HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 9509190362 iit� ��i�. g5 10: a5 F.�T °n6?S1,4i3� B.-1Rc;H�L�SEN E�c; [�jii�i�
, �Vti�,v RECORPEL� RF-TUitI` TG: I Projecz rilc d �� ���6 / �
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[Zcnwu Mtuvcipul 8u�ld�r,g �.ASE�fE`?�r I P�T�C�T����o��°�F•S-2s�3n5/-9bb5/ �
?l7�VSill A�•enue 50u�tt � �•• "'�, `'`
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� !Lcai�in, WA'?�0_� g�r-gQ �5—2 3'- O���-- v`
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THIS iI`STRUi��1�,N`�'. made :his 3otna3y oi 9� - ---- --- -- ,
Renton #1 L.L.C. 3'-'-a --_ •
l�v and becu��een _� — .
I���'.:Sc prm,�r ryoa��r.v+mn.)Nimce(v{ � . .
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h�rcinarter called "Gran�or(sl," :��� s.he CITI` �F RENTC�N, a �Iuni�ival Corporation of King Counry, '
Wa�hingwn, k�ereinarter called "�rantec:-"
Th:�t said Grantor(s), for ar.d in conszderadon c�f che sum of� 1 .00
oaid by Grantee, anc� ocher valuable cu��du���c �aid1Grante n,l <<s�suce�csors and assigns�an(easemenc or�t vlic
�,-��, 5;��a;n, �zll, conve;,, and warr with necessa 1 urcenar�ces over, under, through,
iiriliries t;ir�cludintr wacer, wasce�va�er, ar:e �urface water) ry �P{���uncy, Washizt�ton, more
across and upon ti�c following descri�ed rmp�m t�e ri�ht-of-uay) in King
particuiarly described as Pi,llo��5:
� .! � �����d�1-p
� �����`Y 1 •} 'd S✓3r
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' King Co. Rec, s pivision
, Deputy
( l�uliUu L•aacmcn� ��
I ppCU?�EM FpRM APPxUVE'�9'( �'��•�
�—j Shcet 4 of 2
Ct'.'Y nTi'ORNE1':`F'T.=+.1'O2 PAOPERI '
civniiNyropmO^ve•.mVli'-1LI7-f DOC,'b� ��� ' ���'
iig;�i�.•q� lU: .�t� F.�11 �ii6°:i1878� B:1Rc;H:�L?SE� E�c; C�pi��
' For the purpose of cnnscructinc, rec��nsuuctin�, inscalling, repairir_�, rcplacing, enla:gin�, operating and
m3intainin� utllities and utilit_y pipclines, includinQ, buc not ]invted to. water, sewer and �torm drainage lines.
, cogethe: ��ith the ri�ilt oi ingress and e�ress thereta widlout prior insCitution of 3ny Suit or pz'oceedings af law and
without incurring any legal obli�?a�ion or liability therefor. �ollowing che initial consu-uction af its facilities,
Gran[ee may from time to tirne construci such addicional faci�icies as ic may renuire. '1'his easemcnt is �ran�i;d
slibic�t [� [h� following tcrms and conditions:
1. '1'he Grancee shall, upon corripletion of any ��ork within the pr�perry coverecl by the casement, restore the
surfate of the easennen[, and any private improvemcncs disturbed or destroyed dur�ng execiidon uf the :vork, a.5
�iearly as pi'acri�able to the cunditio+� they were in immediately before commencemenc of ihe work or entry by the
V rantee..
2 Grantor shall reL�in lhe righ[ to use [he surface ��f che easemenc �s lang as such use does not interfere with the
easert�ent rights oxanted to t}�e Gr�ntee. Grantor shall noc, however, have the right to:
a. ErCcc or maincai�� any buildings or struccures within the easement; or
b. Plant trees, slirubs or vi;�etation having deep m��t p�rterns which may caus� damage to or inter.fere with thc
utiliaes to be placed �vi�hin the easement by the Cr3ncee; or
c, peveiop, landscape_ or beaudfy d�e easemenc area in ar►y way �vhich would unceasonably inexease the cosu
�o tlie Grantee oF restoring the easement area and atly privace improvemcnts P erPein.ry
�l. Di�, t�►ru�el or perfurm ocher forrns of constnietion accivicies �n the ro c which would disturb the
compaction or uneanh Gran�ee's faciliues on che right-uf-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities_
�. B(ast tivithin fifteen (1�) Ieet c�f ttle righ[-of-way.
'I��is easemet�c shall ruii with c-he land descnbed herein, �1nd shall b� binding upon the parties, tfleir heirs,
successor� in interese and assigiis- Grantors covenant thac mee Llre �he lawful owners of the above properues :lnd
that they have a gnod and lawful riah� tu execute this agre
Si�n3cure ranto : .
Renton 1 L.L . by J ffrey Foushee (Manager)��}
�� � "�t and '
� an�l
� and
�� ) SS
� COUNTY 0�' �•ING � !
I cenify tha� I k�'iow oi have °atisfactorv evidence th<
�...- is the person wh�� appeared before
i�e, �ild S<li.d �er5on ackriO�vlcdged that (helshe) signcd sc��menc �id acknowlcdged it to be (his/her) free and
voluncary acc for the llses and purpases mcr,tzoned in the�ifistn�tl�ent.
nated �-j0 -�l�� ( ...� _���� \J
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1'�p�ary ublic in and for the �te 1
��f Was lil tOrl feS�nP st ��7��- .�'��
Notary (Frint): , ��(}�F
?vty 3ppoint�nent expires: -�`
lJulittcs Eascmeni
Shctc 2 oi 2
���vjdual F�rm
c�fcnn�lorvpme�,���e:mUUTILIT'�Ulh:�bn � '�j��QQ� (
ii8:•9i�:9S 11: �C� F.�11 �i�u�51878� BAR<;H�L?SE� Evc, (���ii�
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A Nraterline easeme.nt 15.u0 feet in tividtl�over, under a.iid across that pnrtion of the Northea�t r��.��rrer ot the
Northeast qi.iarler crf Sei:tiun 25,To`vnship 23 Nortt-i, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County. Washingtun, having
�'.S fQPt oi suct� wictth lyin�on aach side ot the fu(luwing described centerline;
COMMENCING at the Northeast corner ot said Section 25;
THENCE South 00" 49' 10" West dlong the East line of said Section 25 a disianr.o uf 180.01 feet to an
�nterseutiun with a line parallel witf��and 180 feet Southerly, measured at ri�ht angles tu ihe N�rth linP of saici
Section 25;
THEIVCE No�ih 87" 15'2�"West parallel with said North line 20.00 faet to an intersecti�n with a lir�e parallel
with and 20 (eet Westerfy, measured at ri�ht angles to th� Ea�t lina of said Section 25;
TWENCE Suutl� 00" �49' 10" West alang said parallel line 1,c.)38.Uu feet to a point on thr� Nurtlierly margin of
Soutliwest 27th Street which lies on a curve having a r�dius polnt which be�rs �uutl� 08" 27' 30` West d
clistance oi 954.99 feet;
THENCE Westerlyalong said curve and fVortherly margin through a cPntral ariyle of 03" 56' 17"an dri: �er�gth
of 65.64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING nf f�erefn descnbed cHr�terlinE.
THENCE leaving said margin North 01' 36'48" East i0.00 teet;
TH�NCE North b9" 06'48"Wc�t, 40.11 fee1;
THENCE North 00° 49' 10" East, 9'3.c.iC1 feet;
THENCE South 8°° 10' S0" East. :i9.u0 feet;
THENCE Norch 89" ��' 5u" West, 39.00 faet;
THENGE N�rth c?�)� 49' lU" East, 131.00 fPet;
THENCE Snuth 89" 10' S0" East,3yA0 faet;
THENCE Na�th s9" 10' S0" Wes�,::�9.00 feet;
THENCE North 00° 49' 1C1" East, 10.00 feat;
7HENCE South 89° 1�'SU" Edst,32.00 feet;
THENCE 1V�rth 89° 10' 50" West, 32.00 feet;
THENCE North nr� d9` 1ci" Edst, 335.00 feet;
THENCE North 89° 1tJ'SU"Wesi, 123.00 feet;
THENCE North OU`' �y' 10" East, 62.00 teet;
THENGE South Uu' 49' 10" WAst, 62.00 feet;
THENCE Nor�t, 89" 10' S0" West, 370.00 feet more or ►ess to the East fine of a 15-tnnt wide ruadway and
rublic utility easement recorded und�r Recording No. 901�061025, Record�01 King Cnunty, Washingt�n and
� the terrninus of herein described�dnterline.
�� Tl�e sidelines of lYii�aasement shall be shortened or lengthened as nac:essary as to intersPct at all dnylz polnts,
� the East line uf sai� iS-fooi road�vay and utility easement and saiei �Jv�ih margin of Southwest 27ih Street.
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Project: Nlpak M,inuiacturing
tvtarch 24,1995
RPvlsed: April 13, 1995