HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2015 - Minuteswow City of ► r , Renton Airport Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 5:30 PM Meeting called to order and agenda reviewed by Marleen Mandt 5:35 PM Meeting minutes of November 18, 2014 were unanimously approved with one change to note that Marleen Mandt was present at the beginning of the meeting. 5:37 PM Jonathan Wilson Introduced Pearson MacNaughton as the new Assistant Airport Manager. Pearson, J recently retired Marine, has moved his family here from Florida. 5:38 PM Neighborhood Communications - There were no comments from neighborhoods regarding any issues brought up by the neighborhoods. 5:39 PM Old Business Sustainability Report for 2013, presented by Mary Vigilante, Synergy Consultants, Inc. o Gave a brief overview of the Sustainability Plan and report for 2013 o Defined EONS of Sustainability (Economic, Operations, Natural Environment, Society) 15Y annual report 2013 (summarizes progress during the year, actual performance and reasons for changes, adjustments that are needed) o Plan Do Check Act (adjust) process o Airport Operations o Airport Finances — AI Banholzer asked if lease rate increases register on the chart/Answer — no not significant change, the graph shows major grant funded projects. Noise — membership discussion on what data is available from noise complaint database. Complaints are logged by complainant, type of aircraft, and type of disturbance. o Insertion into the Master Plan • Airport Master Plan Project Updates, presented by Ryan Hayes, Mead & Hunt Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 o Brief overview of Master Plan process o Public Outreach is ongoing throughout the process and comments on any Chapter can be submitted throughout the process ■ Kennydale Neighborhood meeting was received well with knowledgeable questions asked by residents ■ Follow-up neighborhood meetings towards the end of the planning process o Draft Forecast Chapter (Working Paper 2) ■ Airport operations forecast • Matthew Devine suggested a change to what the forecasted operations trendline is called because it is so extreme. • Question was raised on why floatplane operations are not identified separately on the chart showing operations by aircraft type/Answer — floatplane operations are not reported separately from similar wheeled aircraft. • Critical aircraft defined— B stands for approach speed of aircraft, II stands for wingspan of aircraft; based on 737 forecasted operations will need to change to higher standard requiring runway safety area extensions. Summary of Operations • Question was raised of how forecast of operations is determined by type/Answer —percentage based on local vs. itinerant operations Based aircraft ■ FAA approves Forecast Chapter and Final Plan o Next Steps ■ FAA Forecast Approval ■ Facility Needs Analysis ■ Preliminary Alternatives and Ancillary Alternatives o Comments Marleen commented on Working Papers and suggested several items that need to be clarified. Diane asked if the based aircraft will decrease in 2015/Answer- no it will not decrease from current count. The based aircraft count is taken in January each year and has already been established for 2015. Matthew asked about operation growth forecast model. Mary Vigilante answered that the forecasted numbers have consequences that can be determined (how to accommodate forecasted operations) Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 • Ryan Hayes clarified the different forecasts on the General Aviation Operations Forecast chart, and pointed out that the recommendation of the Master Plan is the gray arrowed line. 6:50 PM Questions/comments on Airport Lines of Business • Airport Business Management Update (see Page 6) o Tower Closure — contracted through September 2015 o Comcast — working on design; Marcie asked if Preeti was involved in project o Boeing North Bridge —final year of project • Airport Operations/Maintenance Update (see Page 8) o Wildlife Hazard Assessment o Airport badge standards 0 800 Building upgrades o Tower Office remodel • Airport Capital Projects Update (see Paje 10) o WMATI continuing; 300 Building demolition in May 2015 o Shoreline Mitigation temporarily on hold o River Hangar electrical upgrades temporarily on hold o Blast Fence project nearing completion o Restripe drive lane on Taxiway Alpha 6:57 PM Meeting process check and agenda inputs for next meeting • Master Plan Working Paper 3 o Facility Requirement Chapter o Public Outreach update 7:02 PM Meeting adjourned RAAC Meeting Calendar — May 19, 2015 Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 3 Attendees Absentees Kennydale Marleen Mandt Mark Hancock Highlands Jeffrey Thomson Harold (KC) Jones Talbot Hill Matthew Devine Jennifer Ann Rutkowski South Renton Neil Sheesley Robert Moran West Hill Ken Williams Frederick Lund Renton Hill/Monterey David Basco Melody Kroeger North Renton Lee Chicoine Ben Johnson Airport Leaseholders Diane Paholke Chuck Kegley Steve Beardslee Bradly Donaldson for Gordon Alvord Airport at Large Kurt Boswell Mark Spiegelman Todd Banks Mike Johnson Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 4 Attendees Absentees Boeing Blake Misenar Valdis Martinsons Pilots Association Karen Stemwell Robert Dempster WPA — Green River Chapter Al Banholzer Mercer Island Mike Cero Councilmembers Marcie Palmer City Staff Jonathan Wilson Pearson MacNaughton Susan Campbell-Hehr Guests Ryan Hayes, Mead & Hunt Brodie Ayers, Mead & Hunt Mary Vigilante, FAA Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 5 RAAC Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Airport Update for RAAC Airport Business Management 1. Control Tower Closure Update - Ongoing What: Funding for Federal Contract Towers (including Renton) might be cut in future federal budgets. Why: Sequestration at the federal level meant agencies needed to make difficult budget cuts. One of the potential cuts was in the federal contract tower program administered by the FAA. How: Not applicable. Status: Budget for the federal contract tower program has I?een allocated for FY2015. Tower will be funded at least through the end of September 2015. 2. Comcast Lease — What: Addition of cable line on Airport property. Why: Requested by tenants in the southeast corner for high speed internet and television. This is also a good infrastructure improvement for the remaining tenants. How: Design and construction costs covered by Comcast. Status: Comcast staff continues to design their conduit runs around the Airport after receiving Airport feedback on the design. The agreement has been in Comcast's hands for several months. No change or appreciable movement since August's meeting.. 3. Airport Master Plan Update - What: Update of the Airport's existing 1997 Master Plan. A Master Plan is a comprehensive study of an Airport that identifies the short, medium, and long term development alternatives to meet future aviation demand. Why: Master Plans are typically updated every 20 years. The last Master Plan was completed in 1997. The Airport completed an Airport Layout Plan update in 2009. R RAAC Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 How: FAA grant funded at 90%. Airport revenues will cover 10% of the project costs. The Airport has contracted with Mead and Hunt to assist in completing the project. Status: Airport aerial survey has been mostly completed. The draft Inventory chapter has been completed and discussed at the November 2014 RAAC meeting. The Forecast draft chapter will be discussed at the February 2015 RAAC meeting. 4. Bosair Building Construction— What: Construction of a new aviation maintenance hangar at 289 East Perimeter Road. Why: Bosair has outgrown their existing buildings. The business requires a larger facility to support their growing maintenance business. How: Project is fully funded via Bosair. One of their two buildings has been demolished and a new building is being erected in its place. All business activities have been conducted I out of the other building during construction. Status: Building is currently under construction. Much of the outer shell of the building has been completed. Interior construction is underway. Building should be complete late this Spring. S. Boeing North Bridge Construction— What: Construction of a new bridge at the northeast corner of the Airport. Bridge is used to bring Boeing jets from private property onto Airport property. Why: The existing bridge was seismically inadequate. This bridge is critical to Boeing logistical operations. How: Project is being fully funded by The Boeing Company. Status: The new bridge is complete. Work this summer is expected to start on June 1. The remaining work includes removing the temporary work bridge, landscaping, and general site repairs. This is the last summer of work scheduled for this project. 7 RAAC Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Airport Operations and Maintenance 1. Taxiway Bravo System Rehabilitation — South Portion - Completed What: A $10.5 million pavement and utility replacement and repair project on Taxiway Bravo. Why: The pavement on this parallel taxiway had reached the end of its useful life and needed to be strengthened and replaced. Additionally, utility lines in the area were replaced and all connecting taxiways were renamed Al, A2, B1, B2 and so on from their current alpha only designations. The airport also installed an emergency generator and LED lighting along Taxiway Bravo. How: The FAA is providing grant funding to help complete the project. Grant funding covered 90 percent of design and construction cost with the remaining 10 percent covered by Airport generated revenue. Status: All construction is now complbte. 2. Wildlife Hazard Assessment - In Progress What: An FAA grant funded project to complete a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) at the Airport. WHAs are completed to help airports formulate Wildlife Hazard Management Plans. These plans help airports mitigate and reduce the effects of wildlife on airport operations. Why: Ever since the bird strikes that brought down the US Airways flight into the Hudson River, the FAA has placed new emphasis on Airports completing Wildlife Hazard Assessments. Historically, these were only done for Part 139 certificated airports, but recently federal funding has been made available for certain non -certificated airports to participate. How: Federal grant funding of up to $150,000 (90%) and airport revenue up to $16,667 (10%). Status: WH Pacific is complete with their surveys for the Wildlife Hazard Assessment and currently in progress drafting their final report. 3. New Airport Badge Standards -In Progress What: A new ID badge program for tenants and contractors who need to access the Airside of the Airport. E RAAC Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Why: The Airport currently has a badging system for tenants and contractors. Badges do not have any identifying information on them. When someone is stopped by Airport Operations, they might have a badge on them, but it is unknown whether it's their badge and where on the Airport the driver should be. How: The Airport has budgeted money to purchase a new ID badge system from HID. New badges will have a photo, name, airport business (if applicable), airplane information (if applicable), and expiration date. All badges will be valid for one year instead of the current standard of up to five years (expires when the driver's license expires). Status: All equipment has been installed and tested. The new card design has been created. Instructions for office staff are being tweaked. 4. 800 Building —In Progress What: Major maintenance of the building at 800 W Perimeter Road (800 Building) for future tenant occupancy. Why: The 800 Building it airport owned and operated. Upgrades include fixing numelrous roof leaks, demolition of unnecessary roof structures, selected demolition of some interior spaces and ducting, and installation of work bay heating. How: Airport generated revenue will cover the cost of repairs. Status: The Airport staff is working with Forma Construction, the City's Job Order Contractor (JOC). The interior demolition is now complete and construction of new office wall layout is in progress. The subcontractor has completed installation of the heating system. Completion of the fire suppression system and roof work currently in progress. Installation of a roll -up door for access to the maintenance bay is upcoming. The final item is painting of the exterior of the building and that is scheduled for the Spring, 2015, due to weather. Work should be complete by the RAAC meeting on August 18, 2015. S. Tower First Floor Remodel — In Progress What: Remodel of the first floor of the Control Tower Why: The first floor is being remodeled to improve the functionality of the floor plan layout and optimize operations. How: Airport generated revenue will cover the cost of the remodel when the estimated cost is determined. Status: This project is currently in the initial design phase. .11 RAAC Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Airport Capital Program 1. Washington Manufacturing Advanced Training Institute— What: The Airport will be managing the construction of a new facility called the Washington Manufacturing Advanced Training Institute (formerly Renton Aerospace Training Center) located on the same site as the old Chamber of Commerce building. Why: The project is to build a facility and provide equipment to help train critically needed manufacturing workers in the aerospace, maritime, and medical industries. This facility will be a resource to help meet the immediate need for trained workers in these industries and be a long-term asset for the community. How: The State legislature provided a $2.5 million grant in 2012 and an additional $9.5 million aerospace grant in 2013 to build this facility in concert with industry and potential tenant partners. SRG Partnership Inc. will design the project. The design re -started with a recent recommendations report from the Aerospace Futures Alliance of Washington (AFA) appointed committee headed by Laura Hopkins. Status: Design has been restarted. Demolition of the existing structure should be completed late Spring of 2015. Construction of the new facility is scheduled to begin late in 2015. 2. Shoreline Enhancement— On hold What: As part of the permitting for the Maintenance Dredge project, the airport will make improvements to the shoreline near the seaplane ramp. We will remove concrete rubble and replace with rock to prevent erosion. Why: This project is driven by permits issued for the seaplane base maintenance project that was completed early this year. How: The Airport will fund this project. Status: Project has been placed on hold temporarily pending the hire of a new Airport Engineer. 3. Cedar River Hangar Building Electrical Upgrades— Building Electrical Upgrades - On hold What: The Airport will update the electrical system in the hangars over the next four years. Why: The electrical system in the Cedar River Hangars is outdated and insufficient for tenant needs. How: The Airport will fund the electrical upgrades. URS prepared construction plans for the project. The design for electrical project is complete and the permit is ready to be picked up. Status: The electrical project is on hold while other larger capital projects are being completed. project is also on hold pending the hire of a new Airport Engineer. 10 RAAC Meeting 4. Blast Wall Replacement— Tuesday, February 17, 2015 What: The blast wall on the south end of the runway will be removed and replaced with a new blast wall to meet FAA Part 77 standards. The project includes aesthetic treatments to the Airport way side of the blast fence along with new landscaping. Why: The existing blast fence has exceeded its useful life and is an obstruction to airspace per the Airport Layout Plan (ALP). How: This is an FAA grant project (90%) with the airport contributing 10% of the project cost. Status: Construction is underway. The old blast wall has been demolished. The new blast wall has been erected. Landscaping is underway. The original concept art for the south side of the blast wall had to be modified due to budget. The flow vanes on either side of the center art have been eliminated to meet budget. Some lighting has been removed to preserve budget. Project should be complete in 90 days. S. Restripe Drive Lane and Taxiway A— On hold What: I The A Taxiway and the drive lane need to be repainted.!The project includes restriping the existing markings and extending the drive lane north to the seaplane base. Why: Taxiway Alpha and drive lane markings are faded and need to be repainted. How: This is a pavement management plan project. Status: On hold pending the hire of new Airport Engineer. Airport staff is considering hiring outside engineering help to prepare bid documents. 11                                 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 Historical GA Operations TAF 5 Year Trend Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Average                 