HomeMy WebLinkAbout300-08OF RF z pOLICY & PROCEDUREo 9 eP TE PTE Subj ect:Index: PUBLIC EMPLOYNIENT PROGRAMS PER.SONNEL EXTERNALLY FUNDED) Number: 300-08 Effective Date: Supersedes:Page 1 of 2 Prepared by: Approved by: 11-1-1982 J. MeFarland S,p yGhltauca! 1.0 PURPOSE: To establish policy and procedure for the coordination of all public employment programs funded by external programs. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: All departments/divisions. 3.0 REFERENCES: Not applicable. 4.0 POLICY: The Personnel Department is responsible for the coordination of all public employment programs funded by external agencies (i.e., WIN, CETA, Operation Improvement, Work Training Program, etc.). 5.0 DEFINITIONS: Not applicable. 6.0 PROCEDUR.E: 6.1 Department heads will forward all requests for participation in the funded public employment program to the Personnel Department for coordination with the appropriate agency(ies). 6.2 The Personnel Department will in cooperation with the requesting department, develop a scope of work and qualifications statement to be used in the recruitment and selection of employees and in the definition of the tasks to be performed during the period of employment. 6.3 Scope of work statements will be reviewed by the provider agency to insure compatibility to the agency's program and that adequate safety and supervisory conditions have been met. 300-08 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS (EXTEftNALLY FUNDED) PAGE 2 6.4 The Personnel Department will establish a records jacket on selected participants which will include the contractual agreement between the city and provider agency, scope of work statement, and personal emergency data.