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- -RETlJRN ADDRESS: Pugel iICMId EII-vy.lnc. AttrI; ROW~t POBOXIJtJ4 .... Ie-. WA ~70J4 .... REFERENCE II: ORAHTOR: James II AE.l.ando GRANTEE: Puget SOUDi! ~nergy EASEMENT (euttomer rorm) SHORT LEGAL: _ fuIIltt!.' 01'1 PIli' 2 ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 152)059079-08 OP.MAPNO 235-058 JOaNO: 105004581 For .nd In COIlIldnllon of On. DoItr / !$'.Ul and other It..~bIe oon,ldnllon 10 hind ptiId. JAm .. i.e Be1mo1ltb a5iT'8'e/l"Orwllof heretn),n~on and IIIIgne MNby-YI and _1mIIa to PUOETHD ENER Y, INC., • Wllhlngton CcxponIIOI'I rOfwlIae" herein), Ir. 'UCUMOI'I and a,lIgnt for the purpoMt hereI,*,« MlI'oo1h, a IIOfIexdue!ve perpetu .. _nl_, under, ,long aaoa and through tile faIowIng detcIIIed real property I"f'ropeIty" "-Inlln KIN G Counly, Wuhlngton: lEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THI. REfERENCE MADf A PART ", HeREOF. EASEMENT LOCATION: &~ II may be otheIwIlt HI foIth IIaraln, GnlnIee"5!1hIIII be exen:lled IIP9Il thaI poI1lon of ... property /the ·Eaiement AIM" henIIn) liar, tin (10) 'HI In wIdIh hi flv.(5) feet of .uch WIdIh on .ach IicII of ... cenler1ine of GnlIIIee', IYllemlIoCNd .. OOIIIlNcted 0( 10 be 1M, extended 0( reklcll&ld on tha PropeIIy, excepllhole potIIona of1he Propelly occupied by building fooUnga, foundellona, end/CK eubaUlfeca slruClu,.... " PurpoM. Grantee fh(o. have ... rlghl 10 CQIIII/Uct, operatI, rr..-.lnl8ln, repaW. 1WPi-, 1mcIfqW; rem"" .. , erUtaa, and u .. the E __ I AIM for one 00' 1'10" uIfIfCy ayetema for purpcII88 of ~: dlellfbulkln end .... of gal and eIedrIdCy. IogeIher ~Ih the right of acxea over and IICIlIM HId Property to ... Gt.nlaa to.-claa Ie. righ/i Mteundet. AlIIItd /I8teIn, UwI IAImI "tyatemt" ahIIIlncIIide .. ~neea Ind flclllllel .... --"Y, In the Iudgment III {3qrUt, lor ... operallon IIId ~ III HId ,,.... .. 2. OtWItor'. u .. ofE, .. ....,t ANa. GnInfof' agr.-not to ItecIInY IINc:IUtII on HId eeaement ""', and fuIth __ .... not to place HM, roc:IaHIet, ,_ Of adler obIlNc:IIonI or. IIIe property II\at WCUllnterlera with the Ixe(dae III Gtentee',1Igh1l herein. DATED till' day of---<1\"'p ...... r .... i ... 1 ______ , 19...!tl. I~ ~/t55 d),...,.k- STATE Of WASHINGTON ) ) 55 COUNTY OF ) GRANTOR: h~nclmondo BY: (7'" On this ?Ai day of Apr j ! . 1999. before me. a Nolaly Public In and fO( 111. Slate of WuNngton, dulycommiuionad end sworn. p81"1OO1111y IIPpearad ,Iam@s A Be Impodo . to me known to be the 1ndivJ!I!'a1(1) who executed lb. wiIhIn and foregoing III,INme"" and lICknowIedged thal-1l.e-.1gnad the ,a:"';.~" _~_. "'.e .. ,,1 ';cl!J"lari ~ct l"j 13U 1~r 1118 ",.& al',;Illurp~lao 1h8raln :ni~U':::lC~. '.' . Gl~I~'v_ my I~rd atd olfid8l ... , thia hereto Ifbad the day ,nd yellin thle c:ectIftcaIe am above written . . ~ ,'" -". II, I ~_/U).~ I;!t~ ,~:.:.~'I ~.: ~ 0~ ;: ":"':' ."iial\\:· E!IOCJl V. fU,!'l"EO VII '. ~;-. ,;,; ... ,.~~,t: (PriotO(.tampll4lfMofNolary) .• " ..... ' HOTAIl't' fltlSUC In and fat the S .... of . ." ,. Wllhlngton, "'!ding at Renton ........ My appoIntmenI axp/feI~1l;--'Q~7,...--rOI),......----,_ ........ __ .. _t· ..... cuSt fonn 1 JlI999 .. 8 -------------------- - - U) :G "D ~ 1 ~ .~ 6J :hi j ~ c j • • o ::.------~--. --. ( -r .... _-_. __ ...... _-.-. __ . . . . . . _....a ........ IOIIIIICCMMn ... : moM06S",S.'II! t.J-ooI.". -tJOt) ",. JOlt IlIOS_SIMI : ~1Ao MIlo' ,~ 15 ill" (JOtlnNd2 ............. --- lJOfI.HoJtII OOIIm-"24 -.. ._~ A!-~ ________ ._ _.. UlU Ulca_ II $ .. __ .. _----_ .. _ ... _ ....... . __ a. ~_!..~_~ __________ .... _. __ • 111& __ M.IM'QI. ____ _ .......... ----_ .... _ .. IQICl ---,...-.......... - I~DI\·IOUAL AClU'OWLUIODiDlf fllIOI, "................ III eo ... , e( ;w-~ , IIl'90: 0 :1.00 ! 2.00 -7.00 lIS . ............. _.---.....-.... ,....",. .......... _-..,----- IQUIJ N. CIIIQI ...... -_ .. 11111_ ... ..--.... ...... -.. ---... ----00-... -tlW ... -, .. ( ..... ~... • ...... 1 ...... _W .. ,IIU .... .... -~--~ ....... _ ... .J22.. =-_ ...... _ ........ -.. ~.4 =--=--.-------)1,-....0-_ - -~1C::=-::l""'"'::-1*_=r.::;-_,.".I ............ ;=:=----- C (I: J -----.---------.-----------'~- .; ! I I I ! I -.. , 20050304000293.001 RETURN ADDRESS: PU9iIt Sound Energy, Inc. Attn: RIW Department (J. Mal) PO Box 908681 GEN-03E Bellewe, WA 98009 11111111111111111 ~~0304000293 PflGhel EN EAS 22. ee k'~/'4/Z~ ::~zs .. NCO COUNTY, UA EASEMENT ORfGINAl REFERENCE #: GRANTOR: CONNER HOMES COMPANY. a Washington corporation GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND ENERGY. INC. SHORT LEGAL: Portion of PMl15-23-OS ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 1S230s.9016,1S230S~17. 1S230~18 and 152305-8079 For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration in hand paid, CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation ("Grantor" herein), hereby conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND ENERGY. INC.. a Washington Corporation ("Grantee-herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement over, under, along, across, and through the following described real property ("Property" herein) in King County, Washington: THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOllTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAsT, W.M.; exCEPT THE NORTH 20 F.EET; AND exCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORnON OF VACATED 140'" AVENUE SE WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW; AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE No. 13228, RECORDED UNDER REcORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shan be exercised upon that portion ot the Property ("EasernentArea" herein) describe(S:foIlOWS: "'" A.u . SEe ExHIBIT .... I\TTAcHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE INCORPORATED HEREIN. AT SUCH TIME ANY PORnON OF THE ABOVE' DESCRIBED EASEMENT AREA IS DEDICA TED TO THE PUBuc FOR ROAD PURPOSES. THE RIGHTS GRANTED HEREIN AFFECT1NG THE DEDICATf!D PORTION SHALL AUTOAfA nCALLY TERAflNA TE. 1. Purpose. Grantee shan have the right to construct. operate, maintain, repair, replace, improve, remove, enlarge, and use the easement area f!H" one or more uonty systems tor purposes ot transmission, distribution and sale of electricity. Such systems may Include, but are not limited to: Underground facilities. Conduits, lines, cables, vaults, switches and transfonnefS for electricity; fiber optic cable and other 1l000s, cables and facilities for communications; semHluried or ground- mounted facilities and pads, ~nholes, meters, fixtures. attachments and any and all other facilities or appurtenances necessary 1convenient to any or aD ot the foregoing. Following the initial constructioni at aU or a portion of its systems, Grantee may, from time to time, construct such additional facUities as it may requite for such systems. Grantee shall have the right of ~ to the Easement Area over and across the Property to ~nable Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder. Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property; caused by the exercise of such right of access by Grantee. ! 2. Easement Area Clearing ruld Maintenance. Grantee shan have the right to cut. remove and dispose of any and an brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Grantee shaH also have the right to control. on a continuing basis and by any prudent aM reasonable means, the establishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. ' i 3. Grantor's Use of EasementiArea. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights hereUI granted, provided, however, Grantor shall not construct or maintain any buildings, structures or other objects \In the Easement Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's ~ written consent. UG Elec1ric 1111998 1010239131 REDT# 53122 Page 1 of4 l EXHIBIT "A" (CoNT.) EAsEMENT AREA exHIBIT N. UNE NE1/4. 5(1/4, NWl/4 SEC. 15-23-05 -+-'-"""o-_~·.-!N:!:.!.E. 2ND S1.jSE 132NO Sn O~~-----------,~ ______ ~N~B[Bi~6~'l~3t·W~~6~O~B·290~J&~~:::: .-f----__ t R-15.00 , A=91'05'47" I L=23.B5 I " PUGET SOUND ENERGY l ~ EASEMENT AREA ~ . IlO J~ I'" r~ CONNER HOMES COMPANY PHASE 2 OF THE PLAT OF LAURELHURST 1.8 I~ 18 z 115, 15' N86'2S'S6"W 15.00 LAURELHURST PHASE 2 PUGET SOUND ENERGY EASEMENT EXHIBIT PAGE 10F1 14711 N.E. 2~P/~ce Sult~ 101 6ft Ii ~ "''''.VU7 "', '"'''''''' DESIGN I ' Belle.ve, Wa.shfn9t"'; 98007 ENGINEERING· PlANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO_ 02052 6 5 2oo503040002S3.004 20050304000293.002 4. Indemnity. Grantee agrees to indemnHY Grantor from and against fiabHity Incurred by Grantor as a result of Grantee's negligence in the exercise of the rights herein granted to Grantee, but nothing herein shall require Grantee to indemnify Grantor for that portion of any such liability attributable to the negligence of Grantor or the negligence of others. 5. Abandonment The rights herein granted shall continue unlil such lime as Grantee ceases to use the Easement Area for a period offive (5) successive years,inwhich event, this easement shan terminate and all rights hereunder, and any Improvements remaining in the Easement Area, shall revert to or othenNIse become the property of Grantor; provided, however, that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to initiany install its systems on the Easement Area within any period of lime from the date hereof. 6. Successors and A&slgns. Grantee shaD have the right to assign. apportion or oIhefwise transfer any or all of Its rights. benefits, privileges and interests arising In and under this easement. Without liniling the generality of the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the parties shaD Inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their raspective SUCC$so:;tnd assigns. DATED this '3 day of f( Ix r-t ~ , 2005. GRANTOR: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation BY#fL~ ITS: fl;ss'bM-lIlcL frts/~~ STATEOFWASHINGTON } ) S8 COUNTY Of KING ) On this 3 r,l day of ~brl,t ~ . 2005. before me, the undersigned, a~ry P~b?c6. ~In for the State of WilS'ngton, duly commissioned and swom. personally appeared ~ --,-_~.,~ , to me known to be the person(s} who signed as. C~ f't"41Y-+ , of CONNER HOMES COMPANY, the corporation \hlllt executed the within and foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed and the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpor<lltlOn for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and on oath stated that be. was authorized to execute the said Instrument on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my ha ~"""",'t: ~"":.~SA M """ -' v ........ : "O~ " f ... ~""ss/o'4;~, "'k\ : "()O N01: '1:\ ijl ~ t.; AA~" ~ il en: ... "YJ.:o: ~ f -t: A .~ 1:: ~ ~ ~ ~. U8L/C i : (Print or stamp name of Notary) 'I.~ .. !,: ...: w" Q~.:!9"08 ..... O~.f ' ...... "'·· .... ·:·.r4~ _--'t" I4SH'''"~ ,--",~"" NelIIY"'~ 10>1 and aI __ must "Inside l' maigins UG Electric 1111998 1010239131 REOT# 53122 Page 2 of4 NOTARbPU8~1C in and for the State of Washington, resid"1I\9 at ,.--en~ My Appointment expires: --I'L.Io.lfJho:.A~/~V2:.I:L. _____ _ ... CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 EXHIBIT "A" EAsEMENT AREA LeGAL DESCRIPTION Core Project No: 0205-2 2103/05 20050304000293.003 Legal Description -Puget Sound Energy Easement That portion of the east half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington described as follows; Commencing at the southwest comer of the north half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 15; thence S88°25'56"E along the south line of said north half, 20.00 feet to the east right-of-way margin of Duvall Ave. N.E. and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein descnbed parcel; thence NOQ03S'OO"E along said east margin, 968.21 feet to the south right-of-way margin of N.E. 2nd St.; thence SS8°16'13E along said south margin, 60S.90 feet; to the west right-of-way margin of Field Ave. thence SOO031 '29"W along said west margin, 25.01 feet to a pOint 25' southerly of the south right-of-way margin of said N.E. 2"d St.; thence N88°16'13'W parallel with said south margin, 578.65 feet to a point of tangency with a 15.00 foot radius circular curve to the left; thence southwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 91°05'47", an arc distance of 23.85 feet to a point 15' easterly of the east right-of-way margin of said Duvall Ave. N.E.; thence SOOO38'00"W parallel with said east margin, 927.87 feet to the south line of said southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 15; thence N88°25'56"W along said south line, 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. UG Electric 11/1998 1010239131 REDT#53122 Page3ot4 I:\2002\02052\Legal\o2052L26-PSE-ESMT.doc .... 1a: . . Qwest 1RONewportw., 1M .......... WA.8027 20050308000284.001 RECORDiNG iNFORMATiON NrNE .. . . RIW. WAQ2.2'lQ:snno' EASEMENT· . The ~ ~I) JOJUf SKOCRIlOPOLB FOtl CONNEll BOMBS fQr and in considrntiou. of MVllJAL BBNBfII'S DoI1arI (-0-) IDd other pel aD4 WuahIe CODSidandiou, the receipt whcnof fa bCIrcby ..u~ do hereby gnat ... come)' ,.eo Qwat ~oD. a Colondo CoIpontioD, hcnId'bIr rUrod to as "'GrIatoo". whole addrOea 111101 CUifoini& St.. Suito 5100, Deonr. CO 80202. ill succe.on; ..... Josaoes. ~ md ...... perpebIIl~ 10 . ~ ~. modifY. dIaap, add 10, opcdtD. ·lIIIrintaiI\md ~ such 1Ie)eoogmumJcetjOllS &oili1ies. electric!el Witlea ml ~ tivm 1imo 10 time, as Grantee mq require upon, «M:r. UDder ml~. tho fo.IlowIagdetcribed land IIi1unId in the County ofKblg State ofWIIIIdDPa which the Grantor OWIII or in which tho 0nIDtDr has lIllY iatcrcIt. to wit: . 1.01(8): BJk_Acrc:aF._ SectiooHYfi.S. TOWIIIbip miRmge·SB,.W.M. Tu.p8nlCIl# .l~· SEE EXHIBIT M!l An-ACHED I-ERETO AND BY 11-I1S.REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Grantor further oonvey8 to Grantee the folloWIng inckIentalrtghts: (1) P •• "'P8FWy AIN. fit vJaY tG lMI weed IiIwlfRg all peAeda.. se ....... tiJIiGA, :"eeMtRl __ • f8IRh1M"""'. PI,. aM PlmGYal yP8A a It", ef latul feel • .. nda IIA the .kli sf, aM a _ ef laRd. feet wide QR #le aida ef _ aaaemeRt (2) The ~ d iv88I BrIi .... CNW and ac:roes the· ... m Grara to and from the abcJva.<lescribed property and the right to dear and keep cleared all tre4Is and other obatrudlom 88 may be neceesafy for the GI'BOCH'. use and ~ of the easement area. . . Grantee ehalllndemnlfy Gnrior for .. d8magea caueed to GrMIor as • JeSUIt of GnIfrtee'. nagIIgIIIlt""" d the ItghbI and ~ heIWn ~ Gnriee .... hIM no respo.lIIibIIIty for pnHldating envtronmental c;ontamIIl8IIon or 11abIRtJ8e. . GtlmIDr reserves ttMt right to qccupy, uae and cuIIIvaIa said ouement for an fUP0888 not InConsistent with the rights henIn~. Granklr covenants that halshelU1ey IsIare the fee limple owner ~ said land or in which the GranIor has any Interest and wli wanant and defend title to the·1end against all claims. Grantor hecetJy. covenanta that no exavation, buIdIng, sIn.Ic:tIn of obstruction wII be c:onatrueled, erected. bull or permitted CIfJ aald eaeement ... IIf)d no change. wi" be made by. grading or oIharwI8a to the IUfface or aubeurface of the easement area. The rtu*. cardIIcIlS end ~ d this 8aIlIeI'IIIri shallnln to the benefit of·and be binding upcn the halra, ~. admiM ... SUOC!uora and asaigna of tho AIIIpI!IGtiva parties hereto. A.ca.n1o: . Qwaat . 1110 N.wport W., NW .... quah, WA 18027 20050308000284.002 RECORDING INFqRMATlON ABOVE Any claim, . c:ontrovensy or diepute arising aut of th1II Agreement .hal be settled by arbitration in accordilnce with the applleable rut.ee of the Americ::an ArbItJ:aIIon A8aoc::IaUon, and judgment upon the award rendanId by the arbIIraIor may be entarad In any court haVing juriadIcIion thereof. The arblbatioli shall be condIdad In the C9Uf1tY whQre the property is ~.. . Dated this IZ"'f. ________ da.y of CONNER HOMES . oS 20_. (Oft'iciallllliao of C08IpIIII)' or Corporatioa) COUNTYOF __ ~ ____ ~_ ThIll • iostrumeat was aclmowlodpcl boCore of ____ ---' (SEAL] Notary Public My comm!sa;on expIies: __ --\- } }ss Bycf~~ ItI ASSISTANT VICE PBBSIDENI STA1EOF ~'''j~ RIW#I WAOZ2,2051)bOI Job#l SlWA690 ~ BINION COBo-JWm % SectioD l'!fE Seecioa M.. TowuIdp 23N tt.age 5E. W.M. EXHIBIT "A" EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20050308000284.003 TIlE EAST 10.00 FEET OF TIlE WEST 45.00 FEET OF TIlE SOUTH 15.00 FEET OF TIlE NORTIl610.00 FEET OF TIlE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUl1lEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTIIWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSlDP 23 NORm, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON. SEE EXlllBIT "B" ATI ACHED HERETO AND BY TIllS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. SUBJECT TO RESTRICl10NS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. EXHIBIT "B" VlItO'J..-~2. 05 l>.D01 SECTION NWl5 roWNSlllP 23N RANGE5E NO SCALE 20050308000284.004 N.B. 'J!fD ST. N. LINE NE1I4, SEU4. NW1I4 .....--___ rSECT[ON IS, 23N, SB 20' I I . Q ' .... 10 20' EXISTING BACK OF RJW CONNERHOMES COMPANY *BASED ON THE PROPOSED PLAT OF LAURELHURST PHASE 2, . CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY' W ASIllNGTON. I~---r~------~ __ __ I I ,*FUTURE I LOT I . I I I I *FUroRE LOT *FUTURE HOA TRACT .~ IO'X 15'QWEST 1 .l'---~. EASEMENT J.4-+-~~45' FUTURE EXTENSION OF SE 1 ST STREET Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 . ~ ---lllllllllln JJ11324000961 . CITY OF RENTON ORO 25. II PAGalel OF .17 03/24/2"5 It:33 KING COUNTY, lolA Please print or type information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S C over Sh t c ee (R W6S. Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) 1. Ordinance No. 5128 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'s on page_ of document Grantor(s) (Last name first name, initials) I. City of Renton , 2. , Additional names on page _ of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. , 2. , Additional names on page _ of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot block, plat or section, township, range) 20050324000961.001 04 ) The East 20.00 feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23, North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 20.00 feet thereof. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number I I 0 Assessor Tax # not yet assigned 1523059018 The AuditorlRecorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein . . .. . I am requestmg an emergency nonstandard recordmg for an additional fee as proVIded In RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text on the original document. ______________________ Signature of Requesting Party CERTIFICATE I. the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of ad£J1dllCe:JJ .5/tl ~ . Subscribed . and sealed thisOEday of 1Ylq«/I • 20 OS ~ . .J.'..~ .. City Clerk CITY OF RENTON, WASIDNGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128 -.-. ..... ~ ." :--~ . -"-" ;.. .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON VACATING A PORTION OF UNIMPROVED ROAD LOCATED ON 140m AVENUE S.E. BETWEEN S.E. 132ND STREET AND S.E. 136TH STREET. (CONNER HOMES, VAC-O+OOl) WHEREAS. a proper petition for vacating a portion of unimproved road located on 140110 Avenue S.E. between S.E. 132"" Street and S.E. 13~ Street was filed with the City Clerk on or about April 15, 2004, and that petition was signed by the owners representing more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the street or alley to be vacated; aDd 20050324000961.002 WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 3691, passed on May 17, 2004, set June 14,2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton as the time and place for a public hearing on this matter, and the City Clerk having given proper notice of this hearing as provided by law, and all persons having been heard who appeared to testifY in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council having considered all infonnation and arguments presented to it; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildingfPublic Works Department has considered this petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and that no injwy or damage to any person or properties will result from this vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TIJE CITY OF RENTON, WASlllNGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The following described portion of unimproved road located on 140th Avenue 8.E. between 8.E. 132"" Street and S.E. 136th Street, to wit: 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5128 [The right-of-way 20 feet in width and approximately 308 feet in length, of 140th Avenue S.E., southofS.E. 132M Street] See Exhibits "N' and <CB" attached hereto and IlJade a part hereof as iffully set forth herein 20050324000961.003 . is hereby vacated subject to a stonnwater utility easement over, across, under and on an the following described area in favor of the City: The East 10.00 feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. This easement is for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and stonn drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto. The • City may also construct such additional facilities as it snay require. This easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: That a utility easement will be retained by the City over the above-described area, with the understanding that the property may be developed fully if the existing utilities are relocated, with the City's approval, at the soJe cost of the developer; and That this easement shall run with the Jand descnOed herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, and their heirs and successors in interest and assigns. SECTIONH. The City Council hereby ejects to charge a compensation amount of $16,500 (Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars) to the petitioner-owners. SECTION HI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval. and five days after its publication. 2 fIiIW";"'" ~/.J.I.I""""'" fIIto/Ir ""., -,..,.... tf ", s, .. ,Tal''''' tld4 U III r c ", ,-) . _ ." -' .. ,,~ ~ ".wI lot Nr" Uftrlfl ,. ~-' ttr ~,. "'" i~~ ~ .... Ir fl'i!I4II,........ ....,.,.,.".. ~ ,14 rI 1/ _" ... ~ .. ,1IqIJ MIl ~ ;,..IM I",.". ... _:1'.1.t ;,,,,1., "/~cI darr""uIU-.e'p. ~uqtl"'" ... "..-I!r' II .... , .... /n,;f ..:··~··I ) .• " U. IF ............. _ .. r.,....." ",--, w. 1/ -,. S.,. ~ . .. fa".w To J. ... __ ,,-,,,m. I •... """4 .. ,,. i,j ~ 1tIdl.t fi'" " ". '-t. If •• "'~' ,..,,.,,, • ...., '--"" ~" 1,1. • B, (J:.-v. )j[.i (i, .. .. U~ ~llr. ("''-U/t-.4nUtd*1NNIIvJ PACt".c:· DIIt"D ... JJ"; WIIAS. F.,. ..... rwtIrft4 ......... s.,.. ,twl4'-'1/t,.NtWJ.f. i., .... _""* W~ 9«111: _ l'-w-"" r. po "" --If' ,~ .. ~ .J ... " • .., .... , I •• 'it-.... I~ /&,. ~ .. w '" iIa r c w, .,., . C UCIfC Jtw" flU lIJfi .. tin ...... .,.vU lot »/.,. "Ntrld I. rMl ... /Il'M1 ~ i,..". ".4 IIlre ,i,. _ ttI-' WI. ". .. .., .. --.,.,.,.,IWIt, ""IWI"'~ rl,,.,,, aP. ... I. "". "''''tll .u IJt~4 ~NI .. u... Ilf J" ,.,,. " ........ ...". -'ill, 'M __ • To;''' "f# S. II ""/'~" rlt<!,. tJ(.U ,.~ .... d.t' <I ~...v ..... t#1Jl ,... ......... , ...... .,..-u -Ir. lit ~J#. f·S" • hI It'"' . ~: (i.". I#J'f .. .,.;.of lun .. ~'f#"OIh 11,,,,,.-1. IH'~ U aM • .'t. p . .u...". I ..... wW F.,. Iou til"", I ..... ~ "..h In '" .-..«., w 'h .,. , ... , "", .t "pJ ., ", P,.sI. I"~ t .. ! •• ,.. R. C.: '.... t c., s.I ., .~.-... -~ !r·.'t~r'~ I\,,,r,, 11 ___ 11 '""",". '11 U· / i/,· .. ,',', ... CITY OF RENTON TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE ACREEMENT DATE \.l>,LV Ii Fl r[ I I, lie Jc AWl! ) J..... w:: A C;' Addr.~ss /.3&//rlA5'!J. 4//£ .5: F. • owner(s) of legally described as fa 1101ols: .~j1L: /'-:()I;:.TII /1.4/"f' Di Ttl£. AJ~elhE.4:5T Qu.A.Ii?TEK ()f TAE.. Oc)u.Th C.,<).51 <J""t.CtK.n:~ c't= The .t:)C'~l'lJu1CS r n A -F <6 C Q: T;(j~) /.6', T'JaJ.LI '5'/7 /n ri? 3 ;U:'IC rl1/ /? /7~j'l c "'-5' qu.4IC Tl5~ v .. r E.,t9-S/~ LtJ. dl. , /;;U ,.y'/;.ur (ll)t.lA..)Tj, u).-1-Si7lqTt::>A...!; E.tCEpT T/lc.. . .A.JolGrh ~ FccI; £U!.EfOT rilE. u.N~u T ~o IlLE7; £kc.£ /..:i7 ?h6 EtfrST-·...90 FE.E T. 85/0ev05 REeD F Ct:lSHSL *0851 D 5.00 for and in consideration of the Renton Water D~partGent granting a pe~it to connect a temporar.y/perJD8.nent water service and/or main 1u !ft' /W·<1{N.lN' 1.3[(1...! Avp". S:·.J? __ . for the above pl:operty. The owner(s) of the above described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in. sign a petition in support of, and accept any Local Improvement District (L. I.D.) or City-initiated proposal, ot:her than L.I.D., and pay their fair share therefore, for the extension of the water main in /3f'~ Ave. :s ... ·li. 'T:"--......... .--.--::-:----....."...-::--:-. when required by the R.ento~ Subdividon Ordinance, or as directed by the Director of Public Works. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I (We) have hereunto set my/cur hand(s) and seal the day and year first above Witten. STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) S5 COUNTY OF KIN G ) xt-u..2 ~W.w ______________________ (S~) (SEAL) I, Itiec..llu) f !.4,JSItJ {, • l"esiding at ;S:~A Tlr.;; 19~, personally appeared before me . • to...Ame""""'::~o&.wnUll:t!"'o~b~e~tbr'el:d:i~nd~iv~ ... u-:a .... l"T( s~""ld~e~l¢r~.~:::l:.-:-:ldr-;-be-:-r-:-e:-:in~- -a-nd'-w-;h-o-ex-e-c-"-:t-e-;d~th:-e-w-;i~tb:-i-;-n~i:-n-s-:-tt-ument an acknowledged that j!igned ~ealed the same as free and voluntary act and deed fot uses and putpQses therein mentioned. -~ WI1'NESS my band and official seal the day and year in this certificate first ab-:ve written. fIlED AI maRl Al UBI. 1fIr ••• B liW" •• Ai to ~ :J' "' .T: 00 ~~ -.. n ~-I C.TI ~ ", ~3~ 0 r· ~ N c.-':-'--: .. ~. N :;:: CIt ---.. '" --:; -.;> c· e -,. 'Z ~ >-m -< ~ -0 = Z'Tl ,." ;.r. " .. _ ..... ,..i~ ··~·1;:??~ ~ ~i'{ .. :: .. . mm fOR i\[CORO AT REOOESi OF CITY OF' RENTON 3ff!t£ ~f llIt em etnK R£MOlt MIJIiICIPAI. WG. 200 \iitu. AYE. so. Q£II1OIl, VIA _ TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE ACREEMEN'X Dec. 24, 1985 DATE~ ________________ _ I. We~ __ J_e_a_n_W_._l_u_c_a_s __________ , owner {s} of Addr~sB _______ l_32_1_6 _____ 1 .. 3_8_t_h_A_v_e_. __ S_E_._. ________ R_e_".t.o_n_, __ W_A __ 9_SO __ 5_o __________________ __ legally described as follows: The North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; except the North 20 Feet; except the West 20 feet; except the East 30 Feet. 8r:. .. dJ~~,.····O 1 "'FCi:-r- C1St;::~! .. for and in consideration of the Renton Wdter Department granting a permit to connect a temporary/permanent water service and/or main in 4" watermain in B8th Ave SE. fur the above property. The owner(s) of the above described property, their successors, heirs and asaigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petItion in support of, and accept any Lccal Improvement District (L. I.D.) or City-initiated proposal, other than L. 1.D .• and I'ay their fa~.;: share therefore, for the extensiDn of the \.later main in 138th Ave Sf. and in SE 132nd St. when required by the Rentoll Suhdivision Ord1.nance, or as di~ected by the Director of Public'Works. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I (We) hav~ hereunto set my/our hand(li) and seal the day lind year first above witten. STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KIN C ) I. ;V\( L-E LAt . .'; I.~ C • a Notary Public in and for the State o.f Washington. rcsid!;:g at fi·t\ , l.tL • do hereby certify that on this ~ day ()f l) ('c.:. 19~. personally appeared before me __ ~~~L4~I~~~~~~~~~~~~--~_.~--_.-----to. described herein -=tt£.t---;-;:-signed and lil;:al~d for useg and purpouee and who executed the within instrument the same as ;--..sI'l-i .... i..jR~----__ _ thereIn mentioned. WITNESS Sly hand and official selll the day and year in rids certificdte first above wri,tcen . • ><: :' .. IJotaI' Yashington. residing :!'::'.-= . :.:. "4 J3"' 8 (~ j J j I i I I I t f ~ t j ~ -!. " , t -'. ;-- c; t· • ;;>. '-U r ... .; lU c..= U1 ...-f C::") ---~ -:e ~ . • • J CERl1FICATE r. the c:-;::;:rsigned, ~ Clerk of the City of Renton, W3:ihington, certifyttaattbis is a true and correct copy of. ~ Subscribed and Sea 92Ii CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON . .., .. -. c:: ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AN oaDDQlICE OF THE CITY OF RENTOR, 1fASllDIGTOIT1 ES'l'ABLISBIRG AU ASSESSKSH"l' DISTltl:CT POR SAIIrl'ARY SBHD. SERVl:Cl!: m A PORTIOW' 011' TJIE SOUTH Bl:GJlLAHDS, BBATBD. DOWBS, AND KAPLB1fOOD S11B-BASms AHD BSTABLISBllIGI "1'BE AIIO'UR"l' OF 'l'BE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE J!'AC:tL1:TmS. THE crTY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTZON 1:. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by. the Bast Renton Sanitary Sewer Intercepto~ in the northeast quadrant of the City of' Renton and a portion of its urban growth area within unincorporated King County, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "'AN attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit ~B.N The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the , City does not require payment until such time as tbe parcel is connected to and thus benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION iI. Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and which properties .... ts .... ... -• C> .... C" 17' 5: i ~ "'" ..... ,. ..., ...... S """ ~ -: ... "" g ~ en C3 c::> -..J r-:i( ..." t:; 8 ~~------------------------------------------------------............ .. ~ I I J ~ , P-I I I r I l ~ ~ i I ; j I , l I ORDINANCE 4612 have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the East Renton Sani tary Sewer Interceptor, as detai led in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, the following additional fees: A. Per Unit Charge. New connections of residential dwelling units or equivalents shall pay a fee of $224.52 per dwelling unit and all other uses shall pay a Wlit charge of $0.069 per square foot of property. Those properties included within this Special Assessment District and which may be assessed a charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally described in Exhibit "AN and which boundary is shown on the'mz.p attached as Exhibit "B.· SECTION Xl: 1:. In addition to· the aforestated charges, there ahall be a charge of 4.11% per annum added to the Per Unit Charge. The . interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (lO) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effe:ctive upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after pUblication'. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this"1Qth day of __ ~J_u~n~e~~ __ L 1996. Clerk 2 ." ••• _1 ORDINANCE 4612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of ___ J_u_n_e--________ 1 1996. App~~~~ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:5/20/96:as. 3 i I I , I ; ! l I t~-...;:zc:u: £0 .-,,-,,-,-_ Exhibit A LEGAl DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DlSmlCT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Portions of Sections 8,9. 10. 11. 14. 15. 16. 17.21 and 22 an in Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. in King County. Washington Section 8, Township 23N~ Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 8. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lyIng East of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and South of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said Section 8 with the centerline of NE 7th Street: thence Westerly along said centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersection with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; thence Northerly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE to the North line of the Southeast IA of said Section 8; thence West along said North line to the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and the terminus of said line. Section 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 9. Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. lying South and East of the following described line: . Beginning on the centerline or"NE 7th Street at its intersection with the centerline of Edmonds Avenue NE; thence Easterly along the centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersection with the centerline of Monroe Avenue NE; thence North along said centerline to the South line of the Northeast IA of said Section 9; thence East along said South line to its intersection with the centerline of Redmond Avenue NE: thence Northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of NE 10th Street; thence East along said centerline to the East line of said Section 9 and the terminus of said line. Section 10, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 10. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying Southerly and Westerly of the following described line: Beginning on the West line of Section 10 at its intersection with the North line of the South ~ of the North lh of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the centerline of 142nd Avenue SE; thence Southerly along said centerline to its intersection with the North line of the Southeast IA of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the East line of said Section 10 and the tennJnus of said line. ) • iliiE'_. -j •• • _.' = Legal Description of the Special Assessment District for the City of Renton -East Renton Interceptor Section 11. Township 23M, Range SE W.M. All of the Southwest ~ of Section 11. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M .. Section 14, Township 23N, Rang~ SE W.M. PaK!2o[3 All of that portion of Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest ~ of said section. together with the Southwest ~ of said section, except the South Y.l of the Southeast ~ of said Southwest.1A and except the plat of McIntire Homesites and 1h. of streets adjacent as recorded In the Book of Plats. Volume 58, Page 82. Records of King County. Washington. and except the South 151.55 feet of the East 239.435 feet of Tract 6. Block 1 of Cedar River Five .Acre Tracts as recorded in the Book of Plats, Volume 16, Page 52. Records of King County, Washington. less 1h. of the street abutting said portion of Tract 6, Block 1, and less "!)act 6, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts. less Ih of the street adjacent to said Tract 6, Block 2, and except the South 82.785 feet of the East ISO feet of Tract 5, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts and less ¥.l the street adjacent to said portion of Tract 5. Block 2. Section 15, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 15, Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M .• except the Southwest ~ of the Southwest l,4 of the Southwest ~ of said section. Section 16, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of that portion of Section 16, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M .. except that portion of the Southeast IA. of the Southeast 1A, of the said Section 16 lying East of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of PIats Volume 39. page 39, Records of King County Washington and its Northerly extension to the North line of said Southeast ~ of the Southeast 1A. of the said Section 16 and except that portion of said section lying Southerly 0'£ the Northerly right-of-way line ofSR-169 (Maple Valley Highway). - Section 17, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. -' All of that portion of Section 17. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M.. lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and Easterly of the Eastnght -of-way line of SR-405 less that portion lying generally West of the East and Southeasterly line of Bronson Way NE lying J ____________________________________________________ __ ---------------------------- j 1 ~ . .. c._. CPO_ Legal Description of the SpedIlI Assessment District for the City of Renton -East R.enttm Interceptor Page30f3 between the South line of the NE 3rd Street and the Northeasterly margin of SR- 405. section 21, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All that portion of Section 21, Township 23N. R 5E W.M.lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and West of the .East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of Plats. volume 39. page 39. Records of King County. Washington. Section 22, Township 23M, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 22. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest JA of the Northeast 1A of said Section 22 lying Northerly of the Southerly line of the Plat of Maplewood HeJghts as recorded in the Book of Plats, volume 78. pages 1 through 4. Records of Ring County. Washington. : Together with the North 227.11 feet of the West 97.02 of the Northeast Y4. of the Northeast ~ of said Section 22. I I ; Exhibit 8 EAST RENTON NTERCEPTOR Special Assessment District Boundary ... + ~ng/BuilclnglPublic Warla e SANITARY SEWERS ~ Chrisfenten,MacOnie. V'/IM$~ 20 May 1996 ·1 :24,000 -------City limits (zTJ..2l SpeciclI Assessment District l, ________________ ~ AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: BANK OF AMERICA -HOME BUILDER DMSIOK WA3-S04.04-02 10500 H.E. 8TH STREET. SUITE 400 BELLEVUE, WA 9800.4 Attention: Loan Mministration [space above line reserved far recorder's use) Document Title: 1. Deed.ofTrust 2. Security Agreement 3. Fixture Filing Grantor(s): Conner Homes Company, a Washington corporation Grantee: Bank of America, NA, a national banking association Legal Description: Abbreviated: LOTS 1-3, KC SP # SP678160, REC #7810171032; LOTS 1-4, KC SP #179143, REC #7910180905; AND PTNS EH NWQ SECTION 15-23-5 Full legal Description: See Schedule "A" attached Assessor's Till( Parcel No(s): 152305-9015-0,152305-9018-02. 152305-9024-04, 15230s.9194-08, 152305-9213-05; 1:5230$-9215-03, 152305-9038-08. 152305-9214-04,152305-9046.Q8,15230S-9211-07,152305.l9212-06, : Ui2aes SSl'B 88,152305-9016-04,152305-9017-03,152305-9005-07 ' .. Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: Not Applicable NOTICE TO RECORDER: THIS DOCUMENT SERVES AS A FIXT,URE!, foiLiNG UNDER THE WASHINGTON UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. This Financing Statem~;"~ p~~eh; 900«5 described herein by Item or type some or all of which are affixed or are to be :aff;i~+d to the real property described In Schedule A to this document. For purposes of this fixture Jiling the Debtor and the Secured Party and their respective addresses are: . , . Debtor: Conner Homes Company 846 • 108th Avenue NE Bellevue, Washington 98004 Debtor's Organizational Identification No.: 601 082 124 BankofAmerica. ~ Secured Party; 'Bank of America, N.A. REBG • Hom. Builder Division WA3-504-Q4-02:· • • . 10500 N.e; 81!i~b'eet, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA9BOO4 cr~~ Tm.£ INS. C1@; RtFi' i MYK~ .3 r -/11> : -j' .". ~-~ Loari No. 203828 TItle Co. & no.: Chicago TItJe.lnsurance Company 1144235 DEED OF TRUST, . SECURITY AGREEMENT and FIXTURE F/(jjING (Washington) THIS DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FIXTURE FlUNG i("D.eed 'Of Trust") is made as of October 1. 2004. by CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washjngt~rilcorPoration:("Grantor"), whose address is 846 -108110 Avenue NE. Bellevue, Washington 98004;·i~ :iNsf:t(f PR(.AP, Inc., a Washington corporation ("Trustee"). whose address is P.O. Box 515~51:~os :;AAgele~. California 90051-6651. for the benefit of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., ("Beneflciary").: ~ose addr~ss is Home DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-OR-ID [202733 '1.4 Rev.05-23-03J [Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886.3.doc Page 1 of1 20041115001155.002 Builder Division, WA3-504-Q4-02, 10500 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 400, Bellevue, WA 98004, Attention: Loan Administration. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Grantor covenants and agrees for the benefit of Beneficiary: 1. CONVEYANCE -GRANT OF SECURITY INTEREST. A'5 security for payment and performance of the Secured Obligations, Grantor irrevocably grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee, In trust, with power of sale, and with right of entry and posseSSion, for the benefit of Beneficiary, and assigns and grants to Beneficiary a security interest in, aU of Grantor's right, title and interest, now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to the following (the "Property"): (a) The real property described in Schedule A attached to this Deed of Trust, together with all buildings, structures and other improvements now or In the future located or to be constructed thereon, and aU tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, privileges and other rights and Interests now or In the future benefiting or otherwise relating thereto including, without limitation, easements, licenses, rights-of- way, development rights, oil and gas rights, royalties, minerals and mineral rights, irrigation, well, ditch, reservoir and water rights, permits and stock. and the right to construct, use, connect to or have the benefit and enjoyment of any offsite improvement 0( utility (collectively, the "Projectj. (b) All rents, issues, income, revenues, royalties and profits now or in the future payable with respect to or otherwise derived from the Project or the ownership, use, management, operation, leasing or occupancy of the Project Including, without limitation, those past due and unpaid; (c) All present and future right, title and Interest of Grantor in and to an inventory, equipment, materials, suppl1es, fixtures and other goods and property of ev~ kind, type and description now 0( in the future located at, upon or about, or affixed or attached to or installed in the Project, 0( used 0( to be used in connection with 0( otherwise relating to the Project or the ownerShip, use, development, construction, maintenance, management, operation, marketing, leasing or occupancy of the Project wherever such property may be actually located including, without limitation, building materials and supplies, tools and equipment, machinery, furnaces, water tanks, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, furniture, furnishings, appliances, and all other types of tangible personal property and fixtures of any kind or nature, and all accessories, additions, attachments, parts, replacements, substitutions, products and proceeds of 0( to any such property; (d) All present and future right, tiUe and interest of Grantor in and to aU accounts and proceeds (whether cash or non-cash and including payment intangibles), general intangibles, chattel paper, money, deposit accounts, Joan disbursement accounts, accounts receivable, instruments, documents, letter of credit rights and all other agreements, contract rights, obligations, rights, claims, causes of action and written materials now or in the Mure relating to or otherwise arising in connection with or derived from the Project or the ownership, use, development, construction, maintenance, management, operation, marketing, leasing, occupancy, sale or financing of the Project including, without limitation, (i) studies, reports, maps, diagrams, surveys, plats, design and consulting work, and land use permit applications, filings and supporting information, (fi) permits, approvals and other governmental and non-governmental consents, licenses and authorizations, (iii) improvement plans and specifications and architectural drawings, (iv) agreements with contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, project managers and supervisors, deSigners, architects, engineers, sales agents, leasing agents, consultants and property managers, (v) takeout, refinancing, standby and permanent loan commitments, (vi) warranties, guaranties, indemnities and insurance policies, insurance payments and unearned insurance premiums, (vii) claims, demands, awards, settlements and other payments arising or resulting from or otherwise relating to any insurance or any loss or destruction of, 0( injury or damage to, trespass on or taking, condemnation (or conveyance in iieu of condemnation) 0( public use of any of the Project, (vfll) Grantor's funds or any other amounts deposited by or on behalf of Grantor with Beneficiary 0( with another in connection with the making of on-site or off-site Project related improvements, (ix) leases, rental agreements, license agreements, service and maintenance agreements, listing agreements, signs, telecommunication numbers, purchase and sale agreements and purchase options, together with advance payments, earnest money, security deposits, and other amounts paid to or deposited with Grantor under such agreements, (x) reserves, deposits, bonds, surety bonds, payment and performance bonds, leiters of credit, deferred payments, latecomer payments, refunds, rebates, discounts, cost savings, escrow proceeds, sale proceeds and all other rights to the payment of money, trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, goodwUI and ali other type of intangible personal property of any kind or nature, and (xi) all supplements, modifications, amendments, renewals. restatements, extenSions, proceeds, repairs, replacements and substitutions of such property; and (e) All books and records pertaining to the Property including, without limitation, all computer readable memory and any computer hardware or software necessary to access and process such memory. DEED OF TRUST REBG Home BuliderWA-OR-ID (202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23·03) [Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886.3.doc Page2of2 Grantor represents and warrants to the BenefICiary that THE REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED BY THIS DEED OF TRUST IS NOT USED PRINCIPALLY FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. 2. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FIXTURE FILING. This Deed of Trust also COflstitutes (a) a common law assignment for security and a security agreement under the Washington UnifOffil Commercial Code assigning and granting to Beneficiary a security Interest In all or any of the Property now or hereafter constituting personal property or fixtures, and in any personal property, tangible or intanglble, described in any UCC Financing Statement filed in connection with this Deed of Trust or the Secured Obligations, including products and proceeds thereof and all supporting obligations ancillary thereto, and (b) a financing statement med for record In the real estate records as a fixture filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of Washington and covering items of property which are or ar~ to become fIXtures with respect to the Property. Grantor authorizes Beneficiary at any time and from time to time to file any initial financing statements, amendments thereto and continuation statements with or without signature of Grantor as authorized by applicable law, as applicable to the Property, and ratifies any such mings by BenefICiary made prior to the date of this Deed of Trust. For purposes of such filings, Grantor agrees to furnish any information requested by BenefICiary promptly upon request by Beneficiary. 3. SECURED OBLIGATIONS. The following obligations (the -Secured Obligations") are secured by this Deed of Trust: (a) Payment of the sum of THIRTEEN MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINETY -SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/1oo DOllARS ($13,196,250.00) with Interest thereon according to the terms of a promissory note of even date herewith, payable to Beneficiary or order and made by Grantor, including all renewals, amendments, modifications, restatements and extensions thereof (the "Note"). THE NOTE MAY CONTAIN PROVISIONS AlLOWING FOR THE INTEREST RATE TO BE INDEXED, ADJUSTED, RENEWED, OR RENEGOTIATED. BY THIS REFERENCE THE NOTE IS INCORPORATED IN AND MADE A PART OF THIS DEED OF TRUST AS THOUGH SET FORTH IN FULL If the Note evidences a revolving rifle of credit by Beneficiary to Grantor, then It Is the express Intent of Grantor and Beneficiary that this Deed of Trust and the estate held by the Trustee hereunder shall continue In effect notwithstanding that from time to time no Secured Obligations may exist, and shall survive as security for all new or additional Secured Obligations from time-to-time arising; (b) Payment of such further sums as may now or hereafter be advanced or loaned by Beneficiary to Grantor or any of Its successors and assigns, and payment and perfOffilance of every other present and future obligation owing by Grantor to Beneficiary of any kind, and all renewals, modifications, restatements and extensions thereof, Including any interest, fees, costs, service charges, indemnifications and expenses connected with such obrlg8tions, If (I) the promissory note or other written document evidencing the future advance or loan or other obligation specifICally states It Is secured by this Deed of Trust, or (ii) the advance, loan or other obligation is made or incurred pursuant to the Note, this Deed of Trust or any other document, instrument or agreement evidencing, securing or relating to the loan evidenced by the Note (the "Loan"), whether executed prior to, contemporaneously with. or subsequent to this Deed of Trust (all such documents, including, without limitation, any loan commitments and any construction or other loan agreement, and ail renewals, amendments, modifications, restatements or extensions thereof, are collectively referred to as the "loan Documents"), together with Interest thereon at the rate set forth in the Note, unless otherwise specified in the Loan Documents or agreed in writing; (c) Performance of each agreement, term and condition COfltained in this Deed of Trust or set forth or incorporated by reference In the Loan Documents including, without limitation, any provisions relating to Loan funCis set-aside for the benefit of third parties, as evidenced by a set-aside agreement between Grantor and Beneficiary; and (d) Payment and performance of the obligations of Grantor to Beneficiary under anyone or more interest rate swap transactions, forward rate transactions, Interest rate cap, floor or collar transactions, swaptions, bond and bond price swaps, options or forwards, treasury locks, any similar transaction, any option to enter into any of the foregoing and any combination of the foregoing, with Beneficiary. whether now existing or hereafter entered into including, without limitation any master agreement relating to or governing any or all of the foregoing and any related schedules and confirmations, and in which this Deed of Trust IS expressly referenced as a credit support document (each, a "Swap Contracf'). AE. used In this Deed of Trust, the term "Loan Documents" includes each Swap Contracl secured by this Deed of Trust. The Secured Obligations shall not Include the obligations of Grantor (or any other person or entity) under any Environmental Indemnification and Release Agreement at any time executed by Grantor (or any other person or entity) in connection with the Loan. The right is reserved to the Beneficiary, without actual notice to or the consent of Grantor, to amend this Deed of Trust to delete from the security of this Deed of Trust anyone or more of the Secured DEED Of TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-OR-ID [202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23-03] [Conner Homes Company) m30446-537~6.3.doc Page 3 of3 Obligations, provided, that the original or a Beneficiary certified copy of such amendment is recorded in the County where the Project is located on or prior to the date the Trustee concludes a sale of the Property under appflcable law. 4. AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS. Grantor shall, unless waived in writing by Beneficiary: (a) Maintain and preserve the Property in good condition and repair, and not commit or permit any waste thereof; with dHigence obtain all required permits and approvals and construct and complete, in a good an workmannke manner free of defective materials or workmanship and in accordance with the plan and Project budget approved by Beneficiary, the on-site and any off-site improvements to be constructed as part of the Project; restore any improvements which may be damaged or destroyed; maintain the Property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than the encumbrance of this Deed of Trust, any lien specifICally approved by Beneficiary in writing, and any lien for taxes or assessments not delinquent; not purchase or contract for any materials, equipment, furnishings, fixtures or personal property that the seller has the right to remove; 8l1d defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security of this Deed of Trust or the rights and powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; (b) Comply with all laws. ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the Property; (c) Pay and perform promptly all Secured Obligations; all taxes, assessments and governmental liens or charges levied against the Property; and all claims for labor, materials, supplies or otherwise which, if unpaid, might become a lien or charge upon the Property; (d) Keep all on-site and any off-site Project improvements and all Project related Inventory, equipment, materials and supplies continuously insured, with premiums prepaid, against aU risks, casualties and losses through standard fire and extended coverage insurance or otherwise, including, without limitation, insurance against fire, theft, casualty, vandalism and any other risk Beneficiary may reasonably request. During construction on the Project, such policies shall be in "Builders Risk" form. The insurance pOlicies shall be in an aggregate amount of not less th8l1 the full replacement cost of said improvements and other property, including the cost of demolilion and removal of debris, and shall name Beneficiary as loss payee under a lender loss payable endorsement in form satisfactory to BenefiCiary. The amounts collected under the insurance policies may be applied to the Secured Obligations in any manner as Beneficiary determines, and such application shan not cause discontinuance of any proceeding to foreclose upon this Deed of Trust. In the event of foreclosure, ail of Grantor's rights in the insurance policies shall pass to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale. Furthermore, Grantor shall (i) obtain flood insurance if the Project is located in a designated flood hazard area (as determined by Beneficiary, with such determination to be made at Grantor's expense); and (ii) maintain commercial general liability insurance insuring against liability from risks associated with the use, ownership, COnstruction and operation of the Project, with coverage limits approved by Beneflciary. All insurance policies required hereunder shall be subject to Beneficiary's approval and obtained from financially reputable insurers acceptable to Beneficiary. All deductibles shall be in amounts acceptable to Beneficiary; (e) Pay, reimburse and indemnify Beneficiary for all of Beneficiary's costs and expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of Beneficiary's rights and Grantor's obligations under this Deed of Trust, foreclosing upon this Deed of Trust, defending any action or proceeding purporting to affect the rights or duties of Beneficiary or Trustee under this Deed of Trust, or managing the Property and collecting the rents from the Property, including, without limitation, all reasonable attorneys' fees and the value of the services of staff counsel (Including on appeal or otherwise), collection costs, costs of title search, and trustee's and receiver's fees; and (f) Not permH or allow anyone to four family residential dwelling or condominium unit encumbered by this Deed of Trust to be occupied prior to closing the sale of that dwelljng/condominium unit to an owner occupant and payment to Beneficiary of the amount required to obtain a reconveyance of this Deed of Trust with respect to that dwelling/condominium unit. 5. INSPECTION OF COLLATERAL. Beneficiary and/or Its agents or representatives may at reasonable times enter upon and inspect the Project Including, without limitation, inspecting war!< in progress, and the making of tests and the taking of samples. If Beneficiary and/or its agents or representatives believes it has a duly or obligation to disclose any report or findings made as a result of or in connection with any inspection of the Project, then Beneficiary andJor its agents or representatives may make such disclosure. In the event of a default Beneficiary may obtain a current regulatory conforming appraisal of the Project In addition, Beneficiary may commission appraisals when required by laws and regulations, which govern Beneficiary's lending practices. The cost of all such appraisals (and related internal review fees and costs) will be paid by Grantor within fifteen (15) days after request by Beneficiary. DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-OR-lD [202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23-03] [Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886_3.doc Page40f4 "'''''6fo I •• U"V' I go.""", 6. PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S INTEREST. If Grantor falls to pay any amounts which may become a lien on the Property. or fails to maintain adequate Insurance on the Property as required by Section 4(d) above, Beneficiary may at Its sole option pay such obligations andlor obtain such Insurance and all costs and expenses so incurred by Beneficiary shall be added to the Secured Obligations and payable by Grantor on demand together with interest at the default rate in the Note. 7. DEFAULT. TlIl1e is the essence of Grantor's obligations under this Deed of Trust and the other Loan Documents. The fonowing events shall, at Beneficiary'S option, and at any time without regard to any previous knowledge on Beneficiary's part, constitute a default under this Deed of Trust, and the other Loan Documents: (a) Construction of anyon-site or off-site Project improvements is abandoned or discontinued for 15 consecutive days or more. or Beneficiary determines that the work is not being performed in accordance with the plans, specifications or project budget approved by Beneficiary, or a stop work order is issued on all or any portion of the Project and the order Is not dismissed within ten (10) days after the date the order Is Issued; (b) My payment is not made when due under the Note, this Deed of Trust or any other Loan Document; (c) There Is a default under, a breach of, or failure to perform any other covenant, agreement or obligation to be performed under this Deed of Trust or any other Loan Document or under any guaranty of all or any part of the Secured Obligations; (d) My representation or warranty contained in this Deed of Trust or any other Loan Document, or any financial or other information furnished to Beneficiary in connection with the Loan, proves to be false or misleading in any material respect; (e) Grantor defaults under any contract or other agreement relating to the Property, and such default is not cured within the applicable cure period, if any; (f) (g) Contract; Grantor is in default with respect to any other loan from Beneficiary to Grantor; An event occurs which gives Beneficiary the right or option to terminate any Swap (h) Grantor, or any guarantor of the Loan fails to pay his, her or its debts generally as they become due, or files a petition or action for relief under any bankruptcy, reorganization or insolvency laws or makes an assignment for the benefit of credHors; or (i) An involuntary petition is filed against Grantor or any guarantor of the Loan under any bankruptcy, reorganization or other Insolvency laws, or a custodian, receiver or trustee is appointed to take, possession, custody or control of the Property or any other properties or assets of Grantor or of any guarantor of the Loan, and such petition or appOintment is not set aside, withdrawn or dismissed within thirty (30) days from the date of filing or appointment. 8. REMEDIES. If any default occurs and is continuing, and subject to any applicable notice and cure period provided for in the Note or any other Loan Document, Beneficiary may, at its oplion: (a) Declare any or all of the Secured Obligations, together with all accrued interest, to be immediately due and payable without presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind, all of which are expressly waived by Grantor; (b) Pay such sums as may be necessary to obtain a current appraisal of the Project, to inspect and test the Project and/or other Property, to pay any tax, assessment, insurance premium, lien, encumbrance or other charge against the Property, to obtain a title report and/or Trustee's Sale Guaranty. aU such expenditures to be paid for by Grantor on demand and added to the Secured Obligations; and (c) Exercise Its rights and remedies under this Deed of Trust, the other Loan Documents, and applicable law including. without limitation, foreclosure of this Deed of Trust judicially as a mortgage or non-judicially pursuant to the power of sate. In any judicial or non~Judicial foreclosure of this Deed of Trust, the Property may be sold separately or as a whole at the option of Beneficiary, and in the event of a trustee's sale of the Property purSuant to the power of sale granted herein Beneficiary hereby assigns its security interest in the personal property collateral to the Trustee. BenefICiary may also realize on the personal property collateral in accordance with the remedies available to secured parties under the Uniform Commercial Code or at law. Grantor and the holder of any subordinate lien or security interest DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-QR-ID [202133 v.4 Rev. 05-23'()3] [Conner Homes Company) m30446-537886.3.doc Page50f5 ':;'UV6f-1 I IVUV I IV'Q .. UUQ with actual or constructive notice hereof waive any equitable, statutory or other right to require marshalling of assets or to direct the order in which any of the Property will be sold. Beneficiary's failure to exercise or enforce any of Its rights or remedies in the event of a default shall not constiMe a waiver or cure of the default. or of any subsequent default, or of Its rights and remedies with respect to such default. In the event of default under this Deed of Trust or the other Loan Documents, and Whether or not suit is filed or any proceedings are commenced, all of Beneficiary'S costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith including, without limitation, Trustee's and attorneys' fees (including attorneys' fees for any appeal, bankruptcy proceeding or any other proceeding), accountants' fees, appraisal and intemal appraisal review fees, inspection fees (including inspections for hazardous substances, asbestos containing materials, and compliance with building and land use codes and regulations), engineering fees, and expert witness fees and costs of tiUe reports shan be added to and be a part of the Secured Obligations and shall be payable by Grantor on demand together with interest on such sums at the default rate in the Note. 9. ENTRY. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, and If Grantor has not cured the default within any applicable notice and cure period, then Beneficiary shall have the right but not the obligation, In person or through a third party designated by BenefICiary, or by a court appointed receiver, to enter, take possession of, and manage or operate all or any part of the Project and the Property, and to perform or cause to be performed all work and labor necessary to complete construction of the Project. All sums expended by BenefiCiary In doing so shaH be deemed to have been advanced under the Note and together with interest at the default rate under the Nole shall be secured by this Deed of Trust and any other collateral for the Loan. Any funds disbursed by Beneficiary In excess of the maximum prirICipal amount of the Note will be considered an additional advance on the Loan to Grantor bearing interest at the default rate under the Note, and will be secured by this Deed of Trust and any other collateral for the Loan. Beneficiary, by electing to complete a Project will nol be deemed to have assumed any liability to Grantor or any other person or entity for completing the Project or for the manner or quality of construction of the Project, and Grantor hereby expressly waives any such liability on behalf of Beneficiary. Grantor hereby designates, constitutes and appoints Beneficiary as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact with fuH power of substitution to complete the Project in the name of Grantor and to (a) use any undisbursed Loan proceeds or funds of Grantor held by Beneficiary for the purpose of completing the Project; (b) make such additions, changes and alterations to the Project, the plans and specifications for the Project, and to the Project budget as Beneficiary deems desirable; (c) employ contractors, subcontractors, architects. surveyors, engineers and other persons as may be required for such purposes; (d) to collect and receive any payment of money owing to Grantor and to pay. setHe or compromise all existing bUls and claims which may be liens against the Project, any of the Property or as may be necessary or desirable for the completion of the Project or for clearance of title; and (e) do any and all things Which Grantor might do on its own behalf in order to complete the Project free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and in accordance with all govemmental and other requirements applicable to the Project. The power of attorney granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed a power coupled with an interest and irrevocable. Beneficiary, in the exercise of this power, shall not be deemed a trustee or fiduciary of Grantor and Beneficiary is authorized to take all such actions as Beneficiary in its sale determination may consider necessary or desirable to protect the security of this Deed of Trust. Grantor shall, within five (5) days following written demand from Beneficiary, surrender and deliver to Beneficiary the originals of all books and records, all plans and specifications, all permits, licenses and approvals, and all agreements with suppliers and contractors for the Project, and shall grant Beneficiary and it agents and contractors unrestricted possession of and access to and control over the Project. Grantor further agrees that any failure on its part to do so shall entitle Beneficiary, without further notice to Grantor, to make ex-parte application to a court of general Jurisdiction in the county Where the Project is located for immediate issuance of an order, without bond, granting specific performance of Beneficiary's rights under this paragraph and/or for appointment of a receiver to take posseSSion and control of the Property and the Project. Beneficiary's attorneys' fees, costs and expenses to obtain the court order, and any payment or reimbursement by Beneficiary of a receiver's costs, expenses and attorneys' fees (including on appeal or otherwise), shall be deemed an additional advance to Grantor under the Note as provided above in thls paragraph. All sums expended by Beneficiary shall be repayable by Grantor on demand together with interest at the defauH rate in the Note. 10. APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. In the event of a default, Grantor consents to, and Beneficiary, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, shaH be enti1led, without notice, bond or regard to the adequacy of the Property, to the aPPOintment of a receiver tor the Property. The receiver shall have, in addition to all the rights and powers customarily given to and exercised by a receiver, all the rights and powers granted to Beneficiary by the Loan Documents. The receiver shail be entitled to receive a reasonable fee for management of the Property. If Grantor is an occupant of the Property, Beneficiary has the right to require Grantor to pay rent at fair market rates and the right to remove Grantor from Property if Grantor faDs to pay rent. 11. CUMULATIVE REMEDIES. To the fullest extent allowed by law, all of Beneficiary's and Trustee's rights and remedies specified in this Deed of Trust or In any of the other Loan Documents are cumulative, not mutually exclusive and not in substitution for any rights or remedies available at law or in DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-OR-ID {202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23-03] (Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886.3.doc Page 60f6 ~'''' ... I. I UUV' I.,n,,.,,,,, ..... equity. Without waiving its rights in the Property, Beneficiary may proceed against Grantor, any other party obligated to pay or perform the Sect.H"ed Obligations or against any other security or guaranty for the Secured Obligations, in such order or manner as BenefICiary may elect. Except where prohibited by applicable law, the commencement of proceedings to enforce a particular remedy shall not preclude the commencement of other proceedings to enforce a different remedy. 12. PARTiAl RECONVEYANCES. By the acceptance of this Deed of Trust, the BenefICiary agrees It will, upon request of the Grantor, if no default exists under this Deed of Trust or any of the other Loan Documents and no event has occurred which through the passage of time, the giving of notice or both, could Constitute a default, join with the Grantor in requesting .the Trustee to partiatty reconvey, at Grantor's expense, a portion(s) of the Property as specifically described in the Loan Documents, if the fonawing conditions are met (a) Full compliance with the partial release provision(s) of the Loan Documents Including, without limitation, payment to Beneficiary of the full partial release payment and payment to the Trustee of the Trustee's reconveyance fee and recording charges; (b) Grantor delivers to BenefICiary evidence that the partial reconveyance will not have any adverse effect upon the priority position of the remaining security as evidenced by the titie Insurance held by the Beneficiary; (c) If applicable, the remaining collateral must be platted in accordance with regulations of the local government authority, the plat must be property recorded, and Beneficiary must receive evidence satisfactory to Beneficiary of flnal plat approval from the government authority; (d) The reconveyance, In Beneficiary's opinion, will not result in the loss by any other part of the Project of reasonable access to a public street or. the use of any necessary easements or utiftty services; and (e) If the Project is a condominium, no partial reconveyance will be made of any unit until such time as all units to be constructed with the Loan are completed. 13. EMINENT DOMAIN. If any portion of the Property is taken or damaged through eminent domain (or pursuant to a transfer in lieu thereof), the amount of the award to which Grantor is entitled shall be paid to Beneficiary and applied to the Secured Obligations at BenefiCiary's option. 14. TRANSFERS. Grantor shall not, without Beneficiary's prior written consent, direcUy or Indireetly (I) transfer, assign or convey any interest in the Property, for security purposes or otherwise, or (ii) consent to, pennI! or allow the transfer of any interest in Grantor. . 15. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Deed of Trust Inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the respective heirs, administrators, successors and assigns of Grantor and Beneficiary. 16. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. In the event of Trustee's death, incapacity, disability, dissolution, resignation or refusal to act, Beneficiary may appoint a successor trustee and, upon the recording of such appointment in the records of the county in which this Deed of Trust is recorded, the successor trustee shall be vested with all powers of the original Trustee. 17. GOVERNING LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be consbued and enforced under the laws of the State of Washington. In any action or proceeding to construe or enforce this Deed of Trust or any of the Loan Documents, the prevailing party shall recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees including those incurred in any lrial or arbitration proceeding, in any bankruptcy or receivership proceeding, and in any appeallherefrom. WASHINGTON NOTICE: ORAL AGREEMENTS, PROMISES OR COMMITMENTS TO: (1) LOAN MONEY, (2) EXTEND CREDIT, (3) MODIFY OR AMEND ANY TERMS OF THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, (4) RELEASE ANY GUARANTOR, (5) FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF THE LOAN OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY REMEDY UNDER THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, OR (6) MAKE ANY OTHER FINANCiAl ACCOMMODATION PERTAINING TO THE LOAN ARE ALL UNENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. DEED OF TRUST REBG Home BuilderWA-OR-ID [202733 v.4 Rev. 05.23·03] (Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886.3.doc Page 7 of7 GRANTOR: BY::~~~!flJ'-H6~=-=---;--:--: nt Vice President STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF King I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that GARRETT UPPER Is the person who appeared before me. and said person acknowledged that he signed this Instrument. on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge It as the Assistant Vice President of .CONNER HOMES COMPANY. a Washington corporation to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: October 1l., 2004 ___ ~tJe".¢uy)jr;Ter .?~'( OEc"l \\\, Notary Public in and for~~J.. f <J:;.·;i.siONi:-~I., Washington. residing at.hJMbtir 1 l, 'to"'" r l, ,. My appointment expires __ ...LL':"~-6-'-~="'-__ _ .~ :0 tlOTARy~: ~j' I. ,0 _ m. "I ~ ! bi ..... ~ In: ~ ~'ril.'. ·ucuv : ~ ·/I~~·· •• T~"· .. ~ I '. ~~~ •. , .. t,\ O;' ......... ~ • ..;.: '\\ ---,,"' ..... ,~ DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA·OR.fD [202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23-03J [Conner Homes Company] m30446-537S86.3.doc Page 8 of8 SCHEDULE A THIS SCHEDULE A is attached to and part of the DEED OF TRUST dated October 1, 2004, between CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation, as GRANTOR, PRLAP, loc., a Washington corporation, as TRUSTEE, and BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., as BENEFICIARY. LEGAl DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1799641. PARCEL 2 THE NORTH HAlF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT IN THE EAST 30 FEET. PARCEL3A THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH .HAlF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF, 330.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°19'28' WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 319.43 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°44'31" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 330.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HAlF; THENCE SOUTH 88"22'42" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 630.09 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN FOR DUVAlL AVE. N.E. (138TH AVE. S.E.); THENCE NORTH 00°38'00. EAST ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN, 31.42 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 297.97 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 240.04 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 260.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF: THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1.65 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88"22'42" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 70.01 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HAlF; THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00. WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 9.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°22'42" WEST 1.89 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 39.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, AlONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°59'09, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21.77 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 56"23'33" WEST 89.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°44'31" EAST 172.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89·15'29" EAST 97.54 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST AlONG SAID WEST LINE, 81.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL3B-DELETED DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-OR-IO [202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23-03] [Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886.3.doc Page 9 of9 · . PARCEL 4 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET THEREOF; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 30 FEET OF THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; AlL IN SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlllAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON PARCEL5A LOTS " 3, AND 4, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN,IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOTS " 3,AND4. PARCEL5B LOT 2 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, AS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET OF ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOT 2. PARCEL 6 LOTS " 2 AND 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 678160, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7810171032, SAID SHORT PLAT BEING A SUBDNlSION OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7 -DELETED PARCEL 8 THE SOUTH HAlF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. PARCEL 9 THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE WEST 15 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 10 THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HAlF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798214. DEED OF TRUST REBG Home Builder WA-OR"ID [202733 v.4 Rev. 05-23-03] {Conner Homes Company] m30446-537886.3.doc Page 100f10 · , AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: BANK OF AMERICA -HOME BUILDING DIVISION W A3-S04-04-01 IOS00N.E. 8TH STREET, SUITE 400 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 A1TN: LOAN ADMINISTRATION 20041221001208.001 .------1111111111 JJJJ11001208 CHICAGO TIT~E AG 29." PAGE'" OF 811 12/21/2 •• 4 12:12 KING COUNTY, YA SPREADING AGREEMENT Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description (Of Additional Property): Abbreviated: Full: Tax Parcel Identification No. (Of Additional Property): Related Document: tn30446-559374.2.doc CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., a national banking association A PORTION OF PARCEL A, C/RENTON LLA #LUA-04-129-LLA,20041202900025 See Exhibit B 152305-9079-08 Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing, Recording # 20041116001156 -1 - CHICAGO TITlE INS. co@ REF# /42// 3'-/-0 20041221001208.002 SPREADING AGREEMENT TIllS SPREADING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the __ day of December, 2004 by and between CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation (the "Grantor" and "Borrower"), and BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., a national banking association (the "Beneficiary" and "Lender"). RECITALS A. Lender has made a loan (the "Loan") to Borrower evidenced by that certain Promissory Note dated October 1,2004 made by Borrower and payable to Lender in the principal amount of Thirteen Million One Hundred Ninety-six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($13,196,250.00) (the "Note"). B. The Note is secured by that certain Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated October 1, 2004, recorded on November 16, 2004 in the records of King County, Washington under recording number 20041116001156 (the "Deed of Trust"), encumbering real property located in Renton, King County, Washngton, more particularly described on Schedule A attached thereto (the "Property"). C. The . Loan is also evidenced by a Construction Loan Agreement between Lender and Borrower, dated October I, 2004, as amended by Letter Amendment dated October I, 2004 (as so amended, the "Loan Agreement"). D. Borrower and Lender wish to spread the lien of the Deed of Trust to also encumber certain real property, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Added Parcel"). E. Terms defmed in the Note, Deed of Trust or Loan Agreement and not otherwise defmed herein shall have the same meaning in this Agreement, except as the context may . otherwise require. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by Lender and Borrower, it is agreed as follows: 1. SPREADING OF LIEN. Borrower, as Grantor, for the pwpose of spreading the lien of the Deed of Trust to also include the Added Parcel, as security for payment and perfonnance of the Secured Obligations, hereby irrevocably grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, and with right of entry and possession, for the benefit of Lender as Beneficiary, and -2- m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.003 assigns and grants to Beneficiary a security interest in, all of Grantor's right, title and interest, now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to the following additional real property: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTII HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TIlE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION. 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, Wll..LAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER wrrn THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACf; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTIIERL Y LINE THEREOF. A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; TIIENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025). 2. AMENDED AND RESTATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The legal description of the Property on Schedule A of the Deed of Trust is hereby amended and restated in its entirety to read as set forth on Exhibit B of this Agreement. In this amended and restated legal description, the Added Parcel appears as Parcel 7. 3. MISCELLANEOUS. 3.1· Title Endorsements. A spreading endorsement, in fonn satisfactory to Lender, shall be added to Lender's loan policy of title insurance. 3.2 Costs and Expenses. Borrower shall pay to Lender (i) the costs incmred or to be incurred by Lender in obtaining the spreading endorsement; (ii) the costs incurred or to be incurred by Lender in connection with the recording and filing of the Spreading Agreement; and (iii) the attorneys fees and costs incmred by Lender in connection with the drafting and execution of this Agreement. -3 - m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.004 3.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed by and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. This Agreement and the other documents referred to herein and exhibits hereto constitute the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and replace all prior or contemporaneous oral agreements and understandings. 3.4 CounterpartS. This agreement may be executed in one or more identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall be deemed one and the same agreement 3.5 Ratification. Except as specifically modified by this Agreement, the Note, Deed of Trust, Loan Agreement and other Loan Documents and the obligations of the Borrower thereunder, remain in full force and effect, without other modification. WASHINGTON NOTICE: ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO: (1) LOAN MONEY, (2) TO EXTEND CREDIT, (3) MODIFY OR AMEND ANY TERMS OF THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, (4) RELEASE ANY GUARANTOR, (5) FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF THE LOAN OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY REMEDY UNDER THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, OR (6) MAKE ANY OTHER FINANCIAL ACCOMMODATION PERTAINING TO THE LOAN ARE ALL UNENFORCEABLE UNDER WASmNGTONLAW. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. m30446-559374.2.doc LENDER: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., a national banking association By: BORROWER: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation BY.t:d?ft~ -4- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNlY OF KING ) On this l.JJhay of December, 2004, before me personally appeared CHARLES F. CONNER, to me known to be the President of CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing ins1rument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and vohmtary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of the corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ~1tk~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of W~. My commission expires: II -9. ~5 -5- m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.005 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) 55. ) On this l.O!!fJay of December. 2004, before me personally appeared GARY A MOORE, to me known to be the Vice President of BANK. OF AMERICA, N.A.. a national banking association, the national banking association that executed the within ancl foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and vollmtary act and deed of said national banking association, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrwnent on behalf of the national banking association. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. m30446-559374.2.doc 'RoBIN M. MEihl, AJ-.l (please print name legibly) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ",..., ~ ~t .. ~"", ..• My conumsslon exptres: ''''''0-0". -6- 20041221001208.006 20041221001208.007 EXHIBIT A (Legal Description of the Added Parcel) THE NORTH HALF OF TIlE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORmEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140nl AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNIY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF L YING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUfHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUS1MENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025). -7- m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.008 EXHIBITB (Amended and Restated Legal Description of tbe Property Encumbered by the Deed of Trust) PARCELl THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TIlE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTIIWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1799641. PARCEL 2 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TIlE SOUfHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, Wll.LAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT IN THE EAST 30 FEET. PARCEL3A THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF TIIE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTIlEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRmED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE NORTIIEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF, 330.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF AND TIm TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°19'28' WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 319.43 FEET TO TIlE WEST LINE OF SAID soum HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°44'31" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 330.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 88°22'42" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 630.09 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN FOR DUVALL AVE. N.E. (138TII AVE. S.E.); THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN, 31.42 FEET TO THE SOUTH LlNE OF THE NORTH 297.97 FEET OF SAID SOUTII HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°}9'28" WEST ALONG SAID soum LINE, 240.04 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 260.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; -8· m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.009 THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1.65 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°22'42" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 70.01 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 9.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88~2'42" WEST 1.89 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 39.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTIIWESTERL Y, ALONG SAID CURVE, TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°59'09, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21.77 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 56~3'33" WEST 89.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00044 '31" EAST 172.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°15'29" EAST 97.54 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 81.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL3B-DELETED PARCEL 4 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF lHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTIIWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET TIIEREOF; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 30 FEET OF THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTIIWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTIIWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; ALL IN SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PARCEL5A LOTS 1,3, AND 4, KING COUNfY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTIlWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF mE NOR1HWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTII, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOTS 1,3, AND 4. PARCEL5B -9- m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.010 LOT 2 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, AS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET OF ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT; EXCEPT mAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITIIIN SAID LOT 2. PARCEL 6 WTS 1, 2 AND 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 678160, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7810171032, SAID SHORT PLAT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTIIWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETfE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7 TIIE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF mE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASIDNGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140m AVENUE S.B. WHICH WOULD AIT ACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING 9F SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADnJSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025). -10- m30446-559374.2.doc 20041221001208.011 PARCELS THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST, wn..LAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TII AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUIHEAST. PARCEL 9 THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUIHEAST QUARTER OF TIlE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WIT..LAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT TIIE WEST 15 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL to TIIE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTII HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF mE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECI10N 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798214. -11 - m30446-559374.2.doc RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Bank of America, N.A. CREB -Home Builder WA3-504-04-01 10500 NE SIb Street, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Attn: Tracey Elliott 20050628002403.001 [SPACE ABOVE LINE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLy] Document Title: Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description: Modification of Deed of Trust Conner Homes Company, a Washington corporation Bank of America, N.A. I 1. Abbreviated: A portion of Parcel A, C/Renton LLA #LUA-04-129-lLA, 20041202900025, p"T7t/.r /£. ;t/ ~ If -.;1.3 -> 2. Full Legal Description: See Schedule A, attached. Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos.: 26946 4.1071 Bi' 152305-9018, 9016, 9017, 9005 and 421960-0010 through 421960~0750 Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: 1. Deed of Trust 20041116001156 2. Spreading Agreement 20041221001208 Bank of America. ~ ~. CHICAGO TITLE INS, 00 (2) REF# II Y'y..23£,/o MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST This Modification of Deed of Trust is made to be effective as of March 4, 2005. by and among Bank of America, N.A. ("Lender"). and Conner Homes Company, a Washington corporation ("Borrower"), with respect to the following facts: A. Borrower has requested Lender to consent to a junior encumbrance on real property and improvements securing payment and performance of loans from Lender to Borrower. B. As a condition of Lender's consent to the junior encumt;>rance, Borrower and Lender have agreed to modify the Deed of Trust, made by Grantor dated October 1, 2004, and recorded under King County recording No. 20041116001156, as modified by Spreading Agreement made December 17. 2004, and recorded under King County Recording No. 20041221001208 (the ·Oeed of Trust-). for the benefit of Lender and to promote Lender's continued finance of Borrower's home building business, and constituting a first lien encumbrance on the real property described-in Exhibit A hereto. .\ MOOIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Page 1 of7 20050628002403.002 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual benefrts' derived herfrom and other good and valuable consideration, and to induce Lender to consent to the junior encumbrance, it is agreed: 1. Recitals. Each of the above recitals is true and correct and made a part of this Agreement. By this reference, the Deed of Trust Is Incorporated in to this Agreement as though fully set forth. Grantor reaffirms each and every of the covenants and agreements of Grantor in the Oeed of Trust. 2. Secured Obligations. Section 3 of the Deed of trust rSecured Obligations·) is mo<flfied to add thereto the following new subsection 3(e):, "(e) Payment of all indebtedness and obligations with interest thereon of Grantor to Beneficiary. now existing or hereafter arising in connection with the collateral pool credit facility by Beneficiary to Borrower as evidenced, by and according to the terms of a Third Amended and Restated Collateral Pool Note for Multiple Advances dated June 23, 2004 in the amount of FORTY MILLION AND NO/100 DOLlARS ($40,000,000), payable to BenefiCiary or order and made by Grantor, including all renewals, amendments, modifications, extenSions, restatements and substitutions 1herefor (the ·Collateral Pool Facility Note").' References In this Deed of Trust to MNote· shall include the Collateral Pool Facility Note and references in this Deed of Trust to the -Loan Documents-shall include the Collateral Pool Agreement dated. June 23, 2004, as now or hereafter modified and amended. The Collateral Pool Facility'Note contains provisions allowing for changes in the interest rate. The eoUateral Pool Facility Note evidences a revolving line, of credit and It is the express intent of Grantor and Beneficiary that this Deed of Trust and the estate held by the Trustee hereunder shall continue in effect as security for the CoUateral Pool Facility Note notwithstanding that from time to time the unpaid balance of the Collateral Pool Facility Note may be reduced to a zero balance, and shaH survive as security for all subsequent and additional advances under the Collateral Pool Facility Note from time to time arising." 3. Ratification. In afl other respects the Deed of Trust remains In full force and effect. WASHINGTON NOTICE: ORAL AGREEMENTS, PROMISES OR COMMITMENTS TO: (1) LOAN MONEY, (2) EXTEND CREDIT, (3) MODIFY OR AMEND ANY TERMS OF THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, (4) RELEASE ANY GUARANTOR, (5) FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF THE LOAN OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY REMEDY UNDER THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, OR (6) MAKE ANY OTHER FINANCIAL ACCOMMODATION PERTAINING TO THE LOAN ARE ALL UNENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. GRANTOR: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, :~asb~1~ Charles F. Conner, President LENDER: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Page Zof7 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF t4n~ ) ) ) 20050628002403.003 ss. I certify Chat I know or have satisfactory evidence that Charles F. Conner Is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this Instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge it as the President of Conner Homes Company. a Washington corporation. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ()J'k.J),Q. 2005 . ..... --_ ......... __ ................... NG.t~ PUblic State of Woshrngton MARIA ~. LACISTE . My ApPolntment·Exp~8$J'ep.8. 2007 MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Washington. residing at . . Notary Public In and for B My appointment expires W ~ l1OJ- Page 3 of7 20050628002403.004 SCHEDULE A THIS SCHEDULE A is attached to and part of the MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST dated March 4, 2005. by Conner Homes,Company. a Washington corporation, with respect to the Deed of Trust dated October 1. 2004. recorded under King County recording no. 2004111601156. as modified and amended, for the benefit of Bank of America, NA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1 . THE NORTH HALF OF. THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. WILLAMETTE , MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. . EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1799641. PARCEL 2 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WllLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT IN THE EAST 30 FEET. PARCEL3A THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28-WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF, 330.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HAlF AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°19'28' WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 319.43 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°44'31-WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE. 330.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 88°22'42-EAST AlONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 630.09 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN FOR DUVALL AVE. N.E. (138TH AVE. S.E.); THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN, 31.42 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 297.97 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HAlF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28-WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH UNE, 240.04 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 260.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00. WEST ALONG SAID WEST UNE, 1.65 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°22'42" WEST ALONG SAID· NORTH LINE. 70.01 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Page40f7 20050628002403.005 SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00038'OOD WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 9.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88"22'42" WEST 1.89 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 39.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°59'09, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21.77 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 56°23'33" WEST 89.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°44'31" EAST 172.09 FEET; 'THENCE SOUTH 89°15'29" EAST 97.54 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00. EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 81.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL3S-DELETED PARCEL 4 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET THEREOF; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 30 FEET OF THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; ALL IN SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PARCEL5A LOTS 1. 3, AND 4, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWeST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOTS 1, 3,AND4. PARCEl5S lOT 2 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, AS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF: THE SOUTH HAlF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET OF ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOT 2. MOOIFICATION OF OEeD OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Page 5 of7 ." " 20050628002403.006 PARCEL 6 LOTS 1,2 AND 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 678160, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7810171032, SAID SHORT PLAT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION is, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7 THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE-NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlllAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF lYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED L1NE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00· EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY L1NE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A. CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025). PARCEL 8 THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION is. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. PARCEL 9 THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION is. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 15 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Page 6 of7 20050628002403.007 PARCEL 10 THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HAlF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798214. MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Conner Homes Company Page 70f7 20050111002235.001 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, VVA 98104-1158 Attn: Mabry C. DeBuys r 11111111111111111 20050111002235 PRESTON DT 75." PAGEIe1 OF 018 .1/111Z105 14:59 KING COUNTV. w:. DEED OF TRUST, ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, SECURITY AGREEMENT, AND FIXTURE FILING Grantor: GranteeIBeneficiary: GranteelI'rustee: Abbreviated Legal Description: Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number: Reference Numbers of Documents Assigned or Released: Grantor's UBI#: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation nLLSUZANNECONNER W ASHlNGTON ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, INC., a Washington corporation PORS EH NWQ SECTION 15-23-5 152305-9015-05, 152305-90180-02, 152305-9194-08, 152305-9213-05, 152305-9214-04, 152305-9215.05, 152305- 9038-08, 152305-9046-08, 152305-9211-07, 152305-9212-06, 152305-9079-08, 152305-9016-04, 152305-9017-03, and 152305-9005-07 N/A j 20050111002235.002 DEED OF TRUST, ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, SECURITY AGREEMENT, AND FIXTURE FILING TIllS DEED OF TRUST, ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, SECURTIY AGREEMENT, AND FIXTURE FILING ("Deed of Trust") is made December'2l2, 2004, among CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corporation ("Grantor"), whose address for notice purposes is: 2193 NW Spring Fork Lane, Issaquah, Washington 98027, Attn: Charles F. Conner; WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, INC. (,'Trustee"), whose address for notice purposes is: 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900, Seattle, WA 98104-1158; and JILL SUZANNE CONNER ("Beneficiary") whose address for notice purposes is: 4728 -194th Avenue .SE, Issaquah, Washington 98027. WITNES SETH: Grantor hereby irrevocably grants, bargains, sells, conveys, transfers and assigns to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale and right of entry and possession, the following property and rights, whether now owned or held or hereafter acquired (collectively, the "Property"), and Grantor further grants to Trustee and Beneficiary a security interest and assigns for security purposes all right, title and interest in and to the following Property: . (A) All Land, Interests in Land, Improvements, Fixtures, Leases and Rents, as defined hereafter (collectively, the "Real Property"). (1) All present and future estate, right, title and interest in and to that certain real property more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and all additional land, estates and rights hereafter acquired by Grantor for use in connection with such real property (the "Land"). (2) All appurtenances, easements, rights-of-way, strips and gores of land, streets, ways, alleys, passages, sewer rights, water, water courses, water rights, oil, gas and mineral rights, air rights and development rights, zoning rights, tax credits or benefits and all estates, rights, titles, interest, privileges, liberties, tenements, hereditaments and apptu1enances of any nature whatsoever in any way belonging, relating or pertaining to the Land or any part thereof; the reversions, remainders and all land lying in the bed of any street, road or avenue, opened or proposed, adjoining the Land to the center line thereof; and all estates, rights, titles, interests, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, both in law and in equity, of Grantor in, of and to the Land (collectively, the "Interests in Land"). (3) All buildings, structures and improvements of every kind and description now or hereafter affixed to, erected or placed on the Land (collectively, the ''Improvements''). (4) All fixtures (excluding movable trade fixtures owned by tenants leasing space in the Improvements), machinery, boilers, elevators, escalators, equipment (including, without limitation, all equipment for the generation or distribution of air, water, heat, electricity, light, telephone, fuel or refrigeration or for the purpose of ventilation, air conditioning, sanitary or drainage purposes, or removal of dust, refuse or garbage), conduits, wiring, plumbing, fire sprinklers, safety 1 i 20050111002235.003 systems and equipment, alanns, contro1 devices, security systems, intercoms, partitions, appliances, cabinets, awnings, window coverings, screens, carpeting, floor coverings, incinerators, p001s, fountains, spas and saunas (collectively, the "Fixtures,,). (5) All leases, subleases, rental agreements (including, without limitation, all guarantees thereof) and other agreements providing for the use, enjoyment or occupancy of any part of the Real Property now or hereafter entered into, together with any extension or renewal of the same (collectively, the "Leases"). (6) All income, rents, issues, profits, revenues and proceeds including, but not limited to, all oil and gas or other mineral royalties and bonuses from the Real Property (including any payments received pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 502(b) or otherwise in connection with the commencement or continuance of any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, dissolution, receivership or similar proceedings or any assignment for the benefit of creditors in respect of any tenant or occupant of any portion of the Real Property and all claims as a creditor in connection with any of the foregoing), and all proceeds :from the sale, cancellation, surrender or other disposition of the Leases (collectively, the "Rents"). (B) All Property that is not Real Property, as described hereafter (collectively, the ''Personal Property"). (1) AU personal property of every kind now or at any time hereafter located on or appurtenant to the Real Property or used in connection with the use, enjoyment, occupancy or operation of the Real Property and in which Grantor has an interest. (2) All deposits or other security or advanced payments, including, without limitation, rental payments and unearned premiums made by or on behalf of the owner of the Property with respect to (i) utility service for any part of the Property; (ii) insurance policies relating to the Property or any improvements thereon; (iii) cleaning, maintenance, repair or similar services for the Property; (iv) rental of equipment used in the operation of the Property; and (v) parking services for the Property. (3) All damages, proceeds and claims arising on account of any damage to or taking of the Property or any part thereof and aU causes of action and recoveries for any loss or diminution in the value of the Property, including the proceeds of any insurance policy covering the Property (whether or not such insurance is required by the terms hereof) and the proceeds of any condemnation action or transfer in lieu or anticipation of condemnation. (4) All goodwill, trademarks, trade names, all names by which the Property is operated or known, option rights, purchase contracts, goods, consumer goods, documents, books and records, rights of action, general intangibles, accounts, payments intangible, deposit accounts, fmancial assets, investment property, contract rights, letter of credit rights, instruments, chattel paper, electronic chattel paper and other rights of Grantor for payment of money, for property sold or lent. for services rendered, for money lent or for advances or deposits made and any other intangible property of Grantor related to the Property. 2 20050111002235.004 (5) All water stock relating to the Real Property, shares of stock or other evidence of "ownership of any part of the Real Property that is owned by Grantor in common with others, and aU documents of membership in any owners' or members' association or similar group having responsibiJity for managing or operating any part of the Property or common areas appurtenant to the Real Property. (6) All plans and specifications prepared for construction of the hnprovements; all related surveys, maps, plats, studies, data and drawings related; together with all contracts and agreements relating to such plans, specifications, studies, data or drawings or to the construction, maintenance or repair of Property. (7) AU licenses (including, but not limited to, any liquor licenses, operating licenses or similar matters), contracts, management agreements, franchise agreements, permits, authorizations, approvals and certificates required or used in connection with the construction, ownership, operation, repair or maintenance of the Property. (8) All substitutions, accessions, additions and replacements to any of the foregoing and all proceeds and products of any of the foregoing Property. These definitions are descriptive only and are not intended to characterize property. AU of the Real Property and the Personal Property is referred to herein collectively as the "Property." The parties intend that the definition of Property is to be broadly construed and in the case of doubt as to whether a particular item is included in the definition of Property, the doubt should be resolved in favor of inclusion. The filing of this fmancing statement shall not be construed to derogate from or impair the lien or provisions of the deed of trust from Grantor to Beneficiary encumbering the Real Property with respect to any property described therein which is real property or which the parties have agreed to treat as real property. FOR TIIE PURPOSE OF SECURING payment and performance under that certain Promissory Note (the "Note") dated as of December~ 2004, in the original principal amount of $4,900,000, executed by Charles F. Conner ("Conner") and payable to Beneficiary, together with interest thereon, and all other indebtedness and obligations as set forth therein (collectively, the "lndebtedness"). This Deed of Trust, the Note and any other instrument given to evidence or further secure the payment and perfonnance of any obligation secured hereby may hereafter be referred to as the "Loan Documents." ARTICLE I COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF GRANTOR Grantor hereby covenants and agrees: 1.1 Maintenance. The Property shaH be maintained in good condition at all times. Grantor shall promptly make all necessary repairs, replacements, and renewals so that the value of the Property shall be maintained. Grantor shall not corrnnit or permit any waste on the Property. Grantor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, and private restrictions affecting the Property. 3 K:\50513\OOOO1\SBO\S80_A20W7 vet2 20050111002235.005 1.2 Insurance. (a) Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of fife insurance with standard extended coverage endorsements on a replacement basis for the full insurable value of all improvements situated on the Property in an amount sufficient to avoid application of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee clause in favor of Beneficiary, together with such other hazard and liability insurance as Beneficiary may reasonably require. Upon Beneficiary's request, Grantor shall deliver polices or certificates of insurance satisfactory to Beneficiary. Each policy shall include an endorsement providing that coverage in favor of Beneficiary will not be impaired in any way by any act or omission or default of Grantor or any other person or entity. (b) In the event ofloss fonowing an Event of Default, Grantor shall immediately notify Beneficiary, who may make proof of loss if it is not made promptly by Grantor. Proceeds shall be paid directly to Beneficiary who may compromise with any insurance company and make a final settlement which shall be binding upon Grantor. Beneficiary may, at its ejection, apply the proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness secured hereby or to the restoration or repair of the Property. (c) During the period in which the Property is subject to a Senior Lien (defined below), compliance with the insurance provisions of the document evidencing such Senior Lien or Senior Liens shall constitute compliance with tenns of this Section 1.2. 1.3 Indemnification. If Beneficiary is made a party defendant to any litigation concerning this Deed of Trust or the Property or any part thereof or interest therein, or the occupancy thereof by Grantor, then Grantor shall indenmify, defend, and hold Beneficiary harmless from all liability, loss, cost, or damage, by reason of said litigation, including reasonable attorney fees and expenses incurred by Beneficiary in any such litigation, whether or not any such litigation is prosecuted to judgment. . 1.4 Waiver of Offset. All smus payable by Grantor hereunder shall be paid without notice, demand, counterclaim, setoff, deduction, or defense and without abatement, suspension, deferment, diminution, or reduction; and the obligations and liabilities of Grantor hereunder shall in no way be released, discharged, or otherwise affected (except as expressly provided herein) by reason of (a) any damage to or destruction of or any condemnation or similar taking of the Property or any part thereof; (b) any restriction or prevention. of or interference with any use of the Property or any part thereof; (c) any title defect 01' encumbrance or any eviction from the Property or the Improvements or any part thereof by title paramount or otherwise; (d) any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, composition, adjustment, dissolution, liquidation, or other like proceeding relating to Beneficiary, or any action taken with respect to this Deed of Trust by any trustee or receiver of Beneficiary, or by any court, in any such proceeding; (e) any claim which Grantor bas or might have against Beneficiary; (t) any default or failure on the part of Beneficiary to perfonn or comply with any of the tenus hereof or of any other agreement with Grantor; or (g) any other occurrence whatSoever, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing and whether or not Grantor shan have notice or knowledge of any of the foregoing. Except as express]y provided herein, Grantor waives all rights now or hereafter conferred by statute or otherwise to any abatement, suspension, deferment, diminution, or reduction of any sum secured hereby and payable by Grantor. 4 20050111002235.006 1.S Taxes and Liens. Grantor shall pay before they become delinquent all taxes and assessments levied against or on account of the Property and shall pay as due all claims for work done on or for services rendered or material furnished to the Property. Special assessments shall be paid currently, without deferraJ, unless the lien for deferred assessments is subordinate to the interest of Beneficiary under this Deed of Trust, or Beneficiary gives its prior written consent to the deferral. Grantor shall· maintain the Property free of any liens or other encumbrances having priority over or equal to the interest of Beneficiary under this Deed of Trust except for "Senior Liens" as defined in Section 1.8, the lien of taxes and assessments not delinquent, and except as hereinafter otherwise provided. Grantor may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, or claim in connection with a good faith dispute over. the obligation to paYt so long as Beneficiary'S interest in the Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or is filed as a result of nonpayment, Grantor shall within 15 days after the lien arises or, if a lien is filed, within 15 days after Grantor has notice of the filing, secure the discharge of the lien or deposit with Beneficiary cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Beneficiary in an amount sufficient to discharge the lien plus any costs, attorney fees, or other charges that could accrue as a result of a foreclosure or sale under the lien. The assessor or tax collector of the county in which the Property is located is authorized to deliver to Beneficiary a written statement of the property taxes assessed or owing at any time. 1.6 Expenditures by Beneficiary. If Grantor shall fail to comply with any provision of this Deed of Trust, Beneficiary may, at its option and in its sole discretion, on Grantor's behalf take the required action and any amount that it expends in so doing shall be added to the Indebtedness secured hereby. The rights provided for in this section shall be in addition to any other rights or any remedies to which Beneficiary may be entitled on account of the default, and Beneficiary shall not by taking the required action cure the default so as to bar it from any remedy that it otherwise would have had. 1.7 Utilities. Grantor shall payor cause to be paid when due all utility charges which are incurred by Grantor for the benefit of the Property or which may become a charge or lien against the Property for gas, electricity, water or sewer services furnished to the Property and all other assessments or charges of a similar nature, whether public or private, affecting the Property or any portion thereof, whether or not such assessments or charges are liens thereon. 1.8 Warranty; Defense of Tide. Grantor warrants that Grantor holds merchantable title to the Property in fee simple, free of all monetary liens other than the such Hens to which Beneficiary expressly agrees to subordinate its lien hereunder as set forth in Exhibit B. and as otherwise arising in the future in connection with loans from institutional lenders (each a "Senior Lien"). Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title against the claims, other than Senior Liens, of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Beneficiary under this Deed of Trust, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor shall pay any sums and do any other acts necessary to prevent a default or prevent any action or condition which with the lapse of time, the giving of notice, or any other action of a creditor, would be a default or enable any creditor to declare a default or foreclose any Senior Lien. 1.9 Condemnation. If all or any part of the Property is condemned following an Event of Default, the net proceeds of the award shall be paid directly to Beneficiary and be applied on the indebtedness secured hereby_ The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorney fees necessarily paid or incurred by Grantor and 5 20050111002235.007 Beneficiary in connection with the condenmation. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor hereby assigns to Beneficiary the net proceeds of any condemnation award. 1.10 No Waiver. By accepting payment of any obligation herein mentioned after its due date, Beneficiary does not waive its right either to require prompt payment when due of all other obligations herein mentioned or to declare default for fai1ure so to pay. 1.11 Repayment of Advances. Upon receipt of notice, Grantor shall repay immediately all sums advanced hereunder by or on behalf of Beneficiary or Trustee, and the repayment thereof shall be secured hereby. Failure to repay such expenditure or advance within 10 days of such notice will, at Beneficiary's option, constitute an event of default hereunder; or Beneficiary may, at its option, conunence an action against Grantor for the recovery of such expenditure or advance and interest thereon (as provided for under the Note), and in such event Grantor agrees to pay, in addition to the amount of such expenditure or advance, all costs and expenses incurred in such action, together with a reasonable attorney's fee at trial and on appeal. 1.12 Use of Property. The Property is not used principally for agricultural purposes. ARTICLEn SECURITY AGREEMENT; FIXTURE FILING 2.1 Creation of Security Interest. This Deed of Trust creates a lien on the Property, and to the extent the Property is not real property under applicable law this Deed of Trust constitutes a security agreement under the Washington Uniform Commercial Code and any other applicable law. Grantor, by executing anddeJivering this Deed of Trust, grants to Beneficiary and Trustee a security interest and assigns, all right, title and interest for security purposes to Beneficiary and Trustee, in and to the Personal Property. Grantor authorizes Beneficiary to file fmancing statements covering all Personal Property or Fixtures. Ifrequired by Beneficiary, at any time during the tenn of this Deed of Trust, Grantor will authorize, execute and deliver to Beneficiary, in fonn satisfactory to Beneficiary, additional security agreements, financing statements and other instruments covering all Personal Property or Fixtures of Grantor that may at any time be furnished, placed on, or annexed or made appurtenant to the Real Property or used, useful or held for use in the operation of the Improvements. 2.2 Fixture Filing. This Deed of Trust constitutes a fmancing statement filed as a fixture filing in the real property records of King County, Washington, with respect to any and all fixtures included within the term "Property" as used herein and with respect to any goods or other personal property that may now or hereafter become such fixtures. ARTICLEDI ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS 3.1 Assignment of Rents. Grantor hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns and transfers to Beneficiary all the Rents of the Property, whether now due, past due or to become due, and hereby gives to and confers upon Beneficiary the right, power and authority to collect the Rents. Grantor irrevocably appoints Beneficiary its true and lawful attorney at the option of Beneficiary at any time, either by itself, through an agent or a receiver, to demand, receive and enforce payment, to 6 K:ISOS13\ooOO1ISBOISBO _A20W7 ver2 20050111002235.008 give receipts, releases and satisfactions, and to sue, either in the name of Grantor or in the name of Beneficiary, for all the Rents. It is agreed that neither the foregoing assignment of Rents to Beneficiary, nor the exercise by Beneficiary of any of its rights or remedies under this section or under Section 3.2, nor the appointment of a receiver or possession of the Property by a receiver shall make Beneficiary a "mortgagee-in-possession" or otherwise responsible or liable in any manner with respect to the Property or the use, occupancy or enjoyment or operation of all or any portion thereof, unless and until Beneficiary in person assumes actual possession thereof. Nothing herein shall require Beneficiary to have a receiver appointed to collect any Rents, but Beneficiary shall be entitled to such appointment at its option in accordance with this Deed of Trust. This assignment of Rents is intended to be specific, perfected and choate·upon recording as.provided in RCW § 7.28.230. 3.2 License to CoDed. Notwithstanding an)rthing to the contrary herein, so long as no Event of Default exists, Grantor shall have a license. to collect all Rents and to retain, use and enjoy the same. Grantor shall use all Rents for (a) payment of debt service on the Note and other amounts owed to Beneficiary under the Loan Documents as and when due, and (b) for payment of all expenses of constructing, operating, leasing, repairing and maintaining the Property in first class condition (including maintaining adequate reserves for future expenses), in accordance with superior property management practices, all before using Rents for any other purposes. Upon any occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder such license shall be automatically revoked and all rights shall revert to Beneficiary who then shall have the right to exercise all of its rights as absolute owner of the Leases and Rents. Grantor agrees that payments made by tenants or occupants to Beneficiary shall, as to such tenants, be considered as though made to Grantor and in discharge of tenants' obligations to Grantor to the extent of such payments. Nothing herein contained shan be construed as obliging Beneficiary to perfo.rm any of Grantor's covenants under any lease or rental agreement. Grantor shall execute and deliver to Beneficiary, upon demand, any further or supplemental assignments deemed desirable by Beneficiary in order to further cany out and confirm the intentions of this section and upon failure of the Grantor so to comply, Beneficiary shall have the right to, in addition to any other rights or remedies, at its option, declare all obligations secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and payable. ARTICLE IV REMEDIES UPON DEFAULT 4.1 Events of Default. Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default hereunder: (a) Default shall be made in the payment of any sum secured hereby when due and any applicable grace period shall have expired; or (b) There has occurred a breach of or default under any term, covenant, agreement, condition, proviSion, representation, or warranty contained in any of the Loan Documents or any part thereof, not referred to in this Section 4.1 subject to any applicable cure period specified in the Loan Documents. 4.2 Rights and Remedies on Default. Upon the occurrence of any event of default and at any time thereafter, Beneficiary may exercise anyone or more of the following rights and remedies: 7 K:150513100001\sBO\SeO j\2OWT ver2 20050111002235.009 (a) The right at its option by notice to Grantor to declare the entire indebtedness secured hereby immediately due and payable. (b) With respect to all or any part of the Property, the right to foreclose by judicial foreclosure in accordance with applicable law. (c) The right to have Trustee sell the Property in accordance with the Deed of Trust Act of Washington at public auction to the highest bidder. The power of sale conferred by this Deed of Trust and the law is not an exclusive remedy and when not exercised, Beneficiary may foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage. (d) Any other right or remedy provided in this Deed of Trust, the Note, any other Loan Documents, or under law. 4.3 Attorneys' Fees. In the event suit, action, or arbitration proceeding is instituted to enforce any of the tenns of this Deed of Trust Beneficiary . shall be entitled to recover from Grantor such sum as the court or arbitrator may adjudge reasonable as attorney -fees at trial, on any appeal, and in any bankruptcy proceeding. All reasonable expenses incurred by Beneficiary that are necessary at any time in Beneficiary's opinion for the protection of its interest or the enforcement of its rights, including without limitation, the cost of searching records, obtaining title reports, surveyors' reports, demanding· payment, attorneys' opinions, or title insurance, whether or not any court action is involved; shall become a part of the indebtedness secured hereby, payable on demand. ARTICLE V SUBORDINATION AND TRANSFER 5.1 Subordination to Senior Liens. Beneficiary's lien under this Deed of Trust shall be subordinate to those Senior Liens more specifically described on Exhibit B, and as otherwise arising in the future in connection with loans from institutionallenders. 5.2 Future Subordination of Beneficiary's Lien. Subject to satisfaction of -the conditions set forth in Section 5.3, upon Grantor's request, Beneficiary shall subordinate Beneficiary's lien in the Property to commercial bank financing incurred for the purpose of developing the Property by executing a subordination agreement containing terms and conditions consistent with this Deed of Trust. Any fmancing to which the lien of this Deed of Trust is subordinated shall be deemed a Senior Lien. 5.3 Conditions Precedent to Subordination of Beneficiaries Lien. Beneficiary shall not be required to subordinate its lien under this Deed of Trust with respect to any Phase unless all of the following conditions precedent are satisfied: (a) of request; No event of default shall exist under any of the Loan Documents at the time (b) Grantor shall have delivered to Beneficiary a written request for subordination that includes the principal amount of the proposed senior financing; 8 20050111002235.010 (c) Grantor shall have reasonably determined that sufficient equity shall remain in the Property following such fmancing, together with the value of other collateral securing the repayment of the Note, to adequately secure Conner's obligation to pay the Note; and (d) Grantor shall pay Beneficiary's costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such subOTdination. 5.4 Dispute Resolutiou. If any dispute or disagreement arises concerning the tenus and conditions of the proposed subordination, the dispute shall be referred to binding arbitration to be conducted by The Honorable Larry Jordan (Retired Judge, King County Superior Court), as expeditiously as possible. The attorneys fees and costs associated with the arbitration shall be allocated between Beneficiary and Grantor by the arbitrator. The determination of the arbitrator shall be binding and conclusive upon the Grantor and Beneficiary. 5.S Other Transfer. By the acceptance of this Deed of Trust, Beneficiary agrees it will, upon request of the Grantor, if no Event of Default exists, join the Grantor in requesting the Trustee to partially reconvey portions of the Property sold by Grantor from time to time. Grantor sha11, at such time as the equity value of the remaining portions of the Property encumbered by this Deed of Trust, together with equity value of the other collateral pledged to secure the repayment of the Note do not adequately secure the obligations of Conner to pay the Note, provide to Beneficiary security in other real property owned by Grantor (the "Substitute Collateral") The Substitute Collateral must be reasonably acceptable to both Grantor and Beneficiary, and the equity value of the Substitute Collateral must be in an amount, which, when combined with the other collateral securing repayment of the Note, is sufficient to adequately secure Conner's obligations under the Note. As used in this Section 5.5, "equity value" means the fair market value of the real property collateral taking into account the outstanding balance owed on any Senior Liens. The fonn and content of any deed of trust granted by Grantor encumbering the Substitute Collateral shall be identica1 to this Deed of Trust, which such modifications as may be necessary to accommodate the specific identity of the Substitute Collateral. If, as a result of payments made reducing the outstanding balance of the Note, other collateral pledged to secure the repayment of the Note adequately secures Conner's remaining obligations under the Note, then Beneficiary will consent to the reconveyance of the Property from the lien of this Deed ofTrusl ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 Governing Law. This Deed of Trust shaH be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington exclusive of its conflict of laws provisions. In the event that any provision or clause of any of the Loan Documents conflicts with applicable laws, such conflicts shall not affect other provisions of such Loan Documents which can be given effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the Loan Documents are declared to be severable. 6.2 Modification. This instrument cannot be waived, changed, discharged or tenninated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the Grantor and Beneficiary. 9 20050111002235.011 6.3 Notices. Whenever Beneficiary, Grantor or Trustee shall desire to give or serve any notice, demand, request or other communication with respect to the this Deed of Trust, each such notice, demand, request or other communication shall be in writing and shall be effective only if the same is delivered by persona1 service or mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address set forth in the preamble to this Deed of Trust. Any communication which is mailed as provided above shall be deemed delivered two (2) days after mailing. Any party may at any time change its address for such notices by delivering or mailing to the other parties hereto, as aforesaid, a notice of such change. 6.4 Captions. The captions or headings at the beginning of each section hereof are for the convenience of the parties and are not a part of this Deed ofTrusl 6.S Invalidity of Certain Provisions. If the lien of this Deed of Trust is invalid or unenforceable as to any part of the debt, or iithe lien is invalid or unenforceable as to any part of the Property, the l.m.secured or partially unsecured portion of the debt shaH be comp1etely paid prior to the payment of the remaining and secured or partially secured portion of the debt, and all payments made On the debt, whether voluntary or under foreclosme or other enforcement action or procedure, shall be considered to have been first paid on and applied to the full payment of that portion of the debt which is not secured or ful1y secured by the lien of this Deed of Trust. Further, the inva1idity or unenforceability of any portion or provision of this Deed of Trust shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder hereof. 6.6 Waivers. The following are unconditionally waived by the Grantor: (a) Any right to the enforcement, assertion, exercise or non-exercise by Beneficiary of any right, power or remedy conferred in the Note, or any other agreement whatsoever, except that this waiver does not extend to notices of default under the Note or any assignment, sale or negotiation of the Note to the Grantor;- (b) Any notice of the amount of the indebtedness under the Note now existing or that may hereafter exist; (c) Any right to require Beneficiary to exhaust any collateral described in the Loan Documents; and (d) Any defense based on an election of remedies by Beneficiary_ [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank) 10 )(;150513\00001\5601560 _A20W7 ves2 20050111002235.012 6.7 Oral Agreements. ORAL AGREEMENTS OR COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor bas executed this Deed of Trust as of the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a WashingtOn coqxnation ~ B~~~ Charles F. Conner, President STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) )ss. ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Charles F. Conner is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshe was authc..ized to execute the instiwnent and acknowledged it as the President of CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington cotpOration, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in tile instnunent :ted: ... ~,2f3DI0!f ~~ __ .... ~.JOIt 1." _ : c..'" .. , ..... I1I.n I, N ary Publ1 .: . .::r.·~sS\ON~~·,~-"~ ~ C I .-.tt::.n ~ :-r.~;S : /~ ~ ". ~ Pnnt Name _LA=":'<.W\=-=-..L~:...:...'...::\J~~rt;-~ ___ _ : !~ ~OlAFly ~\ ~ My commission expires It 6R' ~ :0 ... t~ : ! ~ \ PU6\..\V .: ~ ! ~ tP.>-'. ~ iF. : 4" ",;:: •• 11.19'~"·:'~ .;-" ~ ~-......... ~v.''l ' •• " 0, W,.I"...,- ,'\\.\.\\\."" ..... (Usc this space foe noIaria' stamp/seal) 11 20050111002235.013 EXHIBITA Legal Description of the Property: K:~513\O0001\S8O\SBOJI2OW7 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 1153715 20050111002235.014 Your No.: caemza IIOHBS '1"0 .nt.L CONRD PARCEL 1: LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SqUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. WILLAM~E MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON} . EXCEPT THE EAST 2.0 .FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1799641. PARCEL 2: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEP~ THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET. PARCEL 3A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOOtH HALF OF THE'NORTHWEST QUARTER OF. THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NQRi:Hw.~'s~~~:OUAA:rER-. OF. SECTION :15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDi:AN,IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF, 330.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 330.00 FEET 9F SAID SOUTH HALF AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THBNCE CONTINUING NORTH 880 19'28" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 319.43 FEET'TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00 0 44'31" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 330.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTl:188"22'42" EAST ALONG SAID SOOTH LINE, 630.09 PEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN FOR DUVALL AVE. N.E. (138TH AVc. S.E.); THENCE NORTH 00<>38'0'0" EAST ALONG SAID wEST MARGIN,. 31.42 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 291.97 FEET.oF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 240.04 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 260.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°38' 00" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1. 65 FEET TO THB NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALP; .THENCE NORTH 88°22'42" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 70.01 FEET TO THE WEST .. . :-.• : ..•... i. CHICAGO TfILE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (ContUiued) Order No;: 1153715 20050111002235.015 Your No.: COllUD. HOXBS TO .:r.tLL COllUD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Scl1eduIe A continuation) LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOOTH 00°38'00" WEST ALONG SAID' WEST· LINE, 9.0Q FEET; THENCB NORTH 88°22'42" WEST 1.89 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 39.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CaRVE TOTHB RIGHT i THENCE NORTHWESTERLY,' ALONG SAID CURV·E,. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF OF 3l0 S9'09", AN ARC DIS.TANCE OF 21.77:FBET TO A POINT OF TANGBNCY; THENCE NORTH 56°23' 33" WEST 89.90 FEETi. THENCE NORTH 000 44' .31" EAST 172.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°15'29 R EAST 97.54 FEET TO THE·WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" BAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE. 81.59 FEBT TO THE TRUE POINT.OF BEGINNING. PARCEL'3B: INTENTIONALLY OMMITED PARCEL 4: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OFTHESOUTHWBST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET THEREOF; . ~ '. -, , TOGETHER WITH THB.·NO~'i'H 30 .FEET OF THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THB NORTH HALF OF. THB SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ·THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; . EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; ALL IN: SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH; RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL SA: LOTS 1, 3, AND 4, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION is, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 PEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN. EASEMENT FOR INGRES$, EGRESS AND' UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOTS 1, 3, AND 4. CLTACMA6/RDAICYm CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT . SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 1153715 20050111002235.016 Your No.: COJllllBR HOlmS TO = COWER PARCEL SB: LEGAL DESCRIPI10N EXHIBIT (paragraph 4 of Schc;dule A continuation) LOT 2 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143,· AS RECORDED UNDERAOOITOR'S FILE NO. 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, ToWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST., W.M., IN KING COONTY, WASHINGTON, BXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET OF ROAD; ,TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS,' EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORTPLATi' EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOT 2. PARCEL 6: LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, KING COONTY·SHORT PLAT NUMBER 678160, RECORDED UNDER RBCORDING NUMBER 7810171032, SAID SHORT PLAT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTE~ OF THE NOR'1.'HWESTQUARTER OF 'SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGB 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7: >_ .. .-THE NORTH' HALF (J'~~~~"~'~~~'~~F "OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 ,FEET; AND ,EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140THAVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; 'THBNCB WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY L~NE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING' OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00. EAST l64.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUS1MENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) . CL TACMA6/RDA./fm9 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) . ·OrderNo.: l153715 20050111002235.017 . Your No.: COIlDll. JlOHSS '1'0 .:ru..L c:oamn PARCEL 8: LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) THE SOUTH HALF· OF THE SOUTH HALF OF· THE. NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET ·LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN .THE RIGHT OF WAY OF·138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST .. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED l40TH AVBNuE S.B. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9;' THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOOTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . . EXCEPT THE WESTEg'~PEETTHEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS.' ",. ::; ..... ..; .... ~.:.~"".... J.. . .... __ .. _ . r. TOGETHER WITH THAT·PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 10: THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 1S, TOWNSHIP 23. NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798214. 20050111002235.018 EXHIBITB Existing Senior Liens Lender: Lender's Address: Security Instrument Bank of America, N.A. 10500 N.E. glh Street, Suite 400 Deed of Trust recorded under Bellevue. Washin~n 98004 auditor's file no. 20041116001156 Richard E. Stuth Deed of Trust recorded Wider auditor's file no. 20040220001248 20050628002404.001 After recording send to: ~----1111111111111 JJJ50628002404 Bank of America. N.A. NW Home Builder WA3-504-04-01 10500 HE 8th Street, Suite 400 Bellevue. WA 98004 Attn; Loan Administration CHICRGO TITLE sua 2B .00 PAQEHI OF 011 eliza/zen 14;4\ KING COUNTY. t.lA (reserved for recorder's use only) WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDITOR'S/RECORDER'S INFORMATION (RCW 65.04) INSTRUMENT TITLE: CONSENT TO SUBORDINATE FINANCING AND AGREEMENT OF SUBORDINATION GRANTOR: GRANTEE: JILL SUZANNE CONNER BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See reference to related document recording number(s) below. See Exhibit A for full legal description. ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): REFERENCE NUMBER OF RELATED DOCUMENTS: 1. Grantor Deed of Trust recording no. 20050111002235 2. Grantee Deed of Trust recording no. 20041116001156, as modified by agreement under recor!9!l-o 20041221001208, as modified by agreement under recording no. 2~ 2 r;) &.15()~ 2.8"00 2C!o 3 BankofAmerica. ~re CHltAOOmt.~IN~.OO@ . ~ .,... REF* LLc.L~il)..f.: /0 CONSENT TO SUBORDINATE FINANCING AND AGREEMENT OF SUBORDINATION NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RESULTS IN THE SUBORDINATOR'S DEED OF TRUST ON THE PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN THE LIEN OF A DIFFERENT OR LATER DEED OF TRUST. THIS CONSENT TO SUBORDINATE FINANCING AND AGREEMENT OF SUBORDINATION ("Agreement") is made to be effective as of June 8.2005. by and between: "Lender" Bank of America, N.A., whose address is: NW Home Builder/Loan Administration SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Page 1 of11 Conner Homes/JiR Conner/laurelhurst Project [06-06-05] "Subordinator" WA3-504-04-01 ·10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 Jill Suzanne Conner, whose address is: 4728 -194111 Avenue SE Issaquah, WA 98027 20050628002404.002 "Owner" Conner Homes Company, a Washington corporation, whose address is: with respect to the following facts: 846 108th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 RECITALS: A. OWner is obligated to Lender for the payment and performance of oertain loans and financial and business accommodations now existing or hereafter arising (the ·Secured Obligations") described in that certain Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing (the "First Deed of Trust") dated October 1, 2004, as amended and modified, and encumbering the real property, personal property and fixtures described therein and all products and proceeds of such encumbered property (the "Laurelhurst Project" or "Project"). B. Owner is the owner of the Laurelhurst Project and all of the property both real and personal, tangible and intangible, described in and encumbered by the First Deed of Trust. C. The tenns of the Secured Obligations prohibit any lien or encumbrance on the Project other than the First Deed of Trust and Owner and Subordinator have requested that Lender permit the Project to be encumbered by a deed of trust (the "Subordinate Deed of Trust") to secure indebtedness of Charles F. Conner to Subordinator evidenced by a promissory note in the amount of $4,900,000. Lender has agreed to the encumbrance of the Subordinate Deed of Trust on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Z cJ (;/ 5ot, 23 CI 0 2-Lf p y AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Lender's consent to the Subordinate Deed of Trust, to induce Lender to provide loans and other financial and business accommodations under the First Deed of Trust, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties represent, warrant and agree as foUows: 1. Recording Information. The First Deed of Trust was recorded in King County, Washington, on November 16, 2004, under King County Recording No. 20041116001156 (as modified by Spreading Agreement under King County Recording No. 20041221001208 and Modification of Deed of Trust under King County Recording No. ), and the Subordinate Deed of Trust was recorded in King County, Washington, on January 11, 2005, under King County Recording No. 20050111002235. It is contemplated that this Agreement will be executed prior to the recording of the Modification of Deed of Trust and Subordinator and Owner specifICally authorize Lender to insert or cause to be inserted in this Section 1 the recording date and recording number for the Modification of Deed of Trust. The First Deed of Trust and the Subordinate Deed of Trust are incorporated into this Agreement as though fully set forth. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Page 2of11 Conner Homes/Jill ConnerlLaurelhurst Project 106-06-05) 20050628002404.003 2. Consent to Subordinate Deed of Trust. Lender hereby consents to the Subordinate Deed of Trust, provided, that the maximum principal amount which may be, by its terms, secured by the Subordinate Deed of Trust shall not exceed $4,900,000. 3. Subordination. Subordinator, as holder of all of the beneficial interest in the Subordinate Deed of Trust, hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that the Subordinate Deed of Trust and all indebtedness and obligations secured thereby, and any other estate, lien or interest which Subordinator may at any time now or hereafter have or acquire in any of the property, real and personal, described in the First Deed of Trust, is and shall at all times be and remain unconditionally subject, subordinate and inferior to the lien and security interest now or hereafter created by the First Deed of Trust and to all advances or charges made or accruing under the First Deed of Trust. Without limitation, this agreement of subordination extends to and includes unconditional and irrevocable subordination of the Subordinate Deed of Trust to (i) any extension, modification, amendment, renewal or replacement of the First Deed of Trust, (ii) all leases, rents, cash collateral, accounts. insurance and condemnation proceeds. inventory, eqUipment, general intangibles and other tangible and intangible property comprising or derived from the Project, (iii) all advances made in connection with the Secured Obligations, any advance made by lender to Owner as a debtor in possession under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. advances to protect Lender's interest in the Projecl and advances made by Lender for taxes, insurance. improvements, or other advances made with respect to the Project, whether or not such advances are expressly authorized by the terms of the First Deed of Trust, and (iv) any interest or other sums which may accrue to Lender on the Secured Obligations following the filing of any petition in bankruptcy with respect to Owner, regardless of whether Owner is excused from paying such inte~est or other sums under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. 4. . Payments to Subordinator. Prior to any default on the First Deed of Trust or any default by OWner on any loan or other obligation of Owner to Lender, Owner may make and Subordinator may receive payments on the obligations secured by the Subordinate Deed of Trust in the amounts and at the times due but not otherwise without Lender's prior written consent. After any default under the First Deed of Trust or under any loan or other obligation of Owner to Lender, Owner shall not make and Subordinator,with actual knowledge of such default, shall not take any paYlTlents on such obligations and following such default of which Subordinator has actual knowledge any payment of such obligations by Ownefto Subordinator shall be collected, enforced and received by Subordinator in trust for the benefit of Lender and promptly paid over to Lender on account of the obligations secured by the First Deed of Trust. Failure to remit shall be deemed equivalent to misappropriation while acting in a fiduciary capacity so as to constitute a non-dischargeable debt under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. 5. . Covenants of Subordinator.· Subordinator hereby covenants and agrees with Lender that: a. Until such time as the Secured Obligations have been paid and performed in full. Subordinator waives, relinquishes and releases any and all rights of subrogation which Subordinator may have with respect to the First Deed of Trust, in any other security for payment of the Secured Obligations which Lender now has or hereafter acquires, or otherwise to participate in any claim, right or remedy of lender against Owner. b. So long as the First Deed of Trust remains in effect, not to exercise with respect to the Project or any other Project related collateral described in the First Deed of Trust any of the rights or remedies available to Subordinator under the SUbordinate Deed of Trust, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, or any other federal, state or local laws including, without limitation. the right to the appointment of a receiVer for the Project, the right to receive any rents. issues or profits from the Project and the right to foreclose against the Project the Subordinate Deed of Trust c. lender shall not be bound to exhaust its recourse or take any action against Owner or any guarantor or any other person or entity or proceed against any other collateral or property prior to SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Conner Homes/Jill Conner/Laurelhurst Project [06-06·05] Page 3 of11 20050628002404.004 judicial or nonjudicial (trustee's sale) foreclosure of the First Deed of Trust Lender may, without notice to or the consent of Subordinator, (i) enter into any extension, modification, amendment, renewal, replacement of the First Deed of Trust or any other document or agreement evidencing the Secured Obligations, (ii) release any or all parties liable for any Secured Obligation, and (iii) release all or any of the security for the Secured Obligations. Subordinator agrees from time to time to promptly execute and deliver to Lender and/or the title insurance company issuing Lender's loan policy of title insurance for the First Deed of Trust all such documents and agreements as Lender or such title insurer may require to confirm the subordination of the Subordinate Deed of Trust d. . Subordinator waives (i) the benefit of suretyship claims and defenses generally, (ii) any right to require marshalling of· assets or to require Lender to proceed against or exhaust any specifiC security for the Secured Obligations, and (iii) any defense to any exercise of Lender'S rights hereunder or under the· First Deed of Trust or the other documents and agreements evidencing the Secured Obligations arising out of the loss or impairment of any right of subrogation to the First Deed of Trust or to such other document or agreement. e. In the event of any sale or transfer of all or any part of the property comprising the Project and until payment in full of the Secured Obligations, Subordinator agrees, without receipt of payment or consideration, to cause the Subordinate Deed of Trust to be fully or partially reconveyed, as applicable. f. In the event of a casualty to the Project or a condemnation or taking under a power of eminent domain of all or any portion of the Project, the buildings or improvements thereon, or a threat of such condemnation or taking, all payments and settlement of insurance claims and condemnation awards shall be paid to Lender to be used or applied as provided in the First Deed of Trust. g. Subordinator represents to Lender that Subordinator (i) is adequately informed of the financial condition of Owner and of OWner's plans and resources for development and operation of the Project, (ii) has not relied upon any financial or other infonnation about Owner or the Project furnished by Lender, if any, and (Hi) does not expect Lender to provide and waives any duty on the part of Lender to provid.e such information in the future including, without limitation, adverse information about the Owner or the Project, if any, which Lender may possess or acquire and which may not be available to Subordinator. h. Prior to the execution of this Agreement, Subordinator has had the opportunity to examine the terms of the First Deed of Trust and the other documents, instruments and agreements evidencing the Secured Obligations, all of which Subordinator consents to and approves. Subordinator acknowledges that Lender has no obligation to Subordinator to advance any funds under the First Deed of Trust or to see to the proper use and application of the funds so advanced. Subordinator understands that land development and construction loans can and do Involve substantial risks for junior lien holders and agrees that lender is not a trustee or fiduciary for Subordinator and undertakes no duty, obligation responsibility or special relationship to Subordinator to see to proper use and application of the funds advanced or otherwise to protect and not act adversely to Subordinator's interests. Any application or use of the funds advanced for purposes other than those provided for in the First Deed of Trust and the other documents, instruments and agreements evidencing and securing the Secured Obligations shall not defeat, limit or impair this subordination fn whole or in part. 6. Cross Default. Any breach or default of Subordinator's duties and obligations under this Agreement or any claim or assertion by or on behalf of Subordinator that the Subordinate Deed of Trust is of equal or greater priority to the First Deed of Trust shall, at Lender's option, constitute an event of default under the First Deed of Trust and the other documents and agreements evidencing the Secured Obligations. Any breach or default of the duties and obligations secured by the Subordinate Deed of SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Conner Homes/Jill Conner/laurelhurst Project [06-06-05] Page 4 of 11 20050628002404.005 Trust shall, at Lender's option, constitute an event of default under the First Deed of Trust and the other documents and agreements evidencing the Secured Obligations. 7. Miscellaneous. (a) This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Wherever possible. each provision of this Agreement sl')all be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited by or invalid under such law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this . Agreement (b) In any action or proceeding to construe or enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees including those Incurred in any trial or arbitration . proceeding, in any bankruptcy, insolvency or receivership proceeding, and in any appeal therefrom. (c) This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, replaces all prior and contemporaneous oral agreements and understanding, and may be modified only by a writing signed by all parties hereto. Cd) This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors, assigns and participants. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made this Agreement to be effective as of the day and year first set forth above. WASHINGTON NOTICE: ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. LENDER: OWNER: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CONNER HOMES COMPANY, a Washington corpor tio~ By:~ ____ ~~=-____ ~ __ __ Bye ~L,L " rye. Iseman, VP Charles F. Conner, President SUBORDINATOR: SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Page 50f11 Conner Homes/JiQ Connerllaurelhurst Project 106-06-05) 20050628002404.006 State of Washington ) ) ss County of King ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that JAY C. ISEMAN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the Instrument and acknowledge it as the Vioe President of Bank of America, N.A. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument . Dated: June@, 2005 Notary Public in and for th~State f Washington, residing at ~"?~~...,...,--:,.,...--::.-:::~ My appOintment expires 1Cf, ~ 0 l} J State of Washington ) )ss County of King ) -I certify that J know or have satisfactory evidence that CHARLES F. CONNER is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge it as the President of Conner Homes Company, a Washington corporation, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: June .!l, 2005 ----""", ~~ ;. ~'-( DEC,qh'\, Name Print~k fCJ~"'S\ON"i'I:'~~ "f Notary Public in ana fa the State of • i ~ ... ~S "TA)\ 'I. Washington, residing at ( ",~J: ; f! \,\OTAR}' ~ ~ ~ My appointment expires. ~o , :0 -. en: I ;t, • • I; ~ ~ PUBUC i~ -,~~. ~ .. ~ .,' ·• .• !1-9-0 •••• ••. ~ \, ....... .-\\, OJ::W/lS _..:::-""", ... ---- SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Conner Homes/Jilt ConnerlLaurelhurstProject [06-06-05] Page 6 of11 20050628002404.007 State of Washington ) ) 55 County of King ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that JILL SUZANNE CONNER is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument. Dated: June f!t, 2005 SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Conner Homes/Jill Conner/Laurelhurst Project [06-06-05] NamePrin ij:_'~~~~~~~~~L-__ __ Notal)' PublIC in and for Washington, residing at ~~~:.n....--.....,...-- My appointmeilt expires ~~r£Y.~.../..:.':/+JiZ!.Q.Jl. Page 7 of11 20050628002404.008 EXHIBIT "A" This Exhibit "A" is attached to and made a part of that Consent to Subordinate Financing and Agreement of Subordination dated June 8, 2005, by and between Bank of America, N.A., as "Lender." Jill Suzanne Conner, as "Subordinator," and Conner Homes Company, a Washington corporation, as "OWner," and affecting the following described property located in King County, Washington: Legal Description: PARCEL 1 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1799641. PARCEL 2 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT IN THE EAST 30 FEET. PARCEL3A THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: .cOMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF, 330.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°19'28' WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 319.43 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00·44'31" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 330.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF; . THENCE SOUTH 88°22'42" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 630.09 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN FOR DUVALL AVE. N.E. (138TH AVE. S.E.); THENCE NORTH 00°38'00. EAST ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN, 31.42 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 297.97 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°19'28" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 240.04 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 260.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00» WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE. 1.65 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88°22'42" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 70.01 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Page 8 of11 Cooner HomesfJiII Connerllaurelhurst Projed [06-06-05] 20050628002404.009 SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HAlF; THENCE SOUTH 00°38'00" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 9.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°22'42" WEST 1.89 FEET TO A POINT .OF TANGENCY WITH A 39.00 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHWESTERL V, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31"59'09, AN ARC DISTANCE OF21.n FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 56°23'33Q WEST 89.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°44'31" EAST 172.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89015'29" EAST 97.54 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 330.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00· EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 81.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 38 -DELETED PARCEL 4 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET THEREOF; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 30 FEET OF THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; EXCEPTTHE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; ALL IN SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PARCEL5A LOTS 1, 3, AND 4, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7910180905 BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WllLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT lYING WITHIN SAID LOTS 1, 3,AND4. PARCEL5B LOT 2 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 179143, AS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 7910160905 BEING A PORTION OF: THE SOUTH HAlF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 7.5 FEET OF ROAD; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER TRACTS Y AND X OF SAID SHORT PLAT; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SAID LOT 2. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Page 9 of11 Conner Homes/Jill Conner/Laurelhurst Project [06-06·051 20050628002404.010 PARCEL 6 LOTS 1,2 AND 3, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 678160, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7810171032, SAID SHORT PLAT BEIN~ A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7 THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND. EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025). PARCEL 8 THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HAlF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WllLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET lYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. PARCEL 9 THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 15 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW. AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Conner Homes/Jill COMen'laurelhurst Project [06..()6.()S) Page 10 of11 20050628002404.011 PARCEL 10 THE EAST 190 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798214. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT Page 11 of 11 Conner Home$lJiII Connerllaurelhurst Project [06·()6.Q5] ·/:,./""":"::): ~""\,,. .. ... ,':' 61,;4$ 1;>"{(?44"'~ ::.' "'; ..•. ~ ' .... :=r ,,:.\'.' ::.... :.j: {<~~,."~/"','i"/I'"""">,,,, , '" SE-lt .. NWi .. s.c. 1S~ T .. 23N. i R .BE .. W. M. 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NWt: "..... . .:: :~. ! .' .:.:::: ......... :.;.: : S.ctlon 15·13-5 ::. C.nt ••• r.s .. tI~n.15-~. i ... : .:' J( Jf.W" <-""'. -'''',~-,...:::'~~ ""'/ .. ::.:'::"'" .;.:::; .. . ,'. ....... , :.:\:.~. .: ~. "':'. .: .. ' '.:' .::.' .';": '., .~ :'::: ..:.:,: .. :.,: . ... The only encro.chln.nta .ncounttd during thlt survey .ar. thl '''\1: •••• MDwn, The '.nCo. 11M .~ng th. South pt'Opwty lin_ .... n ..... con.ld.r.bly and chan9i1d ty.,. from • 'InIIOd r:-: !~!t~.~·=d :Ir~~.~c!t~:kt !'~~dr:l E •• tward, .,... ... ,.:;?: ............. ::. ':'i-"~'" ......... :: . .:: .... :.,' RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE 7.!!'{!J..!J.t.;t~r' m .. 1o, rl' •• rd)"~ ... ~.~ ... d':l.IIlr~'''I.A~ ..... .t;. ... In "ook,,'.!1-.. 0~ •• l p •••..... I1' •• , th ,.q".a, of ,:~:,,"~:;}J I::.:,.:;N, /~;::;:'.::,:~;:'::~;;" ) =-:-::1'-""'. '-~-:i,' ............... . ~=-::::-_......:""iii!:=-...;.:;;.::::,,.;;.;::.;;;~ ... ~~=:.:-:.:.,::,~'._, ... ~,:_i.:_:,_::_ •• -{:)! , ...... ,., .. :::;;;:'~"::,:~;;y. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thlt rna, cott.cttw ,ap, ••• "t ..... ,,,, "'t"a by m. ot ... d., II, lII't.otlo" lit .onl.' ....... wltb·th. BOUNDARY SURVey ,,/ (''';;; ..................... M1F!)~'I .. ~, •• !'!',.~l! ........................... _ , ... vlr.,.."tl " U, .... ,.,4tY "aao,dtnl Aot at tha r ....... , ...... !~::.~ .. _ C.rt,,' •• t_ No ....... J.§_~i?.!? ............... . for RESCO ... "/'A"!&/!.1~f!.~ .. M,r. tJIrP,.(.Y'" AI#UNAN · .. · .. ·.·~;t:··~·;R;;;;4; .. ·· .. · 111111101111111 20040220001247 WHEN RECORDED RE'IURNTO CONNER HOMBS COMPANY 846108TH AVENUE NE, SUITS 202 BEllEVUE; WASHINGTON 98004 CHICAGO TITLE UD 21 II PflGSee, OF "3 fl2/1e/2M4 14: 46 KDlG COUNTY. UA PAGEHt OF eet Iiii\ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~---------------1121137 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Dated PEBRUARY18,2004 THE GRANTOR RICHARD E STUfH, AN UNMARRIBD MAN for and m consideration of lEN DOLLARS AND O'IHER GOOD AND VALUABLBCONSlDERATION m hand paui, conveys and warrants to CONNER HOMES COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION the follOWIng descnbed real estate situated m the County of Tax Account Number(s) 152305-9016-04 State ofWashmgton THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, ALSO EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST SUBJECT TO EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN CHICAGO TITlE INS. 00:2) REF# ij/."l//J 2 -/0 UJd;(t RICHARD E srUTH ;':UU4U;':;O:UUUl ~1.UU;O: STATE OF HASHINGTON 55 COUNTY OF KING LV'+-ON THIS a DAY OP FEBRUARY, 2004, BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PBRSONALLY APPEARED RICHARD E STUTH KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DBSCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE SIGNED AND SEALBD THE SAME AS HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, POR THE USES AND PURPOSES HEREIN MENTIONED NOTARY SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME PAULA K ADAMS NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE RESIDING A~ KIRKLAND MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ON 12-29-04 NOTARY IRDAiO'nlOO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT A EscrowNo 1121137 RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD C~PANY ",UU4U",",UUUl ~ I.UU~ RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FRCl>! SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME RECORDING NUMBER: 192430 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTICE OF CHARGES BY WATER, SEWER, AND/OR STORM AND SURFACE WATER UTILITIES, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9606210966 . EXHIBIT/ROA(0999 WHEN RECORDED RErURNTO CONNER HOMES COMPANY 846 lOSTIIA VENUE NE. SUITE 202 BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 98004 Iflllll,,111 1,/lI1m4 t:~ 21. Ie A"O COUNTY, .. 53 E2073354 IIIH/2te4 U:4t KING COUNTY 1M TAX 118:.1 .. .. SALE $ se ..... .. PAGEl" OF eel 2UU4U~;SUUOO511.UOl ® CHICAGOTITLEINSURANCECOMPANY .---------------1115392 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Dated: SEPIEMBER 24,2004 THE GRANTOR ROYP. YAYAKAND SHARONlEEYAYAK, WHO ACQUJRED1TI1EAS SHARONlEEMOORE, AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE, AS HUSBAND AND WIfE for and in consideration of "lEN DOLLARS AND OlllER 0000 AND YALUABLE CONSIDERATION in hand paid, conveys and warrants to CONNBRHOMES COMPANY, A WASHINOTON CORPORATION the following described real estate situated in the County of KING Tax Account Number(s): 152305-90 17-03 State of Washington: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 138th AVE S.E. BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798210; and EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET FOR ROAD. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW. AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020206002079. SUBJECT TO: EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ON ATIACHED EXHIBIT "Aft AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN. ?;J;j£/J~ ~~ SHARON LEE VAVAK = STATE OF WAS,HIN!3TON COUNTY OF ~~~ S5 ON THIS ,;;)~""" DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2004 BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED ROY F. VAVAK AND SHARON LEE VAVAK KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLROOED THAT THEY SIGNED AND SEALED THE SAME AS THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE OSES AND PURPOSES HEREIN MENTIONED. ~: 010. •.. N ~NATORE -== PRINTED NAME: -.:S=~""O\.~~_~--...:.-:-:::::~:....:...,!;...-+--::c::-::-: NOTARY PUBLIC RESIDING AT __ ~==~~~~~~~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ON _\~;-~~~~ __ ..... --..... -..... -•... ~: ....... NOTARY 092100 CHICAGO TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT A Escrow No.: 1115392 SUBJECT TO: RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND BXCBPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BB MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE OSE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BXPLORING, DEVBLOPING AND WORKING THE SJ\ME. RBCORDING NUMBER: 192430 SAID RESERVATIONS WERE MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD AND LBSTER A. MORRIS .AND SYLVIA A. MORRIS, DATED NOVEMBER 20, 1934, RECORDED JANUARY 11, 1935, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2837830. THE INTEREST OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD IN SAID COAL AND IRON HAS BEEN CONVEYED TO MERIDIAN MINERALS COMPANY, A MONTANA CORPORATION, BY STATUTORY QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8806280226. TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE 4612 CREATING A SANITARY SEWER SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9606210966. 1!XHU!1T/1WA/0999 ~UU1' IV,",OVVU'VOl&..UU I '11111111111,---------- 20041008000611'11 WHEN RECORDED .REI'URNTO CONNER HOMES COMPANY 8461081HA VENUBNE, SUlI'E 202 1Il!ILBVUB, WASHINGTON 98004 CHICAGO nTLE "D 22 .. PAGEII. OF 1.4 . j(1!/18/ze.4 11:86 .NG COUNTY. UA E2075460 1',,1/2 .. 4 1t:48 KING COUNTY \JA TAX $UI·see ... SALE $1.1H ...... . ® _C_H_lCA_G_O_TI_1LE __ IN_S_U_RAN __ CE_C_O_MP_AN_Y ____ _ _ 1048837 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Dated: ocrOBBR.6.2004 THE GRANTOR JEANW. LUCAS, AN UNMARRIED PERSON for and in consideration of TENDOUARSAND 01HER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERA'IlON in hand paid, conveys and warrants to CONNERHOMBSCOMPANY,AWASHINGTONCORPORATION the following described real estate situated in the County of KING Tax Account Number( s): 152305-9018-02 State of Washington: THE NORTH HALF OF THe NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTeR OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, HILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEeT. SUBJECT TO: EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT "An AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN. flED BY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CO ~ REF.# IO'lg9~1-1() i --'UU4·.uuouuuao..::..uu. STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING ON THIS ~ DAY OF OCTOBBR, 2004, BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED JEAN W, LUCAS KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO BXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT SHE SIGNED AND SEALED THE SAME AS HER FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DBED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HBREIN MENTIONED, NOTARY SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME: ~Lk~~ NOTARY PUBL~C . iND/f'Oft ES iTBOP WASHINGTON RESIDING AT '/f~ , . _ til " ..... , MY COMMISSI EXPIRBS ON I r&d 5' vr-.:-~"J... K.~~"\ -..,~ •••••• : 1(,,1-41", f '. .. ~SS'O";~~ '" t :"~t-lOTAI?........ ~ ,,:0 )-:J3: ~ I' _ tn. ,. I ~ I>I ....... ~ 1I>: ~ I • . VOI.JlI • , ',~ ... 7 .:" ,f " ""?A· .. ?~<9~()~~.'·· ~ . \ <' O,t:.'....... .:" 1\\ W~ --"", ....... -. ..... --- NOTARY /RQA/ml .. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT A EsttowNo.: 1048837 RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRU>lENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: . 192430 JULY 18, 1985 8507180439 AUGUST 22, 1985 8508220599 AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: JEAN W. LUCAS RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 8509050851 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT GRANTING A PERMIT TO CONNECT A TEMPORARY/PERMANENT WATER SERVICE AND/OR MAIN IN 4 INCH MAIN IN 138TH AVENUE S.E. FOR THE ABOVE PROPERTY. THE OWNER(S) OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, THEIR SUCESSORS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS; HEREBY AGREE AND COVENANT TO PARTICIPATE IN, SIGN A PETITION IN SUPPORT OF, AND ACCEPT ANY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (L.I.D.) OR CITY-INITIATED PROPOSAL, OTHER THAN L.I.D. I AND PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE THEREFORE, FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE WATER MAIN IN 138TH AVENUE S.E. WHEN REQUIRED BY THE RENTON SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: JEAN W. LUCAS RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT MAY 1, 1986 EXHIBIT/R.DAt0999 ~UU~IVUOVUUVO~.U~ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: EXHIBIT A &aowNo.: 1048837 (continued) 8605010934 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE RENTON WATER DEPAR'lMENT GRANTING A PERMIT TO CONNECT A TEMPORARY/PERMANENT WATER SERVICE AND/OR MAIN IN 4 INCH WATERMAIN IN 138'l'H AVBNDE SE FOR SAID PREMISES RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY DECEMBER 15, 1966 6118786 AFFECTS: AN EASTERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY exhibi tclr 1111/121196 , '-'VIlIUI,,,'1I ~cm ~~4 LID 22." WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO OONNERHOMBS COMPANY 846 I08TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 12/21lzet4 "'J9 KING COUNTY. .. E2091467 1212t12H4 ":28 KING COUNTY UA T~X sa:.1 .. .. SAUii $4St ..... .. PAGEeet OF eel r.i\ _C_HI_CA_G_O_TInE __ IN_SU_RAN __ CE_C_O_M_P_AN_Y ____ _ '!!I 1121136 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Dated: DECflMBBR 16, 2004 THEGRANrOR JAMES A. BBLMONDO, ASlNGUl PERSON for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS AND anIER GOOD AND VALUABLE OONSIDERATION in hand paid, conveys and warrants to CONNER HOMES COMPANY, A WASHINGTON OORPORATION the fol1owing described real estate situated in the County of KING Tax Account Number(s): 1523059079-08 CHICAGO TITlE INS. fd!?} REf# // ,2 // )' -(() State of Washington: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED l40TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THB FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: CCJ.1MBNCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00· EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION 1iWD/1IDA/0'i1I9 Escrow' No.: 1121136 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BXHIBITA Title No.: 1121136 (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) SUBJECT TO: EXCEPTIONS SET FORTH ON ATIACHED EXHIBIT "An AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN. escex/rda/0899 S5 COUNTY OF __ ~~~ ____________ _ STATE OF WAS~ ON THIS...::C! . DAY OF DECEMBER, 2004 BEFORE ME, THB UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COI+lISSIONBD AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEARED JAMBS A. BELMONDO KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBBD IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGBD THAT HE SIGNED AND SEALED THE SAME AS HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES HBRBIN MBNTIONED. "mARY IRDAf"""OO ----------------------------- ;;" CIllCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT A EscrowNo.: 1121136 SUBJECT TO: EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: .AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY UTILITIES SYSTEMS 10 FEET IN WIDTH HAVING 5 FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF GRANTEE'S SYSTEMS LOCATED AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTION, EXTENDED OR RELOCATED, EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OCCUPIED BY EXISTING BUILDING FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS, AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES APRIL 22, 1999 9904220665 RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BB MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USB AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 192430 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 4612, ESTABLISHING CONNECTION CHARGES FOR SEWER FACILITIES, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9606210966. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY DECEMBER 15, 1966 6118786 ~11 1 ur nt.l~ lUl'4 CONNER/BEUIONDO LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-129-Ll.A LNO-.30-0285 DECLARA TION I(NOW AU. .. 0. IY ncS£ PftC.SIE.Hts TH.T WE nc UNOIJI"SIQoIU) O ... £ItfS) C:I 1H£ I.AHO HDIEIN D£SC:MIO) 00 HDIIQY wNe[: A loOT UNI: AOoAJSTWlHT ~a' F"URSUNolT TO IIC. Sl.11.040 ItKJ O[Q, ... u 1MS AC.&I'S,..,.T TO at M QltNIMC fllllUl'CSDlTAnott Of! THE S ..... I:. iMO T'MAT SAAD ADoIJSl\&OfT IS wAl)( _TH 1H( "Ra CONSENT iMO 1*'1 ~.trHCt .,TH 1H( D[$IIIID (I lH( 0..0(5). IN 'MTW£SS 'tIIHER£Cf' 1( 104 ... -"; SlT CU HNrC'J'S NfIJ StAlS. CONNEll: HOW£S C::CWA't'. ... w ... SHfNGTe»t C~AnCl( ~ rkflJf~ 115;""",1_ "r"'-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S'AT'[ OF WASHlHCTOH ) ~1tAI'J )5S COlI"TTOt ~ I ~US'1~~:"~O~o:.o~ TO. TH( INOI'¥tOUI4.(S) DlSCJIaBED IN AHO -..0 (l&tOJlID TH[ _n.. .uC) rOA[GOINQ INSntuwocT. I4Ht:J AQ(~ ""AT tCI'»I[ SICJC l::i ~~~ :!o"~ost;~ ~~ACeT -OQI). 'oo DA1tD~t4dtvJ __ .... ltD HANr; L..i¥ M. Qi~ ~ . ~~:::'1o;~~= 'ClR TH( "...,. FI£Sl.OINOAl" ~ "' ' •• 01"""'" <_s ~ lot STAn OF ... ASH/HeTON } II 'WI ISS C()JNl"TOI~) LEGAL DESCRIPll0N UfT I: I M NOR'nt MIIIJ t6 .-1H(J.$T QJM1Ut CI TH( SOUfH(AST Qu""''TD' OF 'noll NCftTH'II(ST Qu .... m 01 stC1lON Is" To.. .. ZJ ~TM. RAWit $ £AST, W.W .. '" KING COUNTY. "'ASHlHGTtIH; Da:l'T 1Ht: _111 2D fU:T; Da:l'T 1Ht: lEST 20 fU:T; _ uaJ'T TI1( lAST 20 fU:T; LDT;z. 1\4"T PCIt'ftClrf r:I THE HQIItlM HALF (:I 'FM£ SClJTH HAlF ($ n1£ HaRMAST OUARmt r;, THE SClJl1oI(AST CUofrltlD ('I ftC HQ111H1IOT QUNum CI S[C'nON 1:5. TO_SHIP 23 NOATl1. RAHG( S EAST. N&.J..AWETTE MDIDlNt. IN KM ocuny ..... SHf!4G~; . [JICOtT 1Hr u.sT 20 nET; AoN01 Da:I'T 1Ht: 1IOT 20 fU:T , ... """") TOGI(THOt wnt ,",T ~~ (:I VACAltl) 140TH "'~U( S.E. 'M-IIOt WOOLO AnAOt BY CPERAnON rI LAw, AS NO\CIO) tI IICIH(; CClUMT'Y CJI:DINAHCE NO. 13220, M~OfD UHOER AECCAOIHG ..uweo:t 2_7'1. NOTES ,. ~ lIfU IfrWOIIIMA lICIN ..a.. ON M$ YAP HA.$ 8Q)I [XTRACTtl) ",ow CHICACO nu IHSUIIIANct cc:y,..,y ~T ~1ft:A1t OII'DP HO, U ....... 21. DAlm OCT~ e.. 2004, ." Pfl'Dt ..... c ,,", ""P. cORE ~. tNC. HASi COOJCTUI NO ~T n1\.£ SEARCH "'OR 15 COM D£SlQoI, 'He .... wAlt( (;F Al4Y nn.£ lsa.c:s ""'lC'J'WG '"' ~'fU) ~rr O~ Tt1A.N THOSE SHO'11t4 ON T11E ....... AHO DSQ.OSiED 8'1' 1'11£ III7I:JIIIDtC:C flU COMn.lHn. COM DESI~. INC. HAS RflJED M101J.Y ON OiICAGO nT\..[ ftEP1It(5EHTAnOH (7 ltC nnes CCIrO'fK»t TO ""[PAR[ 'nilS SUR'o'(Y """0 T'H£RG'QR( CORt ot5l"". INC, W.t.UntS THE wAP'S ~ ItM) COW\£l'OCSS TO THAT cxTD4T. 2.. ,... &Ift'4CY .'''lIIsons ~SIU PtiY$ICAL IWPRO\OlEHT COHOInCHS [XI$1'\NO ON O[~ la, 2003, AU.. SUR\A:Y COH"'Q,. ~TtD AS '"rOJHD-w.u ft£CO~EO F'OA THIS PRO.,£CT IN ....... '1'. lOO2. J. IrIIo.I. OI$TAHCO /II1II. IH raT, ., '"' IS A Nl.D "' ... UI/(Y, • 5CJO(IA Fll,o( stcC»tO COW8NC) Q,£CTRONIC TOTN. ST.TIOH .AS usm TO wtAIUM 1H[ Af<U..J& /IH) DlSTAHC[ It£l..An(»oj~s BET'\IfDi M CON",CUJNO WClNUW[NTAnON AS 5HC)WriI. Q..OSUIII!' .. nos r, THE llU,'tO!S( I.£T M (XCttD£O 'IliOs( SPEOFIED IN WAC JJ2-13().<WO. I)ST.t.Ha WlASIJIWIfO ~T HAS KD4 COWPAAfD TO AN N.C.S. 8.uD.JN( WiIIThIH ON( 'I'tAA CF T'H£ DATE rs TMlS SUft\€Y. n~o C.SEO CQHCAETt WON / FNO l" SURF"C( DISC w/l/e· COPP(R p!poj "'INC COUNfY SURVEY ON 0.6' ~ 1/01/02 YON ST ..... P(O IO-I~ CITY 01 R£NTON 15.!!I.69 '0 ON 7/01/02 COH~OL POiNT ,l!10J 1292.84 1!1 Cl~ ~ -~ ~ = 5 ~ ~~ % ~ ~ NSS'IS'I,"W Me.e·I!S·I'"W 8~ 12$7.7.. 129 ~ ~L_$i ~ e ~ " ~ HEl.O KING COUNT'Y POINT ,,'5e ~ I WJbJ'l;'\:; K~.irl#r SAnS"c~; ~~AT .....we __ lOt. ... 0 / SURI'I'Y COHIR"" NU"29·,0·w 16~1!I .f;) 26~2.22" 14 SAID PtRSON ACc:NO'fiUDGtD not ... T H£/SHl !IGJrCD 1'14:1 INJ~T; ON 04TH STAtm 'h4AT H'If§mJ~'ZEl) 10 txl:CU1t~c:~~'tL~ IT" ... WA$M1HGTOf'oI CORPM'" nON TO 8t fl.l£ nta /I.H) ~T""Y ACT Off tu04 """TY ,-QIt nc: us", "'" "" •• OS<S ""'"ON'" I. 1>« IHSTftWD<T~ ~ DArtt f\lwa..1o!l B ,00. _ltIl.-. e9~ HOTMY PVaJC IN AHO ~ M r.~ ~7lff'L I WY ~'l\t£H1XPlRii ,LIM'" " ........ ....... ~ .J ~ .~ F'ND CASEO CONCA!Tt C) f: wON w/I/4" BRONZE: PIN SECTION SUBOIVSJON ~;; ON 0.7 ON 7/01/02 DIAGRAM ~ & CITY ('I IUNTON ,,2: CONTROL POINT '478 MOT TO seAl.,[ ~ nolo CASED CONCAETt IroION w/)" BRONZE DISC ON 1.7' ON 7/01/02 CITy OF RENTON COHn:l.Ol POINT "ass RESTRICllONS LOT 1: I, 1Ms .11 IS ~ 10 ""'A~ ..... DCEJt'ftDHS can ...... OEm ntaw NORnotc PAone .~ CP.:IWMY • ..,.,.. ,.. DC::IJ'1IiIO .... SoC '-"'-so WQ4 OR: SUOt POII1XI1IS ~or AS ARE ~ ... , • ....,.. LMDI CIt CDfT..., CD.trl. ca ItCII. "., N.SD THE U$€ AND THE JlltQ4T AND nu TO 'he ua: rI &JOt .... IICI[ CIIC:Ue AI MA' • ......,. FaIt GIlCUID (llQAlM)HS NrC) 1ME ~~~~~~",="-=~~~co... _r ___ NO.1U4lIO. 2. _ ,ITt 1$ _ Ta TI1( 1U1II~ "'" ... _ .. 1111 satlMX 'ItQIj 1IE OTT OF .... lIIH _ .u..Y II. 1_ AS IISWIIID IY lIS_r IUOIDED __ NO. .... ,,-.0. 3. MS Sl1t IS 5l&.ECT TO l1C IItD11IIC'ftC:lilS nIIt SiiInUI MID WAD SI1MC£ ~ 'n£ OTY C'I MNTON REa.arD AUGUST 21. 1.-, AI CdCI.OIED IIY ~T ~ ~ IIC(IIQHO NO. -. •• 1HrS Silt IS --.acr 10 1H( lDIMS NC) ~$ f7 an OF M)r4n.. ltlIIOIUIty •• m ~ ItGlItEIWDIT -=-c .,.~ So teeo AS DtSQ.05ED IY ...sl'MMEHT M:¢OADED I..IfrCIER MCCfIDING HO._l. S. TItS lin: 1$ _ TO 1IE m.ws AIel ~ OF TI1( OTT OF IIOIlIIH _..oY WA1tIt SO~ .toCIIIEDIOtf JCCaiaD "AY t. 1 .. ' A5 txSCl.OSi» IV "~T 1tECQRDEI) UMOOI RECOftOIHQ NO. MOeOlc.l-4. e.. THIS Sin: IS .--...c'1' TO 1IC ItICHT 10 ....... [ tCC:ES!oNtY s...r.o ~ QrR Oft nu..s UPON PftaI'DtT"r ..... DESa8M%) .S GRNfl'U) '" DaD It[COftDIXl Q[CDlIIOt 15. I'" AS DfSQ..OSm 'T INS'1'IItUW£HT R£CQIItDC UrCID ~ MO.. 11117 ... \.Or:o I. nn Slt IS s.&acT 'TO M 11JI8,IS N<fD caonCHs OF AM EASlJ"tOlT TO ~ souNO D40tGY rat U1'lJTI£S S'I'S1"£WS ~ ~ u. 1n' AS CIISQ.OSED IT .. muWEN1' IU:CClAOQ) IJHOOt R£CClR(»HO NO.~ 2. lHIS tilt IS ...-..:cr TO KlilDrvAnC»4S IMIJ DaPTlClNS CC»fTAHJ) IN DaD nKIM HClRl11DtN p.a~e ItAlJltOAD ca.pAHY, ~w.G AN) Da:PTlHQ "'OW SAl) L.ANOS so WUQf CIt aJOt POA~S ntUttOF "'5 /tIIS. CIt WAY I[ """AL. L.N4OS (lit ~TA/H co .... QIIt IMIC. AHO AlSO THE uS[ AHD THE RlCHT AHO TlU TO 1H[ US[ t:I SUOt SURf'ACE ~OUfoID AS WAY at HEc:ES'SNtY f'OR QllCUID (FOAnoNS AHO T'I1E 1IIKJ.f1' (I ACC[S$ TO SU04 ~ /IH) Da:pTm ~ ...... UtHOs. IHOJ..IOIHQ LNCIS CONT ...... C CO""" CIt ftCIoI. ~ THE ~ (7 OP\.c:N4G, OE'4Lcwa\NG N«) WOR~UHG 1H£ SAllE AS Dlsa..OSED 8'1' HS~T Jl[CQIIIUI) UfClDt M:c:oIDHC NO. 1124JO. J. lHIS SIn: IS Sl.&£CT 10 'n4( l'!Ji'WS IMIJ CCNDI"CtfS rI THt OlY OF ftOI'f'C»4 CR:lIftAHa: NO. 4812 RECOM)[D ..l.N 21. I'" AS 0tSa..0SEJ) IY INS1RVW£HT R[COfU)(D UHODI: M:~C NO. N062tOt" N~ ASS£$SICJoIT ClSftllCT ~ ~T""Y ShIDI: SDtw:£. 4. lHS Silt IS SlI.IBZCT TO T'H( ROtT TO 1IIiJ(( H[tQ:SNty SLOPtS 10Jt OJT'S OR nu.s UPOH "OPOT'Y HDtIlN CI£SQIt&D AS CiltNH1D IN DaD IIt(C.OIUIG) oe:c::EWao IS. 11M AS DISCLOSED ay IHS1'RUW£HT RtCQRIXD I.I4DOt IltECCfI!DItG NO. '111711. DECLARATION_OF COVENANT 1HE OWCM OF 1tC LMD a-ACC .,.. 1MS LCT L..N: AD..LIS1\CNT. IN IU7Y\.IItN 'CR 'TH[ IOIE1'1T TO ACCM.I( "'<at "MS ~ IT ~ t4IMCIN CO\IIM.UfT NrC MIIiIEE TO CON'4:Y 1M[ lDCFIaAl. IN1D(ST It lH[ 'llW<ltMY ~T 840IH ON 'nIS LOT UNE AQ..IJn.DIT TO ~Y NrC) AU. n.J1\JR( "'-IIt04ASrJtS OT 'ftC !.Oft. tI NfT ~s 1HaIXF. TMS CO'tOfAHT 1ttAU. "UN .1M W LNIO .s '"'*" ON na LOT Ute AD.IJS1WDfT. THIS O£CI..Nt.1tON OF CO'«NNtT Kcawa NJU. AHO YCIIO ~ nc ~ .... '1W.AT 1Hl ~ ~NtCIl. • IS _loG) W'ft4 ana WlN41 Of ACCE$S. NEW TEMPORARY PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS· & UllUllES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT N[W -...0, _An: DICWlI-C "' ..... T"'" -. raoas ..., u"una 1$ 10 IE Cll£A1tD l.PON l'H[ SAL[ Of U)lJ SH(IiMr( ON THIS LOT LJrt[ AWJ$1WEHT. 'M OWIG a; PUtCEL, • "'AU. HA~ o-tDtSHr...., ~n fOR nc ...... 'lDlNU C'lTIC l'tWOItMY PIIIVAlt 4CCDS £ASDM)lT Allll\.WtT'OtANCa. 'na! Nlll\.ltftNM(EJ MCJ VAIIIITDlAINC[ ~""1I£'S INQJ..ID£ 'ftC' flEpMt N«) ...... 'f'!Jt.AHCX tI ltC .... "'.11 IICCED ~. Dft ..... o\QE P'IPES., AHO natw WAlU ClUAUT"r Ntil)/~ O£lt)rfllON 'Ar.QlJ'NS .,... 1MtS EASEwon, "'YA~ SlGNAGE. NolO OTHER IHF1II'AllWUCT\JR, Nor OlIINID IY 1H( aTY ", IiIOff'OPI CIt O'fMOt U1l:UT'Y PItO\4IXlIt$. WNHTDW«% COSTS SHA/J. IE SHAltED ECUAU,Y. P.wur.G .. " AQZSS ~T IS ~lED. UHL£SS PA'tGmfT WIDTH IS .... TDI 'nolAN 20 rEET, ""'$ W..,.1DIA,trG ~T IItCCJI6tI NUt.J.. AHD ¥CIO ~ M "'lO .... OH THAT THE: I..NCIUXl<Ul P~ • IS SDt'G 'litH OTHiDt WENtS (T AeCD$. -~ o ~ • ~ 8 ~, 01 -.,,", \ --01;\ , .. ~~ ;,J ........ .-.. •••• ".1: APPROVAL CITY or RENTON C~aRE '.7"Nf,,,.''-$oMo 10' \IJ~ .....,..w ........ ,eCJO.1 \.. _ _ ~ J:l$.US.7,71 '0. 4,J."J.,.,'3 ENG/NfEIING· PLANNING ~ APPROVEO THIS ..d OAY OF /J"off .. ~r{ 20~ _J:Jt.il..~1'" '''U Z, ........ " ...... Plonnlnq/eulidinQ/~ublic Workt Oeportment "dmlnislrotor t::ltomlnou and opprOvtd In" ~Q)' 0' 2ClC2i 'iNC COUNTY OEPARTI.IENT or A,SESSlla ~.tL.Nab Is. tl:do "'MM l\;rucOSn .. t~cl.l9cn9 Dtputy Kin; County AUUlor RECORDINC NO. ~ DESIGN LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORnON Of' ~ ., ...•. Y. .. (.oP •• " .... :":t-· ... 1'" (J) This LOT UNE AOJUSll.4ENT correctly represents filed for '.cord thi, .. _JtdOY of < Q Survey mod. by me or und« my direction 'In t:w..... .• 20.-:( .. ot1:·!.~~ in bOOk .t:l .. ~. 0 con'ormonc. wIth .tot. onO county Itotu'.. ot ..... "ot P09"~.t:;; ot tho requelt of .2Ll/. ot ~,/ •. S.J2... T.£ R . ..2,. W.II. [' Ul In AUGUST. 200. ~. ~ " ..c...-.:. ..... ~.~ OVoN. BY DATE JOB NO. » . .Wlt..J~~. .."" SUR"';yOR'S 'ijjtC L I... J;(/. AKS 10/01/04 02052 ~ Certificate No. . .. ~~~~.?... .. .............. ~J'l-'<~.... .~ CHKO. av SCAU: SHEET "'qr. Supt. of Recor I '-.50' 1 Of" 2 '0 y. x 'Or'M os * CITY OF RENTON CONNER/BELMONDO LOT UNE ADJUSTllENT LUA-04-129-LJ.A LNO-30-0265 CrY OF ROfitIN AOORESS PARCEl. A 4725 N.t. 2ND ST. P~cn.1 128 DUvAll. AVE. N.E. AREA BEFORE UA ~OT II 188.275:1: SO. FT. 1 '(4.3222:1: AC.) ~OT 103.592:1: SO. FT. 2 (2.3782: AC.) ... : .JH ( ST Nf£A IoF"It:II J UA ~ PARCEl.I215O.3JU SQ. FT. !r A . (5.7441ti AC.) ;f-~M ST PARCEl.j 41,533:1: SQ. FT. B (0.8535:1: AC.) ---II I-L.. -~ --J -"~"".~."::: .• o "'~.=>... _ I -« ""OST. t I ~"·'.I I I ~ N.E. 2ND ST, (S.[. 132NO ST.) '0 . '"I '"J1~' I I " 1'"1 r I - ;j' <Ii I~ :,; ~ i ... 1 ~ :a l ~ :)(I'! ..; ..,~ Z 12 ~ !!J:; 3 ~ . ,~ I > ,,& I ~ I I ~ I I [] / La <or' , P.N. 15J20590lS OLD LOT UNC ~ '" ,..orr· ALl.. 8UII.DINC~ IN 1..0' 1 TO at REwOVEO PRlOA TO 'HE CONsmtuCn~ Of THE P\,A T or LAUliltI..H\IR$T S U/tl/£ N0All1 HALF' Ntl!"". srll". HWlj4 sec ,5-2.)-05 I~'"' I L .~~~!~-- a.! I '" ; '" I ; I '" ~ I : I PUG£T COLONY (" ... :s; HOWES 20'1 ~ ~ r-~\ I /- / I / ----- --"--f --. ., J2o.01 HUll W .4 L,o .,o[ ru.poo •• , '''YAT[ "GR[Ss. (GRESS .NO unulY £A$("£Nf • --L --\u--------------0:,--:~.:::;; --'.~ • ,~~ __ ~ J ~~";':-C"'CON'o.O!NAHC[ I r-NO. 13228 l!: LOr 2 RtC. HO 2002020&OO207g p N 15,)2059079. (ADJACENT TO LOT 2) l.~ . MMZJ.. I :::; ~Tt _~ r- ::0' 'C I-- APPROVAL CI TY OF REN TON !'HoEK 8UilOlNGS IN' ",ot 2 TO BE 1570 I l! R£ .. O'o'(.O PfltlOfil TO THE CCNSTRucnOH r:x Tk( p\.A. T rs L4UR£&..!1UIltST I I 377. ~ I ."'21 -... Nel"21'C!Y s. UN[ N.Ii. SJ\. H(I/"~ $£1/ •• HM/4 S[C.t5 ... U .. OS ~ ~Q8! UNP~A TltO. (PORllON 01' THE ~RElJ"'NMIY ~LA T OF ~URELJiURST) 1471 J HI 2ffIt.hoc. ~ 101 .......... W~fIOIt 91007 42UIS.7,77 Fo. 42S.t'S.?'" INOINllIIINO· fL ... NN/NO· 1/ :/ I r--- A.~ROIlEO THIS _l1... DAY OF w...,-ko" 20.e!l _~.:t!t .£0. ... " 1., ...... ., .... Plannlt'lg/Bullding/Publlc W~ s O.portment Administrator LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORTION OF' .................... filed fer record thia ... "" .... dgy of ~ VICINITY MAP " -lOCO'a: ~ 1 SCALE: ," = 50 25 50 100 : I ' BASIS OF BEARINGS MOO'S7'2I"t. ...... 0 !H, CST t.oC ""'/. acncl. 11-13-1 ItntI:EN OT"r' OF RtHTOH OOHTfIIQ. PQHT'S I100J .. ,." LEG£ND e sn 1/1-x 2.-IIUM wl'r'D.L.Ow F\ASnC C» STAWPED -CORE lO421' .......... 20 ....... 0t... ...... In book ........ SE of ........ at .ag' ......... at t,_ ... ".~t 01 __ 1/4.1 ~,/ •. S.~ T.A R . .2.. W .... KINe COUNTY OEPART\lENT 01' ASSESSMENTS (llomlned and QPpro~.~ thil ~ dOy ot ____ 20_ o su~'y l.~~d~N:y ~.~~~n~~ ~;r~i~.t~rj:n·~~etents conformance with Itch end county ItotUt4 . .......... " ......... "........... DtfIII1'oj. 8V 0 ... 1£ JOB NO. ~~ ilKS 10/01/0< 02052 ... """ .......... 7............... CHKO. BY SCA~ SHEET ""9r. Supt. ef Record' '·.50' 2 OF 2 in AUGUST. 2004 ~~.~~~ C.rtlficat. No. ..}~~.~? .. .' . ~l:~;;;;;S;;---Deputy ~ln9 Count)' ........ or RECORDING NO. .~. IOJ ffi I Return Address: Clerk of the Council Metropolitan King County Council Room W 1025 King County Courthouse Seattle, WA 98104 III Pleasepnntorlype.nfonnatlon WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 6504) Document Title(s) (or transactions contamed therem) (all areas apphcable to your document must be filled m) t Ordinance 13228 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the vacation of a portion of 140th Avenue Southeast V-219S. Petitioners: James Belmondo; Richard E. Stuth and Janis Vander Hoek; Ray F. and Sharon Lee Vavak. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: AddItional reference #'s on page __ of document Grantor(s) (Last name, first name, lrutlals) I King County, Washington AddItional names on page __ of document Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and JOlhals) t • 2 , AddltJonal names on page __ of document Legal description (abbreVIated I e lot, block, plat or sectIon, township, range) That portion of l40th Avenue Southeast as conveyed to King County by the Deed recorded in ............. Additional legal IS on page __ of document Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number Asses<;or Ta:t # not yet assigned The Auditor/Recorder Will rely on the mformatlon provided on the form The staff wdl not read the document to venfy the accuracy or completeness of the IOdcxmg information prOVided herem I am requestmg an emergency nonstandard recordmg for an addItwnaJ fee as provJded In RCW 36 18010 I understand that the recordmg proces~mg reqUirements may cover up Ot otherWIse obscure some part of the text of the ongmal document _____________________ SJgnature of Requestmg Patty 1 2 3 a'\ t:o--4 c::t 5 ~ Cl 6 c:::t a::a. 7 c= 8 c:--.r 9 r;;:2 10 C'I 11 c:::. c::;) 12 c-.a 13 14 15 16 June I, 1998 V-2195 Introduced By Proposed No : AOBMCKENNA Lowse Milfei ORDINANCE NO. 13228 J AN ORDINANCE authonzmg the vacation of a portlon of 140th Avenue SoutheastV-2195 Petlooners: lames Belmondo; Richard E Stuth and JanIs Vander Hoek; Ray F and Sharon Lee Vavak. STATEMENT OF FACTS 1 A petI00n has been filed requestmg vacation of that pomon of l40th Avenue Southeast lymg south of Southeast 132nd Street and north of Southeast 136th Street 2 The petinon was sIgned by all property owners abutimg 140th Avenue Southeast lymg south of Southeast I 32nd Street and north of SQutheast 136th Street 3. The department of transportation has receIved comments and recommendations regardmg the proposed road vacatIon from the vanous agenCIes The utdlty comparues servmg the area have been notified, and road ServIces diVISIon was adVIsed that easements are not requlred over the revtsed portton of the proposed vacation area. - 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 c:p 16 ~ ~ 17 CN 18 C) c:> 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ C) 22 <"'-I 23 C) 24 C) C"-I 13228· . : 4 The department oftransportatlOn found no eVldence that the area has ever been open as a road A revtew of the records mchcates that no pubbc funds have been expended for Its acquISltJon, Improvement, or mamtenance The department of transportation consIders the subject nght-of-way unnecessary as part of the county road system and belIeves that the publIc would benefit by the return of thIS unused area to the pubhc tax rolls 5 The nght-of-way IS classrlied "C-Class" and m accordance Wlth KCC 14.40.020, the compensatJon due Kmg County 15 based on fifty percent of the appraIsed value of the adjolDlng lands wInch may be determmed from records of the department of assessments Kmg County IS m receipt ofS10,307 31 from the petJt1oners, James Belmondo (tax lot 1523059079), RIChard E Stuth and Janrs Vander Hoek (tax lot 1523059016), and Roy F and Sharon Lee Vavak (tax lot 1523059017) 6 The legal descnptlon of the ongmal vacation area has been reVIsed to vacate that pornon of 140th Avenue Southeast for wInch compensatJon has been paId heremafter descnbed. Due notice was gIven m the manner proVlded by law and a beanng was held by the office of the heanng exarmner on the 21st day of May, 1998 In conslderatJon of the benefits to be denved from the subject vacatlon, the counet! has determmed that It IS m the best mterest of the CItIzenS ofKmg COWlty to grant said petltlon -2 - CJ'\ t-o C'I Cl C) Q:;) ~ C"'l C;) C"'l 'c) • C;) C"'4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 13228· BE IT ORDAINED BY 11IE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY SECTION I The councIl, on the cf(dl nL day of ~l.-L • 19-2.%., hereby vacates and abandons that portlon of 140th Avenue Southeast descnbed as follows That portJ.on of 140th Avenue Southeast as conveyed to Kmg County by the Deed recorded In Volume 4874 of Deeds, page 639, records ofKmg County, Wasiungton, lymg Northerly of the Easterly extenSlou of the North hne of KImber Lane, recorded m Volume 91 of Plats, page 13, records ofKmg County. Wasrungton, and lymg Southerly of the Easterly extensIon of the North lme of the North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter ofSectton 15, Townshtp 23 North, Range 5 East, W M, Kmg County, WashIngton, Contammg an area of 13,153 square feet more or less INTRODUCED AND READ for the first tune thts :So 77ay of . 4 ___ ~ __ ~-"'--"'----', 199Y PASSED by a vote of ~ to ~ tlus ;; !11t~ay Of_~-fl'="';~""---" 19 ttY- ATTEST KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~~ ChaIT APPROVED thIS <"312 day of_-rl~..."rtL-=-:;;:;...-_----.J 19 ctf ~ -~ ~4..--' -g ounty xecutlve - 3 - 1IIIIIIIIlU 4000961 2S.00 /. R~IJl:iiA~dress: " ...... qiy:Cle*?'-sOfftce '. ", J£~ityof,Rynton\ '\., .. ". . ....... ' 10.S5 South Grady Way " .", ,/". gent~~, VIA ?89S5 ' , ..... '''.'':. " .~ ," ," ," .~. :.~. "":'-'" ,', ~" .;./' ::' .~: -, .. ,. ~"',.':~:: PI~e p~~t ~:~yp:~ inf6Lat~n WA§~ING;ON·STA.TE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 65.04) Document TItle(s)..(6r tra~~acti.o~s co.Qt:ilqfdiherein)Aalf~~~ applicable to your document must be filled in) 3 1.. ordinance:k~:.,~B~''''·/ .. /="//';'.<;: ') : .. ,:.::~· ... ::;.: .. ,24::./ -----------------1 " ,-: /-.;.:,',::' .~:. ,,'~:" Reference Number(s) of Doc~mentS as~gn~d or released: "'\ .~. . ,/."' /' ./ /' :: :.\. .... ,'.:-.~. Additional reference #' s on page _ of docu~nt .. ~:''': " "~"";"/~ .' :;'. Grantor(s) (L~St.lIame first name. initials) 1. City QtRentdn:. 2. . -':,.;: ... " .. ,-" .,' . ". , ,~, .. :.~. " ;:::-;'.<. Additio~l nai~s ofi, pag~ _ of document. .... :' ;' Grap'tee(s) (Las;·name;first. then first name and initials) 1. i .. ' .::'."" ..... , .. 2.: ___ ._, .. _.-'_. _""' .. ...,.. ;-.. _--:=_-::-----:~;, Additi6ila.I.nam.es'~n page L o.f docbmept-.. ·"., . . ,~,: .... " ::.:,: ,': ,', ,'-.... " .. ' Legal description :(abbrtiviii~ed:Xe{lot b~oo\l:, pl~t.or s~tion, township. range) The East 20.00 feet'i:)f the North:Half.bf t~.Ncitthe~stQuarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15>TOWri~hiP' 23{North,R~ng.e 5 ?~st, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 20:QO J~et thereof. :~ .,': ," .: ........ : ,',' " .' .' .::. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number " : I:' L· '.: .. '. 1523059018, .. ' ./:1' :(D':tssess'o'r Ta~.~ not yet assigned The AuditorlRecorder will rely on the information provi,ged on the forfu. T\'le staffw.ilI nof read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing inforihaiion="provfded !=iereiri::' " .... , I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording'fQ~'an ~dditjonar fee.··a.s·provided:jn RCW 36.18,010. I understand that the recording processing requir~m~nts:may:c.6ver up'qr othe~i~e obscure some part of the text on the original document. ..... .;::. / J :.' .J.:.: ..... ",' /'./ ./:, ..... . :,: r "',. . ... ,' .~,/ ______________________ ~·ignat4redfReq~~sting'PartY .. ' "" .~'::'. '., . i.: .:' lo :: ~', .~' :::" ./,. ', .. ' .~.":' CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of Ocdi(}atJfe ~ oS / ~ t . Subscribed and sealed this 911' day of Mgult ,20 OS ~ ... -tj)~ City Clerk CITY'OF RENTON, W ASlllNGTON ...... ' .' ./"\. /':":":~/ O~~ANCENO. 5128 J bari~~~ QF:')';~" .,c.h::':9F RENTON, WASHINGTON VACA TING.A PORTJON'OF lJ'8JMlRQVED ROAD LOCATED ON 140m A ~N.UE S~E. BEnVEE}rJ S.E. j3~~'si:REET AND S.E. 136TH STREET. (CONNEll HOME~;·VAC.':'04-9f»))/· "\. WHEREAS, ;(.pr~r Pe~tiOn'~;O;.:~:~tkg,ap(jrtif>n of uniIllprQved road located on 140th Avenue S.E. b~:ee~;":~_E/'~3~' Sff~::d.$£. '~~3-6th St;~t(as filed with the "':":':/ /' :,:-" .:~: .. ~" .;~:.. :~: :/" ''::: .. ~. City Clerk on or about April 15, iOQ4/ and tIJ"t petitio~ W'~s ~iSne!l.,b¥ .. the owners repres~;~g'm9re than two-thirds (213) ~~th~\'ro;~ ~bu~~ yp:n ~~,~tf~t':~i::~ey ti:::'):' :',' ':::::. .~;::.~ '::~, ... ,/' .:'/ .:' .............. ):} .:.';.:: } be ~cate~k;md·:..? ._ . '. .i· .': .tJRE~S, the City Council, by Resolution N~·:···i~~91t. paise(f'~n J~Y/~77 .:d~04, set .' .' " ',' .' .' .: /;'~une/14) ~~47 ~ ],:3<t'p,.1)l. in the City Council Chambers of the ci~"~·6t¢htoii asjhe time and .' ::'. :. ;:., . '. ". :," .. ," .~ . . ,' :~·:: •. placef~r a pllb~~ he¢ng ori:~this matter~ and the City Clerk having given pr6~{ notice of this .. , .. :. ."~. :.':" .-:' :;' hearing' as prq,Vided bYJ~w,k~,·ail·p~~son.s having been heard who appeared to testifY in favor or .~" in opposition ·::(.>n thi~ 1Jl~~t~r, ~~Ci.he City:'CQuncil having considered all information and .•..... .,,/' :': .. :' .::~.,': ,:' :: arguments presen~~~{t~ it; ~~d ::~. . .' .' .. ; , .. ~"'. .' .,' .... . :- WHEREAS. the Adtllinistra,t6~ ()f th~' Plafuunskyii~lriM>ublic Works Department has considered this petition for va~~:~' anJ:has ~owi~' itj~ ~··~.th::~~~~~·.MRer.est and for the public .:. .:' " :.:' ;: .' . ~ benefit, and that no injury or damage to ~y peison;~r p:~oP~ies.~ill resu,lt fro&. this vacation; . ;'. '.:: .:' .:. .:. :', .... . ~ :", NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL.9F n,ffi CtfY,OF gF;NTON, ,.' )~. :~. : WASlllNGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL ./ ;':' The following described portion ofu~Ptov¥ road'loC:<it~d:(m:"': ':". 140th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 13200 Street and S.E. 136th Street, to wit:';""""'" 1 ORDlNANCENO. 5128 ·/).',::::·[th~ .. right-of-way 20 feet in width ~d approximately 308 feet in length, of ,~,::" .. /,. /: ... :' 140 Ayenue S.E., south of S.E. 132 Street] :':":<",, . • ,.,,i."/ .: .. ':S(;e Exhibits._',~A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully 'til".,.u,-'-".::' s~~·:foI1h Jlerein ',' '. . .. ~"". /~ h~e~ va~ed .$\ib~ct *0 .ij':>~~rm#~ter utility easement over, across, under and on all the f~~o~g::d:sbrib" .. J~ i,ri:f~~or of~~·.'ci~:".~«)'· ./':';, The ~l:l~,06"~~yl:f *iC~~rth H;~~~:th~ Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest.:Qu~er ofS~bilJ5, .Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, ~g:Coun.tY, washjfigtgl1. ./''''''''.,. ,'.::. '" . . " . ",:-". f: ';.::::.,.~. ";. .: " .:' ,'... '" ~;.:- This easement is for the purpo~. of'~n~~g, rycon.~~t1&.;:~ing, repairing, replacing, . ",:/' ./' .:,::'. ::: "~: .;':::. .:,: ~:/" ':::y enlarging, operating and maintaining Jt~ties /and~~'~tility pipelin~( ~~ding. but not)imited to, .:,,:::7:\. ',:. .~:: .... ~'::. .:':'./ .• t ':::;~" ./: .... ::j,; water, sew'~r ~d"s~onn drainage lines, togethef.:~th t~~'~t ~f in8.i~s·'8m.l e~ess .. thet;~to. The . City ~~':a1sl(funs~ct such additional facilities ~":·~af:{~q~ir{';-;:~:~.'i~'·~';ect to the .:" . " ~~ '" :.,' .. :.: ..........• :. ./ :./ " fou<?-kg.t~rm~::~d¢onditions: ':':".""'" o":' 0' .,' ~~,.~ uti!i&, .. e~~eme~t-~ be retained by the City over the a~~e:4¢,~cri~ed area, with the und~istllPding,.dtai'tht(:;p;~foertf m~y-be,developed fully if the existing utilitie~ ~e relocated, with .... <;.,... :: :,': .",' ::: .... .: .... the City's approv~, ahh~ ~~;.e~st,.9ft:he d~vel9.per; and .. ;..... ,.' :,-.:' ." '.~::~. ::.: :.... .' . That this ~fuerii sh~U tjln with 'th(dan~:' descIil>ed herein, and shall be binding upon the .~:. " ..... ";'. .:' .:': ,: . "'. parties, and their heirs and suci,e,~sors .~'in.t~re.~ an4'as~i~n{':' '::: .. : •. :, ......... , ,"',' ,: SECTIOND. The City (:oundl·her~y:eleqs·.t() ch~ge~ compensation amount of$16,500 (Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred D<>,lbil-s)to t~~ Petitiorier~wn¢rs .. _" .' .:: .:' " ,:' " . .,' '-.::. SECTIONm. five days after its publication. .' :' This ordinance shall oo·:etrect.iVe .Jpo~'· it~:::p~sage. .. approv.(lI, and ,: " :: ".~' .:.',. .: '!. 2 .... . ... ; .. :: .:: . . ' .' . ~ .. :: ORDINANCE NO. 5128 .. :~. /{ /. Ai~qified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, ..{: ,'. '-;' "':. ;:' .: :\.~~. ..·,;and as.otherwis¢ provided by law . • :.":, ••• ,:" •••• ," ," " __ U'~., ,:'t;,~ ••• ,..'·· ,:' " ,,' -:-,-~: ..... ",-.,'" '.' :. -.-,', Date of Publication: ::"3/rl/200$ ( sumfuai:y r " ........ \-=:. ,:';: ," .;. ORD.1173:2123/05:ma -:;. ./ -.':. ", ,,' .,.,., •... 3 .-.- :: " :.~. .~~ .. ,.,-'-".- .' ORDINANCE NO. 5128 Exhibit A ""4' \~.,.,.,. .,.,.it:g~l :P·~~~.fipt~~n 7Str.~et Vacation (Portion of 140th Ave. SE): • ~'I : • ' ••• , ..... ' ".::' • ::: •• :..' .. ' •• ' • • .". '. rhe~~t fO.QO feet 9ft~e ~p~.,.l,;I~f of)he Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the N6rthw~st Qu~heqjfS~ctio.n..l'5, To},Qli'ship .. 2.3J;:Jorth, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton(~.~:rig fO~~~:iW1~~to~~ .. :.)./~,/" ..... ,ji/'''') EXCEPT the North 20.00 feet th~fe~f {": ... ,:'/ .:::::.:! ...... :.,.'. .:' }~ .~; . .' ;.:.~. .~. "':":~':' . ' .... ", ~.: .-F' ::., .:',. :':' ." " ./' ::< ..... .i~. '., .'~. ~ ': .' .", ::: ;: : . .,' . ,' . ": ... ,:' ::." .. ... .':. ''":'' .~' .: .. ::, ......... . .:.; ... ;" .',' ..,'.~.:; ORDINANCE NO. 5128 .',~,.,. :.~' / .. :::: .. ,.... .:; ,~ .. ,::,/." ....... " .... \ ::. ... ~ 1· ;, 3000':1: CARlO I'IIOf'Efl:fi lAR~/RENT6N'::' ROAD VACAnON EXHiBIT ,"'. PAGE :foF2.:: ENGINEERING, PLANNING· SVRYEYING JOB NO. 02052 14 .,'. : .:~ ~~ .:~·t .'.::; .. ~ ... :: ... . ' .. ,' ..•.. .' .... .,' .>,' .• ' ." .,' .,;:: ... :.,;, ..•. " .... :':'. ...... -.• :. . ,' :: .. ,' .:: .... , ..• :::: .. :: .......... . Exhibit B ORDINANCE NO. 5128 HE CORNER NoRlH HALF NE1/4. $(1/4. NWI/4 SEC. 15-23-05 : •• < ,,' :..:: ..... .: •• J-..' ~ •. ".f;:'" ~ ,.' ". '.:.. " p~l1oo.·~i::,:::/Avf·~ .:TO BE/VACili:rED . '::. .' ~.. ? }" .' /1 :/ .:: 1\(' "1 SCALE 1" = 50' ...... :::. .' S::i.INE (,IOOlH HALF ~1/4. ::SE1/~fiWl/'l .SEC. 1~-~3:"05 .:. .' .,-' .' ,~: ;: ',"; .' .;: .... ,.::-: PORTI.ON OF VAC.ii:l(O ....;...-.,;.--.,.::...-~ 14<1lH AVE. HEr'" ," PER KlNG··"€.9: ORQINANcE NO. 13l!25 .,' REC. NO. 20020208002()79 .' .' .:. CARlO PROPERlY lARUEUfURST/IIDlTON ROAD VACA110N EXHIBIJ ~~aRE" J4711 N,f. 29'" "ace Sui •• 10;"" •• IIe_. WCNI>1ng'", 96007 \. _........ . ,;; 425.8857877 FaA 425.6857963 ~ peSIGN ENGiNEERING· PlANNING'· SURVEYING JOB NO. 0:205:2 s.E. 132NO ST. :: . ~~ .,' .' .' .' .~ . .,' !ietu.rn Address: )itJ~r~::o.rJhe Council ,/ M,:etropolit~n King County Council 1011lllllllJIIII KING CotTY co CORD e. It PAGE .. OF 114 12/18/2 2 12:4' KING COUNTY. I.IA // .ROQRI·W 1025 King County Courthouse '\:,'" '."'" ,_ .. ,/::' Se,~ttl~i wA ~~H)4· .. : .' .. ,., ... , ..... " .~' .. : .,' :~ .. J>I • .tpn.:.ir,,,iJ,ro.AA,;~:k~~6NSTAlE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 6504f:· .. ·::· :, :.'. .,/ .;:: / /' /,,:~. . ... f / ':"'::< Document}:itle(s) \of tr~sactJ6ni.~ontamed.Jhe~lni(all areas apphcable to your document ~ be filled 10) 1 OrdinanCe,1~.Z281\N OJiDI~ANC~;;'~u~orizing the vacation of a portion of 140th Avenue Southeast V::2195.~ Pe~ition.~ri~;,.Ja~es Belmondo; Richard E. Stuth and Janis Vander Hoek; Ray It ... ~,~ s~~ro!;;~~':V ;i~~7/·"·"·'::.,);:'··:> ?~'~~~: ;':;=~'. ,mt"")" .. / •• ':,::)\ iii l AddJ~lonall,l;ihe.s on:page __ of document .f· ....... , .. ,; .,:: ::: " " " Giante.e(s) (Last ~ame fIrst, then first name and InitIals) 1.... . """""',:: .z ---'~--''"--~co'--:-:-'-/_-'''":---------------.: ..... ' '",,' .,:;....: --"'--7-'------:;;', ,,' 'A~dltlOnal nall}¢s 9n pa~e-'~ of document '.~. '.: :.-: :. :: Legai"'des~ripho~:'(ab\;)f~vJat~d""i' e -~~~~'hiock, plat or sectIOn, township, range) That portion o(i40th:,A~enu~$~utbea.s.~ as c~nveyed to King County by the Deed recorded in ............ . "~'. ,:~,. .:~. -",,: .. ~: '.' Assessor's Property Ta~:J>ar~eVA~count .Number}· Asses~or Tax # not yet assigned ," .: ,: :: ,:" " ":', '". .",t· "," " .' " "',.'.... :.:'.. :'"." .:. The Auditor/Recorder WIll rely on the mforrI:iatlOn 'pro~'lde(ron rhe fw:m The ·'$t.~ff.'YIJI not read the document to venfy the accuracy or completeness of the m4exmg,mforQlhtlQn pr<Wlded herei'" .. c,. I am requestmg an emergency nonstandatd,+ec9rdU'ig fqr an .. :add~t1o.naJ fee as provJded In RCW 36 18010 I understand that the recordlrigpro~s~ln:~ requlr~merits.may(:.over up 01 otherWise obscure some part of the text of the 0t:lIYna1 docl,line~t .:.:..... .," ./ ·:C·~:":·. .:. ··Sfgnattireo(Reqll~stjngPa.lty . ----------------------:. .' :.~" -.'.: . .... .. ; . :~~ . . ,,1' .:. ." ".\ .~.~., "'::''':' .. :. .~,/ .. ·;,.;: ...•. v'·'·· .' :.:1 3 a"\ to--4 Q 5 ~ Cl 6 c::t cg. 7 ~ 8 c;-..s 9 c:2 10 c:--.t 11 c::;, C)I 12 C'ooI 13 14/ IS',: 16 .;. :.:'.J •••.. june 1>1998 /V~219S.· Introduced By ROO MCKENNA LouIse lVillfer Proposed No : 98-247 ......... , .... .., ..... .,'~' • .:;1 ~: ...... :~:: ./ ,:' .:' .' .' .. ~., ':: . .;.' :,i .,. I, i)/6~~~lfNO. 13228 ' .. ······· .. -.·· .... /~obn:~c!l.2·"'~g the ""cahan of a portIon of 140th Avenu~ :iSou91east y-Zl?5 . /J" /: "W'.. ,'':.. ~;rbone~: J~mes.:BeIgfon~; Rtchjl.fd E S~th'~d Jams Vander Hoek; Ray F ~d S"aro~:Lee:V:avak. .... .:: .. ::: .... ~./ :.: . . " .... .:' .•... : ..... :.:. " ,~~', ..... '.~'.. .' -:;.... . -':'. STATEMENT OF F'ACJS/ .:::,.:.: ':\':.) A petl1ton has bee::'fileJ:.req~eSt~ng. va~~tt<>:l~f:'-~t p9.~di!. of 14Q~'A.:venue S:outheast lymg south of SoutheasU32nd,-Street ana north:':(5f S6uth~'ast 136th':Street I· "'~:':~. I.:~::I.,;,.-"'" ./.:. :.::" ;/~' .•. ' ;';"~"""""''"''~'' } .~ .• /' ./:' .·::·~::.2 '.: The peti1ton was sIgned by all prop~rty·i>~ers abuttmg 140th:Av~hue Southeast hmg:south of Southeast 132nd Street and north of Southeast" 136.th .street" .' .' ::: 3., Jb~. department of transportatton has recelVed.'·co$nebts:3nd ~commendatlOns '""' r~gal"ding thepl,'oposed road vacation from the vanous agenbl~/'Th~rutIhty compantes swmg t1;le.areli::have been notIfied, and road servtces dIVISIon Was .adVIsed that easements /'ar~' not'reqJlre&over the revised pomon of the proposed vacation ~rea. '. : .. :. .~ . .. .. " " ""., .... -1 - .' .' /1 2 ' ~.~ 3 ;' ",: .: .... :: .•.. ;'~" ,. .4' \:.>,. .",//'5:/ l.:, .• ,,~' G .n ':8 .. ...... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 < ! 4 The department oftransportatlOn found no eVIdence that the area has ever been ": open as a road A reVIew of the records mdicates that no pubhc funds have been expended ':Jor Its acquISItion, Improvement, or mamtenance The department of transportatIon ;cons~Ji~~s the subject nght~of"way unnecessary as part of the county road system and J: b.eil~wes·tha.t the publ,lC,J,:yould benefit by the return of thIS unused area to the pubhc tax .J /foll~" ... ,:::. ';. ,,:.,J:""} .: /~:' 5/'.:" ./·:·Tliti~ht-Of-~;~ l!tci~~~~$e~ "C-Class" and m accordance With KCC 14.40.020, ;, th~.,~.6mp~s~tton d.uCf;I$lfug C9lWty)s:~~sed on fifty percent of the appraIsed value of the '~"" adj01Dlnt'lan8s wp.i6h)nay bd··4etefr.nl~ed from records of the department of assessments ··::·~n~·Coun.tY 15 ~ receipt of~};~i3Qt:h from the petIl1oners, James Belmondo (tax lot 1523059Q19), ~chard E $fut'h~~nd . .1anrs Vander Hoek (tax lot 1523059016), and Roy F and Shar~~ L~ Va~k (t.~ l~: 15~305~017,1. .f:":.:. ····.~~r :.:' i~ .( :: .. ;' . ':. Ii' 6 The legatdes~hpt!,k oftqlongtn~l v~~atJo9.~'has been reVIsed to vacate that portIon of 140th Avetl.ue ,$out.he~st fo:r'Whle~. c~ml#ns~tIon has been paId heremafter descnbed. :~ ........ ,:: .. ,.). .;. . ":';' .... ::' c,·· .. '''C'''. .;~., .:. .:,::; .,/:'" ':"J:?,ue notice was given m the ~er ~;~~~¢d W la~' ana~.aQ~n;\,yaS h~id q# the office of the heanrig::~xamlDer on the 21st day ofM~iy.~J.,9.98· :.' '.' .'~:": ,. ?:.... ./ .. :: /".:... C":.: . :/{ . .,c":" __ ,.... ::: "J" ./ .:':)n conSIderation of the benefits to be denved'fr:~m ~e s.~oJec.t va~hoii, t:h,~ counCIl has de!~~ed ~t It IS m the best mterest of the CitIzens ofKIn.s Courii;y t~:~~rlt sa,id petItion .',:,,,,.,, ~~ ;; .. ". :.:' ~ .. , " -2 - .' .' .,' 1 .i~· .: .... :. . ..;.: .:i· 13228· BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY .,' . ::"" ~ ~~. c~; .,': .:' " .. ,. """ '" ....... , .:l-::' ... . .:.~:>. ····::.SECTION 1 The councIl, on the cfl. 07 nL day Of __ ~"I'F-'~-,=LiL:;;;'~_-" 19-2.%., h<ieby/vacatanln4 abandons that portIon of 140th Avenue Southeast descnbed as follows C:I C'I c;::) <'l • c;:) • c;:) C"'-I ):~,:,:: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19} 20:· .. 21 22 23 .... ::: .... ,' ::. "':::. .., ...... , ....... , .. . /' .f Tha.t'POnlO* o~'140th A'~~fulUe Southeast as conveyed to K.1llg County by the Deed .:' :' r~¢ordi'd m/yolume 4~14 of Deeds., page 639, records ofKmg County, . :: WasqrngtQri, lYIng Nqt$erty oftlie ~~erly extenslon of the North lIne of KImber :" Lart~. re~orde.d In y..Q1~e 91 :6r''P~a:ts, page 13, records of KIng County, .~ .. ::cy.rasbwiton;:andJymM30uthe~ly,9r:tbe Easterly extensIOn oftbe North hne oftbe Nortli'halfof t~i SoutJl' ha1f..9."f tJ'ie'l<fortbeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Nortbwe~t qua.rter ofSecVbn: 1'.5, TPwnshlP 23 North, R~nge 5 East, W M , Kmg County Washmgtori ,{' :i .,:": ,/ .. "." ..... : i "'\, , ...... .c·' :.:: .... .::' .:-,' ,c'.. ,:·C:. f': Contammg an ar~.9d3,J53 ~4~e fe,ef m~re or l~$S :. '. . " .J" :':~ :-... .: .':: .:::: .... /:····:,.INTRODUCED AND RE~ foi. tbe":'6rShlme .t's ./.~~. 7i;:bf /';::'f .:::: .. : .. ~ 19::~'j<,·.······,,·//:'·· .. ,. / .... :.\.::'.:":: .. ,:.::~. : .... /; ... / i'}AS~ by. vote of ftl.. ~ lJ dus ~9~fa.;:~f.> ~' " " ... :" ...... ~:, " " ,199T KING cdm-fn>' CQtmCIL Z~;i ChaIr ATTEST .' ':;. "::',, " ~! ,*~~)"i ",," 26 27 28 29 30 APPROVED thIS <6t> day of_.....,...!j~~=:....-..,:-, J.~_. a_-l_f' . ..... ( - 3 - [).£V£LOPM£ Clry OF 'lJtr~~NING LAURELHURST PHASE 2 02052 Plat Map Checks 8/30/2005 SJS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, W A 98007 OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED Lot Report 08/30/2005 14:22 CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT SUB 1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 504 180980.02 1313980.88 0.00 S 00°31'29" W 1315.29 326 179664.78 1313968.84 1315.29 S 00°31'29" W 1315.29 505 178349.55 1313956.80 2630.58 N 88°29'10" W 651. 33 10000 178366.76 1313305.70 3281.91 N 88°29'10" W 651.33 325 178383.96 1312654.60 3933.23 N 88°29'10" W 1302.65 501 178418.38 1311352.40 5235.89 N 00°57'28" E 1324.94 10001 179743.13 1311374.54 6560.83 N 00°57'28" E 1324.93 500 181067.88 1311396.69 7885.76 S 88°03'10" E 1292.85 10002 181023.95 1312688.79 9178.61 S 88°03'10" E 1292.84 504 180980.02 1313980.88 10471.45 Closure Error Distance> 0.0157 Error Bearing> S 40°40'49" E Closure Precision> 1 in 666070.2 Total Distance> 10471.45 LOT AREA: 6851586 SQ FT OR 157.2908 ACRES LOT SUB 2 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 504 180980.02 1313980.88 0.00 S 00°31'29/1 W 1315.29 326 179664.78 1313968.84 1315.29 N 88°16'13/1 W 648.87 10003 179684.37 1313320.27 1964.16 N 88°16'13/1 W 648.87 10004 179703.96 1312671.69 2613 .03 N 00°44'31/1 E 1320.10 10002 181023.95 1312688.79 3933.13 S 88°03'10/1 E 1292.84 504 180980.02 1313980.88 5225.98 Closure Error Distance> 0.0072 Error Bearing> N 66°59'25/1 E Closure Precision> 1 in 722732.0 Total Distance> 5225.98 LOT AREA: 1706418 SQ FT OR 39.1740 ACRES Lot Report 08/30/2005 14:25 CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT SUB 3 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 326 179664.78 1313968.84 0.00 S 00°31'29" W 1315.29 505 178349.55 1313956.80 1315.29 N 88°29'10" W 651. 33 10000 178366.76 1313305.70 1966.62 N 88°29'10" W 651. 33 325 178383.96 1312654.60 2617.94 N 00°44'31" E 1320.10 10004 179703.96 1312671.69 3938.05 S 88°16'13" E 648.87 10003 179684.37 1313320.27 4586.92 S 88°16'13" E 648.87 326 179664.78 1313968.84 5235.79 Closure Error Distance> 0.0084 Error Bearing> N 74°58'37" E Closure Precision> 1 in 625948.6 Total Distance> 5235.79 LOT AREA: 1713005 SQ FT OR 39.3252 ACRES LOT SUB 4 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 325 178383.96 1312654.60 0.00 N 88°29'10" W 1302.65 501 178418.38 1311352.40 1302.65 N 00°57'28" E 1324.94 10001 179743.13 1311374.54 2627.59 S 88°16'13" E 1297.74 10004 179703.96 1312671.69 3925.33 S 00°44'31" W 1320.10 325 178383.96 1312654.60 5245.43 Closure Error Distance> 0.0108 Error Bearing> S 37°01'55" W Closure Precision> 1 in 483785.9 Total Distance> 5245.43 LOT AREA: 1719375 SQ FT OR 39.4714 ACRES Lot Report 08/30/2005 14:29 CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT SUB 5 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10001 179743.13 1311374.54 0.00 N 00°57'28" E 1324.93 500 181067.88 1311396.69 1324.94 S 88°03'10" E 1292.85 10002 181023.95 1312688.79 2617.78 S 00°44'31" W 1320.10 10004 179703.96 1312671.69 3937.88 N 88°16'13" W 1297.74 10001 179743.13 1311374.54 5235.62 Closure Error Distance> 0.0085 Error Bearing> S 13°53'34" E Closure Precision> 1 in 615203.1 Total Distance> 5235.62 LOT AREA: 1712788 SQ FT OR 39.3202 ACRES LOT SUB 6 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING 326 DISTANCE NORTHING 179664.78 S 00°31'29" W 1315.29 505 178349.55 N 88°29'10" W 651.33 10000 178366.76 N 00°38'00" E 1317.69 10003 179684.37 S 88°16'13" E 648.87 326 179664.78 EASTING 1313968.84 1313956.80 1313305.70 1313320.27 1313968.84 Closure Error Distance> 0.0094 Error Bearing> N 66°58'38" E Closure Precision> 1 in 419595.4 Total Distance> 3933.18 LOT AREA: 855706 SQ FT OR 19.6443 ACRES STATION 0.00 1315.29 1966.62 3284.31 3933.18 LOT SUB 7 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10000 178366.76 1313305.70 0.00 N 88°29'10" W 651.33 325 178383.96 1312654.60 651.33 N 00°44'31" E 1320.10 10004 179703.96 1312671. 69 1971.43 S 88°16'13" E 648.87 10003 179684.37 1313320.27 2620.30 Closure Error Distance> 1317.6915 Error Bearing> S 00°38'00" W Closure Precision> 1 in 2.0 Total Distance> 2620.30 LOT AREA: 857299 SQ FT OR 19.6809 ACRES Lot Report 08/30/2005 13:50 CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 4530 178678.36 1313959.81 0.00 N 88°25'56" W 630.71 4537 178695.61 1313329.33 630.71 N 00°38'00" E 968.21 509 179663.76 1313340.04 1598.92 S 88°16'13" E 628.90 10005 179644.78 1313968.66 2227.82 S 00°31'29" W 308.82 4515 179335.97 1313965.83 2536.64 N 88°19'28" W 252.42 3106 179343.36 1313713.52 2789.06 S 00°38'00" W 164.52 3107 179178.84 1313711.70 2953.58 S 88°21'05" E 252.73 4525 179171.57 1313964.32 3206.31 S 00°31'29" W 493.23 4530 178678.36 1313959.81 3699.55 Closure Error Distance> 0.0112 Error Bearing> S 51°22'35" E Closure Precision> 1 in 331501.1 Total Distance> 3699.55 LOT AREA: 567596 SQ FT OR 13.0302 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT RW BK 1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 4537 178695.61 1313329.33 S 88°25'56" E 9.77 3268 178695.34 1313339.10 08/30/2005 15:23 STATION 0.00 9.77 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.16 CHORD: 22.34 DELTA: 53°04'O~" CHORD BRG: N 63°08'45" E PC-R: S 53°23'17" E PT-R: S 00°19'12" E RADIUS POINT: 3269 178680.43,1313359.17 TANGENT: 12.48 3270 178705.43 1313359.03 32.93 N 89°40'48" E 18.83 3271 178705.54 1313377.86 51. 76 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 63.38 CHORD: 61.77 DELTA: 44°49'50" CHORD BRG: N 67°15'53" E PC-R: N 00°19'12" W PT-R: N 45°09'02" W RADIUS POINT: 3101 178786.54,1313377.41 TANGENT: 33.41 3272 178729.41 1313434.84 115.14 RADIUS: 189.00 LENGTH: 33.04 CHORD: 33.00 DELTA: 10°01'02" CHORD BRG: N 49°51'29" E PC-R: S 45°09'02" E PT-R: S 35°08'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 16.56 3200 178750.69 1313460.06 148.18 RADIUS: 189.00 LENGTH: 80.92 CHORD: 80.31 DELTA: 24°31'55" CHORD BRG: N 67°07'58" E PC-R: S 35°08'00" E PT-R: S 10°36'05" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 41.09 3197 178781.90 1313534.06 229.10 RADIUS: 189.00 LENGTH: 40.68 CHORD: 40.60 DELTA: 12°19'52" CHORD BRG: N 85°33'51" E PC-R: S 10°36'05" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 20.42 3198 178785.04 1313574.53 269.78 S 88°16'13" E 21. 65 3195 178784.38 1313596.17 291.43 S 88°16'13" E 70.00 3193 178782.27 1313666.14 361.43 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3188 178780.46 1313726.12 421.44 S 88°16'13" E 56.63 3189 178778.75 1313782.73 478.07 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 4.00 CHORD: 4.00 DELTA: 02°49'50" CHORD BRG: S 89°41'08" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 01°06'03" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 2.00 3190 178778.73 1313786.73 482.07 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 48.06 CHORD: 47.36 DELTA: 33°59'44" CHORD BRG: N 71°54'05" E PC-R: N 01°06'03" W PT-R: N 35°05'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 24.76 3182 178793.44 1313831.75 530.13 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 20.20 CHORD: 20.15 DELTA: 14°17'25" CHORD BRG: N 47°45'31" E PC-R: N 35°05'47" W PT-R: N 49°23'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 10.15 3176 178806.98 1313846.66 550.34 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 56.52 CHORD: 55.38 DELTA: 39°58'48" CHORD BRG: N 20°37'24" E PC-R: N 49°23'12" W PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 29.47 3177 178858.82 1313866.17 606.86 N 00°38'00" E 7.59 3172 178866.41 1313866.26 614.45 N 00°38'00" E 70.02 3173 178936.42 1313867.03 684.47 N 00°38'00" E 44.41 3191 178980.83 1313867.52 728.88 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 15.73 CHORD: 15.71 DELTA: 11°07'47" CHORD BRG: N 04°55'53" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: S 79°30'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 7.89 3184 178996.48 1313866.17 744.61 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 53.35 CHORD: 52.39 DELTA: 37°44 '18" CHORD BRG: N 29°21'56" W PC-R: S 79°30'14" W PT-R: S 41°45'55" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 27.68 3168 179042.14 1313840.48 797.96 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 20.25 CHORD: 20.20 DELTA: 14°19'23" CHORD BRG: N 55°23'46" W PC-R: S 41°45'55" W PT-R: S 27°26'32" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 10.18 3164 179053.61 1313823.85 818.21 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 36.35 CHORD: 36.05 DELTA: 25°42'45" CHORD BRG: N 75°24'50" W PC-R: S 27°26'32" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 18.49 3165 179062.69 1313788.97 854.56 N 88°16'13" W 8.55 3157 179062.95 1313780.42 863.11 N 88°16'13" W 45.49 3158 179064.32 1313734.96 908.60 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD ERG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3159 179089.31,1313735.71 TANGENT: 24.53 3160 179089.59 1313710.71 947.39 N 00°38'00" E 89.26 3107 179178.84 1313711. 70 1036.65 N 00°38'00" E 164.52 3106 179343.36 1313713.52 1201.18 N 00°38'00" E 35.52 3117 179378.87 1313713.91 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.75 CHORD: 35.69 1236.69 DELTA: 91°05 '47" CHORD BRG: N 46°10'54" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3118 179378.59,1313738.91 TANGENT: 25.48 3119 179403.58 1313739.66 1276.44 S 88°16'13" E 40.85 3120 179402.35 1313780.50 1317.29 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 41.91 CHORD: 41.45 DELTA: 29°38'51" CHORD BRG: N 76°54'21" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 27°55'04" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 21.44 3114 179411.74 1313820.87 1359.21 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 45.77 CHORD: 45.16 DELTA: 32°22'27" CHORD BRG: N 45°53'42" E PC-R: N 27°55'04" W PT-R: N 60°17'31" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 23.51 3115 179443.17 1313853.30 1404.98 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 39.55 CHORD: 39.16 DELTA: 27°58'42" CHORD BRG: N 15°43'08" E PC-R: N 60°17'31" W PT-R: N 88°16'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 20.18 3286 179480.87 1313863.91 1444.53 N 01°43'47" E 22.00 3287 179502.86 1313864.57 1466.53 N 01°43'47" E 60.00 3280 • 179562.83 1313866.38 1526.53 N 01°43'47" E 45.00 3281 179607.81 1313867.74 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.27 CHORD: 35.36 1571.53 DELTA: 90°00'00" CHORD BRG: N 46°43'47" E PC-R: S 88°16'13" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3282 179607.05,1313892.73 TANGENT: 25.00 3283 179632.04 1313893.48 1610.80 S 88°16'13" E 75.07 3284 179629.78 1313968.52 1685.87 N 00°31'29" E 15.00 10005 179644.78 1313968.66 1700.87 N 88°16'13" W 628.90 509 179663.76 1313340.04 2329.78 S 00°38'00" W 968.21 4537 178695.61 1313329.33 3297.99 Closure Error Distance> 0.0058 Error Bearing> N 80°24'51" E Closure Precision> 1 in 568714.0 Total Distance> 3297.99 LOT AREA: 419491 SQ FT OR 9.6302 ACRES LOT RW BK 2 OF PNT# BEARING 3204 N 89°40'48" E 3203 BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178747.44 17.30 178747.54 EASTING 1313360.33 1313377.63 STATION 0.00 17.30 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 30.52 CHORD: 29.74 DELTA: 44°49'50" CHORD BRG: N 67°15'53" E PC-R: N 00°19'12" W PT-R: N 45°09'02" W RADIUS POINT: 3101 178786.54,1313377.41 TANGENT: 16.09 3202 178759.03 1313405.06 47.82 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 31.71 CHORD: 31.69 DELTA: 07°51'56" CHORD BRG: N 48°46'56" E PC-R: S 45°09'02" E PT-R: S 37°17'06" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 15.88 3201 178779.91 1313428.89 79.53 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 72.98 CHORD: 72.67 DELTA: 18°06'03" CHORD BRG: N 61°45'55" E PC-R: S 37°17'06" E PT-R: S 19°11'03" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 36.80 3207 178814.29 1313492.92 152.51 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 57.28 CHORD: 57.14 DELTA: 14°12'29" CHORD BRG: N 77°55'12" E PC-R: S 19°11'03" E PT-R: S 04°58'34" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 28.79 3209 178826.25 1313548.79 209.79 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 27.04 CHORD: 27.02 DELTA: 06°42'21" CHORD BRG: N 88°22'37" E PC-R: S 04°58'34" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 13.53 3211 178827.02 1313575.80 236.83 S 88°16'13" E 33.01 3210 178826.02 1313608.80 269.84 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3212 178824.21 1313668.78 329.85 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3216 178822.40 1313728.76 389.86 S 88°16'13" E 55.26 3215 178820.73 1313784.00 445.12 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 62.01 CHORD: 55.68 DELTA: 91°05'47" CHORD BRG: N 46°10'54" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 39.75 3214 178859.28 1313824.17 507.12 N 00°38'00" E 30.26 3218 178889.54 1313824.51 537.39 N 00°38'00" E 60.01 3220 178949.55 1313825.17 597.40 N 00°38'00" E 31.75 3221 178981.29 1313825.52 629.15 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 60.51 CHORD: 54.62 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 38.26 3223 179020.71 1313787.70 689.66 N 88°16'13" W 56.75 3222 179022.42 1313730.98 746.41 N 88°16'13" W 50.01 3226 179023.93 1313680.99 796.42 N 88°16'13" W 70.01 3151 179026.04 1313611. 01 866.43 N 88°16'13" W 60.02 3150 179027.86 1313551. 02 926.45 N 88°16'13" W 20.29 3156 179028.47 1313530.74 946.74 RADIUS: 129.00 LENGTH: 45.93 CHORD: 45.69 DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: S 81°31'48" W PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 18°40'12" E RADIUS POINT: 3109 178899.53,1313526.85 TANGENT: 23.21 3155 179021.74 1313485.55 992.67 S 71°19'48" W 3.22 3154 179020.71 1313482.50 995.89 S 71°19'48" W 30.24 3229 179011.03 1313453.85 1026.13 RADIUS: 171.00 LENGTH: 41.02 CHORD: 40.92 DELTA: 13°44'34" CHORD BRG: S 78°12'05" W PC-R: N 18°40'12" W PT-R: N 04°55'38" W RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 20.61 3228 179002.66 1313413.80 1067.15 RADIUS: 171.00 LENGTH: 19.87 CHORD: 19.86 DELTA: 06°39'25" CHORD BRG: S 88°24'05" W PC-R: N 04°55'38" W PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 9.94 3231 179002.11 1313393.95 1087.01 N 88°16'13" W 30.75 3230 179003.04 1313363.21 1117.76 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 19.17 CHORD: 18.71 DELTA: 43°56'24" CHORD BRG: S 69°45'35" W PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 42°12'37" E RADIUS POINT: 3139 178978.05,1313362.46 TANGENT: 10.09 3140 178996.56 1313345.66 1136.94 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 20.58 CHORD: 20.00 DELTA: 47°09'23" CHORD BRG: S 24°12'42" W PC-R: S 42°12'37" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3139 178978.05,1313362.46 TANGENT: 10.91 3138 178978.32 1313337.46 1157.51 S 00°38'00" W 205.62 3137 178772.72 1313335.19 1363.13 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 20.58 CHORD: 20.00 DELTA: 47°09'23" CHORD BRG: S 22°56'41" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: N 43°28'38" E RADIUS POINT: 3136 178772.44,1313360.19 TANGENT: 10.91 3135 178754.30 1313342.98 1383.71 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 19.11 CHORD: 18.65 DELTA: 43°47'50" CHORD BRG: S 68°25'17" E PC-R: N 43°28'38" E PT-R: N 00°19'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3136 178772.44,1313360.19 TANGENT: 10.05 3204 178747.44 1313360.33 1402.82 Closure Error Distance> 0.0157 Error Bearing> N 49°16'21" E Closure Precision> 1 in 89271.2 Total Distance> 1402.82 LOT AREA: 102564 SQ FT OR 2.3545 ACRES LOT RW BK 3 OF PNT# BEARING 3124 S 88°16'13" E 3123 BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179045.07 32.51 179044.09 EASTING 1313362.72 1313395.22 STATION 0.00 32.51 RADIUS: 129.00 LENGTH: 45.93 CHORD: 45.69 DELTA: 20°23' 59" CHORD BRG: N 81°31'47" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 18°40'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 23.21 3122 179050.82 1313440.41 78.44 N 71°19'48" E 33.46 3121 179061.53 1313472.11 111.90 RADIUS: 171.00 LENGTH: 60.88 CHORD: 60.56 DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: N 81°31'48" E PC-R: S 18°40'12" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3109 178899.53,1313526.85 TANGENT: 30.77 3134 179070.45 1313532.01 172.78 S 88°16'13" E 111.03 3133 179067.10 1313642.98 283.81 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 25.89 CHORD: 24.75 DELTA: 59°20'03" CHORD BRG: N 62°03'46" E PC-R:,N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 57°36'16" W RADIUS POINT: 3132 179092.09,1313643.74 TANGENT: 14.24 3131 179078.69 1313664.85 309.70 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 13.86 CHORD: 13.68 DELTA: 31°45'44" CHORD BRG: N 16°30'52" E PC-R: N 57°36'16" W PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3132 179092.09,1313643.74 TANGENT: 7.11 3232 179091.81 1313668.74 323.56 N 00°38'00" E 57.26 3237 179149.07 1313669.37 380.82 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3236 179149.34,1313644.37 TANGENT: 24.53 3235 179174.33 1313645.12 419.61 N 88°16'13" W 45.49 3234 179175.70 1313599.66 465.09 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3239 179177.52 1313539.67 525.11 N 88°16'13" W 70.01 3241 179179.63 1313469.69 595.12 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3243 179181.44 1313409.71 655.13 N 88°16'13" W 44.53 3244 179182.78 1313365.20 699.66 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 16.57 CHORD: 16.26 DELTA: 37°57'58" CHORD BRG: S 72°44'48" W PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 36°14'11" E RADIUS POINT: 3128 179157.80,1313364.45 TANGENT: 8.60 3129 179177.96 1313349.67 716.23 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.18 CHORD: 22.36 DELTA: 53°07'48" CHORD BRG: S 27°11'55" W PC-R: S 36°14'11" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3128 179157.80,1313364.45 TANGENT: 12.50 3127 179158.07 1313339.45 739.41 S 00°38'00" W 87.74 3126 179070.33 1313338.48 827.15 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: S 43°49'06" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3125 179070.06,1313363.48 TANGENT: 24.53 3124 179045.07 1313362.72 865.94 Closure Error Distance> 0.0122 Error Bearing> S 69°15'11" W Closure Precision> 1 in 70988.3 Total Distance> 865.94 LOT AREA: 38589 SQ FT OR 0.8859 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT RW BK 4 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3246 179224.82 1313364.71 S 88°16'13" E 45.49 3245 179223.45 1313410.17 S 88°16'13" E 70.01 3248 179221.33 1313480.16 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3250 179219.52 1313540.14 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3252 179217.71 1313600.12 S 88°16'13" E 44.53 08/30/2005 16:26 STATION 0.00 45.49 115.50 175.51 235.52 3256 179216.37 1313644.63 280.05 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.75 CHORD: 35.69 DELTA: 9P05'47" CHORD BRG: N 46°10'54" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3255 179241.35,1313645.39 TANGENT: 25.48 3254 179241.08 1313670.39 319.80 N 00°38'00" E 69.54 3257 179310.61 1313671.15 389.34 N 00°38'00" E 70.49 3261 179381.09 1313671.93 459.83 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3260 179381.37,1313646.94 TANGENT: 24.53 3259 179406.36 1313647.69 498.62 N 88°16'13" W 45.49 3258 179407.73 1313602.22 544.10 N 88°16'13" W 70.01 3263 179409.85 1313532.24 614.12 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3265 179411.66 1313472.26 674.13 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3266 179413.47 1313412.28 734.14 N 88°16'13" W 44.53 3267 179414.81 1313367.77 778.67 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 16.57 CHORD: 16.26 DELTA: 37°57'58" CHORD BRG: S 72°44'48" W PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 36°14'11" E RADIUS POINT: 3146 179389.82,1313367.01 TANGENT: 8.60 3147 179409.99 1313352.23 795.23 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.18 CHORD: 22.36 DELTA: 53°07'49" CHORD BRG: S 27°11'55" W PC-R: S 36°14'11" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3146 179389.82,1313367.01 TANGENT: 12.50 3145 179390.10 1313342.01 818.42 S 00°38'00" W 140.03 3144 179250.08 1313340.47 958.44 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.18 CHORD: 22.36 DELTA: 53°07'48" CHORD BRG: S 25°55'54" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: N 37°30'12" E RADIUS POINT: 3143 179249.81,1313365.46 TANGENT: 12.50 3142 179229.97 1313350.24 981.62 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 15.61 CHORD: 15.36 DELTA: 35°46'25" CHORD BRG: S 70°23'00" E PC-R: N 37°30'12" E PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3143 179249.81,1313365.46 TANGENT: 8.07 3246 179224.82 1313364.71 997.23 Closure Error Distance> 0.0043 Error Bearing> S 38°37'21" W Closure Precision> 1 in 229558.6 Total Distance> 997.23 LOT AREA: 62175 SQ FT OR 1.4273 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT RW BK 5 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3290 179456.85 1313367.27 S 88°16'13" E 53.49 3289 179455.23 1313420.74 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3293 179453.42 1313480.72 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3295 179451.61 1313540.71 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3297 179449.80 1313600.69 S 88°16'13" E 71.30 3299 179447.65 1313671.96 S 88°16'13" E 51.29 3301 179446.10 1313723.22 S 88°16'13" E 58.57 3303 179444.33 1313781.77 08/30/2005 16:42 STATION 0.00 53.49 1l3.50 173.51 233.52 304.82 356.11 414.68 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 61.26 CHORD: 55.15 DELTA: 90°00'00" CHORD BRG: N 46°43'47" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 88°16'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 39.00 3306 179482.13 1313821.93 475.94 N 01°43'47" E 22.00 3305 179504.12 13l3822.59 497.94 N 01°43'47" E 70.00 3308 179574.09 1313824.70 567.94 N 01°43'47" E 35.00 3312 179609.08 1313825.76 602.94 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.27 CHORD: 35.36 DELTA: 90°00'00" CHORD BRG: N 43°16'13" W PC-R: N 88°16'13" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3311 179609.83,1313800.77 TANGENT: 25.00 3310 179634.82 1313801.52 642.21 N 88°16'13" W 76.23 3309 179637.12 1313725.33 718.44 N 88°16'13" W 62.58 3314 179639.01 13l3662.78 781.01 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3315 179640.82 1313602.80 841.03 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3316 179642.63 1313542.82 901.04 N 88°16'13" W 50.01 3318 179644.14 1313492.83 951.05 N 88°16'13" W 70.01 3319 179646.26 1313422.85 1021.06 N 88°16'13" W 52.53 3320 179647.84 1313370.34 1073.59 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 7.57 CHORD: 7.54 DELTA: 17°21'23" CHORD BRG: S 83°03'05" W PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 15°37'36" E RADIUS POINT: 3277 179622.85,1313369.59 TANGENT: 3.82 3278 179646.93 1313362.85 1081.16 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 32.18 CHORD: 30.00 DELTA: 73°44'24" CHORD BRG: S 37°30'12" W PC-R: S 15°37'36" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3277 179622.85,1313369.59 TANGENT: 18.75 3276 179623.13 1313344.59 1113.34 S 00°38'00" W 141.03 3275 179482.11 13l3343.03 1254.36 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 32.18 CHORD: 30.00 DELTA: 73°44'23" CHORD BRG: S 36°14'11" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: N 16°53'37" E RADIUS POINT: 3274 179481.84,1313368.03 TANGENT: 18.75 3273 179457.91 1313360.76 1286.54 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 6.62 CHORD: 6.60 DELTA: 15°09'50" CHORD BRG: S 80°41'18" E PC-R: N 16°53'37" E PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3274 179481.84,1313368.03 TANGENT: 3.33 3290 179456.85 1313367.27 1293.16 Closure Error Distance> 0.0038 Error Bearing> N 14°56'36" E Closure Precision> 1 in 340120.6 Total Distance> 1293.16 LOT AREA: 90957 SQ FT OR 2.0881 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA: 90957 SQ FT OR 2.0881 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\CARLSON\02052A.crd LOT CL-1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 772 178726.16 N 89°40'48" E 68.08 EASTING 1313309.67 08/31/2005 07:11 STATION 0.00 776 178726.54 1313377.74 68.08 RADIUS: 60.00 LENGTH: 46.95 CHORD: 45.76 DELTA: 44°49'50" CHORD BRG: N 67°15'53" E PC-R: N 00°19'12" W PT-R: N 45°09'02" W RADIUS POINT: 3101 178786.54,1313377.41 TANGENT: 24.75 779 178744.22 1313419.95 115.02 RADIUS: 210.00 LENGTH: 171.82 CHORD: 167.07 DELTA: 46°52'49" CHORD BRG: N 68°17'23" E PC-R: S 45°09'02" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 91.05 787 178806.03 1313575.17 286.85 S 88°16'13" E 208.29 792 178799.74 1313783.37 495.14 RADIUS: 60.00 LENGTH: 95.40 CHORD: 85.66 DELTA: 91°05'47" CHORD BRG: N 46°10'54" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 61.16 797 178859.05 1313845.17 590.53 N 00°38'00" E 122.02 803 178981.06 1313846.52 712.56 RADIUS: 60.00 LENGTH: 93.10 CHORD: 84.04 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 58.86 808 179041.70 1313788.34 805.66 N 88°16'13" W 99.17 827 179044.69 1313689.22 904.82 N 88°16'13" W 157.91 814 179049.46 1313531.37 1062.74 RADIUS: 150.00 LENGTH: 53.41 CHORD: 53.12 DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: S 81°31'48" W PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 18°40'12" E RADIUS POINT: 3109 178899.53,1313526.85 TANGENT: 26.99 818 179041.63 1313478.83 1116.14 S 71°19'48" W 33.46 820 179030.92 1313447.13 1149.60 RADIUS: 150.00 LENGTH: 53.41 CHORD: 53.12 DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: S 81°31'47" W PC-R: N 18°40'12" W PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 26.99 824 179023.10 1313394.58 1203.01 N 88°16'13" W 81.64 826 179025.56 1313312.98 1284.65 S 00°38'00" W 299.42 772 178726.16 1313309.67 1584.07 Closure Error Distance> 0.0106 Error Bearing> S 80°11'16" W Closure Precision> 1 in 149554.1 Total Distance> 1584.Q7 LOT AREA: 135553 SQ FT OR 3.1119 ACRES LOT CL-2 PNT# BEARING 826 OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179025.56 S 88°16'13" E 81.64 EASTING 1313312.98 STATION 0.00 824 179023.10 1313394.58 81.64 RADIUS: 150.00 LENGTH: 53.41 CHORD: 53.12 DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: N 81°31'47" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 18°40'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 26.99 820 179030.92 1313447.13 135.05 N 71°19'48" E 33.46 818 179041.63 1313478.83 168.51 RADIUS: 150.00 LENGTH: 53.41 CHORD: 53.12 DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: N 81°31'48" E PC-R: S 18°40'12" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3109 178899.53,1313526.85 TANGENT: 26.99 814 179049.46 1313531.37 221.91 S 88°16'13" E 157.91 827 179044.69 1313689.22 379.83 N 00°38'00" E 149.28 739 179193.96 1313690.87 529.10 N 88°16'13" W 376.07 726 179205.31 1313314.97 905.17 S 00°38'00" W 179.76 826 179025.56 1313312.98 1084.93 Closure Error Distance> 0.0144 Error Bearing> S 80°46'44" E Closure Precision> 1 in 75307.5 Total Distance> 1084.93 LOT AREA: 60696 SQ FT OR 1.3934 ACRES LOT CL-3 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 726 179205.31 1313314.97 0.00 S 88°16'13" E 376.07 739 179193.96 1313690.87 376.07 N 00°38'00" E 232.04 840 179425.99 1313693.43 608.11 N 88°16'13" W 376.07 3110 179437.34 1313317.53 984.18 S 00°38'00" W 232.04 726 179205.31 1313314.97 1216.22 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 1216.22 LOT AREA: 87248 SQ FT OR 2.0029 ACRES LOT CL-4 OF PNT# BEARING 3110 S 88°16'13" 840 S 88°16'13" BLOCK 1 DISTANCE E 376.07 E 87.74 NORTHING 179437.34 179425.99 EASTING 1313317.53 1313693.43 STATION 0.00 376.07 760 179423.34 1313781.13 RADIUS: 60.00 LENGTH: 94.25 CHORD: 84.85 463.81 DELTA: 90°00'00" CHORD BRG: N 46°43'47" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 88°16'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 60.00 764 179481.50 1313842.92 558.06 N 01°43'47" E 173.00 771 179654.42 1313848.14 N 88°16'13" W 528.27 3111 179670.37 1313320.11 S 00°38'00" W 233.04 3110 179437.34 1313317.53 Closure Error Distance> 0.0030 Error Bearing> S 75°10'19" E Closure Precision> 1 in 500794.5 Total Distance> 1492.37 LOT AREA: 121794 SQ FT OR 2.7960 ACRES 731. 06 1259.32 1492.37 Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT ~ / OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3292 l79550.75 131342:.79 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3291 179552.56 131336:.81 N 00°38'00" E 94.38 3278 179646.93 1313362.85 08/23/2005 07:3 STATION 0.00 60.01 154.39 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 7.57 CHORD: 7.54 DELTA: 17°21'23" CHORD BRG: N 83°03 '05" E PC-R: S 15°37 '36" E PT-R: S 01°43 '47" W RADIUS POINT: 3277 179622.85,1313369.59 TANGENT: 3.82 3320 179647.84 1313370.34 161.96 S 88°16'13" E 52.53 3319 179646.26 1313422.85 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3292 179550.75 1313421.79 Closure Error Distance> 0.0050 Error Bearing> N 66°44'15" E Closure Precision> 1 in 62272.7 Total Distance> 310.01 LOT AREA: 5728 SQ FT OR 0.1315 ACRES 214.49 310.01 LOT ~ z.. OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3317 179548.63 1313491.77 0.00 N i"l8°16'13" W 70.01 3292 179550.75 1313421.79 70.01 N :)0°38' 00" E 95.52 3319 179646.26 1313422.85 165.53 S 88°16'13" E 70.01 3318 179644.14 1313492.83 235.54 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3317 179548.63 1313491.77 331.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 331.06 LOT AREA: 6686 SQ FT OR 0.1535 ACRES fJOT ~3 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION \296 179547.12 1313541.76 0.00 N 88 ° 16' 13 " W 50.01 :\317 179548.63 1313491.77 50.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3318 179644.14 1313492.83 145.52 S 88°16'13" E 50.01 3316 179642.63 1313542.82 195.53 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3296 179547.12 1313541.76 291.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 291.05 LOT AREA: 4776 SQ FT OR 0.1096 ACRES LOT ~ 'I OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3298 179545.31 1313601.74 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3296 179547.12 1313541.76 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3316 179642.63 1313542.82 155.53 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3315 179640.82 1313602.80 215.54 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3298 179545.31 1313601.74 311.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 311.05 LOT AREA: 5731 SQ FT OR 0.1316 ACRES I LOT ,;rzr-S OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING El\STING STATION 3313 179543.50 1313661.73 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3298 179545.31 1313601.74 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3315 179640.82 1313602.80 155.53 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3314 179639.01 1313662.78 215.54 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3313 179543.50 1313661.73 311.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 311.05 LOT AREA: 5731 SQ FT OR 0.1316 ACRES Lot Report 08/23/20(' 07: 5 CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT ::{J!!Jr G OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3302 179541.61 1313724.28 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 62.58 3313 179543.50 1313661.73 62.58 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3314 179639.01 1313662.78 158.09 S 88°16'13" E 62.58 3309 179637.12 1313725.33 220.67 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3302 179541.61 1313724.28 316.19 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 316.19 LOT AREA: 5976 SQ FT OR 0.1372 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT 'W' 7 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 3308 179574.09 N 88°16'13" W 100.08 3307 179577.11 N 00°38'00" E 60.02 3309 179637.12 S 88°16'13" E 76.23 EASTING 1313824.70 1313724.67 1313725.33 08/31/2005 07:40 STATION 0.00 100.08 160.09 3310 179634.82 1313801.52 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.27 CHORD: 35.36 236.32 DELTA: 90°00'00" CHORD BRG: S 43°16'13" E PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: N 88°16'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3311 179609.83,1313800.77 TANGENT: 25.00 3312 179609.08 1313825.76 275.59 S 01°43'47" W 35.00 3308 179574.09 1313824.70 Closure Error Distance> 0.0066 Error Bearing> N 47°54'33" W Closure Precision> 1 in 46968.2 Total Distance> 310.59 LOT AREA: 5905 SQ FT OR 0.1356 ACRES 310.59 LOT ~8 OF BLO::::K 1 PNTtf BEARING 330') DISTANCE NORTHING 179504.12 N 88°16'13" W 98.74 3304 179507.10 N 00°38'00" E 70.01 3307 179577.11 S 88°16'13" E 100.08 3308 179574.09 S 01°43'47" W 70.00 EASTING 1313822. =,9 1313723.90 1313724.67 1313824.70 STATION 0.00 98.74 168.75 268.83 3305 179504.12 1313822.59 338.83 Closure Error Distance> 0.0028 Error Bearing> N 06°19'28" W Closure Precision> 1 in 119074.4 Total Distance> 338.83 LOT AREA: 6958 SQ FT OR 0.1597 ACRES 1 c' ! LOT ~ l' OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING 3303 DISTANCE NORTHING 179444.33 N 88°16'13" W 58.57 3301 179446.10 N 00°38'00" E 61. 01 3304 179507.10 S 88°16'13" E 98.74 3305 179504.12 S 01°43'47" W 22.00 EASTING 13J3781.77 1313723.22 1313723.90 1313822.59 STATION 0.00 58.57 119.58 218.32 3306 179482.13 1313821.93 240.32 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 61.26 CHORD: 55.15 DELTA: 90°00' 00" CHORD BRG: S 46°43'47" W PC-R: N 88°16'13" W PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 39.00 3303 179444.33 1313781.77 301.58 Closure Error Distance> 0.0060 Error Bearing> S 73°16'53" W Closure Precision> 1 in 50458.9 Total Distance> 301.58 LOT AREA: 5661 SQ FT OR 0.1300 ACRES ,f LOT .~ 10 OF BLtJCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3301 179446.10 1313723.22 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 5 L. 29 3299 179447.65 1313671.96 51.29 N 00°38'00" E 9:~. 52 3300 179543.16 1313673.02 146.81 S 88°16'13" E 51.29 3302 179541.61 1313724.28 198.09 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3301 179446.10 1313723.22 293.61 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 293.61 LOT AREA: 4898 SQ FT OR 0.1124 ACRES LOT ~ II OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3299 179447.65 1313671.96 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 71. 30 3297 179449.80 1313600.69 71.30 N 00°38'00" E 9').52 3298 179545.31 1313601.74 166.82 S 88°16'13" E 71. 30 3300 179543.16 1313673.02 238.13 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3299 179447.65 1313671.96 333.65 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 333.65 LOT AREA: 6810 SQ FT OR 0.1563 ACRES L I ' LOT.a.i lG OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3297 179449.80 1313600.69 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3295 179451.61 1313540.71 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3296 179547.12 1313541.76 155.53 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3298 179545.31 1313601.74 215.54 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3297 179449.80 1313600.69 311.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 311.06 LOT AREA: 5731 SQ FT OR 0.1316 ACRES LOT~ J3 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTAl\fCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3295 179451.61 1313540.71 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3293 179453.42 1313480.72 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3294 179548.93 1313481.78 155.53 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3296 179547.12 1313541.76 215.54 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3295 179451.61 1313540.71 311.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 311.06 LOT AREA: 5731 SQ FT OR 0.1316 ACRES LOT _1<1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3293 179453.42 1313480.72 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3289 179455.23 1313420.74 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.52 3292 179550.75 1313421.79 155.53 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3294 179548.93 1313481.78 215.54 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3293 179453.42 1313480.72 311.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 311.06 LOT AREA: 5731 SQ FT OR 0.1316 ACRES LOT~ Ie:. V OF PNT# BEARING 3289 N 88°16'13" W 3290 RADIUS: 25.00 BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179455.23 53.49 179456.85 LENGTH: 6.62 CHORD: EASTING 1313420.74 STATION 0.00 1313367.27 53.49 6.60 DELTA: 15°09' 50" CHORD BRG: N 80°41'18" W PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 16°53'37" E RADIUS POINT: 3274 179481.84,1313368.03 TANGENT: 3.33 3273 179457.91 1313360.76 60.10 N 00°38'00" E 94.65 3291 179552.56 1313361.81 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3292 179550.75 1313421.79 S 00°38'00" W 95.52 3289 179455.23 1313420.74 Closure Error Distance> 0.0057 Error Bearing> S 78°20'02" E Closure Precision> 1 in 54090.5 Total Distance> 310.28 LOT AREA: 5729 SQ FT OR 0.1315 ACRES 154.75 214.76 310.28 Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT ~ I~ OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3247 179318.46 1313411.23 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3141 179320.27 1313351.24 N 00°38'00" E 89.73 08/31/2005 07:49 STATION 0.00 60.01 3147 179409.99 1313352.23 149.73 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 16.57 CHORD: 16.26 DELTA: 37°57'58" CHORD BRG: N 72°44'48" E PC-R: S 36°14'11" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3146 179389.82,1313367.01 TANGENT: 8.60 3267 179414.81 1313367.77 166.30 S 88°16'13" E 44.53 3266 179413.47 1313412.28 S 00°38'00" W 95.01 3247 179318.46 1313411.23 Closure Error Distance> 0.0031 Error Bearing> S 85°18'10" E Closure Precision> 1 in 99104.1 Total Distance> 305.84 LOT AREA: 5675 SQ FT OR 0.1303 ACRES 210.83 305.84 LOT ~ 17 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3264 179316.65 1313471.21 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3247 179318.46 1313411.23 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.01 3266 179413.47 1313412.28 155.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3265 179411.66 1313472.26 215.04 S 00°38'00" W 95.01 3264 179316.65 1313471.21 310.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.05 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES ;',j I : f (: LOT ~ /e. OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3262 179314.84 1313531.19 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3264 179316.65 1313471.21 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.01 3265 179411.66 1313472.26 155.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3263 179409.85 1313532.24 215.04 S 00°38'00" W 95.01 3262 179314.84 1313531.19 310.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.05 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES Pa LOT .g.e 11 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# '3EARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3253 179312.72 1313601.17 0.00 N 88°16 1 13 11 W 70.01 3262 179314.84 1313531.19 70.01 N 00°38 1 00 11 E 95.01 3263 179409.85 1313532.24 165.03 S 88°16 1 13 11 E 70.01 3258 179407.73 1313602.22 235.04 S 00°38 1 00 11 W 95.01 3253 179312.72 1313601.17 330.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 330.06 LOT AREA: 6651 SQ FT OR 0.1527 ACRES LOT ~ Zb OF PNT# BEARING 3257 N 88°16'13" W 3253 N 00°38'00" E 3258 S 88°16'13" E BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179310.61 70.01 179312.72 95.01 179407.73 45.49 EASTING 1313671.15 1313601.17 1313602.22 STATION 0.00 70.01 165.03 3259 179406.36 1313647.69 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 210.51 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: S 43°49'06" E PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3260 179381.37,1313646.94 TANGENT: 24.53 3261 179381.09 1313671.93 249.31 S 00°38'00" W 70.49 3257 179310.61 1313671.15 319.79 Closure Error Distance> 0.0133 Error Bearing> N 43°27'10" W Closure Precision> 1 In 24048.2 Total Distance> 319.79 LOT AREA: 6523 SQ FT OR 0.1497 ACRES r ::: !, !) f LOT ~ z.t OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3254 179241.08 1313670.39 0.00 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.75 CHORD: 35.69 DELTA: 91°05'47" CHORD BRG: S 46°10'54" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3255 179241.35,1313645.39 TANGENT: 25.48 3256 179216.37 1313644.63 39.75 N 88°16'13" W 44.53 3252 179217.71 1313600.12 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3253 179312.72 1313601.17 S 88°16'13" E 70.01 3257 179310.61 1313671.15 S 00°38'00" W 69.54 3254 179241.08 1313670.39 Closure Error Distance> 0.0023 Error Bearing> N 48°23'00" E Closure Precision> 1 in 141601.1 Total Distance> 318.85 LOT AREA: 6511 SQ FT OR 0.1495 ACRES 84.28 179.30 249.31 318.85 LOT ~ Zz.. OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3252 179217.71 1313600.12 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3250 179219.52 1313540.14 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3251 179314.53 1313541.19 155.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3253 179312.72 1313601.17 215.04 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3252 179217.71 1313600.12 310.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.06 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES '1· I ) r lO! LOT ~ '23 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3250 179219.52 1313540.14 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3248 179221.33 1313480.16 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3249 179316.35 1313481.21 155.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3251 179314.53 1313541.19 215.04 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3250 179219.52 1313540.14 310.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.06 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES LOT .,Si z'l OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3248 179221.33 1313480.16 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 70.01 3245 179223.45 1313410.17 70.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3247 179318.46 1313411.23 165.03 S 88°16'13" E 70.01 3249 179316.35 1313481.21 235.05 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3248 179221.33 1313480.16 330.07 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 330.07 LOT AREA: 6651 SQ FT OR 0.1527 ACRES LOT ~ 25- PNT# BEARING 3245 OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179223.45 N 88°16'13" W 45.49 EASTING 1313410.17 STATION 0.00 3246 179224.82 1313364.71 45.49 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 15.61 CHORD: 15.36 DELTA: 35°46'25" CHORD BRG: N 70°23'00" W PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 37°30'12" E RADIUS POINT: 3143 179249.81,1313365.46 TANGENT: 8.07 3142 179229.97 1313350.24 61.10 N 00°38'00" E 90.30 3141 179320.27 1313351.24 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3247 179318.46 1313411.23 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3245 179223.45 1313410.17 Closure Error Distance> 0.0074 Error Bearing> N 80°16'40" E Closure Precision> 1 in 41419.5 Total Distance> 306.43 LOT AREA: 5679 SQ FT OR 0.1304 ACRES :"', t:" f{ ~ /, I 151.40 211.41 306.43 LOT ~Z~ OF PNT# BEARING 3242 N 88°16'13" W 3130 N 00°38'00" E 3129 RADIUS: 25.00 BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179086.43 60.01 179088.24 89.73 179177.96 LENGTH: 16.57 CHORD: EASTING 1313408.66 1313348.68 STAT10N 0.00 60.01 1313349.67 149.74 16.26 DELTA: 37°57'58" CHORD BRG: N 72°44'48" E PC-R: S 36°14'11" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3128 179157.80,1313364.45 TANGENT: 8.60 3244 179182.78 1313365.20 166.30 S 88°16'13" E 44.53 3243 179181.44 1313409.71 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3242 179086.43 1313408.66 Closure Error Distance> 0.0031 Error Bearing> S 85°18'10" E Closure Precision> 1 in 99105.8 Total Distance> 305.85 LOT AREA: 5675 SQ FT OR 0.1303 ACRES 210.83 305.85 LOT ~27 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANC2: NORTHING EAS' ING STATION 3240 179084.62 131 468.64 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3242 179086.43 131',408.66 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3243 179181.44 131:'409.71 155.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3241 179179.63 131:)469.69 215.04 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3240 179084.62 131.,,468.64 310.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.06 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES P,td(C ',' I',' f : 07 LOT _Z8 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3238 179082.50 1313538.62 0.00 N 88°16 1 13 11 W 70.01 3240 179084.62 1313468.64 70.01 N 00°38 1 00 11 E 95.02 3241 179179.63 1313469.69 165.03 S 88°16 1 13 11 E 70.01 3239 179177.52 1313539.67 235.04 S 00°38 1 00 11 W 95.02 3238 179082.50 1313538.62 330.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 330.06 LOT AREA: 6651 SQ FT OR 0.1527 ACRES LOT ~ Z~ OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISC['ANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3233 179080.69 1313598.61 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3238 179082.50 1313538.62 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3239 179177.52 1313539.67 155.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3234 179175.70 1313599.66 215.04 S 00°38'00" W 95.02 3233 179080.69 1313598.61 310.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.06 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P: \~002\020::,2A\Carls::Jn\02052),\. crd LOT ~ 30 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARIW; DISTANCE NORTHINC 3232 179091.81 EA3TING 1313668.74 08/23/2005 0'3: 5 STATI:JN 0.00 RADIUS: 25.,)0 LENGTH: 13.86 CHORD: 13.68 I)ELTA: 31°45'44" CHeRD BRG: '; 16°30 '52" W PC-R: N 89°22' 00" W PT-R: N 57°36 '16" W RADIUS POIN'L': 3132179092.09,1313643.74 TANCENT: 7.1] 3131 179078.69 1313664.85 13.86 N 88°1(; '13" W 66.27 3233 179080.69 1313598.61 80.13 N 00°38'00" E 95.02 3234 179175.70 1313599.66 175.14 S 88°16'13" E 45.49 3235 179174.33 1313645.12 220.63 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: S 43°49'06" E PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3236 179149.34,1313644.37 TANGENT: 24.53 3237 179149.07 1313669.37 259.42 S 00°38'00" W 57.26 3232 179091.81 1313668.74 Closure Error Distance> 0.0052 Error Bearing> S 79°18'53" W Closure Precision> 1 in 60381.0 Total Distance> 316.68 LOT AREA: 6507 SQ FT OR 0.1494 ACRES 316.68 LOT -+&e 31 PNT# BEAFING 3227 OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178901.25 S 71°43'55" W 82.37 3205 178875.43 N 00°38'00" E 121.14 3140 178996.56 EASTING 1313422.54 1313344.32 1313345.66 STATION 0.00 82.37 203.51 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 19.17 CHORD: 18.71 DELTA: 43°56'24" CHORD BRG: N 69°45'35" E PC-R: S 42°12'37" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3139 178978.05,1313362.46 TANGENT: 10.09 3230 179003.04 1313363.21 222.68 S 88°16'13" E 30.75 3231 179002.11 1313393.95 253.43 RADIUS: 1 71 . 00 LENGTH: 19. 87 CHORD: 19. 86 DELTA: 06 ° 3 9 ' 25" CHORD BRG: N 88°24'05" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 04°55'38" W RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 9.94 3228 179002.66 1313413.80 273.30 S 04°55'38" E 101.79 3227 178901.25 1313422.54 Closure Error Distance> 0.0066 Error Bearing> N 68°04'59" W Closure Precision> 1 in 56764.6 Total Distance> 375.09 LOT AREA: 8370 SQ FT OR 0.1921 ACRES i' , 375.09 LOT '1:iTi""" J Z. PNT# BEARING 3153 O? BLOCK 1 S 82°12'11" 3208 S 71°43'55" 3227 N 04°55'38" 3228 W W W DISTANCE NORTHING 178919.80 21. 49 178916.89 49.88 178901.25 101.79 179002.66 EASTING 1313491.20 1313469.91 1313422.54 1313413.80 STATION 0.00 21.49 71.37 173.16 RADIUS: 171. 00 LENGTH: 41.02 CHORD: 40.92 DELTA: 13°44'34" CHORD BRG: N 78°12'05" E PC-R: N 04°55'38" W PT-R: N 18°40'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 20.61 3229 179011.03 1313453.85 214.17 N 71°19'48" E 30.24 3154 179020.71 1313482.50 S 04°55'38" E 101.28 3153 178919.80 1313491.20 Closure Error Distance> 0.0054 Error Bearing> S 33°14'34" W Closure Precision> 1 in 63817.4 Total Distance> 345.70 LOT AREA: 6902 SQ FT OR 0.1585 ACRES 244.42 345.70 LOT ~ 33 OF PNT# BElRING 3152 S f:2°12'11" W 3153 N (14°55'38" W 3154 N 71°19'48" E BLOCK 1. DISTA]\CE NORTH:NG 17892' .84 59.26 178 91~) . 80 101.28 17902(1.71 3.22 ~ASTING L313549.92 L313491.20 L313482.50 STATION 0.00 59.26 160.54 3155 17902J.74 L313485.55 RADIUS: 129.00 LENGTH: 45.93 CHORD: 15.69 163.76 DELTA: 20°23' 59" CHORD BRG: N 81°31'48" E PC-R: S 18°40'12" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3109 178899.53,13135~:6.85 TANGENT: 23.21 3156 179028.47 l313530.74 209.69 S 88°16'13" E 20.29 3150 179027.86 1313551.02 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3152 178927.84 1313549.92 Closure Error Distance> 0.0063 Error Bearing> S 85°02'42" W Closure Precision> 1 in 52285.3 Total Distance> 330.00 LOT AREA: 6588 SQ FT OR 0.1512 ACRES 229.98 330.00 LOT ,"Tt1'3 3'1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3148 178926.03 1313609.90 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.02 3149 178927.84 1313549.92 60.02 N 00°38'00" E 100.02 3150 179027.86 1313551.02 160.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.02 3151 179026.04 1313611.01 220.05 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3148 178926.03 1313609.90 320.07 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 320.07 LOT AREA: 6002 SQ FT OR 0.1378 ACRES LOT 4-Q.4..:35 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DIST4.NCE NORTHING EASTING 3TATION 3225 178923.92 1313679.88 ).00 N 88°16'13" W 70.01 3148 178926.03 1313609.90 70.01 N 00°38'00" E 100.02 3151 179026.04 1313611.01 L70.03 S 88°16'13" E 70.01 3226 179023.93 1313680.99 240.04 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3225 178923.92 1313679.88 340.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 340.06 LOT AREA: 7001 SQ FT OR 0.1607 ACRES Lot Report 08/23/2005 09:0 CRD File> P: \2002\02.J52A\Car:son\02052A. crd LOT·-rt75 3'-OF1LOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANC1: NORTHDJG F';ASTING STATION 3224 178922.41 ~313729. 87 0.0) N 88°16'13" W 50.01 322 1) 178923.92 L313679.88 50.)1 N 00°38'00" E 100.02 3226 179023.93 1313680.99 150.03 S 88°16'13" E 50.01 3222 179022.42 1313730.98 200.03 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3224 178922.41 1313729.87 300.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 300.05 LOT AREA: 5001 SQ FT OR 0.1148 ACRES "i ) OT -±i1'& 3'7 OF .)NT# BFARING .221 S 00°38'00" , ,220 N 88°16'13" V! ~ 219 N 00°38'00" F ~222 S 88°16'13" I~ 3LOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178981.29 31.75 178949.55 95.01 178952.42 70.01 179022.42 56.75 EASTING 1313825.52 1313825.17 1313730.20 1313730.98 STATION 0.00 31.75 126.76 196.77 3223 179020.71 1313787.70 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 60.51 CHORD: 54.62 253.53 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD f;RG: S 43°49'06" E PC-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3104178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 38.26 3221 178981.29 1313825.52 314.04 Closure Error Distance> 0.0030 Error Bearing> S 46°19'47" E Closure Precision> 1 in 103920.2 Total Distance> 314.04 LOT AREA: 6339 SQ FT OR 0.1455 ACRES LOT.-3+'93f3 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3218 178889.54 1313824.51 0.00 N 88°16'13 11 W 95.01 3217 178892.41 1313729.54 9~i. 01 N 00°38'00 11 E 60.01 3219 178952.42 1313730.20 155.02 S 88°16'13 11 E 95.01 3220 178949.55 1313825.17 250.04 S 00°38'00 11 W 60.01 3218 178889.54 1313824.51 310.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 310.05 LOT AREA: 5701 SQ FT OR 0.1309 ACRES LOT~3? OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 32L4 178859.28 1313824.17 0.00 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 6~~. 01 CHORD: 55.68 DELTA: 91 ° 05 1 4711 CHORD BRG: S 46°10 1 54 11 W PC-R: N 89°22 1 00 11 W PT-R: N 01°43 1 47 11 E RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 39.75 3215 178820.73 1313784.00 62.01 N 88°16 1 13 11 W 55.26 3216 178822.40 1313728.76 117.27 N 00°38 1 00 11 E 70.02 3217 178892.41 1313729.54 187.28 S 88°16 1 13 11 E 95.01 3218 178889.54 1313824.51 282.30 S 00°38 1 00 11 W 30.26 3214 178859.28 1313824.17 312.56 Closure Error Distance> 0.0074 Error Bearing> S 31°36 1 35 11 E Closure Precision> 1 ln 42001.4 Total Distance> 312.56 LOT AREA: 6310 SQ FT OR 0.1449 ACRES LOT ~¥(J OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NO';THING EASTING STATION 3216 17j822.40 1313728.76 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3212 173824.21 1313668.78 60. en N 00°38'00" E 100.02 3213 173924.22 1313669.89 160.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3224 178922.41 1313729.87 220.04 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3216 178822.40 1313728.76 320.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 320.06 LOT AREA: 6001 SQ FT OR 0.1378 ACRES LOT.~q, OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING D[STANCE l~ORTHING EAST NG STATION 3212 L78824.21 1313(68.78 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 60.01 3210 L78826.02 1313(08.80 60.01 N 00°38'00" E 100.02 3148 L78926.03 1313(09.90 160.03 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3213 178924.22 1313(,69.89 220.04 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3212 178824.21 1313668.78 320.06 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 320.06 LOT AREA: 6001 SQ FT OR 0.1378 ACRES I (:1 1 IJ i Lor~l/2- PNT# 3210 BEARING OF BLOCK 1 DI STANC'~ NORTHING 178826.02 N 88°16'13" W 33.01 3211 178827.02 EASTING ~313608.80 1313575.80 STATION 0.00 33.01 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 27.04 CHORD: 27.02 DELTA: 06°42'21" CHORD BRG: S 88°22'37" W i?C-R: S 01°43'47" W PT-R: S 04°58'34" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TAlJGENT: 13.53 3209 178826.25 1313548.79 60.05 N 00°38'00" E 101.60 3149 178927.84 1313549.92 S 88°16'13" E 60.02 3148 178926.03 1313609.90 S 00°38'00" W 100.02 3210 178826.02 1313608.80 Closure Error Distance> 0.0060 Error Bearing> N 83°21'40" W Closure Precision> 1 in 53275.8 Total Distance> 321.68 LOT AREA: 6016 SQ FT OR 0.1381 ACRES 1'1' " , r: I '-, '; 161.65 221.66 321.68 LOT~ '13 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3209 178826.25 1313548.79 0.00 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 5 ci • 28 CHORD: 57.14 DELTA: 14 ° 12' 2 S,,, CHORD BRG: S 77°55'12" W PC-R: S 04°58'34" E PT-R: S 19°11'03" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 28.79 3207 178814.29 1313492.92 57.28 N 12°38'33" W 105.14 3208 178916.89 1313469.91 N 82°12'11" E 80.75 3149 178927.84 1313549.92 S 00°38'00" W 101.60 3209 178826.25 1313548.79 Closure Error Distance> 0.0087 Error Bearing> N 43°30'33" E Closure Precision> 1 in 39809.8 Total Distance> 344.78 LOT AREA: 6994 SQ FT OR 0.1606 ACRES 162.43 243.18 344.78 LOT.-3:+3-W PNT# BEARING 3207 OF BLOCK 1 DI STANCE NORTI IING 178814.29 EASTING 1313492.92 STATION 0.00 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 72.98 CHORD: 72.67 DELTA: 18°06'03" CHORD BRG: S 61°45'55" W PC-R: S 19°11'03" E PT-R: S 37°17'06" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 36.80 3201 178779.91 1313428.89 72.98 N 12°38'33" W 117.78 3206 178894.84 1313403.12 N 71°43'55" E 70.34 3208 178916.89 1313469.91 S 12°38'33" E 105.14 3207 178814.29 1313492.92 Closure Error Distance> 0.0060 Error Bearing> S 54°49'40" W Closure Precision> 1 in 60943.8 Total Distance> 366.24 LOT AREA: 7663 SQ FT OR 0.1759 ACRES 190.76 261.10 366.24 LOT,~ 'i5 PNT# BEARING OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3201 178779.91 1313428.89 0.00 RADIUS: 231.00 LENGTH: 31.71 CHORD: 31.69 DELTA: 07°51"=)6" CHORD BRG: S 48°46'56" W PC-R: S 37°17'06" E PT-R: S 45°09'02" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12/1313568.83 TANGENT: 15.88 3202 178759.03 1313405.06 31.71 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 30.52 CHORD: 29.74 DELTA: 44°49'50" CHORD BRG: S 67°15'53" W PC-R: N 45°09'02" W PT-R: N 00°19'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3101 178786.54/1313377.41 TANGENT: 16.09 3203 178747.54 1313377.63 62.23 S 89°40'48" W 17.30 3204 178747.44 1313360.33 79.53 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 19.11 CHORD: 18.65 DELTA: 43 °47' 50" CHORD BRG: N 68°25'17" W PC-R: N 00°19'12" W PT-R: N 43°28'38" E RADIUS POINT: 3136 178772.44/1313360.19 TANGENT: 10.05 3135 178754.30 1313342.98 98.64 N 00°38'00" E 121.14 3205 178875.43 1313344.32 N 71°43'55" E 61.91 3206 178894.84 1313403.12 S 12°38'33" E 117.78 3201 178779.91 1313428.89 Closure Error Distance> 0.0032 Error Bearing> S 48°44'17" E Closure Precision> 1 in 123289.0 Total Distance> 399.47 LOT AREA: 9828 SQ FT OR 0.2256 ACRES i ,. i " 219.78 281.69 399.47 LOT -H-5 '7~ OF PNT# BEARING 3196 N 88°25'56" W 3199 N 01°43'47" E BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178690.08 73.02 178692.08 58.63 EASTING 1313~,31.29 1313458.29 STATION 0.00 73.02 3200 178750.69 1313460.06 RADIUS: 189.00 LENGTH: 80.92 CHORD: 80.31 131.65 DELTA: 24°31' 55" CHORD BRG: N 67°07'58" E PC-R: S 3'5°08' 00" E PT-R: S 10°36' 05" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 41.09 3197 178781.90 1313534.06 212.58 S 01°43'47" W 91.85 3196 178690.08 1313531.29 Closure Error Distance> 0.0031 Error Bearing> S 68°14'38" W Closure Precision> 1 in 98786.9 Total Distance> 304.43 LOT AREA: 5726 SQ FT OR 0.1314 ACRES 304.43 LOT~ '17 OF PNT# BEARING 3194 N 88°25'56" W 3196 N 01°43'47" E BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178688.39 62.01 178690.08 91. 85 EASTING 1313593.27 1313531.29 STATION 0.00 62.01 3197 178781.90 1313534.06 RADIUS: 189.00 LENGTH: 40.68 CHORD: 40.60 153.86 DELTA: 12°19'52" CHORD BRG: N 85°33'51" E PC-R: S 10°36'05" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 20.42 3198 178785.04 1313574.53 194.54 S 88°16'13" E 21.65 3195 178784.38 1313596.17 216.19 S 01°43'47" W 96.04 3194 178688.39 1313593.27 312.22 Closure Error Distance> 0.0072 Error Bearing> N 46°54'04" W Closure Precision> 1 in 43347.2 Total Distance> 312.22 LOT AREA: 5902 SQ FT OR 0.1355 ACRES E','ICl( I i I " PNT# 3192 3194 3195 3193 3192 OF BLOCK 1 BEI\RING DISTANCE NORTHING 178686.47 N 88°25'56" W 70.00 178688.39 N 01°43'47" E 96.04 178784.38 S 88°16'13 11 E 70.00 178782.27 S 01°43'47" W 95.84 178686.47 EASTING 1313663.25 1313593.27 1313596.17 1313666.14 1313663.25 Closure Error Distance> 0.0022 Error Bearing> S 09°08'49 11 W Closure Precision> 1 in 153226.2 Total Distance> 331.88 LOT AREA: 6716 SQ FT OR 0.1542 ACRES STATION 0.00 70.00 166.04 236.04 331.88 GOT ~'I7 ')F BLOCK 1 I?NT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3187 178')84.83 1313723.23 0.00 N 88°25'56" W 60.01 3192 178;:;86.47 1313663.25 60.01 N 01°43'47" E 95.84 3193 178782.27 1313666.14 155.85 S 88°16'13" E 60.01 3188 178780.46 1313726.12 215.86 S 01°43'47" W 95.67 3187 178684.83 1313723.23 311.53 Closure Error Distance> 0.0005 Error Bearing> S 33°41'40" W Closure Precision> 1 in 688018.6 Total Distance> 311.53 LOT AREA: 5746 SQ FT OR 0.1319 ACRES PNT# 3186 3187 3188 3189 OF BLOCK 1 BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 178683.17 N 88°25'56 11 W 60.63 178684.83 N 01°43'47" E 95.67 178780.46 S 88°16'13" E 56.63 178778.75 EASTING 1313783.85 1313723.23 1313726.12 1313782.73 ,sTATION 0.00 60.63 156.30 212.94 RADIUS: 81. 00 LENGTH: 4.00 CHORD: 4.00 DELTA: 02 °49' 50 II CHORD BRG: S 89°41'08 11 E PC-R: N 01°43'47 11 E PT-R: N 01°06'03 11 W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 2.00 3190 178778.73 1313786.73 216.94 S 01°43'47" W 95.60 3186 178683.17 1313783.85 Closure Error Distance> 0.0028 Error Bearing> N 22°32'26 11 E Closure Precision> 1 in 113530.4 Total Distance> 312.54 LOT AREA: 5796 SQ FT OR 0.1331 ACRES 312.54 LOT ~51 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# 3185 3186 BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 178681.50 N 88°25'56" W 61.19 178683.17 N 01°43'47" E 95.60 EASTING 1313845.01 1313783.85 STATION 0.00 61.19 3190 178778.73 1313786.73 156.78 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 48.06 CHORD: 47.36 DELTA: 33°59'44" CHORD BRG: N 71°54'05" E PC-R: N 01°06'03" W PT-R: N 35°05'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 24.76 3182 178793.44 1313831.75 204.84 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 49.80 CHORD: 49.02 DELTA: 35°13'47" CHORD BRG: S 16°48'34" E PC-R: S 55°34'33" W PT-R: N 89°11'40" W RADIUS POINT: 3181 178747.65,1313764.93 TANGENT: 25.72 3180 178746.51 1313845.92 254.65 S 00°48'20" W 65.02 3185 178681.50 1313845.01 Closure Error Distance> 0.0049 Error Bearing> S 33°33'49" E Closure Precision> 1 in 65454.2 Total Distance> 319.66 LOT AREA: 6036 SQ FT OR 0.1386 ACRES 319.66 LOT·~5c... OF BlOCK 1 PNT# BEARING [:ISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 4530 178678.36 1313959.81 0.00 N 88°25'56" W ]14.84 3185 178681.50 1313845.01 114.84 N 00°48'20" E 65.02 3180 178746.51 1313845.92 179.86 S 89°11'40" E 20.00 3179 178746.23 1313865.92 199.86 S 88°16'13" E 94.52 3178 178743.37 1313960.40 294.38 S 00°31'29" W 65.02 4530 178678.36 1313959.81 359.40 Closure Error Distance> 0.0053 Error Bearing> S 40°07'56" E Closure Precision> 1 in 68430.1 Total Distance> 359.40 LOT AREA: 7471 SQ FT OR 0.1715 ACRES LOT~5'5 OF PNT# BEARING 3178 N 88°16'13" W 3179 N 89°11'40" W BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178743.37 94.52 178746.23 20.00 EASTING 1313960.40 1313865.92 STATION 0.00 94.52 3180 178746.51 1313845.92 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 49.80 CHORD: 49.02 114.52 DELTA: 35°13 '47" CHORD BRG: N 16°48'34" W PC-R: N 89°11'40" W PT-R: S 55°34'33" W RADIUS POINT: 3181 178747.65,1313764.93 TANGENT: 25.72 3182 178793.44 1313831.75 164.33 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 20.20 CHORD: 20.15 DELTA: 14°17'25" CHORD BRG: N 47°45'31" E PC-R: N 35°05'47" W PT-R: N 49°23'12" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 10.15 3176 178806.98 1313846.66 184.53 S 88°16'13" E 114.34 3175 178803.53 1313960.95 S 00°31'29" W 60.16 3178 178743.37 1313960.40 Closure Error Distance> 0.0046 Error Bearing> N 46°54'10" W Closure Precision> 1 in 78085.8 Total Distance> 359.03 LOT AREA: 7199 SQ FT OR 0.1653 ACRES 298.87 359.03 LOT ~5c.; PNT# BEARING 3175 OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178803.53 N 88°16'13" W 114.34 EASTING 1313960.95 STATION 0.00 3176 178806.98 1313846.66 114.34 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 56.52 CHORD: 55.38 DELTA: 39°58'48" CHORD BRG: N 20°37'24" E PC-R: N 49°23'12" W PT-R: N 89°22'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3103 178859.71,1313785.18 TANGENT: 29.47 3177 178858.82 1313866.17 170.86 N 00°38'00" E 7.59 3172 178866.41 1313866.26 S 88°16'13" E 95.29 3171 178863.53 1313961.50 S 00°31'29" W 60.00 3175 178803.53 1313960.95 Closure Error Distance> 0.0021 Error Bearing> N 23°01'50" E Closure Precision> 1 In 162493.5 Total Distance> 333.74 LOT AREA: 6034 SQ FT OR 0.1385 ACRES I' <, ,. ,; "~I n 1 i I '7 178.45 273.74 333.74 LOT~55 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3171 178863.53 1313961.50 N 88°16'13" W 95.29 3172 178866.41 1313866.26 N 00°38'00" E 70.02 3173 178936.42 1313867.03 S 88°16'13" E 95.16 3174 178933.55 1313962.14 S 00°31'29" W 70.02 3171 178863.53 1313961.50 Closure Error Distance> 0.0038 Error Bearing> S 47°08'49" Closure Precision> 1 in 87031.6 Total Distance> 330.49 LOT AREA: 6666 SQ FT OR 0.1530 ACRES f' -c "J .1 I Ui STATION 0.00 95.29 165.31 260.47 330.49 W Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT 425 '5? OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3174 178933.55 1313962.14 N 88°16'13" W 95.16 3173 178936.42 1313867.03 N 00°38'00" E 44.41 08/31/2005 08:41 STATION 0.00 95.16 3191 178980.83 1313867.52 139.57 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 15.73 CHORD: 15.71 DELTA: 11°07'47" CHORD BRG: N 04°55'53" W PC-R: N 89°22'00" W PT-R: S 79°30'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 7.89 3184 178996.48 1313866.17 155.30 S 88°16'13" E 96.57 3183 178993.57 1313962.69 S 00°31'29" W 60.02 3174 178933.55 1313962.14 Closure Error Distance> 0.0009 Error Bearing> N 06°40'58" W Closure Precision> 1 in 340579.5 Total Distance> 311.89 LOT AREA: 5715 SQ FT OR 0.1312 ACRES 251.87 311.89 Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT l~ 5-7 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3183 178993.57 1313962.69 N 88°16'13" W 96.57 08/31/2005 08:49 STATION 0.00 3184 178996.48 1313866.17 96.57 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 53.35 CHORD: 52.39 DELTA: 37°44'18" CHORD BRG: N 29°21'56" W PC-R: S 79°30'13" W PT-R: S 41°45'55" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 27.68 3168 179042.14 1313840.48 149.92 RADIUS: 81. 50 LENGTH: 67.01 CHORD: 65.14 DELTA: 47°06' 25" CHORD BRG: N 67°04'48" E PC-R: S 46°28'24" E PT-R: S 00°38'00" W RADIUS POINT: 3163 178986.01,1313899.57 TANGENT: 35.53 3167 179067.51 1313900.47 216.93 S 89°22'00" E 62.90 3170 179066.81 1313963.36 S 00°31'29" W 73.25 3183 178993.57 1313962.69 Closure Error Distance> 0.0055 Error Bearing> N 85°32'02" W Closure Precision> 1 in 64013.3 Total Distance> 353.07 LOT AREA: 7622 SQ FT OR 0.1750 ACRES 279.82 353.07 LOT~58 OP BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3170 179066.81 1313963.36 0.00 N 89°22'00" W 62.90 3167 179067.51 1313900.47 62.90 N 00°38'00" E 105.87 3169 179173.37 1313901.64 168.77 S 88°21'05" E 62.71 4525 179171.57 1313964.32 231.48 S 00°31'29" W 104.76 3170 179066.81 1313963.36 336.24 Closure Error Distance> 0.0016 Error Bearing> N 53°00'37" E Closure Precision> 1 in 211377.0 Total Distance> 336.24 LOT AREA: 6614 SQ FT OR 0.1518 ACRES LOT ~ "5i OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3167 179067.51 1313900.47 0.00 RADIUS: 81.50 IJENGTH: 67.01 CHORD: 65.14 DELTA: 47°06'25" CHORD BRG: S 67°04'48" W PC-R: S 00°38'00" W PT-R: S 46°28'24" E RADIUS POINT: 3163 178986.01,1313899.57 TANGENT: 35.53 3168 179042.14 1313840.48 67.01 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 20.25 CHORD: 20.20 DELTA: 14°19'23" CHORD BRG: N 55°23'46" W PC-R: S 41°45'55" W PT-R: S 27°26'32" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 10.18 3164 179053.61 1313823.85 87.26 RADIUS: 101.50 LENGTH: 22.40 CHORD: 22.35 DELTA: 12°38'41" CHORD BRG: N 48°04'49" E PC-R: S 48°14'31" E PT-R: S 35°35'50" E RADIUS POINT: 3163 178986.01,1313899.57 TANGENT: 11.25 3162 179068.55 1313840.49 109.66 N 00°38'00" E 106.56 3166 179175.10 1313841.67 216.22 S 88°21'05" E 60.00 3169 179173.37 1313901.64 276.22 S 00°38'00" W 105.87 3167 179067.51 1313900.47 382.09 Closure Error Distance> 0.0108 Error Bearing> N 82°49'56" E Closure Precision> 1 In 35342.2 Total Distance> 382.09 LOT AREA: 7087 SQ FT OR 0.1627 ACRES LOT.~(,() OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3162 179068.55 1313840.49 0.00 RADIUS: 101.50 LENGTH: 22.40 CHORD: 22.35 DELTA: 12°38'41" CHORD BRG: S 48°04'49" W PC-R: S 35°35'50" E PT-R: S 48°14'31" E RADIUS POINT: 3163 178986.01,1313899.57 TANGENT: 11.25 3164 179053.61 1313823.85 22.40 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 36.35 CHORD: 36.05 DELTA: 25°42'45" CHORD BRG: N 75°24'50" W PC-R: S 27°26'32" W PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3104 178981.73,1313786.53 TANGENT: 18.49 3165 179062.69 1313788.97 58.75 N 88°16'13" W 8.55 3157 179062.95 1313780.42 67.30 N 00°38'00" E 113.89 3161 179176.83 1313781.68 181.19 S 88°21'05" E 60.01 3166 179175.10 1313841.67 241.20 S 00°38'00" W 106.56 3162 179068.55 1313840.49 347.76 Closure Error Distance> 0.0082 Error Bearing> S 12°12'53" W Closure Precision> 1 in 42371.7 Total Distance> 347.76 LOT AREA: 6923 SQ FT OR 0.1589 ACRES LOT ~ '-, PNT# 3157 BEARING OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179062.95 N 88°16'13" W 45.49 EASTING 1313780.42 STATION 0.00 3158 179064.32 1313734.96 45.49 R.t-\DIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3159 179089.31,1313735.71 TANGENT: 24.53 3160 179089.59 1313710.71 84.28 N 00°38'00" E 89.26 3107 179178.84 1313711.70 S 88°21'05" E 70.01 3161 179176.83 1313781.68 S 00°38'00" W 113.89 3157 179062.95 1313780.42 Closure Error Distance> 0.0075 Error Bearing> N 80°17'36" E Closure Precision> 1 in 47353.5 Total Distance> 357.44 LOT AREA: 7840 SQ FT OR 0.1800 ACRES 173.54 243.55 357.44 LOT .+3+"' L OF BLOCK 1 PNT# 31L~ 311J BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 179338.23 N 88°19'28" W 70.00 179340.28 N 01°43'47" E 71.49 EASTING 1313888.68 1313818.71 STATION 0.00 70.00 3114 179411.74 1313820.87 141.49 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 45.77 CHORD: 45.16 DELTA: 32°22 '27" CHORD BRG: N 45°53'42" E PC-R: N 27°55'04" W PT-R: N 60°17'31" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 23.51 3115 179443.17 1313853.30 187.26 S 88°16'13" E 38.53 3116 179442.01 1313891.81 225.80 S 01°43'47" W 103.82 3112 179338.23 1313888.68 329.62 Closure Error Distance> 0.0058 Error Bearing> N 77°32'42" E Closure Precision> 1 in 56876.2 Total Distance> 329.62 LOT AREA: 6663 SQ FT OR 0.1530 ACRES Lot Report 08/31/2005 08:59 CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT·~ ~.!. OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 4515 179335.97 1313965.83 0.00 N 88°19'28" W 77.18 3112 179338.23 1313888.68 77.18 N 01°43'47" E 103.82 3116 179442.01 1313891. 81 181.00 S 88°16'13" E 75.00 3285 179439.74 1313966.78 256.00 S 00°31'29" W 103.78 4515 179335.97 1313965.83 359.78 Closure Error Distance> 0.0023 Error Bearing> N 87°51'30" W Closure Precision> 1 in 157582.3 Total Distance> 359.78 LOT AREA: 7897 SQ FT OR 0.1813 ACRES LOT~''f PNT# 3285 BEARING OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179439.74 N 88°16'13" W 113.53 EASTING 1313966.'18 STATION 0.00 3115 179443.17 1313853.30 113.53 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 39.55 CHORD: 39.16 DELTA: 27°58'42" CHORD BRG: N 15°43'08" E PC-R: N 60°17'31" W PT-R: N 88°16'13" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 20.18 3286 179480.87 1313863.91 153.09 N 01°43'47" E 22.00 3287 179502.86 1313864.57 S 88°16'13" E 102.81 3288 179499.75 1313967.33 S 00°31'29" W 60.01 3285 179439.74 1313966.78 Closure Error Distance> 0.0087 Error Bearing> S 79°27'17" W Closure Precision> 1 in 38995.0 Total Distance> 337.91 LOT AREA: 6323 SQ FT OR 0.1452 ACRES 175.09 277.89 337.91 LOT~ 'S-OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STAT [ON 3288 179499.75 1313967.33 0.00 N 88°16'13" W 102.81 3287 179502.86 1313864.57 102.'31 N 01°43'47" E 60.00 3280 179562.83 1313866.38 162.81 S 88°16'13" E 101.54 3279 179559.76 1313967.88 264.35 S 00°31'29" W 60.01 3288 179499.75 1313967.33 324.36 Closure Error Distance> 0.0087 Error Bearing> S 66°03'20" E Closure Precision> 1 in 37490.3 Total Distance> 324.36 LOT AREA: 6130 SQ FT OR 0.1407 ACRES f' ,)'l (" f 1. (I LOT~~" PNT# BE]\RING 3279 OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 179559.76 N 88°16'13" W 101.54 3280 179562.83 N 01°43'47" E 45.00 EASTING 1313967.88 1313866.38 S"ATION 0,00 101.54 32 8 1 1 7 9607 . 8 1 13 13 8 6 7 . 74 1 Ll6 . 54 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 39.27 CHORD: 35.36 DELTA: 90°00'00" CHORD BRG: N 46°43'47" E PC-R: S 88°16'13" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3282 179607.05,1313892.73 TANGENT: 25.00 3283 179632.04 1313893.48 185.81 S 88°16'13" E 75.07 3284 179629.78 1313968.52 S 00°31'29" W 70.02 3279 179559.76 1313967.88 Closure Error Distance> 0.0059 Error Bearing> N 76°22'59" W Closure Precision> 1 in 55894.8 Total Distance> 330.90 LOT AREA: 6922 SQ FT OR 0.1589 ACRES "<I(lC (; r:; f: 260.88 330.90 Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT TRACT ·"p-,4 OF BLOCK 1 08/31/2005 09:17 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 3273 179457.91 1313360.76 0.00 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 32.18 CHORD: 30.00 DELTA: 73°44'23" CHORD BRG: N 36°14'11" W PC-R: N 16°53'37" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3274 179481.84,1313368.03 TANGENT: 18.75 3275 179482.11 1313343.03 32.18 N 00°38'00" E 141.03 3276 179623.13 1313344.59 173.20 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 32.18 CHORD: 30.00 DELTA: 73°44'24" CHORD BRG: N 37°30'12" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: S 15°37'36" E RADIUS POINT: 3277 179622.85,1313369.59 TANGENT: 18.75 3278 179646.93 1313362.85 205.38 S 00°38'00" W 189.03 3273 179457.91 1313360.76 Closure Error Distance> 0.0001 Error Bearing> S 79°28'23" W Closure Precision> 1 in 3325529.3 Total Distance> 394.40 LOT AREA: 3175 SQ FT OR 0.0729 ACRES 394.40 Lot Report CRD File> P:\2002\02052A\Carlson\02052A.crd LOT TRACT -e-13 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING 3142 179229.97 1313350.24 N 00°38'00" E 180.03 08/31/2005 09:04 STATION 0.00 3147 179409.99 1313352.23 180.03 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.18 CHORD: 22.36 DELTA: 53°07'49" CHORD BRG: S 27°11'55" W PC-R: S 36°14'11" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3146 179389.82,1313367.01 TANGENT: 12.50 3145 179390.10 1313342.01 203.21 S 00°38'00" W 140.03 3144 179250.08 1313340.47 343.23 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.18 CHORD: 22.36 DELTA: 53°07'48" CHORD BRG: S 25°55'54" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: N 37°30'12" E RADIUS POINT: 3143 179249.81,1313365.46 TANGENT: 12.50 3142 179229.97 1313350.24 366.42 Closure Error Distance> 0.0013 Error Bearing> S 03°48'50" E Closure Precision> 1 in 293039.1 Total Distance> 366.42 LOT AREA: 1680 SQ FT OR 0.0386 ACRES Lot Report CRD Fih:> P:\20C2\02052A\Carlson\02052A.ccd LOT TRACT..fir c... OF BLOCi{ 1 PNT# nEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTNG 3121 179061.53 1313<72.11 ~: 71°19'48" W 33.46 08/23/2005 08:5 STATION 0.00 3122 179050.82 1313440.41 33.46 RADIUS: 129.00 LENGTH: 45.9:5 CHORD: 45.6 c) DELTA: 2002J'59" CHORD BRG: S 81°31'47" W PC-R: N 18°40'12" W PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3108 179173.03,1313399.11 TANGENT: 23.21 3123 179044.09 1313395.22 79.39 N 88°16'13" W 32.51 3124 179045.07 1313362.72 111.90 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 38.79 CHORD: 35.02 DELTA: 88°54'13" CHORD BRG: N 43°49'06" W PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3125 179070.06,1313363.48 TANGENT: 24.53 3126 179070.33 1313338.48 150.69 N 00°38'00" E 87.74 3127 179158.07 1313339.45 238.43 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.18 CHORD: 22.36 DELTA: 53°07'48" CHORD BRG: N 27°11'55" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: S 36°14'11" E RADIUS POINT: 3128 179157.80,1313364.45 TANGENT: 12.50 3129 179177.96 1313349.67 261.62 S 00°38'00" W 89.73 3130 179088.24 1313348.68 351.34 S 88°16'13" E 316.31 3131 179078.69 1313664.85 667.66 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 25.89 CHORD: 24.7'::; DELTA: 59°20'03" CHORD BRG: S 62°03'46" W PC-R: N 57°36'16" W PT-R: N 01°43'47" E RADIUS POINT: 3132 179092.09,1313643.74 TANGEN'i': 14.24 3133 179067.10 1313G42.98 693.55 N 88°16'13" W 111.03 3134 179070.45 1313~32.01 804.57 RADIUS: 171.00 LENGTH: 60.88 CHORD: 60.5e DELTA: 20°23'59" CHORD BRG: S 81 ° 31' 48" W PC -R: S 01 ° 4 3 ' 47" W !)T -R: S 18 ° 4 0 ' 12 II E RADIUS POINT: 3109178899.53,1:313526.85 TANGENT: 30.77 3121 179061.53 1313:l72.11 865.45 Closure Error Distance> 0.0146 Error Bearing> N 6'}038 I 36" E Closure Precisicn> 1 in:;9353. 2 'J'otal Distance> 8 ';5.45 LOT AREA: 8354 S~ FT OR 1.1918 ACRES LOT TRACT .e 00 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARINC DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATI:)N 3135 178754.30 13L3342.98 0.00 RAD IUS: 25. (10 LENGTH: 20 0 58 CHORD: 20. 00 DELTA: 47 0 09' 23" CHORD BRG: N 22°56'41" W PC R: N 43°28'38" E PT-R: S 89°22'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3136 178772.44,1313360.19 TANGENT: 10.91 3137 178772.72 1313335.19 20.58 N 00°38'00" E 205.62 3138 178978.32 1313337.46 226.19 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 20.58 CHORD: 20.00 DELTA: 47°09'23" CHORD BRG: N 24°12'42" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: S 42°12'37" E RADIUS POINT: 3139 178978.05,1313362.46 TANGENT: 10.91 3140 178996.56 1313345.66 246.77 S 00°38'00" W 242.28 3135 178754.30 1313342.98 489.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0006 Error Bearing> S 09°02'35" W Closure Precision> 1 in 804839.8 Total Distance> 489.05 LOT AREA: 1848 SQ FT OR 0.0424 ACRES '("((' 77 LOT TF ACT .e G" PNT# BEARING 3199 OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING 178692.0l N 88°25'56" W 119.24 EASTING 1313458.29 STATION 0.00 3268 178695.34 1313339.10 119.24 RADIUS: 25.00 LENGTH: 23.16 CHORD: 22.34 DELTA: 53°04'05" CHORD BRG: N 63 ° 08 ' 45" E PC -R: S 53 ° :2 3 ' 1 7" E PT -R: S 00 ° 19 ' 12" E RADIUS POINT: 3269 178680.43,1313359.17 TANGENT: 12.48 3270 178705.43 1313359.03 142.39 N 89°40'48" E 18.83 3271 178705.54 1313377.86 161.23 RADIUS: 81. 00 LENGTH: 63.38 CHORD: 61. 77 DELTA: 44 °49' 50" CHORD BRG: N 67°15'53" E PC-R: N 00°19'12" W PT-R: N 45°09'02" W RADIUS POINT: 3101 178786.54,1313377.41 TANGENT: 33.41 3272 178729.41 1313434.84 224.60 RADIUS: 189.00 LENGTH: 33.04 CHORD: 33.00 DELTA: 10°01'02" CHORD BRG: N 49°51'29" E PC-R: S 45°09'02" E PT-R: S 35°08'00" E RADIUS POINT: 3102 178596.12,1313568.83 TANGENT: 16.56 3200 178750.69 1313460.06 257.65 S 01°43'47" W 58.63 3199 178692.08 1313458.29 Closure Error Distance> 0.0077 Error Bearing> S 69°19'14" E Closure Precision> 1 in 40951.6 Total Distance> 316.28 LOT AREA: 2630 SQ FT OR 0.0604 ACRES 316.28 LOT TRACT.JP;::::' OF BLOCK 1 PNT# 3113 3106 BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 179340.28 N 88°1)'28" W 105.24 179343.36 N 00°38'00" E 35.52 EASTING 1313818.71 1313713.52 STATION 0.00 105.24 3117 179378.87 1313713.91 140.75 RAD IUS: 25. 00 LENGTH: 39. 75 CHORD: 35. 69 DELTA: 91 ° 05 ' 47" CHORD BRG: N 46°10'54" E PC-R: S 89°22'00" E PT-R: S 01°43'47" W RADIUS POINT: 3118 179378.59,1313738.91 TANGENT: 25.48 3119 179403.58 1313739.66 180.50 S 88°16'13" E 40.85 3120 179402.35 1313780.50 221.35 RADIUS: 81.00 LENGTH: 41.91 CHORD: 41.45 DELTA: 29°38'51" CHORD BRG: N 76°54'21" E PC-R: N 01°43'47" E PT-R: N 27°55'04" W RADIUS POINT: 3105 179483.31,1313782.94 TANGENT: 21.44 3114 179411.74 1313820.87 263.27 S 01°43'47" W 71.49 3113 179340.28 1313818.71 Closure Error Distance> 0.0077 Error Bearing> S 39°31'22" E Closure Precision> 1 in 43244.7 Total Distance> 334.76 LOT AREA: 6446 SQ FT OR 0.1480 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA: 1033244 SQ FT OR 23.7200 ACRES 334.76 <i 9l ~~ ~ ~ 'C( ~ ~ NE NE CT ~ m ~ 18 , W -J LAURElHURST DIVISION 2 VICINITY MAP coRE \: ~DESIGN 4TH 6T 6E I36TH 6T 6E 138TH 6T RENTON \416T VICINITY MAP 1" = 3000'± PAGE 10F1 14711 NE 29th Place, #101 Bellevue, Washington 9R007 425.B85.7877 Fox 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NC>_ 02052 ~ ~ 'C( ~ ....l m ~ 'C( if ~ DEVELOPMEN"f PLANNINC CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED ::;) i N.£.I., ST. ~II fc 1 2 3 4 !Ii 8 7 ~1--_88--1 ~ I 1I!;~~'-5 +-'-4 +'3---+-1-2 -l--,,-...L,.-'0~_: ---.J a f----:--I J LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 PLAT PLAN cORE \: -/DESIGN - N.£. 1ST CT. 83 1RACT F 82 11 20 22 21 58 57 ) 53 50 51 52 \ ? !" U /' I PAGE 10F1 14711 NE 29th Place, #101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fox 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING PLANNING, SURVEYING JC>E3 NC>_ 02052 N,T,S. DEVELOPMENT PLANI\lINC CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED i3 '8 M G pia w·o 0 c!l Neighborhood P a v k LAURELHURST RENTON, DIVISION 1I WA51-11NGTON CONNER HOMES CORE D!'!IGN ING~ ENGINEEII01:ING • A..~1Nr::S • $UroNEY!NG co~ NO. 020502 OE\IELOPMENT PLANNINC CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 200~ RECEIVED DEDICATION / CERTIFICATION KNOW AU.. P[OPl.E BY n-tESE PRESENTS THAT WE. lHE UNDERSIGNED OYINERS IN FEE SlWPLE OF "'THE LAND HEPEBY PlAnED. HEREBY OECLME 'THIS PlAT AND DEDICATE TO THE USE Of" THE pueuc FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES SHO~ HEREON AND TWE USE 1HEREOF' FOR All. PUBUC HIGHWAY PURPOSES; ALSO TliE RIGHT TO MAKE AU. NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FIllS UPON THE LOTS AND BLOO<S SHOlAfrl ON THIS PLAT IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF THE STREETS AND AVENUES SHO~ HEREON, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO niE USE Of'" TH£ PUBUC. AlL THE EASBl£NTS SHO\IiN ON TWIS PLAT fOR All PUBUC PURPOSES AS INOfCATED THEREON, INQ.UOING BUT NOT UUlTEO TO UTJUlIES AND DRAINAGE. TR .... CTS A, 8, C, D, E. AND F ARE OPEN SPACE TRACTS AND ARe: HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE LAURELHURST CQt,jMUNITY ORGANIZA liON (LCO) UPQH RECOROING Of ll+IS PLAT. OI4t4ERSHIP AND f,jAINTENANCE OF SAiD TRACTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSlBlUTY OF THE LCO. IN 'THE EVENT THAT THE LCO IS OfSSOL\IED OR OTHER'MSE FAtLS TO "'EET ITS PROPERTY TAX OBUGAllONS AS E\ltDENCEll BY NON-PAYN(NT Of PROPERTY TAXES Fm A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PlAT SHALL ~ME AND HAVE AN EQUAL AhO UNDI'Io1DED O!MIIERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACTS PREVIOUSLY O'MED BY THE lCO AI"dO HAVE lH£ ATT[NOANT FINANCIAl AND MAINTrNANCE RESPONSlBIU"nES KNOW AlL P[;OPlE BY THESE PRESENlS, THAT WE THE HEREIN BELOw SIGNED O~ERS IN FEE ~ .. ,IPLE Of THE lAND HEREBY SUBDlVTDED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HA\€ ESTABUSHED THE LAUR8..HURST COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (LCD) IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH WASH[NGTON STAl£ LAW 'M-IICH IDENTIFIES EACH LOT OF THIS ?LAT AS A MEMBER OF SAfD LAURElHURST COWUNITY ORGANIZATION, SAID ORGANIZATION [S SUBJECT TO THE DEClARATION rE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS fOR THE PLAT OF' LAURELHURST, AS DISa..OSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNOER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 200504-190000481 AND 1oI()()If'tEO BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORD[NG NO. ___________ _ If'! I'1ITNES:; 'MiERECr V£ HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. CONNt"''l HOMES COMPANY, A WA5/{INliTON CORPORATION ~T: 'TS· ..IlL SUZANNE CONNER AS LENDER OHL Y BY: Jlu.. SUZANNE CONNER DECLARATION OF COVENANT BANK OF AMERICA, N.A •• A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOOA TlON, AS lENDER ONLY OY: 'rs, THE O'NN£R OF THE LANO EMBRACED WITHIN THIS LONG PlAT, IN RETURN FOR THE 8ENEF1T TO ACCRUE rnol.l m:s SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON CO\IENANTS ANO HEnflIY CONVEYS THE 8ENEFlOAL INTEREST IN 'THE NEW EASEMENTS SHO'Ml! ON n-tIS LONG PUT TO .tJ.IY AND All. FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBOl'ASION THEREeF'. THE COVENANT SHAU RUN WITH TIlE' LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS LONG PlAT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ____________________________ __ STATE CF WJ..SHlNGTGN ) ):35 COUNrY JF ____ ) I C[RllN ThAT) KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _____ IS TIiE PERSON lHAT APPEARED 8EFORE "'E. AND SA[D PERSON ACKNO'M.EDGED THAT HE/SHE SIGNED THIS INSlRUMENT; ON OATH STA1tD ThAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO E><ECUTE THE INSTRUMEJH: AND ACKNO'M..EDGED IT .AS ~."W"'AS"'H'"'N"'G-o;; .. O"N-;;CniOR;;;pruOR"'.'"TIruON;-.-;;TO;;-O;BE,-~ ~~~~~~::'AN~T OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES WENllONED IN TJ.lE INSTRUMENT. O"lED: _______ 20OS. NAME: PRINTED NOTARY PUBUC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 SHEET 1 OF 5 LUA-XX-JXX-FP LND-XX-XXX A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. 15, TWP. 23 N .• RGE. 5 E.. W.M .• CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON Pl..A.NNING / BUILDING I PUSUC W"JRt(S QEPARTUENT EXAMINED AHD APPRO'tI[D lH[5 _ DAY Of 2005. ADtoMNiSTRATQR CITY OF RENTal! MAYOR (XAt,jINED AHD APtIRO\otD lliIS __ DAY CE 2005. .'YOR CITY OF RENTON E:lCAUiNED AND APPROvm lHtS __ DAY OF 2005. CITY ClERK AClCNOllLEDGKENTS CONTINUED STATE OF WASHINGTCf\! ) )SS COUNTY OF ____ ) ; CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVlOCNCE niAJ =-SAJOC=-P=ER=-SQH=--"-="""=O""'==GED=-="'''"'=T '"'HE;:-/S:=H-::E:-~E ~~~~~~1HBEF:':~ ~~ HE/SHE WAS A.UTHORIZED TO EXECUTE TliE INSTRUNEHT; AND ACKNON..EDGED IT AS -;;AS"'soa=''"TI'''",,;;-.'TO;;oBE''''lHEO<iFRE£=~AN''''O ~~~~~ :r~~"'su~'p~~~ALlH~~~G AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED: 2OOS. "~------------------ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )" COUNTY OF ____ ) PRlNlED NOT"'R'r PU!'!LlC IN AND FOR "THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT NY APPOINTMfNT EXPIRES _____ _ [ CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA\£ SAlISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT Jlu. SUZANNE cottNER IS THE rEASON THAT APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACkNOVIUDGm lHAT SHE SIGNED THIS INSlRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE HER FREE ANO VQ.UNTARY ACT fOR THE USES ANO PURPOSES I.IENTlONfD IN THE [HSTRUNENT. DATED: 2005. N"""' ________ _ PR'''''' NOTARY PUBUC IN AND FUR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT MY APtJOINn.ENT EXPIRES __________ , CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO OruNOUE:NT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND THAT AU. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CCRTIF1EO T.:I THE aTY TREASURER FOR COlLEcn~ ON ~y PROPERTY HERElN CONTAINED O£DICATm FOR STREETS, AllEYS OR OntER pueuc USES ARE PAID I~ FULL .... ____ DAY a: 2005. FlHANC[ OIHECTCR IlNG COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL ~OPERTY TAXES ARE PA[D, lHAT THERE ARE NO DEUNQUENT SPEOAL ASSESSMENTS CERTlF1FD TO lHtS CFFlCE FOR COLLECTION AND, THAT AU. SPECIAl ASSESSMENTS CERTlf1EO TO THIS OFFlCE fOP. CQl~CTlON ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HERDN CQHTAINED, ~CATEO AS STREETS, AI..LEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBUC USE .ARE PAID IN FULL THIS ____ DAY CF 2005. ~ANAGER. ANANCE O!VTSlON DEPUTY DEPT. OF ASSESSKENTS EXAJ.W£D AND APPROIJED T1fS ~' DAY OF 2005. K!NG COUNTY ASSE~ OEPUTY A!;S[SSQR RECORDING CERTmCATE FlLEO FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF" CITY OF RENTON THIS ___ D ... Y 0j-' ______ _ 2005, AT __ ~INUlES PAST __ Yo AND RECORDED IN VOLUME __ C'F Pi.AI~. ?AGES • ____ RECORDS rF KING COUNTY, WASHlNGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND El.EC1l0NS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, SlEPHEN J. SCHREJ, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PUT OF LAURELHURST DIVISION 2, IS BASED ON AN ACTUAL SURVEY IN SECllON 15. TOWNSH!P 23 NORlH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.W., KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; THAT THE COlJtl:SES AND DISTANCES ARE SH~ CORRECn.,Y"HEREON, THAT lHE MONUMENTS Mu.. BE SET ANO ntE LOT CORNERS STAKED CORRECn.y ~ llIE GROUND; AND THAT I HAVE AJLLY COMPUED WITH 1liE PROIJIS[Oas OF THE PLATnNG REGULAlION5. STEPHEN J. SCHREI 0.1. TE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ST'" TE OF WASH[NGTON UCENSE NO. 37555 cORE ~DESIGN 1471 J N.E. 19th PL Suife JOI 8e11e.,.,., y', a.Wng#DII 98007 425.885.7 JT/ Au ~25.8a5.796J ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO. 02052 DEVELOPMENT PLANNINC CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 SHEET 2 OF 5 LUA-XX-XXX-FP LND-XX-XXXX A PORllON OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4. SEC. 15, -TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M., CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2: TliE NORTH HAlF' OF THE NORTliEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF 'THE NCRTWVIEST QUARTER OF SECnON 15, TO~SHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, YI1U.AMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT 1HE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE wEST 213 FEET; EXCEPT lliE EAST 20 F'EEf; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTlON OF VACATED 1-40lH "\eWE S.£. 'MilCH WOUlD ATTAOi BY OPERATION OF'LAW. AS PROWlED IN CHY or RENTON ORDINANCE NO.. 5128, RECORDED UNOER RECORDING NUMBER 2005032400096 I . (AlSO KNO¥.N AS A PORTlON OF PARCEl.. A. CITY OF ROITON lor UNE AD.AJSllJENT UUWBER LUA-04-129-llA.. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUNBER 2004120290002!S, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: Tl-IE NORTH HALF Of THE SOUTH HAlf OI! THE NOfiniEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUl'HEAST OUAfrTER OF THE NORTliWEST QUARTER OF SECTlON IS. TO~SHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. 'ML1.AWETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 fEET FOR ROADS; TOGE.11-IER 'MTH 'THAT PORnON OF VACATED 140TH AY£NU[ SOUTI1EAST, 'M-I10i WOULD ATTAOi BY OPERATION OF LAW. AS PR0l,10ED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO, 13228. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORnON THEREOF LYING EASTERL.Y OF THE Fou.O'I'IING DESCRIBED UNE: COt.lM~CING "T THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOIIE DESCRIBED "TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY "'LONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE THEREOf, A DISTANCE OF 2.52n TO lHE BEGINNING OF SAID UNE: THENCE NORm OO"38'OO~ EAST 16.4.52 ITET TO THE NORTHERLY UNE THEREOF, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID UNE. (AL<;O KNO'MII AS ... PORTION CF" PARCEL A. ~ITY OF RENTON LOT UNE AOJJS"NENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-Ll.A. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUUBER 20041202900025) PARCtl 8: THE SOUTH HALF Of lHE SOUTH HALF Of THE NORlMEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUl'HEAST OlIARTER Of !~ N:;:~rr~~'tE:sr C'.JAf!:rER Of SEC-:1ON ,~. TC~.':'!SHIf' 2J NORTH, P. ... ~cE 5 EAST, w::..u~ET1E M&.IDIA..~. IN KIN!; COlIN IY, WASHING1ON: EXCF..Pl THE EAST 20 FEET LYING Wlni Iii! THE RIGHT Of'" W~.Y OF" 1401H AIlENUE SOUTHEAST; AND fAC~"PT WoE ~ST 20 fEET L'I'lNG WITHIN "THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138lH AVF.:NUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER \YI1H THAT PORTION OF VACA·rm 140TH A\€NUE SOUTHEAST, 'M-HCH WOUlD A"rTACH BY OPER ..... :ON or LAW, AS PROIAOED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 1J226, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079 PARCEI_ 9: THE NORTH 1-:~lF Of n-;£ SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF" "THE SOUlHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORlHWEST QUARTER Of ::'Ecnc, I 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORlH, RANGE 5 EAST, VAllAMETTE UERJOJAN. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCE?T 1h€: WES'j :.to FEET iHEREOF Ar"D TrlE EAST 20 VEer "'ri£:i\~OF F"OO ~O,rw5, fOGE"lliER 'M"TH THAT PORllON OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, 'M-IICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERAllON OF LAW. AS PFlOIADED IN KING COUNTY QRDINANCE NUt.tBER lJ226, RECORPED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010208002D79.RECOROING NO. 20020208002079 EAs.KYENT NOT=E=S~ ____________________________________ __ THE EASEf,,!ENIS DEPICTED ON THE MAP SHEETS OF THIS FINAl.. PLAT ARE FOR THE UMITEQ PURPOSED LISTED BELOW AND A~E HEREBY CONVEYED FQU.OWlNG THE RECORDING OF llilS FINAl.. PLAT AS SPEORED ACCORDING TO ThE RESERVATIONS L1S1ED BELOW. 11-IE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAvE lliE RIGHT TO ENlER THE PRIVA~ ORAINAGE EASEWEN1S SHQ\MII HEREON TO REPAIR AlloY D[ACIENCIES OF "THE DRMNAGE FAOUTY IN THE EVENT THE O'MolER(S) IS/ARE NEGl.JGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE Of THE DRAINAGE F"AOUTlES. THESE REPAIRS SHALl.. BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. I. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED, GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE alY Of REHTON, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, OWEST CQMUUNICATIONS, COMCAST AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE 20 FOOT PRIVATE ACCESS AND unuTY EASEMENTS SHQ~ ON LOTS 53, 59, 62, AND THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET OF AU. LOTS AND TRACTS, PARAU.EI.. WITH AND ADJOINING EXlS1lNG OR PROPOSED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ANO lHOS;: EASo..EN1'3 SHOVIM HEREON AS AOOlllCAIIAl.. PUBUC uruTY EASE~ENTS. IN !MilCH TO INSTAu.. LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND IoIAtNTAIN UNDERGROUNO DISTRIBUTION SYSlEtAS WITH NECESSARY FAOUTlES, SIOEWAU<S AND OtHER €QUIPUENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING TlflS SUBDtVlSION AND OlliER PROPERTY, 'MTH UllUTY SER'lltCES AND SIDEWALKS. TOGf.'THER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE L01'3 AT AU. TIMES FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN TOGETHER S1 A. TED. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, OR FOR TEl..£PHONE USE. CADLE 1El.£\II~ON, ARE OR PCXJCE SIGNAL OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES, SHALL. BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UM..ESS TI-lE SAME SHAlL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUllDtNG. EASEMENT NOTES CONTINUED 2 THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE ORAINAGE EASaoIENT SHOWN ON LOTS 1 AND 2 IS FOR THE BENfflT r::11 LOTS 2 AND 3. THE OM<I[RS OF SAID BENEFITED lOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAClJT1ES WITHIN SAID EAsa.ENT. 3. lliE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAtNAGE EASEMENT SHO'IIIN ON LOTS 5 AND 6 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 4 AN[) 5. THE O~ERS OF' SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHAll.. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAlN1ENAHCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACl..JllES 'MntIN SAID EAse.tENT. 4. "THE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEUENT SHOYlN ON LOT 8 IS FCR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 7. THE O'I'INER OF SAID BENEATED LOT SHAlL BE RESPONstB1.£ FOR lliE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlVA1E ORAINAGE FAQUnES WllHN SAID EASENENT, 5. lltE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRlVA1E DRAINAGE (ASEJ.lDlT SHOWN ON LOT 10 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 11. 1ltE O'IINER OF SAIO BENEFITED LOT SHAU.. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR "THE MAlNT!NANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAOUTIES WITHIN SAID EASSlENT. e. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASElfENT S1iQ ..... ON LOTS 13, 14 AND 15 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 12. 13 AND 14. TIiE OVINERS OF SAm BENEFITED LOTS SHAll.. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAlNlENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAcunES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 7. lliE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 16, 17 AND 18 IS F"OR 11-1£ BENEFIT OF LOTS 17, 18 AND Hi!. THE D""'ERS OF" SAID BENEFllm LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSlBl£ FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACl.JllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 8. lliE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRA.iNAGE EASEMENT SHO ... ON LOT 22 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 21 AND 23. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHAll.. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 1M!: MAINTENANCE OF' THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAClUTIES Wlntilol SAID EASEMENT_ 9. THE IQ FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMflIIT SHO\WII ON LOT 2'" 15 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 25. n£ O'M4ER OF SAID BENEFlTm LOT 9iAl.L BE RESPONSlBL£ FOR THE MAINlENAMCE Cfi THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAOUTIES WITHIN SAID EASE"J.lENT, 10. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASDAENT g.IOYlto! ON LOTS 96, 97 AND 98 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 95, 96, 97, 98 ANO 99. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHAlL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ntE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAQUllES MTHIN SAID E,t.SEMENT. 11_ lliE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE ORA.lN,t.GE EASEWENT SHOWIIl ON LOT 31 IS FOR lH£ BOIEFlT OF LOT 32. THE OWNER OF SAID BENEFiTED LOT SHAll. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAJNTENANCE Of 1HE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAOUTIES WITHIN SA1D EASEMENT_ 12. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEUENT SHOWN ON LOT 33 IS FOR THE BENEFlT OF LOT 3-+. "THE OWNER OF SAID BENEFlTED LOT SHAll.. BE RESPONSlBL.£ FOR "THE UAlN"TD4ANCE or THE PRIVATE" DRAINAGE FAOUTIES 'MlHIN SAID EASEMENT. 13. THE 10 FOOT BY 15 roOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHO.".., ON LOT J5 IS FOR lliE BENEFIT OF LOT JI!. TI-IE 0'M4F.R OF 5"'10 FJENEATED lOT SHAll. Bf R£~PON~ FOR THE: MA,,,,,1F.NANCF: OF IHE PFf!VATE DRAIN,4GE FAOUTIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 14. THE 10 FOOT PRIV .... TE ORAlNAGC: EASEMENT SHe"'" ON LOT 37 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT Of LOT 38. iHE OYlfolER OF SAID BENEFlTm LOT SHAll.. SE RESPONSISLE FOR lHE WAlNlENANCE OF lliE PRIVATE DRAINAGE F"AOunES WlTrilN SAID EASEMENT. 15. THE 10 "-OaT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SH0VLt4 ON LOT JI IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT -40. THE OWNER OF SAID BENEf1lED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR "THE MAINTENANCE Of -{HE PRIVATE DRAINAGE fAOUTIES 'WITHIN SAlO EASEMENT. 16. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT Sl10WN ON LOT 42 IS FOR THE BENEFIT Of LOT 41. THE OWNER at SAID BENEFITED LOT SHAlL BE RESPONSIBlE f1Jt 1HE MAINTENANCE OF -mE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAClUl1ES 'NITHIN SJJD ~ElU. 17. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 9iO'Mof ON LOTS ...... AND 4~ (S FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 43 ANO..... M OYINERS OF SAID BENEF\"TEI) LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 1HE MAINTENANCE ~ THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACIUllES "MTHIN SAID EA.SEMENT. 18. THE 10 fOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS ... 7 AND 46 IS FOR THE BENUlT OF LOTS 48 ANO 49. "THE OIllNERS OF SAID 8ENEF11tIl LOTS SHAI..1. BE RESPONSlElLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE ~ n£ PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACIlIl1ES 'MlliIN SAID EASEMENT. 19. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE ORAiNAGE EASEMENT SHO\IIN ON LOTS SO, 51 AND 53 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 51, .52, 5J AND 5 ... , THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEflTm LOTS SHAlL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAlN\ENANCE OF niE PRIVATE DRAINAGE fACIUTIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 20. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASOoIENT SHO'M'4·QN LOTS 56, 57. 59 AND 60 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS S5, 56, .57, 58, 59, AND 60. TttE OYmERS CF" SAID BENEFlTED LOTS SH.atL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 1H£ IoIAiNlENANCE OF lliE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAOUllES WITHIN SAID EASD.t-~T_ 21. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAlNA.GE EASEMENT SHOWN ON "TRACT F AND LOT 62 IS FOR lHE BENmT OF LOTS 62 AND 63. THE D'MIERS or SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE REY(.liSWlL FOR 1HE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE fACIUTi£S 'MTHIN SAID EASEMENT. 22. THE 10 FOOT PRIVAl[ DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHDYIN ON LDlS 65 AN) 66 IS FOR THE BalEFlT CF LOTS 64 ANO 65. THE O'MOS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOO THE" MAiNTEN-'NCE Of THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FActUnES 'MlHIN SAID EASEMENT. n. THE 20 FOOT PRIVATE ACCESS AND Ul1UTY EAsatENT SHO .... ON LOT .53 IS fOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 52 niE O'MII[RS OF SAID LOTS 52 AND 5J SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHEJR RESPECllVE PRIVATE UTlJTY FA.aLmES AND SHARE EOUALLY IN lliE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBUTIES OF THE ACCESS AND UTlUllES usm IN COMMON 'MTHIN SAID EASENENT. 24. THE 20 FOOT PRiVA 1£ ACCESS AND unuTY EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 59 IS FOR lHE BDIIEFlT OF LOT 58. THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS 59 AND 59 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TH9R RESPECll'JE PRIVATE U11UTY fAaUllES AtID SHARE EQUAlLY IN THE MAlNlENANCE RESPONSlBU11ES OF" l1-:E ACCESS AND UTiUnES USED IN CO~UON WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 25, THE 20 FOOT PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTiUTY EASEMENT SHOWN ON lOT 62 IS FOR "THE BENEFIT OF LOT 63. THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS 62 AND 63 SHAlL BE RESPONSlBL£ FOR lHBR RESPECllVE PRIVATE UTIUTY FAounES AND SHARE EQUALL.Y IN THE NAlN1ENANCE RESPONSlsa..me::s OF THE ACCESS AND UTlUTlES uSED IN COM~ON Wl1H1N SAID EASDIENT. 26. THE 10 FOOT BY 10 rOOT PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT SHD'MIl ct.I LOT ~ IS fOR THE BENEFIT OF L.OTS 58 ANa 59. n-tE ffi'NffiS OF SAlO LOTS SHALL. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lliE loIAINTENANCE OF lliEiR PRlVA"lE WATER FACIUTIES WllMN SAID EASEMENT. RESTRICTIONS 1. LDT 62 SHAI...L HAVE THE FRONT YARD FACE NORTH. 2 NO LOT 'M1HIN 1HIS PlAT IS 10 GAIN ClRECT ACCESS 10 DUVAlL A\€HUE N.E. 3. THIS SITE IS SU8..ECT TO lliE TERMS AND COHOITIONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY FOR UTiUTIES SYSTENS AS DISCLDSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER ;'04220685. THE LEGAL DESCRIPllON CONTAINED WITHIN SAtO INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFlCl[NT TO D£TEJMNE Irs EXACT LOCA 110M 'MTHIN THE SITE. 4. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN EASENENT rn FUGEl SOUND ENERGY FOR DNE CR MORE unuTY SYSTEMS AS Dlsa..osED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUWBER 2005Q304000293 AND IS SHO .. HEREON. 5. 1HIS SITE IS SUB.£CT TO TIiE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN EASEM~T TO aWES~~ CORPORATION FOR lELECOMMUNlCAl1OHS FAoUnEs, ELECTRICAL FAOUTlES, AND APPUR1ENAHCES RECORDED MARCH B, 2005 UNDER RECORDING NUNB£R 2C1OM308000284 AND IS SHOWN HEREOtIl. 6. Tl-MS SITE IS SUB.£CT TO lliE TERMS AHD CONDIllONS OF AN EASEMENT TO aTY Of RENTON fOR Ull.J11ES AND unuTY PlPEUNES AS DtSa..osm BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2005032-4000161 AND IS SHOMII HEREON. 7. 1HIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PAaFlC RAIlROAD COMPANY AS DISQ..OSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDEO Ut<iOER RECORDING NUMBER 112430. SAlO RESERVATIONS \\ERE UOOIf1ED BY AGREEUENT RECORDED UMlER RECORDING NUMBER 283711JO. 8. 1HIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS ANO CONDfllONS OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN JEAN W. LUCAS AND RENTON WA"TER DEPARTMENT I>.S DISClOSED BY INS1RUMEHT RECORDED UNOm RECORDING NUMBER 8SOQOS0851. 9. 1HIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CDNOIllONS OF AN AGRfDoIDIIT BETWEEN .£AN W_ LUCAS AND RENTON WA"TIR DEPARTMENT AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UND€R RECORDING NUMBER 8605010934. SIDDALl( EASEMENT NOTE "THE OWNERS OF LAND HEREBY SUBDlVlOED 00 HERESY GRANT AHD CONVEY TO THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (THE GRANTEE), A PERPETlJAL EASOAENT FOR PUBl 'C SIDEWALK ~D PEDESTRIAN PURPOSES. -'NO CONSlRUCnNG, RECONSTRUCTING, INSTAWNG, REPAIRING, USING AND t.tAlNTAOONG SAID SIDEWALK ~£R 'Mlli 1HE RIGHT Of INGRS='~ A>.I") EGRESS TH£AETO WITHOUT ANY PRJM INsnruTiON OF SUIT PROCElDINGS OF LAW I.NO YIInw:;· INOJRRtNG ANY LEGAL OBUGA llON OR UABtuTY THEREFORE. fH£ e:ASEMENT HEREBY GRAN1Ul AHD CONIo£iEO IS GRAPHICAU. Y l)U'iCTED Ai~D " sH£E1S; 4 AND .5 OF .5 HEREIN AS CITY OF RENTON SIDEWAlK E~TS ~ ;! :l I ~ ~~lW~ __ ~ .1 .~ J.!!L-mD~ j ..... Ne2fo.C6T f " EB VIC(.tv,.IT!}!AP _~~5~~~~ ~ CORE 1471 J N.f. 29tf1 PI. Suite 10' BoIIe"ue, Washfnglon 98007 425.885.7877 Fait 425.885.7963 ~DESIGN ENGINEER/NG • PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO. 02052 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 SHEET 3 OF 5 LUA-XlC-XXX-FP LNll-lIX-XlCIX A PORTION OF THE SE 1/+ OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. 15, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M., CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON --i UNPlAnED I trK N_UN~S~'N'Y4_SE~5.J _ ~w __ ~ ~\ 2 N.E.2NDST. r-628.90 --- i 20.'00<i\ SURVEYOB'S NOTES 1. THE SECllON SUBDIVISION fOR lHlS SEClKIN IS BASED A FIElD SURVEY BY CORE OESlGN, INC. IN .AJLY 2002. 2. AU. 1lTt£ INFORMA nON SHOYl\l ON nflS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED mew CHICAGO T111£ INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERllFfCATE" DATED SEPlEUBER 27, 2005. IN PREPARING THIS MAP, -,.. 11 _,jl II r "I -~~~'I~N;;tSD::'TN~ A~ARE ~~~T,J11fSSUES '8 AFFECTING THE stJR'v£'rED PROPERTY 01lf£R THAN THOSE SHO""" I ON THE YAP AND DlSQ..OSEO BY THE REFERENCED OftCAGO nnE I I ~ CER1lFF'CAlE. CORE OESlGN, INC. HAS RElIED .... CI.1.y ON otICAGO ,2°'Irr-I i I Iii .... :. I 1 1 mu: REPRESENT"T1ONS \YF THE nTLE's CONomON TO PREPARE ~ 8 ~ 1i5 ~ ='SSJ~R~ :cc:~~ ~~A~C.o%.~ lHE I J 15 4 ! . ~ I _ L _ J. -'REA OF ENTIRE SItE: 567,596% SF. (t3.0302% ACRES). I 13 12 11 10 ~ , --1 9 &4 " 4. AREA OF OEDICA1ED RtGHT OF WAY 12!1.206:t 5oF. (2.87oW± I 1S ACRES). " 5. All. I.K)NUMENTS SHO.., AS FOUND v.t:RE: fIELD 'v1S11'ED IN JULY, _ _ ~I Ii j ,..eH " 03 ~: ~ " t' 2002. UNLESS SHO,", 01\0"5£ -g!~ l ~i .88'928 w 252.42 ; ~ r \ i:! ~8 1-' • I " / ~~~ .n! ~ ~ / ..... (11 .... ,J, 8", PARCELS _ ~ 1 1. THIS IS A FIElD TRAVERSE SUR\o£Y. A SClO<tA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELECTROHlC TOTAL STAnON WAS USEO TO MEASURE lHE ANGULAR AND DlSTANCE RELATIONSHIPS BEnEfN THE CON1ROlUNG MONlJIoffNTATION AS SHo.t. a..OSURE RATIOS OF 1HE TRA\o£RSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFlED IN WAC 332-130-090. ALL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPWENT HAS BEEN t.eAlNTAINED IN AOJUSThIENT ACCOROlNG TO MANUFACruRER's SPECf'lCAllONS WlniIN ONE lEAR OF lHE DA ~ OF THIS SUR\I£Y. -\I)~8 1"1'1 2S 24 2J :u 21 ~~ QTYOF RENTaII LL.... :':Iz / ~ 4.0 -, <0 • ;: NO. LUA.-04-129-LLA. ~ • ~~: I~I .-~-REC.HO.20tMl202900025 ~I::: I / ,:B;::EFEBBN=:::::::::.:.CE:o::'S::",,:--:-:==_=-:-:-::-:-:--::_ :J . Z Vllr--~ I.f m 1'/ 18 1. lAURELHURST PHASE 1, RECORDED IN VOUJME 227 OF PlATS. j 5~ I:: ~ ~ Z w PAGES 59 THROUGH 79, UNDER KING COllMlY RECMOING NUMBER ~"-1 ~I'~ 0 I I I '\ ~ : ~ r ---20050419000480. ,< II" " "" I ~.. ,I I."'~ i L" ,. ,jl '"I --.l ! ~ II" J N 7 <Ii PUGET COlONY HOIOI(S _:::, lRACT C ,:;j VOl... 86, PG. 59, wi N .... 1ST ST. 51 -I REC..zo. OJ90." r~:;il · :1~:I·I·I:1 · L~~ Lil§ TRACTD ~I I D 55 ~ 1133 ,//' , . / " " 1 / ,. .. " f--- ~ OF BIABINGS NOO"57'28-E. AlONG TlfE YlEST UNE NW1!4 SECTION 15-23-5 BElWEEN CITY OF RENTON CONlROL POINTS 11!103 &: #478 GBNBBAL NOTES 1. THE S~EET TREES SHAll.. BE OWNED AND t.lAJNTAINEO BY THE ABUTTING LOT OYINER5. 2. THE ROAD AND STORM ORAiNAGE SYSTEUS SHAll. BE COHSTRUC1[I) ACCORDING TO '&IE APPRO\ofl) PLAN AND PROALE OM FILE YI1TH RENTCW DE\fl.OPMENT SERIJICES DIVISION AND ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPRO\lEO PlANS '!\Ill. REQUIRE MtTTEM APPROVAL FROM THE PROPER AGENCY, CURRENTLY RENT(JOd OEVEl..OPWENT SERIJICES DI\1~. 3. ALl BUILDING DO"" SPOUTS. FoonNG DRAINS, AND DRAINS FROM AU. IWPERVIOOS SURFACES SUCI-I AS PAllOS AND DRI\lEWAYS SHAll. BE CONNECTED TO THE PERWANENT STORM DRAINAGE oun.rr AS SHO~ ON THE APPRO'vS) CONSTRUCTION DRA'MNGS ON FILE 'MlH RENTON OE\I£LOPMENT SERVICES OiViSiON. THIS PlAN SHAll. BE SUBMITTED WITH lliE APPUCA llON OF ANY BUIlDING PERMIT. AU, CONNEcnONS OF lHE ORAfoiS MUST 8£ CONSTRUCTED AHD APPROVED PRIOR TO ANAL BUtLDING INSPECllON APPROVAl., MON WITH 1/S-COPPER K1NG COUNTY SURVEY CITY Of RENTON CONTROL ON 7/01 /02 ( rND CASED CONCRETE FHD Y SURFACE. DISC PIN ON 0.6' ON 7/01/02 MON, STAMPED ID-1sl 9.!l0 POINT ,1503 \ \m5-·.-.----~~.I).0·w 2585.69 i 1292.85 --T----"'""""f::':'2.ii~--··--·* I I I:;: ~J:= I~ ;i~ il~ ~i~ ~"--'2'~~~~:jf----"--"'+ ••• :B7~~~I~~1iI" ~i j I r...: 0'1.] §ii ! '" 8i~ Zj~ --r I J I " .. " " " .. .. "''' 52 L =-"r t s. LINE N 1/2, SE.1/4, SE. 1/4. NSB"2S'SB·W 630.71 I \ I 1 NW 1/4 SEC. 15-23-5 \ KIMBER lANE 4!il / .... I I UNPLAmo ~ • VOL 91. Po. 13.. ./ -1 1 / != ---.J I """ REC. NO 6562147 ./ ji: t 10 ~I~ ~: § SITE ~ E I Z I "! g ~G:f KH COUNTY 16 1 z VEY CON ~l >--_~!!2,~2. ___ ~: ~OINT jlJ7SS lROl . ~"" -"'." ' ,:.':>:, :-'" -...,.'--"'-"-+-REN~b~ g~i.\~~;\\'~ ~ SW.~GIVISION ----lSI .. OL P,"NT I ,. .IA RAM' i~ i I -, I"~ 'r'l..// : 1 // N~ I~ I-1 h 'i r V 50 ~ '~-I I ----j ( ---1:1 L -II I I 8 2 I;: I -T- i ~--1---, ----1 : I .. I.J L 5 LINE SE. 1/4, NW. 1/4-SEC-15~ -65TJJ----------_ _ __ 0 50 100 200 t=" ! N.T.S. ~~~~C~~~~zi~~~E~N ~~ -----1 ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON 22 CONlROI.. POINT 11855 cORE ~DESIGN I4]'Jl N.E. 29th PI. Sui,. 10J 8ellevue, Wcuhlngton 98007 425.8B5.7877 Foil 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING, PLANNING, SUR VEYING JOB NO. 02052 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED ~ ..... Q)~~ ,,~ "'0 ~~g r '" ~~~ "'<'" .~~a..g :sr-:N ~~ci ::> z «-i . ~ou >w '" I -~ LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 A PORTlON OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. IS, TWP. 23 N., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I UNPLATIEO '" LIN{ Sf. 1/4, H~'" S~ 15-2J-~ I N.E. 2ND ST. NB81S'IJ"W 648.90 -~7---- RGE. 5 E., W.M" 14.00 .............. HB8'S',3"W 628.90 52.53 \1 -,. ---12M3---600~~ 25' I~ i~ I ~i ~l 8 20' zL' 1 __ -:-_.- 5728% S.f @) N8e1fj"J"W 6~ il~ ~cn 70.01 __ _ -E,~;~; 500~ __ L __ ~O~I ___ r __ ~0~1__ '~sB-= NOTE 2. SHT 2 2 6686± S.F @) N8B"16·'3·W 70.01 6001 W-25' PUGET SOUND 10' POE SEE [NERGY (StolT, REC. NOlE 2, ~I:;: ~~ 3 H76± S.F @ 50.01 is'16',3"W 6(J.Ol NO, 2005030400029:5 5I-IT 2 ~I~ 4 ~ ~ ~:£ 57JI± 5.F ~I:g z C§ z 5 :;: 6 57Jl± S.f. :£ S976± S,F @ @) 60.01 N Si6'13~W 62.58 N88ifi'1,3·w 6O:Qi- ____ ,7~2~_ R_25~~ S¥;£ <'of tr0090'00'OO::'" \ ~Ig 7 L--,39.27 ; l en 5905± S.F I 0 @) :~ N88i6'1J~W ~ ~~5~Tsf ~""' "-SEE DEDICA nON SHEET 1 ~ NBB,,' 3' < .w 14.w 13 12!" 11 !" 10 1 W ::I N8a1S",3 w 71. 51.29 15 ~ ~ :'J731± 5.f ~ ~ 5731±: S.F ~ 5731± S.F ~ ~ 6810± S.I" ~ ~ 4891',± SF 98.14 W ~~ ~~ ~ n~ ~~ 5@SF ~ ~ @ ~ ~ @) ~ @) ~ ~ @ ~ ~ @ ~ " 9 [ '0' POE SIT 10' JOINT uS[ IO'xtO" POE. ~ iO 5661± S.f I flOl£ 5. unuT'( EAS"'ENT SEE NOTE 5. " @ ""90"00'00' -~~2 _________________ J.t.";', _____ . !;H~.'__3 ____ ~~ __ ':6.v6 • 60.01 611.01 60.01 71.30 , 51,29 58.57 'Oo~(-::p 5.43 . 101.54 10' POE SEE NOTE 22. SHT 2 65 6130± 5.r: @) ~88i6'13~W 102.81 64 6323± S.F @ N88"16'IJMW 113.53 7sTo I~ I-I: Ig ~ I~ I I T I .N I ~ I~ §! Id lID '1 I 7 I ~ -f\-- ~ I ~ +~ N 6001 1-1= - :,.... ~~~~~ ~ I 38.53 N£ 1~ ~'~3".'. -_. --.-3T ___ "'~ _ ./.f;' .,~,,~$... 37607 __ I \--87.7<;;. __ -.II 4' SWE 1 ! 4' SWE 10' POE SEE 45.49 40.85 NOTE 21. f-~O~-=i--. _. 70.01_ I I 20' PRiVATE ACCESS I AND unuTY EASEMENT I SEE NOTE 25 SHT 2 I ~ :; ~ iPo5J"o749" I~ L~"''' ~:;; 16 :; fIJ 567S . .tS.f C§) ~Io ~\£ ~ 2S ~I 20' "I ;,jl ~ ~I ~ 20' ;'E ~ N~~~~~ ~Ol ~I ~ 16BO.%5.f. ~ 8 SEE DEDIC." nON z SHEET 1 I \l 0 25 LID' POE SEE NOTE 7 SHT , 17 570US.F @) ~I~ z 60.01 NSBi~W 70.oi !1~ 18 5701±S.f @ 60.01 N88"161,3MW 60-:/jl 19 ~Io ~~ 66!\I±S.F ~ C§) N88i6'13"W 70.01 so:o;- ~ to") 5679±S.F" w ~ I ~ ~ @B24::; 23 ~'g N 22 'g N «( I 53"0748" ~ 6651±S.F .,., 5701±S F ~ ~ 5701±S.f-<0 C! ::t ~ -t:2J.16 (§) O! (§) ~ cn C§) ~ ~ « ~ 10'x10' POE 10 JOINT USE ~ I ;: SEE NOTE 9" jJunUTY EASEMENT o I SHT 2 (TYP) )1 ------eo 'mm rom ~ . --~, /)..-----R_25.00, \ / / R:oZ5.00 63 I Z I ~ - 6-88'5413,\ I fp91'05'47" 0'1 L_3B.79 I I L ... J9.75 TRACT F ~ 62 §I~ 18 m 7897±Sf 1-"-I <ED I 5 I 20 6523±S.r @ N8816'1J"W 70:"61 21 1 I~ I~ 1 i I 1 ;1; ::l J 6446± SF 666:5± S.F. 21' 21' I~I SEESD:e:~~~TION C@) o -z ~I I'~ ~ .... 8 ~~i: II ~ ~ <II 1:1 ~I : ; 77.18 105.24 7000 Naa,g'2S-W 252. .... 2 LEGEND Ell STAN)ARO OTY OF" RENTON CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE, PER REF. 1. e SET STANOARQ CITY OF RENTON CONCRETE Io4CJNUt.lENT IN CASE AS SHOWN, SET 1/2" X 2 ...... REBAR W/YFll!JW PlASnc: CAP STAMPED "CORE J7~" a FOUNO CORNER MONUIo,IENT AS NOTED SET TACK IN I.UD W/SHiNER ~J7555" ON PROPERTY uN( EXTENDED ..... 75 FEET 1M UEU OF FRONT LOT CORNeRS UNL£SS NOlm OTHERWISE. ~ CITY OF RENTON STREET AOORESS ~ '" I I I ~I ~I I I 4' SWE N 4' SVlt: I I .-1___ NSS'16"lJ·W 37607 N ~ POE PAIVA. 1£ OR.u.AGE EASEMENT I !i ~ :--15' P~GE~ s::------N.E. 1ST PL--' -----.--2" , ENERGY ESMT. REC NO. 20050304000293 SEE SHEET 5 FOR CONTINUATION SCALE: 1" = 40' 20' 40' 80' SWl CITY OF RENTOn SIDEWAlK EASElIENT SEE SlDEWALJ( EASEtoIENT HOlE ON SHT, 2 cORE ~DESIGN SHEET 4 OF 5 '--- ( 10' OTY OF RENTON unuTY ESt.l1. REC. NO. 20050324000961 Il!~ d ~b ~3 I I f-15 I ~ "" i I , 16 Vl W OJ " . ..,. 0"'", :t:~~ ' --9""0-81X1Z j--.Jcj I ~~~ ,.",., ~c..CD I 17 I ~/ I / l47J , N.E.. 291ft PI. Sui,. '0 J Bellevue, WcshinglCn 98007 425.885.7877 Fox 425.885..7963 I I I ENGINEERING, PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO. 02052 D-EVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED b I I N' . I ~ ~ k ..: I --' I ~ LA URELI-IURST DIVISION 2 A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. 15, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY. -~.~~P~----"':;"1J'W----J7S~7 ----t I '~~=:~~==lt~~~~===f==~~nm:=====~==:Sc~====t-_~~N~~4:';'S~ 7 {J I '} =-r=-~ _ fiO.OI 45.49....... I -1--- N NOTE 10, ~6a'54'13·I" SHT 2 L-36.79'" 30 ~ ~ SHEET 4 FOR CONTINUATION 70.01 ~'0' JOlNTUst UnUTY EASEMENT :Ell (T'fP) N88'21'OS"W 2!52.73 6o.(il 60 69LJ±S.F. 60.06 62.71 >OXl5 Q~$l I~ in I~ ~ i 26 557S±S.F @) ~I~ §m 27 570U:S.f" @) ~I';; ~~ L10, POE SEE ---;-~I' \ I ::: 28 ~ 29 ::: 6@.f' :oil ;1 loS I CI 5701:tS.F g: @) 2" -1121' 6651±5 F @) I 61 7S4C±S.f @) ~I~ ~,..., ~:: @) °l~ ~~ ~~ 59 7087±S.f @) ~I~ ~~ ~ 58 :e ~ 661+±S.f @) ~ ! 7001 l 60.01 60.01 i 60.01 '. --'---316.3t-"ll TRACT;; ' •• ·IS·!J·W _~-20~J5' "1.03 I . a35 .. S.F. _ _ '-SO.alL : SEE DEDI~A TlON ..--..- SHEET I ~O __ 157.~ 4_20"'23'59 1l.-'.JoR-t:( ___ _ ~,,~i '" IJ R-2S.00 b=8B·5 ... ·,,3· , ....... ~.79 -1- 62.90 N89'2iiOO~W 20' PAIVA TE ACCESS &- UTILITY EASElAENT SEE NOTE 24, SHr 2. '\ I' II ,,' SW( 25 20' 25 \0 i~ I --'-45." N.E. 1ST ST. ~7_. :f3 ~ r:! 57 Ol I.e)! 12~ Ti'l _ 'i.~0.23'5'-~=! 60.02~ 7001 [ l 50.01 j R '!IO'._-----l_45.9) T ~ ________ 5~7~_ 1622±S.f -\~ ~~. 33 bl~ " 0 ~ d ~ e 34 fi002±S.F ~11l ~ ? 35 ~I';; ~O ~8 10'xlS' POE SEE NOTE 13, SHT 2. 36 ~l~ ~d2 5001'5.F ~ , I I Ill&, '! ~~ E ;;:5 ~3. ~~. . @) 32 6588±S.F C§) 6902±S.F @) NS81S'13"w 60.02 o 50UNO -~ ~ 6016±$ F il I [N[RGY [SMT. 44 '1 '99 .. 5 F 8~ 0" b I REC. NO. '-7663.5 F -"i<XX" ~11'i ; ~ lOO1±S.F @) N8a1S',rw 7001 --tlO.01 41 5001±S.F <§) ~I~ ; ~ @) :3l "<><JICI.JVf ~ ~t 56 5715± S.F @) N88i6'13"W 95.16 o o ~ :::o.c~ N88'16'13~g 38 5701±S.F v g bl_ :;;1';; i ~ !:: ,.. ~ J ~ ~ I 55 ~ z I N881S'13"W ::? I 6666± S.f R @) g '5.01 ~ I @) '\' .~ 39 : ~ t , ~ ~ g 6310±5.F I'" 21 21 N8816'lJ"W -: ~ g @) I ~I 95.29 ~ 40 6001±S,r @) ~ 'l-~~~1~~~~5, tp.91"05,17~ I / ~ . ____ ._ _ _ _5HT 2 l~~Ol J:>=::~9'58'.(.g~ 54 ~ ~ 6001 I ------/~ L_S6.52 603U S.f <D .,.: ':;: 1':-15' PUGET ~ 43 ~t 42 ~ I 20050304000293 ;; ~ , -@) Z ~ I ~ ~ ~ '%,1 ~ '0 POE SEE . ~ 45 ~ ~ , _ ",I • Norr 16 ~ I~ ~ "orr n vh\ ",,..,,'",'--_""06'"'''' ~ :~ ~ ~, A-57 2a '-27 ~. =-3;-oA ------. 55.26 rP<\, ~ :::::. ------IB w N8Bj6'13"W II) :y"._ 114,34 53 "1199± SF z :::; w 8~' .. ,"" 'h ," ~ " ~ ." I:~ I ' '\, -" -, I ::J tro47092J q;; . [.20511" -----~ ! I ",. ,;4 0 >;'; .--------C_171 B2 ---I .[, 1 j?,"f ,~ J,>i(,/}' ~ -:... ~ ----NBa161Yw ! \' <l.~ .... ::. ;;~-';.;;:;' ;;. • /' ".,."" ~ S.E.2ND ST 2082 , ., ., " f=r= . ' ..,. ~I __ Y.£ ~ -'~ -m952' 2165 -=-=d :;~. ,cf'o.r __ ~ ,_on,. ----7000 -, ~ ," , ~/~~,:". ---._--... ,." " ~""".' " ." . ., >" .... h=.,,~ , -+ •• _ ,0 y -, ". ~,~ .. ". .'. ," ~ ,,, .. " I' _ Co.? >I ~,. .; ,o~ ,-~ ~ ,)JOOI " 5J.. N c'" . / '0 \0 ",6< 5.F ~I;;; 5'02' Sf '/20.110 ,.,,1 .... ","''f;/ ,a~ @) ~ , .. <i~· I :;: ~I~ ;.,~ i~ 47 49 48 ~I~ ;.,~ ~~ ;;I~ ~~ 50 6715± SF 5746± S.F' @) @) @) 5796± S,F 60J6± S.F. @) <§) g ~o.I, ~i~ ~I<O @) N88'6'lJ~W Na911'4Q-W(R) 20.00 94.52 52 7471± S.F @) ~ I 30' TRACT E 2630± S.F S( E DEDICATIO' .... SHEET 1 LEGEND $ STANDARD CITY OF ROHON CONCRETE MONU~ENT IN CASE. PER REF. L til 73,02 UNPLATIDJ 62.01 N88".5·~"W 70.00 60.01 630.71 \ POE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EA5[M[NT SWE OTY OF RENTON SIOEWAlJ( EASaiENT SEE SIDEWALK EASEMENT NOTE ON SHT. 2 60.t.J 114.84 cOilE ~DESIGN SHEET 5 OF 5 I C- 131 ~ " I I 132 I r; '" '" " .... 0"'", :J:~:i I~~~ I S,,;ci 800Z 1 "'-'0 ~~~ ::I "- /33 ~/ I j 1.8 I , . S;,;Al E; A .J ~ 1" :: 40' o 20' 40' 80' ~~~~ I ! 49 I 1.471) N.E:. 291ft Pi. SWfe JOJ hU,,-. WOllWtgton 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 SET STANDARD CITY or RENTON CONC~E IE MONlI~a.aT IN CASE AS SHe·Yr.>!. FOUND CORNER MONUMENT AS NOTED. SET TACK IN LEAD W/SHINER "J7555~ ON PROPERTY UNE EXTENDED •. 7~ FEET IN UEU OF FRONT LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTI-lERWISE. ENGINEERING 0 PLANNING SUR·.'.~. ;''10 S[.T 1/;:~ X /.:~~ R':l:'I-'R w/YElLow ~ OJY OF RENTON STREET .-.cORESS PL",Sl1C C".~· ~,U.:(f.'ED ·CORE 37555' JOB NO. 020!..",:. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 3 1 2005 RecewED ," Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 I 1111111111 606 002439 CITY OF RENTON BS 33.00 PAGE001 OF 002 06/15/2006 16:27 KING COUNTY, ... A The Grantor, as named above, for. and in cooside:rafion ofmutual benefits. hereby grants. bargains. seI1s and de1ivers to the Grutee, as D3Illed above, the foDowing destzibcd pcrsonaI property: WATER SYSTEM: Lenl$ Size f 1-3~5 3. 3~'1 LF.of ~ .. ~ DIP Wafer Main Wafer Main Wak:rMain UV lJP.of" SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: S-3d--G'i STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: 6~3d-b5 \'Z... Length "Z..~R.7-~? \~ IJF.of » ~ of ~" .. Gate Valves ~ of .. Gate Valves each of rtrC Hydrant .Assemblies LF.of LF.of LF.of cachof each of each of Size ~ !< .. Nc... Sewer Main S .. (-iCC ~~ Sewt'l'Main .. Sewt'l'Main ----:---l{ 31 .. Diamett'l'Manholes .. Diameter Manholes ----.. Diamett'l'Manholes ---- Length Size ~ 3, "l.c"Z.. LF. of \"L" c.f> e f> lJP.of » IJF.of » StonnLine stonnLine Storm Line \ .:;-each of .. (c"-' c.. \ ~ each of !'rPe:t, .. CCt-lc. \ (.; each of n pe it:.. CctVC- storm Inlet/Outlet Storm Catch Basin Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb. ~er. Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb. Gutter, Sidewallc =;; \ '" ( IJF. Asphalt Pavemen~ \}, CJ 7 Z-SY or ____ L.F. of ____ Width STREET LIGHTING: # ofPo]es Z Z- By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and ~ery person or persons. whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. 'Ibis conveyance shan bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assisns forever. -Cl:). ~ c... H:\FlLE.SYS\FRM\84HNDOunBll.LSALE.DOC\MAB Pagel IN Form 84 OOOI/bh ~ha;hc=mto set my hand and seal Ihc day and year as wri .... below. ~ . _;~(~/3~!O~6~ ______ __ Ar.II-Ol..trest '\.D lNDIYIDUAL FORM OF ACKN01F'LEDGMENT STATEO~WASIiJl.lGTON )SS COUNTY OF ICING). &. / I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that U ________ -------signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislhedtheir free and voluncary act for the uses and pwposes mentioned in iostrument llEPllESENTATIJ'E FORM OF ACKNOIf'LEDG1tlENT NotarySealmusibewithinbox STATEOFWASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I ~ or have satittactory evidc:ncc that _______ _ ______________ signedthisiusttwncnt.onoatb stated that ho'shehhey wasIwue authorized to execute the instrumcut and acknowledged it as the and ______ _ of to be the .fi:ec and'l'Oluniary act of such party/parties for the uses IUd purposes mcntioned in the ~ . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary QnnQ __ -________________ _ My appointment expires:. __________ _ Dated: COltPOlt4TE FORM OF ACKNOIYLBlXilJENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of • 19---, before me personally appeared tomelmownto ~be---------------------~-o~f~~-e-oo-~oo~ executed the within instrument, and aclmowJedge ~e said iDstnunc:nt to be ~c fi:cc and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and purposes ~ercin mentioned, and eadl on ~ stated that hc'she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary~Q~~--------------------My appointment expires: ______ -'--_______ _ Dated: Page 2 When recorded, return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 CITY OF RENTON AMND PAGE001 OF 004 03/22/2006 13:33 KING COUNTY, lolA AMENDMENT TO 111111 801 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR LAURELHURST This AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR LAURELHURST is made on this 13 day of M 1\.fZ.G It 2006, by the Laurelhurst Community Organization ("Organization"), which has the responsibility to administer the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst, which is comprised of certain land situated in the State of Washington, County of King, City of Renton, whose legal description is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Amendment amends and supplements the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst, filed on April 19, 2005 under King County Recording Number 20050419000481 ("the Declaration"). Except as specified herein, all the terms and conditions of the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment is executed by the Organization for and on behalf of the Owners consistent with the rules related to amendments in Article 11 of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst. The following sections ofthe Declaration are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1.14. Plats: "Plats" shall mean and refer to the approved plat of Laurelhurst Phase I recorded at Volume 227, Pages 069 to 078 under King County Recording Number 20050419000480; the Fotheringill Short Plat, recorded at Volume 194, Pages 064 to 065 under King County Recording Number 20051014900004; and the approved plat of Laurelhurst Phase II recorded at Volume 1 • 233, Pages ~ to 52-under King County Recording Number 260<00'3"2200 I 800. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS EXECUTED THIS AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION ON THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. Charles Conner Title: President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss, COUNTY OF KING ) On this .!..3..::M day of Yvt.4r d, 2006, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Charles Conner, to me known to be the president and member of the Laurelhurst Community Organization, which executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partners and partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the said instrument. SIGNED AND SWORN to before me on YttArU 13, 2006 2 PARCEL 2: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRmED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRmED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. C:\DOCUME~ 1 \Paul\LOCALS~ 1 \TEMPOR~ 1 \02052L38PH2 Legal.doc (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADmSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. C:\DOCUME-l \Paul\LOCALS-l \TEMPOR-l \02052L38PH2 Legal.doc Kathy Keolker, Mayor March 9, 2006 Paul Oscar Ollestad Conner Homes Company 846 1 08th Avenue Northeast Bellevue, Washington 98004 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL LAURELHURST DIVISION II 104 DUVALL AVE NE RENTON, WA Dear Mr. Ollestad: CIT~ )F RENTON PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrlltor On March 9, 2006, the Development Services Director reviewed your application and granted your request to defer the following items until June 30, 2006: • 22 street lights • 6 mailboxes • 3,978 square yards of onsite sidewalk • The private park in Tract F, its furnishings and gradinglflatwork • The private park in Tract C, its basketball court, big toy furnishings, and gradinglflatwork • The private park in Tract E, its play area and gradinglflatwork • 3 -% inch irrigation meters • 3 -power service meters • Play chips • Stonncorridor • Landscaping frontage along Duvall Ave NE Deferral of the above-mentioned items requires you post a security device in the amount of $668,513.00 with the City of Renton. This security device represents 150 percent of the estimated cost of the deferred items. Your request for deferral of street signs was denied and your security device amount has been adjusted accordingly. The remaining items, final two-inch lift of asphalt, monument surveying, and 20 survey monuments have been deferred until October 31,2006. A security device in the amount of $160,000.00 must be posted with the City of Renton. This security device represents 150 percent of the estimated cost of these three items. -2.~~vr~t~.~e~5~i=~~~t~?~·~'i~~l __________________ ------------~R 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 E N TON 6 UlO" n ('"lJ;' TUlO r'TT'DVJ; ..... ' , Paul Oscar Ollestad Laurelhurst Division II March 9, 2006 Page Two You have fifteen (15) days from today's date to appeal the administrative determination in accordance with City code. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of$75.00. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jan lilian, Engineering Specialist, at (425) 430-7216. Sincerely, Le~1 Administrative Secretary II PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works LM:lsm cc: Gregg Zimmermap, PIBIPW Adrfi:inlstilitor Neil Watts, Devel()pm~t Servf~~££)u-ect(jt Jan lilian, Engineering Specialist . Juliana Fries, Engineering Specialist . Carrie Olson, Office Assistant File .1;;' CI.TY O.F RE· NT Cit .... .' ON y Clerk Div" 1",il!5 e ..' . mon ·V.;l dotl:th QTa' ". . .' Renlo W·,' dy Way n, A 98055 425-430-6510 Ftli;liJjJit-bS -1$~ Receipt N£ 052. Date ~~h~' ~T-6E..t? 1.i1:.&~. _---- D9rsh ~heck No. ~ 3 \ C.3· ./~.J _ 0 Copy Fee Description:. /J .' .,1 .' . . D Appeal Pee DNOIi\ry $eMce I$:t, 114. <'.1 J' /' . _ D., ,~(lt:. k~ t: --~~----.....,,~- L.ta1: ~o:>-/3S: .. ke.< t L Printed: 03-13-2006 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-135 03/06/2006 01 :38 PM Receipt Number: R0601097 Total Payment: 107,663.62 Payee: FIN -CONNER HOMES COMPANY Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Amount 32,907.12 30,256.00 44,500.50 Trans Method Description Amount Payment FINANCE Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax 107,663.62 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 26,2006 Bob Mac Onie Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Arneta Henninger, X7298 LAURELHURST DIV 2 FINAL PLAT LUA -05-185-I=P FINAL REVIEW & APPROVAL FORM If all concerns have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this memo below and return to me. Thank you. Approval: Name Title Date Approval: tlA~)8r'~ Name . Ie Date cc: Yellow File , , , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 24, 2006 Juliana Fries Sonja J. Fesser-!}~ Laurelhurst Division 2 Plat, LUA-05-135-FP Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced final plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points of all new right-of-way monuments set as part of the plat. Include a legal description of the subject plat property in the CC&R's document as needed. Said document was not resubmitted for this review. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-IO -Plats\0440\RV060124.doc , , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 8, 2006 Juliana Fries Sonja J. FeSSerft~ Laurelhurst Division 2 -Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst document, concerning the Legal Description Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced document and find it satisfactory as presented. Comments for the Project Manager: NOTE: Include, in the recording instructions for this document, a statement that the volume, page and recording number of the plat of Laurelhurst Div 2 needs to be inserted in the spaces provided therein (top of Page 2). The plat document should be recorded prior to, but concurrently with, this CC&Rs document. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-IO -Plats\Q440\RV060208.doc CITY ( ~ RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator March 9,2006 Paul Oscar Ollestad Conner Homes Company 846 108th Avenue Northeast Bellevue, Washington 98004 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL LAURELHURST DIVISION II 104 DUVALL AVENE RENTON, WA Dear Mr. Ollestad: On March 9, 2006, the Development Services Director reviewed your application and granted your request to defer the following items until June 30, 2006: • 22 street lights • 6 mailboxes • 3,978 square yards of onsite sidewalk • The private park in Tract F, its furnishings and gradinglflatwork • The private park in Tract C, its basketball court, big toy furnishings, and gradinglflatwork • The private park in Tract E, its play area and gradinglflatwork • 3 -% inch irrigation meters • 3 -power service meters • Play chips • Storm corridor • Landscaping frontage along Duvall Ave NE Deferral of the above-mentioned items requires you post a security device in the amount of $668,513.00 with the City of Renton. This security device represents 150 percent of the estimated cost of the deferred items. Your request for deferral of street signs was denied and your security device amount has been adjusted accordingly. The remaining items, final two-inch lift of asphalt, monument surveying, and 20 survey monuments have been deferred until October 31, 2006. A security device in the amount of $160,000.00 must be posted with the City of Renton. This security device represents 150 percent of the estimated cost of these three items. -------------Io-s-s-So-u-fu-Gr--ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-,W--as-hl-.n-~-on--9-80-S-S------------~ ~ This paper contains 50% recycled m_rial, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Paul Oscar Ollestad Laurelhurst Division II March 9, 2006 Page Two You have fifteen (15) days from today's date to appeal the administrative determination in accordance with City code. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of$75.00. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jan IIIian, Engineering Specialist, at (425) 430-7216. Sincerely, L~11 Administrative Secretary II PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works LM:lsm cc: Gregg Zimmerman, PIBIPW Administrator Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jan IIIian, Engineering Specialist Juliana Fries, Engineering Specialist Carrie Olson, Office Assistant File CITY OF RENTON Construction Permit Permit Number: U050039 Permission is hereby given to do the following described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Renton. Work Description: INSTALL UTILITIES & ROADWAY IMPROV PHASE II Job Address: Owner: Contractor: Contact: 104 DUVALL AVE NE LAURELHURST PHASE II CONNER HOMES COMPANY 846108TH AV NE STE #202 BELLEVUE W A 98004 CONNER HOMES COMPANY 846108TH AVE N E BELLEVUE, WA 98004 CONNER HOMES COMPANY Other Infonnation: Date of Issue Date of Expiration Date Finaled Contractor License: CONNEHCOOOLG Contractor Phone: 425-455-9280 City License: 24624 Contact's Phone: 425-455-9280 Work Order Parcel Number Inspector's Name Inspector's Phone 87031 1523059016 It is underst od that the City of Renton shall be held harmless of any and all liability, damage or injury arising from the performa e of the work described above. You will be billed time and material for any work done by City staff to repair damage Any work performed within the right-of-way must be done by a licensed, bonded contractor. Call 425-430-7203 one working day in advance for inspections. Locate utilities before excavating. Call before you dig -48 Hour Locators 1-800-424-5555 ereby certifY that no work is to be done except a described above and in approved plans, and that ork is to conform to Renton codes and Subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Renton and information filed herewith permit is granted. x Applicant Public Works Rep THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. ENGOI 12/00 bh February 27,2006 Utility: Annual Consultant Roster, Photogrammetry Services UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Finance: Vouchers Council: Contracting Authority Policy, #800-12 Planning & Development Committee EDNSP: Multi-Family Housing Property Tax Exemption, Bristol II at Southport Utilities Committee Utility: Oversizing Reimbursement for Sewer Line for Shamrock Plat, CamWest Development RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution #3792 Plat: Laurelhurst Division 2, Duvall Ave NE, FP-05-135 Streets: Park Ave N Closure, South Lake Washington Roadway Improvements Renton City Council Minutes Page 48 Utility Systems Division requested approval of the annual roster listing five firms to provide photogrammetry services in 2006, with the option of extending the roster annually in 2007 and 2008 upon department administrator approval. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 245707 -246131 and one wire transfer totaling $1,611,410.52; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 62049 -62470, one wire transfer, and 602 direct deposits totaling $2,348,802.68. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of a new Council policy, #800-12, entitled Contracting Authority, for the purpose of establishing the City Council's policy on contracting, and delegating certain contracting authority to the Administration. The Committee further recommended that the Council President be authorized to sign the policy. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a multi- family housing property tax exemption agreement that addresses the terms and conditions for a partial property tax exemption upon completion of the Bristol II at Southport project. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement in substantially the same form. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the request for oversizing, utilizing the method of cost reimbursement developed by the staff and the developer, for the additional work associated with wastewater improvements at the Plat of Shamrock by CamWest Development, Inc. The Committee further recommended that staff be authorized to reimburse Cam West Development, Inc., the requested $4,474.60, which represents the final costs for oversizing. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: \ A resolution was read approving the Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat; approximately 13.1 acres located at the east side of Duvall Ave. NE and south of NE 2nd St. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. A resolution was read authorizing the temporary total street closure of Park Ave. N., from N. 6th St. to Garden Ave. N., from 7/1/2006 to 7/3112007. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (See page 49 for additional action on this matter.) ,February 27,2006 Citizen Comment: Petersen - Highlands Area Redevelopment CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of 2113/2006 Appointment: Advisory Commission on Diversity Appointment: Municipal Arts Commission CAG: 05-052, Gene Coulon Park Boat Launch Repair, Global Diving & Salvage Plat: Laurelhurst Division 2, Duvall Ave NE, Release of Easement, Conner Homes Vacation ff -00 -\ ~~ CAG: 05-031, Central Business District Utility Replacement, Americon Renton City Council Minutes Page 47 Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington indicated that residents can continue to call 911 to report noise disturbances. PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that he will check on the effective date of the nuisance ordinance, and noted that onc~ the ordinance is in effect, the City will investigate the noise issues with the newly revised nuisance ordinance. Mr. Zimmerman suggested that residents call 911, for example, when a very loud noise occurs during the night. He reported that another option is to call the City's code compliance number. Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N., #3, Renton, 98056, requested that the correspondence Council has been receiving regarding the Highlands area redevelopment be recognized under the correspondence portion of the agenda, or at least be given Council's sincere consideration. She asked that Highlands area residents be able to determine how their property is going to be improved; and that the City lift the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area moratorium, work directly with the residents and the landlords, and use the new nuisance abatement ordinance. Ms. Petersen pointed out that residents do want to see the Highlands area cleaned up, but as a "bottom-up" effort. (See page 49 for further discussion on this matter.) Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 2/1312006. Council concur. Mayor Keolker reappointed Antonio Cube, Sr., Sandel DeMastus, Vern Nichols, Charles Thomas, and Lari White, each to the Advisory Commission on Diversity (formerly Human Rights and Affairs Commission) for a term that expires 12/31/2006. Council concur. Mayor Keolker appointed Roosevelt Lewis, 358 Seneca Ave. NW, Renton, 98055, to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three.,year term expiring 12/31/2008. Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Services Department submitted CAG-05-052, Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Boat Launch Repair; and requested approval of the project, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $7,496.33 to Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., contractor, if all required. releases are obtained. Council concur. Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat; 66 single-family lots on 13.1 acres located on the east side of Duvall Ave. NE and the south side of NE 2nd St. (FP-05-135). Approval was also sought to release the utilities easement obtained as part of the Conner Homes vacation (VAC-04-001). Council concur. (See page 48 for resolution approving the final plat.) Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-05-031, Central Business District Utility Replacement; and requested termination of the contract with Americon, Inc. for failure to prosecute the work within the original working days, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $2,195.60, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $29,120.04 if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. { OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND [LL I AI#: Submitting Data: Planning/Building !Public Works For Agenda of: February 27,2005 DeptlDiv/Board .. Development Services Division Staff Contact. ..... Juliana Fries x:7278 Agenda Status Consent. ............. Subject: Public Hearing .. LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 FINAL PLAT Correspondence .. File No. LUA 05-135, FP (LUA 04-063, PP) Ordinance ............. 13.1 acres located at the east side of Duvall Ave NE and Resolution ............ south ofNE 2nd Street. Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... 1. Resolution and legal description Study Sessions ...... 2. Staff report and recommendation Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept.. ...... . Council concur Finance Dept.. ... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: N/ A Expenditure Required ... Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The referenced final plat is submitted for Council action. Laurelhurst Division 2 divides 13.1 acres into 66 single-family residential lots with water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street lighting, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street improvements. Design and construction of utilities, lighting and pavement will be approved, accepted or deferred (and a security device posted) as required through the Public Works Administrator prior to recording the plat. All conditions placed on the preliminary plat will be met prior to recording of the plat. A Release of Easement was obtained as part of vacation VAC 04-001 and recorded per King County recording number 20050324000961. The easement is no longer required as the developer relocated the storm line that was contained within said easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt the Resolution approving Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat, LUA 05-135, FP, with the following conditions: a) All mitigation fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. b) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of the City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2. Release the Utilities Easement obtained as part of vacation VAC 04-001. X X X CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. __ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (LAURELHURST DIVISION 2; FILE NO. LUA-05-135FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract ofland as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the PlanningfBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the easement secured as part of Vacation VAC 04-001, and recorded per King County recording number 20050324000961, is no longer required as the developer has relocated the storm line that was contained within the easement; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ SECTlONL The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONIL The final plat approved by the PlanningfBuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as iffully set forth (The property, consisting of approximately 13.1 acres, is located at the east side of Duvall Avenue NE and south ofNE 2nd Street) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the PlanningfBuildinglPublic Works Department dated February 2, 2006. SECTIONIIL The easement obtained as part of vacation V AC 04-001 is hereby released as part of this plat. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ___ day of ______ ----J, 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ___ day of ________ ---", 2006. Kathy KeoIker, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1155:2/3/06:ma 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADmSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH A VENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADmSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, 1N KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. '. ST RENTON ee I4OTf.I ST ffiN _~_~fj-=-~~rtTY ........ · "",:"":,,,M_~_P_ W 1--3OO0'± lAUREUfURST DIVISION 2 VICINfTY MAP / ~ COIlE \,; /DESIGN 14711 NE 29th PItH», #101 SeIIe_, WaJhlngtcn 98007 42.5.885.7877 FoIC 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO_ 02052 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING/PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: Stephen J. Schrei Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat. File: LUA 05-135 FP East side of Duvall Ave NE at South ofNE 2nd Street. Section 15, Twp. 23 N., Rng 5 E. Final Plat for 66 single-family residential lots with water, sanitary sewer, storm, street and lighting. Approve With Conditions FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record documents in this matter, staff now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Stephen Schrei, filed a request for approval of Laurelhurst Division 2, a 66-lot Final Plat. 2. The yellow file containing all staff reports, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No.1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) , the City's responsible official, issued a Determination on Non-Significance-Mitigated on July 19,2004 for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at the east side of Duvall Ave NE and south ofNE 2nd Street. The new plat is located in Section 15, Twp. 23 N., Rng 5 E. 6. The subject site is comprised of3 parcels totaling 13 acres. 7. The Preliminary Plat (LUA-04-063) was approved by the City of Renton Council on September 27,2004. 8. The site is zoned Residential 8 DUlAC (R-8). 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. Along the northeasterly portion of the site, a 10-foot Stormwater Utility Easement to the City of Renton (recorded under King County recording number 20050324000961) was secured as part of vacation V AC04-00 1. The easement was secured over an existing 36-inch stormwater conveyance system. The applicant relocated the stormwater conveyance system to the right- of-way and the easement is no longer required. 11. The Preliminary Plat was subject to a number of conditions as a result of both environmental review and plat review. The applicant complied with the conditions imposed by the ERC: 1. The applicant shall comply with the "Geotechnical Engineering Study" prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc, dated January 28, 2004 regarding slope fill placement as discussed on Page 15 and illustrated on Plate 3 of the document. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. The applicant complied with the condition during construction and utility work. During building construction a special inspection from the geotechnical engineer on record will be required for any structural nIl in the building pad. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. The project design and construction of Division 2 complied with the DOE requirements for Erosion and Sediment Control. 3. If the applicant chooses to direct all site runoff to the one detention/water quality pond proposed to be located in the southwest corner of the site, this detention pond must provide additional on-site detention so that peak flows to the west sub-basin are not increased. The single pond shall be required to compensate for additional runoff by limiting the total developed runoff rate to the pre-developed condition of its original sub-basin (west). The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of utilityiconstruction permits. The project was designed so that the single pond will accommodate the runoff from the east and west basins. Enlargement of the pond was provided to comply with the condition. The condition has been met. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 2 flow control) and water quality improvements. The project complied with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual, and provided flow control Level 2 -for detention and basic water quality. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. The Fire Mitigation Fee for lots within Division 2 will be paid prior to recording Division 2. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to recording of the final plat. The Transportation Fee for lots within Division 2 will be paid prior to recording of Division 2. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-/amily lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. The Parks Mitigation Fee for lots within Division 2 will be paid prior to recording of Division 2. 8. The applicant shall delineate, label and note on the face of the final plat a 50-/00t buffer from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of Maplewood Creek. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The 50-foot buffer is shown and noted on the face of the Laurelhurst Phase 1 plat. 9. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the streamlcreek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permit. An orange construction fence is shown on the approved civil plans and was installed by the contractor. 10. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the streamlcreek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. Fencing and signage along the edge of the stream/creek buffer has been installed during Laurelhurst Phase 1 plat. 12. In addition, the applicant has complied with the conditions imposed as a result of Preliminary Plat: 1. The applicant shall place a note on the face of the final plat indicating the following yard orientations for these lots: a) Lot 51 shall have the front yard face Duvall Ave NE with lot accessed from the side street. b) Lots 52 and 53shall have 20 foot front yards facing shared driveway. c) Lot 131 shall have the front yard facing Road B. Items a and b refer to lots that lie outside the Division 2 boundary. Applicant noted on the face of the plat the front yard orientation of lot 131 of the preliminary plat (now lot 62 of Division 2) shall face Road B (Elma Place NE). 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat per phase. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. All buildings located within Division 2 limits have been removed and the demolition permits are finaled. 3. No lot is to gain direct access to Duvall Ave NE either north or south of the intersection with NE 2nd Street. This note shall be placed on the face of the final plat. Applicant noted on the face of the plat that no lot will gain direct access to Duvall Ave NE. 4. Street improvements, including but not limited to pavement, lights, and sidewalk, along NE 2nd Street shall extend to the east to existing SE 132nd Street. The improvements shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. This shall include the intersection of NE 2nd Street and Bremerton, both sides of Duvall Ave NE and NE 2nd Street east and west of Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements are being installed. All plat improvements within Division 2 of Laurelhurst will be completed and accepted by the public works inspector, or deferred through the Public Works Administrator prior to recording of Laurelhurst Division 2 plat. The connection of NE 20d Street and 13rd Street will be completed prior to recording of Division 2. 5. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements, including fences, landscaping, utilities, private easements, etc. A draft of the document(s}, if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. A Homeowners Association was created. An Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Laurelhurst has been submitted, reviewed and approved by Development Services, and includes the referenced maintenance responsibilities. 6. The applicant shall install a modulated, decorative fence of a quality material, with irrigated landscaping along the entire plat'sfrontage with Duvall Ave NE. Allfencing shall be located and deSigned to not interfere with sight distances required at the intersections of public streets. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and fence design to the City's Development Services Division for review and approval prior to installation. The fence and landscaping shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. The applicant submitted fencing and landscaping plans for review by Development Services. The fence and landscape for the east side of Duvall Ave NE will be installed prior to recording Laurelhurst Division 2, unless deferred by the Public Works Administrator. 7. The applicant shall install a fence of quality material (no chain link, if possible), decorative and modulated with a landscaped visual barrier that includes plant materials which would provide a year-round dense screen within three (3) years from the time of planting along the north property line of Tract M (storm drainage facility). The south, west, and east property lines shall be fenced with solid fencing or other approved landscaped visual barrier. All fencing shall be located and designed to not interfere with sight distances required at intersections. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and fence design to the City's Development Services Division for review and approval prior to installation. All fences and landscaping shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. The required fencing and landscaping were installed with Laurelhurst Phase 1 and the condition has been met. 8. The applicant shall comply with conditions imposed by ERe. Applicant complied with the above ERC conditions 9. The applicant shall have two years to complete the acquisition, plating and consolidation of Tract B, C, and D with the adjacent lots, proposed lots 21,22 and 23. This action shall not cost the owners of those adjacent lots any additional funding and the applicant shall bond or otherwise create documents approved by the City Attorney to assure that this occurs. This condition refers to lots and tracts that lie outside Laurelhurst Division 2. This condition has been met with Laurelhurst Phase 1. 10. The applicant shall develop Tract U as a full extension of Road C to where the applicant only owns the south 30 feet out to Duvall Ave NE where the applicant shall develop a half street connecting to Duvall Ave NE. This condition refers to a tract that lies outside Laurelhurst Division 2. This condition has been met with Laurelhurst Phase 1. 11. The applicant shall provide active recreation on at least three of the four largest tracts, Tract A, H, K and T. Tracts A, Hand K are recreational tracts and have been dedicated to the Homeowner's Association as part of Laurelhurst Phase 1. Tract T will be dedicated to the Homeowner's Association as a recreational tracts with the recordation of Laurelhurst Division 2. CONCLUSIONS The Final Plat generally appears to satisfy the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat process and therefore should be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: 1. The City Council should approve the Final Plat with the following conditions: a) All plat fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. b) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The City Council should approve the release of a Stormwater Utility Easement, obtained as part of vacation V AC04-00 1 and recorded under King County recording number 20050324000961. SUBMITTED TIDS 2nd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006 cc: Kayren Kittrick LUA-05-135-FP ERVICES DIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. .. I N.£'., ST. 15 14 13 12 LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 PLAT PLAN c6iE \.: /DESIGN - 14711 NE 29111 Place, #101 Bellevue, Was#rington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JC>B NC>_ 02052 J 12 13 N. T.S. NE CT LAURELHURST DMSION2 VICINITY MAP CoRE \.: ~DESIGN 4TH ST 6E 138TJ.f ST RENTON VICINITY MAP 1471 1 NE 29th Place, # 1 0 1 Bellevue, WaJhlngton 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 6E f4OTf..I ST ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JC>B NO_ 02052 ,,' ,,' :', .::~:"""':~:"'.:' :: .. ~' " - " " 1 .... " " .... ,~, " .' .. ':1 }' '~::" ,:J ·::~.5~ .:;: ...• i,:' : .. ::; ...• "~~ , :: ,\'" ,~' ," '~:", .. , ·,.: ,': .,z' " :::: .,' ORDINANCE NO. 5128 .: .:. J .' // )/ [~~ .. right-of-way 20 feet in width ~d approximately 308 feet in length, of f': ':;.... ./,. ,;: ,:' 140 Ayenue S.E., south of S.E. 132 Street] \\:.~, ........ / /:' /~i~ Exbibits .. '.~A.." and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully .. ","".,.~-... :"' ./ .;/: s~~'fo~h}lefein····':<.:. .., ......... e, .. ::. <~ ll~e1}; va. ;,s6bJpct ~to .~i,:40tJll~ter· utility easement over, aetoss, under and on ~ tb.e ~:ow:t;,t1~~i:~::;'i~'N~~or.~~~ Qf·the~~t1hWq~t~er of'S ..:: ,.Townsbip ~ Nortb, Range 5 East, W.M., mae CliyotIt~toJt, KiJg.~CoUtt.tt~ w.~~n. . ...... "' .... ,. :.;;. This easement is for the p:~' of~~'~!~ repairing, replacin& enlarging, operating and maintain~':~ J~~ti~ i~d~:~~~ili;::·~i~~>~~ding, but not .P.mited to, water, se~~~'·~(h~~rm drainage lines, tOgeth:~:~;:·:4e:·J~ .~{iniess,·~·'::~ess.::~~i~o. The :.:' ':', .I~::. ..... :.. .:': :.:' .:~,.. . •. \' .. I •.••. , ... ~~ .~: .~}!' :.~~' City ~yaIsd~a()~ct such additional facilities as it 1lUl;"f:~q~it:l Thls'easeat~ti~ SJ,ihject to the .:" .:.' . ',~ .,: ;\ \ ......... / :.J' ./{ ..:: fOll~~~,Je~::kdJfunditions: , ... ;, ..... , ...... ). .///." .,' .... /' ~J.iuill.it.e~~~~rit:~ be retained by the City over the ~~e:d~~~ area, with the ... :::.... .::' >' .. "0;. ::, •••. ::/. underS~ding.,thai··th~::~~opertj m~y-be,developed fully if the existing utilities are relocated, with the City'~':~prov~, ai:th~'so.~:~: ,9f$::d¢ve~9per; and ":.-. ",,-:: .... ~ -::, :: :.:. ",-.. That this e~~~metlsh~ll ~ with:the,:i~~Jde~Ped herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, and their heirs and su~~~;::iri-~~;e~{an~f ~Si~::":" ':.: : :: .. ,',....... ::: ;'; -,:. ..:,' ./' .::.~: .•.. , "',--:. SECTION ll. The City Coun~i1··here.by .elects·,to ch~e'~' compensation amount of $16,500 (Sixteen Thousand, Five Hun~;~·ri~u4~)i~ ili.~; peJti~er~~~rs. """, SECTION m. This ordinance Sh~ ~::e~ecti~ .~~~/~t~.:::~~e.. ·:;~ov.~, and :r.... . .... :. ..:: ,:':; -:::. '~': j) ,'.:;' '::'.~: . . -.::.:, ,',' .:' -: .' '" ,'.. :~;' .•......... .:' ,:' :~~~. .:;: .. : .. :: ...• , .... /~ .. : .. ~::: .H'· "', ...... ::.: " ':: .... -::'. " ~, .•... five days after its publication. . :. ....,':: -.','. ,.:=)' .:::- '~::::: ': :~:'I .• l'··· " ,:' '::0::::1'> 2 ';'.:. " .' '"~"/ .' .{ ;': "/' .' -:~I;:. "~::. /" ':"~'} ;,' ,:' :: .. ~' :: ORDINANCE NO. 5128 /' .·./'k~~l1ified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, ,.;. .', .. ' ", ./~~. ::" .u' " "'\ .,.,/~(f as .. :Oth~rwi~ provided by law. '. :" :: .-~~.' .~.:: :":"1..... ........ " .,-. ""~~. "',</i .. ?~1:~)~fJ0,~'CIL thl. 7 th day of __ M_a_r_c_h ___ -J, 2005. './ "" ",,/:,/ .. >.,/'.i~i'i//:~::;~(); .. : .. " •. ""...: ./:.-;.i!':/i:-"·:·:::,:;, l!xnut.u'" U/afMty ...... : .. ://. . / ,.... .=f "",B~e I. Wal~9N.:< City Clerk APPROVED BY THE ~t~1i~'·-~~h./~y,J--,:'-//_··:·:~ ....... '·~_·,{:_"r_c_h ____ ..J' 2005 . . :: .... :: .. :/ (:. ." .... ' .... :, .. ". .' ", ,,:,":'. ,., .. ::::. ~':::.::~::~~ .:\ .... "\'" .' .... :;:" .. , .. ,:,,:{""'\': '.'':.::;.,. ,,-::' ./' ,': .' ~~,~io,~9f:"~, .. :":i ...• ~. ~~~ .. ' Lawrence I. w~·~o.m~y, ........ ::. "':'~': .:'" Date ofPublicatio~;'3/r{;ool ( s~;nl~y ; • . " .;: .... ~~:. .' ORD.1 173:2I23/05:ma ;; •••••• 0' ., ........ . " .' .' ..... ", .' ':' .. :: 3 :;:: . . ~ .~ ".:. :r .': .,' :: ". \' / .. :"'::"::' i: ~: .... . ~.'. :: .' .~.. . .. :~ .. , ,' ...... . ';.\, .. ,:,:. .:..-/ .' ORDINANCE NO. 5128 Exhibit A ':~'\.",:,.. """(e.g~1 P·~~~.~iPti~n 7·Str..~et Vacation (Portion of 140th Ave. SE): .'''''.'/ ~e E~t i6.ol~~~· Qfth~·~OrthJ;f~;'~·;.;~e Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the N(;rthw~§t Qh~er,~fS~ctiqh:i5,'To~hip.2-3,~orth, Range 5 East, W.M.) in the City of Renton;K..i.rig (::ouitty ,,{oWas.hiftgton; }: .,:". /.' it' .,!:: . .... :: \. .:,:, .... ,." ".f· ::/ ,/.~,</'.' :(':/ .// ',/ EXCEPT the North 20.00 feet th~reoL) ";::,./ ,.:,:,', ..... ,./ :.:,,:' .f/ .. :,'.:' ::/ .. , . .;./:,/:::''':'./:.' .\' •..• ~\. ~-!:: " :.:":' J'" ~"" . . ~. .: . .. : . . , . . ~~/' .~.: .:' . -.::. ,.::,~ .. ::;. .. .' . :-:: .' " .""'-"~':"~" " .,' ':":. ':'.,: ... , .::,/' .. /.... . .. ':'::1;. ,~. ,,': .,,1"" ":~: .:. .I"~· ,~:.. .,': . ~ .. ;~ •. ,,:.,.,' ... ' .. " .,','. ~::;:.:::, ....... ,.... .:' .' ':~" . ~. ,~ . .... . ' "~' .,. .. . . .-::, .... , .. / .. .. , .... -.... ~: .... : . .' .:; ~.". ,..: ", -.' ".:, .. .~.: .:' :.:: ,:~ '.:. ' .. .. !\ ..•........ ' •. . ~,. .... .: .. ' ...... ~ ... ~i.,··-·· "" .. . .... ,."';. -~ . .. .... . ' ",' .... ...... ;:. :', ....... ~~ ... ;:~ . "::. ~ .. :.' ;: :.~. .' .' .' ':::: ... .,~~. ;; .,' ;. " .' " " .~. ... ~. " .; .,' ;,' ',' -:',- .~> ~ f········· ,-:' .... ,-.':' :: ::"':'" " :: : .:: " "\-' ':';'."o'::::: .. :~.tI. .••• ,.:/' .~ . . ~ .. ,:' " :;: .~.,:.,.I· .' :: " .. :: . :~ .,-:', ORDINANCE NO. 5128 . ...... ,~ ....... ::. .... .~"""''"'''I''''''::: . 9 •. ,.'·····\ .~. .' .-...... Ef) ... /,.... ..: .... N . .' .' :~ .~:' .. ' .:':: .::, .... \.;.:: .. : .. : ... ··:·::::::: •. :1 ........ ···,·· ::., , .•........ CARLO PROPERlY lAR~/llfHTON":' ROAD VACAllON EXHIBIT': . JOB NO_ 02052 2 14 .... ~·i.I.· -,' "" ....... :,:, '~.:':, ".:<~ ... . ..... ,. ::~. . :~;:. .... ,,' \'. ; .... :: ...... ~: .. , ............ . '., . . ' ":' ... ' .~. .~. :: :: . . ,' // .::~ .;. .' .. ; .... ~.:.,. ... Exhibit B ORDINANCE NO. 5128 HE CORNER NoRTH HAlf' NEI/4. SE1/4. NWl/4 SEC, 15-23-05 SCALE 1" -50' ':'., CARLO PROPERlY lARUEUIIIRST/RE'HTOtI ROAD VACATION exH1BlJ .: .... :. 6RE' .;. ...... :.'.'.' , 14711 KE. 29rIo PIoc>e _ 10 I ... , • .Be ..... W~ .... 98007 ~q 425,8857877 F".425.88S.7963 ~ QESIGN ENOiNEEflNO· PLANNINO'· SUKVEYING JOB NO_ 02052 l .... . ~. S.E. 132NO ST • .: .... : .' .~:. ,' .. ~"""'. .,' .... ':' .. ::' • CHICAGO TITLb INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEA TILE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 ORDER NO: 001175439 YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LAURELHURST, PHASE 2 10 LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT o R D ERR E FER ENe E I N FOR MAT ION SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 CONNER HOMES COMPANY RENTON, WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 09/27/05 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: AB PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, AND 11 OF OUR COMMITMENT IS (ARE) ELIMINATED. AC THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH(S) HAS (HAVE) BEEN ADDED TO OUR COMMITMENT: AD PARAGRAPH NUMBER 15: AS 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCELS 2 AND 7. 2006 152305-9018-02 2104 $ 331,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ NOT AVAILABLE PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ NOT AVAILABLE NOTE: TAXES FOR 2005 IN THE SUM OF $ 5,132.79 HAVE BEEN PAID. PARAGRAPH NUMBER 16: SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPLCOM/RDA/0999 • t" CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 1175439 Your No.: LAURELHURST, PHASE 2 Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) AQ 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL 8. 2006 152305-9016-04 2104 $ 207,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ NOT AVAILABLE PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ NOT AVAILABLE NOTE: TAXES FOR 2005 IN THE SUM OF $ 2,518.04 HAVE BEEN PAID. AB PARAGRAPH NUMBER 17: AI 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF AJ FIRST HALF ~PAID ON ~~Y 1, SECOND HA~F DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON .NOVEMBER J OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST·AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL 9. 2006 152305-9017-03 2104 $ 315,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ NOT AVAILABLE PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ NOT AVAILABLE NOTE: TAXES FOR 2005 IN THE SUM OF $ 3,831.22 HAVE BEEN PAID. THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE SEPTEMBER 27, 2005, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. DECEMBER 29, 2005 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY SUPLCOM2!RDA!0999 .. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 1175439 Your No.: LAURELHURST, PHASE 2 Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) u NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COpy OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: CORE DESIGN, INC STEVE SCHREI CONNER HOMES COMPANY JOHN SKOCHDOPOLE 1/1 1/0 SUPLCOM2/RDA/0999 Project Name LA\)~J.\l)t>r -ef Project A~d(ess \st --:\-~-y\~C\J Contact Person ~o\.\ ~ Stoo-\' t:::D fC'Le Address ______________ _ Phone Number -_-___________ _ Permit Number _ Wf\ -DY -O\.Q 3. , Proje~t Description ,~q Lo, ~ R -e\Ai VJlffi \d-. E:¥l~])"-.)~ Qe~\\)8\0~ land U~ !YPe: ~Residential . Method of Calculation: ,~ G~ UJ..-1fE Trip Generation Manual / '\ 510 o Retail o Non-retail [il" T raffie Study L '2--l 0 )_ SF f-- o Other . ~. ~"1 T ilAfS jl.ci'l"" Calculation: _ r~q· ~" '.~.::: \~l . ;~-,' 'I.' q'. 5 7 ~ \ ).\S. 31 .~~ \::2.\-5,.:,~ 1-~lc:, ~ $ Q\)l5L\, "l.S> Transportation Mitigation Fee: «$ 4 I) \ 54 ( ~ S' Calculated by: ¥; K&vh Date: ~\o~ll--'l~:;"":?+) ..::::....:xm.:::.::...;...~f--_ Account Number: __________ _ Date of Payment ____ ----:------_ CIT-':>F RENTON February 28, 2006 John R. Skochdopole Conner Homes 846 108th A venue NE, Suite 202 Bellevue, W A 98004 Re: Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat; File No. LUA-05-135 Dear Applicant, City Clerk Bonnie I. Walton At the regular Council meeting of February 27, 2006, the Renton City Council approved the referenced final plat by adopting Resolution No. 3792. A copy of the resolution is enclosed for your files. If I can provide additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Enclosure cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker Council President Randy Corman Juliana Fries, Development Services Division Stephen J. Sch~ei, PLS; Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th PI, Ste 101, Bellevue WA 98004 -I-O-SS-S-o-u-th-Gr-ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, W-as-h,-·ngt-on-98-0-SS--(-42-S-)-43-0--6-S-IO-'-F-A-X-(-42-S-) 4-3-0--6-S-16-~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE • CITY OF RENTON, W ASlDNGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3792 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (LAURELHURST DIVISION 2; FILE NO. LUA-05-135FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the easement secured as part of Vacation VAC 04-001, and recorded per King County recording number 20050324000961, is no longer required as the developer has relocated the storm line that was contained within the easement; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCll., OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIllNGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3792 SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The final plat approved by the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereofas iffully set forth (The property, consisting of approximately 13.1 acres, is located at the east side of Duvall Avenue NE and south ofNE 2nd Street) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department dated February 2,2006. SECTION III. The easement obtained as part of vacation V AC 04-001 is hereby released as part of this plat. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of February Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of February RES.1155:2/3/06:ma 2 ,2006. ,2006. " PARCEL 2: RESOLUTION NO. 3792 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADmSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; RESOLUTION NO. 3792 THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. " LAURELHURST DMSION2 VICINITY MAP cbRt \.: -/ DESIGN RESOLUTION NO. 3792 ST 6E f38TI.I 6T ~TON VICINITY MAP 1-= 3OO0'± 1471 I NE 29111I'1a<:tf, #101 IJellevve, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fox 425.885.7963 6E~6T ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NC>_ 02052 .--{ CITY OF RENTON, WASIDNGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON VACATING A PORTION OF UNIMPROVED ROAD WCATED ON 140m AVENUE S.E. BETWEEN S.E. 132ND STREET AND S.E. 136m STREET. (CONNER HOMES, VAC-04-001) WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of unimproved road located on 140th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 132nd Street and S.E. 136th Street was filed with the City Clerk on or about April 15, 2004, and that petition was signed by the owners ~ 0"1 o representing more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the street or alley to o o "" N be vacated; and (V) o L{) o WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 3691, passed on May 17, 2004, set o N =11= June 14, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton as the time and tYI .~ place for a public hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk having given proper notice of this 'd H o o Q) p::; . . hearing as provided by law, and all persons having been heard who appeared to testify in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council having considered all information and arguments presented to it; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered this petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and that no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from this vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASlllNGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The following described portion of unimproved road located on 140th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 132nd Street and S.E. 136th Street, to wit: 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5128 [The right-of-way 20 feet in width and approximately 308 feet in length, of 140th Avenue S.E., south ofS.E. 132nd Street] See Exhibits "N' and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein is hereby vacated subject to a stormwater utility easement over, across, under and on all the following described area in favor of the City: The East 10.00 feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. This easement is for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto. The City may also construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: That a utility easement will be retained by the City over the above-described area, with the understanding that the property may be developed fully if the existing utilities are relocated, with the City's approval, at the sole cost of the developer; and That this easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, and their heirs and successors in interest and assigns. SECTIONll. The City Council hereby elects to charge a compensation amount of$16,500 (Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars) to the petitioner-owners. SECTIONDI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. 2 , ; • , ORDINANCE NO. 5128 A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 7th day of __ M_a_r_c_h ___ --", 2005. Bonnie 1. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of ___ M_ar_c_h ____ --.J, 2005. !1JL~~o~ . Approved as to form: ~~ Lawrence J. W City Attorney Date of Publication: 3/11/2005 ( summary) ORD.1173 :2/23/05 :ma 3 ~. . . ~ '." o! ,""'" ... "-' •• I ~ •••• ,. I . " . .' ORDINANCE NO. 5128 Exhibit A Legal Description -Street Vacation (Portion of 140th Ave. SE): The East 20.00 feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 20.00 feet thereof. , , Exhibit B ORDINANCE NO. 5128 NE CORNER NoRlH HALF NE1/4. SE1/4. NWl/4 SEC. 15-23-05 ! 1 SCALE 1" S UNE NORTH HALF NE1/4. SE1/4, NWl/4 SEC. 15-23-'05 PORTION OF VACATED 140lH AYE. NE. PER KING CO. ORDINANCE NO. 13228 REC. NO. 20020208002079 CARLO PROPERTY LARUEUlURST/RENTON ROAD VACATION EXHIBIT w (I)_ ~rn <g, j!:t-0° ~3 ~ PAGE 20F2 ~t?RE 14711 N-E. 291h Place s.n'e 101 Bellevue, Washingtotl 98007 \.. _ _ ./ 425.8857877 FOJ( 425.8857963 ~ DESIGN ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SUIlVEYING J<>13 1'.1<>_ 02052 ""'------ S.E. 132ND ST. r·j 1 1 1 ~-L I"" 15 "" 'I 16 "" 1 PUGET COLON~ HOMES r \ 1 17 / / 1 <-::. ORDINANCE NO. 5128 4 5 9 RENTON 16 15 VICINITY MAP CARlO PROPERTY LARUElHURST/RENTON ROAD VACATION EXHIBIT 1· ;,. 3000'± PAGE 10F2 c6iE 14711 N.E. 29rh Place Suit. 101 Ben.""", WcuhHJgton 98007 \. _ _ /0 425.885.71177 Fax 425.885.7963 ~ DESIGN ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO_ 02052 I 2 14 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: February 14, 2006 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. r~--;;'j;t Na~';: , .... u •• w Laurelhurst 2 Final Plat "'-, ~,'-cL-Ur-oA-s-s(-f_iR-lee-)f-eN-reU-nm-c-be-es-~.-:----_____ LU_A_-_0_5_-_13_5_,_F_P __________________________________ ~1 , LUA04-063; LUA04-113; LUA04-129; LUA04-152; LUA04-160; I i LUA05-063 I i AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: Applicant: f Owner: t Contact: i f PID Number: ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Denial: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: ~ Date Appealed to HEX: i By Whom: Julian Fries November 7, 2005 Conner Homes Conner Homes Stephen Schrei, PLS, Core DeSign, Inc. 1523059016; 1523059017; 1523059018 . ~ w I i HEX Decision: Date: ~----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I" Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: I Council Decision: Date: t Mylar Recording Number: f Project Description: Final plat of Laurelhurst Phase II with 66 single-family residential lots. The i plat includes installation of sanitary sewer main, water main, storm drainage, sidewalks, street , lighting and paving. ! Location: East side of Duvall Avenue at NE 2nd Street Comments: CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL I AI#: Submitting Data: Planning/Building /Public Works For Agenda of: February 27,2005 Dept/Div/Board .. Development Services Division Staff Contact. ..... Juliana Fries x:7278 Agenda Status Consent. ............. Subject: Public Hearing .. LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 FINAL PLAT Correspondence .. File No. LUA 05-135, FP (LUA 04-063, PP) Ordinance ............. 13.1 acres located at the east side of Duvall Ave NE and Resolution ............ south ofNE 2nd Street. Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... 1. Resolution and legal description Study Sessions ...... 2. Staff report and recommendation Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept.. ...... . Council concur Finance Dept.. ... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: N/ A Expenditure Required ... Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The referenced final plat is submitted for Council action. Laurelhurst Division 2 divides 13.1 acres into 66 single-family residential lots with water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street lighting, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street improvements. Design and construction of utilities, lighting and pavement will be approved, accepted or deferred (and a security device posted) as required through the Public Works Administrator prior to recording the plat. All conditions placed on the preliminary plat will be met prior to recording of the plat. A Release of Easement was obtained as part of vacation VAC 04-001 and recorded per King County recording number 20050324000961. The easement is no longer required as the developer relocated the storm line that was contained within said easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt the Resolution approving Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat, LUA 05-135, FP, with the following conditions: a) All mitigation fees shall be paid prior to the recording ofthe plat. b) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of the City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2. Release the Utilities Easement obtained as part of vacation V AC 04-001. X X x CIT"' MEMORANDUM TO: Juliana Fries, PBPW FROM: Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney DATE: February 1, 2006 ~ RENTON Office of the City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren Senior Assistant City Attorneys Mark Barber Zanetta L. Fontes Assistant City Attorneys Ann S. Nielsen Garmon Newsom II Shawn E. Arthur vii, VT r'c'~ i vt .. RECEIVED FEB 022006 BUILDING DIVISION RE: Laurelhurst Div. 2 Final Plat, amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst The amendment to the D~laration only adds in the recording information for Laurelhurst II and the Fotheringill short plat, which was anticipated by the original Declaration. The amendment is approved as to legal form. Please feel free to call, should you have any questio . } LJW:ma Enc. cc: Kayren Kittrick ./ -P-os-t-O-ffi-c-e-B-ox-6-2-6---R-en-t-on-,-W-as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-8-0S-7---(-42~S-) -2S-S--8-6-78-/-F-AX-(-4-2S-)-2-SS--S-4-7-4-~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE • When recorded, return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR LAURELHURST This AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR LAURELHURST is made on this day of ______ _ 2006, by the Laure1hurst Community Organization ("Organization"), which has the responsibility to administer the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laure1hurst, which is comprised of certain land situated in the State of Washington, County of King, City of Renton, whose legal description is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Amendment amends and supplements the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst, filed on April 19,2005 under King County Recording Number 20050419000481 ("the Declaration"). Except as specified herein, all the terms and conditions of the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment is executed by the Organization for and on behalf of the Owners consistent with the rules related to amendments in Article 11 of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst. The following sections of the Declaration are hereby amended to read as follows: Section l.14. Plats: "Plats" shall mean and refer to the approved plat of Laurelhurst Phase I recorded at Volume 227, Pages 069 to 078 under King County Recording Number 20050419000480; the Fotheringill Short Plat, recorded at Volume 194, Pages 064 to 065 under King County Recording Number 20051014900004; and the approved plat of Laurelhurst Phase II recorded at Volume 1 ___ , Pages __ to under King County Recording Number IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS EXECUTED THIS AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION ON THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. LAURELHURST COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION By Charles Conner Title: President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 2006, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Charles Conner, to me known to be the president and member of the Laurelhurst Community Organization, which executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partners and partnership, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the said instrument. SIGNED AND SWORN to before me on , 2006 ------- Printed name: ------------Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My appointment expires: ______ _ 2 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 2,2006 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Neil Watts, Development Services Director Kayren Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor Juliana Fries x 7278 AGENDA BILL & REPORT LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 -FINAL PLAT LUA 05-135 FP EAST OF DUVALL AVE NE AND SOUTH OF NE 2ND STREET I am requesting concurrence to get Laurelhurst Division 2 final plat on the Council agenda. Per the City inspector approximately 60% of Division 2 plat improvements are completed at this time. The completed items include the installation of sanitary sewer main, water main and stormwater system, curb and gutter are scheduled to be installed this week and pavement within the next 2 weeks (weather permitting). Technical Services has finished the second review ofthe plat and recommended approval. Included with the approval of the final plat, is the release of a Utility Easement (recorded under King County recording number 20050324000961), secured as part of vacation VAC04-001. This easement is no longer required as the developer has relocated the storm line that was contained within said easement. It is my understanding that the release of the easement was discussed between you and Dave C. few weeks ago. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you. CITY,-,.'-RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BIL ...... I AI#: Submitting Data: PlanninglBuilding !Public Works For Agenda of: February 27,2005 DeptlDivlBoard .. Development Services Division Staff Contact. ..... Juliana Fries x:7278 Agenda Status Consent. ............. X Subject: Public Hearing .. LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 FINAL PLAT Correspondence .. File No. LUA 05-135, FP (LUA 04-063, PP) Ordinance ............. CONCURRENst DATE 13.1 acres located at the east side of Duvall Ave NE and Resolution ............ N~ INITIAUDATE south ofNE 2nd Street. Old Business ........ K.b '. ~. vJa.:tt. Exhibits: New Business ....... ~. ~ 'wlM.et~C1< 1. Resolution and legal description 2. Staff report and recommendation Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/ A Expenditure Required ... Amount Budgeted ....... Total Project Budget SUMMARY OF ACTION: Study Sessions ...... Information ......... Approvals: Legal Dept.. ...... . Finance Dept.. .. .. Other .............. . Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Revenue Generated ......... City Share Total Project.. The referenced final plat is submitted for Council action. ~- Laurelhurst Division 2 divides 13.1 acres into 66 single-family residential lots with water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street lighting, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street improvements. Design and construction of utilities, lighting and pavement will be approved, accepted or deferred (and a security device posted) as required through the Public Works Administrator prior to recording the plat. All conditions placed on the preliminary plat will be met prior to recording of the plat. Release of Easement obtained as part of vacation VAC 04-001 and recorded per King County recording number 20050324000961. Said easement is no longer required as the developer relocated the storm line that was contained within said easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat, LUA 05-135, FP, with the following conditions and adopt the resolution. a) All mitigation fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. b) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of the City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2. Release the Utilities Easement obtained as part of vacation VAC 04-001. :-'~""~ --;:"-" x DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING/PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: Stephen J. Schrei Laurelhurst Division 2 Final Plat. File: LUA 05-135 FP East side of Duvall Ave NE at South of NE 2nd Street. Section 15, Twp. 23 N., Rng 5 E. Final Plat for 66 single-family residential lots with water, sanitary sewer, storm, street and lighting. Approve With Conditions FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record documents in this matter, staff now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Stephen Schrei, filed a request for approval of Laurelhurst Division 2, a 66-lot Final Plat. 2. The yellow file containing all staff reports, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No.1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination on Non-Significance-Mitigated on July 19,2004 for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at the east side of Duvall Ave NE and south ofNE 2nd Street. The new plat is located in Section 15, Twp. 23 N., Rng 5 E. 6. The subject site is comprised of 3 parcels totaling 13 acres. 7. The Preliminary Plat (LUA-04-063) was approved by the City of Renton Council on September 27,2004. 8. The site is zoned Residential 8 DUlAC (R-8). 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. Along the northeasterly portion of the site, a 10-foot Stormwater Utility Easement to the City of Renton (recorded under King County recording number 20050324000961) was secured as part of vacation V AC04-00 1. The easement was secured over an existing 36-inch stormwater conveyance system. The applicant relocated the stormwater conveyance system to the right- of-way and the easement is no longer required. 11. The Preliminary Plat was subject to a number of conditions as a result of both environmental review and plat review. The applicant complied with the conditions imposed by the ERC: 1. The applicant shall comply with the "Geotechnical Engineering Study" prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc, dated January 28, 2004 regarding slope fill placement as discussed on Page 15 and illustrated on Plate 3 of the document. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. The applicant complied with the condition during construction and utility work. During building construction a special inspection from the geotechnical engineer on record will be required for any structural fill in the building pad. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. The project design and construction of Division 2 complied with the DOE requirements for Erosion and Sediment Control. 3. If the applicant chooses to direct all site runoff to the one detention/water quality pond proposed to be located in the southwest corner of the site, this detention pond must provide additional on-site detention so that peak flows to the west sub-basin are not increased. The single pond shall be required to compensate for additional runoff by limiting the total developed runoff rate to the pre-developed condition of its original sub-basin (west). The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of utilityiconstruction permits. The project was designed so that the single pond will accommodate the runoff from the east and west basins. Enlargement of the pond was provided to comply with the condition. The condition has been met. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 2 flow control) and water quality improvements. The project complied with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual, and provided flow control Level 2 -for detention and basic water quality. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. The Fire Mitigation Fee for lots within Division 2 will be paid prior to recording Division 2. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to recording of the final plat. The Transportation Fee for lots within Division 2 will be paid prior to recording of Division 2. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. The Parks Mitigation Fee for lots within Division 2 will be paid prior to recording of Division 2. 8. The applicant shall delineate, label and note on the face of the final plat a 50-foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of Maplewood Creek. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The 50-foot buffer is shown and noted on the face of the Laurelhurst Phase 1 plat. 9. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the streamlcreek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permit. An orange construction fence is shown on the approved civil plans and was installed by the contractor. 10. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the streamlcreek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. Fencing and sign age along the edge of the stream/creek buffer has been installed during Laurelhurst Phase 1 plat. 12. In addition, the applicant has complied with the conditions imposed as a result of Preliminary Plat: 1. The applicant shall place a note on the face of the final plat indicating the following yard orientations for these lots: a) Lot 51 shall have the front yard face Duvall Ave NE with lot accessed from the side street. b) Lots 52 and 53shall have 20 foot front yards facing shared driveway. c) Lot 131 shall have the front yard facing Road B. Items a and b refer to lots that lie outside the Division 2 boundary. Applicant noted on the face of the plat the front yard orientation of lot 131 of the preliminary plat (now lot 62 of Division 2) shall face Road B (Elma Place NE). 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat per phase. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. All buildings located within Division 2 limits have been removed and the demolition permits are finaled. 3. No lot is to gain direct access to Duvall Ave NE either north or south of the intersection with NE 2nd Street. This note shall be placed on the face of the final plat. Applicant noted on the face of the plat that no lot will gain direct access to Duvall Ave NE. 4. Street improvements, including but not limited to pavement, lights, and sidewalk, along NE 2nd Street shall extend to the east to existing SE 132nd Street. The improvements shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. This shall include the intersection of NE 2nd Street and Bremerton, both sides of Duvall Ave NE and NE 2nd Street east and west of Duvall Ave NE. Street improvements are being installed. All plat improvements within Division 2 of Laurelhurst will be completed and accepted by the public works inspector, or deferred through the Public Works Administrator prior to recording of Laurelhurst Division 2 plat. The connection of NE 20d Street and 1320d Street will be completed prior to recording of Division 2. 5. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements, including fences, landscaping, utilities, private easements, etc. A draft of the document(s}, if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. A Homeowners Association was created. An Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Laurelhurst has been submitted, reviewed and approved by Development Services, and includes the referenced maintenance responsibilities. 6. The applicant shall install a modulated, decorative fence of a quality material, with irrigated landscaping along the entire plat's frontage with Duvall Ave NE. All fencing shall be located and designed to not interfere with sight distances required at the intersections of public streets. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and fence design to the City's Development Services Division for review and approval prior to installation. The fence and landscaping shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. The applicant submitted fencing and landscaping plans for review by Development Services. The fence and landscape for the east side of Duvall Ave NE will be installed prior to recording Laurelhurst Division 2, unless deferred by the Public Works Administrator. 7. The applicant shall install a fence of quality material (no chain link, if possible), decorative and modulated with a landscaped visual barrier that includes plant materials which would provide a year-round dense screen within three (3) years from the time of planting along the north property line of Tract M (storm drainage facility). The south, west, and east property lines shall be fenced with solid fencing or other approved landscaped visual barrier. All fencing shall be located and designed to not interfere with sight distances required at intersections. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and fence design to the City's Development Services Division for review and approval prior to installation. All fences and landscaping shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. The required fencing and landscaping were installed with Laurelhurst Phase 1 and the condition has been met. 8. The applicant shall comply with conditions imposed by ERe. Applicant complied with the above ERC conditions 9. The applicant shall have two years to complete the acquisition, plating and consolidation of Tract B, C, and D with the adjacent lots, proposed lots 21,22 and 23. This action shall not cost the owners of those adjacent lots any additional funding and the applicant shall bond or otherwise create documents approved by the City Attorney to assure that this occurs. This condition refers to lots and tracts that lie outside Laurelhurst Division 2. This condition has been met with Laurelhurst Phase 1. 10. The applicant shall develop Tract U as a full extension of Road C to where the applicant only owns the south 30 feet out to Duvall Ave NE where the applicant shall develop a half street connecting to Duvall Ave NE. This condition refers to a tract that lies outside Laurelhurst Division 2. This condition has been met with Laurelhurst Phase 1. 11. The applicant shall provide active recreation on at least three of the four largest tracts, Tract A, H, K and T Tracts A, Hand K are recreational tracts and have been dedicated to the Homeowner's Association as part of Laurelhurst Phase 1. Tract T will be dedicated to the Homeowner's Association as a recreational tracts with the recordation of Laurelhurst Division 2. CONCLUSIONS The Final Plat generally appears to satisfy the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat process and therefore should be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: 1. The City Council should approve the Final Plat with the following conditions: a) All plat fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. b) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The City Council should approve the release of a Stormwater Utility Easement, obtained as part of vacation V AC04-00 1 and recorded under King County recording number 20050324000961. SUBMITTED TillS r d DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006 cc: Kayren Kittrick LUA-05-135-FP ERVICES DIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADmSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. 58 57 S3 51 \ / ~ 1', u /' , LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 PlAT PlAN cORE \: ~DES/GN 14711 NE 2911r Place, #101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax. 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING J<>E3 1'.1<>_ 02052 N. T.S. f~ 9J ~~! co ~ NE NE.3RO CT I m ;! m I -J LAURELHURST DMSION2 VICINITY MAP coRE \,:; ~ DESIGN 4Tf.# 6T &E I.38TH 6T RENTON VICINITY MAP 1-== 3000'± 14711 NE 29th Place, #101 Bellevue, WaJhington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 &E l40TH 6T ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JC>E3 1'.1<>_ 02052 City of Renton InterOffice Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Larry Warren, City Attorney Juliana Fries ext:7278 January 30, 2006 Laurelhurst Division 2 -Final Plat LUA 05-135-FP Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst Please review the attached Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Laurelhurst document as to legal form. A copy of the Hearing Examiner's Report dated August 30th 2004 is attached for reference and your use. Recommendation 5 states that "A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements, including fences, landscaping, utilities, private easements, etc. A draft of the documents(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat." The plat (including Division 1) has a detention/water quality pond, Native Growth Protection Areas, landscaping areas, fences, recreation areas. I am enclosing, for your reference, a copy of the recorded Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions for Laurelhurst. The consideration by the Council will be February 2005. Laurelhurst Division 1 was recorded in April 19, 2005. If I may be of assistance with this request please call me at 430-7278. cc: Kayren Kittrick LUA 05-135 f • ~ , Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor CITY JF RENTON PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator December 13, 2005 Stephen Schrei Core Design Inc. 14711 NE 29th PI Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: Dear Steve, LAURELHURST PHASE 2 FINAL PLAT PLAT COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITIES REQUIREMENT -LUA 05-135 -66 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PERMIT U050039 (UTILITY AND IMPROVEMENTS) STREETLIGHTS PERMIT NOT ISSUED YET. Staff has completed their review of the above subject 66 lot plat and has made the following comments. Although every attempt is made to do a thorough review, there made be additional comments as supplemental information becomes available. Once you have completed the revisions please resubmit three bluelines to my office. Final Plat Recording Concerns: 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-05-135-FP and LND-lO-0440, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. 2. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points of all new right-of-way monuments set as part of the plat. 3. See the attachment for the lot addresses. Insert address numbers in the spaces already provided (Sheets 4 and 5 of 5). 4. See the attachments for items that need to be corrected. 5. "DUVALL AVE" is incomplete as shown on Sheets 4 and 5 of 5. Add "NE" or "SE" as is needed. 6. The October 5,2005 letter from CORE Design mentions, under Item No. lc, a "Lot 131" (now lot 62 of the second division of Laurelhurst). Make a reference on the plat map lot 62 (Sheet 4) by adding: "See Restriction No.1". 7. Include a legal description of the subject plat property in the Amendment to the CC&R's document, as needed. -------lO-S-S-s-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W.-a-y---R-en-t-on-,-w.-a-sh-in-g-to-n-98-0-S-S------~ *-This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ~ " , , 2 If you have any questions regarding specific comments in the above final plat drawing review please contact Bob Mac Onie at 425-430-7369. Plan Review Final Plat Comments: 8. Submit the Amendment to the CC&R's or other document that includes Laurelhurst Phase II as part of the Phase 1 HOA. 9. The plat map shown the dimension of 21' along NE 2nd St (Sheet 4). Are you dedicating 21 ' or 15' for ROW purposes? Revise. 10. Sewer mains were extended within portions of the access easement on lots 59 and 53 (see civil plans). A IS-foot public utility easement is required with sewer mains. Show on the plat map. Planning Review Final Plat Comments: 11. Have not received comments from planning yet. Construction Comments: 12. Please note that the comments above address the plat review. You will want to continue working with the City inspector, Mark Wetherbee, to insure that the project has a final walk through and sign-off by the inspector. This includes any punch list items from the inspector and/or the City Maintenance Division. You will want to verify that you have the proper street names on the street name signs (along with completing all street signage) that are required to be installed prior to recording. Please contact Mark Wetherbee if you have any questions on these construction items. Fire Prevention Comments: 13. All roadway and street signage work needs to be completed. As-Built Concerns: 14. The construction permit plan mylars must be checked-out from the sixth floor public works counter and updated or replaced with a complete As-Built plan set. All plan sheets, including those constructed per design, must be verified, stamped and signed as As-Built by a licensed surveyor or engineer. The mylars are labeled As-Built in large block letters and stamped by a PE or PLS. Submit an ASCI file along with your As-Built drawings. The civil drawings shall accurately reflect the construction activity. The civil drawings also need to show all street lights, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems easements which shall be consistent with the As-Built location of the utility. Once the above have been addressed, submit one set of As-Built bluelines of the civil drawings to my office. The inspector will be reviewing the bluelines and if all is in order I will then call for the civil mylars to be returned. These final mylars must be submitted for our permanent records. Construction Cost Data Concerns: 15. At the same time the As-Built bluelines are submitted, the owner of the development or authorized agent shall supply the detailed construction cost of the public Water Main System, Sanitary Sewer System, Storm Drainage Systems, street improvements and street lighting on the Cost Data and Inventory Form and sign it at the bottom. This form is to , , 3 reflect only those facilities that will be turned over to the City. Examples of items that are NOT turned over are side sewer stubs, water service lines and private storm drainage facilities. Return the original form to my office. 16. The Bill of Sale is to reflect the items and quantities as shown on the Cost Data and Inventory form (both are enclosed). 17. A maintenance bond is required in the amount of 10% of the grand total of the water, sewer, storm, street and street lighting costs as shown on the Cost Data Inventory form. A standard City of Renton maintenance bond form is enclosed. The permit bond will be released upon receipt and acceptance of the maintenance bond, have the above documentation and final sign-off by the inspector. Fees: 18. The applicant shall pay the Fire Mitigation Fee of $488 per each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 19. The applicant shall pay the Transportation Mitigation Fee of $717.75 per each new single- family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 20. The applicant shall pay the Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. It is a team effort of all of the above City divisions your engineer and your surveyor to get your plat to final plat approval. If you haveanyqIiestions, please contact me at 425-430-7278. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, cc: Kayren Kittrick Conner Homes Lua 05-135 , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 9,2005 Juliana Fries Sonja J. FeSSer}~ Laurelhurst Plat, LUA-05-135-FP Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced final plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-05-1~5-FP and LND-1O-0440, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points of all new right-of-way monuments set as part of the plat. See the attachment for the lot addresses. Insert address numbers in the spaces already provided (Sheets 4 and 5 of 5). See the attachments for items that need to be corrected. "DUVALL AVE" is incomplete as shown on Sheets 4 and 5 of 5. Add "NE" or "SE" as is needed. The October 5, 2005 letter from CORE Design mentions, under Item No. 1c, a "Lot 131". The second division of Laurelhurst has no Lot 131. Also, Lot 51 does not adjoin Duvall Ave NE., which eliminates Item No.1 a. In fact, it is not clear that any of the comments under Item No.1 are relevant to this plat. In addition, Item No. 11 does not appear to be applicable to this plat. Include a legal description of the subject plat property in the CC&R's document, as needed. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-JO -Plats\Q440\RY051206.doc '-''',,,,L..r I t 11'-,-M.,J I .LV I '-'-I. tOGETH~R WITH THAT PORTION OF VAl OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF REN 20050324000961. ) 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD AT I BY OPERATION ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDE -=CORDING NUMBER (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY.) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED HOTH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, WHICH WOULD ATIACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF L YlNG EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBE~. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; ;:E.ETJ THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252. 3 ~TO BEGINNING OF SAID UNE; THENCE NORTH 00'38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY UNE THEREOF. AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A. CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. WlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET L YlN~E RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH A VENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET ~'N THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH A VENUE SOUTHEAST; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. WHICH WOULD ATIACH BY OPERATION OF LAW. AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 13228. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. WlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. WHICH WOULD ATIACH BY OPERATION OF LAW. AS PROVIDED IN ~:~~3228. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079~~~1~:J EASEMENT NOTES THE EASEMENTS DEPICTED ON THE MAP SHEETS OF THIS FINAL PLAT ARE FOR THE LIMITED PURPOSED USTED BELOW AND ARE HEREBY CONVEYED FOLLOWING THE RECORDING OF THIS FINAL PLAT AS SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE RESERVATIONS LISTED BELOW. THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER(S) IS/ARE NEGUGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. 1. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED, GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON. PUGET SOUND ENERGY. QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. COMCAST AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. tlN!)FR AN!) lJPON THE 20 FOOT PRIVATF A(X~FSS AND UTILITY FASFMFNTS SHOWN ON lOTS r:;.'1 r:;q n? .... INt. IV r-uv LOT 7. THE 0' PRIVATE DRAIN, 5. THE 10 FOO OF LOT 11. TI- THE PRIVATE 0 6. THE 10 FOO· OF LOTS 12, 1~ MAINTENANCE { 7. THE 10 FOO· OF LOTS 17. 1E MAINTENANCE { 8. THE 10 FOO' AND 23. THE THE PRIVATE 01 9. THE 10 FOO· OF LOT 25. TI THE PRIVATE 0 10. THE 10 -Fe. OF LOT~, 9 FOR THE MAlR" 11. THE 10 Foe OF LOT 32. T THE PRIVATE 0 12. THE 10 FOe THE OWNER OF DRAINAGE FACII 13. THE 10 FO( OF LOT 36.n THE P . J 14. 'TH. THE OWNER~Of DRAINAGEFACI 15. THE 10 FO OF LOT 40. 1 THE PRIVATE [ 16. THE 10 FO THE OWNER OF DRAINAGE F ACI 17. THE 10 FO LOTS 43 AND MAINlENANCE 18. THE 10 FO LOTS 48 AND MAINTENANCE 19. THE 10 Fe OF LOTS 51, ~ THE MAINTEN~ 20. THE 10 F< BENEFIT OF L< RESPONSIBLE 21. THE 10 F( OF LOTS 62 J MAINTENANCE 22. THE 10 FI LOTS 64 AND MAINTENANCE 23. THE 20 F OF LOT 52. PRIVATE UTILI ACCESS AND 24. THE 20 F t- -'~ N, I, F ~d\SEMENT NOTES CO~'"1NUED --------------------------2. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINA _ EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 1 AND 2 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOTS 2 AND 3. lHE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. 3. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 5 AND 6 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOTS 4 AND 5. lHE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. 4. lHE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 8 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOT 7. THE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 5. lHE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 10 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 11. lHE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 6. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 13, 14 AND 15 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOTS 12, 13 AND 14. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 7. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 16, 17 AND 18 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOTS 17, 18 AND 19. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. 8. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 22 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 21 AND 23. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. 9. lHE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 24 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOT 25. THE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. re 1/28 (f 10. lHE ~' : ~~:J~~~m1~~ EASEMENT SHO"'" ON LOTS~S FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 5, ~~ 97: 98AN~ ~. 'tHE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFI BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE .--r----~-~ -ATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES WllH/N SAID EASEMENT. 11. THE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOYtt-J ON LOT 31 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOT 32. lHE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHAlL BE RESPONSlBLE~ !FOR~~1H~n!E~~~~~ lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT." H'._~";" ';:'$ '::, ,~;) 12. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 33 IS FOR ...u.~ ..... ,,~ THE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 'THE MAINtENANCE OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 13. THE 10 FOOT BY 15 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 35 IS FOR 'THE OF LOT 36. THE OWNER OF SAID 8ENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINIENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. 14. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 37 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 38. lHE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 15. lHE 10 FOOT BY 10 FOOT PRiVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 39 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOT 40. THE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WllHlN SAID EASEMENT. 16. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 42 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOT 41. lHE OWNER OF SAID BENEFITED LOT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 17. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 44 AND 45 IS FOR lHE BENEFIT OF LOTS 43 AND 44. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 18. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 47 AND 48 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 48 AND 49. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 19. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 50, 51 AND 53 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 51, 52, 53 AND 54. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 20. lHE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 56, 57, 59 AND 60 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, AND 60. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILlllES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. 21. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON TRACT F AND LOT 62 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 62 AND 63. THE OWNERS OF SAID BENEFITED LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATF nRAINA(!~ ~A(," 'T1~~ IAnTUI~1 "".,'" ~ .... r-.. r-•• ~ RESTRII 1. LOT 62 ! 2. NO LOT 3. THIS Sill FOR UllLlm 990422066! DETERMINE 4. THIS S FOR ONE OF NUMBER 201 5. THIS SITE FOR TELECO 2005 UNDEF 6. THIS SITE UllLlllES AN 200503240C 7. THIS SITE PACIFIC RAIL 192430. S~ 2837830. 8. THIS SITE AND RENTO" 8509050851. 9. THIS SITE AND RENTON 8605010934. THE EASEMEI SHEETS 4 At City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: APPLICANT: Conner Homes PROJECT TITLE: Laurelhurst II Final Plat SITE AREA: 13 acres LOCATION: East side of Duvall Avenue at NE 2nd Street COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2005 PROJECT MANAGER: Juliana Fries PLAN REVIEW: Keri Weaver BUILDING AREA WORK ORDER NO: 77502 ED ITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYST SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Final plat of Laurelhurst Phase II with 66 single-family residential lots. The plat includes installation of sanitary sewer main, water main, storm drainage, Sidewalks, street lighting and paving. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Liqht/G/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoridCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of Ren.un Department of Planning / Building / Public w~ ... ~ ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: :Plan ~\fuJ COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-135, FP DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBERS, 2005 APPLICANT: Conner Homes PROJECT MANAGER: Juliana Fries PROJECT TITLE: Laurelhurst II Final Plat PLAN REVIEW: Keri Weaver SITE AREA: 13 acres BUILDING AREA (grosst: N/A LOCATION: East side of Duvall Avenue at NE 2nd Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77502 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Final plat of Laurelhurst Phase II with 66 single-family residential lots. The plat includes installation of sanitary sewer main, water main, storm drainage, sidewalks, street lighting and paving. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS pJ.-IIJlb We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of Re ..• _n Department of Planning / Building / Public I .. :S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: "R . rt:... COMMENTS DUE: N(\\lII:'IUID~n "" "005---I .... _~' __ , ... ' \ I , l I ~ -~. .'. APPLICATION NO: LUA05-135, FP DATE CIRCULATED: NbvEMseR1J12Bo5 L , APPLICANT: Conner Homes PROJECT MANAGER: 'JUiian~ Fries ; PROJECT TITLE: Laurelhurst II Final Plat PLAN REVIEW: Keri W' av~t; . NOV -8 2005 -.. BUILDING AREA (gross : N/Al i , SITE AREA: 13 acres J , -. _ .. _--. ;:v ' I' ;: ~_ - LOCATION: East side of Duvall Avenue at NE 2nd Street -" WORK ORDER NO: 77 ~O2 I --, .. __ ._--- SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Final plat of Laurelhurst Phase II with 66 single-family residential lots. The plat includes installation of sanitary sewer main, water main, storm drainage, sidewalks, street lighting and paving. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS f3 V ) l) th (( ~ (/ I'>c-acl ifp co~e Of r1/) /'vJ ~r2. J/fpvS'" We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properl assess this proposal. Date Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor November 7, 2005 Stephen Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Laurelhurst II Final Plat LUA05-135, FP Dear Mr. Schrei: CITY. RENTON PlanningIBuilding/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7278 if you have any questions. Sincerely, cc: Connor Homes I Owner -------------l-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-a-r-ad-y-W-a-y---R-e-nt-on-,-W-a-Sh-i-ng-t-on--98-0-S-S------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled matenal, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ... ·tI PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: CONNER HOMES PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: LAURELHURST PHASE 2 ADDRESS: 846 -108TH AVE. N.E. SUITE 202 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: EAST SIDE DUVALL AVENUE AT NE 2ND STREET CITY: BELLEVUE ZIP: 98004 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-455-9280 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 152305-9016; 152305-9017; 152305-9018 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): DETATCHED -SINGLE FAMILY COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): DETATCHED -SINGLE FAMILY ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: R-8 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A NAME: STEPHEN J. SCHREI, PLS SITE AREA (in square feet): 567,596 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if applicable): CORE DESIGN, INC. FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 125,206 S.F. ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29TH PL. SUITE 101 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: BELLEVUE ZIP: 98004 ACRE (if applicable): 6.16 DUIACRE NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 65 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-885-7877; SJS@COREDESIGNINC.COM NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 65 I:\2002\02052\Docs\Master Applications\02052 masterappOI Laurelhurst Ph. 2.doclO105105 ,. ... PROJ_~ T INFORMATION (continue_, .-____ ~ ________ -L ______________________ ~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS: N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A D FLOOD HAZARD AREA ___ sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D GEOLOGIC HAZARD ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE D SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES D WETLANDS NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION ~, TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE~, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. FINAL PLAT . ((ytJ()/ 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) --:-:---:-__ ---'T;..LL....,:.:...-=S~/G_=cch-=_=~=().F_-'-(.e...__:_:__,_., declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or the authorized r resentative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers here' co tained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that h" R. Skoc.ltA Ie signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volunta act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. .... , .... ~-r .. v.,.,'~'\.~'l\\\ ...... N\ JO "~I ~$ :-.. ~'b~ ... : ..... :;t~ • .", .: V"'\SSION ~ "'~ " ~ : .' ~ ~,() '. I, ..u ~: :'~ OTAl"> '1l\ ~ , .o~ '7)--11\' ~ ----------------ht--------------~~I-: 0 _. _ (/) : ~ , • • II; Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ~~. PUBL\V : ..,., ; -;(f). • ...... ~ :.A ... • .... 0 :: t,,".)-. "'! 1-19-0'0..·· G' ;- 't ~O··· .... ···· ~~ ---'11, ~ W.o..SV' .. ., .. - \\\ '\.\.'\. \.,"t ...... '"'~'"'. Notary (print)---->.{'""'-'J''''''''5IJ'"''''--M"'---,....:::0:.....oV'-'-'ho.<...t-<_s''--__ _ My appOintment exPires:---L.;!l ..... \....,I'-q....,l...::o_g __________ _ I:\2002\02052\Docs\Master Applications\02052 masterappOI Laurelhurst Ph. 2.docIO/05/05 " PARCEL 2: T~'"'AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP~· PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1175439 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 5128, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY. ) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°38'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL 8: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST SEE NEXT PAGE PlATCRTL/RDA/0999 .' '. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A (Continued) Policy No.: 001175439 LEGAL DESCRIPTION QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. LEGLCONT /RDA/0999 'ELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls PROJECT NAME: ~sf= ff- DATE: 10/3I/D5.-- 07/29/2005 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISI( WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement. Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECTNAME: __________________________ _ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: __________________________ __ 4. Development Planning Section Q;\WEB\Pw\DEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls 07/29/2005 ~ CORE ~DEsIGN October 5,2005 Core No. 02052 City of Renton Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Laurelhurst Phase 2 Final Plat Attention Final Plat Reviewer: ::.>": i ELOPMENT PLAI ('~TY OF RENTO.- OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED Core Design,'nc. 14711 N.E. 29th Place, Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax425.885.7963 www.coredesigninc.com As a condition of Final Plat submittal, the following addresses the conditions of approval from the Hearing Examiner on the above referenced project. 1. The applicant shall place a note on the face of the final plat indicating the following yard orientations for these lots: a. Lot 51 shall have the front yard face Duvall Ave NE with lot accessed from the side street. b. Lots 52 and 53 shall have 20 foot front yards facing shared driveway. c. Lot 131 shall have the front yard face Road B. The required notes have been provided on the Final Plat. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition pennit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat per phase. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. This condition has been met by action taken by the Developer and the Development Services Project Manager. 3. No lot is to gain direct access to Duvall Avenue NE either north or south of the intersection with NE 2nd Street. This note shall be placed on the face of the final plat. The required note has been provided on the Final Plat. 4. Street improvements, including but not limited to pavement, lights and sidewalks, along NE 2nd Street shall extend to the east to existing SE 132nd Street. The improvements ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING "7052ltr15 Lallr('lill~rst Ph. :.dnc 10/6/05 Pg:2 shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. This shall include the intersection on NE 2nd and Bremerton, both sides of Duvall and NE 2nd Street east and west of Duvall. This condition shall be met by the completion of construction of the approved engineering plans. 5. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements, including fences, landscaping, utilities, private easements, etc. A draft of the document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. This condition shall be met by action taken by the Developer. Copies ofthe C C & R's have been submitted to the City along with the first submittal of the Final Plat. 6. The applicant shall install a modulated, decorative fence of a quality material, with irrigated landscaping along the entire plat's frontage with Duvall Avenue NE. All fencing shall be located and designed to not interfere with sight distances required at the intersections of public streets. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and fence design to the City's Development Services Division for review and approval prior to installation. The fence and landscaping shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. This condition shall be met by action taken by the Developer. 7. The applicant shall install a fence of a quality material (no chain-link, if possible), decorative and modulated with a landscaped visual barrier that includes plant materials which would provide a year-round dense screen within three (3) years from the time of planting along the north property line of Tract M (storage drainage facility). The south, west, and east property lines shall be fenced with solid fencing or other approved landscaped visual barrier. All fencing shall be located and designed to not interfere with sight distances required at the intersections. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and fence design to the City's Development Services Division for review and approval prior to installation. All fences and landscaping shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat. This condition shall be met by action taken by the Developer. 8. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERe. 1. The applicant shall comply with thee "Geotechnical Engineering Study" prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc., dated January 28,2004 regarding slope fill placement as discussed on Page 15 and illustrated on Plate 3 of the document. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 10/6/05 Pg:3 This condition shall be met by action taken by the Developer and action taken by the Department of Development Services. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The approved engineering plans have been prepared in compliance with the stated requirements. 3. If the applicant chooses to direct all site runoff to the one detention/water quality pond proposed to be located in the southwest corner of the site, this detention pond must provide additional on site detention so that peak flows to the west sub- basin are not increased. The single pond shall be required to compensate for additional runoffby limiting the total developed runoff rate to the pre-developed condition of its original sub-basin (west). The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to issuance of utility/construction permits. The pond has been designed to provide the requested detention. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 2 flow control) and water quality improvements. The approved engineering plans have been prepared to meet the stated requirements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rater of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. The required fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the Final Plat. 8. The applicant shall delineate, label and note on the face of the final plat a 50-foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of Maplewood Creek. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the 10/6/05 Pg:4 Development Services Division. This condition is not applicable to Phase 2. 9. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the stream/creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. This condition is not applicable to Phase 2. 10. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the stream/creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. This condition is not applicable to Phase 2. Continuing the Hearing Examiner's Conditions: 9. The applicant shall have two years to complete the acquisition, platting and consolidation of Tracts B, C and D with the adjacent lots, Proposed Lots 21, 22 and 23. This action shall not cost the owners of those adjacent lots any additional funding and the applicant shall bond or otherwise create documents approved by the City Attorney to assure that this occurs. This condition is not applicable to Phase 2. 10. The applicant shall develop Tract U as a full extension of Road C to where the applicant only owns the south 30 feet out to Duvall where the applicant shall develop a half street connecting to Duvall. This condition is not applicable to Phase 2. 11. The applicant shall provide active recreation on at least three of the four larger tracts, Tracts A, H, K or T. This condition shall be met by action taken by the Developer. 10/6/05 Pg:5 I trust this will comply with your requirements for a compliance letter regarding Laurelhurst preliminary plat approval conditions. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. <i IN I' ~ i! 40 £! NE CT ! m ;! 111 I W ..J LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 VICINITY MAP coRE \: ~DESIGN 4T1-4 6T ee 1381"1-4 6T RENTON \4\6T VICINITY MAP 1" = 3000'± 14711 NE 29th Place, #101 PAGE 10F1 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ~ ~ '<{ ~ ..J IN ~ '<{ i! ~ ENGINEERING PLANNING· SURVEYING OCT 3 1 2005 RECEIVED JOB NC>_ 02052 LAURELHURST DIVISION 2 PLAT PLAN cORE \: /DESIGN - PAGE 10F1 14711 NE 29th Place, #101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO. 02052 N.T.S. C.:;:VELOPMENT CITY OF REfJr~~N/~ G ",.. Ul., .1 1 2005 RECEIVED ~CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 7tHf AVENUE,#3400,SEATILE,WA 98104 PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No.: 1175439 UbVELOPME - CITY oF~k~~~NINC: Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: OCT 3 1 2005 In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the RECEIVED County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $17.60 Records examined to SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 at 8: 00 AM By HARRISjEISENBREY Title Officer (206)628-5623 PlATCRTA/RDA/0999 PARCEL 2: HTCAGO TITI.E INSURANCE COMPAl'- PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1175439 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 512B, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050324000961. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025, AND OTHER PROPERTY. ) PARCEL 7: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET FOR ROADS; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 252.73 TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID LINE; THENCE NORTH 0003B'00" EAST 164.52 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. (ALSO KNOWN AS A PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-04-129-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041202900025) PARCEL B: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST SEE NEXT PAGE PlATCRlL/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A (Continued) Policy No.: 001175439 LEGAL DESCRIPTION QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 140TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. PARCEL 9: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADS. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED 140TH AVENUE S.E. WHICH WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW, AS PROVIDED IN KING COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 13228, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020208002079. LEGLCONT /RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1175439 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($l000.00). PLATCRTB/RDA/0999 TTTr'AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA!'- PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1175439 A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: B 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: c 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: D 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND RESERVED BY: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY UTILITIES SYSTEMS 10 FEET IN WIDTH HAVING 5 FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF . GRANTEE'S SYSTEMS LOCATED AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTION, EXTENDED OR RELOCATED, EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OCCUPIED BY EXISTING BUILDING FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS, AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES, AS TO PARCEL 2 APRIL 22, 1999 9904220665 CONDITIONS THEREOF: PUGET SOUND ENERGY ONE OR MORE UTILITY SYSTEMS WESTERLY AND NORTHERLY PORTIONS PREMISES AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT MARCH 4, 2005 20050304000293 CONDITIONS THEREOF: QWEST CORPORATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES, ELECTRICAL FACILITIES, AND APPURTENANCES A WESTERLY PORTION AS DESCRIBED INSTRUMENT MARCH 8, 2005 20050308000284 CONDITIONS THEREOF: CITY OF RENTON UTILITIES AND UTILITY PIPELINES THE EAST 10.00 FEET OF PARCEL 2 MARCH 24, 2005 20050324000961 OF SAID IN SAID PlATCRTBlfRDAf0999 TTTI"'AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA1'- PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1175439 B 5. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 192430 F SAID RESERVATIONS WERE MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD AND LESTER A. MORRIS AND SYLVIA A. MORRIS, DATED NOVEMBER 20, 1934, RECORDED JANUARY 11, 1935, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2837830. I 6. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: JEAN W. LUCAS RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 8509050851 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT GRANTING A PERMIT TO CONNECT A TEMPORARY/PERMANENT WATER SERVICE AND/OR MAIN IN 4 INCH MAIN IN 138TH AVENUE S.E. FOR THE ABOVE PROPERTY. THE OWNER(S) OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, THEIR SUCESSORS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS, HEREBY AGREE AND COVENANT TO PARTICIPATE IN, SIGN A PETITION IN SUPPORT OF, AND ACCEPT ANY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (L.I.D.) OR CITY-INITIATED PROPOSAL, OTHER THAN L.I.D., AND PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE THEREFORE, FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE WATER MAIN IN 138TH AVENUE S.E. WHEN REQUIRED BY THE RENTON SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. J 7. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: JEAN W. LUCAS RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT MAY 1, 1986 8605010934 PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 ~ TUO, AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP Aj\' REGARDING: PlAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No,: 1175439 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE RENTON WATER DEPARTMENT GRANTING A PERMIT TO CONNECT A TEMPORARY/PERMANENT WATER SERVICE AND/OR MAIN IN 4 INCH WATERMAIN IN 138TH AVENUE SE FOR SAID PREMISES x 8. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 4612, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: JUNE 21, 1996 9606210966 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE L 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCELS 2 AND 7. 2005 152305-9018-02 4155 (WILL BE 2104 IN THE 2006 TAX YEAR) $ 409,100.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 5,132.79 PAID: $ 3,341.64 UNPAID: $ 1,791.15 II 10. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2005 152305-9016-04 4155 (WILL BE 2104 FN THE 2006 TAX YEAR) $ 200,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 2,518.04 PAID: $ 2,003.01 UNPAID: $ 515.03 PLATCRB2/RDA/0999 rTTI"'AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA!'- AFFECTS: PARCEL 8. PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1175439 N 11. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : . YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL 9. 2005 152305-9017-03 4155 (WILL BE 2104 IN THE 2006 TAX YEAR) $ 305,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 3,831.22 PAID: $ 3,071.91 UNPAID: $ 1,759.31 o 12. DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND/OR LEASES, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION PRLAP, INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. $ 13,196,250.00 OCTOBER 1, 2004 NOVEMBER 16, 2004 20041116001156 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. P AFFECTS: INCLUDES OTHER PROPERTY. o MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: DECEMBER , 2004 DECEMBER 21, 2004 20041221001208 R MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 w~ AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) MARCH 4, 2005 JUNE 28, 2005 20050628002403 Order No.: 1175439 s 13. DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND/OR LEASES, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CONNER HOMES COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION JILL SUZANNE CONNER $ 4,900,000.00 DECEMBER 30, 2004 JANUARY II, 2005 20050111002235 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. T AFFECTS: INCLUDES OTHER PROPERTY. u SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: JUNE 28, 2005 20050628002404 SAID AGREEMENT RELATES TO THE LIEN PRIORITY OF THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST AND THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20041116001156 AS MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 20041221001208 AND 20050628002403. v 14. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. II' NOTE 1: A SURVEY HAS BEEN RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8911309005. x NOTE 1: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 ---~AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPM' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1175439 DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: PORS SEQ NWQ SECTION 15-23-5. AS OF SEPTEMBER 27, 2005, THE TAX ACCOUNTS FOR SAID PREMISES ARE 152305-9018-02, 152305-9016-04, AND 152305-9017-03. END OF SCHEDULE B PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 \.GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPM' PlAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1175439 z THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COpy OF THIS COMMITMENT: CORE DESIGN, INC STEVE SCHREI CONNER HOMES COMPANY JOHN SKOCHDOPOLE 1/1 1/0 PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TI1L"-.. 1 JRANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. East portion of the Southeast 'l.i of the Northwest 'l.i of Section 15-23-5 L11,.r; ..... 20· ESMT. --------------------- -$:t -1:t 2 ".:reAr. I0Il 4.3I:l JC - /<9 .fJ ,/. LA '10.01 7 ~ -/~ ~ .. b'" 2.30 "C .". .fJ I I ~ ... ~., 8 -$~./ 9.1 .fJ :r.M) ... c: 30-P6I'L E .. t -------------------- {I # !.1Ift &C OM 9 -$~ 82.~O :I -e£'t ... ..6' AI: - MAP RDA 0999 Printed: 10-31-2005 Payment Made: fY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-135 10/31/200502:25 PM Receipt Number: R0505900 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: CONNER HOMES COMPANY Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #51293 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 / ~=======================================================t-l ------- ------ 41 2-16"COT IYPOP \ 45 \ JO"M \ \ / ./ / ( 54 / / / 57 4 -------~ --,,-- 15"ASH 18"F 40 3918"F 38 I .-__ J 15"p 18"F 1 " 16"F lVF 15"F 48 46 10"F 16"F 15"F 14"F I 53 I I I 24"F I --____ -1 12"F 24"F 24"F 10"F 15"F 10"F 12"F 15"F 52 37 16 'f"F 49 / / / -,------- 4"F 51 ---- u FUTURE u, vCLeWM'N' 1 1 :3 2 1 ~ lS"F 8"C24"C -l 1 ) ./ ./ r 71 70 / ~---TR CT P 72 ee She t 2 83 82 81 84 / 85 I 86 fIIP------T R A CT 87 88 Landscaping & Irrig~"'hn-See Sh 94 91 / I I ~-T ACT 95 Layout Plan-See Sheet 3 Landscape Plan-See Sheet 4 Irrigation Plan-See Sheet 5 N.E. 102 101 .. TRACT S Landscape PI Irrigation Plan-sE;e sheet 6 11 2 11 3 114 ,,/ / 115 / , L -- TRACT Landscape ~Ian & Irrigation Plan-See Sheet 6 I ./ ./ ( 103 111 (, / 116 I • "I I L t2 \ ""l 14 80 / / / / / ) / 89 90 ./ 99 / / / 104 110 I / l 75 79 76 I I 77 / / / r-----------:-/---t--Ul / i /78 ) / TRACT T 135 134 UTILITY See 132 131 Layout & Landscaping-See Sheet 7 Irrigation Plan-See Sheet 8 ./ ./ ./ 105 109 ~ -----~ 130 129 106 J ----It--------I-~ / 107 108 I 128 127 126 ----- 125 124 ·123 \ 122 ( 118 / / \ \ \ 119 / KIMBER LANE VOL. 91, PG. 13 Ii 120 / 1 21 10' UllUTY EASEMENT REC. NO 1 16 20050324000961 17 / 1/ ( I 1 1 1 / / 18 15 L---- 1 ~ I~ 1 ~ ~~ 31 2 '15 I 3 2 ~ _______ I "; 1----1 I 33 > ~- I // I / / ~-- I~ I ~'~ I 48 I ~.-- 34 47 -( \ ---- PUGET COLONY HOMES Revisions: No. Description DaLe By Designed By: DR Drawn Ry: DR ---- Arrow Scale: 1"--10' STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICATE NO. 164 Master Layout Plan Tracts O-S Laurelhurst Div.2 I LultDs-P:5 J Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Job No. No. Sheet: ~ ~ /" "- ,/ "-HEADS / '\ I \ RAINBIRD 1806, SERIES 12 MPR, FULL-2.6 GPM, HALF-1.3 GPM, I \ I 1 \ 1--____ ..m. ____ ...J /"--J ,/ 1 / 1 ( 8 1 1-_--tI 1/3-.87 GPM, 1/4-.65 GPM SPACING 12' OC RAINBIRD 1806, SERIES 12 MPR, HALF-PCS-060 SCREEN, 1/3 PCS-040 SCREEN, 1/4 PCS-030 SCREEN ... SPACE 8'OC 1 "ELECTRIC VALVE-RAINBIRD 100 PRS-B 3/4" IRRIGATION METER BY OTHERS 1" GATE VALVE-MUELLER OR EQUAL .(9 1 "DCV-WILKINS 975XL CONTROLLER-RAINBIRD-RC-4C(2 REQUIRED) Mount in area designated by owner III III iii III MAIN LlNE-1 "SCHEDULE 40 PVC LATERALS-3/4" CLASS 200 SLEEVES-4"PVC SCH. 40 4 VALVE NO. 1" VALVE SIZE 10.4 GPM Irrigation Notes 1. POINT OF CONNECTION IS AN IRRIGATION METER INSTALLED BY OTHERS 2. ALL SPRAY ZONES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE OF 35 PSI. VERIFY 50 GPM AT 55 PSI AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION. 3. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 4. PIPE AND VALVE LOCATIONS ARE AT TIMES DIAGRAMATIC. STAKE ALL ELEMENTS PRIOR TO TRENCHING. NOTIFY LA IMMEDIATELY IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND FIELD CONDITIONS. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SLEEVES WHERE PIPES EXTEND UNDER PAVING. DEPTH SHALL BE AT SPECIFIED PIPE DEPTH. 6. WHEN COMPLETE THE SYSTEM SHALL BE LEAK FREE, PROVIDE 100% " BALANCED SPRAY COVERAGE AND BEIN PERFECTWORKING ORDER IN EVERY RESPECT.="'"'"' ",,<tt"""-'" PLANT MATERIALS LIST SYMBOL/QUANTITY BOTANICAL NAME/SIZE TRACT '0' TRACT 'P' Acer rubrum Armstron _2" cali er Armstrong col. Red Maple-12' OC. @ _,~..!.L...-~'-'±---~--~'---:"-~--- ®~~~.~~-~ Cj.~(_~ __ 7L-____ ~14L-----p~h=0=r~m~iu~m~te~Jn~a~X~"~B~rOTncrZe~'v'3_g_a_I ______________ _ / .. > Bronze New Lealand Flax ./ '\1 ' ' 69 70 Prunus laurocerasus otto Luken-24" ~~--~-----DL-----'O'~f+-fO~~LU~Y~k~e~n'L~a~u~re~1~2n.5~'o~c~------------------ @ 55 72 Sedum Autumn Joy 1 gal ~----~L-----~----~A-u~tu-m--n~J-o-y-~S-e'd~u-m~-~18~"'o~C------------------- NOTES: 1. ALL SITE ELEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL CONCRETE TO BE BROOM TEXTURE, DESIGN SPECS TO BE THE SAME AS ENGINEERS SPECS FOR TOTAL SUBDIVISION. 3. DRAI~IAGE' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING POSITIVE DRAINAGE FOR THE ENTIRE SITE. INSTALL 4" PERFORATED PVC WITH YARD DRAINS[IF NECESSARY) TO PREVEHT ANY PONDING OF WATER ON SITE INCLUDING WITHIN THE PLAY AREA. AS A GENERAL RULE CONCRETE SLOPES SHALL NO EXCEED 1.5%. ALL FIHISHED GRADING OF MOUNDS TO BE GENTLE TRANSITIONS. 6. ALL PLANTING SOIL AND AMENDED SOIL TO BE 50% NATIVE AND 50% GARDEN COMPOST. MIN. DEPTH OF AMENDED SOIL-6" LA TO APPROVE ON SITE SOIL.[SUBMIT SAMPLE) 7. APPLY 2" MEDIUM BARK MULCH TO ALL PLANTING BEDS 176 LF OF 6' CEDAR FENCE 1 " I _- I \ ",,-I 1 I \,/ / I \ <, ,/ \ ",// ><: ....... " I ---,'1 '....... \ I ~ TRACT '0' 1 1 " 13.7 2 1 " 13.0 "-"-, '\ \ \ \ 3 1 " 13.0 PLANTING & IRRIGATION PLANS PLANTIN n o OJ OJ w ~ ~ 0 0 OJ n 0 0 0 Z + 1 1 " 13.0 2 1 " 1.3.0 POINT OF CONNECTI (VERIF~\ 7.8 TRACT 'pI I 1 I \ -/ -yr~8.5" II /_~ 1\ 1 ....... ---7 "" ,/ -"" 1 I I \ / II 1\ 1 I I -"- n 'i-I 3 1 " 15.6 4 1 " ,~I+--a:i 1 5.6 " I I / N & IRRIGATION PLANS Revisions: No. Descriplion Date By Designed By: OR Drawn By: OR ~~ d r'i ~~o ~ Z r.r.Ioo f-< 01 00 <C ~ ,....., Z 0\ U r-. ~ r.r.i~~ U..." (/J U Z ~~ Q ~ -< r.r.ir/l U ' :;.; Z r-. ~ t;:::~--< <C,....., ~ ij§~ ~~ ~ 8 (~~ Ur-. p.., (~ ~,....., "" r~ r.r.i ~ . <C(/J ><OCi .....lr/lr.r.i Ooi-L, 01 r-- ----. Scale: 1 "= 1 0' ~@!\ ~ 'Wl,~rR STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICA TE NO. 164 Landscape & Irrigatio Plans Tracts 0 & P Laurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Job No. Dw . No. 2005 Sheet: L2of9 --'_.,._-- CONCRETE WALK o o ~ ~ I I L() I 88 LF OF 6' CEDAR FENCE ~ PL NTING ~ w ~ ~ 0 0 ~ CO n 0 0 -4.00' 0 + SITE ELEMENTS: o EXERCISE AREA EDGING:-BORDER TIMBERS-BLACK RECYCLED PLASTIC BY "PLA YWORLD" LENGTHS 2',3',4',6', INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. FINISHED GRADE ON EITHER SIDE TO BE MINUS 1 ". RESILIENT PLAY SURFACING MATERIAL-OWNER TO APPROVE-12" SETTLED DEPTH MIN. SWING-"SWING ARCH 500"-COLOR GREEN, 2 STRAP SWINGS(MANUFACTURER-PLA YWORLD SYSTEMS) REPRESENTATIVE: NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 425-313-9161 ® © @ PLAY EQUIPMENT MODEL350-0301 -CHALLENGER-ROOF,SLlDE-PLUM, POSTS -COLOR SPRING GREEN, REST TO BE COLOR TANGERINE. "PLA YWORLD SYSTEMS"-REPRESENTATIVE: NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 425-313-9161 CD CD @ SPRING ANIMAL-ZZXX0741 TURTLE BY PLA YWORLD SYSTEMS "PLA YWORLD SYSTEMS"-REPRESENTATIVE: NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 425-313-9161 PICNIC TABLE-MODEL PT-39, INGROUND MOUNT, SET LEVEL, METAL COLOR-BLACK) SUPPLIER: PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS (425)432-6000 2-4.' BENCH MODEL NO. BP-27-4"X4"CEDAR, BLACK METAL, INGROUND MOUNT(2-REQUIRED-SET LEVEL) SUPPLIER: PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS (425)432-6000 ® TRASH RECEPTABLE MODEL NO. WT-24-SET LEVEL, PLACE ON 3'X3' CONe. SLAB-"PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" 425.432-6000 NOTES: 1. ALL SITE ELEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL CONCRETE TO BE BROOM TEXTURE, DESIGN SPECS TO BE THE SAME AS ENGINEERS SPECS FOR TOTAL SUBDIVISION. 3. DRAINAGE-THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING POSITIVE DRAINAGE FOR THE ENTIRE SITE. INSTALL 4" PERFORATED PVC WITH YARD DRAINS(IF NECESSARY) TO PREVENT ANY PONDING OF WATER ON SITE INCLUDING WITHIN THE PLAY AREA. AS A GENERAL RULE CONCRETE SLOPES SHALL NO EXCEED 1.5%. ALL FINISHED GRADING OF MOUNDS TO BE GENTLE TRANSITIONS. 4. ALL PLANTING SOIL AND AMENDED SOIL TO BE 50% SANDY LOAM AND 50% GARDEN COMPOST. MIN. DEPTH OF AMENDED SOIL-6" ON SITE SOIL CAN BE USED IF APPROVED BY LA .. (SUBMIT SAMPLE) 5. APPLY 2" MEDIUM BARK MULCH TO ALL PLANTING BEDS 6. MOUNDING-SOIL FROM ON SITE IF POSSIBLE-MOUND GRADES TO BE UNIFORMLY SMOOTH AND PLEASING TO THE EYE. SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 4:1 w Z .....J Z 1--==---:~-'-~~._---'::.:-_-0"--' -68.00'-·'--~------r----32.00' _____ 1 1-----34'-----1-7'- I U 10- , 'I" / -o o PLANTING F 1i"--1 2'~,L:.1 c r--~----40'-----__ ~ ~ I N 88°1 6' 1 3" W PLANTING ----- L() ( ----2t-1S"MOUND-4:1 MIN. SLOPE GI I L ____ ==J ____ ---/ <C ~ GI --- l" ________ .-prANTING :::::~~~-=c=cc=~c=~=c~~~~~1 w Z .....J verify __ -~-'r--7.7S-BY OTHERS p ~~ZJ::::::::::t:]me~te:r ::~I~~/:~:_~~~!'~-~~~::'~~~~~~CONCRETEWALK 18"-24"EARTH MOUND 4:1 ~IN c 1------41. 2'------1 lS"MOUND-4:1 MIN. SLOPE I U ~ 312 LF+ OF 6' CEDAR FENCE-- ~ I I TR~CT o o LAYOUT PLAN 31 PLANTING \ 1 1 1 ! , \ I • .' " :~ 1 I 1 I 1 1 \ , 1 I • \ • I 1 Revisions: No. Description Date By Designed By: DR Drawn By: DR ----, ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U Arrow Scale: 1 "= 1 0' \ ,)PfR STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICATE NO. 164 Layout Plan Tract Q Laurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Sheet: I PLANT MATERIALS LIST SYMBOL/QUANTITY 18 33 27 9 90 430 ------- 30 29 50 110 159 BOTANICAL NAME/SIZE Acer rubrum Armstrong-2" caliper Armstrong col. Red Maple-12' OC. Thuja plicata -10' Western Red Cedar-8'oc Cortaderia sellowana "Gold band" 3gal Goldband Pampas Gross Fothergilla major-3~'' Fothergilla-4.5' oc Gaultheria shall on-1 gal Salal2'oc Liriope muscari Silvery Sunproof-1 gal Silvery Sunproof Liriope-18"oc Pieris japonica Forest Flame-3~'' Forest Flame Plens-4'oc Phormium tenax "Bronze" 3gal New Zealand Flax "Bronze" Polystichum munitum 3gal Western Sword Fern Prunus laurocerosus otto Luken-24" Otto Luyken Laurel-2.5'oc Sedum Autumn Joy 1 gal Autumn Joy Sedum-18"oc w Z ...J I U TRACT Q LANDSCAPE PLAN ~ ~ 316.31 STAPLE REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE OR VINYL W/16 GA. WIRE TIES DETAIL ::::-:::::::==~Hoi?ssiE & WIRE TIES +--------±==jH4 I TREE STAKE(S) PLANT TREE 1"-2" HIGHER THAN IN NURSERY WATERING BASIN INSTALL "TREE BOOT" OR "ARBORGARD" IN LAWN AREAS. 2"SETTLED DEPTH SPECIFIED MULCH REMOVE BINDING TWINE & TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP, r---SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL Ililllll ~:-m'fiITZ1 ER TABLETS 1 GRAM-20-10-5) ~-SCARIFY PLANTING PIT SIDES AND BOTTOM 12" MIN. FOR WOOD STAKES c~ 18" FOR 2x ROOTBALL WIDTH o 6" DEEP, FIRM, NATIVE SOIL MOUND ---J--IN HEAVY SOILS, AUGER 8"x6' DEEP HOLE (OR THROUGH HARDPAN) FILL WITH CRUSHED ROCK. vmlFY GOOD DRAINAGE PRIOR TO PLANTING. Tree Planting & Staking Detail .'.' , , . ') ".; -. . " , . "'. ", ":. PLANT 1" HIGHER THAN -______ IN NURSERY FINISHED GRADE , .; .. : .. '.: . , ' ... "'': , ' .. " .... .: . ... -"'." :'". .', '" REMOVE TOP 1 /3 OF BURLAP ,----2" SETTLED DEPTH OF SPECIFIED MULCH IIIIIIIIIIIIII!III! SPECIFIED TREE STAKE(S) WATERING BASIN 2" SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL REMOVE BINDING MATERIAL & TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP FIN. GRADE & BODOM ~-FIRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND + 2X ROOTBALL WIDTH Coniferous Tree Planting & Staking Detail EQUAL SPACIN FERTILIZER TABLETS/SPECS 1~~~~_SPECIFIEIl PLANTING SOIL =11 FIRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND 1/2 DIA, OF PLANT OR AS SHOWN ON DRAWING ~, 2x Rootboll Width Shrub Planting Detail N88°16'13"W w Z ...J I U ~ ~ EDGE OF PAVING OR PLANTING BED -~/ Shrub & Groundcover Spacing Detail NOTES: I. ALL SITE ELEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL CONCRETE TO BE BROOM TEXTURE, DESIGN SPECS TO BE THE SAME AS ENGINEERS SPECS FOR TOTAL SUBDIVISION. 3. DRAINAGE -THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING POSITIVE DRAINAGE FOR THE ENTIRE SITE. INSTALL 4" PERFORATED PVC WITH YARD DRAINS(IF NECESSARY) TO PREVENT ANY PONDING OF WATER ON SITE INCLUDING WITHIN THE PLAY AREA. AS A GENERAL RULE CONCRETE SLOPES SHALL NO EXCEED 1.5%. ALL FINISHED GRADING OF MOUNDS TO BE GENTLE TRANSITIONS. 6. ALL PLANTING SOIL AND AMENDED SOIL TO BE 50% NATIVE AND 50% GARDEN COMPOST. MIN. DEPTH OF AMENDED SOIL-6" LA TO APPROVE ON SITE SOIL.(SUBMIT SAMPLE) 7. APPLY 2" MEDIUM BARK MULCH TO ALL PLANTING BEDS Revisions: No. Descriplion Date By Designed BZ: DR Drawn By: DR ~~ cJ <'\ ~-qo Z ~OO f-< 01 00 <C::J Z Q', ~ ~ . UE--~ ~f-<-< u >-< ~ r.J"JU ~;:J::::: a~ lfJ " U ">->-< . ~t ~ >.r..f-<-< >.r.. lfJ ~ ~ OQ::::: ~~ f.i1 Ur:e,....l U ~ <'i ;2 E--p.., <'i ~ ~ (fJ _ ~ .i.W <C r.J"J :><OQ ,....llfJi.W Oo>.r.. 01 r-- -----• ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ North Arrow Scale: 1 n= 10' Landscape Plan Tract Q Laurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Job No. D No. Sheet: L4of9 " ,Iff "I} "l,' ,'~ w ~ ~ o o ~ OJ ~ ...------...------o 1---1---,-,----1 o 1 " Z 14.5 I rrigation Notes 1. POINT OF CONNECTION IS AN IRRIGATION METER INSTALLED BY OTHERS 2. ALL SPRAY ZONES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE OF 35 PSI. VERIFY 50 GPM AT 55 PSI AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION. 3. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 4. PIPE AND VALVE LOCATIONS ARE AT TIMES DIAGRAMATIC. STAKE ALL ELEMENTS PRIOR TO TRENCHING. NOTIFY LA IMMEDIATELY IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND FIELD CONDITIONS. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SLEEVES WHERE PIPES EXTEND UNDER PAVING. DEPTH SHALL BE AT SPECIFIED PIPE DEPTH. 6. WHEN COMPLETE THE SYSTEM SHALL BE LEAK FREE, PROVIDE 100% BALANCED SPRAY COVERAGE AND BE IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER IN EVERY RESPECT. 1 " 13.0 1 " 13.7 4 13.2 Point of connection (verify) TRACT Q IRRIGATION PLAN W z 7 --l I 1 " U f-13.0 « 2 "-"-/fl "-// \ "-I I \ \ / I \ !! \ \ ! I I I \ \ I I \ \ f/ "-I{/ "-"-"- ? 8 1 " "14.3 4 1 " IRRIGATION SCHEDULE HEADS RAINBIRD 1806, SERIES 12 MPR, FULL-2.6 GPM, HALF-1.3 GPM, 1/3-.87 GPM, 1/4-.65 GPM SPACING 12' OC RAINBIRD 1806, SERIES 12 MPR, HALF-PCS-060 SCREEN, 1/3 PCS-040 SCREEN, 1/4 PCS-030 SCREEN ... SPACE 8'OC RAINBIRD 1806, SERIES 12 MPR, HALF-PCS-040 SCREEN, 4' SPACING 1 "ELECTRIC VALVE-RAINBIRD 100 PRS-B 3/4" IRRIGATION METER BY OTHERS 1" GATE VALVE-MUELLER OR EQUAL 1 "DCV-WILKINS 975XL CONTROLLER-RAINBIRO-RC-1260C Mount in area designated by owner MAIN LlNE-1 "SCHEDULE 40 PVC LATERALS-3/4" CLASS 200 SLEEVES-4"PVC SCH. 40 VALVE NO. VALVE SIZE 10.4 GPM "-"-/f \ "-"-//\ "-\ // I "-\ I I \ \ I I \ /fl . / I \ \ I I \ \ !! \ \ !! \ \ !! \ !! \ I I \ / / \ \ \ \ / / \ / I If/ "-I fl \ "-I{/ "-If/ "-"-v. "-'A ,--- Revisions: No. Description Date 8y Designed By: DR Drawn By: DR ~ ---. ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U North Arrow Scale: 1"= 10' 6J@C0,; flii~ t7 P[:R STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICATE NO. 164 "t -----------j ~' Irrigation Plan Tract Q aurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Sheet: < , ~ .0::1 J,' • ., < . ~, C". L:". , . ,e , , , L I , , < , e. , " ,. " \ . . , '" \:: . , . ILL ," I L , <' , , ~ ~.<" <-, / " , , " '. • ----~-~-- , '" < l < "--~' -1' p~~~~ / / / PLANT MATERIALS LIST SYMBOL/QUANTITY 4 4 1 10 BOTANICAL NAME/SIZE Acer palmatum Sango Kaku-1.25" caliper Japanese Coral Bark Maple Chamaecyparis nootkatensislPendula" stem clump 10' Weeping Alaska Cedar Sequoiadendron giganteum 8' Sequoia Thuja plicata -10' Western Red Cedar-8'oc 108 Carex hochijoensis "Evergold" 1 gal --------rr"E"v-;-Oe::-;;:rc;:;;g-;:::o[(j" Variegated S edg e ISrr::"o::-::c::-------- 5 5 27 68 255 Cortaderia sellowana "Goldbond" 3gal Golden variegated Pampas Grass Phormium tenax "Bronze" 3gal New Zealand Flax "Bronze" Polystichum munitum 3gal Western Sword Fern Sedum Autumn Joy 1 gal Autumn Joy Sedum-1S"oc Gaultheria shallon-1 gal Salal2'oc co .' , < L ".' , , , , , , , . , , . < , , , , , < , " ., , 23 If of 6' chain link fencing 12" edge of pavement , , < , .. coUrt· p , , < , < . , . ~ ~---------------g.'~ -------------~ , , , , ", -, .' . games. "ar80;s88 ' .. ~®below 6' high L-Lf(j If of 4' c (16 If-6'high, I ncing -10' high (All C.Uencing to be Dark Green "Colorbond" or equal) , , , , , , <. . i~ . <:. c , , . < , ';L~~~\~"~'~~~)5~ ,....-+-2-''---------, I ) ,-----------_/ 26'~--~ ------ 105.24 56 If of 6' cedar fence 4"min.depth Medium Bark Mulch Surface . L <, " .. .i . I L • . < - , ' ,....---, " , , -----~ \ , I I g I ~ I I .5 o < , Earth mound (top of mound elev.) ,tr-,JU If of 6' cedar fence w SITE ELEMENTS: ----0 (5) ® © @ CD CD @ ® CD o ® CD @ ® @ PLAY AREA toGING:-BORDER TIMBERS-BLACK RECYCLED PLASTIC BY "PLA YWORLD" LENGTHS 2',3',4',6', INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. FINISHED GRADE ON EITHER SIDE TO BE MINUS 1". RESILlE;;D" PLAY SURFACING MATERIAL-OWNER TO APPROVE-12" SETTLED DEPTH MIN. PLAY EQUIPMENT MODEL NO. SS-337. PIPES, ROOF, & SLIDE -DARK GREEN, PANELS-RED & YELLOW, ALL OTHER ELEMENTS-YELLOW. "PACIFIC OUTDOOR EQUIP." 3-BUTTON FEATURES-1 ZZUN7090-18" BOUNCE BUTTON, 1-ZZUN7146-STATIONARY BUTTON, 1-ZZUN7140-STATIONARY BUTTON-"PLA YWORLD" 1-MODEL ZZXX3150 'TRAIN ENGINE" BY "PLAYWORLD" 1-MODEL ZZXX3170-DINING CAR BY "PLA YWORLD" SPRING ANIMAL-MODELZZXX0741-GREEN TURTLE BY "PLA YWORLD" COURT GAMES AREA-3"min.depth asphalt(2Iifts), 4"min. compacted depth 5/8"minus crushed rack bose. Slope to drain @ l%(assure no puddling) Ploy Surface-approved Acrylic sports court surfacing(green with 2" white line markings Owners option-2 colors red outside lines, green inside 21 'rod. area. BASKETBALL STANDARD-install model BT-58 backboard and pole(black),heavy duty rim and chain net Supplier: Pacific Outdoor Produds-425.432.6000 PICNIC TABLE MODEL NO PT-39-SURFACE MOUNT, BLACK METAL: BY "PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" TRASH RECEPTABLE MODEL NO. WT-24-SET LEVEL, "PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" 4' BENCH-MODEL NO. BP-27, BLACK METAL, INGROUND MOUNT-"PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS. 2-4' BENCHES REQUIRED 6' BENCH MODEL NO. BP-28-4"X4"CEDAR, BLACK METAL, INGROUND MOUNT SUPPLIER: PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS 6' BENCH MODEL NO. BP-20-4"X4"CEDAR, BLACK METAL, INGROUND MOUNT SUPPLIER: PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS PARK SIGN IDENTIFIER TO BE SPECIFIED BY OWNER. PRELIMINARY LAYOUT FOR 4" PERF. PVC WITH YARD DRAINS AND CLEANOUTS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY POINTS OF DISCHARGE AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AS NECESSARY TO GUARANTEE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE. MIN. PIPE SLOPE .5%. ® CONCRETE WALKS-INSTALL PER PROJECT STANDARDS-BROOM FINISH NOTES: 1. ALL SITE ELEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 2. "PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS INC-REPRESENTATIVE-NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT INC. ISSAQUAH, W A, (800) 726-0031 3. PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. MAPLE VALLEY WA 425-432-6000 4. ALL CONCRETE TO BE BROOM TEXTURE, DESIGN SPECS TO BE THE SAME AS ENGINEERS SPECS FOR TOTAL SUBDIVISION. 5. DRAINAGE AND GRADING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING POSITIVE DRAINAGE FOR THE ENTIRE SITE. INSTALL 4" PERFORATED PVC WITH YARD DRAINS(IF NECESSARY) TO PREVENT ANY PONDING OF WATER ON SITE INCLUDING WITHIN THE PLAY AREA ALL FINISHED GRADING OF MOUNDS TO BE GENTLE TRANSITIONS. 6. ALL PLANTING SOIL AND AMENDED SOIL TO BE 50% SANDY LOAM AND 50% GARDEN COMPOST. MIN. DEPTH OF SOIL-6". ON SITE SOIL MAY BE USED IF APPROVED BY LA 7. APPLY 2" MEDIUM BARK MULCH TO ALL PLANTING BEDS \ -__ -4 Revisions: No. Description Oak By Designed By: DR Drawn By: DR ----. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ North Arrow Scale: 1"= 1 0' STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICATE NO. 164 Layout & Landscape Plans Tract T Laurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Job No. No. Sheet: L7of9 c _____ ' _________ --- < , ~ :l: . \ .. ~' " , .. <~l < . " , , , L 1 , , , , , < , < < , \ .. I \ , L ,~ , , '., L L" ! I , " , , '< L , , < , , ' L L .f.. . I L < l < , ,<_'L~ __ ~'-AE~~~wS ~\ / / ( ®® \ 0 \ \ \ PLANT MATERIALS LIST SYMBOL/QUANTITY 4 4 1 10 lOS 5 5 27 6S 255 BOTANICAL NAME/SIZE Acer palmatum Sango Kaku-l.25" caliper Japanese Coral Bark Maple Chamaecyparis nootkatensis"Pendula" stem clump 1 0' Weeping Alaska Cedar Sequoiadendron giganteum SI Sequoia Thuja plicata -10' Western Red Cedar-S'oc Carex hachijoensis "Evergold" 1 gal "Evergold" Variegated Sedge IS"oc Cortaderia sellowana "Goldband" 3gal Golden variegated Pampas Grass Phormium tenax "Bronze" 3gal New Zealand Flax "Bronze" Polystichum munitum 3gal Western Sword Fern Sedum Autumn Joy 1 gal Autumn Joy Sedum-1S"oc Gaultheria shallon-1 gal Salal2'oc L < , ", ,<0 .<0 Cl)<0 1.0 .q- CD " CXJ " n 1.0 n , ' , , ' < , , " < l. . ~ I , " , , , L , " I , < , , , , , < , , , " " , otJrt ,C , .. :--... .' , ',' gOllJ es '" ' p , , '1.0""" , "',, '" ',' ' • ',<:,-!, @below,',,' y--,-~~'cD<IIllll hoop n', ,', -'1.0 , ,,',N. , , < . : <. J~ " --\_;>'c _______ _ ~ , r ) ,~----------_/ 2 6 '-------;+, ------ .~. .' '" < -f: . '. <-< " . L • L • • 4- 1-, L < , ' --, , , 1 ..,.._-" I , , , , 18" , I t,. I I \ I I , ' , "--.._~" I I g I ~ I I , , o Earth mound (top of mound elev,) 56 If of 6' cedar fence w ~ r---- OJ 'T -'T n y-'T r----0 y- O Z I I 23 If of 6' chain link fencing 12" edge of pavemen 6' high I '----'10 If of 4' chain link Clng (16If-6'high,32If-1O' gh 6'high 105.24 56 If of 6' cedar rence ----0 (All C.L.fencing to be Dark Green "Colorbond" or equal) 4"min.depth Medium Bark Mulch Surface SITE ELEMENTS: o ® © @ CD CO @ ® CD o ® CD @ ® @ PLAY AREA EDGING:-BORDER TIMBERS-BLACK RECYCLED PLASTIC BY "PLA YWORLD" LENGTHS 2',3',4',6', INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS, FINISHED GRADE ON EITHER SIDE TO BE MINUS 1", RESILI~ PLAY SURFACING MATERIAL-OWNER TO APPROVE-12" SETTLED DEPTH MIN. PLA Y EQUIPMENT MODEL NO, SS-337. PIPES, ROOF, & SLIDE -DARK GREEN, PANELS-RED & YELLOW, ALL OTHER ELEMENTS-YELLOW, "PACIFIC OUTDOOR EQUIP." 3-BUTTON FEATURES-1 ZZUN7090-18" BOUNCE BUTTON, 1-ZZUN7146-STATIONARY BUTTON, 1-ZZUN7140-STATIONARY BUTTON-"PLA YWORLD" 1-MODEL ZZXX31S0 'TRAIN ENGINE" BY "PLA YWORLD" 1-MODEL ZZXX3170-DINING CAR BY "PLA YWORLD" SPRING ANIMAL-MODELZZXX0741-GREEN TURTLE BY "PLA YWORLD" COURT GAMES AREA-3"min.depth asphalt(2Iifts), 4"min, compacted depth 5/8"minus crushed rock bose. Slope to drain @ 1 %(ossure no puddling) Ploy Surface-approved Acrylic sports court surfacing(green with 2" white line markings Owners option-2 colors red outside lines, green inside 21 'rod, area. BASKETBALL STANDARD-install model BT-58 backboard and pole(black),heavy duty rim and chain net Supplier: Pacific Outdoor Products-425.432.6000 PICNIC TABLE MODEL NO PT-39-SURFACE MOUNT, BLACK METAL: BY "PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" TRASH RECEPTABLE MODEL NO, WT-24-SET LEVEL, "PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" 4' BENCH-MODEL NO, BP-27, BLACK METAL, INGROUf\ID MOUNT-"PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, 2-4' BENCHES REQUIRED 6' BENCH MODEL NO. BP-28-4"X4"CEDAR, BLACK METAL, INGROUND MOUNT SUPPLIER: PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS 6' BENCH MODEL NO, BP-20-4"X4"CEDAR, BLACK METAL, INGROUND MOUNT SUPPLIER: PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS PARK SIGN IDENTIFIER TO BE SPECIFIED BY OWNER, PRELIMINARY LAYOUT FOR 4" PERF, PVC WITH YARD DRAINS AND CLEANOUTS, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY POINTS OF DISCHARGE AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS AS NECESSARY TO GUARANTEE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE. MIN, PIPE SLOPE .5%, ® CONCRETE WALKS-INSTALL PER PROJECT STANDARDS-BROOM FINISH NOTES: 1. ALL SITE ELEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, 2. "PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS INC-REPRESENTATIVE-NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT INC. ISSAQUAH, W A, (800) 726-0031 3. PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. MAPLE VALLEY WA 425-432-6000 4. ALL CONCRETE TO BE BROOM TEXTURE, DESIGN SPECS TO BE THE SAME AS ENGINEERS SPECS FOR TOTAL SUBDIVISION. 5. DRAINAGE AND GRADING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING POSITIVE DRAINAGE FOR THE ENTIRE SITE. INSTALL 4" PERFORATED PVC WITH YARD DRAINS(IF NECESSARY) TO PREVENT ANY PONDING OF WATER ON SITE INCLUDING WITHIN THE PLAY AREA ALL FINISHED GRADING OF MOUNDS TO BE GENTLE TRANSITIONS. 6. ALL PLANTING SOIL AND AMENDED SOIL TO BE 50% SANDY LOAM AND 50% GARDEN COMPOST. MIN. DEPTH OF SOIL-6". ON SITE SOIL MAY BE USED IF APPROVED BY LA 7, APPLY 2" MEDIUM BARK MULCH TO ALL PLANTING BEDS Revisions: No. Description Dale By Designed By: DR Drawn By: DR ----< ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Arrow Scale: 1"--10' STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A ROPER CERTIFICATE NO, 164 Layout & Landscape Plans Tract T Laurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Sheet: L7of9 -------- .' < " , ,< ,. , , < < , < , < ' , L , ( \ \ \ \ 1 1 " , \ • . ~ .~ < . , 2 1 " 8.9 "\- < , f:',~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ........ --~ .......... --t .... " I r "I ,,/ I ,; I __ -_ / / J./ ....... I I I J / \ / II , , / J I \/ L _______ • L -___ -.-1\ , , ' , I , / , , 'Vi ....... ----.... // '" , ' , ' I \ , ... \ , ... ' , ' \ I , ' " / , ' ...... _-_ ........ ............... 4 1 " 10.4 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE HEADS RAINBIRD 1806, SERIES 8MPR, FUL,L-1.05GPM, HALF-.52GPM, 1/3-.35GPM, 1/4-.26 GPM SPACING 8' OC 1 "ELECTRIC VALVE-RAINBIRD 100 F'RS-B 3/4" IRRIGATION METER BY OTHERS 1" GATE VALVE-MUELLER OR EQUAL 1 "DCV-WILKINS 975XL CONTROLLER-RAINBIRD-RC-4C- Mount in area designated by owner MAIN LlNE-1 "SCHEDULE 40 PVC LATERALS-3/4" CLASS 200 SLEEVES-4"PVC SCH. 40 VALVE NO. VALVE SIZE GPM I rrigation Notes 1. POINT OF CONNECTION IS AN IRRIGATION METER INSTALLED BY OTHERS 2. ALL SPRAY ZONES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE OF 35 PSI. VERIFY 50 GPM AT 55 PSI AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION. 3. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 4. PIPE AND VALVE LOCATIONS ARE AT TIMES DIAGRAMATIC. STAKE ALL ELEMENTS PRIOR TO TRENCHING. NOTIFY LA IMMEDIATELY IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND FIELD CONDITIONS. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SLEEVES WHERE PIPES EXTEND UNDER PAVING, DEPTH SHALL BE AT SPECIFIED PIPE DEPTH. 6. WHEN COMPLETE THE SYSTEM SHALL BE LEAK FREE, PROVIDE 100% BALANCED SPRAY COVERAGE AND BE IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER IN EVERY RESPECT. DCV BOX CLEARANCE TO BE 12" MIN. ON TEST COCK SIDE & 6" MIN. ON HANDLE SIDE 1/2" IN LAWN &1/1/2" IN SHRUB AREA --~ .. ~------------~~~ VALVE BOX (SIZE PER DCV) AFTER TESTING & APPROVAL, REMOVE & PLUG TEST COCKS. 12"MAX. " TO 2" DOUBLE VALVE ASSEMBLY '---FINISHED GRADE QUICK COUPLER SEE DETAIL GALV FITIINGS GALV FITIINGS ADAPTER "'l;~~.t; &. 0 c9..~,;o A5 0 ~-{,of~ ~~~~~~~9t-1 O"MIN DEPTH OF 5/8" _~i:::SJ~~~~~L~~~~~d~~8.l WASHEll DRAIN ROCK 4-SUPPORT BRICKS DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY DURABLE WEATHER RESISTANT PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID. PROVIDE EXTENSIONS AS NECESSARY ~--SPECIFIED ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 1/2" IN LAWN AREA & 1-1/2" IN SHRUB PLANTING AREA PVC MAINLINE 1/2" IN TURF AREAS 1-1/2" IN SHRUB AREAS ~F~IN~. ~GR~A~DE~~~~;;~~~1 O~"~VALVE BOX W/L1D CARSON OR EQUAL 6"MAX. TOE SCH. 80 ~IIPPLE -1'1---~ PVC ELL 6" MIN .---------t+-WEA TH ERPROOF CONNECTORS, DBY OR EQUlIL ~----#-SLIP FIX SAME SIZE AS VALVE PVC LATERAL ~---"-,,"c:...' ",-,-'. '."-'.. '-'..C':':_' -'-'\S1~_CONTROL WIRE EXPNISION COILS- GALV. 10 WRAPS AROUND I /2" PIPE J---.jf---PLASTIC VALVE BOX RISER f--~ 5-1/4" ROADWAY PLASTIC VALVE BOX BODY r-GATE VALVE W/2" OPERATING NUT (KENNEDY OR EQUAL) VALVE TO BE SAME SIZE AS MAIN LINE UNLESS OTHERv'IISE SPECIFIED ~~~ ~~~~~2D~ 0 0 0 ~~C9 ~~ '(j}o &8 Q c:w 0 0 IF REQUIRED 0 00~00i£~~~~0:fi!~ oo~ (::bOpo~ PVC MAIN PVC TEE OR-4~~r'\\ 0 6D 05) eaJ 5)0 8~c\&) CQ o~ 5)0 ~ 0 (IJl ELBOW I, .. 0 (::bOr-? 0", 0 0 0 00 ~ (::bOp 0 ~ 0 e oFt 4" DEEP PEA GRAVEL SUMP o 0" 0'" 00 0 0 0 0 po U SCH. 40 PVC VALVE WIRE FROM CONTROLLER MAIN LINE , ... f!! . ".: ." . ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE INSTALL VALVE BOX I /2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS AND 2" IN SHRUB AREAS 3"MAX. \==;::0 ~-1 0" CARSON VALVE BOX I fl,l ,-FINISHED GRADE H!l!~ ~ GATE VALVE 1j3' FROM VALK-12' FROM BUILDING ,;;}1II1 WllYI_ FINISHED GRADE QUICK COUPLER VALVE RAINBIRD 44RC (4'INP FOR 1" X 18" SCH 80 PVC PIPE NON-POTABLE WATER) _-.-IJ-------,-';r=i'--.-r"----+------Il....,..;.:.W~ITH~1/4" GALV. U-BOLT 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 o oeD 0 0 oeD 000 0 00 o oOq P q CkJ 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 o~ 0/--ENCASE GRAVEL IN o ()eD 0 00 0 0 0 0 q 0 eD FILTER FABRIC o 0 n q 0 oeD° g c;., 0 a 0 0 a 0 o '() 000 (JJ 000 og 000 000000 0c') 0 Po LASCO 1" GKT. SWING ASSEMBLY MODEL NO. G172-100 6" MIN OEPTH GRAVEL BASE ----J.-SCHEDULE 40 PVC MAIN QUICK COUPLER VALVE FINISHED GRADE PROVIDE SLEEVES UNDER ALL HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS SLEEVES TO BE 2 TIMES THE DIA. OF ENCLOSED PIPE. EXTEND 2' BEYOND PAVING. AS BUILT ALL SLEEVES AND NOTE DEPTH DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE FOR ALL SLEEVES l (f) I:;:j W 0:: f-(f) z 0 r0 II f-f-,,-"-WW 0 0 -,W «~ 0::-' WZ f---s~ 1--i-SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE ---------' TIE A 24" LOOP IN WIRING AT DIRECTION CHANGES. UNTIE AFTER FINAL CONNECTIONS. IRRIGATION PIPE TRENCH & SLEEVING -+----SPECIFIED SPRAY HEAD ~-(2) 3/4' MARLEX STREET ELLS PVC LATERAL LINE; 3/4' X W SCH. 80 NIPPLE 3/4'MARLEX STR. ELL pvc TE E..----" LAWN SPRAY ON SWING ASSEMBLY ---FINISHED GRADE -+---SPECIFIED POP-UP SPRAY HEAD ,-----1/2' FLEXIBLE PIPE AND FITTINGS TEE LATERAL MALE BARBED ELBOV SHRUB HEAD Revisions: No. Description Date By Designed By: DR Drawn By: DR I~ ----, ~ ~ d' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .-.-no",,","-Arro W i'~ I Scale: 1"= 10' WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICATE NO. 164 Irrigation P1an Tract T Laurelhurst Div.2 Conner Homes Bellevue, Wa. Job No. No. Sheet: L8of9 .~. 14' x 132 x 17 1 6 PLANT MATERIALS LIST SYMBOL/QUANTITY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE TREES o 5 Amelanchier alnifolia Autumn Brilliance Western Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance 8'c1ump SHRUBS @ • @ ® @ '. @ ~ ~ ® @ ~) 17 20 13 17 9 5 13 15 17 30 17 32 17 5 Pseudotsuga menziesii Thuja plicatum Buddleia alternifolia Campanula persicifolia(purple & pinks) Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam Kolwitzia amabilis Lavatero maritima Liatris spicata Ribes sanguineum Rudbeckia goldsturm Salvia nemerosa East Friesland Sedum spectabiJe Ruby Glow Spirea vanhouttei Viburnum lantana Douglas Fir Western Red Cedar Butterfly Bush Bellflower "Moonbeam" Coreopsis Beauty Bush Tree Mallow Gayfeather Red Flowered Currant Blackeyed Susan East Friesland Salvia Ruby Glow Sedum Vanhouttei Bridal Wreath 8' 8' 3gal 1 gal 1 gal 3gal 3gal 1 gal 2gal 2gal 1 gal 1 gal 3gal 3gal .' . / // NOTES: seed @ .51b Eschscholzia californica per 1000sf Wayfearing Tree California Poppy cover with 1/4" compost do not apply bark mulch over seeding bed 1. PLANTING MIX TO BE 50% NATIVE SOIL AND 50% GARDEN COMPOST 2. APPLY 2" MEDIUM BARK MULCH OVER PLANT BED EXCEPT AS NOTED. 3. THOROUGHLY WATER ALL PLANTS. PROVIDE PERIODIC WATERING UNTIL ESTABLISHED. 4. OWNER OF LOT 16 HAS A RESPIRATORY CONDITION A SHOULD BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ANY ACTIVITY REGARDING EXCESS DUST, HYDROSEEDING OR ANY WORK WHICH MAY CONTRIBUTE TO AIRBORNE PARTICLES. 5. PLANTS TO BE HEALTHY, WELL SHAPED, ACTIVELY GROWING AND COMPLY WITH THE LATEST AAN STANDARDS FOR THE GRADING OF NURSERY STOCK. 134 / II 135 '----APPROXIMATE EDGE 1 OF EXISTING VEGETATION VEGETATION L STAPLE TREE REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE OR VINYL W/16 GA. WIRE TIES DETAIL -I-------=-~~=fr~ ::=:::::::~~E & WIRE TIES ~SPE"CIIF liED TREE STAKE(S) PLANT TREE 1"-2" HIGHER THAN IN NURSERY WATERING BASIN NSTALL 'TREE BOOT" OR "ARBORGARD" IN LAWN AREAS. 2"SETTLED DEPTH SPECIFIED MULCH REMOVE BINDING TWINE & TOP 1 /3 OF BURLAP. r---SPE'~IFIED PLANTING SOIL tl ~~;W1!«'------SCARIFY PLANTING PIT UNDISTURBED GROUND S% SIDES AND BOTTOM 12" MIN. FOR WOOD RC~AF~~ >'----6" DEEP, FIRM, NATIVE STAKES & 18" FOR .. _ SOIL MOUND "+-IN HEAVY SOILS, AUGER 8"x6' DEEP f---2=x -'.:..:RO:..::..:OT=BA=-LL -=1='----1 HOLE (OR THROUGH HARDPAN) FILL WITH CRUSHED ROCK. VERIFY GOOD DRAINAGE PRIOR TO PLANTING. o Tree Planting & Staking Detail .-"" .. ' .. . . ". " ' . ,"' ,. "., : ..... ' . .' ". ..... . .-": :' ." ',> .. -:, " .. ". .".' . -:--..... ~, PLANT 1" HIGHER THAN -~ IN NURSERY FINISHED GRADE -. '". . '-'. ".,,:'-: . ,-~ REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP r---2" SETTLED DEPTH OF SPECIFIED MULCH l> l> ~ 11111111111111111111-. ·<~llllllllillliiii I_II ....... ............... _ FERTILIZER TABLETS/SPECS =t 11_1111 ....... ...... -11111 -' ··•···· .. ··.·.·.··1--I SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL , :;:111" ,ill" ,III"", ,III" ,1L, JF. FIRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND l' 2x Rootball Width 1\ Shrub Planting Detail w W 0:: l- N , ~ ~~HOSE & WIRE TIES "..-~ SPECIFIED TREE STAKE(S) WATERING BASIN 2" SPECIFIED MULCH r-!'=t-SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL REMOVE BINDING MATERIAL & TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP ~~P===m FIN. GRADE -I II c~J:~$k:'i."~·': l¥+' ~~~~ ~~ -II:'@P, ;": :::: SCARIFY PIT SIDES I ,-:<"",...,:,:",":; I & BOTTOM 12" MIN. FOR WOODf ~II:,J',}",III",II 11- 1 II 'I";'I:I~ FIRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND 18" MIN. FOR REBA~ ----- + 2X ROOTBALL WIDTH '~ Coniferous Tree Planting & Staking Detail EQUAL SPACIN· 1/2 DIA. OF PLANT OR AS SHOWN ON DRAWING ~, EDGE OF PAVING OR PLANTING BED -~/ Shrub & Groundcover Spacing Detail Revisions: No. DescripLion D<:lle Uy Designed By: DR Drawn By: DR North Arrow Scale: 1"=20' STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DALE A. ROPER CERTIFICATE NO. 164 ~z N Z~ ~~ • >-~~ .~ ~~ Q C/)~ ~ ~~ lf1 H ~U ~ ~C/) ~Q ~ (]) HZ H d~ 8 ~~ ~ ;:J Job No. No. Sheet: LI of 1 Cll ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 U