HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/2015 - Minutesr City 00 f iIr aa. 0 i Renton Airport Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2015 5:35pm Meeting called to order by Marleen Mandt 5:35pm Contact information update and new attendance sign -in sheet 5:38pm Review August 18, 2015 minutes. Unanimously approved. 5:40pm Neighborhood communications - Marleen thanked Boeing for their efforts in reducing noise to the Kennydale neighborhood. - Melody Kroeger asked if plane flying height has been reduced over her neighborhood; discussion on height of planes over neighborhood. Planes seem to be mostly touch -and -goes. Jonathan and Diane suggested that because of the line of sight, there is no point of reference and with the clouds it may appear that they are lower than during the summer blue-sky days. Jonathan suggested that Melody call Harry to let him know when this is happening so he can find out the height from the ATCT. 5:47pm Old Business - Airport Lines of Business, (see attached pages 5 —10) • Jonathan requested input from members on suggested improvements to the format of the Lines of Business report • Steve Beardslee and Diane Paholke noted that they also distribute the Lines of Business to their membership and pilots. Diane suggested adding more project information to the Lines of Business, such as updates on the bicycle trail project and road construction. • Jonathan announced the possibility of adding a new service to get information out to pilots and neighbors via text message. Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 • Jonathan introduced Kamran Yazdidoost, the Airport's new Civil Engineer. 6:00pm 2016 Airport Work Plan o Master Plan - Summary of Feedback for Alternatives Analysis ■ On hold temporarily, schedule has changed to add six months. The FAA has not been providing reviews within the time alotment of the schedule. More time has been added to receive the FAA's review of the Airport Layout Plan and Runway Safety Area alternatives. The FAA regional office has requested a second review by Washington DC and received comments back on October 1, 2015. The FAA has asked for more information and comments are anticipated around the first of the year. ■ Have to put the work on Alternatives on hold until the FAA determines forecasting chapter. The critical aircraft will determine future grant funding for capital projects. Draft Work Plan - o Revenue - lease rate adjustments in 2016 ■ Puget Sound Energy and Northwest Seaplanes Inc building leases ■ Boeing lease rate adjustment in June 2016 ■ City Hangar rate adjustment ■ Southeast corner lease changes ■ Renton Aerospace Training Center o Expenses - ■ add administrative position ■ new airport hybrid vehicle ■ Capital projects - 1000 parcel redevelopment for approximately 12 tiedowns; 6:43pm Question and Answer Session 1000 West Perimeter Road parcel - ■ Is the Airport providing transient parking? Yes, there are four spaces on the west side ■ How will fencing be placed at the old restaurant parcel for tiedowns? Fencing will be part of final design project. Working on 30% design currently to get an idea of feasibility. Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 2 ■ Will there be public viewing access still from the seaplane base? Yes, there will be public access for Lakeshore residents and the public. Southeast Lease Area — ■ Kaynan lease terminates August 31, 2015; ■ Buildings will be demolished and turned into tiedowns temporarily until Master Plan is finalized to determine best use of the leased area. Shoreline Mitigation — ■ Included under the seaplane base dredging permit and anticipated to be completed in Winter 2016. Master Plan - ■ Scott Grazier asked about Runway Safety Area alternative impacting the shoreline project. It is likely that there will be a number of years between the two projects. Airside/Landside Separation — ■ Replace old fencing sections that still exist, with black vinyl -coated fencing. Security Camera System Upgrade — ■ Plans include adding 3 - 4 cameras 820 Parcel Construction (Boeing) — ■ Boeing is developing the site for 737 MAX parking; no engine run - ups on this parcel Regulations and Minimum Standards — ■ Review and updates to come soon Next Steps - final version of 2016 Work Plan Renton Aerospace Training Center ■ Demolition of 300 Building Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 3 ■ State Department of Commerce grant funded entirely ■ $1.4 million spent on design costs ■ Construction bid opening on November 4, 2015 ■ 5 bids came in significantly lower than estimate ■ Apparent low bid of $6.2 million ■ Tenant will be Washington Manufacturing Training Institute (WMATI) ■ A variety of manufacturing and aerospace students will be trained in the new building ■ Parking situation will provide enough vehicle stalls for students and staff only ■ Public access in the parking lot overlooking the airport will be limited to times when building is not in use. ■ New building can be used for another purpose if WMATI leaves at some point in the future. Grant obligation requires aerospace training use for first ten years. ■ Notice to proceed date is anticipated to be November 30, 2015. ■ AT&T fiber optic line relocation was to move the line out of the 300 parcel and into the road ■ City water line will be moved from the 300 parcel to the roadway ■ Bicycle trail around south end of airport includes taking the SE corner property and redeveloping it into the bicycle trail. 6:53pm Celebration in honor of Marcie Palmer 6:55pm Meeting process check — ■ Next meeting dates: February 9, 2016; May 10, 2016; August 9, 2016; November 8, 2016 ■ Bosair and Pro -Flight Aviation would like to alternately host meetings Next meeting dates: February 9, 2016; May 10, 2016, August 9, 2016 6:58pm Meeting adjourned Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers -Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 4 RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Airport Update for RAAC Airport Business Management 1. Comcast Lease — In Progress What: Addition of cable line on Airport property. Why: Requested by tenants in the southeast corner for high speed internet and television. This is also a good infrastructure improvement for the remaining tenants. How: Design and construction costs covered by Comcast. Status: Comcast staff continues to design their conduit runs around the Airport after receiving Airport feedback on the design. The agreement has been in Comcast's hands for several months. No change since last RAAC meeting. 2. Airport Master Plan Update - In Progress What: Update of the Airport's existing 1997 Master Plan. A Master Plan is a comprehensive study of an Airport that identifies the short, medium, and long term development alternatives to meet future aviation demand. Why: Master Plans are typically updated every 20 years. The last Master Plan was completed in 1997. The Airport completed an Airport Layout Plan update in 2009. How: FAA grant funded at 90%. Airport revenues will cover 10% of the project costs. The Airport has contracted with Mead and Hunt to assist in completing the project. Status: Airport aerial survey has been mostly completed. The draft Inventory chapter has been completed and discussed at the November 2014 RAAC meeting. The Forecast draft chapter was discussed at the February 2015 RAAC meeting. The Capacity Analysis and Facility Requirements Chapter was presented at the May 2015 meeting. The initial Alternatives discussion was presented at the August 2015 meeting. The FAA is reviewing the Forecast and we are discussing with them the Critical Aircraft designation. Once those variables are known, alternatives can be better planned. 5 RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3. Bosair Building Construction— Complete What: Construction of a new aviation maintenance hangar at 289 East Perimeter Road. Why: Bosair has outgrown their existing buildings. The business requires a larger facility to support their growing maintenance business. How: Project is fully funded via Bosair. One of their two buildings has been demolished and a new building is being erected in its place. All business activities have been conducted out of the other building during construction. Status: Building is complete. 4. Boeing North Bridge Construction— Complete What: Construction of a new bridge at the northeast corner of the Airport. Bridge is used to bring Boeing jets from private property onto Airport property. Why: The existing bridge was seismically inadequate. This bridge is critical to Boeing logistical operations. All 737's leaving the factory use this bridge to access the Airport. How: Project is fully funded by The Boeing Company. Status: Project is complete. 31 RAAC Meeting Airport Operations and Maintenance 1. Northwest Security Gate Wireless Upgrade - Tuesday, November 10, 2015 What: A project to update the wireless controller components for vehicle gates on the northeast side of the airport Why: The wireless system has aged to the point that it has become unreliable and fails recognize airport users with newly issued badges. Upgrading the components will improve functionality thereby providing better access to badge holders. How: Airport generated revenue will cover the cost of the upgrade, which has been estimated to be $21,460.86. This money will be allocated from the Major Maintenance budget. Status: The vendor contract is being circulated for review and approval. The Assistant Airport Manager is overseeing work completion. 2. Wildlife Hazard Assessment — -i Progress What: An FAA grant funded project to complete a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) at the Airport. WHAs are completed to help airports formulate Wildlife Hazard Management Plans. These plans help airports mitigate and reduce the effects of wildlife on airport operations. Why: Ever since the bird strikes that brought down the US Airways flight into the Hudson River, the FAA has placed new emphasis on Airports completing Wildlife Hazard Assessments. Historically, these were only done for Part 139 certificated airports, but recently federal funding has been made available for certain non -certificated airports to participate. How: Federal grant funding of up to $150,000 (90%) and airport revenue up to $16,667 (10%). Status: The draft Wildlife Assessment Report has been reviewed and returned with Airport comments. Recommendations are being assessed by the Airport Manager and Assistant Airport Manager for implementation. Upon receipt of the final report, the Federal funding component will be closed. 3. New Airport Badge Standards -In Progress What: A new ID badge program for tenants and contractors who need to access the Airside of the Airport. 7 RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Why: The Airport currently has a badging system for tenants and contractors. Badges do not have any identifying information on them. When someone is stopped by Airport Operations, they might have a badge on them, but it is unknown whether it's their badge and where on the Airport the driver should be. How: The Airport has budgeted money to purchase a new ID badge system from HID. New badges will have a photo, name, airport business (if applicable), airplane information (if applicable), and expiration date. All badges will be valid for one year instead of the current standard of up to five years (expires when the driver's license expires). Status: All equipment has been installed and tested. The new card design has been created. New cards are expected to be issued beginning in January 2016. 4. Tower First Floor Remodel — On Hold What: Remodel of the first floor of the Control Tower. Why: The first floor is being remodeled to improve the functionality of the floor plan layout and optimize operations. How: Airport generated revenue will cover the cost of the remodel when the estimated cost is determined. Status: The selected design/construction management team is evaluating options to address the seismic concerns associated with project. A solution is expected by the end of November. N. RAAC Meeting Airport Capital Program 1. Washington Manufacturing Advanced Training Institute— Tuesday, November 10, 2015 What: The Airport will be managing the construction of a new facility called the Washington Manufacturing Advanced Training Institute (formerly Renton Aerospace Training Center) located on the same site as the old Chamber of Commerce building. Why: The project is to build a facility and provide equipment to help train critically needed manufacturing workers in the aerospace, maritime, and medical industries. This facility will be a resource to help meet the immediate need for trained workers in these industries and be a long-term asset for the community. How: The State legislature provided a $2.5 million grant in 2012 and an additional $9.5 million aerospace grant in 2013 to build this facility in concert with industry and potential tenant partners. SRG Partnership Inc. will design the project. Status: 100% design documents have been received. Comments are being incorporated into the bid documents. Project will be advertised on September 8, 2015. Bid opening will occur on November 3, 2015. Construction will be complete by the end of 2016 pending an accepted bid. 2. Shoreline Enhancement — What: As part of the permitting for the Maintenance Dredge project at the Seaplane Base, the Airport will make improvements to the shoreline north of the Runway. We will remove concrete rubble and replace with rock to prevent erosion. Why: This project is driven by permits issued for the seaplane base maintenance project that was completed early this year. How: The Airport will fund this project. Status: An amendment to the contract is underway to complete this work. 3. Cedar River Hangar Building Electrical Upgrades— Building Electrical Upgrades - On Hold What: The Airport will update the electrical system in the hangars over the next four years. Why: The electrical system in the Cedar River Hangars is outdated and insufficient for tenant needs. How: The Airport will fund the electrical upgrades. URS prepared construction plans for the project. The design for electrical project is complete and the permit is ready to be picked up. Status: The electrical project is on hold while other larger capital projects are being completed. 9 RAAC Meeting 4. Restripe Drive Lane and Taxiway A— Complete Tuesday, November 10, 2015 What: The A Taxiway and the drive lane need to be repainted. The project includes restriping the existing markings and extending the drive lane north to the seaplane base. Why: Taxiway Alpha and drive lane markings are faded and need to be repainted. How: This is a pavement management plan project and is being funded by the Airport. Status: Taxiway A striping is now complete. Budget forced the drive lane striping to be moved to 2016. 10