HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-136t· ' Minutes OWNER/APPLICANT: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUE'ST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KBS JIJ LLC 12320 NE 81h Street, Ste., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 R. A. and Beverly Wolf 14702 SE 1051h Place Renton, W A 98059 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 18215 nnd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 . Windstone III Short Plat LUA 04-136, SHPL-H, LLA 1815 Nile Avenue NE March 7, 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a.six (6) lot subdivision of a lA-acre site and a lot line adjustment. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on February 1, 2005. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, fieid checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES Tltefollowing minutes are a summary of the February 8,2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, February 8, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. , Windstone III Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Grading, Storm Drainage and Utility Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Nancy Weil, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055'. The lot line adjustment is going to affect a lot that was created in Stoneridge I, which was the pipestem portion to the south of this proposed site. The adjustment will take a portion of the parcel to the north and create Lot 34 on Windstone III. This lot line adjustment is being processed administratively and will have to be completed prior to recording of this short plat. Stoneridge I has not been recorded as of this date, it will be necessary for it to be recorded prior to the approval of the lot line adjustment because that lot that is being incorporated into Windstone III does not exist. This is a shot plat approval for 6 lots on a 1.4 acre site proposed off of Kitsap Place NE an. extension of the road coming off of Nile A venue NE through the original Stoneridge subdivision to be extended frol11 the south, north to a temporary cul-de-sac in Windstone III. This is a vested site to the development regulations of the R-5, although the site is currently zoned R-4. This site was part of the annexation that took place in 2004 as part of the overall Stoneridge Development. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 4.92 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. ' The site topography is flat to rolling and slopes gently to the east with approximately 20 feet of elevation change. across the width of the site. The site is vegetated sparsely with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense under story of forest duff and brush. There were no critical areas found on this site and therefore there was no Environmental Review conducted for this short plat. As far as the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) staff concluded that this proposal was in compliance with the policies under the Comprehensive Plan. Once the lot line adjustment is completed the site will consist of 61 ,6 J 4 square feet. The minimum lot size for the R-5 zone is 7,200 square feet with a lot width of 60 feet for interior, and 70 feet for corner Jots. All lots do comply with dimension requirements. A note shall be placed 011 the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat.' All compliance with building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. As proposed the revised short plat does comply with lot arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. The proposal does seem to comply with the lot size and shape regulations. The proposed subdivision would not create any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. t Windstone III Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-J35, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 3 Access for the proposed development is the exteilsion of Kitsap Place NE and street improvements will be required along Kitsap Place NE. As far as the temporary turnaround, it will be not~d on the plat that it is temporary and that the street will eventually go through to the next development. Staff recommends the establishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements. Fire, Traffic and Mitigation Fees are to be imposed. The site gently slopes downward from the west to the east with a slope of approximately 5 percent. The property is described as sparsely vegetated with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense brush. The trees range from a 6-inch fir to J 6-inch cedar, maple and fir. The proposal would remove all but 2 of the 23 trees indicated onthe site. The proposed detached single-family development appears to be consistent with the' existing uses in the area. " Staff is requiring the planting of two new ornamental trees within the front yard setback area for all lots within the short plat. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISD impact fees. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. ' The storm water facility is located in the original Stoneridge I, this site will tie into that system. With the added Ilots, it is recommended that the CC&R's be amended to include the responsibilities of these lots to that original storm drainage facility. Due to the downstream capacity issues, it is' further recommended that the applicant comply with the) 998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention and water quality improvements. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 14 conditions. Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 72nd Ave S, Kent, W A 98032 stated that the applicant agrees with the conditions of approval of this plat. Richard Wolf, ) 4702 SE I 05'h Street, RentO!l, WA 98059 asked if he would have access to his remaining property with the addition of Kitsap Place NE? There will not be a barricade installed at the stub end of the street so that he could not access his property. He also inquired as to what the requirements were as to fencing the retention pond. ' The Examiner stated that that would be up to Mr. Wolf and the applicant to determine whether or not that is constructed. It may lead to some confusion. As to the fencing of the retention pond, it was developed under the King County Standards, and should be the same safety requirements. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated that fencing is required by King County Design Manual if it meets specific depths. Once there is a final design, there is a requirement in place for fencing. Kitsap would be a public road, it will need to be signed that someday it may go through. The difficulty with Mr. Wolf's request for access across there is that typicallya barricade is put in place specifically to prevent dumping and that it says "end of road". Between Mr. Wolf and the developer access may be made available. . : ) 'Windstone III Short Plat ""j File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 4 Mr. Potter stated that a six (6) foot cedar fence would be placed around the pond with the appropriate gates for access and maintenance as well as provide the safety for the stann pond. With regards to the end of Kit sap, he stated that they would work ~ith Mr. Wolf and provide him the access that he needs. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:33 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: ] . The applicant, KBS III LLC, represented by Wayne Potter, filed a request for a 6-lot Short Plat. This is a companion to the Windstone IV short plat located somewhat south of this site. They were both reviewed at public hearings on the same day and share a number of common elements. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official detennined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1815 Nile Avenue NE. The subject site is located closer to Ilwaco Avenue NE, which is west of the subject site, than it is to Nile Avenue. The subject site is north of Sunset Boulevard and south ofNE 20th Street if it were extended. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development oflow density single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family - 4 dwelling units/acre). The application for the short plat was submitted while the subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family - 5 dwelling units/acre) and the request is entitled to be reviewed under the R-5Zoning standards. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with. the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. . . 9. The subject site is approximately 1.4 acres or 61,614 square feet. The subject site is a som,'!what L- shaped parcel that is approximately 400 feet long (east to west) by approximately 125 feet wide. A dogleg at the eastern end of the parcel runs south approximately 80 feet. 10. The site slopes downward toward the east at approximately 5% from approximately 450 feet to 420 feet. 11. The applicant proposes preserving 2 of the approximately 23 trees found on the subject site. All other vegetation would be removed. , . ) 'Windstone III Short Plat ' .. '/ File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 5 , i ':,' ] 2. The proposed short plat is part of a larger platting effort of surrounding property and will be served by roads, utility lines and a storm drainage system developed as part of the other plats. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 6 lots for detached single-family homes, 13. Kitsap Place NE will run from the south to the north through the western end of the site. Atotal of six lots east and west of Kitsap will be served by the roadway. There will be two lots, Proposed Lots 1 and 2, located west of the road that will directly access Kitsap. East of the roadway will be four lots. Two lots, Proposed Lots 3 and 4, will front along Kitsap while two other lots, Proposed Lots 5 and 6, east of those two will take their access from a 26-foot wide easement road running along the south margin of the parcel. 14. The density for the plat wou Id be 4.92 dwelling units per acre after subtracting the area ror roadways. IS. Current plans would have Kitsap end in a temporary cul-de-sac bulb established over portions of Proposed Lots] to 4. The development of the property north of the subject site would allow the extension of Kitsap to the north to complete a through-street connection to the north and east. Until that extension, there would have to be this temporary turnaround bulb serving the plat. 16. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has adopted an impact fee to outset impacts to schools in that district. The fee is $2,937.00 per single-family lot. 17. The development will increase traffic approximately] 0 trips per unit or approximately 60 trips. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. These additional trips will affect traffic in the City and roads outside of the immediate vicinity of the subject site. 18. Stormwater control will be handled by a system constructed as part of the Stoneridge I Plat. The maintenance of that system will have to be shared by homeowners of this new plat. Staff has recommended that since the subject site is located within the May Creek sub-basin that the ] 998 King County Manual, Level 3, be applied for both detention and water quality. 19. Sewer service will be provided by the City, while Water District 90 will provide domestic water. 20. The applicant did not propose providing any recreational amenities for the plat. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat, in an R-4 District, provides larger lots in an area with urban services. This plat helps widen the range of lot sizes for those who want more than a small single-family lot. 2. The applicant will be providing a portion of what will eventually be a connection to the City's street grid system but in the, interim has provided a cul-de-sac that provides that emergency vehicles and other vehicles can reach the subject site and successfully turnaround. The turnaround will also serve other properties south of the subject site. 3. The development of the subject site will create impacts on the City's street system as well as its parks and recreationa} programs and its new residents will probably take advantage of the City's emergency services. Therefore, applicant should pay mitigation fees to offset its impacts on roads, parks and emergency services. The City has a standard formula for computing those impacts and they will apply .. Windstone JJJ Short Plat ',j File No.: LUA-04-1 35, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 6 to this development. The applicant will also be paying a fee to the Issaquah School District to help with school construction. 4. The property does not have any critical areas although its odd shape does create a few lots with odd shapes and necessitates a private access roadway for the more remote eastern parcels of the subject site. 5. . The plat should increase the tax base of the City which along with the mitigation fees noted above, should help offset any other impacts on the community. The additional traffic and hubbub that the additional residents will bring to the area was anticipated by the development. 6. The fact that this plat willlltilize some infrastrllctre from the adjacent development means that it residents will have to take part in maintenance efforts. DECISION: The short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of th is requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The applicant shall note the yard setbacks are designated as follows: the front yard setback for Lot 5 from the southern property line and for Lot 6 from the northern property line. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. . The applicant shall ensure that the residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat that are not visible from Kitsap Place NE. The satisfaction of the completion of this requ!l'ement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. A homeowner's association or a maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the access road and improvements along the access road through Stoneridge J, prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee equal to $75.00 for/each new daily trip associated with the project, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Transportation Mitigation Fee shal1 be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall complywith the re~ommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated October 14, 2004, regarding "s ite Preparation and General. Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". , 'Windstone III Short Plat <) File No,: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 7 8, The short plat shall be required to comply with the Department of EcologY's (DOE) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements, outlines in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 9. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot yard setback area of all six lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to rel:ord a restrictive covenant against the property prior to' final short plat recording, which indicates' that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 10. The applicant shalf pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single7 family residence, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stone ridge I. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 11. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks' Mitigation Fee equal to $530.76 for each new single-family lot, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Parks Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording ofthe short plat. 12. The applicant shall amend the Stoneridge Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to address the shared maintenance responsibilities of the storinwater facilities prior to the recording of the short plat. 13. The applicant shall comply with the 1998 King C08unty Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and ,water quality improvements. 14. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer m~in through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. ORDERED THIS t h day of March 2005 TRANSMITTED THIS 7th day of March 2005 to the parties of record: Nancy Weil 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 182] 5 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way ReTiton, WA 98055 Richard Wolf 14702 SE 105th Place Renton, W A 98059 ... \ . 'Windstone III Short Plat'·i':../ File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 8 TRANSMITTED THIS 7th day of March 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, D~velopment Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21,2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or ttt! discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make ,1 written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen () 4) days from the date ofthe Examiner's deeision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. . An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements . . Copies ofthis ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21, 2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may 110t communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both . the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation ofthe request by the Coun. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. r t .... U g I ~r • 'R • I I a. t ~ §-II ~5 n ~~·t~ ~~ II ~rz ij~ --r- J::I ~!J 1;1 ~~ ~ l' -100' ~0>fse #.;.;;if 1 ! , '. ""-I !:'~f 032305 9021 (3.56 Ac:;~ . i ; j I i f "'! , 032305-9159 (1.41 Ae.) ........ 9190' _ ... , , I , 032305 032305 9210 9173 ....... ........ , I ,?~~~~047 /,-" ,/ KINO COUNTY crry Of' RENTON 032305-9014 '8.12 Ae.) ~. ~"\\ ~ ~~ \. '?~ ,: / "" ... Q321305A~035 ',,--------__ :::,:.'O"S(Ac.) "..,,;/ \-/ ,,......... \ 032305 9045 ....., -------~ , \ \ ,---" -----~\._, ___ t!' I 032305-9277 (1.2OAe.) 032305 .. '}--.-.l VoJ4oJVoJ ---\ 9120 03230$ 9278 t'I.u...., .. t ~ .. " ujal r) (I) i., a ~ ~ ,. " II hI // ~I !! (" ..J ....... _~ ~. e~~ I ;i~ ~ ~ !~! • ? • ;; ~~i t 1 ~f} i ! 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STATE ROUTE 900 'RENTON, WASHINGTON , i?"~'J'" " .i~: , E-11069-3 . ' October 14, 2004 . PREPARED FOR KBSIII, LLC " '.10 Raymond A.Coglas·; P.E.· Manager of Geotechnical Services . . . . Earth Consultants, Inc. . .; 1805 .. 136th Plabe Northeast, S,uite 201 Bellevl:Ie, ·Washington'980Q5 .. , ,(425) 643-3780. 'Toll Free 1-8S8-7~9-6670' " I , . DEVELOPMENT PLANNING , CITY OF RENTON. OCT 2 8 2,004. . , . \Rl1E~1E~~IE!Q) . , ... . " " ' . . , ', ..... ' ..... .' ; ".' .( ~-- . ~.' , . ,r., ." r;:, ,. ,.' .-,,' -:. "' ",," .~I •• I t ,'. '. "-""0:' " ., . ~ .. " . ' " , . . " ". '" . ",..,' '. :,-1.. , " ;' ,", ',,3 i\ .',,' ' .. , , \ " ~ -,. , .~ . .-... '.; ',' ", . 1",- \;. . " . .'._ .f -,(-' , : .' , " ~ ". • J • ,: '.' ',j " .' , .... ... ~' .' \ ' . 'I' I I .i " " ',: :. .' , .. ',' ·c, . -.... I,: . . ~'. " . .' '., , '1' ',' . ", .. ~'. ' .. '. " ' .. ~ - ; . ". :,' ,', ' .. '. , " .. I' ., I ' , . , ,;' ", . I .. ' ;' .. -c,"_ "," ,. " , .. \'. ~ -.': .... '"f 'f ,jl ," "'-t' . ( ~ . , . , " '.' ',' ""', I,i . ,~ , ',:': . ~ ) -' \ , . , ' .' ".' I . ... , . " " .~ ,', :.' " ':' "., .1.; .'. ., ..... . / " '.' .~' . .J '<' .1, , .~.: l " :. r" : ~ ..1 ·,1··, ,: " , . . ~.' I ,' '. ", ", I.,:, . ~;, ., : I'>" , . . , : . ··.·····1· ',"" , .' . '. ·1···· .:'\." , '. ," I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNiCAL ENGINEERING REPORT· More construction problems are caused by site subsur- face conditions than any other factor. As troublesome as subsurface problems can be. their frequency and extent have been lessened considerably in recent years. due in large measure to programs and publications of ASFE/ The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences. The following suggestions and observations are otfered to help you reduce the geotechnical-related delays. cost-overruns and other costly headaches that can occur during a construction project. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET OF PROJECT-5PECIFIC FACTORS A geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsur- face exploration plan designed to incorporate a unique set of project-specific factors. These typically include: the general nature of the structure involved. its size and configuration; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; physical concomitants such as access roads. parking lots. and underground utilities. and the level of additional risk which the client assumed . by virtue of limitations imposed upon the exploratory program. To help avoid costly problems. consult the geotechnical engineer to determine how any factors which change subsequent to the date of the report may affect its recommendations. Unless your consulting geotechnical engineer indicates otherwise. your geotechf1ical ef1gineering report should not be used: • When the nature of the proposed structure is changed. for example. if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garage. or if a refriger- ated warehouse will be built instead of an ume- frigerated one; • when the size or configuration of the proposed structure is altered: • when the location or orientation of the proposed structure is modified: • when there is a change of ownership. or • for application to an adjacent site. Geotechnical ef1gif1eers call11ot accept responsibility for problems which may develop if therj are not C0f15ulled after factors COf1sid- ered in their report's developmef11 have changed. MOST GEOTECHNICAL "FINDINGS" ARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES Site exploration identifies actual subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. when they are taken. Data derived through sampling and sub- sequent laboratOfY testing are extrapolated by geo- technical engineers who then render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions:their likely reaction to proposed construction activity. and appropriate founda- tion deSign. Even under optimal circumstances actual conditions may differ from those inferred to exist. because no geotechnical engineer. no matter how qualified. and no subsurface exploration program. no matter how comprehensive. can reveal what is hidden by earth. rock and time. The actual interface between mate- rials may be far more gradual or abrupt than a report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from predictions. Nothing can be done to prevef1t the unantiCipated. but steps can be taken to help mif1imize their impact. For this reason, most experienced owners retaif1their geotechnical consultants through the construction stage. to iden- tify variances. conduct additional tests which may be needed. and to recommend solutions to problems encountered on site. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE Subsurface conditions may be modified by constantly- changing natural forces. Because a geotechnical engi- neering report is based on conditions which existed at the time of subsurface exploration, cof1struction decisiof1s sflOuld not be based Of1 a geotechf1ical engineering report whose adequac!J ma!J have bem affected b!J time. Speak with the geo- technical consultant to learn if additional tests are advisable before construction starts. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods. earthquakes or ground- water fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and, thus. the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical report. The geotechnical engineer should be kept apprised of any such events, and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are necessary. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND PERSONS Geotechnical engineers' reports are prepared to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report pre- pared for a consulting civil engineer may not be ade- quate for a construction contractor, or even some other consulting civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, this report was prepared expressly for the client involved and expressly for purposes indicated by the client. Use by any other persons for any purpose, or by the client for a different purpose. may result in problems. No indi- vidual other than the dient should apply this report for its intended purpose without first cOf1ferring with the geotechnical ef1gineer. No person should apply this report for any purpose olher Ihaf1 that originall!J contemplated without first cof1ferring wi[h the geotechnical ef1gif1eer. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT IS SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION Costly problems can occur when other design profes- sionals develop their plans based on misinterpretations of a geotechnical engineering report. 1b help avoid these problems. the geotechnical engineer should be retained to ,work with other appropriate design profes- sionals to explain relevant geotechnical findings and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to geotechnical issues, BORING LOGS SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE ENGINEERING REPORT Final boring logs are developed by geotechnical engi- neers based upon their interpretation of field logs (assembled :by site personnel) and laboratory evaluation of field samples. Only final boring logs customarily are included in geotechnical engineering reports, These logs should Itot uf'lder al1Y circumstaf'lC€s be redrawn for indusion in architeCtural or other design drawings, because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the trarisfer process. Although photographic reproduction eliminates this problem. it does nothing to minimize the possibility of contractors misinterpreting the. logs during bid prepara- tion. When this occurs, delays. disputes and unantici- pated costs are the all-too-frequent result. To minimize the likelihood of boring log misinterpreta- tion, give contractors ready access to the complete geotechnical engineering report prepared or authorized for their use. Those who do not provide such access may proceed un-' der the mistaken.impression that simply disclaiming re- sponsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing the best available information to contractors helps pre- vent costly construction problems and the adversarial attitudes which aggravate them to disproportionate scale, READ RESPONSIBILITY, CLAUSES CLOSELY Because geotechnical engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far less exact than other design disciplines, This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against geotechnical consultants, 1b help prevent this problem. geotechnical engineers have developed model clauses for use in writ- ten transmittals. These are not exculpatory clauses designed to foist geotechnical engineers' liabilities onto someone else. Rather, they are definitive clauses which identify where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved rec- ognize their individual responsibilities and take appro- priate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your geotechnical engineering report. and you are encouraged to read them closely. Your geo- technical engineer will be pleased t6 give full and frank answers to you r questions. OTHER STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO REDUCE RISK Your consulting geotechnical engineer will be pleased to discuss other techniques which can be employed to mit- igate risk. In addition, ASFE has developed a variety of materials which may be beneficial. Contact ASFE for a complimentary copy of its publications directory. published by ASFETHEASSOCIAnON OF ENGINEERING FIRMS . PRAcnCING IN THE GEOSCIENCES 8811 Cole5VilIe Road/Suite G 106/Silver Spring. Maryland 20910/(301) 565-2733 0788/3M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS E-11069-3 PAGE INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1 General ........................................................................................................ 1 Project Description ........................................................................................ 1 SITE CONDITIONS .................................................................................. : .......... 2 Surface ........................................................................................................ 2 Subsurface................................................................................................... 2 Groundwater................................................................................................. 3 Laboratory Testing ........................................................................................ 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................. 3 General ........................................................................................................ 3 Site Preparation and General Earthwork ............................................................ 4 Slope Fill Placement.................................................................................. 6 Foundations.................................................................................................. 6 Retaining Walls............................................................................................. 8 Seismic Design Considerations......................................................................... 9 Slab-on-Grade Floors ..................................................................................... 10 Site Drainage............................................................................................... 1 0 Excavations and Slopes................................................................................. 11 Utility Trench Backfill.................................................................................... 1 2 Rockeries and Modular Block Walls................................................................. 1 3 Pavement Areas........................................................................................... 1 3 LIMITATIONS......................................................................................... .......... 14 Additional Services....................................................................................... 14 Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ILLUSTRA TIONS Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 APPENDICES Appendix A Plate A1 Plates A2 through A4 . Appendix B Plate B1 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued E-11069-3 Vicinity Map Test Pit Location Plan Typical Footing Subdrain Detail Typical Utility Trench Fill Field Exploration Legend Test Pit Logs Laboratory Test Results Grain Size Analyses Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Earth COnsultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists & Environmental SCientists Construction Testing & ICBO I WABO Inspection Services October 13, 2004 KBSIII, LLC 12320 Northeast Eighth Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Attention: Mr. Curtis Schuster Dear Mr. Schuster: Established 1975 E-11069-3 Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to present this geotechnical engineering study (GES) for the proposed Stone Ridge III residential development, Renton, Washington. This study presents the results of our field exploration and geotechnical engineering analyses for the proposed development. Our scope of services for producing this GES was outlined in our Proposal, PR-11 069-3, dated October 6, 2004. Based on the results of our study, development of the site as planned is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Medium dense to very dense native silty sand with gravel glacial till soil suitable for support of foundations was encountered at our test pit locations. Based on the subsurface conditions observed at the exploration sites, it is our opinion the proposed building structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on the medium dense to dense competent native soils or granular structural fill. During wet weather conditions, use of the on-site soil as structural fill will be difficult due to the moisture sensitive nature of the soil. If grading is performed during wet weather conditions, use of a free draining granular soil may be necessary. Due to the moisture sensitive nature of the on-site soils, measures to protect exposed subgrade surfaces may be necessary. Recommendations for site preparation, foundations, site drainage, and other geotechnical related issues are presented in this GES. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services during the design phase of the project. If you have questions about the content of this GES, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Sincerely, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. Raymond A. Coglas, P.E. Manager of Geotechnical Services RAC/ddw 1805136th Place N.E., Suite 201, Bellevue, WA 98005 Bellevue (425) 643-3780 FAX (425) 746-0860 Toll Free (888) 739-6670 Other Locations Fife I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY STONE RIDGE III RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 14STH AVENUE SOUTHEAST NEAR STATE ROUTE 900 RENTON, WASHINGTON E-11069-3 INTRODUCTION This report presents geotechnical recommendations for the proposed Stone Ridge III residential development, 148th Avenue Southeast near State Route (SR) 900, Renton, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map (Plate 1). The approximate locations of our test pits and the approximate limits of the property are illustrated on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2 .. Our scope of services included a subsurface exploration to characterize soil conditions at the site, and preparation of this report with geotechnical recommendations for the proposed site development. Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) previously prepared a geotechnical engineering study (GES) for the adjacent Stone Ridge residential development and we are currently providing geotechnical services for that project. Project Description We understand the Stone Ridge III residential development will include six residential building lots. We anticipate the building construction will consist of relatively lightly loaded wood frame construction. Based on experience with similar projects, anticipated wall loads for the proposed buildings will be in the range of 2 to 3 kips per lineal foot, column loads in the range of 10 to 12 kips, and floor loads of 150 pounds per square foot (psf). The proposed site access road will consist of east-west trending residential road that will provide access to the residences from the adjacent Stone Ridge development. Based on the existing topography, we anticipate the mass grading of the site will be relatively minimal, with most lots and access road elevations following the existing contours as much as possible. Cuts and fills ranging up to approximately eight feet are anticipated throughout the residential building lots and access roadways. We understand storm water from the Stone Ridge III development will be conveyed to the storm water detention pond located in the adjacent Stone Ridge development. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 2 If the above project description is incorrect or changes, ECI should be contacted to review the recommendations in this report. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The approximate property limits and proposed lot locations are illustrated on the Test Pit Location Plan (Plate 2). The subject property is located north of the intersection of 148th Avenue Southeast and SR 900, Renton, Washington (see Plate 1, Vicinity Map). Specifically, the subject site is located near the northwest corner of the Stone Ridge residential plat. The site topography gently slopes to the east with approximately 20 feet of elevation change across the width. Vegetation consists primarily of sparse evergreen and deciduous trees with a dense understory of forest duff and brush. The site is currently vacant. Subsurface Three test pits were excavated throughout the proposed Stone Ridge III development. Please refer to the Test Pit Logs, Plates A2 through A4, for a description of the conditions encountered at the test pit locations. The soils encountered at the exploration sites consisted primarily of native silty sand with gravel (Unified Soil Classification SM). Review of the geologic map for southwest King County identifies glacial till (Qvt) deposits throughout the site and surrounding areas. The native soils observed at the test pit locations were generally consistent with glacial till soil deposits. Underlying the surficial layer of topsoil, medium dense, brown silty sand with gravel (SM) soil was encountered to depths of approximately two and one-half feet to four feet below existing grade. Underlying the brown silty sand soils, dense silty sand with gravel glacial till soil was encountered. At the time our field exploration was performed in October of 2004, the native silty sand with gravel soil was in a moist to wet condition, with moisture contents generally in the range of approximately 6 to 12 percent. The native soils are moisture sensitive, and will degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. Moisture contents of the soil samples collected at the site are recorded on the test pit logs included in Appendix A of this report. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 Groundwater E-11069-3 Page 3 Groundwater seepage was not encountered at the time of our fieldwork in October of 2004. However. the presence of groundwater seepage should be expected in the deeper site excavations. Due to the nature of the dense glacial till soils observe.d at the test pit locations. we do not anticipate the presence of groundwater seepage will create significant stability problems in site excavations. The use of sumps during construction, however, may be necessary, depending on the rate of groundwater seepage entering the excavation. The contractor should be made aware that groundwater seepage levels and the rate of seepage are not static; fluctuations in the level and rates can be expected depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the level and rate of seepage is higher in the wetter winter months (typically October through May). However, confined zones of groundwater may produce moderate to heavy groundwater flows year around. Laboratory Testing The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided in Appendix B, or at the appropriate sample depth on the test pit logs. It is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. Our geotechnical recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the subsurface conditions observed at the test pit locations, development of the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The primary geotechnical considerations related to the proposed development include fill placement and compaction, and moisture sensitivity of the on-site soils. Preparation of the access roadway subgrade is also an important geotechnical consideration. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Ill, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 4 The proposed single-family residences can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on the medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel, or on granular structural fill used to modify existing grades. Based on test pit data, we anticipate native soils suitable for foundation support will be encountered at approximately two and one-half to three feet below existing grade throughout the site. In our opinion, the foundations can be supported on granular structural fill in areas where fill is to be placed to achieve foundation subgrade elevation. Recommendations for structural fill placement are provided in the Site Preparation and General Earthwork section of this report. The slab-on-grade for the single-family residences can be supported on the medium dense to dense native soils or on a granular structural fill. Recommendations for slab subgrade preparation are discussed in the Slab-On-Grade Floors section of this report. As previously mentioned, due to the moisture sensitive nature of the onsite soils, and the potential for groundwater seepage entering excavations, measures to protect exposed subgrade surfaces will likely be necessary. Earthwork recommendations and compaction specifications are presented in the Site Preparation and General Earthwork section of this report. This GES has been prepared for the exclusive use of KBS III, LLC, and their representatives. This study was prepared for specific application to this project only and in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We recommend that this geotechnical engineering study, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. Site Preparation and General Earthwork Based on our current understanding of the planned development, site grading will consist of cuts and fills on the order of eight feet or less in the building lots and access roadways. Erosion control measures during site grading should consist of silt fencing along the site perimeter and mulching of the exposed earth surfaces, as necessary. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 5 A representative of Eel should observe the ground surface where structural fill, or foundations are to be placed. Building and pavement subgrade areas that are exposed to extended periods of precipitation will likely become unstable. If the subgrade soil in the proposed foundation and pavement areas becomes saturated and unstable, overexcavation of the unstable soil and replacement with a granular structural fill will be necessary. In our opinion, the native silty sand with gravel soils can be considered for use as structural fill, provided the soil is placed during dry weather conditions, and provided the moisture content of the soil is at or near the optimum moisture content at the time of placement. Aeration and moisture conditioning of the soils may be necessary. The underlying native silty sand with gravel was in a moist to wet condition at the time of our field exploration, with moisture contents that were in the range of 7 percent to 14 percent moisture. The native silty sand with gravel soils are moisture sensitive, and will likely degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. Moisture contents of the soil samples collected at the site are provided on the test pit logs included in Appendix A of this report. Successful use of the native soils as structural fill may require moisture conditioning and aeration of the soils prior to placement. Soil stockpiles should be covered with plastic sheeting during wet weather conditions. The entire stockpile down to the toe of the pile should be covered with the plastic sheeting. Imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a free draining, well- graded granular soil with a moisture content that is at or near optimum, and having a maximum aggregate size of four inches. The imported soil should have no more than 5 percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. During periods of extended dry weather conditions, use of a granular soil with less than 30 percent fines can be considered. Samples of imported soil should be submitted to ECI for sieve analysis testing. Structural fill is defined as compacted fill placed under foundations, roadways, slabs, pavements, or other load-bearing areas. Structural fill under slabs and footings should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding twelve (12) inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its laboratory maximum dry density. The maximum dry density should be determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation 0-1557 (Modified Proctor). Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 6 The fill materials should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density except for the top twelve (12) inches, which should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Slope Fill Placement Placement of fill on existing sloping grades may be necessary at some locations throughout the site. In our opinion, the placement of fill on slopes is generally acceptable. However, where the existing slope grade exceeds 15 percent, the fill should be keyed and benched into the slope. This process consists of excavating a keyway at the toe of the planned fill. The keyway should have a width of approximately six to eight feet and a depth of two feet into medium dense to dense native soil. The slope above the keyway should then be cut into a series of horizontal to slightly inward sloping benches. Typically, the benches are excavated with a bulldozer as the fill is placed in lifts and compacted. Foundations In our opinion, the proposed residential structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on the medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel, or granular structural fill. As previously mentioned, we estimate competent native soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of two and one-half to three feet below existing site grades. For foundations bearing on the medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or granular structural fill, an allowable soil bearing capacity of two thousand (2,000) psf should be used to design the foundations. This allowable soil bearing capacity has a factor-of-safety in excess of 3.0 against shear failure, provided the foundations are placed on competent native soils or granular structural fill. A one-third increase in the above allowable soil bearing capacity can be assumed for short-term wind and seismic loading conditions. Continuous and individual spread footings should have minimum widths of eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) inches, respectively. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 7 If loose or unstable soil conditions are encountered at the footing subgrade elevation, the soil will need to be overexcavated, and replaced with granular structural fill. The width of the overexcavation should extend a minimum of twelve (12) inches beyond each edge of the foundation. As previously discussed, care will need to be taken to protect and preserve exposed subgrade surfaces to limit the amount of disturbance to the subgrade, and to limit the need for overexcavation. If necessary, to help protect and preserve exposed foundation subgrade surfaces, two inches of crushed rock can be placed as a working surface along subgrade surfaces. Exterior foundations elements should be placed at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches below final exterior grade. Interior spread foundations can be placed at a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches below the top of slab, except in unheated areas, where interior foundation elements should be founded at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches. Provided the foundations are placed in accordance with the recommendations contained in this report, we estimate total settlement of approximately one inch and differential settlement of approximately one-half inch. Most of the anticipated settlements should occur during construction as dead loads are applied. Lateral loads can be resisted by friction between the base of the foundation and the supporting soil, and by passive soil pressure acting on the face of the buried portion of the foundation. Resistance to lateral loads from passive earth pressures should be calculated using an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of three hundred fifty (350) pounds per cubic foot (pcf). To achieve adequate passive resistance, the foundations must be backfilled with structural fill. As an alternative, the foundations can be poured neat against the undisturbed native soil. For frictional capacity, a coefficient of 0.40 should be used for foundations bearing on competent native soils or granular structural fill. These lateral resistance values are allowable values; a factor-of-safety of 1.5 has been included. Footing excavations should be observed by a representative of ECI prior to placing the form work and rebar. ECI should also perform compaction testing of structural fill and observe areas where overexcavation is required to remove loose or unstable soils. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 Retaining Walls E-11069-3 Page 8 Retaining walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures from the retained soils, and any surcharge loading. Walls that are unrestrained and free to move at the top should be designed using an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of thirty-five (35) pcf. The earth pressure imparted on restrained walls should be calculated using an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of fifty (50) pcf. The above equivalent fluid values assume surcharges due to traffic, sloping backfill, adjacent foundations, construction loads, or any other loadings will not apply. If surcharges are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressures. Where drainage behind retaining walls cannot be accomplished, hydrostatic pressures should be added to the design wall pressures, where appropriate. For traffic surcharge loading consisting of passenger vehicles or light delivery trucks, a uniform pressure of seventy (70) psf should be applied in a rectangular distribution along the height of the retaining wall. Where traffic surcharge loading from heavy trucks will be present, ECI should review the wall and roadway configuration and provide modified surcharge values, if necessary. If sloping backfill conditions are present behind the walls, ECI should review the slope configurations and provide modified equivalent fluid values, as necessary. Retaining and foundation walls should be provided with a four-inch diameter perforated drainpipe and backfilled with a free-draining granular soil with less than 5 percent fines (percent passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction). The zone of free-draining granular soil should extend along the entire height of the wall, and a distance of at least eighteen (18) inches behind the wall. A surface seal consisting of a less permeable silty sand soil can be placed along the upper one foot of the wall backfill, if desired. The remainder of the backfill behind the zone of free draining soil should consist of a suitable granular structural fill. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 Seismic Design Considerations E-11069-3 Page 9 The largest earthquakes in the Puget Sound region have been subcrustal (intraplate) events, ranging in depth from fifty (50) to seventy (70) kilometers. Such deep events have exhibited no surface faulting. Weaver and Shedlock (1989) researched the probable or known source areas for the crustal, intraplate, and subduction zone earthquakes in the Washington and Oregon area. Crustal and intraplate earthquakes are the only events in Washington and Oregon in which there is a historical record. Shallow crustal earthquakes occur within the North American Plate, and typically do not exceed focal depths of approximately 20 kilometers. Intraplate earthquakes occur in the subducting Juan de Fuca plate, and typically occur below depths of 40 kilometers. The recent February 28, 2001, earthquake that was focused just north of Olympia, Washington was an intraplate earthquake, and had a magnitude of 6.8. The subduction zone earthquake, in which there is no historical record in the Washington and Oregon area, would have its source along the interface between the North American Plate and the subducting Juan de Fuca Plate. Magnitude 8.0 or more earthquakes are thought to be possible along this interface, and would occur at depths of approximately 50 to 60 kilometers (Weaver and Shedlock, 1989). The Uniform Building Code (UBC) and International Building Code (lBC) Earthquake regulations have established a series of soil profile types that are used as a basis for seismic design of structures. Based on the encountered soil conditions, it is our opinion that soil type Sc from Table 16-J of the 1997 UBC should be used for design. For IBC based design, Site Class C from Table 1615.1.1 of the 2003 IBC should be used. Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which soils lose all shear strength for short periods of time during an earthquake. The effects of liquefaction may be large total and/or differential settlement for structures with foundations founded in the liquefying soils. Groundshaking of sufficient duration results in the loss of grain-to-grain contact and rapid increase in pore water pressure, causing the soil to behave as a fluid for short periods of time. To have potential for liquefaction, a soil must be cohesionless with a grain size distribution of a specified range (generally sands and silt); it must be loose to medium- dense; it must be below the groundwater table; and it must be subject to sufficient magnitude and duration of groundshaking. Earth Consultants. Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 10 Based on the soil and groundwater conditions observed at the site, it is our opinion that the site has a low susceptibility to liquefaction. The dense condition of the native soils and lack of a shallow groundwater table are the primary bases for this conclusion. Slab-on-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors should be supported on competent native soils or granular structural fill. Loose or unstable subgrade soils should be stabilized prior to construction of the slab. Fill areas will be particularly susceptible to disturbance during wet weather conditions. Care wIll need to be taken to preserve the integrity of the subgrade soils, particularly during the installation of the under slab utilities. If the construction is performed during the drier summer months, measures to preserve the subgrade soils will likely be minimal. During periods of wet weather, however, a free draining structural fill may need to be utilized throughout the upper twelve (12) inches of the building pad to help preserve the integrity of the subgrade. A minimum four-inch capillary break consisting of a free draining, poorly graded gravel with less than 5 percent fines (percent passing the No. 200 sieve, based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction) should be placed below the slab. A vapor barrier consisting of a minimum 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed above the capillary break. To aid in curing of the concrete slab, two inches of sand can be placed over the plastic membrane. A representative of ECI should observe the subgrade soils in slab-an-grade areas of the site prior to placing the capillary break material. Site Drainage During construction, surface water runoff must not be allowed to stand in construction areas. Interceptor trenches should be established, as necessary, along the perimeter of the building site to intercept surface water runoff or groundwater before it enters the construction area. During construction, loose surfaces should be compacted to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Finish grades around the buildings must be sloped such that surface water is directed away from the buildings. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 11 Footing drains should be installed around the perimeter foundations to intercept groundwater seepage. A typical perimeter footing drain detail is illustrated on Plate 3. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing or foundation wall drain systems. All roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to the site stormwater system. In the deeper site excavations, such as utility installations, the presence of groundwater seepage should be expected, particularly if the excavation is performed during the wet season. Due to the generally dense condition of the glacial till soils observed at the test pit locations, we do not anticipate the groundwater seepage will create a stability problem. However, measures to intercept the groundwater seepage and direct it to an appropriate discharge location may be necessary. Excavations and Slopes The following information is provided solely as a service to our client. Under no circumstances should this information be interpreted to mean that ECI is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. In no case should excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state, {WISHA} and Federal (OSHA) safety regulations. Based on the information obtained from our field exploration, the upper deposits of medium dense, silty sand with gravel that extends to a depth of approximately three feet below existing site grades, would be classified as Type C soils by WISHA/OSHA. Temporary cuts in Type C soils should be sloped at an inclination no steeper than 1.5H:1 V, (Horizontal:Vertical) respectively. The unweathered glacial till observed below a depth of approximately three feet would be classified as Type A and Type B soils by WISHA/OSHA. Temporary slopes constructed in Type A and Type B soils should be inclined no steeper than O. 75H: 1 V and 1 H:1V, respectively. ECI should observe the excavations to assess soil and groundwater conditions, and to verify the WISHA/OSHA soil type. Permanent cut and fill slopes should be inclined no steeper than 2H: 1 V. Cut slopes should be observed by ECI during excavation to verify that conditions are as anticipated. Supplementary recommendations can then be developed, if needed, to improve stability, including flattening of slopes or installation of surface or subsurface drains. In any case, water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of slopes. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 12 Permanently exposed slopes should be seeded with an appropriate species of vegetation to reduce erosion and improve stability of the surficial layer of soil. Utility Trench Backfill Based on the soil conditions encountered at the time of our exploration, the native soils should provide adequate support for utilities. If remedial measures are necessary to provide adequate support for utilities, the unsuitable soils should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. In our opinion, the native silty sand with gravel soils can be considered for use as backfill for the utility trenches, provided the soil moisture content is at or near its optimum level. As previously mentioned, the native soils were generally moist to wet, and had moisture contents that were near or above optimum levels. Some moisture conditioning of these soils may be necessary prior to use as structural fill in the utility trenches. Due to the moisture sensitive nature of the native silty sand with gravel soils, placement, and compaction of the soil will need to be performed during dry weather conditions. To protect the soils from wet weather conditions, soil stockpiles should be covered with plastic sheeting. The plastic sheeting should cover the entire stockpile. ) Due to the moisture sensitive nature of the native silty sand with gravel soils, the upper twelve (12) inches of the trench backfill in building and pavement areas may become disturbed if exposed to wet weather conditions and construction traffic. Construction traffic should be kept to a minimum along utility trench alignments where backfilling and compaction have been completed. As an alternative, free draining gravel can be used to backfill the upper twelve (1 2) inches of the trench excavations to provide a wearing surface, and to help protect the underlying moisture sensitive backfill. Use of a free draining backfill along the upper twelve (1 2) inches of the trench excavation would likely only be necessary if construction is performed during the wet season. Utility trench backfill is a primary concern in reducing the potential for settlement in pavement areas. It is important that the utilities be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to ensure support is provided around the haunches of these structures. Fill should be carefully placed and tamped to about 12 inches above the crown of the pipe before heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 13 The remainder of the backfill should be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve (12) inches. A typical trench backfill section and compaction requirements for load supporting and non-load supporting areas is presented on Plate 4. It is important to note that local utility districts may have compaction requirements that supersede those presented on Plate 4. Rockeries and Modular Block Walls In our opinion, the use of rockeries or modular block walls at the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. If rockery or modular block walls are utilized, an engineered design will need to be completed for rockeries and walls that exceed four feet in height. ECI can provide an engineered design for the site, if requested. At a minimum, ECI should review the layout of the proposed walls and the proximity of roadways and foundations to the walls. Supplement geotechnical recommendations can then be prepared, if necessary, to address wall design and surcharge loading. Pavement Areas The adequacy of site pavements is related in part to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To provide a properly prepared subgrade for pavements, the subgrade should be in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill in pavement areas should be prepared as described in the Site Preparation and General Earthwork section of this report. This means the pavement subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density in structural fill areas. It is possible that some localized areas of soft, wet or unstable subgrade may exist after the pavement subgrade is prepared. Overexcavation and a greater thickness of structural fill or crushed rock may be needed to stabilize these localized areas. Assuming a properly prepared subgrade that is in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling, the following pavement section for lightly loaded areas is suggested: • Two inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB) material, or • Two inches of AC over three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) material. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 14, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 14 Heavier truck-traffic areas will require thicker pavement sections depending upon site usage, pavement life, and site traffic. As a general rule, the following sections are suggested for truck-trafficked areas: • Three inches of AC over six inches of CRB, or • Three inches of AC over four and one-half inches of ATB. AC, ATB, and eRB materials should conform to WSDOT specifications. All rock bases should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. LIMITATIONS Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses, the design information provided to us, and our experience and engineering judgement. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between exploration sites may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations do appear, Eel should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and allowed to modify or verify our recommendations in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Additional Services We recommend that Eel be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction specifications. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS III, LLC October 1 4, 2004 E-11069-3 Page 15 . We also recommend that ECI be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. ECI should be retained to review the construction drawings and specifications, and to provide construction observation and testing. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Reference: King County Map 626 By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 2005 NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. OL1~ H HAlN I 0 ~ ~~ nO n-~ c.e(!;c~lfc!~nghS~~~~Jy~~~c!~~nt!~Sl~es ~ <.J.. Construction Testing & ICBO I WABO Inspection Services ~o~ ............... Vicinity Map Stone Ridge III King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Oct. 2004 Proj. No. 11069-3 Checked SSR Date 10/14/04 Plate 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / I 450 I / / / 440 430 / , , I -1, ______ ~ ______ L ___ J __________ 1'-_______ ,_ I I I I / / I 1 I I I "i I ' I jl I I / ' I ./ / I I I I i II I I I I / I , I I /-/ I I I I I I I I [I,' I I ,/ / I I I' I / I{ I \ I 1:1 / , 1'/ I '/ I I ' I I / I 2 / I, I I 4 I I I I: I I / I I ( I I \ I I I I I 1 \ 1'1 I' /1/ / I I~I I ' \', 1\1\\1 / I / I /St fR .~ n H HI \ \ i' \ I 1 I \ ,I ~ -I~ / _____ ,_ _ one I ge ODD, I I / \ \ I I \ I \ I I I ( /r--IT-I I '----,---~--\--'7 \1 \ I '. , \ \ I I \ On: I I I I --1-\ \ 5' \ \ II I' J / TP-1 \ I ~ I I ,I TP-3 \ \ /' TP-2\ \ \ \ \ 'I I' I I \ / '::;;i / --1-\ , / \ " " \ \ \ , G;. / \ '\\ I 1/ 1 " ,,/ \3 \ I' \' 1\\1\ I I { I Rnn ~/,/ \ " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I III I ~ \" / \ " \ \ \ \ \ \ l/ I 1 (() I \, \ \ "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I -I II-- - - - - - - -1 -~--i---- - -~ - -L;_ -+ ---; --'r -.:, ~ 2\ ~ ~ -- \ 'B' ~ '\' I j 1\\\\1 \ I I!d.6 " . I. \ \ 450 1 -- --- - --'-- -L--\... "" I \ \ \ \ \ 1-©k 1 ,I" \, ,1\ I I A? I ,\ '. '6' \\' <.Q!" I , " '~, \ \ I' ~ \ Stone Ridge _\ \, "'''-"'.~,'<\ \ 'f\ ~ \ '\ \ ' , I \ :----------'\ -I \ \ \ -\ \ \ ,\'11 430 1-------\ I 1\).1 \ \ ' \ I' ..... - LEGEND \ \ \ \ \ TP-1-f-Approximate Location of ECI Test Pit, Proj. No. E-11069-3, Oct. 2004 ---1 [ I Subject Site L.. __ _ 2 Lot Number NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. o 1 ..... , \ ..... ....-1'" \....-;" I _____ I Approximate Scale 30 60 I , 440 120ft. ~ ;~A Ge(~c~,~!~ngiJS~D;~~L~~2(!~~nt!'~~,~es ., . U Construction Testing & ICBO I WABO Inspection Services oo~" ~ Test Pit Location Plan Stone Ridge III King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Oct. 2004 Proj. No. 11069-3 Checked SSR Date 10/14/04 Plate 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 inch min. o 4 inch min. Diameter Perforated Pipe Wrapped in Drainage Fabric f 2 inch min. 1 4 inch max. LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other low penneability material. 1" Drain Rock Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight jointed; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie building downspout drains into footing lines. Wrap with Mirafi 140 Filter Fabric or equivalent. 12 inch min. 18 inch min. t 2 inch min. SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • E:,~!.!.~,£~ ~.~~t:;tL~,~~~, ~.s; J.~ Constrt.lcUon Testlng.& ICBO I ,,,'ABO IIlSllectioll services TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL Stone Ridge "' King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Oct. 2004 ProJ. No. 11 069-3 Checked SSR Date 10/14/04 Plate 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Backfill Bedding LEGEND Non-Load Supporting Areas Asphalt or Concrete Pavement or Concrete Floor Slab Base Rock or Capillary Break, as Appropriate Backfill; Compacted On-Site Soil ~~ or Suitable Imported Fill Material Minimum Percentage of Maximum Laboratory Dry Density as determined by ASTM Test Method D 1557-91 (Modified Proctor), unless otherwise specified in the attached report text. ~ Bedding Material; material type depends ~ on type of pipe and laying conditions. Varies 1 foot min. Varies Varies SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING Earth Consultants, Inc. Geotechnlc.al En,gineNS, GeologlslS & Em'irolllne.ntni ScienUsts Constrllclioll Testillg& leBO I \",'ABO IllspeClioll Services TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH FILL Stone Ridge III King County, Washington Bedding should conform to the manufacturers recommendations for the type of pipe selected. Drwn. GLS Date Oct. 2004 Proj. No. 11069·3 Checked SSR Date 10/14/04 Plate 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORA liON E-11069-3 Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) performed field exploration on October 8, 2004. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating three test pits throughout the site. The approximate test pit locations were determined from existing landmarks presented on available plans. The locations of the test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a geologist from our office, who classified the soils encountered and maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative samples, measured groundwater levels, and observed pertinent site features. All samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System that is presented on Plate A 1, Legend. Logs of the test pits are presented in Appendix A, Plates A2 through A4. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory tests of field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAJOR DIVISIONS Coarse Grained Soils More Than' 50% Material Larger Than . No. 200 Sieve . 'Size Fine Grained SoliS More Than 50%' Material Smaller 'Tt'an No. 200 Sieve Si.ze· Gravel And Gravelly SoilS More Than ~O'k Coarse Fraction Retained On No.4 Sieve Sand And SlIndy Soils More Than 50% Coarse FraCtion Passing No.4 Sieve Silts Arid Clays Silts And Clays Clean Gravels (little or no fines) Gravels With Fines ( appreciable amounl of lines 1 Clean Sand (1lltle or no lines) Sands With 'Fines (appreciable ,amount of fines) Liquid Limit Less Than 50 Liquid Limit" Greater Than Highly Organic Soil~ Topsoil Fill ~ GRAPH \SYMBOL ...v ..j;, ...v. '" -J x x D(XXXJUV<; LETTER SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTION Well-Graded Gravels, Gravel-Sand Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Poorly-Graded Gravels, Gravel- S.and Mixtures, Uttle Or No Fines Silty Gravels, Gravel-Sand- Slit Mixtures Clayey Gravels, Gravel -Sand -' Qlay Mixtures Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly Sands, Little Or No Fines Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly Sands, Little O'r 'No Fines sillY Salids, Sand -Slit Mixtures Clayey Sands, Sand -Clay Mixtur.es Inorganic Silts & Very Fine Sands, Rock Clayey Fine Sands; Clayey Silts wI Slight In.organ/cClays Of Low To Mepium Plasticity. Grav!llly Clays. Sandy Clays. Siliy 'Clays, Lean Organic Sills And OrganiC . Silty Clays Of Low Pla~ticity Inorgllnic Silt.s. Micaceous Or piatomaclloui;l Firij;.. Sand Or' Silty Soils Inorganic ClayS: .Of· HI!Jh Plastlc/.ty. Fal Clays. . Organic Clays Of Medium TO'High Plasticity. Organic Slits Peal. Humus, Swamp SoilS With High Organic Contents Humus And Duff Layer HI!,!hly Variable Constituents The discussion In the text of this report Is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented In the attached logs, C qu W P * pet LL PI DUAL SYMBOLS are used to Indicate borderline soil classification. TORVANE READING, tsf PENETROMETER READING, tsf MOISTURE, % dry weight SAMPLER PUSHED SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED DRY DENSITY, Ibe. per oublo ft. LIQUID LIMIT, % PLASTIC INDEX Earth Consultants Inc. (i(x}ll:c:1ulluu I~' l~b lI:crs, (ioololClSlS & tr.twlrOflllk:1llal SLi(!ntisls I 2" 0.0. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER II 24" I.D. RING OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER I: WATER OBSERVATION WELL sz DEPTH OF ENCOUNTERED GROUNDWATER DURING EXCAVATION Y SUBSEQUENT GROUNDWATER LEVEL W / DATE LEGEND Proj.NO.l106:g:-,.;3· :Date Oct. 2004 Plate Al I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I § ~ I b CI (3 w ~ I i ~ I 9 t: a.. Ii; ~ I Test Pit Log Project Name: Stone Ridge III Job No. I Logged by: 11069-3 SSR Excavation Contactor: Aero Construction Notes: General Notes 11.8 9.3 - 1- - 2- I-- 31-- I-- 41-- I-- 51-- I-- 61-- I-- 71-- SM I D~~/8/04 Test Pit No.: TP-1 Ground Surface Elevation: 450' Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil & Sod 6": grass Reddish brown silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist -brown -dense -decrease in gravel -30.4% fines -very dense of 1 I-- 8~~----4--=----------------~--~~--~~----~~----~--~~ Test pit terminated at 8.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. . Test Pit Log Stone Ridge III King County, Washington Pro). No. 11069-3 I Own. GLS I Date Oct. 2004 Checked SSR I Date 10/14/04 I Plate A2 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of thiS exploratory hole. modified by engineenng tests. analYSIS and judgment They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We cannot accept responsibility fOr the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this lOQ. I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I ~ § I 6 C! 0 w ~ C) I i § I I: Q. I-m ~ I Test Pit Log Project Name: Stone Ridge III Job No. I Logged by: 11069-3 SSR Excavation Contactor: Aero Construction Notes: General Notes W (%) 6.1 u-'" :c.8 = -'" Q. Q.. Q. I!!~ GlitE CHI) C c'-l lUll f--- 1 I-- f--- 2 f--- I-- 3 f--- I-- 4 f--- f--- 51-- f--- 61-- f--- 7 f--- SM I Date: 10/8/04 Test Pit No.: TP-2 Ground Surface Elevation: 440' Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil & Forest Duff 12" Red brown silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist -gray brown -dense -very dense of 1 6.5 f--- B~~----+--=------~--~--~~~~--~~----~~----~~--~ Test pit terminated at 8.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater Proj. No. 11069-3 I Own. GLS encountered during excavation. Test Pit Log Stone Ridge III King County, Washington I Date Oct. 2004 Checked SSR I Date 10/14/04 I Plate A3 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our obseNatlons at the time and location of thiS exploratory hole, modified by englneenng tests, analYSIS and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this lOA. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ § E Cl ~ Test Pit Log Project Name: Stone Ridge III Job No. I Logged by: 11069-3 SSR Excavation Contactor: Aero Construction Notes: ()-... :E.8 = "'" General Notes W ~[iii~ (%) C) CI) 0 c7J - 1- - 2- - 3- -10.3 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- Cl)O o.c CI)[ ::ICI) SM I Date: 10/8/04 J Sh~ Test Pit No.: TP-3 Ground Surface Elevation: 448' Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil & Sod 6": grass Reddish brown silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist -gray brown -dense -slightly cemented -28.0% fines of 1 10.5 r--- 8~~------4--=~~-----~--~~~---~~--~-.------~~----~---~--; Test pit terminated at 8.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. &~------------~---~---~~---~------~---------------~-----------------------------------------------------~ i '" Test Pit Log -~~~E!,!&l!~~£. Stone Ridge III ~ King County, Washington I:: ~~------------------r----------------~~------------------r-------------------'----------------------r------------~ ~ Proj. No. 11069-3 I Own. GLS I Date Oct. 2004 Checked SSR I Date 10/14/04 I Plate A4 Subsurface conditions deplded represent our observations at the time and location of thiS exploratory hole, modified by englneenng tests, analYSIs and Judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this 1oQ. I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESUL TS I E-11069-3 I I I I I I I I Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ W Z ii: I-Z w (J ~ ~ 0 0 Particle Size Distribution .6 i .6 .6 .6 .6 S! .6 0 G ~ & I 8 i CD N .:. ~ S! l!l I; i i It 100 \' 1--~' , , , , , . , . , , , · , .. , , · , , , : : ..... , 90 , ~~ ~ , . , , , , , , · , , , · I' ~ · , · 80 , · ~ ~ · , · , · · , , , · · , , , 70 ' . , ~~ N , , : · , ~ '" 60 , , , , , :" ~ , , , 50 , r ~ , , 40 , ~ . , , , · , . , · , · 30 · · , · , · , , , , , , , , 20 , , , , , , , , , , , 10 · , . , 0 200 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE -mm % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 14.8 54.8 30.4 17.1 54.9 28.0 SIEVE PERCENT FINER SIEVE PERCENT FINER Inches 0 0 number 0 0 size size 1.5 100.0 100.0 #4 85.2 82.9 3/4 94.4 100.0 #8 79.6 77.1 3/8 92.5 90.8 #16 75.2 71.0 #30 69.4 64.8 #50 58.2 54.0 #100 42.7 39.7 #200 30.4 28.0 >< GRAIN SIZE 060 0.328 0.422 030 0.0852 010 >< COEFFICIENTS Cc Cu o Source: Sample No.: TP-I o Source: Sample No.: TP-3 EARTH Client: Project: Stone Ridge III CONSUL TANTS, INC. Project No.: E-11069-3 Report ~ , , 0.01 0.001 USCS AASHTO PL LL SM SM SOIL·DESCRIPTION o TP-l: 4.0'-SM Tan silty Sand; 11.8% moisture o TP·3: 3.5'·SM Tan silty Sand with gravel; 10.3% moisture REMARKS: o Tech: SEP o Tech: SEP Elev.lDepth: 4.0' Elev.lDepth: 3.5' Plate Bl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Copies ~Copies DISTRIBUTION E-11069-3 Novastar Development 18215 -72nd Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Attention: Mr. Wayne Potter KBS III, LLC 12320 Northeast Eighth Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Attention: Mr. Curtis Schuster Earth Consultants, Inc. • • • • • Geotechnical Engineering Earthwork Observation & Testing Services Geological Services Laboratory Testing: Construction Materials Engineering & Inspection Environmental Services Earth Consultants, Inc., a'subsidiary of U.s. Laboratories, Inc., is a consulting geotechnical, environmental, and materials engineering firm specializing in providing high quality services, which are economical and responsive. Our multidisciplined approach includes a broad base of servic'es which include: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .p. ~, After recording return to· Joshua I. Rosenstein HANSON, BAKER, LUDLOW DRUMHELLER, P s. 10777 Main Street. Suite 300 BeUevue, Washington 98004 DOCUMENT TITLE Memorandum of Agreement GRANTOR Richard A Wolf and Beverly J Wolf. husband and wife GRANTEE KBS JII, L L C , a WMlungton bnuled habtllty company LEGAL DESCRIPTION PortIonofNE!4 ofSE 14 of Sec 25 T 23 N R 5 E~ W M ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS 032305-9014.032305-9047 032305-9159.032305-9046 20040429000792.001 DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 2 8 200~ ~~(C~~~~[Q) ------ /'i!f5;;;>. 3 FILED BY PNWl MEMORANDUM OF AcoEMENT ()J8 z:zz -?- This MEMORANDUM OF AGRE~NT IS to provide notice that an Agreement Regarding Easements, dated ~;I c,-, 2004 (nAgreement-) has been executed by and between Richard A and' verly J Wolf ("Wolf"), owners of rea) property legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Wolf Propeny"), and KBS m, L L C., a Washmgton IlIDlted liabllity company andlor Its successors or assIgns ("KBS"), which js Wlder contract to purchase the adjoJmng rea] property legaUy described on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "KBS Property-) Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Wolf has agreed to convey an easement for sewer and an easement for construcl1on of said sewer across the Wolf Property for the benefit of the KBS Property. The sewer Hne easement wj)) be recorded concurrently wUh KBS' s purchase of the KBS Property KBS has agreed that upon closing of the purchase of the KBS Property. KBS will compensate Wolf for the easement and mstall the sewer line. The Agreement lITlposes addIUonal obbgatJons on KBS, Wo]f and their respective heirs, successors and asslgns, and by Its lerms and by recording of this Memorandum runs with the land. Pursuant to the Agreement, if the KBS Sewer Easement has not been recorded on or before December 31,2004, the Agreement shall be null and void SJ d duc.ulI'&nt{a) 'MIN ftIIId tar ~cord D'I Pacific Northwest ,.. • ~lnmod&\lOn only It ha. not been Q.l)ml'1C)d ae to proper executton Of _ 10 _ t'II'ed Upo!'l ,"Ie MEMORANDUMOFAG~ W\WPOOCS\J3041\'OS\RDM0693 DOC 41S1200.t [SiglUllllrt page follows.] ORIGINAL Page 1 of) After recording return to' Joshua 1. Rosenstein HANSON. BAKER, LUDLOW DRUMHELLER, P S. 10777 Main Street. Suite 300 BeUevue. Washington 98004 DOCUMENT TITLE Memorandum of AgreemeDI GRANTOR Richard A Wolf and Beverly J Wolf. husband and wife GRANTEE KBS III L L C • a Wwungton bINled liability company LEGAL DESCRIPTION PortJonofNE ~ ofSE!4 of Sec 2S T 23 N R SEW M ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS 032305-9014,032305-9047,032305-9159,032305-9046 20040429000792.001 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 2 8 200~ f?J~(C~~~~[Q) ~~ 3 FILED BY PNWl MEMORANDUM OF ArnmEMENT {>J8 2ZZ -2--- This MEMORANDUM OF AGRE~NT 18 to provide notice that an Agreement Regarding Easements, dated t,~ I C, -• 2004 (It Agreement") has been executed by and between Richard A and'verly J Wolf ("Wolf"). owners of real property legally described on Exhibit A. attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Wolf Property"), and KBS m. L L C .• a Washington lnmted liabIlity company andlor Its successors or assIgns ("KBS"). which is lUlder contract to purchase the adjoJrung rea) property legally described on Exhibit B. attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "KBS Property-) Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Wolf has agreed to convey an easement for sewer and an easement for constrUc110n of said sewer across the Wolf Property for the benefit of the KBS Property. The sewer line easement wi]) be recorded concurrently wnh KBS's purchase of the KBS Property KBS has agreed that upon closing of the purchase of the K.BS Property. KBS will compensate Wo]f for the easement and mstall the sewer line. The Agreement lIDposes addluonal obhgations on KBS. Wolf and their respective heirs, successors and asslgns. and by Its lenns and by recording of this Memorandum runs with the land. Pursuant to the Agreement. if the KBS Sewer Easement has not been recorded on Qr before December 3 J, 2004. the Agreement sha)) be nu)) and void 93 d do(.utl'flnt(a) wen! fIIICI" [SignaJurt ,,"611 'ollows.] ,..cord 0'1 pacific Northwest lIIIe.. '"& J' ~m\od&lton only It hM not been Ql)ml'lC!d 8' to proper .. 8QJ1\CIn 01 • I!) lI!t ~ upotl \ltle ORIGINAL MEMORANDUMOFAG~ENT Page 1 of3 W \WPDOCS\33041\IOS\RDM0693 DOC 4/SJ2004 20040429000792.002 .. ' DATED thts ~ day of _-,,-+'#£U-r (1.-____ • 2004 . MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 20f3 W\WPOOCS\31041\IONlDM0693 DOC 41sn004 20040429000792.003 " STATE OF WASHINGTON .) ) 58. COUNTY OF lONG ) Ii1 If, THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the I;) day of {(fR+? , 2004. before me, a Notal)' Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn. came REWDA t 8I'(,tfO;r wPtF • personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the individuals described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that be signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. STATE OF WASIllNGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) /'7ff: THIS IS·TO CERTIFY that on the ro day of .l(-et!C? ,2004, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly coi'Dlnlssl0ne4 and sworn, came Kolin Taylor. a Member of KBS m, L.L.C., personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the Individual described in and who executed tbe within instrument, and acJcnowJedged that be signed the same as bJs free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year inJPl5...I(CnLU MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 3 oll w '.wrOOCSIJ304I\10S\RDM06!il3 DOC o4IS12004 AND AND 20040429000792.004 DBlBlTA LEGAL DESCRIPJ'JON or WOII PROJlBllTY . The IIGI6 K orb IJOIIheut quater of the ...... quIItIr ofSecdaD J, TO'MISWp 2J oortb. .... 5 eM, W.Mo.'" XIat eouu,. w ...... EXCEPT tilt aartJa 396 teet ~ AND BXCBPI' COUIIt1 raid n. DIJIda .,..,. oldie MIl sa feet of ...... l56.06f11t 01 ... aardIlslI ..... of the ICNtII, .. cpIIIt.-otSecdoa J, TOWBIIdp 131K11d1, .... 5 ... ".M..1a KIlt CouId)r,w ......... BXCEPTdIt eua210 .. ~ AND BXCBPTduIt ponIoa. 11., • .,... wItWD tbo PIll afCalaDm 0Jea. ...... to tJ. pIIt dladttCCll'ded III Vo". of,.,."-Ia DIa CoaIdJ. VI ......... ......... 10'''''''''' 01 ... IOUda 1ft .. ", .. '" 3N ... 01 .. ... '11 .. M 01_ .-it .. KoiSecllaa3. T ...... 23 .......... , ..... W.M.; n..o. ... rMnr .... 213MMIID"trIII poIatalblth". 'I'IIIIa ... 1'M6 ....... J2S1111; ..,.. .... JrD'n-.. l"_ n.. ... n-:u' ....... 12S l1li; n.c. alit 2-33'52"' ... '91,. .. the IIwpalat otNafnn. BXCBP1' .... 3O ... ...., ... WMlIIr ..... ANDIXCBPI'.u ..... Wad ......................... to ......... .. ..... _ ............. haaNodtlaPlCitl....,a.,..,reoaided ......... No.411167; 'I'OO8'I'HER. wrm tII!IIDI'D AIr I'IIId ad uIiIIIy JIUIP*I oa. OWl ....... dIIlDIIlII 306etotdiellOlda 396 .. otdle MIt 371."" 01 .......... ,. .. of .. 1KIIdJ1 .. ~ofdll ... M .. HaI .... J, To......,23 ......... ' .... WoM.: .. 1XBIBlT8 LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION 01' D8 noPIItTY 1.4 ·X" of KIDa COUDty Boundary LlDt A4juatmmIt , LOOUXI9.11 recorded UDder KIDs CDWIly RecorcBna No. 20020'702900001. SllUatliD KIna Cwnly, Wa.' .... 20040429000792.005 20040629002394.001 . ~~~N ~~ LUDLOW DRUMHI --\1111(1111111)111 10777 Mam'Street, Suite 300 2004062900239 Believue. Washington 98004 CHJCflGO TIlLE lAS 33 .. ~I~.~ U~3t KING COUNTY, lolA DOCUMENT nTLE Easement Agreement 1', :.. GRANTOR Luck, VU'guua I Iy)/ GRANTEE .KBS III. L L C ~ LEGAL DESCRIP110N PtD of SecbOD 3, Township 23 Nonh, Range 5 East. W M m King County, Wammgtoo AddJtJonaJ legal descnphoos on Ex)ublts A-S of this document ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 03230S-904~ 032305-9035 CHICAGO TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY ~T1#: l 5 has placed tile docu~ 01 recMl as I Mlomet cD9JIeSY and accepts no lrability for Ihe accuracy 01 validity of IIlB40tument - EASEMENT AGREEMENT I /J THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into this i'? day of W.s..} · 20~. by and between Vllgima Luck. a smglewoman ("Luck") and KB I. L.L.C .• a Washington luruted bab111ty company ("KBS") and/or successors or assigns of either party. RECITALS A Luck is the owner of certam real property located at 10601 -148tb A venue SEt Renton, WA 98059. legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Luck Property"); and B. KBS is the purchaser from Luck under an executory Purchase and Sale Agreement dated Apnl 16, 1997 of certain real property whIch is the subject oflGng County Boundary Line Adjustment No LOOLOO89 (the "BLA It). Pursuant to the terms of said Purchase and Sale Agreement. KBS will be purchasing Parcel X created in the BLA. as legally desCribed m Exhibit 8-1 attached hereto •. KBS bas also contracted to purchase the property legally descnbed on Exhlbit B-2 from one or more third parties The property described on Exhibits B-1 and B-2 are herein collectively caned the "KBS Property"; C. KBS has obtained prelmunary approval 10 subdivIde the KBS Property as the Plat of Stone lOdge. Kmg County DDS FlJe No. L99P3008 (the "P1at of Stone Ridge"); EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 1 W \WPDOCS\3304I\lQJ\AMIIOO74 DOC 8I22J01 20040629002394.002 D KBS desires to obtam an easement across a portion of the Luck Property for the purpose of ingress and egress and for the installation and maintenance of underground utJlilJes jf any are required; and E. Luck is willmg to grant such easementS according to the tenns descnbed herein; NOW, THEREFORE, JD consIderation of $10 and other good and va1uable consideration paid by KBS to Luck, the mutual promises contained herein, and the benefits derived therefrom, the undersigned partIeS hereby agree as follows' 1. Grants of Easements. Luck hereby declares, grants and conveys to KBS a non- exclusive easement over, under, and across that portIon of the Luck Property legally described in Exhibit C attached hereto ("Easement Areal!) for the purposes specified in paragraph 2, below. Said easement shall be perpetual except as otherwise set forth in paragraph 7, below. The easement shall vest (a) as to the property described on Exhibit B-1, upon execution of this Easement Agreement, and (b) as to the property described on Exhibit B-2 and any other property within the Plat of Stone RIdge, at such time as KBS acqUIreS an ownership interest in said property. Luck sball have the right to use the Easement Area for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the rights granted to KBS herein. Such uses shall ioclude. but not be lIMited to, the installation of underground utilities, sidewalks, gutters. pipes and culverts, so long as said uses do not unreasonably mterfere WIth the lDstallatJon, mamtenance and operation of the underground utihties in the Easement Area or the use of tbe Easement Area for ingress and egress. After completlon by KBS of an underground sarutary sewer system within the Easement Area, Luck, at Luck's sole expense including but not limited to hook up fees, may mto hook mto said sewer system. The Luck Property is the burdened property and the KBS Property and any other proP.CrtY mcJuded wIthin the Plat of Stone Ridge is the benefited property. 2. Use of Easement Area KBS' s use of the Easement Area shall be linnted to the construction, installatJon, mamtenance, repair, operation and use ofundergrouod utilities and for mgress and egress. 3 KBS's Warranties. 3 1 Construction Standards. KBS warrants that if any underground utililies. except Luck's hook up to the sewer system, are installed in the Easement Area, they shall be constructed at KBS's sole cost in accordance With all applicable drawings, specifications, pellDltS, approvals and other legal requlTements imposed by city, county, state or federal laws andlor reguIatJons. 3 2 Ownership. KBS or assigns wJll be the owner of the KBS Property upon closing of the above-referenced purcbase and sale transactions. EASBMENT AGREEMENT - 2 W \WPDOCS\l304J\JOO\AMBOO14 DOC 8r22J01 20040629002394.003 4 Luck's Warranties Luck warrants that she is the owner of the Luck Property and that there are no liens or encumbrances affectulg the Luck Property which would mterfere with the intended use of the Easement Area 5. Maintenance and Repair Expenses. All expenses associated with coDstructmg. maintaining. repairing. restoring. c1eanmg or servicing the underground ublitJes shall be paid entirely by KBs. except that if Luck books into the sewer system. Luck shan pay any expenses associated with constructing, maintaining, repalImg, restoring. cleaning or servlcing Luck's book up. 6. Hold Harmless and IndemDlty Provisions. 6.1 Mutual IndemnificatIon. KBS and Luck hereby agree to hold each other harmless, to indemDlfy and defend each other of and from any and all claims andlor damages .which either party may sustain as a result of any breaches of their respective ohligauoDS .described herem. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing. KBS specifically agrees to hold harmJess, ind~fy and defend Luck, for a period of two (2) years from the date of completlon of the construction of the utJ1ities. whichever occurs last. from and agamst any and all claims and lor damages relating to: 6.1.1 KBS's construction and installation of the uulitJes and roads; 6.1.2 The filmg of any liens or assessments against the Luck property as a result of the InstallatioD of the utilities, 6.1.3 The overflow of water from the UUbhes; 6.1.4 The contamination of the Luck Property with hazardous or tOXIC waste or material as a result of KBS' s jnstallation of the utilities; 6.1.5 The discharge of hazardous or toxic waste or material through the utility system; 6 1.6 Any governmental agency or other party or person contending that the utilities or road were not properly constructed or otherwise damaged their ProPerty or the environment. NotwithstandlDg any provision hereof seemingly to the contrary, the Association andlor KBS's successors 10 interest shall continue to be bound by the obligations contained in this paragraph 9. 7 Termmation of Easement. The easement granted herem shaH terminate as to the portion of the Easement Area legally described on ExlubJt D attached hereto (the "Temporary EASEMENT AOREHMHNT - 3 W \WPDOCS\J30u\IO)\AMIIOO74 DOC IInlAll 20040629002394.004 Easement Area h) on the later of (a) the recording of the Plat of Stone Ridge, or (b) the expiration or termination of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated April 16, 1997 between Charles and Virginia Luck (Seller) and KBS Partners (Purchaser). After tbe termination of the easement within the Temporary Easement Area, the easement granted herem shaJl continue m full force and effect as to the porhon of the Easement Area legally descnbed on Exhibit E (the "Permanent ~emeDt Area ") In the event a formal document evidencing the termination of the easement on the Temporary Easement Area IS required, both parties hereto agree that the preparanon of such docmnent WJlI be at the expense of KBS. and both pames wiJ] cooperate in the signing and recordmg of such document. 8. Covenants Running with the Land Luck and KBS agree that the terms and conditions contained herein sball benefit and burden the Luck and KBS Properties, and shall constitute covenants that run with both Properties, and shaU benefit and burden the heirs, successor and assigns of the Luck and KBS Properties 9. Entire Agreement There are no other agreements between KBS and Luck that modify or affect thiS Agreement This Agreement IS fully integrated and all prior negotiations regardmg the terms of the Easement Agreement are merged into and have become a part of this Agreement. 10. Notices AU nObces, consents, approvals and oIher commumcations provided for herem or given m connectIon herewith shall be validly gIven, made, delivered or served if in writing and del1vered personally or sent by registered, certdiedmail, or receipted overnight services, postage prepaId, or by facsimile to, with con finned receipt at the following addresses KBS: Luck: KBS Ill, L L C. 12SOS Bel-Red Road Benevue, WA 98005 Attention· Kolin Taylor Fax. 425/452-9016 Vlfginia Luck 285 Sand Dune Drive Ocean Shores, W A II. Attorney's Fees In the event any party employs an attorney 10 enforce any of the provisions of thIS Agreement, on any issue of stale, federal or bankruptcy law. the prevailing party shall be enn.tled to recover Its costs, litigation expenses and reasonable attorney's fees m connection therewith from the non-prevailing party. 12. Governing Law. This Agreement shan be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Washington EASEMENT AGREEMENT -4 W \WPJ>0C'S\3304 J \103\AMBOO'H DOC BI22JOJ 20040629002394.005 13. Severabality. If any provision of this Easement Agreement IS determined by a coon to be mvalld or unenforceable. the remainder of this Easement Agreement shall remain in fuJI force and effect. 14. Successors. This Easement Agreement binds the hells. successors and assigns of the partieS. KBS m. L.L C .• a Washmgton lImited liability company By~~~~~~~ __________ __ VIRO A CK STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that ontJusdt-day o~ • 20~ her ........ Notary pubhc m and for the State of Washington, duly ~'iOI1ed and sworn, came Kohn Taylor. personally known or haVIng presented satisfactory evIdence to be a Member ofKBS ~ L.L.C • the brolled hablljty company thai executed the foregomg instrument. and acknowledged the S8Jd mslnunent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of wd bmlted habillty company for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that he IS authonzed to execute the said mstrument on behalf of said bmitcd liability company WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in tins cerblicate first above written. EASEMBNTAGREEMRNT·' W \WPDOC.$\3]OmlO:J\.OfB0074 DOC IIllIOl STATE OF WASHlNGTON ~UYS.J-p1J COUNTY~G ) ) 88. ) 20040629002394.006 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the ~ day of AlA. Q U r.l 20DI before me, a Notary pubbc m and for the State of Wash mgt on. duly COnumSS1~SWOm. came Virgmia Luck. personally known or having presented satisfactory eVJdence to be the mdiVJdual descnbed in and who executed the Wlthm mstrument, and acknowledged that she Signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thermn menhoned. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal1he day and year m t1us certificate first above wriHen. "- ;----HOO;' M:R;;HR----l ~..!!'f'rluit:hohr : NOTARY PUBLIC ~ Notary Public JD and for the : STinE OF WASHINGTON' State of Washington, residjDg at ~ t.trCaminlSSlOnEJIplmF.b OJ. 2005 : !Rol de; lYlu4," IAJv • • . • • .. , Expuahon Date: &6. a I «00 s: . EASEMENT AGREEMBNT· 6 W IwPD0CS\3JOfJll1IJIAMBOO1.4 DOC IIll!Dl 20040629002394,007 EXHIBIT A That portion of the followmg described property. The North 165 fee' of the South 495 feet oflhe Northeast Quarter oftho Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range S East, W,lIllmeUe Mendian. In Kmg County, Wpshmgton, Together with The North he If of the North half of Ihe South hll.f of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quaner of Section J, rownshlp 23 North. Range S East, Willam~ne MUldlnn, In King County, Washington, Except that portIon thereof descnbed lIS (ollows' Be8Inn,,_, at a pam. on the North hne of said subdiviSIon which bears South 0 I °25'02" West 633 38 feet and North 890]7'38" West 30 feet from the Ea!>t Quarter of Siud Section 3; Thence North 87"37'38" West along saId line 125 feet, Thence South OI~'02" West 122 17 fcct, Thence Somh 87°49'08" East 125 feet; Thence North 01~5'02ft East 121 7S feet to the pamt or~gmllm8, AlIlYlllg easterly of the following doscnbed Ime' COMMENCING III the Northell~t corner of tho South hlllf of Ih., NorthclIl>1 qu"rtcr of the Southeast quorter of said Section 3, Thence North 87°37'38" West. IIlong the North Ime of said North half, a distance of 582.39 feet to the True Point ofBegmnlng. Thence South 21°52'S2" West-a dllstonce of 1620 feet; 'J hence South 08°3 I '42" East, a distance of20 35 feet, Thence South 42°54'50" West, a distance 0(7 OS feel, Thence South 25-15'32" West, a distance of9 82 feet, Thence South 6S<>2~'OO" West, a distance of 31, I 5 feet, Thence South 12°10'41" West, a d.-lance ot 2~ 24 feCi, Thence South 18"'46'30" East, 8 distance of43 66 feet; Thence South 52<>26'34" East, a d.nanc::c of 1434 feet; Thence South 46°48'41" WOR, a distance of6.71 feet; Thence South 06OJ3'25" West,a dl.lance of37.70 feet, Thence South 19D2I'14" East, a distance 0155.64 feet, Thence South 43"01'14" East..-d.atance of 14.29 feet; Thence South 10"46'49" East, 8 diStance 0'3.20 feet; Thence South 20°01'32" West, a distance of21 40 feet, Thence South 12'"36'16" West, a distance of)l 61 feet; fhence South 07D20'lr East, II distance 0'4.98 feet to a point on the South hne of.he North J65 feet 01 tbe South 495 feec oftlle Northeast quarter of tho Southeolol quarter of said Section 3 and the terminull of de'lcrlbed line, . Except the East 30 feet thereat for county road EXlUBITB-l That pomon of the following descnDed property: . The Nonh t 6S feet of tJac Soutb 495 feet of the Northeast Qulllter of tbe So\Itbeast Quarter of Sci;llon 3, Township 23 NOI1Ja, Range 5 Ease. Willamet14l Merid',art. in KIDS Counl)'. Washington; Together with: The North half of the North ha If of tho Soutl JJaJf of tho Northeast Quarter oftbe SoIIIbwt Quilter of SechOll J, TOWl'lSJup 23 North. Raap S East. W JllameltD Meridian. in KinS Cou.ty. Wullfnstoa~ Bxcc,Pt that portioo Ihereof desaThed at follows; BcgfulD, at I point on the North lin. 01 said s1Ibdivisioa wIIich bean South 01"25'02" West 63) 38 feet and North J9031'J 8-west 30 feet fromlhe East Quarter of saId Section 3; AI! Iymg westerly of the fonowmg descnbed lme COMMENCING lit the Northeast comer of the Saudi half ofebe Northtest qlWttt of the Southeast q1III1er ofsaid ScctlDfl 3; Thence Nri '7"37'31" West-alona the North Jino oIsaid Nortl balf. a disl.alltc ot 582.39 feet to the True POIDI ofBcplmna; ThcncoSouth 21°52'52" West. D distance of )6.20 feet, Then~ South OS031'42" Eua. a dba",o of203S feet; Tbcatce South 4~S4 'SO'" WCSl. 8 dislaDce of 7 OS feet; Thence Soad! 2501$'12" WISt.. dlmnu ot912 ~ Thence ~ 65~9'00'" WCISI, 8 distwo af 31 IS feet: 11Jenc:eSClllth 12-.0'41" West. a dbllnuof29.24 teet; Tbonco South 1 8"4CS'30" 2asa, a dislaace of 43-" feet; 1bonce Soutb 52"26']4" Eut. a dlstance of 1434 feet:; Thence Scut114~4"4 J" West, a diIIIDeo of 6.11 fed; T'benco Soath 06D3)'2$" Wat. a dllllDco 007.70 feet; 1bcnco SoIIfII9D2)· J .... East, • dhluco of $5.64 feet; n..a.c. SoIth 4'00) ·1 .... But. • diatlncl of 14.29 r.t; 1bcnco SGDIh 10046'49"' Bast, • dlltallOo 0(3.20 fcc*; . 'IbeIlce s.tb 2000J'3rWest. aclJAllco ot21.4O Ret; 1110000 South lr:J6"l6'" West. adiJlaoca 0(31.61 tid; 'TheI1ce Soudl O'MO'IT hit,. diltwc of 4.98 feetw. point OIl thct Souahlirlo ofllle No'" J6S feel ortllo Soulh 49S reet ofdle Nortbeastquat1etotlbo Soudteast qunet of said SectIaft 3 and tho toimil\us of'dt:scribed line; W \WJ'I)()CSW04l\103\1UU079 DOC 08122JOI 20040629002394.008 08122101 EXlDBITB-Z THE NORTH J 65 FEET IF TI£ 330 FEET OF THE NORTHEABT QUARTER OF TI£ SMt£AST QUARTER (II' SEca;ION1N3.INBT~23 NORTH. RAH6E 5 EABT. HILLAMETTE HEAIPI_ I Ie • NASHIN6T1It EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS. AND LOT 2 AtCJ THE EAST Sa.. FEET IF LOT 3. KINa CCUfTY ~!~ T NUMBER 48017 AS ACCOFI)EO UUR RECCA)IH8 tUIJE'A 870N:nMIi ANO COMECTED AECORt£D lJoUA RECOROlNa N\MIER 8706260U150. BY . AFFIDAVIT: TOGElttEA NITH TtE FCLLOWINB DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN ACCORDAPU-HITH DE~ OUIETIN8 TITLE IN KING CCIMTY SUlEAtDR CCUfT CAUSE NlICBEA 86-2-22119-2 ENTERED ON MARCH 23. 1987: TI£ tEar a:;co.eo FEET IlF TIE SWTH 390 fEEl ."'hE tIDA1lEAST QUARTER IF THE SWTHEAST QUARTER OF' IlECTION 3. TONtafIP 23 NORTH. RAH6E !5 EAST. MIUAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN ICINI aufTY. HASHINST(W: • EXCEPT Tt£ NORTH lB!1 FEET n£RE[F")ANo EXCEPT THAT PORTIm. OF t.YlN8 MImi" TtE SOUTH HALI= OF nE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID Sl8)IVISION:: AN) EXCEPT THAT PORTION Tl£RECF LYINe H£BTEJl.Y CF TtE NOAnEALY EXTENSI(If OF A LINE L VINe UW FEET NElT OF AN) PARAlLEl TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 3 OF SAID KINB autrv Starr PlAT NUMSER <486017: AtIl EXCEPT COIMTY ROADS. ~'Cm= ~~ ~~~~oa:~~Lf:E~'mA 9209201022. ) TOOETlEA WITH AN EASEMENT Fm ROAD AN) UTILITIES OVER n£ SCIUTHEA.. Y PORT ION [F LOT S A8 DISQ.aseo ON THE FACE OF TtE ~T PUT. 20040629002S94.009 .... EXHIBITC Temporary Otfsite Utility & Access Easem~Dt . for StoDe Ridge TIle SOllih 20 feel of the North 165 feet orlbe South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast'quarter of Section 3, TOllnshlp 23 North, Range 5 East of the W,Jlameite Mendlan m Kmg County, Washington. lying easterly of the followmg described bne COMMENCING at tbe Northeast comer of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3, Thence North 87°37' 38" West, along the North hne of said North half, a distance of 582 39 feet to the True POint ofBegmnJng, Thence South 211'S2'52'" West, a distance of 16.20 feet, Thence South OB031 '42" East, a dJstnnee of 20 35 feet, Thence South 42054'50" West, a distance of 7.05 feet, Thence South 2so J S'32" West, a distance of9.B2 feet. Thence South 65°29'00" West, a dIstance of 31 J S feet, Tbence South 12°10'41" West, a distance of2924 feet. Thence South 18"46 '30" East, a dJstaJlCe of 43 66 feet, Thence South 52°26'34" Eas). a dIStance of 1434 feet; Thence South 46"48'4 I" West. 8 d15tance of 6,71 feet. Thence South 06°33'2S" West, 8 distance of31.70 feet, Thence South 19"21"14" East, a distance: of S5 64 feet, Thence South 43°01' 14" East. a dlS1Bnce of 14 29 feet, Thence South 10-46'49» East. a distance of) 20 teet; Thence South 20°01')2" West. 8 dIStance of2J 40 feet. TIlcnce South 12'"36'16" West. a dlSlafJce onl 61 feet, Thence South 07"20'17· East. a distance of 491 feet to a point on the South Ime oftbe North 165 feet ofthc South'49S feel of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3 and the terminus of desenbed hne ... 20040629002394.010 - South LH\e N 165 , 5 495', NE1/A, SE3/4.~ Sec 3, T23N, ~5E. WM • J /' , Scale. 1" ::: 200' Ne Cor, 51/2,- NE1/4. SE 3/4. Sec 3, T23N, ~20 Ternpocacy Utll1ty & Access Easement , -- I I i ~ .. · . EXlDBJTD Temporary Of&ite UtJUay &: Access Easement for Stone RJdg~ (To Be Extiogubbed) The Soutli20 feet ofibe North 165 feel 01 the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarteroftbc Southemst quancr of Section 3. Township 23 North, Range 5 East oflhe \Vlllamette Mendlan an KIDg County, Washlngton,lymg easterly of tho foliowlDg described Ime COMMENCING at the Northeast comer of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter oC saJd Secbon 3; . Thence North 87°37'38" West, along the North line of said North half. a dIstance of S82 39 feet to the True POint ofBegJMJng: Thence South 21°52'52" West. a dJStanceof 1620 feet; Thence South 080)1'42" East. a distance of2035 feet, Thence South 42°54'50" West. a distance or7 OS feet, Thence South 25°1 S'32" West, a distance of9 82 feet, Thence South 65°29'00" West, a dIStance of 31 15 feet. Them:e South l~lO'4)n West. a distance of29.24 feel, Thence Soulh I S046'30" .East. a distance of 43 66 feet. Thence South S2~6'J4" East, a distance of 1434 feet; Thence South 46°48'41» West, a distance: of6 71 feet, Thence South 06°33'25' West, a distance of3170 feet; Thence South 19"21'14" East, a dIStance ofS5.64 feel; Thence South 43°01'14" East, adman« ofl4.29 feet; Thence South 10046'49" East, a dJStance of3 20 feet; Thence South 2000) '32" West, a distance of2) 4D feet, Thence South 1~36')6" West, 8 distance of31 61 feel, Theoce South 07~0') 7" East, • distance of 4 98 feet to a pomt on the South hne of tbe !'IIonh 165 feet of1hc South 495 feet ofdJe Nonheas. quarter of the Southeast qUllJ1er of said SectJon 3 and the term !nUS of described lIne Except that portion dcscnbed as follows. 20040629002394.012 The West 317 feet of the East 496 feet of tho South 10 fed of the North 165 feet of the South 495 feet or abe Northeast Cf08rter orlhe Southeast quarter ofScchon 3, Township 23 North, Range S East of the Wlliamene MeJ'lruan to l , NE Cor. Sl/2. NE1/4. SE 1/A. Sec 3. T23N. R5E, WM W lIne. E ~96' . NEt/A, SE1/4. Sec 3, T23N. R5E. WM South Llne N 165, 5 495'. NE1/~. SE1/~,~ Sec 3. T23N, RSE, WM ) portlon of 20' Temporary Easement to be extlngulshed E llne. W 3H. E .496, NE1/4,~--' SElIA, Sec 3, T23N. R5E. WM Stale: 1" =r 200' I I I I I I I I I . I Cot EXmBITE Permanent Offsite Sanitary Sewer Easement for Stone rudge The Wesl317 feet of the East 496 feet of the South 10 feet of the North J65 feet oflhe Soulh 495 feel orthe'Northc:ast quarter of the Southeast quarter of SectIon 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East oflhe W.llamc:tte MeridIan In King County, Washington. " t. 20040629002394.014 l NE Cor. 51/2. NE1/A. SE 1/4. Sec 3. T23N. ~5E. WM W llne. E 496 NE 1/ .t1. SE 1/ A. Sec 3 T23N. A5E. WM South Llne N 165. S 495'. NE1/4. SE1/4.~ Sec 3. T23N. RSE. WM ) 10 Permanent Sanltary· Sewer Easement E llne. W 317', E A96', NE1/4.--' SE1/4. Sec 3. T23N. RSE. WM scale. 1"" 200' I I I I I I I I I I I I . f , o .. O't ' .. ,': .. . ~: .. +~~ ~...... .~' '-.~: , AFTER RECORDING JlIiTURN TO WasbIlIgtoll Fcda-at 81m ... LOAN ADMIN·WA 0fIke 425 Pllte Stnd Seallle WA 98l1tl Alieni/on _______ _ r 1lIIIIJIli ~ uq DT z.t II ntl'~~~.iI' lAluI Number 075 '1In 28824Z-1 CHICAGO TI11.£ INS. CO REF~'f'll-1 :;: SHORT FORM DEED OF TRUST THIS DEED OF TRUST ('Secunly JnlUVlJlelll") IS made =JlIJIt:::?;;::ZD~d.=2G04=,== ___ belwea\ KBS DEVELOFMVrr CORPORA110N, A WASIDNGTON CORPORATION u GraDto!' ("Borrower"). wbose -acldres&:7"-.-. -::::l2328=~NE~ITII=:-ST=SUl==TE::-::J!!!!=-,-::JI=ELLE~::;V1JB==W:-:"-:98005=::-• aDd WASHINGTON SERVlC!8, INC .. A WASJIINGTON COIlJ'OIlATION u IlUslee. whose Iddreas JS6W §OVI1I MORGAN ROAD. nm..AND. WA. Pfl2.49 and WASIDNGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS. I Umlcd Stales Corporallon. _ BeDefkW)' ('Lendcc" Gmntee), whO# address IS G! PI1lt Stnet. SftItUfl W ...... '810J Borrower ~by Irmocably IVIIIIU, barsaw. se1Is ODd ooaveyl 1o TrvsIee III 1nI8I. wllh power of sale ,"ord/Ili 10 Wadllngloo law. all Bonowcr', aIaIe. nght. nile. mterat, dllllllllll dcmaod. DOW owned or hereanu acqUIred. III aDd 1.0 die rollowmg desc:nbed property ID KJNG COIIIIIy, WwulI810D (\he "JIrqlerty', wIIldI lum lball melade all oraD =-==y .... part-=-:--O"':r"'::Ih:""'-Pr=--opm---,.--:-aD-=y ~rovemea .. thaeon and aU !be properly described III Puaarlfb 2 of the MIlSleI' Form Deed or Trust bm:Jnaflu rcfcmd 10) !'ORnONS 0' nm HOIl11IIIAIf QUAll1Dl or nm SOUI'B&MI OUAllftll OF 8BICnOIf " TOWNSHIP JJ NOImI. LUICK 5 UST, WIUAMII1'Ia MIIlUDI4N. IN &DIG COuaT, WASRINC1UM AI'CD LOr I,IUIIG COUlfJ'Y ~ PlAT 1'10_17. au:oRDID \JNDat Rl!COIlDIHG lftJNUR I'IIOCIJMM,IN JmtG COllNJY, WASHINCTOH SE& 'JlIE 5TH PACt OF mil IlOCVMJINT POR 11IIt COMl'L&D LlGlLIlUCRIFI1OIf. ATTACHED AS WlWT •• ' .utility 1HJS UIIR!NCB DlCORPOUTID HDJaN Assessor'. Property Tax l'araJ AcaIUIIt NIIIIIIIfr(.): 03lJ0529J]. p. M. '"' TOGETIfER WJ11I all !he talCrDaIII. bercduamr:nu aDd apportaIIDCa, DOW or hanftu tbereunl.O bcloDgIIII or III III}' way appertIIlIIDI. 1_ II1II 0Iher agnanaQ (or the use and oeeupancy pcrtlUllDllhcmo. and die JaIU, JllUr.I IIId profltl lhereolaDd all ocher propcny III' npil 01 my lund or IIIlure wblboever fu1\llet lei fortII!1II tile Muur PoI1ll Deed of TJuIt bereuWlcr referred 10, SUBJECT, HOWEVER, 10 die nglll, power IIId AIIIbonty hemnafter g1VCIIIC ODd confemd upon I.aIder 1.0 collect IIId apply such RnIS, _ aDd profits I Thll Suunty 1na1lumaJt ,hall I:OIl8I1\11Ie • secunty IIII=JlCIII IIDII« the Uniform Commel'tlal Code of WubmglOD bdweca Botro+er u debtor IJId LeDder II IeCIlrecl I*tY Botrower 8J1IDh a lealrllY l1li_1 10 Lender ID 1liiy pI !/la Propeny whleb II penooal property aDd abo pu ... secUrity lJIIerest /n the property dacnbed m I'&n&npII '3 of !be Muter Porm Deed of ~ hm:maftcr rcrcm:d 10, now 0WDed or hereafter ~I by JIoJrowu (tbc Propaty, u dDlhled aboYe, and the propcny dcscnbcd m laid Plnanpb J are bFreafter collectively referrecllO as \he 'ColllImI') • , . 51) 4---....... , L020-T twA! 01107197 THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT IS FOR mE PURPOSE OF SECURING the followmg (al Paymeru orllle sum 01 ____________________ _ FIVB MIlLION ntREE HUNDRED nlOUSAND AND NOIIOGS DOLLARS ( $5,300,000.00 ), wllh IlIIerefll thm:on according to the lemu of a prolJllUOI'l' note of even dale herewith, payable to J..cnder or order and made by Borrower (Ihe 'Nole', which tena shall mclude all notes eVidencing the mdcbtedness ICWred by dlls Security Instrument, 1/ICludmg all renewals, modi Clcallons or extenslODS lheieof), b) Paymenl or aDY further &UIllS advanced or loaned by Under 10 Borrower, or uy of lIS successon or a.mgns, If (Il !he Nolt or other wnllil3 cVldeactag tho fulUrC advance or loan speClhcally states that It IS secured by lhll Sccuruy insUumcnl, or (2) IIlc advance, IDcluding tolls ud CXpclUCS lllCurred by Lender, IS made punuut to th.s St>::unlY Inurumenl or II1Y Dther dDcumenlS executed by Borrower evidenCing, secunng. or rellllag 10 thc Note andlor the CoUaleral. whether CKecuted prIOr to. contemponJlcously wllh, or subsequent to thIS Sccunl)' inslnImenl (thIS Secunty Inslrument, the Note and such other doc:umc:lll3, UICludmg aD)' tollStlUllIon loao. land loaD or other loan a.grccmc:nl, are hercl/l.lfter coIlecuvely referred lO u the 'Loan 1>oc:umcuU0). togecbtr with mlerm theROO at the rate sel forth In the Nole unIeu odIetwlSe tpeafied m'the Loan Documcota or agreed to In wrlllng, c) pcrronnancc of each I8reetnml, tcmI ud colHhlJon set forth or mcorporaled by refermce In dIe Uml Dowmcau, IDCIudmg wllbout lurulallon the loan III~ of even elate hereWith, which are Incorporated herem b)' n:fcn:uce or c:ontalDCd herem 11IE MATURITY DATE OP TImSE SECURED OBLIGATIONS, AS CONTAINED IN THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, INCLUDINO niB NOTB, IS ""J!!UDe!!!!!.l!:iln!!ld:!& • .o!:l:l!:OO6!!2... ____ _ By execulmg I11III dehverlng this Secant} IosIrumtnI and the NOIe secured hereby, Ihe partlCS IIIlree chac all proVISIOns of Paragncrhs 1 lhrougb 69 lIu:luslVC of Ibc Master Form Deed of Trusc heremafter referred to, except sucb p8C1l,gtllphs 8!1 are IpeclrlcaUy excluded or modified herein, are bereby Incorporated herem by relereoce and III8de an Integral part hereof for RIl pwpose. the lame as It set forth herem at length, and the Borrower hereby I1'IIIkes SAId c:ovcnanlS and agrees 10 fUlly perlonn all of U>d provlsloCl The Master Pom Deed of Trust above referred 10 was J'UA)rded 011 lIle dates below shown, 111 the OffICial Records of the offices 01 the County Auditors or County Rcronic.rs 01 the follOWing Ulunl1es In Ihe Slale or Washington IIIXOrding to tlIe emuneraloo recordation deslgnallOIU appemng below aner the name of each (lOUDly, 10 Wit DRAWBR. 1lEEL, PRAMBOR RECORDINO OR DATE OF COUNTY BOOIC Q8 ~glJll!m UQEtlO§) A!Jl2lIQR'~ BYi ~O lW:!lI!.m~Q ADAMS 229 260·27\ 23~ October 12. 1995 ASOTIN 1I7406 October 11. 1995 RENTON 636 65·76 9H3049 Oc1Dber 11.1993 CHELAN IDSl 16J3-I~ 9SI011OOO8 OcIober II, 1995 CLALLAM 1111 694-705 719425 October 11, 1995 CLARK 9SI01l0089 October 11. 1995 COWMBIA 3D 712·723 8601 October 11. I \l9S cowun Ill3 0637.4)648 9SI011074 Ocrober 12. 1995 DOUGLAS M444 09-10 3078$8 OcIober 12. 1m FERRY 1M P oro Rl 211892 OcIobcr II, 1995 FRANKUN 0317 0564-CS1~ 514669 Ocrcber II, 1995 GARAElD 3317 OcIober 11. 1995 ORA NT 068 19S4·1~ 95tOI2004 OcIOber II. 1995 GRA YS IlARDOR 9S 3J 136-33147 951012026 Oc1Obc, II. J993 ISLAND 696 1410-1411 9$016396 0cI0ber 11, J99S JEFFERSON ~J7 328-339 38SSOS October 11, 1995 KINO 9S10100421 October 10. 1995 KrrSAP 0879 2391·2401 9SI0lJ0066 OclOber 13. 1995 KmlTAS 310 711 586108 OclObe, II. 1995 KLICKITAT 327 218 2-49676 OclOber II. 1M LEWIS 672 350-361 9514582 Ocmber II. 1995 LINCOLN 6S 003034-003045 400815 OclOber 11. 1995 MASON 688 144·ISS 613408 OclOber 11, J99S OKANOGAN 137 1089·1100 833848 Oclober II, 1995 PACIFIC 9510 5S9·51O 62332 Oclober II, 1995 PEND ORIELLE 121 1099·1110 230779 OcIober 12. 1995 PieRCE 1163 2511·2511 9510110418 OcIober II. I99S SANJUAN 5lS 230·241 9S101201 Ocrober 12, 1995 SKAOrr 1483 0371-0:18) 9510110046 October II, 1995 SKAMANIA 152 860·871 123494 Ocrober II, I99S SNOIlOMISlI 3081 l/i23·1634 9510110119 October II. 1995 SPOKANE 1781 1737·1748 9510110130 OcIober 1 I. 1995 • STEVENS 193 2376·2387 95101" OClDber II, 1995 THURSTON 2464 702·711 9510110097 OcIDber 1 I, 1995 WAHKIAKUM 104 OS79~ 45447 October 12. 1995 WALLA WALLA 234 1593·1604 9509789 Oc1Ober 11. 1995 WHATCOM 465 1133·044 951011191 OclOber II. 1995 WHITMAN MICrofilm NI> S80488 Ocklber II. 1995 YAKIMA 1494 1819·1830 3110134 OcIOber II, 1995 (""'_ "'14) L020·T tWA) 075207288242·1 A ",py of such Miller Form Deed of Troll has been furnished 10 the person exeeulmg thiS SealrJly IlIStnImaIl, and by execullng thiS Secunty Instrument the Bonower acbowledges havmg JeteJved sucb MaSter Form Deed of Trosl The Property which II the &ubJec;t of IhlS SKunty Jnslnunenl IS DOl lIud principally or pnmanly ror agrICultural or flll1ll\Dg purpoea The: UDdcn.aned Borrower reqllelts IhaI I copy of an, NollI;c of Waull and of any Nohce of Sale: hereunder, as reqUIred by WlShmgloo law PI case of /lOll-JudiCIal fon:clo.rure of a deed of IroSl. be maJled 10 Bonower at BorroWers IIIIdrus as hereinabove set forth BorroWCJ agrees \0 oblaUl all 1DS1Irance reqUITed from time to lime by Lender and as elsewhere provided In die Loan Doc:umeIIIS, IIIcludJlIJ Hood IDsuraJICI: If Borrower fills 10 JJIIIIDIIIn such IDSIIJlIlCe salufaclory 10 the Lender, Lender IDAy make the paynat OD behalf of the Borrower and any rums upmded shall be lidded 10 pr1IICIpaI and bear mtcrcst .. Ibe nile pnmdcd III Ihe Note ... -... ,. . If die bM P"":M~ ¥IY Clf Ibt folloWlnt SlIIItIIIeIIIS conlaUll III ·X·, thai lUIemenl IS a pan of !Ius Sfcun,iJIIIIN_ It thi.boll II eI so checked, the eorresponlhll' SIaI_I.S II2t part of thiS Seeunly Instruro.."IIt· ~: ~ o p~!:. 49 oi'~ii~cr Fonn Deed of Tnut (whIch men to the atiIaiCC. If any, of an adJuSt&blc I81t fF~l'e in !be Note) IS hereby deleted ... . .. 00 The Hole eecurccl hereby mcIcnces • COlIItnICIlOD \OaD or !aDd loan bullS DOt a combllllllOn Note Para&ripb 53 of the Malter Ponn Deed 01 TI'lISI II hereby deleted o The Note aecured hmby 1& a combmabOD eOnstlUCtlon loanIpennaDeDI loan Note Refer 10 puagnph 53 of the MISICJ PonD Deed or 1'nI.!I o The Property OT a part thereof u a COndOmIDIlIJD Refer \0 parlgraph 50 of the Master Form Deed ofTruac o A rcc DWIICf mil • IcasdtoId owner of the Propc:ny. 01" I portIOD lbaeof, have exmnc:d tllII Sealnty IIutn!meot Refer 10 PUlJrapb 5J of the MaSler Foun D«d ofTnlsl o The Propeny Of I put thereof 15 • Ic:atchold estate Refer to PU1llflpll 51 of the Master Form D«d ofTruSI o See also Sdtedule • A· of lh1J Short Form Deed Df Tnut, IIJIIChed hemo IIId mcorponled berelD by thl&refes_ wrrNESS !be buwI(l) and a(s) Dr the Borrower, IJld each of IIIem If mole dIaD ODe, 011 !be dJIy and year f1nt above wntteft (Over for DOIUy acknowledganeDtJ) l02()'T fWAI 01107197 STATIl OF ) Iss COUNTY OF ) I ceruty I11III1 know or bave sawfllClOry evidence !hal ______________ _ (Name(s) 01 penon(al) ISJare the person(r} who ~ belore me, aDd 8IId penoll(') acmowledged !hat (belshclthey) signed thiS IIISfnIIIIeIII and acknowledged II 10 be (Il1slberltbelr) rree and voluntaly ICI for the uses and purposes mennoned mlhe m.11\IIDI!OI Daud ___________ _ (Sf&llWre) (Seal or SUmp) NoW}' PublIC mlllll for the Stale of _______ _ rtsllllJlI at ________________ _ My commutJOII exp=t ___________ _ STATE OF WAStiINGTCN ) )11 COUNTY Of nNG ). I oertlly 11111 J blow or have sawrao:ulI), evuSence thai KOLIN B. TAYLOIl, ROBERT II. RUDDELL AND SOlcOtlOlt IT. AV%AllADBL IName(I) of pa1OIl{.)J .,are tile pcnon(a) who !ippC:&ftd before me, IIId wd penoa(l) ICkDowledged !hat iWJbFItbey) Slped thJs lIIIInIIDfIII, on oath IlIIcd &Jut~) wlll_ aIfbonZed 10 execute the lllltrllment and IICknowledpd II II !he PltESIDENT , SECRETARY AN'D "BRumM, respec U vely to be tbe (ICC and volU11WY DSledJUNE 25.2004 (SuI or Stamp) wAsaryaroN resldmg II My c:onunJa1on expires ... 0 .. 31.:-""2 .... 9-::.2 ... 0"'0 ... 6'--_____ _ ""07 , ... ro" L020·T [WI\! PARCEL A· LOT X OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LItrE ADJUS'lMENT mJMJIRR LOOL008 g, RBCORDED UNDER RECORDING HUMBER a002070~900007, IN XING COUNTY; WASHINarON. PARCEL 8 nla NOR'1'II 165 FEft 01' THB SOI1J'JJ 330 FElET or THB NOR'l'HBAST OUARTBR OF THB SOU'nIBAST QUARTD OF SHCTlON 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGB 5 BAST, WlLI.AMBTl'B MER1DIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS, TOOGTHBlt W [TH THAT PORTION OF LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLA.'!' NUHl!ER 086017, RECORDED t»mI£R RECORDING NUMBBR 8703039001, DSSCJtIDED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THB NOR11fWBST CORNBR OF SAID LOT '2; nlENCB 8ool'H 87· 4;' IS" EAST ALONG nIB NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 97.)0 FRET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNlNG; THBNCB SOUTH 020 10' U-WEST A DISTANCE OF 159.13 FEET TO THE SOUTH LIN& OF SAItI LOT 2 ANI) A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, THB RADIAL CENTER OF .WHICH BBARD NORTH 1" 44' 42-NBST; THBNCB HOIlTHBASTBRLY ALONG nm SOt1.l'H LINB OF SAID LOT l. AND THB ARC OF SAID ctnlVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 9S.00 FEB'l, THROUGH A CRNTRAL ANGLS OF 31° )8' 5,°, A DISTANCB 01' 52 48 PltBT TO A POINT OF REV1!JISB ClJRVATUltB OF A CURVB CONCAVB SOlJ"nlBAS'l'BRLY, THB RADIAL CENTBR OF WlIICH BBARS SOtnH 51" 23' 41° EAST; THENCE CON'J'INlJING RORTHBAS1'ERLY JUoONG nm· Bourn L:tNB OF SAID LOT 2 AND Tim ARCO OF SAJD CURVE HAVING A RADIOS OF 65.00 PEEl', THROtJmI A CBNTRAI. JlNGLS OF 53° 34' 26", A DIST.NMCB OF 60.78 F.BBT; nlltNCB CONTINUING ALONG THE SOIJTH LINR OF SAlD LOT 2, SOUTH 87· 49' IS-EAST A DISTANCB OF 223.23 nRT TO TIm SOU'nlEAST CORNER OF SUD LCYT; THENCE NORTH 01" 2.' 12-IiAST ALONG 'J'HII EAST LIMB OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 100 02 PEB'J' TO nm NORTlmAST CORNB'R OF SAID LOTI THENCE NORTH 87-49' 15-HEST ALONG THB NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCB OF 31S.14 Pl!ET TO THB TIU1B POINT OF BBGINNING. (ALso KNOW AS LOT Y OF KING COtlm'Y BOUNDJIllY LINE ADJUSrMBNT NUMBER LOOLOOU, RECORDBD UNDBR RECORDING truMBER ~00207029000D7) • PARCEL c: LOT 1, lUNG COUNTY SHORT PLAT NlMBISR 486017, RECORDED tlHDER RECORDING NlJoIBBR 8703039001, AND IIMBHDBD B'I AFFIDA'nT OF CORRECTION RECORDED tmDKIt RECORDING NUMBER 8705260950, IJI XING COIllITY, WASHINGTON, BBING A PORTION OF THII SOUrK HALF OF 'J'HB SOUTH BALF OF THB SOOTH JIALlI' OF THE NORTHJ!AST QUARTER OF 'J'HB SOuntEAST QUARTBR OF SBCTIOH 3, TONNSJO:P 23 NOR.TH, RANGE 5 BAST, WII.oLl\HETTB MBRIDIJIlI, IN lUNG C01lNTY, lfASHINlll'ON; 'J'OQBTHEIl "1'1'11 niB POJ..LOIoIINa DESCRIBED PROPKRTY IN ACCORDANCE HITH DECREB QOIBTING TI'J'LIi: IN KlHG COUNTY' SUPERIOR COURT CAusa NUPIB8R 86-2-23116-2 BJf1'BRBD ON MAROI 23, 1987. TIfE SOUl'H 330 P'BBT OF 11lB NORTHEAST OUARTBR OF mil SOl1l'HEAST OUARTBR OF SBCTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORnI, RANGE S EAST, WILLNOTTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, 1DIBHINOTON, EXCBPI' 'I1IB WBST au so FERT THBREOF I AND DCBPI' THB BORTH US FEST THBRBOF; ANI) I!J!CRP'l' '11tIIT PORTION OF loYING lfIDlIH THE SOO'lH HALF OF THII BOtmi HALF OF TIIR SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION; AND EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS. PARCEL D: BBGINNING AT 'J'HB SOUt'HEI\ST CORNER 01" THII NORTHBAST QUAR'l'BR OF 'I'lJE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF S2CTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 HORnI, RANGK 5 lEAST, WILLI\11ETTE MKRIDIJIlI, 1)1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, 'J'HENCB NORnI 65 FRET ALONG THE BAST LINK OF SAID SECTION 1, THENCE WEST 670 2 FEET, THENCH SOUTH 65 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINK OF SAID NORTJUlAST QUAR'l'BR OF THE SOtJTIfBAST QUARTBR OF SAID SECTION 3; Tn""" ...., """'" 'AID 'OUTH LDOI. "'., ..... TO ,.. 1'<>1..,. O .... ~: 6 • ~( UCBn "'''''. ;, v" f''j) CHJCAGO Tln.'.lNSURANCE COMPANY 10500 NE STII, #1700, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 PHONE: FAX: (425)646-9883 (425)646-9879 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a cODvenience to locate the land iadicated hereoD with reference to streets aDd other Iud. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. :: ........ . ? ; PTN. OF THE NE % OF THE SE % OF SECTION 3-23-5 " 1 .. L!fII( (.I' r. 115 .:U ~"JlI ., I .r ...... LOT Y :'L~l~ ~t" 51! II. tlOL .y •• ' or t ..... ' s.t ;!,-Jt ~"II. 1"" .. );no. !lE., N.. .' ~ • ..,,,'" ~J~ 1~ ,0' at.",.. ~ 'LJl .,.,nu_nt O. t,. "of r l1li ~ ~ UncI PO! •• top of Clllen. ~ c, . o .; ,r' MAr ROA D999 AFTEJl RECORDING MAlL TO :o::;::~/~I·'llllllllllr'l 'ELUVIl',W' ,800, 1111 !I '1 F,I.d for Record.t Rrquest of ~ D~~IIO 8 J~86 :rtP:lfA~·u:- STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED CHICAGO mt.E INS. CO REF# JtlW~Z-( THE GRANTORS VffiGINlA E LUCK, A SINGLe WOMAN ror and In COII$\derabon of TEN DOll.AR.S AND OTHER oooD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION Ullumd paid, conveys. and wamnb 10 JC.BS DeVllLOPMENT CORPORATION !he roJIoWl/1& dcscnbcd ~ol es1Ile. SJ1IlIIted m the COlIIII}' of KING. Slate o(WuIIaJI&ta! LOT X OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY UNE AD1USlMENT NUMBER LOOUlO89, RECORDED UNDER RECORDINO NUMBER 20020702900007. TN KJNG COUNTY. WASHINGTON SUBJECT TO EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS AS JlECORDED UNDER AUDTTOR'S m.B NO 411861. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AS RECORDED UNDHR AUDITOR'S flL.E NO 200..0429000192 Assnso,', PnIpa1y Tu PmeVAceolllll NIIIIIha 032305-9046-02 Dated JUNE 24, 2004 STATE OF IIfASHIHGTON }II COUNTY OF ICING I •• 11.", 1I0oI I bow or ~ .n,klDly ... _ .... VJROINIA E LUCI. II !he ~ Mol .",...n ...... me, ...t MId JICIWII Itl<nowleclpl ...... "1fteiI lbo, .,"" ........ 6 ~ .110 be IIe ..... 6 __ ,.,,101 tor .... ,.._ .... .....-.."..,.. •• Ills ""1nmICII1 LPB-IO(I) 7/97 E2850351 ~tlrl' :n .,11:10 a .:1" .... :.:. wtl"lO" -' . . ' , CHICAGO TITL, iNSURANCE COMPANY 10500 NE 8TH, #1700, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 /' ',) PHONE: FAX: { 425)646-9883 (425)646-9879 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey_ It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land, No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereoD, PTN. OF THE NE ~ OF THE SE ~ OF SECTION 3-23-5 :~ ,> .... :. '~', ,:: ::: ... ~ •.. ;:" ~tA PIMA D999 AFTEJl RECORDINO MAIL TO ::Q===:~TION"" "2 " IIII"llllrl'l DELLEVIJUA • ..., .tAJ II III FIled for Rco:ord at Requesl of ~ .urllO 80~~D86 lffJ'l&-j.,. 'J' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED CHICAGO lJll.£ INS, CO REF' "1~il-( THE GRANTORS VIRGINJA E LUCK. A SINGLE WOMAN for and ID COIIS1dmbon of TEN DOl.l...ARS AND OTHER 0000 AND VALUABLE CONSIDERA11ON In hand puc!, c:onveyt, and wumIIS 10 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORJI()RA11ON IIJc; folJowma clcscnbcd ml callie, Ill111ted In die Coliiii)' or KINO, Slate orWashmgloa LOT X OF K1NO COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMIiNT NUMBER LOOLOOa9, RECORDED UNDER JlEC01lDINO NUMBEIl20020702900007,1N KINO COUNTY, W ASHJNOTON SUBJECT TO EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS AS REC01lDED UNDER AUDrrat'S FILE NO 4ll867, MEMORANDUM OP "AGlU!EMI!NT AS RECORDED UNDJilt AUDITOR'S FILE NO 20040429000792 ~. Propaty Till!. ParceVAcxourIt Number 032305-904(H)2 Daled JUNE 24, 2004 nATE Of WASIIIIfO"JON COUNTY OF KIHO I .<ItI~ IIIaII ._ or hi ..... DIIJfKIaIJ mdawt ..... VJROl)/IA E WCIt II Iho ~ ...... owc-d bdm .... ..., IIId ....- ...-..",... !hoi ... a,,*, lint _ on4 ..........,..., 1110 bo Iter,.". oncI -lor)' ocI ,." ... usa 0IIII ,..,.... ftWIItOItICI .. LP))'IO(I) 7197 1;2 "351 !t "I' Kt : II . -tr" . " AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO. Name. KBS Development Corporahon Address. P.O Box 807 Bellevue. W A 98009·0807 MI·· .~ . . f~ ~ A .. t4: :1 Grantor: Susan N. Co1hnB as Personal Representattve oftbe Estate@of Grantee' ~"bbnMated Legal: Emolme B. Yelland Z KBS Devolopment Corporatlon North 165 feet of the South 330 feet of the NE ~ of the SE ~ of Section 3 TownshIp 23 North, Range 5 East, WlHamette Meridian Together WIth that portion olLot 2 under KC SP Number 486017 032305.903+06 Eft 1'1'2 c... ~BX ID Nwnber. ." STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ~ GRANTOR(S) SUSAN N COLLINS, as Personal Rcpresentabve of the Estate of : hne E Yelland, 10 hand pau!, conveys, and warrants to XBS Development Corporatton, a asJunston Corpontaon, the follOWIng descnbed real estate, SItuated 10 the County of Kmg, state of Washington: nm NORTIl165 FEET OP TIlE SOU11l330 FEET OF 1lIE NORTIJEAST QUARTER OF 1HE SOU'lllEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSIDP 23 NORlH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAME1T.B MERIDIAN, IN KINO COUNTY, WASHINGTON; BXCEPT COUNTY ROADS TOGETHER. WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT 2, KING COUNlY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2, TIlENCB soum 87°49']5" EAST ALONG TI:m NORm LINE OF SAID ItOT. A D1STANCB OF 97.38 FEET TO nm TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, TIJENCE SOUTH 02°10'45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 158.13 FEET TO 'IHB SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND A POINT ON A CURVE CONCA VB SOUl1IEASTERLY. THE RADIAL CENTER OF WIDCH BEARS NOR1lI19°44'42" WEST. -c::a 5 5 ~ nmNCE NORnmASTERLY ALONG nIB SOUI'H LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND TIm ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 9S 00 FEET. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31~8'59". ADISTANCB OF 52.48 FBETTO A POINT OF REVERBSE CURVA11JRE OF A CURVE CONCA VENOR1HWESTERLY, THE RADIAL CENTER OF WlUCH BBARS SOUJ'H 51 D23'41 t, EAST; THENCB CONTINUING NORnmASTBRLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND TIm ARC OF SAID CURVE HA VlNO A RADRJS OF 65 00 FEET. nmOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLB OF 53°34'26", ADlSTANCE OF 6078 FEET, THENCE CONl'INUING ALONG TIm SOUJ'HLINE OF SAID LOT 2, soum 87°49'15" EAST A DISTANCE OF 223 23 FEET TO nIE SOtmIFAST CORNER OF SAID LOTt ' TIlBNCE NORm 01 OZ4'12" EAST ALONG TIlE BAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF.loo 02 FEET TO lHB NOR1BEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT, nIENCE NORm 87°49'15" WBST ALONG nm NORlH LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 315 14 PImT TO TIm TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING (ALSO KNOWN AS LOTY OF KING COUNfY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007) SITUATE IN KING COUNI'Y, WASHlNGTON Assessor's Property Tax Parcell Account Nwnber: 032305-9034-06 Dated· to Iltf{oz... ~ytM#«d, be, Susan N. Colbns, Persooal Rcpresco.tahve Of tho Estate ofBme1me E. Yelland -STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )-15 ) ~ Ie::. • c::» . ~ COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satasfactory evidence that SUSAN N COLLINS (Is/are) the person(s) who appeared before me, and wd person(s) acknowledged that (belsbe/they) SIgned ttus lDstrument and acknowledged It to be (luslher/theu') free and voluntary act for the us~~:nenboned in thiS instrument. -~J." ~-Daled 15 • I" ~ , ~ ,.. fl' , ~ . .".#, ~ii1~ .~ 1 ~ ~. \ \_~;/ If NotuyPubbotnandfor slaleofWashington ", ~ ""'''''''~,_, ___ RcsuiJng at . II,\~OPW'" ...... -. My appomtment expires' \\,,,,,,,, AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO' Name: KBS Development Corporatlon Address. P O. Box 807 Bellevue. WA 98009-0807 III PAG1i ., OF It, Grantor: Lowry M Bennett, Dorothy Bennett, DaVId A. Bennett and Audrey Ann Bennett Grantee' KBS Development Corporatlon AbbrevJated Legal: Lot 1, Kmg County Short Plat Number 486017, Recorded under Reconbns Nwnber 8703039001 Tax ID Number: 032305-9033-07 CT.I:,..-CS44lDCtl) .. E"\'La-. STATUrORYWARRANTYDEED '® THE GRANTOR(S) LOWRY A BENNETT and DOROTHY BE.NNE1T, husband and Wife, and DAVID A. BENNETT and AUDREY ANN BENNETI', husband and WIfe, for and in coDSlderai1on of $10.00. AS PART OF AN IRe SEC1l0N §1031 TAX-DEFERRED EXCHANOE and other good and valuable considcrat:aon, m band PIld, conveys, and warrants to ICBS Development Corporabon, a Washington Corporatton, the followmg descnbed real estate, Situated in the County ofKmg, state of Washington: LOT 1. KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001, AND AMENDED BY AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8706260950, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTII HALF OF THE soum HALF OF THE NORTHBAST QUARTER OPTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANOE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHlNGTON; TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWINO DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TITLE IN KING COUN1Y SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERED ON MARCH 23, 1987. ___ ....... 4· , ..... _~ _ • __ _ - THE SOUTH 330 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOtrrHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST, WILLAMETI'E MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT TIIB WEST 840.50 FRET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT TIm NORTII 165 FEET 1HEREOF; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LYING WITHJN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE soum HALF OF THE SOU1H HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION; AND EXCEPT COUN1Y ROADS. SITUATE IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Assessor's Property Tax ParceVAccount Number. 032305-9033-07 Dated. 'ffui. ~a. 4·~ LowryM. ett ~~ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUN'IY OF KING Dorothy Bennett ) )-111 ) I certlfY that I know or have sabsfactory evJ.dence that LOWRY A. BENNETT and DOROTHY BENNEIT, DAVID A. BENNETI' and AUDREY ANN BENNETI' (Is/are) the person(s) who appeated before me, and SAId person(s) acknowledged ~tbat (he/shfltbey) signed thas instrument and acknowledged It (Juslher/thear) free and voluntary ~/.e Pubhc ~d for the state of Washington iI""',& ... u.~at . ~ appomtment expires: .a. ~ ~ -0 t.( 00 "C"'- C) ~ o o ~ ~ I:'-C) ~ o o N AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO Name KBS Development Corporation Address POBox 807 Bellevue. W A 98009-0807 Grantor 10M R Palmqwst and Gad Palmquist KeS Development Corporation PMII H' tW HI Grantee Abbrevtated Legal Tax 10 Number Porhon of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ofSechon 3, TownshIp 23 North, Range 5 East C TX.-I 04 ~ ~ ET'Ll 03230S-9042~ ~ STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THE GRANTOR(S) John R PalmqulSt and Gad PalmquIst, husband and wlf~ for and 10 consJderatlon of S 10 00 and other good and valuable conSideration, 10 hand paid, conveys, and warrants to KBS Development Corporation, a Waslungton Corporation, the foJlow1Dg descnbed real estate, Situated 10 the County of KIng. state ofWashtngton BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTIiEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTII. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, THENCE NORTH 65 FEET ALONG THE EAST UNE OF SAID SECTION 3, THENCE WEST 670 2 FEET, THENCE SOlITH 65 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 3, THENCE EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 670 2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT ROADS SITUATE IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 032305-9042·06 ~- Dated 7-1(P"'D2 R Palmqulst _______ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) )oss ) I cerbfy th~know OT have SIIlsfiottory mdmce lhat fit< gaT';' J ~~~!h. -.l!l wb~ pearod before me, d slid pcrson(s) acknowledged at Signed thJs mstrument and acknowledged It to be (AllAaer@ free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes b~01n trum t "7 Dated 7 ... /lo-D2. ;c :l '-c:... ~ . STATUTORY WA.RRANTY DEED -Page 10fl N .C) .Q N 3 Upon KBSprovidmg the New Accesa to the McClelland Property, . McClelland agret3 to rdinquish any aIkI aU easemtnlJ or othes nghts to access the McClelland Property over the Existing ~ whether l11eb right arises by express ~ impJicatiOJl, pltSCriptiOD or otb«wjse McClelland agrees to execute any and all documents reasonably reqwred in order to extinguish the Existing Access . 4 KBS reserves the right, in its sole disaetion, to revise the subdivision or PRD so long as such revision proVides McCleDarui with access to tile McClelland Property over the KBS Property and the ScrraProperty McClelland BgrteI to execute any and aD documeuts reasonably required in order to effect such revisions S. III the event that either party employs aD attorney to mtorce any of the provisions of this agreemeat, the prMJIiDs party shall be entitled to rcc:over ita coats. JitipboDl expeDSeS and Idtomeys' fees incurred m conoection therewith &om the oon-prevading party McCkIJud KBSm,u.c, a WasbuJaton limited Jiabilrty COIIIpIZI)' CHrtm nTlt IHS\IIWIlCIIBNY Ills pial'" doQnt III .-111 CIIIIGM'" andlCEtlDlD_1Ir IIIII:CIIKJIIf _Ii IIIIIIDcII!IJ'I , ~ 0 7 , , . ' SHErr 2 or 3 ::. EXIIIDrr A MCCLELLAND PROPERTY tal J of Ktn& County Short Plat Number 4160 17, recorded UDder Recording Nwober 8703039001. and correeled by AffidaVIt recorded under Rccordmg Number 87()fj2609S0, together WIth the Wesl423 00 feel ollbe South 330 (eel oflhe Northeast q, .. 'rt~rof'he Southeast quarter of Sectlon 3, Township 23 Nonh. Range S Eas~ Wlltamette Meridian, U\ King County. WashingtOn; . EXCEPT the North .165 feet !hereof. EXCEPT that portion lying withm the South hal f oC the South half of !he South balf of said subdiviSlon and EXCEPT COUDty roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Tide in King. County CO\U1 Cause Nwnber 86-2-22118-2 entered 011 Mareh 2J~ 1981. EXCEPT the East 164 r~et oC said Lot 3~ (BEINO KNOWN AS Lot l oCKinS COWlty Lot Lme AdJuslnlent No S92LOI03~ recorded under RecordmgNumber 920'101022, and other property) CIICMIO 1I1lE IfSUWU cet.dWff his", \lie cIacImenI" IICUd u • MbIII cmIHY _.1* IlII fIIIlIIylCf o.unq Gn._11 ... ~ Luck Parce~: EXlUmT n Paree/A. The North 165 (eel of the Soulh 495 feel of the Northeast quarter of the Soulheast quarter ofScction 3, Townslup 23 North, Range S Eas~ W,llamelte Meridian, in Kmg County, Washington (No Road exception has been noted In !hIS descnphon for Parcel A) ParcelB The North half of the North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of Ihe Southeast quarter of Section 3, T owmhip 23 North, Range 5 East. Willame"e Meridian, in King CoUDCy, Washington; EXCEPT that portion descn'bcd as follows' Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdivision which bears South O)025'Or West 633 38 feet and North 89°37'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of saId Seeuen J. thence North 87°37'38" West along said North lme 125 feel, thence South Ol~5'02~ West 122 17 feet, thence South 87°49'08-.East 125 feet. thence Nonh 01°25'02-East 121.75 reello the Point orBeginning~ Except the East 30 feet thereof for County Road (There is III overlap oC approximately) 7 feet belWeeD Parcels A and B.) YenaDd Parcel: The North.16S feet of the South 330 fed of the Northeast quarter of Ihe Soulheast quarter oCScttiOD 3, Township 2l North, Range S East, Willamelte Mcndl8ll,l.D King ColUlty, WashingtOn; EXCEPT County roads. Beaaett Parcel: Lot I, King County Short Pial Number 486017, recorded under Rccorchng Nwnber 8703039OOt, and amended by Affidavil ofConeclion recorded under Recordmg Number 8706260950, in KJJIg Couuty, WasrunglOD, belJlg II poruOD oflhe South balf of the South half of the South half of the Northeasl quarter of the Southeast quarter ofSccuon). TownsJup 2J North, Range S fasl. Willamelle Mendlan, JO Kmg County, WasluDgton; EASEMENT AGREEMENT· 11 W..,....~1)NtII1'~.'1 '., :te' ~~~BHEN~ ~.:-'t TllIS Ir~3'l'nU:·IEN'1' 11J\DS 'ttus __ -I.1..c9 __ ~.;...~} __ u,w O~·_·...:."'...;...;;r.;Ij"r--___ .' 19 8'" 1IY ',\lLLIMl h. SERRA AND ~I1LLH: SEHRA Hl::l{r:I~~ C"LLLm 'til!': ·GItANTOI ... •• AI~D GAIIJS S. "U)(','ON MIO LOUISE 10\. JjUXTuN HJ.:Ht:: 1.1 CALLI::O 'J'lil:! "GI{AtI'l'Ii:l::". TIIAI' S,'IliJ GI\Ail'fCJf: JOIW III;UCuY COISV.l:!l( AI';I) C( .... lR~1 :.IlI'l'O 'rile ~:,ID (;kllt~'1'J:'::, ArJ l'.:A:>t:t'II·;Wl' fuh s'rOI~M l'IAr~R Or:l'l::NT1OU/ll&'!'EhTIO;. A!m DRAINAGe. UlmCH, At:'liOSG AIW UPO~~ Till: Ii'OI,t.O\IING DESCRIBE!,) PROPER'l'Y IN KING COUNTY, hI\Sllli.lil'ON. ::OHE PAHTICULAI(Y llE:SCRICED 1\5 ::'0('LOI0l5: A POI(TlO~ OF Till:! S 1/2 OP THE S 112 OF TiU~ S 11'>. OF TUt: Nt: 114 Ot' THh S); 1/4 OF SECTION 3 'tOWNSHIP 23 ~'" RAtiGE !>F., W."'" IN KING COUU·.rY, BEGlNNWG AT TU&:: SE CORN£R OF 'rill:: NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF OF ~A I 0 SEC'l'lOrl 3: 'l'HZNC~ .40R'.l'HERLY G5. 00 F~ET .'\LO"lG THE EA:iT LUI~ OF SAID St:CTION 3; 'rIU::NCE ;, 87 49' 08" Ii, )0.00 PI::f!" 'to TIH:: WBS'l' ~AHGl .. ~ OJ? 140'.1'11 Av£;~ue S.t::r • 'I'Jm,~c~ ~J 1i7 49" 00" 1\, G40.20'A.m THE '1'llur~ 1'0W'l' Of' BEGli~NU!G; T~~~C~ S 01 lS' 02" W, G~.OO'J 'j'11t:t.CI:: it 01 49' OK" W, 159.79', 'J':Ir::r.lCt: N 2 10' 52-1::, 2!).OO'; TlIE)lCC: ALO;~G ;\ ti2./) l' LONG CURVr~ WITII A 32.50' T"HGCtlT I3g"RING S 67 49' lid" G, TiII~:,cr; N 37 31' 14" E. 2. G II I ; TH£NC£ ALONti A 05.06' LONG CURVE WITU A 1!~.O(l' 'l'AL~G1.m·r iJI~lIiUNG .131 31' O!l" ~r 'rm::NCl: S 87 49' OB" S, 33.8U', TlIt:.~CR 501 2S' 02" .1, 25.'JO' AND THE '.I'HUI:: POINT OF [;~GJNUItJG P.rl:. AlSO GRA, .. T INC TO 'l'ut: GRAUTEE AND TO THose .. \CTWG UNDE:t Sill;) Gl-tAtI'l'EE ·ri'l" USl:: OF sucn ADVI'rIONAL AA«EA I!1HEDIATELY ADJACeNT TO 5A11> J::A~EMENT AS SlI;\i..L Clf: REQUUU;O Fon Tllr! rONS'l'RUCTIO.~ AND ~1i\It~Tlm",aCI:: O~' THE STOHM DE'.rE~T I Otl! RE·r~ii'I·l\):' F AC I L 1'1' 1£5 , I"n A I N.'GP. Aao UT ILl T 1£5 I ... TlIt: ABOV!; DESCJUUED EAs·I::::.tt:r~·.I" SUCII ADDI 'l'IONAL ARLA TO BE UELD TO A I'iHlmU~1 AND 1(~~'l'UItUt::D TU ITS OIHGINAL STATE BY TlIE GRAN'I't::l:: OR T9t::kE AGENTS. 1'tll5 I::ASt::H&N't SIMLL 13E A COVENAtlT RUNNING 'oIITII TilE LAN!) A!>tO SHALL lle IHNDING Ol~ '1'IIE SUCC~SSORS. ItCIRS. AND A5SIG~~ 01" 130TH PARTIES HERC:OI~. 5'1'AT£ OF 1.. T:li; U:·IO .. kSIG;;l:I). H~V.~BY CERTI?Y THA: APPEARED BEFORE: tiE ?}.l '0'.( od .. ....o ~l ~ ~~a~ .... - A ;~,Yl'nH'I PIJ3LIC IN ANI> EOr, 'l'll~: ST.AT~ Of v/~SlllNG'1'Ot-.l. 0:1 TIH~LDAY Or' f!\~r ' 1'>_1I_t,_, PlmSOUALL'i ~II ~o\..,., J-4~r" AIJD ~d ~yC..,) 0.. ~ TO H~ KNON •• TO DE THt:: IIiDIVIDUALS OJ::S RIBE:> HI ANI,) WHO J:XECUTED TilE: FORr;GOI~G WSTltU.1ENT, AND ACKNOWLJ::DGE '. '1'tlA'r TIII';'{ S IOUr~O AND seALED TilE SAIoU: AS T ... :':1 R PAt:t:: AND VOLUN'l'AitY A T AND Dl':J~D, ['OJ. 1'/11:: uses AriD PURPOSES THERE IN 1011:::.'1'1 ONt:U, rb-"""'~~~~=-:-:"':~-:F~'O~R~S'rATe OF AT Gf'tr tIlJ R\I'Il"'~~ .aOI~ED 1illS DAY lit 2J 2 '51ft '. SYTHE v',', "'N OF' RECOi(;:: ,;. ' .' .: .Ne 1(11-/(> cr·' :'11 y' v . ', ... ' 14'_" f. !( ... .,." -,rtA4otbt4 ~II'U l. .. ",..., \IIf ~ , " ... ,. ,.. . ;. . ,.' 86.fO!Y23 REeD F" CASHSt. ~.oo EASEMENT, " ; TillS INSTRUMENT HAU~ THIS 11 DAY OF C1 a.V I By·tt .. ". OS It ",,1/ 12! E!1,::t ;9'-, --,,-,.,.._~N&!L.-__ -:-____ _ AND I HE~Rr.E!:';'Ir::Nr-;:C~A-;L";'L~&:;::D~T':":H':':"~;G~J:":"~A::-:N~'f~O~R·:'IIAr-.'-:"A':':N:;::D-W:::T'iL~L~I":'A::-:H~.I. Sfml\;', AIJD MILLl':; SERRA ,HEREIN CALLJ::D 'flW "GRAN'fEf.". ' TtlA" SAID GRANTOR OOI;;S lIF:iI,'UY CONVI~Y AND CUNflHM OW"'O TIII~ SAID GRANTEE, AN £J\SEI,IE;iT t'OR lNGlIESS AND f,;GIIE55 OVt::R, TtfROUGtI: ACROSS ArHJ OPO'~ Till:: FOLLOWl:tC DESCIUBEO PROPER,}'Y IN KING COUWfY, WA5HItmTO:-l, MORE PAR'flCULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PORTION OF '~'HE S 1/2 OF rue s 1/2 OF TUE 5 1/2 OF THE HE 1/4 OF 1'HE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGe: 5E, W.M., IN KlNG COUN'l"ir BEGINNING AT THE SE CORNER OJ> THE NE 1/4 Of' 1'''E SE 1/4 OF OF SAID SECTION 3: THENCE NOR'fHEIU.Y 55.00 .'EET ALONG 'fHE EAS'f L:Nt: OF SAID SJ::C'fION 31 ThENCE ~ 81 49' DO" W, 30.00 FEET TO 'l'UE WJ::ST HARGIN Ot' 14al'H AVEI~Ut: SE AND THO:: THUI:; POINT OF BEGINNING; 'THENCE N 81 49' 08" W, 180.00'; ~HENCE N 31 ~O' 43D W, 90.55' 1 'I'tlENCE S 81 49' CIS-):;, 21')9.81' '1'0 TilE Wt;S'l' MARGIN OF 14B'l't! AVENUE SE; '~'HENce S 01 25' 02" w, 10.00' ALONG '1'H£ WES'j' MARGIN OF 148'l'H AVENUE BE 'fa THE TRue POINT OF BEGH!:UNG. AND .r.L:>O CRA~'TING TO 'filE GUNTI':E AND TO THOSE ACUNG UNDER SAID GRAi'lTBE TH~ USE CJF SUCH ADDITIONAL AREA IMMEDIATELY "DJACEI~T TO SAID E/,SEi,IE:NT AS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR TilE CONSTRue'fiON AND .1AINTENl\!~CH OF TII~ ROAO,DRAINA(E AIm U1'I1..1'1'11::5 Itl TIIF: A:iOVE j)1~SCRIB~:D EASW1ENT: SUCt~ ADD.t:'1'lONAL AFIEA TO BE HtLD oro A .41NlI~U_\1 Atm 1H-:'fUlHa::o TO ITS ORIG1l>IAL ,STAn: BY TilE GRAr~TJ::r:: OR T[-JFI<E AGEnTS. M .. , ..... , .. , ... O"1r~ ..... .J,z .... I/IJ ... T Ye ,,~ A ""'" x, ..... ",.,. at:' lo ""'L~r '-SIC ~,,"c. ."".tcor'f"S dF ...... Tf"'k(of: ~4,.."''' .. 1''lOA. S'4.U~ Ie tN~5P ~.v"",,~!lv AL.~P4.""U ti1J~ t,;"Sr:;~~i~'I Slt,;U, ,,~: ;'\ l'O'h:;IAlfj' IlU~';NL'o''; ~iI'l'1I '[':11. r,i,;m " .. ';iJ SWILL uP. 1.il:-;lHNG 0, • Itl:JK.:1, A~[) AS!;I(j~lS Of bO'fll PA[{Hr::; Hr;RF.OiJ. I, .TH£ u:m~R:aCfum, A NOTARY PUBLIC Itl AND FOR THE S'fA'fE 0 ... ;'lA:i1l ING'rON, iI~REBY CER'fIPY '(HAT Ol~ TIIIS..I.L..-DAY Ot'_t'1~.;;;40:..,"""" ___ ' I9~, PERSONALLY APPE"RED B£FUIlt: Mt: It4¥,( ~ IJ 0 ".,'ti\ND _____________ _ 'ro ~a; lCNO\'1N TO DE T!1E I:WIVlilUA1..S Dr;::;CkunED IN AUD MIO EXECUTl-;O 'rII::: ;:-OhSG..')WG lto,3TRUI4'::liT, A~ID ACKNO"LEDC,' TtfAT THEY SIGNED ANI) SEALED THE SAN£: AS THEIR FRl::E AND VOLUN'1'AR~ C'l' AND DEED, FOI{ TilE US~S A~D PUKPOl:l£S TIII:REIN MENTIONED. 'x-L (; J1.- I' N TAllY P BLIC W ANI) FO\{ S'fJ\1·E OF Ii SlllNG'J'ON, ltIWJDHlG A'r .r .. a #It LV~ ~~--------------- RICllvtD IIIIS DAY flUl til bell' It 1".1It If 8: 1\ S Co""" ,." 1.1 \4..-SO' b-h.. \If" ''',. ~.OO ~3 t> ....... 5.00 se I ORIGINAL IABEMENTPOR UNDERGaOUND EI.EC'1'RV: 8Y8'I'Rof 70r and in conaideration of One Dollar {$I.OO} and other v.aluable consideration, the receipt of which i8 hereby acknowledged • ..nItL II. SBImA AHD MJ.IjpBlQ SERM. huabAnd_UcS wi fe 86/09/15 H1325 E RECti ,: 6.00 CASHSL "";. ... *6.00 11 £llCIpI U II1II)' btl DIheJwiw lei forth herein Crentee'. rishlll wD be fOOITdHd uIIDn tllel porliOll of Ihe Properly 'tbe "RIId!I- GI Way· herelnl dncribed .. foJIowI: A A.".kIJ.W.." 10 reetIn wldlb havilll 5 feel 01 111m width on each IIlde 01 a cenldf- line claaibed AI lollCIWII: n,o centerline~f Grantee's facilities as con~tructed or to be constructed, eXMlnded • rl:i!catad within the abuve descril.l.ed Property. = JC ~~>-~ -;:.. ~ . VI -:": :;; C'\..~ .: c:.:> S .... ~~~" EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED ~~ ~~RECORO AT REQUEST OF: ~ s.t ~8 1/ IliD, Co:7flCOrcls Division REAL ESTATE DMOON ..r-WNS <&fir , Deputy fIElLEWE. W~ 1I0OI III: • ID!M... L-{.,.~{ PUGET POWER BLDG, ATTN: DICK uv I ......... CntnhMt obaJI NWlIhe rlPl to ~ operate. maintain. repair. rep\ue end aDlar.,. .fl andp.f!II'Ollnd aler.trit: IrSMmImlan aDdIor lIIIIriIIulkln .,.... upon IIIId under !he Rtabl-oi-WIY IfIII811M1r with III -T)' or D11l1wmlenl ap-~ lhetefor. whIdt ...,..Ind"'" );ut Ire DOIllllllted 10 !he followllll: under,rolt"llllOllduilt • .:ablea. cummunicaliGn n-: ¥WIll. _1MCMi. awI'cheti, IUId Inndlll'llltn, IUId I8llll-Ouried Of pw:xIlIIOIrnl1ld !'1CIJItI ... f.dlowln!l,he InlriAI can- IInICtIoII or lit 'HlIt" __ (".rellree lllay lrom II .... 10 lime -'Nd tlldi ac!tll'iaroa! ladUII. U " lOa)' require. a. "-' CI'IIDIee aND bave Iba rIfN 01 a_ .) Ibot rupl.fll.Way oVar and I:C1OIIS Ibe Property 10 enlbh,C18nloa 10 mre .. dw I. rWMa helHlldft. PlMded.lhal Crealn lhill_peIlAl, Cranlor lor ID)' dllJllqe 10 !he PropGI'IY caUSK! by lIIe axllf'- die oI.1d rfaIIl ~ -. .. aile I ..... Ie ....... Grantee ilia,. '/'OfII1IIDe 10 time remove 1reeI. bushes. or GIber ol .. tnacllOIII wllhln the RIJlhI· of-WI)' IIId IIII)' level aad ..... ~I-OI-W.)' 10 !be alaD' _bIy _ry to carry out the PUrpoleS ",tortli In E 1 brieaf. prvvtIW. IMI ''':'''a:J.:''' IIIdI work. Cran," Jhall. 10 Iba IIlIIfJI' ~ praclk:able. realMe Ibe I -Way to 1M illlllclilloo al _ .I.ly prior 10 u:h WId. FoIlIMln. !be 1nIIa1l.llon cd Crnlu', under8fU\llld , &lei. GnaIDr .. " IIIIIIartab IDy IIrdIaary iInprG\'tllllftlta 10 !be land_plnaaf the Rlibkll-Wa,. provided th., no 11_ or 0Ibw plan. _II 1M. pJac.d ___ wNdI would be _bly expo"",,' or Impru:tical for Crlllllee 10 remlWe and :'8ItllK. R-1.326 KJ-ACOOl 8605261 235-12 • 111 .Il6.. __ . CRANTOR· ~ 4'v~ 0· I o:;r) "ilUM. Serra STA"reorWA8HING1'ON I • as COUNTYO .... ~~ ) On IIIIt dly peno!IIlIy appelred beI_ _ ~ AND MILDBBD SERM. . 10 me b_ ~ be the 1ftdIoriduII1..L If .tcrfbed 'ft IJId who IlleCaIed the withIn and for.", inoIrIunInl. lind acbowleQed 1M! _ tbQ .I~ed the ... 11111 .. their trw end vohmllF}' lICIand deed'or Ihe osee and pUrpo!eII1J.orein menUoned. CMIN under my hand Ind otnclal _I thJ~ d.y of ;-v 'A ) . . 1 . 111 ~ . ~ Ii.-'I-,;y &£.;·~H.z....· 1 SS I On ItIIa peno!IaII1 Ippeered btr_ mt Nbtary Public: '!"'" 'nr IhtI Slele 01 Wuhln"l1n. reeldllll AI ~ -h. c.k"'L.Js./ 10 me tnow!I be !be INIIvtdual_ deIcrIbed II! IIIId who mtCllted lhe within and JorelDll18 lrulrutneal, and acbowledled lllal die Allie.. free 6IId 9DluJt1ary lid and deed lor the _ end porposea thera\n lIIentloned. 011 tIda lily a--aJly IJlllNM before 1M II> _ !mown ID be the lndIvidul_ desatbed III ____ ..., the _.. , ... and STAT\) OF WABHJNCI'OI-l ) 8B OOUNrYOF I 00 ddt __ Illy 01 .," __ . NoIar)r Public In and for the Slate fit WllhIqIon. ~II ____________ __ .. eculllClthe wllllln IIJII 'orllfjOllIf InIInmIIIIIL and ac:kmwledpd thai nlary ICI IIIHI deed ror tht _ UId pu ..... "'emn m8lltfaMd. .19 __ . CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMBNT 10 ___ III lit die .nd _ . I'IIIpIdIvely. af . !be ~tIon "1_ !be'.".... ~ ....... ....".. die .... ~ to be the IfteIllCl valUJlIary KI and deed 0I..sd c:orporatIon. Jar the and pIUJIIIIN tNnIII ---. and GIl IIIth alated lhat olllllarlHd \I) eallClll, the .. Id . mil ...... the ... IIfl-III 1M ~ _I 01 MIll aarpanIIGII. WIS-"" h-' 11m! affldal Mal bereto .rrilled .... dl,. IIId yew 11"" above "'tlllm. NIIIaly PuNic IJIIIId ror the 8 .. 11 01 Wllhinpll. ~.'I _____________________________ ~ ----------------------------------------------------.-----~~"'~.~ .. , .~-'------------- WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO R~chard W. H~vely Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. NE, #100 Kirkland, WA 98033 E1901759 I I" 14:21 K IY:~~.44 .1I,iIi .. PAGE •• 1 0; el2 Statutory Warranty Deed 9.110 -/ THE GRANTOR, Mlldred A Serra, an unmamed person, for co ;Jdera\JOn of ten dollars and other good and' valuable conswerahon conveys and warrants to Emeline E Yelland, an unmarried person C" the Grantee") the real estate desCribed on Exillbu A. Sl~ In the County of Kmg. State of Washmgton ( .. the Property") (.J/ AbbrcvJated Legal That portion of Lot 2. K1ng County Short Plat Number 486017 in accordance with King County Boundary Line AdJustment 20020702900007 Tax Parcel No 0323')5926902 The conveyance of the Property 10 the Grantee shall be subject to the following easement reserv~ by the Grantor for the benefit of the real property described m Exhlbll B-1 and illustrated on exhibit B-2 anached hereto (" the Benefited Property"), whIch Benefited Property is owned by the Grantor (for purposes of the easement set forth below. the Property IS also referred to as .. the Burdened Property") 1 Reservation and Declaration of Easement for Septic DraiDfJeld. Granlor hereby reserves and declares a temporary, non-exc1uslve easement (the" Easement") over, under and . across that portion of the Burdened Property legally descnbed on Exhiblr C-I and 1l1ustrated on exhibit C-2 attached hereto ( .. Easement Area") for the purposes specified below 2. Purpose of Easement. The use of the Easement Area shall be hnuted to the maintenance, repair. restoratIOn, cleanmg, servlcmg, operation and use of a septic dramfieJd 3 Cost of Maintenance and Repair. All expenses of mamtamUlg. repaJrmg. restonng, cleanmg or servicing the drainfield shall be paid by the owner of the Benefited Property. The owner of the Benefited Property shall be responsible for completing any reasonably necessary work and restoring the Easement Area as close as reasonably possible 10 the condition m which It eXisted pnor to the commencement of such work f.:!ICAGO JmE IHSlJRAHCe COMPANf rec:::~Mrof "'~ ItCDpIS no IIl6lrG'to,~l !' accuracy Of VII""'" Of III' document. ""I C'ol' , c::a ,0 • a-.I 4. Entrance OD to the Burdened Property. The owner of the Benefited Property and ber agents am contractors may enter anto the Easement Area for the sole purpose of accessmg, DlalDtainmg, repairIng, restonng, cleanIng or servicing the dramfieJd; provided, however, that such work shall be accomplIShed in such a matter that the private unprovemenlS eXisting on the Burdened Property shall not be disturbed, damaged or destroyed. or in the event they are disturbed, damaged or destroyed, they will be replaced In as good a condltJon as they were imme(hately before the Burdened Property was entered upon. The owner of the Burdened Property shall have the right to use the Easement Area so long as such use does not mterfere with the use and mamtenance of the drainfield and so long as no permanent buIldings or structures are erected on said Easement Area. 5 Termination of Easement. This Easement sbaU automatIcally tenrunate at such time as the Benefited Property IS hooked-up to a public sewer system and the septic system ~ dramfield IS no lODger tn use 6 Covenants Running with the Land. The teons and conditiOns contamed herem shan benefit the Benefited Property and shall burden the Burdened Property. The easement set forth herein shall constItute covenants which run with Ihe land, subject to the termination provision set forth m paragraph 5, and shall benefit and burden the heirs. successors and assigns of the owners of the Benefited Property and the Burdened Property. 7 AUomey Fees. In the event any parties commence an action to enforce any of the provislODS of this Agreement, the prevailmg party shall be entiUed to recover its costs and reasonable attorney fees in connection herewith 8 Go~ Law. This Easement shall be construed Und~1 ~ed by the laws of the State of WashmgtOn. If any prOVISion bereof is held to ~~. '. rI'&pc remaUling prOVISions shall continue 10 full force and effect I "'c..b~M E:f:A) ~ \ 1/ i i "OTA-'i}o .... r;;. ~ Dated 1': -.sO -.2001 i *: -.-i. = :~. A .! ~t2.. ~ r:::o.rrn.£IHSURMCfCOMpA"V\:r~8L~1 11CJ, ... IM:=dOcwIl1iiiilii ,~ n.:. •.• !: ..... Mildred A Serra II1II_ COlI", ~'''' ...,,..-wfS/'-.dM '" ;;;,:::.."1IIb1 tI)' lor 1111'""" .. "'" .... STATE OP WASHINGTON ) )$1 1IIt •• GtWU!f!liol COUNTYOPKlNG) fn"t'~ On \Jus day personally appeamJ befon: me MILDRED A SERRA 10 me a-u 10 be the U¥1Ivldual described en and who ex.ecuted Ihe W1lllln and forqOlng 1JJSIIIIme1lC. and acIcnowJedged thai she signed her name as her free and volunwy aCI and deed for the IJSeS aM purposes deSCribed !herem Dau:d t.(_'>O~d\ h~~~~N4 NOTARY PUBLrC "'\ My COmrn15510n expires \( -G ... 0.3 . EXHIBIT A The followmg descnbed property located in KlDg County, Washmgton THAT PORTlON OF LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, RECORCEO UNDER KING COUNTY FILE NUMBER 8703039001, oeSCRIBED ~ FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORn-M'EST CORNER OF SAlO LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 87-49'15' EAST ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCe OF 91 38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOllTH 02-10045' weST A OISTANCE OF 168.13 feET TO THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT 2 AND A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAve SOUTHeASTERLY. THE RADIAl. CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 19· .... • .. 2· WEST, THENCe NORTHEASTERLY Al.ONG THe SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 9S,OO FEET. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31-38'59'", A DISTANCE OF $2.48 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVAruRE OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, THE RADIAl CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 51-23'41· eAST, THeNCE CONnNUING NORTHEASTERl v ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAJD LOT 2 AND niE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 65,00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53-34'2a-, A DISTANCE OF 60.78 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING AlONG THe SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 87-"9'15-EAST A DISTANCE OF 223 23 FEET TO THE SOU'THEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT: THENCE NORlli 01·24'12" EAST ALONG n«E EAST LINE OF SAJO LOT;t A DISTANCE OF 100 02 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT, niENCe NORTH 87·49'1~ WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A OISTANCE OF 315,14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING Centre' p EXHIBIT 8-1 SERRA PROPERTY TO BE RETAINED DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT 'A' • lONG COUNJY.BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPUCAnON NUMIIER S92l0103. RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY FILE NUMBER 9209101022, DESCRIBED M FOllOWS. COMMENC'NG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNeR OF SAID LOT W AND THE POINT OF BEGI..,.,ING; THENCE SOUTH 8"'49'15· EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 281.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02-10'45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 158 i:3 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAlDJ.OT 'A' AND A POINT ON A CURVE OONCAVE SOUTHEASTERlY, niE RACIAL CENTER OF 'NHICH SEARS NORTH 10· .... • .. 2" WEST; THENCE 80UTHWESlERl Y ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT 'A' AND THE ARC c.>F SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 95,00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAl ANGLE OF 21 "SS'27", A DISTANCE OF 36.35 FEET; . THENCe CONTtNUING ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT 'A', NORTH 8r49'15· WEST. A DISTANCE OF 223.77 FEET TO THESOtITHWES'r CORNER OF SAID LOT: THENCE NORTH 01·25'5fr EAST, ALONG THe WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 'A'. A DISTANCE OF 166.01 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. fit to--n ". r-c... ~ f'1 ~ C) ' . roo' I IC) CD en ~ 0 . C"I ·c ,e N ~ EXHIBIT B-2 n 0' . }J U "0 III ::0 • r -< ~ n w m (') o .t: < '" ~ U " o m I o UJ IT! JJ I'll ~ ~ ..... .z III o ----------------~~------------------------~------.--- Cen'tre EXHIBIT C-I SERRA PROPERTY DRA.NFIELD EASEMENT DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT.2 • KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 48G017, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY FILE NUMBER 8703039001, oeSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHweST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 87-"9'16-EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 97 41 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02-10'45-WESi "OISTANCE OF 23.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CON'TINUING SOUTH 02-10'45" weST A DISTANCE OF 20 88 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 40-19'53-EAST A DISTANCE OF 47.72 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, THE RADIAL CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 33-21'01" EAST; THENCe ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS 01=105.00 FEET, ~OUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29-43'34", A DISTANCE OF 54.48 FEET, THENCE NORTH 40·19'53" WEST A "'STANCE OF 50.25 FEET, ntENCE NORTH 87--49'15" WEST, PARALLel. WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 4e.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. .. EXHIBIT C:-2 .... fI) -n co... C> ~ l> 1- "' c:::> --. C) CO • I:) m 0 ,.." . , c::a .t=) ... ~ u 0 u u o -n m :0 -t -< -t U IJJ m g 4! < Ifl ~ U 0 (") . m "'0 'J'J U U II • .D -t -< -t 0 IoU III lJ m -, ,. . , \Z m 0 .·f .' ~.~ I). :: /'~ .. :: "I'.: •. :~~~.: ~t.:- " ...... ~ .. , ,\,,:' ,/." :./ ... ", .... ,. 8703039001 54 -28 .. /, .. / t.// ..;/' , .. :, .,:': .,' 3-,.2 r if' /,lS . .r~G COUNTY SHORT PLAT f.," ,.;-.•..... ~ PDRTIllH ar SEC. 3 rvl' lJN ~G[ :II: 486017 NO. 1/4 COFtlolER IEXIST. IoION.! ;~\~: ..... ,.,~.::\ '\~. ,;,/' ./-=" :: .... ~.::.~.. . ... :\ ,.&.iIM .. ..,.,f." ~: I~ ·~/~ ~ '~":h""",:",,_ .. ~ ,: : ::' "' ~ af ... ~ ~ "S~IETMQ',"~ """,-,.()\l.,", ... ftt,Hr.. I !!/Qj; ~1f~"1Y"~ ':';' \\ i~HIO -e='fi¥"f ~; .. -I·~· ... J..'~ / CII .0 ":''':\!..~" • ,~ :: , . . /lUl' .. ~". • '08!W 45L91' -~ . ". 'LI( ... ·l'·;f" _ 6 "" ".:t-v.' . , , 4'i''*T:f:~ fi'JT ..... :I'".~:~ -~-- -IIJ/ He:RIDJAN SCALE'I'-tOO' o 100 KCAS ~v 200 CURVE DATA -.:".. : ce'. .....:,' z ., .1 .~t·I"··":I' I • ! S ., '9' of. ' .... 17· 1~1 .:= ~ /nr:::, ~..Iu..::-u'" f.~~, ....... __ ....... _ CUlVE RADIUS DtLTA .uc II;. 'f.'-u.n,':::::--,/ :::n:-.=::::~ ...... :::::..~ ~Sfr~=:O Nl h.t ., • fort ".~. 'I.~ .\' .,' ~u .... ~~ '--~~-.... ~ ..... ...... I.'''-~ " •. --",~',.. ::,:: ....... ~:--~-...... ""!'~ (f;,i' . e L &$.00 53 34 3760.78 ....... ,.. ....... ,. oM qQ • ."", /i.,. .i ... :-.. I"~I"':t:'· ..... ~-..:·~_.1Ita . ~ ..... J'. '''', C 2. '9:S.00 53 3437 8&83 A P P R 0 VA L ro. ---.--,~ ~. _.l ::.~.::e::-":::':::'::l:.o::r::"",,::, '::';."r"..;:., ... ~-. .. ':""" : . L.I· '. C 1 "'00 53 J. 37 88.a3 .. ~ .. ,.. _" _ ...... .y. "" ." -,... .. _~ .. :.=:: .. --.. ~'t.~t. : 'i-~ c 4. ~ :53 34 3760.78 .u.;r#W: • .,. I"" ~._~ .... 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( • v1dowr)b DlMI' of tM tollovlnc de8Ol'1bed PI'OP'I"tfI Beglnning at tbI southe.st OO:rMl" of tM DOI'tM,n ClQartezo of tbe lOutbl •• , quan.r of Section ). Townablp 2) )lortII. RInP , I.W .... , ill I1Da Counq. W.ah1rIrtcIn. thenoe DOrth 65 teet along tt,ft e.st. u..n. of Nlcl Seot.1oa ,. til.-_at ~.2 IMtl tJwrtoe IIOIltl> 65 ' fBflt. to th" 8O'tth ] 11'18 of 1Id.cl nortbean quarter ot tM IIOI1th1 •• , quarter or said Section 3; t.banoe east along slid aouth 11M 6?O.z teet to the point of bednninl. BleBPI' roads. Sald Eill }1. Serra. and )i1ldred A. Serra are Ot'ftGI" or llropen adjoWng on the norUl. ST.\TE OF WASHINGTON, (IS. Cnunty of I1D& \ On lhis ciay PfrMInDlly IPfIUred befor, me C_l~ l1ch1Dlale J Bill U. llllna, • IIlldred A. SllTa 10 me knuwn 10 br lhe indIvidual ••• ~ .• It\.,....s who necuttd lilt wltbIo and fa,.. .. fUtl'UlMllt. and acknDwlrclAtd Ihal T., ""*' ........ ;g,."t" .. 1r -'r" and wlUIIW)' let IIId deId, lur the U5P.. and pUrpoWI tberell, IMIItI~. \:.~ ~. ',\ ' ".~"'.f'~"~ ''f/ • • '.~" OI\'E:-l und" my lIand and~~.~ '#~~~~t~~dl1 o' Ooto"'l" A' ~ ,I" 66 •• J -. ~.'" ... , .... ~ tor II_II ~a 1 \9 '-'1:30 ~... ". ,:~,~~~, .. :\~~~;.~~:, M'N;;;;;-i'd& ~-,,, i,,·sl~;{ftJt1:.·, ."ueIl of SlCUMn TITLI INI, co. , ~. : t ., ,UWhet ~ ..... Milt'" ~ .. OARIs' ~ ,..".." , " i , -l ;, >. .... .. ..J g o l ... ' e. 'U .'. 1loIC-.,. ...... "","",,,,'" --. DoponmoD ' ..... IiM ...... JIoo ...... _ Dlrioioa J6CID I. 1'1".1auIMuI .-. W.~ '1I!Od·14OD -v BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION l , \ ... File NoQ...-_· .:=S::...'j;t.CIil.;:..jlu.' O~/cd..=;... ______________ _ TaLeI. 03.1300- 1.018 &.I.e "'-."'~ _ .. ,.Dt.,.... dJ4L, J,...., -~) 'lL1I.1.ll~~ £(~<"-' !.\lP. -:tI-iff) SC(Jr''c IDMIIV_ ~u'A~flfL "'.111'-" IIIrIIIlNd~ ~ )1iJ(fJ_ ~ wp~9o S£PTic. IN, .......... UID 8Ig""'~I. , 00Md ...... , b ... ",,,,, .. ........... LaIC .. ......,. ; """'''. z-, A.....,,.. 800-£, ~ I~ J(c31. *'f~~ Cou,.T, c..v..T .. pJAt ~:<; ~&7 ..:, ., 1 R~r:O!'dl.nR ':0 81030)9001 and 1!7062609S0 I , BeinK Ut ~ha 1:£ 1/L oC ~~ l/h of ~ect1Dn OJ-2J-OS ! ~:--------------------------------------------------------------------I J..oi 3 Recordir. If rro 870):)39001 and 6706.,609$0 -.' .. Be1nr. in tho NE l/L of SE lIb of SectlDII O)-2J-OS ;:.,~;------------------------------------------------------------_._--. RECEIVED JUN' 6199Z I . ~ . . , ; ~ .: -, .. \ ... ... .:. ~ .', -;\-~! .~ , i ., .' 1 -; SUBDIVISION i..liUl~ I t:R! ,,.. ..~ . ~: . I .. .. IJt i 11- • Boundary -. II - :i !: . , ~~ .~ 0 . " ... -x 0 l- lL S 0 ~ N ll: t: rr ~ ~ 0 ., ~' ~ \ .r -,,',: 1'18 ..... _1 .. "jvl".' 1'1 ... 1: K. QuIllIn fir •• -.pUoD pdtr s.cu. U.2I.o,)O(J) or ... IUD, C-tr S.WIYlt. CeIe III' StdlltlII.17 III 1M .... CIIIIe .. " ......... It .... _ CG'I ..... u_ec ........ • ....,. a.apM "'e.) ... hlllllt .... 01' ..wI ..... III 1M r.a_ • ~ : I " · ·1 I , • J ~ · ' . . , .. ' · , • • LEGAL DBScaInlOIf or LOT IZ LOT 12 OF KING couNTY SHORt' PlAT '486017, TOGETHER WITH THE EAST 164 Fr. or W1' ,3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT 1486017. LleAL DBSCJllPlIOIf or LOT ., LOT ,3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT 14116017 LESS THE EAST 164 FT. 2 5. .. . ... , ... _.-.....• _."; ....... , '. I ! } t I r ( I !. .. ~ " . • .. 1- ... :t~ :. .;;, ~ "7 .::;.:" ...... ,:.: .:: ... :.", .: ...... ,,'l'/'~~::~::@ ."""",. BOUNDARY UNE ADJUSTMENT NO. LOOL0089 [/.,-~:J • .:,-" ::.~::'::" .,,:,. . ~":' if::... it,:. '..) ... • ""i,.:,,.:,,;,, ........ , .,:.' 03. T. .. ,., .. ::" .j,.i· ... f"'· .~!:~ ............. \ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. KING COUNTY, .DECLARAT16}it:··~; .:: APPROVAlS: ~ ........ , •• KNOW .t~ fEN Jit THESE ~SENTS:"f~='T W£""';~"'~iKD a.I*;,"l!Isnt at Olvelooaent end Env1rane."tal Servic •• 0WN6II (SJ OF ~ LONO .llER£I~ oac~ DO lEROy MoIK£ 'j. ......,'., !!O\filIAill LllE AD.JIJSTilElIT T~OF.' ASUAMT TII.JIC)j '.: ;" .., .... Y.,~·thl. _____ day ot t !14M!. A.D .• 20os.---5&:J7.040 .4HD DEC~ THIS .~TNENT T1l .'"TIIE. 6I'IAPHlt;; ":.,,:' f-~'OOJ:N,.~' CO~"'·.;auI~H:b:~~~w.:.~.~ ,f' f'''''' OEslFES OF THE !lIINeR(SJ-" IN.w1l...esS,.lIHI;U.i& HAVE.': ,/ '''''. ,> ~iIIIo!!~B""'ftO!!!C'f-SET !lJR HANDS ~.SEA~·. •.•. :r " .i: -~:.. :l .>'~ .r' ~:rJ't"-~ pr.ltIiiD..,1t ...... ;; '\.::.. ..; ............ ,' .... // .:// """""":1'1' '" ,(: .. :,c. ,f,~:'.:(;'Phl'ion.OO[S n '.,..... . .. ' ,',' i Kill: CCJUNTl OEPATIIJiI'T. DI' '&S5~M£NTS: ~() ..d"'a+t4... ·"'h, .... ·• ,..:" .,:" ~,~.Inod !(!d,--~~ tnl!l •. ~: of "':.II.U:~'fI-- Mildred Serr. .:' ,:", .:recount JGD.r ,"iJiiS~"2'~~4. ~~~ 23 N .. R 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON OLD LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: Let iii' (fiX P6IIICIL OllDJll.1ID3I5) nc fQn'H .,. ~ tP M SOUTM .., FEET fO nc HtR1'l£.&IT ~1JI'~~II~~m='Jp~~TT. uatINGTQN. c.or Ie: (TAlI PAIa&. 03rZllQ2 • ...." fie Nmlf ....,..asr _lP" ~~.~-i'iiIi)nr ailaIlBBJ £8 ~ ~T~"JJf~ \if: !i.\,"'~~-='!OI t:::::l~1'''' ~ ... ~= ~::. -:r'''' ..r:. .. a'(. =4 ... ~~. ~.~,. .,:/' .. :/. ,i' .. /': ........ -... " .... ::.. .:(';··".'if Vi~. \,uok ",""lin. ~. YoIl.na ./ ~ AAt.....,· :r ,}/-1"j.." '111:1I&&. .,~,. f == ~ U~:=::m =.~_T; Tt«JCI! NDImI 0* .... oz· usr 1-11."M ~ T1J ~ PQlJCl fJI' 8lE8PIUIC; tJrGr'T 'ftC un 30 PUT ~ PUll aur.n FIII'iIIIID. ,.gJ11 • I: ,... iWtQUriiy U"'l::CIr~: ~~g ecunG~ ••• aor '!:_.cJ ;"~'" .. ,'" ,....... ~ ... ",::{ ~t"" ''i'= .:.= ... "" .... t~~I. .~. \.Of Y: (fAa: PoIiifICEL ~.t0S4 ••.• \'_~ J«Jre.I~" .... '" •• ;.... ··;:1":. ••.. :-: ... :..~ }'.. ~·~~no~~=~lICT~L Thh tiaoullst "lJalU:tB. fa,. ~ .... ltDtton una ..... ·'i'!!1U Cbunty ,i' amt. IWIGI I 1EAaT. 1lii.t;;iiiiT!f·tamU14. lit ICJIr4I; CD.IIJY. Coal l".;?i"ci-It dq •• "at QiIIurtN"lt .. that th. 1o~ ~. • ......... "~~ ,. w111 ba ault'aDle 1M ~.ftlGtt .. f't~.qv" Dr l" th •.• "futur, •. " -.:-.... .~ 1IUMlI. /";"':" :::e~:~:ll~;~~t~~'U!~.:r:':t' tt~'ais tI~~ :~ ...... ,i'· :·~~:I:~. ,,~.u~;~ n~:~ 1DIlIZi.~ ~"f _ ~ _ __ -_. ~ __ . the unaer t ........ a,,".r~o, .... I~ .~. ""'" un '~1IIfiG 'fIoe"1u~~tp ~~ aunT ItDI"I' ""'T not.Vi"e~n"2QnelJ'I:.aODI!:.red __ '.:.. , ••. 1 .. ~... :: .................. , •• _...o17~~t.IICI[A ~~l ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: b ~···-~l"Q .. ~knD~'-"t:Te~. m... ..:/ ... :".': ./.'." .• =~~ r-....aR~8'f Deratin {sj wng u~ed tii£(~ei~~g Glltdil:it1on .... 4 '1;,.. .';' :'.~ ..... --.... ~;'J'OIC'1')ER rdiw l'4i ~0If1Mll ~ ~ n. &CCCIfICIICZ aal';l-.GOlrd to .. t" .. t ~ l:J9fted tl'\e:!,sa ... .11.=0 • ''I.: ... ,{'" .. : .... ..':: WTTIt ~ OI!!n...JNII TTn.Jt:~..c CDMn SlftRIIR c:a.Jrr free •• ~ vDJUf'lh~ al;t afl~ dud hi'; trUI u""~ .;; ... :-........ _ .... ' ~ ~ ~UI-...a:$IR1IIIID 1M *RCN A J~ on ""rpo.e. Jl'"re1n 1Ioe";,(I>n...,{ .J NOTES' '::':. ~T~.:m.~~~ ... ~~" ~~ Wltne,5'-"QI nand 6'id OHleS'I" seal th.,:i2ay 1U'U1 yeA'"' ·Io· .. ••h ..... ·• ", fOItl AANaii mt~lE 8JDl .... Di\n. aunv. '1rst iIIDOYO';wr ttel'. ;'" .: . .'!o' ....... .,.. ~ ..: .. .... _ .. _..:-.~ ..... _ .. __ ... ~ .. ' ~!' :;" .... " ... \ ••. ~ .. :..... U ;u~t~~ ~g.:~" .,~~~ ~~:v~e~~yr':~ ~~~~ t~o •• r . ·:·:·'tt.'tkP, .4i:l~tTd-mcp~~I~THb.~ iANDIif.A c. Mc:GHttf: of' ':. tr-lIIns.t.t,lon/dlletrllnrttaft .vat.a ana I~Clu"Un,nC81 ~TCP'"J~DItM MoUJI' OF SAm f NOt'~.pwuc ,~.. :~\ ~:c;~~~~ru~::I~ ~~;~~~ts:a·t"I;~u!.!~~ ~~:er g:a;~~J~ ~~.,~ ~Qf'~~' Nottry :'.: not FD'i'Ydl ."wgh lnfor.aUon ta gt"IIIPl'11cally aepict !!:a~:r AIrG LQ1' J " lAm .. ,., .......... '*-o& .. ~ Statl. .',' ........ ~'_,1t; on thl. ,urvly. CXtDT CCbtTY ~. ,-......... -... ~ ....... -... ~.... :: ~.' .\. ... . : .. :.. ..~.' .• ,,,,~ ZJ SUOhc~··to csr,jnfl.ICI ea, ... nt. thQ 101::8t1qn 0' wntch ~C&~ ~ ~r.a4J.~&.~~Ql :. ..J>: ,'. I: cannot b.·,v."nicIUy ,. .. gr ••• nt.d. on this survey. per DOalO!Bn J ~::. . .:,...... ,i'\' .... 1;: .... , •• .a.vun:.,..., ~III ~d,u1lt.."t No. S92LOJOJ tthr: yrnllr t~ .. w~nt ,t.H U!iIlDT FOIl ~ &JO UTt1.tTl£. OVSI PIE' .:.:.... .~.~~ ...... ' i'''~' dina :~. ~tOoaf~' ~~ fIQIlIUQN CF IJH I AI Df.ll1DS&;1 ~ ". 'lei. QF ~ •• •• l.. .,~':; ;.1 J) SUDl.et..tD·co~anta. '~ndHtons, rv,tri::t1cn •. et a1. S«PT r, ...... h .... ~.··· :~: f ~.:I~·.:;~~g"~Q'1~~~~.~l.~~:.~. 486011. filed ' .. :: "·:I··4r';·'!SUOJ'~t. to.1~. ,,,;; CQnalt~·~. 0' ~'~g CRUllty Bounaar,;, ··::~:~/:... .~;~~~ftt.~~·. saa~!pl. '1 ~:~!' U"~~r-,..e~~!n~ ... -::: u~, t~ " IindVri ta be UiI. --perlonljf-""'Q IXICU e ere a1n; Ged'icaUo" end :f"~~]rd'~:. t:n:-v:~~~t y ae .~aid:~12 t~~ 1~~ ~:tJ3 ........ "'Sf· SubJeri" to ~ .. lIiiv.t1an':;'t,n" .... cBPt1Q:r)i·l;antZll~ .. in eUIIII"d"':' 'rail tpotnorn P'6lC'i.t.l."" .. :A~ll"o~· Camp~. , UeQ I"Indsr ,.In:ord'!!1g no. "~~7. .. . ......... .::' .:.:<r····" .. i! ii •• · .... ····· ..... :. 6) s...a,_ct"·-t,a ~GlIS .. ~t.n.nc.· ""r'DoM en.:·ter.s c;<ontlined ". '" K.t~ Ca({1ft9'~t Plat.-=t.Ia. ~60S7. rj.led unilsr"rItCDrd~.. \: no. B 3O.J9COS •• i~ ••.• :. :;.:... ;.;' ;.:".' .;.'{ :.:-' ':~ ;':: __ ..... ,\ •• n suo,eC:t to BI DO.I1Dli\"lnC":"ncroa/;;lfhnt liS Ith:elo.~· en .:: .... : ,.:,-" ...•. : .• lu""ev rUed under r.ccrdlnf,,~ .. 87-:'1;71;027 ... ;.':. .:: .\.... .:': .. " • ".; . '"'' l ... J"· ,;('.""",i';;'/' (":"::;:~~"),,,/"""?:"'''''1 and PWgG3fl"' U'."lti" •• nUon"d. fv'\:,."~Q.\.·c.e Flq ..... 11<1\ . " "-_,,, , ~ 4 ~Dtre :J:l838 ·Oi!o··-w ...... == l' ."--;" --, .,:'---".~'-~"'" i:-'~~~Hl~l~....""'l!'_ ~. partn..... R<I4~ .~t~./ 'Dointe :t .;:12505 9~.f R:d ;~8005 ~' C' _ "." •• ,. 1le1lev,lIW. II.. .' " Surveymg ~~ CO~';"WAS~GT0tt'j RECORDING CERTIFICATE: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: ~ ... ~iog 100 • ...;-;.,.;:-___ -=:-::-___ _ ntlCl ... ,...,gIol • .cI:....... ... , ~ "".'L:.e, ~ •• »DoII;t!.lqt:llrWrlK,.,.~_1 thrl'Wl.!tsf.' ...__t. u..... fllila......., UM "'~ fllTKt.h....,...... ___ " ···_··-z? -S Itood. N ~"SQr1 SHEET 1 OF 'l! artUab.. 21m ~ tC.-....~ I .Alb 03. 2000 14:59 ~_'"L !)NA .,~ '0 00 '7 _;. .. :to.:. //~~i"')""/)':::::~ (,."~~ .:':::·:<~:~:"·:'/··<:;····X BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4-OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. 03. T. 23 N .. KING CO UNTY, LOOL0089 [~1OIWI~ I.s-J_::, ~. J R 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON .", .r , ... f· ,I ." f' N.LI. OF • ll'll " IC 1.1_ (IF IE ". ";"":/' .«' :./-' .. :--', J' .:' ,: .,' .. o' ....,~F, -\ J ': .. , .... .-,./. J /.' ,.:.'~. """;-i" .sa1'?";;'.,,~ ~ o' """" ,.,.,. .:: • "J .,/., '"'' i ./. .., ~~J:t. ',P', .. if / ¥ !If.LINE OF IE v ... !IE I,. Notes: I) 2) 3/ ~:~t~a~~:~j:! ~~iac!u:;~:~1~~~!g1~~_~jnv Itnt.,..(1 0" "'arc~ 2). 1997. There ~ • gao btl'till:tln -:n. no,'th Uno of UH~ Bouttt 1~ feet and tn .. nQrtfl line of Kino; County Short Plat ~. 4860t7. whit" ~4" phltted tl) tne tub-diviSion 1 ~n •. The nort'" line of the OOlolth 165 teet "0;14. "aId 'or tn,!! g:=:rL,;!~~~d ~~~.!u:I:g~~.~~~ytt-2. IMt8r'ed on Mat";n 2~ 1967. .. d~ff.re"t aocUon tlrnltdown waD \laid fOI" this 8LA Uten ttl. ,«etlon brnkdo"n used hr tlu origll1l1J Short Plat. lhts. ena tf'Ie use 0' CW"'ot"aUon •• ae-Itit'18 trill' CIt tferlnces 1n $0_ c:o",...es b.tween tM 0l"10inaJ Short PIn ."'d this BL.&. _M' f~' [ ~ o ::i ';,-i' ... \ ....... ;;. . .... ; .. :~ .. . .... : .... JOO· 200 • ! ".LlJC ~ ., ... ~''''..,/;'~:::>/ .. ')"., _'" __ 1 ' Scale: f' 100' " •• ,. .~.. ..:-" if' .;:. .:" "·'A:::':"'~~f. ~.:~~ , {('. i\.. ...... ;f/ ~::/ .:,:'/" ... :.:::: ... -......... \. ..,..... I J EasemeIrt, ... No~~S.i. ././ /. 'j~ ,0" LegEf~d: ........... " I' -' .\.:; ... U ~i:-::==n:o~s~:i~.;:rgy •• ~~~:~~~:-;!~~.~ .,=-.··"¥-··11-· M~nt rot4t1.~: VlsJted Oetl1c,.,.. 15.1358 end 1s not plottobl'. filltt un.:ruRoC. ~; BS08J5t.!25.:.' [f.. .-l ~.",r£h r'llIt ...... U" C.P It_,. Basis of Bearing: ,.,;, .... ;.:/ :;":;,/. ..,:'.,:.':' ... //. .::<;~~~. a:,:;;;:~~:o .. t' .. ~::~ ,:""""'" wasnlnDtcn St.te LaIID.,.t c:r$!2-HQr," ZDt\ •• ., detarlllrhea .... .;" ,-: .~. .".... <1:;-::.' .... by lIPS ot>sorveUon. .••. /., ... }/ £ (.~:::.:' .. "'''''<:,/''. .~>' ......... ':\ ;-~"-'''''l~'' -fCentre -ii.!< .• 4-_lit r~)ii.-S1:l';b3 ...63N ~.':1M l'ooIonJ ...,.,.,... _ .:rt~ "fj • 4~ ,-!"'1'Ii P . te (2$3) "'(J.!1Io~ ••• ,. .."..... ~ .' .". om , .. -,ds Part.,.·,.s ... :9 \~. • ';,. .;. 12S0'5 IIJIt Re. 1lI>'. '2S~.,' Surveymg "":(:' IIollmli. ~. ,i:S8I)OS .!1 KING COdNn'.iWASmNGTONt' ilia .... .' .t '" [y-.. ·t.,.;:)l..... 1'·100' 1--W;9 Jl SHEET 2 OF ;~, ':?J .: .. ~.,.I/ ."';~... 7.0 DO .,.,/"/?"'/"'''>~ BOUNDARY liNE ADJUSTMENT NO. LOOLO089 [l"--;-:;:'~ ./,. ,~/' ,,' .:./:/. //'.~, .. @ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. 03. T. 23 N .• R 5 E.. W.M. if" i( .",. ./ .;":' i' ....... KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON \~~~<. .. ,.~"" .. , .... : ..... ,.,./:.:>:,/ .. /.i:.;,~::;; .... \ ···.h .. _ .. , .:. ..' ~ .• ' '("';':;"/"" 1\;/" ":~;>"::::::::~;"") /·/:;~7 "",_-." .,,: .~~ F.;' '.l-¥" :p _. " .1 <",..... 1--th qu.r~.r cornor Sec. 3 . . ' ,. ., ., " .... .. .,; H" ... T"I\. 23M .. Ang. ~ .. M.M. \".. ·: .. h .•• · ... ~· i .. ': ,-:,. If ~ .,. •••• ;:."'" $-"!' t Calcul.C.cd frG_ lUng: co, liPS ':. ,,,( .:", ,..... "';'" ... ~ !,:i.. '~:. I br •• III::OOwn. "" ..... ' .... /',(':.>'<~."',/;~><:?:~:~.~ .... ::::::"""'\ , 1 ~.(>~ .~ ........ \<I, ..... ' ~:!:t:.'~.,...r.~~M.~'~·· '\~:I' :?: ~ J ..... ·"I::,,~. ,:;' ~~anlB" c~r S;c: .. a. fDWia D",.,liSiac:ln I:on~~t. ''':,.j; 2.... .:...... Found •• ~. :10" .tOn.· . w~t...".d.r.J. i~.d. -!' iii I II •• _ ...... h. .. ~'"' JIIIIDI'IUIIIInt 0.6' .. of ........ . ' r "'r!' " !\. . ... :. H7"a!.~.~,.... .,i!3a~.V-" 'fcoS.o past I tap af-'lll1ll;~ "i ... •• .. : .. ···:I: .. : .. ~~:;;.. . -- ----.:::"','.~:;. ~i'7\'~ .. L ....:::.. .... "-"":~~ '\ __ ~--:I~?' .' "'" '"'' _.' .' ... ·:f .... ~.ll22,IU. .-T I, lJq1'b" " ./'/' ,/"' .... ,:. ':\\', ........ ' ,~;~.\, ... /~ I /..... .' ....... ~ .. ~;;... .~/ .,/" ",.// I "10 }7° \i ~j ." i ~ -;;"........ ./)'" ."". ".,. J' , .. ' ,/ P I f~:·"".~ .... ·.~· ,i' ~,' .,." I S'bale{: .... :11'·· .,';/ ., ............... \",... I ·t:v.",./f" ;':? .:"",. /:.. ... ...,' I' •• ' " J' 0 ·'l~."",.,~:::.~~p;,':>/,/~') ); ............ ".". I _ . ...-.:~~" I; t (( \~~.: ••••• " •. .:"":O )ol;: ... :10'" ........ ···:t~. I ~ ~ If Surveyor s· Noles: '::. .".< •••. .••••• \, !: .i'........ ..; ~ / IV .' " ,. " ". .' .. ". '" . . I-n The ~nu .. ,.t C:llntrol ehown fo,. t .. i;: .... .i:t.~ .as .cc;:~l1sttii::f ,;/ •. : ..... : .. ,.;:: .;;. :i' I ~ ;; / ~ Z If Uel12 tr .... ra. utU1l1 I enl UJ H-:lM.,rreadal1tl:~. .:' s :.~:.... . wIt" 1M'oral .1ec:tronlc :flt.nee .... urlt!V_lI!Itilr'" :: it,. ,0' .\'\-.:... ''I.:~. South qu.rt. .... CONl.r ~ I (Gloat_Ur 6001 ItuI Fte.l TI" KU\ ... t1c g;tTlQ I StatiC'. .... : ..... (':!. :':' .to".:' s.c. 3. Twp. iDN.. /'" GlOM] Poslttonlng Sy.t •• (;PS). Ltneltf"."d anguler ~:. .":'.. .;".. ........ .:' .:' .: .. ·.~.fl AnI. SE .• M.". FOtn\CI -i~!r~...:~~' trlYlrlU ... t tn. 3tena.t"d:s 0' ... : ·:;r:-...... .~I'~!· 0':.:' .... :..... :/!" ,:::. .:"..r '1~~' .~-~::.di.1I: in aJ VClUtla' atner tnan thasl ,hollU1 NY a.tat on t"'11 ,in, ":.,,.,-,., •• , ;.S'.' if . .:.z··-:::. ../: .d.'~"'::. I ;f Only tnfl". write" Ire vlUD1. QI'" " •• !nQ ,,!lib]e • .,Uon:. ;: · .. H ........ • .: .... *--___ ~_.~ ___ _ of t".lt' t .. tan.tic" .... IIftDW'I florlDO. ..:-, ... -..,. .::' .:·: .. ••• .. "··ii ii .. •• sas-"!r.~·E 26401.64'---- 3) Tn" aur .... y ,. • .,resents phYSIcal 1l!Qraveott\t cOfl(Jltlonl IS .:......... .. ..... ,1:.;· .;".' .::' ;;,y~: ·~'-:.Sovthe •• t CDrf'UU' s.~. ~:.~ltt8d octooer ZZ. 1998., the olta of thil 'leI" ... 'i~...... ::':" _./' :/ .:.,,':' :.: ...... "'.!! :~::=ncl~: ~ •• :~~ .. OJ 5l Full ".U.~e lor le;e' oeac:rlptlcn •• r1d recorded .... ant.. haW'. be"" p181:ed an t". Uti. report. frO. ~~r ~:~;= ~:r;r-·l~~·nLc=i~=~lQ,:"oer No. rlsearch hu been 'UIlIPta!S. Off .. t diJlel'talOftS eholffl ~~le1'\ fire "Gsur.a pW''P'fldlcular to prap,"t.., Un ••. Legend: • -MQnlol_nt round. Visited OCtOOlr j5. 199a • - , .. Atrtrar wUh red plutle cap 8t.""eQ 'U ~8' to ce set. '." .;",,,/ ,(:~"",/:<:::::i/i·"~s~::,,)//'.~?>·"'\ r -== -1 ~Ceutte =-~~-~. ,,, .NE-Sg."'03, 'lim. B5FlYnl n...:-._ (~) Ut~-.. __:. .,' .' .r ru~ :.-fiBS Part.rwra .... .. ... • '!''''.i~ &,,1' Fled ~ I:!~'" ~'evnuy . ··'I,·r Boll~. W& .:118005 .!'~ ~lII.yl J~ ____ ._ ._ .• S "'ad • KING COunr,/iASHijlGTO~l .Alh 01 2000 SHEET 3 OF '$,,, 1" .. sa' { v:; .. t,. ... "" " .. an. rail"" c-.... 1It7 -~ Me ~ 'u~ G.~... ot LooaSl .... nkU.... ttl til .......... -,...... .- ... ot.. or •• J ,:II 111 I R .. ot! "I!P.'dIl~. WIll 40 A ~ esc ~ -----.-----••.• --•••••.. ~. /". to ~ .--.-•• -•••••. ~ Jo-18~ •• -.-·---.·-- f' 0' .......... ----... . Jnll'\-----••• -f ofl'"r: ... J) ........... - 1Jy '10..,.' 'J'llMtt --. Atw," f •• M.lII1U.·;"-- 01' 'b III •• Y. u.... ----'oCC) '4:1 - .... "'~.-.. -.-"" _ ....... _-------- WfiEN RECOJlDED RB'nl'RN TO' CIIICAGII nitt . mUst " .. ~"'OI"H Zeno, Drake. and Hively, P.S. --'1'-'" " II 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. JfE .KINI coum. ~ Suite 100 E1902488 K:lT1cland, WA 98033 ftIIf_!.~ JL'I .. !Ut:1I PfG .. , QF' "I ®Chicagol1de IJJaaararIeeCompmy 7Dl1th A .... ue -Sulte171O-' 98104 DOCUMENT DTU:(S) I Easement Agreement: 2 aTl-5'14815 -I 3 4 • @ .REfERENCE NUMBb(S) 0' DOCUMENTS ASSICNED OR RELUSED: o AdcbbDiaAl DIIIIlhoa GIl,. --...01 cfcIGImcgf CRANTOR(S): 1. Clifford and Cindy McClelland 2 3 4 CRANTEI(S): pS III, LLC 2 3. 4 ABDRB'YlATED LaGAL DUaumON Lol..umt DIode. VoJomo. Pag. ~DIl TDwuIhp. RIa... Pa1IOD: Lot 3. baa County Short Plat I 486017 reeorded under Recording I Plat NiIIIIt: 8703039001 o CaaIpldo:"~oa .... _oC~ ASSUSOR'S nOPERTY TAX PAReD. ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 032305-9270 D~Ia_.IIIIl-''''OIIPII' _el--' 'Jb oyer'" it "r" C ... I7ILMoI'IIIt'I ....... ,.,.,... • .,.. n. a-raew-.... ..-, _ tM tararalDe., ' ....... 011 ... '-n .... 'h.llh ................. hnl)' u..-..q ... (ll.-,l1 au o' ....... ube .. lItnudali pro"IW IItnII\ ____________ ~~-.. ~~_~_o ________________________________ __ C) • CD C) Flied at Request of .'--~ -~" ... - ZENO, DRAKE & HIVELY, P S 4020 Lake Washmgion BIYd NE, #100 Kn1dand, WA 98033 DOCtIMlNTmLE GRANTOR GIANl'U LEGAL Dl3CRIP11ON BaaemaII' MeCItJIaI Mord IDd Cmdy KBSm LLC See BxIIlIlltC AddlllDUlJeal on oa2tS 10 -13 of IJus dcJaunmt ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 03lXI5-9270,~, 031305-9046-02, 0323()S.9034~. 032305-9033-07. omos-9269 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREBMENT (R Agreement-) 15 entmd into this l't -! day ~ • 1999, by aDd between Cbtford and Cbldy McClelland, a marital ("McCleDand") and KBS m. L L.C •• a Washington Junited habtlrty oompany and/or succ.essors or aSSIgns (-W") RECITALS A MeCJellaDd D tbt O~ of certam real property located at 14410 SE 107f1 Place. ReDlon, W A 98059, legally deacribed m Exlnlul A attached hereto eMcCJeUaod Property-), and B KBS IS the parcbaser under an CXCQltOJy Purcbase and Sale Agreanenl of certam real propeny which JS adJaceat to the McCJeUaDd Property, JegaUy described in ExlubJt B attached hereto (oJCBS Property "), !be c1081ng of pwchaso and sale of winch Will be CODlClqlOraDeOUS with Ibc CODYe)'8DI:C of dus Eastment Agrcenat, C KBS Intends to obtam approval for a rormal subdaVISIOD or PRO for the KBS property, and construcuon drawlDg approval of the same as a cmxtitioo to the closing of the purcllase and sale tnnsacbon u well as to the conveyance of the easement descnbed herem, and EASEMENTAGREEMENT-1 W~II~""725c1oe DUPLICATE ORiGlNAl D KBS desires to abtam as easement across a portIOn of the McClelland Property for the purpose of a mstal!Jng and mamtaining underground Ubhtles, and E McClelland IS wlllmg to grant such easements accordmg to the terms dcscIlbed herem, NOW, THEREFORE, m consideration of $25,000 paId by IDS to McClelland ($2,000 wroth IS payable upon McClelland's execution of this Agreement and the approval by KBS of its feaslblhty study, am the temamder IS payable WIthin thJrty (30) days of approval of a plelrmmary plat and approved construcl!on drawings for saId SUbdIVISion or PRD), the mutual pronuses cootamed herem, and the benefIts denved tberefiom, the undersIgned parlJeS hereby agree as follows Grants of Easements am L!CeJlSe 1 1 Easement for UndggrouOO UttlII1es. McClelland hereby grants to KBS a perpetual, non-exclus)ve easement over, under, and across that polnon of the McClelland Property legally descrlbed ID Exlublt C attached hereto ("Easement Area") for the purposes specIfied m paragraph 2 below McClelland shall have the nght to use the u:r Easement Alea for any and aU purposes not inooDsistent WJth the nghts granted to KBS .... herem Such nght shall IIx:Jude, but not be lunited 10, the lJlStaJlallon of underground ,.,.. Q utilities, sidewalks, gutters, pipes and culverts, so long as said usa do not unreasonably ~ mterfere wltb the mstallation, mamtenance and opera bon of the underground ul1litJes m the -Easement Area «::» CD C) 1 2 ~ McCJeJland also grants to KBS a temporary hceme to enter N upon the McClelland Property for the bmJted purposes of compJetmg COnstrucboD and : ~ mstaDabon of the undergrOUDd ulJ.hlJes, proVIded, however. KBS shaD exe) I Its most N reasooable efforts to confIDe such entry 10 the Easement Area and areas munccbateJy adJacent to the Easement Area 2 Use of Easement Area KBS's use of the Easement Area shaU be hmited to the cooslructJon, installation, mamteoalU, repair, operaoon and use of underground utlhbes to serve the fony-eJght houses 10 be buIlt OD the Property descnbed m ExhIbIt B, subject to the fight of mWllClpllhtJes and Ublity dlSlnttS 10 use as they may requuc after dedicaUon of the utilItIes as set forth ID paragraph 8 J below In adcbtaoD, )f any more parcels of property are added 10 the proposed SUbdIVlSIOD, any residences budt on those parcels wdl also have the same right to use the easement 3. KBS's WarrantIes US warrants that the undergrouDd utJhtJes for !he KBS property shall be constructed m acconWx:e Wlth all appbcable drawmgs, specliicalJons, EASEMENTAGREEMENT-2 W\opcIDcI\33OOt\'ONs'I'I$\Ioc penn/ts, approvals and other.Jegal reqwrements Imposed by City, county, state or federal laws andlor regulatIOns 3 1 DIligent COnstruction. KBS shall prosecute the construction and mstallatJon of lIIe underground uubtJes diligently and conllnuously until they are completed 3 2 Ownrnhm KBS or asSIgns wIll be the owner of !he KBS Property upon c10smg of the above-referenced purchase and sale transaCtion 4 McClelland's Wamnbes. McClelland warrants that they are the owner of ~ McClelland Property and that !here are no liens or encumbrances affectmg the McClelland Properly winch would mterfere With tile mtended use of the Easement Area 5 Cost of Construction of UndeJground Ultbbes KBS shall, at Its sole cost and expense, design, construct aJXJ install the underground ubblies m compbance WIth aU applicable reqUirements Pnor to COJlllJlelK:UJg mstaJlatlon of the underground Utilities, KBS shall have a bcensed surveyor slirvey the west property bne of the McClelland Property , and shall place surveyor's rebar stakes at the northwest corner and the southwest corner of the McCJeJland Property At. the complelJOD of installation of the underground UtdlheS, KBS shall firush grade the Easement Area and adjacent ground which may have been disturbed by KBS's construcllon aCbVlbes, and shall also re-seed the re-graded area WIth grass seed K.BS shall take care not to damage the McClelland Property. and any improvemenrs thereon, dunng Ihe exercise of KBS's rights hereunder. In the event any damage IS suffered dunng tins work, KBS agrees to promptly repaJT said damage, or to reunburse McClelland for the entire costs of the repaU' work KBS will replace any trees or shrubs removed or disturbed to the nearest location allowed . 6 Water Lme KBS agrees to loop a. water lme m !he Easement from the existing water maID to the proposed subdlvlslon if allowable by Water DistrIct 19Oupon construction of saJd subdlVJsion If tunher easements are nece8wy to loop saId water mam in easement to be purchased, Seller agrees to grant web addJtlonal easements, at DO further ooslloKBS 7 McClelland's ConnectJon to UtlhUCS. KBS agrees to connect McClelland's exlSbng resJdence, as JegaUy penDISSlbJe, to the sanitary sewer to be instaJJed m the easement and to Jeave one addJbonaJ sewer stub-out on the north boundary lane of the McCIelJand parcel, approxunately 250 feet from the western-most property lme of tax parcel No 032305-9270 at the hme of the constructJon of the proposed su\xhVlsJOn In addlbon, KBS agrees 10 pay the followmg sewer connecllon charges for Ihe eXlSung McClelland eocwrom Kmg County and the City of Renton l~ l \/~~ ~·1 ~/)(t~~ . V\\t~ ~ .~~l~!EEMENT-3 ~~t;~ ~~~.------------------------- D CD o N ,t::) '0 IN a CIty fees' System Development Charge $ 585 Honey Creek SpeciaJ Assessment DlStrlct $ 250 Permil fees SublOtaJ $ 895 b Kmg County-Capacity Charge S1.098 40 OlfetmJe payoff) ~LA.I4I" tlIr ,(/111., ~~~,~ I r TOTAL $1,984 )t~~I/~*, In the event McCJeJJand COllJleCtS into and uses any other of the undergro I ~~ j~( ho~ McClellarxl shall pay aU COnstructIon expemes 3SSOCJaled With said connectIOn to ,~~ ~ ~ UtlllUes, and saJd connecnon shall be flee of aU liens on the KBS Property, and sball be In ~I ,\ I complWlte with all applicable legal requirements Notwllhstandmg the foregomg, KBS agr~ that McClelland shall not be required to pay any connectlon fee, surcharge or othe 11~ construcuon or UlStaJlabon of the ubbt1es ~~ \ \fI q u: ,11 fee to KBS for the purpose of reunbursmg KBS for the cost of all or any portlOn,r the \!..aO 8, Mamtenance and &wr &peoses All expenses associated wilh mamtauung, repairmg, remnng, cleanmg or servlCmg !he compleled ~ utdmcs shall be paid entlleJy by KBS lIDbl such tune as KBS dedK:ate5 the underground IlWitics to the AssoCIatton Thereafter, all such expenses a5&OClated with mamtammg, repairing, restonng, cJeamng or semcmg !he completed Wlderground utilities shall be paid by the Association or appropnate uubty dlstl'lCC If Ublities are de(iJcated pursuant to pmgraph 8 1; prOVided, however. If repair or mamtenaJU of the undergrouOO uubtlcs ]$ reqUired as a result of the sole actJon or mactJon of McCJelland, McClelland shall pay the eotD'C expense of such rep311' 8 1 DedtCatJQD to Goyernmental EnbtiesICommetCJaI UtdllV The Utllitles may be dechcated to !be City of RentoD, Kmg County, Water Dwiet No 90 or any utthty company In the future by KDS or by the homeowners' aS5OC:Jauon, provided that the City of Renton, Kmg County, Water DIstrict No 90 or any utthty company agrees to operate, mamwn, repair and lcplace the ubhbeS Upon such dedication, the obbgation of the propen.y owners to contribute to the operabon, mamtcnance, repalI' and replacement of the underground ut]hties shaD temunate Further,the nght to use such uuhues wJlI thereafter be at the discretion of the ubl1ty company or IDUmclpabty wluch owm the Ul~ltles and not IlDIIted to the I csldences In the proposed SUbdlVlSlOD EASEMENTAGREEMENT-4 W~llt01W1I72S_ CHCAGO nn.E I1lSlJIANCE CO.wANY 1\11 plzc8d !he cIoa.rrEIlt of rKOld &$ I cuctomer COIlIeSy ~ IccopI$ no babdtr lor lilt ItCllr.lCl onaHt/ 01 !he Ibctrnent , l.. . '- J.~. ,~ .. 9 EnlrYon McClelland Property to Perform MamtepaD;e and Repair Work KBS and successors shaH have lbe perpetual nght, at such tunes as may be necessary. to enter upon lbe McClelland Property for !he purpose of accesSJDg, IJl8lJItammg. repairmg, restormg. c1earung or servlcmg the utlllues McClelland agrees that sax! nght of entry shaD be no less than twenty feet (20') In width. KBS and its successors agree that such work shall be accornpJlshro In such a manner IlIat the surface of the ground and any pnvate Improvements eXlstmg on !be McClelland Property shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or m the evenllhey are disturbed or destroyed. they wtll be replaced 10 as good a condition as !hey were IBunelhalely before the McClelland Property was entered upon by KDS or Its successors 10 Hold Harmless and IndemrulY PrOVISions 10.1 Mutua) IndemmficabOD. KBS and McClelland hereby agree to hold each other hannless, to mdemnify aDd defeoo each other of and from any and aU cJaum andlor damages whICh either party may sustain as a result of any breaches of their respective obhgattons descnbed herem. Without Imutmg the generality of the forego1Og, KBS specifically agrees to hold hannless, mdemrufy and defem McC1eUand. unt1l transfer of !he uuboes to !he home()wDers assoclaboD wJuch WIll be formed or KBS's successors 10 mterest to the KBS PIOperty, or for a penod of two (2) years from the date of completion of !be constructlon of the unbues, whIChever occurs last, from am against any and aU cJauns and/or damages relatmg to. '10.1 1 KBS's construcUon aId mstallatioD oftbe utlhues, .11:1 . ~ 10 I 2 The fll1ug of any bem or assessments agamst the McClelland property as a result of the mstaUanon of the utilities, 10 1 3 The overflow of Waler from Ibe utWbes, proVIded, however. KBS sball have no IlabJlity bereunder If saId overflow IS caused so/ely by McCleUand's action, 10.1 4 The contammation of the McClelland Property wrth hazardous or toxic waste or matenal as a result of KBS's instaJJabOD of the ubbbes, 10 1 S The dtSdlarge of hazardous or toxIC waste or matenaJ through the uUhly system, unless sax! contaminatton or discharge I! caused by McClelland, or onglDales wlthm the McClelland Property, 10 1 6 Any govemmentaJ agency or other party or person contendmg that lbe uttJltles were not properly constructed or OtherwIse damaged chelf property or the enVironment . EASEMENTAGREEMENT·5 CHICAGO ru IHSURANCE CCf.I'ANY /tas _lilt dotumem d recom IU eus/MlI!f COIIrIeSy and.r:aps 110 IIaIiIIIIy lor lire IlCIncy Of wilily 01 Ih.~ NOlWlthstandlng any provlBlon bereof seenungly to the contrary, the Association and/or KBS's successors an Interest shall contmue to be bound by the obbgatJons contamed in thiS paragrapb 9 mperpetUity. 11 extensIOns Twenty-silt (26) months after SlgnlDg and mulUal accep1ance of this Agreement. If KBS has not receJved (mal engJQeermg 100 construction drawmg approvaJ for the above-meDhOned subdiviSIOn, McClelland agrees to extend the closing of IIus transacuon fOJ three (3) runety (90) day periods at a cost of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) for each extenslOD, to be paid at the begirming of each extensIOn AU earnest money deposits and extension payments shall apply to tbe purchase pnce at closmg 12 TermlDallon of Easement Notwlthstandmg any other provJSlon contamed herein seemmgly to the contrary, m the event KBS has not completed InStallation of the uuhtles within ten years of the date Ihat dllS Agreement IS recorded wltb the KJDg County Recorder, Ibis Agreement shaJl automatJcally temunate and sball thereafter be null 300 VOId KBS's wOlkshall be deemed complete at such tune as City and/or County fully and finally accept a1l of KBS's wOJk on the utilities as complete 13. Covenants RunmDg WIth the Land. McClelland and KBS agree that the terms and COnditiOns contalDed herem shall benefit and burden the McCleUand and KBS Properties, and shan tOllStlbJte covenants that run With both Properl1es, and shan benefit and burden the bellS, successor and asSlgll' of the McClelland and KBS Propemes 14 Null aM VOId TIns contract and tbe conteols herem WIll become null and VOid and unenforceable m the event KBS fails to receive fina] engmeermg and constructlon dnwmg approvaJ for a formal subdivislOD or PRD for the property shown on ExlubJt B 15. &JG KBS agrees to place a SIX foot (6') fence along the North lIB: of tax parcel No. 0323059270 In the event the aforementloned SUbdIVIsion receIVes approvals aa:eptable to Purchasel 16. Dramage. K.BS agrees to protect and defeod McClelland from dramage from the proposed KBS SUbdlVlSIOD am development efforts KBS shall resolve any dramage problems arismg dJrecdy as a result of the development and construction of the property descnbed on Exhlbrt B, aoo repall' any damage caused to McCleUand's property from any such drainage problems. l7 Entue Agreement There are no other agreements between KBS and McClelland that modJfy or affect tillS Agreement Thu Agreement IS fully integraled and all pnor negotiabons regarcfmg the terms of the Easement Agreement are merged mlO and have become a part of this Agreement EASEMENTAGREEMENT·6 W~I1'OI.I72S<bt CHICAGO lIlU IIISURAIICf CWPJWY • bas patt~ IIIe Ibcumml 01 record It I MIOmef COI/llesJ a:nI acc~ no bbl~ lor !ha mulJCy" valulty 01 lho qOMrl!lt .............. ~ .... ~. -,., ..... ~---"'··-:-""---________ =C''1':!:... ____________ _ N 18. ~. All notices, consents, approvals and other conununicatJOIlS provided for herem or given m cotm:Ctlon berewJtb shall be vabdly gIVen, made, dehvered or served If In wntmg and dehveted personally or sent by regIStered, certIfied mad, or receipted overrugbt semces. postage prepaId, or by facsmille to, with conflI1lled receIpt at the folloWing addresses KBS KBsm,LLC 12505 Bel-Red Road Bellewe, WA 98005 Attention' Kobn Taylor Fax 425/452-9016 McClelland Clifford aOO Cmdy McClelland 14410 SE lor' Place Renton, WA 98059 19 Attorng's Fees In !he event any pany employs an attOrney to enforce any of the proVisIOns ofth)! Agreement, on any issue of state,·federaJ or bank:tuptcy law, the prevB11mg ~ shalJ be eutJtlc:d to ,ecover Its costs, btlgalJon CX]lCmes aoo reasonable attorney's fees ID connection thereWIth from the oon-prevaJIq party. 20 Goyerrung Law. TIns Agreement sbaJl be construed under and governed by the laws of the Srate of Washington. 21 Severablhty If artj proVlSIOD of Ihls Easenm Agreement is detennintd by a CWIt to be mvabd or unenforceable, the remailxItr of tJus :&sement Agtmnert sbal1 mnam ID full force aoo effect 22 SUcct.mu ThIS Easement Agreemett bmds the 1m3, stICCt5SOfS and 3SS1gDS of theparta CI/WO mlt IIISiIWa COlIl¥Hl' hallfU'" dtmwrtd /eCOId II I CIIIIIJner CIIOsy and.,aftOWlMyIur !he IICQIJ:I orDIIIIy 01 [he dJcurr,a;, EASEMENT AGREEMENT -7 W~mOl'lt"'I5Goc KBS m. L L.C., a WashiDgtoD lmuted liability company ____ ~ ___ =_ __ a.~~~~~o ___________________ ~ __________________________ __ I • Cmdy Meel land STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS 1'0 CERTIFY thaI on Ihls ~ day of /lie! ,191£. before me, a Notary public III and for the State of Washmgton, duly commissioned and SWOln, came Kohn Taylor, pelsonally !.nown or havmg presented satlsfactolY eVIdence to be a Member of KBS I1J, L Le, the limited hablhty company that executed the foregomg Instrument, and acknowledged the said Instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of !WIld hmlted Itabthty company (01 the uses and purposes therem mentioned, and on oath staled that he IS aulhofued to execule the ~d IIlstmment on behalf of srud Imuled habihty company HAND and ofllclal seallbe day and year In thIS certIficate first above STATEOFWASHINOTON' ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) nus IS TO CERTIFY that on Ihe,:)'\~~day of Ar;'\ ,19'=\helbre me. a Notary public ID and 101 the Slate of Washmgtoll, duly commissioned and ~WOID, came Chfford McCldland. personally known or havmg pi esented saltsfllctory eVidence 10 be the IndIVIdual dcscllbed m and who executed the wUhm Instrument. and acknowledged that he signed the same lIS h/\ free and voluntlllY act and deed for the uses and purposes thelem mentloJled ' EASEMENTAGREEMENT-8 Wlopdoall3Olll'011lbllnw. CHCAf.o nru: ~ CIJWlANY has plaud fie doc\ll1llll ~ itccnI OIl a cuslomlJ cwllSY lid xtlpll flO bbily lor tIie~dGYor_D1 UII~t~ WITNESS MY HAND and officIal seal the dflY ,md yeal In Ih,s ce.llficate lirsl above wlIllen, ~~~:&NG N<ltaty Public In and for the State of ShlngloD, resld(n~ at t (PI. ~ STATE OF WASIlINGl ON ) ) 55 COUNTY OF KING , ) nns IS TO CERTIFY that on Ihe.?~.t I.. day of JrCt, \ . 19"lItbefore me. a Notary public In ond for the Slate of Washington, duly co~ed and SWOln, came Cmdy McClelland, personally known or havmg presented sausfaclOlY eVidence to be the mdivldual descnbed III and who executed the Within IDslrument. and acknowledged thaI she SJgned the same as her fl ee Dnd volunlruy net and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned WITNESS MY HAND Dnd offiCial seal the day and yenr In Ihls cerllficate first above wnllen EASEMENTAGREEMENT-9 W~1II0flll112Ulle -. " ~~~1 Pnnt Name FLE ExplJatlon Date _-'-______ --=-_ _=_ CHJfMO lllU INSURAHC£ ctUWIV h ... pIdd fit docIInenI d IGtWa UIIII1IrIner COII\eSy end_,...lIr IhD acctIXJ II"mItIy d ItI'Dcumert C) IE) C) N. -Q .Q N EXIJIBIT A Lol3 ofKmg County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording NwubCI 8703039001, aDd corrected by Affidavit recorded under Rccording Number 8706260950, together WIth the West 428 00 feet of the South 330 feel of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 Nonh, Range S East, WiJlamette Meridian, in King COWIty, Washington; EXCEPT 1he Noeth ,16S feet thmof; EXCEPT that pomon lying withiD the South half of me South half of me South half of said subdivision aM EXCEPT County roads; rN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting nUt in King County CoUlt Cause Nwnbcr 86-2·22118.2 entaed on March 23,1987: EXCEPT the East 164 (cetoCsaId Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 o(KiDg County Lot Lme Adjustment No. S92LOI03, recmdcd under Rccording NlDDber 9209101022, and othe, property ) EASEMENT AGREEMENT -10 W~1\10''''''71'1''''' rucN.O 1IlI.L IHSlIWa C!IIPAN1 bois lUted b cIocIiIIIIIt at .mII as lalSbwlXllllelJ allll ae. _1IINIy lot lI:uC:C:II'AY cnaaddy 01 ~1o\JCUIIU o CD o Luck Parcek . EXllmlTn Parcel A. The North 165 feet or the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter oC the Southeast quarter of Section 3t TownShip 23 North. Range 5 Easl. WiUamette Meridiant in King County. Washington (No Road exception bas been noted in tlus description for Parcel A) Parcel B. The North balf of the North half of the South half of !he Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3t Township 23 North. Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King COllDty, Washington; EXCEPT !hat portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdivision which hem South OIDlS'02" West 63338 fttt and North 89°37'38" West 30 (eet froID the East quaner corner of said SectJon 3, thence North 87°37'38" Wesl along said North Lne 125 feel, thence South 01 ~S'02" West 122.17 feet, thence South 87'49'08· East 125 feet; thence North 01 ~S02· East 121.75 Ceel to the Point of Beginning; Except the East 30 feet Ibmof for Counry Road. : g (There is 111 overlap of approximately) 7 feee between Parcels A and B.) N ¥ ellaDd Parcel: The North t 65 feet of the Soulh 330 feet of the Northeast quantr of the Southeast quarter ofSecllon 3, Townslup 23 North. RanKe S East, W.lIamette MendllD, in KiDs County, WubiDgton; EXCEPT County lOadS Beuett Parcel: Lot 1, King County Short Plat Number 486017, recOl'ded under RtcordmB Number 870303900l. and amended by Affidavit ofCorrecliolllCcorded under RecordiDg NlUDber 8706260950, in Kmg County. Washington, being a portion of the South balf of the South half of !he South half oftbe Northeasc quaner of the Southeast quarter of Settion 3. Township 23 North, Range S East, Willamette Mendian, Ul Kmg County, Washington; EASEMENT AGREEMENT· 11 WloIldDClWOfIll:n'Ab II J51111c TOGETHER WlTIJ the following described property in accordance with Decree· Qweung Tidc inJGng County Superior Court Cawe Number 86·2·22111.2 entued on March 23. 1987. . The South 330 feet oflhe Northeast quarter of the Southeast quaner of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range S EaSt. Willamette Meridian, in K1ng CoUDl)'. WashiDgton; EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the North 165 (ut tbereo(; and EXCEPT that portion of lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdi visioo; and EXCEPT COUDt)' roads. Serra Parcel: Lol2 and the East 164 feet or Lot 3, KJng Count)' Short Pial NUJnbef-486D17, recorded UDdct Recordia& Number 870303900 1, and corrected under Recording Number 8106260950, being a portion oftbe following: The South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the SoUtheasl quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Raaac S East, W'illamctte Merf~ in King County, WashiDgtoo, tlCCEPT County roads; AND EXCEPT die following described pan:el. BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said SectiOD 3; 1lalce Northerly 65.00 feel alooa the East line of said Seelion 3; Thence North '"49'0''' West 670 20 feet; Then" South 01"25'02" West 65.00 {eet 10 the South line of the Northeastquartcr oribe Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Easterly along said South line 67020 fect 10 the Point ofBcgiDDjng; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A, King COUDty Bowxlary Line AdJwtmeDt application number S92L0103, recorded under Recording Number 9209101022) TOGElHER WlTH an easement for road and uulitJes over the Southerly pomoa olLot I as disclosed OD the face of the short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT ·12 W~1\101"bI11:m: ~ nn llNSlVWU CWA\IIf has ~ tile d.lcIrnenI d Ilcml2S I cuskmII' to!I12SY and IlCUpts 110 _lor ilia lICCW..cy Of _ 01 !hi ~cQ.'I".:nt Cl Q) C) . ' EXIIIDIT C The West 20.00 (eel of the following described parcel: Loll of King COWlty Short Plat Nwnber 4860 17» recorded under Retording Number 8103039001, and conceled by Affidavit recorded UDder Recordina Number 8106260950, togetherwilh the West 428.00 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Townslup 23 North, Range S East, Willamerte Meridian, in IGDg County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof, EXCEPT that ponion lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads, IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quietmg Title in King County Court Cause Nwnber 86-2·22118·2 entered on Marth 23. 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of IGng County Lot Line Adjustment No SmOJ 03, Tccorded under Recording Number 9209101022, and other property.) EASEMENT AGREEMENT ·13 WIof>dootll3llol1UO .... t1I1 .... • I • .:.uwa IX)WJANY I , 1I'"doamnIDI ",,' .. I aNa' CIJIf1ISJ ." , 1CUplt III_lor . '~/"'Ycr_cf I L'CIIII1fIt ________ ..,..._ .. _ ... ~-,.., __ ....-.' ___ ~'\ ____ ...... ft ~ ... r--... __ ... =-__ ;.... _________ _ " 'W1m~ RECORDBD RB'JURN TO Zeno, Drake and lb.vllly, P .,S. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. HE Suite 100 Kirkland. WA 98033 ® ChicagoTltIe Insurance CoDlJNUl1 701 5th A"*'tue· SUitel7DO -·Seattfe. W.,.inatDn 98104 ?~ITl'I'LE(S) cTI-5440"1'5-1 ~. ~ 4 REflRl:Na: NVM.8£R(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: o AlLbIamaIII1IIIIbcrI ell PIle _of cIoc1IIItII GJlANTOR(S): lC11fford and Clndy KcClelland 2 ' 3 4. GRAN'TEI(S): lXBS III Partners, LLC, a Washington Limited Llablllty COmpany 2 3 4. o ~l_",plp ___ otdocUIIIQII ABBllEVfATED LEGAL J)ESCIUrnON Lot-IJDft· Block: VoJosuc' Pille Sectioll! .~: Rage: Portion. Lot 3 of Ring County SHOrt plat' 486017 recorded under Plllt Name: Recorlbng NUmber 8703039001 ASSESSoa's PAOPDTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBD(S): OJ210}-9270 [J iWdalaolllol1alC-.t ~ DDPI'Je _crob:_, ". _"'Js,.,. u.. C._IJ.Rec,ordor· • ....,..,..,.. .... .".. 'Ih:a-Nor'WID rdyn 1M Wo ... atmo .nm ....... fill'lL n. JlatfwlllUI .... 1M __ I" -If) lIIe.cnnq "" _,. ... _ •• Itha la ..... ",,.nllllil P~MtlMntL RE11JRN ADDRESS: Lesbe A, Drake leno, Drake aid Hively. P .s. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd, NE, SIDle 100 K1rk1and, WA 98033 WASHINGTON STATE COUN'IY AUDITORIRECORDER'S INDIXING FORM (Cover Sbeet) . Document Title. Grantor· Grantee' Abbrev Legal DescnptJon: Assessor's Tax ParcellDtl. Cross Refetmccs: Agreement C1«:AIiO m IISlfIMl COItWHI' lin pIacM" dDnnI of recDlllas I ~1OIftI&y IIIdlCCellSlIII_1Ir IhIICCIR01 Dr_ of 1Ilt.- Clifford and Cmdy McCJeUaod KBS 111 Partne1S, LLC, a WaWngIon Umited liabJllly Company Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001 032305-9270 SIte address' 14410 SE 107" PJace Remon, WA 980S9 The AudJlor/Recorder wtll rely OD the information provided on thIS fonD. The staff will not read the dowment to venfy the accuracy or completeness of the mdexlng JDfonnatlon proVIded herem. . . ~"""'--.------------, .. -~. ---, ---------- AGREEMENT PartIes. Clifford and Cindy Mc.CIelland, their bellS, successor and assigns ("McClelland") and KBS ill Partners, llC. a Washington limited liability Date company, and lor assigns ("KBSj· QiCAGO TITlE OOllWa catPAM' 1131 p!.Ict.lIIt doc1JIIIIt 01 ftCOIlI as • caSltlTer tOlrllsy RecItals July ~ 200+ and tCCt1D no IIIi1y rir 1IItacant)'«¥lllMyof lIItdDamtnt McCldJand is the Own« of certain real property located lit 14410 SE 1 rn* Place, Remon. WA 98059 (the "McClelland Propatyj 2 Mildred Serra is the owner of certain real property located at 14514 SE ) of' p~ RentoII WA 98059 (the "Sara Piopertyj 3 KBS is the purchaser UDder certatD purchase and sale qreemew of certain raJ property adjacent to the McClelland Property (the "KBS Propatyj 4 KBS intends to obtain approval for a formal subdivision or PRO for the XBS Property S McCIel1ud c:wTeItIy accesael the McClelland Property through IDd over the ScntProperty IDd the KBS PropMy (the "BIl.q Access") u shown on the attadled Exhibit A 6 McCle1laDII desires to have access to the McClelJaDd Property through and over the Sem Property aud the KBS Property u sbowD OIl Exhibit B (the "New Access") 7 KBS 11 willing to provide such access u.cording to the fonowing terms and conditions Agreement JCBS shlJI provide McClelland with access to the McClelJaDd Property through the KBS Propat)' and tJae Serra Property IS shown on Exlubit B 2 In addition, XBS shall mst&lJ asphalt paving overtbat pMioD of tile New Access that aosscs the IOUlh 30 feet oftbe realp'operty owDed by Mildred Sara and located lit 14514 SE-lo7*PL,lentOD WA 98059 as shown on the attacbed Exhibit B ~I ~ I ~ t't~IU_ 6fMi .K1! 1W~ TOGETHER WlTH the following described property In accordance WIth Decree Quieting T I~e 111 King County Supenor CDUJ1 Cause Number 86-2-221 J 8-2 entered on March 23, 1987: " The South 330 feet of the Northeasl quarter of the Soulheast quarter of Section 3, T owruhip23 North, Range S East, Wlllamelte Meridian. in Ktng County, Waslungton. EXCEPT the West 840S0 feet Ilmeof. and EXCEPT the North 16S feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion of lying WliJulJ the South haIf of the South half of the South balf of said subdivisioo; and EXCEPT County roads Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet oCLoe3. King County Short Plat N11Jnbef.486017, recorded under Recordmg Number 3703039001, and corrected under Recordmg Number 87062609S0, bemg a portjon oflhe (o))o'Ning" The South half ohbe Scilnb halt of the South half of !be Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North. Ranse S East, W'dIamette Meridl8D, In Km, Ccunl)'. WashiDston. EXCEPT COWley roads, AND EXCEPT the following described parcel: BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of tile Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said SectioD J; . Thence Northerly 65.00 feet Ilona the East line of said Section 3, Thence North ,,.49'08" West 670 20 fedj Thence South 01 °25'02" West 65 00 feet to the South line of the Northeast quarter or the Southeast quarter of saall ScttiOD 3; Thence Easterly along sUd South tine 670 20 feet to the Pom' of Beginning; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A. Kina COWlI)' Boundary Line AdJwtmeDt application Ilum~r S92L010J. recorded Wlder R~rdiDa Number 9209101 022 ) TOGETHER WiTH an easemeul for road and utibtics over the Southerly portion Onot I as disclosed 00 the face of the shOrt plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT· 12 1't\oro'c<,\\1PtIl"l ••• • ." --------------~-- WImN R!!CORDlSD JlE'JlJRN TO' Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Wash1ngton alvd. HE Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98033 701 5ItI A"... -Suitd7DO .' CIIJCIIIUI nfl.! l\C PACI .. , '" 'e9 ee-e?~"8II! K Ire tIUITY. 114 98104 DOCUMBNT.TITLE(S) l.Agreesnent 2. CT/-SL/tJ~15 - ( J 4. @ RDERENCI NUMBER(S) OF DOC1JMlNJ'S ASSIGNED OR RELEASED; C AIWa'-l mllllba31111 JIIIC ar cIDc1aem GRANTOR(S): ~ Ifl.ldred Serra 3 4. CRANTEI(S): ~ ItBS III Partners. LLC, a Waahtn8ton Limited Liability Coqpany 3 4 CAlldlbaul __ ,.._ol~ ABBJUMATED LEGAL DlBCRJmON J..oc..UIUt"· Block. VDlume: Sec:tioD. 1'owDIhip' Ranae' Portion of Lot 2 K:u!g County Short Plat , 486017 recorded under ling 1'11& NlIIDICoUDty lecordlll8 KUIlber 8703039001 ASSBSSOJ.·S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBBR(S): 0323052002 o Aow..-J IIIx aCOIIIIIlIIIIIIben OIl pap _llCoSo_. 1\11 _1IInt."r 1M "-t7.......-, ....... ......-M1y. 1'111 JleclmlerwUI Jd;J _ tle '''01'''&1I00I 'nmW ..... It ... 'llleitalt .. 1101 ........ __ t to...,~ Ih IIUVaCy ._ ...... _. "'tIM Illdood11a ......... """ .. ...... '0 ' .. 0 CD c-. a c CI ~ 0 CD 0 N '0. '0 " RETURN ADDRESS' leslIe A. Drake Zeoo, Drake IDd Dively, p.s. 4020 Lake Washmgton Blvd, NE, SUIte 100 Knidand, WA 98033 WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDIT01lIItECORDlR'S INDEXING FORM (Cover Sbeet) Document Title. Grantor, Grantee: Abbrev Legal Descnpboo' Assesslrs Tax PBICd JD#: Cross Referalces. Agreement Mddred A Stira QUlO mtE \RSlJ\Na COMPANY bas placed !lie mMIt~ Ieccrd II • cusbnlrcowtesy IIIIIKCIfAIIIII....,ftr 1bt~0I_~ ... ~ XBS In Partner.I, LLC, a WasilIDgtDD L1JJllted Llabthty Company That portion of Lot 2, KIng County Short Plat Number 486017. Rcoorded under Xmg Qronty Ftle Number 8703039001 032305926902 Slle adtbess. 14514 SE 101' PIa Ren~ WA 98059 The AucbtorlR.eoorder will rely OD tho infolDlabon proVIded on this fonn. The staff wJ11 not read the dOCLlllent In venfy the BCCUracy or completeness of the mdcxlDg tnfonnahon proVIded herelD. " &:7 CD ~ Q. 0 C) " 0 CD II:) .... 'CI .co IN AG:R.I:tMENT Parties Mildred A Serra, her bars, 8UCCeSSOI'S and assigns ("Sara") and KBS m Partners, llC, a Waslnngton fimited babiJity company, and lor assigns ("IBSj Date krtals 1 .2 3 4 5 6 Aareemeut 1 2 3 luly~2002 Serra Is the owner of cataID real property located at 14514 SE I ~ Place, , • Remon WA 98059 (the "Sma Property") KBS il the purdIuer UDder cutain purdJase and sale agreements of catlio real propeny adjlCelll to the Sara Propa1y (the "KBS Propeftf) XBS wends to obtam approval for a formal &1Jbdivisioo or PRO for the XBSPropaty Sara c:urreatJy BCCeISeI the Serra Property through SlId OWl the KBS Property (the "Exlsbng Access") as shown on the anaclaed EJdn'bit A Sara deaira to have ICCeIS to the Serra Property throogb and 0Vtt the OS ~ as shown 011 Exhibit B (the "New Ac:cesi') K.BS is willing to provide JUdI access according to the folJowjng terms and oooditmns KBS aba1J provide 84m with 8CC)CSS to the McCIeJJIIId Property through the ICBS Property as sfJovm Ill! Exhibit B In addition, OS shill iDstaIIasphalt pavmg over the south 30 feet or the Sem Propaty as sbown 011 the attacbed Exhibit B UJIOD OS JIl'OVidiD8 the New Accesa to the Scm PropeIty. Serra aarees to reJiDquiah II)' IIId aD easements or • rights to access the Serra Property Ova' tho ExiJtirw Aec:ess. wbetbft such ngbt msea by express gram. impIic:aIioD, pracripboo or otherwise Scm agrees to euwte any and all documenta lWOIIIbly requll't:d in order to extmpish the ExiRins A«:ess .. KBS reserves the risIt. in ita sole disaetiol, to re\'isc the subdivision or PRD so 1008 as such revision provides Serra with access to the Sara ~rr ~l.~ .J. (IV ~ ~~~I fi'/lil-of Property OWl the KBS Property Serra agrees to execute any and an documents reasonably required m order to effect such rtVIsions 5 IIIlhe evart that either party employs an attorney to enforce any of the pRMSions oftlus agreement, the prevailing party shaJJ be entitJed to Jecovtl its coau, Utlgatiom expenses and attorneys' fees inOlrred 1D connectlOn therewith ftom the non-prevailing party Sma KBS m. LLC, a Washington limited liability company CtoCNlO 1lll.E HiUWIIl COIIf'Nf1 bas _ h docIrIMd """.C\IIIIIIIIIr~ II1II Iqtuo *trw thllIltny III ~ d ........ , ' 00!IIJ .hIr .. o ? Ilgend ~. , f; i"'I' , . , \' 't 'I,.. \ :,0 'I"~ . \' 'I ,. r·' ~~rt1 .. .. " ,.,." St I';\.' ~', ...... 'I ~; '. I a e, " .... , '" '," I ! t i'= 100'::: I , /1'1' I . IJ q "' \11,\ • ~. .;,. v J I ,~~ t· f> t '" I J .,.' t ; f,.\ • • __ hili IIIIlIIctIIW r._ ... ', " .~, '. '1,*\-'" t .... t .. I I ' t,. UUUt UllOOl \ :, .: \ . sJW,12 OF 3 .. ",.1 , t. t " ,. I I11III-""" I ,... . ." I I SHEET 2 Of 3 EXIIIIUT ,\ MCCLELLAND PROPERTY Lot 3 of Klr ~ County Short PIal Number 4860 17, recorded under Rttording Number 8703039001. and corrcclui by AlfldaVlt recorded under Recording Number 8706260950, together with the West 428 00 feet of the South 330 fetl of the Northeast qUrlrtrroflhe Southeast quarter of Secuon 3, Townsrup 23 North, Range 5 Easl, W,lIamelte Meridian. in King County I Washington, EXCEPT the North 165 feel thereof; EXCEPT that portion Iyillg within the South half of the South baIf of the South balf of said sub(ilvislon and EXCEPT COUDty roadJ, IN ACCPRDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Number 86-2·2211"2 entered on Much 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East l64 feet of said Lot 3, (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 ofKmg C01l1ty Lot Lane Adjustment No SnLOIO), r«olded under RecordU18 Number 9209tOI022. and other propeny) (. or"", IlhE IIISURN«:£CIlIRNY ton p..'IZ' III docIIneIt ~ Jll.Mln ICISIWm CCIIf1Q)' andolCC8l*no_ror I'll! ftI1CJ IIYIiIIMJ 01 II'I'~ co ID Ie N Luck P:lrcel~ 1';Xllunr n Parcel A. The North 165 feel of the South 495 feet of the Northea,rt quarter ofthc Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, WlUamettc Meridian, in King COWlty, Washington. (No Road c)(ceptlon hos been nOled In Ibis descripllon for Parcel A) Parcel B The North balf of the North half oCthe South halCoflhe Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Seclion 3, Township 23 North, Range S £asl, WJUamette MmdJan, in King CollDty. Washington; EXCEPT !hat portion described as follows. Beginning at a point on the North line of sajd subdivision wluch bears South 01'25'02* West 633.38 feet and North 89°)7'38" WUI )0 feet from &he East quarter comer of saJd SectlonJ, thence Nor1h 87°31'38" WCSI along said North hne 125 fecI, thence South 0 I "25'02" Wesl122 11 fut, thence South 81849'08" East 125 feet; thence North OlIl2S'02" East 121.15 feel to the Pomt ofBegmning; Except the East 30 fed thereof for Coumy Road. : g (There is an overlap ofappro:dmale1y 17 feet between Parcels A aDd B.) IN Yelland Parcel: The Nonh J65 feet of the South 330 feel oflhe Northeast quarter oflbe Southeast quarter oCSectioo 3, Township 23 North, Range S East, Wlllamette Mendlan, in KiD. CollZlty, Washington; EXCEPT County road, . BeliDett Parcel: Lot I, Kutg County Short Pial Number 48601 7. recorded IIZIdtt Recordmg Number 8703039001. and amended by Affidavit ofCorretuon retorded under Recording Number 8706260950. In KJng Couoty, Washmiton. being a portion of the South balf of the South half of the South hal f of the Northeast quaner of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, TownshIp 2) Norili. Range 5 E3St, WJllamette Mendian. 10 King County, Wasb1llgton; EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 W_",*"l."'t4IW"1t. .. ,; '"" !, o CD o · TOGETHER WITH the fonowing described property In accordilnc~ With Decree Qwettng Title in King County Superior Court Cause Number 86-2·22118·2 entered on March 23,1987. . The South 330 feet oC the Nonhwl quarter oflhc Southeasl quarter ofScclJon J, Towrulup 23 North, Range 5 EasI, W.llamettc Meridian, in Kmg COWlty, Washington. EXCEPT the Wes1840 SO feet thereof. and EXCEPT the North 165 rcellbereof, and EXCEPT that portion of lying wnrun the South hal! of the South half of the South hal f of said subdivision, and EXCEPT COUIJry roads Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet oC Lac 3, KJn8 County Short Plat Nlunber-4860 17, recorded under Recording Number 870303900 I, and conecled IUIder RecordUlg Number 8706260950, bemg a portion of the following' The Soulb half of the South half of the South hal f of the Northeast quarter of the Soulhcast quarter of Section 1. Township 23 North, Range S East. Wdlamette Meridian, in Kmg County, Washington, ExCEPT Counl}' roads; AND EXCEPT the following described partel: BEGINNlNG at the Southeast tomer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said SeCtion 3, Thente Nonherly 65.00 feet along the East line orad Settion), Thence North 87-49'08" West 670 20 feet; Thence South 01 '25'02" w~ 65.00 feet to the South line of the Northwt quarter of the Southeast quarter of said SCCbon 3; Thence Easterly alODg said South hne 670.20 (eet 10 the Point of Beguuting. (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A. lUng COUDty Boundary Line Adjustment applicalJon nwnbcr S92LOI03. recorded under Recording Number 9209101022) TOGEl1iER WITH an easement for road and ulil ities over the Southerly portion of Lot I as disclosed on the face oCtbe short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT ·12 DOCUMENT TITL .. ::Mem~rand~::ot AgtEiement GRANTOR :.~: /" Ricl).ard A'. Wl,)lf and Bev~d J. Wolf, hu~~d and wife GRANTEE··,/' KJiS III/l...UC .• a \y,asnin oiiJimited liabW company LEGAL DESCRlPI'ION :rortion::·of~ Kof.SE !4 o.f.Sec. ~, T. 23\N.;;lt. 5 E., W.M. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 032:WS-9014; 032.10S-9o<t7;~m 05-9046. MEMO~~ ~ AG~E~E :.~.,/-... ,: .... ·\:?b ~3 Tlri~"~ORANDUM OF AG~k~;e,;~.l pt;,~j~:~;j¢Jat .l J.w,ment Regardin.g W*r Line, Turnaround and Constructiqh ~as~en~ .. ,."f e\1.~n /dat~{ herewith ("Agre~tnen~~) i¥.ts b~en executed by and between Richard· A{ anfB~~erly:').:/W~Jf ("Wolr'), owne~ of .:feal '/property legally described on Exhibit A, a~cliecr her~to )md".:'incotporated hert:Pl (the· "W:61f P;iopertylr), and KBS III, L.L.C ... a Washirigtotl")linUte~flia~i1ity company angior i!!{ suc,~sso.ts 9r'·as'sig~.s ("KBS"), which is under contract to pU(ch~~e Qie adjoining real prQperty·::leghlly :ae$6rib~4.. on:~xhibit B, attached hereto and incorporate4. )lerein (the "KBS Prop·::·eJ'kl") ;.'..'" ,..' \. .: . ......... J :'".'., '~;~~t i J.~~!lf'·~~~t. Wolf bas agreed to convey an ~ent for a water line, an eas~i' fo~.;t9hstt¢ti'~n of s~d ... )vater line. an easement for turnaround across the Wolf Property·:·ang,.!J. .. gentral/·conSttu¢tiqD e~·selJ.l;~nt for the benefit of the KBS Property. The easements will be record.ed :~.0I.l~urren4Y WIth ~S~~s purchase of the KBS Property. KBS has agreed that upon closing ··('>f the· j;ilr.ch;ise 91' th~'· KaS Property, KBS will compensate Wolf for the easements and install t11e,:~,~~,~'·li~ m#1 tu.¥mf9im,d. ~.~greement imposes additional obligations on KBS. Wolf and their resPectiv..~,~ir~{ s\.lccessors and assigns. and by its terms and by recording of this Memorandum ··h,lns ~ith ~e Jllnd(··~su~nfto·.:~e Agreement. if the Easement has not been recorded on or b~fur~:.JUQ¢ 3.0. 200S,jtbe.Agreement shall be null and void. .: .... ::, .. / .,:. .:. ../; .. ,: . . ..... ; . ., .. : .. " ,0 ,f"->:. [Signature page )~I~W,f~·].i'-':· , .. :/. ../. ... . ... ,:. .. .;".:' . W:\WPDOCS\33041\10SUHC3498.DOC 612412004 Page 1 of3 ........... /: :/. .:.:. ,.'::: .. ;:.Y.. ···.c· 'J' : (,:, ,,/,',::/ \ ""r"?, ·~emorand\lm.~f Agreeriient .,:" /: ,,,,-,,,,,,,.,,,i,.,,/ "," 'Ii' //.> i")" "':~:.,:. ,f (! " :: }~. .... :: i; .:.: ' •....... :.: ;i :: -:o'; ~::: '.;. I ':\"~) W:\WPOOCS\3304l\lOS\JHC3498.DOC 612412004 . :': ....... . :,~. :: • ~~ \. ',' t' 'KBS: KBS III, L.L.C . " '~: ".:.~.:' . \' . ' •.... ": . Page 2 of3 .... "" ..... '~"". ~', . " .~. ':. · .. :,C·:'>::,. ~,.'.::: :: .~" :: ~ .: .. :~""":!::: . . ;~. ;:1: .. /': " .~.: .:',' " .' :. sTATE OF WASHINGTON ) ::: :. ,.: .' { :./: C06N~Y':'QF KING ~ ss. \, -'\,::oi ,,/'/'~;S ,Ii;TO CERTIFY that on the :J l(Il! day of 'J7,wtf ,2004, before "':\.,. ..""". me, a.;Nou,ry l\lbUc"in·.·apd for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came '"" .. "",' lJZffM.pit· ".Wim-j :r.·WnE :"""'~"':"wrsonally known or having presented satisfactory ·~yiqen~.:· to ::'b~' th~."·iti',nvi~¥s/des~.Ijbed in and who executed the within instrument, and ackhow:iedge&thalth~y sign.~d the:~s.rune.,.as .. th~ir free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and pU:lw~es (\e~~~.,:meitl~~~d. ;/ ... :/1:'/:.:'/" :(,,:./f//:::'j WITNEss M¥,"HAND ,and ~Qfficial,:$~a(t1ie day and year in this certificate first above written. "',,-.' ,,',/,':,:~:,~ .,f :'N~tary/Publj~ Pt aiid"for the State of Washington • . ,' .,' n,;;. • ,.u~ ·:·.::·,/':rr-.#v/ ..oL.£~ ~ ":".,.,/ ~Sl~lg at "I'kt&'!J..'-'ffl¥I! I ':' ~piiatiOlt.Da~{ .,f.' .• /' e -3'2 ~r:·,\. .... ·:~·.'.'····::·:""""""··'·:;'·.i:-'/·' ... ::/':: .,., .. :.;:':':~::~::':::~> ·.;.·i):://: .J'/' /\, ~ / STAT~':6F~A~H~GTON ) <:"'::/ / ~<".·.~:::.Y .':::::.,:' .... ii' CO~TY' ~F 1mJ ~ ss. ';""');"ji",i'/ " ::(:'. -itus";s fb::6~~;~iJhat on the :J'tIlt day of ~"':' // ,2004, before me,'·:a·:,Notary pUblic i~"'and foi: the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin 'Taylot~' ai:: M¢lnb¢r Qf ,m',§",'lIl, L.L.C., personally known or having presented satisfactory evide~ce lQ .. b'e tq6 Jhdiv~~al 4escribed in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledgeci:, .. that he signed .the '~~e asj:his. free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thereih'm~nti'~n~d. /' ':"::,,/ .:.:" .J' .:<:,. WITNESS MY HA~~ ~d"6t9ci~/~t::a{ 1h:~':':dal U,i'd~ear in this certificate first above 'tte ""'"\ "....,' ;' .' .: " . " wn ~ .. ~"~.5CH~~'I,. .;':,:,'" ..... ,.' ,'.:: /~/' .:';: .", ... ' .... :.~? _~ """" Q Jo. , :' ':'" .... .:':: "., -~" N~~~ I .' .' . . .' , .•..... : ~.... 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' .. , .. , .. ,\ . iii 1<:: 'Ii (;:)'1' !" f i ~ f " ............... ,.... ........ ~ ~"'rl j.{ ....... ,........ ................ ~% It . a. f ~ ,...", ~ f~' 'r···' ...... ·········· ........ :.:···~·····'··~ ~ "1":~~ r Ii" . I rat ,., ............. , ...•.. ·'·~ ... kJ 2. I I l \ ~ f " .' ""' .. -'\. ' .'" .ell f ! I t·····)' ~ . tI (:'~·~:~":':·'·:~;;·':::,~~'S' . -------- ....-.... . '':<>'~ ... '.:.: .:" . lA' ;. ./' \.~ ,/ DBlBJTI :.~': LEGAL DESClUPrION or KBS PROPERTY '.~ ':":":~:.:;:' N :.: . .,; ........... :.: . ,'. " .;: ..... ,n,' .. ~~. ::: . ./ .~:":,.:: .. : .. : .~. . ' ::'; :.~.'".:-.. .' .~ ....... ,-:~. ,:'" :~'. '" . ... ...... ;:. :,:. y:"::":":":::.,. :: If::'" ... :'; ,l~' .,./: :iJle~ifor Recofrd at :;' .,:' the,.!reJI1;!.est 0 .' .:/ KlNCi COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO 90 <':~:.>/ -·1:~6.66 S··:§ 1:2.8TH sTREET" --- . . .'R.ENTON~ WASHINGTON 98059 .' ./ :~~ .... ~( .\' :: :.: ,/ <··,···:/':r (~:.,,/.:.. /' ~\:: .' ... ," Easement N~"'3:2{:,1; /,/i;::~i,i;:'~.':'2004083 :::.; .: ::' ::" /. LEININGER E~ .,. .,' .,' " :: ,:' PAtiEetU OF 00S .i":·.:. ..... .: " :: : 08/31/2114 08 44< ':'. Stone Rldq~ -0#Slt6:": . .,:'. /' ,.f(ING COUNTV, IJA:/ .J :('" ./:. /., ,.;-:: .,/' .... , •.... \ \; / .. :;:.::: .. /.:. Tax Parcel 10# 032305-9014 ..... / .i / ::'; '" ::::::.!.: /' '} .: .. : ..... :: lin 1 Project .' ,::: "'i~ " ,/ Grantor(s)/"'oRlchard A. Wolf and ~~;;~rlJ,J WalL",;' "f <"/"""""'\ ,il), .::.::,: 1·~:7:b.2 SE 10sth Place \"\",:,:""~""",,,,/./;:-,, .,:./': .,:" ..... ,,:'.':~::::::~:::,:.::) ]; :/~ .. / ,f' i/'~ent6n. Washington 98059. ",,, (C:::'),l,,///' G~~~e(~;./ ~I~'COUJ;JTY WATER DISTRICT NO 90 "'''''':{"/'',,,,/ ," , . . ;:. . .. f·· .:~' .:: '. :', . ;!~"'.: .• ~::~:': '::'. .",f :,:./ .. , ..... ;.. .' '\""", .. ,, " {"'.i"f /~:,,/~~'~'E~ME~T FOR EASEMENT THIS INDENTu~@::'ms·a;'.i~ls//~·· (~~~·;'.~f ::~\At12T , 2004, by and between KING COUNTY WATER:. DI~.TRtCT ~O:)9Q" a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, hereih~fter t~med Jhe tGr~ntee\.::and RICHARD A. WOLF and BEVERLY J. WOLF, herelna'tter..t~rmed t6e "Grantors", .:.:'> ............ ::. \ ..... ~·~;~E~S~T.tif·'···:; .;; ................ . •••• , .. ' ~I t' " .' .' That the said Grantors for ONE DOLLA~"·($4: ®) ?~d .~~he{~·~lua.~ift,'tOnsrq~ratJon. the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged by ··th~· Gr8nt~es/ d~~{ by ..these p~esents convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a permarlent::ea~emerit forw~'ter m~li1's::and appurtenances under, through, above, and across the f6110WI6g ~e·s6·~lbEil./prqpei'ty: .. situated In King County, Washington, together with all after·'acqi.llf~d tl!~~: .. ~f:th~: Gr.~Qtors .. ·.:·:.:;.,.: ... /.~':,/ .... " .. :· ... :.:.? therein, and more particularly descnbed as follows '::~.:. ':',;:-././::' F \0021100148\EasemenISIWCI' &<1$"",,,17 emd 061204 doc Page 1 of 5 EXCISE T~'N'C5f~e6UII~~ i~J' ;') ",): King Co?J?l~Jl?t : .. :,/ :./ .J:,.:'" .. /, .. :) BY ~.:: ....... ~: .. ~ ;;/ :\ -::~~~. '\:;"~// :::.: .. , .. : .. : ...... . "~' Easement No 3-23-5-17 .~' :~' /. /·PARCEL DESCRIPTION ·:I L::, ... /~:~·. .//::.:··:::-r~·,~··~j'qrth halfof the Northeast quarter of the Southeas't quarter of Section 3, :':'. . . .'// .::TbV'nshlp 23 North, Range 5 East, W M , King County, Washington, ''t:.~:.\". ,.,'/ .::' ,{ EXCEPT.the'North 396 feet thereof, "", ... ,.-' .,:.:' ..... : ANDJ~XCEPT C"b.unty r,6acf'::;r <:"~'::,;:;." :.:·~M:5~E.~~·¢ES6il·~~IO~l ::"' .... "' .. , .... :::: ::""""'/ ~~ ~r. ../' ./ "} /j:'~i/ , .... :/ ):,.:::\:\ That portiOn of,:the::aboye1<;tescnb¢d p'~arqel further descnbed as follows .. "\:;,., ."./' .:,,:: / .,} ./ /::,.":::./ A 15 o-fo6rwld~·:·strl.P· of hind J~l.n~{7 $'feet on each Side of the followmg described centerline ./ }' ./ /: _'"''':''' ::':::,. Commencmg at"'~~: s4'~th.~:~{:qr~~/~~ . .th.~···~·~.ov~~~~s:~·nbed parcel, Thence South 87()37'38~·.-:Ea~t a/png thE;lSotJt,h Jln~i'tfi~reof, a distance of 140 00 feet to a pOint on a non-tange.l1fc;Lirve}Nlth a ·r~dJ.6s of 2Q.2,9.~ feet, concave southeasterly, the center of wHiCh 1;>ea·FS .. South :Sr3'7'3'S" East:~nd thE}-"rij.le Pq.tnt of:~egmnlng of saId centerhri~:descriptJ(;~n, ::/ ':'~.:,.,., .. ,;.', ... ,\:'\ ./. .:.J' rJ'lence N&rtheasterly along said cu.ve,.to'ihEf:·ngtlt ttlrdagh·a-·;·ceritraVan.gle of 4'1 °3?t~4". ~n arc dIstance of 183 45 feet to'~ ppinfof l).on':tang.~n9'Y, ,J' :/rhe.Mce~No~ 52°02'46" East, a distance of 1'25 67, fe~.t~)~·ore/or.les$': to a pomt :.:r on:::the Nortti Ime of said parcel and the terminus of.:t~ts· '~~nt~rlll)e ~ .. e·scnptron :/;./. t~e .~i'~·e !:~:~s'o{s'at4 centerlme description are to be":'~~rti~4~ 9/lengthened as :::":. td'·t~rmlr;lat~ alo.0.9 sa}d South and North hnes thereof ':":; .. /" Th~":dtante(":rt~~{~hlt tl)klrAttTe"'j'$::free and clear of all encumbrance'~ except :,:. \. ./:' ./ /'> . '::~ (These blanks sl1b.4.1d be fI)llher-'1i11ed',n and Inll~legiby ttie.Gr.antor or x'd out completely) ·:~l:\:..~"·' .::' ;:' ~.:~. ,;:' .::' .~;.I:~· '''::. If the property of the Grantors at th~ tr~'e:"'6f gian.t~ng:'tru:~ e~Sett1~~t IS unplatted but IS platted prior to the recording of this d6cuntent,::th~h trye Gian~9..rs do\hereby authOrize the Grantee to add to this agreement the desl~nptt6If(vofum~' and p~ge,::etc...).qf such plat The Grantor acknowledges that part of the c:n~~::d~{~b9~ ~~·:n.g/~~i·~::b'~"~I:1~.·~·~~nt~~ IS for any and all damage resulting to or resulting hereafter tTon:l the: PQs~ible:l,nteffer~n¢e··O.f the natural flow of surface waters by Grantee's digging of pipe h~~~syit}ich:iTIay.·RI~t4rb thftSdil::. ,i ....... ' .. ,.!,'. :~:~::~~:~::::nt Page 2 of 5 ..•... , ;.\ ••. ' ••• ~'::>:'\:: i/··!L/>~i'.":; · .. ·· .. · .. ;t :: ;1: .. ~'::I. :~:<: ..... /: .~; :::~. ".:': ".!::, .' .... . ' .: .... . ;~.~. .' :'" :.~,' .~,,\',' :: .:' Easement No 3-23-5-17 .' .... . ' /":,;,, .~( /: ;' .,:/ Tnl ¢:~~nt~ .. shall have the nght without prior institutIon of any SUIt of proceed}1l9 jit la\t\{,_ . ~:~ :\"".,/ at" s.tJch ·;·ti·me···:~s may be necessary, to-enter upon the easement for the purpose of ."\. /to.~:strp.'ttilJg, fepalr~ng, ahltenng or recons1tructlng said water b mains, ~r maktn d g dany .\.""". .,,/ conn~ctlons h.erewit, j";"Wlt out Incurring any egal obligation or Ita Ihty there,or, prov) e " .. ". .;:" .: .t·· .::" ./.... . '\" / ....... ,,, .. ,, .. ,} '(1)/ The.:Gt8nt~e·;·Wat~r.Ot$tn~tt4o 90, Will restore Grantors property to a condition as .... / ;.goo·a .:as .or better than the.·· pr~trii's~s were prior to entry by the Grantee, Water DI~tn~:NQ"~6:,ii)i,,,,~:i"" <:'''/,() (2) The DlsUJ9,!)vill ~~erCIse It~: best il~ff0.~·S: not to damage any private Improvements on the easement h~reln./ bur"'" .,It d.6es so, It shall repair and/or replace saId Improvements, .(: ...... ,.;// .,...// :././ .. /,.:::::: :.::/~:':.//"""""""::""::' .:/~:::.>; . (3) Restoration, replaceme~t, ~nd./rep~I~::sha!I'·~ C6rnpl.~~eo<'wlthln 90 days of the date of any entry by the Dlstri'o{ al)d s~ld(res.tbratIof.l/r~pla·Cement. or repaIr Will be of a quality and/or quantity that·::··.s .. ~=Comp~;'able o'r bett¢'r thafl··,.~xlsted pr~or to the Graple.lts, Dlstnct's, entry upon 'the ·~as·el'T'i:en~./' ,/ ::::.. "\":';.. ./":":'~,,; (4) Th~ ap~~~::;~et forth condItions sha;:;:::~'PPfY/~.6{ oril'~,',tO,·~~'~'::'I~:~tlal:i; CQ~~t~~lon but ?iso ~S::;~ny 'fe-entry by the Water Dlstnct thatJ~~cq'me..s··neces~:arlfo~:<repalr and ::.//m~:?te~:~nC~}Ofthe water line on said easemenf \\:: ....... : .. : ...... :-:~./. ::.,:j:':,::/'} :/:;:: (5) /: A,rAy dqmag.e a,r.ldlQr removal of any ornamental tree, shruJ~, .fence •. pr rockery shall .;i· b'~. r~plac~.withln th~. aforementioned 90 day penod by the\:OI~tncf ·:····:·::··:'\T~:' ~.r~'~'d~ sJ1·~ii'~fet~in th.e .. nght to use the surface easement ':;:~j~Ch use does not Interfere····'With the l~stqtfatJ(jn./fepainng. altenng or reconstructing of the water main PROVIDED the ::Grantdr sI:J~JI: not·.erect-:::bUJ!dlngs or structures of a permanent nature on the easement duhng the ,e5c~ten.C'e Of. said .e~si:!ment The easem:~t~'~n~g Itk..&Xl~~:~¢'·' .gh:aIlA~:~·:·1:l ~pvenant running With the land and shall be binding on the succ~~sors. :,fJelr.s. ~nd ~sslgns:.on~.oth of the parties hereto ":l:;~rh"' .•• "'": :.::,: H .:~' .:' .::' :.:.: •.............. ·: ..... ~" .. :r " .~. .' ... ,. .... :.~ .... \ .• ~. ~; .... -.. ' .. :: '::: . ...... , ...... ~ ... ~.y. . .: .:' .: ...... :',' .••. :. :'.-;:' .: •. : .. ~::~.:~. F 1OO211001481Easemenl$\woIl easerml 17 emd 061204 doc Page 30f5 .:';: ...... :.:/. ,:'; '":'''':~''' :." J: Easement No 3-23-5-17 / ~ --I:::f!. day of .::' :.:' ..... : . .. " :.~' .~.~~'"'''''''''''''' .' ;.' •... \..... ~·i.··· .... ~: ".:~. .......... ". F l00211OO148\Easementslwdf easemn! 17 emcI 061204 doc Page 4 of5 78 ~<---- '" 4' .. ---- 39 ----- --- 41 STONE RIDGE -OFFSITE A a4t3;l2.- R .. 2S293 Lml83 4S (ESloIT C£NlERllNE) PAGE 5 OF 5 TRACT "0" .. ~ .... ~ ... : .. '.,~, .......... :{ ./;":"'::".:,/. :; :.~' : .... .. ' "':~" '~', . r .... ".\~.:',' ,.:' ~II UII~ .~. ":/: /~"::"~:' ~~ ,': ,,/ .. J: :' .... " r' • ~:~l" .... "" .:} '\'-:: ... / .::'~ .:' " :',.;\.,. .,,//·/.:/~·tei~;:··'1\dcm;ss " .. -.. , .... ,. , ...• "" ... ,.,.. ./ 141w qffic~":~p~ck H Ce.mmger 002 00 )' 8407.South 259th tHO] :': -:' ···:··".c, .. :kent""W A'9803V:" ( :; . " .:: :::: }( :': ':"'." .. ;/.. l:'C''l:rnir..Tro .... ,n1o.T 23 " .::. DOCUMENT TITLE($) (or·:4-·:· . __ .<._40. LIMITED USE PERMIt .... ,:i/':) REFERENCE NUMBER(S) O"'Q.6~1)im~~l~~sfGN.Ed:Ol~ilt~,~~SED '.' ./ ./' i:' Addltlojjaf#':lonJ~age __ GRANi~~~r(!.ast name, fjrs4 then ~:na';'~::·:·~i/·· .. / <:~:::':,""\ ........ //.· ... '.,)1 ::," . .\ ·Addihon.id n?fue~fon"Pitge~ ,..:/" W~if' ~bHARD A .f, ... :,/:. {'.: .. ~.'-~'j. .// .J" :/~' ./:: .,:.,WOYF, B¥VERL Y J .:::,:,.: .. ,,, ...... :,;. :/"':. ::/::. /i}RAt4TElt('~) (~t'rianie:~rst, then first name and ImtJa1s) :'\,:::: . .r .,i· ./.': .<. '\.:.".:' :/ .. /' .. ::, AddItIonal names on Page{ :." ,::.;..:,. K1N~iq6tm:rY;:w A':rER DISTRICT NO 90 ~ L~~ALD·~:sc1uri;o~i(A~~,f.e~;~~~d)";: .... :~ \, ..... ,.. ./' /' .""':'" ';: AdditIOnal on Page __ _ Ptn Of~E,V4, .. SI{~[~ l"~ 2:~:Ni;R:~'~/ ASSESSOR'S PROPERn1:':TJ"PARcm5~dbo~;.'k;MBER .. \ .. ::,:,." ...... ,.,.,/. ..,:'.:. ::~. ::./ .J' .,/' ::~~~, .. " ..... .. 0323059159 .' :: .' The AudttorlRecorder WI II rely on the ~~9~;~n .p~~Yi;ed·i~~·ilie fo~"""The staff will not read lhe document to verify the accuracy or corriple~n~s qttht;":lnd~~fmg:lfif9rma~fon ':'.~:' ,:' " ::': :.:" ,0 .;' " ...... '.:. " " ..•. :,:·:.:.,:If:I~' '~~::. "':"~~::'::;' " .. " /':./' .r··':,:·, " .::',: . .......... ,.,i" .. " / .. t· :.:.:.: ... :':',':., ..... ,.: .•. :::".:.': ... :.:::: .< .... :.:' );~"""""" .: ........ .;/ .. .:::/{' :/' ".~ ............ ~.:. ::'.' ... ~~. . ... : ... ,/·':I:~l .: .. /' ':. . .... :;, ,::' :i ':~" ,,'" " ," ·:::·::·'!h ..... :."r.:-.' ,:'" .\' .:' .~. ::~:' . .... ;.;.:. . ' .;: .. :> /'.:.//: ,." .... i/' jt :: ......... ;:: .. : :; :: :J::.:~ :: :;: "::;. ~ . . ~:~:/ · .. ,~./ , , 1\ .' :: KING'"cOUNTY WATER .... '''/:.:.='·bl$iRlCT NO 90'S Permit Permit No 3-23-5-17 ;; ./ Foi' LIl-mied. Use of Real :. \'::',: .. ,./' ·f1io.lj:ertY·~·F'o·r·t.emporary PrOject Stone Ridge -Off site ':'\.\.,:, ..• "" ... /,,//Cqhst.~ct~fn " ~.: / ........ , .. :. ,fHJ£L~;Ttl{~$E"~E~MIiF.,~:~;4hIS {(i~ay of AM c" I.l ~r . 2004. by ahd b~fvvfkr{RICHARD)\./WOL1::·:·an(j'··BE'~ERLY J. WOLF ("Grantor" herem) and KING COUNTy':·~.AnER .PlsrRl~T NQ:.~9ti, a vy'a~h!J.1gton municipal corporation (the "District" hemin) .. ' ::":':" .. ::,: .. ::"":'-"",.,/:/: .:/:{ ;,/;/")~~~;: .:::;;::,:.:,:::;::;~: .. ,./~ Grantor hereby'·'§'fants.:·:·peOlussI6n t!,:).)the Olstnct to use the followmg descnbed real property (the "Propert~' heteln) .S:ltw:,!tedin ~ing CO~flty, Wasi)l'1.gton' PARCEL DESC~i~Tlq~/":i'//::""':':'''\:' 'i,,;';:,l The North half of the Northe~~."qu;iirte{ of the·:'Sqpth~·ast,.qu~rter of Section 3, Tow~hlp 23 North, Range 5 E'ast/W rvt"rKlng ¢ou.rity/Vvash·ihgton, ./::::::.:, EXCEPT.;the North 396 feet thereof'i' ··;>:i·./ ':"":""""'''''':::. '\. ,i/ .,{ A.~D ExdE:PT County road .. ,:,:, .. ,",,.,. .... ' ./ .:,.:,:' ,/, ... ,,,., ........ , .. , .... / ii }/ :i'/ ",/i::;;~::t~:~:~::deSCnbed pa~el fu::~r d~~C:;: lf~I;~'i ::< £35:6:-fq6~{~~;·~·:.·.·~'~;I:~:.~f land lYing 17 5 feet on each sld~':~:t~~Ji;;owlng '::':':" descrlb~d.;bent~rlihe ,:: . .. :: .... " ..... ,.~.' .... ,' .t· t{ ./: :/ ./",., .... ,', .... '.: .. ::. Commen:¢mg·.:aHhej&.6uthw.~st ~orner of the above-descnbed parcel, Thence S:e?,.uth 87~37:~38";.'€a$,~ al:~>n~fth~ South hne thereof, a distance of 140 00 feet to a po"rntorr"a 60n~tangeiit/c~rve .. ;\vltlJ.a radius of 25293 feet, concave southeasterly, the c~nt~.r.9f.whlc~: b~rs .:S6~;th 8r37'38" East and the True POint of Beginning of,. said c~t~tlln¢' de¢cnp.tl~';';:·""'" Thence NortheasterfY··alg..og·'sqid c.~rv~::·to the.ilght:.thrQugh a c~ntral angle of 41°33'24", an arc distance of 1'83 45j~eUo~' po,int of nOI1.~.tangency, Thence North 52°02'46" East,'::;;! dlstance-"of125'67:feef;"'mor~ or less, to a point on the North hne of said parcelg"({:th~:.fer:ri·lI'1.us 0/ th!~'··(;~nte.rhne deSCription The side hnes of said centerline de~~;;~tf~IJ.,~~e .tl b:is~rt$'~~d"~r I~rigthened as to termmate along said South and North hn'es t~'er~of /:. .:::' /' <.::'::;': ~~ / ... : ..... . ····:· .. :r /.:~', ..... /'/ :.:.~.~: .. :,.... ;(.:.:.',:.:, .... :.~: .. : .. :,:.:.:.:.~: .... : ... :,/~.:: .. "./:::,: ." .. ,' ...... : .. :1.·.·., ... , ........ :. ,,,,"""'''!' ,i" j: .~: /t~,ji .,./. ", .. " " " " " ";"":::::.".,: ••• :01"':' .::' • .~. ::' .':.':~ • . ~4f20~: .:.) i~: " .. ~' ... /"':~:'~ .: ,.,11' ~ }' F lOO211:10148\Easemenl$lwoIr pe/lY'll17 emd 061204 doc Page 1 of 4 " ~:. ;r .... :. ...... /· / ::. ;; ":'::1' ':, }' "::~. ...: ·::~~.l' · .. Permit No 3-23-5-17 F IOO:ll\OO148\Easemenlslwoll permot 17 amd 081204 doc Page 2of4 .. .' ::.,' ~: . ... "", ;', / .' . ~ . :.:~X~;tUTED as of the date first above wntten PermIt No 3-23-5-17 " ::'" .::' '::'.<.:. ( ~:,:::,:. /,::' . ~?I ~':'::;".' .. "".:,\ 0 /y'.' )~. . E LVW '\"~,:,,. .:.:,""R!cha.rd Aj.: Wglf .... '''' ,.:~ .",::,~ ....... , " " S .:~. ........ """,. .I'···· .. ·~ .. ···~;:, " ; I On thIs III day of ./A jj ~ )~.AlJ.:Jt; .>:' , 2004, before me personally appeared RICHARD A. WOLF ':'a~WqLF,,:tP me knoVVfl to be the IndiVIduals desGnbed In and who ex~cuted the WIthin/and foregbl!1g In$trument, and acknowledged said Instrument to be the free'~~a.n,~' vQrun~ari a~l·'a"f1d d'~e~/9rs:kld Grantors, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned'''' /" :/: /' "J" ':':",::,j .>' ).;' ·:····~:·,~i :':' ~~'. .~·:::r /""""'.:.\ .. 0,0,:::., ;:':., I heretd.. affixe'cH~e <;t~y ~'nd" ear abo.ye wn!tehi' : ,::"~, .• :",,,/' ./,.". ',','y,." .... ". \', /./' :./. ,:' '.\' AccHpted By F 1OO21~lOI48\Easemen's\wolr perrnol17 emd 081204 doc Page 3 of 4 .. /. ", PERMIT NO 3-23-5-17 :: " "::, :! .. : ............. ,' /8 TRACT "0" 39 ".~. 2 -- 30 41 ...... ...... ;:. STONE RIDGE -OFFSITE F'lLE f \21\148\ESMT PAGE 4 OF 4 ProJect. Stone RI~'~~/M qff~lte:··,r .,.-.,/ :./',.;' ···.' ... : .. ~.:/r ,:,.,"" :~: ::;: Tax Parcel 10# 032305M9270 :( :/" f "':', ••. r-' • I .. '''~ '~'. , \' .:~' .... " . :~:I :'':'':. ,:,:::, . Grantor(s)/·.""':··:KBS III, LLC .' .. :"" .. : .... : .. :... .,';;( ". /" "'", " d2~iQ NE 8~ Street. SUite 1~'·"""'·"·// ·· .. ···.i""·:::,::·,,·,} } i"f .,/ i/',if ~lIelue, Washington 98005"/ .l, '" :(:,::;,},./.,: ... /,.:/./i Gi':teJ;:):/"'~IN~'f~~~fy WATER DISTRICT NO 90 " ... /{.:/ .... ,'."" .. ""., ... //' ,(":l '/'/~~;~EMENT FOR EASEMENT ',: ·::I".'·~ ;': .'.:' ,.' ".:. ~'. THIS INDENTu:~':ma~~"I:,s(i~,,~ d~:~f"'~wm= , 2004, by and between KING COUNTY WATE1~:':PI~R:1tT :NO~:.'"99·i':"'~ mUnicipal corporation of King County, Washington, herelri:a~~r !~m.$d tfie It.~rante~\r, ?h .. d)<BS III, LLC, a Washington Limited liability Company. here'l'nafte(terri)ed.i.fhe.::i'G.,i'antors" ,"::. \'< .... W'j;~·NE:~S:~TA··'··;;r ·,i.,,··' .. ····. That the saId Grantors for ONE DOLLAR::"('$'~': ~)~~d :.6;h~·~::~~:lu~b~;'e'.'~;~·~ia~ratlon, the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged by the G.ranteeSl"/: do:~s by,···tgese pr~sents convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a permari:enfea.iemerlt fQf:.~ater:fuc:ilns\\and appurtenances under, through, above, and across the f~IIQ.,;VI~g $e~brl~~d .. :':·propert~/::. ,;''''' .... ''.:.:. situated In King County, Washington, together with all after a'cqUlr~d htle::qrth,e Q,raAtors }! ./"i' ,-: therein, and more particularly descnbed as follows .::::...... ..,? / .' Y :;.' .. ;.F :(:, "1:1'IJ,:. .• :t'" ,: ,I .::' .::' '<:::::'0 t) EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED:. ./' ./·;·~sm...;~4 .//~. :/",:.:/'. ~~? c nee s D 'sian ""':'::'De~/:" / if F I00211001481Eesemenlslkbs esrm116 emd 070904 DOC Page 1 of5 I' ":':,. . ,.,. :\, .. : .... ,/ "7 ... :,{ , .' :r .... .\ ..... . ;.~.: .' Easement No 3-23-5-16 " .~,,:' j /. .F .. /'·/·PARCEL DESCRIPrION· '.'. ::....:' .~:" :.::' ..•. ,.':.: ... , ...... "':' .. . :;:::........ .;;., :i. ../ .i· .Lot 3 ot:;Kmg County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recordmg '\'\,.. . .. ,/'::' /Nur.nb~.f 87.03Q~9001 and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recordmg ..... "" .... /' ./ /. N~:mber.8·70626'O:950, ........ "v •• : .::: / TbGEr'HE~"V,lJlTH tbe"\Nesti428 00 feet of the South 330 00 feet of ":": .. :./ ::the;N9hh~:~st:;~u~~~r of ttre·'So..""the~,st quarter of Section 3. Township 23 North. ::"~q'hg¢ 5 :Ea~t. V\(:!IlafTlette .M~.rtdlan,)in.i'~.Jng County. Washington. EXCIi.PT·:th~ NQhh,i·16~.,:'f¢~t ther~cf'../ '/ EXCEPT. tha~.,~·ort.fbn !yin~{:~lthln)h.~·::soLth half of the South half of the South half of S~'lds'ubdlvlslqh. /'.;.: .. ,j /' "'::::" AND EXCEPT $ounfy ro~l'ds •. f' .. /' ./' .,. In accordance witl:rbec.ree qLI~ting::fitl.j3)'·in·'kihg CounJY't~'ause No 86-2-22118-2 entered March 12, 1987,./' /': ./' /. .... >" ':'::::"'/ :::~;::; :::~::~:f:t,,~?t !~:\"J,//:;>:/"''''''''''\ ,/"" ,/.,' "':"::: .. :.. ':;':':,". .~>. ./~.: .:'.~:. ·:::::::::tl({ .. ··:::.';. ~~;,~ ;:-.5" :;' TtI'at portlol1. of the above-clescnbed par.c$?l.further.de~GrtGe.d,rJs follo\lys ./ :,~:'.' }\'" '\" t~' :,~:': ,/,,: ~/' t'/ :,~t': :.fh e .North 1 $. 00 feet of th e West 174 89 feet theirecif, . .'''''-'''} ./ j' :,' ,/ TOGETHER~·WITH the West 15 00 feet thereof .,':.......... f.:." ., .. :,; T~~':J~~t'~ari~~'t~~:;he" hlle IS free and clear of all en~::~~~Z~~cePt '\"::' ,z"'/ ;/' :~I/·"·:\: ~: '::;l' (These blanks ~oul~ be. either tillea In .~·nd 1'1rt'ii:lI~.d by the Grantor or x'd out completely) If the property of the Gran·f6~··:':;:.·.~h:e.i{~~'/~f .~:~aDt';;nl'tRt~.J?asement IS unplatted but IS platted pnor to the recording o'f'this d¢currien(' th~'n the Gfantb.rs do hereby authonze the Grantee to add to this agreement the :geslg'natloo:: (v6Iurne.~md (i>ag·e •. etc) of such plat The Grantor acknowledges that part ~/th·;'::~.n:~I.¢~ra.i~n..iel~g··'·p.ald·:·by ~/Je.)3rantee IS for any and all damage resulting to or resulting here~.fte,f fro.m th'e P,6ssf.bI~··interfe·r.ence of the natu raj flow of surface waters by Grantee's dlgglng'of p.!Pe .!ihe~:·;w~·j~h m~Y'9Ist~.rb JQe sOil composition within said easement .. : ....... }' .' .::',.:.: .,; .... :;:::,!.: :i .:: ....... :: ......:: ........ /./): :(,.·,·:~:::::·~.·:::i//;i/::· .... :.::~::.' ............ ".:; .,."""",:,. \,"'''",,,,, .... 'i'., ,.i,i~l{'~,,:;' ':"':'''':::';' .. :.::' :.:: .:".:/ , .. :"'/" ;:"'.~.,,:/' :i~\,: ..... '~l F 1OO211001481Easemenlsl!<bs eSf'Ml16 emd 070904 DOC Page 2 of 5 :,:::. ,. "':::"'" :." ::: ::' :.i· \ Easement No 3-23-5-16 ,::' ./·-Th.e{: G:~~'h:tee shall have the nght wlthout'prlor institution of any SUIt of proceeding at law; -- .{ \:. // at./s~ch .:t'n'fi·e··.;as may be necessary, to enter upon the easement for the purpose of :; .,.... p61J~tru,ctlng, r:~palnng, altenng or reconstructing said water mains, or making any \'\":"". ","':cqnnettloris h~reWlth1·.VVlthout incurring any legal obligation or lrability therefor, provided " .•.••. ,., :/ :./' :/:: /:. :::./' .. : ...... ::. /'''''''·Y.''::.,. {1)::'" r,he G~ilnt~~~·'v.vat$r PMstnct t)f'b 90, Will restore Grantors property to a condition as ·····,:,t goo.d.as Qf b¢tte( tttan tt)~f;·'J:m~mls~.~ were prior to entry by the Grantee. Water :iq~~frJ9.~ N(,,~:~: .. if .::> :r .. ')~>·"/"· {.,,;.//)/:r::':}1 (2) The Drslnct ~.IU" ex.ercl¢i3 ItS:, best.$ff,p'fts/not to damage any private Improvements on the 'E!'as~me~t h~reln',i·but:: ... !f';: If dqes so, It shall repair and/or replace said Improvements, /" /'" :./ /r .. : . ..:' .:~.::: ,.......... ';.'::,. (3) (4) Restoration, rePI~~'~m~:~, a.~:~ i~'pa·I(.Sh~;I.b..e·~6.\11Plet'q.<:~lthm 90 days of the date of any entry by the DJstrl~r'alld s~ld.,+est¢rahp'n,rrep.fE3c.~ment, or repair Will be of a qualtty and/or quantity that(ls .:cor:T1pa,fable ·o~ q~tt~r thf,O .. eXisted pnor to the Gra'1t~e's, District's, entry upon'ihe ~~as:$m~nt ./ :.,.... /",. """':,:.\ /::"::' "./ . ':":'::: .. ,. ":'\. ':,>' ./:: .,i/' ':"~;':,:,,,,"''''''\. "\ ;i' ./1 Th~ above\.~et forth conditIons shall"apgly' not or.ify ~o4he ... .t~1Ialiicor.jstr~"ctlon but a.lso tq: ... pny·:te-entry by the Water Dlstnct th~:t b¢cqmes .DJ~c;ess~ry/for:/epalr and :rhaln.fen·ance:~of the water line on said easeme'nti ii (.: .... , .. )./ .. /' :/ (5) /./':"Ar){dai~:~gfland/or removal of any ornamental tre~~\~hru;D' fi~~·~:'· q/;oCkery shall /"; q~ reptace.d ,«tttiii1'·'th~ aforementioned 90 day penod by th:e·.:DI~thct:·· '<'·::::'.\ .. ~~:~·'~rfih~~:~:s9~ri(ret~:~ the nght to use the surface easement;>~Lch use does not mterfefe".' .. Wltf{ the II1~taUatJQh, "r-ep't:ltrl(lg, altenng or reconstructing of the water main PROVIDED the iGrsDtcl st'\~IVnot erec(bulldlngs or structures of a permanent nature on the easement dLitmg lhe ~lsten'xfQf said ea~.ement '~···~::::l'::'h,.l"'/· ,( :(., ";::"":11//' :/: ),: .~. The easement, durujg It~ ~~Istenqe, sfiallbs·:a. covenant running WIth the land and shall be binding on the sucd~ssor~3'>~el~$, a,nCi a$:slgn's of.90th of the parties hereto ':;"';:':"""''''''-'/ .' :.:': .:: /: .' . :: .:"/."" "'" ... ~~." ... ' .:' ::: ~:"""~'" :i.···-·· .. ··· .... .' .~.:.~.'. .~. ,.' .. , .. , ..... ""'.~ ~ :~"'" " .' .," ,::: .. ::::,/:' .. ~''';:.:, .' .:".:, .... ' .... ",i'. .' '.:' ,:':' ."::"::,::::::~:.:.:,.:.,.:~.:,F.: ..... /:':· :;:.~'~'" ..... , ...... :: . . '~", ...... ::,:,:' { ',,:,:::'::>/,/''': " F I002110D148\Easemenlslkbs esmn116 emd 070904 DOC Page 3 of 5 :~:".~< ... :.,~',:' ." II \\.",.?' ,:': ," ", !''-~'"'' .' . . ; ::.:' :/ Easement No 3-23-5-16 " ~. ::;:" .. :" )/IN V{IITNI~SS WHEREOF, I/we have set my/ourhand(s) and 's9'al(s) this Ib.J:. day of .:. /" ./ :.:: £ ....... +: 2004 \""''''''',,i/,/i • ""'~'" ,:~'""""",,,,, · ::" .• :, ...... /' K§S ii I! bic.< ./ ." .:" ./.;. :" :/ F IO0211OO1481Easemenlslkbs esmnt 16 emd 070904 DOC Page 4 of 5 . ,' :; :::',: ..... , . : ~ : : .... ... .' .......... ;. Q \~ ..... -3t--.- '0: 'W :~ ,~ ~ ~'l '----' , t" .... \ •••• ~, ••••• :. ':'., 100 \w;za STONE RIDGE -OFFSITE FILE F \21\148\ESMT EASEMENT NO 3-23~5-16 .:: :'.~~. ".:. /",.. ......... . ;;., .......... '., .' .~ .. ~,' ... . ' .' " ::,' .' .: .. ,' ;::·~OO ., .. " ./ .:." 2QO ...... ~#- " SCALE IN FEET :.: ......... / PAGE 5 OF 5 ( " 111111 0841 .3600 c..T~ 'Nl\1.(QS;-3 - \ ® t\.3.-"- DOCUMENT TITLE " :; DeclltratJQii'~f,lSase~ent GRANTOR ~chard /.\ ~4I¥verl~,...J \.Volf,::hu~~ and wife, KBS miL lie ~" a WAshm~:i~.ted J.jabl~ com"p"anJ'. GRANTEE KBS m;·'~.L C::; a Washmgton h¢1te4;:llab~hty'co~pany, RIchard A . and l)evefly:l,·.Wo]f~:husb!nd.and wife .:':,":, .j'::'::::" LEGAL I)ESCRDn'ION ,:': .::::;. Ptn of SectJon 3,".!;fownsrup,23 J'iJortb·~ Ranga,?·'Ea$.t, w: M ,.pi ~g County, WaslungtOb:""", .. ","·'./ ".:: .,""'" '"'' "", .... / !i ./ ./ ASSESSOR'SyP,.ARCE;L NO. 032305-9014,032305-9047,J)323.05-9046 ,,:' ./ .f ,.//. ,.:f:::'·) ~.; DECLARATION OF EAS;~~ <.:'., ... / "if:' ",y'/ " ./: . ."/·;~~I{D~~L.'\~TfON:PF EASEMENT (the nDeclaratio:~'~';"~~~i~~f~~~s JifIltday oft., lU'1rA(/" ::::. . .. 2Op4, by Richard A Wolf and Beverly J. Wol(.:. ~iJsband and wIfe ("Wolf'), and ~S"Ill •. ,.{,.t.C.i a WashIngton lnruted liability company (UKBS"). ~~~:s~'wg;f~l~h(i~~~~':;"~~in real property legally described In Exhibit A attached hereto CVr0I(Pr~~¢").i':·'·'···'·:t. ) ,/., ....... .. WHEREAS, ~·S··i~·'~~~:owh.e~<.~f~~ ~~ Ptop:~rty legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto; .~\: ..... ~,:, ... ~' .. ~ .. '.,., .. ,>:. ://. /..-/ .//'. .::.::'//':'):~ .... , .... , .... WHEREAS, the Wolf Property IS ~djace.p.tto aJid ~ectly north of the KBS Property; WHEREAS, KBS Intends to cons~Ota:'~:~~~ f;';~ar9~~~~;::itt the terminus of a road to be dedicated to the public, whlch Turiiar~;n-m~f wi.f be~fitthe]KBS: PIypel1Y and the Wolf Property A portIon of the Turnaround will be;:~~ted ,on ~e Wolf,-:PrOperty .~~ Wolf wishes to grant rights of Ingress and egress across the·'Tun¥lr01.md ;fud .tQ.,:defipe'·:*e iigb,~. and obhgations of Wolf and KBS regarding the'Turnaround; and., .. } ,,/ ./ /: J:';;';"':): j .:.;:' "'.~:: ....... . ~_II1~H~ DOC Page 1 of 6 i_.i (\~~~,4~\.,(·/·:~~·' " .' :/,,:. ,::. /r .f ::"\,.:.:/: .:.' .:. /. .:.:/'/~":.f '~"'. ~ ., .. :.:.' ~'i ;i "':;:1' l ~::: .: :~~} ./'\":"::',. '.::' .. ~.: <.; I' ./ .. ' .:, ..... . :{ .:':., .~ .. ~: ::~':"".:.,: .. :f: .' .,;:: .' :;WHEREAS, KBS intends to construct a water line (tlWater Line"), which Water Line :: .f :'.\vlll.hQc:>~.into an existing water line on the Wolf Property, and Wolf 'wishes to grant the right ,:( ~: .:J to lfis~ll ~n~ .. qlaintam a new water line across the Wolf Property so KBS can connect the water ·:.;,.\.::: .... ,t--lirie on th~'KBS:'Property to the e:idstmg waterline on the WolrProperty, . . \.:~.::.: ... :: ........... :,/'}//. rj'6~; Tij~~FORE., m consideration of the mutual promises contained herem, and the ¢utu.tiI ~efitS .:derived th~refro~{ilie(~dersigned parties hereby agree as set forth herein. :\~.../ :./ ,/' .f: :~I'·~···'·\': ~.~ /fJ~:o,;.;/· 4-'=' .::,:l "::,: 1 /" .:'.:' Grant':of TU~I()Und Eilsement"""Wolf hereby declares, and grants and dedicates to KBS··a.perp,etuaJ, ~nexcl~$ive e~9ment ("1Ufh~ound Easement") over and across the portion of the\Wolf"Pro¢rty{leg?lIf .. descritl~a ~ ~hibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this rO(~reqce (UTurn;ri-ou~a Eas~ifi~fArea "), for the purposes of pedestrian and vehicular access aIi(ftum~o~d, ingres~:.:rui4/eg·~ess to the KBS Property. The Wolf Property is the burdened property~:~~d:.,the I93S .p.rop~ity)s t9~"~J:lefited pr9p.~rty. Wolf shall retain the right to use burdened property lqeate<f'wi¢in .~ .. ,Tu.rnarOw.td Ea~m¢nt Area for any lawful purpose which does not mterfer¢. wi~ IqiS'~:'U$e of.th~. Tuinar9.Yrtl¥Easement Area for the purposes described herein. . ..... : .. :" /" .:::"./ /< \:":'./ .f'· "'::::,. 2 .:,.:Grant of Water Line Eas~~~h~. :~offher~b;"~:l~~S~/~d"gta~ts and ~dicates to KBS, a rionex~l~slve easement ("Water Li:n:ill:.Easem¢nt~1·~ ov(fr an(f::a,el'O$s the po~iOJ;{ofthe Wolf Property legally described in Exhibit D, aftaoo.ed lire~:'~'tiloorporatttd ~reip'by this referen~ (nW'~r Liile Easement Area "), for the purpoSes ~f cPnstpwt\on, ~s~t'latlon, mainte~c~{ reWllr, :~d reconstruction of the Water Line/ to~the1: .. :with re.8sqriab~6 access for saId pUrposes, t~i thej<BS Property. KBS may further grant to:~lJJlY persOJl:orj)er~ons the right to ll:~e thc;::'wat~' l~;' ~JoP'g as such use will not cause the water"'liii~~capaqity t~" be exceeded. In .the ev.~nt that wolf'ehooses .. to connect to the water line t KBS shalfnot charge Wolf any la~mer'fees, ~6weve~t.·w.olf·~shall pay any fees imposed by Water DistrietJ'4o. 90. The Watet:l..ine ~s€nient $1iaI('aut~mati~ly terminate at such time as an easement for the Water Line is ·dedteaied.to a=tpu~1ic entJ,tY···· Wolf. shall execute and dehver such documents as are reasonably requli~d bY.,Wa~lpis~ct, .. No::: .. 90 or other public entity to effect such dedication The Wolf PropertY,,Js the ql1'raene~fprdperiy ~iid··.the KBS Property is the benefited property. '::r~J"::'''''' .;./~ y .:to '~~::.{./ .~:,,: ::':'" 3 Grant of Water Lme .. Construction .Ease,Plel?~ Wolf hereby declares, grants and dedicates to KBS a temporarY.: .. ~onexcl9siv,e e~em~nt (~W~~.Line Construction Easement") over and across that portion of't~ .. >W61f .Prot*rty;:1egally:descpbe4 m Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by thiS r¢ferehce.,:("C~~tiuction Ea~~ment Area"). The Water Line Construction Easement shall be for::the PJlIPO~s ~f cOns1luctidtf'and .. lnsta1lation of the above-described Water Line, lDcluding butnQ,t:1i~te.d to:the ~gh~:to:.bore~\test holes for necessary soils evaluation, together with reasoDable:.a~s tQ"'an~rfrQm ~e ~"~operty for said purposes. The Wolf Property IS the burdened Pr..qperty:·'an~fthe./i{l~S ,roperty i~. the benefited property This Construction Easement shal(autgfnatical~y ~te:)lp.on ~.~lier to occur of (a) completion of the water line construction and·.iilstailaqpu· de~cri~~d h¢r~in ~~""" acceptance by a public enttty, or (b) December 31,2007. < ...... /. { ;L,:·······'\/:·~:/·~ .. ' .> ... ~.~.~ ... ,./ .. " .. ' ..... :.'./. Page 2 of 6 ::.. ,.:."., "";'.:. .:,. ,::' ., ...... " :: " ··:::····:::.Dec@ril~~~ od~ase~ent.:'/ l {~~ .. W \WPD0CS\3304I\IOSVHC3497 DOC 612412004 ·:·I;", ••• ~· .:' ,:' .~. .;' "!:... .f' ,:' " :.~r " ::.~' " '\,/ ':":',i " /' /t/ ~.)~. :\. to' ···;· ... .;r :.:..""';:":":::". ,," .. ~( :: p :/ .. ' .',' ,:','-11 \ .:' A::·.· .. .~.:'. ... " .... .'~ .. : . ,/ :Y .to' " :.,t .J".4 Grant of General Constructlon Easement. Wolf hereby declares, grants and ::. )de~Cal~S. .. to KBS a temporary nonexclusIve easement ("General Construction Easementlt ) over )' ':~ :/ an(ta9tos~::~~e portions of the Wolf Property legally described in Exhibit F and Exhibit G, " .;\: .... /., attached h~retci::~d incorporated herein by tliis reference '(" GenetaJ. Construction Easement '\ ,.Are~II).(·ne Geheral Construction Easement shall be for the purpose of facilitating "'""0"""."""""",,/ cohstrPctiqn an,d ipstanatl:~m of improvements to the KBS Property by KBS and reasonable access to .and.fr9tn the KBS. Prop~'toJ' said purposes The Wolf Property is the burdened prop:erty/and:;$.~ IQJS"'~rop~rtY:''i~ th~t~nefited property. This General Construction Easement shirl1 a~o~a~tal1r"teqhin~~~bn D~mb:~t"31;:~'~~07, or earlier by mutual agreement of the parties ·hetetO\.:. \:,.,,,./.,' .:If ,/ .. ?'" .:,;: .... "'.;~:,~t~/ .{,.:.,:.,/'.:{/.':::.:/ 5. PaYment,.for 4Utial/Cotl$tructiori. P~ Turnaround and Water Lme. KBS shall pay all costs and expenses to .4esigft, engine~r~,,:·p.¢rm.~t and construct the Turnaround and the Water Lme, including appurten3.11ce.S thereto, ,i\Yi~n ttJe 1Ym!M'ound Eas9IQent Area and the Water Line Easement Area, resPtclively~ in,.acCQtdaJi~,\'Vith plan~ and~e9ificatlons approved by King County andlor Water Dis~ct ~o. ,f1O. ::IqlS's ~Q,Stru:~tio~ .. o£:the water line and the turnaround shall be done 1n a wolktbaqlike :fu~e~< ant(QS $h'all use reasonable efforts to disturb the Wolf Property as little as phs~U>le.:~· :K.l3S shali'be,iesp6nsip.le.J9r the removal of any tree debris ~d;.Stumps Within a reasonabie time of.:~t~r1ng"trees'·w~diin tli~:Water Lfue::, Easement Area ·:an4.l0r the Turnaround Easem~t Area~::·e~t·ept.:·that ··any·''ti~bef.. frOll{tr~s fallen as a result' of the OOD.structlon of the Water Line·:l'md·r.fum.aroUn4''Sffiill'bclcing.:to Wolf{ ~/ .. /' :,t~$en~\ of Costs of Maintaining Turnaro~~d:~:d}~ai~;.iiine./;~~~r .~: initial CODSqilCtiOri of the Tjirnaround and the Water Line and until su~h time as .tbe./funiaround and!,br th¢\Va~r qpe a~~.,fledicated to a public entity or unt11 a p\tbl~.~· eqiity"otIJrwise ass;nmes.·:~esp'onslbjllty'tor ili'a41tenance and repair or the Turnaround'~ndJQf th.¢,'·Water Line. if ever.. the"ptesen~:~d fu~ owners of the KBS Property shall pay all of c6st~/and expenses of oper~tjpg. IIla4tfa~6ing.,rul(frep~g the Turnaround within the Turnaround Easement Area and the:'WatetLi~ w.ithb}'the:i~ater .. tlne, Easement Area. During such period. KBS shall have the sole and:;::absOlute di~r.etIon.lo deCide the way m which the Turnaround and the Water Lme wIll be mam~ed. r~pap:ed~leb~:~.lt 9r qther,wise improved. After the Turnaround andlor the Water Lme are dedicated)o i¥publid··eittitY, KBS .$hall not have any further responsibility to pay any costs or expenses o"ope~tjqn. maifitemmCf{ot:·.;repair thereof 7. RIghts and Res:i6tio,: ,;~~at~ng/~'f:.:'fU~~~d ...... ~~bject to development, construction and other regulations estab~shec1,p'y..!the.;applicatife m~cipality, Wolf shall, at Wolfs sole cost and expense, have the right ~ .. ren;ov~fcw;~s~···~idewalks··~r other appurtenances from the Turnaround on1yto~e e~renrne¢ssaiY tQ .. p~ovi~e access to and from the Wolf Property to the Turnaround. Any iinp~ovement'S ol':::()ther njodiijca~oos .. ~o the Turnaround, mcludmg but not hmlted to utilities hob~ ~, 4hve:iNa~, ~~ng wal1~, curbs or sidewalks, shall be mstalled in such a manner as not to:un¢asOhabJY int¢ere::wl~h v~lneQ.lar or pedestrian access to the KBS Property, and shall be desigri~d/inst8l1e.d ~d ~v~iructt4./in .... :;:. ....... . Page 3 of 6 {'i; (",::"l/::"", .f'J""7 \,,~~oh "f&.7~e~/,): if W \WPDOCSI3304I\lOSIlHC3497 DOC 612412004 0' .\' .,::!::.;/ ",:: " ,.., .:.~.:' ~r:,:, " ;~ :/~: ..... ~., .::',' :: ;; >I;:~I' '.;. :~; ':: .. :,.~;r :./\":"::::- \ ' .:!' po .:'; :: '::' " :.::-:::.. ~ ;: ~ . " :;: ,to' ~cor.~ce with plans and specIfications approved by King County and shall generally be ,:Construe·ted m a harmonious condition to the Turnaround. / .:' .' ;:~-~:\:".:.;,'/ ,/ :.:g. .Z·,····R:estotation. If the lana inilie Turnaround Easement Area; the-Water Line :.:. Easement'Area,'::the Water Line ConstructIon Easement Area and/or the General Construction \~:,:,.. . .. /'·E~·em~nt Area.:.ilre"disturbed or damaged by eIther party. or theIr agent(s). KBS. or theIr ..• :: .... ,... ag'ent(s). ~iialtretfim the di.SturbeQ.onlaputged land to Its former conditlon and shall pay all the ¢9S~" ancr:expe~e qf.:stlph ~st9rition~ provided, however, that KBS shall not be responsible fot::repl~tirig :ilIly,;tree~ or~l¢1bs o$er tl)an:·as:r.equired by the muruclpaJity with jurischction over the.p.rbJect :.\No~~~tahding ~:(pteg019!!:lrIQ3S shall be responsIble for replacing any and all screenl~g frees ~i~:' th~/~~eral Q6Ifs#Uc~on Easement Area that KBS or Its agents may damage ot:4~stroy'" 'Said ~es '~ill be #epl.a~a WIth substantially similar trees at KBS's sole cost and exPefis6' witJ;lin a::teasoriabl~·tih)e ifter substantial completion of construction. 9. Improvemehts.,.o'· woi~ ~~~ .. /:~oJfmay: .. not coJ¥i~ct new surface or sub- surface structures within the Turi1arQUnd,'Eas~inent Area ot. the Water Lme Easement Area without the prior written conse~t'ofi~$', W~t¢~ D~s~c,~ N.~. ~"a9<iJor King County, as applicable. Wolf shall have the rIght t.o. CQl1stiuctjiew sU:rfac~': or.:sub-surface structures within any portion of the Wolf Property outsicie:·the turria.~9~.md E~s·em.ent .A!ea'··6r.Jhe Wat~l\J,..ine Easement ~re~~:l~~ovlded such constructlon d~s not fu1erftre ~ltb::tq~,,~ of~.~aid ~t:inent Areas. ::.//: .t .. ::.. . ... ::\:\: '\:::, .. ,,~ . .-"./' i/:; .J".:'" :/ .. ,: ....•. '.: .. ~:.:: ....... ".) :i') ::<./{ .{'/' 19: .AtterneX:' s Fees In any dispute arising froril .. ~r r¢la~(no:;th1s 'peglar~on. the prevap'Ing piuty :~halt!be awarded its reasonable attorney's fees".{lncf·c6sts, ~h~ther·:~uch fees and ~sts are iriu~ before, during or after trial, or on appeat···.·., ..... ··:,· :/ .;-'" ".:.' "~/ .:~:,:, ./:. /'~' ~:.~ •••• H~\: •••• ~:. '\:',::;:;., ::,r .:"~: :./' .( 11:·\.,.,.·-5co0='· of'Easemeh~ and Restricttons Created Hereby The"W~lf ~operty and the KB'S:property ~ ~ere9Y"sybje¢ted to the prOVIsIons of this Declaration and':shall hereafter be owned~: .. Q.~cupi6d,Jea~.td, ¢ortgag~d;,:SQ.ld or otherwise transferred subject to and together with the covenants, eaSem~nts/And ::fc;sthcttons:'$et forth herein. All of the provisions hereof shal1 be deemed to be cov~.narits·~'··ea~¢ipen~ .. an~ ~tri~ons running with and appurtenant to the Wolf Property and the K:Q.S PropertY. Qi as &}t$lble '~~rvitudes, as the case may be, and shall benefit and burden tile"Pfopefue~t and sh3fi be b.~ding:~d enforceable against the successors, asSIgns, hetrs, personal repre:~entitti'V~, trafisf~ees/mQrtg~gees. grantees and tenants of the Wolf Property or the KBS PrOperty, a.nd ~il s~bseqheI!£ o~n~$ of the Wolf Property or the KBS Property. ~,:: .. ,,, •.. ,,.,. f"; ,,". .::. .,,:: .~!>""""" 12. Notices. Any nottce requ~~ h;~~Il(l6:~ $~~:~"4ee~~d·~~···~ve been given by one party to the other upon its having been'Pef~o~lly' de.!lver~:d ~r'sqved):upon such other . party or upon the date of its malling by certifie'd"'~' returQ/:rec9ipti-eqtles~d; .. tb··.$e other party at hIs, her or their last known residence or bUsin¢.Ss a.ddrc;ss .:::" ./ /.... "'::'. <'., ... :i'" .. ' .: .. :/:"':"/: .. <~): ?/:'::"\ " .of""'··.: .• :. .. ::':.: •.•..•..•.•..... ..... : ... / :::, ::;,.:, .... ,<.:.:.:~:;::.::;.::.':// /""'::: :~ /~.~,:/"'''''',:;/ W \WPDOCS\33041\lOS\JHC3497 DOC 612412004 Page 4of6 ":'. Declar,ahqft of .J2sel)',lent .:" }' ,;: ":::::~I;"~.""";' .~:. ,/ .~. .:',:' :':':::~ ':::.;~: .:.~. :: .. ~ .......... j$; ':" ,0 ".I~/·: "~"':~': " ,-:;"! " :: ./' .: .... ~ ..... {. .:,: .~ .. ~::} ,': ':::. .:-, ···:~~.l :'., .,./ .: .... ':'., .:= /./::,:,:::,: .. ::: .• : .. ::. W \WPDOCSI3304I\1Oj\JHC3497 DOC 612412004 .' ::~·, .. I',/· .J: .. ?; ...... > .' .' .:' / Page 5 of6 .::~":: . . ?~ .............. :; ;~ ••• ~R'" " "., .:. ·····,.:t , .• /:·':~··I:": " . '\:. ,,~' .r " :': :/ ;.r ,i: .... '. :/::·/·i§TAf~ . .oF WASHINGTON ) if :\: ... ,//:: C6~T~'~6p"KING ~ ss. \\'''''' .. """,/",t/", ,/Qs IS;T~lellR:rrFY that on this .;It?llday of ~M'" . 2004, before ., ..... '" ¢e, a: N otiiry :'Pubhc in arid for th.e··Sta~. of Wasmngton, duly conumssloned and sworn, came :~O~h T~ylor; pers9oal)y IdioWlli'or ~yfng presented satisfactory evidence to be a member of KBS III~ LLC~ a Washingtbn"'Iimitea lial?l'hty'cQmpany, the limited hability company that execut~dJhe iore~oi9g instn1ment, ~,~cknoll¢g~d the said instrument to be the free and voluntary' act :and deed ci sat'(:l limited habllitY qpmPany for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and··.Qn oatl{s~ted that he.: is autho~' to execute the said instrument. WITNESS"MY H;ANIiand .offi<;ja}/~;~~(9te day and year in this certificate first above written" \"'''''/ ,,' ,,/ /" .'/"~A~ .' /:.:/~~~ ::: .... : .. ,./: .J:: .:-'N:btary<Publi,c:in ~d':'for the State of Washington, '\ ... :j":' ~esid,ing at ':',,:: .It'gKMw:.4, VI/: .' E~piiatiCln Date'; /~/qo;dS' ,t'::::. '"'''''''' "'''''><'//'::.,:.i/'':'''''='::::; /'i /l::,,/ "', .. ,,..-,/ ,j' ./,' """:"ii:,~<" ( ( UHIBITA ,.' ,:~ ';. ::. :,/::;'~":::' .r • :: " " "''''';'','> .. :,;:' """,~, " .':'~~~, " ".:.:}' " .: ...• ~.,. ::.:. :: , . KIRllrr. LlGAL DISCIlII'l1ON or DB PROPIJlTY .:. .'" ,~ . . :~' ''J .' '.'. '''::, ':: ...... ~:::. I"., • ,.,' ~,I: ...... ", " .. ' ./~~;.;· ':, :.~' ..... ~ .,:; :; .. " ,."'.,"" ", .... '~' ... ' .:~': ;::.~: .:' :,' .. ' ,': :: ./:;.,:>: .. :>: ,;:' ..... :.,:., ~ '" ,\' .; :: :: .~' :;' " :: ;f .... . ' ... ,.' ): /' .. : ...... \. Legal Description for ~\ -}:;,,:.>/ . ./.:~~'./"/ .:::>' ·····..90tDI::.~t: !:;:~~;::p~:meDt . '.:\.":" ..• " ..... ~ ... , ... "':.'.' .. :::::::A.:,~:~~n Qi~Cfioii~~g describeci.,property: <'"./' // .4'o¢1~'of~,~i;~{~,~ftho Southeast quarter of Secd •• 3, Township 23 / .:Do#h. ~e 5 ~. W.M .. ~\~ IQng CO,Ymo/t Washington; .. , ..... ,.:::. :.~ ~:" .j:: {' ;:y i! ./~~i: 1"I •• ::l /":":~::::; EXCEPf'the ttOrtl{ 396.te~t'thereot: '.' .t'. / ··."c":":,. .".,./ .:.' .l: ":':J: ): ,.;.,\"\:=' AND EJrCEPT.:tolll)tY ro~ :/:;')' .,/);' SUBJECT T<)!~~en~~·~~~ati;oni~d'r;~~ti9ns an4'~;;:eptions of record. More ::~:::::~~'~~:::/i//:';';'::, ... " ..... , I'"~. ~eiielil. South 87°37'38" East. along the, South l~e QI sai~' p~:~ di$mce 9.f 1):0.62 ..... ·teet to 'ihl,olnt of cusp on a curve concav~.~.~t· ~9Uth~~.havJp.i. ~::radi~ of'~O~pO feet .. / an4Jl cen~ angle of 34~7'1111 and being Subtepa~,by .~'chord which ~ N¢1h .. ,:': 3 ~:liSS;,s8" West 1 t.8S feet and the True PoiDt O"~iDg;"""',} /: /" ,/. j: tlien~Northwester1y along said curve, a distance of 12.Q3 f~eUo a ~lnt:of~Verse :/' . .:furvaiure; )thence Northwesterly. Northerly, Nortbeasterty,.~~ly/SQ.rithe:aSterly, ./ :/' Soqtberly:~·S€lu:tPwesterly a distance of221.31 feet along thO,,~·:o(.·Saict:Curve concave .:f: <. .. t9:the S.pb~;h'having:·8:radius of 45.00 feet and a central angle of28'J ~~6'4" to a point ':>.,. ""of revefso:·curvature· :: .... ,:/. ::., ." .;. , .' '\:. then" SOutllwesterly .imd So~erly a distance of 12.S3 feet along the arc of said curve ·:····'······conCa~ to ~ ~u~a..·rulVill8·.' radius of20.00 feet and a central angle of 35°S4'1 3"; thence North,.81°3~jr W~ .. a ~ce of43.51 feet to the True PoiatofBegbmmg. ':'\.. ..// /.... .:::,'" ~\. :~.: :/:.' ..... " •. Sidelines should 1;;04 ~~,~.~l ... Situate in the County ofK.iri&.State 9fWJlS~gto~; .: ,::::.,~."~,.,.,,, ./' ;f ..:'~: ./ " . ~"·"'.I:: .-:;: .;./'.:'// .... •••• I'., .'.: •••••• ,.,/ ••.• /. .~,l· ",. :~.,.IUWI ... ~.: • • ~ ••• ::. ,'..; _I 0' E ~:~·'~·Q~i;/G;'·"~,·,·:,; g Hi ~{ ...... /:: { ;if,' " "':::::., ',;. ::~: .. ~/l'; ,. ':\ ':. ':-' ~...... 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IC, " Across the WolIProperty "i ""'""""'."""" ,I: ,,.:-" ,,: ,/' ,/.' ''''. ""':"'" '''''''' :: A'port.ibn oft\le following:descnb«f piO~rty: ,i, /" ,J' /.'): ,.".""\:': ::'; /"/ "', '/ . ":: ./ The~North ~ Oftl1Cn~()rtheast'qUart«;f.of.tb~ Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 north, {, .'Ra;tge ~'eas!o/W.M./in KiDg'Co~, Was~.n; .",.::' BXCEPT..th~ north 3,96 f~ ~~ec;f; ,,' "/ ,/ ",> ",,,,m BXCEDT} ,,~ __ ;i,'j-=";:' :,.. :,:' ,i' nI"~. I ~.··co~ .. ~ rvau '~:""" ',.~:: ":::!. / SUBmc.r.,JX) ~lne~, rese,rvation~:·a,!1d:.r,eStrictions and exceptlons of record. . :/ ... ~~." J.' ~./, .. <f .I'::' )1: More particularly descri.~,s fOlli~s: :/: ,.:'.. ::/: .. ,/''''''''''''\'' /,,',',/:",,'.> Commencing at th;'Soutb~est,:&'m~~ O(,'id'pro~~ '\" 'I, .: thence South 87OJ7'38" Eas.t,:A diJi8n~\of:l10.~'(~t ~:a P9ih'~fcusp on a curve concave to the southwest lui~D8:'a ra4ius,:,i)f2~tOo teettWd ,":centtaJ angle of34~"11" and being subtended by a chord wll~ ~ ~orth 31oS5'?8" W'est,J·,tIt5'f",!f, said pli9t bEiinS, the True Pomt 01 BeginDIDg; \ ':"":':"":" ./ ,::: ,/,,'\, ,/ ':,'it ,,thence:f\9rtherJy and northwesterly along .id curv~,':a ~i~te of i2.og·'~ to\a po~t o{~: ./:rO\lerse c"ature; ··:~I:I~I:"""."..=' .:) .. '" .,.,/" /.· .. ·r.:~·~\.' •.. l\, .. ,'/ .§ \\./.~ .. ~-/ . .: theoc;e no~:westerly. northerly, northeasterly, easterijt, sou~erl)'""outherb' aqC:i .,j' ,',r so~'ihw"ster~y a distance of221.31 feet along the arc o':~JUd qu~'coDqave tc{thctSolldi ./ ~viDg~ rad~us of 45.00 feet and a central angle of281 °46f49~ to a"p(jmt of:~~ :/ .. :i: I,~urva~re;";: ':::"''' .. , .... ,~. .....:: ,:/:'" .,' 1/ th~~ sc~~w~Jf and southerly a distaDce of 12.53 feet along the:~:vc.:,6f ~d ~ ./" ;!:. copcave ~ t,l1e' south~ baving a radius of 20.00 feet and a central ari~$ of3S0~'13" to ':'" >'Il'po" int Q'f .cusp' \ '<""" j' .;::. .,,:11 ._\. , .0' ~:,. then~"SoUth 8M~8" East. a distance of 10.69 feet to the beginning of a curve concave '~:; 1"'1 to tilt so.Utheait hajrng it radius"&{, 10 00 feet and a central angle of 20032'45 It and being , "'subtendjid b£a C~brd ~jch bears N~ 42~0'561t East 3 57 feet; thence n'ortheastCrly ,lqri.a saill'l;~o;:,a di_ce of 3 59 feeftp a point"or~v~ ~~~ """'" thence no~rIY, D~Jy, nofthWUierI~~ ., westerly, southwe~Y. s(!~.ly and/: ,/ :( ""'\ southeasterly a di~ of270;"~, feet' alo~g the'8rc1:' , of said curve concave fQ,.~e 80~ h~lDfia rad,lils of :,,:' 55.00 feet and a central aD~ltrof28:io46'49" to' a.::' ,,:' point of reverse curvature; '~:, ':'"."",:: '/ ,/ thence southeasterly a distance of2';72 ~.alon8 t¥ arc of said curve concave to the Southw~ ba~ng)i /' radIUS of 10.00 feet and a central angle ot'l'S,~313'9" •. :: thence South 8'r'37'38" East, a distance of Il.02:teet/ to the True Pomt 01 BeginnlDg "\.:' Situate in the County ofKIns, Stute of Wosbington. ..... ..... .~:': . ' .•. /"''..:,.'':;: :./" Y .< .. ':;:·"-:::'1 •... ,,, .......... ··, I , I I ....... "\", '\\ ,l' ~"'. .~.~' .. ": ••••• ;, ..... r •• -'''. ,.,. .""" ..... ,~." ••• , .... r" ,{. .' .. ~; • .~~. '.~ .~., .. ~~~" ... ". .. ;-; .......... ,r :_,~~l ., ...... ' ... j •• " :; z(~ ......... / ) ,f ;l ..... ." "'::, .. ' .. , ..... ' .. :;.' .•• ~.= ..•.•. /' ..... . ..... : .•. { .... ":"':., /" "" ,~ •• ~;.t ....... ? .... . . ~ " .... g J, r ". II , .. I In 1 Ii. Ii. (l.. ~ §B II ~~ u ~~ ~~ U~ II ~n n~ II~ J:H ~!I i' ~ ~ r -100' !;;:;j}E9(.!tNll!lT ~ll -c. ~i i • ! 032308 2!~ I I 032305-9159 (1.41Ae..) I I 032 Q5.9047 03= 9210 ....,.., ...... 9208 ....... ",; Q.87 Ac.) / , / , /~ / KINO COUNTY 03= 9173 ~ ..... ...,.,. 9209 CITY OF RENTON ,"'-.... I' I>t I, ~~gt6'!\'6 ~\ 032305·9014 (e.12 Ac.) ~' !t>V"\ ,j \. 032305 o'i'<Of~ ~ I " 9180 y I I I '.... t&.11M..) Q~2/30MJ035 >,--_ ---"'--~ __ -::'..tl.Jt'Ae.) """,,'" \ - I " ... " \ ------_J ~ \ \ ,'-----____ t-_, I' I 032305-9277 IUOAc.) --C' 0323O~ 9276 032305 fI~""1 9021 ~ 9256 (3.56Aci> ""'" i i 0323015 j I i 9280 51! i .... .., t! i j!! i wI lUI 03= ::i / ~ .-- ,,/,, .~./ / / / / I ...;' o· r II) ~ ) sa ~ ~ ; ~ 8 >-<~ i~~ ~ ~i § I l ....... - I§~ ~g ~·i ~~ ~~I ~g ~ ~ ~ ~\...' i ",~:::I1:l ~! t ~~~:;; I I ;~i~ I ! :;:: 1J~ . -~~~ g . ~; ~ '\ i ~ = ( ~ l ~ ..... ~ ~I 51 -~ I~ u.j 0 cD I :1 I I I I I I I I I 'I I 'I· 'I I I I I CHAD ARMOUR, LLC October 17, 2004 Job No. 04-011 Mr. Wayne Potter, Project Manager KBS Develo~ment Corporation 12320 NE 81 Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Subject: Dear Wayne: Wildlife Habitat Study Stone Ridge III Renton, Washington 6500 126th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98006-3941 (425) 641-9743 Office (425) 643-3499 Fax chad@chadarmour.com DEVELOPMENT . CITY OF RE~~~NING OCT 2 8 200~ 19J~t~D~~[{)) We are pleased to present the results of our habitat study for the above-referenced property located in Renton, Washington. The work was accomplished in accordance with your verbal request. . The report is organized in sections and includes: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS that presents a synopsis of the pertinent issues related to the proposed development; SITE DESCRIPTION of the subject property (site) and adjacent properties; METHODS or how we assessed wildlife and their habitat; BACKGROUND INFORMATION that presents existing information for the site; SITE CONDITIONS that describes on-site plant communities and identified animals; DISCUSSION presents the wildlife species that potentially use the site, the functional value of their habitat, priority species, patterns of movement, and potential effects of the proposed development; CONCLUSIONS that summarize the results of the habitat study; and LIMITATIONS of this project. A list of references, tables, and figures follOW the text. Table 1 presents the habitats obserVed on the site and Table 2 the dominant vegetation. Table 3 describes the wildlife we observed on the site. Table 4 lists wildlife species primarily associated with habitats similar to those present on the site. The functional value of the habitat present on the site is presented in Table 5. KBS/luck/INildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, llC 1 10/17/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report . Renton, Washington SUMMARY OF FINDINGS KBS Development Corporation . KBS Development Corporation (KBS) proposes to construct six single-family homes on a site dominated by forested habitat in Renton, Washington. This habitat type is . dominated by shrubs with widely scattered trees as a result of selective tree harvesting. Although we observed very few species of wildlife on the site, the site may have the potential to support as many as 37 different species of wildlife that are primarily associated with the on-site habitat type. We observed black-tailed deer sign in the on the site. Black-tailed deer is a priority game species subject to state hunting regulations. Site development will have a limited impact on wildlife. Some of the species of wildlife that we observed on the site and some of those potentially present on the site will likely continue to utilize the site following site development. Other species of wildlife adapted to suburban habitats that we did not observe on the site may also be attracted to the site following site development. SITE DESCRIPTION Site The site -which slopes gently (12%) to the east -is the location of a selectively harvested Douglas-fir (PseudofsugamenziesiJ) forest. Surrounding the site is Douglas- fir forest to the north and east, the Stone Ridge residential development (under construction) to the south, and a residential development to the west. METHODS Our wildlife habitat assessment methods followed the methodology described in the Renton's (2004) Habitat Data Report guidelines. We contacted the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to inquire about the potential for priority habitats and species to be present on or adjacent to the site. On October 6, 2004, we conducted a site reconnaissance to observe existing conditions on the site. At that time, we noted the dominant vegetation, habitat features, and observed wildlife. We used a clinometer to measure the heights and a diameter tape to measure the diameters of selected trees. To offset the potential for overlooking wildlife species that likely use habitat similar to those present on the site, we consulted Appendix 8 in Brown's (1985) Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. Although this work was compiled from data collected in managed forests, it is good source of data for the suburban Seattle area. BACKGROUND INFORMATION We understand that KBS proposes to construct six single-family residential homes on the site. To do so KBS will also construct new roads. KBS/Stone Ridge 1lilWildlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 2 10/17/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation The site has been selectively logged in the recent past. Mature Douglas-fir trees have been removed presumably after they have been damaged by other trees that fell down in wind storms. It does not appear that the site has been replanted following overstory tree removal. The Habitats and Species Report and Map provided by WDFW (2004) for the site and surrounding area identified no priority habitats or priority species on the site. SITE CONDITIONS There is one habitat type present on the site (Table 1). We used the plant community and stand conditions described by Hall et al. (1985) to describe the habitat we observed. The following paragraphs describe the habitat and the wildlife we observed on the site. Forest Habitat Type This habitat type is composed of widely scattered trees and a dense shrub layer. The tree layer is dominated by Douglas-fir saplings. Other saplings present include big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), cascara (Rhamnus purshiana), red alder (Alnus rubra), Scouler's willow (Salix scouleriana), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and western red cedar (Thuja plicata). These trees 'are typically 1 to 3 inches in diameter (dbh) and about 12 to 15 feet tall (Table 2). The shrub layer is dominated by a thick carpet of salal (Gaultheria shallon), Other shrub species also present on occasion include vine maple (Acer circinatum), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium), hardhack (Spiraefj douglash), hazel nut (Cory/us cornuta), European white birch (Betula pendula), and English holly (/lex aquifolium). The herbaceous layer includes the occasional sword fern (Polystichum munitum), bracken fern (Pferidium aquilinum), and large-leaved avens (Geum macrophyllum). As would be expected in an intensively managed forest, there are no snags or downed logs. ' We did not observe much wildlife or their sign on the site (Table 3). We heard a song sparrow and observed shrubs browsed by black-tailed deer. Our limited wildlife observations may be related to the time of our site reconnaissance (i.e., middle of the day in early fall). With the exception of the spring, wildlife, particularly birds, are generally difficult to observe. DISCUSION The habitat present on the site is typical of forested habitats that have been recently logged without being replanted. As such most of the site is dominated by small trees that were present and growing under the larger overstory trees or colonized the site soon after the overstory trees were removed: The single plant community present on the site may provide primary habitat for as many as 37 different species of wildlife (Table 4). However, because the site is so small (-<2 acres), it is likely that only a fraction of the species listed on Table 4 actually do visit the site. KBS/Stone Ridge IIIIWildlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 3 10/17/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation Primary habitat is preferred or optimal habitat that supports the highest population densities of a species and is essential for long-term population maintenance. In contrast, secondary habitat is used by a species but is less suitable than primary habitat as indicated by lower population density or less frequent use (Bruce, et al., 1985). Wildlife Habitat Functions and Values Habitat types used by wildlife are determined by the interspersion of plant communities, by the structure of the plant communities, and by the mixture of plant species present within the plant community. Although all of these are important to wildlife, most species of wildlife respond more to the structure of the plant community rather than to the plant species making up a community. For example, a Hardwood Forest habitat type provides habitat for a different group of wildlife species than a Conifer Forest habitat type, yet the grass-forb stand condition (typical for several years following timber harvest in multiple plant communities) of both these communities may host the same species of wildlife (Hall, et al., 1985). . Our assessment of the functions of the habitat type on the site indicates that it is quite productive (Table 5). Again, because the site is so small, its functional value is limited. Priority Wildlife Species One priority species is known to be present on the site. The black-tailed deer is a priority game species subject to state hunting regulations (WDFW, 2002). Black-tailed deer occur in all forested habitats west of the Cascade Crest from central British Columbia south to northern California. They require habitat that provides the basic necessities of life, including food, water, and cover. Cover is used by deer to hide and for thermal regulation, as well as foraging during times when open forage areas may not be available. Hiding cover provides screening vegetation that covers 90 percent of a standing deer at a distance of 200 feet or less. Thermal cover includes forest stands at least 40 feet tall, with a tree canopy cover of at least 70 percent. Water is generally available in western Washington and not typically a limiting factor for black-tailed deer. Deer population stUdies indicate that forage declines when a dense canopy of trees shades out the understory forage. Extensive open roads, particularly arterial roads, reduce deer use of nearby habitats (WDFW, 1991). Migration and Movement Corridors It is unlikely that the habitat type present on the site constitute a movement corridor for wildlife because it is so small. With the exception of the conifer forest north and east of the site, most of the area around the site is dominated by residential neighborhoods. The closest movement corridors are likely represented by Honey Dew Creek, May Creek, and the Cougar Mountain Regional Park. Greene's Creek, which is located east of the site, is not thought to represent a movement corridor because it is bounded by single-family residences on relatively small lots. With the exception of species of wildlife adapted to human development, the presence of humans generally discourages wildlife movement. KBS/Stone Ridge 1lilWildlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 4 10/17/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington Proposed Wildlife Habitat Alterations KBS Development Corporation The on-site wildlife habitat following build out will include mowed lawn and ornamental trees and shrubs. These plants will attract species of wildlife that thrive in the suburban environment. The mature Douglas-fir forest to the north will continue to support some wildlife as will the stormwater pond constructed for the Stone Ridge residential development the and Greene's Creek. CONCLUSIONS The Stone Ridge III site contains one wildlife habitat type, an open forest dominated by shrubs with widely scattered saplings. Although we observed very few species of wildlife on the site, the site may have the potential to support as many as 37 different species of wildlife. The on-site habitat types appear to provide moderately high functional value for wildlife. However, its actual value to wildlife is relatively low because of the site's small size. The black-tailed deer is a priority game species in Washington primarily associated with the forest habitat type for breeding and foraging. It is secondarily associated with this habitat type for resting. Based on the relatively small size of the site, it is likely that black-tailed deer use on the site is limited. No priority habitats and no other priority species of wildlife are known or suspected to be present on the site. LIMITATIONS Work for this project was performed, and this letter report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of KBS Development Corporation and their assigns for specific application to the referenced property. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. It should be noted that Chad Armour relied on information provided by others indicated previously. Chad Armour can only relay this information and cannot be responsible for its accuracy or completeness. KBS/Stone Ridge IlllWildlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 5 10/17/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation Any questions regarding our work and this report, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned. Sincerely, Chad Armour, LLC ~A-~ Chad Armour Principal Attachments: References Table 1 -Wildlife habitats present on the Stone Ridge III site Table 2 -Dominant vegetation on the Stone Ridge'" site Table 3 -Wildlife observed on the Stone Ridge III site Table 4 -Primary habitat for wildlife potentially present on the Stone Ridge III site Table 5 -Functional value of the wildlife habitats on the Stone Ridge III site based on stand condition . KBS/StoneRidge II 1!Wildlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 6 10/17/04 I . I I I I I I REFERENCES I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation REFERENCES Brown, E.R (ed). 1985. Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Wasl1ington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. Bruce, C., D. Edwards, K. Mellen, A. McMillan, T. Owens, and H. Sturgis. 1985 . . Chapter 3 -Wildlife Relationships to Plant Communities and Stand Conditions. In Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Servic~, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. Hall, F.C, L.W. Brewer, J.F. Franklin, and RL. Werner. 1985. Chapter 2 -Plant Communities and Stand Conditions. In Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. Renton, City of. 2004. Renton Municipal Code. Title 4, Chapter 8, 1200-2, 8H. Habitat . Data Report guidelines. . WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife). 1991. Columbian Black-tailed Deer. In Management Recommendations for Washington's Priority Species and· Habitats. E. Roderick and R Milner technical editors. WDFW. 2002. Priority Species List: Vertebrates. Priority Habitats and Species, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/hab/phslist.htm WDFW. 2004. Habitats and Species Report and Map In The Vicinity of T23R05E Section 3. July 22, 2004. . KBS/Stone Ridge IIINViidlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 10/17/04 I . I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;' .. '", ,!!!:', \','" > .", .. '" , ~. ", .. , .-...... ' "'~ ,4~t,a, ":~~"",:;:"::'~" "'f iiI> ~~ 4~~:~_""'r ~I,ft !,!";.,.[,, "t:<~'~ ;$Jj,., "',... .~ ... I I 'I I I I I I "I I I I I I' I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington Forest Temperate coniferous forest: Low to midelevation coniferous forests. Typical tree species include Douglas- fir, western hemlock, & western red cedar. a source: Brown, 1985 KBS Development Corporation Open Sapling-pole: Average stand diameter greater than 1" dbh and tree crown canopy<60%. Saplings are 1 to 4" dbh. Table 2. Dominant ve etation on the Stone Rid e III site. ;ire ~ :,' big-leaf maple cascara Douglas-fir red alder Scouler's willow western hemlock western red cedar English holly European white birch hazel nut hardhack red huckleberry salal salmonberry vine ma Ie bracken fern large-leaved avens sword fern a Typically 1 to 3 inches dbh & 12 to 15 feet tall Table 3. Wildlife observed on the Stone Rid black-tailed deer KBS/Stone Ridge 1lilWildlife Reportdoc Chad Armour, LLC 10/17/04 I I I I I I I, I I· I -I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington Table 4. Prim rufous hummingbird western wood-pewee Steller's jay western flycatcher chestnut-backed chickadee ruby-crowned kinglet Townsend's solitare . Swainson's trush hermit thrush American robin orange-crowned warbler yellow-rumped warbler rufous-sided towhee chipping sparrow dark-eyed junco purple finch ne siskin KBS Development Corporation nt on the Stone R e III sitea. Ambystoma macrodactylum . Ensatina eschscholtzi Plethodon vehiculum Bufo boreas Selasphorus rufus Contopus sordidulus Cyanocitta stelleri Empidonax difficilis Parus rufenscens Regulus calendula Myadestes townsendii Catharus ustulatus Catharus guttatus Tudus migralorius Vermivora celata Dendroica coronata Pipilo erythrophthalmus Spizel/a passerina Junco hyemalis Carpodacus purpureus Carduelis x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X masked shrew Sorex cinereus X coast mole Scapanus oraarius X coyote Canis latrans X black bear Ursus americanus X raccoon Procyon lolor X long-tailed weasel Mustefa fenata X spotted skunk Soligale pulorius X mountain lion Felis con color X black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus X mountain beaver Aplodontia fufa X Douglas squirrel Tamiascirurus douglasi X deer mouse Peromyscus manicufatus X vole Microtus X a source: Brown, 1985 b Temperate Coniferous Forest plant community -Open sapling-pole stand condition KBS/Stone Ridge 1lilWildlife Report.doc 10/17/04 Chad Armour, LLC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation Table 5. Functional value of the wildlife habitats on the Stone Ridge III site based on stand conditiona. Forest 4 a source: Hall et aI., 1985 b maximum score = 5 KBS/Stone Ridge IIINVildlife Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC . 10/17/04 ,.:: •.... : .. : •.... REFElffiNCE NO~"OF .' DOCUMENTS ASSIGNE.DI .::- RELEASED .: ...... :: f ., .. /.:·.:i'.:.;:,/; .:::,,': '" ::'" :.' ,',' .' ............ ~'....... , .• :'i:; •.••.. , .• :: ,,' .;' .r . .. GRANTOR Richard At,:,Wol.f and Beverly J.: .. Wolf,,.usQand and wife GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSORtS PARCEL NO. 032305~9P.~; Q3230.$-9047; 03'2305-9046 ., ..... , ... ,:. . .,' . • ::1.'.. .' '::""'~'::~""" .:~' ~,\ '::::::'" .~":;~:. :./ "::~!:::. .' .0' f' '::.' .' .,. .~.\ .. ,:,:, .. " ......... "'> .. /,,/ ..... :.:~:~:~:~:~::: .... :.':> ·t:;; .. / / .. :: "':'\" ' .;' / :.'".. .//: .. } .. ::./;;\. "fEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT .~,,""~":: .' " .:. :/ .//~icq·Ard 1.. \Ybl~ and Beverly J. Wolf, husband an~·::~if!;.: f~~""a~'~' iI}·/~qri~;id~f::tion of One ])011\1'1' ($l;{)O) ~d other good and valuable consideration, receipt of'wbi~h i~: h~'reby.'·· acknowledged, hereby cohveys:'to the Cttfof-R.enton, a Washington municipal corporatiort,;,,.jtS s.uccessors and assigns, a t~mporaTy.,e·aset11.¢n,~··on and ove.r the real property described as the "Easement..~~~a" in (he aWlched Attii:cJmtent A a,l1d :~epi(:.teCi::;on ~ttachment B, for construction and maintenanc·e··,bf a cuI de sac and turnar6ufld. fgr . ..'the(beq,eflt ~t th,e r~al-'p[pperty described as the "Benefited Parcel" in the attached Attachmcnt"C. :::: :i .,/::: .:/ '>. . This ease~etlt :·~"~~~i~~;:·:~Ul?J~~~\?. t~e f,otiowing terms, which Grantee agrees to perform and obey: ',;,;.,,,., ... , ... , :,{. :.(,; .... :::... '.;,,:; ./i: ./'':; ./.';':""\ . 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J :: ·:,·thence Southwest~ly Md.,SOUth~ly a distance of 12.53 feet along the arc of said curve concave to tJrt, S.(j~~"having a"radius of 20.00 feet and a central angle of 3soS4'13 It; thence N6r.th 8'7°3"~!i' W~sf;'~ dis~an~'9f 43.S 1 feet to the True Point of Beginning. '::,::" ··,: ...... ··· .. /.r /: ":"":"'/ :.::' ./ :'::,. Sidelines should be extended.an~()f'trunca~ td:inte'~cit Situate in the County ofKin~'slattoi\V~~l .i·· ~"~.lIl!~-.. W:\ WPDOCS\33041 \lOSITMBS093.DOC 06/08/05 " '~~' •• ',1#' .' ,'" ...... , .... '.~.,':;: ':'" '::',./ Page 4 · . ~~ g::: ~8 (") ~ -I § b o (") ,,:.::'''':. ',., -. ............... . -..... '" .,; I J I ... :J:" .. ,"""""' .. -. •...•.•. -. ..•.. ~\ .. ~'~ . ..... .. ~.::.: ... :~:: ....... . .-. ............ ... ........•.....•..... :<:~; .. :: . ·.:,:,;.::·~:;:::;:'···;;;'::1~ . .;,:". ....... i.,;l" .. " .. ,.".,,\ ~ 90' -•.... -...... .~:.::: .... :: ...... : .. , ........... ', .. ',', " .. :// <::::." ••....... , .... • .... , ..•.. 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'.:., .. ,::.~:,.::,:;.>. not to scale r:1 t'Il 5 ,'.' 4.;/: .:/ ,' ....... . .: ..... .. ;. /" ./ " .ii: .l"llecf'for Record at .' ::. :.;. the;.cre.qu.est of ;:: .:;::.: KlNG: COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO 90 ;:. :':'::: ... ,/' 1~56.06 S··'t~ 1·2.8TH STREET ::'.:, .. .'·RENTON~ WASHINGTON 98059 .... ::.: •• 1:1:. ,!,III~ .::' ••• :'/ •• '::: ./' .... ~ ••• ~.~~ •• : •• ~~ • . 1.11' ........ • .' : .••.... , .. . .. ·f·\:.'.~.,:. ,i <"'/':~:~:;/ ..... :>/ ]llllllr-IIII '::::. '. ,.",..::" /~ /./"'}/:;:t/ '.,,:.'{:::. ml ~ Easement No ":'3:'23-5~~f7 :/::: .:,~., .... ;.;:./' ... / ':)"~I~!R 10 23 00 :~. :: :: }' ,;.' ;;: PA£JE001 OF 00S ":':' ..... " ,: :' .:': :," .'.: 08/31/29.04 08 44}' ':$ PrOject Stone Ridge -Off site:' :.: .:' .·f(ING COUNTY, IJA:.:: ,i Tax ParcellD# 032305-901 i··",ji.......: .. / .• / >i"··\·".,.i .. :/' .. :;.>.' Grantor(s;,""~~~,hard A, Wo~ and ~~~~rl)~.~Olf:,,:. // ! i <,.:_::",,::·'·\./'·'~,i .. ..,14702 SE 105" Place .,,,,,,,.,,.' ,( •• /i/·'·"""···' ,.,,' / if ,ii :" .. :/';' '~:entdi1, Washington 98059 ;~. :~;::~.":.':'.':.'/:./ .' .' :: :: '::': .. G~·~t.,{i~l./~I~;.~~U,:~TY WATER DISTRICT NO 90'<"/"(':',/ .: .... " ..... ," .... /.. .~::: :.... .J: :./ .. :, .. "j\C3'R·EEMENT FOR EASEMENT .' ~:..:: .... ~,.: :: .:' THIS INDENTU~~:"'m.ra~'j~,s//,'&~CJfJ.M6. lAq[ . 2004, by and between KING COUNTY :WAT,ER:. DIS,TR!.CT NO~/·9o., a mUnicipal corporation of King County, Washrngton, hereihafter t~tll1ed ...the :~IGra'ht~ehi··,;and RICHARD A. WOLF and BEVERLY J. WOLF, herelna·fter..tEi~med the "Graniori", .:( ... / ........ " . . ' ::.~~ .. , .. ~;.:. .::' :::' '., . ;::: ..... WFTNE:SSETP(·····':: .,: ...... " ... ".::. That the said Grantors for ONE DOLL:'~(($1/o6; a:~'d .6·~~et:·~~lua.bj~.,c6'n··Sld~ratlon, the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged by 'lh~:' G~ntees ... /dQe:{ by ..thes·~ presents convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a perman:~nt/ea~erneo't forw~ter .fnc;\l'ii's:.and appurtenances under, through, above, and across the f6l1oWI&g ¢esc·rlb~d./prQP'e·i1Y·" sItuated In KIng County, Washrngton, together with all after"aG~i.Jfted t,:~!~-:.6t:th~: Gr,R1Qtors \:.(',:,/· ...... ::;:i'· therein, and more particularly described as follows::.. ..>, .. J' .... ":;,/ .. J: / f 1OO21100148\Easemenls\woll easemol17 _md 061204 ~oc Page 1 of 5 EXCISE T~:'N6{~E6uIR~D ..i~:/o4..b~· .. > ' .. > King :aJ1l~ecor H1'vtS~n.r;·:· . ;/' /;.r /,:.r .... / BY +A--. ~"I ,peputy .Y ·······.·r :: .:;:' \" ' .... > .;. :,:.' .. / L:' " ,~~ .. ,\'., ';":"'" ::-' :!' .' .::: .:·.pARCEL DESCRIPTION Easement No 3-23-5-17 .:'}" ::' '.:. ;,: :\::,.,.,;,/ if ::i.=" i~~·'No.rth half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, :;'.;. ,;:/./ .·:Tt>ymsbtp 23 North, Range 5 East, W M , King County, Washington, '>":,,,. ,.,./. / .,.::. EXCEPT.th·1fNorth 396 feet thereof, "' ... , .. ~' ·:.f AND;E.;XCEPT C'qunty r6acf':.:;,. ::.,: .. :::/ /'AigGE·~;·6ESbll'~~I6,rl ".·" .. ·· .. ,'''··:':r ;:"" ,~': :';' ;';' }: :.~' .... ~: .( ,:;:.~:/' ) ;:~:;:~,. I'hat ·~ortiO'~·· of.Jhe,::~boyei~~s·crtb'~d' p;~r9~1 further described as follows .::' ~:. / I / ;,/ ''':,~:,' .;:". ,~'.:. ',~:~,.~I . A 15 O-f~Or~Jd~::"~trli of I~:~d JYJ~~;li:$'feet on each side of the following described centerline ,/. .il' .: .f ./ ...... :,., .. ,.:, ./'::"':::. Commencmg at:~: s.¢:~t~te~{~qr'~~:;'O(,th.? ~:b.ov~~~:es:brrbed parcel, Thence South 8r37'3t31~.£a~t alohg th~/SofJth Jln~;{th~reof, a distance of 140 00 feet to a pornt on a non-tan~:ie.l1fcuive:Wlth a r~dl.os Of 292,·,9:~ feet, concave souJh~asterly, the center of wHich :~ea-r.s,.sp"uth.:8r.3·7'$.·8" Ea~t=:~nd th~{'r~~e Pqlht of:e,~gmnrng of said centerlrn$:.descr.!.ptI9h, ./' .,:,:,:,.", ....... ,'\...\ ,;:i: j' r.hence No.r:theasterly along said cUrVe"to'1hEfrrgtit t~rd\1gh·.a;,ceJ):traY~mJ;jle of 1f1°3;3't24". ~n arc distance of 18345 feet to:~.p.d·mt"of l).on"tang.enQY, ,/ ;::'Thence'~Nort:h 52°02'46" East, a distance of f~5 67 fe~.t, ... rrrore,::br.Jes$;:· to a pomt /" onJhe Nort~ line of said parcel and the termrnus of:Jhls"'centerllo~ de'scrlptlon ;.":// t~eSJ:~'e I.rl!;)s·ofszlfo centerline descrrptron are to b:":'~:~rui~6~ ol.';engthened as ':'., tdte'rmrnat~ a/Dog s~rd South and North lines thereof ::: ..... :. '" Th:'~h:mt"r~:i~~n~";Jt tJ,[,tltTe"is.rree and clear of all encumbrance: except . __ -- :,~ ~:. ..~'/'. ,/' /:. .' .:. (These blanks sho\JJd be {ilither-"fllleo"tn and Inlt!iileg:'by t~J3r.antor or x'd out completely) "; "I :0:-".:" " ;: .~. .' .' :: ,'., "" If the property of the Grantors at th~ tl~~"'6~ 9f~n.t;~g:,;t:s ecisern~,nt IS unplatted but IS platted prior to the recording of thiS do-cuni.ent.::theh t~e Grantqrs do:nereby authorize the Grantee to add to thiS agreement the deslgnp:tion::(vQlum(ianlp~ge"::etc..).qf such plat ~. :: .:',' " :: .: .,' .r" '~'., The Grantor acknowledges that part of the con~'id~'~atr9'n ~·~,n.g:" p~i'~/by ~he .. G~~nt~E;lls for any and aI/ damage resulttng to or resulting hereafter rroJr.f the" PQ$$:ible:.I.ritai'fer$n¢e··Qf the natural flow of surface waters by Grantee's dIgging of Pipe hr;i:es;wHich,:fn~Y',~I~fuib tne"soH::, " .. " ..... ,,;" composlbon Within said easement .. ·· .. Y \ ..... , ... ,.:':.'.·.~·.·.:",).·." .. 'i.. i',,) .. /'; i~: F 1OO211OO1481Easemenlslwolf easelMl17 eme! 061204 doc Page 2 of 5 .... ./i412004 ::'/' ./ :~ ..... :":':',:",{ :. :! !' ·'·"·:.:i' .:' ,." ./' .. /" .' ..... ~ ... :::: :.: l· .. · '\. ';? ':~: .... j' ~, ... i'::·':':":~::" t,/: ./' , .:' :.~,\' ,,' .I:: Easement No 3-23-5-17 .,.,1 :~:. ;;,,1' .' .~.~.~''':' :/ ::' :: :;:. ,:J Tl1l¢:~;~:~!3e .. ~hall have the rrght without prror institution of any SUIt of proceedmg at law, ':::: .... / ai $.uch ''flme':~s may be necessary, to enter upon the easement for the purpose of '.'. ..'.60n:struCtit)g, ~palrlng, alterrng or reconstructing said water mainS, or making any '\: .. ,., :" .... ,./ cdrme'ctlons h.~rewiU1';''VVithout incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor, provided ''''.,.'' :{:~):// Th·e.:b.~~t~~·:··W~i~r.pt§;·~~~·,:~~ 90, will restore Grantors property to a condition as .,.... .:~oQ'a .ils .o·r q:~ttel ~~an th~' pr~tfii's~s were prior to entry by the Grantee, Water ·'·'DI~itrJ~: .. Nq:,}b 'l/';;." ./.> .... ;.:·:J:;>/:~/.i~~.:.:':./,;(:::·:) (2) The Dlstr.l.2~ .. ,wi'll e}(erc,.se ItS:' best :.!efforJ~f not to damage any private Improvements on the easement h.ereln/ but/'1f .,1t does so, It shall repair and/or replace said Improvements, f .... :./ .:,. Jf .. J.' .... ,./ .... " ..... , .. "' ... , .. : .. :,.... ..,,/::\:: .. i; (3) (4) ···~,:r ;,:' .:=" .. Restoration, replaceme'~t, a·~d:.'f~pc{;~~~hall'·~ cb;inP,~i~o/~lthln 90 days of the date of any entry by the District' agd s~u:t.'rest6ratl·oQ/re,plaCement, or repair will be of a quality and/or quantity tha(=··ls./tor:npcirable or b'ett~';' t.hal'l·.,,~xlsted pr~or to the Graf1le~'s, District's, entry upon 'the "~as'~rr'i:el)~ ::/ :/' :(' .,.::.\ ./.'.:::) :"f''' "':'::~ .... ::. ":\.,:, /~:. ./' ~/ .. ::.'I::."z ..... ·"'·:\; \ ./:,'.,. ~{ The above::;set forth conditions shall a'ppf'y 116t otllyA()"'tn~"Iri'itlaf cqrlstractlon but ~iso ~S"::C!ny '(e-entry by the Water Dlstrrct thatb.~c~mes.·neces~rifof.i·repalr and ./mamtenance':of the water line on said easement' \ ;i, .... /.... / .. / .:::" (5) ,://: A.r{:'da~ag.ia!}d/Qr removal of any ornamental tree'~':~'h'~6, fi~6~, ~l'roCkery shall .: ." h~. r,~placed .wlthln th~ aforementioned 90 day penod by the':bl.~trr~t'~ "'\:':""Ih~ 9.pc'l~~b~ ~J{~II Jeta,ln t~,I;} •. n9.ht to use the surface easement 1~'~~~Ch use does not Interfere'····Wilh tt1.e l~st911atI9'n, .. :'repalrlng. altering or reconstructing of the water main PROVIDED the 'J3raht6r sbf:ilf no~·.erecr·bUlldJngs or structures of a permanent nature on the easement duhng the ,e~lsten6e of. saId e'~s'ement '-'::1;:":1\:, .• ;"':' :: .}: •..•. :":~: ,:::' :.:'.: The easement, dunh,g It~, .. e~l.stence, .~hal",.b~':~ qpvenant running With the land and shall be binding on the sucC'~::;sors, ',~el[S, a,rid ~sslgns.:ofi:l.oth of the parties hereto .'::,:,"'" ... :..... ::' ( :. .:' .::' .::>" ....... ' ... . ... ~........ :" :: ,"~~: .,,::" ::~ ..• ~..... ';; ........ . :: " ','" ., .... , •• I •• ' •• i~·, " " .: .:' . ::, :',' ,," ':'. ~:' " ... " ...... :,:' :: ':":"":,/' .' F IO02110014B\Easemenls\wolr easerml17 emd 061204 d"" Page 3 of5' :: i./'" . . .: ... .,; .. /"':":";;:;.., ::-' .t·'· .,' ::::: ..... :~:~. .; :: ;::,c' :: .:/·IN WITNJ.:SS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and seals this Easement No 3-23-5-17 IIP~ dayof ......) .:,:: .'@cl4 etut;?r ,2004 ~.: :::" ••• ,:1' " " ~~ ":: .. , ./.' . '\',.. ././' .. :.:: .~:. ":::""':, .,1 ':'.'''''''-'''''' A£.~~~~~~~~~~ :~.~; COUNTY OF'~I'NG'/' .. /'; ,.4'8S ;,/' ,'.. ;. On this I f.p~ day 6:f: ...... /~,,/·· .. :"2Q.04, bef6;r~;me personally appeared RICHARD A. WOLF and ~L,y J./ WOLF..~. to··:: .. me known to be the Individuals described In and who execu{ed.Jhe.:·:wlt~·'·n;.;'anq .... for·~90;hg:{lhstrument, and acknowledged saId Instrument to be the free and :vplyhtc;iry ~'ct and:'de.¢'d qf sa.lgJ3rantors. for the uses and purpose,!) therein mentioned ·;··r :':" '\".,,'"';:" /': :/. ;:'< "'::!.;.\~;::. GIVEN Uh~e;"~~ 'hand and official seal hl~'\l(il#(i~~'~('/'·'·""i"·\'·'/':l~04 /;" '::::. {: .. ,:,,//' :: ··:::::·':1, .. , .•• ···' F IO0211OO14B1Easemen!s\woJf easerm! 17 emd 061204 doc " :. . ~. " Page 4 of 5 :.t~"·' '~ . .. :: .~"".~ . " :: .,' ....... : .. :: ,:' .' .... :: .'. _ii / (.:':~:,//'.'l.'; " • ../ .... 7 ':': ";"""""" :., .... ). .' ::./:; ;//' ,:< ;:::f " .' e,r412~04 ." ., '<: .. :.::: .:' ./" ./,/ //::":: :':...:: .,' ,",'.~\ . •.•... ::. I: ..:;' .... =:. ) ';:::,,:.,~/ .. :'" : .. /::":':":::'" :: ,/ " ., ,'.1 " :~,'" " ':":""'" .t y .:' 76 ~ ~---- .., .---..... 39 -----40 ~---~- 41 STONE RIDGE -OFFSITE FILE f \21\148\£SMT PAGE 5 OF 5 TRACT "0' .......... : ... ,,' .:~ .. ' ~.~. •• :::; •••. ;.\~!' :;. ::., , .... . ~ : ", :~. ATTACHMENT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BENEFITED PROPERTY . ' "":":":;,'::' . .. :i.O{;;X·;··'~tKing CO\l1lty, . .ijoundary Line Adjustment # LOOL0089, as ./ .rfcor~,.und~r ISi~i COUlj& Recording No. 20020702900007 . ':'.f :.::". /1 ,;/ ::.r ',0,,: ~t~"I:/ ."""~O:\." .' ::' Sit.~ate.in Kij:1g::~ountY~"Wa.shingtqjl •.. ..... ~, .. ::: ,,' .:',' W;IWPDOCSI330411105ITMBS093.DOC 06/08/05 " .,' .::. .\' "" ".~: .,', ':. "'::, ":':"':;';""." .. ",,/' :: ,/ .......... ~: :"~'."-"'" .::; . • 4· .. • ..... . r , . ~: :.~ . . /' /: .' Page 6 .~' .'" .J ".: . . ~'~~·/~·····'··· ...... ;:: ~ ;./::j{~:,. :::. .:", .Ji.. , J.' i .. ~. ,l~' :.:"~' ;/:(.: .,' :,:"'{ ,." ./' FiJ~:~:.:f~~ .RaCord at .:. \, .. ,i' ~H·e;.ieq~st o-f:. .;. .A(I(\iJG eOUNTYWATER DISTRICT NO. 90 \\"',. ..,.,/ 1.ei60l~ S.~. 128TH-StREET • . '",., .. ,,' .,~E~lro.N·, »,A.s'HINGit~N 98959'''\. "" .. i".f (~,:,)i / <'.·',,'.·:.·,.' .. '.:::,,;,; ... ~:', .. '.~.,:.:.~:i'"')''' .J:I~~~r Easemenj N:.':''''~;:~:~:3·· /,: /,,!:~::;,1~;,/ Project:' . STONE~·;~~E/."/i/ .... /.' .. /.:'.,:: .. // """:":~; .//"':'), ::::::,~~:~~: ~:::::~E~;"~:'P.(~~:~~::~:;~;~i6D ,/''tJ> ."\',:: '>:::::::"1: ... " •• ,'1"/ .. / ::.' , .• hh •. ~::~·~·. "j:: '~J . P 0 B 807 . ./:. .~."I~' .:~ ... , :-,' ./ ..... , ..' ox /' :: . . ' .. (.: : .. ,/.. ':;: 8el.i~vue, Washington 98009::""':,,:/' ;( .::.:~.~.~:.',:.':'::::::./:: .. :::.:/ ... ;i t .,/ .'\:~ :::: :::,'; ~rant~e(s):/ KING:,COtJN,TY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 :.:<. .:~ ':'1.·,1' /( .;/. . :~:. \':'.::: ... ", ..• ,.~.... ,/.-./... ,ii'; ....• , •... }' iAG.RE'EMENT FOR EASEMENT THIS INDENT6:R~f:'fu~d.¢'·:~h;;~'·;'1~·:day:pf !1MA" , 2006, by and between KING COUNTY:··.W.AT.Ej:t:··DI$.1RICT..iNQ:~ 9.0, a municIpal corporation of King County, Washington, hereinafter :~errl:1ed the···tI~raRtee~~;·'·C3.rid KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Washington Corporation h.~re·ihaftE!.r t~rme,d th~·:nGf.aI'1~WS"; . ::: .. ,::,:""., ....... /':· ... r ;~ lTNES~E~~;?:· ............. : . . '. ~"',. '.' ; . ~ :' /:. . ~: That the said Grantors for ONE OOLI."AR' ($1::::00) atid"~ther ~~I~~ble consideration, the receipt of which is herebyacknowledged6y'~he:Gra~tee.~··, dO'e$,by t~ese presents convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a peqnar)ent./·ea.~m.ent.::f9r··w~ite.~ mains and appurtenances under, through, above, and acros·s·.the Jollqwing·:de.s·yfibed.property situated in. King County, Washington, together wIth all after ab.m,lireg·:titl~:{ (5f t~s~;Grant,On(th~reln, and more particularly described as follows:' . . ... :: )'; / .:';' :/ ..... :::........ ../' :.:'.' i;...······ .... . ~,., ..... ;,,.:-{~, ~\I'''''''::'' "'::::,,/:\' ::~,,:' oW "::" ~"""'''''''~;' ""'''''''' ",:> .. i'· ..:''':.:.''i,.,.,/ ...... :.:;;;''''/ ,;;:: Page 1 of 6 .':. ," /;":"/ :":.<,.:::' " .' .f ;~. . " ,", .' .' :: ;/f .......... ::""' .',' :;' '}!' :~:" ~'. J '~···,l~ , I I , i. j J ·1 I i t' :: .,'.1' ;: Easement No.: 03-23-5-15 ,.:::/' ::/ .;;.. .;:" /:~'PARCEL DESCRIPTION: :: ./ ~ .~.~'=""""""'> ":. -.':::: •.• ;~. _,i/o :. .' .. ,STONE. RIDGE, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Volume _ of Plats, '\:":,,,.,."',., •... ,.,/.:., ... :::::. .f pa~es.:·." .. -.. ,: ... through , Inclusive, records of King County, Washington. . .. ./.' '. :: . .'."./ .:,.;.::~:.::: ... /' .,: .... ::: ... :\\ ,'i:.,:.;:·':·"·"··""···:?' . ':":'.:.:,/' .:EASEMENT DEStSIPTI9N': .... ''' ... ".:. :(Th~t::;PO~ior{~qff~ .JbOY.~j~~s~~b.edi~~:~C;~1 further described as follows: ·;·:.'.Jhe e~eriqf 1 0iee(paralr~J Wltq.Amd adjoining the street frontage of all Lots and .. ::rfact$· of said' plat;.. ./ .l:·:···.:::, .' . .... TOGETt'!'ER.:,WITH' thc;lf'p'ottiorf of Tract "F" of said Plat lying westerly of the followin~b:.l.~.gcrib~:d IiDe: .,.i' :./' //""""""::. . :/::::\. . Comm'enci~:g a~.··th~;,s04th~est corn·~.r ther~pf,i .. Thence Sdulh .. 8r49'1.5"::East(along::th~ .... ·sp'Uth line thereof a distance of 15.87 feet to"the jrue"'"P¢int,of B~g!Qhin.~; ):: . Thence North 21 d'l3!20)~' Eatt a distal')ce o.f 5~~85"fe~t; ./"".-.,.:.... Thence South 67°12'46·~ .. Ea§t"'i:htlstanc~:'of t4.87 feet; )/:::::) "::":":::. Thence North 21 031'41 ,,'liast a dl:stanc~' of 1fJ;(:rrfteet;\·. .J:' /' \Thence South 83046'21" East'~"di~tan~e q.f1·(r~1"'f~et, ~6r,~ odess. to the .':::(: :: . ..:"":\: Southerly right of way margin of KttS?p P.tac9;.NE-:and,fhe,lero'linus of this /: !! line description; . . . .,.. :;~" ':-. ......... ,:: .J' :j: .,/ .r :i' . tOGETHER WITH a 1 O-foot wide strip of Tra6t.:F'Jying.::5 Met 0'n each side of /. ....., /the :foll,9wjng. described centerllne:' '."", :(.. .t·· :':.:",/ ."/'.. Cqmrriencing:~t the Southwest corner thereof; "':;. /i ",- ':". '::' ..... " Thence NQrth '~1 013'20" East a distance of 73.83 feet; :, ': . .':: .<:.:<: .... :.. . /rh·Emc~·Sduth:83°46:.2.1" East a distance of 76.02 feet, more or less. to a point ... -...... 00 th~' so.~'th~.rly. .. rlght 'ofvyay margin of Kitsap Place NE and the True Point of B~gjn:run'g; .. /.'/.. .. :::. .\ . . . The.nce Sqat/:f 83~'46'2:1" Itat:lfa'<;fistance of 72.87 feet, more or less, to a point· on the.sootherlytlght ofwaY'm~tgin:pf said Kitsap Place NE and the terminus . of this centet.line\q~~crlpti9n .. /' /' ':"\.' (All as shown on pad:~s.;~, .. a~~ .6:;~f lh~.r'irv)·:://'··:·.;::·~· ... ······ ..... \':. :i ... .'.': ...• /',,::/ .// :.::"~.~ .•.. ::: "',i •• "-...... \ .. The Grantor warrants that their title is freeilnd.::d~r oJ all.enc.urnbraJ1.ces except: '~"":"':::' .:': , ,:' :,~. ./':~ :: ...... \~ '" . . :.': .•.. ~:.:;::. Page 2 of 6 .~:.': •. ::t.: •. : •. ::: .•• :~. ::r····. ~!: :,:' " ,I' . ;':' • ..•• ~.:.. " :!' Easeme.nt No.: 03-23-5-15 ~:' ":~' . .::: .?"::. ii .:t..// Cli;o:~s J:~iiht0r's property at a location more specifically described herein below; and "'.\ ".,..... ,,/·/~~.the .~~~p:erty.:6f tbe'Grant~rs atthe time. of granting this easement Is unplatted butis platted '"."'" .. ,.,, .... : ~rior:.to t~'e'reb9rdlng oflt:Jls doc!.Jmel)~, then the Grantors do hereby authorize the Grantee to /add:'to this agreement th~ d~al~natiQh (volume and page, etc.) of such plat. ... ~~: Q·t:r)t~c:·~c~h:~~:d~'9i:~·h:t p~~~qf'th;'~,¢I1.~.lderatiOn being paid by the Grantee is for any and all'damage 'r-esGlting tQ.:hr re.s.u~tkig hereaft'et.from the possible Interference of the natural flow of surfa~.wate~~;:by.:(3ra.rttee!~ dlggIWQ.bf::e.fpe lines which may disturb the soil compo- sition within said"ea~em.ent. ./ ::;.' .../ /"': .. :::. The. Grantee shall hav'~:·t.h.,li~i9~{~i~H:~:~;i~:rj~;lir)stittrtlq.n of any"s4,it of proceeding at law, at such time as may be necessagi, to/~nt¢:r upOr''"fhe easery,ent ~r ~Me purpose of constructing, . repairing. altering or reconstrdc~I'l.g s~ld ~ater rr)arn~, o~ m?kln~f any connections herewith, without incurring any legal obligatior:t'or Jia~llitYstherefo.r,~, prov,lded: . . ":'>:~/ :~. {. :.~':' :t' {1 ... ·u·~:",····:~:·I. :(.;:. (1) Th~)'":Or8ntee, Water District No. 90i:.wIH·:r~·~twe .Gra.nfor$,.'pr9.perty. to a ¢n~ition as gqad as'br:~etterthan the pr(?,mises w~re pr~.pft9' entty ~y.J~e d'tant~e, YVat.er District :~6. ~.?:.":. .:.:\: . .,., .. ".... ,~( .. , .. ,:/" / .. / .. , .... ~.:: ... ::'''.' ./::.: .//: ,i/i (2) ::i·Th~ .. ·bis*rict Will exercise its best efforts not to da'inage ~rlY'J:kjvate i.mprpvements on ."./ th~.'· e~~em~nt herein, but if it does so, it shalf: ... r~'p~fr .~n~lori:replace said ..... irrlproyem~nts; ... " ... ,. . .Y,. :" .;:" ..... (3~)::: ~'€3st~raJib~'~";~pl~~~~ent, and repair shall be completed ~;~~iH·;9.0":·~ays of the date ::'\. of any,,~n~iy ~y' th~ Dl~trlct~.nd said restoration, r~placement, or repair will be of a "~'ualrty ~~dldr q~an~ity" .. ·thaf··fs. comp'arable or. better than existed prior to the Grantee's, bi$.tnct's,/~htry9'pon·:Jhe easement. (4) Th'e abov~"··$et.forth;·~~nqi·~;'~n~::$d~n:~~~ty nQt'onlyto the initial construction but also to any re-entry by the Water. Oi.strict that becoth~~:necessary for repair and maintenance ofthe water line on S~!,~ ea~:~rn.!rit.:/:r ,/::'; .. ' '::'/·~:'·:t ..... . (5) Any damage and/or r~~ov~1 O(EInY ~xn~;m~t~I:·tre~;'·shr\)b., fence, or rockery shall be. replaced within the aforementiqned 99 day period'by the:Olstnct. ·,····/·.:;:', ... ;i···i·/ .. /' if .... '···~: .. i . ..! / ...•..... ·: .. ~~: .. :.:; .. r .' .~.~' .:. .:," .' ....... ~ ... ,.::.: " ./::,:/. ":"':":~~.~:;:: .. :'.:.:.~}. . •.. ,t .:':' t:' ,:. . " ~. Ji .;' ., .............. :. ::. '.: :' . '.:: .: . .. :: .... 8::.,: .. :: .. ::' . \:.:::, •. ,,,., ..... ,',././. Page 30f6 .' .. ' .' ,.... . ./ .,' :: :.' ::: .' .~.:':: :: ::' / .':' ;/: Th~ G:rantor shall retain the right to use the surface easement If such use does not Interfere Easement No.: 03-23-5-15 ';', \ .... / vyi'tlriheJrY'stal!.atlon, repairing, altering or reconstructing of the water main. PROVIDED, the .:. ....... ,:Grantq,q~hall not erect buildings or structures of a permanent nature on the easement during '\":,,... /./ th'e existence.:of said,easement. . " .... ;.,.," )/:: ./.'/ r~:e;~;'~~~,en.~'::~:~ril1g Jf~"'~~i$tence, ·shall b~ a covenant running with the land and ··st).~11 b.~· b!nqfng p'n t~e soq¢e'ssqrs/he!r.Sr.Jilnd assigns of both of the parties hereto. . :("'~J/:{ if //'" :,/ :!'> ,)ii/~,/"" .. ".,/:;, .. f::··::::; . IN WITNES~ ... ~H'EI}EO~< 1I'1f~"'h~:~e sa"(;fnyjQyf hand{s) and seal(s) this :JqttJ day of ·\,··""pAf'fL.) ./,' ..... / ?OO~ .. ,:-t ...... //.,.:: . ./: . .:" /f; "::",,/: :/.:", / ....... ,', .. ,':... ,i/;:"'::;, ELOPMENT CORP~' a Washin . 'ton Cor or.ation;;~ / • ::~,:, .1 " •••• "':,,:~.:': .. :: :::: -r-loL:..._~~-Hri------'-;"":::/'/' .. :':' ::. .'::'. ~:'I:I STATE;.':OF.YW\S~·i.NGTON) . .;: ..... : .. //:: .. ;."/ .:, ........ '~.: .... :;; COYN1,(;6F ~INd ) ss. f.: ':.. ....... .' ... ::'/' :/:" }.f: ( .:." .' :···,;······.· .. :.T ",/ ... :"~: .~;. ..::' Ob' this</:.;;l/Iftdii·~:/~r·""·"·::'Ilttt£L " 2006, before""~: :~~r~~naIlY appeared K&t& B. fff..i/l.~.'iJ((,···'····:·;, (a.i1d) &:ouer /.,/. tl1fJlJ@L , to m'e known to be the Presidelltan#oi SEiretary, :re$peCtiv.~ly, of KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Washington corporation, the:';'Cof)1p,irlY .th;:lf execufe.d the forgoing Instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to b~:. thei;'free :.2Ir)d v9Jli~tarY:: aC~.·.~nd deed of said Company, for the uses and purposes thereir{:fJ;);~nt~9rie~, arid ofH~,~th.:~ta·ted that they were autho'rized to execute said Instrument. """"'.: :::: '::" .:' ,:.',..... . . WITNESS my h'and and O~Ci~:'::~·:·~'f:he'~~td:':~ffi*~d.thE)::d~y and year above written. . ~~5'CH~~I~"" "'~.'.' .. ,... ::::. / .. :kJ:/' ..':/'//~" .:,:.:~:'~:''''''''''''':..,~ .. ,., ..... . ~ ..,... ~,~\\\\""'l 'A '/ '.. /:. ::. . ",.:. ". = " ...f':'01' Q~tt!.I,.,:,,"A ~ ':'.. ..' . , :: -~ §...~-",~~.,.. ~ .:. .' ". . ... ~ ~(t[. = ~ jp ~ ~ E NO~~RY pUBLi'c"ln ~:~~:-:ior ~e .. ~:ta~¢ 0r~as'h'i'~'gtqe ~ U~~'¥ ;! (').: ResJdmg at: K:{;t:KZ'/IIV/J, .,' :;. :.':" .':"':':' '::: .::".,. % \P~';":M~~,,,,$~~~>.: My commissio~ expires: ':"'f?J.i)-i;~:,.: .. ,."::::,{ ;.: .:? ............ . ~III,J ".~ OF' \.N~ .. :., :.: ... :: .... : .. ;." ,:: .: ... : ....... ./ ";.,,,,,"'::' "~t . , ' , .. ' . \,' ' .' ~::""",\'::"":'" ":.,,;', .', .:,~; .;: ::1..... .: .. ': ....... l '\I~' .: Page 4 of6 ~ ~ . ':~""'" /: :: ::' :;;.".:;'" ··::l'l: ..... ~;·'·· .: .' ..... ': •. . :t' )..~ , ... ' :.~l i:'~:"~/ . '~: .. :~:: .. / .' r .. ~ . . ' .f .,: .•...... ::" .': :/ :J .. ::t • . :,' ":',:. :,' .:; .... / J, i ,:i' . ,t ... EASEMENT NO,3·23·5-15 ;" ! ... ;/'.. 34 I I :15---]' :\8 43 44 \ 4'j" -}-:~r-~ -.~. -_ .. _--r:;;t-:-TI..--r~~~~--l-r---:\ \:::,.,.,'/ ,/ ;::' .::,' ' " .. ::;. If I "'" '--- .~. " .~' :: ;/ .,' :1. " • ':: I, l..!:.!:}.) .1 ,J ,;' .:.:"""~": .. ': . 'I \' .,' .\,' .. ~, ... ,.~.,., .. ,' ... ' 1'" .. " ..... . ,:: •. ,f .:' I ..... . ::' ",: /"\;:. ,:" 1 " ::~. ", :; ,'.' /',' :: .,. '., ';;"'I"'~':''''''''/ T~CT~ H. '---+--.M ?'B" ':~:I''':' ....... ,., .......... -~ .,.-'''-' 1..--':;:":".--( .12 9 11 10 8 .7 .-~--~------------------------I I , I ! I I . STONE RIDGE DE 5······,,,,,;· h-'!.,--_'-'I'" .' ....... , ....... :j: :" .:' 6 " 0;" PACE 5 OF 6 .:" .•. ~.:~ :: ; '" .,' _, ,0" ", ~, "~i' l I~ NTS . I I " -q "I i '0 : " -' :; :~ :: " ,', ,.,' " ::',' ", .~. " .. ::: .... :~ . ' ,,' .' :; • ~'. ,'. I· • .' .: ~ :', ~ :. . ~:' :.=' ,,' ./ .?":', . .' " .~:. :.: .. :; ........ . ::. '\":.~,,,,. ""'''",.,'''''/.;'/ .' .' " ./' .:"',.,. .... "\' •... \: .•.. , .. ' .,' t NTS. STONERIDGE DE 49 ':: / / I /" PAGE 6 OF 6 EASEMENT NO. 3·23·5-15 . 46 ,:.29 28 ,.;: ' . , .\ \ 1(1111111111"" , ,:,' .~. ,.' . /\': .' . ,': .,' .~' .\~. ::iliif :~f~~0~~.?92 :1~~ ~~BNe4TVle.tl , IrJA ::,.' ;i,' ,: /'::Aft~{ ;~~~~d!ng return to' ~:~. ':"~: ..... /' //~ .:'/. .~:.I/ "'\'. . \.. Joshua kRosensieiil \""1 1.,,"lIANSON, 13AKER,,;··t;BDLOW DRUMHELLER, P S. . ""',, .... ,/ 1'p77?/MaJ.A S~t'~,e(' Suite 3QP ; .. ," ..... """'}. B~l1eVue.:.:Was~fugtQlf··':98094 f":/ . ./ .•.•.. : ••. :. ~.,=' ,:::':: :.:.i';"··:: .::' '<~.: :(.::'" ,., ........ ""\. ....... : ... :' '::. '""",,//' .,'/;: :.;: .. "/::/,,.,,/' :(",:.,l.:.//':':;','i;· " ,,',' .:. . DOCUMENT TITLE ,,' :'MeI),ibrano\lm of i\treemerit GRANTOR '. ...... Rlc<hard N WolUnd Be~erly J Wolf. husband and wife GRANTEE .KBS III/L L .. e , a:Wa~hlllgton bmlted liability. company LEGAL DESCRIPTION ....... Portlori"ofNE !4 .ofSE/~ QfSec 25, T 23 N /R ",; E, W M ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS 032395-901'4, Op230$-9.047 032305:~159, 03.23.05-9046 .::: .. , ...... /: /' .. .-::./ ./·Y0)Q.$:,:,:".FILED BY PNWl ,:,: MEMO~~.:·O~::~~Er1 kP8:.?2Z A,.~ This :,·ME¥.ORANDUM OF AGRE~ENf" is··:·:to,.provide '"Q9t,ic~. th~t an .,Agieement Regarding.,iEasemeh~t dated >..4/11( l c, _:·:·;,.,·.,t904' (';·Awee-9len£:~)., .. ~~s b·~en./~xe,¢Uted by and between Richard A and ~everly J . Wolf ("WOl;f"), :,:oWners of real/pr~pet:ty legally describeci: on .Exhibit:iA, attached hereto and incorporatedAler¢in ,(the"}tWO,ff ~optrtyll), and KBS Ill', L..L C~!J a Waslungton lllruted liabIlity company ari~o'f"'its s~¢ce,Ssor$" or aSSIgns ("KB$i,), Which . .::"ls ~der contract to purchase the adjoimng reai"prop~rty,/legal1y"::described on Exhibit B-;' att~Ched,:tleret(nih~. incorporated herein (the "KBS PropertYl,'.}..::· .::,:' .:-=,' :;:,:,:":~';~~~nt,,t6:'::t'~~ .ttrms ~f. the Agreement, Wolf has agreed to con~~y/:n easement for sewer ari:d .. an.ehseri1en~/for j;on$'tntC1:li:jh"'Q,f said sewer across the Wolf Property for the benefit of the KBS Prope:rty) .. 'Phe ~wfr line ea~ement will be recorded concurrently With KBS's purchase of the !CBS Property :/'KBS"'flas agre~:d·.lhat upon closing of the purchase of the KBS Property, KBS wjit";'~p'~pin$~ate .,AVolf:fQ~ .the )iase.~ent and tns~'ll1 the sewer line. The Agreement Imposes addiuonat' obiigaJions oq.":KBS, WOlf.and their respective heirs, successors and aSSIgns, and by ItS term~ aflc(6y ... re.¢ording .of ili,ls .Memorandum runs with the land. Pursuant to the Agreement, i{:'t~ I$S' sewe.t E~iem¢nt,:has)npt.peen recorded on or before December 31,2004, the Agreementshal~':be n~~L!ihd .v'oi~·· .;.".' .... .. oo~J ~:~~~~~n2k:.': ~ : [Sig.1re;;;g.j;Il;,~A), .. :·· '., ~~,modE>tton only It ho, not been::", ... ,..:' .;:" .,....'. :/. ,'," ........ ",. :'(l!::G~ t~~O~~! execution et ':'<;,.:',".. ./.' .... ..: ...... . ::.: ...... :. ,'.1': ••••• •••• ••• > ... 1' .' MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT W\WPDOCS\33041\10S\RDM0693 DOC 4/512004 .:' . Pagb 1 ~r3 ;:: ,: " :~:::.:.:r ' .. ;. l' I I I r : . !. I I I ,. f r 1 -' . I 1 . ; :: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT W\WPDOCS\33041\!Os\RDM0693 DOC 4/512004 , ...... . ...... :,:' ····.~",4·· KBS: KBS III, L.L.C. :i" ..••.•...•. "" .. . ' ...... :: .' " "'::. ;~., .... ' ... "., " ....•.. ',' .:""::. '~;. :r ,~., ...... . • ,,1' '::,', Jpll.I'.,+"".!}' " :::'~\:t/ .~/' .... '~' .. ::: I ,. ! 1 ",_0" " ,f .' .: .... :, .. :/: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT W \WPOOCS\33041\10S\RDM0693 DOC 41512004 EXBIBlTA ':":~: ', .. ' :~:. :/":~":[~":: ... ' ... : .... . :'. .- .... ... :.~. " ;: " ~ :.: . ,t' . ,' ,:-",;. "".:. ,.f .'.' .j •••••••• ,,'. ." t" ... '\,'":: •. ",,, ..... _ ............ ' .t .. ' , ..... U~II •• EXHIBItB LEGAL DFSCRIPI'ION or KBS PROPERTY '::. ':. ,',' .... "':. .. '::'~I"J:: " ,'''' ··., ...... ···.~r .: ...... ' :',::' :,:, .:: ..... ' ...... ~. ./., •.. ,\ .. ~~. .' .r .' .r """ .' .... :;. .. ~ . ... ~." , . ..... '.. .:: .. .:::. " ".:.;.:' " ..... :. .;. /' .: ...... ~. ), i 1 r I , 'j , , , . " I . !' .' .. :/'\":":~:::: ,~./ ,:': ~,: :: . ' ,/:': ..... :~:~ ... .. .':' .... :':: .' .:"'.~ .' ':. " ~.: :: f -'\:, •• 1" :." .:' ":":\,.:, '" ",.,,:,./'. /~tetC~' Addr.e·~S ".. """"'.,. "'''' ., .. , :.::' I~w qffic~/~fj~ck H [;·e.mmger ... ,·· .... ,,···.:: .. . ' 8407 sr" 9111 ftl01" .' .j <.. : .' ou,t 1 .75 ,,' : .:. ':: /":,:::" / ···:·:,-.=Xent·:W If,. ~:g03' ,.,. .:i ,;:,' ""'.;,; :,~':~. :/ :r :i: <. '~', .. ':' .::. AS;SfG@lrl)O~,,~2sED Addltloiia.l #'.5' on .Page ':::,:" 'i, .J:'" /' .• ~ •.• -.~ GRANi~~;~h~8St name, fITs', tilen firs' n"';~~n~":;;;iiJ.{/ .. , "",,, .. \'\,,,,,,/') ,..\ "Atldibonill nafne~f6n"Pilge""" .:i ,;: .. ' W6~F, Jb'IARD A :t .. ,:.}':' ;/' :C··'·::·,·.} ~:: :/ .. ;: ;.". .!WOLF, BE;VERL Y J :0.,. ..... .' .. ' / ,/(}RA~'~EJ,r::t~) (£a~t'rianl'e·':f.!rst, then first name and 1Oltla\s) ..... " ..... :.:~::::::./'. ::: .... :::; ,::,.:.,.,.,;',..." ./' . ':;.' AdditIOnal names on Page·( .:',' '::':··:':'.:::, .. ,.,.,.,,~~~~:·7b!~i:W 1:rE~.~~~:~RICT NO 90 ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Apb.revlated):·· .. ',: ';'."" .. / .. / :/ ":. Additional on Page __ _ Ptn Of~E:.IIA,.S{~(~ l·;···~;1:NiR .. :;··~;; ASSESSOR'S PROPERT~:::T A3t~ARCEL~~c'~O~;.~MBER ':':'.,0.::: ••.. ,', •.•••••••• 1.11;. .;:!' :,\' .~;,:' .," .::' ".::. • ,0" .' .:.:'.: .......... . 0323059159 .' : . The AudttorlRecorder will rely on the 1·~f9r~;~J;n.p'~~vi~eQ·.:'~~·~he fo~~"'+he staff will not read 1he document to veTlfy the accuracy or corriplet~ne.ss Qfthe.:lnde~lng:lt'if~rmat:ron . ':"',:' ,::' " .:~': " . " " .r'· .'~' ."".='", " ',: ~ .... : :,,:': ,:' .:'; .:" ," ./' .~:r .. : .... !::. ,:"',:, .' ..... , ......• ~.: ,,::., ":~::::}: " "., ,:' .' . " .. ::: '~:::"" .. .~.:':( •.... ' ..... ' "., .. ' ::. "':'.:,.,:/'::.,:' .' ", ',.::' .' ',~ ::., .:.':: .. REFERENCE NUMBER(S) ::' "",~~. " ;: :: ) . f. f .. I ., j " .. : .. ,' .' .f.." ./.""":":~;. -! ~ .,' ,,' ,;' " '" :.~' ::KING"COUNTY WATER ,ii; ,/bl~JRJ,CT NO 90'S Permit 3-23-5-17 ';, ;/ FQlLlf11lt-~(tUse of Real \ '<" .. , /,:' Rloljert~/F'or'Temporary \\:., .,.,,,:.'c~rlst.rl:.l'ctlpn:/ / .... ".".:,:. Project Stone Ridge -Off site """"""""" ,:::' ,ii' :,i ::,,:;,../ "",;, .. '''., .... "'''::" ~ ;TH.IS U.MITEp: U$E':P·E~M!if:,;:h,ad.~/thls /14 day of AM~ I,t ~r: , 2004, by cih·t! b!?,fwe,~n·'RIC'HARD/A./WOLl::·'·~m~:kBEVERLY J. WOLF ("Grantor" herein) and KING ,COIJNry·,:'vy'ATe:R .PISIRl~T Nci;,;9'(f, a Vla~h.!rlgton mUnicipal corporation (the "Dlstnct" herE-In) '.' ;', ,.,:, ... ", ,;-' :: " . .r } ,,'''',:<,';:} . Gra~tor her;~~""§f~~;:/~':~;::'dn to}I1~'~;::nct to use the follOWing described real property (the "Property:;' he.r~ln) ,s:'tuqted,dh Krng Coy,nty, Was~tn.gton· .' ..... ~ .. / :~. /:.,' ,t :.~' ,' .... :,.~, /'! ',?' ~:::~hD:a~fC:::I::~~~~~,4~Z/~;;~~'£a6;~;i~.Q~.rer of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East/W M .. rKlng ¢ourity,/'Wash',hgton, ,/'''':',. EXCEPT.the North 396 feet thereofi" ";> "...' ,/ .;"",:,:" ...... "~I,,, ':::', /: / AN, "D EXC'ePT County road "'::,:,.,,, ... ,. ... ,.' ,;/ :," """""''''''''''''/ ) ,{ .,;,./' ,"~': , .. '/' .J' .~::. '::. ': ,. ,: '/fSER~li:DE~CRIPTION :t",.,:,} t .r: .. ,~~':~.:::: )",:: ,:/" ,',/,:-" ;,/,,/ T~"t P9"~lorf~f ttl!? above~descnbed parcel further d~~C'riQ~'d a'~:' J6;lo~s .,:': i:"3·5:6'-f9b'~·:~';~~ .. 8:~~;;~':.Of land Iymg 17 5 feet on each Sld~';'~; t~~J6'lIowmg I;,:"~ descnbed..t:enterilhe :: ·':;~~·~'~enb,nJ:'.at.:t~e,:,'~:6~~~·::~~:~torner of the above-descnbed parcel, Thence Squth 87~i'7.,(38":,·E·a~J along'th~ South line thereof, a distance of 140 00 feet to a poYntor:t"'a f;lon;:i'angeht:icuh'e,;,wlth, a radiUS of 252 93 feet, concave southeasterly, the cent~r of which': bears $biJ;th 8r37'38" East and the True Pomt of Beglnmng 6:( said c~te.fim(;{de$cnpt'lof('.'.",. Thence Northeasterl~?a.[Q.og·'Sq.ri:f C,qrvEl:,lo the.i'tghl,)hrQugh a central angle of 41°33'24", an arc dlstanc'e of 1'83 45J~edo a' point of ~on:-,tangency, Thence North 52°02'46" East,"::!?, dl~~a nc~·'·or12.?·6~: feef;"'mot~ or less, to a point on the North Ime of said parcel andJh~.:ten'llInus qJ thls·'c.ente:rllne descnptlon The Side Imes of said centerline de~~~·;~tf~l).i~e .tl Qe":'sDbrteh."~c(~·~·';~~'gt~ened as to terminate along said South and North hnes t~·~~~b:,:':'.,.i:} :;,:':'"., .... '.',,:.:,:,,',:,}'.,/,!.',".2' •........ ',. I .j. " ::·',··.·.~.i; , .. ': "./~\'r/'··· .. ··.:.:,::r ',.. "'::" " '\,:""""",., ... /' .:" ::' {' '\" .. : ",.,J. ··i.1' i)' ,.,l"·/ '. F\0021\~0148\Easemenls\wolfpetml 17 emd 081204 doc Page 1 of 4 . . :: .. , .... , .. ::.: '-.. .~ ...... ; ... . " . y :.:: .. :: .. "::'1""" F \OO21'00148\E~scmcn's\wol' perm' 17 emil 061204 doc ;;.",."' ':, " ,1"\", • . :' :: " Page 2 of 4 !: :', ~'. " :;. ~, ,. .' .~. ;,,:, ,:,:,",""":":"'" ~\ . , F 100211rlO148111asemenlslwolf permtl17 emd 061204 doc " ,ZU' . ,.," ~ ,i' " ;:···:~:, .... :F Page 3 of 4 PermIt No 3-23-5-17 ~i .. '·"'·'··'·"':' .~ .... ,' ... .:' .,., ..... ":': I •• ,.~:. " :.: ........... {. " r .-' , I , i 'I j ',I 1, ; .. ~: ','. .' :.t' .' :.l' ,r ~~ ,:'; ::':'.: ... 'I/~' :!' .',' " ':'., ~'i .' "',:: .:.~':;... ..... " ~ ~----­ ~ 39 ---- 2 41 STONE RIDGE -OFFSITE rilE f \21\148\ESMT A =.1 :»24" R~252 9J' L"I8J 4~' (ESloIl CENTERLINE) 30 PAGE 4 OF 4 "",.:: PERMIT NO 3-23-5-17 TRACT"D" :: .......... ::. " . . ;. ., ., :', . . :.,; ..... :.~: ,.!' . .n.eturn.:Address: ---L-lllllIIIII ~ fl ORD 25."" :' \':/ C1,{y·.:bg~ttt·s .. ,Office ":',. :..... Q'iti' of Rent~n . .\::.. .,/10t{5 §i; Gtady: Way ,~, ,I,' • .' ," ",":,., .. ~.,., R~nt9h wA' 9.805'5 .: ..... .: .' ./ :/ ..... , ..... \: .?':// ....... ,., ...... ,.' .. ,'.~? :\:":.:.'~' .:< ./.:./ :; ,/ Please "ri~r~i"r.ti~e ,iror~~tlOA':'{y A:~iirnG;dN:S~:;i' RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 65 04) Document Title(s) (or tra~'~ct~6'ns c9~f~·i;i.ed therilq) (aila~las apphcab!e to your document must be filled In) 1 Ordinance ····~'~,~· .. ···:5·~·68 ... .:L s:i:ner.idg~ ... l.:/··":··'::.;!····'·:· . 3 }' Anrlexat'ion.( 4." .i· /' .:,;:' -.-!i. '--,.-,.. ..... -.· .. ,.,.. ..... -::.---.ii":;·.."..::-:;!------ Reference Number(s) of Docum~hts .;t'ssig·ne4·'or:relea.~.ed: .:::. ••••• .~. ::: ;: .. ; , •• 4 ':;. :. Additional reference # 's on page ~~·a:~cu.thent .. /· :}: .// .i::, .. :, :/ --'.::""::./:: i;: 1,- Grantor(s) (iist:J?llmc, first name, lruhals) 1. City 0'[ Ren:tQn 2. <' .\, Addlt1On(\l'hamel~~:~age :,:. of document. : .. :',' :.' :: ~.: .. ::' Gr:mtee(s).:i·(Las~.:fiameJirst, then fU'St name and irutlals) 1 .,',,1' ):. " }; ,"·"~·~:1'. I 2;." ".:. " ,:.' ..... . Addl~;6h~1 names ofl:~:i~:L:~f ddeument ·:'~"I.'~" ...... :1 :': :.\,:' .~:: :::. """'-"~":""~ "1:; ,,=:~, •• ~., .~. ..' ':. :~.' I : I •• ~ .1' •• , .~ •••• :. .' .: : ......... . Legal dcscription:.(abbh:;Vl~ted i~:'1ot, block, ~l~t or section, township, range) The Northwest cj\Iart'er of}',the ,N'(;i'i: .. the·~st: .. quarter of the NorthtY'est quarter of Sec tion 14. Towjj~:1:ip ?-:3 ~or;h. Ra~&e $ E<;\s t, W. M.. in King County. lolA Except the east 31':"4'5' feet 6f the "nor'th .,il06;:·ql feet thereof; Except that AddItional legllils on pa ge __ of:,dociifU,(:nt .. po~t~o.n fq.r ~.treet nght of way (NE 4th St) ':'~'. . "'::, ,:' ,~.:. :.:' :.:' ,: "',:. Assessor's Property Tax Parc~)jAuo\~·n(..NuJ~ bcr-i.D A.~.~eSsor.rax '# not yet assigned 0323059035 and other surrounding p.ropei:t:l:l':is .::' ./ " :: .:' ::' .. ' .... ~ :; The AudttorlRecorder wdl.rely on the mformatlon proYlde,d on .the (onn.: .... The .itafT~'{,\11 not r~d the document to venfy the accuracy or completeness of the mdextng infOnTi.a~lQil pri>vlded herc'in :." \ ::: ..... . I am requestmg an emergency nonstandard recordIng f~r an ad4itloJi'al (te a:s':provideci':ilJ RCW 36 18 010. I understand that the recording processing req\irre~ent~ maY co'yer up,.ot, oth'~rwi§e obscure some part ofthe text ofthe onginal document. :.: ........ /. :./:/' ./: .::::.::/ ,{ :./ '::'.,:. iiinitufe Di~~~ei~'pa~;'· ..... ... ",/_.} ----------------------':. .....:::: .. .. . ,:.: .. :: .... :"" •.•....... / .. : /' :; ,/< ~./ :.~': ., ",:" ,:. ':"\. ): " " .:'< .J:! .• :.:.~;; . . ' ./,. ,~. ii: :l': " "::':1' }' ~ ':'",,;f . I I , .~. " ./: .. :t;:~:,,:::~. 1 ::' .~.: :." .: " ~.... . " ,..:: .>-':'" eCR II r I CAl E ."~' , . :,:: ::. .,:...... ,:..': :.,: .. "'" I. the undersigned City Clerk of the 'c. '.", •. ,"'{ .... .' CIty of Renton, Washmgton, certify "'\:"'" , ... ,.,"', .. _, .. " ...... '/;:... .;""'" .' th~~~s 15 a trulle and/90rrect copy of .. ,.,' /" "-"\""':',;, vratj3ance s~f? . Subscribed .' . ." ,,".:.":." ..... c~ry OF.RENTON WASIDNGTdRP sealed this~ay ofJlrm'L ,200Sl \'<:.:' / .:::' .. ".,. \': ;,: /:>,:,i' ,."./' , iitxACLR. ..jCI Uk ~ .:," .":' .. ,'. ,";' /qRoINk:iCE,.N0''':·'$'Q68 It: er "''''.~. :::. :': :,:, /" / ':r: f ~:l'~/ /,: .. :":::":" . AN "O~INANtE ,/OF,/ Tnlf/': (,cITY .('O~/ Rj!:NTON, WASHINGTON ANNEXING CE~l'AIN TJ£RR1:rORY'·;'iOP::".1JHE CITY OF RENTON (STONERIDG.~ .. NNN~XA ~tON;,;FILE ~Q.::~:-(J3.004) /~. .,./ /:' ,':,r~:::.·;· ~/ /'~. WHEREAS, under th~ prg-Visions' of~CW.'·35A/l41.2.0, .. ~ amended,,~a,petition in WrItmg requesting that certain tenito~"~~:~tigy~~ ~::~he'·:~it.l:l~~~t.o.g,·:::~escn~~ .. l10W, be annexed to the CIty of Renton, was presented"'~i:fil¢:;' wit~ .i'e d~ d~~i'~;op··:i;~::~kut September 29, ., .• :.::::1: •. :, . "':'.,i' ;: :\:,.".,.::: .. :... x .,./~ ..... ,,;., .. ~'., .... '.;I.~. \::~i' ;.:~:. 2003; and:. . .::\. "f' 'j' .,-:,,:" "':::":''::.. .:\::,:,.. ..."",/ :c/' ::,,:' .... ,.,,:.:~: .. ':.:.::''' .. '':\ t /" :/ WH¥REA~, pri6! to the filing and circulation of Said pe~itio~ifor,:tinnexati()D to !he .~ity:( of Rento~/:he ~t~~~nin~;!~owners notified the City Council of ~~k:"te~~iotiC~~~~~~~i'~ugl'· proce~gs ~l~ro.~~ed:i~Y law, as more particularly specified in RCW·::j5A:;l4.1~~· ~ ~n PUbl~··:~eari~~,.th:;eo~:.';~·,'::···~~ll determined and the petitioning owners ·~~ni.:::~ to asSlun~:'rit'e.,pr~:,exI~:· 09i~:itmg:?m~~btedn,~SS of the City of Renton as it pertan: to the territory petiti~~ed to :~ Jite~~d •.. ki~: ~~Pt":hat portion of the City'S Comprehensive Plan as it pertaIns to the territo·~::fuOludl~:.:.'e ~t~1iC~:~]~,;.o~;~~·:,bOd~:r.~latmg thereto; and WHEREAS, the Kmg co~y ~~;'~~;~e~{~~ .. kse#~e~i~~~,,~?'ammed and verified the signatures on the petitton for annexat~~~~"~d'~e~~~~d ~j~t~~s::;ep~~~~·~*reage, as provided ~:'. ',j',. .:Y.:" ..... ~~~. ~·; .... M •• by law, m excess offifty percent (50%) ofthe ar~a.to··be ann~x~; aqd' :. '::. WHEREAS, the King County Department ~~:~~~di~ EJ~:tiQ~ ~~"~I~nSi~g:'s~~~s Division has exarruned and verified the signatures on the petlti:'~::~or 'ebtio.l~id~teI"IriiO'~ ~:ij .:",.: .:. provided bylaw, that a maJonty ofthe regIStered voters residing in th~·:e't.i~~· ~ve~';~:t~i:,::: ,:">,,, ...... ,.,. .-j"·""''':r • :':~" ':l'"'' "'~:',::. ,:' :.:"~""'\"".~.; ••• //":/ :: '~""'" I:: .:' :::: ';::~ll •.• ,.:,'I:' .:' .' :: ":", .' .' " .:>~ /:,:.,~/': .: •••••••.••• ,:::' " .~.: I' " " :'.: .:' 1 ::' .t /' " "".~ ... :{ " "':;,'1' ';. '/:: ".:,.:,.-::., " :f/:::':":::' .' :; 0' , :: .~.: ...... : ~' . ,;'\' ,'" ./ .. ' /' :/,' ,i" .,' /~" ,\' :,:' .' ./' .. :' ORDINANCE NO. 5068 /' :':' ;( 1::;/pe#i~~(··:~9.aJ.~o setting forth the legal description of the property according to government legal ":':~'\:"":" ... \, ... / .,,;i~'~~~~l~~:pr p:~:kt; an~' I';" .:' ::' ::. ,.:: , ••••• -"I"~' .• ", .,./ .:./' .. /" WIIERJAS, th~····".:.Econo.rhl~""'t>evelopment, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning :\ .. :, ... J .:/' :./' .. /' .;:'." .... ::;-: ) /,.:( /.,.:/' ....... 0. Depart.menf of th~ Ci~ of :a~nton:'ru,lVi~tf co~d.ered and recommended the annexing of said ... , .... , .• :::: :::" ~~::r."""~:·'·,' ,/: .?: ", .::/~;/:~";r I~'''I;./r ,.:::~::"':~:}, . property to the:J~ity ofRent9!l; a¢''''{ :'':-.. .(::: .. J' WHE~~'S~···~~e.,t~~Yi~lll1C·ii fii~l~C~ 12, 2004, as the time and place for public hearing in the City co;dii/~~~~if <ii' ~~"i~::~~~\.was~;6n, upon the petition and notice thereof having been given ~·P;~v.f~~4:,by:t:wi~~;~<'::,,) : .... /:.,: .... >: .. , .. WHJt~A.S. pursuant to said n~~i~~s ~h~li1·:li~g~:Lvi~ h.~~':~t·9te t~:~d place specified .,~' th~. n:;ib~s. and the Council havin~··::'~o~i~~t;~ ,~ ... n;;~;~··,~:~::CQJn~-{;~~}~th the ·r ,or ':;;:. :': '::~'....:/ :l .f'··· .. ······::; .:...../ ;::: petitiol~d.:~~r d~iermined that all legal requirements an:d prbped\lte~"ofJ~e)~w:a~plicable to theititi~"~d,~r,_tion have been met; and' "",,,,:,,,,,,,/,' ," ::~:::\,. ~:Ii~~A~~:·~h~.,~g·¢ounty Boundary Review Board having d;~ the "Notice of Inten~~~;;"'~p;~~v~ ~::~f.JarY~:2i:'·;~~4;:Md WHERE~§i':~:'9it::';6~Rf~~:~':p~lz(jh~d/the annexation site R-5 in 1997 in Ordinance "'"",., .. " ( ii. .. , ... ,,::... .' ./:' .-:" / .. :' .... :~: No. 4667; ";: .' " .' ::""'::.., NOW, THEREFO~:"::':'tl1Er d~rl.G6uN~f.{ O~ .. ··~ CITY OF RENTON, ':: • ,1'.-:./' ,::' .•••.• I •• ~~. .:~ •••• _ ••••• WASfllNGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLtOWS,{ /' /' ,..::," :: ".""., .' SECTION I. The findings, rec~~'~: ~d :.d~te~~~o.~ at~·· .. Ii~~~;·'tO'~d to be ":':: :: " " ,',' " true and correct in all respects. All requirements of the law ikteg~d::i~ 1'6d;~;i~~n J~.~~·inQn .. ':~"'" :: . .:" ;': .:" .......... ::::// ::..:: .:'./ "'.. . ........ "". "" " ... ·:~I".';·:: .... :.. " ::.' .•.. ~'.. .':.'., ... , .• /":/~' ... ,:/ 2 . :.~~... :; . .: :. :: ,~ .' .~. ;,1' ·::::'~:1' • ":::: ~ \;:. to" .... ' ~' • :' .::' ','.,:: :t. :. .•. ,~.: " .. ' .~ . . ' ' ... r /r'.;,:f::: .' ." .of:: .:~' ,- " . .... :, .. ::.:. .:t ::' ;'~ ;/' :~.~~::. ::.' '{:. '::":'"~':/ .' ./,' . :.:' . ~. ;: .' .' ':":~ . .' :./: }.::': :'/: :.~. ORDINANCE NO. 5068 /. f ':'/met£Q{:~lucJing the provisions ofRCW 35A.14.120, 130, 140 and 150, have been met. It is ~:~ ':\\ ••• o'~.~1 ,i/ .:,,:: .:',:: '\:. ~ \';. ifurtiier .de~rmiIl~d that the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the property and "'::::-::'1 1.ll .::' :::. :',: ,,::' r'····~ .. \~:····, .. ... " ...... / ~~~it6~ d~scclBec{bel()w ·~:;hereby'appr~ved and granted; the following described property being ::"':'.;..,.,,/ .:./ ",/ :/. ....:, .. " .... } ;.: .• /":/ ".",./' ...... ".. . coritiguOus.:to.:the.City:.limits,pfthe City QfReii~on is hereby annexed to the City of Renton, and '~'"'''' ./.' :.:: t: ... :, ... /} ;.J' :./ " .. /'/:"~/ , .... ,:/r }f:::::) such annexati6J.1 to be ."tff~¢tiv~/(jh(and aft,yr ·th~;/approva4 passage, and publication of this Ordinance; and'~~"~~':a:fJ~; ~~. d~f~~'~e··:~;~,:~;'Shall constitute a part of the City of Renton . :.::: ....... J' .::,,:' .f :/:. .J .... ".. .. , .. " .. : .. :.. .t,:\ .. and shall be subject to all'it's la\,'is ru;td o,t(jin~¢s then and ther~.~er in force and effect; the '/:'" .,:::,: " :,,:' :.... . .• ,~f"·~::':': ::~ .;.:~:~:."::~:':' property being described as follows':',,:' .""'0",,, /" :/.;.' ':'::":,,/,;:'" ~::'. See ~%ipit'IIA" attached hereto~l~e ~:··Part'll.~re~f~:.~~·:~···fOrtP here.Pi":') [S¢~ pro;~fiy, approximately 28.2 acr;~>is,,16'~~~iI ~;tge·,~~:~'·~.)bf $ecyb~:i '~ownsM? 23 '~orth, Range 5 .E~t, at the north'1C?st.:,Co~er ,gf..1~8~ ~v~riue .. ,BE .and 'NE ~uns~t Boulevard WIth Its largest portlOivlocated:~. approX1J;fiat.¢ly ~OO' .,,:·'nort1;t:oft~e int.ersection in four larger tracts] :.'. ........;.... ./' :.:' and .. ;~e o~er~"~f Pt~~·Wjthin the annexation shall assume t~:~"~:,~~i·:fJ:he outstanding ind:b~~~~~~···:f}h;·/:~~ty,.·Of ~~nton as prescribed in RCW 35A.14.12~ ~··:~a···'·pertains to the prope~~~'·~(ft~e ~:oJ~,t: b~./SUbj~~··~6·tt.le City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. ':. ···:I ... ·~' .{ ::' •• ~. ", SECTION~·n.:. . ..... "'·".'~s/6;~#~ .$~~:be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its PUb]j~:~~on:t. :i:" .... ,.:: .... :...· ... ;: ,'./ .. ". , .. :?:':..~"i: ,:=":' .. A certified CO~y of this\6ra~~¢<~i ~/~e~/~i~ ~~ .. ~ County Council, State of ':", • """,' ••••• :. .::' •••• I ••• ~. • ••• : •••••• M ••••• ...... Washington, and as otherwise provided bY:law< .. ;;· ." .' " .. :' ':~. "':',:::' " . :',' ..•.......... : ... ''''/" , "" ,;' "./""",;:.> "";,i"" ,.' :.~, .. :: ' . .;::.:' . :;~\:J'" ,'" '. ' .' . : ..... . -:., .. / .,' ........ ::,'/ .:::: ..... ".' ········\,:::,·',:>.i, /·\,i .... ;:;i~i.'.: ... ,:, ... ;;:' 3 ';'.; .. :' " .:. ~l' .,." :: , .. ~ ... ...... ::' .;': .:~':" ..... : .. :: •.... . ; ORDINANCE NO. 5068 :: ..... . :: .'. '.~'. .: .... : ..... ' ...... :: : ..... , ............ . • HI· :; .... -..... .......... , .... <y. .:': ......... ::y 4 .' { :; .~ .. .. ' ./' ./': .' j: ./ .... : .. , ... ':: .•. ,' .... .:' :f::'.'~ •• ··'····' ... • ... ~I;· ,\~ :.:" ,H' , •••• : .. :::.... .', .' ORDINANCE NO. 5068 STONERIDGE ANNEXA nON LEGAL DESCRIPTION ..... / .. /.{'. ""'. . . :: ..... \,,,,,,,,,""/,' Ti:.t ~.t~~;·;~:',:~east q6art~Pf the southeast quarter of Section 3. Township 23 ::·:· ... ,.:.North, R.an,ge 5}!as~ W ~~.:tKJng,.G;:,6un~Y~.:W.ashington.lying southerly of the north 396 ··feet:th~f.~f; EXCijPT 'tr.;act N':~fIqrig Co~nty Short Plat No. 486017, recorded under Kulg,Couiity R,~rd.ing N~. 87030$9001,.a¢ ~"~ended by Affidavit of Correction. recorded uQder ·Ktng .. Co~ty Ji~Qfding Np. 81:~260950. and EXCEPT the County Road;:"',:"",: .. ",."."" ./J:" ... ,:.f .. / ::.:-. .//.,.i:: .. /.":··.>;"·'· .' TOGETHER WITH a'poI1ion ~f the:tas~.;:halHl/f)'Ofthe southea$l"quarter of the southeast quarter of said':Section 3 •. .des9nbt;d nstollows:'<. .(./ Commencing at the north~~st .. foqier ~t s.~d s9bd~yisl~n; /,::,:~': .. ;i Thence South 87°49'08" ~~ a1.~ng~e:·hortp· hn6'of.iait-'suh:(Jivision. a distance of 251.24 feet. to the Point of BegIrWing~!: . ::::: :.f ,., ......... " .... ,'.:, "': Thent&'c;:pntinuing South 87°49'08" EaSt, a disfitnl?,e of38Q:fee(more ol~~. to/' '\' an j.~terseCti~n with the westerly right o{w~;y m~gin"of 1:481b.b.y#.~ue'~SE;\ ,/t .J' ~ence south~rly along said westerly right of way n,i-argi"i ~ its Sdii'therly' ,/. :/ eX·tenslon. cr~$jng SE Renton-Issaquah Road (SR~~)~ t~jan intersectiq.ri wIlli .. /i the south~terly right of way margin of said SE RentdD-Js'$aqti~'Road{ ./: ./ ;/The~ce s9Uth~~ter1y along said southeasterly right ofwai:~wq, to::~ pOint.;,':: .:..... w4i6h ~ ~but~.1~~30'00u East from the Point of Beginning; :<". :/./ .,..:: /: Tb.enc~·NoI1h J6°30'(j()':!.West. crossing said SE Renton-Issaquah R6a4~ to.the '::'::':':,:~,~ili(Of".¢~;:firu.·;.,~"'''} \';.,j I ••••••• :....... . . .' ,,' ,.H •.•••• ~::: • . ' ;\.:, ... // y.:/ .::;. ./ .. { ...... /:' ., .•....... ':.. .' ...• :::-........ . '::. ,..:: '::::·'::1''',::: ::1:1•1.••• •••••• ..:;r . . \' .' .. "\".,,,,<:: .. : .. :;. .' .:,:., .. .':,:,." .. , ..... / " .' .' \""",:: ,I'"~ .............. :/.. .:' ., '.';'<:' ./.~::~ .. : ... .' .' . ' ., ..•... .. " ....... . { :: :: .' .' .' :.: .... , ..... ;.;. " .' .' ·1 I J ·1 , '.1, .1 I . I ". ''\ t' " .~.: ... ~. .. ::::.'::,:~"';;, .. ,., ..... ,I', .:.':., ..... ':"~'" ~. ,,' :: ORDINANCE NO. 5068 SE 104th ............ ?> .... .:: ,I' STONE ./?/.l}CE (A.KA. Jr/H12S'roH£) NE 1/4 OF 'fBE SE 1/4. OF SEC. 03, TWP. ·State 01 :~aShinDton 1 I;ounly ?I .JCQL~" On tni, ....1jl! •• 1 of OC11J{3ff< 2005. b,lor ••• ,. tl'le underslgn&d, 3 notar't puorrc In ciili)( the Sl~ 0.1 Hashlngton, d~ly totn:lnssiJ'u!o Dnd Sliorn, personally appeared 4P:~ E, CAO~ to) ~,e personally knol<ln (or prll;'ll'll on the DClSis of satls ac~r1 e'oj ... r.e) to b, th, S~ 1)(c.e·Pl.~lfH#fof Washington F"er,l S"in~ •. the corporatlon thet e~ecutod tno .,dunn and foregoIng 1nstrument. ana ilcknollllidgOd &lid lnstrulllent to be the tree and ... olunul"~ act lI>ld dua of Bait! carpcr'ittjun, tor tlUt uses and thl! plIrp0ges therein lIentionea, IUId 00 oath stale\! thBl they lira autllOrllfld to e;.:ec:ute &!lIt! Instrullent tlfId that tr'l6 seal I!Ifluea, if /Jny, i! the c(]rjloreiE! Beal of 6aid , LUA-05-001-FP LND-1O-0426 KING COUNTY, APPROVALS: t Centre 33701 9th Avonu, South ~ fedoral Wd1, WA tta003 _~_ Pointe 1~~3) /HlHDOI ~ Surveying ~ilU'1t er. o WoodS l'H.I.ttr~HIT; .J Kieswetter 'lit Jul~' 5, 2005 IOIi NUW FINAL PlH NA JOh ~"O. 1459 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. WASHINGTON C005. 9-ZUS" ~----------- Il'ID[lDilL. ....::" NE-SE 03, ~3N,::'R5E/ WM/ KBS Oave 1 opme~~':'~~rp, ,:,,:. ,:' 12320 NE BIn St .. Sul ~e 100·' 8ellevue. w. 98005 ...... ','. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 5 "~'~' : " ,I' .\'., .: ........ : . • i· Ll.IlI--05 ,-00 I liT' LND-[ 0-0426 . ,' . • ,':' I' '~':C:l":h:"":"'/ Key Sheet: NOT TO SCALE SHE!:!' 4 OF 5 ;: .:' .:\ ....... . .: ............ ~:.? .: .... :; ... /. 5GB ·37' 10"E 2645,46' 34 35 -~ar=.t -=:t l:-:or:-5.:: y' ~ Top, 23N,. Rng, 5E .. W. M, 'I '" Calculated trom en., at Renton .... .0 SurllBY Contl~ol Network. <I' 0 Cit Y of Renton No, 2097, ~ East Quarter corner Sec. 3. !-U Found ~XM 1n 10· stone . Twp, 23N .. Ang, 5E .. W,M, I::: monument 0.6 W 01 ,4" x 4" ~ fence nost @ top of ditCh) I ~ T --;;22-:-;; --S;t 2 I I / I arrrl\'-t=r-rT,.-,/ :: ....................... .l...Ij~ 1 ... ,; 51 I I " ,\l]ClNITr-~IAP' ,,'" .. ,:" :,::,,:'1 0 ~/4 M,::~'~J/ ':C,':::,;: BASIS OJ' ~,KARIt:!.C,:,,::,,':' ;i:' WD.nlngton 5~at. UlmD~rt Gr,td-Nor'th Zone' :' as Cletermtneo .. !?y ,GPS titJserv:~t1on. "':'. ::. :.~ ••.• .;: .' . '::''':''::'.> ",',' :,:., .... ' .... , .. ',.: ..•.. "., ":". b Centre 33701 9th Avenu. South DolltlP.l!.L ::.. .:. .' ~ Plldlll'llil WoIIY. 1'IA 96003 _~_ Pointe (203) 661-1901 , Surveying NE-SE 03, T;23N,,;:R5E,:: WM.'; KBS Delle 1 op~~·,;·~ .. torp. >. .' 12320 NE SUI 5t :'. Su 1 t;e tOO.:' Be llevuB. WA 98005 .:' ~/ilrl:fIIl!r: ,J Kla'9wattfH' July tI, t'oo~ FlNAL PLAT 1 ~ -500 1459 " KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OB' 5 ~--------------------~ " ........ :',' L .~. ','. LUA-05--001 .. FP LND-10-0426 .... New Private Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities Maintenance Agreement: A Bounaarjl Line Adjustment filed under Recordjng Number 20020-702900007 . . ' . .' ::~:""": ,.:': , ..... " .~. " . ~.,' ." .\' .:: .. :::";":"::::. ::"" . <';":'., .' SDl'll')jj"t: t~.~~; 39 ';. lIm! 6300 SF 1'li!2·1jf'1J."E.H9 ..... :::..·_-, STONE ./?/.lJC.e (A . .K.A. /r/HLJSrOHff): TIUCT 'D" S1'OJ/JI POND 92.37' ~F'·'~·'~~~~~~~~~~~ i Lin' .,..1 •• L.ngtO O,lt. :.: .. ,'" ...... '/ I .. /: :./ I CI «15.00' a.67· 15't7'(l9-" pt~~~ ./' I "".. ~1Of<.:"r:.;:CI' l.Or J ·:I::\:I •• ,.~';m!J~C:,f t~· RE: ~.~PC!~~R~gI~co~ I . .: .... , ..•.. ,'\\ ... :: :: ....... \ :: ·:11.,·:'··.· ~ ~ .. '1/ I .' I I Tne owners of the 'land embraced witnir. this plat. in , ('eturn for lne oenefH to accrue trom tnls subClhJsion. J by 519nin~ hereon covenant and agree to convey the I DECLARATION OF COVENANT: .'\, ... ::" ":": R£C:~:~' ~~~t~g~~~~;:::'.:;:::: .\:: .. :"" .. " •....... /. /'''':''';' :.:',' ... 1 ~~n~~~;i~l~~nigr:~~ ~gct~y)n1~te~~v~C~c~:::~:n~~ ~~~Wll I lots, or of BO.,. !!oUtJt1ilo'j910llB thereof. Ttds ClJl,'enant I ulll')] run ~Ith the lanel .89 snown on tni9 nlet. Drainage Easement Restrictions Tree Maintenance: Tr:-ees locBted WJtnlrl tne D1Bt snall De malnta1ned conSlstant wan tne CIty af renton's tree maintenance standards by the owners of tne Jot for ~njcn the trees grow In. Trees locate£! wJtl1in the streHt r~gnt-o'-ways Shall oe m""intlJJneO by ttle lot o .... ners of lIle abutting lots, ",1: ••.• ;: msm .. AOr3ren nutl'ablr PSt • Pug.t 9aulII! En'''g, Pa\fo" Ii: Gal ass!. • Bul)(llng S'tD8:1t Ilno .' ,'.1 ~', . .' .. , ........ .;:: 6 Centre 33101 9'/0 henu. Soulb ~ Federal Way, lfA. 96003 _~_ Pointe (~~3J 6BH9DI 1 Surveying .,."',",. ........ ~05I-to'30'E 1~.1l' 7D.26' [z~70Z4 ~. : '. , . c' LUA-05-001-FP LND-1O-0426 "Iinll 1I't: 0 WOOds CIill-'mlIl?: J K1a9 .... etter KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ,,, .. 50' JO&,): 1459 SHEET 4 OF 5 :'. Ju I ~ ~, ~OO'5 .',~': ", .:~': ;', :,:, .~' .. ,/ .. : :.~' ,t Areas: PARCEL "OAO rnACT "A ~ TRACT '"0' i~~t~ ::6 TRAC1 "£" Hi~Cl 'F i1VfRAll, ,:' ::. SGu,nr. rEEl !¥.'i. 63 ... 403 26, 407,635 10, 866.004 1';1. 765 r,63 An, 6t,l] or:.~·.' 21<)5, i'l! hI. p.;! 36.:1 5~5, 30·3. SA!"; STONE /i'/.f}C.£ (A.K_4. fI'lH.!JsrOHff) . 1 SCALE: 1" 50' TOTAL ACREAGE: LEGEND: rll-I-I~ IIII 1002061 24." DOCUMENT TlTt~.. .,,/ .' M~moraildum of'Ag~ent GRANTOR " .L1om S';Maeftilis/as 1;fustee of Llora S. Maertins Revocable Trust :i. ::UID 3~14-QS ./ (. , ..... ". ,~:: ... GRANTEE ".:,:' KB!lDevelopJ;rient Corp6ration ·~·.washington 9brporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. . ". .:" ,: .... ~.{ \.../\...L r-Oh1 :i·:::::,:.... MEMO~bb~:~F:j~9~~E~N7/· :fkY.{)::~ S./·:::·::.i' :1 THIS:"MEMOR,ANDUM OF AGREEMENt:.:~~ to pi~\lide ribtic.~.i~a(~ri: A~ee~~~t ~~tween Neighbors ~f eve.\l date'verewith ("Agreement") has beelte~ec9ied l;iy a,rtd betwee-b L19l-a ~': M~t:'ertins, as Trustee ofr.Jor~r:·S;,:::Maeftins Revocable Trust UID 3-14-05 ("M~~rHn~h),c;>wner of \¢al~rop~rty legally described'" on Eihi~it A;: attached hereto and incorporated herein (th~ "Maerti'ns Prop~rty~:~), and KBS Develop~ent;.Corp.~ratiQh, a Washington corporation and/or its succes~q~ or .~ssigris ,Ci·K.ijS"), owner of the adj'Oining' reatprop¢hy l~gally described on Exhibit D, attached hereto"~'j{d incQrporated herein (the "~~. prop~~~~r .i./':::/···· ":"":\:" .. ",,: .. :/. ;(" :,::!' :'::.,.::pursuant t9"\~~ te¢1s::~f th.~ Agreement, Maertins has agreed to convey c~~:~in easements for access arid.,slQ'p.e·~nd.:bon~fiuc~ion ~ero.~'the··M.aertins Property for the benefit of the KBS Property. The easements will be re¢ord~d urion th~·6ccurrenc~:.of certain events described more fully in the Agreement. The Agreement imposes 'additio!i~(obligati~ms 9n 1';.,!?S, Maertins and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, and by it:s·.1enns ¢Cl.py r~ordfng oftJ:iis"¥emorandum runs with the land. Pursuant to the Agreement, if the Platdr'Wfnds,tone/:IV, CitY'·'bf,:'R.eI}ton f.:jl.~ No. LUA-04-135, SHPL-H ("Windstone IV"), which plat subdivides a potiion ·o.f..th.~ KBS::Pro~erty;:ha(not.been recorded on or before December 31. 2008, the Agreement shall be ~~11 and v9id !)hd tiro o.rthe;Ea~1:1ts described in the Agreement and held in escrow shall not be recorded·:an.~ .. ~h~ll :~e re~~ to.:~~~rtin.~.~·: ... ··.· ....... :. This Memorandum may be signed in :~ny ~~~er 6r c.6~nteijlarts, ~;hiC1(tqgether shall constitute a single document. ········/';7· ;:/. .:/ :,:'" .f ::''''':. \ [Slgnatllre P~i~:J(jI!owli :.::.:. . / :: .. :' ./ ,,' .......... ,: .. ' .,.. .~.~'.. . W:\WPDOCS\2402S\004\JIR24n.DOC 611SnOO5 Page 1 of6 "'::.::' ,if:' .. :: :'; ::' .' ::::::ti' .('''::'' " .:",:: "-" ",I 4~J:~i;-h,;~.' .. ~.·.n."t "f"J"-)' '.':'" " " .~.:~: '. ..,.;~I-,:' -~:::"':I' --:1:"1 ~ ••• , .' ::.~:::oo ,( " ,'.. ;/ :~~' " "" .( /:::~I'! ~:'.'., .... J: .. '::': " .. " .:! f~ ..... ':'.,::' J. ' I ... f .',' ,~.,:.,:~ ~:":' .:: ;'., .' ~ ,~. ,r .~. W:\ WPDOCS\2402SI004\J1R24n, DOC 6JlSI200S KBS: KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation. . ':j.":,'::',.,:,,, .\ •...• ::,:::"" .. ",,/ ... .' " ;.:': :: ..... \, '.~~' ........ , ..... :~.;.;. '., "'; .. :::. " Page 2 of6 " ::;. .' . ; :~? ::~""" .' .' :~ '.: .. ;: .' .' .......... :: .. ............ ~ . .. ;. ........... :',' :'" ',1 ...... , '.~~' :.~. ;; .... -...... " .' ...... ::.,'. ' ..... / :.\',. " .; .. : ......• :.:': W:\WPDOCS\2402SI004\JlR2477.DOC 6/1512005 Page 3 of 6 ';' .. ' '.,:. .' .' ....... , .. ;:., ~:~'':::'':'':'':::'" , .:f • :: .'''. /:' ,} .j: . :~~' ::' .. . ' ':":""' .. :; ExnmITA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MAERTINS PROPERTY W:\WPDOCS\24025\OO4\JJR2477.DOC 6/1512005 ;= .' ..•.. , ..... . . ' . "., .... , ..... :~ .. :'.: Page 4 of6 ", :'.~:. .,' .. -' '~'.: .. : .. : . . ' . :.~' .::. .::: ..:::/ <::,::;::, .' .:"':, '.' .' /:.f .,/:'\ ., ..... :::,'" ............ ,::. ,./ j~~~~:~.~~*~~t '·:~:::::.I .... :i .::' ,/. .~.: " .' " ':": ... " '.:'. , ExnmITB ....•.. ~; .. ':: .•.. ~, "''':. :':' ;; .. ,." .f .,". ..t, ........... ' .. ,:.'. ,:. .:::: ~.' ,'\' ~:;: .~,,:' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF KBS PROPERTY :':.+. " "i' .:' ;:.: .. "~ .. ~ . . '\;:\:" ..• "" ..... ,.,..... ".. / L6t :x;·'L~i"'y. and Lot .. z. .. of King County Lot Line Adjustment No . . ' " :c" L~0089, as flied unger R~,~ording No., records of ::":"',:.::'; .:,:' /kfug CdUii'~y, Was~tn&ton.,./ . /~, ..... ~,t,.,/ ,i' ,;;. ..;ij,.//':)/,\ Lbt 1 , K,jri~ d~uqt"';~~ort pilit .lJtuJber 486.0 17. recorded under RecOrdirt'g N~inb~ 879j039..qP·1~/'···~d amended by Affidavit of Correction ~¢cor~d under ReC9tding: Nwnber 87.0626.09.5.0, in King County, Wa~hi:n#on, ¥ing,A' pqtHon/bftheS6u~,h half o(:ii1~~$outh half of the South hilif of "the ~ort!;ieast/cnJ.aiter of the. South~sr; quarter of Section 3, Township;:~? .. ~oryh, ~~:n# 5 .pastj W~la~t,i··:Meridian. in King County, Washingtb'i1; ::: :.' ::' .:",' ':'::'" .,: .;' '.'y /fOGETHER WITH the fOlI:~r~: d~scdCd:pro~:~'(in~~~~6;d~~~~\Vith t::,: .. . ::/ D~6r~,e Quieting Title in King Couniy,.Superi~,t':C9hrt CilUs~'NlJrt\b~.r 86~ :.,,/~ .f" 2-2211'~.-2 entered on March 23.1987:·':':,"', .... ,,·" ,.,:' ./ :.,.,." ..... ,."".,.,,/ (! /~ ,{ :i:': f~~::So~:th 330 feet of the Northeast quarter O{thei~o~~~e.~s·t-qJarter::~f;./:: .::;:/ . . ,' /.'Sec~lon t Township 23 North. Range 5 East, Wil1ani~tte·'Meridi~li, i~' /' .,' .,/ King Co~nty, Washington;' """"''''''''''':' ./ /: ..... : .:/,' /:' EXCE~~T tl).e"W<=$t 840.50 feet thereof; and .~\,.. ./' :./ ./ :( EXCEPT-the North,165 feet thereof; and '.,,.: J: ,:;: .;: ':.... .: .... ,' EX9E~t th~t.~~rti&.t of lying within the South half of the South h~i'f:o:f th~:South Mif msaid subdivision; and : ""'\"" ~.oEXC~PT :CoUPty r~ad~:'" '''''''''''''''' AND'" .. ,'" "":,<:/'//\ .. ".: /, . A portiori6f'the Northeast quaite(of tlie Souq~east quarter of Section 3 Township 23 N. Rang6':S"£ai)t, WiM. ~h Kitig C~Unty', Washington; BEGINNING at th~.Southel\~t comei'ofsa'ld S¢'ctib'u'3} Thence Northerly 65'::Oa"fee~ alOng tile E~'st Urie ot sa~d:Se'Ction 3; Thence North 87049'08" West.::670.20 .. fe:et;./ .:,:': ".0', . \: , .... , ••• Thence South .01 025'02" W~t 65.00 feet .to th~ S'outh 'fIne "'Qf the Northeast quarter of the Southe~st'q~artet'of $'aid,Sect~6n 3;..... .' Thence Easterly along said South':'li~e 670.40 fe¢t to.::'th~ Po~nt .pf· .. ··,,'., .. Beginning; Situate in King County, Washifigto#. :/. ./ /" ,;:" .:/ ""\, . . ':.~: .:~' ./:-} .::. :.::. .( .... :~ .. , "';': .::~":'" .: ......... ::.. " ;.,:' ::.~: .. ,'., "';::;~'.' ;:.. ":~ . • ' ,.., ;: .:'.:. .{ .::' ,I: ...• , •••.•.• ,i'M:.~O~~±:Qi~~m~:t ",/"/7' Page 5 of6 W:\WPDOCSI2402SIQ04IJIR2477.DOC 611512005 .. ,:' .::. .' -' .. . ,':1::., .• :........ :::'!:;:, '~,I: .' .," :{ l·'·,/.' ':":~, " " " ....• /. . ..•. ";.:.:' . 5' < ;\:. ;: "::"~/ ~ ,. . ~. " .' " .:" .. :: .: .. ,' ..... " :.:' :: ::' ", AND /;,'''''''iCl~ 3 of King County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under ,""""" R~ord{ng Number 8703039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded ul}der .R€eQ~ding Number 8706260950. together with the West 428.00 .. :::, feek-of the 'S<?,uth 33Q""feet::,of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast i':' :q~ltrter "of. Se4iol\,}{ TowIi~hip 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette "\:;:', ':: ::' MericJfan, ,ih K~hgiCoun~r;I:Wasp.ingt~n; :: " EXGEPT.;fhe ~ofth 165 '~et th'ereof;',!;' .' .... '.,., .. :;. Excil;1p;t' th~,t"po~ion JyfoI'With~1l,~e.'Sri4th balf of the South half of the S,outh half Qf said subtliVision arid-,EXCEPT County roads; IN::A.SS;.ofIDfNqiwi~!.De~r~{9u~~tt~g Title in King County Court Cause Numb~r 86:r2-22118-2 ,entered Qn March 23, 1987: EXCEPT th(~a~{ 164 Jfet 9.£ sai,d Lo,f"\,,o""""""'" /":"\. .~. (BEING KNOWN AS Lor'3 0,( Ki);lg County L6t, Line Adj\istment No. S92L0103, recorded/und,~~ Recordin,g' N~.~r 9~091,Q.i022, and other " . " " .:. .' ~. .' " .... property) ">, '," .,' .,":: .;' :,~ :: .,' "::,. . '." :f .. ::.,,// ';,." (.".. .•. ,,' .•.• ""/. : ... /,:/ /0""""""":"":'::,-,.., ,/I::\~:.".". >'. '.'j. I'. ,~. .:~'::. ;:.:',:".. ..'.'1;' .. ; .• :( ... ·.1;:;:. '~\ .' \::: .: .' .' ·:t:;;j~ ...... : •• ,' .• :~.~: •. ..~ .•••. I.:.,~;.; •.. ,., ... ,:.. ) .' .~.~.,I' :~;. :: • • .... M •••• ;.: ···~:·,:f' .~. .' .J: ::: .,.~\' .::: ..... , .:. . / .:' .: ..... , .... ,.~ .. :.y. .. ,. :,:. .:' f~ .:. ;: .;' .~ .......... . ;: ':~ .. '.":'" .. ···:I~· :: .t .~. ,;' ':1:::::,.:::· .:.:: <"":"': " .' , ... /), :/,.. f " :{ ,: ...... : ... ;:. .:' ::,HI-, ... :: .: .......... \ .... . ":"":: . W;\ WPDOCs\2402S\0Q4\JlR2477. DOC 61151200$ Page 6 of6 ". . .:~\.,./ ..... .... ::. ,"'J .,... c,·· .:/:'::"""':::'" i '\ :/' :l.::(: . \:;: . ::.~. ;.~' .. ... :.~' .',', . \ . . ... RETURN ADDRESS: " " :,'.\ . .' .. tity .CI~rki·S· . .office /;. Cityiof:Re~~.~·······.:. ·:·:i. ':::: .... ' 1055 South Grady'Way '\:,',::.. ~~nt6n, W~sbjngtQ'h 98055 .,.,.;,,, ... ,'/ .:' . f',' .,/ / :/ ...... " ....... '" :/ ::r " ::: .' .......... :::. REFl$ENCE NO. O~; Do¢uMENTS ASsIGNEDI ~...f 'EAQE" D.:'" .;: .""""""" ~L; 'TP ,t' :' ... t ":. GRANTOR,,"" ( .'" LEGAL DESCRIPTION .F .{ ., . ..-' ,..' ' .. Declaration of Protective. Co"vemmts fer the Plat.'of stone.iRidge (a.k.a. Windstone) '.: .. }~: ':;. . .... / ./:/./ . N/A ··:·\ ....... ,," ... :.7 .;::: .,"" KBS Development Corporation City of Renton .:rl,le Public °0"." " ,I'" ...... , .... ' .. :~/ ':', '::',.,::' ,0 .' :.: .•....... :/. -;1:):. .~. . .:' .'~, .: .• ~"""":: .:' " ::.' .. ~ .. ~;: " .' ;;'::::'.:.::'" .. ....... ,-:::: .1' •• . ' ';~' .. .. :.~.: .. , .' ;;' .' ~./ .. /: •• ; .•.• '0:,. t' .:. .:': .' DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDS TONE) .:~ .' . .::::.t ..... :.~ •...... . ,':: ::, .. , ,,~' .' :.:, TABLE OF CONTENTS ... // ... :~:'; .,.,.~ :: ".:. '\::"':""""""-"""":}{~IdlE:i DEFiN~';IdNs ... , ....... ,., .. ':: .. :( :./ 1.r·:: .:;A~~ociation >" ,:;.:,/. / ': .... : .. ;,: L2 .. :. Assoeiatibn A~tib~' :,"":." .' """"':::. ( .. ~'./' ~oafd .// ,/ ':::;: :::"'~i .,.'." ::~ =:n .. ;::el ,l"<':"" ,:',' .' /.~: .. .. '/ :: ,.'< ""1.,; .. :. ..•...•... ,'" .' " ,,;" ':::. 1.9 Lot Owner .: :/: ;./ ,.:'/././. . '., <::: . .// 1.10 Map ."'..\:/ . :::..... \::.. :~: /"<:::':i<' i: g .i::'~~~~~:ting Builder \,.:::,/.: ~:":'''''':::'' .:" ...... / .. J:':. ,//// ... ,,"",: .. : .. :\.:. 1. q.:';: Pr:(;p~rty. ":. ..>' ,:' ::. ":',""':;":"""\': ":;'" ARTICL~"2 RLAT::'OF STONE RIDGE (A:K.A'."Wr:NPSTO,NE)··''' .. ··· .. , ~.J( ARTIC~~ 3 :'/~~AS~P DEVELOPMENT :::'" .. :.j: ;r~: ... ·.·.~.·~·::.::/·:;://,.· /.,. /3.1 .i/· Su:pseq~ent Development . '~::.., ..... , ... " ... ;,. .,./ .. :.,;/ .' :/.:' 3.~.:,.'· 96nse~t t~.A~ding or Subtracting Properties,· ".: " ::.'" 3 .$. :Rights ~d Oblig~tions "',",": .. :.:' .' ';:"'::: 3 ,4::"/ N~,:~~quir~~nt 'i~ Include Additional Properties ,'(,.,:::/': ARTlC'LE 4 .. D~VELdpMkNf PERIOP; DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS DURING " .. , .. " DEyELp~.NfE~:·PERI6D'.::: . 4.1 Dev~lopi'fi'ent ],?enad ., .. , ... '\ :~ :: ..... . 4.2 Deveiqp'er·~.,Au:iho~~ty Ofirtns p'ev'~lapment Period ARTICLE 5 WIN~STONE ~O~.;eqwN·~S/~SSP·~f\ ~~ON 5.1 EstablIshment \:'. .::, :.' ::. .~. .: .:' ':". 5.2 Voting '.:.: ... :,:, .. ",., .. ,.",.,,' :.::: j' ./ .::' .:,:: ./ ......... . S.3 Proxies :: ::..."., ... ,.:': .:." .;:. . .. ,' S.4 Adoption of Bylaws and Amen~ents'/ .. :' .... :: ...... "::,.'.' ............. . 5.5 Initial Board of Directors ...... , ... :/. ./ .::' :' ;:' .... '".. .' S.6 Management Agreements .... :: .. / .;: /( ./ ': ,':'" " ARTICLE 6 MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS ... . 6.1 Control W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\JJR2346.DOC 9/612005 . ' 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 .:.,:"::::.:. -: :~. • r .j/'" ,.~{/./; . ,. . ,I'" .: ~:'.~ . .~\~: ,~~\~. :.to' .,,/ :: ./6,2 Goods and Services 13 :~. ./ 6.3 Additional Properties 14 /' .: .;:../ .6.4>'::' Dedication to Governmental Entities 14 .\. \", ... ".,/. AR~ItLE:;:~" 'PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE COMMON AREA 15 \\:,' ,:/t ./' rr',: A~sociation Control of Common Area . 15 .:","'"" ..... ,..... ./ :/j ,2 :,.::: R.e~trlctions: .. !?n Use o.f.~~mmon Areas 15 ./' ./' 7. ~·:·:,Other ~e.stri~ions .,/" ). 15 \ ......... ,/ 7 A . .:-~sso~jad9n ~spdAsiqjli.des .'''''''. 15 ARTIC{~.l ;coYEN'ANi ~PR A~S.~$SME~TS::. . 16 8. f' :Creation ofLie:h an.d~P.¢tsonal"Oblfga#on of Assessment 16 8.2 Pur.pos~.,o-t A;s:sess,,hents., .) .. ,::~":\:/ . 17 8.3 Initnif'Asses;~meuf /' .;: ..... ,ji /: .:::.:: 17 ,~ .r .' y' .;' ,~ 8.4 Annual Ass·essntents.:" ./ .r ,{ 18 8.5 Estimated Assi~sm~hts .,./ ,/:: .. ,':'" .// ......... , .. ;... ."i'::;'::;;, 18 ~.~ ~aym~nt ~r Own~f~ t';:"'" ."./. ..,/ ::./ .. ,.' ...• ;:: .' .; .. ,/:.:;/ :~ 8'8 Seco: lOA ssessmten s ./.. ,,::-' ::':: ./:. """:;"/ 20 . pecla ssessmen s """:" ./ .:.: :: ..... ,,, .. 8.9 /,.Q niform Rate of Assessment ;:: ~:"., .. :"\. .,/.: "/'" . . ... : ... , .;.":. 21 8,lq,..:·: ti~fa,~lt in Payment of Assessmeh~~Reffi;~i~ :./' .:,',:."",: ..... ,.,.:: ."\: }./)i' 21 8. U Foredqsure of Assessment Lien; Attorn~y '.5 Fe.es a,nd"Costs·":· ,(:' ./., 22 8,J2 1fomesiead Waiver :( ,/ /' .... :,.,: ./ /'./ 22 .8':'13 ;::":'Cu~jng :9f Default ":::/ :i < ...... :'/' ./:" .f· 23 ./8.14/ C9htin~ing Liability for Assessments '~. .,' ." 23 if ::~"",t:~~~'::~~" Waiver of Lot owner,":;'",/;/' .,' .' i; ., .... ::; .. 8.17 SupoJ,ilina~io~ orthe Lien to Mortgages . ":J 24 " :1' ~.' ,.; .,' :: ;: ARTIC'LRQ .... ·A'RCI·I1y'EcjUaAL.·eONJ'ROL AND BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION RE$TR.{C-rION;$.,;/· .\.... . 24 . 9.1 Esta~lishiiient.,/· /' ,., .. ""'\ ~': ./,,: ..... ,.: 24 9.2 Design,Revle'w :toniInitt~'e".~: 26 9.3 Submis~'ion' of Plans '.' .' ·i;.. 26 9.4 Approval of PIcks .::,.".,<':..;:: .' .J' "''';, /':..,:.. 27 9.5 Criteria '\'.::.. "'/'/ ;:" .' .;:'./ 27 9.6 Effect of Committ~~"Appr~:val ![ .... , ... ..:' :i· ...... ······ ".:;. 28 9.7 No Liability :'. :./ /': :: ...... ,... ·,i .. ········.......... 28 .,'" 9.8 Size ·····.· .... ···:i: .:' .:' .. ' 28 9,9 Building and Construction Restr'tctid·~s.':·· :" .,./ ./ ..... ,;, :..../ .... ''' .... :. 29 9,10 Conduct of Construction '\: .. :.:/' .,' .. ::' .: .: 33 ARTICLE 10 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE .' .::::): """':::. .' .::'.:. 34 ii"'" ,i.,i i {":,:':'/ .i" ;:" .... .;".' i.;::~~,.cl.,<l/ ,,:: W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JJR2346.DOC 9/61200S ." .. ' :/: ?r wI1Ion~/. :::/ .>' •. // .... : ... :. ". ..:. //: :::// ".' . ' .. ~.,.::~ ;i "~,}. :~:" '~:~:~;.::/ "/,,,/':.',:,:'>; ,,' •• ,.:,1""":' """ .•• ,.';: \' .s":' :.~" .' ,,: f /'10.1 Lot Owners' Obligations "./ :: ,/ ~.o..2 Trees r :t .." ./' :JO::'~ Color Approval :;.' <:" ... ,,'/' ,i' ./: ,10~'4""""'R90f Approval :\~ , .Ai.iIc~E"V P~OPERTY USE RESTRICTIONS ':,~.:",."",,,,,.,.,/ .,:" /11. r ~u~jne·ss"tl'n4. Comm~!.~~~l Use, of Property ::' :: 11 ,2 Signs ";, """, "':,- :'::": .. :,::,,," 11,,11' <43 :'·/·M¥~rkytgv····9he~tI~i~/V6hi9~e.l; .. "''''':.,. : .:: otor ,:e Ices' ':",:" ,/ ''/ iL~S' )·~tii'~~~~s; }.):~~rd~:u~;~ctivit,ie~l ¥ig~ting 11.6 A.nimals :.,f :=" ,J" .,~" l ":":': .\:, . ./ 11. 7 Tiasll.Dispo~~1 .:Y· ): ",i/ ,/;::;::~.::, 11.8 Unsightly 90n~~tions./: /:""~;:':: ::: 11.9 Antenna ::;'.... :.;: .:" ./;" j' :"r"""", ... ,;, /'::":\' 11.10 Storage' ".;:c· ,/: .:::: )' :.:,,: ,/ ':,. ,{'::,,,;,/' ~!:~~ ~~~~~~~~g~:t~UiR.~ejF'" ,/:,:~;'.::i/ :/:" .... "··\'::::.,:",F .//"::"'::,:,;. ARTIC~~~t~f~;:ACtiVities E*~Pt\ .. ,~,::':,:> if ",:,,;,:: '::.',.:",::'.;;:::.:';;\\; /,/":,? ,'. " .. ;:: Q';'1 ;Ea~em~nts {"" ,~': J ,', .... "'.':,. ,:/..,:: ::,,{ . 1'-2.2 ./ M~P1teqance of and Restrictions on Easemerit' Ar¢as ,i:., .,'/:: ,/' /: .~. ,I' ;. " " ,: .: ARTI.CLE :,l~ G,~NE~L PROTECTIVE COVENANTS '~:""''''''':::?'./ ;," :.{ 13,J Partition .,.''' ..... ,.".;, ".:.:,:":;,,,,:; ,:,/ :/:" 13:;:2""""Sub~'iyision or C~mbination ("""""'/"" '::::, 13.3 L~s~ .... , ... ,::,' ~: ·';1:3~4,,".,Jvfo~igag~~ Pfote¢ti~Jl"""'''''''' ARTICLE 14 INSpRAN6E~/>:'/ :"":', ':\:, 14.1 Liabi~jty and a~ard,,Jnstitan~e ;i:""·",,,,: 14.2 Buildirlg,.Instlraiice ,';:: ,".:",,/ ,/ ./ :.':,. 14.3 Conunon Area ~epak,~d Repia~,eme~t'.;.:,:: 14.4 Building Repair':~d Rep~aceft1el!:f /' ,:,:,y":'\. ARTICLE 15 ENFORCEMENT:::"'''''''''''''' ,/. .::' :/: .,: ,,;: f:,,""""" ::"'~~' ".:: .' 15.1 Rules and Regulations·· .' ,r' 0:, ,;,,' •••• ,.,',. 15.2 Enforcement ';, .. , ... ",..)' .:,':: ""'". ':. 15.3 Remedies ':",:"""," .,' " :: 15.4, Waiver ,',' 15.5 Costs and Attorney Fees ':;"'.::./ W: \ WPDOCS\24025\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 iii " 34 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 44 44 48 49 49 49 ,50 50 52 52 52 52' 53 53 53 54 54 54 '::',:,.,55 " ',' . :">'" ...... " " .......... ;{ .' .' ,.:::,i::~':":';::):, .... f i.: .. ::':: ::'."' .. : '1>. }" .\' ':: . .. ;//. A~~IC£E 16 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION :.'; ./' I:' 1.~.1 Developet:'s Reserved Rights .,' .,' .:. ../: jit2 Amendment by Members . (( \,::: .... /'·i( .:·.':·16;3'······AJnendments Affecting Maintenance or Operation of Common Areas .::, ... / .i 1.6~.4. Pciwer of Attorney \,::·,·:I: .. ,''', ........ I·,/~~TIC£E.h LtMI'rA'TIQN OF LIA~ILITY; INDEMNIFICATION .. ," :/. 17,/1 J.jfuita~~.Q,n o(Liabi.UfY "~!'" "" :: 17',2:' liidenU1ificati.6n.:t~:i, .. ,,: .. /· ... A~~ICLE':i~ ilE*E~L.~ioVISiQNS"/···· . , .... :.;;,... lif i ··'rertir .. :.... / ;::. ..,.)./" .... ,'/ ,/"';'\. 18: 2 kupordinafio./ /.; .. :,' <, .. ;;;; ... r;:'.:::;·,~,:·J/ 18.3 N~'tlc:c:('" :.,,::' }.:: j.:" /:. ::, .. ;,: .... 18.4 'Examinatiq~ of.;:Rec~ids ,/. ::,:' .,:/ /" ..... " ... ':. ,::. 18.5 Severability·:···.,:;:· . .:' . .f~: ... )/' ~~'~ ~:~~~~gS .F ...... ::;':' .. ;: ....... /)/ .: ... ' .... ':~: .' ;ii:"':.};: . .;.:: .,' ',,;i' .::: .... :",.:. '::~ .. :::/. ". " .. :::" .... ,.':.. .. : .. : .... :' ','. ,l "';";:':",," ... : .. ',.." .' P. I' • " ! W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 . ' . I"· ••••· •• , ...... •· ..... 1·: " :" ,:' ,: ':~ "':' .. ,:' iv .' ::' ..•.. \ .• : . .: .. ,./: ~; ,;: :/-'\:-,. .' 5.5 55 56 57 57 58 58 58 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 .' .' .' •• ,'," :~. i': ,\: " I~': .:. ':: ..... :: DECLARA TION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDS'fONE) .. /' ,:; ,:' .:!:.:.; •.. , ...... . ~. \\... ,/: :./: ".:; . . ,'. ,i:' ",1" " 'I'~~ ", .:: '. "';: ":"" ,., .............. ,.... . :.:' .::fhi~:Dec)~r~ti6n·of'.~~otective <;,gyenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone) (this "pecl.~ratio,n") ~ pmde t9..is .ifj!!<t~y'of "'$QPttr\ 8« ' 20Aby KBS D:~yEL~?M13~;r cQRP9RA1fI«;l)N ("I?~yeloper"). ':,.; /': .. : .. t··:· :/':'" // :.,/" '~::~Clj~S"'~;~~~~ARA TION Declara~t.J.s ~~~ Qe~~lo~'er a.h~~;·d~ner otJ~e. "ie&i~roperty and improvements thereon legally described in Exhibk'A{lcno~h as:tbe PI.a"t of.~~9n¢Ri~ge (a.k.a. Windstone) (the "Property", or "Windstone"). The Propero/' is s6'mpri;Sed ({tii~i~ealipropeEty legally de~~ribed on Exhibit A attached hereto and shown on maps rec9fded with tlle K~ng Cbunl'.srRetoJder und¢i: ~ecording No. 2ooS'102.00003"3>7···:· ~d apy o~ber .rf~hjroperty riqded bY::;t¢'endment hereto. Developer hereby pUblishes';'~~'i~e¢I~rei~~~' th,¢:::;~~~eqi s~~~'~"~:~eld, sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased,rented, used, occupied;"'apd ir:hpr~~ed subject/o t~e' foJ10Willg:,~ovenantsl::::. conditions, resfri~tions, easements, reservations, aru.I ag·teein~nts,.:i1.11 qf wl1~ch are fot .. the pUJPo~ of enhancing ~ prote-ctlng the character, attractivene~s~ and d~sir.abilio/ of W~ndstOpe'\fhe~lcoy'tmants, conditions, .:iestrictions·~. easements, and reservations, shaH'nm ;~ith::the."Pioperty'ifld ~haII:"be ~;'burdcn upon and ~{ben~fIUo thii: Property and binding upon any person, flrm/corporati.on of. endty qf any kind whatsoeyer acq{i.iri~g or~pwning an interest in the Property or anY'pat1, thei~~9f/andithE:#' re.~~ective lessee~,Jguest$, hejts, e~ecutors, personal representatives, successors ~1Jd assigns .. /·Accep~nce of an interest in ariy portion 9f the Property shall be deemed acceptance of thc"tcfqis apd p'fovisiol1s of this Declfu.atiori: ./ ." ..... -........ :.:. ··':':·.:;i .' .:' :: '::. ,I' ,:./,,: .:.,;:~' " ':':'J~'~" . '::' .. '::::'.:;:'" ""'/ :/' ., ... ""\': A.RTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS .::~/ '·1':r··· .. · A$~OC~:iOi f .: ......... ...-" .. , ..... ,: .. :. ':: ·:::I .... l ~./. /' ,~.":. :: The term IIA1·s~.ciati09P.;:~~~1I ryi~an\m~.i~e~¢'~\~:a Washington non-:profit corporation comprised of all of the Lot Owners:'ot:·the PIat of Stonerfd~e.(a.k.a. W.indstone) acting collectively in accordance with its governing documents and. this~:OeG~aratiQh. The itihiaLname of the Association is "Windstone Homeowners As~ociation." Howe,yer, the'}~ss#:ia~on' s;.:Iia~i m.~Y··b~ changed by the Developer if the Developer elects to use a different nam..~J6r ~e Pl~t fo~imaf:ket.!ng 1?~rpose.~. " ::"';"'" "'~':' ,~. .:,;. ": 1.2 W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO1\JIR2346. DOC 9/6/200S " .~.:' .::' ::~"".\... ~'i."~" ' .... "" 1 .,'., ,( 1.3 Board :!' :;: " " :: :: ,f ~ . .1erm "Board" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association (or such ii ';'; //: oth.¢~ gbve~6ing"Qody the Association shall form) which shall have all powers authorized by this '\ .;\"." plclaratioll and the governing documents of the Association. '\:, .. :., .. ,''', ... " ... ,.: ..... : ...... ' .. ' :;,/':' ~;i~.:/~llildhlg ... :.. , ..... " .. ,,,.. . :::. .;,,:: T~i te4>~:~Ujlding" ~~awmf:n ~~lrefer to any building or structure constructed or located ".' " " '.' • .' " ,.' .' I.~~, withm Windstone, apd alrappJ:lr.¢nance$ .. ther~to.""'··':: ... "i':~;\cW:~~,~J /:"~:;'/ ;;"'«) The term ,i'common Area'~i~hall:.mean arid/tefer to Tracts A, B, C, D, E and F as shown on the Map, the fence, landscaping:'lmd.thonunlent:¢a·s~!11en~ibenefiting the Assq~intion, and any other areas owned by or benefiting the 'A$~96iatiofi an~or ¢e L,6t 9whei's'~or the c'?~on use and enjoyment of all of the Lot Owners. Any streets, .tiact~;,or Q"tller.,:ar.eis dedicatCd or cd~v~yed to a governmental entity for public use are not Common.Arfas.~.·:·:::·:·:i' .. "., .... ;.: :: .: "::} The Developer may add 10 or' ;:b';;;CI.f~ thq,'::.,m:ori',y;:,~ri9g'the'l?evelopmeHI Period, as defined in SecfJ~n 4.1, by an amendment to this'»)eclaratiqll, p(oviqed (~at the Deyeloper.rriay, not withdraw any'·traCi"ot::.other Common Area subject to .... ~ condJclo~1.''imB6se4 by,tfie"C,ity\of R¢itoif'or otherwise r:¢quired by··~~ate or federal laws without the':writtfm .¢onsint 9f'ilie'"eity"of ~ent.on .. ,:In the event the ¢OIl1II}On Are~ described on the recorded Map are dj.ffe.tent/froIl,UhQse de$cri~ed h:~rein, the Comm09·.'Are~.s· deSprib~d on the Map shall be deemed the coniITtbn 1rea(~pl~'ss tVis JJeclatation has been amended or ~odifiect to change the Common Areas shown on the:.,lvIap, excep't tp-e st:Citus of those tracts,br CQfumol.'{Are~~ that were subject to a condition imposed by the ''Cttiiof ReI,iton .6r otherwise req~i'ted ~y' stat~'or f~e.ralTaws··:lPay not be changed without the written con'~'ent ({th~,:tity of Renton. """",,~,,~'/~~to7; f /"'" . ",./ The term "Qecla'tatil)n" sliaU'mean aI1~. refer to this Declaration of Protective Covenants for Stone Ridge (a.k.a. ~indSt6n~~;~./:,/· .: ..... ' .... >.. :: :t ..... . 1.7 Dcv~loper·'· .~:.f ...... :"'/ .' The lenn " DevelOper " s~!l ~'8;nd";fe~ii~ K!i~'~V~I~nI Corporation. or a person or entity (including a Participating Biiil4~r-).,1d W9ich Ji as~!gns .its ~fght.(as"p.~veloper. :: ::.,.~;..",:,:': ,::' " .u 1 '.:' 1.8 Lot ".. .' :: ..... ':. i;.. ..•........ < The tenn "Lot" shall mean and. refer ~~·~;.·:;~~:·~(·fue ~:~id~htiafio't$loc~ted .with~n the Property as shown on the Map. If any additional properti.is ~hea.fter madt{subjeyt"to this··D.eclaration pursuant to the provisions of ARTICLE 3, each tract comprised Qf'a ~i1d~ble Jegallo~ .. c9ntai~ed "" therein shall be considered to be a Lot as defined in this Section. :(,.: .. ::,,:' ::t /:'./::';/,~~:.':;,:.~.,:;: t~:·::)~·""""" :: ••. , •.•..•...• / :: "':""1'::: '.",::.,.::::. .... :~:,:, .. ,./~I""""' .. '.>'~':' ::' "'~~;. 2 '~". '~"> ,:' :: :l " w:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO1\JIR2346. DOC 916/2005 De';;'~riItion' o{~ot~tiv/~ove~'nts .. ,::,:' .:(~ :':;:,:;: :<:: .. :.)~:r W'.f~st~7:· '.,,// :/":"/:~ ,:;' ,:./ "". " W:\WPDOCS\2402S\007IJIR2346.DOC 9/6iloos 3 •..•• H:, t . ~:' . "':',. '\'~': " .~. ,': :(' .' :,\:/: ./" :':' ARTICLE 3 PHASED DEVELOPMENT ." .J' /"':3~J Subsequent Development it ;t,: .... /,··r .:/·/·:.::/:De~'~i~;~·~ .. reserves for itself, its successors or assigns, the right, by adoption of amendments to \',. .this .Declaration, t6 subject additional properties to this Declaration or to withdraw undeveloped "';: .. "",: . .,.,.,,'·prqPertj· fro~~ it,)~x~ep(tho~~ tracts or Common Areas that were subject to a condition imposed by the " .. ,..... qity o,tRelJton ~r~i:herwise re.quired,by"snit~ or federal law. If the Developer elects to subject ~dit~onaI,prop~~tY to .. thiii·pec:iar~tidn, ~~yeloper shall grant to the Lot Owners of such additional pr6p:erti~S' (alJd Pev~]opet:; jf #pplicableJ. ~Il ortl'le"f:i~hts and benefits to which Members of the AssociatiQ.I-uire;:entided.}·'· f ":';; ./: ,:: .. ~/ /" .;'::.:. '3::2 ··::\ .... C:~;~~(~: i~~~:'~~':;~ubtr';;n:':~~:pcrtjes '·:·:l~I:,:"./I'·! .:,,:' j:' ./: ,,)! ':"~·:····::::I' Developer may sUbJict a~ditional p~~pe~ties ~. this Declaration at.~my time prior to tennination of the Development Period ·~ .. ~~:fine~:.in S~tti~~' 4.~.t I?evelOpeF may aI~o:~ithdraw any undeveloped properties from this Declaration at ru,iy tir:rie prior to ~ermiIlation'"Of the P.~v¢loptnent Period, except written consent from the City of Ren~onJs r~uir¢d .J)'efo~.(nH~ wit!tdra,wif-6r those tracts or Common Areas that were subject to a condition"nnpq~ed ~y ~tle c.#y o{R~~to~tor ·;)i:.herwise required by state or federal laws. Each Lot Owner appoints aria'c¢tsti~tes/the Developer ~s· hi~.attoFij.e,y-in-fact t.9,adopt and file amendm~.t:1ts to this Declaration necessary f9 add"or'~ubtr*,t s~ch p:roperties:;\ The or1gijJal Windstone ~'t O~~ci.~s shall be benefited by any C6O)ffion ~th~::on ~dditio~!tkprOpertY the.t)ev,6ioper elects to ad.d· to Windsfo.ne, either through Association'6wners~ip alld ~o'fitro""6f'siiid ~d~tjon~{ property Common Area .9f-:b,y ea'~ments of use and enjoyment in favor;:qr ~aid ):iriglnal-l"ot q,Wn~is o.~· said addition~l property:'-CortiJTIon Area. The Lot Owners of such property, add~q._bY De .. ~e19per :to Winds~6ne s~dll h~~e anj'easement for use and enjoyment of the existiiig .Wingsto~e· G&~on Area and shall !;lave ~1 the .obliga-tions to pay the cost of maintaining the Commcin·"Afe.~ ul).ies.s·:otherwise pro\(ided ~rein/' TI1C~.,b~veiopet·.J;'eserves the right to extend existing easements.'and cr¢ate new easel:nents'ovelthe ~o.):s""so a~to p"tovide access to and service to the additional prb~J;iies. Neither the AssoC:i~~ion nor a~~ ~t q.~n~ts sh.~ll have any right in any additional property nor shall this Declarat:lon .. bave'~my; eff~Ct op' suqh a.~ditiOtla,l. property until it is subjected to this Declaration by adoption of an ame~dmen.t t9'·thi~iD.eC1aration specifically describing such additional property. '.: .: ... ,:. :;' :: ...... :. ';. 3.3' ~~,~"~~~~"gt;os\.i/,?",,. The Lot Owners of prope.rties.:ad~d to )Vin9ston~: (in~lu~P.lg Developer, if applicable) shall be Members of the Association, and':~hall be ~htitIect t~' all genefits .~nc1"·s.ubject to all obligations of a Member, including, but not limited::te~ . ..!h~· right to:vote.-::1n }\~sQ.Ciati6~l'ele~tions and the obligation to pay assessments as set forth herein. ;':' ,: ...... , .. / .::' ;::. ... \. " :.~: .:' .;.: .... ,.\ .• , :;., .... ,.' ..... 3.4 No Requirement to Inclu~~·Ad~·ti~~~I .. Prop~rti~~ . .""~'., ':. Nothing contained in this Declaration shall ~'~'~~ri~tru~~ to .. ,f:q4i~e ~e p.~vei~~~;·'~6··~Ubject 'additional properties to this Declaration. ":~.' /' . ..:'" .::-" .:::·.;:i .. : •.•.. :::. :;:. .: .... :. ',:',/ / i !,i':::·:,',"/.·.·::.:.=/ .. ::: .......... . ...... , , .. ;:':' '~":1''''''::' ,',,-. .','. . .• ,.:./,~ •...•. :~~; ... " ....... ;.? .' .;": .' ... ~: D::;~iatioll<lt'2~~~;jve:~ovel1~nts .:./ ..(" i,':,::: 4 W:\ WPDOCS\240251007IJIR2346.DOC 9/612005 .::' for Wincfslone:.:·:{ .F. :;.... ;: ::: :~~ .. :j. ""::~';' .' .' .~/ :~ . . ' :; :~/ "" .. , .• ,::,:' ;:i 'l;t;I' :~\, .] '~:""~':/ I .:"~' .~.: . ,;\. .,' " .~~:: .' :,i.' ... r )\RTICLE 4 DEVELOPMENT PERIOD; DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS DURING ",.;: :,' DEVELOPMENT PERIOD / .:t·.·· // ./:::"-:~i~ ... ·· ...... Development Period ~~. :~'::::v.'·'~~·~' ,',' ... : " ~:':. .:.:'; :.:',' ":'" .\,.. ;,','/,:' rne'term ~Development Period" shall me~ that period of time from the date of recording this """'" ... /'De¢lar~tion vntil;the,cta:fe'wb~n all original Lots have been sold, or, if additional properties shaH have ......... been sribje~ted to ~is Declaration, th.Qfi··unril· the date when all original and additional Lots have been s~td,J)Ut in' ani ~vent .. the'·Pev~lopinfnt ~~:tfod shall terminate ten (10) years after the recording of this Deelaratibn .. :NdtwitJ1standing/t4e foregp.illg, ,the"Dey,eloper, at its option, may elect to terminate the Developin.~gi P6rioc( at ?hy ti.fue·'·py recqt~i~g' with ;~it;i'K~ng County Recorder a Notice of Termination of Developinen(.~erIOd·" ref~ifmqjng *is'!:peclara!~.on ~~d .~iating that the Development Period is . terminated. For ·p!),rpose.~''Of tljis S¢tiOii',~.1, tr~n~fe.(()f title to a Lot by Developer to any Participating Builder shall be disregarded ahd ti.tle to ~ny 4q,tib"vnCij by a Participating Builder shall not be deemed transferred for purposes of .~Ieteqliining;'the .:tra:~~hiop' Datc)mtil the Lot ~~. CurtJler transferred by said Participating Builder to a purcl:\a'ser ~ho i~inot,¢ith~i a,.Pa'itidpa~ing Buqcler,:ior Developer. KBS Development Corporation, as the orJginaJt)e'y:eloper~,'shal1.~~tairi~aII rjg~ .. # the Developer set forth in this Declaration until KBS Developi'h~~~"C0rPora;do.!1 has".c'on:y'ey~d ti~le:t9 'all Lots to Participating Builder(s) and/or to another purchaser who;;)s n.6t ~:)ar~icipatln~,;l3uifder./: 4.2/":'",. Developer's A~thority D~~~~g beV!Il)p~nt P~riQ~; ,:':::., ....... , ..... ,.":: .. ,... ;./~:::.?i :/' "':\'~::. ':":"'~" I">:' //'/ .... :::.':.":-.: .. , .... ::\ \~ .~.: }~ Undi the termt~tion of the Development PerloCl';,·tne D.~vel~peJ"'he·re6y'reserv'es f6'r i~elf, its successor~/or a~lgIls, all of the rights, powers and functions df.Jh~:A~ocifltion~ or t#e·~i)ar(;r:·thereof, which sgail be.:~xe~~ise«(and/or performed solely by the Develoij'~r wtthoutJ'uriher ,,~u*oritY: from or action ~y the.Mem,bers during the Development Period, the Developer'~~hal1 have~o obligation to publi~ fina,lcial sfate~nts, hold meetings or otherwise account to or COI1sui.iwi.th ui~ Members; exc~p't as 9fuenylse expr.essiy···req'-Jired herein. Upon termination of the Develbpm¢nt Ee'riod, adrri'~pistrative'powtl~d auf:h~ritY::,for management of the Property shall pass to tiie):J.bard of Directors andMe~bers as ~io~:iaed::hbr~in a#d in the Bylaws.' ··:'··"·"'" .. ·~R-tICi~ ~./' ... /.Wi;~~~QNE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 5.1 ~~;~~"i /,/"'i""./ ,"}.. - There is hereby created ~n as'$Oci~~ion to:be ~llecl:'·IIWjn<;lstone Homeowners Association." The Association shall be a nonprofit ct~!.Poratio~;fox:fue4.;:and ;9per~ie(rp·iir~uant to RCW 24.03 and RCW 64.38. The Association shall use tlie,·W.!,me "Windstone.j10rrieoWncr~""ASsqciation" unless Developer or the Association elects to use a different name;' :' .... , .. } .: . .... ";:. 0' " " .:.,("'\:: ':j •. ''''''.". ='" .. ' .................... 1'" " ,:' 0' :: .:'.. .,'.6·· ... · •.. • :~ ",;. ,::':: :: . ./ .:' ~: .~:. ".RH\,+ 5.2 Voting After the end of the Development Period, each' M~p1b~~ sh!Xlt b¢·:ent.itle4.j(},c~st, at"~y meeting of the Association, one vote for each Lot owned by that Member ./'If ~tlY ~&t i~:·9~ne~ .. .by:. mor~ tl!~ one (1) person or entity, the Owners thereof shall appoint one (l)':p.~~son to s~iv.e as .tI)e':.v.bting· Merri~er .... " .,,:'.r .:.:,;:;: ···,:· ... :....i.:=' .:i.>.········ .... ..•. :: ...•. / .... :,. ",~I.·" .. ,·'··;!· '~' .. ::: ':': . " ,':' .'r\~/' ::,~. W:\ WPOOCS\2402S\007\JIR2346.DOC 91612005 5 ':. .:: ... " ':":":':' ./' 0' .:.".~ •• ~.~! . :': ::.... " De~~~i~tloflo(~~?t~:~tiv~6,ve~ts :.:.:,: {> ;';:;;:: ./ fo/ Wi~tone.;:· ./ / .. :: .. /. .. ': .. :~: ...• / :./ ./ .. ::/ . . ~/ .:.. .:' ;.:~.f \' ...... ::. § "','1:: • . : .. ? ' .. :.\:, .• / W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 916(2005 ·:~. 6 . : .. ~:' .' .:'.:' :: .. : ARTICLE 6 MANAGEMENT OF COMMON AREAS ./ /'···'6.~.1 Control .~. ~::: .::' I~~' •••••••• :::::,:, ... /" ,/. .:,,:" Th~;De~eloper shall have and hereby reserves for itself, its successors, and assigns, an .~~fueQt'fo~: the dght, during the Development Period and any period thereafter in which Developer is '\:"":':' . . .. ,./'a L,;:ot Q\Vne~; to ;litil~ze'lhe'C;::ommon Area for its business uses and purposes, including. but not limited .......... t(i; cori1ple~ion of Jl'iiprovements ther~ofi"ilil~,other uses and purposes related to the construction, Ij"rom.btiorr··~m(rdeVelopm~;lt of: W,indstone . .!;'Upon tennination of the Development Period, said D6'velopei"s 9~~met1t sh~U a~t~rilaticaItf'ierqtinate·,: .. Control and the management and administration of the Co~o.ri· Mea shall/~est;:in t~e Assqc~~tj6n at t1J:f .¢nq .of the Development Period subject to the Developeris afo'rem~ntJone~frights of-us~;: '::"\" .,i: ,/ . 6:l·'i;OOdi!'~~·~fs.:;:' / ,.i./·;~;i, The Board shall ac4u~."~nd p~y f<;lt aSia: C9i'iuuotiExp~nse of tli ·:A.$sociation, all goods and services reasonably necessary 'or cOnVeni~nt fcir th¢:'efflcient ancforderl{J:Il1,tiintenance of all portions of the Common Areas, including but riot. H~it~~{ to Jns01Iin~{~int~ini~g:·~:#d operating (including paying for electricity for) streetlights. ··.,c: :::':'.:: .. /:':' / :/: ··::·'·.:.,;i;:-.. :;. 6.3/:':,:,:,:~dditional Propertlcs' ':" ":'''/\'' '" :,' ,,' .<;~',:"'''~,:,:.~',:'':,,:.:.,'\.. .f:':::':)' .:/ ":':~:: ":':"~' ,/f' .J' .::' .. ::."1.... '\ \': ;:::' /' If a,dditional p~~perties are subjected to this D~claratiorfpu~~ua9nCi"AR:rICL? 3,,',iDe~¢loper shall have .. :in e~~ent '~s described in Section 6.1 on the CotriQ1o~'A~~as~9.cat~d tho/ei~; ~pon terminat~6n of..the p,evelopment Period, said Developer's easement sltall autqm·aticallY.terminate. Thereafter, tbe AsSbcia~fon shall be responsible for the management, maintenance.,.~nd·adqiinistration of such ¢o~9n A~(ras .. ¢osts of maintaining and operating the Commori:Are~ )(:~catc?'d in)idditional prop.erties,:shall.:lie pald l\s'provid~d in Section 10. ","c':":';: .• :: ,c :::::'':::\,.. . '~:4":' ~Ji;atif)n::10 d~vernmcntal Entities < .... ,:,: ~~tirih;·':e~~i~'Oq!,lf tlj!.De~~i~~ri1~nt Period, Developer reserves the right to withdraw any undeveloped part of-the Property"ftom tPis,.Pec'iarat~on and to dedicate, transfer or convey to any state, county. municipal or::~tPer goy6qime~1 eri~~~/~ny':sU~h part of the Property. The rights reserved to Developer in this Sectio'il.6.4·'sh~1I b~(exercised ~y D~~elo~r at Developer's sole discretion. ARTICLE 7 :':\" P~O~ERT,;'RIbHT~ I~;"TItE.COMMON AREA 7.1 Association co:'~~r~f"~6~i: Af';a/::' ./:;:: .. :.?:......... " " '~'., ',.' " .: The Association owns ~d controls ~ci·.common:~re'~· fari~~';ibene~·~··o~·~e Lot Owners. Except as otherwise limited by law or prior restricti'og,.:eaqh LQi'Ow.,ner shah: hav.; a qOn~xclusive right, to the use and enjoyment in and to the Common Areas~ S4bje~t tO"the D~w~.i'Ope:rl~,ttghts set."forth in . 5.6, each Lot Owner hereby grants the Association an irrevbCable:Hgl}i to .thana~e' and,.cq~trol: t11~, .. Common Areas on behalf of and in the interest of the Lot Owneri: ... , ... /:· ,/'::.,::/( /.', ... :.:.::'::;,i·: /':. . "'.?~, .. "'" "':. " ", .: "".:~ :1;': :.".11 II ... ··:.:· . , .... ,::. ~:·,~:.".I·:::. ::~"""'~'" ./t;':I~F ,:/ W;\ WPDOCS\24025\OO7UIR2346. DOC 91612005 7 ';. .: ...• ::. .::' " .~. .: ':.:-, I'" .~.: :. ,::' /J DeCI~~ili::m-Of:~r9i~ctiv~b)ve,li~n!S ./ ,':.~> .;'> " :::.'. f~ Wj~ton~::·.... ".j' """.:./ .... ,." ./ ... ft ':";- .: ..... , ... :.:. ,::;' :.' I::: .. ·.'I:~, :~\. } .~: .•.. /.,: ,\" "':"':'" }. Restrictions on Use of Conunon Areas' ,/. 7.2 " .. :: .. ii",.":· ./:1' .Exc.~pt with regard to utility easements, the Common Areas may be used only by Members and i: " /: thei.i guesfs;:';.:···,··· .... ~~ :'~:'.:: ...... ,' .... ..:' " ',~ • .J~' ::., .,'. :\~::, . .,::',) .. ,: ;.,.; .... 7if ~bt~~".~~trictiOnS ":,::.,,,,, .. , .. ,.:" .:." .i::·The-.:'Co~6~ Area~'~all als9"btnupject to the other restrictions, limitations and reservations qj;>ntqined .PI-p~oytded ,for,jn thJs I;>e,¢laratiQft or the Bylaws. """'.:.::',' .. ;.,:': :/ :(' J':'. ./: .r .... l~· ;,~~""""'~ ........ Ul~ ... ~\:: •• ,!:" '7.4 .:.: A$so~ation R~ponsibU.Wes :/ '~::" '~'. ::: \ ":\1,":/ .,.:'l:, i'~" ,~.: ... ~~.l// '.~ ./ .. r,:}){ ".:,/ The AssQ,fiation ~paJl J!iain~ain t~~ Coni9o~ ·Ar.~'as and associated landscaping, including but not limited to the s·torm·p'ond/draiJiage sYstem.,,ire.¢iealion areas. sensitive areas, entry monument(s), entry landscaping. and all o¢er ybmm.dh A~.6riS .shmyii on the Map or cle~,ignated herein, as required or advisable. The Association·:·~ay.';prov.iae s¢h ~dit~pna~.colfu:npn maintc.rifuI~e which it determines to be in the best interest of the Lot Owners. :/ ,/' .,/ ,:./ .... ::. /./" ARTICLE ~~~.:., ... /id~v~~{NT··;~k.A~S~S~~NTS ::;~"~" :'/.... .~.:. /: ':11:'': ':.'/ .. /' , ..... "\.~ •••• 8.~.:.:'.':':" .. :,:;:eation of Lien and pers6nar\bligati~), o:.;.As~?S~~~~ .. ."' .. ,::·::·· ,:: .. ::\. :://::".:r By ;icceptanc'b::pf a deed or other instrument 6f'G9..IJVeY~fice, .. wh~ther··.Qr..nQt itshalVbe ~b expressed.ih any:;~uch df?ed or other instrument, each Lot OWQer i~.,'de~·iTIed t9.~oven!!ht ~t1d <\-~ree to pay to th~{Ass9(;iati.on ap common expenses assessed against sald::,OwI.1ert{f.~~;'by tl)e A,:,ssoc.filtion. Common expenses)ncl~de, but are not limited to: (a) annual assessrrie.nts·d{chargfs ,and (6) special assessnients,'/ Saicfann~~l and special assessments, together with intere'SHher:ein ~'i1dJ~ostS' of collection ther~.6f (in9iudilli re~6n'lble'attprneys' fees whether or not suit is commenc&l)/'stu{U b.e·:a charge on the.,Lot an(l.$,~ be i:Cdntinuing··li.~n upon the Lot against which each such assessment:ls made. Each such:tl3.sessment, t()~~ther ;iYith; .. suc4 interest and costs of collection, shall also be the:'personaI obligation of the t;Q~ . .own~r:bwi1ing.:the tot Whe~, .. the.'4.ssessment is due. There shall be no assessment on any Lot until after'tii'elnitia(tran.Sfer ,rif the I,.ot to a i~sidential owner. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall nd~ pass,.t4;{th~,i..~t OY.,',ne(s S4cce$~ors in title unless the lien for such delinquent assessment has been ·P.r.operly ~tCo'rde(;I::·prid~. to .ira~t'eT.: of title or unless expressly assumed by the transferee. Provided, 'iiow~ver, That,~ the ca~6' ola s;iie of:.AllY Lot which is charged with the payment of an assessment or assessments payaQ'!~A.~ instaJ:fm~flts, qie 'p:~rson or entity who Is the owner immediately prior to the date of ~y such ~4Ie, .~haWbe p,erso~alIY'Ha,\)le only for the amount of the installment due prior to said sale.:Th~"n~Y;; o}Vne~:;'shaI~/be ~rs¢'nalli.·Iia~l.e for installments which become due on or after said sale. :: ;i, ...• .r .:::" ,W • ':. " .. '.-.' :.~"""'~~. ~';. ,,~" '.'., ".:, ,,,... :: 8.2 Purpose of Assessments , .... ,. ':/ .' .:' .,'. . ... , .. ,.:: The annual and special assessments levied ~;:ih~ isso.t~ati~·;,h· S~'~l J u~~.,e~~i~~'i~e1Y for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the 'Memb~fs tijereQ:f. tt~e!t: gue~ts::.and·;i.nvjrc.es. and shall be used to improve, protect, operate and maintain the cb~on,Are~sJnd p.io,,!~de f~r .::: .. " .... :: ",,:. . .' .:' ,i:'. .f '\, ....... ,: .. :., .. :/ .. , ... :.:/ .::,> ........... , .. ::. "'" .... .. 8 ... '.~., .... ': . ~/'. :'; "., . ,', .' .... ::~:':I:/ .... :\ '::. .;~.,t.~· ... ~: .. :. ..F' .~~ :: ". W:\WPDOCS\2402S\007\J1R2346.DOC 9/612005 De~~~iation.af'oi~~t1ve'=COve~!S /,:-" <.. :},:> :." fol Windilone;.:· /' ;: ;"'\.,:.::/ " .' /,,.:-.,/':} '~ •••• ,.< •••• ",:" / .i/' ~': .... 1:;. . .~ :.:\. .S" ::: ...... ;/ .ft:'::;,.:::. I" /' ,'.' I .::\' " .. /' . . •. ~.: ..... :\:: ..... . .,~' .:~\ )' .' ./' pefrort4nce of the duties of the Board, All funds collected hereunder shall be expended for the . :: p'urpQ~s designated herein. / .t .".': :.: .f.:' ::·/····'S{3.····.... Initial ASsessment t .:.'::: .... :,' .i;· : .. ,:" .~'.:; '::;:. '::i\ ./{ / Anh~ tim.~ of the purchase of the Lot, each Lot Owner (except Developer and any Participating ';::'0:". ..,./Builder)'sha~j paith~,·inJtinl:.annual assessment. The initial annual assessment is the amount that the .,,,......... ~6ard.:has ~ses.se4.'against tB~ Lot f~rtli'eVy~ar in which the Lot is purchased, which amount shall be p'~orated for a9-Y .parti~l·y~ar. ThC1::i.rihial apDual assessment shall be collected by the escrow agent at t11e·:dosipg op~~ pur=6has~ of.ih~·lLot. :('\" / .... ,,, .. ,:, .. ::... . /;8:: {"Aln~~~,7~~~j~~t,/ <;'«) Each year"the....Bdard ~hall .llssess:.:each.~pt,)Ow:ller for an annual assessment in an amount which, in the aggregate, is sufficie~' to q:i~et tJi obligat\6ns pf the Association. 90mmencing on January 1 following the termination of·:the/Devel6pm~t P~riod:' an9·toiitif!.uing eacl{ye~r thereafter, the annual assessments shall not be increas'ed by·.'mori th;m t~n~Y~five percent (25:·%.)~ithout the approval of seventy percent (70%) of the Memb~r.s y.bti~i at ~:'nibetiI~~rtrt;Jly ca.lIe~H9.t·iuCh purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions set foiUl" abpve, :the::Dev¢iopeb-·H.~ S4e'CeS:~ors or assigns shall not be liable for any fees or assessments assessedbl:.giie prior:'!to the teiinijlatiQ,J1 of..th'e-'D~velopment:Period. S.Si"'''·'''E,limatcd Assessments '. '\ <"""',.> .,.i "'.. .' '{,."", .. ",.,,,.,"\\ /,)" c~imel~c~n~::~h. J~nuary 151 following the ter::~~;ti~n if thci:De~~~~;;~~~:' P~tl04 ~~; continuir,g eacll:ye~r thereafter, but within sixty (60) days prior"tt$' th~; beg1.~~ng of,.eac~· calendar year or such"fiscal,&ear ,~s th~ Board may adopt, the Board shall (a) estimat~ the···annua~.I·ass.ci·sst;lents and specia.fasse~men~ fod:'he Lots to be paid during such year; (b) make ptovi~jon~/fo~:'creating, funding and maintafuing..reasop:ab,le·reseryes for contingencies and operations, for m~int¢n~rice rfpair, repJP.ceme·nUmci acqtl1s.idon of Co·m.mon Areas andlor (c) take into account any exp~~t¢'d income and any'§urylus availalffe lrom)he:':;Prio~ year's operating fund. If the estimated cash requirement proves inadeqtia~, for yny r~'asoQ';" jn~udit(g n~mpaywent of any Lot Owner I S assessment, a further assessinent may be levleci'during th~i fis¢al y~a~·'ilpon a triajority vote of the Board. . ',: ·:::1 ... " .. •• .::': :/" ..... :. ':', Within thirtY:t30) day~,i{~r t1'!.Ei'·nO~~dIS a<l:&~U~;m of any proposed regular or special budget of the Association, the Bol:ird.sh~Jl ~¢t a.:.iJate for'::{me'etillS of :tl;le Lot Owners to consider ratification of the budget. The Board shall giv~. wrJtt~.n:~otice .~·f SIJ~h m.~ed~g to all Lot Owners. Said written notice shall include a sum:mary of the pfoposed bil~g~t:: J:~c m~eting da,cte::spaU be not less than fourteen (14) and not more than sixty (60) daysafte[}!Iaili~~' of ~e ~~tice/an~,'swt9nary .. ~ Unless at tb!, meeting the Lot Owners holding a majority of the votes i~ the A.~~,ocia~ion,.::in person or.: b:y.proxy, reject the budget, tbe budget shall be deemed ratified, whetherQr not a.quoritm:'is pre~t. lri'"tiIe'event the proposed budget is rejected or the required notice is no(~ive6;; the.:petiod~ri: bUQ~et las.~ rati~¢d by the Lot Owners shall be continued until such time as the Lot Ownei-'s'l"1l,tify:,:a s~ll'seqvent~ud~et pro~9sed·by' the Board. ""/ ::'.i ""'///':,;:'::",J fi ",,:> .... ........ / ".:' ::'.' .'. :,' .... "'..... /,.,:/!"·"''':;:;r W:\WPDOCS\24<l2S\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 9 De·:~~'fati:·:·~~~t~~tiv~.Le~Ls .. /::'.{., ,t::, .:' fof WincJStone ,:' .. ' ,} :/ ,: . " ." .; .• :::":"{ '. •• : ••.• ~ .••••• /. " .I~··: :~. ,./ ;.: .' :; .. ::'~' .~ ... ,.".:/.' .:{ ;,: -<:1:1, ::, 3; .:::. .~. ":~"/; :: J' .:\~' .,1\'.-' ;: ... ~\. ,,' }' :.;: ;'; ...:'" :!/ 8.6 Payment By Owners .' /' .: }' "./ .. ,E:&tW Lot Owner shall be obligated to pay its· annual and special assessments to the Treasurer of ii. ,'. ,/ the.A~soci8rt~on·; ... Annua] assessments shaH be paid in full on or before the annual due date established ~':'.. .\::, ... / b>l~·Boa:rd. Sp:e.cial assessments shall be paid annually or in equal monthly installments or before the '\: .. ,.:.,. ..,/~·~1~r~~~~~j:~:s1o~.~ ... ~~~,~~g each year or at such time and in such other reasonable manner as the .: •.• ,........ , ,. • . ,,' ",' •• UI:-:. .... :.:' .l7 .:··/:"/~ec.otd: .. Of '~ss~:nts)' '.,,.;" t~e.;L;~i~{~~~;~i~al~:iki~~ an ~~~~~~{~:~~d:P(its receipt and expenditures in chronological order. Such re¢Qrd'sha11 sPJ.'!cify:and:.,i,¢~ize th~'opet~tiqll, maintenance, replacement and repair expenses of the Ggmmon,,A"rea.:and iny ii~ner ex~~~~~·.91curred. Records and vouchers authorizing such payments shail"be.·a'Vail~.ble (9t ex~P1inat.i.'?& ~ftl~ Lot Owners for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. .:::;0: ....... /./. .,.'/' .:// ::'.:::":" :::( ,'/ .... ,...... ./:':::.:.' . 8.8 Special Assessm~nts ./' ./: ./ /. ..{:: ,..:./ In addition to the annual as:~~St£~qt{ auth~ii'ze4,.~~·~:~'i::W6 1i'~~~~~tion may levy in any fiscal year as the Board designates, a special assegswent Jor th,e purposesj)f d~fraying,,·.i.!} whole or j~ part, the cost of any.::cqnstruction, reconstruction, repair;. ac<iuisiti.~n orA:ep~!l:ce~ent of a"~pital iJ~pri?vement upon the CO~OIl'·A!eas. including fixtures and pefsonal pr<:~p'ertY re.l~lted iheret6-~, N~ sucl:('spt(tial assessment .1¢vied agatgst all Lot Owners shall be in e~cess"6f $5,000. ¥Xceptupoft a ~ajQfity .:~ote of the Lot O~ners ,.:hl,Jltterid.ance at a meeting duly called for said{~urpose.s, or..in·e.xces~::of ,$25 ~OOO except upon a s~venty.::per~~mt (70%) affirmative vote of the Lot Owner~:'in a~tend!Ul,ce' at a/m~ting': duly called for saiq/purpo'se. The a:bard may also levy a special assessment agaiii~t one' (1) or"m9're Lot Owners who ~ie in y1"olati6n of)\RTICLE 10 or ARTICLE 11 andlor any other:pttl~j~iort:s Qf thi.S:Declaration. The Jimit~#on q~f max.ImJlffCannu~1 assessments and special assessments shalf':not apply,'to an assc.~smenfle¥red agrups't a LC?t OWner which is imposed by the Board to reimburst,·.V\e· Association for costs"i~urred in b.tinging .tb:e)vIerri~er or the Lot owned by the Member into complin'nee with the provisio'iis .. Q,f.Jbis"·D~clar~fion:6r tbe ~yla Ws;·.:. 8.9 u~fo~nr·~~t~··:~i~SSp1~J~ :: .... Both annual ~~a;'spacl~~"~seJ~en~~'~iliJsd~e ~i~ed at. a uniform rate for all Lots except for assessments against a specific Ld~ Owner:Jp:tpos~d b),lihe .~oa~.d t<?reimhurse the Association for costs incurred in bringing the Merilber·q.r Lot into· complmnce;\vith:lhe:'iji'ovisions of this Declaration or the B 1 .... '::'., ".,~It .~:' ::': /' .:' ~. ,1'/ ....... , ••. yaws. . ',,,,, .. , .' .' .... ".' :,' :~ .•.. '.,., ... / .:;' .:' ... ' .. 8.10 Default in Payment of AS$~ssmcrlJt-~~cdie{"""'~i ~·i.···"······ .. If any assess~ent is not paid within ~i;;'·~~;().4~ys::~ft~,{'·it ~/~rld~ anJ~ p~yable .. t such assessment shaU bear interest at the highest rate permiited:~bY liw, dr if;rio l.i.fuit~ilori' is impos~d by law, at eighteen percent (18%) per annum, from the date on which' it ~s ~~e u,titil paJd. 19·tJw eV¢nt !u~y annual or special assessment remains delinquent for more than thIrty .(30):aays~ .,the ~Qtit(rmay:, ypon}' ,'" o' "" .~:':' •.• ::......... ,:.;':' • ,:~.\.' •• , , •.•• ' •••• ... ' ...... ;:~." :~ . '::::.:'::' .:"~': " .~~\ .. r.~/ .. ·IU\IO.~;:r W;\ WPDOCS\24025\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 10 "I '·';l''''\.''::.,:". ..:.: •..•. ,\ ...• :.: ,:. .~. .f ~( De~;:iiitlDII.or"~~t~tive:bove~~ts .:/ <:;. :f,:> ./' flit Wind,itone.:.:· ,/ /.:.:/ . "'\~:.:./" .~/'}' /' .' ~~. :r '., :'.:,'. '.,:: ii ... ·':r. :: .. :: .: '::~:""//'" · :"~~: .:: ::": . . /" /1 S j .:':: "~\~~' .\" .,~\~. ... ::."'" \ .••.. . ~ ... \' .\' .... fifteen .(is) days' written notice to the Lot Owner. accelerate and demand immediate payment of the :/. ~elinqilent assessment, and any assessments which the Board reasonably determines will become due :: ::' .:·:·durip& ~e· .. q~xt succeeding twelve (12) months. If the assessments and any accrued interest is not paid :::::.: ,:/ in fJil1:witn~q:fi~een (15) days of the date of the notice, the Association may bring an action against the ::. :::::: .... / p~rsQri or ehtity p~rsonally obligated to pay such assessment andlor record a lien for the amount of the :":" .;It;se$Sm~tirplus i~terest and attorney fees and costs incurred or estimated to be incurred in enforcing '\""'" .,.,·'·thc:·lierrWitq.ithe ¢oupty-'itl'·w.hich the Lot is located. The Hen may be foreclosed in the same manner as >, .. ,...... aicalprop~rty ~qrtgage. S~~t to res.~ver':·a:p1oney judgment for unpaid assessments or charges can be rilainthined ag~mst th~,.·l::.ot Owner:;,ig,'conjUliCtion with or separate from foreclosure of the Hen . ...... ,'.. ./.:·8.i~:/ vt;cdisu~ 6;ASSC~eJl~~~;';'AttorneyIS Fees and Costs ~;' Det~lo;~~·':r,:B~atd··~ari~ii.;~~: acii~~ t':J2~c]ose the lien of any assessment on behalf o~ the Association. 'irHUly··actio~: to f6reclq~e a He# ~g~in~'t the Lot for nonpayment of delinquent assessments or charges, any;.Judg,hent ~~nde:~d'·~gairJ.~'t the Lot Owner in .favor of the Association shall include a reasonable sum f()r...att,prney:.fees ind ¢Ost&iand,.e1pen~.es reasonablYr incurred in preparation for and pursuit of such action'lei add~tlon.t6 ta)iabl~:'c!lsis permiit~~ by l~'o/ ./The Association shall be entitled to reimbursement for all of :l~ a~orney fe.~s ""vhetpe'f':o.r n6,t s~jt)f(jled or prosecuted to judgment, and whether said attorney f~s a~e ingUrt~d i;:{negdti~H'on/arb~'tration, litigation, foreclosure or collection action, bankruptcy or appeal. .:::.. .. :::/ ;::i .' ... ./'" i,...~· .. "'···":. . S.J,{""·!fome_d Waiver . ":'" ., ....... <', ':'" ;,' .... ,;"" .. ,..... .... "", .•. ,"'\ .... ,f)" Eari~ LQ1:.p~~~r. hereby waives, to the extent"~'f'~;"l~~S ~;:afu~";~;;~;~~ to.:~i$;·~~cI~ration, the bene~i of ~y ~pme&~ad or exemption law in effect at the tltnb aI~ as.S.~~~plent .~ecpmes./delinquent or any libn is.iinpo~ed pursuant to the terms of this Declaration, and Ii¢rebf'waives~ th¢ right to claim such ~.o~este~d o~i'exeIJl'ption prior to payment in full' of all delinquent·~ssessmeqts .. /: .: . .,,;/ :':.13";.'/ Cuf~g"~';'~~fault ":":': .. ;'," :(.': .,' . • ' ':. . ,.,.-::\. ,.J~' ,.' "', ",: '::'.::: '::'':':If the Lo~,6wher~~eJ: theidefa~ltp.rior to foreclosure ~f the lien of assessment, the Board shall file and record'a'sat~fac~lon .~d ~~l~.ase ofij'e~.. The Board may assess a reasonable fee to cover the cost of preparation apd re~oidinR;~f said .. ~~tisfa¢tion of lien. Said amount shall be paid prior to the filing of the satisfactIon of lien.,,/-rhe n"fjc6'~of &titis.taction of lien may be executed by any authorized representative of the S·ba,t!i. ,."",,, .::: ;/.:::;,,;,".-.:' :" 8.14 contln~~g L~bJty,·t()r .. ASS~~nf~nts//:'····:···:.' .:".:. No Lot Owner may exem;:~''Ji'ii'nS~l{ft~~ if: 1~abili&::'f9/a2'ai"of:;special assessments by abandonment of his Lot or abandonment of the use·ofany.,Co!iimo}t .. A.,rea. 'ii .............. . . ::., .. , .. , .... ,.<~~;' .:' / ,J: ~~ ':~, 8.15 Exempt Property .:. / .. :: y.:':' ./"""" The following property is exempt fr~m the ~~~'~~s~en~§ cr~ri~e~ .. :her~i~: .:.{;y'~i·;~·;:;~ities dedicated to and accepted by local public authority; (b) all COIllI1W,n ~re~,'f an~f (t) alJ·p.~·qperd~s}.fie.fee W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 916/200.5 ........ ;:'. . .... :. .: .. ;': .:::: :j./:.; .. <::~: ... : .. :.//.: .. :/./ ./>........ " .. ,,,,,, ... ::. 11 ..... ,,/:\ .' .'. ::: t':,:} ,: . .'. '~:""~""~:":' " .',::""~"~' :: :.~' De~lal'l).tion Of..P;~~(i~~!ye c~ycnants /: (,. :f::.> '",.".' " fo,f'Wi~~ione .:: :/. :/ :\," .' .' /: /~,.:.}; ':"'.:: .'1 .' " :; ,..... :: "".-::' ·};:"c:.,:,.:::::: • :; .. , •. ::,: .\ .... •• ~.~. :: • 1, • . :"~' .\~. ', .. . /,. titI~ to .Whlch is retained by Developer. However, any land or improvements devoted to dwelling use .' .,../ ~hall 96t be exempt from said assessment. . ii' it :' . :f/ .:,/ ';'Sh6... Rights of Board -Waiver of Lot Owners ~, ~:"~ :'.' ',...." . .. :::: •.... " :/' .~~,,: " '\:;, / .:' Sacl1. Lot Owner hereby vests in and delegates to the Board or its duly authorized <':"0 •• ,/rep.tese~tatiy;es, t~'e rjght'alJ:9 power to bring all actions at law. including lien foreclosures, whether ""''''''''/ jq4ici'llly or'by poWer of sai~.:or otherwiSe·I:;against any Lot Owner for collection of the delinquent ~sessmen,tS in.:lic¢'ord~Jle~. hei~wit.b,~i;·'Each.tot Owner hereby expressly waives any objection to the e"rtfQiccll1~nt iii a.tcor~~mce with ~is' De~1'atati9n~"o(the obligation to pay annual and special assessJllf:{f.1ts :,as $ct f91th I~ereiii. "(:,"/ ,', ,:./' ./ ;':';" "", .. ;' \ ::\.",1":' jr .:.,:'~ :'~:""'/:'::'.'./~ "~". :/,.:;/ ,/: ")": 8.17 ";:. Subord~a~~n oftli~.Lien t6':l\{of,tg3gcs . ·::·'·:1::.,::, ...... ,.,'/ ./' ~,/ .?: . ,~:/' ::::':':"":::,.'~~' The lien of the asses:sine~tS proylde4.;:TorhereJfi shall be subordinate to the lien of any first . mortgage now or hereafter P.l~~ on ~ny ~6t. ,$ille:or t,~.ansfer .. :pursuant JO"'~;/decree of foreclosure of any Lot which is subject to such firs~:'lnormage:sha,U e.xtinguish th~ lien¥ spch assessments as to payments which become due prior tQ.suqh s~e or:,fr~sfe~~,···N.o s~ch s.al~;'of transfer shall relieve such Lot Owner from persona1liability for"arl'y ~~ses&m~jit d~e nor:~tll:~n a~y pot be relieved from paying assessments becoming due after foreclosurfL~fJhe .flen ~hereof. ':"il .c·:! /' "''''''.." ARTICLE i':';·:·:·.. ARCHITECTURAL ~~rdRoi'~ BJ~LJjiN6~·,~. ~6NSTR~~fION ",./.:,.:. :~" .... :'..:\:.:::. RESTRIC.TJQ~S·'.:::.: .. i'· .:.:; .. // .. "'.' ..... '.:~ .... , ... ::::. ) //' ::::;./ ·:·9.1 ,.::: ··Establishment;;····;; .. :~;· .--.. ::; c: .if . .;" . .,.,...r .,::,: :i ~i . \... ". . ... ,:" ,.:." /,:" ,/: :-"'An ..ytchit¢tur~ Control Committee is hereby established as a·sp.~£jal coiful1ittee:Of the Board. The .At·tchit~turaVCon~iol 9.olW,Ilittee shall review all proposed construction :(p'r .¢ot;rlpli~.nce with the Arcl:iitectut.~1 c;.ontro~~·l.~st~d in ilii~ Article. The Developer hereby reserves fOl':i~~lf, }is successors and·'·I\~signs·~:'tfie rig,!)t ~6 exe.~c~e arty and all powers and controls given to the Boarcl'·'Ot its authorized represe~~atives as"em#nerated in S~tion 9.2 herein until the Architectural Control Committee is lcrminated;",:}:he"inj~;al i\fchil~tufal J~6iitrd1:G0ll1mittee ("Committee") is comprised of: Kolin B. \ra;la'r:"/: }.~.:.:'~//' ""''12~20':NE ·.8~. Street, Suite 100 "'\.;,:""" .. ".,,/ t .J" B~ne.Y,lie,},l{ashington 98005 Robert W. Ruddell .' ;\':"""12320 N~ 8i~tre~:"""Silite 100 .... , .' .,' .. ' " .' .: . . ,,:.... B~ne~,ae. Wasblngtoil9~OO5:: ." ":"'''''''~'~3~b Ni8!~ .. s:~~l $hit~j~~ ...... '\,':-, .. _ ..... , .. :. .Bellevue, Washington 9&,605'~: , •• , ..... ,'.1", ,:< ,:' :.';: .' Solomon A vzaradel A majority of the Committee may desig~~t(/~:(~~r¢~~n~~ive::t~ al;~j it. ::.tn,Ple"eve!1t of death or resignation of any member of the Committee, the remairi..\p~·:me¢ber.s sh~.J1 h~v~'fuJl autho~~ty to designate a successor or to act alone. Neither the members of the::Corrimitti:e no(its d~~1gnat(i:d /':: . :~·'··; . .;i: ./' .:' / ./"""::;::::':" / ./:. .;::::~ ........... ::. "" ~"':/:' : .• ~.',~ ::, ~"'. '., ':1:'" .:," .' .: ••.. ~.i:, .. :.J}',·III ..... : .. ;.? W:\WPDOCS\2.402S\OO7\IJR2346.DOC 9/612005 12 .1," " ::' "~'. D~taration of ;~~~c:;;ve ~venajts ,f' ,./ <, """',"" .. "" .'. ror.Wlndsiine .::: ::') :t ,:' " ::: " \' ,1''- :. ..,i,~":~:/ :\" .:' . ,~. " ./: .;'~' .~:~.:' }I " .' :; .f ...... ,' .. ;:.; .' :t " "':1;,. :~\. ./ "':~""~;" 9.5 Criteria W:\ WPD0CS\2402S\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/6/2005 13 .:""\~'., : ~ .. , ... '.' .' . '., :: -"Z('"( ....... , .... " ... d) , .' " .~~' // bJilditi~ and adjoining lots and buildings thereon; 'and (c) th~ c~mpliance of the proposal with the .' .' :¢ove1}~nts contained in this Declaration and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this .:. :/:.,'·Declfu-atipn. :~. ~:. /,\ ,{ ""." ~r \,:: .... /" / ;,":. i6 .. ·····\;. Effect of Committee Approval '\ /' ,:': ,,' ..• ' ..... , " ':'\:, ./~) ::No~uildfngs.,mall)?e constructed or caused to be constructed on any Lot unless the Conunittee .":,, .•. , .......... ,., lW8 approv~d th.e· p.lins as pro~ided a9o\l'e~···:Jhe Conuuittee's approval of any plan shall not constitute ~y ,,¥arr~ty o.r t¢pres,en~tio~ by'~44e CoIl).fuittee, the Board or any of their Members Ulat such plans wqr~:'examined tjr approv~ fo'r ¢tgineeilrtg o,r'sfrt1ctural integrity or suffiCiency or compliance with the appiica~)~ g(ivefrun~htal)aws:f cb."es, o~ai~~~es an.ii fegl,!lations. ;.7\ .. ~~·{~l'l~~,//J',:;: ..?~,,(,.':/ . The Members"of the.:Arc1?itectuJ~1 Cpnfrgj' CQhuruttee shall have I.lC!:.,Personal liability for any action or decision made by th~ G6mm~ttee. ,iBy .fkce~t~ oti:r"~~d to ah Cot, the Lot Owner agrees and covenants not to maintain '~riy ac~i'Oll ~gai~t anY' ¥emb~r of il~e Archit~iStural Control Committee which seeks to hold that Member per~.I?n~ny 9i' in:~iv.idualJ{II~~le for ,liirii'Q~ges relating to or caused by any action or decision of the Committeei' ~h liet Owt#r hereby;' r~Jease.s any ... ~~d all claims of any nature whatsoever against any member of tll~·.Ajchii'ectu:ral Contra] ,Cominittee, t6(n~.9ard, an~''the Association, th~.i~ .. heirs, successors and assigns'relat~d t6'tti~:·e8giI,l6eri~g, Sb~c.!llt~l irl~~grit)';{ ./ sufficiency, cQmpllatl~e of any plans approved by thcif.:<;;ommiJcee.,.·;· .:' . , ...... :::' ...... :.:: ':; ./'" 9,.1j' /~i~\\''''"'" {//C::) I/·f .:::/ ,9.8. ~:! Floor Area. The floor area of the main house ~~.ctu~~, e~¢iu.~ive ~,J open porches .~d g~ag~.~' sha~,f be not less than 2,200 square feet for a dwe1ling'co4~ipil1g' a s,iIigle level of 2,500 ~quareJeet {or a dwelUng'CQntaining multiple levels. .., .... :./ .: .:; :: ,,' .:',,' ... ~. '::~. /.~.: ·\::··:·'··{8.2,::·/·I~~t Size •. N~: Lot or. portion of a Lot in this plat shall be divi~~:~ and sold or resold, ·6F: .. p'wnersh~p;:·cljang~d o<ira~~fer~¢·~v.ereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than th~"area"fequh'ed for $e u~e di~trict iri"which the Lot is located. 9.8.3 :\~·~i·:~od~:{/A!J'~~fJq.in~s o.tst~ctures shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Renton anQ. any··'Otner appUcablc'coqes, ..1n the .. event of a conflict between any applicable codes and this Decliuati~~, the. ,spdes sh~n g9vernj' "'\ .,. . 9.9 Building and co~~.~~ti~;'R~~i¢~·~o~i:· / .' :/:~.?: ... . ·.I:.: •. ~· ~~: ~:':"~I"J ./ f. " AU Buildings on a Lot are subject to th<i::following reitriCdo~.s·:·'····:;· ;:'-'"' ..... . 9.9.1 Single Family ReSidence~····o~~~:"·Q~iq/si1}~:~e-f.~~i~{;~:~ideI1feph'ous~:') may be constructed or permitted to remain on a Lot. '.' <:,;: .' .. :::." :i:':::"\ '~;.:: .:": :: I·'·~::. ," ;:',. : '". ,I,. " •••• ':.~. : ........ /.. " :.:: .i·: .:f:':::;::):';· ' .. :':>' ......... :::. :: :: " .... :;.,:J./. .' .:.ie':1/''''''''':·.:::· W:\ WPDOCS\2402.5\OO7IJIR2346.DOC 91612005 14 .•.•• ,:~ " ".; .. :! .... ,.::. ~:' .•.• ~~, ''':'.. .:' "~: .\' .~. ':.\., /' .:' ..:.: :;';:'':t. Deciaralio~"~fpro'~ti'.'~:·Co~~~·ants,.::i: "::.>. /{ fOr Wiiic!stontf/,' ... ;.t:: .. ;. .......... :;: :,.:" ~ " .:' .:;' .. :.f '~'., :. . ' .... ::: :i " ·~·I:.:~ . :.:: ,::.: .... .:/ ::'::"" :. .:'.~: : .... ,. , :/ ,.,' ~ ... :':: ,.~~ .. ' .:"\' .\~.: .\....... .~~: :,:.: .' " .' .'" 9.9.2 Exterior Finish. The exterior of all structures shall be designed, built and .,;:," :,fuai~tiUned in such a manner to blend with the natural surroundings and existing structures within .. ::. ::.: WindstOne.". Siding shall be solid wood product or approved wood by~product, stucco, stone, faux / :: /.:. sto,rie.:·or b.~iek; ... AU exterior paint colors shall be consistent with surrounding structures. No primary. t,. "....... r.efl~tive 'or fluorescent colors shall be used in any structure. Exterior trim. fences. doors. railings. ':. .. ... decks. ~ves., gut.~rs and the exterior finish. of garages and accessory buildings, if allowed, shall be ",'::""" :,."." .... ,.,,'" de,§ign¢d, b~i1t <l;rid}llafiitliin~d to be c~mratible with the exterior of the structures they adjoin and the ~truc~res .~n a~jacent lots. All stru9..tures·~pall be completed as to exterior appearances. including ~.nish pairiting'~' Withitt,·jime (9) ~6nths fCPJh the date construction is commenced which shall be defined fOf-:the p.~rp~e.~· of.~is ~ra~rap'h as th~ .. ,dat9., .. tfie'··fovn~ation is poured . ......... , :::: :':' ~':, ,/ .~:.': .~; /' .;:':'':;~~ .. / .,::"::":::. '.' :~.?9:'3·"·'· Fe.aCes/' Fe~s:dnay b(ereq!ed;,6n property lines. except that fences erected between the from. of the bOuse:'and .;the street or O'n .cotner Lots between the side of the house and the street shall be subje'tl',t6"priQirevj~w aqrl' appt;9~~lhy.;:the Architectural Control Committee. Nothing in this Section 9.9.3 shall prer~nt ~e er~tio~i'6(~...=Iiec.~·ssaI}'J~.~ining wallf)\j'o fence, wall, hedge or mass planting shall at any tirn~):xten.~ higper 9tan ~ix J6j feefitllove the/grq~nd, except for necessary retaining walls or rockeries which c.onforin, t(j:thej(jng Co~nty Building:~Pdes. No wire fences shall be used unless approved by the Architec'turaf conU:~1 CQriiiti~tee;; T~(ft:W'ished side of all fences shall face the exterior of the Lot and shallli'e' pa{nted;'or.~'finished to"ii1a'tcb;'or biend with the existing "'" . ,: ,',: ;. .:' ... ·"':1~. appurtenant st.~.ctures. ""./ .' '\,.''':'':;'' .i':'· ./.'. ..;/. ""::"':',:./':..,.,:, ,.:' "':':" ~:. " ':~.:: ::' "!:.~.. ~IHI.~.. \~ / .::: .:/ 9. !bl:.. Roofing. The roof shall be"an arch~tOral.comp,.R~Jtlonl:oof';:Witb,i-at l~ast a thirty (30) :pear life. \" ",:"~,,,,',,,.:. .:"./ '''''' .. ,,,:' Y" .,.:: t' ./':""::. \. -:: ...... :. /"" ./,. .,r··· ~:. .,'." :./ :.J :;::' .} 9.~.5 :Prefabricated Buildings. No prefabricated bl.Ulditigs·or stn.ictl,ifes 9f any nature whatsQtlver, s'peciftcallyi'including mobile homes, permanent or tempot{l~y, shall ~e p:iov~, placed, cons4'hcte~.:br otberwi.se maintained on any Lot. ...... ":.( :}.': ..:- ./:y ·::~;'·':""":"~.9.i':·:::(;~~~i~;:····:.:A1J area Iighting shall be designed and PO~~~i'~n·b~;.~({~nsure that the lighi''sQurce is nOk\ii~'ble .fr~~, any:~other house in the development.' . ·:::'·'~\\".1." ••• ,····11 .:::" ;),.. J: :,?' ... :~""-"'.i'.~,.:~.· . 9.9~7 :remporw,Occupancy..and Temporary Buildings. No trailer. recreational vehicle, boat, basem~nt df'iiny iriq6mpl,ete':puildingf.~ned, tent, shack, garage or barn and no temporary buildings or structur~·s,.pf any,Jdn~ sh!Jil be\l~.e~ a~;~n:y;.time for a residence, either temporary or . permanent. Temporary';burl(lings or::~tructureifu~d qiirin~f~Qnstruction of the improvement of any Lot shall be removed immediately a~r c'Omp~tion .9f cqnstl1.!,ctioq'or:vpon request of the Architectural Control Committee. whichever o~urs firs~:' ::,: ./. /. . .. : .. :: ....... :; •• .':::1 •.• 10 .. " ...... '. ../,: ;'~ /:. .:::' ./:' .~.:.> ... ' .... ' .. , .. :.. . 9.9;8 Storage Sheds and ~tsid6:Storag.~: ~o S.~9r.~ge, b~.!tdj~gs or sheds, whether prefabricated metal or any other constructioD'::Wha~,oever/ whethe,t pe~mane'nt or·temporary. shall be moved, placed, assembled, constructed or othe'tWis~,' m~:int~ine~:hn ~,6y J9t'uIuess;approved by the Architectural Control Committee. . ..... ,:':: . '. .' .' , ....... "., ... .. " :: ",: ... . 9.9.9 Landscaping. Landscaping of tll~·'id{on.::~hi¢h· s~6~ h~~~~ is,~·Q~srrJ¢te~r8~all be fully completed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the c6mpietion ofconstruq.~ioh of.:ih~:·hoiis~ ..... . ' .~. :: ':',. ,.; ,': ."~' ,',' ..:: ,;' : •• :: •... , .••• /: .. ; •. ~.':. .... " ~, •• unl"·.~~· w:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7VIR2346.DOC 91611lJOS 15 .... ~ .... : .. :. ::. p ;: ::.-.',. t.,'::· '-"'~". :'.' •.. , .. ; •... !'·.":I •• , • .:.· ., •••• ':::., .~.. '::";';' .:.:' ,:" ";: ". De~;~iIi~f1.o{;r9~tiV~:~ove~~.s :,/' {;. :;~> ,/ f(li' win~f~ron<;:: /,' .t.:} .•. : .... :.,/ .:.,:' :.,,:' ./' .. ' .' .:'.t .. /i' ..... ~ ... ::: " :~,:,~~, :\,::::.,) ,.,/':\""~:' , :: . ,\~., I ,~.: : '.~""'. \ . .,' . :./' ,~. to" ::~ri sai4;'Lot. The building area shall be kept reasonably clean during the construction period . . ' ::" .Land.~6aping shall emphasize plantings and other features which shal1 complement and enhance the " ::. .:::natiye ~x:isJing character of Windstone. Each Lot Owner shall ensure that their landscaping is ;' "...,. maji1~ine"':·~9·pr.ovide a neat and attractive appearance. ;'~ :\,:, ... /. ,/; :::.:. .~'", \. ';',/.. /., .... :.. 9::9.10 Yard Art. No yard pieces or yard art, including but not limited t~ sculptUres, .. '\"""" .,,/·'s~tUes/:and;,other·:fr~~tandjng or attached works, whether for decoration or otherwise, more than .. ,....... ....... tWelv~{incQes (l-2.'~)'tall or tW~lve inc~eS"tt~.") wide shall be permitted outside of the Buildings and ,~lth~ vie,w fr:d~;'the ~tre~t W~Plo~t,iprior written approval of the ArchitecUJral Control Committee . . :.,. ,:' .~. .: .:. / :: ::·f ~"""'; . "';.': :(.: .. :;,:' /·:·9.9f{t .,i~pokr~?hY. *~~:,~9P~~';;?~i~.,~?nditiOnS of any Lot shall ~ot be altered in any way that would::advel'se'1y affec~;:or oJmrvct the .appr~ve~!,and constructed storm dram system and surface flows without the Writttln cofiscnt of the'·:Boa'h":j. :/' ':, .. """",., .. ,.../' /.;' .j' ): " .. / . ./.:.: .... ::,,: .. :.' . 9.9.12 New' Construction. ;AU Builgi'ngs shall be of new construction, except that used brick, siding or similar ded~~ati~e m&terial$' may be:.useg( ............ ,ii: ... :: .. . 9.9.13 Utili~:'~erv:i~e. ;.:~~ .Q~td0;b;.::~~~rtw{\p :~e o~.~~tVf;e drop for the distribution of electric energy or for telecommunlc~iion.;·purphse·s, nf)'r anY,.pqfe, .lowe.r or other structure supporting said overhead wires shall be erected, placed or:::inainta~ried on tn~ ~r'o~riy. ,'''1". 9.!<)'-"'::.: .. Conduct of constructio~':/ :~:. :.: .. "''':;'':'';.':' ... ,i' .:,'/' .. ~,;.;:".:: ... ".::.':"::''\'' ,ii':··:.';:, .. / '::';"':::" .. ,: ....... , ,./.... .;: ...... , ..... ~" ;:. '!; /." ./ .,' 9..10 .1'.\ Contractor. No house may be:con~tru,C·ted.,6n .ahy ~i'by' oth¢r than ~/ contracto,i:liceIJi~d:.as a':general contractor under the statutes df.th~· S~te of"W~shingtol1i:Witl:1but the prior approval'of t6e Atchitectural Control Committee. '.' ;':. .\............ :i':f ::,: .,i /i" it' . ·<,· .. , .. ,,, ... , ... t :.f :.;.:' ,:.:" . ..if ~~l 0.2:/ COmPletion of Construction. The exterior of any Bt4~d~.ilg .,e·ons~tucted or pla~id on: .. ~ny {.X>t he.J'C1!lltler shan.be completed. including exterior finish, paiht apd trji'n, within nine (9Y":t:r.Lonth!tfroin th~,.·stirt of..c.pnstt1,tction so as to present a finished appearance when.jViewed from any point;:~:~less c011'lp'ie~(>n itCle~~ye4!by acts of God or labor stoppages not attributable to the fault of the Lot OwrieJl.",.AIr'wo~k sqt.ll ~¢ pr~se~~tcinli~~entIy and continuously from the start of construction until the house is fully c~m(>feteq.Yand painted, "<No Lot Owner shall reside on any·Lot except in a residential dwelling ~onstructe4.'t)!?~·plac;ed··tpere9n t.nat. shall have received a certificate of occupancy or analogous certificatioh:,f.rom ~e ~ounw in wb1.Sh ifis i9'cated or any successor governmental entity with juriSdiction. ., . ..,......... r . ;,,:' .,' .;.'.:.; ..... : 9.10.3 comme~~m~:~~·<~f,:Cori~~~:~i(>n/:·C9'w2tion shall not commence until a building permit and any other applie~ble·pergilts qr app·~ov!ds from.fu/,ia.pp'ropriate public agency or agencies are obtained. All Buildings constntted her:eundl;)r sij'all <;Q~form ·t~ .. t.h,e. applicable building code(s) then in effect. Construction of any sir.\lctu~e..or pdrfC;>Ima,rice ~f anY"othet:.~ct requiring approval of the Conunittee must begin within one hundr~d·'ei.8hty.:(180) d~ys ~,fter ~t·is,:appr9ved. If such construction or performance. is not .begun within sucl{peri~'d, the appro~il sban I.~ps~'and'·b~ void. The applicant must obtain further review and approval by the Co.p:tinitt~·e pdor t6' cori1Jriencemen(~r .... /. /. .' ::. '::: /; '!:;.'~';'~': ::; / .... :: ... , ... :; W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO7IJIR2346.DOC 9/612005 16 . . ..... ::' .~~:, "::::' ,',' ....• ' " ,",' .~( "':;'.. :. .~'>"'.' .•••...••.. ;.: ... :. .:; :'" ,.:: ,!' ".1"'" "., ... ~. ':."" ~:·.:I ... '.(;::;:, ':":J.:'; ,/" :: •.•..• , .' ~·(I:t/~ t" D~cila.~~tion o:.,ri~t~;!vc.w.¢~vndenajl3.{.:.:. .,,': •. , .... ' ..• : IO.{:· I },vne ....... , .... :(' .:" ", ,.i··::::>,) , :: ,~~\' .. . :~\' ./,. p.C~fornfunce. The Coriunittee may disapprove, condition or require changes in the project upon such .,' ,..;/ :furth~ review. :'~:' /. /' ,i/' .::·./:':~.?:,: ....... 9.1 0.4 Delay of Completion-Fine During DeveI~pment Period. During the ~;. .'::,::" .... / qe·v~lopmcnt pel'~.od. if improvements on any Lot are not completed so as to present a finished exterior ,";aPpearance .. withhi one (1) year after purchase fro'm the Developer, unless completion is delayed by acts .. \:". .., .... ··of.:God.,-br I~bor ~toppages· .. ijot attributable to the fault of the Lot Owner, such Lot shall be assessed ., :, ... ".".... rhree/fho~sand': p,6iIars ($3\'000). S.J.lcli"~~essment shall be payable to Developer, who may collect it p.ursll~t ~ A~~JCL~,.,8;::;: Thi~ ~$smentJis intended to encourage the prompt development of Win.dstone, eMance:ihe Y.'iilu~::of.':other .~ts. c;ompe!lsate the Developer for lost sale opportunities, and' prevent:.'4te:.ied~ctiqh in,;~alu~ d(.other (;b~,;~ithin i~~.n4~tone that will occur if each Lot is not promptly··aeveI9ped'>, .. neve~6pe:f··wil~:.Q,dvtevie'Y·pl~~ U11nI such assessment is paid, and if an assessment is oU~~tanding,,...'th.elai1u.f.~ of:!:~e Dev~l<?per .. :¢ review plans shall not be deemed approval thereof. "'1,:, .. "", .• ,."".:" / ,:". • ,{ ::;"'''.::'''' . . A'TI6LE i~ ;/.'::·~~E·'OR'MA]NTENANCE 10.1 Lot Owne;;;' Obl.:~·g·: aU. ~~ .. ,./r .,;.':: /.,:' .. ,. . .... \ .. :. ':{:::: .. /~ 1-1 ..•• ,'.: •• ::,.... .;::: • . :" ",:: . . ' ........ / ,~.:". :,,':"} .,:': "::;',: .. t' :.~. .~.I,' Each Lot Owner shall maintain the:~.xt#·riQi of ~is Lot, incIJidin[i' the,.BuiI.~ing, ingo09 condition and .tl;(pair, adequately painted or ollierWise tmish~d, andin·tfie I;)~me cOfidition as ~"':"\ reasonably pwdeht:homeowner would maintain his::pwn home'sQ':tha~:;the PrQperty w1l1 refl.~it ll/high pride of ownership:"'T:he Committee may determine\~hep..8tl~h::ex.t~rioz:,.maintenance ts re4uir¢d in order to ll1iintaiJ}..the *e.ll kept, neat.appearance of all Lots in/Win,dstoi'ie. ~.u~!:t det~lmipatiqh shall include, .put nQt':IJeJimi!¢d to, the need to: ...... : .. / ,~:.'... .,/ ::" ,/. .( . . ,/·(a) .,// p~i~t ad~ Building or fence; ",.:: .... :: ...... ;,,:. ,"::'/:::.:""';: ..... . . .1" ;: .::' "~~. ..M"~~,. '~', .~.::; " .;ii (b{ .. /iep~t ,o{;epla~e:ttems such as windOWS, roofs, fences, or al~~~.4yst<;lrus; ·\··:':.~c) ' .. ,.' ¥~i:~~in .a'l1'd·'~eep·:hp tr~~s, lawn areas and landscaping; ':: . ./ (~)"""-""~ep~ir a'd ~~in~!;n.'~~~'··~o~;·~·~ins and area storm drains; or "~" ".'0' /il ./ .. /"'\~':;': ::~ .~: ..... . (e) Remd~~. recr~ii~hal yehic1~s~,,!i-ai.!ers··~r camper tops left on the Lot as provided in ARTICLE 11 hereof. "'.,,, .... " :~ . :.: .: .?: ..... . If any Lot Owner fails t~\~r~:i~:·~e iJj~~ia~A~ndfo~PJ~~ .6~:t·(pnaintain his Lot or the Building or landscaping thereon to the standafils,sef fO.rih a~ove /the.As~ciatioti:··af~er approval by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board, may notify said Lot 9wnef"in;Writin~::bf t~e..,p1aint~9anc;~ required. If said notice is delivered to the 'non-performing Lot'·Own~~:·andJhe:not~d co*dition is n6J remedied after a period of thirty (30) days, the Association, throughJ~ ~gel}ts aqd enWloy'~es· .. maY.:enter upon said Lot and provide such maintenance, and levy an assessmerit.:~gll'inst"the non-perfo.tming ~cfOWn~r and his Lot for the costs of providing said maintenance. Said assess)Jl:imt ~fiall .. 6on&titu~· a,''iien agairi~.t the' Lot owned by the non-performing Lot Owner, and may be collected i.~ th~':sanle l11~ner as::~hy oUler:Ann.llal ." ...•... :;:. .., •.. :" .' ,:' :~""' .. :::~' ::' :.: ./ .... W:\WPDOcs\2402S\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 . 17 . ' " :5' .. ::..... '.' .~·:ll·····' .... ....::. ::' :: .... : .. :,/:.:i':. .~ ••. ::: ::':# .::: ..... ~.::.. • .' :: •.••.• ~~. D~~·i~tion Of,;~~~~ive i~vell~~lS "":"'.'" . .::' for.Winds.cOne :.:' " .l~ ,. ..•. ".:.;: .' .' :;,::/":,,::.::;>., .l~· .:~\' • I .i' '.,:' ./,. Ql~peci~ assessment as hereinafter provided. If said assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days ::/; .,af'ter.# is levied, the Association shall have all the remedies for coI1ection as provided in ARTICLE 8 .' .' :.:. of tbls Declaration. . / .:.: .\:! / ,:' ':,;' ~;; ::;:,,:, ..... / /F :::,:'. ·:t6:i··":::. Trees :;.\.: ..... :, . .""t··":: ./' .::.~:~# Lo~::O~ner-'s~~ll maintain tr.ecs located on the Owner's Lot and those trees within the ' .... , ....... ' s.tieet.iight."bf-way::abutting the Own~r~~"Lot, unless the City of Renton has adopted a maintenance .:' .:' :: ,:' '" .~::. :fl '~~Jram:~./ /:'/} ;/"", .... }: )' .i'/'~:!' .(.,;.,/, ., .... '''·.0 .. ,: ... < .. ' 1.0.3i: Golof':Apprd'v,.a] //'~'/" ,/ .~.;;: .. ..... :;' .~\ ":\ ..... / .. /", /" .. ~: ..... /: i: /'.1./ ./' ,'/ . The COfi;!mittee s9t\ll ~pproye t1~ color';'qf prill1,~Jo be used on any Building or fence in the same manner outlined Jii';Secti6n 9.1.../ .:.-/' i"::"::::" 10.4 Ro~r A)i~~'" ../.i""/' /i ,... ............ ./ ..... , The Committee Sha1I';;pro~~ thl~l and<p~'~O~On?f ;~Pfing::~At~·rials used in the replacement or repair of roofs in the"'sarile ¢annbr .outlfp'ed iri:S.e~tiop 9::~·. i:;",,~, /:,' .~':' it' '.r,/;:/;::-: , ....... b., ... ,~. If.:"'" '~Usjn:::~~er::::!:=~i~~;~::;·"\l;//:'::; ~itra~~:':'~raf~'::~usiness, profession, commercial or rri~l:I:f~~~'~~ng"e~~rpri~iol~u~ess ,or comme~Cial a9tl.vit}i of any kind which constitutes an anrioyance to the...ne1ghborho,O·d, .. the e.vidence of which)s vis,i61e ft:om ~ exterior of the building on the Lot or which irtcreases t¢fq6 beyond usual resid¢htial.~·olumes within"the,~~operty. shall be conducted or carried on up6nahy.:-tot .O'r within any bui.lihng 169.at~lwitijih,1fie Prop~i'ty .. The Board shall have final authority to deteii:nin¢' if business conducted on"a l..ot:Js::ln comp!iande with this Section. "':'.,i ···:\::· ... u;-2 .. ·/'~~'~s/i./ ,)t / .................. :: .... . . No sign of ~h~ ~i~d ... ~~;df;~ d~8~i;~~d 'ip tb,~fp~blic vie~ on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Board/e)fcep.to'{a):.:cus~omary·nlUl1(fand:·addJ:~ss slgns; (b) "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs of no more than six '(6) squ.llre ~et .in size ~ve.rtising· the, Lot for sale or rent, which signs must be removed promptly after sale ci~ lease"of:tbe ~sidence;:.:(c) ~.igUS"r.equired by legal proceedings (and then the sign shall be no larger thiih.:~igh~~e!n (.is) ifiche.{by,twe)1ty-fo!,lr ... (&4) inches, unless mandated by statute or court order); (d) temporary signi for poli~cal.ad~~rtisiiig, gaiMe sales, etc. (and then the sign shall be no larger than four (4) square fe~t and"shall ~:e i~' pJa.C'(:f~P lon~f'th~n sixty (60) days)~ (e) promotional and sales signs of the Developer jill~Jlot.:'.lts a,gents; apd (fi peq}},~nent "monuments (entry signage) and Common Area identification signs. ::' •... :, J: .. :' .;: .:" . ";, .' ,:. " ••• ', ...... '.·.1.,:, ". ":"':~." .',' :::" '.:.:.:' :,:~ " " :':;:: r .. ··~:· " •••• "'.. ; / /":':;:':., .. , .. ,>.::'.,"): ..... .... ,.,. ". :"""<'. :: .... "... .{':':'/''''''''::'}:' ':.':" ':'.:. ,".' .:': ./ 18 W:\WPDOCS\24()2S\OO71JJR2346.DOC 9/612005 Decl·~;~:iibn.tif'~~i~~lve.:~ovc~~ts :,/ {::-:.:~> 'i;':: .... :.:~rp Wi7stony:' ././;.(: ... ;. .// ..... ~ ... ::" . ',''.'' .' " ./,. .,' .,/' 11.3 Parking Certain Vehicles .or ;~. " :/ /" ,/' .:Np motor vehicles classed by manufacturer rating as exceeding one ton, recreational vehicle, ii' ~:: :/ mo';il~·:·hoIj1~., .. ~avel trailer, tent trailer, utility trailer, camper, boat, boat trailer~ detached camper. i'. '::"", .. ,/ cc.Jfu~r sheil or o~her similar vehicles or equipment may be parked, maintained, constructed, ,. ..tec9nstl}lcte~ or ~¢paired on any Lot or Common Area within the Property, Notwithstanding the '\~".,,, "./ forego~rig, any o.fth~,·atj()ve:.described vehicl~s may be stored in a garage or behind the building line ,,, .. ,, ..•. ' piovid,e'd s~id v:~ht.cjes are sC'i~ened ~rorri"'O~er Lots, the street, or Common Areas and said screening 4~vice is jil c~mplianqe-'~jth tbe :t:U~s and restrictions in this Declaration and as determined by the Cbn\mit~e:e a.~d :·the J;Jbarq': T6i~A)aragr~pn s~aH"not. .. apply to cleaning, loading and short term parking which sh~ll::be pern;litteffor.a c4~ulatiie~p.#iod ngf ~p:~xceed forty-eight (48) hours in any calendar month. ". ,: .. \. .:::, .... -.<' . ,.:'/ ./: /:.: •• J~/! '<.;:";" .:.:~~, :/' 11.4 """Motot"'~ ehlcles/')' •. ,:.:.".(,./"' .. :.:;."'.' No automobile, md{~cy:~e, m~to~6~ke,/:·~r9fh~.fo'motor:.:vehicle ~Aa'l~!be constructed, reconstructed, repaired or rebUIlt up~n al}:Y 4't or.~CQriimon Are~:.withh(;~~:Property. and no. inoperable or unlicensed vehicle maY.be."S1O¢d ot'p~rke(t·s'O:1tS to::be yisJble from any neighboring Lot, Common Area or street; provided, hOWev~t, th.at ~lis s.~ctioh'lJA .$halfhot apply to (a) emergency vehicle repairs which require less than twehty.;:fou~:(24) hours to·cotnpl~te,.aJ'i(fXb).:yehicles p~rked in garages which::ar~. not visible from any Lot, Comnion Are'ih·:qr thi st~¢et. ,.( ,"'\:" /' '::::' ~/5 '~tii~,ances; Hazardous ACtiVitiC:'~":Lighfi~~,/'::-" .. ' " / .... ,,::~.:':::::.~.::.':> '~i .:./ .;. ,.,':/ :/' ';':";'.;:" .;.:: . . . .{~. >,I':r I'··· .. ~··'·;; ) /:. \':';: 'No no~:i'ou~. or offensive activities shall be carried on, in'or upon ~ny)iot, nbr $hall...~nything be done tll¢rein w'hich)!mayibe or .become an annoyance or nuisance to otht?r L'ot Owuers/' No··:·odors or loud ~ises ~hall b~ pe;:hutted to arise or emit from any Lot or Commoli"'A:r'~~ s~:::ks.,to n~nder any such property ot:portibn theteof;"or"acpvity Chereon, unsanitary, unsightly, offens'ive::or..:,detr~mental to any oth.~·r property"i'it tb~:'~jcinity thereqf or to the occupants of such property, No other:.Quisance or unsafe or li~~~dous activ.itY .~han .. be'··PermJtted to exist or operate upon any Lot so as to be offensive or detrimertt~'.to ~y' other ~t of to ~ts o.wner.,pr occupants. No firearms shall be discharged wiChin the Property ~d'iio exp.tosiV~s of' any::Idnd shall fie:. discharged or stored upon any of the Lots or permitted within the Property :'\No '6pen f1.r~$'·sha~H)t~)igQted J)~. permitted on the Lots, except in a contained outdoor fireplace or b~becue .~h~fwh~le atiegded. ';:be'~orative holiday Jighting shall be removed no later than thirty (30) days"sfte'r tlJe d~~e of thc':noUday./ . .' ..... 11.6 Animals ~\:. .\: ...... ::: .. : .. ;:. .,:/ .:-' ....> /':' .. A Lot Owner may keep.d~~:':"~~~'~'·~~:'Oth':,.cd~vtID~;iori~I. i~~~~~··'hOU_s.ehold pets subject to rules and regulations adopted by the ASSociat19n. t-f.o aniJiial)nay/b·e'k,ept. t;red"b~ maintained for any commercial purpose. No animal shall be kept ·ih··n:iiihbe{or::undC'rconditions reasonably objectionable in a closely built-up residential community. All anirnal~ fI!ilst l?,e ke~t s~J~ly ~s dotn~stj-c·pe.t.s. Other animals may be kept on Lots only upon written approval dl~~: As§rici~.tion,.'/ThiA'ssociatiori:~~hall have the right to exclude any animal from the Property even though it ~lIow.s oilier anli'nals t~r~matn .. :Wh.en not confined to the Owner's Lot, pets within the Property shall be:''l~~~he({anq:a~corm>ii~i~d by lj,·.:per.Sb.!1 .... " :.:'; .::' .~: :.:;.:' •••••••••• :: •••• , .••• :::::".::.:.:': .:',::. "'::. ;,I.·IIIU .. ·.::· W:\WPDOCS\24025\OO7IJIR2346.DOC 9'612005 19 ..... ~ •.. :/ :.:,# : ..• ,.-=: .... l':I;,/ ,.::::: '.:, :: .. , •...... . '. " .' De:;:~iion(j(~::~:;ive.&vcl1~~~ ::,::' ,;;;-'; . .:-' fof windiione.,: ,/.' ",i ii',i ( ...... t .: ...... :':'>.::::.: ,t;' .:": ~l' , .:"~' .~.' ,/.; t .:' .~. .' ~. " ;. ,1' ::,;' ,:' ,{ r~~pon~ible for cleaning up any animal waste. No animal shall be allowed to make an unreasonable :ainoll:~t of noise or become a nuisance, as determined by the Board. at its sole discretion. ::' '.~ / .::~'.:. .:." ./}' ii,.7.... Trash Disposal ::.\: .... ~/' / .::' .;,.",~ ".:;. :,:, .... /: ./: .~eitJ,1er tr~sh. debrls nor rubbish of any kind shall be dumped. allowed to accumulate or '\ "'., ./ mainta~ried Qn any Lot"or'Common Area. All garbage and other waste shall be kept in appropriate "' .•.. " ...... , s~nita& copiaincir~:rocated jI(~pproP9at~''at;~as and concealed from view from the street and from ~~jobiing .Lotso" .yard .wa~te. s~c~':~" rocks,/lawn and shrubbery clippings. dirt and other material r~s1.lftin~::fro~ l~ndsghpi~ wd.r~{shall*ofbe".dump~~ into public streets or ditches or on any of the Commolt.:Area~~ T~e i?divic!hal:~t O~¥~$hall bi ~,l3I~~y responsible to remove and dispose of all such mate'tiills. ·.~.Shoi:JId' any.:ltoti'Ow~f(ail to c.OfuplY wi.th this covenant within ten (10) days following the.date on whicQ. .. notice j$/ina~ied tp'hlrl)::by the't\.~~·di:l~.~1ion informing him of such violation, then the Association may hi!'V6·.sa·id m~teri~rs re~oveq:.:~~.::Cha.fge the expense of removal to said Lot Owner, which shall be collectible a~"a special aSses&rilen,t:' No outside incinerator$. are allowed on any Lot. 11.8 Unslghtl;~~~di,?~~ // ,/,i';"",,,' .' ...,'(:> No Lot Owner shall permit '~y/~n~~~Y' c.6'ndip·6n t6:~~,i~t 9h hi.~ Lot. Unsightly conditions' shall include, without limitation, litter. tras'h.:j~nk:~or ojher debrfs;::inapprop,date; .... ~r.oken. da'n~ged or ugly furniture,..or,plants; non-decorative gear. equj~.meIik·ca~~. b9ttle~na~,~ers, trash .. barrel~!'iuj~ other such items; ~rid ait:c;gnditioning units or other projecrions pl~ced"on the extfu.i6r\yalIs~·.of a~y B.liiIding, The Comm.ittee. in iiS:::~ole discretion. may grant a w·rftten··.waiy·er ~fth.is··Section/upofi w~ftte~/ applicatiorx"by a.,L.qt Owper as provided in this Declaration. :C. .:/ . .:" ." .. ',: :/ ,/ :i .:;: ;.:' ':': '" "':',;::1 .:~ .~I'·· :: :: /" 11;)' AnteJna ~.. '\....... ..,/ ::,/ ::'/{ An"':~te~. saf~l.litfrtli8Q. or other device for the transmission ::···~~~i~t;ii~.6;·t~1~:ision or radio (in9iuding::~J,n·'~adi~i~iinals. or'~'PY other similar device may be located. used ori~m.a\ritained outdoors on aftY.,lot only if ~cti' devj.ce'js sct.eened from view from other Lots and the street.·I~owever, the co~'ifte.~,.shaJl,appf~vc.jhsta:iiatign o.f..any .. ~).lch device oneCl) meter or less i~ diameter without such screening it'tlle Lot pw*r ~¢siri#g .. t6' instaIl'~qch device demonstrates to the Committee that such screening would unfcasonab1y d~i~y or preyent·:·insta.llation. maintenance, or use of such device. unreasonably increase .. the cos~,6f..fnstan·atio'n, niainie~aJlce or use of such device, or preclude reception of an acceptable qualitY'·signa1'. jbe ¢ommitt~e ~~all.revie.\\I. .. ~nd grant an exception for such device on a case~by-case basis upon written: req'u~st:.~y such Lqt Owner desi~ing an exception, 11.10 Storage·\'···,:.:.,,,.,, ...... ::·> ... ,:' ,.::,. :.:/ .. ' .' .:. {:':.;::~,:; ......... . . ' :: .' ,',' " No storage under decks or overhangs'::~r anY.;heri~IS~· OI1:';an:)t; Lot ~hichJs visible from any point outside the Lot shall be permitted. . ......... ,.<>: :/:./ /.: )' ."""., \': .::., " " .f .t .::':: .~. '!"',:' "., ..... \ •. , ..•.• : •.• ,. • : •• ::."" ~:. • , •• 1 ·':·r .:': .' .' .' .:/:/::' .{":::,:: '::':' .. '.i ........ / ir'<',/,",i,'. """"., ...... :,' .' .: .. " .... ,.::: .. :.-:... :: ......... ,: ;: .,/<'/' /: 20 W:\WP00CS\2402S\OO7\JIR2346.DOC . 9/612005 D~;~·iatIOO.Of·'~~li~IV~ ... fovc;,~ts :.::/' <} ":';:: <:,.:::,7 Wj.~,~stone .. :: .".//.: ,~t'::i' .... i/' ·'·'·:<,.:r " ;; ';:1:1, .: :~; ",":!, ,. '~:~~l ,.f:>:'·,,:; .. , " ::; I :/\ • .. l .,~.:. .. ':';:~'" .:~., .\' "'~: ;:: /' " .J" 11.11 Machiliery and Equipment ::' .:' /: .:./' .;.;:-,! .No.machinery or equipment of any kind shall be placed, operated or maintained upon or ( ~: /. adj~te~t to)ipy.J.ot except such machinery or equipment as is usual and customary in connection with ;::. .:;\, ... / th¢" cp"nstrriition 'CQuring residential construction only) of a Building, appurtenant structure or ... '.'~, .,itnpiov~n'i6n,t on ~':Lot, and machinery and equipment customarily used in the maintenance of ". ",,"'lanosc"'p'u' 19 .. :.: .... : .. ,' .... ,., ..... : . • ·:.'f;: I:., ~.:, ,. ..,." ""\ ,!' ,': :.'. ,: ,,'.' ~'.. , ••.• '" .... ,~ ••.• ....·..il.~2· ,/Oil}>t~pin~, ~c/" ./. ".;.::': ::'.' .::' ::': ./' .:,:' .'~: /" :~~ .. "~.~. • ....• u,:':~~::. :No 911 dri1l~fig, 9'il d~:VeiQpment;.oP.~1;'ations~(f6ilrefining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind Shl~:iI'b~ p~miiteddJPol{or ,in. any J!4t,"'nor .shaiI .6il\'gells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations, or shafts be permit~d upon 9tin.~ny 4ot/~o derfjck 6l!:.9ther structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shajJ':be .. er~cte(j.'~· majhtain~, or.p~rplitted upon any Lot ;.:,.:' .,/' ./: :/' ..... ~. ;.:/ .f·: ii: ... 11.13 Dcvelopin~nrAdiy.lties,;J~xempt¢d ..-.. " ........ :.~. ··'.'il Nothing in this Decla;:tion .. ,~~alk~~e:¥~~t .6:'~:~;~I?'(ff';'.)ts ·~4cce.$~~'rs·i~d assigns, and th.eir contractors and employees from pericir.riling:~ dey'eloping;:'and :nll~r~ety1g 4te Property, including erecting and maintaining such structures and signs iln4.p'On4ucti~g such bus~.ness,~·as gevelqper deems f,\~cessary in order to acyoq~plish such purpose. As used' in tI1is Sectiol1.! "sl\CCe~~br!\::*nd asslgQ~" spcc~fiC!'~ly shallllot illc~.ude pi}~~hasers of Lots improved with:~omplete~:'rt:;s'idellccs. ':.... .. ,', .. ,' .... "::;., .\ :/ ,/ .i~.14~: .. :.Vi:~~tion~ .. ,.,:, .. "." ... ,." .;:.:" f':" .:'/ ..... , ... "., .... ,) /} /:.::' .f'": .~e ~~~!De~~Ioper, Lot Owner or their authorized r~;resi~tat{~~~ .. ~~all.,i:i~l~dt;:n notice of a viol~tion c#'the .restri9fions of this Declaration to the Lot Owner or o2cup~t, "Y-bo"ihal.libave ten (10) days ... from Jhe d~te of ,iecCfipt'Of~aid written notice to take whatever actions ~r~: . .riec:essa.rY to remedy saifviolaii~~.I":if th~,t~~if Owner·6.; occupant fails to comply within said ten (10) d~y period, the Board, Develp,per. Lot 0'iYhe..i or .~ei~., au~orized representative may take whatever actions ire necessary to bring the:,Lot Ovro,er.(into .. ,complia*e 'Y-ith,~~se restrictions, including but not limited levying reasonable"nnes afte:r no#ce .~nd a,:h .ppportunitr. to be heard. The Lot Owner in violation shall be responsible for paying ail:c6sts ~s~ciat~·with :~nfQ~cing these restrictions (including attorney fees) and the Association may ·Co.~lect s~ph .~o~6ts as: .. p~vi4~···i,n ARTICLE 8, Said Lot Owners hereby grant to the Association an expresS"'easemep"t for the"IlUrpos(f of enforcing these restrictions. '~.R,,:·,:·,··,TI,:,· .. ',·.·.··c,:,··,·,~.: .. ,~.i' EA~~S . ~/ .. f /./. .:;~'~........ . 12.1 Easements ..... ,,,,.;: .' " " """~".. ~'~ ........... , '.:. The following nonexclusive, perpetu~i;.·.app~rteq~~t :~~se~ent~ ang..rpose ~~own on the Map are hereby reserved for the benefit of arid created, grariie~ ind:;conv~yed;'to me tot Q:wn~r.B.;,.¢.e Association or other parties as identified below: .:.,:' :.:":': .:.; .. / /: .. /., "':' .. ::' .. ',' : .. :' W:\WPDOCS\24025\OO7UIR2346.DOC 91612005 21 ".;.:: .' , :.""::>"'}! .l~· . ::.' ." .~~~\' :t 3: .' .:' )'. 12.1.1 Utility Easements,' Utility easements are granted to utility entities as shown on ,.:,/ .the ~~p. The utility entities shall use the easements in such manner as to minimize inconvenience to .' ::·/·the ~:bt:OWp'ers, damage to the roadway and existing structures and interference with other utilities. ii ':', ,:" Sai~ u~ility,ie.ntitj~s shall, at their own expense, repair any damage and restore the Property to as good a ~;~.';::: .... " c9Ud.ifion a~r exist~.d prior to the performance of said wor.k by said utilily companies. Each Lot Owner '\.. ,::cigr.~es n:~(~~: p~ac~ 10Ckt~"on .sdtructures enclIIO~ing utility meters or to in any manner interfere with utility ".,. ../ represt:Pt<'ltlyes acc!'<ss' o·sa.1 meters at a tImes '!lII.~. •••• 0' . . .:: •• ,:" .::: ." ••• "u""\~:~ . ..' .' /·:li·.1.~"'·Priva~ lOO'I;~~S, Egf~ss and Utility Easements. ' ..... : ... ;' :t ..... / .. /" t',:' J~~;/' "'ot 8 ... :;.~t~~··~~h~r:!?f Lot 9 hereby grants, conveys and transfers to the Lot Owner 9f Ldl·,g-· a rr¢tu~~ no~~.~)¢h:isivf;:("erPetti.~l ingress, egress and utility easement over and across that porti~~ of Lo~.,ii sh9wn 9h il~~:Map (:!E~~ert:l¢nt Area ") for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from Lot 8 ·a:oo .. f6'r uti~i'tics:.servi~g Lo.t.~r r&~9wner of Lot 8 shall maintain, and if, necessary, repair the pavement and tllqSe utifities Whicl{se'~ye L.di 8 within the Easement Area. The costs of such maintenance and repair work·.sMn bejiaidJ)y the O~n~r·6r'tot .. 8. This;:fa'sement shall run with the land and shall bind the heirs, successbrs aild <,l~sigIj~ of'the Own~f.s of Lots:S and 9. '~'~"" .,,/ .:/ :::: ./: ,/I"'~\: ~~ ./'~:', .. ;, "'.~.: . (b) Lots 30~ 3l{ 32.:and 33,/:The:'LQ,rOwners' of Lot 30 and Lot 32 hereby grant, convey and transfer to the Lot Ownet8:.gf L9ts 3P, 31. 32 'and 33;::a mllttl'al:.)10n·excJus~y'e. perpetual ingr!l!ss., egress and utility easement 'over'::~nd ·acro&l! .. tha.t"por~ion(Q.f Lot 3C)':apd Lot,S:t:Shqwn on the MapUi'Eas~in~nt Area") for the purpose of ing'ress an,ei"egfess::to and·'fr.6'iIl'-Lots:.30, .3'1, ~2 and 33, and for.:6tilities se;~lng Lots 30,31,32 and 33. The"O~nets ofiQt'S·'~O:"·3'l';'32l).nd 33 sblilljointJy maintain, and ifi~cessary, repair the pavement and utilities w1thio;.'th~:Ea&ement Area. khe:~osts of such inaj.fitena~~e ;U,td r~pair work shall be paid equally by the d\'tne~ of~9t .. {O, L.bt ii atltJ Lot 12, respec~!·~ely .. /rhis .. ::ease~ent shall run with the land and shall bind the':ijeirs, ~ucce.~sqis aIXi assigns of the OWners:.6f LQtS 30./31,32 and 33. .. .... ,,", .. / f" .f· .f • ~;~.~. :.:." I'''::' .. ~:~ .. ,II'··'·"~'hl"~:, "" ··;I:l:~: ... ':" .:.'.:'; •... . /. .::,:., .... : .. /' :/(c) L6t 35. The Lot Owner of Lot 34 hereby grants, :bQPyeys and transfers to the:.~ot Owner ~f ~Ot 35"a"i'nutu~l, non-exclusive, perpetual ingress. egress and utliity easement over and acr6ss,,¢.,t!~ .. p6rti~n of'tot,34 sliO\y,n"on'th~ Map ("Easement Area") for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from ~ot 3.$ and for?u~ifities serV1J1g Lot 35. The Owners of Lots 34 and 35, shall jointly maintain, and if nec~ssarY';"·fepa.jftiie pllovemen(witbio the Easement Area and those utilities which serve both Lots 34 art'd,.35. Tla~ cbsts.:6f st1bl:l.~ainteri*-nce and repair work shall be paid by the Owners of Lots 34 and 35. Thls:'easemerii srufu run WIth cl1e bifid and shall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners of Lots 34:·:and:~35·:::· ... : ./. .i" ::.,.> (d) JrS0:44.,.-4l4l4·{ 48:"and;4~~/:~~~';LotqWners of Lots 44, 45, 46. 48 and 49 hereby grant, convey and transfedo the··LotOw.nert of.~9.ts 44,'A.5..-A6. 47,48 and 49 a mutual, non-exclusive, perpetual ingress, egr~ss anQ.utilit§ ease~~nt ~ver and acr.oss that portion of Lots 44, 45, 46, 48 and 49 shown on the Map···C'E~e~nt.Are~~I) fol thc::p~ipose~of ingress and egress to and from Lots 44,45,46, 47,48 and 49 and for'iltmti~s seiving.:.Lo~:·44;i45, . .46r··47;'·4~ and 49. The Owners of Lots 44,45,46, 47,48 and 49 shall joint1y.:w~int~in, ~d itneGe$s'ary, repair .. the pavement and utilities within the Easement Area. The costs of suCh ~ajn~¢nan.C!f·::and I!~p:~ir ~pr~;il!)~.ll be paid equally by the Owners of Lots 44, 45,46, 47,48 and 49~···re.speciivelY'/ This~~.~~emerit shalt} ........ . :: ::. .:.: :.~.':' • , ""' •• , •• : '. '.J .:.,.-:::'.:'<'; :': .:'.;.' ~ , . .".""'" -. : ~ . .......... ~':.: .' ~ ." .. ~':: .. :'" .'. .' ..:. .... ":I:~/~~ /,:' , 22 W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 91612005 ,:. "'> .::' " :: :: :.\' Dc~~~rinIOll.of'~rot~live;&ove~~ts .:/ <:.. ';"'::: .r fqT' Wlnd~ione .::';:" ./ .' . .' " ., :~ ... t .. ::/ '\: .. :.:/ ./." /. ./: ;: ........ /~. ;'i i/: ..r.I:,. !~'" :? .: '.' ·~: ....... ::I . /.:.::,:':...:: ...• . ' :: .:' " S • ,I',' • ,f" ./: ::.:' ..... ,.: .. ::, .'" .t·· ~ wiUl'the land and shall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners of Lots 44, 45, 46, 47, . .-" :/ .. { ./8 ~:~::;~:; .. :. ' i: " ,'." .{ /. /·· .• ,' ... .)2.1.3 Sanitary Sewer Easement. The Lot Owners of Lots 33 and 34 and Tract D !.'. :.:::,,: •... /'. h~te"'j grarH, convey and transfer to the Lot Owners of Lots 31 and 33 a mutual, non-exclusive, :' .. ::~. .perpetu~'s~itary)ewer easement over, under and across thafportion of Lots 33 and 34 and Tract I? <;:'.;,:". ..,./'sh~wn .on th.~ Map (':.E!s-em.~nt Area") .for the purpose of installing, maintaining. using, repairing and .,,, .. ,,.... r~con~truct!.hg ~:'s~itary sewe.r to an9··ffofn~Lots 31 and 33. The Owners of Lots 31 and 33 shall j?int~y m~i1ta!ri. )ind !f..nepess~ry lr¢pair.~Qe sewer appurtenances within the Easement Area. The costs ohuch ~a!n~~ce)ind iepa~r 10rk s~~1f'be .paid/·equally by the Owners of Lots 31 and 33. ' respectiv~,~~~:' lJ1is ~asep1entJhii1} run ~1~.J,}ie lancV~d .. ~hali bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners' of t:,ots 31-/ 33, .34 a;nd 'I)·~~t"b. .(":.<'./ ,/ . '::':'~" // ./: /':' ~~I'!. . ...... ~:.: ,,'\::.,.:::J"' . 11':t..4.,,·Land.$'cape/ FenX# and Entt¥'Monument Easement. The Lot Owners of Lots 7 , , . "I,.... .' and 8 hereby grants, conveyS anQ'"transfcrs to th~tAs~ociation a non-exclu.§ive, perpetual easement over and across that portion of L'ot,s tand fj'shQ;wn on th¢':Map CiEa~.ement A,ie~~) for the purpose of constructing, using, maintainillg, rephlring an.cf rey,{)~tructing aif;<=:ntry 6J.9g6ment or sign and a fence and for installing, mailltaining and iepla.ijn/r·ianqEi'cI:\Ping, .. "t~ A~so~~at~pli shall maintain, repair and restore any improvements andlor land~daplpg t~at ~t co~'t1Ud~··olinitall~\vithin the Easement·Area. The cost of such construction, use, mainteri::mg~, repai~; reconstru(?,tion.,rind(,oflrtstlJlation shaltbe paid by the Associlltio!1 as a common expense. If the ~ter 'for"h,rjgati6n Qt th~:)and~capitm instaJlecL;bY the Association .~ nots'ep:~rately metered from the wate~ .. ~rvin~ ... t.qts 7 ~d/?~,,~/~~·:the:)\ss9ciat!ci·n sJiall reimburse ~e Owner(§-~. of Lots 7 andlor 8 for the reasonable <;.6st gf t~er watei"s'()' usep by:-the/: AssocialiO,n. ~is::~asernent shall run with the land and shaIl15i'1~ ;the ~hcir~r·suc;cesspts ~hd ~ssigns of the Own~'rs 0(to~!7 an~ 8 and the successors and assigns of the::Ass~ciadQn·.··"· ,':' .J" :: •,r": .• :r .. ,:. .:.: ....... .I: ", " .~( :,:' { . .ii: }iz .... :/M~1t:~~_~~.~,~~ and Restrictions on Easement Are~s ..... >:~".,.:::':' /',.:' ,:' " ::':. Tli~:Associ~tfori; its employees, agents and contractors, shall have a perpet1J!lU nonexclusive ease.m~pt over, under/tmd aCrOss ttie Property with a right of immediate entry and continued access for the constru~,~t9.n~,'iinp'rov~fTIeni~ m~int~anc:o .. a.nd repair of the sanitary sewer system, storm water drainage system, def¢nti6n pond, .water systern.:;;,roads, open spaces, common landscaping, natural growth protected ar~, ~eU~nds:\lild al~,.otber Comm9n Areas for which the Association is responsible. No structure, plantin~::o.r othe~,'fn.ateri~i shail,~pl~cecl:or permitted to remain under, on or in any easement which shall inWrfere with t1je use o(the .. =eas~inenFo.r. which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of t~ ro~wa.y, sewer Qr utiUties·~~"or .. .which may damage, interfere with or change the direction or flow of draJnage facilittes within:i:asements"ft;1f installation and maintenance 'of roadway. utilities, sewer and drainag~'facrliti~i 'c' :/. .' ,: ,:-.:':;.............. W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2346.DOC 9/6/2005 . ' ," '.' ., ... ~ ... ~~.:';. .:' ':'., ':"',:' ,J' . .' ;: .. :~~~::./' 23 .. ~ ..•.. \ .•. :t ;: .' ,I' . ::," .' .' ·:i.··· .. ····· .:~~' ,/" flJri witti'the land and shall,bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners of Lots 44,45,46, 47, }::'" ,/8 ~~l:;~:",., / ;: ,;: /' /. .,,-.' ,' ... ..)2.1.3 Sanitary Sewer Easement. The Lot Owners of Lots 33 and 34 and Tract D '\, :;:::::, .. ,,/' h~fe9Y graitf, con~ey and transfer to the Lot Owners of Lots 31 and 33 a mutual, non-exclusive, .Ptlrpetu~·saqitary);ewer easement over. under and across that portion of Lots 33 and 34 and Tract P "\ .. :/" ,,/'shown on the M~p (':,Ea·t;-em.~nt Area") .for the purpose of installing, maintaining. using, repairing and ... ",."...... reconstructi·hg a::sarii'tary seWer to and"ff(5fn'·.Lots 31 and 33. The Owners of Lots 31 and 33 shall jointly m~htai~:: ... kd if.'l1e.cess~ry~!:'r¢~air ~ sewer appurtenances within the Easement Area. The costs of'sUch ~~in!C~ce.:.:ilnd ,repatr ~ork sJr~i'fbe paich!qually by the Owners of Lots 31 and 33, respectiv.~Iy~:· lJ:1is ~~seJflent .~hi(IJ run ~'~.4ie lan(y~d,.~hall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owners::of 1:;ots '3,1,(33, 34 arid Tr.a~t.,b. """:,.',/ ,/ . \'. . •. ~·.'.t)· '.' :;''; ~.~::. '\.:/ ii·:'l.4. .. '~nd~bape/Fen¢ and E~!5"'M~nument Easement. The Lot Owners of Lots 7 and 8 hereby grants, conve,>.i ang"transfers 16 d~~"'As~6ciation a non-exclu.§ive, perpetual easement over and across that portion of L()~ t'and 8' shq;wn on th¢"Map (o'iEa~~ment A,ie~~) for the purpose of constructing, using, maintaining, rep~iri~i an.ci' resb"stiucti~g aii:.:~ntry riw#ment or sign and a fence and for installing, maintaining and repla.¢jng.Jand:sc~ping.~/1'~e A$so~iat~9ri shall maintain, repair and re'store any improvements and/or lan~p\pg t~~t ~f coQ5tcud~··Q,{in.stal1~>within the Easement·Area. The cost of such construction, use, maintentm.Q~, repail:~ reconstcuqtionJnd!or"lnBt4lJlation sh~tbe paid by the Associl;l'tiQ!} ,as a common expense. If the ~ter follrr~ga~~6n <?-tthe<J.~~t~~api~ ins0.Jled';:by the A~sociation :is not sep:~rately metered from the wate·r.:~~,~vi~~,L9fs 7 ;ind~?~,:~t~~e·:~~ss9:ciat;\6n ~:hall reimburse tJie Owner(s), of Lots 7 and/or 8 for the reasonable ~ost gf the: water'sO use~ by"the/ AssocialiO,i'i. Tbi'S·:easeInent shall run with the land and shall bll)d.the .jleir~f·suc.cessgrs ~hd ~'signs of the Own¢'rs of..:LotS.\ 7 an~ 8 and the successors and assigns of the·:Ass¢.ciaii9.n,";: .J' .,/·Y . ::/ . ./' )' .{:' . ":::~"'" .• ".,.,.~: t"'< ./.. .:' ./ ... / .,~~.2 ,/:'.'M~~~~,~~~,~ .. ~~ and Restrictions on Easement Areas .<:" .. :,,/ j/,'. ./'. :,'.'. Tne:Associa,tfQn~ its employees, agents and contractors, shall have a perpetu~~i nonexclusive easem~pt over, und~dmd aerOss the Property with a right of immediate entry and continued access for the constrUf;:,~.9Jl{'imp.tov~m.en~:: m~Int~anco .. a.nd repair of the sanitary sewer system, storm water drainage system, detenti~n pond, .Water systerii;:. roads, open spaces, common landscaping, natural growth protected ar~, weU~md~i'~d a]~"o~er Corn.nWn Areas for which the Association is responsible. No structure, plantin~"'9r otheF,'fn~'teri~ shin)~pla'Ced;or permitted to remain under, on or in any easement which shall irit~rfere wIth tlje use o(t'he,;:easernenr:-o~ which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of t6~ r03Qwa,y. sewer Qf utiljtles'/:or,which may damage, interfere with or change the direction or flow of driUnage fapi1iti.es '"f.iihin;eas~ments:'rE1r installation and maintenance of roadway, utilities, sewer and drainage',fac!'i iti.~~. ;'; :/. .:" .:/ .:!:: ............ :: .. W;\ WPDOCSI2402S\007\J1R2346,DQC 9/612005 . ' .: .....•...• ;: .' ::; '.: . . ' .' ......... \... :: .. ' ...... . .... , .. , ..... ~.:y. . ' ;: ':' . . : .... :. " . . ~~. ;: ,. " .~ .... ~ ... ::~~. 23 . .. ~, ..... .:" :: " " :.:': ./ .' .. /:,:;:..,., ...• . . ,/(. '., .. // .,'., ::: ". ':",: . . :'''' ,~. .' ,~l' .~\. .r- .' " ,I' ARTICLE 13 GENERAL PROTECTIVE COVENANTS ::' .~. :~ . . ' /" }'/' .,',.:.13.1 Partition (( {,: .... /,:'. ,,!/)·: .• /·:N~i~·~t··O.f the Property shall be partitioned, nor shall any cot Owner or any person acquiring 'i. ~y .ihtex:~stJn the~:~Property or any part thereof seek judicial partition, except in accordance with· the "\":'h ,/hpress:.proY:jsion~ of,this,peclaration . •• ::.,:to .... , .. ,.,.1' .::' :: .~' ;",:' • ':',~ • . ' .' 1~.2':: /8ubdivision or Cofu~~;~:tion ::~::~'" .:,,:' .~./ :.::: ,,:::,:. .(,1'1' '} P .. /,'f:.,:~. ~!"":/" , .. 1I'~1.' .. ". No ~ot.or any p~t o(;'tb;e Proper,~ sQ:iil be~i"jded or combined except on approval of seventy percent '(70:%) 6.f th~. M6'mb9rs ~'tiend~ng: ¢'·trieeti.n~/o(:the"Association duly called for that purpose. Upon such appro.val,·'the As~o~fatioI;isJ1!~:{i file ~ .. amb¢.lhent to this Declaration as may be necessary to describe fully suCh..~ombiiied .ci'r subdivided Lot.~r ... L().i8"or Property with the King County Recorder. "1:','1'" " " ::'" .•• \;,:::.,,::~-r :.'./ .: •. 13.3 Leases .... :... .// /' ,/ .,/ ...... , .. ;..... /:".::. "".\.:: .::'; ~/' .t .!'; ,:;' ".:. .t·.? Any lease agreement betwe~h th~'i",ok"bwrleI;:'and a..l~ssec;:·.shaIl. bejh writing. Such lease agreement shall provide that the terriis .. ~t th~:'lea~ ~iiall ~e' supjec¥ in.:~li·'r~spects to the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws, and that a~y fflnU~e by,::!the lessee tg":co~rtply .w.Hr such terms shall be a default under ili,:~ lease. If a lease agreemen(fails tp sd·:·p,~9ride, t~e les,see ,~fiall sHU:.,~e subje~'t::w. all respects to thc{p'i'oyisions of this Declaration and the. Byiilwii'gy v.lrtu~,'of the~r..be~,ng '~f recqid .. f . ;3.4 : .. ;. ~~~~gagee Protection ,.: .. :":,."." .. ,' .... ' /: .. ::: ::-" .i.::,':' ......... ;::.~ .. ".? } /:;': .:./ 1h'e fQJ:{~;j:!1g Pf,oviSions shall apply to and benefit ea~:~"h~ld~~ oi~~.·rni~tg~': d{be.ri~fiCiary of a deed .tSf tru~f giv~n for(the purPose of obtaining funds for the constni'eti'p~,.9! purch~se ota Building on any'Lot,pr th~::lmpr9ve~~v~. of any Lot C'Mortgagee" herein), notwitllsta~~i:qg ~d prevailing over any .p·ther p'rovi~ions <;If $18 DeClar.ation, the Bylaws, or any rules, regulations'6r ~ianagernent agrci~mentS~:·,·····. ....',.. .::. ';"":"/ ·::':.::;:,."' .... ,._, .. lS::~.&:· r#;~;~) poJessi(jii,·,·.p~jor to the time a Mortgagee is entitled to possession of a· Lot, Mortgagee shalf no(J>e .P'ersQii~J1y Hable f~ the payment of any assessment or charge, or for the observance or perfoiJ:pandfof 3.9~.~.eov~.nl1i1~., re~~ric1iQn, regulation, rule, Bylaw or management agreement, except foi'$ose lllAitets wlfich are. ~hforceable by injunctive or other equitable relief, not requiring the payment of'Ittdney,/as q~reinaftetprbvi4~d .. r:···.·:. 13.4.2 During ~d(~;~~'~:~~;:" D.h~iri~ei;~~n~i~Q.yof..any proceeding to foreclose said mortgage or deed of trust, the Mortgagee·tnay"exefcise;;any .. or ~Ii Of:tllifHghts and privileges of the Lot . Owner of the mortgaged Lot, including, but ~ot lirrt1ted to~/th~::ri1P.J.q<? vote;::~ .. a .. ~ember of the Association to the exclusion of the Lot Owner-!~ eX9~~ise 9f s~ch fight~ and privileges. 13.4.3 During Possession. At':~~i·'t1m'~ a.~::·salMgf~g~g~-~a]].:.t~l1Ye'en.titied to possession of the Lot, the Mortgagee shall be subject to alf:Qf.,ihe t~im~,::and!ton~it.i6ns of thIs::. Declaration and the Bylaws, including, but not limited to, the"'obligation to.:pay.:fQf all ~~s~ssment~fand , :,.,.,.~,.,.{" ,::":. ,,/ .:.·r .:.: .. .r':<.~.'.': .. '.~{' .:; :.~' ')' .. , , W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\J1R2346.DOC 9/6J21JOS 24 ,.;" .:',:J'" :::: " ""':":I-/~" ..... :'.:. ';' .. ::: ::.:.-•. : •.. " .... ,.::,:.: .•. / /"""\ De~j~ratlon of .Pf~te~·tjvc C;vena~~ """'1,,/' .:' ror.Windstiine ,r ,:r" .. :./: :\~ .. :.::' :: .' ....... , ,:~: }' .' ./,. chiirges,:'~ccruing thereafter, in the same manner as the Lot Owner; provided, however, the Mortgagee .l' :.~"~'; $hall ~6quire the title to said Lot free and clear of any lien authorized by or arising out of any .' ./ ::llfOV.iSiq.ns .. of this Declaration which secures the payment of any assessment for charges accrued prior to i: .:. .:/ the iiate said Mortgagee became entitled to possession of the Lot. ~:'. ':.'::: ..... ~.~. I/:~.' :./: .~:.I~·· "':;" ,. ../ .:' ::' .... ". l$A.4 Unpaid Assessments. If it is deemed necessary by the Association, any unpaid '\., ,i'assessment a~aini a Buildil,lg foreclosed against may be treated as a common expense of the other Lots. "",~".,,,./,, A,riy s~'ch u~paifa§s~~sments::Shall cOJlHm~,to exist as a personal obligation of the defaulting Lot 9wner of .die ~espectiv.~'·4>t. ~.'. ,,:,.:,/" ,/. ':':':':::i:':~'. :/. /: ,.// .it :::·i '/:! ~Rti~~E"i4"'!"'>' ,JNSURANCE ""'~" :;: ~~ :.:\ ... : ... :.:: ./' ):;.,'. ,/~ /~:''::~f .. <,,:,,( :{~ ';:::~"i 14.1 ':';' Liabilityi'anff Ha~lihf'Insur~~e .~~';:. ./ . The Ass~~i~'ifon"~~{~b~i;~ in$d;anq~!6~ti~i~~"~s the Board deems appropriate and in the best interest of the Members. A4 su¢h ins.urans¢' coyerage sh,IlIl"b~ .. :written in.i.th~ names of each of the Members. The Developer sh~i1l"beaIJhe <;Qsts:.bf iqsu~ance obtidl1ed by..thePeveloper prior to conveyance of the Common Area. {, ...... :/..':. y'!' .:/ ;:,:i'/ ... , ... \;,:". ':'.../,::.',::::.:/ 14.2 Building Insurance ": .. ,.J / ::""'i /: .' ..• ,,,, ., ..... '!" .~: .. / ::, \ •. , .• ,,\1::, /:" .,,/;< ""'~::,':. ;;e::·.::: .. Every,:'LOt,pwner, at his own expense, shaH. insure hi~. oyin B,lJilding,agajrst 1pss or"dal138,ge by fire or othet:.::6asua1iY·'~J.l an amount equal to the full rep.l.ace.~n~::Val~¢ th~re.o,G'., Ey.ery·:~t p~er shall secure liab~Hty ir:t~urari~ covering his Lot. .. , .... ,.. i' ,,:: .:.,:""" ,,:: ,,/ .J :. .:-., . .' .'" ~. .~. . ... ", .:: ",' ." /'\4.3/.;" ":¢o~on Area Repair and Replacement """:/ ;~. .:;: ..... ,/ ./: ;; .. ).',:: .:/ :ii; ,/ ,/./ ,'\., .. ",.",.,.~ '.-:" .", ::: ..-: If ~-e property :covere~ by the insurance specified In Section 14.1 IS ,~a~l\ge.d or.:destroyed, the AssqCiatiQl'i shaJl' (to the .ex:tentpe~mitted by any persons or entities to whom 'the" d{ltnaged property is pled\ged as"t::oUateral)'; .lipon r~ceipi·.of the insurance proceeds. contract to rebuild dr",f!)pair such . propett¥ to as goqla.~60nqitio~ as ~t was in when the loss occurred. The Association"may contract with any licertsed"conftactor for re(!ions~.fu~p<>h"b't·,~~building of such property. During the Development Period, the Develop~r ~y ~iect y),.r~build the"'d,amaged or destroyed portions of the property to the extent it receives ins~.randi"pr~.ee~s to .. ,eOv~r s~Jd ~~p'air or reconstruction . .. ::..... .,/' :i' .:t\· .:;:;~. ~.: / ":;.; 14.4 BUildlll·g'Rep~ir ~,~",~~Phl~~~e~.V..:./;.:'~.': .. :.:: " The Lot Owner of any BLi1l,ding daijiag¢d or':des~oyed' b),dire: or other casualty shall, upon receipt of the insurance proceeds, contrac(to .repai;t or ~bu~d t:i1e damage4, or destroyed portions of the Bullding in a goOd workmanlike manner in cqnforfuan6e w.ith .~e 9x.i,~inaI P~~!lS,.~nd specifications of said Building. The plans and specifications fOJ said,BuileJ,iilg:mayibe 'ipodifled and said Building may be reconstructed in accordance with said modified·P.ians:iln4.:spec'lfica,tloll~.ifJhe Lbt Owner secured approval in conformance with Section 9.2, If the L'O't:OwlJer r~'fuse~:'or f.ails.~to c9~ce',$!Jch repair or rebuilding within thirty (30) days after such damage or:de,.~~ct!p·n, tlie A..:~so~ill:tfon is her~b.Y authorized by such Lot Owner to repair and rebuild any such'Buil~ing:'in ~:goQd :worIan'~Uke':i:n~n~r '~"""',,:{:/,,:~:' .( ,;:':i·:·····:::::.·: ... :.,',.:.,ii.·.:.: .. : .. ·:· .:?; ... ,., .... "., W;\ WPDOCS\24025\007\J1R2346.DOC 9/6/2005 25 , .. : ........ J' :':' ... :~. ,'< ".":: " .... Dc·~iar~ti~~·:;'~i~t~ive eCeJ~ ".:""""., .. " ,/ fo~5vind~6ne .. :: .:' " .. : ...•.. :./ :,:' :; , ;':/:':;:";::::, .' \~,' ,l .. :: .1'" • l ., . .1" ."~'.' ":\""" ./ .' .' ./". iQ/bonfQ'fmance with the original plans and specitications. The Lot Owner shall then repay the /,/, A·ssoc.i~tion the amount actual1y expended for such repairs. The Association shall have a lien against ::. ./ihe ~()t.Joq.uch amount and the rights to collect said lien as provided in ARTICLE 8. ~~ :~. .:~.:: .~'. 't' 0' ," ,:' .~:,tl ,." " i~ .;;\" .. / ,.".. .' ARTICLE 15 .;.\<", ",,..:,:,/'.:.,/': .:J(·~·~.,:.:.l :.::R4les'an.~ Regulations ENFORCEMENT ',,. . • II"~~"~""~" ,I ":'" .:'. .:' :: .:'; .::' '~::. • ••• '.'''t~ ... ~~::. ,'/. .:,' Th~ Boa~d' is h.er~})y a\lthQl.;j,ied an~Vempowered to adopt the rules and regulations governing tiie:.~:se o.{the:.l>r,oper:ty emU the. p,¢rsonak'C'6nd~~t,.o(~e Members and their guests thereon, and to impose ~.n'e~::~ o~jer ~enal~~s;:f.0r the"')1!!~ction ~rap.y' covenant set forth in this Declaration, the Bylaws o(s~id 'rules':and regtila90ns ... :.Tf\e :aoarQ"sfia~f nq,tify all Lot Owners in writing within thirty (30) days of the":'~doption 9£ saId rult:is"anCi reguJa,Jions.:. ;/' . ':·'··:!I~ll!:.~I •• ,,,,':·!· /~. ./'/ )' "./~ ./,~: ... ,;::, .. ,:. 15.2 Enforcement./ .:' ./"",':::"/ ./ The Board may en;~'r~i'~l1 r~S~ic: . .d~n~/~0f.l8'~ti6~;,·'~~~~I).ants, ~.~~:#ations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the pr~visiphs ~f thiS' D.eclar;ttiQn, t~e AqjdeS, the Bylaws and any rules and regulations promulgated by the Board QY any p.foce~ing~:~.~ Iiw cjr ih,equity. During the Development Period, the Developer may e~.r~Ise 91is ~nforcemehtj~·0~.9r olJ..be~.~lf of the Association. The City of R~q~on may enforce any restrictidrts, G9ndhto~., cov~ant~~ re.,servatiohs., liens qic~,arges . for maintenll:PCe 6ft~.e Common Areas and commoIVacilitie~:~' :/. :.':" "':;:'",.,.(",,:.~: \ )' il .:',' ":::. ':'I:I"!h/,":"" .:" .' ~\ ••••• :.: .. ~~, ••.• ". ,,:' :!:: /' ,.' is.3 :.,,'. Rctriedicsf.;· ./ ". :/ .,t~e r¢'e~1~s plvided herein for collection of any ass~~~~e~L c~:~~'~~~r pi~irti:'aga{~st any MemQ(ir, fO.l'·~and .~4n be.aalf of the Association or Developer, arc in addition.{p, a~d VOt ir{'rimitation of, any 9fuer r.6medJ~s prg\ri4~d'by)aw. . '\,'., ... ( .i: .;'" .1"\ .. :,. ::i5;~,.:': .,W~~~~"""""";., ...... :::.... ,'i~ ..... :,,/·: ·fhe··{ai1u'~~ ~:f th,({~s$bCiaii~n{iii~'beyeloper, any Lot Owner or any of their duly authorized agents to insist in any orie,.oi motb...ihsta.n.!(~ u~9n the strict performance of or compliance with this Declaration, the Byl~~s. or ru\es.~nd regu~tio~s ~"thfi). Associatlon or to exercise any right or option contained therein, or t():'~~!y,e,11o~.rce ~ to iriStitU~.iny:itcti<an or summary proceedings, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinqufShm~nt pf such rlghtfor the:flJturet such enfor~ement right shall continue and remain in full force··::.Md·eri~'ot •.. Nc)' wai;~er 6f an§ PJoyision of this Declaration, the Bylaws, or rules or regulations ot"tIte Ass~£~tfon shall ~e deemed tQ:'llave been made, either expressly or impliedly, unless such waiver shaii"6e"in viriting.~· sigrie4ipurs1i~nt t6:;:~ resolution of the Board. The receipt by the Association of payment of:.any aSsessment :with:knQ,wledgC'-6f.;lny breach of any covenant hereof shall not be deemed a waiver:'e(su'ch br~acli:: ./;:; '::'. . .!": .~' .. .,.;' ... ~\..... " .' ;:' .:' !: ':"'.:' ,:' .' ... :".1 .' .... '~"". ~":' .. ;;":" .• :./: :: .' ,:' .::"::.:.':'.>::" •.•... .... t' " ,I~ '~'. .' ". :~. ",: • . : ...• ~ ..• :{. .,:: :.:J;.:; .... :' .• ~~ ... :.:./ .' .' ...' :; .' . :.:\~ .,' " .' ....... ".:. , ••••••••••• ::: .1 ~ :.\:,.: •• \.:: •• , •••••• : •• "'/ ••• :,:":. ",."",,"';:' W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\1IR2J46.DOC 91612005 26 ::"""" .~: .,,./":'/ .,/ ':::,';";' ,:::>/',.:" .,' .,,' /' :{.". DeclailltlQ~.Or P~ecliv~:Covel),9.nts .:" '\" .,' .:. fo.r Wlnd5tone .:' ./ :t'::i~t ':":..,,:.:/' ,'.... .,'. :/ ...... ,. :.'. t :/' ""'.:+,.:{ 1:1; .' oJ.1,',. .: :? "'\":"'/ ' .. ::,<:";":"'~~} " ~ ... \. . ,,~l' 1': •• :.::' •.••• :\ •••••• . :':' . .,\ :.:.f ,{. i' .' .' ./ 15.5 Costs and Attorney Fees ;: .• /" I~ ,:;' .. :/ ./" ;./ Jf:~!lY authorized person or entity (including Developer and the City .of Renton) employs an r ,i .. ;: attojn~y to .eqfqrce any provision of this Declaration, the Bylaws, Articles or rules and regulations ~.~ :\: .... /.. aC!6p~ed b}/·die As.sociation, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to the award of .,'. ~easona~lel'a~~orneysl 'fees and costs incurred in.said action whether such fees and costs are incurred in \: .. ". .,/Ilegotia~~n, .!TIedi.~tiolk,ub*ation, litigation, appeal, bankruptcy or pre-or post-judgment collection . . " .. ',,,,, .... ,., :." .,.:' .: ; /' A.Rr~dLE 16i/·····''''':~MENDMENT OF DECLARATION ,C /:~~;{{ D69te;:i ~~::~~~,;h~'.:?/", The Dev:~loper re~~rve~'~theffg~~' and, OQ::beli'~I~::6f all Lot Owners, is hereby authorized to execute and to ha'Ve"I~~.orded :any ~end;nents tel $is,.Declaration it deems necessary prior to the termination of the DeveloPl11-ent ~eriod~/ Al1."L~'t.Owtjers hereby grant to the Developer a full and complete power of attorney<;<? t~e th95e ac.tion~·:·an(Vagr~e .. tha,t. said amepiil'!;lents shall be binding upon their respective Lots and then'i';and their ~signs: to .~e.:sfune exteqt as if...theyfhad personally executed said amendments. All Lot Owners ~ere,?Y a7..knoo/i~.dge apd·:.~grce. tha~jhe;.power of attorney granted herein shall be deemed coupled with '~ln::inte!est ahcfghal.r'be ii;revocable::\ 16.~:I" Amendment by Memb;;S:'/'/ .• ' t, .. :.:. ''''''::::/,/{ '//: ;.'/" .. ''' ..... ,:;:, .. ,. .r:,:· .. ,f . !":':"~" . \. ',: '~':' .,',: .l '\~1,'1' .... \·.1::.. '\;" I·t }~. Aft~r terminat~on of-the Development Perio<.li,.,tpis peCl.~tati9·n Il],ay."ti~raniend~:d upon aPproval by a vote ci sev~r.-ty p~r~ent (70 %) of the Members in ~ttenda~Ce a,t' a ;neeting diiiy c.~iIe~·: fori~aid purpose ... /Vote~"sh~n beicast by written ballot either in persortor»y pi·oX)'··ilfaYmee.~lng.,Buly;Icalled for such puq,ose a't wh,ch a!quorum is present. The notice of said meeting sl1.'aU'incluQ·e Il/copi of the propo~~d am¢ndm#nt. Members may also vote by executing a documentju,.writiqg (f6nsenting to said . amen.dmen~( whi~ii wrjtten .. CQ~.~nt may be submitted either prior to or withht~Jhy/(30r~ays following . the date o(said/meetirig,/'After 'such approval. the President and Secretary of iffe issodation. for and on bE:half oh1i~ Lovb.wner~.shall\'~xecute and record said amendment. .: .... :, .. :"'. -:":1' ,..:' / ,J ':\ ;: ·~:::···16 ... 3-····'/A~en,ke#~ A.tr~cfiiig'M~illtcnance or Operation of Conunon Areas " t" ,~ ..: " Notwithstand~ng':~{~or~'~~i~g •. 'rio'::tune~drr\ent to alter the obligation of the Developer or the Association to the City·.:Qf Reptor{for .,nain~~~ce)f tlje drainage facility, recreational facility, sensitive area tract, commCiiliy o~ne4 landscap1nsf or:.corru;ri6~y owned trees, or to maintain and pay for the power used for street light.ing '6r-fut\jnte~;'or Q}lera.don:.qf the Common Areas shall be effective without the written cons~Jl( of th~,'Citr o(l~.ent~n o~.:its,:iiuc~~.~Rr-in-interest. .. :".~ ..... ~"., :.:~' ;:' ,~. .' . .~: .:~Il·· "':::. 16.4 Power of Attorney " \""''::.:.:=' .. "'''.,. :i ... ·•···· .. An Lot Owners hereby grant to the ~~~oci~i~~ni~r::bev,ii~p~i d~Iri~g D~:~lopment Period) a full and complete power of attorney to take any and iU::ac~ons:.ftece~·sary:'to ~ffec.tU~te'·tffii1'-r~.cord any amendment and agree that said amendment when authorized.~rid recorded a$' prOVided in this\~rticle shall be binding upon their property and them and their respectiv¢·:'leg~i repres.¢~tative<heirs,::: / .. :< •••• ..... , .... .:: :: .. :.... :/.( ./"::<~~: ....... :,.:\ .. /.::, .. ,:::' .::.::'~ ....... "':. ,~"",,/ . :.'.:.'. '.. ::.I.· IIIU " '~!' 27 .. : ... " .... '.::..... :t''''''';:'' ./"<"/; ::,/ W:\WPDOCS\24025\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 91612005 D~i'i~tion o,f.;~~~~ve.covena:~1S (,. <} ."., .•.. ' ::' for.'WindslOne " .' ...• ; ..• ,': I:' }-;.;. ""('~;~{ ::",:": •• ,,, •• :',:' ..... ,< .:,f !~ ,~. " / :.::' '~""~"""~~' ;'j :: l:; ""1:;. =,:., ./ '::":::i~ I ,?:.:: .. ~:: .. :::.} ." .~,' ......... :; .,i" " . . \. .1' .. /. s~&es~p;fs and assigns to the same extent as if they had personally executed said amendment. All Lot 9wners hereby acknowledge and agree that the power of attorney herein granted shall be deemed /. .;~up}~d.YJ.~th an interest and shall be irrevocable. :' .;' ,) ,/ .:/' "':: \~ :\: •• ..." .. /' .. t.:· .::.'<4.R'r.ICLE 17 LIMITt\TION OF LIABILITY; INDEMNIFICATION .:. . ::,;!' .::' .•.. I~ ~ '.. .' .\".""" ........... ,./ ./ .. ,,/ 1}1 .. ;/~~,~~~itat~~~.of Linbi~~~~\., .. . . / ... ,:' NQ.:'per$·o!l:·who.~~rve~:.as·a lJlember:!'of the Board (including the initial Board) or as an officer of .' " , ,... {'" .' ,~.::-. ,. .~ tllf~~,.~ssosiatio.n (incl~dmgiDey:e19per) spaij' be ~~~~onally liable to the Association or any Lot.Owner or ani'othei p~rtyJor gond9Ct a~'a!)nembei:~pf t~e'Boatd ~nd shall be protected to the fullest extent permitted·:by' laW,. If,WashiQgto#'State .~W'ls a~fid~a'after adoption of this Declaration, then the liability of each\~:loar(rMe9ibe~iand \~m'f~r of ~,. A~9.c~ation shall be limited to the full extent . . permitted by the W.~hi~,gton $iate ).:.aw,·).8 so a¢~.nd.~d··i No repeal or modification of this Section 17.1 shall adversely affe~i"any right o~,:prote¢tion ,of:;'a)30a'iO Member existing at the time of such repeal or modification. /:./ . ,{ ". 17.1 lnd.~~~on<,/" i i ,ff' '~'i:"::'; ;,;':) The Association shall indemni'f§ ~ hq~ ail pef~ons':~hJ ~ive .~s a member of the Board or the initial Boar~ or as a Board Member anl6£fice~: of t6e 1ssociat,l6n (~hcl\Jding"'Deyeloper, ~9;Jhe extent Developet:a~ts in any such capacity), harml~ to:Otl1~;:ft?ll y,*tel!fpe~itt~p',.by·W.ashing·totj'::'State Law as it nov{ existg:·'Q.f as it is amended hereafter. TlJ,js inc!,emni'fication .~l.1~t:rcondnue as ~6 a ~erson who has ccaSed to be i:Board Member and/or officer and··shaJl.:lnut~· tq.,the bc'nefi't oLthat:l>er~'6n's heirs, per$bnal.t~px:esentatives, or ~ssigns. The Association ni:ay",;upqh wpitreil::reQ4.e'st,::advince expenseS"'incurred tJ.y th~ Board Members andlor officers entitled"to tlus irklerrfuific~tiQii. Ita claim for indeml}ificat~~n or.,jidva#ce of expenses is not paid within sixty (60) daYs.aft~r a wtitte'n c,laim has been receiy.ed by::the ~~soci~ho~IJh.c claimant may sue the Association to recover:~:any';·ugpaiqimount. If sucC,C'ssful{tllC :ciaim~rit:.sl'iall be"~titled to reasonable costs and attorneys' fees;'" /' / .' ':\:,)n ~~~·~tiO~.(~~: A~SO'~~tio;~ shall have the power to indemnify an officer ~h~<S not a Board Membei>as. .. well'as ~mp~oyee,~ an~: agenlSo'6f..:~e Association who are not Board Members (including the Developer), to tlje full e?>ient.~rmitted by'Washington State Law as it now exists or is amended hereafter. Whether ~ offfcer. ~k~nt o~ .. ~mploY?e 'Yiw is not a Board Member should be indemnified and the amount of indeQUlificarlori to ~ prov.jMd shaJf::OO determined by general or specific action of the Board of Directors. ·.0;",,,.,;"" :::. (, .<. """ ./" .' .. :. /'\":";: The Association shall ha~'~, th~;;~~er ~9:·Pu.~&haslan~::~iri'ta~ insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a Board Membel\,.ofIi~f. e~plo>.'fe •. 01' ~gent.:6flhe::Association against any liability asserted against him and incurred by:;him iil,such c.l'lpa,eity .9rarisirig.9u.t.of his status as such, whether or not the Association would have tIi~. power. to indemnitY hiip agarnst such liability under the provisions of Washington State Law. . ....... /~/;: ... :. / .:. ./:'/:.' .:''''''',: ) The Association shall indemnify, defend and hOld:;~.1.1y:;~oa.~d ~~~b.¢'~ Or:~ffi~~~"~~~m~:ess for any obligation of the Association which the Board Member or offjcer pers~'nalty .guara,Qre~d, s9 l~~. as 28--·/ '}.i{ (:::::'-".'/i/(::!·,~-':_t./·"7 W:\WPDOCS\2402S\007\J1R2346.DOC 9/612005 Declaration of ~to«;ctive govena,nrs .,'.' :K;" .. "':";0". ,.,.,. .:' for:Windst6ne . .' \" ,;" ,v,,' ,'. .' ::~. •. ::;: ;{ .:' .' l' ,,;. I, ... :.. .. ::~.{' ,~/ ,. .~t' :/' .:.:: " " :.~' .: ...• : ... ::. ~',: :( ·':1:" . ;? 'c.'::: .. , .... >' .' .' I .. ;: . .. ,,~\' .' .' .... • ,\\'i ::' '.\""~. :/.'. ;/ tluit As~6ciation obligation has been authorized and/or ratified by the Board of Directors as provided for .;.r ~ the ,,Bylaws. i ./.. :;,/ .,.:/' ./~·f:a!iy.p.rovision of this Section 17.2 is in violation of the Washington State Law in effect at the ~;. :.::", ...... / tirpe 9f the;':reque$t for indemnification, then that provision shall be automatically ':';;;. ¢oclifled::to···erovide the broadest indemnification available under the existing Washington State Law. ~ .... ":",", .. ,, .•... ,.,.,.," ,:/. ..":·~he/~igbf~· td'i~d;~~fication, ,Umil,4tion of liability, and to the advancement of expenses ~nft;ftedili Se,tt!6ns q:,),. anc( 17 }~ .. $hal1 npt be exclusive of any other right which any person may iia'l~·:or nereaftei acql1'lre und~:r ap/stat.ute~ the .. As.s,ociation's Articles ofIncorporation, Bylaws, agreem~.fir, Qt ybte 9£ M¢lnbl~'fs(disin~f~sre~"Boaf4;~~mbers or otherwise . , . .. ,",,~' ... . ; : .. . t': .. ".:'!. " .... )< ,.,-., •.•.... , :{ :, :·:··.:1 .... ';::··1 /::. ./. •• ,f' i~'~::i' .('i.,.~f./ "':;\i "";''A:l~TIC:tE''8 ':'qENER;AL PROVISIONS 18.1':' Ter~'/' " :.:' ,/.;> .:;: .... j/.:/."".<,.} The provisions of ~iS"D~:lar,d~~oI1:;i~'all;::~;l~tl{~~~d)i;hP the IJ~>~nd shall inure to the . benefit of and be. enforceable' by the)Jot~w~rs, .,the,Ir respe.9.tive:}egat'yep~~sentatives. heirs, successors and assigns for a term ofth.~~iy (~O) y'~a~s fro¢ th¢"dat~ th,1s"D~claration is recorded, after which time said provisions shall be automa~caIJ$r e~'ten~ed for ·sU'c.c~~si~¢'· per!g~~ of five (5) years, unless within Qne hundred eighty (180) days'M th~:end:·:qf ,such pe~I'Od •. ninetY percen.t (90%) 6f.t.he Lot Owners vote .p6hQ::~~:tend them. .,.::.: ..... : .. ,,'.~ ..... ~,:.,>. ,;:.J':' :: .. :<" /".:::;':'::'.'.:':"::'''.\'\,[;/,;,/ .. J" }.8.2/.~:,~Ub~~dinatiOn :~<,.i:'/ /'" ............ ::, ):,;'/ ./' lbre~h o~ anYl~f the provisions contained herein or any' ree~tr/bY'r'~'aso~'oF~uctibreach shall npt defe.tit or iend~r invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of tfus~ m.ade iP:' good (a'ith and for value"a:s to.said p'r~mis~s 0r~m~. part thereof; but said provisions shall be 'bill4~n~{'upOn ~rid effective agaipst any. Lot.,Own~r 9fSaid pr~ises whose title thereto is acquired by foreClos~'re, ,trustee's sale or .oth~~~;~~c, '.:.,/ ... /':/' ... , ....... \, '.\ ',:".: .. ,/. ···\·-18~3 .. ···/N~tice/'· ./ ::".. ... '''., ..... ;. :: :':' .~:. .~·.I ,. '. . Any notice i~qu~~·lbY ~~iDe<tJamtio~·i Bylaws, or the rules (lnd regulations adopted by the Association shall be de~~ed el'op:erly.,i.'iveri:~i(t#ai~ed~)1 ordinary mail to the last address furnished to the Developer or the Assocmtion:: IfJIO mailin'g atldr~ss ha~H~.een provided, such notice shall be . addressed to the address of the .L:qt. Such,notice.6 sh~ll be.:dee¢ectreceived three (3) days after it has been deposited in the U.S. mail,':,··, .,:;"'./ ..... '. .' .. '; :(' .... ,:: ··'I:I~~ •• ~.:.,.~ ... '~.. ;.;' ,.~.t .' <'.::' .:.:~'~.'.'.""' •.•• 18.4. Examination of Records ~: ." ..... }/ ./; ..... ", .::';,. ........... . Any Lot Owner may examine the bo~Jci.··mid;:~ec~·~d/~f oi~ A~~~Ciation oJ~reasonable advance notice during working hours at the' offices of the Associ~ti9ri at.tot .6wn~r' s :.bwn, .. :expense.:.:N least . annually, the Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared:;·;'~ .. f.i:nanyial ~tate~en~.:'orthe Asso61~tion. The Board may, at its sole discretion, obtain an audit of all book~:and.:rec<?ids pe.rtaini~If¥> the. .?':: ':"""/; ,/i /::. /';/<::;':::~~:'.: ... ,,/::/';' 2.:: .... " .... ::. 29 >:··',~ ... ;r :: '" ::. 'J." .," .,.~.r .. ",.iyi ... HI .... • •• ;r W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2346.DOC 9/612005 ".:=. I •• ~·:: •• :. .:" ' •• \ ' •••••• De~laration Of.~~~te~~ive t~ven~~ts .... /: ,{" (:".'~: ': """'.:" .: for·:WindsfOne .• ' '.,(. .' .' .' ···i ...•. t .: :;~. .' .' :.,.,; ,': , :('.::~. "':~.":"/ ;.' .. :.:" :~. / .' " .~.' ':., • ••• t, •••• ·::: ~; .' =:~ ·~;I: •. . : / .~\:.: ,,' '.J:' ':?:.::;: .. ; .. ,:. I " .:,' I' I:.:' ,~l~' :; .,'., ::' ...... ~ .. , ,\' ,,',' .. '" /.... A,;'~oci~tiol1 at such intervals as the Board shall determine, and copies shall be furnished to the Lot ./: pwn~tS. Such audit obtained by the Board shall be a common expense. . ,:' ... :" ' :.: ~:'.", ./ .;:" .~/;·'18.5. Severability ;\ ::; .. ,: .... / // .ll~~;~d~ti~n of any provision of this Declaration by judgment or court order shall in no way .\:..... , .... :affect aJ~Y o~cr provisions.t. which shall remain in full force and effect. ·.t:":"'1 " •••••• =' .::' .,,:~' :: ;' ,l' '::"'.. "II'~ .~. .:' .:: ,.,.,. . \~::. ::~:..,. ;/8.~,:· ./:Ge.~.~e) i: .,t~/! " .. "j~:'" .. "".". ,,,.::' .this:Declar~:tion,::is t({be.' read a:h9 u:qdersto'Qd with all appropriate changes of a number and gender as,·.requited 6.Y. ... ~1~ c~te~t-.: ..... / .. /":/ .. , ... ,;/. /.' .... ,> ';~.~.. .. .Ii'"' ./' :t' 0':,' .(.. ~'\:. ':\::"'/ 18.7 ··'·.p:eacijngs.:" ./' .:.:: / /':"':" '.' The caPtion~"~:'·this;~~ec.l~atiC?t(ar~4~;:,l~n~#~i~'~'Qr.lY and dO,ihQl in any manner affect, limit, or amplify the provisions.·;hereqf. :.,,:' :/ /. :....... "., . ./), {,ri;gf~irgelU~~f:Y "l':',,/ " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developetr.;has::.her~nw set its ... itan{an~t"s~~r:the, .. ~ay and yea.r first b ",'1:,., 0' •• '". "',. :' l :,' ,;.}'.: ," a ove wntten.'· ":.,. .' .. ::. ;. ";;:,. ,."'.,.. .\ c.;' .,.i,i .' ""\, DEVELOP~~;.",.,·i// .' ii''' .... :'::·) .. i /,/' .. "i .. // ./; .. ;::\:;; KBS DEVELOPMEN~'2~R~O~;~~N .. /;' . /" f • " :.' ';. .:1 .,.... ",:: :/F .~J / .:.. II' ,~, :: .~r ., ..•. .' " .,' .. ' .f· .. ....... :.~.~::.:: .. ,.,:./ .,:' ,-:/.. ::.'. / ....... " ......... :..... .::; .' ·:: .. :, ... r~"'· ,',I '::', .:. . ~:' .~' , .: .. ;: . ':'=:.':;:. . .• ,:,.:/ .J' ........... :;\, .' .::~ •• !' •• ~."....... ;/,':: ,:':" .:.'~' .'." .... . ' :: " " .:: ..... -... £: ::' ···\·· .. :,;,,:: .... :··· .... "/.i/ W:\WPDOCSI24025\OO7\I1R2346.DOC 9/612005 .' .' .' .' ./''':'''/ .: .... " .. ~ ... ~:? '!'., "':"~;' ,:' 30 W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\1IR2346.DOC 91612005 ':\" "~:: 31 " ,,' :.' ,,' .:~"'~~ .. " 1: " ...... . ~. ":: ':'i.··· .. ···· "" .,.q •... . :' . ~! " ,/'. '.! • ' , • · ... d " . '" . , •. 1, ,.' " :./ W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2346. DOC 916n.DOS EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 32 " !>- :., '. '.,':, .;! '. \ r ,I' \' . ~!, , ~ W:\WPDOCS\24025\OO7UIR2346.DOC 9/6/2005 33 :,~.~~"I"~;',:: " " .:;: ,t REFERENCE NO. OF ",' DOCUMENTS ASSIGNEDI RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE""". ::. '~::" LEGAL-:l>ESCitIP:TION' ASSE$SOR'$ PAR:CEL NO. KBS rrlevel6pment CorporatiOri./ ,: City of Rento~: ,.' .:."" ,,:'/: .;~",., """":" "::" The Public "~" "':, .. :": ..... :,. :(, ':':'::'" ,," ,:> Plat of Stone RWge (A.K,A. Wind"ftone), V'b'!. i~O. p,ages ,61-65' 032305·9046; 0323()'S~9034(032305-9033; '632~()5-9042.J: ,Y" ::', ":"" "'::""':':::: /: "".-"""'.' /",' '}'';:~:i.E)tlSURANCE COMPANY " i' ':' """"// ',:,:' ',':~;::j(i!e:laocumentOt' :',' ,: ":', !t ",5 a cus orner cour esy .;/ :,/ ,:':' ,FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE"" .'" .:':':):tOp!s:,riolia~ililyfor ,,' ,/ :: / DE.CLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVEN'ANTS:: :~,accUla~olvahdltyol ,,./: , ,,' iq,I{THjt~LAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. wINiJsfQ~~),~~enl. ':""\:':":' ~~'Dy~~~6~m~t··o.brp~ratiOn, Developer herein, hereby amends the ~~'~J~:~ation of Protective Covenai1t&,f~t"ihe J'la1;-i:>f St6ne ~id..8~frA';K, A. Windstonc), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000$38 (.~e.,"i'De¢laTation"). ",:: WHERE~~}:P~;~~Pri(ls~¢ii::~\'l:Q' i~ o(lli~'Declaration, prior to termination of the . Development Period, ihtrDev~lop~r is authoriz6d t9':execute. and to have recorded any amendments to the Declaration it deems necessary;'\anci,:, .:: ' ./ "', WHEREAS, the Develd~Jnent,.p~~~o~' ha1:nor'~~rg1{~~~:';'): .. """."",. WHEREAS, on or about Novembi-r 8, ;QO{ t1iD~~el.6~~t rec~i'vecfWritten approval from the City of Renton (by Kayren Kittrick, Deparurten(df ~blic:\Vqrks) for tl,l~,easeriients created herein; NOW, THEREFORE, Developer hereby:'~~nd'~' thi.'DC9{:r&,d~Il;,L fqiipV;;;;-"":'''''>, ..... :.::. .:' ,:' ,: .:' ,;' 1. Section 1.5 of the Declaration is hereby deleted in .ik"ep~ir~t;, ~hq';:a n~V;;:,:S:ectiqh r:5'i~, hereby substituted in its place, as follows: "',.:; .,.:" .:,:' i:' /''''''''::",':'/",/ '-<>"""'" Page 1 of 7 """" :," :': :,: ".:::, :';.':: ," ", ,t·· .. "·'7· W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\J1R2607 .DOC 12/05/05 ''First '-Ameridfuent [~,riec)a'ia'ti~m of :'! t':::/ :: Plat of Storie. ,Ridge (k.I(~A Winds.tonc):': ,/': :I~:~ll'="';'" • ,: " .:' "'\;.. ·:.'::'';r: " " " .' .~"~' , .. ::.:~:.".(:/ ::, ,0 i'~''" "'.:.::'., ,:: ,r " ."~. ~\' ""'~"':::: .~:' ;; ";:':1: " .r :\··:· .... i: :"'." ./' . '. :: "".' . ,' :.:::::. r:.:" ';":': ;: .\" .,," .. t .:: . 1.5 Common Area ::' ,/ /, .. ; ...... ;. The term "Common Area" shall mean and refer to Tracts A, B. ( ;;;,,.it / i/:(';~~.;!:~:e:e~~:n:.::g ~:PA:':OC~:~.I=:~~;!'!:.: .. :;< ,//:. .,.;;: .:.inanag~ment easements benefiting the Association as shown on Exhibit ,':; , ";",,,,,,, ........ ,/ ···.·::~",::fiicfa'i1y.. other are~.~ ... 9.wned by or benefiting the Association and/or .' ./ . the Lot OWhers fot'the c~mmon use and enjoyment of all of the Lot .' ./ /'O~,n-ers:~ A~y ~tr6ets, ... f.!.:~cts or other areas dedicated or conveyed to a .:'.' / gQvefl~.ihen#lI,.':~ntity it¥' ·pu~tfC"u·s'~;.a~e not Common Areas. ';".: .. ::': (::. \;, .... /' vi~ P~·ve~.6pi;:!:;~ aC.d~(~;,:~·;'.~tbtraC! from the Common Area ·:"·.4,uring ,.tIle Develppme~t Perioa •. ~ defined in Section 4.1, by an a'rn~nlline~l' to tJjls De.¢iara~iQ~./proVided that the Developer may not withdraw/~ny ,~act oloth~'r C.~~bn ~,n~i.l}ubject to a:.~q~dition imposed oy··¢e CitY' of ~ent9h or:·;otlJ.eiwise "fequired QY state or federal laws without the o/ritte~'co~enr;of'the qty ol~entort\,Jfi the event the Common Areas &sc,rjbed.;on tti~·tecorp~d Map.~:ar~(aif.(erent from those described herein, the"CO@nQrl Meas;.described' or.{thejvlap shall be deemed the Common Are~s··;6nl~s this Qeclarati6n has b~n"a'ih:ended .' . .. /"""'''>.r modified to change the Comnion A'reahho\yh OIfihe·'M.ap~ .. ~cJk,t :i/.;.'·:.:.,:?'· :::" til'e':~~tus of those tracts or CommhQ:,Ar~~s"~at w~fe ~.ubji.~I .~O)I -;; / .' .' . condi~ion imposed by the City of Renton or Qthe~wjs~"required"by state.J: ::i" /~':Qr fed¢ral laws may not be changed without:'th\: ,~ritten gonse.nt 'ot:ih~/: :.F,~;iSUAANCE COMPANY .r .,' C".' 'f' R :. :': ":" ./ . "::.' '.:.':; ;.:,~ \lOcur,wnl or ./ ,.. :,lty 0. enton. ':.. .. -::' . ~~ ~ cus['omer courlesy .r ./ .r :i ~:; .. ,. .. ... : :,: ; ·.~~JP!s tio liabilitY for 2."': A new Settion 12.1.5 is hereby added to the Declaration as"fo(lowl::: 4ccuracy or validily 01 .~. , .' .' .......... ' '.,.': 1I1~··tloculllcnl .t\ .::,:' :/' .1' .,~" • '~~::. .:::: .. :. .r· ,:=" • ':;. ':"'.,."" .:'.'" ./ ..... 12.1.5 Storm Water Management Easements. Th~.jLot . p~~ers ¢ Lbts (8 and 22, respectively. hereby grant, convey and . ·:;··.· .. " ... ,."" . ./tra~sferi·to t~~ A.$:so<;iation··'(J..non-exclusive, perpetual easement over and aci9ss.,:tho~'·p.&tions or'~ts 18 and 22 described and shown on ExlJibit'B: att.lit~ed ~.etetp. ("~ast;ment Area "), for the purpose of con~tl,]cting(u~ng.)nairifui.QJ:ilg/·rep#iring and reconstructing storm water m~l'iage~ent facilities a:n~'·apl?-iirteq.an9..es thereto. The Association shal.l maintii:iJ:l.~ repair ~tJ.d r~tor~: any;. improvements andlor landscaping thaC-it constn,JCts:.6r installfwitliin .the··Basement Area. The cost of such constr'litmeri': u~b, ~~int~.fianse. ~~pair;';'tec·()n.struction and/or installation shall be paid b~·tlie A~sodatign.,~~ a cOWmQJ? expense. The City ofRent6n .. sha.U.;hav~{ac.iess}o th~ Easemen(;A,rea as necessary to inspect or maintah(tli~ stdrm\vat¢r m~iiag~m~t fa~:i1ities and appurtenances thereon. These ~ilsel1.i~nt~:.:~han.:·run:.wit4: theJaI,ld···· .. ····,··,.::. and shall bind the heirs. successors and ~~jgns Q'f'th~::Ow~ers.<>rLots ".:: 18 and 22 and the successors ancl assigns of'the:A.ssoCiatibn .. /: /' <:;;): .: ':;';< •. 3. A new Exhibit B is hereby attached to the Decl~rati~~":~ ai;' f9bn:~:att<;i·~~~d"·h.~~i~~/ .::.> ............ :. .,...." ... ".:.;. Page 2 of 7 "' .. :: \'. -.:::,:" ... ;: ....... '." .:" ::' ......... :: .. ;,\,::' :;-' w:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\11R2607 .DOC l2/05/05 First A'mendment:io .DeCI;tfa[ion of . .='. ,i'" :' Plat of Stone ~idge.{A.l(A Winds,t6ne).:·:· :;;::~ ':'.;)' . "~' . :,,:' ::: :,: ,;~ ·r " :,:. :/',; ... :::' ';":":/' "( " :/"\ :f ';:., ... / :.: ...•.. '., .:.:~: ,:.: .: ;1 "~="I' \;; .. ; ...... /' " \" .;. , ./ W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2607.DOC 12105105 Page 3 of7 . ~: . ,," , . ,;', .. " EXHIBITB TO DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) W;\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2607 .DOC 12/05105 .' .' ::":",:,,=:' Pa~e 4 of7 ,:"',: . ..... ,. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY .' / ... ····Ilasplaced the docur.lent of ... ,' record as a customer courlesy and ac~~pls·no liahiiity for ./ ..... ,.. the aai:uraci ~.yalidj[y of the document. :' . ...... /... :: " .. t ;.:. :: .. :: 't .. .... ~::: \ . , ,: .~. W:\ wPOOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2607 .DOC 12/05/05 'S,Q1 '-¢5'22"W '6,5,00' 55.00' .......... Page 5 of7 " I; .r .::..:': .... ,:" .. > ,;.: I/o' I'. ,i' .' ",\\~" I~' :: .' s f;' .' .:.: .' /. -piatportiou of the 1.0122, Pint of WJnds{()UO. filed under King CoUtuy Recording Number ~r ;.;;:::, ...... ,/. .if /: .. :20~~101..oyOO3.37, mQfcpartJcularly dc-~ribcd ~s follows; ':;. /<.. ::··"·\~9iO.:n(ll,i-tf)·,~l the SOqtheaSt'CQml~r of MI. :jd' Lot 22;' . oJ;;.. ,! D! ._~ .,'" .. ,." .... _ ... ,.'., t9.¢i~~~·Nl)rl1i··~.7°4911~.~.I .. ,w.~(~ along·lhe Sou.th line'ofs~id Lot 22, udistanr:e of " .' 39 It 9' '.~""~:' ":. ;." / ,I ,~~ ~ :.::V . ,(~'~'" :', ~.:~}, ,of ':":"::j' .:: :.:t1Wl1CC:.'N{)l\i:h 7;S°;iW46".J'fffst. ~ .. jJ:isl;inCe of'JJ A6.teet~ / .. :::' Ihencb·S:Q.~tJl $7449Plj,i'"t..ij~t;(a disttinc.eof 9.8(, feet t~) a point on the East line of ''' ... ) ~uid f~()t·i2,~!d4;.poin.t~~~~ NQfth~ :il a~4Si W~st 1 o.ooi~ct ii'om 8ujd Southeast .dj,~er;. . .. ,.,i' .. /' .J'" (i: "'.> .... c,::::"::;./. . Ih~ee,.SQutbP2<?l(f45~' .W~~J4lo.itlt~id. EastUne~. tl di~'tanceof l OJXlfeett(} the POjntofBegihnIl}g. .:' ~/., r /: Situate;n ,Ihe CiIYO;~~tOJi(~,,~~,y"~"I~{~~::iW ... ~iCl~ .: ...... : .. "./ /' :' .' ,,' .;:"" \:::. j ,/:.:,,:;, . . ' " ," '::.;.: ,;';,: :::~'.~:.,/' . .r .:=':.';1"1,";; . ',' ..... ~ .. • r"·-""':' .• W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2607 ,DOC 1210510S Page 6 of 7 ;:: ...... /: " ... ' .:' . .:" /<:~;~.~) j ':"::'./ ......... . ;~tt.::::;~'~I.'I;j Of,i,/'\/''',:~' Plat of Stone Ri~I!<'(.\~':tj!i>ne~' /)" l'/ .< .:' .:'." .' ", ':':.' "<-..,{ . ./: .•... '-::: ... .::', /.~ :: .. ~~~. :: . 'w W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\l1R2607. DOC 12/05/05 .. ~.:\ ·;~::~· .. :s:/ :PL NE :,:' """" Page 7 of7 , ':~"~": ~I""~:,~' ,::' ':1,':: •• :::' .,' .• .,' ,'. -," . ~'.~- -:-" '" ~~ ~ \\ill .-::.- '.' .... :.:::: ~: .:.::-.. -ZO()leO\lQ.'1 DOD II " • -: :-~:: ... ,-:.- _"0' • __ • ~ " •. _ • Stone Ridge (AKA Windstone) / Wolf Property LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT VOtU1£/P",. l4 8 J I L{3 _ ... " .. :.-FILE NO. LUA-04-136-LLA/ /LAND RECORD NO. LND-30-0287 .:.'-,.::: A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03. TWP. 23N.. RNG. 5E. W. M. .:"., CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WJ>.,SHINGTON ,:," '-0:,- .... nECLAR'~TiON: .:': ":. t ~ ~'3~E ~.~ ~. ~ ~~34 35 .... ~. .;" .•••..•... _... :: U Nortn ~U~l'te-t' topoer'Sec. 3 . .J? J3i" KN':!JII A_:.$!""'EN [W.~T"iE:SE p~tjr5 ,h.A-(::to::; T:,,!: u...c~;;:;:L>h."ED m,'l-.:::::::ll'=:l OF r:-iE L.AND rEiiEIN ) Twp. 23N •• Ang. 5E.. ~L"L _ Northeast sec:tlon corner S~c:.::!. tn C!~5!;~=:D DO 1a--;;;iCEIY j:II,I.,,"E;",A LOT L;:I'C:.L!)..:.E''IM~-;" T!'lE~u:-!"'.:rt:.'!=iS:f~"'t··TO-;;'[;" 5.8 J7.0..:u· C .. lci.Jlated from fC:.no Co. GPS rv Th'p. 23N_. Rng. 5E.. I'i.M. ffl _~~ .. ~ rtEClj.RE.ri-G5 .w..JU5,.-;:~~1 "r;:, 9E.":~ G;::"';:) ... ~· ~j:l=laENT .. TIO~ OF THE'~;,~, MID TI1I.T ...... ~ br-eakdown. -I r--: Calculated fr-o!'li City of Renton ~ '~'~":'''~~'''~:'j,;r:~~~r 7~;>'/ {;:::'~"/f-}", !~~:r~~!;i~~:;:~i:;'.,.;! '~[;'~;;:~;:~~i;::::';' : i .' .:_., "~~' .':: .:" .,.::' .. ;:. o·~·· ..• : ... :"~ .. :~. ..:;.:.. .v/ S8l 26 02 E I 5302.87' fence post @ too of OltCh2t' .:.'::,..... .,...." ... ,::" .'." ,:.' j:'::'" "'---.-.(~, ........,06;. " ... '::.'~o~:// ! '--265~ ~-i ~322 B1' ~ __ __ __ ,~ ~ .Q (j wll/.L :;tl.,',.,"[, .... ~ J~"/"'/' SCA!.E:·"'···'",. ~ I '. ~ l322.Bl· .,..,z . I ;;;;;::~.1';~":-:.I ,/" If~:~!/5~.:< .....,. ./") ~ [i ~':'j'f:;; II ,~;. : __ -0. ",?hu",ent J6~nd}e. notEd,., .. ···,:,. ':'. ....... ·"· ... 0·:· I ~ I ... :~/-ao. ~~~;i~~:;~~;:·:::,:··:.::::/:>~:s::·.::·~;:·l;:)/.f'.··~;:~;t~: ~,~' ~i ~ ACKNO WLEDG EMENTS: STATE OF "'ASKINGTDN J CO~7Y OF """ ! ss (IN TH!S n!J!. nt-Y Dr-:-rI4,alUiIf.J?!I 20~ !iEFORE ~. TH~ W.'OER5IG~:'RY PI..'I3ctt':~i"~ OF ftASHIN,';lON. nt:i...Y COI-P1ISS10tiE" ANC SNor;lN. Pi:P.SON~t.l.Y ,l,t:lPE~'~~ B. rAVL~, oE:RSONALL'f KNnW:-.J (lJi'i ~VEN ON THE,.-:S .. SlS :If SATIsn.triB' Ent.EI"CE] TO BE THE PRESHJENT. OF ~~NnSTONr H(Jt.;E.tME:J:fS I.:;:SCt:lA-:-IQ),l ":. A to:ASHlto1GTON CURPoq,r" THlN..· '.' n£. C~T:;:01-l iH:.T ;:;:XECUT.::D r.~ Irf;:Ti{:h: ~NCl..~O>1E(!O!1'lG INSTI=l~.ENT. ri~rn ~~~5~~5fil?I~T~~~~ ie5~~ r~':~~=n~§L~3~~I~C~~rriONEO, ANa ON OATI-! ST.n€i} TH,a,T T~jI ARE ... l.'T~"}!:\::;-;-~ TO ExECuT£ ~~ID :U./STI:llJt1Er.'i ~6~~f::.:~~ ~Al AFFIX.;::."IF "~i. !.~;~ CDf'>~~1!O SEA:" D~~.r:':D ·.5 .. L """"'o-~., • .., YE;J!' '" T N. :." 'ra.~ r"e:~"~r :-::.:.~ ACKNO WLEDG EMENT: ... " ...... j .... ,., ..•... /: ... /. S11lTE OF WA5HlNE10N I K;_ Iss '::'. '.:~ ':, CO(.t.lTYOF~~ T ~~. T~M Cx~~~: r ~ '" It'-ll>Jtti 1,. !ID'...f .. B'E'VEC!LY ..I. "D'S. TO T~ Fo;:EGlr~:~ D~!CLrr-QN ~ID ACT .&ND··o~t~gg i~ 0~~~ ~~T~§CSES '~"-.-"'.' WITNESS m' rlAND ANr! $EAL ;';i;R;!O .c,~:XELI TI-!;;: n:.y .t.N~ El.i'l IN ';'~llS CE:qfIF 1[;1-T= .t.90'lf ~!A:;:r';::N LOT"" OF THi' "'-H 0" "'ONE RlOSE !A', "N!lSTONE) PER P\.>f :':. ./,-•. ,' ,,: 1-I ~C~ !JJ VOLUME: 230 OF P~ ... TS. Ai PAGES to:;. TJ1RO\.tGH 65. A!;::[]fIDS .:-•.•• I "'--.' •••• ~lIth que-rter corner OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. • •• -. .:. .... -•• :.' .:·:Sec. 3 .... :Twp _ 23N_. I ~ITuATE NiH.:: CITY OF R!OmON. ~T'T OF .("NI;. SH.TE QI=" Wl,SWNG,Olll '':.:'" ::: L-.·: Rng .. ~ .• ~.M. ,Found f Southeas.t (;Orn~r Sec. 3. .. . •. -':'. -J-3" b:-.a~5 t!~sr::: ~n Twp. 23N .• Rng. 5E._ W.H. "';-" ~ ~'+":" .: ...•... : .. . .. .::".,,,. , •••• + •• "'; ~ .. :.' :\./conr:r-ete 1 found monument. lnc:ased. ~,~~_' ~ City ·of Aenton Pt'18i1S\. I S88·12·2~26~4'-.---~ BASIS OF BEARING: WASHINGTON STATE LAMBERT GRID-NORTH ZONE AS DETERMINED 8Y GPs OBSERVATION. APPROVAlS: '. EXA."Irl£D AND aPPi=IOVEO nilS ~ DAY OF JaYIUII'.rV'1 .;: ............... tJ~ uJp:tt, -fo~ G"~'1!l;-.!'i ...... ~ .. >01«>1 .. OIl. ,~-......... . crr.~ ... ~ ArNTON A[lIItI!lNISTRA.TOR Of PL ING{BU!LO!NG/f>t.I8I..n:: WmICS ;1: >~;:~~:'.~~~~:;~ <~ """':'>"ilEP __ o", '~5'l'E"T" ~ .... ei.l,M~.':.lEU·AND API=ROVED T&.r::s..~lU.Y OF'i""" .... Z""9~_""Ob .. . .' /II. . ... ~ .. .' ./' S;;d± N"N .. ,:. ""'" .,..... MlrAn<e ~zt~r VICINITY MAP :".. .;.' .. ;: ." .'-<lNO COl.O<T!~· :: ," 1lEP\:'1' r --.sJ#r;r,a~TA#;,1*: t!t...lltl4$1.... l/4 milE = l' ..... .;: /: ...... ,/,-.:. {031.~~~; . .-~: ... , .. ''';:/:.:/./. , ..... ~::::..... \: '''-'.-.. /._ ...... r""R-.E-C-O-R-m-N-G-C-ER-T-IF-I-C-AT-E-::-..... -""""Il LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: • Centre ~~al9i~i;;,~;t ~~~ / l{E'::SE ,O§. T2.~N. ~: .... :!VM .: L.,,,, . ~:y .~. " .. ~. Rf'cCi"'::-ill9 No. --... \_~ -• • nh~ = i;;ln"n:::tly r~ I ~ OM Dr JIll: 0'" uto/j~ IIJ --omte. :.: KEi!:foevelop.,,;iot cor:-6·. . .... ~. '7 "ot. 0, "" """0' 1· I . __ p. (253) 6S1"19o;.".-'" SIJ!ftY'''".. .' .' ., tllCli for-t'I!Ccr"(! tnis _l.S..-. Co'ly 111 ...; fH{ <.sA£." ZlIJS: at .z:9D. t:':'rer:tlo~ jf) tor>farzlllll:l vitJI UIe I"eqUl!"a11nr~ 11' tl1~ Sun-rr Rir~IIrll:i", . • .';":_ 1;320 NE ~n St ... :Sulte ;pO f-,M. 1n boot .!S.! (lj 5ur .... p~ !IT !I"'lIf ~~, lNi ;'i~eli;t rio' I.ct ill t~ ~~st vf IGS lllTclcp::l!rlt Corp. In Ilr:t.(mtr. 2W.. . . t Surveymg ··.':.:.:.:B.elleyu~ •. :"W~ ~5 .'-:::~' S~t;:ItItrI f. WoctI:& • .'. • ""'- . ! {ifJPr LALLA 511pe:-Jr.'":::m:&i1tllfi'iiiiMiii ~~Lu/.,4 :: s wOODS ::'" 5 woaaS KING COlffiTY,)YAS~GTON{' s~~ 1 Dece_r 1:2. 2005 SR38LA ,~" ~:+ ..... ,""" .... ""'" . """ 1'=500' --1459 SHEET 1 OF ~,. )' .j~' ... ::' 1-00(OOlt ~' :." .~ .. :., -~. ~ ...... ':;.~)" .,::::,:'" 1~&7/~~ Stone Ridge (AKA Windstone) / Wolf LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT .: .. : ...... . FILE NO. LUA-04-136-LLA/ /LAND RECORD NO. LND-30-0287 .' I .'. .'. A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. . ./'~; ', .... .:' .. "' .. '. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON "c>' 'TT~~ ~:. ;\" >/ .. ,~./>.:.. . .. ::./ :r··~·:::~··::.T"""·::i} ,. ..,. J /'/ // S87 ~~:'::"E'~:92 n' ~ .. ': " ".: '.' ~: 1\.: .. _ .... _ .... ,. So lith J l~e Qf .. r.e ~ ... 95 cd .,/' ". ~ .... :. _,' .' .:. ~. k .': o· • '.: the N 1/.:: of the N=i/~ of / // :;'" ,,""" .. ",.' .: ., f .:::. ~ .:" ....... .. ... :. the Sol/4 of •• ~e~t.,."".·3.".. /' /' Documents of Record' \\~\! U ~'~ "f~···: .,.{ .,.,::,; ~:/" ./:: ........ j.. } ././~ .... ,i'···'· .. !..~ ... ,.:// ................. ,~//~/// :::.::::~:~1~:::~::3~::~;::~·.::::~~ ~:.::~::~:~ty ,. .'::' ..:::., .,.:./* .:.': .... : .:::., :~o W.M. :::::. ~=f3l;» L~~~ >! J C .:' ~I -;... :': .~ .. ' .:.' .'~ .:.:: .... :. /1": .. v.:./ 20040913002100. 20040923000690. 2004056000446, 9811121826. ii r 1 ~! t§ ~ :: ...... .:," :.\::. '.:.:" ....... ,.'. . .. " .. /:. .i:.?:::: ..... ,/~;:>:~~·· .,'" ).-;:~~</,~.:>-:.:>" 15' water L,ne ~:: ~~:::::~gc:~::r~:~s~::~e~::5:~::;:-~~. KBS prop.rty: U '::'y. ~::. .:. ~::: ...... ::. // .~.. -(. .:.... • o!Isern.ent Rec. No 6505230992.9608151325, 8703311602. 20040E3100057S. 8103039001. :; I '::';,.. ...... .~:. ..:':' -~ .. ' /' ::.~ / ..... -; .... : ... :. 2004063100C521. 5209101022. 20020807000277. 41:1857, a70303900~. 20020702900007. r< . ...... .... ';" / ..... .., / .. ' " ... ' 20050523000 •• 7. 20020807000279. 20020807000280. 2004062900<39.4. 970707.575, _ _ ,.,P "'r • ::.' ;='-/" .:::.~ ";,// i/o' .. ::.' L t A 2OC208C70QC27B and 2004092eOO10~". ~ Ul til .~~::··;'; ...... :;~.~~E~~ .. :,;;~:~~;l~t . ConsV·ilcticn .... :.. ':/-:. I .:. / / \ \ L t B ..... ~: .. ,-;. Eas_nt Rec .. ~G. I .:. I .,'. J J \ \ 0 ., .. 2~\~120~OOO~~."L.....J .:.= L!! / / \ I !i:,':"'::;~oo::"::~~<"::,:::;;li~)p:,,,,, ( .. ,,,;:'-;~,; .,/··:::"',~:'''i;'f;:, .. "/~,,. ····,''rot.l; 321004 AcrE'S 7:-fOs 0.264 7.369 Acres 5.934 1.435 7.369 o rei :S ::J o !" I U) .... @ (l) ::J ~ g; <l! ~ ~ OJ V ~ ...... , .. -.. N02'2i:20'E t.·.· I"':' ~ ~.~. ~.~ _ f'.old 1567'37'38'£j . 8.77':; ~-.... ' ::. ~.~~ DO' 20' ... c;c~., -----:J-.... -- - - - - --L bi!le_ _:l'D.06' S67-37'3S-E 892 6,' '--Scuth I ~ne tjf the lIto:1/2 ···:;·.····~T 21' ....:~ ! "3..('23' .-.. t.iBt, .OS8-:e~ " T . "'~ __ -I .... ;-. ,~ L.egend: G ~:~ :~a~~;~r Cp§ t~Nt~ 1 ~~33§ ~ 6~ ';. c SURVEYOR'S NOTES: \ ---1---------- 15' Sanitary Sewer Easement. Per Plat. 10' Sanitary Sewer Easement. Per Plat. "':..: .. ,. .' .~9·:?-.: .. E~sement Not~: ?RC?GSm SHCR"!" ?LA~ tln.lt'I.~TI'I.rr tth.V..! I v • ...:. CF Ii The oOfH-Jrnent control shawn for this slte was aCC(;Ilj.01iSf1eo Pi field tr-averse utHH~ng a one (1) secona th~oco!ite (S~~c;6~i~~a ~o~?t-~~~D~~~ 1 ~iI~~n~~n~~:r~~ ltth~t if" Stat) c Gjot,al Pcsi~iorilr.g Systelll (GPS). lineal' am:: angular cj::;sure cf the traver-seS meet tne stanCer05 of WAC 332-,30-090. 31! ~ . t\1\ ... t)!.) ::. ~e~~t: !!~~~~'II~O~:~:t~~~l~T=~~_ :(::': ... :/:.:.; /'75' E{:~.~:t:~~~;;:;:.:f~.;::~r~t ~~7:.~-~.~~:~~:' ~.~. or ••. :3C '-"',.:: ./NE.-'.:SE 03' T23N rciE.':· mi • Centre F'd.~.!i6,:~9"1'''''_' 2) 3) F:.:11 re}la~Ce for" 1e631 :::IescriDt1on~ ana :",ecorded eese~m:s nave beer. olaced on toe tl!le reports froili Cr.lcaao Title Insurance COl':l;)any COCl:li:ttcaent orcer NoS. 1!4C':~ ana 1.1.48732. dCited OctQber 11. 2004 and O::tober 12, 2004. No a:1ditlur.al resect"ctl nas I:'een attempte!:i. SCALE: South 33701 9Ui:.1.:~ue 98003 ~Pointe I ,* :' J .'.' •• ' .:_ .. """'-102 .~,--. :.-' .:-.,;,:. ;.: KB$.:tlevelop¥·nt corp.:: .-5'! ":. 12320 NE et-n St.. ~ult. I~' -~ Surveying 9 ~ffset CllDen~~ons sh~wn herecn are liIeasured perpendicular tat.ll;lrt S MoodS. cu:am 5 Woods KING CO~!f¥. :WASHING'fON:l''"j 30' ·: ...... : •• ~lle\tt,le.: .. :1tA 9a~115 .l'" 1" ... 0 oraper-ty lInes. J.;: ._ .• 1 I 4) T:-:js survel" re;1resents onysic6j imjJrOvel:lent co:na~tlOn'lS 8$ IlltI: ~, 12. 2006 ~ SA38LA SHEET 2 OF ~ .. ~ tney ex1sted OCtcber 6, 200-4. the date of tn1s held -~ 1--30' ~ 1459-q:_. ~ .. '-survey. ..-.-. .A-. _ :: ,:'., .' '\"'~:. .' i' AFtER RECORDING RETURN TO: ,,' 'Washington Federal Savings iLOAN ADMIN-WA Office ::425.Plke Street ~I~IIIUIIIIIIJI~ 11111 :/ Seat'i1e WA 9~101 ,,' :. l:/""'" ,:~ .,i ::: .:/ 20051007001585 CHICAGO TITLII DT 37.00 PRClIl0"t OF 005 10/07/2005 13:30 KING COUNTY, L1R ,:' .:/ .' .' .' ;: :: •••• , ••• II ..... ~~;:. ,~.::::(/' Loan Number 075 207 309262-4 .:' ;'; .," .; .:' '.:..~ Qrantor ("Borrowern), wliosc address is 12320 NE 8TH ST SVITE laO, BRLtE~'WA 98005,,: .. "::,'" ; and WASffiNGTON SERVICES, INC:(' A WASlhNGTON CORPORATION as trustee, whose address is6125 SOUTH MORgAf.'! ROAD, FiUiiELAN[}; WA. 98249 and W AS~i1NGTON FEDERAL SA VIN'G$.. a Onit~d States Corlll'lrali.()n, ¥'D'~'!II;Jici ary (" Le'1~cT"1 Grantec);"'~~ose address Is 425 Pike Slreet, Seattle, Wasl)inglOll"!)810'\ ;." ....... .r,::; :;: "'::. ':'. "':" /' :~. ';1:,:.. \". t Borrower hereb:ii'::(rrevocably grants, bargains, sell~;:ilI1d crivcys to.:Trust.c;e hi tni'~t, v('jth p.~\.vcr(':bf sale accor!!'ing to Wasli\Jlgton law, all Borrower's estate, rl'ghi; till.c, in!~re~,t;''daHTrlll'ld deri'iamJi no~ owned or hcrcaft~i\<,Icquiied, in and to the following describcd/proP.iirty,,'· in KING .::' .;: co'!nty, ~ashlngton. (the "Property", which term shall incl~~' all:/or lJl\'y pj\rt O(th{ Pf()~erty, any imjlrovc$ents ihereon and all the property described in Paragraph 2;'of th.~ .. MiisterFortil Deed of Trust hlireinaficr referred 10): ':;" .. ..,. .,' .' /~ARC~~ A. ~T W/~N<?J:;?UNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTItffiNT NUMB·~~'Li.i·9.i.ooai,,:'; ./ REC(jRDED:UNDER RJ(:OllUiNG NO. 20020701900007. '~I;\/ ,~. .' <::. PAR~~L'~:' wr{:"~ BLA:NO.\OOLO089, REC. NO. 20020702900007. :;;"""i'" ':~hl;!'!L CJ.&d: Kq{~.~O. ~2LO~lfl:'~C, NO. 9209101022. SEE T"~;:TI1 pl~E JI' 1;iJ'~s ~iqii'~~N'i' ~~:"I{E COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, ATI'ACIIED AS ~lImlT "A' ~N~ BY 'P11S';JUtF~R~C:!>: INCORPORATED HEREIN. Ass~ur's proP:::;";~"~~Ll £.:C9u~~::~~~:L2: Ojh059035, -9270. -9269 :~ ·:r''''\·'>., ::' / .r .~. TOGETHER WITH:\ilUhe •.. t~~~entl he~f~ita~i~'~ ... appurtenances, now or hereafter thercunto belonging or in any way"lijipertaininIi; lea¢i:s and ~iber ~greeril~ts for the use and occupancy pertaining thereto, and the rents, is~es arid profits·.tl'Iere91 ~d all •. ~ther prop~_~r or rights of any kind or nature whatsoever further SCI forth In the Jr1aster Form .Deed of rrus~ herein'ilftet-:referred to, SUBIECT, HOWEVER. to the right, power and authotily',h~cin~t'ter.:i~ive~· to ~d conferred'~pon Lender 10 collect and apply such rents. Issues and profils. .;.... .~'. .:' ;;' " .:""":. :: This Security Instrument shall COn8titute':";~~~ity:::~gre¢'e~/un~lr th~:·.V~;r~~':CommereiaJ Code of Washington belween Borrower as debtor and'::';nder/as $Ccur~ part.y. Borrower· grants a security interest to Lender in any of the Property which is·per~nal:property.:iin'd alsO:'~'i'ants 11 se.ourity interest in the property described in Paragraph 3 of the Masted~9~ D,~ ~f irust;P.e:~.!haft~i ritcfttld . to, now owned or hereafter acquired by Borrower (the Property';" as defiqed.:.:aboie;·':~!ld tll.ii J;iropw'····.· .. described In said Paragraph 3 are hereafter collectively referred to as thd:·.:'C91laieram. '\:. /;: .,,' '::. .,," . , • :: .... ;: '.: .:~. ..,:. ':~i, . ': f}"'" ,... .:' ~orrowJ~ [nit;:;: 4iP-l .' ;: .... ". ,,:' ,:/';':/ " $" IJ ~,~ " .' /: {;, '''; . . ' L::~'T:~~M:~'1/0i;~7 /:.' ./~. i' ./l "".::/ ./. :: / (' .' ;r (Pag, 1 oJ4) .' .... . ~',.:: ~ I , " ::'.:. '::', . • /' ,i" .,' ;"=-THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING the following: /' ,/ (a) Payment of the sum of _________ ,...--:-----------;:;-~;_:_;:;_;; nv.b MILLION EIG1IT HUNDRED FIFI'V THOUSAND AND NO/IOOS DOLLARS ,.... (/$2i85B.OOO,00 ), with interest thereon accordiog to the terms of a promissory note of even ~~~:herc;w)th·i ... payaole to Lender or order and made by Borrower (the "Noten, which term shall include ':::, .. ,/ {3.lI:,:·notes··' evide\icing the indebtedness secured by this Security Instrument, including all renewals, /' modifi~~.ons o(extensioos thereof); \" .:i' .:' i' b): Pay~ent of any further sums advanced or loaned by Lender to Borrower, or any of its .\" , .. ,.". .succcSsors::or a$Siglj8;"ifU), the Note or other writing evidencing the future advance or loan specifically ",.,.~' /stat~~ that' it !ii seiiurcd by"this Secu~iIY'\IQStrument, or (2) the advance. including costs and expenses .:" inc.iirred,iby ~iler. is.,Jnade::pursuMt to t~is Security Instrument or any other documents eltceuted by ::':;. Dorrow.lir evidllilcing.(s~urin&. QP~t~latinBJo the Note and lor the Collateral, whether executed prior to. "'contcmporaiieo'usly/\vith,; or 5u~§cqucnf'io' this,.Seflljrily Instrument (this Security Instrument, the Note and s~ch .. othir d~cunWnts, ,.iincl,udlngapy cPnslrucVon .. loan, land loan or other loan agreement. are hcrciJiilC\o/ ctiilectfyel,t' referred;to as th~ ,~t6an Dot\lJfti'in!~ n), together wilh interest thereon at the rate set forth in the Notii·tiitless!btheiwise:·l!~liified in4Jiil Lhan·bocuments or agreed to in writing; c) Petrprmance pf each ag~iemt~t, terni~1Pld '~l!ll~'ition set forth or incorporated by reference in the Loan DocU~.ls, ilfciudiiig without lirnitatiqi't ~ .. Iiian agreement of even date herewith. which arc incorporated herein'j)y refertfiice <;It contl\lned ~~i~'. '::': THE MATURITY.:'DAlE OF.:rH~E SECU!,(ED OBLIGATIONS, AS CONTAINED IN THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, JNC~U:OJNG.:'I'HE,JIjOrE. 1$ Optobg 5th, 2007/':·... . ' •.... } / ./ / ::: /' "::. }} By executing and delivering this!'SecJ'rity .insi~ment alld'\he Noli: sj;;ured hereby. the parties agree that all provisions of Parag~~p~·'· 1 ~rou8h )59 in.<II~ve ~.f th.~:.M·~ter Form Deed of Trust hereinafter referred to. except such p3ta8rap~s as :~re:i;peci.t'icallY:.e;o;¢lud¢d dr,:modified herein, arc hereby incorporated herein by reference and made ~ int~griil part hereo(f~'r 8)1 purPoses the same as if set forth herein at length, and the Borrower hereby ri1i$i:s sllld c9venants and.!~grc~ tCl.·tUl1Y':p,erform all o{ said provisions .. ·'t'I\e Master Form Deed of Trust abovli:·refetnKi·'lo was iecor~cd .. 6n the dll:le~ below shown. in the Offi~ia1 ''Records of the offices of the COUIi'~ Audi\Or~' ori'County .it~,d~rs ~t the fQflo~'ng counties 1.6 the si~. of Washington according to the, ,enu~'rat.~ Cliord~~i~~"'desj~nat~i:ms ~pearlng below afli=rthe name of each county, to wit: . ".... :' :' ;' ... " '''" , : . .... ;:' f·:::. O~WER REEL FRAME OR {~cbR6·;NG.oR": .f OATE.6F COUNty·, )300[$ OR VOLUME rAGE NOeS.) AubltOR;'S FltE NQ. ./ RrJ:ORDING ADAMS :/ !, ;: 229 260·271 239483 .. : ...... ,... .,·October .12, 1995 nAES0N'TloiONN ... :"" 636 217406 .;: OC\obcr.·:t I. 1995 " .,' 65·76 95-2j04~ ....... ·.;· -:" O·ctobc.T 12. 1995 CI-JELAN:" .;" lQ1~ 1633-1644 95/0120008 i: ::/ .Ocwbtr n. 1995 C/;;'ALLI\M,· .. :/ ... /I'i 1 C',':, 694-705 729425 '''':".;.'' ,:"OctoDer II. 1995 <;l.ARK:·::. ,..... ...." 9510110089 ... ,;' Oc\6ber II. 1995 COLUMBIA:' r .:' 3D 712-723 .8601 ··:'·.Oclober II, 1995 CDO'O"W['J~,;rAZS ., .. ,../ :.f M,!Z44l'3:4·:·: .... 0637.0648 951012074 6~tobcr 12, 1995 u,., 09·20 307858 October 12. 1995 FERRY".,. ./ :' [M;.F. of.O.R.( ..... ,. '.' 232892 October II, 1995 PRANKLj'N~" :: ,;: 031.7" ·05p4.o575 524669 . . October 11. 1995 GI:E;p:.r':RDs~oOAN"oR\,,:.:.',·.:;.t'7:/// /\,l!~ffih ~,*~ ~~ ii: i~l 1'1> 'oN '~'28~~39 :.:' ·i. 385505 October 11. 1995 KING :'. . 2392:-'240" .' ". 9510100421 October 10, 1995. KITSAP 0879 .:, ... ":..... 0 9510130066 October 13. 1995 KIITITAS 370'" .... '717"" .' .' /'::586108 October 11.1995 KLICKITAT 327 .; ...... :: .... ""., .. , .. /} :':218":::" .,' 2~1I676 October 11. 1995 LEWIS 672 . 350-30]·· .:: 9s'14S8~. October 11, 1995 LINCOLN 65 00i034-00304S" 400875:: October 11, 1995 MASON 688 .:: 144-1$'····;· .. 6..~S408 ~ ...... October 11. 1995 OKANOGAN t37 1089-1100.. .:' 8:!l848 ,:., '.:. October 11, 1995 PACIFIC 9510 'S,S,9-S:!'fj' .:" 62332. October 11,1995 PEND OR/ELU: 121 109!1:'IHO.. .;: 231l779 .. · .. ~. ;: October 12, 1995 PIERCE J163 2511-2522 .' .·:'9510110478: OctQl1cr 11,1995 SAN JUAN 525 230-241 ".::' .' 9.r:ioI201:: otiobeh2.1995 SKAGIT 1483 0372.0383 '::. 95'10110046/ ./October fi:, 1995 SKAMANIA 152 860-871 "<./ .r12~94.i .:" Octo~er 11;::1995 SNOHOMISH 3081 1623-1634 9510t:lOI89';: Oejooer 11.:)995"'.:. SPOKANE 1781 1737-]748 ~~tOl102.i0·:· Ql:t6~:r 1l.!H9S' "':;' STEVENS 193 2376-2387 951015-7 .,:'.: pc!~ber It{I~9S .. ;':., .......... . THURSTON 2464 702-713 95101 t0097 .:'.. .Oc(olier Iii; 1995 ... ,' '.: .~II""" " ~.:,~' WAHKIAKUM 104 0579-0590 45447"', ... / :.: ::qct!)betlli, .1995 . WALLA WALLA 234 1593-1604 9509789 . OCiobt;f 1l/199.r:"'·'··: .. /\/ .. WHATCOM 465 11 33-lt 44 951011197 \" Octobe.r.·I!:;·199.S :. .:: WHITMAN 1494 8 9 Microfilm No. 580488··.·.::, .. oct~tr 11. 1~95 ;. .,' {,' "\. YAKIMA I :~.7~. "1~J4 '"~o:;~.;:J ..... /; // .~, ." :.' .~' "",.,': ;; ~~I.'I' ,. ":;;:. / ':::~,.r ", I"{ ./ .~:.: ./ .' .,' 076 207 30926204 .. .i/: ./ :/ A copy of such Master Form Deed of Trust has been furnished to the person executing this :;' *curj~y Instrument, and by executing this Security Instrument the Borrower acknowledges having :: :: ,fecciv~:such Master Form Deed of Trust. . :~': .. ' .,/ ,if .i/ /'~~"~roperty which is the subject of ill is 'Security Instrument is not used principally or primarily \. :/ . for ~.g~i~~ltural: or fanning purposes . • :"', ,."., .. ,.,'/.. :.J: )The .~~d~signed. Borrower requests that a copy of any Notice of Default and of any Notice of Sale h~under "as require·~. by Wasl1mll\[~~ law in case of non-judicial foreclosure of a deed of trust, be .' niailed:to Borrbwer IIt.BorrOwer's Ilddress iis hereinabove 5et forth . . ;'-:;. ,:': .t ,;:' ,/ .:,/ '} ::~ ./~/ ~"l'~/ ":,.:' ,,:' J3o~.tow~f a&Jjes t~ ql\tain all jilsurF··f.Cf,luircd from time to time by Lender and as elsewhere pro.y'ide~1' it~ thO' Lol\h DocUqtenl5, q,cluding flQOd. insurance. If Borrower fails to maintain such insuranCe s~tisfa~:t~~ to .lhe L.¢nder. J~iil!fr m~¥in#~:!pe payment on behalf of the. Borrower and any sums expenaed sli'all. be added' to ptit¢\!fal and .~ear ititerllSt at lhe rate provided in the Note. ':~':'.#':. '.~.:V! ~:/<. ", /. :,:..... ~~.. \\. '\:;. ,/ If lhe. box. pr~¢~t~~"iuly<~f l~~tfollo~ing st~,ti:T~1s"'contains ~ "X". that s,tatcmcnt is a p:ut of tI~iS Secunty Itlslritll~Ni: If llJ~,~x,;ls no~:so c~Ci<:):(e~, th~.!correspondmg statement IS not part of lhls Sei:Uflty lnstrumeitt::.~· ~,. """~~'"'''' ... :. : ~ ~ ..• -4' , eo' ~~::.]~ ;~l ~ .:,,:' / ,/.' ,f .,'··· .. ~~I.... ":'\:. o ~~.;lIll~J*o 41h~ q~~~~~.:For~· D~ or·~.nist (whi&vefers)~ ~~c existence, if any, of an a~.st,Ffo)fiJJ~,~~~d~\~~::Not~! 18 ~trebrd~leted., .. ,:, :: .'::::.} ':'~ :&'4.2 ~ ., \\ '~'.. ,:' .:. :: .,' .... ';: :: .i"::. • []l The Ndre:mPmllhWeby evidenCes~' col\stnfoti01rloan·'Q!. lliitd !oari::.but is not a combination Note. Paragraph S3 of the Master Form D~\XI !>f Tf:itst ij' hereby dele!¢(!. .{ o The/~o.\e secured hereby is a co~;;~ati~n c~ilsiru~tion ,,i~anft~m.i·~:~~;· ";6~(I Note. /Rafer to pm:ligrapl1:~3 of the Master Form Deed of T~~t. ;> .. ,:' ::-' '\":/'''''''' \. ,/,/ ,:: "\" ':' .. \1-, .. ,/ ,/ :,':: ....... ;,,~, ':' }': :,: _~.::. ,/ o The Pr!>pertY'o.r a part thereof is a Condominiuni:''''Refe(to p~rag);iiph 50'()f·thc ¥.ast~ Forn Deed .:tif Tl1;Isk :: ::'. .:' ./ .. , •.•.. ,: .:',. . ..' O·:i·A flc o~ner kd a leasehold owner of the property.~/a ptrtiO~.Jh6~eof'·(~~ e~~~med this .t Se~rity !tlStru!1t-cnt. Refer to paragraph 51 of the Master Form D:eed of Trust.:: ./ .;.6 te p~.6~ert~;ir !I-park!~ereof is a leasehold estate. Refer to para;;h'$~ Ol;'h¢::~~~r Form Deed .;: :i)f Trust. .,: /. >. ":'.,.:' ::' ,:~ '::':TJ s~':so .s'~~~ule)"A~: of ~iS Short Form Deed of Trust, allached hereto and ;'~c'o~orated herein by "':" this ref¢feru:·c. ./ :,' !: . '·\·,I:I.,,: .... ,·~·t :~; /' ,J' /' .r .. '··'·-"~'·:'··;:;. WITNESS the ~andM !l)iil sc~i($f of the BOll'ower, and each of them if more tllan one, on the day and year first above ~wriuen':" '" :;' ."". :' . .. ::\::.:", .... , .. /// .. :'" :: .. "" K!~··:b:.J~: .. ·:···~MBNT CORPORATION ~~ .:. (Over for notary acknowledgements) (Page 3 of 4) " }' .,' :,'., ';"::'" ,f' / ::' .,kJJ(l)ri STATE OF W/l'S'I'''-:-J (Pac. 4 0/4) ,/ .•.. '~',. ;: ,/,: " LO;;:O,/;WAJ:'.'" .' '" ,:' OH78 '35B 2B7I .' ·'·····>, •. t :,:, ;.~': ... :: ..... ~:'.:. { PAJt~:~ A: :: ~ W. KING COUNTY. BOlJNIlARY LINE ADJUsTMilNi' NUMBER LOOL0089. RBCORDED UNDER 'RBCORDING NUMBER 20020702900001. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. SZING A PORTION OF THE NOR7RBAST QUARTBR 01' fHB SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION ,~ •. :Til'H/:ISIIIP 23 NORTH. RANG!! S SAST, WIt.LAME'l"l'E MERIDIAN, IN KINO COwrY, /W1!.SHIN,~~~' .s'" .~ARCE[' B: ., . ,/ '~:':~ i,t' '~:~ f ~.:~ •• ", .. ,,01': . :'LOT;,:;";.:m, TaB EMT 164 FEET OF LOt 3. KING COUNTY SHORT .PLAT. NllMllBR 486017 AS .:' RECoRDB'il tnlbE1MIS'COlwING NUMBER 9703039001 AND COR.RECnD B'( AFI'IDJWIT .:' JUii:ORD~D ~Eti' RECORli'nlCl NlJMll~ .. 6J062609S0 • . ::' 'l-oGlrniER ,nit THE FOr.i;QWINC PBscaI'ilEO PROPERTY IN ACCORDANce 141TH DECREE Y QuI~NG,·'rlihE IN'''\tING::C01Jbl'l''i,: SUP!i!RIOIt COUR'l' CAUSE NUMBER. 96-2-22119-2 ·': .. ".:~BD .oN.':MM.¢H #. 1~81;!~" , •. "j :. TH!i' WEQ~ ~·40.io piET i~~,"E so;k 3j{";~'~~ OF THE NORTllBAST QUARTS)!. OF THE SO~T:: OUAi!.m' OF ,GSetzoN 3 i TOMNSBIP ,13:ii4QRTll, lWIGE S ~ST. IIILLlIMllTTB MERIOlJUiI. ··:IN ii:niQ CO~; W¥lii~TONr ,,''''''<;' ? "::'. ./ / ,/ 't)' //' \" (. ./ EXCEPT THB":NORTll ~5 I'BI>T ~ill!lUt07; AND:;';.. \.,i "::::11:.,\0010 •• 1 .::' r .r l /,.>:;. IlXCEPT '1'!lAT PORTION Of L'{iNG WITHIN.h1ill!isou:i'H HALF OF TIll! SOUl'll HALF OF SAID SOBDIVISION I lIND .:" .. / ,,i' .. ' .i <'" .:.: ./. /. ..:.-........... "'... . t,·,::. EXCIlPT THAT PORTION ~OP ~YIN<;f' WESTEaL.Y Q1!' THE Ni:I.Il-'l'HERLYjI!XT)1:NSION OF A LIN!! "'!:rNG 164 FEET WEST OF:.'AND .I>JIlIJI1J.EL:'TO· THE BAST':j;INB OF LGT 3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMa!tR 48·6Ql.1; .:",r ':'. ':::,.,/ ANtI EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF ·~·/~.:::~lNl:/·~~Y/~~:~'l'. p.L.Ti~~R ~66017. RECORDED UNDBR ~CORnINO NUMBER 81.0JOaSGb1. ~ESCRIBKn A$' FO~['oWSI ",,' :.,'. .' ....... , COMMSNC~~ AT THE NORTHWIl:9T COMBR .~~ SkD zh.'I:"'l r :/ :i':/ . ":\" .r:'··,: .. THENCB,sou'i'II:. 07° 49' J.5" !lAST AtoONG TIll! i,(~RTll Liful. Olr' BAI.D LCi1:.!. !!:,,!?~$T~Ctl O~;: t ;~~l=:r~~~r:J.-:V:S!O;:!TO~ ~~~::~~~~: . .ts6l~ i~ET::~O ~:~~~J Ll~ 0/'/ SAID .:LoT l. lIND A POINT ON A CORVE CONCAVE NOR7'HwESlTWwi. Tia RAD'i}ili' CENTER "'OF .. :i WIeR aEAii .. NOIl'rii 19" 44' 4J" IfSSTI (, :.".i """" )' /' .i" ~~s U:~~~~~S~N~S:: :~~ =~! !A~~r.:t\~-tLE: .. t; ~r. S~~ .. /· A:DISTl\NCE 0'F S2~49 FEET TO A POINT OF I!EVERS8 CORVATURE ·(JF A'C:uaVII CON¢AVB::: ~tlT~S~Y. T';rIE RADIAL CBNTG OF WHICH BBARS SOUlt! 51° ':1.~' '.1" EiisT;' .:" .,./' /. ,/ .t ,_" .. ', '.1,1"",/' ::.:. ,/ :/ "THENCE cqNTIN01N~,oNoA'1'lqI\.9TBRLY ALONQ THB SOUTH LINE OF SAID rm.. 'i A/fu 'Xl;Ii! ,." ARCO: .. OF •. 6AID.~ HAVING. A RADItlS OF 65.00 FBIlT, TKROUGH.A CENiiiJu.;:ANGr.iI OF '\:.53" 3'4"" 26" ./A/l)lST~CI! 0" 60.78 l'EEl'; '::""'" /' ':,THENCB CONT.l:NU1NCl ~G THB SOUTIl LIm: or SAID LOT 2, SOOTH 97° 49' 15'. EIIST ii':'~IST1INC;io~::'223~~3 iEETiTO THB SOUTHBABT CORNEll OF SAID LOT; TMN.Q!: ~RTH :01" ;~4' .. 3.2" .EAS'l;',·lttoliG 'l'HB BAST LINE OF SAlD LOT 2 A OISTAI.'i'CE OF loo.li:rFII:l;;T to nIB NORTHliMla" C01UU:it:,Ol" SAID LOT; TlmNCI! NORTlt::870=';'49.:':·: 1S'~::I¢ST lILOlIGTtm NORTH :LINE OF SAID ['oT A DISTANCE OF 315.14 FEET TO T!iit"'TI!IJEFpoIN'l' O1':;.SECliJ.mI!;IG 1 EXCEPT COUN'l't:.ROADS. /.':' ./ ': . ::." .... (ALSO l<NOIW ~:::iJn..z:/~ta ~~~;'~~,~ ~~NE :N;lJUSTMENT Al'IIXtXCATION NOMIl&R LOOL0009. RECORDED ONJ)~ RBCORI?INCl NOM!tBR::!i0029iO~900007.) ':': "':1''''~'':''~:' ,',:' :.:. • .-.:' :~: ':, TOGIITIIER WITH AN IWlIlJollll'l);' POR. ROJt;l AI:lD u:tILI':\'IItS .OVER .'Tl\B lloumERLY PORTION OF ['or 1 AS DISCLOSED ON:'J1!E FAc$ O?' THf' SHoRT PLAT,,' '':':' PARCBL C I .":,."., .• ,.... .:' :t ./,. .:." ," " {" .. , .. ,. "':. LOT 3 OF KING COONTY BROIlt' PLAT ~lI:A~~'~·~J.7/R~O~·:\.!NIlBI;;:'1i.i~ING NUMIlIIR 8703039001 lIND CORREC'l'lW BY 1\;'pIpii/IiT .1tECORnEP wPER RECORDl1ro NUMIlEIl 9706260950. TOOII'J'JIlm WITl! ntB WEST 4:3·f.o.o Ii'dT ~F. nfu soUTH .• 13.0 l'I!sj-OF THE NORTIII!AS'l' QUARTER OF TNB SOU'l'KlU\ST Q0AR1~, 9P liECT:(ON 3.:;' TQioiNs*p 23 NOf,'l:!I RANGE 5 EAST. WIr.t.J\Ml!lTTB MEIlIDIAN, IN XINC·:CO~.:':WASIiINGTON::: .,:' .,.... .t.:,:. DCEPl' '1'IlJ!: NORTll 165 FSET THEREOP I ":'" .,' ::' .:' :.:. .:' .. / aX<::EPT TKAT PORTION LnNO WITHIN = SOUI'll HALr"'Qi> THii SQUTH sW.F.:0~ T!Ul .' BOUTll HAL, OF BAlD SUBDIVISION AND IlXCEPT COUNTY 'ROAPS: .:' .:" .:: i' {"':':.. /;':' .. :m ACCORDANc:K 111'1.'1{ DBCl\EE QUIBUNG TITLE XI1 KING co~:i~:~ 11&',.:i' ." .. :.:.;,.:.::,;': :;.:" .:::::: ......... '.:: .. , 86-2-22118-::1 ENTElRBD MARCH 12, 19911 ':'.. ""':'.. I""""."'::' Eltc:KPT'I'IIE BAST 164 FUT 01' SAID LOT II .. :. .:"'''''\ .. ,,·:::,r./ ::"" .. ,,, ;: {\oj; :( (BEING; !(NOlIN AS LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY ['oT LINB'iuhrosTMENT NUMBIlR S~~I.010J .,. " .. ./ .:, IlECORDED UNDER RECORDING NCJMB.BR 9209Ul022, ANi> OTHER PROPERTY). '.::'" •. ,/ ,:" .. ·;:~~=:'II.·II'· .' .' .' ',"~!. .:~:~,' . :.<,:,/ .' .' .... /: .. :~ ,f"::'/' .' ;: ::.: ::: ;; ':'., .' '~' .. .': . ' '\~ . .:;:;.,:" .... / J '. ;.'; :.'., ,;:,: ··:I: .. ~. j: Aft~r re¢ording mail to: , VYashi99ton Federal Savings 425 Pike SL, 2nd Floor :Seattle,.w A. 981 01 ,:Attm" Sla'~y Harper \"//,/ {'-'" \.Wlglllijl~111 , ,/ .r ~aiU~ ~~n.!i. nDT 34.1'lll (:'/: .J ai~88~8~~!r.:.JZ .. ' , . .i :C''.:': :: ••.. , ..... "c."', . . :.~: ,,\ .t ~.~.~. '~I:' ~., .i: .' ~:\.",/:'" /.r j' :: .. ~: .. : ., .• ,,, •. // ",i~:::·'::,,'.,; .. ,'::,~:,/I,'I::l{ . • " ",/' :', .',~~ .~ ,-I ':~::, .,': ':\"~/ "'::~:., / " l ? /' .. !~: . . ,/ .,J :/. .J' ,r,.;.i',,/' .,'? Loan Number 309262·4 <"" ~ODI\ICArIO~'T9:D~.~D,.q~ TRUSY:'41 II "1SD37 _ I Grantor: KBS Developm~~t C9;POf~tI~, A.i\ya'~hrngt~·~, cor~.r~ilon {!J Trustee: Washington Services;. In,,;, A,:Waa'hihgto,,'Corporatl~Il:" Beneficiary: Washington Federat.Sav,ing~; A: Unjted~tai~s :Corporatlon Abbreviated Legal Description: Pin N,E $E 83 T23N R5Ii&:loti34, V230, PGS 61·65 Additional Legal Description: As sho"ili'on;'pa6e 2 ,i.i ",-'''''''''''';,;, Assessors Tax;, Parcel Numbers: 032505903'~, ·92·10, .92G9, ·9'014"''::,·, /'\, Reference ~j'umb.er of Deed of Trust: 200510'0700158'5,:' .;' "\:, ... w.,:, .~.', ::",::' /' .;::\. ....:' .. \'" ."./' :./ .~/ "''''~''U\·.::~:" > ,:,: .,;':: :l Th!.s Modification of Deed of Trust (this "Modlficatlon"tls .13ntered"lhto as of Ja(iuary 25, 2006, by,.:and ~~,twee~ KBS Development Corporation, A vyas~lng~9J1,'C;:orpo.rati,6n (!iGrantor") and Washingtc:>n F.ederal Savings ("Beneficiary"). '\";; ;" ,:: :f ,," :::' :/: )/ ~,: ,r; RECITALS '\ ,', ..... ,/ ,.:"".-'" ,,:: ,/. /: J: :!: '::""''''''''',/ ,/:,:i' :.i" ,,;: A . .iThl~::Modificaticiii"J'.l~rtains to that certain Deed of Trust datE3Q"as.Of o.ctober 5.2005 .i· ::'::~'5ecute~:f .:HY Graritpr to Washington Services, Inc. as "'rr:t;ist~, in favor of "., Benefic;fary,aru;j r~corded on October 7, 2005, as auditor's file number "\ 2005'J.OO:tOO\.58~·; reCords of King County, Washington. ' .. It. 11 • :: ~ "1',\" ".~" I :: ,:.! ::' }. ",.' .... ,.: .• ;:. B. G"rantor.:,:de~lre~:lo proyfde additional real property collateral to secure repayment of the obligatio,Q.~·:of ¢r,antor J9 be~eficlary, as referenced In the Deed of Trust ( the "Added P.roperty")/· '" .. ,;.,. "i': ~: ,: .... , C" The 8e~~fltlari"'~~~ aJ~ee~':~dJa¢:~e~i the:,Added Property as security under the Deed of Trust sec.urlrig ~e obligatl9ns 9wj'~9 to Beneficiary by Grantor, and to amend the real prop..erty'legal de~'crlpllon .¢ont~ineq in the Deed of Trust accordingly. \:.... }/ .:' .~r ;' ,;' .~:. . "".:. Now, THEREFORE; the parties ~~;~i~'a~~e ~.~ fOJI~W;::' ::." ./',..""'" \ •• ~ •••• J " 1. Exhibit "A" to the Deed of Trus'f:i.s a,r.n:end~~ t6' indl~~~ the ;~~~;'~~operty described as follOWS: ·· ... r ,/".,:",,,;,,:' .:,,:' :/ "/':'::""":: ) .', ..... "" THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THe-NORTHEAST.;QUARTE,R OF THE"'SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NOR'iH,,~ANGE 5EASr~ WILI;AMETTE M~'D'AN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ,",. .:':,: ,i ,:':./ ""'... '~': .::'> EXCEPT THE NORTH 396 FEET THEREOF; AND EXC~P~ T8k c6'0'~TY"'~~;~' KN6wN:~~S""" 148'H AVENUE SOUTHEAST' ..... :: :" ,: ...... ;'.',.:' .. ,' : '''''''''''''.;:' , ...•.. ;: :,: ·:::I .... ~..:~:.,. .:!.: .:.' " " ,:: ,\' MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS;'· ' .:' ::"""'i .: ,/~,:,:. :: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIB~'~"~~c)'~~~~;iHE~CE:""':: :i) "'~" SOUTH 87 37' 38"EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF. A::DIST:ANCE OF.:· ::: . f 399.99 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02 22' 22" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.00 F~Er/ro J\i'i.IN~ f /"';' 125 FEET NORTH AND PARALLEL WlTH SAID SOUTH LINE; THENCE NORTH 87 3(' 3a"· .'....;: .t .. :':' '~',,:: ;=' ) ':'·:i ... ".:' ' t· :: ';. .; . . ~. .' ::' . :: . r ,~' .i' WEST, ALO/ljG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 402.08 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF .,' SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTH 01 25' 01" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A .. / DISTANCE OF 125.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ./ .'~>'Jhe real property and the whole thereof described in the Deed of Trust shall remain .' // / :/~ubj~ct to the lien, charge or encumbrance of the Deed of Trust and nothing herein \""" /. / :.:' '''contalned or done pursuant hereto shall affect or be constructed to affect the liens, ,/ .::' ... ·.,·.,"harg·~s or encumbrances of the Deed of Trust, or the priority thereof over other '\ ./ .. ' ,:-'. I!~ns,.;.char.g,~,~ or encumbrances, or to release or affect the liability' of any party or '\"" ,.,' ,/,., .' ./ partl.f!s .;Nho ri'KW now or h~reafter be liable under or on account of any promissory " ,:t1otes,::bbligatlons, and/QftnEl:Deed of Trust. .:':: ,,:,: ,r /.,::.... '::~ .~,:::, / l:: ~;: AI.I .Ierm~· aod ~ndilion~·";.6f th.,~,,".Deed of Trust not expressly modified herein ./ ~¢IT).i3jni,t:1g f~lI for.c~<and effect,},vithoi:d waiver or amendment. This First Modification .: .... : .:antl: th~;o~:ed of'Tr9st sh~.~ ~~: read~qe~er as one document. , .' .' ••••• ,'. :1 .~ ••• ;. \.... .~. IN Wrf!NES'S' WAERkop':::,;it{~ par\l.~~ ';he~to have caused this Modification to be executea·~s of ~rie day apd ye$r first ~bQv~\~ritlen. BENEFICI:::: .::,." .,' ;.". .:' .' ;./':'::/,/f .::~:i /'''''':. GRANT9R,: WASHINGTON FEt>ERAL..:SAVINGS~· /::KBS O';'VElOPMENT CORP. ;l" ./' ;: .. :::i::/:·// .. ,.' .\: / J fik .' ,:' ,/ " " .::.>: ........... ,. .' " .~.: ~;,.,.~'.', .. ' ,/ .:' ······.·, .. ~·,·,.:.i . :.: .:' . :~ .... :,.:::. .:': , ... ~,. .. ;;' / :: .~ .. , •••••• • .... ·.1 •• ",., .. '/ "'\, .... " .:' :( ./ § , .... " ..... /. . ~". " . ',' " ./.;. ,:' . ' ,/ ':;. .:': ::., " ..•... , ..... .'./ .. . { ..... :. •••••. 1; • ,j' " .•... : ... ::. :: / .~:' ./ ••. '.···j:I .• ,.~ . . /. ':""::, ,j~' ,I'" '.:,'~. C,;':\ii CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 7,2005 TO: Kayren, Kittrick, Plan Review Supervisor FROM: Nancy Weil, DevelopmenUPlanning, x7270 .~ SUBJECT: Windstone III Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-136, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: cc: Yellow File H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\04-136.Nancy\LLA\PLATMEMO.DOC DATE: TO; FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 5.2005 @UnC0 c!l21 ~ Sonja J. Fesser )~ Windstonc [II Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-136-LLA Format nnd Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: I Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number. LUA-04-136-LLA and LND-30-0287. respectively. on the drawing submittal in the spaces already provided. Ii NOTE: The plat of Winds tone needs to be recorded before the subject lot line adjustment can be approved and recorded. ] i Mon # 1325 is not u horizontal control monument. but a benchmark only in the City of Renton Survey Control Network. Provide a lie to a second horizontul control monument. !i Insert the volume and page number of the plat of Stone Ridge (Windstone) in the legal description for Lot B (Sheet) of 2). v"ndicate on the drawing what was set at the new corners of the subjecl lois. The symbol used at said comers has no legend. Also. the new comer on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2), being 10.06 feet westerly of the NE comer of Lot 34. has no symbol shown. INOIe discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. if any. All vested owners of the subject lot line adjustment properties need to sign the finallol line adjustment submittal. Is the developer to own new Pureel I3 or. as is noted. the Homeowners' \H:\File Sys\l.NO -l.:Ind Subdivision &; Surveying R«oros\LN0-30 -Lot Lin.: Adju5InlCl\!s\oZS7\RV050IOS.doc .~, January 7, 2005 Page 2 Association for Windstone (Stoneridge)? The "Project Narrative" for the lot line adjustment states that said Lot B is to be Jater subdivided into six lots. /Note on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2) the bearing to center allhe south end of the curve bordering Kitsap Place NE. V What does the dashed line represent mnning diagonally across the top 20 feet of (he underlying Lot 34 (Sheet 2 of 2)? Does it define the end of the 20' access and utility easement? Is said , access easement new? Is it to be established via the recording/of the Windstone plat? "/ Change the year noted ("2004") in the "APPROVALS" block to 2005. / Note whelher the properties surrounding the subject lot line adjustment parcels are platted (give the plat name and lot number) or unplatted. / Note the address of Lot A on the drawing . ../ Note all easements, restrictive covenants and agreements of record, for both underlying properties on the drawing. / Note encroachments, if any. Note thnt if there nre easements. restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton. etc.) liS part ofthi" lot line adjustment, they can be recorded concurrently with the Jot line adjustment. The 101 line adjustment submittal and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with. but following the lot line adjustment) need (0 be referenced on the lot line adjustment dmwings. Fee Review Comments: Lots wilhin or affected by the lot line adjustmenl are subject to the city's special charges, if any. II :\AII! Sys\LNO -uml Suhdivi~ion & Surveying Record~\I.NO-)O • lot Unc AdjusllnentslO287\RV050 IOS.doc\cor I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I G1t-\A(J I ~ ~~ : ~ . -n e,j 0 ~ .1 <t- IP(, 40' <~, f,f,~ .... G ENG\~ TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Proposed Plat of Windstone III 148th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 107th Place King County, Washington DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 282004 ~[EtC[E~~[EfQ) Prepared for: KBS III, LLC 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 October 15,2004 Our Job No. 11470 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA .' TEMECULA, CA •. : WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com I I I I I I I I I I I I' I' I I I I I I. 1.0 INTRODUCTION/GENERAL INFORMATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION/GENERAL INFORMATION The proposed plat of Windstone III was previously considered in the development of the proposed plat of Stoneridge 1. The Technical Information Report (TIR) for Stoneridge I is attached herewith as Appendix A. By reviewing the Stoneridge I report, you will find that the area designated as Windstone III was included in the design of the water quality and detention facilities for this project. The project site is located within a portion of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More particularly, the site is in the northwest corner of the Stoneridge I plat and encompasses approximately 1.15 acres of new development. The previously submitted Stoneridge I design included 2.34 acres from the northwest corner. This new proposal is less area and so, therefore, more conservative. Since this area was included in the Stoneridge I project design, which utilized Level 3 Flow Control and basic water quality, no revisions to the existing flow control and water quality facilities are proposed. Five lots are proposed for Windstone III. 11470.00S.doc [JPJ/tep] I I I I I I .. I I I WINDSTONE III PLAN I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ff1 ~ - g l! II ~ ~i i~~ I~ II~~ U ~§ fi Hsg !I~~ --r-~:I ~!i ill I I I I I - ~ I11111 i ~ I I l.BEtO-------------~--------.--___ .... fl ___ ---0------------------*----- .---~ r ---;""" _ _ ~-----zr ------ ___ --22-- IIIUID _ ----IIIUID__ _._._.--------- -~--- IImt IU __ __ .us -W,;m:,.:-_" -. .III!II; RlR 7::"_ SUJIMIt c:DIIDI fG..EB>.5l101![ SET III SIIIOPU( PPB..IMNARY ~ STORM DRANAGE ~ UT1UTY PlAN FOR STONE RIDGE HI APOR11ON ,_, (FilE SE 1/4 OF SECIION 3 CITY _. l'O'NNStW 23 "'_ [.___ OF ftENroN, WASHtIGION It,IWI<lE 5 E. Wll --~­... ~ -f'" kJ ! yJ P"\NI _~ I~ -----------l!-rl-r-----~ ~ "--"'--J ----rt' ,,_-=---BnWA7ER-'--_____ ~'''-~ fl' ! ._--._--" ----' , ! I , '-.~---", ! ! /_ ~ ! "~' _______ ..t!'" ! 'S: 1\ fi\ \ -: ' i : ,.,,, ,."". ------------.. ' I I .. I t\\ 1\' \ I ' , ," .,' ,~---~-t--~ .w • . ! . ! ' ", t -11 I \ ; .... F,' ./' 'r --- _I' _.__ ; .... ".. ". -' I ,I.. ",:. .. ", ", J I> " ' \ ~I\ \ : ----------,,-~J 'gy-\ i r i . ,;~,/ , ~ .. ~ ,\ \ \ \ " II-;"'.~;""''''--''''#.p __ ._-C_.-:~'O~_ ~fl1~~t~l' . 'y~. \\'\" ' . ~ rc.c..\ \ \ \ \\ II '''' •. ; " " ",. >v • -" ".... ! I \ \ I ;. _ . __ . _____ _#( _ .~6' Fir \ \ '\. I.~ \ \ \ p.!. ' I \ \ \ \ . .... _ '\ _ _'" '~ \,. \ j 1 \ \ \ )_-----------.·--n" '3 .. arp 1t -U> ~ 0: ! 24LtW" ,1. ,; { , j _____ -.--6:.--~-fenr.p.~ t""11 " . -.. -~ \\ ---~~75\~\-~----\~---~-~-=--\\,' , ~\ \\ ~~ /~ l \ • I \ ... g, \ \\\1\\ /1 \ \ \ I l III 8.5-FRCII BOCK ~ I 42'_w.V !i~ • _ ,8" nRI ...... I 18" 'DiRU UrN N!{AS QASSlI'_t~ DEP'1II aIIISHQ) RI)CIC __ CDR5I: }jIi~ _ DEP'1II tR1ISHII> RI)CIC _ IIOSt alUIISE .. IXlIIP>IClnl DEP'1II AlII ~...=..,~ -: ~ :hs.~ IlEI'DOIC IlOI SOIL t'OIIDIIl<JIS -:ll Ui z o ~ o o J ~~~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~i ~i I~i ~d i~i !iHl ~ ~ i ;0 ! '" j SJ i :J ~ II: ~ ~ i g II i g t, l!, ~ ~ ~~ t ~N N _~ ;, "<Sa~ I~ ~ ~~'f'f -f ""~ancn ._ N<__ I ~ NN _{; ;;g~~ g~ ! ~::.c~_ ~ ~'''-~/lo... i . ~.' ~ 6: •~;:: <0 '::;. ., :. ~'~/I~ ~ g m o I 1111111 ~ ! If .... -~EJtY uj I, bO'iiS 4711104 I I ~ Ttf'ICAL RDAD 6ECTICN wnH snEEr IJQHT .JCIfT USE DfM3IAY 1ftACT ---- I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A STONERIDGE I TIR I I I I I I I II I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I(~) I I I I I I I i ~. -0" I I • 6\-,\Av ~mj, ~~ ~z -~ .: fI i tI o. . -~ "t ,"'-.... ,p,,< . / . q.'" >-, (.~ .... C ENG'" Technical Information Report Proposed Plat of Stoneridge 148th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 107th Place King CountYJ Washington Prepared for: KBS Development Corporation 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 April 5, 2004 Our Job No. 11189 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERV~CES 18215 72NOAvENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, W A • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com I ·0 I I I I I I I .-) Il~,~ I I I I I I 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECf OVERVIEW Figure 1-Technical Infonnation Report (TIR) Worksheet Figure 2 -Vicinity Map Figure 3 -Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics Figure 4 -Soils CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. Existing Site Hydrology B. Developed Site Hydrology C. Performance Standards D. Flow Control System E. Water Quality System CONVEY ANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES OTHER PERMITS ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 11189.00] ,doc [JPJldmltep) I ·0 I I I I I I I ---A 1(~3 I I I I I I 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW I '0 ........ ' ..... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 . PROJECT OVERVIEW The total site area, including improvements to adjacent roadways, is approximately 16.19 acres. The project site is located within a portion of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More particularly, the site is located north of SR-900, west of 148th Avenue S.E., and has the approximate street designation known as S.E. 107th Place. Please see the attached Figure 2 - Vicinity Map for an exact location of the project site. There are several existing buildings located in the southeast portion of the project site and appropriate drive aisles, driveways, parking areas, and landscaping all under· pre-developed conditions. The remainder of the site consists of fairly irregularly sloped ground consisting chiefly of brush and trees, which tends to slope towards the center of the project site in a northerly direction. One of the tributaries to May Creek passes through the center of the site and is considered a seasonal stream and consists of a small strip of wetland area with a buffer that will remain undisturbed with the development of this project. Slopes on the project range from 2 percent up to 30 percent.' In addition to the on-site acreage there are improvements proposed for the SR-900 and 148th Avenue S.E. intersection in the form of road improvements consisting of chiefly 0.25 acres of new impervious surface. There are 58 lots proposed with this phase of the development. An additional 8 to 13 more lots are proposed for the southwest comer of the project site. The site tends to slope in a northerly direction for the most part. There are well over 100 acres contributing runoff to the project site. This upstream basin of more than 100 acres is partial1y developed with existing single-family residences, a schoolyard, some wetland areas, and undeveloped areas as well consisting of trees and brush; however, for the most part the upstream basin is mostly developed. The proposal for this development is to construct the lots and adjoining streets with catch basin collection and pipe conveyance systems all draining into a centrally located wet/detention pond that wiIJ perform water quality as well as flow control, meeting the requirements of King County as wen as the City of Renton, which has adopted the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The requirements for this project site are to provide Basic Water Quality and Level 3 Flow Control due to downstream problems. Please refer to the Section 3.0 Off-Site Analysis for a complete description of the downstream drainage course and problems associated with it. 11189.001.doc \JPJ/dmltep] I 10 I ' .. ' I I I I I I () I ~-', I I I I I I' I(~) I I FIGURE 1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET I 10 I I I I I I, I I(~) I I I, I I '. I I I I ) King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Project Owner KBS m,LLC ------~------------------~ Address 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Phone Project Engineer A1i Sadr Company Bar hausen Consultin Address/Phone 18215:'" 72nd Avenue South Kent, W A 980321 (425) 251-6222 181 Subdivision HPA o Short Subdivision 181 Grading o Commercial 181 Other Buildin ~~~2-____________________ ~ 0 0 Community Renton Drainage Basin Creek River Stream 0 Critical Stream Reach 0 Depressions/Swales 0 Lake 0 Steep Slopes Township 23 North --------------------------~ Range 5 East ~~~----------------------, Section ...;3~ ________________________ --I Section 0 DFWHPA 0 Shoreline Management 0 COE 404 181 Rockery 0 DOE Dam Safety 0 Structural Vaults 0 FEMAFloodplain 0 Other 0 COE Wetlands o Floodplain 181 Wetlands ___________________________ ~ o Seeps/Springs o High Groundwater Table o Groundwater Recharge o Other -1-11189.002.doc [JPJ/dm} I, I I I, I I, Soil Type Alderwood REFERENCE o Downstream problem o o o o Additional Sheets Attached Slopes 6 to 15 percent t') I \," ~ 181 Sedimentation Facilities MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION 181 Stabilized Construction Entrance I 181 Perimeter Runoff Control " 0 Clearing and Grading Restrictions 181 Cover Practices Erosion Potential LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Level 3 Flow Control Erosive Velocities MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION Stabilize Exposed Surface Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Flag Limits of SAO and Open Space Preservation Areas Other ---------------------------------1 I 1810 Construction Sequence . Other ~~~==============~--------------------~ I I, I I I I 0 Grass Lined Channel 0 181 Pipe System 0 0 Open Channel 0 181 Dry Pond 181 181 Wet Pond 0 Brief Description of System Operation Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Tank Vault Energy Dissipater Wetland Stream Catch basin co11ection to Limitation -2- 0 Infiltration Method of Analysis 0 Depression KCRTS 0 Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigation 0 Waiver of Eliminated Site Storage 0 Regional Detention Level 3 to wet/detention' 11189.002.doc [JPJ/dm] I I I I I I I (") I \~~ I I I I I I I' ( I I' o o 181 o o Cast in Place Vault Retaining Wall Rockery> 4' High Structural on Steep Slope Other 181 181 o 181 o Drainage Easement Access Easement Native Growth Protection Easement Tract Other I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my the information provided here is accurate. -3-11189.002.doc [JPJ/dm] 'I I I I I I I I I Q I C~) I I I I I I I I ,-- I FIGURE 2 VICINITY MAP I '0 I I I I I I I IC) I I I I I ... ' VICINITY MAP NORTH SOURCE: THE THOMAS GUIDE (USED BY PERMISSION) I 10 I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I 1 ( ) . '-- I I FIGURE 3 DRAINAGE BASINS, SUBBASINS, AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS \, \~ ... .~. . .1:} I\i '" t cl g " " .l VI ~ ,. -----0- \\ 'I \. t ' -, • '\ \ \i. ~ ... \. \. ,.,- ./ " \. "'" - -, -.~ ~ --._--------: . ! i \, \, \, ~'r:" -- - -- - .. : .... • • \ --,..,.. ---------~@--- ./ / ,---- ./ / ,,---~.,.~ .. .,.. ..... ----\---.... " .. , \ l I ~ -:-~ ::t.- f~ ~,., "\'l- "'IIi' "'-;;:;-~ -:OHio ,;I.,..,'>t-t'/ ~% ~, 'rJ~,_l~'O ~~ ~G ?'II .... " '1 ~"4'1' I .. ~.~.~. \ , , I ' - --' ------ -- •••• ,_ ••• , ............. ~ •••• ~ .h~ ....... ~ •••• ,.'~ ..... ,~. •••• .",~,. •• • \ 1 O~~'· '. " - --- 300Jl:l3NOl$ . -' ----- "..,---------/'@--- /' I r---./ I !loose NOlONIHSV'M 'ElMi1138 001t a.uns "1$ H.l8 :I'N o~t~l NOU,WOdI:lOO J.N3rido,::vaa 'III S8)I IICd ". WT'7' I,ao ...... -w--... ,or-.I ........ ..."..... .. ~.III:l .,.,,---. .... ...,.,... ....... lll .or=· __ r----.-_ .. __ . ...... - riO) \ ", -"\: ~ ------. - ,/ r·· ... ~ ... ···· ... ·I· ..... ·• , .-" i :· ... · .. ···'.4· .. ·. --'-00 ",/r"-~ ! ,,~ "-"-' --- XWJ t9LU-L~Z(;Z'J ttZ9-1 ;Z(;t.) ZI'096 YM 'IN]> H!neS lnN3AY ONZ, G L ZO L - . \-. " \ I I " ... , ....... - ---'""",, \ , / , ill - I 10 I I I I I I I FIGURE 4 Ie) SOILS I I I I I I I, . j ) I '~r-. I I ·0 I I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I I ) ~ • '-/ ;. ; I \'EtfO/' SOILS MAP NORTH I 10 I I I I I I I I (~) I I I' I I I I ( I I /' GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS For a full description of a mapping unit, read both the description of the mapping lUlit and that of the soil series to which the mapping mit belongs. See table 6, page 70, for descriptions of woodland groups. Other information is giVen in ,tables as follows: ' Map syullol Acreage and extent, table 1, page 9. Engineering 'uses of the soils, tables 2 and 3, pages 36 through 55. TOWn 'and:country planning, table 4, page 57. Recreational uses, table 5, page 64. Estimated yields, table 7, page 79. Mapping unit Described on page AldeYWood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes---·------- AldeYWood gravelly sandy loam. 6 to 15 percent slopes--------- AldeYWood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes----~ AldeYWood and Xitsap soils, very steep------------------------ Arents, AldeYWood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes 1/---------- Arents, Aldeywood' material, 6 to 15 percent slopes-!/--------- Arents, Everett material !/-------------~--------------------­ Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes---------- Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------- Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes--------- Bellingham silt loam------------------~----------------~------ Briscot silt loam--------------------------------------------- Buckley silt loam----~---------------------------------------­ Coastal beaches------------------------~---------------------­ Earlmont silt loam---------------------'----------------------- 10 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 Capability lUlit Symbol IVe-2 IVe-2 VIe-2 VIle-l IVe-2 IVe-2 IVs-l IVe-2 VIe-2 VIIe-1 IIIw-2 I1w-2 IIIw-2 VII Iw-l I1w-2 IIIw-l IVs-l VIs-l Vle-1 Page 76 76 78 78 76 76 77 76 78 78 76 75 76 78 75 75 77 78 77 Woodland group SyJJi>ol 3d2 3dl 3dl 2dl 3d2 3d2 3f3 3d2 3dl 3dl 3w2 3wl 4wl 3w2 201 3f3 3fS 3f2 AgB AgC AgD AkF AmB AmC An BeC BeD BeF Bll Br Bu OJ Ea Ed EvB EvC EvD BorC Edgewick fine sandy loam-------------------~-----------------­ Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes------------ Everett gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes----------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, IS to 30 percent slopes---------- 'Everett-Aldeywood gravelly sandy 'loams, 6 to 15 percent InA InC InD Kp8 KpC Kpl) KsC Ma NeC Ng Nk No Or Os OVC OvD OvF Pc Pk Pu /Py Rae RaD RdC RdE slope$------------------------------------------------------ Indianola 108m¥ fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes-------------- Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes------------- Indi anol a lo8m¥ fine sand" 15 to 30 percent slopes------------ Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes----------------------- Kitsap s11 t loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes---------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------------------- Klaus gravelly loamy sand, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------- Mixed alluvial land------------------------------------------- Neilton very gravelly loamy sand, 2 to IS percent slopes------ Newberg silt loam~---------------------------------------~---­ Nooksack silt loam-------------------------------------------- Norma sandy loam---------------------------------------------- Orcas peat---------------------------------------------------- Oridia silt loam---------------------------------------------- Ovall gravelly loam, 0 to IS percent slopes------------------- Ovall gravelly loam; 15 to 25 percent slopes------------------ Oval1 gravelly lo~, 40 to 75 percent slopes------------------ Pilchuck loamy fhe s and-------------------------------------- Pilchuck fine sandy loam-------------------------------------- Puget silty clay loam-------~--------------------------------­ Puyallup fine sandy loam-------------------------------------- RagnaT fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes---------------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes--------------- Ragnar-Indiano1 a associati on, 5 loping: 1/--------------,-------- Ragnar soi1-----------------------~---------------------­ Indiano1 a soil------------------------------------'------- Ragnar-lndianola association, moderately steep: 1/------------ Ragnar soil----------------------,----------=-------------- Indianola soil------------------------------------------- 16 17 16 17 17 18·, 18 18 18 19 19 '20 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 VIs-I IVs-2 IVs-2 Vle-1 IIle-l IVe-l VIe-2 VIs-l VIw-2 VIs-l IIw-l IIw-l IIIw-3 VIIIw-l I1w-2 IVe-2 Vle-2 VIIe-l Vlw-l IVw-l iIlw-2 I1w-l IVe-3 Vle-2 IVe-3 IVs-2 VIe-2 VIe-l 78 77 77 76 75 76 78 78 78 78 74 74 76 78 75 76 78 78 78 76 76 74 77 78 77 77 78 77 3f3 4s3 4s3 452 2d2 2.d2 2dl Sf I 201 3f3 201 201 ' 3w2 3wl 3dl 3dl 3dl 2s1 251 3w2 201 4s1 4sl 451 4s3 4sl 4s2 U. S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 19" 0 -~68-266 GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS--Continued 10·"·· .. Map l )'II1bol Mapping tmit I Re Renton s'ilt loam--------------------------------------~--'-.. - Rh Ri venlash--:-------------------------------:------------------ Sa' Salal silt loam------.--------------------------------------- Described OIl .page 26 27 27 Sh Sammamish silt loam~----~-----------------------------------27 Sk Seat tl e muck-----------------------------------------':!------ Sm Shalcar muck------------------------------------------------ Sn Si silt loam-------------------------------------~---------- So Snohomish silt 16am----------------------~------------------I 28 29 29 30 Sr Snohomish silt loam, thick surface variant------------------ Su Sultan silt ·loam--------------------------------------------· Tu Tukwi la muck------.---------__ -------------------.--------__ M_ Ur Urban land--------------------------------------------------I 31 31 32 33 Wo Woodinville silt loam-------------------------------~-------33 I 1/ Capooi Ii ty Synbol - IIIw-l VIIIw-l IIw-l IIw-2 IIw-3 IIw-3 IIw-1 IIw-2 IIw-2 IIw-1 IIw-3 -------- IIw-2 unit Page 75 78 74 75 75 75 74 75 75 74 75 75 Woodland group Symbol 3d 201 3w2 3w2 3wl 3w2 I -The composition of these units is more variable than that of the others in the Area, but it has been controll ed well enough to interpret for the expected use of the soils. I I I(~) I I I I I I I I I , ' ", I 10 I I I I I I I, Ie) I I I I I I I(j I--~ I 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY I 10 2.0 '.-" I I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I IU I ." I CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Analysis of tbe Eight Core Requirements: Core Requirement No.1: Discharge at Natural Location. Response: This project is proposing to discharge to the same seasonal stream it currently does under existing conditions. However, runoff may be modified somewhat with the development of this site splitting flows somewhat between the two streams that drain through the project site in a different fashion than it currently does under existing conditions. The site will still drain to the same stream downstream though. Core Requirement No.2: Off-Site Analysis. Response: This project should not have to provide an off-site analysis due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required, which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. The off-site analysis would provide no more determination of required flow control above that; however, an off-site analysis is provided herewith with this project in Section 3.0 Off-Site Analysis of this Technical Information Report for a review. Core Requirement No.3: Flow Control. Response: In accordance with the requirements of the City of Renton and King County, Level 3 Flow Control is proposed for this development and wi1l be instituted with the final construction of the plat. Core Requirement No.4: Conveyance System. Response: In accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and since the project site consists of over 10 acres of new development, an SCS-based hydrograph methodology of computing runoff to each catch basin may be instituted in the design of the conveyance system draining to the wet/detention pond located in the central portion of the project site. In addition, the culvert draining underneath 148th Avenue S.E. that contributes runoff to the northeast portion of the project site will be analyzed based on the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) methodology, which is an SCS-based methodology of computing runoff. Core Requirement No.5: Erosion and Sediment Control. Response: This project wi1l prevent the transport of sediment to streams, wetlands, lakes, drainage system, and adjacent properties through the institution of carrying limits, cover measures, perimeter protection, traffic area stabilization, sediment retention, and surface water controls, all in accordance with Appendix D of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. Core Requirement No.6: Maintenance o/Operations. Response: The drainage facilities on this property will be maintained by the City of Renton and any maintenance and operations requirements of the City will be instituted into the Final Technical Information Report prepared for this development. 11189.00l.doc [JPJ/dmltep) I '0 I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I I ( J \. ~'. Core Requirement No.7: Financial Guarantees and Liability. Response: Any financial guarantees and liability required by the City of Renton will be followed and maintained by this project prior to construction. Core Requirement No.8: Water Quality. Response: The City of Renton and King County have already indicated that Basic Water Quality is the required water quality methodology for this project, which is being provided in the form of a wet pond located below the live storage in the wet/detention pond in the north central portion of the project. Analysis of the Five Special Requirements: Special Requirement No.1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements. Response: This project does not lie within other adopted area-specific requirement areas to the best of our knowledge. Special Requirement No.2: FloodplainiFloodway Delineation. Response: In accordance with the requirement, the floodplain will be designated for the 100-year storm on the project plat. Special Requirement No.3: Flood Protection Facilities. Response: There is no flood protection facility existing nor is one proposed for this project site that will have to be designed to conform to the FEMA regulations. Special Requirement No.4: Source Controls. Response: Source controls will be provided with this development in accordance with the 1998 King County Stormwater Pollution Control Manual and King County Code Section 9.12 for a multifamily development. Special Requirement No.5: Oil Control. Response: This project does not meet the requirements of a high-use site nor is it a redevelopment project; therefore, the requirement of oil control is not required for this site. The fol1owing pages of the report delineate the Stoneridge Plat final plat requirements as dictated by the City of Renton in a letter to Curtis G. Schuster dated July 24, 2003. 11) 89.00l.doc [JPJldmltep] I Ie) '-. I I I I I I I . ' . ' . ( '" u 1~ CITYOFREN~ Jesse Tanner. Mayor PJanningIBuildinglPubllc Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., AdminiStrator July 24, 2003 Curtis G. Schuster KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th Street Suite 100 Be)]evue, W A 98005 Stone Ridge Plat -Final Plat Requirements Dear Mr. Schuster, Tills letleris to explain the Clty of Renton's requirements for compliance with the -conditions imp~sed by the King County Hearing Examiner on the approval of the preliminary plat for the Stone Ridge Plat. Upon annexation by the City of Renton, the final plat must be approved by Renton. 1t is our intent to require compliance with the conditions of the preliminary plat where practlcaJ, and to require conformance with the intent of conditions that cannot be met exactly as worded. The fonowing is a Jist of the King County Hearing Examiner conditions of the preliminary plat approval. along with the Renton requirement for compliance with each condition for final plat approval. I (--) \.~?;:"./ 1. Compliance with an plalling provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. Renton Requirement: The appljcant shall complete the plat required street, utility and drainage improvements per the approved preliminary plat. The applicant shaH comply with the requirements of the Renton Subdivision Regulations for final plat approval procedures. I I I - I I I I J\ I I ) 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shaH sign on the face of the final plat a dedication thaI includes the language set forth in King County Counci1 Motion No. 5952. Renton Requirement: The applicant shaH comply with the requirements of the Renton Subdivision Regulations for final plat approval procedures. 3. The plat sha)) comply with the base density and minimum density of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R4 zone classification or shaH be generally as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, except that minor revisions to the plat that do not result in substantial" changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Any changes to the plat design which are mandated by the conditions which follow shall also be permitted. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written for density and dimension requirements. The applicant shall provide a copy of. the R-4 zone dimensional requirements with the final plat application. Minor revisions to the plat that do not result m substantial changes maY,be approved at the discretion of the Development Services Division. 4. The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department. Existing septic tanks on the site must be properly abandoned prior to final Health Department approval. -,;stnIODme~lirlidiP1gerlfilmllr.rlalh1p""larll]IIeiOlttt5e5rl.rlrr""~\r--ut-h-G-r-a-d-y-W-a-y-_-R-e-n-t-on-,-W-as-h-in-g-t-on-9-S-0-S-S-------~ ~ 1 his paDcr contains 50% rec'YcFed malerial. 30°/ .. DOst r.onsump.J AHEAD OF THE CURVE · . .-' .. I ·0 I I I. I' I I' I I(~) I I I I I I I I I ~!~ I Public Works. This plan shan be submitted with the application of any buildmg peimit. .. All connections of the drai.lis must be constructed .and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems. the systems shan be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply. with plans on file." . d) Core Requirement No.1: Discharge at the Natural Location The applicant has received approval for a requested diversion of surface water flows within the project, under Drainage Adjustment LOOV0062. The conditions of approval of thls drainage adjustment shall be satisfied during the design and review of the project engineering plans. e) Core Requirement No.3: Runoff Control. To mitigate for downstream capacity issues, the applicant shan provide Level Three flow control, as outlined in the KCSWDM. The size of the proposed drainage tract may have to increase to accommodate the volumes and water quaJity facilities. The stormwater facility and dedicated to King County, unless portions of the on space in accordance with KCC2JA.14.180. As specified in ,",pr·!Tnnltt., dispersed within for both lot areas water shaH be infiltrated or t!>vnr~,hlp . lnfiltration of storm water rfl'>IIPT'WyuT,prl to be feasible. A geotechnical seasonal depth to groundwater and "~_. 4. \'!' ~"''''~~M' . '. i, .; 1) Core Requirement N~, 4;<:!<;:oD\:eyance Systems.' ,1 \;;' .~}~ ~ ~_.~") ~ '. .' " {ilf As part of the app1ican~;J sH.5~1i"al~for €)n~neering ~~Jari,Jt;iew, upstream flows sha)] be analyzed 10 determine wh~~I)~r Qlere :ig"ia.dequaf~ ccfuveY;f!ii~e capacity in the existing 18-inch ~MP that crosses northwest ·tiJi'd~!.1~8th'"Avenue.~~:iJj'tb-Tract C in the eastern portion of the s]te. H'·, .. , .' . g) Core Requirements No.8: Water Quality. The project is required to meet the basic water quaJity requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. h) Special Requirements No.2: Floodplain Dellneation. Because a wetland and two stream are located on the property, a floodplain analysis shall be performed. The lOO-year floodplain boundaries shall be shown on the final engineering plans and recorded plat. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. The note on the final plat shall refer to the Renton PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department instead of the King County agencies. Please note that the City of Renton does not assume maintenance responsibilities for the drainage facilities for new subdivisions. The homeowners' association will be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of these faciJities. stone ridge final plalleller.doc\ . . .' . I 10· '3. I I I, I I I I, IC)<: I I I I I I I, I I 1 , . .. 8. The p~oposedsubdi."jSiOil. s~all comply with th{d993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): , ) mc1udmg the fol1owmg requuements: . , Na:DS 'Ofc ~ Ro~ L 1\J 0 t ~ -Z '.J @oadA shall be improved as. an urhan Dei hborhood (neetor between 14S"Avenue SE and ./ ~, and as an urban subcol1ectoi west of Road C. e deSJgn of the subject plat sha11 be modified so that the lots in the pIat wi1l not take individual direct accesS from the neighborhood colIector portion of Road A. This modification to the design mayresu1r in the relocation of the proposed alignment of Road A. i b) Roads C and D, at a minirimm, shall be designed to the urban, subaccess street standard. 7 c~~aH be dedicated as public road right-of-way and improved to the urban,. subaccess street standard. . 7 d) 148th A venue SE along the frontage of the site shan be improved to the urban collector arterial standard, including provision for a bicycJe Jane. e) "'iFrntff~M>~1faJl be improved as a D1:i~1~~~~~I';ivf~W~lV and shan serve a maximum of two lots. Lots 40 and 41 shaH tract and be responsible for its maintenance. ct and the parties which are responsible for its rna' and engineering plans. As specified in KCRS .an 18-foot wide paved surface and a shal1 include a curb or thickened ed no more than six and be responsible its rn~!iiJtena1')(;;~ parties responsible fote . plans. .~ ownership of the tract of each tract and the . ,..;\';,' ?-~, .... ~" '," 7 Improvements shaH confori1i:tp KCR~ 1~R3'f6r ii, J¥'11run~<LCC~~O ds, which includes a 22- fool wide paved driving surfa·t~'.'<rlt~ certterline~ . . D and han be aIigned with Ihe centerlines of Roads D and C, respeCif\f(!ly~ width shaH be 26 feet with a maximum length of 150 feet. -..• -~-~ g) The width ~ay be reduced to 20 feet. No improvements to this tract are required. h) A temporary turnaround shan be provided at the terminus of Road A. ]f this turnaround is located off-site, easements shaH be deeded to King County 10 anow for the temporary public use of the turnaround until Road A is extended further north as a public road. i) Street iJJuminalion shall be provided at the intersection of Road A with ] 48th A venue SE, a col1ector arlerial, in accordance with KCRS 5.03. (ji) 1481h Avenue SE along the frontage of the site may require a design for a bus zone and tu~ '." .. 17 ouls. As specified in KCRS 2.16, the applicant's design engineer shaJ] contact METRO and the Issaquah School District to determine if a bus zone is needed, and if so the specific design requirements. k) Modification to the above road conditions may be considered by King County, pursuant to the variance procedures in KCRS 1.08. . slone ridge final plat lelleT.doc\ I '0 I I I I I I I I(~) I I I I I I I I I ! } Renton Reguirement:. The app1i~ant shall comply with the condition as~tlen. An construction and upgrading of public and private roads ·shan be done in accordance with City of Renton· requirements,. with the exception of street pavement widths for .the new streets. The new ·streets can... be constmc,led WIth the pavement widths approved with the preliminary plat. The pavement thic~ess ~ be a minimum of 4" of asphalt over 6" of crushed rock. However; :oJled curb would not be considered acceptable:; therefore, vertical curbs would be· required. Any streets narrower than 32 feet in width must be posted for no parhlng along on~ side of the street. Any street narrower than 28 feet n5iiStbe posted for no parking along both sides of the street. AU streets within the plat will be subject to naming specified .by the Development Services Division. Street lighting must be provided to meet the minimum street lighting levels established !n Renton Cod~. The street lights along the arterial streets must be constructed per City of Renton standards, and turned over to the City for ownership . and maintenance. The street lights on the residential streets can be constructed as a City system, or as a Puget Sound Energy (PSE) system. The maintenance ·and e1ectrical bilJs to PSE would be the responsibility of the homeowners' association for a PSE system . 9. Boundary Line Adjustment LOOLOO89 shall be completed and put into· effect through the recording of deeds, prior to the approval plans for the subject plat. Renton Requirement: The ap1)J}(~artt's)1alll'{)1-nnllv 10. All utilities within OT()DO,Sltll n King Comity Council, a franchise approved by the be approved by Renton for al1 utilities, including V8f'Oblrn~l!1t Services Division prior ....... r'rn.''' ..... by a Renton inspector. ] 1. The appJicant or su Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), stralion fee as determined by the applicable fee . (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the t issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shaH be the plat application and a note shaH be placed on the face of the plat that required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shaH be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. Renton Requirement: The app)]cant shaH pay the City of Renton the standard transportation mitigation fee of $75 per net new average daily trip, prior to recording of the final plat. as required by City of Renton concurrency policies. The transportation mitigation fee, based on 44 new single family lots shaH be $31,581.00. 12. Lots within this subdivision are subject to KCC 21A.43 and Ordinance 14009 which imposed impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent of the impact fees due for the platshan·be assessed and coneeted immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approvaL The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be col1ected prior to building permit issuance. slone ridge final pIal IeneJ .doc\ I '0 I' I I, I I I I, 10 I I I I I, I: I '. Renton Requirement: . The applicant shaH pay the City of Renton the standard Issaquah School Impact fee of $2,937.00 per net new residence, prior to the issuance of building permits, as required by City of Renton policies. 13. There sha11 be no vehicular access to 1481b Avenue SE from those lots in the subject plat which abut this. street. There shaJl be no direct vehicular access to the portion of Road A east of Road C from the lots which abut this portion of this street. A note to th1S effect shan appear on the final plat and engineering plans. . Renton Requirement: The applicant sha11 comply with the condition as written. ~Twelve f:et of add.itional right-of-w~y for ]481b Avenue SE. shaH be dedicated along the east V property hne, aJJowmg for 42 feet of nght-of-way from centerhne. Renton Requirement: The applicant shaH comply with the condition as written. 15. The following note shall be shown on the final n.n" .. r .... ,. plan and recorded plat: dltir.'\!!I\t~~iXt""". Dedication of a <' .. r.<,.t:,~,,,; preservation of na welfare, including protection of plantl'ionn'l1l1l'l'ri'.<> T The sensitive area~ac and occupiers of th~J. to the an(hb'ltH~P't"'·,,,"P"<' to the public a beneficial This interest includes the public health, safety and tn~,'n'l>m~nr'l> of slope stability, and present and future owners IV()1'a.1~~J.!'ranO.:l13IJJ trees and other vegetation the tract/sensitive area and damaged without approval in elon~lent Environmental Services or its within the tract/sensitiye .' ~ntLJ>uffer. The buffer may not be cut;:~p-'tun¢ti,. c'pv?red' by . writing from the King Cb\J.ply::pep~~ehi; . successor agency, unless othdWj$.J~,J:lj:,~~iaed by>"", '. ! '!,~~'i iJ·;,· "'"."" The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to .the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. the required marking or flagging shaH remain in place until an development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are aIJowed beyond the required ]5-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. Renton.Requirement: The applicant shaH comply with the condition as written. Reference should be to the Renton Development Services Division in place of DDES and King County. 16. The proposed subdivision sha)) comply with the sensitive area requirements as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Permanent survey marking and signs as specified in KCC 2LA.24.160 sha)) also be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their buffers (e.g. with bright orange construction fencing) shall ~ placed on the site and shaH remain in place until ali construction activities are completed. slone ridge final plallelter.doc\ I '0 I I I I ,I I I I I Renton Requirement~ The applicant sha1l comply with the condition as written. 17. Preliminary plat review has identified the fo]]owing issues which apply to this project. AU other 'applicable requirements for sensitive areas shan also be addressed by the applicant. a) Wetland B (in Tract B) shall have a 25-foot native growth buffer, as measured from the wetland edge. Wetland A (extending from the north boundary of the site lothe north boundary of the Road A right-of~way) shan have 'a 50-foot native growth buffer, as measured from the wetland edge~ to the extent such buffers falls within the subject property. These wetlands and their required buffers shan be placed in Sensitive Area Tracts in the subject plat. b) The streams crossing Tracts A and C shaH have a 50-foot buffer measured from each side of the stream channd, to the extent such buffers fa]] within the subject plat. These buffers are not required where proposed road right-of-way in the subject plat crosses a stream channel. c) A IS-foot building setback line (BSBL) shall be,established on the final piat from the edge'of the sensitive areas tracts. The BSBL shan be delineated on an affected lots and tfacts. d) Buffer averaging may be allQ.\'Iffi.lf, .. tm~T"ll~nt total amount of buffer . determined by the proposed, a buffer a by LUSD. LUSD applicant to assure • e) The stream and with the provis]'omnoJ stream affected by of retaining stnJctl11t€S;·'l!fl: submitted by the crossing. LUSD may applicant to assure the 320 and 21A24.360, provided the protection is achieved, as 1f buffer averaging is OTTllJI f>rnn", n~~IDPllcallll for review and approval financial guarantee by the "nl';t\".", for a five year period. crossing sha)) comply heJ~mloulnt of wetland area and feasible through the use mitigation plan shall be from the wetland/stream financial guarantee by the for a five-year period. f) The stormwater outfall facility f~i'l':ne·';st{)tifi\.~~ter ~onds in Tract H shall not be placed in wetland or steam buffers, unless determined necessary by LUSD, pursuant 10 provisions of KCC 21A.24.330H4. g) The applicant shaH delineate all erosion hazard areas on the site on the final engineering plans. (Erosion hazard areas are defined in KCC 21A.06.41S.) The delineation of such areas shaH be approved by an LUSD senior geologist. The requirements found in KCC 21A24.220 concerning erosion hazard areas shaH be mel, including seasonal restrictions on clearing activities. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall compJy wilh the condition as written. Reference should be 10 Ihe'Renton Development Services Division in place of DDESj LUSD and King County. J 8. Suitable on-site recreation space shall be provided consistenl with the requiremenls of KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e. sporls courts, children's play equipment, picnic tables, benches, elc.). The amount of recrealion area shall equal or exceed 390 square feet per Jot, as required by KCC 21A14.l80A Slone ridge final plat letter.doc\ " I 10 I '. I I I I I I· I C~) I I I I I I I )1 I I .. a) An overall eoncepiual recreation space plan' shaH be submitted for review and app~oval' by LUSD, with the submittal of the engineering plans~ The conceptual recreation plan shaH include' location, area caJculations~ dimensions and general improvements. The approved engineering plans shan be consistent with the conceptual plan. b) A detailed recreation space plan (i.e. landscape specifications, equipment-specifications, etc.) consistent with the overa)) concepiual plan noted' in ltem "a" above, shall be submitted for review and approval by LUSD and King County Parks, prior to or concurrent1y with the submittal of the final pJat documents. c) A performance bond for recreation space improvements to assure their installation and the survival of required planting for a three-year period, shaH be posted prior to recording of the plat. . Renton Reguiremeut: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. The applicant shaH obtain approval .of the Development Services Division' of the detailed recreational facilities plan before final plat approval wi1l be granted. 19 .. A homeowners' association or of LUSD which provides t space areas. Renton Reguirement: Deve]opment Services . landscapjng, and sensi maintenance of the draina '~,t <f: 1. 20. Street trees shaH be in~Juded ~p\l . subject plat. The street\f,e~d~nds(l~ping design sha the fo]]owing: !, ;",,'" ,,~ ,. be established to the satisfaction IfillIJlj!tnllnc:e. of the recreation and open to the satisfaction of facilities. and associated be responsible for the Tnn,l'n"PtT1pn(£ within and adjacent to the . on 5.03 of the KCRS and a) Trees shan be planted·jat,,!! f.~Je of~~ lr~e: feet of frontage. Spacing may be modified to accommodat~ ~I'ght distai:Itte requ'lt~;rne:ms for driveways and intersections. ~\:~1'~~~~.~!~t::.~~r"'./':'.~:~·'~ . b) Trees shaH be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless LUSD determines Ihal trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c) If LUSD determines that the required street should not be ]ocat~d within the right-of-way, they shaH be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d) The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting Jot owners or the homeowners' association or other workable organization unJess the County has adopted a maintenance program. This shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e) The species of trees shaH be approved by LUSD if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f) The applicant shaH submit a street tree ptan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by LUSD prior to engineering plan approval. stone ridge final pial leller.doc\ 1,- la I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I { }i I ........ -::-:.~I I \... ... It ..... g) The applicant shal1 contact Metro Service Planning at (206) 684-1622 to deterniine if 148th Avenue SE is on a bus route. If 1481b Avenue SE is a bus route, the street tree plaJi shaH also be reviewed by Metro. h) The street trees must be installed and inspected. ora performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted. the .street trees must be insta11ed and inspected within one year of recordIng of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be instal1ed per .the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with'a maintenance bond. and held.for one year. After one year, the majn~enance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second in'spection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A $538 landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on the current County fees. Renton Reguirement: The applicant shaH comply with the condition as written. Reference should be to the Renton Development Services of DDES. There is no separate landscaPe inspection fee within the City of be included as part of the construCtion permit, with appropriate plans, 21) Documentation shan be Renton Reguirement: conditions have been es environmental impacts of . items prior to final plat <t"T .... n'''. sm.1Ye'YPJ't!o demonstrate that a11 required OllllDI!!l!t!l;mg~1 at are retained on the site. s written. The following to mitigate the adverse ~de~:'Jns~ate compliance with these 22) Eastbound and west applicant on SR 900. at the SR 90011481h Avenue shaH be approved by the Washington State minimum, the existing entering sight distance for must be maintained. All construction work associated ..' 1 be completed between April ].1 and September 301h• The seasonal restriction;;'~'l WiH'f.~·K¥\;;~~·on the final engineering plans. Renton Requirement: The applicant shan comply with the condition as written. 23) The east leg 'of the SR 90011481h A venue SE intersection shaH be modified, as necessary, so that the stopping sight distance requirements of WSDOT are met on the east leg of the intersection. (Note thaI per the applicant's engineer. this can be achieved by the clearing of vegetation along SR 900.) In addition, the applicant shall clear vegetation within the right-of-way along SR 900, east of ] 481h A venue SE, to maximize the entering sight distance for the north and south .legs of the intersection. . . Renton Requirement: The'applicant shan comply with the condition as·written. 24) A trce containing a red-tailed hawk nest is located on a parcel adjoining the norlhboundary of the sile. Tract K in the subject plat, as depicted on the preliminary plat map'received 10/900 (sheet 1 of 3), lies south of this nest tree. This tract shall be labeled as a native growth open space tract on the fimil plat and engineering plans. This tract shaH remain as undeveloped open space unless it . is documented by the property owner, to the satisfaction of King County, that the nest is no longer. used by red-tailed hawks, (Le. abandoned for at least five years). If it is demonstrated that the stone ridge final plat Jeller.doc\ I· I() \'--( I I I I I I I C'-') I ''oj~ I I I I I I I { I I nest has been aba~doiled, the tract may be developed through the approval of a ft)ture plat application, short plat application, or plat aJteratiOJi app1itatjo~., If Track K is subdivided, the' number of lots created in this tract shall be consistent with (he zoning and overa1l permitted density for the entire plat of Stone Ridge. A note imp1ementing the preceding requirements shan appear on the final plat and engineering plans. Renton Requirement: The applicant sha1l comply with the condition as written. 25) Accept as provided below, outdoor construction activities on the subject property on any area lying within a radius of 650 feet from the nest sha11 be prohibited from February l' through July 3 J. For a specific development perrillt, this seasonal limitation may be waived by King County if , it can be shown to the satisfaction of the' County that the nest is not being used by hawks. Any waiver wi1llast for one nesting season and must be renewed for subsequent nesting seasons. For any season in which nesting activity occurs, the July 31 seasonal limitation termination date may be adjusted by the County, based on determination (hat the hatchlings have already fledged 'and the period of disturbance risk has pass~d. Any waiver or shortening of the seasonal limitation shall conform with Condition 5 below report)~ Anole implementing the preceding requirement shall appear on the Renton Requirement: Tbe 26) For any nesting season, ' ' limitation as provided wildlife biologist sha monitoring the nest have been laid and op4Jse:a .. ll,~(~"'~eii~r shortening of the seasonal formulated by a quaJifled 1. describing protocols for o~ide:nt]hcation whether eggs An~"i:)rdbo~sed shortening or waiver subject to the approval of on the final plat and engineering plans. " .:/f '. • i'-' : , ~-J.: • ' . .,. r , 'r .. :. . '", . .t,. Renton Requirement: The ap~li~~n.~:·sh?)~ ~iD~.r5\.w',l,Hl;,t~e c~~~itn as written. Reference should be to the Renton Development Servl't;~.,$ D'lvl~i6n\JJ) plactlt of 'bI1~8. ',or-\\~ . . i.' ~ :'l'~) ,., 27) A six-foot high cedar fence shall b~"~~~~'tfti(:re{Fo)f thl~' south boundary of Tract K. adjacent to Lots 26 -34 and Tracts Hand N. The purpose of this fence is to Jjmit access to Tract K by the adjoining residence and to lessen impacts on nesting red-tailed hawks. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. 28) To mitigate' the significant adverse impact the plat of Stone Ridge has on the intersection of SR 900/1 4 8th A venue SE, the applicant shaH either individua)]y or in conjunction with other developments in the area, install a traffic signal. The signal design shaH be reviewed and approved by WSDOT and'an appropriate financial guarantee shall be posted prior to engineering plan approval. Renton Reguirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. 29) All grading work in designated erosion hazard areas on the site shan be completed consistent with the seasonal restrictions appearing in KCC 16.82.1S0D (see condition 17g above.) A note to this effect shaH appear on the engineering plans. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. slone ridge final pial leller.doc\ I I I I I I I I I' I _ .... '''''. .~. Con~truction plans for the grading. drainage, sewer and street improvements for the preliminary plat . are required and would be reviewed. by th~ City of Renton's Development Services. Division. A separate plan submittal for the water mains wi11 be required from Water District 90: Plan submittals are a]so required for a11 franchise work, including e1ettrical, gas, phone and cable. All work for the preliminary plat wi1J require a permit from the City, and wiH be inspected by a Renton inspector. Permit fees wil1 be per City of Renton Code, and include System Development Charges for sewer and drainage for the new plat. A preconstruction meeting will be required before work can begin on the project. . As-built drawings, cost" data inventory sheets, and biJ1s-of-saJe for all the pubJic improvements must be submitted to the City for review and approval' prior to recording of the fin a] p]at. The plat map itse1f inustaJso be .reviewed and approved by the City prior to recording. The plat map can be submitted for preliminary review at any ti'me to expedite the final plat approval process. Submittal of an itemized list explaining how each of the Hearing Examiner conditions have been met will also help expedite the fin a] plat approval process. There are several people with the City who can hel ou with this process. Juliana Siuhidet (425- 430-7278) is the City project mana~fJfI'.. l,Jla' review of this project, ~nd can address quesiions related to the public wo~~stf(s'for . e plat. Dan" . mpson (206-999-1828) wi1J be the pubJic works inspector for ~his r!t:t~ Q)!esti~!1 the tipi'j'~a . requirements fo:. the fin~l plat can best be ans~ered by JUh.a~·.w Jas~n}.ofda'~ (42S-4j't)...7.~1.,9..1~.: mal plat map will be revlewed by Bob MacOme (425-430-?Iot)· .: i/' '\'~l<. \,. j ~ .. ~,. :;'. \. . ) I hope this letter answers jour quei'ti04~ ~pr appr .al of the final plat for the Stone Ridge Plat. We loo,o~dlto' th yor t~ar .. completion of this project. Sincerely. {J.eL) f; n.'i.~ ".L f "J ~ti LOCh /-f:.vv\J .• ,.,~"w." ""j" Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Development Services Division cc: NeB Watts Juliana Sitthidet Jason Jordan Kayren Kittrick Bob MacOnie slone ridge final plalleller.doc\ " ! ~ ."""":":' ... ' ~';, .' .. ~: ,:,t' t" I 10 I I I I I I I 3.0 OFF -SITE ANALYSIS C) I ,-. I I I I I I 1 ( ) I ~~ I I ·0 I I I I I I I (" 1,,-) I I I I I I 1/ J " I "~ ... "'"I ~ I LEVEL 1 OFF-SITE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Proposed Plat of Stoneridge 148th Avenue S.E. North of SR-900 .King County, Washington Prepared for: KBS III, LLC 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 March 12, 2004 Our Job No. 11189 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com I 10 -y Table of Contents I TASK I STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS I EXHlBIT A Vicinity Map EXHlBIT B Downstream Drainage Map EXHlBIT C Upstream Basin Map I TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW I EXHlBIT D FEMA Map EXHlBIT E Sensitive Areas FoHos I EXHlBIT F SCS Soils Map EXHIBIT G Assessor's Map I EXHlBIT H Wetland Inventory Map I TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION EXHIBIT I Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Ie) TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS EXHlBIT J I Drainage Complaints TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS I I I I I I I I I) 189.003.doc [JPJ/dm) I 10 I I I I I I I IC} I I I I I I It· \ ) ~ .. -' I I TASKl STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS I I, l.~l I I I I I I I (-) I \~..,:, I I I I I I I I I TASK! STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS The proposed Stoneridge Plat is approximately 16.19 acres in size counting all the improvements to SR-900 and 148th Avenue S.E., including the entire site to be developed. The project is located within a portion of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More specifically, the site is located on the west side of 148th Avenue S.E. north of SR-900 and covers the existing S.E. 107th Place roadway serving existing lots. The enclosed Exhibit A -Vicinity Map depicts the approximate location of the proposed site. The existing topography of the site is such that there are slopes ranging from 2 percent up to 30 percent draining in a northerly direction for the most part, with upstream basins contributing runoff from the east, south, and west. The southeast portion of the project site is currently partially developed with existing single-family residences and buildings with drive aisles, landscaping, and associated improvements at that location. The remainder of the site is mostly forested or pasture with thick brush, which will be cleared with this development. The proposal for this development is to construct 58 lots with appropriate streets, sidewalks, storm water collection and conveyance facilities, as wen as a wet/detention pond sized for Level 3 Flow Control in the north-central portion of the project site. Access to the site will be off of 148th Avenue S.E. There are two seasonal streams contributing runoff to the project site, one from the south and one from the east from underneath 148th Avenue S.E. These streams join up to become Green Creek, which is a tributary to May Creek and this project site drains to Green Creek. The two seasonal streams drain through wetland areas that will be preserved with the development of this project site. UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Based on the USGS Quad Map, our site visit, and knowledge of the property, there are two seasonal streams that have runoff contributing from upstream flowing through the site. These upstream basins consist of wen over 100 acres of partially developed land. There are also existing wetlands in the upstream basin as weB as pasture and forested areas. The impervious surface in the upstream basin is approximately 3 to 5 percent. I I I 89.003.doc [JPJ/dm) I 10 I I I I I I I EXHIBIT A 10 Vicinity Map I I I I I I I( ) ~ I I I 10 .... -,.' I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I VICINITY MAP NORTH SOURCE: THE THOMAS GUIDE (USED BY PERMISSION) I 10 I I I I I I I I (~) I II I I I I I, \ ) I '~_oc I EXHIBITB Downstream Drainage Map \_------~ I ~--\. ~~ t1 • • • • • .': .. • • . ... • • I" I , .~. I 10 I "j I I I I I I II C)) I I I I I I I :1 ; ()) i 1"-'-< , , I EXHIBITC Upstream Basin Map • • • ...---- .. - I In ',1 I, \, ,/ I I I I '·1 I I~·,.,J I I I I' I I I 1 )\ 1--! I: TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW I I I I I I I I I I I I TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW • • • • • • • • • Adopted Basin Plans: The site is part of the May Creek Basin. Finalized Drainage Studies: This is not applicable. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report: Once again, the site is located in the May Creek Basin. It is not known if a Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report has been prepared for this basin as of the writing of this report; however, we do not have a copy on file in our office. Critical Drainage Area Maps: The City of Renton and King County have already indicated that Basic Water Quality and Level 3 Flow Control will be the means of water quality treatment and detention proposed for this development. Floodplain and Floodway FEMA Maps: Please see the enclosed Exhibit D -FEMA Map utilized for this analysis, Panel No. 669 of 1,725, Map No. 53033C0669 F. revised May 16. 1995. As indicated by this map, the proposed project site does not lie within a floodplain or a flood way of a stream; however, it is known that two seasonal streams pass through the site, which will be conveyed through the site under developed conditions as well. They are much lower in elevation that the proposed lot elevations by over 10 feet. Other Off-Site Analysis Reports: A review of the United States Department of Agriculture Soils Conservation Service Map was performed with this analysis. Sensitive Areas Folios: Based on our review of the King County Sensitive Areas Map Folios, it was found the subject site has a Class III stream passing through it and the areas contributing to it are mapped wetlands as well as the downstream drainage course from the project site. In addition. there are known wetlands located within the seasonal stream locations on site. Those are the only known sensitive areas as indicated by the Sensitive Areas Map Folios. Road Drainage Problems: This is not applicable. United States Department of Agriculture King County Soils Survey: Based on the soils survey for this portion of King County, the entire downstream drainage course and the entire site occurs through Alderwood type soils until entering May Creek where the soils are a Ragnar-Indianola Association. Wetland Inventory Map: The Wetland Inventory Map for this area is included herewith. See the exhibit within this section of the report indicating May Creek Wetland 6, which is located on the south side of SR-900, of which drainage from this wetland contributes to the project site. Migrating River Studies: This is not applicable. 1 1 I 89.003.doc [JPI/dm] I I 0 1'-· I I I I I I EXHIBITD Ie) FEMAMap I I I I I I I (j 1-'- I I ·0 I -. I I I I I I I (~)} '-'-. I I I I I I I .CJ I To determine if flood insurance is available. contact an Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at (800)638-6620. APPRPXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 0 ~o F3 E?f E3 I NATIONAL nOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 669 OF 1725 (SEE MAP INDEX FOA PANELS NOT PAINTED) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY KING COUNTY. UNINCORPORATED AIIEAS 530071 0669 F RENTON. CITY OF 630008 0669 F MAP NUMBER 53033C0669 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16, 1995 Federal Emergency Management Agency I I I I w, 01 I gJ NE ' 20TH La.: PLACE 3 CHELAN ~ AVENUE -CITY OF RENTON NE NE 18TH 530088 KING COUNTY KING COUNTY UNINCORPORATED A1lEAS S3001l 5 zg §~ :r: ~ :E :J w I- 1(2 o 0.. a: o U I I 11 ." ~'. -IS; I I (-~ ~'-,~-... I I SOUTHEAST 112TH I I I CORPORATE LIMITS ZONE I I I .lJ I X>-Z I-~ Z Z :::> UJ o a: u LL (!J 0 z Q ~ U ~_--KING COUNTY ..... 1 UNINCORPORATED AllEAS I S300ll I-n ~ "' ~r:-zlz -_~ W::) 0:0 u-U o t? ~~ U STREET Ul I-~ 10 I::J T :! 0: 0 0.. a: 0 u FEMAMAP SITE SE 105TH STREET ZONE X SE 147TH AVENUE SE SE l04TH UJ II) UJ :J z UJ ~ ::t ~ NORTH tJj UJ ~ I 10 I '- I I I I I I I() I I I I I I I _ u 1'-- I EXHIBITE Sensitive Areas Folios I I .0 I I I I I I I () I I I I I I I .. OfHltc, .u~ '-_./' COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO 1/2 o MILE NORTH I I -. () t·_=j I - I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I t~ I -.... I 112 0 MILE SEISMIC HAZARD AREAS NORTH SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO I I . q I ." I I I I I I I i.,~) I I I I I I I. ~"Av I _) 1l1~ I ... \~i LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREAS ~'fIHO/ I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLtO 1/2 o MILE NORTH I I() I ~-- I I I I I I Ii ,~) I I I I I .1 I. \ ... ",H,,'I. I 'j' f~ EROSION HAZARD AREAS . ~. I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO 1/2 o MILE NORTH I IQ I- I I I I I I I \,,~~) I I I I I I I 1/2 0 STREAMS AND FLOOD HAZARD AREAS I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREASFOLIO MILE NORTH I I () I " I, I, I I I I I {~) I I I I I I I ' I (~ I 1/2 o MILE WETLANDS NORTH SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO I I At I '-' . I I· I I I I I ( __ ) I I I I I I I (J 1--- I EXHIBITF SCS Soils Map I lel .... 71 I I I I I I I ---) Il_ I I I I I I .. ! 1 IU----------------------- I --t1n~. ~ ~ SOILS MAP ~ \,~.. NORTH I I I I I I I I I I I, I I GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS " For a full description of a mapping unit, read both the description of the mapping mit and that of the soil series to which the mapping unit belongs. See table 6, page 70, for descriptions of woodland groups. Other information is given in ,tables as follows: Map syrrbol Acreage and extent, table I, page 9. Engineering uses of the soils, tables 2 and 3, pages 36 through 55. ' TOWn and: country planning, table 4, page 57. Recreational uses, table 5, page 64. Estimated yields, table 7, page 79. Mapping unit Described on page Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes---------- Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to IS percent slopes--------- Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes-----~ Alderwood and Kitsap soils, very steep--~--------------------­ Arents, Aldenlood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes 1/---------- Arents, Aldenlood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes-l/--------- Arents, Everett material !I-------------~----------~---------­Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to IS percent slopes---------- Beausite gravelly sandy loam, IS to 30 percent slopes--------- Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes--------- Bellingham silt loam-----------------------------------~------ Briscot silt loam--------------------------------------------- Buckley silt loam----~---------------------------------------­ Coastal beaches-------~--------------------------------------­ EaTlmont silt loam---------------------'----------------------- 10 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 IS 15 16 16 Capability unit Symbol IVe-2 IVe-2 Vle-2 VIle-l IVe-2 IVe-2 IVs-l IVe-2 VIe-2 VIle-l IIlw-2 I1w-2 lIIw-2 VIIlw-l IIw-2 IIIw-l IVs-l VIs-l Vle-l Page 76 76 78 78 76 76 77 76 78 78 76 75 76 78 75 75 77 78 77 Woodland group Synbol 3d2 3dl 3dl 2dl 3d2 3d2 3f3 3d2 3dl 3d1 3w2 3wl 4wl 3w2 201 3f3 3f'3 3f2 AgB AgC AgD AkF ArnB ArnC An BeC BeD BeF Bh Br Bu <l> Ea Ed EvB EvC EvD EwC Edgewick fine sandy loam-------------------------------------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes------------ Everett gravelly sandy loam,S to IS percent slopes----------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes---------- 'Everett-Aldenlood gravelly sandy loams, 6 to 15 percent InA InC InD Kp8 KpC Kpl} KsC Ma NeC Ng Nk No Or Os OvC OvD OvF Pc Pk Pu /?y RaC RaD RdC RdE slopes------------------------------------------------------ Indianola loamy fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes-------------- Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to IS percent slopes------------- Indianola loamy fine sand" 15 to 30 percent slopes------------ Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes----------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes---------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------------------- Klaus gravelly loamy sand, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------- Mixed alluvial land------------------------------------------- Neilton very gravelly loamy sand, 2 to IS percent slopes------ Newberg si It loam---------------------------,-------------., ---- Nooksack silt loam-------------------------------------------- Norma sandy loam---------------------------------------------- Orcas peat---------------------------------------------------- Oridia silt loam---------------------------------------------- Ovall gravelly loam, 0 to IS percent slopes------------------- Ovall gravelly loam,' IS to 25 percent slopes------------------ Ovall gravelly lo~, 40 to 75 percent slopes------------------ Pilchuck loamy fine 5 and-------------------------------------- Pilchuck fine sandy loam-------------------------------------- Puget silty clay loam----------------------------------------- Puyallup fine sandy loam------~------------------------------­ Ragnar fine sandy loam, 6 to 15 pe,rcent slopes---------------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, IS to 25 percent slopes--------------- Ragnar-Indianola association, sloping: 1/---------------------- Ragnar soil-----------------------~-------~-------------- Indianola soil------------------------------------'------- Ragnar-Indianola association, moderately steep: 1/------------ RagnaT soil----------------------_---------~------------- Indianola soil------------------------------------------- 16 17 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 VIs-l IV5-2 IVs-2 Vle-l I1le-l IVe-l Vle-2 VIs-1 Vlw-2 VIs-l IIw-l IIw-l IIlw-3 VIIIw-l IIw-2 IVe-2 Vle-2 VIIe-l Vlw-l IVw-l I1lw-2 IIw-l IVe-3 Vle-2 IVe-3 IVs-2 VIe-2 VIe-l 78 77 77 76 75 76 78 78 78 78 74 74 76 78 75 76 78 78 78 76 76 74 77 78 77 77 78 77 3f3 453 453 4s2 2d2 ?d2 2dl 3f1 201 3f3 201 201 ' 3w2 3wl 3dl 3dl 3dl 2sl 2s1 3w2 201 451 451 451 4s3 4sl 452 U. So GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1973 0 -468-266 I I I I I I I I I GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS--Continued g~:oi Re Rh Sa Sh Sk Sm Sn So Sr Su Tu Ur Wo Mapping unit Renton s'il t loam----------------------------------------..:-'"- Ri verwash--,'------------------------------------------------- Salal silt loam------.--------------------------------------- Sammamish silt loam~---------------------------------------- Seat tIe muck-----------------------------------------.~------ Shalcar muck------------------------------------------------ Si silt loam-:-----------------------------------~---------- Snohomish silt loam----------------------------------------- Snohomish silt loam, thick surface variant------------------ Sultan silt ·loam-------------------------------------------- Tukwi la muck------.------------------------------------------ Urban land--------------------------------------------------Woodinvi lle silt loam-------------------------------'-------- 1/ Described on . page 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 Woodland Capability unit group Synbol . Page Symbol IIIw-1 75 3wl VIIIw-l 78 IIw-l 74 :201 IIw-2 7S 3wl IIw-3 75 IIw-3 75 IIw-l 74 201 IIw-2 75 3w2 IIw-2 7S 3w2 IIw-l 74 3wl IIw-3 75 -------- IIw-2 75 3w2 -The composition of these units is more variable than that of the others in the Area, but it has been controlled well enough to interpret for the expected use of the soils. .,.' I (~) I I I I I I I I U) I I If) I I I I I I I EXHIBITG I (~) Assessor's Map I I I I I I I I U I I I A I . - I I I I I I I C~) I I I I I I I ". ~ )" I ~ I "L 1.!7 " t.eI\" "'6& oj wi "!.S· __ .I-_....!16J __ .... _-"n!!..-4 ~ ______ ~j?.?"S,,! SITE ASSESSOR'S MAP ___ .:!j~ :r t- Il) !:!: (X$'- t ,.; '" N NORTH I Iq I I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I I \_) I EXHIBITH Wetland Inventory Map I IA I ~ - I I I I I I I (=.) I I I I I I I .l. { I I Photo Date: 5-80 North Approx. Scale: 1" = 500 ' WETLAND: Mal} Creek 6 LOCATION: SW Sf J-2J-5 COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: BASIN OR DRAINAGE: Newcastle Cedar River INVENTORY DATE: 7-20-81 ACREAGE: J.8 CLASSIFICATION: Fish and Wildlife Service Common Name NO,TE: PSSl PFOI Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, Broad- leaved Deciduous (Willow) Palustrine, Forested, Broad- leaved Oeci duous (Red Alder) Scrub-Shrub Forested Wetland The wetland edge shown above Is approxImate. In marshes, ponds or Jakes, the transItion from standing water to uplands is usuallv clear. However, the edges of forested or scrub/shrub wetlands are less distinct. There, the change from wetland to upland often occurs over a broad area called the "transition zone". For a discussion, see Wetland Plants of King County and the Puget Sound Lowlands and "Gu.detlnet; fnr Kin" r.nuntv Watl,,,,rtc .. I May Creek 6 I . OBSERVED SPECIES:' (refer to list in Appendix. 1) p , Trees: AM, AR; I ;-' / Herbs: LA,. as S,"-Rlbs: AC, CS, Sedges/RusheslGrass/Fern: . PT LI, RS, SX, so Birds: AR, ST, I 55, WW Mammals: Fish: Other: I RARE/ENDANGERED/THREATENED SPECIES: (refer to list in Appendix 2) Recorded/Observed: I I I Potential: SIGNIFICANT HABITAT FEATURES: OUTLET: Type: Condition: Outflow enters: POTENTIAL STORAGE: Existing Active: Potential Active: Pipe Open Stream 4 ac. ft. 8 ac. ft. , j " I GENERAL OBSERVATJONS: Northeast cornel' filled some time ago. Head waters of Honey Creek. I A-~) l'vVETLAND EVALUATION SUMMARY: I I I I I I I I I Data was collected in the five categories shown below. Within each category the data was evaluated to produca numerical values. Composita values for each category were produced in order to compare each wetland to other wetlands in its sub-basin and in King County. Tha rasult of that comparison was a percentile rank. The percentile it expressed on a scale of one hundred and indicates the percent of wetlands that scored equal to or below that particular site. For example, a percentile rank of 80 under sub-basin means that the wetland scored equal to or better than 80 percant of all sites within the sub-basin for that evaluation category. NOTE: The percentile ranks are valid only. within the individual evaluation category and are intended solely for reference and comparison. Hydrology: Biology: Visual: Cultural: Economic: Evaluation Category runoff storage potential, water quality, potential for minimizing damage in downstream areas quality of habitat, abundance and diversity of plant and animal species diversity and contrast of wetland and surrounding vegetation, surrounding landforms types of access, proximity to schools/institution., overalt environmental quality prasence of agriculture/peat extraction. anadromous or game fish, game birds or mammals of commercial value WETLAND RATING: Rank (bV percentile) Sub-basin County-wide 64 82 21 25 35 34 50 56 35 25 I=ach wetland was assigned one of three possible wetland ratings. The wetland ratings were determined by examining tha scores of selected 1ntory tasks, specific data or percentile ranks for individual evaluation categories. The criteria used to assign the wetland ratings ara ;ribed in the Introduction. For each rating a number of specific !JJidelines for new development In or adjacent to wetlands wera prepared. ,·,Ie guidelines are intended to assist in carrying out King County's Sensitive Areas Ordinance and other wetland poliCies. They are included in a separate report titled "Guidelines for King County Wetlands". Wetland Rating: 2 ~ I I 18 I .... I I I I I I I ~--) '-/ I I I I I I I t ) I >::1 I TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION I I~· ,8 1-· I I I I I I 1(.) I I I I I I I ;(~ I· I EXHIBIT I Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table ,----t-------------F'\ OFF-SITE ANALYSIS D~NAGE SYSTEM TABLE Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirement #2 - --:1) ,--," Basin: May Creek , " . , Dral~ge:QOinponent,' .<~Y.!D~~J ,t ' ·,Typ~;Niline.,arid§iie Type: sheet flow. swale. stream, See Map I channel. pipe. pond; size, diameter. surface area CD I Vegetated channel ~ 130-inch CMP (J) Channel @ 4.5-foot by 5-foot CMP arch culvert ® I Well defined channel Subbasin Name: Drainage Component , Description Drainage basin. vegetation, cover. depth. type of sensitive area. volume Wetland through backyards Under S.E. l04th Street, flows north Through backyards Flows north under 26th Street IFlows into May Creek Green Creek , Slope % 5 2 1.5 0.5 nista*e" from:Site.,. l)iSc~afge: ,:' Ft. 0'-575' ,EXiStin "'," .~ . ·Problems , . ~. '; .. ' ... . Potential Problems Constrictions, under capacity. ponding, overtopping. flooding. habitat or organism destruction. scouring. bank sloughing. sedimentation. incision, other erosion None Noted None Noted 575' -600' 1 None Noted None Noted 600' -2300' 1 None Noted None Noted 2300' -2350'1 None Noted None Noted 2350' -2750' 1 None Noted None Noted Subbasin Number: OtiservatioDs .. of'Field\[Dsp'ectOt, Resout~~i.te~~~~f;'~r ':" . Re~ident , .. Tributary area. likelihood of problem. overflow pathways, potential impacts Area is fenced off, couldn't get a good look. IlI89.004.doc [JPJ/dm] I I Q .... I ~--:. I I I I I I Ie) I ,I I I I I I '" L) I - I TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION There were no major problems reported or observed during the resource review. Based on a review of the drainage complaints in the downstream drainage course, there was one property owner who has indicated that erosion is occurring on her property at several occurrences during major storm events in the last 15 years. In addition, that same property owner has indicated that flow rates contributing to the stream in her backyard are increasing as development occurs in the upstream basin. This property owner has written several letters to King County's various divisions including governmental offices requesting assistance with problems on her property. That is why Level 3 Flow Control is proposed for this development. Based on the drainage complaints and our site visit, it appears flooding has not been a major problem in the downstream drainage course from the subject property; however, Level 3 Flow Control will be provided. The upper 516 of the downstream course courses through mostly backyards and brushy areas, until runoff enters May Creek on the far north end of the section. Most of the downstream drainage course investigated by this site visit and a review of the Soils Map indicate that the downstream drainage course occurs through Alderwood soils for the most part and then Ragnar-Indianola type soils near May Creek. The field reconnaissance for this off-site analysis drainage report was conducted on March 3, 2004. The skies were partly overcast and the high temperature on this day was approximately 50 degrees. 1 1 1 89.003.doc [JPJ/dm] I IQ I' I I I I, I I Ie) I I I I I I I, .U I TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS I I I I I I I I'C) I I I I I I I .U I TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Runoff leaves the site through the north-central portion of the project site and courses through backyard areas and vegetated swale consisting of wetland areas until coursing underneath S.E. l04th Street through a 30-inch corrugated metal pipe culvert. Flows continue in a northerly direction for the most part passing through backyards in a well-defined channel until flows pass underneath 26th Street in the City of Renton, flowing north through 4.5-foot by 5-foot CMP arch culvert and then a little bit later the flow courses into May Creek. A review of the Exhibit J -Drainage Complaints shows there is a one property owner that is very concerned about stormwater runoff surrounding her home. Many complaints were addressed by her from adjacent property owners. In addition the upstream drainage basin, which contributes runoff to the seasonal stream passing through her backyard, is the downstream drainage course from the project site. This property owner is the only complainant on the downstream drainage course from the project site, but she was complaining of erosion during peak flows contributing to an ongoing problem in her backyard. That is why Level 3 Flow Control is being i~stituted with this development. Please refer to the drainage complaints for a complete description of the problems associated with the downstream drainage course. JJJ89,OO3,doc [JPJ/dm] I 10 t'] I ,-- I I I I I I '-) 1l.~::1 I I I I I I I, , ~~) I--~ I EXHIBIT J Drainage Complaints I 1 0 .. 1 ~7· I I I I I I I(() I I I I I I. MAR. -3.2004 4:32PM KC WLRD NO. 986 P.l/4 King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104~38SS FAX FILE COpy TO:~U$n Fax: <ill§J ~/-1Vt:t Phone: (t/~5) d§1 -fod:d-} Dare: .3jJj6 <{ Numb~ of pa,ies including cover sheet: --Y-- From: Cindy Torkelson WLR Stonnwater Services St?Ctiop Phone; l2.QQ) 296-1900 Fax Number: (206) 296~OUt2 RE: Level 1 Analysis . To follow is a list of complaints receive$i by the 'Wa~ and Land Resources Division Drainage Services Section. Complaint numbers beginning prior to 1990-XXXX have been archived and are no longer in our possession. They can still be retrieved, ifriecessaty, b1;lt,will take additional time and may not be beneficial to your research due to their age, development whie4 has occ~ etc. !fyou are interested in reviewing the actual complaints. they can be pulled (tJme permitting) for your review. Copies can be obtained for $ .15 per page, and'S2.00 per page for plans. ;Keysz . TyM of Investigation C ActIon ReqUC$l BeW Bwiocss' ChI Clean Water CCP Rcspoll£tto Jnquhy -CL Cllllm EH Enforccn1el1t on Hold Ell anroromlont Review PCC.FCA,PCS F8CUi~ Complaints fI SWM Pee Inquiry FrR. SWM FA ~ FIR SWM Pee on Hold -IS u\Wult AA Famlity BagiBCCring llGview NDA Ncipbo""ood Dnliaqc AsslstBnco WQC Water Quality OImpl,mt WQE WucrQuality ~~ WQR WIlk:r QualIty Bnsinet.dns ReView WQA Water Quality Audit WQO Water Quality -Other St,Sl,SN3 Engineering Studies Type of'pcoblem DCA DDM DES DLS DTA INQ MMA MMF MMO' MMM .~,= SWF WQB WQD WQI REM GRT NWD DcvelopmentiConslluction DralnIllO. Miscellaneous DmJnap-B/o.I0n7sodlmcatlltion OnilDacc-LMdslidalEarth Movement O1aiMge Technical AMinanC4 Drain~-Genua! Inquiry MailttaIMce • Aesthetic( MilntGnancc. flooding MabltenMCC -General MalnCetIam:G • Mowing MtimtenMOC -Needs Mflillten8nce MaIntawlcc-NOlClolIS Weeds SWM Fcc QUestlOM Water QPaltty -Best Management Ptacti~ WBiIIr Qnllllty-Dllmplng WItl:r QuIl1Itr -UJici, Connectlon SWM Fee -Remcuul'CtnCl1t SWM Pc::coGtant SWM Pee·New Discount ·SuhJ~ 10 Public; DbcJomre n:quin:ments 1. R.oeelpl ofwriltt:n requcn for docuJncnts:a. Review and approval byPmaecuting Auome)l's office ,In.,-_ .... o...J .. C-t:.JU6.f ... ·.::I.::IrTI Kl. WLI'<U NO. 986 P.2/4 I , , I _ KIno COUntY Water and LBnd ROBDDrCBB mflBlon -Dr&IUaDB SBrvioBI Sootlon POPlalDt Search Printed: 3/312004 2:30;26 PM I -iampJaInt TYPlI TYJJI ufProbImn AddroB8DfPr~ '~ TJvtoBPauo NuDlbm' CtD I 1975-0004 C DRNG 9589 UNSETBLSE 138TH/SUNSET BUANNEXED 626J6 1960.0008 C FILL 138TH AVE SE HONEY CREEKIMAY CReeK 626J5 1983-0045 C 15923 se MAY VALLEY RD FILLlNGIMAY CRK 627AS I 1983-0046 C DRNG 11203 148THAVESE PONDING G26JS 1983-0057 C FLOG 10449 151$1 SE G27A5 I 1984-{)015 C FLOG RENTON-ISSA HWY MAY CREEK 626J6 1985-0225 R VIOlATE 15019 SE MAY VALLEY RD TOCODEENF. 627A5 Hi85-0508 E ,., . ' P(mtAppvdSWM·DRS 627A5 I 1986-0654 C FILLING 11203 148n-tAVE SE 626J6 1987-0284 CL FLOG 14847 20STHAVE SE BASEMENT FROM CULVERT ~ CUl10505 627M 1987·0485 C DRNG 15004 SE 1141J;f,ST t'iEIr.:;HBOR FL.OODING PROPERTY 627A6 I 1987-0465 ER ,_ ~ .... .l:O.~D DRNG FOR CM/RD COORO 10127/87 627A6 1987·0485 NDA .. NO RD ORNG FOR CM/RD COORD 10/27/8 627A6 1987·0801 C DRNG 14100 SE 100TH PL. FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT 626J5 I 1967·1189 C DRNG 10218 147THAVE SE DRAINAGe FROM RENTON RID POND 626J5 1968-0787 C DRNG 15004 . Sf: 114TH ST ILLEGAL INSTAlLATION OF TILE 87·0485 627AG IC)::~~ c DRNG 14418 SE 116n-t ST INADEQUATE SYSTEM INSTALLED 626J6 C ORNG 14408 SE 100THST SUMMER WINDS DRAINAGE OVERFLOW "626J5 1989-0140 C EROSION 14429 SE 116TH ST PVT RD WASHOUT DUE TO NO oAAINAGE 626J6 I 1989-0150 C DRNG/ERO 14428 SE 116TH ST PVT RD WASHOUT DUE TO NO DRNG 89-0 626J6 1989-0318 E DRNG 11800 138THAVE SE CLEARINGOF RID NATURAL RID POND 626J6 1989-0534 C DRNG 14842 SE 114THST FILL OF DRAINAGE 87-0485 627A6 I 1990-0508 C ORNG 14842 SE: 114TH ST DITCH FILLED IN 627A6 1990..0019 C PONDING 10403 147THA~ , .S~ .. IN YAR0/91~0619 626J5~ 1990-0982 C ORNG 15630 SE 116TH ST· OITCH ENDS BY PROPERTY 627A6 I 1990·1623 C FLOG 13611 SE 116TH ST @ RID FACILITY SEEPING WATER. 626J6 1991·0339 C FLOG 11212 137THAVE SE PIPE OF PRIVATE DITCH 626J6 1991.0578 C ORNG 11833 142NDAVE SE WATER PONDING IN YARD 626J6 I 1991·0619 C DRNG 10403 147THAVE SE INCREASED FLOW IN SEASONAL CREEK 626J5 ~ 1991-0619 SR DRNG 10403 14TfHAVE SE TOCIP 626J5 ~ I 19\H·0797 S2 ON HOLD 627A6 1991·qa98 C DRAINAGE 1S:a12 SE RENTON .. ISSAQ RD HIGHWAY DITCH CLEANING 627A6 1991-0932 C o IVERS 10 15630 SE 116TH ST DITCH OUTl.frr ON YARD 627A6 I 1991·1127 C BEVEROAM 14800 S8 MAY VALLEY RD DAM IN STREAM 626J5 ~ 1992·0100 C DRAINAGE 12240 142NOAVE SI:: 626J6 1992·0137 C CONSTRUC .14410 SE 107THPL " NEW CONST/RENTON 626J5 I .. ~ 1992-0169 C DRAINAGE 10262 147THAV SE 626J5 i ) I ":::-.~-' Page 1 of3 I I"IHr<:. M.:I. C.1O~'1 'I; .:1.:11"""<1 KL WU<V NO. 986 P.3/4 I I _ismt Typo lYlB of Problom AdlfroBaDfPrfj)1mn CIImmIIIb TbrusP8UB CmIa I SR DRAINAGE 10262 147TH AV SE NOT NDAP (GROUND WATER) 626J5 ~ C MAYCREK 15440 SE MAY VALLEY RO MAY CREEK RISING 627A5 1992-0484 SR MAY CRE!K 15440 SE MAY VALLEY RD MAY CREEK RISING Nor NDAP 627A5 1-1993·0086 C DRAINAGE 10220 148THAV SE DRAINAGE CHANNEL ON PROPERlY 627A5 ~ 1993·0094 WQe EROSION 10217 146TH AVE SE EROSION ON CLEARED LOT 626J5 +- 1993·0236 C EROSION 10202 148THAve SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PREMIT 627A5 ~ I 1993·0236 ER EROSION 10202 148THAve SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PERMIT 627A5 ~ 1993-0236 RN EROSION 10202 14BTHAVE SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PREMIT 627A5 ~ 1993-0339 WQC SEWAGE 10222 148THAVE SE REFERED TO DOES 827A5 ~ I 1993-0387 NDA DRNG 12203 148THAVE SE PONDING IN YARD NDA-F 627A6 1993·0387 RN DRNG 12203 148THAVE SE PONDING IN YARD NDA-F 627A6 I 1993-0437 C DRAINAGE 11204 148THA~~UE . ~-I= .. ENCLOSING ROADSIDE DITCH 627A6 1993-0868 C RUNOFF 10220 148THAVE SE CLEARING OF NEIGHBORS LOT 627A5 -+ 1993.0932 C ORNG 10220 148THAVE SE CLEARING OF NEIGHBORS LOT 627A5 ~ I 1994-0177 C DRNG 10218 148THAVE SE NEW HOUSE NEAR SWALE 627A5 .4!:- 1994-0476 C INQUIRY 10217 147TH AVE SE ROAD CUL.VERT OUTLETS TO LOT 626J5 ~ 1994-0476 NOA INQUIRY 10217 147TH AVE S~ ROAD CULVERT OUTLETS TO LOT 626J5 -E::- I 1995-0420 C EROSION 10415 14TH AVE S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK 626J5 -+- 1995-0420 NDA EROSION '0415 14TH AVE S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CR~EK 626J5 ~ )~95..Q.420 RN EROSION 10415 14TH AVE S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK 626J5 -<=-I { )S.0689 C EROStON 11204 148THAVE SE SLOUGHING OF ROADSIDE"DITCH 627A6 ~5-0718 X DRAINAGE 10415 147THAVE SE SEE 94-0420, NDA-C 626J5 ~ I 1995-0996 X DRAINAGE 10415 147THAVE SE 626J5 -E:- 1995-3037 C DITCHES 11224 14BTHAVE SE; STO~M EXCEEDED SYSTEM CAPACITY 627A6 1996-0143 C RUN OFF 14614 SE RENTON-ISSAQUAH RD RUNOFF FROM SR 900 626J6 ~ I 1996-0552 C FLOG 11615 14BTHAVE SE 626J6 1996-0552 R FlDG 11615 148THAVF3. SE FLOODING FROM VANDALIZED FIRE HYD 626J6 1996-0750 X DRNG 10415 147THAVE SE ODES WAS LEAD-THEY HANDLED 626J5 ~ I 1996-1193 C EROSION 11204 14BTHAVE Sf;: REQUEST TO ENCLOSERIS DITCH 627A6 1996-1377 c REEDGRAS 16440 SE MAY VALLEY RD REED CANARY GRASS RESTRICTING CHA 627A5 1997-1299 C DRAINAGE 15329 SE MAY VALLEY RD PVT DRIVE! CONST IMP TO RD DRNG SYS 627A5 I 1997-1299 E DRAINAGE 15329 SE MAY VALLEY RD PVT DRIVE CONST IMP TO RO DRNG SYS 627A5 1997·1299 R DRAINAGE 15329 SE MAY VALLEY RD PVT DRIVE CONST IMFl TO RD DRNG SYS 627A5 1997-1454 C DRAINAGE 10429 FOREST AVE S OFFSITE SHEET/CONCENTRATED FLOW I 626J5 ~ I 1997-1454 R DRAINAGE 10429 FORE$TAVE S OFFSITE SHEET/CONCENTRATeD FLOW I 626J5 4;- 1999-0196 C DRAINAGE SE 101 ST/146 AVE! SE OFFSITE FLOW IMP PROP OilY OF RENT 626J5~ I 1999·0320 X DRAINAGE SE 102N0/141-48 AV SE MORE OF THE SAME 826J5 ollIE::- 1999"0417 C FILLING 15019 SE MAY VALLEY RD ALLEGED FILLING VIOLATION PREVIOUS 627A6 1999·0710 C DEBRIS 148XX SE RENTON-ISS RO UTIL WORK ST RtN APPEARS ADEQU NO 626J5 ~ I 1999-0725 wac CREEK 14813 SE RENTON-ISS RD " CONCERNS REGARDING SEDIMENT ORAl 627 A6 -<:::- ,: J \ " I .:,. Page 2 of3 I I MRR. ~3.2004 4:33PM I. • . KC WLRD I CUnuIlaiIt: Iypa It ProbI8m \;-:::. 0-0026 C I 2ooQ..0440 waR 2000-0760 WQR I 2001·0065 X 2001-0188 X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2001-0274 WQR 2001..0318 X 2001-0765 NDA· 2001-0765 R 2001·0842 E 2002·0005 C 2002·0035 X 2002-0212 C 2002-0303 NDA- 2002-0303 R 2003.0210 X 2003-0567 C t) , -~ \ J .. ' CLEARING DES woe INa DCA wao INQ DOM DOM DOM DDM INa DDM PPM DDM INa DTA AddroB8 of PrliJImn 10415 147THAVE 10415 147THAVE 11204 14B1H AVENue 1'0415 147THAVE 10415 147THAVE 10220 148THAVE 10415 147THAVE 10415 147THAVE 10415 147THAVE. 10217 141rH AVE S 10415 147TH AVE SE 10415 147THAveSE 10726 148THAVESE 10415 147TH AVF? SE 10415 147THAVESI:; 10415 147Tt'1 AVE SE 11327 148THAVESE NO. 986 P.4/4 lbrosPaua S5 LOT CLEAR.ING PREP TO NEW CONST?? 626J5 «- SE WILL REVISIT SITE DURING RAINSTORM T 626J5 ~ SE Mrs, Waltrip has mulched all exposed soil to s 626J6 se EMAIL RESPONSE SENT FOR RON SIMMS 626J5 ~ SE prepared email for Nancy Hansen to send 10 626J5 ~ SE 627A5 -E:' 5E RESPONSE BY RON SIMS TO A LElTER S 626J54- SE POiENTIALQUICK FIX-WATE.R FROM NE 626J5 ~ SE POTENTIAL QUICK FIX -WATER FROM NE 626J5~ MS. NAGEL BLOCKED A CROSS CULVERT 626J5 ~ PDR FOR ENFORCEMENT LETTER 01-084 626J5 +- RESPONSE TO 119/02 EMAIL FROM CLAUD 62GJ5 ~ .. SFR WITH GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS. 626J5~ UNDERSIZED CULVERT CAUSES BACKUP 626J5 ~ UNDERSIZED CULVERT CAUSSS BACKUP 626J5 ~ EMAIL INQUIRY REGARDING EROSION CO S2BJ8~ WATER IN CRAWL SPACE, APPEARS TO 626J6 Page 3 of3 I I !®-- I KiNG COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF P'DBttC WORKS - SURF.~CE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT '~t' •• I0."., __ ' .. .:: ... ... ' or-~ ~~ ~~ ;~r< ~~ ~~ 'l~) Dale Rec'CI: I N~TURE OF COMPLAINT: Pl'2J.Jdt1d" ~ ~ZC;-J-S' '~-/?-92- ./ sEcLriNp~RGE ~ I I I I LOCATION: E/95r £?JLO~' KROLLPG. i?OO --J /8 .ec/tt/DACt::Z ' COUNCIL DIST. &; COMPLAINANT: L?7e/e " P>tONE NO. Z?.s;:. I Address /' ~ 'Z-~ 2-/1/7-/k A'vt: ..sc k~StateWIJ-Zip 9J't?'si HOME: -.:: c:? ~ 0 ..-City WORK.: ' DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: ~~ ~ ~/;V /l1I./-r ".----.J)P"'-9-/,.-v44 F ..--/4j~ '~~5c:--' /~I::::~ ~CJ/Y7 tJc) rl-t: /5 (!JAJ{o 5'L.of?c::-vl6CJV'~ #S ~cJr:b72~ U/.4~~ ~,vV;; /,..J ~!3 ..,$' 4c,e: // ~ D, ,A,-0 ?7 vre-e=r rG~ Cf'l'jPLAINT RECEIVED BY: If P. /.LS OF INVESTIGATION: (j)T 9 -13L-1< I MlJ-l/lIt'f/.tO-()P to~ 23000· ~9,6 v .... _~ On site 2-27-92. The Brundage residence is located on the side of a relatively steep hill. ·Slope is from east tl west~ and, 10262 fronts on 147th. To the rear, and facing 148th is a new home, graded, but with rio vegetation (landscaping). 148th at this location is a shoulder tyoe road with ditches on th4 east side. Run off to the west is shared by the property owners. Observed no noti,ceable erosiol at 10263-148th from the road. Roof run off is piped-probably to a dry well. Photo 1) Looks south on 148th with adjacent lot to Brundage at right. 2) Looks west from 148th at 10263. Brundage is to the rear and down. ' 3) View of Brundage house and 10263 -148th in backgrnd. I :\<~) I· I I I I I I<etch. I ( ) ,:::.,:-) < <- -- <t- ....... ~ . I (}1,'3 ~ , (:- - oE--t-- N /tffJrh I1U sb . Scale }{Ot r i ~ " /' 1 ;Lt \ ! \ 1 I \ 1 1 J I . 1 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT .tb ~ .t3 ~o ~ ", ~----------------------------------------------------~~~----~--~ Dale Rec'd: / /J, 2-- NATURE OF COMPLAINT: /12(11''7 /' A I -, SEC '2i.lWPZ3 AGE Q .;:,.LO_C_A_JI_O_N_: _, .... z.:.J<I1l"""'4tl.J.7l.u.'I .. E..p/<loL.lyy-Nuu.LuJlfuH,"",B~(J.L-C~I2~· O"""r:c...o1J."""''j!'"''"L..r:_ ...... H0~/~/!t~'A::..1_.s~/ /7~Za~V1~f,---",ur-.-;..,--KROLL PG. eft? / COMPLAINANT: 1lrtNt2 ,I ~o.2O/l COUNCIL DIST. ~ PHONE NO. 8 HOME: lfJ 9ZttJ 0 ItlZZO /1/£ rI /It! S£-, City &.mde State. __ Zip___ WORK: IR 35 ~ 050'>"* DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: (! P I ~ &-<I () r" , 5. )./&16U80}1.. !5U1tT a H-() Uj-e.... :;; y/2.5 a ~o : PtlTIN a pra{J1C{~ 5YS77-/"YJ ?fJI-I/el1 ~rfl//t·5 (J/I!O 5//?lPriS /tfr: //J7 5/~p->--J f7l1re~ of f.qr bur t7~T{)6f..r an'J IYu dIJ~() ~,-d ihaT -(Jvu.. IS Vt o~;j;;;';z if f ro ~ dIl4;1J"-~ It'! a~tT» -ne 1~r-c4/~ M plaits J7) J!JU-IlJ.? ~ it~UU. 1h r; 1$ fJra/n~7-L /~/?? "' 1Z.e. upA/'l1 51J11-~ IUlj h6(J,-."u..;h'{..h haf IHvunr-;ci WIr?'1 'Jt<'V4J1t S, Iff MIV r}1~r )/1t//J /76ttl/PJ;-(?t+7~ jt) ~h.OiA/LtJUU70/1 r# bh~~P1 U2 . . '. , 0 P' vU..--;7.0 hll/lUIZS non t!L T1J fB--r-~· ....... PLAINT RECEIVED BY: ;/at /2l{ftlV'l.c . '-_ -:-:~!. ILS OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes No 0 Photos: Yes :....L-No 0 On site 2-2-93. . Quantity Met with Mr Simon and viewed the problem. He has a one acre lot that he has cleared fo~ construction of a home in the new year. Slopecof the surrounding properties is from SE to NW, and neighbors to the south have dug an interceptor ditch across the back of their lot that is also said to drain another ditch from the· next southerly neighbor. This had drained to an area on his lot that is proposed to be the foundation for his house. Mr Simon in turn dug a ditch along the property 1 ine to the ditch on 148th which he intends to tight 1; ne. BALD is said to have i~formed him drainage from the properties should go to the roadside ditch. Because the neighbors drained to his property it is ~p to him to handle. At the time of observation there was drainage from the neighboring properties to Simon"s .southerly ditch down the ditch to where it goes sub surface to a small pond in a low spot in the front', and from there to a cross culvert under 148th to a small swale. There was indication of some erosion from upstream due to siltation of the small swa1e. Followed the drainage to where it outlets west of 147th Av SE and observed no silt at that location. Photo 1) Looks east from 148th across mid portion of the Simon property. Pond and drainage in foreground drain to ditch. 2) View of ditch on east side of 148th bordering Simon property. 3) View towards 148th along south di.tch . 4) Shows ditch and neighboring house on right. 5) Looks south along ditched area t rear of 10222 -148th. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: DATE: Z. -.,--I AcnONTAK.EN: 2~c.:~-.'13. 5pokt _~\~ "~-.o.,..."1 S'P11.~li. <)....J\IA. ~s -f",)~/e ...... ";,R wk.;t-l,.... .. ',s J.h~J U-:?otl.&> IS (... .. ...p "'0"-'-... " ~ ,"?Q,. .. ~ rw'"oC'ta' -~ ... ,1 v-~ 'to ..,.)o,,/,. ... ,;\\h. ~,q~. (CJ I \, -\ ~O f~BL-F-M SeEN' Complainant advised of action possible or taken by: Phone ~ Letter 0 Personal Contact 0 I Complaint Action Handled By Q. f,,;:;' Closed: ?LIt.[ /9 3' I I '.:l'''t OK'd~ 'nl1la" I Sketch I ~ /~Bf 51; -I··· I 1 - N I~ ScaJe.1:k1 Sf. (02. .... 0 Sr • t I 1 / .,: ~ ,,"'" ,,~ • . ~-----'>ilr-~\ E-------. ,-_-.• -. -~-.,_-.-.~-, ,-_-.-. ""-~,. -4---~ • \.--. ~,,-__ !i'::.. 8w·~ ! , I~) :~u ~-~ I r t \ . ~~ . ~:" I ~ .--. <!-•• --•• 4----.' +-··r~~ ~ t ~ t t f II I i I f . I t I I l(_) I' ,,,,-".,r ." . II I~_,.', 4 I~ I\II'IU \JUUI'4 I ',Ul:. .... AI1I Mt:N I, Ut-I"'UtsLIl; WU,HI\~ SURFACE WATER MANA"GEMENT DIVISION COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT ~--~--------------------------------------------~~~~~~----~~ I ---..-Ije R,ec~ 7 _ L:h-;z... NATURE OF COMPLAINT: v --/,./ SEC L 1WPZ~ RGE-.r I LOCATION: aC80ss STB&xT EfZ.CJ»1 dDD. B<iLOtAJ KAOLLPG. &:rJ' COMPLAINANT: DOU6: DIP;:lJ~. Cb-' ~z,6-J? COUNCILDIST. ---::I&~-> PHONE NO. I, Address I 0 L J t J L/ 8'T It V 5£, City State Zip ~~~~ t. ~~ '9 S-7 3 DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: 7lV6'TO /IJ/}V t!A£E--K..... -Qs (8 y~t~l1lte( fzunoyt f~, I I I I . f} &/IIJN/{~ W/15 /{ fl'Ol1fi'1 tJttl .... P' !//£4/f/j (/t WtTTZ-'t}!1ILJ-(}N L A/JO atAt7f5 S 7r./~.r-P /?J.P'J [J()U6-f}////YIE', PIZ////Vt:lt-e-/!/-};4)1)1fC 15 f) rA (.-;? r::-I? /75/ ,u'/ / 5 fA AI e 11-£ e I<E D I UNG7V6-/A //;;TT-t/O rtr.,.-t.--,,,v VI" more--waT-Rr 15 'p/&?U/FJ?--:3or,L/ T/)1'JF5 /he r/i/W ;?a.1?:-of JIIIJ mtJ/'J1}j//c;. J. tVa)' tt!£;a12 r-PJ{) . mtJ!ZlvIN6-f}~jlj jA/aT?r IN srj/<t?t2~ I r ---Y,LAINT RECEIVED BY: tffi;71a~ I 5 1.3;::; 0 ?U /V (c tilh '-Ot2 q I ~ :I -{ -~ J D~ls OF INVesTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes No 0 Photos: Yes 121":::> No 0 . I I I I I I -QuantiI}' On site 2-2-93. Spoke with Doug Dipple regarding siltation in a swale as a result of run off from property identified in 93-0096/Simon. There was siltation to a small swale that accepts run off from a cross tile under 148th (12" cone). The stream tended to wandei thru heavy brush and ferns and then culverted under 147th near 102nd Av SE. Where the stream crossed the ditch on the east side of 147th and at the outlet, there was no signs of silt. It appeared the silt was deposited on the property by the Dipple residence. At the time of the muddy water Mr Dipple felt there was a speed of run off at .2 cfs, whereas the run off normally flows at approx .02 cfs. At the time of observation run off was clear. Photo 1) View of run off at the outlet of cross culvert. 2) View of flat area where siltation occured. 3) Outlet west of 147th that drains to large pasture. Approx 1/3rd mile to May Creek. 4) View of ditched area at north side of 10222 -148th that is said to drain wetlands. DATE: Z -~ -'t "3 :;OMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: £~ . .c ~J4-r~ I'CTIONTAKEN: <:-23 -_'U I N e ~r"""""-. I (j ~-,.'< 'il. i'(, ...... ~. Amplainant advised of action possible or taken by: Phone ff Letter 0 I Amplaint Action Handled By 7f?ar;r L-~~ ~ Personal Contact b Closed: "2-L{ -9"3 ~-1te OK'd:~ '"itiat, Sketch I I I(~) I I I I I I t N Scale IloN£ , , . -. i . ,,~ ~_.~ ~ _ • J"TI t?" --"t:2" .... .,.-\!:.J -~ (OZ.11 7 "~ i . I I • f ~ t . .. 'Itt : I -KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I . Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST l.~OBLEMt.pulLl?£P f~/tJ,; Ggol;7,cW //o,\) . C TVPE. CJcelved by:*? j3,~)!:.e. Date: ~-30-C:;~ OK'd bY:~-I Received from: . (Pleue print plainly for acanning). (Day) (Eve) Mo'i::>IL. , NAME: K~:( ~2'oL. I ADD~ESS: IOlD 2. 14f>'n+ /Iv€. '::s€. , :ji State yJA 940 -,,')8"3> Zip . C, ~o"S PHONE 21'-SllB I Location of problem. If different: CHARGE # . l' F\.O)t?e~ltLt. .Fz;>j!:... ~Pj>~ll-..JrflJ~t: ~. IC-~p......, c.~o,-I )r"l>~/~b PEii';"1. Details of Problem: .. I ffie ~\J'T14 A.t;).;f"At..~(.c;>T n llt'Ei: ~'7'fIJ>~+-rN~,'~ ~$")tIm5'l'-l ~'(..~~ D2'''~A''7 -wh ;zo-z.~-n.-"'I ~LEf'rI<ro~ t.. P6)tfl'll, W/'r? ItPPIrRe:Nrl..'1 J~~"ci) I a'tOt.:>~ f=O(i?. 'H,? v...}O~~ '). A ~t.uA-I.t:= wA-s ~'"A-vA-~. b~ Tit 1 'S ~1.~EX> L 1>1 WH7if./f c>e I l." p.) 14 LL:j . bVTl£ii1FO Ar w-e ~"1f'I P t..tf7 ~!tNT \..!:> I D~'''~A-'''. 1itt~ iZ~?vt..te.:) ItJ l-~e.JM,ir?!6P. rt.CO;:,-,N, 1Po ~C:S:;I~ t:::F- ~ . ~p~ tf7-,.JA-f'! ",,'5 D/t-J. ~f"":,"-e:· I~, A-~~ p;z.C>J~'" IPcm.u. I AN /fP? 'T1~"..Je: A-L~ .. ~.t151U 4£.",~s D/",,-, /t-Nt> OVn.t:./~ f)\t~ _-'4'~'ffi. .Av6-. ~e: R~wlT1 [;;>.rC+f.4-T ,c8?1pC.+,'toI/'rN-T ~~ DJ(;J ~v(..v~~ KezEi I ~:>-'~'1. Ij::.Pnr..J~ I?~ov~-X:> /N rl..6kJ"> t7VCJ2-~pp~€" 'T/ti5. J,l..rtr-L{N c /trJt> I &l<t>DN& ~J1r-J ~ '?~PL.Ihf-JI7-N-h> D/&-v e~c: ~ &.U'£L(.. ~ T'rl-C 0/~ t:;vt-vf>Jfl:r IN -t+f!>"rH-h-v'c $E:. W!tIIr t?~ E3t!iT ,. p"ve . ? I .. 5)ther .. agEmcies. involved.: (Give details) DJlEb Keu;""vJ'7A:L.. OBbuAi,e: Rc.77f7{t?n::> hili· at? ?/oL.. TZ> ~,.,. Pl/<. Reported Impacts: # Properties: Dates/frequency of occurrences: Home hR"'.:Jr ou.vitl~E:l\..JGe: (>/J 1Yl,+R<-1-l 22...so I "iCr3. , Access road -septic system . .oS IU'-~ G~)N4 OF AP~&--rr ~T~ -outbuildings, garage I · -Yard/landscaping -- -. Other property' . -stream, lake, wetland- I Location/Tracking Info: Parcel No. ------------------- GouncU-Dist~ I I BaSlnJMj (C-··"'j name; I ~n taken: Assigned to:__ Turned to __ . on _1_/ __ Initials: __ _ T_H..;...O~_1A.;,...S ...;.B.-;RO;..;..S_·_NE_W_: ...;:;.ro...:Z~7.;....;./_f5_ DATE CLOSED: .-!:LJ.2::1!/~ O~:d:~ OLD.: ~.os-" £ 2... -t._ I<ec~"" C:;r<RJ/f~ aD \ t NF'o l)1>E::S G:>ROJG I . Kk\ _ ~_,. I/J /id--/qd ~A~cdlf) DIR Ref/Chg No: _______ _ City ----Field investigation needed?_ Block No: Lot No: KROLL Bot I . ----. ...... 4''::'.&.~ V V.l..L~tl.1\Nl dU'"'NlYUQ . NOfSfAfO .LN3W3e>V,NVW]. .' v . y a. . ···<'·'RiN~e~~~(Ij';J~\~V~~Qa:mIDl-.. ... Ie DRAINAG~ag~;~r!v~;z;'~NN :.~~~ ~!YP.E"". " .. L I ~ ~~_~R~e~Na~'m~e~:~H.~eo~·~~~.~to~L-___ · __ ~_'~_~~·_~ __ t1~~~,~·(~~_.e?_~ ________ ~ _____ fi_~_~;~~o~·:_!9_.7~;_-t? __ ~ ___ 3 Details of./nvestigation: Date of Field Investlgatlon:~ l!.1l.-Related Investigations: 93-0086/S imon. I Met.--'wfUr"M.r Cozi.ol .and .Bakamus and walked the probl em site. Recent heavy. r~ills appar~n~ly 0'1 .. :~taxecr.t~i~8"ADS ··ohi;n ·the property owner (Simon) put in recently. Water Went down,·the,·Ctitche .:..~'!-9. ~~ the e.ast and. nortt\Propet:t~:.l ~nes causin~' erosio~ in the.c:di*~~es.,aQ4, fil.l i~g .. Cl, drivewa I .1 ·;·cro~s.culvert, causlng water'to'overtop the prlVate drlVe'and starteCt to"erode. the R/W at tt roadside ditch. It was pointed out that the east and nort$itches were dug on other peoples :.,. '~~5 ~~r.~.) ~{~ri·~~~~·~·rf.~'· ;~~·d'.'~'~~.~·~ i·~t f~~m~~'fJJc~~!~~" ~¥" ~'~:~a;!~1'~t': ··Oran ge"do t~'cl·tre f f "i"s' ~"i'n fe t I " ~,-.<\,': -:~J;'~:~~~S.~out.h.-·along east' pr.oP~tY".line a·~".drainige dit'ch'~"Lotmarker' seen mid."7 ri ghtJ· < 3rShows ditch on Bakamus property draining. to west. I .4:}' V.lew of ditdf ·and silt depos<i t'·.:bY· driveway' cross c'in ver't' (near r:ed"'dot)." '. ~" '. :.: . 5) View of natural drainage' ~~~le.·. ...;. . -6) Shows"'-erosi"on'on pi-hate dtive west of'cros's culvert. . -,' : . I 7) lqo~~. nQrth Qn .148tbwher~ .. run off: from· .priv.at~. drive. to 10~02-eroded !?ect1.~n .. <;l~ ..r.o s'hou'l de'r< : '. .... . -. '. . .. : ... 8} .8" ADS outlet ,to rpcked.roadside .uitch'o-.,', 9) Looks north on 148th wnere 8 t! drains to ditch. I ,··,lOLSho.\M/s·seepage from soil that, looked 1 iRe· oil-with blue sheen· to 'wate:r; . No petroleuni smell noted. . ~ ',....... . : . ....\. \.. .. I()~;";'; to '." • ..... ' , .. ",. l~ke\Ch: f~~_.i\-__ ~~~_-_·:"":"";··· __ ~_~~ .~<--.. ~<~-I . ,; I I I I I I\') . . i .. lIt"iI'<'<-...... I' --'. " ..... .::-.'. Date of Report: ~/ f / J.L I Complainant notified by LTCf' " .. , t , i . i I e .KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT . Page 1: INVESTIGATION REOUEST TYPE G, - Date: 9/2.,,,43 . ·OK'd by: 0 (PI . Lt·tl. .) FUe No. q~ _ l::t>SCO . e&S41 pont r am y or aeanmng . (Dey) (Eve) NAME:. __ ....:.Jii.U1.,;(m~lt42N::L--+J -\\cNz-GJ.::I...D= ..... :.::------------PHONE , tp2e, -C,700 I AOO·RESS:._--L.\ Joo::Q-=2:::.e:2.:JooO"---.Lt'i...L£iJ:!:.~_...j;ki~e:lt..'_~;;;..;-==-________ City ______ State __ Zip __ _ I Location of problem. If different: Details 01 Problem: I I I I 1 ( .~' \ ".:--' ... ~. ..... I , :')LVti' -rrn other agencies I Reported Impacts: involved: (Give details) ----- # Properties: , Home I Access road == septic system outbuildings, garage 1-Yard/lands'caping, -- -Other property . --, == stream, lake, wetland--I Comments: bates/frequenc CHARGE # o I ~;:~7~t1~;~t:t;t:r.rtfZ;~;;!;;;~~1~~tZg~Qi!sI£Q~£~E!.~glatm~~~]l~@':t~.~;g~ciUrtt~?:,;;·t~i=J~;;;'~£~::::;Z:?~:~;t.ttE~.1~:~ ~ocationlTr~ckjn9 Info: _, _'/4 S~T~R2 Parcel N~.· 'GS.2.~05 -'lOWtj " Type __ _ I Basin MA;'1 r' t ,:lame: Council Dist , DIR Ref/Chg No: ____ _ CIty __ _ Block No: I -----1 'kl!On taken: Assigned to: Turned to __ on _/_/_ Initials: __ THO~1AS BROS ··NEW: ~27 AS DATE CLOSED: ~ S / V . OK'd: ~' I OLD: 05 E2 . Field investigation needed?_ Lot No: KROLL I. I C'?I~' ~l5' il~' '" ,...,\.:iIl\WJJ ........... _._.:.. '_ .... DRAINAGE INVESTjGATIO;'~'T'-~~~M Page 2: FIELD INVESTIGATION Ie"" ",~' ;1 It~~ ____ ~Fn:e~N=a:m:e:: ____________ ~ ______________________________ ~--___ ~Fi_'9_N .. O,-.,--------~ I I I I I I Details of Investigation: Date of Field Investigatlon:.L£~j LI 23 Related InvestigatIons: Property to the east of the Simonis has' been cle~red of hrush. Slope in this are~ !§ from SE t('l NW and would naturally drain towards the Simo~ property. There 1~ ale; thll ditr.h behind properties to the south that drains into a drainage system built, b~prOf)ertJ Simoni s to drain to the ditch on 14Bth. In speaking to the Koztol'c; and adjacen for ~ owner thtl.t did the clearing,. the purpose was to c1ear thp brllsh and plant gras< . pasture--no grading .. ' . ...... ", Photo 1) Loo~s eitst over the ~out.h end of the Slmon foundatlon towarrls cleared are 2) Looks sE over foundation at ~dditional clearpd area.. n'§ 3) Looks south along rear of adJacert property owner where dltch enterc; Simo drain system. 4) Looks west towards 14Bth. 4A) View from clearpd area over Simon Constrtlction. r,,~4 5) Looks e~st towards foundation from rlitr.h where bark y~rd drainage enters riitch. I \ -~) ~-- I Sketch: -/fB .f!'" ~ --- tyv""J . .-It-».,., ..... I 5e- - I I r Q)-P ~ 'II(~J uul " I lit ----rMT • I -~ ... ----. .- I I t l I __ , l @ t g,r A~J. -~--.~{) I.:r~ __ ~ _ -.-:::" -=----=----.--~-:..--=--.=. ---.-----"-----llJ . D 1 I If; l't !'. I ".f c,....c.. 1 . OateotReport:/O IhiL By: Q?~~ /L.t~ I Complainant notified by Q.c.g by -phone letter personal contact [~h \t.o-ttl. "1:;&f~ .... ,.:\ ,n.-. ,'t..( >lvl-. +a ,,;;r . •• _ __ t ,,~ L / I .. ( / I I I I- I I- I I: KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISJON ........ --~ DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION RE·PORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION REOUEST TVPE e-- Date: 10 -f B .. 9 '3 OK'd by: FDe No. 91-0 >. RecBivtKi from: (Plaas.6 print plainly for ~aJ"lnjng). (Day) (Eve) NAME: ·k~ Si~oV\'" PHONE-·B2 8-9 7CJo . . ADDRESS: '0 2-1..0 /tf".e~ f1v..e., ~E.. City ReJA+tHI, State WQ zjP~ CHARGE # Location of problem. H different: II 1\ -~J : ..... ~ ., ')Q. t. 13-0 g sr I J) \\.\ O'lt . ---I I: I I I I other agencies -involved: (Gi~e details) rt+~ ~ J)o..,,~-HoJ.c.cocLs Reported Impacts: # Properties: Home· Access road Septic system ---outbuildings, garage ---Yard/landscaping --- ---other property ---Stream, lake, \oletland- Comments: Dates/frequency of occurrences: I ~;~~t~tz;i;:t;:·t:j;tt:;:t;;ttl~jiZ~·~;;:~!£~tf§i~M.eg§';L~9~tJ9P.f~~~~rMII!Qe~JgWi:UtiztZif.J:t~~~~~t~~£1:tt~~'i~·~ttt!·rt;i; LocationlTracking Info: N~ 1/4 S~T;"J R~ Parcel No. Type_ I Basin lbA'1 Coun~iI Dist I d-City --Field investigation needed?_ DIR Ref/Chg No: ___ _ _~;r !lame: I A'et;on taken: Assigned to: __ Block No: lot No: Turned to __ on _/_1_ Initials: __ KROll 1 THONAS BROS --NEW: ,6J..7 itS" DATE CLOSED: -1L12.J...:lJ.... OK'd::tJ> . OLD: 1s' G 7- 1-~ KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION _. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I ' , Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST ~ ~ .... , .. ~ROBLEM ORNe; TYPE ". -.- t J",-ec_e_ived_b_Y: ~JA:...:..;L=--' _______ D_a_te_: .3:..!/_7"-L./...!.q~'i~_O:......,K'_d _bY_: .:::!._~~ __ FD_e_N_c~9_4_-.....;O;;.....;;...17~7_ I ,-" Received fro~: , , (Pleu.e print' plaInly tor s.c:anning). (Day) (Eve) I I I I I NAME: )(aY~n PHONE g;;(8-Q7oo __ _ AODRESS:, _________________ City __ '--____ State __ Zlp, __ _ Location of problem, If different: ~>JO aJ8 J,(S'TJ..· A 5'£ , CHARGE # , Details of Problem: :;t lSQ 3~ 17 I e. '. 8u,ld,1">j a ne{'() horrJe~ +hey have. Tried +0 d, ver+--/-he.-DRNG OtUa.y {'rom Th~ £o-/-. TAe, Oro..,nc.ge Sys.feM' /s Sf,if /lor aci.it:zu()'+~ enougn~ WAar -else. Ca.n sAe. do~? I It,,) I I I I I I I ,~ gther_ agencies" involved: . (Give detaiis} ___ -'--_____ --..:.. ______ --:.::-.- , 'h cY' occurr'ences: ',.J "urt 'I '13. 23t-Sl~ # Properties: Dates/frequency of Reported Impacts: Home Access road --, Septic system --outbuildings, garage , --Yard/ landscaping - -, Other property --Stream, lake, wetland- Comments: LocationlTracking Info: BaSin~ Council Dist~ DIR Ref/Chg No: ----'---City ---:_- Block No: ~WQc. 8~ ..... ' .,a.tir8 • ~ Cli.· J.IrI , 9/.n~;~ .,.vft CJo-s,q- 81-n MLt.,., , ES-noNl- 97""'-+t-9'i Field investigation needed?_ Lot No: ! )Iat name: I ''-'I .' __ ...:ction taken: Assigned to: Turned to __ on _1_/_ Initials: KROLL f;bf ,tJ ' '~EW: £27 AS DATE CLOSE~:2J-3J-U-' OK'd: ~ ''iVl ?Fo'B I THOHAS BROS I OLD: 3S£2:t.Jo t-)UA. ~~ ~~t~U"'O+ ~aJf ¥!!~, ck~ ~ q~ Lu.c...U' ctfW" tJtO~~,~,~eJ.... {~~ q"J. I I I I I I . ' f ' . I KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER M~A"''' .-.JT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST Type L' Date:b_:za _ 9'1 OK'd by: File No. 9~0476 (please print plaInly for scanning). (Day) (Eve) PHONE ~S'l-3'iS9· 23.5:0 ... 7.; ADDRESS: /tJa..1 7 I ¥ZTl? illiG-SE City HeLlion State __ Zip 98 (. Location of problem, if different: Reported Problem: IC) " - I Plat name: H'Iy t/tJlley CO-op CcMmClI')~fy 4dd lot No: /6 Block No:~ I Other agencies involved: I I M:-L'23~ Parcel No.523000 0160 Kroll 800 E£. 1/4 S T A Basin 1111 Y Council Dist J Z • Charge No: ----- Th.8ros: New 62~ ..:r,4 Old 35 ()2. --------------.. ----...... -.. -----------------------... -----~---------------------------_ .. _------------ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on £2 Yrt' by f,{ phone l<....letter _ in person I If'derr~~ /eJ DOEuRJR X"/v U.f(!. /lern-"),'r. "'/so called Roads 10 haVe, . the. d I teh ot') +l1e e.ast-S I'd.t::. ot /~8 ~ ST. c.leaned oUT. ::r::. ~e-+ /'vIaK I ~ I Knov:>, i-hCLt ~he. L0ou.\d r,eed a:. per""i+-and f-ha+ a..0e. \A,jcu,ld "'or be. 1r)\Jes+I~~'r'l3 -+hi S r'Y\o-.-t\-e,r. ~ , I DISPOSITION: OR: No further action recommenqect becaus Turned to on by , . Lead agency has been notffied: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \.1,.'" ,.)' Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem I --' . -See File # 'VPrivate problem -NDAP will not address because: ----- _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel Water originates on KC Road I _Location is outside SWM Service Area. vOther (~pecify): INFo"OIJIrf' DATECLOSED:L/d-S0!L!l bY:~ ~ MO':f .. ''Io(JI~ll/A''~~t,-9~~i I I~ I --~- )etails of Investigation: NUI~II\IU .IN::iV''::i~VNVn t:J.::l..LV/V\ :::J..JV~O,II'::» A.U'H IVv v, .. fA KING COUNlY SURFACE WATER " ", DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT'· Page 2: FJELD INVESTIGATION I I I I I I ketch: I I I I I ( ) I ~- I The area of concern has a slope from SE to NW. The roads are shoulder type with open ditches arid x-tiles. 'There hay, been recent complaints regarding drainage that flows to the lot being inquired upon by Ms Nagel. There appears tl be a large area that drains to the ditch on 148th upstream of the x-tile that drains towards the Nagel lot. Concern: had to do with quantity of water and siltation from clearing and construction. The x-culvert on 147th by the Nage residence collects water from the drainage under 148th, the ditch on the south side of 1 02nd and west of 148th, plUl some run off from the sloped area between 147th and 148th. The ditch draining to the x-culvert under 147th is gras: lined and mowed, providing a sodded ditch. Did not observe siltation or erosion in the ditch or at the outlet. There die not appear, to be a disgnated stream as such at the outlet and thru the vacant lot, but there was a difference ir vegetation coloration as if to identify moisture. ' Photo l' Looks north on 1 48th from driveway leading to 10220. May Creek Is just prior to end of road. 2t Looks south on 147th from 102nd. x-tile is in first part of ditch. ' , 3) Reverse view where x-tile is at hole lower right. 4) x-tile outlet is at buttercup line between two posts. 5) ,View of lot of interest by complainant. t - !II' 'I 1 r· t I Investigated by G].ry€ ~~ Date I ---~ t. • KING COUNTY' SURFACE WATER-;MANAGEM'ENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I Page1: INVESTIGATlON'REQUEST Type C <. ~bY._.~~_.~~~~r.n __ ~_~=-_______ Dm_e_: __ ~_-__ I_-~=;) __ O_~~d_~_: ____ ~ ___ F_ue_'N_o_'_9_5 __ -0 __ ~~20~ __ I, .~ R~·t'ii from: (Please print plainly for scannIng). (Day) (Eve) I I I I I· NAME: __ ~Cc:::..hAr:::::...:..::::.u..l!i\u.{.L.IA"-----....:D=o=~=N:...:::6';:......Io::L;....jy"--__________ PHONE dSs.-1340 ___ _ ADDRESS: ___ ~:......6/--=-1-..;..I-=S::..-~/...:..4.....J.Z.....J.-/:......h_· -_A::...:...:.v.-=t::--=="SJ~e:-:::....r-__ City &-rvrOAJ State WI) Zip 9-r'eJ. c location of problem. If different Reported Probl8ITI: of'" U~ dlt~ L-!)tR/o-z cJ~ Y/?~ t.-Vf.U r W 6e [)d Nr:F 10 5"~/?/.eI3' C.J-v~UGc.? ~t/A .. rry h5IS~iUC-tf ? I IC) ( hY7fsee Gr-t t- Ait!!/ ~ ~d"e . I Plat name: Co +fOIYJ Lot No: 2-Block No: Other agencies Involved: No Field Investigation Needed __ _ I I .5£ ~2.3 ~ Parcel No. 177 6 £10 002.0 Kroll 800£ 1/4 S T R CouncU Dist I Z. . BaslntfBV Charge No: ____ _ Th.Bros: New 6"26 JS Old 35 D2. I. RESPONSE: .Cltizen notifl:d on fc.(tt-fSby .~ phone _ letter ._. _In person c..c...ti~ L ~~; ...... ~V\~f --k . t~..cor~ h-u-4~ -\-1A~ '-4J;~ I 'P~ JLVM Jv~.l.. ~~ ~ AJl)A. 95 -01./03 /¥70/ ~ ~ ~i 40 4~PJOPr I DISPOSffION: Turned to fI/ on {-It-tfby' OR: No further action recommended becaUf I -~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~---~~~~~~~~-~ Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. Prior Investigation addresses problen . -See Flle# U Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: ----- I -.---Water originates onslte and/or on neighboring ~rcel location Is outside SWM Service Area. _. _ Other (Specify): I '.. .••. KING COUNTY SURFACE WNfER MANAGEMENT DIVISION-. I EN_~ER [d:].{path]filename[.ext]~An'HE~iGATION REPORT () _ _ Page 2: FIELD INVEsnGATlO~ I-.De~. Df /nvestJlJlltlon: I I- I I I I Ie) I I I I I I L) I ,-- I complaint 95-0420 DONNEL Y. CLAUDIA Investigated by Doug Dobkins on 5-3-95 Meet with Cl~lUdia Donnelly and her husband at their home at 10415 147th ave southeast. The DonnelJy's are concerned about the small creek that runs through their property. A class ill stream runs along their west property Mr. Donnelly thinks that upstream development is causing some erosion amd saturating their property. I took Mr. Donnelyon a tour of the area to show him what is draining towards his property. There is no new development upstream of their propertY. The drainage basin consist mostly ofgrass and pasture. Most of the houses are located o~ large grassy l()ts or on 5 acre tracts. After driving the area with Mr. Donnely I didn't see any violations or problems III this area with the drainage. The Donnelly's live in a low area were water colJects in a small channel and drains to May Creek. The other conCern of the Donnelly'S is a new plat that is going in on the north side of their property. This plat is a,ocated in the City oeRenton. There is a outlett ditch on the northside of the neighbor to he northwest which even y drains to May Creek. The Donnely's want to know if this water is being accounted for by the New Plat of I said I would check into this for them. I explained that the county has no authority over this plat bull would check on the plans. . D 1147th ave se }># Investigated by ____________ _ Oate. _______ _ .. ' I Ie' I ,~/ I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I' I « ) I'~ I· )0/09/97 11;13 'W UU~I UU~ .J King County Executive Ron Sims King County Court House ' Seattle, WA 98104 Dear County ExecutIVe Sims: 1::-~.;t.-(~.' r:~' ____ _ ____ -'r.';~ ~~'~~ ~~. ILhas been two weeks since I sent y()u my first letter. I haven't heard back from 'either oW 7 ... l you or anyone else, so I figured I'd write again. I made a copy of the video tape of Greenes Stream from March 19, 1997 and needto know if I should send it to you or someone else. Several years ago, when Gary Locke was County Executive, I wrote to Mr. Locke about our problem at that time.' Some County people came out and took a look at our stream/neighborhood problem. I also received a letter from him •.. Please advise me if·' should sent the tape to your office or to someone else's office for viewing. Would it also be possible to get an apology from David Sl John? To have him tell me that the County doesn't care about us •• we'll only be annexed or incorporated in the future --Is that the attitude of all County employees about us? Like I said, we are only 3 houses. but our property is being destroyed and no one seems to care. We also pay taxes like everyone else. Since we've been told that the County won't fix the culvert allowing water to flow underneath 148th Avenue SEta Greenes Stream, how . are we to protect our property from future flooding that will only be getting worse? Just ignore It? I would appreciate hearing from you. . Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly I ..... ... KiNG COUNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION 'REQUEST Type_K __ _ 'e I Received by: . Date: .. 8/3 I ~ 8 OK'd by: File NO .. q 6 -() 718 I I I I -.. ---------------... ---------------.. ---.. ---------.. -------:---.. ---... -t-~--------.. -----.. ---.. -------... ------------------------------ Received from: (Please print plainly for scanning). (Day) (Eve) NAME:_---=])'--o_n_n~.e,_I_( l(.J_#.._( _{;=..i't_tiUA_· _tU_·tl/ ____ ~_ PHONE.________ __ ___ __ ADDRESS: /0 £//5 . /'17 iJ, .lrVl. S E:. City State Zip 98 D5. -----~--------~-~----------------- Location of problem, if different: ---------------------------------------------------------------_. __ ._-------------------------------- Reported Problem: I I I (~) ---- 5:ee aLso -:# 'jl-Du /1 #: q()~tJflq I I I I I I· ?Iat name: c'oT/7J/lI ezUN' Lot No: -<-Block No: Othe~ agendas involved: No Field Investigation Needed __ _ (inrJaiS} ::itt:~tM;:n:;:;;:;I:rr;t3;tit:;:;:;(tim:iit:t;:;fT9.;:§.§:;£9HE~s.§}.;~p:.:§~n:E:fRMEW!.!£I:::5:mg@;B0rY.t:§]6£51!;M:g;:;tf::f;;;;,!;Af;.;m;t.tits;;j;,,: 5 e.. ~ 2.3 ~ Parcel No. /17{P if 0 011 2-CJ Kroll i'~£- 1/" S T R . Basin /YJ11 Y Council Dist 12-Charge No: -------:- ----------------~----.------- RESPONSE: Citiz.en notified on by ----:...-phone letter in person Th.aros: New ~2<P J Old 35D-;. Au ~.Q1::.l-o_ .~~ . . I DISPOSITION: Turned to ___ on _~ ___ by ___ _ ( ~~adagen~hMbe~n~ffi~:--~-~-~~-~~~----~~~~~~~~--- OR: No further action recommended bee J--Problem has been correct~. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses pro I. __ Private problem _ NDAP will not consider because: See File #------ I _ Water originates onsile and/or on neighboring parcel Location is outside SWM Service Area. .. DATE CLOSED: _I_I_·/~/ 1~ bY:fi, _ Other (Specify): I _" I -G·) I - I I I I I I Ie), I' I I I I I I . It) I 'fI--. -Z) AUG 15 1995 PUBtJC WOAt~S Dl!1ECTOR County Executive Gary Locke King County Courthouse Seattle, WA 10415-147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 August 10, 1995 RE: Frustrations of a County Resident Dear County Executive Locke: - TO" ____ ~~~~~~--·- DUE DATE:....,..-:'!.-/-~~'!f-1~:­ AUTHOR:-J..~~L...IIIr::.l~""7'''&'';:­ SU8JECTlw.2J.~:W.a::~4'.j?L ACTION ..J R.ESPONSE FOR EXEC. SIG. ~iESPOND FOR EXECUTIVE --'--..... REVIEWED 8Y_~ ___ _ __ --~J.y,l. - I would like ,to explain to you the frustrations of a county resident who is getting answers to a problem we are experiencing. The problems I will discuss are partially caused by the county. My husband and I, along With neighbOrs Steve and Mary Keech, live along and at the bottom a. Class 3 Stream -it has no fish in it and is dry part of the year. The county (DOES and Surface Water Management) considers it "Sensitive" land _ Last winter we had very bad erosion - problems. Above us on 148th A venue SE a property owner clear cut his 5+ acres. The stream runs through ~is property. We _are getting run-off from his property. Another property owner (Blackmun) hvesat the comer of State Route 900 (Renton-Issaquah Road) and 148th Avenue SE. Over the last year or so, he has Peen clearing his property (which he has every right to do). Now we ~ getting additional run off from his property. The county's part of this problem comes from the drainage ditch down 148th Avenue SE. Half way down the road; a culvert diverts the water under 148th Avenue SE and into our Class 3 stream. Now there is even more runoff water for us. In addition. there is runoff from a City of Renton Development called Summerwind. The City doesn't even acknowledge thanhis is something they are to take care of. The water is coming - down the hill and eating away at the property (in King County). Eventually it will affect us. And in th~ long-run. this silt/water/debris runs into May Creek. -. Last April,just to make sure everything was done properly. I called the Surface Water Management people to see what could be done. They came out and-investigated. Last July Alan Meyers of SWM came out and again looked at our problem. Because we are only 2 home owners affected by this stream that have complained. nothing can be done. We w~re told that if a property owner's access to his home is threatene4 or a home is threatened by water/flooding. then something can be done. Earlier this week Mr. Blackmun was doing some additional grading/clearing of his property apparently with no permit, so after"talking to Mr. Meyers at SWM. I called in a violation. I got a call back from the Grading Department and they said that what he was doing was legal and no permit was required. How can it be legal? We need a pennit to fix our stream and he doesn't need a permit to fill it full of silt -iCsthe same water. Our property is being partially destroyed by the people upstream from us and we can't stop ~em. Mr. Blackmun wants to put a development on his property and we are writing a letter to the Planning Department to express our concerns. It is going to cost us $500 -$2.000 to get a permit from the county and buy materials to fix our stream only to have it destroyed again next winter. It will cost more for the permit than it will to fix the job. We pay taxes to the Surface Water Management System. but we can't use the funds to I I I I, 'I I, I(~) I I I I I I I .u I help us .. We were also told that it would take 3 months for DDES to review our application before we can even start -if we get approved. By then, it will be the middle of winter and the rainy season. We will probably have more problems this year. I know that everyone is just going by the rules/regulations that are on the book, but this is frustfC!.ting. Will the county ever help us? I doubt it The records fI:9m SWM will confirm there is a problem. I was told byone of the county employees that the squeakiest wheel usually gets greased I will continue to complain to SWM, the City of Renton and whomever until we get help. All I get from various officials are comments like, "We don't have enough money to help everyone. If you had more of a problem, then we might be able to help you." "Maybe you should get politics involved:' What does it take to have a real problem? I would like to invite you to our house to see what the problem is. The people in SWM realize that there's a serious ptoblem~ but their hands are tied. Maybe if you come out and see some of the problems ot us "little people" maybe then someone in government will help us and others like us instead of the "bigger fish". Maybe the money to be voted upon for the new stadium should go instead to helping people with drainage problems. This is a lot bigger problem that keeping the ' baseball/football teams in town. Thank you in advance for listening to my frustrations. cc: Mary and Steve Keech Councilman Brian Derdowski Sincerely, [') Utu(l,,~/C Vtmfi-l~ Claudia R. Donnelly I --- KING COUNTY SURFACE.WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION I Q . DRAINAG~g!~~~~~~~!;!~~T ~~o.~T Type 'X I -/ Re~~:~~::!l eQ_~_~_~' ______ ~ _____ ~~at~.~ .. ·/1 L~Lq?· OK·d_~~:_~ __________ " ______ ~~~ __ ~o .. :15 ~Qfl I I I I I I I I I I I I .' Received from:' . (Please print plainly for ~!lning). .. (Day) (Eve) NAME:._-.!:::C~!t.:...-at.A-,-. --.:d/~·tV_· '_"'R_' ... _--~_.: .. ~_-_: ~_h-,--n-,-'~'~=---'-,,--71£--1tf,---"-_' _. _._ PHONE_' _-'--___ " __ . Ao,DRESS:-,-.-__ /_o_'I_/_· 5_._· --'/:.......¥_7_/h __ .RVt._~_S-'-·E-__ City.....;~ ___ , _V1_ ........ /tJ-"-iv __ State __ ZiP~ ~·~;.~·::~i ~.:~; . Location ·of problem, if different: ---------------------' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------_. Reported Problem: '~e = Glen Lot No: Z. Block No: O<he~ agencies bvofved: No Field Investigation Needed ----(::lr..~iS; " Parcel No. 177 (p. ¥O tJtJZtJ Kro!! goO Th.Bros: NewWZfaI Old 35]; Basin rn IJ Y Council Dist /2-Charge No:_-:--__ _ --------------------------_._-------- RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ___ by _ phone _ letter DISPOSITION,: Turned to on by ------------ in person 'Cft5 -OtfZO .li§ '-::'{J 16 ~:. qF5-()712 OR: No further action recommended b ~~~2ge~yh~~ennctffi~: __ ~-~~~~-~~~~----~~-~~-~~~~ Problem has been corrected, No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses pI ~ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel Location is outside SWM Service Area. DATE CLOSED: '-L/ --t!:../ -1k by: ~ -See File # _____ _ Other (Specify): I --.-.-------. -~ ... --...,.-,--,--~~~~"__=__~~_~...i__ ____ ~_ I r o ·) bJ I -- I I I I I I I \~) I I I I I I I I .> I KlngCounty Department of Public Works Vesler Building 400 Vesler Way, Room 700 Seattle, WA 98104-2637 (Z06) 296-6500 December 27, 1995 Claudia Donnelly 10415 -147th Avenue Southeast Renton, WA 98059-4213 Dear Ms. Donnelly: Thank you for your letter of November 19, 1995 informing me of your concerns about Green Creek. I apologize for the delay in responding. The flooding of King County's major rivers at the end of November drew s~f members away from other duties. I would like to clarify Mr. Gettle's comments to you concerning the sediment leaving Mr. Backman's property. The Surface Water Management (SWM) Division's process for addressing this type of problem is through the Enforcement Program .. Since the SWM Division does not have the resources to address all enforcements, they are prioritized to best utilize the resour~ available. As you can see on the enclosed Enforcement Prioritization System worksheet, the Enforcement Program does not address impacts·to private property. (Private property impacts are addressed through the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program (NDAP), which I addressed in my previous letter.) The initial step in the Enforce- ment Program is to contact the owner of the property on which the violation exists and ask them to coriect the problem. The Backmans have been contacted by both SWM and Depart-. ment of Development and Environmental Services staff and have been cooperative in imple- menting and maintaining Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Controls. When Mr. Gettle referred to the problem on your property, he was referring to the cloudy appearance of the water flowing through your property. The only identified problem associated with the suspended solids in the water flowing through your property is an aesthetic one. The particles in the water will not settle out of the water until the water comes to rest for a long period of time. TJ;1e particles do not cause additional erosion, they do not pose a hazard to wildlife on your property, and they do not affect the capacity of the channel on your property. Although aesthetic problems are real problems, King County does not have the resources to address aesthetic problems on private property at this time. SWMpersonnel have spoken with Paul Lumbert of the City of Renton Public Works Department. Mr. Lumbert indicated that he had not actually spoken with any King County I ·0 I ~~. I I I I I I I !,~) I I I I I I I I .. ...,-.:) I Claudia Donnelly' December 27, 1995 . Page 2 ...... employees regarding the County's policy of working in potential annexation areas. Rather, he. made a general comment that at some point King County would stop working (and spending money) in an area that had been, or would soon be, annexed. In general, this is an accurate statement; as I indicated in my last letter, however, the NDAP will continue to work on a project. up until the date of annexation, at which point King County' will wait for direction from the new jurisdiction on how to proceed with the project: Mr. Lumbert also confirmed that the drainage facilities in Summerwind Division 3 have recently been maintained and are functioning as they were designed. I regret any confusion created by a lack of communication . between King County and the City of Renton. King County personnel are aware that Green Creek is a tributary of May Creek, -and the SWM Division is currently preparing the May Creek Basin Plan,which will be submitted to the County Council and affected cities for approval in 1996. The Basin Plan is a comprehen- sive 'study of the May Creek basin and includes recommendations to improve water quality, improve wildlife habitat, and reduce flooding in the basin. The Basin Plan does not contain any recommendations for Green Creek and does not identify it as a significant source of sediment or suspended solids. Thank you again for your continued concern. for Green Creek and the May Creek Basin in general. SWM has many volunteer programs for people who are concerned ·about the water resoUrces of King County. If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities at SWM, please contact Anne Bikl6, Cedar River/May Creek Basin Steward, at 296-1908. Director PT:bgC60 Enclosure cc: Paul Lumbert, Office Engineer, City of Renton Public Works Jim Kramer, Manager, Surface Water,Management Division ATrN: Dick Thiel, Manager, Engineering and Environmental Services Section Anne Bikl~, Cedar River Basin Steward, Watershed Support Unit I I KING COUNTY SURFACE VVATER MANAGEMENT .DIVISION (~, ' ,DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION :REPORT, : /I ~,-:7J . , , ' ,',. Page 1: INVESTIGATION'REOUEST. Type ...LL I' Rece;ved bY:/lto ..... ..... ·'.Dai~~ i?::llg!:.tff? .... Ol<:d bY::fi!'A_._FiI~~~~~'q{p ~_!:f~ , " : '~·~~-;':~~;;~rom-;·--·------"--·----------'-(~::se ~(jnl pI3i~r~ I~r ~;~j~~)~ . . '(Day)' . . (Eve) I I I I I : .. ; ,Location of problem, if different: . . "., . --.----------------':-.--------~---~----.. ---'--.--...... -------, ----.--. -------------~-, -- Rffported Problem: ' . , ~O{{ ~ .. r (J7ffi~ Rei h,ur; (ausd (k},/-f/. .' tv/In " ~~. pnpo-/-y ~ heY N~i1hb()}51o ~ [as'/-( beh~q )ht hv./LJeAqh6IJv4-uj Ct -fr.encA tt/{;rjJ----I1ev p~( .(0'. 1 d/(A,Wl 10c; SuYH,c-GWo.-h ~1JD tfn-b her. j?~. _ /s .Jhef:c. 0. ~ WvI1dn -Iv alA...ftrA <;7 She doe. 51 .' cuc:vd 11J~ '-'fJi'ObI.un", heiwe.u.. .#u.ko 'prtTPUJ/CC; I I I I I I I I Lot /'.:0: 3Jock No: , , . Oiha~ cg~ilC:=S ;:1\,oJ...,ao: ,No rialdlr.ves.ig~.ion N~eded __ ::'2s:n mAY Co:;nci) Dist 12-Charge No:_~_,,--_ -------'-------------. '----- R:=SPONS:=: Citizen notified on 2-2m ' by -X phone _ Jetier _' in person ' ' ,t25" /1:-(:,1-M-es-~t.. ~·:I:bor J~ ~ksl2r ~rk.. 'ROad I!:. AI'J4t.,.,-k.f~ ~y . ~ S~ ,cJf W4£,. '" -"yfo". , Seltf (;.... c.v!::.~-ev-" S-e.rv.l.c... t:-..rJ. JO~I""tJ. DISPOSITION: . Turned to ___ on _.:......... __ by __ _ OR: No further action recommended ( ) k ~ed2gen~h~beenn~ifi~:,~~~~~.~~~Q~~~-~'~~~~'~. ___ ~~~~~~~~~ I ,_-:::,1 f-l.-:--roblem has been co,iected, _ No problem has been identiiied. Prior investigation addresses I See File #_~ __ _ ?ri"lc.ie problem -NDAP will not consider because: W2ter originates onsile and/or on neighboring parcel I' -Location is outside SVo/M Service Area, DATE CLOSE;-"7-' / ~91 9£ bv: -1t1 ,..; -. Other (Specify): I IQ I ' . ..' I I I I I I o I.-- I I I I I I 1 ( . I~ I . complaint 96-0143 Westing, Kate Investigated by Doug Dobkins on 2-21-96 ",: ",'* IM.ff~:_ •. ·,_= 'liP' . . ...... -:?~ Mrs. Westing lives along SR900 and is concerned about the runoff from the roadway impacting her home. There is no street drainage in front of her home so the water runs from the road frontage. of the property to the west to the . Westing property. It appears the water ponds in the frontyard and driveway ~gainst the house. Also contributing to the problem is the downspouts don't connect to a system so they flow into the same low area as the road runoff. It appears when the water gets high enough it runs towards the neighbors to the east. SR900 is maintained by the State. I will confirm that this road is not maintained by King· County. If maintained by King County then information will be forwarded to King Co. Roads. S i. q co ,~ ~~\ "'~ -.J. ~~ ~ ~\c.. X L-':\~ c.....lb-~~ ~\.'l~ uJ~~~ .~-c..~J.-~d' .~~ SR900 11 1 . KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT IIQ . I '.'" Received by: Page 1: INVESTIGATION ·REQU.EST Date:' 3/t3/9(P OK'd by: I I I I I I I I I. I -I I I File·No. Received from: (Please print plainly for scanning). (Day) '(Eve) NAME:,_--.::J)~o-,-·n...:.n-L.l::::-d::.£~-=;·?(I--''---=CIt:..:-:..:au:..:...::.::;..~=' -=-__ ---PHONE, ______ _ ADDRESS:. __ /O_~_/._'5 __ /.....:'I-.-:-7_711 __ ,qv.;_:e_S_£ ___ City ;i?~ StateW t:l Zip 9 ? tJ location of problem, if different: Reported Problem: Plat name: . . Other agencies involved: 5E. 3 2:3 5 -------1/4 S T R Lot No: d.-Block No: ' No Field Investigation. Ne~ed __ _ Kroll FooE-Th.Bros: New~~ J~ Old 357)2. Basin rn~Y Council Dist rp Charge No: -------~-----------------_._--------------------------- RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ____ by _ phone' _ letter _ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on by ------------------OR: No further action recommended becau ._ Lead agency has been notified: __ -:-:-_~:____:_---:-_--:-:____:__::__:__----=_:____:'_,___:_:_~-__;__;__--_. U:,· ... ' Problem has been correcte,d: _. _ No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problel _ -See File # _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: ------- . _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel location is outside SWM Service Area _ Other (Specify): I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I .' ~, ) I .~ I / '. ACTION County Executive Gary Locke King County Courthouse Sea~t1e, WA _V ____ .RESPONSE FOR EXEC. SIG ____ ,RESPOND FOR EXECUTIVI RE: King County Giving Permit Granting Authority to Renton REVIEWED IY_~ ___ _ _____ ...Jf .YJo Dear County Executive Locke: ~~ DNK./lX>~ (~4'~ I would like to explain to you the frustrations of a ,county resident who is getting no answers to a problem we are experiencing. You are our top County official who is running for governor. I would hope that you are also concerned about damage being done to our environment and the flaunting of rules that I have seen or heard about Just north of our house is the development of Stonegate. In January 1995, this property was annexed to' the Ci ty of Renton. After talking to a Department of Fisheries person in November .about some erosion problems in that development, I was told that the City of Renton has a poor environmental reoord. This person also told me that every .time he hears the City of Renton that it raises a red flag in his mind. This development has a habit of doing work on County property without having the proper permits. An example: At the north end of 148th Avenue SE, there is a bridge going across May Creek. The developers had private contractors put in a little walkway over the bridge and put a water pipe under the bridge without having the proper permits. How do I know this: I was told this information oy someone in the Public Works Department. This developer is now getting the necessary permits or intergovernmental agreement. On February 21, a contractor employee did some clearing work on a right-of-way on land located in this development. He then crossed over into property located in King County. This property is also located near a Class 3 Stream. There are no erosion barriers in place --just straw. (See enclosed pictures). If we get another heavy.rainstorm, there is going to be alot of erosion coming down into that stream and going into May Creek. May Creek, by the way, has salmon in it. When. I asked this gentleman if he was going to put up the black erosion barriers, he said no. Then I told him I was going to call the City of Renton officials. He said, "Do what you have to do lady. :'. S6, I called the City of Renton officials and they gave me no satisfaction. Then I called alarid-use violation into DOES, I called SWM and filed a complaint, and I called another County office in DOES concerned with environmental issues. I also talked to a lady in the land use office and she stated that this developmentlcontractor had no permits to do any type of clearing in Ki ng County. Since I didn't get any response from the County, I also called the State Department of Ecology. On that Friday, I got a call from an inspector and she said that the County would fine the developer for not having permits. Then I got a call the next day from this same lady and she said that Renton had all the permits. I did not understand what she meant. In addition, I received another call from a different DOES office who said that I shouldn't call the Department of Ecology. Well, if the County doesn't care about this land then maybe I should call the state. This afternoon, I spoke to someone in a DDES car and he told me that King County had given the City of Renton the authority to grant whatever permits it wants for work on County land. How can that be? If we did some clearing by this Class 3 stream, we would have to get permits from the .- I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I '" . ........... County. Plus we would have to put some erosion barriers. How are we going to protect this stream from damage? The City of Renton surely isn't going to do so. Last November I called the City of Renton about environmental damage (that I had pictures of) that was occurring in this· development. This Renton official only got-concerned when a Department of Fisheries person came out to do an inspection. Who do we call to complain to when the contractor screws up on County land? No one in the County seems to care about this land except us. Do you also know that the City of Renton wants to vacate a portion of a County Road --SE looth Street. The City of Renton is trying to do this without all the necessary permits. What gives the City of Renton the right to do this without talking to the County? I have been told that the City. is now talking to the Department of Public·Works about vacating this road. Again, this is happening after the fact . . Sincerely, Utu<~!<.~~ Claudia R. Donnelly "-. l·h:;:',-·::.·:,7-·.:(::-~¥fif0i~~~i~~~~ii~~~i4i:o~i*i'~-;,~tc,.).,~,;:. '. ;_. . . __ m --~~·,~.:,A.9~'''~';'.:'·:-/,',{:\ '::':Y::::": .• :;". ';;:. ,'. I· I· I· I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~'" .. ,,". ," .. ; .. :. . .... : :" ~1'4JIP1!?~:.1!~.i-.DPrO ....• r,~~?.;..~; WtH-r:c;J ·ti;::· a,vcr ri .: ..... i2...... '? .y.~~i$' '-~ .. .,:' , ." Lot No: S2:" ~ 3. Block No: : ,~. ': .... :., .. No field investigation required. __ R ParcelNo.?/JbS40; (Jf,UJ -~Kroll ~'b Th.Bros: New 04'z<r5J Old .~D2. Council District ~ Charg~o, ______ _ RESPONSE: Basin MrtY Citizen notified on ll({r! ~ by: __ phone~etter A in person bN S I rl{:- .. "P·ISfosi-.-(~ ~ DISPOSITION: Turned to C L-dJ' e,P ro t9 ~ Atp f' /l. Oy",tJ-f..; C {'ret tJ rc:-. I<-e # 'i7!J tJ ~ IL £)t' F e aN vey/J;'tJc"T' on __ I,-~/ __ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I --Lead agency has been notified: ______________________ _ __ ' _ Problem has been corrected. _._ No problem has been identified, __ Prior investigation addresses problem: . I ( J:r. SEE FILE 1# ~ Plivate problem -NDAP will not consider because: . ~Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. ~Location is outside WLRD~e 'ce ea. . _. _Other (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: ~ I /Z-/I." By: V1I/0J~ I--~--~~·;~--~~-·" 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lot 52 Complaint 99-0196 Gallagher Investigated by Pat Simmons 03111199 +w ... 72-(,1 I met with Mr. Gallagher, Bob Arthur(City DfRenton) ,two other city of Renton officials. and two other people from Chaffey corporation to discuss the a flow of water across two lots of the Stonegate development. The water comes from the East to the ditch along 148th Ave. SE flows about 200 feet along the road then under it and through two private lots then under 147th Ave. SE and into a field toward the development. The water then runs across the lots to the area were it seems to infiltrate into the ground. They agreed that the water needed and could to be collected and conveyed across lots in a pipe. The City of Renton and Chaffey needed to work out a few details of the plan before the houses could be built. r 148th Ave. SE Drainage Path / ~-I-~ ~ II 12" Cone .u ~ +- ~ 1471h Ave. SE 0(---NIS I; I I I' I I .... 1 I: . ;" :.>: .... ~ " .\ .. . . '·,·,~~::;:;i:::.' .'~';~."};::,:;·~:~~~.:::~~~~~ij:~';iiI;l;'i~;;(··' "'{Would~ To&' ~nt) i"~ . ,;",~' . -::., .', :::: . . ~ .' '~~~ruIac;~c('~ .' . ~r: .. : ': .. '~ .,', " " , .' . --_ .. , " . "':l', 1 1\) I I I I I I Plat name: Lot No: Block No: Other agencies itlvolved: No field investigation required, ___ - ~ S R Parcel No. ________ Kroll_' --,---.-Th.Bros: New_-'-__ _ Old Basin Council District __ Charge No. __________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to __ on _-.J-I_---'-I __ by_' _ OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified:. _____________ ~ _________ _ I -'-Problem bas been corrected. _. _ No problem bas been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: L) SUFIu# --- ' .. _. __ ' _ Private problem -NPAP will not consider because: ' I' Water originates.omite and/or on neighboring parcel. . . . Location is outside WLRD Service Area. _._Other (SpecitY): I . 'DA TE CLOSED: ) 1 r 177 By: cfL-~/~~·~V/ I!. , 'J ~ . : \, _ From: I Sent: To: Subject: Kathleen Norton, Ann Thursday, April 15, 19993:15 PM Shannon, Kathleen FW: Citizens rights? Do we Ilave any? I I I I ---Original Message- From: Bissonnette, Pam Sent: Thursday, April 15, 19992:01 PM To: , Hansen, Nancy Cc: Klpp,Greg; Welch, Maureen; Sims, Ron; Norton, Ann; Tanaka, Paul Subject FW: Citizens rights? 00 we have any? Nancy, another one for you. Would you please have your drainage section coord w/OOES and provltl• " please treat as ccf. thx all. -Original Message-- From: Sims, Ron Sent: Thursday, April 15, 19997:09 NIl I I To: Klpp, Greg; Bissonnette, Pam Cc: 'thedonnellys@lnrocOnex.com' Subject: CIUzens rights? 00 we have any? Pam and Greg -please follow-up and report back to me, thanks. -ron .From: 1 1·--~~t: ~~: Mike and Claudia DonneIIy(SMTP:thedonnellys@infoconex,com) Wednesday, April14, 19997:33 PM Sims, Ron Oerdowski, Brian Re: Cltize,ns rights? 00 we have any? I I I Subject: >Dear Mr. Sims: I found out some information today and felt even more >frustrated with KC, so I figured j'd pass it On. I finally talked to a >person In Renton who told me about the meeting, It was with someone from >Surface Water Management. The Renton person told me that he didn't >remember his name. Well, the SWM person said it was ok with him to put >the pipes where he did. That Renton official also calIed me a liar. , >saw work being done in KC -but by the time Renton officials got there, >the developer had "fixed" the problem. This is what made me mad. On 148th Avenue SE, north of State Route 900, I are two culverts diverting water from the ditch along side 148th, under the road through people's yards and into Gre~nes Stream and then onto May , Creek. My neighbors and I get the water from the first culvert -500 feet north of the State Route 900, We have tried for years to get help from I SWM. But since we'are 'on.1Y 3 houses that flood out, have erosion damage, etc., weden't count/rate. I wrote you previously about this probl~m .. 1 eventually told SWM to forget us as we were 9 out of 9 probjects. This I personmtold the Renton City officials and the developer that if the water got to be too bad coming from 14Bth at SE 102nd ST. and it started flooding the nice new homes that are to be built In Stonegate, that the County might have to fix that problem and divert the water to May Creek alongside the I road. DOES told another lady that gets the same water and is wrecking her property NO when she asked if she could put a pipe in to channel the water {~\ roteet her property. WE DON'T COUNT --BUT A DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY t ENTON RATES· HIGHER PRIORITY FOR KC SWM THAT INDIVIDUAL KC HOMES THAT I A HAVING PROBLEMSIII . I wrote to the Growth Management 'Committee and the Committee for I Unincorporated Areas that years ago we Signed a petition to help get Cedar County formed as KC wasn't doing anything for us. This goes'to show you that we were right. We don't rate -but a large develonmAnt rl",."<,, 1~ItIJ(.m •• ? I I I I I I I· .. ~ ,-///. :<·.·~\L_~·; 10 q)' ;.. O'fZ;D . '. q S' ~ b)·"7 .~ " . q~:~. C q q~. lj t, ~ o7~D Wl~~ .. ~·k~ I1tJv1N1.(b~l+'r~,· : .s ~ /f f{1:-Y 1"t>.Vs r>1 I..C d ,'5a+ )'6~;;u(.4 f'C-..o I I I I I I PlaLname:~fi +kLs· ~vt...~Il~Lot No:"'L Block No:" Other agencies involved:. . No field investigation required,,--_ 'Z.~ 6 011f.Q40CtJ'VY) T R ParceINo. _______ ·Kroll 300 Th.Bros: New' i.o2.~Jl)}{p Old 35D2.. Basin MAY . Council District ~ Charge No. _______ _ . . . RESPoNSE: Citizen notified on ~ -Z,2) -9 9 by:. ~ phone letter __ in person ~py-~~.r ~,;z::: Co_/el ......,.rl:-,e;~ ~4U..../_~ . 1>~ ... ..J p~~ ,s~ ~/r ~ .~ (JA;TW,. ~ Pu--;.~ An-r 70 C!a-,~/ . tr4-b"'/~ DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / .by_ OR: No further action recommended because: I it Lead agency has been notified:_~WlC..;;"~c;:.:::..,-__ b-==-=O_T...l..--__________ _ ( . ~ Problem has beeD. corrected. _._ No .problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: '-I.) SEE FILl!: # ___ _ I · -~ Private problem -NJ)AP will not consider because: __ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD S~;J/ _ _. _Other (Specify): I' DATE CLOSED: /.0 "lSi ?7 By: ~V / oC1) -7r-)( -r /" ') /? ..;:- I I I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I Visited the site on 10·14·99. Nobody was home at the Donnelly residence. Went up to Renton Issaquah RD where the construction is taking place. Talked with one of the project managers. There is a swale that runs to the north, that ends up running into May Creek. I could fmd no signs of erosion taking place. The project manager stated that they remove the dirt from the site and fill with slurry. It is, a day long process and they do not leave a trench when they stop work for the day. There is this type of work occurring all along SR·900 down to the City of Issaquah. Runoff Swale approx. I mile away Area's of work. SE May Valley RD Donnelly's Property ... I !r • ICC NIS I,. I, I I' I I I I .: ,",;' .' .. ',' .~. , > ;-• .'. ,~,,':.. , I "',:. , ' ', ....... . " " ".;., I (-~). .,"-.:. ,', . "",'; I · Plat name: , ,Other ag~~ies mvolved: ' .' ~~: . " :';' " ..... ' ',.':, . . :., I I I I s T R. Parcel No()ZZ'Y!5qLJ/ &' ' Basin fl}fl V , KrollR1J1 ·-ih.Bros: New ~2711~ Old' '3? 5,3' Co~nci1 District ~ Charge No. _______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on # -;;W2" by: __ . phone _____ . letter __ in person, ~6'--;-~/''f YO ·W $Po r. I DISPOSITION: Turned to on / I by__ OR: No further action recommended because: I --.J!2 Lead agency has been notified: __ ·.lt.W.:......;.,..-.....i.('~_!::......;... _b....!::.......:O~-...:....f_-_______________ _ _ . _ Problem has been corrected. _. _ No problem has been identified. ' __ Prior investigation addresses problem:, ( )" SuFn.E # ....,.-__ I ---Private problem -N;DAP will not consider because: __ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Se~ _. _Oth~r (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: /0/;25i27 By: ~V ;/rf)-rt}s-rD()'/ I I I I I I I I I I (=) I I I I I I I ( ) I I Complaint 99-0725 An6nymous Investigated by Chris Treichel 10/19/99 Visited the.site on 10-19-99. This is in the southeast· roadside ditch at the intersection of 148th Ave . SE Renton Issaquah Rd (SR-900). There is currently construction taking place within the roadside areas all along SR-900 by Cannon Construction, installing fiber optic cables. This area was part of tho wor~. The ditch receives run off from the east, south via a swale and south via a roadside ditch atons Iho clI!ltslde of 148th Ave SE. The water flow's northerly under SR-900 via a 14" cement culvert and conlillllCIi northerly to May Creek, which is approximately one mile away_ There did not appear to be any scdillli.:111 i~l the water. The ditch does have reed type grass and straw down to "clean" the water prior to llllwing mto the pipe. 14813 SE Renton Issaquah RD Drive and Parking 14" Cement Culvert Swale IE Renton Issaquh II ( .... 900) (Cdl~.nmrt1 N-4D71® N ti . lit' ,:~, ... \. ?I~'~"!;T"~ ". ", •• :''';''; • J 'Typ' e'" '~. ',L; .- I RECEIVEDBY: HW ···;·~'~·:'>/:/·/IDllte: Y,:t ' O~~iby:" .". J.'; 'Received from: '. ;,"i;i .t:",/:(,~t!~;« . . ..... .. FILENo. [J)=CiYl21 () I I . ,,: ~: '.: .. ," ... '-;".: ",. ...... . NAME: C\l.lUaLU.J :p\Onoe\,~::;';" ... . ADDRESS:' \.04-\5 \4:j~IWE,.$8 '. (Day)' (1'l:3) '(Eve). .. (_~) PHONE 2!2? ~ +'}1:Q __ ,~. __ ~ City ~ . ·State. __ Zip.q~ . '," .,~ . ~. Location of problem, if differe~i: ' ,-' ,,' ., . Reported Problem: CALL ~~ 0 .cWmdd Like To & Present) ~fViV\ A-J\'iAr'\~~~ \Ol~ lkgftA.. ~S~ ~ ~~ ~ ?"~ up ~ -#t.-~ ~ ~ ~ ~.' ~l~' \.0 CD'lCt/Ut.t ~ ~ JAJt~U'v0 ~t ~ ht... ul o-'t. lA ui--, ~. . vJ~ ~ ~ rwv~tfo-lNV~ ~ ~ Cl~ 1¥>~ Vla.J ~.~ JlI'.~ dtl ~ 0tLK. el~ I \N).J:> ~ tyblOlifl1JJ tA'tW ~ . a..ifuv'-<-eu.~, u)~ et:uA.4. ._ ~ ~.~. ~·lrtio ~ .tulA----Iv itM U1.to ~ elM1Ti1 I { .J };;INJ)V~ pI ~3 . (.)'. I I I I I I I I I Pla~ name: tot No: Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investigation required, __ .. 23 5 s T R Parcel No. 111 (p4 (){)O w KfoU JtoE: Th.Bros: New (olllY ~ Old ~C:t Basin MPY . Council District ~ Charge No., _______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on , j ... U"'O o· by: __ phone. letter __ in person \{' e'-~ 471t-.... -::;:r-j)1} <.=-5 Co p..:-'-~. ,::::-,Ac. -1' J t.-4 -r'l' DISPOSITION:' Turned to on I I by__ OR: No further action recommended because: I --k Lead agency has been notified: '/)f2c::5 c:;;.Pc.~· 6."c/r _' _ Problem has been corrected. _._ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: I '{ . -)-Private problein-NDAP wiH'not consider because: SEEFlLE # __ Wate~ originates onsiteandlor on neighboring parcel. I __ Location is outside WLRD Se~~ _. _Other (Specify): '7 @" ~. • ~..10S ./ / DATE CLOSED: k-I cL I b C7 By: /{I/I:"., H~?7;J .t>.1.h~~ I ·0 I ' ~./ I I' I I I I I (.~)' I I I I I I I ) I ... _/ I .r""'lTnrn I Curt Tuesday, February 01,20001 :29 PM Gettle, Larry FW: Surface water problems Please plan to join me in a meeting with Nancy at 3:45 today to brief her on the Donnelly problem. Thanks, Curt we need to discuss as I'U be put on t~e hot seat wllrons on Friday about it. Seems like we're taking lots of heat for DOES ... -Original Message- From: Crawford, Curt Sent: Tuesday, February 01,200012:36 PM To: Hansen, Nancy Subject: RE: Surface water problems . ~ .,: No, unless you want an update on that. I was planning to ask you more specifics about your discussion with Seattle on the manual. Curt -----Original Message----- From: Hansen, Nancy Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 12:14 PM To: Crawford, Curt Subject: . . FW: Surface water problems Curt, I understand we're meeting this afternoon at 3:45 --is this one of our topics? Thnx. -----Original Message---- From: Bissonnette, Pam Sent: Tuesday, February 01,200012:02 PM To: Tanaka, Paul; Hansen, Nancy Subject: RE: Surface water problems Nancy, Please let me know when and how we are going to respond to this. Please get w/DDES as well. I expect Mr. Irons will be asking about this when you meet w/him. We are scheduling each Div Mgr in to meet w/him. We are starting w/SWD today on their pressing issues. -----Or;ginal Message----- From: Tanaka, Paul Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 9:49 AM To: Bissonnette, Pam; Hansen, Nancy Subject: FW: Surface water problerns I I I I I(J I I I I I I I I ( -) ", I Pam and Nancy: fyi. Paul -----Original Message---- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 01,20007:36 AM To: Gettle, Larry Cc: Irons, David: Tanaka, Paul; Arima, Debbie; Wilson, John-Arthur; Crawford, Curt; White, Fred Subject: Re: Surface water problems 2-1 Dear Mr. Gettle: Thank you for responding. However. it is currently raining very hard out here and when I drove by Mr. Afinson's property yesterday, nothing had been done. I will be checking the stream as soon as it is daylight and will let you know what I see. . As I mentioned to Mr. Irons in my response to him, this isn't the only incident that KC seemed to look the other way. Last summer. when the stream bed (Greenes Stream) was dry, a neighbor down my road, dumped 4-5 dump trucks loaded with top soil into his back yard. His back yard borders on Greenes Stream. He put no erosion' barriers up or planted grass -nothing. I still think there is just dirt back there. Anyway. I called DOES and filed a complaint. I was told that because the stream was dry that DOES didn't care about all the dirt. I called Governor Locke's Puget Sound person and he told me to call someone in Seattle. Then I sent a note to someone in the Dept. of Natural Resources. I got a reply back, I'm not say from whom; saying that because KC Dept. of Natural Resources had over 700 'miles of streams to take ' care of (and ours was dry), he didn't care about possible erosion when winter came. I guess we just don't rate. And then this. Like I said, as soon as it is daylight, I will check the water quality to see what I can see. Claudia Donnelly Gettle, Larry wrote: > Good Morning Claudia: > , > Please excuse my delay in responding to your phone call and e-mail from > Thursday. > > My records indicate you called in your concerns regarding the clearing > activity at 10730 148th Ave. SE on Jan. 14th. As part of our initial pre > complaint investigation research we determined that DOES Code Enforcement > has an open enforcement action on the property (E0000060). Ie-mailed > Elizabeth Deraitus. Code Enforcement Manager on January 19th requesting a > status. Elizabeth responded identifying that the case was sent to Site > Development Services (Fed White 296-6783) for assignment and investigation. > I I I I I I(~) \~ I I I I .. '. '" ~~~~m~~~~}~~~i11;~itf~~~(;';~r~1~~~~~:::::~:~;r%;' Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 7:47 AM To: Deraitus, Elizabeth Cc: Evans, Glenn Subject: Clearing/Erosion Complaint Claudia Donnelly E0000060 Good Morning Beth: We received a call yesterday from Claudia Donnelly. She reports that the property owner at 10730148111 Ave. SE is clearing his property lip to the drainage ditch (not sure if it is the roadside ditch or?) She is concerned about lack or condition of TESC facilities. I checked Permits Plus and identified an Enforcement action, E0000060 at the same address. It appears action was recently closed (1/13/00). Is this the same problem? . Was it closed because no problem identified? Do I have to contact Claudia? Thanks I ...: . ..,' I " ~ ." I I I 1~;Acce;;;p~~m~;iJrl"Grtinted .. ' . " .' '. "",' I ;, I I It) I I Plat name: Lot No: Block No: I I I I RESPONSE: Parcel No.117W0<X2~o Kro1l1a:£ .. Th.Bros: New ~ d..C:,.l5 Basin M1«'/ Council District L Charge No. ________ _ Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on _--,-1_--=-1 __ by __ OR: No further action recommended beca~se: I ~.~hM~~~: ____________________________ _ \ C' \--Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: I ' } .. ~E~U# --~ __ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: .. Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. __ ~Location is outside WLRD Service Area. Other (Specify): DATECWSED: ;3 1011101 BY:o.c£4 ~~ I I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I, I I I Dear Mrs. Donnelly: King County Executive Ron Sims ha.s asked me to respond on his behalf to your email transmittal of January 30, 2001. Thank you for expressing your continued concerns regarding the water quality of Greenes Stream and its impact on May Creek. I understand how much you care about the health of May Cr~ek as a long time resident of the May Creek basin. I am writing to let you know the results of our investigation and what we plan to do next. Staff from the King County Departments of Transportation and Natural Resources completed a site visit on January 30, 2001 to assess potential sources of contaminants that are entering Greenes stream and May Creek based on the water samples you collected. Water Quality staff in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reviewed the analysis performed by AmTech on your water samples of January 4 and 5, 2001. Based on the information provided to you by AmTech, we recognize that oil is entering Greenes stream which is a concern. As only one sample was analyzed for oil, it is difficult to determine if the oil was from a one-time event such as an intentional dumping of oil, or from an ongoing problem within the watershed. The rainfall event on January 4,2001 was the fIrst heavy rain in over 2 weeks. This "first flush" event would have elevated pollutant loading into all drainages. However, we are still concerned that oil and grease is being introduced to the stream system, which discharges to May Creek. The regulation that currently exists to control the release of contaminants from residential properties is the King County Water Quality Code. Ifpollutant discharges are observed on residential properties, the water quality code does allow for recommendations and technical assistance to property owners to reduce and eliminate pollution generating activities, such as vehicle repair and increased erosion control. Our first response to these problems is technical assistance and education. However, violations of the water quality code can be issued to-residential property owners ifbest management practices are not implemented or an intentional act of dumping pollutants has occurred that is well documented. - Although the samples you had analyzed do not provide us with data that can be used to enforce our water quality-code at one specific site, through additional investigation and sampling, we may be able to identify sources that would allow us to pursue our regulatory authority of the water quality code. Our sampling and monitoring will include all areas where stormwater enters Greenes stream through pipes or ditches. These additional investigations and sampling procedures require the approval from private property owners for access to their properties. By gaining access to private properties we can assess activities that may be contributing to water quality degradation within the May Creek watershed. We will continue to work within our regulatory guidelines and authority to assist property owners in implementing source controls to reduce pollution generating activities that affect Greenes Stream and May Creek DNR staff will keep you apprised of the work being completed in the Greens stream basin and the results of this work. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Susan Clarke, Engineer in the Water and Land Resources Division of the Department of Natural Resources, at (206) 296-8311. I I I I I I .,' ~'. Call Ffnt ':(Would Like To. B~Prese;t)·O . . . ' ',.' .. . ~,;"% .. ···~.·&~~;CC/fJ f·' / . .,--_ ... - I()· I I I I I I Plat name: Lot No: Block No: ~jL~~ . Y4 S· T R Parcel No. I 77to1Q102.0Kroll cftJOE Th.Bros: New toJt, dE Basin /IlfJY Council District M Charge No. ________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person _-.::Other (Specify): I, I I I I I 10 I I I I I I From: Sent: To: LfJO ( -V 18<0 Hansen, Nancy Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:20 PM Subject: Lackey, Brent; Evans, Glenn; Clarke, Sue; Sleight, Brian FW: Greenes Stream and May Creek FYI -Original Message-- From: Hansen, Nancy Sent: Thursday, April 12,2001 5:20 PM To: , 'Caludia Donnelly' Cc: Sims, Ron; Ceis, Tim; Bissonnette, Pam; Irons, David; Tanaka, Paul; Shannon, Kathleen; Moeller, lani Subject: Greenes Stream and May Creek ' Thank you for your email transmittals of the past week to various King County Staffmembers concerning Greenes Stream and May Creek. I also appreciated having the chance to talk with you on the telephone. King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond to you on his behalf as well. I hope this single email will cover all of your concerns! I understand your frustration regarding the many issues you have raised and the various departments that are involved. I hope your conversation with Sue Clarke of my staff has clarified some of the issues that are within the responsibilites of the Water a'nd Land Resources Division (WLRD) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). In regards to your question about how King County will protect your property from flooding and erosion/sedimentation problems: King County regulations, specifically the King County Surface Water Design Manual addresses the potential downstream impacts from new developments and construction. The requirements in the Manual use the best available science and technology to avoid o,r minimize adverse impacts to downstream properties. As pointed out in your email transmittal of April 6th, the current Design Manual requires wetpond designs to meet the goal of 80 percent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal through the construction of water quality facilities. Sometimes, even higher removals are realized. Additionally, the May Creek Action Plan recommends Level 2 stream protection standards to over detain flows to reduce flow and sediments to May Creek. The upstream development (Stoneridge) currently under review by the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) is using Level 3 protection in the detention and water quality facility design. This protection standard is a more restrictive standard than currently required by the Design Manual or recommended in the May Creek Basin Plan. Other regulations include the King County water quality code, which uses technical assistance as its first approach to water quality problems on existing 'developed properties. The sediment/oil you have seen in Greenes Stream comes from many non point sources such as individual residential driveways and gravel roads, which King County can't legally enforce because the Water Quality code exempts these types of normal residential activities in regards to these pollutants. However, if a determination is made that pollutant discharges are due to intentional dumping or illicit connections, violations can be issued. You might want to work \y'ith the May Valley Environmental Council (MVEC) as well as the Basin Steward to provide outreach to neighbors in encouraging individual property owners to voluntarily reduce runoff from their sites. KCWLRD has printed information that can be made available to MVEC to use in an outreach campaign. Additionally some staff time could be made available to provide informational workshops or mailings to residents within the basin. 1 I I -I I I ItO 1 I· I 1 I I I .{) I' attention as oth~ urban streams in King County. Other streams that you have referred to currently have adopted Basin Plans. Through the planning process, projects are identified and prioritized for potential construction when funds become available. Once the May Creek Plan is adopted, this process can be applied to May Creek. As the May Creek Plan recognizes, the creek does have viable habitat in its lower reaches and King County and other jurisdictions agree that this habitat needs to be protected. However, agreements with these other jurisdictions such as the cities of Newcastle and Renton along with private property owners must occur before projects, like those in the DesMoines Creek watershed can be. pursued. This cooperative effort in the DesMoines Creek watershed is an excellent example of what can be accomplished when private and public interests work together. Through the May Creek BaSin plan we hope that the same type of cooperative agreements can be reached. Your comment regarding King County staff calling citizens names is of a great concern to me. King County WLRDstaff are expected to treat all citizens with respect and concern even "off the clock" I am not aware of any staff making derogatory remarks or name calling of citizens. If you have knowledge of such incidents, I encourage you to speak with me so that I can address any specific problems. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (206)296-"6585. I believe your comments regarding the DDES permit file for the mobile home at 10726 -148th SE was addressed during your conversation with Sue Clarke on Thursday April 5th. To reiterate what she shared with you, she recognizes that there is a hydraulic connection between Greenes Stream and May Creek, however, no distinct channelized connection of surface water is evident. Greenes Stream enters wetland #5, which is noted in the May Creek Current and Future Conditions Report as among the largest known freshwater wetland in King County. Water from Greenes stream flows in a braided fashion thr~ugh this wetland, which allows for natural water quality treatment prior to discharge to May Creek. During Sue's site visit of April 5th this wetland area was found to have a large amount of animal droppings (horse manure) Sue will research the ownership of this property, work with the owner on removal of the pollutants and refer the problem to the Livestock Program Analyst Laurie Clinton. The May Creek Conditions report acknowledges that Greenes Stream is a flashier creek and responds to precipitation much more quickly than other drainages within the Basin which is why you are probably seeing flow increases occurring on your property quite quickly after a rainstorm. However, the impacts to May Creek are not as significant regarding peak flow as other basin wide streams due to the attenuation within Wetland #5. Overall the May Creek Basin Plan contains recommendations to correct or reduce flooding and water quality problems in the basin and to help preveflt problems from worsening in the future. Thank you again for writing and expressing your concerns. We look forward to working with you in the protection of water quality and habitat values in May Valley. If I can be of further assistance at this point, please do not hesitate to contact me again .. Sincerely, Nancy Hansen Manager Water and Land Resources Division King County Department of Natural Resources 2 I I I I I I I I I • f" .: ... :' ~ " ',':.,.;: .. -.:.,'", " """,' ",: ,', ,.' . ~ .' . ',' . pitt?;e!;!'teb;)S-f ~::.ri~ (;;''';-6-;;-.. . ,': . ~" -~.-'-:-. . . . eGAv 24'4 .. Te> IcC) I . I(C it· OSO/7: O<fi- .DAJ£ i:J; OSO(·~ Ie> Plat name: Lot No: Block No: I I Y4 s -ell~ . -. . T R Parcel No. 177 tz roco~ Kroll (f~ Th.Bros: New ~J5 . I Basin J!1.J2f-Council District ~ ChargeNo. _______________ ~ I RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person I DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by __ · OR: No further action recommended beca,:,se: I . __ L~q~~~~~oo@~: __________ ~.~---------------{( >r Problem has been corrected. ___ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: I " J . SEE FILE # -""_-_ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because:' . . Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. I Location is outside Wr;;!J'ice Area. Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: "/ /2, I D ( By: L e rrex.... .s t:-v r I In ~, , I ~- I I I I I I I if_) I I I I I I I ,; ) 1 I I June 7, 2001 Claudia Donnelly 10415 -14ih Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 Dear Ms. Donnelly: King County Execut.i .... e RON SIMS 'X' ..... ". •• " • ~.~. -... .,..,. .. ~,...~. "~"''''":''''~''''1-~!T>7 _",.~._ RECEIVED JUN 11 2001 "II\1\.;ovVV,\j'1 .'VATER & LAND RESOURCES DIV NANrv U~"'C:-C:'" \Aa"'4GFD. I am writing in response to your letter of May 4, 200l'to United States Senator Patty' Murray_ Senator Murray forwarded your letter to me requesting that I look into your concerns and respond to you directly. Most of the questions raised in your letter have been addressed in previous correspondence dated February 20,2001 and April 12,2001, from Nancy Hansen, Manager ofthe King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division of the Department of Natural Resources, and me. Copies of these letters are enclosed. I have coordinated this response with Ms. Hansen, and this letter constitutes a response from her on the specific questions you have previously addressed to her. I want to first reassure you that King County is not ignoring the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and shares your goa) of protecting salmon in May Creek. King County is considered a leader in the development and implementation of new programs and regulatory updates to address th~ listing of the Chinook salmon and Bull Trout in response to the ESA listings. These approaches will be applicable Countywide, including May Creek. In your letter you asked why you, as a downstream property owner, must accept increased' runoff and sedimentation from upstream development. King County's drainage code is designed to minimize impacts from new developments and comply with Washington State case law. Washington State case law states, in general, that a property owner is not liable for incremental increases in storm water quantity or velocity in a downstream natural conveyance system provided that the increases are not done in a negligent manner and water is not diverted from one drainage basin to another. Core Requirement #1 of the Surface Water Design Manual prevents diversions of water from one basin to another. Core Requirement #3 requires flow control facilities to reduce peak flows leaving a development t,o match peak flows occurring prior to development. Core Requirement #8 requires water quality facilities to reduce the impact of development on the quality, including sedimentation, of our local waters. While following the Manual's requirements will reduce the effects of new developments, it cannot eliminate all the effects of new development. KINe COl J;'\lTY COl.1HTHOUSE 516 TllIHn A VENUE, HOOM 400 SEATI'LE. \VA 98104·3271 (20(,) 296.-1040 2%.{) 1 (J.1 FAX 2W)·0200 TDD E·mail: ron.sims@IllClrokc,lt0v - . ''''''9 Co':"Ii"'.!' 'S;III Equ,~1 OppOrl,,"'ilyiA"lfIn,~llvc A.'li()/I Employer find compiles W!lll rile A.nenc'Jlls wilh DisabIlities Acl ;,~, ,_. I ·0 { -1--. I I I I I I I~~~) I I I I I I I .\ ) I \ I Page j Your letter also expressed concern about the 80 percent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal of a proposed storm water detention pond. The 80 percent removal ofTSS goal for new retention/detention (rid) faCilities is a matter of economics and technology. Larger rid facilitieswould remove more suspended solids, but larger facilities are also more expensive to build. The cost to build larger facilities is passed along to the consumer in the fonn of higher housing prices. From a technological standpoint, there is also a point where building a larger facility will not remove any more TSS because the particles become so small they will not settle out without chemical treatment. The goal of 80 percent TSS removal was chosen as an appropriate standard because it is believed to provide the best costlbenefit ratio for removal of TSS and is the standard that is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology for storm water quality. With regard to the questions you feel Ms. Hansen has not responded to, here are the answers that she has provided me with: 1) What is King County's real plan for the May Creek Basin Urban area? There is no secret associated with the May Creek Basin Plan. The Basin Plan contains comprehensive zoning and regulation recommendations to address issues related to future growth, as well as basinwide and site specific recommendations to address existing problems. May Creek Wetland #5 is a Class 1 wetland, which King County Code does not anow to be developed into a regional detention facility_ However, one ofthe benefits of wetlands is that they store large amounts of water. The basin plan recommendations seek to protect the natural benefits associated with the May Creek system while addressing specific flooding problems through capital projects and technical assistance. The "real" plan for May Creek Basin is the Basin Plan, which was very recently approved and adopted by the King County Council, the City of _ Renton, and the City of Newcastle. 2) What May Creek tributaries does King County consider important? King County does not typically undertake a thorough ranking of the relative importance of all tributaries within a basin planning effort. However, areas of particularly high-quality habitat which make significant contributions to the resource base of the basin, are identified as "Significant Resource Areas" and are categorized as either "Regionally" significant, or "Locally" significant. Stream reaches and wetland areas considered to be Significant Resource Areas in the May Creek basin are identified in Appendix E of the adopted basin plan. This is not to say, however, that Greenes stream is an unimportant resource just because it does not provide the same habitat values as the significant resource areas .. L J I Ih \' -I" I I I I I I I t~) I I I I I' I I ( ) I -......_.p., , I ~ • -.;::C" ........ , ...... ~ ...... _ _. iii ~4 .. ~.i' dFIIl :nli (uti • .-,' .\ E,. ", " C· I also understand that you have been in contact with the King County Ombudsman with your concerns. ,I think this is a very appropriate step if you feel that you are not getting appropriate treatment from County staff. I have asked Ms. Harisen to work closely with the Ombudsman's office to ensure that the Division is being appropriately responsive to your concerns. If you have further questions or concerns, please continue to contact Nancy .. Hansen, Water and Land Resources Division Manager in the Department of Natural Resources, at (206) 296-6585. As is King County procedure, she will assign follow-up to the staff with the appropriate programmatic and technical expertise. Thank you again for taking the time to write. King County Executive RS:lm Enclosures cc: The Honorable Patty Murray, United States Senator' The Honorable David Irons, King County Councilmember Duncan Fowler, King County Ombudsman Paul Toliver, Director, Department of Transportation (DOT) Larry Jaramillo, Senior Engineer, Road Services Division, DOT Pam Bissonnette, Director, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Nancy Hansen, Manager, Water and Land Resources Division, DNR I I I I I I I : .... :,.. . <{NAME: LL ',," . '\. ~D~RESS: . ''lC't' If': //;7'i;/iiv;;·:~··::S:~;i',:~,.~\":::';' " , . "LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT': . . .:.:: ...... '. • • , . ~ . . . . ,! : '-.: }. ..,'. . , 'Access Permission :Gr~~ted 0 . CallFi;'st (W~uldLike To'B~ ~~~eritj D·:":: '/,::. :', ~',. ~.<::;., •• ' • I" :;! ".:'~: . ~ -.' ,',~ . . ":" .... : ~. .\.~. ·;'·I·:_.\~' :::'{', ':.'.' .... ':"'/' :~·:..·t>::~:: W~ red. F/l~,I-1 rh'-ep ,;i/tirG~4i>~'l ';K.'~;fpJe;~':'. ;~~ .. );~'o·~S;$ __ ·rp.)< .:): )\' > ' .. ~.' ; ';'~. "J>.'_, :i,·~.~~. CL4Vi?14"J A-cc e;;'r '<&Wf) ~/h:;; i',/ I~ .~~. (/~~41'.;.,;r4i~E~ . " .,. .'.'..: . ~(/.-v.ry ~/Gt'rr-or-'~/1't', 's~''f>#~ '. ~~JtMA/~,:{~?~~:,.<.P,t/l/: //:, i:~,4C:!-.: e UI'9-~4-G ~ ,r~ r/f Y To Ke~/Yt;.V~r~/e(?~ 'rH~ I (:) I (/r rl'l-~ ;lO/rp .t5vr a./f-l5 t!t(r It-r~. t!&'~e-it. WH-I(:'# f)erpzl>YJ Ttl-I£" PI rc.,L/ 4"y() A-t..{'P4Vj" U/~~/lro~c. &' ~ 't::>Vc::.71 n~'£..e~ . . . , L-t' -LFr ;nrc rPJ(. Jel'"t' G~(..v#P, dC' ~A( d'.i64/ Dur· of r#'e PFr'}c.e ,.., 'L.,r £Are'-y 1C/e' ,f) ~/r F.rrrH~. I I I I I I Plat name: (fittJm G~ Lot No: Block No: s T R Parcel No. /17fot/OOO;JO Kroll :ace> Th.Bros: New l?'J.,(P,15 ... RDP Basin (VIM! Council District _/-,,~~ __ Charge No. ______________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _________ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: .-61. Turned tc:l/{)'+ on 5P,..,~rt-t<E t-t/ I1jO( ,.,yp / / b~ OR: No further action recomm~nded because: , " __ Lead agency has been notified: ____________________________ _ I ;( )--Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: :::::. SEE FILE # . __ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: I ___ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. DATE CLOSED: <f / tI / 01..-By: I __ -,Other (Specify): /lZt<.Iecr eO/l?/£.C~ I I I I I I I Subject: Sleight, Brian Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:01 PM Kipp, Greg; Sims, Ron Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Dougherty, linda; Tiffany, Christina; Crawford, Curt; Granlund, Jeff RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations .ron/greg ... i have to agree with greg ... i think we (swm, ddes, and recently dot) have been very responsive to claudia, it's just that she doesn't like our answers. as you know, it is important to be specific with claudia so you know just e~actly what problem you are talking about. in the present case, i have talked to her about two different "enforcements" recently: 1) the stream that flows through her property now flows onto her property at a different location than it used to. she says she saw the neighbor digging the new channel but has no evidence (photos). i talked to the neighbor (mr. wolf) and he said the channel changed locat~'on in the 1996/97 ice storm when some trees fell over. this looked very possible (there were a lot of fallen trees still on his property) and there was nothing indicating he had done work in the channel (not surprising considering it happened in 1996). i told claudia that i could not take action or ask ddes to investigate without some firm evidence. she said that ddes had looked at it several years ago and made the same or similar determination. 2) the neighbor at the north end of claudia's street plugged a cross culvert because she thought it was saturating a vacant lot she eventually wants to build on. claudia notified me of the problem in late november or early december. i investigated the problem, I /-Odentified that a violation had occurred, and opened an enforcement under k.c.c. 9.04 (so { des was never notified). claudia asked for a copy of the enforcement letter before the _I letter had been sent. i told her i would send her a copy of the letter when it went out I I I I I I I ( I I and return the 30 cents she included in her request. the letter went out yesterday and i sent her a copy today. fyi •.. in my conversation with the woman who blocked the culvert, i got the impression that she has no intention of unblocking the culvert so the enforcement may be difficult and take a while. i've been in contact with the lady (ms. morse) whose garage had water in it as a result of the blocked culvert. she and i had originally talked about a possible ndap project to clean the pipe that overflowed (we thought it might be obstructed). 'further investigation showed it was a 6 inch flex pipe. our vactor operator said the equipment to clean pipes would j,ust as likely damage the pipe as successfully clean it, and more likley damage the pipe if the blockage was roots or something solid. with cleaning 'not viable, ms. morse 'and i discussed a replacement project that would have to compete with other ndap projects for funding. she was not interested because it would mean removing all of the vegetation (several large trees and shrubs) along her property line. she and i both agreed that the best resolution to her problem was to pursue the enforcement and get the culvert opened again. dot is involved because they are going to clean the roadside ditch on 147th as soon as they can get an environmental approval. i am coordinating with them to have an ndap quick fix project constructed at the same time the dot crew is out there. the project will keep water from washing over the privately maintained portion of l47thjust in front of claudia's property. i explained to claudia that the work involved paving and, if the weather got cold and wet, the project might not get done until this spring. ' wlrd's work on the enforcement for the blocked culvert is in no way tied to the dot work or them having to wait for environmental approval. U" garding our responsiveness, i sent claudia an email (which she ackn9wledged and thanked for) the same day i received her foia letter (1/2/02) informing her that the letter did "--not exist yet Ii had just sent a draft to word processing) but that i would send her a copy when if finally went out. regarding our response to the blocked culvert, i met with her to initially look at the I I ci0ma~ wh~ blocked the culver-i-' "n -. e""-" • " •. '. "',"ce,. t ot water. in he: garage as a result of the culvert, went through an nd-ap-'evaluat. on 1_, :/proce~s (l.ncludl.~g more ~ontact and coordination with dot staff) only to have her decliI)e a proJect, coordl.nated wl.th dot staff to have a crew repair some damage to her driveway, and i met with dot staff to see if they could do the other quick fix. not to put words in her mouth, but all claudia sees is that the culvert is still plugged, the stream is still I I relocated, the roadside ditch hasn't yet been cJ,eaned, water still runs over her road, and we are not going to do anything for her neighbor ... but i don't think that means we have not been responsive. hope this helps. neighborhood. sorry for being so wordy ... it's hard to stop when talking about this I I I Brian Sleight. P.E. BSL8 206.296.8025 -Original Message- From: Kipp, Greg Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 11 :41 AM To: Sims, Ron Cc: Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Sleight, Brian; Dougherty, Linda; Tiffany, Christina Subject: RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations I Ron --I think SWM is the appropriate Department/Division to respond to the most recent (1/9102) e-mail from Ms Donnelly. This e-man speaks to a plugged culvert that was investigated by SWM. While she mentions that SWM advised her that there was a code violation, no such report has come into DOES from SWM. To the contrary, our most recent conversations wi Brian Sleight of SWM indicated that he saw no code violations out there. I O Ms Donnelly made a FOIA request of DOES on 12/18/01 for specific information about which developments in the area \_ required a level 3 detention pond. We provided her wi that information (see red highlighted response from Ms Donnelly, ~-below) In her 1/9102 e-mail, she stated her recent request for information was not made to DOES, however it is not clear I to which department she made the request. I am cc'ing folks in SWM to see if they are aware of any recent request for information from Ms Donnelly. If so, please let Ron know and respond to Ms Donnelly on his behalf. If not, also advise Ron and I guess we should ask her to specify which department she made the request of. I I I I DOES and DNR have been extremely responsive to Ms Donnelly over the years ... she simply does not like the answers we are providing her and I doubt she ever will. That being said, we still need to respond to any and all FOIA requests. gk ----Original Message-~--­ From: Sims, Ron Sent: Wednesday, January 09,200210:26 AM To: Kipp, Greg Cc: Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod Subject: FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Greg -please follow-up, thanks. -ron I ----Original Message---- -_ From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly lmailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] U' ---Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:32 AM 11 .. -To: ron.sims@metro!<c.gov -Cc: david.irons@metrokc.gov Subject: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations I Dear County Executive Sims: 2 Ir If) ~y I have told you over and overag~ln'ttiat; C'(foeS us who live in this part of the May Creek Basin area. example. o· ., ..... "" Here is another I" I I I I I I A neighbor down our road has plugged a culvert draining water from 148th Avenue SE through her property to Greenes Stream. She plugged the culvert up because she didn't want the water flowing through her property. In November, this plugged culvert sent water down a small, shallow ditch alongside 147th Avenue SE. That excess water caused sheet flooding over the road. It also caused water to go through another neighbor's garage. This problem was called in Roads andSWM. It was investigated and supposedly something will be done --once Roads gets the permits its . .has applied for. SWM investigated and found out that this neighbor (plugging the culvert) is violating County Code. They were going to send a letter to this person advising them of this violation. Well, I talked to the neighbor who got the water in her garage and asked if she had gotten a copy of the letter that was supposed to be sent. She said that she might get.a copy --she wasn't sure. On December 28, I typed several letters to KC Departments (not DOES (emphasis added by kipp) --even though I don't like ODES and they don't answer my questions) requesting documents under the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) and FOIA. I mailed these letters on December 29. I also sent a letter to 10. Washington State agency --they responded promptly. C I heard from one person --they said that they'd return'my 30 cents and I I I I the letter to the person plugging up the culvert had just gotten back from the Word Processing Dept (this is last week). I still haven't gotten a copy of that letter. Has it been sent????? I sent this person a note today asking if the letter has been sent and if not, when will it be sent? So far, no response. The other KC agency hasn't responded at all. The leUers should have gotten to the people on December 31. If I have to go to an attorney to get a response from this KC agency, I will send my attorney bill to you .. You might want to send out a note to all County employees that the public has a right under FOIA and RCW 42.17 to see and have copies of County documents. Again. maybe you can answer the question as to why KC doesn't want to I make my neighbors comply with County and State laws? There is Mr. Wolf, who change the course of Greenes Stream and he didn't get fined; there are the 2 Code violations on the Luck property that have been in I limbo for many years now; there is the Nagel culvert problem? But then another neighbor put a little dirt in her back yard next to Greenes Stream and she had to pay a fine? Why are people treated differently? I Th.~nk you for your time. (Udia Donnelly I '~~. -Original Message----- Frqm: Mike and Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] I Sent: Wednesday. January 09,20021:59 PM To: paula.adams@metrokc.gov; robert.ware@metrokc.gov , I I I I I I Ie) I I I : ..... !~r::;~;.:::@tt. •••• YUg",.I-_.!U(t!.1Ulntl_,.il"':iJ_110.1 , . .' . ,,-~ ..• ' ," .... ~,.'~;;....''''' .... ~ .. ~ .. "';f.":'!.'J .• ~.;,-~:, ••.. -: .• ~)~. •••• ""I":i>_~!'".~" Dear Ms. Adams: I just received your letter with the list of developments that were required to have a Level 3 detention pond along with a Level 3 Flow Control. THANK YOU VERY. VERY MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION! It was nice and timely. I don't need to see the files --so they can be returned to wherever they are kept. For this part of my research,.1 just needed the developmeJ:)t name and file number. For the next part, I need to go somewhere else. But thank you, any way, in having Mr. Ware keep them for me. Mr. Ware is a wonderful, friendly person --I like him very much. He is a good asset to DOES. You are, also, a pleasure to work with. THANK YOU AGAIN. Claudia Donnelly I I I I I I I I -. ~ .~ ,~ " ~ " ADDRESS: 10415 147TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ADD AN ASPHALT APRON TO A DRIVEWAY AND DIG A SHORT ROADSIDE DITCH TO CONVEY WATER THE EXISTING ROADSIDE DITCH. OFFERED TO ROADS ON 12/20/01 VIA~JEFF GRANLUND • ACCEPTANCE FROM ROADS ON: It/~~{ FIELD MEETING DATE: 12/20/01 MEETING ATTENDEES: BRIAN SLEIGHT« LENNY JUHNKE« JEFF GRANLUND ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL BY ____ ~~ __ ~~ ______________ ON ________________ _ l'1f.!l'J~m~~~~~~"';!lv!!~~~~~ fi7~~~mo~~ ESTIMATED COST: /1 S 00 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: __________ __ CHARGE NUMBER: TEMPORARY' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS GOOD UNTIL: ~4 (4/ ~-O-(.A..) ------~------~ HPA REQUIRED? __________________ __ ISSUED ON ______________________ _ AUTHORIZATION SENT TO ______________________ ON __________________ _ NOTIFIED ____________________ OF CONSTRUCTION DATE ON ________________ _ DATE STARTED: __________ __ DATE COMPLETED: ____________ _ FIELD CHANGES: ________________ ~----------------------------------- COMMENTS: ________________________________________________________ _ -_ •• In" I I I I I ·0 11'-" j I I I I I (~ I ., .... " I ·N~~~~jl ® Department of Transportation , I, '1 16958 (4/0\) , Comp Date + •• ·v# L-\V r Chk _______ ~ '2-{ "2. \ I 'toO '2... Date ,"-J . j_ .. , .. ' . ~ . .~ ... i •... ··'-i T I ~ •..• I i .; .. , ' ""i" ! ., r-a.AUf... u . R.o AI) U I I .1 .L..! i i. i l" ; ;.0, r-.~ : ... < \,> M,AJ.NM'( FI,:.~~~J.1~l=lTI;f .. I I I I .. -.... ,.:---~ e ',', .": .. . ". . .. ", . .', .. : . Access PeTlnissi~n :~~anted D· . ,Call First (Would Like To Be pfes~rit) [] .', .-'- I I«() rw-? . J~ r(./ , ekJ r J/£/t£ Jl-lt? \'(j"vI.(,L I I I' I I I RDP RESPONSE: DISPOSITION: Lot No: Block No: R ParceINo.5ol~OoOO/Go Kroll «00 Th:Bros: New • btl" J 5 Basin M +'( !. Council District --L., .... J...""---__ Ch~geNo .. _____________ __ Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person Turned to on _-!-/_...!.I __ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I __ L~~~~h~~n~~~ __________________________ _ (. r Problem h~ been corrected. __ No problem h~ been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: I ( . ~ .. . SEEFILE# .~ Private problem -NDAP w.il~ not consi~er because:. . . . Water orlgmates onslte and/or on nelghbormg parcel. . . I DATE CLOSED: i / It? / O"L-By: ~ _-...::Other (Specify): /Jlo~t~ t!?P~crt!7/ I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I I I King County Water and Land Resources Division Department ofNaturaJ Resources 201 SouthJackson Street, Suite 600 Scallle, W'\ 98104-3855 (206) 296-6519 J~~~«;lry9~:0188iAX Maxine Nagel 102l7 -14 7111 Avenue Southeast Renton, W A 98055 RE: Drainage Complaint #2001-0842 -Drainage Culvert Obstruction Dear Ms. Nagel: On December 12,2001, King County Stormwater Services (SWS) Section staff observed that the culvert under 147th Avenue Southeast that discharges onto your property had been plugged. Water was backing up on the east side of the street and flowing onto the roadway. The plugging of the culvert adversely affects the capacity of the drainage system and water flowing on the roadway creates a hazard.· This letter isnot a formal enforcement action as authorized under King County Code 9.04. Its purpose is to bring these drainage problems to your attention before they cause personal injury or damage to public or private property. As the person who stated she blocked the culvert, you could be liable for any personal injury or property damage that results from the blocked culvert. There has already been an overflow of the downstream system that flowed into and damaged a garage. Also, if you decide to sell your property, this potential enforcement related to your property must be disclosed to any potential buyer. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please call Leonard Juhnke, Stormwater Services Section Engineer, at (206) 263-6457 within 30 days of receipt of this letter to discuss resolution of this matter. CC:BS:J43 Enclosures cc: Brian Sleight, P.E., Senior Engineer, SWS Section Leonard Juhnke, SWS. Section Engineer leffGranlund, Supervisor Roads Maintenance Division 2 I :0 I 1 1 1 I I 1«,.) 1 I I I I I I J , 1'-'. I i: ;;;*;'QN**,*PB'.'~";' $HUuNt' .... wu'4'&a(Aw# . ,i ¥ 4 Z P; 4 'i KIng County . Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources 201 SouthJackson Street, Suite 600 Seattle, W\ 98104-3855 (206) 296-6519 (206) 296-0192 FAX February 20, 2002 Maxine Nagel 10217 -147m Avenue Southeast Renton, W A 98055 RE: Drainage Complaint #2001-0842 -Drainage Culvert Obstruction Dear Ms. Nagel: ., t"ftp '" ·~W ,~. \.., '" .. ':,~.,~ r Thank: you for your response to my previous letter to you dated January 4, 2002. A site inspection on February 20, 2002 confirmed that the concrete obstruction has been cleaned out of the culvert under 147m Avenue Southeast in front of your property. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please call Len Juhnke, Water and Land Resources Division Stormwater Services Section Engineer, at (206) 263-6457. Z/J Curt W. Crawford, P.E., anaging Engineer Stormwater Services Section CC:LJ:iOBII cc: Jeff Granlund, Maintenance Division 2 Supervisor, Road Services Division, Department of Transportation .~. Brian Sleight, P.E., Senior Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, Water and Land Resources Division, Department of Natural Resources and Parks Len Juhnke, Engineer, Stormwater Services Section I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parcel No. /7~tfQa(!)ao Kroll ~cP Th.Bros: New w..~J,5 RDP Basin ~4y Council District J ~ C~arge No. __________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to _._ on _--<-1_-,-1 __ by __ . OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified: ___________________________ _ .1 )-Problem has been corrected. __ . No problem has been identified. _. _ Prior invest. igation addresses problem: I I I. .J . SEE FILE # . . :'~__ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: __ -,-. Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. I __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: .{ 1 I () I 0 'l-By: I I I I I I I I ( ~-') I-- From: Sent: To: Subject: Sleight, Brian Wednesday, January 02,20023:35 PM 'thedonnellys@oo.ner Nagel enforcement and quick fix I received your letter today regarding the Nagel enforcement. The letter has not gone out yet(i just got it back from word processing today) but I will get you a copy when it is sent out. I'll also send your 30 cents back with it. Technically there should be a charge for the copy but our office doesn't accept cash (only checks) and even if they did, the cost in time for me to get a receipt and such for one copy would be way more than the cost of the copy. Len Juhnke and I met with D.O.T. staff last week to look at the quick fix; I called you before we left downtown but you were not there. Len will be handling the project in my office. The project will involve paving that area that the cars drive over, extending the berm, and digging a shallow ditch a short way to the north. The project will not dig the ditch past the area where the retaining wall is failing. The idea is 1;:0 piggyback our work with the roadside ditch cleaning because the crew will already be out there. Therefore, the timing is dependent on the roadside ditch project. At the time of our meeting, the environmental paperwork had been submitted and they were waiting for approval. Even with the intent of the piggyback project, if the weather is not appropriate for paving when they clean the ditch, they won't do the quick fix. The quick fix will still get done, it will just get done ~t a different time when weather permits. If our current run of dry weather holds, it shouldn't be a problem but if we start getting steady rains day after day, the weather and crew availability could push the project off to this spring. Brian Sleight, P.E. BSL6 II 206.296.6025 I I I I I I 1 I- I I: .1 I: I I I I() I I I I I I I IV I Brian Sleight KCWLRD 201 S. Jackson Seattle, WA 98104 Dear Mr. Sleight: 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 December 28,2001 : .". I just talked to my neighbor to see if she had gotten a copy of the Jetter WLRD sent to Maxine ?? regarding the blocked culvertat the end of 147th Avenue SE. She said she had just heard from you and that the letter maybe ori its way. Under RCW 42.17 and FOIA, I would also like a copyofthe letter sent to Maxine about her blocked culvert. I am enclosing 30 cents to cover the cost of this letter .. Also, what is the status cf the "ditch" being dug cut alongside 147th? Thank you. Sincerely, ~j)tnndJy Claudia Donnelly I I I I I I I I I S , -RDP'lL. REsPONSE: T R Parcel No. '11rrt 00 6 ao Kroll ~(b Th.Bros: New IaMAf$= , Basin MAAf Council District I?. Charge No., _______ -- , Citizen notified on ______ _ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on I I by__ OR: No further action recommended because: I _'_' Lead agency has been notified: ' ' ( ~'r' ,rro~l.em' has been corrected. __ ' No'problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: I f ~ "'" SEE FILE # ~ __ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: ~ __ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. I DATE CLOSED:' 2 /t,., <f 10'-By: ~ __ Other (Specify): ~,,4(L .5€/&/T 6y ~~VG I I I I I I Sleight, Brian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Ms. Donnelly: Grigsby, Daryl Thursday, February 14,200211:21 AM 'thedonnellys@OO.net' Sims, Ron; Irons, David; Bissonnette, Pam; Shannon, Kathleen RCW 42.17 and FOIA. violations Thank you for.your email transmittal of January 9, 2002, to Executive Ron Sims, expressing concern about King County's compliance with the Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA) and its response to the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) request you made to several King County departments. Executive Sims has asked me to respond to your concerns. Your email also expresses concerns about King County enforcement of drainage problems in your area. I understand your public disclosure requests were made to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Natural Resources, which is now called the Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP). DNRP staff sent you im email on January 2, 2002, the day your request arrived. The letter you requested was only in draft form at the time of your request and, as such, was not yet disclosable by law. Rather than ask you to resubmit your request after the letter had been signed and sent, DNRP staff said they would send you.a copy as soon as the letter was sent, which they did on January 10,2002. DOT staff sent you a letter on January 9, 2002, five working days after your request arrived. Your request involved a large file and it was not clear what specific documents you were requesting. DOT staff thought the best response would be to make the file available for your review so you could decide which documents you wanted to copy. From my understanding ofRCW 42.17, the response from both the DNRP and the DOT exceeded the requirements ofRCW 42.17. l 'O]n regards to your enforcement concerns, King County's enforcement authority applies to all of unincorporated King County. In the .-practical application of the codes granting such authority, there is no distinction between people living in rural areas or in urban areas. I I I I I I King County, however, has a high burden of proof when it comes to taking enforcement action against a code violator. As unfortunate as it may seem, there are times when it appears a code violation has occurred but King County cannot take action because we cannot prove that a code violation occurred or do not know who performed the act. In the case of Mr. Wolf, both the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) and DNRP staff have investigated the complaint and found no evidence that a code violation has occurred. Mr. Wolf stated the stream relocated when several trees fell during an ice storm in the winter of 1996/97. This is a natural and common occurrence and, with the number of fallen trees on Mr. Wolfs property, there is nothing to suggest it did not occur. With no physical evidence to support an enforcement case, the word of one neighbor against another is unfortunately not enough to overcome our burden of proof. In the case of the Luck property, enforcement action was initiated against the property owner for installing a culvert in a sensitive area without a permit. The property owner has applied for a grading permit for the culvert installation to resolve the enforcement. There are other code compliance issues on this property but they cannot be addressed until the grading permit is issued so the rest of the property can be accessed. In the Nagel case, Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) staff has an open enforcement case for this violation and the first step in the enforcement process has been taken. WLRD allows the property owner 30 days to voluntarily resolve the problem before a formal enforcement process with possible civil penalties is initiated. If Ms. Nagel does not resolve the violation within 30 days, she will be sent a Citation in accordance with King County Code 23.20. My staff who are most familiar with your neighborhood do not recall a fine levied against your neighbors. However, if your neighbors think the fine was inappropriately levied, they should contact the department that they were working with. I The resolution of any code violation is greatly affected by the conduct of the violator. While the enforcement and possible J •. enforcement cases you have mentioned each have a different resolution and may not be the resolution you want, there does not seem ~·O be any inequity in the application of King County's enforcement authority. . I While I am s~re the issues you have raised are of great concern to you, in the case of your public disclosure request, if you had waited an. appropriate length of time (i.e. a couple days after the response deadline to allow delivery by the post office) you would have seen that County staff did comply with the requirements ofRCW 42.17. Similarly, in the case of the enforcements you mentioned, County I 1 I I staff is acHon as 0, issue they have looked at and detennined that action cannot be taken (Wolf). I admire the amount of effort energy you' I \',' I I I I I I I I I I I I I your community but I ask you to accept the detenninations made by County stiff and limit future contacts to new issues. Thank you again for the opportunity to address your concerns. I hope we can move forward to new issues and opportunities. Sincerely, Daryl Grigsby, Manager Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks 2 I From: Sent: Bissonnette, Pam Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:45 PM Shannon, Kathleen To: I Cc: o Subject: Norton, Ann; Grigsby, Daryl FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations I .. "' Kathleen, looks like we are getting this ccf. Could you please start it in motion? thx I I I I I ----Original Message----- From: Brandon, Rod Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:30 PM To: Kipp, Greg Cc: Whalen, caroline; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Sleight, Brian; Dougherty, Unda; TIffany, Christina Subject: RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations ks Greg, Pam let me know when you have a response. rod ---Original Message---- From: Kipp, Greg sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:41 AM To: Sims, Ron "" Cc: Whalen, caroline; Brandon, Rod; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Sleight, Brian; Dougherty, Unda; TIffany, Christina Subject: RE: RON 42.17 and FOIA violations I 10 I Ron --I think SWM is the appropriate DepartmenUDivision to respond to the most recent (1/9/02) e-mail from Ms Donnelly. This e-mail speaks to a plugged culvert that was investigated by SWM. While she mentions that SWM advised her that there was a code violation, no such report has come into DOES from SWM. To the contrary. our most recent conversations wI Brian Sleight of SWM indicated that he saw no code violations out there. MsDonneJly made a FOIA request of DOES on 12118/01 for specific information about which developments in the area required a level 3 detention pond. We provided "her wI that information (see red highlighted response from Ms Donnelly, below) In her 1/9/02 e-mail, she stated her recent request for information was not made to DOES, however it is not clear to which department she made the request. I am cc'ing folks in SWM to see if they are aware of any recent request for information from Ms Donnelly. If so, please let Ron know and respond to Ms Donnelly on ·his behalf. If not, also advise Ron and I guess we should ask her to specify which department she made the request ot. I I I I I DOES and DNR have been extremely responsive to Ms Donnelly over the years ... she simply does not like the answers we are providing her and I doubt she ever will. That being said, we still need to respond to any and all FOIA requests. gk -----Original Message----- From: Sims, Ron Sent: Wednesday, January 09,200210:26 AM To: Kipp, Greg Cc: Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod Subject: FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Greg -please follow-up, thanks. -ron ---Original Message---- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: WedneSday, January 09,2002 10:32 AM To: ron.sims@metrokc.gov 1 1/ :0 I I I I I I I() I I I I I I Dear County Executive Sims: I have told you over and over again that KC doesn't respond to those of us who live in this part of the May Creek Basin area. Here is another example. A neighbor down our road has plugged a culvert draining water from 148th Avenue SE through her property to Greenes Stream. She plugged the culvert up because she didn't want the water flowing through her . property. In November, this plugged culvert sent water down a small, .. shallow ditch alongside 147th Avenue SE. That excess water caused sheet flooding over the road. It also caused water to go through another neighbor's garage. This problem was called in Roads and SWM. It was investigated and supposedly something will be done -once Roads gets the permits its has applied for. SWM investigated and found out that this neighbor (plugging the culvert) is violating County Code. They were going to send a letter to this person advising them of this violation. Well, I talked to the neighbor who got the water in her garage and asked if she had gotten a copy of the letter. that was supposed to be sent. She said that she might gel a copy --she wasn't sure. On December 28, I typed several letters to KC Departments (not DOES (emphasis added by kipp) --even though I don't like DOES and they don't answer my questions) requesting documents under the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) and FOIA. I mailed these letters on December 29. I also sent a letter to a Washington State agency --they responded promptly. I heard from one person --they said that they'd return my 30 cents and the letter to the person plugging up the culvert had just gotten back from the Word Processing Dept (this is last week). I still haven't gotten a copy of that letter. Has it been sent????? I sent this person a nole today asking if the letter has been sent and if not, when will it be sent? So far, no response. The other KC agency hasn't responded at all. The letters should have gotten to the people on December 31. If I have to go to an . . attorney to get a response from this KC agency, I will send my attorney bill to you. You might want to send out a note to all County employees that the public has a right under FOIA and RCW 42.17 to see and have copies of County documents. Again, maybe you can answer the question as to why KC doesn't want to make my neighbors comply with County and State laws? There is Mr. Wolf, who change the course of Greenes Stream and he didn't get fined; there are the 2 Code violations on the Luck property that have been in limbo for many years now; there is the Nagel culvert problem? But then another neighbor put a little dirt in her back yard ·next to Greenes Stream and she had to pay a fine? Why are people treated differently? Thank you for your time. Claudia Donnelly 2 I 'KING COlJNTY WATER AWIIAND.,RESOURC);SDIVISION .. I DRAINAGE INvESTl(}At.joi~i:REpo~T ' INVESTIGATION itEQUEST QROBLEM: ________ _ Type X I . RE~ElVEDBY: Date: ~!03'" OK~dby:, FILENo. 2003-0P/O I I I I I I I, : I I I I I I Received from: e~(.., (Day) ~(:..-' --,) (Eve) ( NAME: eLA()/JW J)O/f,JA/i?td PHONE • " ... ', ADDRESS: 10'/15 /t/7~ flu.ec 56 city"kdlzn State,_---..;, Zip __ _ LocATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Access Permission Granted 0 , ", "". i ,; Plat name: S RDP 5ee /I7/r:rclleif), e~~/L-.£..6'C~/c-~ TO exlt?stW 6~e #"et?~J ;4/64'~ I~c?/L Ho~Je, Lot No: , Block No: T R Parcel No. J77fo'iOOO~ Kroll ~CO Th.Bros: Ne~J~ Basin /Y1 ArY C;ouncil District . /a, City ___ Charge No. _______ _ REsPONSE: Citizen notified on ______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person ... :- DISPOSITION: Tumedto on _-',_---'-, _ by_" _. _ OR: No further, action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified:, ________ ·_· _'., _' '_' _' ..;.. . ..,..-_______ ---'-____ _ _ Problem has been'corrected. _ No problem has been identified~ _' _ Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE FILE # _--'--_ I (~-Private problem -NOAP will not consider because: , " _.' Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. __ Other (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: 3 IV 10J By: V Sleight, "Brian From: Sent: To: Michael/Claudia Donnely [thedonnellys@oo.net] Thursday, March 20, 2003 6:22 AM Grigsby: Daryl Cc: Sims, Ron; Cawaling, Cindy; Bissonnette, Pam; Sleight, Brian; Shannon, Kathleen; Maier, Mary; Ninneman, Scott; Moeller, Lani Subject: Re: May Creek Basin Area Mr. Grigsby: Whatever. I have given up on dealing with KC and Renton. The straw has only been put down where our neighbor originally installed it --nothing more. It rained alot yesterday and in the past. I saw muddy " water up against the straw bales. At least the bales were possibly doing something. Thanks anyway. Claudia Donnelly ps: I know that you don't have allY jurisdiction over Renton, but they haven't made my other neighbor do anything. I have already talked to NMFS and the last heard, they were investigating. Maybe I need to write someone else. See ya. On Wednesday, March 19,2003, at 02:49 PM, Grigsby, Daryl wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly: Thank you for your email transmittal of March 4, 2003, regarding the potential of sediment reaching May Creek. King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond on his behalf. I understand that Brian, Sleight, Stormwater Services (SWS) Section Senior Engineer from my staff, visited your neighbor's property on March 7, 2003. At the time, no sediment was leaving the site even though it was raining lightly. There were no indications that sediment had previously left the site. The o,wner was not horne so Mr. Sleight left a note on their door requesting that they contact him. Your neighbor called Mr. Sleight that day and was advised of his responsibility to minimize sediment " transport from his property. Your 'neighbor said his intention was to stabilize the area this past weekend 312112003 I In I ,,-J 1 I I I I 'I· I .. J I I I I I I, I I I· D and asked Mr. Sleight to visit the site on Monday, March 10 to determine if the site was properly stabilized. A Monday site visit showed that straw had been placed on much of the site. Mr. Sleight asked your neighbor to extend the straw to the end of the existing railroad tie wall, which the neighbor said he would do. It is important to note that installation of erosion control best management practices (BMPs) will not completely eliminate sediment transport from your neighbor's property. Erosion control BMPs are intended to minimize the impact of exposing bare soil by preventing soil from getting suspended in water or removing suspended soil from water. Once sediment is suspended in water, short of using chemicals, erosion control BMPs will not remove very fine sediment from the water. Although these BMPs are not perfect, they are consistent with Washington State's requirements to use all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment of stormwater. These BMPs also meet the Clean Water Act's requirement of stormwater controls to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Thank you for taking an interest in the environment. If you have additional concerns regarding this issue, feel free to contact Brian Sleight, SWS Section Senior Engineer, at (206) 296-8025 .. Sincerely, Daryl Grigsby, Manager Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks 3121/2003 I I () f' I I I I I I 11"') t~;I I I I I I I I I, tJ I TASKS MITIGATION OF EXISTING AND POTENTIAL PROBLEMS I I .0 I I I I I I I (~) ~.J I I I I I I I I { , ,~ I TASKS MITIGATION OF EXISTING AND POTENTIAL PROBLEMS The area downstream of the proposed project known as Stoneridge possibly does exhibit potential problems based on the drainage complaints. Since the City of Renton has indicated that Level 3 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality are the required means of detaining runoff and treating the runoff. which is more than the Flow Control Applications Map in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual requires. this project assumes those are adequate for this site. By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specified in the problem-specific mitigation requirements set forth in Section of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A Level 2 or a Level 3 off-site analysis should not be required for this project site. In addition. the project site is not flat nor is the downstream drainage course flat and the site does not contribute more than 15 percent of the total peak flow drainage downstream from the site. t t 189.003.doc {JPJ/dm] I I .0 I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I .u I 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I I .0 4.0 I I I I I I 10 ~'-" I I I I I I I .() I FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. Existing Site Hydrology The pre-developed and post-developed basin areas match each other in size and the upstream basin contributing runoff to the project site will be bypassed around the project site or through the project site and not impact the detention system proposed for this development. Please see the following table for a list of assumptions and parameters used in sizing the pre-developed conditions hydrographs for this project. EXISTING CONDITIONS TABLE On-Site: Existing impervious = 0.52 Acre Effective impervious area of gravel = 0.3 Ac. x 0.5 = 0.15 Acre Existing impervious total = 0.52 + 0.15 = 0.67 Acre Till forest = 9.51 Acres Till grass = 3.1 Acres + 0.15 Acre (1/2 gravel area) = 3.25 Acres Total On-site = 0.67 + 9.51 + 3.25 = 13.43 Acres Additional Tract to Northwest: Till forest = 2.34 Acres Improvements to 148th A venue S.E.: Till grass = 0.17 Acres Improvements to SR-900/148th A venue S.E.: Till grass = 0.25 Acres Total existing area = 16.19 Acres of which there is: B. Developed Site Hydrology till forest till grass impervious = = = 11.85 Acres 3.67 Acres 0.67 Acres 16.19 Acres The existing site as well as the developed site occurs in Alderwood type soils that are a till type soil. The proposal for this development is to construct a Level 3 Flow Control detention pond above a basic water quality wet pond in the north central portion of the site. Upstream runoff from the south, east, and west will be routed around the detention and water quality facilities located on-site and bypass those facilities. Please see the 11189.00l.doc {JPJldmltep) I I I I I I I I () I I I I I I C. following table for the assumptions and parameters used in determining basin areas contributing runoff to the wet/detention pond. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS TABLE On-Site: Impervious: 49 lots x 4,000 SFllot = 4.5 Acres Future 8 lots in southwest comer = 8 x 4,000 = 0.73 Acre Streets and sidewalks = 2.26 + 0.45 = 2.71 Acres Total Impervious On-site = 7.94 Acres Till grass = 5.49 Acres Additional Tract to Northwest: Impervious = 1.27 Acres Till grass = 1.07 Acres Improvements to 148th Avenue S.E.: Impervious = 0.17 Acres Improvements to SR-900/148th A venue S.E.: Impervious = 0.25 Acres TOTAL DEVELOPED AREA: Impervious = 7.94 + 1.27 + 0.17 + 0.25 = 9.63 Acres Till grass = 6.56 Acres TOTAL = 16.19 Acres Performance Standards As mentioned previously the flow control performance standard utilized for this development is Level 3 Flow Control due to downstream problems that are well documented at King County. The water quality performance standard is to provide Basic Water Quality as dictated by the City of Renton and King County, which this project proposes to do in the form of a wet pond. The conveyance system capacity standard is to convey the 25-year storm based on the SCS-based Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph methodology of computing peak flow rates contributing to each catch basin since the project site is over 10 acres in size. 11189.00l.doc [JPJldmltep) I I o I' I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I u I '-' I D. E. Flow Control System Please see the following pages for the calculations utilized in sizing the flow control system for this project as well as a copy of the control structure and plan view of the wet/detention pond illustrating the actual sizing of the pond. Water Quality System Please see the calculations on the following pages of this report for the methodology used to size the basic water quality wet pond and the illustrative sketch of the wet/detention pond indicating proposed and provided volumes for both water quality and detention. 11 189.001 ,doc [JPJldmftep] I I I I I I I I I I I I I ?~O Me-e.,p (P£ Leve( ? ~tov e-onv-,-.,( KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series 11189pre.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File IJ If1 Lev'e4 ~ ?-I-O+ r<. CVl ~t..o ~-1;?I-OtJ- Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATF60R.rnf Till Forest 11.85 acres Till Grass Impervious Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf 3.67 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rnf 0.67 acres Total Area 16.19 acres Peak Discharge: 2.61 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:11189pre.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:11189pre.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11189pre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:11189pre.pks Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series 11189dev.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Till Grass Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf 6.56 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rn£ I I o 1- I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I Impervious 9.63 acres Total Area 16.19 acres Peak Discharge: 6.68 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:11189dev.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:11189dev.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11189dev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:11189dev.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:11189pre.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:11189target.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command Size a Retention/Detention FACILITY Loading Retention/Detention Facility File:111891eve13.rdf Retention/Detention Facility Design Edit Facility Loading Time Series File:11189dev.tsf Time Series Found in Memory:11189dev.tsf Saving Retention/Detention Facility File:11189leve13.rdf Starting Documentation File:C:\kc_swdm\kc_data\example\kcrts\11189leve13.doc Time Series Found in Memory:11189dev.tsf Edit Complete Retention/Detention Facility Design Route Time Series through Facility I 10 1 ~) I I I I I I I(~) I I- I I I I I I ( ) ~~. I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11189pre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1. 53 2 2/09/01 14 :00 0.420 8 1/05/02 16:00 1. 06 4 2/28/03 16:00 0.612 7 8/26/04 1:00 0.963 5 1/05/05 10:00 0.764 6 1/18/06 21:00 1. 45 3 11/21/06 9:00 2.61 1 1/09/08 7:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 2.61 1 100.00 0.990 1. 53 2 25.00 0.960 1. 45 3 10.00 0.900 1. 06 4 5.00 0.806 0.963 5 3.00 0.667 0.764 6 2.00 0.500 0.612 7 1. 30 0.231 0.420 8 1.10 0.091 2.25 50.00 0.980 I '0 I '-' I I I I I I I () I I I I I I I I ) I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11189dev.tsf project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 3.68 5 2/09/01 2:00 2.20 8 12/03/01 17: 00 3.72 4 9/10/03 15:00 4.29 3 8/26/04 1:00 3.54 7 10/28/04 18:00 3.67 6 10/22/05 17:00 4.44 2 11/21/06 9:00 6.68 1 1/09/08 7:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 6.68 1 100.00 0.990 4.44 2 25.00 0.960 4.29 3 10.00 0.900 3.72 4 5.00 0.800 3.68 5 3.00 0.667 3.67 6 2.00 0.500 3.54 7 1. 30 0.231 2.20 8 1.10 0.091 5.94 50.00 0.980 I I) Ie I I I I I I I J .) '.:-.:' I I I I I I I I .{ -" I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11189rdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1.53 2 2/09/01 20:00 0_284 8 11/05/01 3:00 0.726 5 2/28/03 19:00 0.328 7 8/26/04 6:00 0.751 4 1/05/05 15:00 0.389 6 1/19/06 2:00 1.34 3 11/24/06 8:00 2.61 1 1/09/08 12:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 2.61 10.00 1 100.00 0.990 1.53 8.74 2 25.00 0.960 1. 34 8.66 3 10.00 0.900 0.751 6.48 4 5.00 0.800 0.726 6.34 5 3.00 0.667 0.389 5.35 6 2.00 0.500 0.328 4.05 7 1.30 0.231 0.284 3.03 8 1.10 0.091 2.25 9.37 50.00 0.980 I :0 I I I I I I I ("J I I I I I I I ! ) I .. '--:::.' I Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at'l f~. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage 0 Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # Height (ft) 1 0.00 2 5.28 3 8.33 Detention Pond 3.00 H:1V 164.02 ft 82.01 ft 13451. sq. ft 34045. sq. ft 0.782 acres -, 10.00 ft 389.00 ft 220323. cu. ft 5.058 ac-ft 10.00 18.00 3 Diameter (in) 2.45 3.36 6.39 ft inches Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.515 0.666 1. 429 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Pipe Diameter (in) 6.0 10.0 Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation ( tt) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 389.00 O. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.03 389.03 404. 0.009 0.026 0.00 0.05 389.05 674. 0.015 0.037 0.00 0.08 389.08 1081. 0.025 0.045 0.00 0.10 389.10 1353. 0.031 0.052 0.00 0.13 389.13 1761. 0.040 0.058 0.00 0.15 389.15 2034. 0.047 0.064 0.00 0.18 389.18 2445. 0.056 0.069 0.00 0.20 389.20 2720. 0.062 0.074 0.00 0.40 389.40 5499. 0.126 0.103 0.00 0.60 389.60 8339. 0.191 0.126 0.00 0.79 389.79 ll093. 0.255 0.145 0.00 0.99 389.99 14052. 0.323 0.162 0.00 1.18 390.18 16920. 0.388 0.177 0.00 1. 38 390.38 20000. 0.459 0.191 0.00 1. 58 390.58 23143. 0.531 0.204 0.00 1. 77 390.77 26188. 0.601 0.217 0.00 1. 97 390.97 29455. 0.676 0.229 0.00 2.16 391.16 32620. 0.749 0.240 0.00 2.36 391.36 36014. 0.827 0.250 0.00 2.56 391.56 39474. 0.906 0.260 0.00 2.75 391.75 42823. 0.983 0.270 0.00 2.95 391.95 46413 . 1.065 0.280 0.00 3.15 392.15 50071. 1.149 0.289 0.00 3.34 392.34 53609. 1. 231 0.298 0.00 3.54 392.54 57400. 1. 318 0.306 0.00 3.73 392.73 61066. 1.402 0.315 0.00 Surf Area (sq. ft) 13451. 13496. 13525. 13570. 13599. 13644. 13674. 13718. 13748. 14048. 14350. 14640. 14948. 15243. 15557. 15874. 16177 . 16499. 16808. 17136. 17466. 17783. 18119. 18459. 18783. 19128. 19458. I In 3.93 392.93 64992 . 1.492 0.323 0.00 19809. 4.13 393.13 68989. 1. 584 0.331 0.00 20162. I '.-4.32 393.32 72852. 1.672 0.339 0.00 20500. 4.52 393.52 76988. 1.767 0.346 0.00 20859. 4.71 393.71 80984. 1. 859 0.354 0.00 21203. I 4.91 393.91 85261. 1. 957 0.361 0.00 21567. 5.11 394.11 89611. 2.057 0.368 0.00 21935. 5.28 394.28 93367. 2.143 0.374 0.00 22249. 5.31 394.31 94035. 2.159 0.378 0.00 22305. I 5.35 394.35 94929. 2.179 0.388 0.00 22379. 5.38 394.38 95601. 2.195 0.403 0.00 22435. 5.42 394.42 96500. 2.215 0.424 0.00 22510. 5.45 394.45 97176. 2.231 0.449 0.00 22566. I 5.49 394.49 98080. 2.252 0.480 0.00 22641. 5.52 394.52 98760. 2.267 0.513 0.00 22697. 5.56 394.56 99670. 2.288 0.546 0.00 22772. I 5.59 394.59 100354. 2.304 0.557 0.00 22828. 5.79 394.79 104957. 2.409 0.611 0.00 23205. 5.98 394.98 109400. 2.511 0.656 0.00 23566. 6.18 395.18 114152. 2.621 0.696 0.00 23949. I 6.37 395.37 118737. 2.726 0.732 0.00 24315. 6.57 395.57 123639. 2.838 0.766 0.00 24704. 6.77 395.77 128618. 2.953 0.798 0.00 25095. I 6.96 395.96 133422. 3.063 0.828 0.00 25470. 7.16 396.16 138556. 3.181 0.856 0.00 25866. 7.35 396.35 143506. 3.294 0.884 0.00 26246. 7.55 396.55 148796. 3.416 0.910 0.00 26649. 10 7.75 396.75 154166. 3.539 0.935 0.00 27054. 7.94 396.94 159343. 3.658 0.959 0.00 27442. 8.14 397.14 164873. 3.785 0.983 0.00 27853. I, 8.33 397.33 170202. 3.907 1. 010 0.00 28246. 8.40 397.40 172184. 3.953 1. 030 0.00 28392 . 8.47 397.47 174177. 3.999 1. 080 0.00 28537. 8.53 397.53 175893. 4.038 1.150 0.00 28663. I 8.60 397.60 177904. 4.084 1.240 0.00 28809. 8.67 397.67 179926. 4.131 1.360 0.00 28956. 8.73 397.73 181667. 4.171 1.500 0.00 29082. 8.80 397.80 183708. 4.217 1.810 0.00 29230. I' 8.87 397.87 185759. 4.264 1. 870 0.00 29378. 8.93 397.93 187526. 4.305 1. 930 0.00 29505. 9.13 398.13 193469. 4.441 2.080 0.00 29930. I 9.32 398.32 199194. 4.573 2.220 0.00 30337. 9.52 398.52 205305. 4.713 2.340 0.00 30767. 9.72 398.72 211502. 4.855 2.460 0.00 31201. 9.91 398.91 217469. 4.992 2.560 0.00 31616. I 10.00 399.00 220323. 5.058 2.610 0.00 31813 . 10.10 399.10 223516. 5.131 3.120 0.00 32033. 10.20 399.20 226730. 5.205 4.020 0.00 32254. I 10.,30 399.30 229967. 5.279 5.160 0.00 32475. 10.40 399.40 233225. 5.354 6.510 0.00 32698. 10.50 399.50 236506. 5.429 8.020 0.00 32920. 10.60 399.60 239809. 5.505 9.500 0.00 33144. I 10.70 399.70 243135. 5.582 10.070 0.00 33368. 10.80 399.80 246483. 5.658 10.610 0.00 33593. IV 10.90 399.90 249854. 5.736 11.110 0.00 33819. 11.00 400.00 253247. 5.814 11.590 0.00 34045. 11.10 400.10 256663. 5.892 12.050 0.00 34273. I I I I I I I I I 11.20 400.20 260101. 5.971 11. 30 400.30 263563. 6.051 11.40 400.40 267047. 6.131 11. 50 400.50 270555. 6.211 11.60 400.60 274085. 6.292 11. 70 400.70 277639. 6.374 11. 80 400.80 281215. 6.456 11.90 400.90 284815. 6.538 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Target Calc Stage Elev 1 6.68 2.61 2.61 10.00 399.00 2 3.68 ******* 1. 53 8.74 397.74 3 4.44 ******* 1. 35 8.66 397.66 4 3.54 ******* 0.75 6.48 395.48 5 3.72 ******* 0.73 6.34 395.34 6 3.67 ******* 0.39 5.35 394.35 7 4.29 ******* 0.33 4.06 393.06 8 2.20 ******* 0.28 3.03 392.03 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series Fi1e:11189dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:11189rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: Peak Outflow Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage: Peak Reservoir Elev: 6.68 CFS 2.61 CFS 10.00 Ft 399.00 Ft at at Peak Reservoir Storage: 220322. Cu-Ft 5.058 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11189rdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Ac-Ft 12.490 0.00 12.910 0.00 13 .320 0.00 13.710 0.00 14.090 0.00 14.460 0.00 14.820 0.00 15.170 0.00 Storage (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 220322. 5.058 181859. 4.175 179695. 4.125 121525. 2.790 118004. 2.709 94971. 2.180 67507. 1. 550 47879. 1. 099 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 12:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) ( ft) Period 1. 53 2 2/09/01 20:00 2.61 10.00 1 100.00 0.990 0.284 8 11/05/01 3:00 1. 53 8.74 2 25.00 0.960 0.726 5 2/28/03 19:00 1. 34 8.66 3 10.00 0.900 0.328 7 8/26/04 6:00 0.751 6.48 4 5.00 0.800 0.751 4 1/05/05 15:00 0.726 6.34 5 3.00 0.667 0.389 6 1119/06 2:00 0.389 5.35 6 2.00 0.500 1.34 3 11/24/06 8:00 0.328 4.05 7 1. 30 0.231 2.61 1 1/09/08 12:00 0.284 3.03 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 2.25 9.37 50.00 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:11189rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.022 33762 55.059 55.059 44.941 0.449E+00 0.065 5780 9.426 64.485 35.515 0.355E+OO 0.107 6313 10.295 74.780 25.220 0.252E+00 0.150 5297 8.638 83.418 16.582 0.166E+00 34501. 34729. 34959. 35189. 35419. 35651. 35883. 36116. I ·0 0.193 4099 6.685 90.103 9.897 0.990E-01 0.236 2499 4.075 94.178 5.822 0.582E-01 I'" 0.278 1548 2.524 96.703 3.297 0.330E-01 0.321 812 1.324 98.027 1. 973 0.197E-01 0.364 706 1.151 99.178 0.822 0.822E-02 I 0.407 172 0.280 99.459 0.541 0.541E-02 0.450 24 0.039 99.498 0.502 0.502E-02 0.492 18 0.029 99.527 0.473 0.473E-02 0.535 16 0.026 99.553 0.447 0.447E-02 1 0.578 48 0.078 99.631 0.369 0.369E-02 0.621 44 0.072 99.703 0.297 0.297E-02 0.664 30 0.049 99.752 0.248 0.248E-02 0.706 25 0.041 99.793 0.207 0.207E-02 I 0.749 27 0.044 99.837 0.163 0.163E-02 0.792 10 0.016 99.853 0.147 0.147E-02 0.835 11 0.018 99.871 0.129 0.129E-02 I 0.878 12 0.020 99.891 0.109 0.109E-02 0.920 16 0.026 99.917 0.083 0.832E-03 0.963 19 0.031 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 1. 01 12 0.020 99.967 0.033 0.326E-03 I 1. 05 6 0.010 99.977 0.023 0.228E-03 1. 09 2 0.003 99.980 0.020 0.196E-03 1.13 1 0.002 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 1 1.18 2 0.003 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 1. 22 1 0.002 99.987 0.013 o .130E-03 1. 26 3 0.005 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 1. 31 0 0.000 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 10 1. 35 2 0.003 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 1. 39 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1. 43 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 I 1. 48 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1. 52 1 0.002 99.998 o.ooi 0.163E-04 I I I I I I I lJ I I I I I I I I 10 1 I I I I I Flow Duration from Time Series File:11189pre.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.382 60767 99.098 99.098 0.902 0.902E-02 0.435 119 0.194 99.292 0.708 0.708E-02 0.489 83 0.135 99.428 0.572 0.572E-02 0.542 92 0.150 99.578 0.422 0.422E-02 0.596 58 0.095 99.672 0.328 0.328E-02 0.649 50 0.082 99.754 0.246 0.246E-02 0.702 35 0.057 99.811 0.189 0.189E-02 0.756 27 0.044 99.855 0.145 0.145E-02 0.809 18 0.029 99.884 0.116 o .116E-02 0.863 9 0.015 99.899 0.101 0.101E-02 0.916 10 0.016 99.915 0.085 0.848E-03 0.969 9 0.015 99.930 0.070 0.701E-03 1. 02 9 0.015 99.945 0.055 0.554E-03 1. 08 5 0.008 99.953 0.047 0.473E-03 1.13 8 0.013 99.966 0.034 0.342E-03 1.18 3 0.005 99.971 0.029 0.294E-03 1.24 5 0.008 99.979 0.021 0.212E-03 1. 29 2 0.003 99.982 0.018 o .179E-03 1.34 4 0.007 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 1. 40 2 0.003 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 1. 45 2 0.003 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 1. 50 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1. 56 2 0.003 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 61 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 66 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1.72 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 77 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 82 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 88 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 93 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 1. 98 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 2.04 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 2.09 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 2.14 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 2.20 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 2.25 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I :0 Flow Duration from Time Series File:11189rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.022 33762 55.059 55.059 44.941 0.449E+00 0.065 5780 9.426 64.485 35.515 0.355E+00 I 0.107 6313 10.295 74.780 25.220 0.252E+00 0.150 5297 8.638 83.418 16.582 0.166E+00 0.193 4099 6.685 90.103 9.897 0.990E-01 I 0.236 2499 4.075 94.178 5.822 0.582E-01 0.278 1548 2.524 96.703 3.297 0.330E-01 0.321 812 1. 324 98.027 1. 973 0.197E-01 0.364 706 1.151 99.178 0.822 0.822E-02 I 0.407 172 0.280 99.459 0.541 0.541E-02 0.450 24 0.039 99.498 0.502 0.502E-02 0.492 18 0.029 99.527 0.473 0.473E-02 I 0.535 16 0.026 99.553 0.447 0.447E-02 0.578 48 0.078 99.631 0.369 0.369E-02 0.621 44 0.072 99.703 0.297 0.297E-02 0.664 30 0.049 99.752 0.248 0.248E-02 I 0.706 25 0.041 99.793 0.207 0.207E-02 0.749 27 0.044 99.837 0.163 0.163E-02 0.792 10 0.016 99.853 0.147 0.147E-02 I 0.835 11 0.018 99.871 0.129 0.129E-02 0.878 12 0.020 99.891 0.109 0.109E-02 0.920 16 0.026 99.917 0.083 0.832E-03 0.963 19 0.031 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 It) 1. 01 12 0.020 99.967 0.033 0.326E-03 1.05 6 0.010 99.977 0.023 0.228E-03 1.09 2 0.003 99.980 0.020 0.196E-03 I 1.13 1 0.002 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 1.18 2 0.003 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 1.22 1 0.002 99.987 0.013 o .130E-03 1.26 3 0.005 99.992 O.OOB 0.B15E-04 I 1. 31 0 0.000 99.992 O.OOB 0.B15E-04 1. 35 2 0.003 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 1. 39 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1.43 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 I 1. 4B 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1. 52 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 I I I I I (J I I ·0 I -- I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I U I --" I Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 11189pre. tsf New File: 11189rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability 0.382 0.90E-02 0.59E-02 -35.1 I 0.90E-02 0.470 0_61E-02 0.49E-02 -19.8 I 0.61E-02 0.559 0.40E-02 0.41E-02 3.3 I 0.40E-02 0.647 0.25E-02 0.26E-02 4.6 I 0.25E-02 0.736 0.16E-02 0.17E-02 6.1 I 0.16E-02 0.825 o .l1E-02 o .13E-02 17 .4 I o . 11E-02 0.913 0.85E-03 0.8BE-03 3.8 I 0.85E-03 1.00 0.62E-03 0.34E-03 -44.7 I 0.62E-03 1.09 0.44E-03 0.20E-03 -55.6 I 0.44E-03 1.18 0.31E-03 0.15E-03 -52.6 I 0.31E-03 1.27 0.18E-03 0.82E-04 -54.5 I 0.lSE-03 1. 36 o .l1E-03 0.49E-04 -57.1 I o .11E-03 1.44 0.65E-04 0.33E-04 -50.0 I 0.65E-04 1. 53 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.l6E-04 Maximum positive excursion = 0.058 cfs ( 7.4%) occurring at 0.789 cfs on the Base Data:l1189pre.tsf and at 0.S47 cfs on the New Data:11189rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.101 cfs (-21.2%) occurring at 0.479 cfs on the Base Data:11189pre.tsf and at 0_377 cfs on the New Data:11189rdout.tsf Base New %Change 0.382 0.360 -5.7 0.470 0.376 -20.1 0.559 0.564 1.0 0.647 0.664 2.6 0.736 0.750 1.9 0.825 0.872 5.7 0.913 0.916 0.3 1.00 0.949 -5.2 1.09 0.978 -10.3 1.18 1.01 -14.2 1. 27 1.16 -S.7 1. 36 1.25 -7.7 1.44 1. 34 -7.1 1. 53 1. 53 -0.4 I I, 0 I ~~. PROPOSED PLAT OF STONERIDGE SIZE THE BASIC WET POND I Vr = [0.9 Ai + 0.25 Atg](0.043) = [(0.9)(9.62) + (0.25)(6.56)](0.043)(43,560) I = 19,306 CF I Vb = (3)(Vr) = 57,918 CF I I I I(~) I I I I I I I Ie) I 1 11 89.00l.doc [JPJ/dmftep] I ·0 I '--' I I I I I I Ie) I ' I I I I I I .u I 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I :0 I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I II II t t J I 5.0 CONVEY ANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN As mentioned previously. the SCS-based hydrograph method was utilized for the 25-year rainfall precipitation during the 24-hour storm event for a hydrograph computed for each catch basin sizing the conveyance system on-site and routing runoff into the wet/detention pond located in the north central portion of the project site. This is in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual when the contributing area is over 10 acres in size. 11189.00I.doc [JPJ/dmltep] I In' ( ! 1/ I I I I I I I CO) I I I I I I I I I / -r h ; t h y~ /.0),'·,4ph "'" ~ S r ""1 v... d rl e:.---,.., j '7<2.... ""'-ex f-D r ~ ; i;:. I "1 .,.rJe. e c-'" J ~ ~""T. /' e-~ J 4ce ~ ~---1-V­ t1.f'\Je,.-IJffrt-~~"",k e.. ~£ " ~e.e..... ~ ~ Vf.~st/~ A,::ended on: 16:58:5? Thursda~ Ma~ch 11, 2004 O~ S 1 n e--x,,", i bi\r ft r 'n~ JDL(;\ .. :f--, 01) tt~ ~ I-ec.. ~ ~ co'" i---tb. 'f-'-' 11189upstream east Event Summary J _ ... . f -"l I ::.3 ~S/f1~ jE~-IPeak Q (cfs)TPeak T .(h~s>:IHyd Vol (a~ft):IA~ea(ac)i~e~~~dJR~i~t;I>.e: 16 month 13.2145 I 9.00 I 3.1401 r-87.2400 :1 SBUHITYPEIA' 1 2 year 1 9.4961 I 8.67 17".274'9 1 87.2400 ,lsi3UH~!TYPEIA. 110 year T-u.0308 1 8.501 11.8768 187.2400,1 SBUH ITYPEIA f2sY~;;-122·.6093"' 8.50ilS-."zm-r-87240011·sBUH ITYFEIA-" llOO'yearl 28'()47 1. I .... 8~~9_. '. -[ .. }8.4843 .1~~I.~~22 ... J·~B~ .ITY .. ~~i·t\·: Record Id: 11189upstream east ;IDe~ign Method ...... :, .... s·~lfti: ... -:IR~i~!~1I t~ee.. .·.-·~.· .. ··.:;C·i~El~ .... . JIIiyd Jntv <> • ·1 .. 1.0.:99 .~!l .... :IJ>ea.~i~g F.a~!or.. .. ..... ." _ .... _;I..... .. ~~~:~S~ ....... ~ 'Ir----.:... . ...:...--'--'-.-'.-. --'---'---"'-'--"'-i' 1 .. , n_· .... ___ .. l~~~.tractio.n C~ef! .. .... . _ J ..... 9:2Q ....... ' .lllervious ~rea :1 87.24 ac 'IDCJA ..1 0.00 ac ' rlp'-er-'-'-v'-io-us-C-'-N---'-':~-'-I ... "85.96---' "fDc eN" . . ............... 'I' "" .. ().oo· .. _··· .. , IPervious TC 1 60:09 m.in '[Dc TC .,' .. ,I .. g .. oq~.f!."-j r-="================================,~",=,~"~-="===,~,±,,±,,,,~,,,,~,,=,'='~"J I Pervious CN Calc I SubArea 1 Sub en 1 Impervious surfaces. (pavements .. roofs,. etc) . .1 4.36 ac :1 98.00 .1 8'2'.88 ac''! 85.00: ~~r~iou~" C~~posited CN (A~C 21 .. _ ...' ."~.'"'' '. . :~I" .8~:65-~· ! r----- r Meadow or Pasture I Pervious TC Calc 1 Type I-...... ~~~c.r!e~~~~ ~ .. -.. -'',j L~~~th J~~~e~f( ~~~'rf-! I Mi;c 'r' TT:''''~ 'F I ;FR:F:~·20 :~1.45 ,i .' Sheet . Dense grasses: 0.24 : 300.00 ft 2.00%1 0.24001 in i min • I • " '".' .'-."~' ,~ •• '"._.~ • 0, ,. ,',' •••••••• ' ••• _,.-" ~. J __ ., .. ~_ ., .. " . "~'''' .' •• "., ~"'.' ._ ... i i ·F· . ~::~~~~s .. p:tu:ea~dl:wnS:~O~:O.~~t!I~:~~[~:~3~lul~;m> ·;:-:.~_~;_e~_ne_; __ IGrasse.~ ~~=0.?30) . ...,.. . . .:I:t700.0~ .I~.o~~~I~.~~~~:LI~~.~ ..... ' Icqncrete pipe (n=0.012) FRFr-!I~:: I I Channel (interm) Pervious TC . . . I 6!<;; .... • •• ~.. • •• ... • _. • .:. • • ," e_' • ~ .,., .~.... ....... .. . ..... _·~_ .. _ .... _~,,_h~~._ .. _ .,_ '-, ~ .. ' _" __ .. " ... . 30011:13NOJ.S / ,/ / I I / / " / 0.. <2: ~ <C ill a: <2: LLl () ,Z ~ ~ 0 () -------'G - 90086 NO.lONIHS~M '3rwn'38 Om. a.uns "J.S H.I.8 'a'N O~C~L NOU.\fI:IOdI:lOO .lN3~dO'ataO ~II S8)I IJO:d - ./. 1Wr7r i;lO ...... -w-, .......... ,0.--.1 ---n---•• "~ "1I!r ,-.... -,,-....,"·'0 r .. ····.,.·1 , , 1 ! .r r··········r ..... j : I .. • ...... ,~ ..... : , .. t:}~ . . ---" --- mwas 'lI'lIOl""OIMNJ '.-ns '!)HI~ 0H'fI 'ONt.I£lUIlOk] 11N' X'J ZBLB-I ;Z(~Zt) ZZZ9-I~t(m) l~OBe V" 'lN3~ HlnOS 3nN3AV ONZ' 'I ZB I " I: I ! i { : $ i: / r: ! \ i \ \! ~ , / / / / / / / i '.,./ l/ ,. / 'I" ' ; ,.0 / i. / ! I ! I ~ . .. .~ t . . \, . .4f11 . "'I)vHct --- - - 89lU -,,.. I '0) I I I I I I I 1'0) I I I I I I I I . ~",' } I Appended on: 08:53:44 Friday, April 02, 2004 ROUTEHYD [] THRU [pond] USING TYPEIA AND [25 year] NOT ZERO RELA TIVE SCS/SBUH I In I ' '} I I I I I I IC) I I I I I I I I ( ) I I ·0 I --~ I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I' I I • (J I Appended on: 08:10:29 Friday, April 02, 2004 Layout Report: pond ·rE;~IPrecip (in) !2 year 12.2000 ------1 r---"--,--------·-·-.. -1 !10year 12.9700 ! r -----.. --,---.-.-.--.. -.............. : 25 year 13.5000 I ,--~--'.-'-... rN'N'~-. ___ .~_.H'H .... __ f l100_ year l4.~~_?~ __ J Reach Records Record Id: ptO !Section Shape:ICircu~(lf _ ........ __ ......... :1..---____ --,.--____ 1 !Uniform J:'low Method:·lrvIanni~~'~_ .... _ ... _ ... _ ..... :I<;~e!ficient: .. _.I9.~.9.~~_q .... . IRout~ng Method: :ITr~ve~!'il11~}:~a~s.~a~i~!l!I~<!.~t.~~~ti_~~ .. !l~~)L ........ ____ ... _. '!DnNode .Icb?, ....... '" _ ........... _ .... .J!:1p~l:)d~ _ . H __ ._ ... J~.~!.9 _ ... , ...... : !Material ·---IConc-Sl?~.~.. .. .' ... ' )I?i~ .. e.. . . .. _..ll.?~r.I?i~!1l ...... . !Ent Losses (Groove End wlHeadwali [Len~th-·--=~_~~·=~= @4.0000 f~~ ____ [S_lo_p_e_~---,--,--,-·t r7=:1..;...7_%.......; . .....;_;..;.:... '. '-"-.... '1 Iup Invert 1100.0000 ft \Dn Invert :196.12~2 ft r=====--==:~~~-c~~dui .. t.:C~~~tra~----' --' . __ ._--'-'_-'-C-'--'-__ IMin V-;I[IV1~~--V~I-rMin SlopelMax SJope~a;-v-;;' !11.?~_ft/;@..:~~~~~ro.2~~ ._.,150.00% ... 13.00 ft rD;~cross MiI---·---[O~Oft-----lExlInfil Rate: lup Invert ---.---196.1282 ft IDn Invert IM-;tch--i~~~rt;--·-·------ Record Id: pIt . . . ISection Shape~·'-----ICircular. -I .1 --]0.0000 in/hr l . 1100.00.00 ft . rU~Fl~~ Method: IManning's !Coefficient:. :10.0130 IRouting Method: "ITravel Ti~e Transla;ionIContributin~" HY~I""'" _ ...... ro;N~------lcblO .... . IUpN~d~--·:.:-·.·JIc~il I ·0 I I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I" I I ( , I~ I IMat~rial !cone-Spun ISize .,p •• ' .... _. " ~._.,~' Diam 1Ent~-----roroove End wlHeadwall :ILength' 131.0000ft· ... l~io~~·""----"--:lo.50%" [Up Invert 1100.000-0 ft -----ID·~·i~·~~~-··-·· · .... ·-···!19 .. 9~·8450 ft . .......... '" ... :.: .. :.:-' .. : ...... --.-.... _-... -...... --....... · .. · .. 1 , I Conduit Constraints I , fMin V~rfM-;7VelIMin' Slopei!Max sl~pejMi~',~'?v~~i I ~oOM~llS.00 ftls fo.?O%. . 'I?O.OO% , .1?.~o.!~_._.J ,IDro;~c~;;;tH-.. rO.~~OOft,·" . -.. "'" --iIE~/i~iii"R~t~--'-'-Pfio:o'OOO-in'th; :IUp Invert ;199.8~SO ft ... ,. ·jlp.~.~~~~='.:~-.·.".~]i2'Q:·9.QQCif~" IMatch inverts. ._---,--------------' Record Id: p12 rs~ct~-~·sh;p~----·---[Ci·~l~;-------· ---I runi~Fk;~Mcthod~IManning's • 'I C-o-ef-fi-ci-en-t-: --10.0130 IRouting Method: ITravel Time Translation:IC~~~rib~~i~~"Hyd:I' .. . . . ~~'--'-'-'----lblo 'IUpN~de"" · ...... kbl2 IMaterial ~-;;"Z-Sp~-;;-----"-"-ISize '1r'-1-'-2'-' D'-'-i-a-m~ [E-nt -Lo-sses'----'-'--' [Groove End ~-/H~-ad~-a-lI----'--'-----'--'--- ILength 1100.0000 ft, -J~~~E~ __ , .... _: ...... :,_.j4.gg~ :p .. [Up Invert 1100:0000 ~t 'lpl~}!lV~!1 ...... P_' .. ;19~.:9.9gq_!!_ .: I Conduit Constraints I IMin VeL[Ma";Ve)!Min slop~:IM~~ Slope,IMtn C~~~~l [1.00 ftls 11s.00 ftls 10.20% Iso.oo%· 13.ao·it" ~-.: Record Id: p13 ~~cti on S hap~~------rei rc~i;~---------------I runifo;;;F~w Method~fM;nning-';-'-------'[Coeffieient: -10.0130 /Routing Method: frravel Time Translation;IContributing Hyd,1 . -_. . . .-....... , '-'-.-"-~'-.~'"-''-''~'''.'-''' I j I In I I I I I I I IC) I I I I I I I I (j I ~N~de . '" "]~~ii'-~'-' ... ".'-'" -""""' .. ·:-i·l~i?~.~~~.:.'~~ ... -: .. ]~~'~~ .. '" ' .. :. [Material-----'-'-IConc-Spun . ISize .I~~~'pi.a~ ~ fEnt Losses IGr~~~~~~~~ .. ;!J.l~.a.dwa_'l ... :' - rr:;~gth 131.000.0" ft rIS=I<?-p_e-'-'"."---'-'-"-'-"'---'-·14:? 1 ~ ....... . [Up-Invert ! 100.0000 ft IDn I.nvert. . 1?8 .. ?799ft .' I'"'' Conduit Constraints IMi~-'V~I'INi~~-Vel-rMi;-Siope [M~~p'~IMi;C~~ ,rlOO ft/sT15~~"fU~L~·2~~[50.00% f.OO ft I ro~~p ~~·ro;~-Mi-T"-"--·ro·OOOO ft" :[ExlInfil R~-;---lo~oo.oOin/.j;1 ru~~-----f9s·5709 ft ID~ Invert 1100~0000 ft I IMatch inverts. I Record Id: pI4 .ICir<:~.I.~ ............ . .... 1,---------,.-----.1 IUnifonn Flow Method:IManIling's". . . . .' :[c:()~~fi~,,~~n!: ... ""JO:~!?Q ... ' ~tion Shape: IRouting Meth~d: .. ITray~l.!i~~ !r~n~lati~n;I~.~~~I"!!>.~ti~~l-!i:~I ..... " ... IDnNode . IcbI3 .. " . .1~r.~.<:>~~J~h.,,~1 .. _ .. lMateri al--"----'" IConc-Spun !Size .. 112uJ?!.aJ?: .. 1 fEnt Loss~~-"-----"'''''-''[Groov~ End wlHeadwali I rL~~gth-·"-"·-·"·--···--·"-r77.00(io"ft--"-------·"--"rSl~pe . 11.98% [U-pl;~ert-"-·"--·--··-"-"·llOO.OOOO ft .------IDo Invert -~8.4754 ft r======C~dUil Con~trainls .. ~I ~~;~:~;~!IOpe_~a~o~ope~o~ [Drop across MH 10.0000f~ ."'" r-'[E'--xlI-'n-['-il-'-R--'a-'te'--'-' -'-. Jo.oOOOinl,hr I Iup Invert--------[98.4754 ft ----'~IDn Invert 1100.OqOO ft II jMatch inv~rt;:---. . ~---------------------------------~ Record Id: pIS . ~~'-'~~--.~~ jSecti~;S-h-ap-e-: -----jCircular IUnifonn Flow Method:Ir-M-a-nn--'i-n"g-'s------ICoefficient: 10.0130 I -----------_._._------ I ·0 I ,f I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I • C) I fiouting Method:Trrav~ITi~eT~~,rcontributing Hyd-, 1-----------1 [DnNode 1cb12----:IUpNode' .. !cbi5------~1 IMateri;J----------.. ---rconc-SpunISiz~ , " :----!lrDi~m --i IE;;t-Cos;~s-----------iG~~ov~-E~ wlH~~dw;U---'---------'--------.. ------'-1 ~ngth ------r 100.0000 ft------~I~p~----------'--c~.50%------1 fUPi~rt--' ,[looJ5000ft--~----rDnln;ert---[99.5000 ftl , I, _ <:~~c!~~t_,~()~~t~~i.~!;_:~_ '" ~-,~_~_'~-:~'--j ---_.. , , [Min VeflM:ax Vel:IMin Slopeil~~x~!()p~,IMi_~ f()Y~~! I : f1.OOfthJ15.00 ftlsI0.20% l?O,~Q~ ,13.00~t : I IDrop across MH lo.oOOO,ft "--'-jr~~~;fi!R~te. ,~~0009 inihr!\' lup In~ertI99.5000 ft 1I?!l Invett floo.oooO ft ~ ", -j rMatc~_ inve~: ___ =~=_______ ______ '-..J Record Id: pI6 \section Shape~-------ICircular I __ Ir--' [UnTi~1o"~;thod:-IManning's ICoefficient: ---[Om30--'! 'Routing Method: !Travel Time Translation:IContrih.uting Hyd I ' __ ' _I IDnNode IcbI5 , 'lupNode -lcbI6 i IMateriaIICo~c-Spun ", ' 'IS-i~e 0-, ,-' !iFDiam lEnt LossesIGro~~e-E~d ;iHe-;dwall eo -----0 " , , !Length 131.90QOf~'., .... -'-'" '·,Isi()p~. 0_ IIO.7......:..,00h_o ~ Iup Invert 1100.0000_!t _IDn~1!vert [96.6 839ft I r Conduit co~~tr~i~tsl IMin VellMax Vel ~inSI~p~'I~~~'Solop~J!v1in Cov~rl \ I fl.oo ftls fl5.OOfUsro~· '150.00%, c, _ r~.OO ft ,-; I [Drop ac~MH----lo.oooo ft' '-[Ex7fu'-fi'-l ·R-'--'-at-e.....;....---Ir--o ,-OO-O-O-j n---'/h--r I (Up Invert --19-6.6830 ft -[Dn Invert -[100.0000 ft I r;-;-------------------! jMatch inverts. -------------------------------- Record Id: pI7 ISection Shape:, ' I 10 I .... / I I I I I I 10/1 I I I I I I I C) I I runifo~~ Fl~~ ~~~~?~~Jr~~~;~i.~~.'~ .... '" ..... :~!f~~i~~.t~ ... .-lq.·,ol.3() ... '!Routin.g Metho~:. .. .. jl!.!a~~l.Ti~eTranslatio~:j\~~t.~b~~i~~ .. ~y.~·j.... " .. ' " rDtlNo~.e,._ .. _. Jl.~~.~?_.___ .... ,.' JUp'~?9~ , f0!~~ [Material .. '1~?!1c-~pul1. ' .. 'I~ize.... . 1~.2" DiaIT,l . lEnt Losses IGroove End wfHeadw~Tt------- jiength--------jlOO.OOOO ft' -. ·-fSlope------rO.50% rUp'Inv~rt --. rlOO.0000· .. ft .... --·~·-·--·-·ri5~In-~~rt-----'--··-~9.5000 fi-- I----Cond~onstrai~ts--·--------! iMi;Vej-jMax Vel jMi~ Slope:IM-;;Slop~lMin C~v~; I ,i,oO ft/s·jI5.00 ftJs'~~f50.00% [3.Oofi-· I IDrop across MH !O.qOOOf-t ------[ExfInfil Ra-te-----fQ.oooo in/hr II' lup I~vertI99.5000 ft fDn Invert . 1100.0000 ft I !Match }-. n-ve-rt-s:---' .~~~-----------------------,--------~ Record Id: pIS fSe"ction Shape: . I~,i~~~i~r .. 1 . .---_________ .-__ _ IUniform Flow Method::!Matlni,ng's ,J~oeffi~ient: jO.0130 IRoutin-g Method: [Travel Time Translation IContributing Hyd I [DnNode jcbI7 ' IUpNode ., .. ' \cbI8 [M';terial'-------[Conc-Spun '!sizel r-I-2"-D-ia-m- ~Lo7s~----~~d;iH~;ct~lIj----, I ,Length 1100.0000 ft S.lope 10.50% I [Up Invert j100.0000 ft jDn Invert f99.5ooOfil ~r-===---Conduit Const~~ts -. -----1 I jMin Vel-1Ma.x Vel jMin SlOP. eiIM. ax SlOP. e. [M~C .. ~.-;-! 11.00 ft/s IIs.oOftl.s jO.,20% .J~0:~0%j3.qO .f! ..' ! ~op a~;ossMfI.·' ." .,jO~iq99·f~··· ...... ·"'.·jE;~~,~il R~te --I~~I Iup Invert .1.?9.?000.ft .Ipn I~ve~ 1100.0000 ft III jMatch inverts. ~ Record Id: p19 I 10 I . I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I () I r -·-·---·-.-.-----.-·-'.--.-; .. ··,-·--"---·---· .. ----.... -1 Section Shape: iCircular ! [U~f~~FI~;"M;th~d:' rM;-~-;;~-g~--·------rcoeffici~;t---·rom30--1 [R;~ting-Meth~d~------fT~TTime Translation;~ributing Hyd·1 ' rnnNod~, --------icb18 :. " . :'~~I~pN~de' ... ~:·Ic~i9_. __ [Ma~-, --. ------rQ;Z~S~n-. ---,,-, '-~'--, ~-~[1f I?.i~111: lEnt Losses ---, !Oroove ETl~w(H~ad"-\lall .. , . .' " ",,, q,,,.' [L~~------------'---13I:OoOOf-t --·----ISlope .------15.80% . : Iup I~v~rt '-'--__ --rw9:9q99 ft.':. _.~~ .. ",Jp~jn~e~-~~~ .. ?Qi_Q~~-.~ .5.~::i~~i:5f~i~ojt~~:VJ ........................................ 1 IDrop across MH!O.OOOO ft !IE~l!n!il.Rate , . J9~O'Q9Q.i~~~,r; fUp Invert )98.2020 ft IDn Invert 1100.0000 ft; r----·----·-------IMatch inverts. Record Id: p2 rs~ction Shape: ICircular .. -[ 'Uniform Flo~Method:-I'Manning~s r-IC-oe-ff-ic-ie-n-t:-10.0~30 I IRoutingMetho~: ITravel Time Transl~ti.~n;IC.~n~ributing;,Hx~'I .. ",,' .. ..' ,J fDnNode . 'kb22' ., .' . . :IUpNode ." lcb24.. ! IM(ite,tia1 . ' .. "IC~~~~~,E~tl __ ".:.",~:.~" ... ::~Jr~i·~~--•. ,. . ... J~5:_~i_~;,:., rEnt L?ss~s .. J9ro.()~~ .. ~~~,~II!~!l?~~!!_.,.,., "-"r""''-'--'''-''-'''-'''-'-'''~-'-'--'-:! 'Length. , :!4.}.·9.999f~ ...... _.J,S.lo.p~ ... . ..:IJ~:~.9~M'~ lup Invert '!100.0000 ft. !IDn Invert ... J~?:~9?Q.!t II .' ..... . . Conduit:~~~~!;~:i~;~-·'_ .. _n":':':::,~.~n .. , .. II' rMinVcl!Ma~-VcllMin Slope'~:;;:sIq;'IMin Cover e~~Y.1i5.00~lo.20% 150.00% 13.00 ft._j !Drop across MH 10.0000 ft !ExlInfii Rate !uP Invert 192.4970 ft ipn Invert IMatch inverts. --~--------------------- I . 1 lo.ooqo inlhrl 1100.0000 ft I . I J ,------ Record Id: p20 I ·0) I .- I I I I I I I(j I I I I I I I . tJ I I Isection 'Shape: ICirc~lar .. ·:.~jr---------'r----~I IUniform Flo;-Meth~d~'IMannin_&'s ....... J~o.~!f~c.ie..~!~._._._ .. JQ:g.~ .. ~Q .... __ ..• !"Rc>uting Method:---ITraveITimeTranslati?n.:I~ .. {)!It?b~t .. i!1_~ .. ~ydt .... " ...... " ........ __ .. "., fDnN~-------'-rcb18 . . ..... I~p.~?~~ ... ___ ._,,_ ...... J~_b2Q. .... ,, ___ ,,! IMaterial ICon.c~~p.ll.n .". J~i~~._ ... "._". ____ nJl.?~:"I?!.~!.!1,, __ J r.:::--: ----.. --... r .. lEnt Losses IGroove End wlHeadwall fLength--"---"-----",87.0000 ft .. :IS=lo:p:e ==:=":"':''':' -jO:5~O~' ", H ••• ; fUpln-~~rt-""----"-"-TlOO.OOOO ft IDn Invert 1.99.5650 ft rl=====::::=::::=·===:::=::':'-:·~:=:".·'::-===-:--=====-=·"---·--·-"---"'-..,..,.--.:..----:--'-"---I Conduit Constraints !fMi~-v~if~~~-V~I]~i;Sl~IMax Slope IMin Cover: 111.00 ftis 115.~~!~s 1?20% 159.00% 13 .. 0Q.ft: ... :~. . ... " ................... " ........ ' IDrop-acr-os-s iffi-----/o.oooo ft IExfInfil Rate :10.0000 in/hri !Up Invert ... -[99-.5-6-'50-f-t--'-'-----'--.II>~ ~~y:e.~'''' · .. ·· .. ·.·:I}:~q~~~9..i~.: ~tch ·inverts. Record Id: p21 ISection Shape: ICir~lll(l~ ... . "~'" .'-."-~.J IUniform Flow Method: I~anning's ....... "P"., ..... .Jr-I~-.. ~-e.!-~-.~-.~,!1-.. ~-: __ -""-.... ---'jIQ·2}~g_._ ...... ,,; IRouting Method: ITravel Time TranslationilContributing Hyd!! .. IDnNode Icb20'" IUp"N~d~" · .. -·-··-· .. I~b2·i-...... d.' IM;~;;-l'--'-----"--"'!Conc-Spun ------ISize 112" Diam I rEnt Losses .. _·--...... -iGroove End wlHeadwall '1 fLength ·-....... -13l.0000 ft :ISlope :10~50% I fUPTn~~rt------IIOO~OOO_O ft .JI?n_~n~e~ ....... _. :19~.~~?0 f~ . i!~~:~S~fo~o~~~~ver~ .......... ..... .... . ~ .. (lcross MH .... Iq·9o.~g_ft. '. _"' ..... :IE:~.(£.l!fl!_.~~~~ ..... j9:Q2Q2,,~~!.h.r Iup Invert !99.8450 ft ilDn Invert .. . 11100.0000 ft . 1Match inverts. " ... ........ .... . --.. _-....... _-... _-_ .... __ .... ----... --.-. -" Record Id: p22 I 1()1 I' J I I I I I I It) I I I I I I I U I I 1-.. --... -.. ----... -.. --.----.-.. -------.:-.-------. ·'-------1 )Section Shape: ICircular. I ru;-jf;rm F~;-M~thod: IMaJ;~ing's 'r-IC-o-ef-fi-ci-en-t-: --10.0130. . . • . . ......... -...................................... "H' 1 IR~~-ti·~g-M~-th~d~-------ITravel Time Transl;tionilContributing Hyd.l. ,j rD~N~·d~---··'·-----·---·-lcb2'2--'-· -~, ... , 'IUpN~d~'" ' ..... ~--' -''-:1 rM~t~ri~I--'-'''---'------~-=S~-'---ISi~~ . ..1.~5".niam. .' rE~tio~;~~--"-'-'-'---rGroove End w/Headwali ' ~---'---.. ----.---.----.r2c--'---.----.r-:-' ... :......;;.; .... ...:::.:." .. .....::.:;; .... --"'-:.:.:.:..c ..... ~. : ~ ....... " .. " ... ,. "" " ." .. ,Length .. ?D.00,09ft . ..' , .j~l<?p.~, .. ,. __ ._ .. :19.?g_~ .. _". fUr In~~rt-----·-'--'-.-:!.~~D·Q909 rt ... u •• ,. -.. 1!?~ __ !~ye~_. __ , _____ J?~.:?9QQ_!~,._: r:=---, . . .. -.... ",.. ..... .. .. -.... . ........ --, ... . . r-' C::~~.d,~!! C:~!1!i.tr~!~.~~ .... ".. . _. _____ ._J [M~ Vel [M;-;VelfMiIl slope!I~~?'~~0p.ell~i~ .. c;~~~!l li?,?-fU~r15.00 WsID.2D~.. ,JS.Q:99~ '. '13:2D.ft __ J Iorop ~c;~ss-MH [0. .~o.oO,·~~· ... .. •. ~_-. ~' .•• " :.-. [[~II~fi!-_R~!~~~-·~:'.-.![g:-QQ9Dj_~;i [Up In-~ert ,199.9000. ftl1?~}~Y~!! __ ,, ____ .iI~_9.Q:gQQ9_fU !M~t~hin·~erts. ___ ._, ___ " _______ , _______ --'-___________ --..J Record Id: p23 fS~~ti-~-~'-Sh;P~·;'----'--'--[C;~~ia_r _______ ___'_I,___---__ ,,--__ _ rUnif~~Fl~;-~d:IManning'sl~~~f.~ici.~~t: ... m.Jq·0130 fRo-mi;g Method: ITravel Time T;anslation:!ContributingHyd:1 ..... _"; ~Node rcb22 '. ,. 'IU~N~d~'--.... ·--··:I~b23' . IMaterialICon,c-Sp.~!l. . ..... JS~~~'_:·:·~·~.-'~~~~~J:i~,,~i_i~,-·~. lEnt Losses!Groove End wlHeadwall ILength 1~6.()OqO ~t .,"--··i""'I~.:::.::..l~;.:;;;~,~::...:.;;,·.·-:::::_~,=,~~="::-'-"::-:..::.::"':':::':-~.:IX~·~i3.?O __ ,_ rUplnvert----flDO:O~O_qf~ ... ..!I!?_~:~~,~~~~ __ , __ ... : __ J~~:~~~2 Xt _.: r -.. ".-......... , -.............. ---.. .... ; I . ~o~~':l~t. ~~~stE~.in"t~_._. _"" ..... _____ .-" [Mi'~VeTIMax Vel!Min Slope:I~~~.~!o_p~:l~in ,~~.~e~l ! 11.00 ftls ItS.DO ftlstO.20% ... J?,O~~O% . :I~:o~.f.~ .. __ j ~p across MH 10.DOOOf~ .... '. ·· .. ·:IE~lInfiIR~t~ '''ig~()O()~iry~~ [Up Invert 193.8682 ft IDn Invert 1100.:0.000 ft . 1,;.--... ,--.,---------------.--. jMatch inverts . . ____ . ________ ,_. ________________________ --,-1 Record Id: p24 I In I I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I I(J I rSecti;~'-Sh-;P~--;:------'jCircula.r_ ... ". __ ... ''.----.. ]1 ltJnifo~A~w Method: [Manning's I I Coefficient: ilo.o13o, 1 . . . ."..... ... ,,' "''' ...... _." ... ,,_ ................. ,,-_. __ .... .1 ......... , ... _,_ ... _-... _ ...... ___ .... ~ _. ___ . __ ....... __ ...... . IRouti ng Method: , ... IIrav.e.1. 'T.i.l!le'!~~~.~~.~~ .. ~!lJ!~~~~~~!~~~_!I..1~ L .... __ .. _ .. _ ... _.~j [i?n Node , : Ie ~?? ' .. ' ."'. __ ._ ... _ ........ __ .J Iy.p.~~~~ ........... __ .... J~~.~~ __ ...... ...J Irvtat~rial ·IC()n.c~.Sp',!.~, .. "' ..... , ....... _, ..... !I§.!~~_ ............... _ ...... ![!.~.:'-I?j~~_.j [E~t Losse~ IGroov~ En~. w~~~~~,~~l ... __ ._ ... "_.'.' .. __ ............. __ , . ____ " ...... J fL~ngth -·-·------165.0000 ft :I~.lope.. . ....... ' .IQ:?'Q~_ ....... ~ !uP Inv~rt·------"--·-·llOO.OOOO ftlDn Invert ~199.6750 ft I r;:---.. ---.-------.----,-~ -.. ~ ... ::"', '.... .. "........ -', .'~' .-.. ~ .. -~ ... '-' .-. ! 1·----·-------Cond~it Constraints .. , .,. . .. rM"i;; VelfMa:Vel !Min Slope'IMax sl()p~!I~il!.C?.ye!) floo ftls flioo ftls 10.20%-\150.00~ .. .I~:QQ .. ~~_."' .. ; ====~~========~==~===.=.=. ~--= .... =-~ .. ~.~.~.~ .. ~-.~ ... = ... ~-.~--.~.~.~.=' ~"~I [Drop across MH 10.0000 ft IIE~!Inf!IRate :Io..oo~o in/hr ruPTnvert "199.6750 ftlDn InvertllOO.0o.o.o..ft [Match inv-e·-rt·s-. --- Record Id: p27 Section Shape: ..... Ci"r~u'i~;-"'--'.--'-'-."-' ":'\ / / .. --........ -..... --..... ',.----~r----~nn Flow Method: lM.a~~.in&'~qH ..... __ .. "" ._.jC.9~!!~~i~I!_~_ ......... Jl9:..O',,1?.Q ____ ..... : fRouting Method: , ITravel1.:!I?:l~.!E~!1?I~.~~?.n!l~o~_t~~!I!Jt!!.t~lL.. _ ... _ .. __ ......... j IonNode -lcb24. :I~P~~~~ ..... _" ..... iI~.~?~ ........ ; [Material ----[Cone-Spun ISi~~" ." ..... J12"P~a.~ .. ,,' lEnt Losses ~ve End wIHeadwall ~~gth --------\42.0000 ft . ·r-IS-!o-.pe----IO.59%. luPi~vert--"-.. -----1100.0000 ft IDn Invert 199.7900 ft !-;::::=...-=--:.:::::::::::::::::::.--:::::::::::::--::-.::..----,.' ---.\ i l____ ___ Conduit Constra.ints . . __ . '_'_' ! [Min VelfMax Vel jMi!1 Slope !rv1axSl()p~ ~ C()~~r, fl.OO ft/;115.00 ftls 10.20% :150.00% 13.00 ft ! , , , . ""'" .......... _... .. ............ , .... '" __ .. .J -<.-.-..... -~.~~-,-.-------.... -.-.. -.. -.------.... --.. --••.. -~--.-.-.-.~ ...... -'"._.-. -.-.-.. ~-.~.--... ,.-".- Prop across MH· . ·!q~~goo..!~., ... _" .......... ;I§~!!.!l!l!~~"t.~ .. _.JQ:9.9Q_~.i.~~i lup In~ert 199-.79qO_!~ .. _ ......... _ ..... :I~~ .. ~!1.~~!!, ___ ......... J.~.Q9_·.qQ,,9Q E! .. ' /Match inverts. Record Id: p28 I I~ { I' I fSectj'on Shape: Ic'i~~~lar' .... ~ni.~~~ .. ~l~~ M_~~~_~~~~ann~n~~s ___ .. ___ Jrcoefficient: __ ,-._rarO~0130 I !Routing Method: ITravel Time Translation Contributing Hyd I rD~~ode --=~=-=-=iCb~? .. . ., ... '. -]~pNod,e _'. jci;2s:-----1 !Material IC~I.l5~~Sllu~ . '_.u ....... ·ISi_ze .... p. .ll~1I Di.am. I lEnt Lossesl(Jr?()".~ .. E!1d. ~fI:!ead\Val~ . !L~ngth '[31.0000 ft Ir-S...:....lo~pe"'--'-.:..;'---=..:-'-. -.li-l--'~-,:~-'O;':"",%'-'-... =-.. -.1 lup Invert l'I()O~OOOO'ft ... ·''--ID-~----i?---''v---'-ert-.. -~19~.8770 ft I I ~ -'. Conduit'~~~st.~~i~~~~, .. · p ', ........ _ .... ; IMin Vel'lMax V ~!.I~i!1 .. S}.~~I~~.~l()p~jl~j~.~().".~~j . 11.00 ftl s :t 15,.0.9:: ~tI~: 18::~~~ .... ~)1~0:~2~: .. :) I? :.O~~f;: ... _._.:l ....... , ....... _ .............. _. . ............ _, I IOr()p across ~H_ ......... !IQ·gQ22..f! ... ,. _ .... ____ . __ ..... Jg~ffi.1.fiL.~~~~..._.jQ:g.O'Q9_~~h£i fup Invert . .I??:.~.??'Q .. ~~. ""_'''' .... _ ......... ,~~}!1.~~ .. r.!_. _. ... _j~gQ·Q2.Q~f~ . .' [Matc'h inverts. I I (.) . -' I I Record Id: p29 [Secti~~~--Ir-IC_ir-'cu-'-l.:...:;ar_. -,--..c..' ....;. .... ..;;,. ..•. _.,;..... ---'...1.,.--_____ ,.-____ 1 'Uniform Flow Method::IManning's :ICoefficient: .10.0130 !Routing Method: 'TravelTime Translation:lc~'~trib~~i'~g Hyd"'" .. ' .. IDnNode Icb27 '. . IUpNode" .. jcb29 [Mffieri;l-IC()~c-~p~n ·ISize.. ---r-ll-'2~-' D';':" 'i-a--'~-' I lEnt Losses Iqr~~~.e.§!l~ ~!l:!ea~~.~ll, ............. p' _" •••• __ ••• [Length .. J~?':.9.QQQ!t, ...... _ ...... "_" J~}?~ ..... _ ........ ".' :I~·??~ ..... . I I Iup Invert. . . J!.9.9:Q99g .. !~ ...... _ ..... _ .. !I!?~~~~~ ......... j~?..:~?}.?.f~ .. . .,. ~----"."-~."'--'-~ ¥_-_ .................. ~-" .. -~-'-~' ... -~ .... ~ .-.-~-I Conduit Constraints ! [Min VellMax veIIMi~-si~~~~M~;-SI~~-~IMi~"c~~~~'i ". .. . ,", ~ .u .'''~ .. "'.' .., ... _ ...... _~,~._~_" ... _ .. _, .~_ .. ,,~ ... ~ .. _~~_. __ ¥_J rt.OO ftls 115.00 ftls 1020~ .. , J1?<l.:o.9~ ...... J~:QQ.!~ ........ I I I , ) Record Id: p3 I I I n I .. ~ection ~h~pe:·._ .. ·._~;I~i~~.~.I~=q·._~.· ... ~ .... :.-J,.--____ --.,-____ I [Uniform F~()w ~e!~()d:H~.~~~i.~gl ......... _ .. _ .. _ ... _.Jg~~!f~~}.~~~:_ ....... .:I9:o.!.~.o .. IRouting Method: ...... ,l!~~~~~ !i~~!r~~ .. ~~~~~.<:nll~o.ntn.~.~~i_n~_~x?JL ....... ' . . ._ , I [D~Node ...... Jc~~2 ..... _ . __ '.' .. ."JY.P~?~~... .. _... k~?4 __ . ... ~ !Material ..... 1.<;.o.!1 .. ~~_~~~ ...... ____ .. __ ...... jl§.~~_._ ..... _ ...... ___ ....... Ill~"}~i~.~ __ I I I I lEnt Losses :IGroove End wlHeadwali rLength---... :1199:00oo .. i~·-.. --.. ---· ----·-·iiFs·=I~=~~= .... -=-= .. ··=·· .. ··=---:.:...: .. :::::;-:1;.7'70/; rup Invert :rlOO:OOOOf~--' " ... " . '''''--'ID~-i~~~~-'''--....... ~196.4777 !-t-' , r.=---..... ... : .. ~:'.'::::'---' ........ " " ........... . II Conduit Constraints I I!Mi~-velrMax VcllMin slop;IMa;:Sh;(;IMin Cover 1 !JTo6·ftls-fl5.oOTti~ro.20%--~"O.00% '[3.00 ft '., ~ I IDrop ~cross MH IOo(j()()o ft. ···.·IIix~nfilRate IOoooooinlhrl ~p Invert .19.6.4777 ft :11?~ ~Il\,ert flOg.oooo ft:j IMatch inverts: .' . I I ~.~) I Record Id: p32 rSection Shape: .' .JCir~~~~.r. ...... ---... ·:.,· .... ~;I.r-_-__ -.-----I IUniform Flo~ ~ethoct..::I~~~ni~~'~ ........................ J1~~!Q~~_e.~_t:_ ......... _.;I9.:g.~.~9 __ ..... . !Routing Method: ... 1~~~ .. ~.~1 ,!i~~_'!!..~E~.~~_~~I!J[g~E .. t~~~!~~.~.Y~I. __ " .. _ ... __ .... ] I IDnNode Icb29 flUpNode :lcb32 [Material [Con~-Spun' "-"'rSi~~"'"'' --........ :fi2,;'Dia~' I iE~t Losses iGroove End wlHeadwali , ---~-------.---r- [Siope 16.18% (Length 131.0000 ft I I I ------ \100.00.00 f~ .1~11 ~nvert [98.0842 ft IUp Invert 1,'-'-.. --........ .. .... " ..... -''- II ___ . ___ ~ndllit C()nst~ail1.ts. '. . ... . .......... ~ IlMin VellMax Vel !Min SIOl'eiMax Slope!Min C()ver, it·o.o. ftls 115.00 ftls 10.20%150.;00% 13.00 ft . I ..' . "." "' [Dr~p acro;s MH I . !~~/Infil Rate 10.0.000 in/hr 10.0000. ft Iup Invert' 198.0842 ft. II?~ _~ny~!:t [iOOpOOo.ft IMatch inverts. I I il ) . ../ Record Id: p33 I I l()l I' I I I I I I I (~) '- I I I I I I I I I i(j ~~~ S~ape: ·~i~i.;~~l~;"·:·:"··· .. ..... ,.:1,..--____ --:.--____ 1 IUniform Flow Method: IManning'sICoefficient: . :10.0130 [Routing Method :----·-ITravel Ti me Trans lati on .Ico~trib~~in~ H ;ctj ,-.... -...... ID~N~~-------"'-"'~'b29 . . . ·.·Il!_pN.od~ ....... '" ;~-~ IMateri-;I---'---IConc-Spun :ISize :112" Diam [Ent Losse;---.. ·-----!Oroove End w/HeadwaH' '.. ' ...... . ~ith----.. -------·rI52.0000 ft. . :ISI<:>£e ..010. .. 522'0..... d rUp Invert ---. rwo.oo.og ft _.. . " .... llr>.J1.!I1v~.rt ...... j~?:?.±o.Q!t .: 1'!Min V~'!~I~~tS?:~lt~;i~~!i~~~;;eJ 11.09 ftls ;115:90 ft/s lo.~o~ ... jl~9~29..~,.. J[3:g_2.!t ___ J . ______ ... _._, IDro~.ac;oss MH ... .. ".I~.0~9_~."~t·.~·~:--"-", _~-:]§~~.~fii~;~~·~-;IQ~2Q90J~~' [UPfuvert 199:~~Oo. ft , .... _w JQn ... !J1.y.ert. ..... ..JI!g_o.:QgQQ"f£~ I~a!c~ inverts. Record Id: p34 IS~ction Sh~pe~--'----"'-rci~I;;"'-------""'-! !U~'iforrn FI~;M~'th~d~IManning's ·----~clfi~~-. -. -10.0130 'Ii fRc;~ini Method;------I'Travel Time Translation;IContributing Hyct:1 fD~No'd-;------------~b3 3 . ..~ IUpN ode '. ..... ". .. r-k b-};..:.....4:...;...· .... --' .... -'--'-I IMaterial ICone-Spun .... JSize . 1.1t~ pi~ lEnt Losses ·jG.roo,ve E.l1d ~1H~a~-'Y~I.1 .. .. . ...... .._". _ ... . ~h--------166.0000 ft.. . .ISlope . .. . Hl ~:q~.~ [Up Invert ... ---------1100.00~0!t. . ...... ~ j~t.l.~I~vert..., . :I??~~?? !t I~;: Vel~*~ts;:;~;~~I~P:I~I~~~ve~ .[ 1.00 f~115.00 ftls 10.2~~?::.)~g~~~~ .. :.J~::?~}~::~::::t. ................................ _ ... . rn~~~MHlo.oOOOft . . . ...... :[E~!!~fi!.~~t~ ..jQ:QQQ9.!.~~; lup Invert '----~9.2872 ft :IDn Invert '1100.0000 ft ; 1."-.-.-.. -.--............... -..... _--... -.....-. . .... H· • '1 IMatch inverts. --' Record Id: p35 I :0 I I I I 1 I' le~) I I I I I I I {, . I'{~ I rc;:----------r--tSection Shape: ,Circular IUniform Flow Method: lJ\1anni_~.~'s .. . fC:~~~f~ci~~!.: ....... _Jf.O 130. ... [Routing Method: . I!.~~yel !i~e.. T~a~s_la~i_on; 1~~E~~~u~.!~l?. ~.Y~I L .. ----., ... -". ,", ~ ,'. IDnNode _ J~~.~~_ .--.... -..... ~,-'" -, .. . , j~p~~?~-... .. _---_ .. _ .. , ....... --....... " ...... , ... ·lcb35 . :!Material .. " .lc;?!l.~~§e'1.t:! .. ., .• '._¥" ~ , _. "I §. i~~_ .. ___________ ... _, .... ]!.! ,~~:.!?i~~ ___ ._' lEnt Losses Iqrgoye, E:n~ w~eadw~~!._ .... __. _____ ... _ ... __ .. I .-~ ,. .' ...... ".~ ... ' ..... , ' .~. --! ILength --~I~q:Q~9q.ft . . .... I~!,?p.~_ ... __ Jr.:~.?~ __ .. i , --.' , .~_. w., ,,' [Up Invert 1100.0900 ft ." .11?~ .!~ye~ ..... , ..... j~9~~9},9 ft ... ; . -r--- Conduit Constraints IMin-Vel [Max Vel-rMin Slope rMax Slope' [Min Cover' 11.00 [Us ·\!S.oacus [O.20~[50.00~ P.OO-ft--, .' ~ .r . ··.·4 ... ~ , .~. ~, ~ .... IDrop across MH 10.0000 ft IExllnfi.I Rate .10.9900 in.!hr; Iup In ven--------199.6010 ft IDnlnvert 1100.0000 ft fJ-----·--------Match inverts. Record Id: p36 ISection Shape: .I~i~.cul .. ar.·· .. -. . ~I I~nif?nn Flow M:ethod: lN1:an~i~~'s... '. .j~?~!!~c.!.~!.t.!: ... _. ____ J9.·.!L1.~Q _____ .: IRouting Method: ITravel Time Transl~tio,~;I~o.~t~~~t!_':lg~l'~:1 ,_. ' __ "_"'_ .J IDnNod~ -Icb34 IUpNode ;lcb36, IMaterial IC~nc-S pun .... -"I~i~~ ---:: .... ~ ~--·~·:.--~·.ri~;'~·i?~~~~~ .~.; lE~t Losses IGroove End wlHeadwall _. _... .. .. .......... _ ..... " ILength --[69.0000 ft ISlopeI7:04~ .. [UP Invert ----1100.0000 ft l1)n Invert 195.1424Xt r-~~-=-":::":=====C~~~~~~~rai;;t~-=----- I I !Min VeTrMa;Vci!Min Slop;;-iM;~S~fM-in-C-o-ve-'r.' rt:OOft/~Ji5Toftfs'10.20% 150.00% 13.09 ~t .. ...". ' rDrop across MH --10.0000 ft" l~x/I~_f.il.~!1.~~, ...... ,lo.~90q}tYh~: lup Invert ,195.1424 ft ,Ip~ ~n~e~. .. . 11190.090~~t: IMatch inverts. Record Id: p37 I I .0 I I I I I I Ie) I I I I I I I .0 I' rs-e~ti~nSh~p-~::J~ii~lll~r---'1,--_____ .-__ _ -IUnifonn Flow Method: IManning's ICo~fficient: " ,10.0130 _ _ I ~~~:~~~~~~= ~;:I2'_fl\,,~~~:l:i~': 1~:~1~~i~~~E~7-~~-1 [Material ------------rConZ~-p~-;;_'-'-'"----.. --------lsi~;--------'-------VDiam- r,:;--------------' r=---'---" , -------------,-----,--,--- lEnt Losses IGroove End wlHeadwall fLength---1106.0000 ft ' ISlope----------~~50%---- rUPln~rt--.. -'--cfic;oo.OOooit-'-'--' -ro;fuv;rt------[99.4~TOoft: rl ' Cond~it Constraint~ , .. IMTn Vel [Max Vei IMin Slop~[Max Slope [Mi~-c-;-ver' 11.00 fti;1i5.00ftls~~0%, ~150·90~13.00jt-': . . . .' ." .... ". '". -.. ' .. ----- .IDrop across MH , "J9:9~qq _!t___'I~~/1'Tlf!~ ~ate Iup Invert ' '199.4700 £llDn In"ert IMatch inverts. Record Id: p38 ... -," .. ". _ , "IO·QQ99JI1f.h_r; :1100.0000 ft ! 'w' .' .~. _ • "._ •• J fSe~tio~Sh;p~---'-ICi-rcular -I [Uniform Flow Method: !Manning's ---'rc'-o-ef-fj-ci-en-t-: --10.0130 IRouting Method: ITravel Time Translation-\Contributing Hyd\ ~ode icb37 \UpNode 1cb38 IMaterial ICone-Spun ISize ' 112" Diam fEntLosses ro;~ove End wlHeadwall ILength --[31.0000 ft Ir-S'-op-e -'-----10.50% lup Invert 1100.0000 ft ron Invert 1?9.8~59 ft _ ~~~:r~I~!;::1E;!o~ope~~~ver ... fllioP across MH 10.0900 f~ . -,I~~{In_!i} R_~t.e _', ' 10:QqOQ.f~h~: lup Invert 199.8450 ft IDn Invert '11o.9·0o.o.Q ft_ IMatch inverts. Record Id: p4 I In I" I I I I I I I '0 I I I I I I I I {U I rs~ction Shap~~-_______ -IC:ir~~J'~r. ...... ~· •. _,.~~~·:·.·· .......... ;1.,--_____ ..-__ !Unif~nn Flow Method: I~a.~~~t:l~'s. ' .. "" ............ I~?~f!i~i~.t:l.~: ... ' .... IQ:g_!~_O ....... . IRoutin~ Metho~.: " '~~<:,,:~ .. !~.~~.!r.a..nsl.~~i,!.n I~?~.t~.~~!!~.~ .I.:I:Y..~ L.. _ . ___ .. _. ' InnNode J:~~ ' .. '< __ "'" •• __ ••• Il!e!'i~d,? ... ..J~_~.~... . .' IMaterial :lC()!!~:~P~I!_ .. ___ ... ___ ...... I~}~~.... ._., .. J!.~~'_~iaI? lEnt Losses '-IGroove End w/Headwall .' . . . t ... __ ... , ........ _~ __ ...... _._ .. "" ...•... _ ...................................... . ILen.$th . . .. 1~12:Q9 .. Q2.!t _ ... ___ ..... u •••• .iI~I.?p~ ........... jl.?:~Q~ ... _.: lu pI~ vert . .' ... IJ QQ.~~QQg_!! ___ .. ____ . __ ... J12~_ ~n. v.e.~ .. _..... ... J Z2.:2 .. ?_~g.!! .. , • ,. --.--~.~ '''---'"-''.-~-.-~----~.-,---,--•• --.-.-•• ¥ •• ~ •• -.¥ !Min Vel [Maxv~;~~!tsi:~~~il~~~IMi~ c~~~~1 ["1.00 ftls [15.00 ftls 10.20% .. ··,50·.00% . !3.00 ft .. 1--.------_._---__ .. _____ _ IOr;P-acr~~s MH .. ----[G.OoOOft-----IE~7WilR;~--lo.oooo in/hr' rupI~rt--··---·-179.0560 ft' -rnn Invert 1t00.0000 ft [Match invert~~' . '. . Record Id: p44 fS~ction Sh~~---]circlll~r . . Ir--~_-__ ..---- !Unifonn Flow Method: IManning's ·ICoefficient 10.0130 .1 :~:~~:~ Method: ·:rt;;ITi_~j~~~Sl~ti~~::3~::~ti;gH yt~4 -••.• IMat~rial . .·I~-?_;£;§_~~~_._ .. _ .. · .. ~·~_~I~·ii~-~.··--·-_ .·.··· ... ::··IXi.·;:.·!?i~~· lEnt Losses 'IGroove End wlHeadwall I.. • .. _ ......... __ . ______ ..... _ .........• ' ... _...... _ .' ILength 167.000~ ft _ ISlope 119.06% lup In~~rt------1100.0000 ft IOn Invert '--193.2598 ft ~-==-C~~d~iI Constrain~ -==-- I [Mi~Vcl' fM~-v~TrMi~STc;P;~SIop~IMinC-over ; 11.00 ft~J!._~.oo Mio.20% ·1~0·90o/? rfoOT--i rD~ ac!.?ss MH----Io.oooo ft _. . --fEJlnfil Rat~-'--~:OooOi~~1 lup Invert !93.2598 ft !Dn Invert 1100.0000 ft I iNi;tch inverts. I Record Id: p45 I ·0 I I I I I I I IC) I I I I I I I {(. I ,~ I ~ctiOt1.Sh~pe·:·,.", '~.':-~~~ ._._~ .. ~ ... -."'J IUniform Flow M..et~?d:;IM~':lt1ill~'s .' _ '. , .... .JIr-,~-~e-J-!i-~~-~.!l-!-:._-.. -__ --'J~:~!?Q. , ...... 'Routing Method: lIr~vel Time Translationil~?~~~~~~i.ll~~Y.~:I. . " IDnNode fct;47-' IUpNodeicb45 -=\ IMaterial IConc-Sp~n ISiz~'" ' . ,'12" Diam I lEnt Losses 'IGroov~ End w/Headwall ' '.-'---' --I [Length-------------j112.0000-ft--------ISJope ---!0.50% I Iup Invert --·------1100.0000 ft---~ID.n.It1vert , . f99 .~4o.0 ft ." ...... ,- I Conduit Constraints ! .. --,-.." .... .' .' ~. . . . ~J {Min VelifM-;l)~ y~l ·IMin Slope;IMax Sl?~e IMinC<:>~~r.i Il.OOf~s. :115:9.o,~~s.!10.29~ I~o.oo% I~·.o.o ft_ ... j --I v .... . .. . ~ .. -.. -. .. -." ... '" . ' . ... ..... ~-." ._'." ._._------.. -... _--. ~ ,-' .. -........... ,.., ... IDrop acro.s.s .rvrn . '10. .. 9.909. ft . --.. -' ... ' ".i~~!!_l1fi!.~~!~. .. .. " .. -""''' ... , ..... -.. " ;10.0000 infhr: lup Invert 199.4400.ft !lpI1 ~l1v~r:t .. '1).0.9:909.0 ft IMatch in"erts: .. Record Id: p46 fOrZular' lr----_...----_ luniform Flow Method: iManning's !Coefficient: 10.0130 I ISection Shape: rRoutingM~th~~'-ITravel Ti~e Translation-fContributing HydT--\ IDn-N~'------'--1cb45 . IUpNode [cb46 I fMaterial IConc-Spun .', .. ,,~i~~'!i?" piam JEnt Losses IGroove End wlHeadwall ILe~gth . 130.0000 it' '.,' ':,r-'S':"::"l~"';:";~e'-'-" ~'--'---'--'-18.?0% ... Iup Invert ." . 1100.0000 ft '. ..' '!p; In.~ert_._ " .. 197.3300ft ~Min Vel [Ma~ V ~;~~!W:p:S~:~!~pel~i~~';~;r: IIl.Op f~s.:llS.P9f~s'10.?o.~ .... :1?~.:.o.~~.J~:99.,!~"_._..J . ,~~~' ac~os~·11~~.' . ·:-'IO·~.g9o. f~ ~ __ ':~: .. _" ~ ~ ... ~~.~=[~~~~!!i.:~.~~~· .·u-jQ:QQ9_g~i~h;: Iup Inye~. . ,197.3300. ft ,., ' ..... ilp.~ .. !~y'e_I1._. . .. J 1.9o.:~o.o.Q!( IMatch inverts. Record Id: p47 I ·0 I -.. I I I I I I 10 I I I I I 1 I U I I ISe~tion Shape-: ------rCircula~-.1 rl!~ifu;;;Pl~w Meth~?:-rMan.~.~~! ___________ ·Ir-C-o-ef-fi-ci-en-t-: -10.0 139 __ I rRouting Method: !Travel Time TranslationfContributing Hyd ~ IOnN ode --.' ----·-·--1cl;37---. ----·--.------·Iu {)N ()d~.· 'lr-cb--'4-'-7 -"-.. ---- IMaterial I<=onc-~p..un _.. . :I~~~e. __ __ --.oI.I.~'~.Q.!.~l1! " lEnt Losses ----rO;oove End wlHeadwaIl !Leng~h' . ·1107.oo00it---H-----.. --n~I;=s-=I~'-pe;....;..· .. =_ •. =_=.HH.;.;;.... ... --'-. -"-!O~'5()% ........ Iup Invert. _ [l00.09Qq·ft·· .. ' ' .•.•... ~·I~~j~~~~.·.q"-.H' ~·J~9:~.~~9.f.t.· :. r -Conduit Constrai~ts. ~I 1~~~~:i~6d .. __ [Orop a~ross MH 10.0000 ft . [E·..:...:x-'-II'-nf-il-C.R-a-'-te-.. -!O.OOOOin/hr ~~ert 199.4650 ft IDn Invert 1100.0000 ft IMatch inverts. . j Record Id: pS r-ls_ec_ti_on_S_h-,-a-,-pe_: ___ Ir-c-,-i~_cu_la_r_.,--,--____ 1,--_____ r---- !Uniform Flow rv.tethod: 1tv1~!lnin_&'s. .l~()e._f.f.~~ie.t:t~: _I~·qq.o :~:~~:~ Method: t::veITime Transl_atinn,:~~~::tin~ lIyd :~b5 -. _ . rMateri~1 !Co~.c-·~p_un. .. '" ·I~i~z.;·"~ :.: . '[.12:': ~i~~ .' lEnt Losses --[Groove End w/Headwall ILength' ... 1~i·.9~~9.f~:·" ..... q ... _ .. nj[F~=!()=p~=··.-=-=·.·=~· = .... "-.-.c.:...,. ~ilO:~~9·~ .. · -.. - Iup Invert 1100.0000 ftlOn Invert~S,O ft l~inV~llMax v~t~~:ts~:p:s;a~~lnPefM~1 --- III.-o?, ftls-ftSJlO '[tls fo·20% [50-:00%-[3.00 ft ] [Drop across MH 10.0000 ft Ir-E-x/-In-fil Rate Iup Invert 199.8450 ft IOn In.vert IMatch inverts. Record Id: p7 I 10 I I I I I I I It) I I I I I I I. I('U I ·~ionSh~pe::-·,·:. ~'_~~]~i,~~~~~~'~~:.~':=~·"~-~~~:~.Jl . Iu ni [onn Flow Me,th?d: ,l~~f!,~i,~~~~ ___ ... __ '. ___ .. ' __ J~J~~~~,_,_.jIQ:Q!.~._ .... __ ,j 'IRouting Method: l'fravel.l"i?1_~ Trans!.~Y<?f!il~.~r.!.t.~E~!,i~~ .. !:!r~jL .. ,,_._,., __ ... ,,_ ' ID'nN~d~---'---1cb4 lUpNode. JCb7 '.' jMate'ri;T-'--"-IConc-Spun ISize . lIT I?ia,? . IE;; Losses -------jGroove End w/Headwall [Length------'-----185,OOOO ft . :r-IS-'-lo"-pe--"----'--jl·l:3'6% . Iup fuv~rt-------ll.OO .. OO~~f~ __ .. -.. '.~.'.:.' ~·OiID~~~~y_~~:~:" .. · ···}9Q:~440ft .. I ~~ ~:: ~a~o~~:tr~!~:1tt~:pel~t~;v] IDrop across MH .' .:19~QOQ9ji.: ... ,~',:_,',:~._=ji~~ril_.g3!~~~: __ :·_~:12~o_q9.}~~: !uP. In vert . , _.j~9:.~.~Q!~. _____ .. _,._, ___ .. _.J,Q!.1 I~~~~_ ... _. ___ J!QQ:.Q9Q9.~~j IMatc,h inv~rts: .... ,' .. __ Record Id: p8 rs~~ti;;sh~--lcircular ... " , .. , ,. ," "" [Unifonn Flow Method: IManning's ''-IC-o-ef-fi-ci-~n-t-:. ,-,.-" -, 10.0139 !RoutingMethod: ITravel Time Translation [Contributing Hyd:1 ID~Na"de jcb7, .. ' .. ... IUpN~d~·-" ' ... , '[cl;8---- fMate;j-al ICone-Spun" 'lsj~~·.. ", 112" Diam r--'~---'--'----lEnt Losses lGroove End w/Headwall jI;~gth'-'-'''-------13LOOOO ft ·r-IS-lo...;."pe---'-----'-jO.50% , /tJ--pfu;;r--"--·--jlOO.OOOO·ft . .!D~ invert ..... j?9.~8~.5o. f~ ~~a~~;:Pli~f~j~~:~=;~~~er -. IDrop across MH ........ · .. :lg:qi~o:it· ..... ~~-....... -~~ .... :h~~~~~~ii~~t~~_~~~·jQ,~QQ~~ i~~t Iup Invert .,199.?~~q.~t._._ .. ~ ...... ;I~~ ~y~:t __ ._ .. _ .. ,J~.~2.~o.Q~Oft ! [Match inverts. Record Id: p9 I I()) 1--- I I I I I I I --, C) I I I I I I I 'C) I I ISec-ti-on-S-h-a-pe:-'--. -rcr--'-.ir"-cu...::;I...:-ar----'-__ :---'..:..:.:....;;:.;..-=;;;-:J_.I,-____ _ IUniform Flow Method.: !M!ln.ning's. .. . ..... J<=.~~~!.i£!.~!1t:_ ..... _ :rfOl~o ~~~:~ Method:. i::;vel Time TranSlatio~I~~~:==K~=J~ __ IMaterial ICol1c-Spun ... J~i~~ _______ ............. JI2"J)iaI11 . ; IEntLosses . ~eEn~ .. \VlHead~~ll_ .. ____ .... _ ........ _ ........ _ .... , .. ILength 'f72.0090f~... . ......... jl~1~p.~_ .. ___ .... _ ........ _.!Ir-?:';";;'~9":"':; .. ~:""':o~"':";;'.! JUI>. In~ert ... J lq9·9Qq9.!~_ ................ _.!I!?E:~~~~ __ ... _._ ... J23.g8.~Q!t_.J 1 .~0!l~.~it ~~~s.~~~!~!S_d .... __ .... _ I :!Min yel~~\TclI~~n .~~ope!Il\!~~.~!op~il~~Il __ ~~~erl I LO.? ftls r15.00 ftls.1020% :159.00 % '1~~Q~r\_-::-)_ Inrop ac~os~ MH--10.0000 ftlExlInfil Rate. [Up Invert:·----------[93.0880 ft IDn Invert . rM~tcl;i~-~rt;_----·- --C _______ • Node Records Record Id: cbIO .. ". ' .... -. '.' '"' 10.00qOinfllt 1100.0000.ft IDescr,ip: ~tYpe Rec,ord .,_ ..... :.:[!~~.~~~~~! ..... JQj_~f~~ .. _·. :.-~'.-'" ISt~rt J?l. '. '1100:9009 ft __ ... _. __ J~~ .. ~~:_ ... JI! .. ~:9_99_Q!~d. __ ... ! ·IClas~ifi~~tion l~allh.~l~ .......... d' .................... __ ._j~~~ture_!ype J[~~=!~~l.~.±~ ......... ! lEn t K:e .Iqro?ye .E.~~ w-'~,:a~.~ ~JI.J~~=.0:.~g2'[C~a~~e~iza~i o~I~~~.:.~.()T ~~~_e~.~~~J !catch. . 11.5.000 ft _._" ..... _ .u .. ,j 1~~.!~~!E.A~~~"J)_~:_~~~9_~L ... _"" ___ .. _. j ICondition IExisting -- Record Id: cbII !Descrip: Iprototype Record'~ncrement 10.1O_f!. IStart EJ. "['100.0000 ft_:I~.~;-E~ .. ·.. . -:r'-IIO--'g-'-.0...::...:00'-'-9..:..;;;)tc.:....:·. '--1 1Classification IManhole IStruct.ureTypeICB-TYPE 1-48 . lEnt Ke IGroove End wIHeadwali (ke=0.20).Ic.hanneliz~ti(ml.<=urved ~r peflect?~ ICatch 11.5000 ft . . ,:I~()tt()~~~~~ .. .l~9.:6~S.O sf . ICoTldition !Exis.ting '" ..... '. .. ' I In I / I I I I I I I(~) I I I I I I I .'L) I Record Id: cbI2 IDescri p: --fP~~totype Rec~-rd . ·rr;c·;i;~~!:~--._]o.;!q'!~~·~_-~~~:··.~--~~] [Siarta--rioo.oooo ft Irvlax)~l~ .. .JIQ~:q90~_!!_ ..... _ J IClassifi~ation'rMa~h~-------------IStructure TYIJe,I<:'B-~ypE:_l_~4:~ .... _ IEnt~'----'-[Gr;-~~E-nd -;/He;d;all(ke~0.20)[Channelization ICurved or Deflector: 1-... --... -.---.--.. -1.-----... --.-----.. -----------.. -.. ----------.-----1 Catch p.SOOO ft !Bottom Area 19.6350 sf c:;-.--------.---.-f·--·-·-·--·----------------------·--- ICondition Existing ------------. -----------------' Record Id: cbI3 ~rip: . . [Prototype Record'iI~crement" -,o:-io 'ft .-......... -... -...... -) IStart EI·flOO·oooo ft . . M.:IM~~:~l';··~ .... ·~JIQi~QQQ.it-.-~_:~-.· .. -'J IClass.ifi~ation IManhole' . _. _ . . ...... . . . ~I~t~~~ur~ .'!:YE~]I~~:T'~~~ 1 ~4.~._._j lEnt Ke . IGroove EJld wlHeacl\¥a_ll(ke=0.?02;lc;~.~':!lel.!~~t!?Jljl~~~~~.~r_!?~f.l~~~~~I f(:atch .11.5000 ft . ..... .. ." 'I.~_~!!?~_~~_a_ ..JI!'~"~'~?O ~tM_ .. __ .. ___ J ICondition -IExisting; Record Id: cbI4 fD~;~rip-:----fP~ototype Record -IIncrement 10.10 ft . jStart El. ---!100~OOOOf-t -·~~--.1,......10'--8-'-.~.:.:-qO-.O-~t-... --'--1 rclassificatio;;IM~;--' !Stru~t~ .. re !}:J?~:[~1?~.TX~E: 1~4.8 . !Ent Ke IGroove End wlHeadwall (ke=O.20) IChannelization ICurved or DeflectorJ fCatch ~11.5000 ft -. ... .. - -[Botto~'Ar~~·-li9'.6350·~f-·" ··· ..... ··'--1 ICondition j"fuisting --. . " ". ..-.............. . Record Id: cbIS l~t::r~~::~:~O!d.· : ~.: -:... ··:i;tl1~~:~~j!~~:~--:.j IClassification IManhole . ' . -"' ___ H.. '-. -.. -:ls~~~!~;~-!"¥:p_e11~.~;!yj?ii;4~:~:-j lEnt Ke j{Jroove End wlHeadwall (ke=0.20)IChanneliz~tion!l~urve.~_<?r I?e!}_e~~?~ I Ie) I" I I I I I I I J:;'::;-~" W ) \., ..... ;> I I I I I I I I ; { ) ._-.,/ I Record Id: cbI6 fD~~~-ri-p:-'-. -. -. ~type~ec..~~~:. ~' ..... _._ :.': '. ·~:,·Ii~~~~~e.~:~ ·~:.·j[~:_!Q.!i~ ... -.:... .... ..' fSt~=I~oq~9999 !! .... __ . __ ._ ......................... jl~~.~ .. El.· ... "._ .... ..J1!2 .. ?·QQQ.q.ft ... ~~~ l!Ctassification;I~~!l~()l.e .. _ ........ ___ . __ .......... _ ....... jl§tr::t~t .. '::~e"T}:p~J!~~=~!.!~..r.=~?"' ... _.1 lEnt Ke . [Groove1?l1d~!Ii .. ~~~~~!L\~e=:9:29)j[~h~~~~!i,~.~~i .. o~[~~EY.~~ .. ()~P~f.1~~.t?rj rC~-11.5000 ft .. ........ "'" ... :!!3 .. ot.t? .. I?.~~~~.J! .. ~:~~.?p ~f j lCondition ~til1& ............ "'''''''''''' ............... . Record Id: cbI7 [D~;crip~--Iprototype Record lIn?rement 10.10 ft !start El. -----fWo.oooo ft ~ El. 1108.0000 ft [cl~~·ifi~ti~~IMa~hole ... 'IStructure TypelCB-TYPE lAS .. ~- lEnt Ke !Groove EIl4'N!H~a~wall (~e=0.20) IC_h~nneli~~ti()I1.[fu~v~~ or Deflector! jDrtch -11.5000 ft .... .. ' .1!3()tt()I11 ~r~~. lI9.6.3?O.s,f ICondition-. -.IE~is~i,n~. '.' ...... . Record Id: cbIS fD~c~p: lprotot}'p~ ~e.~ .. ord ... __ .. ' ........... q·!Ii~:~i~~.~_~! .... ·~·~·jrQj~Q.f! ... ....: IStart EL l199·0000J!............... .. ......... J~~~.§!:._ .. .J1!g.?:Q~O'Qft .... _ ..... J IClassification lM~nhole. .... ................... :I.S!~~~!~~~_'!)~p~_!@:~_~!~~_~~.4? _ ..... _l lEnt K-e --~ove End w/Head\Val.l (k~=O.20)j[~~~':.n~~i .. ~a.ti~n.I~~.r:.Y~~.'?(I?~~_e:t~r~ [Catch---] 1.5000 ft IBottom Area 119.6350 sf : IConditi~~-·--rExisting .---------... .. '"'''' . Record Id: cbI9 IDescrip: !St~·El .. . Ip~ototyp~ 13-~.~()r~ IIOO~OOqo~! ... .. _.j [~!1~·~.~~~~~~_·~._.:_ .. JfQ: "!.~!!_ ....... _ ... :: . jM.~.~!.~ ... __ ..... __ :t..!.~~~9929ft .. . I In I" IClassi fic~tiot1I~~~·~_~!~~_:. ' .. '.'" ~~:: ~~:~·:~· .. ~·=~~~:-=~:~.'~.~jr~~~~!~i~=ixp'~'i~~?E .. I.~~'~ " .. ' .l lEnt Ke 1C?~~?~e .~.t.1~ .. ~If.!~~~~~.~~ .. <~~=Q:~Q,la~hant1~li~a.~i?_I!JI~ll.~Y~~ .. ()~p~fl .. e~~.or: !catch 11.5900 ft ._ ........ __ ........ _J~ .. ()_~?~ .. ~~:~.J~?6~~9 ~r.. I I rc~nditio-n -fExisting .. .. ... .. I Record Id: cb2 I ~~;~ .. rii'~~=Jprototype"·Record rI.t1~~emt:nt '. '. 1-10-,-.1_0 _ft ___ _ IStart El. 1100.0000 ft ........ ~~I¥.~~ .. E1: .... "' .. _.119 .. ~:qoqo ft . rClassificati~~IManhole ' .. !I~tructll:~e 1)pe ,Ic~-TYPE 1-48 I I lEnt Ke IGroove End wIHeadwal} (ke=0.20}1~~~Iln~.lizat~onJC~~d .. or Oeflec~or: ICatch ---11.5000 ft .IBottom Area 119.6350 sf . [Condition IE~isting .. . . ..... ....... . . . '" ..... I Record Id: cb20 I(J rOescrip: l~rototype Record:· .. ·: · .. ~.:"' .. ·:·: .. ~ .. :.J[!~~.~~~~;i .. ·~::·: ... ~fI9:.i.Q.~~.~ ... ·: ... : ~'.' ':~'-~ .. "'" ; IStart EI. "---11 00.0000 ft. . ....................... J~~xEl. __ ........ JI1 .. 0§:.9.Qqg.r.~_ .. _. __ ... J I IClassification IManhole . ...... ..... ... .:l~ .. ~~~t.~!~'fXp~il~~~!~~~:4~ .. _._; lEnt Ke [Groove End wIHeadwall (ke=O.20):lC;.h.a.nnc:~i~a!~OIllt~.ur~~~.()r. I?~fl~~t~!j I rC;t~-"-·--·-I1.5000 ft IBottom Area 119.6350 sf r;::·--·-··--·--.. -·-... ·I----------· '"." .... ICondition Existing .. __ ... __ ... _------_._-------------------------------' I Record Id: cb21 I rD;~crip~-·--·"f~~tY.P~ Record Jr.~_c~e~ent " .. 19}Q ft.. . ..... . IStart-ET"·--rwO.OOOO ft -..._ .. I~~~~l: ... ... ..I~2~~~.qg.~.f~ ......... .. I [Classification rM~nhol~. .. ......................... __ .:I§~~? .. ~~~.!.~~.t:~.-!y~E 1~1~ .... .' [E";Ke'---~ve End w/Headwa!.l. (k~Q:~.o)J[<;E_~I!I.l~.I.i~ .. a.~i?n)!,gu ... ~y.~.~ ?EP~f}~~tori I ~ 11.5000 ft ................... H~~t!?~ .. ~~e~ .'1!..9·?~5g~!. ... " ....... : rconditio~ IExisting I (.~ ) I Record Id: cb22 I I I • 0 I I I I I I 1(_) I I I I I I I f{ ) I ,~ I ,----------------r.----.-------.--.--.-----.--.----, I !Descrip: " iPrototype Record IIncrement 0.10 ft . c------··-·-···-r:::-::--·---·-·-------·-······--------·-, ---,--'--..:......;:;.---"-'-----'-1 IStart El. ! 100.0000 ft /Max El. '108.0000 ft rcl~~~if~-~t;'~~-rM;~ho'le -·----·-----·-·----------[Structure Type!CB-TYFE 1-48' [E·;tK; .. -·----fGr;o·~E"~d-;;He~dwall (k~=0.20):P.n~~I~~~~~?~.!!~~r~~~I?~I?e~ector! fc-~tc;h-·-·-----·-! 1.5600ft---------~·--~ !Bott?m Ar.e~ .. ~!1? ~?~~O~! ._ !Condition -!Exisi-in-g-----·--· Record Id: cb23 •• w_ , •• ". _~_~, ••••• ,,, •••• , " •• ~ •• ___ ••• _._~_,._ .. _ .. ,._... _ ... ·ro~~-ZriP:----[Prototype Record .. :1~n.c.r~I?:!1t_ .. _._!lo:!~ft_._ .... ___ .. ___ . J rstart El. flOO.OOOO ft . :!~a.~_?L .. _._J~Q~:gpOO_f!_._ ... _ .. J !Classification ~ole ....... _ .' :!~~~c.~\J!~!~J?~J!~~:!_xPE }-4~ __ .. _J lEnt Ke IGroove End wlHeadwall (ke=0.20);!Chann~!i~.a.~~()ni'-gl.!~~_~~~ .. !?~!1~~.~~~1 ICat~-h ----·0.5000-[(--lBottoll) Area :l19.~3?o. sf . lCondit~;-----fExisting .---------- --_._. __ ._._-----_._----------------------------------' Record Id: cb24 'Descrip~-·--·-·-IPr~totyp~ Rec~d lIncrem~nt .. '_ :~!t ..... . fSt;;rta----itoo.OOOo ft--·---------·--'Max El. .ll~8.O'9O'9 f! ... .; !classification·r~i;-;;~-----------·---lStructure TypeilCB-TYPE 1-48 . rEnt Ke ~e End w/Headwall (k~=O.2o)lc;h~;.~~!ii~~~·~;:!~~~~d-<?~p'.~~~~t~~1 ICatch [1.5000 ft __ " .I~C>.~~~~ .. ~!~_~.J1.2:~~..Q.~f._._ .. .! IConditio~-IExisting ------~-~~~~------------------------~ Record Id: cb27 . .~. ","~" ......... "'. ,_ .,.,,~.~."' ••.•• ,," •• .,, __ .•• ,_ ..... _ ..... ~N' .•• __ .~N ..... ~ •••• " [De~~ri p:-----r Pr~t~tyPe"Record----!~n~ref!1~nt . . .. .J9· _1.gJ!_ ...... '" ___ . _____ ... 1 ~'tart £:-1. ----[lOO~OOOO ft IMax ?l. .. 11.08:Q229 ft. " __ . [Classi fic~tion rManha"ie . rStructure Ty.EeJc:::s.:!~?~ ~~~. '" fE;tlKe--lGroove End wlHe~dwall (ke=0.20) [Chann~li.zatj?nilc:u~~dC>.~.Det1.ector: [Catch------11.5006ft-!Bottom Area !19.6350sf \C~~diti·~-~-----fE~-isti~i---·- ------_._-----_._-_._----------------------------' I 10 1"-' I I I I I I If) '-----/ I I I I I I I ({' ) I-,j I Record Id: cb28 fDescri I?: ,~()typ~_~~~()~~~_._.. _.m ......... _j!!l:~!~~~!1t. ...... J 10.: 19 ~~ .. _, ... ,.. ...... ; [St;rt El.!1.9Q:090~~t .. ___ .m __ ........ q •• _ ••• _ •• J~~"§!:'_M,,,JI108:0Q90 ft .... __ .J Iclassification_;I~.~!:l~ol.~., ... _ ... __ .~ .. _ .. _ .. _,_,._., .... _"J~~~E~.!X2~JI~!3..:-I~E.l:i~ __ ...... J lE.nt i;---. !9ro()v~ End. ~ !He.a,~~~I~.\~~==-q:,~Q2i !~~.~~e.l.i~~~~~.~J I~.~E~~~.~T .Q~.~e.~t~~! Jc-;u:~---r1.5000 ft .:l~.()~t~J11t.\~.e~. J~~:~~?9.~_... . ... , fCondition --IExisti~g--' -_._-----_ ... _. __ ._-------_._-------_._---_._------' Record Id: cb29 [De~crip: --"--[Prototype Record .. .Ii~~~~~~nt_ ... J F Q....;..l-'-O=ft= .... -:;.::...;. ~~~ r&arta-. -I ~ 0.0: 0000 ft. . . ..' I~a.:~ .E.!:_._ ..... _J!98 ~o.Q99 .. f.! .. .... ICiassification IManhole ,. .... .. !I§~_~tl:!~~!Ip.e:I~'B.~!~~ ~=48. lEnt Ke 'Groove ~nd wlHe~~w~ll Jke:::O'.?9)11c;:~~n.~.~I!z.~ti~~J:~rvect.. ()r D~flect()r' r6Uch--ll. 5000. ~t .. . .jll?,()t~?~.1\E~~ .... ~119 :???o..sf .... !condition " IExistin~. .' ..... ___ ... "'m .. ' ...i Record Id: cb3 .-_-c--~:.:..c..:.--'-' c;;.;." '..c:;"-,::"-=:';"'=""':"':' ':.,;' . ..;;; ... = ........ ;;.:;;: ..... _ ............... -.-... ". , ..... '~"r-.. "=·-"'-'·";..;.;":-.;.;;.;.~~""--..;.,t Inescrip;---Iprototype Record 1Increment . :10.10 ft .... fs't;rt EI~···---·· ftoo,oooofi---------·--[Max El. r-I1O-8-.0-'-O-c-OO'-'-.-'-ft ----,! rEi~-~i-ii'~~ti~;; rMa;hol~ .... -----·----·-.. -'---· .. --[Str~~~lcB-TYPE 1-48, ' rE~t-K~'-'---"" [G;~-;~"E~(1'-;m~-;U(k~~O~20) IChannelizationlCurved or Defl~ rc-;t~---"---'IL5000 ft ". 113~ttomA~eaI19.6350 sf . .. !Co;di ti~;---r~ting ,- ----~----------------------~ Record Id: cb32 " " .... -"'-' " ';;..;.' ---'-''--'-'-'--'--'--'-'-'-'-'-, IDes~riP:'··-IPrototyp~Rec~rd ......... " ... '''_ .. J!I:.~_:.e.~~~~ ....... jQ:!g.~!M'"_''''' _ j lS't.art EI. . 1199:0099 .f~ ..... . . ....... _,IM~~E!.:. ____ " .. JI~2~:q9_g2,!~ .... M" ••••• J IClassificat!on l~aI1h~le,,_. . .. _ ...... _ . .. .. ..J~!..ru~!~~,l1~~I~~:!Y.p.e_l.~_~ ..... J lEn t Ke . laro? ve 1?~~ \V lIi~ad~ ~11 ,,~~e=.o:c~g2! Ig~~~!l~~~.~~!~?Ej 1_<:::~~~_?~.!?~fl_~~.t?.:1 ICatch -I L5000 ft .. ,I~?!~?~.~r~~ ... Jll~:~~?9 .. ~L __ ......... .1 I I ,0 I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I lIe) I [Condition [Existing . 'J Record Id: cb33 lD~;~P:""---'--[prototype Record .. _--~~-;n.t [(Uo ft [Start EI. tlg0 .. 0000 ft.. . !.M._~~?L 1;:-:1 0-S-.0-'-99-. .9-'-ft-.. -'-. .:.:.:......:-.. -'.1 [Cl~ssi ficationJ~a':l~?I~.· .. --.. _-.-.~--.. --.. l~!.~ct~~.e .~~l).e.l~?-T_Y~E ~ A_8. . ..... lEnt Ke. l~roo.,,:~~nd yv~He(lct.~a~l~ke~~:?Oxt~~~~~.~.li.~.~t}(m.l~urv_~d_ <?r Deflect~~j [Catch ---[l.5000 ft[BottomArea 119.6350sf : [Condition . 'IE~'i'~ti'~~" -. ... .' .. . . ... ...-......... "-' .... ..." -.. -. • Record Id: cb34 .• ,' .' , •. , .• , ..... -~.~ •. -•. --~.--'.'--.--~-.• -.--~ .. -;;.;...'" --=";"';":;;';;""",-," . .:;.,. ... ..c... .. ;;,,;.,-. -'--'=-'='--""'--1 fDescrip: [Prototype Record :[In.~.~~_I?_e~~._ ... J2:.~q .. ft. .. .1 IStart EI. 1100.0000 ft [Max El.fiOs.oooo ft fClas~i fi~;ion-[Manho-le-----------IS~ruct~re Type[CB-TYPE 1-48 rE-;U-K~-------rG~~'~~-&d-;/H~;d~-;O(k~;)20) !Channelization [Curved or Deflector rc--;U;-h -·-----rl.5000 ft IBottom Area 119.6350 sf IConditi;;;--fExisting --------~--~----=----------~------------------------~ Record Id: cb35 !Descrip: Iprototype Recordlln~r~!TIent \0.10 ft lStart EI. fWO,oooo ft . [.Ma)(EL.I-IO-g-:-0--'-90-0-ft-. --- [Classification IManhole .I.Str.u~t~re'fyp.~J.~13~T'XP~.1_~1~_ fEnt Ke [Ci~~o ~e §nd ~ ff:I~adw.al! ,(k,.e::::O :~9~: [S:h~!.1~~.I i~~t~?~JI~~~~~.~. ()~I?~!1_e..c~~r.! ICatch -'~:5qoOft _. ...... .. _ d_H .... JB_0~~o..~.~~:a J!?:?~?O.sf. .... _ ... ~ ICondition [Existing. Record Id: cb36 ,-._------.--.--.--.-.--.--.--------~-- !Descrip: IPrototype Record !I.ncrement 10.10 ft rStartEl.--1100.0000 ft I~a_x}~l. . Jl.QS.qooq ft. . ._ jClassification IManhole l~t~ct\Jr~ TYP~;[<::I3.~ T.'Y.'pE 1-~8 ____ .: I In I I I I I I I I() I I I I I I I I~'D I lEnt Ke -----IGroo~ End wIHead~all(ke~~I~~~~.n.~}i~.~~~?~~~~~~~-.~~~ii~_~~~!?~! rortch----TlToO-o ft IBottom Area 119.6350 sf j ICondition .IExisting ....• ":. '.. .. :''''--,,------.. ---'---'" ._ .... -. "----.-.~ Record Id: cb37 .' -~, .... '"'~ .. -. " ... ~,",.~~~--.. -.--~ ~ IDescrip:·----·-·[P-rototyp~-Re-~~~ .. --------IInc~~.I11_~I1_t ... _ .. j2·~~. ft ..... ___ ...... _ .. _ ........ ___ .l ~tart EI. -------rioo.oooo ft --IMaxEI.I108.0000 ft i IClassific~tio-;~'rM;~hok---------'-------'---rstructu're Type:IC-B'~ TYPE-l~48--.. : rE;;tIZe-·---ra~~-~;e En-d-;'ffi~~;;li--(k~iO)[C·hanneliza~i~n.[~~~~d ~r ~efl~~to~' ICatch ----1t5000ft"-[Bottom Area 119.6350 sf IConditi~--;;-"IExisting -----------------------------------' Record Id: cb38 ~I:~~: :1:66 :ecord ·I~~~t=--]~t~~-ft:~ul [Classification IManhole . . .1~tl1!.ctu~~!¥p~jl~~_~I~~ _1::':~ .. _ .. ....! lEnt Ke IGroove End wIHeadwall (ke=~.?0)it~~_~~nel.i_~~!!~~I.f.~I'\f~~Y~.!?~fl~5~~~~ ICatch 11.5.000 ft :1~o~to~~~~~ ... __ :[~.~·.?~~2s.f... .. __ .. __ .. ,J [Condition lExisting .----- Record Id: cb4 fDe-sc-rip;-------[P;~t~-typ~-Record ------. ·-·-----IIncrement 10.10 ft fSta-rt -El-. ----fioo.oooo-it------------[Max El. ---'[108.0000 ft IClassification [Manhole IStructu;e Type'ICB-TYPE 1-48 [Ent Ke -~;En'd wIHeadwall (ke=O.20) [Chann~li~a~i~~-;[C·ur~~d· 0-;-D~fl'e~torl [C~t~h: 1l.5()OO ft .... . ...... , . IB~!to~A~~_a .. J~9.63~0~~.f .. ---.p-.. ICondition !Existing ------~~~~~~~-~-=-=--------------------~ Record Id: cb44 IDes~rip: I In I ' I I I I I I Ic) I I I I I I I U I I !Start EI. . rloo.oooo·f~ -.' ......... -.. -----. -···-····-·f~~~·Ei-··-·~--·· ... ]l~:~:oQ0.-~···.··.: .. ~ ..... ~J . IClassificatio'~IManhole IStructure Type!CB-TYPE 1-48 IEntK~------fGroove End wfHead~~lI(ke~O~ 20-) [Cha~nelizati~n [C~~~;D~flector, rc;tcl;-·------!1.5090 ft ... .. . ...I~ott()m Area !19.6350 sf .. . !Condition IExistin~ .............. . Record Id: cb4S IDescrip-: -jPrototype Record ,IIncrement fD.i0 ft fstart Ei. . l.lq9.Q9.9 .. 0.it .. ~·~ .... ~.~_· .. : .. " .. ·:.:.·.:._ .... _· .. ·~!I~~~ .. g~-..... · ... ___ ·ilr.i.9'--. 8.--'.9--'-00"'-'0'--' f-t. -'---.. ~lc;.lass~fi.~at~o~;ItvJ:~~~?!.~ ......................... _ ................. Jl~.!~~£\Jre !yp~;I~~:'!x.pg}-4~ ........ e I~nt Ke .. .. :IQr~?_V'~_~~~_~ !!i~~~~~~{k~~.o.:~g~ I.g~~.~!:'.~l~~.~~.~?t:Ii 1~\J~~~~~ .. P..~fl~~~()~l !Catch .. .:1. 1:~9q9..X!. . ................. __ . __ . _ ._. '''_ ... M. ...H~~t.~~_~_~~~~ 'H • .iI~.~:_6 ~~2.~!..... . ..... ..i ICondi ti on !F:xi sti ~~... ..... .. .... ......... . Record Id: cb46 IDescrip: IProtot¥pe Rec()rd .II~~r~me.nt. .·j--IO.:...:l_O_ft ____ _ 'Start El. 1100.0000 it . . . o. '" .. • .,~~~ El. . . 1108:0QOO ft [Classification IManhole!Structure Type ICB-TYPE 1-48 lEnt KelGroove End wfHeadwall (ke=0.20) IChannelization 'Curved or Deflector' ICatchl1.500()ft 0 • [Botto~-Area -119.6350 sf \Condition !E~ist~n~ .. Record Id: cb47 I~::.: ..• It;.it~.~ec~r~.· ... ~ .••...•... :.. . .. :I~~~e:n~ := •. ·~lj~~O:~Oft .... IClassification /Manhole!StI1.lcture _!Xpf! 11<;B-TYf>~1-48 !Ent Ke IGroove End wfHeadwall (ke=0.20)-~,n~liz~ti()t1;ICurv~~.~r penector; ICatch 11.5000 ftlBottom ,\rea 119.6350 sf ICondition IExisting -----_______ J Record Id: cbS I '1 n 1'/ I I. I I, I I Ie) I I I I' I I I .I,U I ....... . .~. .• . ". . •• ____ " •. ..-__ " .v.~,.'"-. ~. . .,".-..... . Ipes~.rip: -IPr()t~~p'e!<~9.9~~ .. ,_.. . -==1~~.9.r.~~~.~t...lo.lO ft .' IStart EI. -. [lOo.:90P.oJt '. ....... . ... . .. 11~~ ... ~!: .... _ .. J 108.0000 fl IClassification-jManhole . . . . [IStructure Type ,ICB-TYPE 1-48 . ~t~---·1(].r()o~;~.~~~.;di~~~.~~I:I.·.(~~~9;29jjrf~~;~;iiz_a,!i'()~:irc:~~~~fi~ ICatch .IL?Q.~9J!... _ ,_ ...... _" __ .. __ , "..:I~()!~()~~r~a jl~.6350 sf ICond~tion. 1E:~}sti.~~ ____ ... , 'e<_ ._ •• __ ..... ,. , ••• _., .. _.' Record Id: cb7 rnes~rip~----fPr~totype Re~o;d-·--------'-rI~~t-'-~ID.I-Oft--------- ISt;rta---.--llOO.OOOOft-··----------.IMa.~ El. 1108.00oo-fi-----· [C1~~~IManhol~ . . .I~~fl:lct':l~e Type [CB-TVpEi-:'4S- [En t Ke 19~oo v~ :En~ . ~/Hea.~.w al} (k~:=~ .. ?Q)i 1~_~~.~!1~l~~.a.!i o~: f5::~ryed or Defle,ctof: jCatch 11.5000 ft :IBottom Area]19.6350 sf ICondition IE~i'~~in~'--. .. --.,.-.... --. . ." Record Id: cbS ••••. __ ._ ' _" ._. __ • __ ._._ "'y_._" ••. " ._ •• ". _ •• ,_~._, ••• ~_" .. ___ ._ ~_~'h' [De"scrip: ~to~y'£eg~_c.o!d ... _._ ._, ... __ JI!~_~!..t?I!l.!:~! .. _ .. jQ:!gf~; IStart El.hOO:OOQO.!! .. ""'" ... _ ... _ .... _ .. J~ax}~l:._. __ . J19.~:9990ft .i IClassification.]~~nl1()~~: ..... -.. _.' ·.· ... · .... ·.·_· ... ·!I§_t~~t~~re·!xpeil~1?~:r.y~~ 1-48 ...... ! lEnt Ke !Groove End wlHeadwall (ke=0.20Y!ChannelizationICurved or Deflector: rC~t~h'--'----fl'5000ft"--------IB~tt~mA're~ ---119.6350 sf . fCondition ]Existing Record Id: cb9 ~p: Iprototype RecordIInc;em~nt !0.1O ft fStart EI. '1100.0000 ftlMax El. T108.0000 ft ]Classification IManhole . -]Structure Type:ICB-TY-P-E-1--4--S--:1 lEnt Ke. IGr~?v~.EI1~. wjl:I~~.~~~!!.~~~=9 .. ?.~ljr~~~~:~E..~!i~~;ionJ0~!Yed o.r Deflector' ]Catch .:ll.S,.QQQ!!. . . ........... _. __ ............... ___ .. ..JI~9!~~~.~~e.a.. .] ~.?6~?0 s~ !Condition. j~~~s~.n& ,.",_._"._" ._ ........... _'." ___ ' : I '0 I I I, I' I I I 10 I, I I I I I I 110 I Record Id: pond ro~~crip~[Pr~t~t;pe-Recordlln~~~~~'lo.lO ft . [St~rt a'rtoo.o-Ooo ft--[Max EI. ' [108.O00() ft: f-----------.----------- Dummy Type Node Contributing Drainage Areas Record Id: cblO ••••••• 0 ••• ~_ ...... ~~ ••• _._ • __ •• _. ___ ... __ .' __ ~'_'_ ."_ __ ____ ._ .~ __ • ~. ~.__ _ __ • ¥" • _. __ • _",'~ IDesign Method 1 Ir-H-y-d -In'-tv--------'--I r .... ---1 [Pervious Area I 'Ip-er-'v-'-io-u-s-C-N----'---[ [Pervious TC 'I' Pervious CN Calc II I [~~=_-_~~~:,-~--~~_.:~~~~-=__, Description ',.-. ·'------"--···-"--.--r--~~b~;~;-_.~l-~~~~~~_·:. ! l. __________ l~£.~~~us sur~aces (pavements, roofs, etc) I 0.03 ac r 98.00 lJ Pervious Composited CN (~NlS}) . ._., [98.00 -• '.'-'''~'' ~_.~ ........... "'_''', 'N"~"""_~"'" ' __ ,"" ••• _.~_ •• " ,. '"'. <. r ----.. Pervious TC Calc ,-Type --r---'-D-~criptio~--:rl'--' .:....:L-"-~n=" ~:":':'th"':"';' '="I'si~~~'-'r-C~~ff'r'Mi~~ '1--' TT ~~--r-' I' --" ·_~:._:_·: __ ~~_.~·~",~~-.-_._,,:_~-::-_~~ __ ~Jj·9Q_ll.lin. 1 Pervious TC ..... _ .. """" _,, ___ , _L ... ~.OOrnill.. i .~_ l ._". ~."' ._,"_.'C_ · ... ~ __ ."· .. c __ .~"_' •• ' ......... ~._,~_ •• _. ~ •• ,," _ .~._. ,-. D~r~~t!y._~oJ:l~~~t.~~.~~.~~!~_._, ___ . _____ ,_ ... , ........ , ,. r---Descripti,~."-....... _ .. , ......... _ .. _ ..... J_~~b~~~~ .. ..1r-I.,-'--S.-'-!lb-... -"'-~n---' .. --'il; ,--Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) . II .0.02 ac II 86.00 ~: /1----.. ..,~E~.f~~I??,~~~~:~::~~.~~~c;;l.-... ' __ .~_ ..... _:-"~ .. _. ·:_:OJI. .. ___ ~~go. .. ~_~l I In 'I' .. ' I' I I I I, I I· () I I I I I I I·· I ~J I" Record Id: cb!! . -,. '-" .. _-,'-", ..... -~~'., ... -_. ".--~. " .. --........ ~-.... " .... ~.-.. ,.-",--, -.. ,~~. 1:;:;:~e'hod1~~~~i~.·cl~~~i:~;~~~_~~ ···:.·.l·~;E~A .... , . "....... ........... 1.... .. ..... . .... ~IA~~t~acti.~" ~~eff.. .._ _ J ..... q:~Q ........ . IPervi.ou.s.1\~ea.. . il. ..... Q.~.?ac ... JD~!A .. _ ....... ,_ .................. JI .. · ._.O:J.~~~ .... ,~ I~::::::: ~~. I.j:~~·~~ .. j~ii~~··=·=:-·. =~.-J .~~::;:: ._ __ . -v ._~ __ .. . Pervious CN Calc !: r-------------"'-'-"--'-'--'-'-~.:..:..::........;;:;;,:,,;=..;,. .. = .... :...:; .. = ..... --.............. -........ _........... .. ..... " ... .. Descriptio" '" j S.':!!>.~F~a .. ..lI. ~u~ 5". i: . .t .0.17 ac I 98 . .0.0 Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) .. ' . _·,·:·· .. 1 98:.0.0 Pervious Compos}ted CN (:\M.C 2~ . • " .'" • ~_. ' __ ', _ •• _ ••• __ ~V~· • • -,<-" • --~ .~" ~ ~"Y • ,'. Ir Pervious TC Calc IType 'r--_D_e_sc_r_ip-.:.ti_O_"....:... --'.1 Length I IFixed II si~p~ :1. ,~~~f!"J:l\!!S~ .•. 1. TT ... ,. __ . ...... ....... J?:Q9. Il1i.~. I Pervious TC ......... .... ....... .." ...... ,. ".'1 .. _. ~.QO~iIl..J Directly Connected CN Calc . . . . ..... ·,~~~~~i;.ti~.~ .. ~-.. ~ ... ::::.--.~~.~.~~ .. ,-~~:.::'-':.~"'=::'][ ~.~~Ai~-'''J[~~~~~~·.·~.: Open spac~s, 1~.\\II!s,.p_ar~s!~ 7.5rq_gr~s~) "" ... .... J .. _.Q)2_~.<?.l..~.t?:9Q. ..... :: I?~~()~p.()s~~~~_~~.(~M.~.?L .......................................... L .. 8.t?:~9_ .. _' ,-1 ---'-__ r-_,;.....;..;..."'---....:...:.::.;.;.:....:....: .. """.~.~.r.e~!IXS_«>.~~~c~e~ ~~ .. ~al~....... .......... .. ........ _.. .._. .. ........ ..:Ii I Type Description !I ... L~~g!.h .... ·1.~lope .. .11. .. G~e!r,_JI ... ~~~ .. J ....... .!.!'. ._ : i: !Fixed '. J . . ... ' ." ............. ~ .. _" ... """" :!?.:9P_~~ ...... ) I Directl~ Connected TC ... ' ... __ .... 1._5.~q~ .. n.: Record Id: cb12 I '0 '1" I 'I I I I -II I C~) II I I I I I 1/ .\J I i)irect!y Conn~ct~d CN Calc .. ,-~ -.-,_. -... : '. . . . .. l?~c .. !~~io~ ........ " . "'. .1.. SubArea I Sub cn :; gpe!1 ~p~~.e~,}a.~~~.!p.~~s .(??5~<: .. g.~~~~), ... _._ .. 1 .. ~·1.2 .. a..~.. .:C .. 8.~·.~O. -j! .' . . .... .... .. .... _ ..... ~~CO~PO~!~~~_Cl'!..c~~}l._ ..... _..... ..... " ....... , ... _ .. _t. ... ~~6.:.og ... _ . '" ....... __ ....... !l.i~~~~ .. r~~.nl!~~.!~d.!~ C~~~ ..... _ ....... _ ............... " ................ .1 Descriptio~.. J .. ~engttt ... t§.l.~pe !I ... ~.~~ff. .. t .. ~i~~J.... . .. !}~ ...... ; il :15.00 min .: Directly Connected TC ·l-j~o~~;.·~J! =======================================~~~"'~"'~.""-±"~"'" . __ ._-- I Type I 'IFixed I Ii 1 Record Id: cbI3 [-De~-ig-n--M-et-h-o-d----I SBUH IRainfall type I TYPEIA IHyd Intv I 10.00 min IPeaking Factor I 484.90 1.-----------1 IAbstra.ction.Coeff.. 0.2.0 .. IPervious Area " 0.14 ac IDCJA .. 1 0.10 ac IPervious CN .1 .. ~8·99 .. :. __ .. :I~.c .. c~.. ...J . ~?:9q .... IperViOUS TC..w ••••••••• 1.. ~.o~O~il1 .• ='I~c-l~::.::. •• _ .. =.... ..e: ••••.. L.2 :~~!,:,i~. I ~-------'-'-Pervious CN Calc '''''-.·-.=.--''-~.-D'''-.-'-~.sc.;;;:;·.~,::;,,;!=p=iio=~.n=·.~"=.·.·.=· ~"="".-=~::.='~=-~~=~.= .. ~=.'.-'='~=:·.·:=·"_=".=:.~=:·:·:·I.·:· •.. ·~~.~A~~~:·.· .. f[.'~~'~.~"::.~ , I I~perv}olls ~urfac~s .\P~v_~I!le~~'._!.o~!.~~ etcL ......... _l'"_~~~.~ ~~ "jl .. _~_8·Q2 _ .. : i , Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) II 98.00 i! . :. ":' :_::" .::.::: :_:'.:.=~ .... _::::':_::::: ..• :-:::'.::::::" ":::::: .. ~:.: :::_:'.:::'.':::'~:~.:: :::::::::::: .... _~J_: __ :.: __ .. :.~ .:'.:'.:~.1 F Pervious TC Calc I 1-'1'y;;-, Description I Length I ~lope·;·;=I .. -'-c;...:..o~.:::.....ff...:..:..· " Mi~~l'-" "'TT-'" ...... IIFix~d--~ I ... " '1~:OOmin" ======~~~~======================~======~ I I .0 I . I I 1 'I I -I 1(:) I I I, I. .1 I I I I ( ) r Directly Connected CN Calc : [ .-"~ -•• "."~ ___ N_"_ -.' • ~ ____ v·._~ ._ .... ""-.,,----... ---... ¥ ...... -_'V' __ ~ __ ~'" --~. ~.-~--~ •• -•• -••• ~ ........ " I I Descri~ti,~I1...,... . ...... """ .... , ... 1 ... ~~~.~E~~ .. J .. _~~_~ .. c"-. ..!: 1~'---o-pe-'-n-s-p-aces~~w2~;~~t~~;~~~~~~~~_=~=~~_~==-=l_;~:.j -"" .. -.. -~-.---" --" If Record Id: cb14 !Design Method .1~.~~ ... ,_.,I~~~f~~~.~~.· ... _~ ... ~~.-·~.·._.::._a .. ·.-iij~.lA :. IH_y __ d_In_t_v _'---____ 1 ~ O.:Qq .~i~. .~I~~~~.!llg !:~.~~~~ .. _ ..... _... .. .... n ..... .'!~~-:99. 11r-~_-"--_i IA~~!~~~_t!O''.l ~o.~f! .... _ ... _ .. .lI..9~.~Q ~-rv-i~us--Ar-e~----! 0.46 ac IDCIA .... .. ........J .. ~:?Q.~c. [pervious CN . I 98.001DC CN . . ~I 86.00 fPervious TC I .. 2.92 ~~ __ . -;Ip~~j~_::~ .. _· .. ~~.-· .: .... m ~~.:._._~_,~][~:_~~oo:;i~~·~: 1 . ._ .. _.~~r~!~~s ... C~ c;alc .. ' ... __. .. __ ,_. ___ .. ___ ..... .,j i 1"------'---'-. ...:. -'-P-'-.~...:~~=.rl=·e=!i=on=.=====.,=. __ =. = ... =.=J;F, =.~=l!=.~=.~=r=ea::=;J' ,Sub _~I!.j ., Impervious sUrfa~~~ (p~v~me~_ts, r?9.!~~ etc l.. ____ . _ . ..11 O:.~? _~~._ ..lL .. ~8:20 ... ~ I r Pervious <;~~IJ5?~i.te~_~~ (~~~ .. ~) __ ...... ____ !l 98.00 if ~. ___ ~. _ .. ,._ .. _ .. .___ ~ _ "'~ .~ .. _. _.' ___ '_' _ ..... ___ ~_~.. .~_"" _-~~=:.~.:::~~::~:.::::.:_~: .. :~.~ .. _ :'::::. _ .'~=-~::: . .l 1"1 .... -... Per,,~~~~-T~.-~~i~::·:~-.'-· _:_-.-_-~_:.,_ .. -: .. ~~-_ ..... :_~~-~ __ -__ -~~:~:·-·~·~JI; 1-Typ;-r----'Descripti;;-I Length I Slope I ~~ef! :ffi;~L ,. __ '!_! .' y! ! f~!~~d"=r=~==---"-----I ... .d_ J?:~9 I11in, ... I It Pervi~~~_!~ ... . .... _ .... _ ...... "....... .. ... , .. 1 ... 5:~O_!llin r~-=:~--c= Desc~;::;~~~~~;j~~~~~~~~;C=S~b=r:C~:~_bCn! 11--Open spaces, \awns,parks (>75% gr.~~~) .' ' ... 1 ..... ~}O .. ~~ ... _L .... ~~:oo _' I r DC C~~·R?~:~~~~:~~· ~~.S~~?:::.~ -:.:-... --': --._' _:~ .. -'':': ':.' ~l::, :_~~~??::.:JJ • ___ ~_. -.~. __ ~ _" ___ '_'. __ ._, ~_. __ ._. ~ __ ,_ --_ •• __ ~,. _ _._, ____ .~ _a. , '~""'''~'' ~, I . .. ..~i~~~tI.~ ~~~~p~tp~_Tr!,~I(' __ __'" __ "._"._~_,,_._ .. ___ " J '._:Y.R~, ... ~~~,~!f~!~~-... JL.,~~~JL_~!~p~JI~~!!JL_~~~[ ______ !!., .. ::~~~ Fi~ed _ I ... ... .JI.. __ . ___ . __ 11.5.00 min... .. _.~ I l<j « . I I Record Id: cbIS I I [Design Method SBUH [Jlainfall.type---,-TYPEiA-1 IHyd Intv I lO.OO minlPeaking Factor .1, 48~.:00 1--------'--,1 .I~b~!~;~ti~_n '~~e!f . _ .. . .. :,1 ..... 9.:29 .. '" , [pervious ~re~ lo.}3ac ..... ~c.I..~ .. _:_ .. __ .. . . ...... _ ...... 1 .. _Q~9~ .. a~_ ..... I ~:::::: ~~. I m5.:·:i~·I~g~~.~: ·...·.~.-:!lj~~~~1 I Pervious CN Calc ". ..c, •• ~ .... ___ ~. "'_ ...... ~".~.~ .. _,,~._'"~._, •. _.~ .. , ...... ''' " ... _ •• _ .. '"_~" __ ~.'. " •• _~.~.>.~ .... """"_'''_~ "'-'.~ .. _. _ ._ ..... ~~~~r~p.~i~!l_d __ ...... ___ .. _. ___ .... h .. _._ ...... J_ .. __ ~~_~~!~~_J_~t,I!.£!!._ .. ;; I . _ Imperyi~~s~~rf~~~~J.J?~".~!?:e.~~~!.!~_o.!~:_~!~L_ .. _ ......... .J I. __ ..... Q:.~.~.~~ ..... J L_.~.:QQ_._ j ! . . .. ..... . _ .. ~~~.~~u~ .. ~?~p?~it~~_~.~_(~M~_ 2L ....... ___ h_____ "._ _ .. ___ .. J .. ~?·90. !: ... _d ., ... ··· .. _____ . _____ d. _____ ... __ ... __ .... __ .. ____ . __ .. _... _d. _____ ._. _ ... _ . __ ...._ ... _h. _________ .... ~ Ilr-) I I I _. I i .' . .' Di~ec.~Iy' Co.~r:t~~!_~.<!!~~a~c. . _..... .. , __ ", _ . . \,Typ;-r-: Descrip-t~o". .. l __ ~~.~~~ .... l __ ~l!>.E~.jl __ ~~~f! .. _ t.~.~~~ . L.h_ .'tI.: ...,. I IFixe~ I. _ . . _ .... _ .. _J. ____ ._ ... ___ .. _. __ .... h __ ... ____ .h_ .. ________ ... __ .. __ J~.:QQ~E ____ ;: I ... _ .. . .. "'hI:?~~~c~I~_~?~~~~.~~.~.!C ..... ____ .. _ .. __ .__ __ ____ l_.~:22...~!!_.j· I Record Id: cbI6 I I l,t ~ig-n M-et-h~-d---r-! --SB-UH-....:-C-.--.--r-IR=a=in=r=al=! :ty:t>=e:. ===:===:=I:·i~ii.~<·- I~x~_!-n-tv --__ -. -----1 10.00 ,m_i_n--,-IP.eakin.~ Fac!or. . .1 __ .~~~:~9.: I I 1(1) I I I I I I I IfJ I I I I I I I ( ) I '. .~---~ I 1-··-···-------1-' -'''-'---!Abstr~eti~n Co~ff I 0.20 r;:;··----.. ·-.. ··-·---·---···--r------·--r---· -' ----'.---._.-.--.-.. ,-. IPervious Area I 0.52 ac !DCIA I 0.34 ac rPer~'i~~~-'CN---"'---" r--9-8~OO---'''-[Dc'ci~-----"-'-'--------'-r 86.00 rPerv~~~'TC-~oq~-i;--'-roc 1.'C .. .... . -I .. ~ ... QP.'~~'H_' 1-....... _·_.~er~i01~~.~~.~~ ... ~. . ". _... . _ .. _ .• ~ ... -'=~_.~.]: r .. _I?e.s~r.!~~.i~"-1 SubArea 11 Sub en :1: I Impervious sy.~ace~ (p'~v~ments~ r.?~.~s.',-~~~)' J .. H.q·~2_:~~ : 'jl~' JiQQ '~_'j I Pervi~us Compo~ited.CN (A~g.?) . !I 98.00 :, • ••• • • ~'p _ •••••• _. • -" .~ __ • • • ••••• ____ ._ -:-... : ::' :--'.-::.:'-~.::::. -:--'''::''':''.J r· Pervious TC Calc ..... --.. "11 I I Typ~ I Description. il" L~~gth' . r-'Sl~~'~' "J .. Co~ff . r'~i~c '. -I"H .. --~·j"i~·~~_-.-.~J i ~ed--r -I .. .... -.. .. ,. 15.00 min : r Pervious TC ·1"~~:9Q;"~.~·" f--' ---.-I [-_____ . _____ . Directly Co~~ected CN Calc 'I Description i&;bAr;;-1 Sub en. Ilr~~_-·-~~_--_-?p.en spaces, lawns,park-s-(->-75-crc-o-g-ra-'-.s-s.)----I 0.34 ac r 86.00 r _. DC Composited CN (A~.S}).. .' .I.}~ .. o~? .. ~ .. r Directly Connected TC Calc ·ITYP-;-rr_D_e_sc....;..r.-=.ip...:..ti....;.on..:.... ---::I.L~ngthf S~~p~·J.· C~eff 1 Misc [ TT ... :: [Fixed I .10, . . ... ___.... .15.09I?!? .... _.: r Directly Connecte~ T(:;.. I 5.00min ... 1-_ _ .. '." .... 0 ....... ,. • ........... . Record Id: cb17 fDesign Method -r----S-'-B-'-UH---'----'-·Ir=R.:.;:.~=i~=f~'--}=~·t=y=p''-e -'--~-..:..:..:::.-,=--,-:....'=-.•• ··r.· .~!~~"iA"~." fHy-d Intv---------'lO.OO min IPeaking Factor ·1 484.00 r-------·--.. · .... -----.. ·-·--· .. ·----,.--------r' .. : : [Abstraction Coeff 0.20 [P~·~~·i·~~;·A~~~-·--·-... -f-O'07 ;-;---[DOA ----I 0.05 ac [p;~·~i~~·~-CN-.. -------1-98.00 --IDC CN '--T 86.00 rp~;;i~~;·TC--·-------·-.. -rs·oo m~'rDC TC .. . -----. O:o..O!lli.n fl----. PerviousCN~~lc I -.--.•• I:~~~~~:'··· ~ Description . oJ .~':II>.~~~~ ;.~':l~5.~ .. :' Imoervious surfaces (oav.~Il1ents.~<:l0fs. etc) .... J ... .Q:97.~~ .. J.. 2~:.QQ ... "· • '". _ • ""oM"' .• __ , __ , -•• ~~_._ •••. _. •• __ ~ ••.• _. __ ~ __ .. _ •• ____ _ I In I' I I I I I I I ~-~) I I I I I I I ~ f ' I) I Record Id: cbI8 IDesign Method I SBUfI·········.·I~~~~~~'il.ixp~ __ -__ ~··_.~-~._.· ____ ~ ... l[ .. _~.iyPEi~-~_J IHY"dJr;h,--------1 10.00 min IPe~ki.~g ~ac.t~.r_ ......... __ ....... J .. _ H_~~~:.9.Q ______ .J I I 'Abstraction Coeff :1 0.20 fPe rvi~us-A r;;------·--I 0.16 ac---[DcIA ... .... u.. • . "'I o:i i-'~~' rP~rvious CN-·-----98.00 IDe CN I 86.00 [p~-~~i~~;-TE··-·-·--·-------I 5.00 min IDC TC -I 5.00 min I~r-··===--=-.:=:-:--===-~~·· ---.. . I Pervious CN Calc I In I- I I I I 1 I 10 I I I I I I I t{~ I I Record Id: cb19 i'-'-'---.-'--"--'---'-'-'-" 'c--' • -. ,.. ..., ".'"'' -• _., • ---.• "-• ., •.•.• -•• ,,--,--.,. -.-•• -•••• ----'. _.. ...... • •• -... ,-,.. ', .......... - IDesign Method I .... ~B.~. .I~~~~~~.I~.!IP~ __ ... ___ ... _. ___ ._. __ .. JL T~~l~. j IHyd Intv r 1O:001llin IPeaking }?ac!~~.J ... _.i~~:9.Q,.,., J I i -[Abstraction Coeff ... :1 .. o..~Q __ , ,_, IPervious Area r-~-;--roCIA ., 0,19 ac [Pe~;-CN------r 98,00 fOCCN! .. ' . 8~·~9 . ", .. IPervious TC J ?:9g ~i!l; J~C Tc:: .. ,._,_, __ ,., .. J 5:q.9,~n. < .... _ .. ~~ .•. -,~" ., .. ".-. "-"~'-""-'--', .. ""~"-1 Pervious CN Calc I---:..;---------·--Descriptio~· ., . .. ... ........ -1··S~bAr~~d ;rS~b-~~'· ": : 1-' Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) IQZ9 ac. j .. ?~·:·QO .. :: I Pervious Comp()~ited CN (AMC 2) ......... " ... ':I.. _~.~:9_0.j i _. ____ ._,~~._~ .. , .... _ ..• _.~ .. _._~ .. ~.,,~~ __ .' ___ ~_ -_ ••.•.. ,1 . -.. ---' ". -.. -.~.~.-~ .. ~ .. -..... -.-.--.-~, .. ~ .... -.--, ~-... -... - ·1 Per.~iou~ TC Calc I Type . [nescrip'~i?n .. :, ~eng!hl. Sl~~.~.:· ·;·I'-:.~"":';;f::"':';.~::::"~f=-.i=·.:[~i;,~_ .. T_., .. ~ii ...... ~.~~ :IFixed I ;1', .,. ' . ' .. , . __ ., __ , .... ', .... , ._ .. _.J?_:.Q2_~_~ __ ... J , Pervious TC .. , '.' _'h.,_,. ___ .. lq~:QP_~_n .. } ~ Direc"tly Connected CN c~ic-· .. :_-'~_:·· ... :~-·~--·.~_,_:~'~_._.,~_~._:~! I C~~=-=-~==~-_. Descriptio~' . .. ....... . L s.u~1\rea. J.~ ... ~_c!t.. ~: ,-------Op-;n sp-;~-~,-I;~ns,parks (>75 %--g';;~-I Q.l9.~~ .1_~~·Q9 ... ;: r------'-----DC Composited CN (AMC 2) ... , _, ._.J.:~g:?g ~.~~: r:" Directly Connected TC Calc II-Ty-P-;--'i--D-e'-s--c-r-ip-tl-'o-n-I" L~ngth'l Slo~e-I 'C~efi '1 M.isc TT IFi~~-d -I I 15,00 min '1 Directly Con~~~ted T-C '---.-'--''---.. -'-, ---. -J .. ?·9Q~i~. -.,: I I() I '.- I I I I I I IC) I I I I I I I 1° I Record Id: cbZO ro.~sign·Mt!th~d ,I. " .. ?~lJH 'rR~illf~1I 't~pe.. . .... ... il._iY~~i_~ . ..J IHyd Intv .1 1.~·9q.~~ .IPea~in~.~~c!~!. __ . :1 .. ',. _~~~.9.g, . ..--! r . . r IAbstraction Coerr t_ ... 0.:_?9 .. H'O_ J Ip;;'-vious Area I 0.05 ac --IDCIA ..... ---.... :1 O.O~.a.~ .. _. IPervious CN -, 98.00 -/Dc CN I 86.00 [Pervi~~s TC--.-----r----5.00-~in---····!D-C TC----------------·--r··5.00 ~-i-n-I . " II -. Pervious eN Calc . i r-.. -------------i)~~~i;;;;-----. ---'---. ---r'-S;bA~;-:rStili~;-; I Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs., etc) 1 0.05 ac ..1 9.~:00. .' L .. . Pervi?~~ Co~posite~ CN (AMC 2) .' . ... ... . ..:1 .. ~_?~:9?;.:::.!j 1 Pervious TC Calc ITYP;-r Descriptio~-'I .. Le~gth I Sl~pe rc~rM~I' TT'" I,--F_ix_ed __ -,-I..;.... ----'----'-----'-__ -'-'-:-=1.-:...::.. .. .:....;... __ '-'--... '15:09rn~~m .... : .1 .P.~.1V'i?,-!sTC ," "" ........ ,...1.. .. ?~q9_~flH'_'; .1 1 'I... 'I I .----'---'-_....:.:......:-...:....:....:... • .;...... 'c-' 0,,-. ...::..es.;.....c~=i.p= .. _~.:..:;~?=-.n:.:..... .. --"---'-'-~-"--'-'--'--'-...:..-.:.....-'--~ .. ~b.t\~~~ .... ' .' ~~I>.~!1 __ I I Open spaces, Jawns,parks (>75% grass) I 0.03 acl .8~:0..9"H:: 11.__ __ DC ~o~posited CN (AMC 2) I 86.00 II r --. DireCtl~C~=-~=n=~c=:t=~d=T=C='=C='a=i=~====-=_~~~~~~~~rl r--Typ-;-r-' Oescript~;;--l'Le.;gili I' Slope ICoclf-'IM~c-r TT IFixed -', 1 15.00 min I' Directly Connected TC 15-00min .: Record Id: cb21 I In I- I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I 1(0 I 1 1--' . --. 'P~;~i~~s CN Calc .......-.............. q-" .. -••• -.•• " _______ ••• • ..... , •••• --.•• ,. •••• -.......... ,.. .. c.. • .'. ·,i·" .... ····· .... __ .......... >c •• :,'-.' ••• -." c I Description . ....... ;I~ll~;\rea i S_u~ .c!1 ' i I--·--·-Imper~ous surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) . I 0.03 ac 'I 98.00 1,-.-. -.. --.c ----, -p~rvious. .. 9?0.~.?~~.i~~::s~J~~5.:) :.: ... ~., ........ ;:.'~:~.:~_.-.::.~ ,~~:~L.i~~~g ... . .'~ ,. ~ ..• ,_'«,~> .. ,~,. ____ ~~",~_.~ "0, ___ "'~_"_~"_'>_"" ~"r."_._."·_~ .~_~m~'~~" .. ,,~ .. ¥._ ~., __ ~, .~ .. __ ._ "" . _, ~ .'.o.~ , ••• , ._ • ~~'.~ _"~_~_ •• _. ~'o ~ ~ __ •• "_ •••• ~.~~, "._ I" Directly Connected CN Calc : ; ,----. -'-c.. . . "'" ,.D.;~£;i;~~~"-",,,,,·,-,-,-,.,,--·~~c.'~~:~_~_~~~~11:_-'§~~~~~~~~]-"·i~~:~~. __ :~; Record Id: cb22 , ... ~ ". -.,~~.". ,'.,"' .-.-... " ...... , .. -~~~ ,.--~'~~"'~' -' ",. IDesign Method 'I SBUH c ,1Rainfall type ·I .. q !y!'.'?lA IHyd Intv 1· .. ~'Q~~2~~~-~_Ji;~·~~~g:i~~!~-~ .. _.---:.. t .. 4~4.00 ~r-vi-'-o-us-A-'-r-e-'-a-':-"":;-'I"" :::..:.;--"--"c '-=o=:o=i=~~=""':';;':"'"~'ll~~~t!on -~~-~I!--,--,_w-'il-· o~~~c ,p ... p,-,--,er...:...vl_ou_S...:...C....:....N...:.... ---,--,-,,----,-' ,..:.::::. ... i t : .. -_~?i~9-~_, ... ::~:IQ~_c.~" _~""~~.'.',_'~:::~'-:_ .. ~ .·~·.JI: .. "_-·._"_·.9:QQ"~~ ''''-. IPervious T~ ...1 ... _?.:~_o IE:in .. __ ... J~~_!c:: __ ... , .. __ ...... ___ ..... _ ... _wJL .... o.:9~. J?i.':l ... I i Pervious CN Calc ! L~_-.-~==-_~-===_===-_D-=e-.,--sc_-;:_iP_-t_iO_·~_" _~'--...:.... _-_"-_-'-_"-_-'-_-'-'-_'-' ___ =-,--=-_-cr--·S-'--~_b....;.A_c r_ea_.rl _S_u_h_c_" __ Ii.. Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) O.QJ ac ! 98,00 II 11 Pervious S?~~s.i.t~.~2.~(~~f}>' . lii.oo -I I' 10 I ~. I I I I I I It() I I I I I I I .(0 I Record Id: cb23 .-----'---'-'-~-" ... ''','''' """. -.•. " .... __ .... " ..... "" .... " .. " _ .. ----" ......... , .. _-""" ... ,,-.... "" " ... -.... " .. [De~ign Metho_d ___ --'-"I ... ~13~.. ...1~~~~~a!.I .. !X.P .. ~.. .. .. _ ..... " ... ,,"'. ._:1... I.Y.~~.I~ .. IHyd Int~--I 10.00 min -IPe_a~~ng. F'.~cto~ . .....".... ._ .:1.. . ~8.~·90 .. I . r IAbstraction Coeffl 0.20 fPe~-v-io-us A-rea----r--O-'-.4-o-'-ac-ID~i.~"..·"·-·· r 0.i6ac IPervious eN --. -,.-1-' _.-.:.;.98-,-:0c;;...0::...... .. ;;...;.. . ...:.:..----'-.I;~....:....~=,=.<::...::;.=.~:.~:" .. -"-.-'-. .:..;...-.:......:'--'-==.:..::,:'-'-==-:,...-'-_-"_'---'---''--::......-'-'..-'-'-, .. 86.00--- IPervious Tel 5.00 min IDC ~C . . . j5.00min 1 I I" Pervious CN Calc I?es<:ri~~io~'" . .. ............ " .' .... J ".~ .. l!b .. ~~e~.L S.~_b c'n Impervi~us .s..urfac~~(P.aye~.~.~~~, ... ~<:>0f.s.'_~~~)_ .... _ .. _._". ,, __ J .. _ ... Q.~O .~c . .:I .. ,,,.~?,,.QO .. ---~ -~-~.--.-.... ~---.--.-¥~. --.. -.. ,---""'-' .~_ .. " --. ~. -' .... -, '1 Pervious TC Calc :r-"Fi-:e-'-y:-'-e--1r-1 ---'. ~-es-c-.:::;i::;... .. p.t...::.~o=.n= .. _...;;...:· •• -ilr=-=~=~n=.:;=th=.~.=]_s~~~::;-;:J~_~=c=~=~=~-=;~~:~~~~~l~o ~ -: - I ... " .. ~~!~~9.~s. ~g_. __ "" ...... __ ... "_"._._ ... _._ .. ,, .. _ ... _.,,_ .... "'''" ...... J .... ?.~~.~~"",,:. Di~ect~y~~.I1~~<:.~e.~~~. ~_~I!:. ___ ... _ ..... _ ...... " ............ " Desc.ription J SubArea , Sub en Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) .' ... ...., ""0:26 ~c' r 8'6.00 i_~ ___ ~-_=-___ -_-______ =_= ___ = __ ==D=C=-=c=o=m=po=s=it=ed=-C=N==(A=M==C=2=)===============1==8~6.~OO===_ r I Type IFixed 1 Record Id: cb24 I, I o I '- I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I (J I --------.-.-----------r---------r;---I ' IPervious Area I 0.16 ac IDC_I_A _______ --''--.-1.:..:.., .. :..::..:O,-.1..;::.l=a.;.;;.c ~ !pervious CN------·--T 98.00 '--fOc CN I ,. 86.00 rp~-;:~i~~s TC·-----·-------1-5--:O~----IDCTc· 'I 5.00 min rr=====--========.~-----'.' .-,:-":':~,'::::, I Pervious CN Calc 'I.Misc TT Record Id: cb27 II 11 Description . SubArea I Suh.cn Pervious CN Calc ! r~==---I_n.:pervious surfaces (pavements., roofs, etc) 0.03 ac -, 98.00 ! r , PerviousComp.~~~t~~:.s~~~:~E~L :: .. : ...... ___ .... __ ,:',. :.:~L:~~:~?-__ , I ·0 IS I I I I I I, I{(_) I I I I I I I IIU I r_ lTy.;-r~~~~~ [Fixed. -I I Pervious TC --, , •••• , ' ••• _ ._ '¥~ <'0_ • ~."" .. _ ••• " ~,_._ _,. _ .~. ~____ _~~ _ _ I Directly Connected eN Calc i ! ·r-I _---'-.:...::.:.:.--'--"'-"--'----'-;..;;.; ... -c:..;;' -:;;",:'_p:::";~e=' .. ~=-~-=r~=p"=tio=_~=~:=~:_=_ .• =~.= .. -"=~~"=~_===_~=~-_=_=_-_=-~:=~~ .. =--~=._·'!;:::t= __ .=§_=·~=b=~=~e=a= .. J:;irl_=-=~"u=~.~="_=~-"=.-=;j I r--' Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) J, 0.02 ac ... ;L.~6_~~9. I r -DC Composited CN (AMC 2)1 86.00 ~~"=="--='--==--=-==~~:============================"=-~"~.=.~-~--~.= .. ~ r --.. Directly Connected TC Calc IT-yp-e-';-I -D-e-s-cr-ip-. t-io-n--.·-.I_~e~g!_~~:·jt.,,~j~.P;.:Jr-.· .. '-".~"-'-~~"';;';~·f::"":'f'-'-_.;lr-"-.M=_'-'~~"":"~,'-~f·: iT '. , /Fixed---j ". l .... _._,._ .. __ .. __ ._. ' __ .. m._".w_. __ ,_,_ ... _J5:~Q._IE~!l. , I Di~~~tly'.~.on~~_~!~~T~ .... ,_.,_. __ .. _ ........... __ ..... _ .... _J[._.~:.9.9.~i!l ..... "; . Record Id: cb28 ------'-_...........:...,.;.;.. .. _. '.'-'---... __ ... : .. _-_ ..... "._ ........ _---.. __ .. _-_ .... --............... _ ...... _ .. _._ .. -.... -............ " ' fDes~gn Met~od, L___§~!!!!,._ j 1~!!!1.f~~~!Ie~...._. __ ... __ .... _ .. __ .JL ... :!Y.R~}.~.; IHyd IDtv ,j _ ..... }2.:Q9_~_. _it~e~~!~_F~c!~~ ___ ._. '"'' ___ JL_.~1.~.~:Q9 __ .. _' I, . . .... ,t ___ ' ....... _n __ .... ., __ ![~~st~~ction C~_,!ff__ _.. _JLm_ O.~Q _____ ,> IPervious Area 1_ .q: ~?~~ ,_ ... ...J I~~ .. ~! ____ ..... ___ .. __ .__ ..... _ ... ___ JL ... _Q:1_~.~_~ __ IPervious CNl 98.00 .. :IDC:; ~l'l . . .. 11... 86.00 IPervious TC-----·I 5.00 min IDC TC ." J~·Qg~11 rl -... . ---Pervious CN Calc '..... ..-..... ", ...,. . .. I I j---.-------Descrip.,, ti.o, n.. . ' ____ ......;;.;......:.:...:.:...--'---'-"---'-.:.;;..;...;...::....;;.;,.;'---.,;;.:;...;;..;......:...:..:.' , I. Sub~~(!~J i 1-Impervious surfaces (pavements,roofs, etc) J. 0.22 ac .,1 Sub en 98.00 98.00 r----------Pervious Co~~~si~~d ~~'(~M~?) . . . .. :1. _. ~~.~ •• _~_, ~._~'" "._ ,." •••• ~.y '" •• ,,_ .. ,~. , •• ,. __ •• :::~.:~::.~~ •••• " 'O'~ 'r_ .,.~.,. ~.~, ~ _ , _. : ••• "0.;--I, . .. ....... ., --.. , ......... -.. -................. ,.. ........ . ....... ... . ... ..... .. -I ! I Pervious TC Calc r--~-ID;~~--I_ Le~_gt~' ... ~~-r-r..;.....~...;;.;.~'-'-~.f=i·'--J~~~~·l.~.,:.}'! 1Fixed r' .. ' .... J ........ ______ ". __ .... _....... __ .. _._ .. _ .. __ ..... , .. _ .... 15·QQ_Ell~,.. ., I , "'. ...::.:: .... :.::.:--~~!"-~~~Is::-_:-::----.:-:~-.. -:·: -:-.-.. "--:: .. -..... --=:~.j.L. .. -.?~:Q9-~i~ ..... :t •. ,_, ._~_._~, _". '" .~__ _ ____ ,. ___ .~_~.~, .... ~e'.,· ____ .-' .. ~._~ _"'_ _ ~ . _. __ ~ ._ ""~._<'~ I Directly Connected CN Calc 'It . . ................... __ .......... __ .. . ... ---. . .......... ___ . ___ .. , ___ . __ .. _ .... _ "---'-'''---.-................. _." .... -Me" j .' ~~.~!il)~~~I!. _ ..... ____ .... __ ._ ... _ .... m ... _____ J 1 .. _-.~~~~~ __ jl ... _~~~ .. ~~, ... Ii II Ooen soaces._!.~~~~:g~r~~j]:Z?~.~r~~~!'~.:::~::-~:=,::~.::: .. __ :iL. O).? .~c :,:JJ-.. :..:~~.~q:.-. I I I ,0 I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I II,U I Record Id: cb29 IDesign Method . : iL' ·.'SB.iii!~' .. ':f~~~~~!!.!ip! _'-_-~'-__ .~:'~ __ .:. ··-'·_Jr·.'iX~~l.~ '. IHyd lntv .. [.1g_ .. ~~.~i~ .. J~~~~¥~£~~~._. _____ ._ .... _ ..... J .. _ .. ~~~:Q~. .' .~. , ...... 1. _,._ .. __ .... _. __ . __ . ___ .. I~b.~!Eact~~!!. CC!e!f ... _____ ._ ... _..JI. _______ Q.:.~2 __ .. _w .. : JPerv~ous ~re.a , .' ..... L ___ Q:..~2~.£_ .. _ .. _![DCIA . il . O:_~.?_.ac. ... j i~:::i::: ~~. . .... i ··5.~~;-ji~f~~-:-=~-=::---==Ji: -5c~~~; -j II Pe~vio~s·C·N .. C~i~--.--....... -.......... ' .:-.. ---.--:-.-... --... -; I r·--------.. ·---··----·----·----D~seription ISubArea 1 Sub en .: I r····------···----i;;;·p-~~~i;~~-~~ri~·~CPa~~~;,-~~)-. -.. -=[()~i9_;~-. J-.?8.0~ . II PerviousC.ompos~t~d C..~Jt.\M.C::?). _ d.. J 98.00 1 Pervious TC Calc :1 ~~~gt~-.J · __ ~'ioP..~-:'J[ ~~·~!~~·.~f}~1~e._:·.l·_~-·~~!i-.' .. ' , :1 15.00 min Per,:~~u~ T~ .... _. _ ...... __ .. -:_'" '...1.-~:o.Q·;in .. 1 Type I Description IFixedl I . ,-~,~ ~,.~ -. ~-'"'~'-~. -. ._ ..... -........ -.' ~-." .-....... -~ .... ,". --..... ~.-.. --. I . . "'" ''' __ ' _~~ ... ~~!!l.e~~!~?_~.~J~M<;...?L. __ ... __ .. _____ .. _________ J .. _~~Q.2 __ .J i ·1 f Type-I .. ~escri:tioncc~;;7:~~?:~:~;:~:cI2~~~ :1~~~sc1-:-·T; -•. =:,: l[Fi~~~i'-'I~'---'----I-15.00'~i~" 11--------------DirectIyConnecte~ !C; .. _ . __ . c,." _. . .1 ".~:Q~~i·~ . Record Id: cb3 I I .0 I I I I I I, 1(-) ~ . ..-r' I I I I I I I I . '} (--.J I !De~ign Method ----. -' ]--. -~J3l!H-' .. -__ j~~i~f~!l--iIe~_.~~: •. ~·-. __ .-__ ·.-•. :-_~.-]: .. ~j~~~-~~-':~j [iiYdlnT;------. ----_.-.r _ ~ 9:00 :niI1 ... ·1~~~k!!!ltF.~~to.!:._ ". __ . __ .. ___ ._ jL ____ 4~_1.:gQ .. _ ... j ~ . __ L . ._ . _.:Ii\. b~_t~~c~ion_~~_e!! ______ ._ ... ___ J L .. _ o. ~_O .__ J [Pe;v~~A";'-~a J .. 0.04 a~ . .I~,~!~_,_" ___ ,,_,_,,,_,", .. __ ... _ .. JI_ .... _O.~~ .. ~c ... _J IPervious eN '. [~fo"-. .jJ?_~.<;l\l_._ .. _._ .... ~._ .... __ . __ ._ .. JL ______ ~~:Qg .. ___ .J IP;.~~~~~T~---_ ---r . S.OO min :!p~ .'!g ___ .,,_. ______ ... ____ . __ ___ .I[ "._.?.:2.Q .. mi~ __ .j r r.--· --.. ~-----. .. Pervio~~"CNC~i~ -:-~--. .~:'~:-.--~"-~.-:: .• :-~~~-.-:-;.-... ~~~ .. ---.. ) I 1 i Description.. ..:~!>~~~a_j ___ §~!>_~!! __ i! W-=~ I~p~~~-;~;-~-~~~~m~, roofs, etc). .1 O.:O'~':lc..JI .. _28·99 .. .:f I.[ ____ . ________________ .~.:~~~~s Comp~_~it~? C~: (t\rvtc::2) __ ., . _ .' _)I::::~~.:go-.. '· r r·----~=---=:: --Ii Pervious TC Calc 11'I-Typ;---r---D;~criPtion I Length 1 Slope [C~ Il\IIisc J ':ii .. . jF~;d---r--' --. r---:!S.OOmin Ii [ Pervious TC -.. -;C'" 5.00-~~"-·; I ". ,~ .. ~:~~ ~.~ . ".:.'c,:·"::-·;:~::~·':.: ... c~:·,~::,:";:'·-'"~ :~:.:~~:'~'.-:-:' ":~. :.~::,~"':'-w. -.~ :_ "". C~_J I~~~e~tly C~Il~~~!~~~:~.~~C~~_~·--.... ---··· ...... · --.------''''j: r---.. '" .{)~~crip_!i_o_~ ... _, .. __ .. ,,, __ .. ,. _._. ][ .. -.. ~~~~~~~~~=jl~~~b~~;_~_-j! 1 .. ----Open spaces, lawns,e.3!ks(>75% ... ~~~~.sL_._ ........... ,.1._ .. , .. ~·Q2..~~,_q.:L_ .. ~_?.:..o.Q .. ,.j I . DC Co~~?~ited S~5~~S~~L:::~~:: ... :~_:~.::..::::.:::: .. ,:: ... ::._~-Jl .. ::.:~~:Q~--)J ~:::e I DescriPtionri:~g~:t~~:z~e~~~~:-1-Mi~j~~~~~~~1 11-·----~--· Directly Connected TC ..... -.... . ....... ·.H -J::.s:ixJ;;;J Record Id: cb32 r:::-----------r-------'--..:.::.... .. . ,. . .... -.... _ .. . !Design ~ethod SBUH I.l!~i~~~l.~,txpe_ _ _._,L ... !Xp§~J\ ...... , !Hyd Intv I 10.00 minlp .. e.~~!~~ .. ¥~c.~t>.~~ ____ , __ " .. _j __ ~~_~_.o~ .. __ .. ! 1 .1 . . . __ : I~E~~!~£~!~.!t_~_o.e.~f_ ... _. . .. ___ JL. ........ _Q.:.~o .... ,j f~::::::: ~~a .1 O~!l;HI~lI~N:::.·:·_:J.~~~:;:-- IPervious TC, .. , . . . I _ " S:9o.~11 .. _ .J{)~_!~ _____ ._ _______ .-_________ ...... JI..._ .. S_:90 miE:_,_] rr='-" .... ... , ___ ,,:::.:.: .:>.::.·: .. :-::-p.~~~:~~i,~_~~~ -r~ I~ -::::-.~:;:~~:~:~----_, . . I I .0 I I I I I I 1(-) .~- I I I I I I I I( ) I' ..I I r-..... D~~~ri~ti~~'" .---... -----.. -' "-_ .... _--:1 -S~bA'~~;-1f S~b ~~'-fl! I Impervious surfaces «(Javements,;~o·i~,.~t;)v-.. ·"~J.··Q.2.~~·;c~~--~j[."··?~"~9g:.--·: i i---------Pervious Composited c:N (~~C: .. 2) ..... 1 ... 9~:.0~ " • w "' ,_ " •• " ••• ..,. _ ._,,"'_ ~_."~ .. ,_",' ." __ -._> ~._ .•.•• ____ , ~ .--" ... ~ .. " .. ,.", ..... __ .-._ .. __ •... ~._ .. ". , .. -.. ~ .. -.--" _ ... ' .. -~ .. '"' -~ --... ---~ _ .. ",. I Pervious TC Calc , ; I Type --1---Des~.~ipti~n. -.. .11~.~;~g!~.~_·J[~_~.~t:_][ ~~~~!"_I ~ijisc.:; C·:.:.-.-ii" .' IFixed ! :/ ...... . ... '_d'_ ....... '" _ .. '" J?:~~_~~.~ .... ... j Pervious TCI. .~:~g ~n .' , -... -.-.-.... --.. .. .~ .. ".' <' .'-. ~" •••.•• -'-" T- I . D~E<:~!!LC~-"~~~!~~ C.~""~~l(: .... _ .. _ ... _ ............ _ ........... " . .. '. ,-.-----" .' ~~s~~~!i~~ ..... __ . .. .. . ..._._ .. _ ... _jL_ .. ~,I!!!~!~!l .... L .. ~~.~.~Il_ ... ~ 1 Ope.r.t ... sp_~~e~! .. !~~n~.!park'-s (> 75% g~ass) ...... JL o. ~_~ __ a~__ .1. __ ~§:£lQ. .. .c' 1 .............. ~~_~~.mp~site~_C~ (AMC 2L __ .. _ .. __ . __ .. __ .. _____ ._JI_ .. _~~_:.~.Q._j: -,' '.' . ,. -.~ .. ~. '_.-. -..... ~ .. -., .. --.-~ -. _.. .. . ' ..... I Directly Connected TC Calc i! 1 Type 1r----'-D..:...es.:......c.:....:ri.p-=~'t=i~=~I1= ...... ~·· .. ]~~~~;~~ .. -_][_SI()p~J[·~~.e.f!j[Mi.~~~ .... ; [~ ... ==i!~~.~·'·:~, : I I. ~ed-I . ;j ............ -.. _--._ ..... _,1?:~9.~~ ....... , I Direc~ly Connected TC . . . ... ' ,~:.qQr.!l.il1. Record Id: cb33 [Design Method SBUHIR~i~fan~~pel TYPEIA IHyd Intv 10.00 min IPeaking Factor r 484.00 r' iiAbstr~~tio~ Co~ffi 0.20 !Pervious Area ,I. 0.34ac ;iDCIA' . '. _.,...... . .! 0.22 ac . I:::::::: .. ~~ ..... ·.;L.5.;~:·:.~il~~~f_=-~:~=~_-.::::1:.·· j;~~I~ .•• - IF . . .. .~~c:iP~!~:~vi~~;~~-~a~c ·_~.~l~i~~~~~i~~~_~:' r ImpervIOus ~urf~ces (e~.':.~~~.l1t~!.ro~f~! .. t?~~)_ " .. __ . __ t .. Q}~ .ac .. JL .. y'~:9Q .. _.:: I Pervi~~.s ~~~p..~~~:t~g:~?~ .. ~~~~ .~t~:~ .. ::~_:-:.~.~::-:. : .. ~.:.:;:;jt: ~~~99.. :.~·i ! I In It I I I I I I I {~) I I I I I I I I '1 ) ':..r .. __ / I . -. -~, -, ," , Record Id: cb34 !D;sig;; Method--.I SBUH.I~~~~!~~~·_t~p.t:.·· .... ~.·~~. r .!~~l~ -- fHYdlnt~-------1 10.00 min!Peaking Factor jn~~:OO 1--' I ·!Ab·~t.~~~ii~~ ... ~~~~ . . l 0.20 Jp;..-;i~~~------! . 0.10 ~c .ID~!A..._. H........ ... ·1. 0.06 ac IPervious CNI. ..~S..gO_'H .. J~~_~.~_ .... _. ___ .. , .... __ .. _ .. , ...... :1. . 8~:~0 ... ' IPervious TC .. 1. _ .. ~.0~ .. ~_I1. ....:I!?C; .. T~_._. __ .___ .... " __ "" __ .. J ... 5:gq.m.~n .. ' 1-. Pervious eN Calc 1--. . ..~~~~!"!.l?!i.0I1:.u._ .... ___ .. _. __ ., .. _."'._ ..... _J!. __ ~~.l!~r~~ .. jl..~~~ .':11,,)' I Impervious surfa~e~ ~.l?~~.t:!JT.l~!1£~~ E??!~!-~!:1. ...... _._ .. __ jL _._~~~9.. ~C: ...... iL .~.~ .. ~q .... : : ,--" Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) ~I 98.00 :! _ • _ •• _, _ •• _ ,_ • " •• ~ .~ ... __ ._~. __ ._ ~ • ,~~ _ •••••• _ ••• __ • ••• • _ • ___ '.v • _ •••• ~. , f~ -~--.--~"--' ~ ...... -. ,--""_.-.----,-.~ . -" .. ,""'- i I Pervious TC Calc i \T-Y'pe··-T-·· Description 1 Length Slop'e':1 Coe~f 1 Misc 1 TT !fFi~_~d_··_i_·_· ______ T· is·oo min. !L~.-.--···-·-··-·--·---·-----'-Pe-r-vl-· o-u-s -T-C-.-'-.-'-.-. -.............. c.... .. -•. '-. '-............. --'---I 5.00 min :1 ====:==:=-==================='=' ~ .. ~.""~ .. = ... ="" .. ~.= ... ~.-~ .. ~ .. § .. ~ .. ~ .. ~.~ .. ~ .. ~ .... '~'~'~'~'="'='=======-~~==~'l ~-'. --...... ' .. .... .......... .......... ....... ............. -.. ' ~ f---·· ... ~-~---,,--. -... _.-i! Directly Connected CN Calc iC~~==~.~---·-··--Description'" .... --"'"' --.-"" J SubArea! Sub cn I! Open' paces, lawn, .park' (> 75% grass). 1.. 0.06 ac I 8~.00 Ii D~ ~O~'p~~i:~ed~C:~:~~~S}! .. :.:.:.:.:._.: .... ~::::.:.: ... ·.': ...... : .. L:: .. ~~::~9-: .... : .. ~ .. . ... -. .. . '" Di~~~tiy C'o~~e~'t~d Tcc~-i~"-""-'-'--'-' .. ......... __ ... ." . I Type I Descripti~~' _:~JI.-.··~~~gth~.~~-[S"'~P~J[_~~~.ff~][~~~~ __ .. I __ ._ ..... _IT .. ,""u ••• J [Pi xed --r .. . ..II ... ___ '., .. ,._, ... __. _ ... _._' J~ :.9nmi.~._ ... J i ..... _ .... _' .. _, .• _, ". __ .. _ --_._ .. __ • v·· __ · .•.• _ . ~_~ I I 1° I I I I I I I (r") . ...-/ I I I, I I, I I. I f(J I Directly Connected TC i 5.00min ! . .' --"'_""" ., .......... __ ....... _._ .......... _____ ----.... --.. , ... ---_. __ ..1 __ ._-____ .. ___ , __ , .~ ,"_C •• ¥ _~ •• _ •• ,....-__ ._ .~_~~ ... _~.~~""' ••• ~_",~, ___ .~,_,_,~_ •• H·'·_ ~. .~ ... _~. ,_ Record Id: cb35 r-----------·-------Pervious CN Calc r-----· . Description' _. .. ...... ·: .. -·.==~~.~~·~·.=~ .. ~I[~~~~i~~~j[~~;-~l : I Impervious surfaces (pavements, Eo~r.s,_~.t~1 .. _ .. _______ J .. _9.:~? ~_~. __ JL_J8.Q2._J i I Pervious Co~po~i~~d~~_i~~ 22 ___ "'___ ____ _ ___ ._J[ .. ...28.OO .. J .' _. , ... _. ___ '.. ~ •. h,_,_ _,_. -.~ -.. -.... ,. ,,-_... . .~.----~.-. . ---'.---.~ ... -" ... -.--.~-~ -.~ r Pervious TC Calc : ! .' ................ ____ ... '0 __ ' •••• _. ___ ." ___ .__ ___ , ............. _. __ • • .. J I r-'Typ;--';"--D~scripti~;-r Length 1 Slope :1 Coerr ~I Misc '1. TT. :! l[~!,~~~·~.~~:'_·.·.~~_~.:~ .. ~·~~-~:~~==~-:_~[==~===~=_~:~.... --'-.. -... , -··!5~O.O.·;i~:·· om" U ... __________ .. __ . __ ._.__ .. ___ . ____ . . Pervious TC _ I. 5.~~ .II1~~, r;;:::::=:=:=--=::: . .... ~-----.. ..... - : I Directly Connected CN Calc ! 1---·--------------------Description I SubArea ~I Sub cn ' : . r---------·-O-p~~_;paces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) ·-··'·"·f"-o.i8~~·:~I'u·'''86.00 .. ' , i Ir-------.. --~--~~ ~o~po_sited eN (AMC2)"'.~~~,, ___ ·-~ ,,-:~,·,·'~·.-,-:il ~:;:i~~~:;::],J Record Id: cb36 ---"---'--';;;""';;;":"":"':':"'';:';'';'''':::'''''-'''':'':'''':' .-.. -..... _ ... -.... --, ------. [:;~~~~~C=--=F~~u=-~-n----r:::~:~ i!%r .1 !:si.~A . r------------------i-----------[Abstraction Coeff ·1 0.20 -----.-~--------~----------, . --._< , .. ,-.. <.,,~-••.••• ,.,--•• I I' ,0 I' I I I, I I Ie) I II I: I I, I I 1-: )' IL I TPervi()us Area' IPervious CN JPer~i,~us T~ I ,g._2~~~ ,J~C~A'_:----' '",_ JL__9:,i~~~~~_-~j 1 98.00 ,_,IQ~ __ ~~ ____ """ ,. ' ____ .'.'.J, .. , ___ '. ~6·2Q, ... ~) '1,: ___ ~ :,99._;.i;." ___ .,~~ .. !_~._ ,,~,_, , _____ . __ .. _ ". jl_.,_,5_:00 __ ~E,. M.f .L Pervious CN Calc ; , , '," ~~~~,r._~p.!!~~-.~~_~~.~"'~~.~::.-:'~-.,.~:_ .. _-." ,~:.~ ![_~~~~~~~~"][S;--b'·~n~,~ r Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 11 0.24 ac !I 98.00 ;: I . . '" __ . ' __ '" _ ,' ___ ... "_,, __ '" ___ "~ .. ___ ,,., .. "" __ .0 __ ._ ._ ,,,,,,, _________ , ___ ,_ • __ •• _________ ., _ .".' ___ ••• , ••• , ___ .. ,j ____ •. ,,_._~,_ .• _" .. , , r-P(!r'-:io~~,c;C?~~os}~e_d ~!'iJ~~~."Z.L __ ..... , .. _ .. ___ .__ ,_,JL ~~:~9_..J i .! -.. --., .. _, --.----. ---.. ,,"--.-------, --_ .. _. ,,----.. ---,-------., .. ,-.,---", .. _-,.,.-.-.----~ ._.",._---.. --.---.---- •• ' _ .• _~. ._ H_-''' _'"T __ "_~'_' ~'H.T '_'."~~.~~_",," '". ~H"'~CN'~'._.~C' ._,",". ,-'_~ ___ •• w __ ,. __ ,~,~ ••• ~~.,._._ ._.. • .• _. ~o "_,~ ~_,~~ ~ , . Pervious TC Calc ... __ .,.", _________ ,,,,,, . _____ . __ . __ .J i r Type r-' -~~tio~;I"--L~~g~h'--':Ir'---'-'-'s-lo-p-'-'-e--':'I'--, -C-o-'-ef-fc...;r Misc :L TT !! IFixed-1 I' ---p-.,--------'-r5~OO' ~~.".---"i! If--Pervious Tc.1 ::~~9.q~in:; Ir=----; I Direc.tly Connected CN Calc 11---'---·--'--·---D-~s-c-r-ip'--t---'iO;;;,;.. ... ----'. -'---'--'----'---------~A.:.;;-.. I. _~~b ~~ I Open spaces, lawns'Par~s (>75%~rass) ,I. 0-}6 ac.L ,~§:,qo .... , I D~,C()ITIPos}~e~ ~.~ (~MC 2) "P ,.",1,.~.~:9~_". " Type I jFixed I 1 Directly Connected TC Calc . : ,. ~.' . ~ ..... ~ .. ~ .......... _ .. ,_.~ ,,_ .... ,,~.,~_.~~." ... , _ .", .. ,,~ .. ~"_., .. ,'~'_' ~._~~.~,,~.~.,~.~ .~._ ._~_· .. _·_.A_· .. ~1 Descripti()n ,ll!-:~~J~!~. 'J~I()p.~ .J~~~!f],M~s~J ____ .. .!!,; __ J, __ ._"' .. __ ,_j5 .. o'9.,~!'l __ " ' Dir(!ct!l'~()~~~c~.ed !~." __ .,. __ .. , __ ... _____ ,. ____ :L. __ 5_ • .Q9~.~_. __ ~1 • ~.~ "."~ •• ~ •• ~ •• _. ..~ ••• ~ " __ •• ... _0 .. ,_ •• _, ...... ___ ~ •• _ ......... ".. _~." ..... ~~."<_ .. ~" __ . ,.. ~~ •.. _.,.~_ ,"","_~~' -,or-u~ Record Id: cb37 Inesign Meth~d-----I SBUH rR~-~f~1I typ;---'e----'---'-'---'--~~I--· ixp~lA fHyd-Int~---'--'---'----: 10.00 min [Peaking Factor! 484.00 f--·-·-·------'------------'~: ---·-------i-A-bstraction Coeffl 0.20 lPervious Area -----r 0.04 ac IDCIA ----------'---I 0.02 ac rp;;~~;CN----'----r-98.00 ro-C CN '-. _-.J, 86.00 IPervious TC --~ r 5.00 min .' ·1r-o,;;:"C-":T-'--C-'-. ----:.;.--.c.' ----'---'-'-~--'--'--'-..::....:..'--'-.. ;...;:.;,. ;1 _ 5.00 min "T~'_'~"'~ __ '_ ._ ..•• ~_ •.• , •••••••••. Pervious eN Calc ! I 10 I' I I I I I· I 10 I I 'I I I II I .0 I 1 ~~re~ I ,'--T-'-y-'-p-e -I Description" "]' .i~~gth·"·I·,-'S.I~~~·· fc~~'rMis~-~' TT--'-.. ~ .. ~.: IFixed 1--' 15.00 rni,n, ... ' I Pervious TC I" 5.00 min ,-I?irectly .Connected <:N Calc. ... . . I D.escri~ti~n lSubAre-;;-'ISu~--;;-' I Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) . . -, 0.02 ac I 86:00 1---DC Composited CN (AMC 2) ---. ----·-'--8-6.0-0-.: I Directly Connected TC Calc I Type -IDescrip~~~n ..... f .. L~.~g!h~t.S.:I.C!.p~·{~.oeff J ~isCI TT l.Fix~d. I .." ....... JL.M..... ... ........... ." " ......... 15:00 mi~__ . '1 .. , .. , ............ _ ... __ .. _._Q~.~~E~lX .. ~?~~t?~.t.~.~.!.~ .... _ ......................... _ ....... _ .... L . ?:Q.~J!l~~ .... . "~._~ •••• " .... , , ,_._,~, •• , __ ....... _~,'~ .. _~ .. __ ""~~~_ ••• ~,_~,_, __ ~<~ _ •• ~._'''~~''·''r~·'~· .... ~., __ ·~.~_·",· __ .~.'''<., __ .•. _ •. ~, .~ ,.~ • ,_. ~." ... ,~." .. ,~ •. , ,~ Record Id: cb38 ~--'-----'----'-'-'-~'--';;;"':"';"-'-'-'---".;..:," ..... , .............. . ID._e_si_gn_M._e.;.....th_o_d ___ I. SBUH :1,..:.:~-,--~--,in---,fac.c..l1,-,-,t=yp=_ ~...:..' --'-__ -'----_ luyd Intv I 10.00 min !Peaking Factor r-----·-· ------.-1 ---'----fAbstracti~n C-o-ef-f-. --'--- '0' ._. ,.~ •• ~~,_.~.~.,~ •••• I TYPE1A ~ •• • • ~ .. --< --~, r 484.00 . ". -I 0.20 !Pervious Area 1 0.21 ac IDCIA Ir-P-er-v·-io-u-s-C-N----98.00 IrD-C-C-N----·----- I 0.14 ac r 86.00 I l~~vio~s TC 5.00 min IDC TC , r 5.00 min - ---J SubArea ! Subcn ji " .. - Pervious eN Calc . Des~.ription 0.21 ac I 98.00 I 98.00 I Impervious .surfaces <'p'avem~nts,. r.0ofs,. e!c) r----~--~---~P~~~~-io~u,~s~C=?m~ ... ~£o-.. s~~~~d~C~ ... -~~(~~=~~~-2-)--~~~------ , .... _.~. '" ~·o.· ___ ., .. _.,,",," __ ,_" ." I i Type I DescrIPti~n~-r-2;~;~~t~:~:~il-_~eff J~isc C!!_l IFixed r. .. ..... Ju. ____ ._ ............... _ .......... , ...................... _ .... !?:.qO.~n._ ........ ,' 1 .u, }~~~i0!:ls!~. __ ..... u .... _. __ .... ___ ....... . I 5:QO.~i~ ... j ·.,~,.<.<'O·,_,.·_· >C. __ ._ ~_""~, ."".,~~,,_ •• , ~".,"._ ....... ~.,_.,~'O .• "'. _ , ....•. ( I' . .... "Di·~~~tl; C~~~~~~;d~N-~~i~.-....... . -... ._ jl Description lSubArea-~I" Sub en II_-__ -_--~-O-D-en-~-Daces_lawns.Darks C;75%-IITass) r-o.14~-r 86.00 I :0 I I, I I I;~ II Ie)) I I I, I' I, I .1 '0 I I, ~ _ -D~._ C?T:E~~j~~~.s~::(6Bs.~~ __ ~~. '.: __ ~:;~.~~~:.~~_: ~~~~~'." .~-_:_·-:;~J·.~_-t~:~?:i:-.:A rr-Dire~tl;Con~~cied Tcc~i~ --'-''''" ... _. ..-. -.--.~; If Typ;--i---Descr·ipt~;-rL~~~t.h.·.r~~~I-·.~~~i~. :ir.~~is.~.I._-_-__ ii·'··".·.·' i rFi~~d'''---r-'-------. ;L., .... _ ............. _.......... . ............. _ ..... , ............ :~_:QQ.£!li.l1. ..: ~ 1-'---Directly Connected TC :1 5.00min i; . _ _ .~_ ,~~ ·~'_'_"'4'''''N~~' _~.,,~.~_,,".~.~ .• ~.~_._._~ .... _ • .,._ .. _ •• "._..... _,_~~".~._._._,_, •• ___ ..I _.~_._ .• _, ... _~,._, ~_._ .~._~, •• , •• ~_,_. ~,,_._."~'_ '" ~~._~ .,_._ •• ~" ~.~.,_~ __ •••• ,.~ •• c __ ~_. __ ....... ____ ~_~ ___ _ _ •• ~,~.v .• _. __ ~ _ .. ~_~_. __ ~.~ .. _' Record Id = cb4 rOesign Method .. ----r· SBUH ·IR~i~fali--typ.~-:·.·-----,,---'· ... -· .. ·.~~[~iYi~i~~··.; I'H-y-d-In-t-v --·-----·--T 10.00 min IPeaking Factor'. . .. J __ ~~:!.'.9.0_". r-------------r ! I IAbstr~ct~onO~~~f. J ...... q.?~" .' ~:~::~: ~;a -~9-·~-.~o-6c--. :~~I~N--_..} O~~I~C_ fi>ervious TC---I 5.00 min· .. I~~j~~, ..... ,....... L5:9~.~n j Ii Pervio~~·CN·C~-i~ ,H, "".-.. .. ... 1-----'---'-"-Descript~on , '" .1 .. ~,11..b~.r.ea.J . ~~b .. ~11 ,. 1 1----Impervious surfaces (l?avem~nts, roofs, .. ~~~) ....... " __ .1.,,Q .. 9}.a(; ... jL.2?~99 ... } I 'Pervious C~mp~~i~~~ .. C~.~~~_2.L .. _ ... __ .. ____ ...... _ ......... L .2~:99_ .. : . Type IFixed ,--' rr-Directly C~~~~c·t~~.:C~· ~~I~"·:-.·-::.'-' .... ~ ..... -.. ~: ..... -. .. :-.. ---.. ! i ,--"---''''' Description . iUll~Area . ..:I .... ~ub.cll.. ' [----Op~;~paces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) .... J..9.9~ acl 86.00 I i---------·---DC Composi~~~ CN .. (A:~~ 2,).. . ... .. ..... ...J. 8().~0. . ' Record Id: cb44 ,I I .0 I I, I I I: I ICJ I I' ~I I I, 'I I C) ,I J l~;~::etb~.·~.·· •• -·l;£:~~ -l~;:f::~~~~~· -::~-lrMTis:~~: ·lpe~ViO~~Ar~ ........ ····I-·-~;6-~C _:JI~~~C~O~~?~~ _-·:-_-][:~~~~~C:.·.:.J IPervious CN 1 98.00 '!DC CN]! 0.00 IPervious TC ----------r 5.00 min !nc TC'---' -' -' '-: ---' r-O.OO Illin . r,-----.-----------.. --.-----.-. . ... . II Pervious CN Calc j, Description --.1 SubArea :r-Sub~-;;-. . '. _.,,_ ..... _ ...... _.. . ." ..... ,I . ....... """ j . Impervious s.urfaces~pave_IIl:~n.ts, r?o~s, etc). . ..... J ., . q: 16 ac c_ Jc ~.~8.00 . , ·I..~ervi':ll!~. ~o~p~~i !~~ 5;~~.( A:~C:.~) .. .... _..... .J ... _. ~ 8 .. 09..' > __ ,~,~._. ~ ••• ,~ , __ ~_,~~.~. __ ." " •• " ~~~.c _.~.,~~' .,~" ~".". __ ., A_.~._._._~'c .• _'c~. ,~~._._~_~_, __ ~~~_~~,._ .. _~, __ ._. T' "" .~ .. ' Pervious TC Calc Descri.pt~o~. ....J[ .. :~~~,g~~.: .. {::'~:I.~p_~ .. -11r:--'._=-~:=;..~=~f=.i..c:.::.;··~L:Mi·~~· .• ! •. · .. ·.:i.i ~. .. _..JL _. '"'' _ .... , ........ _.. ........_..... .... ...... ___ .... _ .. J?_:OO~.n '" ......... ! . _,... ..... _ ... _~er".~.?~~_I~_...._._ .... _ ...... __._ ...... ___ .......... it . ~:Qg .. ~~ ..... _:: •• ".,~" "., ."' • ,. __ ~_ •• ~._ .. ,,0_. ".'" ~_.. _~. ,.,_c,,~,~~ ~'~'~ __ " •• '~. ,~._ _ ,N', ,. __ ~,~._, __ ~O ••. __ ..... .., ._.~~.~ ". ___ ~_".~~.N' ~._ .. oJ Record Id: cb45 [Design Method. I SBUH IRainfali type '1 TYPE1A iUy7i-Int-v-----'------r-l-0.'-00-m-in-rP-e-a--k-in-g-F-a"-c-to--r-------''-! 484.00 r-------.. ----------.. ---.. -f !Abstra~tion Coeffl 0.20 [perviou~A;;~---I. 0.07 ac ,lUCIA. . .. .' . I 0.00 ac IPervious CN ·1 98.00 ,!~<:: ~.~. J~JX)--- !Pervious TC 1 . 5.00 min . jDC.'I'C: . . .L .. 0~,00,lIlin I r I " •.. _" ~~ .• ~ ~ •• , .0" •. " .-" •. , ._,., •• ., _~ ." .. ~,.~ •. Pervious CN Calc 1)~~~~e.t.ic:)_!1" ., '. ;! SubArea {Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) . '.," G.O? ;~. ,"lr98:oo . ': Pe~vi~~~ C~~~~;ited'CN (AMe 2) " .. '.' .. ' ...... ,.,.... " jl' 98.00 ,: ........ _ ......... '''''' .. .. ..... "......... ..._., ........... ,', ..... ', ...... , .... __ ..... , ' .. , .... ,,,J ..... ,,, ......... .. I I, .0 I' I, I I- I ,I If) I I' I, I I 'I I .u I Record Id: cb46 \Design Metho~-. ,I SBUH ~fji~!l1f~~,I!y.p,e., :, TYPE 1 A IHyd Intv '-"'--'----J. 10.00 min i~king FactorJ 484.00 Irervious Area .••• 1:o.~_3-~c-~J~~~~~u.~~~oeff . . _ • J ... o~~Da~ - [Perviou~ CN " .:I . " 9.~.~~Q.,,'·._,::ilI?~.'~~_.u.'~ "., '.'. -:1 ,O~OO., !pervious TC , 1., .~:.~g.m.i~ .. "I!?~I~.u __ .... , ..... __ ,m .. ', T, O.qo,~~~_ ,: • ~'~_"~'_"_'.~_","~'~_'~"_ • __ ,,~~~ _. _.N'~~'''' .• ~ .. ~._._ •• ,. ~'.'.~ ... " •• ~._.W·.·_ . __ ,_ _,_ ." __ •. _, I Pervious TC Calc IT;;p~--f' Description -1-Length'l Slope I Coeff IMis;-' TT I [Fi'xed ;-1 --~~-"':"----'-----~--15.00 m--in-- I.r--, ----------p'-e-r-Vi~~~,!~." ." ~00?rin , ' Record Id: cbS ,--_-'--'--'-_---'--"--'---'..--'-'..:;..,.. ~' '-.:.uc...:.:"c:...;" '-'..:-'-, , ''', ......... " .,-.. '" • '.-,. ,. IDesign Method ,I .. ~_~_~, ._J~~i~!~l!.!~pe.. I TyPEl,~ r_,y_d.-::-,I.n.:-._tv==' ===' =====JFI:.=,_=10=:.o;:;::;Q=m=.'-=,~'=.'--,,-,J,r=~=~a=;~=:=~=t~=, ~=~,~=::O=~~='ff=,_,,'-"--'-"---"-'-t 4~~~O .... IPe'~vious Area ,1 ,.~}:~~"~~ ...... , .. _jl~~~~ __ .... _ .. ". __ . __ ,, .,"u ,:.:::::::.:....:..:.:....:.'"'-' .;;.:J.r-:' .:....::."..;..;.O::...::..9=5=ac:........::..-=-1 IPervious CN J, ",. ,,?~:9.9. __ .. J!lc.: .. c_~__ __._ .. _ "d' .,' . J. ~6·99 IPervious Tci 5.00 min :IDC T.~ .1 .5.g0 mi,n rr= ' " -" '.', ':,:~~', :':.:,.'~:~': .',::~: ~~:.d,:':: .. :.=.:.::~::::: :.: I ....... ~~~,vio.u~,!~ ,~~ .. ~,,_ .... _."" r l Pervious CN Calc I! SubArea jr s' u' "b' 'c'''n' ,"'I: ! i Description ll----.. ~pervi~~~ surfaces (pavements, roof~, e~c) " ll.43 ac 1 98.00, . .:1, 11-.. ~---·---~----~----Pe~vious C()mp?s.ite~ ~~(~M.~ 2) ..... ... -----!. 98.00 J I Type Descriptio~, . 'I~~ng.t~ ... :1 ~~~.p.t?.JI. ,_~C)~~~ .1 Misc 1 TT IIFixedl Ii IS.OOmin Pervious TC -.I 5.~g. min '1 .~"'~. _ •• '~'_'_' __ " ••• __ .~~."'.~, ••••••• ,~.,_ ' ___ N'V_ -.-"--'''' --•••• ~ ............ -•••• ~~~ ••••• -~. "._._. _._ .... --•••••••• ,._ ••• ¥ ••• I :0 I I I I I I I (~» I I I; I I I I I L)! I Directly Connected CN Calc ! ..... __ ._ ... _ _ ...... _._ _ _ _ _ _________ ... '.J ! ~~~c~~I>t~_?!1._. ____ . ____ '_'_""_ .. _ .. " ... _ JL ,~':l.~~E~ .. JI_~_~~<:!!..J I-----Op~n spaces, la.\\,ns:p_ar.k.~J?'_!~_~~~~~L __ ... _._ ... _ .. JI_. __ ~-,22,~~ __ JL.~~~ __ .J! 1'----DC Composite~, ~N,(A_~~.~L .. _ ....... ____ ,_ .. _. ____ JL. __ 86:00 _.J) -.-----~-----.... ~ .. -.. '-""--~"-~"--"'~'----.--_ .. ---' .-----~~ . __ .,-----_. i[=::===:' -. .'.. . --. . _. -" -.. ----.......... ----.. -."..' l! I i Directly Connected TC Calc Ii I"'--~ryp;"'--r· .. ·--D~~~~iPi~~--TL;;;gth! SI~J~e '.'I·:~~.~fi "[M!s,~'-'i[~~'-"~~--'!!-~~--P' -j 1 IFi;~----ii ." '. ,... ..... _. __ . .,_, . J~-,o.Q,~!1 .. ,... I if Directly Connected TC I 5.00min 1 ____ --------_._---_._--._-----. . . • . .• " • .• ...... • ..... • Record Id: cb7 Ii Pervious TC Calc .... .. " I r-iyp;-[" Description IFixed I" I Length. I.s~op-~_ j ,~~~ff. J .. l\.f.~~c j . . .1:':f I , . "" , .. __ ._ ....... , __ .. _ .... _J~_:Qg_~~ .. " .. j: I" ---. I I Pervious TC ~I 5.00 min i! ....... : .... ~ ..... :~:,-:::: .. =::: .. :'-::::::~'-":.::':-'" .. -.... :~: ... :-.~:.::=:: ... -.... :: .• ~:::-..• ~-.:.~ .. ::::::-:::~::: ' .. ~ Directly Connected CN Calc .. -' .. .-....... --".-'"'' .. .-.. -... .. ---.-.. . .... -.-.-.""''' _ .. --.. --..... ..-.... -I D~~c.ri.p!~!l~ .. _" ... __ .... ______ . ___ ........ ,J, ... ,_s.~~~~~,~. __ .t§.~~_c.!1_.; : I 10 I' -- I -. I I~ I r Ie) I I I I I I I .u I Ii Record Id: cbS jo;sign Method T SBUH' j~~!~.~~l} ~.ie~,. . .... " ... :.':·J: .. .iY~~·~A· .. rHydInt.~ . . I . 10:90, ~i~ ~ J~e~~!.~~ ~~~tor. . _ ..... _._ .... _. J ..... _~8i·.9Q ..' IperViOU~ Areal-· .• ·~o.ii~~:---J~~~:-ct~on ~o:= __ :~~--jr-o~~~~-:_ IPervious ~N . . [., .. 9.~.:9P ._ .. -..iI.D~ Cl'1 '." .... _. _........ __ "'M' JI . 8~:9.Q .0 •• : IPervious Tci 5.00 J?i.n .. J~~ '!<;: .. .... ............_ .... _ JI ....... ?·~Q_~~._ .. ; I ~----··---De-;~iPlir:~~i~.;;CNC.d~ -I----~-:--:--~-, . III Impervious surfaces (pavem. ents, roofs, etc) I s:~~:~.!i ii:~n t Pervious Composite~~I'1 (~~C 2) . -., n' t .. ~.~:OO . '''' , . -." -..... . . , ...... ,_.-.' .-.... - f hY-p~"-f-·-D-es·-C-ri-P·-tio·-n--r--L......;:-·~-'-'-· ~-:~;.;:...~·'-USIi-T~···~.::....-:o"'-'·~=·~-e;;i~rc-'O-=~......;ff'-· '':'Ir--M-,-' ·.:.;..;is'-'C...;;.:;· ··~·r-I'::""" ·......; .... =T--'T-'-· .. .:.:.... -'--'- • _" . , "'. 1 . . _ " •.. ~ •••.• ~d--I . ____ .--.:. _______ ~ ___ --.:...:.:. .. ...:...15.0Q. rr.u.~. I Pervious TC .. . 'n' • j .?~9.9. .. ~i.n . .... _ "~" .... ,_". ___ . ,,~_ .' .... ~, ,. _ .... __ .. _~ .. ,." .. ~,_ ·.'H.···'~ __ ._._,. __ ~_._.,~ ..... _~~ .... " _ .. ~.~" .. . .. J:>.i!.e~~ly. .. ~~~.~~~.!~<l..~.~(~alc:" ... _ .......... __ . __ .. _ .... ~_._,_.,_i . .... ....... . .. I?e~~~ip!i~~ ........ , .... " ... _ .... _ .... ,_ ... "..JL_.~.u.~A.:.~e.~,,_~.L .. ~~b.c:~! Open space~,.la~I1~~e~~~.s.J~?? .. ~.~~ass)......_" .. :L._ .. Q:Q?..~~ .. _ .. 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" •• _". __ ~ _____ •• ,,~.~ •••• _.,~ __ ".0 Layout Hydrographs Hydrograph ID: pond -.25 ,Year .. j Area 111.5300 ac I Hyd Int -110.00 min '~Iowl [Pending tt translation . .. -··.r-14-.6----'0-m-in-- jPeak flow f7.895icl~IPeak Time [8.00 hrs I Hyd Vol'-[2.705~ft· rTTr;;~(-h.=)·1 Flow (cfs) r~i~~ (hr) IFlo'!.J~f~).11 !!"-1.~J~!lJ¥I~~!J~f~)- r 0.671 0·99?} .. :I .. ___ ~:6.?~ ... ,L . 3:~~??J .... }2:~.~2:.-"JL __ }:_!~~_~ .. I 0.83 I 0 .. 0~~.6 ... J .. _,._~&t_ .. J .. ~:.~?~~ __ .lI_".~J~t2!~jL_!:~~~. _: I 1.00 I 0.1129 ... t ... 2.:9_0._ .. 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J .. ,Q .. ??20.. i 1 7.33 I 2.6854 I. 1?.33,1 1}1?5 ... J .. ~~.:9~ __ .. J .... 9.~~?~2 .. : I I .0 I I I I I I I () I I I I I ,I I I I f{ ) ,- I .j "7.'50" _. -1--i') ~'83 _.: . : '--. '~.?'~~~:~~] _ ... ~._? !_~~_Jh:~:~~i~~~:~JLJ L_.Q:.?~.~?. __ j I 7.67 [5T8321. " .. ~?.:.?2., .. tJ· .. ~2~9.jl._.~~~LjL.Q:~~~7 .. ..i r 7.83 ! 7. 7246 ~! .... 1 ~:8~3 '._ H ... !}_~_!zJ L~~;~:~rPstJ L_Q:~'?'~~._~ I 8.00 r7.8951 l 16·90., :I .. l_.:!.~~_4..!I,_w~~:·6t: .... JL_g:~.?~~q,l I ~--'fl----IT.· i[ I 8.17 I 5.9172 16.17' J.1431 1~3:;~~~ .. jQ:~S.~:t: __ 1 1 8.33 ! 3.8755 f 16.331 1.1438 'I . ~4:091 .. 9~~?~6 .. ! 8.50. I 3.9027-r 16.50. 1.1444 I 24:1:7 J O:~269 Licensed to: Barghausen Engineers I I .0 I I I I I I 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES I (~) I I I I I I I .u I I IO'~ ) 1"- I I I I I I 10 I 1 I I I I I ICY I 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES There are no known special reports or studies prepared for this project. II I 89.00l.doc [IPJldmltep} I :0 I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I () I 7.0 OTHER PERMITS I I .0 I I I I I I I C' I I I I I I I .u I 7.0 OTHER PERMITS Other permits include: • King County Grading Permit • City of Renton Grading Permit • City of Renton Building Permit • Water ExtensiC!n Development Agreement • Sanitary Sewer Development Agreement IlIS9.00I.doc [JPJ/dmltep] I In I -.- I I I I I I 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 10 I I I I I I I I jO I I I.~ .'Y I I I I I I 10 I I I I 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The wet/detention proposed for this development will be the frrst order of construction such that the entire site once graded and cleared can be routed into the wet/detention pond. This will act as a sediment pond, trapping sediments on-site and preventing erosion from occurring on-site and sedimentation downstream In addition a rock construction entrance and perimeter protection in the form of a silt fence with temporary V -ditches and rock check dams will all be instituted on-site to minimize erosion from occurring. Also, streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities and the site shall be sprinkled with water during the summer months should dust control be a problem on the site. Cover measures will be instituted for any areas left un worked over the time allotted by King County and the City of Renton. 11189.001 .doc [JPJldmftep] I 10 I- I I I I I I I(~ ----- I I I I I Appended on: 11:34:11 Thursday, March 18,2004 ~1189site east graded Event Summary [Event--IPeak Q_ (cf~)~[Pe";k, !(hrs),IHy~ Vol (a~~t)j~'~~~'~;~2IrM~t~~~j[~~!-~ii~~1 '~-;h! O.~i98 -~I _ .. 8.90. __ f .. 0~1~0,8_'_H13}SOQJI._s.BUJiJ[!x.rEl~.: I_~)'~a_r ~~~I .. __ .. 8:9Q.....f~ . ~}62.~_. __ jL3..~J._?~E~JL~~ll!!J!r~?~_~l ,~~r .1 .... :.6.?~5 ... I_. __ .. ~:9.Q_.. J ..... 9~~S}~ .. ,. __ JL~:2?OOJ~!!.!Ij[J~~~J l~s. ~earl 2.0748 !L. ,. s._:~q .... j ... _.Q:_6_~~2 .. __ JL_ 3.~soo.IL~B_UHJTYP~.!.~J 1109 ye~~1 2.4730. t ... 8:00 ... 1._ ~:817~_._ ... __ .!1 .3,.?so~JL~BlJ!i.ll!yPE~~! Record Id: 11189site east graded ,1._ . Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) it 91.00 II • .': ',.:..:' ' •• ,,-'~ • -:--:-_-:::-::~.:~. -~ ~ • "', +, '~.~~~':.',' ¥ -••• :-.~::""'::::'=:--:.::-:---~::::'::-:.-'::'-":-'~-::-.. :::.:::-:-=-:~ _. :::-..:.:.-.':::-----.::::'-~ •• ~ •• ~"'., -~ •• --•• --•• --•• " •• -•• p~~-. • •••• ,~ •• -~ .... -".~--••• ,.~ •• ~~--• -,. __ • -. • ••• '--,~ ~ -' -. ~.---I I Pervious TC Calc t i . . . , . '-' ......... --................ . .... -. .. ...... ----.. _._-----_ .. _,----.----. . .... _-.-... , . L~y..p~ ... \ . ..D.e.~~~.~P,!!~!l ... il. __ .!:~!l,g~!t._l_~~~p~.JL_~o~ff JL~!!~_jL . __ TT._ Jl [IFixed I :1 Ils,oo min II :, .... ,. .... .... '" ...... -. -.. , .. : P~~io·~~TC'''··· .......... -.--...... -.. ..--····--------If-· .. 5 .. ~OO~~-{ I Licensed to: Barghausen Engineers I 2,DiO S~ x QIO =::' fLeQV\.i fl.LL) $~!<It.-C Jt12.£...1 kl'"' .....,-o.p (j~ 12-. ~ I ~OFo x 1.1.0£>45 = ?t+L SF' --po-vo :5"1f11!!!-~~~~ U~o lJtz,·t=,~ ~,.e-= Iij-~ (J-J...)"'/c!'J.lu( ?J bcoY) oS =-?4+1... {~(~»/1'O.bX~(Z4)(~l., I J tao ll:. 11.0 zi~s ~;-;:--I o.~ I tJ L-. ~ If ... £ '" .fiV"ert:#!. ::: i? ,·5 t i( V Ido C 1;.:;4 ( 8· Dz-~ "7 ) ~ Z. lJf '. 5~y 2-'/4-" I I .(j) I I I :1 I I I 10 I I I I I I I .u I 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATIONS OF COVENANT I '0 I' I I I I I I I (~) I I· I I I I I I I 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT Should any of these be required by the City of Renton they will be prepared at that time as the Final Technical Information Report is prepared. 11189.001.doc [JPJldmltep] I In) 1-' I I I I I I 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I (~) I' I I I' I I I ItJ I \ I In ~ J I . I, I I I I I I I I: ,I ( ) I -- I 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL An Operations and Maintenance Manual for this project will be submitted with the Final Technical Information Report once all of the parameters of the site are known for maintenance requirements. 11189.00l.doc [JPlldmltep1 , ~ 'I .;, . , " ' , ' . ' ~lllJ VI I 0.. 0.. 0.. f-j= "-w >-z 1r0 <[f-zen :i!@ ~~ "- ~ ~~ H !:~ ~~ G~ l~ '5~ 1iV~ =n jl ,:~ I;w i I :r~:1 1~~ ~I~ I. I~ i ~ cs;:.:s::;:] 1" -40' \ o!O"~,·, LOT AREA TABLE LOT, 1.&RE.&(s.r.)1 LOT' I APEA(S.'.} PRBJMlNARY PLAT FOR WINDSTONEm A PORllON OF lHE SE. 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 E, WM CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ~ .. ".~\ LEGEND \\0* -EXI51l~m:rs 1O~(2T~EE'S) ~Gx -EXISTIHC TRUS TO BE R[II(M[) (21 TREES) ,{;,"~ DENSITY WORKSHEET 1. CROSS .t.RE.\ PROPEInY; al,au. SF. 2. DENSITY CoILCW~ EXCWSIONS: 8880 S.F. (PUBUC R!Wl ,tH[J JaNT N:CESSEASElIENl) 3. NEr DEMSm' AREA: 52.ia34 s.r. (GROSSNB-EJI'!:\.l.lSIONS) 4.NfTDE1ISITVIN~ (DMOm B'f 43,.56r) $..F.) ~ NET 0ENSI1'r; (LOTS DIYIDED IN NEfOOfilUTARfA) 4.92 D.O. PER..eRE • -SE:lMJ«> WORE: lHo\H THREE UJtS VICINITY MAP SITE DATA 1. 1A)('O:1:!~-OO14 2. sm:NlUo 1.41 Af:..(61.6H S.f.) 3. EXISTlNGUSE:voOl(T PROPOSrilIJS.E:6lDTSlNGlEfAloll.YDETAC.rIEI)SUSDIVISI:'JN !o.EXlSTJNGIOlCNG·R~~(~.')rAJ/N;) 6. :lROPOSfOZacNC.R-!i(R£St!lOITW.Sf:IJ/lC) 7. EXr.ilJNG COIIPRDDfiIYE PlAN ~~ UA'SlN IlESlOE/ffiAL ("-12 Du/.t.C) e. f'ROPQSEIl ~ENSM: PLAN O[Sr;w.TION: IJRSAN OCPlSll'r R~DDmAL ("-12 DIJ/'-Cl 9 PIlOPOSEIJ "N. LOT lIl!lTH: 6('- 10. REOIJIRW MlN. LOT ,,10TH: ro' 11. PROPOSEtlwt!' LOT AREA" 7217s-r. 12. R[QlMED Ii:N. LOT.t.REk 7200 S.F. lJ. PRO.lECTco.snY.49200/AC. '4. REOIJtREDw:N.Srnw:t<:S.. SlRI'II;lO' ~STR([Tsrnw:K·2(l· INTERlOR; ~: s.u::~: 5' I!. WoXIUoSLHEnfiOf'BU:l.DlNGS:J,5' 1$ SOURCE:OF!IOl.INIWtfAXOmPOC!W"iY:FlfUIStJ~SY OWNER 'AWOU' lH02S£ 1057+lPLACE I!D(fON ....... 9~ DEVELOPER KBSCf'o'ELOf'\l£NTCO~f\ATION lUro~~eThS1R"..ET.~'lOO ROflON,_~ C£NrREPOINTE SU!NE'I'OR'S ENGINEER/PLANNER/SURVEYOR 1WIC.w.uSD<CONS~TJ(G~.1HC le21!i-12NOA'lEr<UESWTH K£NT. W,., 98QJ2 ~~Sl .. ~;l-2~12~61a2 . CONTACl:WAYH£F'OITEROflAUSADR,P.E. LEGAL DESCRII'TlON LOT B Of BOI,IHOoI.I\'f UHE..t.n,IlJST\IEH RECOfIOED UNDER I'll[ I ~ ~ g Ii: o LL . III ~l6 We> =~t5 !J;!1:l!5 O":~ ~j!:ffi Z~~ ~~:Z N~ ~w Ir Zo", seg ~~:§1 °iil Z ~ .8 utu~ !Z~;!; woo..: ~~~ o"'w -' .:::> ~~~ 00-' "'w &l~m "'~ 5 ~; : ~~ '" ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~:!! ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ;1~~~ g~ .:)~-~ "I' ~ ,;~ .... ,.' .. "" :s: 0 '\~\; •••• / 101 I ~ g ~ I rt-Il-I· -I . .. -, 1 1 :i ~·.w _ I , I, ~,.~ '""" , I ~ wt'if ~ Q~ ~©~ !r1 "-Q. « ::! -' ~s OW 0t5 g~ IZ 1I:;i: @ a iii Z n ~~ d Eo-.~ ><z ~..i !::iOl it'" u~ ~~ ~i " 'f <!!f !" -~I ~~ ilS 'i~ ii 2 ~~ li 'I I il~l! iol .!I'~I il"1 ~ i! ! i ! 1I111 ~ . III ~ ~ ! ~ ~ cs::-s:;;J f -100' 11 i 'i "i m~ wi --JI~1 ~l i 1 (--......., I "- r Oj2305 , ~~~~ / ~IV 0070 -,- -/ -pm t ' 032305-9159 (1.41 At:) le~// 032305 9045 (0 55AIl.) I J I , 032 05-9047 ///" y~87 Ac.) / / ..--",'" .... / 032305 9210 \042At) KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6_12AC-) ; T !~~'\ ~QS'i"~~ , 032305 9173 (D42"") 03_ 9208 (022.''''1 032305 9209 1C22~) 032305 9180 ((1.31 ,lie.) , '?~o'? '/I'I~y i ';)--"" (4.'45 Ac.) . ~_ 9~2i305:9035 >'-, ).. 1 !'Il?---_____ -:,::...Q...ltAC.) ,/ \ -------r / '': ~QS~a!'\.) " '~// \ 1 , "_~~O~V'~\Cw --------1 I \ 1 _.,~~-_ /-___ \ 1 "/ 'v< r.~~ Ii: \ " i i~~ 1 , 0 .'>--1 '".,( ~ I I I I \ \ L----..... ra."'r----J I ..... I;t ,h .. 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'J'i I I I , , , 032305-9047 / / 032305 9210 (!I 42 Ao::) 032305 9173 (II "2Ae.) 032305 9045 (056AC.} 032305 9208 0/ O~87Ac.) ........ -"~/ .... // I<lNGCOUNTY 032305 9209 iOn .... ) I///<'<~:/ / / I ' / // 032305 9021 (3.56 Aci) w' CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6.12Ac) ; :... .. -.;, !o~;Y'" \ ~os€-~to\<e ~\ >--, ?""o 'IfI\<\.r-', : /', (4,93 Ac) /---~r---I : ') r----T----J , , , , , , 9~2~0~;9035>'\<---__ _ -}-,!3.ft~C.)..-"/........ \ ,\", <---\ -)-----<-~'-: CITY 'OF: RENTON KING COUNTY 032305-9277 (1,20 Ac.) 032305 9276 i( (0 30 Ac.) ~; w 032305 0 <, 9256 o! (03IJAC,) ~i 032305 ~, 9280 I W< ~I (030AI;;,) n:i .1 032305 lOi ~i 032305 9278 (1.11 .... <:.) 1032305 9017 032305 9070 (2.47 Ac) 032305 9120 SE STREET // /// / ./ // / ,/ / / / / uj~/. 00 / !!j/ i / / / // am 1/' -. ./ /' ;2~Z /,.<, / /' c_ b ~ /)//--~ y;:~ /;/ // //7 \ / / // / / / // / t5 ~ --' <~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ O«Z ~i!:;;; z\lj!~ ~ -;-- " z ~~ 0: ~o}g !iQ~ 0:*", °jgz 8: :::l ~ 0<00 o .z iztii1j5 !:\1~~ guj~ I!:'ZiU W~...J 0",....1 <o~1l! ~ l " a: " f( ~ ~ "! ~ z ~ ~~~&1 ~~~~ ~~~;;:; ~~~~ NZNN ~~~~ tl $ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ¥ ~ f I -f , ~ tb~~·'''''''.\ I~ .:) 0 "f _~ :t • ~ ,/' I /I ~'OQ" I~ o z 00 o -, w :il ~~\1!I~ fCW'ii Ct;F • ""'-"\J U ~ @tv ~Q~ mJ~~fR7@@ FOR B.C.E. JOB NO. 11470 Am CITY OF ~ RENTON KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 NE. 8TH STREET, SUITE il00 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 PPP-SS-TIIT EXISTING EASEMENT MAP WINDSTONE m LOCATION I'.1NDSTONEIII 10627 -148TH AVENUE SE. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98059 ~v ~ 0 t4:=~ oo[gm~@ ..... ..... ..... ..... I Vl Vl I a. a. a. Ii I: ~ ~ I: I; ~ ~a: 21( I5z= biS!l;! 0<>-0 Ii; ~i ~ ~ w IE "H ~z ~~ 00 "e E-< ~~ >z ~a.i ~'" ~.,; uO:: !~ ~u ~ -'1 '~g: ~~ ;~ ~ !!~ , -~I ~ 1f I:;" Q • ~ ~ I~ ~ f i LEGEND """""' ........ """"' .... ""'" --0------ f'!!CI'CSaISMoITARYSfIIElf PI!OP05£DGIIINDOIstWIoGEPUIIP ~SN'IT.IRt'$EWER -~- PRQI'OISilIIIIIoI.ltRS'Y5lDI ElCIST'tC WATER MTE» ._--_ ... _-* .......... I"'IU'OSEOSI'OTEJ,.£IIA.TOI / ~""'""""" .,.::'" --------2.2------ I"""" ----- """"""""""" -~ -- [;--1. 1 -""""" I,:,· '.,. 'J I'!IOPCISED fIDQIDrt WALl c::c.:cx1C::c:: JI!QlE' AU.~NClR£TMIDC ~o.r~~!£Q;t Q?"sJWtW ~I ",. ----9-) I, .~ -~ PR8..IMINARY GRADING, STORM DRAINAGE AND UTIlITY PLAN FOR WINDSTONEm ~_A'rjr.Y/ --O:.6"CI ViM--···· .... 1\ / " '\ \/ .. ~ .. "" " • 0.' .... I '-•••• ----. . ' "\ \ \' \ /: \. \\, •. P~. .._ .. _. ,,·,C. ",.c~>·.;;"""" ·c_~.""":"" I \ " -400, . ~~~~,---/ 6+1fa-f"It5S.~·. • \ 4501~ 44511 tIti II 12-~V~ -I:. ~<"'" ;1" -! ~i ~ f-3O' f I 'f f ~ ~~~ ;445 '1M'l ~ ~ g '" ~~ =~tj w~~ i:j<o; bij!=1lj ~HH ~~~ :gz -ll! i:j8", ~.g ~~81 <>-",z ",COO 8tLf~ !zw:;,: ~~~ o..j!=3: gCl)w ~~~ 00--, 8l~!l! "'~ I~ Ii '" &: !E ~~~ .q;::".! 5:~~ i < ! ,. 3 i '2 , , r ~~~ 1i€11 'if • -% ! ;( 00$> . ./ I 6-& ,,0 •• 0 I ~I --'. . -~. 'ii"'" _"" ~"." <"-,,~. ""~-~, '~r --.~ ~," .,0 'I 'I' or 'I' I g I CONC.SiOCWAI.I': m~ 2 .. _C<.l'o'ER-"j ~---VELII.lS<:OA..'>S'B·IIAYBE~EO\1.'l8J09'EtlO:NGQNSOt..c.ot-IOI1(INS .-l-.......-J m CUR6~1.5·fROIII!II\C!(Of(.VR9J S£CTlOJI:SHl2011 ... QJ~.C.A.s.J 0 .., 1· l"YPtCAL ROAO SEc1lON WfTH STREET LDfT ..JO:NT L9: OFIVEWAY TRACT KITSAP f'LACE N..E. EXTENSION F'ROFI..E w 11m; .. --.... ~ ~ ~~ .. ~o.~ • CIJitV~~----- ~1T {2 D M]\} Boundary and Topographic Survey Windsione III A portion of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 03, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M. King County, Washington Description: Lot B of "U19 County eoum:lor.,. Lin!! Ad)5uta.ent No. ___ flied under ReL':Of'thng NO, rl!cOl"d", of KIOQ County. WashIngtOn Benchmark: FOuncllIOnUlaent ,neasel! at street InterSl!tbOn Of l<1Bth Avenue SOutheast llnd SDutheast 112t1'l Street. King County survey COntrol PliO lot NO. 3725. I K Elevation: 457.77 tnt. Vertical Datum: City of Renton. Legend: S • Woflulllent found. Vl:llted October 15.1996 • -#4 ~"Ila .. _\th red plastic c"p st""",,,,d "LS 22:338" to III! !let . • • Siinitar'J' seiter IIIolInnOlll .. -Starllmannale t:.I -Catl;ncaS\n o • sanltaq seioer c.lea:n out .. ·waterClleter 8' ~ HyClr"fIt -l:j' -f"le.,honepox o • SI!1n " "j:'oltl!roole ~ -Ballara )( • LIgrlt 5tanOaro o ~ lItle Report Itl!lIINullDer o 30 60 ~---I I Scale: 1" = 30' ~tnQll>'t"tercorn"rSl!c.3. Twp. 23M .• fln(J. ~E .• w." t Celculatetl froll King CO. GPS bt"eOKdOWll. ~ IIl!st quarter corner SeC. 3. ~ Twp <'"IN •• Flng. !:iE,. W.IoI. 1 East Querter corner Sec. 3. ~~~~e~r~7i tI~~~a~~d:oncrete ~~~2~~, 1~n~O"5~i:cn~·M, City of fUl'nton pU1t325 IiljJnulllt'nt 0.6' W of .4' x .4" ~ SB7'26'02"E I 5302.87' fence PO!lt It top of Ihtcn~ l-265~~-----... 1 t322.81' T 1322.81'- ~ I~ I~ ~I~ 8 ~f..' 1 ~ I; ~I' ~ ~ n I" S87'49-15,i-! 26;5.077 ~~I~ I. :. I. :SI~ ~ 0 ~ ~ in ~ ~ I~ ~I~ I'" Soutn Quarter corner"" I .... Sec. 3. TOIP, 23M.. 1 1 1 ~liIbr;;~' d~S~'I~ouna ~~~~h~~~~. c~~~r ~~'W~M. concrllte. 1 Found IIIOnUllll!nt, tnClI4:na. L ____ C:':f =O~lB. sea"12'29-E 2644.64' .:4' '/ . , J I ~ , 'I' I I . ,~ , I I I 1 \ I I \ I I \1 I \\\\\\\ \\ \ I I \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ $>_" , \\ \ -" ~ \ ~. -"'q---\ i~, "" ....... .;.,. \.\<. '" 0'-... 0'" "", ""H,' Lot A \ \ \ \ \ '" ' Q,,' Co,.. 50 ~ •• ",. G'" ,,,.. \ , "\. \ \ ~;.::~'!, \ t, 1> '"\ \ \ \ l' ~ .___A." ,,, '" ".. ~ \ '\, of ",,\,l,. \ \ 0\ \S \ \'" .-.-.~ ----•• -. --."... "y 'I , , I ) '" 20 , .. ,' 'm, / ,.". h,\ \ 0 x ---200,","",,0",' ~ / / / . ';: 2'."", ~.. I I 50 TeG!POf"",.y /' 0 I I/'/ / Eu,eiie.{ Re-C;W 1 ...-\w ).. , ~ / ~"v / / / ..... ,. CI.,I "~, \ \ \ / , ;::;;~~1'~; ~ "" . ./., / / {/ / /i "'<0"'000"') J ( \ \ \ \ \ I. , r / " I I ~'" 200'0830000." //----'-,.;)( j~/ / I ) I I \ \ \;2' w '" / J , ,,; T";;'~~OONo / J-( -~. f / ~;",:;~\:~y / \ \ ~':<. / \ , . ~-·,<)-rr:..'r/";ZV" ~ ",",'''··i J!. I I I \ .. ,\;,1 J J J (\ \ ""T;~"~'" __ -i/7 [j I / 1. P/\rO~ BO• t I 'n 0' """, \ \:1 \ \ ~ , I c ":!'_~..::: ,No I I "I I' I, 1\ t' \t.~~ \ \. \ <g .. I \ }~""OOO""-z..J L I II I I I, I,' \ \ I ~.~\ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ g ) J J l' ' , V I , I ,I '''''", ~~eo \ • I ". ,,, \ \ q.,. 'Ii"'/ '/ ( I I \ \." 'x.:: ~C I-'i \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ ~ , ( \ \ '/' I 'I w I, / / 'oe'" M O~:g"" "',,' "'\" \ '0 \ ( "\~~ '"to ft! J ~I /~----~~~-=~~n! ---~-=-","1L--\--L4_~ __ L \ \ h1-\+-\-.. L'-1-Llt~-L--\-_l __ _ -------------'--"'<"-·t"]·"""1r-/t""...,..... --T '\,-'1 \ j \ \ \ .. r \ \ \" II.' J::r ,.,." "., "" "" ,'/ --l. - -,-_ rt---\--\-' ..l-t1-1~' It+-~-\--\----\--" " ~, , .. ,:~~. ,,----r " 0"\ \ l:> \" \ \ .1 '-'-___ :-._~ '4 ~-~ ""."" '50" "L---1----~--I--l----\" \-~r~ --tty ""\-,..\.... \ -\ I . ?; , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1~ a~'t!ry S,~e \ \ \ \ \ I ~ I , 'a-I \ \ "' '\, \ ~ • \ ,Eie nt IPe"p .. t \ \ / ",o,~ ~ 3/ \ \ \ ~ ~ .. t\, \ 'b \,1 \ \\\I\\\\\(/'~ '<l ~." '\, OotryS,",r \ r '<l \ \ \ _:: <; '\, ~\~ 'l~nl ,AP1"t \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~,,-r . 0 ',--, I ,'0 ',\ \ ) 1,1, 'I \l~:\ III 1\' \ 'I'"'' \ \ ; I \ "i \ \ \ 'i> \. ".J • I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ '? \ \ \ ~ ....... " \ t>i \ \ \ I I "' 3"" ( I I I \ \ '-~ '-\ \\ \ \ \ ,\ \ \ \'-, ----'\ \ \ I , I "" , • Surveyor's Notes: I) tfle IIOnlJDent control .!I.nown fOt" tflI~ ~Itt: .. .!IS OCCO/llOhaheCl bv field tra~cr5' utilizing tI one (1) second theodolIte .. an Integl"al electronic 11ISti',nce ltIea.!l.tJrIng "eter (GeolHllleter 600) ana Real ilJllfl Kinelllatic (RTJ() I Stath:: GIOnal PosHionlng S~.!I.tfl.ll (GPS). LIn!!l'Ir lIna lIngulllf' ill:~~..glto~he tra~ef'ses .eet the stilnllaraS of WAC 2) utIlItIes oth!!r tnan tnO;!,e snlllorTi 1IIit'f eXIst on UIiS Site. only those IthlCh are VUiltlle or hD~1Il9 viSIOle eVlden(;e of theIr In.,t~lIlttlon are ~Ollffi n",re[]n J) th15 5ur~ev represents physical 1111ProllellUnt conditIons as !~~~e~~i5tetl OCtODer 22. 1993. the aate Of tn,s f Iflla .. ) Full rellll11Ce tor le<;lal OescrlPtIOnS DnD recorDec e.,.,,,=n£5 n~lIe Deen placed on the t1t1e report trOll Cll1cago htle Insurance COCIDany Col:lQltaent orcftr NO. 4B4449. datlla ,",umt.26, 1997. No additional f'eSel'll"'Cfl !"IllS Deen atte-oteCl. 5) OffSet dpaen510ns shown hereon are .... a5ured perpenaltular t[]Pt"ooertvllnes. G) It IS nOt tn! Intent Of tnls !lUryey to snoli easellients or reS!!f'YlltlonS .. h\chlllllyefrectthI551te Basis of Bearing: iIIG:lhln9to" State LllIIIbc"rt GrId-North Zol"'e 1:1:1 deter.lned tly BPS otlserYlltIon. I Centre ;:;:~~.:w:;:= j--""'NE-SE 03, T23N., R5E., W.M. • (:z&3)66I-ISOI liIIZIIJJI& -~--.:: Pomte KB5 Oeyeloolllent Corporation ~ 12320NEBtnSt.,Suit8100 t Surveying Belleyue, iliA 96Q0~ .~'"' Kinwetter lam:utn S Woods KING COUNTY, WASIllNGTON ~t~ ~. 200.. I:-il~ ~:~9 SHEET 1 OF 1 @t'U' ~ Q~ rro~©~ Return Address: City Cr:erk's Office City of Renton 1055 South (irady Way Renton, W A 9805;) ·- CITY OF RENTON D PAGE001 OF 004 05/23/2007 15:48 KING COUNTY, LlA E2286319 35.11 nil I 6 15/23/2117 15:48 KING COUNTY, LlA TAX $11.00 SALE $1,10 PAGE0010F'101 Rer1!J:~liceNliiJilltrfi} ofDOClll11Cnis ~sfgned (\r;rc'J;jj.~dd:AdilHiOl!\ll :relCruticc IlliriibllrS.nre·oii p~gc_ .. _ ... Cttllltor(s): Gr.il'ntc\!(s)!· . . L K:BSjj~veIQ lTl<!.ot C:O!l?I.CityofRentdit nMunidpal tor~,.::a"",tj""on~ _____ -i LEGAL DESCBJPTION: (Abbreviafed or/ulf lega/ltlUs( gohel'e. A.ddltlonailegill oripttge 2 ) A portion ofthe following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA"04-136-LLA, filed WIder King C\)unty Recording Number 20060 I ! 99000 11 Sitl.lilted in the City of Renton. King Cmlnty, Washington. l11e Cirimior; fi>i' (IOdin cOllsidci'Ulii:.ill (if lill.lt~nll bcnltfilS,cQIl'ICYS, quir daim~, decticitlc:, and dnnllWSto the Grantee(s) 11$ MIned abo~'e,the "buY'\:: dC$L'fibed rca I CS!*' situnted in lhcCount)' of King, StatcofWashingtnn, .iN WITNESS WHEREOF,! have herr;unto selnw hand and sea] tbeday nnd year as written be1pw:. AonrQvcd .nnd Accc'oted Bv: INDlVJI)UAL rOKM OF ACf,.·NO wt.L"DGMF:NT Nl~lary Seal mtlst bc within box . '!if ,. . KatllYri"er; Mayor . I <"i:rtify thtll I know or have sittisf'ilctory ,;vidcnCl! thaI ._ .. .....:. __ ....... ,._ .. _ .. __ . __ .. _ .. _ .. .......•.• _ ......... ___ .,._ ... , .........• __ .''_ ...... , ....... " .. __ .•...........• sigm.:d lhis in.~lrumcnt [HId acknowledged it to he his/her/theIr fl't1t and volunlUry act lilr the lises and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public inand tbr the. State of Washington N Ql11ry (Print) _._. ____ ..... ___ .. _ ........ ,. _____ .... _ ........ _ ....... . My <lppoiml11en~ expires: ____ ... __ . __ ,. __ ._._.. _ A"I~.'/ ") Dated: ~ Form !14 1)00 I Ibh IN WITNE~ WHERE0t:' ha,. h,,'unto set my hand the day and Y'''' "' ",dtten below. fi2-fJJ .~ Notary Seal must be'wititinbox NotnrySeallT\ust be within ,box Notmy Seal must. bewilhin b(l~ liVfilJlJ(J(fAt. ·FOR~f'(lFAc,a"oWt.Jf.DGMEkr STATBOF WASHINGTON )SS . COUNTY OF KING ·1 certilythat I kno\\' tlr have salis/actory c"idcncclhat __ . ______ " .. _ ... __ . __ . _______ .. _______ ._. _____ ._. __ .. . ________ ... _._ sIgned this :inslrllmCJ11 and acknowledged it to he hisfha/their ·Ih:c and volu11Inry act for the U$CS and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of WashinglOll Notary (Print). ___ .. _. ___ .... _. _________________ _ My appointment expires: __ ... ______ . ____ ...:. __ .... _. ___ ....:... __ Dated: REPRESI!::\TATIVE F(JR,W OFACKNOWLEDCiMENT s'fkrl} OF WASHINGtON ) 55 COUNTY(W KfNG ) I ,,'Cfti!)' thot r know or have satisfactory evidenc!.: thal .. _____ ""._ ..... ____ . __ . _. _ . . . . _ ..... _ ............ __ ., ........ _. _~ .. sigi.1Cd tliis.iru;ll'llrrien!1 on oath statedlhllt hcisli~!th()y was/wcreriilthoriicd (() exccuteihcinstturncnLuod ackno\vledgcd iI as tlic..._._ ... ,~. __ .. _ .. ,........,..... __ .. 000 __ . _' __ ......... _ ........ _ .•.•.•.. _._ of ________ .. ____ ._ .. _ .. _ 10 be Ihe frce antivolullhiry'act OfSlicli pllrtyipartles. frjr t1HH1SCS alld purposes nlCllliotlcdin·tlic instriimcnt. Notary Public inund for the Stnte of Washington Nohlry (Prinlt ... ___ . __ . ___ . ____________ .. __ . __ My appointment expircs: __ ._. _________ ...... ___ :...., .. _____ . Dated: CORPOR.4 TT;: FORM OF A CKNO WLEO(;M £;\'T STATE OF WASIIINGTONl SS COUNTY OF KING ) On Ihis2<t~rluy or...::i2tN'IA~_. ZO_ 0 ? b.:tbre mc·pel'!;onally appeurcd ____ ._i&??~ttJj~~?di ... ________ .......,_,_, _. _lome kn()wn to hc ____ f~"_---__ Of thc. COrpOral.lOn tliut c:(cC\Hcdthc within i)1slrumcnt, :tnd ;lcknowlcdgcthc said in~trilmcnito·b'::'thc rrce ond vOlitii~nryact.rihdtlce(1 OfSllidc;''1)Ollltitlil, for til\: llj;CS and.purpt)sesther¢ill mentiolted. and encli· ononth.staicd Ihatheh.lic w,lS ill.llh()rizc4'tocx~cu'tt' sllid the ~aluffi:lied ifi' IIICCOrpOrili~ scalor Sit'· oft Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone III WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: Kitsa Place NE and L ons Place NE Commencing at the Southwest comer of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 111.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet along the curve concave to the East, having a radius of 271.00 feet and a central angle of27°28'05"; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius of 229.00 feet and a central angle of 33°04'58" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West, along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. Exhibit "B" 42' Road Dedication {\J o In {\J ...... w .... o In ~ .... o lO .Z 144,14' 42' ROAD DEDICATION 5500 SQ,FT, o • ~ loCh d aLA RBC ~~(). ""t"\h (\11ac;'"'''''"1 L,UUvU I t. ...... uuu II 15 ~ ~ ~~ 111.50' 2~2,.Rr ,5 ~ SS7'37'3S"E 153,50' R=409,OO' /:.= 1 '34' 23" L=11. 23' §~ I =;: I fL !'~ I ;5 I en 38 /ti-2tJ-~b EXPIRES05-23-2007 III t) ~ Q..; ~ ~\ S87'37'3S"E 150,S6' DO,]. ()~ c::.()"" C);d'''' I I ." \. I _... ..lit.. I \, \':I~" (A I,t' A \A'ind< .. L(,\f"\")''j' I • .t",\I\" ", •• _)\,..",.'11: .... \ \ ,(,I ..., ~n ::)"'(" k1 k C V ,II. L. ..... V. I ~j .. ). "-' I-~ .. ,.,_I \ ~., \ ,,/ \ ----\ --\ r-----\ ~h " .... -\ \ -\ ---\ ...)::. 209,37' 1" ~ ~. ~, ~. .g, '", 0>. ~ 50' Lot A aLA RHC ~~o. ,,)n"h 1"\1100"""" 11 ,-UVvU I It ...... UUU II o o In {\J w {\J {\J {\J ~ {\J o Z SS7'37'3S"E 10,06' .... r-- o <D x (Tl In ~ glo Z 1:> '0 .~,'Ol'l ~'.: ~1\,~~''2.3 __ I , , ........ I I e e 11 "*' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton \055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 CITY OF RENTON COY PAGE00! OF 001 OS/23/2007 15:48 KING COUNTY, UA 32.00 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 802977-0340 TREE PLANTING COVENANT Grantor(s): KBS Development Corporation, is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot "B" City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LUA-04-136-LLA, recorded under recording number 20060119900011, in King County, Washington. Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to improve the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heirs and assigns as follows: Installation ofImprovements: The Owner(s) of the above described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to: Plant and maintain two ornamental trees, within the 20' front yard setback, per new lot. The trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. The minimum size shall be 1 '12 inch caliper for deciduous trees or 6-8 feet in height for con ifer trees. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land in perpetuity. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. :s,,~ , said Grantor(s) has/have caused this instrument to be executed this ~ '1 day 01'20 n I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that .dR. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the use~~ ~~"rposed mentioned in the in~strumen~t on the date mention~ed above. .#'~CHU8~1'", 'i ~ .::-0-",""\\\\\I",,~.A I~ ~~>-= ~'b"UPI""/I'~" ~ N~blicin~fortheStateofWashington = "/~ Ry ~.'\ __ ~ /' 1-' /' r 1.. -~ ~ ; : .. \ 0 ~ Notary(print) Gut 15 D ,~c~ fer .", ~.~~~u = ~ ~ ~ l)~~1! = I:. My appointment expires f -30 .-() '1 ~ ~\, os" ",;.si ~ ]' 1// .s"~ 1'111\\\\\,""" .,..tJ:i.:: Illt,4'f'E Of"" ............... - "!'. ",-J.ri) 1 ~\o'r:x; '3 After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. • CITY OF RENTON EAS PAGE001 OF 00S OS/23/2007 15:48 KING COUNTY, IJA Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround KBS Development Corporation City of Renton Portion of Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, King County Recording No. 20060119900011 EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND TURNAROUND This Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround is entered into this t/!]1. day of (Vl Prj , 2007, by KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation ("KBS"). RECITALS WHEREAS, KBS is owner of that certain real property legally described on Exhibit A (the "Burdened Property"); WHEREAS, KBS wishes to grant to the City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation ("Renton"), an easement (the "Easement") for turnaround and access by emergency vehicles over and across the Burdened Property in the location described on Exhibit B and depicted on Exhibit C (the "Easement Area"); WHEREAS, turnaround and access by emergency vehicles over the Easement Area will no longer be necessary if Kitsap Place NE is connected to a public through-street to the north of the Burdened Property, including but not limited to Lyons Ave. NE located in the Plat of Stonegate, King County Recording No. 960910]361; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: . W,\WPDOCSI2402SI007IRLM0326.DOC 05/04/07 Page 1 • AGREEMENT 1. Grant of Easement. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, KBS hereby grants and conveys to Renton a temporary, non-exclusive easement over, across, and upon the EaSement Area. 2. Purpose of Easement. The Easement is granted solely for the purpose of construction, maintenance and use of an access and turnaround area for emergency vehicles. 3. Termination of Easement. The Easement shall automatically terminate without any further action by KBS and/or Renton upon the legal connection of Kitsap Place NE with ~ public right-of- way to the north of the Burdened Property. . 4. Runs with the Land. This Easement Agreement and the covenants herein contained shall run with the property described herein and are binding upon all subsequent owners thereof for the term of the Easement. The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. Dated this ---.!i!!!day of mit) ,2007 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPQRA TION: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the if 1]1:. day of (11 f(~ , 2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and s'&om, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation individuals described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the sam.e as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. / WITNESS My HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~"\\"\\\"" ~1~~? ~. ~""",:G.SC '" ~~ k:<~'(J~\')J"!!?4'~/"" PriltffJame: iJ. el,s G ~ S'"4w.cje c -'5" $'." ~ If. ,., :if. • :: .... .:: O'~"L <;l~~ ~ Notary Public in and for the -etI <t: ' "lI! ~iIfI "-~ i~.~'" ~ State of Washi'.1~!on, re§,lding at ~ '-\ l·;,: ~ __ --j/w,<"",J=t...,...,.'iG..o....::..;t ffl'-L---"':v::--::-_=-___ _ .~ z~11 n~ -310 "i R g Expiratibn Date: f" ~5 d 'QCj ~ 'A'l(..u. ....,,-'1/ . ~ ""'1\\\\\""'" ~ .::: 1111/ 0,: WAS~~ f "'1\.\"\\"" .... ...: '. Page 2 W:I WPDOCSI2402SI007IRLM0326. DOC 05104/07 ... EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BURDENED PROPERTY Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136- LLA, recorded under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; Except that portion of said Lot B dedicated to City of Renton for road purposes pursuant to the Deed of Dedication, recorded under King County Recording Number ,JtxQ!J.S2.3 fJD 22 7, Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. W:IWPDOCSI2402SI007IRLM0326.DOC 05104/07 Page 3 EXHIBIT '@ " A 90' diameter Emergency Access Easement, the center of which is described as follows: A portion ofthe following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011. More particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot B; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distarice of 132.50 feet to the intersection of said South line and the centerline of Kitsap A venue Northeast and the beginning of a curve radial to said south line; thence northerly a distance of 65.44 feet along the curve concave to the east, having a radius of250.00 feet and a central angle of 14°59'52" to the center of said 90'diameter Access Easement. EXCEPT the following described property: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 111.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said south line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet along the curve concave to the East, having a radius of 271.00 feet and a central angle of 27°28'05"; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius which bears South 54°32' 40" East a distance of229.00 feet and a central angle of 33°04'58" and being subtended bya chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West, along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. EXPIRES 5-23-;2Cf)7 -'.<. j" 11 2 1 Exhibit ,~" I f//d --j/'" -to-'q"-0 'q"OlO ~~' -to -to. 0 .... CD to ....... /I;'!ru ...1 'II ".~.--- <J 21. 00 '121. 00' S87"37'38"E 153.50' -,-07 .... $ .... $'9' ': .... .5'~':" ........ '9'0 ..... t;" ........ I 1Y4o ........ '.(4/ 4 3 EXPIRES 5 /23/ 2M? ~VS~vmmm!lmz A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF 1" = 40' SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. ~ • e e •• After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNEDI RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. CITY OF RENTON COY 37.00 PAGE001 OF 003 85/23/2007 15:48 KING COUNTY, lolA Third Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) 20051020000338,20051207002324, 'liJC7 (JS2. '3 a D Lid a KBS Development Corporation City of Renton The Public Lot B, City of Renton LLA No. LUA-04-136-LLA, Recording No. 20060119900011, in King County, Washington 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. III KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324, and the Second Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. Z.OO7t)S 2JOO{ &\6 (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section \6.1 of the Declaration, Developer hereby amends the Declaration as follows: W:\ WPDOCS124025\OO7lJ IR3 344 .DOC 02/27/07 Page) of3 ~CJ/-t!X) C; 6 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) 1. The Plat of Winds tone Div. III, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. J.«>ZD5A3YeJt2(')(J g ("Div. Ill") is hereby subjected to the Declaration. The land within Div. III is shown on the Map for Div. III and is legally described as follows: Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-136-LLA, recorded under Recording No. 20060119900011, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section l.~ ofthe Declaration, the Common Area shall include the easements and appurtenances (if any) located within Div. III as shown on the Windstone Div. III Plat Map and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easement areas as necessary to inspect or maintain the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. III, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 of the Plat of Stone ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), King <;:ounty Recording No. 20051020000337 ("Div. I"). Said easements shall be non-exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 3, 5 and 6 of Div. III and Lot 35 ofDiv.1. The Owners of Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv.III and Lot 35 ofDiv. I shall share equally in all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lots 3,5 and 6 ofDiv. III. The Owners of Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 of Div. I shall hold the Owner of Lot 3 of Div. III harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owners of Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 ofDiv. I, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 3 ofDiv. III. Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 ofDiv. I are the Benefited Property and Lots 3,5 and 6 ofDiv. III are the Burdened Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3. Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. III shall be Members of the Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms llsed in this Third Amendment shall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. 6. Except for the matters stated in this Third Amendment, all of the provisions, contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. W:\WPDOCS\24025\007VIR3344.DOC 02/27/07 [Signature page follows.] Page2of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge: (A.K.A Windstone) If , Dated this L day' of ----'/Vl:.........:....ft--'.:.i(....::...l".....JH'-'--___ , 200 l. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this ~ day of /Vl~RC.H ,2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first a ave written. W:\ WPDOCSI1402S\007VIR3344. DOC 02/27/07 Print Name: Page 3 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 10S5 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 0704230001 CITY OF RENTON BS 33,00 PAGE001 OF 002 04/23/2007 09:16 KING COUNTY, WA BILL OF SALE I Property Tal Parcel Number: lbJ.~'? -q3'1~' Projetl F~~ _ 1G SHit-Street Intersection: Addressig'OI 'SAIl". N'f • Reference Numbcr(s) ofDocunients assigned or released: Addi onal reference numbers are on page __ . _. Gran~~(s): . aff ctJll..! Grantee(s): 1. Ii l$)' .[)GYt1J~Ptn 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2, The Grantor, as named abov~for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sr.lls and delivers to the Grantee, as named above, the following described personal property: Len!@ Size WATER SYSTEM: 0 ~ L.F. of " WatcrMain ---" L.F. of Water Main -----" L.F. of Wllter Main --------each of " Gate Valves each of " Gate Valves each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: ~ Size S"hn.r ,~[ L.F.of &" Sewer Main S --33/q L.F. of " Sewer Main ----L.P.of II Sewer Main each of .. Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes ----each of i. Diameter Manholf:s STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: ~ Size 12:I?! l)~ L.F. of IJ " tm~c'J( Storm Line L,F. of " StonnLine {J-33f9 L.F. of StonnLine -----1 each of II Storm lnletJOutlet :) each of " ~ Storm Catch Basin each of Manhole ---- STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Curb, Outter, Sidewalk Asphalt Pavement: 'ii Width STREET LIGHTING: " # of Poles ; By this conveyance, Grantor v.~1i\'1arrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoeve:r, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance sh3!l bind the heirs, executors, A administrators nnd nssigm forever. () Q 0] ... ~Q.tfM bt1£t H:\FILE.SYSIFRM\84HND01JT\nILLSALE.DOC\MAiJ Page 1 Notary Seal must be within box ~--------.--------- Notary Seal must be within box NotaI)' Seal must be within box Fonn 84 OOOI/bh ennlo set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. INDIVIDUA.L FORM OF A. CKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington- Notary (Print) . ___ _ My appointment expires: ____ , Dated: REPRESENTATIJIE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT 8T A TE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I knoW or have satisfactory evidence that ___ _ --,------:-c--------,-----signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshelthey was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State ofWashingto~.- Notary (Print) ______ _ My appointment expires: ___ _ Dated: ---------------_._---_._--------' CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) . 'loa? '. '.'>'\\\\\\\\11 Onthis~ day of IVlMcJI . 1'9---> before me personally appeared .... : .. -'-"II '/ ~OL~ ~ 'J( $...... c:,l.Jnv8~ /1" I t" ._._to me known to :-C?..:-..... '~\~X~I"I, ~ ~ be J4fCiO of the: corporation that ff b#?O "R/~Iit .~ executed the within instrument, ~d acJcno,,:,ledge the said inslrument to be the ,free -:: !: f~ ~ ~. ~ and voluntary act and deed of slIld corporat1on, for the uses and purposes therem :. '.'~.:~, ... 7!:;/c ~ e ~'mentioned, and each on oath stated ~at helshe was authorize? to execut~ said '7.~ \ ~::;O)= .<.". instr!lfcnt and thai th al niflXed IS the co or. Ie of said corporalton. 1.~':':I!f i.J·b-:<.~:~~.: .... ". . ' \". / "111\\\\,\-,,'-'''"''' ..:.-' '1'1/ ..qrt: OF ~\'-. /11 . h\\"\\,,," Notary Public in an9,for the State;>fWashin,gtOri-, Notary (Print) ( "" r r/?3 6 . .(6us t!c ___ _ My appointment expires: f -3"-0'7 Dated: ~ , ) ,02 Page 2 , CIT.FRENTON Kathy Keolker, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator March 23, 2007 . Mr. Curtis Schuster' KBS Develorment Company. 12320 NE 81 Street .'. Bellevue, W A 98005 SUBJECT: WINDSTONE DIVISION III SHORT PLAT (LUA04-136) Dear Mr. Schuster, This office has reviewed your request (dated March 9, 2007) to extend an approved short plat (File No. LUA04-136) pursuant to RMe 4-7-070M. SpecificalIy;"the municipal code allows the origInal approving body to issue a single one (1) year extension. As the decision was issued on March 7;2005, your request i~tirriely. Further, you note in your corresp~ndence that the required improvements are in thy process ofbeil1g installed. Therefore, you~ request is reasonable.' , .. Yousnould be aware this office i.s ~einpowered to issue only one such extension: If the final short plat approval is not completed by March 7, 2008 it will expire and cannot be extended'again. Therefore,your short plat extension request is. approved. The short plat will expire· on March 7, 2008. . .- .' . Please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286 should you·have any further questions or comments regarding this extension.' Sincerely, . ~~-tVJ Jennifer loth Henning, AICP . Current Planning Manager cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Carrie Olsen -------:-~-------,--... ~ 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 * This paperc;ont~ins 50% recycled material, 30% post conSumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE November 6, 2006 AJLS: East Renton Plateau P AA, King County AJLS: Potential Annexation Areas, King County . Community Services: Ivars Contract Unanticipated Revenue Allocation, Holiday Lights Community Services: Park Fund Budget Increase, Staffing Expenses Court Case: Patrick Gress, CRT-06-004 Development Services: Meadow II Short Plat, ROW Dedication, Meadow Ave N, SHP-05-157 Development Services: Windstone II Short Plat, ROW Dedication, Mt Baker Ave NE & Nile Ave NE, SHP-04-124 Development Services: Windstone III Short Plat, ROW Dedication, Kitsap PI NE, SHP-04-136 Development Services: Private Stormwater Utilities in Geologically Hazardous Areas Development Services: Wireless Communication Facilities in Residential Zones Annexation: Aster Park, Sunset Blvd NE Annexation: Hudson, Benson Rd S & SE 1 68th St Renton City Council Minutes e Page 376 Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with King County regarding the East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with King County relating to the potential future annexation of four of Renton's Potential Annexation Areas. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Community Services Department recommended approval to allocate unanticipated revenue in the amount of $38,760 from Ivar's, Inc. (as per Ivar's contract with the City) to supplement expenditures associated with the holiday lights program. Council concur. (See page 378 for ordinance.) Community Services Department requested authorization to increase the park fund budget in the amount of $35,000 for intermittent parks and recreation staffing expenses. Refer to Finance Committee. Court Case filed on behalf of Patrick Gress by Peter T. Connick, 157 Yesler Way, #518, Seattle, 98104, requesting removal of forfeiture proceeding to. district court and return of plaintiff's property seized by the Renton Police Department on 3/23/2006. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at Meadow Ave. N. to fulfill a requirement of the Meadow II Short Plat. Council concur. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at Mt. Baker Ave. NE and at Nile Ave. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Windstone II Short Plat. Council concur. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at Kitsap PI. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Windstone III Short Plat. Council concur. Development Services Division requested approval to allow private stormwater utilities to be installed in geologically hazardous areas. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Development Services Division recommended approval to permit wireless communication facilities in residential zones within public rights-of-way. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submitted 60% Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Aster Park Annexation and recommended a public hearing be set on 11/20/2006 to consider the petition and future zoning; 19.85 acres located along the south side of Sunset Blvd. NE, west of 148th Ave. SE. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended a public hearing be set on 11/20/2006 to consider the proposed Hudson Annexation and future zoning of the 13.69-acre site located in the vicinity of Benson Rd. S. and SE 168th St. Council concur. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div /Board .. Staff .contact. ..... Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 For Agenda of: November 6,2006 Agenda Status Consent ............. . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. City of Renton code for new short plats and the Ordinance ............ . Windstone III Short Plat (LUA04-136) Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examinier's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/A Old Business ....... . New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept. ...... .. Finance Dept. .... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/ Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X The area to be dedicated for additional right-of-way is a strip of land approximately 42' x 132' (5,544 sq.ft.) used to create the extension of Kitsap Place NE. This is a Hearing Examiner's condition of the Windstone III Short Plat, LUA04-136. Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Windslone III SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton ] 055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9046 Project File #: LUA-04-136-SHPL Street Intersection: Kitsap Place NE and Lyons Place NE Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ 0 Grantor(s}: Grantee(s}: 1. KBS Development Corp. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) A portion of the following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 200601199000] 1. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee{s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washing to no IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Aooroved and Acceoted Bv: Grantor(s): KBS Development Corp. Grantee(s): City of Renton Kolin Taylor Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington NCltary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOOdw Page I Revised 7-25-2006 Form 84 OOOllbh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ __________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument ' Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ __________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrurrient. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ -- My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of _____ -', 20-, before me personally appeared _______________________ to me known to be oft~e corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mlOJltioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), ____________ .--;. __ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 2 Revised 7·25·2006 Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone III WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: Kitsa Place NE and L ons Place NE Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 111.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet alongthe curve concave to the East, having a radius of 271.00 feet and a central angle of27°28'05"; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius of 229.00 feet and a central angle of 33°04'58" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West, along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOO dw Page 3 Revised 7-25-2006 e e 144.14' . C\J ,~ UJ . -. ~ In ~ -. 0 Ln IZ -r ... -() ~2 _. ,5 ,~ I ~= ::-I E2 l,; I -5: =s "s I en 111.50' S87'37'3S"E 153.50' ,n vv /ti··~-~~ EXPIRES05-23-2007 II) (.) ~ ~ ~ 11\ ~ Exhibit "E" 42' Road Dedication 42' ROAD DEDICATION 5500 so. FT. , l ~ L.O. [j aLA Rae ~ ~o. ,., r"\~ "1"aa"" n"B ~VUVUII...,,,,,UVUII SS7'37'3S"E 150.86' Pklt of StOr1H R:dqe (A II' A U/;ndc .. 1()"",) \i" "f"'\f \f"'\ " ... ,,) '-I.,. ... , \/0:. 230t F)gs. 51-55 --, ..)/ I I \ \ r----------\ . \ ,A vv \ \ \ --\ --\ ·209.37' 1" ~. ~ ~ 35 'S> .~ ul. ----- 50' Lot ;.. aLA Rae ~~o. ""n~"11ao"""11 "-'UUvV '1 ........ UUUI I . o o lri C\J UJ . C\J C\J ~ C\J o Z SS7'37'3S"E 10.06' .... ...... o CX) :JC . ITl -. In ~ o ~ICI .. :.. lJ 'C "£. 'O~ COl" 1-'.: ~1\'fj9'~3 __ . I ~~ I I 1 , , .. to ) ~ ~. II ~ ~ 1'-100' E·:-se; 4 a Ii 7 " ...... // , /' ... r ;; " :!J I I'~ ~i~ i,1 ~i I !" d li~ra ~a~ 'I" :! 11.:..:. 5 •~"",."" !~I' ~§I ~2 ~ Minutes OWNER! APPLICANT: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: e; OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KBS JIJ LLC 12320 NE 8th Street, Ste., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 R. A. and Beverly Wolf 14702 SE 1051h Place Renton, W A 98059 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 1 82] 5 nnd A venue South Kent, WA 98032 Windstone III Short Plat LUA 04-136, SHPL-H, LLA 1815 Nile Avenue NE March 7, 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a I .4-acre site and a lot line adjustment. Development Services Recommendation:: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on February 1,2005. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The/ollowing minutes are a summary o/the February 8,2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, February 8, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Windstone III Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Grading, Storm Drainage and Utility Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Nancy Weil, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The lot line adjustment is going to affect a lot that was created in Stoneridge I, which was the pipestem portion to the south of this proposed site. The adjustment will take a portion of the parcel to the north and create Lot 34 on Windstone III. This lot line adjustment is being processed administratively and will have to be completed prior to recording of this short plat. Stoneridge J has not been recorded as of this date, it will be necessary for it to be recorded prior to the approval of the lot line adjustment because that lot that is being incorporated into Windstone III does not exist. This is a shot plat approval for 6 lots on a ).4 acre site proposed off of Kitsap Place NE an extension of the road coming off of Nile Avenue NE through the original Stoneridge subdivision to be extended from the south, north to a temporary cul-de-sac in Windstone III. This is a vested site to the development regulations of the R-5, although the site is currently zoned R-4. This site was part of the annexation that took place in 2004 as part of the overall Stoneridge Development. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 4.92 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. The site topography is flat to rolling and slopes gently to the east with approximately 20 feet of elevation change across the width of the site. The site is vegetated sparsely with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense under story of forest duff and brush. There were no critical areas found on this site and therefore there was no Environmental Review conducted for this short plat. As far as the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) staff concluded that this proposal was in compliance with the policies under the Comprehensive Plan. Once the lot line adjustment is completed the site will consist of 61,614 square feet. The minimum lot size for the R-5 zone is 7,200 square feet with a lot width of60 feet for interior, and 70 feet for corner lots. All lots do comply with dimension requirements. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. All compliance with building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. As proposed the revised short plat does comply with lot arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. The proposal does seem to comply with the lot size and shape regulations. The proposed subdivision would not create any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. Windstone III Short Plat a· . File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL~ March 7, 2005 Page 3 e· Access for the proposed development is the extension of Kit sap Place NE and street improvements will be required along Kitsap Place NE. As far as the temporary turnaround, it will be not~d on the plat that it is temporary and that the street will eventually go through to the next development. Staff recommends the establishment ofa maintenance agreement for all common improvements. Fire, Traffic and Mitigation Fees are to be imposed. The site gently slopes downward from the west to the east with a slope of approximately 5 percent. The property is described as sparsely vegetated with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense brush. The trees range from a 6-inch fir to 16-inch cedar, maple and fir. The proposal would remove all but 2 of the 23 trees indicated on the site. The proposed detached single-family development appears to be cOllsistent with the existing uses in the area. .' Staff is requiring the planting of two new ornamental trees within the front yard setback area for all lots within the short plat. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISD impact fees. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. The storm water facility is located in the original Stoneridge I, this site will tie into that system. With the added lots. itis recommended that the CC&R's be amended to include the responsibilities of these lots to that original storm drainage facility. Due to the downstream capacity issues, it is further recommended that the applicant comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention and water quality improvements. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 14 conditions. Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 72nd Ave S, Kent, W A 98032 stated that the applicant agrees with the conditions of approval of this plat. Richard Wolf, 14702 SE 1051h Street, Renton, WA 98059 asked if he would have access to his remaining property with the addition of Kitsap Place NE? There will not be a barricade installed at the stub end of the street so that he could not access his property. He also inquired as to what the requirements were as to fencing the retention pond. The Examiner stated that that would be up to Mr. Wolf and the applicant to determine whether or not that is constructed. It may lead to some confusion. As to the fencing of the retention pond, it was developed under the King County Standards, and should be the same safety requirements. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated that fencing is required by King County Design Manual ifit meets specific depths. Once there is a final design, there is a requirement in place for fencing. Kitsap would be a public road, it will need to be signed that someday it may go through. The difficulty with Mr. Wolf's request for access across there is that typically a barricade is put in place specifically to prevent dumping and that it says "end of road". Between Mr. Wolf and the developer access may be made available. Windstone III Short Plat e:· :' File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 4 Mr. Potter stated that a six (6) foot cedar fence would be placed around the pond with the appropriate gates for access and maintenance as well as provide the safety for the storm pond. With regards to the end of Kit sap, he stated that they would work with Mr. Wolf and provide him the access that he needs. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:33 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, KBS III LLC, represented by Wayne Potter, filed a request for a 6-lot Short Plat. This is a companion to the Windstone IV short plat located somewhat south of this site. They were both reviewed at public hearings on the same day and share a number of common elements. 2. The yellow tile containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1815 Nile A venue NE. The subject site is located closer to Ilwaco Avenue NE, which is west of the subject site, than it is to Nile Avenue. The subject site is north of Sunset Boulevard and south ofNE 20th Street if it were extended. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of low density single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family - 4 dwelling units/acre). The application for the short plat was submitted while the subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family - 5 dwelling units/acre) and the request is entitled to be reviewed under the R-5 Zoning standards. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 1.4 acres or 61,614 square feet. The subject site is a som,~what L- shaped parcel that is approximately 400 feet long (east to west) by approximately 125 feet wide. A dogleg at the eastern end of the parcel runs south approximately 80 feet. 10. The site slopes downward toward the east at approximately 5% from approximately 450 feet to 420 feet. 11. The applicant proposes preserving 2 of the approximately 23 trees found 011 the subject site. All other vegetation would be removed. Windstone III Short Plat e) File No.: LUA-04-13 5, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 5 e· 12. The proposed short plat is part of a larger platting effort of surrounding property and will be served by roads, utility lines and a storm drainage system developed as part of the other plats. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 6 lots for detached single-family homes. 13. Kitsap Place NE will run from the south to the north through the western end of the site. A total of six lots east and west of Kitsap will be served by the roadway. There will be two lots, Proposed Lots I and 2, located west of the road that will directly access Kitsap. East of the roadway will be four lots. Two lots, Proposed Lots 3 and 4, will front along Kitsap while two other lots, Propos~d Lots 5 and 6, east of those two will take their access from a 26-foot wide easement road running along the south margin of the parcel. 14. The density for the plat would be 4.92 dwelling units per acre after subtracting the area for roadways. 15. Current plans would have Kitsap end in a temporary cul-de-sac bulb established over portions of Proposed Lots I to 4. The development of the property north of the subject site would allow the extension of Kitsap to the north to complete a through-street connection to the north and east. Until that extension, there would have to be this temporary turnaround bulb serving the plat. 16. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has adopted an impact fee to outset impacts to schools in that district. The fee is $2,937.00 per single-family lot. 17. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 60 trips. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. These additional trips will affect traffic in the City and roads outside of the immediate vicinity of the subject site. 18. Storm water control will be handled by a system constructed as part of the Stoneridge I Plat. The maintenance of that system will have to be shared by homeowners of this new pl~t. Staff has . recommended that since the subject site is located within the May Creek sub-basin that the 1998 King County Manual, Level 3, be applied for both detention and water quality. 19. Sewer service will be provided by the City, while Water District 90 will provide domestic water. 20. The applicant did not propose providing any recreational amenities for the plat. ; CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat, ill an R-4 District provides larger lots in an area with urban services. This plat helps widen the range of lot sizes for those who want more than a small single-family lot. 2. The applicant will be providing a portion of what will eventually be a connection to the City's street grid system but in the interim has provided a cul-de-sac that provides that emergency vehicles and other vehicles can reach the subject site and successfully turnaround. The turnaround will also serve other properties south of the subject site. 3. The development of the subject site will create impacts on the City's street system as well as its parks and recreational programs and its new residents will probably take advantage of the City's emergency services. Therefore, applicant should pay mitigation fees to offset its impacts on roads, parks and emergency services. The City has a standard formula for computing those impacts and they will apply • Windstone JJJ Short Plat e· File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 .' Page 6 to this development. The applicant will also be paying a fee to the Issaquah School District to help with school construction. 4. The property does not have any critical areas although its odd shape does create a few lots with odd shapes and necessitates a private access roadway for the more remote eastern parcels of the subject site. 5. The plat should increase the tax base of the City which along with the mitigation fees noted above, should help offset any other impacts on the community. The additional traffic and hubbub that the additional residents will bring to the area was anticipated by the development. 6. The fact that this plat will utilize some infrastructre from the adjacent development means that it residents will have to take part in maintenance efforts. DECISION: The short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 5; 6. 7. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The applicant shall note the yard setbacks are designated as follows: the front yard setback for Lot 5 from the southern property line and for Lot 6 from the northern property line. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording ofthe final plat. . The applicant shall ensure that the residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat that are not visible from Kitsap Place NE. The satisfaction of the completion of this reqll~\"ement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. A homeowner's association or a maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of tile short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the access road and improvements along the access road through Stoneridge I, prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee equal to $75.00 for-each new daily trip associated with the project, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated October 14, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". Windstone III Short Plat e···· File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 A.·' •... Page 7 8. The short plat shall be required to comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements, outlines in Volume 1I of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. 9. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within th:e 20-foot yard setback area of all six lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required Lo rewrd a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services pivision and the trees shall be planted prior to final building penn it inspection. 10. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single- family residence, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stone ridge 1. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 11. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee equal to $530.76 for each new single-family lot, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridg~ 1. The Parks Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 12. The applicant shall amend the Stoneridge Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to address the shared maintenance responsibilities of the storinwater facilities prior to the recording of the short plat. ' 13. The applicant shall comply with the 1998 King C08unty Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 14. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer m~in through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recordipg of the short plat. ORDERED THIS t h day of March 2005 FRED J. KAUF N HEARING EXA INER TRANSMITTED THIS t h day of March 2005 to the parties of record: Nancy Weil 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 18215 nnd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Richard Wolf 14702 SE 1051h Place Renton, W A 98059 Windstone III Short Plat e·· File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 8 TRANSMITTED THIS i h day of March 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City'S Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21,2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make <"I. written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's del:ision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75 .00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21,2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Coun. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. f. 6. ~'" y --"'-;==-:J ' .. " 1'IIICIIIOdO~wu. L~""1"1 .t:KZI:E! oft!. tIOCICDD_1IIDNMO ::=.o:a~1G*T -.. PRS..IMiNARY ORADiNO, STORM DRAINAGE AND UTU.ITY PLAN FOR' WINDSTONEm A POR'T1oN OF 11-iE $.E V4 OF SCC'T1ON 3, TOWNSHII' 23 N. RANcE 5 e. YjM" CITY OF RENTON, WASHINaTON ,/ ~..:.?,I~: -~~~--':::::'-]7;5"'~---,---,-__ , -- · .... • .. EX.~·O ""' .......... . .... .--.. .---A<Jl" "0. aw ..... JOHr lSI! IlfWEWAY TAACT """"" I'lAa! Nl!.1E>CTI!NSION I'AOI'U! -~~-...... ~ 1'-31r bJI. t: J ~ § ~I ~i~ li~ ~i ~B~ g.~ llo~~ gl~ bi ~~~ Rt-8 i j , ! ~. ZONING 121lJV04 SE l04th D6 • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 18, 2007 Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review X7235cY WINDSTONE III SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced original mylars and three paper copies of the mylar for recording with King County. Also, attached are four original documents to be recorded along with the short plat mylar. The recording instructions in order are as follows: 1. Record the short plat mylar. 2. Record the Deed of Dedication document; 3. Record the Tree Covenants; 4. Record the Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround; 5. Record the Third Amendment to the Protective Covenants of Winds tone Div ill; 6. Request King County to cross-reference the Deed recording number to the Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround document. (Sheet 3) 7. Request King County to cross-reference the recording number of the Windstone Div ill Short Plat mylar to the Third Amendment to the Protective Covenants of Windstone Div ill document. (Sheet 2 of3) 8. Request King County to write the recording numbers of the documents in the spaces provided on the short plat mylar. 9. Request King County to return one of the executed mylars to us for our records and also, the related documents. Please have the Courier take these documents via 4-hour service. A check in the amount of $17.97 made out to CD&L is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.5590.0060.49.000014. \\I:\PlllnReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Windstone III SHPL 17m ClerkRecord.doc ,. " May 18,2007 Page 2 Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Kayren Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin (Please provide PID/recording #'s to Sonja, Carrie, and Patrick) Patrick (Notice to final short plat on Permits Plus) Carrie Olson (Provide any unpaid SDC/SAD fees to Jan for posting to parcels on Permits Plus) Yellow File DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 18,2007 Gregg Zimmennan, Administrator Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\1:\PJan Review\COLSONlShortpJats 2007\ Windstone III SHPL 16m ZimSign.doc • DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM May 17,2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review (!"D WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accel!ted i. As-Builts i. Cost Data Inventory 1.. Bill of Sale i. Easements i. (Water, Sewer, Hydrant, Emergency Access etc.) Deed of Dedication i. Restrictive Covenants i. Maintenance Bond i. Comments: ~ Approval: ~ \<JtvJ.I. Ka e Kittrick Cc: Yellow FIle Related Comments Project#s Easement for Emergency Access Square Footage: 5,500 on Kitsap Place NE Trees Release Permit Bond 0 A~AI h-./ ~~ . ., - i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2007\windstone iii shpl 15m pr review closeout.doc NA '7 PLANNING/BUILDING/ ~~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~. O~ lIo1)-~-? / y~~ M E M 0 RAN DUM ~te.<-J"~ ,~ ------------------------------------------~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ DATE: TO: FROM: March 15,2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review X723Sc;D SUBJECT: WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Deed of Dedication • Easement for Emergency Access • CC&R Amendment • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. ~~.,. c:::O·~ Approval: ~,JG:.......z. .A/~'\t,tQovJ RObeltT'aC Onie, Jr. Sonja s . ,Date:~1" Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2007\windstone iii shpl 08m ts review & pr closeout.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • t:' CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 22,2007 Jennifer Henning, Planning Carrie Olson, Plan Review WlNDSTONE m SHORT PLAT LUA-04-136-SHPL Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me lrnow. Please return comments and folder to me by Monday, January 29, 2007, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. Approval: ~~ ~ Jennifer Henning ,Date: If/ tf I O-:r Cc: Yellow File 1:\PlnnReview\COLSON\Shortplnts 2007\Windstone III SHPL 07m PlanningReview.doc rj I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 6, 2007 J an Conklin, Development Services Carrie K. Olson, Development ServiceslPlan Review x7235 @ WINDSTONE III SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information. If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. \\I:\PIBnReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Eagle Ridge SHPL 10m JanC.doc Printed: 05-17-2007 Payment Made: -CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-136 05/17/200702:22 PM • Receipt Number: Total Payment: 8,682.55 Payee: KBS DEV -MIT FEES Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5045 304.000.00.345.85 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Payments made for this receipt Description Park Mitigation Fee Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 8968 8,682.55 Account Balances Amount 2,653.80 2,440.00 3,588.75 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5045 304.000.00.345.85 5050 305.000.00.344.85 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 650. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0702354 Printed: 05-03-2007 Payment Made: -CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U050128 06/15/2006 11 :27 AM • Receipt Number: R0603006 Total Payment: 10,499.25 Payee: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #8583 10,130.00 Payment Check #4397 369.25 Account Balances Amount 539.96 5,085.00 866.21 1,250.00 60.00 2,698.08 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3954 650. Special Deposits 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 -826.92 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -270.00 .00 .00 1,096.92 Printed: 05-03-2007 Payment Made: • CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U050128 06/15/2006 11: 19 AM • Receipt Number: R0603003 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 3954 650. Special Deposits 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #8582 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3954 650. Special Deposits 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 -826.92 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -270.00 .00 .00 1,096.92 1 -, He/w'n Address: City Clerkis Office City of Retlton 10$5 South GI'!ldy Way Renton, WA 980S5 Property Tn~Pate.e1 NUlllbe.r:032305::9046 'RrreNilfeeNlimber(!i}t:irbO(;!lm1ll1l~lISSigned or.re1eMcdi' Ad(lltl()l~alrercnitlcc.numticrS.rue()ii J}ligc_ .......... .. Gtantc:il'(s)!' Gtilntee(s):' ).i{aS fl.evelQ meat Go " I" CjtQfRetlrcn •. a Mirnici al Co ~rion LE.GA1 .. DESCRTP'rlON: (Abbreviated or full legal mus, go nfJ't!., Addltionallegal on page 2 A portion ofthe fullowing described property: Lot.B of City of Renton Lot. Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA. filed under King County Recording Number 20060 J .199000 I I. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. l'he{lT\mtl.ll:'· furlina in cohs;aerotJ(ul' of mutua!. bcndils cQnveys, qllit~diliins, dediCillcs and donales to the GflU1te.c(S) as nanWdabQ've. tht:abovc described rcal ~statc situated hi the.County ofK'illg; StlltcofWashingr(.\O. IN WITNESS: WHEl{EOF<', [ huveherouilto set my hand an" seal 'U1e'dayand year as written \)clow. . -. . Ao"ro.ved:tjitd .A cctlDted f},,: Gnulttir.(li KBS Development Corp. Grunt~e(s): City of Renton fNDllffDIJAJ. FORM (If' ACKNOWf;E[)GMENT NQlnry Seal must oc.with in box .. . . til . ·er; Mayor 4': : <.:'::. • !,.o I - I . , _.I~\ _ • L.u . ~'J. W~.· cD' '.J,; Bonni~ L Walton, City Clerk \ -tlj.;lf~;U)/)'-i'A ,f" .. . ,J. '-I' .' STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss ................. ~ COUNTY OF KING ) , J C'<:!rtlfy liwl I know or haw salisJactmy cvi.:tcncc: lhal .... _ ... ....:_ ... ~ ........ __ ... , __ .. , __ ........ _ ... __ ...... _ ...... _ .... __ ........... _ ..... __ . __ .. _ ...... __ .. _._ .......... ~ig;11l:d this instrumenUind Ilcknowlcdgt'd ill(l be his/her/their fret: and yolunwry nel tor the uSes and purposes mCnri(lOedin thet instrument. Notary Public in and for the 'Stare ofWa.qhington Notary (f'rin!L .... __________ ~, ..... ,. ____ ~ ... ". My appointment expires: __ ' _. ____ ._ ............. __ _ l)t\!ed: . NotArY Seal must be within box NQtnfYScaln'llilil bcwilhin box lMJ/,fi'IIJU)t(. 'T/ORMOFACAWOWfl£JJd!ffffl(J' STATKOF WASHINGTON ) 58 c:;OUNTY Of K£NG I Fnmlll4 OOOl/bh ll,"Crtify (hili I know or have sat'isfru.:toryevidencc th~1 __ . __ ._. _______ ... ___ _ _______ . _____ ._._ ........ ___ ........... ______ ... __ . ___ signed this instrument 3nd acknowledged il to 11,\ hisihcrilheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes meritioned in the instTument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print}. ____________ . _ .. __ . ____ _ My appointment expires: ___ . __ ._.---, __ D!lted: REffRli.SitNTATrve f."O)t"WF ACKNOWIJiDGMbWT 5~Ate0F WASH1NCnON ) ss . COUN:tyOP KINO ) 1l,~rtiiY that-I know or have satisfacl<tl)' evj~ncdh~ _____ -' ...... , ______ _ __. __ .. _.___ . sigiledthisjrislrumeilf;OI'I oath stat(!ttihllt '. 'h~shellhey wa$lwerelluiliorji~ to:exectUetlit\i.n$Wtrientand riekt'io\vledgcdil as Ihe ... ____ .. __ ilnd.. . . ot ______ . ___ ..... ____ ....... to!Oe the tree .arid\i'oluniJiry;~¢t of .suc~ party/parties for thl!: uses andpurposcs ,l,crltiooCdin 'the in5ttiiment. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print}. ________ .. _________ _ My appointment exprres:._. __ ._ .. ________ _ Dated: CORPORA TE FOI(.I'y/ OF ,ICKN(Jwt..ED{;~eNT STATE OF WASHINGTON 158 GOUNTY OF KING ) Onthis~!:! day of .J2ittIA ¥¥ .. .20 0 ?, before me personllllyappeared l/n, _ .1"l4 oJ· __ ~.JtI fti .. ..!.ufl41Jl be~~.. .... . ._._ofJh~cOrpO~.(l1JlI1I\t .t!J(e<;uled tl:l!l wlthininslru!1lcnl. arlrJ m*ilow\(!~iiWibe silid rnsintmcntto·belhe free and VO!Ul$ryIlC~ ri.lld deed of said cOrp<lruti-on. for the LIsts an~·plirp$ses tbe~ii1 merttibned, and eneh 1)11 ()flthstated. i~nt'hC!lIhe·.wi'lS·outhorizeinoexcl:iife·.said ihslrument and II < the Jit,-al affixed is'ihcCOrPOI1Ii ~s~1 oCsa" c:orporilticm. No ary Publlc'in !tn~.r the State o'r Washington Notary.(Priilt)~ciL~ G· &~.q::Jfer ..... __ My appointment ;Npires: F -s () -Or.._. ____ _ ~ ____ ~~~ ________ ~P~,a~te~d~: __ ~/_-~~~r~~.g_?~ __________________ ~~ __ ~ e - ,.. ~~ Exhibit "B" 42' Road Dedication C\J <:> In C\J --w ...... <:> In !:U ...... C> U-J • Z -~ 144.14' ~ 111.50' ~42.00'~ ~~, SS7'37'3S"E 153.50' > >1' > > q I '8 ~= I ~ f:2 ~'~ I "5 I l;> /0 '-2t-tl4? EXPIAES05-23-2007 ~ <U (,) Ql Ci: !\ ~ 42' ROAD DEDICATION 5500 SO.FT. I 4 ~ L.Q. d aLA RH~ ~~o. ,.,,,"~""1aar'\'''' 11 ,,-UUvU f ,,,,,,,,,,,,UUU ,I R=409.00' (:,= 1'34' 23" L=11. 23' 587'37'38"E 150.86' ;:>I'll. 0+ c-,:l. OM' R;d'''' I I I\. I '-I"'" '--• ,'(I I 'I.~1~' I A It' It. '''/'''''dcl.()",) I \ . ,n, ,f"'\ It It I If .. ) \. I .11:1, \ \ '(,\1 '1~" ='),.,c" ~1 h= V .II. L-..... u, I "d"). v ,-",-' \ 37 \ \ -----\ ----\ r------\ ~h ~ .... \ \ ---........... \ ---........... \ 209.37' 35 j. 1" ~ ~. ~> ~ .g, ( .~ <Y. 50' Lot A aLA R~!c ~~o. ')r.,,~ n 11ao",,""1 ,,-uu....,u I h ........ UUU .11 . <:> o In C\J ... UJ . C\J C\J C\J ~ C\J C> Z S87'37'38"E 10.06' . ..... r-- <:> CD ::J: , (T") ...... In ~ ~Io .. ~ ~ C,'" ~1'1 .. t~ ..,"'t,. o·J· I ---........... ----.-:1 ... ~q'~:'> --~ "I v~ I Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone III WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: Kitsa Place NE and L ons Place NE Commencing at the Southwest comer of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 111.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet alongthe curve concave to the East, having a radius of 271.00 feet and a central angle of27°28'05"; . thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius of229.00 feet and a central angle of 33°04'58" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West, along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. EXPIRES 5-23-2a?7 ~~~~Zi2Z',;:::ZE?2Z?!If;.;' ...... PLnASIlTVPROII. PRINT .. No .... lABS QfVQ()A"1oIr Cclij). "No.,. CIIX of Renlon. 0 MunicleBI Co~allon ~i ~'. K.:Jt£r:!. m!illl(S. I! S,re •• l J ~ :I:Q tf£ i~ SrM.'( ~fn4'I(t) S-1055 Soulh Grody Way CIry/RuklZlp !?l1tLl:(VUf', ~ ~~¢ CltylSlllolZltt Renlon WA 98057 • ADIIIUt.TO liND Al.I.'lonaTYTAII llLAUDCOUnPOllDl1ICI 101.1. TAX '4lC1l.NUNJIU COUNTYTII".URII'LACI "III1IID VALue.p TAX SXIMPT N_ Po!l12D ot m~ I2ggJ tl(§l; ,fo2:Q2') , O"J'Io S'ICCI (Same 88 Granlor InlormaUon) ClI)'IS'.,dZlp • l.IlOAL DIISC!l1l'T1OH 01' PROPHltTY SlTUATIlD IN C UNINCORPORATeD coumy • Oil DlCITY OP Renlon ~'rel • ....,..,. .. (lrpro"",,,I.'mPfGn<l)l--,~-:;-_~~ ___________ --__ -_______ _ Portion 01 urr B of l<eM7JtI (,.01' "M. a011+5[11J(,vr Luft~""~116~ k/,.!9 EA@ £.Wlf'l VCtplj C¢Y~ B@SD""",, (\I1.(t?JB@(. ().;QaG ug9aOOi\ In tho Clly of Renton. Kino County. Wa"'InglOll. I, ,hi. proporl}' curronUy: CI.nlned Dr de.tllMled .. ror •• ".IId? Ch'pl" S4.l311CW YES Il CIud/ied u .... mIII_l.nd (open IJIIC" rmn tI .nd l,rlcullWSl. or ilmllcr)f OItpIcr S4J4 RCW nacmpllkna prllfll'lY I •••• I ftOnpran. orpr!Iutlo1l7 0I.p!Cr S4.l5 RCW . Selle,'1 BxCftlll Rei. N." Il NO (I Re~eMIIi IpCCblvahI.1km .. hlslDrlc propCrtyt C\IIpIet 14.26 ReW 1"08'ey,."... .1.DIf only CJ land willi n,w ba'''''n, land wid! """,-1), III'" bulld1ns t'.rOll!)' PrlnclpIIO... 0 Apt. (4+ unit) [] limber 0 qrlcuhufll (J Dlher 8 IIod wllh mobile homo bulklin.ord1 C1R1IdCllllal a _meodIVindululll N011CB 01' cOKl'INUANCB (RCW 14.l' 01 RCW 1-4.34) new -a(t) .fbal4lhtt It .,mlt1e4 Dr detlpa1l1d II ClliJlnIIllI or 1b.-11Ind with 10 coalla ... !hI oID11lc1llDa ord .... lllllonoh.cb . Iand.lhe ncw-..(.)-'. belaw. ,rthe -owncr(') do \101 clclln 10 cond_ sacII clulillcltiOll or duI..,.tIotI. In CIHIIJIIMIIInI or I4dhlonalln nlctltatedpllll1lmllD R~ 14.l3.I20tncl 140 or!lCW 1434.101 shan II. dvOind pI)'IbkI by the aIIIeror IrINrtrar IIIi10 lime orNIe. The -'11_mustdClCmllllClltdlo 1and",",1'cmd C!U'Hliet 10 CCIIIIilJIIe dulil\ealiaD 0( dcllcadon l1Id.mulilD lftdIcalc below. Si ... _do IIOI-nly ..... n tIM .. ""wlll ...... , .... cl.all1ctllkln ord ........ 'on.lfh no ...... ., qalllllu.il win ho _Yed Ind d .. CG/1"",11III1" wer will be .,.,u"" AD """ GWIIen 1DII11.ian. ThIt land C1doet CI doc1lJC1( qualil'y rar contit_ D.,. _____ _ (1) NonCB OPOOMPlJANCB (Olaptcr a4.2~ !lew) rrlt .. _oWllCl(')Dr~wld!.~1 wluldon u hi.toric prG{lClt)' wish ID COIII/_ ilUI ipICIII ~ Ihe _a~)_li. bIIow. trlhe ...... oWllll{l).1IOI dClnlD CDIIIlnullluch ... /al valullO ... III .dellrio.I ..... lalcd purIlIIlII 10 OIlt'ICF 14.26 RCW. shall ... dUD . Ind ptyablc by tllDlcllcror Ullllferofil ihllimoarAIe. (3) OWNER(S)SIGNATUIlE propen)' Included In .'01111111". price. I>olh (0,: cquiplllcni •• Ie.) or Inlln,lbl, (C81 iood.yill. •• reem.nl nOlla compele. c'c.) I' .nmpdOll cl.' ....... I1.1 WAC numbe, .hd ""pl.nl"on. WAC No. (Secl!ubl_4.:,;5;;;;8;.,;.6:;.;1;,;A-:.;:2;;:D;:.5 ________ _ I1Jcplanalion Tronsr8/' 10 governmenl for a pubOo purpose. Typo of Docl/lllCnl Deed 01 DaolcaUon 0111 of OOCum.nl ______________ _ Oro .. SllIIn, Price s. _________ O;:;.;,;;oo;;, Penonll.Proper.,,(deducl) S _________ _ Tuable Sclllni Pnco $, _________ _ BuIIlT... SI.IO $. _________ _ I.ocII $ ________ _ .Dellnquenlln'e.rU: SI.IO $, __________ _ IM.I $, _________ _ " DeliAquCIlI Pcnally S, _________ ~~ Tol.1 Duo S, _________ O::;.::O::;O A .... nnMUM OP n.aa IS OUR AS A PROCRSSINO Fnn ANIl AfFIDAVIT I CcrIII'I Uncle, Pentlty or PCljwy U Wuhlrlaton Tbll '!'be !'«e,Dln81• Ibtm). llonlon,WA I'trJa.". PCJjury II I cIaA C relaAY which" punllhabl. by ImpriIoamrnlln the .. .-comcllonll .... ,hUlloa ror I maximum Ion" ornot more Ihlll nYe .,..". or by I fino In In _ nud hy ilia COUll arnot mo .. ilion /lYe Ihoufand doll.,.{$S.ooo.oO). or by bodllrnprilOllmD/lla"" nne(!tCW lIA.2o.020(19h 1'011. 11lBASURBIl'S USB ONLY nCOUNTV TItDASURIlR 110Ill'T. or> ItRVIlNun JCOUNTY .... lISI!lIS(ll{ IrrAXPAVnR Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 • DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 802977-0340 TREE PLANTING COVENANT Grantor(s): KBS Development Corporation, is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot "B" City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LUA-04-136-LLA, recorded under recording number 20060119900011, in King County, Washington. Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to improve the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heirs and assigns as follows: Installation of Improvements: The Owner(s) of the above described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to: Plant and maintain two ornamental trees, within the 20' front yard setback, per new lot. The trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. The minimum size shall be I Y2 inch caliper for deciduous trees or 6-8 feet in height for conifer trees. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land in perpetuity. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. :s~~ , said Grantor(s) has/have caused this instrument to be executed this .a'1 day oPzog I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that . dl( signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the ~se~~ [\~~~rPosed mentioned in the instrument on t~e date mentioned above. . ~"""CHU."f',,1. ~........-.~.?:7 ~ ~,_9"",,,\\\\,,,,~~.A'~ ~..x-h>~ :: V-$'b"EXPI","',~.",:" ~ N ~blic hllll1d for the State of Washington = II #~ Rt-~I'/~ ... ~ 1. . ' .... -0 ~ r ~ / -'-' /' r 1. . ,..~ :; ... Z .. ::: 0 .... Notary (print) ~ur C( I J 0 . ....>CfII"U {e r ~.~. ~ :: .... :. ...: i"~~ .= " ;:.: My appointment expires 1-30 -0'1 ~ '" ~\, os .. ~# I=- "', ~)':: Itt I h\\\\\,,'''''' .,.C:; .::-.::: "" 4r-E Of ~ ..... ~ ·i/· ,', ..... "" \ .... ,\,\, -·f t After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround KBS Development Corporation City of Renton Portion of Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, King County Recording No. 20060119900011 EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND TURNAROUND This Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround is entered into this t/Ill day of ,m ey ,2007, by KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation C'KBS"). RECITALS WHEREAS, KBS is owner of that certain real property legally described on Exhibit A (the "Burdened Property"); WHEREAS, KBS wishes to grant to the City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation ("Renton"), an easement (the "Easement") for turnaround and access by emergency vehicles over and across the Burdened Property in the location described on Exhibit B and depicted on Exhibit C (the "Easement Area"); WHEREAS, turnaround and access by emergency vehicles over the Easement Area will no longer be necessary if Kitsap Place NE is connected to a public through-street to the north of the Burdened Property, including but not limited to Lyons Ave. NE located in the Plat of Stonegate, King County Recording No. 9609101361; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\RLM0326.DOC 05/04/07 Page I AGREEMENT 1. Grant of Easement. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, KBS hereby grants and conveys t6 Renton a temporary, non-exclusive easement over, across, and upon the Easement Area. 2. Purpose of Easement. The Easement is granted solely for the purpose of construction, maintenance and use of an access and turnaround area for emergency vehicles. 3. Termination of Easement. The Easement shall automatically terminate without any further action by KBS and/or Renton upon the legal connection of Kitsap Place NE with a public right-of- way to the north of the Burdened Property. 4. Runs with the Land. This Easement Agreement and the covenants herein contained shall run with the property described herein and are binding upon all subsequent owners thereof for the term of the Easement. The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. Dated this ~day of miry ,2007 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the If!lt day of t1J A"~ , 2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and s¥orn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation individuals described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. / '. W:\ WPDOCSI2402S\OO7\RLM0326.DOC 05104/07 Page 2 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRlPTION OF BURDENED PROPERTY Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136- LLA, recorded under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; Except that portion of said Lot B dedicated to City of Renton for road purposes pursuant to the Deed of Dedication, recorded under King County Recording Number __________ _ Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. W:\ WPDOCS\24025\OO7\RLM0326. DOC 05104/07 Page 3 EXHIBIT 'iY" A 90' diameter Emergency Access Easement, the center of which is described as follows: A portion of the following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011. More particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot B; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 132.50 feet to the intersection of said South line and the centerline of Kitsap A venue Northeast and the beginning of a curve radial to said south line; thence northerly a distance of 65.44 feet along the curve concave to the east, having a radius of250.00 feet and a central angle of 14°59'52" to the center of said 90'diameter Access Easement. EXCEPT the following described property: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 111.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said south line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet along the curve concave to the East, having a radius of271.00 feet and a central angle of27°28'05"; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius which bears South 54°32'40" East a distance of229.00 feet and a central angle of33°04'58" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West, along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. Exhibit 'i!" , 2 ,@/J --II"~, 1 .... 0 ... 0 ·m ' moo .~ru~ " to m .... 1/ ..... ,<\1 -J ,.!. __ - 1/ q 111. 50' 121. 00 '121. 00' SS7"37'3S"E 153.50' ~~7 , $s>, ~ .... ;? '.,~,: .... , f! .... ~40" I '.14<- 4 3 A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF 1" = 40' SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. ... .. - e After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED! RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. Third Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) 20051020000338,20051207002324, KBS Development Corporation City of Renton The Public Lot B, City of Renton LLA No. LUA-04-136-LLA, Recording No. 20060119900011, in King County, Washington 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. III KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (AK.A Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324, and the Second Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (AK.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section 16.1 of the Declaration, Developer hereby amends the Declaration as follows: W:\ WPDOCS\24025\OO7\J[R3 344 .DOC 02/27/07 Page 1 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) -' 1. The Plat of Winds tone Div.III, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. ("Div. III") is hereby subjected to the Declaration. The land within Div. III is shown on the Map for Div. III and is legally described as follows: Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-136-LLA, recorded under Recording No. 20060119900011, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section 1.5 of the Declaration, the Common Area shall include the easements and appurtenances (if any) located within Div. III as shown on the Windstone Div. III Plat Map and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easement areas as necessary to inspect or maintain the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. III, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 of the Plat of Stone ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), King County Recording No. 20051020000337 ("Div. I"). Said easements shall be non-exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 3, 5 and 6 of Div. III and Lot 35 ofDiv.1. The Owners of Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv.1lI and Lot 35 ofDiv. I shall share equally in all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lots 3,5 and 6 ofDiv. III. The Owners of Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 ofDiv. I shall hold the Owner of Lot 3 of Div. III harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owners of Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 ofDiv. I, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 3 ofDiv. III. Lots 5 and 6 ofDiv. III and Lot 35 ofDiv. I are the Benefited Property and Lots 3,5 and 6 ofDiv. III are the Burdened Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3. Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. III shall be Members of the Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms used in this Third Amendmentshall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. 6. Except for the matters stated in this Third Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. W:\ WPDOCSI2402S\OO7\JIR3344.DOC 02127/07 [Signature page follows. ] Page 2 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) .. ~-. Dated this ~ day of--Lt11--,-,-A-,-((:::...,..l-,-t1L-" __ -,,200-.2.. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this ~ day of /l1~~C.H ,2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President ofKBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JIR3344.DOC 02127/07 Page 300 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) Planning/Bui'lding/Public works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 2,2007 Curtis Schuster KBSm,LLC 12320 NE Rlh St, #100 Bellevue W A 98005 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Schuster: WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA-04-136 The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please do not submit the short plat mylars lintil all items have been completed below .. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are. required to be completed prior to recording of the short phit.) 1. Contact Arneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to, be. completed on the" civil construction portion' to your project.. I cannot accept short plat' m~'1ars until Aineta si~s off on the constrt.lctionportion ofthis project. " 2. Although you placed a note on the short plat mylar"(Plat Notes, Bheet 1 of 3) pertaining to the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Trees, you did not provide a blank line for the recording number of the document. Please provide a blank line for the recording . number of this docitment.. . . . d: The Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access document.· NOTE: The access 0'-easement document should be returned to the city after recording. Replace the \ ~( . current la~ firm noted in the upper left-hand comer of Page 1 wit? City· Clerk's / /\ Office, CIty of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton Washmgton 98057. 1') Section 40f the Ea~.ement titled Release and lIidemnity is not appropriate. Remove Section 4. The Mayor is not required to sign the easement because the City has no ownership interest in the property. Remove the City of Renton signature lines. Resubmit an. original, dated and signed easement document, Pages 1 -4, for recording. I have the legal and map exhibit pages for this document. .. 4 .. Pay Transportation, Park and Fire Mitigation Fees in the amount of $8,682.55 under LUA04-136 made payable to the City of Renton. These fees may be paid at the Customer Services Counter on the 6th floor of Renton City,Hall. When the above items are completed, you may submit the signed and notarized short plat mylar (one original mylar and one copy (on mylar) of each'she.et) along with a check in the .amount of~(current courier fee) made Qutto Velocity Express.' . T1.'1 . I:IPlimRevic:wICOLSON\Shortplats 20071Windstone III SHPL 13L RequestMYlarsStop,doc. ~ -----:---. -1O-S-5-S~o-ut-h -G-ra-dy'-. -W-~-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-on--""-9-S0-s--,i7-, ------R E N T 0, 'N ~ AHEAD OF THE <:;URVE. "'(;;J;IJ Thi~ paper contains 50% recycledmaterial, 30% postconsumer. . ; . ./ . .. Page 2 ' May 3,2007 . . The Deed' of Dedication docu~ent has been signed'bythe Mayor; theTree Planting C~vei1ant and the Third,Amei1dm~nt to the'Protectiv:eCovert~pits'documc:(nts are complete and. signed; and the EasemenHof.'Emetgen:cy VehicIeAccess·docum~nt wili be added pile artdsent w!ththe short· ',.' phit mylars for recording~ . . .. Should yqurieed to'CiiScllSS any portion of this lett~r please contact me at (425) 430-'7235. Sincerely, '. ~J<\~ ...... C~rrie lC Olson Dev¢lopment Serviges, Plan Review '.' . FAXED to: Stephen Woods, Center Po!pte Surveyil}g,.FAX#: ,253~661-7719' . .~~~. Cc: Y:ellowfile " ";\. .~,.' . .", '. , . '.~ " .. ',' . .' ~, , '". o· ~' • ' • .", "I.' :. '" "' ... DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM May 7,2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review(9 WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accented Related Comments NA i. Project#s 7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory i. Bill of Sale 1- Easements 1-Easement for Emergency Access (Water, Sewer, Hydrant, Emergency Access etc.) Deed of Dedication 1-Square Footage: 5,500 on Kitsap Place NE Restrictive Covenants 1-Trees Maintenance Bond Y.. Release Permit Bond 0 Comments: (~ (tla~ ) /" ~ Approval: ________________________ , Date: ___ _ Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2007\windstone iii shpl 14m ts review & pr closeout.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 15, 2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review t-U WINDSTONE ill SnORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Deed of Dedication, Easement for Emergency Access, CC&R Amendment, Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acccpted Relatcd Comments NA :Y.. Project #s 7: As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Y.. Bill of Sale Y.. Easements Y.. Easement for Emergency Access -(Walsl,,,~ '~rj \-I)dr!mt, Emergency Access etc.) Deed of Dedication :i. Square Footage: 5,500 on Kitsap Place NE Restrictive Covenants Y.. Trees Maintenance Bond :i. Relc~se Permit Bond 0 ~ Comments: i..f[(Pl ...... *~_& .s.. .~ ~ • i:\planrevicw\colson\shortplats 7\windstone iii shpl 08111 ts review & pr closeout.doc t~~~~lLa1:l~~ Carrie Olson City of Renton Centre Pointe ..... Surveying,lnc., P.S. April 30, 2007 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 RE: The Final Short Plat Re-Submittal of Winds tone Div. III LUA-04-124. Dear Carrie, Enclosed, please find a response to your items listed in your letter dated April 6, 2007; 1) The civil engineer assigned to this project has submitted the final asbuilts for approval. The comments from Arneta Henninger on March 30, 2007 have been addressed as follows: A) The applicant has paid for the street lighting permit. B) "No Parking" signs have not yet been installed in the cul-de-sac, but will be prior to final short plat approval per the conditions. C) Blue Hydrant Reflectors have not yet been installed in the cul-de-sac, but will be prior to final short plat approval per the conditions. 2) The comments made by Jennifer Henning in here memo dated April 4, 2007 were addressed as follows. A) The lot line adjustment has been recorded the creates the lot for this short plat, under Recording Number 20060119900011. . B) The following note has been placed on Sheet 2 of 3 as follows: "The front yard for Lot 5, the yard abutting the southern property line, has a required minimum setback of 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for a garage which accesses from the front yard. The front yard for Lot 6, the yard facing the northern property line, has a required minimum setback of 15 feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for a garage which accesses from the front yard." P.O. Box 4416 -Federal Way, WA 98063-4416 Phone (253) 661-1901 -Fax (253) 661-7719 I ... • C) The drafting error on the square footage for Lot 1 has been corrected to read 7,450. D) The following Plat Note has been placed on the plat to reference the tree planting and Restricted Covenant Recording Number on Sheet 1 of 3: "THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL 6 LOTS WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION." "ALL OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT SHALL BE HELD, SOLD, AND CONVEYED SUBJECT TO THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTNE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER " 3) This item is a repeat of 2-D from Jennifer Henning. 4) This item will be handled together with item 3 above. 5) Comments on the Emergency Access and Turnaround: A) References have been deleted for the additional City-County-State reference. B) 90' diameter has been added in the requested spot and a revised copy is attached. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. ~ Stephen H Woods, P.L.S. • PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 4, 2007 TO: Carrie Olsen, Plan Review FROM: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager 01W Windstone III Short Plat (LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA) SUBJECT: I have reviewed the final short plat submittal and have the following comments: 1. G) o The Lot Line A~just~ent~ is rfquired to be recorded prior to the recording of the short plat. -~. The note contained on Sheet 2 of 3 is incorrect. A note is required on the face of the short plat stating tha~he front yard for Lot 5 is the yard abutting the southern property line, and the required minimum setback is 15 feet for the primary structure, and 20 feet for a garage which accesses from ~ the front yard) A note must also be added on the face of the plat stating tha~he front yard for Lot 6 the yard facing the north property line, and that the required minimum setback is 15 feet for the primary structure, and 20 feet for a garage which accesses from the front yard) The lot size shown for Lot No.1 appears to be "7.450" rather than "7,450". Please revise. Plat Note No.6 should be revised. It states the condition from the Hearing Examiner's report verbatim. Rather, the condition should read: "The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot yard setback of all six lots within the short plat. The trees are required to be planted prior to final building pennit inspection. -4-~ ..... L ~ ~ A restrictive covenant ,~@Et~ ..--"-- ..aea referenced on the short plat. Canie GigeR has a sample oftfie needed iaRgttage for the restriGt.i¥e eOvertfiflt.:. h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev&plan.ing\jth\review comments\windstone iii final short plat comments.doc To: From: . Date: Subject: \ CITy·.F . RENTON Kathy Keolker. Mayor· MEMORANDUM Carrie Olson, Plan Review . ' " Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney April 10, 2007 . WindstoneIII Short Plat LUA04-136-SHPL . .. , Office of the City AttQrney Lawrence J. Warren Senior Assistant qty Attorneys . . Mark Barber . Zanetta L:Fontes Assistant City Attorneys Aim S. Nielsen Garmon Newsom II Sbawn E. Artbur Easement for Emergency, Vehicle Access and Turnaroun4 ...... ' . In the second whereas after the parentheses the word "for" should be. inserted. Also, beca4se this . .. is a condition of approval of a short plat, there· is no reason why the city should agree to paragraph 4 titled Release and Indemnity. Also, I would double cheqk paragraph· 3 .and make· sure that any.·. connection of a public right-of-way to KitsajJ Place NE will obviate the need for this easement. If I . recall the layout correctly, it should, but tIie Fire Marshall· could decide ·that the route was Unacceptable, too narrow, too circuitous, etc. . LJW:tmj cc: Gregg Zimrnennan, PE Jay Covington 4:. LawrenceJ. VVarren -P-~-st-O""';ffi-c-e-B-ox-6-26---R-e-nt-on-, -w-as-~-'ngt-o"":, n-9-8-0S-7--""'(4-2S-)-2-SS-'--8-6-78-;-FAX-.-(4-2S-'-)-2S-·S""--S-4-:-74-· -.. ~. ~ '.. AHEAD OF THE.CURVE . ~ This paper contains 50% recycledmaterial:30% postcorsumer " .. : .. ~ .. . , c, '.$ . , , ..... ", ~ . , . ': '" r? " « •... , " ~ .~:t ' "':. " , .' . " \"" !,-, ,,' , ~,'. '.,1 ",' , " ,.~~ ," •.••• r :' .. ,', ," :\ >'. ,'" .::1 .. r .... .t, ',". , , '-"-'~':" , 1 : .; ~" , ' . . . " .f< '}·l -. '.' '".' /' '",!." '. ~ .' , . :' .' ."l •.• ".' " '.' .. '.' " .. \' , " " . ',"' . ,', ',' '" ., , . 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DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • ADMINISTRATIVE, JUDICIAL, AND LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 12,2007 Carrie Olson, Lead Office Assistant &Jason Seth, Records Management Coordinator Deed of Dedication (Windstone Short Plat) ~lgpME\\n SERViCES ~nv OIF RENTON APR 12 ?007 ~~(g[E~VE[D City officials have signed the attached original documents and they are being returned to you as requested. Thank you. Attachments i:\word\memo&letter\recordeddocs\carrieretumeddocs.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 10, 2007 City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, x7235 {p Development Services, Plan Review WINDSTONE SHORT PLAT LUA-04-136 Deed of Dedication Qt (Om' O~ RENiON W APR X ® 2007 / RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Attached is the original Windstone III Short Plat Deed of Dedication document that was accepted at the Monday, November 6,2006, council meeting. Please route for signature by the Mayor and City Clerk and return to me for further processing. Thanks. Also, have Mayor sigri three (l-original, 2-copies) Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit form and return. cc: Yellow File \\TS_SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\J:\PlanReview\COLSON\shortplats 2007\ Windstone III SHPL 12m RequestMayor-ClerkSignDeed .doc Kathy Keolker, Mayor April 6,2007 Stephen Woods, P.L.S. 33701 9th Ave S Federal Way WA 98003 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Woods: Planning/Buildipg/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator WINDSTONE III SHORT PLAT LUA-04-124 The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and any other·related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Contact Afneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. See attached memo for Arneta's comments. 2. See attached comments from Jennifer Henning of Development ServiceslPlanning. 3. Comments regarding the Short Plat submittal: Reference the THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTNE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) document on the short plat submittal and provide a space for the recording number thereof. 4. Place a note on the face of the short plat mylar referencing the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants document and a space for the recording number. 5. Comments regarding the Easement (or Emergency Vehicle Access and Tumaround document: The document submitted for this review is not the same as was reviewed in our memo dated December 8, 2006 -said current document is' not presented on a city form. Therefore, the following comments are specific to the document received for the current reView. The abbreviated legal description on Page 1 and the legal description on Exhibit A of said . document should include the pertinent quarter section, section, township, and range, plus "W.M." at the end of the legal description noteci thereon. . . The legal description noted in Exhibit B should remove the first two references to "Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington". The third such reference should remain in the legal description. . . The last call in the Exhibit B legal description for the location of thegenter point of the 90' diameter easement (before the "EXCEPT" portion of the legal) should insert the words 90' diameter before "Access Easement". . 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Windstone III SHPL 09LChangeRequcstStop.doc . ~ c--------10-5-5-S-ou-th-G-ra-dy-W-ay---R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-hl-·n-gt-on-9-S0-5-7------R E NT 0 N" AHEAD OF THE CURVE " Page 2 April 6, 2007 The bearing to center (in the "EXCEPT' portion of the EXHmIT B legal description) should be included in the legal description for the curve to the left that begins after "a distance of 48.57 feet" along the north line of Lot B. Said curve is non-tang~nt at this point in the legal description. Place a note on the face of the short plat mylar referencing this document" and a space for the' recording number. The City Attorney will review the text portion of the "EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND TURNAROUND" document since this is not the preferred standard City form. . Should you need to. discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430.;.7235. SIncerely, . '.', . . Ocv~,ka~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, PlanR~~i{~w p FAXED TO: Stephen WOOQs;.,Ct?nter.Pointe surve~i~g,FAX#: 25J-661~7719 PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 4, 2007 TO: Carrie Olsen, Plan Review FROM: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Q1V{ Windstone III Short Plat (LUA04·136, SHPL·H, LLA) SUBJECT: I have reviewed the final short plat submittal and have the following comments: 1. The Lot Line Adjustment is required to be recorded prior to the recording of the short plat. -~. 2. The note contained on Sheet 2 of 3 is incorrect. A note is required on the face of the short plat stating that the front yard for Lot 5 is the yard abutting the southern property line, and the required minimum setback is 15 feet for the primary structure, and 20 feet for a garage which accesses from "- the front yard. A note must also be added on the face of the plat stating that the front yard for Lot 6 the yard facing the north property line, and that the required minimum setback is 15 feet for the primary structure, and 20 feet for a garage which accesses from the front yard. 3. The lot size shown for Lot No. I appears to be "7.450" rather than "7,450". Please revise. 4. Plat Note No.6 should be revised. It states the condition from the Hearing Examiner's report verbatim. Rather, the condition should read: "The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot yard setback of all six lots within the short plat. The trees are required to be planted prior to final building permit inspection. , ~ k A restrictive covenant ~~u~t} be Icct}fdee ~ .aH6 referenced on the short plat. CaM'ie Olsen has a sample t}Hhe heeded iangtlage for the fegtfir;tive co'" enft,*," h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev&plan.ing\jth\review comments\windstone iii final short plat comments.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 15,2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review e-U WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Deed of Dedication, Easement for Emergency Access, CC&R Amendment, Short Plat drawings Also provide the following infonnation requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acce[1ted Related Comments NA i. Project #s 7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory i. Bill of Sale i. Easements i. Easement for Emergency Access -fW!t!eI, 8e 'iiI', II} rlnm t, Emergency Access etc.) Deed of Dedication i. Square Footage: 5,500 on Kitsap Place NE Restrictive Covenants i. Trees Maintenance Bond i. Release Permit Bond 0 L Comments : ~(¢57L c-L i"l/1.L).., Ji!.. )~ '"'ff-=.....,.~ ~ -'!J DATE: TO: 'PROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 6, 2007 Larry Warren, City Attorney Carrie Olson, Plan Review, x-7235 WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND TURNAROUND Please review the text portion of the "EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND TURNAROUND" document since this is not the preferred standard City form. Please review and return comments to me as soon as possible. Thanks. Cc: Yellow File 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\shortplats 2007\Windstone III SHPL 11 m AttomeyReview.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 4, 2007 Carrie Olson Sonja I. FeSSer~ Windstone III Short Plat, LUA-04·136-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant regarding the Short Plat submittal: Reference the THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) document on the short plat submittal and provide a space for the recording number thereof. Comments for the Applicant regarding the Deed of Dedication document: Note the pertinent indexing information for the short plat property at the end of the abbreviated legal description on Page 1 of said document, and on the Map Exhibit. Comments regarding the Easement for Emergency Vehicle Access and Turnaround document: The document submitted for this review is not the same as was reviewed in our memo dated December 8, 2006 -said current document is not presented on a city form. Therefore, the following comments are specific to the document received for the current review. The abbreviated legal description on Page 1 and the legal description on Exhibit A of said document should include the pertinent quarter section, section, township, and range, plus "W.M." at the end of the legal description noted thereon. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plnls\0399\RV070404.doc . ./ April 5, 2007 Page 2 • The legal description noted in Exhibit B should remove the first two references to "Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington". The third such reference should remain in the legal description. The last call in the Exhibit B legal description for the location of the center point of the 90' diameter easement (before the "EXCEPT" portion of the legal) should insert the words 90' diameter before "Access Easement". The bearing to center (in the "EXCEPT" portion of the EXHIBIT B legal description) should be included in the legal description for the curve to the left that begins after "a distance of 48.57 feet" along the north line of Lot B. Said curve is non-tangent at this point in the legal description. Comments for the Project Manager: The City Attorney should review the text portion of the "EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND TURNAROUND" document. Does the city have any problem accepting/recording the form submitted for the EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCCESS AND TURNAROUND document? Remember to include in the recording instructions the cross-referencing of recording numbers between the short plat, the Deed of Dedication document, the Easement of Emergency Access document and the Third Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (a.k.a. Windstone) document. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0399\RV070404.doc\cor Centre Pointe ~ Surveying, Inc.,P.S. Arnetta Henninger City of Renton lOSS South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 March 9,2007 ~ RE: The Final Plat Submittal of Winds tone Div. III Conditions of Approval, File No.; LUA-04-136-SHPL-H, ECF. Dear Arnetta, 2006; Enclosed, please find a list of the hems listed in the Short Plat Review comments dated December 8, I) The Plan Reviewer for the project has been contacted and the Bill ofSale/Cost Estimate and Maintenance Bond is attached. All other items have been addressed. 2) The declaration has been revised. 3) The declaration of covenant has been revised. 4) Declaration of Covenant note is now on the plat. 5) Minor adjustments to the plat have been made per the markups provided. 6) Bearings have been provided for the non-tangent curves. 7) The current year has been added where applicable. 8) Deed of dedication has been given to Carrie Olson in a prior submittal. 9) Easement for Emergency Access has been given to Carrie Olson in a prior submittal. Stephen H Woods, P.L.S. P.O. Box 4416 -Federal Way, WA 98063-4416 Phone (253) 661-1901 -Fax (253) 661-7719 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TREE PLANTING COVENANT '1. Property Tax Parcel Number: 802977-0340 Grantor(s): KBS Development Corporation, is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot "B" City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LUA-04-136-LLA, recorded under recording number 20060119900011, in King County, Washington. Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to improve the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner{s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heirs and assigns as follows: Installation of Improvements: The Owner(s) of the above described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to: Plant and maintain two ornamental trees, within the 20' front yard setback, per new lot. The trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. The minimum size shall be 1 'h inch caliper for deciduous trees or 6-8 feet in height for conifer trees. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land in perpetuity. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by ~~. ~~ IN WITNJtS'S WHER}l:(W, said Grantor(s) has/have caused this instrument to be executed this ;l'1 day of'f2o g ~?, C( -- /" wner(s) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that j{o~:1"rl13 ,T'ftVJt oR. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the use~~(~~rPosed mentioned in the instrument on trye date mentioned above. '~"'~HU "1", ~~ ~.. ~ f,.v .~ 'I. ""/ ~ ~,-"""\\\\\\11,,, ~.A. 1/1: ~_ _/e"L.J..,_ .:: V" .. ~o,.f.XPI.llll·~" ~ Nd'fary Public in and for the State of Washing tOll = Ib f~ R,.. '1SI\ __ ~ ~ ,= 0 ~,. ~ Notary (print) LuI' fiJ 6'. SL~A1,<s·te r ~ ~ ~"~~ .. ~ ; e g ~ ~Nu~ -(!)_. My appointment expires <0-30 ·-oj ~ U\ '$"=_~ J tL -'1 II" os" ,..$' ~--'I', IS'~ I,,,\\\\\,,,~ ""C:J ~ I/!!,"I"'E Of ~ , ..... " 'oj· .,' .•.• \'\'," Re/urn Address: City Clerk's Office City of RcntM 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION 'Prcije.."t Fife #: UJA.04-f36~SHPL . Property Tux Parcel Number: 032305·9046 Street Int~rse'tion: Kit.~p PfaceNEnnd Lyon$Place NE . . .'. ...,.. . 'Re(ettnce Number(s) ofOOcumeilci Wlsigned "rrCltl\Sc<I:Additioflal refercnce nwilbcrsafeClri pngc_ ....... . Grantor(s): Gnmtee{s): t. KBS Deve/o ment Co . 1. Cit of Renton, a Municipal Co ration f..EGAL DESCRIPTION: (Ahbrevfat~dor full legal musr go here. Additional legal on page 2 . A portion of the. following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File NUinber LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060 I .19900011 . Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. 'Inc Grantor; for and in consiUeratioil of mutu!ll bem:fits con veys, quit claims. tied icnrcs and donatann the Grnntee(s) ll$ OIlmed above, [he above described real estate situa1ed in the Counly 01' King, State M \Vashil1groll. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have. hcreuilto set my hand and seal. fhe day and year as written below. Anoroved and .Accented Bv: l/io,'DfI"I/)(,lAL f"()RM Of' A C/i;V()WI.£DGMENT Notllry Seal must be within bOx Gnmtec(s): City of Rentol1 KathyKeolker; Mayor BOlinic L Whiton. City Clerk STATE OF WASI·HNGTON ) . COUNTY OF KINCi ) SS .... ,._. __ ................ _._ ............. _._ .... _ ......................... _ ......... , sigl1l:u this instrument .md acknowledged il to b~ hb/her!lhcir fret and voluntary act 'iH the lIges amI purposes mentioned in the il1~lrllmcllL -------------------------~~----------------------~ Notary Public in and for the State of WashingtQn Notary (Priill) ___ . __ . ___ ,_ .... ____ ........... _,, ___ ...... _ ..... _ ........ . My appoinmlcnt expires: ..... _. ____ ...... __ ._ .... _ ................. ____ _ Dated: 1459 WSJ road dedication2.DOCl dw I'age I Revised 7·25·20()6 Notary Seal mulil be within bux Notary Seallmist be within box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF.4CKNOW'~EDGM(iN"r STATE OF WASHlNGfON ) SS COUNTY OF KING i r certify thml know or hllve !;atislaulOry evid~nce [Nit _ ...... __ .. __ ....... ___ .. __ . _____ ...... __________ ...... ____ ............. , .. _ .• ____ ....... _ signed this instrument and 3ckmm'ledge<l it to he hisihcr/lhcir !i'c,:: and volunlllfY ae! for the L1SC, and purposes 11lentiorlL:d in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (l'rintL. __ ., ...... ____ . _____ , ___ ....... __ ._,. __ _ My appointment expires: __ ... ________ ... _ Dated: H£P.R,E,SENT.+tTVE FORM OFACKNOW1.E.'DGMeNT STATE OF WASl:l1NGTON' ) SS COUNTYQF KING ) [ ccrt [fy .1Ilm r ,know (Ii" h aYe siltisfactory cvidenci;! that .. __ . ........... .........-~--.-.- ___ _ __ ........ _ ..... _. ___ .. ____ signed this instrument, on oath. lilatL'1:1 that 'Jw/sI1t!1!l1cy was/were-authorized to execute the inslrulm:ntnnd acknowledged it as Ihc .. ____ ......... ____ .-. _. ___ artd ___ • ___ ~ __ _ uf' 10 be the free and voluntary act of such party/pm1ic$ f(;r·th-;;~ .. ;s;;-;nd flU1'PQ;;i:s nlclltiimcd in the inslr(lrn~nL -----------------------------------,--------------~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington N e>tary ( P ri nt L_. ____ '-... _ .. _. ____ ..... ~ __ .. _ .. __ ....... ____ .. __ , .. __ .. ,_ My appointment expires:. ___ ._. _____ ........ ___ .. _ .. __ Duted: ~.--------------------------------------.-.. ----------------------- Notllr), Seal mu~,!:xl withinllnx ---coiiPOH..I7'lt PORM OF tlCKNOWI-F.O<lMF.NT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KfNG ) On lh is 2<t.r:! dny of ..J2t{.l{~~,_, 20.'p ? before me p<:r>nnally appeared ----J&z.~tY:~m%r)I..-__ ----'-.--f-h-. _to rn:kn~wn to be . ____ " . ./..L't3~ ___ .. .. ..... ___ .. _ .. 0 t c corporation qlll !.\xccutcd the wlth{n'inslnimcnt, nnd acknowledge th~~ said instru'mcni to' bathe free 8nd vohil1tary act and deed of said \,-orporntlon. for the IIses and purposCl\ 1het~in mentioned. and ei1ch on onth;stnlcd that hC'Jshe WlIS UUlh,)tized 10 ex(."Cuw snid inslrumcnllllld I the SClllut1ixcd is rhe corpOrill.' seal of said corporatiol1. " 1459 WSJ road dedication2.DOO"lw Pugc "2 , \ ,.' .'-r Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone III WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: Kitsa Place NE and L ons Place NE Commencing at the Southwest comer of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060 I 19900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 1 I 1.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet along the curve concave to the East, having a radius of 271.00 feet and a central angle of 27°28'05"; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius of229.00 feet and a central angle of 33°04'58" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West;!along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOO dw Page 3 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit "B" 42' Road Dedication C\J o \0 ru ..... ~ ..... co ~ ..... o lCJ 14 144.14 ' (5 en , 111.50' ~42.00·~ ~~ 5S7"37'3S"E 153.50'»1'» ~;} I ~= I f.2 ~g I :~ -:> I 1/) 38 IO-lf,\-Pw EXPIRES05-23-2007 ~ 'B Ql a: !\ ~ 42' ROAD DEDICATION 5500 SO. FT. , l -L.O. c BLA Rae ~~o. " I\1"'\t=,f"\41Qon""44 ~UU",UI'o.I .... UVU'1 R=409.00· fl= 1 '34' 23- L=11.23' 5S7'37'3S"£ 150.S6' ::::l'rlL o.t ~L()n ... ) R~d"'''~ I • "','"" I -"" ..... , • ,,,.1'''' I • 1/' "';'"'dc•l (),"," I \ ... n"n "II' ;,:, ... t'';;'', \ I'(}I r'),1'"\ D"c" h.'" k!: V I. "-" .... v i t ~ .. ). v,-vo_' \ 37 \ --\ --\ --\ r------\ \ \ ,~ ~ .... ................... \ ........-........... \ 209.37' J. Lo~ A aLA Rt~C No. ')f"\"&::. ""1CO,,"""1 L.UU""'U I h ....... VVU II . o o \0 C\I ...... w . C\I C\J C\J ~ C\I §E 1" 50' ,,~::, ~. ~. «' .g. .~ \Y. ........... . ........-................................. 5S7'37'3S-E 10.06' ..... r- <:) <D ~ , m ~ 810 z 1> c 101'\ .. L.: '~3·'t. ~~. I "\1\·~q --I' ' , I vv I o!: ,. .:. • - , • PLl!A9UTV!'ROR !'ttiNT IIa(I1II City of Renlon, a Mun/clp!' CorpOl'oUon SIrcot 1055 South Grady Way C/IyISIIIdZIp Renton WA 98057 Name _______________ _ ALI. TAlC 'UCll.HIIW •• U PortIon o( 'ax parcel #(s); AI .... ID YALU~ I' TAX U!Mn SlICer (Same 8a Grantor InformaUon) • LIlOAL DD!lCIUPTlON 01' 1'It0.IRTV SITUATtlD IN C \/NINCORI'ORATI!D __ ..... ___ COUH'I'Y • OR IN CITY OP .-,;R ... o;..,n ... lon;...;...._ 51reet Mlkcll(trJlfOPl'l}l hl/lqlrovod)1 .....,~-::;-_~~ _______________________ _ por1lonor /...07 B <;t K€MlJtJ L,Or "M AlliUSrt1JtjVr we ~tC'4 ,11(;" kJ...8 fA@ 0M)ft 11'P"j ~!.MII!51 .Q@OtH~I''1 (/1A1YI&R. /kOQ{lUgqdQQiI In tho City of Renton. King County, WaGhlnglon. I. ,III. properl)' .a"enlly: yes NO altllned or dellllIlIled It rornlllnd? Chapin"''') RCW C (I etlnllled It CIIrmtI_llnd (""....,._ rann a Ind 11I'1clI11Urtl, or dmb1r)7 0IIpIer ... .,4 lCW III 1M 1lxellll'11Iono PftIIIC'IIt " .... -..eli, lIfIIIIIul1cUI7 011 .......... l6 lCW SeDe,'seacrrctl Res-No. ReedYlq 11*111 vaIIIldon II hItIatIc popcrty1 t'IIIIpNt .... 26 RCW r'13ort)'''''.' .11nd ... 1y WId with pmlonl)' ...... 1IIlI1d11l8 limberOlll)t Prlndpll UII. 0 Api. (4+ unit) o lilllbc, 0 aplcullllni o other o 1II1II wllb _ bwlldln. 81tD11 wliit mobile home bolIdl", 0IIIy Oraldcnllll O--"lIInd-',1 (I) NOT1CI! 0' CON'rnn1ANC1l (Jl.CW I4J3 OR RCW 14.34) Jrlllll new _-<.) oI'ltItcIlbal It clmllied or~ II ..mm un or 1b ..... lomoS wlIIo 10 .-_dIe .I.rllcldoll or ............. or NCh . 11IId. tile _ -<I) nnlSl -\all below.ltlllll_ ownor(" cIo IlOl dun 10 cDn~_11IClt cllllllllclllOll ordulpallon,.n~. or """,Iollll, •• nleulatedpallllll1llO It~ 14.3).1201nd 140 orRCW 14.l4.IOI .... n btdllllllllllli)'lhloltylllelllJaorlrlndelot altlro tlnM orille. The COIItII1I-m .. delcmtllIO ItIlM W.lnnlflmd quaIIflCllD _1intIe clulillcalloa or cIeIlpatIon ..... liliiii10 btcIJcIlO below.S' ... _dOlIOf_rlly_ ... ,. ... wlllrerna1nln cl.-Illnt"'" or d ...... IIiotI.1t II 110 ..... ., ..... "11et.11 will be _\lid and.". compe_I"'.OI will be IppIMd. AD ___ I .i~ TIII.I,nd C1doe1 CI doelllotqUlllf)' (or COIIIln_ DIIe _____ _ Ollcrlprlon orpa.on.1 .. opt")' illCluded In lion nilins "riu. boll. I.aalble (0,: flrinllure. equlpmenl, ele., or lallnlible (es: goodwill, Ipcel1lenl nol 10 olllll,..le, Clc.) If ... mpl1011 clol"".1I1I WAC number ..... ~Xpl .... llon. WAC No. (StdSub)-.:.4;;,;58;..,oB;..,1;;..,At-;.:;2;,;;O,;..5 ________ _ l!JIplmn'lrOP Tralllrer 10 memment for a pubUc pumoso. Typo or DoculMnl Deed 01 DadlGaUon DIIC orDocUmCnl ______________ _ Oro .. Sellin, PrIce s, _________ O~ • .;;09;.. PcnoRlI.Prop.,!)' (deduCI) , _________ _ Taxlbl. Sellin. Prlc. , _________ _ B.clnTI., SII" $, _________ _ ~.IS, ____________ ___ .O.lInquenllnl .. c .. : Stal. $, ___________ _ ~I',------------------Dcllioquenl'enlUy $, ___________ - TOIII Duo S, _________ -.;O::,:.O=O A MIHIMUM 0' 12.00 IS DUB A8 A PROCnsSIHO Fnll ANIl TAX. !)al .. rtd S/""bI~ or AffiDAVIT Cr."'ttlAltDI ___ ~_-_-=-:-_....,~_-__ N ..... (prilll) _--lK:lI.\a.s..tlo.lh.YL-IK::..leiO,lo.Juki:o.le ... rl...,.-..LM~a:!.;Yuo"'-Jri--_ Ronlon.WIt. h,'ary, Peljury h IClus C (0",,", which llpunbhab1. by l...,t\Io_'1n Ibo 11110 _tlollll .... tllulloa Ibn mnlmullllcfm 0(Il0l more tha .. n"" yatI. Of by. 1100 In .n _III n.ed 1»' .... _ or Il0l_ rhttI nyc ,boIII.nd doll ... ($S,OOO,OO), or by both Imprlsonmenl .nd line mcw 9AJO,OlO (19). IItlV 14 0001. /J.I"99)(I'D 4.Q~ IIOR mBASURER'S use ONLY nCOUNTV TRDASUR Illl 110nPT. Oil ItRVIINUR jCOUNTY Al/!lI!!lSOll urAXPAVOIt .J ' ... After [ec~!:.~~tur+l..t{):~-'--'--.--'''~ . ./~a Rosenstein .~ HANSON BAKER LUDLOW DRUMHELLE~ P.S. 2229 -11th Ave NE, Suite 200 / , Bellevue, W A 98004 / ~ .,'/ ....... --. ~-------~.-... corporation, and the TURNAROUND is entered into this __ day of Corporation ("KBS"), a Washington municipal corporation. property legally described on Exhibit A (the Renton an easement (the "Easement") turnaround and access longer be necessa Burdened Property, inc ,cross Burdened Property in the location described on Exhibit Band , ent Area"); .. and access by emergency vehicles over the Easement Area will no . Place NE is connected to a public through street to the north of the g but not limited to Lyons Place NE; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: W: \ WPDOCS\2402SI007IRLM0326.DOC 02/16/07 Page C~OErTON 0 RE 'VE FEB 2 ·OREC'D PLAN REVIEW R~lroOED FEB', -. REC'D q PLAN REVIEW I AGREEMENT 1. Grant of Easement. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, KBS hereby grants and conveys to Renton a temporary, non-exclusive easement over, across, and upon the Easement Area. 2. Purpose of Easement. The Easement is granted solely for the purpose of construction, maintenance and use of an access and turnaround area for emergency vehic:. 3. Termination of Easement. The Easement shall a further action by KBS and/or Renton upon the legal connection of Ily terminate without any NE with a/public right-of-4- way to the north of the Burdened Property. 4. Release and Indemnity. Renton hereby responsible for, any injury or damage to persons Easement, and shall defend, indemnify, and hold Renton's activities on any portion of KBS's ...... n,nprT't except to the extent that any such injury or damage is KBS. This agreement to release, indemnify and hold damage or injury to the Burdened the claims, and shall survive the termination 5. Dated this I ' / . ;/ , I J ~ • ' ___ L __ .~\ \. t'~k. \ I \ \ '~l l3 ' I 'T. . ____ --' "~~ r------- W:IWPDOCS12402SIOO7\RLM0326.DOC 02/16/07 Page 2 ",,,on,,nTc herein contained shall owners thereof for the term of inure to the benefit of and be S DEVELOPMENT CORPORA TION: By: ______________________ __ Kolin Taylor, President CITY OF RENTON: By: ____________________ ____ ___________ , Mayor Attest: _________ , City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the day of , 2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of Corporation individuals described in and who executed the within instrument, and that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and mentioned. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING Public in and W:\WPDOCSI2402S\OO7\RLM0326.DOC 02/16/07 __ -'-'-'---__ , 2007, before me, a Notary commissioned and sworn, came ,..--____ ----:-_' personally known or having and of ----corporation that executed the foregoing the free and voluntary act and deed of said purposes mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she/they on behalf of said municipal corporation. the day and year in this certificate first above written. Print Name: ____________ _ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Expiration Date: ___________ _ Page 3 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BURDENED PROPERTY Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136- LLA, recorded under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; Except that portion of said Lot B dedicated to City purposes pursuant to the Deed of Dedication, County Recording Number ______ ----, Situated in the City of Renton, King County W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\RLM0326.DOC 02116/07 Page 4 EXHIBITB LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREA 1'\' 90't./;ismetcr· Em<lfg:t.1llJ,ll A,cc;o~~ HasCll11t"nt.,. rho centa of wbich is dust:ribed .Im Iblinws: JAt 8 m(,1ty of Renton lot Line Arlj lJ:~ttr"'!tn (-lIe 'Ntlr1iber LU A-t'l4·l j~U.A. ,tiled ulld~ King COW1tyRec.'Oflfing N umbel' 200~(H 1990001 J, Situated in the City, ofRcllwn", King Counli:Yi i\~Winil1~n~ MuT1:t'prartloularly d'~'i:tibed itS .fbllows~ '~tl~J~g:l!ll:ibe S(yuth\~~tJier ~f$3;Ud l.ot~'g~, .... . .. a1tl1n;(!et~t)l81o:ri3$'tj, ~~,al~n!l'tht: $.~;t'",$\~,siliit' i~lB.~ ,a,dlsr.ini~ 01';1 !i~$O · :f@ho th~itlt.~wtiofHi:f $(t(it~ ~O'trt'b:nfl,eiu;td','.I~~ile,dJjlc, of K1tStlili\:V~1tu,e MOltthcflsti'M.tl.tneJ:tttgimdnlQf 1:l. ctfrVe$d~nl't~s~fd~lme~ '. . t'h~noo;nl'!rib~ya"dlsmrtooof 5').44. fOOt.L\k~ffS} 1hp'curVe OOiWilv'e'tofue,C'ast. baWtn:g fi rntJ~tl.$ t,1f.2$O;OO f~{ ittld;.a(.'¢1ltmlaqsleQ:lf149S~M'!' i:olhe cootim: ofSlli,rj AccesS Efl.'it".":l'oelit. CWtlf!1(!t:tcj'r~,ai ibe: SouthwCtlt C'urtl:cr ",rt~t.a ·of (2!tr.,~trRe:rtlon l,nl.:LJn~.Adjus6m~ftft,. File N\imbCftQA~Cl4'·U()..;.tJ.,i\m~ :Ui~der .Kita.g:¢Qiljtn~~ ~~dingN\lltlbet 2006Q'1 HJ.9000l t; . : t~r:~ SiJntTj tf1"31~lS" htj: along, tI:iI\t.St:1I!ltli:n,Mm:nf;s:niti;t(lt:.8,admlllllde, t1if l. LoSO fcei:fu . , . um'b~JJljl'f$, l'IKlTcrul'\i'e; mtUaltO'6id ~lltirlffli¢'~k1 ~~r:'Ri~' P6Jiit: {j~8ellft'tiiD': . fN;nCfi NhrthCl'ty~dtgjJj~ of129;cJ2':fOOt a~~~';¢;~e'\!:01i'ef)vtw th!fl :lifi$(.:b~,~it1gi3· TGitt~fJ&(fr21 Umi~ .mttla mn1:n;i! lJng~i.\hl!Jr~2::~*'t: : . ~pqul;!t:iS~lutb. $1~3nS:t"E~t. it1t)ll~ 'lbc' Nt#th,IliU~. ~f:~;tt)1 B. il dL'ft.e'clcf!'~$~r~~t tl}U p6.~.~.(lf.(l~:(;sI!,\'. J'CUrtJ~~OOiC6~ 10 tlW ~lUA~~g!~irn~'itJii,ofZ2~;OO'fooiaiM.ll,;c~tm.J ;im,g1c .of:3l:~~8~tJi:\d:b~ij)!t s~lftUit1i1iOO.'by,tI. c1b;oo! Whf$t·fl.".~:St;luth~:So.54,.tS J'llW~~ 13UAO.,~; ¢I:I'I~~ Suui._1Y<iJ,Q~ ~i.thiwve. f;l dislnllQO pft3'i2l l&et\ . , . ilimw MOOb F;f7;J6~ W~t~ alullg ~t(j·Sf:lumlbm; m.ili~1 If. ili.'11{J Nli~~. ~ (t~!Illtmt~~t 4i;(I(I~e:t to ~ 'ljn~~ Ptl~lIt fifBtltgPiltml!l!t, . Stftra1j.hi !he: City \It RWlUm,. COt1fl~Y of ;Kji.1~, Slate j)f 'Wll~J.ri :Al'~!l~tridi'lS.ct:tIQ:rl~. 1'6wl!lsJJJp 23 Ni)rth, Rrul~~5ffi'_Qf, ttj~".Wi.u1mierl]t'MtlridWJ~, .. W:IWPDOCS\2402SI007IRLM0326,DOC 02/16/07 Page 5 · .. EXHIBIT C DEPICTION OF EASEMENT AREA W:IWPDOCSI2402SIOO7\RLMOJ26.DOC 02116/07 Page 6 . '?"'{i,;-'0 ", ... ~ .• ~ : .,' • ."':.. . CITy'.F RENTON Kathy Keolker.Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department GreggZimmerman P .E., Administrator Curtis Shuster 12320 NE 8th Street'Ste#10d Bellevue, WA 98005 SUBJECT: 'WINDSTONE(S) 2, 3 &4 UTILITY COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 'UTILITIES REQUIREMENTS- U050054 (WINDSTONE 2 -UTILITIES), U060075 (WINDSTONE 2 -STREET LIGHTS), U050128 (WINDSTONE 3 -UTILITIES), U060074 (WINDSTONE 3 -STREET LIGHTS), U050149'(WINDSTONE 4.-UTILITIES), STREET LIGHTS PERMIT NOT ISSUED YET; Dear Curtis, As this projects moves to completion, they enter a new phase which I will refer ,to as projects close-out. The purpose of this letter is to highlight the subject areas in recording the Windstone (s) plat and short plats. All of these items discussed below need to be completed for e'ach project. • Construction Concerns: I will be working with the utility inspector, Dan Thompson, toin~ure 'that the project has installed ALL of the improvements, including sewer system, stormwater system,' roadway improvements,· landscaping. as shown o'n the approved mylars and has a final walk through and sign-off by the' inspector. Tl=1isincludes any punchlistitemsfrom the inspector and/or the City Maintenance, Division. The construction permit for the 'project must be signed off by the in'spector, prior to recording the plat and/or short plats. As-Built Concerns: ' The construction permit plan mylars must be checked-out' from the sixth floor public works counter and updated or replaced with a complete As-Built plan set All plan sheets, including those constructed per design, must be verified, stamped and sign~d as As-Built by a licensed surveyor or engineer. rhe mylars are labeled As~Builtin large block letters and stamped by a PE orPLS. . The 9ivil drawings shall accurately reflecttheconstructiol') activity. The,civil drawings, also need to show all sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems ea!)ernerits which shall be consistent with the As-Built location of the utility. Once the above have bee'n addressed, submit two sets .'of As-Built blue lines of the civil drawings to my office. The inspector will be reviewing the 'bluelines and if all is in order I will then call for the civil mylars to be returned~ These final mylars must be " ,submitted for our permanent records. " ' , Construction Cost· Data Concerns: ' Bills of Sale and Cost Data inventories must be prepared and submitted for our review, approval', , ,and recording for all improvements being t\Jrned over to the City (sewer main, stormwater, . roadway, streetlights). Tbese forms are to reflect only those ;facilities that will be turned over to th'e City., Examples of items that are NOT turned over are side-sewer ,stubs, private sewer -----,,---:.---:-~~~---,----"--,----,---~--~,·T 0 N >, 1Q55 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 , * This pap~r c6n;ain~ 50% re~ed materi'al, 30% post cOnsumer .. A HEAD OF T~E C {fRYE .. , ..... Close_out letter .' •• .. , . systems and. priv~te~torin drainage facilities. Return the original forms to my office (both . ar~ enclosed). . '.'.' . . . .. . After the construction.'.permitis signed off by the inspector,. amaintenance bond must be posted with the Cityf9r' ·10%.oflhe ·value of the improvements to' be .turned over to :the City; Sample forms f6r ·the maintedanc'e' bonds ·enclos~d. The. permit bond will' be released upon receipt and . acceptance' of the maintenance bond, of th~a:bove documentation and' final .sign';ciff by the' inspector. . . Utility Easements· . .' . For the short-plats,'. final utilitY·,e~sements. for the publicly owned' arid maintained City's utilities on . . the site must be s·ubmitted,. approved, and recorded.' Please subniit a'lI easenientsfor our reyiew andapprovaF before .signing· and notarizing by' the propertY owner .. 'We will return fot final. sigriatureal1d n'otarJz~tion'once . the legal' description ·and ~asemeritforms have. been approved by our Technical Se~lc~s.Section.. '. . . ..' .' .. . For the plat the puhliceasements shall be shown on' the face oUhe final platdrawings; ,_.: " ,,~·-;f:,~~";~: .. "t'!~h.-::;"~ -<,\~, '.:'~ . .y' Mitigation fees .lor the' projects! ar,e:" '., .' , i ,", . k r,: '.' .~'~ .. ',' :~ -, '\ ... · ... h.' " Parks Windstone II .·:;9.1~~,fx:~~??5 ~6lpt ~~"'::~~{flg!~f;~,488\;PO;$/lbt'~~ '. '~'Iots x:530.7S·$/lof· .. ' Windstone III .... ,0 lots x71 ~.75 $tlot{~~\~' ,5.·lbts,~:~88.0P$/lot Y' .. S 'Iots x S30.7S$/lot . -. Q iits :~~~17~ 75;$1;~."*' ~";':"~~~iib""";is""',;;"':t~:;;-4-88-' ~.-OP?-, .,;..$I""'iio,....l-".·~:,;.~. -1-. -9.:.... l-ot-s-x-S-3-0-.7-S"""'· $'"""'/1-0.-' ~ Windstone IV . ::.. '.";.:. ' ..••. '.. .... . ::~.(~ .' ~ .;:t' t> .. cC d' . .~ ~~ ~~ I 1 General \ . '?:' . ,,' ·,;i>.I .. ,Y . '" ~ -.; . Submit letters Clf acceptance o;"the'w~ter system, f9(eaph:~rbj:~ct·,~~oh, Water District #90. Once you have the paV9n:lent instailed.in wi~~ist.on~ ~V, ~Ie~§e'~~ntact Jun Aesquivel(42S) 430- 7301 to coordinate the installation' of the gu~r.g~r~il.~rjdsigns that may be necessary due to thE;! narrower roadway' al1d·.r!ght-of-way width.' "~ .... ' .... '. Please note tl')at r'evi~w "'an~ approval may take .several weeks, longer if there are cor.recti6ns'. required .. Ihese' jt~ri1s'sh~:)uld .besLibmitted assool'i as possible to' allow timef9r proceSSing.' .' If you would like. to '~chedulea'h1eeting to discuss the public works construction closeout process,. or to answer questions tl1at.you.mayhave, please lefme know at (425)'430-7278.·' ." ." Thank you for yoLir coop~r~~ion.· Sincerely, . . pc: Kayrer:l kittric~ Dan Thompson ',', .. From: To: Date: Subject: Carrie Olson Fries, Juliana 01/22/200711:17:09AM Re: Windstone III -Mit fees Okay, noted. Thanks »> Juliana Fries 01/22/200711 :09 AM »> Carrie, Windstone III had one lot that was part of Windstone (or Stoneridge plat). So the Mit fees for 1 lot have been paid. Fire, Transportation and Parks Mit fees should be for 5 lots. Please see me if you have any questions Thanks J cc: Kittrick, Kayren .j CITY .F RENTON PlanningIBuildingJPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator December 8, 2006 Stephen Woods, P.L.S. 33701 9tll Ave S Federal Way WA 98003 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Woods: WINDSTONEm SHORT PLAT LVA-04-124 The review submittal on the above~mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies ofthe short plat drawings and any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: I. Contact .Juliana Fries, Plari Revie~er, at 425-430-7278, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. See the attachment for what is missing from the "DECLARATION': block (Sheet 1 of 3). . . 3: The "DECLARATION OF ~COVENANT" block (Sheet 1 of 3) does not agree with the teX:t noted in the City's memo dated January 18,2005. 4. DECLARATION OF COVENANT:. The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the 'Jew easement(s) shown on this shortplat to any pnd all future purchasers of th~ lots, 'or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat . 5. See the attachment for circled items that need to be addressed. 6. Provide tl;1.e bearing to center f~r the nontangent curves on the right of way margins of Kitsap Place NE. at some point along the right of way margin or provide Clear indication that the bearing .of the southern boundary of said right of way is radial. 7. Change th~ year reference ("2006" on Sheet 1 of 3), ifthe recording takes place after the first of ~~ . . 8. Comments regarding the Deed of Dedication document: Prbvide the bearing to 6e~ter for the non- tangen!. curve at the NW comer of proposed Lot 4 (note in the lega' description and on the Map EXhibit). In addition, note t~e pertinent indexing info~ationon the Map Exhibit. 9. Comments 'regarding the Easeme~t for Emergency Access document: Note the_pertinent quarter '. . section, section, township and ra.nge;' plus "W.M" on both Exhibit "A" ,ari~· .. Exhib' '.'''.. '~()f the. . . (:\PIanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\ Windstone m SHPL 06L ChangeRequestStop.doc . . . . , . . . .' .',' .' RE~TON 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 ® This paper contains' 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHI,lAD O'F THE CURVE I'Page 2 . . . • e . December 8, 2006 access easement. A Temporary Access Easement document (Rec~ No. 20051201000095) is to .' terminate with the recording of the subject Deed of Dedication document. Is t~e Easement for Emergency Access document also temporary; ifso terms.oftetmination shouldbeiricludedTNote: . The short plat drawing (Sheet 3 of'3) shows an arrow pointing to. the easement area,' which is identified as a."45' Radius T(!mporary TumaroundEasemerit"; Shouldn't said reference' be to the "EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS" document, .witha space provided for the recording numbe~ thereof? Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. " .' . ~incereIy, ·~K(·~ Carrie K.Olson . Deve~opment Services, Plan ;Review' .' . ',I.,' FAXED TO: Stephen Woods, CenterPointeSurveying, FAXtb253'~66J-7n9 . " '~~:. :' . ,'., ". , ...... . .' La "''.' A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 0 CITY OF RENTON, DECLARATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY 'MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 5B.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENy..N ..... WrTNES-S-WRERET~R~I'fA'VE-SH-QU~s.. , AND SEALS. (~ :I-<ACC~ WITH1tEtlEeIR~ by: Ko lin B. Tay lor President-K8S Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Solomon V. Avzaradel Treasurer-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation ~ OWt.JE:AS I / ----~ -,--$. -~~ Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-K8S Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Washington Federal Savings, a United States Corporation by: its: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: THE OWNER OF LAND EMBRACeD WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN DESCRIBED 00 HERE8Y MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 HEREON e~i ~:=~, TO, CONVEY THE BENE.F.ICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS ~ " ,. . .MOWN', Ot:l T~tS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS <' ,,', ',S~~VI,$,tOt-l':J'tt·!i;~I;OF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LANO AS SHOWN ON THtS SHORT' PLAT. " APPROVALS: EXAMINEO AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF _---;-_____ 2006 . . ~ ". CITY OF RENTON AOMINISTRAT.oR:oF :P~A'NN.lNG/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS , , '. KING COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: EXAMINED AND APPROVEO THIS DAY OF 2006. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSDR J, e N:,' RANGE 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES: ...... , .. 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC (GEOOIMEiTER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 1201076, DATED AUGUST 18, 2006. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 6, 2004, THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE DIV. III HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE DIV. III HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE, AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. 6) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE j. APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL SHORT PLAT RECORDING, WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANTED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. :.~~~:~ E~::~V~~A~$ ?~: A~~~~~~~~~~ SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE'miNERS OF LOTS 5 AND 6: SHALL HAVf <!AN '" EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN. THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPiJNSIBILITY .~OR 'M~lNTENA'NCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGNAGE. AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED. UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. /' ·.t ./ /// / .' ~ PLANNINGIBUILDINGI .::Ie ~o~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT &~~Q ?~d . ;/~ /)j;~ iT ~ ,~ M E M 0 RAN DUM <I'.tt~"ir -------------------------------------------~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 24, 2006 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 69 WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Deed of Dedication • Easement for Emergency Access • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks . APProVaJ~~ ,0~)9r'LiuorfJV ,Date: I~~~ Robert T ac Orne, Jr. Sonja F er Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone iii shpl 03m ts review & pr closeout.doc I .. 1- CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: December 8, 2006 TO: Carrie Olson FROM: Sonja I. fesser ~ SUBJECT: Windstone III Short Plat, LUA-04-136-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and 1 have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: . Comments for the Applicant: See the attachment for what is missing from the "DECLARATION" block (Sheet 1 of 3). The "DECLARATION OF COVENANT" block (Sheet 1 of 3) does not agree with the text noted in the City'S memo dated January 18,2005. DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement(s) shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat See the attachment for circled items that need to be addressed. Provide the bearing to center for the nontangent curves on the right of way margins of Kitsap Place NE at some point along the right of way margin or provide clear indication that the bearing of the southern boundary of said right of way is radial. Change the year reference ("2006" on Sheet 1 00), if the recording takes place after the first of the year. Comments regarding the Deed of Dedication document: \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Ptats\0399\RY061208.doc December 8, 2006 Page 2 Provide the bearing to center for the non-tangent curve at the NW corner of proposed Lot 4 (note in the legal description and on the Map Exhibit). In addition, note the pertinent indexing information on the Map Exhibit. Comments regarding the Easement for Emergency Access document: Note the pertinent quarter section, section, township and range, plus "W.M" on both Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" of the access easement. A Temporary Access Easement document (Rec. No. 20051201000095) is to terminate with the recording ofthe subject Deed of Dedication document. Is the Easement for Emergency Access document also temporary; ifso terms of termination should be included? Note: The short plat drawing (Sheet 3 of3) shows an arrow pointing to the easement area, which is identified as a "45' Radius Temporary Turnaround Easement". Shouldn't said reference be to the "EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS" document, with a space provided for the recording number thereof? H:\Fi\e Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short P\al~\0399\R V06120S.doc\b • DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 24, 2006 Juliana Fries, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Deed of Dedication • Easement for Emergency Access • Short Plat drawings . Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accented Related Comments NA i Project #s 7: As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements i Easement for Emergency Access (Water, Sewer, Hydrant, Emergency Access etc.) Deed of Dedication i Square Footage: 5,500 on Kitsap Place NE Restrictive Covenants Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond 0 Comments: Approval: ____________ '-:~:--_=-:--------' Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Juliana Fries Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone iii shpl 03m ts review & pr closeout.doc '. 'CIT~ IF RENTON Office of the City Attorney Lawrencc J .. Warrc'n . Senior Assistant City Attorll.cys ' . Mark Ii~r.lJcr Zanella L. Fonl~s . Ass.istant City Attqr,ncys ,-Ann S. Nielsen Gar~lOn Newsoi'lll: " -8II1I\VIl E. 'ArCh ~". .. MEMORANDuM '. (;1' , \.n:'II~~·""~loJ ' R E eEl Ve.1J To:. Carrie Olson, Plan: Review . OCr 2 '62006' BUILDING DIVi$ION - . From: . Lawrence 1. Warren, 'City Attom~y October 25,,2006 , . Date:. SubJect: . Wiridstone Ir'Short Plat, LUA04-124, Deeds'ofDedicati~n Revie.w , . ..... . .. ; , . Windstone InS4<;>rtPlat, LUA04-136.:SHPL,.Deeds·QfDeqicatio!1 R~View ...... \' ~ . ~ " ~ TIn~deedisaPl)royed as to lega.f.fo~'8$ is the deed fo~'\Vi~dsto~e'UI. I wouldpt~sUme,.uDle~s ' there is ,a specific question, that I do ·oot·need:'t6 reVi¢.w:tlie_~~da~d fo~ de~d .. of dedicatiori. The oiilY're~change -is in the legals: and I don't,checkthQse.\ ':, '.: ". . . ~ ~' . . . ." . ," . . , LJW:tn1j .' cc: JayCov~gton . Gregg ZinpIiermart, PE ,;" "~ . . ~ ~' .' "",.' " , . ! . .; . '.~ '. : 't. : ... , .. , ~ '.' .. :' .. , '. ... ' .. . ",' ~. , ' " ..... ' .. ,....;, . ::::: . ., . ,.,.' " . ~. I.. ....' ..•. , ;." -'. ' .... " .( .... ' I: J< : ; .. , . ~, -, " : .. ' ,- CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board .. Staff Contact. ..... Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 I AID: For Agenda of: November 6,2006 Agenda Status Consent. ............ . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. City of Renton code for new short plats and the Ordinance ............ . Windstone ill Short Plat (LUA04-136) Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examinier's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/A Old Business ...... .. New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept. ...... .. Finance Dept. .... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/ Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X The area to be dedicated for additional right-of-way is a strip of land approximately 42' x 132' (5,544 sq.ft.) used to create the extension of Kitsap Place NE. This is a Hearing Examiner's condition of the Windstone III Short Plat, LUA04-136. Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Windstone III SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9046 Project File #: LUA-04-136-SHPL Street Intersection: Kitsap Place NE and Lyons Place NE Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ , Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. KBS Development Corp. I. City of Renton, a MuniclI>al C~oration LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) A portion of the following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 200601199000 II, Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. ADoroved and Acceoted Bv: Grantor(s): KBS Development Corp. Grantee(s): City of Renton Kolin Taylor Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie 1. Walton, City Clerk INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 1 Revised 7-25-2006 Fonn 84 OOOl/bh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) r certity that r know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ __ --:--:-______________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print}. ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that r know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _ --:--:--:-:--:--:--~--__:_----:---:-:__--signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print} ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of _____ , 20 __ , before me personally appeared to me known to -------------------------------------~-:---be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mlOlltioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print} ______________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOO dw Page 2 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit A Legal Description • Project: Windstone III WO# Pro GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: Kitsa Place NE and L ons Place NE Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment, File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060119900011; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 111.50 feet to the beginning of a curve radial to said line and the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly a distance of 129.92 feet along the curve concave to the East, having a radius of 271.00 feet and a central angle of 27°28'05 "; thence South 87°37'38" East, along the North line of said Lot B, a distance of 48.57 feet to a point of cusp on a curve concave to the East having a radius of229.00 feet and a central angle of 33°04'58" and being subtended by a ·chord which bears South 18°54'51" West 130.40 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, a distance of 132.23 feet; thence North 87°37'38" West, along said South line, radial to said curve, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. EXPIRES 5 - 2 3 -2.CtJ 7 1459 WS3 road dedication2.DOO dw Page 3 Revised 7-25-2006 -- - Exhibit "B" 42' Road Dedication N o ~ .... UJ , .... o ~ .... o In .z 144.14' m 111 . 50 ' :-..: 42 . 00 ' " ~ ~ ~~ , S87 '37' 38"E 153.50') ) r ) 'll I ,1"1 ~: I v .... ff !.tJ I ~~ ~!> "5 I (;) EXPIRES05-23-2007 Q) o ~ ~ !\ ~ 42' ROAD DEDICATION 5500 SO.FT. I ~ -l.O, d BLA R,~c ::0. 2a06a~19900C11 587'37'38"E 150.86' P!dt ()f stO:1~~ Rtdq~~ , A 1/ A U/;ndc.L """) \" ( .. 1"'\' \f""\ I ••• I ... ) ,,0. I~"" 'v'()L 2.30, Pgs. 6~-55 37 I \ \ \ r----------\ \ ," "OJ \ \ .............. \ .............. \ 209.37' j. Lo~ :... aLA R,~c No. 2GD50~~9900v}1 o o In N .... UJ .. C\I C\I ~ C\I C> Z 1" 50' 3:1 ~. ~. ...- «' -g. .~ v>. ....... ....---...- 587'37'38"£ 10.06' .... r-- o CD 3< , (T) .... ~ ~I '? .. J lJ '0 :1'1 \, • . ~£. 'O~.£1 \ t-- "'\1\'~9 ~ -->;'\ , , I vv I i .I' , ,. , r J ~ §-II ~ ~ r -100' e ",,~ r IlL M1'SC! i i i i I i i .. ! 0323015 9280 ..... .., 032306 032305-9159 (I," Ao.) 7 ~ ';;-'~r l:!; =05 III /"'u,~, /" I 032305 I 03= ~ !!08, I I t-/ ~~10 9173 ... ;' ,,' / 7 / /,/ / ... / /' .. t ;, , . . ' ~ i I') -i ZS II I i I ~~ IIg lS m / I ", I I§i i ~ ~ ~ r;~ I ~ ~ i : ~I f J ~ ~ ;:,11 .,1 iN ~'" i ~!~~ f3 I ::!i'i~ ~ 1 _\:t~~ 51 I ~' ::I ..-0( \ i % i ~ \) I l ~.co .. ·..,. §I ~ ~ Minutes OWNER/APPLICANT: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUE'ST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: ". OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KBS HI LLC 12320 NE 8th Street, Ste., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 R. A. and Beverly Wolf 14702 SE I 05th Place Renton, W A 98059 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 18215 72nd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Windstone III Short Plat LUA 04-136, SHPL-H, LLA 1815 Nile Avenue NE March 7, 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site and a lot line adjustment. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on February I, 2005. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES Thefollowing minutes are a summary of the February 8,2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, February 8, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Windstone III Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Grading, Storm Drainage and Utility Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Nancy Weil, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055'. The lot line adjustment is going to affect a lot that was created in Stoneridge I, which was the pipestem portion to the south of this proposed site. The adjustment will take a portion of the parcel to the north and create Lot 34 on Windstone Ill. This lot line adjustment is being processed administratively and will have to be completed prior to recording of this short plat. Stoneridge J has not been recorded as of this date, it will be necessary for it to be recorded prior to the approval ofihe Jot line adjustment because that lot that is being incorporated into Windstone III does not exist. This is a shot plat approval for 6 lots 011 a 1.4 acre site proposed off of Kitsap Place NE an extension of the road coming off of Nile Avenue NE through the original Stoneridge subdivision to be extended from the south, north to a temporary cul-de-sac in Windstone 111. This is a vested site to the development regulations of the R-5, although the site is currently zoned R-4. This site was part of the annexation that tookplace in 2004 as part of the overall Stoneridge Development. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 4.92 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. The site topography is flat to rolling and slopes gently to the east with approximately 20 feet of elevation change across the width of the site. The site is vegetated sparsely with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense under story of forest duff and brush. There were no critical areas found on this site and therefore there was no Environmental Review conducted for this short plat. As far as the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) staff concluded that this proposal was in compliance with the policies under the Comprehensive Plan. Once the lot line adjustment is completed the site will consist of61,614 square feet. The minimum lot size for the R-5 zone is 7,200 square feet with a lot width of 60 feet for interior, and 70 feet for corner lots. All lots do comply with dimension requirements. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. . All compliance with building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. As proposed the revised short plat does comply with lot arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. The proposal does seem to comply with the lot size and shape regulations. The proposed subdivision would not create any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. Windstone JI] Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-13 5, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 3 Access for the proposed development is the extension of Kit sap Place NE and street improvements will be required along Kitsap Place NE. As far as the temporary turnaround, it will be noted on the plat that it is temporary and that the street will eventually go through to the next development. Staff recommends the establislunent of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements. Fire, Traffic and Mitigation Fees are to be imposed. The site gently slopes downward from the west to the east with a slope of approximately 5 percent. The property is described as sparsely vegetated with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense brush. The trees range from a 6-inch fir to 16-inch cedar, maple and fir. The proposal would remove all but 2 of the 21 trees indicated on the site. The proposed detached single-family development appears to be consistent with the existing uses in the area. . Staff is requ iring the planting of two new ornamental trees within the front yard setback area for all lots within the short plat. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISD impact fees. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. The storm water facility is located in the original Stoneridge I, this site will tie into that system. With the added lots, it is recommended that the CC&R's be amended to include the responsibilities of these lots to that original storm drainage facility. Due to the downstream capacity issues, it is· further recommended that the applicant comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention and water quality improvements. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I to the existing dowllstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 14 conditions. Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 nnd Ave S, Kent, W A 98032 stated that the applicant agrees with the conditions of approval of this plat. Richard Wolf, 14702 SE I 05 1h Street, Renton, W A 98059 asked if he wou Id have access to his remaining property with the addition of Kit sap Place NE? There will not be a barricade installed at the stub end of the street so that he could not access his property. He also inquired as to what the requirements were as to fencing the retention pond. The Examiner stated that that would be up to Mr. Wolf and the applicant to determine whether or not that is constructed. It may lead to some confusion. As to the fencing of the retention pond, it was developed under the King County Standards, and should be the same safety requirements. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated that fencing is required by King County Design Manual if it meets specific depths. Once there is a final design, there is a requirement in place for fencing. Kitsap would be a public road, it will need to be signed that someday it may go through. The difficulty with Mr. Wolf's request for access across there is that typically a barricade is put in place specificaIJy to prevent dumping and that it says "end of road". Between Mr. Wolf and the developer access may be made available. Windstone III Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-I35, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 4 .:.",," Mr. Potter stated that a six (6) foot cedar fence would be placed around the pond with the appropriate gates for access and maintenance as well as provide the safety for the stonn pond. With regards to the end of Kit sap, he stated that they would work with Mr. Wolf and provide him the access that he needs. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:33 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, KBS III LLC, represented by Wayne Potter, filed a request for a 6-lot Short Plat. This is a companion to the Windstone IV short plat located somewhat south of this site. They were both reviewed at public hearings on the same day and share a number of common elements. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # 1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City'S responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1815 Nile A venue NE. The subject site is located closer to Ilwaco Avenue NE, which is west of the subject site, than it is to Nile Avenue. The subject site is north of Sunset Boulevard and south ofNE 20th Street ifit were extended. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of low density single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family - 4 dwelling units/acre). The application for the short plat was submitted while the subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family - 5 dwelling units/acre) and the request is entitled to be reviewed under the R-5 Zoning standards. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 1.4 acres or 61,614 square feet. The subject site is a som,~what L- shaped parcel that is approximately 400 feet long (east to west) by approximately 125 feet wide. A dogleg at the eastern end of tile parcel runs south approximately 80 feet. 10. The site slopes downward toward the east at approximately 5% from approximately 450 feet to 420 feet. 1]. The applicant proposes preserving 2 of the approximately 23 trees found on the subject site. All other vegetation would be removed. Windstone III Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 5 • 12. The proposed short plat is part of a larger platting effort of surrounding property and will be served by roads, utility lines and a storm drainage system developed as part of the other plats. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 6 lots for detached single-family homes. 13. Kitsap Place NE will run from the south to the north through the western end of the site. A total of six lots east and west of Kitsap will be served by the roadway. There will be two lots, Proposed Lots 1 and 2, located west of the road that will directly access Kitsap. East of the roadway will be four lots. Two lots, Proposed Lots 3 and 4, will front along Kitsap while two other lots, Proposed Lots 5 and 6, east of those two will take their access from a 26-foot wide easement road running along the south margin of the parcel. 14. The density for the plat would be 4.92 dwelling units per acre after subtracting the area for roadways. 15. Current plans would have Kitsap end in a temporary cul-de-sac bulb established over portions of Proposed Lots I to 4. The development of the property north of the subject site would allow the extension of Kitsap to the north to complete a through-street connection to the north and east. Until that extension, there would have to be this temporary turnaround bulb serving the plat. 16. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has adopted an impact fee to outset impacts to schools in that district. The fee is $2,937.00 per single-family lot. 17. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 60 trips. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. These additional trips will affect traffic in the City and roads outside of the immediate vicinity of the subject site. 18. Stormwater control will be handled by a system constructed as part of the Stoneridge I Plat. The maintenance of that system wi II have to be shared by homeowners of this new plat. Staff has recommended that since the subject site is located within the May Creek sub-basin that the 1998 King County Manual, Level 3, be applied for both detention and water quality. 19. Sewer service will be provided by the City, while Water District 90 will provide domestic water. 20. The applicant did not propose providing any recreational amenities for the plat. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat, in an R-4 District, provides larger lots in an area with urban services. This plat helps widen the range of lot sizes for those who want more than a small single-family lot. 2. The applicant will be providing a portion of what will eventually be a connection to the City's street grid system but in the interim has provided a cul-de-sac that provides that emergency vehicles and other vehicles can reach the subject site and successfully turnaround. The turnaround will also serve other properties south of the subject site. 3. The development of the subject site will create impacts on the City's street system as well as its parks and recreational programs and its new residents will probably take advantage of the City'S emergency services. Therefore, applicant should pay mitigation fees to offset its impacts on roads, parks and emergency services. The City has a standard formula for computing those impacts and they will apply -.e Windstone III Short Plat ~.. i File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 6 to this development. The applicant will also be paying a fee to the Issaquah School District to help with school construction. 4. The property does not have any critical areas although its odd shape does create a few lots with odd shapes and necessitates a private access roadway for the more remote eastern parcels of the subject site. 5. The plat should increase the tax base of the City which along with the mitigation fees noted above, should help offset any other impacts on the community. The additional traffic and hubbub that the additional residents will bring to the area was anticipated by the development. 6. The fact that this plat will utilize some infrastructre from the adjacent development means that it residents wi II have to take part in maintenance efforts. DECISION: TIle short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The applicant shall note the yard setbacks are designated as follows: the front yard setback for Lot 5 from the southern property line and for Lot 6 from the northern property line. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. . The applicant shall ensure that the residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat that are not visible ITom Kitsap Place NE. The satisfaction of the completion of this requ!,·ement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. A homeowner's association or a maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the access road and improvements along the access road through Stoneridge I, prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee equal to $75.00 forieach new daily trip associated with the project, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated October 14, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". • Windstone TIl Short Plat -' , .,' File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 7 8. The short plat shall be required to comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements, outlines in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 9. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot yard setback area of all six lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to ret:ord a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates' that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 10. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single- family residence, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 11. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee equal to $530.76 for each new single-family lot, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Parks Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of tile short plat. 12. The applicant shall amend the Stoneridge Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to address the shared maintenance responsibilities of the storinwater facilities prior to the recording of the short plat. 13. The appl icant shall comply with the J 998 King C08unty Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and ,water quality improvements. 14. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer m~in through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. ORDERED THIS t h day of March 2005 FRED J. KAUF N . HEARING EXA INER TRANSMITTED THIS i h day of March 2005 to the parties of record: Nancy Weil 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Wayne Potter Barghallsen Engineers . I 821 5 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Richard Wolf 14702 SE 1051h Place Renton, W A 98059 e Windstone HI Short Plat " ~ .,: File No,: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 8 TRANSMITTED THIS 7th day of March 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section I OOGof the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or trot: discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make <I. written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section] ] 0, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21,2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Coun. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Coullcil. 6S086 NOltlNlHSlfM 'NOlH3IJ :rS :rtaA\f H1BIi -a9<l • :r-IO.I.SCNM SOOI/6 NOlONlHS'lfM '3M3T138 001. 3.1JI'lS '.I.33l:US HJ.S :IN OZCll NOUVOOdJOO lN3I'Id013IaQ ~ ~~ NOJ.mnr ~ .010 MI:l eli ,. e It e ., , fJ tt " -" ,. • , .. -It -, • It • • • • • • • • ,. .. " • .- " .. " " " " " -,. " " -tJ • • = " " " " " " " .. ,. .. • .. • ., 8 .. ~---.~.------------~.~;------------- Rt-8 I ; I ~ ~ "t:1 & "<::t< ..-. -,-.--.. --~.----.-.-----~ ! ~ ..... ' ... _. -.--~ ZONING 12fZlV(14 SE l04th SE 113th __ - -ReDID .. City lhnIt,o D6 ~ 'T1.~N R C;F. ~. 1/2 • • CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL, Submitting Data: Dept/Div /Board .. Staff Contact ..... . Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Windstone ill Short Plat (LUA04-136) 1 AlII: For Agenda of: November 6, 2006 Agenda Status Consent. ............ . x Public Heari~g: ' ";'c"'" I) " ':;7~ J~URR~NCE Corresponden,ct .. ,', 0" ,;.1'142 ~rtt -.OG ' Ordinance:: .';. D. r;1'?fAME ' , &N11lAlJf)AT~ R 1'· 'Uipl3,.ii.o. 'rJ (tJ7i"ijij:tx eso utlOn ... '. . . . , 1_ • . ',,' ~iJlkn)~. ' ~:2 ... 'IOI .. 11 I~V' Old Busmess~," rtJJUt ti).''-Ii.' (iu)(Dk4lOf-, , I-E-xh-i-b-it-s:-------------------I New Business.'.,I~~eq.n.2".JI ..... ~/;rJ,& , Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examinier's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/A Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept. ....... . Finance Dept ..... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/ Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted.. ..... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x X The area to be dedicated for additional right-of-way is a strip of land approximately 42' x 132' (5,544 sq.ft.) used to create the extension' of Kitsap Place NE. This is a Hearing Examiner's condition of the Windstone III Short Plat, LUA04-136. Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\ Winds tone III SHPL 05m AGNBILL. doc • • _ .. __ .. _.-!'" ___ ,. _._ "','U" ._-........... .. __ ~~-=:.. f _ .. _=-_I _.--_ .. ..: 1.. ._J Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 EASEMENT FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-6046 Project File #: LUA-05-060 Street Intersection or Project Name: Kitsap Avenue NE Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. KBS Development Corp. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation The Grantor(s), as named above, for or and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the above named Grantee, the following described property: Additional legal is on page __ of document. (Abbreviated legal description must go here.) Legal Description: A portion of the following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed under King County Recording Number 20060 1199000 11. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, grants and conveys unto the said Grantee an easement for ingress and egress over, under, across and through the following described real property in King County, Washington: This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, adininistrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of ___ -', 200 __ . __________ -', Grantor 1459 WS3 cul-de-sac Easement.doc\ Page I FORM 03 0008/bh '. INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ --:_--:-:---:-:---:--:-:-::---:-:--:--:-_----:---::--__ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print). ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS Notary Seal must be within box COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ ________ -:-:-__________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ___ ---:_-:--__ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORA TE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of , 20 __ , before me personally appeared ________ to me known to be of the of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: 1459 WS3 cul-de-sac Easement.doc\ Page 2 FORM 03 0008/bh .. Exhibit "A" Easement Description A 90' diameter Emergency Access Easement, the center of which is described as follows: A portion of the following described property: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment File Number LUA-04-136-LLA, filed urider King County Recording Number 20060119900011. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. More particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot B; thence South 87°37'3811 East, along the South line of said Lot B, a distance of 132.50 feet to the intersection of said South line and the centerline of Kitsap Avenue Northeast and the beginning of a curve radial to said line; thence northerly a distance of 65.44 feet along the curve concave to the east, having a radius of250.00 feet and a central angle of 14°59'5211 to the center of said Access Easement. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. EXPIRES 5-23-2&1tl7 Exhibit "B" Easement for Emergency Access 2 1 0' 121. 00 '121. 00' S87°37'38"E 153.50' EXPIRES 05-23-200 7 ~%~'&-.wrammzmaz 4 3 ~. ~ - e 1" = 40' DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 24, 2006 Larry Warren, City Attorney Carrie Olson, Plan Review, x-7235 WINDSTONE III SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL DEEDS OF DEDICATION REVIEW AS TO FORM Attached for your review is the Deed of Dedication required for the Windstone III Short Plat. Please review as to legal form. This document is not fully executed, but will be by the time of recording. Our target date for acceptance by Council is November 6, 2006. Please review and return comments to me as soon as possible. Thanks. Cc: Yellow File 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Windstone III SHPL 04m AttomeyDeedReview.doc . CITY I-F : RENTON . ' PlannihglBuilding/PublicWorks Department . Kathy Keolker, Mayor . Gregg ZimmermanP.E.t Administrator October 5,2006 --Y Stephen Woods, P.LS.L[... ~ . '33701.9th Ave S . , . FederarWay W A 98003 SUBJECT: WINDSTONE:n:i: SHORT PLAT LUA':Q4-J,l4" /3&. Dear Mr. Woods: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat.has'been completed arid the following comments have .. been retU~ed. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. 0Pcechanges. have been . . pompletedplease resubrriit three copies of the short plat draWil1gs and any other related ~ocuments. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: .' . . . -. . . . . .' '.; . '. '. . 1. Gontact Juliana' Fries, Plan. Reviewer,. at 425-430~7278, for requirements to be completed on the civil construCiionportion to your project. Other misc.conn:nents' froni. Jl:lliana;are as follows: 1. Amendment to CC&R's is required to includ~ Wihdstone ill lots responsibility of pond·maintenance. 2; Deed of Dedication for new street is.required. 3 .. Cul-de;.sac.ea~emeritfor fire turi1~aroundls required .. 2 .. ' Note the cotrect .City of Renton land use::ac'tiou'rtumber (LUA-04-136-SHPL)on the. drawings; " The "LUA" number does not need·the ending "H"~tta:chedto sairlpumber.' Als'o note the land record number (LND-20-0399) on the dl'a~ngs. .' ,'. . '. . .3 .. Note what was set at the SW.comer of proposed: Lot5> ' 4, Note all. easements; covenants and agreements 0'£ record on the ·drawing. Chicago Title Insurance. Company Short Plat Certificate, Order No. '1201076,~dated August 18,2006, notes eleven(ll) items, under the "EXCEPTIONS" s~ction, that need .. to be noted on the short plat drawing under the . "DOCUMENTS OF RECORD" title (Sheet 200). ,,:' . .• 5. Note whether the lands north of proposed Lot 2 (Sheet30f 3) areplatterl (give plat and lot number) or . unplatted. . '. . . . . . 6. See the attachment for addressing information. Note said addresses on the short. plat drawing itt the· spaces already proVid~d. . , . . . . 7. There are two blockS noted on Sheet 2 of 3 'that refer 'to drairiage' easements. However, there. ate no specific drainage easements or wetlands noted.ori the 'short p~at submittal. 8. The decla~ation.block ~n the drawing is incorriplet~(firs.t paragraph) . . ' ." ; '. . . ·9 .. The location ofthetemporary tumardimd ~a:s~ment on the short pI~t 'dra.wingdo~s .. ndt agreemth the. easement docl1n).ent. .: ... . -, . . lO;Proyide the b~~uingto center for the nontangent c'ilrves~a}()llg Kltsap Place~E,'at the comers co~onto. Lots 3 & 4 and Lots 1and.2. ':-. '. . I:\Pla~eview\COLSON\Shortplatsf006\ Windst~ne III SHPL 02L C·hangeReq~estStop.doc ~" . ----.--, 1':""O-55-'-S-o--u'-t1t~Gr-a-d-Y-W"""a~y-~ R-e-n-to-n,-w-a-s-hi-n~-to-'~-' .-98-=-:9:....5'5---'-------'--R E' N T 0 'N AHEAD. OF THE~ CURVE. ,'. ., '." .. P~ge2 . o'ctobei.5; 2006 .. '. , .... : . "''";'" .1 i. The dimension~ givetifOl~' the curVe data for said Kits~i? Place NE areconfusingassho~ .. The' "L" is " noted· as 129.92' or 134.23:' . (depending on which . side :Of the· .street-one is looking).. Those nUmbers · r~present the-TOT,ALlength of the curve, but not the indi0dual·lot·lengths.The "TOTAL" lengthis .erroneouslyhqted on each lot. Note theindividual Iength~·on· each-lot. . .'. . ~ '. . .,', . . '..' .' . .'. . . 12 .. :Ther~are two separate Pe~laration of Covenarit stateme~ts hated on.SheeU·of 3. One is noteq within · tpe "DECLARA TI()~,j 'blo¢k (no title) and the othe~ (Witli·a~title)is. not~d alo.ng,theright~hand sid~ of 'said Sheet 1: The1anguageis very'simihir, but not identical. Can orie ofUte·statements:be eliminated?' ·13. It' ,appears that a portion ofthe most westerly boundary, of proposed: Lot' 6 (a~jo'lning Kitsap Place' NE) is ··.a.cqrVe (perCjtY of Rentono'tot.Line Adjustme~tNo; tUA~04., i36~LLA~ rec.orded ilhder KinK COllnty , ··.·.Rec.:No. 20060119~000.11).·.Why is it noted as ·a str~ight line inthe CIOSufenote's 'attached to this short -, ',: :phit? ·'Provide·thecurve inf~rinati9i1ori the short:platsub~ittaL . ..~, '. ........' . . , 14.:-Note .on Sheet 3 of 3' thatthe streetis,4~d,i.cat.e4~ to the City perKing CoiirttY Rec~No. ' .. ' . Said . :dedication is processed' sepata:~ely 'from ·the. s_hortplat,.:,bufcan JJe recorded cortcu'rrently with the short 'PlaL . .' .,/:~:", ,.'!:, ""~)\' . , ..•• ',. . '., . .' . . ·l~:,. Note,"SHO~T PLAT".s,.otnewli'~r~)n:the title blo~k{t?p, .. cent~tQ,f eac~ dniwmg~she..et). · • .' .(" d' • .~. .' ,.' • ,". t ,:' '}k~~!j} . <\ . ' :. ' ',,"' '16'. N9te that if there af~' e~~em~nt~,. restrichv~ico~e.Qapts 'd;'airecin~nts to other~ (City 'of Renton, etc.) as · 'P!lrt of this sub4ivision, ~¢yican 'pe \recqrded"C?D£4rrently with ¢e short plat.. ~ The. short plat drawing' .' '. :~nd .the associated <l9cument(s)ar~\,tQJ)e;;gi",enJo;t~¢;Proj~ct Manager ~sa package'; : The.short plat will : ~', ' '. " ",,{,\-;, . -.i."'.,." . .").~" ,' . .s.,~,~"",,;J~\,. -,"'.\ .~,/ :~:;<~ _:. f' /,;0:.:L \' ':" .:-.' ,,-' ",', · .... . . .b~ :reqorded ;first (by Kiijg;,q,ourityr,T~~'r~gpi'dirig, nuD.'ib~r(sJ.'%r4~e assbci~ted~Qcument( s) are' to.' be · '.' ,referenced on the short plafdiawing;pr()Yide's~acesJon'·th~·recordihg nurribers thereof. " ',' ,.'. I;,.: ':' .. ~ ~.,~ •• :;,~ "'\":.~. '\:'(' J'ji'" . · 'n.·.The addition'of 6' fbi;.i!1gfe~~; .. ~gr.ess a~dtitilities, orltp:tbeexlst~i1g 20;'wide'easement, is for the benefit · of future owners of pr(;pp~ed~t,9ts -5 and 6. Sai,<l,r~Vis~4east?ri1~nt now encutrtbers,the southerly 6." of · " .; propo§ed Lot 3, and anew·!ext~nsion Q£ said t(aserrient, at::2(:);.>ln width,. ericumbers,:adrlitional property in . ·: .. Lots·~· and .~; Note~mthe';dr~Wing that: said P9rtiofts':oJ,the easement, ad~ed"With: ihis short plat, are '!NEW"and "PRIVATE;'. Sjnc~'the new tots cre~t,~d"v.i~this short plat ate ullder:cominon oWnership at ,·the time of recording, there cart be no ne~:p'6rti'ons ofel:l-senients' establishe&until'such time as ownershIp' .' <;>f the lots is conveyed to others,. together with anellor· sl.Ibj ectto speci-fic"~!lsem(!rit rights.' • • • • • • • • • • '.' r _.' • · 18. See the attachment fo~ a .needed cottection·. · Sho~td\touneed to discuss' imyportion·ofthis retterple~sec6~tactme at(425)4JO-7235)': · '~'" ',' , .,' . .' -.:. . . '.-Sincerely~ '~"""".:..' ...... :., .. : ......... !4~' Carrie K. olsoh ' . .. Develop:rfletit Services, Plan' Review 1" ' ••••• ',: .•• '."J.' . . J ••• , " • · FAXED to':, Stephen Woods, Center 'Pointe' SurVeymg; F AX#:25 3-66J~ 7719: . .. ' , . , -~ . . . . " . ," .'. ',: . ' ", . .... . . ' , . ,.' " :", ..:' . : .' , ',' ... ' .' ~. ;,,' ..... , , "' . : .. ':~ .. , ' . # , "" ~SlJ...r5f 1LLF00~T'oU .,.,,, ------_. --~ -------, ",,/ ----~~ .t---"~ . I "~ \ I I I .... - ~~.f!:, " ~OV/" ~ / ) // /" s· Pln~ --------- . 1\ --------:--\ ~ '\ "- " '" \ \ \' " .\, .\ ;_----1# \ ----------- _____ .J'=--==- / / , , , , , , , , , , , , ,.," ""/,,,,*, "" "","" ,<::: ,\.\()",\ ,," , '"'- Fir < /1J,S" .~\Fi\ '9'O~02" "",,18 cluster / "" "MaP~ \ \ S> / ar.. " ~ ter \ \,,:l / ..,S" F\f. " 1..'.3 $&\ Fir . 0 $6" Flr\ . \, \ \ \ S8737'38"E 402.08'" \. \ .~,--. .. " _______ f~ e ,\.\( "" ~"" , , .' \.J , " . ... ~ . • • [~ __ REC_O_RD_IN_G_NO_' _..,,] [~ __ VO_LUME __ /P_A!_GE_~_.-:. LUA-04-120 LND-XX-XXXX l, RANGE 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 1201076. DATED AUGUST 18. 2006. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 6. 2004, THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE DIV. III HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE DIV. III HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE. AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. 6) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL SHORT PLAT RECORDING. WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANTED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO.THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. 7) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE~STREAM BUFFER. DATE: TO: " ROUTE TO: . . FROM: SPj3JECT: • • PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM , " August 28, 2006 Juli~mi Fries, Plim Review . Kayrel( Kittrick, Plan R~view, . Carrie Olson, Plan Review o..f) W1)',{DSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA.04-136-SHP~· '-~ ,- Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short· plat. If all review concerns. have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Letter of Compliance • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acce[!ted Related Comments NA y. Project#s 7: As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Restrictive Covenants Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond 0 " .. " " !) C=:;: ./4e ~~ ~ ~ ~d:, M ~ctecJ kuj Ihe oteJe.".,-h-tp.y,! ~ ~.Ly ~d. ~7 J_ ~ c.eq 12:S ~ w",,~ds.~j ~ A~d~+ 'TC/ -:iL ~.:1l.Ui I .J.o ~~ i4/t:.,..d,s~ 172 &Is·· . .J4e, ~~'&iy ~ ~ pt9;nti ~~k~c..e Approval: , Date: ~ -~ <!:J-D6 Kayren Kittrick Juliana Fries Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone iii shpl 01 m ts review & pr closeout.doc • 02) 'l>ee&i cs1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~) A·", ~-G.e.-4-o.c.. JU>..~-J. -fo-v ~fU., ~n-~d M~. w/vw,.ftu:. app~/-~·./..s flu;; ~~ ~ ~ ~ CA...iy ~ ~ ...{.'I t{l(.4(.9. 1lc..e-~I ~~ -u Nor rf£,.e, ~-I ~ ~ ~'rtJu:I . • ." l-. 'l.. '. ,.to' , .... J t,. ~ ", ... . ~ ~ .: " • ".~ 0>' \, . \ ~.. ·f '. " ". " '. • • :.. '}' •• , ~." •••• ' •• I.-... 1 • ,,'\.o DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 26, 2006 Carrie Olson Sonja J. Fesser ~ Windstone III Short Plat, LUA-04-136-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the correct City of Renton land use action number (LUA-04-136-SHPL) on the drawings. The "LUA" number does not need the ending "H" attached to said number. Also note the land record number (LND-20-0399) on the drawings. Note what was set at the SW corner of proposed Lot 5. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. Chicago Title Insurance Company Short Plat Certificate, Order No. 1201076, dated August 18, 2006, notes eleven (11) items, under the "EXCEPTIONS" section, that need to be noted on the short plat drawing under the "DOCUMENTS OF RECORD" title (Sheet 2 of 3). Note whether the lands north of proposed Lot 2 (Sheet 3 of 3) are platted (give plat and lot number) or unplatted. See the attachment for addressing information. Note said addresses on the short plat drawing in the spaces already provided. There are two blocks noted on Sheet 2 of 3 that refer to drainage easements. However, there are no specific drainage easements or wetlands noted on the short plat submittal. \H:\File Sys\LND • Lund Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND·20· Short Plats\0399\RV060926.doc '. September 29, 2006 Page 2 The declaration block on the drawing is incomplete (first paragraph). • The location of the temporary turnaround easement on the short plat drawing does not agree with the easement document. Provide the bearing to center for the nontangent curves along Kitsap Place NE, at the corners common to Lots 3 & 4 and Lots land 2. The dimensions given for the curve data for said Kitsap Place NE are confusing as shown. The "L" is noted as 129.92' or 132.23' (depending on which side of the street one is looking). Those numbers represent the TOTAL length of the curve, but not the individual lot lengths. The "TOTAL" length is erroneously noted on each lot. Note the individual lengths on each lot. There are two separate Declaration of Covenant statements noted on Sheet 1 of 3. One is noted within the "DECLARATION" block (no title) and the other (with a title) is noted along the right- hand side of said Sheet 1. The language is very similar, but not identical. Can one of the statements be eliminated? It appears that a portion of the most westerly boundary of proposed Lot 6 (adjoining Kitsap Place NE) is a curve (per City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-04-136-LLA, recorded under King County Rec. No. 20060119900011). Why is it noted as a straight line in the closure notes attached to this short plat? Provide the curve information on the short plat submittal. Note on Sheet 3 of 3 that the street is dedicated to the City per King County Rec. No. ___ _ Said dedication is processed separately from the short plat, but can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. Note "SHORT PLAT" somewhere in the title block (top center of each drawing sheet). Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat will be recorded first (by King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. The addition of 6' for ingress, egress and utilities, onto the existing 20' wide easement, is for the benefit of future owners of proposed Lots 5 and 6. Said revised easement now encumbers the southerly 6' of proposed Lot 3, and a new extension of said easement, at 26' in width, encumbers additional property in Lots 5 and 6. Note on the drawing that said portions of the easement, added with this short plat, are "NEW" and "PRIVATE". Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no new portions of easements established until such time as ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. See the attachment for a needed correction. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plals\0399\RV060926.doc\cor • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: . .. ~~ . c~ PLANNING/BUILDINGI .iifr:* ~" !~b PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT~~.09~~~"'111~ MEMORANDUM J'~ August 28, 2006 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services /\1 n Carrie Olson, Plan. Review x7235l)t/ WINDSTONE m: SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL (zo-oaCfqJ AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • Lot Closures • Plat Certificate • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: ___________ \:..-__________ ,Date: ___ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone iii shpl Olm ts review & pr closeout.doc • DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM August 28, 2006 Juliana Fries, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review WINDSTONE ill SHORT PLAT LUA04-136-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Letter of Compliance • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acce(!ted· Related Comments NA 1.. Project #s "7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Restrictive Covenants Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond 0 Comments: Approval: ____________ , ____________ , Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Juliana Fries Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone iii shpl Olm ts review & pr c1oseout.doc • •• CBNTRB A / - Jut,m,vll f«P] tM8ffl·!rt~ ~ ijoopiager City of Renton lOSS South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 pdINTE '-/ ' ~ Surveying, Inc., P.S. August 23, 2006 RE: The Final Plat Submittal of Winds tone Div. III Conditions of Approval, File No.; LUA-04-I~SHPL-H, ECF. ~~ Dear~'j Enclosed, please find a list of the 8 items listed in the Decisions portion of the Conditions of Approval dated March 7,2005; I) The lot line adjustment that creates this property has been recorded under Recording No.200601199000 II. 2) A note has been placed on the short plat stating setbacks for Lots 5 and 6. 3) Residential addresses and Street signs shall be properly installed prior to final short plat. 4) Maintenance agreements will be recorded prior to final approval. 5) Per the plat of Stone ridge recorded on October 20,2005 under recording Number 20051020000337, the lots have public access to Kitsap Place NE 6) Transportation mitigation fees will be paid prior to recording. 7 and 8) The Developer has ensured compliance with the conditions imposed by the ERC through proper field procedures. The wetlands were protected by installing and posting protective silt fencing along the clearing limits. Erosion control was maintained by the contractor during the construction process. 9) Each lot will have 2 trees installed on the property within the front 20' setback. A note has been placed on the face of the plat concerning their maintenance and installation. 10 and II) Fire and Park mitigation fees will be paid prior to recording. 12) Applicant will amend the Stoneridge CCR's to address shared maintenance responsibilities for stormwater facilities prior to recording. 13) The applicant will comply with the 1998 KCSW Design manual to meet both detention and water quality improvements. 14) Dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I has been obtained through the recording of the plat. ~ Stephen H Woods, P.L.S. P.O. Box 4416 • Federal Way, Washington 98063-4416 • Phone: 253-661-1901 • Fax: 253-661-7719 ~entrJ Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:05 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT • PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: OVERALL Point Number Bearing Description Distance 308 S87°37'38"E 311 S02°22'22"W 315 S87°37'38"E 506 SOO025'13"E 534 S71°59'23"W 532 N27°21'56"W 533 N87°37'38"W 513 N01°35'12"E 500 N02°22'20"E 501 N87°37'38"W 212 N01°25'01"E 308 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance norht line s 402.08 norht line s 125.00 10.06 LOT 80.71 LOT 65.87 LOT 96.23 LOT 150.86 LOT 11.23 ROW 8.77 ROW 153.50 1/64th 125.02 norht line s . Total traverse length Total error of closure ,Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , , , , , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 188249.58680 4+02.08 188232.94031 5+27.08 188108.04748 5+37.14 188107.63099 6+17.85 188026.92316 6+83.72 188006.55697 7+79.95 188092.01805 9+30 .. 81 188098.26380 9+42.04 188109.48949 9+50.81 188118.25198 11+04.31 188124.60702 12+29.33 188249.58880 -0.00200 -0.00618 S72°06'32"E 0.00650 1229.33 (1229.33) -1/189241 1/616006 1/198857 61624.919 SQ FT 1.415 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315366.57100 1315768.30626 1315763.13114 1315773.18252 1315773.77454 1315711.13210 1315666.89844 1315516.16779 1315516.47874 1315516.84174 1315363.47335 1315366.56482 Centr~ Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:04 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 1 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 662 CALC LOT COR S87°37'38"E 120.49 ' 663 CALC LOT COR Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 447 ROW N87°37'38"W 111.50' 212 1/64th N01°25'01"E 65.00 ' 662 CALC LOT COR 'Ciosing latitude ,Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure 'Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 188189.58772 1315365.08686 1+20.49 188184.59932 1315485.47355 657 188108.77197 1315745.64890 CALC CL WS 271.00 ' 13°52'33" Left 65.63 ' S09°18'38"W 65.47 ' 1.98 ' 2.00 ' 21°08'32" Arc Definition 32.98 ' 188152.93987 1315476.24914 1+86.12 188119.99183 1315474.88144 2+97.62 188124.60804 1315363.47704 3+62.62 188189.58816 1315365.08435 0.00044 -0.00250 S80 D06'57"E 0.00254 362.46 (362.62) 1/142592 1/830687 1/144740 7452.035 SQ FT 0.171 ACRES , Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:04 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 2 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 308 norht line s S87°37'38"E 144.14' "'660 ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 663 CALC LOT COR N87°37'38"W 120.49' 662 CALC LOT COR N01°25'Ol"E 60.02 ' 308 norht line s Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure , Area . p"rea Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 188249.58680 1315366.57100 1+44.14 188243.61927 1315510.58742 657 188108.77176 1315745.65581 CALC CL WS 271.00 ' 13°35'32" Left 64.29 ' S23°02'41"W 64.14 ' 1.90 ' 1.92 ' 21°08'32" Arc Definition 32.30 ' 188215.60536 1315494.51279 2+08.42 188184.59767 1315485.47984 3+28.92 188189.58607 1315365.09315 3+88.93 188249.58771 1315366.57732 0.00091 0.00632 S81°46'22"W 0.00638 388.79 (388.93) 1/60929 1/425780 1/61562 7858.574 SQ FT 0.180 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:05 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 3 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 664 CALC S87°37'38"E 665 CALC S18°10'50"W 667 CALC N87°37'38"W 501 ROW LOT COR 139.00 ' LOT COR 65.48 ' LOT COR 130.00 ' Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 664 CALC LOT COR Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area ,Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 188180.83285 1315528.28495 1+39.00 188175.0781l 1315667.16578 2+04.48 188112.86701 1315646.73520 3+34.48 188118.24913 1315516.84666 657 188108.76831 1315745.65032 CALC CL WS 229.00 ' 15°58'07" Right 63.82 ' NI0021'25"E 63.62 ' 2.22 ' 2.24 ' 25°01'12" Arc Definition 32.12 ' 188150.34486 1315518.17766 3+98.30 188180.83256 1315528.28426 -0.00029 -0.00069 N67°34'59"E 0.00075 398.10 (398.30) 1/530795 1/1391901 1/574185 8567.739 SQ FT 0.197 ACRES , Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:04 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 4 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 661 ROW S87°37'38"E 666 CALC S18°10'50"W 665 CALC N87°37'38"W 664 CALC 128.26 ' LOT COR 64.44 ' LOT COR 139.00 ' LOT COR Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 661 ROW Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 188241.60855.1315559.11615 1+28.26 188236.29846 1315687.26618 1+92.70 188175.07544 1315667.16010 3+31.70 188180.83017 1315528.27927 657 188108.76991 1315745.64606 CALC CL WS 229.00 ' 17°06'52" Right 68.40 ' N26°53'54"E 68.15 ' 2.55 ' 2.58 ' 25°01'12" Arc Definition 34.46 ' 188213.54024 1315539.12802 4+00.10 188241.60707 1315559.11093 -0.00148 -0.00522 N74°09'32"E 0.00543 399.85 (400.10) 1/73687 1/269948 1/7 6596 8401.155 SQ FT 0.193 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 25)-661-1901 e, ;'Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:05 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro ,Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. 'Boundary Name: LOT 5 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 667 S87°37'38"E '315 N02°22'22"E 311 N87°37'38"W 666 S18°10'50"W 667 Clo'sing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance CALC LOT COR 116.49 125.00 norht line s 81.10 CALC LOT COR 129.91 CALC LOT COR Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure -Area Area , , , I Sta Northing 0+00.00 188112.87068 1+16.49 188108.04788 2+41.49 188232.94071 3+22.60 188236.29833 4+52.51 188112.87369 0.00301 0.00123 S22°12'14"W 0.00326 452.50 (452.51) 1/138957 1/150087 1/367708 12349.972 SQ FT 0.284 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315646.73647 1315763.12659 1315768.30171 1315687.27125 1315646.73770 Cent~e Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:05 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 6 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 501 S87°37'38"E '506 SOOo25'13"E 534 S71°59'23"W 532 N27°21'56"W 533 N87°37'38"W 513 N01°35'12"E 500 N02°22'20"E 501 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance ROW LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT ROW ROW Total traverse length Total error of closure 256.56 80.71 65.87 96.23 150.86 11. 23 8.77 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , , , 1 Sta Northing 0+00.00 188118.25270 2+56.56 188107.63087 3+37.27 188026.92304 4+03.13 188006.55686 4+99.36 188092.01794 6+50.22 188098.26369 6+61. 45 188109.48938 6+70.22 188118.25186 -0.00084 -0.00075 N42°01'39"E 0.00112 670.23 (670.22) 1/596104 1/802485 1/890388 11495.251 SQ FT 0.264 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315516.84790 1315773.18793 1315773.77995 1315711.13751 1315666.90385 1315516.17320 1315516.48415 1315516.84715, Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14:05 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: ROAD "KITSAP PLACE NE" Point Number Bearing Description Distance 447 ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 660 ROW S87°37'38"E 48.57 ' 661 ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 501 ROW N87°37'38"W 42.00 ' 447 ROW Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 188119.99150 1315474.88390 657 188108.77184 1315745.65155 CALC CL WS 271. 00 ' 27°28'05" Right 129.92 ' N16°06'24"E 128.68 ' 7.75 ' 7.98 ' 21°08'32" Arc Definition 66.23 ' 188186.16797 1315477.62596 1+29.92 188243.62041 1315510.58313 1+78.49 188241.60956 1315559.11149 657 188108.77324 1315745.64704 CALC CL WS 229.00 ' 33°04' 58" Left 132.23 ' S18°54'51"W 130.40 ' 9.48 ' 9.89 ' 25°01'12" Arc Definition 68.01 ' 188186.20743 1315519.66365 3+10.72 188118.25048 1315516.84216 3+52.72 188119.98932 1315474.87817 -0.00218 -0.00573 N69°11'14"E 0.00613 349.65 (352.72) 1/57018 1/160471 1/6099.8 5500.192 SQ FT 0.126 ACRES '" :mCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN 3400 t'OLtDalU CIIRTD, 701 5TH. AVII 811AftL11, 1f.\ U1U SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate Cor Filing Proposed Short Plat • SHOal' • ..,.~ CIIlITUlCATB Order No.: 1201076 In the maner of the short plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of tbe Clerk of the United States Courts balding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to I he foUowing described land situate in said KING County, to· wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION EXCEPTIONS: SSE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $ 17.60 Records examined to August 18, 2006 at 8:00 A.M. By OIICAGO 'lTIUlINSURANCE COMPANY EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT Title Officer (206)628-5623 $ilPlATA{lz"s,oo/1lK e IDCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAl'Y e SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (CoDtiuucd) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1201076 • 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES A 15 FOOT STRIP THROUGH SAID PREMISES AUGUST 31, 2004 20040831000521 , 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: TEMPORARY ACCESS A PORTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY DECEMBER 1, 2005 20051201000095 Ill: 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTBE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO 90, A MISSOURI CORPORATION OF KING COUNTY WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY MAY 2, 2006 20060502000615 II 4. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARB OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SOCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR aROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SOCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THB PURPOSE OF·. EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE S1IMB. RECORDING NUMBER: 411867 II 5. AGRRBMBNT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RICHARD A. WOLF AND BEVERLY J. WOLF, HUSBAND AND WIFE XBS III, L.L.C., A WASHINGTON LIMITED OflCAOO 'ITI1.I! INSURANCE COMPANY e fnCAGOTITLEINSURANCECOMPAI'o' e RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: SHORTPLATCER~CATE SCHEDULEB (Contillued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1201076 LIABILITY COMPANY, AND/OR ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS APRIL 29. 2004 20040429000792 SEWER LINE BASEMENT r 6. KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 LIMITED USE PERMIT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 20040913002100 J 7. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ORDINlINCE NO. 506 B, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MAY 26, 2004 20040526000446 £ 8. COVENlINTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, BASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A WINDSTONE), VOLUMB 230 OF PLATS, PAGES 61 THROUGH 65, INCLUSIVE. o 9. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: JUNE 21, 2005 20050621002061 , 10. COVENlINTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND LIABILITY FOR ASSESSMENTS CONTAINBD IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP , NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OCTOBER 20, 2005 20051020000338 g AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: DECEMBER 7, 2005 20051207002324 OUCAOO'lTlU! INSURANCE COMPANY SHI'1A'7lIl/ll.l3090/EK e 'HlCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPJ\l\' e SHORTPLATCER~CATB SCHEDULED (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1201076 AD 11. COVENANTS. CONDITIONS I RESTRICTIONS. EASEMENTS. NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20060119900011. /I 12. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY I, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTBREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFBCTS: PORTION OF SAID PREMISES 2006 032305-9321-00 2163 $ 54,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 612.69 PAID: $ 306.35 UNPAID: $ 306.34 AlI 13. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES AFFECTING THE ENTIRE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE AKA WINDSTONE: YEAR: AMOUNT BILLED: AMOUNT PAID: NUMBER OF LOTS IN SAID PLAT: LBVY CODE: 2006 $ 19,323.77 $ 19,323.77 49 2163 THE TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR THE LOT HEREIN DESCRIBED (LOT 34) IS: 802977-0340-07. AFFECTS: THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN LOT 34 OF THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE AI' 14. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, GRANTOR I TRUSTSE: BENEFICIARY: /CBS DBVELOPMBNT CORPORATION, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION WASHINGTON SERVICES. INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS SltPlAtm/l2-IHO/DX OIlCAOO 1TIl.B INStJRANCB COMPANY e :HlCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAJ>' e AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER I LOAN NUMBER I SHORTPLATCBRTQqCATE 'SCHEDULEB (ContinuDd) EXCEPTIONS $ 2,850,000.00 OCTOBER 5, 2005 OCTOBER 7, 2005 20051007001585 075 207 309262-4 Order No.: 1201076 THE AMO~ NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SlIME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED PROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. Aa MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: JANUARY 25, 2006 FEBRUARY a, 2006 20060208002290 AFFECTS: PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY .u NOTE 1: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSBD BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMBNTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUME'NT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FOR DETAILS OF THESE STATEWIDE REQUIREMENTS PLEASE VISIT THE KING COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE WEBSITE AT WWW,NBTROXC,QOV/RBCBLBC/aBCORDS AND SELECT ONLINB PORMS AND DOCUHBNT STANDARDS, THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT B, RENTON LLA LUA-04-136-LLA, REC NO. 20060119900011. !DID OJ' SCHBDULB B SHPU,Tm/I3-I:Io9J/BK CHICAOO'lTl1..BINSURANCB COMPANY CHICAGO ~l :~SURANCE COMPANY 10500 NE 8TH, #600, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 PHONE: FAX: (425)646-9883 (425)646-9879 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnisbed as a convenience to locate the land indicated bereon with reference to streets and othllr land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. 1 N Stone Ridge (AKA Wlndstone) / Wolf Property . 1D'f UNE AJ).IUSTIo!XNT FILE NO. LUIo.-04-138-LLA/ /LAND RECORD NO. LND-30-0267 • POIITIO" or THI III 1/4 or TIll 88 1/4 0' SIC. 03. nI'. 2:111.. RJI(I. 6!. •. It em 0' RItI1II". 10lIO CDUlITY •• 13H1"oroN "'n.mm ", .. '.".".,,, nd: ~ ~.:..'=" ~1'.r.'}r"I"U~ .... ~-..... ~\ .. DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM January 17, 2006 City Clerk's Office Valerie Kinast, P/B/PW -DevelopmenUPlanning, x7270 SUBJECT: Stone Ridge (AKA Windstone) I Wolf Property Lot Line Adjustment; File No. LUA-04-136, LLA Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County. Please have Consolidated Delivery & LogistiCS, Inc. take these documents via: x Priority service Rush service Economy service ($22.46) ($17.94) ($15.73) Attached is a check for the amount of $15.73 for the fee to CD&L. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #0001007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7382 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jan Conklin RA & Beverly Wolf, Owner KBS III, LLC, Owner I Applicant Wayne Potter, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., Contact H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ingWAK\Planner Manual\Lot Line Adjustment\S Clerk Memo.doc CITY,. RENTON ,PlanningIBuildingJPublic Works Department "'Kathy ~eO!ker-~eI8" Met5 . Gregg Zjmmerman P.E., Admhiistrator . . ,S09Qa SF ; 3 Q Wayne Potter Barghausen Consulting Erigineers 18215 72nd Avenue S· , Kent, WA 98032 Subject: , Windstone III Short Platwith associated Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-136, LLA, SHPL-H Dear Mr. Potter: The City has finished reviewing your proposed lot line adjustment and is now ready to approve and send the final version for recording. Please submit two sets oran original signed mylar and a check for $15.73 made out to'CD&L t9 meat the sixth floor counter of City Hall. Please verify that the mylars have'been signed byall owners of record and have been notarized with an ink stamp (not ,embos$ed). The inl< st~mp must be legible so that King,County will promptly record th~.lot line adjustment. This decision to approve the proposed lot line adjustment is subject to' a fourteen .( 14) day appeal period from the date of this' letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the' City 6f Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, December 22, ' 2005. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton; 1055 South Grady Way, Henton, WA 98055.,' , Appeals to the Examiner are governec! by City of Renton Municipal Code 'Section 4-8- '110. ' Additional information reg'ardin'g the appeal processr'nay be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430~6510. ' I will be leaving the City of Renton; December 15th will: be my last day. If you could submit prior to that date, I will be,able to complete this process. If you have further ql,Jesticn~ regarding this projed,'pleas~ call me at (425) 430-7270. Sinc~rely, Nancy Weil " Senior Planner cc: Yellow file -'--,--':H=:\n:Di=VIS=lo:;;:-n.s=\D-C:e=vf=~:;;:-5i=~=mtt=YMAru~. :-r:9QW=, =~""""!I=~'"Tfi""'~mt.""""';WR~;,tiIjj=R=cgl=~rr'lI-<=BI<TIf5rrrnRE~QM'.O""'O""'C---~ * This paper contains 5'0% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHE~D OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 7,2005 TO: Kayren, Kittrick, Plan Review Supervisor FROM: Nancy Weil, Development/Planning, x7270 SUBJECT: Windstone III Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-136, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. . Plan Review approval: ~~. ~&, 11~1~ N m Oat I cc: Yellow File H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\04-136.Nancy\LLA\PLA TMEMO.OOC \. \l.. . " • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 7, 2005 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Nancy Weil, Development/Planning, x7270 RECEiVED NOV 0 8 2005 CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS SUBJECT: Windstone III Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-136, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: ~CJQ-Robert T. Mac Onie, Jr. PLS cc: Yellow File H:\Division,s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan,ing\PROJECTS\04-136,Nancy\LLA\PLATMEMO,DOC • Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor April 14, 2005 Wayne Pptter Bargnausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA '98032 SUBJECT: Park Mitigation Fees CIT~F RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Windstone LUA04-046, Windstone II LUA04-124, Windstone III LUA04-136, & Wiridstone IV LUA04-135 Dear Mr. Potter: This letter is written on behalf of the El')vironmental Review Committee (ERG) and.is to inform you that they have completed their review of the request for a credit of the Park Mitigation Fees associated with ,the above projects. The Committee; approved the request for ~ credit. The Environmental Review Committee agreed to allow the developer of Windstone, Windstone II, Windstone III, and Windstone IV to'meet up,to 33% of their share Of the required Park, Mitigation Fee through provision of active on-site, recreation. In tt'lis case, a credit ot $12;435.71 would result. The required fee is $530.76 per single-family res,idence. The required fee must be paid prior to the' recording of the plat(s). " , It you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425), 430-7270. For the Environmental Review Committee, ' G\~CJj) Nancy Weil Senior Planner cc: penn is Culp; Community Services Administrator Project File ' ------}-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-a-r-ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-'-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-'-9-8-0S-S------~ ® This paper contains 50% recycled malerial, 30% post consume; AHEAD OF THE CURVE' APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CO[tAMITTEE LUA04-040, LUA04-135, LUA04-124, LUA04-136 Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers Windstone, Windstone II, Windstone III, Windstone IV DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The developer of Windstone has requested credit against the City's required Parks Mitigation Fee for on-site recreation facilities. The plat of Windstone was originally submitted, reviewed and approved by King County in 2000/2001, and subsequently annexed into the City of Renton inl April 2004. The project is currently under construction. An on-site private park was required by King County, and the developer has included this in the plat. Per Resolution 3082, the development impact mitigation fee for parks and recreation facilities, developers can meet up to 33% of their share of the park impact fee value by providing on-site active recreation areas and facilities as long as they meet the needs and standards established the Park and Recreation Plan. Approval by the Environmental Review Committee and the Board of Parks Commissioners is required for this credit. In this case, it is estimated that the developer owes $37,683.96. A 33% credit would result in a credit of $12,435.71. The developer would then pay $25,248.25. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: South of SE 104th Street, West of 148th Avenue SE, East of Ilwaco Avenue NE, North of N E 16th Street City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The Environmental Review Committee agrees to allow the developer of Windstone, Windstone II, Windstone III, Windstone IV to meet up to 33% of their share of the required Park Mitigation Fee through the provision of active on-site recreation. The required fee is $530.76 per single family residence. The required fee must be paid prior to recording of the plat(s). . DATE OF DECISION: April 5, 2005 SIGNATURES: DAT~ CITY OF RENTON DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 31, 2005 Environmental Review Committee Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner (TY\ Windstone Request for Park Mitigation Fee Credit The developer of Winds tone has requested credit against the City's required Parks Mitigation Fee for on-site recreation facilities. The plat of Windstone was originally submitted, reviewed and approved by King County in 2000/2001, and subsequently annexed into the City of Renton in April 2004. The project is currently under construction. An on-site private park was required by King County, and the developer has included this in the plat. The Developer's request is attached to this memo. Exhibits will be presented at the ERC meeting. Per Resolution 3082 and the attached policy implementing the development impact mitigation fee for parks and recreation facilities, developers can meet up to 33% of their share of the park impact fee value by providing on-site active recreation areas and facilities as long as they meet the needs and standards established the Park and Recreation Plan. In this case, the developer owes $37,683.96. A 33% credit would result in a credit of$12,435.71. The developer would then pay $25,248.25. Document3\cor • • CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Mr. Dennis Culp Community Services Administrator City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 February 16, 2005 RE: Request for Park Mitigation Credit for the Private Community Park of the Plats of Windstone, Windstone II, Windstone ill, and Winds tone IV Located in Renton, Washington City of Renton File Nos. LUA-04-0404; LUA-D4-135; LUA 04-124; LUA 04-136 OurJob No. 11189 Dear Mr. Culp: I am enclosing the following documents for your use in reviewing our request for a credit to be applicable to the required park mitigation fees for the above-referenced projects. 1. Two copies of the open space/landscape layout plan (Tract F) of the Plat of Windstone 2. Two copies of the open space/park irrigation plan 3. Two copies of the overall plat map for the Windstone projects. The Plat of Windstone (49 single-family lots) was originally submitted, reviewed, and approved by King County in 200012001. However, this property (as well as several other parcels) was annexed into the City of Renton in April of 2004 under the KBS annexation. Once this property was annexed into the City of Renton we made several revisions to the plat and agreed to several conditions, one of which was to pay a mitigation fee to the Parks Department. Currently, this project is under construction and is being reviewed by the City of Renton for final plat approval. The on-site private park for the PI~t of Windstone was a requirement by King County development and land services. However, an on-site park is not required by current Renton Code, but the City requires an impact fee to be paid for each of these projects prior to recording. The recreational park has been designed to incorporate several features for this property. First and foremost, the developer relocated a very mature red maple tree from the east side of the property to be placed within the park and create a theme not only for the park, but also for the subdivisions. The cost to relocate this tree was over $10,000. We are also including a water feature along with benches and picnic tables for passive recreation. Furthermore, the entire park will be irrigated and provide several flat surface areas for recreation purposes. The overall cost for the construction of this park will be approximately $140,500. Therefore, KBS Development Corporation is requesting that the City provide a credit for the cost in construction of this park facility, which will be utilized by the residents of Windstone (and Divisions II, III, and IV). This park will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners' Association. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com • Mr. Dennis Culp Community Services Administrator City of Renton -2-February 16, 2005 The City of Renton requires $530.76 per lot to be paid to offset mitigation and therefore. mUltiplying the park fee by 7llots (Division 1= 49 lots; Division II = 9 lots; Division ill = 5 lots; Division IV = 8 lots), a total mitigation of $37,683.96 would be required. We are requesting that these fees be waived as part of those projects. If you have any questions or need additional info~tion, please"contact me. Thank you. GWP/dm 11189c.035.doc enc: As Noted Respectfully, ~7~ G. Wayne Potter Project Manager cc: Mr. Curtis Schuster, KBS Development CorPoration (w/enc) Mr. Bob Ruddell, KBS Development Corporation (w/enc) Mr. Kolin Taylor. KBS Development Corporation (w/ene) Ms.luliana Fries, P.E., City of Renton (w/enc) ." J J I ( \ I \ \ \ ~ '\ \ ,.-.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ! ;t ! 8. I I ! lO7004 ! llOO ~. j :99,56' (99.56') ... I / ~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. \ \ 032305 9180 (0.31 Ac.) \ \ ).-' \ ~r-,I 0 ____ S I ru. "" ~ I 1/1 " I / I )--/ __ 1. _____ / __ II: ., , .... .,': .... >. 522fOO 0037 :.ocxD~ ~" . ,/ 1--";;;;;":'--'. ---"T~- " ./ 52299'6-O04~ /toOOOA-~ / ... ,.t"" ',,/ ...... ------.-' ~ . ,. ;. " L ~/ > • ./ 022305 9062 (0.39 Ac.) / / ...... :" Wayne Potter Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 tel: 425-656-7400 • PARTIES OF RECORD WINDSTONE III SHORT PLAT LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA -- KBS III, LLC 12320 NE 8th Street ste: #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 tel: 206-623-7000 (owner / applicant) R.A. & Beverly Wolf 14702 SE 105th Place Renton, WA 98059 (owner) em]: wpotter@novastardev.com (contact) Claudia Donnelly 10415 147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 tel: 425-255-4340 (party of record) Scott E. Hayes & JoAnn R. Watanabe-Hayes 1714 Ilwaco Avenue NE Renton, WA 98059 tel: 425-793-8760 eml: sejrhayes@comcast.net (party of record) (Page 1 of 1) • • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That 011 the 7th day of March 2005, affiant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 7.f1t day of )YJ~ , 2005. Notary publi~and for the State of Washington Residing at ~ I tR , therein. Windstone III Short Plat File No.: LUA 04-136, SHPL-H, LLA The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. • • • • HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT .. Minutes OWNER/APPLICANT: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: • • March 7, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KBS III LLC 12320 NE 81h Street, Ste., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 R. A. and Beverly Wolf 14702 SE 1051h Place Renton, W A 98059 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers I 8215 nnd Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 Windstone III Short Plat LUA 04-136, SHPL-H, LLA 1815 Nile Avenue NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a lA-acre site and a lot line adjustment. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received toy the Examiner on February 1,2005. PUBLIC HEARfNG: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES Thefollowing minutes are a summary of the February 8, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, February 8, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Windstone III Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map • Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Grading, Storm Drainage and Utility Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Nancy Weil, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The lot line adjustment is going to affect a lot that was created in Stoneridge I, which was the pipestem portion to the south of this proposed site. The adjlJstment will take a portion of the parcel to the north and create Lot 34 on Windstone Ill. This lot line adjustment is being processed administratively and will have to be completed prior to recording of this short plat. Stoneridge I has not been recorded as of this date, it wi \I be necessary for it to be recorded prior to the approval of the lot line adjustment because that lot that is being incorporated into Windstone 1II does not exist. This is a shot plat approval for 6 lots on a 1.4 acre site proposed off of Kitsap Place NE an extension of the road coming off ofNi Ie A venue N E through the original Stoneridge subdivision to be extended from the south. north to a temporary cul-de-sac in Windstone III. This is a vested site to the development regulations of the R-5, although the site is currently zoned R-4. This site waSpat1 of the annexation that took place in 2004 as part of the overall Stoneridge Development. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 4.92 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. The site topography is flat to rolling and slopes gently to the east with approximately 20 feet of elevation change across the width of the site. The site is vegetated sparsely with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense under story of forest duff and brush. There were no critical areas found on this site and therefore there was no Environmental Review conducted for this short plat. As far as the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Low Density (RLD) staff concluded that this proposal was in compliance with the policies under the Comprehensive Plan. Once the lot line adjustment is completed the site will consist of61,614 square feet. The minimum lot size for the R-5 zone is 7,200 square feet with a lot width of60 feet for interior, and 70 feet for corner lots. All lots do comply with dimension requirements. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orie.ntation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. ' Allcori1pliance with building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. As proposed the revised short plat does comply with lot arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. The proposal does seem to comply with the lot size and shape regulations. The proposed subdivision would not create any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. '·f Windstone III Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 3 • Access for the proposed development is the extension of Kit sap Place NE and street improvements will be required along Kitsap Place NE. As far as the temporary turnaround, it will be noted on the plat that it is temporary and that the street wi II eventually go through to the next development. Staff recommends the establishment ofa maintenance agreement for all common improvements. Fire, Traffic and Mitigation Fees are to be imposed. The site gently slopes downward from the west to the east with a slope of approximately 5 percent. The property is described as sparsely vegetated with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense brush. The trees range from a 6-inch fir to 16-inch cedar, maple and fir. The proposal would remove all but 2 of the 23 trees indicated on the site. The proposed detached single-family development appears to be consistent with the existing uses in the area. Staff is requiring the planting of two new ornamental trees within the front yard setback area for all lots within the shoJt plat. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISO impact fees. The School District has indicated thatthey can accommodate the additional students. The storm water facility is located in the original Stoneridge I, this site will tie into that system. With the added lots, it is recommended that the CC&R's be amended to include the responsibilities of these lots to that original storm drainage facility. Due to the downstream capacity issues, it is further recommended that the applicant comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention and water quality improvements. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. Staff recommends approval of th is short plat subject to 14 conditions. Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 nnd Ave S, Kent, W A 98032 stated that the applicant agrees with the conditions of approval of this plat. Richard Wolf, 14702 SE 1051h Street, Renton, WA 98059 asked ifhe would have access to his remaining property with the addition of Kit sap Place NE? There will not be a barricade installed at the stub end of the street so that he could not access his property. He also inquired as to what the requirements were as to fencing the retention pond. The Examiner stated that that would be up to Mr. Wolf and the applicant to determine whether or not that is constructed. It may lead to some confusion. As to the fencing of the retention pond, it was developed under the King County Standards, and should be the same safety requirements. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated that fencing is required by King County Design Manual if it meets specific depths. Once there is a final design, there is a requirement in place for fencing. Kitsap would be a public road, it will need to be signed that someday it may go through. The difficulty with Mr. Wolfs request for access across there is that typically a barricade is put in place specifically to prevent dumping and that it says "end of road". Between Mr. Wolf and the developer access may be made available. Windstone III Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 4 • Mr. Potter stated that a six (6) foot cedar fence would be placed around the pond with the appropriate gates for access and maintenance as well as provide the safety for the storm pond. With regards to the end of Kit sap, he stated that they would work with Mr. Wolf and provide him the access that he needs. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:33 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, KBS III LLC, represented by Wayne Potter, filed a request for a 6-lot Short Plat. This is :a companion to the Windstone IV short plat located somewhat south of this site. They were both . reviewed at public hearings on the same day and share a number of common elements. 2. The yellow file containing ti1e staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City'S responsible official determined that the ,proposal is exempt from environmental review., 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1815 Nile A venue NE. The subject site is located closer to Ilwaco Avenue NE, which is west of the subject site, than it is to Nile Avenue. The subject site is north of Sunset Boulevard and south ofNE 20th Street if it were extended. 6. 'The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of low density single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family - 4 dwelling units/acre). The application for the short plat was submitted while the subject site was still zoned R-S (Single Family - 5 dwelling units/acre) and the request is entitled to be reviewed under the R-5 Zoning standards. 8: The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. 9. • The subject site is approximately 1.4 acres or 61,614 square feet. The subject site is a sOffio.~what L- shaped parcel that is approximately 400 feet long (east to west) by approximately 125 feet wide. A dogleg at the eastern end of the parcel runs south approximately 80 feet. 10. The site slopes downward toward the east at approximately 5% from approximately 450 feet to 420 feet. 11. The applicant proposes preserving 2 of the approximately 23 trees found on the subject site. All other vegetation would be removed. • Windstone III Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 5 • 12. The proposed short plat is patt of a larger platting effort of surrounding propetty and will be served by roads, utility lines and a storm drainage system developed as part of the other plats. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 6 lots for detached single-family homes. 13. Kitsap Place NE will run from the south to the north through the western end of the site. A total of six lots east and west of Kitsap will be served by the roadway. There will be two lots, Proposed Lots 1 and 2, located west of the road that will directly access Kitsap. East of the roadway will be four lots. Two lots, Proposed Lots 3 and 4, wi II front along Kitsap while two other lots, Proposed Lots 5 and 6, east of those two will take their access from a 26-foot wide easement road running along the south margin of the parcel. 14. The density for the plat would be 4.92 dwelling units per acre after subtracting the area for roadways. 15. Current plans would have Kitsap end in a temporary cul-de-sac bulb established over portions of Proposed Lots I to 4. The development of the property north of the subject site would allow the extension of Kitsap to the north to complete a through-street connection to the north and east. Until that extension, there wou Id have to be this temporary turnaround bulb serving the plat. 16. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has adopted an impact fee to outset impacts to schools in that district. The fee is $2,937.00 per single-family lot. 17. The development wi Il increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 60 tri ps. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. These additional trips will affect traffic in the City and roads outside of the immed iate vicinity of the subject site. 18. Stormwater control will be handled by a system constructed as part of the Stoneridge I Plat. The maintenance ofthat system will have to be shared by homeowners of this new plat. Staff has recommended that since the subject site is located within the May Creek SLl b-basin that the 1998 King County Mannal, Level 3, be applied for both detention and water quality. 19. Sewer service will be provided by the City, while Water District 90 will provide domestic water. 20. The applicant did not propose providing any recreational amenities for the plat. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat, in an R-4 District. provides larger lots in an area with urban services. Til is plat helps widen the range of lot sizes for those who want more than a small single-family lot. 2. The applicant will be providing a portion of what will eventually be a connection to the City's street grid system but in the interim has provided a cul-de-sac that provides that emergency vehicles and other vehicles can reach the subject site and successfully turnaround. The turnaround will also serve other properties south of the subject site. 3. The development of the subject site will create impacts on the City's street system as well as its parks and recreational programs and its new residents will probably take advantage of the City's emergency services. Therefore, applicant should pay mitigation fees to offset its impacts on roads, parks and emergency services. The City has a standard formula for computing those impacts and they will apply Windstone 1II Short Plat • • File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 6 to this development. The applicant will also be paying a fee to the Issaquah School District to help with school construction. 4. The property does not have any critical areas although its odd shape does create a few lots with odd shapes and necessitates a private access roadway for the more remote eastern parcels of the subject site. 5. The plat should increase the tax base of the City which along with the mitigation fees noted above, .should help offset any other impacts on the community. The additional traffic and hubbub that the ,additional residents will bring to the area was anticipated by the development. 6. The fact that this plat will utilize some infrastructre from the adjacent development means that it residents wi II have to take part in ma intenance efforts. DECISION: The short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 2. The applicant shall note the yard setbacks are designated as follows: the front yard setback for Lot 5 from the southern property line and for Lot 6 from the northern property line. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall ensure that the residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat that are not visible from Kitsap Place NE. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. ./'4. A homeowner's association or a maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the short plat. 5. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the access road and improvements along the access road through Stoneridge r, prior to the record ing of the short plat. . 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee equal to $75.00 for'each new daily trip associated with the project, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 7. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated October 14,2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". '- -t Windstone III Short Plat • • File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7,2005 Page 7 8. The short plat shall be required to comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements, outlines in Volume JI of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 9. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot yard setback area of all six lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to· final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 10. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single- fami Iy residence, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 11. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee equal to $530.76 for each new single-family lot, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Parks Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 12. The applicant shall amend the Stoneridge Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to address the shared maintenance responsibilities of the stonnwater facilities prior to the recording of the short plat. 13. The applicant shall comply with the 1998 King C08unty Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and .water quality improvements. 14. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer m"in through Stoneridge 1 to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. ORDERED THIS 7111 day of March 2005 TRANSMITTED THIS 71h day of March 2005 to the parties of record: Nancy Weil 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 1821 5 n"d Ave S Kent, W A 98032 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Richard Wolf 14702 SE 1051h Place Renton, W A 98059 Windstone III ShoJt Plat File No.: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H March 7, 2005 Page 8 • TRANSMITTED THIS 7th day of March 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg .?:immerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer. Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing:on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or tb:! discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make d written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request.sllall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. " An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hal\. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., March 21, 2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All cominunications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of tile request by the Coun. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. •• ~ 6"' ,~ ;..r p..; ~ ~s d i ~:I r!1 ~ ~ l' -100' h,pl&~e ",>I;j" i i i i ill! !!!' c! ~: ~I i ! , i ; , i , wi 032305-9159 ('.1 Ac.) KINQ COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (!!I.12 Ac;..) / / /'c / / / , ~ ~. " UjiIl ~~ ) ..,"'z ~~g 1-<2 ~~! ~5 ~m ~ ~§ ~ ~ i § i ~ ~ !t5 f i j!: <! f ~ii i ~~~ ! J II ._ Ii ~ ~ ~~ % = ~ l 6w-8 • t;.o"'·-$' ~I 6 z ~ ~ ~ if. ~~ Y ~z ~ ~~~ .j! ti~ ~l ~~ li'Ul ~:I il!!, ~ _ ......... ---.... --..... -... ---..0----.. - . ~tMIIIOt_"... o:rJTIG INtlf1Itt SDI!DI -----0-.----""'" --...... _ .... -_ .......... --............... ....... -_ ......... ....... ,... ~ . ... · ....... · .. 22----- _........ I··; .. ···,··] ---tlQm AtLiIIlCKEItD_1ItVrINMO =:'~~~1IIDft' -. PRELlt.1INARY ORAOINO, STORM DRAINAGE AND IJIlUTY PLAN FOR' WINDSTONEm A PORTION OF THE s.e.1I4 OF SEC1lON 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N.. RANGE 5 E. WM:-- C1lY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ,/' ~~···;'~···"·".txo·a "" .......... . --;.;:;;-".:-~;;~'-~ ... --.-.. -, .. .. -' _____ .1.0;0 .... .-' . ..--- ..... 'A'm.' ~- JOM' USE !:lIIM;WAY'!MCT ~ 1'-3Cr ,.y' L",S ==IW-",~}; .... nA ... 1+JO.a "'WlI.~ ICfTRUo PLiI7 ~ EXTeSON f'RORI...li Uj§ CQ3l ~i~ ~ii '5 ~~ ~~g §·m ~~t5 8ii !~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~;no ~~~~ ~~~~ i ~ ... .. J $ e e • " , -• ,. " " • It -,. , It " • II • • • • • • • • • lit ,. • It ,. • ,. It " It • l " " " " " It " " = " '" ,. .. II " .. , " .-• ., It .. 8 .. Rt-8 i i L .. __ _ ZONING PIBIPW Tl!CHNlCAL SERVlCES U128I04 SE 104th SE 113th -- - -Iknton City Limit" D6 3 T23N R5E E 1/2 ·l Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 • RE: Windstone III Short Plat Application Dear Mr. Hearing Examiner: • 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 February 4, 2005 [OJ ~ @ rn n Wi m G1.'. U1] FrB 8 . l.ao~ '. :: ~. ~-CITY OF RENf~ . HEARING EXAMINER I would like to submit this written document in regards to the Windstone III Short Plat. Basically, it covers questions raised in the Stoneridge II Short Plat Application. I received the documentation from Renton this morning and have questions for you that were asked regarding the Stoneridge II short plat hearing. Tract A -when platted in King County, was built for 44 homes. When the City annexed this property, KBS upped the number of homes to 49. Stoneridge II will send stormwater from 7 additional homes to Tract A. Windstone III will add stormwater from 6 more homes to the Tract A detention pond. Windstone IV will add stormwater from 8 more homes/impervious surface. How many more homes does KBS intend to build that will send stormwater to Tract A? Does Tract A have the capacity to handle all of this runoff? I have a copy of the 200 I DOE Stormwater Management. Again, does KBS have a copy and will there be a copy on site for the foreman to reference? Shouldn't this specific document be included in the Development file? How will City officials make sure KBS is following these requirements? How will KBS prevent future damage to my property and May Creek -following state law that says downstream residents will not be harmed by upstream development? How will they prevent future yellow water/sediment from coming into my yard on its way to May Creek? How will the City prevent this damage from occurring? How will KBS prevent erosion from flowing into Greenes Stream prior to the building of the temporary sediment trap(s)? How will the City of Renton's make sure that such erosion doesn't come down prior to this construction.? What recourse do downstream residents have if the contractor/City doesn't do what they are supposed to do? All I get is excuses from Renton official s -they don't seem to take me seriously. Should I go to DOE if I see illegal activity? -. • • Thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Sincerely, ~~~ Claudia Donnelly ." " • : l 0--:: ::::: '----.--.- STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING} AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on Friday, 1128/05 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $74.00 at the rate of $16.00 per inch for the first publication and N/A per inch for eac s¢que~t ins~;;r Lily Nguyen Legal Advertisi~Representative, King County Journal ~~e tb;,:b day of January, 2005. \\\\i\\I II 1111/1/ \\\ • //1 $-~\ V-~~.f!:~.~ty /I'l.z ~ ~ .• -.. :"ot\ Exp,;·... ~ .::::-~ /.r:;t~~'" $~ •• ~ Tom A Me~gher .....20 It :\p,,?-''< \ z ~ Notary PUbl.lc for the State ofWas~tngton, Resldtng In Redmond~Wa~Wn~~@/ ~ i e ~ Ad Number. 858153 P.O. Number. -:;.. ~0 ": C!J;:;:: Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. ~:::.. \. PD '1-<::>~'" ~ j ''';'. <S'). •••• MA'i '/.'~"'r:~ ~ '%, ·-1r········· \>-"':) ~ '/1/11/ . f2 0 F 'l'I \\\\~ /1111111111 \ \ \ \\\\ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON,WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on February 8, 2005 at 9:00 AM to con· sider the following petitions: Windstone ill Short Plat LUA04-136, SHPL·H, LLA Location: 1815 Nile Avenue NE. The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6·lot subdivision of a l.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential • 5 (R·5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single· family homes· lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no Critical Areas are indicated. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be directed to the Hearing Examiner at 425-430-6515. Published in the King County Journal January 28, 2005. #858153 - \e .' .. '~'~~® .. ' ..u. -. ,'-" " Kathy Keolker.Wheeler. ~~yor * '-.. Degember 8, 2004 CITY. RE.NTON. PlanningtBuildinglPublic Works Department .•.. ,RECE\VED -.-GreggZimmer~an P.E.,Administr~tor,. - , .; , ' . . . . ' .. ' .. . Superintendent's Office . 'Renton School District #403 300 'SW ih str~et . J~M 1 Z .1005 .' . . OFFICii UI-l . .. . '.-" . " aUPSR4Nrru\lg~ 'TRANSPORTATION rSPT '.' .' . . 17 Renton, WA 98055~2307 Subject: . Windstone.111 Sh~ort Plat _.; ,c .; LUA-04~136, SHPL~H. LLA,ECF ; The City of.Renton Development 'Services'Division has received:an c;lpplicatio;' for a' 6-lot single~ .. ' family subdivision located at 1815 Nile Avenl;Je NE.· Please see. the enclosed Notice of .' Application. for further. det~ils. . . In ·order to proces's this application, the· Development Services Division needs to know which" Rentqn schools w,ouldbe attended by children .living.,ih resiqenc'es at ,the location indicated. above. Please fill. in the appropriate schools on' the list below and return this letter tei . my.' . . attention, Development Services Division, City'of Renton; 1055. South Grady Way, Renton,' Washington 98055 by December 22, 2004. " '. . '. Elem~ntary Scho.ol: '-:11L.4..~~~. Middle School: '--L?f:.e..-~ High School: ~ £~;) . L,J: .s -: ., . . ' ". . WH.I thes·chools. you have indic·ated· be ab,le to handle,the impa:ct of Jh~ adcjiti()nal students estimated to come from the proposeddeve.lopment? . Yes I> .. . No' '.- . Any Comments: ___ -----.,;._~....,-'---.-: ... _. -,--:....:........, __ -'--_....,..--:'-'--'--_--'-~. _' ..:....' ._-'-----,-,~_ Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any' questions regarding this project, please contact meat (425),430-7270. . . . . .... . ., Sincerely,,, . , , NancyWeil.· Senior Plann'er . " "RSD 403'. . .···R ·OEC162004D :", , E C E , V'"E . .. ' C!,PITAL ~ROJECTS . , _E....,:n_cl_ .. _. ---'---~-OS-5-S-0-ut-h-G-ra-d-Y-W;-aY---R-e-n-to-il.-W.-·'-sh ....... j-pg-to-n-,-9-g-0-SS-. ------.. ~ .. ~. . '. . ." . AHEAD O'v T~~ .CURVE . ~ This paper contains SO%'recyCied material,'30% postco~su";er'" . <' , ~, -,' -" -, ' ~ .' ~" '" . ,,#,\. .', ., .... .. ,'" ~' '.\ ' .. ,:~ : . <.':'.' " , ~ '.,;t., +'.' :.; u' :,\ ~ , ... "' '.~ . ",'i,' c, "', , ~. ;~ . f' :"/' . ~ . ' . . ~, . I ~", • .'~'i . "~-!>'r '} ~ , •• ~ .. 1'· . '.: • .J' . i i:,.. ,: .. ~ .... : .~., ; .... "'.1 '" " . ~.::"; . , $ ' .. ;~ :; .f,. " '" t \ ~. 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")/" .• 1:.:. . '.,q;>l( .p '.' eO,tName:'0 Windstone III Short Plat >~: .. ' ~,.·f ",,;~itL.,.!'" ~~,.t;,$ i'N'ijtitb~~~ LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA ~, " COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING February 8, 2005 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Windstone IV Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-04-135, SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for an 8-lot subdivision of a 1.98-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 4 (R-4) zoning designation however is vested to the R-5 development standards in effect prior to the Novemebr 2004 code changes. Currently, the site is developed with 3 single-family residences and 2 accessory structures. One of the exisitng single-family residences is to remain while all other structures are to be removed. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes- lots ranging in size from 8,094 sq. ft. to 11,970 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of NE 16th Street and Lyons Place NE. According to the City's Critical Areas Map, no critical areas are indicated for this site. PROJECT NAME: Windstone III Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. A Lot Line Adjustment is being processed administratively which must be recorded prior to the final short plat. The proposal is located within the Residential - 4 (R-4) zoning designation however is vested to the R-5 development standards in effect prior to the Novemebr 2004 code changes. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. According to the City's Critical Areas Map, no critical areas are indicated for this site. HEX Agenda 2-a-OS.doc PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Owner/Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: February 8, 2005 Windstone III Short Plat KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Wayne Potter Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 7200 Ave S Kent, WA 98032 R. A. and Beverly Wolf 14702 SE 105th Place Renton, WA 98059 LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA Project Manager: Nancy Weil The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. A Lot Line Adjustment is being processed administratively which must be recorded prior to the final short plat. The proposal is located within the Residential -4 (R-4) zoning designation however is vested to the R-5 development standards in effect prior to the Novemebr 2004 code changes. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. According to the City's Critical Areas Map, no critical areas are indicated for this site. . 1815 Nile Avenue NE 032300.9014 ,,12Aol 032305 9120 .A'. City of Renton PIB/PW Departmen_ WINDSTONE /II SHORT PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA PUBLIC HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Page 2 of 10 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map (dated 10/25/04) Preliminary Short Plat (dated 10/27104) Preliminary Grading, Storm Drainage and Utility Plan (dated 10/27104) Zoning Map: Sheet 06 East (dated 12/04/03) C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. Owner of Record: Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Existing Site Use: KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 R. A. and Beverly Wolf 14702 SE 105th Place Renton, WA 98059 Vested under Development Regulations for Residential - 5 Dwelling Units per acre (R-5) (zoned R-4 effective 11/10/2004) Residential Low Density (RLD) Single family residence and associated outbuildings 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: 6. 7. 8. D. North: Single family residential; R-5 zoning (R-4 effective 11/10/2004) East: King County; Residential zoning South: Stoneridge I Plat; R-5 zoning (R-4 effective 11/10/2004) West: Single family residential; R-8 zoning Access: Site Area: Project Data: Existing Building Area: New Building Area: Total Building Area: Nile Avenue via Kitsap Place NE 1.4 acres (61,614 square feet -gross area) Area NA NA NA HIS TORICAUBA CKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Annexation N/A 5068 Comprehensive Plan N/A 5069 Zoning N/A 5069 Stoneridge I Final Plat LUA 04-046 NA Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA 04-124 NA Comments NA NA NA Date 04/2812004 04/28/2004 04/28/2004 Pending Pending HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Deparlmene WINDS TONE 1/1 SHORT PLAT Preliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner LUA·04·136, SHPL·H, LLA PUBLIC HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts Section 4-3-050: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4·4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 10 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Residential Single Family objectives and policies; Residential Streets objectives and policies; Subdivision of Land objectives and pOlicies. 2. Housing Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant has proposed a lot line adjustment in order to short plat the 1.41-acre site and create 6 lots. The site is vested to the development regulations of the R-5 zone. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family residences. Proposed density for the six (6) lot subdivision on the 1.21 net acre site (1.41 gross acres) would be 4.92 du/acre after the deduction of the public street and private access easement from the gross site area. A Lot Line Adjustment has been submitted concurrently with the short plat application and is being processed administratively. The lot line adjustment for a lot in Stoneridge I, Lot 36 is to adjust the north property line of Lot 36 to incorporate approximately 50,000 square feet of the abutting parcel to the north. The site is at the northwest corner of Stoneridge I plat and will gain access from the extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently vacant. The public road will terminate with a temporary cui de sac on this site until future development to the north warrants the road to be extended. A private 26-foot wide access easement off the west side of proposed Kitsap Place NE will provide access to three lots, Lot 35 is included in Stoneridge I. HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Deparlmene WINDS TONE III SHORT PLAT Preliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: FEBRUARY 8. 2005 Page 4 of 10 The site is flat to rolling and slopes gently to the east with approximately 20 feet of elevation change across the width of the site. The steepest ·slope on the site is approximately 18 percent. The site is vegetated sparsely with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense under story of forest duff and brush. The site does not contain Critical Areas according to the City's Critical Areas map; therefore Environmental (SEPA) Revie'l{ was not required. Due to proposed grading of the site and site preparation, approximately 1.25 acres of the total site will be cleared. However, the applicant anticipates the mass grading of the site will be relatively minimal, with construction to follow the existing contours of the site as much as possible. The soils on site consist mainly of native silty sand with gravel (Unified Soil Classification SM). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Except when located on lands covered by water or critical areas, short plats are exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800.6.a. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Not Applicable. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SHORT PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan DeSignation. The subject site is deSignated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The objective established by the RLD designation is to preserve open space and natural resources and protect environmentally sensitive areas by limiting residential development in critical areas, areas identified as part of a city-wide or regional open space network, agricultural lands within the City, or in areas providing a transition to the Urban Growth Boundary and King County Rural Designation. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Residential Low Density policies: The proposed plat is consistent with the following Residential Single Family policies: Land Use Element Policy LU-26. Base Development densities should range from one home per 10 acres to five homes per acre in the RLD. The proposed plat has a net density of 4.9 du/acre, which is slightly below the maximum allowable density of the R-5 zone and complies with this policy. Policy LU-32. Residential Low Density areas may be incorporated into community separators. The site's location within the RLD land use designation was within the Urban Growth boundary prior to its annexation. This site is west of land under King County's jurisdiction and within the Urban Growth Boundary. Housing Element The proposal should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element. Policy H-9. Ensure sufficient and additional capacity for single-family development by encouraging annexations The addition of six new single-family homes to a recently annexed area would increase the City's housing supply, thereby furthering an objective of the City of Renton. HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Departmene WINDSTONE 11/ SHORT PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA Page 5 of 10 (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning DeSignation. The 1.4 -acre site (gross area) consists of one parcel designated Residential-5 Dwelling units per acres (R-5) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development allows for the future construction of up to nine dwelling units along with associated plat improvements. The following staff report is based on the land use application submittal vested under the R-5 zone development standards in effect at the time of the complete application (prior to 11/10/2004). Density -The maximum permitted density in the R-5 zone is 5.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac). There is no minimum denSity requirement. Net density is calculated after public rights-of-way, private streets serving more than three lots, and critical areas are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. The proposed site is created with the lot line adjustment of Lot 36 of Stoneridge I. Once the lot line adjustment is recorded for what was Lot 36 then the applicant may record the short plat, Windstone III. Therefore staff recommends as a condition of the short plat the Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Once the Lot Line Adjustment is completed the site will consist of 61,614 square feet. After the deduction of 8,680 square feet from the 61,614 gross square foot parcel (61,614 gross sq. ft. -8,680 sq. ft. total deducted area = 52,934 net sq. ft. I 1.22 net acres), the proposal would arrive at a net density of 4.9 dwelling units per acre (6 units I 1.22 acres = 4.9 dulac). The proposed plat complies with density requirements for the R-5 development standards. Lot Dimensions -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-5 zone is 7,200 square feet. A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots. Lot depth is required to be a minimum of 65 feet. Lot widths proposed range from 60 to 148 feet and lot depths are proposed from approximately 90 to 130 feet. Lot sizes would be equal to or greater than the minimum of 4,500 square feet; the smallest lot would be 7,217 square feet and the largest would be 13,793 square feet. The short plat would create 6 lots with the following sizes: Lot Area (square feet) Access 1 7,452 Kitsap Place N E 2 7,856 Kitsap Place N E 3 7,217 Kitsap Place NE 4 8,306 Kitsap Place NE 5 13,793 26 ft. easement 6 11,491 26 ft. easement Setbacks -The plat plan does not include setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes within the R-5 zone. Building setbacks as required by the R-5 development standards, include: front yard setbacks of 15 ft. for primary structure and 20 ft. for attached garages which access from the front yard street; side yard along a street setback of 15 ft. for primary structure and 20 ft. for attached garages which access from the side yard street; and interior side yard setbacks of 5 feet. The rear yard setback is 25 ft. Based on staff's review, it appears that the lots can comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. Lots 5 and 6 do not have public road frontage and are oriented towards the private easement. Lot 6 is a pipestem lot. Staff recommends the yard setbacks be designated as follows: the front yard setback for Lot 5 from the southern property line and for Lot 6 from the northern property line. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. Building Standards -The R-5 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support the construction of one detached unit within the R-5 zone. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Departmene WINDS TONE /1/ SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TEE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA Page 6 of 10 lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Accessory structures are permitted only when associated with a primary structure located on the same parcel. Building height in the R-5 zone is limited to 2 stories and 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. Maximum building coverage for lots over 5,000 square feet in size is limited to 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater, and for lots less than 5,000 square feet in size coverage is limited to 50%. The proposal's compliance with these building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are at right angles to street lines. All lots would have direct frontage to public roadways directly or via a private street. New Lot 6 is a pipestem lot that would be accessed via a 26 ft. private access easement, which would also serve Lot 5. The unusual configuration of Lots 5 and 6 may not create right angles however the buildable envelope is adequately uniform and oriented to the private access easement. These lots also appear compatible with Lot 35 of Stoneridge I. As proposed, all lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Each of the proposed lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone. The plat plan does include setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes and when considering the required setbacks, as well as access points for each lot, the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single family homes. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 front Kitsap Place NE, which is to be extended from the south, Stone ridge I. The private street off of Kitsap Place NE is a 26-foot easement across the pipestem portion of Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 3 and 5. It should be noted that Lot 35 of Stoneridge I would also gain acce~s from this private street. Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of- way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The proposed subdivision would not create any lots to be located at the intersection of public rig hts-of -way. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Street Improvements: Access to Lots 1 through Lot 4 is proposed via the extension of Kitsap Place NE from the south as part of Stoneridge I. A private 26-foot wide easement will serve Lots 5 and 6 also previously approved Lot 35 of Stone ridge I. Private access easement can serve a total of six lots, with no more than four lots not abutting a public street. The short plat complies with this requirement. A temporary cui de sac is to be constructed at the north end of Kitsap Place NE to await future development of the property to the north. Street improvements along the frontage of Kitsap Place NE is required, including but not limited to pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, City of Renton streetlights, street name signs, etc. To ensure that all emergency response vehicles would be able to locate any residence from the public right-of-way, Kitsap Place NEt staff recommends as a condition of approval that residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat that are not visible from Kitsap Place. NE. Staff recommends the establishment of a homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Departmene WINDS TONE 11/ SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136. SHPL-H. LLA Page 70f10 responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the short plat. Additionally, access to proposed Division III of Windstone gains from the Kitsap Place NE through Stoneridge I which has not yet been recorded, the applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the access road and improvements along the access road (Kitsap Place NE) through Stoneridge I, prior to the recording of the short plat. The proposed subdivision is expected to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. To mitigate for impacts to the local street system, a Traffic Mitigation Fee, based on $75.00 per average daily trip generated by the project will be imposed. The proposed 6 new residential lots with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I would be expected to generate approximately 47.85 new average weekday trips (5 new lots x 9.57 x $75.00 = $3,588.75) and is payable prior to recording the final short plat. Topography: The site gently slopes downward from the west to the east to the west with a slope of approximately 5 percent. The soils were identified as mainly native silty sand with gravel (Unified Soil Classification SM). To ensure optimal conditions are maintained during site preparation and general earthwork, staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval that the project comply with The Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. dated October 14, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". The property is described as sparsely vegetated with deciduous and coniferous trees with dense brush. The trees range from a 6-inch fir to 16-inch cedar, maple and fir. The proposal would remove all but 2 of the 23 trees indicated on the site. While the proposal estimates the grading to relatively minimal, cuts and fills are anticipated to range up to 8 feet for site preparation thus it is expected some impact will occur during grading. Therefore, in order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and adjacent properties, staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval that the project comply with the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject short plat has similar residential uses to the south, west and east. To the north is the residual parcel from the lot line adjustment, which is currently undeveloped except of one single-family residence. The proposed detached single-family development appears to be consistent with the existing uses in the area. The Stoneridge I subdivision is currently under construction to the south of this proposed development. Community Assets: The plans indicate the majority of the vegetation would be removed for the development of the short plat. This project is vested to the R-5 Development Regulations prior to November of 2005 Code changes therefore no landscape street plan is required. However, as a result of the loss of existing vegetation and in keeping with the code, which requires adding attractiveness and value to the property, staff recommends the following condition: the applicant be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-1/2 inches (deciduous) or 6 to 8 feet in height (conifer) per each new lot, within the 20-foot front yard setback area for all lots within the short plat. In order to ensure the trees are maintained and/or replaced if damaged, the applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property. The restrictive covenant shall indicate that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard setback area of each new lot. The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with short plat recording; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I, will be required in order to mitigate HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Departmene WINDS TONE Iff SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Preliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA Page 8 of 10 the proposal's potential impacts to emergency services. The fee is estimated at $2,440.00 (5 new lots x $488.00 = $2,440.00) and is payable prior to the recording of the final short plat. Recreation: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. There are no existing recreational facilities in the immediate vicinity of the subject property and it is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future demand on existing City parks and recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, the applicant will be required to pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The fee is estimated at $2,653.80 (5 new lots x $530.76 = $2,653.80) and is payable prior to the recording of the final short plat. School: The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code (RMC 4-1-160C) requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISO impact fee of $2,937.00 per new single-family lot prior to building permit approval. The schools would include: Newcastle Elementary, Maywood Middle School and Liberty High School. Storm Drainage / Surface Water: The applicant submitted a Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated October 15, 2004 with the land use application. The report indicated the proposal is to construct the lots and streets with catch basin collection and pipe conveyance systems to drain into the constructed storm pond system for the Stoneridge I plat. Maintenance of the detention/water quality pond should be shared with Stoneridge I Homeowner's Association, since the volumes are being added to the referenced pond. Therefore staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval, the applicant amend the Stoneridge Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to address the shared maintenance responsibilities of the stormwater facilities. This project drains to the May Creek sub-basin. Due to downstream capacity issues, Staff recommends the applicant shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The site is located within the King County Water District 90 (WD90) service area. A Certificate of Water Availability from WD 90 is required showing that the District's system can provide a minimum of 1,000 gpm of available fire flow per fire hydrant. The applicant must verify the required fees, permits and submittals with WD 90. The final design of the water main improvements would be approved by WD 90 with concurrence by the City of Renton. Existing and new hydrants are required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. An 8-inch sanitary sewer main is to be stalled with Stoneridge I and is to be stubbed to the access road of this proposed short plat. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Windstone III Short Plat, Project File No. LUA-04-136, SHPL-H subject to the following conditions: 1. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 2. The applicant shall note the yard setbacks be designated as follows: the front yard setback for Lot 5 from the southern property line and for Lot 6 from the northern property line. A note shall be placed on the face of the plat denoting the required setback orientation and this condition shall be subject to the review of Development Services prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall ensure that the residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat that are not visible from Kitsap Place. NE. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. HEXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Deparlmeme WINDS TONE III SHORT PLA T Preliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA PUBLIC HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Page 9 of 10 4. A homeowner's association or a maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the short plat. 5. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the access road and improvements along the access road through Stoneridge I, prior to the recording of the short plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee equal to $75.00 for each new daily trip associated with the project, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 7. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated October 14, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". 8. The short plat shall be required to comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 9. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all six lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 10. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single-family residence, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 11. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee equal to $530.76 for each new single- family lot, with credit given for the lot originally part of Stoneridge I. The Parks Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 12. The applicant shall amend the Stoneridge Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to address the shared maintenance responsibilities of the stormwater facilities prior to the recording of the short plat. 13. The applicant shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 14. The applicant shall be required to obtain dedication of the sewer main through Stoneridge I to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system prior to the recording of the short plat. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Short Plats (SHPL): If the short plat is not filed within two years from date of approval (RMC 4-7- 070.M). the short plat shall become null and void. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. These notes are provided as Information only; they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. New single-and multi-family construction activities are restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays. Water 1. Existing and new hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. H EXRPT04-136.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Departmene WINDS TONE 11/ SHORT PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-136, SHPL-H, LLA PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Page 10 of 10 Sanitary Sewer: 1. A sewer main extension along the new road will be required. 2. Separate side sewers stubs are required in each building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. 3. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 4. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. Storm Drainage: 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) is $715 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. Street Improvements: 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street. 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. General: 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Fire Department: 1. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 ft. wide. Dead-end roadways over 150 ft. in length are required to have an approved turnaround. 2. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 3. A fire hydrant with 1000 gpm fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 gpm and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 4. Dead end access roadways over 700 feet in length are required to have a secondary access. 5. All lots on a dead end roadway between 500 and 700 feet are required to be sprinklered. Property Services: 1. Please refer to attached memo dated January 18, 2005. HEXRPT04-136.doc r is--:f- 1--1 F==r=~~~.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~------~,-~~----~~==~----~--~--~~----~----~~~----~~------~----_,r----------~~~' .... , .!!l /, • '/ I' . ,;.. .. ~. ~ ~= elM II ~ ~:I %1 J.. ~ ~ .. -"-~ l' -100' 11...j 'f >c,.1 wi ~, ~t 01 ~! 032305 'J '9021 (3.56 ACi) WI 032305-9159 032305 9045 (1.41 Ac.) ')' I I I I 032 05-9047 ..-.,," p~a7 Ac.) ~r / ....... ,,,." KlNGCOUNry CITY OF RENTON 032305 9210 COA2""-) 032305 9173 ~.uAc.) (O.SIIAC.) 032305 9208 "".., 1l32305 9209 ..,,~, 032305-9014 032305-9277 (1.20Ac.) (6.12 Ac.) : ~ .. -<;, ,~,,<,v , oS,,9 ~Q~~~ \. 032305 ~y...d? 'li'~OSI r / '" ~~1~~ __ Q~~130s,..'9035 >----_______ " .... :DJ(Ac.) ///"" \ --- / '\..---\ ---.-----1 I~-.-----~'--~l , , 1 CITY!OF'RENTON '-, 110-11111<) KING COUNTY 032305 Irl 9070 ",. ~: (2.47 Ac.) 032305 9120 -42- (2.17 Ac.) j' .. ' ~i 032305 , 9278 I (1.11""'.) w! ~, /032305 iii 9017 ~, ~i w o // /// ./ /// .. /// ./ // /./ / // ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ·m ~g w'" -=>i5 ~~o 1S<z §i!=ilj zl!~ 3:, . .... i5 ~!z S1w a: ~~8 ~.:!l °l!!z ~50 QU)o u '~ ;~~ ~ .~-..J11! I!!Z ~~w 8l-m :.:: ).~ ,), \~ t\' 1 ! I-----.-::!'l~~ § .~~ 1 s; '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~E~ ~I 1 ~O)'f~ ffi~ :::: ~<~~ 1° ~ ~~ii ~i i ~ ~l .::; ~ '" \.')1:, ~ g m q ui Q m 03JU303Jb1 ~OOl8l1JO NOlN3~ ~O AlIO 9NINNVld lN3~d013"30 f(\ ~ 6' .. ' ..,.. v I-:S .. "-!l;1 i~ ~~ "- ~ ~ T-40' hi 'j ~ i PRElJMlNARY PLAT FOR WINDSTONEm A PORT1ON OF 1HE S.E V4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E.. WM. CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ! (\ '~,-~ f--------------------~:>~--~:7~:-. _______ _ I --I /'//' ' "----: '" '//'>..-'--' , \ I ... ~~,,:;<', //>..-.::05 I ' I ... .. ". \ • _I-r,........ • "" ... ~ ~ , .... " ~ _, •• __ 1 e .. --f:fJ"7........,.,t, \ " ... , '\ \ -~ \ \ l>-., -----' ... ~ ... ~.. , ... '< • ~'-.. ",,, 'I. 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(4-12:DU/.w;) I. f"AOPOSED 111ft. I.DT 'dITH: UI 10. IImU:II£l)IGl.WIftm1:1Q' 11. PROPOSttIIAI.tOl'NlD.:n17U. 12. Rro'.JR[Dwtltm.oll(A:7200S.F. I.l. MO.iCC'JIlEJGIY; ... Il2DU/..e. 14.1ImI-"tOl __ ~ STRaT:'O' CoWQ:SIREr."~Z'J' """",,' iW:J(:!f i"-IIWC8AS[HOCKTffllultmCS;15' lfLSCUlCEOF~AH!)TCIPOGIIAI>!fY:F'lrulSUllVETtDIn' """'''''''''''''''''''' OWNER ~"'" 1471l2S.LlosrHl'lAI:l: m1QN. ..... ~SO:iI DEVELOPBl IC8S 0EYE'!.0PIIDn" CORPOIU,I1lfj 1= N.L 8TH !:!!I££'I.:iUIl£,'DC1 """""'-- ENGINEER/PLANNER/SURVEYOR _oaGU-"""""" IS -72HDMlU: stJuTH ~ ... 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Rt-8 I i I ZONING PIBIPW TECHNICAL SBRVlCBS 1lIl8I04 E6 -10 T23N R5E E 112 ----Renton di~ IJmlt,l SE 113th bcoS0 "yo 1:"'800 D6 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 18,2005 Nancy Weil Qs Sonja J. Fesser }~ Windstone ill Short Plat, LUA·04-136·SHPL Fonnat and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: . Comments for the Applicant: The subject short plat cannot be approved and recorded until the lot line adjustment (LUA-04- 136-LLA) is recorded. The title at the top of this preliminary short plat submittal does not include the word "SHORT". The submittal is not a plat, but a short plat. Replace the reference to "BOUNDARY" with LOT in the legal description included in this preliminary short plat submittal. Replace "FILE #" with King County Recording No. Some of the dimensions given for the perimeter of this short plat differ from the dimensions noted on said lot line adjustment. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. The str~t dedication, for Kitsap Place NE, requires approval by the City Council. Said dedication is achieved via a recorded City of Renton Dedication Deed document. If the dedication is to be recorded with the short plat, the dedication process needs to be timed in such a way that Council approval and all other matters pertaining to the dedication have been taken care of, and said document is ready to record. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit. The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated Plat Certificate dated within 45 days of Council \H:\File Sys\LNO· Lnnd Subdivision & Surveying Records\LNO·20· Short PIII!s\0399\RV05011.2.doc January 19, 2005 Page 2 e· approval of said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions concerning this matter. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-136-SHPL and LND-20-0399, respectively, on the drawing sheets, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. A licensed surveyor will need to prepare and stamp, sign and date the final short plat submittal. Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the City of Renton when the ties have been provided. Note the bearings for all interior lot lines. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note the dates the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of ~ecord and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing(s), including the two water easements (Rec. Nos. 20040830000841 and 20040831000521) and easements established via the recording of the plat of Stoneridge. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots as soon as possible. Addresses (and street names) need to be noted on the short plat drawing(s). On. the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. The City of Renton Administrator of PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works is the only city official who signs the final short plat mylars. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. King County approval blocks are required as needed. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat properties need to sign the final short plat mylars. Include a declaration block on the drawings. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plat~\0399\RV050112.doc\cor January 19,2005 Page 3 e.·' If the property to the north and east of the subject short plat is not a platted property, then note it on the drawing as unplatted. . References to zoning, setbacks, height of buildin'gs, comprehensive plan designation and density should be removed from the final submittal. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive easements to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) should be referenced on the short plat submittal. The new private 26' wide easement for access and utilities (over Lots 3, 5 and 6) is for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots. Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, no easement can be created until such time as ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with andlor subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, iLthe previous paragraph applies: . DECLARA TION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement(s) shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat The private ingress, egress and utilities easement requires that a "NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement be noted on the drawing. See the attachment. Comments for the Project Manager: Note that there is a street dedication associated with this short plat proposal that needs to be approved by the City Council at the appropriate time in the short plat process. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\Pile Sys\LND -umd Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short PJats\0399\RV050112.doc\cor Title for both of the following paragraphs: *.:-W··' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MA~NANCEAGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRN ATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE" OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM·WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. 'PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT 1S PROHIBITED, UNLESS PA VEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the/ollowing paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT . SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND . RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRN ATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM·WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHlN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MA1NTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. PROPERTY S.~_(;ES FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDMSIO_ '. 2004 -_7~B=:.-__ APPLICANT: \NoLE) -a A 8< :eev ) J..<1a.5 nr I L C RECEIVED FROM ___ --,.-::---,--_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: I 8/ IQ "-J I LE,A:VE b IE-WO#_7-<-7-'-'o"S .... .3.-<e..8.-J-_____ _ NATURE OF WORK: G-lf'}:r: 5b1OEtt '1?LA.tLlt-\llbJb~!E m SHpU LND # ZO -Oacrg X PRELIMINARY REVIEWO'F SUBDMSION BY ibNG PLAT~ NEED MORE Ii'&ORMATION: .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. .. FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED _____ _ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT Prod 08e305 -90L4 -Q04G pro #'s SQUARE FOOTAGE FRONT FOOTAGE -VICINITY MAP -OTHER )< NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the. developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the conslrUction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note thaI these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect allime of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. . The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to exJstance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. ~ The followin2 Quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits. r/wpennit ees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer A2l"eement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Al!reement (pvt) WASTEWATER -0- Latecomer A2l"eement (pvt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment DistrictlW A TER /-0- HOJ.,Je:y CREE:K. e6D ea.// 1~.eso.OD 'X LJkWrS G;, $1500.00 Special Assessment DistricUW ASTEW A TER Joint Use A~reement (METRO) - Local ImDrovement District • - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVEWPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated /I OFUNITSf SDCFEE -Pd Prevo ., Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Sinele family residential $1,525/unit x -WA.iEB .... -.• ,~"'1b ~_ Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park I ~""II FN' , . Apartment Condo $915/unlt not in CD or COR zones x Ic:r~ Qn Commercial/Industrial, $O.21J/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus IS ft perimeter (2.800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER -Estimated -Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x G; $5 AoO·OO Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $S40funit not in CD or COR zones x CommerciallIndustrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER ., Estimated .. Pd Prevo .. PartiaUv Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single familv residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x -~ $4-ego.C)O All other properties $0·.249fsq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) IPREL~ARYTOTAL $ 11 J IqO.OO 116!~o) 9. JullJlv.J 1e./17/o4- '< t..,) e 0 ~ 0 7 'DATE 11 01'> Signat~f Revi~g Authority I 11 .. "'If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status • III ...J < .... OJ " Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. e ~ .. Current City SDC fee charges apply to ;:l 0 EFFECTIVE January I, 2004 .~'~.:. • CITY • ~RENTON .ill' ' PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department '-Kathy Kooiker-Wheeler, Mayor , Gregg Ziinmerman P.E., Administrator , January 11, 2005 ,Wayne Potter Barghausen Consulting Engineers 18215 72nd Avenue'S ' , Kent, WA 98032 , Subject:' Wind storie III Short Plat with aSsociated Lot Line Adjustm~nt' LUA~04-136, LLA, SHPL-H ' Dear Mr. Potter: . The, Qity of Renton has cbmpletl:)d the jriitiairevi~wofyourproposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be necessary ip order for,the City,to approve yourproposal: " . ".:.. .:" .. 1. See attached, memo·dated Janu8rY;5; 200,Swithcorlirilentsfrom Property,S,ervices. . 2. Aplat showing .theexisting"bou'ndarY line fo(parce'ls#6'3Q305~9b14a~d #032305'-9046' (without the proposed lots shown) and the proposed hew bourdary line, labeled as such. . \'. " 3. Calculations to show, the,d(3nsity of \/IIipds,tone (Stonerid'ge):before, as approved, and ,after the lot line adjustment Pleased~et~ii: wbrk. ,-' ..... , ,Once the. changes asnoted'above~fi/irL'the,,'~ha~hed, memO,' 'have been, made" please submit three (3) copies of the 'revisao, .I6Lline'adju~tmentto'hly a,ttentionat the sixth floor , .' counter'of City Hall. The r'evised plans will ·.b:e routed, for final review and you will be notified," , whe-ri it is, appr6priat~to suhrnit t~e.final mylars. ' '., ' . .,' . . If you have any questions regardingyolJi' a~plic,~tion or, the' Changes requestedabqve, " please contc:lcfme,af425-430:'727q.' . .: ' '. ' ,,' -Sincerely, '~~& ,-' Nancy W,eil ' -Senior Pla'nner .. Attachment . ',' cc:' KBS III, LLC rOwners Project File ' ---WR"'e'"'Vi""sre""q~.dl7<loc'---1-0-55-S-o-u-th-G-r-ad-y-W,-a--y-'-~R-en-t-on-.-W,-a-sh"'-in-g-to-n-9-8-0-55----'----.~ * This paper contains 50% recycled meteria;, 30% post consumer . AHEAD OF ~HE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 5, 2005 Nancy Weil 2> Sonja J. Fesser y~ Windstone III Lot Line Adjustment, LUA·04·136·LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-136-LLA and LND-30-0287, respectively, on the drawing submittal in the spaces already provided. NOTE: The plat of Windstone needs to be recorded before the subject lot line adjustment can be approved and recorded. Man #1325 is not a horizontal control monument, but a benchmark only in the City of Renton Survey Control Network. Provide a tie to a second horizontal control monument. Insert the volume and page number of the plat of Stone Ridge (Windstone) in the legal description for Lot B (Sheet 1 of 2). Indicate on the drawing what was set at the new corners of the subject lots. The symbol used at said corners has no legend. Also, the new corner on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2), being 10.06 feet westerly of the NE corner of Lot 34, has no symbol shown. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. All vested owners of the subject lot line adjustment properties need to sign the final lot line adjustment submittal. Is the developer to own new Parcel B or, as is noted, the Homeowners' \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustment~\0287\RV050105.doc January 7, 2005 Page 2 ---- Association for Windstone (Stoneridge)? The "Project Narrative" for the lot line adjustment states that said Lot B is to be later subdivided into six lots. Note on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2) the bearing to center at the south end of the curve bordering Kitsap Place NE. What does the dashed line represent running diagonally across the top 20 feet of the underlying Lot 34 (Sheet 2 of 2)? Does it define the end of the 20' access and utility easement? Is said access easement new? Is it to be established via the recording of the Windstone plat? Change the year noted ("2004") in the "APPROVALS" block to 2005. Note whether the properties surrounding the subject lot line adjustment parcels are platted (give the plat name and lot number) or unplatted. Note the address of Lot A on the drawing. Note all easements, restrictive covenants and agreements of record, for both underlying properties on the drawing. Note encroachments, if any. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this lot line adjustment, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment submittal and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the lot line adjustment) need to be referenced on the lot line adjustment drawings. Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges, if any. H:\Filc Sys\LND· Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30· Lot Line Adjustments\0287\RV050105.doc\cor _ e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ................... h./L COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22, APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 8, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc Weil PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries RENTON SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Une Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LjgJ1t!Glare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date '; ~. • December 30, 2004 City of Renton Attn: Nancy Weil, Senior Planner Development Planning 1055 So. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Ms. Weil, Scott E. Hayes JoAnn R. Watanabe-Haye.s 1714 Ilwaco Ave NE . Renton, WA 98059-4237 Residence: (425) 793-8760 CJffice: (206) 684-3563' E-mail: sejrhayes@comcast.net • DEVELOPME CITY OF~~~~NING JAN .. ~ 2005 ~~(f;~DW'~[Q) As an impacted party by the development of the Windstone III project, we.are returning the enclosed Notice of Application form in order to be made a "party of record" for the Windstone III residential development project as instructed on page two of the form. As a party of record we wish to continue to receive any and all information that becomes available on this project. Please update your party of record information to include us in all future information distribution on this project. We thank you for your time and attention to our request. Please feel free to contact us at any time should you have any questions or concerns regarding this request. .' Proposed MItigation Measures:. The following Mitigation. Measures will likely be imlci on the proposed pr~ject. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project Impacts not covered by eXisting codes and regulations as cited above. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Nancy Weil, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on December 22,2004. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on February B, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are interested In attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submlt1ed in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have quesllons about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Nancy Well, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7270------: - I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I 032305-9159 (1 .... 'Ac.1 CITY OF AENTOt.I 032305·9014 " •• IAC..) 032305.92n II,20Ao.) ..,." 0276 032305 ..... 90~ .....,. 9256 032306 (3.56 ..... 9278 ~ p." ...... I ...... 9280 I ....... I .1 ., .... If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File No.lName: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF I Windstone!ll Short Plat NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: ...., TELEPHONE NO.: Scott E Hayes JoAnn R. Watanabe-Hayes 1714 Ilwaco Ave NE Renton, WA 98059-4237 • • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSE,D DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) . I • . DATE: December 8, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF · PROJECT NAME: Windstone III Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner ---_Sl1orU~latappro_val and~LotLine_AdjL!sJmelltfoLa.6dot~L!bdivisiQn,0!,,"a,,"1.4"acr.e_sit~ .~T.he_pr.oposaUsJp.cated_\Alithin.the . . Residential" 5' (R;S)'"zoningdesignation. The lots are 'intendea for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging In size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to thesite is proposed via extension of Kilsap Place NE. The site Is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. . 2> ,.!'./;,~,} PROJECT LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED.(DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton · has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.l1 0, the City of. Rentol) is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- · M Is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS·M are integrated into a· single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. . PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 28, 2004 · NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: December 8, 2004 APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayne Potter, Tel: (425) 656-7435; Email: wpotter@novastardev.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Shcirt Plat Other Permits which may be required: Construction, BUilding, and Fire Permits Requested Studies: Geotechnical Study, Habitat, Drainage, and Wetland Reports Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Development S~rvlces Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVEFiVlEW: Zonlng/Land Use: · __ 98055--..>----__ -.. _· -~ .. _~._ M" _._-_-. -'_~--' .. Public hearing tentatively scheduled for February 8, 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated Residential Low Density on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential - 5 (R-5) on the City's Zoning Map. . This designation encourages and permits single-family residential development at a maximum net density of 5.0 dulac. The proposal for nine lots would result in a net density of 2.9 dulac. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the both designations. '. ·j;/lvlronmental Documents that ·"'1!toaluate the Proposed Project: SEPA Checklist, Habitat Data Report, and Wetland Report Development Regulations Used For ~roJect Mitigation: • The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. ,. I t,: '" .: ,' .. -',. ,'-. ,t·,-, , di' .... 10 • t';-~ /~~.-:. ) " :r-' ;'. , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM December 20, 2004 NancyWeil Juliana Fries (x: 7278) Windstone III Preliminary Plat -LUA 04 -136 1815 Nile Ave NE I have reviewed the application for this 6-lot short plat, located at 1815 Nile Ave NE, and the following comments: . EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER SEWER STORM STREETS The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90 (WD 90). The proposed project is located outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. An 8-inch sewer main is being installed as part of Stoneridge I. This sewer main will be stubbed to the access road of the proposed short plat. A storm drainage plan and drainage report was provided. The applicant is proposing to add the detention and water quality requirements to the pond. being built as part of Stoneridge I. This project drains to the May Creek sub-basin. Access to this proposed short plat will be provided through Stoneridge I. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. Existing and new hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. SANITARY SEWER 1. A sewer main extension along the new road will be required. 2. Separate side sewers stubs are required in each building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. 3. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 4. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. SURFACE WATER 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) is $715 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. .' TRANSPORTATION 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street. 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. PLAN REVIEW· GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall provide a Certificate of Water Availability, showing that the District's system can provide a minimum of 1,000 gpm of available fire flow per fire hydrant. 2. The traffic mitigation fee of $75 per additional generated daily trip shall be assessed at a rate of 9.57 trips per single-family residence. 3. Due to downstream capacity issues, staff is recommending a SEPA condition requiring this project to comply with the 199B King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 4. This project shall comply with the erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology Manual. 5. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated October 13 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Utility Trench Backfill". 6. Prior to recording this short plat, dedication of the access road (through Stoneridge I) and improvements along the access road will be required, if Stoneridge I is not recorded yet. 7. Prior to recording the short plat, dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge I) to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system will be required, if not yet in place. B. Maintenance of the detention/water quality pond should be shared with Stoneridge I Homeowner's Association, since the volumes are added to the referenced pond. cc: Kayren Kittrick e e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works EN V I RON MEN TAL & D.E VEL 0 PM EN TAP P LIe A T ION REV lEW 5 HE E T REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 8, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS Ill, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc Weil PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examin~~)j(A'?:l'l! approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential-5 (R~5t'Ze«~lrlA, designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7';217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Ma/or Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transporlation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airporl Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8, POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS lcJ--ao-oy Date e e· City of Renton Department of Planning I Building I Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Ft're.. COMMENTS DUE: DECEI\/lBEB22. 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: DECE~ ~ 8j[ocfn if n till p I~ .. / ;,f I.:'.;" ~il .. i.:::J APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Frje~ 'III n [:r ~ n n"n -V L.VV't L:::J SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREAJ.gros~l: Nil LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77338 ~r~Y OF HENTON '~;t.: L): "i1f~ I MENT SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Sl1!5lTPlat-awr.fiv.al.a~ Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential-5 (R-S) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE.· The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Informat/on Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LanctlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Aitport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet S JJI!~/' B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS )JA C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS ~~ JJLpt We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi nal informatio needed to properly assess this proposal. /;;2. /; 0 h 1/ Date ~7 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM December 10, 2004 Nancy Weil, Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ~jl Windstone III Short Plat, 1815 Nile Ave. NE MITIGATION ITEMS; l. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 wide. Dead end roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. See attached diagram. 3. Dead end access roadways over 700 feet in length are required to have a secondary access. 4. All lots on a dead end roadway between 500 and 700 feet are required to be sprinklered 5. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City o,lton Department of Planning I Building I PUbllorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22,2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 8, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currenlly wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Informal/on Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS .$ee. ,~ tion with particular attenlion to those areas In which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or tion is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date J • • ,"" City of ton Department of Planning I Building I Publi~orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: J vtl.K"P~~ COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22, 2004 I APPLICATION NO: lUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 8,2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77338 0, SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examin~;Sho'~'j~I,irt~~~~~1 and lot line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housing Air Aesthetics Water LiqhllGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transporlation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airporl Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS ~~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas wh re additional informal" is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signa Date S# loo4 Project Name: vJ\~t:>S\O)')6 H\ -&~pt...) l.lAl Project Address: 11;,5 tJ\L§ A\J6Nub ~6 Contact Person: ~~S 1\\ I LL~ ; Permit Number: LU" -04-' ~ lp pr~ectDescM~ion:~~~~~I~S~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~V~&~G~B~~~f~4~o~p~~~~~/~~~~~~ Land Use Type: @/Residential o Retail o Non-retail Calculation: \0 y.. ~,cs> 7 = '51. '-\ '-A t;)T Method of Calculation: @-ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition o Traffic Study (?\o') Sf:va DJ.~i /,-or o Other 51.'-\1. Yo $I t~.CJO -::.. ~ L\l~O\o. So Transportation Mitigation Fee: Calculated by: Date of Payment: __ ~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~_ • . e· , City of Jrnton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: .,.,.., .... ....-....... ,'--COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22, DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 8, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc Weil PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. . , A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/CuI/ural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 18,2005 NancyWeil ~ Sonja J. Fesser J>~ Windstone III Short Plat, LUA-04-136-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The subject short plat cannot be approved and recorded until the lot line adjustment (LUA-04- 136-LLA) is recorded. The title at the top of this preliminary short plat submittal does not include the word "SHORT". The submittal is not a plat, but a short plat. Replace the reference to "BOUNDARY" with LOT in the legal description included in this preliminary short plat submittal. Replace "FILE #" with King County Recording No. Some of the dimensions given for the perimeter of this short plat differ from the dimensions noted on said lot line adjustment. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. The street dedication, for Kitsap Place NE, requires approval by the City Council. Said dedication is achieved via a recorded City of Renton Dedication Deed document. If the dedication is to be recorded with the short plat, the dedication process needs to be timed in such a way that Council approval and all other matters pertaining to the dedication have been taken care of, and said document is ready to record. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit. The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated Plat Certificate dated within 45 days of Council \H:\File Sys\LNO -Lund Subdivision & Surveying Recoros\LND-20 -Short Plats\0399\RY050112.doc January 19, 2005 Page 2 approval of said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions concerning this matter. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-136-SHPL and LND-20-0399, respectively, on the drawing sheets, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. A licensed surveyor will need to prepare and stamp, sign and date the final short plat submittal. Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the City of Renton when the ties have been provided. Note the bearings for all interior lot lines. Provide short plat and lot closu~e calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note the dates the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing(s), including the two water easements (Rec. Nos. 20040830000841 and 2004083100052]) and easements established via the recording of the plat of Stoneridge. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots as soon as possible. Addresses (and street names) need to be noted on the short plat drawing(s). On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. The City of Renton Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works is the only city official who signs the final short plat mylars. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. King County approval blocks are required as needed. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat properties need to sign the final short plat mylars. Include a declaration block on the drawings. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rccords\LND-20 -Short Plats\0399\RV050 112.doc\col' January 19,2005 Page 3 If the property to the north and east of the subject short plat is not a platted property, then note it on the drawing as unplatted. References to zoning, setbacks, height of buildings, comprehensive plan designation and density should be removed from the final submittal. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive easements to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) should be referenced on the short plat submittal. The new private 26' wide easement for access and utilities (over Lots 3, 5 and 6) is for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots. Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, no easement can be created until such time as ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, ![the previous paragraph applies: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in returnfor the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement(s) shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat The private ingress, egress and utilities easement requires that a "NEW PRN ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement be noted on the drawing. See the attachment. Comments for the Project Manager: Note that there is a street dedication associated with this short plat proposal that needs to be approved by the City Council at the appropriate time in the short plat process. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0399\RV050 112.doc\cor Title for both ofthe following paragraphs: NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITlES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HA VB AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITlES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PA VEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITlES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. .. '-' '. .> PROPERTY SERVII FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS N.004 -_1'-'5=--__ 'NoLE ) g A 8< ~J 1'<"Ia5"TIT I Lc RECEIVED FROM ___ ~-:-::_ (date) APPLICANT: JOB ADDRESS: I e /IE> "-II LE.ANE LIE WO#_1-,-7~8 .... .3'-«.e.,.L-_____ _ NATUREOFWORK: G-lCI:.t: 51-1OB:t: -pI L~~t:LwrbJb~lEm SHPLJ LND# ZO -oOCA ' X PRELIMINARY REVIEWO'F SUBDIVi§ION BYLONG PLA~ NEED MORE Ii4FORMATION: .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. .. FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED _____ _ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# osez,05 -90L4 -q04<,o .. PID#'s SQUARE FOOTAGE FRONT FOOTAGE -VICINITY MAP -OTHER )< NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the,developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid --:-:-_--::-SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. f d f d NOT' 1 d . fi'd /. fi h f The ollowmg Quote ees 0 me u e mspectlOn ees, Sl e sewer permits, r w permIt ees or t e cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER ~o- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER -0 - Latecomer Agreement (p_vt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment District/WATER / -0- HOWEY CRe::::e:K. ~ eGoll $Z!50.0C> ')( UklJTS G; $ I 5e.::o. 00 Special Assessment District/W ASTEW ATER Joint Use A~reement (METRO) - Local Improvement District ... - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITS/ SDC FEE .. Pd Prevo o. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FiG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x -WA"t1;!1=!. ... ,.".,.... JI("",~ ""Tb -:e= Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park 'PQOVI BY -.~ Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x lr-:f" QC CommerciallIndustrial, $0.213/s<l.. ft. of pr<!{>Cr!y (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing. by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER" Estimated .. Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x G;, $5 AoO.OQ Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURF ACEW ATER .. Estimated .. Pd Prevo .. Partially" Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x td $.4. 2.QO. ~ All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ II,) IqO.OO '< N tb 0 1» 11 0 ~ 11 tb -J < .... {)J m ~ .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. :l 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 • I· City of Renton Department of Planning / Building I Public orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: .~ COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: DEr.Ffc ----004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGEa Nancy W~ '\ PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries \c'y~ SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1811) Nile Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential -S (R-S) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas· are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services ".. Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Authorized Representative 12.-ll -OCI Date City of R!on Oeparyment of Planning / Building / Public t~s ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~ COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER 22, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: DECEMBER 8, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LandiShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~ CU1.-L j/U)~ /tJ ~M. \ \ 've reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ~here additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. of Director or Authorized Representative Date • A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS lilt is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize existing City park and recreation facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single family lot to address these potential impacts." Parks Mitigation Fee City of Rln Department of Planning / Building / Public IkS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: DECEMBER APPLICATION NO: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT TITLE: Windstone III Short Plat SITE AREA: 1.4 acres BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77338 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential-5 (R-5) zoning . designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 7,217sq. , ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE·The site is currently wooded with no critical Areas are indicated. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeN/ces Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport En vironment 10,000 Feel 14,000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE·RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe e additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. " • CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 8th day of December, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing NOA documents. This information was sent to: Surrounding Property Owners See Attached /JII ~ L ./ , .... ,"""\\\ (Signature of Sender): ~ _......... \LYN "D"t -.... ". ., .: ."~W.ISSfo.1:" (l" STATE OF WASHINGTON f ,/cP' NO?: ~\~"~ SS : en : -1'91 ~~." ~ ~ -I: ..o~. '-:11: " .. COUNTY OF KING ~ ~ \ UlJl.~ ~.: ; 'I \,<,', 6' Ie .. .. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker \'I0;;"~~~:~?"""'~~,:1 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and vOlI.tlft1is)lf~1gJ:.-tfle uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. \\\\""\M."'''' Dat~ L 3. ;:)C06' Notary (Print): ___ ---'"M.l.Ci!A~2!'I.ll\~'I\SI_OI.IG~tI.~1MAG'"'f.lItIEFI+F-------------- My appointment expires: 1ff'l APPOINTMENT EXPIRES h-2Q-07 ., ~ ,:;. ~ Jlr;S!!~it~~I11';~;:r1~i LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF , Smooth feed Sheets™ ANDERSON SR JAMES L+JACQUEL 5122 NE 17TH ST RENTON WA 98056 BOMMARITO STEVEN L+MARTINSO 10628 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 CLARK DAVID E+SHERRI L 1912 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 DUNN KEVIN P 11211 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD SE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 GINSBURG ROBERT H+GAIL F 1907 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 ITURBE MANUEL+CELINE J 1904 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 LONG DAVID J C/O JOSEPH GONZALEZ II+JULIA 1830 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 SCHERER CATHY J 10404 147TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 STROM ROBERT C+CECILIA R 1821 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98056 TSE HENRY S+BETTY T 1814 ILWACO AV NE RENTONE WA 98059 :4tCA RICHARD L 1730 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 CHEN XUSHENG+LIMAN ZHUANG 1818 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 COTTRELL MARK E+ERIKA C 1723 ILWACO AV NE , RENTON WA 98059 GEIGER WAYNE C & LEANN M 10626 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 GUSTAFSON DAVID B+JANICE I 10426 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 JONES CLYDE ROBERT +LORIJO M CLAUNCH 1734 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 NELSON JOHN C+APRIL L 1822 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 SCHRAG KURTIS E 10508 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 I TEASLEY WILLIAM+VIOLA 22331 SE 328TH PL BLACK DIAMOND WA 98010 VORTHMAN RAYMOND G+MARSHA C 5202 NE 18TH CT RENTON WA 98059 Address Labels Use template for 5160® :'A~DON ROBERT L 10520 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 CLARK DANIEL W+JANET M 10502 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 DONNELLY MICHAEL F+CLAUDIA 10415 147TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 GESELL GLENN A+CAROLYN 5201 NE 18TH CT RENTON WA 98059 ; , HOBBS CHRISTINE A ! 10405 147TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 KRENZIN JUDITH M 10606 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 NICHOLS ROBERT B+BONNIE R 1819 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 SHERMAN ARTHUR F+GLORIA G 1908 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 TSAI ARTK Y+PAM NAI 1810 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 WALTOSZ JOHN S I 10416 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 Laser . Smooth Feed Sheets™ ADAO CIRILO P+PERLA R 11011 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98056 ANDREWS MARL S 9606 143RD AV SE RENTON WA 98059 BARAJAS LUISA 4151 NE 20TH RENTON-cWA 98059 BENNETT NICHOLAS J 2408 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 BINEK EDWARD A III 4111 NE 22ND ST RENTON WA 98059 BONWELL JAMES L+JULIE P 9616 146TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 BOWMAN LONNIE K 14620 SE RENTON ISSAQUAH RD RENTON WA 98059 BROUGHTON ERIK T+TORI 4129 NE 22ND ST RENTON WA 98059 BUCHAN -BROTHERS INV PROPS 2630 116TH AV NE #100 BELLEVUE WA 98004 BUXTON GAlUS 14506 SE RENTON ISSAQUAH RD RENTON WA 98055 -ALONZO ALEXANDER D 2018 DUVAL AV NE RENTON WA 98059 BALL BRUCE A & CARLA J 1800 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 . BARTH ROBERT A 1600 HOQUIAM PL NE RENTON WA 98059 BENSON EDWARD A 4706 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98059 BLA YDEN ROBERT E & SHIRLEY PO BOX 3029 RENTON WA 98056 BOSLEY A J 10924 144TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 BOWSER JOHN M 1566 VASHON AV NE RENTON WA 98059 BROUSSARD CLIFFORD H JR i 14111 SE MAY VALLEY RD RENTON WA 98055 BUNTON ROBERT M 1711 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 CAMPBELL-AIKENS ANTHONY C+J 2625 ANACORTES AV NE RENTON WA 98056 Address labels • . Use template for 516o® ALTHOFF M ANNETTE+NORDSTROM PMB 291 2400 NW 80TH ST SEATTLE WA 98117 BANEK STANLEY G 2504 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 I BEALE DOROTHY 4325 NE SUNSET BL I RENTON WA 98059 BENSON PATRICIA M 11025 148TH AVE SE AV SE RENTON WA 98059 BLODGETT PATRICK A+CHERYL L 14218 SE 112TH ST RENTON WA 98056 BOURNE JOSEPH B+DIANE L 1808 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 BRANT DARRELL 9620 COAL CREEK PW RENTON WA 98059 BROUSSARD CLIFFORD H+JOHANN 14032 SE 100TH PL RENTON WA 98059 BUTCHER RICHARD 4810 NE 20TH PL RENTON WA 98059 CARROTHERS MELVIN 4320 NE 25TH PL RENTON WA 98059 Laser · Smooth feecll Sheets™ CARTWRIGHT KARIN K 11010 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 CAVENEE GERALD D & PATRICIA 2611 WHITMAN AV NE RENTON WA 98059 COLLINS RICHARD SCOlT + LAlLA J ,~, .. __ ·!zQ9, NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98059 COOK RICHARD S+LOUANNA R 9624 138TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 CROW HALUKA I+MICHAEL A 4707 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98040 DALPAY PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 2436 RENTON WA 98059 DE FELICE JANET M 13823 199TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 DOCHNAHL DENNY & BERNADENE 13200 LK KATHLEEN RD SE RENTON WA 98059 ECHOLS ZACH+KERI 2619 ANACORTES AV NE RENTON WA 98059 FISHER ROBERT A & VIRGINIA 14610 SE 99TH CT RENTON WA 98056 , , _ASPER JUNITH T i 320 LEXINGTON SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 CHETAL ARADHNA 2119 DUVALL AV NE RENTON WA 98059 i Use template for 5160® ·'CASTRO BENJAMIN : 96,30 COAL CREEK PW SE RENTON WA 98059 COLEGROVE RONNIE L+NANCY !Vi 4158 NE 20TH ST RENTON WA 98056 CONWELL MICHAEL G+CHARLOlT J CONWELL COOKJAMESJ+CAROLL ; 10419 145TH PL SE -,'----.. ,-,. RENTON WA 98052 11027 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 9805-9 COUGHLIN THOMAS W 1726 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 CRUZ LATHEN M+MARY C I 2007 ELMA PL NE i RENTON WA 98059 DAMON MARK L+TINA M 17911 SE 128TH ST RENTON WA 98059 I DELOS SANTOS ORENCIO C & P 421 EASTLAKE AV E I / SEAlTLE WA 98109 DRAL BOGUSLAW E-+KRYSTYNA 5108 16TH ST NE RENTON WA 98059 ELLSWORTH STEVEN K I 10423 145TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 I FLETCHER SCOlT W+LEE SE YOUNG 1722 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 CR PROPERTIES 1200 WHITMAN CT NE RENTON WA 98059 CULBERTSON JASON PR CULBERTSON WILLIAM ESTATE OF 20211 126TH PL SE KENT WA 98031 DAO HUNG PHI+BUI LOAN KIM 2613 ANACORTES AV NE RENTON WA 98059 DO QUANG T +PHUNG CHUNG 8433 129TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 DUFFUS A 9605 143RD AV SE RENTON WA 98059 FALLAHZADEH AKBAR I 11024 128TH PL NE KIRKLAND WA 98033 FOLKSIRI 5101 NE 16TH ST RENTON WA 98055 Address Labels Laser ! I . Smooth feed Sheets™ FOSTER J A 4675 TIVOLI ST SAN DIEGO CA 92107 GIBBS JERRY E 1544 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 GOODMAN DUANE 14701 SE 100TH ST .' "RENTGN WA 98056 HADDRELL ALAN G 4410 N E 25TH PL RENTON WA 98059 HANNAM RYAN & APRIL 2015 ELMA PL NE RENTON WA 98059 HAYES SCOTT E 1714 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 HORACIO'S INC 4201 NE SUNSET BL RENTON WA 98059 HOU EVELYN Y+SHULA HOU 1622 HOQUIAM PL NE RENTON WA 98059 HUYNH PAT+WAYNE 4157 NE 20TH ST RENTON WA 98056 JUNTARA CHAIYONG 1717 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 ! . ~ARCIA JOSE M JR+MARICRUZ : 13812 SE 100TH ST I RENTON WA 98059 GIBBS TRACY E+SARGENT EDWARD W JR 4712 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98059 • Use template for 516t)® i GESNER PHILLIP G 11.025 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 I GOLD HABER L SHAINDELL+WHEELOCK KEVIN A I 4806 NE 20TH PL RENTON WA 98059 I GULLICKSON HERBERT L JR 4830 NE 20TH PL ; RENTON WA 98059. GUNDERSON RONALD M 2120 DUVALL AV NE -~--.... , .. L ... RENTON WA 98056 I , I HALL OWEN K & JANE C 1732 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98056 HANSEN ANN E 18529 SE MAY VALLEY RD I ISSAQUAH WA 98027 HENDERSON MAX E+DEBBIE L 10605 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 HORNE THOMAS E 14626 S RENTON-ISSAQUAH RD RENTON WA 98059 HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1600 SACRAMENTO INN WY STE #220 SACRAMENTO CA 95815 i JALALYAR MOHAMMAD KAZIM . 1954 UNION AV NE , RENTON WA 98059 I ! KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP 12320 NE 8TH ST STE 100 , BELLEVUE WA 98005 HAMILTON PARTHANELL 14434 SE RENTON-ISSAQUAH RD RENTON WA 98059 HAUGEN GENE+COUTTS,LEESA 9855 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 HENDRICKSON LORAN B ! 502 8TH AV NE #5 AUBURN WA 98002 HORNE WILLIAM E LIVING TR HORNE WILLIAM E+MARY A TTEE 14704 SE 100TH ST RENTON WA 98059 HUDSON MICHAEL A+CAROLYN R 2626 WHITMAN AV NE , RENTON WA 98056 . i JIA CH ENGQUAN 2008 ELMA PL N E RENTON WA 98059 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP 12505 BEL-RED RD #212 BELLEVUE WA 98005 Address Labels Laser KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PO BOX 807 BELLEVUE WA 98009-0807 KING COUNTY 500 KC ADMIN BLDG 500 4TH AV SEATTLE WA 98104 KLIMOVITSCH BONNY 4140 NE 25TH PL RENTON·,wA 98059 KOERNER SCOTT 4108 NE 14TH PL RENTON WA 98059 LARSON PAUL E+JILL R PO BOX 2346 RENTON WA 98056 LEVINGS DESIREE ANN 2142 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98056 MAAS STEVE+LEANNE URSINO 5107 NE 16TH ST RENTON WA 98059 MARTIN DOUGLAS M+JOAN M 11049 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 I I :4tBS III LLC 5300 NE 16TH ST BELLEVUE WA 98005 KING SUSAN 11015 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 I KNIPSCHIELD SANDRA 0 11045 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 LANGLOIS TRISHA L+BARRY A 10431 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 LASHLEY JOHN & DAWN 6262 N CAMINO VERDE TUCSON AZ 85743 LINDSAY DEENA M 1618 HOQUIAM PL NE RENTON WA 98059 MAERTINS LLORA MANGOLD PO BOX 3123 RENTON WA 98056 MATTISON BETTY J , 1560 VASHON AV NE RENTON WA 98055 . MCDONALDS CORP 046/0106 PO BOX 66207 MCCOY LARRY 11013 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 , AMF OHARE MCFARLING DANIEL J+DAWN R 9636 132ND AV SE RENTON WA 98056 Address Labels i CHICAGO IL 60666 MENDOZA RAFAEL F+MARY J 14042 SE 112TH ST RENTON WA 98059 : Use template for 5160® ;.NDERCARE LEARNING CENTERS ,. INC I, i 650 NE HOLLADAY ST 1400 I: PORTLAND WA 97232 1 KITE LEY STEVEN M+WENDY J 4154 NE 20TH ST RENTON WA 98059 KNUTSON GLENN E i 1718 ILWACO AV NE .. --.-_---:.. .. ,RENTON WA 98059 LARSON PAUL E+JILL R 2040 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 I LEE ALAN CK , 4940 NE SUNSET BL RENTON WA 98059 I • I ,. , , I LUCK CHARLES F & VIRGINIA 285 SAND DUNE DR NW OCEAN SHORES WA 98569 MARSHALL JOHN L 4123 NE 22ND ST RENTON WA 98059 MAY VALLEY COOP COMM INC % M NAGEL TREASURER 10217 147TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 MCDOWELL JAMES HARVEY 9831 COAL CREEK PKWY SE RENTON WA 98059 MERIDIAN MINERALS COMPANY 5613 DTC PKWY #1000 PO BOX 3209 ENGLEWOOD CO 80155 laser . Smooth Feed Sheets™ MERRITT MICHAEL M+CYNTHIA L 14408 SE 100TH ST RENTON WA 98056 MOORE NIGEL K+JULIA J 5102 NE 16TH ST RENTON WA 98059 , _ILLER DAVID R & KATRINA J 10411 145TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 , I I MORRIS JAMES & SUSAN , 4102 NE 14TH PL i' RENTON WA 98059 , ! I Use template for 5160® ~ILO EDMUND C ; 50;30 NE SUNSET BL RENTON WA 98059 I : ,. MORRISON WILLARD M+SUSAN M :' 1617 NE 28TH ST ;. RENTON WA 98056 j! NAZARIAN AVEDIS 1202 U ST NW : MOSER LAWRENCE W 141 GREEN ACRES LN -YAKIMA WA 98901 , NAPIER JAMES M 2414 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 :' , ... L·. AUBURN WA 98001 NAZARYAN GAGIK GHARIBYAN LUSINE 2214 DUVALL AV NE RENTON WA 98059 NGUYEN LINH A+HONG T 4701 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98059 NONIS GINO J 11038 142ND S E RENTON WA 98055 ORANGE DAVID T 9833 148TH AV SE , RENTON WA 98055 PERRY TERRILYN K 17302 SE 60TH ST BELLEVUE WA 98006 PRISSINOTTI NELLO E & ROSE 4713 125TH AV SE 'BELLEVUE WA 98006 RASCO JAM ES+ RASCO PHYLLIS 14310 SE 112TH ST RENTON WA 98059 NEWCASTLE CITY OF 13020 SE 72ND PL I NEWCASTLE WA 98059 ! I NGUYEN VAN+MINH-DU HUYNH 2012 DUVALL AV NE RENTON WA 98059 NORRIS HOMES INC ! 10516 172ND CT SE RENTON WA 98059 i PARKER JASON D 1724 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98056 I PETERSON ROBERT D+ANNE L i' 11041 142ND AV SE , I' RENTON WA 98056 I' . I Ii PYTTE KRISTIAN 'I 2030 DUVALL AV NE RENTON WA 98059 I, I , : RENTON SUNSET EAST ASSOCIAT I 18032 STARMONT I HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 i Address Labels I NEWTON TOM E 1500 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 NISHIKAWA TODD 4101 NE 25TH PL RENTON WA 98059 OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT PRTNSHP ! C/O BECHTOLD WILLIAM M 18032 STARMONT LN ! HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 I i PEDERSON RACHEL M ,; .' 2213 DUVALL AV NE . RENTON WA 98059 i. I ! PLANTENBERG MARK P 10414 147TH AV SE ! RENTON WA 98059 • ! I RANDALL DWAYNE+JANET !. 10632 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 REYNOLDS PAUL+PENNY 'i 1606 ILWACO AV NE ., RENTON WA 98059 Laser Smooth Feed Sheets™ REZNIKOV EDUARD 4105 NE 22ND ST RENTON WA 98059 SAMMER WILLIAM D 2602 WHITMAN AV NE RENTON WA 98059 : SCULATI EVELYN J 14600 SE RENTON ISSAQ RD RENTON ,;WA 98059 SHDO KENNETH G+CARLA J 2138 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 SNYDER SCOTT M+MALINDA L C PO BOX 2715 RENTON WA 98059 TAYLOR GREGORY L 1710 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 TERAMANTO INC 10217 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 TRAVIS KENDRA L 10415 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 TRINH NGA 2601 ANACORTES AV NE RENTON WA 98059 VANSELL MARIAN E 1400 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 I I -'IGLEY DAVID L I' ': : 9845 148TH AV SE i RENTON WA 98059 SANKRITHI MITHRA & USHA 17602 BOTHELL WY NE LAKE FOREST PARK WA 98155 SERRA MILDRED I 14514 SE 107TH PL I RENTON WA 98059 r _ i r' SNIDER JAMES EDWARD 4111 NE SUNSET BL RENTON WA 98056 SPIRY DENNIS G 1200 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 TAYLOR KOREE ANN 2608 WHITMAN AV NE RENTON WA 98059 TRAN SERENA 2011 ELMA PL NE RENTON WA 98059 TREMBLY D'SHANE+CYNTHIA I 1614 HOQUIAM PL NE RENTON WA 98059 VADNEY ALLEN J 17705 SE 124TH PL RENTON WA 98059 , VATNE MELVIN L 318 S 199TH ST DES MOINES WA 98148 Address Labels I i Use template fOT 5160® '~OBISON MATTHEW M , I' 13826 SE 100TH ST I RENTON WA 98055 , 1 SCHUTZ STEVE W 5024 NE SUNSET BLVD RENTON WA 98059 , . , ! ' SHARP DAVID A+BARNETT CATHERINE J I 1958 UNION AV NE 'RENTON WA 98059 SNODGRASS GRACE 4922 NE 20TH PL , RENTON WA 98056 STAPLETON DONALD M+MARGARET 4315 NE 25TH PL RENTON WA 98059 TEE SlEW M 4117 NE 22ND ST RENTON WA 98059 TRAN VU THOAI+THUY TRINH 2607 ANACORTES AV NE RENTON WA 98059 TRI-DELT INC 6840 112TH AV SE , RENTON WA 98056 , I " I VANBOHEEMEN WILCO+SALLY J 1950 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 VATSA SUBHASH & SITA PO BOX 65156 SEATTLE WA 98155 LaSf,!lT 1 Smooth Feed Sheets™ VELASQUES ALFRED M&VICKY M 2150 UNION AV NE RENTON WA 98059 WAKEMAN BRENT A+ANN M 2614 WHITMAN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 WEG LLC 2219 SE 2ND PL RENTON WA 98056 WESTLING LARRY L+KATHRYN M 14614 SE RENTON-ISSAQUAH RD RENTON WA 98059 i WOLF RA 14702 SE 105TH ST RENTON WA 98059 I I _lET JANET L : i 4218 NE 25TH PL I I RENTON WA 98059 i' , WANG CAl YAN+WONG WAY KING I: I: 2024 DUVAL AV NE RENTON WA 98057 i. j. WELCH RICHARD+JODIE I' 13815 SE 100TH ST RENTON WA 98059 WILLIAMSON ALAN LEN I' 1422 JEFFERSON AV NE RENTON WA 98056 WOODS KELSEY+LINDSAY 4212 NE 25TH PL RENTON WA 98059 I Use template for 5160® _EGLLC i' PQ BOX 2701 .! RENTON WA 98056 , I WARE EDWARD L JR PO BOX 2035 RENTON WA 98056 WEST CHESTER C+FREEMAN JEFF ' 1645 INTERLAKEN PL E . SEATTLE WA 98112 WININGER ROBERT C !. 13820 SE lOOTH ST , ! RENTON WA 98059 ~ . Smooth feed Sheets™ WARD HYON SUK 1815 IWALCO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 WILLIAMS RICHARD A+STEPHANIE C 1903 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 • ASHINGTON MUTUAL TAX BILLS & RECEIPTS PO BOX 100563 FLORENCE SC 29501 Address Labels WIMBERLY LEE W+KAREN M 1806 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 Use template for 5160® e· . -WILLIAMS JOHN C III+LESLIE 1825 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98056 ZYLSTRA BRADLEY P+MELISSA K 1826 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 laseD" "";: .. ' .... CITY OF RENTON ••...... . CURRENT PLANNING DIVISIQN .. ... AFFIDAViTOJ{SERVICEBY MAILlNG:< .> On the 8th day of December, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing NOA, Environmental Checklist, PMT's documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached ... " ....... """"'\\ :--~\\-~~ .. ~4f~III, .: -~ .• ·:~\SSIO~·· •• '-A'.I, .: ~ .. ~~, ~ ' .. ~ " .: ... 0 ,,10i. =i~ ••• \~ ~ : :u I" ..<1,<j>).-~~-n~ ~ : Cl:... m~" ~(/): .e ""C> en: ::: COUNTY OF KING } ~ --' \, VBlIe ,.: ; "~"'e. .. ~: I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker \t o;;.=~~-.~.~ .. ··~~o~_.f' signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act'fQr,~ffeC)~~~l!nd .t\.\.,-""", purposes mentioned in the instrument. (Signature of Sender): ~ ~ :7 STATE OF WASHINGTON } } SS --l:X;Oc oateLUw3> I .-, Notary (Print}: _____ -mrn~7Itt'I!'mmr'tll::l:r------------- My appointment expires: MAHILVro iU\II7ICAEFF rJf{ APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Windstone III Short Plat LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF template -affidavit 01 service by mailing Dept. of Ecology " Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region • Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 , Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers· Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Jamey Taylor" Depart. of Natural Resourc;es PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section ; 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 ' Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold * Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. c/o Department of Ecology " 3190 1601h Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer Bellevue, WA 98008 39015 -172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office" Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program 4717 W Marginal Way SW " Seattle, WA 98106-1514 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Office of Archaeology & Historic Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation" Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 , City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 SE 72nd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, W A 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC~ TR-0431 PO Box 90868,MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Title Examiner 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application. • Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. e e template -affidavit of service by mailing I CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 8th day of December, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: Wayne Potter Contact KBS III, LLC Owner/ Applicant R.A. & Beverly Wolf Owner (Signature of Sender)=..~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) SS ) »"'''''''\\\ ........ "iN KA '" ----~\. ........ 4?c't", .f_"to.~ ... ~\SSIOIV;. ••. .;y..t\. t" .. ~ .. ~ *o .. '~ ~ ! :,0 ~OT4b ~".-1\ ~ .. . () 'Ty......, , . \". ~ ~ : ~.~ w: ~ ;; (/) ~ /:Jus C : : I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker ~ :; .... LI .... ~ ; signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and vOluntarY'/~ i)otf.~.~~seW purposes mentioned in the instrument. '1'1\ 'f:" VVASr\\~ ....... --Dat~ },3, ::xv?;" """"'''''' Notary (Print): WlJ~!i..W KAMCHEFF My appointment expires: AIN APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29·07 ,lp.ro"~~t~~~~:) Windstone III Short Plat i:P~Oj.ct'NUol.b~~=' LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF , ;,.;' , , _" .... , f.,.~, .. ~, • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICA~~E-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: DecBmber 8, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04·1~6. SHPL-H. LLA, ECF PROJECT NAME: Wlndstona m Short Pial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The a.pplicant Is requ9sting Environmental (SEPA) Review, 'Hearlng Examiner Short Plat opprovaJ and Lol Line Adjustment lor a 6·lot aubdlvlslon 01 a 1.4·acr8 site. The proposal is located wlthin the Resldantlal • 5 (R-S) zoning designation. na lOiS Bre Intanded lor Ina evenlual development of detached singia.lamiiy homos· loll ranging in size from 7,217sq. fl. to 13,793 sq. fl. Access to the slte Is proposod vIa extension of Kitsap Place NE. The alta Is currenlly wooded with no critical Areas are Indicated. PROJECT LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As lh. L.ad Agancy, Iho Cily of Ranlon haB dotermlned that significant environmentai Impacts afB unlikely to ro!luit from tno proposed project. There-foro, 81 permittad under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional ONS-M process to gille notice Ihal a ONS. M Is likely to be Issued. Comment periods for the projoot and the proposed DNS·M are inlegrated ~nto a singie comm&nl period. There will be no comment period following the Issuance 01 the Threshold Delerminallon of Non-Signillcance-Mltlgaled (ONS·M). A 14·day appeal parlod wilt follow thel"uanca 01 the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: Octob.r 28, 2004 Dacambor 8, 2004 APPUCANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayn. pone" Tol: (425) 856-74~S; Small: wpottorOnovaltardoY.com PormltalReviow Reque.tad: Envlronmontal (SEPA) Review, Hearing Exomlnor Shorl Plat Othor Parmlt. which may be required: Construction, Building, and Fire Permlt8- AequBDted Studlol: Gootochnlcar Study, Habltflt, Drarnago, and Watland Reports Location whore application may bo revlowed: PlannlnglBulldlng/Public Works Department, Development Sorvlcos Dlvlllon, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 PUBLtC HEARING: Puollc hearing ~ sct1eduJed for February 8, 2005 before Ihe Aenlon Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin a19:00 AM orr the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hail ioealed 8t1055 South Grady Way. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: ZonrngILand Usa: Enylronmental Document. thai Evaluate the Proposed Projact: Dovelopment Regulations Usod For P-roJoct MlllgaUon: Ttle subject slle Is designated Aesidenllal Low Density on the Crly of Renton. Comprehensive Land Use Map and Resldentiat -5 (R-5) on the City's Zoning' Map. This designation encourages and pormlts single-lamJly rasldMtiaJ development at a maximum net density of 5.0 dulac. The proposal for nine lots WQurd result in a net density 01 2.9 dulac, The proposed subdMslon Is consistent with the bolh deSignations. SEPA Checklist, Habltal Data Roport. and Walland Report Ttle project will be sUbJoot to the City's Sl:PA ordinance. Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Reguletlons, Uniform Building and Fire Codas and other appJlcabhl codes and rElgu~atlons as appropriate. ...... ,"""""\\\, Proposod MItigation MoaDuroa: The foilowing Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not COIIsred by existing codos and regulations as cited abollo, The applicant wlfl be roquirod 10 pay th9 appropriate Transponation Mitigatron FB8. The applicant wili be rsquirod to pay tha appropria/B Firs Mil/gat/on FeB. • The applicant will be l'9llulred to pay the eppropriat9 Parks Mil/natfon Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Nancy Well, Senior Planner, Development Sarlllees Division 1055 South Grady Way. Ronton, WA 96055, by 5:00 PM on Decembe, 22,2004. This maUerl. also ocheduled lor a pU'bliC l'1earlng on Fobruary 8, 20D5, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renlon City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. 1/ you are Interested in attendIng the hearing, please contact the Development Serv~es Dlvlsion, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the l'1esrlng has not b~n rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted In writing by the date Indicated above, you may stili appear at the hoarlrl,g and present your comments on the proposal be1or~ the H~aring Examiner. If you have questions about this proposer, or wish to be made a party of record and r~elVe addlt.lonal information by mail, ptoase contact the proJect manager. Anyone .who submits wrlttEtn comments Will automatll:ally become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Nancy Well, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430·7270 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further informatfon on this proposed proJect, complete this lorm and ralum to: Clly 01 Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renlon, WA 98055. File NoJName: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF I Wlndstone III Short Plat NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: _______ _ .:-..... ~j>.f\\LYtv ;~'D :-"'~~MISS"'",WfA_t" CERTIFICATION -,. 0\'" /0 '. -~ I, ; .. '0 NO ·'/;....: •• Cl~ :r:n: ~ \;t."~~ : -I : ~. 7-9 -0 ~ m ~ '-~: ~_ ........ ;J.. 5;: " ::: .. ~. v. ~ ~'''P.::: '# D "'7 ~ ~ \6' 'Sl.JC 0~~ 24-,..,..:..k.. I'-D )~\ ("\ , hereby certify that ~ copies of the , o· ':> '" '7 "I ;(\ "'''.,'1)'07 ..... abQ.~e document were posted by me in .;;> conspicuous places on or nearby \, ~s;:iiN'G~O'1Be~ described property on ---.!.1..l!!i2"-----lo<:l!..-.----.!:O:::.....lo"4-'f-___________ _ Il'\\\\.\.'\.\,."'",'" .... ~ ~ .-L- Signet222 ... nO!??~ ATTEST: Subscribe9:-~worn ~ me, a Notary Public, in and l~e of ___ Washingtonresiding~v~ ,on the ,/3 day~2 c:ttJt2 5 . MARll VN KAMCHEFF ;',T{ APPOINTMENT EXPiRES 6-29·07 • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOS~,D DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) . I , .' DATE: December 8, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF PROJECT NAME: Windstone III Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval and Lot Line Adjustment for a 6-lot subdivision of a 1.4-acre site. The proposal Is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging In size from 7,217sq. ft. to 13,793 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via extension of Kitsap Place NE. The site Is currently wooded with no critical Areas are Indicated. PROJECT LOCATION: 1815 Nile Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely'to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 28, 2004 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: December e, 2004 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayne Potter, Tel: (425) 656-7435; Email: wpotter@novastardev.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat Other Permits which may be required: Construction, Building, and Fire Permits Requested Studies: Geotechnical Study, Habitat, Drainage, and Wetland Reports Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Development Services DiviSion, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing tentatively scheduled for February 8, 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner In Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The subject site Is designated Residential Low Density on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential - 5 (R·5) on the City's Zoning Map. This designation encourages and permits single-family residential development at a maximum net density of 5.0 dulac. The proposal for nine lots would result In a net density of 2.9 dulac. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the both designations. SEPA Checklist, Habitat Data Report, and Wetland Report The project will be subject to the City'S SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, SubdiVision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation M.S: The following Mitigation Measures will like imposed on the p:roposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. ~ The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. ~ The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Nancy Weil, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on December 22, 2004. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on February 8, 2005, at 9:00 AM,Councll Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are Interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the dilte indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, 'or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Nancy Well, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430~7270 r' PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I , 032305 I 9021 I I I (3.66Ac/J I I ! ul I !i I II J • 1 I 032305-9159 {1.41Ac.} KiNO COUHTY CfrY OF RENTON 032305-9014 {I.I2Ac.l 032305-9277 (UDAe.) 0323011 9276 ... .., 03Z30I 9266 p,~M,) .....,. 9280 ...... ...... ""'" omoe 03Z30& ~~ 0210 0173 II,Q/IIIJ ..... ¥.) G:I3»I ~~ 032305 9120 '/ // .- " / / If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File NoJName: LUA04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF IWindstone III Short Plat NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: / Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor December 8, 2004 .Wayner Potter . . BarghausenConsulting Engineers 18?15 72ndAv~nue S . . . . Kent, W A 98032 Subject: Windstone III Short Plat lUA~04-136, SHPL-H, LLA, ECF De'ar Mr. Potter: CITye>F RENTON' PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works pepartment Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator · The Development Planning Section of' the City of Rehton has det€)rmined that the· subject application is accepted for review, A~V:J,e briefly cfiscussed, .the followingisa list of: items/issuesthat are to be addressed:' .' . 1. Setbacks are not shown on the Shortpl~t. Pfease·reVise plat drawing to showhont, rear and side yard setbacks .. Submit three (3) copies:.: . . .'. 2. Please clarify Lot9'si"nclusionin the ~hort plat. Qn.the &awing, the lot number 'is cl'rcled' .' .... "'"':' Please.provide the abov:e listed,information as soo~'as possible but no later~than · December 16 2004 ::. .' ':' .• ' .. ,'; . ..... ,..' . . · ,., ,"' . '". . . '.' . It is tentatively schedu.led for consideratIon bytpe Envir()nment~1 Review Committee on . January 18, 2005. Prior' to that review, you,will h13 -notifie'd'if ~ny'a"dditional in"formatibn' is required to continue processing yoUr application." . . In addition, this matter i~ terita~ively scheduled·fora Public He~ringonFebruary 8;200~ . . at 9:00 AM, .CQuncB. Chal11oers, Seventh Floor, Renton, City' Hall.· the, applicant-or .representative(s) ofthe'applicaf\fare 'requiredtobe present at the public hearing. Acopy ··of the staff report will be mailed toyouonewe"ek before the hear!ng, '. Please contact me at (425) 430~7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . \\~6-wJ · NancyWeil Sen.ior Planner cc: R.A. & Beverly Wolf I Owners " KBS IlI,tLC I Applicant ------lO-S-S-S-ou..,-th-a-r-ad-y....:.W,-a-y--R-e-n-to-n,-w,-a-sh-i-ng-to-n-9-g-0S-S-.----,---~ * This paper~ntainS50% roweled material, 30% ~Dstconsumer AHEAD OF THE. CURVE • Katliy Keolker-Whcieler, Mayor December 8, 2004 . Superintendent's Offiqe . Renton School District #403 . 300 SW ih Street .. ' Renton, WA 98055-2301 ". Subject: Windstone.UJ Short Plat LUA-04:.136, SHPL~H, LLA, ECF CITye>F RENTON PIanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg ZimmermilD P.E., Administrat()r . The City of .Renton Development Services Division .has received an appliGatiori fora 6-lot singie-. family subdivision loc?ted at 1815 Nile Avenue NE. Please see the enclosed. Notice 'of Application' fot further details. ' In order to process this application, the,Development SenAces Division needs to knoW Which' . Renton schools would 'be attended by. children 'living ih r~sid~n"ces at the loc~tion inOicated above. Please fill in the appropriate 'schools on the . list . belqw', and return this letter to my attention, Development ServiCeS Division, City of Renton,'1055:'SoLith Gr~dyWay, Renton, Washington 980~5' by December 22, 2004,. ',:'.' Y ,'" Elementary School: ___ ...,....-' __ ..:....;.._:....-:;:..... ,...., .. ,...::' ';:...,'" ,-.' ______ ~_,----__ :....__-..,._----,_ Middle School: __ -'--___ --.:..~...;.......;---'----'-.,.__:_---'-,--'-__ "----'--__ _,__---'-,----,--- . High School: ______ -...,.~_,__----'---------'-----'-~----_,__-"- 'Will the schools you have indicated be a:ble tb .habdle: th~ impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed;deve.lopment? Yes 'No' Any Comments: _. __ ~~--'--'--__ ---'-~-,--_____ "---_____ ~ __ -'---'- . , Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding :this project, pleasecontactme'at (425) 430-7270 .. Sincerely, NancyWeil Senior Planner _En~CI. __________________________ ~R·E· NT··'O'··N·.· 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paperoontaillS 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD 01' THE CURVE . ,.' ... • City of Renton LV'7\Q\f-1 ::,~ LAND USE PERMIT PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: R.~oW&F t B!~tJ -V.WD(F ~~~ 565C.' U~' ADDRESS: ~~e> #i:j7@fb '$~ !~&&fb ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ fftgr 5~ #@i?'" CITY: ~~ ZIP: @nr~1 ~@$" ,®@U(lz~lW~ w~._ TELEPHONE NUMBER: " , , '. '~@~ =" ,,~~ =?©@@} APPLICANT (if othe; than o~ner) " NAME: #t:.~ :r:tL d:L~ COMPANY (if applicable): «U ADDRESS: r?b~~ M~f~ ~1Rt:!({jjJ) CITY: 1§j@td@e#&JJb ZIP: q~((]~ TELEPHONE NUMBER ~<? ~~~""?~<Q) CONTACT PERSON NAME: W~wEP~~ COMPANY (if applicable): , 'B~~~~~~~ , lfUff .' ,.' , ADDRESS: . <,. o <;)dL~ ?Jdl-G1P; A~~ .5 CITY: ; '1. , ZIP: ( ", 'K,@~~ qz$~~~ TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: '< ·'1.' " 1!1~~ c? fig ~ ?«;~ W ~(j~ rt0&J~&\~~~o ~~ Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\masterapp,doc08129/03 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: -'ifN/.~~~' PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: #©!$/~ .;r¥l~ ~~g ~~ fr/(ir: / !/~ J1I.IlD /IlI21'1~ '~@ ~<ey i.. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): (() ~~~~ = ~@J 1tJ/ @ ~~ @ =fiJ@llfs EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: aJlA ," ~~~~~~ fJod~ lq;($ b§)~ PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if appl!cable): D' P0~i &l.~r~ cJl EXISTING ZONING: R"" S PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): -,. v, PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): _ ~ NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NUMBER OF NEW DWELLI G UNITS (if applicable): - .. • ,e ~ _______________ PR __ ~ __ C_T __ IN_F_O~RMAT~I~O~N~(~c~o~nt=in~u~e~d~I) ____ ~ ________ _ NUMBER OF EXISTING D~ELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if a~plicable): A/ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIA~I BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): iV,A' SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): I" SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTI L BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY T E NEW PROJECT (if applicable)': PROJECT VALUE: . ' IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OFt; , !, ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): • [J AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE [J AQULFER PROTECTION AREA TWO [J FLOOD HAZARD AREA [J GEOLOGIC HAZARD [J HABITAT CONSERVATION [J SHORELINE STREP.-MS AND LAKES [J WETLANDS . " ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. _--...,._' sq. ft. --'_--'-sq. ft. " '. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY" . (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the'following Infonnation included) , " SITUATE IN THE \/1 . 't, QUARTER OF SECTION :3 ,TOWNSHIP 23" RANGE 9i IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ", ., , .' " TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES • 't List all land use applications being applied for: t~() 1. JAr L.iNf£ ''It.f~ Z26~ 3. ~"(PA . ' 2: S#-6fL-r' PLAI"" /b~O~ 4. '! " " Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ .. , . AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP , I, (Print Name/s) • ql)Qq.~are that I am (please ~eck one) }::'the current owner of the property involved in this application the authoriz representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the Information herewith are in all respeds true and corred to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify that I know or have satisfadory evidence that '" -It tfl,(.. iF 'titt<.f/N. t I( OJk..q,.l. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hlslhe[ 81 and volu tary ad for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument ~~q. !Jt-W{)Lf~ tV ~otary Public in and for the State of Washington IO~/~ (Signature Owne[ epresentatlve) ~~~ ~,,32J-05 My appointment expires:, ________ --+ .' o LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT PARCe: • NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 396 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE COUNTY ROAD, KNOWN AS 148TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2 AND THE EAST 164 FEET OF LOT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017 AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUM8ER 8703039001 AND CORRECTED 8Y AFFIDAVIT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8706260950. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOW I NG DESCR I·BED PROPERTY I N ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QU I ET I NG TITLE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERED ON MARCH 23, 1987: THE WEST 840.50 FEET OF THE SOUTH 330 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LYING WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF A LINE LYING 164 FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001,. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 8r 49' 15" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT. A DISTANCE OF 97.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 02 ° 10' 45" WEST A 0 I STANCE OF 158.13 FEET TO THE SOUTH LI NE OF SA 10 LOT 2 AND A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY. THE RADIAL CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 19° 44' 42" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 95.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31° 38' 59", A DISTANCE OF 52.48 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, THE RADIAL CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 51· 23' 41" EAST; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARCO OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53° 34' 26", A DISTANCE OF 60.78 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 87° 49' 15" EAST A DISTANCE OF 223.23 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 01· 24' 12" EAST ALONG THE EAST LI NE OF SAl D LOT 2 A DI STANCE OF 100.02 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 87 0 49' 15" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LI NE OF SA I D LOT A D I STANCE OF 315.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS. (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT Z, KING COUNTY BOUNORY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007.) TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND UTILITIES OVER THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF LOT 1 AS DISCLOSED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. _ ~21/04 , 16: 01 FAX 425452901.-. __ . JOHN L SCOT! ADMIN. ,e 14I 002 ", 13.8 "Distributable Cash" means an cash received by the Company, less the sum of th~ following, to _.~e_ extent. paid _or set ~id~ . ~y th_e Company: . (i) al~ princi~al and interest payments on indebtedness of the Company and other sums paid or payable to lenders; (U) all cash expenditures incurred incident co the normal operation of the Company's business; and (iii) Reserves. . 13.9 "EconomicInteresttl means a Unit Holder's share of Net Profits, Net Losses. and other tax items of the Company and distributions of the Company's assets pursuant to this Agreement and the Act, but shall nO[ include any right to participate in the management or affairs of the Company. including the right to vote on, consent to or otherwise participate in any decision of the Members. 13.10 "Economic Interest Owner" means the owner of an Ecclnonric Interest who is not a Member. 13.11 nMajorig Interest" means, at any time, ninety percent (90%) of the then ourstanding Units held by MemberS. (flU--"Managers"-__ sor ~'a!!1!1del. KOlliiTliYlOfalill-BotrRtiddeU;):J 13.13 "Member" means each Person who executes a counterpart of this Agreement as a Member and each Person who may hereafter become a Member. 13.14 "Membership Interest" means all of-a Member~s share in the Net. Profits, Net Losses, and other tax items of the Company and distributions. of the Company's assets, pursuant to this Agreement. and the Act and all of a Member's rights to participat.e in the management or affairs of the Company, including the right to vote on, consent to or otherwise participate in any decision of the Members. 13.15 "Member Minimum Gain" has the same meaning as the term "partner nonrecourse debt minimum gain" in Regulation Section 1. 704-2(i). 13.16 IIMember Nonrecourse Deductions" has the same meaning as the term npartner nonrecourse deductions" in Regulation Sections 1.704-2(i)(1) and (2). The amount of Member Nonrecourse Deductions for a Company fiscal year shall be detennin.~d in accordance with Regulation Section 1. 704-2(i)(2). 13.17 "Net Profits" and "Net Losses" shall have the meaning ascribed to those tenns in Sections 6.1 and 6.2. CLLC-AGREEMm~rr-~f~s-m·:I,J.;l:~"---] LItP114041.1AGRlF5436.10009 ./ @003 13.18 "Nonrecourse Deductions" has the meaning set forth in Regulation Section' 1.704- 2(b)(1). The amoum of Nonrecourse Deductions for a Company fiscal year shall be detennined pursuant to Reg'lifation Section 1. 704-t(c)~ -.. - -. -. 13.19 "Nonrecourse Liability" has the meaning set forth in Regulation Section 1.704- 2(b)(3). 13.20 "Percentage Interestll means, with respect to any Unit Holder, the percentage determined based upon the ratio that the number of Units held by such Unit Holder bears to the total number of outstanding Units. 13.21 "Personll means any individual or entity, and the heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of such 'IPerson" where the context so permits. 13.22 "Progert!" means all real or personal property acquired or owned by the Company. 13.23 tlRegplationsli or-"Regll includes proposed, temporary and final Treasury regulations promulgated under the Code and the corresponding sections. of any regulations subsequently issued that amend or supersede such regulations. 13.24 "Reserves" means, with respect to any fiscal period. funds set aside or amounts allocated during such period to reserves which shall be maintained in amounts deemed sufficient by the Members for working capital and to pay taxes, insurance, debr service or other costs or expenses incident to the ownership or operation of the Company's business, and shall also include asset sale proceeds dedicated to use in a federal income tax qualified deferred exchange. 13.25 ·'Unit Holder" means a Person who is a Member or who holds an Economic Interest. but is not a Member. 13.26 "Units" means the Units, regardless of class, issued to any Member under this Agreement as reflected in Section 5.1, as amended from time to rime. LLC AGREEMENT OF KBS m. LLC -22- ['RPI7404l.1AOIllFS436.10009 I4J 004 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Members have executed this Agreement effective as of the date fIrst above written. MEMBERS: Sol Avzara "tl Susie Ruddell Ad~~~~~ LLC AGREEMENT OF KBS rn, LLC -23- LRPI74041.1ACiRlflS436.tOOO9 Address; (!liSe '11'~ $G' JJD&tlfile<lb . 'VA 'itOY.i.. I • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DlVISI04 WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS ?~.~·~Y~~~UM~~:WiJt1::M~~¥:m~m6f!CH\.~·~·I):~~~~:!:U;'A~~7~B:U~l~>/:Uil~/%/:AB~~#~I#~!U~:i/).!!i:!:!.<!:i· Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 P:I~~ ){~~4~~~~~: (p:~r~}:~: ~::::::::::::: ~::::: ~:::::~:;:;:: :;:;:;:;:;:::::;:::;: ~: ~: :;:::;:::;:::;:;::: ~::::::::::: ::::::::::;:::::;::: ~:;:;:::;::: ::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::: ~:;::: ~: ~::::: ~::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~::: ~::::: ~: ~::::::: ~:~:: Postage 4 p:~~p.p.!i~~~j~f:(M~~~iq9:~~~~~&:~:::::::::::::::::;:::::~:;:::::~::::::: :::;:::::::::::;:::::;:;::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::: Public Works Approval Letter2 R~h~~~!it~~!9:~:R~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::;;::::;::::::::;:;:;;:::::::;:::::::::::::::(:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Screening Detail 4 ~!~~::P:!~~:~:~~~::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::;::;;;:;;::::::::::;::;::;:::::;:::::::::::;:: :::;::;::;:::::::::::::::::::;: :;::::::::;::::::::::;:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:: Street Profiles 2 t~!~:~~P'8~:#.;~!~~:9~it#.~~~;:;:;:;;;;;;::;;;:;;:;::;::::::::::::::::;:;::: ;::;;:;::;:;:::;::;:::;:::;:::: ;;;:::;;;:;;:;;~::::::::::>;: :;:::::::;;::::::::::::::::::~:::::~:::::::::::i:::::::::::~:::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Topography Map3 jr~if,~:~ty~y::~:::;;;;;;;:;::::;;:;:;:;;:;~::::::;::::;:::::;:;:;::::::::::::::;:~:~~;~:::::~:;;::;:; :;;~::::;:::;:;:::::;:;;:::::~: :;:;::::::::::::;:;:;;::::;;;;;: ;:::;:;::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 y.f:~~::¢~t~~#~i9~:¢'*~~!~y':P~~~~:~~~::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 w~ti~~::MiijQ~ti~~:p.~:;:F.iri~l:4::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::::: :::ifiif!.::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 RfJ w.~~!~~~::R.~p.~!#Q~I~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::j:!:j#:::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement. Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND. 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls PROJECT NAME: WLndsfot..e., 3 DATE: /Of2(,/0,{ 01/06/2004 ~EVELOPMENTSERVICES DIVISION. WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS' FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS ·:~:.?:u:·::00;::rtl£1N.€g~~W:~~0)Gj?j2:j)U ):rf~y~)<::Jmjiji~~g:: :·!:Y!:!.Y!·H((\§A~~:~NI~(('(::::U:?:)U! 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Property Services Section· 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section . 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls PROJECT NAME:. W1nd.s1t!te8 DATE: !Oju,II2L/: . DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 282004 RECfE~V~fi) 01/06/2004 / 1 . I I , . 1, . . 'I ' I I • I , ;. • • AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON lOCT 2 8 2004 [PJ~(C~~W~fD -:--:-___ -.--:--_~_E_F_F_C_u_r<._R_}_E _______ , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the Z. f day of de TOtfS @y( ,20~, I installed I public information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located at / t{[f"'-f>w!? se. for the following project: /)J i WJ)S7ZdNE"' ::JIL. \r~ect name 0A ' \... 'f'...BS ::ra: L L~ ~ ~. I c..ux..F Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapt r 7 itle 4 of Renton Municipal Code. __ -:--+j~~_--=::::::::=== ____ _ Ins~r Signature SUBSC~~D~~ORN to before me this'£/S ~ay of Q a-_ ..... ,O .. L. L"l ~, -~'" ....... Q-<J. , f OJ ••• ;;\"SIOrv'~:-~~" _V I ;# .. ~ '-f;.', :.t.. #1 ~{/\,..' f :'8 NOTAl1y 1,\ ~ -."..".....::-L...::;.. ___ ~....:..-~=-__ ~ __ _ ~. -• ...., m: ~ OTARY PUBLIC in and for the S e of Washington, ~ : A CI>' ~ c-"..,II ... _11 W '~ ~.... Valle ,.: : re~~rJing at r ~ M:( . , -• ., -,-I a I " ~··.?~9-0o .... ~ .: My commission expires on c-f -00 " 0;:-·· ...... · (?).~.r; \\\\ WASH\~ __ -': ",', ...... "- ,20.0L. R:\Pw\DEVSER V\Fonns\Planning\pubsign.doc 09/24/03 " '; .. : I I PROJECT NARRATIVE Windstone III Our Job No. 11470 DEVELOPMENT P CITY OF AENT'1,%NING OCT 28,2004 fPJ~CC~llW~~ Existing Conditions: The project site is approximately 1.41 acres (61,614 square feet) in size. The site abuts the northeast property line of the plat of Stoneridge (City File No. LUA 04046) and is part of the Boundary Line Adjustment of Lot 34 and the plat of Stoneridge. The project gains primary access from Kitsap Place N.E., which is stubbed to the south property line of this proposal. The site has no sensitive areas and has slopes ranging from 3 to 18 percent. The site is primarily covered with second-growth forest (fur trees and cedar). Project Proposal: The site is zoned R-5 (residentiall5 dwelling units per acre), which requires a minimum lot area of 7,200 square feet and a minimum lot width of 60 feet. We are proposing six lots to meet or exceed the zoning requirements. Lots 5 and 6 will gain access via a 26-foot joint access and utility easement. The remaining lots will gain access from a new public road (extension of Kitsap Place N.E.) to the north property line. We are proposing a 42-foot right-of-way that will match the same right-of-way width as Kitsap Place N.E. The storm drainage for the site has been provided as part of the constructed storm pond for the plat of Stoneridge; therefore, no on-site storage is proposed. 11470,0Q6.doc PROJECT NARRATIVE KBS/Wolf Boundary Line Adjustment OurJob No. 11470 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 2 B 2004 fR?~CG~~W~[g Existing Conditions: The project site(s) combine for a total of approximately 1.41 acres (61,614 square feet) in size. The site abuts the northeast property line of the plat of Stoneridge (City File No. LUA 04046) and is part of the Boundary Line Adjustment of Lot 34 and the plat of Stoneridge. The project gains primary access from Kitsap Place N.E., which is stubbed to the south property line of this proposal. The site has no sensitive areas and has slopes ranging from 3 to 18 percent. The site is primarily covered with second growth forest (fur trees and cedar). Project Proposal: KBS III, LLC and Mr. Richard Wolf are proposing a Boundary Line Adjustment between Lot 34 of the plat of Stoneridge (a.k.a. Windstone) and approximately 17 acres of the Wolf property. Once the Boundary Line Adjustment is recorded, KBS III, LLC will pursue a six-lot short plat. -1-[GWP/vj] 11470.002.doc • Construction Mitigation Description Windstone III Six-Lot Short Plat Our Job No. 11470 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 282004 ~~t~~~~fD The following narrative is provided to address the project timing and preliminary construction dates: • Proposed Construction Dates: Assuming that the preliminary short plat receives approval, including the SBPA Determination in January 2005, we would immediately submit engineering design plans to the City of Renton and potentially receive construction approval in April 2005. Upon approval we would begin construction immediately, with construction being completed by fall 2005. • Hours and Days of Operation: During the summer months, the anticipated construction operation hours will be from 7 a.m to 7 p.m. Additionally, construction work will occur on Saturday during the summer months. Construction during the summer months will be considered. During the winter months, the time of construction. will most likely be from 8 a.m to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday, weather permitting. • Proposed Haulingffransportation Routes: The proposed hauling route during construction would be from SR-900 (N.B. Sunset Boulevard) to 148th Avenue S.B. and through the plat of Stoneridge (N.B. 17th Street and Kitsap Place N.E.). • Measures to be Implemented to Minimize Dust, Traffic, and Transportation Impacts, Erosion, Mud, Noise, and Other Noxious Characteristics: As discussed in the environmental checklist prepared for this project, we will utilize and be required to provide erosion control measures, such as silt fences, construction entrances, etc., to minimize erosion impacts. To minimize dust impacts, we will be utilizing a water truck during the summer months. Typical construction noise will be present during construction hours; however, all machinery will have appropriate muffler devices as required by law. • Special Hours Proposed for Construction or Hauling (i.e., Weekends and Late Nights): As noted above, we expect to work weekends during the summer months. Furthermore, construction during the summer months may extend into the evening hours as daylight hours permit. • Preliminary Traffic Control Plan: At this time, we have not prepared a preliminary traffic control plan; however, as part of the construction plans, we will prepare the appropriate plans needed for the construction routes, signs, and flagging as necessary. 1 1 470.003.doc "DENSITY WORKSHEET n .... -----------------~._w~~., ..... . CITY OF~~PLANNlj\J City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton. WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 ~c:NTON L. 1. Gross area of property: ocr 2 8 2004 [9J~~fEUVED 1. "(, b It.( square feet 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, and critical areas.* Total excluded area:** 2. 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. 5,J,Q3'{ 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. /. 2. 'Z... square feet square feet acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. _-=-___ units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. _I./...L-t '....:...-2. __ d.u./acre f.t; lots or units would result in a net density of '-/ , q ~welling units per acre. "Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations not including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. C:\Documents and Settings\oibailey\My Documents\density.doc 071 1 8/0j1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 282004 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governm!~~~~~ consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, th~ governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan. to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for non project proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For non project actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Windstone ill 2. Name of applicant: KBSill,LLC 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Contact: Curtis Schuster (206) 261-2112 4. Date checklist prepared: October 20, 2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): The short plat process should be completed in January or February 2005. The engineering design phase is to be completed during the first half of 2005, with construction to begin soon thereafter. The project/plat recording should be completed in late 2005/early 2006. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. A wetland analysis and habitat assessment has been completed by Chad Armour dated October 2004. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Yes, the Plat of Stoneridge (City File No. LUA04046) is currently under construction, which abuts the south property line of this proposal. Access and utilities depend upon this project to be completed and recorded. Also, a boundary line adjustment must be completed prior to the approval of this proposal. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. The following is a summary of possible approvals and/or permits required for our proposal: • Boundary Line Adjustment • Preliminary short plat approval 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep) 2 e e • Construction plan approval • Final plat approval • Clearing and Grading Permit • Right-of-Way Use Permit • Forest Practices Permit 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The proposed short plat encompasses approximately 1.41 acres of land. The applicant is proposing 6 lots, with the smallest being proposed at 7,217 square feet and the largest lot being 13,793 square feet. The average lot size for the project is 9,353 square feet. The minimum lot width is 60 feet. Each lot will be suitable for construction of a single-family residential detached home, with all appropriate utilities. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project site is located at the future road extension of Kitsap Place N.B. as part of the plat of Stoneridge located to the south. The project site abuts the proposed subdivision of Stoneridge and is located in the southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. For an exact location, please see the enclosed vicinity map and preliminary plat map. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one);~, Irollingl, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) Approximately 18 percent. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, mUCk)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The King County soil survey indicates the site as having glacial till soil deposits; for further information, please see the soils report prepared by Earth Consultants Inc., dated October 2004. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 3 e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The exact quantities of filling and grading on site have yet to be determined; however, we anticipate that the earthwork will be balanced, except for the possible import of structural fill for backfilling utility trenches and will exceed 500 cubic yards. Additional import may be required for the road subgrade depending on the weather conditions at the time of construction. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. During heavy storm events following clearing and grading activity, erosion could occur if erosion/sedimentation control measures are not installed properly. By properly incorporating the City of Renton erosion control measures and minimizing the disturbance of existing vegetation during plat construction, we can help mitigate erosion impacts. g. About what percent of the Site, will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 0.98 acre (70 percent) of the total site will be covered with impervious surfaces, such as asphalt, buildings, etc. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Prior to construction, an approved erosion control plan will be prepared and implemented in accordance with the City of Renton. These erosion control measures will be monitored throughout construction and must be maintained to control erosion during construction and weather constraints. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (Le., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. The project proposal will generate emissions typically found within single-family subq.ivisions. This may include airborne dust during constructionlheavy equipment, as well as automobile, emissions; however, once the project is completed, the plat will produce typical emissions found in residential communities, such as automobiles, service trucks, maintenance equipment, and wood-burninglgas-burning stove emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. To our knowledge, there are no off-site sources of emissions andior odor that will affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During construction, construction practices, such as riprap entrance aprons, required muffler systems for heavy equipment and dust control (watering), will be implemented as required. There will be no on-site construction burning and all land clearing debris will be exported off site and disposed of. 1 1 470.0Q4,doc [GWP/tep] 4 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are no surface water bodies on the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not applicable. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities jf known. None. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 ~O-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. To our knowledge, the site does not lie within a lOO-year floodplain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. The project will be utilizing a sanitary sewer system built to the City of Renton standards and specifications. Therefore, there will be no discharge into groundwater from septic tanks or other sources. 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 5 c. Water Runoff (Including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. The project will create stormwater runoff from impervious areas, i.e., yards, driveways, and homes. The stormwater will be collected by an on-site collection through a series of roof drains, storm pipe, and catch basins. Most of this water will be conveyed into a storm pond constructed by the plat of Stoneridge. The required storm plat has been provided by this pond. For further information, please see the stormwater TIR prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated October 2004. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: As required by the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Ecology, we are proposing a storm drainage system to collect, convey, and treat stormwater per industry standards. These improvements will assist in mitigating the impacts of stormwater and water quality. The information outlined in Subsection a. above provides details of these proposed improvements. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: ~ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: Cotton Wood ~ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ~ shrubs ../ grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation will be removed in areas required for lot grading, utilities, storm detention pond, and road construction. During plat construction, approximately 1.25 acres of total site will be cleared to accommodate roadways, utility construction, and lot grading. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge there are no threatened or endangered species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The City of Renton will require that street trees be provided for this project to help mitigate the impacts ofthis proposal. 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 6 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, ~ongbirdij, other _______ _ Mammals: Ideeij, bear, elk, beaver, other ________ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other ______ _ For further information, please see the Habitat Data Report prepared by Chad Armour dated October 2004. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge there are not threatened or endangered species on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain No. To our knowledge this site is not part of a migration route. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: By providing street trees (and future home landscaping), some mitigation will be provided. No other measure is being provided or is required. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The energy needs for this project will be primarily electric and natural gas for heating and lighting of the individual homes. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Each home built within the plat will be required to meet the Washington State Energy Code for insulation, power usage, lighting, etc. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 11470.004.doc [GWP/tepJ 7 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. b. NoIse 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? The developed properties adjacent to the project site create noises typically found in single-family developments such as traffic, maintenance equipment, delivery trucks, etc. However, these typical noises will have no effect on this project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. On a short-term basis, the types of noise created from this project will be during the construction stage, including clearing, utility installation, road construction, etc. Furthermore, during the home construction phase, the typical construction noise will be present. On a long-term basis, the typical noise for a single-family residence will be from auto, home maintenance, deliveries, garbage disposal, etc. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None are proposed or required. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is currently vacant and properties to the north and west are single-family homes with outbuildings on small to large lots. To the east is a large parcel and a single-family home and to the south is the plat of Stoneridge. which is currently under construction. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. None. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? This site is currently zoned R-5 (Residential 5 DIU per acre). 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 8 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Single-family, medium density. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No. i. Approximately how many people would resid~ or work in the completed project? Approximately 15 people reside within the completed project, assuming 2.5 people per household. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project will be required to meet the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and zoning requirements to ensure the compatibility of the project with the surrounding land uses. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Six single-family housing units will be provided, which will be within the middle to upper income levels. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s}, not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. The tallest height allowed in the R-5 zoning classification is 35 feet above the average building elevation. The principal exterior building materials will be wood, wood 1 1 470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 9 byproducts, stucco, 'brick, or other applicable materials typically found in single-family residential neighborhoods. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? No view will be altered as a result of the construction of this project. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: By providing landscaping within the plat, landscape planters with street trees, the aesthetic impacts will be softened. No other mitigation is required or provided. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE , a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The project site will produce lighting typically found within single-family subdivisions, such as street lighting, car headlights, and housing lighting. The project light will be predominantly in the evening hours. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? There are several regional recreational opportunities within close proximity of this site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: As required by the City of Renton, we will be required to pay a park mitigation fee to help offset impacts. Additionally, future taxes paid by the homeowners will provide funding to the City General Fund for future regional parks, etc. 11470,OO4.doc [GWPftep) 10 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. To our knowledge, there are no places or objects listed on or proposed for the national state or local preservation registers on or near the site. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. To our knowledge, there are no landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or near the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not applicable. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Direct access to the site will be via a future stub road (Kitsap Place NE.) from the Plat of Stoneridge; however, two lots will gain direct access to 148th Avenue S.E. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? To our knowledge, public transit is not available at the site. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Parking for two cars will be provided on each single-family lot as required by the City of Renton. No parking spaces will be eliminated by the project. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? The applicant is proposing to construct full-width street improvements on site with a 26-foot private road easement. Traffic mitigation fee payments (if applicable) may be required to assist in traffic impacts. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. There will be no commercial water, rail, or air transportation. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Estimated project-generated vehicle trips were calculated using average daily and peak hour trip rates for single-family residential units published by the Institute of 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 11 Transportation Engineers (ITE). This proposal would generate approximately 57 daily trips and a p.m. peak hour. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The applicant is proposing to construct full-width street improvements within the plat. Traffic mitigation fee payments (if applicable) may be required to assist in traffic impacts. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The project will have a minor increase on public services. The services typically needed for single-family subdivisions include fire protection, police protection, health care, and schools. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Each new homeowner will pay taxes that generate additional revenue for the City of Renton General Fund. The General Fund may be utilized to help offset impacts to public services, such as fire protection, police protection, etc. With respect to schools, the Renton School District may require mitigation payment at the Building Permit stage to assist in school impacts. 16. UTILITIES a. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The following utilities are proposed for the subject property and their respective purveyors: Electricity: Natural Gas: Telephone: Cable: Fire: School: Refuse: Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Energy Qwest Communications Comcast Renton Fire District Renton School District Pierce County The project will require the extension of water from Water District 90 and sewer from the City of Renton. 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 12 ,I t. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willtullack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: Date: 11470.004.doc [GWP/tep] 13 Chad Armour, LLC October 11, 2004 Mr. Wayne Potter, Project Manager KBS Develo~ment Corporation 12320 NE 8t Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Subject: Dear Wayne: Wetland Reconnaissance Stone Ridge III Renton, Washington OCT 2 8 20G!1 \Rl~t~~~ED We are'Pleased to present the results of our wetland reconnaissance for the above-referenced property (site) located in Renton, Washington. The work was accomplished' in accordance with your verbal request. The site -which slopes gently (12%) to the east -is the location of a selectively harvested Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesil) forest. Surrounding the site is Douglas-fir forest to the north and east, the Stone Ridge residential development (under construction) to the south, and a residential development to the west. Methods We used the routine method described in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and the Washington Department of Ecology Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual to identify wetland characteristics. Results We visited the site on October 6, 2004 to look for the presence of wetlands. The site is dominated by immature trees about 12 to 15 feet tall and 1 to 3 inches in diameter and include Douglas-fir, western red cedar (Thuja plicata, FAC), cascara (Rhamnus purshiana, FAC-) , Seouler's willow (Salix seouleriana, FAC) , and red alder (Alnus rubra, FAC). The shrub layer is dominated by salal (Gaultheria shallon, FACU) with lesser amounts of hazelnut (Corylus corn uta , FACU), vine maple (Acer circinatum, FAC-), and red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium, FACU). The herb layers supports sword ferr:t (Polystichum munitum, FACU) and bracken fern (Pleridium aquilinum, FACU) (see attached Data Form). The upper 2 inches of the soil is composed of organic material (duff). The next 18 inches of soil is dark yellowish brown (10YR %) gravelly sandy loam with no hint of mottles. Similarly, there was no hind of wetland hydrology. 6500 126th Avenue SE Bellevue, Washington 98006 www.chadarmour.com (425) 641-9743 (425) 643·3499 Fax chad@chadarmour.com Wetland Reconnaissance Stone Ridge III Chad Armour, LLC Based on the results of our analysis and the similarity of the surrounding topography and vegetation, there are no wetlands on the site. . Limitations Work for this project was performed, and this letter report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of KBS Development Corporation and their assigns for specific application to the referenced property .. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. Note that delineating wetland boundaries is an inexact science. Wetland professionals may disagree on the precise location of wetland boundaries, wetland hydrology, or the functional value of a wetland. However, the final determination of these wetland parameters is the responsibility of the permitting authority. Any questions regarding our work and this report, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned. Sincerely, Chad Armour, LLC ~A~ Chad Armour Principal Attachment A -Data Form 1 -SP-1 cc: Curtis Schuster, KBS Development 2 Attachment A Data Form 1 -SP-1 .. ;, ':'l~("!~;~' ~!P . '~ ~~:: ' . '!" '. , L . ", :', " :, .,::rf/:';~{'-~' .. ':;:'''';::"~~:.~:!:~:~ ::r:' " ":~:;' ·:,t: ·~~tt::~; . '." ~ < ~ -!,.' .:.,:~ " .. DATA FORM 1'(Revised) _ .. Routine Wetland Detennination (. orps e an e nea on anua (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 C W tl d D Ii ti M 1) I Project/Site: . ~ Vl --c:.. 1<'1 J .5 -e. -nr Date: h.:> / !::/r:;1 :I Applicant/owner: t< 6~ D C,I e 1 0 f VVI e ,.-,-C County: 1<, '" ..5 C~A£ A r WI D~,i LLC- State: vJ. /t. Investigator(s): SfflR: Do Nonnal Circumstances exist on the site? ~ no Community 10: Is the site significarltly disturbed (atypical situation)? yes C® Transect ID: "(Sf) Is the area a potential Problem Area? yes C§) PlotID: Explanation of atypical or problem area: VEGETATION (For strata, indicate T = tree; S = shrub; H = herb; V = vine) Dominant Plant SpeCies Stratum % cover Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum % cover fj~L..Ao+:Skd"O, t-'V-~"\ -r 7-(-ifl LL,L (!1f'J Iu,~ Ce· ... ""C<.\ <'<- .::::, --' 2. f'h ,tf., 0 II i.,,: ·L,. .... -r 1 fAe: A (.,e/ ':"1 .. ;<:" \., "'-+"" .. _ :5 /D -R\ . ' "~'''' n k.5 {) I ..... " -s,iA 1 A", IL --r" /0 (-A~-\j u ~I") 11·', "-D./i..~ \J \ fo S -3 ~t--JI-J.. 'SL.f) 0-\e ( : (, ,,' fL -j" t Y"c:.... f .. .ill-R-7-Jt' 4CjJ. J eile ........ .5 I AI I\t.' > (,,\ I " () , S-f v. l)~, I /., ---(-7-?v),1 ~J)JI\{A'" 'tr .... -l l.",,:1( l.~ j J .... -" V'I.~ .... I ' I C,tl..t.<.i lCCil{c 7\.1 ft~]!7V) s' 15' f-A C-' LA.. p-1ef JJ!L',V\ a (,' If,i ) .;1 z.,s-, HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: U Indicator FAcL" FA( - F=,4(.Q N I PA<:::.I),- ~Ac:L.t. % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC () >-33to/~. (33oJ.~-, r f -it-. e--Iv ~ e I...,.,..t</, ~ c.. 0 ' .... .., ) c:;f-.(,,~ .,e Check all indicators thatapply & explain below: "Jo \" 12- :.00/0 If 71-L. +r<2,. e.. 1 ttl t.:s VlV+-<.D"I 'S,d-< ~ .... J)) Visual observation of plant species growing in Physiological/reproductive adaptations -- areas of prolonged inundation/saturation --Wetland plant database. -- . Morphological adaptations --Persona). knowledge of regional plant communities --Technical Literature Other (explain) Hydrophytic vegetation present? yes G!i) Rationale for decisionlRemarks: HYDROLOGY , Isit the growing season? ~ no Water Marks: yes ~ Sediment Deposits: yes ® on Based on: soil temp (record te,~ ) Drift Lines: yes C!!2) Drainage Patterns: yes ~ other (explain), A...1-<--Dept. of inundation: .&/1f. inches· Oxidized Root (live roots) Local Soil Survey: yes0:!;) Channels <12 in. yes rmn Depth to free water in pit: 7 '2-Qnches . FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained Leaves yeev Depth to satu,rated soil: .:J.:1Q inches Check all that apply & explain below: / Other (explain): Fe ,( ~ t? l'\ r1t ) kt-Jot w) ~ ~1!~ e cf Stream, Lake or gage data: --Ike-re<...,IO ... Aerial photographs: Other: ~. 'Wetland hydrology present? yes ~ ......... Rationale for decisionlRemarks: SOILS MapUnitName A/i.e/woD; -:j.ftlve-:"i ~4v,J-; IOtli,") (Series & Phase) IS -tD ~O p.erc!-~",-1·r ~ lop~~ Drainage Class tvl DeE ~./ t&\ + o/!-I y w c. / ;~. t> i(., I '\ -€. t.'"~ I Field observations confirm Yes . c§)"';';) +1 c.. .b<'A;"'D~,h.r;c Prome Description Depth Horizon Matrix color Mottle colors (inches) (MunseJI (Munsell moist) moist) Z. 0 -- 1~1" Al6 /1/1(2..3/4 -, , ,.,\ Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) __ Histosol __ Histic Epipedon . N i) Y\tZ --Sulfidic Odor __ Aquic Moisture Regime __ Re~ucing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma (=1) matrix Hydric soils presE!n_t? yes 6!2) Rationale for decisionlRemarks: " Wetland Determination (circle) Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soils present? Wetland hydrololn' present? RationalelRemarks: NOTES:" yes . ~ yes . no> yes no " '. ,. Mottle abundance Texture, concretions, Drawing of soil size & contrast structure,' etc. profile (match description) -"--D~ff' I~~:"~'~ eZ $1 If,j . ...-r' . .. t -761 •• 1 J. 2--'" 'vl '1 lD (. v:') (11) L~J 5 (~ , " --Matrix chroma $; 2 with mottles· __ . Mg or Fe Concretions _. __ High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils __ . Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _.Listed on NationallLocal Hydric:Soils List Other (explain in remarks) Is the sampling point \ within a wetland? yes $\0 p.e ) L ''/0 A ~f~..c-r· f 4~ t (100) f4t)o1' I v, > Pic.. p11c I & I II tStJ1fJ) " )/; 1'1 (7 5 o/~) Revised 4/97 "'$: ' Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:06:40 AM DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 2 8 2004 ~~(C~~W~fD) N~W PR,Oy"ECT PROJECT: G: \14 5~\14~~_._pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Old Lot B Point Number Bearing Description Distance 501 ROW S02°22'20"W 8.77 ' 500 ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 188118.25270 1315516.84790 0+08.77 188109.49022 1315516.48490 432 188092.55723 1315925.13423 Calc CL RP 409.00 ' 1°34'23" Left 11.23 ' SOl°35'12"W 11.23 ' 0.04 ' 0.04 ' Deg of Curvature: 14°00'31" Arc Definition Tangent: 5.62 ' Curve PI: 188103.87523 1315516.25222 513 LOT 0+20.00 188098.26452 1315516.17395 S87°37'38"E 150.86 ' 533 LOT 1+70.86 188092.01877 1315666.90461 S27°21'56"E 96.23 ' 532 LOT 2+67.09 188006.55769 1315711.13826 N71°59'23"E 65.87 ' 534 LOT 3+32.96 188026.92388 1315773.78070 N00025'13"W 80.71 ' 506 LOT N87°37'38"W 256.56' 501 ROW Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total trav~rse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area 4+13.67 188107.63171 1315773.18868 6+70.22 188118.25354 1315516.8(865 0.00084 0.00075 S42°01'39"W 0.00112 670.23 (670.22) 1/596104 1/802485 1/890388 11495.539 SQ FT . 0.264 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:06:40 AM NEW PROJECT _~~9J~CT: G:\14?~\1459.pro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: Old Lot A Point Number Bearing Description Distance 212 1/64th S87°37'38"E 1292.66 213 ADJACENT BND N01°25'22"E 307 N87°26'02"W 306 SOlo25'01"W 212 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance 237.28 south line n 1292.77 south line n 241.65 1/64th Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 188124.60760 12+92.66 188,071.09025 15+29.95 188308.29710 28+22.71 188'366.17715 30+64.36 188124.60104 -0.00656 -0.00586 N41°46'43"E 0.00880 3064.36 (3064.36) 1/348173 1/466891 1/522584 309508.240 SQ FT 7.105 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315363.47950 1316655.03119 1316660.92276 1315369.44912 1315363.47364 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 • Wednesday~ October 20, 2004 1:34:06 PM NEW PP.OJECT CLOSURE REPORT • PROJECT: .. G.: \1459\14 5.9 .. pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: New Lot A Point Number Bearing Description Distance 308 norht line s S87°37'38"E 402.08 311 norht line s S02°22'22"W 125.00 315 S87°37'38"E 892.67 213 ADJACENT BND N01°25'22"E 307 N87°26'02"W 306 S01°25'01"W 308 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance 237.28 south line n 1292.77 south line n 116.63 norht line s Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 188249.58681 4+02.08 188232.94031 5+27.08 188108.04749 14+19.75 188071.09010 16+57.03 188308.29695 29+49.80 188366.17700 30+66.43 188249.58266 -0.00415 -0.00130 N17°25'40"E 0.00435 3066.43 (3066.43) 1/705575 1/739523 1/2355821 259378.562 SQ FT 5.955 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315366.57103 1315768.30630 1315763.13118 1316655.03581 1316660.92738 l315369.45374 l315366.56973 • . DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CITY OF RENTON 10500 NE 8TH, #1700, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Title Unit: ETU . Phone: (425)646-9883 Fax: (425)646-9819 Customer Number: WOLF Buyer(s): Officer: EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT Commitment Effective Date: OCTOBER 11. 2004 1 . Policy or Policies to be issued: at 8:00 A.M. Order No.: ALTA Owner's Polley 1992 STANDARD Amount: $0.00 70% RESIDENTIAL RESALE RATE '. Proposed Insured: Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured: Pollcy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured: Premium: Tax: Amount: Premium: Tax: Amount: Premium: Tax: 2 . The estate or interest In the land which Is covered by this Commitment Is: FEE SIMPLE 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: RICHARD A. WOLF AND BEVERLY J. WOLF, HUSBAND AND WIFE 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT $0.00 $0.00 OCT 28 2004 . ~~t~~'W~\D) 1140330 COMMA80412 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1140330 Your No.: WOLF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS RECORDED: ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS APRIL 29. 2004 RECORDING NUMBER: 20040429000792 REGARDING: SEWER LINE EASEMENT X 5. KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 LIMITED USE PERMIT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 20040913002100 6. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 24, 2004 20040924000680 F 7. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ORDINANCE NO. 5068, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MAY 26, 2004 2004056000446 G 8. PAYMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX. IF REQUIRED. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY OF UNINCORPORATED KING COUNTY. PRESENT RATE IS 1.78%. ANY CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIAL WASHINGTON STATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT. THE APPLICABLE EXCISE TAX MUST BE PAID AND THE AFFIDAVIT APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE RECORDING OF THE CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS. H 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): CLTACM821IWAl09!l9 " . ·. PARCEL A: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 1140330 Your No.: WOLF LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 396 FEET THEREOF; . AND EXCEPT THE COUNTY ROAD, KNOWN AS 148TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. Cl.l'ACMA6/1!UAlO'J!1O ., CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.i...TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1140330 Your No.: WOLF Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. B. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. C. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or materJal heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as Imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessme'nts which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. F. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity, other utilities, or garbage collection and disposal. C. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights, claims, or title to water. I. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, If any, created, first appearing in the public records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW WLTACOMB/RDAl0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A,L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 001140330 Your No.: WOLF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Z 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: TURNAROUND, WATERLINE, AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS VARIOUS PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AND DELINEATED IN SAID INSTRUMENT AUGUST 30, 2004 20040830000841 Y 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES A 15 FOOT STRIP THROUGH SAID PREMISES AUGUST 31, 2004 20040831000521 o 3. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING. LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 411867 E 4. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RICHARD A. WOLF AND BEVERLY J. WOLF, HUSBAND AND WIFE KBS I I I, L. L. C ., A WASH I NGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AND/OR CLTACMUI/RDAl0999 , " CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1140330 Your No.: WOLF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A 2004 032305-9014-00 6855 $ 299,000.00 $ 10,000.00 BILLED: $ 3,793.24 PAID: $ 1,896.62 UNPAID: $ 1,896.62 L 10. LIEN CLAIMED BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES: AGAINST: RICHARD A. WOLFE IN THE AMOUNT OF: $ 6,821.52 RECORDED: NOVEMBER 12, 1998 RECORDING NUMBER: 9811121826 M PROVIDED SAID LIEN DEBTOR IS IDENTICAL WITH RICHARD A. WOLF. N 11. JUDGMENT: AGAINST: IN FAVOR OF: FOR: ENTERED: JUDGMENT NUMBER: SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER: ATTORNEY FOR CREDITOR: RICHARD ALLEN WOLFE MARY JO TYRHOLM $ 6,211.21 APRIL 28, 1998 98-9-06457-4 97-5-01214-8 DELAINA M. DANCEY o NOTE: THE LIEN OF SAID JUDGMENT DEPENDS UPON THE IDENTITY OF THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR WITH RICHARD A. WOLF. P 12. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE CLTACMUlIl!DAl0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) • Order No.: 1140330 Your No.: WOLF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. Q 13. TITLE IS TO BE VESTED IN PERSONS NOT YET REVEALED AND WHEN SO VESTED WILL BE SUBJECT TO MATTERS DISCLOSED BY A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS AGAINST THEIR NAMES. R . NOTE 1: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1997. DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FIRST PAGE OR COVER SHEET REQUIREMENTS: 3" TOP MARGIN CONTAINING NOTHING EXCEPT THE RETURN ADDRESS. 1" SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. TITLE(S) OF DOCUMENTS. RECORDING NO. OF ANY ASSIGNED. RELEASED OR REFERENCED DOCUMENT(S). GRANTORS NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND). GRANTEES NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND). ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (AND PAGE NO. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION). ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S). RETURN ADDRESS (IN TOP 3" MARGIN). **A COVER SHEET CAN BE ATTACHED CONTAINING THE ABOVE FORMAT AND DATA IF THE FIRST PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL REQUIRED DATA. ADDITIONAL PAGES: 1" TOP. SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. ALL PAGES: NO STAPLED OR TAPED ATTACHMENTS. EACH ATTACHMENT MUST BE A SEPARATE PAGE. ALL NOTARY AND OTHER PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED FOR VISIBILITY. FONT SIZE OF B POINTS OR LARGER. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE LEGIBLE AND CAPABLE OF BEING IMAGED. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: CLTACMD2IROAl09!l9 T CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1140330 Your No.: WOLF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. END OF SCHEDULE B TO EXPEDITE THE COMPLETION OF YOUR CLOSING, PLEASE FORWARD YOUR CLOSING ORDER AND RECORDING DOCUMENTS TO: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY -CENTRAL RECORDING 701 FIFTH AVENUE, 33RD FLOOR SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 THANK YOU, UNIT 1 -EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT CLTACMB2IRIlAl09!l9 • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 10500 NE8TH, 4tl700, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: Order No.: 1148732 In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the follOWing described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: KBS I I I, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $16.70 Records examined to OCTOBER 12, 2004 at 8: 00 AM By EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT Title Officer (425)646-9883 PLA TCRTAlRDAl0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1148732 LOT 2 ANO THE. EAST 164 FEET OF LOT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017 AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001 AND CORRECTED BY AFFIDAVIT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8706260950. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE QUIETING TITLE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERED ON MARCH 23, 1987: THE WEST 840.50 FEET OF THE SOUTH 330 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LYING WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF A LINE LYING 164 FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 87° 49' 15" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 97.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 02° 10' 45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 158.13 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, THE RADIAL CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 19° 44' 42" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 95.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31° 38' 59",' A DISTANCE OF 52.48 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, THE RADIAL CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 51° 23' 41" EAST; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE ARCO OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF .53° 34' 26", A DISTANCE OF 60.78 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 87° 49' 15" EAST A DISTANCE OF 223.23 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 01° 24' 12" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 100.02 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 87" 49' 15" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 315.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SEE NEXT PAGE PLATCRTL/RDA/~ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A (Continued) Policy No.: 001148732 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS. (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT Z, KING COUNTY BOUNDRY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007.) TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND UTILITIES OVER THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF LOT .. 1 AS 01 SCLOSED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. LEGLCONT/RDAl09!l9 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB • Order No.: 1148732 This certificate does not Insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing In the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, If any. preceding or In the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or In Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. j. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). PLAl'CRTll/RDAlIl9!l9 • • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1148732 A 1. EASEMf;NT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: GAlUS S. BUXON AND LOUISE M. BUXTON STORM WATER DETENTION/RETENTION AND DRAINAGE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY MAY 23, 1986 8605230992 B 2. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, TOGETHER WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED AUGUST 15, 1986 8608151325 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. C 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY MARCH 31, 1987 8703311602 o AFFECTS: PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN LOT 3 OF SAID SHORT PLAT. E 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES UNDER, THROUGH, ABOVE. AND ACROSS SAID PREMISES AUGUST 31. 2004 20040831000578 l'tATeRTS 11 RDAlIJ9IJ9 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1148732 F 5. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001. G 6. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9209101022. H 7. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF EASEMENT GRANTED OVER ADJACENT PROPERTY: PURPOSE OF EASEMENT: RECORDING NUMBER: DRAINFIELD 20020807000277 8. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND ·THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 411867 J 9. ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, AS CONTAINED IN KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 486017 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8703039001. K 10. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. l 11. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: CLIFFORD AND CINDY MCCLELLAND KBS II I, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AUGUST 7, 2002 20020807000279 ACCESS EASEMENT 12. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PLA TCIlB2IRDAl0999 • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BETWE~N: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: PLA T CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) MILDRED A. SERRA Order No.: 1148732 KBS I I I, LLC, A WASHINGTON· LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AUGUST 7, 2002 20020807000280 ACCESS EASEMENT N 13. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: VIRGINIA LUCK, A SINGLE WOMAN KBS I I I, L.L.C., A WASHINGTON LIMITED· LIABILITY COMPANY JUNE 29, 2004 20040629002394 ACCESS EASEMENT o 14. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: WILLIAM M. SERRA, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS BILL M. SERRA AND MILDRED SERRA, HUSBAND AND WIFE RAINIER CREDIT COMPANY BANK OF AMERICA N T & S A DOING BUSINESS AS SEAFIRST BANK $ 55,295.90 JUNE 20, 1997 JULY 7, 1997 9707071675 7621600 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. P SAID DEED OF TRUST IS PARTIALLY RECONVEYED AS TO OTHER PROPERTY BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020807000278 Q 15. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: KBS I I I, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY WASHINGTON SERVICES INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS, A UNITED STATES CORPORATION $ 180,000.00 PLA TCRn2lRDAl0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DATED: RECORPED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 SEPTEMBER 28, 2004 20040928001014 NOT DISCLOSED Order No.: 1148732 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. R 16. THE MOBILE HOME OR MANUFACTURED HOME (AS DEFINED IN RCW 46.04.302) LOCATED OR TO BE LOCATED ON THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO LICENSING AND TITLE REGISTRATION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES· PURSUANT TO RCW. 46.12.290. S NOTE 1: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: AMOUNT BILLED AND PAID: 2004 032305-9269-02 6855 $ 171, 000 . 00 $ 85,000.00 $ 3,171.08 T NOTE 2: v THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT Z, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. END OF SCHEDULE B TO EXPEDITE THE COMPLETION OF YOUR CLOSING, PLEASE FORWARD YOUR CLOSING ORDER AND RECORDING DOCUMENTS TO: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY -CENTRAL RECORDING 701 FIFTH AVENUE, 33RD FLOOR SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 Pl.A TCRB2IRDAl0999 " THANK YOU, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) UNIT ~ -EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT Order No.: 1148732 PLATCRB2IRDAl0999 • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1148132 I THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COpy OF THIS COMMITMENT: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CURT I S SCHUSTER 212 PLA TCRB2IRDAl0!I99 , , -. • • CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: August 13, 2004 TO: Jason Jordan, Senior Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal (Lj JI- SUBJECT: ~S;.tpneridge III Sh:ort Plat, 10515 lYsth Ave. SE ~ " f Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, -the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. 3. Fire Department access roadways require a minimum 20 Foot paved roadway. 4. All building addresses shall be visible from the public street Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. • CITY OF RENTON MEMO ----____ ~_ . ___ ._ L __ . _. " __ •• To: From: Jason Jordan Juliana Fries Date: Subject: September 9, 2004 PreApplication Review Comments PREAPP No. 04-101 Stoneridge ill Short Plat NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information co.ntained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. . ' I have reviewed the preliminary application for this plat, located at 10515' 14Sth Av~ SE and have the following comments: WATER 1. The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90 (WD 90). The applicant shall obtain a certificate of water availability from the Qistrict and provide it the City prior to the approval of the short plat. A fire flow analyses will be required to verify that the District's system can provide a minimum of 1,000 gpm of available fire flow.' Results Qf flow analysis shall be submitted to the City along with the certificate of water availability to ensure that adequate flow rate and pressure is available to serve the development. 2. The proposed project is located outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. SANITARY SEWER 1. There is a sewer main on NE 16th Street. There is also a sewer main in Lyons Ave NE. 2. As part of Stoneridge Plat a sewer main is proposed along Kitsap Place NE (south property line of this project). A sewer main extension will be required. 3. Existing septic systems shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health Department prior to recording of the short plat. 4. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Special Assessment District (SAD = $250.00 per lot). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. . 5. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. I • Ii • • Stoneridge III Short Plat 09/08/2004 • Page 2 SURFACE WATER 1. Due to downstream flooding and erosion problems, staff is recommending a condition . requiring this project to comply with the-1998 King County" Surface Water Design . Mai1Uar .. to meet both detention (Level 2 flow control) and water quality improvements. 2. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) are $715 per building lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. TRANSPORTATION 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape and street signs will be required along the new street interior to the plat. 2. Traffic mitigation fees of $75 per additional generated trip shall be assessed per single family home at a rate of9.57 trips. 3. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. If three or more poles necessitate to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will requIre separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. Permit application must include an itemized cost of construction estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these iinprovements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half the fee must be paid upon application. 3. If you have any questions, call me at 425-430-7278 cc: Kayren Kittrick • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works ------------------------------------.----7----M-I:-NrORA N-rfUlVI------------- DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 9,2094 pre-Applica~J? No. 04-101 Jason Jor~ior Planner, x7219 Stonerldge III Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting Issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes In effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this -- summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. NOTICE: CHANGES TO THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW AND ADOPTION WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS IS EXPECTED. THE SUBJECT PROJECT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED CODE REVISIONS. PRIOR TO PREPARING YOUR LAND USE APPLICATION PLEASE CHECK WITH DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO CHECK ON THE STATUS OF THE REVISIONS AND HOW THEY MAY AFFECT YOUR PROJECT. Project Proposal: The subject property is located north of the intersection of Sunset Boulevard NE and Nile Avenue NE, (north of the Stoneridge Subdivision). The proposal is to subdivide one existing lot totaling approximately 49,329 square feet (1.13-acres) into 5 lots for the eventual development of detached single-family units. It should be noted that based on King County records the site Is 7.13 acres In size. The site is currently vacant. Access to the development is propose'd from a new road (Kitsap Place NE), which was developed as part of the original Stoneridge subdivision. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Objectives and Policies: The subject site is located within the- Residential Low Density land use designation area. The following objectives and policies are applicable to the project. Objective LU-I.1: Preserve open space and natural resources and protect environmentally sensitive areas by limiting residential development in critical areas, areas identified as part of a city-wide or regional open space network, agricultural lands within the City, or in areas providing a transition to the Urban Growth Boundary and King County Rural DeSignation. Objective LU-I.3: Establish a new Residential 4 du/acre overlay area within the Residential Low Density Designation, as shown in Figure 1, in order to provide and protect suitable environments for suburban and/or estate style, single family residential dwellings. Policy LU-33.3. Ensure quality development by establishing development,standards that address building design and landscaping issues. Policy LU-33.S. Development standards should support the provision of landscape fe~tures that typically would not otherwise be provided as well as innovative site planning. Criteria should include: a. Attractive residential streetscapes with attractively landscaped front yards that are visible from the street; b. Decorative landscaping, preferably with draught resistant evergreen plant materials; c. Larger caliper street trees; and, • Stoneridge III Short Plat Pre-Application Meeting September 9,2004 Page 2 of 2 d. Irrigated landscape planting strips; e. Low impact development using landscaped buffers, open spaces, and other pervious surfaces; and, . Significant native tree and vegetation retention andlor replacement. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre (R-5)zoning designation. The density range required in the R-5 zone is up to a maximum of 5.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac). In order to calculate net density, proposed right-of-way, private access easements serving three or more units, as well as critical areas, must be deducted from the gross area of the property. In this case, the applicant would be required to deduct the 42-foot wide proposed right-of-way and the 6 X 98-foot portion of the 26-foot wide easement serving proposed Lot 5. No other areas are required to be deducted on the subject site. Based on the information submitted, it appears that the public right- of-way totals approximately 5,460 square feet (estimate only) and the portion of the private street totals approximately 588 square feet. Therefore the net density of the proposal is 49,329 or 1.13 acres (49,329 -6,048 roadway = 43,281 square feet or 0.99 acres, which equates to a net density of 5.05 dulac (5/0.99 = 5.05). This calculated net density Is above the maximum allowed within the R-5 zoning designation. Development Standards: The R-5 zone permits one residential structure I unit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. These standards will be verified at the time of building permit submittal. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-5 is 7,200 square feet. A minimum lot width of 60 feet for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 70 feet, is also required. The lots appear to meet the minimum width, depth and size requirements for the R-5 zone. However, staff has concerned with proposed Lot 5, as It Is not oriented at a right angle to a public street; therefore, its configuration may not be supported. Building Standards -The R-5 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and 2-stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. These standards will be verified at the time of building permit submittal. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-5 zone are 20 feet in the front, 25 feet in the rear,S feet on interior side yards, and 15 feet on side yards along streets: These standards will be verified at the time of building permit submittal. Parking: Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. Again, this standard will be verified at the building permit submittal stage. Street Improvements: Full street improvements (curb, gutter and 6-foot wide sidewalk will be required for the proposed 42-foot public road. Staff generally supports the reduced right-of-way width (minimum of 42 feet); however, utility easements may be necessary. Access: Each lot would be required to have access to a public street. The proposal appears to provide. each lot with direct access to the 42-foot wide proposed public street (with the exception of proposed Lot 5, which receives access to the new public right-of-way from an easement over Lots 3. Critical Areas: Based on the information submitted, the subject site does'not appear to have any critical areas. Nevertheless, the applicant will be required to provide the City with a wetland report and habitat analysis in order to ensure all potential critical areas are addressed. Finally, a geotechnical report, which outlines any geotechnical concerns, will need to be included with the land use application. Pre04-101 (5 lot plat in the R-5 with desity issues }.doc\ , 1 .. Stoneridge III Short Plat Pre-A~ation Meeting September 9, 2004 Page 3 of 3 Environmental Review: If no critical areas are found within the site boundaries, then environmental (SEPA) review would not be required. It SEPA is required, the review process is incorpqrated into the --prelirriinary-short-plat-approval. -1=he fee tor -environmental review-is -$500.00;-----.-----------. Permit Requirements: Preliminary short plats of five lots-or more (with or without environmental ,- (SEPA) review) require a public hearing with the Hearing Examiner's office. After the completion of the public hearing, the Examiner would make a final decision on the short plat. The land use process would be completed within an estimated, time frame of 6 to 8 weeks for preliminary short plat approval. The application fee is $1,000.00 (an additional $500.00 is required for SEPA review) plus $0.37 per mailing label required for notification to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the site. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed infprmation regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the required improv~ments and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. The newly created lots may be sold only after the plat has been recorded. ' Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording ot the plat (the project will be credited for the existing home). • • • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; A Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family r~sidence; and, A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single-family residence. -I A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. Expiration: Upon preliminary plat approval, the preliminary plat,approval is valid tor five years with a possible one-year extension. ' cc: Jennifer Henning Pre04.IO\ (5 lot plat in the R-5 with desity issues >_doc\ ,.1Ii • • CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND S-TRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONT ACI': SUBJECI': September 3, 2004 Jason Jor7/" Rebe~in! Don Erickson Stoneridge ill, 10515 14Sth AvenueSE; PRE 04-101 Summary: The applicant is proposing a five-lot short plat at the northwest corner of the plat of Stoneridge with, access for four of the proposed five lots from proposed Kitsap Place NE. Lot 5 would receive its access from an existing private road easement in the original Stone Ridge Preliminary Plat. This easement would now serve three rather than two lots. The applicant is proposing to widen the 20' easement to 26' to accommodate this third lot. The site is designated RLDS on the Comprehensive Plan and zoned R-5. Relevant residential land use policies are attached. The following Comprehensive Plan Compliance Matrix shows the relative compliance of this short plat with these Council adopted policies. ' Residential Areas Design and Improvement Standards Findings: The subject short plat complies with only one of the most relevant RLD land use policies. It appears to exceed the maximum allowed R-5 density of five units per net acre having an apparent density of ± 5.69 units per net acre when Kitsap Place NE is built. cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\Interdepartmental\Development Review\Preapps\Corrunents\RS\Stoneridge III Short Plat.doc\cor • • RELEVANT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE POLICIES Residential Low Density Policies Policy LU-26. Base development densities should range from 1 home per 10 acres to 5 homes per (net) acre in Residential Low Density except in areas with' significant environmental constraints. . Design and Improvement Standards for Residential Areas Objective LU-M: Provide more linkages within and between neighborhoods by, developing a system of residential streets, which serve both vehicles 'and pedestrians and creates a continuous, efficient, interconnected network of roads and pathways through(JUt the City without unduly increasing pass through traffic. Policy LU-70. Streets. sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network The extenSive or predominant use of cul- de-sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent and future development. Policy LU-80. Land should be arranged in blocks divided into lots with all lots required to , front on a public street or a park. H:\EDNSP\Interdepartmental\Development Review\Preapps\Comments\RS\Stoneridge III Short Plat.doc\cor '. .. ' d· .. • --------MEMORANDUM DATE: Ih&US!-II, U;Ot( OEMELOPMENTSE~CCS ClTY OF RENTON AUG 13 200~ RECEIVED TO: Construction Servioes, Rre Prevention, Plan Review, EDNSP, Project Planner .. FROM: Neil Watts, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: f$h11~r/j&t/ J!I. LOCATION: lOS-/ ~ Ilf-8 ±1 ftl!e--Je- PREAPP NO. pe C 0 Y:~ 101 A meeting with the am i~nt has been scheduled for / tJ.: OtJ ~ , Thursday, ~ . q UP . in 'one of the 6th floor conference rooms (new City Hall). f this meeting is scheduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11:00 AM meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the appliCant. You will not need to do a thorough ·permit lever review at this time. Note only major Issues that must be resolved prior to fonnalland useandlor building permit . application submittal. . Plan Reviewer aSSigned is ¥~(100...1 Please submit your written comments to J;;JsmJnrliJt, least two (2) days before the meeting. Thank you. H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev & PJan.ing\Template\Preapp2 Revised 9/00 ' (Planner) at _ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 , Printed: 10-28-2004 Land Use Actions RECEIPT DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Permit#: LUA04-136 Payment Made: 10/28/2004 02:33 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,725.00 Payee: KBS III, LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 5742 1,725.00 Account Balances Amount. 1,000.00 500.00 225.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OCT 282004 1Rf~(C~~'if~{Q) R0405842