HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/2012 - Minutes Renton Airport Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC) Meeting Minutes, September 11, 2012 5:30 PM Meeting called to order by Ulf Goranson, Committee Chair. Ulf called for a moment of silence in memory of 9/11. 5:35 PM Approval of July 24, 2012 meeting minutes • Ben Johnson moved to approve and Robert Dempster seconded. Minutes unanimously approved. 5:37 PM Introductions • Ulf introduced Doug Jacobson, Deputy PW Administrator – Transportation 5:40 PM Airport Business Management presented by Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager • Presentation, see Attachment A, Page 1 – 2 • Discussion of Boeing increase in production from 35 currently to 42 planes per month. Lee Chicoine, North Renton asked whether something could be done to reduce engine noise created by engine runs on Apron B and other parts of the airport. Ryan responded that Boeing will continue to abide by their voluntary engine run curfew hours (summer 8 AM -11:30 AM and 1:30 PM -5:00 PM, winter 8 AM – 5 PM, Saturdays 9 AM-4 PM and Sundays noon-3 PM). Ryan also said that while there will be jet blast fences installed along each aircraft position on Apron B, there will be some additional noise in the community, but, the noise is one of the trade-offs for having thousands of family wage jobs in the community. (note: A KING 5 news story reported that Boeing has reduced jet noise by 90% over the years since the jet age started in Renton due to technological advances in the industry.) 6:00 PM Airport Operations and Maintenance presented by Jonathan Wilson, Assistant Airport Manager • Presentation, see Attachment A, Page 3 - 4 6:20 PM Airport Capital Projects presented by Ben Dahle, Airport CIP Coordinator • Presentation, see Attachment A, Page 5 6:40 PM Old Business Renton Airport Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 • Airport Sustainability Plan – Update/Next Steps, presented by Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager. o Working on final draft, then to membership for comments and approval of final draft. Upon approval by membership, will go to Council and Transportation/Aviation Committee for final approval. o Doug suggested including an Appendix to the Study document that references RAAC’s approval. 6:50 PM New Business • Nominations for the Vice Chair position vacated by Mike Rice. • Performance Based Navigation. Presented by Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager. o First Step - send issue to Transportation/Aviation Committee requesting referral to RAAC for comments. o Increase in noise over Talbot Hill from KC Sheriff helicopters. ACTION ITEM: Airport staff will communicate noise issue to KC Sheriff pilots. 6:55 PM Next Meeting Dates • December 11, 2012 • February 12, 2013 • May 14, 2013 • August 13, 2013 7:25 PM Meeting adjourned RAAC Meeting Calendar : December 11, 2012; February 12, 2013, May 14, 2013; August 13, 2013 Renton Airport Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 Renton Airport Advisory Committee RAAC Members Present (09.11.2012)_ RAAC Members Absent (09.11.2012) 1. Kennydale (1 Voting Member) Mark Hancock Marleen Mandt 2. Highlands (1 Voting Member) KC Jones Richard Siers 3. Talbot Hill (1 Voting Member) Matthew Devine Jennifer Ann Rutkowski 4. South Renton (1 Voting Member) Robert Moran Vacant 5. West Hill (1 Voting Member) Vacant Vacant 6. Renton Hill/Monterey (1 Voting Member) Vacant David Basco 7. North Renton (1 Voting Member) Ben Johnson Lee Chicoine 8. Airport Leaseholders (2 Voting Members) Chuck Kegley Mike O’Leary Robert Ingersoll Vacant 9. Airport – At – Large (2 Voting Members) Ulf Goranson Diane Paholke Vacant Todd Banks 10. Boeing (1 Voting Member) Scott Pelletier Renton Airport Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 Steve Carlson 11. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (1 Voting Member) Robert Dempster Karen Stemwell 12. WPA-Green River Chapter (1 Voting Member) Al Banholzer 13. Mercer Island Council Member Mike Cero NON-Voting Members and City Staff State Representative (1 Nonvoting Member) Vacant FAA Representative (1 Nonvoting Member) Deepa Parashar Janelle Barrilleaux City Staff and Councilmembers Doug Jacobson Ryan Zulauf Jonathan Wilson Ben Dahle Susan Campbell-Hehr Marcie Palmer Guests and Consultants None present