HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/2013 - Minutes Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC) Meeting Minutes, May 14, 2013 5:35 PM Meeting called to order by Ulf Goranson 5:37 PM Introductions • Ulf introduces Steve Beardslee to the membership as an alternate in the Airport Leaseholder 5:38 PM Minutes of the February 12, unanimously approved, after striking the comment by Mark Hancock on jets using the East channel; and adding Marleen’s question, “How will the noise levels be affected by the use of the RNP?”. 5:40 PM Neighborhood Communications Ulf commented on noise from helicopters. 5:50 PM Airport Business Management Presented by Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager (see Attachment A, Page X ) • Control Tower Closure Update • Sustainability • North Boeing Bridge Construction Impacts to Runway • Aerospace Training Center - Status 6:10 PM Airport Operations/Maintenance Highlights Presented by Jonathan Wilson, Assistant Mgr (see Attachment B, Page Y ) • Renton Non-Directional Beacon, NDB, Status • Taxiway Bravo – Grant Status South End • Apron B Completion and Preflight Use 6:25 PM Airport Capital Project Status Report Presented by Ben Dahle, Airport Engineer (see Attachment C, Page Z ) • Taxiway Bravo - Construction • Seaplane Base Dredging • 760 Parcel (formerly AcuWings) Parking Lot/ Storm Drain Replacement • Cedar River Hangar – Paving/Electrical Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 6:40 PM Old Business • Performance Based Navigation and the Puget Sound Regional Council – Busy Airport Study o Marcie Palmer of Renton City Council , has officially referred this issue to the RAAC committee through the Council on March 11, 2013. o Establish RAAC Working Group to provide recommendation to Council on whether or not to begin communications with FAA on implementing NextGen. Ulf, Chuck ( Recommended to be Chair), Marleen, Steve Beardslee and Diane volunteered Diane questioned how to provide a recommendation when the Tower may be closed and Boeing is increasing operations. • Membership to provide recommendation on Busy Airport Study – referred to City Council by Marcie on March 11, 2013 o Established Working Group to draft recommendations due to RAAC by mail out before RAAC August 13, 2013 meeting. Deadline of August 2013 to make referral back to Renton City Council. 6:50 PM New Business Doug Davies, Marketing Manager at Boeing, offering a tour of Boeing Customer Experience Center in Tukwila to benefit Habitat for Humanity, on May 31, 2013, at 5:00pm. 6:57 PM Next Meeting Date August 13, 2013 7:00 PM Meeting adjourned Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 Renton Airport Advisory Committee RAAC Members Present (5.14.2013)_ RAAC Members Absent (5.14.2013) 1. Kennydale (1 Voting Member) Marleen Mandt Mark Hancock 2. Highlands (1 Voting Member) KC (Harold) Jones Richard Siers 3. Talbot Hill (1 Voting Member) Matthew Devine Jennifer Ann Rutkowski 4. South Renton (1 Voting Member) Robert Moran VACANT 5. West Hill (1 Voting Member) Ken Williams VACANT 6. Renton Hill/Monterey (1 Voting Member) David Basco VACANT 7. North Renton (1 Voting Member) Lee Chicoine Ben Johnson 8. Airport Leaseholders (2 Voting Members) Chuck Kegley Mike O’Leary Steve Beardslee VACANT 9. Airport – At – Large (2 Voting Members) Diane Paholke Todd Banks Ulf Goranson VACANT Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road-Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 10. Boeing (1 Voting Member) Valdis Martinsons Scott Pelletier Jesse Uman 11. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (1 Voting Member) Robert Dempster Karen Stemwell 12. WPA-Green River Chapter (1 Voting Member) Al Banholzer 13. Mercer Island Mike Cero NON-Voting Members and City Staff State Representative (1 Nonvoting Member) Vacant FAA Representative (1 Nonvoting Member) City Staff and Councilmembers Doug Jacobson Jonathan Wilson Ryan Zulauf Ben Dahle Guests and Consultants RAAC Meeting  Tuesday, May 14, 2013     1    Airport Update for RAAC  Airport Business Management  1. Control Tower Closure ‐ Ongoing  As of Friday, May 10th, the FAA has decided to fund the Contract Tower at Renton (along with 149  other contract towers slated for closures under the first round of sequester cuts) until September  30, 2013.  The Airport is anticipating that Oct 1, 2013 will be the next likely date for closure of the  Renton Tower unless Congress mandates the FAA to fund the federal contract tower program.   Annual costs of funding the contract tower staff (5 employees) and the equipment is about  $450,000‐$550,000 per year.    2. Comcast Lease – on‐hold  Comcast needs a lease on the Airport in order for the cable company to install cable on the Airport  (which was not included when the rest of the City was wired for cable).  This project is on hold due  to workload issues.    3. Boeing Apron B Lease Amendment  – In Progress  A lease amendment to add 37’ on to the north end of Apron B and includes a utility easement for  power, compressed air and communications.  The documents are undergoing legal review prior to  sending it to Council for approval.  Apron B will accommodate 5 aircraft stalls on Apron B (below the  Chamber of Commerce Building) and the space will be used for all Boeing PreFlight Activities  including jet engine runs.    4. Airport Sustainability Management Plan – Completed and Ongoing  The Airport developed an Airport Sustainability Management Plan through an FAA funded pilot  program to provide a framework under which the airport will be managed in the future.  The goal is  to institutionalize good stewardship and management practices of the City’s airport.      5. North Boeing Bridge Construction Impacts to Runway Length ‐  Starting  Over the next three (3) years, the runway length will be shortened to accommodate high cranes  used for the construction of the Boeing North Bridge.    6. PSRC Busy Airports Study – Completed   Renton provided final edits to the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) study which is evaluating  each airport in the Puget Sound for implementation of Performance Based Navigation (PBN)  systems.  The goal is to better understand what deficiencies at the Airport would restrict the use of  PBN solutions to reducing noise, improving safety and improving the approach and departures  procedures for airport tenants.  More will be discussed on this item under the agenda item of “Old  Business”     RAAC Meeting  Tuesday, May 14, 2013     2      Airport Operations and Maintenance  1. Taxiway Bravo System Rehabilitation ‐ In Progress  What: An $8 million pavement and utility replacement and repair project on Taxiway Bravo.    Why: The pavement on this parallel taxiway has reached the end of its useful life and needs to  be strengthened and replaced. Additionally, utility lines in the area will be replaced as  necessary and all connecting taxiways will be renamed A1, A2, B1, B2 and so on from  their current alpha only designations. The airport will also be installing an emergency  generator and LED lighting along Taxiway Bravo.     How: The FAA is providing grant funding to help complete the project. Grant will be 90  percent of design and construction cost with the remaining 10 percent covered by  airport generated revenue.    New: North Portion construction began on May 13, 2013   South Portion contract in progress – ICON Materials – waiting for funding   Funding may be delayed because of the sequestration transfer from AIP    2. Operations Update – Ongoing  a. Dump truck with plow blade – recently arrived from City Shops  b. Taxiway closure, North bridge project, Acuwings parking lot project = moving airplanes  around the ramp, NOTAMS, and complicated taxi instructions.    3. Maintenance Update – Ongoing  a. Part time maintenance fully staffed. May add one position for the summer starting in late  June.       RAAC Meeting  Tuesday, May 14, 2013     3    Airport Capital Program  1. Renton Aerospace Training Center – In Progress  What: The Airport will be managing the construction of a new facility called the Renton  Aerospace Training Center located at the Old Chamber of commerce building.   Why:  The project is to build a facility and provide equipment to help train critically needed  aerospace workers in Washington. At this time, there are significant workforce training  gaps for Boeing and aerospace suppliers throughout the state. This facility will be a  resource to help meet the immediate need for trained workers in the aerospace  industry and be a long‐term aviation‐related asset for the community.  How:  The State legislature is providing a $2.5 M grant to build this facility in concert with  Renton Technical Center. SRG Partnership Inc. will design the project. The project is on  hold pending a $10M request for additional funds.  2. Seaplane Maintenance Dredging – In Progress  What: The Airport will be maintenance dredging the Seaplane Base.  Why: The purpose of the project is to restore the lake bottom around the seaplane base to  pre‐flooding events in 2007 and 2009 so seaplane traffic can operate unhindered by  buildup of sediment.  How: The airport and FEMA will fund the project. Preliminary engineering has been completed  and final design is pending permit approval. Permitting is ongoing. Permits from the  Corps of Engineers are pending. We expect to dredge this winter.  3. Acuwings Paving – In Progress  What: The Airport will be paving Acuwings parking lot and repairing a broken storm water line.     Why: The parking lot pavement is failing and differential settling has caused drainage  problems. The stormdrain pipe is crushed and needs to be fixed.     How: The airport will fund the project. The project was advertised and awarded. Construction  will begin shortly.    4. Cedar River Hangar Ramp and Electrical – In Progress  What: The Airport will be paving the Cedar River Hangars ramp and updating the electrical  system over the next four years.    Why: The ramp pavement is failing and differential settling has caused drainage problems.  The electrical system in the Cedar River Hangars is insufficient.    How: The airport will fund the projects. URS prepared construction plans. The project will be  advertised for construction in June. The design for electrical project is complete. The  first electrical project will be finished by the end of this year.