HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/10/2014 - MinutesRenton Airport Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 10, 2014 5:40pm Meeting called to order and agenda review o Member introductions 5:45pm Review of meeting minutes of April 22, 2014 o Distribute minutes by email and ask for review and approval at the June 10, 2014 meeting. The RAAC members asked for the approval of the minutes be deferred until the August meeting. Therefore, the April meeting minutes will remain posted on the Airport's webpage as draft. 5:50pm Neighborhood Communications/co-Chair Selection — o Noise - Marcie asked about noise abatement program because there seems to have been an increase in small plane noise. o Co -Chair Nominations - Marleen Mandt was nominated as the neighborhood rep Co -Chair, and was unanimously approved by membership. • The two Co -Chair positions will lead alternating meetings. 5:58pm Questions/comments on Airport Lines of Business o Airport Business Management • Contract Tower Program —full federal funding for FFY15 appears to be secured for federal fiscal year Oct 1, 2014 to Sept 30, 2015. o Airport Operations/Maintenance Highlights • Chuck Kegley brought up airport short-term closures in the region, mainly BFI and KRNT and asked that the staff of the two Airports should meet to better coordinate future closures • Chuck Kegley asked for status on Boeing North Bridge project schedule • Chuck Kegley requested an informal meeting with ATCT regarding touch -n -go traffic delaying other air traffic landings/departures and some possible solutions. One RAAC member mentioned that the Tower staff had a new controller on duty and that could have lead to the delays. Ryan Zulauf said that he would pass the message to the Control Tower Chief to see if delay could be reduced. • Diane Paholke asked when new gate badge system will be implemented. Ryan Zulauf stated that the revised badge system would be implemented over a series of months in the future and that the Airport had not yet installed the hardware/software. He also said that the performance of the actual gate system would be unaffected. • Chuck Kegley asked when Comcast will be installing services at the airport. Ryan Zulauf responded that the agreement is complete, and design is in first draft phase. Diane Paholke and Chuck Kegley stated that they are both now out of phone lines for computer hookups. ✓ TASK ITEM — Ryan Zulauf and Doug Jacobson will report to Transportation/Aviation Committee on June 12, on next steps with Comcast. o Airport Capital Project Status Report • Boeing North Bridge project — schedule is changing with short notice due to unanticipated issues in the project. Diane Paholke requested tenant meeting with Boeing project managers on this project. ✓ TASK ITEM -Jonathan will setup tenant meeting with Boeing project managers to discuss North Bridge project schedule changes. • Diane Paholke asked about the Airport Loop Trail. Doug Jacobson responded with a quick overview of this Transportation Department project. • Diane Paholke asked about progress on the CSATC. Doug Jacobson explained that the City is working on an agreement with AFA to lease the new building. Ryan Zulauf added that Hopkins Consulting is currently writing the business plan for the new training facility. 6:30pm Old Business o Airport Master Plan Update — FY2014 • The City has contracted with Mead and Hunt to perform the Airport Master Plan, which will take about two years to complete. • Ryan Hayes from Mead and Hunt attended the meeting via conference call and presented the draft scope of work for the project to the RAAC. • Working papers will be distributed to RAAC members in draft form two weeks before each scheduled RAAC meeting to allow time for the membership to review and provide feedback at the meetings. ✓ TASK ITEM — RAAC members will meet with their neighborhood associations to get their input on what they want to see included in the Master Plan. This will give Mead and Hunt a better idea of the work effort involved to complete the project. ✓ TASK ITEM — Mead and Hunt will create an informational brochure to release to the media using the lists of items collected by RAAC members. ■ Distribute brochures at Airport business offices ■ Distribute brochures in City utility billings ■ Distribute brochures to Airport tenants, surrounding neighborhoods, including Mercer Island, and local media Attendees Absentees Kennydale Marleen Mandt Mark Hancock Highlands Jeffrey Thomson Harold (KC) Jones Jennifer Ann Rutkowski Matthew Devine South Renton Neil Sheesley Robert Moran Kenneth Williams Frederick Lund Renton Hill/Monterey Melody Kroeger David Basco North Renton Ben Johnson Lee Chicoine Airport Leaseholders Chuck Kegley Diane Paholke Steve Beardslee Gordon Alvord Members At Large Kurt Boswell Todd Banks Mark Spiegelman Mike Johnson Boeing Blake Misenar Jesse Uman Pilots Association Robert Dempster Karen Stemwell WPA-Green River Ch Al Banholzer Mercer Island Mike Cero Councilmembers Marcie Palmer City Staff Doug Jacobson Ben Dahle Ryan Zulauf Jonathan Wilson Susan Campbell -Rehr Guests: Ryan Hayes, Mead Hunt (by phone)