HomeMy WebLinkAboutKassel & Assoc Bid Schedule 1��AS5t��. � s�o� d SC�IED�Il�E'OFPRI�CES City ot Renton Generator Replacemeilt aiici Radio Equipment Relocatioti Item Descri tion Units Quanti Unit Price Total Price 1 1�ZoUilizatiou,DernoUilizatiou,Site LS 1 Pceparation,and Cleanup:No moxe$ian 70% of bid amotuit foz tlus item will be paid bcfore fuial pay zequest,and tlu�bid amaiuit inay not be moLe tliazi 10%of value of the total C011tTflCY. C ` _� JDI�OO =� ..7� � 2 Constniction Surveyuig,Staking aud As-biults. LS 1 The Uiut Price fox tlus Uid item shall not he less flian$5,000. —Ip���� '{p�.011l�/ 3 Demolition LS 1 _� _� -�� �� 4 5ite Woxk LS 1 _$ O� _$ 0 5 Txaffic Control LS 1 _$ J�� _$ S�� G Site Electncal LS 1 _$ � � _$ �v� 7 Strucrival LS 1 =$ 0 =� �i OOD 8 Fiiushes LS 1 =$ _� 9 Equipment LS 1 _$ �� _$ �� 1 J:\Data\REN\11�1-123\ni-Specs\Schedute of Prices.doc�c 8/1G;2016?:39 Phf �l 201G RH2 Enguieering,Inc. Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scal � ' � l��as5��. � psso� � Summer 2016 Citp of Renton Schedule of Prices Geiierator Replacement and Radio Equipm�nt Relocation City o f Renton Geuerator Replacement and Radio Equipment Relocatioii Ttem Description tJnits Quanri Unit Price Total Price l0 Electucal LS 1 _$ _� ��il Z 11 Testing,Startup,Trauiuig and C7&Ibi Manuals: I.S 1 The Uiut Pnce for tlus bid itein shall not be less thul$15,d00. _$�5.� 'g l� SUBTOTt1L (Items 1-11) $1A n 3 . n��_ Sales Tas @ 9.5% $ S 1.� ZSS� TOT�.�n�otnvr sm g 6 b 0 . 30'-1 ✓ (J�� � ��� i�� i6 2 J:\Data\RE�I\114123\b3-Spece\Schedule of Prices,donc 8/1G/201G 2:39 Pt�f O 2016£�H2 Eng�icerit�„Inc. Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scal