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•TIFFANY PARK DIY. 4 AUDIT4R'S FILE N4. 79Q?310846 _ ._ . . . _ 111l47-48 . __ _
, _.. .. .__._M.._. _..�._ ..�,_�..�.. . , .. tion . •lropertie�" �hail wean �»E re[re to lhat �
� ������ � ' , a�tlain ieal propecty herrinbetors �tsccibeA. .
CdYEtq1�'tl3r t�ttdMiON� 1UID RESTitiCS201tS �rretfon �. •Ce�w�n Xsea• shsll wrcan +�ll rsai pro�.rertY
• (letclndirrq l�pro+reaeats th:seto) wmse bY the �►ssociation
T!t D�CyA1R�► q1, wal4e on tt�e ltsts Aecsinafter s+rt lorth � t}� �ee ose a�d enjay�eent af i�+e a+ners. The Cawon �
blr IS �!!II'tEL� /tQHLR2 SHEM6L8, Aereinaltac ittesced �t�,= �,p pr ovncd by thr Assxialion at Rhe tise of'tbe ron-
t as "D�cUtan!•. �exance of tAe [tret lot ie desecibed as f.allars�
cecoede8 !n Yo2u�e ��/ af Plata, gagea 4 7
pgERE�►B, Dealar� i� the ownec of certein prapearty in throuqh �1 8 , recoi3a o`f Ring County. Mish ngton. _
.tl�� City af ltenton, unty ot Ring, Stata o! Nashington, s�rction 3. •Lot• aball �exn •ed re#er to any piot ot (�'i
� •at�ieb i� �wc• p�rticul rly de�ecibed •s� lana �rho�m upon anp cecorded snDdi�ision oap of the
!iTl711f�' PAltIC. IVIS20N /�. •s tecorded iq lroQeCties.
' Yoltne it1 oi P2 s. Pa9es �L through 4?� . -
' recocds a€�3`cing Co ty. Nashington. se�etion 6. 'Declsr�nt• sball �ean ancl refer to f.dCli3
f easors and aasi es
I 11pN, !'EERF.F�ORL, Dec arant heceby dcclacta that all o gg�g,s *� �ERT StiElPLLB, kbtir succ 9
' �bt prdptitfes �+escsfbe above aha21 be l�eld, sold aad can- , ff sE�ch snccesaots ar asstqns shauld acquice �are than ane
'I rtd snbject to ttrt Lo o�rinq sasedenta, rtstriotions, nn�leveloped tat fxow the Dcciarant for ihe pucpoae of _
, senaets and conditfon , rhich sr� far thc �rpost af pro* 8e�elapwent.
�I te ting tbe ��lut �nd �1 sirability of, and, nhich sh�r1l c n #RTICLE II
i wit , the re�l propert �nd be Dinding on all perties h� ing pROPtRTY RIGHTS �
anr iqht, litle ar leter��t !n the descciDed propertie oc Section 1. O�mera' tasements oE Enios+ieent. Every ownec
� anr pa i therrot, their heics, �ruccessors. anE asalqns and sAall Aa+e • right and easement oE enjayment in and ta the
�, �hall ! rt ta the benefit ot eacA owner hereoE. Carron J►rea vAich ahall be appurtenaat to snd ahall paas
� 11R'YICLL► I vith thr tttle Lo everP Lot+ anDj+ect ta tht follovinq gravi-
i �'+
' DEt2�IT2QNS sions.
� Secti� 1. sxiation• shai2 sesa and fer to
{�f !fie sfght of the Aasociation to efiarge reaso-
�rlt74tiX pJ�Rit ]tiSSOCI1lTI�i, Tt4C a ttashinqton cor- n�b1e ad�risaian and other fees Eor the uae of any
pacalian. !t� successocs an . recrestional facility sltuaced upon the Co�meon Areas
, �tection 2. "d+mer• shall �an and refer to the cecord (b) 'Che riqht af the 7lssxiation to suspend voting
, oMn�c, Mether one or nort persans or entitiea, of a Eee rlg�ta and cight to use of the Coaaon 1►rea by an ovner
I •i�ple title to any lot which i� a pact of the Propertira, toc aey period during which any asess�tnt against dis
includinQ contcact aellere, but escludinq those hevieg such Lpt t�caelas unpalA� �nd fac e peciad not Lo sxceed sixty
' lat�re�t �+r�lY �s �ecurity tor tht pecfar�ance of ad t6p) �daYs tor any infzactioa of its gablished rulta a�nd
obilgatia►. requlatirn►at
-2- „
. TIFFANY PARK DIV. 4 ._. _. .._ . . . . 111/47-48 �
,� �o) Th� si9bt oi th� As�ociation !o aedic�tt oc •ltA�s oi tbe [ollwin9 wents, �Aiche�ec ovcur� �
tt�n�ler all or �ny p�rt et !M Co�won �►r�a to anY tariiec: '
pnplic aq�nc�, anthocitr, or otiilty !or sueh purposes (a) Nhen tAe total �otes outstandlnq in ihe
Cla�s 1► �e�bcrship equal the total votea outstanding !n
and suei�et to sucA ca�ditiom �s �ay be sgreeG to by tAe Ciass e �ewbership, oc .
tl�e ue�c�. No �nCh dedlcation or transEec shall be (b) On June 30, 1980. '
elf�cti�e nnle�• an lnstrisent agr�einq to �uch dedica- J►1rriCLt! 7v '
tion oc trans[er slqn�d py tvo-tAird� (2/3) of e�ch COVENANT iOR GPITAG s M!►INTEN11tICE ASSCSSMENTS
� Clat� ot sewbet� has been c�corded. section 1. Cceation ot the Lien and Personal Obligalion
� o! 1►ssess�ents. The Deelarant, [or eacA Lot wned vithin
iectia� 2. Deleaation of O�e. Any ovner aay deleqate,
lhe. Properties, bereby covenants, �nd each Owner oE any Lot '
� in accorA�nc� with tAe lylava, hia rigl+t o[ enjoy�ent to the
by acceptance ot • deed therefor. whether or not it shall be
Co�on 1►cea and faeilitie� to the �eabers of his fa�ily, his
�o �:pressed !n aach deed. is deewed to covenaet and �qree
l�nants, ac contract parehasers who reside on the property.
• to paT Lo tNe Association (1) annual assesawents or charges,
and (2) special �ssess�ents foc capfta] iaprove�enta, sucA
as�esoents to Ee estsblished end collected as bereinafter
3ection 1. EverY wnec of a lot vhic6 !s subject to _
assessweat shall De • �e�ber oE tAe 1lssociation. Mewbership p��i�a' �e �^nual and apeclal assess�ents, togetl�er M!t!+
lnteresi, costs and reasonable attorney's fees, shall be a
. shall be apputtenant to and �ay not be separated tcoe
ovnership of any Lot vhicA is subject to assesswent. charge on the land and ahall be a continuing lien upon the -
section 2. T!►e Association shall bave tvo (2) classes propertY �gainst vhich each sucA assesseent ia �ade. tach
sucd sssessnent. together vith interest, costa, and reason-
of �oting aewberahips
Clai• A. Class 1► �e�ber� sAali be ali Ovners, with �ble attorney'a fees. ahall also be the I+ersonal obligatioe
oi tAe per�on rho ras the OMner of such property at the tt�e
the e:ception oE the Declarant, and shall be entitled to
nhen the aasesawent fell due. The personal obligatior� for
one (1) vote Eor each Lot arned. lihen �oce than one (1)
person 6olds an interest in any Lot, all such persona a.is���c assesawents shall not pas� lo his auccessors 1n
title nnless acpcessly assuwed t+y thea.
shall pe �e�bers. ?Ae vote for such Lot shall be e:er-
Section 2. Furaose of Asacaawents. The ass�sa�ents
cised u tdey deter�ine, but in no event shall �ore than
le�ied by tAe J►asociation shall bF •ised es�lusi�ely Eo pro-
one tl) �ote be ca�t wlth rtapect to any Lot.
�ote the cecreation, health, safety, and velfare of the
Cla�s H. The Class � �ewber(a) shall be the
t��idents in the Pcoperties �nd tor the i�prove�ent and
D�clu�nt and •hail be entitled to three (3) votes for _
■aintenanee of the Co�won Arca.
e�ch Lot orned. !fie Class s �e�ber�hip shall cease and
Section 1. Masi�v� Annual Asaesssent. Oetil January 1 ,
� aomr�rled to Class A �eeberehip on the happening of •
. oi the year i�ediately tollwi� the conveyance of the .
' _7_ - '
�-----— -- --— ---- - - - _ .
?IFFANY PARK .t7IY. 4.. ,l11l47.-48 . _ - I
/ lic�t Lek bo► ae OraelCe th� �larNa #�ral aws�NMrt �11 � �e!!aR 3 0[' � ��11 M Ir�rt M a?1 �r+r rst L�+M� t!� • !
. � 0� lwl� bll�rs tt12.N! �t Lo�• !1lstr t�►! d�?� wc �o�ee e:lrs dutT Nr! +�9� tw �+�ar e[ , �
� � ta? lraa awd afl�Et JawacT 1 ef tl�r Ya�ai iire- tl�.wtial• �! tlie titst w4i �eatlw4 eallad. tfe �ceMrwor
� . �iatslr folloviay tbe aawepa�e a! tbe tirst LoC ta an of ae�tts ac o! y�osi� s�rtitlae to cast sfstr perae�t .
' drner• #M iasi�u� aanwel ass�sasent way De incr�as�8 tid►l of �t21 tAt sot�s M �acA el�ass ot �enbecship sUsll i,
- ��eU, rac tw! ioc� lban ils� pecc�»t ISty abo.e tNe aon�titote a q�wrw. if tiMr rsquir�r+d qnara� is inot pr�s�nt,
�+nsiw apes�arent !ec tbe pct�ious �t�r MiEhou! a �ate 1�notMt �retlny at� b�t eall�ed �robject to tht saoe notice
IP • �
� � ot tlMe �a�berrhip. tpuir�sent. �n�d the ts�Nic�rA qnacu� at the anbsequent
�; � (e� tsow and �Et�c Janwr� 1 0[ tAe r*ar irre- �eting sb�ll br� aK-U+i[ (1/Z) af tbe required quacaw at
� � Oiat�it tollariny the aon��rganc� of tbe Eirst Lot to an . tAe pc�llinq �eting. 1b socb subseqaent weeting abili se ��
� �; qrMt. tbt �asLu� annual aa�e�ruaeni aay be incseaaed Mld �oc• tlain si:lr �i0) days fallcwitq t6t pseceding .
� abo+e� tt� pesexnt ;St) b!► a wtt of t�o-tAisds t2t3! Q� seetiag.
� �web c2sss af �rs Mbo ace rotfa�g in perso� oc �* fscti+r� i. oaifos= ltatc of !►ssessaent. Ibtt+ am�rul a�!
� pco:r, at a �e�ttieq ca22ad' #ar tAis purposs. sp�cial assesnnents wst be f3xesl :t s anifora ut� for a21
� �at !bt �oacd of lfisiectocs �ay Ei: tMr anoual t�ots aad iay be coliected oa i �onthly bafis.
asw�ss�nt �t !u+ +Wwnt aat ia Eseesa oE tMr �asiww. fection 1• Date af Co�encesent of I►nnual J►ssess*entss
�Ine Dates. '!he aenual rssesssente provided tor fierefn ahall
�rction �. Special 1lasess�ents foc Cipitai T�vrove- e:o�w�nc� +Ms to •il Lots an ths [icst day a[ tbe rwtith .
nl�, �a additian to the annwl ass�ss�ent; �utiwcised Eoliawlnq tM aoei+eyance oE the Cowiwn A«a. llie [ir*t '
abo��, tbt �s�e►cfttian �ay le+X, in any assesssertt �eac annn�l �sess�ent sna�li be aejustea accordinq ta t!K nu�ber 1
ilt+�c !M aale�0as 1►a�ac 1f7lr +� sP�ial as�tssunt appl!- oi �ont6{ re�siatnq !o tAe ealcnd�r xerr. The Ibsrd of
oabls �o tbat �sar calY Lor tb� purpo�e of defraying: i� rilseetocs slull L!z tl+� aa�nt o! tbe annual asslssae»t I
wbol� oe ia put. tM eost of �y eansLsnctfon. reconstruc- �qairrt �scb Ltrt aL 13ssi tbfttY {341 daxs !n aMae� of
Riat, e�pait ac repl�cesent of a capital ir�proveweet upai f�ch +Wuros1 �ssssswent period. Mrittea na�ice af tAe annusl
� �I
�i I
tti� Co�an 14c�a, Inelnding ti�ctnce� and pecsonal p[opecty auesswent shsll be seet ta every O�m�r aabject tMrselo. I
e�Utt+� tb�r*ta, pco.laea thac any such a�seaswent shsll '!6� Aue d+it�s �hall t,e est�blished hy tlie �rd ot Dicectocs. I
ha�t tb� atMent o! twr,rtbitds �2/3) oE the rates o[ eacb "!b� J►ssociatton ahail, dpon dei�+nd. +�'1 ioc + reasan�blc �
ola�rs o[ �ca Mbo are �otiaq !e person ar by prosy at a cAuy�, lnrniih � certiElcate signed by an o#Eloer ot the �
r�tinq �nlY a11�d toc thi11 pncpoa�. • 1Woeiatia► �ettieg tocta rhrtAec thc a�afss�ent• an r spee- �
�etl+oa �. lbtic� ae�d 4luoc�s Eac 11n,�Actton lWtbati:ed itiod Lot ba*e bea�n paid. �► pcotrerlr ex�+cuced cectiELcate �
'j(n�►r seciioar 3 and 4. Mcitt�a aocicE of aap are�tteg o! t!k isaocialioa as ta tbo status o[ a�sess�ents on a lot �
. I
+e�21�Q toc #M petposs o! takiwq a� acticn antlwrixad aadit , , • I
�;� -i-
j _�
T 1 FFANY PARK..D I V�� �4�..— _ _ _ ..-.---.. .__---- ---._�..:____--.11.1/47-48 �-.____ ___ . .
M plMinq opon the 1►s�ociatlon a� of the d�t� of its ri�ate �ra e or car '
p y q poct for not �ore than tAre� (3) stan-
issnanes. A�sa sis• pasienqer �nlowobiles. •
/eetion t. s���ei�.cio� oe cn� cs�� to Mortaaae�. the �ectia+ 2. lusiness �nd Caewercial ttse oE tropertr
' 1i�n ot tAe a�st�s�ent� prorided for hetein �h�ll be �ubor- trohlbited. tto trade, c�att, bu�iness, profession, oow��r- ,
dinst� !o tbe 1len of �nr tirst wortqage. s�le or transfer cial oc acti�ity ot any kind shall be conducted or carried
o! anY Lot sball not •ttect the asses�sent lien. Aarever, upon any reslAential lot, or Mithin any building located on
tl�e ul� or transter of �n� Lot pureuant to �orlgaqe a c�sldential lot, noc shali an oods, equi
y g p�ent, vehiclea
Loreclosnre or anr proceeding !n lieu ihereot, sAall (inclndin9 busea, trucks, and trailers o[ any descciption)
� t:tingulaA th� lien oi sucA assesssent� as to pay�ents vhich or uterials or supplies used in connectlon wltA any tr�de, '
� peea�t Au� ptior to such tale or tcansfer. No sale or �erviee, or busineas, wAerever the saae way be conducted, or ��1
� tramfer �ball relie�e auch Lot Eroe liabilit for an
Y Y anp �ehicles in esceas oE 6.000 pounds qroaa veight.
� at��+s�enta lhereaftec beea�inq due oc tro� the lien � (inclndinq ba�es, truck�, and tcailers of any deseription)
lAereof. reqardlea� of the purposes Eor vhich sucA are used, be kept,
section !. EfEect of tlonpaYeent of 1laseasn�entss parked, stored, dismantled or tepaireE outside o! any re�i-
Re�edies o! the Aasociatfon. Any assess�ent not paid vithin
dential lot or on •ny atreet vithin the pcoperty nor shall
tAirty (30) Eay� after the due date shall bear interest froe �nYthing be done on any residential lot which uy Nc or �ay "
!he dne dale at the rate of 6 percent per annw. The beca�e any •nnoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
Asaxiation �ap bring an �etion at laK againat the Ovner No ovner of an residential lot ehell .
Y per�it any vehicle
personally obliqated to pay the aa�e, or foreclose the lien amed by hi� oc by any Aember of his Eaeily o� by an
aqainst !he ptoperty. No orner �ay vaive or ot�erriae acquaintance, and vhicA is in an extreoe state oE diarepaic,
escape 11aDilitr for the assess�entR provided for �ereln by to be abandoned or to re�ain parked upoh any atreet or lot
aon-nse of the Co�on 7►sea oc abandon�ent ot Ais Lot. rithin the esisting property for a period in exeess of
JIRTICLE V Lorty-eiqAt (48) h�urs. � �
GLNERAL PRO?DCTIVL COVENJINTS Section 3. Restdential Uae of Temaorary Structures
8ection 1. Residentlal Character oE Procerty. Thc ter� Probibited. No tcailer, basewent, tent ahack, garage, barn
•reiidential lot• as used Aer�in, weans all of the lots nov or other outbuildinqa oc any structure of r te�porary
or Aereaiter platted on the e:isting property. 110 struc- character erected or placcd on the property s�all at any
tntes oc pnildings of any kind shall be erected, altered, [!�e be uscd aa a residenee teAporarily or perwanently.
placed ot pec�itted to re�ain on any residential lot other Dection �. Architectural Control. Ne bu1]ding, fence
isan on� aingle-laily dvelling for a single-fasilY ��- or vall shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until
paeec! oalp, uot !o exceed tvo storie� !n helgAt, ri�h a tAe con�truction plans and specifieations and a plan shoving
! the location of the atructure have been approved by tbe ,
�7' -!- I .
.{ � �r=u 4x-4s.r.._..._�._.____. -
T I FFANY PARK p I V._,,,.�1 _. w t�rrlraie wne ter rsl�te�t oa►�e�nts sb.ii a. aee.�.a co� '-� -
accblt�ct�tca2 eoe�troi coN.itte�► �s to quallt� ot ttosk�ansAi� �
aafd aaluisUt. Uarwoetx ot �xt*rru2 Awtslqn anQ rolor rith Mw b+�� lullY cwplied ritA.
+ctlon ',�. D+reilina sise and Lacetlon. !hf 4coond
•:i•ci� rLs�t+nrfs► � af !o location Kitlr r+rspact to �
lape�qcspt� aua #tntsh pra!!a ll�rraefon. Appro�a! rhali D� s: licor lLti bL L11! aain structurs, e:ciusi*� ot ane-atorr
opea p�cbes ana qar�ges, sha12 !re not less tAsn #QO squ,ar�
�ection�[a). 1►rchitectur�l ConLcol CoMwittee. �e tKt f� a ont-stary dvel2le�g. �+ar Iess than T00 squar� feet
iscbltectural oontroi coNwitter !r ca�pose!! o[ thcee tor a 4ve2iing aE �rare than one •tory.
Ib buiidinq�, e:alusi�e of porches, roats, a+rerhs:►gs and
bo��eove�err: '
� �ttps, ahall be located on Mny lot nearer to the Erant lat
� illc. Clu�rlea L. lleader�on
1150i N.E. 33td line ot meartr to the eide street line than tbe ■iniwuw �
r1 ytedrRoiKt, tiA 99Q51 � _
� frtr. scadley Suth�slanQ buildinq aetb�ck line shavn on the cecarded plat, ar as
2ltl [ent-Des lwines ltoad N=8 cequired by the City of Renton ordinanca. In anv event, no
Rent, tt7► 98d32
Krs. da23e Cac2 bnl2dieg, escivai*� o! pocches, sewfs, avethsnga and steps.
1131t - 206th 1►ve. 11.E. shsll be loCsttt! on aay lat aeartr tban 2Q feet to tht ftoat
ltee]roed, 1t1► 48052
� �jqtlt] 4E th! careittee �ay designate a represen- p=�+pf=�Y lint, nrarrr than 14 fcet to tny sfde sireet line,
tatl�e to act Eoc it. In the event af death ar resignation or Mitlt than 5 feet ta any interior lot lfne. No 8w�ellin9
pt inp �e�rpec oi the eaa�ittee, thc ce�alning we�rbers sha]i ahal2 �e located an any Iat nasrer t6an 15 feet to the rear ,
I��e inll autdocilp ta designate a succtsaar. t�either the . lot line.
�eabecs oE tlre to�ittee nor iti cleaignated representative iot the purpoaes af this covenant, eaves. ateps and open
•hall bc entitl+c� to �ny co�ppensation for atrvice• performeA
poccAes sball nat be conaidered aa part of the bnilding pro-
- parsnant to tAis coven:nt. J1t sny tiae, t!►e tAen record •lded, ho+rever, that tAis shall not be construed to perelt
orsers of a aajotity of the lats slsa2l bave the pwrr an7 Poctioe► of a building an a lot ta enctoach uport another
tlrraugb a daly stcorded written fnatc�ent ta abanqe the lat. �)
we�bership of tbe cowniitkee or to rittrdraw frae the can- Stctian 6. Lot J►rea and Midth. �eo dwelling shall be
•itt�e or cestoce to it any oE its pa+ers and duties. +�cecte+i ac placsd an any lot havinq a .ridth af leaa tban SO
Sectian �4(bI. Procedure. The cc+�raittee'a approval or teet at tbe butlding setback line, noc sha2i sny dveiling be
disappro�al u cequired !n the�e covenrnts ahell be in erected oc placed on any lot hsving �n srea of leaa than
trtiting. in thr event the cow�lttee or ite designated '/.200 squsre feet.
sepz�s+�atati�e lails to approre or disapgrave xithin 30 days
Sectian �. Eaaewents. TAere are hereby specitically
aLt�r pluu �►d specifications bsv� been subaltted to it, or s�ser�erd tor tbe benefit of the Developer, any applicable
ia a� sY+��et, !f no snit ta enjain Lhe constr�ctfon hae beer. ntllitY aoapany. the loi wners in comaon, and each lot .
•o..:nc.a psiac ta tfie co�pletion thereaf, appcoval vi21 twt �mt +k*t=;lly, as theix cespeGtive intesests shall obtale.
_Ia_ _
. -s-
___^ ��
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�- ----- -- - -- -- .
' ' I
tI�'FANY PARK..DIV..-4 __ •t�1'47-4�----�-��_. ' �
tM �ase�nt�, reclproc�l p�qati�� �ra�a�nts, atcan8�st • w�dte. opan and thtouqA �uch ser�i�eot e�t, art �
�a�ents, and ti�At-elwtr. 1u �rrt �citicall�r i�eatil�d t�raronibie plact�, ioc tM peclorr�aec�r at r�ai rae! �
Ses�iaaft�c. lhtclNg d�Ylight bonca a� � bt necessac� ac �rlsable �
{�j �!tl2ftY Ets�unis. On e�A lot aw �srsee4! is ' in tsonnectlon �elth tAe atintenst�c�r, r*paic, oc :�tara- � I
r�ra+x*ed and�s. o�er and npas li+� {Si l+oot fitips o[ • � tia� ot tb+e bul2dlnq and porkians tbereaf. s�l�,as
iand adjactitet ta front� t�tai and side bonndary lfnes tor po�ahes, toaEs, o*sshangs a� tteps c4nntructed on Li,e i
�tilitr instsll+tfon and wainienanct, #nclndinq bat not . 8oainant lot and an easewenC tor fnqress and egress to I
13aited to, pwer, telephame. �ater, �e+rer, drainxge, ��!'�s ��h �k� . �
qMs, etc., togetber with the riqht to enter npan the � , �
�ection !. ttuisances. No noxioua ot offer+sirtt actirity
� lots at all tiwer tac �ald pucpewes. Addittonxl ntilitp shsll se csrcied on upae► ae+y 2oi, nor slu�Il anyihing br dane . I�
�"'f eareirent� �r• cerer�ed as �lKwn on the recocded pl�t ao�1 I
�� thcrean rhicb way be � �ay Mc�e ao annol�ance or nufsat+ce
otl�rs �rt required .►iii alao be teqsrded as �ecessary to fhe neighborhood. I
•areaents r+equisard by go�ernwKntal subdiyfstona. I
. seretlon !. Gerbage and Refuae diaposal. tb lot or I
M#!3►ia Lbsst saseaeats, no structnre, planting or lcact shail be used �s • du�p far trasM or rubbtsh of any I
otUer aattrial �bati b� p2aced ar per�itted !o re�nin •
kind. 1111 garbagt and othtr waste sAall be kept ln �
rhfcA �aq d�e�qt or fntecftre vtth the instaliatian and
appropriate sanii+�ry cantainers for prapec dieposal. Tacd �
■afnttnance o! nt3lftie+r, or nhich wap ch�nge �fie dicec- cakings, sucA as tocks, l�wn and ahrubbery Clippi►�gs. and � �
tlon of llav aE dcainage rhannels !n tAe ease�nts, or dlct snd otber aaLerial cesulting fcow 1anAsesging +rock �
vt�ie6 �ay abatcuat ac retard the fla.r oE Mattr thraugh sba12 not �e denped lnto pud2ic +atr+rets arr clitahes. ?hr I1
arainl�qe clfan�els oC plpes !n !he e�se�enks. The easr re�oval and disposal of s22 sacls aatetis2s sha21 De the sale I
�ent uRa ot each lot aM all i�prove�en�s in it ahall be I
responsibi2ity af ths indivf�us7 2at avnec. 1�21 incin�ra- I
aainEained oontinuouslY bp the amer of the lot, escept !
tors or other equipaent far the ntorage ot dia�sa) of t !
fas those lsgrove�ents Lar rlsicA a pnD21c autbocity or trash, qsrbage or otAez �ro�k aha11 be kept in a clean and �
otilitr ca�gany !s cesponsible. sanitary condition. (
{p} Easa�nt [ar keoair and i�lafnienar�ct o# t/a2ls
8rction 10. lences. Ib fence, rall or hedge shrll t►c
u� larchts� Raof�, Overha�os and Steps C4nti9voua to
ecreted, placed oc altered an any lot rdearec to any skreet
Eille bounda� Lines. '1'trere i• specifiaaliy teserved, tAsn tbe bvildieg sttback line. eaaegt thst �+otrifng sha2)
vpan �ny adjoininq lot vhiah Eacas the exterior wall of g=�vent the erectian of a e�eceasacy retain4ng vall. the top
� building rcross the coaon boundacy between adjoining
of rhich does not t:ttad sore thaa ttiro feet aborr the
' lat� as t6e �er�ient teee�rnt, Eac tAe �enefit aE tbe
lieished qrade at the back of said wall. ,
aAfoiniaq lot on vhich �nch buildinq !s lacated, and the �
8action 11. Aniea2s. No ani�al, liveste�ct oc pawitry
o�rnec tM�rwf �a do�inant teetaent, an earaaent +otes. -! �r �ind sh�ll t+e calaed, bred, or kept on ��� lot,
� , .
• wu_ -22-
- - I
I ' w .
I I�
� TIFFANY PARK DxV. 4.. ._ . . . . .,..,.,_ �. . _.. . _..�.. -•111�/4�-48..._ �_._.,�_. • �
I �se�pL tt►at cats, �ogs. biras or btUer AowelwiA peLs � M 1etr�tait�, c2eacfnq. 4radinq ot �ehicular aacs�� or�otb�c I
• ttp! if tMx asf sot. R+pts btod, o� saintaia� fo� aw� oof- tNrNt�rcfal Mha12 be piaced or per�itted to rewaln ot ath�r
I �ereial pncpo�e. +rnd tb+�t theY sha11 not be kep! in m�sbers ��i�itie• undectaken vAich way dawege or !nlerfer� vith �
I oc on8�r oon8itians ceason�bl� objectio+�ble fn a ce�lden- titibll�h�Rd •lope ratios, eceate erosion or dlaing ' �
I tiMl ctowunitr. • probleq, oc vhiah �ay edange the diteetion o! [lov o! I
� fectioa 1Z. Att�ide Antennas. 110 outslde telrvislon ot llrainaqt cAannels oc ab�truc! ar retard the �flo+e oi xatsr �
� ralllo antenna at �np kind sha11 be placed on �ny lot ar apon tbrtwgb drainage obannels, escept access shail be p�raitted I
� �Y sttyctase xitbait xcitten consent of the Acahitectncal !or tMe pnrpoas a! insUllation and �aintenance af I
� Cqttrol Co�aitt�t. ilcra�ning, nti2lties an� drain�qe facilitias. S�e n:tnral
I � i��etiart 23. s3qns. Ib s19ns shai2 bt arecied ar �ain- gro�rtb pratection are• o! eacfi lot and ali inproaewents in �? II
` 4 tainsd on anp sssidentia3 lot in the tcacl, t:oept that ta it shall bt t�aintatned cantinnausly by the ovner of the lot
� �ase than ane apptoved tOR SALE or TOR REMT sign placed kry excep! for those laiproveeenta Eor rhicA a public authocfty
�y tU�e arner ac builtler ot bp a lieen�t3 ceal estate braker, or utility ea�pany is cesponsible. � �
eot fsceedinq eight�en (lt) inehes bigh and tventy-faur C2{1 IIRZ'ICLE VI �
lncAss ionq, way be llisplayed on anx lat. � CEMERIIL PRWIffiIONS
Sectlon 1�. Date for Cwaletion oE Crtmatruatian. Any Sectioo 1. Enloroewent. Any ovnec shtll have tAe right �
Awtlilnq oc �tructure erected or piaced aa aey reaidential to taforce. !ry any prxerding at lar os in eqoity, a12 I
lok sAall be �pleted �a to e:ttrnsl �ppeasance. 1ncYuding =f�t�#�t}�a, coveaaats, conditions, reservattons, liens snd ' II
linislx!! psinting, vlthln eiqht t�? �tbs fra� dste of eos- ckarqes nar ot htzeinafterc itepostd by tt�e pravisions af thia i
aenceunt af constraction. RnY ei+re221ng sbs21 be CO�tMCtlt1 peclaratian. �atinre by any amer to enforce sny covenank
ta tt+t pub2ie s:+ntt spstew, or cestcfation lferein eontained shall in na event Dt dee�ed I
Section 15. Mortaa9es �ratected. �iothing herein con- • Mal�et ot the right to do so theteafter. �
tained Eha11 i�pair ot defeat the lien ot' anY �csrtqaqe ot �ection 2. Severabilitv. In�alidation of any ane of � I
deeA af trust noM oc bareafter rececdrd oove�rin an lot or � `
9 Y these covenanta or restrictions by judgwent oc caurt ordec �
lots, but titl� to xny prapecty abtained a�s a tesult of. s6a11 !n ew wise alEect iny other pcaviaiona which shall �
ta[eclosure shall tt�ereefter be held sabjrc! to all af tbe ���in in full force and effect.
provisiana lierein. 8ectian 3. lUnend�ent. 'the covenaats and restrictions
11ectlon 16. Grrenbelt Eaaeaent. A Greenbelt Ease�ent oE this Dtc2acation ahsli run +rith and bfnd the iand, tor a
andJaL 82ope Prottctfon Esseaent fs ceser�ed as ebom on the tsrw of trentp (2d} years fras tl+a date thfs Declaration is
�aepc�s;te Des�iopaent 81an and 1�2at �ssp. ?iffany Park tecocded, •fter vhich tiwt they shall be autanatically
Dirision i, aver Lots I2 tbrouqh ls, Lats 23 and 2i and e�tended for succeaafve perioda ot ten (10) pears. Thia •
• Laq 9d tbrouqh 32. Mithin tbest natural qeoall� aceas. no *r-_arakidn way be amended during tht tirst tventy (20) year •
. • � `
-13- -1�- .
� *
� �
TIFFANY PARK DIV. 4_ __..�._�,II14T-48 _ __-
• pe:loa M sn in.crowe�e siqnea e�r not 1..s tnan eti►ecx �rsc- ! L�Is saislTEt.s aaa �ooER'r sltceraca. ta we k�wwet ta ib� !e:� -
c�rat tl9ti 8� tM iot awmrrs� and Rl�r�aft�r bp an inttr�- ` lwdi�iawis dascribe� in and irt�o +rxecnted CAe loceoainq
w�nt siyneA b�r not le�� tban s���ntr-li�e perc�nt t7s�) oi instia�ent, arer� ack�'°"2e�ged to we tha! ti�ex si9++�d �nd �
t!� 1ot aw�rr. llnY 11neMlwenl� �Aa11 take etEtct Mhen they +���� �� said fnstru�went �s theis tce+e and �alnnt+�tr �ct
bw�� b�.�n e.cacaea Nich eh. �►nalcoc ot Rinq County. ana Oee�l !oc kht nse� and purpase� therein wentfahed.
��ekion �« Anntxatlod. Jldditional t��idential property K��S �X b�^� �� �LElcial �eal haceto a[tlxed the d�y
and Corran /►c�ra war b� anneaed to !b� Properties rith tbe and x��r in th!• rrrtific�te above vtitken.
oernslnt o! tvo-thirds (2/�? oi eacA class ot weabess: pro- "
t3aed tbat, tHe l.a.x. amlM tl�e V.J►. Qeter�ine that the po�'t�"y p�c In a�in "�'or i�'f e � '
annexatlan fs in accord �rith tf�e qenersl p2an !or staqed statt of x�e ship4to�s. residing
� � at :�f1e�'�..K�✓
�rre2op�eet rithtn Tftfa� ?�rk approvtd Dp ther►.
� ltection i. tAl►N1► I�rr�Pcoval. As lonq aa there is a
� Clasa D �e�bership, the Eallowing aetions rill cequire the
prioc epprcrral o! tAe lederal eausing Ad�lnistration or the
v�terans lld�inistration: Iu+nezation ot additional praper-
tles, drdicatlon of Ca�won 11tea, �n� asendeent of this
Oieclaratlon o! Corertants, Conditions and Restcictions, wa�sw�aT�oNr . •
� ' 4 Mt r�IMlri M�N� 1�MIN 1�M�/rll ti MWr/w MrN�r w�N�r rwwwM
MrMM r t.+ti�ww� YI+eM1��w++►N M w�r.tMr N M1s!4t MMi w Yw
Mr Ms a.�M+�Fi+�M�b r�iscritt M A/Y IwseM.
Tl1 MIRIESB NBtRPAT, tbe nnder�igned, beinq the ■���MtNt •wev���aN�
�Nu�1 N M�MP MMwN M �M MM�w+I M Mrl��w M/�Ur\1MR OIPN/W
Dseiasants h!tl�A� hava M!Clq4t0 sek theic hand this„�7_ n��n�.rnrin wu mv«wa w+a.,.w cm w rm�dnwr�vrm�w w.�.w+-
�st4a��s�MSMy W NNp. rNt aMt�r��4 iYbrNr rwk h�t. �w�1M!MN iMt
day af �,..=.� . 1979. «»u�.�.»..«.��.•..r�r.n a..�..ti�s�sr w..u.�«....a..R.......�..-
M.w•�,u�, .r..r«w..wa.. w�«.w�«w.�.« .h.w...+w��«m.w
_.�J w.u..«w�w.+ *..�r rw» .r«..�s��s «wrasH.r«r. a+.�n.ta
/ �II tl�i��Nr��w Ar'rww rw���HM.�1w,rsM 4[�W b �MJ�s���wur�
!.f fwt M NM#. Mr�tMt MM aw,NjKa.e u i/1 NNr4.M!iw M�wwra w�
//���� �tllltfw�wf MNi�. t�rM rwr•���.��rM w� M�W pr�w�w M+f1Yw�rM �
� �/ ' •MM�M ww�l►1�N�Ir MI�IM1 Wltlw�.
1 �r Iiwrs�r��+w M Nr arw�n�sN�N NsaM wn���.4r aMM+wt.Y77.f{w
�O�IS SBEFFEL� r r.r�u��r.��.r h.«�..w�w.... w���.w��w.r«w..�...a a r.Nw�w .w
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I Det this ,�,,,"� day of �r�e_�_,,,_,. 14Y4, befare we, . �
� tbe nndetaiqned, a t/otary lrublic in and Eor the 8tate of '
•eshlnqton. dnlp aoirris�loned ind sworn persanally appeared ; . Y
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' TIFFANY PA1aK DIV. 4 "'—
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