> . . :', .. ' '.' Jfyo~ :l1ave .. aity:qliesti~ns ,~e~in;~~rfi~~?~~ .; l)ov)~~:f~l~<dfaWihgrevie~pl~~e> .' . . ' , ", . contact Bob Mac Onie at 425;[430-.7369. ..~ ,y .". . "" ";i; .... . ' .' .. , ~ {;~" ~ '~:'" tA ". " " •.••. ' •.. ' '. ..0 •• -·,t,:t\i:'w,~ . t; ; .:~ .. ConstructIon(:;,~mments. . ~ .;~:, '. \ . i"itl", ',";;, [,1" _ ;' :," 'P,lease ~ot~ that the comments i~lx:>ve ~q~esSftlIe ' t revi .0, o~/'~ilI,wan~io' continu~ 'working with the '.' , City inspector, Tom Main~-_to in"~~>Th,!lt~th~ project has a tmal \yal~~truOtgg'and sigI)~ffbythe inspector. '" This ~cJudes any'puncldi~ ~fems~~I~ffut~~~t~~;.,~~OJth~e1~~tv1a.wrbnance Division. You wi1l,~ai}~t . 'to verifY that you have the proper s~~t ~aJpes'oPtthe:$trec:rt Ji~e sj~~~alOlig ~th compl~ting all street.-.. .. .. signage) that are required l::o'be installoo~fi6Ttofr~Qiding~iPle~/ "&'htact Tom Main if you have any' .- , .•.. "qu~stions on these,c~nstrUctioriite.m.s. '. '''~'~'Ct~:;~;3~_E~:+;'~:t!0 .' . ..... ; .. . ~ ..' ".': .-;. '. 'AUroadway,an:d,stre~t si~age\V()rk n~edsto"be c.()mpleted~, .:-:' ...... . . '.:." .', '. .,' : .. The constiuctionpetmit, pI~mYIa..srIiust bechecke,d~ut fr6inth~ s~floOr publi~', worksc6u~terand' ~". ." "j' -~. : -.,; ;, .,' . updated or r~piaced witba cori'lj)lete As.Buihplan set: ,All plan sh.e~ts; mcludiIig:thc;seconstructedper' .' . . '. '" ,',design,nlustbeverifie4.,Strun~4 and sigoedasAs-BuIIfbya licensed surVeyor or engineer~ ·Jbemylars.'·· .. ' .. " . ,' .. areJab~led As-Built in:i~ebloCkJettefs ~d sfumped'bya PE,or,P'LS~Sub.nitariASClfilealong'With" , < your As"'.Builtdrawings. ...... " .. ,. ..' . ", '.:, . ., '. '" ... ' The civil drawings .sh~tlla.£curately refl~ctt1ieconstruction activity ..... ' Th~.civil drawingsalsOneed ~osh<>-w ~. , all watermaih; sanitary se~€:T' and stonn drainage, syste91s:easeme~ts' whiCh.shall b~ consi~tellt with the . · . As-Built location of the u.~lity. On~ethe above have ~eri addressed, submitone set of As-B1Jilt bluelin.es, . , of the civil drawings to my office .. The inspectoi.wi11·b~reviewing thebluelines andifallis'in orderlwill then call for the civilmylars to be. retUrned. These final mylars must be sQ.bmitted for our permanent'. r~cords.·· ' .. ;. ,.,<.! . ,.,. : " CI<>ver Greek 2 P1l.Ee 3 . Construction .Cost Data Concerns: •• , I • At the sam¢time theAs~Boiltbltielines are'submitted, the o~er ofthedevelopraent ~rauthorizedagent . shall supply the detailed construCtion cost qf the public ,Water system, Sanitary~ew'er Syst~m.Storm· ~imige Systems, street improvements· atl9 streetlightin.g on the Cost'bataan~ Ir:iventory Form arid sign it ' , at·'t:he bottom. This' form is to reflect only those faCilities thafwill beturnedo'Ver -:to theCity. EJGllliples of item that are NOTtumed overaresides~wer' stubs, water service lines and private storm' dfamage.' ' .. facilities. Retuin the origimllform to·myoffiee .. Th¢BillofSaleis to i:ef!ectthe~temSJltldquantjties3s shown: on the Cost. Data and InventorY.f~nil (both afe enclosed). .' ". ,.4fi{I' '.' ' .. ' ' .. ':.: ..A IJlaihtertance bo~di~ requiredinthemIio~tof 1 Oo/c,6f the graitrlt()tal' of the ",a.er ~ sewer; Storm; stre~t . . .' •..• and· streei.lightingcosts as sh()\VD onthe ;Co~t Data Iriventoty form: A standard Ci;ty of Rerito~ .. ' ". '. ',' .. ..... m~intenancebond form is encloSed~ The' permitbo~d· will be released uponreceiptand'~cept8nce of the .. inaintenanceboild;oftheaoove .documentationand rlIlalsign~ffby the ihspector;._· . ..... . --." .' " ;,:, . ", ." .' '",. '. '. -.- ." ~ . . . . Fees: . .... ....., .. ". . .' ,." .' ......... ., " .. The a~plicantshallpaytheFrr~ Mlti~atl~~17Jt~~at'~'f'}8~J~f1eac e.w sulgle familyJ6t prior to the .....•.. '. reC'9rdmgofthefmal plat. ' "ii.;j'F?=~i'"i.· " . <'. ..... . . . ' ~ _ ' .' :.' ," '" .::1' f". . \. ~~"r" •• ,:,~ , ". ..: .. -;;~~¥,R, 't;. ',' : The applicant shall pay the TransR6rtaifo.aMiligatiQlrFee'~6£$}\b7~~ , 'ior to the recording ofthefmal pi".. ... .. .. .... . ..• ... . . . •. lC.:;( . .... · \;:~~~.\ ..... '0· . ••• •. •.• .•.••• • .................. . • ·'fh~.applieant shaH:paytbe P~ Mitigati.ori;F.~ each'new'~n(~e f~lylbt.piiortothe ,recording()ftheXlllalplaL ,t ':f ',' ~,fW ,\ .,., '. .... . .... '. . '. ~;l .'. ~ . m . " .. ·.·PJ· .. ~ .... ·.·n· 'g' ... ·C·omm·,· .. ' e' n·· .. t.·.· .' '.,. $; . I' . . if: ~JlU -, .' . . " ... ·l. .' l.t~j* i' . J. "Tra~tA n~eds:to in(:lude 'theW~\I~~~~~~E~~?'/l~,;~:)qf:~ '7: General . ...... <.' .. '.... . "\;t·;'~"f~~':)·:~~i,~".~.~L~¥i'::::~'<'''~: A c~pyofyourattorhey'sletterregartijpg:~~~ H9~WIi'et~~K~':1~! .' Jorrevie~. lwillkeepyouinformed.of'ti~J7~iew:5\i .'. ; ... 't .. , ,.' .' . " , :. .'.., ' ·;·;~~~1~.it~¥~~2{~~~,:~~~t~~: . ... , ·It is-,'ateamefforfofalloftheab9ve City ~ivisi()ns y~)1ir e~.igineer aridyoursurveyor:to . get .yo~plattoflDal ' •. ,plat' apPTQval.)fyouhave anyqu~stions,:pl~aSe c6iltact'meat 4is~~o~ 7498.·TIl~YouforYQur. ...... . •...... ··cooperation. . . . . . ~ . . . ." . ..... . '. ,,' . . ', ... . ,:,',' " ' .. ' ·'Siile:erely,· ' /{a'~'" . ..... . '" .....•.....•.•...... ' ,,': . . AmetaHe~i~ger .. Engineering Specialist cc:~yren Kittrick ,,: - '. , ~ • City of Renton InterOffice Memo To: Larry Warren, City Attorney From: Arneta Henninger A.,Jr\ Date: October 7,2004 Subject: Clover Creek No.2 Final Plat LUA 04-116FP Attached for your action are a copy of the agenda Bill and a draft ~ersion Resolution for the Clover Creek No.2 Final Pla~. The proposed date for consideration by the Council is October 18,2004. If! may be of assistance in expediting this request please call me at 430-7298. Thank you. cc: Kayren Kittrick Yellow File LUA 04-116FP Project Name CLO\l6YL c.rl.G6?L No.1- Project Address '"?A~ l\\JG" N~ ~ biG" 'Z.1~ C! Conta ct Person TOU~f\ ~~~\ 9J®J'?S= Address \Pto ~d. S \q,~t PL ~Utre e.,-\O~ Phone Number ~ 7.. ~-1.'0) -Oto~ S Permit Number L\)~-b\ -Q~t.\ Project: Description p~eU!:""t-.l~ ·P/p./t ltUm ~~otJG ID Au...ov-.J up 10 l~ 5,p.><.,u; £tw.\1 l?J;~I~IDJJJI\rL LOT> Land __ LJ~e_ Type: f\I.Iethod of Calculation: . Jl! Residential iZJ ITE Trip Generation Manual o Retail o Traffic Study o Non-retail o Other Calcula tion: . ~.~7. ~'rs rev \OT" 4.S1 ~'1? ~ ~1''1.1S . fe'f \ol' ~.Sl ~. \~ \0-\> ~ \4~.'SC:S +v\~ I '-\~ .. c:£:> ~ .,5 ~ ~ tO j 1~· ~'5" ~ <=:.~no\) C2.\O") f<..e~\t::~6lsn ~ l.. q.~, +Vlfs I~· Transportation Mitigation Fee: Calcula ~ed by: ..!l.i-.4-:-'..l-~l.lo!dfullU.J&;W~ _____ _ Date: ~ J 'Z ~ !-z,ot> I Accou .... t Number: ____________ _ Date of Payment _____________ _ , , City of Remon Department of Planning I Building I Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: M\~ COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBF.R1. 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-116, FP DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEI\ \~ 2f&~ ~ n ~7 Je r;:0 APPLICANT: Labrador Ventures, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Arneta 'i~~i m . I I nger 1 PROJECT TITLE: Clover Creek II PLAN REVIEW: Jason Jordan II II ~FP ? 7 ?MA. Ie::; SITE AREA: BUILDING A..REA (gross): I LOCATION: Park Avenue N & NE 27th Court WORKORI>ER NO: 77319 r~IIY~Q~ HE ~T9N I IL ULi ,.,n .'Z 1 .... :[:1"<1 I SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Final plat to subdivide 4.39 acres into 15 single fanlily residential lots. The plat includes the mstalli::lllUn of water mains, sanitar sewer mains, storm drainage, sidewalks, paving and street lighting. A_ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. l\Ion-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Maj~r Information Impacts Imp.acts Necessary Environme"t Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LiqhtlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoridCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment fO,OOOFeet 14,000 Feet B_ POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 0_ ~~---===:::::-----~-::::.:::.-===-=-=---=-- Keolkelr-Wheeler. Mayor September 27,2004 Tom Touma Touma Engineers 6632 S 191 51 Place #E102 Kent,VV A 98032 Subject: Clover Creek II LUA-04-116, FP Dear Mr. Touma: CITY )F RENTON PlanningIBuildin!¥PublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerma:m P.E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of 1:he City of Renton has determined tha1: the subject application is complete accordilllg to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You wjll be notified if any additional inf0rmation is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7298 if-you have'any questions. Sincerely, ~ Arnet~ Henninger' Engineering Specialist cc: Labrador Ventures, LLC / Owne r -------l--:O~S-=-S -=S-ou-t~h -=G-ra--=d'-y=W:-=-a-y--=-R-en-to-I1l-,--=W.=-=-as-=-h-=-in-g-to-n--=9::-:8-=-OS-=-S=-------R E N TON ® This paper contains 050% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CIT\' OF RENTON RECEIVED :.tP 2 1 2004 City of Renton LAND US E PERMIT BUILDING DIVISION MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Labrador Ventures, LLC Clover Creek ~o. 2 ADDRESS: P. O. Box 1461 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: ZIP: Park Avenue N & N~ 27th ct Ranch<=> Mirage, CA 92270 TELEPHONE N~MBER: -760-346-7141 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLI CANT (if other than owner) 164450-0480, 04~ 0, 0500 .n~1 n NAME: 'Sa..me as Owners EXISTING LAND USE(S): • . , 1 ResLdentla COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Resi dential ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: sf CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): S.F. TELEPHONENU~BER EXISTING ZONING: R5 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): R5 NAME: Tom Touma SITE AREA (in square feet): 1 f -=1 j ; ~ ~ 1 S§ • F • SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if appli cable): FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING Tourna E~gineers THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): ADDRESS: 31,358 SF 6632 S 191 st Place, Suite E102 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 4.58 CITY: Kent ZIP:g8032 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (ifC applicable): 15 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-2511 -0665 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 13 Q:weblpw/devserv/forms:/planninglmasterapp.doc 08/31104 PRctI!CT INFORMATION (continh ... J) r---~~--------~~--------------------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 800,000 :} SQUA.RE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDE NTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA IS THE SIT!E LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONIVIENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 1907 -lot 5 ~UIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NoN!RESIOEr:ffIAL I I D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RES I DENTIAL ~LOOD HAZARD AREA /7; 27/ sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA D GEOL .oGIC HAZARD NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABlrAT CONSERVATION applicable): NA -D SHOR.ELlNE STREAMS AND LAKES NUMB ER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NA D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ____ sq. ft. ____ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE 6}pj/."/ / QUARTER OF SECTION .5 , TOVVNSHIP 23, RANGE G:, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. ~,?~/?W 3. 2. 4. Staff \NiII calculate applicable fees an d postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSI-IIP I, (Print Name/s) • /.Itl6/f'e5 G./II. , declare that I am (pl~ase check one) ~e current owner of the property involved in this ap ication or the authorized rep sentative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the inforll"11ation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:weblpwr devserv/formslplanninglmasterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfaC'tory evidence that ~t)tLY K. IItI~6S signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. te of '" I' gt , ~""F'IZ,wA Notary (Print) .5 lA....5A-AJ C c:) 0 pe IL 1-../3-07 My appointment expires:. _________________ _ 08131104 T~;J( .,,\ , ,;,'" " JQ L I / I _ .. L.:.lI,!'~ SCi· rtt \ . 0, 4':::) oeres , ~ ,,..,~ __ ~:~P(-O "41,. {J~""" , Y,G W.,k .. U't Tu.rii.:-.: .. .-:.--.-'.. ~'1o'2f't1 ~/'M>":/~ .. j///h0'/17/77.ij)#:j~-~:-/.·.~n I I ~ /" ~/ . \. , ...... }. r . ~,.\ ~ ~ 9XDi',.--Ck+_-> Q TLlJ lSi Lll r--OJ (\J (,J ~ ~ Ul {\~ ,y '~' \' 45' 46 , \ '\ , , , , . ~ \\ \.. '\:: .. ''\'\ '" ........ /'~ '." .... '~'" '-. -.... "'. . ...... . . ;;;.........-~ / ""::"-'-/ /o,.,';';"'·",;,;:.f;--':;':'::---'-F·" [ I N' 27l~ ra.r\"f'~ 4 CLlO\;FR tCRfE 3 I 2 I . I 1 H89'bJ' 4e"'w ;,. .. r --;{Ir-------_ [. 15' l r--I . ---, Ii .~\ ~ Z ~[5 I --I --: . ,~o'j.. :11 l"i-r __ I._I'" '\~ j « ~ ...... I z (] J- dj CL .". a CL LL """ 0: oJ) ('I) t'J ~ I is) (Y) I oj L:---ft!ir?w--J --... .... , --",\. AI ~:::" ... :,:,- ~ .. "C: . I I ,L., k· I " J I I [ I : I ~-=::.'"-1 ., ... CITYOFR~NTON RECEiVED S~, :.1' ~u~ BUILDINGDIV/SION ;;:.' ............ 1. LJ I IlWoP + .. ----0,."..., ... · .£r .... ~ 9., ..... Cod' Oc.o:.~·OUI /(pyC/)7) 0 cLBV TL 54- ------....... 13' TL 4;; ~ (,; it'" TL ·45 -~.-~- PLAT D) rOTAL ARO. -- NO, OF LOTS - R/W AR£A -.-' HAZARD AREA NET TOTAL -- DENSITY 15/J.~ q9?3~ NOTE: . [XISnNG UTILITY LOCA noNS SHOItN HER£ON ARE ;l 8£ mE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSJBIUr'r' TO DE7T::RMI ANO HORflONrAL LOCAnON OF AlL EXISDNG UN06 C~MMcNCINGCONSTRljr;TrON. NO R,fR'~'rtTA nfJN, 'UTILITiES M?f SHOWN H[R[ON. m[ ENGINEER ASS( FOR. uTILI n£s NOT SHOI'-N O.'? UTILI T1ES NO r SHO\O\1 1)·· SlTv~FPeFI t.-8i-S 7 ~ it Morton . -McGoldrick A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW Christopher E. Allen James A. Cathcart Marc H. Cochran* Robert E. Critchfield* David McGoldrick James V. Handmacher James H. Morton Mark E. Holcomb Kathleen E. Pierce SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDREss:meholcomb@bvmm.com Bradley K. Hughes Labrador Ventures, LLC P.O. Box 1461 Rancho l'vlirage, CA 91270 Re: Clover Creek No.2 Dear Brad: J 820 "An Street. Suite 600 P.O. Box 1533 Tacoma. Washington 98401 Phone: 253.627.8131 Toll Free from Western WA: 888.423.4083 Jonete W. Rehmke Charles F. Schmit, Jr. Facsimile: 253.272.4338 Firm E-mail: bvmm@bvmm.com Web Site: www.bvmm.com Kenneth Fielding (ofCounse1) *LL.M. (Taxation) August 20, 2004 ....... I am writing to you regarding your recent inquiry regarding Clover Creek No.2. Phase II consists of the subdivision of lots 48 through 51, inclusive, of the Clover Creek plat. You have asked for my opinion as to whether there are any additional recorded documents necessary to make certain that all newly-created lots in Phase II are part of the Clover Creek Homeowner's Association and subject to the underlying covenants, conditions, restrictions, and easements of record. I have reviewed the underlying CC&R's for the Clover Creek plat which were recorded under King County Auditor File No. 20010108000667. The legal description for the CC&R's mirrors the same legal description on the plat itself. The recording of the Clover Creek plat in 200 I created the relevant lots 48 through 51, inclusive. In short, the Phase II lots are subject to the underlying CC&R's for the Clover Creek plat. In addition, the CC&R's for Clover Creek clearly apply to Phase II lots. The definition· of "lot" includes any land "shown upon any recorded subdivision map of the properties .... " (Emphasis added.] In addition, paragraph 3.2 specifically states in relevant part: " ... In the event an existing lot is further subdivided, each of the lots shall also be subject to this declaration and shall be entitled to one vote for each new lot owner. As exiting lots are further subdivided, the o\crall number of lots shal1 increase accordingly." I do recommend that the final plat for lots 48 through 51 specifically state on the face of the plat that each of the lots is subject to the prior CC&R's. Following similar language to the prior CC&R's, the restrictions on the face of the new plat could read:( "Each lot shall be subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions for the Clover Creek plat, as set forth in the document filed under King County Recording No. 200108000667." i " .' I< Bradley K. Hughes Labrador Ventures, LLC August 20, 2004 Page 2 of2 I am enclosing for your reference a copy of the subdivision Guarantee which I recently received from Transnation Title. I am also forwarding a copy of this letter to Tom Touma for his reference. ilicorporatt: the language noted above, or similar language, on the face of the plat. have any queslions, please do nol hesitate to contact me. :tl~ t&1ark E. Holcomb ivlEH:kg Enclosure cc: Tom TOllma (w/enc1osure) G:' LA WTYPE\Co\M B\LETTERS\Labrador·Hughles-081904.doc I ask ~hat Tom IfyoLl or Tom -.,:'--" '. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION () F NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITI~ATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-01-034,ECF,PP,R APPLICANT: Labrador Ventures, LLC PROJECT NAME: Clover Creek No.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat, Rezone and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the 15-lot su bdivision of a 4.43-acre site. The subject property is currently designated with the Residential - 1 dwe Iling units per acre (R-1) zone. In order to create the 15 lots as proposed, the applicant has requested a rezone of the property to the Residential -5 dwellin!;) units per acre (R-5) zoning designation. LotA.. TION OF PROPOSAL: LEAl> AGENCY: Park Avenue North & NE 2ih Place City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probat> Ie significant adverse impact on the environment. .An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination iI'Tlust be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 3, 2001. Appeals must be filed in \tVriting together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained "'rom the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510, PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIG NATURES: August 20, 2001 Augus-t 14,2001 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Department of Planning/Building/Public Works d.,smsign 8~ 14-D/ DATE DATE CITY OF RE~TON DI;IERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION J'\JO(S): LUA-01-034,ECF,PP,R APPLICANT: Labrador Ventures. LLC PROJECT NAM E: Clover Creek No.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat, Rezone and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the 15-lot subdivision of a 4.43-acre site. The subject property is currently designated with the Residential - 1 dwelling units per acre (R-1) zone. In order to create the 15 lots as proposed" the applicant has requested a rezone of th e property to the Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre (R-5) zoning designation. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Park Avenue North & NE 27th Place MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. a. The applicant shall comply with the recomm endations contained within the Geotechnical Report prepared by Terra Associates dated September 8, 1998 with regard to site preparation and construction, as well as building setbacks from the sloped portions of the site. h -: -=-= i='>'. - b. Tl"le applicant shall retain the 6 trees proposed for removal within lots 2, 3, and 4. The applicant shall revise the tree inventory plan and all clearing limits to reflect the required tree retention to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of construction or grading permits. c. Temporary erosion control measures shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the re presentative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project's co nstruction. d. Th e applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or ins-tallation shall be submitted by the projec1 engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. e. The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. f. The applicant shall limit site disturbance including clearing, grading, utility, and roadwork activities for proposed Lots 5 through 12 (as depicted on the Preliminary Plat drawing, Sheet 3 of 8, prepared by Touma Engineers and Land Surveyors dated December, 1998) to occur during the relatively dry months (April through October). If possible, site clearing and grading should be performed in stages, witll successive stages not being cleared until erosion control measures of the previous stage are in place. g. The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiation of project construction. Excavated soils shall not be placed on or adjacent to site slopes. h. The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is secUirely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water • 0" .; Clover Creek No.2 LUA-01-034,ECF,PP,R Mitigation Measures (continued) Page 2 of 2 Design Manual (SWDM) -Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. L The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a period of 30 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King County Surface·Water Design Manual, Appendix D. j. The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. k. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. I. The applicant shall construct shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water 'flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth should be established in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary to line the ditch with rock to protect the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swales should conform to the speCifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. . m. The applicant shall provide on-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributory area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (Le. silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settling pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design and construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. n. The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures at the site. o. Certification of the proper removal of the erosion control facilities shall be required prior to the recording of the final plat. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot with credit given for the existing residences prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the applicable Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 per each new additional trip generated by the project with credit given for the existing residences prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. The applicant shall be required to limit construction vehicle traffic to North 2ih Place and Burnett Avenue throughout the duration of site preparation and construction of the project. 5. The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot with credit given for the existing residences prior to the recording of the final plat. mitmeasures CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): . APPLICANT: LUA-01-034,ECF ,PP,R Labrador Ventures, LLC PROJECT NAME: Clover Creek No.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat, Rezone and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the 15-lot subdivision of a 4.43-acre site. The subject property is currently designated with the Residential - 1 dwelling units per acre (R-1) zone. In order to create the 15 lots as proposed, the applicant has requested a rezone of the property to the Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre (R-5) zoning designation. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Park Avenue North & NE 27th Place Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050.G, all Native Growth Protection Area boundaries shall be marked with barriers easily visible in the field during the development of the project and shall also be permanently identified with signage approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Tree protection measures shall be employed pursuant to RMC section 4-4-130.1.9 for the trees required for retention. 3. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 4. Necessary revisions to the preliminary plat plans must be completed and submitted to the project manager a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing. 5. Due to the project's inclusion within Aquifer Protection Area -Zone 2, a Fill Source Statement pursuant to RMC section 4-4-060.L.4 will be required prior to the import of any fill materials to be utilized on site. 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of sprinkler and fire alarm systems. Plan Review -Surface Water 1. The storm drainage facilities for this site were installed under the previous Clover Creek I project. There are no additional requirements. Clover Creek No.2 LUA-01-034,ECF,PP,R Advisory Notes (continued) Page 2 of3 2. The System Development Charges for surface water shall be based on a rate of $525.00 per each new lot with credit given for the existing residences. The development charges are collected as part of the construction permit. Plan Review -Water 1. The site is located within the Aquifer Protection Area -Zone 2. 2. The site is located within the 435 pressure zone. 3. There is an existing 8-inch water main in North 26th Street and in Park Avenue North. 4. Additional fire hydrants may be necessary to meet fire flow requirements. 5. The System Development Charge for water shall be based on a rate of $1,105.00 per each new lot with credit given for the existing residences. The development charges are collected as part of the construction permit. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. This project is located within the Aquifer Protection Area -Zone 2. 2. There is an existing 15-inch sanitary sewer main in North 27th Place. 3. There is an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main in North 26th Street and in Park Avenue North. 4. Per the approved sanitary sewer main in Clover Creek I, there was to have been a 20-foot sanitary sewer easement for the construction of a future sanitary sewer main. This plant, the proposed Clover Creek II, triggers this requirement. Hence this project will be required to design and construct a 15-inch sanitary sewer main either along the east property line of lot 44 of Clover Creek I OR through new lots 1 and 2 of Clover Creek II. 5. A sanitary sewer main extension (minimum 8-inches in diameter) will be required to serve the lots in the cul-de-sac in the proposed plat. 6. All lots will need to be served via gravity. 7. Dual side sewers will not be allowed. 8. The System Development Charge for sewer shall be based on a rate of $760.00 per each new lot with credit given for the existing residences. The development charges are collected as part of the construction permit. Plan Review -Transportation 1. This project is required to provide a 28-foot pavement section, curb, gutters and 6-foot sidewalks along the frontage of North 26th Street. 2. Street lighting is required to be installed for this project on the streets. All street lighting shall be per City of Renton standards and specifications. 3. All new electrical, phone and cable services to the plat must be undergrounded. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to the recording of the plat. Plan Review -General 1. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. advisorynotes I Clover Creek No.2 LUA-01-034,ECF,PP,R Advisory Notes (continued) Page 3 of3 2. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton current horizontal and vertical controls network. 3. Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs, 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees #or water service related expenses. See drafting standards. 1. Previous construction along Kennydale Creek created sedimentation runoff into the creek and impacted the water quality ifl Coulon Park. Further, the sediment was deposited in the park at the upstream side of the pede~trian bridge constraining the flow of water under the bridge. 2. Additional precautions and measures to control sediment runoff during construction need to be put in place by the contractor. Any deposition of sediment in the park caused by the construction, subsequent removal and associated permitting costs needs to be reimbursed to the Ci~ by the contractor. Building The applicant must maintain the required distance for footings from any steep slopes. Property Services Comments regarding corrections necessary prior to the public hearing as well as for the final plat submittal will be forwarded under separate cover. advisorynotes landAmerica Transnation August 4, 2004 A ecrrvoFRENTON CelVED SEP 2 f 20lJIt BUILDING DIVISION Touma Engineers 6632 S. 191st Place, Kent, WA 98032 Suite El02 Attn.: Tom Touma Reference No.(s): Order No.: CS -20076046-T23 Property Address: , Renton, Washington Buyer / Borrowers: Seller(s): LLC Labrador Ventures 14450 N.E. 29th Pl., #200 Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone: 425-451-7301 800-441-7701 Fax: 425-646-8576 In connection with the above referenced Order, we are enclosing documentation as requested. If we may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact any member of the team listed below I Title Team Chris Scurti (425),(;46-8585 cscurti@landam.com Jessica Rangel (425) 646-8572 jrangel@landam.com Eric T. Bloomquist. (425) 646-8583 ebloomquist@landam.com 1-800-441"'"7701 Fax: (425) 646-8576 We thank you for this opportunity to serve you. Chris Scurti Title Officer Enclosure(s) Cc: Transnation Title I Gordon Bronson Touma Engineers Mark Holcomb, Attorney at Law Attn: Transnation Title / Gordon Bronson Attn: Tom Touma Attn: Mark Holcomb, Attorney at Law Transnation Mark Holcomb, Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1533 Tacoma, WA 98401 REFERENCE NO: / Order No.: 20076046 Liability: Charge: Tax: Total: SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE 14450 N.E. 29th Pl., #200 Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone: 425-451-7301 800-441-7701 Fax: 425-646-8576 $10,000.00 $ 350.00 $ 30.80 $ 380.80 Subject to the Exclusions from Coverage, the limits of liability and other provisions of the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed and made a part of this Guarantee, and subject to the further exclusion and· limitation that no guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. Transnation Title Insurance Company a corporation herein called the Company, GUARANTEES Mark Holcomb, Attorney at Law And Labrador Ventures, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability amount stated herein which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. Dated: July 16, 2004 Transnation.Titie Insurance Company :7?-~ Subdivision Guarantee GNT004 Page 1 of 6 Order No.: 20076046 SCHEDULE A 1. Name of Assured: Mark Holcomb, Attorney at Law 2. Date of Guarantee: July 16, 2004 3. The assurances referred to on the face page hereof are: a. That according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the following described land: See Exhibit A attached hereto. b. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: Labrador Ventures, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company c. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Guarantee is: A fee simple estate Subject to the Exceptions shown below, which are not necessarily shown in order of their priority. EXCEPTIONS: 1. (A) UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; (B) RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR IN ACTS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; (C) INDIAN TREATY OR ABORIGINAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EASEMENTS OR EQUITABLE SERVITUDES; OR, (D) WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER, WHETHER OR NOT THE MATTERS EXCEPTED UNDER (A), (B), (C) OR (D) ARE SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SERVICE CHARGES, AS FOLLOWS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, PENALTY AND STATUTORY FORECLOSURE COSTS, IF ANY, AFTER DELINQUENCY: (1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1) TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 1644500480 YEAR BILLED PAID BALANCE 2004 $4,503.44 $2,251.72 $2,251.72 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, NOT INCLUDING INTEREST AND PENALTY: $2,251.72. LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE LAND: ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVEMENTS: (AFFECTS LOT 48) $273,000.00 $118,000.00 (THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED IS ASSESSED TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN TRACTS A AND B) Subdivision Guarantee GNT004 Page 2 of 6 Order No20076046 3. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SERVICE CHARGES, AS FOLLOWS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, PENALTY AND STATUTORY FORECLOSURE COSTS, IF ANY, AFTER DELINQUENCY: (1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1) TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 164450 0490 YEAR BILLED PAID BALANCE 2004 $2,824.25 $1,412.13 $1,412.12 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, NOT INCLUDING INTEREST AND PENALTY: $1,412.12. LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE LAND: ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVEMENTS: (AFFECTS LOT 49) $245,000.00 $0.00 (THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED IS ASSESSED TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN TRACTS A AND B) .-.~~--" . 4. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SERVICE CHARGES, AS FOLLOWS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, PENALTY AND STATUTORY FORECLOSURE COSTS, IF ANY, AFTER DELINQUENCY: (1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1) TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 1644500500 YEAR BILLED PAID BALANCE 2004 $2,053.61 $1,026.81 $1,026.80 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, NOT INCLUDING INTEREST AND PENALTY:. $1,026.80. LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE LAND: ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVEMENTS: (AFFECTS LOT 50) $178,000.00 $0.00 (THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED IS ASSESSED TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN TRACTS A AND B) . 5. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SERVICE CHARGES, AS FOLLOWS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, PENALTY AND STATUTORY FORECLOSURE COSTS, IF ANY, AFTER DELINQUENCY: (1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1) TAX ACCOUNT NO.: YEAR 2004 0644500510 BILLED PAID $5,342.89 $2,671.4~ BALANCE $2,671.44 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, NOT INCLUDING INTEREST AND PENALTY:. $2,671.44. LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE LAND: ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVEMENTS: (AFFECTS LOT 51) $234,000.00 $0.00 (THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED IS ASSESSED TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN TRACTS A AND B) Subdivision Guarantee GNT004 Page 3 of 6 6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: ROADWAY AREA AFFECTED: EASTERLY PORTION LOT 48 RECORDING NO. 4023743 7. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: INGRESS AND EGRESS A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES JUNE 24, 1953 4359638 8. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDING NO. TRIM VEGETATION TO A HEIGHT OF 8 FEET A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES 6595559 9. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDING NO. PUBLIC UTILITIES EASTERLY PORTION LOT 48 6700767 10. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDING NO. PUBLIC UTILITIES A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES 6700777 11. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTE~: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: CITY OF RENTON UTILITIES A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES OCTOBER 06, 1970 6700781 Order No20076046 12. ANY CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARY OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN, DUE TO A SHIFT OR CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF UNNAME:D CREEK. 13. ANY RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF THE LAND RESULTING FROM THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC OR RIPARIAN OWNERS TO USE ANY PORTION WHICH IS NOW, OR HAS BEEN, COVERED BY WATER. 14. RESERVATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS CONTAINED IN DEED. RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: Subdivision Guarantee GNT004 OCTOBER 25, 1898 170321 Page 4 of 6 Order No20076046 15. ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES, IF ANY, DISCLOSED BY THE RECORDED PLAT OF CLOVER CREEK. THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE THAT THE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A IS BENEFITED BY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR OTHER APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THE PLAT OR SURVEY TO BENEFIT OR BURDEN REAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID LAND. L 16. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ON JANUARY 8, 2001, UNDER RECORDING NO. 20010108000667, INCLUDING, Bin NOT LIMITED TO, LIABILITY FOR ASSESSMENTS LEVIED BY THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: TJS THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE THAT THE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A IS BENEFITED BY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR OTHER APPURTENANCES SET FORTH IN SAID INSTRUMENT TO BENEFIT OR BURDEN REAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID LAND. Based on information provided to the company, on the date of this commitment it appears that there is located on the land: a vacant land known as: Renton, WA The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT. Lots 48-51 Clover Creek WHEN SENDING DOCUMENTS FOR RECORDING VIA U.S. MAIL OR SPECIAL COURIER SERVICE, PLEASE SEND TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS, UNLESS SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH YOUR TITLE UNIT: Transnation Title 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98101 AnN: Recording Dept. TRANSNATION PRE-ADDRESSED ENVELOPES MAY STILL BE USED WHEN SENDING DOCUMENTS VIA TDS (TITLE DELIVERY SERVICE) TO THE ADDRESS ON THE FACE OF THE COMMITMENT OR TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. Enclosures: Sketch Vesting Deed Paragraphs all recorded matters Subdivision Guarantee GNT004 Page 5 of 6 Order No.: 20076046 EXHIBIT "A'· LOTS 48, 49, 50 AND 51, CLOVER CREEK, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 197 OF PLATS, PAGES 55 THROU GH 61, RECORDS OF KING COUNTI AUDITOR; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. . . .?~.'. THIS SKETCH IS PROVIDED~ WITHOUT CHARGE, FOR YOUR INFORMATIC>N. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO SHOW ALL MATIERS RELATE£) TO THE PROPERTY INCLUD I NG, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, AREA, DIMENSIOI\I S, EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS OR LOCATIONS OF BOUNDARIES. IT IS NOT A PART OF, NOR DOES IT MODIFY, THE COMMITMENT OR POLICY TO WHICH IT IS ATIACHED. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY MATTER RELATED TO THIS SKETCH,UNLESS SUCH COVERAGE IS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED BY THE COVERED RISKS OF THE POLICY. REFERENCE SHOLJ LD BE MADE TO AN ACCURATE SURVEY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. SECTION: 05 TRACTS HGPiE ~t) .$~~ SOllIE ... TOWNSHIP: 23N RANGE: 05E 1i~.5 6l 1215=5. ~ ~~~Ih~-'~~~~~~~~ft.~ _ ",O.~ ....... '~I:.;;-.:;.a:ol",", \&l 0" " o· r ~ «~. , : BtiOlO" 1.911 AC CICIO 17402 5' 0I2iI Ii 24 5 89-... E z o o oJ _ ~ !!! .. "!~ en f -~. cmorRMON RECEIVED SEP 2 '1 2OO't BUIlOINGOlVISlON .~ :, '"' 2 -. -" -~ ...., u .-.! ~ .~ -~ -j ~;:~ o:herw~se '~pIrlve 3~ eS".lt ~rea am t') plant and r.la1n';a!.n tree"ii ~nd ~hrEuDber1 ')n theborc~rn throf The r/-.'l esmt and all r!ghts·,~ anr: pr~-v~_ler;es hrin gran:ed be1.ng ex~reGsIY fjr the use and '~Dell' lVii~ f~. ')1' the Ppt7 -:£ sp ab"l des as well as .L"'JrthE llse and b . fp tr nn \,lh"'.-ch s~t and not fJr·the use and beneflt'ot" a~'-~--- 13nr~, 3hall C onstttuteanc are granted .as an appurtenance ~t1't an< J.S Ci. n eSt:"t am cvnt run w1.th the land :for aforesd trn ~ Jf Eldon Acres and aro~e~d servient tr owned b7 fp AlmondD. S~hrett~ Ruby !llo Schrette lec\'l Jun 6 50 by _~lmond D.Sc~rettJe andRuby I110 Schrette L. HauGan np fnr wn res Rer.ton (ns !\'[ay 4 54)111 Ha~n & .. ' Box ~26 RantJn, wn" 1P •••• :. • :',: ' fb .-. j \.-~~ 1 _ -:) ~: -,-. It ... -J '~n ~ of -~/":' I!'"v1:1g G Chapman ·-and· M11ared· .. ~~inan, h~~· to Ro~ert L Nelson and·Loti1-ae A Nelsor., hw£ .' , '. cy ar:d W~· ..... . ~". . Xcn o~ ''';'.-. ~ :-. , ''\', .;.... -: " ....... . I' THE GRA.'IOR coavcy 8 aDd quit cJa.IJdJ 10 'r·.J:h .. ~ .'! .. ~ :~;,; :.~;~: ~-.. "' .. :.: .• ~ ... QaIt. Clat;D-DHci .,.~. ". ,~ . -. . . ~;..;,~ .-;." " ·.:~~~·.~·9 -aettlbeut of UIlI County Cau.. Mo. 687709 JOIIII B. HcTICtJE aDd ALEDA H. HcTICUI Ihr folio";", dacribed rral ...... liluaICd ID tile C-Iy of KIR; ,,_LN_ Stal. of W.ahinclon lAcludl.Ac uq iDeeree' tAel'eiA wftJcb ,..-or may benafter acquu.: ~1OC11l1 at the SE corner of the follgwing described property: That portion of the Honbvut 1/4 of Sectioa S, Tgwnshlp 23 North, Range 5 E.~.H., described a. follgw.: I Beginning at a poiot on the North line of .aid Section S wbere the Ea.terly line of Hillman Boulevard, as shawn upon the plat of Hil1 .. o'. Lake Wa.biagtoo, Cardea of Eden Addition to Seattle No. I, .a per plat recorded io Volume 11 of Plat. on page 6'. recorda of I1nB COUDtF. extended would intersect the Nortb Une of .aid Section 5; thence Soutb 391.40 feet, mo. or" Ie •• , to the South Une of the land conveyed by Fred W. Rare,. and Helen Rare,., hh wife. by deed dated June I, 1917, recorded in Volume 1129 of Deed., page 152, uDder Auditor'. File No. 1469521. records vf said county; thence East 1~7.8l let, ~ore or less, to a point 7.69 feet Weat of tbe .~~,!~_!,,1~ 1 f_n~ nf ........ rtv,"t c~ ~"e w"Y "F ~h_ r,nlumhi. and P-t""" Sound RoAr Iv". Coaq:t.nv, ~ th.-.-;;; N26'Sl'H" E. 47.70 feet. tht: .. ce N34-24'16" E. 41.79 feet; thence N. 29-27'49" E. 50.78 fe~t; thence ~. 42-47'07" w. 51.00 feett Thence N89'O)'25" '.1. 7.69 feet; thence H 26-51'35" E. 47.70 feee; theDCe H. 34'24'16" E. 41.79 feet; thence N. 29-27'49" E. SO.78 feee; thence oS 42-47'07" 'oJ. 51.00 feet. thence N. 89-0]'25" il, 4.0 feeq thence ~outhwesterly 310ng the adjoinin~ property line to the erue point of beginning. Grantor hereby ~rants an easement t~ Granteea and their successors to trim ve~etation growinp on the bank westerly vi the above described property to a height of eight (8) feet abov~ the easterly border of the above described tract. Z .!>:r,;. da, 01 ~ .. ptember. 191>9. I • "f,... "I I~ l:~~~' , SHTE Of W.\SHI~clO~. I DEC:' ~ 1969 .. -................... _ .. _ ....................... _ .... ·········,·· .... ··UfALI I I I I I ,,- 1 1-' : 't·· ," .~ ..•• ~ I'A if':~ IA/U I I.'IUS I • uun:o~iid~)·~:..,n.I~~~TH CATHERL'\£'STRIDE to me kno .. -n 10 ~ Ibt indiVidual daalbeci ID anci who C&eLulcG tht ..;thiA aDa io"'lO'", inslfUmml. and .. dLlIO,,·IC'<iI:C'd llul she IJIMIS the lAme U her free and v:llunwv act and d~. lu' lilt usn eild p;.orpoOCS Ihrreon mmlioned. Gl\"EX un~r mi band and ',ffiew wall,!i. 2-,,-fA-day 01 :; .. pter:.ber 1 "'d. . -, // t"""'.-t'-e'~?fJ1 C(.c-t" c <-< .• ___ ~-z ..-_ ... _ ... __ .. __ ... 0-____ ... __ ........ _ .. _ .. _ .. _",..... ....... _ ... ·tIl~ P . ill ... lor IIw SIGle 0/ ,';"r'-. "Iidia, AI ~e.tt I ... -- (;700767 THIS INSTRUK:H,T" made tl1j~/~day of _""'y".......¥;;lw"~a ... '==* __ ....... _____ 19~; by and beblee'l Cta' e. £. Ai:v'Je. and ___ '_ -, _______ _ _____________________________ ,and _____________________ ___ ___________________________ ~~d. _______________________ ___ ________________________ ~and. __________________ ___ hereinafter called "Grantor(s)", and the CITY OF REHTa., a ftmictpal Corporation of King County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee"~, WInlESSETH : That saicj Grantods), for and in consideration of the sum of $,_ ........ __ --.-_ oaid by Grantee, and other valuable conslderatl0n, -d-o--b-y-t-h-e-s-e--p-re-se-n-ts-, -g-r-a-n~t. bargain, sell, convey, and warrant unto the sa~d .. ' " . Grantee. its successors and assigns, an easement fClr public utilities (inc1udlng w'ter and se...er) wi th necessary appurtenances over-. through, across and upon the fo1101'iin9 de~ cribed property in King County, Washirlgton, more particularly described as follows: ~iVL; A uti Ii 'y easenent 20 feet In width. 10 feet on el ther side of the follOWing described property: The Nor-theast one-quarter of the Northwest OC"1e-quarter of Section 5. Town,hlp 23 t~orth. R .... ge 5 East. \I.H. lying North of Eldon Acres Addition, and Nort'-sterly of Coluntlla and Puget Sound right-of-way. LESS E.ast 120 feet. LESS portion Norther' y of the Creek.. EXCEPT 'Jes t )0 fee t of Eas t 150 .fee t the reof. The centerline of said easenent being descrl bed as follows: Beqinn i ng at a point on the north I ine of Section S. Township 23 North. Range 'i East. 10',"._ and the Southerly margin of North 28th Street In the Ci ty of Renton • .... ashington. 20S feet Westerly of the Int.:rsettio,", of said North Section line with the center! ine of Headow Avenue North; thence SOLith 0° 33' ItS" West a distance of 07 ie~l; thenc.e Saultl itJo Z7t jO" we!tt ISZ.3~ f\..~L t"", ~!";e :'fW,rr.'::~~S =f ~:d~ ':!!' ........ c Together with a te"llorary construction easement 30 feet in wl:!th. 15 feet on cilhc:r sid..: of the above described centerline. 5di d ~n) (;'1 til DC ·~r<l ~ion tCf1llor3r/ c~nstruction easement shall rer:;ain in force during cor.struct1on such ti.-:e as tr;e uti 1 i ties and 3pvurtenilnces have been accepted for the and r.laintenance bJ the Grantee but no t I at«:r than ___ :.....--_____ __ ........ ~ 'j . '" . ----..... _'--- l .. , ----._._-'----_ .. -._--• Said bert!tofo~ geneior.~d gr!ntett. tt, successors or ,SS;'j';';" ~hal1 "aYe the right. wHt:out prtor nottre or procee~tng at law. at Such til!l(:s dS nay be n.ce!.~ary to ente .. -urnn utd al-ove dellcrlbld property ~or the DUf1:ose of constructing. luintatn1ng. rcpairin~h .Hering or recon~t~ctir.9 said "utHy. or making any c.onntcUons therewUfM:QH~lIt'''ln~'~'g any legal obligations or l1~.,t1ity therefore, provided. that s;,ach ccost ruLtion. maint- atning.repairing • .11teri.,g or reconstruct;on of sucn utiHtyshJll be acco~1tshed In. such a manne:r ·)Iat ~ private 1~rovements existing in th .• right( .. )-ot-way shall not be distrIbuted or dalN:ged, or ;n the event t!i!Y ar(! disturbed or darn- <lCJl!d. they will be rerlaced fn !S good a corutftion as they we re ;nneu1ately before the property was entere~ upon by the Grantee, The Grantor shall Fully usc and enjoy the afore de,cr) b~ d prelnises. including tt.e right to retain the! rtght to use the surface of said rigt.t-of-way if such use does not interfel~ '1ith installation and lIaint.enance of ~he ... til t ty line. However. the grantor !lilJ1', rot er-ect buildings or structure$ over, under or across the rlght- ')f-wa~ . :.·ing th(: ('y.i'i~nce of such utility. Inis easerrcnt. sllall be a covenant runntnq with the tond and shall be bindfng ')n the Grdntor, his succ:essor.>. heirs and assigns, Grantol"S covenant that they ~n: the L'lwful ownl'rs of'" the above f1ro~ert1cs and that th!!y t":aol'/e a good and la'll- ful right/tc ececu~c t'I'iS a!i~ree nt. ~./ / ./!r'"'" /"/.-_ ./ d1 _ .: -/T,LL7' . and an~ and __________ . _____ _ and STATE OF '.IASIfINGTOH SS COlllTV OF KIlICi I. the undersigned. ~ notary publ ie in and for the Stolte cf :·!ilshington. hereby certify that on this/7TA.day of '::l>>-t'=l l~iFt'-:--personally app~ared uefore If..:?" / ('&1 ....:.-J ,) -..... ~ r " J . isr,d ( Ab'-H .... -1:"., _ 6-" ____ _ Jnd isnd ---------~----------------------- dnd-----------~ in and whO executed the foregolng lnstrument..;..~a~n..;:,d~~~d·:_no:;T;:o-_~:--,,-;-: - signed and sealed the same as ~ 'z' A"~S therein mentioned. ,,/.~?-.. v_"\:\ . • _\r,.V ........... ~ ~·~v .... ;, .I,,.S '-wo. 00(' I .' " t. ~" 03·~ :.,.~ .. .-...... ~ :~.~ ~,,~ .... ~ 0: ... , .. J .......... , .. \~~,:. .~':~ ~ -~ #o,,'.:~-\ ..... n"" ...... . ....0"' . .... /" J oJ ~,.. .... . V·····_···c ~!T.' • J -, N -o n· I ~ ~ F tr v. -. o -C r ~' ;.. . :r ( f. -. --. '-. ,.., t:;:) !f ::D ~ . ~ Q.. ~ :0 ! c::: l c;.. . ' ... " ., "~' RrCORDO) VOl ____ • ______ 'Ali( .••. _ ••.•. PfOI.'£ST Of' , mDa:T6 .'0 07 R~ 1. HORI!IS AUOtTOk KIM:' ~TY.IASJ(. ---... f!EI'UTY . . '( -,. J .j . . • sa:::' .. ,--_____ c __ " • c. EASEMEpt T -------- nns INSTRUf£HT. made tJ1ts/Lday ot ~ by and betueen £:1, ti e. t', i/z',/" and _____________ ; and • ------------------------------~ ---------------------------,. ________________________________ .d~ _________________________ " ________________________________ ~Md-__________________________ _J; - hereinafter called -Grantor(s)-. and the CIN OF REHTcr.. a tbatc1pal Corporatton of King County. Washington. hereinafter called -Grantee-. -, .. - WlmESSETH: That sa1 d Grantor( s). for and 1 n cons i deration of the SLll1 of S ~.~ __ ~ oaid by Grantee. and other valuable cons aeration. do by these presents. 9rant, bargain. sel ... convey. and warrant unto the said Grantee. its successors and assigns. an easement for publtc uttlHif!s (including w."ter and sewer) with necessary appurtenances over. through. across and upon the (ol101.,ing described property in King County _ Washington. more particularly described as follows: A utility easement 10 feet 1n width ove r the following desc:ribed property: Northeast one-quarter of Nortftwest one-quarter of Sec:tion 5. Township 23 North. Range 5 East. Y.H. lying North of E .. don Acres Addition. and lortl'afesJ.erly of Columbta and Puget Sound right-of-way; I:.ESS East 120 feeti LESS Portton Northerly of the Creek. EXCEPT West 30 feet of East 150 feet thereof. The centerUna of satd easeaentbeingciesc:rtbed as follows: 8eC}inninq at survey centerHne Sutiora 124+05.26 of Lake Wdhtngton Boulevard 1n the Northwest one-quarter of ~ec:t1on 5. TOIIIn$hip 23 Nurth. R.in~ 5 East. W. M. i said potnt being the point 0' a c:urve to Uta ri~t fnll whtch the centerltne of Slid Lake Washington Boulevard bears South 44-07' W Easti thence South &1° 5&" 00· Easte distance of 47.54 feet; thence MorUI 51° 40' 27" East a distance of 15.54 feet to the Easterly margin of Slid Lake Washtngton Boulevard and the true point of begiMing; thence-~ttnutng North 51° 40' 27· ElSt a . distance of 355~55 feet; thence NorUl47c. 40" 35D East a distance of 181.00 feet, thence Horth 66° 24" 29-East a distance of 330.94 feet; thence North 87° 11" 41- East a distance of 135.03 feet; thence South 64D 42' 22" East a dtstance of 153.00 feet; thence South 77° 12' 00· East a dtstance of 263.15 feet; tJ1ence South 51° 04' 45-East a distance of 52. ~6 feet; thence South 29° 11' 35-West a dtstance of 186.49 feet to the terminus of satd centerline. Tl>gether with a teqlorary construc:t. on easement 30 feet in width. 15 feet on ei ther side of the above described centerltne. .;'. Said te~orary construction easerretnt shall remain in force during constructio'fl and until such tilOle as the uti! ities an d appurtenances have been accepted for the c. J ; . I,. .r-- ?~~ .~ operation and maintenance by the Grantee but not later tllan .-~; . . ... ~\~ .. : -··~Nt..,·· ..... ~ .. ~.; r ~.:~ • ~ ,. ~ ••• !. Sa6 ...... tofo,..... .... OMd grantee. its sUcceUon or·iu1gns. shall have til. right. wi thout prio:" nOUte Ilr proceeding 'at 1_. It such timel U ~y'H I'MceSSlty tJ-enter~fWI said ahowe described ~1'9PIr.t;y f9'" Qe purpose o.~SIlO~l~tlniklul"~lnin~! ,repairing, Iltel1nO eil~.tnict1"g said '., . : · .. ~ .. ,i :.~:..:: .. ~. ... ~. uUHty. or lIIiing any COM!CtionS therewfth • .,J thout incurring Iny legal ob1t~lt~~M or lh!>t1ItY. therefore, provfded. thlt such cons.truct1on. IIIIfnt- atnh'9.repifrfngi alterlll9'or.reconUrucUon of .uchjltUSty·shlll be al:CCqtltshed in suu. a I14nner that the privat. 1qtrovements eJltst~g. in the rtghth)-of""'11 shIll not be distributed or dullged. or tn the ewUt~th.y Ira disturbed or da. . aged. they wtll be replaced fn IS good I condUion IS they were 11!1111dlltely before f:: the property was entered upon by the Grantee. .' •t;'~; ~ . . ' . ,.... ~ '--....... 'f) . . :.~ The Grantor shall fully use And enjoy the afore described pl'ellises. including '~r. the right to retatn the ri~t to lIIe the surface of laid right-ofooWay If such us. . ;}I~'~ noes no'& fnterfere with installitfon and lDIintenance of the utflfty Itne. HeMrer, -:'.'~ the grtU1tor shall not erect butlcftngs or stnx:tures over. Ulder or ICroSS the rt"~ ~~ rt!, "f-tlay <*Iring the existence of sudt ut1ltty. .., .,):_ '~~4 .., .. '~~.",~ Th is easeaent. shall be • covenant running with the land Ind shaJJ be bindfng In the Cirantor, his successors. heirs and ASsigns. Grantors covenant that the)' ,re the lawful owners of the above properties and that they hive a good and law- ful ri gilt to ececute thfs a,;o:-eement., ?cZ /,-.. -".-:?: ~4 , and -~ and ------------------------------ Ind -----------------------------Ind ____________________________ __ :>TATE DF WASHINGTOt. (1)IIITV ()F KING ss I. the undersfgne~~ notary. pubJfc ~d for the State of Washfngton, hereby certt fy that on th1s/~day of ~~ 19""_ personally appeared before ~. t:-" ~ !!? ~ Clnd Ca<ti. _ ~4< ~~ • __________ ~--------------and ___________________________ _ Gnd : ~~~~~~~~n_~~~~--~~-and-----------; to me .nown to 1n" ua s in and who executed the foregoin~ instnauent, an a now e ge t at~'''i-''i~~~~~ signed and sealed the same as ....;t:4y free and volunury act and ee Clnd purposes therein mentfoned, ~~. :~",1 ". ~/D~"":' .. -&.~--" ....... ~ . . ~~ .... ' ~u e:' •• "'./-'\ . ! ~r;"'. ~ c.>~ .\s ~ .' • Q: -'1'" I • --• :!I;;: •. ::c,.' .+~"'l.·~i;' .......... '-0 ~' .::!-.:,,~ ~ " \ '!'>I" .~;~.~ " . ' .. utilI ty ----- TliIS :~STP.U~IH. ~aoe +:~is/~ay of :=vn •. ~,... 19t-'!...-; !ly anc tJetwe~§"nVL:"eJn&/U~d 1+1 ~'UA __________________________________ and • ___________________________________ and __________________________ __ ___________________________________ and, ________ . __________________ __ h~rein.ttar c.lll!d -Grantor(s)" , and th~ C~ n OF Rf!ITrw, a fUlic1pll Corporation of King County, ~ashtn9ton, hereinafter called wGrantee-, WI THESSETli: That said lirantor(s), for and in consideration of the SUII of S /(~) paid ~y Grantee, and other valuable conSl~'0n, dO __ by these presents. ~rlnt, t:ar-:a'n. ,ell, convey, ~""",,"unto the satd Grantee. its successors and ass i gns. an e4~ement for :xJtr*"lIU=IMUUC ~ sewer .~.lIlC4Iml~j with necessary ap,urtenances over, through, across and upon the follOWing describeO property 1" King County, ,Jashington, more particularly described as follows: ,sewer A utility easement over the Northerly 30 feet of the Easterly 10 feet of the following described property: All of Tract 31 and North 123.12 feet of Tract 30, Eldon Acres Addition. measured at right angles to North 11ne. , ' Said easement being more particularly described as follows: BENINNING at the Northeast comer of the above described property; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Tract 30 a distance of 30 feet. thence Westerly along a line drawn parallel with the Northerly line of said Tract 30 to a point 10 feet Westerly, neasured perpendicularly, from said Easterly line; thence Northerly along a line drawn 10 feet Westerly, measurect perpendicularly. from said Easterly line to the Northerly ltne of said Tract 30. thence Easterly along said Northerly I ine to the Northeast comer of said Tract and the true point of beginning, The northerly 30 feet of the Easterly 30 feet of said Tract 30, S,;1 tefTl)orar .. constructior t:ib!'~nt :! ,1: n~O;i!in 1n f::~,:e ;t;""n;: construction j'lC ;o;~;! ~:Jcn t'rP. as the lIt'li~'r>S a'10 ,~-~~":2nJnC~C; '~:Q "f!'" .lccp."U(] for the O:er:: -:" "no Cld'ntenance b)' ~he Grantel: :::.:: r,~:. at,,'" '~iln -'L' "' J /("1 " ..... ·';"Lt.:' J~ Ir/ , ,. ,I. • utility *. i! J¥tD" -$ • ':;".~.' _v"':li.'" --....,;~" ... 1 ....... _.r·~·t·.~:;' .... ; .. , .:. ' ... • , $ , ....... '" nns JNSTIU£NT. !!lade tJlts/~a'l of -..".,., -~e 19tL-. by arid betwee~ .... , •• i?"mfM.n.4."""'d ~c-r'~~ __________________________________ ,and ; ______________________________ ,and~ ____________________ ___ __________________________________ .Ind ____________________________ ; here 1 "lfter called -Gnntor(s)·. and the CITY OF RENTat, I btctpal Corporation of Ie 1ng County. Washtngton. herttnafter called -Grantee-. WITNESSE1lf: That sa1d Grantor(s). fnr and in cons1derati,", of the SWi of sAI'--f) . . 7.:"" __ -T==;:;:;::::;;;:;:;.....,...,.-_~~pa1d I:-y Grantee. and Gther valuable CDnlhler.t1on. 00_ by thise presents. ~rant. bar1a1n. sell, con.,..ey. toll.,.,.. unto the 'ltd G.-aratee.· its successors and ilssigns. an euement F.,,. pubcNoc..,enIUk1H;~ ."'1' aSlaaXlllllCiHI sv) wfth necessary ap;»urtenances ove..-. through, across and upon UIt fol"1owfng described properti ;n Kfng County, ~ISht "gton. IIlOre particuhrly described as follows: ,s_r A utility easene!lt over the Northerly 30 feet of the Easterly 10 feet of the fol "low1ng described property: All of Tract 31 and North 123.12 feet of Tract 30. Eldon Acres Addttion, mea sured at right angles to North 11ne. , Said easelent be1ng IIOre particularly descri 'bed as fo11-*5: BENINNI"G at the Northeast comer of tJIe ~ve described property; thence SOlA therly along the Easterly line of said Tract 30 a distance of 30 feet; thence Wes terly along a line drawn parallel wi th the Northerly line of said Tract 30 to a point 10 feet Westerly. lleasured perpendfcul arly. froll satd Easterly 1 tM; thence NortJIerly along a line drawn 10 feet Westerly, measured perpendicularly. from Slid Easterly line to the Northerly line of said Tract 30; thence Easterly alon9 said Northerly line to the Northeast comer of said Tract and the t.rue po;nt of beginning. Together witr. a t'.!~T.:·orar-, CO'lstr:.;ction I!ase-.ent ce<,cr:bed as: The northerly 30 feet of the Easterly 30 fee t of sat d Tract 30. Said te~orarj constructior easenent ~h;,ll r-er...!in in fo~ce cu"-'ng constructtoB. 3nd until such t'~ as the ut'l;~;f!s and ".:nJr:eno.lnce<; 'H:eo .. ··er , .1ccp."">ted fo.-the ODent all and ma"ntenance by ~he Grantee tu! not late" than ... <=(,·,,,, c"tie .:J~ 1Ct"?1 • • • • .. - . , " , " . -_.' l' ,', "~: '" ",,#,p, . .~ . . . ,-: " .( ;.,-,-' .{: N~~·:"·,·:·: •. :J7.:· l. ~.; ~: ' .• " .. ~ .", ...... ., ' .. ", ',.. . .. " -.'.~ -', .... :,i -I~. i' t '''o!'j Thll • .u.cl popane!lt.~~".,~t,!l~tY .. ~""IUI~.ahilll·;uxplrvl"'x ,/,!.ar:., r~. dAta lID 1.: •• , A • .vol''',,: beej:'CQ~tructed,·a 'G<.'CO~""ac.~ -., th U.': ,.l.uaft fur' the dM1t..UY~ MW9.t~~~)Jip~~t·~D1str~.:t ,tel.' ~tlol U"Jf;iti' o~ )Wnton a Jlllun1c:1PiJ~·~Co~~~~~n,.of,lUnCJ.Oouftty.,'Wi.;.hlnfJt.on. 1f lIlIJ scVGr line 1& ever abaAdcne4; 01" cIlsCU1t1Auad, tho "8llUalnt. hur-:&.n wi 11 CQua . and ~ temnAto"-~;.(; .;:;:.~:~{F ~ ~,~ ~".:'::" .:::,~\ ; ,:' . .:.:\:~~ " It i8 understood :1."ld A9I'8e4 ~' the, Grantee,' that the Grantor Ca"lI1 f.:U'1!iU'uc:t. a road owr or Acros. any' pUt :~o~the ease,.Qnt ,and it shall not ~.o c:onsiderod to be an intel'tennc. vith the sewer line. Grantee warrants and covenanl: .15 followsa A. The'1eg41 description of the 'location of the utilitios corroctly describe!> the future location of thl! easement and In accO."tlan(;o wi th pl~s drat,;n and shown to the Grantor. il. "nlat t.lle area involved has beun surveyed by a licensed survt!yor and the surve~' shows that the maps and drawings prepared,· in connection with the said st!wcr l.ocal 111\>rovcment District r-\o. 267 project, agree with thl! physical facts xnd lcgal d~scriptions hercin. 3ilid' t. . .}~~orary' c.:.nstruction eas€ment :;ha11 ;)c .!xtinguished by urdil~.:lllcc ,'..ls5cd ')Y L~e BaI.'ton City Council ,UlU fileu for J:ecord at such tirae ilS Lh~ utilities and appurtenances hav ... !Jecn ..lcct!pt.ed for the operation a."1d r.lolintenanc..'C by th~ G"rantee or not latar tli.ul December 31, 197' w'lichevcr Shilll first occur. In lilt! ev.!nt that the Grantor ever liLl:; to go to court to enforce .lily uf t.ih! provisions herein and, the Grantor url'v.lils in such action, the GralltL't.: will pay reasonable attorney fees LlS determined by tile (..'Ourt. " r<~~.I., " , . . ~ ...... I I I ... '. . __ -.. __ ~ . _u_ .. --.-.--~----- ~ "\. .--._---_ .... ~.f(i herewfo~ IICntior."~ grantee, its successors or assigns. shill 'UI~ Ulp. right; wflt,out ~rf~:-nottce or proceeding at law, 4t suCh tilles IS '''"1 be nt:t:HS.,y t:r entl!r urt)n said aoo':'e de:arribed property for ~ purpose )f con~tn~t!ng. ma'ntain1n~. repairing. altering or reconstructing satd uti I i ty. or maXing-:lny conntct1ons therewith. wi thout incurring any legal obligations or'.11a~nity therefore. provided. tMt soch constr.ICt,10n. 11111nt- aining.repairi(l9. clHerlng or reconstruction of such utittty shaJJ be accoq»lhhed in ~uch a .anne~.t6It the private ~mprovements existing i~ the right(;)-of-way shall not be cfistrtbut.ed or damaged. or in the event they Ire dfsll.lrbed or daJD- aqed, they will be~replaced in zs good a condition-'lIs they ",ire'fr.medtately before ttle propert}' was entered upon by the Grantee~':..& reasonable length of t1me • .. • w The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the afore descr1 bed premi ses. i ncludi n '9 the right to reUin the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such usa OOes not interfere with trrStallaUon and lM1ntenance of the utility l1ne. H~ver. the grantor shall not erect bul1d1ngs or structures over. under or II'::""S! the right- ~f-way during the existence of such utility. This easenent. shan be a covenant running with the land and shall be bfndt n9 ')n the Grantor. his successors. heirs and assigns. aDm"SX~UMlCX2itiUl UlXlUXlnnlXUUHXUXWXIWIXI.lIWtlUX~u.ux~X~~~~ mXH~Jtt.XnlnUXWIXJl.HOIWX "'::;'. 1\ I rLil,.;" g/'. 1"""'--' :iTATE OF WASHINGTON (OUfITY OF KiriG "' 55 .nd"~ and _________________________________________________ _ and _____________________________________________ ____ and ------------------------------------- I. the undersigned~)l notary public in and for the State of Washington .. hereby certf fy that on this/~day of ~ 196'L pe.rsonally appeared bef~ me .' ~ :~:T'""",..Lj1' i?JU&fl'\lM~ i ;:+ /~.i" .... / and ; dnd-----------; to me .nown to be In 1 vi ua S d 1n and who executed the fore~>trument. and acknow e sianed and sealed the same as~.. fn!e and voluntary and ~urposes therein mentl0neo. ~ .. CITYOFAENTON RECEIVE.., SEP 2 1 2004 LOT CLOSURE Cl\LCULATIONS C. Lav£.t?. C I::L:z!!/c. 2. J u 1 y 14, 2 004 tJU/LDING DIVISION Lot name: 1 North: 92555.6605 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W North: 92556.6319 Line Course: N 00-51-53 E North: 92679.9079 Line Course: S 87-40-04 E North: 92676.9617 Line Course: S 06-57-45 W North: 92555.6628 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 63955.0001 59.39 East: 63895.6180 123.29 East: 63897.4787 72.40 East: 63969.8187 122.20 East: 63955.0056 Perimeter: 377.28 Area: 8,070 SF. 0.19 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0060 Error North: 0.00231 Precision 1: 62,478.31 listed courses, radii, and d~ltas) Course: N 67-31-30 E East: 0.00558 Lot name: 2 North: 92555.6605 Line Course: N 06-57-45 E North: 92676.9594 Line Course: S 55-44-14 E North: 92622.0341 Line Course: S 34-06-37 W North: 92541.8959 Curve Length: 44.09 Delta: 35-05-02 Chord: 43.40 Course In: S 36-01-16 RP North: 92483.6623 End North: 92555.6527 W East: 63955.0001 Length: 122.20 East: 63969.8131 Length: 97.56 East: 64050.4430 Length: 96.79 East: 63996.1643 Radius: 72.00 Tangent: 22.76 Course: N 71-31-15 Course Out: N 00-56-14 East: 63953.8223 East: 63955.0000 Perimeter: 360.63 Area: 7,222 SF. 0.17-AC. W E Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0079 Error North: -0.00785 Precision 1: 45,917.32 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 00-13--25 W East: -0.00003 Lot name: 3 North: 92604.3654 Line Course: S 88-35-47 E North: 92603.8228 Line Course: S 03-40-17 W East: 64076.3858 Length: 22.15 East: 64098.5291 Length: 89.11 North: 92514.8957 East: 64092.8231 Curve Length: 33.76 Radius: 55 .00 Delta: 35-09-52 Tangent: 17 .43 Chord: 33.23 Course: S 59-55-24 W Course In: S 12-29-40 E Course Out: N 47-39-32 W RP North: 92461.1982 East: 64 l04. 7220 End North: 92498.2431 East: 64 064.0689 Curve Length: 51.82 Radius: 2!:> .00 Delta: 118-45-49 Tangent: 42 .24 Chocd: 43.03 Course: N 78-16-37 W Course In = N 47-39-32 W Course Out: S 71-06-17 W RP North: 92515.0817 East: 64045.5902 End North = 92506.9857 East: 64021.9374 Curve Length: 44.09 Radius: 72.00 Delta: 35-05-01 Tangent: 22.76 Chord : 43.40 Course: N 36-26-13 W Course In S 71-06-17 W Course Out: N 36-01-16 E RP North 92483.6692 East: 63953.8173 End North 92541.9029 East: 63996.1593 Line Course: N 34-06-37 E Length: 96.79 North. : 92622.0411 East: 64050.4380 Line Course: S 55-44-14 E Length: 31.39 North: 92604.3689 East: 64076.3807 Perimeter: 369.11 Area: 8,643 SF. 0.20 ~C. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error ClosurE!: 0.0062 Error North: 0.00351 Precision 1= 59,470.74 listed courses, radL i, and deltas) Course:. N 55-32-31 W East: -0.00512 Lot name: 4 North: 92 603.8227 Line Course: S 88-35-47 E Narc h: 92601. 0954 Lj.ne Courst:=:: S 37-09-31 W Norch: 92505.4674 Curve Length: 46.93 Del ta: 48-53-31 Cho-rd: 45.52 Course In: S 36-23-51 W RP North: 92461.1968 End North: 92514.8942 Line CourSE:: N 03-40-17 E North: 92603.8214 East: 64098.5340 Length: l11. 34 East: 64209.8406 Length: 119.99 East: 64137.3638 Radius: 55.00 Tangent: 25.00 Course: N 78-02-55 Course Out: N 12-29-40 East: 64104.7277 East: 64092.8287 Length: 89.11 East: 64098.5348 Perimete r: 367.37 Area: 7,277 SF. 0.17 AC. W W Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error C1osu. re: 0.0015 Error Nor th: -0.00133 listed courses, racjii, and deltas) Course: S 30-53-26 E East: 0.00079 Precision 1: 237,705.40 Lot name: 5 North: 92492.2778 East: 64299.0631 Line Course: N 70-43-30 W Length: 143.785 North: 92539.7416 East: 64163.3380 Line Course: N 37-09-31 E Length: 76.985 North: 92601.0960 East: 64209.8387 Line Course: S 77-24-42 E. Length: 50.251 North: 92590.1441 East: 64258.8817 Line Course: N 88-36-45 E Length: 75.071 North: 92591.9619 East: 64333.9307 Line Course: N 47-11-52 E Length: 124.229 North: 92676.3717 East: 64425.0780 Line Course: N 32-13-00 E Length: 47.784 North: 92716.7988 East: 64450.5527 Line Course: N 54-56-03 E Length: 28.111 North: 92732.9491 East: 64473.5613 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 85.000 North: 92817.9377 East: 64474.9517 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 12.060 North: 92817.7404 East: 64487.0101 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 103.108 North: 92714.6462 East: 64485.3235 Curve Length: 291.248 Radius: 934.904 Delta: 17-50-57 Tangent: 146.812 Chord: 290.069 Course: S 39-57-01 W Course In: S 41-07-30 E Course Out: N 58-58-27 W RP North: 92010.4050 East: 65100.2136 End North: 92492.2774 East: 64299.0617 Perimeter: 1037.629 Area: 17,340 SF. 0.40 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0015 Course: S 77-15-11 W Error North: -0.00032 East: -0.00143 Precision 1: 708,095.953 Lot name: 6 North: 92433.5482 East: 64266.5510 Line Course: N 80-18-13 W Length: 109.169 North: 92451.9352 East: 64158.9416 Curve Length: 60.763 Radius: 55.000 Delta: 63-17-56 Tangent: 33.902 Chord: 57.719 Course: N 21-57-11 W Course In: N 80-18-13 W Course Out: N 36-23-51 E RP North: 92461.1987 East: 64104.7273 End North: 92505.4693 East: 64137.3635 Line Course: N 37-09-31 E Length: 43.003 North: 92539.7413 East: 64163.3383 Line Course: S 70-43-30·E Length: 143.785 North: 92492.2775 East: 64299.0634 Curve Length: 67.141 Radius: 934.904 Delta: 4-06-53 Tangent: 33.59 Chord: 67.13 Course: S 28-58-06 W Course In: S 58-58-27 E Course Out: N 63-05-20 W RP North: 92010.4065 East: 65100.2044 End ;North: 92433.5494 East: 64266.5450 Perim:eter: 423.86 Area: 10,240 SF. 0.24 J\.C. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Er ror Closure: 0.0062 Error North: 0.00122 Precision 1: 68,359.26 listed courses, radL i, and deltas) Course: r-r 78-39-33 W East: -0.00608 Lot nam~: 7 North: 92311.2544 East: 64215.0396 Line C=urse: N 36-20-29 W Length: 131.15 North: 92416.8958 East: 64137.3207 Curve Length: 42.20 Radius: 55.00 Delta: 43-57-44 Tangent: 22.20 Chord: 41.17 Course: N 31-40-39 E Cou=se In: N 36-20-29 W Course Out: oS 80-18-13 E RP North: 92461.1983 East: 64104.7280 End North: 92451. 9348 East: '64158.9423 Line C<)urse: S 80-18-13 E Length: 109.17 North: 92433.5476 East: 64266.5527 Curve Length: 132.81 Radius: 934.90 Delta: 8-08-22 Tangent: 66.52 Chord: 132.70 Course: S 22-50-29 W COlL rse In: S 63-05-20 E Course Out: N 71-13-42 W RP North: 92010.4047 East: 65100.2122 End North: 92311.2532 East: 64215.0409 Peri-meter: 415.33 Area: 9,238 SF. 0.21 AC. Mapche~k Closure -(Uses Error C:losure: 0.0017 Error-North: -0.00118 Precision 1: 239,159.76 listed courses, raCiii, and deltas) Course: S 47-23-11 E East: 0.00128 Lot name: 8 North: 92311. 2544 Line ~ourse: N 89-03-46 W North: 92313.2009 Line Course: N 03-21-15 E North: 92406.2911 Curve Length: 38.10 Delta: 39-41-44 Chord: 37.35 Cc>urse In: N 03-21-15 E RP North: 92461.1969 East: 64215. 0396 Length: 119.00 East: Length: 93.25 East: Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East: 64096.0555 64101.5114 55.00 19.85 N 73-30-23 E S 36-20-29 E 64104.7293 End North: 92416.8944 Line Course: S 36-20-29 E North: 92311.2530 East: 64137.3221 Length: 131.15 East: 64215.0409 Perimeter: 381.51 Area: 7,765 SF. 0.18 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0019 Error North: -0.00139 Precision 1: 200,074.15 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 43-03-27 E East: 0.00130 Lot name: 9 North: 92313.2009 East: 64096.0531 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W Length: 70.00 North: 92314.3459 East: 64026.0624 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 86.69 North: 92401.0243 East: 64027.4804 Curve Length: 56.65 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 129-50-25 Tangent: 53.42 Chord: 45.29 Course: N 65-51-27 E Course In: S 89-03-46 E Course Out: N 40-46-39 E RP North: 92400.6154 East: 64052.4771 End North: 92419.5467 East: 64068.8052 Curve Length: 35.92 Radius: 55.00 Delta: 37-25-24 Tangent: 18.63 Chord: 35.29 Course: S 67-56-03 E Course In: N 40-46-39 E Course Out: S 03-21-15 W RP North: 92461.1955 East: 64104.7269 End North: 92406.2897 East: 64101.5090 Line Course: S 03-21-15 W Length: 93.25 North: 92313.1995 East: 64096.0532 Perimeter: 342.52 Area: 7,442 SF. 0.17 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0015 Error North: -0.00145 Precision 1: 235,783.38 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 03-01-45 E East: 0.00008 Lot name: 10 North: 92434.1279 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W North: 92435.6683 East: 63983.0159 Length: 94.17 Line Course: N 01-51-53 E Length: North: 92514.6964 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: North: 92513.6677 Curve Length: 47.12 Delta: 90-00-00 Chord: 42.43 East: 79.07 East: 62.89 East: Radius: Tangent: Course: 63888.8585 63891.4315 63954.3130 30.00 30.00 S 44-03-46 E Course In: S 00-56-14 W Course Out: S 89-03-46 E RP North: 92483.6717 East: 63953.8223 End North: 92483.1810 East: 63983.8183 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 49.06 North: 92434.1276 East: 63983.0159 Perimeter: 332.31 Area: 7,201 SF. 0.17 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0004 Error North: -0.00036 Precision 1: 903,269.91 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 12-55-06 W East: -0.00008 Lot name: 11 North: 92303.2035 East: 63980.8741 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W Length: 167.84 North: 92305.9489 East: 63813.0566 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 125.00 North: 92430.9321 East: 63815.1012 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 73.57 North: 92429.7288 East: 63888.6614 Line Course: N 01-51-53 E Length: 5.94 North: 92435.6656 East: 63888.8547 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 94.17 North: 92434.1253 East: 63983.0121 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 130.94 North: 92303.2028 East: 63980.8703 Perimeter: 597.47 Area: 21,540 SF. 0.49 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0039 Error North: -0.00072 Precision 1: 152,187.35 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 79-30-11 W East: -0.00386 Lot name: 12 North: 92207.1345 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E North: 92304.3515 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E North: 92303.2065 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W North: 92217.8679 Curve Length: 47.00 Delta: 107-42-37 Chord: 40.38 Course In: N 89-03-46 W RP North: 92218.2768 End North: 92194.5892 Line Course: N 71-21-09 W East: 63909.2932 Length: 97.23 East: 63910.8836 Length: 70.00 East: 63980.8742 Length: 85.35 East: 63979.4782 Radius: 25.00 Tangent: 34.23 Course: S 54-47-33 W Course Out: S 18-38-51 W East: 63954.4815 East: 63946.4879 Length: 39.26 -.~'" " North: 92207.1424 East: 63909.2889 Perimeter: 338.83 Area: 7,320 SF. 0.17 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0090 Error North: 0.00795 Precision 1: 37,471.75 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 28-31-05 W East: -0.00432 Lot name: 13 North: 92207.1345 Line Course: N 71-21-09 W North: 92236.0938 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E North: 92305.7644 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E North: 92304.3532 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W North: 92207.1362 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 63909.2932 90.57 East: 63823.4778 69.68 East: 63824.6175 86.28 East: 63910.8860 97.23 East: 63909.2956 Perimeter: 343.75 Area: 7,200 SF. 0.17 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0030 Course: N 54-42-36 E Error North: 0.00171 East: 0.00242 Precision 1: 116,001.72 Lot name: 14 North: 92236.0940 East: 63823.4775 Line Course: 1'1 71-21-09 W Length: 82.64 North: 92262.5177 East: 63745.1758 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 86.93 North: 92349.4361 East: 63746.5977 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 67.16 North: 92348.3376 East: 63813.7487 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 42.39 North: 92305.9532 East: 63813.0553 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 11. 56 North: 92305.7641 East: 63824.6138 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 69.68 North: 92236.0935 East: 63823.4740 Perimeter: 360.36 Area: 7,343 SF. 0.17 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0035 Error North: -0.00053 Precision 1: 103,369.40 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 81-15-40 W East: -0.00345 Lot name: 15 North: 92348.3373 East: 63813.7509 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W Length: 67.16 North: 92349.4358 East: 63746.5999 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 86.93 North: 92262.5175 East: 63745.1780 Line Course: N 71-21-09 W Length: 21. 00 North: 92269.2321 East: 63725.2804 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 163.15 North: 92432.3603 East: 63727.9491 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 87.16 North: 92430.9346 East: 63815.0974 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W Length: 82.61 North: 92348.3357 East: 63813.7462 Perimeter: 508.00 Area: 8,875 SF. 0.20 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0050 Error North: -0.00164 Precision 1: 100,663.61 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 71-02-41 W East: -0.00477 CLOVER CREEK -2 RIGHT OF WAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: R/W North: 92168.5342 East: 64023.6771 Line Course: N 71-21-09 W Length: 81. 47 North: 92194.5839 East: 63946.4840 Curve Length: 47.00 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 107-42-37 Tangent: 34.23 Chord: 40.38 Course: N 54-47-33 E Course In: N 18-38-51 E Course Out: S 89-03-46 E RP North: 92218.2715 East: 63954.4776 End North: 92217.8625 East: 63979.4743 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 85.35 North: 92303.2011 East: 63980.8703 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 130.94 North: 92434.1236 East: 63983.0121 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E Length: 49.06 North: 92483.1770 East: 63983.8146 Curve Length: 47.12 Radius: 30.00 Delta: 90-00-00 Tangent: 30.00 ",'I." Chord: 42.43 Course: N 44-03-46 W Course In: N 89-03-46 W Course Out: N 00-56-14 E RP North: 92483.6677 East: 63953.8186 End North: 92513.6637 East: 63954.3093 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W Length: 62.89 North: 92514.6924 East: 63891.4277 Line Course: N 01-51-53 E Length: 21. 00 North: 92535.6813 East: 63892.1110 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 3.18 . North: 92535.6293 East: 63895.2906 Line Course: N 00-51-53 E Length: 21. 00 North: 92556.6269. East: 63895.6075 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E Length: 59.39 North: 92555.6554 East: 63954.9896 Curve Length: 44.09 Radius: 72.00 Delta: 35-05-02 Tangent: 22.76 Chord: 43.40 Course: S 71-31-15 E Course In: S 00-56-14 W Course Out: N 36-01-16 E RP North: 92483.6651 East: 63953.8119 End North: 92541. 8987 East: 63996.1539 Curve Length: 44.09 Radius: 72.00 Delta: 35-05-01 Tangent: 22.76 Chord: 43.40 Course: S 36-26-13 E Course In: S 36-01-16 W Course Out: N 71-06-17 E RP North: 92483.6651 East: 63953.8119 End North: 92506.9815 East: 64021.9320 Curve Length: 51. 82 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 118-45-49 Tangent: 42.24 Chord: 43.03 Course: S 78-16-37 E Course In: N 71-06-17 E Course Out: S 47-39-32 E RP North: 92515.0775 East: 64045.5848 End North: 92498.2389 East: 64064.0635 Curve Length: 33.76 Radius: 55.00 Delta: 35-09-52 Tangent: 17.43 Chord: 33.23 Course: N 59-55-24 E TRACT A CLOVER CREEK -2 Lot name: TR-A North: 92718.0682 East: 63898.0514 Line Course: S 82-12-35 E Length: 76.22 North: 92707.7367 East: 63973.5679 Line Course: S 54-27-25 E Length: 111.74 North: 92642.7807 East: 64064.4884 Line Course: S 86-19-43 E Length: 169.08 North: 92631.9538 East: 64233.2214 Line Course: S 54-10-23 E Length: 32.72 North: 92612.8015 East: 64259.7504 Line Course: N 86-45-27 E Length: 52.45 North: 92615.7682 East: 64312.1164 Line Course: N 53-24-41 E Length: 119.12 North: 92686.7715 East: 64407.7622 Line Course: N 54-56-03 E Length: 52.27 North: 92716.8015 East: 64450.5448 Line Course: S 32-13-00 W Length: 47.78 North: 92676.3778 East: 64425.0722 Line Course: S 47-11-52 W Length: 124.23 North: 92591.9673 East: 64333.9242 Line Course: S 88-36-45 W Length: 75.07 North: 92590.1495 East: 64258.8762 Line Course: N 77-24-42 W Length: 50.25 North: 92601.1012 East: 64209.8342 Line Course: N 88-35-47 W Length: 133.49 North: 92604.3711 East: 64076.3842 Line Course: N 55-44-14 W Length: 128.95 North: 92676.9686 East: 63969.8117 Line Course: N 87-40-04 W Length: 72.40 North: 92679.9148 East: 63897.4716 Line Course: N 00-51-53 E Length: 38.16 North: 92718.0704 East: 63898.0475 Perimeter: 1283.95 Area: 17,271 SF. 0.40 AC. Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0045 Error North: 0.00226 Precision 1: 288,042.37 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 59-33-55 W East: -0.00384 ........ PLAT CLOSURE CALCULATION July 15, 2004 Lot name: PLAT North: 92817.7396 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W North: 92714.6453 Curve Length: 491.201 Delta: 30-06-12 Chord: 485.569 Co~rse In: S 41-07-30 E RP North: 92010.4041 End North: 92311. 2539 Line Course: N 89-03-46 W North: 92314.3454 Line Course: S 00-56-14 W North: 92168.5339 Line Course: N 71-21-09 W North: 92269.2296 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E North: 92432.3568 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E North: 92429.7277 Line Course: N 01-51-53 E North: 92514.6937 Line= Course: N 01-51-53 E North: 92535.6855 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E North: 92535.6335 Li~e Course: N 00-51-53 E North: 92556.6311 LiJne Course: N 00-51-53 E North: 92718.0677 LLne Course: S 82-12-35 E North: 92707.7358 L~ne Course: S 54-27-25 E North: 92642.7809 Line Course: S 86-19-43 E North: 92631.9538 ~ine Course: S 54-10-23 E North: 92612.7986 ~ine Course: N 86-45-27 E North: 92615.7653 Line Course: N 53-24-41 E North: 92686.7662 Line Course: N 54-56-03 E North: 92732.9471 Line Course: N 00-56-14 E North: 92817.9357 Line Course: S 89-03-46 E North: 92817.7384 East: 64~ 87.0100 Length: 103_ 108 E~st: 64485.3234 Radius: 934.904 Tangent: 251.410 COULrse: S 33-49-24 W Course Out: N 71-13-42 W ~ast: 65100.2135 lEast: 64215.0385 Length: 18 9.002 East: 64026.0617 Length: 145.831 East: 64023.6764 Length: 3:14.925 East: 63725.2838 Length: L 63 .149 East: 63727.9524 Length: ::160.733 East: 63888.6639 Length: 85.011 East: 63891.4302 Length: 21. 003 East: 63892.1136 Length: 3.185 East: 63895.2982 Length: 21.000 East: 63895.6151 Length:: 161.455 East: 63898.0517 Length.: 76 . 223 East: 63973.5713 Length.: 111.738 East: 64064.4901 Lengtb: 169.084 East: 64233.2271 Lengt.h: 32.725 East: 64259.7602 Length: 52.151 East: 64312.1272 Length: 119.116 East: 64407.7697 Length: 80.382 East: 64473.5618 Lencgth: 85.000 East: 64474.9521 Len.gth: 12.060 East: 64487.0105 Perimeter: 2598.381 Area: 191,345 SF. 4.39 AC. list~d courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 25-17-46 E East: 0.00053 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0012 Error North: -0.00112 Precision 1: 2,100,509.091 ~OfRENTON Printed: 09-21-2RC ce'VED SEP 21' 2OO't BUI,~'ON c~~\fG-\ii' ~t c ~ .' .. '}~\\~ . \ .. ~ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Acti.ons RECEIPT Permit#: LUA.04-116 Payment Made: '~'i 01 :41 PM ~\L~\~ Total Payment: '0 1,000.00 Payee: Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account C:ode Description 5012 000.345.f31.00.0009 Final Plat Payments made for this receipt Receipt Number: TOUMA ENGINEERS Amount 1,000.00 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 11887 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code 3 021 303. 000. ,00. 345 . 85 5006 000.345. :~H. 00.0002 5007 000.345. :~H. 00.0003 5008 000.345 . .a1. 00.0004 5009 000.345. :81.00.0006 5010 000.345. :81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345. 81.00.0010 5014 000.345. 81.00.0011 5015 000.345. 81.00.0012 5016 000.345. 81.00.0013 5017 000.345. 81.00.0014 5018 000.345. 81.00.0015 5019 000.345. 81.00.0016 5020 000.345. 81.00.0017 5021 000.345. 81.00.0018 5022 000.345. 81.00.0019 5024 000.345. 81.00.0024 5036 000.345. 81.00.0005 5909 000.341. 60.00.0024 5941 000.341. 50.00.0000 5954 604.237. 00.00.0000 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Description Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short PJLat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat:. Final plat PUD Grading & Filling Fe~s Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation M~t Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Re"-Tiew Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0405123 CITVOFRENTON RECEIVED SEP 2 1 2004 BUILDING DIVISION VOL PG CLOVER CREEK NO.2 LUA-01-034-FP LND-10-0336 PORTION OF GOVERNA,1ENT LOT 1 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIP TlON LOTS 48 THROUGH 51 OF OF CLOVER CREEK, AS PER PLA T RECORDED IN VOLUME 197 OF PLA TS. PAGES 55 THROUGH 61, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUA TE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS MAYOR EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS CITY CLERK, ATTEST DAY OF ______ , 20 DAY OF ______ , 20 CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND ALL SPECIAL ASSESSEMENTS ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF , 20 FINANCE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY APPROVALS KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CER nFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE. PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DA Y OF , 20 DIRECTOR DEPUTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSEMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ___ , 20 __ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR RES TRIC TlONS NO LOT OR PORTION OF A LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL BE DIVIDED AND SOLD OR RESOLD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH LOCATED. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THA T THIS PLA T OF CLOVER CREEK 2 , IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 5 ,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5E ,W.M., THA T THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTL Y THEREON; THA T THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WILL BE STAKED CORRECTL Y ON THE GROUND AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THA T I HA VE FULL Y COMPLIED WI~)QVlSK1NS OF THE PLA mNG REGULA TlONS. ~~:::PL~ CERTlFlCA TE NO 9470 TOUMA ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYOR'S 6632 S. 1915T PL. SUITE E-102 KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 PHONE: 425-251-0665 RECORDING CERTIFICA TE RECORDING NO. _____________ _ FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL THIS ___ _ DAY OF A.D. 20 ___ . AT __ MINUTES PAST __ M, AND RECORDED IN VOLUME __ OF PLATS, PAGE__ , RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS EASEMENT AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., QM:ST TELEPHONE COMPANY, AND COMCAST CABLE COMPANY, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS UNDER AND UPON A STRIP OF LAND 5 TO 10 FEET IN WIDTH AS SHOWN ON SHEET 3 AND 4 OF 4 HEREON; IN WHICH TO CONSTRUCT, OPERA TE. MAINTAIN, REPAIR, REPLACE AND ENLARGE UNDERGROUND PIPES, CONDUITS, CABLES, AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT UNDERGROUND OR GROUND-MOUNTED APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEPHONE, TELEVISION AND OTHER SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE STREETS, LOTS, TRACTS ANS SPACES AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STA TED. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY OR FOR TELEPHONE USE, OR CABLE TELEVISION, FIRE OR POLICE SIGNALS, OR OTHER PURPOSES, SHALL BE PLACE OR PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT OUTSIDE THE BUILDING THEREON UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT TO THE BUILDING. DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES LOCA TEO WITHIN THE PRIVA TE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLA T SHALL BE OWNED, OPERA TEO, AND MAINTAINED BY THE CLOVER CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON CREA TED FOR THIS PLA T. THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE LAW. THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HA VE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SAID EASEMENTS TO MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ANY DERCIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER(S) IS/ARE NEGLIGENT IN THE MAINTENACE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIR SHALL BE A T THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON EXPENSE. DEDICA TlON/CERTIFICA TlON KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CU1S AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN HEREON IN THE ORIGiNAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE. UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLA T AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN PUBLIC. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENT THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIAllON IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE LAW WHICH IDENTIFIES EACH LOT OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS. AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE CLOVER CREEK PLAT, AS SET FORTH IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 8, 2001, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 200108000667. OWNER/ APPLICANT POSITION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERllFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF ____ • 20_ BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED----------=-~---------------OF.~~--~~---------------------­THAT EXECUTED THE FOREGOING DEDICATION, AND WHO ACKNOWl.£DGED TO ME THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID ASSOCIATION, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SAID INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT _____ _ THIS IS TO CERllFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF • 20_BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED-=~=-=::_::_::__----­ =:::::-:=--==-:==:-::-:-::--=c==~' INDIVIDUALS KNOWN TO ME TO BE EXECUTED THE FOREGOING DEDICATION, AND WHO ACKNOWl.£DGED TO ME THE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID INDIVIDUALS FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENllONED. WITNESS MY HAND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT _____ _ 74102PL TT.DWG ~ TOUMA £NGIN££RS J.54c LAND SURlIE:YORS SHEET 1 OF 4 66J2 SOUTH 19':'7 PLACE. stATE: E-I02 • KENT. WA 98OJ2 PHONE: (425) .' J1-0665 FAX (425) 251-0625 VOL 'PG CLOVER CREEK NO.2 PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 LUA-01-034-FP LNO-10-0.3 . .36 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WM. NW CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5, FND BRASS NAIL IN CONC MON IN CAS£. CITY E=1,300,956.7610 NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5FND COPPER PIN ON 5" DIA CONC MON IN CAS£ CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MON 1266 {5/99} N=191,472.B126 £=1,300,956.7610 NE CORNER OF SECTION 5-2.3-5 _--MON WAS NOT FOUND, POSITION OF NE OF RENTON COIITR" .ON 11886157 N=191,472.8126 SEC COR TO SEC COR CORNER WAS CALCULA TED FROM SECTION 5 BREAKDOWN N B9·03'45::.:."-,W~o@El---_ N 89"15'16" W 1316.98 -2646.21' 1316.98' NE 28 STREET GL1 M.C. CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 MON WAS NOT FOUND. LOCA TlON WAS CALCULATED \------1 .. , 0 ..., co .... '" 0 £:> 'I' ~I . . • ~ "! B :3 ~ 1'./ co 0 ..., i-) C\) 0 1'./ .... ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 1350~~6~~:' STREET -i i \----'----I ~ NB9:;-S'03" W (MEAN; i ~ I~ ~ GL.3:n1l) t.J I ~ ~~ ~I~ e ~ ________ ~aQ ~ ~ o. , ..., M.C. CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 FND CONC MON {8/8.3} G.L. ~ g ~ I ~ I SE CORNER OF SECTION 5-2.3-5 NE 12TH STREET 2648.7.3' N 88'51'35 W N 89'33'00' W -iFND .3/4" PIPE { 8/8.3} M C. TO SEC COR N 89'22'34" W SECT! N 5-23-05 PLAT NOTES 1. TRACT nA n IS A NA TlVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT AND IT SHALL BE THE CLOVER CREEK NO. 2 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN TRACT RA ~ 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE CALCULA TED OR MEASURED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN. J. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT, SPECIFICALL Y THE HOMES WITHIN LOTS 6 AND 7, SHALL NOT PRECLUDE USE OF THE EASEMENT LOCA TED ALONG THE EASTERN MOST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SITE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER'S WHO HA VE BEEN GRANTED THE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE EASEMENT. 4. A HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIA TlON OR MAINTENANCE AGGREEMENT SHALL BE CREA TED CONCURRENTL Y WITH THE RECORDING OF THE FINAL PLA T IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SHARED PRIVATE ROADWAY AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. THE SA TlSFACTION OF THIS REAUIREMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION PRIOR TO THE RECORDING OF THE FINAL PLA T. 5. THE NA TlVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA (NGPA) SHALL INCLUDE ALL PORTIONS OF THE WETLAND. THE NGPA, WHICH SHALL CONTAIN THE PROTECTED SLOPE AREAS, 25-FOOT STREAM SETBACK, AND 50-FOOT WETLAND BUFFER, SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AS A PROTECTIVE EASEMENT TO BE RECORDED CONCURRENTL Y WITH THE FINAL PLA T PURSUANT TO RMC SECTION 4-3-050.G. THE NGPA SHALL PERMANENTL Y BE ESTABLISHED THROUGH WOOD SPLIT RAIL FENCING, AND MAINTAINED AS ESTABLISHED BY A HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIA TlON OR SIMILAR MECHANISM TO BE RECORDED WITH THE FINAL PLAT. 6. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT, SPECIFICAL Y THE HOMES WITHIN LOTS 6 AND 7, SHALL NOT PRECLUDE USE OF THE EASEMENT LOCA TED ALONG THE EASTERN MOST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SITE. RESTRICTIONS LOTS 1 THROUGH 4 INCLUSIVE SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 15-FOOT BUILDING SETBACK ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THESE LOTS ADJACENT TO THE RA VINE SLOPES, OTHERWISE A GEOTECH ENGINEER RECOMMENDA TlON MA Y BE REQUIRED FOR LESSER SETBACK. THE ACCESS SERVING LOT 15 SHALL BE THE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS OF LOT 15. THE STORM EASEMENT OVER THE THE ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CLOVER CREEK NO. 2 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON. NO LOT OR PORTION OF LOT IN THIS PLA T SHALL BE SOLD OR RESOLD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLA T SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH IT IS LOCA TED. THE FOLLOWING PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND DO HEREBY BIND ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND RESIDENTS OF CLOVER CREEK NO.2 TO BE MEMBERS OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON AS SET FORTH IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 200108000667 SPECIAL NO TES PERPETUAL RIGHT OF OWNERS TO USE CREEK AREA AND FOR MAINTENANCE OF CONCRETE DAM NOTED ON RECORDING NO. 170321. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESER VA TlONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDE, IF ANY, DISCLOSED BY SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8410299008. INGRESS, EGRESS, ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AS ESTABLISHED BY SUPERIOR COURT NO. 85-2-00831-6 DO NOT IMPACT THE PLA T, SINCE THE GRANTORS AND GRANTEE OF SUCH ENGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT ARE THE SAME OWNERS. NA TlVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENTS 'THE NA TlVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENi (NGPE) ON THIS CLOVER CREEK NO. 2 PLA T f')[NTIFIES THE STEEP SLOPES. THE CREA TlON OF THE NA TlVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESERVING NA TlVE VEGETA TlON FOR THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WA TER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE STABILITY, VISUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITA T. THE NA TlVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE EASEMENT AREA ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TO LEA VE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETA TlON WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. THE VEGETA TlON WITHIN THE NGPE MA Y NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FILL REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON, PROVIDED HOWEVER, THA T THE OWNERS OF UNDERL YlNG PROPERTY MA Y INSTALL LANDSCAPING. THE RIGHT OF ENTRY GRANTED HEREIN SHALL APPL Y TO THE AGENTS, REPRESENTA TlVE AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS OF THE UNDERL YlNG PROPERTY. DECLARA nON OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS LONG PLA T, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW PRIVA TE EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLA T TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLAT. 74102PL T1.DWG SHEET 2 OF 4 CjEJ TOUMA ENGINE£RS 1514t; LAND SURV£YORS 6632 ,00111 1~,lsr PLAce, stR1f: £-102 • KENT. WA 9lIO:J2 PlIO, ... (~.:;' 21·)·-(}665 FAX (425) 251-0625 - - --~--~-~ -----------~-----~ LUA-01-034-FP CLOVER CREEK NO.2 PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 LUA-01-034-FP VOL PC LNO-10-0336 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM. C[TY OF 1ENTON, I WASHINeTO~ --i15' PPES I i I lit A ':) E tvl E!'J ;PTlVE 4 L~5 I I NW CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 ~ -i----~ __ ._J --Z ,. TF Li I i --__ ----:-I_,.-Ll ---,tc-__ LJ FND BRASS NAIL IN CONC MON / ---'-~- IN CASE. CITY OF RENTON CONTROL I MON #1886 (5/99) N=191,472.8126 I E= 1,300, 956. 7610 I 43 TRACT "R" ~, =r~~] --t~ Ii)' IJS WEST COMM. EASEMENT I " REe. NO. 20000118001251 j L __ GRAPHIC SCALE 80 ~ "'i 1 in ~ __ 1 ____ - 45 46 47 ~ 8,070 SF. iii r) -0.19 AC. L I ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 40 ft. / 10' UnLinES '" SIDEWALK EAES ENT / LOT NUMBER -ADDRESS 1. 1218 N. 27TH PLACE 2. 1224 N. 27TH PLACE 3. 1300 N. 27TH PLACE 4. 1306 N. 27TH COURT 5. 1317 N. 28TH STREET Z 1313 N. 27TH COURT 8. 1307 N. 27TH COURT 9. 1301 N. 27TH COURT 10. 1221 N. 27TH PLACE 11. 2631 PARK A VE. NORTH 12. 2605 PARK A \IE NORTH 13. 1214 N. 26TH STREET 14. 1208 N. 26TH STREET 15. 1202 N. 26TH STREET LEGEND • o (R) + FEDERAL WA Y sm. MONUMENT SET FEDERAL WA Y sm. MONUMENT PK NAIL SET PK NAIL SET 1/2" REBAR &: CAP LS #9470 SET LEAD &: TACK FOUND REBAR &: CAP OR IRON PIPE (AS-NOTED) RADIAL BEARING SEcnON CORNER 6 [ ELOiC)N 4 I N89'b3'46"W 87.16' 15 8.875 SF. 0.20 AC. 11.56 STORM DRAINAGE ;;:, DETENnON VAUL T • _EIt5EMENL. ;! (X) i _ ~~ i ./ ~~ 7 73.57' :::; i ~t 13 7,200 SF. 0.17 AG. ~ ~~~~ I / ~ O i/ ---10' ununES '" CENTER SEcnON ~ ~EWALK EASEMENT SURVEY NOTES: / INSTRUMENT: NIKON TOTAL STATION DTM-Al0LG ----------, nun[s l: .9o.;',~ ~ ~ (5 SECOND INSTRUMENT). / ---5 U , METHOD USED: FIELD TRAVERSE WITH ACTUAL -""""SlQf!!ALK EASEMENT ~ A, ~ FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND ANGLES ---A ~'O.9. .]1'1.9.]' 59.39 10 7,201 SF. I-0.17 AC. <0 IC> oi I'" 589"03'46"E I 94.17' I 10' UnUnES &:---1 SIDEWALK EAESMENT I ~ 12 "'-,...~ 7,320 SF. (g~ 0.17 AG. c>'" Sl I I", 16 I~ I I I~ I~ I / " ,- ~ N ~ 21' 24' ;;:, z . ;! 19 ~ 21' 24' \ \ WAC 332-130-090 ----........ I V 26 ---l!: <. DA TE OF SURVEY: JANUARY. 1999 ---~ -........ -........ th ~O'6'r·Q.V' BASIS OF BEARING: NORTH LINE OF NW 1/4 OF SEcnON 5, -- N 89"03'46" W. -........ 74102PL T1.DWG SHEET 3 OF 4 CJi!!EI TOUMA £NGIN££RS I5:J 4t LAND SURV£YORS 6632 SOUTH 19l5T PLAce, SUITE E-I02 • KENT. WA 98OJ2 PHONE (425) 251-0665 FAX (425) 251-0625 \ "- 7 , ~ It... a IV) h ~ ~ ~ Vi . ) I -10 i I -~~ 2 7,222 SF. 0.17 AC. CLOVER CREEK NO.2 PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 <: OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 1 , I 17 3 8,643 SF. LA1A TL 4 7,277 SF. 0.17 AC. ~ ,i-\ N 28TH ST 416.66' I A "1-' IS' L r(',L- I \ L '-~ I 57 I I I I TL I I I I I I / I I I / 15 f "-../ III 17,340 S. )' I I / / 0.40 Ad-._) / I I I -"'-/ ., / I 58 LUA-01-034-FP OL 'PG LNO-10-0336 WM. 54 E/\/ TL 59 589"03'45"£ N89'03'49»W ~.12.06'.__ 888.26~. TL 73 NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECnON 5-23-5FND COPPER PIN ON 5" DIA CONC MON IN CASE. CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MON #266 {5/99} N= 191,472. 8126 E=I,300,956.761O 10' SANITARY SEWER ESM'T. REC NO. 6700767 . I~ S?O· ' ~;.;:;., i / 'I !. '¢..J~O. C:, I 1317._" I / 1 I ¢J.?8 C" (--_ . " / I I / -'r-t I I I <~) 7 /'-........1 1 I ()() / ~. I 30' ACCESS EASEMENT REC. NO. 4023743. SCALE 1))-40' I -- " / ~O' JOINT USE X ACCESS EASEMENT 6 S89V3~~6~t~ __ ~~R~=~5~~O~0_'_~ 10,240 SF. 0.24 AG. 100.25 N 27th CT ,-,' / / I 1 1 I la' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. REG, NOS. SS8 6700777 & 6595559. ~8' <.>. <'>1> TL 46 GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 16 ~,-----"-----,,--"---~---:-----I ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 40 fl --- 77 ~I ~I I I I 9 7,442 SF. 0.17 AC. i-lQ' UnUTIES &: I SIDEWALK EASEMEN 70..00 S89YJ.J'46"£ 21' 24' ~ .j<--=--,j<-='-'---,l-<It :::i R= 75. 00 w L=23.18 Tan= 11. 68 g \ Delta=I7"42'3r (/)\ '" B 7,765 SF. 0.18 AC. 119.00. 189.00' TL 45 30' ACCESS EASEMENT REC. NO.. 4359638 AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREA TED HEREIN FALL 'MTHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE #4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WA TER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITy'S SURFACE. THERE IS NO NA ruRAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WA TER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXmEME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WA TER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WA TER. 74102PLT1.DWG SHEET 4 OF 4 ~ TOUAIA ENGINEERS LS~ LAND SURt/£YORS 66:L ~,"JTr: 1915T PU.C£. SUIrE £· .. 102 • KENT, WA 98032 I';'{',. (eS) .'!51-()665 FAX (425) 251-0625 ,::.~.--!" ,--.;----_ .... _--' \ 1 1 ER CREEK NO LUA-04-116-FP CLOV: .. 2 LNO-10-0375 PORTION OF GOV'T LOT 1 & NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 ~ OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM. ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ~ £ UNE OF HIUMAN BL \1]. ------25'~ 25' m NW COR SEC ~ -N 28n-l ST 5-23-5, SEE~_-t­ __ SH,---,-,-T...::..3 OF 4. ~-41.98' -N89 VJ'45 "W 423.33' 1316.98' -- 2 7,222 SF. 0. 17 Ae. 21' 24' -- N 1 L:,,:,:'6==---.' CORfIER(CALC}" 6.67' 26.80' $54"27'25-E /0' SANITARY SEWER --..-IESM'T REG NO 6700783 TRACT "A I I 9 1.442 SF. 0.17 AC '·L':x1ES~ r EASlEJIfJ" lO.oo R= 75. 00 L=23.18 Tan=I'.68 8 \ Delta=IT42'Jr <III 4 7,277 SF. 0..17 AC. 8 1.715 SF. 0. til AC. 77,195 SF. 0.39 ,.Ie. 119. ()(} 189.00' 5 17,.340. 5:-: 0 .. 10. 4t 10' SANITARY SEtte? ESIJ'T. REC NO. 6700767. 8 .n GO ..; o NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 FND COPPER PIN ON 5" DlA CONC !.ION IN CA.sc: CITY OF RENTON CONTRa. !.ION 1266 {5/99} N=19I,429.8J69 E=I,303,590.024O s804~'2.7''W- 52.45" 10' SANITARY SEtte? ESIJ'T. REC NO. 6700767. ~i TL 45 . , ~ACCESS EASEI.IENT REG. NO. 402374.3. 7'"::.= 40' GRAPHIC SCALE ~-~ --20 40 .. ~ I ( III rur ) 1 IDe.. -40 rt. " , AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREA TED HEREIN FALL 'MTHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTEcnON AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE #4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOI..£ SOURCE OF DRINKING WA TER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITYS SURFAC£ THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WA TER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WA TER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. 74102PL TI.DWG SHEET 4 OF 4 J::iE? TOUMA eNGlN££RS I!i!i:.~ LAND SURV£YORS /JII.J2 SOUTH 19151 PI.Aa'. SU1£ (-102 • KENT, 1114 9tIOSZ _ (425) 251__ FAX (425) 2!l1-<J52!J 1 I CLOVER CREEK NO.2 LUA-04-116-FP lNO-l0-0375 PORTION OF GOV'T LOT 1 &' NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIP TION LOTS .f.8 THROUGH 51 OF ao'vU? CREEK. AS PER PLA T RECORDED IN VOLUME 197 OF PLATS. PAGES 55 THROUGH 61, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS aTY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDIN<1!PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAM~ AND A~ROVED THIS ZO'OAY OF JA"HIA~ , 200> ~ '11J¢M~ AOMINISTRT- EXAMIfED AND APPROVED nt~DAY OF :r."ury . 2005 WAr,;, ~ .. ..,~ ~ Mo APPRCMD msJ.l:.DAY OF spay." . 20M tr"u3ii~aH,wu .. . ~~. -; ,- CITY Of REMTON FINANCE OIREClOR*S CER1F1CA TE I HEREBY CERlFY 1MA T 1HERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSNENTS AND AU. SPECIAl ASSESSMENTS ON AMY OF THE PROPERTY HEREI\I CONTAINED. DEDICATED AS STREETS. AU..EY'S OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE. ARE PAID IN FULL EXAMINED AND APPROVED niIS~AY OF: £)~At2r • ~ Q,ct..:~ FINANCE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY APPROVALS KING COUNTY FlNANCE DIVISION CERT1F1CAlE I HEREBY CERllFY THAT ALl. PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID. THAT THERE ARE NO !)EL!NQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMfNTS Cf~l1F1ED Tn THIS OFFICE FOR COLL£C-jjON AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFILD TO THIS ornCE FOR COlLECllON ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, AllEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBUC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL [XAM~ AND APPRO>ID 1H1~:~~' 20£ GILt ~-.~ DIRE OR DEPUTY-'" DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 1.5.tA~J?J:!;, ~~ ScaH-Noble ~ Up,. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR .I 1~4S0 -o<tCto( O"lBo, 0500 '!-" OSlO RES TRIC TlONS NO LOT OR PORTION OF A LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL BE DIVIDED AND SOLD OR RESOLD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH LOCATED. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICA TE I HEREBY CERTTFY THA T THIS Pt..A T OF a.O't'ER CREEK 2 , IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURI£Y AND SUBDlVfSlON OF SECTTON 5 ,TDWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE ~. W.II., THA T THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTL Y THEREON; THA T THE IIONUIIENTS WIll. BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WIll. BE STAKED CORRECTL Y ON THE GROUND AS CONSTRUCTION IS COIIPL£TED AND THA T I HA 1£ FUll. Y C()IJ,~WlTH JVfSlONS OF THE PLA mNG REGULA TTONS. -~~ llOUNIR H. TOUI/A PLS. CERT1F1CA TE NO 9470 TOUIIA ENGINEERS .t LAND SUR~'S 6632 S. '9'ST PL. SUITE E-'02 KENT. WASHINGTON 98032 PHONE-425-25'-0665 RECORDING C£R TlFICA TE RECORDING NO. ____________ _ CONFORMED COpy FILED FOR RECOI DAY OF __ _ IN VOLUME __ DIVISION OF CITY COUNCIL THIS ___ _ __ 1.1. AND RECORDED ::OUNTY. WASHINGTON MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS EASEMENT AN EASEI/ENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND COVI£)'fi) TO THE orr OF RENTON, PUGEr SOUND ENERGY, INC., QKST Tf1..£PHONE COMPANY, AND COMCAST CABLE COMPANY, AND THEIR RESPEC111£ SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS UNDER AND UPON A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET IN WIDTH, AS SHOWN ON SHEETS 3 AND 4 OF" H£R£ON; IN WHICH TO CONSTRUCT. OPERA TF. MAINTAIN, REPAIR, REPLACE AND ENLARGE UNDERGROUND PIPES. CONDUITS, CABLES. AND WIRES VtfTH NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT UNDERGROUND OR GROUND-liOUNTED APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY VtfTH £L£CTRlOrr. GAs. Tf1..£PHONE. TD..EVlSlON AND OTHER SERVICES, TOGETHER VtfTH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE STREETS, LOTS, TRACTS AND OPEN SPACES AT ALL 1111ES FOR THE PURPOSES H£R£JN STA TED. NO LINES OR twR£S FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF £l.£CTRlOTY OR FOR TELEPHONE USE, OR CABLE TELEVISION, FIRE OR POLICE SIGNALs, OR OTHER PURPOSES. SHALL 8£ PLACED OR PfRI/IITED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT OUTSIDE THE BUILDING THEREON UNLESS THE SAJlE SHALL BE UNO£RCROUNO OR IN CONDUIT TO THE BUIl.DINC. DRAINAGE EASEMENT rH£ OTY OF RENTON sHAU'HAIE" rI£ 8MT lO·ENJDi $AD EASEJENTS ro IJAlNTAJN AMJ RCPAR ANY DEFICIENCES OF 71£ 0RAIIWiE FACVTY 1/ 'lIE £tENT THE OIJNER(S) IS/ARE NCQJCENT IN THE 1lAlN1ENANtE OF 71£ ~NNAGE FM2I1ES. lHESE RCPARS SHALL B£ A r 1HE HOII£OINERS ASSOaA1ION £XPfJISE. DEDICA nON/CERTIFICA nON KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY 1HESE PRESENTS 1HAT WE 1HE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN 1HE LAND HEREBY SUBOMDED, HEREBY DEa.ARE 'MS PLAT TO BE lHE GRAPHIC REPRESENTA110N OF 1HE SUBDI\1S1OH MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO lHE USE OF 11-£ PUBlIC FOREVER AU. STREElS AND A'JENUES NOT SHO¥ftiI AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR AU. PUBUC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WllH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBUC t-IGHWAY PURPOSES. AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND flUS UPON 1HE LOTS SHOWN HEREON IN lHE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND A\OIUES, AND FURlHER DEDICATE TO lHE USE OF lHE pU\:,UC FILL lHi:: t.ASEM£rns AN{) TRACTS SHfJWN ON THiS PlAT FOR ALL PUBliC PURPOSr.S .., AS INDICATED THEREON, INClUDING BUT NOT UMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, U11UTIf.S AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR lRACTS ARE SPECIACALL Y IDENTIFIED ON lHlS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OlHER THAN PUBUC. KNOW AlL PEOPLE BY 1HESE PRESENT THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS IN FEE SIMPLE OF lHE LAND HEREBY CER11FY lHAT WE HAVE ESTABlISHED A HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE LAW WHICH IQENlU'lES EACH LOT OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE SUB.£CT TO lHE COVENANTS, CONDI11ONS. AND RESTRICTIONS FOR lHE CLOVER CREEK PLAT, AS SET FORlH IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 8. 2001, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING N . 20010108000667. POSITION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF K,iT., ) lHlS IS TO CERTIFY~A T ON lHlS ~(. DAY OF #QVW"'&'--' 20£ BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBUC. PERSON ALL Y APPEARED ~rad/er' K. #"'1/1 eo! ( W.lzer"/I'1L7n,,,(t>c OF Lsd?C",4'"r //',,)va:s ~c. lHA T EXECUTED lHE FOREGOING DEOICA l1ON. AND WHO ACKNOM£DGED TO ME lHE SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE lHE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID ASSOCIATION. FOR lHE USES AND PURPOSES lHEREIN MENTIONED. AND ON OATH STATED THA T HE WAS AUlHORIZED TO EXECUTE lHE SAID INSTRUMENT. WllNESS MY HAND OFflClAl SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIR MOUNIR H. TOUMA STATE OF WASHINGTON I NOTARY-o-PUBLIC I VI COMWISSIOll EXPIRES 8-09-01 A£~4"F /041'7QS.F 7"0 BE ZJ£ou"A~o ~;;;4,/£ c.lTI" Or Z.FA/TOA/ ;C'"o.e: ,PU&~/£ ,e'&;NTor W"'~ 74102PL T7.0WG SHEET 1 OF 4 I::ii!!E' TOUtAA eNGINeeRS lEI. LANO SURIr£YORS .cz _ ,.,sr IIACl!; .me £-_ 01l!DtT. 1M ..u2 _ (4Z1S) ___ FAX (4Z1S) 251-1J625 CLOVER CREEK NO.2 LUA-04-116-FP LNO-l0-0375 PORTION OF GOV'T LOT 1 &' NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON NW CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5. FND BRASS NAIL IN CONC MON IN CASE. CITY E= 1.300.956. 7610 NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 FND CCi"PER PIN ON 5' DlA CONC MON IN CASE. CITY OF RENTON CONTRa. MON 1266 (5/99) N=191.429.8369 E~I.JOJ.590.0240 NE CORNER OF SEC nON 5-23-5 ....---MON WAS NOT FOUND. PosmON OF NE (T RfNTr>I <X!tfflIa. "ON #/886 1'7 N=191.472.8126 N 89"03·45:c...·-'w~AE3I---_ N 89"1!j'16' W 1316.98 -26'1-6.21' CORNER WAS CALCllLATEn FRDAl S£.CII[JN 5- BREAKDOWN 1316.98' H£ 28 STRE£T G.L.1 0; ~ ~ ~ M.C. CORNER OF SEC nON 5-23-5 MON WAS NOT FOUND. LOGA nON WAS CALCut.A TEO : ~!o ~ ~ • 0 CO -"i ~ ~fCi g ~ ;., ~ 0 <"4 .., ~ ~ ~I ~ \-----.J..-~_'3!jO~ _ JI .~ N~/!r;;. STRC£T -i i ----rr9"16'OJ' W (MEAN) i : I~ Q G.L.3 ~ ~I ~ ~ :<t ~ ... ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~---__ ~o <"4 ~ o ~ "l ~ g ~ I ~ M.C. CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 FND CONC MON (8/83) ~ I SE CORNER OF SEC nON 5-23-5 G.L.4 ~FND 3/4' PIPE ( 8/83) H£ 12TH S1R£CT 893.!j6· 2648.73' BB"!i;;S' W N -89'3.3'00' W - M. C. TO SEC COR N 89'22'34' W SECTION 5-23-05 PLAT NOTES 1. TRACT 'A' IS A NA TlVE: GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT AND IT SHALL BE THE aoVER CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON RESPONSIBIUTY TO JlAINTAIN TRACT ·A~ 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE CALCULATED OR MEASURED UNLESS OmER'MSE NOTED ON mE PLAN. J. THE DEVELOPJlENT OF mE PRo.Ecr. SPECJF7CALL Y THE HOUES 'MmlN LOTS 6 AND 7. SHALL NOT PREaUDE USE OF THE EASEJlENT LOCA TED ALONG THE EASTERN JlQST PROPERTY UN[ OF mE SITE BY mE PROPERTY OHNER'S MlO HA ~ BEEN GRANTED THE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE EASEAlENT. .f. THE tten.AND 8I.JFFER EASEIIENT (Itf£) SHALL INCLUDE THE 5O-FOOT fIE1L4Af) BUFFfR AND IT SHALL BE ESTA8USHED AS A PROTECl1VE EASEJlENT FTR THE PURPOSC tT ItIAItTAININC PRa'ER 8UUJING SETBACK AND SHALL 8C P£RJIAN£NTLY ItIAMTMEO BY 11£ am£R UiEEX IOEOWi£RS ASSOaA 77at ~ UPai TIE R£CCRDING (y 7HIS PLU; TRACT ·A· IS H£REBY GRANTED AND (."(M£)(l) TO THE am£R tREEK HaEOWIERS'S ASSOC1A TJai (HOA). III lIE . £\£lIT THAT 11£ HOA IS assoLVED {R 0'TlER'M!£ FAILS TO ItfECT 11$ PROPERTY TAX 0BI.JGA71ONS, AS EVlDENaIJ BY NClV-PAYllENT CT PRCPERTY TAJIfS Fat A PERIOD (y £JGHTECN (18) lIaiTHS. THEN £AaI LOT IN THIS PLAT SHAU. ASSVIE AND HA~ AN EQUAL AND UNDIWJED OtIINCRSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACT PR£IAO(jSL Y OttNED BY THE HOA RES TRICTlONS LOTS 1 THROUGH 4 INCLUSIVE SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF IS-FOOT BUILDING SETBACK ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THESE LOTS ADJACENT TO THE RA VINE SLOPES, OTHERWISE A GEOTECH ENGINEER RECOMMEND A TION MA Y BE REQUIRED FOR LESSER SETBACK. THE ACCESS SERVING LOT 15 SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS OF LOT 15. THE STORM EASEMENT OVER THE THE ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CLOVER CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON. NO LOT OR PORTION OF LOT IN THIS PLA T SHALL BE SOLD OR RESOLD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. SPECIAL NO rES PERPETUAL RIGHT OF OWNERS TO USE CREEK AREA AND FOR MAINTENANCE OF CONCRETE DAM NOTED ON RECORDING NO. 170321. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESER VA TIONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDE, IF ANY, DISCLOSED BY SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8410299008. INGRess. EGRess. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AS ESTABLISHED BY SUPCRIOR COURT NO. 85-2-008J1-6 DO NOT IMPACT THE PLAT. SINCE THE GRANTORS ANO GRANTEE OF SUCH INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTlJTI£S EASDIENT ARE THE SAME OWNERS. NATM: GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENTS ""'RI£ NA 7nE fiROII1H PR01CC1ION £AS£Jl£Nr (NGP£) ON THIS a.01Vi' CREEK NO. 2 PLA T aJIw:ES TIE S1EEP S-CJlES lIE 0i£A 1ION (y THC NA 111£ GROWTH PROTEC7I(M £AS£II£KT (NCP£) ~ 7l) 1H£ PU8UC A B£NEFICJAL INTEREST IN THE LAND .1NN THE £ASEJENT AReA. THIS 1N1ER£ST SHAU. BE FOR TI£ PURPOSE OF PR£S£R'ANG NA TIlE 'tEGETA11ON F'CR TIE catTRa. t:T SURFACC WATER AND EROSION. IIAlN1£NANCC t:T SLOF£ STA8II.J1Y. WSVAL AND AURAL EJUFFfRlNG. AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIIIAL HABITA 1. THE NA 111E GROWTH PROTECl1CW EASEAlENT I"'POSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURe OtwERS AND OCCUPIERS OF mE EASEMENT AREA ENFORCEABI..£ ON BEHALF OF THE PUBUC BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TO LEA VE: UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VE:GETA nON 'MTHIN THE EASElJENT AREA. THE VE:GETA TlON 'MTHIN THE NGPE JlA Y NOT BE cur. PRUNED, COIERED BY RLL REMOI£) OR DAMAGED 'MmOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROII THE CITY OF RENTON. PROVIDED HOWEVE:R, THAT THE OWNERS OF mE UNDERLYING PROPERTY MAY INSTALL LANDSCAPING. THE RIGHT OF ENTRY GRANTED HEREIN SHALL APPtY TO THE A6EHTS, REPRESENTATlVE:S AND EMPLO'rffS OF THE OHNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OHNERS OF THE UNDERL YlNG PROPERTY. D£CLARA nON OF COVENANT THE OItNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS LONG PLA T. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVFNANTS AND AGREES TO CON\lf:Y THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW PRIVA n: EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLA T TO ANY ANQ ALL FUTllR£. PURCHASERS OF THE WTS. OR OF ANY SUBDlVlSlONS THER£.OF. THIS COIlf:NANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLAT. ).J 1--' (\' THE FOLLO~NG PROTECTlVF COVFNANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS SHALL RUN ~TH THE LAND AND DO HEREBY BIND ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND RESIDENTS OF CLOVFR CREEK NO.2 TO BE MEMBERS OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TlON AS SET FORTH IN THE ~~~----------------~" t:::j'EI TOUMA £NGlN££RS () DOCUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20010108000667 74102PL noW(; SHEET 2 OF 4 1.!!!!i:J. LAND SURVCYORS -{: 6IS.J2 scum 'MST PlA<X SI.f1£ £-'02 • KDlT, __ 98O.J2 PHONE (425) 25'__ FAX (425) 25'-<J62tS 00 CLOVER CREEK NO.2 LUA-04-116-FP 'OL PC LNO-10-0375 PORTION OF GOV'T LOT 1 & NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON j / .~ NW CORNER OF SECTION 5-23-5 FND BRASS NAIL IN CONC MON IN CAS£. CITY OF RENTON CONTROL MON 11886 (5/99) N=191,472.8126 E=I,300,956.7510 ~ S~ALE 7 "=40' GRAPHIC SCALE 80 " !- ,...----1 ____ -. ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. LOT NUMBER -ADDRESS 1. 1218 N. 27TH PLACE 2. 1224 N. 27TH PLACE 3. 1300 N. 27TH PLACE 1. J.J06 N. 2771-1 COURT 5. 1317 N. 28TH STREET 6. 1312 N. 27TH COURT 7. 1313 N. 27TH COURT 8. 1307 N. 27TH COURT . 9. 1301 N. 27TH COURT 10. 1221 N. 27TH PLACE OR la 26J7 PARK A \.£ N. 11. 26J7 PARK AlE: NORTH 12. 2605 PARK AlE: NaiTH OR 12. 1220 N. 26TH STREET 13. 1274 N. 26TH STREET 10' SANITARY SEWER ESM'T REC NO 670078~ \ 14. 7208 N. 26TH STREIT 75. 7202 N. 26TH STREET .--'~ ---~ N891>3'4frw 1316.98' ----, --;..",.--\ ,,/_ I _ _ _ _, -L -; ... ,,---..=--:--------------.../" \ \ \ \ \ \ ~- N891l3'46'"w 85.16' ----- -~, c:-~ , '. L-'-- i 24.96' .I 584'56"4,,£ 70.65' 8,285 SF. 0.79 AC. 52.21' 10 7,201 SF. 0.17 AG. 75.57' ,;; ! ~ I" in I.() • I -f -l 1(1 U7IJ7F:S <L.-J LEGEND • • • )( DC. _"CASe !J£TIDI" CASC PIC MAC. 5£T PIC NAIl. I ELOloN -iii to - .A(:':RES 15 Ano SF. ().2tJ At; a" 8 -9 .. I 11 I IZV'ItI sf:" I::" t-, 5705'~ , smrALK £AE§l£Nrj • 5£T 1/2" REBAR ~ CAP LS #9470 14 __ 1---L -71.93" -I C'\~ t o (R) + SCT LEAD ~ TACK FOUND REBAR .t CAP OR IRON PiPE (AS-NOTED) RADIAL BEARfNG SECTION aRNER 7,2~ SF. 0.17 AC. ~~)')-~, STORtI DRAINAGE 6"~Gl7;-l ~i: DETENTION VAUl T ~ '" -EMBIENL..., ''; ------------~ ~ , / ", /' 1.0. ~ ~ ~~ 13 7,200 SF. 0.17 AC. Co():l QUARTfR SECTION /' '&'" J. ~ ,~~ O / --__________ :(/ TO' UTlUT1ES .t CENTfR SECTION / Z ~ ~ f'OCWAl.J( EASEJl£NT SURVEY NOTES: ~ S7/~/' INSTRUMENT: NIKON TOTAL STATION DTM-A10LG _____ -_____ __ uu· ........... _ (5 SECOND INSTRUMENT). / --~s?' ~ -- METHOD USED: FIELD TRAVERSE WITH ACTUAL -----.~ ~ A,_ FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND ANGLES --A.~IOt;. JI<1.gJ WAC .3.32-1.30-090 --------'V 26 --.!! <- DATE: OF SUR'A::Y: JANUARY. 1999 -----. ~ th sr-----~T·tl?· BASIS OF BEARING: Na?TH UNE OF NW T/4 OF SECTION 5, ~ ---. N~~ ______ -- 12 7,320 SF. 0.17AG. I~ i~ i~ ~ '---1-- ~ 1 ~ 1 I 1-... ~ ;rt I 2T' 24' 74102PL T7.DWG c;;:::;:r TOUMA £NGlN££RS lSa LAND SURV£YORS SHEET 3 OF 4 /JIUZ St1IJ7H lII1S1 PUC£. SUT£ E-Iaz • KENT. 1M 96O.3Z _ (4~) ~t-otl6!l FAX (.f~) 251-(}625 ..... • • 00 ON GO • ...... <Crt N .... 10 (/) ~ ~ ~ I-. tj ~ ~ (r) r i·, f'w--. t: t I f ).J -s:;; ~~ ~ ~ G' C""