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Subject: lndex: Safety
Effective Date: Supersedes: Page: Staff Contact: Appraved
4J23/2015 New 1 of 4 Nancy A. Ca ison
This palicy addresses when empioyees wiii be required to bring persanai tools into the
warkplace, and when the city wiii and will nat be responsible for lass or damage ta
personal property.
Al) departments/divisions.
See Safety policy entitied "Personal Items in the Workplace."
4.Q Pt?LICY.
4.2 The City of Rentan accepts the responsibility for providing empioyees the
necessary toals and equipment ta perform the wark that is expected of them.
The city also recagnizes that there are some exceptions where employees may
be either required to provide, or allowed to bring, their own personal tools,
equipment, or personal effects into the workplace.
4.2 Empioyees who work as Vehicle and Equipment Mechanics and Equipment
Leads in the City of Renton Pubiic Works Department, may be required to
provide personal toals or equipment in arder to perform their job.
Not applicable
When empioyees are required to provide their own minimum set of comman taois of
equipment the foilowing procedures apply.
6.1 The city will provide and make availabie certain specialty tools for employee use.
City-owned tools of value shall be marked or tagged accardingly.
6.2 The employee will provide and have available for use thase common tools
specified on the Minimum Taol Requirement List and not provided by the city as
specified by the employee's department Administrator. To ensure equity in this
matter,the respective department will maintain a written representative (isting
of such comman toais needed for the work ta be performed. Minimum tools
may vary amang various positians, depending upon the empioyee's duties. Each
employee will be required to provide substantialiy ali of the toois on the Hst af
camman tools assigned to their positian.
6.3 An accurate inuentory of the required personai tools shall be provided by the
employee to the department`s manager or supervisor. The employee shall be
required to maintain this inventory by providing changes, additions, or deletions
to the inventory list. The supervisor shali ensure the accuracy of the inventory
list, Additional unscheduled inventories may be conducted to determine if the
tools are still available. Only those tools, required in the performance of the
mechanic's duties or specifically allowed by the supervisar and added to the
inventory list and not otherwise provided by the city, will be stored on the city's
premises and included in the inventory.
6.4 Personal tools and equipment that have value ta the employee shall be
permanently marked with durable and unique letters, numbers, or symbals that
identify each item as belonging to a respective employee. The model and serial
number (if available), manufacturer, quantity, size, condition, and description af
each tool or piece of equipment shall be recorded in the inventory.
6.5 Tools braken or damaged in the caurse of work will be replaced by the
department with like and kind tools at no cast ta the emplayee, except as
otherwise addressed in this document. The item being replaced shall be
surrendered ta the city. Employees shall be responsible for the cost of any
upgrades to specific toals o equipment. The supervisar shall determine the
difference in value af any upgrades fram the tool being replaced.
6.6 ost tools will not be replaced at city expense unless a sufficient explanatian is
given to and accepted by the supervisor as being aut of the emp#ayee's cantral.
6.7 The employee's supervisor shal! determine if a too! is damaged ta the extent of
needing replacement andf or if the taol was abused by the employee. Abused
personal toois and equipment wiil not be repiaced at city expense.
6.8 The supervisor shall address the loss, misuse, or abuse of tools and equipment
through discipiinary action, as may be necessary.
6.9 Any personal tools or equipment considered by the supervisor ta be unsafe or
nanfunctional shall r ot be ailowed in the warkpiace. City-owned tools,
determined by the supervisor to be functionally defective or unsafe, shall be
remaved from service.
6.10 Employees are responsible far the security af personal taals used far work
assignments. Upon completian af work assignments or at the end of the wark
day, the emplayee's persanal tools are to be either secured or remaved from
the premises in such a manner as to ensure their safekeeping. If a taoi is
removed from the premise, it shall be taken aff the inventory list. City-owned
tools are to be returned to their designated storage iocation.
6.11 The city wili make a reasonable effort ta secure the work facifities where
employees perform their duties. In the event of theft of persanal toois, a palice
report shall be filed and, for consideration for reimbursement, a claim must be
filed with the city for investigation by Risk Management and for a determination
of the validity of the claim to be made.
a.If Risk Management determines that there was no negligence on the part
of the emplayee, the items were properly secured, and were included on
the signed inventary, then the claim wil4 be considered valid.
b.No claim ar portion af such daim will be considered valid unless all these
requirements are met.
c.Risk Management will submit its determination to the Department
Adminis#rator and, if the claim is a valid one, replacement in kind will be
d. The recommendation for replacement in kind must also be approved by
the Department Administratar before any purchase is made.
e.Purchases for replacement in kind will be made by the Departmen#'s
standard purchasing procedures and charged to the department or
Insurance Fund, as according ta appficable city policies and procedures.
f.After receiving authorization for an in kind replacement,the employee
wiil sign a Proof of Lass and Release Form, available from Risk
g.An emplayee may appeai a declined praperty reimbursement claim oniy
through the Human Resources and Risk Management {HRRM)
Department Administratar within 20 calendar days of receipt of the
claim denial.
h. The HRRM Administrator's decision is final.
6.22 Employees may not remove city-owned tools#rom the warkplace unless
preauthorized by the supervisor. Any city-awned tools ar equipment issued ta a
specific empioyee remains city-awned praperty.
6.13 City-owned tools and equipment are not to be borrawed or utilized for personal