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i�o3 VLT.J i IO�� �� 1.L�i�..+T il Ou ila..d 0�J l+Ti 111�.i �..7V• '1,/ , / . .�,..t ^�..� �....�h.Y.�—rt� T+z� �t-�. /'1�1' ntT /�t �ryTt}v, T "e "1TT'� �^ 1?itr f1'^'f '-�r*^ /�TT r.� J..L �L�u✓VJ I ..,.. .7i _.. 3 v.+. �..t i.s VtJi,v�.a� C.: �_. t' �.t 1.a �.� � �_.�t�_. � .:�::������'�,'�: • I r�+--t ,--,. � *T .y„ Zt ,-�1� � �-r-a e. +r 1 'E- l� *r f�sr_ ...��._....� , _ o _th _�u. k .�e.. _r, �,� x���� co as�� i.c ��8 a�, e ._,7�., �.r�- �::�� �l;�c'.� :'iver h�,, ���co�e a r��is�.�:ce w�.a� ea� �r�o Zor^�e� �e �;u�_���i�e,��u , a:�c�. ,�'k:�t=.:�,� , it hzzs 'oeco�� �i��olutel� necess�.r�r �or t� c��a'�ge �a b� made i�t �he outle�t oi :���d s��r�x in or�er �o ' �ro�zide �xo�er �euer�,Qe �or t'^� c�is�ric�G �nd to avoid lit��;€3�'�10II, Is I� �t.�:�JL'T.:.J; �.: Tr�at it is the intc�.vion. o� t'r� �i��r �a�ar�cil of �he �it� oi :��:i�on, ,r�,�hin;,ton t� orc.er �Y� , i����ove�e�.t oL sai.a c�i�4rict� , b;� �e�i�in�; ui on a �o3n� on tAe li�e of s�ic� noy th vrunk se.�er, � �'::ort G.ista�.c� ;:est oF tne :�i�h school �.nc� carr�in� sz?id tru� se,rer :�ort�e�.�t�:�rcl in�o Cedar ��iver, �nd to d.�sconti�iue ��.e o�a trun7� s�:>��r �rc�� srzi� �aoint TTa��:wr� �0 31r�c'� ��iver ancT 3o3n� �uch otner :7o r� a� �a� be nee�Usa�� in c onre etion ;h�re;�ith, all �n �:eco rc�wnee :,i }�1 th� l�lan� and spe ci�i c�x�ions �repareu. �y �� Q i�� ��ineer. 2; �hat �� co�i un� e�e�se o� c�:�s�rue�ir�� s�.ic� c�.a�.;e in '�,�e �`runl� s�r;er o� ��.e �ort'�^x �e:?er c'is�;ra.c-� s��ll b� borne h�r � �'�� ^w�o��r�� rTi�h�n �aic� eTi3tract. �a� �o��;:da�i�s �" �;;rc,1 +� is vrict are 'nereb�� ,^,^� c�.�iec' �nc* c�e�c�:."� l ay,�'.Q7��x.�., t- �-z Y�: . �e�"in:�ir_-� u'� a b�oinu. �3���re �� c�rt,r li��� o" �:�irc' �����ue i:�vv���:c�� a line y�roc�uc�d nor�h �,.��.� sou�h �k�ro,.z`'n �he center o� 31oc�5 �..tos. '7, 8 :�rt' �J in t��� �ri,�n�,l ;l€�.f oj" tiz�� �O.��r� o:i ���-+o�; ��7��rcu �o����. al�rU '�he :�:ic' c���;es• line a�i ,:�1�7C,i.� 7, £3 �,nc? � �� ���a i�Q:C t'iil �1'_1@ 0� �7.:�t„�i i2 tsV�t:il;c L-' � �r"i:27 C� (;u.>:3� �!.v�',.; S 'i.�'1 G i�Oi�"i il �..111� Of Si::th ��ve:��e 3�0 .��:��; ,:���.. u. �o�u v;z �l�u � r�.� �,r�s� line o c �c�e 15 i�. �l�.t '�:o. 1. o� �.�,>:��o:� �o-oy��r�,:i�r�; Uoal �:oM,���.n;� to the north lin� of ae�tion ��reet; �r_�nce east �.lax�; sai d narth line of �e.etion �tr�e� to �he �ou��iea�� co�nc�r of s�id Pl�.� r�o. 1; ��i��.ce Lor�h �.lor.�• th� ��,�� lina o�' :�'1�� �:o. 1 �o an i�.�e1:;4etian ��i�r� the south��~ly ma�:�in oi' �h� Gi��r o� �����1� ��au� �ive� Pi�,�� Zir•.e �ti���t of .la;�; �ence .�orthr.�esterl;? �.lor�; ��.r_ �i�h� o� ..aJ I.i��,e �� �h� �o�a 4h li�e o� �o�e 26, i� s�.3.� :�l�t �:o. 1; t��,�nee e�.�� ��an�; thc s�uth line o� ac.:e 2� �o ��'�e e�.t�t bo�ai.r'.a:�� 3.i�e� o� �1�.� �:o. 1; ;;i��ce �orth alon� suck�. ��.st bou���i�y' line to a:� ir.t�rsec�ion �il��I �.''��` Ct�21W`3:+. 1.1..'^.aE3 Oi i'.2].�"i. �Vf.'�11@ ��:0'�'.�C�C� L'A�: �� �'G�BIICG T�:E.`-`�t F�O�.J _.__------- � _ w. - � ^ , F�, '�, � � ____� said ce�a�er li�.e 31� �eet; t�.��rese 4�ort�. I15 feet; t�hcmee rre�t �'�� ���t ta �he ��,s'� lir.� a:� �Z�c::: �'o� 2 in �hc �ri�.�tal �1�.� I of -�he �'orrn o� ;�en�on; tne���� �.o�t� �o �he so��h�r3� raar;in o�' �he �ar�e rc��,l ".J��erF�a�r� �.�r al; �"ne�.ce �or�h;-re�t��l�r �.lc�n�; ��.�.c� ���Uh— erl� �ar;i�. oi �1�.� C�,nal �o z�n �.nve�s�c�ion �r�.�t� u'ne a-Tor u� liu� of Uo:���c i€�3 �venue; ��.�n�e :7��� alo�; �r.� �o r�l� li�.� a�' Go�e-rc�.�l �iv��U� ;0 4he ����v 1i�,.^ oy Zu1�� 3�re��; •4:hn�.c� �o��h alon�* the � ;:+�s� 3i�e o� �,ak� ��re�� �c� �. �oint 35 �e�� �ou�h o:�" ��:e �o��i� l�.ne � V S. iV IJZ'.l N.1�+�1,��� � J AC 4�.�'� �*C� �s JY 1. SA4. .Iy�„+J L .L.�1.iLG O.S � I;,a,� 1✓��j� ��L,i�4�� �`'^�:�e so��-h�r�s';��1� �.lon� �h� c� t�r Ii�its �o �� znterseetian r'i�h �. line 3�� �'��t ��;�th �� ��� �a;:�.�lel �c� t r.� cen ver Iine of �'o b�n �ivenu e; �'��nee et^� �o �ne �.ar t�*�es u ec r�e� o�' �.c�c�. 3 �.� �.:.o�or �,in� 2dc?i�ion; .th�n re sou�h �� a�. �rt�r��c�ion �i�h tl�e c4 at�r li�� o� ��:ird .iveuU�; �h��c� et�s� �.lon�;; th� eQn�e�^ line v�` I yr i�, e� .r���iue to �e boin� af �����i;��. � � In nro�i�r�ion to ��e are€3, of the ;r o�e rt� c;�t:�.i�z � �ai� c:i.s��i e� th� �ar:e be3n� a2� �.� �xc��r�� cr�.�hi� �h� Ci�� a�' � " �.�n°�on �fr�.ci� �.s c€��ai�l� o� b��n; sei;er�d, �hrou�h e�id n�rth �:,c���,� se�1�:r. 3: y�� ;;��re shall be �,�sess�d ,��;;��.nst ��Z� ��,ie� ;�ra,?�r�� � ���v� d�s�Ti�ed in propc�rtio�. �ci �area �r.�. �h�.r��c� s,�:in�t eaeh ��.�cel, i�� �ro.;,�or�io�.a4e sh�rc a� v�.� cos� oi ��.� t:»�r� set��r a:.�� i� :acco��.ance �i��. �ae l�.�r� o� t��; 3�a�� c�� .�ashi.n�to�t. �: �� �.11 �erua�� �rh� �a� �esir� �� o'�j�c� �?�er�`�a �re :��re�� no4i�ied �o a�����r �.� �-r���.� sUoh a��eeti4ns at s meeti�� o� ��� ci�� vo;�nc�.l to b� held in �he �ou��ci1. C�.�,���r in �he C:�.�y �� �:L�to�, in �ne �i Jyr ��,11, �.� 3 P. �`. an ��� �th �'€� o� J�a2� 19°l, r:'�ic�? y iTMe �.n� '��1�.c� i� :��, e'o;r �'i��z'. _�',�h��:�.n� all ��.��c�� ;c€�la�i�.� �o N�7.sL.i�.�-��-a �:m�rc�v�r��.� a:�c? obj�e���o�s ��e��to �� ,r�r �ef;�..:ins��,Y ��.� ���'�oc� o� �d�en� a`" sa.3 r? �?���gve��r�. 5: ���.t �he Ci� ���ne``�x ^�}�11, �n t'�.w �,�:��r �rrnri�ed � I �y l�z.r, ��.z';�nit ta �he �i ay ���.:ncil ��-, o�• -�r�.or �� ��a.d ���e, all � � - , d�ta �n.d it�:�t���;.i ian rec�uixRc? b� l�.r �o �e subr�i�Gted. I ��__� 6: �h�,t th� c�st €�a.c� ��e�se of said i�zprove��nt shal� be bo��e by �,nd a�ses,ed t�,ain�t �he prare r�� 1.�a�le th�refor, as ;,�?^av i��d by l�.rt. ,i�1�r44@L� t�11.� l�th �ay o� Jul�t J�1. i�a�4r � '_'��sed this 12tr c��y ny Jul� 1�'�3. : � . . � . . �it�' Clera. n�a�rov�d as �'o a o�-n. �i,� .;�torne�. ��.u`� Oi �1F"�'�i �t7�J�7.0�'�I OIl: /���'`�� � r �,,,,� �.��1. �?�ue o:� ��c�nc' ,�u1�7.ica�ion: ir `�` �" 1921. , I _�-� - ,