HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/2013 - Minutes . � � • a9"i'i'��f�ENT��1 ��� � � z�ae �2ECEIVE�3 ,,�.`��� p� ��enfon C;I1fY CLERK'S OFFICE +' +� + ��unrcrpaj ,�,�` ,� �rfs �'�;T� Comml'sslon RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetine Minutes January 8,2013 Renton City Hall Council Conference Room (7`h Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present:Jaris English,Jerri Everett, Peter Hartley, Bill Huls,Tuenyu Lau, Britt McKenzie, Marsha Rollinger, Michele Bettinger,Mitch Shepard, Evelyn Reingold Absent: Ben Andrews, Natalie Gress, Paul Hebron City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes,Community&Economic Development Guests: Mike O'Halloran,Janet Halford, Betty Childers, Erika Wright,Alessandra Panieri, Dan Barsher ', CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair McKenzie called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. Peter Hartley volunteered to Be Sargent of Arms this month. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COMMISSIONER BRITT MCKENZIE PRESENTED THE MINUTES FOR DECEMBER TO THE GROUP AND ASKED IF ANYONE HAD ANY COMMENTS. PETER HARTLEY MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES,SECONDED BY 1ARIS ENGLISH.COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC ART PIECE OF THE MONTH: Bill Huls made a presentation about the quilt donated to the City by the members of the Senior Citizens Quilting Club. It is on display in the Council Conference room on the seventh floor of City Hall. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jennifer Davis Hayes passed around the folder for people to review. Other announcements included artist showing at Carco Theater from January�4 through ' February 22. GUEST PRESENTATION: The Galvanizing Arts Project(GAP)selected artist team lead by Alessandra Panieri and Dan Barsher to develop the Lighting Renton art project. The team shared the presentation of other art projects, including lighting projects in Europe. There was a recommendation from the GAP Committee to approve the recommendation to hire this artist team. JARIS ENGLISH MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION,SECONDED BY EVELYN REINGOLD. Discussion included concern about having locally owned products used in the artwork. It was agreed that all efforts would be made to ensure this happen, including mention in the manufacture/installation contract. Commissioners were reminded that this contract is for the design only. COMMISSIONERS VOTED 9 FOR, 1 AGAINST. MOTION PASSED. . '. � � Renton Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 lanuary 8,2013 OLD BU5INESS: Review of committee reports. No additional action required by the full Commission. NEW BU5INESS: Britt presented the Commissian's accomplishments in 2012 to begin discussion about redirecting the Commission's efforts in 2013 towards building awareness,advocacy outreach and resource develapment. The new focus will inc(ude asking community arts graups what they are doing and haw the Cammission can support their efforts. A Commission retreat will be scheduled in the end of February or the beginning of March to continue the discussion. ADJOURNMENT: The January$,2013,meeting was adjourned at 630 pm. The next meeting will be held on February 4,2013,in the Con€erencing Center at 4:30 pm. f Britt McKenzie,Chair � � � —. —